#if you see this you are blessed with corn ace
spacedoutman · 3 months
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moqi2004 · 8 months
Omgomg I need to see Dalv being introduced to Starlo's family
Hi! Sorry for how long this took! I wrote about 400 words last Wednesday and couldn't get myself to write more, and I was busy after that. It's done now though, and I hope you enjoy! I will tell you that on the proofread, I screamed to myself saying "THEY'RE GAY" multiple times out loud.
And to the anon who more recently asked for this same thing, you get your wish early :) congrats!
Family Introductions
Words: 1530
Cross-Posted on Ao3
Tags: implied past Staroba (one sided), family interactions, fluff, self-consciousness, anxiety, family teasing, sugary sweet, reassurances, Starlo being a proud boyfriend.
Summary: Starlo takes Dalv to meet his family in Sunnyside Farm. Dalv is understandably nervous about this. He finds that he has nothing to worry about.
Fic under the cut. Enjoy :)
Dalv’s first time in the Wild East had been the most fun he’s ever had. At first, the heat had been difficult to deal with, and the grains of sand loitering around within his shoes were almost unbearable. Luckily for him, his boyfriend was there. Starlo had offered to carry his cloak while they walked, which Dalv was quite happy to let him do. He also rolled up the sleeves on his shirt, attempting to cool down his body as much as possible. It didn’t take Dalv long to notice that Starlo was staring at him, eyes widened and face slightly flushed. Dalv bashfully held back from bringing it up.
He made a mental note of the reaction regardless.
The Wild East itself was a quaint little tourism spot with limited technology. Dalv noticed that most shopping and general commerce was done in Oasis Valley just west of there, while classic Dunes entertainment was celebrated right here. With a rustic tavern and even a jail (for show, thankfully), the place felt like it had jumped right out of a children’s tale! The aesthetic and charm quickly drew Dalv in, allowing to forget about the unbearable heat for just a moment.
Having the opportunity to meet all of Starlo’s friends was truly a blessing for him. After saying a quick hello to Ceroba, who he had kept in close contact with after she visited him in Snowdin with a box full of corn, he was introduced to The Feisty Four. They were all a joy to get to know. Dalv was content to sit and watch as Ed and Moray teased and bantered with Starlo, Ace staying back with him to make sure he was comfortable. Dalv had to reassure Ace a couple of times that he didn’t feel like he was being dragged around or forced into goofing with the posse. Star did have to stop Mooch from looting Dalv’s person a couple of times.
The two of them didn’t linger for very long, however. While Starlo did consider his posse as a second family, the real reason the two came all this way was so Dalv could visit Starlo’s family. As the two walked past Blackjack’s and out of town, Dalv couldn’t ignore how his heart began to race and his mind began to panic. What if Star’s family didn’t approve of their relationship? What if they didn’t like him? What would he do if things went wrong? Would he and Star have to…?
“Hey, Dal? You doin’ okay? Yer shakin’ a bit…”
Dalv’s attention quickly snapped towards Starlo. In his thoughts he had failed to notice that they had stopped walking, the pair’s hands carefully intertwined. Starlo could probably feel just how sweaty Dalv’s palm was starting to become. 
“Uh- I’m…”
Dalv wanted to tell Starlo that everything was okay…
He knew that would help nothing.
“I’m worried… I don’t really know if your family will like me…”
“Dal…” Starlo reached towards him with his free hand and rested it against his cheek, “I know my Ma and Pa will love ya. With a huge heart like yers, I know they’ll see ya for the monster I love. Heck, with the dedication to yer work and experience growin’ corn yerself, I’m sure even Orion will get along with ya! All you need to do is be the vampire I fell in love with.”
“But what if they hate me-”
“If they hate ya I’ll drag ya outta there and shower ya with all the kind words ya deserve t’hear.”
“So you won’t… Leave?”
“Of course not, darlin’... Never.”
Starlo leant forwards and pressed a delicate, reassuring kiss to Dalv’s forehead. Dalv allowed his shoulders to relax and nestled himself within his boyfriend’s arms. Star returned the hug eagerly, pressing a couple more light kisses to his horns. Dalv was unsure why he was so apprehensive in the first place. He had Starlo, after all. He knew the Sheriff was a noble and kind soul. He was ashamed to even think that he considered Star leaving him because of his family’s reactions.
“So, uh,” Starlo spoke up, the two still embraced, “you still ‘aight to do this?”
“Of course,” Dalv broke away with a warm smile, “lead the way.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *. 🦇 .* :☆ ゚。・ ───
Dalv was certain he had stepped into his own personal heaven. He knew that was probably a little sad, calling a corn farm the equivalent of paradise, but he truly couldn’t help it! The farm was a quaint little area with a corn field bigger than what Dalv could ever grow back in The Ruins. A cute, cobbled path and a little white house completed the homely feel that Sunnyside Farm radiated so strongly. Nearby, a four-pointed star in messy overalls and a plaid shirt was tending to the crops. Star momentarily glanced towards Dalv before waving.
“HEYYY, ORION!” he yelled, causing Dalv to jump a little.
The star turned around, eyebrow raised and lips drawn in a line of mild annoyance. He then caught sight of Dalv, who squeezed Starlo’s hand for support as the two were approached.
“Starlo,” Orion briefly regarded, “who’s this?”
“Right!” Starlo moved his hand from Dalv’s to wrap his arm around his shoulder, “Orion, this is Dalv, my partner! Dalv, this is Orion, my brother!”
“H-Hello there,” Dalv held out his hand for Orion to shake, "It's, uh, nice to meet you. This farm looks so well maintained, you must do an excellent job keeping the crops at this quality. I struggled to grow my own in The Ruins because of the lighting conditions and drab environment, but I found that with enough love and care the stalks can still grow to be incredibly strong and durable. It really portrays the… Strength of the… Plant…”
Dalv trailed off, eyes wide. Oh no, he’d been caught corn rambling! How could he let himself do that??? He focused back on reality when he felt his outstretched hand move up and down.
“You managed to grow corn in a place like that?” Orion asked, letting go of Dalv’s hand.
“Yea, he did!” Starlo chimed in, looking at Dalv with the proudest expression, “really impressive stuff, too! I’ve seen it myself!”
“Ah, it’s nothing that impressive-” Dalv began.
The three turned at the call of Star’s name. A sun monster and a moon monster walked down the steps of the house’s front porch. Starlo happily waved to the both of them, Dalv looking at him and then giving a small, shy wave of his own. When the two approached, the moon wrapped Starlo into a hug, which he seemed content with accepting. The sun monster came over to jostle the hat on Star’s head, as if ruffling the hair he didn’t have. The two then regarded Dalv, who Star was eager to introduce.
“Ma, Pa, this is Dalv! He’s, uh…” Star flushed a light pink, “he’s my partner.”
The two simultaneously looked to Dalv, who willed himself not to shrink backwards at the attention. He’d done many organ concerts at this point, but the stage fright from that could barely compare to the anxiety he felt at this moment. He steeled his mind. Please don’t hate me please don’t hate me please-
Dalv feels his hands being held. It felt different to Starlo’s hands-
“It is a pleasure to meet you, Dalv,” the moon monster smiled sweetly, holding both of his hands within her own, “my name is Crestina. I’m Starlo’s Mother. Thank you so much for being there for my little boy.”
“Ma, please…”
“Oh, it’s no problem at all, miss,” Dalv beamed.
“My name’s Solomon,” the sun monster added, “and truly, I’m glad Starlo finally found someone else after all these years. I thought that after Ceroba, he’d-”
“Pa, come on!”
“Sorry, sorry!” Solomon let out a hearty laugh.
“Don’t pay them no mind, Dal, I beg of ya…”
“Don’t worry, Star” Dalv looked at his boyfriend.
Dalv wasn’t sure what came over him after that. He just… Spoke.
“Honestly, I should be thanking all of you,” he began, “thank you for raising Star. I’m so happy I was able to meet him. He’s the kind of monster who can make any situation fun; who can bring joy everywhere he goes. He’s just so… Warm. So much so that I feel that same warmth whenever I’m with him. He’s supportive of me and my art, he’s amazing to talk to, and the only person I can think of spending all my time with… I couldn’t imagine life as it was before I met him… So thank you for having me, and uh, hopefully I can be the monster to stay by your son’s side.”
Dalv turned to Starlo, who’s face was a glowing scarlet. His jaw hung slack and his eyes were blown wide under his hat. 
“He’s perfect,” Crestina whispered to herself.
“Huh?” Dalv looked towards her, hands still within hers.
“Come with me, Dalv,” Crestina began to walk, gently guiding Dalv along with her, “I simply must show you our family photo album. I can assure you, my Starlight was an absolute treasure growing up-”
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lunapaper · 1 year
Album Review: 'The Album' - Jonas Brothers
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The year was 2018. Drake was at the top of the charts. All the cool kids were eating Tide pods. And Justin Timberlake released Man of the Woods... 
Dubbed by the singer as ‘Modern Americana with 808s,’ Timberlake went all in with the woodsy aesthetic, donning rugged plaid and baptising himself in a river in the album trailer. He even served grasshoppers and ants coated in black garlic and rose oil be the listening party in NYC. It was all very bumpkin bourgeois. 
The music itself, of course, didn’t quite match the aesthetic. Sure, you had funk-fuelled hoedowns like ‘Midnight Summer Jam’ and country-tinged ballads like ‘Livin’ Off the Land’ and ‘Say Something’ (featuring Chris Stapleton). But for all its dancing in circles and do-si-dos, it didn’t stray’ too far from Timberlake’s signature RnB-infused pop, roping in longtime collaborators Timberland and Pharrell on tracks like the squelchy and much-maligned ‘Filthy’ and the rather vapid ‘Supplies,’ the latter featuring some of the worst sex metaphors ever committed to song (‘Cause I’ll be the light when you can’t see/I’ll be the wood when you need heat/I’ll be the generator, turn me on when you need electricity). 
Why do I bring this up? ‘Cos the Jonas Brothers, in the year of our Lord 2k23, have released their very own Man of the Woods (or should I say Men of the Woods). 
Donning flannel shirts and backed by rugged desert landscapes, the trio dig into their childhood influences to make a rather cynical attempt at ‘down-home’ earnestness on their latest album, The Album (not just any album but The Album), offering the kind of snapshots of dull domesticity and #blessed messaging you’d find on a passive-aggressive soccer mum’s Insta feed. 
On the right day, you could probably find yourself bopping along to first track ‘Miracle’ and its swirling bass groove as you cruise down the highway, the breeze blowing through your hair. But then you hear the shoutout to Jersey and the spiritual-lyrical-miracle level rhyme scheme, and it just pulls you right out, not to mention how Nick turns the Adam Levine-style falsetto up to 100. 
The slippery bass and retro shimmer of ‘Wings’ owes a lot to Toto’s ‘Hold the Line,’ offering up such syrupy sentiments as ‘You are the one, the sun, the light of day/You are the wings I need to fly away.’ ‘Sail Away’ is not a Styx cover, but a sleek yet inoffensive number built around an obvious Enya interpolation that has the nerve to rhyme ‘transcendental’ with ‘mental.’  
Tracks like ‘Montana Sky’ and ‘Americana’ (of course) would feel right at home on Man of the Woods or that other Justin’s record, Justice, combining ample funk grooves with chill guitar pop, while psychedelic finale ‘Walls’ (featuring purveyor of fine corn Jon Bellion crying ‘AS WE PROCEED!’ over the outro) goes down the Harry Styles route, cribbing from classic rock and passing it off as something profound. 
As the title seems to suggest, The Album is a rather lazy album: Most songs barely make the three-minute mark, either ending abruptly or fading halfway through their runtime. Yet each one has no less than 10 writers, including ‘Celebrate!,’ a nauseatingly chipper Vegas fantasy that makes almost anything on Panic! At The Disco’s Viva Las Vengeance sound like Mötorhead’s ‘Ace of Spades’ in comparison. 
It’s cliché after cliché after cliché: ‘Little Bird’ is a delicate ode dedicated to Nick’s young daughter yet has all the depth of a Hallmark card (‘Walked down the aisle, breakin' my heart/Lay down my pride, I know I gotta let you go’). On ‘Vacation Eyes,’ the bros are passing the dutchie and sippin’ on a lil’ something by the beach against a breezy sonic backdrop filled with Stevie-style harmonica and sparkling yacht rock. I almost expected Michael McDonald to jump in with those dulcet Michael McDonald tones. 
‘Summer in the Hamptons,’ meanwhile, sounds like something only upper-class WASPs can afford to do. Seriously, is there anything whiter than fucking in the Hamptons? 
The Album has got to be one of the whitest albums I’ve hears in years, even whiter than Man of the Woods. It’s blindingly white. It’s sweater vests, boat shoes and beige chinos, luxury 4WDs, franking credits and mother’s pearls. It’s a slice of Wonder White topped with a dollop of mayonnaise. The Album is very much Down with the Whiteness (ooh wah ah ah ah!) 
