#if you just started teen wolf dont worry he will grow on you
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sapphirebluejewel · 2 years ago
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Endless List of Characters I Love - Derek Hale
"I was evolving. Something you’ll never do."
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hanniiesuckle17 · 6 years ago
Dating Han Jisung
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*before we start can I just say how hot that gif is*
A/n: not requested but I need more han content (she says like she hasn't already checked her masterlist twenty times and it isn't filled with him)
Warnings: Swearing probably, Jisung being the love of my life uwu
First off
Reader you are one lucky bitch to be dating Han Peter Jisung
Can I be you?
Probably the more emotional one out of the two of you
He is just so passionate about everything he does and he would definitely be the same in a relarionship
You guys were probably good friends before dating
Definitely has a key to your apartment
Some mornings you will just wake up and Jisung will just be there sleeping next to you
Fluffy haired jisung in the morning fucking kill me why do I do this
"One more minute?"
When he does spend the night he usually goes to bed after you
Never really sleeping in the same position
His favorite is sleeping behind you and holding onto your waist with one of his legs in between yours
That way he can snuggle into your shoulder or the crook of your neck
Also (like my Jungkook one) probably met your parents on accident
Your parents came over for dinner one night and were shocked when a random boy walked in wearing baggy sweatpants, a hoodie and a hat
"Uhh.....-this is 403 yes? I didn't walk into the wrong house again did I?"
"Who are you?"
Jisung literally looking at the next apartment number before concluding it was in fact your apartment
"Sung? Oh my God!"
Poor little shocked baby
Parents are floored when you greet him with a kiss on the cheek
"Mom, dad...this is Han Jisung. He is my boyfriend."
Cue nervous laughter and smile from Han
He literally just came from a dance practice and looks a sweaty mess and now is meeting parents.....
Someone kill him now
Does his best to make a better first impression
Your parents don't really like him at first
Not because of him but because he is an idol
They don't think he will have enough time for you and he might never have a stable income
It really stresses him out because Jisung just really likes you and wants everything to be perfect
After they leave he has a mini meltdown because the both of you could tell it went badly
"They hate me, Y/n!"
"So! Y/n when I ask your father if I can marry you someday he'll say 'Nope sorry. You're a douche who can't earn money for my daughter. Leave and go shove a fist up your ass!'"
It becoming your first big fight
It doesn't really....end.
You both decide that it isn't good for you relationship if you just dwell on it so you decide to cross that bridge when it comes
Eventually your parents grow to really love Jisung (especially your mom)
Jisung is a mothers son in law dream let's be honest guys
Huge fan of PDA for two reasons
1: he can shove the fact he has a girlfriend in the boys faces
2: he just really like having some sort of contact with you
We all know Han has a little bit of an ego and a lot of confidence but I think some of that goes away when the cameras are off
When he reaches out to you most of the time it's like he is seeking comfort or he gets a little nervous
Big hand holder
Honestly I think he loves your hands
When he is especially nervous, self conscious, or embarrassed and you are with him he will gently play with your fingers
You being his muse
Stray kids dont really have a lot of songs about 'love' but Jisung has hundreds written about you
Horror movie are nowhere to be seen in your house
Han would probably really like to watch like dramas or really obscure and lesser known stuff
It's like your couple show
Him wanting to go as Stiles and Lydia for Halloween
Dates are always 'chill'
Playing Crash Bandicoot in the dorms and making fun of each other cause you both suck
Going to hole in the wall restaurants
Both of you trying to learn to cook
"Y/n is this supposed to be brown?"
"I don't know. Is salmon usually brown?"
You've talked about moving in together but he doesn't want to until you both decide to go public
The boys loving you
You being the biggest STAY ever
Jisung doesn't like to leave you behind when he is on tour so he and his manager found a way to disguise you as one of the staff so you could get on the plane with them
Falling asleep on his shoulder almost immediately
Him working on lyrics while you sleep
Sadly all the effort the staff and him did went to waste when Seungmin and Felix accidently posted a selfie where you and Han were in the seat behind them and Han was kissing your forehead while you were latched onto his arm
None of the boys found out until after the flight when they could use their phones again.
There were more fans than normal at the airport and all of them were bombarding Jisung with questions
One of the fans got through the barrier and launched herself at you
Han immediately dropped his stuff and tried to get her off of you with Changbin's help
Security eventually intervened and paparazzi were very happy with the pictures they got of him looking worried at you in his arms
After that Security started to break and fans started running at the both of you screaming questions
Which caused the two of you to run through the airport trying to escape the fans
The two of you were just two 19 year olds. You didnt know how to deal with this
So the two of you just camped out in the boys bathroom with you sitting in Jisung's lap waiting for security
With your relationship out Han shows you off proudly and STAYs have reacted more kindly than before
Jisung now uses the skz insta account as your personal couple account
Photos via Seungmin because he was sorry about the plane thing
A couple months after he moves in with you
Living with him isn't all that different from before except slightly more to clean
You guys are either always full of energy and doing something or extremely tired and just want to sit around with each other
You both feed off of each other so when one is tired the other starts to kind of feel the same
You definitely said 'I love you' first
He did love you
Very much
He just wanted to tease you a little bit
Anytime you said it he would smile and kiss you before walking away
You were walking out after a shower when he just said it out of the blue
"You're sure it's not because I'm half naked."
"That's 10% of the reason."
Definitely he is more a kissing guy
Gives the best hugs ever tho
One arm around you shoulder or holding your head to his chest and the other wrapped tightly around your waist
Playing with his fluffy hair so he can fall asleep
Han definitely has a hair kink
Loves when you pull on his hair
Boy is a motherfucking dom and you can fight me
Rarely a switch but when he is boy is he bratty
I can see him loving shower sex
Very very generous in bed
Would never do bondage with you
Always makes sure you feel comfortable
Literally the best at aftercare
You both have for sure fucked in the studio
This boy has vocals on stage and off ;)
Foreplay? Don't know her.
Jisung definitely has a lot of sexual energy but he never really likes to plan out if sex is going to happen even like an hour before hand
Therefore there isnt a set amount of times a week or even a month you do the deed
I think other than his hair God damn your favorite part of him might be his nose or his lips
Cause fuck he has the most beautiful smile
Dating Jisung would literally be the best thing in the world
It would be like dating your soulmate and your bestfriend.
God how did I bias wreck myself when my bias is Han?
Requests are open for imagines, preferences and other stuff!
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softforcal · 6 years ago
hello! these types of questions are great don’t worry! everyones different but yeah, let me tell you about my writing process :) (this is a long ass writing rant and hopefully it’s helpful)
so for headcanons tbh, i just write them. like. i sit down and write it all in one go and tbh not much thought goes into them there isnt really a plot it’s just notes practically so headcanons for me are not difficult at all. fics/oneshots are where things actually heat up.
so for my fics i do note form outlines. what this means is i have all the major things that have to happen already lined out. i put it on a word doc on half my screen and the fic on the other and there’s no plan on how to get to each note point but i know i have to get there somehow, but having basic goals makes it easier for me.
when it comes to fics there’s usually a brainstorming process. i have two wonderful amazing loves of my absolute life @hereforlukescruff and @glitterprincelu and usually it will start with me saying an idea and we all just kind of start shooting ideas and bouncing off of each other. this process can take hours. like. i remember when i came up with gang luke (penumbra) i was in class and we ended up chatting about it for 3 hours and coming up with shit. when the main brainstorm is done i plot it all out. i have a few ocd tendencies, one of which is linear stuff means a lot to me. like i can’t start a fic at the end. i need to start at the start. so i’ll plan as much as i can but sometimes i stop at the middle and i re-evaluate once i get there and have a better sense as to where the story is going.
for me, characters are huge. like. i have the plot points but characters drive everything else. so i’ll often have a sit down and reevaluate what has happened to them and how they’re feeling and see if it’s all making sense for them, but, because i brainstorm a lot, usually i don’t end up changing much. strong characters are key my dudes. 
