#ignore the ugly ass tshirt on the second one
drac0line1nn1t · 6 days
Hello yes, art? Deadpool art? Deadpool art and three am?
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(Refs/bases under cut)
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plaidbooks · 4 years
Hi! Could you please do one where Sonny and the reader are undercover together? The reader and Sonny both have feelings for each other, but refuse to admit it. They have to kiss or be intimate during the undercover op and it leads to tension when they return to work. Maybe one of them are casually dating and things get ugly before they get better, but ends with them both confessing their feelings? Thanks!!
Heated Confessions
A/N: Heya anon! This was a lot of fun to write! I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it! (Also, poor Charles)
Tags: mentions of trafficking, mentions of fuck buddies, the overuse of the work fuck
Words: 2449
Taglist: @the-baby-bookworm @beccabarba @thatesqcrush @itsjustmyfantasyroom @stardust-fray @permanentlydizzy @reading--mermaid @averyhotchner @mrsrafaelbarba
Sonny was sitting on an ottoman, drink in hand, watching the party unfold. The camera in his glasses was capturing everything, and Sonny made sure to look at every john’s face long enough to get positive IDs for when the bust was made. You straightened your dress in the kitchen—if the small amount of material covering you could be called that—pulling it up a little so that your boobs weren’t completely falling out, before you made your way through the throng, weaving in and out of the hands that reached for you, men inviting you to sit on their laps or join them in a back room. But you continued on your way to Sonny; you had some information that you had to pass onto him.
You stood in front of him, a seductive smile on your face as he glanced up your body until he made it to your face. “This seat taken?” you purred. You didn’t wait for him to answer, straddling his legs easily, sinking down into his lap and wrapping your arms around the back of his neck. Your short dress hitched up, and you were sure everyone behind you could see your ass. Sonny played his part well, one hand cupping your ass and the other trailing up your back, pulling you closer to him. You ignored your fluttering heart—not only was Sonny your partner, but you had a huge crush on him, and it was hard to not be turned on by your own actions. Running your lips over his jaw, you moved your mouth to his ear, speaking hopefully loud enough that the mic under his collar could hear you, too.
“There’s a locked door in back, two armed guards standing on either side. Both have automatics; I’m sure Clemson is in there,” you informed him.
Sonny’s mouth moved to your neck, and a small whimper left your mouth before you could stop it. From the outside, he was just another john feeling up an escort. “Any civilians around?”
“No; the guards are turning them away. The closest entrance is the back door, from the garden.” You rolled your hips against Sonny’s and his breathing hitched.
“Take me, baby,” Sonny growled, and you got off his lap, taking his hand and leading him towards the back of the house. Your heart was thundering through you, and you tried to keep a seductive look on your face, like it was natural for you to be leading a man somewhere more private. Like if you weren’t about to bust this trafficking ring. Like if you were about to fuck your attractive partner.
You stopped in the hallway outside the room leading to the guarded door. Taking a deep breath, you made eye contact with Sonny, giving him a small smile. “Make it look good,” you said sternly. Sonny’s cheeks were pink, but he nodded. You both shifted uncomfortably, and then Sonny was kissing you roughly, his mouth first on your lips, then sliding off to the side, kissing the side of your mouth. He walked you backwards into the room, both of your hands all over each other.
“Hey! Get out of here!” one of the men shouted. Arms still wrapped around your body, Sonny looked up at the guards, panting slightly, his glasses slightly askew. Your mind was a whirlwind, trying to remember what was going on, but all you could think of was Sonny’s body pushed up against yours, the feeling of his mouth all over you still fresh.
“Sorry lads, is this room not available?” Sonny asked, smirking. He moved his eyes to you, indicating to the men what he wanted.
“No; try a room upstairs,” the man growled at the two of you. He gripped his gun tighter, and Sonny straightened.
“Yeah, okay, calm down, man. Let’s go honey,” he cooed at you, taking your hand and pulling you back out of the room. Once alone in the hallway, Sonny said, “you’re right; Clemson is definitely in there…you guys see that?” he added into his mic.
