#if you found out homestuck updated with this im so sorry
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dave2olkat · 1 year ago
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that's how that conversation went, right?
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thatonegaybastard · 2 years ago
oh yeah i updated my names list heres the link
if that doesnr work:
dont worry your regularly scheduled "post i found funny" will be back up soon
in the meantime since im doing this i might as well introduce myself a little since theres a lot of new people lately
hi im mars and my pronouns are listed a bove. im a bard of space or heart i just thought that was neat and ik some homestuck fans put their classpects in their bios and i think classpects are neat so im sharing mine.
i tag triggers as "#tw thing" such as #tw flashing lights and #tw gore also i tag any rambling as #rambling or #oc rambling respectively. and i also tag liveblogs different things. watch o mostly for #homestuck liveblog at 1:50 am (i think thats the name) and #chris plays sburb (not actually playimg sburb its just farragofiction shit)
i also tag spoilers for things sometimes. if u need me to tag anything lmk and ill tag it as tw thing or if its a media ill just tag it as the name of the media
IT: also i tag most ship stuff as #chris shipment service
if ur here ypu might be here from my pokemon irl blog @bandidodododo or something since its a sideblog i show up as thatone gaybastard isntea dof my blog so HIII you might also be here from my art blog @average-lesboy in whivh HIIIII
no dni but i block freely. if youre a bigot or too much of an asshole or idk you (we arent mutuals or something) and i dont like ur vibe i will most likely block u. also i dont check the blogs of people i reblog from so i might fit your dni if find out i do fit ur dni either by you telling me or me going to check it out actually i will delete the reblog and probably block u. sorry dude
additionally if yourean irl of davepetasprite^2 or something then you might not wanna follow my blog for a while. i am not exactly an irl but something is going on. it will probably pass eventually
yways i just spew random shit endlessly here and despite have almost 30,000 posts i never hit post limit so 👍 okie bye
edit: forgot to mention im a minor so dont be fuckin weird
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arg-alt-blog · 2 months ago
princeofheart neocities update and yt channel
archive link
its a homestuck-styled intro to dirk strider with a picture of him. the name of the image is told you about vee bro.
theres a comment in the source code
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in other news: the banner marquee is working for me now. not sure what changed but yay!!!
also archive link for the home page
prince now has a youtube channel w same name (princeofheart07)
currently there is one video and an unlisted playlist
dont feel the need to archive the animation memes (though someone else can if they want to) but i did archive the lps link)
playback is not available but i think it will be in a few days.
the neocities updated a couple minutes before (or maybe after idk) the video came out so there might be extra pages from content in the video but i havent found any yet
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itsybitsyjoltik · 3 years ago
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im sorry what
so as someone who was a fan of toby fox's work back in the homestuck days i played the undertale demo long before the full version of the game came out. before the kickstarter even
and i was a huge fan of the demo, to the point where i played it over and over and attempted to all of the different "routes," to the extent to which the demo had different routes. and you know, it's the first section of the game up through the toriel fight, so it has the groundwork for the three main routes in there already, pacifist, neutral, no mercy
and i decided to attempt the no mercy route, which wasn't particularly well-documented at the time
except that i hit a roadblock, which was that i reached a point where i couldn't get any more enemies to spawn because spawn rates were so low (they have definitely been tweaked since then but idk if they're higher or not or if i just was too impatient)
and then i remembered the overworld vegetoids that you can encounter if you fall in the holes in a certain room, and i was like "hm, i bet i can get some kills by fighting those vegetoids"
except that they kept respawning, and i still wasn't making any progress. so i just kept. fucking. killing vegetoids.
i think i eventually reached a point where the game was just kind of broken since i was at a level it shouldn't have been possible to reach, and i ended up sending an ask along the lines of "hey so is killing the vegetoids supposed to work for this" and...ok actually i found it i'll just post the screencap
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so anyway the next time he updated the game this was in the patchnotes
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(link to the post)
which is honestly the funniest thing that's ever happened to me in my life
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dankblogstho · 5 years ago
Week 2 day 5 of isolation, March 27th, 2020
Today I got an alert on my phone—sirens and everything—informing me that Guilford county will be put into a stay at home order declaration at 5pm today. We are still allowed to go out to walk the dog and to get groceries, as well as deliver food and work at essential businesses. I’m still relieved I got to get animal crossing before the town shut down, though maybe I shouldn’t be.
They passed a resolution yesterday to give money to americans to try to stimulate the economy. I imagine most of it would be spent online… Trump wants to open the country again for easter, which is preposterous if you listen to medical professionals.
My brother started jammin’ to the internationale recently. He played it for me yesterday. Initially I thought it was pretty un-catchy but I found myself singing it later on. I worked things out with my girlfriend pretty well, but unfortunately I tore open a new wound. She was playing a video game called Call of Duty: Zombies and telling me about the sexual innuendos that a certain character makes. I sent her a meme that said “Oh, you’ve had sex? Yeah, well I’ve had enough”. She felt pretty bad about that though, and I realized I had made her feel bad for enjoying something just because I didn’t enjoy that thing. I’m still really sorry about it and I’m gonna try to avoid ever doing that again. I hope she doesn’t take it seriously and change her behavior. We voice “cuddled” (chatted) last night until she fell asleep. She’s been reading homestuck, too. Right now she is on act 5! She’s spending less time with me tho consequentially.
I introduced her to my “moirail” (it’s a homestuck thing) today. They seem to have hit it off. My gf said that she loved my friend due to transitive property, haha. I haven’t played animal crossing yet today, but I played it a lot after I wrote to you last. My mom also checked her mail, finally! I’m playing the sims 3, resuming a little experiment I have going on about alien genetics in the sims 3 seasons.
I should’ve either brought my stuff down or brought my laptop upstairs because I can’t get much work done this way. Still it’s a bit better today? Honestly I’m not sure. My girlfriend is feeling really touch-starved it seems. She hasn’t told me that directly but… She wears her heart on her sleeve. I guess I’m kind of worried she’ll leave me because I know she left her Ex Long-Distance-Relationship (LDR) because she told me she couldn’t handle not having physical contact. She told me she wasn’t gonna do another ldr because she didn’t think she was capable of it. When we started dating, we had a conversation about if it would be a good idea. I discussed with her my aromanticism, her previous statement on ldrs, my inclination of possessiveness and her previous polyamory. We determined we would give it a shot. So far it’s worked, but I can’t always keep my anxieties at bay.
Apparently the first week of this home-school thing is a “Grace period”, though my science teacher is still grading assignments. I need to work harder on this. I wonder if I will have to re-take this grade? I really hope not. I need some motivating force to keep me from seeking dopamine and actually get cracking. I guess I’m sort of looking at it like im fighting the reward center in my brain. Probably the best place to start is early in the morning. I will move my laptop upstairs tonight and get my work out on my desk for the next morning. I will work as long as I can and when I cannot take anymore I will have to walk my dog before I can do anything else. I’ll also have to avoid my brother, because he tries to engage in dialogue when im working, consistently. I’ll let my girlfriend know of my plan so I can turn off my phone without fear. I suppose the pets need to be fed and so do I, though. So… Shower tonight, feed the pets when I wake up, grab a snack and then head back upstairs. I think that’s all I have for now! I’ll have to update you on how it goes tomorrow.
