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whatisamildopinion · 3 months ago
Hiatus Poll
Hello my beautiful beloveds. If you have not read the latest chapter, The Questions Have Been Terrific is going on temporary hiatus because I torture @actual-sleeping-beauty with too many words, and she needs time to get the next couple chapters beta-d. (She's about to graduate!!! Everyone say congrats, Rose!)
However, I am going to keep posting little side fics in-universe under the Aasimar AU series while we are on hiatus. Tell me which you all would like to see!
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emilykaldwen · 9 months ago
The Maiden and the Drowning Boy | Aegon x OC | Chapter Seventeen
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Rating: Explicit
Ships: Aegon II Targaryen x Abrogail Strong (Lyonel Strong's Daughter), Jacaerys Velaryon x Helaena Targaryen
Summary: As the kingdom teeters on the edge of chaos, Alicent Hightower swaps the pieces on the board: Aegon will marry Abrogail Strong, Larys’ younger sister and heir to Harrenhal. Caught in the web of intrigue and political machinations, the pair must figure out where their loyalties lie, and what they mean to one another.
Tropes: Childhood Sweethearts/Friends to Lovers, Generational Trauma and Cycles of Abuse, It's All About the Character Development, Unreliable Narrators, Multi-POV, Canon Divergent, Bisexual Aegon II Targaryen, Book/Show Mash Up, Fix-It Of Sorts, Stopping the Cycle of Abuse before it gets us all killed, Team Neutral, fairy tale vibes meets victorian medievalism meets grrm
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Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four | Chapter Five | Chapter Six | Chapter Seven | Chapter Eight | Chapter Nine | Chapter Ten | Chapter Eleven | Chapter Twelve | Chapter Thirteen | Chapter Fourteen | Chapter Fifteen | Chapter Sixteen
Author's Note: We've got Rhaenyra POV! We've got Aemond POV! We've got a surprise in the end! Thank you for all the support and patience. You're all getting this chapter early since I'm out of town for the weekend! Enjoy!
PLEASE PLEASE subscribe to the series page or my author page so you get updates when we start the next story! You're not going to want to miss it. (And follow @emkald-fic on tumblr if you read here!)
All my love to @vampire-exgirlfriend for her love and support and holding my hand through this chapter that just kept kicking my fucking ass. If you need more Aemond content, you must read, They Say I killed You (Haunt Me Then)! Now complete! (epilogue going up soon!)
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CHAPTER SEVENTEEN - Parrying the Daggers Thrown At Us
Rhaenyra receives a letter. Aemond cannot find peace until he gets a taste of it.
Grandfather is still ill, much like we saw him last but he prefers his wheel chaired more oft than not…
Things have been tense, understandably so, but Queen Alicent has been cordial and has made sure we are comfortable and have what we need… 
Aegon and Aemond keep their distance, perhaps so they can glare all the better…
I do not know how to make amends for what happened… 
…and they say Aemond is taken by his pains at times, darkening his room as his head aches from his wound… 
I should make amends, it is right… 
What do you think I should do?...
Heleana has been the warmest… 
…we danced together at the feast and she was quite happy to do so. It is nice spending time with her…
Aegon is happy around Lady Abrogail and she laughs freely with him. He is not like how he used to be as much with her… 
I think Lord Lyonel and Ser Harwin would be pleased to see how well she is treated…
Many houses were represented at Aegon’s nameday… 
Most seemed to wonder if Aegon would have been named heir and displace you but none came to pass… 
…they will inherit Harrenhal. I can see the wisdom in it as Luke will have Driftmark one day, but I think of Joffrey and Aegitsos and my uncles who do not have lands and holds to occupy them…
I love you much, Muñus, I hope you are well and that I will see you soon…
Rhaenyra ran her fingers over her son’s careful script, her mouth twitching in fondness amidst her worry of her zēapos. His letter was long, too much for a raven’s wings and she started from the beginning once she had read it through once. Twice. Her ribs ached as if Jace had been carved out of her to go on this journey and she shook her head, trying to let the feeling flit away on the breeze. Her eldest had a temper, much as she did in her youth, much as his father had, in the ways that drew her in. Time stole away much, and her own bouts of temper had cooled with each broken toy, each yelling fight, each ‘he pulled my hair!’ and ‘He pushed me and won’t share!’
The sounds of swords clanged in the yard and her gaze flitted from her son’s letter - pages crinkled in her grasp - to the courtyard below where Daemon was testing the new recruits to the Dragonstone guard. His silver hair was twisted back from his face in braids as he preferred, something about war and mindset and always be prepared.
He called something towards Joff and Aegitsos as the knight before him panted, having been bested against her husband.
Baela had not written, that much she knew, though Jace had said that she had found a friend in Helaena after a tense standoff. Rhaenyra had found the mention of it surprising, for her little sister, in the times she’d been around her, had been a quiet thing, eyes large in her face, gaze flitting to everyone and no one.
Helaena has been the warmest…
Helaena was not yet married. The match with Aegon had never come to pass.
The invitation lay on the table before her next to the plate of lemon cake she liked for her morning meal on days such as this.
The wedding of Prince Aegon of House Targaryen and Lady Abrogail Strong of Harrenhal…
In five moons, the spectacle would be held in the Riverlands. In five moons, the realm would look upon her brother once more, peacocked and pulled out, as Daemon sneered, by Otto Hightower to show him off as a contender, to put pressure on her father to change his mind. Her father had nearly twenty years to change his mind and still, he had not. Not even in her absence, cowardly as it sometimes felt to retreat and lick her wounds, had her father’s support of the claim and her family seemed to waver. Try as the Hightowers might to scream and spread slanders that would call for bloodshed, her father still would not be swayed. It was the sense of satisfaction that she had felt when he came to her defense in that shadowed hall those years ago, the heated of curl in it that no matter what, there could be no question as to his choice.
He had chosen her.
Even as the feeling waned over time to give over to those moments where she doubted, all the times he had failed to reign his wife in with her abuses and vitriol, the words her son had sent her bolstered her.
I think Lord Lyonel and Ser Harwin would be pleased…
Harwin’s little sister, big blue eyes and red curls bound in braids, peeking curiously over the edge of Lucerys’ cradle next to Jace because ‘She asked if she could see the baby and give him this,’ Harwin had said, as the little girl presented her attempts at embroidering a little dragon on a pillow. Little Abrogail, half Harwin’s, half Alicent’s. She had tried to bring the girl to Dragonstone with them. Would she not be happier away from the court politics with her brother and the quiet? Lord Lyonel had given her a surprised, then hard look, and Rhaenyra had felt chastened in a way her own father had never been able to evoke within her.
“I will keep my daughter with me, and should I send her away, it will be back to her home, at Harrenhal, with her brother.”
Grief washed through her like the crashing of the waves on the rocky shore below and she felt her own jagged edges inside of her. Lyonel Strong had been the best of them, putting the realm first, always by her side at every council meeting she attended, encouraging her, even as his face grew graver with each brunette curled boy she bore.
Violet eyes swept across the parchment again. A servant in the camp had tried to attack the girl, Jace said. Crept into her tent, assuming she would have been alone. Inquiries were being made, but as far as anyone could see, the man had just been a baseborn servant - blending in like no other. Rhaenyra pursed her lips and looked down at the training yard once more, fingers drumming along the stone ledge of the terrace.
She wondered how wrapped around Lady Abrogail’s finger her half-brother might be… and how opportune this moment was.
Alicent’s eldest was marrying and taking a seat in the Riverlands. It was not the bold choice that Rhaenyra had thought would happen. Surely one of the many Lannister girls, or one of the Baratheons - a great house who would be invested in their own daughter becoming queen would have made more sense.
Harrenhal, for the wealth and lands that it had, did not command armies the way the Stormlands did. It did not have endless coffers the way Casterly Rock boasted of. It was a moody fortress on the edge of the God’s Eye, surrounded by lush farmland and woods that were dark and deep and felt that you were somewhere fanciful, somewhere that didn’t hold dragons nor thrones, nothing except for a warm hand wrapped around her own.
The clashing and screaming of steel in the yard below pulled Rhaenyra from her thoughts, and away from the path of her sorrows and regrets. Turning her back to the sight below, she reached for her own parchment and quill, pushing aside the letter from Lord Celtigar.
Lady Abrogail… Good tidings on news of your approaching nuptials…
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Aemond pursed his lips, his gaze rising from the book before him, a study on the Conqueror’s approach to the first Dornish war,to squint across the barrel room near the top of the tower that held the library in the Holdfast. He drummed his fingers upon the scarred wooden table, a fingertip running along the crescent burn from the time Abby had accidentally knocked over a candle while they were reading about Harren the Black.
He exhaled slowly, the way the Braavosi manuals advised and looked back at his book.
It had been weeks since his brother’s festivities, and the chill of the end of the growing season had crept in. It was not cold by northern standards, but the air cooled, the rains rolled in for the next several months, and angry storms fell over them  from the Narrow Sea, their winds piercing and frightening, as if they were dragons themselves in the winds that the Storm God rode, threatening to tear apart the Red Keep brick by brick.
Helaena’s nameday had passed with quiet fanfare, the lingering lords of the realm who had not left parading their sons in front of his maiden sister. As if any of them were worthy of a dragonrider, someone as clever and kind as Helaena.
