#if you have ideas please help me wwwww
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chocochococoffee · 13 days ago
man i really wanna write something about reverse cumplane now lmao
ideas ive got in mind (need a list so i can organize myself)
shen yuan is still a guy with no economical problems and a shit literature snob. he really believes he has better ideas than the pleb - the sellouts and other idiots who were projecting their imagined masculinity in fiction where no one else but their echo chamber would agree with. he writes for "striving to get better", not even for fun.
he publishes what he writes for free in a webpage where people usually pay for novels so no one even wants to touch it with a stick because "hes offering his shit story for free? lmao"
he is still a well recognized critic so hes even more hated and laughed at
his magnum opus is a story so convoluted in tropes that go from dark fantasy, political inquiry, strong from start main character and other stuff, that ends up being terribly generic - almost calling for a manhua type of generic
airplane is his only faithful reader - he is a guy who decided to grudgingly listen to his dad and took the economy course if only to get away from his family faster but with cash on his hands. he reads shit novels in his free time and oh god this might be the worst one but its free so whatever
airplane decides that cucumber-bro (why use a slutty account name if he is unable to write anything else than fade to black sex????) is not only bad at writing but also his own worst critic because hes blind as fuck about his own failures so he decides to spam all his chapters with encouragements "subtly" tampered with criticism. if anything that would anger him enough to give his own work a second critical read
it works, but not in the way he expects. cucumbers starts messaging him with actual lengthy reaponses to his comments. all befuddled, angered and with a promise of "ill think about it even if i still think i am right!!!"
to do an actual reverse pidw i should think about the actual storyline of shen yuans work, which i am very much thinking of being like game of thrones but shittier. if he was korean he would probably do a solo leveling copy.
if modern au then it would be funnier because their interactions dont really change much, shen yuan would still hit airplane in the head with a fan 😂
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oletusfragments · 2 years ago
(think of this as a continuation cause I have no shame writing for this man wwwww- also, I'd like to say that reading your posts has been such a blast! I love seeing these letters, and I hope more people find your content enjoyable <3 keep it up!)
💌 - Naib Subedar
To: Naib Subedar,
Hello again! It's been quite a while since I wrote my last letter to you. So sorry about that, by the way- things had been hectic and I believe miss Nightingale lost my original reply to your response.
I do come with good news, however- thanks to your help, I've learned how to deal with hunters and rescue much better than before! I always had trouble with Nightmare and Grace, but your help really got me through them, and the others all got out unscathed because of your lessons.
Hehe, I suppose I'd like to say that... I'm indebted to you, Naib. Thank you so, so much for helping me- you are quite an impressive rescuer, and I was right to seek you out for advice. Not a lot of survivors really help me out with matters like these due to my appearance, after all...
As for your offer of celebration... Is it alright if we do it in private? Don't get me wrong- I don't mind having everyone else around! But... I'm ashamed of showing my face to other people. That, and I also want to get to know you better- take things slow, you know?
Ah, here I am, rambling again.. I'll end it here. Please let me know your response, and your preference in food as well! I'd like to make some that we can both enjoy while we celebrate.
- 🍒 'Marise'
✦ — Your letter has been delivered!
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And does he secretly beam at you with pride when you prove yourself. Naib sees it too. How far you've improved, how excellent you look. He'd appear disinterested in others' conversation until he passes by the other manor occupants and hear their words of praise towards you, proclaiming that you are the savior of their matches. And does he feel proud when he hears it all.
Naib wants to congratulate you too, for your achievements. He's here, thinking of words to say to you when you meet but yet you beat him to it. He definitely did not expect a second letter to come. Truth to be told, he never expected this much gratitude from you either. He thought you'd leave as fast as you approached him. In the days of spending time with each other training he has grown to regard you as a pleasant company.
Later, he'll spend some time with you again for celebration. Alone with you.
Is it a date now? He slapped himself at that thought. Breathing deeply as he shoos away the idea.
Oh, he shouldn't keep you waiting for a reply any longer. The sooner he writes a reply, the sooner he'll see you again.
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Dear Marise,
It's no problem. You need to give yourself more credit. It was you and your efforts that made you what you are now. I could see how hard you worked to prove and save others. You should keep this up, prove those who didn't believe in you wrong.
As for the celebration, do not worry. It'll only be you and me. That was the plan from the start. Why should they be involved anyway? This celebration is only for you and about you. Don't be too worried about it. It's your party so do whatever you want, but not too chaotic though. It wouldn't be a proper celebration if you're uncomfortable.
And as for the foods I like, I'm not really picky but I do miss the dishes from back home. It has been quite a long time since I've had them. But I think anything you make will be fine, I trust you.
Anyway, see you later.
– Naib
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jewwyfeesh · 1 year ago
3rd anni enstars IF story -- story 2
Writer: @ 今天也是想吃美食的一天
Translated by: jewwyfeesh
Characters: Kiryuu Kuro, Kagehira Mika, Hakaze Kaoru, Oogami Koga
Theme: “If they’re to pick out flowers for someone…”
Disclaimer: this was performed as part of the enstars IF section during the CN 3rd Anniversary stream (42:12 - 45:38). the stories are submitted by fans and two were picked out to be performed live.
translated from CN subs with reference to the script that they posted on screen.
this is story 2 of 2.
edit 22/11: thank you anon who pointed out i made a minor error while translating kuro's line! it has been rectified.
Kuro: Oh, if it ain’t Hakaze. You’re at the flower shop early.
Kaoru: Kiryuu-kun, good morning. Ran-kun invited me to come watch Dramatica’s performance, so I was looking to buy him some flowers to congratulate him on the show. What about you?
Kuro: Kanzaki and I both received an invitation to today’s performance. Hakaze, Ran’s yer roommate, right? Hasumi’s also part of Dramatica, and is the main producer of today’s show.
My lil sis said that I needa bring a bouquet of flowers, so here I am. Hakaze’s surely plenty skilled in gifting flowers, no? I’d like some suggestions if yer okay with it.
Kaoru: Of course! Let me have a think… Ran-kun— (he gets interrupted by a very loud sneeze before he’s even done with his sentence)
Koga: ACHOO! Oi, Hakaze… senpai, the hell yer doin’ o’er here?
Kaoru: (shocked) !? K-koga-kun!? Don’t you have a pollen allergy? Why are you here in a flower shop!?
Koga: (sniff but nose is blocked.sfx) When I was participating in ANIMALS’ activity earlier on, Hibiki-senpai cared for me quite a lot… not’ta mention, Leon really loves him.
I heard his troupe’s participatin’ in today’s show, and Akehoshi wanted’ta drag me out to watch it together… but called earlier on ta say he couldn’t make it. Still, he bought some flowers an’ wanted me ta bring ‘em over… which forced me to drop by the flower shop.
Sniff.. sniff… a… ACHOO!
Kaoru: Aa… Wan-chan’s such a poor widdle thing…!
Quick, back away from the flowers! Let Onii-chan help you!
Koga: HAA?? Whose Onii-chan are’ya, you shallow playboy!
I’m fine on my own!
Kuro: Hahaha, seems like the both of you have a pretty good relationship with each other.
Koga: WHO THE HELL HAS A GOOD RELATIONSHIP WITH HIM?! (looks at Mika, who’s near the door.) Kagehira. What’re you here for?
Mika: Ngah~ It’s Oogami-kun… g’morning…!
Kuro: Oh, if it ain’t Kagehira.
Mika: Kiryuu-senpai, g’mornin’…! Oshi-san mentioned yer name a couple days ago…!
Kuro: Oh, let’s meet up fer a meal when Itsuki’s next back in Japan, then.
Mika: Ehe, I’ll be sure’ta tell Oshi-san! (turns to the store owner) Oh, um, please gimme a bouquet of lilies…!
Kaoru: Eh? Everyone’s here to buy flowers today.
Mika: Naru-chan’s got’ta performance today, so I wanna gift ‘em a bouquet to cheer ‘em on!
Kaoru: Eh? Perhaps… also performing as part of the Dramatica troupe?
Mika: …? Al…so…? Senpais and Oogami-kun… are y’all buyin’ flowers for the Dramatica members too?
Kuro: That’s right. Seems like we can all head there together.
Kaoru: Mhm. Then, these two bouquets please. White cosmos represent purity, meant for Ran-kun. And for Hasumi-kun… how about lotus flowers? (tl/n: lotus as in ‘hasu-no-hana’ WWWWW i can’t tell if OP chose it as a pun on his name or)
Kuro: Huh, that ain’t a bad idea. (To the staff in the store) Excuse me, may I have a bouquet o’ lotuses please? Ah, turns out Hakaze’s help really made the whole process a lot smoother!
Koga: (yelling from the store’s door) DON’T FORGET ‘BOUT MY FLOWERS, HAKAZE SENPAI…!
Kaoru: (in a joking manner) Goodness, Wan-chan’s really… When he needs something, he’ll yell for Hakaze-senpai, but when he doesn’t need anything he’ll call for ‘the shallow playboy’!
Koga: HAA??? Don’t yer dare continue jokin’, lemme tell ya! If yer dally any longer, we’ll miss the show, senpai!!
Kaoru: (yelling towards the door) Yes yes~ Kagehira-kun, have you chosen your flowers yet? Since we’re all heading to the same place, we can all go together!
Mika: Ehe, yep. I’m sure Naru-chan will love this bouquet of perfume lilies. Senpais, let’s go!
Koga: HURRY UP! I’ve already called fer a car, so let’s get movin’!
Kuro & Mika & Kaoru: Yes~
← story 1
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mklt · 3 years ago
Just random thoughts about mikami and light 
it’s kinda long and so messy -w-
idk how to write long post on tumblr with good layout lol i got burnout from irl problems rly bad and it's already 3.30am here ;w; 
(mostly from my random threads on twitter (hence the weird formatting) and i try to tl-ed from my main language to english (with the help of google translation lol)
These are just my imagination and maybe personal preference (?) please don’t take it personally
Thread 1: 17th march 2022
this is so random but when i re-read death note manga again i can’t get rly emotional with mikami’s backstory i wonder why? Is it because I'm so weak seeing a kid being bullied? I don’t really like looking at child being abused too haha (but i remember someone said mikami’s backstory is like redditor sobstory WWWWWWWWWW sorry 
i don't know but i'm so weak with characters who have been bullied alskdal like im sad i don't want to see a little kid being bullied :(((((((((( let's focus on him (mikami) bein a kira simp
just the idea of ​​him trying to open up with light about his mom and his sad past is a bit painful for me aksdjaskl and i don't have any idea for light’s response too.. :( maybe mikami looks indifferent when he tried to explain it surely mikami said “that's why i'm thankful there's Kira” ? (i’m not rly sure about this)
but light is like  (??? at that time, there is not kira yet) so i think it continues to be like a one-sided delusion from mikami wwwww
hmm, even if they won, I think Light will randomly get quiet when he becomes tired from work (kira work??) (daydreaming?) and then suddenly when asked why by mikami, he randomly blurts "it’s my late father’s bday today" What will you respond???????? alsdkal it seems like this could be the time where Mikami starts to talk about his mother too?