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brothfan1997 · 6 years ago
John Egbert
strap in this got long
First impression
honestly it would just have to be like who tf is this bastard bc he is the first panel of homestuck… idk he is a sweet & silly boy and i love him i think 14 y/o me liked him mostly as a foil for other characters i loved bc i tended to ship him a lot (namely karkat dave and vriska *comphet shudder* i still love a pale johnvris tho) 
Impression now
wow ive been through a lot with this boy… idk he honestly has grown a lot but not in any sort of way i could relate to? like i always loved him a lot but as the post act five updates started rolling out i just found it a lot easier to identify with dave rose and jade’s character growth? and the way that he started to get so immensely dissatisfied with his situation KIND OF historically mirrored me falling out with homestuck like. in 2015 when i started college and it was on hiatus near constantly i sort of stopped engaging with the fandom right alongside john starting to disengage from the narrative itself lmao but yeah
hes a good kid. goku-aligned. epilogue “epic divorce man” john do not interact 
Favorite moment
oh boy i absolutely LOVE his act 5 interactions with the trolls… and the kids honestly all of them he is a smug bastard who loves his friends and enthusiastically gets to know a bunch of alien children threatening him with death lmfao the “hi karkat!” log still gets me to this day. 
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OH and the “haha spiders are gross” one @ vriska
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ok i uhhh got into it im just. heres some more
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story wise though i think my favorite part was after he got stabbed by jack and was reborn for the first time…. i fucking love that panel. this one i have drawn it 1000 times
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Idea for a story
LOL i have no idea uhh. i rewrite the epilogue but instead of john being unfortunately heterosexual and marrying roxy while emotionally involved with terezi of all people ?? not the point anyway he actually talks with his friends about shit because i swear that boy is the most compulsively heterosexual character in the story hes worse than dave bc he was completely isolated with his twin sister on a ship for the majority of his formative teen years… im going no where with this i would just like john to have some emotional vulnerability 
Unpopular opinion
hes the worst beta kid… im sorry again i LOVE john but not as much as i love the rest of them. i feel like a parent saying which child is my least favorite im sorry john you were half of my age 14 otp tho johnkat 4ever but not really because karkat turned out to be probably TOO emotionally vulnerable for him john would hurt that boys feelings
Favorite relationship
oof ok i sort of just started going into this johnkat still holds a very dear place in my heart (@ promstuck ) but unfortunately i just dont think the post act 5 characterization aged that ship very well. johndave is cute but kind of boring (im sorry hayden) but tbh with the way john grew up?? i like dirkjohn a lot i think they could be good together because john has more of a fucking backbone then jake and would be a perfectly affectionate dick to dirk. he needs that. Again Epilogue John Do Not Interact
Favorite headcanon
hes really bad at video games. like genuinely so awful no one in earth c can believe he actually survived sburb
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homestucky · 6 years ago
What did hussie do?
OK TO CLARIFY (sorry about how long this turned out :/ )
ive not seen sources absolutely confirm his responsibility for all things im thinking of since of course, there is the whatpumpkin team. people i saw talk about such things mostly were directing their anger at him n one would THINK he has pretty significant say on plot and many creative decisions. still if my anger has been misdirected then ill be more careful next time. improbably gonna edit my original post bcaus... maybe i also need to calm down
personally i find that everything his made or contributed to has been a higher percentage of heavy handed and ‘gross out/edgy’ jokes than typical homestuck level. one of the books upset some folks by implying canon incest which i read as to be in a jokey tone but either way a lot of people found it a bit poor taste. that was a while ago
more recently tho and the main point that people found pretty gross can be found described HERE
honestly like ... there are definitely like. objectively troubling things about the above, and it was poorly thought out by whoever wrote it and okayed it. 
and while this is a lesser point aside from that i just feel like if any new content ever comes out its far more likely to make me wince than anything. and even if the thing in the book was just a dumb joke and the skaianet thing got fixed and was just a lack of forethought n whoever made it has learnt their lesson, and obviously if you enjoyed homestuck then its still there and nothing can undo that which is cool and all but just idk. i feel like things are just souring. and part of that is just typical tumblr culture, and i guess by writing this im contributing to that (this isnt meant to be “discourse” or anything, tbh im just sort of venting). but idk. the tone of things just seems disconnected from what people want. and like its just poking at people hoping to annoy them. and whether those people are right to be annoyed or not depending on whatever the new scandal is, it does feel like it was done knowingly to piss people off. and that makes for an unpleasant like.. vibe in the community especially since its a nice escape for most people.
n tbf maybe ive just forgotten upd8 culture. i was on here when the ‘CAUCASIAN!!’ update happened so like. i guess maybe things havent changed??/ hmm
sorry if this was confusing heh i feel like recently ive been been overreacting to stuff a bit so if thats whats happening here im sorry, i just... like homestuck tumblr to be a fun place but im getting kind of sick of. homestuck. sometimes its nice to just leave things as they are. 
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mlm-chanyeol-archive · 8 years ago
you know what? its 2:30 am, im feeling soft and im gonna make a positivity post for all my mutuals. i lov u guys. newer ones at the top n oldest ones at the bottom
@flowerallys we haven’t been mutuals long, but im glad we met because of the dreamie gc! you’re always so happy and i love talking to you <3
@yunjisunq im so happy to have found another ace stan <3 really, thank u for doing my donghun request?? you really made my month and inspired me to make stuff of my own and you’re really sweet and i love when you talk in ur tags!! thats my fave part of following ppl and it makes my dash a little brighter :)
@7deer-ofthe-dawn7 i followed you because one of the nct blogs i follow rbd a mutuals appreciation post bcs i thought i needed more xiuhan on my dash and im rlly glad you followed back!! you’re really nice and even though we dont talk too much its fun when we do! (i hope you’ve enjoyed the fics ive sent you!)
@pcyling man i remember us meeting up on vent and i just decided to message you bcs we both are chanyeol stans and im so glad i did bcs ur rlly funny and nice and we can just thirst over pcy together and just do fun stuff. thank u for not thinking i was weird for messaging you!