It had been complicated over the past weeks since the talk in the garden, and Aemond still wasn’t entirely sure how he felt. What had been most surprising had been the strange sense of release when his sister let him go, leaving him to sit in the rain before Visenya’s statue, her words ringing in his ears. 
‘I would burn Dorne for you… but I do not want to leave behind a world of ash and bone.’
How desperate Helaena had looked, angry and frightened and full of hope as she begged not to have a husband, but a brother back. ‘How else am I supposed to protect her?' he had wondered. How else could he offer his sister protection and security if it wasn’t to marry her, to tie her to him so that she would never have to fear, never have to doubt her acceptance and those who loved her?
Aegon had not wanted to marry her. She was weird, he’d sneered. How miserable Helaena would be, how miserable they both would have been. Aemond had done the right thing. He’d stepped up, he had gotten Mother and The Tower to break the betrothal. Even if they had not promised him and Helaena to one another, that was alright, it would simply be a matter of time.
He had Vhagar. There could be no further doubt that he was truly a Valyrian. There could be no more doubt as to his place in the world. All that was left was his sister.
Guilt gnawed deep in his stomach, shame twisting around his throat when the thought filtered through. Helaena was not a bauble he needed to collect to prove something. Collecting her was not protecting her. Collecting her was not about her, but for him, and it was this knowledge that he had thought about constantly.
His sister deserved more than being a broodmare, to be a pawn in the games. The forced distance the last few weeks had given him, after Helaena pushed him from the proverbial nest, had left him unsettled and snappish.
The loud thud of a book hitting the stone floor reverberated through the room. A heavy tome, judging from the heft of the sound, followed by a soft giggling, a deeper snickering sound chasing after it before they muffled and fell quiet.
He knew, with the utmost certainty, why it had fallen quiet.
Ever since the betrothal, the grip on his best friend had been slipping. Oh, him and Abrogail were an unlikely pair, but few appreciated books and history as his cousin did. While digging in the dirt and helping Helaena catalog her collection had been fulfilling, there was something joyous in being able to have someone who understood the quiet and sanctity of the library, and who loved books and reading and learning as he did. Lyonel Strong had always indulged his questions when was young - far more enthralling than Mellos and Orwyle were, and he had fostered that curiosity in his daughter.
‘All she’s going to care about is making babies with Aegon!’ Helaena had cried, frustrated and angry when they’d been alone after the fight in the brothel. 
There was a soft cry, and Aemond scowled at his book before his chair scraped across the stone floor and he strode purposefully towards the source of the sound. The histories of the Riverlands were there - not just observational books, but the census, the trade information, things used by the small council’s not-quite-so-small army of clerks and counters and lawmakers. The section of the library that Abby had frequented since the announcement and that he had helped her with.
“Not here,” came the whispered whine, laced with laughter. Aemond rolled his eye as he turned the corner of the aisle. It was shadowed somewhat this far down, The strategically polished silver angled to bounce the light around so as not to pose a fire risk among the precious books, although the day was gray and cloudy and the light reflected was that of a lamp. Abby was pressed against the bookshelves, the blue and silver brocade of her skirts rucked up with her stockings on display, her legs at present, wrapped around his stupid brother’s waist. One arm was stretched out to grab onto the bookshelf behind her, and the fallen book that had been in its place was still on the ground. Aegon’s face was buried into her chest, or maybe her throat? 
He was half-blind, after all, sometimes details could be mercifully missed. Or ignored.
“This,” Aemond said, his voice even and dripping with every ounce of annoyance and betrayal he felt, “is the library, not a brothel.”
Aemond’s fists clenched at the disrespect both of them displayed to a place they knew  was important to him. At the announcement of his presence, Abby squeaked, Aegon’s arms tightening around her as she scrambled to lower herself without sending them both toppling. He held his arms folded behind his back, his hand scraping along his elbow as the pair of them got themselves in order and he shook his head when Aegon looked at him, dragging the back of his hand across his mouth. Abby had turned to straighten her gown.
“Are you really going to act like this?” Aegon said, for it was barely a question. “We weren’t in front of you and your book. You were the one seeking us out.”
“Because you both weren’t as quiet as you thought you were,” Aemond snapped. “It was distracting.”
A lazy smirk crossed across his brother’s flushed face and he wanted to punch him square in his stupid nose. Let him kiss his future wife with his face bashed in. “Well, my lady is distracting-.” There was a soft sound as Abby smacked Aegon’s shoulder, cutting him off with an exaggerated ow, the flinch was nowhere near the violent response that inhabited his brother when it was their mother doing the hitting. She peered around Aegon’s shoulder, her mouth just as swollen, her cheeks just as flushed and her features apologetic.
“We’re sorry, Aemond. Things just got out of hand. I shouldn’t have-”
“Don’t you apologize,” Aegon interrupted her this time, a fierce look on his face. 
“No, actually,” Aemond cut in, taking a step forward, using the few inches he now had on his brother to straighten his shoulders. “She’s right. Thank you, Abby, for apologizing. Are you upset that she has to apologize for you, since your self-awareness is worse than a billy goat ramming his head into things?”
Aegon’s mouth gaped in offense, his flush deepening. There was a bruise along his neck that was going to be difficult to hide. The glib nature of his eldest brother was a trial at the best of times, but this? “You know this isn’t your place to run about as you please. Shall I just unlock my doors, let you roll around in my sheets and over my personal things while you’re at it?”
“It’s the fucking library, Aemond. It doesn’t belong to you-”
Abby let out a startled cry as Aemond’s fist shot out, but as much as he would love to punch his brother, he shoved him instead, feeling the crackling of frustration, the rumble of Vhagar in his chest.  “Because it’s all yours, is that it? You mewling fucking kitten. This isn’t just my library, it’s hers too, but you don’t fucking care about anything that means something to anyone else if it gets in the way of what your limp cock wants.”
“Aemond, truly, we’re sorry - Aegon, no!” Abby’s voice was lost in Aegon’s growl as his brother came back with another shove, sending him back a few steps. Aemond laughed, a hint of a sound like the thin scrape of wind whistling through a crack. Yes, yes let the idiot push him around. Let him continue to pull his friend away from him, from him and Helaena both. His gaze darted briefly to the redhead, blue eyes wide as she pressed herself back against the shelves, before meeting his brother’s lighter gaze.
“You are a glib fucking fool, Aegon,” Aemond said lowly, his mouth curling as he readied for a fight, needing to expend the burn of flame inside of him. “I don’t care what the pair of you do, I’ll say nothing should Mother hear of it, but-” he stepped forward and shoved Aegon hard into the bookstack. The ancient wood creaked and groaned, but the stacks were bolted to the floor to prevent them from topping. A few books fell from the force of Aegon’s frame smacking into it. “Stay the hell out of my library.”
He did not look over his shoulder, even as Abby called his name, apology rife in her tone. He strode through the halls, calling for his horse to be saddled while he went to angrily pull on his riding leathers. The left side of his temple ached as it was wont to do when his face was full of tension. Helaena would make him tea, protect him in the quiet, but that was not meant to be today. The last he saw, his sister was in the gardens with Jacaerys. 
How he ached to wring the stupid bastard’s neck.
How bright he seemed to make Helaena laugh.
How betrayed Aemond felt by it all.
Why hadn’t Helaena said anything? Why hadn’t she told him that she didn’t want to be married? Why had she just let him wander around like a puppy and now left the fool?
‘But hadn’t she told you?’ a little voice drifted through Aemond’s mind and he paused in the lacing of his leathers. Had she not told him by pursuing that fool Warren Fossoway, and the time that he had spied her kissing him - for he had seen Helaena push the squire behind the carved dragon pillar by the gardens. 
‘But she would let me kiss her, she would kiss me, and she’d touch me and I her and-’ The flurry of thoughts ached as he pulled on his boots.
It would not hurt as much if it was anyone but Jacaerys.
The ride to the beach beneath the shadow of the Red Keep was a blur. The rock outcropping of Aegon’s High Hill was a craggy, sheer thing, but the beach below was one that Vhagar enjoyed sunning herself, a guard dog laying at the foot of the bed in a way. Her head lifted as Aemond approached, lowing in greeting and shaking sand from her scales. The tension in Aemond’s chest began to ease at the sight of her, and he approached, patting a gloved hand along her scarred neck, scratching along a vicious scar she must have received in Dorne. There were no words exchanged, not the way Aegon chattered with Sunfyre. Aemond’s bond with Vhagar was one of feeling, of such deep understanding that no words needed to spill from him. In no time, he scaled her great bulk and yelled out the command to fly, which his dragon responded with her own, what he assumed was excited, call in return.
Vhagar landed on the cliffs on the western side of Massey’s Hook, the bay below dotted with smaller fishing boats this far out from King’s Landing and away from the bustle of the capital. Rage and grief, anger and fear were a tempest in his gut and he rankled at the call of Moondancer as his cousin circled above them.
If Baela wanted this fight, then he would meet her, unflinching. Let her see what dragons were made of. They did not all reside on Dragonstone.
“Laodijes peldios!” Baela howled at him, her voice a sharp shout on the breeze, her face twisted and ugly with fury, fists at her side as she readied herself to hit him should he get within reach.
