#if you need me to change anything lmk !
puppyeared · 1 year
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ninja-knox-ur-sox-off · 2 months
So sad you didn't like the dadsy moment. I thought for sure you would go crazy.
As far as I know David Breen wrote this episode and he's not new. Don't quote me, but I think the writing team is the same
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Actually went back and edited my post twice earlier cause I had a buddy mention the mixing studios change and then I also was able to process more lol y’all must have the first version my B o7 I can’t believe my hcs have become canon
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boatdriinks · 11 months
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He hadn't been to a ripper in a while. Yeah, yeah. To his own detriment, he knew. With everything feeling like it was practically disintegrating around him, however, his health had definitely taken a backseat to everything else.
There enters V, who would one day end up mentioning his personal ripper. Dr. Vik Vektor. A pretty chill dude with a clinic all the way in Little China. Wasn't his usual scene anymore, but... well, it sure as fuck was better than pouring eddies into the pocket of some corp sellout. So, Kerry had taken the number offered to him and decided he'd think on it.
That would all culminate into calling the clinic using a voice changer and a private number one day. He hadn't gotten back to having his staff around him all the time anymore, so he just took the act upon himself. Placing the phone on speaker, Kerry would wait patiently, hoping for an answer, despite the lack visible number.
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starlingisms · 7 months
closed starter for @romanticlcver | abe & UTP based on this
He couldn't believe it was his high school's ten-year reunion. In truth, Abe almost didn't go. After all the bad experiences he had, from the bullying to the teasing to the fighting, all Abe could think was that those people would still make fun of him. But after his little sister somehow managed to convince him to suck it up (saying "Everyone's all grown-up now. No one would laugh at you."), he decided to go.
Stepping into the high school gymnasium, Abe was hit with a terrible sense of dreadful nostalgia. He fought the urge to bolt out of there and miraculously, his feet stepped further in. Before making it to the punch bowl, Abe managed to say hi to a few familiar faces. But then suddenly he felt his blood run cold at the person calling for his attention--the very person who made his life a living hell all those years ago.
"Oh, uh h-hey. Yea, it's good to see you, too."
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noahhwcng · 1 month
closed starter @gwendolynwcde
Noah arrived at the mayoral ball, his eyes scanning the crowd for Dante. He adjusted his tie, feeling a bit out of place among the glittering gowns and sharp tuxedos. It probably didn’t help that he didn’t know many of the guests in attendance. As he made his way through the throng of people, he wasn't paying attention to where he was going. Out of nowhere, he collided with someone, nearly knocking them over. "Oh, I'm so sorry!" he said, reaching out to steady the person he'd bumped into. "Are you alright? I wasn't watching where I was going."
As he looked up to meet the person's eyes, he froze. Recognition dawned on him, and he felt like he'd been transported back in time. "Gwen?" he asked, his voice a mix of surprise and disbelief. It was her. Gwen, Ellie's best friend from high school. He hadn't seen her in years, not since... well, Ellie’s funeral, but he wasn’t going to think about that sad day. His mind raced, memories flooding back. Feeling awkward, he cleared his throat—trying to find the right words. "I... wow. It's been a long time," he said, his hand still on her arm from when he'd steadied her. He quickly dropped it, feeling awkward. "How have you been?"
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kyewinslcw · 1 month
closed starter @joxdrayton
location: mayoral ball before the blackout
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Kye was making his rounds at the mayoral ball, scanning the crowd for familiar faces when his gaze landed on a face he’d always looked forward to seeing. Josephine. He felt his breath catch in his throat as he took in her appearance. His jaw dropped a bit. Damn, she looked ethereal in the dress she had on. They'd spoken about giving their marriage a fair shot, and while he wanted to ask her to come with him to this event, he'd refrained from doing so. A part of him was still skittish, but now that they were both here, he figured he could at least chat her up—she was his wife, after all.