And then there’s the ‘Waffle House’ song. Coated in a bright, greasy shine, the brothers Jonas reminisce about nights spent trying to kill each other, then later hashing things out over some pork chops and hash browns (Yes, I looked up the menu) at said American institution. Which is kind of ironic, ‘cos from what I’ve seen on social media, Waffle House seems to be the place where most fights in America start.  
With its perfect harmonies and sparkling, upbeat synths, it’s ready-made for a national ad campaign. I’m not even American, but I better see some wholesome, God-fearing white family laughing together over some waffles in the restaurant's next TV commercial. Imagine: ‘Have the urge to kill your brother? Hash it out at the Waffle House with our 2 for 1 Hash Brown Surprise Deal, available for a limited time…’) 
The Album is… an album, I guess? Songs come and go with little fanfare, feeling rushed and incomplete. The JoBros’ vocals (JoBrocals?) are flat and eerily compressed while the production is painfully dull and generic, hidden behind a hard and impenetrable gloss. Bellion, meanwhile – who co-produced the record, along with Pete Nappi, Tenroc and six others - proves an overbearing presence, whether he’s providing additional vocals or other chintzy sonic touches, seemingly eager to craft something as empty and as soulless as his own corporate-approved pop. 
The Album is as hollow as it is bland, specially designed for diehard fans, future ad campaigns and the aforementioned soccer mums. I still believe that The JoBros peaked with the stone cold classic that is ‘Burnin’ Up’ (which featured a rap verse from the brothers’ bodyguard Big Rob), so The Album is clearly not the album for me…  
- Bianca B. 
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brandonwayneb · 2 years
corrupt cash cops pretend to be going door to door selling vaccumes, at “blood reef fucking” circle ⭕️ blood doors first. fucking squares & circles on peoples room doors before they confuse them when trying to speak to them, by foul shark shock vaccine 💉 & vacuum world class unlawful police activity techniques
world class police corruptions
“super soaker water guns”
“shark vacuumed”
“fat floor mat car pit bed mattress map pre pancake fucking days before systematically harassing “ti” targeted individuals again
“silver shooting”
“silver skin dipping”
“pancake blood circle door reef”
world class laws requirement update for all lives public press rights all lives.
“shark vacc systems”
corrupt cash cops pretend to be going door to door selling vaccumes, at “blood reef fucking” circle ⭕️ blood doors first. fucking squares & circles on peoples room doors before they confuse them when trying to speak to them, by foul shark shock vaccine 💉 & vacuum world class unlawful police activity techniques
world class police corruptions
“super soaker water guns”
“shark vacuumed”
“fat floor mat car pit bed mattress map pre pancake fucking days before systematically harassing “ti” targeted individuals again
“silver shooting”
“silver skin dipping”
“pancake blood circle door reef”
world class laws requirement update for all lives public press rights all lives.
"shark vacc systems"
"narc mark car lot park core
i added some more exposure to corrupt police, the caps part is obviously more crazy, but thats also where they fuck one another
say “adoption rays”
“a drop in”
corrupt cops police fight there
“adoption agency”
“abortion agencies”
insight "spiritual boon"
insight "spiritual revival"
#irish #welsh #celtic #blm #french #spanish #hispanic #public #world #news #fairy
"thats where bad men were putting peoples lives on clearance sales"
"black day tigers 🐅, was switched with stupid dead niggers"
wow.... i hope the world knows about that! doesn't appear that they do ...lol........ or every fucking black person in the entire world would immediately change their entire personal rights laws
orange cat
black cat
0 notes
chifrany · 3 years
Children of the Entity
So much agony. So much pain and death that were moving into centuries. Truly it was a testament to the strength of those still engaging. But the Observer could feel it, their despair, they were losing hope and soon would just become husks. Too bad, he enjoyed a lot of them.
Suddenly though a tinge, an idea put forth by the Entity. Another option, they had enough food, and it hungered for something else. Something new, Observer listened as it explained its idea and was just as intrigued. “Of course, my Entity. I’ll get to creating it right away.” And so he got to building.
The first thing he decided to make in this realm was two buildings. All three stories high with eight rooms on each floor. Much like an apartment complex. The top of the apartment having one large room, just cause he was curious to see how they would divide that. For extra aesthetics he decided that one house will be pink and one blue.
Satisfied with the look of the place, he moved on, making a long rounded building where he put an old style kitchen where they could make a fire and store food they may find, a door that would lead down to the cellar also in place. This room they also added tables and a few couches considering some recreational things but deciding against it. Another idea coming to mind.
With this he started work on the next building. A magnificent, temple looking building where he made alters and a display of the Entity the best they would know him. “If they want more blessings, then they can pray for them.” He explained simply.
After that it was just to create the world, which took the most time, most of the biome was the forest but the Entity was giving him a lot of free reign in this world. So he created a few other biomes as well as slowly starting to drag in animals from the real world. After that he slowed a little with worldbuilding refocusing on the trials as he considered who all he was going to bring in.
An obvious choice was the Survivors supposed leader Dwight. Bringing up the display of the male, he could see him there gently comforting one of the newest survivors. It was still so fascinating that this loser of a man became their leader. But the Observer could sense his wariness, so the next time the fog arrived it would claim him as well.
After looking at him he decided to instead inspect the other four that had been here longest. Meg, Nea, Claudette and the loner Jake. Claudette was the group’s resident healer often teaching other survivors how to heal themselves, while Meg got them running and Jake, well he was a unique case, highly respected by the other survivors but if he noticed he didn’t seem to care. As for Nea, she was a dedicated teammate and one of the most skilled survivors often escaping.
Yes all four were perfect. The fog would claim them next.
They wanted fifty for this to work, it was the number the Entity had given him and the hunt to find the perfect ones had finally started. After those five he then also decided to take Laurie, David and Quentin. Staring at Bill he also decided on the old man, knowing that the Entity could age him down, and decided to grab Ace as well.
After this he was almost getting bored of watching the survivor, so as the fog claimed those ones and had them moved to their newest home. Where they would slowly wake up, at first not knowing why cause the Observer only wanted to explain this once to the whole finished group. No, now he set his sights on the other side of the fence. Killers.
There were many that were starting to lose their spark and will to continue on. No amount of pain and torture cutting through. So he decided those ones were the perfect candidates, first one he went for was the silent Wraith, the fog claiming him as he slept and carrying him away to the new realm. He considered Freddy but that man was restless and frankly annoying and he doubted their goals would be met if he took him.
So instead he went to one of the longest standing killers. Evan Macmillan, aka the Trapper. He seemed angry like always and the Observer couldn’t wait to see what he did in the new realm. So fog moving in it took him as well. The next killers he grabbed was the little teenage ones, the Legion, the isolation seemed to be messing with them. Whatever the Entity did to them making them too bloodthirsty and feral to even be around themselves.
He could feel their loneliness and despair though, especially in the lonely hours between trials. There was that time where they decided just to mix them up as one being but it did not go over well. Panicking them and breaking even more of their hope then was expected. So they were an obvious choice to grab.
There was a few more he considered but he decided to go back to the survivor side, this time taking Adam, Jeff and Kate. After a moment of careful consideration he also decided on Jane and Zarina. The two reporters deserving of it. It seemed that people were starting to notice that other survivors weren’t showing up again. It was amusing to see their confused and alarmed looks. To freak them out even more he decided that the ones in the new realm deserved their old clothes so he just absorbed them up as well. Chuckling at the alarm of the group.
He wondered at this point who would rise up to be the next leader and perhaps wasn’t that surprised when he saw the soldier Jill step up. Ordering for everyone to be calm. This despair and fear was addicting to watch but the Entity was impatient. Wanting him to get on with his choices. Spoil sport. The Entity thought with a sigh. Smirking as he decided Jill and her closest friends were a good choice as well.
So Jill, Chris, Leon and Claire would be the next one the fog claimed. He decided to take another set as well when he looked over and spotted Steve, grabbing him Nancy and Jonathon. With that once more he decided to see what the killers were up to. One he found interesting was Amanda, she explored occasionally, one of the killers that seemed to have no fear about it. Despite having her own realm.
He watched her as she visited Ana, deciding to take the Huntress and also after she visited the Twins and the Spirit. He hesitated on the Spirit but decided to take her. As for Charlotte she was an alright candidate but he wasn’t sure he wanted to include the brother. For obvious reasons, the entities loud voice calling the two one though solved that debate. Charlotte and Victor would be counted as one Entity.
With that he claimed them before deciding he had watched the Pig for long enough and taking her along as well. Again he felt the Entities impatience so sighing he figured he would grab the last of the killers chosen and looking around he decided on: Deathslinger aka Caleb, the young vampire Arius, the brute Kazan, the Hillbilly in the corn, the therapist Eradius, the cult leader Finch, the screaming Nurse Sally, the star Ji-Woon,  cannibalistic Lisa who they would attempt to cut through to who she once was. The last one she decided on was Talbot, who they also would allow to return to slightly more normal, not even the Entity could fix the damage that was done to this man.
The Observer was about to leave the Killers realm and return back to the survivors when he paused, staring at the cloaked figure of Danny. The killer exploring the MacMacmillian Estate before he just seemed to sit down a soft sigh escaping him. Another moment of watching the Male and he decided to bring him along as well.
And with that he returned to the survivors realms, this one he decided just to grab the last they needed, these ones being the surfer Haskell, the architect Felix, the cult girl Elodie, the quiet one Cheryl, the brave cop Cybil, the biker Yui, Yun-Jin who he was sure was going to make it interesting with her counterpart, and finally the gamer Feng. With that settled they all were dragged into the fog.
A few had been living at the little area for a few weeks. The killers mostly avoiding the survivors which was amusing for the Observer to see. Still for the first time in a long time with the fog around him he approached everyone being given the thought to come to the temple. The ones just grabbed simply awakening in said temple. Once everyone was gathered and looking quite confused did the Observer step out into view.
“Greetings Children of the Entity.” He called, the entity seemingly pleased at the name he gave them, “The time of killing and death is over. You have all been chosen to be apart of a new step in the Entities Realm.” Someone went to speak but the fog quickly silenced anyone who dare say anything. “This will now be your new home, for one whole year starting from today, you can live, laugh, rebuild whatever you humans desire.” He assured. “However there is a catch, we want to feel something new in this realm, another powerful emotion, love.” He explained. “If you can feel true pure love by the end of this year, you will be allowed to stay indefinitely in this new world. If you do not, you will simply disappear.” He stated being purposely vague on that point.
“You may also get the Entities favor by praying in this temple. Good luck Children, and enjoy your new world.” With that the fog swallowed the Observer up as he returned to his own area. Observing the immediate aftermath of his announcement with a grin. This truly was going to be an interesting chapter in the Entities Realm.
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keelywolfe · 4 years
FIC: Welcome to Backwater ch.9 (spicyhoney)
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Summary: Stretch is getting a chance to meet the local Sheriff and to say he is not excited would be an understatement.
Read chapter 9: ‘Addressing the Public’ on AO3 
Read it here!
For his first day off from the grocery, today sure seemed like it was determined to make its mark so he couldn’t possibly forget it. At this point, it was about burned into Stretch’s memory, for sure.
First there was Doris who added her clues into his trick r treat bucket, then the town assholes showed up for their serial killer practice. Then, as a treat, he got to have the double punch of a lunch with Edge, a sweet and sour mixture of possibly flirtatious revelations coupled to an unwanted chat about his own traumas, served warm over some delicious pie.
Now it looked like he was about to get a sequel to the Assholes: Part Deux, the Assholes’ Revenge, in the form of a sheriff filled with blustering indignation and accusations, and all Stretch had was a mouthful of pie to defend himself. Worse, his only witness had already paid the bill and left.
Stretch swallowed his last bite, chasing it down with water when it tried to stick in the back of his throat as he went over possibilities. He could try to explain the situation, but if there was one thing he’d learned from living in Ebott, it was that if a Monster was talking to the cops, it was best to keep it short, sweet, and polite. Don’t try to explain or admit to shit, ‘cause they’d be more than happy to add another line to the list of things to harass you about.
Seriously, he missed being able to shortcut, this whole facing trouble head-on thing wasn’t for him.
The sheriff huffed again, loudly, and it fluffed up his broad mustache like a human-shaped walrus. He propped fists about the size of a baby’s head on his broad hips and growled out, “So? Is that it? You’re here startin’ some trouble in my peaceful little town?”
Stretch looked up into those mirrored sunglasses. If they were standing, Stretch would probably have a couple inches on the guy, but sitting here in the booth the sheriff loomed over him ominously, his own distorted reflection showing back his nervous face.
“no, sir,” Stretch said politely. Stick with the basic, that was good for a start, and hopefully Red would be willing to bail him out if that became necessary. At least Red wouldn’t have far to go.
