#ignore that it's five paragraphs idk what came over me
leventar · 28 days
❛ did i say you could come ? ❜ \ getō for gojō .
thin sheen of sweat at his hairline, calloused digits digging into cotton sheets — he's certain the fabric has been ripped by now, the headboard pounding against thin walls doing no better at hiding their activities than the buried groans lodged in his throat. half - lidded and hazy as ocean discs land on obsidian tresses cascading over rippling shoulders, attention greedy as he drinks in the sight of creviced muscles, down to where that knot formed his core has been tightening and tightening with every cruel, drawn - out thrust.
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g-on-ef · 3 years
Imagine Blitz being in a meeting with a client and unlike the others, is watching the panic button lights like a hawk. Hes not about to let some crazy client hurt his boyfriend.
A/N: I took the same scene from the first episode and somewhat put it on the first paragraph but I'm excited for this one because of the client ^^ hope y'all like it ^^
Striker stared at the call button resting on the desk he ignored the chaos that was going on around him.
Millie trying to get Moxxie to overcome his fears of killing a family {he seriously needs to get over that, he's a fucking murder he should be use to getting his hands dirty by now family or not}
Loona on her phone while ignoring the fact that the target Moxxie was trying to aim at was right next to her.
If Moxxie so much as hurt her there will be hell to pay.
Still Striker kept a close eye on the panic button. An Overlord came to visit them, not just any Overlord...Valentino.
Striker didn't want to leave Blitz alone with the fucktard.
Valentino wasn't his favorite Overlord, he was good friends with Angel Dust {despite him being a sinner}and when the spider demon would come to his apartment to get away from the moth douche bag Striker would always send Valentino a message as to why he shouldn't harm someone under his protection.
When the Overlord came in and demanded to speak to Blitz about hiring him for a job Striker immediately wrapped his tail around Blitz, showing the fucker that Blitz was under his protection as well as his mate since Striker kissed him in front of the moth demon and if anything happens to him he'll do more than destroy his clubs and kill his business partners.
They've been in the office for a good while now and Striker was getting antsy, he was tempted to barge in thinking the worse but he knew that if his mate was truly in danger Striker would've felt it through the bond.
So far all he felt was fear and reassurance as if his mate was sending him calming thoughts so that he didn't go barge in and attack the fucker there and then.
Still he kept his eyes on the panic button the minute he sees it go red is the minute he goes off.
"Hey dad what's wrong?" He looks up and sees Loona giving him a concern look.
"Nothing sweetie..."
His eyes flicker to the panic button and sees it going off, not wasting any time Striker heads for the door the mating bite was burning with fear and anxious.
Moxxie, Millie, and Loona stopped what they are doing as they see their second in command bargain through the door.
Striker kicks the door down and sees Valentino holding Blitz by his shirt.
"You will kill Vox's little sister!"
"I'm not killing a fucking five year old just because your boy toy decided to leave you for your other boy toy!"
Valentino was about to punch Blitz before a shot was aimed at the Overlord, the bullet purposely grazing his arm.
"Fuck!" Val grabbed his arm as blood spilled off it. A bullet bless by the angels. That shit was gonna scar.
He turned to see Striker point his angelic gun towards him. Glaring down at the Overlord.
"Thought I made it clear that you never, ever lay a hand on those I care about, and touching my mate is a huge no,"
Valentino turned to glare at the imp who was staring him down with a killer glare.
The Overlord growled at the fucker who dare shot at him.
"You dare shoot me?"
Striker's response was shooting him again only this time right on the shoulder.
"Get the fuck out, or the next bullet goes straight to your head,"
"I could kill you and your little whore,"
"I'd like to see you try,"
The two glare at each other before Valentino stood up straight, glaring at the imp he walked away from them.
"If you weren't Lilith's son I'd kill you here and now,"
"Tch, I don't need my incubator to defend me, we both know that you just a weak ass bitch who needs his own men to defend them. You may be an Overlord but we all know that that's just a fancy title for pigs like you to use to scare us Hellborns. We all know who's really at the bottom of the barrel don't we Val?"
The moth demon glared at him before he walked away Striker stepped back but kept his gun pointed at Valentino.
When the overlord stepped out Millie glared at him Moxxie hid behind her and Loon stood close by Striker, the cowboy pull her closer to his body. Fear that Valentino might take a cheap shot and hurt her .
Once he was gone Striker looked at her and the other imps.
"Go home, you guys have the rest of the day off," neither Millie nor Moxxie question him and headed back home.
Loona looked at her dad.
"Go upstairs and stay there till me and papa get there,"
Loona nodded her head before she also left.
Once everyone was gone Striker stepped into the office Blitz looked at him before offering him a reassuring smile.
Striker sat down on the couch and watched as Blitz settled some paperwork.
"Are you...okay?" striker asked him.
"Huh, oh yeah."
Striker checked the bond and saw that Blitz was being honest with him.
Blitz pit away his stack of papers before walking over to Striker and sitting down on his lap.
He lean down and kissed his mate pulling back he gave him a smile.
"Not that I enjoy your kisses but what was that for?"
"Well considering that my mate was a total bad ass today I say he deserves a reward,"
"Oh, and what reward would that be?" Striker's tail wrapped around his mate.
"I can think a few things," Blitz purred as he untied Striker's bandana and removed his jacket.
When Valentino showed up Blitz was scared but he wasn't worry how could he be when he knew his own personal guardian demon was watching over him.
A/N: Idk why but I personally love to write Striker and Charlie as siblings ^^ but anywhore love it hate it tell me what you think also don't forget I am still taking any and all Striker/Blitz prompts ^^
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today i don’t have a paragraph above the read more because uh
tw: blood, tw: torture, tw: pain, tw: violence. idk everything i need to tag it with so please please please tell me if I need to add something.
His side hurt as he put pressure on the stab wound. He was trying not to pass out as a knife was held in front of his face. “We’re best friends! Aren’t we? Say it! Say we’re best friends!”
He tried not to cry. “W-We are best friends.”
“What about the bag though, isn’t that your favorite part?” The knife was held closer to him. “Best friends know that about each other.”
There were people talking or shouting, but he couldn’t pay attention. “How about later we read some comics? Play some games. You like that, don’t you?”
He was too scared, the words wouldn’t come out and instead he started crying. “Would you just CALM DOWN FOR THREE SECONDS! Just THREE seconds! Alright? You’re just losing your mind a little, got it. That’s all it is. You just need to calm down with me and we’ll sort everything out.”
But he couldn’t calm down. He was holding a knife and could kill him at any moment. He already had a stab wound. No, it was multiple at this point. How didn’t he notice them before? “Please… I-I’m not-”
“Don’t you DARE say that again! Say it and I’ll lose my marbles. You don’t want me to lose my marbles, do you.”
He didn’t. If they weren’t already gone then losing them could make it worse. Or maybe better? Maybe death would be better. He could just be another ghost like the others who had died.
“Here! How about a high five!” It wasn’t a stab, but a punch and his face started to throb. “You’re just goofin and gaffin around, aren’t you.” And then another punch. “How about a little tickle?” And a pain erupted from one of his wounds as it was poked in some weak imitation of a tickle.
“Please! Please I’m not him!”
“What are you talking about?! Of course you are! Are you insane?!” The knife glinted as it moved down and stabbed him, his already brittle bones snapping. It was too much and he screamed loudly.
It was too tight, why was it too tight. Was someone talking? It sounded like it but the words weren’t processing in his brain. Something about night and bread and robots and birds. There was something black surrounding him. Was it going to hurt him? Stab him? ‘You’re my best friend.’ the sentence replayed in his mind. “No no please. I don’t want to be. I’m not him.” He managed to speak out, hoping he would listen to reason.
There was chirping as something bright blue came into view. It was calming as it moved closer until it wasn’t. Something darker on it glinted and he started screaming again. He didn’t want to be stabbed. Not again. He would do anything. He’ll wear his clothes, live in his house, but please don’t hurt him.
“Grian!” Someone shouted, but he shook his head. That wasn’t his name. He was Taurtis. He had to be. He wouldn’t get hurt anymore if he was Taurtis. He pleaded for Sam to listen. He was his best friend Taurtis. He wasn’t Grian and Jerry wasn’t Taurtis. He was Taurtis.
“I haven’t seen him this bad in ages.” Mumbo spoke, trying to comfort Tommy and Tubbo. The bots were fortunately still sleeping as it was programmed into them. Everyone else was staying in come beds that had been set up in a different room so they weren’t close enough to be woken up. But Tommy and Tubbo had stayed up far too long catching up and Mumbo had stayed in a room with Grian. All of them heard the moment he started screaming. Mumbo was pushed out of bed by Grian’s wings as he thrashed around and the other two had run in to see what was going on.
“He had nightmares when he first joined the server back in season six but they got better over time. The only other time it got bad again was during the head games and a few people showed off their rabbit heads.” Mumbo explained after a few other questions.
Professor Beak has also been nearby and woke to the sounds. He flew over to Grian as he mumbled something, sounding like he was pleading for his life. That seemed to calm him down for a few moments before the screams got louder. The bird was handed to Tubbo who held him close and Mumbo tried to soothe Grian.
It was agonizingly slow, but Grian was calming down. He was no longer screaming and just weeping, begging not to be hurt and that he would be someone named Taurtis. With that new information, Mumbo was able to calm Grian more effectively, not knowing what nightmare was being had.
Grian was still out of it when he was fully calmed down, mainly from the exhaustion that came from not having a good night’s sleep and from exerting himself so much in his panic after waking up. 
“We’re going to have to take him to his mansion.” Mumbo started to explain as he hefted Grian onto his back. He wasn’t that heavy due to his avian nature as they normally didn’t grow that tall and had hollow bones like most birds. “He does better in familiar places and my old hobbit hole isn’t really a place he frequents. More just a place the children like to play.”
When Mumbo opened the bedroom door, he almost ran into Fundy who was holding the pillow from his bed, ears down against his head. “What happened?”
“Oh shit, that’s right, Fundy’s part fox.” Tommy cursed, remembering that meant he had much better hearing. “I’m guessing the screaming woke you up?”
Fundy hugged the pillow a little tighter. “Not right away. It found its way into my dreams first before I finally woke up.”
“I’m really sorry about that.” Mumbo apologized. “Grian’s having a nightmare of his own and it’s really bad. Say, your dad was wilbur, right? The tallest one? Any chance you could wake him up? With Grian like this I can’t really fly us there, minecarts can only fit one, and the nether isn’t the best place if you’re unconscious. I’m sure I can get him there myself, but having someone to trade off with would be best and the taller the better with Grian’s wings dragging on the ground.”
Fundy nodded and went to wake his dad up, he seemed to wake up Techno and Philza too as they also arrived behind Wilbur who was yawning and looked like he wanted to complain about being up so early. Techno at least kept his expression hidden and while Philza looked equally as tired as Wilbur, he woke up when he saw Grian’s condition.
Quickly, Mumbo explained what was going on with Grian and how they would be going to the mansion. He led them over to the minecart tunnels since Grian’s own hobbit hole wasn’t too far from his base and it was a safe path, especially since the sun wasn’t out yet and with how tired they all felt, there may be phantoms.
Tommy and Tubbo worked on waking the bots up as the tunnel was opened. Jrumbot ran to catch up asking many questions as Grumbot just watched with an expression of concern. Normally he was more robotic and logical, but Tommy could tell he was trying to hold himself together as the bot crushed his and Tubbo’s hands in worry.
At around the halfway point through the tunnels, everyone paused as Grian was moved onto Wilbur’s back. The avian gave out a sad whimper from being moved and Mumbo did his best to give comfort. Jrumbot pulled out a green robe which made Mumbo side with a hint of frustration as he recognised the item, but he did take it and place it over Grian like a blanket.
Tommy makes them wait a little longer as he places down his ender chest and pull out a coat that Wilbur immediately recognizes. He starts to argue about it with his younger brother but it starts to upset Grian and they stop without any warning needed.
As they exit through Grian’s side of the tunnel, Tommy explains how he first holed up in there when he showed up. He’s asked how Grian didn’t notice he was living in the same house but then corrects them. “No Grian moved out ages ago. I moved in because it was abandoned.” As they continued walking Tommy pointed out in the direction they were traveling. “He’s living there now.”
They were all left stunned as they strained their necks looking up at the building towering ahead. As if it weren’t impressive enough, Tommy added another comment. “He’s still not done with it and he also built a replica in the nether that is completely upside down.”
As they reached the base of the stairs, Wilbur looked like his back was going to give out just from looking at them all. Fortunately Mumbo took Grian back and also led them down instead of up. “He started with the basement first. It’s still quite large, but not as much and is mainly a storage system. He spent far too long ignoring the actual interior of his mansion.”