Pushing aside his reservations, he approached her from behind, a charming smile spreading across his face. "You look beautiful this evening," he said as he positioned himself in front of her, his eyes roaming over her appreciatively. Despite his best efforts to remain detached, he couldn't deny the flutter in his chest at her proximity. "Did you come alone?" His gaze lingered on her pretty face a little too long, drinking in the sight of her. 
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fengforhire · 2 months
location: tideview university time: wednesday night who: @reidhalstead
She's exhausted and it's late. The library has largely cleared out by this point except for the few stragglers, equipped with their numerous cans of caffeinated beverages and energy drinks. There's a certain frenetic, yet sleepy energy that emerges at this hour and Jac knows it's probably time for her to head out.
She waves at the security guard stationed at the circulation desk, pulling out a chocolate chip cookie in a ziploc bag for him, to help him get through his shift. Baking was cathartic for her, or sometimes she just liked doing things with her hands. It helps to calm the racing thoughts in her brain, and she's only thankful that Lara doesn't actually need sleep so she doesn't accidentally wake her roommate with her 3am cookie sprees.
Jac tightens the straps of her backpack as she leaves the building, and a smile crosses her face as she sees a familiar blonde head at the bottom of the steps and she goes down to meet him. "Hey," she chirps. She digs into her bag and pulls out another cookie, only slightly squashed, and she holds it out for Reid to take. "I couldn't sleep last night," she said with a sheepish smile. It's not uncommon for her to show up with baked goods, either for her students or for other people she runs into. Strangers tend to be a little less mean when sugar was involved.
"How was your day?" she asked as she began walking by his side towards the part of campus that would take her to the bus stop. Apparently longboarding this late at night was frowned upon. "Or night, I guess? Anyone causing a ruckus?"
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healbellls · 2 months
Starters call liked! 1/3 - MUTUALS ONLY -> @the-wandering-rock-collector
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"Aye lad, can we have a talk?"
Due to Drake's ignorance for many things, as a result of his illiteracy, his peers constantly look down upon him and quickly come up with their own assumptions about him. They also underestimate how sharp the old man's observing skills, truly are. This image isn't helped with how drunk, he often turns up in most League meetings.
Despite all the odds, the Dragon master seemed to have been the only one to pick up on the overall fatigued (at least it seemed to be the best term to describe it) air, Steven carried with himself. However, it didn't seem to be the usual kind of tiredness, he has seen Steven carry with himself.
Devon wouldn't let it down, if anything in the slightest bit bad, ever happened to his son. Considering how he hasn't heard anything involving Steven, from his friend. It left him wondering.
He took a drag off his smoking pipe, before he approached the younger man. "Ye aren't leaving right now, are ye?"
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bullsh1tterz · 1 month
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: : @hubrisdescent : : GETS A PLOTTED STARTER.
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A rampage, they called it, one of many times in which the word was utilized within the same context as The Hulk. With a noun like that being thrown around, how could Adam have possibly prevented himself from winding up here? A photographer's curiosity is much too lethal, this force which propels them to capture the un-capturable; to immortalize something, a moment in time that only they and a select few have access to. How could Adam, then, not feed into it? Not let himself do what he does best and snoop around - locate said 'rampage' and capture it for what it is? The simple answer is he couldn't - he can't. Especially with the monetary gain of it all - that extra incentive.
But, of course, everything comes with a price. And this time, the price is being swiftly rescued by the Hulk much too soon, right around his discovery that the very noun which had brought him here was nothing short of a stretch.
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How frustrating it is - how pathetic it must look - for him to once again have lost mastery of his own fate. To have been rescued, again, from the claws of death. He grunts when put down and sighs when he turns to the other, the burning fire his gaze never quite loses now trailing along his form. The hero looks beat, now no longer 'hulked out'. Should he look beat?