i dunno but if it's mikalight au I think Light actually wants to say he misses his father but he doesn't want to say that he misses and loves his father (so much) idk?? maybe he doesn't want to look vulnerable in front of mikami because he still has to act to be a strong role model for mikami
It's so hard for me to imagine them just blissfully being happy, i definitely remember this and the emotional baggage sucks Moreover, when people who like to write about light who still can't move on about L Gosh thinking about it is really heavy haha
i dunno but in my headcanon for my kira wins au light is reluctant to meet with sachiko/sayu because it seems like he still can't move on with soichiro’s dead (and because he doesn't have the heart to see sayu who’s still recovering from trauma) that’s why he likes to find reasons so he can't go home
i’m not trying to justify that light is a SaD boi But to me, the only redeeming quality about him is  he really loves his family so much (www luv u light So I like to imagine him hating himself because of his father’s death. But he likes to think that my father died like this because I have to sacrifice for a more peaceful world That's why when his father died, light is really conflicted
but light bein light I'm sure he'll change his mindset after that “my father is not good because he doesn't believe kira, he is a good person but he’s not on Kira's side” (which in his heart he is still very hurt thinkin about soichiro)
Thread 2 : 8th February 2022
... I'm looking for drawing ref, then reread DN again and again (yes I know— It’s kinda endearing when mikami in front of ppl he looks so cold and mean but if with God His demeanor is like that >>>>
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not uwu but like its funny… he's scawy–! Suddenly he’s become kinda nervous? Less hostile?? Hm but  i also think that when he finds out Light is a False God maybe he explodes and got mad-! btoom! And i was like oh yea thats our mkm alright haha
idk maybe i'm just making an excuse but from the manga’s scenes mk/lt is like.. master/disciple but not as maniac in anime? I really like when the disciple, who's scary outside but he's obsessed with his master! Maybe he will become a softie?!! I like the silent yandere type! And i think i f they have an argument mikami won't be hysterical or something >_>
Even if they had direct contact (not by takada) Light will tell mikami (about mikami killing lazy people) "I don't like how you do things stop it." then maybe mikami looks a bit shocked and i think ofc he will say my bad- LOL but i'm also sure he's the type who asked for an explanation why because he's not that stupid ahaha im sad
Even if it's been explained, I'm sure Light will complain directly to mikami "I don't believe you can still ask me back."
Thread 3 : 9th march 2022 (AU)
If mkm and light live together, does light live in kyoto or mkm in tokyo? But when you think about canon it means they are in long distance relationship :0
Yes, but if the train is 2 hours fast, just the idea of ​​them being willing to live alone is a bit complicated??
I think if Mikami’s position is high enough-- he can go to Tokyo and pretend to visit Light at the NPA office (then when he arrived Lighto isn't there (..........)
Because lighto is busy? And because of his work is that he is more in a private room (because he is more into intelligence / hacking role etc.)
Maybe Mikami can go to Tokyo because there is a case that he should discuss with the police (¿) if the case is serious enough hooho
Maybe they will meet at the rooftop (?) Mikami eats alone ? but maybe his assistants from kyoto office tag along too) then Light just finished with the other team. But mikami can only stare at light because they don't want to be exposed if they are acquaintances (bc for identity of Kira)
Jabsjadsbsh what if someone is trying to introduce them ?? Mikami and Lighto pretending to “get to know better
when they shake hands… Mikami held Lighto's hand tighter and maybe light playing with his finger on Mikami's wrist (trying to be subtle-subtle---) "Nice to meet you– Teru-san" “Nice to meet you,”
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finoalcielo · 4 years ago
☆ JUL 21, 2021☆
KAI: They competed for the fun~! YOU: Leisure activities, huh? Summer is full of it. And so, KAI: Kai-chan Radio! YOU: will also include Haduki You! See in you a moment♪
KAI: Let's talk tonight♪ About our summer vacation activities! YOU: I started off extremely excited for it, but, I don't think I'll be able to go to the August's activities. Like the Lantern Festival dance, mountains, swimming pool, or even a little trip to the sea. Is that all?
KAI: Ah? Really? YOU: I'll be at home. Helping my parents. KAI: Oh right. The temple. YOU: Yup. Obon is the busiest time of the year. So, I have to travel with my family. KAI: Ooh. YOU: I've never really had much complaints about it. KAI: Ah, I see. YOU: Yeah, since I understood it ever since I was a child.
YOU: It felt a bit nice to see my parents relying on me for some things. I went exploring deeper into the mountains with Tooru (2nd oldest brother) once. And, when we returned later than usual, Sou (oldest brother) scolded us. We mess around a lot every day. KAI: Oh, Haduki brothers. You guys haven't changed at all (www)
YOU: I only remembered when I started talking. Still, I travelled about 2, 3 times. Near Takachiho and Hokkaido. And my memories from that time is a bit weird. Like, I remember the soft serve ice cream being delicious or the sea urchins being terrible (I like it now though) (www) KAI: Memories from long ago are really like that. Food being more important than famous places!
KAI: I also remember the souvenirs I bought on the way rather than the destination. It was a metal keychain with a dragon entwined around a sword. YOU: I knew you'd speak about it (www). Wasn't it the one where it had a lot of crystals or stone stuck to it? (wwww) KAI: I still have it (ww)
YOU: You still have it?! Wow (www) KAI: I use it for my car key. YOU: Extremely distracting... (www) KAI: Ah, anyways, about my leisure activities! I went to a lot of places, but have I told you about the year when my father rented a minibus to go on a family vacation? YOU: Minibus?! KAI: We are a big family (6 siblings). YOU: Ah.
KAI: My father did his best to get a license to drive our big family. YOU: Fuduki papa is amazing. KAI: I got one too. Let's all go~? YOU: The Fuduki family is amazing. KAI: The destination was for Tokyo's Disneyland! It was for a day, but if we include the sightseeing at the town on the way back, then it was 5 days in total? It was awesome. YOU: Sounds fun!
KAI: Maybe I remember this because it was during the time I enjoyed travelling? But anyways, in about two years, the Fuduki family once again travelled in the minibus! At that time, we travelled to Shikoku. YOU: Oh~ It takes a while to reach there, right? KAI: It took us a week to reach. YOU: Lots of driving (www).
KAI: No, at that time, the truck driver's cousin or I sometimes took over driving. On those days, my father would drink beer with his morning, evening and night meals. YOU: Fuduki papa (www) I get your feelings (www) KAI: It's a memory of my summer vacation activity, which was more fun than the destination itself ♪
KAI: And so, that was the Kai-chan Radio "Summer Vacation Activities" Edition! YOU: And then is... ah, right. Want to take some messages from people? I know it's late in the night, but if anyone is awake and has some messages for us, we'll accept them! KAI: Questions, messages, anything is fine~!
It's so hot that I feel like melting... Please give me an idea to cool down! = = YOU: I know! Turn on the cooler. KAI: A pragmatic answer (www) YOU: It's not good to put up with the heat ~ KAI: That's true. YOU: Watch out for heat stroke!
Thank you for sharing your stories. If you could travel now, where would you go...? = = YOU: It's really hot, so I want to take a dive in the sea. KAI: I'll be next to him! YOU & KAI: We want to go to the sea~~~!!! HARU: Didn't you go there the other day? (laughs)
Kai-san, You-san, thank you...! The final exam is about to start, so please give me some encouragement... = = YOU: Studying this late? Woah! We'll be cheering for you to do well! KAI: I'll support you with (my heart's) pompoms~ Hooray~ Hooray~ Study well!! YOU: A fun summer is waiting for you after the test!
Kai-kun! I have a glittering bow keychain, so let's compete against each other!!? (laughs) = = KAI: A fellow friend!!! Then, I'll be the second player!! Bring it on!! YOU: Exactly how will you fight (www)
Hello! I'd like to hear about any recent small incidents that occurred around Procella members! = = YOU: Yoru's glasses got deformed by the heat (www) KAI: He accidentally left it on the bonnet of our travel bus, it got deformed slightly after about 2 hours. (www)
24 hours a day isn't enough. What do you think? = = KAI: I guess it's slightly not enough? If you sleep while thinking, "Stay tuned for Kai tomorrow!", then you'll be excited. YOU: Don't get excited before going to bed (ww)
You-kun! Please do something with Aoi-kun!!!!!!! (I'm greedy) = = YOU: I like your greediness~ Yosh, let's do it now. Aoi-chan. AOI: Eeh?! YOU: I caught the retreating Aoi-chan. AOI: I-I got caught! KAI: Now, how do you want to do this?! YOU: What should we do? Aoi-chan. AOI: EHHHH?!
→ AOI: L-L-Let's peel it off! T/N: Aoi was trying to say "Look that way" (あっち向いてホイで lit. atchi muite hoi de) but ended up saying "Let's peel it off" (あっち剥いてホイで lit. atchi muite hoi de). Both have the same pronunciation, just different meanings.
→ AOI: What a terrible typo!!!
→ AOI: I meant 'Look that way'!! YOU & KAI: (wwwww) AOI: I was really flustered and when I thought I deleted it, I actually sent it instead. I meant 'Look that way'!!!~~~~~ You!!! Kai-san, geez!!! YOU & KAI: (wwww)
#Aoi won by default.
This is for a questionnaire, but what was doing your homework like? Did you fill in what you knew on the day you got it and left the rest blank and asked a friend for help, or leave some empty in the first week and finish the rest later? = = KAI: I did half in the first week, and the remaining in the last week.
→ YOU: I want to say that I finished it early in August... but I ended up frantically doing it towards the end (www) KAI: I can imagine that ~~ While Yoru did his patiently, right? YOU: Yup. Isn't that right? YORU: Yes. Ah, I also did the Radio calisthenics properly! Radio Calisthenics = a short exercise routine broadcast daily on Japan's national radio, streamed on YouTube, followed in parks and schools every day – sometimes several times a day – by all generations of Japanese people
It's been hot lately, but please tell us if you have a story that chilled you to your bones. = = KAI: Shun turned bright red and got a fever. YOU: He got one after frantically trying to decide the thumbnail for his Hajime-san video collection. KAI: He looked really happy when I putting the cooling patch on. YOU: His fever also came down almost immediately. YOU & KAI: We ate curry together.
Hi!! Starting from today, we'll be having the 4 day holiday, so will you all be working??? Are there any jobs you have with other members of the agency??? = = KAI: Hi~! Tomorrow will be a visual shooting with the theme of intelligence♪ YOU: It's not a job, but the day after tomorrow, I'll talk with Takaaki-san and Roa-san about an independent dance lesson along with a few more people. The 4 day holiday they're talking about is Marine Day, which lasts from Jul 22 - Jul 25 in Japan.
Is it okay to eat ice-cream at this time?! = = KAI: We've already eaten it (sparkles) YOU: Recently, my favorite one is... the Shi●kuma ice cream KAI: The melon flavour! This year, for some reason, the melon flavor is in demand. YOU: You can buy it at a convenience store ~ He's referring to the Shirokuma Ice Cream which is a shaved ice dessert topped with ice cream and condensed milk.
Please tell us what you had for dinner today! = = KAI: Pork shogayaki​. I really like it. Especially when its with White Rice. YOU: I get you.
Have you been interacted with the Gravi members lately? Please tell us if there's anything interesting👓✨ = = KAI: Oh, that emoji means Haru! Haru~ HARU: I was waiting so long to be called. YOU: You appeared so quickly (www) HARU: Something interesting... Ah, let's play Look that way! YOU: Is it popular in Gravi? (ww)
#Haru won and was satisfied when he left.
I'm busy and tired lately, so please leave a good luck charm please!! I love you!!! = = KAI: I love you too!! YOU: Me too! The is the best good luck charm you can believe in! We love you, support you, so please do your best!! KAI: I wish you a happy summer!
