#if you dont like that??? why??? play kh?????
dreamsy990 · 5 months
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so it all comes to this.
to say i was excited to play 3 would be wrong. actually i was sort of dreading the game. i went in with expectations for the worst and was pleasantly surprised. which is not to say that its good. but its certainly a game! that i played! and now you get my thoughts. unfortunately a lot of my thoughts about the end of the game are kind of hard to separate so. if youre wondering where my thoughts on endgame stuff is. its at the end.
(also i havent played remind so theres no remind thoughts here. its all just base game kh3)
combat (with some other gameplay notes)
so. im not a big fan of the combat. to preface, i played the rest of the series on standard, but with kh3 i was told it was easy so i did proud! and yet it was still the easiest kh game.
kh3 is the first game in the series where i feel as though 'mash x to win' is a valid criticism <- thats not entirely true at the start, but later in the game it does feel a lot like that. almost every fight is mindless because of how easy it is. you can see it in the enemy health bars, theyre absurdly large because of how easy it is to take them down. they need to have that high of health so the fight isnt over in under a minute.
i dont think the base combat is bad. unsatisfying, maybe. But not bad. except for attraction commands.
attraction commands feel like part of a pattern in kh3, where they try to recreate what made the other games so good without understanding WHY it was good. what theyre recreating ofc being reaction commands. technically its the same as some reaction commands, sure, being a giant dramatic attack, but it doesnt work because theres no situational awareness in them.
attraction commands dont feel cool because theres nothing in them that requires use of your surroundings or that is tailored to the enemies youre fighting, since theres only a couple that can be used at any time. there's nothing strategic about using them either- reaction commands normally would give you a specific advantage, or could be used to avoid attacks, only sometimes dealing damage on their own. in kh3, all attractions do is deal damage. they are impersonal and often obtrusive- if youre like me and hate attractions, youll still often accidentally use one, since theres no way to disable them.
this is more abstract than anything, but something about attacking feels unsatisfying. the combat feels like it lacks any real sense of impact or weight to me. but thats all personal and not exactly good criticism so. i digress
also the bosses in 3 suck. you know its bad when the most memorable boss fight in your game is the tutorial. most of the boss fights in this game are so unmemorable that ive literally forgotten them. except of course demon tide. i despise demon tide. it was fine in 0.2 but not here. every time you fight it feels like a missed opportunity for something cooler.
i think flowmotion is worse now. i get that it was a bit too overpowered, but with how much it was limited i ended up hardly using it. i didnt like flowmotion because of the attacks, i liked it because of the movement. so to me, it ended up being a reminder of how kh3 failed instead of a fun feature.
also i know a lot of people like being able to switch keyblades in fights, but honestly i feel like it removes an element of strategy the other games had
the ui (and other visual things)
this isnt something i talked about in my other reviews. but in kh3 i must bring it up. if you follow me you may know my hatred for kh3s ui. so im going to talk about it again! this is the abridged version though. heres my whole rant if you want my full thoughts on it. but the short version is that i dont like it. i am someone with terrible vision and i can play every single kh game without glasses because the ui is just big enough that i can read it. most of the time i can read subtitles too. but in 3? i struggle even WITH glasses to read anything. the ui is too small to make out anything almost all the time. its really only by muscle memory that im able to play. my glasses broke while i was playing, and i literally couldnt play until i got new ones because i couldnt make out a single word on screen. its bad design.
im also upset that there ui art has been replaced with renders. its just a shame honestly. i loved the art in the older games. the renders feel bland in comparison.
and thats generally my take on the look of modern kh. sure its pretty, but its bland. kh has always had a certain cartoonish vibe to it thats starting to die out, and i think the shift to unreal engine was the first marker of that change. i like the look of old kh. its not too technically impressive but its incredibly charming. kh3 is anything but. the characters feel far less expressive, the worlds are realistically rendered, it feels unfitting for a series like kh. its hard for me to find kh3 as charming as the other games. the only word i can think of to really describe it is corporate.
i dont know if this is a rare take, but i think technically impressive visuals are far worse than distinct ones. kh used to have a unique look! now it just looks like every other semi-realistically rendered rpg.
story (featuring: more gameplay notes)
my problem with kh3's story was unavoidable really. dream drop distance set this game up for failure and so im not going to complain about dream drop distance. ANOTHER TIME ill talk about dream drop distance. i dont have time to make a post that long. i do have a lot of problems with the story that werent a result of ddd being terrible so i guess ill just bring up those.
one of my biggest issues with the game is how unimportant the roxas plot is. youre led to believe the game will revolve around it but then sora does nothing to further it. at all. at the start he CONSIDERS doing something, and then hes told by ienzo "no its fine ive got it. go do something else" and its barely ever mentioned again until the end.
this relates to my overarching problem with the plot: it feels aimless. in every kh game theres a REASON theyre going on a journey. soras looking for his friends, roxas is working a 9 to 5, the wayfinders are all following each other, etc. but in kh3 sora is looking for "the power of waking". what is the power of waking? i literally have no clue. thats how poorly defined it is. its an abstract goal, its not tangible or even really achievable. its just a macguffin. when the plot suddenly decides to happen at the end the whole journey feels pointless. you could skip every disney world past twilight town and you would probably be fine. it's not a journey, you're not exploring for a purpose, you're just killing time until other people handle the plot.
i also really hate the new organization (i refuse to call them the real organization. theyll never be the org). theyre painfully boring and poorly put together. the old org had structure, they had very specific goals, every member had a purpose. you knew how they worked and why they did what they did. the new org is just completely lacking in that. calling it an 'organization' is stupid because there's nothing organized about it. and even disregarding all that, the new organization also lacks any real personality. the members feel so boring, which sucks, because almost all of them are returning characters who used to be really fun. and why are most of them even there? no one except maybe xigbar seems to actually care about their mission. the old organization had a common goal and a reason everyone was there. they were nobodies, they wanted their hearts back. there's no reason for any of the new members to stick with xehanort. and if you say "well they were norted!" i then must ask. what exactly is norting? like really. it hasnt been possession since birth by sleep. norting is whatever nomura needs it to be in the moment. its not clearly defined, its just another macguffin.
also because i dont know where to put it, the battle of 10,000 heartless is just a terrible successor to the original fight. there's no stakes, no buildup, no friends fighting by your side, no reason to care. they just throw thousands of heartless with no ai at you. literally no ai, if you stand still they wont attack you. its a drag if anything, an homage to a better game done absolutely no justice.
back to what i was saying about the roxas plot, roxas' return is just such a nothing scene. theres nothing about it thats cathartic, his lines are impersonal and bland, theres nothing 'roxas' about it. roxas' defining feature has always been how emotional he is, and there's none of that here. its nothing. and then he does nothing afterwords. he has seven whole lines in this entire game, six of them are in this scene, and the last one is an inconsequential jab at sora at the very end. and then he fades into the background.
the writing in this game in general is actually weirdly worse than normal. it feels a lot less, idk, human? the older games were weird and absurdly cheesy but this is just. strange. look at the scenes with riku and mickey in the realm of darkness and youll see what i mean.
