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bullsh1tterz ยท 3 hours ago
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Adam's never been privy to the subject side of things - to the notion of ever being ahead of the lens instead of beyond them. He doesn't trust anyone to capture him. Not even himself. And so the very action taken by the other draws more of a reaction than his words - words designed to tease him, he acknowledges, but which pale before the premise at hand. He just blinks, but there's a certain disdain to be found in his eyes as the picture is taken.
Wrist flicks to dismiss the words as curious eyes pin themselves to the camera.
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"Yeah, sure. Whatever y'say, moronarty." Form leans closer as a hand strays against the camera, angling the display screen his way so he can take a look at the picture. "Not bad." More like much too good for a first try. "Y're a fast learner. Too bad y'don't have the emotional sense for this, tho." He sounds almost... pleased, really, but that could be missed with ease.
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The man's enthusiasm was plain to see and he found his thoughts momentarily drifting to the unimportant things that ordinary people became hyped about; squaring off an image in the lens, buying a fresh new notebook, watching dogs play in a park. Simple little pleasures for SIMPLE little minds; it must be so nice and quiet.
It wasn't until Adam slot in beside him that his attention was redirected, head swaying over and his calculating gaze following suit; one that soon lingered on the demonstration at hand. Listening intently and soaking up the information like a sponge despite appearing completely UNBOTHERED, and even succumbing to a scowl to a few choice words.
But if there was one thing he couldn't fault it was the crisp picture that he had taken, and he scoffed as took the camera back. โ You make it sound way more impressive than it actually is, do you know that? โž He retorted with a bitten-back smirk as he focused the lens on the other, following his directions expertly and using the lines as guidance to snap a beautifully framed picture, IMMORTALISING his expression.
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bullsh1tterz ยท 12 hours ago
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#๐ƒ๐Ÿ’๐‘๐Š๐๐€๐’๐’๐„๐๐†๐„๐‘๐™... Read RULES & BIOGRAPHIES before interacting.
An independent, plot-based and HIGHLY selective portrayal of ๐ƒ๐„๐—๐“๐„๐‘ ๐Œ๐Ž๐‘๐†๐€๐, as seen on Showtime Television. Ft. ๐๐‘๐ˆ๐€๐ ๐Œ๐Ž๐’๐„๐‘ as a secondary muse. Butchered by Gray ( he/him. 19+ ). An intensive dive into the depravity of mankind, complex moral dilemmas, nature vs. nurture and governing one's instincts with stern codes. Follows back from @bullsh1tterz.
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bullsh1tterz ยท 16 hours ago
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If faces could boil themselves into oblivion, Adam's would have melted right off his neck. For better or for worse, though, it certainly can't. Which leaves the photographer with a knot in his stomach and a gaping, aching ball of emotional turmoil in his chest. This doesn't feel real. It's one of those dreams, isn't it? The lucid sort that start off all nice and end with a sike! and a kick in the balls. That's what this is. That's what it has to be. There's so much sentiment flickering in his eyes. That disbelief, that fear, that love. Yet all he can muster is a "Fuck..." because what other word has his mouth automated itself to spit?
He puts his hand on his chest, where the dog tags hang, and he breathes, brows furrowing with the intensity of what lies beyond that hand. "... The hell do I say ta that!?" He asks, genuinely desperate to know. "I've never..." Nose scrunches up, this time semblative of a bunny's to match the stream now bubbling 'round his doe eyes as they take their full, deeply touched form.
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He reaches up to wipe his tears, head lowered into his arm. "No one has ever..." Has ever what? He doesn't even know how to describe this. He has the words, but they all pale. They don't feel enough. Nothing feels enough. He doesn't know how he's done any of that. Make him feel seen? Did he? If he did, he's proud. Beyond it. Aching with it.
