#if you told me that they were secretly dating in a few weeks i would believe it
live footage of me last night:
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sturniozo · 6 months
Ok ask for ask and you shall receive lol if your not ok doing this it's totally fine
Anyways I was thinking about like a Chris x reader where the reader is secretly dating Chris and there on the podcast for an episode (and since Chris sits on the barstool you can see his lap)they fans notice the readers legs like draped over his lap and he's kinda massaging the calf fans are like broo did u see the new pod I think Chris and reader might be together.
Thxs I love your stuff and have a lovely day
Sorry if it's kinda long
This is so cute sorry I took so long on it I had to form out the idea first lol if that makes sense
Do You Think They Know?
/Chris Sturniolo x Reader\
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It was Monday and Nick had just posted the podcast episode for the week, and I was one of the featured guests on the podcast.
I sat next to Chris, who’s my boyfriend but we decided to keep it a secret from fans. I was scared I’d get hate for it, since just being around them even as a friend has gotten me hate. I didn’t want to know what would happen if Chris and I came out with our relationship.
I sit next to Chris on the couch, my head on his shoulder and my legs over his as we watch TV in the living room. It had only been a few hours since the podcast was posted, and my stomach was in knots just thinking about the comments that would surface soon.
Chris rubs his fingers over my knuckles and I look up at him. He smiles at me and kisses my forehead. “Don’t worry.” He mumbles into my hair. He must have read my mind or notice how nervous I was.
“I’m not worried.” I lie and shift around in my spot. Chris wraps his arms around me to keep me still.
“Don’t lie to me, ma. You’re nervous. Don’t be, our fans love you.”
“No they don’t, they love you and hate me just for being around you.”
“They aren’t real fans then.” He says and gives me a kiss on the top of my head.
We sit in silence for a bit as we watch the movie on the tv. Chris checks his phone seeing notifications blow up, people tagging him in edits on TikTok, and tweets and instagram posts. He smiles to himself as he opens TikTok. “Let’s see these cute edits they made huh, mas?” Chris says.
I lean over to see his phone screen. He goes to the tag titled with his name to see the newest edits. The very first one made both of us freeze in our place.
There we were. On the podcast, a view of Chris that showed his lap, and my legs over his while he rubs my legs softly. The caption read “Y/N AND CHRIS DATING CONFIRMED???”
My face burns with blush and I stare up at Chris. “I think they know…” he says in a soft tone.
“Oh god…”
“It’s okay princess, I was sick of hiding it anyways.”
Chris continues going through the tag, seeing many new edits of him and me in the past videos I’ve been in.
“I told you they love you.” He mumbles into my hair and kisses the top of my head again.
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storiesfromafan · 1 year
Yule Ball
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A/N: back with another story, haha. This little baby hit me hard. Also quite happy with how it turned out :)
Pairing: Mattheo x Fem!Reader
Summary: what happens when you wait to be asked by our favourite Slytherin, but he ends up taking another girl. So you go screw it, lets go stag.
                                                    Yule Ball

Hogwarts was abuzz with talk of the Yule Ball. Every girl was a fuss with picking the right dress and shoes, and how they would do their hair. Not to mention getting a date for the ball. Even your best friend Pansy was a flutter with it all! She of course was going with Draco, and had picked her dress to match him. Tedious, the whole thing, you thought. But it wasn’t a common thing. Nor was the Triwizard Tournament. The Yule Ball was at the end of the week, you had reluctantly picked the dress and shoes. But did not have a date, yet.

“What do you mean you don’t have an escort for the Ball!?” Pansy said in shock, during lunch.

You rolled your eyes. “It’s no big deal” you shrugged, pushing your food around your plate.

“Yes it is, you can’t go alone” Pansy retorted as Draco, Blaise and Mattheo joined the table.

“Who can’t go alone? To what?” Draco asked, starting to put food on his plate.

“Y/N/N, she doesn’t have an escort for the Yule Ball” answered Pansy.

“Really Y/L/N? Thought you’d have a line of suitors” laughed Draco.

You rolled your eyes. “It wouldn’t be that long, but there have been a few that asked...”

“And you rejected them? Why?” questioned Pansy, with a sharp look at you.

“Keeping my options open” you replied casually. Though you knew why you rejected them, secretly hoping a curtain Slytherin heart throb would ask you.

“If I was you, I wouldn’t reject anyone else. Because before you know it there won’t be anyone available” Mattheo said matter-of-factly.

You gave him a pointed look. “And do you have a date?”

He smiled brightly, “of course. I’m going with Anna”, he looked down the table to a pretty blonde in your year, who sat in front of you in Potions class.

You felt your stomach drop at his words, and felt a sharp pain in your chest when you looked at the girl in question. So much for Mattheo asking you to the Yule Ball. But you put on a brave face, smile and congratulated him. Told him you hope they have a good time. All the while every word that left your mouth left a bad taste in its wake. The conversation dropped off about the ball, and back to classes. You had a few more bites of your food before pushing it away, appetite lost.

“I’m going to head to Potions. See you there Pans” you said getting up and grabbing your bag, then leaving before Pansy or anyone could say anything.

“Is she alright?” asked Mattheo looking at Pansy with concern.

“Yes, I believe she is” Pansy lied. Even without her friend telling her, she knew you had a thing for Mattheo and no doubt hoped he’d have asked you to go to the Ball.

The walk to Potions felt longer than normal. Students around you are conversing and laughing. Not to mention the over hearing of students asking each other to the Yule Ball. You frowned and cursed the social event. Yes you were being petty, yes you were bitter. And to cement your dislike you vowed to not even go. It wasn’t worth your time. Not when you’d see Mattheo and Anna together.

You weren’t sure when you started to like your friend. But it was obvious to you once you saw him on the train back to Hogwarts at the start of the year. It hit you like the Hogwarts Express the first time he looked at you with his deep brown eyes, flashing you a bright smile. It caused your breath to catch, and stomach to flip. After that every little thing he did, or said a curtain way, had an effect on you. How you’ve managed to hold it together, and not show it, was a surprise to you.

The rest of the week leading up to the Yule Ball was suffocating. Not to mention turning you more bitter, as Anna had started to hang around your group to be closer to Mattheo. You would sit as far away from the pair as you could, preferably on the same side as them, so you wouldn’t have any direct eye line of them. Which meant you found yourself sitting in front of Theodore Nott and Lorenzo Berkshire. Two of Mattheo’s close friends. Though loyal to Mattheo, they had become fond of you, like a sister. They could see something was bothering you, but neither chose to bring it up with you. Instead doing all they could to distract you; deep or stupid conversations, jokes, pranks, etc. And you were grateful for it.

The day of the Yule Ball, students only had morning classes to attend. Which everyone, but you, were excited about. After those morning classes, and lunch in The Great Hall, all students were left to enjoy the afternoon before those in the higher classes would attend the Ball. You laid on your bed while Pansy and the other three girls of your room got ready. They fussed over each other's hair and make up, talking about what they hoped would happen tonight. Rolling onto your back, you looked up at the room's ceiling, glaring at how happy they were, excited to be going with the guys they wanted. While you would be staying in this room, bitter over the fact Anna would get your night.

Pansy took a moment to look over at you, she felt for you. “Y/N/N, why don’t you still go to the Ball? Who cares if you have a date or not!” She said hoping you would listen to her. “Besides, you brought a beautiful dress. It would be a shame not to wear it”.

“Yeah, Pansy is right!” A few of your roommates coursed together.

You rolled back onto your stomach, eyes focusing on the girls of the room. “I’ll pass, thanks. I will see if I can return it anyways”. Then you rolled back onto your back, and went back to glaring at the ceiling.

Pansy and the girls all shared a sullen look, before going back to getting ready, but in a more sober mood. You hated to be the killjoy, but this was a hard pill to swallow. You would have rather Mattheo had gone stag with Theodore and Lorenzo. And, though it would have stung, picked up a girl at the Ball. Or maybe he would have seen you finally, and realizing you were the girl for him. Unfortunately no luck there. So you will do your best to forget tonight, and all that will go down in The Great Hall. Then tomorrow you would remove yourself from all talk of the Yule Ball.

Once the girls were ready, they headed out and to the common room where students had made plans to hang out before the start of the Ball. Pansy was the last to leave the room. She had continued to try and talk you into going. Even offered to pop down to the common room and see if she could drum up a last minute escort for you. But you declined her offer, sticking to your stubborn guns.

Pansy sighed as she reached the room’s door, looking back at you as you read a book sitting on your bed. “I know you didn’t get asked by the person you wanted too. But you shouldn’t let the hurt win, you should go and have fun for yourself”. And with that Pansy left.

You didn’t look up from your book once during her words. But part of you knew she was right. Why should you let a guy consume you, dictate your evening. Part of your mind was screaming to get up, do your hair and make up, put on that dress you love and go have fun. Show Mattheo and every male student that you don’t need them! You are Y/N Y/L/N, and you don’t need anyone!

So with that spark of determination you got up off your bed, and the first thing you did was your makeup. You kept it fairly neutral; opting for a natural smoky eye with a hint of dark green, and slightly dark nude lip. Next you put your Y/H/C locks half up with a moon shape clip, some hair falling around and framing your face. After that you managed to get into the gown you had brought, love at first sight. It was an emerald green V-neck dress that had thin straps that tied up on the top of your shoulders. The bodice was embellished in different green crystals that also cascaded down in various lengths over the lace-up A-line skirt. The material of the dress is a mix of cotton, satin and tulle, making it airy and flowy, almost whimsical. After putting on your shoes, the last item you put on was the necklace Mattheo had given you for your birthday.

At first you were unsure of wearing the dainty silver two chain necklace, that each houses a star on the top chain and a moon on the lower. Staring at the simple but beautiful piece of jewellery, you thought wearing it would go against the passion lit in you to stick it to the male students. You felt it would be like wearing a ball and chain, weighing you down with the reminder of who you weren’t there with. But in the end you chose to wear the necklace. It suited you well, telling you Mattheo knew you. And that wasn’t all that you noticed him do for you. He was always opening doors for you, greeting you first in the morning, taking a seat next to you during meals, and taking you hand at merited or random times. Which is why you had been so sure of him asking you to the Yule Ball, and the chance he liked you as much as you liked him.

Taking one final look at yourself in the room's full mirror, you made last minute adjustments before lifting your head up high and began your trek to The Great Hall. Rising from the lower level of the school, you walked down halls littered with various paintings. Many of the painting’s residents said ‘hello’ as you passed, with a few commenting on how lovely you looked, which made you smile and thank them. With every step closer to The Great Hall you could feel your heart rate pick up, breathing becoming a tad harder with nerves. You came to the staircase before the first set of doors to The Great Hall, at the bottom you spotted your friends. It was now or never.

Lorenzo was the first to spot you at the top of the stairs, a bright smile crossing his face as he pointed you out to Theodore. Who said your name in question a little loud, catching Pansy and Draco’s attention. All three’s eyes followed Lorenzo’s to where you stood. Noticing them staring at you, you knew there was no going back now. So placing your hand on the railing, you started to descend the stairs with a soft smile on your face. Mattheo was confused as to why his friends were quiet, and looking behind him. Turning around he saw you coming down the stairs dressed in the perfect shade of green for you, you looked absolutely stunning. Sure, he would say you look beautiful everyday. But right this moment, you looked like a Goddess gracing Earth with your presence.

Coming to reside on the floor before your friends, Lorenzo and Theodore were the ones to move to your sides. They offered you compliments a plenty, which made you laugh nervously and tell them to stop. Pansy was the next to come over to you, so happy you had changed your mind, and how lovely you looked in your dress.

“You clean up nicely Y/L/N” Draco complimented, to which Pansy slapped his arm.

“Never say that to a lady” she said angrily. But then turned back to you, “what made you change your mind!?” She asked. “I didn’t expect you to change your mind, but I am so happy you did!”

You laughed at her words, both Mattheo and Anna coming over to join you all. “I decided I wasn’t going to let my lack of a date bring me down. No shame in going stag”.

Both Lorenzo and Theodore agreed with you. “No shame at all, both Enzo and I are stag” Theodore said with a bright smile. “You can join us!”

You laughed at the pair. “Both of you going stag doesn’t surprise me one bit”.

All the while bantered with his two close friends, Mattheo looked at you. He was mesmerized by how beautiful you looked. He felt like this was the first time he was seeing you, the real you. He liked how your eyes lit up with laughter, enjoyed the sound of your voice, and over all adored your presence. Soon you all began to make your way into The Great Hall; Draco and Pansy taking the lead arm in arm, followed by you on either arm of Lorenzo and Theodore, while Mattheo and Anna brought up the rear. You could feel eyes on the back of you as you walked, but soon you felt many eyes on you as you entered the large room. You took note of how winter wonderland The Great Hall looked.

After finding a spot off to the side, your group took to talking and laughing. You hadn't paid Mattheo or his date any mind, not really looking at them. Instead talking with Lorenzo and Theodore, which had been fun so far. Eventually the TriWizard champions entered the hall, and kicked off the dancing. You watched in delight at the twirling and lifting of the female’s. You sighed, wishing you were a part of the dancing. And as if reading your mind, both boy’s offered you their hand but then glared at the other. After a quick round of paper, scissors, rock; you were dragged by the winner Lorenzo to the dance floor. You joined Pansy and Draco moving around the room. You weren’t the best dancer, but Lorenzo was patient with you, leading you in the current formal dance, all while you both laughed and smiled. Once that dance was done, Theodore swooped in and stole you from his friend. He led you around in the dance, as Mattheo and Anna joined this time.

Theodore was commenting on the teacher’s who had taken to the dance floor. His words had you in stitches, while Mattheo glared at the both of you while dancing with his date. Seeing you dance with Lorenzo, and now Theodore, left him cursing them. How dare they take your attention for themselves. If they hadn’t been fussing over you, he would have had your attention. Anna complained when Mattheo had stepped on her foot, too distracted by his friend and you to pay attention to his dance partner. After that dance you and Theodore left the dance floor, and Mattheo went back to focusing on Anna as best he could, knowing you were out there somewhere. Any male students coming up and talking to you made his blood boil.

You found yourself alone, leaning against a stone wall after Theodore and Lorenzo went to work the room, aka hit on girls. Of course they weren’t going to leave you on your own, but you had told them to go, you’d be fine. So here you were, being a wallflower, watching those on the dance floor. Over time the formal music and dancing was replaced by the band Weird Sisters, and students jumping around and letting loose. By this point you noted Draco and Pansy sitting down by the dance floor, they were talking while Pansy rubbed his back. Your gaze then moved to the dance floor, you laughed softly at Fred and George jumping around like idiots, their date’s not too pleased. But the other bodies on the floor weren’t that different from the twins.

Then you spotted Mattheo and Anna; they were dancing away from the jumping crowd, probably so they wouldn’t get hurt or drawn in. Seeing them hurt, a lot. That bitterness slowly returning with every second you watched them. You felt the prickling of tears in the corner of your eyes. No, you weren’t going to let them win. You would not cry. Standing up straight you took a deep breath before releasing it. That was when Lorenzo and Theodore came back to you, both taking a spot on either side of you and leaning against the wall. Their eyes followed where you were looking and it was like a light bulb went off over both of them. You were upset with Mattheo for bringing Anna to the Ball, and no doubt you fancied their friend.

“What’s a pretty girl like yourself being a wallflower?” Theodore asked, turning his head to look at you.

“I’m not a wallflower” you retorted, looking Theodore in the eyes.

