#if you eat the ones that come shell-less don’t interact with me
i love eating pistachios i’m like a monkey solving a teeny tiny puzzle to get snack reward
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watatsumiis · 2 years
Valentine's day mutual ships (part 1)
First of all, happy Valentine's day, y'all, though if you don't celebrate it I hope you have a good day regardless <3
Here is part 1 of assigning my mutuals ships! You're absolutely free to reblog it, screenshot it, save it, do whatever you like! I just hope I gave you all characters that you don't totally despise! I tried to keep it mostly neutral so it can be read as platonic or romantic!
Honestly, I think I’d pair you with Pantalone! I could see y’all spending the day together at one of his fancy private estates and eating fancy chocolate-dipped fruit or something like that. I dunno why, I just think Pantalone would mesh well with your silly puppy energy maybe he’d teach you to be a little less of a bully /j I’m sure he’d also spoil you rotten with gifts and sweet things, and would absolutely dote on you no matter what you did for him in return! 
I’ve gotta pick Aether, I don’t think it could be anyone else. I know that’s totally the obvious choice but I think you two would get along so well. I could see you two doing something almost painfully cheesy like going to a botanical garden or a couple’s pottery making class, then going home and you’ve both set up surprises for one another, it would be one of those painfully sweet interactions because neither one of you realised the other had done something for you, so it’s all cute shocked faces and big cheesy grins all around!
There’s something about your vibe that makes me feel like you and Sucrose or Albedo would get along extraordinarily well! I could see all three of you going to a zoo or doing research or experiments together, you’d bring along a packed lunch and sit somewhere quiet and just talk about your interests together! It would be a super chill, laid back sort of hangout. Though, I could also see you getting along with Xinyan, since you both seem to have a love of music! You two could go to a concert or just hang out and talk about all your favourite artists and instruments and stuff! :D 
Listen, I thought about it for a while, I truly did. I considered pairing you with Zhongli or Morax, then with Capitano, but in my heart you’re a Foul Legacy lover and it feels cruel to pull you two apart. I could imagine you two trying to make sugar cookies together but they come out a total mess because FL just wants to help but he’s far too big and clumsy in the kitchen, so all the measurements get messed up and there’s icing and flour and crumbs everywhere, somehow there’s egg shells on the wall, but you two had fun and that’s what matters! I could see you both going for a quiet evening walk together, maybe along the coast, watching the seabirds go by and maybe collecting seashells if you come across a beach together!
Listen. I know you’re married to Zhongli, I respect that, you're adorable together, but I hope you don’t mind if I shake it up a little - I could see you and Capitano pairing together really nicely! You guys would bake sweets for all your friends and have one of those food fights like out of a hallmark movie where you flick flour on each other and it’s just heart meltingly sweet and adorable and the food comes out brilliantly. He’d also love to take you out to one of his favourite secluded spots, a nice little pond he discovered while on a walk, and you two could feed the ducks together! You’d give cavities to anyone who dares even look at you both, honestly. 
I'm still working on the others at the moment, so if you commented on the original post or reached out to me, don't worry, I've got a list, I haven't forgotten you, I'm just sectioning it off at the moment :D Though if you happen to have any preferences on character gender or anything like that please shoot me a DM! I'd hate to accidentally put someone with a character or ship dynamic they dislike/are uncomfy with.
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sepublic · 2 years
Sally the Slicer
            Since I’m still figuring out aspects to her other designs, I should properly explain Sally the Slicer to you guys! She’s a fairly old OC (okay, basically all of the GEverse ones are), so she originated from my edgier teenage years… But y’know what? Maybe I should be less afraid of being cringe as an adult. This post is a doozy, which I guess makes sense since within my narrative, Sally is of all things a main protagonist.
         Former serial killer, now full-time mercenary and assassin for hire, Sally the Slicer is a notorious name amongst the criminal underworld. Few have seen her face, and don’t know much else other than the fact that she’s torn many victims asunder in particularly brutal ways, so what’s her deal? Where did she come from, what even is she, and what motivates her?
         Sally doesn’t really remember much of a past, beyond having once had a physical body, a sensation she dearly misses. She was a Phantom Alliance experiment like so many, and like a few, one of their more successful ones. As I brought up in my post with Monarch Man, the Phantom Alliance figured out how to exploit the soul’s memories of its previous body, the one it grew up in and was accustomed to, and apply that to the new body.
         Sally was another one of these experiments, her soul applied to a conglomeration of various bladed weapons, machinery, and tools, for no other reason than Science. Well, that, and the Phantom Alliance was hoping to create a particularly deadly weapon… Not only was Sally made up of these and could form and summon them from herself, but she also needed the motive required to embrace that role.
         So before her soul was bound, the Phantom Alliance employed some dark techniques of theirs, as part of their research into altering the mind and personality beyond the constrains of anatomy. How they did it is still pending for me, but… My current working explanation is that they basically shoved Sally’s soul into a whole vortex of other souls, except these belonged to people who had been recorded to have a deep bloodlust and sadism, and seemed to derive joy only from these things.
         Exposed to such wrath and emptiness for so long, it had its profound impact on Sally… Or, maybe she was always like that. Maybe they didn’t need to bother ‘altering’ Sally’s personality, and her soul was chosen for this type of lethal body, because Sally always had that type of violent propensity. Maybe Sally wasn’t placed in that vortex to be converted, but to see if she could be used to convert others…
         Sally was reborn, with a cold and metallic body that mimicked the texture and properties of a human one, but with none of the feeling. Due to her new body’s inorganic, non-living nature, Sally retained only her senses of hearing, sight, and touch, but with the last one dulled. She could feel the pressure and sensations of interacting with things, but it was more akin to being numb; No actual pain, but also no true feeling.
         Sally didn’t need to breathe. She didn’t need to eat, she had no biological processes whatsoever. She couldn’t taste, couldn’t smell, the feeling of the cool wind on her face, or the soft textures of a plush, meant nothing to her. Sally couldn’t die of natural causes because her body wasn’t living to begin with, she was static and in stasis; Functionally immortal. At most, Sally could assimilate metal to repair and regenerate herself, but it was a cold and impersonal process that felt like nothing.
         That’s how Sally felt pretty much all the time, as well; No feelings, no sensations. But it was only when exposed to bloodlust and the satisfaction of rendering enemies apart, spilling blood and cutting flesh, that Sally felt things. Those were the only circumstances she felt a spark of joy or feeling, and naturally, she became addicted to that sensation in order to grant a sense of purpose and meaning to her empty shell of an existence.
         Sally was directed as an assassin by the Phantom Alliance, but the wait for victims between assignments made her impatient, and likewise she had no love for her captors. Sally eventually escaped and fled into the night, forging her own path and identity… And going on a senseless killing spree, slaughtering an entire path with innocents left in her wake, and even regular animals, just to sate that appetite.
         Infamy arose of the serial killer known as the Slicer, a title Sally enthusiastically adopted. Not really having a proper civilian identity and not needing one (Sally was functionally immortal), that just made it even harder to pinpoint the Slicer, as did their mysterious and borderline supernatural nature, appearing out of nowhere before disappearing. If the Slicer had their sights on you, you were as good as dead; They had an inhuman strength, speed, and durability, and seemed practically made of weapons!
         …The Slicer’s reign of terror reigned, but after a while, Sally became uncomfortably aware of the pointless destruction of her existence. All she did was take and kill, she provided nothing, merely reduced the world and made it smaller, to what end? So she stopped killing. She became a drifter, looking for some new meaning or purpose to redefine herself. Empathy didn’t come to Sally, but she was still capable of sympathy and compassion and could figure these things out.
         Alas, pouring her time into other hobbies didn’t prove as fruitful, they didn’t recreate that same zest for life that killing did. But Sally managed to find some pleasure and enjoyment, and she kept herself in check as a butcher at times, experimenting with those kinds of jobs; Once she made a name for herself under the pseudonym “Sal” at a fishing village, where Sal learned how to cut a mean fillet in record time, and became an expert on fish! But in the end…
         It wasn’t enough. Sally tried engaging in the arts, consuming or even creating them, but in the end she preferred to just consume (since what she did produce was rather… disturbing). Every now and then Sally would treat herself, allow herself to indulge in her bloodlust by killing just the one victim. Sometimes she tried to go for other murderers and those who also inflicted misery upon others, but Sally wasn’t kidding herself; She wasn’t a good person, and her vigilantism was hollow.
         And that’s when she met Talikal, one of the Escapees. He’d escaped from the Tower of Tears and had begun his own fledging criminal enterprise, a lone wolf from the rest of his fellow prisoners. Sally had singled out Talikal as a target one night, and was perplexed to find herself totally unable to lay even a scratch on him, employing the sharpest and most brutal of her weapons, strength, and tactics against Talikal. But nothing.
         Talikal rather liked Sally’s attitude and enthusiasm, and offered her a job. And as someone Sally never had to worry about killing for she couldn’t even if she tried… well, Sally decided, why not? She joined Talikal’s gang, and before she knew it, latched onto Talikal as a genuine friend she looked up to and wanted to protect. As corny as it was, maybe this was what Sally was really looking for… friendship, with those who knew and understood her exactly!
         What started off as a reluctant, “Why not” venture became Sally’s newfound purpose in life. She would kill, but for a reason; Sally would dedicate herself to ensure each murder accomplished and contributed to something, even if it wasn’t morally good. Because as long as Sally helped to build and create, be it tangibly or on a more conceptual level, it felt like Sally had something to fight for. And not just something but someone, with Talikal becoming a bit of an older brother figure to her. Tal of course wouldn’t openly admit this, but quickly Sally became a right-hand man of his and trusted confidant.
         A recent job eventually led Sally to terrorize the community of Brooker, in order to send a message to the Arkley Gang situated nearby; Talikal gave Sally some freedom to go wild, as a treat! And this led Sally to encounter Lloyd, whom she initially tried to murder… but long story short, the attempt was interrupted by another threat. And between the two, Lloyd sided with Sally the Slicer of all people, and this gesture deeply touched her.
         Yes, she had literally just tried to kill this kid, but he chose Sally! He was her first choice, out of some other jerk! They worked together and Sally found a fondness for the kid, and opted to spare his life, reasoning she didn’t have to kill anyone in particular, just a certain number. They departed on good terms, and Lloyd went back to school that day, idly realizing he just befriended a serial killer.
         …FORMER serial killer, Sally insists! She’s very particular about it. She sees herself as more a mercenary and assassin now, murder but with purpose! With an assignment, and with someone she’ll dedicate herself towards! Not just her silly old self, Sally’s got at least a little bit of self-loathing, which I guess is fair since she’s murdered countless innocents. But yeah, it was this established contact that encouraged Sally to reach out to Trexdis and her group after they defected from the Arkley Gang and escaped with a few of the students, planning to eventually return and free the rest by killing Arkley themselves.
         While Sally is more than eager to welcome Trexdis and her group, for Lloyd is among them… Well, Trexdis’ group is understandably wary of Talikal. Whom, definitely means well for Sally, but also has his own agendas, and may not be totally sincere in how he partners up with Trexdis and the others… He’ll try to spare Sally’s feelings on the way, IF he has to go that route. Maybe, maybe not.
         …That’s Sally the Slicer! A classic and admittedly a favorite. Despite looking very petite and pastel, she’s actually a rather crass and grumpy individual with a sailor’s mouth, and carries herself in an almost masculine manner. As a kid I initially intended Sally to be more of a feminine, bat-her-lashes type, but I just had more fun with this take. In truth, I don’t think Sally cares much for gender, she just chose this look as a civilian guise, and then never changed it because why?
         She’s got masks, literally and figuratively. There is of course the metal mask she wears as her ‘Slicer’ persona, which in itself is openly sadistic, murderous, cackling and gleeful. Though Sally’s admittedly a bit arrogant at times, so if she’s caught by surprise and inconvenienced, she gets easily flustered and VERY irritated. And as I said, she’s kind of a girlloser, so Sally isn’t immune to falling down a flight of stairs (her body can take a lot of punishment), she’s like… Shiromori from Mystery Skulls, if you want to use a frame of reference. Or Raiden from Metal Gear Rising.
         But when Sally isn’t busy being the Slicer… well, she’s just kind of a quiet, withdrawn, and disinterested, comes across as a hostile resting bitch face. She’s a bit of a loner and recognizes that she doesn’t fit in for good reason, she DID try to engage with normal people as just a regular person who wasn’t interested in murder, but it just didn’t work out. As a result, Sally’s a bit jaded and cynical, and when not intense, is just sort of. Vibing, but mostly feeling empty and not particularly happy.
         Despite her recklessness and trigger-happy aggression however, Sally does have some self-awareness. She’s reflected a bit on who she is, on her impact on society, how there’s not really anything else that grants the same luster for life as murder. And she’s a bit existentially troubled by this, hence her brief era as a vagabond trying new things. She’s got walls built up, for others and herself, because Sally struggles with the fact that people, again understandably, are repulsed by someone like her.
         In truth, she’s a deeply lonely person, she’s only really a young adult and grappling with the traumatic loss of her original body, with something cold and unfeeling. She misses a lot of physical sensations, and wonders if she wouldn’t need to kill if she had those old feelings back. As is, Sally can’t fully justify going on senseless rampages, so she tries to be ‘productive’ and ‘meaningful’ by devoting herself to a cause, in this case Talikal’s.
         I think Sally ultimately wants and is looking for friendship, for twisted freaks who understand her, but also understand Sally’s admitted apprehension towards herself and reluctance to just be that, without apology. Maybe she’s looking for help in fixing a problem she recognizes, deep down, without being judged too much for it. Again, not that she blames anyone for judging her, she’s a killer!!!
         So underneath that murderous Slicer persona, and underneath that moody, grumpy, and withdrawn front… Sally’s actually surprisingly eager for friendship. She’s learned and studied from those around her how to curb her impulses, how to set inhibitions. Sally struggles with empathy, but by observation, she’s slowly getting the hang of sympathy and compassion, not particularly feeling anything for anyone, but still recognizing that this is bad for them, so she’ll try to help.
         Make a friend out of Sally, and you’ve got a devoted friend for life; That’s what Talikal and Lloyd discovered, not really at all intentionally. But they’re willing to return the favor, as awkward as it is on Lloyd’s end, but he does see the opportunity to leverage Sally’s trust to veer her away from murder, which is something she’s noticed and is glad for. Talikal is less moral, but still genuinely interested, deep down, in helping Sally learn how to function as a ‘normal’ person.
         Is Sally coming to terms with her darker side to accept and handle it, or is she just in denial, pretending to be someone she’s not? She’s not sure. But one thing she does know is that she WILL fight and especially kill for those she cares about. And amidst the quieter ruminations, Sally is still exaggeratedly vicious and enthusiastic for violence, having to remind herself to tone it down, but in the end she still misses and loves it, as bad as it is. And Sally is often a dumbass brute, who has some rather straight-forward approaches to things. While brilliant when it comes to the art of murder and fillet, Sally has her dingus moments as a grunt/henchman.
         Sally’s kind of a messed up, edgy teenager who likes to wear masks like it’s Halloween, except she commits real harm. Sure she’s at least twenty, but growing up as an isolated lab experiment who was trained to be a weapon and only that means you’re not socially learned. Hence, those awkward times where Sally tried to integrate back into society. Sally isn’t all that experienced when it comes to navigating relationships, and admittedly Talikal isn’t the best influence, but given that he genuinely cares, it also still works.
         Again, Sally is aware of her inexperience, and conscious of the potential toll she may enact on her ‘friends’, who will of course struggle to rehabilitate Sally, and may strain and even hurt themselves in the attempt. Deep down? Sally’s got some social anxiety and is performing mental calculations to figure out how she can be helpful to her new friends, but due to her own issues, can and has misunderstood the situation and caused trouble as a result; Maybe the only thing she’s good at and for is murder, Sally frustratedly considers!
         I briefly brought up Sally’s abilities, so let me provide a bit more focus. Sally looks and feels like a fleshy human, but she’s noticeably cold because she’s actually a soul bound to a whole conglomeration of assorted weapons, tools, and torture devices, all of them bladed and sharp. Sally can manifest them out of her limbs and any part of herself, and due to her strange nature, Sally is much stronger and faster than any human, and can take more damage too. 
        Being metallic, Sally has actually gotten dents in the past, and if she scrapes a part of herself against a metal surface, sparks will even fly! She can assimilate metal to regenerate damage, and spawn and hurl bladed weapons at people. Punching Sally is like punching metal, and she’s got surprising heft and weight despite her small frame, but she’s also plenty agile too.
         As I said, I’m figuring out Sally’s ‘other designs’, so to elaborate; I know how she looks as a casual civilian. But Sally’s got an in-between state, where a lot of her bladed weaponry emerges, basically how she dresses and presents for combat; And then there’s her elusive true form fully revealed, which I’m saving for a special moment in the narrative. I’m still working on the designs of both to this day, and while I’ve come up with a past look for Sally’s in-between state, I’m not satisfied with it anymore.
        Sally the Slicer! A classic favorite. She’s edgy, murderous, vicious. She’s also a moody teenager, because while she’s technically older than that, she never grew up with proper socialization. She’s painfully aware of and struggling with her cursed existence, and trying to remedy it. She’s secretly socially anxious despite the crass aggression she puts up. She’s a loyal and devoted friend, she has hyperfixations about Hannibal Lecter and Jigsaw! She’s also a violent girlloser who jumps in before anyone else to fight and kill, only to get run over by a bus because she didn’t look both ways before crossing the street. I love her.
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eeteernity · 2 years
Thanks for the advice
Sano Shinichiro x reader
warnings: i’m not sure what happened the the sanos parents so i’m just gonna make a little something up but it doesn’t go against the plot of the manga at all
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Just like any child, Shinichiro was upset at his parents recent mishaps. First the divorce, now their fathers death and mothers absence, he had a right to be upset. Everyone around him knew that, an 12 year old boy, with his 2 year old brother. Thankfully their grandfather took them in, but it still stung to be abandoned like that. He was constantly sluggish and in a bad mood. Not showing his kind and caring self to the world anymore, he shut himself off, from his friends, family, even himself. But that didn’t sit right with (y/n).
She wasn’t friends with the boy, only sharing a few classes with him in the past few years, and he would be joining the same dojo as her, the one his grandpa ran. Still, They talked a few times in class, but that was the extent of it. But he was being so obvious about his bad mood it pissed her off. Usually she wouldn’t care about these kinds of things, but it felt different with him. Maybe because of his situation, the way he was handling? She really didn’t know; All she knew is that she was annoyed at him. 
It had been a mildly warm day, at lunch time she went to some shaded area, one near the edge of the school, so people would be less likely to find her. It’s not that (y/n) hated people, she wasn’t bullied or anything. She had quite a few friends actually. Hot days just weren’t her days. So imagine her surprise when the boy she’s most annoyed with comes to her spot. Just plopped himself down almost next to her. On a warm day too! she could feel her body heat rise.
“It’s really hot today.”
he said out loud, (y/n) wasn’t really sure if he was talking to her or not. so she wanted to reply just in case.
“mhm i feel my skin peeling off right now.”
“haha! me too. I’m sano shinichiro by the way, we share some classes together if you remember. You can call me anything, i really don’t mind. Especially when it’s a pretty girl like you!”
the boy laid back on the tree, trying to cool himself down.
“pretty? Usually boys wait a bit before saying that. You shouldn’t just throw out compliments willy nilly, they lose their meaning then!”
“h-huh?! I’m being serious though! you’ve always been pretty. You think i call every girl i see pretty???”
he said, shock laced in his voice as he jolted up, staring you down.
“hm? always? we haven’t talked enough for you to call me that.”
“huhhhh no way. We totally have…. I asked you what the date was.. and.. you borrowed my eraser… WHICH YOU DIDNT GIVE BACK!”
he said, yelling the last part a little loud.
he huffed out.
“kind and considerate huh.. you were like that before. You were really loud in class, and you always helped everyone out. Now… you’re kinda just a shell of yourself. It’s weird.”
“weird? it’s not my fault! i have a lot going o-“
you cut him off, you really didn’t want to hear his whole pity speech.