my biggest motivator to get to the end of the story is well, the characters. i love them so much and writing for them feels so comforting to me. LOVE YOUR CHARACTERS. but also. something ya’ll gotta understand about me is that i’ve been writing fan fiction for 8 years. i’ve probably spent an average of 2 hours a day (and that’s seriously low balling it) so thats 2x365=730x8=5840 hours that i’ve written and that’s probably too low to be accurate. so i’m a writer. i type fast as fuck and i’ve been doing this a while so writing comes very easy to me, ideas are constantly flowing. this is legit what im pursuing as a job so don’t be discouraged if you can’t write 10k in a day like I do because... well, i’ve had a fuck ton of practice. writing 10k in a day is pretty common for me i’d say, once i sit down with a oneshot i don’t want to leave until it’s done.
but. i also again, have a bit of an ocd thing and when it’s paired with anxiety, it makes it hard for me to stop. i need to get things done. to check stuff off my list. or i get bored. if i leave a fic for even a day or two, it’s likely i’m not gonna finish it. so for me, and i know this, its important to wait until i have a sufficient amount of time to bust something out and a plan makes it so easy because i don’t have to stop and ask myself “okay now what”
what more can i say about writing.... uh... characters. so important. dialogue. key. 
like i’ll start a fic with a general idea about an OC but as the fic continues they grow and i really enjoy watching them grow. i think a good rule of thumb if you’re having troubles with this is immerse the story view point in the most solid character you have (i’ll give an example of this in a moment) and use their perspective and musings on a different character, like what they notice, to promote growth.
example of what i mean when i say this. i recently wrote prince cal and from the start, he was my strong character. Ostara was new, she’s ashton’s sister, she’s back for the first time in a while. the very first paragraph establishes that calum is taken aback by how much she’s changed. there’s still some similarities to how she was growing up and i weave that comfort of the known throughout the story (with things like chicken fights in the pool or musing about how they used to play hide and seek as kids) but from the start, Calum is knocked off his feet by how beautiful she’s gotten and that’s a very obvious symbol of change, not just outside but in. so as the fic continues calum notices things about ostara. for example. the second time i wrote she was wearing a print of some sort, calum and i both mutually realized, ‘huh. she likes prints i guess.’ because ostara is ostara, i dont control her, in my brain she’s her own person, she’s dictating whats happening and baby just likes prints. and calum notices which says something about him, but its also little details like that that bring these characters to life. 
i mean. i don’t know how other people write characters. my characters are always alive to me. they have their own voice and knowing their reaction to things is second nature to me. but this can be attributed to the fact that i legit wrote fan fiction about actual characters (MCU, TVD, Teen Wolf, etc...) for 6 years and being able to step into those characters and do dialogue that seemed legit was the most important thing for me. so i have a FUCK TON of experience on characters. so once again, if its hard for you to step into your characters thats okay. maybe do those things where you have a fill in the blank sheet on whats their fav food, their fav colour, do they like summer or winter? etc....
i think there isnt one way to write. i think i’m blessed that i’ve ALWAYS been a writer. since i was like 4. you know in elementary when they made you write and they’d give you those little booklets and shit? other kids had like one or two at most but this whore was always on book number 6 or 7 like, im a writer. it’s what i am. it always has been what i am. 
im also a multitasker. so most of my writing is done while watching shows. which means its a double whammy for me. like. im learning about characters and plot WHILE writing so... as you can see, i’m hard core as fuck about this shit. 
my point is. my process is a process that i think is pretty particular to me. most people i know cant watch tv and write at the same time. most people don’t sit down and bust out 10k in one sitting. and thats fine. if you enjoy writing then do it. focus on what you can be doing better, this isnt a competition. at the end of the day, the only person you should be trying to be better than is the person you were yesterday, or last week, you know?
find people who are creatively inclined because holy shit it makes a huge difference. bouncing ideas off of supportive people is really important. without my friends, Birdie in Penumbra might be named Cherry, the Gang AU wouldn’t have an ending all planned out and ready to be written, and i would have missed out on so many hours of face time calls and back and fourth messages with two of the most important people in my life right now. 
so lets break down what the fuck i’m even saying
-find supportive people (but it’s important you support them as well. if they’re gonna let you throw ideas at them and help you out and pump you up, reciprocate hoe)
-focus on yourself 
-find what you’re good at. plots? characters? dialogue?
-find ways to strengthen the things you’re not so good at (character fill in sheets, plot planning, etc...)
-find what, at the end of the day, really works for you
-don’t put pressure on yourself. writing is for fun. it should be fun. and if it is fun, i think motivation will come easy? but i could be wrong, once again, i have an addictive personality and writing is a fix i need every day or i go insane. 
yeah. if ya’ll have any more writing questions let me know. i love answering these because i think it’s so interesting to really look at the process :) 
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mindofhills · 8 years ago
Fuck you // Ethan Dolan Smut
Pairing: Ethan Dolan x reader
Plot: You’ve been best friends with Grayson and you’re in his squad. You get along with almost everybody, the exeption being Ethan Dolan. He has always kinda hated you and been mean to you.
Warning!: smut, swearing
A/N: I wanted to something not Teen Wolf so here are twins. Both are hot af. Sorry if it sucks, I’m high af while writing this so if it doesn’t make any sense, then umm idk sorry again :D Oh and english is not my mother thounge then here might be a shit ton of mistakes so if you dont understand then again again sorryyy
Hope ya enjoy!xxx
I was picking clothes to go and hang out with my best friends. Grayson, Cameron and Nate, I know they’re all guys, but I prefer boys over girls, just too much drama and hate. Grayson has a twin brother, his name is Ethan. Let me just tell you, the guy is a jerk, total idiot. I guess he’s coming with us tonight. We’re going to hang out in Cameron’s family house in the middle of the foods and near that is a beautiful lake. We always go there at least once a month.
I packed my things up and got downstairs. “I’m going mom. See you on Sunday.” “Okay! Love you honey!” she answered. “Love you too.” I said and closed the door behind me. “Hey happyface!” Grayson said and hugged me. I laughed as he spun me around. “You ready?” Cam shouts and waves at me. “Heck yeah, let’s get going!”
I said as I saw everybody there. “Umm, y/n. Ethan’s coming too…” Gray said calmly. My heart skipped a beat and anger inside my muscles growed. “Okay! It was great. Bye!” I said and turn around on my heeld.” They all laughed as they thought I was being funny, but no. I was being serious. I fucking hate that guy.
He’s always mean to me and just everything about him bugs me and goes on my nerves. “No!” everybody shouted, when they relised that I indeed was being serious. Nate crabbed my wrist and I turned around gving him the ‘the fuck you want i hate the guy and y’all know it bye!’ look and he smiled . “Just give him a chance.” he said softly. I really didn’t like Ethan, but I wanted to spend time with my best friends and there was more them so I decided to go.
“OKay guys I’m-”hasaid and then he saw me, his browa narrowed. “Hi.” he said with a softness in his voice. That was new to me usually he would just sigh or something. “Hi…” I responded and he smiled a little. “Alright guys! Let’s get going.” Cam shouthed from the car and I giggled. Gray took my bag and put it to the back of the car.
I woke up to Ethan tapping me on my thigh. “Hey, we’re here.” I open my eyes and relise I was sleeping on his shoulder. “Oh sorry… I-” I shuddered and he gave me a soft smile. “That’s okay.” He took his seatbelt off and got out of the car and I did too. “Hey sleepyhead!” Cam said and hugged me as I giggled.
“Okay y/n and Ethan you’ll be sleeping together this time. Nate doesn’t want to hear me snore so we have to switch!” Gray said from the bigger room balcony. I looked at Ethan and he looked shocked. “You cool with that?” I asked him and he nodded giving me a smile, I smiled back.
What was going on with him? Why was he nice to me and is totally okay with me sleeping with him in one bed!? We got up to our room. “Okay guys let’s meet 8pm by the lake. I want to take a nap!” Cam said an Gray answered “Yeah me too bro!” Ethan shouted “Okay!” and shut the door. I just stood there awkwardly. “I’ll go take a shower.” I said and grabbed my bag, Ethan took his shirt off and said “Alright. I’ll take a nap too, I guess.” I nodded and got into the bathroom.
I opened the door quietly and looked at the bed. Ethan was sleeping. I shut the door and put my things down. I took my sleeping things. My huge sweater, a pair on panties and fuzzy socks. I know know it’s revealing, but I thought I’ll be sleeping with Gray and it was totally okay if I slpet like this with him, but Ethan. I take my  sweater and put it over my towel and then taking it off later revealing a little of my naked butt, but I gues it was okay, he was sleeping. I put everything else on and get under the covers. Ethan had turned around, but his eyes were still close, he was stll sleeping. I smiled, he was actually really adorable and I hadn’t even noticed it. “Why do you hate me?” Ethan asked me with his sexy morning voice. I turn around  and look at him.