“Yes you are” Lorenzo said looking at you. “Standing by yourself, watching everyone else; definition of wallflower”.

“Not entirely correct” you replied with a sigh.

“Why are you alone? Any guy here would be dying to dance with a beauty like you” Theodore with a smirk.

“Doubt it” you said, hitting his arm. “Did you spike the punch? How much have you had to drink?”

Both boys laughed. “First off; yes just about every guy here wants to dance with you” Lorenzo said matter-of-factly.

“And second; we didn't spike the punch. Snape or McGonagall would know within five minutes” Theodore finished.

You looked between them with a raised eyebrow. “Then how have you been drinking?” You asked, skipping their notion of most males wanting to dance with you.

Both boys smiled all knowingly, before Theodore looked around making sure no Professor’s were around. He then proceeded to produce a silver flask. Cheeky sod’s, they were carrying. Theodore offered you a drink, which you thought screw it and took a few sips from, before returning the flask to him. A shocked look on your face at home the whisky went down, burning your throat. Both boys laughed at your reaction. Then Lorenzo offered you some of his, which had been vodka. Not good to mix the two liquors, but you were over caring. You needed to dull the thoughts in your head, and forget, even for the night, Mattheo and Anna.

“Come on wallflower” Lorenzo said, getting up from his leaning position. “Let’s go have some fun and dance the night away!”

Feeling the numbing sensation taking over, you stood. “Alright boys, let’s go!”

Lorenzo grabbed your hand and pulled you to the dance floor, Theodore right behind you both. Once on the dance floor you grasped the skirt of your dress and lifted it slightly as you moved around with both boys to the music. You let the music take over, feeling every note and moving to its rhythm. Lorenzo and Theodore moved along with you, all three of you singing and laughing, all the while jumping and turning. You let the alcohol and energy of dancing wash away your thoughts of the Slytherin you liked, and his date. You focused on letting loose, having fun with your two friends. Every now and then, you three would sneak drinks from the flask’s the boys were concealing, just adding fuel to the fire of total freedom.

While you had been talking to the boys against the wall, then drinking with them and now dancing, Mattheo had watched almost all of your three’s doings. And he didn’t like the influence his friends had on you. He could understand talking to you, and dancing with you, but not the alcohol consumption. That wasn’t very you. Sure, during house parties you would have a few drinks. But not straight liquor. Yet there you were before, doing just that. By this time Mattheo and Anna were sitting down with Pansy and Draco, taking a rest.

“Y/N/N looks to be having fun” Pansy said with a laugh. “I wasn’t sure about those two, but they are helping her tonight”.

“Ha. Why do you say that?” Draco asked, not entirely caring.

Pansy briefly looked at Mattheo before going back to her date. “Before I left our dorm she was so adamant on not coming tonight. I know she had hoped for a particular guy to ask her to the Ball”.

“That is sad they didn’t” Anna said with a frown. “But I’m glad she did come. And is having a good time” she then smiled after those words.

Pansy half smiled at the girl, not thrilled she was with Mattheo. “Yes, I am happy too. She didn’t need him to have a good time”.

Mattheo was silent during the conversation. Wondering who would be such an idiot to not ask you. Sure, he had considered asking you but then Anna came into the picture. And he had decided to ask her. He knew you wouldn’t have had any trouble getting a date. A few guy’s from the Slytherin Quidditch team had asked at different times if you had a date yet, and he said no. Even then, a small part of him didn’t like the idea of them taking you to the Ball. He chalked it up to being a protective friend. But now he knew why. He liked you. Plain and simple.

With all the dancing and drinking you were doing, it finally started to catch up to you. And you slowed down, while your company continued to dance, and take some well needed air. You felt your head swimming from the alcohol, but it was pleasant, you felt a little giddy. But your legs and arms were starting to ache from all the jumping, shimmying and twirling with Lorenzo and Theodore. Not to mention some of the students had called it a night, yet it didn’t stop the remaining students. Thinking it was time to call it quits, you were about to look for a particular curly haired brunette, before stopping yourself. Who cares where he was or what he was doing. You have had a good time tonight.

So with a content smile you let both Lorenzo and Theodore know you were going to head off to bed. They gave you overdramatic pleas to stay, but when you said it was bedtime, they fake cried making you laugh. Bidding them goodnight you held your head high before making your way from the dance floor. Pansy noticed you leave the dance floor, and when you both saw the other looking, you waved and mouthed goodnight. She got the message, and was fine with you going to bed. You deserved a good sleep after having a fun night.

Exiting The Great Hall you climbed up the stairs you had taken to get to the hall, before swaying slowly down the hallway, almost floating down with that content smile still on your lips. Letting go of Mattheo, and the alcohol you consumed, did you wonders tonight. For once you had fun for yourself. You didn’t think about others. Didn’t worry over what anyone would think. Didn’t let the rational side of your brain ruin your night with thoughts. You had successfully detached from who you were.

“Y/N!” Call the reality train, in the form of one Mattheo Riddle.

You sighed, stopping where you were. Not even turning around. “Yes?” You asked.

“Are you alright?” He asked, concerned.

Confused, you turned around to see the Slytherin boy a meter from you. “Peachy. Why?”

“You’re leaving the Ball early” Mattheo made an excuse, knowing you were probably tired and ready for bed. But he had to speak to you. After watching you the rest of the night with his friends, he needed to have time with you.

“Well Theo, this young lady is ready to go back to her room and turn into an ordinary, average girl” you said with a small laugh.

He looked at you confused. “You’re not ordinary, nor are you average Y/N/N. Fair from it actually”.

You laughed. “Yes I am Theo, it’s fine to say it”.

“No you’re not. You are an incredible person; smart, kind, fierce. And you know you are beautiful”.

“I do look quite good tonight” you stated, straightening out your skirt.

“No, you are beautiful everyday,” Mattheo said sincerely. “Are you upset because you didn’t have a date? Because the guy you hoped to ask you didn't?”

You looked Mattheo in the eyes, he was concerned but you could see something in his eyes that made you think he was being protective of you. “Not at all. Sure it sucked he didn’t ask me” you could feel the alcohol loosen your tongue and decided to go with it. “He even brought another girl, which hurt. But it is what it is”.

“He’s an idiot” Mattheo commented, as you moved to lean against the stone wall.

“Yeah. But I can’t blame him. He doesn’t know how I feel, or how I wanted him to ask me” you said in thought. “Maybe if I was more obvious he’d have caught on”, You looked at him with a sad smile.

Mattheo hated seeing that smile on your face, and how your eyes dulled. And he felt himself bringing up thoughts he had, not sure why though. “Maybe he is oblivious to something special. A dick move on his part”, he slowly moved closer to you.

You watched him closely, still fuelled by the liquor in your system you kept going. “Maybe it is. But, again, I never said anything. I assumed from the way he would open doors for me, or greet me first thing in the morning, or even hold my hand, that there was something”.

Mattheo nodded as he came to stand before you. “Well, taking that into account, he might have felt something. But he didn’t entirely know what it meant. If you are close though, he should have asked you”, he was confessing that he knew he should have asked you when he had thought too.

The next words out of your mouth sealed it for him. “Yes, you should have asked me”.

Staring into each other's eyes, Mattheo didn’t say another word. He leaned down and planted his lips upon your own. The kiss was slightly rough, but you still felt that spark. Both of you felt the butterflies in your stomach. Your hands reached out and grasped at his white dress shirt, while he leaned his left arm on the wall next to your head, bringing your bodies closer, his right hand cupping your cheek. Pulling back briefly you looked at each other and smiled. Mattheo then went back in for another kiss, this time deepening the kiss. It sent your mind reeling, and somewhat sobering you up. This was really happening, this moment you had daydreamed about was actually happening.

While you and Mattheo made out in the hallway, Lorenzo came up the stairs and turned down the hallway. He was looking for Mattheo, at the request of Anna. For the brunet had left her without much of a reason, and he had been gone for a while which made her worry. Looking upon the hallway in confusion, Lorenzo soon spotted two familiar figures. A smug smile soon formed on his lips after seeing the two snogging away in the hallway. Chuckling to himself he turned away from the pair, and headed back to The Great Hall.

