#if you somehow burn through their incredibly long fuse of a patience
devilcatdarling · 2 years
I love it when ppl portray Hollow as the most touch starved depressive mess of a character with the biggest sweetheart energy and protective behavior over their siblings
...while simultaneously making them an absolute force of eldritch horror complete with claws, fangs, and all kinds of scary void creature fuel
They're horrifying when you gaze upon them and then just
Hornet: "This is my sibling. They want the Happy Meal with the pink stuffed kitten toy, please"
Hollow standing like a nightmare giraffe in the corner of the store nervously picking at their cloak as Hornet demands ransom in the price of one pink stuffed kitten toy
That's the good shit right there
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pototters · 4 years
White Day - Bakugo
A/N: Here it is! The first White Day post, sequel to the Valentine post.
Check out my bio for the master list!
Also, I apparently like portraying the more sensitive side of Bakugo. Oop-
Warnings: swearing, none
Bakugo x reader
Word Count: 2,857
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You were completely mortified by the way that you had given Bakugo your Valentine’s Day chocolates. You swore that Kaminari was laughing at you every time he saw you. You had no idea how Bakugo had felt about receiving the chocolates, though you figured he probably thought you were an idiot. Whatever the case, you avoided him like the plague, too embarrassed by your actions to face him properly.
This, of course, only pissed Bakugo off. He couldn’t figure out why you would go through the trouble of practically confessing to him only to completely avoid him afterwards. It was frustrating as hell.
He’d put on an air in front of his friends, but he was actually secretly pleased that you’d given him chocolates. You had caught his eye from the day you transferred into their class. Your quirk was incredible, but, even without it, you were even more so. You were gorgeous in his eyes and he found himself interested in getting to know you. Not that he’d ever let on to the fact.
However, he was given an opportunity when you approached him on Valentine’s Day. He hated sweets and was fully prepared to let his friends eat them, but you’d made him special chocolates. How could he not at least try them? They’d been delicious. Spicy with only the slightest hint of sweet. Very spicy. It was obvious that you had been paying attention to him.
Day after day, however, no matter when he tried to approach you, you would flee. He knew you were fleeing, too, because he could see your panic. You had been mid-sentence while talking to Uraraka when you saw him walking up to you and you bolted. The fact that you were so obviously avoiding him only served to anger him further. He wasn’t the type of guy who gave up so easily, though.
Others may have viewed pursuing you as a waste of time, but he wanted you. When Bakugo wanted something, he was in the mindset of not stopping until he got it. However, he wasn’t stupid enough to realize that he wasn’t getting anywhere by merely trying to approach you. He needed a different tactic.
After two weeks of giving you panic attacks, Bakugo backed off. He stopped trying to approach you, giving himself time to find another method. After confirming with Kirishima that White Day was a thing, he started to come up with a plan. He would just have to give you chocolates, too.
He had no idea what your preferences were, but he had watched you enough to know that you at least loved sweets. You also loved caramel, he’d noticed. There was no way he could let you show him up with homemade chocolates, so he got to work on making caramel-filled chocolates for you. He already knew how to cook, so how hard could it be to make some stupid candies?
It was hard. Two days of attempting to make the chocolates and Bakugo was reaching a level of impatience of volcanic proportions. His frustration bled into his studies, his temper much shorter than usual. Occasionally, he would see you watching him as he lost his cool and it somehow evened his temper.
Your eyes reflected guilt as though you might be the cause and he couldn’t handle that. He didn’t want you to think that you were the reason that his fuse was so much shorter, even if you were indirectly the cause. He couldn’t help feeling that you were worth it, though.
Which was stupid of him. He knew that he had no business getting distracted by a girl, not when he had been solely focused on being the number one hero. It was still his focus, but part of that focus had been redirected to you and he had hated it for a long time.
Now, however, he had accepted it. He couldn’t help wanting you and, in this instance, he had found that it was better to embrace it rather than fight it. You had made your feelings known to him and he intended to hold you accountable for it, for making him want you that much more.
White Day finally arrived and he had managed to make the chocolates correctly just in time without burning them. Not one to skip out on small details, Bakugo wrapped up the chocolates in a small, flat box and tied bright orange ribbon around it to keep it closed. He’d never felt more ridiculous holding the small parcel as he stood in the dorm foyer.
