#if you're new here i have a thing for ponytail boys
firedragon1321 · 10 months
The worst fucking thing is when a ship art has some detail for me to hyperfixate on. I just saw a cool Pokemon variant and a character with an alternate hairstyle (ponytail of course), both locked behind things I don't ship. I couldn't reblog them because people would think I support the ship. I don't like fandom politics. It isn't even 10 AM.
0 notes
swiftlyinlove · 9 months
Santa Doesn't Know You Like I Do
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pairing: Spencer Reid x f!reader
summary: You and Spencer are best friends, but there's always been a little spark between you. When he cancels your plans for Christmas, you're determined to prove that you know him better than anyone else.
warnings: idiots in love, christmas fluff, a little angst if you squint??
word count: approximately 4.5k
a/n: Hi! It's been a long time since I wrote much of anything, but writing this for Christmas has been an absolute joy. I love Spencer so much, and this poor boy just suffers... I wanted to give him a happy ending for Christmas - or a happy beginning. I hope you like it.
The first thing you realized after the beep signaled the end of the phone call was how weird Spencer was acting lately.
To be fair, you two had an unconventional friendship. Due to the nature of his job, Spencer was often busy and therefore you couldn’t communicate as much as you'd like to, but you'd set up a base rule to make sure you never lost touch with one another: mandatory Friday night video call.
Every Friday, without fail, you would Facetime. Spencer wasn’t fond of technology, you were aware, but he’d gladly face his prejudice and lack of knowledge of anything digital if it meant talking to you. It didn't matter if he was home or if he was in another state for a case; come nine pm on a Friday, you two would be catching up about your lives.
That, of course, meant that you'd grasp at every opportunity you could to be with each other. He was in town for a case? You would meet up and have dinner if he had time; if he was doing something important and couldn’t finish it in time for dinner, he would drop by your place at the craziest hour in the morning and lie down next to you, gently shaking you awake to reveal he had gotten take out from your favorite restaurant.
Despite being awakened from your slumber, you would greet him with the brightest smile he’s ever seen - well, after letting out a little shriek of surprise, to which Spencer would respond with an “It’s me, little menace” and a chuckle that would make your heart flutter every time. 
The nickname had originated from your childhood. Spencer didn’t have many friends in middle school, and the fact that he was much smarter than kids his age didn’t help. His classmates either made fun of him or avoided him altogether, but you were… different. 
When you first moved into town, you were very nervous for your first day of school. Making friends was never easy for you, as your peers would deem you rather weird for always having your nose stuck in books. However, you quickly realized you had nothing to worry about - it took one look at little Spencer Reid, reading Crime and Punishment at the lunch table, for you to know you had found your place.
You sat next to him, ignoring the snickers from the so-called “popular kids”. He hesitantly lifted his gaze from the wrinkled pages - you reckoned he had probably read that book many times before -, expecting to see someone with a mean scowl ready to taunt him.
Instead, his wide eyes were met with your bright smile, your rosy cheeks, and your adorable ponytails, and he frowned in confusion. “Hello…?”
“Hi. I’m Y/N.” You greeted him excitedly. There was something about him that made you feel confident, so you continued. “I’m new here and I noticed you were sitting alone. And that seems like a really cool book if you don’t mind me saying, and I just thought you-”
You cut yourself off, realizing you were rambling. You could feel your cheeks warming up, and you were sure you looked as flustered as you were feeling. Before you could even dwell on how embarrassed you felt, Spencer’s lips broke into a smile. 
And that was it. From that moment on, you had been inseparable. Well, perhaps not physically; after all, he was academically way ahead of you and everyone else, and he even managed to graduate from high school at only twelve years old. 
That didn’t stop you from hanging out every moment you could, nor from exchanging letters every single day when he went to college. To this day, you still had those letters, safely tucked into a charming wooden box you kept on your bookshelf, but you’d never tell him that (although you were sure he knew, as the great profiler he was).
So, despite being separated due to your busy jobs - his more than yours - and living in different states, it wasn’t a surprise when you started arranging to spend the holidays together.
Since his mother was still institutionalized, Spencer didn't really have anyone to celebrate the holidays with and therefore didn't care much for the traditions. You, on the other hand, loved the holidays, but since your parents had passed away when you were in college, you were also alone during the season.
Thus, you cut a deal. Every year, he would use his extra vacation days to take a week off around Christmas and you would take turns visiting each other. Usually, you were both very excited about this occasion – it was one of the rare opportunities you had to be together in person, and you missed each other terribly.
This year, though... You had just called Spencer to confirm the date so you could book your flight to Quantico, and he had simply managed to say he couldn’t take time off before hanging up on you.
You were confused by this but chalked it up to it being one of those days for him. Working at the BAU, Spencer had to deal with a lot of gruesome cases often and, after a really bad one, he didn't find any energy to do much of anything.
While he'd never avoided you per se, when those days coincided with your phone calls, you would try to comfort him the best you could, and sometimes even managed to cheer him up a little. 
This time, you didn't even have the chance to, and that threw you off. Still, if Spencer was in a bad mood, maybe he just didn't feel like talking. Not even to you.
Deciding to not push it any further, it's only a few days later that you brought up your trip to Quantico, this time via text. You spent the entire day nearly jumping at your phone each time it vibrated, expecting a notification with his name on it.
It was only later that night that you'd get your answer in the form of an ‘I can't this year’. You read the text over and over again, eyebrows furrowed in disbelief. Perhaps it had been wishful thinking, but you had hoped that, once he was in a better mood, he would be just as eager as you for your shared holiday season. 
It occurred to you that perhaps something happened, perhaps he couldn't file for a vacation because he had a big case that he couldn't step away from.
But if that were the case, he would've told you so. He would've explained, apologized even, and tried to schedule another date for your trip to make it up to you. So, you concluded, he just didn't want to see you.
That thought haunted you for the entire week.
Finally having enough of feeling blue and not getting any work done, you decided to go straight to the source in search of answers. Well, source adjacent - Spencer was still replying rather coldly to your texts, so you couldn’t ask him directly. Penelope Garcia was the next best thing.
You had met the members of the BAU after a particularly successful case in your city. Their flight would only leave in the morning and Spencer thought he could take the opportunity to take you to the cinema for a late-night movie, just like the good old days of your adolescence.
However, Penelope and Rossi had other plans. To properly celebrate their hard work that led to saving multiple women who had been kidnapped a few weeks prior, they decided to take the team out for dinner in a nice restaurant.
“And it’s mandatory. It’s not like we have anything else to do tonight, so no excuses.” She had warned in a playfully threatening tone. 
Spencer shifted in his spot while putting away his things in his satchel. After all the years he worked at the BAU, he still hadn’t told his coworkers - his found family, really - about you. It was the one thing he kept close to his chest, the one secret he wanted to keep forever.
Swallowing the lump in his throat, he brushed his hair behind his ears, not daring to turn and face the team while he spoke. “I sort of already have plans.”
His voice was so quiet that the team wasn’t sure they had heard him correctly. After a moment of silence, Derek’s lips curled into his (in)famous smirk and he gently nudged Spencer’s side, making the lanky boy turn around to face his friends.
Spencer’s cheeks were flushed and he kept his eyes trained on the ground, not wanting to face the curious expressions on their faces. But when Derek nudged him again, asking him “Who’s the girl?” with such a teasing tone, he couldn’t help but look up.
“She’s just a friend.” He blurted out, eyes immediately widening upon the realization of what he admitted.
While the rest of the team just shrugged it off and dived into their conversations, Derek patted him on the back - the force of which sent Spencer stumbling a few feet forward -, and Penelope lit up like he had just told her that he won the lottery.
“You have to bring her!” Penelope begged, grabbing his arm as they walked towards the door of the local precinct they had been working on for the case. “I want to meet this mystery woman.”
Penelope didn’t say it to him then, but she was sure you weren’t ‘just a friend’. She might’ve not been a profiler, but the look in his eyes when he spoke about you and his hesitation to cancel your plans for the sake of the team made her think that perhaps you were much more special to him than he realized.
Her suspicions were, of course, confirmed when he showed up at the restaurant a few hours later with you in his arms, wearing an elegant black dress and a radiant smile on your face as you whispered something to him, immediately breaking into a fit of giggles.
Spencer tried to feign indignation at your comment, but he couldn’t help but smile as he led you to his friends, who were all watching the interaction with surprise and disbelief. Your laughter calmed when you reached the table, but the smile never fell from your face as Spencer introduced you, looking at you like you hung the stars in the sky. That’s when Penelope knew.
You clicked rather well with his friends. They were, naturally, very curious about you, and you did your best to answer all their questions. Meanwhile, Spencer, who was sitting next to you, placed a hand on your lower back, making sure you didn’t feel overwhelmed under the attentive eyes of his friends.
Penelope and you were a match made in heaven, Spencer reckoned. You quipped back and forth the entire night, even swapping numbers by the end of it, and Spencer even joked that you had found a new favorite FBI agent as you made your way to his car.
Chuckling at his statement, you stopped in your tracks, wrapping your arms around his neck and leaning up to place a tender kiss on his cheek. “You’ll always be my favorite. But she’s a close second.”
Spencer was sure his heart had stopped right then and there and that he had gone to heaven.
Since that night, you frequently called Penelope to talk about numerous things - from the latest TV shows you were both hooked on to recipes for dessert -, but you rarely talked about Spencer. Until today.
“Penny, I need your help.” You blurted out as soon as the blonde answered your call. 
“Woah, woah, calm down my friend,” Penelope answered, amused and slightly worried about the urgency in your tone. “What’s on your pretty little mind?”
All it took for Penelope to know something was wrong was two words. “It’s Spencer.”
“What about boy wonder?” The technical analyst questioned, trying to make sense of what you were saying.
“He’s been acting so cold lately.” You explained, sighing in exhaustion as you plopped down on your couch. “Well, you know how we always arrange to spend the holidays together?”
Penelope hummed in agreement - every year when Spencer would put in a request to take time off during the holidays, she would make sure it was at the top of Strauss’ paperwork, knowing he was doing it for you.
At her approval, you continued. “This year I was supposed to come to Quantico, but every time I try to bring it up, he shuts me down and just says that he can’t. I don’t understand why he’s acting like this and it's been driving me nuts all week.”
The blonde’s eyebrows furrowed as she looked at your image on the phone. 
“Are we sure we’re talking about the same person? Because he seemed pretty excited last week. He wouldn’t shut up about how he found the perfect gift for you and how he couldn’t wait to see your face when you opened it.”
This confused you even more, and you frowned as you processed her words. “Yeah, well, this week he can barely text me back. I don’t want anything crazy, Penny, I just want to be with him for Christmas.”
“I don’t know what happened. As far as I can tell, he did put in the request for a vacation.” Penelope replied. Then, her face lit up in realization and she cursed under her breath. “Morgan.”
“Morgan? What does Derek have to do with this?” You asked, more disoriented than ever.
“Wait here,” Penelope said, quickly getting up from her chair and leaving you to stare at her empty office. She returns a few minutes later, looking pretty annoyed, to see you making a cup of coffee in your kitchen.
“Sorry to keep you waiting, sweet cheeks.” The blonde said apologetically, making your gaze return to your phone, forgotten on the counter as you waited for her.
You quickly picked it up, registering her distressed expression. “What happened?”
“I found out why Reid’s acting like an ass to you.” She replied, her voice softening as she saw the glimmer of worry in your eyes. “It seems like Morgan has done quite a number on him.”
“What do you mean Morgan has done a number on him? What did he do?” You questioned, growing irritated by Penelope’s ability to beat around the bush. You loved her, you really did, but you just wanted to know what happened.
“I’m not sure I should be telling you this, but since you’re so upset…” Penelope trailed off, pursing her lips. “Morgan better pay me back.”
“Penelope, just spit it out.” You interrupted, your impatience reflected in your tone.
“Fine. I told you Reid wouldn’t shut up about you, and Morgan may or may not have teased him about his feelings for you and it may or may not have caused Spencer to clam up in his shell.” Penelope rushed through her words and you blinked, unsure you had heard her correctly.
You could feel your heart beating in your ears as you asked her, “Spencer… Has feelings for me?”
Penelope looked reluctant to answer your questions, clearly not wanting to violate Spencer’s privacy. Ever since she met you, she knew you and the resident FBI genius were destined for each other, but she wanted you to discover on your terms.
“Penny, please.” You sounded out of breath, and it cleared any sign of hesitation on Penelope’s mind. 
“Baby girl, I can’t be the one to tell you that. You have to ask him.” She responded, her voice full of empathy. “But between me and you, I’m pretty sure you know what the answer is.”
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Spencer was certain that he was in the 9th circle of hell. 
Ever since Morgan’s comment, he couldn’t stop thinking about you. He always knew what you two had was special.  You knew how to make him laugh; Spencer didn’t consider himself to be difficult to entertain, but he could be quite oblivious to his coworkers' jokes sometimes, especially if they were about him. But you? Oh, you managed to make him laugh hysterically with a simple comment, and it endeared him. 
You had been with him through the good and the bad, after all. You were there at his graduation, celebrating his first Ph.D. - and the two that came after that, too - and you were right there by his side when he watched his mother be dragged away to a mental institution, holding his hand in an attempt to comfort him.
That was what he loved most about you. He could always count on you to be there for him. He recalled the first moment he realized you were much more than a friend to him.
It had been after the Tobias Hankel case. Spencer slipped in and out of consciousness as the doctors dragged him through the hospital, murmuring to themselves about testing the drugs in his system and checking his vitals.
His life wasn’t in danger anymore, but he was oh so tired. He had spent days upon days of captivity without a wink of sleep, locked in an empty cabin where he was tortured by two of Tobias’ personalities, and all he could think about between getting tormented and getting drugged was you.
He was sure he was going to die then, and his main concern was that he wouldn’t be able to see your pretty smile again. He would tell you this when you appeared at his bedside a few hours later, claiming that you received a call from the hospital - unsurprisingly, you were each other’s emergency contacts - and had threatened a stewardess to get a ticket to the next plane to Virginia, and you would call him ridiculous for it.
It was only when you were sitting next to him on his hospital bed, his head leaning against your chest as you combed your hands through his hair, that he allowed himself to cry, to reveal how truly scared he had been under Tobias’ hands.
You whispered sweet nothings in his ear as you softly lifted his head, making sure he was looking at you when you softly kissed his tears away. His arms had tightened around you, a silent sign of his gratitude, and he knew then, he knew, you were everything to him.
How could he have not fallen for you after all that? 
But he could never tell you. He had been rejected many times in his life, but if he was to get rejected by you? He was sure his heart wouldn’t be able to take it.
So he tried to bury his feelings deep inside him, keeping you a secret from the people who knew him best and, when the time came, introduced you to them. As a friend. Because that’s all that you were. Friends.
When Morgan teased him about his feelings for you, Spencer entered panic mode. If Morgan could see Spencer was madly in love with you, then you could see it too - you could always read him like a book, after all.
And if you hadn’t brought it up… You didn’t want to. He knew you’d never want to hurt him, so the only logical conclusion he could reach was: you don’t feel the same.
He tried his best to avoid you. Cutting you off whenever you brought up your plans for the holidays, replying to your texts with short answers, and even refraining from watching Doctor Who in his free time, because it only reminded him of how you two used to lie on your couch during summer break and watch it together. 
What he didn’t count on was opening his door in mid-afternoon on Christmas Eve and seeing you standing in front of him, coat covered in the snow that was falling outside the comfort of his building and a small smile on your face.
“Merry Christmas, Spencer.” You said bashfully, not sure how he would react to your presence. 
“Merry Christmas.” He replied, his breath knocked out of his lungs at how beautiful you looked standing there. He might have fallen in love with you all over again. 
After a beat of silence, he wet his lips, looking at you with the same wide-eyed gaze he greeted you with when you were kids. “What... What are you doing here?”
Your lips curled into a sheepish smile. “What, you thought I was gonna miss Christmas?”
Seeing you in front of him, hearing your voice without the faint static of the phone for the first time in a while… it was surreal to him. He couldn’t help but cave in and wrap his arms around you, pulling you closer into a tight hug.
You wrapped your arms around his shoulders just as tightly, your body finally relaxing against his. You could feel his nose nuzzled into your neck, and you smiled against his shoulder.
“I missed you.” You whispered, letting your words linger between the two of you.
“I missed you too.” He whispered back, and you knew he was sincere. “I’m sorry I’ve been avoiding you.”
“I know.” You breathed in his scent, pressing a soft kiss against his shoulder before pulling away. He reluctantly let you go, a remorseful smile on his lips.
Spencer guided you into his apartment, and you took note of how he put up your usual Christmas decorations. “You managed to set up the tree by yourself?” You teased him.
He chuckled, watching as you settled on his couch and patted the space next to you. He promptly followed your lead, sitting down beside you. “Yeah, it was a real challenge.”
Before you could even reply, Spencer reached out to grab your hand, his thumb softly caressing your knuckles to calm his racing mind.
“Look, I’m so sorry. I’ve been stuck in my head lately, and it’s not fair that I treated you like that. We’ve had this tradition forever and I feel like I disrespected it and-” Spencer rambled, and you pressed your lips against his to shut him up.
Your sudden action stunned him, and he couldn’t help but succumb to your spell. Placing his hands on both sides of your face and closing his eyes, he kissed you back as gently and tenderly as he could, feeling you melt against him.
Once you pulled away, his eyes fluttered open, looking at you with a lovestruck, surprised gaze. He seemed to be speechless, which made you giggle.
“I hope that was on your wishlist this Christmas.” You joked, leaning your forehead against his. 
Your gaze softened as you took in his expression. “Penny told me everything. In all seriousness, I understand why you did it.  I just don’t understand why you wouldn’t just tell me.”
He gulped, feeling vulnerable under your loving stare. He always got the impression that you could see right through him.
“I know. It’s just… I’ve been in love with you almost my entire life, and when I finally realized it, I was afraid that if I acted on them, you wouldn’t want anything to do with me.” He murmured, his tone growing sadder.
“And when Morgan joked about my feelings for you, I just realized that maybe I hadn’t been as discreet as I thought and perhaps you already knew and didn’t talk about it so you wouldn’t hurt me.” He continued, closing his eyes again as if the mere thought was too painful to bear. 
He took a deep breath, his thumbs starting to slowly brush against your cheekbones. “I didn’t want to face you and find out if it was true, because… Because my heart couldn’t take it.”
You listened quietly to his words, his touch on your skin grounding you and sending butterflies fluttering in your stomach. It broke your heart to hear him speak like that, as if the mere thought of you feeling the same never crossed his mind, as if it was absurd. 
You knew he had low self-esteem, a permanent scar from all the times he was bullied throughout his life, but his self-deprecating view never ceased to shock you.
“Spencer…” You whispered his name like it was sacred, like he was something to be worshipped, and it made his heart skip a beat. “I know all your favorite songs, how you take your coffee, and your favorite books. In order. I know you. I’d be crazy not to love you.”
You could feel him exhale in relief at your quiet confession, his racing mind finding solace in your words. “Really?”
“Of course.” You replied with a chuckle, leaning forward to press a feather-light peck against his lips. “I’ve been in love with you since we were, like, sixteen. All I ever wanted was to be the one to give you everything you want.”
He smiled as you pulled away once again, thinking about how much time you two had lost while dancing around your feelings. Although, he supposed, it wasn’t lost time - you had spent those years giving each other love, even if it wasn’t necessarily romantic.
“We’re both idiots.” He replied, making you laugh once more. You stood up, grabbing both of his hands and guiding him to the kitchen. He followed you with a bright smile on his face; he would follow you anywhere, he suspected.
“I was thinking I could make those cookies you like and, afterward, we could perhaps… snuggle by the fireplace?” You suggested, giving him your best puppy dog eyes. 
He pretended to think for a moment, before he finally gave in, pressing a delicate kiss against your temple. “Anything you want, little menace.”
Spencer hummed, burying his face further into his neck. “I was thinking of reading a few books. Santa was going to keep me company.”
Later that night, when you were both snuggled up against each other in front of his fireplace while eating the gingerbread cookies you both made, you asked him curiously, “What were you planning to do for Christmas, if I hadn’t shown up?”
You laughed quietly at his admission. “Well, Santa doesn’t know you like I do.”
“No, he doesn’t.” Your genius agreed, peppering little kisses onto your skin. “You’re the best Christmas present ever, do you know that?”
“Yeah? Wait until you see what I actually bought for you.” You replied, a playful smile on your face. “Besides, a little birdie told me you got me the perfect Christmas gift.”
“I’m gonna kill Penelope.” He muttered under his breath, sending you into a fit of laughter. 
Well, maybe this Christmas time
You'll finally realize
That I could be the one
To give you everything you want
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kujiba · 5 months
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୨୧ — ꒰ gn!reader | they/them prounouns | Sagau | cultish behavior
୨୧ — ꒰ a/n: yay! We're finally getting into the very first arc. I might start a new series but eh, who knows. Anyway enjoy reading
୨୧ — ꒰[Tags] @resident-cryptid
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YOUR EYES COULDN'T BELIEVE IT - delicate and soft footsteps walked in the cobble flooring of the prestige city; (e/c) eyes glimmer around the stalls and towering buildings. Mondstadt definitely lives up to its titled name as the land of freedom, for every step you take, every second that passes by is surely not a quiet one infact.
One of your destined dreams turning into real life felt like bliss - you couldn't help but feel ecstatic on what the future lies ahead for you in the unordinary situation you find yourself in.
Yet.. Even for such a joyful moment, why do you feel entrapped and suffocated? You could feel eyes digging deep onto your back as it only doubled to your discomfort. You weren't supposed to feel like this, you're living your dream yet what is with this abnormal reaction? Paranoid with yourself, you quickly fled to a nearby alleyway to arrange your thoughts.
In there, you took control of your breathing, the surroundings around you begun to turn disoriented. You shook your head in disagreement "No...I must just be having a headache from the crowds" you mumbled to yourself, rubbing the sides of your head - you then continued your way in the city of Mondstadt after having calmed your thoughts and body down.
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Later on, you found yourself sitting down on one of the chairs in a food hub called "Good Hunter". You were well aware of what this place is - infact, you felt like you've done this thousands of times even if you just played through a screen.
You didn't quite expect that feeling of yours earlier, expectations didn't reach what you had thought would lead to. You were supposed to be happily strolling around mondstadt - so why are you just sitting here rearranging your thoughts again? "Agh...I'll just sit here for a bit, yeah that's alright.." Mumbling those words to yourself, you took a deep breath to calm your body down.
