#if you guys don't like this sort of mini challenge
Deep Water Challenge
Hello all weird and wonderful writers! This week, I thought it might be fun to host a mini-challenge where we turn the tables, and I give YOU a request.
Time to try your hand at micro-micro fiction. Write a 1-3 sentence prompt/'story', that has something to do with RAIN.
If participating, please add your submission either as a reblog or a comment on THIS POST, so we can keep all of them in one place and allow everyone else to look through them. On Friday May 17, I'll share my favorites in a separate post, tagging the authors.
As always, keep writing, and stay weird.
- L
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ftmtftm · 10 months
I know this is just sort of the nature of Tumblr and the internet in general, but I genuinely deeply, deeply resent the way reactionary, inflammatory behavior tends to get the most instant gratification type of attention from both those who agree and disagree with the subject matter in conversations about transandrophobia. It's blatantly obvious and it's childish / teenagerish in a way I am deeply uninterested in. Which sucks because it absolutely comes at the cost of the state of the transandrophobia tag being filled with types of rhetoric I find really distasteful.
It's part of why I've shifted focus into generally just posting more about gender and feminism with a focus on trans masculinity, rather than specifically posting about transandrophobia explicitly honestly.
I think a lot about an anon I got forever ago that essentially accused me of having a "holier than thou complex" or something along those lines and maybe there is truth to the fact that I like being mostly on my own over here in my own corner doing my own thing posting about feminism and gender - but I also genuinely just don't see any merit or meaningful function in being intentionally inflammatory or argumentative or poking bears with sticks for the sake of engagement. It's purposeless beyond the mini dopamine hit a ton of notes and support gets you and that's very much not the reason I made and continue to use this blog, you know?
It'll be interesting to watch though because I'm already starting to see a decline that is really actually echoing what happened with transmedicalist spaces in the 2010's.
A lot of transmed spaces, at least when I was initially being introduced to them, were actually full of a lot of people who were passionate about understanding more about medical transition - particularly the destigmatization surrounding trans masculine medical transition. There wasn't a lot of talk about dysohoria being necessary to transness or brain sex type stuff, so much as it was a lot of guys who wanted more research into different kinds of bottom surgeries, sharing information about top surgery options, challenging biased ideas about testosterone as a scheduled drug, etc. etc.
Then those spaces started melding with truscum spaces and the people interested in genuine medical advocacy began to jump ship because the reactionaries were becoming too much to manage.
I'm definitely starting to see something similar happen right now. And you know? I'll be deeply disappointed if something like that happens to the conversation on transandrophobia, but also? I'll kind of be unsurprised - especially given the fact that I have already unfollowed folks for bordering on things like transmed rhetoric themselves the last few months.
I won't stop posting in the ways I do in my own little corner because I believe in the things I say and the work I do on and offline, but it is fascinating and sad to watch this kind of thing happen again from the sidelines.
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fatedbutblinking · 1 year
imagine percy and a daughter of pluto being destined to fall in love - so in love that there's a prophecy about it. something that describes a love so strong that it saves the world. percy doesn't know a thing about it, but lupa told the girl about it in private when she was a kid, and that it clearly describes her in it.
so when percy gets dropped into camp jupiter, and she feels a connection with him so strong that it's almost unbearable, she is desperate not to fall in love with him.
she wants to save the world with her leadership and talent, not by falling in love with some guy. she's an esteemed praetor, the most skilled halfblood at camp jupiter, and she wants to be known for more than just falling in love. she doesn't even get how falling in love with him is supposed to change the world.
"lupa," she breaths, in a voice softer than a whisper, as she stares at percy from a distance. he is sparring someone, and winning. "tell me it's not him."
"it's your destiny," echoes in her head.
"him," she reiterates with a scoff.
"i'm just as surprised as you. but you'll do it. even if you don't want to, you will."
"i'll take that as a challenge."
so she literally doesn't want to fall in love with him because she's too prideful. and she's too much of a girlboss slay strong independent fighter shadow-sorcerer queen to back down to a prophecy.
meanwhile percy is absolutely besotted with her from the moment he steps into camp jupiter. of course he can't remember annabeth, only in snippets, but he loses those thoughts the moment he sees her.
he makes it goddamn clear how attracted he is to her. he constantly flirts with her, pesters her, challenges her to fights. she's got some pretty name like valeria and he calls her "val", which she hates. she's really hot, but in that hauntingly beautiful tim burton sort of way: big dark eyes, sharp cheeks, pouted lips and olive skin.
he doesn't understand why she hates him, considering the entire camp has already fallen under his charm. but that doesn't stop him from trying.
"let me take you out."
"you lost me on 'out.'"
"i didn't take you for an introvert. you're always shouting at people and fighting them so i thought you'd want to do something active."
"i'm not an introvert. i just don't want to go anywhere outside with you."
"how about inside?"
"absolutely not. you are not coming in my cohort."
"how about mine?"
"promise i'll make it worth your time."
"how oxymoronic. if you're involved, it can never be worth my time."
"did you just call me a moron?"
she is unable to contain her snort. "you're an idiot."
his sea-green eyes soften. "gods, val, you're so beautiful when you smile."
though she doesn't want to, she finds herself staring at him when he's not looking. she starts waiting impatiently for him to pester her, she starts looking forward to their brief chats. she feels butterflies when they graze arms. she likes the way he smirks at her at the end of a fight when she's beaten him to the floor. she likes how close their faces are. she lets him manipulate her into mini dates, like walks by the water, swimming with cute whales, cooking blue food for the campers.
she starts to fall for him and it scares her so much that she distances herself. percy finds out about the prophecy and finally understands it all.
one day they are fighting a massive monster that has somehow infiltrated the camp and he confesses her feelings to her, knowing a fighting scenario is the only place where she'd be close enough for long enough to actually listen to him.
"i know what you think of me," he starts.
"if you did you wouldn't be speaking to me right now."
"no. i know what you actually think."
"focus on the monster, seabrain."
"i know you like me."
"well, kinda. i mean i think you hate me too. but i also don't think it's that different from liking me."
"then you have a warped perspective on relationships."
"admit it."
"admit that you like me."
"there is a monster in front of us and you want to talk about this?"
"the whole camp wants us to talk about this. do you see anyone else fighting? no! they're too busy waiting for you to give me an answer!"
"everyone get off your asses and fight. right now."
nobody moves.
"don't be like that. just because everyone can see how good we'd be, except for you -- "
"fuck it. i'm in love with you. i've been in love with you since the day i met you -- "
" -- uh, yes. i wanna fucking be with you. i mean, i wanna do a lot of things to you, but to be with you? i wouldn't need anything else. just you, for gods' sake."
"gods, i wanna kiss you. i wanna kiss that look off your face. but i'm not gonna do anything until you tell me the truth."
"i don't know what to say."
"you love me."
"i don't love anything."
"i know, but you love me."
"i don't wanna prove the prophecy right."
"stop being stubborn."
"i can't just be known as the girl who fell in love with you, perce. i want more for myself."
"you'd never be known as that. you'd be known as the girl that i fell for. the shadow-slicing praetor that percy jackson begged to have."
"i guess that doesn't sound so bad."
they kiss passionately.
from then on, they're the it-couple on campus. they're always sneaking off and kissing, and percy is constantly all over her, kissing her neck, whisking her away.
everything is perfect until annabeth comes to claim him. they end up in camp half-blood with annabeth not knowing about her and percy. she watches as annabeth whisks percy away. percy's head is confused with his head and his heart.
she tells herself that she shouldn't have let herself fall in love with him. instead of letting percy break up with her first, she breaks up with him, saying that this is now real life. she will be known for more than just love, and he can have the love of his life annabeth back.
but percy doesn't feel that way anymore about annabeth. how could he? annabeth overhears the conversation and breaks up with him, understanding that he has feelings for someone else. he apologises over and over again because this is his best friend, but she accepts that they are only each other's first loves. and not the last.
percy wants her back.
the two camps are united in their decision to get them back together. although they don't have a lot in common, both camps adore either percy or the pluto girl -- they are their leaders -- and they want them together.
so percy makes another scene.
"i challenge you to a duel," he announces loudly to her, as campers gather around.
"jackson, i'm busy."
"i know. re-training people from my camp because you romans think you know better. fair enough. but i guess you'll have to re-train me, considering i'm actually greek."
"stop trying to wind me up."
"so it's working?"
"isn't it a rule at camp half-blood that children of the big three can't duel?"
"that's never stopped us before."
"it can this time."
"are you scared of losing?"
"get over here, jackson."
"don't worry. i'll go easy on you, deathbreath."
"that doesn't mean i will."
she swipes at him with her dagger, and creates a small cut down his arm.