It's summer!!!!!! Did you have anything of a summer vibe that you ate?? = = KAI: Corn!!!!! Grilled Corn!!! YOU: Recently, Procella has this trend of using the Bato Mayo Soy Sauce with various things.
Is Maze slowly molting??! = = YOU: ......Maze? Are you molting? I've never cleaned them up. MAGELLAN: Que! (I forgot) KAI: He's always like fluffy. Maybe it's because he's an Demon World Penguin? Next time, let us touch you~
Speaking of summer vacation, I remember watching movies at movie theaters or on TV when I was in elementary school! Do you have a favorite movie when you were little? = = KAI: Back to the Fu●re that was rebroadcasted on TV! I feel like that's a classic one. YOU: There's also Toto●. KAI: Ah, there's that too! The child in the middle has my colors! Kai is referring to Back to the Future and I believe You is referring to My Neighbor Totoro.
We can't drink outside, but have you been drinking at home?? = = YOU: The senior group sometimes drink on the balcony~ KAI: Only sometimes~ I don't drink a lot (laughs). And what about the middle group? YOU: We don't really drink much? Instead, we eat food.
KAI: That was all for the replies~! YOU: Thank you for your messages despite it being midnight! KAI: I was going to introduce the October's CD but it's so late now, so I'll do it tomorrow! YOU: If you're going to do it tomorrow, then just call in the people themselves. KAI: Ah, true. Anyways, this is all for today's corner!
KAI: It was Kai-chan Radio, Summer Vacation Activity Edition~! YOU: Thank you for listening to us! Ah, Kai, let's say that. KAI: That? YOU (whispers unintelligently to Kai) KAI: Uhhh.. KAI & YOU: Dream well? KAI: .... YOU: .... KAI: I'm kind of embarassed. YOU: Why? (www)
#Kai-chan Radio #Thank you
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miminorenai · 5 years ago
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Chapter 20
Dazai “......Pray tell. *What kind of things filled my heart/mind while I kissed you just now?”
*t/l note: Hmm I decided to tweak the translation here from last chapter, since I translate it super literally last time, I got confused with the existence of ‘が’ particle in the sentence ╥﹏╥
Dazai “Even if I do this — would you still call me ‘kind’?”
MC “Kya......”
MC’s field of vision’s turning around — when she realized it, Dazai’s covering her.
Her fingers are entangled with his long fingers, and sewn to the table.
Even when MC tries to push back Dazai’s shoulder, he just won’t budge, and she then aware their difference in physique.  
MC “Dazai-sa......”
Dazai “Like Mimi-san said, why don’t I hold you in my arms right now? You locked us up, even.”
Dazai “We shared a pillow once on that downpour. In any case, it’s good to make an established fact.” 
Dazai “It’s all right, I’ll make you feel good. You......like me, don’t you?”
MC “——······”
MC chest hurts at the sound of terribly cold words.
MC “......Dazai-san, are you angry? That, is this also your intention of being a clown......”
Dazai “Hmm, who knows?”
MC heart tightened more at his indifferent reply.
Sadness and agitation ···— his expression she has never seen before is so painful.
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(I’m the one who’s being told terrible things, and yet......)
(This is the first time I’ve ever seen Dazai like this.)
(Such a painful face......)
It’s different from the expression with shadow in his eyes and easygoing smile......
......it’s an expression that looks like a raw humanity which’s imprisoned inside begins to overflow. 
MC “Dazai-san......”
Dazai “It’s no use asking for an answer. Either way, what I’m going to do is the same.”
MC “Ah......”
His big hand caresses MC’s *hips over her clothes.
(*腰 - could be waist too
Feeling the intention of the act from the gesture, MC trembles in surprise.
MC “Ya......mmn, wait Dazai-sa......!”
(How could it turn out this way......?)
Dazai “......”
MC “......!”
MC’s skirt is pulled up, and the hand that creeps in from there touches her leg.
As her skin’s having gooseflesh from being traced by Dazai’s fingers as if to stir her up, a sweet sensation runs up her body.
When MC somehow struggles to resist......
A sharp thing is felt......his fangs are pressing against her nape, as if to block her movement —
Dazai “——······”
Almost at the same time that it felt like her breath caught, and MC grabs the tablecloth without thinking.
At the next moment, the books piled up on the table slips over the cloth, and falls to the floor with a loud noise.
After a bit of silence......Dazai slowly raises his body and looks down at MC.
His eyes are shaking anxiously like he’s enduring something......
Dazai “......”
(......Dazai, san.)
Dazai “Mimi-san, I......I’m afraid of your straightforwardness.”
Dazai “When you’re with me, I ···—”
At that time, the sound of turning the doorknob could be heard.
MC “......!”
??? “......Eh? Is it locked? Hey, who is it? I heard a loud noise, are you okay?”
(This voice, Leonardo-san......)
Dazai gently pulls MC arm to stand her up, and casually turns his face away while putting a distance.
Dazai “......You should ask Leonardo-san for help.”
Dazai “If you think I’m the worst man, I don’t mind getting scolded.”
(Such thing......)
When MC thinks of the expression hidden in his long bangs, she couldn’t blame him.
MC “......Just tell me one thing instead.”
MC “Dazai-san, before this, what did you try to say......?”
Dazai “When you’re with me, I ···—”
MC wants to know the words ahead.
Dazai “......”
Dazai, who’s in silence, turning his gaze towards her. But......
Dazai “The door has been fixed, I suppose. You could go back to your time next time.”
MC “......”
The moment his smile points at her, MC chest feels like attacked by hollow emptiness.
(Again, Dazai-san is so far away......)
No matter how many times she tries to touch and step into Dazai’s heart, he would thrust her away.
MC cannot say anything anymore......she goes to the door and unlocks it.
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Leonardo “Cara mia —··· and Dazai?”
MC “I’m sorry for the racket, Leonardo-san. I’m the one who locked the door.”
Leonardo “Huh? Also, why......”
MC “I’m going back to my room. Good night.”
Without the courage to look back and energy to smile, MC passes by Leonardo —
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(I couldn’t hear Dazai-san’s true feelings again......)
The pain in her chest doesn’t go away at all, and MC feels the night is too long......
Leonardo “......”
Leonardo sees MC’s back off, and then returns his gaze back to the library.
The locked space, MC’s earlier appearance, and also, the lingering silence......
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Leonardo “Dazai, you......”
Dazai “......Will you hit me, Leonardo-san?”
Leonardo could guess most of it, and looks at Dazai with bitter smile.
Leonardo “Do you want me to hit you? Ah, I would've done so with pleasure even if cara mia weeps and clings on me.”
Leonardo “You want to be hit......by Mimi, don’t you?”
Dazai “Mimi-san......didn’t even tell me off. Even though I behaved badly.”
Leonardo “......What a look you have on your face.”
Leonardo sighs and picks up the book that fell on the floor.
Leonardo “Give up the idea getting hit by me. I don’t think you’re such a mean fellow.”
Dazai “......Haha, aren’t you overestimating me? I’m just a man who could do nothing but acts like a clown.”
Leonardo “You don’t look like a clown now, you know......?”
Leonardo leaves the room, after presses the book against Dazai, along with his words.
The pressed book is returned to the table, and Dazai lets out a small sigh.
Dazai “I can’t believe the urge to suck blood was so unbearable......”
A deep distress that is engraved between his eyebrows could be peeked through the face which is covered in one hand......
Dazai “Mimi-san. When you’re with me, I......my heart, on its own accord......feels happiness.”
Dazai “I mustn’t desire such thing. Only that girl......I don’t want to be unhappy.”
Dazai “I —··· I want to stab myself to death right now.”
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The next day —···
Sitting on the edge of the fountain, MC gently brushes Dazai’s book on her lap.
She came to the town for a diversion, but it was just yesterday that she couldn’t help but remember.
(Why did he kiss me like that......?)
Forcibly kissed her lips, and messing up her clothes.
(This is the first time I’ve ever seen such Dazai-san......)
Apart from feeling surprised and sad, MC’d be lying if she said she didn’t have any fear.
Dazai “Even this act of gently wipe away your tears, might be just an act of a clown.”
Dazai “I — if you desire of it, I’ll hug you right here to deceive you in pleasure.”
(Did he act like a clown because I instigated it......?)
Dazai “Mimi-san, I......I’m afraid of your straightforwardness.”
Dazai “When you’re with me, I ···—”
At that moment, Dazai’s expression when he started to say something, it didn’t appear like he was glossing it over — like a clown.
(If we take it as his true feelings, what does he really think?)
If he was pushing MC away because he’s afraid of her......
(......I wonder if he really hated me.)
As she’s feeling depressed and pondering in circles —
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Charles “Mimi! We meet again.”
MC “......! Charles......”
MC “Why is Charles with that guy……?”
Shakespeare “Charles blindly adores Lord Vlad.”
Shakespeare “I don’t know what Dazai is really thinking about, but perhaps —”
Shakespeare “Perhaps he got an invitation to side with Lord Vlad……as I did in my time.”
MC remembered the story she heard from Shakespeare, and instinctively put herself on guard.
Charles “I wanted to see you. I’m going to give back your handkerchief and ···—“
Charles “Mimi, what’s wrong? You’re kind of awkward, though......”
MC “That’s not true. Look, I’m just as usual.”
MC’s trying to smile, but......
Charles “If you’re exactly as usual, look this way please?”
MC tries to act naturally, but an unconscious tension is being transmitted......
.......Charles sits by her side, and leans his head curiously.
(I only know Charles when we meet in the town like this.)
(But......when I hear that story, I don’t know how to treat him.)
(Is Charles really going to take Dazai-san......?)
When MC’s enduring indescribable anxiety that swirls inside her chest —
Charles “Hey......is there something happened with Dazai?”
MC “Huh?”
Charles “......To tell you the truth, I’ve been watching you for awhile. You have a sad face again.”
Charles “Is Dazai doing something that hurt you?”
MC “...How......”
Seeing MC in confusion, an expression of ‘as expected’ shown on Charles’s face.
And then, he looks into her eyes, as if he’s peering in her inner heart.
Charles “I don’t want to see the sad part of Mimi......”
Charles “Hey, I’ll make you happy and smile a lot, alright?”
Charles “Isn’t it hard to stay near Dazai? Then, I’ll be by your side.”
MC “Charles......”
Words similar to sweet invitation being put out one after another.
When MC cannot take them all, Charles rests his hand on her hand that she put on the book.
Charles “I won’t leave you alone. Hey Mimi, come with me.”
Charles “How about ‘we’ live happily in a world created by vampires?”
MC “......! Vampires......”
MC’s eyes wide open to the fact that Charles himself revealed what he had heard from Shakespeare.
He continues happily with a *mystical smile.
(*くすりと笑み - smile like a drug, cognate with the kusu root of adjective 奇し (kusushi, “mystical”), from the way that drugs and medicines would have mystical effects, I think? wwwww
Charles “I made you surprised, huh. But Mimi knows the secret of the people in the mansion and lives together with them, right?”
Charles “I’m the same. I died once and revived as a vampire.”
Charles “My benefactor — Lord Vlad, found me through a door that transcends space and time.”
(Charles, what the heck are you thinking......)
MC “Why......did you tell me? You won’t get any benefits by telling me.”
Charles shows a blank look, surprised to hear her back as MC hides her tremble.