“Among other things,” Fin’s voice came over the earpiece and Sonny’s cheeks reddened. He suddenly found a spot on the floor very interesting. “You and [Y/N] stay clear; ESU’s getting into position.”
“Yeah, okay. Here, Sonny,” you said, moving up to him. You untucked half his shirt, unstraightening his tie, and mussing up his hair. You reached up to your own mouth, smearing your lipstick more than his mouth already had. You ruffled your hair slightly, then turned to leave the hallway, Sonny following you, a satisfied smile on his lips.
Soon after you both rejoined the party, doors slammed open, ESU storming the house. You and Sonny surrendered, not wanting to have your covers blown in case you needed to use them again. Olivia and Fin came in, arresting you both, shoving you into their squad car, and driving you to the precinct. The ride back was awkward, and you couldn’t look at Olivia or Fin, let alone Sonny. And with your hands cuffed behind your back, you couldn’t readjust your dress as it climbed higher and higher up your thigh.
All the other partygoers were mercifully being sent to a different precinct, so you and Sonny were allowed to go change once back in the safety of SVU. The first thing you did was go to the bathroom and scrub the makeup off your face, splashing cold water in your face and trying, trying to forget the feeling of Sonny all over you. You’d been attracted to him since you met him—hell, he’d appeared in some of your late-night fantasies more than a handful of times. But he was your partner; it couldn’t happen. And when your battery-operated boyfriend could no longer keep the ache away, you met a guy at a bar. What you and Charles had was casual; he wasn’t your boyfriend, and you weren’t exclusive...at least, he wasn’t, which was fine. You were more just fuck buddies. But even that was starting to get boring, and Sonny started entering your mind more and more. You knew tonight wouldn’t help with that; quite the opposite, in fact.
Coming out of the locker room in NYPD sweats and tshirt, you ran your fingers through your hair as you made your way to Olivia’s office. Sonny was already there, wearing the same clothes from the bust but definitely freshened up. You both gave your statements, then headed to your desks to collect your things so that you could go home for the night, maybe take care of that dull ache that had appeared between your thighs since the moment you had straddled Sonny’s lap.
“So, uh, how’s Charles?” Sonny asked, clipping his badge back onto his waistband. You whipped your head to look at him, but he refused to make eye contact, choosing to stare at his desk instead.
You had told him about Charles only once before; honestly, you were shocked he even remembered the man. “Uh, he’s fine. Taking me out to sushi tomorrow,” you replied awkwardly. As much as you and Charles weren’t dating, he liked to take you out every now and again.
“That sounds…nice.” He shifted on his feet. “So, you two getting more serious?”
“Does that bother you, Carisi?” you asked impatiently. You didn’t know why he cared, nor why you were getting so defensive about some guy you were fucking every week or so.
Sonny raised his hands in defense. “Hey, it was just a question. Sorry if you don’t wanna talk about your fuck buddy.”
You narrowed your eyes at him. “Are you judging me? I’m a fucking adult, Dom. Sorry your repressed Catholic self doesn’t allow you to get some. But I don’t need your divine guidance in my life.” You finished grabbing your things, storming towards the exit.
“Excuse me?” Sonny asked in disbelief. He followed you to the elevator, stepping into the small space with you, standing right in your face. “Look, we’re partners, [Y/N]. I worry about you, okay? Sleeping around with some guy isn’t the safest—”
You scoffed. “I do not need a lecture from you, choir boy. I’m a big girl; I can take care of myself. And who I’m fucking is none of your concern!”
The elevator dinged and you stepped out, Sonny right on your heels. “[Y/N], listen to me, dammit,” he said. Even with as fast you were walking to your car, his long legs kept up with you easily. He leaned on your door, not allowing you to open it.
“Fuck off, Dom. I’m done talking about this. Maybe I’ll call Charles, have him come over and—”
“Would you shut up for two seconds?” Sonny yelled, his voice echoing in the parking garage. His outburst surprised you and you froze, hand still on the handle to your car. He ran his free hand through his hair, sighing deeply before he looked into your eyes. “Look, I don’t want you with Charles because…I like you, okay? And after that UC….” He trailed off, his eyes drifting down.