"not so cocky now. stop missing, jackson, you haven't even grazed me."
"i don't want to hurt you."
"come on. hurt me."
"it's a fight, not a dance. hurt me."
"fine, don't! gods, i'm not going to fight you if you're not going to fight back. just leave me alone. i don't wanna be near you. can't you just let me be?"
"i've hurt you enough. i know i have."
"i don't know what you're talking about."
"but i promise you. i will never hurt you ever again. i will never make you feel anything but happy. i will do everything in my fucking power to make sure of it."
she laughs shortly. "it seems like everyone in our two camps will do anything to make sure of it."
there, she realises it.
she realises that them falling in love was the gods' sure way of getting the two camps to respect each other. swapping jason and percy around was only the start - to make sure the camps knew of each other. but her part? it was to make sure that both camps would love each other, would stick together no matter what, the same way her and percy would through anything.
their friends refer to her as the queen of both camps, as it is her that has truly brought them together. although it's not what she had planned to be infamous for, she accepts it, knowing that she has gained more than she sought out:
"you have completely confused my perception of reality," he continues, as if she hasn't already made her mind up. "i dream about you. all the time. every night when i go to bed i dream about you. but most of the time it's in the day, when i see you, when i smell you, when i know you're near. i knew long before that prophecy that you were meant for me."
"me too, perce. all of it. me too."
so they get together and everyone is super happy. even nico does a slow clap bcus he likes how it's the most dramatic thing he's seen. the gods are like crying up there watching them get back together like they're some kind of soap opera that they manufactured. but it doesn't matter to them bcus they're living their best life.
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whatitshouldvebeen · 11 months
GUN has really shot themselves in the foot with TCM recently. I'm going to rant beneath the cut, feel free to let me know your thoughts too.
I main family (Johnny, Cook, Nubbins, or Leatherface if our team needs it) with my husband and we absolutely hate going against 4 man squads. They bully the shit out of the family and then act like they won the Olympics as they t-bag at the exits until we come to watch their asses grind the dirt.
If they get the valve on, someone has to camp it the rest of the game. Often, two people have to guard it in case two victims team up to chain backstab the poor guy.
Now that they've hidden groups and levels, I feel really ambivalent about playing family anymore. I used to enjoy playing with lower level victims and giving them a fun game, letting them get away, and generally ensuring they aren't turned off from the game. Or playing against non-teamed high levels for a fun challenge. Now I have to treat every game like I'm going against the aforementioned t-bagging Olympic athlete Navy seal 4-man team and it isn't fun for me to try hard every goddamn game. But if I don't, and they do turn out to be a 4 man squad of level 80+, then I've fucked myself going easy on them. And you can be assured they will act high and mighty about beating me.
But it isn't even just four man squads. Let's face it—Texas Chainsaw maps are puzzles and most victims have them figured out. Now the entire game is patrolling doors and if you somehow miss them on your patrol they're out and you're fucked. You can't re-lock doors. You can't guard almost opened doors like you can generators in Dead by Daylight until they regress. And dont even think about going into the basement as anyone other than Sissy and Nubbins because they'll disappear into any one of the cracks never to be seen again and while you're fruitlessly chasing them, Connie has blown a lock and escaped.
And now they're nerfing Cook's ear stacking even though while he's stacking it he's literally standing still AND you can counter it by 1. Stopping running or 2. Clear all stacks by going into a freezer/dresser.
It takes minimum TWENTY MINUTES to find a match now, even if one of us plays Leatherface. And even though there's 1 family player per 50 victim players, the victims still treat us like they're hot shit and we're piñatas there to be beaten up for their entertainment. And that's not even to say we're bad, we're actually quite good at family. But when we do win, victims have some shit to say.
Not all victims are shitheads but so many of them are and I'm sure you non-shithead victim players have had to listen to your teammates rant at the family in the end game lobby.
And GUN is not making anything better. They could, idk, make it so only ONE fuse and ONE valve spawn on the map so at least the victims have to look a little bit longer. They could give the family a fucking mini map so we have knowledge of our own property. They could give us shirtless Johnny all-fucking-ready.
But no, we must instead suffer not knowing what sort of victims we're going against and completely annihilating newer players just in case they do turn out to be those four man 99 squads we so dread. As 2 players with a random, we just can't coordinate well enough to properly face off against a 4 man. They should make lobbies for full squads to go against full squads so solo q and duos dont have to be shit on, on either side.
Idk man. I love Texas Chainsaw. I have almost 300 hours in it. And I still have a MASSIVE crush on Johnny Slaughter. But... I think I'm going to quit. I'll come back and play for a week when new maps come out so we can all enjoy the freshness of no one knowing what's going on, but the moment that map is solved, I'm not gonna deal with it. Playing family is hell, most of the time I feel like the victim.
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spiteless-xo · 1 year
can i request a mini oneshot of the reader showing up at eren's doorstep late at night in the pouring rain?
she's crying to him telling him how much she misses him and how she was sorry after they broke up and he missed her too so they kiss and make up? all fluff pls and no angst cause the latest tbaw chapter was too intense. tyty ily
i've got a bunch of other requests in my inbox rn but i'll do this one first because i feel bad about the pain i've caused you guys 🙏 plz accept this as my apology
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╰┈➤ getting back together.
ft. eren/gn!reader. cw. unedited, angst (just a little tiny bit in the beginning). 1,200 words.
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Your heart is racing, hands gripping tightly around your hood as you shield your head from the rain. Of course, it's fucking raining, you think to yourself as you race down the street.
You can't sleep. It's only been three days and you know things take time to get better, but each day that passes just makes that sinking feeling of dread grow in your stomach. You feel like you've made a mistake — you know you have.
Self-sabotage is what Armin called it. Pushing away the one good thing in your life because you felt like you didn't deserve it. He deserves someone better than me, you thought.
"Who are you to decide what's best for him?" Armin challenged.
You stumble up the first few steps, catching yourself before you faceplant into his front door with an outstretched hand, but the impact of your palm on the wood makes a loud thunk!
Before you even get a chance to straighten yourself out, the door swings open. You clench your eyes shut tightly, teeth chattering from a mixture of nerves and the cold as you hear him say your name.
"What are you doing here?"
You blink up at him in stunned silence. What are you doing here? But he doesn't let you stumble around a response before he's reaching forward, wrapping his arm around your shoulders to drag you inside.
"Jesus, you're soaking wet — did you run here?"
He means it as a joke, but when you still haven't responded after he closes the door behind you, he looks at you seriously. "Did you run here?" he asks again, pushing back your hood to look you in the eyes.
You tremble under the weight of his gaze and suddenly you feel so stupid. "I'm sorry," you stammer, taking a shaky step backward. "I don't know why I'm here."
You slip on a patch of water on the floor, made from the rain spilling off your clothes, and Eren catches you before you fall back into the door.
"Take off your jacket or something. You should come sit down and warm up for a bit."
His kindness makes this worse. Even after you completely broke his heart, he's still treating you the same that he always has.
"Hey, are you ok? Are you crying?"
You bring a hand up to your face, palming away at the tears on your face and you wish you could lie and tell him it's just the rain, but your face is twisted into a painful grimace and there's no way to talk yourself out of that.
"Eren, I'm so sorry," you say quickly. "I'm so sorry. I don't know what I was thinking."
His brows furrow in confusion, hands still hovering over your shoulders from when he caught you earlier. You watch his gaze bounce between your eyes as if he can derive some sort of clarity in your expression, and you find yourself clenching your eyes shut in shame.
"I was stupid," you say, shaking your head. "I was so scared about how I felt about you and I thought that I didn't deserve you — I'm so sorry, Eren, I miss you so much."
"Is that why you ran here?"
You peek up at him with one eye, noting the amusement in his tone, and see him looking down at you. He's biting down on his lip to hide a smile and his face looks so soft and caring — the same way he's always looked at you.
"Yes," you admit quietly, feeling your face burning in embarrassment. "I was talking with Armin and I just... I had to see you."
He laughs and you feel your heart blooming in your chest. He lowers his hands back down onto your shoulders and pulls you tight against his chest. Eren presses his cheek against yours as he squeezes you, his voice soft against your ear.
"You could've called me — I would've come."
"I know," you choke, reaching your arms up to grab at his back. "Eren, I'm so sorry — I love you. I love you and I don't ever want to lose you."
This isn't the way you wanted to tell him that, but you feel like you can't hold it in any longer. Those three days without him were the worst days of your life and you can't imagine going another second without letting him know how you feel.
He lets you melt into him despite how soaking wet your clothes are and he laughs again as he presses his lips against your temple, softly breathing you in as you sob into his chest.
"I'm not going anywhere," he hums. "I love you, too."