“And the back.” Tommy half whispered before laughing at a joke that no one but Mumbo really understood. Well, the bots did as well, but they were too worried about Grian.
Finally Mumbo reached Grian’s bed and laid him down in it. He gave the coat back to Tommy much to Wilbur’s dismay and put the robe in his inventory which made Jrumbot mad. 
Everyone looked exhausted and Mumbo excused himself from the room. He gave Tommy a look and the blond distracted Tubbo so he didn’t hear the distant noise of a firework. Mumbo wasn’t gone for too long as he reappeared with the beds that had been left behind, letting everyone get back to sleep.
Iskall yawned as there was a knock on the wood of their tree. They were surprised to see Xisuma there and tried to make themself at least a little more presentable and not look like they had just woken up. “Hi Xisuma. What brings you here?” They said, stifling another yawn.
“Scar and I were up late going over everything having to do with the smp. We were debating getting rid of the time displacement protection or if we should help the new admin place the same kind on their world. Eventually the topic changed and we ended up on who all lives there. When you and Fundy were at the town hall for paperwork, he wrote a list of everyone there, or most if he can’t remember everyone.”
“Okay, and?” Iskall asked, not seeing where this was going. Xisuma just handed them a paper that was covered with Fundy’s handwriting - paw writing? - and Iskall read down the list. When they finished reading, they looked back up at Xisuma. “So?”
Xisuma pointed to a certain name on the list. “Read it again. Aloud this time.”
Iskall rolled their eye but then looked down and read the name. “Hbomb Aka Hbomb94.” Iskall was about to say more before they finally had the gears turning. “Wait, Hbomb?! That’s where he disappeared to?! I guess that makes sense why we couldn’t contact him.”
“I figured you would want to know. I’ll go see Ren and Stress next unless you want to tell them.”
“I’ll just message the whole group. They’ll want to know and we can have another meet up.”
Xisuma nodded and flew off as Iskall pulled out their communicator. They exited out of the main hermit chat and scrolled down to one labeled ‘vault boys’. They pulled up the chat box and started typing.
<Iskall85>: I know it’s only 8am for some people here.
<Iskall85>: but my friend Xisuma just showed up.
<Iskall85>: H is located.
<AntonioAsh>: are you saying you want a new meetup with him involved
<Iskall85>: of course. He’s been left out of the other times.
<AntonioAsh>: how soon are we talking?
<Iskall85>: maybe a week?
<StressMonster>: our time or normal time?
<Iskall85>: sounds like X is turning the displacement off for a little bit, so both.
<AntonioAsh>: I’ll see if I can make it, but it’s not a guarantee.
<Iskall85>: that’s fine.
<CaptainSparklez>: I’m down. Need a break from wrapping my head around Create. Okay if I bring my kid?
<Iskall85>: definitely. I’m sure she’ll love it.
<CaptainSparklez>: alright! Keep me updated!
<Rendog>: let me sleeeep
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mego42 · 3 years
fav lines tag
RULES: share your favorite sentence/paragraph from each one of your fics and tag 6 other fic writers to do it too :)
tagged by the talented brilliant incredible @foxmagpie (💖)
tagging: @pynkhues @hypermania @bethsuglywigs @riosnecktattoo @missmaxime @sothischickshe @joeyjoeylee
some ground rules: I’m only doing brio fic bc at some point when I wasn’t paying attention I wrote a metric fuckton of it and we’re already gonna be here all day bc my other ground rule is I’m allowed to interpret the concept of a line however i want. i’m also gonna tell you why i picked them bc no one can stop me. cool? cool. good talk. 
your monster looks like mine
okay so my first choice for fav would be the entire ~conversation around whether or not beth had a choice when she set rio up bc oooof I just love how that came out so! much! BUT if I’m limiting myself to something closer to a line, I’m going with this one. i love what it establishes for rio’s emotional state when it comes to beth, i love how it captures their push/pull constant one upping battle, I love the rhythm of the flow of it and the grandiose verbiage (i was having a frankly unreasonable amount of fun with natural phenomena imagery throughout the whole fic and this captures a bit of it). idk I just think it’s neat.
The words rip through him, a bright, blazing comet trail whipped across his sky, illuminatin’ his landscape, impossible to ignore.
Elizabeth’s spread out on the bed below him, golden hair tumblin’ around her face, mouth red and swollen, lookin’ up at him like she’s got him. Like she’s figured some shit out. Like she fuckin’ did something by putting that together.
Like Rio doesn’t fuckin’ know. Like that doesn’t fuckin’ haunt him, torment him, mock him every time she pulls some of her bullshit and he’s left picking up the pieces, knowin’ damn well what the right answer is but also knowin’ he’s always gonna be wrong when it comes to her.
a song inside the halls of the dark
another one where I’d pick a whole scene if I could BUT if  the whole opening flashback isn’t on the table (idk I love it for 14,000 reasons including how it sets up the bookend structure for the chapter, how it sets up a bunch of the final payoffs, the tone of it, idk everything about it came out exactly how I wanted it to and I really love how it tees up the ending), then I’m going with this bit from the final brio scene. it ties back in a whole bunch of threads that have been woven in and out all the way back to the first chapter and closes them out in a way that also feels (to me) like a beginning which I love bc the whole theme of the chapter is it’s a beginning, not the end.
What does it mean then, that he’s slept so soundly beside her?
The playhouse glows softly. She wonders how many more times she can get away with sanding it before it weakens past the point of supporting the kids’ weight and the whole thing collapses.
Behind it, she can see the long shadow it casts reaching for the boxwoods bordering the yard. The lines of the structure frame windows of bright moonlight on the grass, eerily reminiscent of the windows that loomed large in the nightmares Beth abruptly realizes she hasn’t had in weeks. Not since that last night at Rio’s loft. And that’d been the last one since...his car. Canada. The night all of this started.
Beth blinks. What does it mean that she’s slept so soundly beside him?
A-live, alive, alive, I—
Her breath catches.
I don’t have any grand reasoning for why I picked this bit from the 4th (i think?) ~ch as my fav, I just really like writing annie and rio interacting and I especially love writing them with annie like, intellectually aware that she should probably be afraid of him but also spiritually incapable of not being herself and rio being wildly annoyed by it
"What?" He asks, giving the t an edge sharp enough to cut.
There's a pause. "What like you didn't hear me, or what like what do I want?"
Now the sister sounds like she's getting annoyed, and Rio's really gotta do somethin' about the two of them runnin' 'round actin' like he's someone they can get away with not takin' seriously. Like he's some sort of pet. Defanged. Declawed. Fuckin' neutered.
"Get to the point."
"I mean, I kind of did in the message."
trade my heart for honey
the only thing sexier than rio being good at pool is beth being a fucking shark and rio being out of control turned on by it.
Dropping all pretense at being less than she is, Beth grabs the cue ball, positioning it slightly to the left of center where the felt is slightly more worn. Even without the tell, she's seen Rio put it there enough times to know it's the table's sweet spot. Out of the corner of her eye, she sees Rio shift his weight before she tunes him out entirely, drawing the stick back and letting it fly.
It's as close to a perfect break as she's probably ever managed. The cue ball connects dead on, scattering the rest far and wide. The one and the six drop neatly into pockets, the four and five coming to a stop right on the edge of the left side and far left corner, nearly closing off that whole side of the table.
Every stripe remains in play.
"Solids," she says, not letting herself dwell on the way Rio's mouth hangs slightly open, his eyes glazed over.
swaying evergreens
the whole theme of this fic is the terrifying intimacy and vulnerability of sharing your most precious moments and memories with someone you care about and I like how this touches on that along with sort of nutshelling the double edged sword of grief-tinted memory which is another major theme
There's somethin' extra about these unguarded moments. That Elizabeth trusts Rio enough to drop her guard completely and give him this completely unvarnished look at her. It's been over a year since he's been back in her bed, since the first time he'd slept here, but there's still somethin' tentative about it. Like there's a part of him that's never going to be all the way over the first time he'd been here, that can't fully believe how far they've come, that this isn't going to crumble, melt, drain away.
Truthfully, Rio doesn't mind it, that faint edge. He's well acquainted with the different flavors of loss, and the threat of it's a counterpoint that keeps him sharp. Lets him know this is real but not somethin' he'll take for granted.
swear on a silver knife
there were a couple of sexy tension bits that made for strong contenders but ultimately this won bc I’m obsessed with how this reference to 306 came out.
“I told you. I got my own debts to pay.” He bit off the words like it cost him something to repeat them.
Beth shivered, abruptly right back at that picnic table, cheeks wet and staring at him, searching for any hint of the man she’d—she’d—anyone besides the cold, unfeeling stranger sitting beside her, blood so fresh on his hands she could nearly smell it underneath the scent of the cold, misty night rain falling around them, blurring her eyes, beading in her hair and on his eyelashes.
listening through the air shaft
this was a really hard one to narrow down but I ultimately went with this but bc I love it for a culminating look at how beth and rio’s relationship has evolved throughout the fic and also bc a version of this scene was the first thing I wrote for the whole fic so it was fun to finally get there with everything in place behind it. I also just love it as a reference for the dichotomy of both beth and rio and also how complicated that is makes being around them for everyone else
They aren't even doing anything, just quietly working side by side, but there's a synchronicity to their movements, a quiet peace that makes Dean feel more like an intruder than anything else that's happened today, and he hates it.
It’s so far from the guy that’d broken into his home, beaten him up. Who’d looked at him with those terrifying, blank, shark eyes before casually shooting him in the chest like it was nothing right where they’re about to sit down and share a meal.
A guy, Dean suddenly realizes, he hasn’t seen any hint of in a long, long time. It’s not that he doesn’t think that part of him isn’t there, it’s just...it’s weird, is all, how completely he puts it away.
It reminds Dean of Beth, actually, now that he’s thinking about it.
God. They look so...so domestic. Sweet. Disarming in a way that completely undermines everything Dean thought he'd known about the guy and their whole...thing.  
He just—he doesn't get it, what Beth sees in him.
now use both hands
idk I just like this bit let me live
"What are you—what service?"
He makes himself take the route through the showroom that brings him right past her, leaning in and softly brushing a lock of hair out of her face for the first time in longer than he can remember.
Her eyes flutter shut, and he feels absolutely nothing.
"Helping sad, lonely housewives get off once their husbands are done with them."
Her eyes snap open, and he makes himself look at her long enough to watch the hit land and the hurt bloom.
He's empty, untouchable, she's nothing to him.
Rio doesn't look back.
I'd give her a HA! And a HI-YA!
you can take my made up backstory for rio and mick from me when you pry it from my cold dead hands.
Mick had been there the first time Rio'd had to get his hands all the way dirty and had kept an eye on him when he'd gotten blackout drunk after, and Rio'd done the same for him. Every bloody, grimy step Rio'd climbed, Mick had been right there with him, watching his back all the way to the top.
The point is Rio's Mick's brother in every way that counts.
Mick'd seen him twisted up over business and twisted up over personal shit, but he's never seen him let both get twisted up like he had since that fuckin' weasel Boomer'd got his ass handed to him and Rio'd gotten curious about it.
as the world turns, the blunt burns
I pull this every time I have to pick a fav and I can’t even really explain it aside from I think I’m really, really funny and that’s enough
Beth suddenly sobers as much as she can when she feels like she's simultaneously floating away and sinking into the Earth and wipes her eyes. "Are you gonna get in trouble?"
"You're in the house, ain't you?" He's answering Beth but looking at Rio.
"Mick," Beth frantically tugs at his pant leg because apparently, he doesn't have all of the information. "We're in the yard."
"Yeah, Mick," Rio says, glaring. "You're in the yard."
Mick shrugs, and Beth realizes he isn't scared of Rio at all. That's a neat trick. How does he do that? Maybe he can teach her.
smoke, fire, it’s all going up
there are realistically many other better lines in this fic but this one never fails to make me laugh so it remains my fav.
"You- you-" She sputters at him, flailing around a little. "You were the one that started mailing me pieces of a dead body."
"You blocked my number." Rio snarls, which is not what he'd meant to say, and he hates that she trips him up.
"That is not a proportionate response!"
got a kiss (with your name on it)
it was this or the text exchange at the beginning of the fic bc I strongly believe established relationship brio would continually roast each other for their past dumbassery but the elizabeth kink won out
"Come here," Rio's voice is thick but insistent in a way that brings every cell of Beth's body to attention. She hooks her thumb over her bottom teeth and drags her lower lip a little, a gesture full of who me mock innocence, waiting for him to say-
"Elizabeth." There it is.