Charles “Eh......? Did you perhaps know my true identity?”
MC “......”
When MC gets hold of herself a little bit while hesitating, Charles laughs brightly.
Charles “What’s that, I see it now......”
Charles “I talked to you because I want you to know more and more about me.”
Charles “Just like you straightly believe in Dazai, I too want you to understand and believe in me......no, in US.”
MC “Believe......?”
Charles continues his story with shining eyes.
Charles “Lord Vlad wants to keep this world beautiful for eternity.”
Charles “He wishes for peace far and far away into the future.”
MC “The world for eternity......”
Charles “Yeah. Everyone in the world should love each other without fighting.”
Charles “Don’t you think that would be really really happy?”
Charles “Lord Vlad thinks of borrowing the power of great men to realize such world.”
(Isn’t that what Shakespeare-san said about the purpose of the guy named Vlad?)
MC “Is that why Charles approached Dazai-san?”
Charles just smiles sweetly to MC’s timid question.
Charles “Hmm. I wish not only Dazai, but also all the vampires could cooperate......”
(It’s like a dream full of hopes, but......)
What crosses MC mind is the raw killing match that she saw on Shakespeare’s stage.
Just remembering about the scene makes her spine chilled......
(The guy who created that situation was Vlad, right......?)
MC “Charles......The man who revived Charles could use someone.”
MC “Also......Isn’t he a scary guy who’s willing to let others die......?”
Charles “......”
When MC asks the question boldly, Charles stares at her with eyes like calm surface of water......
Charles “—··· I knew it, you were the one who was in Will’s stage hall that night.”
MC “......!”
(At that time, it was Charles who was with Shakespeare-san......?)
Evading MC’s astonishing eyes, Charles looks up at the sky with sorrowful eyes. 
Charles “Since the two of them who fought that day had broken heart, it was such a sad thing, but......”
Charles “Their sacrifices are not in vain.”
Charles “......Well, sometimes it can’t be helped for the future.”
Charles “Don’t be afraid of Lord Vlad. He’s a guy who’s truly loves this world and humans.”
(It can’t......be helped......)
He shows a genuine expression and truly looks sad.
However, the words spun from his word that accept such terrible things......they are contradicting.
(I don’t understand Charles’s thought......)
MC feels she couldn’t speak anymore, and gently releases Charles’s hand that rests on hers.
Charles “Mimi?”
MC “......I can’t go with Charles.”
MC “Even if it’s for the sake of peace, but after being told that the death of a person is something that can’t be helped, I can’t take it.”
MC “No matter the reason is, a person’s death is sad......”
MC “Even if it’s not what Charles did, but if you’re fine with killing people, it’s like killing with your heart.”
Charles “——······”
His light blue eyes wide open in tremble.
Charles “Wait...! Then how about Dazai? Dazai is the same as me.”
Charles “He lives by letting someone else died (without helping) too. Can you still believe in Dazai?”
MC “......”
MC heart pierced by his painful voice, and she’s at a loss for words.
(Dazai-san’s “sin” is an unmistakable fact......) 
MC “Dazai-san’s.......surely different.”
(He is a person who chose to revive for atonement and continue to accept suffering that’s hard to imagine.)
MC “Even if he committed a sin, I don’t think Dazai-san won’t be sad about someone’s death......”
Charles “Mimi......”
Leaving those words alone, MC leaves Charles —
Charles “Mimi, why......?”
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souzoushin · 7 years ago
[Translation] IDOLiSH7: Rabbit Chat [Yuki - Bunny Hoodie]  Part 5
Title: "Happy Birthday” From Everyone
Participants: Momo, Tsumugi, Yuki
Source: Unlocked in game from Yuki’s limited birthday (2016) card, pictured here.
**Note: This will only be part 5, since I’m just aiming to complete the card. The previous four are available as translated by someone else; you can see @i7rabicha for a record of this (here).
*** [Previous: (see i7rabicha -- note: not my translation!)] *** [Next: N/A]
Yuki, happy birthday!! *゚ロ゚)*゚ロ゚)*゚ロ゚)ノ~★celebration★\(゚ロ゚*(゚ロ゚*(゚ロ゚*
And, little miss manager, thank you for being such a wonderful guide! Trying to lead Yuki around is a real pain, no?
Yuki-san, Happy Birthday!
Not at all...! We had everyone’s smooth lead-ins, so we somehow even got him to arrive early!
Thank you both, really.
It was fun in a different way from the surprises I’ve helped with.
I felt like a mother watching her child set foot in the outside world for the first time! ww
I managed to go outside on my own, so keep me company next time we’re free. ^^
It’s good to just do it once in a while! Didn’t it give you time to think about a lot of stuff? While walking along such nostalgic streets.
It did. I kept remembering things, like how we’d buy meat buns at this convenience store and split them in half, or how we’d stay at that one cafe until it was closing time, working on songs.
Amazing, Yuki!! You remembered, I’m so happy.
I always remember everything about you, Momo.
Now you’re lying! You totally didn’t remember the anniversary of the first time I took a bath together with you!!
Isn’t that one a bit too difficult?
It’s not difficult!! You just lack enough love!!
You’re such a harsh judge.
It surely just means that’s how much Momo-san loves you, Yuki-san!
That’s right~! And it was super difficult trying to rent this place starting midnight, they only let us have it for the sake of old friendships!
Just goes to show how talented you are, Momo.
Still, seeing everyone that came to greet me wear T-shirts with our faces printed on them was quite the bizarre experience.
We prepared them specifically for this day! They were all really excited to wear them!
They were super into it. In fact, it’s the first time I saw TRIGGGER that into something. So much that I promised to treat them to lunch later on.
I bet it went more like, “We’ll wear them for you, so you owe us lunch.”
That’s not true! That’s not how I wrote that scenario in my head! ww
I have no idea what you’re talking about.
Still, TRIGGER put on a show for us yet again.
It was such a passionate session...! I want to play guitar with them again!
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By the way, Momo-san, I heard that you kindly taught Iori-san and Riku-san how to play accompaniments...!
Well, I only taught them one that used to be popular among girls back in the day, though! w
That was its own brand of interesting too, just like the seiyuu concerts that Nagi-kun goes to watch in secret.
Also, having Yamato-kun pour me a drink yet again felt really satisfying. That begrudging expression on him just gets my heart racing.
The fact that you keep bullying him like this is why he doesn’t like you! w
I just can’t stop myself from picking on him.
Speaking of IDOLiSH7, and that aside, I’ve been entrusted with everyone’s birthday messages yet again! May I post them in here again, just like last time...?
Show us, show us! Everyone’s messages of love towards Yuki!
I’m counting on you, little miss manager!
Iori-san: “Yuki-san, I wish you a happy birthday. I heard that you and nii-san have made plans to become cooking buddies. I will continue to look up to you as a model senior when it comes to both personal and professional matters. We’ll be in your care.”
Yamato-san: “Happy Birthday, Yuki-san. It is true that we’ve been in your care and we owe you for a lot of things, so I chose to attend today. Please continue to get along with Momo-san.”
Mitsuki-san: “Yuki-san, Happy Birthday! I was worried that just veggies might not have enough protein, so I tried cooking with a lot of beans and seeds. I apologize if that was uncalled for! For next time, please tell me about your special vegetable menu!”
Tamaki-san: “Yukirin, hbd. You’ve taught me a lot of stuff. It’s always fun to spend time with you, Yukirin. I wanna say you don’t feel like a senior, but like not in a bad way. Let’s eat pudding together again.”
Sougo-san: “Yuki-san, I wish you a happy birthday. I’m glad to have been allowed to celebrate with you, so differently from how we did with Momo-san. It honored me to get to wear a printed T-shirt of the two of you and to be permitted at such a nostalgic location. I will treasure the memory for life. May you have a wonderful year.”
Nagi-san: “HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MR. YUKI! I look forward to seeing what forms of entertainment we can expect from you next. Also if you watch Cocona, you might become even happier.”
Riku-san: “Yuki-san, happy birthday to you!! I think it’s really great that your birthday is on Christmas Eve, because it feels like one amazing thing after another. I’m glad I got to celebrate your birthday, Yuki-san. I’ll work hard so that I can also become someone like you, who is able to convey such wonderful feelings to everyone!”
This is nice.
It feels as if the whole world is revolving around me.
Yuki, did it make you emotional!?
I wonder. Maybe it did.
Momo-chan can totally tell! You’re giving a really soft smile.
It’s the same face you made earlier when Okarin was singing on stage!
I really didn’t expect Okarin to sing, so it felt moving to see.
If it made you happy, then that’s all that matters...!
Momo is one thing, but I never expected to receive this kind of celebration, myself.
What’re you talking about! Our juniors know all too well what a kind person you are, Yuki!
If they didn’t, they wouldn’t have gathered to have a party like this!
TRIGGER worked their hardest to celebrate too, and didn’t they send a message just earlier?
It says: “Looking at Re:vale, it’s easy to tell just how much you treasure each other, and that you mean the most in the world to each other. Please continue to be a model to us from now on as well, and to show us the greatest view as we walk in your footsteps.”
So this time it wasn’t a declaration of war.
Well, they already did that last month after all!
Then, should I take this chance to do an impression of Momo?
I’m so happy I could seriously burst. Oh, let these feelings of mine fly out into the entire world~
That’s no good--!! That lacked any flair, start all over!
What’s flair.
Yuki-san, could I have a little bit more of your time for something? Lol.
>> 1. Was there anything you had particularly much fun with while celebrating?
Was there anything you had particularly much fun with while celebrating?
When we kind of had a karaoke competition with everyone. Okarin was trying so hard while singing it was adorable. He never even goes to karaoke with us, so I felt moved.
>> 2. Was there any part of the celebration that really surprised you?
Was there any part of the celebration that really surprised you?
Maybe, how into it TRIGGER were. They were wearing sunglasses and those T-shirts. and even had a jam session with Momo. I think it’s best if TRIGGER fans never get to see that.
>> 3. Was there any part of the celebration that you found difficult to handle?
Was there any part of the celebration that you found difficult to handle?
Not me, but there was a part where Sougo-kun kind of had this passionate outburst, as if some hidden side of him went rampant, and Tamaki-kun was desperately trying to stop him. Does his personality change depending on the place he’s in too, just like it does when he’s drunk?
Oh right, Yuki, did you get to see Ban-san!?
No, I think I caught a glimpse of his ponytail from a distance at some point, but we didn’t get to meet face to face.
I wonder if he’s still being cautious...
Isn’t that just Ban’s way of being thoughtful? We didn’t see him on your birthday either. So he can’t go showing his face just for mine now.
I see... Ban-san is so kind and considerate, I really like him...
Momo, adultery is bad.
It’s not adultery!! Also, this feels like déjà vu wwwww
Um... Actually, just like last month with Momo-san, I have been entrusted a message from Banri-san as well.
Of course, part of the reason he wasn’t able to meet you today was also how busy everything got, but... May I deliver the message...?
I’m sure Ban must have known it would come to this, too. Would you be so kind, then?
Yes, let’s see the birthday message from our beloved Ban-san!
Roger that!
“Happy birthday, Yuki. I never imagined I’d get to take part in both Momo-kun’s birthday and yours. This has honestly been a really great day for me. I listened to your new song, and rest assured that I’ll still be cheering you on from now on. Also, keep the rabbit chats to no more than one every three days.”