Your heart stutters in your chest and you're so caught off guard by his words that you're cut off mid-sob. "You... what?" you ask, pulling your head away from his chest to look up at him.
You can hardly see him around the tears in your eyes but you can tell he's smiling at you.
"I said, I love you," he says, leaning forward to kiss your forehead. "Is that ok? Am I allowed to say that? Or just you?" he teases.
"Do you mean it?" you whisper.
He scoffs, lifting a hand from around your waist to cup your face. "Do I mean it? Is that a joke?"
"I just — I want to make sure..."
"I know, I know," he chuckles, brushing his thumb against your cheek before sliding his hand to cradle the back of your head. "I've loved you from the moment we first met. I've just been waiting for you to realize that you're in love with me, too."
"You're not mad?" you whimper, lower lip trembling as you try to hold back your tears. Your heart is pounding so hard in your chest that you feel like you're going to knock Eren away.
"I'm not mad," he says softly, kissing your cheek. "It's ok, baby — I knew you'd come back." He kisses your other cheek. "It's you and me forever, ok?"
Finally, you smile. "Yeah," you whisper. "I like that."
"Good," he hums, leaning forward to brush his lips against yours as he says, "I love you."
You press your lips into his in response and you feel safe and warm and welcome in his arms like this. He holds you tight against his body, deepening the kiss softly as you legs tremble beneath you, and he laughs against your lips.
"Are you cold?"
"No," you insist, leaning forward to kiss him again — but he pulls away.
"Come on, let's get you into some dry clothes," he smiles, kissing you again on the cheek before stepping away. You move to go follow him, but suddenly he's leaning down, catching your legs in his arm and lifting you up into the air bridal-style.
You squeak in alarm, wrapping your arms around his neck as he walks you through the house. "I don't want you to track water all over my floors," he explains, but he scrunches his nose in amusement at your distress.
"I can't believe you dumped me," he teases.
"I said I was sorry!"
"And then you ran all the way here in the rain," he snorts.
"Shut up!"
"What is this, a rom-com?"
"Does that make me Hugh Grant?"
You missed this. You missed him.
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Mod Talks Mini:
//Hey, so I want to just send a little bit of a message to people, because there's something I need to let everybody know in a professional and calm manner, since I've been seeing a lot of controversy and messages online from people about this sort of stuff.
//Don't worry, this isn't anything serious, but I'm saying this for the sake of everyone's safety out there. It is kind of an edgy topic, so I will keep it under the cut.
//I don't really know how I should start this conversation, but I guess I should be giving a bit of backdrop for it.
//I recently found an old article online (several years back, I'm not even sure how I found it) talking about some other internet article pricks dissing Trey Parker and Matt Stone, the creators of South Park, for those who don't know.
//As everyone no doubt knows, South Park is notorious for its irreverent humor, often crossing lines with its dark satire, inappropriate jokes, and willingness to offend...basically EVERYONE. The show touches on sensitive topics like religion, politics, race, and SO much more.
//Parker and Stone have been judged harshly for their edgy, boundary-pushing humor, with some labeling them as cynical or insensitive, but the article I read was explaining that despite the controversial content they create, Parker and Stone are known to be down-to-earth and good-natured in real life. They’ve spoken about how their intent is often to challenge norms and provoke thought rather than to offend maliciously.
//And I can confirm this, because a few years ago, I watched this video that has always stuck with me, because these guys know what it is they're talking about, and it's why their shows and all the other stuff they make together are so successful.
//This however, also got me thinking about some people that I follow on AO3, and...Yeah, I know that's a weird jump, but let me explain.
//Archive of Our Own is one of the most prolific fanfic and writing websites on the internet right now, thanks to it's simplicity, and a few other aspects, but I realized that on that website, it is also grounds for some of THE most fucked up writing I have ever seen.
//I think we've talked extensively about LadyRedHeart on this blog before; very much still one of the BIGGEST examples of this. Most of her content consists of rape, pedophilia, torture porn, incest, and about every horrible variation of NSFW content you could think of.
//What I read in her stories, because I have read some of them, is repulsive. But...I've also come to realize very quickly that RedHeart herself is not the genuinely fucked person that she seems to be in her writing.
//And then there's myself. In the past, I've been harshly criticized for writing characters like Kuripa, and even my portrayals of some of the canon characters, even though it's all supposed to be my own take on it. I remember people being really upset when they found out what happened to Hibiki, and then Himiko, and I had to deal with a lot of shit from some people back then.
//But it's fine. It all worked out in the end.
//But then there's the complete inverse of this, and this is the important part, because this is some of the stuff we need to keep our eyes out for. But this is also the more sensitive part of the post, so avoid the next 8 paragraphs if you don't like hearing about this. But here are a few examples:
//Bill Cosby is an American comedian, actor, and producer who was a major figure in entertainment, particularly in the 1960s through the 1990s. He gained widespread fame for his stand-up comedy and for starring in shows like The Cosby Show. The show was groundbreaking for its positive portrayal of an affluent African-American family and earned Cosby the title of "America's Dad."
//Cosby's legacy was severely tarnished in the 2000s and 2010s when numerous women came forward accusing him of sexual assault, drugging, and misconduct. These allegations spanned decades, with many women claiming that Cosby had drugged and assaulted them, and he was eventually convicted for it.
//Jimmy Savile was a British television and radio personality who became famous for hosting popular TV shows like Top of the Pops and Jim'll Fix It from the 1960s through the 1990s. For much of his life, Savile was seen as an eccentric celebrity and philanthropist who raised millions of pounds for charity, particularly for hospitals. He was widely respected and even knighted by Queen Elizabeth II in 1990 for his charitable work.
//However, after his death in 2011, numerous allegations of sexual abuse came to light, leading to investigations that revealed Savile had been a prolific sex offender for decades. He abused hundreds of victims, both male and female, many of whom were children or vulnerable adults. Much of the abuse occurred in institutions like hospitals, schools, and even the BBC studios where he worked.
//John Kricfalusi is a 68-year-old renowned Canadian blogger, illustrator, and former voice actor and animator. He is the brains behind several popular cartoon shows in the 1990s and early 2000s. Kricfalusi is best known for creating The Ren & Stimpy Show, which ran from August 11, 1991, to December 16, 1995.
//In 2018, Kricfalusi's reputation suffered after Robyn Byrd and Katie Rice, two former Spümcø employees, accused him of grooming and sexual harassment. The pair went on to say that they had been minors at the time.
//And then of course, there's fucking Dan Schneider, a more recent example. He's a television producer, writer, and actor best known for creating and producing several popular Nickelodeon shows aimed at teens and preteens, such as All That, Drake & Josh, Zoey 101, iCarly, Victorious, Sam & Cat, and Henry Danger. His work was highly influential in shaping children's programming in the late 1990s and 2000s.
//However, Schneider has also faced controversy, particularly regarding his conduct behind the scenes. In 2018, Nickelodeon cut ties with him after a long partnership, due to I believe now confirmed allegations of inappropriate treatment of young actors.
//The point that I am trying to make here, is that judging a person's character based solely on the content they create can be problematic for several reasons. And it's not fair to judge a person based on what they do, or what kind of content they make, or for what audience, because in some cases, that can be dangerous.
//In their work, artists and writers frequently explore a wide range of themes, concepts, and emotions that might not always align with their own ideals or worldviews. Through experimentation and investigation, art can enable creators to push limits and question social conventions.
//The context in which content is created is crucial. Factors such as cultural background, personal experiences, and the intended audience can significantly influence the content. Misunderstanding this context can lead to unfair judgments.
//Many creators view their work as separate from their personal identity. Their content may reflect characters, scenarios, or viewpoints that differ from their own. This separation is essential for creative freedom and exploration.
//And people are multifaceted. A creator may have both admirable qualities and flaws, and reducing them to their work can oversimplify their character and experiences. Preconceived notions about a creator can lead to bias, impacting how their work is received. It's essential to approach content with an open mind, allowing for a fair assessment of its merits and messages.
//Content that sparks controversy or discomfort can lead to important conversations about societal issues. Engaging with such content critically can promote understanding and awareness rather than condemnation.
//Anyway, I ranted about this for way longer than I should have. tldr; Stay safe, don't judge people.
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I'm a sucker for romance, so that means its time for relationship-related questions!
To the couples out there, how serious are your relationships? Is this person/Are these people someone you see a future with? For those that do, will you take all the other steps that usually comes in our society or do you like the way things are now? For those that don't, what is the plan after the job is done?
(Kinda mostly asking because I forgot if BLU Medic and Scout's relationship is serious... I know that they appreciate it more now but I think I also remember reading that they probably won't reach to the point of RED Heavy and Medic's relationship.)
