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clickbytaste · 6 years ago
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mrhargrove · 3 years ago
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Real Men Real Talk * Special shout out to the African American Male Wellness Agency @aawellnessagency for putting on this AMAZING event and taking care of me and my fellow BLACK MEN ✊🏾! * Special shout to a super dope Dad Musiq Soulchild @musiqsoulchild for sharing your wisdom and being transparent. * #IfNotYouThenWho #DADDSRock #DADDSMatter #BeEncouraged #BeTheMessage #BeAnAmbassdor (at Columbus State Community College) https://www.instagram.com/p/CgAmve7LI0E4vrOvwxpfxnl0PIoamMTrkTVKdA0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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seaofthesunsurfer · 4 years ago
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Thinking about starting something big? Or small? Or thinking of making that move? Doing that thing? If not you, then who?? . . . . #justdoit #ifnotyouthenwho #typography #handlettering #lettering #handmadefont #goodtype #typedesign #sansserif #waves #surfart #oceanart #artist #artistnetworkprogram #austinartist #typeartist #strengthinletters #displaytype #texture (at Cobra Studios) https://www.instagram.com/p/CMAq8Yhh-vG/?igshid=jsl9iw2ouf60
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heroandlegend · 5 years ago
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When You Need To Remember Who The Hero And Legend Of Your Story Is Look In The Mirror #HeroAndLegend #YouAreTheHeroAndLegendOfYourStory #HeroAndLegendOfYourStory #BeYourHeroAndLegend #MakeYourMark #TellYourStory #IfNotYouThenWho #YouAreHeroAndLegend https://www.instagram.com/p/B8d-G91n-fM/?igshid=2i8g39ndnb4x
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apostlenissi · 5 years ago
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Made the decision that unity is the key to our success! Let's get it! We're even stronger together!💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽💣💥 . . . . Follow 👉🏽 @natashachatters . . . . #unity #unitystartswithyou #ifnotyouthenwho #unityisstrength #unityiswealth #togetherness #togetherwecan #togetherwearestronger #togetherisbetter #togetherstronger #together #togetherwerise #togetherwecanmakeadifference #togetherwithme #togetherwearestrong #togetherasone #togetherwegrow #togetherwestand #togetherwestand #togetherwearebetter #strongertogether #bettertogether #risetogether #cometogether #worktogether https://www.instagram.com/p/B55oHyQp53O/?igshid=11e3k84vm6et1
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jdoubleel · 6 years ago
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Good Morning Personal Reminder Have a Good Weekend #theexperience #eastfalls #ifnotyouthenwho (at Side of the Road Authentic Jamaican Jerk Chicken) https://www.instagram.com/p/BysVB5_n2Qk/?igshid=jw4wjlce7nl4
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stardust-dreams · 8 years ago
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People wonder why I speak so loudly about the things I care about, they roll their eyes and say I'm "too much" or that I'm offended too easily. I am just a human being who thinks that everyone deserves respect and acceptance, and I will not be silent because there are still things left to fight for. And I will always fight for those I love. #liveauthentic #respect #humanrights #ifnotyouthenwho
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drtravisfox · 6 years ago
Time to Jump is almost here !! Aren’t you ready to really live life and get out of your own way & head ? Step by step, not a “motivational” program, the real deal to Architect Your BEing ! April 7th - already filling up and will BE sold out, again - early Jumpers discount now - TravisFox.net/jsyhApril ❤️🔥❤️🔥 #jsyh #jumpstartyourheart #noonegetsoutalive #letsmove #ifnotnowwhen #ifnotyouthenwho #noonegetsoutalive #journeyon #heartforward #travisfox360 (at Travis Fox - Architect of BEing) https://www.instagram.com/p/BvCgBHdgWCA/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1affyw4ahatr
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taylorcarso94-blog · 7 years ago