Aemond glared at her, the distance between them shrunk now to an arm length. Vhagar was a great shadow behind him and he could feel the sulfuric heat of her breath as she exhaled buffeting at his back. Moondancer was a little ways away, shrieking fearfully and Aemond could not tell if the dragon reflected her rider’s mood, or her fear of Vhagar.
“You’re a fucking fool. Daemon Targaryen is your father, your mother a Velaryon, and you still don’t realize that a dragon cannot be stolen.”
“You had no fucking right!” Baela snarled. “Vhagar was for Rhaena to claim-”
“If Vhagar had not wanted me, she would have eaten me and you damn well know it.” Aemond cut her off, watching her jaw click shut with a curl of satisfaction. “Vhagar chose me, not your sister. What? You want to kill me to give her another chance at claiming her? Is that what you’re here? To finish the job that you all started?”
“Why would my mother’s dragon choose you?” Balea cried, and this time, there was a choked quality to her rage. Aemond’s eye widened slightly and he leaned back from her, a curl of uncertainty that he despised. His words had been harsh, full of the anger that he had felt simmering these past years. Aemond shrugged it off. He had earned his harshness in this. He’d been the one attacked, the band of them setting upon him simply because he chose to claim his right as a Valyrian prince.
‘Why would my mother’s dragon choose you?’
Aemond ran his tongue over his teeth and leaned back on his foot, watching Baela gasp for air amidst her choking sobs, and turn from him to look out to the bay, towards Driftmark and High Tide.
He remembered his mother’s cries, her rage, her such careful and elegant control snapping as her voice cracked in the silence of the Hall of Nine.
“He’s your son, Viserys.”
“Why did Moondancer choose you?” Aemond asked. “Why did Moondancer choose you, and my egg never hatched?” Baela did not look at him but he could see the way her shoulders tensed. “Why didn’t you go find the guards? Why did you come, thinking a thief had stolen a dragon and Jacaerys brought his blade? Why did they give me a pig, pretending they had found me a dragon as they both had their own? Why did they do nothing but terrorize me with that fact for our childhoods?” 
Aegon had done it too, gone in on the fun, drunk on being the eldest. It had lessened considerably in the wake of Rhaenyra leaving the capital, even if his brother sought other ways to tease him - he’d never again mentioned his lack of dragon.
Aegon had come to him in his sick bed, his curls shorn, red eyed and puffy faced, tears on his cheeks, had knelt at his bedside and vowed to him. 
“We protect our own and I did not protect you. I do not care if you’ve claimed Vhagar, for I was not there for you when you needed me. It will never happen again. I will protect you. I will be by your side.”
Aemond had sometimes wondered how much of the words were his brother’s own, but he had known, with certainty, that the feelings were genuine. His brother was an idiot, and they butted heads, but his brother loved him in his own way, and for as angry as Aegon could make him, he loved him too. In his own way. 
He might admit that on his deathbed, unlike Aegon, who would only need to be in the depths of his cups and into the sad and tearful mourning edge.
“What do you know, Baela?” Aemond said, his voice even, coldness creeping along the edges. “Of fighting and scraping for everything that is owed to you?” He forcefully bit his tongue, copper exploding in his mouth as he broke skin, to keep from pressing further at the loss of her birth right to Driftmark for Rhaenyra’s folly.
“A prince has to scrape for all that is owed to him.” It was rhetorical, biting, and Aemond snorted, taking a step forward, his own gaze looking out at the water.
“You may have been an idiot child, but don’t play me for a fool.” It was impossible not to see how little Viserys thought of his second family, and he had seen it plainly on Jacaerys’ face, the surprise in witnessing it. “I’m sure your father relishes every word you send to him. His little spy.”
Baela’s lip curled in a snarl and she stalked closer. Aemond stayed where he was, watching her with a narrowed eye as Vhagar let out a low growl behind him. She did not move, did not lift her head, but her nostrils flared and Aemond felt the heat of her breath swirl around him. Baela’s eyes widened, and she paused, the indigo of them shining with tears. 
He turned his head slightly to look at Vhagar. “��gha iksi,” he reassured her, feeling Vhagar’s displeasure seeping through him, her warning and the remembered rage from those years ago when she could not protect him or take away his pain. He reached for her snout, pressing his hand to the scar above her left nostril, rubbing against it. He turned his back to his cousin and brought his other hand up, feeling the anger hot as coals, hot as dragonfire in his chest. Vhagar was full of tension. He could feel it. Would she feel that way if it wasn’t him? If she was not so worried for him, would she recognize the girl behind him as the child that Laena Velaryon surely brought to her, as Aemond would have brought his own child? Had his grandfather, Baelon, brought his sons to this dragon before them?
The silence filled the air around them, the wind thick with tension. Aemond pressed his forehead to Vhagar, took strength from her, squeezed his eye shut and ignored the pain that lanced through his head and pulsed behind his scar.
The sob behind him was soft, and Moondancer’s cry was mournful.
“He’s your son, Viserys.”
“I did not mean to tarnish your mother’s memory,” Aemond finally spoke, his voice carrying as he looked, blind side towards Baela. “It was not done to hurt you, or to take something from you. It was… It was my only chance. And it’s something I don’t think you’ll ever be able to understand. I am… I am sorry about the loss of your mother. I did not have the opportunity to give you my condolences then, but I can give them to you now.”
The sound Baela made was strangled. Aemond turned to look at her. Baela was stiff beneath her red and black riding leathers, the metal rings in her hair tinkling as the wind tugged at her braids. He recalled the mourning child she had been sitting by her twin and Jace, the vicious yell she’d let out when she punched him in the nose that night, the howls and scream of pain. He felt Vhagar twitch and groan beneath his touch, another warning and he hushed her again, stroking her snout. He watched her gaze go towards Moondancer, who was crying fitfully, grounded still, her aquamarine wings more green against the lush grass of the clifftop.
“Do you want to pet her?”
Baela stared at him, the hostile lines to her face instantly slacking in surprise. “Skoro syt?” Her voice was small and wary, even as her eyes were wide with grief.
“My condolences,” Aemond repeated, and he found the words genuine. It was not Baela, nor her sister, or even his bastard nephews that rankled him. Oh, he wanted his revenge, He wanted what was due, but more of the blame lay with his eldest sister and their father. Of that, Aemond was secure in. He would gladly feed them both to Vhagar, to take an eye as payment for his mother.
His cousin shifted on her booted feet before whatever compelled her brought her forward. Aemond shifted, beckoning her to take her place by his side as he murmured words to Vhagar. Baela had taken her glove off, her slim, tanned hand reaching tentatively up before resting along the scar on Vhagar’s nostril.
They stood there for how long, Aemond was not sure, quietly beside one another as Baela grieved for the mother at the bottom of the Narrow Sea, and his own grief at what was taken from him.
“Do not mourn me, mother…”
‘But mourn the boy dead on Driftmark.’
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It was not lightness or peace that settled over Aemond when he and his cousin parted later. He was not certain how much time had passed, only that after she had sobbed, they sat there in a strange, companionable silence eating hunks of bread and cheese and apple that Baela cut with a wicked blade. She did not give him thanks, she did not say anything, but Aemond took the offering of shared food as her own gesture of whatever truce was settled between them. The exchanged curt nods before parting, Baela northeast and away from the city to what Aemond assumed was High Tide and her grandmother and twin, while he circled back towards the city.
Aemond was not certain of the feeling he held except that it felt like he had scratched something out on a list, or deposited a burden that he was trying to carry with all his other, more cumbersome burdens. It was a closed door. That was enough for Aemond, and there was a part of him that wanted to march to his sisters and tell them that he had made nice, to have Abby’s warm smile proud with him, and Helaena’s little clap and promptly being the receiver of her latest mountain spider that Uncle Rodrik had brought her.
Instead, after entering the inner courtyard of the Red Keep and handing off his horse to one of the stablehands, he made his way to the gardens and to his own preferred solitude when the library - so recently desecrated - was not an option. No, Aemond needed air, he needed the statue of Visenya to look down upon him. There, where Helaena had snipped the strings and released him from the vow he had made, the goal that held him that was more about him than it truly was about her. 
Where his sister had set him free, and he loved her all the more for it.
The problem, he found, upon striding down the paved path and through the dripping ivy, was that his garden was not, in fact, as empty as he hoped. Wylla Karstark was kneeled in front of a bush of hyacinths, carefully cutting the purple blooms and placing them in a basket beside her. She was clad in a dove gray dress, the black fabric of her kirtle beneath poking out through slashes along her shoulders and puffed at her elbows. Her fox features were pinched in concentration and Aemond watched her for a moment, silent as she had clearly not heard his approach.
Wylla Karstark was an unknown. She was pretty enough, with a long nose and sharp jaw, gray eyes that flashed when she was annoyed, which was the majority of the time. She had a rather frustrating talent of being able to look down at him even as she had to arch her neck, for she was as petite as Abby was. Their joint misfortune, just like Aegon’s. She was also well read, their conversation at the feast turning from a mutual annoyance to discussing the book of poetry that he had seen her reading, which itself had turned into a rather long and in depth conversation on the Valyrian poet, Praxilla, whose work had survived by the grace of her living the life of leisure in Lys when the Doom happened. Wylla and his elder brother unknowingly shared a fondness for drinking songs penned by the scribe, although Aemond was smart enough to know he shouldn’t bring that up.