- 🤡
All of the REDs are standing outside of the base, evacuated because of the upcoming demonic showdown about to happen between Athena/Queen gremlin, & Mini Pyro.
However, they're all still very happy to answer questions.
"Da, doktor & I are serious." Mikhail says, holding Emil in his hands while Ludwig holds Maria.
Jane is whispering to Tavish, but his voice is more at a stage whisper than anything else, "What do they mean by serious? We're married, isn't that serious?"
Tavish chuckles, "Aye, that's exactly what they meant. Us & Zhanna have tied the knot, so we're as serious as it gets."
Dell chuckles a bit at the question, "Well Jacques & Colette are already married, I've been told, but if they'll have me I'd gladly move in with them."
Jacques grins, "Are you sure you can manage a domestic life, mon chou?"
"I never back down from a challenge, French toast!"
Jeremy is tossing his baseball up & down into the air, "Dunno if I'm ready to get married & all that. Py said she's gonna go & get herself a house, & take care of her little sister once her contract is up again. I might go & help her out, it'd be better than having my own kids." Bug is sitting in front of the base, waiting for the fighting to start.
Mick stands next to Jeremy, watching the baseball, "I might go travelling for a bit once we're done with Mann Co., but I'm probably gonna go & settle with Bug & Jay after that, if they'll still have me. I've gotten used to the stationary life, but I miss travelling, & being on my own. I'll come back, though, I like the buggers."
Over at BLU base, the two resident couples have been asked the same question.
John scratches his beard in thought, "We can't legally marry, but there is no law prohibiting us from cohabitation. Ken is important to me, I wouldn't want to lose him, even if after our contracts are up we are no longer a couple."
James' reaction is a bit different, "Me? Staying with Fritz of all people? Ha! Don't make me laugh!" He looks around suspiciously, checking if the doctor is around, before leaning in, "Look, I love the guy, but until recently he was still super hung up over RED Heavy. I couldn't really imagine a future where we stayed in a relationship, it seemed like just a work fling. But... But now, after we came back, & after what happened with the RED Medic, Fritz has really calmed down. It's like I'm seeing a completely different side of him now. Like I'm falling in love with him all over again. If it was up to me, yeah, I'd say I like to stay with the guy, make him feel the love he never got while growing up. I just can't say if he would say the same."
In the BLU base's infirmary, Friedrich brings out a box, opening it up to reveal a ring, "It's simple, but James isn't the sort of man who would want anything fancy. Do you think he'll like it? Do you think he'll accept it?"
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blackhakumen · 11 months
Mini Fanfic #1146: Stormflower vs Senusal Temptations~ (RWBY)
9:35 a.m. at JNPRO's Household's Dining Room.......
Sun: (Takes a Sip of his Cup.of Coffee Ren Made For him Before Letting Out a Relaxed Sigh) A new day and the first day of November is now officially upon us, fellas. Which could only mean one thing?
Neptune: The Triple N challenge has finally commences?
Sun: You know it! (Clinks his Cup Together With Neptune's)
Ren: (Rolls his Eyes) Ah yes, the internet challenge everyone seems to be taking the most seriously for some reason. (Takes a Sip of his Own Cup of Coffee Before Glaring at Both Sun and Neptune In Front of Him) And the one thing Oscar SHOULDN'T have any acknowledge about.
Neptune: (Holds his Hands Up in Defense) Okay, in our defense, he DID ask us what it was first.
Sun: Yeah, and we only told him not to eat anything nuts related for the entire month, so it's not all bad, right?
Ren: ('Sigh') True. And Oscar doesn't seem to be questioning it more to say the least.....I just don't the overall appeal or the concept of it really
Neptune: The concept's pretty simple if you ask me. Just think of it like any sort of endurance round you can of, resisting yourself from any sort of seductive temptations that comes your way for only one whole month.
Ren: And that in a way tests how strong-willed you truly are?
Neptune: Exactly! (Grabs his Chin While Thinking) Now that I think about it, I can definitely see you acing the challenge out of the three of us here no swear
Ren: You eally think I have what it takes?
Sun: (Happily Nodded) Heck yeah, man! You're like one of the most calm and cool collected guy we know. If anyone can beat the challenge, It would most definitely be you.
Neptune: All you gotta do is never give up and trust in your instinct. It'll do you just fine in the long run.
Ren: ('Sigh') I'm still not a fan of a challenge. (Shrugs) But I suppose it wouldn't hurt to take part of it just this once.
Neptune/Sun: (Cheers in Rejoice) Ah Yeah!/Woo!
Neptune: That's the spirit we're looking for!
Sun: We believe in you %100, Ren!
Ren: (Smiles a Bit) Thanks. Appericate the support.
Sun: (Smiles Brightly) No prob! What bros are fpr, am I right?
Neptune: Feeling nervous already?
Ren: No, not really. So long as I stay calm, I have nothing much to worry about in hindsight. Plus, knowing my partners. I doubt they would do anything to break that flow to begin with.
As Ren takes another Sip of his coffee, unknowingly to him and the others, his lovers Jaune, Nora, Pyrrha are hiding behind the doorway, listening to conversation this entire time, all while forming devious grins on each of their face.
Needless to say, the challenge of endurance has officially begun.
An Hour Later in the Living Room
TV Screen: I'm Doctor McLovin~.............No you're not!
Ren: (Watches the Movie and Notices Nora Walking in the Living Room, Holding a Bowl of Various Sealed Snacks While Sitting on the Sofa) Did you get everything you were looking for, Nora?
Nora: (Happily Nodded) You bet your face i did. (Suddenly Let's the Bowl Drop on the Floor Before Letting Out a Fake Gasps) Ohhh no!~ I missed and dropped our snacks by mistake!
Ren: You need any help picking up?
Nora: (Smiles Brightly) Nah, it's fine. I got this. (Bends Down and "Tries" Getting her Snacks Up on the Floor While Swinging her Hips From Side to Side) You just sit back and watch the movie, Renny Bear~
Ren: (Raises an Eyebrow in Confusion at What Nora Was Doing) Uh....Nora, why exactly are swinging your hips for?
Nora: Oh it's just one of my many daily workout routines I do from time to time just stay in fit. You know what I mean, right?
Ren: Uh...huh. Just try not to overdue it, okay?
Nora: 'Kay!~
Ren ressumes back to watching the movie before a sudden clapping noise started ringing into his ears. His eyes eventually begins to widens as he turns to see Nora squatting down and efficently thrusting her hips in an up and down motion with a cocky grin on her face.
Ren: N-Nora!?
Nora: This is just another part of my workout routine, Ren, don't worry!~
Ren: (Couldn't Believe What is Happening Right Now) Really? TWERKING is one of your daily routines?
Nora: Yep!~ Gotta keep my butt looking nice and firm for you guys. (Gives Ren a Seductive Smirk on her Face) You especially, honey~ (Blows a Kiss at her Already Flustered Boyfriend)
Ren: .................(Gets Himself Up From the Sofa) I'm gonna get myself ready for training now. (Quickly Makes his Way to the Bathroom)
Nora: (Smiles Brightly While Still Doing her "Routine") Okay!~ Have fun!~ If you need me, I'll still be in here. In living room. Shaking my Big, Fat BUTT off!~
Nora's loud and hardy laugh was the last thing Ren hears before he close the bathroom door completely.
Three Hours Later Outside
Ren: (Sits Himself Down on the Ground While Panting) Okay. I think.....It's time we......take a break right now......
Jaune: (Sits Down Next to His Boyfriend While Letting Out Heavy Sigh) Yes.....Couldn't agree more.....(Smiles Softly) You did good out there, Ren. I'm really proud of you.
Ren: (Smiles Back at Jaune) Thanks. You've improved quite a lot since the last time we've sparred.
Jaune: (Chuckles Lightly While Rubbing the Back of his Head Back and Forth) I know, right? It feels like I'm making actual progress this time around. This is great! ('Phew') (Starts Wiping the Sweat Off of his Forehead) But all this workout and sparring in the sun is really making me thristy right about now. (Takes off the Shirt He Was Wearing)
Ren: You're....gonna have your shirt off for the rest of the session?
Jaune: Yeah. Just in case I need more breathing room and whatnot. You don't mind, do you?
Ren: No, no. Not at all. I don't mind.
'Door Opens'
Nora: Jauneeee, I got your water!~ (Throws a Water Bottle Towards Jaune)
Jaune: (Catches the Water Bottle with One Hand) Thanks!
Jaune takes the cap of the bottle and proceeds to pour some of the water down onto his head as it drips down towards his half-naked body. This surprises and even stuns Ren to the point where is perspective starts slowing down the moment his second partner begins to shake the water off his hair from side-to-side.
