#ignoct exchange
ffxvficrec · 1 year
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You can also check out the collection here: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/ignoctgiftexchange2023
We’ve listed additional pairings, archive warnings, and ratings, but please remember to mind the tags!
whirlpool by DestiniDestati
Explicit Rating
No Archive Warnings Apply
Maybe it was a little unconventional, how much Ignis loved his dear friend. Maybe he was a little too obsessed with marine biology (Noct's) and linguistics (Mers'), but it ended up getting him a good dicking, so.
Return to Sender by DistractedDream
Explicit Rating
No Archive Warnings Apply
Ignis finds a package addressed to a stranger at his door. Delivering it to Noctis himself is only the polite thing to do. But when he finds out what's in the box, it might lead to so much more.
For Your Eyes Only by kikowithcatears
Teen Rating
No Archive Warnings Apply
Ignis fixes Noctis' phone and accidentally discovers love letters the prince had written him. Not knowing if Noctis still feels this way for him, Ignis has to decide whether to pretend he never saw them or to face his fears and reveal the truth to him - that he's utterly, madly in love with his fishing obsessed best friend.
Coming to Your Aid by memoriesofrain
Teen Rating
No Archive Warnings Apply
Finding themselves attacked by Magitek soldiers isn't out of the ordinary, but that doesn't make it any better after a long day of hunting. When Ignis gets hurt, Noctis let's it be known not to touch what's his.
Could There Be An...Us? by nychus
General Rating
No Archive Warnings Apply
Having to accept his dynamic during the night was tough, but Ignis managed it the best he could while searching for a way to keep Noctis alive. But when Noctis returns, a barrier is suddenly between them and Ignis feels a whole new pain in learning he may not be a friend or guardian Noctis wants anymore.
Reality Can Wait by kickcows 
Explicit Rating
No Archive Warnings Apply
Ignis enters into a complicated relationship with the crowned Prince of Lucis, Noctis Lucis Caelum.
and after all i've promised you so faithfully by dustkeeper
Teen Rating
No Archive Warnings Apply
Ignis may be more interested in the lead singer of Regalia, Noctis Caelum, than he should be. Namely because as their band manager it was unprofessional. But when Noctis breaks his leg during rehearsal a week before one of their biggest shows yet, Ignis's duties and their relationship become even blurrier.
Galaxies by ScarlettArbuckle
General Rating
No Archive Warnings Apply
Ignis was eight years old when he received his soul mark. Soul marks. Well... not every person had a soul mark; some had soul songs, soul scents, soul eyes - some bond or tie to another person. Some had none, some had many, but most had at least one, marking where the astrals linked your souls to one another. Ignis considered the revelation, blinking as he looked down at his hand, which was discolored as if he'd broken a pen and the ink had fully soaked in, dull blue-gray into the skin. He thought of Noctis' bruised hands and felt his heart sink. What sort of bond looked like stains and bruises?
Taking Chances by Nikolita
General Rating
No Archive Warnings Apply
They both cared about each other, but one was too afraid to do something about it and the other didn't know how to express his feelings. After many years of misunderstandings and dancing around each other, Noctis and Ignis both decide to finally take a chance on the other.
domi adsum by autumnstwilight (sewohayami)
General Rating
No Archive Warnings Apply
Noctis moves back into his old bedroom. (30's Ignoct, domestic fluff)
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mantasinspace · 1 month
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before a busy day of rebuilding insomnia, ignis and noctis enjoy a quiet morning together🌇💞@dancerfics, happy ignoct gift exchange! I hope you enjoy the art💗 @ignoctgiftexchange @dancerfics
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summonernoctis · 1 year
and after all i've promised you so faithfully
My@ignoctgiftexchange gift for @kanakotakaya-theshipper! A Musician/Band AU that's consumed my life for the past couple months. https://archiveofourown.org/works/48062083
What was most invigorating to Ignis, however, were the quieter moments when Noctis would stand in one place. When he'd pause his guitar playing to grab the microphone with one hand, the fingers of his other hand sliding down the stand. He'd meet Ignis's eyes under dark lashes. Ignis may be more interested in the lead singer of Regalia, Noctis Caelum, than he should be. Namely because as their band manager it was unprofessional. But when Noctis breaks his leg during rehearsal a week before one of their biggest shows yet, Ignis's duties and their relationship become even blurrier.
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cakelanguage · 1 year
Guess who finally wrote stuff that they’re posting? ME. I got to write a gift for @twistmyleg for the IgNoct 2023 Gift Exchange @ignoctgiftexchange. I hope you enjoy this fic!
You can also read it HERE
Battles against Nifleheim’s Magitek soldiers weren’t out of the ordinary at this point. Ignis had perhaps grown too used to the rumbling of the aircrafts overhead and the mechanical clanks of the soldier’s joints as they marched disjointedly alongside each other. 
That didn’t make any of the encounters less harrowing than the last. But repetitive encounters did make one grow lax to certain features. The soldiers tended to attack in swarms and focused their attention on Noctis for the most part, using their numbers to try to box Noct in. Having Noctis be cut off from their protection had panic clutching at Ignis’ throat the first few times, but the soldiers weren’t particularly strong. Gladio could take out a soldier with a single swipe of his broadsword and Prompto had gotten quite adept at aiming his bullets at key joints in the armor to remove limbs with jubilance. 
Ignis preferred infusing his daggers with magic or a polearm to create distance between him and his opponent. If a tiny bit of the reason he preferred the daggers more was that Noctis’ magic was warm under his hands—no matter what elemental he’d channel through the blades—no one had to know. 
But as he’d mentioned, repetitive encounters didn’t mean they’d always be the same. There were still times they were caught unaware or the soldiers did something unpredictable. Which led them into the situation they were in now. 
The air in Duscae was humid and heavy with the scent of incoming storms. They’d had a day of hunting, collecting money so they’d have enough to not only pay Cid for the repairs of the Royal Vessel but money for weapon upgrades and more healing supplies as they’d grown terribly low over the course of the week. With everything that had gone down in the Steyliff Grove ruins and Gladio’s self-discovery trip with Cor, they’d worn themselves down perhaps a bit too much. 