WHILE IM ON THAT SUBJECT. RIKUS KEYBLADE BREAKING IS BULLSHIT. remind me to rant about that another time though im not gonna go on a tangent about that here
also i would give my thoughts on the ending but i literally couldnt care less about xehanort. so i dont really have any! the final boss was alright though
i have more specific thoughts, but generally, the game feels aimless and underwhelming.
i love axel and kairi! theyre a fun duo and ill never shut up about their parallels so seeing them together is nice. i wish they did anything but thats BESIDES the point im being POSITIVE here
also. the music is great. i love the music sm. its nowhere near my favorite kh soundtrack, it feels a lot more grand which isnt my thing but its still some of yoko shimomuras best work. also hearts as one. its the PERFECT conclusion to roxas' theme and arc. the progression of it from melancholic (roxas) to desperate (the other promise) to triumphant (hearts as one) is just so good. i wish the rest of this scene was as good as the music so i could compliment it more wholeheartedly yknow?
its actually funny also! kh isnt the funniest series, most of the time when it IS funny its completely on accident. but kh3 is like days in the way that it just. actually has funny writing. the jokes intended DO land and its just a breath of fresh air.
oh also riku being well adjusted is the funniest possible conclusion to his character arc. 10/10 im so happy hes normal. never give that boy an emo arc again nomura
over all, kh3 is exactly like how my teachers described me in elementary school: it has a lot of potential, but doesnt apply itself. this couldve been a decent game but it simply doesnt do most things very well. i give it a 5.2 / 10. its not an actively bad game but its a game i have trouble enjoying. sidenote im retconning my opinion on bbs to say its 4.7 / 10 because a: my opinions have changed and b: i think 3 is better but i dont want to give it a very high score.
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midnightclover · 6 months
what's summon night swordcraft story? :o
love how everyone wants to learn more about swordcraft story once they learn its hella gay. i mean. same. thats why i played it
summon night: swordcraft story is an rpg (not turnbased) series for the gba and a spinoff of summon night. though i know jack shit about summon night lol.
swordcraft story (1) is about being a Craftknight, basically a blacksmith that fights with weapons they've forged. you compete in a tournament to become a Craftlord (basically an extra cool Craftknight) and explore labyrinths and fight monsters for materials.
you also get a summon creature to act as your Guardian Beast, basically theyll help you with forging and do magic stuff in battle! and one of them just so happens to be super gay if you pick the female protag. like its so blatent. she literally kisses the protag. the protag does a bit of no homo stuff but its still very gay, and she warms up to her. she (the protag) even just randomly calls some other girls pretty.
the story, characters, and writing are all pretty good too! though i dont want to say too much about them for like spoilers. especially dont want to spoil the jokes, theyre fantastic.
the combat's pretty fun too! kinda like kh chain of memories if you removed the card shit? also you can equip 3 different weapons in combat to switch between at will, so you can have something to take down whatever enemy's in your way, as well as calling in your guardian beast for spells n shit. btw there are only like 5 main weapon types, but theyre so different and the individual weapons can be kinda different so its still pretty nice. you can even make some fancy enchanted weapons
uhh so yeah. games pretty damn good! its got a couple flaws but it was so fun i couldnt stop playing it (and was thinking about replaying it the whole time. its that damn good)
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nyctoheart · 2 years
You've probably answered this before so I apologize but it is impossible to search for things on tumblr, and I'm curious of your opinion. If someone were to play the Kingdom Hearts series for the first time, when would you recommend they watch/play Union X and Dark Road, do you think they're best experienced before or after Kingdom Hearts III? They do a lot to setup the next part of the saga but they also (especially Dark Road) help Kingdom Hearts III's conclusion feel even more satisfying. Also, do you think Back Cover should be watched before or after Union X? Would love to hear your opinion on this, thanks!!
Hello! That's okay I love talking about this stuff anyway 🙈 These are my personal opinions:
BC before UX:
I personally think Chirithy's narration in BC does a good job of laying out the overall situation: the world being intact, and the relations between the MoM, the Foretellers, and the unions. And with BC being devoid of the many things UX brings in (Maleficent, Darkness, the lifeboat, the reveal of the traitor, etc), I think if you were to watch BC after, it would be frustratingly simple; where a 1st viewer might say "well where are all the darknesses? where's Skuld? how come they dont mention the lifeboat? why dont--" etc etc. I think to keep viewing BC as open minded as possible, I would watch it before UX. And it'll emphasize the impact of the Foretellers' demise in UX.
UX before KH3:
KH3's reports make a lot more sense knowing UX's story, and you might gasp with the epilogue's reveal or theorize the identity of Subject X. I think if you play KH3 before UX, you might gloss over AND completely forget a lot of the interesting lines in KH3's cutscenes and reports that reference it.
DR before (or after) KH3: (maybe depending on the player's ability to keep track of information):
When it comes to "before", I assume I'm in the vaaast minority with this opinion, but the more I think about it, the more I think so. I think DR would add a lot of good-ass emotional tension in KH3 with Xehanort, his childhood with Eraqus, the reason of his collecting wielders with the ancient legacy like Ventus, the child of destiny etc etc. And it would also be good for someone going into KH3 knowing that Xehanort is not, in fact, Player reincarnated LOL.
ON THE OTHER HAND: The thing about KH3 is that it already is tying many KH titles together, it's a heavy spaghetti game with a bunch of threads coming together. So I think DR, especially being so fresh in a new viewers mind, might take away from the impact of other characters from BbS or Days returning. Maybe not, but I think its possible. I would also say "DR ties too much into Missing Link to be put before KH3" but UX ties into ML just as much, if not more, than DR. So maybe that's not a good reason LOL.
The only other reason I would say play DR after KH3 is because Re:Mind has a cropped version of MoM's scene, so it might be less impactful in ReMind (assuming you play ReMind immediately after vanilla KH3). However, that scene in ReMind is so fucking vague, and DR's context makes it a lot more comprehendible IMO. So maybe that's another reason DR should be before KH3 LOL.