@kunpifook we dont talk but i like seeing you on my dash! you reblog a lot of my stuff which makes me smile <3 :)
@hellyeahtd we don’t talk either but thank you for blessing my tag with more topp dogg like it so desperately needs <3
@nctytrack we don’t talk but i remember you asking for more nct mutuals and while when i first followed you i wasn’t a big stan but i am now and i hope im making your dash a little brighter :)
@astros-mom @wonhosassflower maria maria maria ilu <3 im sorry for being a bitch in the gc all the time but ur rlly nice (even tho u blocked me at one point) and ur sweet and i like talking to you. im jealous u got to meet hyungwon tho i can now get a scale of how lanky he rlly is
@live-love-growamoustache niniiiiii we dont talk a lot but i like seeing u in the gc and u post a lot of good stuff <3
@fiizzy-pop tokkiiiiiiii my baby <3 i lov u ur so sweet and nice and helped me out with nct when i was first getting into them and you’re just so sweet and ur our little bun and i hope we can be friends for a long time <3
@youarenotmybias aa i love seeing you on my dash and you post a lot of good stuff!!!! ithinkurinthegcbuticantrememberwhoyouareoops
@99minseok aaaaa i jus lov seeing ur posts on my dash and i lov seeing minseok so much even tho hes not high on my bias list, and just seeing your name makes me smile :)
@ji-hey HEY FUCKER you dont post a lot but we talk a whole bunch and even tho ur mean sometimes to me and al i still love u and i just want to let u know in my time of weakness i think you’re really pretty and im glad we have the relationship we do <3 ur a really good friend soph
@tom-failure aa we dont talk too much anymore but i love seeing topp dogg on my dash and your art is really good and i hope you keep on drawing <3
@flanelltees flan.... mi lov.... you are one of my most treasured mutuals <3 you really mean so much to me and i love seeing you on my dash and i love your deadpan sense of humor and i love helping you start stanning groups and the way you come to me if you need help with something and i love your art, it really is one of the cutest art styles i have ever seen. you’re so talented and im so happy you decided to follow me back because its been so nice talking to you and i love our little jokes and while there are times where we dont talk for a week its always nice to talk to you because you’re so nice :) i lov u flan <3
@brnrnr-prstr we dont talk but again its always nice to see you on my dash :)
@husberttee aleexxxxx my man im so glad i followed you because talking to u was a v good choice :) as a fellow male nakta stan it was rlly nice to talk to you and while its hard to talk bcs of such huge time differences its still fun when we can and even tho you always post abt nugu groups who i have no clue about i still love seeing you on my dash :3
@4jooheon !!!!!! my most sweetest mutual ever!!!! i adore reading your tags when u talk abt jooheon and as a fellow jooheon stan it makes my heart sing bcs same!!!!!! hes our honey bee!!!!!! ive said that so much but its tru!!!!! you really make my dash so much brighter and i love sending you cute asks abt jooheon on anon bcs i love seeing ur reactions!!!!!!! you’re just so soft and i rlly lov u :( thank u for following me back and i hope one day i can reach your level of softness (also i feel relly bad bcs i never learned ur name!!!! ;;;;;)
@annlka annika...... aka sangdo’s wife..... i lov u a lot. your tags brighten up my dash as well and just!!!! i love following ppl who talk in their tags and when you talk abt sangdo it makes me all smiley bcs u just lov him so much and now you’re starting to lov minho just as much and i just LOVE how u tag sangdo as sunshine and minho as moonlight thats just????? so precious i lov ur lov for them and you’re just really nice and understanding too??? and i remember u bringing up the fact that i thought it was a mistake when you first followed me but im glad u did bcs im lucky to have a friend like u annika <3 :)
@dean-winchesters-bootycall even tho ur never on here i fucking.... love you so much ur such a good friend and my best irl friend and im so glad i met you rielle <3
@sweet-jae Al.... Alfie.... The love of my life..... my moon sun and stars.... my entire universe.... words cannot describe how much i love you. When i first followed you i would have never expected us to turn out like this but im so glad we did because it has changed my life for the better. i followed you because you were such a good writer and to this day the choice to go off anon when sending you asks was the best decision i have ever made. you followed me back and we started talking and talking and talking and then we moved over to twitter and when we felt sad we would spam each other pics of our biases and then we moved over to kkt and im pretty sure since that day we haven’t spent a day where we didn’t talk to each other. even if its a simple “good morning’ and “i hope you have a good day today” we still keep talking and along that point i fell in love. now we’re nearing half a year and i just want to say thank you for being there for me. thank you for always talking and updating me on random things because you are the best thing thats ever happened to me. I love you Al <3
@jungjeonkimin we used to talk but we dont anymore but you’re still rlly nice and i love seeing you on my dash!
@ruppels-fox Hi! I know we haven’t talked in like... forever because im not as much into mp100 as i used to be, but you’re a really good friend!!! i loved talking to you and im glad we could bond over mp100 together :) i still love seeing you on my dash
@hybridow1 bro... even tho we never talk and never really have i LOVE seeing you on my dash. you like my kpop posts and you’re a constant presence in my notes and i really i appreciate you dude. im glad we’re mutuals :)
@mushy-mooster Jas.... my baby...... i lov u a whole bunch. ur such a good friend and even though we’ve had our falling outs we’re still friends and the past school year really brought us closer together :) it was always so much fun to help you out with astronomy and i was thankful to have at least one person in the class i knew (and liked cough damien cough) and even tho you post abt dc which i frankly dont like i still love your posts bcs it makes you happy and that makes me happy :) you’re one of my best friends and im glad to have you in my life <3
@bluepandabear329 even if you’re never on here like gabrielle you’re another one of my best friends <3 you helped me through sophmore year and im so glad we became friends mel <3
@rhysymmetra rhys,,,, my man,,,,, we’ve been mutuals for a really long time and i love seeing you on my dash <3 we dont talk but you feel like an old friend and im glad i never unfollowed :) you’re really sweet!
@sanguis-ripam even tho we like... never interact ive been following you since you were trying to boost your go-fund-me for your top surgery, and its been so awesome to see you evolve from that into the man you are today and im really proud. you’re kind of a role model for me and im glad we’re mutuals :) sorry for spamming your dash with kpop lmao
@transmanlukeskywalker god... bro ive been following you since our google plus days. i remember you made a really gay oc like... fuckboy mctrash something and i still have drawings of him... you’re another one of my treasured mutuals and i hope you’re doing okay :) if you ever need anything just talk to me bro! <3
@terezi-py-rope god i think i staarted following you because we had a homestuck roleplay going on??? still we’ve been mutuals for-fucking-ever and even though you still like it and i look back and sigh its good to see you on my dash. hope you’re doing okay :)
@ugh-heterophobia Hey Sky <3 even though we just broke up and you’re not as active i like seeing you and we go way back <3 im glad we’ve stayed together as long as we have <3
@adorkablooderpy like terezi-py-rope im pretty sure we followed because of hs but ive never had the heart to unfollow and like seeing you on my dash :) 
@howmanyletterscaniputinmyurl first, impressive username. it always makes me chuckle. and we interact sometimes, but its always nice seeing you :)
AAAAAAND thats it. all of my mutuals. i just wanted to let you know i appreciate you all even though some of us never talk and others i am really good friends with. okay im done being sappy now ignore me akhdf
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a-panda-reads-act-omega · 7 years ago
THE 04/14/17 UPDATE
Whatever Alright so, I really don’t care enough to try and remind myself of what was going on during the last update so I’m just gonna get started on this one and hope for the best.
Alright so I kinda remember. Aranea just explained a ton of stuffs.
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And Vriska isn’t pleased by it.