While most of the group had been more than happy to accept some leisurely time spent at Cape Caeum with Iris and the gang, Gladio had been full of vigor to continue to power through. He seemed to have found a renewed passion for not only his duty but his belief in his own power. Gladio’s enthusiasm had only spurred Prompto into giving in to the older man’s desire, though Ignis had a feeling it was so Prompto could snap more pictures of Gladio’s new proclivity to forego wearing his shirt for extended periods of time. Noctis hadn’t had much of an opinion on the matter so that had been that. 
With exhaustion tugging at his limbs and four contracts completed for the Hunter’s Guild, Ignis thought they were doing fine. Tired, but fine.
Until the aircraft showed up. 
Dread hammered at him as the aircraft came to a standstill not twenty feet away from them. Gladio was the first to summon his sword. “Looks like we’ve got company,” he grunted. 
Prompto let out a sound between a whine and a groan. “Can’t they leave us alone for a day?” Prompto asked, summoning his guns to his hands. 
“The world would end before they did that, Prompto,” Noctis said. 
Prompto whipped his head around with a glare. “Don’t give the world any ideas.”
Ignis couldn’t suppress the tiny smile that always came out when the group teased each other. “Duly noted, Prompto,” Ignis said. With a shatter of luminous crystals, the weight of his daggers settled in his hands. Despite the long day they’d already had, the familiar weight of the blades was just as comforting as always. “Shall we gentlemen?”
Noctis flashed him a confident smile, bright and boyish despite everything. “Bet I can defeat more than Gladio; what do you think, Specs?”
Ignoring Gladio’s vehement denial, Ignis made a considering hum. “Perhaps if Gladio decides to try and show off again, you can take out an extra soldier while he postures for one of his spins.”
“It’s an effective move!” Gladio argued over Prompto and Noctis’ laughter. Rolling his eyes, Gladio turned his eyes back to their enemy who was jerkily making their way over. “Whatever, you're on, Noct.”
Noctis’ engine blade gave a rumble as he too turned his attention to the soldiers. “Let’s do this.”
Watching Noctis toss his sword and warp towards the enemy in a shatter of crystals, Ignis dashed forward letting lightning crackle through his daggers. With a deft strike to the left, he struck the neck of one of the Magitek soldiers. The body jerked angrily, a feeble swing of its sword missing by over a foot before falling into a heap of metal. 
Turning towards the sound of gunfire, he caught Prompto and Gladio coordinating a combo that involved Prompto using Gladio’s back as a springboard to come down on a soldier with his chainsaw weapon he was still mastering. The whoop of success from the two must’ve meant the two had nailed the combo they’d been trying to get down for a while. 
He focused back on his next opponent and switched his daggers out for his polearm to sweep the three soldiers that had gotten too close to a more manageable distance away. He contemplated pulling out a flask of ice to halt the soldiers in place but knew it would do more harm to the team than good. Close-quarter fighting was not the time to use Noctis’ bottled elements. They’d all learned this the hard way on multiple hunts with burns and threatening hypothermia. 
A yelp jerked his attention towards Noctis, who was surrounded on all sides. Ignis immediately clocked the stream of blood that flowed from the cut on his upper arm. He couldn’t tell if it was serious, but by the way Noctis was clenching his jaw, it was at the very least painful. 
Ignis threw a dagger at a soldier that was getting distressingly close to Noctis’ back while the man in question was focusing his assault on the three soldiers in front of him. Ignis tried to follow the path of his dagger, pulling his polearm back out to vault himself into the air to come to Noct’s aid when he felt it. 
Shooting pain radiated from his shoulder as he was impaled on the end of a soldier’s sword. Hot blood gushed from the puncture and instinctively Ignis grabbed at the blade that stuck out of him to try and prevent the sword from being pulled out. The bleeding would only increase if the metal was removed and he couldn’t risk that. 
He’d been distracted, too caught up in making sure Noctis was defended even though he had two additional people he could rely on to watch Noctis’ back. It wasn’t even a lack of trust that caused him to react in such a way. Gladio was Noctis’ shield for Astrals' sake. No, it’s just that Ignis had a hard time stopping himself from constantly trying to be at Noctis’ side. To provide aid in any way he could.
An electrical current travels down the blade and through his shoulder in a dazzle of red bolts. He chokes on a scream, body jerking uncoordinated in its failed attempts to distance itself from the bolts frying the edges of the wound. It's an odd mix of detachment and all too aware agony that the current flows through him.
A gurgling moan reached his ears and vaguely realized it was coming from himself. Ignis could hear an uproar around him and maybe his name, but none of it was registering as more than nonsense in the wind. That wasn’t good, especially since they were all in the midst of battle. Ignis needed to get out of this situation. He needed to go help Noctis.
With an angry cry, Ignis shifted himself to the right in a quick motion, dislodging the sword from the soldier’s grip and somehow managing not to have the sword shift in his body. Probably because his collarbone and shoulder were doing an excellent job at halting the sword’s progress. Panting, he blindly backed away from the soldier who was quickly taken out by a swing of a glowing sword.
Ignis frantically tore his gaze toward the location he’d last seen Noctis only to be met with the sight of broken Magitek armor. The shattering of crystal breached his senses and he turned once more to the sky to see Noctis levitating off the ground, his arsenal floating around him in a defensive circle. 
Spectral swords of old reigned terror on their foe, but Ignis had eyes only for his prince. Furious and terrifyingly beautiful—no, this wasn’t just his prince, his king, this was Noct. His precious Noctis. The boy who used to walk hand-in-hand with him in the royal gardens donned with flower crowns. The boy he tucked close to his side up in the highest tower, blankets around their shoulders as they stared up at the constellations they could make out amongst the light pollution from the city. The young man who tried to live up to everyone’s expectations no matter how monumental a task that might be.
Despite Ignis’ fading vision, he couldn’t bring himself to tear his gaze from Noctis’ rampage. Even when he felt hands grasping at his shoulder to try and maneuver him into a better position to supposedly try and treat his wound, his focus was on Noctis. 
“Iggy, you’ve gotta lay down,” Prompto said, his voice cutting through the fog. 