The rest of the diner was staring, not a single fork was engaged as they watched the latest scene in the town drama unfold. Not that he blamed them, this was probably about the most action they’d seen in weeks, but he did sort of wish someone would be a little concerned rather than eagerly interested. Waiting to see if maybe the local sheriff was gonna slap on some cuffs so they could whip out their phones for a nice tiktok video while he was getting read his rights?
“No?” the sheriff demanded. His sunglasses reflected the overhead light, making Stretch wince back. “I heard you were out there riling up the corn yesterday. And today you were playing dog days with the doggerel boys?”
That was true, except how it wasn’t, and a trickle of sweat was winding its way down Stretch’s spine despite the air conditioning. Before he could wheeze out another ‘no sir’ or any other answer at all, a sudden, booming laugh filled the entire diner, loud enough to echo from the greasy grill before rolling back out to rattle the windows. The sheriff hooked his thumbs into a belt with a buckle so big that could probably double as a satellite dish, guffawing loudly, “Aw, you ain’t in any trouble, I’m just joshing ya, boy!”
Oh. Ohhhh, this was only a little goodnatured small-town hazing, that he could deal with, if he managed to swallow his quivering soul back down where it belonged. Stretch tried on a smile to match the sheriff’s ongoing laughter and found that it fit pretty well, all things considered.
“can’t be joshing, my name is stretch,” Stretch said with cautious humor. “but i guess stretching me would be an entirely different meaning. think they gave that one up in the middle ages.”
The sheriff bellowed out another laugh that practically shook the silverware, actually bending over to give his knee a loud slap. Around them rose other chuckles around mouthfuls of pie and how strange was it that he could feel the difference between people laughing at him and laughing with him. There was a certain fondness in that laughter, in the warm expressions coming his way from townsfolk that he sort of knew; these were people who’d bought their toilet paper and fresh apples from him on any given day, who’d give him waves and smiles when he passed them on the sidewalk and maybe it was an unusual form of kindness, but their humor still made unexpected tears prick in his sockets.
Stretch grabbed his napkin and dabbed hastily at his face as if he were wiping away sweat before anyone could see and misunderstand. How could he explain to them that in all his life, he’d never felt such a wash of overwhelming fondness from anyone except maybe his own brother.
(Not even from the person who’d told him so often and so tenderly that he loved him…until he didn’t, fucking hell, he wasn’t thinking about that right now, he wasn’t.)
The sheriff was obviously no fool and already his expression was softening into remorse, maybe coming up with an apology that Stretch desperately did not want, not for this. Rescue came almost too late and from an entirely unexpected source. Granny Collemore was so short Stretch could only see her steel-gray hair piled up in a messy bun over the top of the booth as she approached, but he heard her hollering well enough.
“Buford, you let that poor boy alone!” There was a smacking sound of a cane hitting flesh and Stretch couldn’t see where the blow struck, but the sheriff, Buford, let out a yelp, hopping on one foot as he frantically rubbed his shin.
“Sam Hill, granny, I was only playin!” he grumbled. He pulled up the leg of his trousers to examine his granny-inflicted wound. There was a reddened welt on the skin, already shading to purple.
“You hush yourself,” Granny huffed, “I’m half-past give-a-shit today and you may be the sheriff in these parts, but you ain’t too old for a hiding!” Granny shuffled into view, her cane hooked over one arm. She reached out with her wrinkled hands and Stretch leaned over obediently to let her to cup his face gently in her palms as she clucked with concern. “Does he look like he’s up for your shenanigans?” she groused loudly, “‘specially since this feller is working over at the grocery with Red, bless his heart.”
“That a fact?” Buford pushed his hat up and offered a crooked smile. “Must be a brave soul, then. Well, you tell that sonavabitch I’m gunning for him this Sunday. He better be there with silver bells on and you tell him that whatever aces are up his sleeves, better make sure they ain’t spades, ‘cause that’s the reverend’s favorite cheat.”
“i’ll do that,” Stretch agreed, a touch bewildered. Hell, he’d thought Red was joking when he said the sheriff was his poker buddy.
That sounded like an exit line, it was starting to look like Stretch was going to make it out of here unscathed, and he might have if Granny hadn’t put in, happily, “Anyhoo, Buford, you just miss seeing Edge. He was here sharing a slice of pie with our new fella.”
Dark eyebrows rose up over those mirrored lenses and Buford hooted a laugh, “Oho, that how it is. On a date with our Edge, were ya.”
Great, that was exactly what he didn’t want getting back to Red. Enjoying a little flirting was one thing, but not if it started the wheels of the gossip train turning. With his luck, it would crash right into a dumpster fire. “uh, no, no dates, just pie.”
He did not expect Buford to suddenly look a little offended, those eyebrows drawing down into a frown behind his glasses. “Why in the Sam Hill not? Ain’t he your type?”
“Uh.” Stretch looked around a little wildly, away from Granny and Buford to see the rest of the diner was still watching them with interest. No, not just interest, there was an awful lot of sly looks there and whispering behind hands, along with soft expressions and doe-eyes…
Oh. Oh, shit, it was worse than he thought. They were invested, everyone in this diner was taking sides and they were choosing the romance option, this was bad, this sort of thing was infectious and the last thing he needed right now was an entire town of matchmakers trying to hook him up with the local hottie. It was like an unsolved Agatha Christie took a sudden, sideways turn into a Hallmark Gyftmas movie.
Buford and the rest of the diner were all waiting for him to explain why he and Edge weren’t dating and Stretch was sitting here, fumbling around at the pass.
“we’re not dating, we’re just—” Stretch coughed awkwardly, hesitating. The truth was ‘it’s complicated’ was probably most accurate, although ‘barely met acquaintances’ was a close second, or even the generic, ‘he’s my boss’s baby bro whose ass i am definitely not staring whenever i see him but also his smile is really nice and—' “—friends,” Stretch finished, lamely.
Buford nodded like he’d offered not a nugget of wisdom, but an entire ten-piece with the tangy sauce. The light reflected in his mirrored gaze as he said, kindly, “That ain’t a bad thing.”
Relieved, Stretch let out an unsteady laugh, “kinda surprised you don't think i'm a cousin or something.”
Buford snorted loudly at that, “Son, you boys don't look a thing alike.”
And that there was another surprise to add to his daily total. In Ebott, Stretch was constantly getting mistaken for Papyrus or Sans, even his own brother once or twice. Half the time, people either didn’t know his name or didn’t care to, and Backwater was a strange place, no question, but that sure didn’t mean it was bad.
Buford didn’t seem to notice his shock as he went on, “Now there’s a boy who could use some en-ter-tainment. Works too hard, damned if he don’t.”
Now that was a clue looking him right in the face and Stretch took the Velma leap and pounced on it, trying for a little discreet nonchalance, “yeah? what does he work so hard at?”
A shame Buford seemed to be pretty quick on the draw. He gave Stretch a shrewd look, “He ain’t told you?”
“no, sir,” Stretch sighed glumly. Seriously, he was the worst Velma ever.
Buford went ahead and poured salt into the open wound with another short laugh, “Naw, I’ll ain’t stepping in that cow pie. I’ll let him talk to ya about that. But see if you can’t get him to slow down for another--” Buford gave him a sly wink and actually hooked his thick fingers into air quotes, “’friend date’, wontcha?”
Then he grunted as Granny Collemore jammed her elbow into his soft gut, tutting loudly, “You never did shake the ants outta your pants did you, Buford! Let those boys alone, they'll go at their own pace.” To Stretch she offered sunny, toothless grin, “Come on, and walk an old lady out.”
“yes, ma’am,” Stretch said. Hey, he might be an idiot, but he was no fool. He stood up, ready to make his getaway, halted only briefly by Buford snatching up his hand and giving it an enthusiastic shake, though his grip was gentle on the delicate bones.
“Welcome to town, Stretch,” Buford told him. For once he was completely serious as he said, low, “and don’t you worry about those boys.” He tapped the side of his nose, his broad finger reflected in his sunglasses. “I know what happened, it’ll be taken care of.”
“i appreciate that,” Stretch said, and he meant it. He turned and followed after Granny, only dodging ahead to hold up the door so she could shuffle out.
“Thank you, sonny,” Granny huffed as she made her slow way through the door. “These old bones ain’t as spry as yours. You should head on home now, there's a storm a’comin'."
Stretch looked up into the cloudless sky in confusion, greeted by endless blue.
“Oh, you can trust me," Granny grimaced and rubbed at her hip, "these joints don't lie."
“i will,” Stretch agreed. After his lesson with the corn, he was taking the townsfolk at their word and if granny said a storm was heading this way, he expected to see clouds blowing in any minute now.
He left Granny to make her way home and headed back to the store. Red only grunted when he came in, didn’t even look up from his book as he hooked an absent thumb towards his apartment. There was a bag sitting on the table and when Stretch looked inside, there was a sandwich neatly covered in plastic wrap, a bag of chisps, and a bottle of juice. He was still full up on pie, but it would make for a nice, simple dinner, good thing he had Red up there looking after him. Maybe he should suggest to Red that he get a tattoo, a nice heart engraved on his arm with ‘Mom’ in the middle, since now he had one.
Stretch took the bag upstairs with him and opened the window. He took a moment to breathe in the already cooling air, a herald to the coming storm.
The book was sitting where he’d left it last night when he’d dragged himself off Red’s sofa, limbs spaghettied from sleep and his mind noodly mush. He’d brought the book along without even thinking about it and now the hardcover seemed to mock him with the necessary knowledge hidden somewhere within those pages.
Welp, there was only one way he was gonna get the info out of it and that didn’t mean beating it against his skull until the words shook out. He picked it up and settled to sit cross-legged on the bed, bracing himself for what might well be hours of boredom as he turned it to the first page.
And frowned. At the top of the page was a family name, ‘Anderson’, along with the date, ‘1884’. There was a short selection of first names beneath it and next to each was what looked like a telephone number and an address.
“what the hell?” Stretch muttered. He flipped to the second page and it was the same thing, only the name was ‘Armstrong’ and there were a lot more first names to go with it, someone was getting busy on the weekends, for sure.
Stretch flipped to the next page, and the next. All of them had the same thing, a last name, then a collection of firsts with a number and an address. Finally, he flipped back to the title page. There, right underneath the scrolling text declaring the book ‘The Informal History of Backwater’ was a tiny addition he hadn’t noticed before, stating in a small, stark font, ‘Municipal Directory.’
For a long moment, Stretch could only stare at it, until the words started floating in his sight. Laughter bubbled up suddenly, fizzing in him like a shaken soda. "sonofabitch," Stretch burst out, snickering madly. The damn thing was a glorified telephone book and Edge had flat-out given him his damned address already, practically gift-wrapped it! And he'd almost refused to take the damn thing! Guy wasn't only sexy, he had jokes and if he wasn't already a treat to the senses, that would have upgraded him to a bone-ified snack.
Address had to be in here, all Stretch needed to do was find it. The book was bigger than he would’ve thought from a small town, but from the look of it, they never took anyone out, only kept adding on. Occasionally next to a name he saw an abbreviated ‘dec.,’ so maybe this was a bit of town history, after all, kind of a family tree, anyway.
It still took him awhile to find their names, flipping through the book. The names were alphabetized, but that didn’t help much when the family he was looking for didn’t have a last name. Finally, under the surname ‘Skeleton’, he found them.
“should’ve tried that to begin with,” Stretch muttered. He read the entry, following along with his finger, only to pause in confusion when it came to the date recorded neatly by their names. It listed them as arriving in town over a decade ago and if that was when they came to Backwater, then whoever printed this needed to proofread a little better, because that was impossible. Monsters had only been on the surface for a couple years, not quite three now, so it had to be a mistake.
Except, Edge struck him as the kind of guy who was pedantic enough that there was no way he wouldn’t bitch until it was fixed; anyone who ate their pie like it was a military maneuver wouldn’t be able to stand such an egregious error. And he’d made sure to give Stretch the book, so he damn well knew he’d be seeing this. So what the hell did all this mean?
What did any of this mean?
Stretch sank back against the wall behind him, tipping his head up so he could stare at the ceiling. There was a crack in the plaster in one the corner, spidering off into a shape like a lightning bolt and that was exactly what Stretch felt like he’d been struck with.
What the hell was this place? Some kind of fairytale, where one day in town was a week on the outside? If he hopped on another bus and made his way to the next town over, would the papers tell him it was next Tuesday or the next century?
It was enough to inspire him to check his messages. Stretch fumbled for his phone, opening the text app for the first time in days. The amount of alerts made him wince but it was the last message that roused that endless ache in his soul back up to true pain.
I understand that you’re hurting, brother. You don’t have to tell me where you are. You don’t even have to call. All I ask is you send me a message every once in a while to let me know you’re all right. Please.
Stretch closed his sockets and swallowed against the sudden knot in his throat. Before he could rethink it, he typed a hasty, i’m all right and sent it, then lurched over to shove his phone into the nightstand drawer, slamming it shut.