Isn’t this message way too cold compared to what Momo got?
Eeh!? Yuki, but can’t you feel the strong love overflowing from this message!?!?
It has to be as direct as how you say it, Momo, or I can’t tell.
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You say that, but I saw you screencap it!! ww
Well, because it’s one of Ban’s very rare affectionate moments.
Yuki, that’s a bit creepy wwww
Momo, my mental stability isn’t infinite either, you know.
Sorry wwww
After I’ve calmed down, I won’t forgive you unless you keep me company for an entire day.
That’s a really easy task, you know.
Oh really, it’s that easy. Then, I’m sure you won’t mind writing me a passionate message right here either.
I already have one prepared, of course!!! I copied it from the memo and kept waiting for the right time to paste it!!!
So your love for me is just copy paste level?
Don’t start stealing my lines, that stuff is what I usually say!! w
I was joking.
I was, too. I don’t have any copy-paste, you know!
I know.
It’s a birthday message from Momo-san to Yuki-san, so I’m sure it will be full of love!
Little miss manager saying that just raised the bar even more, but I’ll do my best to live up!!
Let me hear what you have to say, Momo.
Getting cornered like this sure makes me nervous.
Hey, Yuki.
Happy Birthday.
Even now, I’m still so unbelievably happy that I actually got to celebrate with you like this again.
Yuki, lately you’ve been doing your best to express a lot more of your feelings to me than just three simple words ever could, in a lot of ways. And you have no idea just how grateful I am, so much that I sometimes feel like my heart will burst from my chest.
I’m so glad and grateful that you exist.
Thank you for being by my side.
Thank you for letting me be your partner.
Please let me celebrate your birthday next year, too.
-- From Momo, who really loves you!
I don't know what I'd do if you didn’t celebrate with me next year.
I’ll say it however many times it takes.
I swear we’ll still be together, even 100 years from now, or even 1000.
Wait, was it my birthday today...?? Why are we making me happy here......?
No, you’re the one making me happy.
Because today is my birthday.
So please smile, Momo.
I’ve witnessed yet again just how deep your bond runs... Also, your birthday has become quite the passionate topic on social media as well, Yuki-san!
She’s right! Here, Yuki, look how many birthday messages you got from the fans!
We really ought to post a reply from you for them. What should we write!!
That’s true. Little miss manager, this thank-you message is addressed to you as well, so please let me type it.
Thank you for celebrating Momo’s birthday and mine again this year. I feel as if Momo and the fans are what gives meaning to my songs.
I would like you all to keep loving us, and only us, forever from now on.
And I’ll make sure that Momo’s and my Re:vale will keep charming you.
Note: I do not own this card, so this translation was never intended to cover the rest of the parts, and it never will. I was just aiming to complete it because it was left unfinished before. The screencaps I used were kindly provided by KirakiraDenka on Twitter, and I received them via lli-luz-ill here on Tumblr. Thank you both!
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quell-tea-salon · 7 years ago
THE IDOLM@STER SideM 3rdLIVE TOUR report - Makuhari Day 1
As I’m typing this my SideM timeline is being flooded with adorable photos by the cast members ahjdgGskljh and they’ve published the set list for today’s concert so please have a look.
INCOHERENT SCREAMING UNDER THE CUT also pls note that i refer to the cast members by their given nicknames :3c
First of all, i did NOT expect the concert to be FOUR HOURS LONG. I mean i knew it’d be longer than the standard 2 hours because well, 16 groups??? And it was absolutely amazing from start to finish so it didn’t even feel that long goddddd i’m so grateful that i got to watch it ;___;
Since the set list is available for all to see i’ll just jot down some commentary...
I only realised today that the seat i got assigned for today’s LV was in the FIRST ROW, DEAD CENTER and while this would be great at a concert, i generally prefer the back row at the cinema bc being so close to the screen is actually really uncomfortable. You get a sore neck from looking up and the edges of the screen are outside your field of vision...... but i count myself lucky just to have a seat so there’s that. As it was my first SideM concert i also sorta wanted to be able to watch the people in front of me wrt what to do.... thankfully i’d seen enough footage of SideM live events to have a rough idea of the calls, etc.
Anyway, onto the actual event. Yamamura was the first to appear, going over the guidelines and rules of the concert. He mentioned that there wouldn’t be an interval, to make time for more songs! (The audience cheered lol)
The whole cast of 46 members came onto stage for the opening talk and introductions. After that, DraSta was the first to perform (Starlight Celebrate). As a DraStaP this made me happy ^^ But i was surprised that they were singing the Starting Line songs, which made me wonder if the rest of the groups would do the same.... (They actually did, but some sang the first song in their starting line singles while others sang the 2nd song???) Shugon and Taso were amazing live and delivered solid performances as usual. Taku was a bit inconsistent, but maybe the nerves got to him.
Beit’s Tomorrow Diamond - I LOVE their outfits so much!!!!!!!! So princely and sparkly T_T At one part while the camera was on Ume he fucking BIT HIS GLOVE and the whole room SCREAMED hsjdsshagah idk maybe it was coming loose and he was trying to adjust it but anyway he killed like half the people in the theater. Also at the end of the song Ume knelt on one knee and made a gesture like he was holding out an engagement ring and everyone died lmao i was so mad i actually said out loud YOU CAN'T DO THAT and the person next to me laughed. Oh and apparently the white gloves were a new addition to their prince outfits (according to Horieru). Maybe they were there just so Ume could bite them and kill some people smh
Cafe Parade’s Reversed Masquerade - zombie dance! They are so cute T_T I would watch a whole musical performed by them....... The groups in the 3rd Anniversary Disc 01 (Cafe Parade, Alte, Legenders) all got to sing their new songs, but sadly not the collab song.Eternal Phantasia.
Shinsoku’s Burning Cool de Kagayaite - I loooooooooooove watching these two, their outfits are gorgeous and badass and Machuyan is irl suzaku GOD HE IS SO TALL AND TONED... Doing the “oi oi oi!” call was super fun >< Fukamachi had so much fun that he forgot to sing one of his lines lmao
Sai came up next but it was a BRAND NEW SONG which had everyone was in a mild panic bc we couldn’t recognise the song intro and were like W-WHAT COLOUR DO WE SET OUR PEN LIGHTS TO??? until they appeared on stage and then it hit us that OH MY GOD IT’S A NEW SOOOOOONG lol. Later during the talk segment Yamashita Daiki said that he was trying his best not to laugh at the audience’s visible confusion at the start of the song wwwwwwww
Jupiter appeared next on stage and we just SCREAMED because JUPITER!!!!! And screamed louder because Over AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It;s so good to have the whole team here, esp when Touma and Hokuto were absent for 2nd Live T_T
S.E.M - Study Equal Magic. My other honmei unit.... I’m SO HAPPY that i got to do the takenoko dance with everyone <333333333 Yoshiki lost a lot of weight and looks really good..... From what i could see from his twitter he lost heaps of weight rapidly so a lot of us were worried but i think he mentioned recently that he switched to the bulk up phase and he looked fit and healthy on stage which is a relief. Totto actually flubbed one of his lines 8D;;;;;;
HiJo - JOKER All Mighty. Another song i’m super happy to get to participate in!!! Though at the cinema we were swinging our penlights instead of towels. They’re all so cute ;;;;;;;; Nogami sounded amazing live too. Naganyan and Hirohiro didn’t disappoint and gave us some Natsuki/Jun fanservice 8)
KOGADO’S FIGHT SCENE WAS RIDICULOUSLY BADASS WTF and mostly choreographed by Hime apparently??????? They still hold the title of SideM’s action unit....... Also I love Hamanon so much, he gave SO MUCH fanservice to the cameras........ blowing kisses, making and serving ramen (twice, lol), making hugging gestures........ Hamanon is a national treasure >< Also Hime dyed his hair silver and got extensions (ponytail) to match Ren <333
Speaking of Hime, he ended his (very cute) message to the audience by switching to Ren mode and saying “Baaaaaaaka” which the audience LOVED lol but F-LAGS were next and Sanpei-san was like “Wow aren’t Kogado just lovely” LOL
I was excited to see Legenders ofc as they’re my third tantou unit but tbh i’m not in love with their new song Symphonic Brave. Ig i should be happy that they’ve moved on from emo (but sexy) to more uplifting songs ;w; But the moodiness was what drew me to Legenders in the first place.... and I love Amehiko’s voice in the darker songs...
Kaleid TOURRHYTHM. I feel SO blessed to get to hear this T_T The full Jupiter team with W..... i love this song sm.........
When it was W’s turn during the talk segment, Kikuti actually started tearing up as he was overwhelmed by gratitude;;;;; Yamati (and the audience) kept cheering him on but he couldn’t stop crying...... my baby T___T W also went to hug Jupiter bc they were so happy that all three were present! We feel you!!!
Fun! Fun! Festa! was another super fun song to chant along with. Horieru had Kaerru with him and they made such a cute pair.... TakaP did The Wink at the camera and killed the remaining half the people in the cinema lol just arrest everyone from Beit tbh. Oh and Ume did the MAKUHARIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII thing again wwwwwwwwwwwwwww
F-LAGS got to ride the trolleys around the corridor between the 2nd and 3rd floors while performing Yumeiro Voyager :D I’m sure it was a treat for everyone sitting in those seats! Sanpei-san kept making lovehearts with her hands at the camera sajhgf;ag;dka i love her sm ;_______; She also tweeted a couple of days ago that she dyed her hair green to match Ryouchin.... she is an angel....
Mofu Mofu En took full advantage of the cameraman that was on stage with them and made lots of adooooooorable faces at the camera, killing lots of people as well......
Natsujikan Graffiti!! Every time the camera zoomed in on Shiraim (and Matsuoka, for that matter) there would be giggles wwwww Those two are just so awkward and funny and lovable wwwwwwww Anyway, they released a few giant balloons during this song, for the audience to bounce around to each other. I thought it was a pretty neat gimmick that matched the party tone of the song.
Ryuusei Parade was next and i legit whispered “yabai” when the intro played....... All my fav groups in one song T____T It was amazing, as expected,,,
S.E.M performed From Teacher to Future next, and I’m not sure if it was intentional or not but Enokiya tripped and fell right at the start of the song lol.
HiJo caused a stir when they too appeared on the trolleys for Sunset Colours. They threw what looked like squishy toy (foam?) balls at the audience as they were wheeled around the venue. I was jealous ^q^ Shiraim mimed playing the drums with some balloons that were attached his trolley as decorations wwwwwwwww Why is he so weird wwwwwwwwwwww
Omg, this next part SHOOK US ALL. The intro for Alice or Guilty started playing and we were all like “Omg??? Really???!!!!!!!?????” then Jupiter appeared on stage in their 961 black jackets and we SCREAMED bc we could not fking believe what was happening!!! The person next to me started crying... I was just in shock the entire time....... After the song ended the stage screen showed Jupiter’s logo from their 961 years transforming into 315′s Jupiter logo and we LOST OUR SHIT. I actually yelled when i saw some stagehands go on to the stage to help Jupiter change into their green jackets, then the intro for BRAND NEW FIELD kicked in and by then everyone was in tears ;____; Jupiterrrrrrrrrrr you’ve come so far....... we love you.........