His heart suddenly picked up in speed the moment he saw you. Thinking how stupid he really was for getting so worked up over giving you some stupid chocolates, his gaze turned to a glare just as you looked at him. Your face paled and you immediately hurried past him as you gave him a wide berth. Before Bakugo could call out to you, Kaminari and Kirishima caught him.
“Hey, man, what have you got there? A gift?” Kirishima gave his best friend an innocent and unassuming grin as Bakugo grit his teeth.
“Oh, maybe you were gonna confess to a girl? It is White Day, after all.” Kaminari added thoughtfully, his eyes growing wide. “Were you maybe going to give Y/L/N a return gift?” The blonde’s elbow connected with a seething Bakugo’s ribs.
The explosive boy was at his limit. “It’s none of your damn business!” He yelled, wrenching himself away from his friends and stomping from the dorms. Kaminari and Kirishima followed him with barely suppressed snickers of laughter.
Between ignoring his friends’ teasing jabs and being continuously dodged and avoided by you, Bakugo’s patience had worn out. The tension in him finally snapped during one of their breaks and the last thing he remembered was raising the box of chocolates and aiming it in your direction.
You felt pathetic. An entire month had gone by and you still couldn’t face Bakugo. The glare he had given you that morning hadn’t exactly instilled much confidence in you, either. He was apparently still mad at you. Of course, you didn’t exactly blame him. You’d shoved chocolates at him and then blatantly avoided him.
You knew you hadn’t been subtle about it, either. After a couple of weeks, Bakugo had seemed to give up on approaching you, and you had a brief moment that you felt like you could breathe, again. However, he’d been back to his old tricks today and you were left in a near constant panic. Why did you keep running away, anyway?
You were a coward when it came to matters of the heart.
Plain and simple. That’s all it could be. You were terrified of what he was going to say to you. He was going to turn you down. Bakugo had no interest in anything except for becoming the number one hero. He didn’t have the time to pursue romance or invest in anything beyond accomplishing his goals. You knew that, but you still didn’t want to hear him say it.
Heaving a sigh, you decided that you would have to stop avoiding him eventually. You were in the same class and would at some point be teamed up together for training exercises. It was better to rip off the bandaid now, than to torture yourself over it.
Just as your class had been given a break, your mind made up, you started to get up to go talk to him only for something to smack you square in the face. You froze, half standing, as you blinked in stunned silence. It only took a second for you to recover, anger flooding you. “What the hell! Somebody seriously just threw something in my face?” You scanned your fellow students in front of you, searching for the guilty party.
“YEAH, I DID IT BECAUSE YOU KEEP AVOIDING ME, DUMB ASS! WHAT OTHER OPTIONS ARE YOU GIVING ME!” The sound of Bakugo’s voice had your head snapping in his direction. Even though his point was completely valid and he wasn’t exactly wrong, you were still angry.
“And you couldn’t think of a different method of getting my attention!” You yelled back at him. “I was just about to come talk to you, just so you know!” The tension in the air was palpable and the other students were slowly edging away to avoid being in the crossfire.
“WHAT ELSE SHOULD I HAVE DONE, THEN? HAH? IT’S NOT LIKE YOU GAVE ME MUCH OF A CHOICE WHEN I CAN’T EVEN APPROACH YOU!” Bakugo was only getting louder, no longer in his seat as he stepped towards you.
You brought yourself to your full height, though he still towered over you. “And who would want to let you approach them when you’re always looking so intimidating, huh? I was scared!” Your eyes narrowed on him, but all fight had seemed to leave him. You blinked as he seemed to completely deflate, though his glare didn’t lose an ounce of intensity. 
“Whatever.” Turning from you, he left the classroom as the rest of the class stared after him in shocked silence. Your brows knit in confusion. It wasn’t like him to give up in a fight like that. What had silenced him? Looking down on your desk, you saw what he’d thrown at you.
You picked up the small box and untied the ribbon, your eyes widening as you saw the homemade chocolates inside. Had he… been trying to tell you that he liked you, too? You picked up one of the small chocolates and ate one, your eyes widening in surprise to find they were filled with caramel. How had he known you loved caramel…? You slowly sank back down in your seat as you thought about the way Bakugo had left.
Something had upset him. It was obvious that something you’d said had affected him somehow. You spent the rest of the break nibbling on the chocolates. They were so good and he’d clearly made them himself. The fact that he’d even taken the time to make you chocolates was enough to tell you just what he thought of you.