"I fuckin' love you." He just blurts, looking Steve straight in the eye and drenching every bit of complexity in him into that one simple phrase. And then he muddles it up, retreating to his shell just a bit with a final, meaningless "you tacky bitch ass motherfucker." before he pulls him into a long, affectionate kiss, the likes of which he doubts America's deeply misunderstood darling in tights could ever muster on his own.
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At first Steve thinks he's fucked up. Then he realises that they're happy tears, joyful emotions and his anxiety eases a little. The last thing he'd ever want is to make Adam uncomfortable. His brow softens, taking his hand and gently prising the dog tags from them. "I'm going to be sappy and you're going to hate it but I need you to listen to me." His hand lifts to Adam's jaw, tilting it so that he can hold his gaze. "I have never been more sure of anything. You are the most incredible person I've ever met. I spend every day in awe of your strength. You make me laugh, you're intelligent, talented, observant - You have this beautiful soft side that I'm blessed to experience." He takes the dog tags, placing them over Adam's head and gently laying them around his neck. Hand rests on them, pressing them against his chest. "These belong to you." His eyes are wide with sincerity, desperate to prove his love to this man who deserves it more than anyone.
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"You're the only person who sees me. You make me feel like myself again. You've reminded me about parts of myself that I'd forgotten and you just have me waking up every day with this stupid grin that I can't get rid of." Lips curve into a bright smile. "So, yes - I'm sure. They're yours for as long as you'll have them."
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bullsh1tterz ยท 1 day ago
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He sighs, arms crossing with the intention to self-soothe, but still appearing to emanate some level of sass. "I know ..." A huff. "Suppose I do owe ya that at least. Name's Adam. Adam Stanheight - if y've read the local paper a while back y'mighta seen my name next to a Lawrence Gordon's?" he tilts his head, wondering how much the other knows of what had become of him years ago.
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"I'm a- I was in a- listen," he doesn't lean forward in respect of the other's personal space, but opts to cover the side of his mouth and whisper nonetheless. "I'm pretty sure they're already listenin' in. Can we get ourselves ta somewhere a bit busier - louder? Cafe, market. Ya name it."
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journalist, private investigator, obsessed fan. they all blur together to sidney; they've all attempted to track her down over the years. wouldn't it be something to get a word with the famously reclusive sidney prescott? it churns her stomach. despite him displaying that the camera cap is on, sidney continues to keep a wary distance.
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"that's a pretty ominous way to introduce yourself." she states plainly.
sidney slides her hand into her pocket; she never walks vulnerably. on her person, sidney always carries something from her small arsenal of self-defense weapons. today, her object of choice is a taser.
she is reluctant, but still prepared, to pull it out as she questions adam. "who are you? how did you find me?"
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bullsh1tterz ยท 2 days ago
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#๐ƒ๐Ÿ’๐‘๐Š๐๐€๐’๐’๐„๐๐†๐„๐‘๐™... Read RULES & BIOGRAPHIES before interacting.
An independent, plot-based and HIGHLY selective portrayal of ๐ƒ๐„๐—๐“๐„๐‘ ๐Œ๐Ž๐‘๐†๐€๐, as seen on Showtime Television. Ft. ๐๐‘๐ˆ๐€๐ ๐Œ๐Ž๐’๐„๐‘ as a secondary muse. Butchered by Gray ( he/him. 19+ ). An intensive dive into the depravity of mankind, complex moral dilemmas, nature vs. nurture and governing one's instincts with stern codes. Follows back from @bullsh1tterz.
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bullsh1tterz ยท 2 days ago
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He doesn't know whether he should have expected a gift or not, but the dissipation of any crudeness in his demeanor certainly marks the latter. There's something to odd to Adam - so deeply jarring - about being held in enough regard to receive a proper gift. Sure, he's been given some, but they've always been pre-breakup throwaways or favor-gauging trinkets from customers who couldn't actively pay. Something about the idea of one with this sentiment strikes a chord in his chest that leaves him unable to remark - unable to guard himself beyond a contrary demeanor.
