Alistair/debbie experimental
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Harman Competion
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Project Evaluation
Starting the project i chose some scenes from the film Casino Royal. Reflecting on this i wish i has chose a more edgy and iconic film. As i often do i used the first idea i had and went with it, i feel that over thinking things can lead to procatanation and not allow time to finish a project. I started shooting strait away. I did my first shoot on the torture scene out of casino royal. I experimented in photoshop and made the model look like he had been beaten up. Unfortunately it made the image look as if he was a domestic abuse victim. I was giving off the wrong message with this technique so i walked away from it. I chose a scene of james bond sitting at the poker table for my next shot. I did my test shoot and was confident on how this was going to look. I brought in props and set everything up. The lighting was a two light set up. This was experimental in its own because i had not tried this set up before. The image looked very strong because of the model looked tough and confident. I took the image further in photoshop were i added a oil painting effect. I wish i hadn't sone this in the end because it makes the image look very amateur and detracts form the hard work that went into creating this image.  After i finish the studio based work i shot on location. The next scene i chose was where james bond is arranging his suite in the mirror. I used a medium format film camera to create this image. I massively under exposed the film so that it would give a vintage feel to the final neg. In the darkroom i experimented with exposures and contrast filters. Because the neg was so under exposed i needed to boost the contrast by adding a RED filter. This was still not enough as the neg was so thin. I then experimented with the dev process. I over developed the printing process and managed to get a goo exposure. I also scanned the negative in the computer and added contrast digitally. The whole process was difficult and challenged my skills. Looking back on this i fell i could of taken a different rout. I made life very difficult for myself and could of tried more effective and experimental; techniques. I shot another scene on location digitally. I wanted it too look like a film set so I went out very early in the morning. I set up the camera for a 30 second exposure and got a very good result. The lighting and the composition add a very mysterious feel to the who scene. The character in the background adds a really mysterious element to the scene.  Overall this project has been a real challenge for me. i tried to refine and improve throughout the project. I feel i was sucessfull doing this on the digital side of things.
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James Bond Location
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I wanted to capture a mysterious feeling film scene. I wanted an environment that would be shrouded with a dramatic feeling. I woke up at 4am to go to this location I set up my tripod and put the camera on a 10 second timer and got into place. I exposed the sensor for 30 seconds. I am very pleased with this shot. I think i have captured what i set out to do. The composition is the strongest thing about this image. The framing of the lamp posts draw the eye down to the charcetor. I think the lens flare works well to add drama and a film set appearance.
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Final Film Experimental scratched neg
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For this side of the Project I shot a new scene fro the film Casino royal. I used a film medium format camera. The negatives came out hugely under exposed so i had to scan in the negatives and try my best to bring out the image. After the process i decided to throw dust and scratch the negative to give a battered look. I used the enlarger to make a 8x10 print. I then decided to up the contrast and expose for 15 seconds. I then scratch more on the print and made it look like if tho it was a scene from the film but less glamours.
Visual analysis
When photographing this image there was very little light. But as i brought up the exposure in the darkroom it highlighted one side of the face which has worked very well. The experimentation with destroying the negative has added a really old and vintage look. It makes feel feel as if the image comes from the original bond films and has been lost for a long time.  
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using red filters in the darkroom i managed to add lots of contrast. The importance of doing this is that the negative was very under exposed and needed lifting . It was very great and flat.
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Final Digital Shot Digital And Experimental.
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I have been influenced by the poker scene in casino royal. I wanted to add my own twist to it. This is exerimental because the lighting is a set up i havnt used before. 
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I experimented with photoshop applying different filters and effects. I added a oil paint effect. I really think that it had not added anything to the image. it has a feel of a very amateur image. 
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Mood Bored
I chose to look at the work of irving Penn, His work has a elegant vintage look. The high contrast elements and lighting makes me feel like i would like to try and create this look in my project. With his of just recreating a irving pen picture i need to add a element of experiment to the work. 
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Under exposing a picture can add a atmosphere of its own. Experimenting with this is something that I'm going to include in my project. I want the picture to look as if its old and faded. Adding age to a picture can be done digitally or in the darkroom. 
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Selected Film
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I have chosen to shoot stills form the very first time that Daniel Craig portrayed Ian Flemmings James Bond. For me it was the first time that james bond had been potrayed in a more gritty and adult way. The scenes of torture and james bond looking worse for wear took the franchise in a different rout.
I am going to shoot both styles of images. I want my model to look powerfull and strong and on the other images i want him to look beaten and vunerable. I see this in some of the movie still. I see vunerablity and cracks strating to show in the charater of james bond. 
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Unit 32 test shoot and infuences
Lighting tests 
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The lighting on this image is the one im gooing to choose. I like the highlights o the side of hois face. It adds real depth to the shot.
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I wanted to distort and make this image look vunerable and uncomfortable.
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For my first digital experiment i tried to pay homage to this still image from the film. I shot using a wide angle lens to slightly distort the image. I then used serveral tools on photoshop to munipulate the imag. I addded brusies to the image by dodging and burning. I added a orange filter to get that hue to the image. I adeed blood by using he brush tool at different opacity. Overal im am not convinced i have captured the essence of the caractor. Instead of looking angry and powerfull it is very uncomfortable to look at. My image almost looks like some form of child abuse. I am going to Move away from this idea for now but i might come back to it later. One of the biggest problems is that i used a model that was to young.
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Red Filter 
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f6.3 - 1/125th red filter 
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coverted to black and white 
Blue Filter
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f/8 - 1/125
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Converted to black and white 
Green Filter
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Yellow Filter 
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Orange Filter
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Experimental Feedback
A more busy atmosphere is needed in the multiple exposure shot. Need to be shot in a busyier town and with more thought to composition. The review thinks i have shot technically quite well and have shown good technically ability. When it comes to my  it comes to my darkroom experiment i need to add more contrast and stronger sepia tones. I need to maybe change the lines of the work and the different shades as they are not very consistant. Overall i have shown good experimentation and solid knowlege of photoshop and darkroom development. 
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Dark Room Toners
After creating the prints in the darkroom I took them to the toner trays. We had a selection of different colour tones. The process is fairly strait forward. You judge how long u want them in the toner the generall time is about 5 minutes. You can combine different tones but you must wash and dry each time. This stops the different colour toners from being contaminatedd. I started off experimenting with bleach and sepia tones. First thing you do is to bleach your image untill everything ahs faded. You then put it in the sepia toner for up to half an hour. As you can see the sepia didnt come out very strong. This could be because of the sepia being old or it wasnt strong enough soloution.The next one i experimented with is a combination of red and yellow toner. I first started by putting my print in the red toner for approximetpy 5 minutes. I then washed for 10 minutes and dried. I then placed it in the yellow toner for approx the same time. Then washed and dried. This gave me a warm orange tinge. I think its very effective all tho it isnt very contrasty it has a charming watercoulr feel to it. 
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Experimental Dark Room
I created a digital negative by inverting a file on photoshop. I increased the contrast by using the level tool. I printed the image on an a4 piece of asatate plastic. I took my negative to the dark room and using the enlargers i exposed it onto dark room light sensitive paper.
I then experimented with different ways of developing the image.
I took the paper over to the bottle of dev and just started experimenting with different ways of applying the develpoer. One way i chose was to flick it on at different time intervals so that there would be different tones.  
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