There's an endless amount of things that Beth finds ferociously, irresistibly sexy about Rio, but when he says her full name in that commanding tone? Even if she's pissed the fuck off and has no intention of doing what he wants, it gives her goosebumps.
say it’s all in my head (i remember what you said)
I will be real with y’all, I forget I wrote this fic a lot of the time hahahaha but! that means every time I’m reminded I go back and am like oh yeah! I like this! anyway there isn’t like, one specific but I really love most as much as I really like the tentative breathless nervousness and then also overwhelming so muchness and I like how this but captures both of those
For a single, breathless moment, she stands in the middle of the room, alone and terrified.
Then Rio wets his lips and comes towards her, moving with that languid grace she's never been able to look away from even before she had any idea why that could be.
All of the fear collapses like a dying star, sending a supernova of relief and molten heat zinging through her from the top of her head to the tips of her toes. Her head swims, and every cell in her body feels like it's leaning towards him- like she's made of magnets on a molecular level and he's the lodestone.
He gently pushes her bangs off of her forehead, slowly running his fingertip down the side of her face, leaving a trail of fire in its wake. He tilts his head towards hers and stops, going no further than halfway, leaving it up to her to close the distance.
She lets her eyes fall shut as she leans into him and tentatively touches her mouth to his for the first time.
the world is on fire (and no one can save me) / what a wicked game you played (to make me feel this way)
two for one!!! idk if either of these is my number one favorite line from either fic individually but I really like how they both play together. I like writing beth and rio pov and having them mirror each other’s narration both in thought and structure a lot bc I like thinking of them as two versions of the same
Beth checks her phone, nothing from Rhea, and sends a quick I'm here, text me when you're close, and I'll grab a table before wetting a paper towel and wiping away the last of her smeared mascara. With precise, brisk movements, she snaps open her bag and fishes out her compact, her lipstick, and her mascara; lining them up click, click, click on the tiny shelf below the mirror.
She can live with this; she has to live like this; she will live like this.
She flips open the compact and methodically dabs away the flush and pallor and shadows that are not grief, are not loss, are not anything other than shock and horror that she'd gone so far, that she'd lost control, that she'd killed a man (that man).
So what the fuck had he been doin' with Elizabeth fuckin' Boland, giving her chance after chance to cross the line? What the fuck was the point of a line if it might as well not be there at all? All because he liked her big blue eyes and the way she worked a tight sweater? Nah, that ain't him. That can't be him. That's the kind of shit that'll get you killed, and he's got three spent bullets in his pocket and a scar next to his heart if he ever needs the reminder again. 
He shifts in the driver's seat, reaching into his pocket and fishing the bullets out. Lining them up on the dashboard with a definitive click, click, click. He looks past them to the brightly lit valet station. He's been parked in the back of the lot for ten minutes now, waiting for Rhea to give him the go sign. He ain't hiding, doesn't need to, Elizabeth ain't lookin' for him, he just wants to make sure he sees her before she sees him. Get a good look first, so he can size up the situation.
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smutandfluffohmy · 4 years
Thigh riding W/ Tomura Shigaraki
From: Smutandfluffohmy Character Parings: Tomura Shigaraki X reader Warnings: Smut. Praise kink? A/N:I haven't written a full pic in sooo long so this really be my coming back fic also my birthday was on the 10th so im now an elderly 🥴Idk and highly doubt any BNHA fans follow me but I do be thinking of this idea a lot 👀👀 A/N 2: HES SO UGLY WHY DO I WANT HIM TO RUIN MY INSIDES
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Sitting on Shigarakis lap was something you guys did all the time, it wasn’t even a sexual thing you guys just genuinely enjoyed each others company. Today was no different. You were sitting on his left thigh reading through your book and he was playing video games.
“Fuck” Shigaraki said under his breath behind you. Looking back at him you saw his eyebrows knitted together as he frustrated looked the the screen infront of him. Looking at the screen you saw what he was frustrated at. A hard mission.
Humming you turned back to your book trying to ignore the string of curses that were leaving his mouth. You slid further up his leg trying your best to not be so close to him and his increasing frustration. 
“Fucking bullshit I hit him!” Shigaraki yelled, pissed he had to start over again. His increasing frustration making him to absentmindedly bounce his leg up and down. Hitching your breath as each bounce hit you in just the correct way. It definitely didn't help that you chose to wear a skirt today. 
Your cheeks flushed red as you snapped your book close and tried to get off of his lap, feeling your underwear get wetter by the second. 
“Where are you going?” Shigaraki asked you looking away from the screen briefly.
“Umm I’m just going to do something.” You said your mind blanking out on every single excuse you could possibly make up.
“You can do it later. Come here you know I can’t win without you.” He said grabbing you by your hand being very careful not to touch you with all five fingers. Your face felt like it was on fire but all you could do was nod as you sat back down on his leg trying to focus on the words infront of you. 
Reading and re-reading the same paragraph you tried your best to get your mind off of your arousal. Shigaraki started bouncing his leg ever so slightly again, making you bite down on your lip. The more frustrated he got the faster he bounced his leg. Fighting the urge to rock back and fort on his thigh you gathered all the courage you had and tried to keep your voice steady.
“Shig can you please stop that.” You said barely even audible over the noise coming from the tv.
“Huh? Did you say something?” He asked looking from you to the tv not sure if you are the characters spoke.
“Can you please stop bouncing your leg!” You said a little more forcefully looking back at him because you don’t think you have the strength to tell him a third time.
Shigaraki looked at you as soon as you said this and saw the red face and pleading eyes. He knew that look and caught on immediately.
“Really kitten my thigh?” He said with amusement and all you could do was nod and turn away from him. “So you don't want me to do this?” He said shaking his leg again as he watched you bounce up and down.
“Tomura please.” You begged. For him to continue or stop? You didn’t know but you did know that the teasing was driving you crazy. He knew you were going crazy, you only ever called him by his first name when you were mad or turned on and you looked pretty calm to be mad.
“Sit facing me.” He simply said. You didn't know were this was going but anything was better than silently suffering. You obliged and straddled his thigh facing him. “Now ride it kitten.” He said turning his attention back to his game, pretending like you weren't doing what you were doing. 
You were left dumbfounded but happily obliged as your hips started rocking back and forth. His black sweats getting wet along with your underwear. Your hands went to play with the band of his sweats wanting and needing more.
“I said ride not touch kitten.” Sigaraki said moving your hand away from the band of his sweats. Continuing to move your hips back and forth moans started to leave your mouth. Your walls clenching at each movement, craving for more.
“Tomura please I need you.” Was all you could say and it was all it took for him to look at you again.
“Take off your underwear.” He said, nodding your head you got off him to take off your panties. Shigaraki took off his pants and underwear, leaving his harden cock in full view. Letting out a little moan you made your way to sit on his dick only to be nudged back by one of his fingers.
“What part of ride not touch did I not make clear?” Shigaraki said looking up at you with mischievous red eyes grabbing your face bringing it close to his, tapping your cheek with his index finger careful not to use all five fingers. Going to sit back again on his thigh this time it felt much different. You were able to hump his thigh easier, your cum making it easier.
“Who makes you this wet kitten?” Shigaraki asked you as he leaned closer to your ear.
“You do Tomura.” You said between moans, causing him to tense his muscle making you to dig your face into the crook of his neck. Laughing slightly he continued tensing and relaxing his thigh making you rock back and forth faster. He couldn’t help but look at you, your lips slightly apart, so eager for him to touch you. You drove him wild looking like this but he wanted you to get off on his thigh so he could tease you about it later.
Rocking your hips faster you attempted to reach for your clit only to have your wrist forcefully yanked away.
“Did I not make myself clear kitten? I said no touching.” He said as he dropped your wrist, you didn’t even notice that he paused the game. The constant loop of the pause screen music would usually drive you crazy but at this moment it was the best fucking sound you ever heard. 
“I’m s-sorry.” You breathed out, continuing to rock your hips back and fort your pussy throbbing at the friction wanting desperately to be touched. “Pl-please I want you inside of me.”
“You look so pretty when you beg. Do it more.” Shigaraki said as he started sucking and bitting on your neck making sure he left marks.
“Shig please I want you to fuck me. I want you to fuck me so hard I won’t be able to walk tomorrow.”You breathed out continuing to move on his thigh as he moved his fingers carefully to play with your clit. The instant touch causing you to tense up ever so slightly.
“Hmmm you’re so good to me Tomura. When I first joined the only thing I thought about was how I wanted you to bend me over a table.” You laid the compliments on heavy, after each one Shigaraki would play with your clit faster. “Even now I still can’t believe you picked me. P-please faster.” You moaned.
This is what made Shigaraki go over the edge as he picked up his pace making you come all over his thigh. Moans echoed throughout the room making your head fall back as you twitched under his touch.Pressing a kiss on his lips Shigaraki held you in place slipping his tongue into your mouth.  His hard dick pressed against your leg knowing that you were about to go for round 2 already. 
Forcefully moving you off his thigh he placed you on his throbbing cock.Despite being so sensitive and already feeling overstimulated you let him do it. Letting out a moan you wanted to squirm away from him but he felt so good inside of you. 
Moving your hips trying to help you bounce on his dick he was still careful not to touch you with all five fingers. One wrong move and it was game over for you. This turned you on more, the idea that if Shigaraki really wanted to he could decay you into dust if he so chose to in a blink of an eye. 
“Come with me kitten.” Shigaraki whispered into your ear, hot breath tickling your neck sending chills down your spine. Your mind felt foggy as you came for the second time in a row that night. Your body giving out under you, while Shigaraki came inside of you muttering a string of curses and compliments.
After a couple of moments of trying to get yourselves together Shigaraki patted the side of your thigh in an effort to get you to get off his dick, which you did. Carefully he picked you up and set you down on the bed.
“Don’t move.” He said as he brushed your hair gently off your face. 
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talkfantasytome · 3 years
Part of my attempt to re-post answers I've given, without the context of specific links to posts based on this feedback and advice.
Anon Ask: Linked me to a few posts about E\ain, her possible story, and the Fourth item of the Dread Trove. My thoughts on that item possibly being "unmade" and E\ain being able to "remade" them. Thought on how Koschei was preparing for Az, and how the item being cloaked in shadow could be a link to Az and the item. And how E\ain relates to the hounds of the Night Court, which were used by the Daglan. How the greeting the Book of Breathings gave Feyre in ACOMAF is actually foreshadowing E\ain and her connection there.
If I may, my first suggestion would be to block certain tags. That might help calm you. <3 I tend to avoid E\ain-Azriel theories, because they anger me at times. Especially ones like these where they try to take what some other character has and give it to E\ain. I'm seeing it all over the place and it's infuriating me. Not because I hate E\ain. No.
Because I actually want E\ain to be a good character.
And, I'm sorry, but giving E\ain other people's stories, powers, etc. that we've already seen is not making her a good character. It's making her a repeat.
So, let me start with this:
Nesta wasn't able to "unmade" Briallyn because she was made by the Cauldron. Nesta didn't create those made weapons because she was made by the Cauldron.
Those came from the power she TORE from the Cauldron, literally. Nesta had this "made" power because she TOOK it. E\ain did not take that power. E\ain was gifted the power to be a Seer because the Cauldron found her so lovely. And the Cauldron still found her lovely after it made her, which means she didn't steal anything from it at all.
So, any theory that has anything to do with E\ain having powers like what Nesta displayed are completely inaccurate and ignore the fact that Nesta's powers did not come from her being made but from what she took from the Cauldron.
Yes, E\ain might have a connection with made objects, she might be able to find them as Nesta did. But she would not be able to create them herself. Or "unmade" someone. (I really don't know if I can use the term unmake here. 😂) She may be able to wield the Dread Trove, but that's also a big MAYBE. And I say that not because I think E\ain isn't powerful or strong enough, but because no one really thought or talked about E\ain being able to wield them as Nesta did. Maybe it's because they just forget about her, or maybe it's because they're not sure she'd be able to considering her power is different.
Basically, I don't believe that first concept can be right, because while maybe E\ain can wield the Dread Trove, she wouldn't be able to "made" or "unmade" objects. That, to the best of our knowledge, is a power that Nesta got in her blessed thievery.
And no, that's not a power the Cauldron would have just given E\ain, because that power was part of the essence of the Cauldron. In stealing that power, Nesta broke it a bit. So the Cauldron would have had to break itself to give that power to E\ain...which means Nesta would not have become Fae the way she did.
Also, for the record, Nesta didn't "unmade" Briallyn and then kill her. She killed her by "unmading" her. Because Nesta's power was DEATH. And that sure as hell ain't E\ain's.