"... You look like shit-" a huff, the very first words spoken to his savior. "Do you-. Are you fine?" Not 'okay', not 'alright', 'fine'. It sounds stern that way. It doesn't betray his admiration for Bruce Banner that way, yet his form is already leaning forward to attempt to aid the man and perch him up however he can.
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ofxhollows · 3 months
Location: Killer Pizza Characters: Ethan & Alan @fatebinds closed starter
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He was craving some food, and pizza sounded good. He didn't mind if the place wasn't as crowded, he rather preferred it that way. What he did mind was seeing a familiar face he'd rather not. His brother. Glaring over at him he felt like anytime he was around Alan, it sucked the life out of him.
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irzaozer · 4 months
closed starter @vedantxdasari
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He stepped out of Tasty Treats, a box of cupcakes in hand for the office, when he spotted a familiar face. "Ved? Is that you, man?" Irza called out, a grin spreading across his face as he approached his old friend from Stanford. "It's been ages. How have you been?" He asked, giving Ved a quick hug with his free arm. "Last I heard, you were working for the government. How's that going?" He wasn’t sure what he did exactly, but figured it wasn’t his business to pry. Seeing Ved brought back a flood of memories from his college days. What a small world they lived in. From Stanford to Wilmington.
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lcngdays · 4 months
@bloodbared // plotted
Temperance wasn't sure what it was about him.
Richter had never made much of an impression on them before. But they'd sailed through high school without a care in the world. They hardly noticed anything or anyone. He'd probably been there, and they just hadn't been paying attention, and then they'd left town.
Unfortunate circumstances led them back home, but that didn't mean they were going to give up on the Youtube grind. It was what was paying off their student loans, of course, so there wasn't much choice either way. They were back and looking for new leads on anything paranormal and they found him.
Temp had sat through the interview easily. Asked all the right questions at all the right times. Responded appropriately. Laughed when they were meant to, all the great things an interviewer did, they did. Things had a tendency to come easy to them, after all. But they were more than just enjoying the interview, they were enraptured by it. By him.
Maybe it was wrong, or weird to be so attracted to a man telling them about all the spilled guts he'd seen but they couldn't help themself. There was just something about him. Maybe it was their similar interests? Maybe it was having someone so engaged in what they were doing and saying? They didn't know. By the time the interview was over, Temperance was practically squirming in their seat.
They smile at Richter, glancing back at their camera set up. They stand and move to turn it off. Normally they'd leave it on to catch some post production, maybe some b-roll, anything like that. But not tonight. Tonight, they were going to shoot their shot. And who knew? Maybe luck would be on their side.
"listen." Their voice is casual. "i'm not normally so bold..."
Not on things like this, anyway. They'd only ever had one partner sexually and that had been one of the most awkward and uncomfortable experiences of their life.
"but like... i think you're really hot. and that was an amazing interview. and as much as i'd love to get to work on post-production... maybe." They stroll over to him, lightly lay a hand on his shoulder. "maybe we could spend a little more time together tonight?"
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chernayavidua · 24 days
incoming signal from @bruz3r: “There’s no exit wound, the bullet is still in you.” / meme ➢ accepting
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                 her body betrays her as it trembles without her say. the warmth of the manor has yet to seep into her bones; hindered by her rain soaked clothes. she hadn't had time to check the wound herself as the priority had been putting as much distance between herself and the shooter. with her cell phone in pieces on the street of new york and without adequate knowledge of gotham, she'd decided that her only option was the only sure place she knew: wayne manor. the ride there had been beyond uncomfortable, but she's had far worse.
                 the bullet still remaining was expected given the injury. but his words don't provoke a reaction. she merely remains in the chair he'd pulled out for her and closes her eyes. regulating her breathing, natasha focuses on anything but the pain radiating from her shoulder. focuses on the reason she's where she currently is and the events of the last few hours attempting to piece together the reason behind all of it. she wills herself not to feel the pain.