(I also have not seen DR's updated text yet so I apologize if that really impacts if it should be after KH3)
those are my opinions, if you disagree you can take it up with my secretary or honestly reply to this post! I'm curious as to why, maybe there's a huge variable that I'm completely forgetting about...
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sanitizarium · 1 year
since u said it was alright to talk to u abt KH -
how’d u get into it? what made you stick around? what’s ur favorite/least favorite game (and how many have you played/watched)? Favorite characters narrative-wise and design-wise? do you like the gameplay or the story more? have u read the manga, and if you have did you like it? is there anything you wish there was more of in the series? anything you feel like is under-appreciated about it? 
sorry if that’s a weird amount of questions lol ive just been into this series since i was in middle school and my brain is [static] [explosions] about it by this point
Also i LOVE your art style and especially the way you draw KH characters!!! I am taking notes!!
i got into kh initially through the mangas around 2012 (my library had the chain of memories manga :] and the kh1 ones) and through seeing dream drop distance on the 3ds eshop but i only got rlly into it after the sora smash reveal!! i stuck around afterwards cuz something about it itches my brain really good......the characters and their interactions make me EXPLODE theyre so good
ive played all the games minus dark road and part of union x (ive played x and unchained x though!!) my favourites are dream drop distance and kh2 :D im also very partial to com on gba... my least favourite is probably kh1? i have nothing against it it just does nothing for me.....
my fav characters design-wise are terra, xigbar, ira, gula, vanitas and roxas!!! and my favourite characters narrative-wise are sora, riku, lea, isa and roxas :] bonus shoutout to xion and namine also for both
i like the gameplay a LOT but for the most part i like the story over the gameplay!! HOWEVER kh2 ddd and kh3 have really good gameplay i love playing those three specifically a lot......
I HAVE READ THE MANGA AND I LOVE IT A LOT it is my favourite way to go through kh its So good... added bonus is the fact that the kh2 manga scans i have are partially very badly translated and its really good
ignoring the obvious stuff id like more of (SORIKU), id really like some more focus on the ff characters and interactions between some characters!! i Need ventus and roxas to talk that glance in kh3 wasnt enough... also i wanna see more namine :( i miss her can we get more namine as a treat
i think on a surface level glance most people just look at kh and go "hehe that one has funny lines" but it isnt enough to see the Absolute Fuckign Sincerity that kh has.... like yes its silly but its sincere!!!! it is genuine and always takes itself super seriously and that has so much charm to it which i dont think most people see :( which is why i think kh is like. a must play series because you genuinely cannot grasp the sincerity behind some of the funnier quotes without having knowledge that isnt surface level (every time i see ppl joke about who am i gonna have ice cream with i wilt a little HES ASKING WHO HES GONNA BE FRIENDS WITH)
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monasticmaestoso · 1 year
I am curious. What r your top five video games
WHOOPS I only just saw this now lmfao sorry
I'll stick to one game per franchise but u can assume im recommending the whole series
5. Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee
One of my two biggest childhood influences. Ps1/PC puzzle/platformer/adventure game about a funny blue guy escaping from slavery when he discovers his whole race is about to get butchered and sold as food products. Gets back in touch with his native roots and gets granted spiritual powers to help him free his fellow captives and topple capitalism while killing hundreds of cops along the way. There's no guns but there are grenades occasionally. Or you can possess the cops and make them use their guns to kill other cops. And then blow themselves up. Has a ton of sequels and a couple remakes, ports and remasters on PC and just about every other console. Cannot recommend enough. Also you can fart on command this game has a dedicated Fart button you use it for communicating (and then in the sequel you can possess farts too)
4. Myst
The other childhood influence. This game and whole series made me a huge wanderlust slut. Point and click adventure, puzzle solving, world exploring, journal reading. Some puzzles will definitely have you Stumped (but feel free to hmu bc I still have the first game memorised like the back of my hand and am happy to offer guidance ^^) my fave is actually the third game Exile, but I gotta pay respect to the OG. It's full of images and sound effects that remain engraved in my brain in vivid detail 20+ years later
3. Bloodborne
I'm actually not talking abt the whole "series" here I dont rly care much for dark souls etc. It's just this one lmao. Love the tone, love the gameplay, love the level design, love all the horrid monster designs. Love the Rally mechanic discouraging you from hiding and playing safe when you should be going full throttle wailing on everything as fast as possible. I love learning to party attacks with a firearm instead of a shield. I love the blood vials system. I love the doll I love Eileen the crow I love lady Maria I love all the funny little creachurs and most of all I love dying and being dead
2. Final Fantasy V
This ones kinda personal and maybe a bias I guess but idk this was my first FF and even now when I go back to it it just Hits Different somehow. Maybe it's nostalgia/bias but even comparing it to the other pre-ps1 FFs it's just got this vibe of its own. The music helps ofc the music is so fuckin good esp the new pixel remaster arramgements. Anyway it's a nice fun story about Four Complete Randos And Their Grandpa And Pet Chicken And Pet Dragon And Pet Sea Serpent And A Gay Pirate Gang And A Furry And Also A Tortoise At One Point who fight against a Giant Evil Tree that spent like a hundred years absorbing all of the most Evil souls in the world and now he wears a big blue suit of armour and calls himself Exdeath. He wants to conquer and kill and maim and destroy and eventually suck the entire world into The Void for no other reason than he's evil and loves being evil and badass. Not a whole ton of complex plot depth but that's why it's so approachable as a FF game. Also this game is where Gilgamesh and Battle on the Big Bridge came from, plus Omega and Shinryu, so if you like those then you're obligated to play this one. Also one of the main characters is a genderfluid twink with a thing for silver foxes and another is a non-binary/transmasc pirate
1. Kingdom Hearts
I couldn't not lmao. The entire series Of Course but also in this case I specifically mean the first one. Again it might be nostalgia bias but the first KH just has this unique charm to it, this warm atmosphere that none of the others have been able to replicate. Traverse town feels like a second home to me
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lifewithchronicpain · 2 years
What game would you recommend to someone who exclusively lives Final Fantasy (no higher than 12) and Kingdom Hearts games. I can't play a shooter for shit, I like RPGs, and need ones you can survive on key smashing because I have terrible coordination. This is why I miss turned based, gives me time to think. The only other game I've played and beaten is Ico. I need to take another crack at the Last Guardian. But in any case, I need new games, not just replaying FF and KH, but I dont know what's good. I have not played the new FF7, but I heard it's being cut up and sold in parts, so I think I'll wait on that one.