You stood there dumbfounded. You remembered his mouth on your lips, your neck, his hands all over you. But then you remembered his words at his desk, and with the adrenaline still rushing through you, you yelled, “really? You’re gonna pull that shit right now, Dom?” You shook your head. “Move out of my way.”
Sonny nodded, more to himself than to you, before he withdrew his hand from your door. You climbed in behind the wheel, slamming the door behind you and speeding out of the parking lot before he had a chance to see the tears on your face.
You had the next day off work, which you were eternally grateful for. You texted Charles, telling him that you couldn’t make it to sushi, that you were busy all day. And then you sat on your couch, drinking wine and crying. Sonny had finally, finally admitted his feelings for you, and you screamed at him. What the fuck was wrong with you? Sometimes, you thought that you were a self-sabotager; always fucking up when you had the chance of getting what you wanted, of being happy. And how the fuck were you going to look Sonny in the eye when you saw him again?
You had moved onto your second bottle of wine when you heard a soft knock on your door. Ignoring it, you poured a glass full, taking a sip; you didn’t want to talk to anyone right now. Besides, it was probably your annoying neighbor coming to complain about his broken AC, or his dishwasher making a weird noise, or some other thing going wrong in his apartment that you really didn’t care about.
But the knocking just grew louder until you heard Sonny’s voice call out, “[Y/N] open up! I know you’re in there, dammit! We need to talk!”
Placing your glass on the kitchen counter, you stormed over to your front door, the anger that flooded you sobering you up, and you unlocked it, throwing it open. “Can you not alert the whole building to my work issues, please?” you hissed, grabbing his arm and dragging him into your apartment.
“Sorry, but I didn’t think you were gonna answer,” Sonny said sheepishly. You opened your mouth to argue, but he cut you off. “Look, I don’t want to fight with you, okay? That’s not why I’m here. But we need to work through this, work through…us.”
“Us?” You threw your hands up in exasperation. “What us? Until yesterday, I didn’t think there was an us! Why the hell do you think I went and found someone like Charles?”
“…what?” Sonny asked, his eyes boring into yours, his brow furrowed.
Maybe it was the alcohol running through you, muddling your thoughts. Or maybe it was that once that confession was out in the open, you couldn’t stop yourself. Self-sabotager indeed. “I’ve been in love with you for months, Sonny! So much so that it hurt! But I knew I couldn’t have you, so I found someone else to fuck because I couldn’t fuck you! And now you finally tell me you like me? Now of all times?” You were panting by the time you had finished yelling at him.
Sonny looked crestfallen, hurt in his eyes. “I-I’m sorry—”
“—I don’t want to hear it, Dom, I really don’t—”
“—but why are you mad at me?” he finished as if you didn’t interrupt him. You glared at him, but found you had nothing to say. Why were you mad at him? Sonny cleared his throat. “You and I…we’re supposed to be partners. And I said it yesterday, but I’ll say it again; I like you, maybe even love you, I can’t tell yet, not really. But with your reaction, maybe I should ask Liv to reassign me to Rollins or Fin—”
“Wait,” you said, cutting him off. After your outburst, your anger had left you, leaving you feeling empty, exposed…vulnerable. And when Sonny said the word ‘love,’ it struck a chord deep within you. He watched your face expectantly, probably waiting for you to yell at him more, and you inwardly winced. “I’m sorry, Sonny. I’ve been…a royal bitch to you, and for no good reason. I…I don’t want you to be reassigned; I love being your partner, working with you. Being close to you. If nothing happens between us, I at least don’t want to lose you.”
Sonny gave you a hard look before breaking out into a grin. “We both confess our feelings to each other, and we’re still preparing for nothing to happen, nothing to change, huh?”
It was your turn to smile sheepishly at him, rubbing the back of your neck. “I guess…unless…you want something to happen?”
“What about Charles?”
You rolled your eyes. “Who gives a fuck about Charles?”