“I thought you were sleeping.” I answered, his eyes puffy. “Answer me..why?” he repeated his question with a note of sadness in his voice. “ I don’t hate you, you hate me.” I said and looked at him in the eyes. “I don’t hate you, y/n.” he said.
“Yeah you do. You’re always being so mean to me and say stuff that really hurt me.” I said and I saw hurt in his eyes. “I’m really sorry I’ve never wanted to hurt you-” “But why do you say things like ‘that stupid bitch doesn’t know shit about life’!?” I cut him off getting motre and more pissed off. I heard him say that when I was coming down from Grays toom after a sleep over. It did really hurt.
“Y/n, that was not about you. I’d never say something like that about you. Yeah, I’ve said things and did tjings that i regret, but it’s all because I like you, I really do and everytime you’re with Grayson or the others I get jelous. You’re always so cuddly and cute with him and I just wished it was me. I’ve always thought that you’ve hated me. So to keep myself from getting hurt more I just tried to act like I don’t like you. I know it’s wrong and selfish, but I had no other way, y/n.” I did my best to keep myself from crying, but with very little success so I jumped off the bed and ran to the bathroom.
Ethan opened the door and just looked at me. “I love you.” he said and lifted my head to face him. He was on his knees. “Please y/n, please forgive me. I know that you don’t feel the same way, but at least forgive me for doing so wrong.” he said and now I could finally speak again. “You don’t know.” I said almost in a whisper so there would be a chance of him not hearing me, but he did.
“I don’t know what, y/n?” he asked with the softest voice on Earth. “You don’t know… that I.. I have feelings for..” I studderd. “For Grayson. I get it.” he said as he stood up pain screaming it’s way out of his voice. “No, for you Ethan.” I said and looked at him. “You do? Why? I’ve hurt you so much, y/n!” he said, but I knew that inside he was dancing, screaming and jumping in happiness. I laughed and just nodded.
"God, that was the sexiest thing I have ever seen.” he said his eyes now dark filled with lust and passion. “What?” I asked feeling the heat between my legs rise with each second I spent looking at his dark brown eyes. “You laughed, because of me.” he said with a smirk and smashed his lips on mine.
The kiss was passionate and filled with emotions. Each kiss represanted the love he had for you, apologizing for, ehat he had done. You slighlty moan in his lips and that clicks a button in him. He scoots you up and walkd over to the bed.
The next things you know his laying on top of you, kissing your neck and making sure that you’ll be left with dark marks tomorrow.
"They can hear us.” I said to him between the kisses. He looked at me with a smirk on his face “I’ve been waiting for this moment so long. Are you sure?” he asked me. I nodded being still worried about the noise we may make. “You have to be sure, because if you give me a ‘yes’ then I can’t stop later.” he said with the lowest voice I’ve ever heard coming from his mouth and I loved it.
God he’s so amazing. “Yes, I’m sure Ethan, but the others-” he cut me off “I guess we have to be quiet then.” and crashed his lips onto mine. He takes off his shirt and I just can’t stop looking at him. His toned chest and arms. His tanned skin and fast breathing, at this point I knew I loved him. “Like what you see?” he asked me and I giggled. “Yeah, I do. Now get that hot body of yours on mine and fuck me.”
He smiled and did as he was told. He took off my sweater followed by my panties. “You gonna leave my socks on?” I asked him and he laughed. “Yeah, they’re cute. You’re cute, gorgeus, hit and just perfect.” he said and I looked at this beautiful boy.
How I’ve never relised that I loved him? He kissed me softly, but it was full of passion. He kissed my neck, then my collarbone. Each kiss went closer to the place I need him the most. He kissed my clit and a moan escaped my lips. “You gotta be quiet, babe.” he said and started sucking harder on my clit.
He stopped and I looked at him. He kissed me and I could taste myself in the kiss. He put myself to my enterance and looked at me, he entered me and I did my best to hold myself from screaming instead I whispered “Ethaaan!”
He first went slow and let me adjust to his size. “God babygirl, you’re so thight!” he murmured against my ear. “Faster..” I moaned and he picked up the pace.
As he hit me g-spot I felt a ball in my stomach grow bigger and bigger by each thrust. I moaned out his name. I never knew that Ethan could be this good in bed. “I’m gonna cum, baby!”
"Cum for me, y/n!” he whispered to my ear nubbling on my earlobe. “Who makes you feel this good?” he asked me hitting my spot again and again. I could get any words out of my mouth, the pleasure was taking over my body. His thrusts getting sloppier and sloppier, I knew he was close as well.
"You do, Ethan. You do!” I screamed as a wave of ecstasy crashed over my body. The ball of pleasure inside my stomach exploding. “Shit shit shit shit… y/n” Ethan moaned out as I felt his cock twich and explode inside of me. He fell on me, both trying to catch our breaths.
He rolled over next to me and pulled me as close to his body as he could. He kissed my forehead and said “I love you, y/n.” he said and I looked at him. “I love you too, babe.” I said and kissed his lips. “Say that again.” he murmured.
"Babe” I answered in the sexiest voice I could possibly make and he moaned a little making me giggle. “I want you to call me like that.” he said and I nodded. “Be mine.” he asked me kissing my lips. “I’ll be yours, Ethan” I asnwered.
"By the way, it wasn’t the sex talking. Yeah that was fucking amazing, but I do love you y/n and I want you to know that. You mean the world to me, y/n.” he said and hugged me. “I love you too, Ethan” and snuggled against him.
The door to our room opened and Grayson stood there a huge smile on his face. “Finally.” he sighed in relief and I laughed. “Guys! We did it! They’re together!” Cam shouted from the door and everybody started whisteling and screaming. “Nate, you own me 20 bucks!” Cam shouted as he closed our door. “That was not the bet!” he screamed back and I looked at Ethan.
He seemed confused as well. “They had sex as well, hand me over big boy!” he said and we both laughed our lungs out. “Fuck you, guys!” Ethan screamed. “No, we don’t want that!” Gray shouted back.
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Bloodlines - Part 2
A/N: Based off of the song “Heathens” by Twenty One Pilots, this will be a multichapter fic with either a lyric being a chapter title, or the headers to break down the thought process of the chapter. None of the lyrics are mine, and they are all in bold - Again, I do not claim to own them, all credit where credit is due.
I do not own Teen Wolf or it’s characters. Sadly.
Word Count: 2,237 (Not including lyrics.)
Warnings: Typical Peter werewolf tantrum smack down and detailed talks of the Hale House Fire.
Beautiful people who helped me when I came to them with this crazy idea and said to run with it: @wheresthekillswitch @obsessed-withthe-hales @aworldmadeforme @life-what-life-i-dont-have-one @xteenwolfwritingsx
Coming back to Beacon Hills was supposed to be uneventful. Yet somehow, you are now stuck in the middle of two worlds you didn’t even know existed yesterday. Now between both worlds, but not belonging to either, you try to forge your own way, finding out that some ties are stronger than bloodlines.
Part 1
All my friends are heathens. Take it slow
Peter had survived the fire, only to have it drive him mad, power hungry, and become a, well…. Lunatic.
You stared down at the tabletop taking in all the information being hurled your way from Derek, Scott, and Stiles, taking Peter’s peanut gallery side comments with a grain of salt. “The reason I did that was-”
“No, Peter!” You cut him off angrily, looking up from the pattern of the tabletop you’d let yourself get lost in, meeting his gaze harshly. “There is no reason for these things. I don’t care. You are certifiably insane, and deserve to rot in a cell somewhere, as far as I’m concerned.”
“That’s not very nice, Y/N,” he chided in a condescending tone, but something deep down in his voice seemed to be smiling, happy to be under your skin. And it irked you.
“The Peter I remember was kind, and I considered him my own uncle. He loved the color red and had a soft spot for kittens. He used to throw me up in the air and make me think I could fly, if only for a few seconds, and told me to never take any of the shit this world would throw my way. This,” you gestured to the shell of a man you saw beside you, “is not that man. I don’t even know if that man exists anymore.”