VRISKA: W8. VRISKA: So... what are you saying exactly? ARANEA: I thought I was fairly clear, 8ut I understand if this inform8tion is too jarring for you to a8sor8. ARANEA: It means that if nothing is done, everything that we know will cease to 8e. VRISKA: ... Everything. Really. ARANEA: Yes, Vriska. Everything. Every ghost. Every horrorterror. Every dream 8u88le, session, and universe. ARANEA: It will all eventually fall into The Pocket and 8e lost. ARANEA: Of course, this ensures that there is no point in time or space to which Lord English can escape. ARANEA: 8ut then again, the same goes for us.
Oh. Well shit. Apparently I was right.
They better get the fuck to work.
VRISKA: ........ ARANEA: If it is any consol8tion, from the perspective of any universes currently nestled inside of Skaia, this is 8usiness as usual. All universe die, and from the moment of the Vast Croak, they contain every instance of that universe and all of their histories at once. The residents of any given iter8tion have no real way of perceiving anything that occurs in this 8roader scope. They are free to live their mortal lives as they would have otherwise. ARANEA: As they say, ignorance is 8liss--a 8lessing that those of us among the dead cannot afford. 8ut the consequences of what we manage to accomplish will reach 8eyond such individual concerns and matter a gr8 deal to the masses yet to even 8e 8orn.
So, as I said.
They better get the fuck to work.
How do you even stop a black hole though? I mean, there’s like real world theories and shit but fuck real world. I already have sort of a theory. If they use The Tumor. Or, a tumor. I forget if that was a beta kids exclusive though, so really who knows if that’s even possible. But supposedly, the tumor has the capability to destroy the sun, so maybe if they could get some other tumor it could destroy the hole.
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Why is everybody bein so J U Dgy. Fuck, just LOOK at Kankri back there. So hateful.
ARANEA: I did everything I could to prevent The Pocket from forming. ARANEA: In fact, I spent considera8le time and effort seeking out the Lost Cheru8 for myself. I planned to attempt reasoning with her, to convince her there must 8e some other way. 8ut she was far too elusive, and no doubt too dedic8ed to her cause to have listened if I HAD found her. ARANEA: So in the end, I failed, just as you did. I’m not too proud to admit that.
Well yeah, there was nothing you could ever do to prevent the worst thing possible from happening, that’s sort of a running theme in homestuck. You just kinda gotta. Find a loophole around the consequences.
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Pf i forgot about double eyepatch sollux
Also, Wow Feferi sure is sad
ARADIA: i dont know about calling it a failure ARADIA: its just like you said isnt it? ARADIA: this was always bound to happen ARADIA: as i see it this is simply the story reaching its natural conclusion ARADIA: honestly im kind of excited! ARADIA: i had a hunch that this is how everything would end ARADIA: though the added context definitely makes it a lot more interesting
Goddammit Aradia pls take this seriously
FEFERI: So T)(IS is w)(at the )(orrorterrors meant. 38( FEFERI: T)(ey )(ave been w)(ispering about T)(-E -END for quite a w)(ale now. FEFERI: I t)(oug)(t t)(ey must )(ave been talking about Lord -Englis)( ripping t)(em and t)(eir bubbles apart! FEFERI: But t)(is makes muc)( more sense. FEFERI: It’s so )(ard to )(ear t)(eir sad little glubs now! FEFERI: Soon I t)(ink t)(ey will go quiet for good. 38(((
Oh. Well. I guess that’s bad. Yeah, the horror terrors dying is definitely a bad thing. God every time I take a break from liveblogging I lose so much context.
ARADIA: really? then whatever they have to say right now must be important! FEFERI: RIG)(T?! FEFERI: I am trying to listen carefully, but I must be )(earing t)(em wrong! FEFERI: T)(ere was SOM-ET)(ING about... a door?
Well you have a house. Maybe a door’s gonna pop up soon.
SOLLUX: man i’m glad i’m n0t the 0ne hearing v0ices, for 0nce.
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I really just love the sassy stance Meenah’s got over there.
ARANEA: Are you sure that’s what they said? ARANEA: A door? FEFERI: Um well it sure did SOUND like t)(at, but t)(at doesn’t make any sense! Does it? ARANEA: What else did they have to say a8out this door? FEFERI: Glub! Not)(ing I can make out yet, sorry! FEFERI: Just... T)(-E DOOR.
Well. HUHM. I dunno, they’re building this up quite a bunch, so I doubt it’s just gonna pop up and they’re gonna walk through it.
OOH! MAybe they can like, seal the black hole in the house Or something
I don’t know
FEFERI: I can keep listening if it’s important. ARANEA: Yes, please do. It is vitally important. ARANEA: That door is likely our 8est 8et at circumventing our current plight! MEENAH: wait MEENAH: a door MEENAH: they couldnt b talkin about the door that showed up on the weaprawn i mean weapon
I mean that seemed obvious to me
MEENAH: right? ARANEA: Actually, I 8elieve that is exactly what they are talking a8out. MEENAH: how the fuck would a DOOR save our asses exactly ARANEA: It’s not a8out the door. It’s a8out what’s 8EHIND the door. ARANEA: If I am right a8out the nature of the juju, then that door could very well lead to another realm entirely, one completely 8eyond the reach of the ever-expanding Pocket. ARANEA: It is the key to everything--the only logical next step to t8ke! ARANEA: Everything is slotting into pl8ce!
Oh boy. Well this should be interesting. I don’t exactly know how that’s gonna stop the pocket but hey we’ll see.
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MEENAH: uh... MEENAH: youre losin me serks ARANEA: THINK, Meenah. The story isn’t over yet! ARANEA: The Lost Cheru8 has done her part. We have done ours in activ8ing the weapon. ARANEA: 8ut what of the warriors? The challengers Lord English trapped inside his juju? Where do they come in? MEENAH: uh?? ARANEA: They are through that door! Them and the higher plane they have 8een trapped within for eons! ARANEA: The warriors could 8e w8ing for us to find and free them so they might do their work in repairing the damage the Lost Cheru8 has done. ARANEA: After residing in what could well 8e a macrocosm of infin8 power, surely they have the means to accomplish anything! ARANEA: What could WE accomplish 8y going there ourselves? MEENAH: uhh??? ARANEA: If nothing else, the juju is the only way we can escape the destruction of reality itself! ARANEA: It is the only path to take that leads somewhere ELSE! MEENAH: arane--
It’s probably true. Probably. I dunno. I mean, I’m really curious to just see what’s behind this door already.
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oh fuck
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What did le do
MEENAH: what the anglin fuck?! ARANEA: It’s already 8egun. ARANEA: Lord English is as aware as I am of the juju’s potential. 8ut it seems his 8est course of action is to aimlessly attack it. Perhaps a 8yproduct of how unsta8le he has 8ecome.
Daddy Caliborn just needs to take a moment to chill. Enjoy a lil ice cream break maybe.
ARANEA: Instead of fleeing The Pocket, he will stu88ornly try to evade his f8 even while facing certain destruction. And 8arring that, he will do whatever it takes to take doom us all with him. ARANEA: He will not rest until the juju is destroyed. May8e he could even 8e attempting to enter it himself! Either way, we CANNOT allow him to take away our last hope!