Sonny chuckled. He stepped up to you, ducking his head but stopping halfway, letting you stand on your tip toes, closing the distance between you. Sonny’s lips were soft against yours, much different than the undercover make-out session you did yesterday. This was soft, slow, passionate, and you could feel the love and affection Sonny felt for you as an arm wrapped around your shoulders, bringing you closer.
He finally broke the kiss, leaning back to smile down at you. “You know, if we disclose to Liv, she’ll probably still reassign us,” he muttered softly, kissing your nose.
You nodded. “I’d be okay with that, as long as I still get you outside of work.”
“Yeah, doll, you get me,” Sonny said, bringing you in for another kiss.
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ac-ars · 7 years
all your colors start to burn
this is a mess and an au no one needs until they see it, well at least me and two (2) other people
im sure it’s very obvious how much i wanted to stab myself while writing it since i have not been able to write recently, but welp this had to happen so dont really expect any miracles or proofreading lol
all your colors start to burn
Luna takes deep breath and pushes the door slightly, blessing the fact that it’s not that heavy. She looks around immediately and it’s dark, but not this creepy dark, it’s actually nice and despite all the creeps the whole idea gives her, she is set on doing this. She stops when the door behind her closes with small thump and she can only look around. 
There are drawings hanging on black walls in some order; it’s like lowkey mess, but somehow it’s logical, silver frames are all the same, no matter if the picture is bigger or smaller. All of them are black and white, there is no color and it’s intimidating Luna since she’s not used to lack of it, the longer she watches the drawings, the more intense they get. Music in the background is sure, powerful and completely not Luna’s style. The guitar is too harsh just like the singing voice, yet the melody makes it bearable and that’s all she needs right now.
Someone clears their throat and she looks towards the counter. It’s not that high, but there’s a guy sitting by it and watching her intently. Luna is speechless in a second, all her courage decides to leave by tiny gap under the door. She sees a black t-shirt, too big, too loose for him, but that seems to be done on purpose. The collar is weirdly worn, like it has survived too many careless takings off and yet the guy still makes it look good. His arms are completely covered with ink; one is big geometric theme while the other has some smaller singular tattoos, Luna can even see few constellations there and some letters, but they are unreadable from this distance.
Dark eyes scan her continuously with this weird glint from under the glasses before he smiles lazily, and chuckles shaking his head softly and making his short curls bounce with grace. He bites on the pencil and leans his chin on his hand still grinning, and suddenly Luna feels like an alien in this light sundress, surrounded by black.
The guy lets out small, soft sigh and asks her with completely careless tone. “Did you get lost, miss?”  
She pouts and approaches him, stopping by the counter and trying to focus on not staring at him. He looks even more interesting when he is close, but that’s not a point here.
“No. I’m not lost,” she just says, hoping it sounded surely, but his smile widens up and she feels like a kid trying to buy a wine.
“Then what made you enter this very dark place, hm?” he points at her with his chin and Luna just blushes. She simply blushes not sure why, this is a mess and she just came here for a reason with set goal.
“Listen,” she starts, resting her hands on the counter and her fingers automatically proceed to nervous fidgeting. The guy chuckles at this. “Come on, calm down. I won’t bite you despite the fact I may look like that.” Luna just rolls her eyes.
“I want a tattoo, obviously.”
He snorts. “Is your mom okay with that?” She opens her mouth wide, completely offended, but tries to chill with small breaths. “I’m adult person. And I’m sure you shouldn’t, despite how young I look, make fun of me. That was just rude and disrespectful.”
The guy nods, takes off his glasses and brushes his face with his hand. Luna keeps glaring at him, not sure why she even chose this place. Probably because google told her it’s one of the best here, yet it didn’t warn her against asshole tattoo artists.
He sighs dramatically. “I’m sorry. Okay, I believe you, but I’m working here too long to not ask you for ID or whatever. I mean I ask everyone, so that’s just formality now.”