“I can assure you, he doesn’t,” Peter said after a moment, and you could detect the slightest amount of sadness in his tone. Somewhere deep down you thought he might have wanted to sway you back to his side, but it was clear now that that wasn’t even a remote possibility. Now it was his turn to study the tabletop. “That man died when an Alpha was born.”
“And what’s your excuse now that the Alpha has died?”
You had never been so afraid as you were under the gaze Peter slowly turned your way. You also had never stood your ground so firmly in the face of such fear. This straighter spine of yours was new, something else to add to a growing list of things to keep track of.
“He didn’t die. He’s simply taking a step back for the moment.” Peter’s voice was like ice.
Stiles snorted. “Yeah. Sure. Has nothing to do with the one you bit being a one in a million Alpha.”
Peter stood abruptly, causing his chair to slide back with an ugly scraping sound, a low growl escaping his throat as he lowered furious glowing blue eyes at Stiles. Just as quickly Derek was on his feet from his spot across the table, Scott doing the same beside you, both of their chairs also scraping the floor, and making you cringe. Glancing around the coffee shop, you were glad to see it had emptied, and the employees were all in back cleaning.
“Try it Peter. I dare you,” Derek rumbled, his eyes flashing that brilliant blue for only a second in warning.
“Guys, stop it!” Scott hissed, snarling as he let his bright red eyes glow without restraint.
Derek yielded, sitting once again, but Peter stared Scott in the eyes, challenging him. “Careful, baby Alpha. I made you. Remember that.”
Scott growled. “I made me, Peter. You’re just the freakshow that set things in motion by biting an innocent bystander in the middle of the night. Remember that.”
Scott’s words had the hairs on the back of your neck standing on end as you stared up at him as he stood to your left looking over your head directly at Peter to your right. You then turned forward, looking to Stiles across the table wide eyed before looking to Peter. His eyes faded, and you could have sworn you saw fear laced in there somewhere, despite his tough facade as he yanked his chair back forward with one foot, and sat down in a huff like a child throwing a tantrum.
Looking back to Scott you saw him let his eyes fade, slowly sitting back down, the epitome of composure. You were about to comment on it when you were cut short by some unintelligible, but most likely evil muttering from Peter, then felt a searing pain on the back of one of your arms. Letting out a cry of pain, the next few seconds were a blur, with Derek leaping across the table like it didn’t even exist, and tackling Peter to the floor with a terrifying growl, blue eyes glowing, Peter tried to get back up without success as Derek growled in his face, only to stop as Scott towered over them both, red eyes bright as he let out a terrifying roar, Peter’s eyes fading once again in submission, Derek not far behind.
“Oh my God, Y/N, are you okay?” Stiles was at your side inspecting your arm, and you realized you had gotten to your feet sometime during the incident.
“Yeah, yeah….” You looked away from the scene and down to your arm, wincing at the sight of the nasty cut. “Yeah, I’m fine, Stiles.”
“I didn’t mean to, Y/N!” Peter sounded frantic, and actually sincerely apologetic. “Honestly, I was going for Scott and-”
Derek, still perched over him on the floor, punched him in the face to silence him. “You talk too much.”
“Y/N, we seriously need to get Melissa and get that stitched up-”
“Stiles, it’s just a scratch!”
“Still,” Scott’s hand gently on your back drew your attention away from a frantic Stiles, and he met your gaze, seeming to ask permission to inspect the wound, and you nodded, looking back to Derek who looked on with composure still over Peter, who was out cold, the pain starting to ease up a bit. “I think my mom should take a look at this. It’s not deep enough to turn you or anything, but it’s enough that it could get infected.”
“Y/N, I told you to stay away from them for a while!” You turned to Stiles who was running his hands through his hair, making him look like a crazy person, strands of it going every which way.
“No, you didn’t-”
“I told you not to talk to anyone-”
“Oh, my God! Stiles!” You gripped his shoulders with your hands, shaking him gently. “We are past that. We were past that the moment I showed up to watch lacrosse practice, and you weren’t there, so I tracked you to the loft. We were past that the moment I stumbled into this. You warned me, and I didn’t listen. Thank you for looking out for me.”
It was a moment before Stiles responded, looking at a still out cold Peter on the floor behind you. “Yeah, people should listen to me more. I know stuff. Why don’t people get that?”
Wait for them to ask you who you know
Peter was being watched by the pack at the moment, back at the loft, while Derek, Stiles, and Scott went with you to the McCall house to see Melissa about the scratch. “I can’t even have a night off on my night off!” Melissa laughed when she saw you enter with a bloody tear in your shirt. “Y/N? Oh my God, sweetie, it’s been too long!” She hugged you, careful to avoid the scratch, and you smiled. “Good to see you, too, Mrs. M!”
As she stitched you up, Derek sat on the coffee table in front of the couch you were perched on, inspecting Melissa’s work absently. “Why were you talking to hunters?”
“Oh my God,” Stiles muttered from his seat across the room, burying his face in his hands.
“Wait, what? Hunters? I’m lost.” You looked between the faces of your friends, snorting at Melissa’s muttered, “Welcome to my world….”
Stiles emerged from behind his hands. “The dude at the coffee shop. He’s a hunter. That’s why I was worried when he talked to you.”
“Oh. Creepy dude?” You looked to Derek. “He was dressed a lot like you. Makes sense, now.” Derek glowed his eyes and let out a growl at you, making you chuckle. “Derek, chill, I’m kidding. Kind of…. I, um…. Can you stop glowing your eyes at me? Geeze!” He obliged with a huff. “I had no idea, and I didn’t even tell them anything because I know nothing!”
“You told them about ‘packs’ and ‘animal attacks’,” Stiles said quietly, grimacing at the glare you turned his way as Scott and Derek groaned.
“But that’s it! All I know is my dad was called here to help with those things.”
“Then your dad must be a hunter,” Scott said quietly.
“What? No!” You laughed gently, turning your glance Melissa’s way, only to have her meet your gaze with a look of agreement.
“Or a werewolf,” Derek suggested just as softly.
“What?!” You grimaced as your movement caused the cut to stretch against the stitches.
Scott had made his way around to the back of the couch and set a hand on your shoulder, the pain instantly starting to lessen. You looked at his hand and saw black veins climbing his arm. “Is that what you did when you put your hand on my back in the coffee shop?”
He nodded. “I didn’t want to freak you out.”
You nodded in return. “Well, thank you.”
“She doesn’t smell like a wolf,” Scott said to Derek after a moment, the pain coming back, but his hand remaining on your shoulder in comfort.
“Just, please, don’t be a Kanima.” You looked to Stiles in complete confusion. “I hate those things. I can’t deal with that again.”
Please don’t make any sudden moves
You went back to the loft, and the pack cleared out, seeing as it was late, leaving you once again with Derek, Scott, and Stiles.
Peter was lying on the couch wide awake, looking up to the ceiling in boredom, twiddling his thumbs. “Sorry again, sweetheart. Hope it’s not deep enough to turn you. Because you know, you either survive a turn, or you don’t.” He looked at you with an evil grin.
“Peter, stop threatening her, or I will kill you again.” Derek huffed, saying the words like they had been worn out.
“Yeah, what he said.”
“Stiles, shut up.”
You smiled, looking to Scott to see him dragging a hand down his face, making you think this was a normal occurrence.
“So, they think my dad is either a hunter or a werewolf,” you broke the tension, looking right at Peter as you spoke.
He sat up slowly, looking at you in a way that said his wheels were turning.
“But, apparently I don’t smell like one, so….”
“Oh, God, please don’t be another Kanima.” Peter’s voice was bordering on a whine, like he was talking about a simple nuisance you would encounter on a daily basis and not some mythical sounding thing.
All four of them shared a look that seemed to stretch on forever, conveying annoyance at the mere thought more than anything.
You threw your arms up in the air, letting them slap back down to your sides in exasperation. “What the hell is a Kanima?!”
You don’t know the half of the abuse
“Okay, now that we have established that I am not some homicidal lizard thing that has a venom that apparently has a vendetta for Stiles, can we please move on, back to the subject at hand?”
Peter was pacing in front of the large windows of the loft, staring at the floor.
It was silent for too long.
“Look, guys, if my family are in fact hunters, doesn’t this mean that I can help you guys? You have a man on the inside, now. Plus, it can’t be that bad.”
Peter stopped moving, slowly turning to face you. It was so quiet you could have heard a pin drop. “You know that fire?”