Bakugo returned from break just before class started back up, not giving you another chance to speak with him. You couldn’t concentrate on the lesson, Present Mic’s voice going in one ear and out the other. Your eyes were glued to the back of Bakugo’s head, replaying your fight with him over and over in your mind.
It wasn’t until the bell rang that you realized what you’d said that had made him upset. Before you could gather your things and go up to him, however, Bakugo was already gone. Ignoring Uraraka’s request to walk back together, you grabbed your things and what was left of the chocolates and bolted from the classroom.
You ran all the way back to the dorms, your feet carrying you with near blinding speed. As you ran, you kept an eye out for Bakugo, but you didn’t see him. You couldn’t remember a time you had ever run so fast, barely slowing as you barreled through the front door. The commons was empty and you raced up to your room to deposit your things and change your clothes.
Still carrying the box of chocolates, you headed back to the commons and hoped to intercept Bakugo as he returned to the dorms. The only ones you saw, however, were Kirishima and Kaminari along with a few of your other classmates. Kirishima spotted you and grinned almost apologetically. “Bakugo headed up to his room right away.” You smiled back at him and gave him a nod of appreciation.
Turning on your heel, you dashed up the stairs to Bakugo’s room. Once you stood in front of his door, you took a moment to catch your breath as you panted heavily. Even though you were still breathing rather heavily, you knocked insistently on his door. A voice yelled from inside to piss off, but you only pounded harder against the wood.
The door was suddenly yanked open and your breath caught in your throat at the sight of Bakugo standing shirtless before you. You blinked rapidly, suddenly unable to form a coherent thought as Bakugo narrowed his eyes on you. An annoyed ‘tch’ left him when you didn’t say anything and he started to close the door in your face.
In a panic, you forced your foot through the door to keep it from closing. “No, wait! Please.” You winced as your foot was squished, yelping slightly. Bakugo immediately opened the door again, giving you a bewildered expression.
His bewilderment immediately gave way to more annoyance. “Are you a fucking idiot? What the hell are you trying to do?” His ruby eyes bore into you, making you feel a lot smaller as you withdrew your foot from the door jamb. You felt your heart hammering in your chest as you held up the box of chocolates he’d given you.
Bakugo raised a single brow at you expectantly when you didn’t speak right away. A sigh passed his lips and you almost flinched, which he didn’t miss. His expression contorted into a scowl. “Let me guess. You’re scared, right? Well, you at least had the courage to knock on my door.”
He reached out to take the chocolates from you, but you hurriedly clutched them to your chest and shook your head vehemently. “I’m not!” You pressed your lips together, meeting his stare with determination as you finally found your voice. Your gaze wavered slightly as heat rose to your face. “Well, I am, but… it’s not at all what you think.” Your determination returned as you inhaled deeply. “I am scared, but I’m not scared of you. I’m… really just… nervous.”
Bakugo’s eyes widened at you as you spoke, his mouth opening to speak. You interrupted him as you kept going, spilling everything you had been feeling. “I was afraid of what you were going to say. That you couldn’t accept my feelings because you didn’t feel the same way. I was afraid that you were going to tell me that you didn’t have time for me or a relationship that didn’t involve hero work. I was too scared to hear you say those things and that’s why I avoided you. As much as I’ve accepted it as truth, I still didn’t want to feel the pain of rejection. So, yeah. I’m a coward.” You had dropped your gaze by this point, too ashamed to meet his eye, by now.
There was a long silence between you as Bakugo seemed to process everything that you’d said. Your heart sped up even faster than it had been before, nearly to the point that you thought it should be impossible for it to beat so fast. You just wished he would say something, already, so that you didn’t have to listen to the pounding of your pulse.
“Well, you weren’t wrong.” A heavy sigh left him. “Except about one thing.” Your gaze snapped back up to his, wide-eyed with curiosity. His expression was unexpectedly soft, making your breath catch in your lungs. “I think you already know what I’m talking about, though, don’t you?” He pointed at the box you still clutched against your chest.
A small smile lifted your lips as you nodded. “Yeah. You wouldn’t have gone through the trouble, otherwise. I realized that as soon as I opened them.” Your smile faded, though, as there were still things that were unclear between you. He liked you back, but that didn’t mean he wanted a relationship.
A large, warm hand grasped your arm and pulled you closer to him until you were nearly pressed against his bare chest. You felt the heat returning to your face as you stared up at him, his face coming closer to yours. “I want you and that’s just something both of us are going to have to deal with.” Before you could ask what he meant, his mouth was on yours as he kissed you.