“Guess Theodore and I have a young lady to console” he said to himself walking down the staircase and going back to what was left of the Ball.
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A/N: as always, constructive feedback welcome. Also please see pocs of dress and necklace.
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lives-in-midgard · 5 months
Mommy's Special Friend
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader
Summary: Bucky offers to take care of your son while you are out of town.
Word Count: 1300
Request: Reader and Bucky have been dating for a while and she has to go out of town for a couple days, but she can’t find anyone to babysit her toddler son while she’s gone and Bucky offers to babysit him which she agrees to and her son says something cute like “are you my mommy’s special friend?” [ See request here]
A/N: Thank you so much for sending me this request! 💗I hope you and everyone else like how this turned out!
Divider made by @firefly-graphics
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You were currently cuddling with your boyfriend Bucky at home while your son Danny was in kindergarten. You and Bucky have been dating for a while, but you haven’t introduced him to Danny yet because you weren’t sure how your son would react to Bucky. Bucky completely understands that, but he can’t wait to meet your son. He always enjoys listening when you tell him some stories about Danny, and he secretly hoped that your son would like him. At this moment you and Bucky would only hang out when Danny was in kindergarten or staying with his aunt.
The ringing of your telephone interrupted your cuddling season with Bucky. You groaned and looked at Bucky.
“I have to get that.” You said and got up from the comfort of your bed because your telephone was hanging on the wall in the living room.
“It’s okay, doll. I’ll wait here.” You smiled at him and walked into the living room. You picked up the phone and it was your friend who had bad news for you. She told you that she can’t take care of Danny when you’re out of town.
“Oh…that’s okay, don’t worry, I will find a solution. But thank you for letting me know.” You said before saying goodbye. You put the phone away and thought about who else could take care of Danny.
“Doll, is everything okay?” Bucky asked as he entered the living room.
“Yeah, sure.” Bucky walked closer to you and reached for your hands.
“Is it about Danny?” He asked and you nodded.
“My friend can’t take care of him when I’m out of town either, and I don’t know who else to ask.”
“Oh, doll. Why don’t you ask me?” Bucky suddenly asked with a smile.
“I don’t know Bucky. I mean, Danny doesn’t even know you… but are you sure you want to?”
“Of course I want to take care of him. And how about you start by saying that I’m your friend?” You had to smile and also think about the moment when Danny heard you talking to Bucky on the telephone. You told your son that he was a friend, a special friend in fact. Then he asked if he could meet him one day.
“Okay, let’s do it like that.” You said and Bucky placed his hands on your cheek and then gave you a soft kiss.
“I don’t think that’s what friends do.” You said after the kiss and you both chuckled.
“Then I’m glad we’re more than just friends.” You giggled when Bucky said that and then he kissed you again.
A few days have passed since Bucky had offered to babysit Danny. You just picked Danny up from kindergarten and were playing with him at the nearest playground.
“Danny, you know I have to go out of town in two weeks, right?” Danny looked up at you and nodded.
“Am I seeing my aunty?” He asked.
“Not this time buddy, but there’s a friend of mine who would like to take care of you.” You said hoping he won’t be so sad.
“Oh.” Danny said.
“But I promise you’ll have a lot of fun with him and you’re going to meet him in a few days.”
“Okay, can I play with my new cars with him?”
“Of course you can.”
In a few hours Bucky will be here to meet your son for the first time. You were a bit nervous about how Danny will react but also happy that they are going to meet each other soon.
When you opened the door you greeted Bucky with a hug and he kissed your cheek.
“Are you ready to meet Danny?” You nervously asked.
“I’m so ready.” Bucky said with a smile. You took Bucky’s hand and walked to Danny’s room with Bucky behind you.
“Hey Danny. Bucky is here and would like to meet you.” You opened the door wider so Bucky could walk in. Danny looked up and at Bucky.
“Bucky, do you want to see my new car toys?” He asked and Bucky looked over at you with a smile.
“Of course, Buddy.” Bucky walked over to Danny and sat on the floor next to him. You had a smile on your face as you watched Danny showing Bucky his toys.
“Mommy, do you want to play with us?” Danny asked, looking at you.
“Sure.” You walked over to them, sat next to Bucky and played with them for a while. Suddenly Danny stopped and looked at Bucky.
“Are you my mommy’s special friend?” He suddenly asked and you started to blush when Bucky looked over at you. You reached for his hand, smiled at him and then looked back at your little boy.
“Yes, he is.”
“And your mommy is mine.” Your smile grew even bigger when you heard what Bucky said. Danny giggled and put his toy away.
“That’s really cool.” He said, standing up and walking over to give you a big hug.
“I love you so much.” You whispered in his ear, making him giggle.
“I love you too, mommy.” Before you broke the hug, you gave him a kiss on the forehead. Danny was still sitting on your lap when he looked over at Bucky and asked.
“Can we go to the playground later?”
“We can do whatever you want, buddy.”
“Wow.” Danny said and you had to smile and shake your head.
You, Bucky and Danny spend the whole day together. You went to the playground and Danny even asked if Bucky could come over more often.
When Bucky was about to leave, you both decided that you will spend the next two weeks together so Danny gets to know Bucky more until you have to leave. You planned do go to a amusement park, to eat ice cream, to go the playground and some more other activities.
“I think he likes me.” Bucky said with a smile before leaving that day.
“Oh, I think so too.” You smiled at him.
Two weeks have passed and in a few hours it will be time for you to leave and Bucky will be here soon. You prepared dinner for them and also wrote down some important things Bucky should know on a piece of paper, even though you already told him everything. You were so nervous to leave and let Bucky alone with Danny, but you knew they would do great together.
You packed all your things while Danny played in his room. You were about to put your bag next to the door when you heard a knock. You opened the door and saw Bucky standing there smiling.
“Hey, doll.”
“Hey” you said and Bucky quickly pulled you into a soft kiss. When you pulled away, you took Bucky’s hand, walked into the kitchen and grabbed the paper you wrote.
“I know you already know this, but I still wanted to write it down just in case.”
“Doll, you really don’t have to be nervous, okay?”
“I know, but it’s not that easy.” Bucky chuckled and wrapped his arms around you.
“I promise I’ll take good care of him.”
“Thank you, James.”
“Of course.”
You stayed in the kitchen for a few minutes and then decided to go to Danny. You played with them for another hour until you had to leave. Before leaving Danny hugged you one last time and then you said goodbye to him. Bucky walked you to the door to give you one last kiss.
“Drive carefully and please call me when you get there, doll.”
“Of course, Sergeant.” You kissed Bucky on the cheek before saying goodbye. When you closed the door, you knew that Bucky would take good care of your son and that the two of them would have a great time together.
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@marvelogic | @eviebuggg | @buckys-wintersoldier | @nicoline1998enilocin | @kandis-mom | @sergeantbarnessdoll | @noellez-best-life23 | @beaubbdoll | @sgtgarricks | @ratchildspartan | @scott-loki-barnes |  @mrs-bucky-barnes-73 | @mrsbuckybarnes1917
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brodieland · 4 months
.˚ 𓈒 ࣪.𝝑𝝔 Can we finally call a Truce? ´ˎ˗
Percy Jackson x Fem!Hades!Reader Synopsis: After the years of hating each other (secretly pining), you're finally together !! Now how does your dad take the news..? Warning(s): some swearing Word Count: 2342
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2 weeks later
[11:39] AM
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@seaweedbrain • 10 min
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Liked by Styxgirl and more.. @seaweedbrain: embarrassing the way me and my girl eat all y'all up🤦🤦 View comments..
@StyxGirl: ughh who is that girl and why is she so finee😭 →@seaweedbrain: @StyxGirl she not allat fr (im horrendously down bad) →@deathboynico: @seaweedbrain take it to the dms😬👋 →@seaweedbrain: @deathboynicoo I will spam about my gf as much as I dam well pls !!
@wisegirl: we did itt🙄 @BeaurengardOnTop →@BeaurengardOnTop: @wisegirl only took like five years brooo 😭👋 →@seaweedbrain: @BeaurengardOnTop better late than neva‼️ →@StyxGirl: @BeaurengardOnTop mb im a little stubborn😛 →@seaweednbrain: @StyxGirl make up for it by coming over !
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And there you were, on your way to meet up with your boyfriend. Yes, boyfriend. Percy Jackson was now your boyfriend. When you told your beloved friends Silena and Annabeth, they weren't as shocked about it as you thought they would be.
"It's not like we weren't expecting it."
Maybe at least pretend. Let's all hold hands in a circle and jump up and down and chant of happiness. Okay maybe that's too much, you had just thought that after all the screaming at you to get it together, they'd have more of a reaction for when you finally got it together. Whatever, moving on. Finally you made it to Percy's, aw he left the door open this time. Now what if you just scared him a little.
You slowly walked through the door to be sure not to make any noise. After you did that you tip-toed your way to his room and ran through the door, the loud sound of it combined with your screaming scared the shit out of him.
He threw his phone in the air and sat there like the soul left his body. "Did I scare you?"
"I think I saw the stars" you started laughing at Percy as you walked toward him. "No like never do that again please."
"Hey," you sat on your legs in front of him on his bed. "No promises" you smiled as you leaned forward and kissed him, which he happily did back. You pushed back into him, laying down on top of him. After a few minutes your phone started ringing from your back pocket. You went to reach for it when Percy grabbed your hand.
"Come on just ignore it" and went back to kissing you. You ignored the phone till it stopped ringing. You went and continued on with what you were previously doing, at least that's what you wanted to do. Right after it stopped ringing it started again. You leaned up from Percy and let out an exasperated and dramatic sigh as you got up and answered the phone.
"Hello" you said harshly.
"Sorry to interrupted you" Nico said. "Jeez."
"Nico did you need something" you said trying to get him to talk quickly.
"Did you forget what day it is" Nico asked.
"Enough with your little riddles what is it?" SPIT IT OUT.
"Its parents day" Nico stated.
"So what, our moms are dead, who cares." Percy almost laughed at your bluntness but he didn't know if it was the time for that.
"Not those parents, godly parents. Dads here." You almost dropped the phone out your hand when he said that.
"Dads there" you asked, voice sounding a little high-pitched.
"Yup, so you might wanna hurry up. Bye." Shit. See the thing is, you weren't necessarily scared of your dad. Maybe a little, he has anger issues. Despite him being Hades, him being your father made him less scary, but you guys still weren't the closest. The only problem is Percy, your boyfriend, and guy you are currently sitting on. He has a hatred for Percy one would not understand and you don't want to know how he would react to him now dating his daughter.
"My dad's here" you said once more. You looked down at Percy who looked a little nervous. "Why are you suddenly nervous about Hades' presence?"
"Because he hates me and I'm sleeping with his daughter."
"Haha. Well, I gotta run, literally. Bye" you said as you quickly pecked him and ran back to your dorms. Not even noticing Poseidon chillin the couch relaxing, and knowing of your presence. It only took 6 minutes to make it back home, that may have been record time. You summed through the door and opened it to see your dad and Nico sitting on opposite sides of each other in the living room.
Nico and your father never had the greatest relationship and it really showed. Ever since his his real sister Bianca died, their relationship was strained. You wondered if she never passed, would your father had liked him more? All you knew was that it was better for everyone if you were around, less awkward. Kind of.
"Hey guys" you said as you slide in the seat next to Nico. He looked kind of nervous, expected when your sitting in front of the god of death, even if he is your father.
"Hello Y/N, me and Nico were just.. talking." It was silent when you walked in.
"Really? About what?" You played into it. You turned and saw Nico suppressing a small smile.
"you know, the usual" Nico said. Code for nothing by the way. You wanted to laugh a little but you didn't let that show.
"I didn't realize my kids were little jokesters" Hades said seriously. "Y/N, did you forget the date today?"
"Um, no" you lied.
"Then why is it you weren't here. What was more important that seeing your father? Hmm?" Your father questioned you. It felt like he knew, but its not like you or anyone you know would've told him. They know his feelings about Percy. And there's actually no way Hades uses instagram. As you were in thought, you may or may not have been quiet a little too long.
"Did you know Aphrodite hasn't shut up about this little love show of hers? Do you know how it felt to find out she was speaking of my daughter and Percy Jackson of all people? And the pictures online on that weird app she showed me? Despicable." Your father rambled while shaking his head. You turned to Nico in shock while you watch him try not to laugh at your possible despair.
"Um, surprise? I guess.." you said unenthusiastically and nervous.
"I'd kill that boy, but it'd be a whole thing with my brother. I'm not in the mood for that family drama." Hades rolled his eyes while speaking. "You have a rather ill choice with men in my opinion. You must hope I don't have a run-in with that boy. And lastly, if he even dares step foot in my realm once more, just remember I don't care if he's your.. boyfriend." He didn't elaborate on what would happen if Percy stepped foot in the underworld again, he didn't need to say another word for you to get the picture of what would happen to him. You were sure he didn't even want to go back in the first place. Unless maybe his mom got kidnapped again, but you know, fat chance.
"Yeah.. gotcha." You said simply. That actually went easier than you thought it would.
"Always, nice to see you both, but I must head out" Hades said as he stood up from his seat.
"Bye dad" you and Nico said at the same time. You both sat in silence as you watched your father walk out the room and disappear back to the underworld. You let out a sigh as you lifted your feet on the couch and leaned over on Nico's shoulder. He leaned his head on yours.
"Next time I'll remember the date and not leave you too alone again, I know its awkward" you said.
"At least he was just focused on you" Nico sighed.
"Yeah, blame Aphrodite for that I guess." You sat up. "And why didn't you get grilled about Will" you said jokingly annoyed.
"Well for starters, maybe because Will isn't like, his mortal enemy." Oh okay.
"Alright bro, no need to get snappy with me."
"Sorry Y/N, just stating facts here" Nico shrugged. "Anyways I was in fact planning to hangout with Will so.." Aww, wait..
"Are you kicking me out again?"
"Sorry, he has to many siblings" Nico said.
"Whatever, I was gonna head back to hang out with Percy anyways" you said as you got up headed it out. Nico shouted a bye from the couch and you shouted it back as you shut the door and made your way to Percy's.
Finally your back. You are currently standing at the door pounding on it like there's no tomorrow. Fifteen seconds later Percy opened the door looking at you wide-eyed.
"How'd it go with your dad" he asked quickly making you laugh. He moved to the side letting you in.
"Oh it went fine, just make sure to stay out of his way and the underworld or, you know" you said knowing you didn't need to continue speaking.
"Sounds just like my brother" you stopped in your tracks. Poseidon, Percy's dad, is currently sitting on the couch.
"Oh, um... hello." You said. Percy chuckled at your awkwardness.
"Don't worry, just cause your dad would like to blast me to bits doesn't mean my dad feels the same about you." you rolled your eyes as Percy said this. Poseidon just laughed at the two.
"I would've said hello to you earlier but you were running out quite fast" what was he.. oh.
"Oh, you were here?" You were just thinking about what if Nico never called you getting to to go home. Now THAT would've been more awkward than having a conversation with your own dad. And for the record, its very awkward.
"Yes I was. Aphrodite would've had a field day" Poseidon joked. You and Percy got a little warm in the face. "Anyways I must be off now, things to do and kingdoms to run, you know how it is." Poseidon walked up to Percy to hug him, he pulled away and ruffled his hair before walking out the door.
"I wish Hades was friendlier like Poseidon."
"Me too."
"Wanna have a movie night" you asked.
"Oh my gods let's go. I'll go make popcorn" Percy said excitedly.
"We're having a Harry Potter movie marathon" you stated as you went to get the first movie ready.
"Yo low-key I could take him in a fight. He's not all that." Percy said as the microwaved beeped letting us know that the popcorn finished.
"That's really interesting Percy"
"You know I could why are you the way you are" Percy was sitting down next to you on the couch, moving close under the blanket.
"You mean why am I so amazing and cool and sexy and hot" you joked.
"I think we should just click play"
You guys stopped paying attention after the first movie.
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@StyxGirl • 5 min
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Liked by deathboynicoo and others... @StyxGirl: someone tell me why Aphrodite is showing my dad my instagram💀💀 @seaweedbrain View comments...
@BeaurengardOnTop: bc we knew Hades was on instagram💀 →@seaweedbrain: @BeaurengardOnTop are you trying to get me killed?? →@BeaurengardOnTop: @seaweedbrain perchance. →@wisegirl: @BeaurengardOnTop YOU CANT JUST SAY PERCHANCE??
@deathboynicoo: she almost got ur boyfriend killed🤦 →@StyxGirl: @deathboynicoo ur boyfriend could be next if u don't watch out🤷‍♀️
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[10:35] AM
When you woke up you were now alone on the couch. You sat up and looked around for Percy when you smelled waffles. The delicious smell gravitated you toward the kitchen.
"Good morning" you greeted Percy. You walked over behind him while he stood at the stove as you wrapped your arms around his waist.
"Good morning sleepyhead" Percy said. You kissed him on his back and jumped on the counter next to the stove.
"What a gentleman, cooking me breakfast." He looked at you confused, making you confused. "What?"
"What makes you think this is for you, I was the hungry one who took initiative" he looked at you like it was obvious.
"You're saying" you swung your arms around "all of this food is for you? You dam near big as hell you know that?"
"Oh I've heard" he winked. You just looked up at the ceiling and sighed, wondering how you got yourself here. "I'm just messing with you, obviously this is for the both of us."
"Thank gods, I was so hungry I wasn't even going to mention the blue waffles." you said as you just picked one up and stuffed it in your mouth.
"Okay, last time I checked we weren't barbarians. Grab a plate" Percy said.