A lot has happened before the day of Salem's demise occurred, some of involves Jaune's growth and development as a full-fledged huntsman in a mental and definitely physical sense. Ren and the girls always find Jaune attractive, even before they started dating each other, but to have him looking THIS hot, irresistible, JACKED even, in SLOW MOTION of all things....It's too much for the poor man to handle!
He's supposed to be the calmest member of the team and yet he couldn't even handle lasting a few amount of seconds sitting next to his boyfriend without gawking at him?.....What the hell kind of madness IS THIS-
Jaune: REN!
Ren: (Instantly Comes Back to Reality) HUH- Um....uhh....Y-Yes, Jaune?
Jaune: You alright? You looked spaced out there.
Ren: Yeah, yeah. I-I'll be fine. S-Sorry about that.....
Jaune: (Smiles Brightly) Nah, don't worry about it. As long as you guys are the only ones staring, then I don't mind it all of that. (Fprms a Bit of a Seductive Smirk on his Face) That being said~ If you ever a more private....maybe even more of a....spicier kind of sightseeing, let me know. (Slowly Leans Closer to.his Boyfriend) I am more than happy to oblige to your every....waking.....command~
Ren: (Blushing Like Crazy Right Now) Y-Y-You don't say? Well, I uh...('Clears Throat') Will be coming back to with that offer....(Points at the House's Door Behind Him) Right after I get some refreshments for myself....(Makes his Way to the Door) So if you'll excuse m- (Groans While his Blush Turns Bright Red at What is Happening in Front of his Point of View) Damnit, Nora, why are you still twerking!?
Nora: (Happily Twerking on the Porch) Working out as always, Renny Bear!~ Nothing more to it than that.
Jaune: (Gives Nora a Thumbs Up) You're doing great, honey!~
Nora: (Happily Waves at Jaune) Thanks, Jauney!~ You're just as much as a hunk as usual I see!~
Jaune: (Chuckles Lightly) Indeed I am!~ (Turns Back to his Boyfriend) You think so too, right, Ren-Ren?~
Ren let's out one more groan before finally going inside the house, baffled at all the seductive chaos that is happening right now.
Five Hours Later Outside of Mistral Café.......
Ren: (Raises an Eyebrow at Pyrrha in Front of Him) You want to take acting class?
Pyrrha: (Happily Nodded) Mmhmm~ I've always dreamed of acting growing up, but it was soon replaced with me becoming a Huntress instead. So I figured now that I'm given a second chance of life, this would be perfect opportunity for me to give it an honest try. (Starts Twirling the Front of Her Hair a Bit Shyly) I know this is too much to ask, but would you mind being my acting partner for the time being?
Ren: (Smiles Softly) Not at all. I have little experience when it comes to acting, so you'll have to forgive me if I get rusty here and there.
Pyrrha: (Smiles Brightly) No problem!~ I'll do most of the dialog. You just follow my lead, okay?
Ren: Sure thing. Ready whenever you are.
Pyrrha: (Nodded Once More) Right! (Clears her Throat Before Getting Up From her Seat and Takes a Deep Breath a Seductive Look on her Face) Well, well....What do we have here?~
Ren: (Simply Nodded to Pyrrha, Going Along with the Acting) Evening, ma'am.
Pyrrha: Good evening to you as well, stranger~ Please Pardon my intrusion. (Brings her Chair Over to the Other Side of the Table and Uses it to Sit Next to Ren) I was just walking around the city with my lonesome self and couldn't help but noticed this fine, dashing gentleman such as yourself, spoiling my viewpoint~
Ren: (Starts Rubbing the Back his Head Back and Forth) Well, Nora always did say I was the most gorgeous man in the entire planet. The name's Ren by the way, in....case you were wondering.
Pyrrha: (Giggles Softly) Is that so?~ Well, Ren, I may be new arounf these parks.....(Plave her Two Fingers under Ren's Chin, Slowly Rubbing it Sensually) But I believe that gorgeous men such as yourself, should be treated with the upmost care and affection, in a literal sense of course~
Ren: (Blush Appears on his Face Yet Again, Right on Cue) Y-You don't say?
Pyrrha: That's right~ In fact, since I'm in very good mood today, I suppose it wouldn't too much to give your reward right now.
Ren: R-Reward......R-Right here?
Pyrrha: Yes~ (Slowly Leans Closer to Ren) Just one....little....tiny.....lovely....reward~
Pyrrha starts puckering up her red shiny red lips until......
????: Excuse me?
Pyrrha: Ah! (Immediately Gets Startled Before Turning to See the Waitress Standing Behind Her and Ren) Uh....Y-Yes sir?
Waitress: (Bows at the Duo with a Bit of a Sheepish Smile on her Face) Apologies for interrupting, you two. I forgot to ask what kind of beverage you want with the food you ordered.
Pyrrha: (Sheepishly Smiles Back at the Waitress) I'll just take a glass of water for the today please.
Ren: (Still Trying to Comprehend What Just Happened) Water for me too.
Waitress: (Smiles Brightly) Spendid!~ I'll have it out for you two in sec. (Points her Finger Gun at Pyrrha Before Leaving) Love your acting by the way.
Pyrrha: (Happily Waves at the Waitress) Thank you!~ ('Sigh') That was pretty intensed there, huh?
Ren: (Place One Side of his Head onto the Palm of his Hand) In more ways than one....I had fun regardless.
Pyrrha: (Stares at Ren For a Brief Second Before Smiling Softly) I'm so glad. We should definitely do this again soon. (Forms a Flirtatious Look om her Face) But with....more passion next time around, yeah?~
Pyrrha let's out a soft giggle before winking at Ren, leaving the poor man even more flustered in confused than he was before.
Later That Night........
Ren: (Slams his Hands on Two Sides of the Sink While Looking at Himself in the Bathroom Mirror) ('Slam') I can't keep going on like this. The day hasn't even ended yet and I'm already losing every bit of focus I had left investing in this dumb challenge! (Takes a Very Deep Breath Before Calming Himself Down] Okay, calm yourself, Ren. Remember your meditation training: Be as calm and soothing as the raindrop, but as vigilant as the roaring winds. This might be difficult to endure, but it's fine. You got this.
Ren closes the bathroom door behind him before making his way to his bedroom room.
Ren: Besides, I doubt there's anything else those three would do to past up the-(Eyes Suddenly Widened and Glares at What us in Front of Him) What the fuck!?
JNP: (Wearing Their Respective Bunny Costumes, Happily Waving at Their Boyfriend) Hiiiiii Ren!~
Ren: (Almost at a Loss For Words) D-Do I even wanna know what's going on right now?
Jaune: Oh it's simple, really. We just found out that this is the Year of the Rabbit.
Pyrrha: (Happily Clasps her Hands Together) And we figured what better way to celebrate than have a little fun with bunny costumes we've ordered.
Nora: (Forms a Cocky Smirk on her Face as She Pulls Up a Green Bunny Suit) We even got you one to wear too. No doubt it will look very sexy on you in every way~
Ren: (Groans While Pinching the Bridge of his Nose) I can't believe I'm going to ask this......Are you three actively trying to get arise out of me because of the No Nut November Challenge?
JNP: ('Gasps') Whaaaaat?
Nora: Noooooo~
Pyrrha: Of course not!~
Jaune: That's absurd, Ren! How could think we would stoop this low into-
Ren raises an eyebrow at his lovers in silence.
Jaune: ('Sigh in Defeat') Okay, fine, you caught us.....
Nora: (Starts Twiddling Her Fingers Around) We might've spied on you and boys talking about it early this morning....
Pyrrha: We didn't mean to make it difficult for you!~
Nora: (Turns to Pyrrha) Oh come on, Pyrrha. It was intentional from start to finish
Pyrrha: Right. W-Well....(Quickly Bows at Ren) P-Please forgive us for pervertedness, dear!~
Ren: ('Sigh') Take it down a notch, Pyrrha. It's fine.
Pyrrha: (Eyes Begins to Sparkle) Really?
Ren: Really Really. I should've been more mentally prepared from the beginning. Then again, I wasn't expecting either of you to go out of your way to break me down.
Jaune: (Chuckles Sheepishly).What can we say? We like ourselves a new challenge ever now and then.
Nora: (Smirk Grew Wider) Though, I must say, seeing you get all flustered like that really brightened each of our day up more than it should~
Ren: Well, I guess it's nice to see you all are having fun out of all this at least. ('Sigh') As for myself, I believe it's safe to say that this challenge has done nothing but exhausted me immensely.
Jaune: Throwing in the towel already, bud?