Even so, he couldn’t help listening, straining to hear but there was no vibrating buzz, nothing to indicate a return message.
Good enough.
Stretch took a deep, shaky breath, then dragged the book back over and studied the entry again. Red’s address was the store, no surprises there, but Edge was listed under 637 Wood’s End Drive.
Wood’s End. Seriously?
Welp, it was one mystery solved, anyway, even if he’d skipped the meddling kids part. Now all he needed was to plan a field trip.
A sudden flash of lightning lit the room, putting the fake bolt on his ceiling to bitter shame and the sky outside seemed to burst, rain pouring down and pelting through his open window. Stretch scrambled over to slam it closed, shaking away the damp on his hands. All the sunshine from earlier was gone, the sky darkened into angry, swirling storm clouds as the downpour drenched the parched earth.
Yeah, field trip was postponed on account of rain, but not for long. He’d get there and maybe once he showed up on Edge’s doorstep, he’d finally get some real answers.
For now, though, all Stretch wanted was a towel.
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dweetwise · 4 years
A cute Ace x fem reader where they play hide and seek during a trial
i don’t think i’ve ever written a request this fast but hey, strike while the iron is hot and all that! it’s a little dumb and a whole lot of fluff but i hope you enjoy <3 (disclaimer: i don’t actually play immersed in dbd pls don’t mori me)
word count: 2543
Ace X f!reader: Hide and Seek
“You want to do it now?”
You glance up from rummaging through your offerings to look at Ace. He's smiling wide and there's a mischievous glint in his eyes, kind of like whenever he tries to get one of the others to play poker with him—oh, right. You’d made a bet a few days ago. 
“The killers are so blind!” Ace had laughed when you both managed to escape another trial, you without even taking a hit. The others sometimes made jokes about your sneakiness, claiming your ‘blending’ abilities were rivaled only by Claudette. This particular trial, the Pig had been visibly annoyed, completely ignoring Ace after the last gen got done and only focused on finding you, muttering something about ‘losing her fourth stack’. “I run into you several times each trial. You’re not that hard to find,” Ace continued, taking a good-natured jab at your skill to stay out of sight. “Because I don't actually try to hide from you?” you argued, raising an eyebrow. “Wouldn't find me if I did,” you added, challenging. And you should have known Ace never backed down from a challenge. “Wanna bet?” the man grinned. “You manage to avoid me an entire trial, you win." “Oh, you're on.”
It took a while for the opportunity to present itself, as you'd been thrown into trials either separately or with some of your more serious teammates. You're pretty sure Laurie would have kicked your asses for slacking off, and you didn't want to set a bad example for the new girl, Cheryl.
But now, you're waiting by the pre-trial campfire for the Entity to pick which killer it wants to torture you with, taking in the sight of a yawning Quentin and a grinning Nea loading her flashlight with batteries like it was a lethal weapon. You figure this opportunity is as good as any.
“Hey, guys,” you start, getting the duo’s attention. “You mind if we fuck—" ‘Around this trial’ would have been the rest of your sentence, but Nea interrupts you by bursting into laughter and Quentin makes a disgusted face. "Oh my fucking god,” Quentin visibly cringes, glaring at Ace. “Keep it in your pants, dude.” “If you would let the lovely lady finish,” Ace starts with a smirk. “She was about to ask if we can use the trial to settle a bet.” “With hide and seek,” you add before they get any more lewd ideas. “Go nuts,” Nea quips and Quentin just shrugs with a “Whatever”.
You return your attention to the task of choosing an offering, settling for a reagent to increase the mist. When you go to throw it into the fire, you see Ace fiddling around with something, his back turned to you.
“Are you bringing bond!?” you squawk, grabbing his hand and yanking his sleeve up to display the familiar aura-reading twine wrapped around his wrist. "No, no! These are… bracelets! All the rage, back in my day—” Ace hurries to explain, gesturing animatedly with his other hand. The movement causes some cards to fall out of his sleeve. “And open-handed!?” you demand, hands on your hips. “Oh my, how did those get there?” Ace feigns ignorance, kicking the cards under a log. You bite back a laugh at his cheating antics, at this point knowing better than to expect him to play fair. “Guess that means you're scared of losing,” you say, a smirk pulling at your lips as an idea forms in your head. Predictably, Ace immediately perks up, taking the bait. “In your dreams, princess,” he says, puffing up his chest. “How about we raise the stakes? No perks.” You hesitate for a moment. Spine chill and urban evasion have saved your ass on countless occasions, but since you were only going to be hiding from Ace and not the killer… how hard could it be? “Deal.” When you fade back to consciousness, you’re standing by the Thompson house. You’ve spawned right by a generator, but instead of getting to work, you make your way towards one of the outside walls of the trial, crouching down to hide with a good view of two of the closest generators.
Soon enough, you see Ace make his way over to the machine you were just by, pushing through the corn and glancing around. Not seeing anything, he seems to frown before kneeling down to start his repairs. You snicker to yourself and start sneaking to the other generator, keeping an eye on Ace the entire time.
Halfway through your repairs, you hear Nea’s pained scream of taking a hit somewhere within the trial. It seems like she’s keeping the killer busy.
As soon as you hear Ace’s generator pop, you duck down and start making your way along the trial wall. You flatten yourself against a tree when you see Ace approaching, before he disappears into the pallet gym your nearly finished generator is at. With the wall blocking the crucial line of sight, you seize the opportunity to bolt away, the sound of your footsteps drowned out by the machine. You hear him opening a locker and scoff at the action; like you’d make such an amateur mistake.
Another gen pops, apparently Quentin’s handiwork, while you cut through the cornfield. You run into Nea, being chased through the corn, and quickly dive out of the way and crouch in a row of stalks as the killer—the Wraith, good to know—follows, not far behind her. Predictably, he doesn’t see you.
By the time you get to your destination, the second story of the house, Ace has gotten your generator done and Nea has been hooked and unhooked. The killer is once again chasing her, and from your vantage point you can even see her repeatedly clicking the flashlight in the Wraith’s face while looping the cow tree.
The generator on the balcony hasn’t even been started, but you’re waiting for Ace and Quentin to finish theirs first, working on a machine together in the corn right below the balcony.
Ace’s back is turned to you and he keeps glancing around, trying in vain to spot you in the field. Damn, if you'd only brought diversion into the trial, you would have thrown a pebble at him to confuse him further. Feeling cocky, you lean over the railing and wave down at the two instead. You see Quentin glancing your way with a smirk, before looking back at the generator.
“You need some glasses, old man,” you hear Quentin snark. “Huh?” Ace says, getting his wires crossed and making the machine explode as he whips his head around to look at the house, but you’ve already ducked down safely behind your generator. You wait for the duo to finish their repairs and disappear in the direction of the shack before starting the generator in the house.
When your generator pops and the exits gates get powered, Nea is just about to be death hooked, and hearing her final scream, you feel a little bad when you make your way to a corner of the map instead of pressuring an exit gate. But soon enough, you spot Ace running to the house to try to catch you leaving after your repairs, proving your hunch was correct—he’s so predictable, bless his heart. A little while later, you see him come out of the house and look around in confusion, but then you hear Quentin’s pained scream and Ace seems to sigh and utter a curse before running in the direction of a gate.
You try to find the hatch but have no luck, and then you hear a screech as one of the massive gates slides open, followed by Quentin’s wail as he finally goes down. You spot his prone aura by the shack, before it disappears into thin air; huh, guess he managed to crawl out.
Now knowing which gate is open, you start walking to the other, a little on edge not knowing where the killer is after losing his last prey.
To your surprise, Ace is pulling on the other exit gate’s lever, effectively ruining your plans. You start making your way back towards the shack, taking a detour to avoid the killer's patrol route between the gates.
You're a little nervous Ace is going to get found, taking an unnecessary risk in getting both gates open. If he gets caught, you're throwing your little game and saving him, the bet be damned. Though it's not going to be easy, with Nea dead and Quentin out and neither of you having any perks. Even though you’ve known the entire time you were both likely to die from this dumb game, thinking about Ace getting hurt still makes you uneasy.
Exit gate now in sight, you carefully look around for any signs of the killer. The Wraith could just be standing still in the exit, completely invisible to the naked eye. Even if he was there, you could just run out and take a hit in the back before escaping, as you know from Quentin’s chase he doesn't have NOED. Still, you'd rather not get injured at all.
There's no telling shimmer in the gate, so you decide to just go for it. You walk into the structure, and nothing happens. You're nearly out when you hesitate, turning to look back into the trial; what if the Wraith has found Ace? What if he comes out of nowhere, grabbing Ace off of the exit gate lever since neither of you has spine chill and—
There's footsteps right next to you and you try to whip around, but then someone is grabbing you from behind and your heart leaps into your throat as you let out a startled yelp—
“Gotcha,” Ace's voice whispers in your ear. The relief floods over your body even as you shove at him playfully, making him let go of you with a chuckle. “Fuck you! You scared the shit out of me!” you argue even while your face is splitting into a grin. “You're not the only one who can be sneaky, doll,” Ace quips, returning your grin with a self-satisfied smirk. “What are you even doing here? I saw you at the other gate!" “Ah, the old bait and switch," Ace chuckles. “I wanted to get both gates for you, so you didn’t have to risk the killer finding you. And then it was only a matter of luck! A classic 50/50,” he grins.
Damnit, what a stupid and dangerous and— …Kind of romantic… —and unnecessary and idiotic stunt!
“Get over here,” you say, yanking him closer by his shirt. “I missed you,” you mumble softly, hands wrapping around his neck as the surprise makes way for familiar affection. “I missed you too, sweetheart,” he says, eyes softening and a hand wrapping around your waist, the other coming up to cup your cheek. “I missed seeing this cute little face,” he says, pecking your nose sweetly. “You avoiding me wasn't nearly as fun as I'd imagined,” he jokes, but there's a tinge of uncertainty in his voice. “If it makes you feel better, I basically stalked you the entire time,” you murmur, leaning your forehead against his and a hand scratching at the baby hairs on his neck. “Though I almost threw a rock at you at one point.” He chuckles at the confession, a warm puff of air in the space between you. “Can't take your eyes off of me, eh?" he grins. “Not when you're being so oblivious and adorable,” you murmur. “Well, I clearly underestimated you," he admits, and is that a little blush you can see on his cheeks? “Likewise,” you smile. “So, what do you want for your prize?” “Oh I'll think of something, don't you worry,” he wags his eyebrows suggestively and you roll your eyes from the corny gesture. “But here's your consolation prize,” he says, finally leaning down to capture your waiting lips.
You eagerly respond to the kiss, moving your lips against his while your heart flutters from the affection, even moaning a little when Ace pulls you even closer against him. It’s all so familiar; the scratching of his goatee, the way he playfully nips at your lip, the scent of his cheap cologne lingering even after all these years stuck in the realm. You don't even mind losing the bet, not when you get to be in his arms and kiss him silly.
But then Ace is suddenly pulling away, lifting his head up to look back into the trial over the top of your head.
“I think we have an audience,” Ace says and you glance over your shoulder, his arms still around you.
There's a slight shimmer just beside the exit gate where the Wraith seems to jolt from surprise. A small pause later the familiar bell rings, and then you have an embarrassed killer in front of you, looking at the ground and sheepishly scratching the back of his neck. You just stare at him stupidly, a little ashamed over being caught making out in the exit. How long has he been standing there?
“Hey bud, thanks for letting us goof off this match,” Ace is thankfully speaking so you don't have to, but the words manage to confuse you. Was the Wraith in on it? You genuinely thought you'd been able to hide from the killer the entire time, especially since he was so focused on Nea.
The Wraith looks up bashfully, nodding his head and shuffling his feet. Then he pauses, points at you and then Ace, and makes a heart shape with his hands. Ace huffs out a surprised laugh while you blink owlishly, and the killer hurries to leave, ringing his bell and the sound of his footsteps scurrying away from the exit.
“Looks like we have a fan,” Ace muses, turning to look at you again. You smile up at him and you’re just about to lean back in for another kiss, when a realization hits you.
How did Ace know the killer was there? You saw him take off spine chill before the trial, and he hadn't even flinched like the perk usually makes you do when the killer is looking at you. Unless…
“Did you bring premonition!?” you realize, and now Ace does flinch a little from being caught off guard. “So, err, remember when you said some perks are so bad they shouldn't even be considered perks—” Ace hurries to make excuses. “You little shit!” you exclaim in mock offense. “You cheated! No prize for you!” “Aww,” Ace whines and honest to god pouts. “Fair enough. Damn, and I only did it to keep you safe… oh well, still worth it,” he mumbles defeatedly, mostly to himself. “Ugh, fine, get back here,” you grumble, pulling him into another kiss to stop him from moping because it's breaking your heart. 