Ignis wanted to protest, to urge Prompto’s attention back to the battle, but all he managed to croak out was, “Noct?”
Prompto let out a nervous, high-pitch laugh, the kind he let out when he wasn’t entirely sure how to handle the situation and he needed to break the tension. “Noct’s got it under control.” Prompto prodded delicately around the sword still lodged through him and Ignis hissed at the fresh wave of pain that cut through the numbness that was threatening his consciousness. “Shit, okay sorry, Iggy. We’ve gotta get this thing out of you.”
Ignis lazily shook his head. “The bleeding.”
“No, I know you’re bleeding, that’s why we need to heal you.”
He wasn’t positive but he knew their stock of potions was running low and he was determined to make sure Noct was looked at first. “Save them for Noct,” Ignis grits out. 
There was a thud beside him and a meaty hand joined Prompto’s in inspecting his wound. “Yeah, Iggy, don’t even start with that crap,” Gladio said. “Noctis will throw a fit if he hears you say that.” Perhaps, but Ignis could be stubborn about this until he knew the extent of Noctis’ injuries. “Can’t believe I have to do this… Noct, get over here!”
He squinted at the blast of crystalline magic that Noctis’ practically erupted out of in his mad dash to reach him. It was almost laughable, the way his limbs almost got tangled up in each other as he collapsed in a messy kneel on his good side. Maybe he was a bit worse off than he originally thought. 
“Hey, Iggy,” Noctis said. Noctis’ voice was always so soft when he said Ignis’ name. A hand cupped his cheek and Ignis leaned into Noctis’ hand because it had to be his. He recognized the callouses against his skin, the little scab on Noctis’ thumb from a mishap with one of his lures that he figured would heal on its own. “You seem a bit pinned down.”
Ignis let out a weak, amused snort. “Didn’t quite make the cut I suppose.” Not his best work as far as puns go, but he blamed the blood loss. 
Noctis’ chuckle was music to his ears. “That was terrible, Specs.”
“You still laughed.”
“It was a pity laugh.”
Ignis gave a noncommittal hum. “Maybe so, but a laugh is a laugh.”
 “Can we heal Ignis now, or are you two going to continue flirting?” Gladio asked. “Because you’re seriously losing too much blood.”
Ignis probably would’ve had an intelligent retort about Gladio and Prompto’s own flirting attempts if he didn’t lose consciousness before he could respond. 
He comes to with a familiar grogginess clinging to his mind. It should alarm him that he's used to waking up like this, the dredges of a potion still faint in his mouth. But Noctis has taken to experimenting with the different drinks he uses to make his healing concoctions and always tries to give Ignis the Ebony-flavored ones. 
The weight of a hand curled tightly around him pulls his attention toward his companion. Noctis is hunched over beside him, his head periodically dropping as he fights sleep. Ignis knows that Noctis will be regretting that posture later when his scar tissue flairs in angry stabs along his back. He wants to reach out and correct it or at the very least pull him down so that Noctis is laying beside him. He just can't get his arm to cooperate.
Settling to verbally get Noctis' attention, he quietly cleared his throat. "Noct," he said, voice rough with sleep. Ignis can't quite hold back the snort of laughter he lets out at the disgruntled jerk Noctis makes at the noise. "You should lay down."
"Ignis," Noctis breathes, a smile wrinkling his eyes in the beautiful way Ignis wants life to document Noct's joy. "You had us worried."
The battle is fresh in his mind, the pounding of boots as Magitek soldiers swarmed them. He remembers the flash of steel before it'd skewered him through the shoulder. The Lichtenberg of electricity that'd raced down his arm and fanned out from his fingertips. The spasming of his limbs as the power took its toll on him.
But mostly he remembers Noct. He remembers the fury in Noctis’ actions and the gentleness he returned to Ignis’ side with. He vaguely remembers sharing a few words together, a contentedness warring with the state of his body at the time, and then nothing. 
He wets his lips and tilts his head to examine Noctis closer. “Are you alright?” Ignis asked.
Noctis rolled his eyes with a huff and flopped over beside him like a child. “Of course, that’s the first thing you ask,” Noctis said, but he didn’t sound upset, more disgruntled than anything. “I’m perfectly fine, you’re the one who was really injured.”
“Good thing I had you to come to my rescue.” The soft teasing at his own expense is a small price to pay for Noctis’ annoyance shifting to a familiar smirk. 
“I’d always come to your rescue, Iggy.” The smirk shifts to a quiet, honest smile. “Always.” He still looked concerned as he ran his free hand down the new scars on Ignis’ arm. “Would you let me use another potion?”
Noctis knows that he’s plenty capable of doing what he wants, but the fact that he still asks Ignis these things reminds Ignis of how much his lover cares about Ignis’ opinion. He may not always listen, but he asks. 
The numbness in his arm is still strong, but the Lichtenberg pattern that had crept towards his hand has faded some since it first marred his flesh. Likely a hi-potion will take care of any lingering effects but Ignis is hesitant to use a resource that they're running low on when he can allow the wound to heal after a night's rest. "I'll be right as rain tomorrow," Ignis reassured.
Noctis sent him a skeptical look, his other hand not currently holding Ignis' reached up to cup Ignis' face. "Promise me that if it still hurts in the morning you'll use another potion," Noctis said.
Any reluctance he had about using a potion wilted under Noct's pleading face. “If it will assuage any fears you might have about my well-being, I promise.”
The victorious grin he received made his heart flutter violently in his chest. He tugged Noctis’ hand closer to him until Noctis picked up on his desire and shuffled closer until he could plaster himself to Ignis’ side. He carefully laid his head against Ignis’ chest and let out a content sigh. “Wake me if you need me?”
“I always need you.”
A muffled whine was buried against his chest. “Sap,” Noctis whispered like it was a secret how much they cared about each other. 
Ignis only pressed a kiss as well as he could against Noctis’ head. 
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ignoctgiftexchange · 4 months
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Ignoct Gift Exchange 2024
Sign ups OPEN June 1st!