Luna nods and just reaches to her purse for the wallet without saying anything. She places her students ID on the counter and slides it towards him, watching how his fingers take it and how his nose scrunches making his glasses lowkey fall down his nose. He somehow tries to find something for her, of course he does, because he is acting ridiculous since the very moment she entered the place and doesn’t really believe that she’s been done with teen years for few months already.
When he keeps staring at it anxiously Luna just sighs and lowkey throws at him her driver’s license, giving him two more minutes before she will turn away and leave to some other place. He looks at her and smiles sheepishly, reaching his hand to his nape to scratch it slightly and showing another part of his covered in ink arm by the way. Luna hopes she won’t be forced to leave; if any part of the drawings on the walls is his and he made projects of those he has on his arms she actually thinks he won’t fuck up her small one, besides she would be able to stare at him and this doesn’t require him talking.
Eventually, he sends her another awkward look. “Okay. I’m sorry for being rude. I promise I will be nice now.”
Luna sighs. “Are you having this conversation with every short girl entering this place?” He shakes his head softly, apparently he likes to does it no matter if he’s denying something or is just amused.
“Not really.” He shrugs biting the pencil again and looking at her while Luna just counts the time, wondering if she can leave already or that would be mean. She opens her mouth to just thank him and go, but the very same second he takes a paper and scribbles Luna’s name in the left upper corner.
“I see you really wanna go so I gotta hurry up. Is it gonna be your first tattoo?” Suddenly he turns serious and focused, but she waits for the moment when he gets easy and flirty again.
“Yes, yes.” She just answers and he hums, fixing his sit on the chair a little. “Well then, I think it should be small one, I mean it’s your tattoo so you can decide, but first time you’re not really used to the fact that it can hurt.”
Luna nods resting her elbows on the counter and zones out while looking at her name on the paper until she wakes up when he asks something. “What?”
He smiles at her lazily, once again and she notices this lovely, soft dimple in his left cheek. “Questions, do you have any questions before we start figuring out how to ink you?”  
She loses like half of her chill when he says that with this careless, low voice that makes her shiver and Luna guesses that if he can make fun of her, she can too.
“I have like one, is there something you just don’t do? Also just tell me your name, because it’s weird that you know mine and I don’t know yours.”
He chuckles fixing the glasses on his nose as they keep falling. “My name is Matteo and thanks for reminding about that, I’m just… lowkey distracted today. Sorry again.” She smiles softly when he messes his hair and continues. “I don’t really tattoo in color, I guess it doesn’t work for me. Why?”
Luna pretends to be very disappointed. “Oh, that’s sad. So my dreams of this big, red dragon on my back will have to wait.”
Matteo stares at her frozen as if she already had the red dragon on her face and she just keeps the look until he blinks surprised. Now she’s not able to stop herself and she snorts. “I was joking, don’t worry. I want just tiny sun tattooed. No colors.”
He lets out small breath of relief making her giggle at this, and starts doodling something, probably her sun. “Where do you want to have it?”
“On the left side, on the ribs, I guess.” Luna just shrugs, still not sure if left or right.
Matteo hisses, biting on his lower lip. “Oh baby, that’s gonna really hurt you,” he mumbles and she pouts a little ignoring the way he just called her. “How much?”
“I don’t know how to describe it, but let’s just say that very, very much. You shouldn’t get first tattoo in such place.” His lips move into thin line and she sighs. “But it will be small so will it really be that bad?”
“You really want it to be there, don’t you?” Matteo looks at her with cute smile and she can’t really do anything except smiling back and nodding. “Okay then,” he sighs raising his hands up, as if he’s giving up. “we can try, it’s your pain, not mine after all.” Luna rolls her eyes but takes it. “When can it be, like the date?”
“That’s a good question you are asking me here, wait a second,” he says reaching for the calendar, letting Luna appreciate the muscles by the way, and flips through it for a moment. “How about Saturday in two weeks, 9 AM?”
She hums, trying to remember if she has anything to do at this time, but it’s Saturday so no uni, it’s morning so no work yet. “Yeah, yes this works. I should give you my number now, right?”