So what’s the game plan? How do they plan on getting through there with Lord English goin all fuckin berzerk on this poor house.
 MEENAH: ... MEENAH: yeah MEENAH: sure
Have some faith, Meenah.
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O h thats a face.
ARANEA: “Sure”? ARANEA: You sound anything 8ut. ARANEA: Don’t you agree with me?
Call me crazy but I don’t think she does.
MEENAH: i mean yeah i guess MEENAH: all this stuff youve been spouting sounds legit MEENAH: maybe ARANEA: May8e. ARANEA: So, you don��t trust me. Is that it? MEENAH: i dunno! MEENAH: i wanna believe you MEENAH: but somefin just smells fishy MEENAH: mostly cause youre gettin kinda MEENAH: weird
To be fair, she’s always acting weird. I think the most worrying part about her behavior is how excited she is to pull this plan off. I don’t really think she’s gonna try to pull off another suicide plan. Worst case scenario, she tries to steal the glory from Vriska.
ARANEA: Weird? ARANEA: Reality is on the verge of collapse, 8ut I’M 8eing WEIRD? ARANEA: Don’t you realize what’s at st8ke?! MEENAH: Y-EA)( i do MEENAH: im just thinkin maybe we otter clear our heads before we bellyflop into anyfin ok geez MEENAH: wait for angelfish over there to synergize with the horrorglubbers or whatever ARANEA: Do you think we have time for that? At any moment, we could 8e erased forever! ARANEA: Don’t you CARE a8out DYING, Meenah?! MEENAH: i...
Nope. She doesn’t. She’s made this clear in the past (Look who’s been doing their Homestuck rereading. It’s me.)
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ARANEA: You used to be so dedic8d to staying alive that you were willing to 8low us all up as a last resort! ARANEA: I know that we are all technically living on 8orrowed time. I am AWARE that every moment we’ve spent with our consciousnesses intact was a gift none of us really deserved. ARANEA: 8ut I’m not DONE YET!! ARANEA: I want to continue to exist! Don’t you?! ARANEA: I’ve 8een here for so long, trying to make the 8est of our situation, reaching new heights in skill and understanding, and yet I still...! MEENAH: 38(
Sorry Aranea, but I’m pretty sure Meenah has stopped giving a shit a while ago. Spending a zillion years alive/dead in the dream bubbles would do that to you.
ARANEA: Don’t you want to MATTER, Meenah? Don’t you want all of this to have meant something?! ARANEA: The fact that we were here, that we existed! If everything that ever was and ever will 8e is just going to disappear, then none of it will have ever meant ANYTHING! ARANEA: So please, just trust me! ARANEA: What scheme could I possi8ly have up my sleeve that would 8e worse than the alternative? What more could any of us have to lose?! ARANEA: All you have to do is listen
Yeah- Aranea you’re desperate ramblings aren’t helping to make you seem more trustworthy. You kinda need to CHILL a bit.
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Oh my god. Sad mopey Meenah might be one of the best things I’ve ever seen? I wanna feel bAD because I SHOULD feel bad but it’s just too fuNny to look at for some reason.
MEENAH: ... fine MEENAH: whats ur big plan
And she gives in. All sad about it too. Good job Aranea, you made someone who don’t give a shit about nothing sad. S m h.
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Goddammit Aranea she finally gives you the chance to explain your plan and you instantly go back to appearing more dramatic than you’ve earned the right to be.
ARANEA: We need to find a way past Lord English. While it might 8e within our a8ilities to defeat him as he is now, it feels to me like too much of a gam8le when so much rides on our success. We can simply lure him away with a proper distraction and deal with him l8er.
Well he’s not known for his brains so that should be easier than it sounds.
ARANEA: Really, the most sensi8le course of action is for me to call 8ack the remainder of the army. ARANEA: Perhaps it would even 8e 8est if I took control of the entire oper8tion? Surely you agree we don’t have time for any more petty squa88les. So long as I have control of the majority of our attack force, it would simply 8e more efficient for me to 8e calling the shots. Time is of the essence, after all.
Fuck yoooouuuu.  But Yeah.  It probably would be smart if You did that. Ahem.
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spectrumscribe · 8 years ago
Since it is the holiest of days, the birthday of our dear Crockbert kids, im gonna go ahead and throw a pile os hs questions at you! Who is your favorite beta n alpha kid? Favorite troll? Fave ship? Favorite guilty pleasure/crack ship? Opinion on the beforus trolls? And the intermission? Favorite carapace? When did you start reading homestuck? Do you have a favorite pesterchumlog or flash? How do you feel about the ending? Whats your classpect? Opinion on Vriska? Happy 413!!!
(apologies to my TMNT followers, which is…. probably almost all of you. but it is an auspicious day and i simply must.)
okay so. here we go.
fave beta/alpha kids: dirk and dave. i’m sorry, it’s a little cliche, but they appeal deeply even to me now. tho i relate most to rose/dirk.
fave troll: my sweet sweet dear darling precocious precious apex-predator nepeta. she deserved better and more murder.
fave ship: i lie under a pile of davekat fics, ot4 beta kids fics, and a smattering of dirk/angst fics. (but on the other hand meowrails forever, bitches.)
fave crack ship: this one time i found a fic about rose being the stand-in moirail/therapist to jack noir and the mind fuckery she committed on him still stands out in my mind as the most dastardly and fucked up example of mental manipulation ever created by a thirteen yr old. it is the strangest ship i have ever had the pleasure of being drawn into, if only for the depth of pain rose drove him to.
opinion of the beforus trolls: someone tape kankri’s mouth shut. or smack ruffioh a bit. everyone else is cool tho.
intermissions: the midnight crew intermission remains the pinnacle of mobster story telling and i’ve gone back to reread it exclusively a number of times.
favorite carapace: the midnight crew, peregrine mendicant, and Ms Paint. i can’t decide between them because they’re all excellent.
when did i start this madness: five-six years ago. i have Seen Things, my friend. it has been a journey. one that led me many places and taught me many things. like the glory of multi-shipping, and quadrants.
fave persterchumlog or flash: my favorite pesterlog was dave and dirk’s reconciliation. the whole of it was incredible to read, and it still gives me warm fuzzies.
how do i feel about the ending: it hasn’t ended and i thus i will continue to  s u f f e r.
what’s my classpect: i’m the Page of Space. weak at first, but i grow in strength to the point that i’m the most powerful of all. i’m raw and true creativity, and i think the role suits me well.
opinion about vriska: i understand why she’s got problems and how they source from her abusive, fucked up childhood- but she can also shut up and never show her face again.
thanks for the asks, i apologize for getting back to them so late. - v -;; i was working on a fic update and refused to let myself get distracted.
happy 4/13!! i’m a TMNT fan who is still Homestuck garbage and oh, how i do suffer. it will never end and i will never escape
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viv13drainbow · 8 years ago
i was tagged by @lilith-hell-bringer rules: put your music on shuffle and write down the first ten songs, then tag ten mutuals •First of the Year/Skrillex •Mercy Me/Alkaline Trio •Suburban Jungle/Homestuck •Hey Baby/No Doubt •Therapy/All Time Low •Save My Life/P!nk •Anthem For the Unwanted/New Found Glory •Hurricane/Panic! At the Disco •Midna’s Lament/Twilight Princess OST •I Want You/Savage Garden
I cheated a tiny bit and skipped songs i don’t like at all any more. But i havent really updated my saved music in a long time (i think hurricane is one of the most recent ones). a couple of these are favorites tho so im happy. if you check them out, let me know what you think c:
oh and i dont bother with tagging. sorry. just not up for it tonght.