“Oh my god, get in line. Everyone has a lot going on. You should be glad you do have things going on! some people never got to live long enough to experience things going on. You’re so lucky to have the life you have, to breath everyday, drink clean water, eat when you want, hang out with your friends! some people will never experience that. So stop pitying yourself. Things happen! life goes on, deal with it just stop being so fucking fake.”
Shinichiro was speechless for a bit, he just looked over at the school, staying silent. he spoke up after a bit.
“you know what… you’re so right (y/n)! i’m not enjoying being sad all the time. Thanks for the advice.”
“i didn’t think that would work, wow.”
With that he stormed off, leaving you to cool down by yourself again. later after lunch when you went back to class, you did see good old annoying shinichiro. Talking to all his friends, being super enthusiastic. It was nice. Everyone in class seemed to be having a good time. That was until the teacher came in.
After that, You and shinichiro grew closer. Hanging out almost everyday after school. one day when you two were 13 you were hanging out like any other day with a few other friends at the park. having your usual talk, until shinichiro brought up a crazy idea.
“guys let’s make a gang.”
various huhs came out of everyone.
The black haired boy had stars in his eyes. while the others sweat dropped.
“Chiro… no offence but you’re weak as. Weak at fighting and weak to women.”
one of your friends said, bursting his bubble.
“bro we played slaps the other day, and you started crying when you flinched, and not to mention you do everything (y/n) says. You’re like a puppy towards her.”
another friend chimed in too, crushing his ego even more.
“you know what. I believe in him!”
(y/n) declared to all their friends, also met with huhs
“think about it guys, Shinichiro is so charismatic it’s scary sometimes. He can gain the respect of gang members easily! so he’ll have tough guys to fight with him. And the jackets would be so cool.”
Everyone agreed with (y/n). Leaving the boy even more head over heels with the girl. not only was she pretty on the inside and the outside, she also believed in him. Shinichiro honestly could’ve cried tears of joy. but it wasn’t the time. Right now it was the time to make a gang.
From that day on, the black dragons was formed. the leader who was weak at fighting, and weak to women. Sometimes he would wonder what got him so lucky, to be surrounded by so many people who loved him. And every time he realises that they were there all along.
he just needed some advice from a beautiful girl to get him to realise.
a/n i wrote this in 40 minutes and i haven’t written in like 5 months so,,; sorry if it’s ass. i just felt like writing
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cakesunflower · 4 years
a court of golden shadows: elain archeron and azriel endgame
so this is like an 11 page paper i wrote on why i think Elain Archeron and Azriel from Sarah J. Maas’s A Court of Thorns and Roses are endgame. i made a joke on twitter that i’d write a proper MLA format styled paper on them because i love them so much and a bunch of my moots convinced me to do it so here i am.
this is for the Elriel lovers like myself. if you read it, which you don’t have to, please refrain from commenting anything negative. everyone is entitled to their own opinions, and this whole essay is just my opinion on it. so if you read, i hope you enjoy!!
keep in mind, it’s LONG.
         A Court of Golden Shadows: Elain Archeron and Azriel Endgame
Sarah J. Maas’s fantasy series A Court of Thorns and Roses displays epic, world-shattering love stories among the thrilling action and fantastical elements present throughout the novels, as seen in the romance between Feyre Archeron and Rhysand and, most recently, Nesta Archeron and Cassian. Two sisters have already accepted and embraced the (so-called) rare mating bond with their respective counterparts, yet the question remains on what is to happen with the middle sister, Elain Archeron, who apparently has a mating bond of her own with Lucien Vanserra, but has not, for two books and a novella, made any indication of accepting it. However, Elain, in her quiet, gentle way, has shown to be more attentive towards the Night Court’s resident Shadowsinger and Spymaster, Azriel. Who, in turn, has notably started to move on from a five-century long love harbored for another female and gravitating towards the last remaining Archeron sister.
It can be said that the concept of the three Archeron sisters all ending up with the three Illyrian males is a cliché, but if done right, they can capture the reader in their grasp—one that no one would want to get out of. Taking a look at the novels, particularly starting from the second book, A Court of Mist and Fury, since this is where Azriel’s character is introduced, it is difficult to ignore the fact that Maas has been laying the groundwork for Elain and Azriel—or Elriel, as I will refer to them throughout this paper—to be a couple from the moment they met, whether these hints are subtle or obvious. In chapter 24 of ACOMAF where Feyre, the Illyrian faes, and her sisters have dinner together, we see tentative interactions between Elain and Azriel, despite the two of them having just met and Elain, as a mortal who grew up with stories of the terrors of faeries, seems to look towards the spymaster more. The first glimpse of their interaction, no matter how small, is shown on pages 253-254 when “a faint smile bloomed upon Azriel’s mouth as he noticed Elain’s fingers white-knuckled on that fork”. Though this moment can be overlooked, it is only the first of many oncoming moments of Azriel noticing Elain and her actions, a subtle hint of the spymaster’s attention towards Elain. The focus of attention is returned when Elain then turns to Azriel a few pages later, wanting to know more about their ability to fly, even so far as going to say “That’s very beautiful” when Azriel describes Illyrians as being “born hearing the song of the wind” (256-257). Additionally, there are two moments in this particular chapter where Elain, in some semblance, looks towards Azriel as a way of relaxing herself. The first is noted when Azriel’s attention is said to be on Elain, and he offers her a “polite, bland smile”, and Feyre notices how Elain’s “shoulders loosened a bit” in response to it (256). Rather than looking towards Feyre for indicators during an unexpected dinner with faeries, Elain seems to be more drawn to looking at Azriel, which is shown once again in the following passage: “Rhys chuckled, Cassian’s wrath slipping enough that he grinned, and Elain, noticing Azriel’s ease as proof that things weren’t indeed about to go badly, offered one of her own as well” (258). Elain tends to check everyone’s reactions to the circumstances to determine the levels of tension in the atmosphere, but she truly seems to be put at ease when she notices Azriel’s own relaxed state, once again indicating the attention she pays to him from the moment they met.
The first three books in Maas’s series are told through Feyre’s perspective, so it can be said that our perception of and desire for Elain and Azriel getting together is skewed because of the point of view we are given. I, however, consider this to be a moot point because Feyre’s character is the type to notice everything around her. She comes to grow close to both Azriel and Cassian, and with Elain being her sister, the reader can depend on Feyre as being as much of a reliable narrator to tell us exactly what she sees and how she sees it. With this in mind, some of the examples given will be from Feyre’s own musings, but it is important to note that she, more than once, groups Elain and Azriel together. This is shown when, in chapter 49, Feyre is distracting Rhysand as she tries to take care of his wounds and muses about her sisters visiting Velaris. There, Feyre mentions to Rhysand, “I think Elain—Elain would like it, too. Though she’d probably cling to Azriel, just to have some peace and quiet”, before proceeding to think to herself—and the reader, “I smiled at the thought—at how handsome they would be together” (487). Of course, this observation is followed by the acknowledgement of Azriel quietly loving Mor, as he has for centuries, yet what we don’t know, during this, that this wouldn’t remain an issue for long.
Moving on to focus on the third installment of the series, A Court of Wings and Ruin, there is a solemnity surrounding Elain, who, at the end of the second novel, was forcefully turned into fae against her will. After the transformation, Elain has become a shell of who she used to be, trapped in a state of deep mourning of the humanity she lost, of the love of her fiancé she inevitably lost, too. She doesn’t eat nor does she speak to anyone, an empty yet no less beautiful version of herself as her Cauldron given powers, unbeknownst to everyone else, manifest. But even in her state, in her indifference towards her mate Lucien and yearning for her human fiancé Graysen, Elain managed to acknowledge Azriel. He is gentle with her, much like everyone else, as he carries her into the townhouse, smiles, inquires if she’d like for him to show her the garden. And although he stands tall, intimidating in his fighting leathers and large wings, Elain does not recoil from him in fear or shyness. Instead, she takes the arm he offers her and, although it is unsure if she is looking at his Siphon or his scarred hands, she still utters “Beautiful” in response to him (254). Even when life has unexpectedly turned bleak for Elain, even when the world loses its color in the aftermath of the trauma she suffered, in that moment, there was a glimpse of who she used to be as she found beauty in nothing but Azriel.
This same chapter is followed by an insightful conversation between Feyre and Rhysand, triggered by Feyre watching her sister and Azriel. Feyre notes how at odds Azriel looks sitting in the garden next to Elain in his armor, yet she still questions, “Why not make them mates?” (257). This spurs a significant conversation between the High Lord and High Lady, where readers are given some more history on mating bonds and introduced to the prevailing concept of rejected bonds. Rhys provides examples of ill-chosen bonds, such as his parents, who were mates yet their relationship was not ideal in the least. Here, we are told that sometimes fate, the Mother, whatever chooses two mates can be wrong in its pairings, and it is rare for the bond to bring together “true, paired souls” (258) like Feyre and Rhysand. It has been established that the female can reject the bond, and while the male may feel the tug of it, it’s their burden to push through it. Maas spends an entire page or so talking about the concept of ill-chosen or rejected bonds, so it would be naive to look over these details if they weren’t placed in the storyline for a reason. Elain and Lucien may be mates, and Azriel (at least currently within the book) may be in love with Mor, but the idea of free will is not something to be so easily dismissed. Elain already had the choice of her humanity, her mortality, ripped away from her—it’s doubtful she would let this pattern continue.
In chapter 24 of A Court of Wings and Ruin, when Elain is having her first conversation with Lucien, she states, “No one ever looked—not really” (252), and although here she is referencing Graysen, this statement comes around a few chapters later. In chapter 27, Elain walks in on a conversation amongst the Inner Circle, and Azriel was the first to step forward as he noticed something amiss. His observations and questions when he says to her, “[But] you heard something else” and “What did you see” indicate that he, unlike Feyre and Nesta, believes that Elain’s riddled musings have a deeper meaning and need to be heard. The scene ends with Feyre looking to Azriel, noticing that his “hazel eyes churned as he studied my sister, her too-thin body. And without a word, he winnowed away” (287). Azriel didn’t brush off what Elain said, because while her sisters thought Elain had gone mad, Azriel listened to her—he looked. He looked past her “too-thin body” and read between the lines of what she said, and knew there was more than what meets the eye. He looked, which was exactly what Elain had wanted.
This is repeated in chapter 32, when Elain brings up another queen and no one is quite sure what she’s talking about, except for Azriel, who steps forward and gently prods Elain to elaborate. Even Lucien watches Elain warily, questioning if they need to help her, yet Azriel is firm in his assessment that Elain doesn’t need help, that they need to be the ones who need to listen, before ultimately determining that she does, in fact, have powers and is established to be a seer. So while Lucien “stared and stared at [Elain], as if he’d never seen her before”, it was Azriel who actually looked at her and saw what no one else was seeing, whose acknowledgment of her gift and the attention he brought to it from everyone else “freed her from whatever murky realm she’d been in” (336).
The idea of Azriel truly looking at Elain transitions into him looking for her, too. But first, another example of the former is seen in chapter 63, when Feyre, Nesta, and Amren hear the call of the cauldron in the middle of the night. They wonder about it, question why they three heard it because they were Made, not noticing that another who was Made was missing from their group. That is, until, Azriel asks, “What about Elain?” (560), and he is moving alongside the sisters to inspect Elain’s tent, only to find her missing. Azriel notices Elain—whether she is present or not. And so the concept of Azriel looking for Elain is introduced when they are discussing Elain’s rescue from Hybern in the following scene:
“From the shadows near the entrance to the tent, Azriel said, as if in answer to some unspoken debate, “I’m getting her back.”
Nesta slid her gaze to the shadowsinger. Azriel’s hazel eyes glowed golden in the shadows.
Nesta said, “Then you will die.”
Azriel only repeated, rage glazing that stare, “I’m getting her back.”” (563).
There was no hesitation on Azriel’s part in being the one to get Elain back, but there was obvious rage, as noted, in his gaze at the very idea of Elain having been kidnapped. A silent, lethal aura surrounds the shadowsinger that can be so clearly picked out within that scene, showcasing Azriel’s unwavering determination in returning Elain, even if it meant slipping into the heart of enemy camps—especially if it meant that. And throughout the dangers and urgency of this particular mission, when they do reach Elain, Azriel takes a moment to be tender towards her as he “gently removed the gag from her mouth” (573) and asks if she’s hurt. Elain, in turn, is shown to be “devouring the sight of him, as if not quite believing it” before she says “You came for me” (573). Elain looks at Azriel in wonder and disbelief, and this reaction hints towards how she feels drawn towards him. In their very first meeting during the dinner in the Archeron house, Elain looks to Azriel for reassurance, for judgement of the situation, and in the event of her rescue, she finds that same kind of comfort on a far more intense level. Because here, he truly is her rescuer, appearing in front of her to save her from the dangerous hands of their enemies and bring her to safety. And Azriel, in this sense, is devoted to her, holding up his fierce promising of getting her back. Even when he was injured, Azriel held onto Elain, refusing to let her go even while getting shot at and chased, and when they landed in their own camps, the first thing he claimed was for someone to get the chains off of her, rather than even mentioning his own injuries. This just reminds us of ACOMAF when Elain was being dragged to the cauldron and Azriel wasn’t even conscious to witness it—there is no doubt that if he was awake—and uninjured—he would’ve done all he could to save her. Maas robbed us of that type of scene.
Furthermore, evolving from the concept of Azriel rescuing Elain, we get another significant scene between the two of them that displays the kind of trust these two characters smoothly and effortlessly developed. On top of Elain accepting Azriel’s offers of taking her to the garden, a silent indicator that his company was one she enjoyed, Azriel shows a great act of trust to Elain as well when, in chapter 69, he offered her the use of his beloved knife, Truth-Teller. This blade is Azriel’s most prized possession, and to offer it to Elain to bring her the same kind of comfort and safety that we have seen she finds in Azriel himself portrays the trust he has in her—and his desire to protect her. This is emphasized when Rhys tells Feyre, “Never. . . I have never once seen Azriel let another person touch that knife” (610). Even Cassian was stunned that Azriel would let someone else use Truth-Teller, which is significant to note given that he has not let even Cassian nor Rhys—his brothers he has known for centuries—even touch it. And Elain, who had refused to take the knife Cassian had offered her, ends up accepting Truth-Teller—because it’s Azriel’s, and because through the short time she’s known him, he is someone she has poured her trust into and understands he wouldn’t lead her astray. And he didn’t, for it was Elain who “stepped out of a shadow” (653) and used that very same blade to kill the King of Hybern. A temporary gift, given from Azriel, that she used to put an end to one of the greatest threats to both the human and faerie realms.
In the post-war novella A Court of Frost and Starlight, Maas furthers the Elriel endgame agenda by continuing both subtle and blatant hints in their favor—and not just through actual interactions between the two. The concept of Azriel avoiding Lucien because of his mating bond with Elain is important to remember, for it will come back around later. But in this novella, we see it when Rhysand asks Azriel if he keeps an eye on Lucien, given that he is the spymaster. Azriel, in turn, informs him that he does not track his movements, because “He is Elain’s mate” and “It would be an invasion of her privacy to track him”, which Rhysand, since this is shown from his perspective, notes is because Azriel does not want to be aware of if and when Lucien seeks out Elain, and what they do together—if they do anything at all, given Elain’s tendencies to utterly ignore Lucien (70). Rhysand questions Azriel’s motives on this, but doesn’t get a response, but there is an understanding of Azriel’s intentions behind it. Not only does he want to remain ignorant of the forced bond between Elain and Lucien, but a big motivator for him is also Elain’s privacy, which he doesn’t want to intrude on—ironic, given that he is a spy, and it’s his job to know of others’ movements and thoughts.
Another example of Azriel very subtly showing his blossoming feelings towards Elain is when he unforgivingly states that if Lucien were to kill Elain’s ex-fiancé, then “good riddance” (71). He was well aware of how Graysen treated Elain after finding out she was fae, is the one who sits with her in the gardens because he is a comforting presence for her in the face of mourning, so he understands her. This idea is repeated in Azriel’s bonus chapter in A Court of Silver Flames, when Rhysand catches Azriel almost about to kiss Elain—that is definitely to be unpacked later—and warns him that Lucien has the right to invoke a Blood Duel to defend the mating bond, and Azriel does not hesitate, is confident, when he retorts that he would easily defeat Lucien, would have no problem in pulling Elain out of a bond she doesn’t even want.
The novella also includes some more obvious, sweet moments between Elain and Azriel, ones that show Elain’s own growing interest and feelings towards Azriel. Like in chapter 12, when Feyre notes that when Azriel enters the room, she feels Elain freeze at the sight of him, and then Elain proceeds to be almost in a trance when Azriel, after she greets him, moves towards her and takes the heavy dish of potatoes from her hands and says he’ll take care of it for her (105). This scene then continues when Elain hurries off to make herself more presentable, and rather than letting others dive into the food, Azriel stops Cassian from putting food on his plate and all but commands him to “wait until everyone is seated before eating” (106). Rhysand informs Feyre that this sudden reaction from Azriel stemmed from the treatment his mother received as a near servant, but it can also be tied to how Azriel keeps aware of Elain and the recurring theme of looking after her in any way. He notices her, just as she notices him, a subtle way of this being present in Elain’s solstice gift to Azriel. She doesn’t get a gift for Lucien, her mate, but does get one for Azriel, one that makes him laugh in a way that, Feyre notes, she’s never heard before. A genuine sort of joy breaking the cold, indifferent mask of the shadowsinger as he accepts and cherishes the gift Elain gave him—the extent of which we see in his bonus chapter, where it is revealed that he looks at the small vial every night before going to sleep, a not-so-subtle showing that Elain is the last thought on his mind before he descends into slumber.
This notion of the two of them looking after one another in their own ways is again repeated in A Court of Silver Flames in the following passage on page 221:
Azriel smirked. “You and Nesta are wanted down there.”
“Because of the shit with Elain?”
Azriel stilled. “What happened to Elain?”
Cassian waved a hand. “A fight with Nesta. Don’t bring it up,” he warned when Azriel’s eyes darkened.
Throughout the friendship they have formed, Azriel becomes a kind of protector of Elain’s, deriving from her being a part of their Inner Circle as well as the notion of Azriel’s own personal feelings for her. He is so obviously shown as going on the defense at the news of Elain getting into any kind of fight, of Elain potentially being hurt. It’s repeated on page 233 when Elain and Nesta are arguing, and after Nesta utters a nasty comment that lands on Elain like a blow, there is an acknowledgement of the “shadows gathered in the corners of the room, like snakes preparing to strike”. The shadows, of course, are Azriel’s, ready to jump between the sisters and defend Elain from Nesta’s verbal attack, to once again be her protector.
Of course, we can’t forget that Elain has a mate in Lucien, and how it seems to offer the enticing forbidden love trope between her and Azriel. We see a hint of it in A Court of Wings and Ruin, when in chapter 24, Lucien can scent where Elain had gone off to and who she’d gone with, in this case having it be Azriel, and he’d nearly snarled until Rhysand assured him that Azriel wasn’t the “ravishing type” (254)—although I think we can all agree that he most likely is, but wouldn’t even dream of it in terms of the state Elain was in at the time. Maybe it is the mating bond or maybe it’s both Elain and Azriel’s quiet personalities—or perhaps a combination of the two—but the shyness that has them looking at each other and then looking away continues. On page 467 of A Court of Silver Flames, Cassian notes how Elain nods shyly towards Azriel, who in turn offers her a small smile that she quickly looked away from, prompting Cassian to be puzzled as he wondered, “Lucien was certainly not here to snarl at any male who looked at her for too long”. Elain doesn’t look away from Azriel because of the bond, but perhaps because she is well aware of her feelings for him and, for the moment, is too shy for them to be known, especially by Azriel.