Eventually after about 10 minutes of sitting, you heard a small grumble from your stomach. 'Ah right, Im starving..' you suppress to yourself; sure you ate some (alot) sunsettia's earlier but that didn't seem to satisfy your stomach. Fortunately for you, the place you were resting at was a food hub!. Standing up from your seat, you made your way up to the counter to order some cuisine for that grumbling tummy of yours.
"Welcome To Good Hunter. Can I take your order?" A brunette lady with a neatly tied up ponytail on the other side of the counter question's. Her eye's lingered on the out line's of your body, taking in every detail and curve. "Uh....can I have uh.." Your voice trailed off, thinking of something to order from the menu. Until, you remembered one thing you'd always cook for your character's in game. "May I have one Sweet Madame please?" You asked, giving her a small smile.
The woman was dazed for a moment after you gave her a smile, seemingly gawking into your (e/c) pupils. It took a while till you cleared your throat "Ahem.. Is everything alright?" You questioned her, still keeping your smile but had a hint of concern.
"Oh! Uhm yes, one Sweet Madame. Please sit while I prepare your food" She hastily replied, quickly turning around she returned back to the counter furthermore fumbling around with some seasonings and kitchen knives.
You sat back down on your chair briefly leaning back on it whilst patiently awaiting for your food to arrive, your mouth just watered at the thought of eating it. And boy are you excited! Tasting many wonderful foods from your favorite games is just wonderful! A dream you wish to never leave this place...Until a realization hitted you like a truck.
You have no money here. Absolutely 0
A previous dream turned into a Nightmare; patting your pockets repeatedly you began to panic internally, you can't just take the food and dip! Well you actually can, but you definitely can't handle the consequences of it! No way you're going to already have a horrible situation just after you stepped inside the city.
So how the hell are you gonna pay without any mora!? The gods or whoever brought you here CLEARLY didn't gift you with any starter materials. You cursed In your head, thinking of ways to legally get out of the situation you were in. "Shit what do I do?! I can't just go 'oh I don't have any money because I'm from a different world and got transferred here. Heck no!" Your eyes scanned the surrounding area, looking for an idea or way to not make the situation any more complicated.
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A Honey-roasted fowl sat on your wooden table. The honey and sweet flowers come together to compliment the tender fowl meat. It's aroma as delicate and delicious as it looks. As of in the game it can restore 22% of Max HP and an additional 1,200 HP to the selected character.
A brunette maid stood by your side, a bill on her hands. Her expression looked rather concerned about you "Uhm.. Are you alright?" She asked examining your face. All that showed on you was defeat, like you've just got jumped by the opps.
"Well.. Aha.. So it might seem crazy what i'm gonna say.." You nervously chuckled, not making eye contact with the brunette and only facing the ground. Your eyes failed to notice another brunette woman walking to your table, her appearance seems similar to somebody you've previously met just moments ago..
"Heya! Mind if I sit down with you?" She politely asked, soon noticing the maid next to you she smiled slowly "I got it cover boss, I'll have one Sweet Madame too please." the brunette then took some mora from her pocket and gave it to the server, pleased by the girls payment she returned back to her stall to make another sweet madame.
Silence crept around both of you; you of course knew who she was but was to afraid to strike up a conversation. "Oh damn... What should I do?.." you pondered, avoiding any necessary eye contact with the brunnete. For her, she seemed to be doing the exact opposite of you. Her hazel pupils gazed upon parts of your physique; She seemed to be admiring your frame which made it furthermore awkward.
Clearing your throat, the brunette immediately got back into reality and looked back at you with her eyes. You gave her a small smile "Uhm well, Thank you for paying for me miss.." "AMBER." She replied back, a bit delighted to tell you her name "It's really nothing. You seem to be passing by?" she question's, you answer by giving her a nod.
"Why yes, Mondstat is one of my dream places to visit" You weren't technically lying to her, outside the screen. You did want to try and live in mondstat, just imagining it felt like paradise for you.
Amber seemed ecstatic when you mentioned how mondstadt is your dream places to visit "Why don't I give you a tour later then (Name)?" She offered to you, you were mentally so happy she offered it to you. So without hesitating you answered in a heart beat "Of course!"
Wait. Did you ever give her your name? You probably did. You just forgot
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The world happiness couldn't even describe what you were feeling right now, by your side was THE Outrider Amber of genshin impact showing you around the city. The buildings were alot taller than you had thought, but the best part was being able to see the statue of Barbatos! You felt like you were going to pass out on how unreal it felt!
But alas the tour was coming to an end. Fortunately, Amber had suggested for you to go visit the KNIGHTS OF FAVONIUS; An order responsible for protecting Mondstadt and its belief of freedom. You were of course, very cheerful by her offer! So here were the two of you. Standing in the doors of the KNIGHTS OF FAVONIUS.
"Woah.. Is it really okay for a normal person like me inside here?" you questioned her, eyes gazing at the gigantic bronze door infront of you. Amber opened her mouth to giggle "Why of course! Everyone is welcome here. Come, I'll show you inside! " Quickly opening the two doors, the inside of the building was even finer than what you've had imagined.
Polished tiles surrounded the flooring, complimenting the small plants placed upon the sides of the doors for a more appealing and modern look. Trained knights standing firm and straight with a neutral expression on their face. Still, you could vaguely see them attempting to try and catch a glimpse of you, occasionally turning their eyes to take a better view of your appearance. You did not mind one bit, since you've understood that they just might be analyzing you if you are a possible threat.
"Come! I'll show you inside one of the rooms!" Amber ushered, taking your wrist gently with one of her hands and leading you to a door. Thrusting the doors open, the surrounding room were packed with layers and layers of books, seemingly to be endless opportunities of knowledge and experience.
As you began to look over the room, your (e/c) eyes laid upon a fairly tall woman with lime green eyes and long light brown tied in a side ponytail by a hair tie with a blue rose. Her outfit is largely many shades of purple. Just by the sight of her you could tell who she was already; LISA is a librarian who works in this library, and one of the few characters you achieve for free for unlocking more experience and leveling up in the game.
Her forest green eyes gazed around the room and stopped when she had spotted you, her expression seemed to be of slight suprise but nonetheless, she composed herself and began walking up to the two with her signature smile
"Why hello there cuties, what brings you here?" She question's, stopping in her tracks following with crossing her arms around her lower chest
Amber smiled gleefully, still taking a hold of your wrist with her hand and replying to Lisa "They're a passing traveler who wanted to adventure into the city! I offered to give them a tour and they gladly accepted!" Her answer holds alot of excitement and happiness.. So much so that she's gripping onto your wrist very tightly.
You soon grew uncomfortable by her grip on your wrist, but didn't want to ruin the two women's mood and vibe, so you kept it to yourself for now. It must be because she's exceedingly happy right?
Lisa lightly laughed at the brunettes excitement "Now, now.." She took hold of Amber's hand that was holding onto your wrist and pulled it apart, her eyes not breaking eye contact with Amber "Why don't you calm yourself down, Amber?" She says giving a closed eyed smile. Amber immediately realized her actions and turned to you "...Sorry, haha. I guess i let my emotions get the better of me, I promise you I won't let it happen again" Her previous dissapointed expression shifted to one that looked more relaxed.
"Oh! Right, you must not know her right?" Amber pointed her thumb to Lisa who was standing infront of the two, her smile still plastered on her face, she cleared out her throat "Don't worry, I'll introduce myself to this cutie..my name is Lisa Minci, the librarian of the knights of favonius, I hope we get along very well." her smile was off putting at first but you brushed it off.
"Nice to meet you Ms. Lisa! My name is (Name), I'll be very happy with my time in mondstat" You extended your hand to give Lisa a handshake, to your suprise Lisa without hesitating also took your hand for a handshake. Her eyes focused on the base of your hand whilst Amber stared at you two.
You laughed awkwardly. you and Lisa shaked hands a few times before parting ways for now, you felt an ominous aura behind you once you turned your back to leave the library. You for sure wasn't going back in there for a bit.
As the two of you walked in the halls of the Knights of favonius guild, Amber stopped infront of a door. "How about we go ahead and meet the grandmaster, Jean?" She said still having a gleeful energy. You nodded, seeing no harm in meeting her. The plot won't magically change right? In here your just an NPC and the main side characters always interact with NPC's and go on with their day. Nothing can go wrong, right?.
Amber opened the doors, a small creeking sound as it slowly began to open up. Inside the room where stacked with shelves of books, in there, the back center of the room had a women in blonde dressed formal sitting down on a chair with a fairly sized table. The table had stacks and stacks of papers seemingly to be endless.
Only when amber cleared her throat did the blonde notice the two people standing near the door, she quickly composed herself and looked directly at amber, you've noticed how the blonde has not even noticed you in the room yet (you're standing right besides amber wtf).
"Good morning to you, Amber. What brings you here?" The blonde woman asked, sitting upright on her chair while awaiting the brunettes answer "Good to see you, Acting Grandmaster JEAN!" Amber replied casually, "Meet (Name)!, they' were just passing by. We sure do get loads of visitors after the Traveler(AETHER) had left to go to Liyue huh?" The brunette smiled brightly, her hand infront of you faced flat.
Jean, if not for amber she would have never even noticed your presence in the room. You on the other hand had something else in mind, 'I wonder which traveler is the one they're talking about... I'm fine with either one of the twins'
You collectively thought to yourself, a smile on your face as you could barely wait! Just meeting the MC makes your stomach get butterflies. Jean seemed to be staring at you for quite a bit, but you had not noticed once since you were daydreaming in your head.
Jean cleared her throat which made you immediately snap back to reality, raising your head slightly you made eye contact with her ocean blue pupils, she didn't look like she was going to take her eyes off you anytime soon...
".. (Name), was it?" Jean asked, leaning on her desk. Without hesitating you nodded your head "Yes, that's me.. Is there anything you want to ask?" You asked her in an awkward tone, the vibe in the room had shifted significantly. You didn't like it one bit.
She locked her eyes onto yours and smiled "No... But let me ask you one thing" The blonde stood up from her seat and slowly walked in front of her table "Where did you come from exactly?" She asked, crossing her arms on her chest. Amber also was curious to know, her hazel eyes looking at you with curiosity.. But to you, it felt like two predators were piercing their eyes onto your every limb, you felt awkward, confused, and most off all. ANXIOUS
Just one word, one word that's even remotely suspicious and it's game over for you. But why did you feel panicked and anxious? The Traveler was also a other worlder, the characters stared at him/her with adoration and kindness. Why is it the opposite for you?
A feeling wrecked your inner self, INSTINCT. Instinct told you the moment you accidentally reveal your situation is the moment your doom will begin to tower over your shadow, devouring you whole for the mistake you had made. And only then, will you escape from the pain you've brought upon yourself.
"I.. I came from.." You were lost for words, you could just tell them you lived in liyue, sumeru, Fontaine or any other region in Teyvat. So why do they stare at you with such hostile and loathing looks? You gulped down your saliva and clutched your other wrist with your hand "I traveled here from liyue.. I like to visit other regions and find more of their culture and traditions"
Your voice sounded awkward, but it was the only words you could spew out in the moment. You could still feel their gaze observing your every move and twitch, they never took their eyes off you for a long while.
As silence filled the room, Jean and Amber looked at each other for a couples of seconds and nodded, Jeans gaze on you began to soften up "I see, well then. I welcome you to mondstadt, we will be more than happy to have you here" Jean casually said having her hand on her hip as amber gleefully clapped her hands.
"Welcome To mondstadt! I'll be sure to show you only the best." Amber talked to you with such excitement and happiness. You couldn't process what was happening, since the mood had shifted to normal again. You were only relieved to have your body and mind at peace again....
! ! !
INSTINCT is an inborn impulse or motivation to action typically performed in response to specific external stimulus, ADRENALINE is a hormone secreted by the adrenal glands, especially in conditions of stress, increasing rates of blood circulation, breathing, and carbohydrate metabolism and preparing muscles for exertion.
Two things a human body does when faced with a threat around their surroundings, the human body will begin to feel such things. You felt your body beginning to rush as your heart beat began to slowly get faster, something was definitely behind you.
You turned your head quickly, but only saw a pair of black gloves reaching out to grab your face, and before you know it, you were out on the floor. Your vision began to darken at a fast pace, as all you could only do is lay motionless on the cherry colored carpet.
Two silhouettes towered over you whilst you were on the ground, holding your arms and legs, they began to drag your body on the hard ground.
(e/c) eyes slowly began fluttering open, your pupils beginning to open once again. "Ugh... Where am I.." you groaned. Your head was throbbing like crazy, giving you migraines that just added more into the pain. Your hand trailed up to the sides of your head and began to slowly massage it to ease up the aching.
After some seconds, you had fully composed your body. The room you were in was more darker and you could barely even tell what was in your surrounding areas, only feeling the cold flooring from below you.
You attempt to try and recall what had happened but it only furthered increase the aching. You could only sigh to yourself and lean your body back on the wall, in the room you were stuck in 'So this is how I'll be spending my time. Stuck in a dark and cold room, great. ' you thought to yourself, hugging your knees closer to your chest and body to be able to create warmth.
"Just my luck.. When things were just going great another misfortune happened" talking to yourself was the only thing keeping you entertained for now, as you begin to spiral deeper into your thoughts you started to wonder, Why did I get transported here?
In your life at earth you didn't make any shocking changes to the world like making cures or any of that. You were just some person who liked to play games...
Surely enough the gods or whoever transmitted you here would be benevolent enough to gift you some kind of system or powers right? If this was not just a coincidence you might as well treat your situation like a manwha.
Clearing your throat you quietly mumbled 'System'.....And to no suprise nothing worked. "Uhh... Abrakadabra? Arise? Info?" you tried words that could possibly trigger that non existing system that you are hanging on for dear life. Maybe because of the silence around you that makes you start to go delusional and crazy.
Countless tries yet none were working (Obviously) "Man.. I knew I should've eaten more food, I'm starting to go crazy at this point.. Seriously miss the noise around. It just seems like something had turned off the sound in settings"
You groggily lowered your head down accompanying with silent murmurs coming from your mouth. Unbeknownst to you, a glowing blue screen began appearing infront of you, as you began to lift your head your (e/c) eyes began to shrink from shock as a text was plastered right in front of you.
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A/n: very sorry for the delay and how late the chapter is. Advance apologies if the chapter did not meet your expectations. School is a pain and taking most of my time.
Nonetheless Hope you enjoyed, please let me know if you want to get tagged in the next chapters.
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hwaslayer · 20 days
vivrant thing (jwy) | two.
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—SUMMARY: after getting into a little accident, wooyoung decides to do his sister a favor by pretending to be your date at the company summer party. as soon as the night ends, wooyoung would go back to his usual routine of hanging out with his boys, keeping his distance from committed relationships and being a typical brother to jiwoo. except, the favor comes with more than what wooyoung expects and he finds you occupying his mind more than usual. 
—PAIRING: jung wooyoung x f. reader
—GENRE: (18+ - minors dni) bestfriend’s brother au | fluff, angst, eventual smut
—CHAPTER WARNINGS: cussing/mature language, ponytail wooyoung !!!, alcohol consumption / intoxication, party at the winery!, dancing, sweet affectionate moments, songs mentioned are in the playlist, wooyoung is very sweet and will take care of his date 10/10 recommend 🥰
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"Wait, wait, wait." San shakes his head in disbelief. "You're going to your sister's company summer party? With Y/N?"
"Mhm." Wooyoung responds nonchalantly.
"I thought her car was already getting fixed at the shop though, what does that have to do with you?"
"You think my sister is gonna leave it at that?" Wooyoung cocks a brow before putting down the navy button-up shirt back on the rack. "I'm just doing her the favor so she can let me be. I know she'll continue to hang it over my head if I don't."
"Wow, you're strong."
"I only agreed cause it's one night. And cause of the whole thing with my sis. Believe it or not, I don't always want her finding reasons to nag at me."
"Wouldn't that be weird, though?"
"Being Y/N's date."
"Sure, but it's whatever."
"What're you even gonna talk about all night?"
"I don't know? Am I supposed to have a list ready and check it off as I go?" He gives San a weird look. "I'll figure it out. Who knows, it might not even be that bad."
"I'm not gonna lie, she did look pretty cute at your parents' bbq."
"She's always been cute. She's just shy as hell."
"Mm, yeah." San starts to eye the sweaters on the rack, pulling out a few and hanging it against his chest to see how they'd look on him. "So, what are you guys wearing?"
"I'm not sure." San's forehead crinkles when he turns to look at Wooyoung.
"Aren't you supposed to be sure? You're going together. You have to match."
"Well, we don't really have to. We're not dating, we're just going to a party together as friends."
"Yeah, okay Merriam-Webster." Wooyoung scoffs and pulls out a black button-up shirt that he probably already has in his closet— but it wouldn't hit the same as buying a new one for a summer party. "Stop trying to make it seem like it's super complicated when it's not."
"I'm not. I'm just having a hard time imagining it."
"Then, don't. She's really not that bad."
"Wish she wasn't so shy." Wooyoung turns to San.
"Or.. what?"
"Maybe I would've tried getting to know her more."
"Fuck outta here, Choi San. You're only saying that shit because I'm taking her out to a party." Wooyoung points towards the front of the shop. "Wait. You see that right there?"
"What?" San leans over to try and get a good look at what Wooyoung is pointing at.
"Look closely." He ushers him to get closer. "If you look straight ahead, you'll see the front door. You can take your exit there."
"Fuck you."
"Shut up then. Don't start saying that stuff about Y/N." Wooyoung rolls his eyes as he continues to flip through the racks, trying to spot more clothes to buy and fill his closet with. He's not really sure why he feels the sudden need to be protective of you, especially with San. Hearing him say things like that rubs Wooyoung the wrong way and he's not sure if it's because he's known you for years, or because of something else that he doesn't really wanna think about right now. In the end, Wooyoung doesn't deal with feelings. They're too complicated, and they tie him down. 
"Oh my god! Those dresses are so cute, you'll definitely find one here!" Wooyoung overhears from nearby.
"Whoever that is, sounds exactly like my sister." Woo does a slight head tilt and pretends to shiver. "Can't escape—"
"Because it is your little sister, dummy." San nods his head towards your direction, the both of them watching as you, Jiwoo and Hongjoong walk into the same store. It's almost like the sibling radar goes off for Jiwoo because it doesn't take long before her eyes meet his.
"Why are you here?" She asks, slowly approaching them.
"Waiting for security to take your ass out." Wooyoung looks at the security guard and pretends to call him over. "Excuse me. The nuisance is right here, sir. Please escort her out." Jiwoo rolls her eyes and walks closer to him, giving Hongjoong the opportunity to greet him and San. "Whattup!"
"Taking these girls shopping for the party." Hongjoong responds.
"Me too!" Wooyoung points at San, causing him to click his teeth in response. "Hey Y/N." He smiles down at you and pulls you into a hug before San does the same. 
"Are you wearing black to the party?" Jiwoo holds out the shirt Wooyoung has in his hand.
"And if I am?"
"It's a summer party."
"Black goes with everything?" Jiwoo gives him a look that he reciprocates. "You know, now that you're here Y/N, maybe we can shop for our outfits together."
"Sure, okay—" You respond softly, about to step closer to him when Jiwoo holds your hand and tugs you back.
"I'm shopping with her."
"I have better taste than you."
"I think not." She looks down at the shirt again before looking back up at her brother. "Anyway, we'll be off to find our dresses." She links her arm with yours as you quietly continue to shift your attention between Jiwoo and her brother. "Byeeeee!" She swings you around and drags you towards the dresses in the back corner of the store. Hongjoong lingers around the boys for a little longer, shopping for new shirts himself. The boys talk about their upcoming plans before the summer party, also throwing in some guesses about how the summer party is going to turn out.
Meanwhile, when you and Jiwoo head to the dresses, your eyes automatically land on a strapless corset midi dress— it has a simple black and gold abstract print on it, the fabric mainly mesh. It'll be a little tighter than you'd like, the side slit a little higher than you'd like, but you thought it'd go with the vibe best. There are a few other dresses that caught your eye, and Jiwoo encouraged you to try them on in order to decide which one worked best. 
You could like the way one looks, but it could be completely different when you put it on.
But, your decision remains the same; the abstract dress fits you well, and you can't lie, you feel the sexiest in it. The corset bodice, along with the bodycon fit, provides enough support and shape to hug you in all the right places. Jiwoo squeals when she sees you in the dress, completely agreeing with your decision [she would've any other way]. She jokes that her brother better keep his hands to himself with how good you look and all you can do is shyly shake your head with a tiny giggle before heading back into the room to slip it off.
"Did you find your dresses?" Hongjoong comes, eyeing the dress Jiwoo has in her hands.
"Mhm! Is my pain in the ass brother still here?" Hongjoong shakes his head.
"Him and San just left."
"Good. The dress Y/N has is to be kept a secret until the party. She's gonna look so good, I might have to tell Wooyoung to keep his hands to himself." You come out of the dressing room with the dress tucked closely to your chest, hanging the rest on the go-back rack.
"Hongjoong, please tell her she doesn't have to do all of that." You look at him and he chuckles. "Remember? You're the one who put your brother up to all of this just so I could go to the party. I'm quite positive it's just a favor and nothing else." You all walk towards the register to pay for your items. 
"Still, okay? You're gonna look amazing. I gotta give him a little warning and make sure he doesn't get super handsy with you." She shivers, making you playfully roll your eyes in response.
"Jiwoo, are you gonna help me with hair and makeup? Cause I literally won't know what to do that'll go well with this dress."
"Of course, bae! We'll make it pop, but keep it simple. Trust me on this." She squeezes your wrist just before handing her card over to the cashier. Once her and Hongjoong finish paying, you follow them down to the food court, ordering some friend chicken to munch on before sharing a huge bowl of bingsu with the two. You catch San and Wooyoung passing through the food court, now accompanied by two other girls. They don't look familiar, at least you don't think. In any case, it doesn't make you feel any better knowing Wooyoung simply agreed to go to the party with you as a favor to his sister.
The harsh reality settles that this meant nothing more, nothing less.
You were just a favor.
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The day of the party comes quicker than expected. Work had been so busy that the days had flown by, bringing you to your present:
Which is, Jiwoo helping you pop in some hazel colored contacts before doing your makeup and hair.
"Keep your eye open!"
"Ugh, I hate contacts. Jiwoo, you know I hate the feeling!" 
"I know, but I promise it'll be over quick! Just keep it open and don't blink. The more you resist, the longer it'll bother you!" You groan again, gaining the last bit of courage to keep your eye open for Jiwoo as she aligns the contact and gently places it in. "Close and blink for me?" She watches and claps. "Perfect, now do the same for the other eye."