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a-panda-reads-act-omega · 8 years ago
THE 04/07/17 UPDATE
Hey wow, betcha didn’t think you’d ever see another one of these now didja? You can always count on me to disappear for like 9 days, come back one day and realize i got 10 followers, and fail to deliver promised effort. But hEY look who’s here now for another UPDATE.  Lets just hope I remember at all how to work tumblr.
And also gdi i forgot where we left off im gonna need to reread the last few pages
~one glance at a panel later~
oh y e a h its Aranea. Im gonna try to remain MATURE. PROFESSIONAL. And most of all, CALM. Because I really do like Aranea as a character. I just. Hate the stuffs she does a lotta the time.
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Alright, time to hear about whatever Aranea knows. Looks like we’re starting off with a flashback of her getting destructified by the bish fish herself.
ARANEA: As a few of you may know, some time ago I attempted to 8reak free from the shackles of death and o8scurity 8y endeavoring to mold the alpha timeline to my will. The outcome notwithstanding, the crux of the scheme was that I would ensure the universe Lord English was 8orn into was never cre8ed in the first place, and thus completely avert his disastrous influence on all of reality. Of course, my actions would merely have resulted in a doomed timeline, 8ut I was confident in my a8ility to heal my “doomed” 8ranch to the point where it could functionally supercede the alpha timeline.
Y e a h yeah we all know about your fuckup. But actually that is kinda a helpful reminder of how it went down. God, it was so long since I’ve read normal Homestuck.
MEENAH: man this sounds just as nuts as it did last time you were glubbin aboat it MEENAH: smh ARANEA: Meenah! I thought you said there would 8e no interruptions?? ARANEA: I’m HARDLY proud of my conceited maneuver either, 8ut this is important context!
Aranea needs to hit the chill switch j e e z she snapped
MEENAH: yeah yeah sorry ARANEA: Thank you. ARANEA: That 8eing said, I am still fairly confident that the essence of the plan was well-founded. It just so happened my scope of understanding was far too narrow. My priorities were all askew. MEENAH: (no shit)
No shit indeed. A little life lesson; if you are conjuring up a plan that risks destroying the lives of everybody 
[Alright so everything past this lil note here was written on a different day thant the stuffs before it]
ARANEA: Her Imperious Condescension proved far more ten8cious an o8stacle than I had anticip8ed. Despite her many efforts to 8reak free from Lord English’s servitude, her determin8tion to see that universe made has always 8een in line with the preserv8tion of his eventual arrival. And so long as she continues to oper8 in his 8est interests, she will continue to draw considera8le power from her connection with him. A connection only he can sever. 
So I dunno if they’re talking about physical majyyk power or just position power, but if its the former that could explain how she was still alive. So basically my theory now is: The condesce will not die until Lord English is dead, or wants her to die. And depending on which actually happens, she might be a more direct threat than Lord English himself. We’ll see though.
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VRISKA: (........) VRISKA: (Shit.)
wait huH WHat. Did Vriska realize she fucked something up, or is that just her reaction to the condesce’s advantages.
ARANEA: With the current st8 of things, it is far more efficient to simply address the pro8lem at its source. Which of course was the purpose of our original plan. Nonetheless, I grew determined to scour the Furthest Ring for more inform8tion on Lord English’s weaknesses. I had a hunch that there was likely much more to the story than I had initially realized. There were a number of differing theories linked to Lord English’s f8. Though each spun a unique tale, there was one central element common to all of them: a weapon. Presuma8ly, the same weapon that the Lord of Time is currently preoccupied with.
Alright, so IF Aranea’s stories are correct, then the house is going to be responsible Lord English’s death.  And about all these stories, I have a feeling all of them are gonna be true one way or another.
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LE I think you gotta give it up buddy. I mean what are you even doing.
As a quick aside, in case any of you were wondering: For the moment, English poses very little threat to us. His attention has shifted to matters far more urgent than terrorizing our small gathering. That is to say, he is entirely focused on the weapon.
Yeah no shit. I just think. He should maybe kill you and then get back to that. LIke. Is he an idiot.
The utilities and nature of this weapon are still shrouded in mystery. That alone should have 8een something of a red flag, 8ut I digress. It was said that the Lord of Time once trapped inside it a 8and of heroes who had challenged him, and that they were destined to 8e released from their prison and finish what they started. It was also suggested the weapon was a juju that had 8een in Lord English’s possession, which upon outlasting its use, thereafter functioned purely as the instrument of his demise. Others assumed that was merely a tool meant to unleash some sort of coup de grâce. At another point all signs seemed to indic8 the weapon was in fact a person--the ghost of the Lord’s long dead female counterpart, whom he had killed to assume control of their shared 8ody. The counterpart he would stop at nothing to eradic8 all traces of from existence.
Jesus fucking Christ that’s a lot of possibilities. Alright, so if all of them are correct, that means: The juju is dead!tier calliope. It’s Lord English’s weapon and weakness. There are four heroes inside. And it will also kill him with the final blow. I have no clue how any of that is possible but whatever I’ll take it.
After my thorough investig8tion, I can tell you with confidence that all of these things are true in one way or another. However... we put the pieces of the puzzle together all wrong. We entirely dismissed the tale of the Lost Cheru8 and assumed that the weapon must be the very juju we discovered in the void. We expected it to wipe out Lord English in one fell swoop through some am8iguous onslaught.
OK so what the fuck. The juju ISNT the weapon. well, in that case I’m gonna assume that the weapon is the god tier clock. That’d make sense, I guess. That’s how he killed godtiers, and it will serve to kill him as well. Yeah, that works out. I just don’t know who the four heroes are and how it’s Calliope. Or I’m entirely wrong but come on the god tier clock would just make SO much sense.
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LORD ENGLISH FUCKIN’ CHILL. The house ain’t killing you now is it? Just. WALK AROUND AND MURDER THEM. Or don’t cause that’d piss me off.
As you can see, these preconceptions were entirely unsu8stanti8ed. Lord English has 8een weakened, 8ut remains undefeated. However, that does not mean the weapon failed to perform its proper function. The truth of the weapon is as such: It is a juju that once 8elonged to Lord English as a powerful tool that once used, thereafter could only 8e used against him. When English was challenged by a party of valiant and worthy warriors, he resorted to the juju to entrap them and cast them aside. Then he 8anished it to the void in an attempt to prevent it from 8eing found. This was a fools' errand, as we cleverly managed to loc8 the weapon regardless. It unleashed SOMETHING upon him, and now... 8oth remain. It’s likely many of you were aware of this inform8tion already. The rest, while far more enlightening, will 8egin to delve more into the realm of conjecture. 8ut I am confident in my deductions.