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flowergirlmiwa · 1 year
per tvtropes
"Kingdom Hearts III was another breaking point; it depends so heavily on the inner workings of the games' universe that it must further strain disbelief as an anime boy discusses fairy tale metaphysics with Mickey Mouse."
wow... the game depends on the inner workings of the universe it's set in? what a massive flaw lol! hope someone got fired for that blunder!
sora already talked to mickey mouse in 2005 so how is this a breaking point in 2019
oh man you mean KH is narm? and cheesy? and has silly stuff going on? where anime characters have serious conversations with mickey mouse? this just sounds like baby's first mockery of KH. if you didn't want to play the game series where anime boys chat with mickey mouse why did you pick up the game where an anime boy is pictured next to mickey mouse? is this written for the perspective of people who already dont like KH to begin with on premise alone?
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guiltriddencorpse · 3 days
i will be 17 in 5 days.
and i feel like a loser.
i havent got my licence. i have one friend. (not an exaggeration, i have social anxiety and am generally introverted so i dont really like people but i still get lonely) i am homeschooled but will be doing schooling for a year longer than my peers. i am behind in so many subjects. i feel like im still 12.
its just not fair. nothing is fair.
you dont get to do this to me. you can not leave me. how can you, when i am crying, begging you not to leave me and issuing an ultimatum where i will tell your friend if you dont promise to stay, say "it will break him if he knew." what about me? why are you shielding him, and not me? why. why are you saying that as if i am not breaking. how can you continue to make suicide jokes. continue to say that you wont be around in november. that you wont 'be around then' or 'wont have to worry about that'. they arent funny. not so close and not when there isnt even a punch line. what am i meant to say? do you truly think i am so cold and callous that i could be laughing? the first person to seek me out. the first person to be so patient and kind. the first person to want to help me. thats not something i could even crack a grin about.
you dont get to do that. you dont get to say, "a little girl isnt meant to feel like she should be dead" as if i havent felt the exact same way. as if this topic is completely foreign to me. as if, in the past 2-3 years i wasnt actively then passively suicidal. as if my cousin wasnt very actively trying to die. yet you still look me in the eyes and say that its just gonna happen? you arent even gonna try to pull away?
no. no child should feel that way. but i did. i felt that way. i was verbalising such issues when i was 8-10. should i kms? should i? because that seems to be the solution for your own problem.
how can you continue to 'care' about me but continue to plan your own death? you dont care. you dont love me. you are playing with me at this point. you are stringing me along. this isnt fair.
you prod at my empathy. teasing remarks that do bother me. dont you understand? no one understands. when i try to express my hyperempathy, i am told i am too sensitive, teased for being soft, it drains me. when i do my best to shut that part out, ignore it, im mean, blunt, rude and many more.
dont speak to me with such a condescending tone. do not look down at me. i am sick of being looked down upon. i know i am not better than you, probably not even an equal. but you all make me feel so fucking small. like a pest.
i dont understand. i cant trust anyones words. its infuriating. i tell people to trust my words. i dont do insincerity, and yet they always try to look for a deeper meaning. i try to follow my own advice but fhen it bites me in the ass because now theyre upset at me for not noticing i upset them? i asked if they were mad, they said they were fine. i trusted that, i had already made it abundantly clear that i trust what you say, that i dont push 'no means no' so how fucking stupid can you be to get angry when i dont push? and what am i meant to do? tell them? tell the person i love that sometimes they make me cry? not because of their actions directly, but because i beat myself up over tiny interactions that they probably dont even think about?
everything is too much and not enough.
i have to make plans for my birthday all while knowing shes gonna khs.
i have to see my support workers
i have to be patient for my little brother.
i have to regulate myself
i have to be helpful for my mum.
i have to remember things about other people
i have to read social cues
i have to feel for other people.
i have to. otherwise i feel so awful. i feel like i killed their family, send a photo to the new york times, with the caption 'go fuck yourselves'. i feel like i want to throw up my internal organs and clean them with bleach before putting them back.
but im tired
i am sick of being kind
i am sick of being understanding
i am sick of making ezcuses
i am sick of being empathetic.
i dont want to hurt anyone, but i just dont understand anyone. i end up just panicking.
i cant help you. ok?
im sorry. i just really cant. im not gonna talk you off the metaphorical ledge. i am trying, but when its too late. dont call me, yeah? i dont want that. dont leave me shit, dont write me anything. just let my memory of you fade. i 'wasnt meant to know'? yeah, and how was that gonna work? you think i'm a toddler with no object permanence? that once you died i would just completely forget? 'i wouldve found out eventually' and you say that you know but you wont have to deal with it? that hurt. im fighting everything in me thats telling me to run. to put some distance in place. i suppose i just couldnt give enough. maybe if i were more confident, more dominant, more something, i couldve helped. but i cant. every suggestion is shut down. or the reply is "sometimes its not that simple".
you are content with this end. i dont have the strength the convince you not to go. i said that i could change your mind. thay was a lie. i cant. i cant even try. i dont even lnow why i am still alive. you have a plan, a way of going. and you genuinely sont want to live. nothing i brang up changed your mind.