Join us to celebrate Ignis, Noctis, and the dedicated fans in our community ❤️
The Ignoct Gift Exchange is a secret santa style event where participants exchange fan fiction, digital or traditional art. Participants will have ~7 weeks to create a gift for their assigned recipient and everyone will keep the name of their recipient a secret until posting begins!
Sign Ups Open • June 1 Sign Ups Close • June 15 Assignments Sent • June 17 Gift Posting • August 9 - 18 Pinch Hit Assignments Sent • August 20 Pinch Hit/Extensions Due • September 15
Gift Requirements
Fan Fiction 1000 words minimum Multi Chapter fics must be complete by the end of posting.
Illustration A complete, high quality piece of artwork. This may be different for everyone, do your best! Traditional media should be shared via a high-quality scan or photograph.
Rules and Content
Do not reveal your gift or recipient until posting begins!
Participants must be at least 18 years old
Gifts may be fan fiction, digital or traditional art
Participants may not choose their gift format. Your request should be appropriate for both fan fiction and art!
Gifts must be new creations and complete by the end of posting.
All works should be appropriately tagged and rated.
Do not include any themes that your recipient has stated they are not comfortable with. NSFW/Explicit works are permitted if your recipient requests it.
All gift exchange submissions must be centered around Ignis and Noctis! Past relationships, crushes etc. are OK as long as the main/endgame ship is Ignoct. Do not include side ships that are not included in your recipients preferences.
Please include a content warning if your work contains any of the following themes: Underage, Non-con, Graphic Violence that exceeds canon-typical violence. Additional tags at creator's discretion.
Event Links: Carrd • Twitter
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heartlessfujoshi · 23 days
Familiar Places - An IgNoct fanfic
Title: Familiar Places Fandom: FFXV Pairing: Ignoct (Noctis Lucis Caelum x Ignis Scientia) Rating; General (Minor Angst - Tooth-Rotting Fluff) Word Count: ~4,500 Summary: It’s Noctis’ 18th birthday, and it seems that everyone on Eos has forgotten about it. 
A/N: Happy birthday to Noctis! :D Gosh, it felt good to write the birthday boy again. :) Please enjoy! 
Noctis looks at himself in the mirror, adjusts the simple tie around his neck, and stares back at his reflection. He doesn’t look any different. Not that he would know what one should look like when they turn eighteen. He tilts his head, fixing a bit of his unruly hair, then sighs. Birthdays are dumb. He hates having to deal with people wishing him well tidings on this day, when it really isn’t all that special. It’s Friday, and that was it.
So what if he’s now of legal age to do most things in Insomnia? That is, except for drinking, which is fine. He has never cared for the taste of liquor the few times he’s tried it under certain circumstances. 
Picking up his phone, he checks to see if anyone has said anything yet, but all lines of chat are completely quiet. No messages from Prompto, none from Gladio, and definitely none from Ignis. He doesn’t know why, but his chest aches as he lingers on the last text he’d exchanged with Ignis, which had been all of three days ago. And all it had said was “Fine.” 
Ignis had wanted him to go to the Citadel to attend some stupid meeting, and he had wanted to stay behind at school with Prompto, as the two of them were working on a class project. Of course, all Ignis had said was that single word. Straight and to the point - that has always been Ignis’ motto. 
He turns off the light, and heads out into his kitchen, where there’s a tray full of pastries sitting on his counter. Apparently Ignis had come by at some point to drop them off, as he knows they weren’t there last night when he went to bed. Looking around, he tries to see if his Adviser is around, lurking in the shadows, but no - he’s alone in his apartment. 
“Happy birthday to me.” He mumbles, picking up one of his favorites - one made with Ulwat berry. 
Dusting off the sugar from his fingertips, he grabs his things and heads out of his apartment. He’s taken to riding public transportation in the morning, while he saves using the Regalia for the afternoons. Taking public transportation to the Citadel, where he goes regularly each week for training with Cor and the Glaives isn’t an easy task, hence the rides in the Regalia. It’s also the time of day when he gets to speak to Ignis, which he looks forward to most days. One of the perks of living away from the Citadel with his father is that he’s able to blend in with the rest of society. No one pays him any attention, but if he’s in the Regalia, then all eyes are on him. Anonymity has its perks. 
Prompto doesn’t greet him with a happy birthday when he sees him. They do share a hug, and then Prompto launches into telling him all about this game he’d been playing the night before, which Noctis remembers as he’d had to help him solve a difficult puzzle through chat. He wants to ask him if he knows what day it is, but then stops himself because he doesn’t want the unnecessary attention from any of the other students. 
The day goes by fast. School has only come back from summer break the week before, and it’s their final year. He had always thought that his third year would be the worst, but so far it’s proving to be the easiest. That all can change, though, but for now, he’s going to count it as a blessing. 
“Hey, want to go to the arcade?” Noctis asks Prompto, as they get their trainers back on, slipping his school shoes into his locker. 
Prompto grimaces, then shakes his head. “I can’t! I have plans, Noct. I’m so sorry!” Prompto rushes to slam his locker shut, and then starts to walk away. “Maybe tomorrow? See ya, Prince!” He waves, and then leaves the school building, leaving Noctis to stare after his best friend with an open mouth. 
Tomorrow? What good would going to the arcade be if they went tomorrow? Today is his birthday, not tomorrow. Noctis sighs, then turns back to look at his shoes. Was the world against him today? That had to be in. The Six are having a laugh that the Prince of Lucis has yet to hear someone say ‘happy birthday’ to him. 
Not even his own father has reached out to him to wish him well. Usually his father is the first person to send a text - always at the exact time that his mother gave birth to him. But not today. The last text he has from his father was from over a month ago. He knows that tensions have been high between Lucis and Niflheim, but not even a text?? 
Noctis puts his bag over his shoulder, and leaves the school grounds, only to find that the Regalia isn’t there. No car to take him back home. He looks up at the sky, and isn’t at all surprised to see that the sky has gone grey. He can feel a chill in the air, and as he begins to walk towards the underground, rain begins to fall. 
He gets down below just as a deluge occurs, the sky’s opening up with a torrential amount of rain. His feet pound on the stairs, rushing to get further away from the wetness, water running down the stairs towards where he’s going. He pulls out his phone again, making sure he hasn’t missed a text from anyone. Still no communication from anyone. 