"Jiwoo." You whine.
"I know you can't do it yourself!"
"I can go without them!"
"But, the colored contacts give you a pop and it's cute!"
"I'm literally crying." You point at the tear strolling down your cheek.
"Beauty is pain, my dear! Just for one night! Now, keep still—" She pauses, the both of you holding your breaths while she pops in the last contact into your left eye. You flinch the moment it settles, dabbing at the tears that stream down your cheeks.
"Never again. Wooyoung is literally not gonna care."
"Who said this is about Wooyoung? It's your first summer party, forget my brother. You're gonna be the hottest thing to walk that winery." You shake your head, letting Jiwoo dab some powder onto your cheeks. "You look good, girly! Look at you!" She shoves the mirror in your face. Jiwoo did some loose curls on your hair, and a very natural look for your makeup. Fake lashes, a shade of blush that pops on your cheeks, clear gloss, natural eyeshadow— just enough razzle dazzle, but nothing too extra, as Jiwoo says.
You don't really recognize yourself, though. But, in a good way. You like the change. You normally don't wear makeup, you don't do your hair. You like to think you're simple, maybe too simple, but you don't mind it one bit. That was you, and you've come to embrace it. The change, though? It was nice to see on you once in awhile.
"Thank you." You smile at her and she squeals before checking her phone.
"Okay, my brother should be here in a bit. We're gonna take off and meet you there?"
"Why are you going so early?! You're not gonna leave at the same time as me and Wooyoung?!"
"Nope. We gotta get parking and get first dibs on the wine." She snorts before flashing her phone, screen signaling a call from Hongjoong. "You'll be fine, okay? Granted, as long as Wooyoung doesn't fucking text and drive again but I'm sure he won't with you in the car." 
"I'll see you in a bit! I love you, mwah!" She says, grabbing her things and rushing out of your studio; heels click-clacking away on the pavement before she squeals even louder seeing her boyfriend. You shake your head, dabbing a bit more highlighter across your collarbone just like Jiwoo taught you.
Within the next 25 minutes or so, you munch on some apple slices you already had in the fridge, somewhat satisfying both your hunger and sweet tooth. Just as you're re-applying lip gloss, Wooyoung's call comes through on your phone, startling you and causing you to drop the wand onto the floor.
"Oh shoot." You grab the wand and blow it off, submerging it back into the tube. "Hello?"
"Yo— everything okay?" He laughs a bit hearing the rustling in the back. "I'm downstairs."
"Sorry, just dropped my lip gloss." You whine a bit away from the phone. "I'll be down in a second."
"Ah, hate when that happens. See you in a bit!" You hang up the call and spray on another spritz of perfume before grabbing your purse, shutting off your lights and closing up your studio. You slowly climb down the steps, Wooyoung probably questioning why you're taking each step 2 miles per hour and sideways. 
You make it down in one piece. Slowly, carefully.
You shyly slip into the passenger's seat, and you almost pause mid-way when you glance at Wooyoung in the driver's seat. As promised, he's in a simple black-on-black fit— a crisp black button up with the sleeves rolled up ever so slightly, black dress pants and black boots. His hair is tucked back in a ponytail with a few strands framing his face. The car smells like his cologne, and he's chewing away at some gum while waiting. You've seen Wooyoung formally dressed before for special occasions, but there hasn't been one time you found yourself ogling at him the way you are right now.
You've never seen him like this, or maybe you just never paid attention? You didn't really have a reason to until tonight. Well, you didn't really have a reason because he was your bestfriend's brother.
"Hi." He says, setting his phone down in the middle console. Thank god he didn't catch you staring at him the way you were. But now, he's doing the same and you're not sure why he's staring. Do you look weird? Is something on your face?
"Hi." He softly smiles, eyes still exploring your body from head to toe and you feel the heat rising to your cheeks.  "What? Is it cause my eyes are kinda red?" You pout, immediately looking through the passenger mirror. "I swear I'm not like, high or anything. Jiwoo helped me put the contacts in earlier—"
"She, what?" He chuckles before shaking his head. "No, nothing. I just— you look beautiful, Y/N. Was taking it in, that's all." 
"O-oh." You tuck a strand behind your ear before settling back into your seat. "Thank you, Wooyoung."
"Of course. You ready?" He glances at your seatbelt and you give him a nod to drive off. "Alright, lehgo." He says, shifting the gear and turning up his music a bit. The familiar voices of Blaque comes through on the speakers, Wooyoung softly singing along to JC Chasez's part in Bring It All To Me. You knew Wooyoung could sing, but it still blows your mind every time you hear his voice. He has one hand gripping tightly onto the wheel, the other resting on the gear. "Do you know if my sister and Hongjoong left already?"
"Yeah, they did about 30 minutes ago."
"She's deadass gonna be the first person there." 
"She said she wanted dibs on parking and the wine."
"Gonna be the first person there and drunk. Free entertainment." You chuckle. "Your dress." He points at your dress before shifting his attention back to the road. "It's pretty. It looks good on you." You smile.
"I picked it."
"I figured. You've always had better taste than Jiwoo."
"Stop." You chuckle. "She did my hair and makeup."
"Yes, really." He nods in approval, bottom lip poking out. He really does think you look incredibly pretty— he's always thought you were cute, beautiful. But tonight, he can't take his eyes off of you and that'll be bad news for him as the evening continues. First and foremost though, his goal is to keep you comfortable and happy tonight. His goal is to make sure you have fun, and that's what he'll do with your pretty little self.
"Okay, I'll give her that. But, that stays between us." You snort. 
"Sure, Woo." He chuckles.
"Warm enough? Music too loud?"
"No, it's all fine. I'm good. Promise."
"Okay, cause we still have about another 30 minutes to go before we get to the winery."
"I'm fine." You reassure him with the prettiest smile before returning your attention outside the window.
"So, does Yeosang know you're going?"
"Mm, okay. Definitely not prepared for him to beat my ass tonight. I did wear my good socks though, so.. he can try it if he wants." He shrugs.
"He's not like that." You respond softly with a giggle. "Besides, it's my fault. I withheld it from him intentionally."
"Well, what's the deal? If you don't mind me asking." You sigh. "My sister said it'd be weird for you two to go to the party together so I'm suspecting it's a one-sided thing."
"I just.. don't see him that way."
"Why don't you just tell him?"
"I don't know. I'm not really good at these things. I don't know how to say it and I don't wanna hurt his feelings."
"You'll hurt him more by letting it slide like this, you know?" Wooyoung shrugs. "It's okay if you don't feel the same. No one can ever force you to feel a certain way and he'll understand that. But, it'll make it easier on everyone if you're just honest from the get."
"I promise. It'll be tough to get it out, but he'll appreciate it."
"I know, I know."
"In the meantime, are we avoiding him tonight? Lemme know the plan." You shrug.
"If he comes up to me, I'll just explain. Then.. go from there. Wherever that is." You pout a bit.
"Hm." Wooyoung hums when he sees the worried look on your face. "Don't worry about it too much, okay? We'll have fun tonight."
"I feel bad that you're here."
"Ouch, why? Don't want me here?"
"It's not that. You were basically forced to be here so Jiwoo wouldn't get on you for her car."
"Eh, well. Her car is fixed. She can't always force me into things. Besides, it's free entrance to a winery with unlimited wine. Why would I say no to that?" You chuckle.
"You say that now."
"We'll enjoy it together, yeah?" He looks at you and you meet his eyes, nodding quietly in agreement. You hope you'll be able to enjoy with Wooyoung, but as of right now, you're a bit anxious and scared for what the night will bring.
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When Wooyoung pulls up into the main lot of the winery, the parking attendant signals for him to follow the rest of the cars into the extended lot. He jokes under his breath that maybe, he should've followed his sister's lead with this one and left earlier. But, it doesn't last long when he's able to snag a spot right by the back entrance near the winery's lawn area— aka, where the party would mostly take place.
"Alright. If we ever need to dine and dash, just say the word. We'll leave." He says, hopping out of the car while you laugh to yourself. He swings your door open and holds out his hand for you to take, shutting it close after he's gotten you out of the car. He looks at you up and down once again, causing the heat to rise to your cheeks— this time, at a new intensity. "Yeeeesh, I gotta say, you look fine, 'lil mama." He smirks. Cause yes, that dress falls along your curves, your body, so beautifully. That dress pushes up your tits so nicely. 
And that dress hugs the curves of your ass so, so perfectly.
"Wooyoung." You whine a bit before playfully [and very softly] punching his bicep.
"Ah—" He laughs, holding out his arm for you to take. "I'm just being honest as your date." 
"You're making me shy."
"Am I?" He looks down at you with another shit-eating smirk. "What else can I do in the next few hours?" You squeeze his bicep as you enter through the back door, greeting familiar faces. To your surprise [or not], Wooyoung immediately introduces himself as your date and Jiwoo's brother, causing your colleagues and everyone around you to hype you both up as a good-looking couple. You don't even know how to respond besides a 'thank you,' letting Wooyoung take on most of the work with his 'yeah, i know we do's' or 'i know, she's just a little shy about it though's.'
"Shoulda left 30 minutes earlier." Jiwoo says, pulling you into a hug before Hongjoong follows suit. "The baddie herself has finally arrived!"
"Shoulda left on time 30 minutes later." Wooyoung retorts, still properly hugging his sister and greeting Hongjoong. 
"Time to catch up!" Jiwoo raises her glass and taps it. "The wine is pretty good, can't complain."
"Coming from the person who likes Svedka Vodka." 
"Hey! It's cheap and does the job quick!"
"That's why my bar closed a long time ago for you." Wooyoung winces before turning to you. "Wanna go find the right wine for you to sip on?"
"Charcuterie board was just replenished, too!" Jiwoo yells, just as she watches her brother hold your hand and lead you into the winery. "It's so weird to see him doing all that with her."
"Well, he is her date." Hongjoong says with a laugh, sipping on his wine while he holds her by the waist. "He's taking good care of her. Let 'em enjoy it tonight, hm? Just like we will." He hums as she giggles, placing a kiss on her temple before whisking her away to the other finger foods that were just set out. 
As you approach the table with endless different wine bottles set on the surface, you keep yourself close to Wooyoung especially with how packed the room has gotten. Wooyoung sets himself in between a red wine, a white wine and a bottle filled with some sort of pink-ish liquid, his hands grabbing two wine glasses and setting them down on the edge of the table.
"There's so much wine."
"Yup. It's nice that you don't have to pay for a dime. These things get costly."
"Which one is good?"
"Hm, let me check. I've heard of this winery but I've never tasted their wine before." He says as you continue to keep close behind him, looking over his shoulder. He picks up the bottle of red wine and takes it to his nose. "This smells hella bitter." Wooyoung says, smelling the red wine. "You probably won't like this one." He sets it back down and picks up the bottle of white wine. "Chardonnay might not be too bad." He pours a bit in his glass and hands it to you. "Taste it." You take the white wine into your mouth and make a face. "No?"
"Kinda bitter still."
"That's okay." He laughs and points to the pink bottle. "That might be good! Can never go wrong with Rosé. Wanna try it?"
"Can you taste it first?" Wooyoung nods, pouring himself some rosé— enough for a little sip. He nods in approval, shifting his attention back to you.
"It's good! You'll like it. I'll pour you a bit again and you can let me know if you want more or not." You nod. He hands you the glass, watching intently as you take a sip and nod in approval.
"Oh, this is good!"
"Yeah? Glad you like it." He pours some more in your glass, a little more heavy-handed than you like but you'll go along with it for tonight.
"What're you gonna drink?"
"I'm just gonna take some of this Cabernet and babysit it for the night." He reaches over to grab another bottle of red wine a couple of buckets away. He pours himself about half a glass before he's sipping it and humming in approval himself. "Yeah, that's pretty good." He sets his glass out, giving you the opportunity to taste his wine of choice. You take a little sip, shaking your head after giving him his glass back.
"Yeah, no." He laughs.
"It's okay. Red wine is tough to work with. At least we found you some good rosé, though. You gotta take those drinks for the both of us."
"Just one glass will do."
"Mm, a couple sounds better, though." He teases, lacing his hand back with yours as you both walk towards Jiwoo and Hongjoong, sharing a table with your other coworker and.. Yeosang.
"Y/N?" Yeosang looks up at you in confusion, and it almost breaks your heart the way he looks at you. You catch his eyes dart from you to your hand that's currently intertwined with Wooyoung's. "Wooyoung."
"What's up." Is all Wooyoung says as he looks at him over the edge of his glass, taking another sip.
"It's nice to see you—" Yeosang pauses and looks at you; you can't help but give him a pursed smile in return. "Together?"
"I see you went with the rosé! Nice choice!" Jiwoo cuts in, giving you a look to go along with it. "It's good, isn't it?"
"Yeah, it is. We tried the others, wasn't a fan of them."
"They can get kinda strong." She says, downing the rest of the Chardonnay in her glass. "Welp, it's a good thing we have refills right at the table! Seems like we're gonna need it." She pours herself more Chardonnay before pouring you a bit more rosé.
"Jiwoo! I haven't even finished the first glass yet!"
"It was getting warm, you needed the refill." She smirks. You squint your eyes at her before briefly scanning the table, Yeosang now occupied with your coworker. He doesn't seem to want to make eye contact with you any time soon, and that particular unsettling feeling hits you in the gut. You're scared you've already ruined your friendship for pulling this stunt, for not being honest in the first place. You're scared you might've lost your other bestfriend because you were too busy hiding.
"Good?" Wooyoung leans forward to look at you, his soft eyes trailing over your features. He can already sense the shift in your mood and he doesn't want you to start overthinking and getting in your head, especially tonight.
"I think so." 
"You sure? Got my good socks on." He points down to his boots. You smile at his reminder and it instantly eases him. 
"I'm sure." He nods, slipping his arm behind you to rest on the back of your chair. Luckily, the CEO kicks off the dinner portion of the evening. He starts off his speech that lasts about a good minute, thanking everyone for their hardwork and dedication this point in the year. Once finished, he calls on a table to begin lining up for dinner. You, Wooyoung, Jiwoo, Hongjoong, Yeosang and your other coworker patiently fall in line for the buffet-style catering. Wooyoung makes sure to slip in behind you, creating a barrier between you and Yeosang even if there's no obvious hostility. It does help knowing he's creating some distance and you appreciate him for it. You fill your plate with a good scoop of food before settling back down in your seat.
The table enjoys dinner; thankfully, everyone is in good spirits and is cracking jokes despite the awkward moment that fell between you and Yeosang earlier. Even if he was upset, he'd never show you [or anyone] how he was truly feeling, and that could very well become an issue, too.
When it's time for the dance portion, Jiwoo fills your glass along with hers. Even though you had eaten a good amount of food, the alcohol was quick to seep back into your system and loosen you up. But, even with the liquid courage, you couldn't help but still feel shy around her brother.
He just looked so good tonight, you were afraid of looking like a damn fool in front of him. 
In your favor, all Wooyoung cares about is making sure you have a good time. He can see how much you're trying to hold back, even when Jiwoo drunkly throws her arm around you and starts vibing to the music. At some point, the crowd splits you and Wooyoung from Hongjoong and Jiwoo, leaving you to your date to enjoy you all to himself. The DJ starts spinning familiar songs from the 90s, bringing a huge smile on Wooyoung's face.
"Come here." He says, pulling you closer to him as you dance around with him. "It's just me. Don't worry about anything or anyone else." He gives you a reassuring look, his hands loosely laced with yours. You start to feel more comfortable with his reassurance, singing and dancing along with Wooyoung. You find yourself laughing and playfully teasing Wooyoung when he shows off his dance moves and pulls you along into his shenanigans. Your worries seem to be a distant thought at this point, no longer being concerned about every little thing, every little detail.
You're having tons of fun with Wooyoung. You're no longer trying to control what can't be controlled, letting the night take care of the rest on its own.
In between, Jiwoo ends up finding you in the crowd, shoving more rosé your way to get you at a good drunk. And sure as hell, the trick works. Wooyoung finds himself smiling in pure adoration over you, letting you lazily wrap your arms around his neck while singing along to the songs and keeping you close—
Until there's a shift in the air and you feel the liquid courage finally kicking in the way it should.
Wooyoung takes your hand and turns you around, a hand resting on your hip as you dance against him. You don't even care that you've backed yourself up against him and are dancing on him the way you are, thoroughly enjoying how he grips your hips and pulls you flush against him.
It's a little much for someone like you, but you find that it gets you going. Almost has your brain going on overdrive, fixating on the fact that Wooyoung has you like this— wants you like this.
You continue to dance against him, loving the way he holds you and keeps up with your rhythm perfectly. It goes on for a few more songs, Wooyoung shifting to the side to get a good look and hype you up. He's had his fair share of dancing with women at clubs, but he can say hands down, he has never had as much fun as he did tonight. You didn't dance like you were out to prove yourself or something to anyone, to forcefully catch his attention or be someone you're not for all the wrong reasons— you just danced to have fun with him, trusted him to take care of you and help you loosen up. It was all genuine fun and good vibes; he's at the point of wishing the night would never end just so he could stay right here with you.
There is literally no care in the world; just you and Wooyoung, enjoying each other's company at this summer party you didn't even wanna go to. In the end, you're glad you ended up here with Wooyoung because it truly was one of the best nights you've had in such a long time.
"Woo." You turn, tired from all the dancing you've been doing with your handsome date. 
"Yeah, babygirl?"
"I gotta pee." He snorts.
"You should definitely break the seal if you wanna start sobering up."
"I should, huh?" He laughs and nods. 
"I'll wait out here for you, okay?"
"Mmkay." You part from him and it almost aches you to leave him for a second to relieve yourself. The need to pee becomes urgent, your feet rushing you along to the bathroom for a release. Good thing there isn't a line, and that the bathrooms are practically empty— you can sigh away in peace before washing your hands and freshening up a bit. You're excited to get back to Wooyoung, and it shows with the way you giddily pace out of the bathroom and down the hall—
Only to be stopped in the process by none other than your other bestfriend, Kang Yeosang.
You turn and find him there, a small smile plastered on his lips. Your heart immediately drops seeing him, and the guilt comes rushing back. You can't help but frown a bit, pursing your lips together before responding properly.
"Yeo, hi." You look at him with doe-eyes and he isn't sure if he should be more upset over the situation or sad. Maybe sad, because it's clear where you stand with him. And it sucks, but what is he to do? If you're happier elsewhere, who is he to prevent you from having that happiness?
"Hey you." He says softly. "I've barely seen you all night."
"Yeah, just been on the dance floor. My feet kinda hurt now that I think about it." He chuckles a bit.
"Sounds like you're having a good time."
"Um, yeah. Yeah." You repeat. "It's been good. Hope you're having a good night?"
"Can't complain, I guess?" There's a pause before you break the silence.
"Yeo, I'm sorry. It all happened last minute, I really wasn't trying to go but Jiwoo asked her brother and—"
"It's okay, seriously. It's fine. You don't have to explain." He says waving it off, probably trying to make it seem like it's not a big deal when yeah, maybe it isn't. But, you know he's still hurt. You know he still feels a hint of betrayal by the way this all went down— for saying no, for turning down the party, for not telling him you were all of a sudden gonna be here with Jiwoo's brother. For brushing his feelings under the rug.
"Is it?" You ask, still pretty drunk. If this were any other circumstance, you'd probably run away and hide. 
"Uh, yeah, it will be." Yeosang shrugs, unsure of what to say because he is sad about it, now that he truly thinks about it and lets the situation settle in his head.
"I'm sorry." Is all you say as a small frown builds on your lips. Just as you're about to turn to get back to Wooyoung, Yeosang catches your wrist and gently tugs you back. You look up at him, eyes full of curiosity as to why he's holding you back. You're scared for what's to come next, but you give him the opportunity to tell you whatever it is anyway.
"Maybe we can talk about this over dinner? Just me and you?" And as much as you should stand your ground and say no, you can't help but feel like you owe it to him. Maybe this would be it— the doorway to being honest, to telling him the truth. Maybe you two could have a good, friendly dinner and get past this without ruining what's already there; as friends. 
As for Wooyoung, he sees the whole thing with Yeosang. He can't help but watch, either. His eyes were scanning the crowd tough, a little too eager to have you back in his arms on the dance floor. When he finally caught your figure, your dress, standing in the main hall talking to Yeosang, he felt his heart drop. He's not sure what's going on, can't really make sense of what's being exchanged between the two of you. Yeosang still hasn't let go of your wrist, but Wooyoung catches you nodding before he does. Whatever it was, he's hoping you aren't hurt or anything along those lines.
"Hi." You smile toothlessly at him and he has the sudden urge to cup your cheeks, to pull you into his arms and hold onto you. At least you're smiling at him, that's all he could ask for.
"Hey." He smiles back. "I almost thought the toilet swallowed you." You laugh and shake your head.
"What if it did?"
"Then I'd have to go in there and save you, right? Who would I be if I didn't?" He holds out his hand as the next song plays, a little bit of that Jon B. with his They Don't Know. "Mm, I really like this song. Can we head back to the dance floor? I mean, if you don't wanna it's fine but please don't make me slow dance by myself." You giggle, taking his hand and letting him lead you back to the dance floor. He gently wraps his arms around you while you wrap your arms around his neck, his hands firmly keeping you pressed close to him. 
"Mhm?" He maintains eye contact with you as you sway to the song, following along to the beat. 
"Thank you. For tonight. I've had a lot of fun."
"I'm glad. That's all I wanted." He smirks. "Assuming I'll get a free ride to next year's party, too?" You laugh.
"We'll see."
"No seriously though, I'm glad you had fun."
"I did. I really did." You tilt your head ever so slightly and the lighting from the string lights, the moon, hits you perfectly in this angle that Wooyoung feels his heart skip. The highlighter on your collarbone provides an extra layer of glow to everything about you and he honestly doesn't know how to act right now. You feel his hand gently rub at your lower back, his eyes moving from your nose, down to your lips. You catch his Adam's apple bob in an attempt to swallow this sudden nervousness down.
And you could be wrong, you don't really know what's going on in his head and vice versa. But, the moment his face starts edging towards yours, you can't help but follow his motions. In a sudden turn of events, you find yourself wanting, even needing to kiss him; you really hope to—
"If I didn't know any better, it actually looks like you two like each other a lot annnnd iono about all that." Jiwoo says, carrying the rosé bottle in her hand while Hongjoong tries to tug her away. Wooyoung rolls his eyes and tries to move you two away in tiny steps, fighting the annoyance within him when his sister [of course] butted in at a very pivotal moment. Cause yeah, he would've kissed you, and he would've genuinely enjoyed it. He wanted this, too. "Babe, I got the bottle. Open up—"
"Baby." Hongjoong says. "Stop, put it down. Let's go! Leave them alone!"