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MONDAYS, oh how I love you 💕 New week, fresh start, all the things! And I’m super excited to share with you all everything that’s happening this week leading up to next week! SOOOO if you haven’t heard.... • 🔸This week starts the prep week for my next accountability group kicking off next Monday!! Time to make that commitment to yourself because it’s never too late to start! 🔸AND all my pumpkin spice lovers out there 🎃 listen up because I can’t wait myself! This whole week my team has put together a FREE group all about our new pumpkin spice flavored superfood shake! All the daily nutrients that your body needs all in the tasty form of pumpkin 😋 Daily giveaways, prizes, information, and all kinds of fun stuff just waiting for you! • 🔹Next Monday the 17th, my FALLING BACK INTO THE BASICS support group finally kicks off! Simple nutrition plans all aligned with something that fits your schedule and helps you reach your goals 💗 🔹Pumpkin Spice shakes are released!! I have my eyes 👀 on this and I seriously can’t wait to taste this drink that’s good for me and is PUMPKIN! C’ mon now 🤤 • ALL the excitement, ALL the feels 💗 I literally can’t wait! This September is going to be amazing and I’m inviting you all to spice up your September with me! So drop a 🙋🏻‍♀️ if you want in on this amazing, supportive group that’s just the beginning for you! AND or drop a 🎃 if you want in on the FREE group about the shake that’s going to be seriously addictive! Let’s get you in there! 💗 • #SeptemberGoals #PumpkinSpice #Smile #Pittsburgh #IfNotYouThenWho #FitForFall #SupportGroup #SuperExcited https://www.instagram.com/p/BnkT3xNHqTj/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=13cgwf0wxbytx
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scruffypassports-blog · 7 years ago
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‘Shining a light on plastic waste’ 💡 Several straws, cotton tips, bits of rope, bottle tops, micro plastics, ziplock plastic bags, chocolate wrappers, a thong, plastic bags, part of a glass bottle, a swimming cap... The list goes on... 📝 Some of the brands whose plastic/rubber was found carelessly disposed of on Scarborough Beach this evening: @cocacola @havaianas @speedo @oreo @aldiaustralia @cadburyuk @snickers @ziploc Can you stop producing so much plastic please? 😊 🙌 Thanks 👌 #scruffypassports . . . . #waronwaste #plasticfreejuly #plasticwaste #shinealight #plastictides #trashyourselfie #take3forthesea #4fortheshore #litterati #pickup1million #doyourbit #ifnotyouthenwho #saveourseas #plasticsucks (at Scarborough, Western Australia)
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newlegendsmag · 7 years ago
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JOIN US to clean up the river this evening. Friday, July 20, 5pm. Cimino Park. Repost from @brain_in_a_jar Found this gem at the Comida Market, felt appropriate for today since we are coming together at 5pm this evening at Cimino Park to clean up trash alongside the river. #community #howtobuildaglobalcommunity #trinidad #trinidadcolorado #southerncolorado #ciminopark #purgatoireriver #cleanuptrinidad #communitycleanup #cometogether #comidamarket #earthisourhome #cooperative #unity #compassion #reducereuserecycle #bethechange #ifnotyouthenwho #ifnotnowwhen #waterislife #aguaesvida #riverconservation #newlegendsmag - #regrann (at Comida Market)
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lcwells80 · 7 years ago
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Day 2 #kujichagulia #isaamust #selfdetermination #kwanzaa #ifnotyouthenwho #smile
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last-chance-earth · 8 years ago
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Every visit to a beach turns into a beach clean up! Especially if it's an urban beach in Cleveland, apparently. We had a wonderful time at the Euclid Beach Park area on Lake Erie with beautiful Vistas, however many turds and plastic pollution at our feet. Straws are one of the greatest dangers to Wildlife so it's easy to grab some handfuls and help Mother Earth out! We really need to stop using the single you stressed and find metal and glass Alternatives if you really need to suck that much. 😜🌀🌀🐾💫🐳 #stopsucking #banplastic #thelaststraw #beach #beachcleanup #lakeerie #euclidbeach #gooutside #plasticsurgery #urbex #rurex #recycle #giveahootdontpollute #savetheearth #conservation #ifnotyouthenwho (at Euclid Beach Park)
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theenairobichic-blog · 8 years ago
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#ifnotyouthenwho #loveyourselfbest the rest #willfollow #ipromise #lovejourney #backtoyou #backtoeden #youarethegarden #tendtoyoursoul #daily #lovebug #youareworthit #goodnight 😘👸🏾🤴🏽
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blackandboozy · 8 years ago
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We're two for two on teamwork Tuesday! 👯👯‍♂️👯 Our foodie friend @almaroofies ventured to Bourbon. They're featuring the Classic burger with a choice of old bay tots or fries...decisions decisions. Adulting can be so hard 😩 #dcburgerweek #teamworkmakesthedreamwork #ifnotyouthenwho #blackandboozyapproved (at Bourbon Adams Morgan)
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adgonz30-blog · 8 years ago
#TGIFF #haveagreatweekendeveryone #besafe and #havefun #dowhatevermakesyouhappy #loveyourself #ifnotyouthenwho (at West Covina, California)
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