"Ugh what are you my dad" you joked.
"Erm no. I think your dad would actually start a war if he heard you were comparing us" you both just started laughing. After you composed yourself you went and grabbed a plate for your waffle, you proceeded to drown it in syrup, earning a glare from Percy.
"Hey Y/N, don't freak out when I say this but I think there's a waffle hiding in your syrup."
"Oh my god thanks for telling me, I had no idea" you said sarcastically. "Gods forbid I eat the way I like."
"Your allowed to do what you want as long as its not.. never mind. I just forget your so.. special" he paused before he said special, clearly not calling you special the way you would've like. These men.
"Sorry you don't enjoy cuisine the way I do" You rolled eyes as Percy finished getting food and you both sat at the kitchen island to eat. The waffles were really good and didn't need all that syrup by the way. You just liked bothering Percy. You also just liked Percy himself but you didn't need to inflate his ego more (ur dating its okay to say you like him).
No clue if there's going to be a pt.6, but if have ideas for it lmk🫡
Taglist: @damdemigodishness @katiepotatie @loony-loser @mxtokko <3
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totalswag · 22 days
the last anon gave me an idea, so I'm requesting you
How Drew asks actress y/n to go out on a date, without the friends, only with him this time? How the first date goes? How he/she confesses his/her feelings for each other, without kiss? I mean, we don't kiss at the first date, it's like "see you soon" right?
Also love ur writing! <3
first date gone well — DREW STARKEY
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authors note ooo i really like your thinking! definitely see drew being the type to kiss maybe on the second or third date for sure. super sorry that your request is coming out late. so close to 900 followers!!
summary actress!reader and drew go on their first date.
warnings drinking, flirting, shyness, soft!drew
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Drew and you exchanged numbers after the party. You haven't stopped texting each other since.
Drew asked you out on a date after a week of texting. He maintained an interest in getting to know you more, and you reciprocated. It's been a while since you've felt this way about a guy.
You were instructed to dress casually for dinner, since he is taking you to an Italian restaurant. There's a surprise at the end that he thinks you'll enjoy.
Drew knocks on the front door; you grab your belongings as you walk to unlock it. When you see each other, you both smile.
"Hey, how are you?" Drew asks, drawing you in for a tight hug; "You look really beautiful too," he says, pausing to admire you.
He smells so wonderful, holy moly!
Blushing so hard right now.
"I'm doing well, and thank you; you look handsome," you say, blushing quickly, hoping he doesn't notice how he's already influencing you, even though the date hasn't even begun.
By the time you arrived at the restaurant, Drew had parked his car and walked around to open the passenger door like a gentleman. He let you walk in front of him, placing his hand softly on your back as you entered.
Drew and you sat in a two-person booth near the bar. You both ordered a glass of champagne with a side of iced water. There were several options on the menu. 
"This place is wonderful Drew, thank you," you exclaimed, your gaze fixed on everything in the restaurant.
He smiles, "I'm happy you like it. I was browsing for places to eat and remembered you saying this type of restaurant was your favorite, so I thought this would be an ideal spot to take you."
Everything in your body slid down to your feet. Knowing that he paid attention to every detail you told him indicates his character and good intentions. You felt your cheeks turn red and butterflies in your tummy.
The two of you spoke about work. At the moment you are starting to work on a new rom come movie; you cannot wait to start filming. Drew has been working on season four of Outer Banks and leaving in two weeks to film in Marco.
After dinner, Drew and you returned to his car. He let you choose the music for the short drive you were about to take. You plugged your phone to the car, scrolled through your playlists, and chose the more relaxed option.
Lana Del Rey, West Coast.
You begin humming the melody while closing your eyes and moving your head side to side. 
Drew begins singing a few words, taking you off guard. You turn to face him, surprised that he is singing Lana Del Rey, one of your favorite artists.
"I didn't know you listen to Lana," you say out loud, pointing to the screen.
Drew grins, "Well, I have sisters who listen to her, and the more I listened, the more I liked her music," he adds as he turns the corner leading to downtown.
You feel yourself liking this man even more.
The two of you continue to discuss your favorite artists. Tonight you've learnt a lot about each other and will continue.
"Would you like to grab ice cream and take a nice walk on the beach?" Drew asks with a suggestive tone, secretly hoping you'd say yes to his question.
"That sounds like a good idea, I'd like that" you smile, "I love the beach so much, it's a safe place for me" you explain.
"The beach is somewhere to let go and relax your mind, no worries, no distractions, just peace and quiet" Drew replies.
Drew made careful to park near the ice cream business; there was a parking lot. It's going to be a busy Friday night in the summer. You both knew what you were getting into when you walked out together.
You walked close to each other, chatting rather than strolling silently. Throughout the evening, you found that you two can communicate without being awkward or bring up unexpected topics. You enjoy that about him.
A couple fans spotted you coming down the sidewalk and approached you for a photo. You politely snapped pictures and parted ways. They looked astonished to see you two out together.
"My favorite flavor is mint chip," you remark, pointing at the ice cream flavor through the glass.
"That's crazy you say that because thats my favorite flavor" Drew responds, smiling.
Drew paid for the ice cream, leaving a tip for the nice workers. You two could tell it made their day. They kindly asked for pictures too.
The sun began to set as you walked along the beach and ate your ice cream. The cool breeze, the sound of the waves, and the people looking out into the ocean; the scenery was breathtaking.
You pause to bring out your phone and take a couple photos of the scene in front of you. When you walk on the beach or visit the beach in general, you always take pictures.
When you arrived home, Drew walked you up to your front door.
"You know, I had a great night tonight, Y/N. "I'm glad you said yes to tonight and getting to know you better," Drew says, seeming anxious.
"I had a fantastic night, Drew, and you made it ten times better. You are quite something," you end your sentence in a flirtatious tone, hoping he will catch on.
Drew raises his brows in delight, smirking.
"Oh, really now?" "How about I take you out next week?" He speaks quietly, touching your free hand nearest to his.
"Yes, Drew." You are an excellent young gentleman who made me feel special today, and I would love to go out with you next week," you say, staring at his facial features and seeing how lovely he is standing in front of you on your porch.
"It was a pleasure tonight, Y/N; I'll text you when I get home." "Get some rest tonight, beautiful." He leans down and kisses your cheek before walking back to his car.
After closing and locking your door, you lean against the front door and reflect on what occurred tonight. You smile as you glide your body down onto the tile.
What an amazing night.
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my taglist!
✰ if you would like to be added to my taglist and be notified whenever i post please let me know in the comments or in my ask box. if there's a line across your name that means i couldn't find your account.
@diqldrunks @chenslucy @winterrrnight @rosezza @solanathascientst @runningfrom2am
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roses-r-rosie3 · 8 months
Best Friend’s Brother
Jason Todd x M!Reader
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Warnings: Fluff, implied smut, crack-ish
Summary: Jason meets Roy’s brother (the reader) and they start dating
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You and Jason first met when your brother, Roy, invited you to hangout at his place. Jason knew that Roy had a brother, but he had never seen you up until that point. You however, haven’t heard of Jason at all. Needless to say you were immediately mesmerized when you first saw Jason.
“Roy never told me he had such hot friends” you flirted.
“And Roy never told me how hot his brother was” Jason replied.
“Ew, Go get a room” Roy Fake-gagged.
Needless to say, you both ended up getting each other’s number by the end of the night. You two texted the whole night. Roy could hear Jason giggling and chuckling through the walls.
Little would Roy know, he would have deal with more of that in the future.
While texting you, Jason found out that you were also a vigilante going under the name ‘Arrowhead’. You still vividly remember Roy making fun of you when you picked out that name (he still does).
Fast forward a few weeks and you and Jason went on your first date and started dating shortly after that. As much as Roy pretended to not be a fan, he secretly (not so secretly) supported the both of you.
After the two of you got together, you had lots of dates with Jason. Some of them at a restaurant, some of them at amusement parks, some of them at museums, but a lot of them were at Jason and Roy’s apartment. Even though your dates would sometime be interrupted by Roy accidentally walking inside, it was always something special.
While we’re on the topic of Roy accidentally walking in on things, he has walked in on you and Jason making out on Jason’s bed countless times, even to the point where Roy doesn’t even try to act surprised anymore.
You also started going on missions with them. Jason had never seen you in your vigilante costume up until that moment. But when he did, he quickly pulled you in a random alleyway… and.. let’s just say you both had to give your suit a deep clean after that.
What Jason also noticed though, was that you were extremely skilled with a bow and arrow, dare he say maybe even better than Roy. And oh boy, as soon as Jason even mentioned your skills to Roy, Roy would immediately tell embarrassing stories about you.
“Hey y/n said that-”
“Oh he thinks he’s mr perfect? Did you know that when we were little he used to be so scared of bunnies that if u even held one near him he would start pissing his pants?! HA! SUCK IT!” Roy blurted out.
“ROY!” You shouted.
“Uhhh.. I was just going to tell you that y/n said he made dinner” Jason said.
“Oh… ignore what I said!” Roy laughed nervously.
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angelic-sturniolos111 · 8 months
“I’m on live right now…” 🔴
You and Chris have been secretly dating for months and have been making your best efforts to hide your relationship from the internet. You want to surprise your boyfriend by visiting him during tour. Internet fame, poor timing, and Nick’s big mouth end up exposing the truth between you and Chris.
chris sturniolo x fem! reader
reader is a small influencer, and best friends with Nick
warnings: cursing, some angst
author’s note: currently working on “Matt’s Teammate” pt. 2 so checkout pt. 1 if you haven’t already!
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You haven’t seen Chris in about two months since tour started, and you were really missing him. He always made sure to shoot you cute texts during the day, call you nearly every morning, and FaceTime at night after the shows. Still, he was busy, and you could tell tour and being away from you was a lot for him to be juggling at once.
You had started a YouTube channel about two years back, and really just documented your life. Somehow, your weekly life updates seemed to gain popularity, and soon you had nearly 200k subscribers. That’s when you were contacted by Z Star Digital, a company dedicated to young and upcoming content creators. You flew out to LA to meet with a team of professionals who offered you a contract with their company that you accepted, and that same week you attended your first Z Star Digital event to get exposed to the other creators in the franchise. You met Nick early on at the start of the event before meeting Matt or Chris. You had been following the triplets for a while, and they were just about to hit 1m subscribers. Nick hit it off with you instantly, and the two of you were attached at the hip the entire event. You and Nick became friends after this night, and hung out every time you were in LA (which also meant you were hanging out with his brothers). It took Chris a long time to ask you out which was agonizing considering you had been crushing on him before the two of you even met. Before making anything official you two had a long talk about your feelings for one another, and how you could make your dating life as private as possible. That was ten months ago, and you’ve both managed to not expose your relationship to the media. Not yet, at least.
With Nick’s help you managed to fly out to Florida to see Chris in his last few shows of the tour. Chris was in the lead, and you wanted to see his last few shows to hopefully be there if he won. You wanted to keep your visit a secret from Chris to surprise him (which also meant keeping it a secret from Matt because he’s awful at keeping secrets and somehow would’ve 100% told Chris you were coming). So you and Nick had been sneakily texting and calling back and forth getting you from the airport to their hotel.
Hey I’m downstairs but I don’t have a key to get up the elevator. Can you please swing by the lobby and bring me up? Thx 💞 You text Nick. Heart nearly thumping out of your chest from excitement.
Yeah ofc give me two minutes!
Chris’s POV:
“My Uber Eats is here I’m gonna run downstairs and get it be right back.” Nick says getting up to leave the room.
“K. Chris do you need the shower right now or can I hop in?” Matt asks.
“Nah man it’s all yours I showered before the show today.” [if ykyk 🤪]
Nick leaves, and Matt goes to shower, leaving me by myself. I pick up my phone to FaceTime Y/N, and it gets declined straight away. Weird. Maybe she’s showering too— which in that case I wish she WOULD answer. I opened Instagram and decided to start a live stream to give fans some updates on tour, and maybe steal some of Nick’s food for the camera. Before I even started talking there were a couple thousand fans viewing the live.
“Sup guys! Just wanted to come on here and give you some updates. Team Orange is in the lead, and if Matt win’s these next two Florida shows we’ll be tied and have to hold a tie-breaker. That’s pretty exciting actually I’d love for that to happen. Uhh yeah so Tril is gonna be on tour soon so go follow him and check that out. I’ll probably—”
“YOU’RE GIRLFRIEND HAS ARRIVEDDDD!” Nick sings as he bursts through the door with Y/N trailing behind him. My heart skips a beat and my jaw drops.
“I’m on live right now…” was the only thing I managed to say. Nick and Y/N’s mouths were now agape with mine. I snatch my phone and swipe out of Instagram as fast as I can ending the live.
Y/N’s POV:
“Shit Chris I’m sorry. Maybe no one caught me saying that…”
“Nick are you fucking stupid? You sang that shit at the top of your lungs and I had twelve thousand people watching! God damnit Nick, what the fuck?” Chris screams at Nick. Keeping our relationship private is sacred to Chris, and telling the fandom he has a girlfriend has always been one of his biggest fears.
“Don’t yell at me like that! It’s not like I knew you were on live?! I was trying to be a good brother by surprising you with your girlfriend— who is standing right here by the way and didn’t come all the way here to watch us freaking argue!” Nick retorts as he moves aside letting Chris get a full look at me.
“Umm. Surprise?” I say shyly. This is definitely not the reunion I pictured in my head. Chris let’s out a deep sigh and his shoulders relax.
“Nick’s right. I’m really so happy you’re here I needed to see you…” Chris says as he wraps his arms tightly around me, and I do the same in return. He leaves light kisses all over my cheeks and forehead. “I missed you so much baby.”
“I missed you more my love.” I say in return. I can see the concerned and defeated look on his face as I pull away from our hug. “Look, we were going to tell your fans eventually. I’m honestly surprised we went this long without spilling the news. We’ll navigate through this together and figure something out, okay love?” Chris’s eyes soften as he looks down at me.
“You’re right. I know you’re right… I love you.” He says sincerely planting a sweet, soft kiss on my lips.
“I love you too, Chris.”
The cute moment you were sharing with your boyfriend was interrupted by the sound of a sliding glass door. You turn to see Matt coming out of the bathroom in a robe.
“What the hell is with all the yelling? I was in there for like six minutes and— oh shit! Hey Y/N!” Matt says excitingly as he looks up to see you.
“Hey Matt.” You laugh, knowing he is completely out of the loop right now.
Matt walks over to his nightstand and picks up his phone, a confused look on his face once the screen lights up as he sees how many notifications he’s gotten. He looks concentrated as he scrolls through his phone for a moment.
I’m on live right now…
You hear the recording play through Matt’s phone, and his jaw drops too.
“Ohhhhh shit. Nick you’re a fucking moron.” Matt says and Nick throws his hands up in the air in defeat making the four of you laugh.
Hope you enjoyed this one! I wrote this when I couldn’t sleep and I haven’t proofread any of this just yet so my apologies for any errors lol.
- Kay 🩶
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mntalbrakdown · 9 months
thinkin' bout you - H. Callahan
mentons of: smut, MDNI, makeouts, cussing, closeted, cheating, thigh riding, oral (r! receiving) exhibitionism, slight nudes sending idk,,,?
synopsis: you were dating a football player, but also sneaking around with Hazel
wc: 3.7k
gif by @taiturner
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friday night lights, a total shit show. the girls on the cheer team didn't know how to follow the choreography of the cheers and they just do whatever they want. almost like everyone else. you on the other hand just gave up and stand there smacking your pom poms together and muttering the chants.
"are you excited about today" Isabel asks you with Josie's arm wrapped around her
"yeah" you say with a weak smile.
your boyfriend, Brody or whatever his name is, you really didnt care about him, was sitting right next to you. he was in football in whatever position, you never kept up with him. you just dated him because Brittany and Isabel wanted you to.
"hey babe want to go to get food before then game" your boyfriend asks twirling a strand of your hair in between his fingers
"i would love to, but um I have plans" you say looking directly at Hazel. she was playing around with the schools pasta, scared of the bad food. she had on her brown sweater with green pants and her red doc martens paired with her silver chain that always made you go feral
in all honesty, you have been secretly hooking up with Hazel, for the past few months. you hated it because you truly did like Hazel. yet you felt that you had to hide that side of yourself. but you decided by the end of this week you would break up with Brody.
when the bell rang signifying lunch was over you got up from the table that contained all your friends or as your boyfriend called them the loser lesbians. you waved at them goodbye and stared long on Hazel. Brody wrapped his arm around your shoulder that was wearing his letterman jacket, with your oversized black pants and a white simple baby tee. as you walked down the halls you met eyes with Hazel, you smiled at her while she rolled her eyes