The mating bond between Elain and Lucien does serve as a barrier between her and Azriel, though. This is particularly present during the Winter Solstice, when a layer of Azriel’s character specifically has been peeled back to show his feelings for Elain. Like on page 597, when Elain is laughing at Nesta, the older Archeron sister notes that “Azriel stood in the doorway, monitoring them. As if he’d heard Elain’s sharp laugh and wondered what had caused it”. And if that wasn’t enough, Nesta watches as Azriel’s “gaze shifted to Elain, and though it was utterly neutral, something charged went through it. Between them. Elain’s breath caught slightly, and she gave him a shallow nod of greeting”. This is perhaps the most prominent moment of both of their feelings being reciprocated by the other, because Nesta notices the way they look at one another, as if they both see past the person they put in front of everyone else and truly see the other. And even Nesta understands that there is something deeper between the two, even if they themselves haven’t figured it out yet, when she approaches Azriel where he stands by the doorway and, when asked why he doesn’t sit, responds with a “pretty lie” of his shadows not liking the fire. But Nesta looks to where Elain is the one sitting by the fire, and why Azriel chooses to stand as far as he can, because it is “his secret to tell. Never hers” (600). Just like that, Nesta is aware of Azriel’s feelings for her sister and, perhaps, her subtle way of comforting him was her showing her approval.
We get a deeper insight of this scene in Azriel’s bonus chapter—an entire chapter that allows readers to see exactly how he feels about Elain, and that she returns those feelings, too. It is confirmed that Azriel stands by the doorway, away from Elain, because Lucien is in the same room, and the sight and scent of their mating bond is one that Azriel cannot stand. Because the female he feels deeply for, according to fate, “belongs” to another male and he needs to put distance between himself and the two of them when they’re in the same room. Yet, the mating bond doesn’t prevent Azriel from thinking of Elain, from fantasizing about her every night. He goes from being shown as relieved when Rhys tells him he doesn’t have to buy the sisters presents for the Winter Solstice in A Court of Frost and Starlight, to actively buying her a beautiful flower necklace that she would no doubt love. Their secret exchanging of gifts leads to an epic, steamy, full-of-yearning almost first kiss that shows so clearly that Azriel’s feelings for Elain aren’t unrequited, that she, just like him, is desperate to give into what’s been brewing between them for so long. Yet it’s all cut short when Rhys interrupts Azriel, reminding him of a mating bond that Azriel’s painfully aware of—and confidently willing to pull Elain away from if Lucien decides to invoke the Blood Duel. Azriel’s questioning of the cauldron, wondering why it picked three sisters and had two of them end up with his brothers while the last remaining one was mated to another, is not him declaring that he has a right to Elain. This is him questioning the powers and forces that no one truly understands, this is him questioning from a place of heartbreak, wondering why, yet again, he was the one left behind. It happened when his father imprisoned him, forcing Azriel to delay in his training as an Illyrian, it happened when the female he spent centuries loving never once returned the same kind of love, and now it’s happening again. Azriel does not believe he deserves Elain—it goes against his character, because he is self-deprecating, does not think he truly deserves anything good and worthy. He is simply questioning why his choice doesn’t ever seem to matter, and why Elain is yet again left having her decisions being taken away from her.
Because the matter of choice is a prevalent, significant theme for the two of them. For Elain, she was never allowed to truly make a choice in her life. Her mother’s death, her family falling into poverty, turning into High Fae, losing Graysen, the mating bond, her father’s death—these were all huge, significant life changing moments that she had no say in and was forced to endure, completely upending who she was and how she lived. But there is one choice Elain can make, and that is to reject the mating bond with Lucien. There are so many examples throughout the books where Elain turns away from Lucien; she doesn’t express any interest in him—it’s like he doesn’t even exist to her. There is utter indifference on her end, despite any effort made by Lucien, and that in itself is Elain choosing to all but formally reject the bond, however that may come about. There is a moment in A Court of Wings and Ruin in chapter 54 when Elain, while pleading with Graysen, claims, “I belong to no one. My heart belongs to you” (498). Of course, Azriel has nothing to do with what Elain was saying at the time, but her declaration of this speaks to her character and how dearly she holds onto the idea of being with someone of her own choosing, with someone she loves. This can further be developed into the idea that although fate, the cauldron, the Mother may have chosen Lucien for Elain—a pairing that can, ultimately, be ill-chosen—Elain would not give it the time of day unless it’s what her heart wants. And from what we have seen so far, her heart wants Azriel. She chooses Azriel over Lucien, and that holds significant weight to her and, I imagine eventually, to Azriel as well.
Azriel, who has not been other people’s choice. Azriel, who was imprisoned by his own father, who was rejected by the Illyrians. Azriel, who has spent five centuries loving Mor, who will never love him the way he did her. And it’s saying something, isn’t it, that he has finally stopped yearning for her, and that it was Elain who he is enraptured by? Even Cassian noted that the way Azriel used to look at Mor have become few and far in between, telling the audience that the spymaster has finally begun to move on, or already has, from Mor. And Elain wanting to kiss Azriel confirms to him, in particular, that he is her choice as well. And she is his, as further confirmed when Azriel tells Rhys he has no problem engaging in the Blood Duel with Lucien if it means freeing Elain from a bond she doesn’t want, and allowing them both to dive into the choices they clearly want to make.
Truthfully, there are many examples throughout the books where I can talk about Elain rejecting Lucien. She cringed away from the very first time he touches her in ACOMAF—though, granted, it happens right after she comes out of the cauldron. She is unsettled when Lucien tugs on their bond, saying that it felt as though he pulled on a thread connecting to a rib, which sounds painful and nothing like the comforting bond readers have seen between Feyre and Rhys. Elain doesn’t buy Lucien any presents for solstice, and the first present he got her, gardening gloves to prevent her hands from tearing, are ones she doesn’t use. Because she would much rather feel her hands get torn up while she’s working in her garden, uncaring if they scar, which in turn is a reminder of Azriel’s scarred hands and how she found them beautiful. And for those who wonder about Azriel giving the necklace he got for Elain to Gwyn, it is important to note that he tells Clotho to give it to any priestess who would want it, and merely mentions Gwyn by name because he trained her, because he was the one who rescued her after an attack, and she is the one he knows most familiarly by name because of it. At the end of it, Azriel only wanted the necklace gone because he didn’t want to see it, didn’t want to remember that the female he wants, wants him back just as much, but he was all but forbidden to pursue her. Once again, a choice that was taken away from him, and giving the necklace away is far easier than keeping it and remembering how he couldn’t be with Elain. At least for now.
Throughout the novels, there are many symbols that hint towards Elain and Azriel being together, but that is a paper for another day. This one’s goal was to simply point out the many physical and emotional indicators of the way the two of them are drawn to one another, despite the obstacles that are thrown their way—the biggest one being the mating bond no one asked for. There is comfort in the relationship they have, an ease you wouldn’t expect someone with Elain’s light to find in Azriel’s darkness. He offers her comfort in shy smiles and soft looks, and Elain does the same for him, which we see in the act of his shadows disappearing around her. These very shadows provided him comfort when he needed them, were his friends in his prison, and them leaving him when Elain is around is a sign of the contentment Azriel feels, because he doesn’t have to protect himself in her presence. Azriel loved Mor, and it has been noted that he lights up when she is around, and Elain is the only other person he reacts similarly to—because Elain is who he wants now that he has moved on from Mor. It’s important, isn’t it, that Elain is who pulls Azriel away from the centuries-long love he’d been lost in? That she is who he looks for, thinks about, wonders after?
Elain has found comfort in Azriel’s darkness, and he has found peace in her light, and so how could they not defy what’s been expected of them and rewrite fate to fit the choices they make themselves?
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hazelcephalopod · 3 years
The Eye of the World Ch 36-38
I’m back with another, whatever this is!
In the city Team Luck finally catches a long(er) break. Mat gets a nap, in a bed. Rand makes a strange new friend. Team Experience comes across Team Competent in a dire situation. The reunited groups continue on their way to Caemlyn.
It’s going to be a long one!
Disclaimer: this is my first read thru but I’ve watched all of the show this far and been spoiled on some book things. So… I’m going to lean into that. Enjoy figuring out what I know, and what I think I know, and what I just don’t. Also s/x I add commentary when I edit.
Spoilers for the first book and up to the most recent episode under the cut. Potential spoilers for latter books.
Ch 36
Rand POV
Be gone well before then
But. Food!
A story to rival an Aes Sedai honestly in stepping carefully thru the truth. Still… hard sell (editor me- Is Rand and Aes Sedai? Is that still how that works?)
Oh joy court politics /s
You do own the place and she does work there
Rats… well that means the dark one is around, apparently
Lol. G’luck sorting out who is and isn’t a Darkfriend. If they will act is indeed another matter
Food. But sad fear eating
Oh sweet relief. An attic with a bed!
Rand’s discomfort with girls like I understand it’s b/c he’s a teenager -and meta reasons. Like I know that. But… tbh I keep having to remind myself because my first instinct is- ‘why are you like this and why does it feel queer?’ Which does say more about me but… I think it’s gonna be more fun to also figure out why he’s queer so I think I’ll do that instead. I guess this is your warning?
“He [Rand] expected some comment from Mat, but as soon as she was gone, Mat threw himself on one of the beds, still in his cloak and boots, and turned his face to the wall.” -after the barmaid shows them to their -attic- room and flirts with an uncomfortable Rand. Also, the latter half is verbatim for the show scene. Fantastic.
Library?! I knew it the library is in the inn they are staying at isn’t it?! In the show. Because it appears to be. Many books and now I’m probably too excited
Even tho I’ve seen more I fully relate to the awe of seeing so any books in one place.
Excitement valid! Yesssss. Loial! I’m as excited as an oyster growing it’s first shell!
Lol. Fails to draw sword. And he fell on his ass
So Ogiers haven’t really interacted with humans in the hundreds of years since the War of Hundred Years (I later learn it’s just less rather then not at all)
4 days isn’t too long at least
90 years and that may still be a teen in his culture?
Lol. Yup. He just left cuz they were taking too long to let him
It’s also cool meeting someone who left home of their own volition to contrast the TR crew being mostly forced to leave or at least having little option to return
Oh they built a bunch of cities after the Breaking. For humans. Huh
Something about trees? Idk what that is but I’m for it. That’s sounds cool
Ok the trees have something to do with the stedding?
And there are Ogier in Cairhien that work on the cities still. And various Ogier communities in the multiple steddings
So yes a teenager, basically
Lol. Few refute the pattern exists I guess
That is absolutely a part of it yup
“I suppose it’d be fun to live as long as you do, but I never really thought about it.” -Rand to Loial on Ogier long life vs humans shorter ones
“We Ogier are bound to out steddings.” - Loial to Rand. Why?
Don’t think the groves and the stedding are the same thing now ???
Carihein was once called “Al’cair’raheinallen, Hill of the Golden Dawn”. They forgot the name but remember the sun imagery
“Caemlyn is still Caemlyn…” that name hasn’t changed
Tear and Illian names have changed.
“‘Till shade is gone, till water is gone, into the Shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath, to spit in Sightblinder’s eye on the Last Day.” -Loial, clearly quoting something to make a point about human nature.
“Sightblinder” again, and eyes being mentioned. That’s the Aiel name for the Dark one I recall.
Oh he’s expecting some phrase in return then. Nice… that��s a good little egg, maybe?
“The Great Trees… Are they like *Avendorosa*?” -Rand trying to fill the silence after Loial’s quote and silence. Didn’t someone mention that earlier? I can’t remember who to whom tho. Maybe Rand and Tam? ??
Oh lol. Yup. Loial absolutely thinks he’s Aiel. -b/c he is, ethnically at least-
Lol. ‘No!’ ‘Huh? Yes.’ ‘No’. ‘Weird! Guess the world has changed?’
“Your pain sings in my heart, Rand al’Thor.” -Loial
Hmm… is he actually like, feeling his pain somehow!
Ohh he’s like ‘large man… friend? Plz be friend’
“…it was almost as if he were two people…” -Rand
Rand tells Loial everything, ‘this is fine. Yup totally fine’. Tells him about the dreams: “Maybe Loial would just think he was going mad.”
Loial pointing at Rand ‘main character.’
“I could live on the farm or in Emond’s Field, and that would be a small change. If I wanted to be king…” -Rand al’Thor trying to understand Loial’s explanation of the pattern
So. Much. Lore. So… normally the Pattern is elastic but sometimes it just chooses a person/people/place for a while and says ‘this is what’s gonna happen to you now. Buckle up. Or don’t. It’s happening regardless’. That’s the web (ta’maral’ailen) and it happens to ta’veren.
“Artur Hawkwing was ta’veren. So was Lews Therin Kinslayer… I suppose.” -Loial on the pattern.
‘Kinslayer’ can’t deny it fits.
Rand ‘no. No. I’m nobody to the pattern and neither are my friends’
“It’s just ridiculous.” (Rand) “I wish to travel with you, Rand.” (Loial)
No bring him!
Ch 37
Nynaeve! POV
“At Whitebridge she had begun to believe Moiraine. Somewhat. More, at any rate.” -(Nynaeve) lol
And the penny drops. Or rather the magic tracking coin
Wait that’s how the coin works? Penny back in the air
Idk if I’m using the penny phrase right or not
Perrin and Egwene. Yay?
Honestly what the Whitecloaks are interested in they are terrible at getting. (I’m never going to stop saying this or dissing them btw)
“Light knows it doesn’t take much to make Whitecloaks suspicious…” -Moiraine. Truth!
Oh shit. Sabotage, get rid of the horses.
Don’t worry about the wolves. Lol they did
Finally! Someone making their skirts easier to move in. It’s not hard
Lol love Nynaeve and her competitive crushing.
They’re not cult-y at all /s
Truly NPCs
These horses are indeed more perceptive than their riders
I have never feared *a horse* more
Would Lan not have seen which boy it was in the camp? Like… at least know it wasn’t Rand? And maybe in the books Perrin and May look enough alike that Lan has not yet learned which is which. Honestly is so, hilarious. I’m fine with that then.
The horses: fuck yea if Bela wants to go let’s leave these assholes behind!
Lol. Nynaeve: I wish Moiraine would do the thing. Moiraine: I got you girl!
And… all the horses loose it of course
She got Bela, and another horse! Good call!
Ch 38
Perrin POV
Well that sounds miserable
And horrifying
And deeply sad. Because people do torture each other
That Byar guy is evil. Like, just a pure evil person, and I don’t say that lightly
So just… absolutely horrible humans all around then. Still dangerous fools
That feels like a trap. Is he really going to help them escape and let them go? More like help them escape and kill then as they run
Perrin agrees (I soon learn we are right)
It does! Help is coming. And not soon enough
Lan- me dead? Lol. Not to these fools at least
Well add all this to the “List of A Bad Times”
It’s like dark dark out then
Wait… Perrin doesn’t have night vision anymore?
“He felt a prick as it settled around his shoulders, a stab of worry between his shoulder blades. Was it Byar’s cloak he had ended up with?” -(Perrin) as he puts on one of the Whitecloaks cloaks worrying if it’s the one of the guy who has been tormenting and abusing him the most of the Whitecloaks -which all of them have/ but Byar, the guy, especially. Show honestly toned that down, which… uhhh ‘Kay.
More hand holding! My babies!
Moiraine Lightningbringer [redacted] Sedai
More evidence the Whitecloaks are doomed to failure. Utterly incompetent
Ok mild spoilers for later: truly how is Nynaeve not te’veren in this. I assumed Moiraine was doing some telepathy magic but no she just got impatient.
Not Lan wanting to go after Nynaeve immediately after learning she’s been gone a little too long
“Remember your oaths, al’Lan Mandragoran, Lord of the Seven Towers! What of the oath of a Diademed Battle Lord of the Malkieri?” -Moiraine when Lan wants to go back for Nynaeve. Just real intense there, he must really want to go back for her!
Don’t worry tho man. She’s fine
Also that sounds important. Lan is a fucking lord?
And see all’s well!
Love Nynaeve always noticing Egwene first
Lan showing affection- grips the arm of one he has affection for
Fully adding Byar to the Hate list right above Bornhold.
And back on the run!
Mm be interested to know what’s happening in Egwene’s head. Obviously that was awful for Perrin and it sounds awful for her too
When do we get to burn down the Whitecloaks as an institution?
Honestly nothing you did was justified for that Perrin.
What the fuck type of plants do that? Nynaeve that is just magic
“It isn’t anything.” Perrin *lied* (about his yellow eyes)
Moiraine just tell her what it is ffs. Or say you don’t know. (I later learn the latter option would be a lie)
Does she? How much does Perrin know about the, er, conflicts to come? (He soon learns a bit)
I’d also be pissed if I was Nynaeve
Lan knows Elyas?
Elyas was a fucking Warder? Near the Blight?
What doesn’t Lan want to say?
Tower politics? Not even at the tower yet. Excellent
Ah. The web mention again. Te’veren stuff, don’t remember the name of the web in the old tongue
Dude pretty sure you naming or not naming the Dark One does not matter. He takes what he wants, or at least makes every effort too. Yea, like those dream
Yup. It’s not the Dark One is connected to the wolf power it’s the patterns doing stuff which indicate things are changing
Well those are ominous looks Lan
I think it is very much for him to worry about by the sounds of things actually
The Dark One fucking up his life is basically his life now regrettable
Can’t the Dark One change that tho?
Yup no magic with those other two at all. (Flash thru all the absurd shit Rand has been doing)
Well good news about that!
Note- I get that the dark one is like bound but he still clearly has me as to influence the world at least thru his servants.
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k-comfyspace · 3 years
Star: Kim Hyunjin (Loona)
Idea: Yes
Love: Hi I don’t known if you’re taking requests (if not you can ignore this) but could we get a part two for Hyunjin x fem!reader tsundere? The first part was really good and I was hoping if you could maybe do a second part where reader and Hyunjin would get together and we could see reader’s soft side, thanks a lot, I love your works!
Sequel to What’s Your Name?
A/n: Sorry if I took a while
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"....for the last group, it would be Ms. Jeon, Kim, and L/n," you blinked in disbelief as you heard your professor's statement.
The rest of the class looked at him as if he'd sprouted two heads, puzzled by his decision to pair you with the two females who matched your face. The bell had rang, signaling the end of the period, before anybody could object.
Everyone stood up and began to leave the room one by one as you stood there watching the man walk away, completely oblivious to the scowl aimed at the back of his head.
Did he live in a cave?
Despite the fact that everyone knew who you were and that your professor knew you preferred working alone, he assigned you to work with two girls you had never really got to know.
You collected your bag while grumbling to yourself, storming down the hall with a huff, irritation and anger visible in your features as you exited.
Back in the room, both females were left to view the situation, puzzled as to why anyone would become angry, shrugging at one other as they walked to the cafeteria for lunch.
"Hey girls, we have a couple of chairs here if you haven't found somewhere else to sit," the two foreigners turned, shaking their heads at a mixed table of jocks and cheerleaders.
It's been like this for the entire time they've been here, with various students inviting them to sit on a regular basis, some commenting on why they would spend it at the back where they were hidden, most were trying to be nice, while some wanted to invite them because of their looks or attitudes.
They continued walking until they reached the far end of the cafeteria, where they observed one individual eating quietly unbothered despite the presence of the two girls in front of her.
Both took their seats in front of you, eating their meals casually, with one of them occasionally looking at you as they ate. It has been a little over a month since Hyunjin heard from you.
Because after that, you suddenly formed another shell around you, where you blocked out everything and everyone for a week, avoiding the cat girl like she was the plague.
When they go to have lunch, you would purposely leave early, afraid to be in the same vicinity as them. But thankfully, after a week you were back to normal, that is being silent.
"You’re gonna bore a hole in her head if you keep staring," the cat snapped her head to the side, eyeing Heejin as she giggled at her friend's glare, "I’m not staring!" She defended weakly, trying her best to show a neutral face as the blush got brighter on her cheeks, lowering her head.
Hyunjin went silent, stuffing her face with food while Heejin only smiled, raising her head to look at you, "So Y/n-ssi, when would you want to start on the project?"
The girl inquired. The response she was receiving, however, wasn’t really expected. Raising your head, Heejin jerked back when you suddenly sent her a glare, a frown gracing your lips before you stood to leave, stomping on the floor as you left the cafeteria.
Heejin furrowed her eyebrows at your demeanor, looking back at her friend who eyed the cafeteria doors, confusion set in their heads.
Did you really not want to work with them that badly?
With your fists clenched by your side, you stormed down the hall, grumbling until you were already outside the building, choosing a nearby bench to cool your nerves. Why were you so upset? You didn’t know why.