“Yeah….” Your eyes grew wide. “No. That wasn’t-”
Peter quickly strode towards you, blue eyes blazing as he flicked one hand with a flourish, claws elongating in one swift motion.
“Peter, if you touch her-” Derek’s warning fell on deaf ears.
“No. She needs to know what happens. What happened.”
Without warning, Peter stood in front of you, wrapped one arm around you to hold you close, and dug his claws into the back of your neck briefly before withdrawing them. You fell into the arm wrapped around you, and he scooped you up with his other, carrying you over to the couch, and laying you down on the soft cushions.
“What…. The hell…. Is happening….” You could barely get the words out, your teeth chattering like you were shivering.
Flashes of faces, screaming, horror flashed before your eyes, clearing just as quickly as they came, bringing the loft back into focus between each burst. Flames. Pain. Glowing eyes. Fangs. Claws. Growls. Screams. Fear. Smells. Burning things. Food cooking on a grill somewhere distant. Children laughing outside before hurried footsteps put that to a cease. Silence. Eyes that remained all too human throughout the whole ordeal mixed among the ones bright red, yellow, and blue.
“Peter! What the hell did you do to me?!”
Peter sat on the coffee table in front of you, his eyes fading back to normal, and your friends hovering anxiously nearby, looking on. He placed a hand on your shoulder, and you found it comforting, feeling like the old Peter had returned to you somehow. “This is what it’s like to be one of us.”
Tags: @palaiasaurus64 @evyiione @trashy-for-teen-wolf @ohphillip @sammyrenae68 What’s this?
172 notes · View notes
defenselesswriter · 8 years ago
@fighthaus replied to your post “Hey you! Yeah, you! Do you want me to write you a teen wolf prompt...”
bc its been on my mind for a week and i haven't had a chance to write: dydia canon au fake dating (im sorry i dont have a more specific prompt, that's just what's been on loop in my brain)
“Why are we doing this again?” Lydia asks, staring pointedly at Stiles whose idea it was in the first place.
“Because if Derek goes to see Satomi’s pack without a significant other than she’s going to pair him up with someone,” Stiles explains again. 
Derek isn’t completely sold on the idea, but he has to admit that Stiles has a point, which rarely happens. Or Derek rarely admits it. Both. 
“Only if Derek is okay with it,” Lydia finally says after the entire pack is silent. She looks to him for an answer.
All he can do is shrug. “She did it to Laura when we visited before the fire. He makes a valid point.”
She rolls her eyes, but it almost looks fond so he isn’t super upset about it. “But you’ve been used enough by women.”
“I would be using you in this scenario,” Derek points out. “Are you okay with it?”
She nods once. “If it helps you escape the awkwardness of being trapped with an obligatory set up then I will help you.”
“Awesome!” Stiles exclaims, clapping his hands. “Now, we have a week until he goes so we need to start working on sharing clothes or something for scent.”
Derek stares at him blankly for a moment before going, “You’ve thought this through way too much.”
“You’ll be thanking me when they can tell how much you two like each other by how much your scent is mingled,” Stiles tells him with his eyebrows raised. “Scott, back me up here.”
Everyone looks to Scott, who shrugs. “He’s kinda right. The last time I visited, she mentioned how much she could smell Kira on me and that we must really love each other so...”
Derek hates that Stiles yet again has a point. “Lydia can come over and borrow some of my clothes.”
“Do you think that will be enough?” Stiles asks, aiming his question towards Scott.
 Scott shakes his head and turns to Derek and Lydia. “You guys might have to start sharing a bed.”
Lydia sighs. “I’ll go home and pack a bag, assuming we’re sleeping at your place, right?” She looks straight at Derek with an eyebrow raised.
He blushes under her stare and ducks his head. “Wherever is best for you. I can sleep at your place.”
“Pretty sure my mom would have a problem with that,” Lydia tells him. “I may be over eighteen, but it’s still her house and I respect her rules.”
Derek nods, respecting Lydia’s decision. “My place then.”
She leaves Stiles’ kitchen presumably to go to her car and pack a bag for staying at Derek’s.
“Meeting adjourned?” Stiles asks.
“We’re done,” Derek tells him, not wanting to listen to anymore schemes the pack can come up with. Before anyone can say anything, he walks out to his car. 
That night, Lydia knocks on his door and walks in before he can answer. “Derek?” she calls out, looking around until she sees him where he is on the couch with a book in his lap. “Good you’re here. Now give me a t-shirt or something.”
“Demanding,” he comments but stands up anyway to go to his room.
Lydia follows closely behind with her duffel bag of clothes. When they get to his room she asks, “Where do you want this?”
“Anywhere,” he says with a shrug while he goes to his dresser and digs through a drawer, looking for his most worn shirt that has his concentrated scent on it. It’s an old green v-neck with the seam ripped on the right side of the V part of the shirt. He hands it over to Lydia.
Without warning, she takes off her shirt, throwing it on her duffel bag, which is when Derek immediately looks away. He listens to the ruffling of the shirt being pulled over her head before he looks back at her.
“Warning would’ve been nice,” he tells her with very little heat behind it.
She laughs and shrugs. “I figure we’ll be sleeping with each other for over a week. A little shirtlessness won’t hurt anyone. I’ve seen you naked, Derek, it’s not a big deal.”
He agrees it isn’t, but maybe it’s only a big deal because he wanted to look. No, that can’t be it. That’s definitely not it.
The first night is awkward. Derek is stiff on his side of the bed, and he knows Lydia is too. They don’t talk to each other, but Derek can hear her breathe next to him, and it doesn’t sound like she’s sleeping. In fact, neither of them really sleep at all, both getting up as soon as the sun rises.
“Well,” Lydia sighs. “Hopefully tonight will be better. See you then.” And then she leaves, still wearing Derek’s shirt.
The second night, it’s a little better. Derek curls onto his side, still keeping his distance from Lydia, but at least this time he falls asleep for a few hours. When he wakes up in the middle of the night, Lydia’s breathing is soft and steady like she’s sleeping as well.
They wake up a little after eight with soft smiles on both of their faces.
“See you tonight,” she says before leaving, wearing another one of Derek’s shirts.
The third night, it starts out fine, but Derek wakes up with a head on his chest and strawberry blonde hair in his mouth. He tenses for a moment until Lydia wraps an arm around his stomach. He relaxes and decides maybe the cuddling isn’t so bad. Plus, it will help mix their scents.
Every other night is the same after that, and Derek finds himself getting used to Lydia in his bed and smelling her perfume and scent on his sheets. He doesn’t admit that it’s a nice smell. 
Lydia comes back with a new bag asking, “Are you ready to go?” as she sets it down on the couch.
He picks up his own bag and gestures for her to lead the way. She picks up her bag again and walks out the door with him. They decided that they would take her car, more time for Derek to soak up her scent that way. Scott mentioned the last time they saw him that Lydia has Derek’s scent all over him, but he barely has her scent. 
Once he gets in the car, he starts coughing at the saturated smell of roses. “What did you do?” he asks. “Spray your perfume in the car?”
“I thought it would help,” she comments with a shrug but looks a little apologetic. “Is it not gonna help?”
He shakes his head. “No, it will. Just was strong for a moment.”
Luckily, the drive isn’t very long and they make it to Satomi’s within thirty minutes.
Satomi greets them in the driveway of her giant house seconds after they get out of the car. “Derek!” she greets with a wide smile. 
He walks over to her and shakes her hand. “It’s good to see you.”
Satomi pats his cheek, her smile growing soft. “You look so much like your mother.”
He puts a hand over hers and smiles back. Then he remembers the week of sharing a bed and how it was for a specific reason. “Satomi,” he says, taking a step back. “I’d like to introduce you to my girlfriend, Lydia.”
Lydia comes up to his side and pecks his cheek then steps closer to Satomi to shake her hand. “I think we met briefly last year during all the craziness, but I wasn’t Derek’s girlfriend back then so I guess I’ll let him reintroduce me as such.”
Satomi laughs, shaking her hand with both hands. “It’s a delight to meet you again, Lydia. And it’s a delight that Derek has found himself someone to share his time with.”
Lydia smiles as she takes back her hand, grabbing Derek’s instead and lacing their fingers together. 
“Let me take you on a tour,” Satomi says. “I know Derek has seen it all, but it’s been a while. There might be a few changes.” She winks, and they both laugh, following her inside. 