M. you are going to ruin me. i hope i never get this attached to someone ever again.
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rv2xlga · 2 months
another rant: finished re:com and also started/finished 358days
my kingdom hearts fixation now that we "finished" final mix, actually got so much more serious than i expected it to be! cuz we obviously had started the game and i had played through some of it to even get to the ending, obviously but idk i guess playing it so consequently like that cuz its the summer and all and to finally say i finished or saw at least one game literally reawakened the fixation i have had waiting there for literal yearss hdjfbdj
i wont be talking abt re:com too much cuz i already did before, i still feel pretty much the same with ansem and riku and that whole thing going on there, even with the bits we saw of him in 358 and the blindfold thing although i have my issues with how they handled a bit of stuff there, esp with xion which is what ima mostly talking about today and this isnt more of a comparison analysis, just a more analysis overview typa thing ghfjsjsh
i do think that even with as ridiculous as it is, the nobody concept is interesting and i think it brings its fair share of heart (lol) to the story. i think it works as a pretty plain but also interesting metaphor to being human and why humans should appreciate that like why it's special and that it's difficult, etcetera just all the things that encompass being human and humanity and stuff. we see that with roxas and xion especially in that one scene with namine where she said smth about them trying hard to be there own people, just xion's whole arc and character and plot point/theme in general, even if i hated what they did to her i think that her story and character, surprisingly, was written well for a kingdom hearts character that is canonically supposed to be a girl/woman mind you, cuz god bless my girl kairi they pay her DIRTTT what they did to her in final mix.... criminal to say the least
but to go back to what i say was stating before, even with axel we see that same theme and whatnot and with him it focuses more on the difficulty of being human as he tries to push his humanity away and i dont know why as of yet cuz we are only at the beginning of kh2 but we can see he doesn't try to be human or if anything, he tries to not be because of the emotion and therefore, suffering that it could bring upon him even though with anything and everything he can't escape that and those connections and feelings and in general, human emotion which all works out for a good metaphor on humanity, as i stated but also a good metaphor for growing up especially in roxas and xion's cases, obviously. and even with axel too, it could work really well for not growing up in the best environment which could lea to pushing those emotions aside out of safety and almost a sense of compeition especially when you have nobody (lol) there to tell you that isn't ok or give you that support you deserve to not develop or grow comfortable into those habits (be able to break from them easier basically), as roxas and xion were fortunate to have from an older familial figure like axel. xion was able and even allowed to find out about more herself through axel not holding her back as the others in the organization did and even roxas a bit himself. even if his words towards axel about the situation never affected xion or her actions directly, not necessarily or just in a more realistic perspective, the reason he would say what he said and didn't want her to leave or whatever was because he didn't know the full situation, in other words he was basically brainwashed to be dumb and not really understand the situation hence him only acting on his feelings that were also manipulated by the organization to get the results they wanted just as we can see from a real abusive household. and lol ik these comparisons probably sound fucking insane but i genuinely believe kh and the franchise in general could truly have a lot of substance if the writing wasn't so fucking ridiculous dfdjnds it's like everytime a disney character shows up, its like. wait i take it all back lmaoo ToT but even with mickey and riku's relationship and the way they handle riku in general, more in re:com tho, i think they did really well.
one thing i will be honest i didn't like tho was that roxas didn't end up XP i think that both him and xion should've like. yes, it felt incredibly sexist to only kill off xion but also because it shows more perspectives of the lives of others and others' situations and ik the game isn't representing any of this at all but i feel like still, how could he have stayed alive? (and i did some research cuz im a spoiler lol but them even coming back later, doesnt make sense and i imagine it fucking doesnt ive heard the third game is a mess jkjfdk ToT) like i think him and xion should've both went together or died and i think a romeo and juliet twist would've been very beautiful and also made a lot of sense. especially with what riku told her, i didn't like that very much either. ik that in that situation, that was kinda what needed to be said cuz it was true, sora needed to wake up but wtf she was her own person too and ppl cared about her just as much! him telling her that comment was basically him just saying "hey even though i know the organization never cared about you or made any decisions with urs or anyones best interests in mind but now you have to make a decision with their best interests in mind so it can fit my best interests thanks" like. NO WHAT TOT also knowing what happened and what was STILL HAPPENING to riku, he would not say that! (or he shouldn't be, ima be more honest) like again i get what was trying to be said there and im not gonna be like "fix ur wording!?!?!?!!!!?@I~*(~@(#*(@#*" for a game that literally has MICKEY MOUSE IN AN EMO COAT in it but still, im sitting here writing this anyways so might as well!!!!
its like even with ansem and namine too, both her and riku never got to be free and they never got to be their own persons even with anything and everything, riku still was working under ansem and namine still had to be trapped as the "kairi" which is crazy cuz she deserved to be her own person! also rly cuz she looks nothing like her lmaoo ToT but all in all, i think so many metaphors could work so well for the game its one of those like "JUS T LE ME HAVE IT" moments like UGH i need to fix it so bad.
also ofc i had to mention it, roxas and xion would've been amazing but amazing amazing lesbians and transmasculine or just masc allegories. the boy face line with xion. ty kingdom hearts' horrible writers and writing team:praying hands:
ok i had more to say but i hate writing on computers with the gummy key thing on it and i honestly give up at this point. i yapped enough dskdsk lets see what kingdom hearts 2 will bring us shall we hear my thoughts after i finish it which we probably be. i dont know when<3
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mejomonster · 6 months
So far about halfway through ff7 rebirth. My biggest thoughts so far are:
While i get that FF7 Remake was trying to do something unique. And because of its choices it make Remake and Rebirth SEQUELS to the original ff7. The actual design of the game I really dislike, specifically how many hours long tine wasting dungeon areas there are. The plot changes? Fine. I know everyone just wanted a remaster, me included cause I just wanted pretty normal ps1 ff8 or ff9 or better proportion models with voices so Id hear cloud say mosey and ride a dolphin. I think making these new ones sequels does give them the freedom to say "well since its not the original plot, but a sequel, if you dont like changes then your original ff7 is still the original plot in the first timeline." And i honestly think it gave them the excuse to say Ever Crisis phone game is the actual ff7 original remaster (except its not, because its in installments, its too linited hardware wise to do the regular mini games, and its a lose lose for anyone who wanted just a plain remaster with voices... i guess theres always mods).
But anyway. The bulk of ff7 Remake is mostly like the ff7 original, just a sequel so its got a few wild changes pretty common to the ff7 expanded universe like Crisis Cores addition of Angeal and Genesis. The only sucky part of it to me is it felt like it needed to be a 20 hour game, not a 40 hour one. I did not need to be in midgar that long. More importantly the dungeons felt bloated. I think they were trying to prove they needed multiple games so they made Midgar too long, or thought ppl would be mad if it was a 20 hour game. I qouldnt have been mad. But because it does have bloated dungeon segments i may never play it again. Its redeeming feature is the chapter select at the end, so i can redo certain parts i liked and skip a ton of annoying time wasting chunks.
Is ff7 remake worth playing? Sure. Especially if you liked or played Crisis Core or Dirge of Cerberus and are used to the ff7 sequels kind of flavor. And if you loved ff7 original, it is cool seeing some moments re-realized and some expanded on in nice ways. But if you dont like feeling time wasted, it may irk you at some points. If pacing is as big a deal to you as it is for me, this may be a grating issue.