Was it because of your professor? Was it the thought of having to interact with people? Or was it because you found yourself nervous around them?
Heejin and Hyunjin seemed too nice, they approached you nicely, having no intentions other than finding a place to eat. You were sceptical, of course.
Both of them had good reputations, they were nicer than some of the student body, they were prettier than the cheerleaders, but what gave you doubt was their willingness to stay with you.
Was it because they didn’t have anywhere else to stay, or is it because they wanted to get close to you?
You noticed Heejin was a little on the quiet side, only speaking in her native tongue as she spoke with the other girl.
She was quiet, often opting to focus on her own things, sometimes glancing up to look at you before she would turn her head to reply to the other girl. Hyunjin, however, was still a mystery to you.
Ever since she talked to you, she turned on every possible alarm you had, but at the same time, she could turn them off so easily.
Hyunjin was always nice to begin with, polite when she would speak, only sometimes a little bit annoying when she would have those days where she kept asking and asking.
For the past month, she proved to be a comfortable presence, though you would never really speak to both of them, it made you less lonely when you were in their presence.
Did it ease your worries? No it did not, there was just a little period that they made you feel like you weren’t alone.
Leaning back against the bench, you settled your breathing, closing your eyes as you relaxed yourself with your surroundings.
Finding your thoughts to clear up until hearing laughter from a group of students. Groaning with annoyance, you turned your head to the side, seeing the group of cheerleaders and jocks.
You paid no mind to them, knowing that they were only going to the field for their practice, but as you close your eyes again, you hear a familiar name come from the group.
"Hyunjin-ssi, could you come join us? We’re heading to the field for practice. You can watch it if you’d like," Hyunjin tried her best to show a kind smile, shaking her head in refusal to the offer which had been given to her for the third time.
She had left a few minutes after you stormed out. Did she have a reason to follow you? No, but a part of her acted on its own. Walking out of the same doors to follow your form.
Though unfortunately, it wasn’t just you that were heading outside. On her way to the front, the group of students noticed Hyunjin walking outside, taking the opportunity to approach her, making the cat-eyed girl regret her decision to pursue after you.
She was fortunate, however, because as she exited the doors, she caught a glimpse of your form, sitting on a bench not far from the entrance.
She walked towards you, but once again, they were persistent, blocking your way as they smiled at her sweetly. Hyunjin was starting to get agitated, her face showing her displeasure while they stood there, unwavered.
But before one of them could speak, you brushed past them, bumping into their shoulders as you reached for her hand and pulled her away inside the school,
"Move faster," you muttered, just barely catching her ears as you led her through the halls. You could hear them behind you, footsteps thumping as they yelled for you. Luckily, because of their number and noise, you managed to slip away to a staircase.
Running to the roof as your hand still held hers. When you pushed the door open, both of you panted, Hyunjin sitting on the concrete while you leaned against the railing.
You let her catch her breath, waiting until you heard her breath even out. Though you let silence reign for a while, debating to yourself before you eventually pushed yourself to talk, "Why were you outside?"
"I was looking for you,"
Both of you turned your heads at each other, unintentionally speaking at the same time, though her words caught your attention more than the occurring coincidence,
“W-what--why were you even looking for me?" you asked, flustered that she would be looking for you. Hyunjin shrugged, staying quiet for a second before she answered,
"I wanted to ask you what was wrong. I-I was kind of curious why you didn’t speak much, or why your mood easily changes,"
Her voice began to tremble as she became embarrassed by the reasons that came out of her mouth. Normally you would get mad, infuriated even, that she wanted to know your attitude, or your emotions, but strangely, you saw sincerity in her eyes.
With your face flushed, you extended a hand to her, mirroring the same look she gave you when you were on the floor,
"W-why would you even want to know about me? You don’t know me, stupid,"
"Then let me get to know you," Hyunjin said confidently, accepting your hand as she stood, noticing the slight change in your eyes before they went back to empty,
"You shouldn’t trust people that easily, Hyunjin-ssi, you never know what other people might do to someone weak like you," The rapid change of your mood confused her again, but a sudden thought came to her when she noticed the way you spoke.
Letting go of her hand, you turned to leave, but before you could take a step, she held you by your wrist, turning you around to face her.
Your eyes widened as you felt a sudden flood of warmth surge through your body, your eyes dilating at the feeling before you quickly snapped out of it and pulled away. Rushing to the stairs as you left, the girl stood there with a smile, recognizing as she knew why you were so cold or angry.
Lowering her arms, Hyunjin felt something fall. Glancing at the floor, she saw a small piece of paper. Crouching down to get it, the cat-eyed girl unfolded it, an even brighter smile coming to her face when an address was written down,
"...5pm tomorrow,
Heejin and Hyunjin stepped out of the elevator, "Are you sure this is the right floor?" Heejin asked her friend, the cat girl, looking down on the piece of paper you gave her as she checked the first room,
"It says 129, this one is 115. We should be right this time," she replied, walking down and checking all the rooms to the right while Heejin checked the rooms to their left.
It was already the next day. Hyunjin told her best friend about the piece of paper you left her, though leaving out the part on how both of you ended up on the roof. Only saying that you gave her a piece of paper with your andress on it,
"Ah, here!" Heejin pointed out, seeing the number of the room they stood before it and rang the bell.
"You know this could easily be a trap, right? It might not even be her. What if this is actually a kidnapping?" Heejin whispered, earning an eye roll from her friend,
"If that happens, I’ll throw you in first," Hyunjin replied, though the bunny couldn’t retaliate because of the door opening, greeting them with your presence. Showing a small smile, you stepped aside, welcoming the two who went inside.
Hyunjin glanced around as she walked, and noticed that it was oddly plain. The furniture looked brand new; there were no paintings, no flowers, or any decorations for that matter.
It looked like everything was bought yesterday. The only things Hyunjin found full was the kitchen, the walls lined up with tools that everyone would usually buy.
"You can take a seat on the couch, I’ll just grab my books," you said, still surprising Heejin as she heard you speak. Sure, she'd heard you speak before, but she'd never heard it directed at her.
While Hyunjin smiled as she sat, placing her bag to the side and looking at you, watching as you disappeared down the hall. When you come back with the materials, you set them on the coffee table, sitting on the opposite couch.
For the next few hours, you did a lot more than you thought, Hyunjin assigning what to do while Heejin made sure all of you hit the points that you were meant to.
You provided all the things they needed while also doing the best for the part assigned to you. An hour seemed to go by like a minute before Heejin suggested taking a break. While the two paused, you kept working, too engulfed in your own world to hear her.
It wasn’t until you felt a warm hand rest on your shoulder, causing you to turn. Meeting the cat's eyes as she gave you a smile,
"Let’s take a break for now," she said, noticing yet again another flash in your eyes as you stared at her for a minute before you nodded. Shaking your head, you put down the pen, backed away from Hyunjin and wordlessly went to the kitchen.
She took note of the pink tinge on your cheeks, a small smile coming to her own face.
You busied yourself in the kitchen, wanting to prepare something for your guests while also trying to avoid the intense gaze you felt on your being.
Sneaking a glance, you met her gaze; the gaze she gave you appeared heavy and judgmental, but you didn't feel that way at all. In fact, you were relaxed, comfortable that she was paying attention to you. It made you feel some sort of way that you couldn’t explain.
Shaking your head, you continued preparing, soon putting them inside the oven for a few minutes. You cleaned your kitchen, waited until the timer rang, took the food out of the oven as you placed it in a bowl, where you placed the cookies, bringing them to the pair.
Hiding the smile you wanted to show when you saw how their eyes lit up.
"Do you usually bake, Y/n-ssi?" Hyunjin asked you, making you rub the back of your neck shyly, shaking your head, "It’s not something I do, I learned from scratch," you replied, watching as both girls took one each, anticipation in your features.
Really, you shouldn’t care, but there was something that made you want them to like it.
When they took a bite, you waited until a bright smile appeared on their faces, "This is so good!" You smiled back, glad that they liked it,
“This is the best cookie I’ve had so far," Hyunjin commented, the warm feeling surging through your body when you locked eyes with her, making you look away, shaking your head, "Thank you."
After your break, though it might have been a few minutes, a connection had already formed, you were relaxed.
Less shy as you paid attention to them, pulling yourself away from your world and listening to them speak, even if you couldn’t understand them as much, you still enjoyed listening to them speak. It served as a filler for the normally empty space.
Though you tried to push it away, knowing that by the end of the day they would still leave.
Soon enough, the time came for them to leave. You walked them to the door, "Let’s continue this probably tomorrow or the day after," Heejin said, earning a nod from you before they stood there awkwardly, until they turned around and left.
You stared at their backs for some time. When you moved to shut the door, however, you heard Hyunjin calling for you.
Opening the door, you peeked to glance at the girl, her friend not visible within the hallway, "Did you forget something?" you asked quietly, earning a shake from Hyunjin,
"I-uh wanted to maybe ask for your number if it was alright," she said, scratching the back of her neck, shyly, the familiar red tinge spreading on her cheeks.
You would’ve laughed at her but you were in a similar situation, shock on your face as you flushed.
"W-why--fine just because you need it," you stuttered, stating your reason, though the butterflies in your stomach were raving. You handed her your phone, placing her number before she handed it back, bowing as she scurried, leaving you still in shock at the sudden event.
No one ever asked for your number before. It was a strange feeling, but your insecurities were too busy running around your head.
Until your phone pinged, looking down, you couldn’t prevent the smile that spread through your face, opening the contact and saving it on your phone,
"See you tomorrow!
It started from that, one single text, where it grew into something bigger. The following week, you started to talk more through messages, sometimes about school or random things that Hyunjin could come up with so she could talk with you longer.
Then it progressed to both of you talking every day, and before you knew it, a month had passed and you were already starting to feel at ease, which led to you occasionally chiming in on their conversations.
At first, both of them were shocked that you spoke in school. Even if you used a hushed voice, they still enjoyed it. Hyunjin beamed with joy, happy that you were starting to speak with them.
While the feeling in your stomach started to grow, you were oddly fine with it, sometimes even looking forward to it being a part of your day.
One day, you had an idea, so instead of the usual time you would wake up, you woke up earlier than usual. Going to school, but instead of going straight to your class, you were in the library, looking for a certain book.
When you found it, a smile came to your face and you glanced at the cover, taking it to the front of renting it for a few weeks. You are going to need a lot of time to read it.
Hyunjin held the tray in her hands, walking alone through the cafeteria. She was alone for the past few days, with Heejin being busy with a few things, leaving you two alone.
She arrived at your table, finding a new sight to see when you were reading something, a little absorbed, too absorbed to notice the girl.
"What are you reading?" Your eyes went wide, slamming the book shut and hiding it on your lap, "Nothing!" you replied, the other girl furrowing her eyebrows at your attempt to lie, "Sure,"
She sat down and ate her food, not wanting to bring up the subject because she didn't want you to hide again, even though the chances were slim.
You two ate, forgetting about your little not so ‘secret’ item hidden on your lap, silently eating as you spoke when Hyunjin asked or wanted an answer to a certain topic.
When you got home, you placed your things on the couch, preparing some tea and crackers. Sitting on the floor, you leaned back on the couch, opening the page you stopped on, "Lets try this again."
"What made you keep talking to me?" The question came out of your lips, your eyes observing the field as you leaned against the railings, the other girl hummed, thinking of an answer.
You were on the familiar roof with Hyunjin, as you mirrored the exact same position you were in a few months ago. She invited you, claiming that she wanted fresh air before classes started and seeing that you trusted the girl, you agreed.
"I know someone like you Y/n," you raised an eyebrow at her response,
"She's a friend of ours, and to my observation, both of you act the same way, so I just took some prior knowledge on how to deal with that," she replied as you smiled, noticing how she stuttered with a few words, trying not to say it directly but giving enough for you to understand.
Hyunjin was careful with her words, knowing that saying what you were ‘stereotyped’ might offend you.
She paused for a moment, turning her head to look at your side features, her eyes scanning, as if storing it in her mind.
She sighed deeply, looking at you with her eyes squinted as she said, "Why do you make me so crazy, L/n Y/n-ssi,"
You smiled when you heard the girl, "Would you mind continuing? It’s soothing to hear," you said, earning another quiet sigh as she decided to take it all out,
"Why do you live inside my head, huh? This is unfair, you’re always running around here, that I can’t think of anything else besides you. A lot of people might think that you’re cold, rude, or weird, but I think you’re perfect. I find you interesting, you’re pretty, smart, talented, and probably handled more than everyone thinks, and I might be saying this too early, but...I think I’m falling for you, L/n Yn."
She finished, her gaze never leaving yours as you continued to look at the view.
Sighing, the girl looked down on her lap, moving to stand, but the next words that left your mouth made her freeze, "D-do you really think o-of me as all t-those, Kim Hyunjin?"
You replied, stuttering, partly because of the difficult words and the realization of what she said processed in your head, hearing her breath hitch as you turned your head to look at her.
"H-how did--" She struggled to come up with words, her mouth agape as she stared at you. Then she remembered that you had a book for the past month, sometimes reading, and sometimes muttering to yourself.
Every time she’s asked, you would avoid the question, hiding the book or the paper you wrote on.
"I-I wanted to learn, maybe it would be useful," you reasoned once you noticed the realization dawning on her, taking a step and reaching out for her hand, once again repeating the familiar scene you two found yourselves in,
"Turns out it is, because..I t-think I l-like you too, Kim Hyunjin," you said, gesturing your hand while the girl paused to take in everything you said.
Grasping your hand, you pulled her up, and Hyunjin used the momentum as you pulled her, getting close enough until warm lips met her own.
You gasped, surprised at the girl’s action, still it didn’t take a second for you to respond. Eyes closing as your arms circled around her waist.
A part of Hyunjin was afraid of what she had done, thinking you were going to leave, or push her away. But as she felt your arms circle her waist, she was content, happy that you felt comfortable letting her show how much she liked you.
"I told you I could’ve bought this earlier," you said, carrying the plastic bags to your apartment while a certain cat eyed girl looped her arm around yours, "Where’s the fun in that?" she retorted, rolling your eyes and shrugging your shoulders,
"The fun part is I wouldn’t have to leave the comfort of my home. Let go of my arm, it’s heavy," Hyunjin giggled at your sulking, though she didn’t take her hand off.
"Remove it then," she challenged, knowing you didn’t mean it, "My hands are full, stupid,"
The girl took one of the bags, leaving one of your hands free, before asking again, "How about now?" she asked, seeing your furrowed brows and frown but still refusing to remove her arm, causing the other girl to laugh at your attitude.
As both of you got into the apartment, Hyunjin couldn’t help but smile. The past two months have probably been the best she’s had.
Having you by her side was the best thing she could’ve asked for, because a month after both of you had a moment on the roof, you agreed to be her girlfriend.
Which not only made her the happiest, but it also meant that she could spend a lot more time with you.
Earlier, you had already celebrated with her friends, all of them showing their excitement, especially Heejin, who throughout the time you’d been dating Hyunjin had become your best friend too.
So now you were in your apartment, almost past midnight as you planned to watch movies with the girl,
"Take a shower, I’ll prepare everything," you stated, placing a kiss on her forehead and pushing her to your room.
The butterflies, although it had been a routine of yours, still hadn’t gotten used to the warm feelings you felt when you would make sweet gestures to your partner.
You took some spare blankets from your bedroom, got the pillows and prepared the living room to be as comfy as you wanted it.
Heating up some water for tea, taking out the food that you bought and placing it into neat plates so it would be easier to get and eat.
A few minutes later, she came out, clad with your hoodie, hair tied back up, "Your turn," she called out, while you carried the plates to the coffee table, taking a look at your work before you smiled in content, going to your room to wash up.
When you finished, you came out almost in the same style. Choosing to wear one of her oversized t-shirts before we went outside, arriving in the living room, Hyunjin was already on the couch, a blanket up to her stomach as she scrolled through her phone.
You hopped on the couch, moving beside the girl, getting as close as possible, wrapping your arms around her waist and resting your head on her chest.
This was always your favorite position to be in, feeling her heartbeat under the palm of your hand while her warmth spread to your body, making you melt in her arms.
You didn’t mind if you looked small, or you seemed like a baby. All that mattered was you were with Hyunjin anyway.
It was always you and her, nothing else bothered you, enjoying her scent, warmth, and the feeling of security she would always give you.
You didn’t regret what you’ve done for the past few months. In fact, you were happy with what you’ve accomplished. Because laying there with Hyunjin, arms wrapped around each other, you could practically feel her warmth.
You raised your head and gave a small kiss to the bottom of her jaw, feeling her squeeze your body, rubbing her arm against your shoulder, you felt whole.
Since the once empty void that you had, was filled by something greater than joy, attention, or satisfaction. It was all filled by...her.
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danascully77 · 3 years
#10 angst and/or #10 general from the prompt list :)
#10 angst “How was I such an idiot, to believe that you, out of all people, could ever love me?” and/or #10 general “You want to play pretend? Well two can play at that game.” from the prompt list :)
I picked the first one, but tried to work in the second. Hope you like it! <3 
Mulder’s been back from the dead for a few weeks now and things are tense. He’s barely spoken to Scully and tries to avoid looking at her pregnant stomach when they are forced to be in the same room. His eyes will flutter down before snapping up to hers with a sad, detached look in his eyes.
The interaction breaks her heart every time.
Sighing, Scully knocks on the door to his apartment and waits. It feels foreign, this formality. Before his disappearance and subsequent death, she would knock once and then let herself in. It didn’t matter if she was there for work or a casual hangout (or toward the end, for sex). And then after he was gone, she would key into his place to spend the night in his bed. Even though it was lonely and her heart broke for a man she thought she’d never see again, it felt natural to claim ownership of his space.
Now she feels like an intruder even after he opens the door and lets her inside.
She wants to scream, to holler at him, to slap him when he glances down at her stomach before turning away with the same broken expression. He hasn’t even asked her about her pregnancy and it makes her want to throw-up. Why isn’t he happy? Does he regret getting her pregnant? Does he wish she had left him dead?
Too many thoughts burn in her mind. She’s trying to give him space. Coming back from the dead after an abduction can’t be easy (she knows about the latter) and doesn’t want to rush him. Yet, his complete lack of questioning hurts. She longed for him for months and now to have him back as a shell of himself is hard to take.
“I brought Chinese.” Scully says, awkwardly holding up the bag of take-out.
“Thanks.” Mulder takes it from her and settles them on the couch to eat the feast she brought. Scully catches him watching her out of the corner of his eye as she slowly brings herself down to the couch, grunting silently as the weight of her stomach pinches her spine before she rests against the cushions.
“Need another pillow?” Mulder offers, sliding it behind her back before she can nod in affirmation.
The question and action stun her. It’s the closest he has come to acknowledging her pregnancy.
“Thanks.” She whispers. It’s silent then, for the next few minutes as they both pick at their food. Neither are very hungry, but chewing gives them a distraction from talking. Mulder’s tv is on in the background and they both stare at the poorly written sci-fi movie playing out on the screen.
Scully tries to subtly study him from the corner of her eye as she eats. He seems tense and rigid, his lanky limbs coiled as if to spring to action at any moment. She knows his forced vacation/firing is hard on him, making his re-animation even more painful, but there seems to be something else upsetting him. Scully wishes he would speak with her, but can’t find the words to ask him about his feelings.
They were stunted in that department before the abduction. Now it’s even worse.
As a sigh draws from his lips, his food discarded on the coffee table, she knows she’s been caught studying him. She sets her own food to the side and turns to stare at him directly. “Can we talk?”
“About?” His response is smooth, but she catches the slightly annoyed undertone.
“What is there to say?” This time his tone is less subtle and Scully bites her bottom lip at the irritation in his voice.
“How are you feeling?” It’s a weak question, a cop-out. They both know it. On a normal day, Mulder might let her get away with it, but not tonight.
“Scully, you don’t have to do this.”
“Do what?”
“Check on me.” Mulder waves his hands in front of him. “Hang out like we used to.”
“Why not?” Scully’s nervous. Does he not like her anymore? Does he blame her for not saving him?
