#if you wanna know what is going on please read the ficšŸ«¢
ayaosguqin Ā· 15 days
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This illustrations was made for TRSB 2024 ( @tolkienrsb )! The gifted @strung-by-fate has vividly depicted a captivating tale that explores the intricate dynamic between Annatar and Celebrimbor. This endeavor has been an exhilarating adventure, and Iā€™m eager for all of you to dive into this intense narrative!
You can explore the beautiful and captivating story titled " Homophilyā€ by NIQtraust ( @strung-by-fate ) AO3.
Link of the story
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To: Celebrimbor
From: Gil-Galad, High King of the Noldor
My dear cousin,
Might I remind you that much of the beauty of Middle-Earth is fleeting? At times, that fleeting beauty includes friendships, such as the one you have formed with Lord Annatar. I strongly urge you once again to sever ties with him, for as the Lady Galadriel and myself have discussed with you, he is ill news.
Your friend, liege, and well-wisher,
To: Gil-Galad
From: Celebrimbor, Lord of Eregion
Cousin, I think not.
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chvoswxtch Ā· 2 years
Firstly, MAā€™AM NO you are not an idiot, tumblr is crazy dumb and eats asks all the time!
Secondly, shiiiiiit that fic got me messed up in the best way possible! šŸ«¢ angry Matt is just šŸ˜ dragging reader up by the throat? šŸ¤¤ the line ā€œif he could just make it to heaven tonight he could leave hell behindā€ was powerful! And the safe word being Red of all things? Amazing. Reader being so gentle with him afterwards? šŸ„ŗ Double amazing. And donā€™t even get me started on the sensory overload part! That happens to me and itā€™s awful. ā€œThe Matt Whispererā€ was great too! Thank you for writing this! šŸ˜˜šŸ˜˜
The other request was much less sad šŸ˜… reader and Matt are being goofs and playing ā€œhide n seek and chaseā€ in his stupidly large apartment and reader is really confident in their ability to hide and run from ā€˜blindā€™ Matty but Mattā€™s got the heightened senses thing going for him and maybe Mattā€™s taunting reader and sayingā€¦ thingsā€¦ to get reader flustered? šŸ™ƒšŸ˜¬šŸ™ƒ
AHHHHH i'm so glad you enjoyed it nonnie šŸ„ŗ I totally feel you on that. I get sensory overload all the time with my anxiety and it is literally one of the worst feelings ever and makes me wanna bang my head against a wall. thank you so much for the request!
and thank you for this one too! I was like 99% sure that's what the request was for and I had already started writing it but then I couldn't find it and I panicked and was like WAIT FUCK WHAT WAS IT. so AGAIN, I hope this is what you were looking for. this one is a little bit shorter bc my brain just no worky worky lately but if you'd like a part 2 or anything please let me know! I just really wanted to get this out bc I promised at least 3 posts for my little celebration thingy so thank you again so much for the requests! ā¤ļø
warning: contains explicit sexual content. as always, minors please dni. if you'd like to read this lovely nonnie's other req, you can find it here. āœØ word count: 2k
[part two]
hide & seek.
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It had started off as a joke initially. You and Matt were a few beers and tequila shots deep at Josieā€™s, which always had you feeling more brave and confident than usual. It also brought out your competitive side, which is how you ended up taunting the devil and boastfully striking up a bet that he couldnā€™t catch you in a game of hide and seek. Mattā€™s brows had ridden considerably up his forehead in surprise, his head cocked to the side as he studied you with that goddamn smirk curling at the edge of his mouth in a beckoning manner, clearly amused that you were serious.