Is my phone dead? 
Flipping through his contacts, he finds one for the video game store he likes to visit, and tries to call the number. It rings, and as someone picks up, he hangs up. Okay, so his phone is working. That’s good. 
But why does he feel so bad? 
Rather than go straight home, Noctis decides to head to the largest public library in Insomnia, which is only a few stops away from where his apartment is. If no one is going to be bothered to wish him a happy birthday, he’s going to go and do something he hasn’t done in ages. He can’t remember the last time he willingly went to the library. Ignis is the one that frequents the library, often dragging Noctis with him as it will help educate him on the workings of the Citadel, and what he’ll need to know when he takes over duties for the King. 
The library is quiet. There are people milling about, trying to stay out of the rain, as it is still a torrential downpour. Noctis walks in, shaking his head to get some of the water off of him, but it doesn’t really help as he’s pretty much drenched. He looks around, deciding on where he should go, and heads up to the second level, where the historical books can be found. 
It’s like Ignis is with him, which is mildly comforting. It’d be better if Ignis had actually been there, but Noctis can’t be upset with him. He knows that his life has become more difficult, with more tasks now falling onto his shoulders. His future right-hand man. Looking to his right, he feels a pang in his chest, missing the presence of who should be there. 
Choosing the library might not have been the best idea, as now he’s more depressed than he had been at school. He pulls his phone out, and debates on taking a selfie in the stacks, wanting to send the picture to Ignis to show him where he is, but the ‘Fine’ text mocks him, making him remember that they aren’t really on the best of terms right now. He loses the smile that had begun to appear on his face, and pockets his phone again, feeling defeated. 
He finds a quiet corner, and sits down, hoping he isn’t ruining the furniture with his damp clothing. No one comes near him, which again, he’s grateful for but begins to wonder if there is something wrong with him. Brushing it off, he closes his eyes and sinks further into the comfortable chair, deciding that a quick nap might help get him out of his funk. 
It’s dark when he wakes him, Noctis looking around in confusion as he’s forgotten where he is. Library. Right. He picks up his bag, and pulls his phone out of his pocket. Still no calls or texts from any of his friends, nor from his father. Hadn’t he reminded everyone a week ago that his birthday was coming up? Maybe he had done a bad job of saying something. 
Luckily, the rain has now stopped, allowing him to head to the underground without any worry of getting drenched again. He stops at one stop before his station, and heads back up topside to grab his favorite meal. If no one is going to celebrate his birthday with him, then that’s their loss. He’s going to enjoy the rest of his birthday by himself, and that’s going to start with some delicious Galahd food. 
He eats at the stall by himself, ordering all of his favorite menu items and devouring them as if he hasn’t seen food in days. He tips the chef nicely, then walks towards his apartment building, figuring the walk will do him well as he has to work off the food he’s just consumed. No training today, which he had assumed was because it’s his birthday, but since he hasn’t gotten a call or text from either Cor or Gladio, Noctis figures that maybe it’s just a lucky day. 
The apartment lobby is decorated for the late summer holiday, and his doorman greets him hello before hitting the elevator button for him. Noctis gets into the elevator, and pushes the button for his floor. He walks off the elevator, and heads to his apartment, keeping his head down as he’s in no mood to make eye contact with anyone - friendly neighbor or not. He wants today to come to an end. Eighteen has been terrible so far, and he doesn’t expect it to get any better. 
Putting the key into his lock, he twists it, noticing that there was light streaming from under the door. Did I forget to turn off the lights again? Ignis is going to kill me. He twists the handle, and then pushes the door open. He’s about to check on the lights when he looks up and stares in shock as every single person who he’s been thinking about over the course of the day is standing in his apartment. “Surprise!” They all shout, balloons and decorations filling his apartment to the brim. “Happy birthday, Noctis!” Everyone yells, poppers exploding as they shout their birthday greeting to him. 
“What?” He stares at the group - Gladio is there, dressed down in his workout clothes; Prompto is there, snapping pictures with his camera; Cor is standing off to the side with his father - his father is here. And then, standing front and center is the one person he’s been missing the most - Ignis. 
“Apologies, Your Highness.” Ignis greets him with a wane smile. “We had to keep this secret from you.” 
“Sorry, Noct!” Prompto appears next to him, snapping a pic of the two of them with his camera. “I know you wanted to go to the arcade, but I had to come here to help set everything up! But where the hell have you been?! We thought you were going to be here hours ago!” 
Blushing, Noctis looks around, still stunned by the surprise of everyone being here. “I thought you forgot.” 
“How could we forget your birthday?” Gladio threw his arm around his neck, and began to rub his fist against the top of his head. “You told us last week!” 
Noctis feels sheepish, struggling to get out of his hold as Gladio stops rubbing his head. He breathes a bit easier, pulling at the tie around his neck, which is still in a knot because he hadn’t bothered to do anything with it at the library. He gives his future Shield a grin, scratching the back of his neck. “Did I?” 
“You know you did, you jerk.” Gladio gives him a smirk, then turns and walks over to where Cor is standing. 
He approaches his father, who has taken a seat, no doubt because his knee is bothering him. “Hello.” He greets him, taking the seat next to his to be on the same level as him. 
“Happy birthday, Noctis.” His father hands him a small package, which he takes with his hand. “I apologize, we can’t stay for very long. When Ignis had informed me that you had not yet come home after my final meeting was over, I told Cor that we should come by.” 
“I’m glad you did.” Noctis sets the gift down. “I didn’t expect to see either of you here.” He looks over at Ignis, who is having a conversation with Prompto, who is in the process of taking pictures of everything happening around them. “Thanks, Dad.” 
“It isn’t every day that you turn eighteen.” His father stands up, using his cane to balance himself. Cor is at his side in an instant, his father rolling his eyes. “I’m not an invalid, Leonis.” 
“I did not say that you were, Your Majesty.” Cor looks at him. “Happy birthday, Noct. No training tomorrow.”
”Seriously?” He asks, surprise returning. “You never give me two days off in a row.” 