“You must have more… important things to do now.” His eyes glance purposefully down at her stomach.
“Oh.” Scully breathes, looking down at her own body. “I’m fine. My doctor said I’m still okay to be active.” Her eyes glance back up at him to find that his jaw is tight and his fists are locked at his sides.
“I didn’t mean that you should stay home.” The low, dark quality of his voice scares her slightly. Scully can tell he is pissed, but isn’t sure why. At her confused expression, Mulder sighs again. “I just meant that you must have someone else to be with now.”
Scully’s confusion turns to utter shock. He doesn’t realize I’m pregnant with his kid. The realization slams into her like a ton of bricks. It all makes sense now. Mulder would have no reason to assume this pregnancy is because of their few nights together. She was sterile. He doesn’t know that they got their miracle.
Her jaw opens and closes twice before she reaches for one of his closed fists. “Mulder, look at me.”
“Scully, I can’t do this.” Mulder shakes his head, anger leaking out of every pore. She tries to cut him off, but he stands suddenly to pace the apartment. “How was I such an idiot, to believe that you, out of all people, could ever love me?”
The heartbreak in his voice draws tears to her eyes. “Mulder.” She tries again, but she can’t get off the couch quickly because of her large stomach and fumbles as he continues to pace.
“You haven’t even mentioned his name. Am I that much of an embarrassment that you don’t want me to know who he is?”
“Mulder, you’re wrong. Let me explain.” She’s desperate now, trying to get off the couch but the old cushions are too soft and she keeps sinking back as she tries to stand.
“I get it, Scully. You thought I was dead, but it’s only been a few months. Months. Am I that easy to get over?”
“I should have stayed dead. You should have left me in the ground.”
The moment he switches to self-deprecation in the form of suicide, Scully loses her patience. “Mulder!” His name is a loud shout and it finally draws his attention. “Get me off the fucking couch.”
The annoyance and anger in her tone surprises him and he moves quickly to assist her in standing. He sees her tears forming and mistakes them for frustration. When she’s finally vertical, Mulder’s eyes drop to the floor, deflated now that the anger is gone. “If you want to go back to just being friends, I can pretend that I’m okay with it. I’ll pretend for you, Scully.”
“Mulder, I don’t want you to pretend.”
“Oh.” Mulder nods, tears prickling his own eyes. It’s the first time since being back alive that he has felt any other emotion other than anger and betrayal. “I understand. Thanks for coming to say goodbye.”
“What? No, Mulder. You’re not giving me time to explain.” Scully grabs his hands and holds firm when he tries to pull away. “Look at me.”
“Scully.” “Mulder, shut up and look at me.”
His eyes lock with hers and he stops trying to pull his hands free. His taller frame bends slightly toward her out of an unconscious impulse to be closer and they take a few seconds to breathe. The emotions in the room feel like electricity and both of their bodies have goosebumps from the adrenaline.
“Ask me.” Scully whispers.
It takes him a second to understand, slowly shaking his head back and forth. “I can’t.”
“Yes, you can. Ask me.” Scully prompts, blue eyes shining up into his with unshed tears.
Mulder gulps and glances at her stomach before meeting her gaze once more. “Whose child…” His voice breaks for a second. “How did you meet…” Mulder sighs. “Is it someone I know?”
Scully smiles a small smirk and drags his hands to touch her stomach. He flinches and tries to withdraw, but she holds steady and tries to ignore the pain in her heart as he attempts to jerk away.
“It’s yours.” Her voice comes out shaky and an octave too high, her fear evident in the quiet of his living room.
Mulder stutters for a second, his eyes rapidly moving up and down from his hands on her stomach to her face. “What?” It’s a breathless question when he is finally able to form words.
“I found out the day you went missing.”
“How? You were sterile. I thought the in vitro fertilization failed?”
Scully shivers as she feels his hands grip her stomach, no longer trying to rip away from her. She’s pretty sure he doesn’t realize he is actively holding her now. “The in vitro did fail.” Scully confirms. “But we had sex…” The word makes her blush despite everything they’ve gone through. “… and…” She breaks off, nervous about saying the word they used to promise to one another.
Mulder’s eyes widen and a tear falls down his cheek. “You got your miracle.”
Scully holds back tears at his wording, reaching up to swipe his from his cheek. “We got our miracle.” Scully holds her breath then. This is the moment. The one that’s been a long time coming. They are either in this together or Scully is about to become a single mother.
The baby kicks before Mulder can respond and he jumps back an inch, staring in wonder at her stomach. Her shirt moves a bit as the baby presses against her, flipping in the womb. Mulder’s mouth opens in shock, looking back at her face in wonder. “Does that hurt?”
“Not really. Sometimes the baby rests on my spine, which is painful, but otherwise it just feels… different. But good different.”
Mulder nods, listening to every word. His hand, which was pulled away from her when he jumped in surprise moves slowly back toward her body. “May I?”
“Of course.” Scully confirms, lacing their fingers before pressing his palm flat on her stomach. “If you hold here sometimes you can feel a kick or two.”
A few seconds later, Scully is proven correct as if the baby in her stomach was waiting for a performance cue. A foot kicks out against her stomach lining and Mulder huffs a pleased laugh in surprise.
“Oh, Scully.” Mulder whispers in breathless awe. The baby kicks again and Mulder pulls Scully into a tight embrace. It’s a bit awkward because of her protruding stomach, but he makes up for it by folding his taller frame around her. “We’re having a baby.”
The moment Mulder takes ownership of their child, Scully’s unshed tears burn down her cheeks. A sob breaks from her lips and she clings to him, fingers digging into his back through his t-shirt. “I’ve missed you so much, Mulder. I… oh god… I thought I was going to raise our child alone.”
Mulder pulls back to cup her face, stroking her wet cheeks. “Scully.” Her whispered name conveys all the emotions they are feeling. She cries openly, watching as Mulder does the same. He opens his mouth to say more, but a kick against his abdomen draws his attention and they both laugh instead. “Our child.” Mulder whispers with a broad smile.
Scully nods and gasps quietly as Mulder drops to his knees. Her hands land in his hair, fluffy from the few weeks he has been back without a haircut, and she strokes his scalp as he slowly lifts her shirt.
“Oh.” A startled gasp breaks from her mouth as his lips land on her bare stomach. The feeling of his pouty lower lip touching her skin makes her body tingle and her fingers dig lightly into his scalp. Emotions pull in her chest and she sobs when he kisses all across her stomach.
“I can’t wait to meet you.” Mulder whispers to the baby after he is done with his kissing exploration.
The words break Scully’s barely withheld resolve and she lets out a loud sob. Bending down, Scully tugs on his hair and slams her lips to his with a wild desperation. Her tears mix with his on his cheeks as she devours his lips. The kiss is messy and sloppy and uncoordinated. Too many emotions make it frantic, but neither of them seem to care. The fact that they are kissing again overshadows finesse.
They pull back as Scully whimpers a sob against his lips. “Scully.” He breathes, standing to pull her back to his chest.
“Please, Mulder.” She whines, not entirely sure what’s she’s asking for but knowing she can’t stand to be without him for a second longer.
As if understanding, Mulder laces their hands and leads her to his bedroom. It’s clean and organized, a sign that Scully was living there during the months that he was missing, but his worn clothes litter the floor. The sight makes another sob pull from her chest and Mulder is quick to remove her shirt, discarding it among his own clothing.
Scully turns slightly, suddenly bashful about the state of her larger body, but Mulder catches her by her arms, holding her steady. “You’re still so beautiful, Scully. I’ve missed your body.”
“Mulder.” She whispers. She realizes that she hasn’t said his name this many times since his disappearance and it feels heavy and reverent on her lips.
Mulder runs his hands across her hips, catching the band of her leggings. “May I?”
Slowly, her pants are peeled from her legs and she is left standing in her bra and panties. Mulder moans softly, tracing his fingertips up her thighs. They are slightly larger from the extra weight she is carrying and he smiles as they tremble under his hands.
“Gorgeous.” Mulder praises, kissing her hip right where it meets leg.
“Oh my god.” Scully moans, emotions raging wild alongside arousal.
“Is it okay if we…?” Mulder trails off with a slightly embarrassed flush.
Scully giggles and the reprieve makes her feel lighter. The emotional break good for both of them. “Yes. We can have sex while I’m pregnant.”
“I have so much research to catch up on.” Mulder smiles from his position on his knees.
The statement makes Scully’s heart lurch. He is going to research how to be a father. The thought makes her reach for him, bringing him back to his feet. “Can we skip the foreplay? I need you inside of me.” She’s slightly embarrassed at being so blunt about their first time back together, but she doesn’t care.
Mulder must not mind because he nods and kisses her once before stripping off his own shirt and pants. The sight of his bare torso makes her reach for him, stroking up his chest with flat hands.
“Please.” She breathes again.
“How do you want to do this?” Mulder responses.
Scully bites her lip. She wants to be able to see him while they reconnect, but she also knows that doggy-style would be easier with her pregnancy. “I’ll start on top.” She decides. It won’t be for long, but she needs to look at him as she takes him inside her body.
Mulder nods and quickly drops his boxers before sliding onto his bed. He watches with admiration as she slips out of her panties and sheds her bra before straddling him on the bed. It takes a few moments and Mulder’s assistance to get her there, but once she is in place they hold hands on top of her stomach for a few beats of their hearts.
“Ready?” Scully whispers.
“Ready.” Mulder nods.
Their moans join as they cry out into the bedroom, the first few inches of his shaft slipping into her sex. When he is buried inside of her, pelvis to pelvis, they pause and stare at one another. Neither can believe they are here, like this. It’s breathtaking and surreal.
Slowly, Scully begins to bounce up and down. Her movements are small, unable to lift completely with her added weight, but they don’t mind. It keeps him incredibly deep and strokes against her g-spot almost immediately. Scully gasps in surprise at the sudden intense pleasure, stunned that they still fit together so perfectly.
Mulder unlaces their hands to hold her hips, a grin spreading over his features at her slightly wider hips. “Pregnancy looks good on you.”
Scully blushes. Her breasts are larger and swollen as well and sway heavily as she rocks on his hips. Her hands cup them when the swaying starts to ache and smirks a small grin when he moans in response.
After a few more minutes, her breathing gets heavy and her thighs sink against his legs. “Mulder, I can’t…” She doesn’t have to finish her sentence. He rolls them gently over so that she’s propped against some pillows on her back. It takes them a few minutes to get things just right for her back, but it doesn’t kill the mood. Mulder slips back inside of her still just as hard as he was.
With her stomach in the way, Mulder can’t hover above her and settles for pulling her legs over his hips as he rocks into her at a ninety-degree angle to her body. Scully re-cups her breasts as they bounce on her chest and Mulder groans softly at not being able to suck on her nipples.
“Another time.” Scully gasps, catching his longing stare.
He smirks and nods, keeping his thrusts steady in and out of her. Her wetness coats his shaft and he moans at the sight of their arousals joining between their thighs.
“Scully.” Mulder moans. “I’m not going to last much longer.” He sounds apologetic, but Scully shakes her head to dismiss his embarrassment. He just came back from the dead after all. He can’t be expected to have stamina. Not when the love of his life just told him that the baby in her belly is his.
“It’s okay.” Scully promises, reaching for one of his hands again.
“Are you close?”
“No.” Scully admits with no malice in her voice. “But the pregnancy makes orgasming tough sometimes.”
“I can wait until…”
Scully cuts him off with a shake of her head. “I don’t care if I don’t orgasm tonight. I just want to feel you come in me.”
The bluntness makes Mulder groan and he squeezes her hand. “You sure?”
“Yes.” Scully nods with a smile.
They had only slept together a few times before he went missing, but she learned quickly that he was a very thoughtful lover. She never went without an orgasm, often coming multiple times in a session. Scully knows it’s not in his nature to come first, but moans as he lets himself go just this once, confident that she is telling him the truth about her desires.
His hips piston a bit harder and quicker inside of her, stroking himself along her slippery walls before tipping over the ledge of pleasure. He cries out her name, fucking her through his orgasm as he empties inside of her.
The action makes them both think about the child in her belly and after he spurts the last of his orgasm into her core he falls next to her, collecting her in his arms. Her ass meets his softening cock, their arousals smearing on her lower back, but neither mind the mess. His arms keep her close and they breath in unison for a long time.
“I’m going to be a father.”
“I’m going to be a mother.”
Mulder holds her stomach, feeling the baby wiggling around in her stomach and Scully’s hands join his on her body.
There are a lot of unknowns left to figure out. Their relationship, the x-files, if they will co-parent while living together, etc. but for right now they are back together and that’s all that matters. Scully’s in his bed with him and she isn’t alone anymore.
Turning onto her back, she kisses him deeply before settling back to be the little spoon. “Mulder?”
“Yeah, Scully?” “You do know I love you, right?”
Mulder hugs her tighter to him. “I do now. I’m sorry I ever doubted you.”
“I should have explained the pregnancy the moment you woke up.”
Mulder kisses her shoulder. “Let’s talk about this later. I just want to hold you and our baby for a while.” Scully smiles as his thumbs brush her belly back and forth. It’s quiet for a second longer. “I love you too, Scully.”
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Je T’aime (T.C.)
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Another request for the angel, @thestarsaregivenonceonly​ . This is sooo fluffy, but I think we all could use a bit of that right now. Hope you enjoy, doll 😘
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(fluffy smut for the soul, jealousy)
“Timmy, you’re making a mess!”
You were incredibly grateful that your boyfriend had found a project that kept him in New York for a few months. You’d just recently moved in together and were getting into each other’s rhythms. This included working on dinners together, much to your delight.
You squealed, trying to dodge Timotheé’s attempts to smear tomato sauce on your face.
“Just let it happen! You know you can’t outrun me,” he taunted, cornering you against the counter. He swiped it across your nose while you giggled and twisted away, spreading the sauce in a stripe across your cheek. “Ha! Gotcha!” he cheered, licking the last of it from his thumb.
“You’ll regret this, Chalamet,” you replied, wrinkling up your nose and poking him in the chest.
“Oh yeah? How’s that?” He wiggled his eyebrows and locked you between him and the counter with his arms.
You ducked below his arm and slipped free. “Because, I’m going to use ALL the garlic! Not only that, but then I’m going to make you kiss me ALL night,” you replied smugly as you spread the fresh garlic cloves evenly across your flatbread.
Timotheé whined loudly behind you as he pulled a paper towel from the roll. “Ruuuuude. But fair is fair, I suppose.” He grinned, wiping the sauce from your face. “You’re much less intimidating without your Italian war paint.”
You giggled, standing up on your tiptoes to peck his lips before returning your attention to the ingredients before you. You opted for a few slices of fresh mozzarella, some basil, and a sprinkling of olives. Once you finished, you popped into the preheated oven. You caught Tim singing softly, his body moving to the music playing from your phone as he happily assembled his own pizza. A wave of adoration for the lanky boy washed over you, and you wandered over to wrap your arms around his middle.
“Hi,” he chuckled, patting your arm while his eyes fretted about to choose what flavor combo struck him that evening.
“Hi,” you hummed happily, watching him intently as he piled on more and more. “There’s no way you’re going to eat all of that!”
“We never eat two pizzas! We need to have people over on pizza night,” he replied, turning around, his hands sliding down your arms to hold your hands.
“I guess we are all the way moved in now and could do that,” you thought aloud, swinging your clasped hands. “Did you have anyone in mind?”
“Well, I was talking to C/S about coming over for drinks sometime this week. Maybe we could invite her,” he suggested casually, releasing your hands to put his own flatbread into the oven.
Of course.
You felt your elated mood drop sharply upon the mention of her name. The media had erupted with excitement when it was announced that they would be working together, and, as always, the fans began “shipping” them right away. Now, you’d been trying very, VERY hard to not feel insecure about all of it, and Timotheé always assured you that the relationship was strictly professional. While you had learned to brush off the media’s intense assumptions, it was hard to ignore it coming directly from the source. He often came home with wild stories that seemed to all circulate around her, even mentioning pet names they’d developed for each other. He knew you were sensitive about it, but it felt like he didn’t even try to hold back. You tried so hard to ignore your insecurities. You knew he would never sneak around on you, that this was just how co-stars interacted, and he was just one of those magnetic people who makes close friends rather quickly. But no matter what you told yourself, the little, green monster in you refused to let it go.
“Oh,” you replied dumbly, cursing yourself for letting it slip.
Timotheé turned around, his brow furrowed. “Oh?”
“I just- I mean don't you think that would be kind of awkward? Just the three of us?”
“Nah. She’s been wanting to meet you, remember?” Could he really not see what was going on?
“I don't know… Don’t you want to just.. be home? I mean you see her all day, right?” You cringed, hearing how blatantly jealous you sounded.
“Oh, babyyyyy. This isn’t about her at all is it? Are you jealous?” he cooed with a grin, cupping your cheek. He clearly found this all very amusing.
You pulled away, feeling horribly embarrassed. “I’m not jealous! I just figured you’d want some time to yourself,” you insisted, busying yourself by checking in the oven.
“Ahhh, you are! Look how blushed your cheeks are! Somebody has a crush on meeee,” he sang, hugging you tightly from behind.
“Timmy, stop it,” you choked, suddenly on the brink of tears. You were humiliated.
“Woah, woah, woah, hey, love, what’s wrong? Don’t cry.” His demeanor completely switched, turning you around to look at him. Worry filled his features, making you crack. Like the flip of a switch, you were suddenly sobbing into his shirt, leaving him wholly confused and concerned. “Baby girl, what is it? Talk to me,” he pleaded.
You pulled back, wiping your eyes harshly. “I’m sorry. God, I’m sorry.” The timer chimed and you turned around, pulling dinner from the oven.
“Don’t be sorry, angel. Just tell me what is going on- Is this about C/S?” he pressed, his hands gently rubbing up and down your arms.
You sniffled, turning around to face him. God, he was a saint. He was nearly in tears himself as he fought to understand what could possibly have you this upset. You took a deep breath, trying to find the least confrontational way to express what you were feeling. “I-I just.. I’m having a hard time with everything this time, for some reason. I just feel like maybe she’s new and more exciting, and you’d rather have her around than me.” You felt even more ridiculous saying it out loud, but you couldn’t deny your own insecurities.
Timmy shook his head, clearly pained by your words. He pulled you into his chest, nuzzling his face into your hair. “Mon amour, I’m so, so sorry I made you feel that way. I’d choose to have you around over anyone in this entire world, you know that right?”
You sighed, letting out a weak laugh. “Yes, I do. I just have such a hard time believing it sometimes.”
He pulled back just enough to meet your eyes. “The only reason I reacted the way I did was because I can’t even imagine loving someone the way that I love you; it’s a whole other breed of love. I can’t imagine you being jealous over little, ole me,” he laughed, wiping away your tears with his thumb.
“Ugh, stop being so perfect,” you groaned with a smile, hiding your face in his shoulder. It was amazing the way he could soothe your worries in a matter of sentences.
“No, god, don't say that.” He shook his head, holding you close with one hand tucked securely at the nape of your neck. “And trust me when I tell you…” He leaned down, his lips just barely brushing over the shell of your ear. “No one excites me like you do.”
You shivered at his change in tone, peering up at him with flushed cheeks. “Yeah?”
He held your face, tilting his head as he captured your lips with his in a kiss so tender you thought you might faint. His tongue skipped across your bottom lip, lightly tugging it between his teeth. “Absolutely,” he breathed. “Let me show you?”
You blushed darkly, giving him a nod. He took your hand and tugged you off to your bedroom, dinner forgotten for the moment. You let him push you into bed and pull your leggings down your legs while you made quick work of your shirt, leaving you in a lacy bralette and matching panties. He groaned at the sight, his head falling against your stomach before looking up at you. “You don’t even know what you do to me; it’s so unfair.” His voice was low and needy, making you ache.
You laughed softly, sitting up to pull off his shirt. He cupped your face and kissed you deeply before you could get distracted with him. He wanted you to know that this was all for you tonight. He sucked on your lower lip, asking for entrance. You happily obliged, releasing soft sounds of pleasure into his mouth. He seemed to have this way of kissing you that made you feel all of his attention and adoration for you. No one had ever made you feel the way he did, and that’s why the thought of losing him to another terrified you so much. You hoped that he felt the same flips in his stomach for you.