Bakugo’s kiss was mostly teeth and you could tell he’d never kissed anyone before, but you didn’t care. As far as you were concerned, it was the perfect kiss. When he finally pulled away, he couldn’t meet your gaze as a dusting of pink colored his cheeks. You couldn’t keep the stupid grin off your face as you stared at him.
Finally, his burning gaze met yours and you could see sparks flashing in his red eyes. “You want to come in?” A heat flashed through you and you felt your cheeks warm as you nodded shyly. He stepped aside, opening his door far enough for you to step in. As you passed the threshold, you knew that you had nothing to worry about.
Your confessions to each other hadn’t been perfect, and there was still a lot that the two of you had to work through, but you had faith that everything was going to work out just fine. You had shed your fear and looked forward to the future with nothing but excited anticipation.
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classified-bluerose · 5 years
put me back together part II || quentin beck x reader
a/n: so obviously this doesn’t exactly fit the plot as i realised halfway through that peter seems to have met quention prior to the water attack in venice. i don’t want to change it now so let’s pretend they met before the fight. also we gonna pretend peter’s trip was always taking them to prague bc i don’t wanna write in the trip at all tbh lol. again this is probably occ... mainly self-indulgent crap, really. hope u enjoy tho!!!
warnings: cursing, mentions of violence & death, endgame spoilers, and, ofc, spiderman ffh spoilers. manipulative bastard quentin, too. (isn’t that why we love him?)
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(GIF is not mine)
chapter two: shattered glass
it’s almost as though quentin actually planned this - find the girl and take her to one of the most romantic cities in the world. show her all the sights, make her laugh, slowly take down her walls, brick by brick.
the more time he spends with you the harder it becomes to disentangle himself. feelings grow deeper under early morning walks and late night chats. you never ask about the other you, the one quentin supposedly married.
you never talk about tony stark or natasha romanoff, either; when fury mentions iron man you stiffen in the corner and quentin does not miss the way your jaw clenches tight. he wants to poke and prod at these wounds left unhealed, but there’s no time before the stage is set and the water monster erupts from the intricate canals of venice’s streets.
you’re not supposed to be there - you should have been tucked away at the base, safe and sound; but quentin sees you ushering a group of frightened tourists in the opposite direction of the threat. anger coils low in his chest as he watches your figure disappear around a corner - what if something had happened to you?
how could you be so careless with yourself?
he grit his teeth and finished off the ‘’elemental’’ - needing some time to cool off and clear his head.
you’re not at the debrief. quentin’s skin feels itchy as he wonders where you are. have you gone home? been sent out somewhere else?
maybe you’d simply walked out. but why... why would you leave quentin? or peter, for that matter? how much you care for the kid is obvious - surely you wouldn’t just go.
surely you - surely you hadn’t actually been injured. right? right? if you had someone would have found you by now. shield would know, wouldn’t they. isn’t that their jobs? isn’t that what they’re supposed to do?
the longer he goes without knowing the more the anger rises to the surface. he tries to pat it down lest he expose himself, cursing you for making him feel this way. his jaw twitches, fist flexing, fingers curling and uncurling and curling again - anything to get the nervous energy out of his system.
after what feels like forever the briefing ends, the plan to get to prague is settled. quentin tries to catch fury but the slippery fucker is out the door in the blink of an eye.
someone taps his shoulder. quentin turns sharply, - ‘’ what? ‘’ - then pulls his attitude in again when peter flinches back. he rubs his forehead and bares his teeth in a smile.
‘’ sorry, spiderman. rough day, ‘’ he makes his excuses and the naieve kid nods and smiles and accepts too easy.
‘’ it’s okay, mr- i mean, myst- i mean, quentin. um, i just - i noticed you were looking around a lot, during the meeting. if you’re looking for her, i can show you where she is? ‘’
god, this kid is painfully awkward at times, but damn if he isn’t useful. quentin nods once. spiderman nods, clearly happy to feel like he can help. ‘’ c’mon! ‘’
he darts out as quick as a bullet from a gun, and quentin has no choice but to follow the teenage hero out into the night.
there’s a mural of red and gold painted large as life on the side of a building. your silhouette against it is dark and miniscule. quentin stands a few feet back and watches you stare at it. only when your shoulders begin to shake does he approach.
your breaths are laboured, eyes gleaming with unshed tears. his earlier irriation fades away, though he fights to bring it back - you could have ruined it all by disobeying orders, showing up on the street mid-fight, you could have destroyed his plans in seconds -
somehow, it doesn’t seem to matter anymore.