When Ace just chuckles against your lips, you realize you've been played. Instead of snarking at him some more, you take advantage of his open mouth to shove your tongue down his throat and relish in the way his laugh turns into a needy groan.
And next time you're bringing the pebble, rules be damned.
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thurilostiel · 4 years
Do you mind talking about your Blind Oracle? She looks very interesting and beautiful!! I really love her design!!! 🥺🙏
Ok so first of all @cringeyvanillamilk @one-leaf-grimoire @shinyshammie cuz you all seemed interested in the OC of mine. Sooo.... *looks over at like 30 pages of written text for BO’s backstory and pet guides* I’ll start with most basic things, in a short list so that you can choose whenever to read all of this or just the summary.  Also Thank you for the name suggestions, they’re really fun and I had Lilith in there as well, but for like a slightly different meaning of the name. Name used by her: ‘Oracle’[after getting her grimoire], Thana Nickname given by Nozel, as she said she wasn’t given a name upon birth: Gulisa, and later Libi Full name: Lilith Razili Graddfa'r Ddraig Title: Blind Oracle Status: Of well respected Diamond’s Kingdom noble familly DOB: 20th of April Gender: Female Pronouns: She/Her Sexuality: [???] she might be ace, but that’s due to a trauma, still questioning Height: 164cm / ~5′4 feet Weight: 54kg / ~119 lb Eye colour: Deep forest Green -green that goes into grey’ish colour spectrum the farther from the center Hair lenght and colour: Long -while down they get past her shoulder blades, longest part goes till her waist- Dark brown with highlights [of slight reddish tones] Skin colour: Delicate carmely tan [typical Central EU skin tone] Special marks/scars: has lots of little scars on her arms and upper back, her eyes have a visible markings on the irises [will include pic later] Magic affinity/magic’s name[as the one written in the grimoire]: Light / Fallen Luster Magic type: Supportive summonings Favourites: food- fresh fruits, ice minties, a big meaty meal, mint ice cream drinks- fruit juice[apple and orange juices], water with frozen lemon/grapes and mint dos- hum melodies, take long walks with her companion[s], experiment with her eyes, making things for her pets and/or others dear to her don’ts- arguing, being descriminated, being in big crowds, having others play heroes for her [i.e. pretend there are robbers nearby and shove her inside an alley to ‘protect her’] Magic Knight Squad: She’s blind so she’s not that confident to get herself into this bussines Race: Half dragon (don’t @ me, you gave me this idea guys, you know where this came from) Personality: kind and shy pesimist, who always looks at the worst possible scenario to be prepared for anything she can think of. Known pets of hers : Emrys - an aftereffect of her father’s experiment, was with her from her 3rd birthday till May5th after her 18th birthday. Unidentified under-race of, what everyone assumed was, a wolf and fox mix, with low nobility mana levels, allowing him to use few ‘spells’ of flower magic. His favourite flower was a Pond Lily, and he loved to snack on freshly cought fishes. Died on May 5th. [need to finish his visuals, tho he’s inspired by a pet in a browser game Eldarya write down ‘Eldarya Rowtsya’ into google and this is really close to what Emrys look[ed] like] Mer - foundling Crystal Eagle of Oracle. He dropped out of a nest on top of a tree under which the girl was resting. He was a little hatchling then, not more than 2 weeks old, the smell of chocolate cookie brought him to such a brave act. Mer was too small to fly back up ot the nest, also Oracle hadn’t noticed that he’s an eagle untill about a month after he joined her on the adventure, and moved on right after giving him the rest of her cookie, making the smol birdie confused as he was never that far away form his nest and decided to stick to her. Mostly because she still got more cookies to feed him. He’s a little grumpy, but he helps her getting around on her travels. He loves chocolate cookies, corn, and ice minties. He’s getting mad really easily, while mad will refuse to eat and fly, instead will be stompin’ angrily on the ground so Oracle will hear him being mad. Meanings of names: Lilith - night monster, monster mother; also believed to be the name of first wife of Adam, a succub that brought fear to little children and pregnant ladies Razili - of Hebrew’s origins meaning ‘Lord’s secret’ Graddfa'r Ddraig - that’s just her father attempt to act human. ‘Dragon Scale’ in Welsh. Due to her mother’s pasing she wasn’t allowed to wear the noble familly name. Gulisa - Little[as in Weak] Heart [Georgian’s origins] Libi - My heart [Hebrew’s origins] Thana - Arabic name meaning ‘Death’ So the backstory goes a little like this: Lilith was taken out of her mother’s dead body about 2h after her death and put into the coffin on her mother’s chest as she was a silent one and not one of servants believed she’d still be alive. Her father was the one to react to her cries and open up the coffin to see his daughter trying to feed herself but getting nothing above few droplets of blood from now uncovered breasts. This caused her to be of a weak heart and health in general, would scratch easily, get exhausted from simple tasks... The father[a dragon and an idiot when it comes to human interactions] somewhat took care of her, not knowing what to do with babies he just stuck to giving her bottles with milk whenever she cried and if that didn’t work get a servant to change her daiper. Her real name was never used inside the castle, her father was using her [draconic version of] middle name or ‘shortenings’- he meant sweetheart but was saying weakheart, meant sweetie when saying hatchilng, you get the point- as everyone took her as a sign and incarnation of missfortune and death, thus called her Thana instead. Their explanation was that no child would be still alive while it’s own twin[brother] was born already half eaten by pests and parasites, and mother having her heart rotten due to a sickness. Last time she saw her father was around her 3rd birthday, month after that he was never seen by her, but they did met a few more times after Lilith was made blind. For years she was left to herself, only cared for in ways of giving her some food and preparing baths and clothes to wear. She wasn’t allowed to study things other than law and the ways of beautiful speach, yet she loved music. She missed her father dearly, but Emrys took up his place greatly, cuddling up to her whenever she was scared, hurt or cold. Her magic started showing around her 5th birthday and since then the elders started getting a bit suspicious. All was going normal, everyday lessons of law and how to speak in front of politicians, break for a meal, then the rest spent with Emrys on a walk around the gardens or in a library stealthy listening to the music lessons on the upper floors. Upon the day of her 15th birthday the elders took her to old ruins, where they marked her eyes with a ‘new emblem’ that was supposed to start a rebelius movement to throw the king from his throne, but after seeing Lilith crashing down with tears of blood and a new moon forming upon the sky they flew away in fear, leaving her there, unnecessarily taking away her sight from her. As the moon started forming, crimson fog hugged the dying girl, a single string of shimmering mana started leading the fog into the noble family castle. Before reaching the gates the unidentified experiment rushed into it and the fog moved back, leaving the castle alone for this day.  Emrys cuddled up to her and covered her with his own mana, focusing on her bloodshot eyes. The fog began cleansing itself, becoming shimmery, as if stardust created it. It later formed her grimoire, the book that would once be called Last Hope, as it’s light was powerful in means of healing and defending, but never there to harm, yet it’s magic was tricky and therefore never the same, no more was it to pleasantly sit back and observe the battle. There was a small peasant village near those ruins, they saw the great light and weird creatures, small circular beings surrounded by silvery feathers and hoops, and some creatures looked like those of stories of old times, the biggest shimmering creature resembled Pan, the great horror of forests. All the creatures dissapeared within a minute and peasants rushed to the ruins. Seeing the young girl in shambled yet definetly expensive clothing and tears of blood streaming down her face they called to her “Oracle! Oh great Blind Oracle! Send upon us a blessing of rain” and so her grimoire started glowing and send upon them the first spell “Moribound wish” which brought the clouds and flooded the noble castles of Diamond Kingdom for whole month. The people heard about an Oracle in old ruins and began coming to her, offering food and crops for a blessing or a prophecy. Her spell was limited, she oculdn’t use it however she wanted, and it called for rest quite often, so people became impatient, rude, envy of such power and ‘luxurious life’ of Oracle. Oracle was inside the ruins for more than 2 years, yet less than 4, she could never tell the time by herself, she always relayed on the good hearted people to tell her what time of the year it was.  Few peasants told the nobles about mysterious Oracle and the blessings she was able to perform- healing some of the elders, bringing rain and storms, and they decided to take her for their own happines. They took her from the ruins on May 5th, after a small battle that she decided to put against them, they killed Emrys as he tried to help her, and put Lilith inside the cage, forced a mask upon her face so they wouldn’t have to see the markings which some of the nobles recognised as the sign of rebelion. After half a year they got bored of her ‘miracles’ and let her go into the wild. She was somehow able to get into Clover Kingdom, her mask easily telling others that something was wrong with her.  But the little bird on her arm was an easy distraction, especialy with how many children would pile up just to be able to pet him or give him some food, so she was able to steal some food from the stands and sometimes money to survive living under the sky. One day she unfortunately tried to rob a Magic Knight Captain, of course not knowing who he was or what a Magic Knight was before that. Nozel Silva was his name, she made a note to remeber that name and upon hearing her explain why she tried to steal from him he actualy took great interest in her story. After a small series of questions which she answered truthfuly, greateful he wasn’t going to put her to jail, He made a decision to let her stay for a week in Silver Eagle HQ where she was able to create few little artifacts helpful in dungeons and unknown areas as well as develop a spell that allowed her to regain sight for a brief moment of 4 minutes. During the week he called her Gulisa, as she told she wasn’t given a name upon birth, and if she was it was long forgotten. Gulisa later turned to Libi which confused the girl, upon asking why he changed his mind he said that it may suit her better, but he’d still prefer to know her true name. Thanks to Nozel’s help she was able to gain money and buy herself a small house which the members of SE often visit after missions in which they found  new artifacts. Often times while practising her magic she’d find a dungeon and explore it with Mer. Few times while in Raquey she was stopped by some male who always asked her for a tea, and would tell her stories about folk-tale creatures, guardians of forests, oceans, skies and mountains, the devils and angels, the dragons and their homes of treasures. He presented himself by name ‘Lonan’ yet seems unsure each time he brings the name up, as if hesitating. He’d always pay for the tea and dessert and leave a package with crystals and some metal parts she’d been looking for. She still travels, but mostly around the borders of Clover and Heart Kingdoms. Searching for new artefacts that could maybe, just maybe, help her regain her sight. “The fact I’ve gotten used to being blind doesn’t mean I don’t want to see someone that I have but meet” “You have your spells don’t you?” “But they don’t allow me to see how I used to. Back then I saw people smiling, now when i use my spell you’re always frowning...” And that would be a brief summary of my OC. *Looks over at the pile of papers* Have I forgotten about something? EDIT: Forgot to add: She can’t fully see by using her spells, they allow her to see the basic outlines and few colours, they depend on her mood and levels of mana she got left, so she’s going blind 99% of time. Her mask was put onto her forcefuly and she was unable to take it down before going to Clover Kingdom. The nobles put her into the half-face mask and stiched it to her face, and she started wearing the ‘butterfly’ one after meeting with Nozel, it was first artifact she made in SE’s HQ. She knew the meaning of name Thana and that’s why she didn’t use it when she was free of elders’ will. Also I might need your opinion on this @thespiralgrimoire
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avegetariancannibal · 5 years
Fandom as self-discovery
cw: mentions of transphobia, aphobia, biphobia, nothing super explicit tho
Bless the women I met in internet fandom when I was a shiny young thing. They were all older than me, sometimes just by 5 years, sometimes by 40 years. Although I'd had gay, lesbian and bisexual friends for most of my life, they were all my age and not any more worldly than I was. Plus, at the time I assumed I was straight because there was next to zero representation of diverse sexuality in media. What would straight little old me even talk to them about when it came to my own sexuality??
There were a couple of times I'd been attracted to women, but it was fairly mild attraction, and I thought you had to be basically 50/50 to be bi. So obviously I wasn't that. Plus the first people I ever kissed were girls and I didn't enjoy it.
Then at some point I noticed that although I was more attracted to men than to women, it was generally pretty mild, too.
"Maybe I'm straight but have a hormonal imbalance and the women are just people I admire aesthetically."
I also noticed that the times I WAS attracted to men, I almost always felt instinctively that I... should be the penetrating partner. I didn't know how to phrase it or even think of it. When I was still a teenager, struggling with trying to explain what I wanted from a guy I went out with, I blurted, "I WANT YOU LIKE A MAN WOULD WANT YOU."
And let me tell you, if you think het masculinity is fragile now, it was like a fart in a hurricane then! He most def did not drop trou and present his bubble butt to me.
I told a female friend what I'd said and she replied, "Oh that explains why everyone thinks you're so masculine. You're a man trapped in a woman's body!"
That was the common phrasing in the 90s, so I apologize for the offense to my trans and nb friends. Other things people told me: that I was wrong, just needed to fuck the right guy, had penis envy, that I was just frigid, making excuses because I was too ugly to get anyone, etc.
Eventually I found my way online and HOT DANG there was so much knowledge in fandom! My fandom moms were so smart and knew so much! I learned about strapons! I learned about pegging! I discovered there's more than one way to be a woman! You're not automatically a bottom just because your genes gave you an innie instead of an outie!