Not until he needed to.
“It is polite to speak when coming upon someone, Your Grace,” Wylla’s northern burr was arch as she focused on her task. “I would curtsy, but you can see I’m already on my knees.”
Aemond’s cheeks flushed at the turn of her words, and he was not certain if she understood how they could be taken. He decided that she didn’t, for she did not turn to look at him, seemingly unbothered. All for the best, he supposed, for Aemond did not think he could meet her gaze should she be facing him.
“Why are you cutting my flowers?”
“Your flowers, Your Grace?” Wylla laughed, a sharp, lilting sort of sound and he wondered if that’s what she sounded like when she sang. Did she sing? He had not asked her. “These flowers belong to Queen Visenya, for it is her garden, is it not?”
“It is my garden,” he pushed back, frowning at the back of her head, the mass of thick, twisted black braids kept in place with a woven, pearl hair net with wicked looking, pearl tipped hair pins to keep the heaviness of it in place. He flexed his hands, wiping them on his riding leathers as he approached. There were other flowers in her basket, like wisteria and some of the roses from the main garden. He sat, bending his one leg to rest an arm on while the other reached in.
Up close, he could see the red flush to her pale cheeks. He did not recall them looking so red when he saw her the day before, outside of the bit of sun all the girls had gotten during the sun.
Her smack was quick, the sound of flesh stinging flesh loud and he immediately pulled back with a hiss and a glare. “How dare-”
“Those aren’t for you,” Wylla said forcefully, the gray eyes of her bright in her face as she finally looked at him. “They’re for Lady Abrogail.”
Aemond had killed a man for the fox-faced woman before him without hesitation, and the knowledge of it settled in him still, generally buried over the past few weeks because he had no idea what to do about it. They’d been attacked in the night, and Wylla Karstark had shoved a knife between the man’s ribs without hesitation. So tall, Wylla Karstark seemed, so loud, filling up the spaces she was in without holding herself back, that he had so often forgotten how small she was.
Until she was there, in front of him, those gray eyes like the storm ridden ocean.
Aemond held her gaze, reaching back into the basket to pluck one of the deep purple, nearly blue anemones that she had gathered, twirling it idly between his long fingers before reaching up to tuck it behind her ear. Wylla was still beside him, her red painted mouth parted slightly, so he could see the flash of her white teeth behind it. Her cheeks deepend in their red to match the paint on her lips and Aemon hummed. 
Abby had been understandably shaken. Knowing her as long as he did, even with the smiles affixed to her face, he knew the signs as intimately as he understood Helaena’s or Aegon’s, or his own mother’s. Wylla Karstark was a mystery. She had been quiet, from what he had seen, but the wedding preparations had taken up much time with the girls, as well as her brother finally leaving the capital earlier that week.
He clenched his jaw, a muscle ticking, before he met her gaze. “Are you alright?”
Her inhale was loud. It trembled and she pressed her red lips together, her throat bobbing with a swallow and looked back at the flowers but did not move to cut anymore. Aemond did not push her, but only waited.
“Yes? No? Strangely yes,” she finally whispered. “I think that’s what bothers me more.”
“That bastard came in with intent to harm,” Aemond said. “If you didn’t kill him, someone else would have. You were incredibly brave.” None knew  where he’d come from. The assailant had been clad in the same red garb as the rest of the servants. A baseborn man. Waters or Storm, Aemond couldn’t remember, much like he had no memory of the man’s face before he stared down at it, red and wheezing before he killed him.
“At least it wasn’t Aegon,” Wylla whispered, her eyes wide, drawing his attention back to her. “What would have that turned into - him sneaking in for them to slobber all over each other. Me thinking he was an attacker and-”
The snort of laughter that escaped Aemond at the idea of it all could not be held back. He bent his head, gasping for air as his shoulders shook and it was only a moment before Wylla’s own peel of laughter joined his. It had been some weeks since he’d laughed, in the wake of what happened at the hunt drying up what little humor he’d indulged in. There was an infectious quality to Wylla Karstark’s amusement that he found comforting. Aemond looked at her, her face flushed from her laughter, and he leaned in, kissing her.
The laughter abruptly stopped, her mouth soft against his, still from her clear surprise. She tasted like oranges. Abby must have indulged in the sweet and sour orange cakes they had at the feast. Wylla did not respond, but she didn’t move away either and Aemond took that as acceptance, and he lifted his hand to cup her cheek, thumb swiping softly against the apple of it. Kisses with Helaena had been different - always expected, always ready, with her initiating many of them. The one time he’d kissed Abby, when they were little and Jace had dared him to, did not count. The both of them had made faces, vowing to never do it again. 
Kissing Wylla, though? He never wanted to stop, especially not when she reached up, the clippers making a soft thump along the grass to wrap around the end of the braid slung over his shoulder. She tugged it gently and Aemond broke away, blinking and gasping. “What?” he asked. “Should I have not done that?”
“Oh, you should have,” she reassured him, breathless and red faced. She licked her lips and looked at her fingers still wound around his braid, toying with the leather tie. “I was just reminded of something someone told me once.”
He cocked his head, mouth pursed. “What was it?”
The smile that cut across Wylla’s face was amused, the scar along the top of her lip giving a mischievous bend to her small, red mouth. “It was about how dragons purr when you pull their hair.”
Whatever thought started to coalesce about her late night conversation with his sisters was pushed right out when her lips found his.
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I would love to hear your thoughts! Even if it's just a keyboard smash! Reblog to spread a story around so others may find it! I would love to hear your theories! What did you love? What are you looking forward to? Happy to have you here as always <3
[Next Chapter]
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aparticularbandit · 1 year ago
imagine your favorite fashion guru on tiktok/instagram/youtube. very good about giving all the tips, about explaining things in a way that you can follow. shows cool ways to do make-up, how to sew missing buttons or replace zippers, to add patches to punk jackets, even hair dye tips - and the best brands for your buck! and very good about stories during the whole thing; you never get bored!
then you hear about something really bad happening in her country, and the videos stop for a while. you miss her, of course, but you get it. you wouldn't upload under the circumstances either. of course, you and a bunch of her other followers leave a lot of positive comments on her last video - the one that explains why she might not be updating for a while.
months pass. every now and again you check on her channel. you're subscribed, so you'd get an email for a new video, but. just in case, you know? and sometimes you go through the old videos. they're just so comforting. you wonder how she's doing. you hope she's doing okay.
one day, you get the email that she's been active again! you automatically check it out. looks like she and a bunch of her friends from school have decided to take shelter in an abandoned school building. they've completely locked themselves in, but she assures you that everyone is going to be just fine! it's just kind of boring in there and everything. but the headmaster has given her permission to do videos again; he doesn't think it's a threat at all!
so now you get a lot of videos. daily content. not just your guru giving her normal tips and tricks, but more real life stuff. she brings in some of her friends, and they all seem really sweet. they livestream video games every now and again, and sometimes she ropes them into doing jackbox stuff so even the viewers can get involved! it's entirely different, but you're addicted. especially when she has a set time every day for her streams and then others around that! and of course, it's so great to leave comments to make everyone feel better, what with everything they're going through.
sometimes, she cries on camera. it's really, really rough. but she thanks you - all of her viewers - for being there for her through everything. it's so nice of all of you. she'd thought you would leave after everything or that the abrupt change of content would cause her to lose viewers. then she says that, you know, given everything, viewer count's not so important to her anymore. she just wants you to know that she's still here, she's still alive, and that they're all going to try and do their best to survive together.
it feels like everyone you know is following her now, tuned into her life, the lives of her friends, their struggles. it's a weird sort of thing; you all have your favorites, but you don't really hate anyone either because...those are real people on the screen. you love all of them. but you love your girl the best. she was the first. of course, you love her.
one day, the live stream starts, and it's...different.
there's a bear? and something about murder? and none of your comments are getting through to anyone anymore. and it's just the bear playing moderator? and the headmaster is...gone? and so is one of the students?
only you look closer - you know what your girl looks like, you know - and that's...that's her sister dressed up as her, you're sure of it. which means your girl is missing.
something's...something's wrong. it's weird. you don't like it, but you can't stop following it. because...well.
there's a bunch of theories. maybe it's like when markiplier did one of his movies or whatever. maybe they were just so bored that they decided to do a movie series or something like that?
and then you see one of the students murder another one on screen.
and then the bear kills your girl's sister.
and you can't look away.
(junko enoshima trends on twitter for over a month, even through the other murders.)
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fountainpenguin · 3 months ago
hiii new reader here! I'm loving your neighborhood watch au :) I have a question though, what's up with all the hidden fics if you don't mind answering?
Thanks, I'm glad you're enjoying it! I'm hoping to post more for that AU during 2025; working on the buffer this winter :) Next up should be "Goodchild Oscar," which I started a long time ago and have been itching to share. I love NW AU so much...
And good question! My hidden fics are in an unrevealed collection called Riddle WIPs:
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Hidden works are my drafts, but in a way that prevents them from being auto-deleted by AO3 after 30 days (i.e. the way AO3's actual draft feature does).