“Yes, I do.” Cor gives a nod, Noctis hiding his eye roll by looking away as Cor then looks at his father. “Ready to go, Your Majesty?” 
“As ready as I’ll ever be.” Regis looks around the room. “Boys - I am glad that my son has such a strong bond with the three of you. You didn’t have to do this for his birthday.” 
“We wanted to do something fun, Your Majesty!” Prompto walks over with Ignis, who has yet to look at him since apologizing to him. “Noct deserves it!” 
“He does, indeed.” Regis’ hand falls heavy on his shoulder, Noctis turning to give his father a polite smile. “Enjoy yourself, Noctis. Happy birthday.” 
“Thanks, Dad.” He wishes goodbye to both him and Cor, and then turns to look at his friends, who are already pulling pizza out of boxes. “Sorry, you guys.” 
“You should be.” Gladio shoves a slice into his mouth, then drops down onto his couch. “Where did you go? Since I know you weren’t training today.” 
Noctis walks over, and grabs a slice of pizza. Even though he’s still pretty full, there’s room in his stomach for a bit of pizza. “I went to the library.” 
“You did?” Prompto exclaims. “Willingly?!” 
A soft laugh leaves his mouth as he picks up his piece of pizza, and starts to eat it. “Is that so surprising?” 
“It’s your birthday.” Prompto nods. “Why would anyone on Eos want to go to the library on their birthday?” 
Noctis doesn’t know how to answer that. He knows why he chose to go there; because it was a special place to Ignis. Ignis, his closest confidant who has become too distant from him these last few months. He knows it’s because of the pressure of work, and the tasks he’s been given as he’s training to be his Adviser, but it doesn’t make it hurt any less. Any place he can go that reminds him of Ignis, he will visit without hesitation. 
“Did you find any books to your liking, Your Highness?” Ignis asks, pushing his glasses back up onto the bridge of his nose. 
He gives him a small smile. “I did not.” 
“Why am I not surprised by that?” The smirk on Ignis’ lips makes his heart do a dance in his chest. 
Gladio reaches for the remote, and turns on the television, Prompto shutting off the stereo as it had been playing music in the background. “You sure did spend a lot of time there. It’s almost 8!” 
“I fell asleep.” Noctis admits, knowing that his friends are going to tease him. 
Gladio and Prompto burst out laughing, while Ignis has a thoughtful look on his face. Nothing else is said, and they go about the evening, hanging out and watching television, eating all of the pizza that Cor had so generously brought over. 
Prompto yawns. “It’s late.” He looks at his watch, then looks over at Gladio. “Can you give me a ride, big guy?” 
“I suppose I can.” Gladio yawns as he stands up, stretching his arms over his head. “You good, Specs?” 
“Yes.” Ignis nods. “I can manage to get home on my own.” 
“Okay, good.” Gladio looks at Noctis. “Happy birthday, jerk.” 
“Thanks, asshole.” He groans as Gladio pulls him into a bone crushing hug, then feels his ears ring as Gladio bellows out a loud laugh. 
Prompto hugs him, getting in one more shot of the two of them with his camera. “Happy birthday, Noct. I’m really glad we surprised you.” 
“You did.” He smiles at his best friend, then says good night to both Prompto and Gladio. The apartment is deafeningly quiet. There’s a slight rustle, as Ignis begins pulling down decorations before heading into the kitchen to put whatever food is left away. Noctis approaches him, knowing it’s best to stay out of his way and leans against the counter. “Thank you for leaving breakfast this morning.” 
“Did I?” Ignis asks, tying an apron around his waist, as he begins to wash the dishes without any prompt to do so. 
“It was either you, or maybe the Six came and visited me this morning, offering me their own way of celebrating my birthday.” 
Ignis laughs, which makes Noctis smile. “I somehow doubt that the Six are involved in bringing Ulwat berry pastries to you.” 
“So it was you.” He grins, happy to see Ignis so relaxed. This is the only time of day he gets to see him like this. “You made them, didn’t you?” 
“I did.” Ignis nods, scrubbing a plate with a sponge. “Don’t tell Prompto, as he begged me to bring him some.” 
“You didn’t?” Noctis gasps, and then begins to laugh as Ignis shoots him a look. “Fine, I won’t tell. Your secret is safe with me.” He pretends to zipper his lips, then tosses a pretend key away. 
Ignis finishes cleaning up, then goes over to where his bag is, and pulls out a wrapped box. “Happy birthday, Your Highness.” He hands it to him, keeping his eyes lowered. 
Noctis brushes his finger against Ignis’, and feels electricity shoot up his arm at the not-so-innocent touch. To his credit, Ignis doesn’t make a sound, but Noctis can see that his face is now slightly flushed. “You didn’t have to get me anything, Ignis. You already do so much for me.” 
“Were you really at the library today?” Ignis asks, as Noctis holds the present with both of his hands. “Why would you go there?” 
“Because I know it’s your favorite place.” Noctis can feel his soul leaving his body, as he admits it out loud. It’s one thing to know something, but informing the person that he’s aware of it, it makes it so much more real. Might as well go all in. He takes a deep breath, and meets Ignis’ eyes, who is finally looking at him in a proper way. “And since you had forgotten my birthday, I wanted to be somewhere that reminded me of you.” 
“I didn’t forget, Noctis.” His knees tremble at the way Ignis says his name. He hardly ever calls him by his name. It’s always ‘Your Highness’, or some variation of that title, but never his full name. Sometimes, if he’s lucky, he’ll get him to address him as Noct, but that’s only usually when Gladio or Prompto are around. “I was here, waiting for you to come home.” 
His heart is pounding hard in his chest, as Ignis removes the apron around his waist. The present in his hands feels like it weighs a million pounds. “Should I open this now?” He asks, as Ignis turns his back towards him, the tension continuing to run high in the room. 
“If you wish.” 
Noctis pulls at the packaging, and reveals a beautiful leather notebook, full of blank pages. “Ignis.” He whispers, as he touches the engraving of his name on the front cover. “This is too much.” 