Ff7 Rebirth though? Im about halfway through and i love it. I get why this chunk took until ps5 to come out. I dont like that it took so long sure. But i get the GOAL they had with this game, and they met the goal. I see everything the gane team learned from making kingdom hearts active combat, from open world in ff15 and kingdom hearts, in perfecting active combat with a slowdown to select actions (kh never slows down). I see an open world vastly busy and realistic sized while small enough it feels comparable to other great open world playstation games, levels/cities being 1-2 hours long like typical worlds/levels/cities in other games. So in short: Rebirth is NOT bloated. Its paced MUCH better. Its the best attempt ive seen square enix do of open world (but naybe ff16 is better as i need to play that too). The chocobos, boat, airplane, climbing, grappling hook, all do aa much as the ff7 ps1 in terms of FULL open world exploration, except the world is way richer now and its as fluid as modern games (like ghost of tsushima, tomb raider, kh3) to explore. Knowing how much SE struggled to develop jumping or open world basic lol, this is eons more than theyve ever been able to do before. And Rebirth doesnt fucking glitch! I played Fallout 4 open world and would save in fear constabtly cause i could get stuck walking in the ground or risking trying to climb a hill. In Rebirth ive went right into all kinds of weird terrain with cloud and many vehicles and havent gotten stuck OR glitched once. The whole game hasnt glitched once. It plays phenomenal. So the whole combat system is great, modern while still having more turn based action control than Kingdom Hearts and ability to control each party member uniquely, its open world is well paced and rich and fun and easy to maneuver, AND the game kept and increased the mini games! And the side missions are all integrated into building party member relationships so even boring missions have some nice relationship building moments at least. Meaning you can do side stuff you like, skip others. The game is very fast paced if you stick to main story. And its fun to sink into the world and side stories if u go off playing around. Rebirth feels like a phenomenal execution so far of what they really WANTED a final fantasy 7 redone to be like. Its clear during Remake they didnt know how to do full open world yet (or just wanted to pad with dungeons so much it felt so closed and forced often, i just HATE Remakes pacing tbh). In Rebirth it feels great. Its fun just exploring the world i remember from ps1 tbh. To drive in the desert, fly by cosmo canyon on the chocobo, boat into the ocean and fuck around.
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Okay you know those areas in a game which feel intensly difficult. Like not even the 'the slow boiling of difficulty to where past a certain point its supposed to be more difficult' but like in the 'sure why not' or 'if it works' way. Your kingdom hearts 2 Final Mix Hollow Bastion secret area or your path of pains. Your That one level where due to a characters physics or the way they were designed makes this easy level incredibly difficult because one jump you just almost can but can't cross.
That's the Cathedral in Code Vein. Why the fuck would you make a area this early in the game like this. Like I'd seen footage of the game and always assumed it was mid to late game. This shit is like the second/ third area you see, including the tutorial area. Like nothing fromsoft and their games dont gets to this level of fuck you level design apart from from dlc and some select areas but they can be over come.
This shit is rubix cube fucking architecture. Not to mention as well the fact that with the number of shit on screen makes actually seeing where you are very difficult. Not to mention that the game has the BALLS to include a map function but doesn't allow you to ZOOM IN so your stuck having to horribly squint at a giant ass map like your in fucking Disney land trying to find where in the hell you are. It's bad in a way that on paper doesn't feel horrible if not for the fact that YOU DONT EVEN GET A MAP. YOU CAN ONLY GET THE USELESS MAP ONCE YOUVE EXPLORED TOP TO BOTTOM FOR A ROTTEN MISSILE SO YOU CAN CLEAR THE AIR AND GET RHE MAP Y O U C A N T EVEN. U. SS. EEEE!!!!!!!
No wonder people dropped this game like no matter how fun it combat or systems may be the actual game sucks ass. Kinda like how nearly every kh title after 2 just sucked ass. Like even if it's fun your playing a game that in most situations is just ass or for some, mildly annoying because of weird ass design but held up by certain features.
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shslpunkartist99 · 1 year
#why does Pachinko always look better than everything #I'm mad
Because Pachinko is a hot bastard and you always feel obliged to draw him hot??? IDEK LOL. He and the Punks always look nice whenever you draw them.
Anyway first of all, just wanna say after reading these tags I can't unsee you fighting Pachinko all angy lol
Secondly HOLY SHIT THAT WIP WITH THE PUNK SQUAD AND XENO LOOKS AMAZING. I think this is the first time we all got to see the Punks together on the same page too. also Xeno looks like they're falling from somewhere and due to playing too much Kingdom Hearts lately, I can't unhear KH playing while looking at that asjkddask
When you walk away
You don't hear me say
Really? I think so yeah, since Keno was a late addition. Cool beans☆
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I played kingdom hearts union x early in its release days like 2016 and i tried really hard to stay up with it but im just not built for the mobile gaming meta which is geared for daily/weekly engagement over the course of years. i've had this problem with every mobile game i've ever tried to get into, i've tried like 10+ and genuinely wanted to get into these games but i just can't. Anyways eventually I couldn't keep up with ux's powercreep and pay to win gacha, and more importantly its rate of story development. UX is like 98% filler content 2% series breaking story revelations and that actual story only dropped like once a year so I'd play for a year to keep my medals semi competitive because story is also gated behind medal strength all to get a 10 second cut-scene that left 50 million questions and eventually i just could justifying playing ux as being worth it. so i quit a few years later and havent touched the game since and now im rewatching the cutscenes and yeah when ux is good its good and that good part is just inundated with filler. I'm rather fond of the artstyle its like little paper dolls and the devs manage to put so much emotion and nuance with those simple animations its one of the several impressive parts of ux.
a list of revelations. the disney worlds the player visits are fictional, projections made from the book of prophecy to collect lux. each union member has a chirithy, chirithys are dreameaters and thus daybreak town is in the realm of slumber, chirithys are tied to their union member. one fades away when their union member is lost to darkness, i assume ephemer's turns a darker shade of gray. quests 362-275 the plot really begins.
quest 401 the first dandelion metaphor. in a fashback to the day the player meets ephemer, ava compares ephemer and other union members to dandelions, wishing to entrust the future to them somewhere far far away. oh this is the beginning of unchained x. wait this is showing an alternate timeline in which ephemer didn't go missing. ah that was a dream
wait. you're telling me the japan exclusive kingdom hearts x doesn't have the same plot as ux. ux isn't a remake of x its a sequel and we're in a timeloop or memory or datascape or something??????? NOMURA! NO! Bad game dev! Bad! STOP PUTTING CRITICAL PLOT INFORMATION IN JAPAN EXCLUSIVE MOBILE GAMES THIS IS LIKE THE 4TH TIME!!!!! uuuuuuuuuuuuuu time to figure out what khx was about.
uuuuuggaisdadf;o;jkal/k so it so yeah ux reuses x content under the premises that player character is reliving their memories but then continues the story. it seems like i played through most if not all of the x content. i got pretty far huh like through the 700s quests. I wonder why they changed the gacha from cards to medals? cards feels more appropriate since its already a recurring motif for kh like chain or memories or luxord.
quest 425: the ava battle. i remember being stuck here for like a month because my medals were too weak and so i had to grind and gacha until they were strong enough bleh. ephemer sent the dream of exploring the tower with the player. ephemer is in a unchained state in another realm. dont know what that means. and if he can send dreams ava says he's close to "that realm". huh
quest 525. got stuck on this one too.
quest 540: i vaguely remember the enemies here were green. i do appreciate how khux is the story of things going from ok to bad to worse. the enemies here look like heartless but they can talk and are seeking lux. also second time player character talks. purple chirithy! i remember you. is the implication here that purple chirithy used to be the dark gray chirithy we saw earlier? ah so those heartless were former union members filled with darkness. i vaguely remember this and that dark chirithy is a nightmare. purple/dark chirity's wielder is close wonder what that means.
quest 555: they speak again! confirming that ephemer is their friend. the player character petting chirithy was a nice touch. union leader implies they killed ephemer eventhough earlier ava said ephemer was in another realm. i joined unicornis btw.