"Jiwoo, the hell. Are you trying to poison her?! She's good." Wooyoung says lowly with his brows furrowed, subtly brushing his sister off.
"Ew, fun police!" She looks at both Wooyoung and Hongjoong.
"Can you like, get yourself together? What's fun about drowning my date in rosé?"
"All of a sudden he cares." She snorts.
"Baby—sorry, sorry." Hongjoong has a sympathetic expression on his face while looking at you two. "I got this." Hongjoong whisks her away and grabs the bottle, successfully placing it down on another table before bringing her to get water.
"Jiwoo." You laugh, resting your head against Wooyoung's cheek, his grip on you only tightening as you softly sway back and forth to the music.
"Literally couldn't have been the worst time." 
"It's okay. Hongjoong's got her now."
"Sorry." He says, placing a gentle, feathery kiss to your cheek. "Just know that was not how I wanted that to play out." He rubs at your sides as you giggle, continuing to slow dance with Wooyoung under the starlit sky.
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When the event officially concludes, the CEO and leadership team come back to the stage to thank everyone for the successful event, wishing everyone safe travels back home. Jiwoo runs to you and hugs you, asking if you had fun tonight. You tell her that you did and that you owe it to her and her brother for all of it. She laughs, happy everything turned out well and that her brother took good care of you.
"Take care of her." Jiwoo glares at Wooyoung while Hongjoong chuckles to the side and shakes his head.
"Okay, go."
"I mean it."
"I do, too!"
"Babe, text me when this big head brings you home. I might not answer though cause I'll be at Joong's but still—" You nod, completely ignoring what she's insinuating.
"Ew, no one fucking asked Jiwoo. Just go." Wooyoung mumbles under his breath, giving her a look. Your eyes widen when you feel Wooyoung slip his hand into yours and grip it tightly, leading you through the crowd of people building around the back of the winery saying their goodbye's. You both head into the car with ease, giving Wooyoung the opportunity to catch a minute before driving off.
"Hm, how do you feel right now?" Wooyoung spreads in his seat, scrolling through his phone.
"I'm fine."
"Not too tired?"
"Not really."
"Still kinda tipsy?"
"Still kinda tipsy." You reaffirm and he chuckles.
"Wanna get some food and hang out somewhere? No pressure. Can take you home if that's what you prefer."
"Um, yeah sure! Let's go."
"Yeah?" He smiles and buckles up, shifting the gear to drive. "Sick. I know just the place to get you some good snacks."
Said place ends up being a convenience store nearby that has the best egg sandwiches, spicy tuna onigiri, and Wooyoung's favorite grab n' go corndogs.
You enjoy the experience nonetheless. Wooyoung parks his car right at the front of the store, helping you hop out of the car before slipping his hand in yours. It almost feels way too natural for two people who were merely attending a party together as acquaintances, [per Choi San] but Wooyoung likes the way your hand feels in his. The way it fits perfectly, and how you seem to put all your trust in him this way. He shuffles towards the back and tosses a few things into the basket you're holding with your other arm, giggling when he debates between a regular corndog or a flaming hot cheeto corndog.
"I don't want my ass to be on fire though, so." He says out loud in the very empty convenience store.
"Wooyoung!" You whisper, more embarrassed on his behalf than himself. 
"I'm just saying Y/N, sometimes that shit is outta my control. I don't want it to be one of those nights." You laugh as he looks into the basket. "Is that all you want? A corndog?"
"Mhm. I'm still pretty full."
"Okay then." He takes the items to the register and quickly pays for it, giving you zero chance to slide in some cash. He smirks when he grabs the bag and heads back to the car, letting you know that he'd never let you pay anyway.
The drive to Wooyoung's endpoint is about 20 minutes away from the store, and up a dark hill. If it had been any other situation, it would've looked incredibly scary and suspicious. But since it's Wooyoung, you trust him wholeheartedly to bring you somewhere you'd enjoy.
"It gets better, okay. I know what you're thinking."
"What am I thinking?" You squeak.
"You're probably wondering why my punkass is taking you up a dark hill. I promise the view up there is worth it. You trust me, yeah?"
"I do. Don't disappoint me, Jung Wooyoung."
"Nah, never that." He takes you further up the curvy road, finally pulling into a small lot off to the side. There aren't any other cars parked besides Wooyoung's, so it makes it easy for him to back into the spot. He leaves enough space to pop open the trunk freely, allowing you two to sit and enjoy the sideview of the city. "Careful." He says, bringing you to the trunk and making sure you're seated comfortably before grabbing the snacks. He plops into the space next to you and hands you your corndog, the both of you indulging in your snacks in pure silence.
"There's a path down there. You get a better view of the city." He covers his mouth while chewing on his corndog.
"Hm." You hum, looking up at the sky. "The stars are so bright tonight."
"I know, I don't remember the last time I've seen so many stars." Wooyoung points to the right. "Look! There's the big dipper." You chomp on your corndog as you look up to where he's pointing at.
"No, it's not?"
"Y/N. Please. That's the big dipper."
"I'm looking! I don't see it." He scoots closer and points again. At this point, Wooyoung is only inches away from your face. If you were to turn at the wrong time, you'd land a kiss on his lips unintentionally. 
"There!" He says. Lo and behold, Wooyoung's right. You finally see the shape of the big dipper up ahead, even if you're slightly distracted with Wooyoung's face being in such close proximity again. 
"Okay, you're right. I see it, I'll give that to you." You respond with a tiny smile.
"Haven't seen one in a long time." He smiles proudly before digging into his other snacks and powering through them. Wooyoung doesn't even move away from you after showing you the big dipper, but you aren't complaining. You've come to learn that you enjoy having him near, close. "You're done eating?" You nod, tossing your trash into the bag.
"Mhm." You hum contently. "Wooyoung." He looks at you with a brow cocked up, shoving the last bit of the onigiri in his mouth. He shouldn't like the way you say his name so softly, so delicately, but he does. Especially after tonight, he really, really does.
"I wanna walk down the path and look at the view." You stand and start walking towards the path, where it'll take you to a beautiful view of the city.
"Wait, hold up!" He says, grabbing his jacket and locking up his car. "Why does she walk so fast? Miss Quicksilver." He mumbles to himself. When he catches up to you, you feel him drape his jacket over your shoulders before coming to your side. "It's getting kinda chilly out." You look up at him with a small smile on your face, hugging the jacket closely around your frame.
"Thank you."
"Course." He holds out his hand. "It's dark, let me lead the way? You've got your pretty heels on and everything. You sure you wanna do this?"
"Yeah, please?" Wooyoung almost buckles at the knees when he hears you plead the way you do, instantly locking hands while he walks in front to lead the way. You stay close to him, especially when the path has lower visibility than you expected. He tightens the grip on your hand, carefully navigating around the bushes along the way. When he finally reaches the end and brings you to the view, you take a few steps forward toward the edge of the overlook. There's a small board off to the side that outlines the history of the city ahead and when the overlook was created. You let go of Wooyoung's hand completely to rest on the edge, taking in the city lights. The crisp night air. The sound of the stream nearby. You rest your elbows on the stone, chin resting on the palms of your hands. Wooyoung smiles to himself as he admires you from behind, coming right by your side to enjoy the view. "It's so pretty."
"Yeah, it is."
"The crickets are loud. Kinda soothing to listen to, though."
"Louder than Jiwoo, that's for sure." You laugh, continuing to look at the view. 
"How'd you know about this spot, Woo? Do you take girls here on dates?"
"God, no. I just come here to chill when I need to get my mind together. I don't really share this spot with anyone." He rests his chin on your head and you don't budge, appreciating the extra body heat from behind.
"You shared it with me."
"That's cause I genuinely wanted to take you here. I know you'd appreciate it."
"Can I start coming here, too?" You look up at him with a smile.
"Only if you let me tag along." Wooyoung teases. "I am heavily equipped with the exact location details and everything."
"Mmkay, fair enough." You let out a content sigh. "I wonder what everyone's doing in the city. What their stories are like and what's happening in their lives right now. Do you ever think about stuff like that?"
"I do."
"It's crazy to think about, isn't it? Being in one place at the same time with all these people, filled with millions of different stories."
"It is." You look at the view with a small pout and Wooyoung feels his knees getting weaker over that damn pout. "Anyway." You turn to look at Wooyoung, who is very much still staring down at you in adoration. "What? Why do you keep looking at me like that?" 
"What, can I not? You're just really cute, shit, sue me." You roll your eyes playfully before a yawn comes out, and Wooyoung frowns a bit.
"Yikes." You say just as you shake off the yawn.
"Mm, it's hitting me now."
"The post-drunk crash." He sighs, cupping your cheeks and looking into your eyes. "Come on, let's get you home." 
"What if—" You cover another yawn again. "I don't wanna?" He drops his hands back down before grabbing your hand, slowly trailing back to the car.
"Then babygirl, I dunno. I definitely do not recommend sleeping out here, though." He jokes. He could technically take you back home and do all the things he would normally do if this were any other circumstance, any other person. He could have you right where he wants you and have you stay the night.
But, he won't. 
He won't do that to you because that's not what you are to him. You aren't just a body, and you aren't a temporary thing. On top of that, he probably should sort through his feelings, his emotions because he's not sure what the fuck he's been feeling all night; he just knows it's kinda different and kinda alarming for someone like him. 
Feels serious, too vulnerable.
"Yeah, I agree." You say sleepily, clinging onto Wooyoung's arm as you walk back to the car.
The ride home is quiet, and exhaustion almost completely consumes your body that you barely realize Wooyoung's thumb gently caressing the surface of your hand. You shouldn't get used to the feeling so much, knowing this is might all be for show especially over a summer party. It hurts to think about, but it's not like Wooyoung willingly wanted to be here. Maybe a small part of him did, but at the end of the day, this was purely a favor for his sister. You didn't think he'd catch feelings over one night, no. It wasn't in his nature to. You didn't expect that whatsoever, either. But, you also couldn't help but feel things after the way he treated you tonight. After the way he took care of you so, so well. 
Was it wrong to feel infatuated? Was it wrong to feel happy, giddy, after the time you shared? Being in close proximity all evening, sharing little subtle affectionate moments together?
The voice in your head tells you yes, and that you should know better than to think it'd last past this night. 
You are you, and Wooyoung is Wooyoung. 
"Y/N?" Wooyoung softly taps your thigh. You turn to face him, recognizing the awfully familiar neighborhood behind him. You had been deep in your thoughts, along with the mix of exhaustion, that you didn't know you've already made it home. "Thought you fell asleep. We're here."
"Already?" You give him a tiny, soft smile that he reciprocates before running to your side and helping you out of the car.
"You don't have to walk me."
"Y/N, please. Don't start spitting out nonsense." He says, unbuckling his seatbelt and running over to your door. He tucks a hand into his pocket while waiting for you to step out, shutting it gently behind you. He walks you up the steps to your studio, silently trailing behind even as you fiddle with your keys to open your door. Once you get it open, you turn to him with that angelic smile he's mesmerized by, causing him to smile in return.
"Hope you had a good time tonight."
"I did. I really, really did. Thank you for.. you know? Accompanying me and what not. Everything, really."
"It was fun." He pulls you into a hug, squeezing you gently. When he pulls away, he keeps an arm wrapped around your neck, planting a kiss on your temple. It lights a fire within you, the heat rising to your cheeks when he pulls back and looks down at you. "Get some sleep, okay?"
"You too. Drive safely." You feel the need to reciprocate the kiss somehow, and it doesn't help that Wooyoung lingers around for a second— mainly to make sure you make it inside your studio. With all your thoughts, you still find yourself reasoning with the giddiness you're feeling. You find the courage to tippy-toe and place a chaste kiss on his cheek, rushing into your studio with a soft: "Goodnight!" before shutting the door. Wooyoung silently laughs to himself as he digs his hands into his pocket, nibbling on his bottom lip to prevent himself from smiling too big at the action.
But, his heart is damn near beating out of his chest, another thing that feels pretty unfamiliar but familiar at the same time. The only thing he knows for certain is that it probably can't be good for him—
To feel this way. Forcing himself to walk away from your studio after spending a good evening together. To want to call you even though he's just in his car downstairs. To keep you company until the next morning.
After all, you were starting to feel more than just a favor to him.
Those feelings can't be good for him.
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—TAGLIST: @asjkdk @interweab @woojirang @svintsandghosts @cheolliehugs @persphonesorchid @mxnsxngie @jycas @cowboydk @heyitsmetonid @ldysmfrst @intaksfav
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nihilnovisubsole · 4 months
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Picrew Update: Hair Edition
i'm alive! the picrew exists! i wanted to wait to do the hair update until i really had something to show off. this is, by a wide margin, the biggest section of the game, and whew boy is it a relief to have almost all of it done.
now, let me Q&A myself for a minute:
how are you still not done with this thing? i don't know, but i have good news: after six months of PT, i've made moderate improvements in my drawing arm. i've gained 15 pounds of grip strength! i still can't draw all day like i used to, but it's something, so i'll take it. and even if i could, i have a full-time job. i also developed a plan to divide my drawing time into intervals and do more sketches before i commit to lines, which will save me work in the long run.
wait, "almost" all of it? you're doing MORE hair? i have one more planned section for buns, ponytails, and other things that go on the back of your head. it'll be simpler to design than the rest of the hair, which is why i saved it for last.
have you spent more time on this picrew than you did writing dangerous crowns in the first place? probably!
can i make the sailor senshi on this? of course. asking the important questions here
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homicidal-slvt · 1 year
I have a request! 141 plus König playing a long game of strip poker with a female reader. Things get steamy and the reader gets gang banged?
"You Can Handle It, Right?"
141 + König x F!Reader
Characters: John Price, Kyle Garrick, Simon Riley, Johnny Mactavish, Alex Keller, König
Warnings: Smut, Gangbang, Unprotected Sex, Praise Kink, Degradation Kink, Oral {M Receiving}, Rough?, Boyfriend!Alex
You weren't exactly sure how you ended up here but you weren't about to complain, rough calloused hands palming at every inch of you.
It was supposed to be an innocent game of poker with your boyfriend Alex and his friends, until however Johnny cheekily suggested strip poker.
"Strip poker? Seriously?"
Simon didn't seem all too thrilled by the idea but him and John were the best at the game so they didn't have to worry much.
You glanced over towards Alex who seemed just as excited about it as Johnny, Kyle seemed pretty happy and nervous about the idea and König... Well, König was fidgeting but you weren't sure if it was nerves or excitement... You hadn't known him as long as the others so you couldn't read him well yet.
"Sounds fun!"
You were down as long as they were, being shy about your body wasn't your style and that became very clear very fast.
As the game dragged on you ended up being the one stripping the most off- aside from Alex who also seemed to suck ass at poker. The guys eyes were glued to you as you casually tugged off your shirt and discarded it along with your shoes, socks and pants. You were just in a bra and underwear now.
You didn't miss the adoring but also lustful look in Alex's eyes as they took in your features, he's seen you like this many times but never fails to be amazed- however the others hadn't gotten this chance before and it was clear.
You had them absolutely drooling.
"How about a new game... Strip pokers getting boring."
Alex spoke up and little did you know the offer he was going to propose.
Your chest was pressed flush against John's and you could feel his thick chest hair bristling against your bare breasts, he had one hand on your waist and the other was holding his cigar- the man didn't pause his bad habit even for fucking you.
"That's it, love. Just like that."
He breathed out the smoke but aimed away from your face as he did so, you currently were being held up by Alex behind you with John's dick pressed deep inside you. Alex trailed kisses down the back of your neck.
"You're so pretty, baby."
He murmured against your heated flesh, pressing up closer as well aching to have his turn inside you but also enjoying watching you get fucked by John.
The other guys also were enthralled by the filthy display, your head back mouth agape like you couldn't get enough oxygen with the way he was bucking into you, John's tip felt like it was kissing your cervix and threatening to rearrange your guts entirely.
Vision blurred from pleasure you were getting close, before you could release though John pulled out and stroked himself a few times cumming on your thighs instead. You let out such a pathetic little whimper that it made the man chuckle.
"Don't worry, love. I'm sure the boys will take good care of you."
Swiftly you were manhandled over to the table, you weren't entirely sure who's hands were who's. Your hands wound up firmly planted on the hard wooden surface for support while bent over, Alex stood in front of you but you were unsure who was behind you.
Without hesitation you opened your mouth for your boyfriend, he slipped his dick into your mouth and grabbed your hair into a makeshift ponytail, you hollowed your cheeks and bobbed your head while sucking, earning so many sweet little moans from him- your eyes watering as you nearly gagged a few times.
"Fuck... Bonnie."
You recognized that Scottish accent and term of endearment, while having your throat fucked you felt a pair of rough calloused fingers toying with your clit, you whined and groaned around Alex's cock your drool dripping down onto the table. You heard a chuckle from the Scot behind you, unable to see him but you could just feel the smirk on his face as he spoke.
"Ye like that?"
His deft fingers made quick work out of you, circling your clit and then plunging into your heated core, curling and stroking along your pulsing walls. He adored making you come undone while you were choking on your boyfriend's dick at the same time.
Though he needed his own release as well, positioning himself at your entrance he easily slid in and began thrusting, your legs wobbled and shook. Even with the table as support you were struggling, almost collapsing forwards onto the hard surface.
Johnny gripped your waist tight and assisted in keeping you from caving in, pacing his thrusts to match your bobbing on Alex.
It wasn't long before Alex spilled his seed down your throat, his cock pulsing and twitching in your mouth while he groaned, he smiled down at you in such a sweet away as he pulled away.
Who would think this is the same guy letting you get ruined by his friends?
"So pretty."
He remarked softly before moving out of the way for Kyle, unlike the others Kyle actually seemed a bit nervous. His pupils blown out with lust he reached out gently gripping your chin, all his nerves went away when he saw your fuck-drunk face.
"Shit... You like getting used like this don't you? Slutty little thing."
You didn't exactly peg Kyle for the type to be degrading but you weren't complaining, your cunt squeezing Johnny tighter as he was still fucking your tight hold chasing his own high while also driving you to yours.
"Fuckin' hell.... I think she likes that."
You didn't miss the slightly darker look on Kyle's face along with his smirk, opening your mouth wide for him to stuff his length in, taking it down your throat like a good fuck toy.
"Alex trained you well, didn't he? Such a good little whore. Taking several men... Bet ya always fantasized about this, huh?"
Of course you couldn't answer him as you were rammed from behind while getting your throat used like a fleshlight at the same time, you were an absolute mess as you orgasmed on Johnny, your moans and cries choked out by the cock in your mouth.
He came undone immediately after you did, groaning out as you felt a thick heat flood your tight walls. Kyle still using your mouth till he finished as well, forcing his dick all the way down when he came so you were gagging on it, his semen sliding directly down your throat.
He pulled away and finally you could breathe, desperately panting when Johnny finally let go of your waist, you just helplessly collapsed onto the table your chest smacking against the hard wood.
You didn't get a break for long though, a pair of gloved hands that you instantly knew was Simon lifting you up by your mid section and rolling you over onto your back on the table.
"Are you alright to continue?"
He asked genuinely while gazing deep into your eyes, after you gave a little nod to confirm he slid his hands down to your thighs, his gloved hand stroked along your skin while he made intense eye contact with you for a moment- still making sure you were definitely okay.
Then he swiftly spread your legs as wide as he could, burning gaze directed at your abused and messy cunt that was spilling slick and cum.
"Yet you still aren't satisfied, are you?"
He remarked but you didn't have chance to answer, he roughly manhandled you into a mating press with your legs draped over his shoulders.
"We can fix that."
His gruff voice filled your ears as you felt him slide in, you two were quite the sight. Him still fully clothed with just his jeans unzipped and cock out, meanwhile you fully exposed beneath him staring up into the deep pools of hazel that were his eyes.
He was actually a bit of a tight fit and you felt like you were going to be speared straight into your other organs, eyes rolling back he quickly grasped your chin, his grip tight but not enough to hurt just enough to get your attention.
"Eyes on me."
He stated the command in a straight forward way and you obliged, struggling as you maintained eye contact. He didn't hesitate to fuck you hard and rough, quickly realizing you seemed to like it that way and who was he to deny you that pleasure, the feeling of getting used by a big rough and tough masked man.
You ended up coming again and spasming wildly beneath him, his breathing heavy as well he didn't last much longer either, filling you to the brim he kept moving riding out his orgasm inside you. You were filled and covered with cum by this point- so fucked out you nearly forgot that there was one more guy left.
The whole time König had stood just observing, his deep dark and clouded eyes locked onto your shaky form.
Next thing you knew you were hoisted up off the table by an unfamiliar pair of incredibly strong arms, quickly pinned between him and the wall- though König felt almost like a brick wall himself.
His eyes were down right feral behind that hood, you felt your throat clench but also couldn't deny there was something about it that did something to you, he was the only one of the guys you didn't know really well before hand...
You didn't know what he was capable of.
He wasn't exactly gentle by any means, he was cautious of his size so as to not genuinely injure you- but he wasn't gentle. Holding your waist with one hand having you wrap your legs around him, the other hand slipping down to your folds.
He teased your clit with his large gloves hand before quickly stuffing his fingers into your hole, you felt the gloves seams scraping at your tender and over stimulated insides, your whines only seemed to fuel his desire to ravage you even more.
"You can handle it, right?"
You eagerly nodded and though you couldn't see it- he was grinning behind his hood. He was going to ruin you.
"Good girl, Liebling."
The large Austrian man took you right there against the wall, his dick splitting you open. If you thought you weren't going to be able to walk before- well you sure as hell knew you weren't going to be able to now.
{This was a struggle idk why- I guess I'm not good at writing a fic with multiple guys LOL}
{Inspired by this fic by @catsnkooks }
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angelsrcute · 4 months
(´∀`*)ε` ) ౨ৎ N–sfw content !! ; Dom!Tartaglia + Sub!F!Reader ➜ cws: modern au,fluff, hurt to comfort, protected sex + use of lube, praising, body worship, drunk sex, teeth-rotting fluff, Dad!Tartaglia is the dad of the year.
꒰ † ੭ — Part 2 of 7 weeks and 3 days, this is also a lyric fic! mixed up the ideas I had, some crdts to @xschizoe and anon. Hope this feeds you all!! (unfortunately scara didn't get hit by a car)
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The skyline falls as I try to make sense of it all.