it was all in slow motion. she looked mad, but she never told you anything or showed any annoyance all week. you were confused, what did you do? you just saw her be happy. now you were worried. who was she walking with? it was a pretty girl who was giggling and all over Hazel, why were you so... so annoyed? you knew you had no place in doing so
"i think im going to walk to class alone" you say looking up to your boyfriend
"what why" he says stopping in the middle of his tracks
"feeling sick, dont want to get you sick when the game is in four hours you say walking away while you put your headphones on. you needed to escape this place and start letting yourself relax
you walked past everyone down the halls, you usually are so chipper and say hi to your mutuals but today you felt like putting on a hoodie and hiding. people could tell something was up, this wasn't like you. even when you get into an argument with Brody you could practically jump off the walls. this time you felt a stream of tears go down your face. you got yourself together from your five-second slump because crying in front of people is so…yuck!
so you walked into Mr. G's class head held high and when you reached your desk next to Hazel you slumped down like usual.
"so how is Brody" Hazel asks nonchalantly to you as everyone waited for the bell to ring
"he's good, were good" you say looking directly at Hazel trying to see if she was playing a game with you
"cool because I might start seeing this girl, she's available and likes me" Hazel could basically hear the breaks and cracks of your teeth by how tense you were
"I'm happy for you haze, hope she treats you right," you say as calmly as possible
"so...you're ok with it" she asks, but lets be honest she cannot take hints nor sarcasm
"yeah" you say nodding and taking out your notebook from your backpack
after class ended and you kept passing looks at Hazel with the ends of your mouth turned downwards.you couldn't actually believe it, but you couldn't hold a grudge. you got up quickly packing all your stuff and getting ready to leave school since that was your last class. you had plans on hanging out with Hazel, but those plans quickly crumbled to the ground
you practically ran out of there not wanting to be held up. Josie and Pj snickering about how you've been acting weirder after lunch. you could hear fast footsteps come closer to you until they finally reached you.
"wait up" they pull your arm to meet your face
"hey!" you exclaim, you just wanted to make it to your car
"what's wrong" Hazel says guiding your face to her, her eyebrows knitting togetehr when she sees you look upset
"nothing it's stupid" Hazel quickly shook her head, how could she be so tender when you're such a brat
"is it about me and her” Hazel asks seeing how your demeanor changed in a heartbeat just thinking about the other girl
“no” you say but she knew you were lying by the way you looked down
“was i just supposed to wait for you to break up with your stupid boyfriend” Hazel slightly raises her voice
“no, but i told you i was going to break up with him by the end of the week” you say pressing your lips together in anger
“than do it, i’ve been all over you for the past few months, and it certainly didnt look like you were, i mean the jacket?” Hazel clenches her jaw trying her best not to get her anger to overflow
“can we please leave” you whisper, you could feel people stare and overhear you in the crowded halls
which Hazel obliges and grabs your hand to lead you to her parked car. she had a Tesla, I mean she was rich what did you expect. she claimed her mom passed it down to her when her mom got a Mercedes as if it’s something everyone does.
she opened the door for you to get in the passenger seat. when you were fully seats and deep breathing to calm yourself down you hear Hazel open the driver door and sit down
“i’m sorry, it’s not fair” you say looking at how Hazels pupils dilated to how soft you became
“it’s ok, i just, want you” Hazel says smiling showing her pearly whites
“ok alpha male” you joke causing the tension to rise and disappear
you caught eyes with Hazel when you finally stopped laughing. and whatever energy you once had converted to lust. you stopped moving and slowly leaned into Hazel to kiss. the kiss was deep and passionate. Hazel slowly pulled your hair to get you to moan so she could slip her tongue. the fight for dominance was strong. so much so that when you pulled away to catch your breath a string of saliva stretched from both of your mouths.
“god i missed this” Hazel said cupping your cheek with her left hand, to be frank it was only a week since your last hookup but time it time and you yearned for her
“i missed you” you say going to quickly kiss hazel as she went over the center console to your seat
she made your seat go all the way back and reclined it so you were laying down as she was in between your legs. she was so eager to take your pants off when you try to push her away
“woah, we’re still at school we can’t do this” you say seeing all the kids walk to their car
“relax my windows are tinted, like illegally, you can’t see in” she says as she shimmied your pants off seeing how you easily relaxed
“Haze” you say as she threw your pants to the back seat
“yeah pretty” she asks looking at you with lustful eyes
“yeah? going to make you scream so loud that your voice goes raspy for a few days” Hazel says quickly kissing the top of your forehead as she goes to kneel back down to your core
“nothing, just missed this” you say as she quickly came up to kiss you
she does back down to your thong covered core that was already soaked. “this for me” she says making you lightly slap her face in embarrassment “it’s hot” she praises
she continued to play and tease you. she slightly moved your panties to the side to just take a quick peak. she than quickly slid the thin cloth down your legs and tucked it in her pants
“Haze you can’t keep those” you say reaching down to try to snatch them back
“i’ll give them back when you break up with him” she says with a bitterful mouth
she than goes to lick a strip of your core. making you arch your back from the seat. than she went in a swing time, sucking for longer and playing with your clit with her tongue.
“Fuck Haze just like that” you squirm in your seat
she continued her attack. kissing and sucking your cunt with her mouth. she was practically making out with it. from time to time she would look up from between your legs and see your scrunched up face and hands pulling her hair.
“god you look beautiful like this” she says moving from your core to the inner thigh and lightly biting it
“haze, god you’re so good” you praise her because of how good she’s making you feel
her calloused hands always feel so nice on you. you love the contrast between your soft skin and her rough. partly because you knew she had ragged skin because of the fight club that made you two meet.
Hazel runs her large hands along your thighs as she pulls away from you to kiss the inside of your thighs leaving love marks to mark you as hers.
“You always look so pretty.” She gives you a lopsided smile, giving you a boost of confidence so you could reach your climax
Hazel's big blue eyes glimmer and sparkle in the dim light, showcasing adoration and lust. She always wonders how you’re so fucking perfect. How she found the most beautiful person to walk this planet. She honestly questions how she even managed to pull you, let alone keep you. aside from having to share with Brody. She takes her bottom lip into her teeth, her eyes wondering over your body.
You both share intense eye contact, Hazel staring at you intently as she feels the need to press a kiss to your soft, full lips. You widely smile at her before leaning in, as she does the same. However, you slightly turn your head to the right forcing her to kiss your cheek instead, which makes you giggle at your childish antics.
You pull back only to see a frustrated Hazel, seeing her eyes darken. She shakes her head as she speaks, “you think you’re so fuckin’ funny, huh?” She questions, first Brody, now this?
You nod your head several times, finding it all amusing before bringing your hand up to her face to push a loose strand of dark brunette hair behind her ear.
She pulls you closer to her, her lips barely brushing against yours before she starts dragging them over your cheek, moving towards your ear.
She presses a soft kiss onto your jaw, slowly lining more closer to your chin before she moves to the other side of your face, taking her sweet time with you.
Hazel then removes her hand, cupping your jaw, moving her lips down to your neck. As she presses butterfly kisses onto your skin. She manages to suck on you harder in certain areas causing delicate moans to slip past your lips.
Hazel loves marking you up, she enjoys the thought of everyone knowing you’re hers and only hers. She thrives on the idea of everyone knowing her lips are the ones running along your skin, claiming you and taking you as hers to keep. But for a while you didn't allow her because of the relationship. Something about her just made you melt and not even care.
You can feel your cunt getting damper with the arousal that drips from your pussy the more Hazl sucks into your skin. You just barely grind your hips into hers which ends up getting you a groan of approval from her.
“You like denying my kisses?” She questions, placing one last kiss on you before pulling back, desire and lust looming in her eyes.
This time, you shake your head, “no, ‘m sorry.” You mumble, letting a soft cry out as Hazel fingers dig into one of your hips, surely leaving bruises in their wake.
The one hand that she is using to cup your jaw pulls your chin down towards her, her lips hovering over yours. “Sorry, hm?” Her soft puffs brush along your top lip as she looks into your eyes, tension consuming the entirety of the car.
She guides your face with her large hand seconds later, pulling you in so her plump lips meet yours. The kiss starts off softer, both of your mouths moving in sync as they perfectly mold together. Hazel's tongue quickly swipes over your bottom lip, asking permission for entrance as she always does.
You immediately grant her access as you open your mouth more, her pink muscle easily slipping through to meet yours. The kiss begins to pick up as your tongues swirl together in harmony, Hazel completely dominating the kiss.
Your hands find their way around to the back of her head, your fingers threading her thick hair through them as you slightly tug on it.
Hazel slightly moans into the kiss as she bucks her hips up into you. Her simple action bumps into your open swollen pussy, which sends a jolt of pleasure through your body.
You pull back to speak, “please.” You mutter, before pushing your lips back against Hazel.
The kiss has now done a complete 180, it slowly dwindling, falling apart as it becomes more messy and sloppy. You find it hard to keep up with the movement the more you grind yourself on Hazel.
“What do you want?” Hazel questions, mumbling into this kiss. As she does so, her hands find the inside of your thighs
You whine in desperation, but also annoyance because you know she already knows what you want. She litters multiple kisses along your cheek and jaw as she waits for you to speak.
“Be a big girl and use your words.” She demands, using her hands to tug at the hem of your shirt, asking if she’s allowed to take it off.
You immediately nod, not wasting any time as you help her pull the thin material off of yourself.
As soon as the shirt falls to the ground beside your pants your nipples harden at the cool air brushing past you, sending shivers down your spine. Hazel's eyes find your bare chest, her eyes raking your entire body up and down. Fuck, how she loves your body and everything about it. the freckles and moles that are now exposed and the soon-to-be bruises sprinkled on like salt and pepper.
A small smirk is brought to her lips as she leans forward a bit, “fuckin’ perfect.” Her pupils seem to be further dilated, her beautiful blue eyes casted over by lust.
Her needy hands grab at your tits before she takes one of your nipples in between her lips. She sucks on you softly, emitting a moan from your mouth as you throw your head back in pleasure. She grazes her teeth against you, pulling at you a bit, letting you go with a ‘pop’ before moving to the other.
Her fingers circle her salvia around your nipple, rolling it in between her fingers as she licks and sucks at the other, her hand gently massaging the tit her mouth is focusing on. The need that Hazel has to make you feel good takes over her entire brain, it’s all she can think about day in and day out. The idea of seeing you a breathless and moaning mess due to the reasons of her hands leaves her enthused, hungry for more.
This time she bites into you a bit harsher before pulling back, “answer me.” Her eyes peering up at you through her long, thick eyelashes.
“I want you” You whisper, your cheeks warm as you feel empowered under her burning gaze.
“Mhm.” You nod eagerly, dragging your fingertips over her shoulders, then next her collarbones.
“I want you to use me, ride my thigh, and cum all over me.” She whispers, kissing the corner of your mouth before she leans back.
You bite into your bottom lip, trying to conceal the smile that threatens to take over your face. You begin to move to be on top of Hazel's clothed thigh, gently rocking your hips on top of her thigh, your clit feeling pressure from Hazel's muscled leg.
She pushes herself further into the chair you both are sitting on, man spreading as she props her elbows up on the sides of the car, watching you intently.
Hazel looks at you as if you’re the best thing to roam these lands, like you were an angel brought down to earth, carved and chiseled from the gods above. She worships the fucking ground you walk on like nobody else. She’s obsessed with you, even more so when she has this pretty little sight in front of her. She's practically drooling over you, and you're still focused on that bonehead who wouldn't even make you moan half the time compared to her.
With her low, hooded eyes staring at you, you feel a bit nervous but you also feel confident and content. You always feel comfortable around Hazel, there’s never a time you haven’t. Not even thinking about the possibility of people seeing you at this instance.
You try to suppress your moans as you slowly pick up your pace, bending over a bit to grab onto Hazel's broad shoulders in order to keep your balance.
Hazel brings one of her hands to your thighs before sliding it closer to your ass. She first gropes at your soft skin, then harshly leaves a slap causing you to yelp out. Feeling the cold metal of her silver-adorned hand.
You both let out a moan, “fuck, angel, you’re soaking.” She states, her eyes watching the way your hot, wet cunt runs so smoothly along her thigh.
“Feels s’good.” You vocalize, your hands moving up to your tits as you play with them in front of her, sensually moving your hips back in forth in a way that makes Hazel go feral.
She shakes her head with a smirk, “my pretty girl putting on a little show for me?” She questions, trying her best to keep her hands to herself, although she’s finding it almost impossible as she continues to yearn for the feeling of your skin under hers.
Hazel's eyes continuously fluctuate in between your own, your tits, and your pussy using her to get off. Her own arousal beginning to dampen her boxers. Just watching you could cause Hazel to completely fall apart.
After a while of her letting you do your thing, allowing yourself to build up an orgasm, that fiery feeling burning deep in the pit of your stomach, just on the brink of falling over, you find yourself losing your pace.
“F-Fuck, Hazel. I’m gonna cum.” You whine, desperately chasing after your orgasm as you use Hazel for your own personal high.
“Yeah, baby? Gonna make a mess all over me?” She tilts her head, running her tongue along her cheek as she watches you begin to experience your orgasm, you simply nodding your head in response. "Fuck I bet Brody doesn't make you scream this loud"
Hazel moves one of her hands, pressing a thumb closer to the top of your clit for more stimulation. You let out a loud moan, searching your brain for words to help you process the pleasure radiating through your body.
“You like that?” She questions, already knowing the answer, cockiness swarming her attitude.
You can only let out a string of whines and whimpers, any words only coming out as a stammer. You slowly fall apart in front of her, your body getting weaker the faster she moves her finger against you.
“Listen to yourself whimper.” Hazel grins, “its fucking pathetic.” The blue eyed girl whispers, although she knows you could do anything to her and she’d melt in your hands.
“P-Please.” You meekly whine, continuing to move your hips back and forth on top of her. slowly leaning your exposed chest to your clothed one.
“C’mon, baby, cum for me.” Her soft voice guides you, finally pushing you over as your orgasm crashes into you.
It takes over every one of your senses and washes over you like a tsunami, crashing into you hard. Your vision turns white as your body spasms on top of Hazel, your cum rolling down her thigh as you make a complete mess on her.
“Fuck, sweet girl.” She groans, finally pulling her hand back as she stares at your arousal coating her thigh.
You let out breath, your body relaxing into hers, a layer of sweat sticking to your skin. You look down yourself, feeling a bit embarrassed as the orgasm fades away.
Hazel can sense that as she lifts your chin, forcing you to look at her, a reassuring look lingering in her eyes. She never wants you to be ashamed, she wants you to feel good. Always.
"that was hot" you say tucking your bottom lip between your top lip. Hazel eagerly grabs your phone to take a picture of the two of you fucked out, your bare shoulders exposed, and your messy tangled hair. quickly sending it to Brody
"Whoops my finger slipped," Hazel says earning a punch and a giggle from you
you quickly get a message from PJ and Josie of a picture of Hazel's car from the outside showing the steamy windows, paired with a message woah hazel gets action?
which made Hazel laugh and take a picture of the car from the inside of you and her kissing accompanied with her action ;p which made the phone actually overheat by the mass amount of messages from both parties. at one point you could hear the screams and jumps from outside the car
Hazel Callahan x reader (pretty sure if i don't add that it won't pop up on the tag :c)
taglist: @shaddyluvs @why-cant-we-all-get-along
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taehyunsluvr · 3 months
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ Boy Next Door ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
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warnings: sub!soobin, afab!reader, dom!reader, making out, friends to strangers to lovers, nerd!soobin, nicknames (noona, soobie), kinda leg riding?, first time, pervert!soobin, not proofread
a/n: short, kinda a random idea but fits him. We all know he'd he such a boob guy. Theres lore guys theres lore okay trust me
Everyone labels him the "nerd" of the neighborhood because he's kind of the guy everyone uses for homework answers. Your friends, they can be a bit harsh. They sorta.. kinda.. bully him? That sounds realllyyy bad but really all they do is tease him from time to time. For small things like his glasses, the way he dresses, yk the usually things. And yeah, you've laughed along a few times. It felt wrong, but it was worth it to be friends with them.
Though he's always kinda been your friend, secretly. He helped you out with math when you were practically failing, listened to your endless rants about whatever drama was going down at school, and never asked for anything back. Thats just all he was though, always there, kind of like part of the scenery of your life you never really paid much attention to.
Then randomly at school, Soobin comes up to you. He's looks of nervous, which honestly wasn't that weird for him. He purposefully tried to meet you when your friends were getting snacks during your break.
