#if you're an ass you're getting blocked
obviously none of us are sane here but I NEED TO KNOW someone’s reaction to this and I’m too shy to tell any of my beloved mutuals. So if I’m at work and I’m slightly bored or if I’m feeling sad and weird or if I’m trying to go to sleep I just imagine complex scenarios where Hannibal/Will get tortured and the amount of peace and like satisfaction it gives me is kinda wild and slightly worrying. Like yes yes I’m a whump hurt/comfort enjoyer and that’s fine BUT WHY DO I THINK ABOUT IT SO MUCH. I’ll have a fixation on one particular thing for a while, maybe a couple months or so, and then focus on that and the different ways it plays out. Then I’ll move on to something else. The most recent past ones I clearly remember I had before was Will getting his eyes gouged out, Hannibal getting a hand amputated by Matthew instead of just his stupid little scars, and this months special is Hannibal getting electroshock therapy but like in the very sensationalized old-fashioned “one flew over the cuckoos nest” way and not like the normal medical treatment way that’s used nowadays. I do research, imagine how he’d sound with the bit in his mouth, what nervous chatter would like look for him, whether they’d give him a sedative, how they’d cart him to the actual room for it, etc. Yeah i don’t really know what I’m looking for here, just your honest thoughts would be great because I just want to know if anyone else does this too 😭
I don't have much to say so if anybody has words of wisdom for anon, the comments and tags are open. I think they'd greatly appreciate it
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chick-it-out · 4 months
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allgremlinart · 1 month
well frankly hon I can tell that most of your art is traced from Pinterest pics cus the way you draw faces and clothing is inconsistent in a very specific and recognizable way. now I wouldnt care if I liked you but I dont
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idyllcy · 2 days
happy 2.5k but it’s come to my attention that one of you shitheads have been sending hate asks to another creator while namedropping me please get a fucking life
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k4pp4-8 · 1 year
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I was planning on drawing something for an ask but then I got distracted and drew these dorks instead
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today just will not let me rest huh. reasons are in the tags but i get very emotional just be warned
#hush n shush wifi#just a tad sad#actually more like angry as shit#okay let me TELL YALL about my day#first: the annoying#i was going shopping at a grocery warehouse and you know how those parking lots are always super crowded?#well it was. there were no parking spots and there were so many cars and people trying to go everywhere#i scraped my wheels too which is fine but one of my relatives who likes cars acts like it's a sin#so that shook me up enough that i didn't go outside for the rest of the day#and THEN#OHHHH AND FUCKING THEN.#if anyone remembers the absolute ass of a person from last year who i thought was my friend but said horrible things to me out of the blue#WELL THEY CAME BACK#i never got a chance to block them initially because they blocked me first#BUT I GOT FUCKING MESSAGES FROM THEM TONIGHT#AND ALL THEY WERE SAYING WAS ESSENTIALLY THAT THEY MEANT WHAT THEY SAID#they said some bullshit about the execution being wrong and that their ex wrote it for them#which by the way is just scummy on its own#and that they get mad emotionally which is a horrible excuse#and had the AUDACITY TO ASK IF I HAD ANY QUESTIONS#IN WHAT DELUDED SELF CENTERED WORLD DO YOU HAVE TO LIVE IN TO THINK I WOULD EVER WANT TO TALK TO YOU AGAIN#my trust is a VERY VERY FRAGILE THING#AND THIS IS A VERY LARGE CONTRIBUTOR TO IT#this isn't an apology. they regret none of it#this is a way for them to make themself feel better#the scariest part is that this person by now is almost/IS an adult#which is terrifying if that means there are more people like that out there#i try not to wish ill will but i genuinely hope no one ever has to suffer through being their 'friend' ever again#anyways they're blocked on all of my platforms now.#if the person is somehow reading this. hi! never talk to me again. you're a horrible human being with no consideration for other's feelings
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CW: torture... Child abuse
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In child torture and intimate partner coercive control, abusers intentionally harm their victims, even if they later explain their behaviors as “lessons” or the result of being intoxicated or enraged. The perpetrator's goal is to gain and retain absolute power over all aspects of the victims' thoughts and actions.
I'm gonna throw up
Stress positions can lead to long term or even permanent damage, including nerve, joint and circulatory damage, and muscle and joint pain.