Wordlessly, he takes hold of the bag and looks within, eyes straying first to the image and his lips twitching with pure appreciation at the camera strap. Art and something for his camera. How Steve has managed to know him so well is beyond him, but it fills him with a solace he's never mustered before, to the point of feeling some shame over what he himself had gotten with sincerity. And then... then come the dog tags. Even before Steve starts speaking, Adam knows what they mean. He's seen it time and time again played for contrived romantic tension in films he fell half-asleep in even as those beside him wept. Now, it's him who feels a certain dampness at the beds of his eyes, using what's left of his conscious mind to set the bag aside and hold the dog tags with such painful delicacy in his palm, staring at them. He opens his mouth to speak, but words seem to fail. The only thing which saves him from going mute is Steve's final comment.
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"Fuck chocolates right now." He says, pausing to take one final look at the dog tags before wrapping a tight fist around them and, though he tries his best not to, letting a small streak of crystal tears run down his cheek.
"I don't know what ta say ta this, Steve. You..." he steps forward, free hand used to lovingly tap at the other's waste as he gets himself impossibly close to the man. He shakes his head. "This isn't stupid. Never stupid." He starts by reassuring the other - trying to put a stop to whatever stream of thought his monologue was reaching. "No, it's- just. You..." Head tilts just a tad as brows furrow. "Are you sure? I... " Nose scrunches up. "Are you sure? Me? Steve, are you sure? " He can't stop repeating it, reddened eyes pleading for the answer to be yes. Yet a certain fear in them, something in the back of his mind, hinders him from having that full hope.
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"Oh, I'm pushing that luck as far as it'll go -" Steve grins, stealing another kiss and squeezing his waist. He nudges his nose against Adam's, unable to hide his delight at being someone's Valentine. He knows it's stupid, but he's always been a romantic at heart.
"I got you something too." He pulls back, grabbing the bag that he'd concealed behind the sofa. Inside there's a personalised leather camera strap, a small drawing of Adam that Steve had done after their smoothies in the park, and a little box containing his original dog tags from the military. That's the gift he's most worried about giving. He's not sure if it's too excessive or overly sentimental. "They're - For you. Uh - It was a thing, guys came back from war and would give their dog tags to the most important person in their life. I kept them just in case I ever found someone I wanted to give them to. But I promise, you can just give them back to me if you don't want them - I know it's probably a stupid gift. I should've just gone with chocolates."
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bullsh1tterz ยท 2 days ago
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โ‚Š๐ŸŽž๏ธโœ |[ @brooklyncapsicle said ]| ย  :
romance looks good on you.
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Oh, this bitch. This little shit. This - this. Adam's beginning to think Steve gets off on him getting all twisted up - wracking his brain over how to respond to him.
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"Y'know what else would look good on me?" He doesn't have a fucking clue what the punchline is going to be. Defenses flaring at full blast, it's the only thing he can blurt out. Something snide and snappy with no real direction to it, the only thing betraying its inauthenticity being that gaze of his - those beautiful doe eyes that had seen far beyond they are capable of comprehending - falling with gratitude upon his... upon Steve. "... Not sure I'd call it romance, Rogers. More like..." He looks aside, then reverts ahead. "What ya deserve, I figure? 'm just. Tryin'. I'm tryin'." Trying to make you as happy as a schmuck like me can - to make up for the fact you were cursed to, for some insane reason, enjoy my company.
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bullsh1tterz ยท 3 days ago
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โ‚Š๐ŸŽž๏ธโœ |[ @hidefire said ]| ย  :
don't just stand there!
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"Wouldya rather I fuckin' sit, then?" He's quick to snap back with a click of his tongue, arms crossed to boot the sentiment. He huffs, assessing the situation for a moment. He could just pull her out, but the question is whether or not quick sand is receptive to such motion. The only surefire way to find out would be to ask an expert but, well, there's not much chance of that here - now.