The Player: "And then I met Ephemer. We didn't know each other for very long, but he left a lasting impression. Not all of our memories are good ones; in fact, he even broke one of our promises. No matter what happened, I knew we were still friends. But you took him away from me."
The Player: "I feel sad, I feel angry, I feel hurt. Maybe that means I have darkness in my heart; I don't care."
The Player: "But I can't let you get away with what you did to my friend. Even if I have to fight you, even if I don't stand a chance, even if I may disappear... I will because I know in my heart that Ephemer would do the same if he were here."
The Player: "Master Ira, I mean no disrespect, but this is something I must do."
Ava's dandelions, a hope for the future cast to the wind. seeds to begin anew. yeah this part where the player character chooses to stay stuck out to me when I was playing. first, quest 555 is where the player characters shows real independence and agency from the player, they have their own thoughts and feelings about ephemer and the end of the world. second, that their greatest concern was not with the destruction of the world, the war, or the legacy of keyblade wielder but of the unchosen left to fight and die, and that the player character chooses not to be one of the special.
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the recent kh games have really gone far with the fictionality of the narrative. very post modern meta texual like sora "dying"? and existing the fictional world for the non fictional one. "world outside" here is again vague. if daybreak down is indeed a dream realm then why would ava specify that the dandelions are going to train in worlds made of dreams. but if this is a dream then the dandelions are going to the universe of the main series? i mean thats where luxu/braig ended up with the box. i definitely need to read a plot summary when all this is over.
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noxtivagus · 2 years
HELLO LUNE ZZZ I JUST WOKE UP oh dear god its already 3pm this is the latest that i have been awake recently oh my ... BUT i hope you are having a great day ahead nd you already ate wadawada hehehe (*´ω`*) i will respond to your ask later after this btw i was kinda shocked when you flooded it /pos but it made me vv happy!!!
gone angels is a beautiful song, one of my favorites in the library of ruina vocals ost after string theocracy and ehem from a place of love. hehe i was gonna ramble how beautiful this song is BUT!! that would be somewhat big spoilers to the library of ruina game HELP practically speaking, the song itself is a HUGE SPOILER even to the title alone, but the song is the protaganist's theme song/boss fight ost (yes he became a boss spoiler alert!!!) and it hurts even more when you played the protagonist's side episode and found out the true context behind this song because it hits like a truck. huhu roland you deserve better
what's interesting about this song is because the protagonist's pages (you can call them skills as well) is named “a waltz in black” while his late partner is “a waltz in white” respectively and gone angels is in a 3/4 time signature, which is often used for waltz songs!! and the irony because the piano (or pianist spoiler alert again) is the reason why the protaganist's life is in shambles and the reason why his partner passed away and the only reason what drives him the most. the song's instrumental is only the piano! you can really tell mili put a lot of care and love to this to match up to the theme of the game. the song can be also viewed in two perspective, the first half belongs to the first protagonist, roland while the second half belongs to the other protagonist, angela. i want to discuss about the lyrics as well BUT!!! thats major spoilers huhu but yes the lyrics for gone angels are beautiful. oh dear im rambling sm please forgive me!! i certainly adore project moon's works and mili's songs vv much (;ŏ﹏ŏ) HELP i kinda spoiled you a bit i hope you dont mind hehe
children of the city is another favorite of mine and another good song from the library of ruina ost! please do listen to it if you haven't. i love the library of ruina ost because you could listen to them outside of context (except for gone angels because that is a literal spoiler) even if you haven't played the game yet. like from a place of love who seems like a song about toxic relationships and the peer pressure of getting married/settling down with a family on the outside but hides a darker and dreadful meaning once you know the context, children of the city seems like your song about depression and not being able to cope with failure and about complete apathy, wanting to change but can't seem to do so. this youtube comment that i found on the official video perfectly describes what the song looks like on a outsider's perspective but also relates to the actuall meaning of the song, which is kinda sad since this is a theme song of a character who wanted to break free from a never-ending cycle he had been living with his whole life only to find out that he has lost his way while doing so and he was the one being played at in the end. all his attempts to ascend in the system and change it were futile and hopeless as the system he was fighting against was omnipotent and stuff.
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oh another interesting fact, children of the city is at the same beat/tempo as a human heart! hehe another small detail that i adore!
speaking of osts, i love the kh ost sm!! especially the orchestra versions of the songs hehe i love orchestra vv much!!! they gave me sm joy nd comfort. fun fact, i first learned of kh because of their osts and my first one was actually xion's theme! xion is a very special character to me and haha dyk? before having the name fei/yori, people used to call me xion! and guess where i got the name? right, from xion on kh! i sometimes relate to her on a personal degree (。ノω\。) indeed!!! kh is very nostalgic and made the rest of my childhood a memorable one. OH SO KH1 WAS YOUR FIRST KH GAME??? HELP ME TOO!!!! omg thats so surprising to hear.