Keeping my works in this unrevealed collection lets me see everything, organize everything, link them to other works, prep my tags in advance, and do my color-coding HTML in advance (for works that use the green/yellow/red name system for life colors). Multi-chapter works also get their spoiler dropdown boxes in advance too.
This is a lifesaver when working with series. I have my works in multiple series, and every time you add one of those (or an inspired work), you have to save/post to refresh the page before you can add another. People who subscribe to a series (as opposed to the story or author) get the notification after a work is posted. I like to make sure my work has all the series attached to it upfront, not just one. It's nice to feel like I have plenty of time to do everything I want for prep purposes without stressing about a 30-day timer.
In short, it's a LOT easier to stick to a weekly upload schedule if all the work on the AO3 side is done in advance and all I need to do is slap the chapter in and post. Here's a draft I prepped last night, for instance:
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/slaps his little head - This work can fit SO much body text when I'm done.
On posting night, all I have to do is add the text, change the update date to the day I post, remove it from the unrevealed collection, and presto! People subscribed to any of those series (or to me as an author) get the notifications :) Huge time-saver that lets me keep my regular update schedule.
If you check that publish date, you can see I actually made this draft in April. I just did the tags and cover art for it last night, as I'd like to get this work posted very soon. It takes me a while to get around to each individual project, but at least I always know where to find them and I can do the parts I have energy for when I have free time.
I just made a spreadsheet this week that links all my docs and AO3 works, so I am living large...
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Another reason I do this is because I often have limited Internet access, but I do have offline access to my writing docs. I have a lot of back-and-forth time on the road, and sometimes I finish my writing when I'm away from home. It's so nice to prep the AO3 side in advance while I have a stable Internet connection and mouse instead of doing all that on the trackpad.
[cnt'd - Long post]
Back when I started doing this with hidden works, it was mostly because AO3 had a bug where every time you rearranged a series, you had to manually edit every single work that came after it if you wanted the Previous and Next links to work properly.
And I did. Every time I posted. Because that's how I am. I write a series titled 130 Reasons Why I'm Fairy Trash, which used to be arranged chronologically before I went through and changed them to recommended reading order, and there are 130 one-shots in it. I have tasted so much pain...
In other words, the series feature was great for people posting new works that come "next" in the series, but it wasn't working well for people who like to rearrange the order when they post something new. Ex: I have both the Pixels Imperfect and Neighborhood Watch series in chronological order. Using the unrevealed works, I took the time to arrange all the hidden works in advance so that the timeline was properly arranged regardless of what order I submitted fics in. This way, I only had to dedicate a couple days to getting all my current WIPs prepped and arranged, with the hope being that my links would work properly for a long time before I wrote a new work and had to find a place for it. I have never written a series chronologically in my life and I think it would kill my motivation if I forced myself to do that, honestly.
I'm pretty sure this rearrangement bug was there since I joined AO3 in 2018. Guess what they fixed while I was in the middle of adding all my drafts and arranging them all :'D
This is the best bug fix ever; my crops are watered daily and my skin is clean. I live in constant fear this bug will return and I will once again be relegated to spending hours of an evening painstakingly updating every work that comes later in a series... instead of the 2 seconds it takes to place a work now.
Bonus reason why I like the hidden work feature: I have thousands of documents after my 13+ years of posting fanfics and writing original works, many of which are no longer as up-to-date as posted versions that received minor revisions over the years (like spelling fixes).
It's super nice to have a place on AO3 to keep backups where I can easily find them and not mix them up with my outdated files (which I should clean out, but hesitate to do so because it would take me days).
I do have downloaded backups of all my works as well (Bless FicLab). Went through and did a sweep last month! I will not lose over a decade of my life... I bought a flash drive necklace to slap them on, so they will literally have to pry this stuff from my cold, dead hands.
FFN went down for a week earlier this year and I had a few works that were exclusively on FFN, not yet on AO3, so I was very quick to slap those into my WIPs collection as soon as I could, haha... One of those is 30k words. Yep. Not losing that.
I really wish AO3 would let people use Previous and Next to navigate through a hidden work because it's very obnoxious for me and others who want to click through the series and then we slam into a hidden work, but c'est la vie.
I fear the bug's return with my life, and for this, everyone must click extra times to navigate around the wall.
Fun bonus screenshots of what I see on my end even though these works are hidden for you guys:
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Pixels Imperfect #2, baby! ... The first wall you hit if you're trying to read the series by clicking "Next," haha... Oh no.
And some Neighborhood Watch:
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The story beats are there! I'm just not yet... but it's a much bigger decision to drop a WIP if you're already "halfway there" because you've got the prep work done. Some people may not want to put that "pressure" on themselves, but I don't mind it. I like seeing the works yet to come so they remind me of how excited I am to get there. They just seem so close...
I'm easing into a hiatus from posting fanfics this winter so I can build my 'fic buffers and post a few one-shots I've had sitting around. Fingers crossed that 2025 will have a lot of NW content. I'm very excited for it and I'm glad you're looking forward to it too!
-> I am so glad NW is only the first 5 Life seasons in the same timeline, because if I had to work Wild Life's mechanics into the worldbuilding, that would be a rough one...
My late-2025 is set up to be extremely busy IRL and the next couple years are sure to be as well, so I'm putting my all into prepping buffers right now. This'll be a lifesaver for me down the road.
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seasprin · 1 month ago
Now that I finished writing "The Devil's Trumpet", what comes next for Aizawa and Reader-Chan?
So... I have finished writing "The Devil's Trumpet" Which is Part 2 of my "Aizawa deserves happiness!" series, which is a collection of fanfics of Aizawa being put in many different scenarios and falling in love with Reader-Chan every time. I already have ideas for the next 3 parts. I'm not going to reveal the ideas, because I want them to be complete surprises for when they are being planned, written, and then eventually published onto ao3. Just know that I am particularly excited for these next 3 parts. These scenarios are completely different from each other but they all have one thing in common: None of them are anywhere near Canon. Not even Part 2, even though it was the closest to the canon-verse. So, I will not be giving out any hints on what Parts 3, 4, and 5 are. However. These ideas are awesome and different, and I like them a lot. So I hope you subscribe to my ao3 user profile to get notified when they come out, and If you're worried about inconsistent updates, don't worry. I make sure that I get way far ahead enough in the story before I even start posting because I love having a consistent updating schedule. I am not sure how long these fanfics are meant to be, but I'm most definitely not going to make them any longer than 50 chapters per story. Because anything above 50, makes me intimidated and I just dip out. I am planning these next 3 parts at the same time, however. it's not very likely that I will write all three at the same time, as I like to focus on 1 or 2 projects at a time. And with that, that is all I wanted to say. That just because I have chapters 27-40 left to upload onto ao3, Just know that there is more coming and this series will not end any time soon. Stay Tuned! ~Seasprin
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flayedprideparade · 2 months ago
Part 1 Hi! I just wanted to take a moment to say how much I’ve been enjoying your fic! The story is wonderfully written, and your characterization is spot-on. I really appreciate the effort you put into tagging it—especially the bottom Steve. That tag was one of the reasons I started reading, as it aligns perfectly with my preferences. I noticed a comment suggesting a different dynamic, and I hope this doesn’t come off the wrong way, but I wanted to share that I’d be a bit disappointed
"-- if the story went in that direction. That said, I completely understand and respect that this is your fic, and you should feel free to write what you want without feeling pressured to please every reader—including me! I think it’s amazing that you’ve been clear and consistent about your intentions for the fic, and I really appreciate the way you’ve stuck to them. Everyone has different preferences and there’s so much space in fandom for diverse content. Your story has been a joy to read. Thank you for sharing your work with us. I look forward to seeing where the story goes (no pressure, of course—write at your own pace and in your own way). Your fic has made my day, and I just wanted to share my appreciation! Feel free to ignore. All the best”
Hi, there! Thanks for taking the time to message me, and for your kind words. I compiled the other asks/parts of your question into one, hope you don't mind!
I know some people feel there are negative implications when, in a m/m ship, one guy always tops and the other always bottoms. I absolutely understand where they're coming from, but at the same time, I don't think there's anything wrong with having a strong preference or exclusively enjoying when a specific character either tops or bottoms. For a really long time, I shipped everything that way, where I ONLY wanted one character to bottom or top. I know there was a fair amount of discourse in the Harringrove fandom back in the day lol. People got REALLY attached to the idea of Steve or Billy in whichever position they preferred.
But I'll cut to the chase: for the entirety of "You're Gonna Carry That Weight", I HIGHLY doubt I'll have Steve topping. That being said, slight spoilers to come, but I'll probably have some other NSFW scenes that aren't just traditional banging, either-- handjobs, maybe blowjobs? Etc. So it won't be JUST Steve 'receiving' as it were, so if those aren't in line with you preferences, a small heads up there. I'll be updating the tags as those scenes come into play, too. Again, I very highly doubt that I'll write any bottom Billy in the span of this fic, but on the very unlikely chance that I do, tags will be added and I'll be sure to make note of it in an author's note preceeding the actual chapter.