That second argument, on the other hand, was just incredibly focused on Azriel incorrectly. I talked about that earlier. Because Koschei wasn't preparing for Az. They were laying the trap for Cassian. Why do you think Briallyn had been so silent for those months between Solstice and then? And even before then. Emerie's cousin was influenced by Briallyn by the second time Nesta met Emerie. They were laying that trap for well over half a year. THAT's what Koschei was talking about.
You can tell he was preparing for Cassian, because Cassian's the one he froze. It's not about Az. It just feels that way if you're so focused on one character you don't take the time to actually read and see what's happening in the book. While I'm all about critical reading, that also means taking the time to see if those questions are actually already answered in the book, and they are. But if you're only thinking about Az, you might miss the answers placed at your feet about Cassian and Nesta - the main characters of the book.
It is absolutely possible that Az has a tie in to the fourth item, some way. I think in one they suggested that maybe it was hidden by a shadowshinger, so a shadowsinger must find it. I could see it potentially happening. It could be how they tie the next book into the larger, Koschei plot, which is going to be an overarching plot in books 4 and 5 before becoming the main plot in book 6. Since we will be seeing more Valkyrie stuff, and likely more Illyrian stuff too. So, like, this could happen, but that would likely bring more Nesta in. She's the one that noticed there might be a fourth Trove item. Why would that plot point then go to E\ain? Other than to give E\ain another character's plot points and journey? And SJM's not going to do that. She's going to give E\ain her own arc, her own powers and plot.
As for using what the Book of Breathings said to Feyre as a foreshadowing of E\ain being able to become a fanged beast, that's almost going way too far with that stuff, considering the fact that I doubt Sarah had planned that far ahead with that much detail these later books when she was writing ACOMAF. I don't mean that in a way to degrade Sarah. It's just that she was focused on the original trilogy, and while she likely had ideas and thoughts about everyone's journeys, she did have to first and foremost focus on the books she was actually contracted for. She didn't have the contract for the next three yet when she was writing ACOMAF (I think?).
Also, and I've said this before, anything in ACOMAF that people claim is foreshadowing for Azriel and E\ain, isn't. When Sarah was writing ACOMAF she was still planning on Mor and Azriel being endgame. She made that change when she was writing ACOWAR. So, literally, nothing in ACOMAF foreshadows E\ain and Azriel, not purposefully. And, if it's not purposeful, it's not actually foreshadowing.
That being said, that's also not how I would interpret that message and, not going to lie, I could interpret it in a way that's likely a better prediction of E\ain and Az, not that I believe it is one because, again, it was done in ACOMAF. But, let me show you anyway:
“Life and death and rebirth. Sun and moon and dark. Rot and bloom and bones. Hello, sweet thing. Hello, lady of night, princess of decay. Hello, fanged beast and trembling fawn. Love me, touch me, sing me.” (ACOMAF - Chapter 57)
So, first of all, this is in Chapter 57. That's well before Nesta and E\ain became Fae. So, the book was only talking to Feyre. HOWEVER, you could argue that this line is actually foreshadowing what will happen to Nesta and E\ain:
Hello, lady of night, princess of decay. Hello, fanged beast and trembling fawn.
Think about it. Feyre is "Lady of night, princess of decay." That's clearly one person, as there's just a comma. In the next line it says "hello, fanged beast and trembling fawn". That could easily mean Nesta and E\ain. Fanged beast = Nesta. Trembling fawn = E\ain. It may not. BUT IT COULD. So this line literally could be foreshadowing that they are about the be made.
Now, IF I didn't know that SJM at that point was planning on Mor an Az to be endgame, I'd be more worried about the next line.
Love me, touch me, sing me.
Mind you, I don't think that the Book's words would be foreshadowing for endgame couples, either. But, if it was - love me = Feyre & Rhys. Touch me = Nesta & Cassian - I mean, think about how important touch is to both of them and in their relationship. Sing me, then, could mean E\ain's love interest, and obvs that would sound like Az.
Now, as I said, we know this isn't the case, cause at that point, Moriel was the plan. Also, more than that, the Book of Breathings is heavily linked to the Cauldron. So, even if it was doing that, it would be foreshadowing mates, not endgame (if there's a difference), because mates are determined by the Cauldron.
So, yeah, it's not doing that. But, like, is that not a fairly decent argument? (This is why my dad wanted me to be a lawyer. I'm pretty good at debating from either side. 😂)
And, even if no one fully believes me about any of that, then tell me this - how is it that multiple lines refer to E\ain, but nothing is referring to Nesta in that? This argument basically says that this greeting from the Book of Breathings is entirely E\ain foreshadowing. Before E\ain was even made Fae.
That doesn't make sense. Why would there be so much focus on E\ain at that point that it's foreshadowing stuff that Sarah may or may not have known yet, but none about Nesta? When both were turned Fae at the same time, and we ended up with Nesta's book first.
For now, I'm going to guess that, IF that quote was foreshadowing anything about the sisters, it was that they were going to be Made into Fae. But, in the end, that quote is focused on Feyre first. So the foreshadowing of them turning Fae makes sense. But that paragraph is not E\ain-centric, it's Feyre-centric.
Don't get me wrong. I do think the fact that E\ain is Made is important. And maybe she will end up being the one to find the fourth Trove item, but I'm not yet convinced. And I don't think the fact that it's in shadow means it has something to do with Az as much as, like Nesta suggested, it's just that it's been glamoured like the others.
One other thing, but I noticed there's also an argument that E\ain is obvious for book five because of her vision about Koschei's box. But, we know that Koschei, being the large, overarching plot, is going to come to a head in book 6. So why would that make E\ain book 5?
These arguments align E\ain so much with Koschei, and then say it means she's got book 5, but Koschei's end is book 6. Book 5, like with ACOSF, is going to have it's own plot, and Koschei is going to be tied into it as the larger, overarching plot. But there's nothing about what the main plot for an Az-E\ain book would be. Because, for E\ain, her plot will be heavily linked with Koschei.
We have to remember that Sarah has said all three books are "standalone" books. What that means is that, while there is an overarching plot (Koschei), each book will also have it's own plot, with a climax surrounding that plot. For Nesta, it was the Dread Trove and Briallyn. And Koschei was tied into it, to show he was pulling strings. That's what's going to happen with book 5. And then book 6, it'll be more of a Koschei centered plot.
If E\ain is book 5, then that's two Koschei centered plots, and book 5 and book 6 are not standalones. They are a duology.
Lastly, to talk about chapter 20 from ACOSF, which was briefly mentioned - the one where E\ain says she'll find the Trove. Some believe that scene was foreshadowing E\ain and Az. It wasn't. It may have been foreshadowing some involvement E\ain will have with the Trove. But that doesn't automatically mean it'll be E\ain and Az. It literally just means she could have involvement with it.
However, considering the timing of that scene, being the literal day after that fight E\ain and Nesta had, where Nesta basically pointed out how E\ain dos nothing, I think that that scene was also a sign of who E\ain truly is.
Because E\ain didn't do shit about the Trove. She offered and then did nothing. My guess: because she didn't actually want to do something. All she wanted to do was prove Nesta wrong. Be like "look, see, I'm doing more, I'm better than you". E\ain started to show some true colors in ACOSF, and they're not all sunshine and flowers and rainbows.
However, in the end, I'm not saying anyone is wrong about E\ain and the fourth Dread Trove object. I hope they are, because I truly hope that E\ain will get her own stuff and her own plot. But E\ain and Nesta are not the same, and that's VERY important to remember. E\ain cannot create Made objects, she can not "Unmade" someone or something. Because that's something that came from Nesta stealing the Cauldron's power. And, on top of that, even if E\ain does get the fourth Dread Trove item, that doesn't automatically mean it's an Az-E\ain book. There's actually no reason to believe that. And, remember, any time you see an argument that there's Az-E\ain foreshadowing in ACOMAF, you'll know they're wrong, because at that point Sarah had a different endgame in mind, and she had that endgame in mind until after she finished writing that book. :)
That being said, I'm still thinking that E\ain is getting Swan Lake/Vasilisa the Beautiful.
I very much hope that calmed you. Sorry it's long. I'm glad to hear you consider me not in the middle of the ship war. I very much try not to be, though I'm sure these posts may not fully be helping. LOL. But I do stay out of other people's posts, and I try to consider everything outside of the relationships as well.
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dorkylittleweirdo · 4 years
crazy shit that happened during high school
freshman year:
my favorite teacher (pe coach) ended up being a pedophile. it’s kinda scary to think about bc like,, that was my favorite teacher and i trusted him and if he tried anything with me i don’t think i would’ve stopped him and just yikes. but yeah, it was a whole thing. once the school found out they got the police involved and he fled the state. they got him in the end but i mean,, i spent a lot of time in the secretary’s office crying about it bc i really trusted that dude and i was distraught over it. that might’ve been where my trust issues started??? fun stuff
my school shut down. like i mean,, bc it was a charter school and we had to get the charter renewed. but the board at my school wasn’t using their money the way they were supposed to. it was a whole thing, like the principal left that school year bc he knew what was happening, couldn’t stop them from doing it, and didn’t want to be part of it. so they had a lot of meetings that us kids were allowed to go to so we could see what was happening and all that. i only went to one and it was A Time bc the lady who was recording everything passed tf out and of course nobody was a doctor and my pipsqueak thirteen year old ass went “i know what to do” bc i Did so i had to help her which was a trip in and of itself. but anyways, the school’s charter got denied, and everyone had to transfer, but the district promised that we could go to any school we wanted, not just the one we would have to go to by zip code
sophomore year:
i ended up going to a private christian school. big fucking mistake. absolute disaster. nothing really happened that was crazy by their standards, but it was for me
so they have a house system. think of harry potter, it’s EXACTLY like that. we have points, we have competitions, we have all that extra stuff. it was such a time, like i don’t,, i don’t even know how to explain how fucking weird that shit was
i came out in the middle of class. the principal’s daughter was our sub and she goes “okay so everyone is gonna tell us something that nobody knows about them” so when it was my turn i go “so it’s not a secret and y’all should know this but clearly y’all don’t: i’m not straight”. silence. dead silence. we could hear the class next to us it was so quiet. some girl whispers “i knew it”. another girl leans over and whispers to my friend “i’m so sorry”. principal’s daughter gives me the most threatening, condescending smile i’ve ever seen and goes “thanks for sharing”. i had to come out to my mom that same day bc i told me friends and they panicked on my behalf bc when people found out that they were gay, the principal told their parents. and i was Not about to be outed by the principal. my mom has since told me that the principal never contacted her about it so i came out for nothing but i mean i really like being out so we’re good
so instead of prom, cult school has this thing called “the ball”. sophomores, juniors, and seniors are allowed to go bc there’s less than fifty people per grade so if sophomores don’t come, there’s not enough people. so i went bc my friends were all going and i was like “yeah why not might as well”. three dance lessons. three fucking dance lessons for this stupid ball that i didn’t dance once at. i literally had three panic attacks in the span of an hour at the second one, and then i had swim practice right after. fucking exhausted. felt like i ran five marathons by the time i got home. the last lesson i didn’t do any dancing, just vibed with my friend in the corner. so at the actual ball, same friend and i vibed at the tables the whole time. we went to the bathroom for like an hour and took mirror selfies and tried to make our asses look bigger bc we’re Like That
SO AFTER THE BALL, there was apparently a massive party and there was alcohol and stuff. so my friends and i were blissfully unaware bc nobody liked us bc who tf likes the school sinners. so we walked to get ice cream after in our fucking ballgowns and suits looking like All That. so the principal thought that it was one of us who hosted the party and we were like “??? what party?”. literally almost got in trouble bc the principal thought we were LYING. i told my mom and she takes No Shit, so when the principal called her demanding to know if i went to/hosted the party, she marched her ass down to the school and was like “i know y’all have something against mexicans and people who are different from y’all, but that’s no reason to blame my daughter for something that your so called “perfect” students did”. my mom got Heated, roasted the fuck out of the principal, then LEFT. principal never fucked with my mom after that
so there was a fire like across the street from the school. the fd told us to evacuate, but noooooo the school was like “god will protect us” i’m like “okay but i’m gay and apparently your god hates that so i think we’re gonna Perish”. the fucking POWER went out and they STILL wouldn’t let us go. my mom called to sign me out so i could go wherever the fuck i wanted in the school until my friend’s dad came to pick us up bc she couldn’t get there bc of the fire. so i vibed next door to my friends’ class and i was like “heeeeey god’s trying to kill the gays” and we laughed about that until my gay ass got saved lmaoooo
okay so this is the funniest memory i have. in chemistry once, our teacher took us outside and started digging a lil hole next to the school. and keep in mind, my chem teacher used to be a hardcore atheist druggie, like fucking meth and coke and shit. took a theology course and converted. so he’s really sweet and nice but he’s also Slightly mad scientist vibes. so anyways, he puts something in this little hole, lights it on fire. i forgot why he did it, but i was standing back with him and one of the exchange students and the three of us watch in Horror as the rest of the class makes a circle around the fire and start doing some weird dance and saying something. it wasn’t like a chant, idk what to call it, but they were like counting like “and one, and two, and three, and four” and then the dance would get more intense and they’d get louder. so eventually they were screaming and going apeshit and i looked at my teacher and he’s just,, watching them do this. i’m like “and i’m satan, huh?”. like these kids really trying to summon the devil but i’m the bad one bc i like girls
junior year:
so technically this was during the summer but i’m putting it here. they have like a house party after the school year ends. i made cookies. apparently they “looked weird” so nobody ate them, two of my soon to be teachers kept insulting them. i called my mom to pick me up, took my cookies with me, got back in the car in tears. had to have a whole conversation with the principal and those two teachers so they could apologize bc i wanted to leave the school after that. dw tho, i took my cookies to the guards at my summer camp and they appreciated the hell out of them bc they were Very Good Cookies
so my ap bio teacher was an enabler. i was his favorite bc i wasn’t a religious nut and it was very obvious that i believed in science and not whatever the hell this cult was doing with their creationist bs. also he was a parasitologist and i’m super into parasitology so he had fun talking about it to someone who both understood and was extremely interested in the topic. i rolled up to class one day like “hey so i’m gonna buy hissing cockroaches from amazon, if my parents find out and don’t let me keep them do you want them??” and he’s like “yeah”. i brought them to class a few times and everyone Hated it but my teacher was like ayyyyy. and everyone thought he was either and atheist or agnostic, so when some girl asked how he thought mary conceived jesus to see what he said, he looked at me like “y’all hear somethin/hel p” and i go “parthenogenesis” and he Went With It, talking about how it was theoretically possible in humans but we ignored the fact that the baby would’ve been a girl bc the class is dumb none of them have ever heard of parthenogenesis before jesus is the true trans icon we all need
my art teacher was my favorite and she knows that i’m gay. she’s the only teacher from my school that i’m still in contact with. so every big project we did, i made it gay. and i knew, and my friends knew, and she knew, but the rest of the class had no idea. i’m like presenting my project and the class would get sus and they’re like “so are those two really good friends” and i’m like “so she has a rainbow heart on her choker and she has a lesbian symbol on her shirt”. the class was still confused and my friend yells “they’re LESBIANS”. it was iconic
my brit lit teacher was bi. she never said it, but i know she was. always talked about how much she hated men, then was like “women are very very good”. no way this woman was straight. so we read dracula and it’s got that Subtext, so one time i leaned over to my friend bc he sat next to me and i go “the Homoerotic Subtext”. and i didn’t realize that the teacher was right in front of me until she tapped my desk and goes “it gets better”, told me a page number that i flipped to, and it was Even More Gay and i was like 😏. also she assigned me a gay poet for my poetry project and i talked about that for my whole presentation in front of the class and it was the biggest paragraph in my essay and i got 100% on it even tho i choked at the beginning. also i mentioned in passing that i liked sappho and she goes “ooh i love sappho” i’m like “ma’am please leave this cult and get you a gf”
senior year:
i left the cult finally. went to the one school i actually liked. i made friends who actually like me and they were patient and they were amazing and i love them all very much even if i’ll never tell them. my classmates were great, v friendly, i had a great time. however,
so many fires. school got cancelled like five times bc of how bad the fires were
the school shooting. i don’t think i need to go further into that, it’s pretty self explanatory
covid. again, don’t need to go further into that, v self explanatory
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hiscyarika · 4 years
Which of Your Fics...