Anyway ffwd to about 2012. I learned about asexuality and was immediately and fully supportive of aces. I could relate, but I didn't think I was one of them, because I do sometimes experience sexual attraction. I was still assuming I was just a straight cis lady who wanted to plow a fella like a corn field, and sometimes other ladies, but probably had a hormonal imbalance because horniness happened so infrequently.
It was only about six months ago that I started thinking of myself as "queer." I just kept it to myself because I was afraid people wouldn't see it as genuine, and was still suffering under the notion that if you can "pass" for straight, then you're not oppressed enough to part of the community. I inadvertently perpetuated the gate-keeping that sometimes goes on. Like, sure I'd been mocked and taunted but nobody seemed to have denied me a job or housing.
I fully expect to get hate from terfs and aphobes and biphobes and people who think queer is a slur, but whatever. There are probably young people out there now who are confused about their own sexuality and I'm old enough to be a Fandom Mom now, so maybe you'll see this and feel a little less alone. I'm kind of ace, kind of bi, and generally still not sure what I should call myself but at least I am sure I'm not broken or defective.
Oh and I found out the reason I didn't enjoy kissing those girls is that I don't like slobbery tongue-heavy kissing from ANYONE. There were several guys I also didn't like kissing. Please stop barging into my mouth like your tongue is at a Black Friday sale and my uvula is the last 4K UHD tv on the promo shelf.
Also my hormones are fine, in case you were gonna suggest that.
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angstsplatter · 6 years
@physicsandfandoms has done the official ace-based Prompts for AAWFC 2018 this year, which I’m so glad to see up again! Because this year I wanted to provide something else.
I’ve done a lot of headcanon’ing and writing for AAWFC and AsAWFC in the past few years, and the prompts to simply dive into various headcanons are great... but not super exciting after writing so much for the same basic prompts for a few years. So this year I wanted to provide some prompts where I hope people will take their ace headcanons or fave canon aces and feel inspired to write or draw more about these characters based on these prompts! So!
Asexual Awareness Week 2018 is October 21 - 27!
Responses can be canon, headcanon, a simple statement, fanfic, fanart, aesthetic/moodboards, photomanips, playlists, meta/analysis (if so inspired by these...), gifsets, quotes, etc.! Any kind of fan produced content that you believe fits within these prompts is welcome! Let’s generate as much content as we can!
Below, I’ve provided a variety of genres, settings, conflicts, words, etc. that you can use together or individually, drawing from whatever category you feel like. If any of the prompts or sets of prompts inspires you to create based off them, then great! Just make sure they spotlight ace characters (canon or headcanon) in media!
As always the tag is “#AAWFC”.
Sunday October 21st
Genres: General; Humor; Drama; Realism Settings: A church; gas station bathroom; a car shop Conflicts: Someone needs help... and someone else doesn’t want to give it; discovering magic powers that must be kept secret; petty theft Words/Objects: Blueberries; heavy golden crown; sparks; odiferous socks; bibliophile Idiom: A hot potato; on the ball Colors: Royal blue; pale green; pinkish red Sounds: A symphony of croaking frogs; someone who won’t stop whistling Scents: Peppermint; daisies; rotting meat Statement: ‘There are few things worse in life than people who cut in line.’ Quote: “I don’t think that’s what that’s meant for...”
Monday October 22nd
Genres: Horror; Western; Expressionism Settings: An abandoned cemetery; a stranger’s bedroom; convenience store Conflicts: Drunken bar fight; honor must be restored; a lost pet Words/Objects: Pulchritudinous; watery eyes of an intelligent familiar; pirate hat; fragrant tea; scratchy beard Idiom: Barking up the wrong tree; whole nine yards Colors: Yellow; bright purple; silver Sounds: Car alarm; the scratching of racoons that cannot be seen Scents: Lemon; roses; boiled eggs Statement: ‘The hat didn’t seem particularly ominous.’ Quote: “Close, but no.”
Tuesday October 23rd
Genres: Angst; Fluff; Modernism; Contemporary Settings: A vast desert; a forest dense with moss and fog; mattress store Conflicts: Soulmate AU but there’s a twist to the relationship (ie, could be platonic, queerplatonic, romantic only, sexual only, etc.) that makes the soulmates not realize they are soulmates right away; a kidnapping; family estrangement Words/Objects: Duplicitous; an upside down mug; spilled cake; anthill; rusty sword Idiom: Actions speak louder than words; barking up the wrong tree Colors: Neon orange; brown; cobalt blue Sounds: Lip smacking; whispers on the wind Scents: Cloves; cinnamon; sweaty feet Statement: ‘It was too bad they were in the situation they were, rather than getting a hot rock massage.’ Quote: “This means everything to me.”
Wednesday October 24th
Genres: AU; What If; Abstract Settings: A deep stone well; the sky; an underwater fortress Conflicts: Chosen one for some quest they have no interest in or don’t believe in; crisis of faith; a shocking confession Words/Objects: Serendipitous; an empty cauldron; a glowing crystal; bookmark; oversized turkey legs Idiom: Blessing in disguise; don’t put your eggs in one basket Colors: Black; turquoise; river rock red Sounds: Thunderous applause; water slapping rock Scents: Salty ocean; oregano; cow farm Statement: ‘It would have been a surprising turn of events if [they] were someone else, and this sort of thing didn’t regularly happen to [them].’ Quote: “OH SHIT!”
Thursday October 25th
Genres: Romance; Action; Graffiti  Settings: A beach during sunset; a ghost town; dimly lit restaurant Conflicts: Difficult spell ingredients must be gathered; late to work; the world seems to want them to go out but they just want to stay in and relax Words/Objects: Mustard; too many candles to count; small locket; tablecloth; potion bottles Idiom: Drastic times call for drastic measures; once in a blue moon Colors: Dark grey; white; blue-green Sounds: Nails on a chalkboard; two coconut halves knocking together Scents: Cologne; vanilla; fresh tuna Statement: ‘It was obvious to everyone else.’ Quote: “How long?”
Friday October 26th
Genres: Satire; Surrealism; Fauvism Settings: Radio station; lively jungle; a museum that just opened Conflicts: A duel must be fought; how to make friends in a new location; car broke down Words/Objects: Punitive; a box of wrenches; combo lock; stack of silvery pizza pans; beard wax Idiom: Cut the mustard; every cloud has a silver lining Colors: Shiny pink; pearly white; darkest purple Sounds: Fingers drumming on a table; dull hum of cicadas  Scents: Fresh melon; dry dog food; beer Statement: ‘Taller than a giraffe, it was not even the oddest sighting that week.’ Quote: “I don’t need you to understand right now.”
Saturday October 27th
Genres: Mystery; Sci-Fi/Fantasy; Pointillism  Settings: Pool after closing; field full of crop circles; corn maze Conflicts: Moral opposition; a murder; someone unmotivated needs to be motivated Words/Objects: Belt buckle; overflowing basket of grapes; triskaidekaphobia; seemingly empty beehives; crayons Idiom: It takes two to tango; curiosity killed the cat Colors: Dull orange; blood red; pale yellow Sounds: Cuckoo clock chime; the groan of shifting rocks  Scents: Fresh laundry; basil; slightly used shoes Statement: ‘It was either a clue... or it wasn’t.’ Quote: “Clear as mud, that is.”
Apparently @esperata has started an AO3 collection for AAFC18 fics, if you want to have yours added there!
Happy creating, all. <3
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thepirateparlour · 7 years
i petted SNAKES! today and asdfghkk they’re awesome! could i have headcanons on how it would be like for the boys if their s.o dragged them along to a snake café and petted the snakes? like how would the boys react to the snakes and their s.o’s adoration for them? ace sabo and snooj please! thanks 🙏
I LOVE SNAKES! We had a corn called Ja’far once and he was great, used to bite me a lot though T_T I’m so proud of you for going out to pet them! Also I battled my brain to figure out who Snooj was and this was my solution. Here you go lovely ~
His s/o’s love of snakes sort of escapes him, he doesn’t find them all that lovable. In fact, he’s ate a damn good few of them in his time and if anything they’re just tasty. BUT, he finds their excitement over it all very very cute. 
When they actually get to the snake cafe he’s a little on edge. It’s not that he’s scared, he’s just a bit uncomfortable having his s/o handle dangerous animals. No matter what they say. 
He’s gonna stare their beady little eyes down in silent warning. All like ‘Don’t you dare bite Y/N you slippery beast.’ 
“Ace, stop stink eyeing the snake. It’s not doing anything.” 
Tenses up a little bit watching his s/o picking up the really large snakes and placing them on her shoulders. This is a lot more stressful than he thought it would be. 
He’s mentally planning how to kill the snakes before they kill his s/o. He’s being such a worrywart. 
But he sees how happy his s/o is and it makes him pause. They’re having such a great time and that just brings him so much joy. 
“Gimme one of these snakes then.” 
He grabs the snake awkwardly and actually gets bitten himself. 
Has sworn off snakes, refuses them. They’re just food. But knowing his s/o has had so much fun petting them has made the whole day and the swollen bite in his arm all worth it. 
“Hey, Sabo. Wanna come pet snakes with me?” “Absolutely.” 
He’s so game for this because it’s so different! He’s feeling blessed that his s/o has different activities in mind for them to do. 
He goes for the biggest snake he can find for his s/o and he asks for the most dangerous. 
“Y/N, this one is literally four times larger than you. Put it on!” “They’re not clothes, Sabo, you big dork.” “I know, but it on anyway.” 
If he and his s/o don’t hold and fuss over every snake there they haven’t done their job properly and he won’t leave until it’s done. 
Loves seeing his s/o pet and fawn over these animals that tend to get a bit of a bad rap. 
“I’ll get you one for your birthday.” He’s already planning it. 
He has full on conversations with the snakes, all like “Oh, you remind me of one I ate when I was little. Aren’t you cute?” 
He’ll also use them to talk through to his s/o and if they do it back he’s just so wowed. 
“Hey, Y/N, my snake wants to see you, but be careful, he spits.” “…Sabo, was that a dick joke?” 
Snakes? What? His precious s/o wants to touch snakes? Oh his nerves.
 He lingers like a worried helicopter parent. 
“Ohhh, Y/N, be careful this one has really big fangs!”  And  “Honey, maybe you’d be more comfortable with this little one?” 
Doesn’t want to touch them, not due to fear, but there’s something about the way they feel in his hands he just doesn’t like. 
So he’ll opt to order some tea at the cafe and just keep on circling his s/o to make sure they’re alright. 
Has a full on heart attack when one snakes face bumps into his s/o’s face.
He practically wrestles the snake off their shoulders all like “You’ll not bite Y/N-swan’s face you evil monster!” 
He’s asked to leave by the reptile experts at the cafe so he waits outside, face pressed against the window until his s/o comes out. 
“Y/N, I’m so sorry for spoiling your day. I just panicked. Someone’s gotta keep your pretty face safe, right?”
Dammit he’s getting a kiss for those sweet words. 
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cherylsellender · 3 years
Bombom Caribe
Bombom Caribe
Why is there only one ohm carib in Garuto's onbox?
نوسا !!!!
This week I thought about it.
Because America belongs to the people of the United States, I already like it or the Caribbean, and only one comes.
Very unreasonable
I'm glad to see your prata and know I'm just an egg with it.
That banana om © r melr !!!
Are we going to email the child and make him angry or why is this injustice so delicious Caribbean?
Agora nowhere.
Thank you for the taste, not just yours, more than many Caribbean lovers, I made dinner for the packing of Garuto! Whether I know it or not: Banana ice, which can be found in supermarkets.
Have a great time! lol
In Garuto's yellow box it's called Celero Cone, especially because of its uniqueness, like your wonderful Caribbean On. It has either our customers get features regardless of size, shape and mr, no, or we give you a normal line at our checkout in two supermarkets.
Caixinha Amarela became the famous Still Mas Deois, adopted by Ccolates Garoto or had to sell Tom PublicitÃÂário € € olateà (or + chocolate) seriously. A means of communication in which one person has worked for a long time, filming more than 30 silk garments, used and expensive advertising campaigns for children and youth for the public. Many children have discovered the opposite of advertising, which is up to 2 minutes long, which is undoubtedly a resurrection or childhood resurrection.
God bless your little brother, then you with a sharp face â â â Re ally ally ally ally ally Co Co ally ally or spit it out.
Currently, a boy is only dedicated to economic ruin and rejects the box of common, shared characteristics. So little space for a Jaguar like the Caribbean, for example, frustrating or consuming.
To resolve this frustration or child, try to initiate package disputes for a specific Mr., such as Carib and Opera. It often has a saturating effect. For example, create a passionate Caribbean fan or opera, enjoy it and be disappointed in some icon tempo.
Don't love, but if you got a box or Caribbean please see it !!! Corn at Teacher Om!
ac qu8e And because not everyone is afraid of the same thing, just like you! Peas in my opinion he is not very good and my preference is baton he is honey and waist hair minus two!