‘’ hey. are you okay? ‘’
you snap out of the daze and your gaze falls to your feet. you nod and force a smile that’s too dull to be authentic as you look back up. his expression becomes one of caring and empathy, your heart hurting for the man who lost it all.
‘’ m’fine. just ... ‘’ your eyes flicker once again to the painting before moving back to gaze over quentin’s shoulder. ‘’ i’m fine. ‘’
‘’ you wanna talk about it? ‘’
a humourless chuckle escapes your lips. more jagged glass than happiness. ‘’ no. ‘’
quentin pauses. knows that to push you too much too soon would ruin the carefully constructed plan he has perfected. he chances a comforting touch to your elbow, encouraged when you don’t move away.
‘’ wanna go for a walk? ‘’
he hits you with the lopsided grin that he knows has an effect; inside, your stomach swoops and fuses spark lights in your chest. on the outside your eyes soften and your lips curve up in a tiny, but genuine, smile.
quentin holds out his hand. you take it without hesistation.
so much about you intrigues him. it’s easy to forget about the truth behind his intentions. your skin, hotter than any normal human being. the knowledge that you have the ability to snap his neck without blinking an eye is... alluring. intoxicating. you were so broken when he met you first, only a week ago. already he feels as though he’s putting you back together. it earns him some pride.
light laughter and little, fragile smiles - moments as delicate as butterflies landing on his wrist. he yearns to touch, to pull, to hold. the plan takes priority, of course it does. but he’s worked so hard to get himself to this point. he deserves a little break with a pretty girl by his side.
‘’ so, one more elemental, ‘’ you begin, conversationally.
quentin nods. ‘’ one more. fire. the one that... the one that destroyed my world. ‘’
he swallows past an imaginary lump in his throat. he feels your eyes against the profile of his face.
‘’ well, now you know what you’re up against. not often we get a second chance. ‘’ the words are bitter, maybe unintentionally, but bitter all the same.
‘’ you did, ‘’ he points out, gently. ‘’ with thanos, right? ‘’
you huff a callous, cold laugh. ‘’ yeah. eventually won, i guess. supposedly. ‘’
there’s a darkness shadowing the curves of your face now, the kind that makes quentin’s heart rate pick up. ‘’ what do you mean? ‘’
you don’t answer for a long while. footsteps echo quietly around empty backstreets. it seems as though the city is deserted; inhabited only by the two of you, and the moon hanging low in the sky. still clad in his armour, quentin wishes to himself he’d had the foresight to change out of the clunky suit.
in the moment of distraction caused by the discomfort, he doesn’t notice that you’ve paused in front of him. he slams straight into you; neither of you stumbling as he hits the solid heat of your body.
you turn on your heel and offer a wry smile. ‘’ sorry, ‘’ you say, entirely insincere. he watches you lean back against the wall, the shadowed alleyway covering up most of your features. your eyes, though. they burn through the night and quentin is powerless to their draw.
he cocks his head to the side. ‘’ what did you mean? ‘’ he presses. ‘’ a minute ago. ‘’
‘’ it’s nothing. forget i said anything. ‘’
‘’ hey, come on. you can talk to me, you know, ‘’ he cajoles, inching closer.
you sigh; ‘’ you have enough on your plate, ‘’ she insists, but your resolve to stay silent is weakening. he can feel it.
‘’ you have listened to me talk about the tragedy of my own life since i got here, ‘’ he points out, lightly. ‘’ let me return the favour. ‘’
you consider the man of mystery in front of you: something about him you can’t quite put your finger on. maybe it’s the smile that always seems a little too sharp for comfort, or the eyes that can’t quite hide the gleam of potential insanity. something tells you, you shouldn’t trust him. something else tells you he’s the only one you should trust.