The house is big and beautiful. There are a few lingering scents, and it smells like what a pack house should smell like.
During the entire tour, Lydia keeps a tight grip on Derek’s hand, and he can’t tell from her heart rate or scent, but she seems nervous. He squeezes her hand back, hoping it gives her some reassurance. 
They all eat dinner together with the pack asking how the two of them got together.
“It was about four months ago,” Lydia says, taking the lead. “We were dealing with an omega, and Derek got really hurt. Once the fight was over, I took him back to his apartment and made sure he was safe and healing before I finally confessed my feelings for him. I was so worried and angry that he put himself in that kind of danger that I couldn’t hold in my feelings any longer.” She looks over at him with such fondness that he loses himself in the moment, thinking that what she said happened really happened.
In some parts, it was true. They did have a fight with an omega four months ago, and Lydia did take him home and look after him, but there was no big confession. There was a fight where she yelled at him for risking his life like that and that he should think of the people who care about him before doing that again. 
At the time, he didn’t put together that Lydia was one of the people that cared about him too, but now he sees it. He sees it in her eyes and the way she looks at him and the way she brushed the back of her hand over his cheek lovingly. It’s so obvious he doesn’t know how he didn’t see it before.
Something changes in her eyes the second he realizes that she has feelings for him. It’s surprise and then something else, something that curls her lips into a smile.
Maybe this relationship may not be so fake after all.
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zombiegurllll-blog · 8 years ago
No title part one.
I wrote this fan fiction a few months ago. I'm still working on it, it's definitely a work in progress! Leave me any kind of feedback on here, facebook, or if you have my number text me! 
Year 2019
(Castiel appears to be sitting in a park on a bench. Watching people pass by, It's lightly snowing. Children are playing, screaming.) 
  This, this story begins in a weird place. I told Dean and Sam this is the worst idea they've had so far. I even went to heaven to ask God and the Darkness if we should do this. I needed guidance, we all do. After...after the boy's mom came back from heaven things slowly started to fall apart. Soon after we found out Slayers still exist. The boys were not aware of their existence, I myself, thought they all died out. Once Buffy had awoken all of the last existing slayers to help in the good fight, we in heaven were under the impression they all died off in the apocalypse. I had no idea they fled to Italy. They have a small commune, not many of them are left; it's quite fascinating in a way.  As far as I know Buffy is still the head slayer, from the information I gathered from God, she's tough. Buffy died saving the world twice. She's the real reason Dean and Sam are alive. If it weren't for her and her fearless friends this world would have ended before the Darkness tried to end it. It would have been taken over by a vampire they called ¨the master¨. This woman is an important play in this. We need her to help save the world one last time. Right now the boys are trying to find crowley. He is the only one whom can contact her and not die. Whoever this Buffy girl is she has a very powerful witch on her side. This witch goes by the name of Willow. I've heard many of stories about Willow, she almost ended the world once. As far as any of us know she's the most powerful witch in existence. I am positive they will help, if not, I don't know where we stand without them. 
Buffy - I haven't seen Willow in a few days. She went out into the woods and poof! After Willow came back from witchy rehab it hasn't been the same. I know she still feels guilty for turning Dawnie into a huge horse thingy. But obviously Dawnie is over it. Her and Xander are...a...¨thing¨..ew...gives me the creepy, crawly, wiggins. Dawnie isn't even a giant anymore, Angel! Willow turned her back to norm. Maybe she still kicks herself in the butt for it. Im worried. 
Angel - Buff, I'm sure she will turn up, she always does. Hell maybe she's on her  way here OR did you ever stop to think maybe she's looking for Oz? It-
Buffy - Wait, WHAT!? Do you and Spike know where she's at!? It sure sounds like you do Mr. cryptic! 
Willow (in the background) - Don't tell her I'm here Buffy can't know!  Angel, we have to find these Sam and Dean guys before they find her! It's too important. 
Angel - Buff, Spike and I will find her. When we have more intel we will call. When have we ever let you down? We've always had your back. 
Buffy - OH? When you left town to move to L.A.? WHEN SPIKE TRIED TO MURDER ME? 
Angel - Buffy...stop. I promise you we will find her. I have to go. You, Xander and Dawn will be fine. I'll call you when and if I find Oz and Willow. Then we can go from there. 
Buffy -
Okay, we'll try our best here. Hopefully we get this done, I really dont want Giles or Faith knowing. They have enough on their plate the way it is. If they check in with you please play stupid. 
Angel - Okay Buff, I'll talk to you soon. Bye. 
Willow - Do you think she knows you're lying? Are we going to tell Spike yet? We need to find Oz A.S.A.P. He wasn't at the commune helping rebuild. His wife hasn't talked or heard from him in weeks. I'm worried Angel. 
Somewhere, L.A. 
Dean - I just don't get why Cass thinks some super human girl is going to save us. Also, WHY do we have wolf-boy wonder here tied up? Isn't he some good-vibes, yoga, fruitarian weirdo? I thought he could control his crap? 
Sam - Dean, he can. It doesn't help that he doesn't believe us. We're the only two living humans who met God personally, remember? Castiel did say and I quote ¨Dean. This is a bad idea.¨ then i'm positive he called you an ass-butt? 
Dean (scowling, looking over at Sam) 
Sam - I'm just saying dude. Now that we have wolf-man, we need to find crowley. 
Dean - Yeah, well just remember asking Crowley is YOUR idea, NOT Cass s! 
Oz - You guys fight more than Buffy and Spike. Are you sure you re brothers and not together? 
Dean & Sam - SHUT UP!
Back in L.A. 
Willow - I did have an ¨odd¨ dream last night. It was way too real. Maybe we can figure this out somehow? It might be the reason why my mojo is wonky. 
- out of nowhere crowley appears - 
Crowley - Well, hello boys and girls. We need to have a little chat, yeah?
- Willow and Angel both jump to their feet in shock. -
Angel - Willow, get behind me. Who the hell are you?
Crowley - Names Crowley, king of hell. Moose and my ex bestie are on their way here with their new pet dog. They need your help. 
Willow - Someone kidnapped Oz?! There better be a good reason for this, Mr. King of hell. OOoooooh. 
Crowley - Oh love, calm down, little miss red riding hood. We all need each other right now. This is very serious stuff. 
- Angel steps forward - 
Angel - So is this. 
- Angel goes into full vamp mode - 
- Crowley rolls his eyes. Moves his hand, Angel hits a wall - 
Crowley - HELLO, KING OF HELL OVER HERE. I'm a bloody demon! A little vampire isn't going to intimidate me, Angelus. 
- Angel looks up with a confused look - 
Crowley - Ah, yes...I know all about you. Just like I know about miss red riding hood witch of the century over here. You would have given mother a run for her money. We should have recruited you when we needed to put lucy back in his cage. 
- Angel and Willow look at one another in confusion - 
Angel - Lucy?
Crowley - Lucifer. Hes currently trapped in a cage that we put him in. You really need to brush up on your history, seriously.
Angel - So, you're telling me every apocalypse we've all been fighting the good fight but on different grounds? You? A demon? 
Crowley - Ah. About that I - 
Willow - I know all about Sam and Dean. They wer - 
Crowley - Moose and his mini me are the least of everyone's worries. 
Angel - I need to call Buffy.
Crowley & Willow - NO! 
Crowley - You big softy. Let's go running to miss teen U.S.A. everytime we're in a jam. You're off your rocker. 
Willow - I agree with this guy. Buff is kind of ask questions later nowadays Angel. 
Crowley - So are moose and his side kick. Cass needs to meet all of you, then her. 
Willow & Angel - Cass??
Downtown, L.A.
Dean - So this Angel guy. Who is he?
Oz - Not someone you want to mess with. Also, he's a vampire. About...a thousand years old by now, or older. 
Dean - A thousand years old or not I'm still watching my back. You can't expect me to trust the other one either. Blood suckers. 
Sam - Dean, dude, cmon. You need to grow up. 
Dean - I'm just saying! We cant trust everyone, and you out of all people should know that!
Sam - We'll be fine. We still have God on our side. 
Oz (scoffs) - YOU know God?
Sam & Dean - Yeah, he used to live with us. 
Oz (smirks, bobs his head & looks at both boys) - Cool. 