Matteo chuckles, “you are a straightforward one, I see. Anyway, yes. Your number.” She scrunches her nose, but just gives it to him, and when he closes the notebook he pulls the chair from behind him and smirks. “Come on, we gotta figure out your sun so it’s pretty and hurts the least possible, am I wrong?”
She checks the time on her phone before entering the place ten minutes to nine and almost bumps into tall guy with curly hair. He frowns at her confused, but steps aside, so she can get into without a problem.
“Um, hi,” Luna mumbles, not sure what else to do.
He frowns even more, but chills few seconds later. “Do you need anything?” This is much better welcome than last time she was here. He is wearing a simple, white tshirt, which is contrasting with the whole place so much, Luna feels it almost fresh. One of his forearms is tattooed plus she can see some black ink peeking from under his tshirt on his nape.
“I was, you know-” she starts rambling and stuttering, suddenly all messy. “The tattoo- nine am, Matteo-”
The guy snorts softly shaking his head and making Luna wonder if it’s not annoying that his hair is hitting his face all the time. He raises his arms and crosses them on top of his head, lowkey flexing the muscles. “Balsano!,” he yells, “hurry up your ugly ass, your sungirl is here.”
Luna almost chokes, not sure why but this seems ridiculous as hell. One, the fact that she was called a sungirl, and two, maybe she didn’t see Matteo’s ass last time, but she is sure it’s not any close to ugly.
She blushes with her thoughts, but the same second she hears loud-quiet ‘What?’ from some other room in the place, and the curly guy standing next to her rolls his eyes. Luna sighs and just mumbles: “It’s okay, I am too early anyway. I can wait here.”
“Are you sure you don’t want me to carry him to you so he can pretty-tattoo you?” The guy frowns again and she giggles, because it seems like he likes to frown, or many things are ridiculous to him.
The brunette smiles and nods softly, extending her hand and hoping it’s not weird or some shit. “I’m Luna actually. Luna.” She repeats, so he doesn’t call her any names anymore.
He takes her hand and his sure grip distracts her a little while she is wondering if he works here; if yes it’s probably a rule in this place that weird, edgy and hot guys work here only.
“I’m Ramiro, this is my actual name, no matter what Balsano tells you.” He mentions is probably Matteo and Luna hums, not sure again what to do now. Ramiro seems to notice that she is uncomfy and points at the couch by one of the walls. “Sit there if you can and wait, he is cleaning the stuff after last person, so it should be all ready for 9.”
She smiles at him again and he sends her quick wink before disappearing in the other room. When it’s like two minutes before nine she hears footsteps, what makes her raise her eyes towards the counter just to see Matteo checking his phone by the counter. After that he looks at her finally, she feels like she has waited two centuries before he finally moves his dark look to her and smirks. He looks really, really good in this red tshirt, and Luna is a mess.
Matteo brushes together his hands. “Are you ready?”
The brunette nods and gets up, checking if she has her phone in back pocket, before approaching him not being able to smile. “I wouldn't really say that I'm ready, but I'm the most ready I could be, I guess.”
He chuckles softly. “Sure thing. Don't you have anyone to hold your hand or something?” Luna sighs shaking her head and staring at him as he is eyeing her up and down slowly.
“I hope I don't look like underage today,” she pouts at his immediate smirk and shakes her head.
“Oh come on, everyone sometimes does something dumb.”
She crosses her arms and makes slightly bitter face, not sure why but wanting to banter with him just a little longer. “They say well begun is half done, don’t they?” Matteo looks down after snorting softly and Luna feels definitely better. He wants to say something, but someone interrupts them.
“Not that I wanna cut in, but I think we all are ready. Balsano, champion, she is as pretty as you said, but chill your storm in your teacup.” Ramiro rolls his eyes and claps his hands few times before he leaves again.
Luna feels how her cheeks get warm, not sure what to focus on right now. On the fact that Matteo said that she was pretty; or at least told the other guy about her, or on his face which seems lowkey awkward now and she actually finds it cute.
He sighs and looks at her. “Let’s go.”