I was tagged by my loves @murdermewithbooks and @mrpascals 💙
...did you think would get a bigger reaction/audience than it got?
Some Things You Just Can’t Speak About
I put a lot of thought and work into this one, and it was really important that every line was just the way that I wanted it to be. It’s taken a long time for it to get the number of notes it has now, and it was honestly really discouraging to see. Is it because it’s based on a Taylor Swift song? Idk. I also just try not to think about it too much because I wrote it when people were starting to burn out on fic writing/reading.
...got a better reaction than you expected?
Need You Now
This was my first Whiskey fic, so I really didn’t expect it to be all that popular, but every once in a while it still gets a small surge in notes.
...is your funniest?
Closer to Heaven Above (And Closer to You)
None of my writing is really comedic, but there is a little joke in this one that I was proud of.
...is your darkest/angstiest?
The Kings Who Are Gone
This is probably the saddest thing that I have ever written. Sometimes I go back through the comments on this one just to laugh at some of the things people have said about how angsty it is. 
...is your absolute favorite?
Landslide: Chapter One
This one is just really important to me because it’s the beginning of the Landslide series, which has garnered a lot of love and support that I’m very grateful for. I can’t wait for school to die down a bit so I can get Chapter Six written and published.
...is your least favorite?
Kir’manir Chapter Four: Cuyanir
I just feel like this isn’t my best work, and I only published it because I couldn’t make myself sit down and write the second half of the episode and I felt like I needed to update the series before people forgot about it. Maybe I’ve just stared at it so long that I made myself hate it. Idk.
...was the easiest to write?
Landslide: Chapter Three
This chapter came so easily to me. I had it written two days are the previous chapter was published. It was just so invigorating to reach this breaking point in Javi and Reader’s relationship that I had no trouble at all writing it.
...was the hardest to write?
Landslide: Chapter Five
I don’t know if it was burnout or what, but I just could not decide on how I wanted to write this chapter, and I struggled so much with the dialogue exchanges. It was a mess.
...has your favorite line/exchange/paragraph? (share it)
from Among the Stars
You stand at the top of the loading ramp, staring out at the field of stars above you. The skies are clear and cloudless, letting you freely marvel at the sight. Looking at them, it’s hard to remember how lonely they really are. So isolated in infinite space despite their vastness in your current view. You know that loneliness well, the way that it settles itself deep in your chest, an ache that throbs without reprieve. It’s cruel really, the way that it hits you hardest when you’re among all those stars. You become one of them, suspended in darkness all alone.
This paragraph is one of my favorite things that I’ve written just because it goes against the idea that a lot of people have that they’d like to sit among the stars and marvel in their beauty. The reality is that stars are very far apart from each other, and I felt like that was a really important comparison to make to show the way Reader feels about bounty hunting in this fic. 
...have you re-read the most?
When It’s Finally Over
I was just really happy with the way that this fic turned out, given the fact that there is not a single line of dialogue in the whole thing. It wasn’t something that I had intended on doing in the beginning, but that’s the way it ended up. I just like to go back and read through all the real emotional exchanges between Javi and Reader. 
...would you recommend to someone reading your work for the first time?
This is one of my first fics for The Mandalorian/Pedro fandom. I feel like it’s a pretty good introduction to my writing and just about anyone could read it. I was gonna put Vaar’tur for this one but I wouldn’t recommend a fic with pregnancy included in it as a first read. 
...are you most proud of?
The Kings Who Are Gone
I know I put this one earlier, but it’s also the one that I’m most proud of because it’s probably the most poetic thing that I’ve ever written. Also, the idea for it hit me after midnight and I was up until the sun rose writing it. It was a whole experience just to write the fic and then publish it so quickly, and I’m just glad that most people recognize the amount of work that I put into every line.
No Pressure Tags: @aerynwrites @haildoodles-writing @everything-lost-and-unsaid @forever-rogue @bestintheparsec @keeper0fthestars @huliabitch (Ignore me if you’ve done this already)
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If Happy Is Her
A/N: In which Lauren kinda ships it? IDK, this one got weird. Also, I’m pretty sure given the last paragraph that when I originally wrote this, there was supposed to be a part two. So sorry for that. (If anyone really wants me to, I can take a stab at finishing it?)
There were very few things Demi wanted to do less than entertain Lauren Silverman at her kitchen table. But, here she was, awkwardly sliding a cup of coffee across the table to the woman who was a living, breathing reminder of when she wasn’t good enough.
It would have been so much easier if she’d hated her. But Lauren was genuine, and funny, and the sort of person she would have liked to have been friends with, once. If things had been different.
Demi swallowed hard and boosted herself up onto the high stool with a quick smile she wished hadn’t come out so fake. “So...this is a surprise,” she prompted carefully.
Lauren’s answering smile was just as forced, and she traced the handle of the cup Demi had given her, not quite meeting the younger woman’s eyes. She took a deep breath as if to begin speaking, then cut herself off before she could get a single word out.
Anxiety mounting, Demi waited her out. She hadn’t really seen Lauren since the news of her affair with Simon had first come out. There had been a few tense backstage run-ins when she came to the X Factor set, during which Demi had congratulated herself for her civility. She had seen the woman twice more, when she met Eric, but that had been over two years ago.
Simon, Eric, Lauren… she’d thought they were all entirely out of her life. And however much that had hurt, and still hurt, she was learning to make her peace with it. If happy is her, I’m happy for you. She’d written songs until the subject was beaten thoroughly into the ground, three quarters of which never made it out of her notebook. Considering how many songs she did have out with ties back to Simon freaking Cowell, that was saying something.
“Thank you,” Lauren said suddenly, softly, shaking Demi out of her thoughts. “You didn’t have to see me,”
Demi shrugged. “You were on my literal doorstep,” she pointed out, earning a weak laugh from the woman sitting across from her.
“Demi,” Lauren tried, then paused again. “There’s something you need to know.”
Demi tried to take a steadying breath, but it didn’t stop her mind from leaping to wild conclusions. “Is...is Eric okay?” she ventured suddenly. “Simon?”
Pain flitted across Lauren’s features, but she smiled a bit more genuinely. “No, they’re fine. They’re fine. I just…” She pushed a strand of hair out of her eyes and squared her shoulders. “I’m sorry, I didn’t think this would be quite this hard.”
Demi said nothing, and took a sip of her drink. Tea today, like the brand she used to frequently steal from Simon’s kitchen. She would never have made it if she’d known Lauren would show up--one slap in the face of past memories was enough for a day.
“I thought he was going to hurt himself,” Lauren blurted, earning a wide-eyed look of alarm from Demi over the rim of the mug. “He called me...I still don’t really know what it was about. He was so drunk, I told him to come here rather than let him try to get home...he said you fought.”
Demi’s eyebrows crinkled up in confusion. “I don’t understand.”
“Things got out of hand,” Lauren went on, biting her lower lip. “And I can never regret my son. But the night we made Eric, he, um, he just kept calling me Demi.”
Demi’s stomach was currently located somewhere in her toes, heart wedged into her throat. “What?” was all she had the strength to squeak out. This was in no way the conversation she’d expected, or planned, when she’d seen Lauren standing at her front door.
Lauren shrugged. “So I guess I always knew, you know? And as I’m sure you know, Simon talks in his sleep.”
Demi swallowed. No comment, she wanted to say dryly.
“I thought it would get better...I wanted to think he was just drunk and you were on his mind because he said you had a fight.” Her mouth twisted wryly. “It never did.” Lauren looked down at her coffee again. “I love him, Demi, so much.”
Demi wanted to scream. Why are you telling me this I can’t hear this right now I was doing so well please stop I just want to forget I can’t forget. She blinked her long lashes rapidly, trying to deny the sudden, inexplicable sting behind her lids. Don’t cry. Don’t.
“It’s taken me longer than it should have to understand that…” a humorless laugh. “He was there for Eric, not me. And I think we will always be connected, by our beautiful baby boy. But Eric isn’t a baby anymore. He sleeps through the night...I don’t really need someone to switch off with so I can sleep. We made it through the terrible two’s alive… it’s time to let go. You know?”
Demi blinked hard again, and shook her head. No, I don’t know. “I don’t understand,” she finally whispered thickly.
Lauren’s eyes shone too, and she reached out suddenly and put her hand over Demi’s on the table top, squeezing. “I never realized what an incredible thing you did, Demi, all those years ago. I didn’t want to see it. But there was a reason that it felt so tense when we saw each other on the set. I saw your face on the panel that season. And in spite of all of that pain, you gave us the gift of grace.” She pressed her lips together, then went on. “I think I know what ‘Stone Cold’ is about now, huh? And you let him go,” her voice had dropped to a whisper.
“Demi, what I’m trying to say, is that I think it’s my turn now.” She used her free hand to swipe under her eyes briefly, and let out a shaky little laugh. “Simon has done his duty to me, and to our son, a thousand times over. But he never loved me. Not the way I wanted him to, anyway. You understand better than anyone, I think, what it’s like to choose his happiness instead of yours. And I can’t keep being the thing standing in the way of his happy ending.”