DraSta performed Arrive To Star (Shugon was srsly Teru the entire time, i love him sm!!!!), after which the whole cast joined them on stage in 3rdLive outfits (the same ones in the Live on Stage game!!) to sing Reason!!. We screamed when the screen displayed a new group illustration of all 16 units in the Reason!! outfits T________T They’d commissioned new artwork just for today’s concert aaaaahhhhhhh
The last song was BeyoDori, where I once again wished that i had 6 pairs of eyes to catch everything that was happening (the stage is very full with 46 ppl lol). Kuma-chan stays in the air for so long when he jumps.................
Break for encore. President Saitou appeared on screen to update us on new releases and announcements, after which the cast returned to the stage to perform GLORIOUS RO@D and DRIVE A LIVE.
Other random things
Kanbara-san is very generous with his “Chao <3″ ughhhh i loVE HIM and every time he throws an “Angel-chan and Angel-kun <3″ at us i just love him even more
Sanpei-san running onto the center stage after being provoked by Murase lol but being disappointed that her teammates didn’t join her
Kuma-chan egging on the audience to do Massan’s “Kawaii!” call, much to Massan’s embarrassment wwwwwwww
Enokiya being as dry and snarky as usual
Shugon’s smile is 10000000000000000000000 watts, have i mentioned that i love him? He also blew a few kisses at the camera and i died over and over again ugh take him away
SUPER EXCITED for the France shuffle team! I love everyone in that group T_T Teru, Hideo, Amehiko, Suzaku.... They also showed us a bit of the new song where they’re all dressed in blue and white military(?)/knight outfits. (Edit: OMFG I LOGGED ONTO LIVE ON STAGE APP AND THEY’VE ALREADY IMPLEMENTED THE GACHA FOR FRANCE EVENT I’M DYING)
Kasama-san was such a gentleman in both of his messages/talk time... how is he real........
During talk time Machuyan put his arm around Kobapyon’s shoulders and they looked so cosy lmao i wish for something similar to happen with Suzaku and Saki-chan SUZAKU GOOD LUCK
The 3rdLive outfits are REALLY cute >< Unlike in the LOS game, each unit has their own twist on the outfit (eg Cafe Parade has frilly shirts, S.E.M has black shirts) and even within units each character’s outfit is unique (Jirou's short sleeves, Michiru has a headband etc)
There’s so much more but this is all i can remember for now and i need to sleep to recharge for tomorrow’s LV!!! I’ll do another report for tomorrow too!
I’ll just leave some predictions for tomorrow’s set list (wishful thinking):
DraSta - Dramatic Nonfiction, Sayonara SumHol
SEM - Moon Night, Infinite Possibilities (or even duet of SSH and MunNai?!)
If it’s another 4-hour show........ maybe all their solos? God that would be amazing *whimpers*
29 notes · View notes
maketakunai · 8 years ago
Toumyu Mihotose 4/23 Live Viewing Report and Stage Summary
Hello! I watched the new Toumyu, Mihotose no Komoriuta, once live and once at the live viewing, and now I have a nice(?) report about it to share with you!
-ALL the spoilers -Very tl;dr, it’s almost 6k long lmao -Written very unseriously and in Asuka-language -Tsuntsun for Kuri-chan -Many editorializing comments -I was writing this while watching the LV and I forgot some parts -Ishikari (Ishikirimaru/Nikkari) contents www -Otokomichi is JUSTICE
-Nikkari Aoe = Araki = Nikkaraki, etc - “Nikkari is the best sword” directly translates to “there was a fight scene and Nikkari was really cool in it.” But also he’s the best sword -Ookurikara = Kuri, Kara, etc. -Sengo Muramasa = Sengo, Senbon, etc. -Kebiishi = KBC = a big bad guy -bug = Matsudaira (Tokugawa) Nobuyasu, Ieyasu’s son -Links to historical figures’ Wiki pages tossed in where relevant but I’m no expert on Sengoku Period/Tokugawa family history myself, so, yeah.
The show starts with Ishikiri drawing lovely pictures at the sword house. He shows Kuri but Kuri doesn't like it. Even though it's very nice! He explains that he's writing the story of their adventure, and Kuri asks him to show it to him when he's done. Ishi's like are you interested :)? and he's like NO I DON'T MAKE FRIENDS ok
Ishi decides to start with a cool flashback to when Sengo-chan came home from the sword bakery, pink lights flash all around. Ota Motohiro must be stopped. Stop him. A strange song plays. Tonbon says OH NO you're here and Senbon is like “Hey! Let's get naked!” and poms his pompom. Spicy.
Tenbu 11 Mikawa - Nikkari and Kuri coming back from expedition, suddenly bad guys are attacking the people! It turns out that these people just so happen to be the Tokugawa family vassals, like, Honda Tadakatsu and all them! But unfortunately they all get murdered by the retrograde army. Regrettable.
A guy carrying a bb gets stabbed, a lot, then just as he's about to kick it the swords show up and he passes the bb off to Araki wwwwwww My favorite line in the entire show: “この子はどうすればいいのかな”Just in this really soft and 8D;;; smiley nervous voice “Um, Ookurikara? What :T do you think I should do with this kid :T?” wwwwwww “DONT TALK TO ME”
Back at the sword house, Ishikiri's talking to the boss, they say it's going to be intense! Ishikiri wants him to leave it to him. The sword boss also says there's a high chance of “them” showing up and to be careful!! D: nuooo...
Meanwhile, Tonbon introduces Senbon to Mononon, he mysteriously manages to refrain from hitting on him for possibly the only time in this musical. Or, possibly before he can, they get called in to see the sword boss.
They go see him with Ishikiri, he gives them their mission to find the kids that have been attacked in the middle of expeditions and save them and figure out what's going on.
These four sing a song about going out to battle, it's kinda good. Monoyon's tights are intense.
Nikkari is the best sword
Kuri tells him to go alone, it'll be easier to protect the bug that way, but bad guys show up and Araki's like “sorry, I'd love to, but it looks like we are tied together by destiny~~~~~” They fight some bad guys, when suddenly who shows up but a hot pink sword! Senbon Muramasa shows up to uchigatan some randos. “instead of an introduction, how about we take our clothes off?” “Hahahaha what”
Mononon visits next to bring luck to all the swords
Tonbon storms in a while later to spear some guys.
Finally slow sleepy Ishikiri, so chill, the chillest of all swords, shows up, and destroys like twenty guys in a single attack because he is an ootachi. The best sword
at some point during this scene Nikkari ducked off the top left hand side of the stage to drop off the baby, a little while later a bad guy kinda wandered over there and suddenly Nikkari sword plunged out of the darkness and assassinated him, it was so cool, Nikkari is the best sword
So!!! Finally the six swords are together and we can sing! The most important song!
Here he is, it's Mr. KBC. He looks like Darth Vader, I was very scared to see him ahahahah. It was ok in the LV but when I watched it live I kept getting really scared every time they said something about KBC or when he showed up ;;;;;
Nikkaraki explains the situation about everyone dying, bb starts crying, Ishi takes it and cheers it up for a bit, it cries again, Monoyon discovers! This bug is Tokugawa Ieyasu. Monoyon cuddles it and talks about how it's his treasure. His most precious bug. I feel like there was just a lot of laughter in this scene for whatever reason. Well. Nikkaraki and Ishi and Senbon are all in one place. Of course there's going to be a lot of casual hahahas and huhuhus flying out of any given conversation.
Lullaby one sung by Monoyon Sada-chan to lull the baby Ieyasu to sleeps. This nen nen nen nen nen kororin song will be repeated many times throughout this musical so please be prepared. Well. The title of this silly musical is “the lullaby of 300 years” so what else can we expect! It would be stranger if there wasn't a lullaby being sung a bunch!
Swords are trying to figure out what they should do now that all the Tokus are dead, obviously history cannot continue on its usual track if the kid who is going to grow up to unify the country is suddenly an orphan and has lost like 95% of his army/family/etc. thingy. Just then Ishi has an idea so crazy it just might work! What if, to keep history on course and ensure that those bad Retrograders will not show up and ruin everything again... we become the Tokugawa retainers....
He sings a song to gently persuade the other swords to his way of thinking. Koko ni kibou ga aru, a bug~ we can't let anything happen to this bug~
Yes, so, we will become the erased retainers, hahahaa, I will be Hattori Hanzo :|b we will make history happen just as it did before! But, Senbon thinks he is an evil Muramasa Demon Sword cursed to bring misfortune so he will go away, Kuri is not interested in anything but stabbing dudes so he will go away too, oh no. Meanwhile Nikkaraki will become Sakai Tadatsugu, a nice advising fellow. Monoyon will become Torii Mototada, a very reliable and loyal retainer! Famously, in the end, he sacrificed his life when he and 2k troops managed to hold off 40k of Ishida Mitsunari's forces long enough to let Ieyasu's forces regroup in time for the battle of Sekigahara. Perfect for a Monoyon! Tonbon is supposed to be the Honda Tadakatsu replacement (his former owner) but he has no faith in such a thing.
Little cute Nikkari was shocked to learn the warmth of a bb ;n; He and Ishi have a little private chat about the past. “Before, I asked you why I couldn't become a holy sword, and you said it was probably because I cut down a child, even if it was a ghost... I never thought I would be able to understand the warmth of a child, but holding this bug in my arms, I think I'm starting to understand what you meant...” “Well, you may have cut down a ghost child before, but this time, the child you have saved will become a god. I'd say that's pretty holy.” “A-ah... really ;;o;;/ ;n;” is I think the gist of the conversation they have here, tbh I'm a little fuzzy on the details but what is important here is that they laughed softly together and gave each other a lot of soft meaningful looks.
Ishikari is real
Now a montage of fool swords tryna raise a baby wwwwww narrated by Ishi. I cannot help but notice that we do not get the chance to see any of Ishi's amusing parental blunders, why are you trying to erase history!!!11!11!1 “To absolutely no one's surprise, Monoyon Sada-chan was the single best sword parent, as expected of the little waki who stayed by his side as his treasure~” Monoyon came out with the bug and played peekaboo and stuff with him, making the bug laugh, but suddenly the bug started crying! “Oh no, looks like you pooped a lot, let's get your diaper changed!” says the cheerful waki.
“Mr. Nikkari also surprisingly took to childcare like a sword to stabbing dudes” Araki shoved the baby bucket wwwwww in previous shows he came out with a stroller thing and was pushing it like a normal human but in raku he was just like. Shoving it and letting it roll on its own while he walked behind it wwwww He picked up the bug and then said “You know, i don't hate soft things.... maybe I'll eat you!!!” a good sword parent
“Tonbon seems like he should have his shit together, but perhaps he was the roughest and most disastrous of all of them.” Tonbon came out with the bug strapped to his back and started flailing around his spear. At first the bug liked it but then it Did Not and he panicked and unsuccessfully tried to cheer up and continue spear practice with the crying bug wwwwww
“Senbon and Kuri were protecting us from a bit farther away. Probably. Separately. Probably.” “Hey, Kuri, want to ~~~live with me~~~” “I DON'T MAKE FRIENDS” “But I~~~ extremely~~~ want to become ve-ry good friends with you~~~~”
Time skip!! The Ieyasu bug became a smiley bigger bug of 10 or so, very cute! I want to squish it. Nikkari and Ishi? and Monoyon are talking with the bug. He clearly loves his sword family very much! But, he doesn't know they're swords, of course...! (also it makes you wonder if these kids are supposed to be in disguise or if this bug just grew up like “well my one dad has green hair and my other dad has pink hair and my other other dad is blond with pink tips and my other other other dad has normal-ish brown hair but I have literally never not seen him with anything less than flawless eyeshadow, i'm sure all kids grow up this way” Also??? They have to be doing other things like castle management and raising armies and whatnot, right, so probably the implication is that they're supposed to look like normal randos of the time period bUT ALSO LIKE what if they don't??? what if they are just like. Clearly otherworldly swords and the bug's just like Nothing Is Wrong and so nobody else has the nerve to question it wwwwww) Anyway they have a chat or something and Monoyon's like “Let's sing a song little one! KAA KAA, GEKKO GEKO” and the bug sings it too and it's so precious wwww i love
Senbon and Kuri are visiting to report their status. romanchikku Muramasa Fwamily song? Side note Mokkun worked really hard to imitate Suwabe's weird katakana pronunciation of desu and things, side note 2 how does Suwabe do that? Anyway Tonbon sang a couple bars of a song, then explained to Kuri (who DOESN'T WANT TO KNOW, HE DOESN'T MAKE FRIENDS but Ton's like chill, it might come up in the mission so just let me tell you this ok) that there was a legend that Mr. Muramasa Demon Sword was bad luck to Tokugawa thingies, then Sen sang his song about night and darkness and moon thingies. Clearly he is very worried about this mission!!