Ren: Yep. (Starts Stretching his Arms and Body From Side to Side) Rather admit defeat than prolonging this foolishness any further. So in the meantime......(Spread his Arms Out Wide) Give your best shot. All of-YOUUU!?
JNP happily pulls Ren into the bedroom as they finally begin their fun together for the rest of the night. No doubt Sun and Neptune will definitely have a field day about all of this in morning, but that's something he'll worry about later.
All the stoic huntsman can do now is to relax and enjoy the sweet embrace of failure and defeat greeting him with open arms.
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shapa-likes-art · 1 year
aha! i have returned! with more supervillain au asks! >:D
What if they started dating before Virgil found out Roman was the Phantom? It'd probably be a lot angstier I'd assume lol
What was their first date like? I'd take Roman for the classy guy to take them out to some expensive fancy restaurant, but then something more private and romantic after, but could you confirm lol?
do they have arguments often? (i probably know the answer to this already but asking anyway lol) if so, how do they get resolved/how do they fix them?
i don't really have anymore official questions tbh but if there's anything/any tidbits or mini fun facts you'd like to add/rant about use this as an opportunity to do so!! id love to hear anything :D
Hello :3.
1. I feel like Skye (@thunderholtz ) and I have talked about it before but I can't remember clearly haha
I feel like they'd feel kind of betrayed but I can't recall much about how exactly it would go I feel like skye would be better equipped to answer.
Roman would probably be very calm and resign himself to accepting that Virgil might leave him and they they'd be hurt and angry and so he's prepared many methods on keeping Virgil with him or having them keep secrecy.
2. Their first date wasn't all that classy imo
Roman knew that Virgil would probably prefer a more chill and casual date than to a big and extravagant one. He might reserve a table at One of Virgil's favorite restaurants and after they take a small walk and then they go over to Roman's to cuddle and talk while they watch a show. Very sweet and chill.
You're not too far off! :D.
3. They do not <3
They might bicker sometimes and challenge each other with stupid and silly stuff but they almost never get into huge arguments.
Both of them are very logical so whenever they start to have a beginning of an argument they pause and go into separate rooms to calm down before meeting back up in the living room and calmly and carefully discuss and talk it out.
They get resolved so quick and without much frustration you can barely call it an argument. They just end up cuddling and exchanging affection.
They might have play-arguments however because they don't have any often. Its mostly them being silly and overdramatic bddjdbfb
Skye and I joked that they once had a "breakup" where they did one of their play arguments that ended with "GAAASSP how dare you, we're over >:0!!" and both know it's all a joke.
One of them acts offended and leaves and they pretend that they're spending time away from each other before they get bored and call the other back and they reunite with a playful kiss and monologue and they continue their lives like normal hahaha
4. Skye and I have many aus of this au it's insane
Right now we're talking about an AU where Roman's royalty and Virgil was hired to be his assistant. Because of circumstances, they start fake dating and because of Dominic and Analyn they get engaged.
We like to do silly things and concepts with this au. In every au of this au, Roman's still phantom and still some sort of heir and Virgil's still Nonbinary and still some sort of Journalist.
We also had an au where they met in high school in a boarding school and they were kind of Rivals <3.
You're free to ask about the aus of this au hahaha
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whatalovelymae · 2 years
Get to Know Me - Redacted Listener Edition
Thank you to the lovely @dwead-piwate-meggers for tagging me to do this! ♡
Favorite Listener Character? Freelancer and Lovely
│FL was my first listener ever, and I just love their character development overtime. And I just feel such an attachment to Lovely for some reason, like they're just so lovable and you just find yourself constantly rooting for them. I also have to mention Sunshine and Sweetheart who I also adore.
Listener Character I Relate the Most To? Honey and Lovely
│My best friend is basically Guy minus the romantic attraction lol, so I can relate to Honey in having to (lovingly) put up with an absolute ball of chaos. And with Lovely, I think I relate to them the most on a personal level, being sort of a lost young adult, and I just really see them as a kindred spirit (as weird as that may sound to say about a fictional character lol).
Favorite Listener Character to Write For/Read About?
│Hmmm. I would say for me, writing for Lovely is the easiest because I just have so many ideas for them. But as for reading, tbh my favorite fics are when authors sort of include several of the characters in ways they wouldn’t usually interact in canon; like my worlds are colliding lol.
I Want Their Life: Freelancer
│Apparently I don't have as much self preservation as Meg lmfao, because I just wanna be apart of the D.A.M.N crew SO BAD. Like what can I say, I just love them with my whole heart and soul. Would I sustain permanent emotional damage from seeing someone I know die in front of me and having to comfort my partner through excruciating emotional pain? Sure, but I would get to hug Huxley whenever I want, play mini golf with Damien, play DnD with Lasko, bake with Caelum and wake up next to Gavin. I would say that's a fair trade.
I Have Their Life: Baby or Honey?
| Uhmmmm idk, my life isn't cool enough to be any of theirs lol. Maybe Ollie's Babe because its relatively normal? But like I said, I do have my own version of Guy so maybe Honey, too.
I Want Their Powers: Sweetheart
│Biiiiitch I would absolutely love to be a stealth! As a generally quiet person who has ✨ anxiety✨ being able to just cloak and sneak around without being seen is literally my dream lol.
Comfort Listener Character? Lovely and Freelancer
│Lol are we surprised? Vincent and Gavin are absolutely my comfort characters, I always listen to Gavin's comfort videos when I'm having a bad day, and Vincent is definitely my go to for sleep aids and encouragement audios. I just feel very at home when I listen to them.
Ummmm this took forever and got really long lmao, so thank you for making it through the whole thing if you did lol <33
Copy the bolded bits and put your answers in! You can answer the same listener for more than one, or make it a challenge and use each only once, and you can answer more than one per item if you really can’t decide lol
You can explain why you chose who you did or you don’t have to!
Tagging: @star-sheeps @gavinshorns @morgansplace @daisyyy-do
I just chose some accounts I really love, and who I don’t think have been tagged yet. I hope y’all don’t mind the tags! <333
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far-side-skies · 2 years
Storm Hawks Bird OC Challenge - December 2022
Hey folks! Once again, sorry for the wait on this prompt, but thank you to everyone for being patient.
Happy holiday month everyone, this month we're looking at chickens! As an homage to the three French hens from the song, we're specifically looking at the Ardennaise chicken.
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The Ardennaise is named for the Ardennes region of France, and has experienced several periods of decline over the 1900s, but was successfully bred back into existence in the late 2000s. It was first described as a specific breed in 1882, at a point when it was already at a decline. A bantam and a tailless variant also exist, but are even rarer than the original breed.
I can't wait to see what people come up with for this one. Because of the delay in this prompt, the deadline this month is Saturday the 31st of December. And as always, the challenge rules and some extra images are included below the cut, including an optional colour pallette. Have fun guys!
Minimum requirements for drawn entries to be put in the winner's vote are a name, occupation, the character's home/birth Terra and at least one paragraph (or about 100 words) of written backstory.
Minimum requirements for written (i.e. written dossiers without art, or mini-fics for the character) are 500 words including backstory and appearance. Feel free to make a mini-fic out of this challenge, I'll make sure to link it with the final collage as well.
Entrants who are part of the Storm Hawks discord server will have the chance of getting a custom role for the next month! If you’re not part of the discord server, please ask for an invite if you’re interested.
You're not expected to create a character from scratch for this challenge. If you've got an older character concept that's been collecting dust or that you'd like to take the opportunity to revamp, feel free! The goal of this challenge is to inspire people.
Make sure to tag me in your entries and also DM me with a link to your entry. Tumblr is not always reliable about notifications for this sort of thing, and I don't want to risk missing anyone's entries, so better safe than sorry.
The group collage of entries, and the winner's vote are opt-in. Participation of those parts of this challenge are not mandatory.
The winner of the vote will receive a free sketch piece of their character from me.
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monty-glasses-roxy · 1 year
A game for the animatronics as a character study to see how they would each go about it? you can do as many as you like or just Roxy
What are their hide and seek strategies? For both hiding and seeking
Ohh okay so. Hide and seek strategies is a fun one.