“Come back to me,” he whispered gently, sensing your overthinking as though you were saying it out loud. You met his eyes, so full of love and concern. “I will spend every day of my life convincing you- I intend to, if you’ll have me.” He pressed kisses to your forehead, nose, chin, and travelled down your neck.
“Yes. Please,” you responded breathlessly. “I need you.”
Feeling just as needy, Timothee slipped out of his sweats and boxers, settling between your thighs and wrapping your legs around himself. He carefully pressed into your warmth, his eyes fluttering closed as you clenched around him. You would never tire of watching him feel good, no matter the form. He wore every emotion like an old cardigan that swallowed him whole. He brushed the tip of his nose against your cheek as he bottomed out, your hands roaming his chest and tangling into his precious curls.
“Let me love you.” Your heart just about broke. He was nearly pleading with you.
“Forever,” you replied, pulling him to your lips. Your bodies rocked as one, breathy moans and sighs bouncing off of the ceiling back to your ears to make you shiver. You felt foolish for ever doubting him. His mouth abused your neck, setting your bones ablaze with pleasure.
He quickly found himself becoming too excited, so he slowed and carefully pulled out. You watched him curiously, realization settling over you as he lowered his mouth to trail kisses down the valley between your breasts to your stomach and down between your legs. He eyed you as he circled your sensitive bud with his tongue, watching you moan out his name and lose your hands in your hair. You rocked your hips against his tongue. Always eager to give, Timothee reveled in every second of your pleasure until you were falling apart against his mouth and fingers.
Panting heavily, you pulled him back up to you and kissed him feverishly. His back was against the headboard as you sat in his lap, grinding your hips against his. Few words were spoken, but confessions slipped from you both as you held one another close. You reached between your bodies and slid him back into you. You both sighed in ecstasy. “You feel like… you were made just for me,” you breathed, beginning to lift yourself up and drop back down into his lap.
He cursed, watching your every movement with intensity. “I was.” You both got lost in each other, kissing and touching every inch within your reach.
“I’m close, amour,” he soon whined, head lolled back as he gazed up at you and his hands gripped your hips. You were both covered in a sheen of sweat, leaving his face glittering and breathtaking as always.
“Me too. So close,” you whimpered. You increased your pace, his hips rising to meet you now and hitting you just right. You tensed suddenly, your orgasm washing over you in waves. Timothee moaned against your collarbone, whispering sweet nothings and holding you close. He came soon after, spilling his love inside of you with stuttering thrusts. His hands slid across your spine as he trembled in the afterglow.
“I love you, my girl. Only you, forever,” he panted softly, tucking your hair behind your ear. A shy smile tugged on his lips, making you melt.
“Je t’aime, Timo.” You kissed his forehead, content to stay right there in his embrace forever.
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sukipershipper · 3 years
Her Suffering is Ensured
Alcina almost never left the castle, only ever if Miranda needed her, but that was the only time she didn’t want to be consumed by the cold. So it wasn’t very often she got to interact with the other lords, unless they came to the castle, which was almost never. Heisenberg never came around unless it was to drop off food, other than that he couldn���t stand the place, understandably so. Donna was never a frequent visitor, she felt very out of place in that castle. Then there was Moreau.
Moreau came around the most, often to drop off vials of medicine that he could whip up (he might be deformed but he’s still proficient in his work), sometimes he hung around for a it of a chat and some food, Alcina often ranted to him about what was going on with her and Heisenberg. Moreau? Well he never liked to complain but he’d ask if he was worth anything to the others, to which Alcina merely stayed quiet and would light one of her long cigarettes. That was all the answer Moreau would ever need.
It wasn’t that she didn’t like him, Moreau was often the nicest to her daughters, spoiling them with gifts and whatever treasures he could find. It was more or less worry or disappointment, worry that he would get himself hurt, and disappointment at the fact Miranda ruined him like that. He had potential but it wasted to try and satisfy herself, and the worst part was that Moreau let her get away with it. Moreau let her take advantage of him, it was sad to say the least.
But such was life and neither could change it now.
The cold air outside blew onto her suddenly, she tucked her arms into her sides to prevent the cold getting her more, she looked to see Moreau standing outside, the poor soul shivering like there was no tomorrow, and his drenched coat (presumably drenched from the reservoir) wouldn’t be keeping him very warm now.
“Stop standing outside you fool, get in!” Alcina demanded, without another thought, the younger lord quickly obeyed, dashing inside as quick as his legs would allow him to go. Moreau let the warmth of the castle embrace him, despite its size and haunting nature, Alcina’s home was quite warm and inviting.
Alcina quickly slammed the door shut and turned to the younger lord, “How bad is it?” Alcina asked, Moreau sighed and slowly took his coat off himself, revealing his back cover with pus filled boils and tumours, eyes poking out of every crevice and a small green acid dripping off the sides. A small droplet fell off and onto Moreau’s skin, causing him to wince in pain.
The Lady could only grimace and hold back tears at the sight she saw, Moreau was getting worse by the hour, but he refused to dwell on it any longer. Tossing his coat aside, he stood still for a bit, staring at the ground in front of him, “How have the girls been?” He asked.
Alcina nodded, “They’ve been good, better now that their favourite uncle has arrived” she smiled, Moreau gave a chuckle as he heard the chittering of bugs flying around, suddenly forming into three slightly older than teenage girls. “Uncle Sal!” They cried, the three dashing towards Moreau in a haste, only for Alcina to raise her hand to slow them down. “Girls be gentle”, Alcina warned, “I’m afraid your uncle isn’t all too well”, “What’s wrong with him?” Cassandra, one of the older daughters, asked (if I got this wrong please tell me).
Moreau only shrugged and laughed, “Oh, it’s nothing” he said, only to wince in pain and hold onto his sides, scaring the girls slightly. The man then looked up and gave a slight laugh, “Don’t worry about me”, he said, “I’ve got gifts for you three.”
With that, he pulled out a little burlap sack from his pocket and opened it to reveal three necklaces of different coloured shells and pearls. Blue for Bela, Purple for Daniela and Yellow for Cassandra.
The three girls all smiled in delight as they gently placed the necklaces around their necks, all marvelling at its beauty. “I hope you like them” Moreau said, “They’re a little hastily made”, “Oh, Uncle they’re perfect!” Bela said, Daniela nodded happily, “Absolutely wonderful!”
The three girls all gently wrapped their arms around their uncle, “Now what do you say, girls?” Alcina asked, “Thank you!” The three girls replied in unison. Both lords chuckled, Alcina smiling and shaking her head “Alright, now off to the kitchens please, make something up for your uncle”, “Oh don’t fuss over me, I won’t eat much” Moreau chimed in, only for Dimitrescu to shoot him a look, “Salvatore Antonio Moreau, I insist you have something to eat, have your fill dear brother” she said. Moreau had to laugh a little, using his own words from their story against him.
The girls soon disappeared as quickly as they appeared, leaving only the two lords still in the main hall. “Come, Salvatore” Alcina said, taking long strides towards the sitting room of the castle, “Sit down and talk to me”, “Of course, Alcina” Moreau said, trying his best to sit down in one of Alcina’s chairs, though it was a struggle due to his back.
Alcina soon brought a backless seat, “Here, take this one” she offered. Moreau graciously accepted, sitting down as best he could, though he still felt a pain surge throughout his body. As he tried to redirect the source of his pain, he found himself unable to hold it in anymore.
“Bucket” he mumbled, Alcina was confused, “I’m sorry?”, “BUCKET!” he cried.The Lady soon realized what he meant as The younger lord held his sides and began to curl his body over in pain. Alcina grabbed the nearest bucket she could find, which happened to not be a bucket at all and more an old jewellery box that she never used.
Moreau snatched it and spewed, the acid burning his mouth slightly. Once he finished he tucked the box Away under his coat, “I'll...get rid of that when I go” he said, “I’ve never had that much though”, “That’s not normal?” Alcina asked, trying her best not to look at the bubbly acid in her now ruined jewellery box.
“No, it usually happens in spurts, just little spits…” Moreau said, holding his sides again as he felt like he was about to collapse at any moment. Alcina sighed, “It’s getting worse,Mother Miranda had one job and she fucked it up!” she yelled, “You don’t deserve to live like this”, “Don’t say that…” Moreau said, groggily, trying to regain his balance, “...besides...I won’t need to live any longer…”
The Tall Mistress stared at her brother in shock, what the heck was that meant to mean? It took her a while but soon she put the pieces together…and she wasn’t fond of the results. “No…” she whispered, before standing up, “No! No! NO! You can’t be!”, “Alcina...I’m dying” Moreau answered, his head down the entire time.
“My Cadou is getting worse by the second and my mutated self keeps coming out against my will...I don’t have control of it” Moreau said, “I’m feeling myself get weaker every day...I-I don’t want to go, Alcie” The younger lord then let a small stream of tears flow down his cheeks as he tried to hide his face.
Alcina shook her head and screamed, “I CAN’T ALLOW THIS! THERE HAS GOT TO BE ANOTHER WAY!”, “Alcie! I was gifted with FOUR Cadou! There is no way to save me!” Moreau cried. Alcina couldn’t bear the idea of losing who she considered a wonderful brother, especially not to something that was meant to bring about joy for him. Something that was meant to help him, ended up being his demise...she couldn’t stand the thought.
The mistress went to kneel down to meet her brother for a hug, but instead she saw Moreau do something she hadn’t seen him do in a long time. The younger lord took a deep breath and straightened up his back. It was painful, as to be expected when you have a massive parasitic growth on your back, but he managed. Soon Alcina found herself being lunged at, her younger sibling wrapping his arms around her in a hug.
The Lady smiled and allowed tears to fall down her face as she hugged back. “I promise you, Moreau” she spoke softly, holding the younger lords head close to her, “I will make sure Mother Miranda pays for what she did to you, even if it’s not me who does it, I will ensure you that she suffers the consequences.”
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b1ancastar · 4 years
-His sad obsession- yandere!douma x reader
WARNING-Gore read that your own risk
Pain is all you felt right now. You had managed to slay the demons but it almost has cost your life, once more. Though this time was different, this time you were sure death would come upon you. As a tear slid down your cheek, your eyes closed, unknowing of the tall figure in the woods.
Douma stood there, looking at the sad, pathetic demon slayer under him. He bent down checking to see if you were alive, there was a faint breath, and a faint heartbeat. Humming he decided to not leave you there to die, but to bring you to his cult, in order to see if you could provide information for that man.
Soon you found yourself in a room you didn’t know of. You moved around, all you felt was pain. The only thing you could do properly was sit up. You took note of the room around you, it was nothing like yours, this room was much nicer. You would feel bad for ruining even the smallest of things.
The door opened revealing a woman in her mid-twenties. She timidly approached you, as if she was scared to see you awake. You both said nothing as she checked you over. She walked out then came right back with a bowl of soup in her hands. After she put it to the side she gave you a look of pity and left you there, alone, again.
Douma gave his happy smile to the lady after she came and told him you had finally awoke, even though he had only taken you in a week ago he was dying to see what you were like. He knew the truth that once you were no longer of use that he would eat you, but held hope that you could stick around for a while.
He made his way to your room humming the same hum he had when he had found you in the woods. He thought it to be hilarious that you were a demon slayer, supposedly a strong one that had come to death so easily, if it hadn’t been for him, you would be long gone. As he made the turn to get closer to the room you were in the smell of blood that you had seemed almost gone. Then he stood outside, wondering how his first impression should go.
You glazed up hearing the door open,  at first you were confused, wondering who the strange looking male was until you saw his eyes, engraved in them was upper two, this gave it away that you were face to face with a upper moon, fear took over, though you were smart you weren’t on the stronger side when it came to demons, but everyone knew by now about the moons that the creator of demons had made in order to make a power system.
You had been so lost in thought that you failed to see him kneeling in front of you. As you left your trace you tried getting into an awkward defense laying down. You had no idea what he could want with you, anything you told him could be used against you, with a chuckle he started to talk,
“You know, you are hurt so this little defense won’t help you, but what’s your name.”
“If you don’t tell me I’ll force it out of you.”
He soon had a harsh grip on your face, as his nails started to dig into your cheeks you managed to mumble your name, his old smile had returned and he clasped his hands together.
“That’s a wonderful name, I will go on and tell you to make yourself at home, you will be here for a while.”
You watched as he cheerfully walked out, closing the door behind him. You raised your hand to your cheek, feeling some droplets of blood from his nails, your tears came back and you just wanted to disappear.
It had been another week, you had almost fully recovered and hadn’t seen the upper moon since the interaction you had the week before. You hoped that you could sneak yourself out of here once you fully recovered, you knew it would be hard, but you were willing to risk it. As long as you limited the interactions you had you wouldn’t feel bad about leaving, though it did confuse you how you never saw the woman from before you hoped she wasn’t eaten.
Before you knew it, you were standing in front of the doors of the room you had been in. Reaching to slide them open they felt they were locked. You started to shake them, hoping someone would hear and open them, soon your heard footsteps coming to your room, through when you saw the shadow on the other side the smile soon faded.
Douma stood outside your room, he felt the joy soon turn into fear. He reached to unlock the door, and pulled you out and started to drag you ignoring the struggling you had. Subconsciously he started to grip even harder ever since your first conversion he was itching to know more about you. But you're desperate, cries soon broke and his unhearing ears. Glazing back he saw how he had almost snapped your wrist, pity in his eyes he loosened his grip and kept going to his warship room. 
“You know (Y/N), I still haven’t given you my name, yet I know yours, isn’t it funny.”
After he didn’t get a response he kept going,
“Well I supposed I should give you my name, it's Douma. Now I need to tell you some things once we get to my room, more like rules now that you’re a part of his cult.”
You stood there in shock as he gave his rules, you were to not leave your room without someone, you had to spend at least an hour with him, and you were to stay here, forever. This means your plans of escape weren't going to work like you hoped, he said something about punishment but you had no idea what it was going to be all you wanted was to be home.
You soon spoke up, seeing his eyes widen for hearing you speak without being forced to,
“The lady who was here first, is she, you know, gone.”
His grin grew wider has he shook his head the pointed at himself,
“Yep! She’s a part of me forever now, she now has peace after such a hard life.”
As fake tears went down his face you shuddered, knowing that it could happen to you any given time. Soon he had someone take you away into your room and bring food, soon after you fell asleep.
It’s been so long since you saw the sun now, you had no idea why you were still here, why he kept you here, Douma was more or less crazier since you were here. He would eat his followers in front of you not caring if their blood was on you, his punishments were horrible, he’d dig his nails across you, he’d nearly freeze you if you fell out of line. You were broken. The old (Y/N) was gone, replaced with an empty shell. Though nothing prepared you when you became this monster, a demon the one thing you’d kill.
Now you were stuck with him, to become his sad little obsession.
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anyoneseenadam · 4 years
Home: chapter one
azriel x reader (acotar) 
summary: (y/n) is a daughter of Persephone, still recovering from the trauma of her fall into Tartarus and doesn’t have time for a stupid, handsome, annoying, stunning, injured man. But now they’re stuck together in the middle of nowhere and there only chance of getting home is if she can heal him, and fast. 
warnings: big spoilers for mark of Athena and house of Hades, also some for the acotar series, eventual smut, blood, PTSD, graphic descriptions of violence, injuries and torture, enemies to lovers so az is a bit of a dick to start, swearing
word count: 2.8k 
a/n: this is the first proper fic I have written in so so so long and i’m legit nervous to post it so pls be nice, plus feedback is always appreciated. there are more parts to come, I’m not sure how many yet but i’m going to try post regularly! message me if you wanna be tagged and i’m gonna try figure out how to make a masterlist :) 
The view from your window was beautiful yet haunting. Your eyes roamed over countless wildflowers, yet your stare would linger on a poppy or a Red Admiral butterfly and you were back there. You were tied down and crying, body and brain equally numb until another searing lash stripped your back of flesh, white-hot pain rushing through your body and forcing an involuntary cry to tear from your lips.
You quickly stood, wiping your hands down your skirt in an attempt to quell the memories surfacing, the ones you had desperately tried to supress since you had fallen. You quickly moved, all but running to the bathroom, needing to do something, anything, so long as it got you out of your head. You stopped when you caught a glimpse of yourself in the mirror, looking exactly as you felt. The dark circles under your eyes from nights spent with hot tears flowing freely down your cheeks and into your hair and ears made you look ghostly, paired with the dull tone your skin had taken on, losing its natural glow. You looked as empty as you felt, a shell of the person you once were.
Tears welled in your eyes, but you quickly moved away, instead walking to the kitchen, the nausea from not eating overcoming you, yet the thought of eating just made you more nauseous. You found an apple at the bottom of a practically empty fridge and cleaned it softly, then used a blade to cut it into four, forcing it down, repeating the benefits it gave your body as you went, the basic information you had learned in your high school biology class, using the information to push through the sick feeling residing in your stomach, and instead focusing on the energy you desperately needed.
Your gaze drifted to the ajar door that led to your expansive garden, the cottage you lived in itself was small, but your garden was your pride and joy, your power sifting through all the plants in it, bringing them to life in ways of indescribable beauty, nearby animals coming to exist in harmony, safe under the care of their protector. But recently the usual vibrancy of the garden was dimming, the grass turning yellow and the plants wilting. There were no deer napping under bushes and barely any birds taking full advantage of the seed you laid out for them. You pushed past the door and into the garden, the plants brightening as you trailed your hands over their leaves. You found your favourite spot to sit in and dragged your fingers through the grass, smiling despite yourself as it visibly perked up, turning greener instantly. Your gaze trailed to a ruby throated hummingbird that had landed on the special feeder you left out for them, your breath hitching at the red colour, mind instantly returning to the dark, unable to tear your eyes away from the innocent bird.
The first thing you remember seeing was red, red water flowing like blood, red rocks beneath your bent knees, and your skin tinted red from dried blood seeping out of the wounds the chains around your wrists had inflicted on you. You sought to remember where you were, your mind drifting back to how you clung to Annabeth, your stomach aching from what must have been a broken rib, even as she was roughly pulled backwards, even as Percy desperately grabbed her, falling over the edge too, not quite reaching Nico’s shaking hand as he desperately tried to save you. You remembered been torn from their grip during the fall, a Fury hoping for a demi-god it could pick apart, you remember Annabeth screaming they would save you. But you don’t remember landing here, and you don’t remember the chains being attached to your wrists and ankles, or your shirt being removed, a choice you decided couldn’t mean anything good. However, you knew you would never forget the dark chuckle you heard behind you. Or the colour red.  
Azriel didn’t know where he was. He knew he wasn’t in his world at least, but that was as far as his knowledge went. He was simply tired after a long mission far away from Velaris and his family and had tried to travel through the shadows to his home. Yet here he was, farther away from home than he had ever been and absolutely exhausted. He stepped out of his shadows and had to blink as the tallest buildings he had ever seen came into view. He absentmindedly took a step forward, then another until he was roughly shoved into, a man with a thick accent he couldn’t place swearing at him. His head whipping around as he got his bearings and moved to follow the direction more people than he could believe were walking until the crowd thinned out.
With less people present he slowed his pace, hands drifting to his pockets when civilians stared, old insecurities that never really left him rising to the surface, and instead took the time to admire the strange world he was in. the fashion in this new world was vastly different to his own, groups of girls congregating in tiny shorts and tight tops, next to groups in which there were girls in all black and boys in skirts. There were men and women dressed sharply talking quickly to no-one in particular, with hands pressed to their ears, there were people in rags begging for money and there were people dressed in ways he couldn’t even fathom to understand. By the time he reached the end of the street he was sure he had seen everything, and walked onto a more recognisable street, one with smaller buildings, unlike the magnificent glass structures, made from stone and wood and with friendlier faces behind stalls filled with food he recognized along with food he had never seen before.
He made his way through the market, losing track of time, the initial anxiety he felt seeping away, if he got here, he could easily return home, right? Instead, he chose to focus on the culture of this new world, determined to tell his family of the wonder he had uncovered, faintly hearing different languages from people’s conversation, and music coming from the open window of what he presumed was a coffee shop. He distantly wondered if they could see his wings, as no-one eyes lingered the way he had grown used to, in fact it seemed they couldn’t look at them, he presumed humans in this world simply had a natural glamour preventing them from seeing fae, that being said however, no matter how hard he tried he couldn’t spot another fae.