How did you both get together? Long story, not that you'd complain. He's an absolute sweetheart, Tartaglia, Scaramouche's best friend. Frequent dates, showering you with gifts, spoiling the shit out of your kid. No wonder your kid doesn't listen to you anymore, just listens to your new boyfriend. You swore that you'd never let the walls in your heart down, but it did, for him.
I thought I'd uncovered your secrets but, turns out, there's more, You adored me before. Oh, my good looking boy.
Tartaglia would always give you looks when you were with scaramouche, that screamed out ‘he's not good for you, leave him.’ You never really paid any attention to them even if it was true, scaramouche was hurting you. So one night while you were working your part time job at a club, due to desperate measures– you saw him.
You both talked for hours, catching up on eachother, you broke down while talking about scaramouche but he comforted you, apparently tartaglia got a very good job. To celebrate, he ordered some expensive wine even though you refused, he assured you that he wouldn't mind.
Play casino holes of my eyeballs, Roll the dice on my thighs.
The night was a blur, all you remember drinking too much and crying, your head hurting like hell, Childe saying something. Now, you're here, in his bed. In his fucking bed. No clothes on. Tartaglia cuddling you to sleep while burying his head in your hair. Well, after you both were sober enough, he apologised, he didn't mean to sleep with you without proper consent but he just did due to the moment.
Back to the present, Childe coming into your life was the best thing that's happened in your life. You don't really mind that your child looks a bit like his father, Scaramouche nor does Childe. He'd sometimes bring his siblings to play with your child, they enjoyed every moment of it.
You stopped for breath and I sped up, Just to impress you.
You couldn't help but laugh as your husband played with your child, he currently had makeup on his face, his short hair tied into a ponytail, stylist in the making, you think.
“You look fabulous, sweetheart, you should go walk on the runway!”
“Gosh, Y/N, don't tease me like that–” Laughing together as your kid laughed too, in his arms.
Some whining before he finally put the little demon to sleep. Coming out of the room as he hugs you, prepping light kisses to your face. Leading you to your shared bedroom, “The kid is asleep, we finally have some alone time.” He whispers as he leaves trails of kisses down your chest, worshipping you like his goddess.
“Until the little demon gets hungry and calls the peasants for food!” You reply back, giggling.
“Oh cmon, Y/N, I might die of laughing too much, you'd be at fault. Also did I say Scaramouche was at the bar we hooked up in? You should've seen the look on his face!”
“Anyway, in the mood for a quick sex, darlin’? Wouldn't mind another little demon running around in the house.” He says while he places another kiss to your stomach with that stupid smile he charmed you with.
Oh, my good looking boy.
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Taglist : @xschizoe, @iruma-chan,
@whoooismkeee, @t0matensalatxoooooo,
@tartagliaboo, @magica-ren
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im-just-a-boy-guys · 2 months
absolutely loved your minotaur breeding story <3
part two? 👀
PT 2 (Any side characters unless more than once will have a purple text <)
(AS always feel free to send in writing asks and even Suggest. Things for the current stories!)
Everything is color coded. Scroll down to the main section of green text to skip to the porn! / horny stuff!
You bathed and collapsed into your bed, in your bathrobe. It had been a wild night, and you found yourself still horny and reeling from getting your guts brutally re-arranged.
You knew you needed to eat something and decided to order in some subway, praying the delivery guy would be able to make his way through the campus like set up of the farm.
You ordered your food, and after 45 minutes, thankfully, it arrived, and the doorbell to your apartment rang. You loosely tied the robe around yourself, though your large chest was still very prominent, and your cleavage shown just at the top of the relatively short robe.
You answered the door and smiled at the driver. It was a younger man, just some younger, possibly 19-year-old boy with blonde hair, brown eyes, and freckles that lightly dusted his face.
"Hello, is this (y/n)? I have a deli-", He paused, and his pale face flushed red as he saw your chest.
After today, you felt slightly turned on by the staring, and instead of covering yourself, you just smiled at him and held your hands out.
"Yes, that's me." You took the food, and he nodded, walking back down the stairs and to his car.
You brought the food inside and ate, contemplating how often you should do that just to see people's reactions outside of what you enjoy looking at you.
After you ate, you plopped back onto your mattress and fell asleep in your robe.
The next morning, you woke to an alarm you had set for every weekday on your phone and peeled yourself out of your robe. You decided that since your clothes were going to be removed anyway, you might as well wear something easy access, slipping on the bra you were given, an old tee shirt, and a pare of short shorts that hugged your thighs.
You wet and brushed your hair, doing your hair care and lathering yourself in your 'Whisky and Coffee' lotion.
You hoped that if you smelled better that they might pick it up with their sensitive noses. You'd love to be made fun of for seemingly wanting it more - wanting to drive them crazy.
After the lotion, you tossed your hair up into a ponytail, pulling a couple of strands out in the front.
Once you grabbed your things, you left your apartment to see a woman dressed in uniform waiting in a golf cart.
"Hello (Y/N), I'll be your driver! There and back. The Dr will still be the one giving you your injection if you end up needing it. But for the drives, it'll be me.", The slender, darker-skinned woman smiled brightly at you. She looked like she'd been kissed by the sun, and her hair coiled so beautifully. Once she saw you up close, she couldn't help but smile. You sat next to her in the golf cart and said quietly.
"You're very beautiful."
She blushed all the way up to her ears and laughed softly. "Oh you don't mean that. I could never be as beautiful as all of the women here- they and you are so amazing looking.", she scoffed and then seemed to realize she'd included you individually.
You smiled at this endearingly, and she sputtered.
"I'm sorry- was that to foward- I'm new to this and don't want to make you uncomfortable. "
You giggled and placed your hand reassuringly on her thigh,
"Nono, it's ok. I know what you meant. And thank you. I think you could actually do this if you wanted. If there were any spaces available, of course. Daniel? I think I'd like the managers name. He seems super sweet and understanding. Maybe speak to him about it if you think about it."
She looked taken aback by the suggestion but nodded politely. You really didn't want to overstep but hoped she'd take it as a compliment. She was however, too busy thinking about being suffocated by your breasts and thighs to really have been offended.
"I think I'd like to stay your driver. You seem nice!"
She pulled up next to the stables and stopped the golf cart.
"Alright, ma'am! Here we are! I'll see you when you get off work."
You smiled and gave her a soft kiss on the cheek before hopping out of the cart and making your way into the stable. On your way in, you see Dr Sylvia in your stall waiting for you. She looks you up and down.
"Do you need help getting undressed?" You thought about it and couldn't help but want her hands on you.
"Please." You smiled and lifted your arms for her to help you out of your shirt, and she lifted it off for you, setting the discarded clothing on a stool to the side. She helped unclip your bra and helped you shimmy out of your shorts.
She couldn't help but gawk at your thong. You smiled proudly but did your best to hide it as she slipped them off of you.
"Alright, for now I'm just going to run a couple of general physical tests to make sure you're fit to work today."
She gently took one of your breasts into her hands and massaged it roughly.
"Does this hurt any?"
She kept a straight face but was clearly enjoying groping you. You shook your head, trying to keep a dumb look off your face. She swapped breasts and squeezed once more.
"What about this one?"
You shook your head again and kept up your smile. It took everything not to beg her to keep touching you. You'd love it if she put you in that machine and had her way with you.
"Good. Do you want your shot today or no?"
Your face flushed. "I think I'd like it every time - you can refrain from asking next time-" you mumbled lightly.
"I kind of liked not knowing I was being drugged-",
She smiled mockingly and raised an eyebrow.
"Not a problem. Whatever makes the experience more enjoyable for you, sweetheart."
Your soul melted at the probably frequently used nickname. You knew she more than likely called all of her patients various nick names and treats them the same way, but some part of you daydreamed that your body was her favorite.
She gently guided you and strapped you down by the wrists and ankles as you straddled the adjustable bench. She elevated the back. Putting you at a slight incline before injecting the serum.
She walked in front of you, holding your face for a moment as she stood there. The woman made you look up at her and smiled down at you almost mockingly.
The way her red hair sat in her messy bun drove you insane. She was so gorgeous, and the way her eyes showed when she looked at you like you were nothing - ugh.
She slipped her thumb over your lips before slipping out of the stall.
"Have fun, doll."
Your pussy ached, and you couldn't help but let out a soft whine as the drugs started to take effect.
A familiar buzzing sounded, and you heard the metal doors creak open. You were waiting on the sound of praise from your beloved bulls from yesterday but were met with two entirely different voices. One rumbling lowly, almost scarily close to a gruff growl.
"She seems new- she's super fucking hot though. What do you think about this one, Jake?"
A large figure passed you, seemingly larger than even the bulls you'd met yesterday and a heavy blush covered your face as you were met face-to-face with his giant cock. You drooled almost instantly.
"Her tits are huge - he looks like she'll be lots of fun."
They looked at you like meat, and you were so into it. The drugs made your head feel hot and swimming thoughts as your head flooded with all of the things they might do to you.
The one who was apparently named Jake pulled a leaver under your head, and the headrest folded back, causing your head to fall limp back over it. He pressed his tip to your mouth and smiled.
"Start sucking."
You didn't know how you felt about his tone, but it seemed to make you even wetter. You opened your mouth and stuck your tongue out. He smirked down at you and grabbed your throat, then without warning or prep, shoved himself down your throat.
"God- damn it that's so good-",
The other followed suit by pressing his tip to your needy hole, he teased himself by tip fucking you for a few minutes, every time you felt you were getting close, he'd pull out.
After a few times of that, he shoved his full length into you, pressing himself against your cervix.
He pressed down on your lower stomach/ bladder while he moved inside of you, just to see the imprint of his length through you.
you moaned as they began to move faster, slamming their hips into you, Jake groaned as your moans vibrated your throat against his cock.
"Fuck~ just like that-", Jake groaned and huffed,
the other bull moaned out, "I wanna fuck her ass, it looks even tighter than her pussy-"
You blushed as your mind swam. You'd never done anal before and heard it was quite painful, but all you could think about was the two creatures using you.
"You know- we might be able to break the cuffs and have some fun. We'll just clamp them back after. What do you say, Liam?"
"I say what are we waitting for?," The smaller bull smirked and gripped the ankle cuffs, prying them open one at a time with a great deal of effort, being the cuffs were assumedly made to prevent this exact scenario.
Jake did the same to the arm cuffs. You tried to get up, to struggle, to move, anything. You found that you couldn't move. You'd never noticed before because you were tied down and couldn't move anyway, but now you could feel the active numbness in your skin.
"Awe, I think she's trying to get away~" Liam cooed at you as Jake took you into his arms. He wrapped your legs around him, holding you up far enough to drop you down onto his throbbing cock, you moaned out and he kept one arm around your waist and shoved one of his huge fingers into your mouth.
Liam walked up behind you and held your ass up, gently pressing his tip against your ass hole, he probed for a moment, pushing in just enough to open you up.
Your body felt so limp that you could feel your own weight, pulling you down against their lengths. you couldn't hold your head up, so you rested against Luke's chest.
you felt a sharp pain and cried out weakly as the smaller bull forced himself into you, his warm chest against your back. You could feel his breath in your ear, his grunting causing your pussy to leak cum down your thighs.
His cock seemed to rub in all the right places and you couldn't help but drool. As the drugs reached their full effect, you felt like you couldn't possibly take it or be more full, you thought they were going to rip you in half from both ends, and you were hungry for it.
Once you were filled by both of them, they both held onto your hips and helped each other pump into you. They moaned and cursed into your ears.
They occasionally praised you, fondly licking at your cheeks as they used you. Luke leaned down and put your neck roughly, just barely keeping himself from drawing blood.
"Careful Jake- I'm going to fucking kill you if we lose another week's worth of privileges-", Liam spat at the other as he thrusted into you.
You could feel their knots pressing against your holes, begging for entry. They were both in your guts, their cocks rubbing against eachother through the thin layer of skin between your entrances.
You managed to muster a quiet sentence, almost not heard over your money and whimpers.
"Please cum in me~", you begged them,
"You hear that? The pretty cow wants our cum- how bout we fill her up and swap. We should spend all of our time wisely."
He chuckled mockingly into your ear as they both made an effort to thrust faster, occasionally lifting you higher to tease their tips.
"Fuck- fuck I'm so close- take my knot bitch-"
This caused your pussy to clench roughly around the bigger bulls cock as you squirted, covering his stomach and strong thighs.
As you came, your asshole checked around Liams length, he moaned lewdly before thrusting his knot violently into you, spewing his cum into your virgin hole.
His cum was so hot and thick, you could almost feel it in your stomach, you didn't think you could be any more full.
Until Jake pushed his knot unto your dropling cunt, you screamed as their knots rubbed together inside of you, milking themselves. Their grunts were enough to make you cum again as if their knots didn't.
He jammed his head against your cervix, using that to further milk himself as your guts rubbed his sensitive tip just right.
His cum seemed to be even warmer, it was so think and filled you so well that it leaked down over his cock and down your thighs.
They panted softly, and Jake lifted you off of them, allowing Liam to lay down on the bench you had been clamped down to.
The bigger bull gently layed you onto of the other, your tits resting softly against his face. Liam groped them roughly, causing milk to sport out softly against his face. He snickered,
"Oh yeah, I forgot that we were breeding a milk cow - she's one of the special ones."
Liam took both of your sensitive nipples into his mouth and sucked aggressively, groaning happily as your milk filled his mouth.
You could feel his head prodding at your entrance and leaning back against it, helping him enter you.
Jake came up behind you and thrusted into your now comfortably stretched hole, still rubbing against all of your sensitive spots. As he moved, Liam began to pump gently into you.
He moved casually, just enjoying the sensation of you as he drank your milk, and you only squirmed lightly as he groped and massaged your breasts.
"I think the drugs are wearing off. But she's behaving so well- think we should pick up the pace for her? She's doing so good and looks like she could really use our loads-"
Jake smirked as his hands slipped to your hips, his big hands gripping them roughly.
The smaller bull nodded half-heartedlyas he teased your nipples with his tongue and began to move faster into you, their cocks once again rubbing against eachother with only your thin walls to separate them.
Your tongue hung out of your mouth like a desperate dog and you could still feel their cum on your thighs and leaking out of you like a creame filled donut.
You whimpered and whined as they moved, and the feeling of Liams tongue on your nipples sent a signal to your sloppy cynt that you couldn't describe, a pulsing in your clit-
You reached down between your legs and rubbed desperately, the sensations driving you insane.
The smaller bull let go of your breasts and grabbed your hands roughly. He held them together over his shoulder, which caused you to elongate yourself, your back arching further against Jake.
He took happily to this, smiling dazedly as your ass pressed against his length, causing him to go even deeper.
Without the extra cum in you you imagined he'd split you in half, you almost wanted another dose of the drugs, you imagined the warm dazed feeling flooding your head like the few times you'd had to many drinks.
"Fuck I love how she sounds- she makes so many cute noises when she's getting her guts peniteated."
Liam cooed this into your ear, and he grabbed your throat. This was almost better than the drugs, the static flooded from your neck where his strong hand gripped, moving up to your already foggy brain.
Your vision flooded in and out as he let go right before you felt like you were going to pass out. You could feel their cocks throbbing against your walls, and their knots had grown back to their full size, slamming against your entrances.
Liam huffed and used both hands to use your throat as his leverage, pounding mercilessly into you.
You squeezed in excitement as you felt yourself getting close to your own climax once more.
Jake chuckled and pushed the back of your head into Liams chest. Your tongue still hung out of your mouth, Liam mocked,
"I think our milk cow might be part mutt-", He looked down at you and gripped your throat as tight as he could with both hands before pushing his knot as hard as he could unto you, Jake following suit.
Their cum flooded your guts and at the same time, you whimpered and whined loudly, screaming out as you squirted against Jake's thighs, the cum running down your own thighs onto Liams legs.
They both rested inside of you as their cum spewed against your walls, once again bursting out of you and around their cocks.
When they pulled out, another stream of cum sprayed on your back and stomach. They panted and gently lifted you and placed you back onto the chair face down, clamping the cuffs back around your limbs.
They both came around to your face and licked at your cheeks softly.
"We had a lot of fun, pretty cow. Hope we get to see you again."
Jake winked and walked away to the back door of the stall.
"Hopefully, well, see you later, Mutt."
Liam granted you a small head scratch before walking away with the other.
Soon after, Dr Sylvia walked into your pen and to your little bench. She examined the bars and groaned.
"I swear - these two do this every time. Did they take you out of your restraints?"
You nodded softly and tried to speak and managed to weakly,
"Yes, but I had fun.."
She shook her head softly and pressed the button to unclasped your cuffs.
"Yes, but what if they do this to someone who doesn't? It also just generally isn't safe for the cuffs to be all bent uo like this. Don't you worry though, sweetie. I'll get this all sorted out. Now let's see if we can get some of that milk out of you, huh?"
Her velvety voice slipped through your ears, and you smiled, pressing your chest out slightly, hoping to make it easier for her as she lowered the breast holding arm.
"Thank you, darling."
She cooed and gently attached the pumps to your nipples. A decent amount of milk still cane out, but only half of the container was filled compared to last time.
She clicked her tongue.
"And they took most of your milk - unbelievable. Next time, I'll give you double the dose."
She shook her head and smiled at you, kissed your forehead, and helped you get off of the table.
She helped you into your robe and handed you your clothes, and carried the milk pump to the golf cart. Sylvia offered your arm to assist you as you stepped into the seat, and your assigned driver looked over at you and blushed.
You looked an absolute mess and she couldn't help but stair as the cum that coated the top of your cleavage.
"See you tomorrow!"
The Dr waved goodbye to you and smiled.
Your driver kept quiet most of the ride, which seemed to be nice considering the shift you'd had.
Once she pulled up to your apparent, she helped you up the stairs and into your apartment.
"You haven't set up your bed yet?"
You shook your head and fell onto your mattress. She pouted softly and pulled out her phone.
"I'm going to have the staff come and help you set up. It's not too late, so I'm going to have them come help. Do you have a couch?"
You nodded lightly and gestured to the living room.
"Come on then. You can lay there until they help you with the bed. Where's your bedding?"
You pointed at the closet,
"it's in a clear bag, the one it came in."
She nodded and helped you to your couch, which was drowning in boxes in your living room. She stepped to the side once you'd laid down and made a couple of calls. You could barely make out what she was saying before you fell into a light sleep.
You woke up to the woman gently shaking you awake. Most of the boxes were moved out of the way to make a path to the different rooms and open up some floor space. She helped you to your room, and you saw your bed frame set up and your bedding laid out.
This made you smile, and you thanked her. You walked into your bathroom, and your driver saw herself out, locking the door from the inside before closing it.
You bathed and slipped happily into your soft sheets and cozy, fluffy duvet; dreaming about your wonderful night.
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lokisremainingsanity · 11 months
content: bimbo!reader x moonknight, smut, top reader, sub marc, sub steven
"I'm gonna give you such a crazy orgasm you'll be seeing colors, and they'll all be shades of pink!"
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Your alarm went off near your queen-sized bed, ringing a cute tone that resonated in your huge bedroom. Ever the energetic one, you sprung up and pushed the heavy fluffy fleece blanket off of you and stopped the alarm. You looked over your bed and noticed your sweethearts weren't there.
"Hmm.. They must have come home late last night.." you pouted
Usually, you'd drag them into your room and make them sleep with you. If it was Steven fronting, then that wasn't much of a struggle, he would never reject cuddling with you. Marc, however, was not easily convinced to sleep in your all-pink (with the exception of white and some lilacs) decorated and furnished room. You two had a bit of an argument just a few days ago about that...
"Look, Y/N, I love you, but that color blinds my eyes. I mean I'm gonna start dreaming in pink if I sleep there!"
"I mean... I do dream in pink.." you wandered off.. "But that's not a terrible thing if you do too! Please Marrrrrccc... pretty please with a pink CHANEL CHANCE EAU TENDRE ON THE TOP PLEASEE"
Your manicured hands made their way to his neck as you held him close. Of course, with your hands so close, he could smell the strawberry vanilla Victoria's Secret lotion you rubbed on yourself religiously. Your cute doe eyes and lashes fluttered as you tried to sway him.. just this time.
He grunted.
"I'm asking nicely sugar. You know I wouldn't force you but-"
"You tied me with your Hello Kitty ascot to your bed last time-"
You figure moved off him in offense with a scoff, and you put your hands on your hips as you held your head high in defense
"That was only a means to an end-"
"How is holding me hostage in your bed a-"
A manicured finger pushed against his lips
"tututut shhhhh, this conversation is over."
That's when you walked away with your attitude to your room and ranted to your dolls about how men have the audacity to think they're right and you're wrong while doing your nightly skincare routine.
You figured that Marc was the last person fronting after their nightly vigilante business so they must have gone to bed in their room. After you freshened up and brushed your hair out you went running to the boy's room.
"Good morning Sunshine!"
"Love?" Steven groaned out as he squinted his eyes at a blurry pink figure.. you in your tight crop top, mini skirt, and stockings with a bow on the top of your ponytail.
You strolled over to him and jumped right next to him. "Helloo~ I missed you Stevie so *SMOOCH* so *SMOOCH* much *SMOOCH*" you gave him a kiss with every word as you held his jaw and pointed his lips, and he welcomed every single one. "Aw I missed you too Lovie" he laughed and pulled you into his lap while sitting up against the headboard. Your fingers trailed slowly down his jaw to his neck, then his amazingly toned body. Steven laid his head on top of yours and shut his eyes while rubbing your thighs, just staying there to appreciate your weight on him. "My beautiful darling, you feel amazing, could stay here forever..."
"I appreciate the compliment honey, but that will not happen now, you have work! Now get up now because you'll be late otherwise!"
"yes love :( " Steven reluctantly got up with you.
"You know where to meet me" you seductively whispered in his ear before leaving his room giggling happily.
"Hmm.. pink heart or pink bow?" Cue Steven walking opening your door 20 minutes later then closing it behind him. "I..I'm here" he stood in front of the door while he saw you bent over an open pink drawer, looking through your collection of buttplugs.
You had a treasured pink jeweled collection with various shapes, and every morning you'd put a new one in Steven.
"OOOH! This one's a lip-kiss shape! I put the kitty paw one in you last time, yes?"
"Then lip-kiss it is! Are you ready honey?"
"Yes... lovie, always ready for you"
"Good boy, now, bend over" You pointed your finger to your pink bed and went around to get behind Steven. He had his full museum uniform on, and you pulled his pants and boxers down altogether.