You start looking for flavors.
Bombom Caribe
source https://howtodiscuss.com/t/bombom-caribe/74693/1 source https://howtodiscussplatform.blogspot.com/2021/08/bombom-caribe.html
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giveupreality · 7 years
Relationship Headcanons
Geez, he hovered around you for weeks before you finally took him seriously. He tried to approach you with cheesy flirt lines and lame jokes, till he gave up and got real with you. He was indeed serious and his “charming” flirt lines changed into actual normal questions and those jokes into stupid bad puns. After a while, he asked you to a date and you finally gave in. You won’t admit, but you fell in love with him from the start, you only waned to see his humanly true side.
He’s a perfect listener and even a better adviser. He becomes your bestfriend and protective older brother when a problem keeps bothering you. He doesn’t want to see you stressing about something trivial -from his point of view- and he’ll squeeze his brains out looking and eventually finding a solution.
He adores when you braid his hair. He welcomes with open arms every crazy hairstyle ideas you came up with. Take note: his hair is so precious to him so letting you act up on your free will is an important step in your relationship. Also, you’ll have nights when you’ll do each other’s nails. Don’t be surprised if his manicure skills are better than yours.
He is a great cuddler and an indoor person, so a night spent watching movies and playing childish games like Ludo is usual for you. Although, sometimes he’ll come in front of you to casually yet cheerfully say: “Let’s play paintball!!” or “Let’s run, lazy cat!” so he’ll be the one who’ll slow you down and the one who’ll speed you up. Also, you’ll bet on so many weird things like when the toothpaste will be finished or how many corn puffs can fit in your or his mouth. So, he’s a spontaneous protective games-addictive sweetheart. Give him love.
Everybody who came in contact with him at least once knows he is cold and detached. He may joke and smile, but he won’t get easily involved. So it will take a long way to open him up. And he is dense so it will take an eternity to figure his feelings out. But once he does, it’s worth the waiting.
He’s so loyal and such a fool for you. He’s a good listener but even if he understands you, it’s hard for him to give you an actual advice. He will just go silent and rub your back while giving you tissue after tissue and he’ll get ready a glass of water after you’re done crying. 
You need to have patience for everything that comes for the first time in your relationship, because he needs to accommodate with the new situation. Although, when you asked him if he would have wanted to adopt a pet for you both, his eyes sparkled and suggested a black cat.
He is like a baby. Late at night, he would sometimes have nightmares so he’d be too scared to fall asleep again. You’d need to put his head on your belly or chest and start caressing his hair while softly humming a lullaby and swinging him slowly in your arms. When you would be sure he’s sound asleep, you’d plant tender kisses on his eyelids. Little do you know he never sleeps before your goodnight kisses.
He’s so amicable it’s hard to not be friends with him. You would be best friends for so long you would forget the life before him. The best thing is that he never leaves your side, no matter what.
He’s so child-like you’ll have to take care of him. Although, when he’ll get struck by the realization he’s deeply in love with you, he’ll low key check if you need anything, every hour. He’s the clingy and whiny type, but he’ll bring his serious facade and he’ll carefully place gimpy advice where he thinks they’re needed. He tries and that’s why you can’t help but love his cuteness.
He’s kind of afraid of touching you, body contact is scary for him at first, but once he got to taste the feeling of your skin upon his, he won’t let go of your hand and he’ll always stop you walking, embracing you. 
He’s an ace at entertaining you. Be it with games, jokes or silly puppet plays -puppets are just colorful socks with marker-drawn eyes. He likes when you’re trying to enter his otaku world and he’s thrilled when you brag about your passion as well and you introduce him to your own world. You’ll end up like two fangirls screaming enthusiastically at each other.
He would go over his head to please you, because he is well-aware you would do the same. That’s why he’d run the errands for you when you are sick or he’ll go roaming the streets searching for your favourite dessert. Also, when he has a flu, he’ll keep spamming you with pitiful photos of him being all gloomy, his red nose peeking up from the blanket. And as the kiddo he is, he will be blowing your phone up with requests and things he ‘needs’, such as 3 warm hugs, 10 swallows of kisses, infinite spoonfuls of love. Dork.
You know he is a food lover, so you always lure him to do what you want with a snack. Also, you can bait him with a shoulder’ massage. And he loves trying your new recipes and he is a honest taster. When you’re out of tune for cooking, he puts on his kitty apron and he pours all his love into making something delicious for you. He may love food, but he adores spoiling you.
He’s a softie. If he sees you’re sad, especially if it’s because of him, he starts pouting as well and for the rest of the day, both of you would be two grumpy fluffy balls. Furthermore, he is bad at expressing himself, so instead of talking your way out of an argument, you just stay silent and avoid each other, without even knowing what the problem is. He would sometimes make a first step towards you, leaving a post-it with three dots on it on a bar of chocolate where he knows you’d see them. You would order a pizza with his favorite topping and ask him casually if he wants a slice -he ends eating 3/4 of your treat. That’s how you end your issues. Blessed be the food!!
You would sometimes drag him out of the bed and somehow convince him to go out for a jogging. But you’d end up barely breathing after 10 minutes and you’d need him to give you a piggy back ride. That’s the part you love the most, that’s why you sometimes force him to run. But you won’t tell him this. If you aren’t with him while he does his exercises, he would be bored and he would immediately give up and call you or text you.
Also, food fights are forbidden in your household, since he is not the one to accept such waste of food. Instead, you spill your aggressive love into intensive pillow fights. You’ll both end up crushed on the sofa, cuddling at each other’s side. Peaceful couple.
Hajime Sugoroku (I’M SO SO SORRY MOMOKO!!!)
It’s a tough battle inside him, what’s more important: job or you. No offence, but his entire life revolved around his job so this is all he knew, thus when you came around, he didn’t know how to react since you turned his world upside down. He’s so awkward at first and he usually hides himself behind mountains of work’ papers. So you’ll need to slowly approach him. Once you’ll get there, he’ll transform himself into something new, and after you made the first step, he’ll start courting you.
He’s that old-fashioned gentleman that you read of in books whose action was centered in the Victorian Age. He’ll gallantly charm you with tender compliments, well-placed soft touches, smooth whispers, he’ll enchant you with his knowledgeable self, bewitching you with those rare and alluring smiles. It’s impossible to resist such grace, such appeal. He won you over just by bating his eyelashes at you, but he wanted to tangle you in his delightful manners to the point you won’t be able to escape him.
Although, after a while, he becomes much more comfortable around you, which is good, cause you are glad he has a ‘normal’ side. He shouts, he cries of anger, he goes silent, he laughs, he talks enthusiastically about his hobbies -yeah, he does have hobbies; fascinating, right?!-, he jokes around and he suffers too. You embraced all of him and he finally felt at home somewhere else besides his workplace. Despite all of these, he maintained his gentleness and he treats you with such care, like you are his crystal rose he protects so fiercely, keeping you close to his heart so dearly.
But he never neglects his work either. He keeps a sharp eye on every inmate in his district and you are so proud of him. He always assures you with a soft kiss embed on your quivery lips, every time he is off to work, knowing you worry loads for him. He texts you now and then to make sure you are safe and well.
You have a steadily growing relationship, based on trust, love and acceptance. He tends to be overprotective sometimes, even though he is well aware it pisses you off sometimes so bad you wanna throw a pillow at him. You are that mature couple, which is everyone’s goal.
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Script Writing Part One
Day One:
“Were the dishes put away?” / “I was going to. I just haven’t yet.” / “I asked Audrey to do it this morning.” / (Motions for a hug) / “Wha-? I gotta go back to work.” (Hugs)
“Is she still asleep?” / “Quite possibly.”
“Don’t get distracted Linda. ‘Cause last time-” / “I’m not getting distracted!”
“I want another cinnamon bun, but I’ve already had three today.”
“Do you want the AC on or no?” / “No.” / “Do you want the door closed or no?” / “I don’t care. I don’t care! I can’t do this anymore. It’s like when babies can’t sleep and they’re restless. I need mommy to pat my back.” / “Oh god. She’s working.” / “She’s not gonna pat my back?” / “No. Don’t text her. Audrey.” / “I’m not. I’m on Snapchat.” / “I’m gonna go do work.” / “You do that.”
Day Two:
“Don’t miss me too much.” / “Okay.”
“Hello.” / “Hello.” / (Throws mail) / “Trash. Trash. Is it fend for yourself dinner or are you actually going to eat something?” / “I’ll probably have...meatloaf.”
“Mom look! He loves me!”
“You suck.” / “You suck toes.” / “I don’t enjoy sucking toes. That’s why I choose not to do it.”
“I’ll make just enough carrots for you.” / “Aww. Thank you.”
“Why don’t you calm your titties.” / “Why don’t you get some titties.”
“Sweet baby Jesus.”
“That’s just simple facts right there. If you tell me to do something, I’m not gonna want to do it.”
“You need me to hang out with you?” / “No. Read your play.” / “I can multitask.”
“Your headphones are underneath the couch. Please be careful.” / “Your mom’s underneath this couch.”
“I finished my play!” / “About dang time.”
“Do you peel a plum before you eat it?”
“I’m not talking to you anymore.” / “Why not?” / “Because you’re crazy.” / “No I’m not. If I’m crazy it’s cause you made me this way.”
“The only person that can make new words is Mary Poppins.”
“I know. I was joking with you my dear.”
“You want a chip?” / “No. I’m good.” / “I found a small chip in the couch.” / “No. I’m good thanks.” / (Throws it and laughs) “It fell off.” / “Gross.” / “It’s probably you or Chris over here that’s eating it.” / “It’s definitely Chris.” / “So yeah.”
Day 3:
“This is what happens when Anna drinks water at twelve am.”
“It’s cause Moore township is fucking beautiful.”
“‘How did you get that picture of my chicken coop?’ he said.”
“We have to see the chickens!”
“His parents fucking killed his chickens ‘cause he wouldn’t feed them!”
“Are chickens cannibals?” / “Pigs are cannibals, aren’t they?” / “Don’t they eat their youngs when they’re hungry?”
“Welcome to Moore township. They’re here to run you over.” / “What the fuck! And there’s a horse!?” / “This is normal.”
“Maybe one day we’ll go boating. Maybe.”
“Chickens are lowkey scary.”
“It smells like the Allentown fair.” / “That’s why I’m moving to Chicago.” / “Is this what the Gin Mill smells like?”
“She was like ‘Dakota you cow.’“
“If you’re taking us to your local strip club I am not going to be happy.”
“Dakota! Why do you live in Children of the Corn!?”
“Teehee that’s so funny.”
“Can we just drive into the river?” / “Yeah!” (Singing) “Drive into the river Bob. Drive into the river.”
“I miss this album.”
“I’m typing it down I’m not recording it. Calm the fuck down!”
“Time for your medication Karen.” / “It’s just 20 ounces of ketamine.”
“Should I take my chickens on a walk?”
“I don’t wanna get kid germs. I’ve already been around you guys today.”
“Anna’s a nature woman.”
“All I know is the Wildkrats from PBS.”
“She still owes me fifty dollars. Remember that?” / “Yeah.” / “She still owes me fifty fucking dollars.”
“Molly I dare you to crawl into the pipe.” / “Pennywise is in there. Heya Georgie!”
“It’s fuck bitches get paid.” / “Fuck bitches get money.” / “Fuck bitches get LEGOs.”
“Hold on guys. I’m afraid of heights.” / “How are you afraid of heights? You’re tall!” / “Shut up.”
“Just because I’m...just because I’m CPR certified doesn’t mean I wanna use it.”
“No poison ivy will ever be as painful as my parents’ divorce.”
“Anna, being Greek is not a personality trait.” / “Ha!”
“If I fall I’d probably die.” / “Wouldn’t that be a shame.” / “Wouldn’t that be a Shame Dawson. Hahaha.”
“Warning. Warning. Massive legend entering the building.” / “Warning. Warning. Swag levels are off the charts.”
“Kiersten’s got me hooked on Ketamine jokes. Get it?”
“The bugs are gonna use Anna’s back as a slip n slide.”
“Pfft. Jesus Christ Molly.”
“You guys remember when Anna would meow in her sleep?” / “Shut the fuck up!”
“And I was like ‘Fuck you. I’m looking for my nose plug.’“
“And I was like ‘Fuck that’ and I broke his heart.”
“I hate snapping turtles. That’s the scariest thing to me.”
(Burps) / “Bless you!”
“I honestly did math wrong when I said that.”
“Yo bro I’m a whole aquarium. I got crabs and everything.”
“1700′s hotties.”
“Get a perm or a personality.”
“Molly looks like she’s about to throw it back.” / “Throw what back?”
“Dakota tell a joke.” / “What do you get when you cross a walrus with a bus?” / “What?” / “My wife.”