She follows him into the other room, the one where Ramiro disappeared before and she notices immediately that it’s as black as the earlier one, with the difference that there is bright, white light everywhere. It almost blinds her, but she manages to look around. The drawings are present here as well, in the same frames and it’s super weird; owner of this place is either a psycho or someone who loves silver frames. Or both.
Matteo goes to the desk with all weird tattoo stuff Luna has no idea how to name since she’s never really cared about tattoos before. Now she just wants to have one and keep not caring, because it’s very easier, and all this shit seems complicated. After very dramatic putting on the gloves he turns to her with small paper with her sun and looks at her seriously, yet with tiny sparkle of amusement in his eyes. “This is the one, isn’t it?”
Luna nods. “This exactly. I thought we were sure last time I was here.” He hums softly. “Yes, but I have to make sure that you are sure. Are you sure?”
“It is gonna stay there forever.” It feels like he is trying to break her with his look, but she doesn’t want to give up here. It’s her forever.
She shrugs. “That’s what I want here, if I wanted to play I would have gone to get henna.” Her eye-roll apparently entertaining him and Luna wonders if he ever gets annoyed by something else than Ramiro.
“Okay, so where exactly are we making it?” Matteo hums with small smirk, asking her softly, and Luna can only ride her tshirt up. He is completely casual about that what makes sense, he makes tattoos on people daily so what’s a part of skin? She points at the small area on her ribs on left side, which would be just under the bra line, if only she had a bra today. He smiles and presses the design to her skin and slowly leads her towards this one big mirror on the wall. She looks at the reflection with tiny hum and rests her fingers to his hand, moving it a little more to her side instead of her front.
Matteo nods and takes the design away. “Well, sit down, or I would recommend lying down as comfy as you are. And take your tshirt somehow, so it won’t fall or interrupt during the process, you know what I mean.”
The mirror covers almost whole wall and she stares at the reflection of the entire room. Matteo adjusted this weird, comfy chair so she could lie down no matter how weird it felt, plus he sat down behind her so now she can see him all. Her hair she pulled in the high ponytail before leaving the home got slightly messy, but it still doesn’t really mess with anything. She tied her tshirt few centimeters above the place of her tattoo, the only way to keep it up without it being weird.
Matteo seems to be focused, which means no flirty comments, or smirks or even dumb smiles which is not that reassuring and Luna guesses she will probably die or, at the very best, pass out here. He’s done all shit to prepare her skin for the tattooing itself, telling her all about whatever he was doing and it was calming her down. Now he is quiet and she is this tiny ball of nerves, regretting not bringing Simón here (not that she would want to come here with him and let someone think they are any couply) or someone else who would at least talk to her and distract.
He takes this weird thingy which second later ends up being a weird needle; not that Luna is scared of them, but somehow she is stressed about this very needle, which will probably hurt like a bitch. Luna keeps watching his hands and trying to chill and hating on this whole situation so much.
“Can you talk to me?” She ends up asking and he smiles at her with little frown as he reaches for the machine. “What do you want me to talk then?”
“I don’t know. Whatever, just distract me.”
Matteo chuckles putting the needle into the machine and sighs. “Don’t worry, we will try to not kill you today.” Luna gives him concerned look in the mirror between throwing glances at his hands, because the speed of his fingers in such a simple action surprises her more than anything today, what makes him only more amused. “But really, I will be as gentle as I can, so it will hurt less than it would if the curly ass tattooed you.”
He takes the jelly from the desk and applies it on her skin with slow moves, Luna focuses on it and sighs. “How much can I trust you in this?”
“I have been making tattoos for like 5 years, so I had enough time to practice how to hurt people less.” She giggles at this and he stops her from moving with his hand on her waist. “Okay now we gotta focus.”
The brunette bites on her lower lip when he wipes the jelly off his gloves with paper towel and takes the tattoo machine with sure grip. “Now we are calm, we don’t move and we have to breathe normally. Okay?”