Eventually he reached the end of the street and decided he should return home now in order to stop his family from worrying, searching for a shadowed alley so as to not draw to much unwanted attention to himself. He walked to an alley that he decided would do the trick, excited to share this adventure with his family, but stopped short when he came face to face with a girl in a short skirt with incredibly pale skin and fire-like hair leaning over a passed-out man, sucking blood from his neck. She looked up when he approached and he saw that her hair was not just fire-like but literally fire, and her eyes were glowing red, and angry. More alike her then came out of the shadows, he quickly counted six, sighing as he pulled Truth-teller out of its sheath.
Shit. I am not in the mood for this.
You strolled through your favourite farmers market in NYC, the colours that filled the stalls always bringing some cheer back into your life, along with the thought of home-made meals and your practically overflowing basket, filled with fruit, vegetables, bread, and other necessities, but not meat, not since the animals started speaking to you when you first arrived at camp, and nothing red, you still couldn’t face that.  
You made a quick stop at your favourite coffee place, opting to get your drink to go, only making polite conversation when you had to, and smiling through any other interaction. You were soon ready to leave, basket and dusty blue corduroy jacket slung over one arm, cup in that hand and your phone that the Hephaestus cabin had adapted in the other, when you heard pained grunts and the cackle of a monster you wished you could just forget already from a nearby alley.
You gave a pained sigh, looking longingly at your coffee before chugging it and throwing the cup in a nearby bin, making your way over to the alley. When you got there, you saw an unnaturally dark alley filled with a gaggle of Empousa surrounding a tall, winged man who was fighting incredibly well but clearly hadn’t gotten the celestial bronze memo, as his blade was defective.
“Long time no see ladies” you said, smirking at the growls that tore from the back of their throats as they tore around to stare at you, recognition in their horrifyingly red eyes. “What no hugs, no happy reunions?”
“You.” The middle one snarled, lunging forward, only to be cut down by the thick, green vine you had grown, intertwined with strands of celestial bronze you kept wrapped around your wrists disguised as thin, looping bracelets, and exploding into dust which you nonchalantly wiped from your shoulder.
“Whose next,” you laughed as three of them leaped at you, two staying behind and keeping the winged man, who had taken to staring at you with an unreadable expression, occupied. You destroyed them quickly enough to see the man falter as one of the Empousa force their talon like nails into his side, twisting it and pulling it out. You rolled your eyes, moving to pick up his slack, wrapping the vine around its neck and pulling until it exploded into the fine dust. The man was on the floor now, clutching his side, as you stalked forward to the final monster.
“You know I really just wanted a chill day,” you complained,
“I remember you,” it hissed, smiling at you with razor sharp teeth.
You fought a shudder and forced the memories down, “I’m glad I made an impression.”
“They want you back you know, we never got to finish playing.”
You snarled and went to move, but it was too fast, and you realised your mistake in waiting too long as it released a piercing cry that must have notified monsters from miles away, “shit,” you muttered under your breath, killing it quickly and moving to the winged man’s side.
“Hey, any chance those wings are good at flying,” you asked, “cause we’re about to be swarmed and I really just wanna get home.” You put his arm over your shoulders and dragged him up, grunting under his weight.
“I-it, poison.” Was all he said, fully leaning on you.
“Shit, okay um,” you racked your brain for an idea, furrowing your brows when you saw monsters start coming around the corner, eyeing you like their favourite toy. The man looked up from beneath his thick, dark hair before cursing and tightening his grip on your shoulder.
“Just hold on,” he said,
“What? Wait no!” you shouted, clinging to his arm as suddenly you were engulfed in darkness, only to suddenly be blinded by bright, hot light, forcing your eyes closed.
When you opened them again, you were on a sandy beach facing an impossibly blue ocean. Your mouth fell open and you turned to ask the man some questions, (or yell at him you were yet to decide) just in time to watch him collapse, falling onto the sand with a soft thud, red blood steadily flowing out of his side, the blood draining from your face at the sight.
You stared down at the man in disbelief for at least two minutes. He can shadow-travel. Is he a son of Hades? Gods know I don’t need another step sibling. Also, where the fuck am I? Why a beach? Is it LA? I might marry him if it’s LA. A million thoughts raced through your head as you stared at him, guessing that the unnatural darkness you saw before must have come from the shadows you could now see were surrounding him, protecting him from the light and, when you moved closer, you. From what you could see, he was handsome, if not slightly dead looking, thick, dark hair and a lean, muscular build. Wait dead looking? You cursed jumping into action, checking his pulse, relieved when you found it, before moving to his side using the knife you kept tucked into your boot to hack through the leathers he was wearing in order to reveal the gash.
It wasn’t wide but seemed deep as it was gushing dark red blood, you blanched and screwed your eyes shut at the sight, fighting the memories of your own dark red blood. You opened your eyes purposefully not looking at the cut as you used his torn leathers to put pressure on the cut and start dragging him up the beach to an area you could grow the thin vines you would need as makeshift stitches.
Azriel woke to an extreme discomfort in his side, in a place he didn’t recognise. He pushed up into a sitting position, wincing at the reminder of his wound, and looked around, finding himself shirtless, surrounded by trees on a sandy floor. A girl was sitting cross-legged, staring- no- glaring at him and he felt himself return a confused expression, vaguely remembering her as the girl that had killed the monsters that he could have sworn were completely invulnerable.  
“What are you?” She asked suddenly, her bluntness taking him by surprise, but before he could answer she continued, “I mean I’m presuming you’re some sort of child of Hades, given you shadow travelled, but I don’t understand what else, cause you’re defo not part human?”
“Hades?” he asked, frowning at the words he didn’t understand.
“Yeah?” she asked slowly, raising her eyebrows at him as if it was something obvious.
He scoffed, “I don’t need to tell you anything.”
“Oh, is that so? No thank you or anything? I mean it’s not like I saved your life and I mean least of all I would expect an apology.” She was rambling as she stared at him in disbelief.
“An apology?”
“Yeah, for getting me stuck here.”
“Where’s here?”
“Fuck if I know,” she threw her hands up in exasperation, “I thought you know, I’ve done enough, I’ll let him find a cure for that poison on his own, I just wanna go home, so I decided lets get my bearings. I’ll find a high place and work out where I am, only to climb to the top of a fucking mountain and realise you got us stuck on a fucking Island!”
He slowly stood, bracing himself on a tree, as she remained sat, levelling him with an unimpressed stare. He shook his head, not needing to babysit this girl, and instead shot up from the ground, flying above the island to see she was in fact correct, there didn’t seem to be land for miles.
Suddenly, a sharp shooting pain went up his right side and he lost control of his balance for a second, all but plummeting to the ground.
“Yeah you shockingly haven’t healed completely yet,” the girl said moving to his side and pushing away his maimed hands from his wound, barely even glancing at the scars, “I have some ideas as to what will cure the poison, but if you want to fly away and leave me to die here, be my guest,” every word was dripping with sarcasm and he fought back a growl at her as she inspected his wound, were he saw he had torn the peculiar, green stitches.
He watched her carefully, not fully trusting her, as she inspected his stitches, furrowing his eyebrows when she significantly paled at the sight of his blood. “What scared of a little blood,” he instantly regretted the biting words when she snarled at him and put more pressure on the wound than was necessary, feeling slightly guilty given she had saved his life, but her attitude was infuriating, and he just wanted a hot bath and food.  
“Okay, so here’s what’s going to happen, I’m going to stitch you back up, and then we’re gonna find a lake or some source of fresh water, you’re going to heal extremely quickly so you can take us back home and you’re not going to give me anymore shit? Kapeesh?” The stare she gave him could’ve rivalled his own in terms of intimidation, but instead of challenging her he just nodded, setting his jaw.
“Good. Now, nice to meet you, I’m (y/n),” she said reaching out a hand,
“Azriel.” Was all he said, meeting her small, soft hands in his rough, scarred ones, the difference in texture astounding him, still not entirely used to touch, and ignored the tightness in his chest when she offered him a cocky smirk.
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vanillafrog · 3 years
Pairing: Tovar/You
Summary: When two mercenaries come to your village, you decide that you want to befriend the one who seems to be isolated from the rest of the town.
Word Count: 2315
Warnings: fluff!! mild sexual harassment, strangers to friends to lovers
A/N: I wrote all of this in Tik-Tok dms and I’m not sorry for it. I also really love Tovar even if he is a stinky smelly man
Tovar is a stoic man. He doesn’t talk much, if at all, in new environments or around new people. The ever permanent scowl on his face didn’t exactly made strangers want to come talk to him either. Not that he minded all too much, the less people around him, the better.   
When Tovar came to your village alongside William, everyone was instantly hesitant of the Spaniard. They welcomed William with open arms however. It saddened you to see neglected based on face value alone. You knew all too well what it felt like to be based on looks.   
Since you were of age, many men had come to your door in hopes of courting you. Some even daring enough to ask your father for your hand in marriage. You rejected each and everyone’s advance. There just wasn’t an attraction to any of the village men. Besides, when working in the tavern, you knew how truly slimy they were.    
So you tried to talk to Tovar one afternoon as he tended to his steed. When you said “hello”, he ignored you until you tried again. He simply turned to you, eyes roaming your figure quite differently from men you knew. While others looked at you like you were an object, he looked at you as if you were potential danger. Much like a frightened rabbit in the form of a bear.   
“What?” he practically growled out.   
You introduced yourself and he scoffed at you. He turned back to grooming his steed when you tried once more to make conversation with the introverted man. “Your horse is beautiful.”   
Tovar side eyed you and hummed in agreement. For a few moments without anymore of a response from him, you sighed. 
“The villagers seemed quite scared of you.”   
“As they should be,” he responded without thought.    
“Why should they be?” you asked with a slight tilt of your head.   
“I am a killer.”    
“Is William also not a killer?” Tovar snapped his head back towards you, truly looking at you for the first time.   
“What do you want, princessa?”   
“To be your friend.” He scoffed once more at you making you frown at him. “Do you not believe me?”   
“I do not,” he set the brush down before moving to stand in front of you. You refused to back away from him, to show him you were scared of him. “What is it that you truly want from me?”   
“Have you never met someone who didn’t want something from you?” His glare sharpened as he crowded into your space.    
“There are no people out there would don’t want anything.” Tovar practically hissed out.   
“I just want to be your friend, nothing more, nothing less.”   After a while of staring at you, he backed away. When he turned back to grab his brush, you let out a breathe you didn’t know you were holding. He didn’t say anything else as he began to brush his horse once more. You frowned at him before leaving the stables.   
Though you left, you were determined to make him like you. So you cheated slightly. When he arrived, the village had a bonfire with plenty of food to welcome the mercenaries to your home. Tovar had eaten as though he hadn’t had a proper meal in months. Perhaps he hadn’t. But that gave you enough inside into how to break down the stone fortress of his heart.    
The next day at roughly the same time, you found Tovar sitting just behind the cottage him and William were lodging at. He appeared to be whittling a branch into something. You watched him for a moment, tightening your grip on the basket before relaxing with a deep exhale. With a smile on your face, you walked over to him.    
He noticed you as you approached. His frown deepened as he saw you before turning his attention back to the branch in his hands. You lowered yourself to sit beside him, a respectful distance between the two of you. He tensed.    
“I made you some pastries,” you said as you removed the cloth from over the basket. Inside was a dozen, slightly over, of sweetbreads you woke up early to make. Tovar glared at you beige glancing down at the food. He hesitated, looking back and forth between the food and you. “It’s all for you.”   
“Why?” His voice was rough from disuse. Through the scowl on his face, you saw something akin to sadness in his eyes.    
“I wasn’t lying when I said I wanted to be your friend.” You reached into the basket and pulled out a pastry, holding it out of him as a peace offering. Once again, he hesitated before settling the knife and stick down beside him. His fingers brushed yours as he grabbed the bread from you. A shiver ran down your spine at the feel of his skin against yours. You ignored it. Instead you chose to watch the way he sniffed the bread before taking a large bite out of it.   
A giggle escaped out your mouth before you could stop it as you watched he practically devour the pastry. He seemed to shy away from your joy, most likely thinking you were laughing at his expense. Instead, you grab another pastry and hand it to him. “I’m glad you like my baking. I woke up earlier than usual to make these.”   
He grabbed the pastry from you again, eating this one similarly to the other one. You smiled as you watched with, glad to see him loosen up just slightly. Once he finished the treat, you stood up. He watched from the ground as you wiped off the back of your dress. You turned to him once more and with a smile you said, “I’ll leave you to it. Hopefully, we’ll talk again soon.” With a small bow of your head, you walked away from him, ignoring the way his eyes left a trail from fire down your body as he watched you. 
Weeks passed and with them, a friendship bloomed. It was slow of course. Gaining the trust of a grumpy man was hard work but you knew it would be worth it. You just hoped that one day, you would be able to see his smile.  
When you first had that particular thought, it startled you. It was true that you loved to see friends smile but this was a longing you hadn’t felt before. A longing to be the reason behind such a scarce and sacred grin.    
It took only two weeks of feeding Tovar for you to recognize that perhaps your intentions from the beginning weren’t so platonic after all. You, however, knew you trapped yourself in a corner the moment you offered him only friendship.   
When you asked your friends for advice, they all seemed shell shocked at your willingness to be near the scary man. Despite your reassurances he was of no danger to anyone, they tried to convince you to befriend (and potentially marry) a different man. William was one that seemed to highly recommend. You just frowned at them and continued on with your daily meetings with Tovar.   
This day was much like any other. You had a basket of food for Tovar, who you noticed seemed to have gained some weight during his time at your village. You were secretly pleased to see it as winter was beginning to rear its head and he could use all the warmth he could get. He also seemed much healthier than before. Besides, it also meant he truly did enjoy your cooking.    
As you walked to the stables where you knew he would be, you were stopped by Gregor. He had once tried to court you to no avail. He was much too flamboyant for you. “Yes?” you asked nicely.   
“Is it true you have been seeing the Spaniard every day?” He asked straight to the point.   
“I do not see how that is relevant to anyone else.” You moved to step around him but he blocked you once more.   
“I do not wish to see you hurt.” Gregor touched your arm making you flinch away from him.   
“I assure you that Tovar will not hurt me now please get out of my way.” Your tone was sharp like the sword the two traveling mercenaries carried with them. Gregor stared at you as though you had grown another head before side stepping and letting you pass. You gave him a scalding glare before stomping pass him.   
On your walk, you thought of things to calm yourself down. You thought of evening walks around the village. Of watching the children play together right before supper. The way the sun hit the trees just right and casted dark shadows over the pathways. How some evenings you were able to watch Tovar interact with William in a way only those close would ever.    
Plastering a smile onto your face once more, you stepped into the stable only for it to fall. Tovar’s back was pressed flat to the wall as a so called “friend” pressed her chest to his. She was running her hands along his chain mail armor and cooing at him. Your stomach knotted, wanting to run away from the scene and never talk to either of them again but then you noticed him.    
Tovar’s scowl was deeper than anything you’ve ever had aimed at you. He was tensed and his hands were bunched into fists at his side. It was clear as day that he was uncomfortable with her advances and knowing that eased some of the pain from your chest.    
You cleared your throat, drawing both of their attention to you. Your friend smiled at you and gave you a cheery greeting while Tovar seemed to grimace harder, shrinking into himself. With a fake smile, you said while looking her in the eyes, “Could you leave please? You’re making my friend quite uncomfortable and this is the only time we get to have together.” She seemed shocked by your bluntness before she covered it with a slimy smile.   
“I think we were doing just fine.” She turned to bat her eyelashes back up at Tovar. “We were just getting to know each other.”   
“I doubt you need to be that close to get to know one another.” Tovar snorted making your friend glare at you. She huffed as she pulled away from him. When she walked pass you, she allowed her shoulder to bump into yours but you remained still until she was no longer in sight. Only then did Tovar seem to relax.   
He nodded at you in gratitude before taking his seat at the only bench in the stables. You walked over to him as always and sat the basket next to him. His hand grabbed yours before you could move. “Thank you.” He said to you, the usual edge in his voice dulled down.    
“Of course,” you responded with a smile, squeezing his hand before letting it drop. Removing the cloth off the basket, you sat down next to him. When you noticed he didn’t go for the food immediately, you looked back over to him. He stared at you intensely.   
“How did you know I was uncomfortable?” Tovar finally asked after letting you both simmer in an oddly tense moment.   
“You’re not too difficult to read once someone knows you.” You moved to reach into the basket only for Tovar to gently grab your hand once more. His skin was hot against your chilled hand. Blinking up at him, you waited for him to say something. He didn’t. He just explored your face with his eyes, as through there was a secret to be unlocked. His tongue dipped out to wet his lips, catching your attention for just a moment. A moment long enough for Tovar to notice.   
“Was that truly the only reason you stepped in?” He moved the basket to the other side of him before scooting closer to you, his thigh burning yours as he pressed them together. You gulped.   
“What?” Your voice low, mousey even.   
“You are also not that difficult to read once someone knows you.” Tovar placed his hand on the middle of your thigh. His hand large enough to cover the whole thing.    
“I’m afraid I don’t understand what you are referencing.” For the first time since you met him, your heart beat brutally hard against your rib cage but not out of fear. It was another feeling entirely. One that you knew wouldn’t just go away especially after watching his lips spread into a deliriously sweet smile.    
“We both know you aren’t naive enough to not know what I’m talking about.”   
“Do we both know that?” Tovar shook his head at you, a huff of a chuckle escaping him. He left go of your hand, reaching around your head to hold the back of your neck. Your heart beat impossible faster. For a moment you were scared it would hammer its way out of your chest especially as Tovar’s thumb rubbed gently at your pulse point.   
“Bonita,” he whispered before leaning in and pressing the faintest of kisses upon your lips. As he pulled away, your brain had finally caught up. You leaned forward to kiss him back. He hummed happily against you. It was slow, passionate and filled with emotions you weren’t sure you would ever share with another. You lifted your hands to cups his cheeks, pulling him deeper into the kiss. His grip tightened on your thigh as he licked into your mouth, moaning at the taste of you.   
As you both finally pulled away from each other, you breathed deeply. Tovar bumped his nose against yours, letting you feel his smile against your lips.   
“Friends and nothing more, right?” He teased.    
“Oh hush,” you replied as you pulled him in for another mind blowing kiss.   
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snaxpo · 3 years
fuck it bugsnax/s4m au notes
alternate title: i’m at that point in liking something where i have to combine it with everything else i’ve liked previously and today i’m making that everyone else’s problem. 
- base premise is a lil different! instead of being a journalist who was invited personally to the island by the expedition leader, you (or FK if you consider them a separate character from the player) are tasked with investigating the habitat, a budding commune on snaktooth island that may or may not be devolving into a cult. there’s just one teeny tiny problem - the commune’s leader and also your main suspect, boris habit, has been missing for weeks by the time you arrive. 
- now it’s a matter of gaining the inhabitants’ trust/getting them to come back to the habitat while hunting and subduing the bugsnax, who seem increasingly eager to launch themselves at inhabitants at quite literally dangerous speeds, in a battle of wits to keep your newfound companions fed while documenting the strange creatures. and of course, the question of just what happened to boris habit still lingers in the air. think like... talentless nana where the protag pretends to be all cute and unassuming (complete with flower motifs!) but really they’re there on Super Secret Spy Business. but of course there’s less murder. 
- oddly the bugsnax seem to have only become more aggressive after his disappearance. i’m sure it’s nothing. 
- yes everyone is still a grumpus
- there isn’t really an interview “mechanic” so much as it is a Lot of cozying up to everybody in pursuit of whatever information you can find on habit/potential group rituals/events that led to his disappearance; you get it by bits and pieces rather than a single structured interview. there is of course a lot more interactions between characters than there is in s4m’s base game bc thats like 60% of the appeal of bugsnax and i would be a fool not to think of it.