You shouldā€™ve known better. Matt was extremely competitive by nature, but when he was challenged and had something to prove? Not even God could stand in his way. He also had the advantage of his heightened senses, which put you having regular sight to shame. The man could literally tell when you were lying about how many cups of coffee you had actually had that day, when you changed your shampoo or body wash even if it was a subtle difference, and most of the time opened the door before you even had a chance to raise your fist to knock because he could hear you coming from three blocks away. Thatā€™s not even counting all the times he had caught you before you had a chance to trip over whatever you had missed in your path, or a curb that surely hadnā€™t always been there. He told you once that he could find you anywhere in the world, just by your scent alone, and you believed him. So why had you agreed to this?Ā 
Oh. Thatā€™s right. Because of the stakes. Matt had a few rules for your little game. One, you had to play in the dark. To make it fair, he had insisted. Two, you would play in the safety of his apartment, which you argued was another unfair advantage. But you knew it almost as well as he did at this point, and it was spacious and away fromā€¦prying eyes. Because rule number three? Youā€™d both be playing naked. He hadnā€™t even attempted to make up an excuse for that rule. He strictly wanted you naked so that it would be easier to claim his prize.Ā 
The game was simple. If you won, Matt had to take you away for a weekend to a secluded cabin upstate. No daredeviling. No distractions. No clothes. Just the two of you, a hot tub, an actual tub, a fireplace, and a very large bed. If Matt won, you agreed to let him tie you up and deprive you of some of your senses, and let him see just how many times he could make you come in one night. Needless to say you both won either way, and you were nearly positive Matt would win. But, that didnā€™t mean you werenā€™t going to make him earn his victory.Ā 
You tampered with the thermostat, trying to find a temperature just in the right space between cold and warm to make sure you werenā€™t shivering or sweltering. You showered with Mattā€™s shampoo and body wash, hoping it would throw him off your scent a bit. Trying to tame your excitement and nerves, you helped yourself to two double shots of tequila, hoping it would dull your heartbeat to a more inconspicuous pace. There were still a few hours left before Matt promised to be home from patrol, giving you a head start on finding a hiding spot without him hearing your every movement. He tried to make it fair, as fair as he could anyway, when you both knew the inevitable outcome. A part of you felt ridiculous, trying to hide from the Devil of Hellā€™s Kitchen himself, knowing exactly what he was capable of. But a bigger part of you was excited for the exact same reason.Ā 
With just an hour to spare, you made sure to pace every square inch of Mattā€™s apartment, leaving your intermingling scents in as many spaces as possible to buy yourself some more time. Even though you had all but accepted your defeat, you didnā€™t want it to be over so quickly. After all, the chase was the aphrodisiac leading up to all the fun. You had settled on hiding in a cabinet beside the stove in the kitchen just wide enough for you to fit in that was close to a closet containing the water heater, hoping that would help conceal your body temperature. It was a spot you figured would be the last on Mattā€™s list to look, and it would get him on his knees. A win-win for you.
Matt shut the door to the roof that led down into the apartment a little louder than usual to signal to you wherever you were that he was home. You could faintly hear him shedding his boots, gloves, and suit as they were discarded on the worn wooden steps behind him. You tried your hardest not to let your heart run wild as silence filled your ears, hoping the noise of the water heater would drown you out just a little bit. You couldnā€™t hear Matt moving around, and you momentarily regretted your choice in hiding spots since you couldnā€™t see him. Although, that might have made it worse for you. If you could see him coming closer, your heartbeat would no doubt give you away.Ā 
ā€œShowered with my stuff, huh? Clever girl. But do you really think thatā€™s going to save you, sweetheart? You really think you can outsmart the Devil?ā€
You had to close your eyes as Mattā€™s coarse voice cut through the silence. Matt knew how much of an effect his voice had on you, especially when he used his Daredevil voice. You didnā€™t even have to confess it. He had figured it out one night, while you were at Josieā€™s with Foggy and Karen, playing a game of pool on opposing teams. He had been teasing you relentlessly the entire night, his flirtatious comments getting more and more obscene to see just how far he could push you until you were begging him to drag you into the bathroom and fuck you shamelessly right there. Ever since that night, he used that knowledge to his advantage, making them a permanent part of foreplay.
ā€œItā€™s cute you know, that you think you have a chance. Canā€™t say I donā€™t admire your efforts. But we both know Iā€™m going to get what I want. Donā€™t we angel?ā€
His words sent a chill down your spine, and you instantly regret not making a rule of your own that Matt wasnā€™t allowed to talk. You couldnā€™t tell if he was actually having a hard time figuring out where you were hiding and was trying to get you worked up so he could draw you out that way, or if he was just genuinely enjoying fucking with you. Knowing him, it was the latter. Matt loved to tease you. He loved to get you needy for him, adored the way his name rolled off your tongue as you begged for mercy or more.