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Torture’s purpose is to: · Break an individual’s will and render the person helpless. · Destroy a sense of community. · Stifle civil society. · Create a climate of fear. · Silence dissent. Torture is used to break down people’s will, ultimately destroying trust and communities. When torture is used to create fear, people become afraid to speak up. CVT’s clients often tell us they were not tortured to gain information; they were tortured to punish, injure and silence them. Torture is about control. Torture affects five basic human needs: · The need to feel safe. · The need to feel of value (self-worth). · The need to feel some control over one’s life. · The need to trust. · The need to feel close to others. The impacts of torture go beyond physical wounds and scars. Torture is used intentionally to impact how victims feel about themselves, about other people, and about their place in the world.
one of parents literally told me to call them master when I was grounded
We define child torture as a longitudinal experience characterized by at least two physical assaults or one extended assault, two or more forms of psychological maltreatment, and neglect resulting in prolonged suffering, permanent disfigurement or dysfunction, or death.
So I've said on here I was in foster care and never went into Exactly why and I'm frankly not sure this is ever going to be the place for it, but I will say that all of this is applicable to me. And then some.
And I had no idea so I'm sharing for someone else who, like me, thought what they experienced was just run of the mill discipline or child abuse and doesn't realize how undermining that is to say of their experience. And I'm sorry we both had to learn this.
Abuse is extreme discipline; trauma. But it's still upholding discipline you know? Like it's awful and controlling but it isn't stripping you of personhood.
Torture does and it enforces the idea that your role is simply to submit without question. That's the difference.
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smute · 5 months
As a German, do you feel like most of the public supports Palestine or Israel? Because from what I see many of the politicians support the Zionist cause so I wonder if the common people share the same sentiments
you're basically asking me which team i think the majority are rooting for but last time i checked this wasn't a sports match. i honestly wouldn't even know where to begin to explain my views on this war to you. however, in case it was a good faith question:
recent polls show that a majority of germans disapprove of the idf's course of action in light of the many civilian deaths. as a german, my impression is that the VAST majority of people are nothing short of horrified by the suffering of palestinians in gaza and only interested in a non-violent resolution that will bring lasting peace. same as the rest of the world. most germans either disapprove of or openly criticize ANY involvement in armed conflict (ukraine being a notable exception), and the vast majority of people (in fact, the majority of the entire world) condemn israeli settlement policy (that includes german politicians across the spectrum) – in fact, just a year ago, a few months before the attack on october 7, the foreign office warned the israeli government of an escalation of the conflict over new settlement laws for the west bank.
that being said, anything bds-adjacent, anything promoting isolation and escalation over dialogue and mutual understanding, any stance that implies or calls outright for the dissolution of the state of israel will be impossibly hard to sell, not just in germany but in the entire west (however you may define that term) and not only because of the historical ties between many israeli jews and the west, but because israel is too valuable an ally in the region. the relationship between israel and germany specifically is of course a very complex one, and it would be naive to assume that german foreign policy re: israel isn't colored by our shared history, but netanyahu's government has long passed the point of what most people here might defend as the limits of a justified reaction to october 7. they also know that hamas aren't resistance fighters. we're beginning to see that public support for israel's security is not unconditional, is my point. the polls i linked above show that the majority of people (87%) want to put more pressure on the israeli government to guarantee access to humanitarian aid for civilians in gaza, and this was in march
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flying-cat · 2 months
every time i see someone equate being quirkless to being disabled i lose 70 braincells
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rainestormroom · 3 hours
All these people shipping Lawrie with every single brawler in the game then there's me who currently headcanon buddy as aroace meanwhile i ship his brother with like 5 different characters...🥲
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lotus-pear · 1 year
you know what confuses me . why did that mf decide to harass u specifically like what 😭 least annoying person on bsd tumblr
no frr bro was so annoying and for what lmao last time i checked i wasn't a toxic skk stan idk why they were targeting me go be a dickhead somehere else leave me out of this😭
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oh-meow-swirls · 5 months
was looking through old posts and i'm surprised to see that i seemingly didn't have any commentary on anything in 3 in chapter 7, 8 or 9, the posts related to 3's story go from "my first reaction when i saw yopple-bot was 'i love you. but also you are definitely the boss for this chapter-'" to "i have been in hell all day. hell being bada-bing tower." funny to me cuz those chapters are like, the best ones sdfkljsdfjfsdkjlfsdjkl-