"Y/n," he mutters, "there's something I really need to tell you." You just stare at him. You were kind of annoyed because if your friends saw you they would never shut up about you talking to him. "I like you, more than a friend like. I've felt this way for a while but didn't say anything because I know how it is with your friends..I know you laugh with them, and it's cool but we're graduating soon so I didn't want to miss the opportunity." You didn't really give him an answer. You just stared at him, mouth open slightly and with a confused expression before he walked away.
It pissed you off that he just HAD to tell you. It was awkward as HELLL and now you couldn't even ask him for help with work. And not to mention finals were like in a week. And now you stood in your kitchen, pissed of because your mom told you 5 minutes ahead of time that the Choi's would be coming to your house to have dinner. Was this a joke? Well you wanted to make the best of it. At least you could play around with him for the time you had. You tried slightly with your outfit and makeup, but no too hard. When the door opened and his family entered, you were sitting on the couch. You got up to greet them all, glancing at Soobin. He had his usual black framed glasses on, and a plain outfit.
"Hey you came." You waved slightly to him. He VERY awkwardly waved back, looking at his feet avoiding eye contact. "Mom we'll be in my room." Now this would sound suspicious if it wasn't for the fact that you've known each other since you've worn diapers. You both made your way up your stairs, and into your room. "You can sit on my bed if you want." He nodded silently. "Soo.. anything new with you?" You wanted to talk about something, ANYTHING to break this awkward suffocating feeling. It wasn't just awkward, but you were also still pissed. You weren't pissed at the fact that he abruptly confessed, but more by the fact that he didn't let you give a proper response. He constantly avoided you at school and pretended not to be home when you brought stuff over to his house for his family. Did he think he was alone with his feelings?
"Some people started a rumor at school.." He said breaking the silence again. "They said we're a couple. You raised an eyebrow. "Oh yeah? You sure you didn't start the rumor yourself?" You teased. He looked genuinely bothered. You scoweled. "What? Does it make you that unfomfortable that people think we're dating?" He quickly retorted, "N-no..! I just thought it might make you.. annoyed"
"Ill decide for myself how I feel, thanks, I dont need you deciding that."
"thats not what I meant.. I'm sorry noona.." He said repentually.
"I never even got to respond to you that day. Maybe the rumors would have been true if you let me speak." You said moving slightly closer to him on your bed. He looked confused.
"My answer is I like you too, and I do want to date you. So does that answer suit you? Or were you expecting rejection?" he paused. He felt a bit embarrassed when you so bluntly expressed your feelings to him. He wasn't expecting a positive reaction, so he felt hesitant on if he should speak or stay quite.
"H-huh?" He couldn't tell if you were teasing him or not. "If you're actually serious then why didn't you just tell me then?"
"Because you didn't give me the opportunity to. Well its good we got that out of the way. I'm actually really excited now. We can do tons of fun couple things." She said facing him.
"We-w-what?" The whole mood shifted. A moment ago you guy's were all serious, which was totally out of character for you. Soobin was taken by surprise as you leaned closer. "What 'couple things' are you talking about..?" His voice broke as he spoke.
"we could play around and.." she leaned closer to whisper to him, "I would even.. let you touch them." She leaned back away from him and laughed hysterically while cupping her chest in her hands.
Soobin felt his entire face immideitatly turn red and his heart rate shoot up. He felt like he could die from embarassment as he felt his body heat up because of the teasing. He could only slightly nod. "W-well I guess.. we can do that.."
"Oh so you're admitting to being a pervert?"
"I-it's.. not like that" He said answering quickly. "I'm not.." it was a joke you often said to him before.
"You've thought about it before haven't u? How they felt?"
"W-well.. um.. yeah.. I have thought about it.. but that doesn't make me a perv.." His face flushed even more than before.
"It totally does. But your wish is my command." She took his big hand and placed it on her chest. Soobin immediately felt a sudden warmth on his hand. It was like every nerve was being stimulated, and his breath began to become more heavy as his heart rate increased. You never knew boobs turned guys on this much. Or maybe it was just Soobin..
"You like it right?" You teased.
"W-well, I mean.. they're- they look really soft and I.." He trailed off and he was stuttering profusely. It was already too much for him to handle.
"you're already this flustered from feeling my clothed chest?' He nodded in a mix of shame and embarrassment. His face was completely red now. You wanted to test his limits. You leaned onto him, pressing a soft gentle kiss onto his lips. You just wanted to test the waters. His eyes widened in surprise as he felt the unexpected sensation. He hesitated for a moment before slowly parting his plush lips. The kiss became more rough, and you pulled his waist, so once he attempted to pull away, naturally he fell onto his back on your bed. He gasped for air, his body trembling under yours. His hands moved up to your shoulders, trying to push you away but finding it almost impossible to resist. The warm touch of your hand started to spread all around his torso as your fingers began to run over his skin. He let a groan before speaking, "M-Mmph...p-please don't.. dont't stop.." You moved your mouth down to his kneck, slowly trailing kisses down his sensitive skin.
A shiver ran down his spine, and he let out more groans as he tried to hold onto u, not wanting you to stop. You lifted up his plain tee revealing his chest. You brought one of his even more sensitive nipples into your mouth, gently sucking. Soobin let out a soft moan, and he couldn't help but arch his back slightly. You could feel his heartbeat now, and he could feel himself getting harder under your touch. You felt it. It was huge. Wasn't he the nerd everyone asked for homework answers? Why did god give him everything. Looks, brains, and a huge cock. She let out a teasing laugh.
"Somone's excited." She lifted her knee in between his legs.
"M-mhhh..mm n-noona.." His moans became even more intense as you pushed into his hard erection through his sweatpants. He couldn't hold it in anymore. "M-more..please," he managed to whisper between ragged breaths. She gave attention to his swollen nipple while still pushing her knee into him. The sensations were overwhelming. His body trembled. He pressed his hips forward in an attempt to get closer to the sensation you were creating. "Fuck.. I can't take m-more.." His voice strained. "Mm.." He tried to hold back, but as soon as he felt your hand slip down under his sweatpants onto his hardness he couldn't help but make noises of pleasure.
"Shhh.. these walls aren't sound proof soobie." You told him, knowing there was no way anyone downstairs could hear if they couldn't hear your blasting music that you usually played on your speaker. His body tensed up and he felt himself about to climax, his hips bucking forward. "noona I'm- I-" With a suppressed and strained moan he released his seed into his sweatpants, panting heavily as the wave of pleasure washed over him. He took a second to fully come down to realize the situation. His legs still twitching, he felt both incredibly embarrassed and incredibly speechless.
"Oh- by the way I'm sorry for laughing with my friends.. before.." She had a complete 360 in the way she treated him but he didn't even seem to notice-- or care. "I-i don't even care anymore." He said calmly. "Can you grab me a tissue?"
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tkaulitzlvr · 10 months
Hiii can you please do a Tom Kaulitz smut where him and the reader have been friends for a long time and they just do it for pleasure and then maybe some feelings get involved 😉 TYSMMM 😘
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synopsis: you and tom have been friends with benefits for a while. but, you soon begin to realise that you have caught feelings, distancing yourself from him as a way to disguise them. it doesn’t take him long to realise this, and he is determined to find out why.
content: smut, angst and fluff all in one.
a/n: thank you for requesting, i hope you like it!
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tom had been sending me suggestive glances the entire night from across the table, his eyes basically undressing me, scanning the way my figure looked in the small white dress i was wearing, leaving little to the imagination - not that he had to imagine anything anyways, he had seen it all before.
we weren’t dating, no. we were quite good friends actually - friends that fucked, all the time. i couldn’t remember when or how this thing had started, but once it began, it never stopped. at first, i enjoyed it, the sex far better than i had imagined, and i liked that it was just sex. but lately, i couldn’t ignore the nagging feeling that i wanted it to be more than that, more than a quick hookup when we were both horny, the convenience of it all meaning that tom came to me more and more, wanting the same thing each time. whenever he was inside me, whispering sweet nothings into my ears in the heat of the moment, my mind tricked me into thinking he actually meant it, causing me to fall deeper and deeper, my feelings now far beyond my control.
i had started to distance myself from him, which pissed me off a little, angry at myself for letting me catch feelings in the first place. we had a strong friendship, and i didn’t just miss the sex, i missed him. but, i had to put my sadness aside to try and get rid of these feelings, knowing that it would only end in upset, declining all of his offers to fuck these past few weeks. it didn’t take him long to grow suspicious, having never saying no to a quick hook up before. it was easy to reject his offers over text, but i knew that tonight, now that we were face to face, i wouldn’t be able to say no, our group of friends all at a random club bill had suggested. the fact that i hadn’t spoken to him all night confirmed that i was avoiding him, and judging by the way his eyes wouldn’t leave mine, it was obvious that he planned to get to the bottom of it.
i had missed tom. it was impossible to deny the way my heart ached when i saw him walk through the doors, secretly glad that he was here, silently screaming with excitement when bill had told me he was coming. it was strange to go from seeing someone all the time, fucking them basically everyday, to being lucky to see them once a week. but i had no one else to blame but myself, and the way i couldn’t pull away from his gaze, the sexual tension between us so thick it was almost visible, made it totally obvious that the distance i had forced between us didn’t work, my feelings for him still as strong as they were - if not stronger.
he looked good. i had always thought he was attractive, long before we had started hooking up. i couldn’t tell if it was the fact that i hadn’t seen him in so long, or the alcohol in my system, but tonight, he looked better than ever. his face was stern, jaw clenched and mouth shut, decorated with his usual black lip ring, eyes hooded as they stared into mine, filled with lust. his black braids resting on his shoulders, a black bandana tied on his forehead, dressed in all black, his baggy jeans almost falling from his figure - i wanted nothing more than to see what was underneath, craving him. and i could see that he wanted it too, shuffling every so often and adjusting his jeans.
he looks directly into my eyes, using his head to gesture towards the bathroom, knowing exactly what he was getting at. i quickly shake my head, wanting nothing more than to feel him inside me, but the more rational part of me reminds me that i should stay strong, hooking up with him in a random bathroom never a smart idea, especially when i am trying to get over him. he furrows his eyebrows, tilting his head to the side, repeating his motion and once again signalling towards the bathroom, knowing that i will give in eventually.
he stands up, clearing his throat, quietly muttering that he is going to the bathroom, sending a final glance in my direction before heading off. i wait a minute or so, not wanting to cause any suspicions, before adjusting my dress and standing up.
“i’m getting another drink, anybody want one?” i ask, watching everyone shake their head and mutter a small ‘no thanks’, silently glad that they have declined, knowing that they wouldn’t be getting that drink.
i turn around quickly, making sure that nobody is watching me, before pushing my way through the drunken crowds, until i reach the bathroom, pushing the heavy door open. it only takes a few seconds for me to be spun around and pressed against the wall, tom harshly connecting his lips to mine, locking the door whilst he does so. his hands knead the flesh of my thighs, pushing me into him repeatedly, grinding me against his clothed dick, lifting me up and hoisting me against the wall, all whilst his lips continue to work against mine.
he pulls away, only to attach his lips to my neck, planting rough and open mouthed kisses to my skin, ragged sighs escaping from my mouth, an aching feeling spreading through my inner thighs as my need for him only grows, any determination to resist him now lost as the only thing on my mind is getting him inside of me.
i feel him harden against me, confirming the need as totally mutual, tom wanting me as much as i do him. after all, he had asked to fuck multiple times, it was me that had declined lately. but he holds out, getting me a little more riled up, taking advantage of the way he has me under his control, his hands hungrily roaming my body, having not done this for so long, completely thanks to my stubbornness. his lips remain at my neck, leaving no part of it untouched, biting harshly at the skin before running his tongue over it, soothing the stinging pain that his teeth leave.
“so…” he trails off, continuing to attack my neck with his lips, sucking on the skin after, leaving marks as he clearly doesn’t care how rough he is being. “wanna explain why you’ve been ignoring me, hm?”
he sucks on my neck between each word, his tongue smoothing over the skin as he awaits my response, not slowing down his motions.
“i wasn’t ignoring you-” i breathe out, a small moan cutting off my speech as his lips hit my sweet spot, his mouth curving into a smirk against it once he hears my response.
“don’t lie to me.” he begins, moving my panties to the side and inserting one finger into me, watching my mouth fall open, a low whine emitting from my lips. “you’ve been avoiding me, why?”
he reiterates his question, staring directly into my eyes, waiting for me to respond. a satisfied smile rests on his face as he watches the way i try to speak, failing miserably once he adds another finger, curling them both slightly. he is satisfied with the way he messes with my mind, teasing me as my face contorts in pleasure, his eyes scanning my features, my mouth hung open, eyes squeezed shut.
“why do you care?” i moan out, feeling a knot begin to form in my stomach as he knows exactly how to get me there, his fingers curling in the right place, finding my g-spot and hitting it repeatedly, my walls instinctively clenching around them. he picks up on this, removing his fingers and staring into my eyes as he brings them to his mouth, licking the juices on them and smiling at my response. he removes them from his lips with a pop, dragging them down my own mouth as all i can do is watch him, the wetness between my thighs increasing as i know that i can’t handle being teased like this for much longer - becoming more frustrated than anything.
“changing the subject, hm? just tell me, why are you trying to stay away from me?” he asks, also clearly done with teasing me as he grabs his belt. my eyes fall to his hands, watching the veins in them flex as he roughly pulls the belt from the loops in his jeans, wanting nothing else than his fingers inside of me. he undoes the button of his jeans, letting them pool at his feet, not even bothering to fully take them off as his boxers soon follow.
his hands reach for the zipper of my dress as he pulls it downwards, letting the material fall to the ground, his tongue finding its way to his lip ring as he plays with it, scanning my body with eyes full of lust. he takes me in his arms, placing me on the counter, the coldness causing me to shiver a little. he messes with the hem of my panties, his fingers dipping in and out of them, eyes glued to mine as he watches me try to hold back small moans, before roughly pulling them down and throwing them on the floor somewhere. he spreads my legs with one hand, giving him space to move in between them, wasting no time in positioning himself at my entrance, his head moving to my breasts as he buries it into them, kissing and biting at the skin.
“maybe i didn’t want to see you.” i respond, lying through my teeth. i feel him smirk against me, a small laugh escaping from his lips as he pulls his head from my breasts, looking into my eyes and shaking his head, knowing that i am not telling the truth. he knows me way better than most people, the fact that we have been friends long before this often stabbing me in the back, this a perfect example of him being able to read me like a book, able to easily decipher the fact that i am lying.
he slides into me, my mouth falling open as my walls stretch to accustom to his size, forgetting how good he feels inside of me, wondering how i had lasted this long without him, his touch a drug, making me act out in ways i cannot explain, my mind far past seeing him as just a quick fuck. no matter how much i lie to his face, i know that i can’t escape the way i feel, completely hopeless, unable to stay away, the way he strokes in and out of me showing me exactly why i need him. his head falls back as he drags his teeth into his lips, a low groan coming from him as he bottoms out, his dick fully inside of me.
“bullshittt.” he drags out, a small smirk still tugging on his lips. “you and i both know you enjoy this as much as i do. so tell me, what’s the real reason?”
he starts out slow, his thrusts strong, building up a steady pace as he waits for my response, expecting me to continue the conversation as if his dick isn’t inside me. he knows that i am unable to respond, high-pitched moans the only thing spilling from my mouth, his name a mantra, pouring from my lips as he hits all the right places, knowing that he is the only one that can fuck me this good.
“cat got your tongue, huh?” he mocks, his hand finding its way around my neck, applying enough pressure for small whines to leave my mouth, but not enough to hurt me. he laughs at my silence, any confidence i had now lost as i am willingly a puppet attached to his strings, allowing myself to be at his mercy if it means that he will carry on fucking me this good.
i try to respond, but each attempt comes out as a choked moan, tom giving me the benefit of the doubt, speeding up his pace and deciding to pleasure me, saving the questions for later, partly because he is desperate himself, chasing his own release.
“fuck- missed this pussy. missed you so much baby. you feel so good.” he moans, lips finding mine in a sloppy kiss.
my heart twists at his words, butterflies dancing in my stomach as him saying he missed me is almost enough to make me cum on the spot, telling me that my distance wasn’t completely for nothing. but, it doesn’t take me long to come to my senses, soon realising that he didn’t miss me at all, this is his way of sweet talking me, keeping me coming back to him - it is his words that stop me from leaving, addicted to his utterances of praise, knowing that they are nothing but lies.
“no you didn’t.” i moan out, accidentally speaking my mind.
i don’t think he processes what i say, managing a small ‘huh’, his pace never slowing down as he continues to hit the places where i long to feel him most.