“It’s more practical than anything.” Ignis has returned, and is now standing in front of him. “You will need to take notes about my day-to-day dealings at the Citadel. I’m sorry it’s not very personal.” 
Ignis may think that, but Noctis stares at the beautiful leather notebook, and knows that Ignis chose this one specifically because he knew that Noctis would like it. And he does. Gold shimmers on the edges of the pages, and he can see a beautiful midnight blue pen sits in the pen holder that’s attached to the notebook. While yes, it may be a practical gift, Noctis stares in wonder at the engraving. Ignis did not have to do that. 
“It’s beautiful.” He sets the notebook down, and without thinking, steps forward and puts his arms around Ignis - one around his neck, while the other slips under his arm to wrap around his back. “Thank you.” He rests his head against Ignis’ shoulder, hoping that he isn’t overstepping their invisible boundaries. 
It takes Ignis a full ten seconds to lift his arms, and put them around Noctis’ body. He wants to cry. Ignis has never been someone who hugs, and to feel his arms around him like this - this is the best birthday gift he could ever receive. “I’m glad you like it.” Ignis’ voice sneaks into his ear, as Noctis has yet to lift his head up from where it’s resting on his shoulder. “You deserve so much more than I could ever give to you, Noctis.” 
Lifting his head, he stares into Ignis’ eyes, which are blazing with a look that he’s never seen before. “You already give me more than I need, Ignis. And it makes me want more.” His own cheeks burn as he refuses to close his eyes. “You don’t understand, do you? How much I-“ 
But the words that are on the tip of his tongue disappear into the void as Ignis’ mouth touches his with the barest hint of a kiss. Noctis makes a noise in the back of his throat - shock, surprise, desire - a culmination of all three, he doesn’t know. What he does know is that Ignis’ lips are touching his, and he’s returning the kiss with as much effort as he can. His arms curl tightly around Ignis’ body, and he feels the pressure of his arms surrounding him, squeezing him with as much enthusiasm as he’s showing to him. 
He parts his mouth, and feels Ignis’ tongue slip in. He hears himself moan into Ignis’ mouth as their tongues connect for the first time, his brain shutting down completely as he surrenders himself to the kiss. Ignis makes a noise that will live rent-free in his head until he’s no longer a part of this world, dying to hear him make it again. They stand in the middle of his living room, holding each other as their mouths continue to learn more about each other in ways that can only be explored through the intimate act of a kiss. 
Their kiss comes to a hasty end, as they both take gasps of breath, but don’t pull apart from one another. “Noctis, I…” Ignis’ forehead presses against his, as they stay close. 
“I know.” He doesn’t need to hear him say it. “You know that I-“ 
“Yes.” Ignis nods his head. 
Confessions of love are never easy to get out, but knowing that Ignis knows how he feels and vice versa, it brings a sense of acceptance inside of Noctis. Reaching for him, Ignis’ mouth returns to his, and they share another amorous kiss, Noctis becoming lightheaded as he forgets the importance of breathing. They fall back onto the couch together, both laughing as they have yet to disentangle themselves from each other. Noctis puts his head on Ignis’ shoulder, a smile plastered on his face. 
“Does this mean we can do this all the time now?” He asks, staring at his fingers that are laced with Ignis’, resting on top of his thigh as he snuggles up against the man who has been the only constant in his life besides his father. 
“Maybe not all the time, but I do believe we can engage in certain….things, if you wish.”
He lifts his head, and sees Ignis has a smirk on his lips. “Oh, you’re a bad man, Ignis.” 
“I suppose that I am.” 
They kiss a few more times on the couch, and then Ignis is gathering his items to head home for the evening. As he walks him to the door, Noctis stares up at him, feeling very shy. “How did you know?” He asks, as he opens the door for him. 
“You went to the library and fell asleep.” Ignis lowers his head, and brushes a kiss against his lips before bringing them to his ear. “You went because of me. Because of how you feel. And you were comfortable enough to sleep there.” 
“I can fall asleep anywhere.” His cheeks burn with embarrassment, hating that he’s so easy to read. 
A soft chuckle sends a shiver down his spine. “You can, but knowing you went there to be close to me? That, my darling, is why I knew you’d reciprocate.” 
“Always so technical.” He pushes him, but then pulls him back towards him and kisses him flush on the lips. “Good night, Ignis. Thanks for making this the best birthday ever.” 
“Anything for you, Noct.” 
He closes the door after sharing one more kiss with him, his insides fluttering like crazy. To think that the day had begun with Ignis’ own baked goods, and is now coming to a close with the touch of his lips still clinging to his own mouth. He had thought his friends had forgotten all about him, but they had done the complete opposite - they had surprised him with a celebration. 
Touching his lips, he falls onto his bed, and smiles. Tomorrow is a new day, and now that he knows what it feels like to kiss his future Adviser, he plans on finding out all the ways he can make Ignis make those deplorable noises again. Things have changed between the two of them - for better, or for worse, Noctis doesn’t know. What he does know is that he has the best friends on the planet, and can’t imagine living this life without any of them in it. Especially Ignis, who has made a claim on his soul and will forever own it. 
--- Cross-posted to AO3
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mrsmneme · 9 months
My Art Summary 2023
2023 will end soon. I faced a huge change throughout the year such as promotion, relocation, tougher schedule, etc. I was too busy to make arts, but I'm so glad that I made enough to create an art summary. Because my arts weren't finished in monthly basis, so I don't add names of months again. Thank you for all impressions and participations for my work. I'll keep practicing. 🥰❤️
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The first one was the 2023 celebrating piece. I made the chocobros playing multiplayer game, the same composition as Comrade's advertisement, but they are older, in alternate ending appearances.
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The second one was a happy birthday Ignis piece. I drew his much older self, as we had seen him greeting King Noctis in alternate ending end credit. Thanks @gakusa2 in x for the gorgeous reference.
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The third one was a happy birthday Ardyn piece. I drew his chancellor outfit with his famous grin.
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The fourth one was a comic I made in an Ignoct gift exchange 2023 campaign. I drew more realistic brotherhood Ignis for the first time.
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See full work here.
The fifth one was a finished sketch, but I will color it later. The piece was a Gladio/Ignis romantic moment. I got my inspiration from my Gladnis mutuals and made such ship related piece for the first time.