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"Fuck it, gimme yer hands." he practically demands, stretching his own out to her. "If I get swallowed with ya I'm gonna fuckin' wreck yer shit."
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bullsh1tterz ยท 3 days ago
&. ๐ง๐จ๐ฌ๐Ÿ๐ž๐ซ๐š๐ญ๐ฎ ๐Ÿ๐ŸŽ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ’ ๐ฌ๐ž๐ง๐ญ๐ž๐ง๐œ๐ž ๐ฌ๐ญ๐š๐ซ๐ญ๐ž๐ซ๐ฌ.
(ย  dialogueย  promptsย  takenย  fromย  nosferatuย  (2024),ย  directedย  byย  robertย  eggers.ย  feelย  freeย  toย  editย  andย  changeย  asย  youย  seemย  fit.ย  )ย 
โ› come to me. โœ
โ› a guardian angel. a spirit of comfort. spirit of any celestial sphere. anything. hear my call. โœ
โ› you wakened me from an eternity of darkness. โœ
โ› you are not for the living. you are not for human kind. โœ
โ› and shall you be one with me ever-eternally? โœ
โ› come here. thereโ€™s nothing to be afraid of. โœ
โ› i wish i could stay, my love. โœ
โ› why have you killed these beautiful flowers? โœ
โ› i must tell you my dream. โœ
โ› iโ€™d never been so happy as that momentโ€ฆ as i held hands with death. โœ
โ› i wish you to have all you deserve. โœ
โ› you mustnโ€™t leave. i love you too much. โœ
โ› i will stay with you until you are fast asleep. โœ
โ› uh, forgive me. i only wish to stay one night. โœ
โ› by godโ€™s name, never speak of that castle. โœ
โ› i banish you, i banish you with garlic. โœ
โ› beware of his shadow. โœ
โ› the shadow covers you in a nightmare. โœ
โ› you are late. the midnight hour has passed. โœ
โ› i wish you to do as i request. โœ
โ› i will be addressed as the honor of my blood demands it.โœ
โ› speak not of it again! โœ
โ› take heed what you do. โœ
โ› i might ease your wound. โœ
โ› come by the fire. โœ
โ› your face shows you unwell. โœ
โ› do you ever feel at times as if you were notโ€ฆ as if you were not a person? โœ
โ› look at the sky. look at the sea. does it never call to you, urge you? โœ
โ› you are fortunate in your love. โœ
โ› now are we neighbors. โœ
โ› it is late. you must wish to retire. โœ
โ› i have been enduring the most irregular dreams. i fear i am taken ill. โœ
โ› it is a black omen to journey in poor health. you will remain and well rest yourself. โœ
โ› dream of me. only me. โœ
โ› oh, heโ€™s coming to me. โœ
โ› i cannot resist you, my love. โœ
โ› i am no one. i am his servant. โœ
โ› look, this is a pretty one. his lordship likes the pretty onesโ€ฆ โœ
โ› you are lost in his shadow. โœ
โ› soon i will no longer be a shadow to you. โœ
โ› soon our flesh shall embrace and we shall be as one. โœ
โ› i have not failed your lordship! โœ
โ› embrace me, my boy. i am so rejoiced to see you. โœ
โ› my dear creature, yes, i am he, and i am hither come to help you. โœ
โ› my dreams grow darker. โœ
โ› does evil come from within us or from beyond? โœ
โ› i shall persist to join you every nightโ€ฆ first in sleep, then in your arms. โœ
โ› everything will be mixed with abomination, and youโ€™ll be knee-deep in blood. โœ
โ› you are promised to me! โœ
โ› i will end this plague. this devil. โœ
โ› he hasnโ€™t found you. โœ
โ› i feared iโ€™d never see you again. โœ
โ› you shall crave of me nothing. โœ
โ› the bells of dawn shall toll in despair of my coming. and i shall taste of you. โœ
โ› pray, forgive me for all the troubles i have caused you. โœ
โ› i am only glad you have become yourself again. โœ
โ› may iโ€ฆ stay with you tonight? โœ
โ› this creature is a force more powerful than evil. it is death itself. โœ
โ› i have seen things in this world that wouldโ€™ve made isaac newton crawl back into his motherโ€™s womb. โœ