#puppy rambles#yo-kai watch#yw3#i love dukesville. yo-kai watch wild west. though also everyone in bbq talks like they're in the wild west-#i don't blame myself for not having any commentary on hazeltine mansion tbh. it sucks ass. i mean it's kind of fun but like#god is it annoying. i think using the mechanic of switching between nate and hailey for puzzles is a cool idea but. bad execution#very bad execution. it is so annoying#especially the section where you're in the basement and have to use the drill a bunch#... why are there prison cells in the basement anyways??????? i just realized how fucking weird that is-#i'm mostly just annoyed by the dining room puzzle tbh. i KNOW the fucking answers but verygoodsir is an ASSHOLE for some reason#and won't let me choose the FUCKING CORRECT DOORS#3's so fucking amazing tbh. i really wanna replay it soon. don't wanna have to delete a save file though#wish 3 had three save files like 1 and 2. i get why though i mean it's the biggest 3ds game klsfdjfskjfsdjksdf-#i wanna like. actually use my originyan for once. i might just end up using nyases ii instead tho fsdkljjdsfjskd-#i love every chapter in 3 after nate and hailey meet tbh. the bestie moments are so good#though also i don't think it was an amazing idea tbh. it means there's six main characters after that point#sometimes one character will go several cutscenes without talking at all. it's usually buck#he doesn't have any dialogue during any of the key quests in new yo-kai city. which is pretty amusing admittedly#i think the writers just forgot about him or something fslkdjdfslkjfsdljkdf-#i think my favorite thing related to that is like. during the stuff in bada-bing tower komasan and komajiro are there too#but they don't have any dialogue. which makes it seem kind of pointless#i get why they're there plot-wise but like. at that point you should either have them leave before you go to bada-bing tower#(esp since they don't end up in the ufo with everyone else. idr if there's a reason for that there probably isn't-)#(i think i slightly blocked out everything in bada-bing tower cuz it is so grueling)#or just. give them dialogue???#i love 3 and all but it definitely has some problems-#which is why i'm so excited to rewrite it <3 for both of those reasons. i can fix things. and also it's the best game#just. full-stop. not just the best yo-kai watch. i just think it's the best game ever#that title changes based on my current biggest hyperfixation though sfldfsjdkslfdjkfdj-#i think i'd say my overall top 5 is like. yo-kai watch 3. deltarune. ummmm. fantasy life is up there
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motherhenna · 1 year
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wanted to share an almost full-body pic for the first time in probably almost a decade because for once I'm actually proud of how I'm progressing and think that the changes I'm making will end up being permanent bc I'm genuinely enjoying them. Plus, the few selfies I have shared over the last five years have been very photoshopped and at flattering angles, so I feel like most of y'all don't know what I actually look like. So this is me in my children's theater teacher fit last monday!
I'm 17 lbs down from my highest ever weight, but my trainer thinks I'm probably up at least ten to fifteen lbs in muscle. I'm cooking my own food, eating more reasonable portions, and going to the gym at least five times a week because I want to, not because I feel shame or guilt. And now that I'm working as hard as I am, I'm a lot less triggered by looking at new pictures of myself because I know I'm doing my best. I'm still obese, and probably will be for awhile more, but I'm starting to appreciate what I look like and feel like. And hopefully it'll just get better from here!
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Going to ask anon to take a minute and look at the post I actually reblogged and find where it says to support hamas in the first place. It is strictly and explicitly about the palestinian people being barraged with "what about Hamas!!!" when they seek support (your very message, for example, which is in response to a post that calls for people to show up to nonviolent protests as a show of solidarity).
This response is plainly ignoring the acts taken by the Isreali government and how we got in this position in the first place. If your response to "support Palestinians" is "Hamas did war crimes tho" I think you should consider blocking me.
I would also suggest looking into the history of Israel and Palestine as a whole. Consider references in this post.
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grims-sunshine · 9 months
I'm not even gonna directly respond to the ask I just got and I just blocked the anon who sent it, but I just wanna say... If you'll come to my blog to spout exclusionary bs at me, you can shut up and just block me instead because aside from this post, I'm not even gonna react to it cuz none of you deserve the time of day.
Also if you think aroace people don't belong under the queer umbrella, you can honestly shut right up and I sincerely hope you step on the pointiest, most annoying legos every single day for the rest of your miserable life
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elloras · 8 months
do you ever see such a blatantly incorrect and downright stupid + insulting reading of your favorite character that you want to snarl like an angry cat
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