“You don’t question Snoop Dogg’s presence.” / “What?” / “You don’t question his presence.”
“Remember when he made cookies with Martha Stewart?” / “Remember when Martha Stewart went to jail?”
“Rebel alert. Let me see that.” (Takes microphone) “Rebel alert.”
“Why don’t you like singing?” / “I don’t know.”
“Is it illegal to drive barefoot?” / “My sister drives barefoot. Besides, what officer is gonna pull you over and be like ‘Let me see your feet ma’am.’?”
“Look at his nails.” / “They’re so bad.” / “Cashews.” / “They are cashews.”
(Screams) / “Shut up!” / “We’re fine!”
“How are you so nice to Siri?” / “‘Cause my mom taught me to be nice to strangers.” / “I’ll be like ‘Send it bitch!’″ / “She’s not a bitch!” / “Yes she is! She’s annoying!”
“I think it’s here.” / “Yeah it’s here ‘cause Molly and I fucked it up last time.” / “Shut up!”
0 notes
loofahlover · 7 years
Desert Bus
Pairing: Zoro x Luffy
Summary: Desert Bus is the worst game in the world.
“desert bus?” zoro flips the game case around in his hands.
Luffy grinned. “yeah huh. sanji bet you can’t finish the game. can you? huh? huh?”
zoro really shouldn’t have given in. he could tell the little shit was provoking him.
his pride.
“how hard could it be?”
“so what’s the point of this game?” zoro asks.
luffy shrugs, humming happily.
“you’re up to no good, i can tell.”
“look out for the road!”
“shit!” zoro hadn’t noticed himself veering left. once he corrects himself, he takes a closer look at the screen and notices: “Where are the passengers?”
“why aren’t there other cars on the road?”
“is this one of those weird indie games again?”
zoro growled. “is there anything that you do know?”
“well it’s called Desert Bus. Cuz you have to drive a bus in the desert for ei- UUMMMM and it’s super secret awesome! it’s never been released to the public.”
Zoro could guess why. “and how long to i have to do this?”
Luffy started to avoid eye contact. “Uh, it’s a mystery? Why? you give up?”
Urgh. That was Zoro’s least favorite phrase in the world. But to be honest, he would rather go back to sleeping.
“Fine,” Luffy pouted, responding to Zoro’s silence. “I guess Sanji was right.”
“Hah? What about Shit Cook?”
“He thought you wouldn’t be able to finish this game.”
“...oh it’s ON NOW!”
“oy. luffy.”
luffy woke up with a snort, jerking away from zoro’s shoulder. “hmm, wha?”
“why the hell am i moving backwards?”
Luffy squinted at the screen. “you’re getting towed.”
“what’s that mean?”
“you’re gonna go back to the beginning.”
“YOU’VE GOTTA BE KIDDING ME!” zoro threw his controller. “FUCKING HELL!”
“My TV!”
“no, get back zoro! right right right! what are you doing?”
“but the road’s going through the cornfield!”
“no it’s not- no- too late.”
Zoro watched in despair as his bus started making its slow retreat to the starting line. “i swear I saw a shortcut through the corn!”
Luffy felt furious at Zoro on Zoro’s behalf. “There are! no! shortcuts!”
“Well then this game was made wrong,” Zoro grumbled.
Zoro could feel his ass fusing to the couch. Once again, he weighed his pride against his hatred for this stupid game. But then Luffy came back with a boombox, blasting the mix cd Zoro had made for Luffy’s birthday.
“Shishishi, road trip music!” Luffy grinned.
Zoro smirked back, leaning back into the couch. This desert bus aint no thang.
“why can’t i go faster than 45”
“so zoro doesn’t get lost again.”
“i don’t get lost!”
Luffy started climbing into a protesting zoro’s lap, while he held the controller up in the air.
After elbowing him in the ribs, almost jabbing him in the crotch, and almost causing the bus to collide with the side of a canyon, luffy finally cuddled into place.
zoro brought his arms down, resting his controller in luffy’s lap. He wouldn’t have expected it, luffy was usually a wind-up toy zipping with energy. It seemed that he didn’t mind being confined to the living room, so long as he was allowed to chatter as much as he wanted.
“you take the wheel. i need to go get some food.”
ok but if sanji finds out you left for a moment...”
zoro slowly sat back down.
“No, go left left left!”
“What, my left or yours?!”
“They’re both left! See! Where! I’m! Pointing!”
“Don’t, you’re blocking my vision-”
“I’m nowhere close-”
“-messing with my...NOOOOOOO!!!!”
“I should’ve gone to the bathroom.”
“Shit. i gotta take a piss.”
“I’ll go get a water bottle!” Luffy started to rise from his seat.
“Hell no, I’m not peeing in a bottle!”
“Well why not?”
“Cuz I got an easier way.”
And that’s how Zoro was in the bathroom with one hand fumbling on his zipper, the other on his joystick (no, not that kind). Three mirrors were rigged between him and the TV, one held by a Luffy who was rapidly becoming bored.
“Zoro my aaaaaarms are tired.”
“Just hang on. Almost…”
“Almost. Got it. No wait, no, ow-“
There was a splashing sound.
“Dammit you crashed again!”
“why doesn’t this bus have any passengers, anyway?!”
“hmm. Well at least you have me!”
Even with zoro’s attention occupied, he could have easily fed himself. He didn’t need two hands to eat pizza.
not that he bothers to point that out, as he turns his head slightly to take a bite out of luffy’s offered slice, because hey; luffy was the one to offer.
“luffy, who’s at the door?”
Ace snorted. “oh wow. rude. he’s not even gonna stand up to greet me?”
“zoro can’t pause right now,” luffy said.
“and so what? he’s sending my little brother to make excuses for him?”
zoro gritted his teeth.
“you know my brotherly approval for you just took a nosedive, zoro. Im just saying, dont be expecting my blessings when you marry luffy. maybe i’ll introduce him to hancock instead, at least she’s loaded. even though she’s twice his age, but still.”
zoro turned around, ready to vault over the sofa, as the bus veered off the road.
you again?
slammed three game controllers onto the counter along with a cartful of Red Bulls.
“what happened to the last one?”
“he snapped it in half,” luffy yawned.
“yo! why are you disrespecting my stuff, bro!”
zoro viciously swiped his credit card. “i bought it. mine.”
“no way! my babies are always gonna be my babies!”
“well your babies have become teeny little pieces on the floor!”
“eight-hundred, seventy-three bottles of beer on the wall, eight-hundred, seventy-three bottles of beer, come on zoro!”
he felt like chucking the controller at luffy. or at the tv screen. or out the window “take one down, pass it around...”
sanji didn’t even have the words for this guy in front of him, with dark bags under his eyes and smelling like he hadn’t showered in days. “it was supposed to be an eight hour bus ride.”
zoro groaned. “so that’s how long it was.”
“how did an 8 hour bus ride take you 30 hours?”
“well,” luffy drawled, “zoro got lost. and distracted. then he dropped his thing in the toilet.”
“shut up!” zoro screamed amidst sanji’s cackling. “no you know what? i don’t care, laugh all you want, i don’t even care anymore, because i won the bet. ME! not you! ME!” zoro backed away toward the door, a maniacal laugh escaping his lips. He threw out his arms, “SUCK ON THAT, LAS VEGAS!” and slammed the door behind him.
luffy started laughing. “isn’t he a hoot?”
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leondaltons · 7 years
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Cosmic love - A Venus/Kunzite fanmix for the @ssrevminibang challenge 
(Download | Tracklist with lyrics and individual songs links | A03 post)
Download link includes: all the songs, cover art and word archive with tracklist, some quotes from the songs and lyrics link (if you put the songs in your phone they should play in order as this was an actual CD.) 
To download you don’t need to create an account, or anything)
Please, let me know what you think and if all the links work fine!
Special thanks to @codenamesailorv and @storyofthedoor for being my beta testers and to Charlie for organizing this. They are the best ♥
Alegria - Cirque du Soleil
There is a love in me raging, alegria; A joyous, magical feeling, alegria. Like a flash of life, alegria; Like a madman screaming, alegria
Side A: Collide and shake the galaxy
01. Invisible Touch - Genesis
Well I don’t really know her, I only know her name; But she crawls under your skin, you’re never quite the same, and now I know she’s got something you just can’t trust, It’s something mysterious; And now it seems I’m falling, falling for her.
02. Closer - Tegan and Sara
All you think of lately is getting underneath me; all I dream of lately is how to get you underneath me. Here comes the heat before we meet a little bit closer. Here comes the spark before the dark, come a little closer
03. Stay - Rihanna
Not really sure how to feel about it; something in the way you move makes me feel like I can’t live without you. It takes me all the way, I want you to stay
04. I won’t let you go - Snow Patrol
No one can ever follow, no one can ever know. Wind up the spinning top and watch it go, watch it go; Never gonna be easy, was it? You didn’t think it’d be so much fun, smile comes despite the danger
05. This could kill me - Amy Stroup
Look in your eyes, Close as we’ll ever be. This is love, this could kill me.  Let’s rejoice in where there’s love.  Simple life was not for us, it never was
06. One more night - Stars
 Try as he might he’s unable to speak, he grabs her by the hair, he strokes her on the cheek. The bed is unmade like everything is; Dark little heaven at the top of the stairs. Take me like that, ruin it all, then build it again by the light in the hall
07. No light No light - Florence and the Machine 
Would you leave me, if I told you what I’ve done? And would you need me, if I told you what I’ve become? ‘Cause it’s so easy, to say it to a crowd; But it’s so hard, my love, to say it to you out loud
08. Green and blue - Neil Davidge (Halo 4)
09. Smother, Daughter 
I should go now quietly, for my bones have found a place to lie down and sleep. Where all my layers can become reeds; all my limbs can become trees; all my children can become me. What a mess I leave
10. Bang Bang (My Baby Shot Me Down) - Sky Ferreira 
Bang bang, I shot you down; bang bang, you hit the ground; Bang bang, that awful sound; bang bang, I used to shoot you down
Interlude: For the heart I once had
0.1   I’ve seen hell - Martin Phipps 
0.2   First step - Hans Zimmer (Interstellar)
Side B: Touch me, remind me who I am.
01. Damaged - Plumb
I’m scared and I’m alone, I’m ashamed and I need for you to know. I didn’t say all the things that I wanted to say;  And you can’t take back what you’ve taken away 'cause I feel you, I feel you near me
02. Wildest Dreams - Taylor Swift 
You’ll see me in hindsight tangled up with you all night, burning it down. Someday when you leave me I bet these memories follow you around.
Say you’ll remember me standing in a nice dress, staring at the sunset, babe. Red lips and rosy cheeks; Say you’ll see me again, even if it’s just in your wildest dreams
03. Buy the stars - Marina and the Diamonds* 
You bought a star in the sky tonight, because your life is dark and it needs some light; You named it after me, but I’m not yours to keep, because you’ll never see, that the stars are free
(*Side note: This song in my mind it actually works as for Kaitou Ace/Mina relationship, i putted it because i thought it was important to the kind of timeline i was trying to create)
04. The end of innocence -  Alexandre Desplat 
05. Heavy in your arms - Florence and the Machine 
This will be my last confession: I love you never felt like any blessing. Whispering like it’s a secret only to condemn the one who hears it, with a heavy heart. Heavy, heavy, I’m so heavy in your arms
06. And if my heart should somehow stop - James Vincent Mcmorrow 
The wind changed, the first day that you came through, cut the corn, washed it clean. Now everything that’s ever gone before is like a blur and it’s all because of you.
And now I find, this city’s like a stranger to me, I once was fooled by Cadillac’s and honey, but no one feels like you
07. No.1 Party Anthem - Arctic Monkeys 
She’s having a sly indoor smoke; she calls the folks who run this her oldest friends, sipping her drink and laughing at imaginary jokes. As all the signals are sent, her eyes invite you to approach, and it seems as though those lumps in your throat, that you just swallowed have got you going
08. Heaven forbid - The Fray 
It’s breaking you down, now that you understand there’s no one around. Take a breath, just take a seat, you’re falling apart and tearing at the seams. Heaven forbid you end up alone, you don’t know why. Hold on tight, wait for tomorrow, you’ll be alright
09. Golden Baby - Couer de Pirate 
In your silence, you remain proud believing in what doesn’t exist and if you want me. We finally kissed; Months with silence, without speaking. Waiting that, from afar, tore me apart. 
10. We can hurt together - Sia
There ain’t  nothing you can say to scare me away; I got history too, and it’s never to late. Share a secret today, I reciprocate, baby I got you.
So hurt with me, I’ll hurt with you; Baby you know we can hurt together, I’ve been where you’ve been
Still into you - Paramore
It’s not a walk in the park to love each other; But when our fingers interlock, can’t deny you’re worth it, 'Cause after all this time I’m still into you.
I should be over all the butterflies, but I’m into you (I’m into you); And baby even on our worst nights, I’m into you (I’m into you)
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