ā€œCā€™mon sweetheart, donā€™t you wanna skip to the good part? Donā€™t you wanna let me make you feel good? If you give up now, Iā€™ll have you coming in two minutes, tops. I promise.ā€
Squeezing your eyes shut tightly, you clamped your hand over your mouth as a shudder wracked through you. He wasnā€™t lying. You both knew that. There had been plenty of times youā€™d had to pry him away, hopelessly trying to warn him that Foggy and Karen would be back any second, or that you were already ridiculously running late. But he would just flash you that signature devilish grin, roll up his sleeves or set you up on the closest surface, sometimes getting on his knees, and whisper a promise into your ear. Two minutes, angel. The memories flooding through your head had you pressing your thighs together, and you heard him chuckle darkly.
ā€œHm, I see youā€™re considering my offer. Or rather, I can smell it, I should say. Oh sweetheart, if you only knew what I had planned for you tonight. Youā€™d be giving up without hesitation. Maybe I should give you a little preview, hm? Would you like that, pretty girl?ā€
You hated how cocky he sounded. The fucker knew exactly what he was doing. He was pulling out all the stops, using every pet name he knew you loved, lowering his voice even deeper than you thought possible. You could faintly hear him moving around, avoiding all the spots in the floor that creaked or groaned under weight to keep his location from you. His voice was never far though, and that made you nervous. Was he even looking for you? Or had he already found you, and was waiting for you to give up?
ā€œFirst things first, one of us is going to be on our knees. Whoā€™s first, all depends on you. See, if you surrender and promise youā€™ve learned your lesson, Iā€™ll be on my knees first. I wonā€™t tease, wonā€™t make you wait. Iā€™ll bury my face in that sweet cunt of yours until you come, and reward you like the good girl I know you can be. And you know that wonā€™t be the only time tonight my face will be between those pretty thighs. You know how much I love the way you taste, sweetheart. But, if you continue to be stubborn, and make me come get you, then Iā€™m going to fuck that little throat of yours until youā€™ve learned not to taunt the Devil.ā€
You bit back a moan as hard as you could, pressing your thighs even tighter together. Another low snicker tore through the silence, and you could feel your wetness coating your inner thighs. It made even more sense now why Matt wanted you to play naked. He didnā€™t want anything coveting the scent of your arousal. He wanted the pure experience of it. No textures of fabric or other scents in the way. Just you, and what he was doing to you.
He knew exactly where you were. Thereā€™s no way he didnā€™t. You had no clue if he had figured it out the second he stepped into the apartment but continued to go along with your little game, or if he figured it out the second he started talking. It didnā€™t matter either way. He knew, and you had a choice to make. You could come quietly, give in and give him what he wanted, and revel in the fact you knew he would take it easy on you tonight for your cooperation. Or, you could continue to be defiant, force him to find you, and deal with the delectable consequences knowing he would really let you have it tonight.
If you didnā€™t get to have what you wanted, why should he?
A few moments of silence passed as Matt waited for you to make your decision. A sinister tsk tsk tsk echoed in the quiet when you refused to move from your spot. The sound caused a grin to spread across your face.
ā€œSo thatā€™s how you wanna play tonight? Alright, sweetheart. Just remember, you asked for this.ā€
There was a warning laced in Mattā€™s words, and it only made the slick between your thighs worse. You didnā€™t bother trying to steady your heartbeat anymore, allowing it to thud in your chest as you waited in anticipation. Your brows furrowed slightly as seconds ticked by in silence. You couldnā€™t hear Matt moving around at all, and your mind raced with possibilities of what he was doing. A squeal of surprise sounded from you as the cabinet door was suddenly ripped open, revealing crouched down on his knees in front of you. The obnoxious billboard outside the apartment window was glowing red, and the crimson shadow it cast over Mattā€™s face and the way it illuminated the downright wicked grin on his lips made you squirm.Ā 
Maybe you should have given in.