Xander - Any word about Will?
- Xander paces. Dawnie has her arms crossed, pouting. - 
Buffy - I know Angel is lying. He knows where Will is. Maybe they're trying to find Oz, or...EW. Stop it, disgusting. 
Dawn - Buffy, you're acting completely nuts. What's your deal? OOOOO, still in love with Angel? 
- Buffy snaps her head over to Dawn - 
Buffy - DAWN. SHUT IT. 
Xander - WHAT HAPPENED?!?!
- Phone rings in the background. Xander answers in a panic -
Xander - Hello? Angel?! Did you find Will?
Willow - More like I found him. 
Xander - Willow! What happened to you? Why did you leave?!
Willow - I can explain all of that later. I found out Oz is missing, well, kind of. Its a really long story. You, Dawn and Buffy need to come to L.A. Get on the next plane out here, its important. 
Xander - Could you atleast tell me whats going on? You're being just like Mr. cryptic over there. 
- Angel in the background, scowling - 
Angel - I heard that, Xander. 
Willow - Xander, I - 
Xander - I get it. We ll see you soon Will. 
Buffy - So? What did Will say?? 
Xander - Shes with Angel, you were right. We need to go now, all three of us.
Back on the road  
- Phone rings -
Dean (rolling his eyes) - It's crowley. Im guessing it went well and no one died. 
Oz - Huh. That's surprising. I thought Angel would have tried to kill him. Whata softy. 
Sam - Crowley is the king of hell. It would be hard for anyone to actually kill him. To kill demons like Crowley you have to burn their bones. Otherwise he'll just come back. (sam sighs) 
Oz - Huh, brutal! 
Dean - So, how did you become wolverine anyways, kid?
Oz - Kid? I'm older than the other of you. While you were getting your diapers changed we were saving the world. 
- Sam scoffs while Dean chuckles and grips the wheel tighter - 
Oz - Ah, nothing to say Scoffs and Chuckles?
Dean - LISTEN, WE - 
Cass appears 
Cass - DEAN, that's quite enough. 
- Everyone in the car jumps - 
Dean - CASS! I thought we talked about this?
Cass - Dean, this isn't the time. We need to find the slayer. 
Oz - I don't know how Buff is going to handle all of this guys. Im pretty positive she's going to try to kill you. 
Dean - Well miss america is going to have to get used to it. 
Sam (rolls his eyes) - Dean, stop dude. 
Dean - Just saying! We all have this ¨mission¨ to uphold. Blondie better be on board or I'll chop her friggin head off! 
Cass - You will do no such thing. God and the Darkness are watching very closely. 
Oz - Guys, stop fighting, save it for later. Trust me you'll need all the energy you can get. Anyways, there's angels motel. We re here. 
- Angel looks out the window. -
Angel (in a sullen voice) - They're here Will. 
- Willow looks up at angel in shock while Spike enters the room. He leans against the doorway with his leg crossed behind the other, arms folded, smirking - 
Spike (smirking) - Hey, red. 
-Angel & Crowley both turn to see spike in the doorway. They roll their eyes-
Angel (scoffs) - Where the hell have you been? I thought for a second you were gone for good. 
Spike - Sorry to burst your bubble, Angelus. 
Crowley - Who the hell is the blondie boy band douche? 
- Angel scoffs while holding the bridge of his nose. As he's shaking his head at Crowley Angel is pacing. - 
Spike ( in an angrily raised voice) - Does this british twat know who we are?
Crowley (rolling his eyes) - Great...here we go again. 
Somewhere flying over L.A. 
Xander - Buff, I hope you have a plan. Do we even know what we're walking into? 
Buffy - Kick ass, ask questions later. 
(Buffy winks & head nods)
- Willow returns to her seat, looking around nervously. Buffy and Xander look around confused - 
Buffy & Xander - Will!? What're you doing here? Wheres Dawn?
Willow (in a calm sullen voice) - I zapped her back home, it's too dangerous. Someone is watching us. All I know is it's a demon. Not the cuddly kind either. 
- Buffy starts to dig through her bag. As she digs a man puts his hand on her shoulder. - 
Lucifer - Oh darling, those wont work. (He smiles & winks at Buffy)
- As the scooby gang looks around they notice time is at a stand still - 
Buffy (in a stern/angry voice) - I would remove those paws before I do it for you.
Lucifer - Ha! What anger you hold, little one. So I take it Im early to the party. 
Willow (looking ahead) - I...know who you are. 
Lucifer (putting his hand on his face while his arms are crossed) - Oh really? And who's that m´dear?  
Willow (still looking forward as her eyes turn pitch black) - You're being pretty cocky for a demon. 
Lucifer (scoffs & chuckles) - Ah, so you haven't met Samantha & little Dean berry yet I take it. 
Willow, Xander and Buffy (look at one another puzzled) - Who?
Lucifer - Well, well, well. Interesting, this should be fun. (smiles and chuckles to himself)
Back at Angel Inc. 
The boys, Oz and Cass have been on the road for countless hours/miles. They find themselves frustrated. As they finally arrive to the motel emotions are at a all time high. 
Dean - Okay, so let me get this straight...Spike and this angel guy are actually vamps? Cordelia is basically a floating guardian spirit, Buffy is the head slayer, Willow is super witch, Dawn was the ¨key¨ given to Buffy to protect for the rest of her life, you're a wolf-boy wonder and out of all of this Xander is the only human other than Buffy's old watcher Giles, which is nowhere to be found? 
Oz - Well, yeah. In a nutshell. 
Dean (rolls his eyes, scoffs) - GREAT. Every single last thing we're against NEEDS OUR FRIGGIN HELP. I didn't sign up for this Sammy. 
- As they enter the hotel loud noises/voices and the sound of things breaking get louder - 
Spike (screaming & punching angel) - WHERE IS BLONDIE? WHAT DID YOU AND RED DO?!
- Angel gets up, collects himself - 
Angel - Spike, I told you - 
- Spike punches angel in the face again - 
Spike - Wrong answer, angelus. 
- Crowley rolls his eyes and quickly realizes Willow vanished -
Crowley - Hey! knock it off! Have you lost your bloody minds?! We re at war! Also, has no one noticed that red riding hood is gone?!
- Sam and Dean break the front doors open - 
Crowley - Ha, I was wondering when those two block heads would show up. 
- No one in sight. The hotel is empty, silent and warm looking - 
Dean & Sam - Wow...
- Oz pushes ahead into the hotel - 
Oz - Not every vampire lives like an animal. Or what? You've never been in such a nice place? Ha. ANGEL! Its me, Oz! I brought - 
- Angel walks down the stairs -
Angel - Company, I see. Hello Oz. 
- Cass appears behind angel, he puts his hand on angels shoulder - 
Cass - Hello, Angelus. We need to talk. 
- Angel and Spike both look at Castiel in disbelief as crowley appears as well - 
Crowley - Ah, yes, my little blood suckers, you're not the only angel in the room, Angel. 
Spike - Why have we never met before? Who the hell are all of these blokes? Does this have to do with Buffy? 
- From the garden - 
Lucifer - Oh this has a lot to do with more than just her. 
Crowley -  Oh bollocks.
- Crowley fades out. Sam & Dean shift around. Dead looks over his shoulder - 
Dean - So, daddy let you out?
-Lucifer scoffs. He starts to shake his head - 
Lucifer - Dean, dean, dean...how good of you to bring my favorite chew toy, again. 
-Lucifer steps out of the darkness - 
Lucifer (with his arms up & open) - SAMMY! How bout it? Let's be a team again!
Lucifer - Oh Dean, where's the fun in that?
Cass - Lucifer! Brother, leave them alone. 
- Lucifer send Dean & Sam flying across the room. He starts to back away from cass- 
Lucifer - Now Castiel, lets talk about this. Don't do anything rash.
- Cass pulls out his Angel sword. Spike & Angel both are baffled, they start to back up & instantly shift into vampire mode - 
Spike - I think this one is on them mate. We need to stay out of it. 
Angel - Agreed. 
Lucifer (over hearing S&A) - OH! So no one wants to help their old pal out, huh? FINE, have it your way. 
- Lucifer turns to Sam & Dean - 
Lucifer - See you boys soon. (winks & fades out as Cass lunges at him.)
- Cass collects himself. Everyone looks around at one another - 
Dean - I - 
Cass - DEAN. Shut it...this isn't the time. 