โ› i have wrestled with the devil as jacob wrestled the angel in peniel. โœ
โ› if we are to tame darkness, we must first face that it exists. โœ
โ› i have felt you crawling like a serpent in my body. โœ
โ› love is inferior to you. โœ
โ› i told you, you are not of humankind. โœ
โ› i am an appetite. nothing more. โœ
โ› i lay within the darkest pit. till you did wake me, enchantress, and stirred me from my grave. โœ
โ› you are my affliction. โœ
โ› i care nothing of your afflictions. โœ
โ› yet even now we are fated. โœ
โ› your passion is bound to me. โœ
โ› you cannot love. โœ
โ› yet i cannot be sated without you. โœ
โ› remember how once we were? โœ
โ› i abhor you. โœ
โ› i will leave you three nights. tonight was the first. โœ
โ› tonight you denied yourself, and thereby, you suffer me to vanish up the lives of those you love. โœ
โ› you revel in my torture. โœ
โ› upon the third night, you will submit, or he you call your husband shall perish by my hand. โœ
โ› till you bid me come shall you watch the world become as naught. โœ
โ› tell me, what is this insufferable darkness? โœ
โ› nothing you can say will shake me, for there is a devil in this world, and i have met him. โœ
โ› iโ€™ve brought this evil upon us. โœ
โ› i sought company. i soughtโ€ฆ tenderness, and i called out. โœ
โ› at first, it was sweet. i had never known such bliss. yet it turned to torture. โœ
โ› it was you that gave me the courage to be free of my shame. โœ
โ› he took me as his lover then, and now he has come back. โœ
โ› all my sleeping thoughts are of him every night. โœ
โ› donโ€™t touch me! i am not to be touched. โœ
โ› iโ€™ll be good. i promise. โœ
โ› you could never please me as he could. โœ
โ› yes! take me! โœ
โ› kiss me. kiss my heart. โœ
โ› let him see. let him see our love. โœ
โ› without you, i will become a demon. โœ
โ› youโ€™re safe with me. โœ
โ› keep away from me. i am unclean. โœ
โ› he will murder you if i do not go to him. โœ
โ› kill him i will. he shall never harm you again. โœ
โ› i can weep no longer, for i have no more tears to shed. โœ
โ› the grim reaper wields his heavy scythe with every change of wind. โœ
โ› the monster left you to the wolves, yet you prevailed. โœ
โ› his pull to me is so powerful, so terrible, yet my spirit cannot be evil as his. โœ
โ› we must know evil to be able to destroy it. โœ
โ› you are our salvation. โœ
โ› i bid you, come to me. โœ
โ› your oath re-pledged. so too shall be our flesh. you are mine. โœ
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bullsh1tterz ยท 4 days ago
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"Oh fuck off with that, what're ya gonna do, Parker?" He's just being his usual cynical self. It's the only way to survive. At least the only one he knows. Didn't expect Peter to be so... bold, though. It's a bit frustrating, really, how many people around Adam seem to have some sort of hero complex. Leave it up to superheroes to raise everyone's standards as to how they should feel in a bind.
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"If y're gonna admit y're in love with me, that's a bit of a shit time ta do it." He's yelling the snide remark out so loud under the chaos of it all - under the rumbling of the floor which sneaks chills up his spine - that the sarcasm dilutes itself beneath the volume. Still, what else is he supposed to say? Because he isn't about to actually ask what the other wants to confess. He probably took credit for someone else's photos or something - some stupid little thing good ol' Pushover Parker's been guilting himself over. Whatever. He's about to die. Spare him the dramatics.