“you didn’t miss me- fuck! stop lying.” i groan, struggling to speak properly, high off of the feeling of his dick.
“i did. needed you so bad- but you wouldn’t give in. drove me fucking crazy.” he confesses, placing both his hands on my ass and pushing me in and out of him as my body now meets his harsh thrusts, only intensifying the feeling as his words send me into oblivion, the things that he is saying exactly what i want to hear, yet i am reluctant to believe them.
“tried so hard to forget about you. nobody else feels as good as you do baby- just wanted you.”
he continues to feed my delusions, thrusting in and out of me, his pace much faster as i can tell he is close. but, behind the pleasure, i somehow feel sad, longing for his words to be true, my eyes welling up as i become angry, tired of him making me feel like he actually wants me, just for us to go back to being friends until he is horny again the next night.
“stop saying shit like this, you know you don’t mean it.” i breathe out, my voice shaky as the tears spill out of my eyes.
he looks upwards, noticing my sad expression, his eyebrows furrowing as he stops thrusting, staying inside me as he catches his breath.
“woah woah, what’s going on?” he asks, repeatedly pecking my lips whilst the tears continue to fall, the moment of intimacy completely lost as i start to feel nothing but embarrassment for breaking down, becoming so vulnerable in front of him. but, before all of this, he was and still is my friend - his look of concern reminding me that he does care about me, but not in the way i want him to.
“is this why you’ve been avoiding me?” he starts, pulling out of me and grabbing his jeans, quickly putting them on, not bothering with a shirt yet. i sit naked on the counter, sobbing my heart out, a complete and utter mess. i can do nothing but nod my head, tom looking even more confused than before, unable to connect the dots. “talk to me, seriously, you’re acting so strange lately, what’s going on with you?”
“just- forget it. it’s stupid.” i mutter, hopping down from the counter, grabbing my panties and slipping them on. i find my dress, picking it up; just about to put it on before tom’s hand is placed on my shoulder, turning me to face him.
“it’s not stupid. we went from fucking everyday to not talking for days, so there’s clearly something wrong. i’m not leaving until you tell me what’s wrong.” he states, moving his body so that he is against the door, leaning against it and basically trapping me in.
“it really doesn’t matter tom-”
“you’re upset. you matter to me, so stop downplaying this and just talk to me.” he softly says, another lie pouring from his lips, anger surging through my body as he unknowingly carries on hurting me.
“there you go again! stop fucking lying to me!” i quickly shout, my emotions getting the better of me as he looks back at me, confusion evident on his face.
“what do you mean lie to you? when have i ever lied to you?” he asks, totally oblivious, pissing me off even more.
“you can’t be fucking serious - literally every time we fuck! you tell me all this shit, that you miss me, that i’m your favourite, no one makes you feel like i do, but it’s all just bullshit!” i pour out my feelings to him as he listens, taking in every word i say, his expression becoming even more puzzled. “you say these things to me, then you go back to treating me like a friend, and i can’t take it anymore tom. i just- i can’t.”
he stays silent, a breathy sigh escaping his lips as he leans his head against the door, looking upwards at the ceiling.
“who says it’s bullshit, hm?” he finally says, his eyes meeting mine. he looks a little hurt, offended at my words.
my eyebrows furrow, lips parting slightly as i try to comprehend what he has just said. “what do you mean?” is all i can ask, my eyes glossy as tears threaten to fall.
he says nothing, deciding actions speak louder than words. instead, he steps forward, cupping my face in his hands, softly colliding his lips with mine. it is not filled with lust, no sexual intent behind it, like the kisses we share usually are. it is filled with passion, warm and comforting, unlike anything he has ever shown me before.
“i mean that nothing i’ve ever said to you is a lie.”
i stay quiet, in disbelief of his sudden confession as it is totally unexpected, not sure what to say in response, still hesitant to believe he is telling the truth.
“why do you think i always come back to you? you know i’m not one to stay with one girl. but i stuck with you. i know that we were just fucking, but to me, it’s more, it’s always been more. i care for you more than those girls i hook up with. you’re so much more than that.” he speaks slowly, stroking the skin of my cheek with his thumb, letting each word sink in, meaning every single one.
“i don’t know tom- do you mean it?” i ask, still hesitant.
he nods his head, kissing my forehead gently before pulling me into a hug, resting his chin on my head, his embrace providing me with all the security i need as he confirms the truth of his words, holding me tightly, his next sentence causing my heart to swell.
“i want to be with you.”
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requests are open! keep sending them in!!
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dokries · 4 days
Hi! I was wondering if I could request a secretly dating in a friend group fic possibly with the prompt “Not sure I can go the whole day without kissing you." Or like they get caught by someone else in the friend group. I was thinking either Seungkwan or Hao. A little angsty/ comforting and pretty fluffy! I love all of your drabbles they’re so fun to read. Thank you!
no need to hide
pairing: boo seungkwan x gender neutral reader
genre: fluff, comfort, established (secret) relationship
word count: 805
warnings: reader feeling a little insecure, a few kisses, chan is bullied as always
author note: thank you for requesting anon ! it means so much to me that you love my work 🫶 honestly this was a really cool idea to write, and i hope you like it :> (let me know if you do by dropping an ask!)
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you and seungkwan haven’t told the others about the fact that you’re dating just yet, and you know he wishes he could be open about it.
after all, he loves public affection, even with just his friends. you’ll always see him hanging off of vernon’s shoulder or holding joshua’s hand—or yours but that’s something he can only do in private. he would rather be loud and proud of his love for you, and not have to keep it hidden in glances and smiles across the room.
when you told seungkwan that you didn’t want to tell the others, he had asked you why, adjusting his shoulder so your head was more comfortable as you watched whatever romcom he had put on for your first inaugural date night.
“i just…listen,” you paused the movie, sitting upright so you could face your boyfriend. “i do love you but i don’t want anything to happen in case we find out that we don’t want to date anymore. like—of course, i don’t want us to break up but we’re still so new.”
seungkwan hesitated before reaching out to hold your hands in his, saying your name softly. “yeah, i get what you mean but…i hope you know that i don’t think we’ll end up like that, and the guys wouldn’t hate us for it or anything, if that’s what you’re worried about.”
you sighed, moving back to rest your head on his shoulder once again, and he placed a kiss on your temple. “your feelings are valid, trust me. so maybe we can see in a few weeks—or months, if that’s what you prefer, sweetie?”
you nodded and he smiled, putting the movie back on.
right now though, he can see you don’t want to be at seungcheol’s apartment with everyone else. you look uncomfortable beside him so he silently takes your hand, and your shoulders immediately are more relaxed as you squeeze back a thanks.
as the night progresses, you seem to feel better, and he makes a mental note to question you about what’s wrong later, when they’re not around everyone else. that time comes earlier than he thought it would though, as you message him after saying you were going to get a drink of water.
you ❙
kwannie can you come to the kitchen?
we need to talk
my boo 🫶 ❙
on my way ♡
he excuses himself from his conversation with vernon to follow you, and he smiles nervously at you near the sink.
“sweetie, is something wrong?” he asks, taking your hand again.
you shake your head before changing your mind and nodding. “i uh…i have something i need to say.”
seungkwan looks at you worriedly, and squeezes your hand, urging you to go on. “what’s up?”
you quickly kiss him on the cheek, and grin at his shocked face. “i just needed to see you so we could, you know…be lovey dovey.”
seungkwan smiles back at you before kissing you on the lips, and tucking your hair behind your ear.
“i get it.” he smirks, before whispering, “i’m not sure if i could go the whole day without kissing you at least once.”
you giggle and he moves to hug you, and continues to litter your face with kisses until you hear a clang, and you both look up, alarmed at the faces of minghao, and seokmin, who just dropped his plate on the ground—thankfully, it’s made of plastic, so it only bounces off the hardwood floor.
“um…” seungkwan starts, looking at you again before up at his two friends, gulping.
you break away from seungkwan, and without thinking, intertwine your hands again, taking a protective stance.
seungkwan looks at you in confusion as you start to speak. “uh, we have something to tell you.”
minghao raises an eyebrow at your hands. “clearly.”
seungkwan grins, squeezing your hand. “we’re dating!” he looks at you giddily before running out of the kitchen to the living room, where most of the guys stare at you—except jeonghan because he’s napping. he’s seungkwan’s roommate, so he probably already knows anyway, and was keeping it a secret for the two of you.
he looks at you and melts, and everyone in the room groans, already knowing how lovestruck seungkwan’s been since the beginning, even before you started dating.
“finally!” chan says, holding his hands up to the ceiling. “thank you!”
seungkwan glares at chan before turning back to you, your friend group already moving on—to be honest, they already kind of knew; the two of you aren’t as slick as you think you are.
your boyfriend boops your nose before making space for the two of you on the couch to cuddle, kicking chan off despite his protests.
you kiss seungkwan on the cheek, and smile. “hey, at least we don’t have to hide anymore, right?”
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simpforboys · 10 months
dating canon!rafe…
warnings: mentions of aggression, mental health issues, swearing, drug abuse, alcohol abuse, and sexual themes. please seek help if you or someone you know is struggling.
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you two met a kegger, and his deep blue eyes drew you in immediately
he was drawn to your body and looks for the most part. he truly believed you would be a cute little accessory on his arm, someone he could manipulate and use
he was high off of cocaine when he approached you, seeming completely out of it
but he was so persistent on taking you out, you accepted the kook prince’s advance
on the first date he was very touchy
he would touch your hips, thighs, arms
you didn’t really mind though, because it’d been awhile since you got laid and rafe was one of, if not the most attractive man on the island
you’d heard plenty of rumors and stories about the Cameron family, but didn’t really pay attention
you two slept together on the first date.
and then it became a regular thing. he would hit you up in the early hours of the morning, and every time you would go.
and he was an amazing fuck, so you didn’t really mind, but when you realized that all he cared about was your looks you freaked out on him
“don’t call me! don’t fucking text me, dick head!”
“oh save it, bitch!”
it took a couple weeks… until Rafe showed up at your house unannounced
you had your shirt taken off, another man kissing down your chest when Rafe literally busted the door down
he literally almost killed the guy. multiple punches thrown, kicks, and broken bones.
“get the fuck out, you worthless piece of shit! look at her again and i’ll kill you!”
that was the first time you’d really seen anyone have pure rage, and it scared you
Rafe finally asked you to be his girlfriend, and knew that you were scared to decline
a few months in, you met Ward, Rose, Wheezie, and Sarah. but it was very brief, as Rafe secretly didn’t want his family to ruin you
while at first he saw you as someone to benefit from, he started caring more and more about you
he would constantly need to know where you were. your location, who you’re with, etc.
if he finds out you lied he gets pissed
but the sex after is like….. meow
when all the pressure around getting the cross gets too much, and all the drama w his dad, he would get colder with you
like stop responding to your messages and just basically become distant
he would smoke and drink a lot to try to contain his emotions
but one night you showed up to Tannyhill unannounced and saw Rafe crying
his dad had basically just told him to “man up” for expressing that he isn’t okay mentally
and you were fucking pissed
your first thought was to show Ward Cameron your two fists, but you realized how bad Rafe was
for the first time ever, Rafe broke down in your arms
“i try so hard… i’ll never be one of his precious daughters. and it- it fucks me up. i’m not okay, y/n.”
“i know, Rafe. i’m here, okay? i’m here to help you.”
you held him all night while he sobbed, and the emotional side you saw to him made you reevaluate yourself
while you knew how fucking toxic he was- you couldn’t help but grow to love him
there were some moments where he was sweet. he would buy you flowers, gifts, shower you with affection
but then he would grow distant
you had a strong suspicion he was a sociopath, but you knew he was struggling
so you stayed. and every time you stayed
he only had gotten physical with you once. you were shouting rude things about his dad and he grabbed you roughly, his eyes full of rage
that was the first time you truly were scared of him, and he knew it
he would glare at you momentarily, then realize what he was doing and let you go
the next day he would bring you breakfast
he began to fall in love with you when he saw you with your little cousin
seeing how nurturing you were with your cousin made him realize how truly lucky he was to be with you, even through all the shit he’s put you in
so basically… rafe is toxic af but he kinda cares so
yes, i would marry you rafe. thank you. bye.
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wileys-russo · 11 months
We’ve seen that Tooney and Lessi are doing an escape room on bbc.
Would it be possible for you to do a fic where the reader goes for one with alessia but a really scary one?
They can be going to the escape room as a date or as friends that have been secretly in love with each other?
jumpscare II a.russo
"hello!" you jumped as a pair of cold hands grabbed at your hips, warm lips ghosting your ear, startling you as you dropped your phone from the shock, the device thankfully landing on the soft carpet beneath your feet.
"alessia! don't do that." you exhaled shakily and smacked her on the arm, turning to face the grinning blonde who bent down to grab your phone, quick to snatch it back off of her with a roll of your eyes.
"where's tooney?" the striker asked having known ella had driven you here, glancing over your shoulder and looking around for her partner in crime. "oh hi y/n, how are you? oh i'm so good thank you for asking alessia, how are you? oh you're well, thats fantastic!" you mocked her lack of greeting sarcastically, it now being her turn to roll her eyes.
"i said hello." the striker defended with a teasing smile, pulling you into a tight hug. "no you scared me and on purpose! you know i already don't want to be here." you grumbled into her shoulder, the taller girl rubbing your back comfortingly, ella having somehow convinced a group of your team mates to do a horror themed escape room on your day off.
"it'll be fine! it's just a bit of fun." alessia assured you as the two of you pulled apart, alessia secretly wishing she didn't need to let go.
the blonde having had a mild gigantic crush on you pretty much ever since she laid eyes on you when you'd been signed at the beginning of the season a few months ago.
however she treasured your fast developing friendship much more, and had spent weeks now trying to swallow the flutter of butterflies that erupted in her stomach every time you even looked in her direction.
don't get her started on when you smiled at her, laughed at something she said or did, fell asleep on her shoulder on long bus rides, the striker swooned at the simplest of interactions with you, and it killed her that the more she tried to push down these feelings the stronger they only seemed to grow.
though somehow unbeknownst to her, you were struggling with the same problem, too fearful confessing your feelings would push the blonde away and you'd rather be her friend than nothing at all.
both your mutual pining however did not go unnoticed by your friends and team mates, almost all of whom had tried to individually encourage the both of you to just ask the other out on a date.
but both of your insistence that the other would not share your own feelings meant mary and millie having to physically wrestle ella to the ground on a number of occasions to stop her from meddling and telling the both of you of the others privately confessed feelings to try and speed up the process.
though that didn't stop ella from meddling in her own more subtle ways, and with some convincing she had roped in maya and lucia to help her, and it was safe to say it was no mere coincidence that ella had suggested this specific escape room.
it was why she had forgotten failed to mention to the two of you that each of the rooms only allowed 6 people in each, and so making sure to check your group of 8 in ahead of time, it had meant you and alessia would be in your own room, alone.
though her plan was coming along (in her mind) brilliantly smooth, it didn't take long for mary to catch on as she stood beside the younger girl, assisting checking in your group.
"tooney we told you not to meddle." the goal keeper sighed, sending the brunette a pointed look of disappointment. "oh come on mary not the mum look!" ella rolled her eyes, sending the attendant a thankful smile and calling out to the rest of your group to come over so he could explain the rules, mary wincing at the volume of her shouts and sending an apologetic smile to an older couple who looked over unimpressed.
admittedly you hadn't paid very much attention when the attendant was explaining the rules, too busied with glancing at alessia out of the corner of your eye as the blonde rested her head on her fist, freshly dyed blonde hair tied back into her usual neat ponytail.
she was dressed quite casually, clad only in a pair of black leggings and a light blue denim jacket with a grey hoodie underneath, however she somehow made them look runway worthy, the girl could wear a bin bag and you'd still stare at her with your usual love sick gaze.
what you somehow failed to miss, was that with every fleeting moment your gaze was drawn back to the attendant and away from alessia, alessias own piercing blue eyes would flicker toward you.
a soft smile settled on her face as she watched you nod along with the attendants words, chewing on your bottom lip as the blonde knew you often did when trying to concentrate, a habit she'd tried to break you out of but it was to no use.
alike to her you were also dressed quite casually, clad in a pair of ripped blue jeans and an oversized black nike jumper, alessias smile softening as she noticed you tuck your hands into the sleeves which were a few centimeters too long.
the girls eyes wandered over your form, lingering a few seconds too long on the slivers of tanned skin that peeked out from the small distressed rips on the tops of your thighs, mary having already taken the mick out of you for the choice of pants, particularly the gaping holes around your knees. the older girl mockingly assuring you if you so desperately needed some new jeans she would buy you a proper pair, millie joining in and teasing she would bring over some bug spray to kill the moths in your closet which had obviously been feasting on your clothes.