Nikkari came out and Senbon got EXTREMELY NERVOUS AND PANICKY. “Sh-SHOULD WE GET NAKED????” “There's no need for that.... right now 8D” standing in silence, Senbon wiggling “HAHA WOULD YOU LOOK AT THE TIME” “it sure is. A time 8D” Nikka tried to give him some advice like “hey it's nice trying new things, like, me raising a bug, who would have thought it but it's p good!” but Sen was too shook to deal wwww (did I miss something, why would Senbon be nervous about Nikkari all of a sudden? Is it just because he walked in while he was showing Emotional Vulnerability through song? Is it because he relies on his aggressive flirting as a means of keeping people away, except for not only does it not bother Nikkari but Nikkari is Extremely Into It and is flirting back and Senbon can't actually deal with that? Did they hook up sometime during the intervening ~10 years but it didn't go so well and now it's awkward? I really just don't know.)
is this a new song or is this the same song still. anyway more singing! Kuri sang too maybe! Cool bug growing up montage with it, the small bug had sword practice with his best boy Monoyon and then spun around and transformed into a cool adult! Probably, exactly like that.
And, his first child was born, a small bug named Nobuyasu (known as “bug” from here on). I don't remember this so much in the LV but in the live show, Ieyasu, like, kept passing the bug to Ishi but then the bug would start crying and so he'd have to take him back. He played with the bug and made silly sounds and it was really cute :)
OK now time for battle again! This is the battle of Okehazama where Ieyasu's ally the Imagawa clan gets rekt by Oda Nobunaga but the Tokugawa turn out totally ok :) Monoyon advisor, when asked about the luck of this battle, told Ieyasu something to this effect, hey! that's spoilers! Senbon flirted with Kurichan outrageously.
So there are these soldier dudes standing around and this little farmer guy called Gohei comes out and he's like wow! A war! My first war! and the soldiers are like “you, a soldier? Give it up, you won't last five seconds :/” They go to beat him up and Gohei's like STAY BACK and they're like OH NO he's got a weapon but then he just pulls out this tiny little sickle wwww They menace him a bit as he flails the sickle around and then who appears suddenly but Kuri Kara-chan!!! Gohei became friends with Kurichan, somehow, somehow. Somehow. Basically he's like “o-OH hey BRO yeah this is my BRO if you mess with me, you mess with my BRO” and Kuri doesn't really do anything lmao just stands there and all the soldier guys are too intimidated by his existence www Eventually they're like “w/e let's go guys :|;;;” only the poor two soldiers that are stuck with Kuri between them and the exit like slowly awkwardly move toward him, then give these incredibly deep respectful bows before dashing away. Gohei runs after them like “that's what you get you NERDS,” and taunts them by shaking his butt in their general direction, only he forgets he still has his sickle in his hand and stabs himself in the ass. Regrettable. Kuri turns to go now that this tomfoolery is over with but Gohei stops him and says “Um, hey... what's... war like?” and. I. Well I forgot what Kuri said in response =u=;; but after that he said something along the lines of “it's no place for someone like you :/” and ran off!
Then we get a battle scene, not so much with swords battling I think? Mostly a lot of human soldiers? But also Ishi is there for sure! At some point the whole scene kind of wobbles and falls into slow motion and Ishi has this small dissociation moment where he's just surrounded by all this horror and bloodshed and violence and he's kind of just slowly turning around taking it all in.... before he turns back to his fight and finishes off his enemy. Poor sweet Ishi ;n;
At the end of the battle the swords meet up again. Kuri's like “hmph ;/ is that all there was to this battle ://” and Ishi is really not having this today so he's like. “Oh 'is this all' huh so the many lives that were lost today mean absolutely nothing to you, all right, if that battle just now wasn't enough for you, that's fine, I have good news for you, DRAW YOUR SWORD I'M GOING TO FIGHT YOU” They have a sword battle where Ishi clearly has the advantage. He kind of pushes Kuri around like “hmm :/ your sword is very light isn't it?” and Kuri is unhappy.
Senbon breaks it up. “exCUSE ME. What are you doing you are NOT ALLOWED TO GET NAKED WITHOUT ME” Ishi's like haha oh you're right! he's Into It too wwwwww
Then Ieyasu finally turns up and he's like oh hey who's this cool guy I've never seen before, he was great in that battle thingy! Hey! Guy! What's your name! Ishi(?), seeing his chance, says “oh 8D Mr. Ieyasu 8D This is of course none other than Sakakibara Yasumasa!” Ieyasu says Wow cool! Hey Mr. Sakakibara, how about you fight with my team, it'll be real nice to have you! And in a surprising moment, the Kuri kneels down and swears allegiance to Ieyasu. Nice
Lullaby 2? Probably. Probably sung by Ieyasu to his bug? That's my heart's impression but I didn't take any actual notes on this. Anyway it grew from a baby into a small bug that can run around!! Again, very cute!!!
The bug ran up to Ishi to show him a nice flower he found! “Do you know what flower this is?” “Hahaha. Yes, it's called aconite. (In Japanese, torikabuto, “bird helmet” www)” and the bug's like “Wow cool!!” and then Ishi's like “By the way it's extremely poisonous hahaha” and the bug got scared and threw it across the stage www. Ishi had him do HaraKiyo and it was very cute www The bug has been watching this war go on and such and he wants to be useful. Ishi(?) tells him “well to be useful you have to work on your swords practice” but he only likes flowers, not swords. He wants to do something useful with flowers! Then Gohei came into the scene and wanted to learn swords from Kuri but he was like Nah. Then Gohei told a sad story about how war took everything from him, his parents got killed in a war and he and his little sister survived but after that they had no food and his sister starved and how now he has to be strong too. Then the bug asked Kuri to teach Gohei as well and Kuri had no choice but to agree to his lord (a very loyal sword? Kinda cute...) and bug and Gohei became friends? And the bug looked at Gohei's hands. “A-ah, this is embarrassing, I'm sorry, my hands are all hard from farming...” Meanwhile poor little Kuri-chan having agreed to this absurd demand is waiting at the corner of the stage. Ishi's like “Ah, is it ok to keep your sword teacher waiting?” and Gohei's like OH NO I'M SUPER GOMEN and ran after the very annoyed Kuri Kara. The bug looked at his own hands as he walked away. “My hands... are very soft...” Perhaps, I get the feeling that Ishi is feeling a bit melancholy here, but maybe that is just because of what is to come...?
Now Ieyasu is allied with the Oda forces and is participating in their battle vs. Azai Nagamasa. Again, Monoyon advisor tells him that luck is on their side...!
Nikkari is the best sword
Tonbon is still deeply uncertain about being a good replacement for his former master, Honda Tadakatsu, which is a problem because this is a battle where Honda played a pivotal role. Monoyon Sada-chan, reliable as all wakis are, thinks of a clever way to make him get it together. “Tonbo! There's someone who's been badmouthing your former master!” he says! Tonbon gets mad! Who is it!! Who is this guy!!! I will FITE HIM!! But Monoyon points to him and says “The one insulting your master.... is you!!” Basically to not believe in himself is insulting to the master who always trusted him as a weapon, maybe? Tbh I forgot what his point actually was OTL Anyway he gives him a pep talk about how he can be the best Honda Tadakatsu if he believes in himself and isn't dumb. Then Ton sings a song about he will become Honda and breaks into the enemy stronghold singlehandedly against like 10000 guys. Cool sword.
After a successfully won battle, we get a scene with Gohei and bug and Kuri, bug has a request! He wants Gohei  to teach him how to farm. Gohei says ofc!! but if it's okay, in exchange, he wants bug to teach him how to read. Ofc it's okay!! says the bug, and he doesn't know many yet but he'll do his best to learn new words so he can teach them to him too! then they sword together with Kuri, Ishi sings a song and we get another growing up montage, welcome Ohno Mizuki, thank you for your self.
WHY AM I HERE BY HIS SIDE WHY AM I DOING THIS IS THERE ANOTHER WAY Ishi says and aggressively rips out pages from his notebook. Bless
Suddenly Senbon shows up to a meeting of swords and Ieyasus and declares that he is now Ii Naomasa and he's going to join their team. Please stop your wicked ways. Also like no offense but.... why... what was the buildup to this change of heart......
And Nikkari saw that Ishi was stressin' out and not letting anyone into his heart so he tried to strike up a conversation and help him but he got rejected..... please fall in love............. let him support you in your time of suffering.....
SO HISTORICALLY it turns out that what happened is that this very bug that the swords have raised from childhood will be ordered by Ieyasu to kill himself quite soon...! Not only that, the one who assisted his suicide aka actually killed him was none other than Hattori Hanzo, currently being portrayed by our boy Ishi Kiri Maru. Oh no! Meccha trouble. No wonder the poor little big sword is so sad and doesn't have time for love :/ Probably everyone knew about this except like Kuri bc he doesn't make friends. As the sword who stayed by Ieyasu's side to the end, Monoyon remembers that Ieyasu always regretted this to the end of his life.... and even he isn't quite sure why he had him killed. A nice sad slow rendition of TKRB plays over this scene.
Now we're going to fight something! Cool!
Nikkari is the best sword
Bad guys from the time army thingy come for the first time in a while and they fight them, Senbon is kind of losing his chill but it's fine, also he definitely sat on an enemy uchi or something and spanked him
Swords are defending Ieyasu and bug and Gohei and sending them deeper into the building to hide from the bad guys, but bad guys keep spawning! Eventually all the other swords are distantly located and the only one left is Kuri-chan! He does his best to fight all the guys, alone, just like you wanted, right :? He kind of collapses in exhaustion after he finished off the last one... right? Except OH NO there was one uchi or something left and it ran up to stab Ieyasu! But!! Gohei jumped in front of it and took the hit, giving Karabou enough time to get back to his feet and finish the uchi! Rest in RIP gohei. “That's why I didn't want to be friends :((“ nice live viewing camera work slowly zoomed in on the Kuri's 1 (one) emotion.