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~ @bullsh1tterz || โ› ย at this rate, we won't make it out alive.ย  โœ
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Peter's gaze darts around the room, looking for the exit. The door's barricaded, smoke slowly creeping in through the cracks. They don't have long, the building's either going to collapse into the fire or rupture a gas line and explode - Peter doesn't fancy sticking around to figure out which.
"We're not going to die -" Peter looks to Adam. "I need you to trust me, okay?" He shoots a web at the window, pulling it open. "There are some things I haven't been entirely honest about."
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bullsh1tterz ยท 5 days ago
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He wonders... is life truly worth being lived if it's so contorted regardless of what you do - which path you choose to take? Lawrence Gordon speaks, now, with a heavy chest. And as Adam's doe eyes fixate on the doctor with an attentiveness he often chooses to hide, he realizes that, though very differently, life has still done them due devastation. The perfect Doctor, the rich man with the wife and child, is miserable. The man dealt a hand so pathetic that it fled him itself and never looked back is miserable. What the fuck even is the point, then? Of working hard or of having something to stand for when it all ends up much of the same?
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Perhaps that's not what he should be surmising from the man's imparting of his heart. Maybe he should look at it more intimately, as a sign of connection or as some degree of... understanding that, though still struggling, Lawrence survived where Adam could never. And maybe he's already gathered as much, deep down, but perched over it all in painful vigour is the reality of this moment. The fact he wouldn't have known this or even cared to know it had he not been chained to a bathroom in god-knows-where opposite a man he'd taken pictures of.
But as the other tells him not to worry, that he's not assuming he cares, it rises again, that knot in his chest, and he ends up learning something entirely different from his story. That Lawrence truly has something to leave here for. That Lawrence isn't asking himself whether life is truly worth being lived because things like that never matter when you have something to live it for. And what does Adam have? Who? Where, even? It's that envy again, driving his sights aside, then forward, marked in part by what Lawrence had, in good Humor, insinuated him not to have - some care. Just some. He can't do more. He can't admit more. Because he's promised himself no amount of empathy in him is to ever raise itself up into the surface. All within. All buried.
He huffs, lightly, tip of his lip curled into something like a smile. "Hah. Yeah." An upward nod, then the gradual dissipation of any uplift at Lawrence's last few statements. What would you know?
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"Gonna hafta disagree with ya there, Doc." He says in no particular tone, like it's just pure fact. "Not ta get all doom 'n gloom in this sexy state o' luxury we've got here, but I ain't got shit besides my Camera, 'n it doesn't even capture much o' what I want 'nymore." A deep breath he hopes is muted. It's weird being... calmer. The dread has always been present in Adam, but it's really being allowed to settle in here. Like this was just meant to happen. " 'n let's be real here, Lawrence, even if I did, y'don't actually know if it's over or not. Y'don't know shit 'n neither do I. Even that fuckin' bastard that has us in here's probably half-fucked outta his mind thinkin' bout what's gonna happen or what we're gonna do." He looks to where the camera must be, glaring and throwing a middle finger up with a yank. "Asshole." He returns to Lawrence.
"But... Fuck. Y'know what? You got shit to do. 'n I got... the fact m'lungs haven't corroded yet." He nods. "So I wanna leave. I don't got nothin' ta leave for but I wanna leave. If only ta strangle that ass 'n show 'im a real rough time." Pause. A groan. It's almost disjointed - the way he's speaking - compared to how Lawrence had been. Yet another thing to envy him over... coherence. "but fuck if I know how!"
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What Adam first replies with ( ' Tell it right 'n ya might get a threesome outta this ' ) startles Lawrence so thoroughly that a shocked laugh almost escapes him before it gets stuck in his throat, instead expelled as a huff with an undertone of something perhaps akin to levity.
His gaze is still on Adam when the younger man speaks again. Envy: it's a word he's heard thrown his way more than a few times. Beautiful wife, charming daughter, top of his field! Proof that you really can have it all! Lawrence used to revel in commendations like that even when he knew they were only chipping at the surface, unaware of what roiled beneath. Because he has always been a bullshitter, and he's good at it. However, despite the familiarity, the phrase isn't one he would have anticipated hearing from Adam.