She likes the way he talks to her. With this soft voice while looking at her and no matter what he would be saying, she would still like that and embrace it completely. She has to force herself to focus on what he is talking to her, not how he is doing that and that’s actually difficult after him using we instead of you, and Luna feels more reassured than scared right now, so maybe it won’t be that bad.
Matteo explains her why he used the jelly and how the whole machine works, which Luna is impossibly grateful for, before reminding her to breathe once again. Then, he turns on the machine; the sound is lowkey annoying and she’s not sure if she will be able to hear him if she wants to ask something, but well, they will see that.
She turns her head back to look at him, and he just winks at her. “Don’t worry, it’s just a tiny needle. It can’t really hurt you, just sting and annoy and try to focus on the annoying part. Plus we are just outlining here, no shading or coloring so that won’t be long.”
This weird noise isn’t the best thing to listen to, but could be worse and it could be louder so Luna doesn’t complain. Matteo smiles at her as he takes single paper towel sheet and sighs. “Ready?”
She nods and the needle touches her skin.
“And no long baths, no swimming pools or anything like this. Just don’t let it get wet, okay?” He asks while finishing bandaging her skin and Luna tries to take a breath; doesn’t really hurt so that’s a success she guesses. She can only nod at that, because it stings. It stings like a bitch and she has no idea how long it will keep stinging, but she can’t find any words to ask Matteo about that.
The only thing Luna is able to do it thinking of his soft hands making sure that all her side with tattoo is safe and covered, and later watching him how he gets rid of the ink, and the needle, and everything he used with her. He gets up, still talking, and takes off the black gloves in swift motion before throwing them into trash carelessly.
“If it, by some accident or whatever, gets infected, just go to the doctor. You will get antibiotics and it shouldn’t be that bad.” She smiles softly; he seems to be rambling like this. Maybe he tells that to everyone, but the light tone of his voice seems to be somehow unusual and little faster than the very first time she had talked to him.
Matteo washed his hands twice before going back to her and frowning a bit. “Are you okay?”
“Yes, I’m good.” And she actually is, not sure if she can get up without her knees shaking, but decides to try and, fortunately, her legs don’t give up.
“You are pale.” He pouts a little and Luna shakes her head. “It’s nothing, I’m great really. Ar you always so protective over people who you sting with needles?” She asks teasingly, with intention of changing the topic, and he catches it.
“No, no. I’m trying to be nice, because I don’t want you to faint on your way home and sue me, of course.” Obviously.
The brunette giggles, still looking at him. “So you know that one can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar? Next time you should start being nice as soon as you see someone entering the studio.”
Matteo’s eyes almost light up in amusement. “Maybe, but I am neither honey nor vinegar. And you definitely aren’t a fly, my dear.” Despite his words, his voice does feel seems like sweet, warm honey and she can’t get out of his little charm for few seconds, until he speaks again. “Besides, we all make mistakes and I’ve seen too many cases of girls looking older than you while being younger than you, so don’t judge me, please.” He sighs, looking around. “I would love to stay and chat more, but I gotta clean around and you probably have someone to show your pretty tattoo to. Are you sure you remember all stuff you gotta do and not do with this?” He asks raising his eyebrow and Luna nods slightly few times.
“Perfect then. If you ever decide you want another one or something, I will give you some discount. Just remember to mention me or the curly head if there is someone else.” He says nodding his head at the back.
The brunette sends him a smile. “Thanks. That sounds nice. And I guess next time will be in some place that won’t hurt like hell.”
“That’s a very great idea. See you around then. Soon, I hope.” He winks at her and she nods confused, trying to hide her blush, and turns around, walking towards the exit and feeling his eyes softly curling around her body. It feels weird, but she somehow likes it and doesn’t really look back.
Luna takes deep breath and opens the door with small push, knowing already she doesn’t need to use more strength and smiles to herself. Matteo is drawing again, too focused this time to notice her until she rests her elbow on the counter. He raises his eyes at her and smirks slightly.
“Already want new one? That was quicker than I thought.”
The brunette shakes her head softly and her hair tickles her cheeks. “Not really. At least today. Today I want something else.”
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