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                 “ if i'm keeping you from anything important, i can do it myself. ” she says, gaze lifting to meet his. i've done it before, is the intended meaning of words so casually spoken. and while she's thankful for the help he is clearly willing to give her, the last thing she wants is to get him tangled in her web.
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lovefvcked-a · 5 months
@lustbitten gets a starter from xavier smith !!
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as xavier looked at rowan, he raised his brow with a smirk on his face. he stepped closer to her and wrapped his arm around her waist, "are you sure you want to do this? your brother will probably have our heads if he finds out. i mean, i don't give a shit but i just want to make sure you're okay with this." he said with a small chuckle.
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moonsmultimusings · 14 days
@worldweavr sent a plotted starter:
Positioning his body to launch into a triple sal, Yuri Plisetsky kept one weary eye on the entrance to the ice rink. He still wasn’t sure how he was feeling about Victor’s return, so he’d opted to try not to think of it at all…
Which wasn’t really working.
“Yura! Sloppy spin - do it again!” Yakov’s voice snapped him back into the present and Yuri grimaced, taking a breath before repeating the spin, but by the time he’d looked back at Yakov to see the coach’s reaction, the old man was focused on something else… someone else.
The familiar timber of Victor Nikiforov filled the ice rink, and Yuri fougt to keep his expression neutral. The legend was back.
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To be back on the ice in Russia felt like revisiting an old friend, or returning to a childhood home. This would be Viktor's last season, no doubt. As a professional, he didn't have much left. He was young by most accounts, but in the realm of professional skating, he had nearly reached the ceiling. The cutoff of 30 was looming over his head, and two years simultaneously felt like no time at all, and yet far too much.
Even more than age weighing him down, he had the pull of dissatisfaction. He would be nothing if he couldn't impress his crowd, but there were only so many tricks one person could pull. After over 10 years of finding new ways to keep people on their toes, he worried he'd run dry. But the appeal of competing, even just once, against the up and coming skaters he'd inspired was tempting. He had coached both Yuuri Katsuki and Yuri Plisetsky, and after seeing their close finish in the championships last season, he still desired to test himself against them, aware as he was that he was at risk of losing now more than ever. Perhaps it would be a whimper that his career ended on as opposed to a bang, but would that not be surprising in itself? (Not that he intended to give in without a fight, mind you.)
He drew in a deep breath, the air tempered by the cool ice, as he skated out onto the ice, where Yuri was already practicing. “Yurioo~!” he greeted, his voice echoing across the rink. He stopped sharply beside him, waving a hand to his old coach as well. “And Yakov, of course. I'll only need a minute to warm up.” It had been a bit since he'd been on the ice, though one would be hard-pressed to claim him rusty after the short break.
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marisola · 6 months
closed for @pureshoney .
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hope  for  his  returned  had  fizzled  out  over  time  ,  his  disappearance  one  that  hit  her  hard  ,  and  the  child  in  her  arms  only  made  it  the  more  difficult  .  the  last  thing  she’d  expected  when  opening  the  front  door  of  her  small  apartment  was  to  see  him  .  the  amount  of  times  she’d  tried  calling  him  even  after  he’d  left  ;  never  received  a  call  or  a  text  back  ,  resentment  building  over  time  and  now  as  if  nothing  he’s  here  again  .  “  hendrix  ?  ”  name  drips  off  her  tongue  ,  surprise  written  all  over  cherub’s  features  .  davina  swallows  thickly  ,  attempts  to  keep  it  together  ,  and  not  cause  a  scene  .  all  in  an  attempt  to  not  wake  their  son  .  “  what  .  .  .  are  you  doing  here  ?  ”  tone  of  voice  is  soft  ,  spoken  words  a  whisper  and  she  tugs  the  small  child  closer  ,  her  digits  running  through  golden  curls  .  “  you  finally  decided  i  deserve  an  explanation  ,  is  that  it  ?  well  i  don’t  want  to  hear  it  .  ”
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