"Sucha pretty ass, Stevie, all f'me.. all mine." You whispered the dirty words while cupping and rubbing his soft bum but to Steven, they sounded like the words of an angel.
"yesss, I'm yours. Put it in me, please? Mark me yours today" his voice was already shaking.
"Oh? Really?" you asked in a soft but excited tone.
"Yes, please do it"
"Your wish is my command!"
Your hands opened up his bum for you, and you could see his cute star twitching already. Your finger gently circled it, watching it desperately trying to suck you in. After a little playing around with Steven's hole, you decided to finally put the plug right it.
"ohhh thank you, thank you~" he gasped out.
"Oh, don't thank me yet Sugar"
You quickly got up and went back to the drawer, and then you finally got what Steven was asking for, a heart-shaped paddle.
You situated yourself behind him and rubbed your hands over his ass one more time.
"All because you asked..." your smile brightened.
One.. two.. three...
10 spanks later and heart-shaped bruises decorated his ass.
"There you go pretty baby, now you're all ready."
You pulled his pants back normally and helped him up since his legs already got weak from what you've done to him. Steven buried his face in your neck while muffling again "Thank you, I love you"
"I love you too, Stevie. Now c'mon, breakfast is ready, we can eat on the way to your work.
"W-wha? Who's driving and when did you make-"
"Cedric made it for us... and of course he's driving silly." You booped his nose while dragging him downstairs of your mansion. Oh yeah, Cedric, the butler. The boys still haven't gotten used to that part of your lifestyle yet either.
You had a run through town, going shopping for more cute lingerie and more variations of platform heels. You can't ever have too much, can you? You came back home and decided to relax with face masks and curlers in your hair while watching 2000s movies til your sweethearts came back home. Hours passed and soon enough, Cedric dropped off Steven and you rushed to him.
"Hello love- oof" You jumped right into his arms and snuggled into his chest. You lifted your head up and smiled up at him "How was work?"
"Not bad, Donna's been a bit less of a-"
"Bitch works too."
You two giggle like idiots while still in each other's embrace.
"C'mon now, dinner's ready, I'm sure my poor baby is starving" "Yes Ma'am."
You two head to your big dining room where Steven had you sit on his lap while you two fed each other.
"-but she got mad when I said that so that daft woman said she'd have me fired?! Just for that!"
"Oh she did not." You gasped out.
It was a routine thing to have Steven tell you all the gossip that happens within the walls of his workplace, which provides perfect bonding time before the boys have to leave again.
"It's not like I hate her, really, but she didn't have to be so extra about my- Steven?" You noticed he zoned out for just a second.
"Ahh.. sorry love, but Marc said it's time to go now. Really sorry."
Of course he had to interrupt while you were talking.
"Oh. No that's okay." You got off his lap and Steven looked at you in pity
"You can continue after we come back, I'd love to hear the rest of it." He told you as he hugged you and pressed a kiss to your temple.
"mhmm," you answered him absentmindedly.
"Stay safe."
Once his job for the night was over, Marc opened the window of their bedroom slowly and slipped in quietly. As he turned his back to shut the window, he summoned the suit armor off. He turned around in just his boxers and froze.
"Hey sugar" your sweet voice called out while you sat in his bed with your legs crossed in your pink lingerie set and stockings.
"Uhh, hi.. um wh-what are you doing here...?" His tense body language switched to a nervous mess.
"I can't wait for my handsome man in his bed now?"
"I-no I mean-"
"Come to bed Marc." You ordered him.
He slowly walked to the foot of the bed, and you pointed to the pillows where you wanted him.
Your soft hands pushed against his hard chest to lay him down as you straddled him.
"You've been a bad boy, Marc..."
Your eyes trail down his body where you can see the outline of his cock become more prominent in his boxers. Then they came back up to lock with his eyes.
"Do you agree? Hmm?"
He weakly nodded but your hand held his chin while you ordered him
"Use your words baby."
"Yes," he whimpered, "I've been a bad boy"
"Well, I'm sure it makes perfect sense to punish you. You need to be put back in your place honey. I mean c'mon, insulting my room, fighting with me then interrupting my story?"
"mmhmm, punish me however you want.. i-i deserve it."
You smirked as your hands collected his and you pulled a fabric from behind your back.m
A pink velvet ascot.
Marc's eyes widened slightly.
"Don't worry, I'll have you all tied up and pretty for me. This time, you won't get out." It was obvious how evilly you took pleasure from this.
It was hot, seeing his big hands tied up with the pink fabric while he pathetically looked up at you.
You leaned down, your lips kissing the edge of his. He tried to catch yours but you wouldn't let him. You trailed down his neck and pecs, sucking hickies and licking them after. By the time your lips made contact with Marc's abs, his body was shaking and both his dick and abs were clenching.
"Oh look who's begging now." You wanted to laugh at his broken voice.
Marc's legs spread immediately after you pulled his boxers off.
You kneeled down and nuzzled his juicy thighs. "You're such a manwhore, Marc. It's so hot." You whispered against his skin.
Marc moaned loudly just to prove your point further. His back arched as you licked and bit at his thighs.
"please please please-"
You suddenly kneeled up and looked down at him, his whole figure now covered in red hickeys and shining with your lipgloss and spit.
Deciding it was enough teasing for now, you went back down and took his tip in your mouth.
"ohhh fuck Y/N"
Your mouth suctioned around his dick, while your hands went down to press against the buttplug still in him. His whole body jerked and Marc whimpered as he adjusted his hips up to let you play with his hole as you liked.
You slowly took out the plug, and you spit on his gaping hole, watching it twitch over nothing. Going back to suck his cock, your fingers now entered him and you fingered him as he shook above you.
"Fuck fuck fuck right there yesss-" Marc's voice cracked and he started crying as he felt his orgasm coming.
"Oh yeah baby? That's your sweet spot right there hmm?" Your fingers pressed against it harder just to tease.
Right as Marc was about to orgasm, you pulled your mouth and fingers off him and left him twitching and crying in disappointment.
"Why-why the hell-"
"You didn't think I'd let you off that easy did you?"
"Oh c'mon I was so close Y/N" he whined.
"You're gonna stay still, I'm not done with you." And with that, you got up and left the room, Marc's eyes on your swaying hips til you were out of his field of vision. You quickly ran to your room and opened your beloved toy drawer once more, and this time got your favorite pink vibrator out. Oh Marc's gonna love this
When you came back, you were a little worried to hear whimpers coming from Marc.
"Hey hey, I'm back now baby. No need to cry" You brushed his tears off. "I didn't know you'd come back..." "I wouldn't be that cruel to you Marc." Marc looked at your hands his eyes furrowed, "Is that a-"
You took your position between his legs again and turned on the vibrator.
"I'm gonna give you such a crazy orgasm you'll be seeing colors, and they'll all be shades of pink" You smirked.
The second the vibrator touched his dick Marc was wailing and twitching. "Fuck Oh shit I-fuuuck" he gasped out, the sensations overwhelming him. Your fingers went back down to his whole, and you massaged his prostate intensely even as his feet started kicking.
"s'too much, god, I'm close please Y/N, oh my- fuck"
"That's it baby" you didn't take off the vibrator as his dick twitched wildly with the rest of his body. Marc's eyes rolled back the same way they would when he was summoning the ritual armor. Long ropes of cum shot out of his cock all over his chest. You gave him a little mercy and took away the vibrator to use your hands to massage his clenched balls this time.
"You look so pretty like this, let it all out for me sugar..." you whispered in awe. After the last of the cum that was in his balls spurt out, his body slumped and his cock lay limply on his stomach. You kneeled over him, slowly licking the mess he made of himself while Marc sighed and shut his eyes. "You did really good for me, that's my good boy" he finally got his kiss on the lips, but he was too tired to even hold you all he could do was pout his lips for you.
So this juicy post was dedicated to @cosmicblogs
I hope I got the reader's characterization right!
also an ascot is this fabric you tie around neck, like the one barbie wore in the movie!
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bellezaycafe · 9 months
Get Your Shit Together - Chapter 5
genre: 2024 Season AU
pairing: Romantic! oc x someone ;) . platonic! oc x literally the whole grid.
warnings: lots swearing, mentions of the accident, stitches, alcohol. mentions of crimes.
context: Dude, if you don't know the context, go read the other parts. Here's the masterlist.
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Five Months Later...
"Are you sure, mate?" Max Fewtrell asked as they stepped into the restaurant.
"Danny said it was the best bet," Lando assured him, shrugging.
"Danny isn't from Melbourne, he's from Perth," Max noted.
"Let's just have dinner, bro. We'll be fine even if we are recognised."
It didn't take long for them to be seated and, as soon as Max realised they weren't going to be waited upon, ordered their meals at the register.
"That's new," Lando commented when they returned to their seats.
"It's a small place," Max replied, observing everyone around them. "The locals seem pretty used to it."
Lando shrugged again and began to talk about upcoming Quadrant content. They had proposed a race with Daniel and Oscar around Melbourne, now that it was the off-season.
"Daniel seemed pretty keen, Oscar -" Lando trailed off.
His mind had gone blank, everything stopped by the memory gripping him.
Her voice.
"Thanks, Damon. Let me know if you need it back," she said to a coworker.
Lando's head snapped up, looking across a staircase to the opposite bar area. There she was, pouring a beer, dark brown hair pulled into a high ponytail and eye crinkled from her smile. She said something to the customer, some old crusty white man and laughed at whatever his response was.
Lando couldn't hear anything Max was saying, couldn't feel him nudge his shoulder.
"It's her," he whispered.
"Love at first sight isn't a thing, Lando," Max joked as he turned around.
"No, dumbass. I- I think it's Sadie." Lando shoved his shoulder.
Max turned back to him, dumbfounded. He had never met Sadie but knew exactly who she was. Throughout his recovery, Lando hadn't shut up about her and what she'd done for him. He'd tried to find her, but two weeks after the accident, she left the UK and no one had been able to find her since.
Lewis had even tried to find her, and was unsuccessful.
"Are you sure, mate? She had a helmet on."
"I just heard her talk. I saw her face at Albert Park. I think- I think it's her."
Her voice echoed in his head; I've got you now.
Keep going, pretty boy.
You're going to be okay.
In the blur of the accident and his trip to hospital, she was what he remembered. Her voice, her reassurance, her warm eyes.
"Mate, you're staring." Max waved a hand in front of Lando's eyes.
"I- Max, I think it's her." Lando repeated.
Their food came, a chicken carbonara from Lando and fish and chips for Max.
"Can I get you anything else?"
Max kicked Lando under the table as he said, "no, thank you," with a smile.
Lando dragged his eyes away from the woman across the room. "Thanks," he muttered.
The older woman smiled, politely said "have a lovely night," and left.
Lando tucked into his food and tried to listen to Max. He couldn't stop glancing, trying to work out if it was Sadie. He needed a closer look at her eyes, her reassuring eyes.
Those deep brown eyes that had said we are okay while she had a piece of his car in her leg.
"Hi there, how's the food?" a server asked. He was tall, and standing between the bar area and their table. His green eyes were watching Lando carefully.
"Great," Max said. "Thank you."
"Actually," Lando said, ignoring another kick from Max. "The barteneder over there, what's her name?"
"Uhh, that is Sadie." The sever said, looking over his shoulder.
Max and Lando shared a look and Lando's hand began to shake. He couldn't place whether it was nerves or anticipation.
"Thank you," Lando murmured, his eyes not leaving Max's face.
The server walked away with a tense smile.
"You sound creepy, you know that right?" Max groaned.
"It's her!" he whisper-yelled.
"You don't know that for sure. Finish your food."
Lando rolled his eyes and stabbed a chip with his fork.
“Sads.” Damon, tapped her shoulder. “I don’t want to scare you but there’s a guy at a bistro table asking about you. Molly said he’s been looking at you all night.”
Sadie groaned. “Ugh, men. What table?”
She stepped to the side, into and where she could view of table four, and froze.
“What the fuck is he doing here?” She whispered, as if he’d hear her.
Damon pulled her back out of sight. “You know him?”
Shit, she scolded herself. Get yourself out of this one, Sadie.
Sadie hadn’t told anyone from work the real way she had been injured, just that she had been in an accident that weekend.
“Remember how I had to take an extra three weeks off that mid-year annual leave?” she whispered to Damon.
“Yeah, car accident right?”
“Well-“ she drew the word out. “I wasn’t actually in a car. I was hit while trying to get him off the, uh, road.”
Road, not racetrack. Road.
Sadie couldn’t risk Damon figuring out that it had been her in that viral video. The less people that knew, the less people who could tell the media circus where to find her. The less danger she'd be in.
“What?” Damon’s face was scrunched in a frown.
“Ah, it’s hard to explain.” She waved off any further questions. “Can you watch the bar for me? I’m gonna go say hi.”
Damon nodded as Sadie stepped past him, more confidence in her stride than in her heart.
She managed to avoid Lando Norris and his gaze on her way to the kitchen. She thanked Molly, the supervisor, the noticing his behaviour and keeping an eye on him.
That was when she decided to surprise him.
Max Fewtrell, who had sat across from Lando, saw Sadie first.
She shook her head. Let me surprise him, she tried to say.
Max, understanding in his eyes, ignored her.
Lando wore no moonboot or ankle brace. Sadie wondered if the fracture reports were true.
"I see the ankle healed nicely," she quipped. "What about the concussion?"
He spun, almost falling out of his chair, and leapt to his feet. Lando wrapped his arms around Sadie with no hesitation. She was glad the tables nearby were empty.
"Oh shit," he murmured into her ear. "It is you. I was right, it's you."
He'd trapped Sadie's arms by her sides and Max laughed at her awkward attempt to hug Lando back.
He pulled back, but kept his hands on her shoulders, as if she'd vanish if he let go.
Fair enough, she mused silently. I disappeared once, what's to say I won't do it again.
"Mate, what are you doing here?" She asked seriously.
He gestured to the table. "Having dinner, I didn't know you worked here."
"Jesus, of all the coincidences to happen," Sadie muttered under her breath then said a little louder. "I have to get back to work, it was great to see you, mate. I'm glad you've recovered."
"You're tense, why are you tense?" Max observed.
"I want to talk, I want to thank-"
Sadie cut him off. "Not here. My managers don't know exactly how I was injured. No one here does and I'd like to keep it that way."
"No," Lando insisted. "No, you are not disappearing again."
Sadie stopped for a moment, paused to let herself breathe.
"How about this-"
"Last time you said that, we both ended up in hospital," Lando joked with a wide smile.
Sadie returned the humour with a small laugh. She ignored the feeling clutching at her stomach.
"How about this, did you uber or taxi here?
Max nodded as Lando frowned.
"Okay, good. How about I drive you back to where ever it is you're staying and we can talk on the way?"
"And after that?"
Sadie sighed and gave Lando a sad smile. "There can't be an after, mate." She was careful not to use his name, just in case. "It's a long story."
"Will you tell me?" His voice dropped to a volume she didn't know he could use. His head tipped down, eyes boring into hers with too many emotions for Sadie to guess his thoughts.
The sad smile didn't leave her face. "As much as I can, but that isn't a lot. Give me half an hour. It's a quiet night, I'll ask to finish early."
Max reached out and tugged on the back of Lando's shirt.
Let her go, the gesture said. Lando did, releasing her shoulders and shoving his hands into his jeans pockets.
"Okay," he decided, "okay."
Sadie glanced to Max. Thank you, her eyes said.
He smiled gently but Sadie could see the concern in his posture and knew it wasn't concern for her. It was about her.
Twenty-five minutes later, Sadie grabbed her car keys and pulled her name tag off.
"Thanks again, Katy. I owe you for this."
"No, you don't." the on-duty manager waved a hand. "I was going to let some one go home soon, anyway. Have a good night.
"You too, see you tomorrow!"
Lando, who had struggled to take his eyes off her, noted the conversation and rose.
Max rose with him and put a hand on his shoulder. His back to Sadie, she watched as he whispered something in Lando's ear. Lando nodded with a frown.
"I'm never ready for anything involving you," Lando quipped.
Sadie couldn't help but snort.
They walked to Sadie's small blue Mitsubishi and she ignored the small glance the boys shared. Damn them and their money.
Lando jumped into the passenger seat before Max could say anything.
"Fuck you, dude," Max joked.
Lando only grinned as he put his seatbelt on.
Sadie didn't smile at their antics. She was too busy considering how to tell them the situation without revealing anything that would put them in danger.
“Here’s the deal.” There was no room for negotiation in her tone. “You can ask questions but I’m only going to tell you want I safely can.”
She glanced at Max in the rear view mirror. He was frowning with suspicion and wariness, which Sadie considered to be a good thing.
“That’s ominous,” Lando noted.
Sadie shrugged and pulled out of the car park. “You’re going to have to navigate as well. The Piastri Family home isn’t public knowledge.”
As Lando pulled out his phone and brought up Google maps, he asked, “why did you stay away?”
“You’re a public figure, so are you, Max. Your lives are full of cameras, videos, articles and media. I can’t be amongst all that.”
"Why not?"
"I'm in a witness protection program."
hehe, whoops. LORE
Hope you like it!
Taglist (never thought I'd write one of these, I'm very happy to):
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sweetpandorabox · 1 year
George Weasley as a Boyfriend 🧨🦁
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⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨sweetpandorabox୧⋆ ˚。 ⋆
⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎…⋙
Warnings ⚠️: Slight mentioned of sexual themes and some spicy stuff.
Dating this mischief-maker yet kinder and handsome twin could include:
He's very affectionate but in the most caring way, unlike Fred who's more playful he learns how to style your hair for you (like braids and ponytails) by asking Ginny to teach him, instead of holding hands like most couples do, he offers you a piggyback ride everywhere so you don't have to walk. He gives you a playful noogie when you tease him, tucks your hair behind your ear so he can see your face better, randomly making out of nowhere because he really needs it, and of course some light pranks here and there to make you laugh.
He and you aren't allowed to sit together in any classes that the two of you share together, not because of PDA since he's usually more lowkey rubbing your thigh under the table, but because the both of you just cannot stop laughing around each other for no reason which distracts the whole class.
The both of you wear a matching bracelet that George made himself, you wear his initial in yours and he wears your initial in his, and the two of you made a promise to each other not to take it off ever or not lose it, all to show that the two of you belong together.
He's a really patient boyfriend, no matter how angry you are and taking it all out on him or how annoyed and upset he gets he's never once raised his voice at you or dumped all his frustration at you in any way. He's even the first one to apologize after every fight, even if he didn't start it.
He calls you cute nicknames like Babe, Gorgeous, Dream Girl, or Precious.
Likes when you call him Georgie, Darling, Stud, Freckles, or Dreamboat (you used to call him that teasingly before you guys started dating not knowing he was into you, and still uses it to this day).
His love language is probably quality time, just like Fred he values his memories with you and loves making new ones all the time because those are truly precious over other things.
Anytime he needed a password he always uses your name and last name, your birth date, your favorite color, or the date when he asked you out to be his.
He can sing quite well and would sing a song when you're sad or aren't feeling the best, then he would offer his hand which you always take and he would spin you around before slow dancing with you to his singing as the music.
He would sneak into your room at night when you're asleep and kiss your forehead then leave something on your nightstand beside your bed so you'll always wake up to something new every day, whether it's a fresh bouquet of flowers in a vase, a book he issued for you that he thought you may like, a box of treats like chocolate and sweets or one of his sweaters/hoodies that smells like him.
He's shyer then Fred and still have that occasional blush, stammer and avoid eye contact with you when you change your appearance a little bit or did something that he found really attractive like twirling your hair or biting on your pen while focusing on something.
He tells funny stories about you any chance he gets to all his friends and Fred who finds it adorable that he's so excited to talk about you all the time.
He owns a polaroid camera that was made in the muggle world that he got from his dad as a "don't tell your mother I broke her favorite tea cup" present and takes it every time the both of you are out on a date, and he would ask to take pictures of just the two of you, let it print out and kept it in a bundle inside his sock drawer.
Holidays at the burrow Molly and Arthur love you and make you feel like a part of their family, but you happened to be closer to Ginny because it's like having a little sister. You'd talk about boys, quidditch, fashion, and more.
Instead of focusing on making joke products and trying them on you, he keeps trying to find ways how to make cool things that you can keep and that would impress you because, to be honest, he's just a little boy trying to impress his girl.
Sometimes out of nowhere he just goes "Will you marry me precious?" and get down on his knees or put your hand on his heart because he can't believe you're real and that never fails to make you blush so you just answered "Of course I will, but not now" with a giant smile on your face.
Hornier than Fred, but instead of being rough/playful and degrading during sex he seems to be more of a praiser and more gentle in the best way.
When you lay down on the Gryffindor common room couch he would sit on the opposite side, put your feet on his lap and message it asking about your day and what he can do for you today as well.
When he isn't with you during the holidays (Summer, Winter, and more) he would send you a cute little postcard every single day and a little gift through his family owl Errol.
As soon as he graduated and got the joke shop open he surprises you by saving up his money and getting his own place close to the shop so you can move in with him which you obviously accepted when he asks. The next thing on the list is a ring to marry you.
@igncrantbliss @milivanili99 @thatdummy-girl
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serxinns · 8 months
Yandere class 1a with Aizawa and gender swap?!?
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Reader will be female in this
You were fighting a villain with your classmates it was a time-dimensional villain when they shot to quirk it was going for Shoji but you went and in front of him and took the hit the last thing you saw was some kind you falling and a boy that awfully looked like you falling as well
You gasped out breathing heavily and sweating all over you looked around to see that you were in your bed?! Was it a bad dream it felt so real you were about to question stuff until u heard a voice "M/N!, it is time for school make sure u get dressed" a female voice said
Across the door that was weird it wasn't any of your girl classmates you knew what your girl classmates sounded like but this was a new voice it sounded like iida but much more higher also who's? M/n?!