Roxy is not allowed to play regular hide and seek. Her normal vision allows her to see through walls, her sense of smell, her great hearing... yeah it's not a fair game if she plays. They get around this with a blindfold so she has to actually search for people instead of just knowing where everyone is. Like, sure, she can only see so far, but it's still way too big an advantage. Roxy prides herself on a fair game so she has no problem with this, and was actually kind of hesitant when Sunny suggested a blindfold to let her play too just in case it still wouldn't be fair. All this to say, her strategy is a bit different to everyone elses. Assuming this is a game between the animatronics and she's making it fair with the blindfold, she counts very quietly so as to listen in on where everyone is going. She sneaks around as quietly as possible and tries following scent trails. With how quiet she moves, she has a tendency to sneak up on the others and their shocked gasp usually gives a bunch of them away if she hasn't already locked onto where they are. She has to touch someone to consider them found so if it's just her fellow animatronics she's playing with, she pounces on them every time. It's just more fun that way
In terms of hiding, her strategy is to just be as quiet as possible. Sometimes she sneaks around right behind the seeker just to see if they'll notice her. It's her favourite strategy when Monty's being cocky about his hide and seek skills because the guy never learns to just turn the fuck around lmao. But her usual strategy is usually to go to a shadowy corner, under a table or in a box of sorts. They were playing this in the Raceway once and she hid inside a forklift cab in a dark corner and when they loudly shouted they gave up, she scared the shit out of all of them by driving the forklift as fast as possible out of the shadows directly towards them. She got a good kick out of that lmao
I think the most fun version for her would be when she plays this with the Minis. They smash the cymbals together and then scatter and it can be so confusing at times but very challenging. She can play regular hide and seek with them anyway though since they for some reason don't show up through the walls - potentially because they're not integrated into the network or whatever - so that's fun. They're fast little shits too so it's more fun to catch them but given her wolf programming and the fact they're the size of a small prey animal... yeah she can get a bit carried away sometimes when she catches them. She'd never hurt them intentionally, but she's for definite gotten a little too swept up in the game and nearly cost them a limb or something. She never hides when they play anywhere but the salon tunnels. They don't like being out in the open on their own :(
Oh you know what, I bet Roxy would be real scary in those dimly lit salon tunnels. They're designed to be like caverns and shit so there's plenty of places to hide and if she just turns the lights off... just two amber eyes shining in the darkness would be a little intimidating if you didn't know who it was. And then the scittering of the Minis as well? Oooo I bet that's a fun Halloween game lmao. Maybe not in pitch black though. Just very dimly lit with a few areas completely dark. That'd be fun
I'd do the rest of the animatronics but. I'm tired and I gotta get up in the morning-ish so that'll have to do for now. One last thing though: I bet a lot of them would prefer the game Sardines which is hide and seek but there's one hider and as the seekers find them, they have to join them in their hiding spot. They deserve to all be in a giggly pile somewhere as Freddy or whoever walks past them for the thirteenth time as they try and silence each other to no avail lmao
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RubberSam Character Analysis
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Type: Character Analysis
Requested By: N/A
Reader: Gender Neutral
Author's Note: My first post on my new blog!!! Hope you guys enjoy it. I am constantly trying to improve my writing and any feedback greatly helps :)
-Mod Sam
When people first meet RubberSam, he usually comes off as rather grumpy as if your presence is a burden to him. Don't take this to heart however. RubberSam isn't very good at making new friends since his intimidating stature usually drives people away. Sticking around already means a great deal to him, and he will try anything he can to stay friends with you. Slowly he will open himself up more, however, if you share an interest with him, he will perk up and delve into an hour long discussion about it. If you wish to share your own interests, he'll gladly listen up, but if you want him to partake in some of these activities, you're gonna have to push his buttons a little. He never turns down a challenge, so he is gonna do everything you wanna do at 110% even if he ends up making a complete fool out of himself.
Many people don't know this, but RubberSam absolutely loves golf!!! Whether its standard golf, mini golf, or even frisbee golf, he loves partaking in the sport. Every Saturday he heads down to the local golf course to play a few rounds. Since it's so close to where he lives, he drives his own golf cart down there. Be warned, if there is golf involved at an event, he will show up in his signature golf outfit that he wears with pride: A white button up with a purple and yellow argyle sweater vest, khaki shorts, and a brown flat cap. When it comes to golf, he is VERY competitive. If you're someone that plays for fun, it may take him a while for him to notice, so you may need to tell him if it makes you uncomfortable. Never played before? No worries! He'll gladly teach you. He'll even do the unthinkable and go easy on you!!! That is... until you get the hang of it.
Besides golf, he loves being outdoors in general. It puts him in a better mood taking in all the fresh air and the pretty scenery. Hiking and camping are two of his favorite activities, and he's always looking for new destinations. Wanna hear something unexpected? He loves to birdwatch. Any time he's doing something that involves being outside, he brings a leather notebook with him that he uses to document every single bird he's seen. It's not something many people expected RubberSam to have extensive knowledge of, but nevertheless he loves it.
Seeing that you are one of his few friends, there is nothing he fears more than overstepping anywhere. He does not want to lose you or make you upset in any way, so he may be overly cautious when he is faced with unfamiliar situations. He also does NOT like heights. If you invite him to an activity that involves any sort of height, there is a very small chance he might try it if you somehow manage to convince him. Otherwise, he is gonna gladly cheer you on from the ground.
Things He Likes
-Disney Princess movies
-Peanut butter
-The smell of patchouli
-Playing checkers
Things He Dislikes
-The smell of lavender
-Crowded spaces
-The color orange
-Waiting for more than 20 minutes
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the-firebird69 · 19 days
A 1970s Car That's Quicker Than Modern Supercars? DeTomaso Pantera
I like the name and I know whose car it is. Is my sister Mary
And it is that particular car it's really Hera's and it is a number one for her the black one that he almost put up his number one and these guys would like to drive them at some point a little bit and we know that they do like them and it's a hot car it's a muscle car and it's a super car and a sports car and it's a world famous these things are famous and they won races they were very fast and the race. They're still very fast. We were putting this up there and talking about automobiles and we're trying to narrow down what we're going to do and we're recycling automobiles and we are finding some chassis and drivetrain intact and in good shape I accept you pull the body off usually they're in the junkyard because they have a problem and so you find a few that run and the body is ruined and usually the engines a little older but sometimes you find them did the engine and transmission or not when you're dealing with this kind of number you will find plenty that are half decent and we will of course be able to build kit cars and these guys in the perimeter too will be able to do that Tommy F was already saying all the Camaros The challengers the chargers and all the cars with the motors out right now and they're putting tons of them out from the north the West area of the country it's really this big huge area some of it goes into the Midwest a little most of it's not it's more or less Oregon Washington Northern California and Stan is not touching any of it and they're taking practically all of it it takes too long to sort this I will sort it on the truck and they're doing it too there's a word for it they're organized other people are seeing it they're actually watching them pull and they're going to start. It's going on right now these guys need to be mobile for some reason and they don't understand why but we do they tried to move out of here to move in and they couldn't do anything. So our son is showing these mini bikes with big gas tanks and he's got the goober helmet we used to have with his Kawasaki and the Big Hawaiian is there with a goober helmet a big ball and he's got the intercom line with the small fuzzy round ball for microphone her son is this dunkin' donuts and it's in this drink holder from his Kent bike on the mini bike and he's ready to roll real sleepy saying he's ready to roll to the Big Hawaiian who says okay we're getting ready cuz 100 mini bikes is kind of on the road and a blue smokes everywhere yeah that happened.
