#if you genuinely believe depp is innocent or only perpetrated ‘reactive abuse’ you didn’t pay attention to the case u paid attention 2 memes
squirrelstone · 2 years
Another user posted about this article in another post and i thought it deserved its own post. Johnny Depp is an abusive asshole who’s got a history of doing this and ironically, he’s doing to Amber Heard what people are accusing Megan Thee Stallion of doing to her abuser. He decided to capitalize on the success she was having at the time to claw his way back to a career that was previously on its death bed.
Depp’s been caught abusing people over and over and held legally liable, and the blatant misogyny aimed at Amber Heard is hurting women everywhere. And no, it’s not “women are being hurt because she lied,” because she didn’t. It’s “women are being hurt because people didn’t believe her and want to excuse their favorite white boy’s behavior.”
ETA: that user was @saccharineinsanity but I was holding off to mention them til I got their permission
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