Something broke in Demi’s chest suddenly, and she looked away, lips pressed together and quivering. Don’t cry don’t cry don’t cry.
“And you know, if I have to listen to him going on about you while I’m trying to sleep one more time, I might just kick him out anyway.” Lauren snorted, her lips twitching up. “I need to let him go, Demi. He gave me a miracle, but that’s all we are. And it’s past time I gave him back to you.”
She took her hand off of Demi’s with one last squeeze, and then leaned over to dig through her purse. “Eric actually broke his phone a while ago,” she narrated casually. Apparently the emotional bit was over, then. “But here, I wrote this down.”
She pushed a slip of white paper toward Demi with a sense of finality in both the gesture and her expression. Ten digits in blue ink, written in a delicate hand. “Call him.” Lauren said firmly.
“Why are you doing this?” Demi finally ventured. She was staring at the slip like it might actually leap out and bite her, trying to keep her breathing even.
Lauren shrugged. “Oh, you know. Trying to jumpstart a new Demi album of love songs to play in my kitchen.”
Demi’s hand flew to her lips suddenly in a vain attempt to stifle the half-laugh, half-sob that burst out of her. And then Lauren was out of her seat and around the table to hug her, and her head was buried in the older woman’s shoulder, and all she could say was “I’m sorry.”
Tears ran down her cheeks in spite of herself, landing in Lauren’s hair while she shook. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry,”
Lauren pushed her back far enough to look at her face, peering at her almost curiously. “Why? Don’t be sorry for having feelings.” She shrugged. “Simon makes it hard not to, believe me I know. But I want him to be happy. And I want you to be happy.”
“What about you?” Demi wiped her eyes, taking in a quick, steadying breath.
Lauren looked a bit timid again, and shrugged hesitantly. “I want us to be friends?” she ventured carefully.
At that, Demi smiled. It wasn’t quite one of her brilliant grins, but it was a genuine start, and she put her arms around the other woman again.
“The paparazzi would really have a field day with this one,” she cracked, earning a laugh from Lauren. And somehow, the tension left the air. Well, not completely, because Demi doubted that would ever really be gone, but maybe they’d make it.
They moved on to other topics, and by the time Lauren finally left the house, Demi saw her off with a bright smile and a wave, with the woman’s number saved into her contacts. Simon’s, on the other hand, stayed on the counter for a week.
It stared at her while she made breakfast, lurked in the back of her brain every time she so much as walked past the kitchen. It kept her up at night, knowing it was sitting innocuously downstairs. In her weakest moment, she crept downstairs in the middle of the night in her pajamas and spent five minutes digging through her kitchen drawers for a lighter before giving up.
It was eventually moved from the center of the table to sit carefully on the top of a stack of magazines, but it was never really out of her mind. Demi thought about calling when the new season of AGT premiered, and she was unable to resist watching him lay into one of the stupider auditioning acts from her couch. She thought hard about picking up the phone when ENews covered the official story that Lauren Silverman had bought a new house, and Simon Cowell was not coming with her.
Lauren, meanwhile, had installed herself firmly as a champion of Demi’s love life, making a point to text her at least once each day to inquire. 
Lauren Silverman: Did you do it yet???
No, go away, Demi had replied, resolving to ignore the following six indignant messages. 
Oh come on. 
Do it, he totally misses you
Stop procrastinating you know you want to 
Why are you both so difficult I’m giving up 
At that, Demi had sarcastically typed back, Good. She really didn’t have time for this. And she liked Lauren, she did, but she still wasn’t sure how she felt about her relentless efforts to put Simon and Demi together after she’d been the one to send everything to hell in the first place. 
Simon had started featuring in almost every one of her dreams now, not that he’d ever really completely left. She knew it was an easy fix; she could just pick up the phone or tear up the slip of paper and it would be over either way. But it took almost three months for her to convince herself to get off of the fence and face the fear.
It was stupid, really. She was scrolling through her phone in a moment of procrastination while an unfinished song sat open in her notebook, the final verse unrelentingly stubborn. Somehow she’d ended up in the cake decorating tag on Instagram, and she’d scrolled entirely past it before backtracking quickly up through her feed.
And it wasn’t the X Factor cake at all, just a similar tiered design with red and black, but suddenly all Demi could think of was the laughter and the taste of the frosting Simon had smeared across her lips. The moment she’d met his eyes, feigning annoyance as she licked it off but privately thinking she liked seeing him laugh.
Before she really knew what she was doing, her feet were up and propelling her across the house to pick up that stupid piece of paper. Her hands were shaking slightly while she typed it into her contacts, but she quelled the nerves in her belly and lifted the phone to her ear.
Two rings. Then three.
“Simon Cowell speaking.”
All the air left Demi’s lungs in a rush. She’d obsessed over picking up the phone for weeks, but nothing could have prepared her for the reality of hearing his voice, and that British accent, again.
“Hello?” he questioned..
She was still trying to make her voice work.
Demi bit her lip, her eyes welling up again, and her voice came out in a whisper. “Hi.”
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emybain · 6 years
After Archenemies 3/?
In honor of not getting on Tumblr tomorrow, here is part 3 of whatever this is to anyone who liked the first two parts. In all honesty idk what this part is, and it might be a little soon for what follows, but I wasn't planning on making this fic long anyways so...yeah. Here is part 1 and here is part 2 if you care. feel free to check out my other works also! enjoy! warning: I dont really edit these that much, so please be kind if you see errors! this is also shorter than what I usually write, just fyi.
Edit: heck i forgot to post the links to the previous parts...ill do it later lmao
Nova’s communicator band had gone off three times in the past hour. She had taken it off and set it on her mattress after it first went off. She didn't need the distraction, especially if that distraction was Adrian Everhart.
“Why are you still staring at that thing?” Nova looked up to see Honey in the doorway of their shared room, leaning against the cracked door frame. She was examining her polished nails. “If you look at it any longer, the filthy Renegade will be able to turn back to normal.”
Nova pushed back the chair she was sitting on in front of Honey’s vanity where Danna’s butterfly was currently trapped. It remained immobile for the most part. When Nova would start to worry if it had died, it would crawl around its little prison. “Just thinking.” About her uncle. About how they would be able to free him from the Renegades. About Nightmare. About a certain Renegade boy.
She closed her eyes, feeling a headache forming at the base of her neck.
“Well, you can think and answer your little Renegade buddies.” Honey gestured towards the communicator band resting on top of a jewelry box. “That ringing is driving me nuts. I can hear it all the way downstairs.”
Nova rolled her eyes, but picked up the band nonetheless. “It’s only gone off three times, Honey. Don’t be so dramatic.”
“Me? Not dramatic?” Honey laughed, the sound like bells. “In your dreams, sweet girl.” She strutted into the room, reached over Nova, grabbed a magazine that was open on her vanity, and sauntered back out. Her perfume lingered, stronger than ever. Nova waved her hand in front of her face. Vintage fumes were the last thing she needed for her aching head.
Her communicator band went off again, and she heard Honey yelling from the first floor to shut it off before she did. Nova looked down at the device, scrolling through her notifications. The first one, nearly an hour ago, was from Adrian.
This is last minute, but we’re meeting in the HQ library in about 30 minutes, Let me know when you get here. It’s about Nightmare.
Nova froze. That couldn’t be good. This was it, she thought. They figured her out, and this was Adrian trying to lure her into a trap to arrest her.
Taking a deep breath, she checked the next message, which was sent twenty minutes after the first.
Nova? Are you busy? If not, please respond.
The third one was five minutes after the first.
Of course you’re busy. You would’ve responded by now. Ignore my last message.
The most recent text was sent two minutes ago.
Nova? We’re all here. You’re not dead or something, are you? Please tell me you aren’t because I would be really upset.
Nova snorted, shoulders relaxing in relief. She believed she was safe, for the time being. She bit her lip, thinking of a response.
Hey. Sorry. Turns out I’m pretty sick, and my uncle took anything that could distract me so I could rest.
Nova thought back to a few days before, when she had pretended to feel under the weather in order to have an excuse to leave the visit to Max. She couldn’t stand to be there any longer without being weighed down by the guilt. It was a believable lie. Besides, she didn’t have time to do detective work with Adrian on her secret identity, nor did she have the patience for it. The quicker she and the rest of the Anarchists figured out a way to free Ace, the sooner she could drop the ridiculous Renegade charade.
Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. Do you want me to come by later to give you some company?
The smile that grew on Nova’s face was inevitable, along with the giddy spark in her stomach. She suppressed it though, and denied his offer, pushing away all thoughts of being able to curl up against Adrian while they did something as mundane as watching a movie.
No, thank you though. My uncle is pretty strict whenever I get sick and doesn’t like visitors. Maybe another time?
She received a response almost immediately.
Definitely! I hope you get to feeling better, Nova.
It was so sweet. Nova’s heart ached. Even though she wasn’t sick, she had a feeling she would feel better soon anyways.    
Thanks, Adrian.
Nova sent the text. She debated on whether or not to send something else. Something came to mind, and she immediately cringed. Then Ace’s words floated through her mind. Earn his affection.
With a defeated sigh, Nova reluctantly sent a text with a heart.
Sweet rot, her IQ just dropped by 20.
Downstairs, Honey started singing. Nova suspected she was cleaning; she tended to sing when fixing up the old house. Nova groaned. Honey wasn’t a terrible singer, but it did not mix well with Nova’s pounding head. Maybe she was actually getting sick.
Standing from the vanity, Nova brushed off her leggings. The butterfly was moving in its prison, crawling lazily along the side of the glass. Nova bent down to eye level with it. She could’ve sworn it made eye contact with her.
“I’m sorry it has to be this way,” she murmured. “Maybe in a different reality we’d be friends.” She meant it, much as she hated to admit it to herself. Danna was a lot like her; it was a shame they were too alike, for that’s what got Danna trapped in the first place.
Nova sighed and rose back up. She took off her communicator band, then reached for her coat lying on the bed and headed downstairs. Honey’s trilling voice grew louder. She was singing some song about the beauty of the southern countryside.
Leroy was seated in the dimly lit kitchen, surrounded by lab equipment. Nova saw the samples of Agent N she had snatched in the past few weeks. He nodded in Nova’s direction as form of greeting, too engulfed in his work. As Nova suspected, Honey was cleaning. She was standing on a towel on top of the counter, wiping a wet rag across the higher cabinets.
Nova cleared her throat. “I’m going for a walk. You guys need anything while I’m out?”
They both chorused a “No.” Nova nodded.
“I’ll be back, then.”
“Hey, Adrian...um… come check this out,” Ruby whispered hesitantly from the computer across his. Adrien looked up from his communicator band, the faint trace of a smile on his lips from Nova’s last text. The heart was unexpected, and frankly, not like Nova at all, but it radiated Adrien’s body in warmth. The concentrated set in Ruby’s eyes made the smile fade, however.
They were in the Renegade library and archives, doing research on Nightmare. Adrian had about five open tabs about her most recent sightings and activity. One of the tabs was an article discussing the identity of the Anarchist, but the information was of no use to Adrian.
He got out of his chair and walked around the table to stand behind Ruby. Next to her, Oscar leaned over, craning his neck to see the screen. There was an unopened file in front of Ruby.
“So I was thinking about what you told us, about Nightmare being Ace Anarchy’s niece?” Adrian nodded, and Ruby continued. “Well, his last name is Artino, correct?” Adrian nodded again. “I looked up the name, and well, I guess you should see for yourself.” She clicked on the file. It was a report from about ten years ago filed by his own dad, Hugh Everhart.
Four people found dead. David Artino: age 31. Tala Artino: age 30. Evie Artino: age 11 months. One unnamed man: age unknown. Suspected Anarchist or Roach affiliation.
Forensics confirm all deaths were a result of direct trauma from bullet wounds, without prodigy interference. Prints found on the gun matched both those of the unnamed man and also those of Alec Artino (alias: Ace Anarchy).
There is reason to suspect the deaths of the three family members were done as a killing for hire. The motive for the homicide remain under investigation. See the full report as filed by Hugh Everhart (Captain Chromium) here.
Additional notes: The eldest child, a six year old girl, was not found at the scene. Neighbors have reported no knowledge of her whereabouts. A report has been made to the Renegades missing persons unit.
Oscar whistled lowly. Ruby had highlighted the last paragraph. She was watching the two boys, lips pursed. Adrian read the report, over and over again. Something about it wasn’t right.
“Was the girl ever found?” Oscar asked. Ruby answered his question by opening another file. This one was a missing persons form, dated ten years ago. 
Name: Nova Jean Artino
Age: Six (6) years old
Height: Unknown
Weight: Unknown
Description: Black hair, blue eyes, parents were Italian and Filipino.
Status: Not found
If any information is known, contact the Renegades Missing Persons Unit.