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milla-frenchy Ā· 3 months
Milla after reading the summary and the warnings I already know you will absolutely rock my world with this one. Letā€™s go šŸ˜ˆ
ā€œYou smiled. It was going to be a good summer, you were sure of it.ā€ Yes babes it absolutely will be. Youā€™re gonna get it from all sides hehe šŸ˜‰
Yeah, I think the virginity is going to fly out the window very soonšŸ¤­
I love love love Tommy and I love love Joel and when you combine these two itā€™s the greatest concoction anyone could ever come up with like yes I wanna be sandwiched between these twoā€¦put me in the middle of them please šŸ™šŸ»
ā€œTommy and Joel were heading back towards you.ā€ Two predators are approaching their prey letā€™s go.
Joel putting his hands on his hips is peepaw pose. I can see it in front of my eyes. šŸ‘€
ā€œYouā€™re a virgin? How is it even possible? I meanā€¦ Youā€™re screaming for our cocks and you never took one?ā€ added Joel.ā€ Awwww Joel just cuz I donā€™t have sex doesnā€™t mean i canā€™t be screaming for your cocks and be a desperate little whore. šŸ˜‰šŸ˜‹
ā€œI justā€¦ I dated guys but they were jerks. I never wanted to fuck one of them. Plusā€¦ā€ I canā€™t relate to this one very much.
Tommy, please donā€™t pretend to not be into her you basically Eye fucked her in the car.
ā€œWe have fun. But we donā€™t fuck her. Not with our cocks, at least.ā€ šŸ« šŸ« šŸ« šŸ„µšŸ„µšŸ„µ
ā€œWhat a juicy cuntā€¦ Already all swollen up. Canā€™t wait to taste it. But you go first, man.ā€ Milla one day i will put you in horny jail for writing this filthy stuff because youā€™re a danger to society and most of all a danger to panties. šŸ¤­šŸ„µšŸ„µšŸ„µšŸ˜ˆ
ā€œStick out your tongue and lick my slit, baby. Wanna see your pretty throat swallow what Iā€™m givinā€™ you.ā€ Milla Iā€™m on my knees begging you to give me writing lessons on how to write smut like this. Itā€™s insane. šŸ˜šŸ˜
ā€œCan you imagine, her first time playing naughty for real, she wants not one, but two cocks? What kinda slut does that?ā€ Sluts like meeeeeeeeeeee ahhhh šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’ØšŸ˜®ā€šŸ’ØšŸ˜®ā€šŸ’ØšŸ˜‹
Ok at some point I became too horny to even formulate my thoughts anymore. All I can say is I want more too please šŸ«£šŸ«¢šŸ™šŸ»
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Oh my god Mina? Are you trying to kill me?!
Thank you so, so much for your kindness and your generosity, I'm speechless šŸ˜­šŸ„¹ā¤ļø
"You're gonna get it from all sides" lmaooooo (true šŸ˜ŒšŸ‘€)
I'm so glad you liked that fic, and yes, there will be more šŸ˜˜šŸ„° Writing threesomes is maybe my favorite thing, and I'm thrilled to write Joel and Tommy again. It was really fun to work on this fic, and there's so much to add to their summer ā˜€ļø
Thank you so much for taking the time to send me this ask, you're the sweetest šŸŒøšŸŒø
A summer with the Millers
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ayaosguqin Ā· 17 days
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Resentment is the familiar taste of blood cloying at the tounge. Maeglin knows it all too well.
-by @maeofthenoldor
This is the art created for TRSB 2024( @tolkienrsb ).The incredible @maeofthenoldor took this prompt and wove it into a mesmerizing narrative that delves deep into the intricate and tumultuous relationship between Maeglin and Earendil. Collaborating on this project has been an exhilarating journey, and I can hardly contain my excitement for you all to experience this powerful story!
You can read this beautiful and enchanting writing by the name of ā€œresentmentā€ (by NadineTook )on AO3
AO3 Collection
Read it here
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