Lawrence is quiet as he allows a voice other than his own to fill the room, just listening and watching. Through each shake of the head, furrowed expression, and rapid rise and fall of Adam's chest, he's certain what's said is the truth. Then comes something else, a question that's inquisitive yet earnest: ' Would ya really gouge y'r eyes out for 'em? ' He doesn't hesitate before he answers, though it isn't rushed. "Yes. I really would." In this moment, Lawrence is entirely sure that his sanity is dangling by a precarious thread consisting of the knowledge that Alison and Diana are thus far unharmed; he doesn't know what would happen if it snapped.
"Diana, she's so smart. And she's always been kind, she could find something good in anybody." This time, when a huff leaves his lips, there's no hint of amusement in it. "She gets that from her mother." There had been a point in his life when he had believed he was a kind person. That he would always refrain from looking at someone like they were a number. That he would never consider cheating on his partner. Maybe Lawrence has been bullshitting himself all along.
A beat of silence follows before he says, "After years of watching people under my care suffer, telling some of them they're going to die anyway, and listening to their families and friends fall apart while they're begging me to save them when I fucking can't โ€” I couldn't feel the way it made me feel anymore. I wanted to control it. But I think detaching from one thing turned into everything. It wasn't like, I don't know, flipping a light-switch on and off whenever I decided to." He's never expounded upon this outside of his own head and as he talks, he feels like he's hearing someone else. "That's never been true about Diana, though. I couldn't be distant from her even if I tried, not completely."
Then, there's a marginal tip of Lawrence's chin. "Don't worry, I'm not saying all of this out of a misconception that you care." As he repeats Adam's earlier sentiment, quiet humor is threaded through his cadence before it fades. "It's not over. You can still make mistakes worth fixing, Adam." Perhaps he sounds delusional in maintaining that they stand a chance, but what good will it do them to lie down and give up? He sees no point in that ( and maybe, regardless of the circumstances, he's a little too proud to accept defeat ).
"But I guess that depends on the reason why you haven't made them in the first place."
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bullsh1tterz ยท 6 days ago
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#๐ƒ๐Ÿ’๐‘๐Š๐๐€๐’๐’๐„๐๐†๐„๐‘๐™... Read RULES & BIOGRAPHIES before interacting.
An independent, plot-based and HIGHLY selective portrayal of ๐ƒ๐„๐—๐“๐„๐‘ ๐Œ๐Ž๐‘๐†๐€๐, as seen on Showtime Television. Ft. ๐๏ฟฝ๏ฟฝ๐ˆ๐€๐ ๐Œ๐Ž๐’๐„๐‘ as a secondary muse. Butchered by Gray ( he/him. 19+ ). An intensive dive into the depravity of mankind, complex moral dilemmas, nature vs. nurture and governing one's instincts with stern codes. Follows back from @bullsh1tterz.
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bullsh1tterz ยท 6 days ago
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โ‚Š๐ŸŽž๏ธโœ |[ @mischieflawed ]| ย  :
โ› oh great, it's you again. โœ
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Adam douses his cigarette on the wall, stamping a dark circle into the white mass of it. He's perceiving the other with a mixture of caution and complete recklessness. It's a contradictory blend, but it's there deep in his doe eyes.
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"Sure fuckin' is, bitch." Ever the eloquent speaker, he confirms. "This is like the third time I've had ta run around trackin' yer ass, so couldya spare me whatever hard-ta-get shtick y're pullin' and just hear me out?"
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bullsh1tterz ยท 7 days ago
THIS ISN'T ME MISSING YOU ( sentence starters from the extended play by taylor bickett )
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"Got hit on by a tourist from Canada in a cowboy hat."
"If you had just apologized I'd have taken you back."