Spike - So, What the bloody hell was that!?
- Buffy, Willow and Xander arrive, Cordelia & Doyle both appear in the background - 
Cordelia - So, hi everyone. We can explain. 
- Buffy, Angel, Spike, Willow, Xander & Oz look baffled - 
Dean, Cass, & Sam - Who the hell?
- Cordie & Doyle are standing side by side, hand in hand. Doyle bows his head -
Doyle - Ladies & gentleman. 
Angel (with tears in his eyes) - Cordelia?
- Cordie runs over, wraps her arms around Angel. then kisses him - 
Cordelia - Oh Angel...Ive missed you so much. 
- Buffy scowling in the background with her face red - 
Buffy - SO. THIS is what you've been up to? Great choice. HA.
Cordelia - Buffy, seriously? All of you are what? In your forties now? Angel doesn't love you like that anymore, this isn't high school. 
- Buffy scowls even more, folding her arms - 
Buffy - I might be getting older but ill still kick your ass, CORDIE. Don't tempt me. 
Dean - Whoa, whoa, ladies. We have bigger fish to fry. You can fight over Edward cullen later. 
- Dean laughs to himself, looks at Sammy & gives him a thumbs up - 
Sam - Dean, stop. 
Cass - Dean, Sam is right. Now that we're all here - 
Cordelia - Castiel, right? Angel of the lord?
Cass - Whos asking?
Cordelia - Other than what just happened you're the real reason Doyle and I are even here. We all need one another right now. I believe Lucifer wants our powers. Everyone in this room, even you Xander, are important in this fight. We need everyone and - 
Doyle - Hey, wait. Where's that Crowley bloke? We can't do this without him, mates. 
Cass - I'll go find Crowley. He's still terrified of Lucifer. All of you need to talk this out and get along. God and the Darkness are depending on us. 
The scooby gang - GOD?
Dean & Sam - He's real. And real pissed. 
Buffy - How can we believe you? How do you know God?
Oz - Buff, these guys know a lot. They're hunters, born & raised. God lived with them. It's a long, rad, but long, story. Theyll tell you all about it. 
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endeeringsys · 8 years ago
these will all be sorta ordered not in frequency/importance bc HA not feasible tbh thatd be impossible bc we’re all over the place but rather ordered in clusters of who are mentioned most/have a lot of presence and broken up into groups a lil but ofc there’s lots of intermingling and crossover of alters and their various relations to one another
/ these are kinda the main crew of ppl who kinda are like our core alters who are closest to hosts in the big picture of things - most of them have been around a pretty long time and contributed the most to our system + are just generally rly important to know
james/genevieve • (they/she/he)  • bi trans/nb  • 
ezra  • (they/she)  •  agender  • 
Eleanor  • (they/she) • agender • protector hypersexual and probably jsut a ghost but in the past they presented as if an angel and alien - has an icelandic accent?? and alter memories of how they died (in iceland, presumably) and is a wife to james & adoptive mom to gaylor. doesn’t front too often or chat very much but always feels like she’s looming around like our gay matriarch lmao
emery  • (they/them)  • agender aro ace • have been dormant since the start of the year - we thought they were our core or whatever but we eventually found elsie n did some speculation and so we think rly emery was just our main host for a large part of our late childhood thru early/mid teens but they....dont like the rest of us alters much. they didnt want us + got upset at the prospect of being an alter themself so theyre not around anymore. not technically a *ghost* host but they did literally think they were dead bc mentally illness + the confusion of years of james’ actual ghostly passive influence . so consider them ghost kin i guess
kaelin  • (he/they/”whatever”)  • nb.. boy? who knows if he even still is, not him tbh • autistic gay nerd w special interests of cosmetology (namely hairdressing), monster factory, and sweeney todd (we all like these things but he is RLY into them. also he loves cows.) he has a very close relationship w ezra & they grew up together n depended on each other a lot of our childhood
angeline  • (she/they)  • girl & likes other girls • age-slider & trauma holder
gaylor  • (she/her) • lesbian, GAY-lor, if you will (she named herself well) • 
elsie/chelsea  • (she*/they) • toddler/trauma holder, possibly our “core”/”original”?? • * she prns are ok but please dont refer to elsie w terms like “girl” and “daughter” bc they trigger her flashbacks when used in certain phrases so try to be neutral n say kid if u can
"soft boy"  • (they/she???)
/ (w the exception on penelope - all these dude lovin’ dudes always hang out or at least associate w each other + kaelin also)
Penelope  • (she/they) 17/18 yrs • lesbian furry like. straight up an anthro rainbow cat she’s p cute and is pals with bear (naturally)(#mlm wlw furry solidarity)
jude/bear  • (he/it) ~18 yrs • gay ace guy, sorta age regresses or smthin like that - he loves scene/emo/furry culture circa 2007-2010 from our childhood. he is also, a Huge Furry (fursona is obviously a bear)
caleb  • (he/him)
martin  •  (he/him)
holden  • (he/him)
daren  • (he/him)
rory  • (he/him)
/ these are all kind of intense goth-ish girls that associate w each other
Allison/winona/Aberdeen/anna/aladine  • 19 yrs
Tuesday  • (she/her) ~20  •
Josephine  • (she/they) ? • non-human kinda aloof sheep girl who had kinda a weird obsession-y/worship-y delusion thing with eleanor idk but she’s good now ; she loves dressing like Really Extra and idk what she qualifies as but she’s like humanoid and has ram horns and has a purple tinge to her pale skin and has freckles of varying purple shades, whatever she is isol also is
eden/chrys  • (she/they) early 20′s idk  •
/ mix of miscellaneous alters that dont come around as often nowadays/ the long dormant, fragments, introjects, etc* just kinda if u wanna know who else we have if they come up or front
ghost  • 
nora  • 
nick  • 
amber  • (she/her) 17/18 cis pan girl  heathers (mcnamara) fictive
alcide  • (he/him) 30′s-ish ?? bi/gay questioning dude True Blood fictive fragment and protector
johanna  • (she/her) fragment, sweeney todd fictive
Lillian/iris  • (she/they) everybody’s supportive older goth sister™ very dark aesthetic heavy makeup but she’s real kind +nurturing + has a stutter. kinda id's w emma from glee
Fran (he/they) used to grow up with kaelin and ezra as teens but it’s kind of like a complicated thing ???? hasn’t been around in forger since reappearing early this year a while so i forget how they all get along now
Candace/candee (any spelling)/dee  • (she/her) ~16 yrs protector/motherly figure literally so sweet and darling, she loves vintage 50′s clothing and that whole style and is such a dear, calls u a million pet names and will bake u a pie after taking care of ur traumatized ass
mimi  • (she/her) 17 yrs vocaloid (hatsune miku) fictive has like been around since we were about 10-11 but came back recently, she’s very bubbly and loves britney spears. will compliment you + want to be ur bff 
pearly  • (she/it) ??? yrs ; adult  protector non-human alter just sorta a big bipedal wolf were-creature but acts like a big puppy. basically gay’s sidekick (pearly is 3 times her size but they LOVE each other)
mar (Marceline/Marcie)  • (they/she) 19 yrs dormant since last year but they used to be a subsystem and thats where gaylor came from and thru used to be in a relationship w ezra who helped her thru a lot. then and today they both treat gaylor as a little sister
lisle  • (they/she)
isol (pronounced “ee”-”soul”) • they/he/she?? everyone including isol has like. no grasp on their gender tbh • age?? like joseph its hard to tell bc not human • they acted as host for a month or two in a rly rough span of time during school Hell + theyre also humanoid type of person and has ram horns and is very light skin with blue freckles
jonny/alec  • (he/him) 15/16 yrs trans guy was in mar’s subsystem, persecutor i think - he’d say a lot of really hurtful things to other alters and harass them about their gender/misgender them n just be really awful to especially the “ghost hosts/ghost gals” (james,ezra,eleanor; allison wasnt around yet)
L • not comfortable sharing much about him at all. abuser introject. will not come out around others or online so do not worry about him
marla  • 23 yrs
"accent alter"  • 
jim  • 
briar  • ur big nerdy older brother. tuesday scared him tf off so he’s only fronted once or twice but he’s a sweet dude, formed when we were 10/11-ish? and when we found him recently he was naturally like. rly confused rip
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