Now, I have been vaguely considering a sort of sequel series, or at least a bunch of one-shots or snippets that would take place after YGCTW, in the same universe. If I get around to doing that, and if you think you might be interested in it, then you might have to watch out for (a very rare, very occasional) bottom Billy. But again, that would be a loooong way off, and I'd tag it appropriately, so you'd easily be able to skip any such chapters if you were so inclined.
I honestly thought about going into PAINSTAKING DETAIL discussing the intricacies of how I see Billy and Steve's sex life evolving in this au, but I realized it wasn't relevant and probably not what you're here for 😅
So, TL;DR, for the early part of their relationship, ie what YGCTW is going to predominately cover, Billy subscribes firmly to the "It's not gay if I'm on top" mentality, and therefore proooooobably will never be bottoming.
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drac-onion · 4 months ago
I think LFI is done. I've come up with a summary, a title (what LFI stands for stopped being as relevant during the second draft phase), and given each chapter a name. It's been beta read twice over and the little things have been adjusted. I feel like there's more to be done, but the reality is that there isn't anything else I can do. It's polished to the best of my abilities.
All that's left is to convert it all to HTML and then pick a time to release it.
The shorter thing has to go out first, mostly cuz it's shorter, but also cuz I won't want to post a oneshot while I'm in the middle of putting up a longwork. That'd be a little weird. Also the tonal whiplash would be pretty noticeable.
But who knows? Maybe I'll end up sitting on the shorter stuff for longer just to have something to put up during the inevitable drought between LFI1 and the next thing.
Working titles are hard. But I had tons of ideas during the writing process that I wanna work on. And a bunch of oneshots that will find their way down the pipeline eventually. I'm gonna have to make an AO3 series thing at this point, considering they all take place during the same "canon" now. BTM-verse?
Once again, working titles are hard.
Anyway. It's weird. It's just weird. I never thought I'd get this far. It feels like there would never be a time where I wasn't working on it, but I've worked on it and worked on it and asked people what they thought and it's to the point where there's nothing else to do to it. It's as good as it's going to get at this point.
I have to move on.
But man, if it isn't super hard to get into that mindset. It hasn't really hit me yet and probably won't until it's officially up. A little bit of fear has set in, but again, that will likely ramp up as I get closer to posting it.
What if it isn't good?
What if it reads poorly?
What if it's boring?
Effort isn't everything. I could spend a year on a marble sculpture but time+effort doesn't always equal quality.
Creativity is hard.
Hopefully this is the last major update before it goes up. Before the year is up, for sure. Definitely. Maybe. Hopefully?
(Shameless plug) it'll be on my AO3, so go ahead and subscribe if you haven't already. Or I'll have posts on here when the chapters come out. Either or. It's cool, promise. I should also do some promo and actually put up the summary at some point.
You may have noticed that I'm treating this sort of like a content creator would, and that's just because I find the process fun. Building hype, considering a schedule, things like that. Sure, it's in service to nobody because it's not like I'm some big name, but take it till ya make it, right? I'm not doing this for fame, just for fun, but it's fun to treat it like it's bigger and more important than it is.
It'd be more cool and stoic of me to release it without saying anything and pretend I'm so confident in my abilities that I don't care what anyone else thinks, but that wouldn't be genuine. I like seeing behind the scenes, and I think there's a lot involved in the creative process other than the actual creative process. There's a lot of doubt and confusion and hair pulling involved, so if there's someone out there who perceived creators as perfect beings that release stuff, then allow me to show you behind the curtain of the chaos and mess that is all this. It's all for the love of the craft. If I didn't enjoy the writing process so much, I wouldn't even bother. So don't worry. If you're flying by the seat of your pants, trying to figure out how other people write and seem like they know what they're doing, rest assured that I'm here to be an example of someone who's just making it up as they go along. For the love of the craft and enjoyment of the process.
Anyway. That's the end of this little update and ramble.
Stay tuned. Like and subscribe or whatever, etc. idk
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lord-squiggletits · 1 year ago
For the fanfic writer emoji ask: uuuuh I'm super curious about everything!!! But mainly
💖 What made you start writing?
❌ What's a trope you will never write?
👀 Tell me about an up and coming wip please!
🤗 What advice would you give to new fanfic writers that are just getting started?
💖 What made you start writing?
I read a book called Julie of the Wolves by Jean C. George for an assignment in elementary school and basically became a wolfgirl when I was like 7 years old. But, basically I became really obsessed with wolves and nature-like stuff and I decided I wanted to try writing my own stuff like that, especially since I was further influenced by stuff like the Redwall series and Tamora Pierce's The Immortals quartet and I really wanted to write my own "magical archer girl with animals as companions" stories ahahaha. You wouldn't guess it from the fact I write Transformers (science fiction) but I'm actually a fantasy writer through and through.
❌ What's a trope you will never write?
Already answered this in the ask right before this one, but a trope that I actually can't stand in romance fics and would never ever write is "I'm mad that the person I like is dating someone else, so I'm gonna date/have sex with this other person to try and make them jealous and want me." It's just so immature and I can't see any of my favorite characters doing that, much less it actually working.
I was thinking of saying "infidelity" but honestly, I could see myself writing an infidelity fic if it was something like "one character is in an arranged marriage with another, but they meet their true lover in secret" because I like the vibes of tragedy involved in that. But like, I would never find it appealing to write a monogamous pairing where one of them cheats on the other even if they end up working through the drama and going to therapy or whatever and staying with each other. That's just not the kind of thing I come for in my romantic fantasy fanfic :( not to mention that for the ships I write, it would be out-of-character/I'm not interested in writing for scenarios where it might be in character.
👀 Tell me about an up and coming wip please!
Mmmmmmm I'll give you a freebie about a fic that I haven't posted yet: I'm planning to write a silly, stupid Pharma-centric fic in which he teaches sexual education to a class of MTOs. It'll feature a lot of valveplug worldbuilding, Autobot high command being very concerned about soldiers having safe/sane sex, and the MTOs behaving similarly to teenagers giggling about their teacher saying "spike" and other similarly immature antics.
Also, Pharma accidentally awakening a sexy doctor fetish in more than a few students.
🤗 What advice would you give to new fanfic writers that are just getting started?
Uploading prolifically is a good way to get more subscribers/kudos/comments if you feel that getting more attention is important to you, which I won't lie, is a validating part of starting out on AO3. People will be more likely to become a "fan" of yours if they notice that you're always uploading new fics/updating multichapters. It'll make it seem as if you're an active author who can be talked to, as opposed to posting one fic and then disappearing and people wonder if maybe you already left the fandom and aren't interested in writing more or talking about it.
I wouldn't worry about posting one-shots versus multichapters, or worrying about whether it's too short or too long. Frankly, I admire people who can regularly write things <1,000 words long because I always end up making stories really long even when I intend to be short lol. Just make sure that if it's a really, really long oneshot (like... there's not really a specific rule for this, but maybe 10k words? or if your oneshot has a lot of different scenes and a convoluted plot), split the oneshot into at least two chapters. Some people's browsers don't save which part of the page they stopped reading on if the tab reloads, and I've heard many people complain about fics that didn't have chapter breaks to make it easier to save their location or take a break while reading.
If you want to get popular, it's better to post things that make you happy/entertained and create a niche for yourself than it is for you to try and write the most popular pairings/tropes/etc. Or rather, I would say that having a unique niche with a small but dedicated audience is far more rewarding than trying to pander to popularity. I kind of feel like my more niche stuff may not have as LARGE numbers as the more popular stuff, but it seems to get more comments and detailed feedback than stuff like PWPs. And the more I post niche or very specific fics that are tailored specifically to my interests, the more people who ALSO have niche tastes come out of the woodwork and go "holy shit I didn't think anyone else liked this" and we end up becoming good friends! And maybe one day your niche takes will make people notice how passionate and well thought out they are, and you can start new trends in fanon and headcanoning!
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monriatitans · 1 month ago
Let's Play Some $#!7! - Split Attention: Tavern Talk's Demo + Spiritfarer - Part 2
Come join me for another episode of Let's Play Some $#!7 | LPS$, where I play games to provide commentary to educate on game development! Provided I don't get too caught up in the game to comment, which, in a sense, is commentary in and of itself. Today, we finished playing Tavern Talk's demo! It was first introduced to The Weekend Game Show | WGS via Let's Play Some Demos! - Part 14, TIMESTAMP: 1:50:50! I had to cut it short due to the "30-Minutes Per Demo" rule. Another reason I finished the demo was to make sure I did the game as much justice as possible. 
Now, I didn't call this stream Let's Play Some Demos! | LPSD because I want this game. After I get it, it'll be a regular feature on the show. And, since the demo was finished quickly, I also played Spiritfarer: Farewell Edition! It was first introduced to The Weekend Game Show | WGS via Let's Play Some Demos! - Part 3! Part 1 was an LPS$ stream. And, had I known how short Tavern Talk's demo was, I would have finished it during the first playing of it. I was RIGHT THERE towards the end!