you simply shoved them at their comments with a playful roll of your eyes, the attendant walking the eight of you over to the rooms. "well, good luck girls!" mary clapped both you and alessia on the back, neither you nor alessia having heard the attendant explain that due to their numbers policy the two of you had been nominated to do a different room alone.
"what?" the two of you echoed in sync, eyebrows furrowed into a confused frown. "only six to a room so we're in here, you two in there. same rules for each room just different challenges and back stories." mary explained with a shrug, hurrying off into the door beside you after the others, it closed behind her with a gentle thud as both you and alessia looked to one another with wide eyes.
"go on girls, times started!" the attendant encouraged with a nod of his head as both your gazes flickering up to the thirty minute timer above your head, the man hurrying the two of you inside with a clap, the door closing behind you before you'd even had time to process what was happening.
"oh god i hate this already." you forced yourself to take a deep breath, eyes slowly adjusting to the dimly lit room. "jesus christ!" you jumped as the tv on the wall snapped on, an elderly man with a deep bloodied cut across his neck slowly explaining how he was one of the many residents murdered here in the asylum, kick starting the story of your room and setting into motion what your challenge was.
"we're already five minutes in we best get to it." alessia nodded to a small door which had swung open from inside the fireplace, stepping one foot inside as your anxiety escalated.
"less I really don't know if i can do this." you shook your head firmly, feet rooted to the ground as you balled your fists by your side, heart hammering in your chest as your eyes darted nervously around the room.
"you'll be fine, come on!" alessia held out her hand toward you, wiggling her ring clad fingers expectantly as you quickly shook your head, stood still where you were.
you jumped again as a loud wicked cackle sounded throughout the room, shooting over towards alessia and grabbing her hand as alessias breath hitched, a bolt of electricity shooting through her as your fingers intertwined with hers.
"hey, look at me." she squeezed your hand gently, your eyes flickering to hers which shone with obvious concern. "if you want to we can leave and just wait for the others outside, i won't make you do anything you're not comfortable with." alessia promised softly, not having realised how terrified you actually were until this very moment.
hearing the sincerity in her words your face softened and once more you swooned, memory flickering back to how excited alessia was about doing the escape room at training yesterday. and just as she didn't want you to do this if you were scared, you didn't want her to have to miss out just for your own sake.
"no it's okay, you were really looking forward to this less and i don't want to be a buzzkill. i'll be fine, i just might have to break your hand." you smiled guiltily, holding up your intertwined fingers as alessia grinned.
"we could do another one that isn't themed on a murder in a mental asylum, please don't feel you have to do this for my sake." alessia assured but you shook your head, affirming you would be okay.
"come on, we've only got twenty minutes and if tooney beats us we won't hear the end of it." you joked, alessia firmly agreeing with a laugh, the two of you making your way into the next room.
"oh fuck me dead." you mumbled to yourself, eyes widening at the statues surrounding you, your anxiety peaking as you wondered if any of them were real people which would in time jump out at you.
doing your best to swallow that fear you followed alessias lead, the two of you searching around for four small keys to unlock your next clue. you let out a scream and shot backwards as a toy doll shot out of the small wooden jewellery box you had opened, strong hands wrapping around your waist to save you from falling.
"thanks!" you exhaled nervously, skin burning where alessias hands had just touched you beneath your jumper, the blonde quick to let you go after you'd steadied yourself.
"oh got the last one!" the striker announced happily as she grabbed the key out of an abandoned dusty gumboot, unlocking the chest and wincing as it opened to be full of fake severed limbs and heads. "er that's rank." you cringed, the girl quickly snatching out your next clue and slamming the chest shut.
mumbling the clue over and over to herself her blue eyes scanned the room, brightening as she spotted what she was after, hurrying over to the book case in the corner, yanking on an encyclopedia as an alarm sounded and it split in half.
"secret door!" alessia grinned at you excitedly, and you melted at the sincere happiness in her face, grabbing her hand as she offered it to you and following her into the next room.
"how is this worse!" you whispered in shock as you stepped out from into what appeared to be a meat locker. "thank god we're not vegetarians." alessia joked playfully, trying to lighten the mood as she began to look around for your next clue.
she nearly fell over as you let out a blood curdling scream, a man with a bloodied apron, slasher mask and a chain saw jumping out from a hidden door in the wall, yelling at the both of you as he waved the chainsaw around in your direction.
quick to react alessia pulled you in behind her, an arm wrapping tightly around your torso as the man let out a loud twisted laugh and disappeared back where he had come from, the lights cutting out only leaving a faint red glow from the LED strips lining the roof.
"are you okay??" alessia asked softly, turning around and gently placing her hands either side of your face, forcing you to look at her as you nodded, pale as a sheet. "i think we should lea-" alessia started to speak until you let out a gasp and smacked her on the shoulder.
"next clue!" you managed to spit out, gently removing her hands from your face and turning her around, nudging her to look at the ceiling where there was a number of arrows made of glow sticks pointing in different directions.
"is there a wheel or a lock or something we can turn?" you wondered aloud, fumbling your way around the walls trying to find something as alessia followed your lead, crying out victoriously as she found a loose brick she was able to turn.
"left, right, down, left, up!" you recited as you hurried to her side, the blonde twisting the brick in the desired directions as a loud hiss sounded and the wall began to part.
"you did it!" alessia beamed proudly, grabbing your hand and squeezing tightly as the two of you hurried into the next room, the attendant announcing you only had ten minutes remaining.
"we're looking for the jars of tablets with these five symbols on them, then we need to place the jars in that safe over there and close it, that'll open the next door." alessia informed as her eyes scanned over the instructions on the wall, the two of you hurrying to frantically search around.
"times nearly up girls!" another actor jumped out from the door you had both just came from, this one clad in a white lab coat smeared with blood, a machette in his hand as he smacked the large knife a few times against the safe with a menancing grin and lunged at the two of you before running back the way he came.
both caught off guard you let out screams, frantically grabbing one another. though of course alessia, clumsy as ever, tripped over the book she had dropped from her grip and stumbled, falling to the floor as she tugged you with her, you landing on top of her with a soft grunt.
"sorry!" alessia apologized quickly, cheeks flushing rosy pink with embarrassment, both at her own actions and at the close proximity you were both squished into in the dimly lit room.
"i told you i needed to wrap you in bubble wrap." you teased with a soft chime of laughter, the stumble having actually helped ease your nerves, able to find amusement in the blondes consistently clumsy behaviors.
alessias heart began to hammer hard in her chest, your faces so close to one another she could count the freckles which dotted the bridge of your nose. "less." you breathed out softly, a hot blush creeping down the back of your neck as the amusement was replaced with nerves as you also registered the situation you were in.
"can i kiss you?" you blurted out suddenly, tips of your ears burning bright red as the reality of what you'd just said dawned on you. with a mortified shake of your head you tried to stand, alessias arms quick to wrap around you, tugging your body back down to press tightly against her own.
"please." the older girl almost begged, eyes frantically searching yours for any hint that you didn't mean what you'd just said. not wasting another second you closed the small gap between the two of you, pressing your lips to hers.
if alessia felt butterflies when you looked at her, the feeling of your warm lips pressed against hers sent her mind and body into a catastrophic meltdown.
her calloused hands slid up the back of your jumper, gripping at the bare skin of your back as if you could disappear at a moments notice if she didn't keep a firm enough hold on you.
right as alessia's tongue began to explore your mouth the two of you beginning to fight for control of the kiss, a loud siren sounded and you quickly pulled away, sitting up and placing hands over your ears at the intrusive noise.
alessia did the same, trying to ignore the wildfire raging away in her stomach from the kiss she had yearned over for months now.
"time's up girls." the attendant informed awkwardly over the PA, the siren cutting off as the lights turned back on and your cheeks burned bright red as you realized the position you and alessia were in.
hurrying to your feet you held out a hand, assisting her up as the two of you made your way back to the beginning, not a single sound uttered between the two of you the entire way.
you let out a breath you hadn't realized you were holding in as the two of you stepped out of the first room, quick to notice the rest of your friends waiting a few feet away chatting among themselves.
"losers! looosers!" tooney began to chant tauntingly as you and alessia joined them, wagging her finger in your faces as you smacked her away.
"arcade time girls, lets go!" maya called out over her teasing, slinging an arm over the midfielders shoulder and dragging her away from the two of you, the others following and again leaving you and alessia in only one anothers company.
"i don't really feel like the arcade. do you want to maybe go get dinner?" alessia asked quietly, nervously fiddling with her ring as your eyes widened in surprise. "as in we leave them here and we go to dinner, just the two of us?" you asked slowly, alessia nodding with a small smile.
"like a...date?" you asked again though this time much more hesitantly as you played with the sleeves of your jumper, feeling a bit like a school girl speaking to her crush for the first time on the playground.
"yeah, a date." alessia confirmed with a nervous smile, cheeks flushed rosy pink.
"yeah actually, I'd really like that less."
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agusrkive · 5 months
Good Friend Ackerman
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‘what she doesn’t know, won’t kill her. right?’
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summary: Levi as your good friend who’s been secretly pining over you for years
cw: mild nsfw, whipped levi
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you always wonder why your suitors disappear after the first date or even a few potential admirers that would suddenly lose interest after a few hangouts like “hey, I really enjoyed today and I wanna see you again.. call you later tonight?” or “let’s go see that exciting film tomorrow that you told me about last week! i’ll pick you up at 10~ xoxo” then boom! no calls, the number you have dialed is currently unavailable~ blah-bla-blah, cell is blocked, and no sign of Connie Springer from the bookstore.
“I really thought this one was into me, Levi.”
the raven just shrugged before sipping his tea. he ignored you, but the smug look on his face says otherwise. you rolled your eyes at him and he scoffed. he never really misses anything and that’s one of the traits you admire about him. though it sometimes irritates you with how sharp he is that you can never be sneaky with him. talk about multiple backfired pranks and earfuls from the devil himself, but you always managed to get away only because he lets you.
“what? don’t look at me like that. he was the one who initiated it and he said he’d pick me up, I thought he was just late. but there we’re no calls.”
“I think he blocked me.. oh no! what if something happened to him!? Levi, what do we do?!”
it’s his turn now to roll his eyes at you, shaking his head at your dramatic exaggeration. after being friends with you for years, that’s one thing that he’ll never get used to and he’ll never get tired of too. he thinks it’s cute, but he’ll never admit that to you. knowing you’ll never shut up about it and he knows you damn well enough to know that he’ll never hear the end of it with your annoying teasing.
“brat, calm down. maybe it’s a good thing he suddenly disappeared, you don’t even know him that well.”
you gave him a deadpan look.
“that’s exactly what a second date is for! to get to know him better, idiot!”
he flicks your forehead while giving you a headlock. he’s always too fast and you didn’t see it coming. you thought of flailing your arms for release or fake fainting, but knowing his strength and how you always lose to him. he will only let go once you say sorry, but that would only feed his unnecessary ego that he doesn’t need anyway. you try to think of anything, then an idea pops up in your head. a very stupid, childish idea. gathering all your strength, you wrapped your hands tightly around his grip on you as a distraction. then you pushed your behind into him very very hard.
you heard a moan.
and you both freeze—
for a moment, none of you uttered a single word.
then you realize what just happened, he didn’t just— no.. did he? oh god. it seems like Levi realized it too when he suddenly releases his hold and backed away from you as if you were a hot molten lava, which you feel like you are right now with how much your face is burning. involuntary, your hands reached up to cover your reddening face. you are still frozen in your spot.
“shut up”
Levi lets out a grunt as he clutches his crotch in an almost crouching position. he was shocked when you pulled that stunt and all he could do was freeze. you are so stupid, how could you even think of that?he wanted to get mad at you, but he knows he couldn’t.. he’s too whipped and when you pushed into him so hard, he felt it everywhere, you. your ass on him, your plump ass against his dick that is now hard.. it felt so good.
Levi tries to think of anything than the thought of your ass against him, against his hard d- he closes his eyes and sighs trying to calm himself. pissed at himself for getting a hard raging boner that he has to take care of now, pissed at the fact that you know he got a boner because of you and he’s a little embarrassed. you’re still there in front of him with your back facing him and that ass.. Levi looks away, anywhere but your ass. his face flushed and you won’t even look at him, it’s better that way. of course what did he think?
he hates himself for being so horny like a stupid teenager and poor you, now you’ll probably look at him weirdly like how could he? someone who you thought of as a friend and even as an older brother had a reaction to you like that? although he doesn’t see you as a little sister, but you didn’t know that. did you?
pt. 2
the disappearance of connie springer
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nhularin · 11 months
you dont even know my name do ya?
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PAIRING uni student! jake x barista! reader GENRE fluff, strangers to lovers, whipped jake WARNINGS not proofread OTHER just me, a barista, being absolutely delulu with jake WC 0.7k
series masterlist PERM TAGLIST @avocarua @misokei
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February 26, 1998
jake found himself in the busy yet strangely comforting café near campus. It was a place where he could focus on his studies (well, technically he wasnt studying, just looking at his screen trying to look as smart as his friend heeseung, without distractions. and it didn't hurt that you, the cute barista had quickly become a highlight of his visits. he didnt know your name, but it didnt stop him from spending hours at that crammed coffee shop just to admire your form. jay told him to just stop being a weirdo and drop his unrequited admiration, which he just ignored
But wait a minute while I make you mine, make you mine
you were vibrant and kind, always greeting him with a warm smile as he ordered his usual drink ( a taro milk tea with peach bubbles and cheese foam). he'd admire you from afar, secretly harboring a crush that seemed to grow with each passing day. But he didn't have the courage to tell you how he felt, fearing rejection or making things awkward. he didnt want you to think that hes a weirdo, or worse, like sunghoon.
every day, he would visit the shop, hoping for a chance to exchange a few words with you, mostly talking aboit his annoying professor and you questioning his choice of beverage. he would spend hours at a table, pretending to work on his assignments while secretly stealing glances at you. just hearing your name leave your coworkers lips makes him feel giddy
I'm all nervous 'cause you're on my mind all the time
on a seemingly mundane monday, he entered the café, his mind preoccupied with you instead of his upcoming biology exam. as he approached the counter, his heart skipped a beat. there you stood, smiling at him and beautiful as ever with your cute green apron draped around your frame. he couldnt stop the scenarios of you two cooking together in his apartment form in his head
"hello my friend! the usual again?" you have asked, shaking your head with that intoxicating smile "you know, you should start drinking something else, its going to mess up your bowls. we dont want the fiasco from last week repeating, do we?"
all jake could do was lower his head in embarrassment. he remembered telling you about how he shat his pants in the middle of his anatomy exam, excusing himself to the restroom where he found brown spots coating his jeans.
"yeah i think thats a great idea" he muttered out with faux confidence, good job jaeyun "just give me whatever you like. i know you have great taste" (in men, please date me)
I'm usually pretty talkative, what's wrong with me?
after he paid for his drink and definitely overpriced sandwich, he made his way to his regular table by the window, where he could peacefully enjoy his meal and fantasize about you without any disturbance.
but he noticed something different. there, written in a messy yet delicate handwriting, was your name and number. his eyes widened with surprise, a mix of excitement and nervousness flooding in his veins. he gazed at the cup for what seems like hours, a chaotic mess of thoughts swirling in his mind. could this be an accident? was this meant for someone else? he was going to kill that lucky asshole if it was. or was it a genuine invitation? were you flirting with him? THE yn?
"hey stranger! i know we dont really know each other but i'd love to invite you for a drink outside of this shop <3 here's my number, i hope it doesnt sound weird :( +82-XXX-XXX-XXX
ps: please start studying instead of just gazing into the distance"
a smile spread across jakes face, and a surge of joy filled his heart. he took a deep breath, his whole body trembling with excitement and nerves. with a mix of determination and hope, he quickly pulled out his phone and saved your number 'ynie <3'
oh how jay was wrong
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