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The sixth one was one of [chocobros in Hellsing TV series outfit] series, I drew Noctis in Integral Hellsing's outfit first.
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The seventh one was a part of [chocobros in Hellsing TV series outfit] too. I drew Gladiolus in Alucard's outfit.
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The eighth one was still part of [chocobros in Hellsing TV series outfit]. I drew Ignis in Walter C. Dornez's outfit.
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The ninth one was made for Ignis fashionweek 2023 campaign. It was first created in 2022 but I couldn't finish it, so I retried in 2023. The outfit was [shirtless under a suit].
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The tenth piece was a happy 7th anniversary of FFXV piece. I drew 7 characters in top 100 Final Fantasy Big Vote.
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The eleventh piece was made for Christmas-themed FFcolorwheel in x.
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And the twelfth piece was the last one in [chocobros in Hellsing TV series outfit] when I drew Prompto in Seras Victoria's outfit.
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ignoct-week · 3 months
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Thank you for joining us to celebrate Ignoct Week!
Your creations keep the ignoct and FFXV community active.
Ignoct Week ends tomorrow, but if you still have something to post, late submissions will be shared until June 30!
Still looking for more?
Sign ups for the Ignoct Gift Exchange close TOMORROW, June 15 at 11:59pm EST.
You can view event information and sign up here!
Ignoct Gift Exchange Links: Carrd • Twitter
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ao3feed-ignoct · 1 year
read it on AO3 Here
by DestiniDestati
Maybe it was a little unconventional, how much Ignis loved his dear friend. Maybe he was a little too obsessed with marine biology (Noct's) and linguistics (Mers'), but it ended up getting him a good dicking, so.
Words: 3085, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Same Pond, Different Lives
Fandoms: Final Fantasy XV
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Noctis Lucis Caelum, Ignis Scientia
Relationships: Noctis Lucis Caelum/Ignis Scientia
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Mermaids, Alternate Universe - Reincarnation, (it's gentle but it's there), Friends to Lovers, Getting Together, Aphrodisiacs, Tentacle Sex, Monsterfucking, Mer!Noctis, Human!Ignis, Top Noctis Lucis Caelum, Bottom Ignis Scientia, 30s ignoct, 3032, Ignoct Gift Exchange 2023
read it on AO3 Here
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ffxvficrec · 6 days
by stardvsts Years and countless nightmares down the line from that horrible night they found him bloodied and broken and dead before the Cyrstal, Noctis dreams of Ignis. - written for the ignoct gift exchange!
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summonernoctis · 1 month
My @ignoctgiftexchange fic for @the-writing-abyss!
title: now everything is easy 'cause of you
rating: T (minor swearing)
Over the span of a few months, Noctis learns how to write a grant proposal. Ignis learns how to actually relax on his days off. They'll both learn how to navigate around these awkward teenage crushes, eventually.
link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/58285996
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ladykf-writes · 3 years
Giftfic: We've Earned Our Happy Ending
Ao3 Link
Note: My piece for the Ignoct White Day Event, for twitter and Ao3′s “kikowithcatears” who had essentially asked for a happy ending fic with Ignis and Noctis. To give them happiness. Well. They came to the right place!
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Summary: After all they had gone through, they deserved a second chance.
Noctis woke up in stages, first to a floaty feeling of warmth, comfort, and numbness. There was sun warming his skin and all was quiet.
And then he remembered he was supposed to be dead, and jerked upright, gasping at the pain of it. Only when warm, callused hands gently pushed him back down did he think to open his eyes.
“Ignis,” he breathed, voice rasping like sandpaper in his throat and still coming out reverent. “Where….?”
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ignoctgiftexchange · 4 months
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Sign ups are OPEN for the Ignoct Gift Exchange!
Join us to celebrate Ignis, Noctis, and the dedicated fans in our community ❤️
Complete event information can be found on the Carrd page or this tumblr post.
Sign Ups Close • June 15 Assignments Sent • June 17 Gift Posting • August 9 - 18 Pinch Hit Assignments Sent • August 20 Pinch Hit/Extensions Due • September 15
Gift Requirements
Fan Fiction 1000 words minimum Multi Chapter fics must be complete by the end of posting.
Illustration A complete, high quality piece of artwork. This may be different for everyone, do your best! Traditional media should be shared via a high-quality scan or photograph.
Click here to sign up!
Sign ups close on June 15, 2024.
Event Links: Carrd • Twitter
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mrsmneme · 1 year
My 2022 art summary
I have been very busy for years. My drawing skill still needs much more practicing so I always need a long time to finish each piece. After returning to make arts again in 2018, I ended up having very few pieces each year, unable to make an art summary, until 2021. I'm so glad that, although I could not finish one art every month, but I could finish enough arts to make such summary in 2022. 😅 Now I'm in tumblr and I will share the summary and all full arts.
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The HNY2022 piece.
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2. Happy birthday Ignis.
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3. My ignoct whiteday gift exchange for EstFuckin in twitter.
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4. My Nyxweek piece, showing Nyx's tattoos.
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5. Happy birthday Gladiolus.
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6.Happy birthday Noctis.
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7. XVtober piece. Prompt : on the road.
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8. XVtober piece. Prompt : rain.
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9. XVtober piece. Prompt : walk tall.
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10. My ignoctweek piece. Prompt : mer.
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11. My episode Ignis celebrating piece, I made a one-page comic.
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12.My FFXV secret santa gift for RihaWanderer in twitter. I made a six-page comic. This is the final page.
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absolutelynoct · 4 years
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Surprise @ryyti17! I am your Ignoct New Year's Gift Exchange Gifter! I hope you enjoy it! <3 @ignoctgiftexchange 
Read it on Ao3 Here:   https://archiveofourown.org/works/28448088
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sarabis3 · 4 years
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Here's my @ignoctgiftexchange for  @the-princesscat I hope you like it, I had a lot of fun with this one And yes I'm fully aware the throne is not meant for 2 grown men but nothing will convince me these 2 dorks wouldn't try anyway Thanks for another wonderful event!
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