With all that out the way, here are my opinions, via the "Layered Compliment Sandwich": Tavern Talk drink-making mechanic is the most unique I have ever seen. Being able to feed Abdu a small amount of the drink we messed up instead of starting over is SUPER convenient! And the fact how much of each ingredient to use is dictated. And the Quest board is a nice touch as well, though, did the demo block us from putting up more than one? Because I would click on the board and it would just pull up the journal. That made me sad. Also, there was a random apostrophe facing the wrong direction. Despite those little things, I can't WAIT to get my hands on the game! I hope Fable does well... I hope I gave her the right drink... Spiritfarer is a delight! It's a cartoon-looking game with cussing in it! What a PLEASANT surprise! Especially since, I, as an adult, don't bother to look at the maturity rating. It was also refreshing to see a game of that type of art style throw a curveball like that. The talk about capitalism being horrible is a boon, too! One change I would make is to have in the Updates portion of the... journal?... either include Improvements or have a separate section altogether. Hopping back up to the BLUEPRINTS every time I forget what I need to make is time-consuming and irritating, considering how little time we have in the day. And is there a button to turn off excess animations? I don't need to see the "waking up" and "getting stuff out of the oven" animation every time. Clock's ticking and I have things to do! Those irritants won't stop me from continuing my personal playthrough, though!
And that's it for this mini-review! Thank you for reading! If this series of videos is something you're interested in, you can watch it on YouTube, The Titans' Discord, Steam, Rumble, and Odysee! And on Twitch while the VODs last. Don’t forget to hit the Subscribe and/or Follow buttons to know when there's more!
The Sunday, January 19th, and 672nd, Artist Shout-Out goes to Carla Antoni! Check them out here!
TIMESTAMPS 0:00 - Starting Soon 9:59 - Welcome Gamers! 12:53 - Artist Shout-Out 16:06 - Tavern Talk 58:57 - Spiritfarer: Farewell Edition 1:55:06 - Break Time 2:10:02 - Spiritfarer: Farewell Edition 3:56:38 - Artist Shout-Out 3:57:17 - Thank You/Links 3:57:55 - Up Next/Farewell
MORE INFO & TO SUPPORT – MonriaTitans | WGS Summarized – Rendezvous Point Bookshop – Artist Shout-Out Criteria – Throne Wishlist – #SubOffTwitch – YouTube – Rumble – Odysee – Twitch– Steam
Originally published to https://opinionsandtruth.wordpress.com on January 19, 2025.
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gurugirl · 2 months ago
Miss guru! Hope you’re staying hydrated and having a great day!! i have a confession that I really really hope you take no offence to at all? I promise it’s not a dig, I appreciate literally everything you put out and the time you spend interacting with us, but more of a me problem…
Basically, I really really struggle reading multi-part fics... I’m not sure exactly why, I think my brain just gets easily muddled the minute anything goes beyond a part 3, I lose the plot and end up rereading the first bits all over again just to work out what the original plot is😅 especially if I’m reading lots at once! I’m subscribed to your Patreon and absolutely love being there❤️ but we get lots of squeals I feel? No complaints of course, I just find them a bit tricker to keep up with! I was wondering by any chance if you have a routine for posting one shots/ maybe two parters vs posting a series? I adore your writing and don’t want to miss out. You don’t owe me an answer to this at all of course, but it’d be great to know how often to expect a one shot I can sink my teeth into!
Lots of love and a big thank you
…sorry this turned out to be so long xx
Hi hon! Thank you for the support! This is so nice :) I try to stay hydrated but some days are better than others haha! I hope you're staying hydrated too!
I get the whole thing with the series. Sometimes I'm the same when I'm reading fic, so definitely understand :)
I try to give y'all one shots, I swear. But when I start writing sometimes there's a story to tell and it can't be all posted in a quick one shot (usually) and I hate rushing through a story. The one shots are more filler content with less plot overall and my favorite is the slow burn with a real story when I'm writing and it's not easy to get that good slow burn and pining when we're clipping the story at 10k words or something. It's just how the process works out when I'm writing.
In all honesty, I'd like to write book length stuff for y'all so I can really delve into the characters and you really see the vision. But with the way Patreon is set up I have to continuously be posting for anyone to stay interested so it's going to be posted one part per week for me to maintain. It's a tricky spot for me to be in to please everyone as much as possible. Most prefer multi-part series over one-shots (based on feedback and likes) and I'm often asked for more of a one-shot that I felt happy with ending it where it was but for the sake of making subscribers happy I extend the one shot and make it into a mini series - like hothusband and boss!harry for example.
And, if I post 2 parts of the same series in the same week I get complaints about it being too much at once and if I skip an update on a series one week then I get complaints about that too.
I'm just trying to make the majority happy. I love doing one shots too (they're typically a lot easier to write bc they're low plot stories) but they don't get as much attention as my series do.
I know I totally rambled, I'm just trying to explain a little bit of why you get more series than one shots. I've been at this for just over a year and about 7 or so months in, I realized the one shots just aren't as popular among my readers or the reader wants more parts.
Also, I don't know if I'd call any parts of the mini series sequels because every part is all the same mini series. And like once I'm done with each series or mini series they can all be read at once.
That's not to say I don't have more one shots coming. I'm working on a 2 parter and a couple of one shots for Patreon but can't say when they'll be ready.
I'm sorry the content isn't keeping you engaged! That's a big fear of mine for people to start reading and then it gets boring or the previous part wasn't memorable so you have to go back. I never want that to happen with my writing but I know my stuff's not always the most exciting so I understand losing the plot after a couple of parts as a reader is frustrating on your end too. Not what I hope to hear for feedback but I appreciate you telling me nonetheless. Thank you, hon 💕
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sparcusfun · 4 months ago
10 TV Shows That Deserved More Than One Season
Welcome back to our channel! In today's video, we’re counting down the 10 Amazing Shows That Deserved More Than One Season. These shows captivated us with their unique storylines, brilliant performances, and unforgettable moments, yet they left us wanting more after just one season. Whether it’s due to low ratings, network decisions, or other mysterious reasons, these series didn't get the chance to shine for as long as they deserved. From gripping dramas to thrilling sci-fi, there’s something in this list for everyone who loves a good binge-watch. Get ready to relive the frustration of those too-soon cancellations as we dive into the world of these one-season wonders. Have you ever found yourself hooked on a show, only to be disappointed when it was canceled too early? We’ve all been there. But no worries, we’re here to celebrate these hidden gems that deserved a longer run on our screens. If you're a fan of shows with incredible potential or love discovering under-the-radar series, this list is for you. Don’t forget to let us know in the comments which show you think should have lasted longer or if there’s a favorite we missed! Make sure to like, subscribe, and hit the notification bell to stay updated on more exciting content like this. Enjoy the countdown! #tvshow #tvseries https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_uvcp2OULZI
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gabbyandmercy · 5 months ago
#minecraft #minecraftshorts Minecraft Rabbit's Surprising Sports Journey!
Discover the hilarious and heartwarming story of a Minecraft rabbit who defies expectations and joins a sports team. Watch as it overcomes obstacles, makes friends, and proves that anything is possible with determination. Don't miss this adorable and inspiring tale! #Minecraft #Rabbit #Sports #Adventure #minecraft #minecraftshorts 🐰 Minecraft Rabbit's Surprising Sports Journey! ⚽️🏀 Welcome to an exciting new adventure in the blocky world of Minecraft! In this thrilling episode, we follow our adorable rabbit protagonist as he hops into the world of sports like never before! From dribbling a basketball to scoring goals on the soccer field, this little bunny is ready to show you that anything is possible when you put your mind to it! Join us as we explore the vibrant landscapes of Minecraft, where our furry friend takes on various sports challenges that will leave you on the edge of your seat! Will he become the ultimate sports champion or will he face unexpected hurdles along the way? Get ready for some heartwarming moments, hilarious mishaps, and jaw-dropping skills that will inspire players of all ages! 🌟 What to Expect: - Epic Sports Challenges: Watch as our rabbit tackles soccer, basketball, and more in a series of fun and engaging mini-games! - Incredible Gameplay: Experience the magic of Minecraft like never before with stunning visuals and creative gameplay mechanics. - Life Lessons: Discover valuable lessons about teamwork, perseverance, and believing in yourself through our rabbit's journey. Whether you're a seasoned Minecraft player or just starting out, this video is packed with entertainment that will keep you coming back for more. Don't miss out on the fun—join us on this whimsical sports adventure! 🔔 Subscribe for More Amazing Content: If you enjoyed this video and want to see more exciting Minecraft adventures featuring our lovable rabbit and his friends, make sure to hit that subscribe button! Join our growing community and stay updated with all our latest uploads. Your support means the world to us! 👉 [Subscribe Here](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCde68JxF6O9SG00Ll3IE6vg?sub_confirmation=1) Thank you for watching! We can't wait to share more incredible journeys with you. Remember to like, comment, and share your thoughts below—what sport do you think our rabbit should try next? Let’s hop into action together! 🐇💨 #Minecraft #MinecraftShorts #MinecraftRabbit #SportsJourney #GamingAdventure #SubscribeNow #abc123
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firoz857 · 1 year ago
2013 JGL 450 ARTIC BOOM LIFT - 4x4 Great Working Condition!
 Video link : https://youtu.be/0X80g27kr7U?si=a3MIS-IQzHCzxyps
ARTICULATING BOOM LIFT JGL 45AJII - 4x4 Great Working Condition
If you're in the market for a brand new 4x4 ARTIC BOOM LIFT, you'll want to take a look at this one! It's in great working condition and it's sure to make your job a lot easier. This JGL 450 ARTIC BOOM LIFT is perfect for clearing snow and ice from your driveway, loading your car with logs, or moving heavy items around your property. It's also very versatile and can be used for a variety of other purposes. So don't wait any longer, put in a request for this great working condition 2013 JGL 450 ARTIC BOOM LIFT today!