So they don't have any way to get around so they're going to go ahead and do this but they are going to make kit cars and they have a few that they like and they're mostly newer like the Lamborghini that we were talking about and in cars like that that are obscure but they're really fast holes Hull and they're going to go ahead with that they're already separating them as they're driving in and when they're picking them up and it is such a site to see these guys a Happy about it they're working and it's better. It's kind of fun just imagine it's running with the pack and they get pulled over and the cops trying to grab the Big Hawaiian and son thought he was trying to do it cost him it was really a cop behind him see Francis the cops and it's like seven of them and he goes okay let's go over there and then leave on their mini bikes and they sell them with the GoPro for like 20 minutes just riding on the road because it takes forever and then the big line has to explain what he did and I sudden sometimes blacks out a little like he doesn't really remember and it's to help him and we do it on purpose who is in the cops flying through the air flies cuz he says you get back and it was really Tommy f who was attacking as cops. Is on the ground going oh thanks again by the cramer. I tell you what they kind of laughing it's funny cuz it happens a lot but it's really the right home and our sun is like he's amazing if he's kind of nervous saying boy oh boy this take forever and it's like he hasn't even moved since it's the same scene then an e-bike goes by them both and it's probably Trump racing up to get into his copy uniform on the e-bike
So I guess I'll probably driving motorcycles and he said yeah and trucks and things like that and we can't get up there really and they keep saying don't touch it and stuff so we could have but we have a ton of them and we're going to start pretty soon with a few more than do and it's going to be very helpful and we'll go grab the motorcycles too they have to make a motorcycle engines even just sitting out there for a month they ruined but the rest of it's okay so he says would a 25 horsepower Briggs & Stratton work it would work on some of them is about 20% of them that are rebel Honda rebel size and the 25 horse will work right now and a Honda rebel it's around 20 horsepower and it doesn't have as much torque that's about 18 torque and the Briggs & Stratton 25 has 35 foot pounds and it makes a big difference so yeah we're going to get those ready and from lawn mowers and we know how to put the cooling system on and exhaust and it really is going to work and we're going to use them we have to and regular folks are down there they're going to do it so I guess we're going to start gathering
Thor Freya
I can see a thin line of them going to the areas out here in the Midwest and they're going out there now and they heard the jokes and they are actually clones and people out here are kind of touch you about it so they'll probably fight a little but they have their own areas
Nuada Arrianna
There's some other things happening too but really in the midwest they're starting to get up and other areas will get up soon and they are going to start to grab these things and I literally in the midwest there's like three areas up and all of them will be soon they're getting worried and now they see the clothes today the clones are doing it
Thor Freya
And we do have a report that they are out there getting out to their stuff and they're doing it right now and it's a whole bunch of people they have reason to believe they might have to exit and evacuate
Zig Zag
This is really great it comes at a good time and we needed it real bad and we're going to make huge factories so I'm going to order that now because we don't have time to make small ones and we need to grab some mega factories and make complexes out of whatever we can medium factories and just make big complexes and start doing this and he says we have to start to do it but we need to have huge ones so it's going to begin
There are several Pontiac plants where we are I will in the Midwest and other plants like it elsewhere in the middle areas. We do understand that this is a model so going to try and present to grab defunct factories to part out cars and to rebuild cars and to revealed car parts visit there are plants that you can use that are really ideal for it I'm painting is one of them so we're going to head and we are going to open those we have several towards the West near those five cities there's like three in each they're not mega factories but they're together they're probably about a large manufacturers are very large and they're pretty big and they're not inside the city limits no they're out past and they're in a rural areas but we're going to open them and hire people out there I think we should start tonight and we have to compete with the clothes
Thor Freya
Well you guys are useful this is going to be much better and that was horrible and then again we need the automobiles in case you guys decide to leave to come back
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girlwholovesturtles · 7 months
The Great Beast
Okay, I assume this is the Hunt domain? I'm worried we're gonna see Daisy and it'll be sad.
Fecken Wimdy?
Shadow? We just did the Dark, soooo...
I'm realizing that this is not the Hunt domain... what the hell fear is this?
The Vast? I only assume the Vast because of all the wind? Oh, wait, Jon just called the being vast. I'm guessing that's right then.
OH! So this vast monster is a collection of people who have been made into sort of a massive flesh golem. Hate that... Though it does remind me a story I heard of forever go. Can't remember the name but it was like two cities/town joined together and make monsters out of their own bodies and then they fought to kill each other. Two guys saw it, with one mystified and wanting to join the mass and the other horrified and killed as a result of the thing.
Oh, this all just sounds so bad but I guess that's the point. NO! I don't like heights! Don't want to think about any of this.
Really? I honestly don't think I would want to be alive in this world. I think I would choose death in literally every one of these domains.
"Is it much further." Martin, hon, it's the Vast, it's gonna be far. Oh, god, Jon just said the exact some thing!
Okay, don't be snippy.
What even counts as a day here? Martin asked that too! I'm on fire today, apparently... and Jon doesn't have an answer. Lovely.
These two are adorable.
Wait, Simon? Like Fairchild? Oooooo! Are we gonna get more old man murder?!
WHAT?! Crash? Did Simon just crash land in front of them?! Sir?!
Why are you still so delightful?!
I'm laughing so hard, this guy is just kinda fun to listen to. I want to hate you sir but you really are a fun character. He's so flippant and if he were around all the time it would probably get quite grating but right now he really is just fun to listen to.
Oh my lord! Pause!
More of this "no one is actually important" nonsense. That's the big thing I don't like about all the powers that be in this story, they're all so convinced that no one actually matters but it's so infuriating to listen to. I have some pretty strong opinions about the idea here and I don't care for the idea that people are inherently worthless unless they serve some greater power. I assumed that the series' story would challenge that idea at some point and I suppose there's still time to do so but it does feel like it's dodged acknowledging it so far.
Alright, unpause.
Wow, Martin, straight into the murder again. You are such an angry man. Like agree with you but maybe you should have a code word instead of "kill him!" You know, a little subtlety.
I don't know what's funnier to me, Simon asking "Can he do that?" or going "Seems a bit rude to be honest."
Jon! Murder, this man! JON! You let him go! Yeah, I agree with Martin!
What do you mean you didn't want to kill him?! He threatened your man! You know that, right?! I agree so much with Martin right now!
Like, look, I get it, this is certainly something to do with holding on to his humanity but Simon Fairchild is objectively a bad person. Even if the only way to undo the horrors of the world is to undo the Watcher's Crown, the assumption is that the world will go right back to what it was and Fairchild will just go back to what he was doing before. I hate to be that person but I'm all about side quests, so I think I would go through and get rid of as many of the mini bosses as possible. That way when the world is put back together, there will be less monsters in it.
Oh, hello Helen. "Honestly, I feel a little cheated." I do too!
"You're really not helping." "I'm not trying to." I love you both so much.
I agree with Jon that the apocalypse can not be saved. This world will be bad for as long as it is what it is. BUT I stand by my statement that once the world is right again, those people not being there will make the world better.
Helen, you got so mean!
"Hanging out inside myself..." What an interesting line. Literally no other series could make a line like that work and I respect TMA for that.
"You really want that old man dead." Every other line in this episode has me smiling! Because, YES, I also want all of these old men dead. They are objectively evil, bad people!
Did Jon not know he threatened Martin? I thought he listened to all the tapes? Would Jon have felt differently if he knew that I wonder?
Jon, you better kill Magnus or we're gonna have words!
AH! These two are seriously adorable sometimes.
You know what, it's been a while since I've genuinely had so much fun with an episode. For a few episodes now they've just made me feel very self-conscious and gross and sad and small. I get that that's the point, but still. Interesting that it was the Vast episode that didn't do that...
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linuxgamenews · 10 months
Unlock Epic New Features With New DLC For Darkest Dungeon II
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The Binding Blade DLC releases for Darkest Dungeon II is Linux playable and Steam Deck Verified via Windows PC. Thanks to the help and support of developer Red Hook Studios. Available now on Steam with 81% Very Positive reviews. Red Hook Studios has just launched 'The Binding Blade,' a thrilling new DLC for their epic adventure, Darkest Dungeon II. This expansion is a must-have for fans and is now up for grabs. So, what's The Binding Blade DLC all about? Well, it's a game changer, quite literally! It brings in two amazing new heroes: The Duelist and The Crusader. Each hero brings something unique to your team. The Duelist is a master of combat, skillfully switching between Defensive and Aggressive stances. This means she can either protect your team or go all out in attack mode, slicing through enemy defenses. Her strategic buffs are super handy in tough situations. On the other hand, The Crusader is a returning favorite with his righteous blade. He's your go-to guy for front-line battles, not just dealing damage but also healing and helping your team deal with stress. Talk about a versatile hero! But wait, there's more! You'll also encounter The Warlord, a new roaming mini-boss. This guy adds an extra layer of challenge and strategy as you travel to the Mountain in Darkest Dungeon II. Plus, The Binding Blade DLC includes special quests, unique trinkets, and signature items, all adding depth to your adventure. The heroes even have their own backstories, complete with fully voiced flashbacks. It's like you're living their stories.
Darkest Dungeon II - The Binding Blade DLC Launch Trailer
Darkest Dungeon II itself is an incredible journey. You get to lead a team through five different campaigns, each with its own scary boss and unique mechanics. With the addition of The Duelist and The Crusader, the roster now boasts 14 heroes to choose from with the The Binding Blade DLC. That's a lot of options to tailor your team just the way you like it. The game also features 'The Altar of Hope,' a unique way you can progress even further in the game. There are over 70 achievements to unlock on Steam, and 10 companion pets, each with unique abilities that can totally change your gameplay. And for those who want to tweak the difficulty, there are Radiant and Infernal Flame items. These let you adjust how challenging you want your adventure to be. Darkest Dungeon II is about setting off on a perilous journey in a world that's falling apart. You form a party, equip your stagecoach, and face all sorts of dangers – some even from within your own team. The Binding Blade DLC adds so much more to this adventure, making it an even richer experience. So whether you're a long-time fan or new to the game, this is an expansion you don't want to miss. Priced at $9.99 USD / £8.50 / 9,75€ on Steam. What makes Darkest Dungeon II even better is the 25% discount during the Steam Winter Sale. Dropping the price to $29.99 USD / £25.12 / 29,24€. Regular price on Humble Store. Along with Linux support via Proton, plus this title is also Steam Deck Verified via Windows PC.
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