Nothing much to say here, that’s basically exactly what I predicted. I guess all I’m still not sure about is what the weapon actually is. 
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Aw it got all cleaned up and mosied of to the void.
As far as I can discern, the juju draws its power from a source completely 8eyond our current comprehension. 8eyond Lord English, 8eyond Skaia, and perhaps even 8eyond this plane of existence altogether! Perhaps it even plays an invisi8le role in shaping reality as we know it. Whatever its true n8ture, it seems that Lord English himself also draws some measure of power from that same source. It may very well 8e the origin of his unconditional immortality and of how causality itself appears to 8end to his will. So. What did the juju do? I 8elieve that it severed his connection to that higher plane. And along with the destruction of one of his other power sources--the Green Sun--he has 8een left vulnera8le, unsta8le, and perhaps even finally mortal.
oly shit, does that mean they can just CHARGE on in and whack ‘em up? AND HOLY SHit. IF VRISKA HAD JUST GOTTEN A gOOD ROLL HE’D BE DEAD
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RIP. Paradox Space. Forever-Wherever.
Now, I understand that some of you may 8e wholly unaware of the destruction of the Green Sun. It happened only recently, so don't worry. I will be sure to fill you in. I think that the more o8servant of you may have already managed to take a moment to look up at the infinitely-fracturing void that surrounds this 8u88le. If you haven’t, I suggest that you do so now. That “g8ping hole” in the Furthest Ring is what is known as The Pocket. It is the work of the final piece of the puzzle: the Lost Cheru8.
Yeah, Calliope wrecked that green sun. The only disappointing part of this is the possibility of an affect on Jade.
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Ohhh that’s cool art. But yeah, what’s deadiope doing now anyways? Is she more dead?
part of me is actually not sure if she was dead to begin with or not. I forget. OOPs.
We were far too quick to dismiss her role in this story, though our h8ste is ultimately inconsequential. She was always 8eyond our grasp, and she would have done her duty just as readily, no matter our thoughts or feelings of her. 
Spellcheck thinks h8ste is a word but not 8eyond. ok. And yeah, in retrospect the  whole hunt for calliope was pretty pointless.
The Lost Cheru8 turned out to 8e another manner of weapon in her own right. She was also far more than that. Her mere existence is something of a miracle. The Muse of Space should have never emerged victorious in the 8attle against her more determined male counterpart. And yet, she defied the odds stacked against her just as deftly as Lord English had. In some lonely offshoot timeline, she asserted her iron will and managed to predomin8 over her 8rother. She played the game that was 8uilt for her to lose, and she made The Choice that her 8rother would never have possi8ly made.
Man MOS Calliope is fuckin badass.
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She’s so smol
The Lord of Time, upon meeting with his Denizen, took the path of the Conqueror. The Muse of Space, given a similar opportunity, took the path of the Martyr. And in doing so, she dedic8ed her life, and her su8sequent death, to the Conqueror's destruction.
Man that’s just a pretty sad existence. I mean, YAY you get to be the hero and all. But FUCK you’re gonna die for it? Then what’s the PO I N T
I 8elieve that, on some level, Lord English knew this. His relentless quest to find and destroy her was as much a la8or of self-preserv8tion as it was of h8tred. 8ut this too would lead to his undoing. The Muse used herself as 88, goading him into his misguided ramp8ge across the Furthest Ring while simultaneously forging a path for us to cl8im his long-forgotten juju.
Oh wow. So She kinda knew about the ghost army all along, and was super dedicated to helping them find the juju. She was pulling ALL the fuckin strings here.
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And so the Lost Cheru8 w8ed patiently until all the other pieces were in place for her final gam8it. She travelled to the Green Sun to fulfill her destiny as Lord English’s foil.
Okay yeah, so she died when destroying the sun i guess.
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lil green SWORL.
There, she performed her final act as the Martyr. She cre8ed a singularity which a8sor8ed the incredi8le mass and energy of the Green Sun. The singularity 8ecame so dense and so powerful that it tore a cataclysmic rift into the very fa8ric of paradox space. The Pocket will continue to rip apart and consume reality until nothing is left. And Lord English is no exception.
What does this mean for the kids then? And the new universe.  Are they all temporary due to this fuCKIN HOLE
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Hey don’t you fucking look cool.  You’re not allowed to look cool.
So you see now, don’t you? Our failure was not in defeating Lord English. It was in stopping the rest of reality as we know it from 8ecoming collateral in his destruction.
I’m a little confused by that, but I’m guessing it means they were supposed to find a way to protect everything from being destroyed. Huh.
ALRIght. Whatever. this was fun. Im SUPER sorry for the delay on this, but hey it was a pretty long update so maybe that makes up for it.
Se  E Y A L A  T  E R A  L L I  G A  T O  R 
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a-panda-reads-act-omega · 8 years ago
THE 03/17/17 UPDATE
HERE WE GO, finally an update with a BUNCH of pages for me to comment about. Page 115-126, how exciting. God I need to get better with intro’s I’m sorry.
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Heh, I like how everybody’s emotions are clear as day here. Anyways, nobody new’s here which makes me hope that this cast of characters will continue to interact and mingle.
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W o ah there, calm yourself Vriska. She’s not lookin pleased with Tavvy over there. Also, I love how this is literally the exact same panel other than Vriska.
VRISKA: Wh8t?! VRISKA: The hell are all of you st8ring at???????? MEENAH: 38/
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Fish gills changed a bit. This animation is also g re a t. I could literally watch Vriska just dust herself off for hours. God that sounded creepy. Fefefri is seeminnnn a lil taken aback here. And Meenah is real disappointed. Or just looking away to please Vriska, which would be cute but is probably not the case.
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I love how not good Vriska is at recovering from embarrassing moments.
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Oooohhh shit. Le’s behind the Juju im guessing, but that green hole is gettin closer and closer. They might need to start getting out of here soon.
VRISKA: What the hell just HAPPENED?
Homestuck happened.  And you passed out.
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Tavros raising his hand like a student. He would totally be the kind of student the teacher always has to pander to, even though the rest of the class is tired of hearing the same thing explained over and over.
Was that explosion he’s talking about just the LE mouth blast? I think it’s an attack Tavros. Less of an explosion than it was a beam with boomy results.
VRISKA: Tavros, stop. VRISKA: Just, stop. Right now. I’m already twice over the limit of how much 8ullshit I can take in one day, and your irrit8ing voice is THIS close to giving me a head8che. TAVROS: uHHH,,,? VRISKA: Nope, too l8. Migr8ne city, popul8tion: me! Thanks a 8uttload, 8oy skylark. TAVROS: i,,,iM,,,sORRY,,,? DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < yeah sorry about your head vwhiskers but i gotta interject here DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < furst off your head hurts beclaws it got hit with a deadly fuckin laser pointer
Hahah. Get it? Laser pointer. Because. CAT. And also, holy shit Vriska got HIT with that?? Or was it just an explosion thingy FROM the laser pointer that knocked her out.
DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < so blaming it on tavros f33ls purrty damn rude to me tbh DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < but i dont really wanna get into a catfight with you right now DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < or maybe not ever cause thats just like NOPE no thanks
You’re the best Davepeta. Almost as great as Vriska.
DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < cranky vriska? ill pass on that DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < especially since there are like DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < way more important things to be dealing with! DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < so ill let it slide fur now B33 DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < as you were saying tavros?
So can Davepeta just be Tavros’ wingman? Because holy shit that’d be great. Actually, could this be the beginning of a beautiful PALE ROMANCE?? Probably not because ARquius is totally their soulmate.
It was necessary tavros.
My point exactly.
TAVROS: bIRD NEPETA? TAVROS: oR, wHOEVER YOU ARE, DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < youre half right! DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < its davepeta TAVROS: oH, TAVROS: oKAY, TAVROS: sO,,,dAVEPETA,,, TAVROS: dO YOU THINK IT WAS AN ATTACK OR AN EXPLOSION? DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < tavros DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < are you holding onto your socks because im about to blow them the fuck off DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < i think it was an attack DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < that was ALSO an explosion DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < >B33 TAVROS: }:o
:o MAN, Davepeta you need to chill! I have to go get dressed now, because you just blew my entire OUTFIT off! from shirt to shorts, nothing could withstan the sheer FORCE of your shocking observation.
VRISKA: UGH!!!!!!!!
Shut up Vriska.
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Oh. We also got a Porrim back there. And, I guess that’s just Kankri? Maybe the same one, maybe a different? Vriska needs to chill though.
VRISKA: I don’t have TIME for this! VRISKA: Who gives a shit if it was an att8ck or WH8TEVER!!!!!!!! VRISKA: Am I the really only person who c8res about m8king sure the most evil fucker in all of paradox space is FINALLY DE8D FOR GOOD?!?!?!?! VRISKA: Isn’t that what we r8sed an entire army for?? VRISKA: The army that is NOWH8RE TO 8E FOUND, 8Y THE W8Y!!!!!!!!
I think they’re all d e a d Vriska. And you’re assuming way too much of this group of NINCOMPOOPS. They literally are just doing whatever.
MEENAH: vriska VRISKA: WH8T!!!!!!!! MEENAH: you need to krill out for a sec
Exactly. Krill out girl.
Yup. Everybody fucking died via death laser.
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VRISKA: GONE?! VRISKA: No SHIT, they’re GONE! VRISKA: Do YOU see a throng of expenda8le, huddled masses anywh8re near8y, Meenah?? 8ecause if so, NOW WOULD 8E A GR8 TIME TO LET ME KNOW! MEENAH: ...
Calm down Vriska, before you push away the people that AREN’T dead. I mean, who know’s if these guys even care enough to keep working for you anyways. I’d say Meenah’s the last person you should be yelling at.
VRISKA: No?? That’s what I fucking THOUGHT. VRISKA: Th8nk you SO much for that astute o8serv8tion! VRISKA: That sure clears up JACK SQU8T! VRISKA: Now how a8out we get 8ack to the LESS immedi8tly o8vious! VRISKA: Gone WHERE? And more importantly, WHY! MEENAH: listen serks i could really do without the attitide MEENAH: if you took two seconds to breathe you could prolly figure it out yourself MEENAH: but if itll help you clam down...
Exactly, Clam down Vriska. Because it doesn’t take a goddamn genius to figure out they’re all dead.
VRISKA: It DEFIN8TELY will. So spill!!!!!!!! MEENAH: they got blasted VRISKA: Are you serious? VRISKA: He took out EVERYONE? In one hit?! MEENAH: nah not all of em MEENAH: but a lotta double death happened yeah MEENAH: i mean the weapon didnt do flip of what it was SUPPOS-ED to do as far as i could tell MEENAH: it did a pretty good job of sheildin our asses MEENAH: (youre whalecome btw)
Meenah, you’re the true hero here. I mean a calm troll who’s powerful, smart, and only sometimes out of order? I’d say that’s the best kinda troll we can get.
MEENAH: but anybody who didnt get behind it MEENAH: definitely got fried VRISKA: So? Where’s Lord English now?? VRISKA: 8ecause if we need to track him down, we need to get on that like, yesterday!
He isn’t still there? I thought he’d just be doing some angry lord english stuff. Hopefully he isn’t causing too much trouble.......
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MEENAH: uh MEENAH: dudes still havin a tantrum over there actually
Oh. I was r i g h t .
VRISKA: Then why the hell are we all the w8y out here?! MEENAH: look vriska MEENAH: the plan didnt work MEENAH: you got KOd or passed out or whatever the shell MEENAH: and the army got gutted MEENAH: so i figured the only sensible fin to do was a tactical retreat VRISKA: Okay, fine. That WAS pretty sensi8le. MEENAH: except MEENAH: most of everyone didnt STOP retreatin MEENAH: no matter what inspirational crab i threw at them VRISKA: .......
so there WERE more survivors, but the most’ve them just bailed on the scene. Damn. Well, who can blame them? Double death isn’t for everyone I suppose.
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Well ARADIA sure seems happy :D
MEENAH: sorry aboat your head by the way MEENAH: ill admit that was my bad MEENAH: aint easy to haul ass in sand with dead weight over your shoulder
To the people behind ACT OMEGA: You better get me a gif of Meenah dragging Vriska face down through the sand.
ARADIA: hey! ARADIA: at least theres a bright side to all this
Of COURSE there is AA.
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Awe. This team charge hug is actually kinda precious. Tavros’ little smile, and Aradia’s “appreciate him!” look.
ARADIA: tavros convinced a few people to stay ARADIA: right? :D
Oh, well that’s good then! So far, I know we have... Tavros, Aradia, Sollux, Kankri, Porrim, Mituna, Feferi, Latula, Vriska, Meenah, Davepeta, and possibly more.
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He get’s so cocky sometimes, but it’s the kind of cocky where he’s nervous he’s not looking cocky in the right way. What the hell am I typing. I just love how self aware he is.
Goddammit, these people aren’t the brightest. They had to have stayed with him out of pity. If all of your friends are running away, and the only person asking you to stay and fight an unkillable demon was T A V R O S .
You’d run.
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Sollux doesn’t wanna be here.
ARADIA: see? sollux and i even stayed to help too ARADIA: in fact were all here to help ARADIA: well maybe some of us are here mostly out of curiosity SOLLUX: 0r b0red0m.
Or pity. Or self-hate. Or a deathwish.
ARADIA: or that too! or maybe even a mishmash of all sorts of motivations ARADIA: but whatever the reason we are on your side ARADIA: so i get the feeling if you dont lighten up a little ARADIA: some of us might suddenly have a lot more of a reason to join the others ARADIA: and find something else to do
Nice way of putting it Aradia. Vriska really needs to Clam down and Krill out, because she’s gonna lose the few she has with her still.
OH SHIT THAT’S THE END OF THE UPDATE. Well then, that’d be my cue to sleep. it’s 2:15 AM an I have summerschool in 5 hours. gnight folks. 
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