Below the information was a fuzzy picture of a girl, taken by an outdated camera probably. She grinned at the person behind the camera, a wide gap below her upper lip where two front teeth should have been. In her arms was a newborn baby, fast asleep in her sister’s arms. Adrian let out a small gasp. He took the mouse from Ruby and zoomed in on the girl’s face. Her features were chubby, but the hard set of her jaw was unmistakable.
“Great skies,” Oscar breathed. “That’s not...it can’t be..”
“It is,” Ruby confirmed, disbelief in her voice. “That’s our Nova.”
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uglypastels · 6 years
CONGRATS ON 1.1K BBY YOU DESERVE IT SO SO MUCH!!! could I have a ✏ I really love to write and a title is "how to be your own hero" idk thank you so much have a great day!!! ❤🧡💛💚💙💜💗
Aawww thank you so much!  💙💜💗❤🧡💛💚 
Okay, so I have to admit, this title was a pretty hard one. After a long time of thinking I came up with an idea and I hope you like it. Sorry if it isn’t what you expected/wanted. 
It also turned out more like a “medium” story than a “short” story, but yeah… here it goes. 
How To Be Your Own Hero // Peter Parker
“Whatcha doing there?” Peter asked, sliding into the seat next to (Y/N). Startled at the sudden presences next to her, she jumped up, closed her notebook quickly. She must have realized soon that it was, in fact, Peter who sat down next to her, because her shoulders lost the tension and she smiled.
“Oh, uhm, nothing. Just writing.”
“New or old story?” Peter leaned on his arm as he talked.
“New.” She said, opening her notebook again, writing down a sentence and closing it again. She did that often, Peter had noticed. She always walked around with the notebook in reach so anytime inspiration hit, she would be able to write it down as quickly as she could.
“Cool. Will I get to read this one?”
“Absolutely not.” She scoffed, putting the notebook away in her bag. Peter was a bit surprised by that. She almost never put it away. And if she did, it was into her pocket. Never so far into a backpack that she couldn’t reach it in two seconds if needed.
“Seriously, when are you gonna let me read something? You are like, so good.”
“Wow, thanks.” She gave him a tight smile. One that Peter wasn’t sure of if it was genuine. No matter the answer, he decided to ignore it.
“Can you at least tell me what you’re writing about?”
“If I tell you, I would have to kill you,” she said in a stone cold tone, causing Peter to laugh. That, however, faded when he realized she wasn’t joining him. She looked straight into his eyes for a good five seconds, before giggling. “That was a joke, Parker. You’re a loser, you know that?”
“Pretty much.” he shrugged with his shoulders. Then, the bell rang, motioning the rise of all the students at Midtown High from their lunch tables and the big march to classes followed. Peter and (Y/N) repeated the actions of everyone else in the cafeteria. During their walk to class, Peter kept on nudging her and tried to get something out of her. Did she find it annoying? Probably. But he was too stubborn to care at the moment.
“C’mon, (Y/N),” they sat down at the desks next to each other. “I don’t get it why you won’t let me read anything. I can read the stuff you write for school, so why not this?”
“You already answered your own question, Parker.” She said casually as she started to get the things out of her bag, including her little purple notebook. “That’s for school, so people will read that anyway. This,” she ticked on the cover of her notebook, “is mine and I would like to keep it that way.”
“Right, sorry,” Peter leaned back in his seat and their conversation ended as the teacher started the class.
A few more hours passed and it was finally the end of the day for everyone… except for the decathlon team. They were seated in the library, everyone around one big table, making notes and looking through at least a hundred different books to prepare themselves for the upcoming regionals.
It was quiet. Like most of the times when they had their meetups in the library. Everybody would work on what they were assigned, mostly keeping to their own business. Sometimes they would have little breaks from the silence, just to ask questions about things they didn’t understand. In the end, they would go around the table and share with the group with the progress that they had made.
Usually, Peter had no trouble with this format of working. He worked best alone. But today, he couldn’t concentrate on a single word in any book he tried to read. His eyes kept finding their way over to (Y/N), who was sitting right next to him.
Unlike him, she was actually doing what had been asked of her, researching as much as she could about… Peter couldn’t remember what she was assigned to do. Neither could he remember what he was asked to.
Every now and then, she would stop reading and something down. Sometimes it were notes about the text, sometimes it was in her own mystery notebook. Peter tried to catch a glimpse at what she was writing. He didn’t even know why he wanted to read her writing so badly. It was probably the fact that she didn’t let him that made him so curious. He also just wanted to know what it was that his friend did every minute of every day.
He didn’t even realize he was staring until it was too late. His eyes were transfixed in a dazed state on her hands as she scribbled down words. Suddenly her hand stopped moving, but Peter’s eyes were still locked on the pen she was holding. He was completely zoned out. A cough brought him back.
“What are you doing?” It was (Y/N). Peter looked up at her face. His eyes dry from not blinking too long. She raised an eyebrow at him and Peter felt his cheeks heat up.
“Uuh, sorry,’ he scratched the back of his neck. He looked away, too embarrassed to look at her now.
“You zoned out back there.” then she laughed a little. “Anything on your mind?”
“What? No… kind of the opposite.” He admitted. It was true, his mind was blanking and it annoyed him.
“Hmm, I see.” She gave him this kind of look that made Peter shiver. Her bright eyes seemed to go right through him. Her mouth opened to say something else, but MJ chimed in. “I’m gonna go find some more books. Anyone care to help?” She looked around the table.
“Yeah, I’ll come with you. I need to go and find something about Francis Crick, anyway.” (Y/N) smiled and the two girls went off, disappearing behind some bookshelves. Peter had followed them with his eyes until he couldn’t see the last rogue curl from MJ’s ponytail. His eyes fell back to his stack of open books, already getting slightly overwhelmed by all the information he had to cram into his head. After one attempt at trying to read a paragraph, he gave up, leaned back in his chair and sighed.
He looked around at the rest of the team, nobody was paying attention to him, too busy reading and writing. Then his eye caught a glimpse of (Y/N)’s part of the table. It was much neater than his own or anyone else’s for that matter. All the books she had used were stacked in a small pile. Her notes were color-coded and written in a perfect handwriting. It was an organizers dream. But it was not what caught Peter’s attention.
There, next to her notes, under her pencil case, lay the purple notebook. The edges of the pages were uneven from water damage and it’s frequent use.
Peter had to keep in any urge to grab it and read what was written inside. This was probably the only chance he had to ever do it. But it was wrong, (Y/N) didn’t want him to read it and she probably had a good reason for it too. It was really none of his business what was in that notebook. Then again, that never stopped him doing stupid things before.
Very casually, he leaned forward to pick up the pencil case and slide the notebook towards him. He probably didn’t have much time before (Y/N) and MJ would come back from their library book haul. He opened the notebook on a random page in the middle and quickly scanned the words, not reading it thoroughly, just enough to understand whatever the story was.
But he didn’t even need to read that much to understand what he was reading. He knew this story already. He had lived it himself. He was reading about last weeks Chemistry class. A collective groan escaped the whole class as Mr. Cobwell announced a surprise test for today’s class.
Peter remembered that. He browsed through the pages, just glimpsing at different parts of the texts. He stopped when he caught a glimpse of his own name. He went back to the page he saw it on and started reading. Peter just sat there, not listening to the people around him talk. Too consumed with his own thoughts. Though his body wasn’t showing it, his dark mahogany eyes filled, yet still sparkling, with concern and confusion.
There was no dare around the text, so he had no idea when (Y/N) wrote this. Before he could get a proper look at the rest of the writing, he heard footsteps. His senses told him it was (Y/N) and MJ coming back to the table. (Y/N)’s happy laugh confirmed it completely. Without thinking he closed the notebook and slid it back to (Y/N)’s spot at the table. This was not a smart idea, as the action caused all of her things to move around and the notebook was still far away from its original placement.
The two girls came back, both laughing at something. Peter looked down at a book in front of him (he didn’t even know which one) hiding his face from them with his arm. He didn’t look up when they came around to the table; he didn’t look up when (Y/N) walked back to her seat next to him and he definitely did not look up from his textbook when she froze in her spot, looking down at her things. It was obvious she knew what happened.
Fortunately, she didn’t call Peter out in front of everyone. Instead, she sat down, re-organizing everything around her. He could feel her eyes on him. Oh, she definitely knew it was him.
For the rest of the hour, Peter didn’t dare to look away from his book. Too scared of what would happen if he accidentally found his gaze wander off to (Y/N) again.
“Okay, I think we’re done for today.” MJ closed a book in front of her nose. Peter cringed at the loud sound. Everyone around him started to clean up their things. Peter did it extremely slow, hoping that in the end, he would be the last one to leave the library. That way he could maybe avoid walking back home with (Y/N). The possible confrontation was giving him all the anxiety he did not need right now.
“Peter, you coming?” his head shot up from his pen. He had been holding it for a few seconds, not really sure what to do with it. In front of him stood Ned and MJ, waiting for an answer. Peter glanced to his side, where he was greeted with an empty seat. (Y/N) had already left, but he still wasn’t feeling like he wanted to leave the library.
“No, you guys go without me. I still have some homework to do.” his two friends nodded and walked away, waving and saying their byes before walking through the heavy doors of the library. Peter sighed. He didn’t have any homework to do, but he couldn’t leave now. That would just raise eyebrows.
He was browsing through some random books around the table when the hair on the back of his neck raised. There was somebody behind him. Or at least near him. Before he got to turn around, he could also hear them… no, her. “Oh, everyone left, I see.” It was (Y/N). Peter cursed under his breath. Of course, it was her. Still not daring to look at her, he mumbled: “Yeah. I thought you had left too.”
“No, I was just bringing some books back.” She sat down next to him. Peter didn’t understand why she had to sit back in her old spot if all the other seats were now free too. But then, as she was going through her notes again, she said it. “So, you’ve read my notebook, huh?” It made sense now.
He was caught and had no way to run. It was pointless to deny it. He closed the book that was laying in front of him and turned to look at her. She was still reading her notes. Highlighting a few loose words every now and then.
“I did. Look, (Y/N), I’m sorry. You told me not to do it and I was a selfish idiot and did it anyway-”
“It’s okay.” the words surprised Peter. He looked at his friend with wide eyes.
“W-what? You’re not mad?”
“No, not mad. A bit disappointed, but not mad.” The words made her sound like forty-year-old soccer mom talking to her children. “I mean, it sucks that you read it behind my back without asking, but hey, it happened so let’s not get out panties in a twist.” Peter was stunned. He couldn’t believe it that she wasn’t angry at him. Saying sorry once definitely didn’t feel like doing enough… so he said it again. “I’m really sorry.”
“Peter, it’s fine. Honestly, I wanted you to read it, but-” she stopped mid-sentence, her cheeks flushed a pastel pink, “I was just kind of embarrassed, seeing that I write about us.”
“About us?”  
“Urgh, I mean, about everyone. School, classes, decathlon, lunch breaks.” Her cheeks turned even redder. Peter started to feel embarrassed he misinterpreted her first words. Of course, she had meant it like that. They were just friends.
“Right, yeah. I knew that.” he tried to play it off cooler than he actually was. He had the feeling that his own face was heating up like hers. As embarrassed as he was, he was still curious: “Do you mind me asking, why do you write about us? I mean, you can come up with so many original stories, why high school?” She thought for a second before answering Peter’s question.
“People are always envious of the heroes they read about in stories, so I thought, why not just become your own hero?” she looked down, her finger tracing the doodles on the cover of her notebook that has collected there over the weeks. “It’s kind of stupid.”
“No, it’s pretty cool.” Tom assured her, “and it’s probably also a good way to practice writing, right?”
“Yeah, I guess so.” Her smile came back.
“Besides, I’m flattered that you think my dark mahogany eyes are sparkling.” with a little smirk, he fluttered his eyelashes mockingly at her.
“Oh, shut up,” she nudged him in the ribs, still laughing.
“Hey, it’s your words, not mine.”