‘’ it doesn’t feel like we won, ‘’ you admit, finally. the weight falling from your chest as the words fall from your lips, secrets with sharp edges that have been cutting in to you for eight long months. ‘’ tony stark and natasha romanoff, they died. they died so the world could live, and - and that’s what, that was the point. save the world. whatever it takes, ‘’ she spits out the last three words with an incredible amount of venom. ‘’ and it’s stupid and it’s careless and i don’t even care. i want them back. i want them back so badly i would, god. i would burn this version of reality to the ground to bring ‘em back. ‘’
quentin ... did not expect this. yet somehow is unsurprised; and suddenly understands. this is what drew him in. this hidden darkness, this anger and rage buried in layers of sadness. in this moment you are more alive than he’s ever seen you; gone is the morose, flat emptiness, here is the fuel to the dynamite exploding, here is the fierce hurt and the damaged parts coming to the surface, it is magnificent, you are magnificent in your hot fury.
the breath catches in his throat as he realises; we’re the same, you and i. we both want revenge.
excitement sizzles in his veins and in that moment all he wants to do is wrap you in his arms and pull you into his embrace. he reigns himself in, patience, quentin, patience, and allows himself a single step closer.
‘’ i’m so sorry you had to go through that, ‘’ he whispers, voice a few steps lower than usual- steeped in desire he hopes can be read as sympathy. your bright eyes flicker over his face.
‘’ yeah, well. perks of bein’ a fuckin’ superhero or whatever. ‘’ she lifts her chin in the air defiantly. ‘’ but i guess you understand that. ‘’
‘’ i do, ‘’ he responds immediately, ‘’ i do. ‘’
because, okay. maybe he hadn’t actually watched his reality burn; maybe he hadn’t failed to save an imaginary family in an imaginary universe; but he had lost things, fallen deeper into black holes that chewed up his soul and spat it out again.
we’re the same, he wants to say, but again. holds himself back.
instead he smiles warmly - the sharpness still there, something you do not miss - and says, ‘’ at least we have each other. ‘’
your face lights up with mischief. ‘’ we do? ‘’ you ask, with a cocky head tilt. quentin chuckles and plays up the embarassment. acting like someone caught flirting - which he almost-kind-of-maybe was.
a blush adorns his handsome face. ‘’ i mean - uh - if you want that. ‘’ he adopts an uncertain waver to his tone; though he’s already sure you’re falling as hard for him as he is for you.
you bite back a smile and try to dim the fire burning in your belly. it just feels so good - to actually feel something. something that isn’t empty or angry or sad. something good. this connection came too quick and is growing too intense too soon. it can only end in tears. but you make a choice, the only one you’ve ever made.
let yourself be consumed in the flames, and damn the consequences.
tags: @loki-doki-fever @tuliptx
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if you have the time/patience to look over these troll kids, i would be so happy! ^ㅂ^ john captor, rose zahhak, jade makara, and dave serket! if dave serket makes you uncomfortable, you don't have to analyze him! (i also apologize if my english seems awkward, not my first language! ^^;)
Your English is just fine honey!
John Captor, raised on the lower cusp of middle class but not quite there, with crazy psii powers and a lusus that loves him, but is also something of a giant (heheh) handful. John would probably try to raise bees, realize that’s a LOT OF WORK, and just buy mind honey to feed biclopsdad from then on. Someone else can raise bees and sell honey he’s perfectly content being a patron of someone else’s hard work. Probably tries to get into coding but, predictably, still sucks at it despite being a troll now, bc that was never really a “yellowblood” trait as much as it was a “Sollux” trait. John and Karkat (if he exists in these?) pretending to be competent coders at each other while both of them just suck, respectively, is a hilarious idea btw. Probably tries to run a trolltube channel where he does speedruns through various games, but it devolves into Mcelroy-esque nonsense where he godmods everything (look at him, being a CODER, he’s so HARDCORE with his CODING) and proceeds to do the DUMBEST shit. A real comedian, that fella. Has NO IDEA how to fix things, the most you can get out of him is an awkward joke with a pat on the back and more frequently he just shuts down emotionally and stares at things as they go wrong, but he IS a very good listener, he’ll make you feel comfortable and listened to, he naturally mimics the posture of the people who’re distressed (like in canon) but just because he’s very very empathetic doesn’t mean he has ANY idea how to go about helping with that aside from listening and offering his shoulder to cry on. As Heir of Doom, he and Mituna share a classpect, which means Bad End: he becomes doomed and gets fucked over BIG time, Good End: he comes to terms with himself and his own way of experiencing the world and interacting with others, and embraces himself fully, the good and the bad, and doesn’t sweat the small stuff.