You looked in your drawers to see that they were all men's outfits and boxers. "What the fuck?!" you said in your mind a bit shocked was this even your room?! You peaked out to see the name on our dorm it didn't say y/n l/n well it had the same last name but ur name was different it said what the girl called you earlier
M/n l/n
"m/n what's taking so long," the strict female voice said on the other side she sounded impatient "Okay! One minute Iida" you yelled back you got on you got ready and put on your clothes the clothes were a bit oversized and the pants are a bit lose but it was fine you walked out the door to not see iida but a tall girl with glasses she had her she wore a ponytail at the back "Y-Your not iida who are you" you stuttered back stood back a bit Iida was more shocked then you
"I should be asking you who are you and why are you in m/n's room!" the girl protested back "I-I don't know I was woken up and I-" "I don't wanna hear it." the harsh tone in her voice made you cut off your sentence the girls as getting more angrier and angrier and it looked like u weren't gonna make it out alive so you did the oldest trick in the book "Oh look I think I see him right now!" you pointed just when the girl turned her back you ran for it and scream
down the hall, you ran to your class you ran so fast you couldn't see which made you bump into a group of people "Oi Watch where you're going, dumbass!" Akatsuki! Oh thank you,- you were about to say but looked up to see a short-haired female with orange eyes glaring down at you "Suki! That isn't very badass" another female spoke up this one had red spikey hair with sharp teeth scolding at the female you stumbled back a bit wondering what's going on and why are these classmates look like yours but Different! Then it all clicked
You weren't in your dimension or ur world
That thought swirled in your mind making you lost in thought until you heard a booming voice thundering down behind you "GET HER SHES THE ONE WHO GOT SOMETHING TO DO WITH M/N'S DISAPPEARANCE"
Crap it was her..
"You giggled nervously when the gender swap of bakusquad glared at you they tried to grab you but u quickly ran past them not only did you have an enraged female version of Iida but now an enraged group of your friends as well you kept running until u couldn't anymore you didn't care where u ran until u crashed into another person and it seemingly looked like your teacher you could tell by the clothes so you ran behind her "who the hell are you.." you were panting heavily trying to explain to the woman but you used all your energy and passed out
You wake up in the same bedroom again and are surrounded by a bunch of different teenagers who are all whispering amount each other questioning who was the girl and why was she in their darling's bedroom a teacher "How are you feeling child" the female version of Aizawa said staring at you with a look "uh..Good" you said gulping "Now you will answer these questions about who and what are u and how did u come here" the woman said in a strict tone u quickly told them how you got zapped into another dimension by a villain you were fighting and woke up here
They didn't believe you "How can we know you are the opposite gender of y/n?" a male version of Mina stepped up to you looking at you suspiciously you thought for a while and a random memory "OH OH UH Mina remember when you and Denki broke Aizawa coffee machine so you blamed it on miners and paid me 20 bucks to not tell" the pink male was shocked at this but you kept going to prove your innocence "Akatsuki remember when I was feeling cold and you gave threw me your gloves I kept asking what about you but u threaten to kill me if I didn't shut the fuck up" everyone looked at the blonde woman somewhere giggling to each other the blonde blushed in embrassrament "OUT OF ALL MEMORIES WHY THAT ONE DAMNIT " "Yep that's m/n alright," the class thought while sighing to relief, "But wait!" a female izuku said if this is the genderswap m/n where OUR m/n?!" female izuku said "he must be in my universe having the same crisis as I did " you assumed
once everyone settled down and went to continue class they were calm but since they knew it was you, Iida, and the bakusquad apologized repeatedly for their behavior you forgave them and understood their reaction they blushed at your smile you gave them
During your stay at this wacky dimension, your classmates seem to have developed a liking for you the class would bicker with each other about who gets to hang out with you like "Oh sorry y/n wanted me to help you with this" or "Oh crap I forgot y/n told me to pick up something" it always excuses after excuses,
The sleepovers are a must girls would have the BIGGEST sleepovers they would pitch your cheeks and coo at you for what felt like hours and then Demi (female Denki) suggested they should watch a movie and there was a fight about who gets to cuddle next to you.
El (female ejido) is a God damn acts like a lovesick puppy when it comes to you she would always give you big bear hugs and spin you around she always compliments you about how badass you are, Suki (female Bakugo ) it's like Natsuki but more tsundere she would always demand you should walk with her to class because "Your dumbass would always be late" and even yell at you to hold hands with her so "Your slow ass can keep up duh" acting like she's annoyed with it, Sera (female sero) is a more laid back person but is clingy whenever you play games with sera and kami they would be whining to you to sit on their lap because "I'll have a better chance at winning :(((" if u decline she'll keep whining you until you do, Demi (Female Denki) is always flirting and teasing you trying to either annoy you or to make you blush is pretty hard to do tell
Izumi (female izuku) is a literal angel who is always writing romance novels about you and her being lovers drawing cute scenarios and fantasies of how you'll ask her out on a cute date and kiss she admires and obsess about everything you do even if it's the smallest things, Iicka (female Iida) now feeling bad about what she done she makes sure you're her study partner all the time and during study section, you would always feel like someone is staring at you while ur busy doing work, Sho (female shoto) is always quiet but shows her love in a physical way she always give out small smiles to you and you only she'll spoil you with gifts even if you decline she'll insist
The boys, on the other hand, are much less chaotic but much more clingy and protective they would make you hold their hand or even give you piggyback rides Minato even carries you princess style, umi (male Ochako) and always gets flushed at everything you do when you smile it makes him red as a tomato and floats up in the sky, Tsu (male tsuyu) is always kind and gentle to you always give you small gifts every day and act like gentlemen very calm and quiet and is great at comforting Jiu (Male jiu) is usually seen as an edgy boy who plays music but is a little tsundere he tries to act cool and try to impress you with her music but. You were just too cute! She couldn't help but pinch ur little cheeks and always show Demi getting jammed memes which made you both bust out laughing, Mono (male momo) is your dad friend type and spoiling type like Iida and Shoto, Mono would make you treat you like his sugar baby by spoiling you with these expensive gifts and always making sure your health is well he lightly scolds for whenever u missed something like food, daily routine or forgot something but would use her quirk to give you the stuff you forgot
Shigo (female shogi) would always wrap her multiple arms around you she's like a big bodyguard teddy bear she's always so gentle with you she would go into killer mode if someone ever said anything bad to you and if you tried to get her attention she'll snap out of it quickly and check to see if you were ok sato (female sato) is always spoiling you with sweets the sweets she would make it's meant for romance she makes those in hope you'll know someday she'll make heart-shaped frosted cookies, red velvet cake, or even Valentine's day macarons, Tiki (female tokoyami) Hides her feelings for her but dark shadow gotta be a little shit and tries to tell you but whenever that happens she quickly turns on a light which makes dark shadow hisses tiki loves to go to those outdoor malls with you (mainly because they got good snacks) and because to get good ass stuff she'll take you to either a hot topic or Spencer's if you ever went to a Spencer she'll try to push u far away from going to the back of it
Although some things make you feel strange like how whenever you talk to the other students you feel like a bunch of people glaring from behind when you look back you see your classmates just having their usual expressions, or how the gender-bend of bakusquad and dekusquad argue for who getting to baby you it became so intense that Ms. Aizawa had to pull you away from the situation to handle it even ms Aizawa was acting weird because whenever she does walk off with you she locks the door excusing the classmates will come and interrupt and would make you sleep by her and would pet it was nice you thought, even most of the yanderes at night would think of you in various situations even thinking the two of you are acting dating!
The more you spend time with them the worse the obsession gets but as bad as their obsession and selfish desires get their love for m/n still stays heck they have a plan to get the BOTH if you trapped in this dimension so you won't leave them forever
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sissylittlefeather · 1 year
A/N: here it is! I finally finished it! This could be a prequel to my other two, if you want it to be. Otherwise, it's just a fun 2nd person Elvis x fem!reader one-shot about a young and innocent Elvis on the night he becomes a man. There are most definitely historical inaccuracies, but let's just let those slide please 🥺. I'd love feedback, if you have any!
Warnings: Virgin Elvis, f/m p in v sex, fingering, lots of kissing, kind of a slow burn, unprotected sex, cussing, etc
Last thing: I'm using a gif of Austin Elvis and one of the real deal EP because you can imagine either one. Whatever makes your heart happy.
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Baby, What's Your Name?
You've always been bold for a girl of your generation. Your first kiss was your idea and you haven't been "innocent" for a while now. Not that you are open and available for anyone, you just don't hold back when it comes to falling in love.
The year is 1955 and your friend Margie has begged you to come with her to a concert tonight. You have class the next day, and you take your college studies very seriously, but you figure you can still get home at a decent hour. Apparently, there's a new singer that Margie is gushing over. She's heard from other girls that he's supposed to be "something to see". Margie doesn't have much else going on; school isn't exactly her thing. She'll tell anyone who'll listen that she's only there to find a husband. You roll your eyes at this thought and go back to flipping through your closet for something to wear.
"Y/n, just pick something! We're going to be late!" Margie begs, pouting. You settle on a pink and white gingham sundress, sweeping your hair into a ponytail and tying it with a matching pink ribbon. You barely get your shoes on before Margie drags you out the door of your room on campus.
The crowd is almost entirely female. "Who is this guy?" You think to yourself. Oh well, no matter. Hopefully it'll be over soon and you can go home and get in bed. It's already late and it's a warm night for September. Margie is bouncing around next to you in her seat.
"Oh my gosh, I just can't wait until he comes out! Eliza said he's the cutest thing she's ever seen!" You roll your eyes again. You do that a lot around Margie. You didn't pick her to be your roommate; the university did. Still, she's been a decent friend, even if she's a little ditsy and boy crazy.
Finally, the other acts are finished and the announcer comes out to let you know this new artist is coming out.
"Please welcome to the stage Elvis Presley!"
The crowd goes absolutely insane. You start to wonder if maybe you've been studying too much. How could you not know this man that everyone else is so crazy for?
He walks out to the middle of the stage. He's wearing a pink jacket that matches the color of your dress. You're surprised to find that he's much more attractive than you imagined he would be, with his boyish smirk and black hair. You sit up a little straighter in your chair, but a group of girls has gathered in the front standing up, so you can't really see anymore from your seat.
Margie grabs your hand, "Come on! Let's go up there!"
"No, no I'm okay here."
Then he starts to sing. Your heart skips a beat and something deep in your stomach turns over. You stand up without even thinking, trying to see better. Margie takes the opportunity and grabs your hand. You don't fight back as she drags you up to the stage.
When you get close enough to really be able to see him, the thing in your stomach flip flops again. He's moving. And not just, like, tapping his foot. He's moving his legs and his hips in ways you didn't even think was possible... not in public, at least. The thing in your stomach moves deeper in your body to the place between your legs. You are drawn to him like he's got some kind of spell on you. More girls press in behind you, but thanks to Margie, you were up there pretty early and you're only one row back from the stage.
You need him. You need him to notice you and want you too. You start racking your brain for what you can do to get his attention. Every other girl around you is screaming like a fool. That won't work. They're also reaching for him like they might pull him off the stage if he gets close enough. He's moving around the stage quite a bit, but he's very careful never to get too close. If only you had something to throw... but you don't have anything in your hands, no bracelets or anything, and the ribbon from your ponytail isn't heavy enough to make it all the way to the stage. He's singing a slower song now, playing his guitar and looking around the crowd. Somehow, his blue eyes make contact with yours and your heart stops. You become acutely aware of your panties and the place on your body directly under them.
Wait. That's it! That would certainly get his attention. And you could easily get them off with the crowd surrounding you. Also, your full skirt that goes all the way to your knees will keep anyone from really knowing they're missing. You start working them down your thighs and Margie notices you wiggling next to her.
"What are you doing?!"
"Don't worry about it."
Finally, you feel your panties hit your ankles and rest on your shoes. It's nearly impossible with the crowd pressing in around you, but you manage to get them off your feet and into your hand. You take a second to thank the heavens that you were wearing pretty pink ones with lace, and not your laundry day undies. You look up to the stage, assessing how hard to throw them to make it right to where he's standing. After spending years playing baseball with your brothers as a kid, you're pretty confident you can get them there.
You take one last look at him; he's holding the mic at an angle, leaned over it and singing with his whole body. The second he finishes the song and stands up, you use all the strength in your arm and calculations you've just done and throw...
They land perfectly at his feet. You couldn't have possibly done any better if your life depended on it. Margie and the other girls directly around you stop and look at you, trying to figure out what you've thrown on the stage.
"Now, what's this?" He asks, picking your panties up from his feet and holding them up. When he realizes what they are, he blushes deeply.
"Well, that's something I didn't expect." He laughs into the mic and looks out into the audience to try to figure out who has given him such an awkward gift. The other girls are staring at you with their mouths open, so it's not hard for him to figure out. Your blush matches his, though, so he simply nods his head slightly in your direction, puts your panties in his pocket quickly and quietly, and moves on to his next song. The girls go back to screaming and you feel various others in the crowd wiggling like you did just minutes ago. Before he can even finish the song, panties are flying on stage left and right. He starts laughing, "ladies, I'm very flattered, but this is really unnecessary!"
The announcer rushes back out onto the stage, stepping between Elvis and the microphone.
"Thank you, Mr. Presley, for such a lovely show! Now, that's the end of our program for the evening, everyone. Thanks for coming out and be safe on your way home!"
You feel a little guilty for ending his set early with your panty-throwing, but you didn't make all those other girls go crazy. Still, you wish he would stay up there forever, singing and moving his hips. You're not ready for this feeling to go away. Another crazy thought enters your head. Maybe you'll try to get your panties back...
It wasn't hard to figure out where he is staying. There's really only one nice motel in town and the cars from his tour caravan are in the parking lot. You managed to convince Margie to go on home, so you're alone. You're a little nervous, walking into the motel office, but your boldness wins out.
"Hi. I need to know which room Mr. Presley is in."
"Yeah, you and every other girl in town."
"Right, but he asked for me. Call him. I just forgot the room number." It's a flimsy lie and you know it. The motel worker picks up the phone and dials "121".
"Never mind, I was lying. You caught me. I had to try though, right?" You chuckle softly as you back out of the office. Once you're outside, you head straight to room 121. When you get there, you have a sudden attack of nerves. It's so late at night and you're about to knock on the door of a man you've never actually met. This is crazy.
You're standing there trying to decide what to do when the door opens and he almost walks straight into you.
"Oh, I'm sorry darlin', I didn't even see you there." You're frozen to the spot, speechless at his closeness to you as he stands in the doorway of his motel room. He explains something about wanting to talk to someone about how to keep the show going, even if the crowd gets rowdy.
"But I'm not sure why I'm telling you this. Why are you here?" His brows knit together in the center of his forehead.
"Me? I'm just... well... I believe you have something of mine." Again, your boldness beats your fear and you walk past him into his room. He looks out the door and around nervously before closing it gently and turning around to face you. The curtains are pulled shut tightly and the glow from the lamps makes everything in the room kind of orange.
"Something of yours? Honey, I'm not sure I know what you're talking about."
"Something I threw on the stage." You look him dead in the eyes, hoping he'll recognize you.
"Oh. Oh! It's you!" Thank heavens, he does recognize you. He blushes again, not as deeply this time, but the memory is affecting him.
"I do have something of yours, but I have no intention of giving them back." He smiles playfully and walks across the room to where his jacket is hanging on the back of a chair. He pulls your panties out of his jacket pocket and holds them tightly in his fist.
"The way I see it, you gave me these, fair and square."
"Well, I wasn't really thinking, and it's weird not wearing any..." you realize what you've just told him and his eyes slowly drift to just below your waist before he snaps them back up to meet your eyes again. He swallows hard and you stand there awkwardly, not sure what to say next. You walk across the room to him and reach for your panties. He holds them up high over your head and pouts.
"Do you really want them back?"
You're standing so close to him now that you can feel him breathing. Your heart is in your throat with the sensation of his closeness. You don't want your panties back. You want something else entirely.
"No..." you whisper quietly, trying to signal him that he could kiss you if he wants to, that he should kiss you.
Somehow, he reads your signals correctly and leans in slowly. He moves carefully watching for signs that this isn't what you want, but your upturned face and eyes closed softly are exactly what he's hoping for. When his lips finally touch yours, they're gentle, but soon after he drops your panties on the floor and grabs your face with both hands. His lips part yours and his tongue dips into your mouth hungrily. He moves his hands to your waist and you throw your arms around his neck, pulling him into a more passionate kiss. You're locked together like this for some time, kissing, before you realize his hands are shaking lightly. He pulls out of the kiss and puts his forehead on yours, breathing heavily.
"You kiss me like this much more, darlin' and I'm not sure I'll be able to stop."
"I don't want you to stop."
He pulls back and looks at you, his mouth hanging open in mild shock. You can't figure out why he's so nervous. You're saying "yes" in every way you know how. He swallows again deeply and blushes a little.
"Aw, now, honey, don't say things you don't mean. I've never..."
Your eyes widen in disbelief. His nervousness is starting to make sense. He's never done this before. He's a virgin.
The realization makes you smile and you giggle a little at the thought. This man, who dances on stage like he does this every other night, has never actually been with a woman.
"Well, it's not that funny." He pouts again.
"No, I'm sorry, it's not funny at all. But if you don't want to do this, tell me now. Because I won't let you if you really don't want to." You smile reassuringly, but your body is aching for him to touch more of you.
"I didn't say I don't want to." He goes in for another deep and passionate kiss, his tongue moving in ways you'd never imagined. All you can think about is his tongue touching you in other places and that warm spot between your legs gets even warmer. He picks you up by the waist, lifting your feet off the floor just enough to carry you to the bed. Laying you gently on the bed, he stops for a second and looks at you laying there in your pink gingham dress. You prop yourself up on your elbows and kick off your shoes.
"Nothing... I just... pink is my favorite color." He mumbles before laying on the bed next to you. You're both laying on your sides facing each other and he begins to undress you carefully, first untying the ribbon in your hair. Then he slides his hand down your back to unzip your dress. The zipper ends where your panties should be, but aren't, and as his fingers brush your skin, you tingle all over. His hand travels back up to the latch of your bra. He fumbles with it for a bit, his fingers trembling, before he finally gets it unclasped. You become keenly aware that all he has to do is slide your dress forward and down and you'll be completely naked. You can see by the bulge in his pants that he's had this thought too. You put your hand up to his face, cupping his cheek.
"You're sure this is what you want?"
"Honey, I've never been more sure of anything in my life." He pulls your dress and bra forward and off of you, standing up to drop it on the floor with your shoes. Now you can really see his hardness pushing against his pants. He takes his shirt off and you sit up to unbutton his pants, letting them drop to the floor next to the pile of your clothes.
Now you're both naked. You touch him gently and he sighs and looks up at the ceiling. After a few seconds of this, he almost can't stand it anymore, so he lays you down on the bed, crawling on top of you, still trembling, but obviously gaining confidence. He presses his lips to yours again and you rub your tongue along his bottom lip before he opens his mouth into a deeper kiss. His hand moves down your body, stopping to caress your breast and run his thumb over your nipple. His hand shakes less and less as he moves further down your torso to your hip. He rolls to the side a little and walks his fingers over to the place between your legs. You open them just enough for him to slip a finger inside you. You let out a small moan against his mouth as he moves his finger in and out and in again. You stop kissing him and look into his eyes, reaching down to his hand. Gently, you guide his thumb to the spot that makes your stomach turn over and your heart beat faster.
"Here. Do circles." He listens eagerly and does exactly as you tell him. He feels the knot harden as he massages it, so he keeps up a consistent rhythm. You lose the ability to give him further instruction-- he doesn't need it anyway-- as the pleasure builds up between your legs. You can feel yourself approaching your climax and prepare yourself for the fireworks. He's watching you so closely, taking cues from your body about what to do next. He puts his finger back in you, doing a tickling motion with his fingertip against your insides. You might burst with all the electricity flowing through your body.
"Oh! Yes! Fuck!" You cry out as the ecstatic release washes over you and you begin to pulse around his finger. He smiles widely, amused by your cussing and pleased with his ability to give you an orgasm on his first try. You're not exactly sure how he managed it, but you really don't care. You're still riding your body high. He moves his hand back to your hip and you feel your wetness on his fingers. He's kissing you again, grinding his hardness against your thigh. Despite your release, you're ready for more of him inside you. You reach down again, wrapping your hand around him softly and moving his hips to line up with yours. You put his tip against yourself and pull back from his kiss.
"Last chance to back out." He smiles and looks directly into your eyes. Then, he pushes forward with his hips, just like he did on stage, filling you entirely. The sensation almost overwhelms him and he sets his forehead on your shoulder.
"Oh fuck, baby." Now it's your turn to smile at him for cussing.
"It actually gets better." He lifts his head off your shoulder to look into your eyes and there's an excitement in his that almost makes you laugh out loud. Instead, you plant a kiss on his lips and wrap your legs around his waist. He starts to pump in and out rhythmically. You're not surprised that he's good at this part. You've seen him move on stage. Still, you know he probably won't last too long, since it's his first time, and there's more you want to show him. You release him from your legs and push him off of you and onto his back.
"Oh no baby what...?" With one leg on either side of his hips, you lower yourself onto him. He nearly loses his mind as the change in angle changes the sensation. He moans deeply and grabs your hips, guiding your movement as you ride him. His pleasure is building up and you know he's close as you slide up and down. You move faster and faster, pushing him toward his climax.
"Oh fuck, shit, fuck baby!" He yells as you feel him shudder underneath you and fill you with his warmth. He moans loudly as you move up and down a few more times to really push him over the edge. With him still inside you, you lean forward and lay on his chest. He wraps his arms around you.
"Wow, honey, that was... wow." You smile against his chest, satisfied with your work. After a good amount of time in this position, you move off of him and lay down next to him on your back. He props himself up on his elbow and turns to face you.
"How soon can we do it again?" You chuckle at his eagerness as you realize you won't be making it back to your room tonight. Suddenly, his eyebrows come together on his forehead in worry and you rearrange yourself to look him in the face, mildly concerned at his expression. You brace yourself for some kind of confession. Instead, he smiles and innocently asks:
"Baby... what's your name?"
You erupt in peals of laughter, wrapping your arms around him and rolling over on top of him. You think of the panties on the floor of his motel room, so glad that Margie dragged you to the concert tonight. This might be the beginning of something wonderful.
"My name is..."
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jamdoughnutmagician · 10 months
A Cut Above The Rest
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Mechanic!Eddie x Fem!Hairdresser!Reader
Will You Be My Girl? (Part 10) FINAL PART
Summary:Things are starting to look up for you as the prospect of a new job comes your way, and the boy of your dreams has one final surprise for you (sorry I suck at summaries but I didn't want to spoil anything!!)
also I highly suggest listening to this just so you can imagine the same thing I imagined when I wrote a particular scene.
Thank you so much to everyone and anyone who read and enjoyed this fic. Writing it was at times very challenging but it warms my heart to know that even a small handful of people liked this story. 🧡
Word Count:1,988
<- Previous Part
Masterlist Series Masterlist
It takes you about an hour and a half to drive into Indianapolis, the sounds of Shania Twain’s ‘Come On Over’ album filtering through your car’s CD player as you pull up outside of the salon in the centre of town.