- time for ideas for specific characters! kamal is the vice-mayor of the habitat and has been habit’s right-hand grump for as long as any of the inhabitants can remember, despite their relationship becoming increasingly strained ever since their arrival on the island, and especially before habit’s disappearance. i imagine you still find him passed out but instead of collapsing from starvation he’s like "please.... toothpaste... a breath mint.... some pepto bismol. i’ve been able to taste my own breath for weeks." has been trying to divide his time between looking after the habitat and looking for habit himself (and also his best friend wallus) but the dispersal of the habitat has left him a tad Demoralized, to say the least.
- i feel like trencil would play a wambus-adjacent role in the sense that he's the one taking care of the sauce plants and also one of the first townspeople you meet. you convince to come back with you not necessarily bc he'd be able to continue farming in town but bc he would probably have an easier time looking for his daughter if he got some sleep first (but only if you look for her in his stead)
- gillis is like. a wannabe chandlo. makes you capture a bunch of snax that he Says he's gonna use to get stronger but eventually you find out he's been releasing them or keeping them in like lil makeshift pet houses bc he always takes one look at their big googly eyes and turns to mush. but EVERYONE'S eating them so naturally if they find out he's not they're gonna think he's some kinda wuss so he just pretends. 
- dallas keeps asking for sweet n colorful bugsnax to give to mirphy to impress her (sweetieflies, instabugs, etc etc.) but by some streak of bad luck they always end up being her least favorite. he tries to see if Maybe he can use them to make some new bugsnak-exclusive pigments, but like in canon they always end up turning into mush before he can get very far. mirphy meanwhile is far more interested in preserving them for a potential display, but similar to dallas, she never gets very far.
- i imagine the kid habiticians are like. a roving band of semi-feral children bc if anyone's gonna keep them in town it's definitely not kamal.
- i wanna do something with wallus SO BAD like you find him somewhere up in frosted peak but i have no idea what he would even DO its fucking killing me
- those are all the ideas i have For Now; s4m has more characters than bugsnax so there’s a lot to be done w/ them lmao. if i think of any more i’ll probably put it in another post or if anybody wants to spitball with me.......  👀
- and now we get to The Big Guns: habit.
- he was fun to work on w/ this au mostly bc despite being the rough equivalent of lizbert he’s a way different type of flawed leader than her; where liz is responsible to the point of martyring herself without a second thought and not thinking to delegate any tasks to the other snaxburg residents, which is what ultimately causes them to fall apart once she disappears, habit's deal is that he wants the position and appearance of an authority figure because it'll keep him safe, but he kind of sucks at taking responsibility for anything he does wrong because he’s spent most of his life acting according to what other people (namely his family) expect of him and being met with a negative reception no matter what, so he doesn’t really believe he has power over anything, including his own actions, despite being such a control freak for most of his own game. so his arc would need something that’s kind of antithetical to what liz had, wouldn’t it?
- so what i got so far is that au habit was tryin to covertly start a bugsnax cult bc he sees being asborbed by the snax as a sort of ascension and was eventually planning to have everyone be absorbed; it’s important to note however that bc information on bugsnax is so obscure he doesn’t actually 100% know how absorption works so tl;dr: habit became the bugsnax monarch willingly and then 5 seconds later he was like "oh no wait this fucking sucks. what have i done. shit. fuck."
- unable to cope with the realization that he was once again forced to act in accordance to someone (or in this case something) else's desires, he shuts down emotionally, becoming an empty husk of a grumpus while the bugsnax above run rampant thanks to the extra fuel and absolutely no restrictions until the Big Climax when habit is finally moved to take back control of the snax and by proxy Take Some Fucking Responsibility for knowingly luring people to cthulhu island. however this does leave the obvious question of if he was such an empty shell for most of the game why didn’t they just. eat him.
- the answer i eventually landed on was that his self-preservation instincts were still kicking on a subconscious level and during the aforementioned climax he eventually realizes that he does not in fact want to die, he just doesn’t want to keep living the way he is now (as part of an ancient hivemind beyond his understanding) or the way he was before (you know.)
- also fun fact: i was thinking about what his monarch body would be based off of bc the snakdragon, while cool as shit, didn’t feel right for him, and then i remembered that blooming onions exist. i imagine he’s in the middle acting as the flower’s “stigma”
- as for endings i’m thinking like. in the neutral ending kamal joins habit but its left ambiguous whether or not they'll ever be able to leave the island or if this is even a permanent solution (call that the paw in unloveable paw ending). in the good ending you bust habit outta his queen body after fending off enough bugsnax together and it’s super gross bc the undersnax as a whole is super gross but hey at least everyone’s leaving alive. i don’t know what a bad ending entails except most if not all of the cast is dead and habit is left alone on the island surrounded by reminders of his spectacular failure.
- hell i can even think of a sequel hook for the good ending like in canon bugsnax; some time after the ending/credits you ask habit just Where did he get the information on bugsnax that led to him being like “you could make a religion out of this” and the screen fades to black before you hear his answer. there.
- its almost midnight.
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magpiie · 4 years
Kidnapped by Baby Yoda pt. 3
Pt. 1 Pt. 2 Pt. 3
hey guys pls lmk what you think and be honest!!! thank you so much for 80 notes holy fucking shit wowie 
It's weird one day you're assisting teaching a class to a bunch of miscellaneous alien children on nevarro hating your life, and the next you're stuck on a ship with a mandalorian and his foundling who inexplicably decided he needed you to come.
“I'm going to talk to him today kid, believe me” you said to the lump of wool perched on your knee. Mando was out doing maker knows what, and you were left alone with the little guy like always. His big eyes gazed at you dubiously as if to say suuuuure. The amount of judgmental bitchy energy he could produce sometimes was astounding. “No really, i've been living here for what, uh 3 weeks maybe? And all we've really said to each other was the initial greeting and uh the exchange of names?” The last part trails off as you realize you don't even know his name. You said yours but he responded with telling you to call him Mando. So you didn't push it. You dont know alot about mandalorians considering they are almost extinct and their beliefs are often made to seem like folklore. But you do know that individualism and identity is not something particularly celebrated. So you decided to leave the amount of information he wants to share with you up to him out of respect. So far that's been none. “So, kid, how'd you break through his shell? He likes you?” the child just blinks unhelpfully. “I mean you never talk to him, but i've tried that and we saw how that went” literally radio silence from him. You don't particularly think of yourself as an extrovert who constantly needs interaction but you do need some. And currently you have the kid as a companion and if you didn't know any better you'd say Mando was a droid with how he acts. You also resolved that you needed to help out more. Basically you were a glorified babysitter and the idea that Mando was going to realize that he was better off without you on his ship as deadweight terrified you. You were a good cook, I guess you could say, but Mando always brought food back with him when he went out and then would hide in his room to eat in privacy. So that's not very helpful. The main thing that you could offer him was medical help. Back on Nevarro growing up you were the youngest of three older brothers. And considering your mother wasnt really in the picture, you had to take up the doctor role for the amount of fights three older boys could get into. You knew how to treat basically any external damage and how to sterilize and limit risk of infection. But how would you ever bring that up to mando if you guys didn't even greet each other in the mornings? Sometimes you would try to talk to him with something as simple as “good morning!” or “welcome back” or “night” or even just a simple “hey” sometimes he would bless you with a monosyllabic grunt but never anything more. But hey, you would take what you would get. After a week of this call and no response bullshit you kinda gave up and have spent the last two weeks in silence other than your episode this morning with the “good morning” fiasco. You feel your mortification settle back into your stomach at the fool you made of yourself. “Maker above, mando must hate me.” sometimes you wondered if he regretted asking you to come. But he doesn't really seem like the type of person to let you stay if you annoyed him. “Ok bug, here's the plan. What im gonna do is i will say hey when he comes back, sound good?” you look for confirmation from the creature and he gives you a slight tilt of his chin. Satisfied you continue, “and i will uhm say good night and good morning every day until he responds or tells me to shut up.” you finish with a huff of breath. This will either end with you finally finally getting to have real human interaction or left on some random ass planet god knows where.     
Mando makes his way back to ship feeling the pebbles crunch beneath the heavy sole of his boot. This planet was a desert planet much like nevarro, he wondered if you missed home. Mean no shit she's probably homesick dumbass he thinks its not like he was doing anything to make the ship feel welcoming. Like talking to you. But you made the ship feel like a home for the kid and that's more than he could ever want. You probably didn't realize how much what you were doing meant to him. You made the kid happy, you were giving him something that mando never could, a mother figure. Mando tried his hardest to be what he thought was a father for the kid but it was hard. He had to go and work and it wasn't safe to bring a kid so he was often swept around to different planets and left for hours by himself waiting for mando to come back and it was hard on mando. But you, now you were there. And the kid was always safe with you. He should probably teach you some self defense he thought considering how dangerous being associated with him was especially considering you needed to protect the child. But honestly, mando had no idea if you knew how to protect yourself, you might, space is a dangerous world. He only knew that you were a teacher but that was it. Slightly alarming that he implicitly trusted you without any prior knowledge of you or your credentials. You could be a bounty hunter assigned to kill him for all he knew, or to steal the kid, but you probably would have done that by now. Mando didn't know what made you trustworthy to him. You just were. And that terrified him. 
You're sitting in the cockpit with the child pretending to fly the ship as he gurgles happily in your lap. you giggle at the little guy and make finger guns and pretend to shoot an imaginary monster outside the window, “i'm the most fearsome bounty hunter in the guild,” the child lets out a particularly loud noise at that, “uhhh yes i am dont laugh at me, i am feared far and wide across the galaxy,” you tickle his sides with that one. youre so into playing with the kid you don't realize mando was back and is staring at you from the entryway to the cockpit. “You think i could take on your daddy, bug? You think it'd beat him in a shootout? Huh?” you say with your fingers poised and ready at the window.
“Not a chance,” says a deep voice that vibrates into the floor. You let out an embarrassing startled shriek and feel your heart do twenty somersaults and settle in your feet. The child screams at the interruption and immediately wiggles out of your grasp and waddles to Mando giddily. 
“I-i i was uh joking, really i was,” you stutter out cringing at the incredulous tone your voice comes out as. Remembering your resolve to talk to him you continue on even though you feel like you might throw up your breakfast from nerves. “He misses you during the day,” gesturing to the child, “so i pretend to be you” you finish realizing that sounds super fucking creepy, “well not like- you- like- you,  but i pretend to like uh pilot the ship and uh shoot um things?” you ramble lamely. A huff sounds from the mandalorian and if you allowed yourself to think wishfully it was laughter. 
“Doesn't surprise me. Before you he came everywhere with me.” you feel your eyebrows raise. Everywhere? Shit. 
“Must've been difficult to complete jobs and have to keep track of him,” you say nodding your head towards the little lump of brown wool. Mando offers you an affirmative grunt before setting the child down and turning on his heel towards the fresher. So that was an improvement, you think. Got ten whole words out of him. You feel a grin split your face. Hopefully this means you are past the dancing around each other relationship. And maker above, his voice, wow. If only you could wake up to that every morning. Deep and melodic. You wonder how deep and gravelly it sounds in the mornings. Or how your name would sound tumbling off his lips in pleasure. Nope. not going down that path. That is NOT platonic thoughts. You literally had your first conversation with him since the first day you met him and you're already thinking about that? Seriously pull yourself together. You don't even know what he looks like, or how old he is. Like what if he's like 70. And really ugly. What if your having sex dreams about someone like your grandpa. Ew. Your face contorts at the thought of Mando looking like your grandpa. Okay gross stop. You need to get to know him. Have civil conversations. Push down the gross thoughts. Even if his voice sounds like honey. And home. 
You're sitting in the chair behind the pilot seat reading a random book Mando left out on the scattered floor. Its some type of mechanical manual so its truly riveting. Note the sarcasm. The child's asleep, and seeing as though mando is cooped up in his room this book is better than twiddling your thumbs mindlessly. You decided that if you were going to stay on mandos ship you should at least try to pick up some mechanic skills. Better than the rudimentary at best you had at the present moment. You knew how to fix blatant errors in engines and how to reconnect wires if the instructions were explained thoroughly and very slowly. Okay maybe you didn't really know anything past engines. But that was better than nothing? Kinda? You sigh closing the book after rereading the same sentences about pre-imperial versus post-imperial hyperdrives. Maker what was the difference? The both made the ship go super fast or something? Was that the hyperdrive? You shook your head feeling the thought start to culminate into a downward spiral of what a hyperdrive truly was. You looked around the cluttered hull and decided that you should probably occupy yourself by cleaning up the mess. Mando might appreciate it, it'll also make you less of a deadweight on the ship. It was crazy how much shit one man and his child could accumulate on one tiny ship. You don't think you had ever seen this many small metal bowls in one place. The stack currently in the corner probably contained about 12. In what universe would 2 creatures ever need the same bowls 12 times. Well you guess now it's three. The thought filled your chest with a balloon of warmth only to be popped by the realization that you weren't part of the little family mando and the child were. At best you were a business associate. The kids stand in caregiver. Babysitter.
 The realization that you didn't have anyone to call family at your disposal fell heavy on your shoulders. Sinking you into the corner of the hull. You dont think youve ever felt more alone. In the cold corner of the hull with a hand pressed to your chest in an attempt to quell your ragged breaths.  Like a small raft cast into the oceanic expanse of space. If you drowned, who would notice? Certainly not your family, they were maker knows where, probably light years away. You didn't even know what sector you were in anymore. What would your father think of your decision to leave nevarro? You hadn't seen him in a while but you remembered the way his eyes crinkled when he smiled. And how he would hug you after a long day. Hold you like you were still his little girl. The craving for a warm embrace from a solid body slammed into you with all the force of a meteor. Leaving you stunned and lost. You briefly wondered how mando coped. How did he deal with the overwhelming feeling of loneliness?  How did he leave his guild? Did he miss them? Were they like a family? Did he think about them often? How did he cope with the lack of touch? Or did he not think about it at all? Did he not need it? Was he so disconnected from the world through his beskar that he couldn't remember the feeling of someone's fingers on his skin? Etching a path with the searing heat they exuded. Hearing approaching footsteps you attempt to pull yourself together. Regulate your breathing, get rid of tear tracks and lose the flush coloring your face. You could do this. As he rounded the corner he stopped. You peered up at him from your curled up position on the floor and offered him a smile that felt unconvincing even on your lips. He tilted his head slightly at you and made his way cautiously to where you were. He bent slightly and offered a brown leather clad hand to you. For a second the only sound heard was the faint crackle of his breathing in his helmet. You could see him faltering. Here he was offering you comfort in your clearly distressed state and you were pointedly ignoring it. You laced your fingers with his and nearly doubled over from the strength he exuded into pulling you up. As soon as you were fairly steady on your feet you marveled at your hand shocked by the warmth creeping through the leather of the glove permeating into your palm. He sighed, a deep release of tension from his shoulders followed. “What's wrong?” he said, his hand still lazily grasping your fingers. You looked at him, what was wrong?
“How do you do it?” you said echoing his words from your first meeting to him. his thumb dragged a slow line along your wrist. When he didn't respond you added, “how are you okay with being alone?” if you could see his face you would say he looked taken aback. He released your hand.
“I'm not.” he offered. Confused as to which question he was answering you remained silent hoping to prompt him to continue. He started again, “I'm not alone, not truly. I have him.” he gestured vaguely to his sleeping quarters where the kid slept. He rubbed the back of his neck, 
“And neither are you.”
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milkacchan · 4 years
Request for anon: can I request Present mic and a American exchange student (southern reader if you could??) (Aka her being his favorite student)?? ((Bc I know you have an Aizawa one and all might one))
😌😌😌😌 yes.
• His class is your favorite but also your least favorite
• Because you have a natural affinity for english and you ACE the tests but also Japanese is SO HARD
• Anyway from day one, you're his favorite
• he heard you mumble a pun under your breath at something he said then laugh to yourself and he's like
• Yes. This one.
• he is that english teacher
• the ones that kids will flock to if they feel alone
• This man practically becomes dad 2
• and you're so thankful for that because it's someone you can be with
• Anyway it starts with you sitting alone in his class room during lunch
• bc theres no one else to talk to lmao
• Dumb small talk
• that turns into pun contests and dad jokes
"Hey, Mr. Hizashi, did you hear about the kidnapping at school?"
He perked up, "What?! No I-"
"It's okay, he woke up."
• and that was when he knew you were going to be best friends
• You eat in his room a lot
• and when he finally questions it, he feels his heart break a little
"So why do you always eat in here? Not that I mind- just students rather not spend more time with teachers."
You shrug. "I feel better in here, I don't really fit in with my class right now- I don't know them and the prospect of interacting kinda scares me. Besides it's fun in here."
• he's 🥺🥺
• but he totally understands!!! Because he was the same way in highschool. Unsure if he was liked
• and as you do start to really make friends, he see's you in the room a little less but you're still there a majority of the time
• Hizashi also speaks english and he likes talking to you in english Because he can talk shit with you
• Aizawa only understands about 45% of what you're saying
• All might understands a majority though so you gotta watch it w him
• He's a fuckin sNITCH
• "Did you see that?" He mumbles under his breath, his attention still on his paper
"I was going to pretend I didn't- that was awful,"
"Sounds like a plan,"
• Y'all talk- a lot
• father daughter vibes
• you got his number
• Deadass
"Whatever is cheapest,"
• He'll absolutely leave to get you something if you really needed it
• Like one time you needed tampons and there were none to be found
• and you admit it to Hizashi (with so much embarrassment) and before you even ask he's running to the store
• Thankfully it was during lunch so he didn't ditch any classes he was supposed to teach or anything
• mans is a god send
• if you dont have enough money to get food or sumn
• he got you covered
• "You're literally going to go broke Mr. Hizashi,"
"No, I am what you call r i c h,"
"You really aren't,"
"Stooop, I'm getting it for you."
• one time you accidently called him dad and you thought you were going die if embarrassment
• Eye contact?? Idk her
• But mic feels honored
• theres the dad trio, Aizawa, All might, and now Hizashi
• They have an on going competition likes dads do, bragging about their kids
• "Did you hear? Young Midoryia figured out his power move,"
"Little late if you ask me, However Shinsou is ready to move to 1A,"
"(Y/N) got the highest score in her class by 10 on the english test we took AND she's cooler than yalls kids,"
• At the sports festival he's cheering for you
• Bitch is SCREAMING
• He's got your back 100% all the time
• He helps you come out of your shell no doubt
• yall are stupid, together.
• yall also vibe, together
• #staying after school to watch a movie in his class
• Occasionally Aizawa will join
• Being close with Hizashi automatically means being close with Aizawa I mean this man WILL protect you with his life
• Even if he denies it
• They're called movie Wednesdays
• because its half way through the week and you definitely want to die by then so it's time for a break
• Aizawa won't assign homework on wednesdays for this reason (even if he doesnt go)
• the rest of class 1a doesnt know
• Sometimes even Hitoshi will join, fam squad
• No, seriously tho
• Yall deadass stay being a family
• Hizashi would 100% adopt you if he could
• Like phrases he hears you say? He'll memorize it
• He started saying y'all and all the teachers clowned him but he didn't even care
• He'll also ask a lot about America
• he wants to know as much as he can
• specifically about where you live
• He thinks traditions and certain aspects are cool there
• like piercings? If you have those he'll think its dope
• and he'll ask about the attitude towards them in America
• Dyed hair? Same questions
• he'll def have you in his radio show to talk about it
• starting a podcast??? Maybe.
• okay lets talk about papa bear mode for a sec
• Present Mic, Hizashi Yamada, 100% has a papa bear mode
• it's scary bc he has red eyes
• I'm talking about like yelling at other teachers who yell at you
• Pulling you out of actual first fights (he'll rarely get you in trouble)
• Absolutely wrecking people who try you
• Pulling you out of rubble that one time during training and giving Bakugou the scare of his LIFE
• Like yall thought his mom was scary? Just wait. Hizashi tops that.
• Bakugou is quiet for the rest of the day
• but his papa bear also includes emotional support
• you open up to him more than you've opened up to people at home
• like full on crying in his chest. Maybe bc you were stressed or homesick- but he's there if you ever need it.
• and lastly, reading manga together then talking about it
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