The End 
> my follower celebration
> masterlist
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mrfreezebug · 6 years
Idk I’ve mentioned a few shitty exes in passing before. But I never go into detail. And idk man due to recent events I’m just gonna vent a little bit about a piece of emmett dating history. CW: Bad bad bad relationship things  tl;dr tl;dr tl;dr  s orry if you’re on mobile 
So like YEARS AGO I got technically broken up with 3 times over a three month period which resulted in me being stoned out of my mind for three weeks straight and shit faced when i wasn’t up all up there. I just felt horrible. And through all that... I managed to meet someone who seemed super chill, fun, and nice and junk. And while we were casually seeing each other I got to meet new people and swing with them a lil. It was super therapeutic and they seemed so open minded and like they knew themselves so well... and I was still so lonely that I thought even though I didn’t have feelings yet I admired the FUCK out of them in the moment and thought i could grow to really like them?? We talked about it a lot and they sounded super understanding. Even though they constantly asked if I was ready they kept telling me they wanted "easy” as much as I did... But once I let go of my apprehensions of getting with them officially...  It turned out to be a big mistake. SO shit happened and once we became official the person who I was seeing before who ghosted suddenly messaged me bein all “sorry babe” and I was all: “I gotta tell u something” And so I told them I was seeing someone else on accounta how they just ditched me for a month with no response. And they asked me who And I told them And they told me to get the fuck out that they were a trash person. They also guilted me for moving on. “I leave for a week and you’re already on to someone else??” like R U K I D D I N G M E and I thought they were just being a salty jealous piece of bitch so I told them to chill. But they wanted closure and I’m nice so I said ok to meeting up in person. But the person I was seeing currently said they feared for my safety and that I’d cheat on them with that person. (Needless 2say they did not like eachother) And I was just??? “I wouldn’t cheat and what sorta safety concerns r there” And they were all “they’ll rape you or something and I don’t want to date someone who puts themself in the position to be raped” That was a pretty big red flag lmfao.
I should have just told both them to fuck off then but Ive never learned to really just leave anyone like that before. Im way better at it now but before I didn’t want to break ties with the only person who seemed to want to be around me and make me happy at that moment... so I just ignored that gross comment and I just told the other person we couldn’t meet.
But sure enough that weird kinda controlling situation turned into 8months of a hellish relationship where they were just SCREAMING at me for EVERYTHING. Like they literally screamed all the time. There were more times I was being yelled at than not??? Other people often told them to even calm the fuck down in public. It was wild. The screaming bullshit got to the point where THEIR friends came to me to see if I was okay. They’d literally sit me down and ask me if they physically harmed me. Which, they didn’t but there were threats surrounding every time I forgot something or messed something up. Nothing like serious but, honestly? Who for real who says “it makes me want to smack you when you can’t remember basic things.” Thinking back to this rn is so shocking to me. Idk man.
A few times they would get way too into my face and I’d have to physically shove them away because it was too intense. Just yelling. Right in my face. I can’t even remember why they were yelling. They were just always over reacting over something small I did. It all blurred together at some point. I just know I was always either zoned the fuck out or crying.  They also would often brag about being able to make people cry also. Like “I can make anyone cry. I know what to say to I get to people the most.” And it’s fucking gross, as well as a common thing I’d run into with other friends n shit. Idk why controlling people always end up with my wimpy ass. BuT ANYWAY I also couldn’t use my computer, go to conventions, or see friends without dealing with their controlling ass. So that was also a bag of shit. My life was fucking MISERABLE Talking to them only got me so far. Like five minutes of potential mutual clarity in any situation before they’d go on a rant about their problems and it’d basically end with me saying sorry with no progress. And I was still so soft spoken then when I tried twice to break up w/them it failed. It makes me want to go back and SHAKE MYSELF like why did I put myself through that for THAT MANY MONTHS???  Another kicker: similar to my experiences with other partners I was coerced into sexual situations probably every other week tops?? By threatening to break up with me, or tell me that I suck as a partner, telling me I make them feel ugly, etc… shits fucking weird like here I was crying like 9/10 times they guilted me for not wanting sex, my face is fucking UGLY and they still wanted it?? SHIT MAN. I cried during sex a lot. It fucks with me to this day. My initial instinct is to be too afraid to say no to sex.
But they actually ended up breaking up with me bc I went to go hang out with a friend and not tell them. It was probably more of a threat to try to control me but I saw that opening and booked it so far away, man I went to Denny’s that night for the first time without worrying about upsetting them for not answering their texts right away. I actually felt BAD that I didn’t care tho?? It was dumb but this thing is still a bit of a problem for me. Even if logically they deserve to feel bad, I feel horrible for hurting anyones feelings. They seemed WAY torn up about the break up. I made some empty promises like an idiot. Telling them I’d see how I felt if they worked on their anger issues and shit. It was so fucked up when I was alone with them I felt so bad for them. I felt like I really hurt them or that I owed them something for the times they were nice to me and paid for my shit and whatnot. I also have trouble staying mad. I always just forgive and wanna move on. So we’d actually meet up with peeps at gay events n what not, I was friends with their friends at this point and I didn’t want to rock the boat with anyone even when they tried getting me back at the most random times. But I’m hella distant from people in general. It gets me into trouble with people I genuinely used to like let alone with people who stress me out lmao So they’d send me paragraphs of friendship break ups and delete me from everything then message me and try to readd me again and then get upset again that I don’t “check in on them” how “I don’t care about anyone but myself” and just all around stress me the fuck out. I just have a hard time checking in on people bc of various reasons. I’m working on my self confidence for it. And I don’t want to make people stay if that bothers them. So I just kinda let them come and go but the constant confrontation is STRESSFUL. It makes it harder to check in on anyone who pulls that shit tbh.
And NOW they’re trying to do it again after a few years and like I feel BAD again and like I should be over everything tbh it was YEARS AGO BUT I REALLY DONT WANT TO CARE ANYMORE.  IM KINDA PATHETIC T H E   E N D
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anyways-wonderwall · 3 years
Album of the Week #13
Hello Future
Overall Rating: 6.5/10
TL;DR: So much talent that ends up favoring catchy over actually good; Still able to keep the NCT DREAM sound after all these years though which is a feat.
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Okay, so I originally really didn't want to review this one. Apart from the actual music I love love love NCT DREAM. Their talent is through the roof and they are entertaining to no end. I remember the legendary debut that was "Chewing Gum" and am honored to share a birthday with it.
So why was I not excited to do this review? Well, I listened to the Hot Sauce album the day it dropped and did not really like it at all. It sucked because I waited so long for a full album but just couldn't enjoy any of the songs. In an effort to ignore the whole situation I didn't write a review when the album first came out but this week the random number generator decided it was time. And who am I to ignore the random number generator.
General Thoughts
After listening to the album several times it is not nearly as bad as I first thought it was. I think the main problem with it though is that it depends more on being catchy than being actually good, which isn't a surprise since this is literally pop music made to sell. Kpop songs are incredible at repeating a phrase enough that it gets stuck in your head for a month, and that was clearly the goal here. Yes "Hello Future" and "Hot Sauce" are catchy as hell but god do I hate them.
Really I think that I instantly gave this album a bad rap because the title songs are so so terrible. "Hot Sauce" just sounds so annoying to me, like it could almost be amazing but something about it just ruined it. I love Latin-inspired songs but this just didn't do it right. The Latin portion sounded more gimmicky than actually part of the song. "Hello Future" I somehow hate even more, and I just can't find a single thing to latch onto in the song. Whenever I hear it it just plays as sounds and not a song. I can't really explain what I hate so much but it's just not a good song.
There were also a few other songs off the album I didn't really like, especially "My Youth" and "Rainbow". Chenle I love you to bits but I don't understand how "Rainbow" is your favorite off the album. Both songs are just generic and forgettable and I had to keep myself from skipping.
What makes me really frustrated though is that even in the bad songs you can hear how much talent these seven have. As much as I don't like "Hello Future", every time I listen to it I can't get over Haechan's vocals in it. Like how does he hit that many high notes in a row? Also, the Renjun and Chenle duo shine here, and get ready for me to mention them several times. Every one of them shines more in this album than anything they've done before as if the songs were written perfectly for their voices.
Now onto what I think are the highlights of the album. My favorite is hands down "Dive into You" and I just love the intro of Mark and Jisung singing. I'm fully in love with Jisung's voice and I think the two of them should definitely sing more. The song perfectly matches the vibe of the music video: driving with the top down and singing at the top of your lungs.
"Bungee" and "Life is Still Going On" are both solid additions in the repackage and offer some weird instrumentation. "Bungee" is a reminder that SM has the best bridges in Kpop and that no one else can come close (a perfect example of how amazing the Chenle and Renjun duo is). The latter is really fun and Jisungs part at the bridge (? idk what to call it) fits so nicely with the xylophone.
"ANL" and "Irreplaceable" are also super solid, although the former gets a little repetitive. Again, some more complexity would have been nice. "Irreplaceable" however is really fun and Chenle's part (once again) is straight fire.
Now onto "Rocket". You may be wondering why I would designate a whole paragraph to this song but it brought back such an important part of my childhood. This song screams baseball because of the organ, but it was bugging me that I couldn't remember what was so familiar about it. Then I realized, it sounds just like something out of the Mario Super Sluggers soundtrack. And now I can't unhear it. Just listen to this and tell me it's not the same song.
Final Verdict
Okay look, I don't this album is bad. It's just not as good as I wanted it to be. I think that dream is capable of so much more and I hope in the future that they're able to show that fully. I also think it's interesting that they said they were moving away from the youth vibe that used to be NCT DREAM's selling point. Listening to this album I would have never guessed that. It is very clear that this is the same group that made "Chewing Gum" nearly five years ago. I don't necessarily think it's a bad thing either as long as they are able to do it well.
Also, I'm sure it's clear that I'm not gonna spend any money on this album, as much as I love Mario Super Sluggers. I'm still holding out hope that the next album will be better though.
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3inghao · 7 years
ok hi this is crush anon and theres a lot i need to update you on ,, ok so. yesterday it was our friends birthday and they all went out for dinner minus me and one of our other suitemates, but after that they came back to the dorm with alcohol and they asked if i wanted to play beer pong with them and i was like HELL YEAH and it just so happened that as we started playing we naturally grouped up so that my crush (lets call him x) and i were the only ones left and so x says like (1/6)
‘hey you and i are a team’ and i was like ok cool (ahhh) and so like in the middle of the first round x gets a call and he takes it out of the room and he comes back and he says it was the frat that he rushed for and that they didnt accept him and he looked really sad and we all felt so bad for him but i think he was trying to cover it up. so x comes back over and i quietly ask him if hes ok, and hes like… 'should i get fucked up rn?’ and i say yeah i think its acceptable for (2/6)
tonight lets get fucked up so we kick the drinking up a notch (mostly x though) and continue our game and it turns out the two of us are really good at beer pong,,,, bc we like win the tournament and yeah LMAOO but as the night went on he got drunker and drunker and after id make a shot in beer pong or whatever wed celebrate and it started with like high fives and stuff but as the night went on we started hugging and (3/6)
the more he drank the touchier he got, like letting his hands linger around my waist and back and like ,,, see the thing is i knew he was drunk and i knew this wouldnt be happening if he hadnt just been rejected/if he was sober but at the same time i was drunk enough to ignore it ?? if that makes sense?? anyways so hes like hammered at this point and he leaves and goes to the other room for a while and when he comes back hes on the phone with this girl he knew (4/6)
from hs and he says hes trying to hook up with her rn and im like ofc he is,, but then one of our friends was like 'wait what he told me he was only into asian girls’ (which is also weird bc i dont think a single one of his exs have been asian although im not sure) AND THEN EVERYONE TURNS TO LOOK AT ME AND OHHHS even though one of our other suitemates is asian too??? and i was like wtf im so not here for this yellow fever… but anyways x gets rejected by the girl on (5/6)  
the phone or something and so he drinks a little more and then he starts throwing up and so he threw up for like 2 hours and we were basically rotating who was like with him and making sure he was ok and he ended up sleeping in our room bc he was so fucked up and like ahhh i realize that hes a grown ass man and should know how much alcohol he can handle but i still felt reeaaally bad about telling him it was ok to get fucked up ahhhh and im so confused about my feelings for him too (6/6)
THIS IS CRUSH ANON UPDATE: MY FRIENDS ARE HELPING HIM SWIPE ON TINDER RN ,,,,,, AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, theyre judging all the girls that come up yiiiiikes im dying im officially dead im a c t u a l l y d e c e a s e d
woowwwow bruh u wrote a five paragraph essay for me lol I’m sorry i couldn’t answer it sooner, i wanted to though. (i’ve been under a lot of stress lately). Anyways….wow umm….i don’t even know what to say to this and even tho u told him it was alright for him to get hammered, you guys still did the right thing by letting him crash in your room and also keeping an eye on him. and also it was really sweet of you to go up and ask if he was fine after gettin rejected..but also UMMM DOES HE LIKE YOU WHY DID EVERYONE TURN AN LOOK AT YOU THAT’S SO WILD IDK WHAT TO MAKE OF ANY OF THIS and the pingpong thing?!??!?!?!  but the tinder thing?! have u told one of your roommates that you like him yet bc they should be settin u up with him not setting him up with tinders people!! he gotta girl right here! how have things been between the two of you since the drunk night?
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