the-faxx-macheen · 3 years
"#bold of op to post this on a different website that does the same" yeah but our brainpoisoning is sexy and different.
I'm ace I'm immune to the sexy but not the brain damage
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scope-dogg · 8 years
So far I’m kind of split on it, a couple of people have asked my impressions so far and now that I’m a decent ways into the series my impression hasn’t really changed yet. Usually I’d wait until half way before giving detailed impressions but I feel like doing one now for some reason, I’m about a third of the way through. The story’s pretty basic, pretty much your classic good guys vs. evil alien empire super robot story, with the twist that it’s taking place on the enemy’s homeworld rather than on Earth for the most part. That’s a neat idea that I don’t feel they leverage as well as they could, at least not yet. I’m hoping Darius as a setting becomes more interesting as the story progresses.
Character-wise, I feel like the good guys are quite good, if not amazing. Daiya is actually quite boring as a main character, for someone who’s basically been given this all-important role all of a sudden it kind of feels like he succeeds almost a little too easily. He kind of reminds me of prince Jojo from Galient, where you’ve got this very young character, younger than normal even, and he basically immediately starts duking it out with and beating the enemy’s elite. It’s a little more palatable here because there’s less pressure to be realistic, given that it’s a super robot series and not a Takahashi anime, but still. I do think that any weaknesses in characterisation on the protagonist’s side is balanced out by the Darius side, the enemy leaders are all pretty much your classic flamboyant weirdos from old series like Combattler, Great Mazinger, Jeeg, Voltes etc. Plus the little rivalry they have going between themselves is pretty good, you’ve got the flamboyant one, the hot-blooded one, the level-headed one, and they’re all trying to one-up each other. Noza is definitely my favourite, and he’s been entertaining the last few episodes I watched.
I feel like probably the biggest rift in the quality level of the series is its presentation. Gaiking itself was historically quite an unusual design, the skull it has for the torso used to give it some kind of odd proportions, and that’s fixed here without compromising the machine’s identity. I really love the array of attacks and abilities it has, and they’re all animated well for the most pat. I’m not quite as enthusiastic about the visuals for everything else though, I feel like the Daiku-Maryu is an antiquated design that could have done with some kind of revamp. The designs of the enemy warbeasts and mecha also feel kind of corny and tacky in the old 70s super robot sense, but not always in a good way. The series OP is really memorable, and the rest of the music is not. Most frustratingly, sometimes the animation is really high quality and then other times it’s dogshit. You sometimes notice this contradiction in the space of a single episode.
Still, it’s still early days, and there’s still enough to keep me watching it. I’m kind of expecting things to step up when the other two flame giants make their debut.
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sailorsanghelios · 8 years
2, 4, 9, 12, and 18.
2: Company you’re always loyal to?: Game Freak cause they haven’t fucked up once in like 20 years. Literally the worst you’ll ever hear about a Pokemon game is “It was fun but there were better games 
4: Worst game you’ve ever played?: Psshh…I don’t think there’s ever been a game I’ve played that hasn’t been at least me saying “Well that was okay and it wasted some time” but…Halo 5 cause it lowkey ruined my life, but even then there’s a lot of things in it I liked…if they were in a game that didn’t make me numb inside.
9: A game you turn your volume off every time you play it?: Not everytime but I play both Pokemon and Fire Emblem with out volume a lot especially if I’m griding Pokemon or units. Its better to have music thats varied on instead of hearing the Wild Pokemon Theme for the 1000000000 time
12: Shortest time you’ve beaten a game in?: I did a run of Halo CE in half a day once, but anyone can do that. I’d say…I think I beat Mass Effect 2 in like 36 hours with like barely any sleep cause I loved it so much lol
18: A game you wish your friends knew about?: When will my mutuals play Fire Emblem and appease me. 
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Dangan Ronpa IV
Rating: T Category: Danganronpa; Original Fiction Pairings: OCs Synopsis: The newest killing game is about to begin!
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/14782695
@ask-danganronpa-students @irl-rocket-raccoon @b4g3l-b01 @pumpknspicelatte @ihodor ((I hope you guys don’t mind the tags I”m just super excited to be writing!!!!!))
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ihodor · 8 years
Keisuke is quickly racking up more kills than Atsuro as my main tank.
I wonder if I’ll end up losing him.
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aulariojadeseba · 6 years
Aula 4 - Modernidade - Cultura de Massa
Publico grande, heterogêneo e anônimo. 