The exterior of the building already looks way more fancier than any other establishment you’ve ever set foot in, never mind worked in, with colourful lights and flowers decorating the windows.
You pick up your portfolio from your passenger side seat and make your way to the salon. You push through the door, with a chirpy bell ringing above you as you do.
You approach the front desk where a young girl with long, dark braids greets you.
“Hello, Welcome to Blossom Studios, how can I help you today?” she smiles, her pearly teeth shining between glossy lips.
“Um hi, I spoke to Madison Martin on the phone a few days ago, I have a meeting with her today.” you say confidently.
“Ah yes, of course! You must be Y/n? I heard Maddie talking about you. Right this way.” she smiles as she brings you through the salon’s already busy floor to a small room toward the back.
The girl knocks on the door,
“Hey! Maddie, your girl is here.” she shouts.
“Thank you, Naomi, send her in.” comes the voice from behind the door.
Naomi pushes the door open for you, and ushers you into the small back-room.
A woman with her glossy strawberry blonde hair styled back into a sleek and professional ponytail stands up to greet you.
“Hi, I’m Madison, you must be Y/n, right?” she smiles as she extends her hand for you to shake.
“Yes, that’s me.” you nod politely as you shake her offered hand.
“Well, we’re a bit short staffed at the moment, and we are looking for people to work here on a more permanent basis, and when I saw your advertisement in the library, I thought I’d take a chance on you.”
“Well I’m very glad of the opportunity.” you smile. “If I may, I’d like to show you my portfolio?” you say raising the black ring binder in your hands.
“Of course, I’d love to see your work.” she returns as you hand over your folder.
You sit quietly as Madison begins to leaf through your folder, looking over the pictures of your work, as well as reading through your resume and cover letter.
“I see that you're a very accomplished stylist, and have a very well-put together portfolio. If you’re willing, I would love to ask you to be a part of our styling team.” she smiles brightly handing over your portfolio back to you.
“That would be amazing! I would love to” you cheer.
“That’s wonderful news, of course for the first two weeks, we’ll have one of our senior stylists shadow you, and show you how we do things around here, but I think that someone like you could be a great asset to our team” Madison praised.
“Again, thank you so much for this wonderful opportunity, I promise I’ll give it my all.” you reassure her with a confident smile.
“I’m sure you will.” she shakes your hand once more. “You start Monday at nine o’clock.”
“Nine o’clock it is, I’ll see you then. Thank you again.” You smile brightly as you gather your things back up and make your way out of the Salon.
You get back into your car before breaking into a small victory cheer, thinking how things couldn’t have gone any better for you. 
You reach into your bag to pull out your phone, immediately wanting to call Robin to tell her the good news.
The line rings three times before she picks up, her voice already eager to hear what you had to say.
“Well? Did you get it? Did you get the job?” she babbles out.
“I got the job!” you tell her, beaming with happiness and a wide smile spreading across your face.
You have to hold your phone away from your ear slightly as the sound of enthusiastic screams from your best friend echo down the line.
“I knew you would get it! I told you!” she exclaims, with a cheerful laugh. “Get back here and I’ll treat you to a celebratory drink in The Hideout!” 
“You’re on, Buckley. I’ll see you there.” you say as you end the phone call and begin to make your way back into Hawkins.
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“Right, I just got off the phone with Y/n” Robin says, pulling Eddie closer. “So that gives you about an hour and a half to make sure everything is ready to go for when she gets here, okay?”
“Relax, Buckley. I know the plan. I worked it out myself, I’ll have you know.” Eddie replies confidently.
“Okay, so when she gets here, I’m going to bring her in, get a drink with her at the bar, and then you and your boys are on, got it?” She reiterates the plan once more, going through it, making sure every last detail goes as it should.
“Got it.” Eddie nods, his shaggy curls bouncing as he does, before turning to go set up things on the stage.
“Oh! Eddie?” Robin calls out to him. “Good luck.” she smiles giving him a thumbs up.
He rewards her with a thumbs up of his own before setting up the stage with the rest of Corroded Coffin.
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You walk into the already busy and bustling Hideout, and surely enough Robin is there to greet you with wide open arms.
“There she is! The girl of the hour” she smiles, bringing you into a squeezing tight hug. “I knew you’d nail it”
“Thanks Rob!” you nod.
“Now how about I buy you a celebratory beer?” 
“Sounds perfect to me.” 
You take the time to enjoy a quiet drink with your friend on a Friday evening, catching up with each other, and just talking about everything and anything.
“Y’know, Eddie’s performing with his band in a bit, shall we head down to the stage to watch him?”
You can’t help the butterflies that flutter in your stomach at the mention of his name.
You link your arm around Robin’s and make your way over to the seats in front of the stage.
The guitars, drum kit and microphone stand are already wired and set up, as Eddie and the rest of the band make their way on to the stage.
He looks every inch the rockstar you know he is, with his beloved Dio vest thrown over a dark Judas Priest t-shirt. Ripped black jeans and a pair of black DMs complete his look.  He saunters up to the microphone as he slings his crackled red and black guitar across his body.
“Good evening everyone!” he shouts out to the small gathered crowd, earning him a few cheers “I hope everyone’s having a great day! We are Corroded Coffin, and tonight we are here to make your Friday a little bit more metal.” he rasps as he leans into the microphone with a slight chuckle.
Eddie and the rest of the band launch into their set list, playing a few songs from Black Sabbath, Motörhead, and Metallica. His voice is perfectly gravelly and low as he plays along with the rest of the band perfectly.
“Now, if you don’t mind, I’d like to change things up a little.” he says putting his electric guitar on the stand and reaching for his acoustic guitar and taking a seat on a bar stool that had been placed on stage.
“I’ve recently had someone very special come back into my life, and she's amazing, and beautiful and if I'm being honest, totally out of my league..” he chuckles, earning a few laughs from his audience “so I'd like to dedicate this final song to her.”
The rest of the band take a backseat, as Eddie takes centre stage with the spot-light hitting him, illuminating him in a soft golden glow. 
Eddie’s fingers start to pluck the strings of his guitar in perfect rhythm, and suddenly you find yourself turning to Robin with wide eyes when you immediately recognise the opening notes of Whitney Houston’s Saving All My Love For You.  Your favourite song. The song that you had shared with Eddie all those years ago.
Eddie’s raspy voice joins in, the song being slowed and pitched down slightly, perfectly arranged and to fit the slow romantic vibe of the song.
You watch him intently, with the biggest smile on your face, and when his gaze catches yours in the middle of the crowd he gives you a small wink and a smile, letting you know that he sees you, and every word he’s singing is meant for you and nobody else.
The song ends, and applause is heard all around as Eddie puts his guitar down and leans into the microphone one final time.
“Thank you everyone, you’ve been a wonderful audience, and you guys enjoy the rest of your evening.” 
You turn to Robin as you watch Eddie make his way off stage.
“I’m gonna go see him.” you smile before running off to find Eddie.
“Go get your man, girl!” you hear Robin cheer as you 
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“Eddie!!” you shout out as you sprint your way to him before colliding your body with his and wrapping your arms around him in the tightest hug you can manage. You feel him return your affections as he slips his arms around you and places a kiss to the crown of your head.
You pull away from him, although you find his hands holding their place on your hips.
“You sang my favourite song.” your voice comes out as no more than a whisper as your emotions catch up with you.
He’s bashful under your gaze, his cheeks blooming with a pink flush. 
“I did.” Eddie nods. “There’s this girl I really like and I kinda wanted to impress her.” he chuckles, as his eyes flick down to your lips. “I also wanted to ask her if she would be my girlfriend.” he flashes you that cheeky boyish smile that you’ve come to love. “So, Y/n, Sweetheart, will you be my girl?”
“Yes!” you smile up at him, your heart bursting with love.
“There’s another thing I’ve been meaning to ask you.” Eddie nodded as he looked at you with those beautiful, big brown eyes.
“Can I kiss you?”
You rise up on your tip-toes to meet him, kissing him with a soft peck to his lips.
“Indeed you can.” you smirk at him, as you pull away from his lips, only to feel him pull you close to his body.
He presses his lips against yours, one of his hands holds steady on your hips and the other weaves its way into your hair, as he kisses you with all the passion that he has for you. Warmth bloomed in your chest at the gentle brush of Eddie’s lips on yours. Kissing him made you feel dizzy, like a million butterflies fluttering in your stomach. Kissing Eddie just felt right. Like you were always meant to be together like this.
You part from his lips breathlessly with a smile.
“In case it wasn’t already obvious, I love you, have done for a while if I’m being totally honest.” Eddie confesses, his lips curling up in a matching smile.
“I love you too, Eddie.” you nod, taking your hand in his, lacing your fingers together. “I love you a lot, actually.”
When Eddie had helped you after you had broken down on that cold and rainy road on the outskirts of Hawkins, fleeing from heartbreak, you never could have imagined that it would lead to this, but you’re glad it did. Forever thankful to your metal-head in shining leather who helped fix your broken car, and helped to mend your broken heart. 
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@penguinsandpotterheads @slutty-thevampireslayer @xxhellfirebunnyxx@mmunson86 @avalon-wolf @ali-r3n @jesssssmaybankk @munsonology
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bored-storyteller · 2 years
This is more than a year old, someone had asked me for the first meeting with Sally Face, I post it now but rest assured that I go ahead with the requests.
Sally face, Sal Fisher x reader
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"Yellow as the sun"
"Hey! Buddy, are you all right? "
"I can swear this bucket wasn't there before."
And Sal could really swear it. He could swear that bucket of water just came out of the ground under his feet to soak his pants on purpose. He would not be surprised, everything on this day seems to be rowing against him.
He had all started with his facial prosthesis, which in the night had acquired its own consciousness behind it and had managed to slip into the most unlikely corner of the room, the bedside table. Sal still hates a vague what Gizmo centers on, but for God's sake, that cat never lets you try, and so all the poor boy got was ten minutes late for his medical examination.
From there, things didn't go much better. They are not serious facts, but small inconveniences which, however, are capable of ruining the mood of the day; like the hair tie that suddenly disappears from his hands forcing him into a single ponytail - even though Larry says it fits -, his short stature not short enough to avoid that branch that must have grown overnight, the house keys that appear and disappear at will, here, small facts that however add the nervousness in the poor boy.
And so, to crown that series of unfortunate accidents, here is that bucket of water left in the middle of the road, which he has absolutely not seen.
“Damn…” he murmurs, examining the extent of the damage. Well, of course he has lived through worse in his life, but having the feeling of soaked cloth stuck to the skin is not the best.
"Well ... at least it's just water ..." Larry's mutter is subtle as he scratches the back of his head in perplexity. It's not that the two of them are the luckiest pairing of friends in this world.
"What was it supposed to be ...?" Sal asks terrified, while he looks at the empty bucket thrown on the ground that has finally stopped the distant din.
"Oh my God, just what we need!" A new voice is added to their "I'm so sorry-"
"I'd like to say that too ..." Sal's distracted moan overrides your apology as he strokes the wet fabric.
It's when he looks up and finally conceives of someone else's presence that he realizes he may have been misunderstood.
Your eyes look at him heartbroken, your body motionless, under accusation.
"I'm mortified ..." you murmur with too much anguish in your voice for the situation. Your tired eyes slide on his legs undecided on what to do, while you bend down to see what happened “I… I… oh my God, can I dry you somehow? Maybe there is something in the shop ... hell, it's my fault, I didn't remember leaving the bucket out here. "
You're certainly not in your best shape, Sal can easily tell from your dark circles and shaking shoulders as if the weight of the world lay upon you.
"Oh ... hey, don't worry, it's okay!" He is quick to reassure you even before he realizes what's going on.
Your eyes penetrate his - or his only present eye -, and for a moment you think you have never seen a kinder look than his, but you immediately go back to yet another disaster of your day.
“I… if you come to the shop I can…” Your hands slide over your green apron as if it could magically give you a solution.
"No ... no, that's okay, really." If previously Sal was focused on his bad day, now all he sees is your dejected face. You're so upset that you haven't even noticed his facial prosthesis, and the thought of helping to shrink you so hurts his heart. He looks like such a sweet and fragile person now.
Your eyes scan his, looking for any foothold that can reassure you that everything is really okay and he, for some damn reason, would do anything right now to see what your smile is like.
“Hey, my friend is certainly not afraid of these things! Take it easy!" Larry, who until then had been watching the scene without really understanding what the hell was going on, finally steps forward, wrapping one of his long arms around the blue-haired boy's shoulders.
Your pupils lift towards the speaker, and finally your lips curl in a slight smile of gratitude.
It's a nice smile, Sal thinks, it's a sweet smile. Well, he would have been happier if he could have made you smile.
But neither you nor the taller guy seem to intuit his thoughts: “Do you work at the flower shop? It's weird, I've never seen you… ”Larry asks continuing to smile at you friendly.
"Oh ... yes ... yes I work here at the store ... I just moved in, let's say ..." You smile again, but your eyebrows just squeeze as your interest turns to the ground "... this ... it was a work of luck."
You lean down and your fingers gently lift the bucket off the ground.
What did that bucket do to deserve so much sweetness from you? Sal doesn't think he can answer this, or why he asks if he does.
"Well ... it's ok ... I had to organize myself quickly ... let's put it this way."
Both Sal and Larry acknowledge an unconscious prayer to your words, but he is the second to speak first: “Ah, I felt like I never saw you! More or less, I always know who's around. " He shrugs his shoulders slightly. “Well, you're lucky you tripped us over that bucket! I'm Larry, and he's Sal. "
The younger boy would have really wanted to tell his friend that in reality the only one who tripped over the bucket was he, as if this gave him the right to introduce himself first to you, or at least give him the right to introduce himself alone. .
"Yes ... I'm Sal ... nice to meet you."
“Oh…” Your smile becomes more sincere when you say your name softly, while you absent-mindedly fix your unkempt hair “my pleasure. I'm sorry to present myself with this disastrous look. It seems that I slept under a bridge, right? "
"Well, as a wretched look I think I beat you." Sal's fingers lightly tap his facial prosthesis, to make it more noticeable than it already is. It's strange to him that no one commented on his mask on the first meeting, are you really so worried that you didn't notice?
Your lips part in a small whispered "o", but soon they bend again slightly upwards: "Well ... it's interesting, you know? It has a certain charm. "
Oh man. Did you feel his heart beating too hard in his chest?
“Are you sure everything is fine? Can I do something for you?" You still insist kindly.
"For real." Sal just chuckles "Nothing serious happened."
“Oh wait.” You quickly turn to the flower pots displayed outside the shop door. They are beautiful, colorful and fragrant.
You examine them for a while, before gently extracting a sunflower from the water pots. You observe it for a few seconds, before turning your eyes to Sal.
The radiant yellow of the sun under the blue of the sky.
"Here ... it's for you."
Sal finds himself confused by what he sees. For him? A flower for him?
His hand almost trembles as he strokes the stem, to welcome it.
"I ... for me ...?"
He doesn't know if you're laughing at him now or for something else, but he believes your laugh is pleasant.
"Take that as a sign of apology, okay?" You tell him, smiling kindly.
It seems that the weight on your shoulders has decreased a bit.
"Excuse me guys, I have to go back, but if you pass by here every now and then, well, I'd love to ..."
Sal's response makes Larry laugh: "Definitely." He confirms.
Sal watches you come back through the glass door unable to take his eyes away from you until you are out of his sight, and then all that exists for him is that big yellow flower in his hands.
Had anyone ever done such a tender gesture for him?
"You can give me flowers on my next birthday if you want, Sally Face."
Larry's piercing voice awakens him.
"But ... maybe instead it would be better to invite them for a drink, what do you think?" The big hand pats the shoulder of the shorter, accomplice.
Sal looks at him, and then giggles. He makes it easy, he always makes it too easy. But you gave him a flower while you smiled at him as if your day had improved.
Well, strangely, now Sal's has turned into a beautiful day too.
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tobiasdrake · 8 months
I've been asked about my gender a couple of times. Once today, even. And I always freeze up when asked about that because. Like.
The reality is that I have a long and complicated relationship with gender. For years, I've just said "cis-male" because that's the easy answer. It felt like a noncommittal default answer. It's only recently that I've become less comfortable with that because. Well. Identifying as cis is still identifying, still committing to something.
But it's hard to commit because my situation is... messy.
I don't know if anyone is interested to hear me ramble about gender so I'm going to put this all after a jump. But since I'm having a mid-life crisis introspection day, here is my long, convoluted history with my gender identity.
If you saw my "characters who raised me" post, you might have noticed that an overwhelming majority of them were women. I have always felt more comfortable in the spaces that femininity creates than masculinity.
When I picture myself, when I close my eyes and see myself as the person I want to be, as the image I want to project out into the world, I see a young woman in her 20's with long brown hair tied back in a ponytail. Like Sailor Moon's Makoto Kino, a decade older.
My parents weren't around very much, so these women were my earliest teachers. They taught me how to walk. How to sit. Where to put my hands when I'm moving. And then adults made me unlearn all of that because you're not supposed to carry yourself like that or walk like that or sit like that if you're a boy. Learn to cross your legs in a masculine way!
To this day, I still often walk on the balls of my feet by habit, simply because my legs naturally imitate the posture of wearing heels. But I tell people it's because I watched a lot of Gargoyles as a kid and also really liked the X-Man Nightcrawler. (Which I did and do, and they're great.)
My favorite color is red. The reason my favorite color is red is because it's actually pink, but you're not allowed to like pink if you're a boy. My parents made that clear when they made me stop wearing my big pink winter coat that I loved so very much.
I spent the rest of my childhood and much of my adulthood dressing in black instead. Nobody cares if you're a boy or a girl if you're wearing black. (It also color-coordinates well with pink. That is a fire combination.)
I didn't really know what I was doing as a kid. I just knew that I was doing it wrong. Because people kept telling me I was doing it wrong. Gotta be a man. Gotta man up. Gotta like the things that boys like. Gotta put away the girly things because real men don't like girly things; In fact, "real men" aggressively hate girly things!
Gotta get money. Gotta get women. Gotta be aggressive and violent and not take no for an answer. That's how you be a real man. These are the things I started to internalize as the way I'm supposed to behave, as the space I'm meant to be in.
And I should note that this is not a fair reflection of masculinity. This is toxic masculinity. But it's what I was learning and it's the person I started becoming. Because I stopped listening to women, stopped respecting women, reframed my relationship to femininity as one of desire and power and control.
And I was miserable. I became a mediocre boy with pent-up aggression, prone to lashing out at the slightest indignity or disrespect because gotta assert my manhood. And I was tremendously unsuccessful at getting money and women. Women didn't like being around me very much. Can you possibly guess why? Probably because I was visibly unsafe to be around.
I hated it. I hated doing it. I hated the consequences of it. I was miserable.
Then I discovered that there were LGBT spaces. And I felt saved. My school's Gay-Straight Alliance became my sanctuary, where I could escape into a new world that nobody ever told me about. Where I could let it all of those pressures go and just say, "I am a trans woman."
This was not the end of my journey, though. You might not see the problem there. The thing that undermined my coming out. But for me, looking back, it's clear as day.
I was not coming out because I was more comfortable in the spaces that femininity built than masculinity. Even though I am. My mind was too poisoned by that point for a reason that good.
I was coming out because I was uncomfortable in the spaces that patriarchy built. And I thought being a transwoman would free me from that.
It did not. We are not, any of us, free from the pressures that patriarchy built. I had just traded one set of manacles for a different set. One that I hadn't been socialized in, one that is deeper and more complicated than I knew and that I didn't have the patience to learn because I was just trying to escape.
I wasn't trying to be a woman. I was trying to be what toxic masculinity thinks women are. The grass looked greener on the other side. It looked easier (and holy shit is it not). By that point in my life, I no longer respected women enough to be one.
It was two years before I gave up. Because I was still miserable. Being a woman (or my toxic impression of one) hadn't cured my soul-sickness. I was still angry. I was still lonely. So I went back to full-throated raging masculinity. I wrote those two years off as "experimenting" and I doubled down on toxic masculinity because now I was compensating for something.
I got a career because I'd dropped out of high school and wasn't going to college so I needed to have something. I moved out at 18 and got my own shitty apartment because a real man's gotta have his man pad. I refocused myself: Get rich, get women, be successful as a man. I spent the next years of my life as an angry libertarian incel issuing social darwinist screeds and ranting about how women are all bitches 'cause they won't sleep with me.
Then I started to meet people who were worse off than I was. Who showed me entire facets of the world I never knew existed. And I started to soften. Then I started to learn. And then I started to heal. To find acceptance for the parts of me I'd buried a decade ago.
People I can sit around and watch a TV show with, and see a snooty rich woman on the screen and go, "That one! That one's me. My character is Tahani. ^_^" and they won't judge me or tell me I'm wrong and I need to pick a different one.
Well, they'll judge me a little but only because my characters are always the fucking worst. Not because they're women. In my heart of hearts, I am an egotistic, entitled, prissy bitch and I own it.
I'm happier now than I ever was before, either as a man or a toxic man's perception of what a woman is supposed to be. And maybe my pronouns should be she/her. I don't know. Looking back over my journey, it's hard to feel like any set of pronouns really fits me - but I feel weird being they/them. Nothing feels right to me at all anymore.
I feel more comfortable in the spaces that femininity creates than the ones that masculinity does. Even healthy masculinity just doesn't call out to me the way femininity does, because femininity defined so much of my formative years. Most of the things in my childhood that were good are gendered female.
But I also don't know why they have to be. Why you have to be a woman to like pink, or to wear a pretty dress, or to enjoy cooking, or to cross your legs in a particular way. I don't want to believe that I can't be male but enjoy the things that I enjoy. That I'm not allowed to just decide for myself what masculinity means for me.
And yet, whenever I close my eyes and picture myself, I see a woman in her twenties with brown hair tied back in a ponytail. If I could start it all over again and be that woman from the very beginning, I would.
I don't know.
What I do know is that during my time as a libertarian incel, I started a career. That career has become my family's lifeline. I'm a high school dropout whose main skillset is knowing how computers work and being proficient at Microsoft Office, and I make more money than the rest of my family combined.
I feel like anyone in my age bracket can do my job. But they pay me to do it. Because I'm white, male, and clean-cut. We're forced to live under capitalism, and my family's future depends on the money my privilege earns. Because I'm aesthetically hirable.
So I go to work in the spaces that masculinity built. Then I come home to my LGBT family where it simply doesn't matter because everyone is accepted for who they are individually, no matter what box they fit in.
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