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internerdionality · 1 year ago
Okay, I'm going to throw this out there because as an author it drives me absolutely *batty* (and sad!) when people do this on my fics.
Do not subscribe to completed fics on AO3
Even if you really want the author to write more!
Even if the fic ends on a cliffhanger!
Even if the author says they're thinking about writing a sequel!
It's actually a big faux-pas for an author to add ANYTHING to a completed fic on AO3, because a lot of people don't like to read works-in-progress and intentionally filter them out, so updating a completed work can make people feel like you posted it as completed in order to intentionally get them to read a WIP when they didn't want to. Which means that if the author decides to write more, they will, 99/100 times, post it as a separate work in the same series, and you will not get a notification about that.
But in the meantime, the author sees that there are subscribers on that fic, that fic that they will never update because it's already marked as completed, and they (or at least, I) just sit there feeling horrible that there are people who want to read my content and I have no way of reaching them. 🫂💔
But wait, Inty, how do I tell if a fic is completed?
When you're scrolling through a list of works, every work has four colored boxes next to it. The bottom right one indicates completion status:
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Once you've already clicked into a work, check the chapter count. If the first number matches the second number, the work is complete:
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While if the second number is larger—or if there isn't a second number at all, just a question mark—it's a work-in-progress.
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But Inty, what if the author changes their mind?
Now, if a work is marked as complete, but you want to see/think the author might write more, there's three things you can do!
1. Check to see if the work is part of a series. You can subscribe separately to the series to get notified if a sequel is posted. Series will be listed below the language and above the stats at the top of the fic:
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Some authors use series to group generally related works—like all their works in one fandom—as well as direct sequels. This is particularly common for authors who write a lot in a few fandoms, since a lot of readers may want to get notified whenever they post works in one particular fandom, but not another.
2. If there's no series, you can still subscribe to the author to be notified if they post anything. If they're someone who posts often and you are only interested in this particular story, it may not be worth it to you, but that's one way to be sure you'll know if they update!
3. Comment and ask! Let the author know that you'd love to see more in this particular story, and they will probably respond to let you know whether or not they're planning to do so! And if enough people comment, they will be a lot more likely to create a series you can subscribe to.
Okay! This has been my subscriptions PSA, thank you for listening!
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funnyanimeplace · 1 year ago
The Funniest Anime of 2021: A Laughter-Filled Countdown
 Are you in need of a good laugh? Well, you're in luck because 2021 was a year filled with hilarious anime series that had us rolling on the floor with laughter. From quirky characters to side-splitting scenarios, the world of anime delivered some truly unforgettable moments that kept us entertained throughout the year. In this blog, we're going to take a closer look at the best funny anime of 2021, sprinkled with those unforgettable anime funny moments.
Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid S
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Kanna Kamui: The pint-sized dragon in human form, Kanna, had us in splits with her childlike innocence and her amusing interactions with her human friends.
Lucoa's Assets: Lucoa's rather 'impressive' assets led to countless hilarious moments and reactions from the other characters.
Elma's Obsession with Office Supplies: Elma's quirky obsession with office supplies provided plenty of comic relief throughout the series.
Komi Can't Communicate
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Tomohito Sugino: Tomohito's constant misinterpretations of social cues and his earnest but often misguided attempts at helping Komi communicate had us in stitches.
Yamai Ren: Yamai's over-the-top obsession with Komi and her attempts to 'out-communicate' her rival led to some of the funniest moments in the series.
My Senpai is Annoying
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Nanase Haruka: The deadpan reactions and inner monologues of the protagonist, Haruka, as he navigates the daily antics of his annoying senpai, are pure comedy gold.
Senpai's Clumsy Moments: Senpai's klutzy nature and her constant mishaps provide plenty of opportunities for humor.
Anime Funny Moments That Kept Us Chuckling
Apart from the hilarious series mentioned above, 2021 also gave us some anime funny moments that are worth revisiting:
Jujutsu Kaisen: Gojo Satoru's playful demeanor and his 'Getou, Getou, Getou' chant became iconic moments within the anime community.
One Piece: The legendary 'One Piece' franchise continues to deliver epic battles and memorable humor. The Straw Hat Pirates never fail to crack us up with their antics. Watch One Piece Funny Anime Moments on this channel!
The Way of the Househusband: The stoic Tatsu, who was once a fearsome yakuza, tries to adapt to domestic life, leading to comically exaggerated situations.
Sk8 the Infinity: Reki and Langa's bromance and the eccentric characters in the skateboarding world brought laughter alongside thrilling skating scenes.
Get Your Daily Dose of Anime Funny at Funny Anime Place YouTube Channel
If you can't get enough of anime funny moments and want to dive deeper into the world of anime comedy, make sure to subscribe to the Funny Anime Place YouTube Channel. We regularly update our channel with the funniest anime moments, parodies, and much more to keep your spirits high. Don't forget to hit that notification bell, so you never miss a hilarious moment! Whether you're a fan of 'One Piece Funny Anime Moments' or any other anime, you'll find plenty to laugh about on our channel.
2021 was undoubtedly a great year for anime comedy enthusiasts. From dragons in human form to socially awkward protagonists, there was no shortage of laughter. So, sit back, relax, and enjoy the hilarity that these anime series brought us. And for your daily dose of anime funny, remember to tune in to Funny Anime Place!
Subscribe to Funny Anime Place now: Funny Anime Place YouTube Channel
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peachy-tea-anon · 3 years ago
Sᴍᴀʟʟ Sᴛʀᴇᴀᴍᴇʀ
ᴅʀᴇᴀᴍ x ꜰᴇᴍ! Rᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
Warnings: none, just super fluffy and crackheaded :)
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You open up streamlabs, getting ready to start your twitch stream.
You were a pretty small streamer, averaging about 1k viewers per stream. You couldn't complain, your fan base was super sweet and to you it was less about fame and more about doing what you love.
Before you could start, you made sure to turn on your signature pink lights, and grabbing a water bottle to make sure you don't get dehydrated during stream.
As the stream starts, you wave at your camera. "Hi chat!! How are we tonight?"
Good :)
You smiled, pulling up Minecraft.
"So today we're just gonna do a chill stream, im gonna hop on my world and do some building and answer questions!"
You open up your minecraft world, greeting your dogs and heading to to mine. You thank fitters, answer a few questions about college, basic stuff. After a while of answering questions, the chat gets pretty slow.
But then all of a sudden, everyone starts spamming. The chat moves at rapid speed, and you can't even see what they're saying.
"Uhhh chat are you guys good??"
So you open up streamlabs again and see...
Dream has just subscribed at tier 3!
Dream has just donated $50!
Your face drops in disbelief, and you go to read chat again.
You quickly realize what just happened and quickly thank him, your hands covering your face as you're still just in utter disbelief.
Dream has just donated $100
Dream: Check discord :)
"Guys wtf..." you stare in awe at the screen, then scrambling to get into discord, putting on your "switching games<3" screen for the stream.
You finally work up the courage to open his message.
Do you wanna join the DreamSMP?
You're internally freaking out at this point, everything was moving so fast.
You quickly reply with a
Yes omg!! Thank you so much!!
After that, you're sent the link to the server.
You turn your screen on so that your chat can see.
Y/N has joined
You walk around a bit, still in utter shock that this is happening. You're personally seeing all of the landmarks you had watched in so many streams from your favorite MCYTs.
All of a sudden, someone joins your voice chat and runs up to you, starting to hit you. They look like dream, but have the Mexican flag and a small beard.
"WTF MANNNNN" the voice says, immediately recognizing that it's quackity.
"Quackity???" You say.
"Nooooo im Mexican dreammmmm man. You can call me MD"
"Okay MD.. where's dream?" You ask cautiously, not knowing what the figure could do next.
He starts shouting in Spanish, and you giggle until you see the real dream sprinting up to MD, killing him with his netherite sword.
"Haha sorry about him... anyways hi!! Im dream, ill be your guide around the server!"
You smile at him, greeting him in return. As he takes you to a few landmarks, you meet plenty of people along the way. A young boy that seems to curse a lot, Tommy, and his quieter best friend tubbo. Tommy freaks out about something along the lines of a woman being added to the server.
Then you meet sapnap and george, dreams best friends. George is British, and sapnap makes a lot of sexual jokes to piss george off.
"Awwww now Y/N is gonna be dreams lover and not youuuuuu" sapnap teases.
You look at your chat for the first time in a while, and you've jumped to 10K viewers.
They all start spamming "Y/NWASTAKEN" and "💞💚" and you giggle.
After a while, you say goodbye to dream, george, and sapnap and eventually to your chat.
You can't even comprehend what just happened.
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A/N: Hi everyone!! Hope you enjoyed, this one was a bit rushed, but i wanted something in between me writing part one and two of the school project series. If you haven't read it yet, be sure to check it out!!! It'll be updated very soon. If you have any requests, leave a comment!! Thank you <3
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