Funcionalismo americano: (Jacob Pasano)
Emissor --> Meio --> Receptor
Hegemonia do emissor
Hipótese: recepção passiva
Meio como mensagem: (Mcluhan)
Emissor --> Meio --> Receptor
Incluir o meio como extensão do receptor
As mensagem são condicionadas pelo meio
Não se trata mais de um sentido só, audição ou visão, mas sim de um processo de múltiplo envolvimento audiovisual
Segundo Mcluhan, há por meio da imprensa uma atrofia da audição
Indústria Cultural: (Ihodor Adorio)
Emissor --> Meio --> Receptor
Visão sistêmica
Focada apenas no consumo
A comunicação de Jade está totalmente ligada com as teorias a cima, pois pelas suas redes sociais ela faz uma comunicação em massa que está condicionada pelo meio, as pessoas podem interpretar uma mesma mensagem de modos diferentes, o que gera os haters e seus fãs. Ela atinge milhares de pessoas através da sua conta no youtube e principalmente por seu instagram, no qual compartilha além de fotos, seu cotidiano no storys, ficando cada vez mais próxima de seu público. Essas duas plataformas mostram um envolvimento audiovisual existente na era eletrônica mostrado na teoria de Industria Cultural.
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necromancyscans · 9 years
Hey, question- is there any chance of the original tabletop Replays being translated after the novels? They're supposed to be fairly different from the novels and the adaptations. I think there are scans of the first three replay volumes are floating around, if it helps. Glad to see the novels are finally getting translated, though!
The short answer is no, because of issues getting scans. The long answer is this:From what I’ve been able to find out, the original (D&D system) Lodoss replays were only published in Comptiq magazine. When the franchise began to take off, there was a concern with copyrights, so they switched to their own system and did a redo replay for the earlier parts - basically a whole second campaign following the same overarching plot, and with different players, based on the Record of Lodoss War Companion system, and that is what was published as books. To my knowledge the original D&D replays were never officially reprinted.So far I have been able to get my hands on scans of the first book (the redo replay), but the only Comptiq scans I’ve seen are a few of the illustrations.However, there are two things I *have* been able to find:
this website has what looks to be a partial transcript with a certain degree of paraphrasing of the Comptiq replays (the site in general is a treasure trove of info related to the Forcelia setting - Lodoss, Sword World, Rune Soldier)
some folks on NicoNico have been making a video series (really, more like a slideshow) out of the original Comptiq replays. This looks to be a more complete version than the other site, but translating text from videos is far from ideal
So basically, it might be possible if we can get ahold of some decent scans, but so far we (I) have been unsuccessful. If anyone reading this either has such scans or wants to help us look, give us a shout! Personally, I (the translator) am not terribly interested in translating the redos, but might be willing to go for the original replays IF we could get scans of them.
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the-faxx-macheen · 3 years
#so tell me op how does it feel to be a sad and lonely little creature unable to find joy in anything in life CHEESECAKE ENJOYER DETECTED. STAY MAD.
Mad? Oh no no. It's pity for you my friend, in that you're so pitiful for not being able to live your life to the fullest. But don't worry it's not your fault your tastebuds aren't as evolved as mine
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sailorsanghelios · 6 years
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Tagged by one of my RP site friends
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Takumi (Fire Emblem)
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Anne Shirley (Anne of Green Gables)
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Minako Aino (Sailor Moon)
I tag @gmdhc  @greenreticule @thequantumqueer @ihodor @basilofbakerst
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tonkatsu-slice · 10 years
ihodor replied to your post:artistblack replied to your post:So people don’t...
It’s pretty damn funny that Tumblrites don’t know she’s a proven fraud.
People just brush of any evidence of her thinking we are just haters or that we are trying to bring her down because she is "important women in the industry".
Nobody I know online or offline know her to begin with. And I bet her supporters doesn't even know the names of the women in TFYC videos or about the women working in video games in Korea and Japan.
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So my best friend and I just made two space RPs at the same time.
In an ironic twist, mine is the zanier one.
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lunacyoflegomanvalues · 10 years
ihodor replied to your post: No, that’s not a gun. That is, in fact...
why would you want a giant dong on a bonkle.
The fact that you even need to ask is shameful.
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sailorsanghelios · 6 years
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Tagged by @greenreticule!  
I’ll tag.... @small-child-of-rude-intent @ihodor @basilofbakerst  @dessyhope98  @skyanddie  and whoever else wants to do this
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relenawarcraft · 10 years
Gonna be honest, mostly heard about you from Dancouga and your cosplays, but I'm pretty sure you're a generally liked/loved member of the mecha fandom even outside of that.
welllll that depends on where in the mecha fandom you go
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alovelyburn · 10 years
Happy birthday!
Thank you!!!  I like your icon. >_>
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ihodor replied to your post:There's also a pretty faithful MTV cartoon for the first 11 issues, which is up for streaming IIRC. Fair warning, though, the series deals with topics like rape, though it's pretty mature about it.
>reading Crossed oh god you poor soul.
Like, don't get me wrong, Crossed is, hands down, one of the absolute worst comics I have ever read, but that's not because of the rape and gore and stuff. It's just so. Goddamn. Boring. 
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