Rose Zahhak, raised on the underside of RIDICULOUSLY WEALTHY, where propriety is stressed heavily and she can have anything she wants, so long as she bows down to those “above” her, and her lusus cares deeply about her, but also kinda lets her get away with most things. Also, she’s freaky mutant strong and has piss poor control over it. She’s gonna have the trademark Zahhak frustration-anger-breakshit-further frustration-more anger- break more shit-get even MORE frustrated- anger cycle. The idea that society will give her anything- not because she’s earned it or because she deserves it- but because she was born into it, would initially be appealing, but she would be expected to subject herself to the whims of those colder than her, and she would, well, absolutely fucking hate that. Tear it all down, tear down all society, it’s broken beyond fixing, nothing good can be tweaked or edited into existence, burn burn burn it all. As Seer of Void, she’d at first be amazed that she’s not a Rage player, that would make more SENSE that’s what she’s ABOUT, but slowly, slowly it would start to make sense. A Seer of Void is one who can see potential, someone who can see what would rise from those ashes, someone who can take her anger and guide the world into SOMETHING out of the nothingness that she sees everywhere he looks, the nothingness that consumes her, the lack of value placed on every troll, on her friends, the senselessness of her society that doesn’t make any kind of REASONABLE decisions. She craves order, something sensible, which she never finds in the society she was raised in so once it’s down, she’s the one that guides them into building anew.
Jade Makara, then, is the one to bring it down. Raised alone at the oceanside, without even the benefit of a dog or chessfolk to chat with, I can imagine her frustration and short fuse that we see in canon would get even worse, clinging to her friends as her one remaining scrap of sanity in a society that doesn’t make sense. Jade & Rose moirallegiance is… good… two girls complaining about society, how it sucks, even though they’re the people who are supposed to be BENEFITING from it it’s still BULLSHIT! Why are so many people okay with this! Jade and Rose bounce off each other, frustrated and also Jade would probably feel kinda guilty about it all. Why is she “higher” than anybody else? It wouldn’t sit well with her, but also she’s ONE PERSON and society is a LARGE AND COMPLEX THING. Rose’s talk of tearing it all down, just burning it all to the ground and starting anew would sound… pretty fucking nice, actually, but while Rose would be more wont to just bitch about it, Jade is more a woman of action, and she doesn’t have a centaurmom patting her back and telling her to chill, she doesn’t really have any mom at all, since seagoatmom seems to have better things to do than take care of her child. Jade would want to somehow destroy society without killing everybody- that would be cruel, but how else would they start anew? The Game settles this issue for her, (un)luckily. As Witch of Rage, hers is the task to take her anger, her frustration, the injustices she feels buried deep in her soul, and use those to incite CHANGE. Working together with Rose, Jade will be the force to tear it all down, and Rose shall pry a path of righteousness out from the darkness. Idk how Jade would interact with the cult, tbh, I feel like she might enjoy the juggalo stuff while she’s little, but eventually grow away from it when the violence and hemoclassim starts to sit ill with her. She likes the clowns and mirth part, less the messiahs and murder bits.
Dave Serket (I don’t mind, it’s just Vr*ska/Aran*a/M*ndfang that I get VERY UNCOMFORTABLE about) is raised on the high edge of the middle class, with a piece of shit lusus that makes him kill. Dave would, too, he’s a people-pleaser, and we know from canon that his guardian is someone he wants to please VERY badly. Spiderdad is nasty and awful and abusive and forces Dave- who does not like death or danger or hurting others at all- to do dangerous things and hurt and kill others. Puts forth a coolkid exterior, acts unbothered by the atrocities Spiderdad forces him to commit, acts tough and untouchable and aloof but in reality he craves validation, someone to listen to him. He wants, desires, craves intimacy, but the idea of opening up to another person causes visceral, abject horror within him at the very thought. As Knight of Light, his job is to protect luck and knowledge, which he thinks is a STUPID role, wtf. Probably fucks right off his planet and goes and chills with John for a while, and they both come to terms with themselves together, going through their personal journeys side by side. John would be critical in Dave’s journey, someone empathetic, someone who listens but offers no judgement, someone who believes Dave and doesn’t just go “We’re trolls what do you expect.” He lets Dave spill his guts to him over and over and over again, and Dave is almost ravenously protective of John, who he considers himself incredibly lucky to have in his life. Rose and Jade, too, Dave would give anything for, in part because his childhood has conditioned him “if you love someone, sacrifice for them” but also in part because he’s just a really loving dude and he’d do anything for his friends because he adores them. 
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