Ishi comes out to visit and pray at Gohei's grave. He has a song about “I want to save you, but everything keeps spilling from my fingers. Why do we fight, I don't want to lose any more of the things I'm holding onto....” He fights with Kuri by unspoken mutual agreement and afterwards Ishi tells him his sword has gotten heavier. Nikkaraki comes out and tells him Ishi is praying not just for Go but for all soldiers and things and even enemies and just everything. “why is he fighting then” probably he wants to put an end to all war...
sad Kuri whose feels are now getting in the way of his ability to fight and he's dokidoki artichokey. He goes to give Go's grave a flower except then he doesn't. “Idk what will happen when no more war but..  maybe I want to see it!! And only then will I give you a flower” ok that's fine but what are you going to do with the one you have now tho
and the sad baby bug visits the grave, full of regrets...
Mononon is under attack! From bad Sengo “COME ON NO ESCAPING GET NAKED” “WHY DO I HAVE TO GET NAKED” “BC WHEN YOU LOSE IN PRACTICE FIGHTS YOU HAVE TO GET NAKED” “BUT I WON” “WELL THEN YOU SHOULD BE STRIPPING OUT OF SHEER JOY” suddenly Araki and Sengo gets a little panicked because he's here to foil his nefarious plot. “Haha, sh-shall we all get naked then?” Araki: “Ok but I only get naked after a fight” “o-okay GOOD CHANCE LET'S ALL GET NAKED” Monoyon: “Anyway what's so good about getting naked” “SHALL I SHOW YOU 8D” Ton: DO NOT BE FOOLED BY HIS EVIL WAYS then Kuri came out and Sen almost stole his heart(?) by pretending to be hurt but then he didn't. Then because all four of the great Ieyasu generals were together Sengo made them line up and pose for no reason. Nice
Ishi came in and asked if they were having fun “WE'RE NOT” Araki: “no it's fun we're lining up” “IT'S NOT FUN” “oh, well, that's very nice, suddenly I have to go kill the bug now so bye” nice transition
There's a big argument about “what Ishi are you really going to kill this bug!! He did nothing!! Can you really kill someone who did nothing wrong!!” and Ishi snaps back that it can't be helped! This is how history goes and we have to protect history! He is suffering so much :(((( Nikkari probably makes them let him go. After some discussion the other swords are going to go help him kill him(?) for moral support(??) and everyone's sad especially Monoyon, they tell him it's ok and he doesn't have to come, he should just bring luck to everyone instead of death. He trails sadly after everyone on their death mission anyway.
the bug talks to his father Ieyasu. He wants to be slain because poor Gohei's death traumatized him and because he doesn't have the determination to be in the war anymore. Can't deal. Can't hold a sword anymore. Dad shoves his sword back in his face and screams at him that he has to fight!! He storms off and Ishi comes to take his place, presumably to kill him. Cool bgm of that yurayurara song whose name I don't actually know. The Ishi's sword is half drawn and he is frozen as bug confesses his inability to succeed his father. But then he sings his lullaby and Ishi gets his heart broken. His sword slides slowly back into the sheath. “Hanzo, I have a request of you. Please kill me” <//////3
approximately 2.5 seconds after Ishi decides that he really can't kill the bug after all, the KBC arrives to ruin everyone's day. Thus begins a very difficult and long fight against the single OP enemy D||!! (Also. I have to ask. Is the KBC automatically dispatched without any other info on the situation as soon as a change in history is detected, or like. were there a big panel of KBCs monitoring the silly swords going about like forty years of child-raising like “well yeah technically they’re not supposed to be here doing this, but those other guys already screwed things up and I’M not about to become a surrogate sword parent, let’s just.... leave them alone for now....”)
Everyone is being tossed around but our very strong and sturdy ootachi is still standing strong! Ishi fights the KBC singlehandedly and declares his intention of wrecking the KBC even if he breaks in the process, kind of??? implied???? that????? he's getting corrupted or something???? something is very wrong, but then, the bug shows up and gets stabbed trying to save Ishi from KBC. Everyone fights KBC and Ishi yells over his fallen bug!!!!!!!
Then they all fight together, they say lines about getting hurt (awakened?) they all stab the guy and then suddenly light flashes out!!! Very similar to the end of Tenroudenmyu when The Thing happened.
Next, timeskip! to the day of Ieyasu's death. ;n; he is an old man! Monoyon shows up and Ie recognizes him as Mototada, then he sees Nikkaraki, “wow, you came for me too Tsunetsugu!” then everyone! “Wow, everyone! Sorry, I'm the only one who lived such a long life.....”
“I always hated war. Sorry for being such a pitiful and terrible aruji” the monoyon shakes its head nyuaaa “when I first held the bug, the bug who was happy with just a lullaby... I cursed even that small happiness. I wanted to bring war to an end.” gets out of bed “How's that!!! I did it!! I got rid of it!!!” “i wonder if this was for the best.... that it took this much spilled blood to make it here.... Nobuyasu... sorry....” and keeps apologizing over and over. Intention to keep calling for him until the end. Then a cloaked figure shows up, who is it? It is none other than our bug Nobuyasu, but! he has become Gohei!! A humble farmer planting his crops in peace! Nice!!! and the world is beautiful! The Ieyasu is so happy and he falls back into Mononon's arms, softly singing the start of the lullaby until he passes away. Monoyon starts singing with him but stops because he is in tears. Araki advises him to smile :)
They come back! Sen and Ton are arguing about Tokugawa stuff again, then they're going to practice fighting, then Monoyon, a Fool, wants to join and Sen says “Ok, but by the end we might both not be wearing a-ny-thing at all~~~” “W-Well that would be! A problem!” Monoyon runs away chased by the cackling Senbonzakura. Nikkari and Ishi are sitting down looking at Ishi's book, Ishi shows him his nice picture of him! “ehhhh~ so that's how you see me...?” Ishi is shocked www then he shows him Kuri “Ah yeah, I can imagine it perfectly” “right!!” “his face when he sees THAT” wwwwwww heartbroken. Then Nikkari sits next to him and looks at the gloomy Ishi and says “Ishikiri?” “Hmm?” and starts laughing until Ishi laughs back and they both laugh with big smiles on their faces!!!!!!! I love them!!!!!! Laughing is the best in the end!!!! (the cry of my heart)
Ishi writes some more stuff, then realizes he has to go to horse duty, accidentally leaves his book behind. Sneaky Kuri finds it, flips through it until he gets to a certain page, then softly smiles for just a second before he frowns again.
Everyone sings the lullaby song together!!! The full version! the end of the first act!!!! Very nice!!!
Act 2
Starts with weird vines and a haunted house? Why? I don't know. No one knows. Some nice dancing by our ensemble guys.
A cool song. I liked the Nikkari and Ishi kecha part, Ishikari is real. They all had cool black cape thingies and the lining of Senbon's was pink and beautiful. I love it.
“Shall we get naked?” says Senbon and they take off their first layer of clothes. another cool song. Centered by Senbon Muramasa. At the end he does a sexy dance move where Tonbon spins him around and he ends with his leg wrapped around him :) whoa. Muramasa fwamily.
The part where they determine who slacked off the most in today's musical. Tonbon says “I have never once slacked off in my life!!” unfortunately for him at the show I saw live he was chosen www Senbon or someone was like “so much for never slacking off 8D” hahaha. At that show, he said his “近寄らせはせん! ”(I will not let anyone get closer!) line except he followed it up with “...except for you, Aruji~♥” Thank you................. I love you..........
At senshuuraku, a miracle occurred and the sword chosen to say an embarrassing romanchikku line to the audience was none other than... Both!!!! Ishikirimaru and Nikkari Aoe!!!!!!!!! At the same time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I lost it tbh I was screaming alone in my house at 9:14 pm. Anyway they went back to back and took turns saying parts of their lines together and Ishi shot the audience to the heart with a bang and Nikkaraki blew a kiss and anyway Ishikari is real, thank you...
Nikka to Kuri: “I'm going to have you accompany me a while longer.” Araki/Zaiki duet. Endless Fighter? That was the primary Englishy bit in the chorus. Some mystery notes in there. Pretty catchy? I don't really have a good ear for songs to start with but this is the only one that I can still remember some of the tune and lyrics to which says something probably! :D;;;
Ishi and Mononon duet. A lot of high notes, I don't know that this was necessary? But it was cute, they're cute. Cute swords.
Tonbon solo, probably the best song(?)? Because y'all spi can SING. He was really cool and cute too :(((!!!! Wonderful!!!!!! Very much he deserved this solo!!!!
Soft and slow song with swords wandering through the audience. Ishi peekaboo'd the live-viewing camera wwww Kuri showed the camera an X because he doesn't make friends, thanks. There was a very important moment in the live viewing where Ishi was singing and Nikkari just kinda stopped and watched him with a really soft look..... Ishikari is real.....
When I watched it live, Kuri was going to walk down our aisle (where a lot of Kuri oshis were waving lights for him) but then he was like EXTREMELY NAH and turned around and went back to where he came from :T Brat. In character but like come on. At least Monoyon hung out at our area for a while and Ishikiri came and harakiyo'd some people, please purify me Ishikirimaru.........
Next they brought out the drums and the human actors and had some flag waving! Cute tokugawas!!!! Cool drums!
Next, everyone takes off their second outfit and we get a song that is not Otokomichi. Like it's a p good song, like, it would be really hype if it was a leadup to Otokomichi, but, it's not Otokomichi, so, what's the point...? why even have a sword musical? Without Otokomichi? Tbh
In Not!Otokomichi their little prop thingy they played with was a small version of one of those jingly shrine bell thingies where there's a lot of bells attached to the one thing? And it had like rainbow strings -u-! Great! Like this maybe vvv
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Finally we end with Touken Ranbu (song) drum version and the redressed swords sing a final reprise of it!! Right!! This is how you have to end the swords musical!! I'm lookin' at you Tenrouden!!!
At Japan senshuuraku, they announced a DVD for the live they held at Itsukushima Shrine on Miyajima, only a year after it happened but that's fine. Then they announced a new myu to be happening between November and January of this year, with no further information! That's fine! I didn't want to know what swords were appearing in this one, of course not! It's fine!!!!! Last, they announced Dream Live Swords 2017 for this December, to be held at Budokan and Osaka Castle Hall and Saitama Super Arena!! Holy cannoli!! Big houses for lots of swords!!! Please bring back all the swords for this but ESPECIALLY my Shinsengumi swords :V Please give Kanesan an ever larger audience for his haikus......... thank you.......................
Personal Rating: 7.5/10
I enjoyed it a lot! And I know for many people this was their favorite swords musical this far :O The casting as always was flawless, the only equally perfect casting decision to Araki Hirofumi as Nikkari Aoe that has ever been made is Ogoe Yuuki as Horikawa Kunihiro. And, I was happy to see it live! But, I thought Tenroudenmyu was superior in having bigger emotional moments as well as having overall catchier songs (esp. in part 2 ><). And, there wasn’t really anything in Tenrouden where I was like “ok but why” like there was in Mihotose. Also they took Otokomichi out????? I’m legit really upset about this lol. But, I also think there were some things this one did that improved on previous ones, like trying to share the focus more equally between all six rather than having two kind of leftover swords just hanging out in the background. And it very much feels like they’re trying to take the overall narrative somewhere rather than limiting it to the Swords Angst Over Their Former Masters plot we’ve had before, especially by bringing the KBC in. I’m really looking forward to seeing what they do with the next one...! *____*
Thank you for reading! Please share your thoughts on swords musicals as well! Discussions and dissenting opinions are always welcome *u*
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