"I'm still dealin' with the drama you inflicted."
"They listened, which is more than you ever did."
"This isn't me missing you."
"This is me pissed at you."
"You don't deserve the attention."
"Your name on my tongue makes me nauseous."
"Maybe I'm just having an allergic reaction to seeing you win."
"It's killin' me just sittin' here knowing you've got the upper hand."
"I'm not cryin' 'cause I want you back."
"I'm cryin' 'cause you made me mad."
"I pour my heart out, it makes you shut down."
"I didn't wanna give up."
"Sometimes pulling the plug's the only choice that you have."
"Would it have killed you to fight for me?"
"You've been so robotic, emotions versus logic."
"It's just another way to tear me down in the name of being honest."
"Is it a pattern of fatal attraction?"
"I tend to chase after something disconnected."
"I don't know why I thought somehow this wouldn't have the same ending."
"I really wanted this to work."
"What happened to your apathy? I guess that you replaced it with audacity."
"Now that it's convenient for you, you're ready to talk it through."
"If I see him I'ma punch him in the face."
"It's been a month, already hate your guts."
"You broke me, what the hell is even left to say?"
"I don't miss you, if you do that's fine, but I can't relate."
"It's way too little, way too little, too little too late."
"As soon as I finally think I'm over it you show up like you know that you're my weakness."
"I don't need this."
"Is it 'cause you're feeling guilty?"
"Now you're doing damage control."
"Is it even about me at all?"
"It's too far gone, I'm too pissed off."
"I don't wanna be your friend."
"Is it too much to ask I never see you again?"
"I keep waking up nauseous."
"I'm scared my subconscious isn't over it as much as I am."
"I made myself microscopic to fit in your pocket. It's taken me a year to re-expand."
"After all this time, it still gives me a tightness in the center of my chest."
"I think you miss me more than I miss you."
"It's not a love match."
"It's not a must-have, but it's nice."
"I don't think I'd have noticed it."
"Does that mean that I'm over it?"
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bullsh1tterz ยท 7 days ago
I havenโ€™t been on here or anywhere much really because my dog has to have surgery to remove a mass on her mammary gland. Itโ€™s really been stressing me out since this is her first big surgery and the cost is going to cost an arm and a leg -
Im opening commissions for dog / animal portraits , everything can be shipped and all of the funds go toward Bonnieโ€™s surgery!
Please spread this around if you can!
Thank you!
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bullsh1tterz ยท 7 days ago
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โ‚Š๐ŸŽž๏ธโœ |[ @praynot showed up ]| ย  :
If she's panicked, it doesn't show past the exhaustion. Lee's covered in blood, spattered across her face, her chest, her arms, and there's no clear indication whether or not it's her own. Trembling, the rain having only minutely washed away some of the viscera, she leans in his doorway. โ Sorry.. โž
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Adam's apartment has pretty much become a free-for-all the last few years - a lock which seldom works and hinges so weak that they'd probably just rather corrode and perish. The state of it has come to piss him off, inviting in unwanteds like the plague. To the point where he's stopped registering who's shown up, instead defaulting to a casual sort of irritation until he does process things.
When he does, though, and when his doe eyes strike Lee's disheveled form, the insults that had formed up around his tongue unravel, and he beckons her in with a stance meandering on witholding and... something else. A care he wouldn't verbalize.
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"Jesus fuckin' christ." he's quick to exclaim. "Do I even want to know what happened?" His way of asking, inquiring, showing investment. "Lucky the floor's already gone to shit."
Instinctually, he's moving over to the side of his crumbling cabinet and grabbing an age-old first aid kit, but his eyes do not leave the other. He makes mental note, from her shivering, to snatch one of the jackets he'd thrown on the floor on the way back to her.
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bullsh1tterz ยท 8 days ago
โ€œcan mutuals dm you?โ€ my mutuals can fire me from a cannon through a brick wall, looney tunes style. as long as weโ€™re all having fun
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