i hope you are having a good day ahead!! please do enjoy the weekends to the fullest nd yes they r very short zzz its already sunday and tomorrow its monday again huhu (╥﹏╥) BUT a new week to overcome is a very rewarding experience because it reminds you that you made progress and that you are slowly making a mark for yourself in this world. its good to learn a lot of new things. indeed, you should keep those imporant to you close and hold them dearly and you have so much more to do, i'm excited to see where your journey takes you in the future. i believe you have the potential to go even beyond your limitations. i believe in you, lune!!! you can do it ❤️◝(⁰▿⁰)◜❤️
GOOD EVENING (early morning oops) YORIIII i'm so sorry i got to this so late, i read it n wrote most of the following the day you sent this (4 days ago iirc?) but i got busy. n. yh 😭😭 that said i hope you slept well that day! n hopefully hopefully the past few days too 🥹 you deserve that rest. there's a lot more i want to write in addition to what i have from days before alrdy so i'll get started w that >< (n dw take as much time as you want on the asks, no rush whatsoever <3) (。・∀・)ノ゙
LIBRARY OF RUINA UWAHHH god i'm even more interested in it now, n it's thanks to you so THANK YOU SO MUCH !!!! o((>ω< ))o in the past few days i've been listening to a lot of mili ehe, esp those you mentioned bcs they're now my favs too >.> ANGELS. WALTZ. PIANO. ngl i freaked out when i read that explanation from you bcs oh my god i love those themes sm !?! i cld. i cld ramble about that for ages HDFKLADJKFSDK >︿< i love details so much….& meaning…. & themes…. YORI YOU'VE GOTTEN ME SO CURIOUS N INTRIGUED damn i already love the lyrics sm on an out of context perspective n i'm nervous /pos n really excited to learn about it w context >< n. i really wna hear your own rambles i am genuinely so excited to analyze n learn more about the game myself n brainrot about it !!!! & mili's probably gna be one of my fav artists now (thank you for all this) & DW IDM THESE LITTLE SPOILERS i think they've made me oven more excited rn hehe 🥺
i love all the songs sm…. when i read you starting to talk about children of city my heart ached a bit oh my god. HDJFAJLKSDF i got hurt a bit from reading the first part of the comment already that i stopped to leave it for later since i skimmed your ask at first to write down certain points i want to take note of (i reply to asks like writing a draft for an essay) 😭😭 reading back n >< oh my god coping w failure n apathy, wanting to change but can't seem to do so HFJKDASLFJSD SOB THAT. UWAH THAT CAUGHT ME SO HOOKED . i hear it's a sequel though yeah n when i was talking to a friend earlier on the games we want to buy i brought it up n he mentioned he has the first game so. maybeee. n i saw from your twt that. the game's on sale. MAYBE MAYBE HOPEFULLY V SOON…. I'M REALLY HYPED. THAT'S SO SAD UWAHH 'losing your way n wanting to still be a part of it' 🥹 reading back on this ask after listening to the song a lot these past few days hit different. I LOVE IT SO MUCH. THANK YOU YORI
from a place of love was the first that caught me bcs it was the one i first saw on your account then string theocracy bcs it's the first in the playlist n i listened to all of them in order in the playlist & then gone angels caught my eye bcs ANGELS n while there's no lyrics on spotify i heard some stuff that really interested me so i searched up the lyrics n. YES. i remember at first the numbers in children of the city intrigued me sm (if there's meaning in them then. i'm so excited to learn if there is ?!?). n then YEAH i rmber this also was one of the top ones that caught my interest. i love the beat /tempo so goddamn much i rmber that was one of my first thoughts so mwah mwah you're so right >< HUMAN HEART. THAT'S SO GOOD. it's actually been one of the songs that have comforted me recently it sounds so calming. thank you so much i hope to be able to brainrot n hyperfixate on this soon 🫶🏼
KH & ORCHESTRA. oh my god yes same. xion's theme…. OH MY GOD I RELATE W YOU ON THAT (/≧▽≦)/ 🤍 >< i played kh1 first bcs of my aunt but i never got off the island i think, i was really too young to actually play. but i still remember the beginning so well n the paopu fruit (which i kept on calling star fruit for quite a long time after until i really knew its actual name) 🥹 kh3 was basically gifted from my aunt bcs it's not really her type of game so oh my god i barely know anything about xion but i relate with her too from what i know t_t (っ´Ι`)っ(i actually ended up changing my discord pfp to her like. yesterday i think !!!! ><) THAT'S SO COOL…. xion's really such a beautiful name n that's so beautiful to hear too. uwahh thank you for reminding n adding more to my kh interest recently (bcs i've been seeing a lot more of it recently again w dearly beloved, listening to more of the ost again these past few months, n some moots on twt)! it's my childhood so i've wanted to know more abt it for a while but i've been busy n struggling a bit w my mental health but really really soon i wna yk get back more n learn more actively so c: & w gbf too actually THANK YOU
feels kinda like fate !?! bcs these things r aligning not only here on tumblr w you but also more moots i made recently on twt & an irl >< i'll have a lot more time soon w sembreak so there's a lot i wna do n then sob bday so i wna get a lot more stuff done n yeah new start, new drive, renewed passion n determination n purpose so. i want to say here thank you for being a part of that actually. i appreciate your existence a lot n it's really nice making a new friend. I WANT TO SAY MORE BUT MY SLEEP-DEPRIVATION IS RUINING MY COMMUNICATION SKILLS 😭😭 but i really just want to say how grateful i am for you? n we've only known each other for a while but i genuinely do care for you. for the individual and unique person you are. i'm not really sure what more to say but yeah. i hope the sentiment gets across.
& i think i said this before but. on me writing a lot (Genuinely hope you dm!!!!) it's nice communicating here via asks it reminds me of writing a letter !?! which is pretty comforting in itself already. N. 😭😭 THANK YOU FOR THAT YORI. n remember you too, alright? you're human like me n you deserve that as much too (^^ゞ uwahh i've been reading your vents lately n. i've been wanting to say smth in return for the kindness you've given me as well as. just out of unconditional care. 🥹 i just. sob wait as i'm writing this i forgot all the things i wanted to say ≧ ﹏ ≦ i've been struggling w finding the right words to say n the energy to reach out even though i really want to do what i can to help the people i care about so. i can only hope that even some of this might reach you. as long as there's tomorrow there will always be hope n possibilities for things to be better in so many different ways. time may be pressuring but in the end. in the inside. we can always take as much time as we can to get better n. yeah do things. as humans we'll always be deserving of something better. n there'll always be someone or something out there that means so much more than we'll ever know. (whether it be something we ourselves love, or vice versa) idk where i'm trying to get w that bcs maybe the words of comfort i try to give others r words i mean to say to myself. i'm rambling but there's a sort of beauty in how we relate to others like that? in the own words you've said to me, i hope you yourself find you in them.
please remember to take time to rest properly. you deserve that. n i hope things will get better for you, with whatever you're dealing with. it's nearly 4 am oh my god hopefully you're sleeping rn but yeah! (つ´∀`)つ 🤍
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kanadeamo · 6 years
And if you complain that it's unfair to expect fans to keep up with a multititle plot where all the games are technically important, kh is literally not the series for you so just go play final fantasy instead
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lecliss · 3 years
I was gonna write a whole essay but its not coming out right. Anyway, I just think Squall is a really good and interesting character and not at all emo or edgy like Ive seen him described. Hes just bad at people is all and he knows it and tries to let others know that too but they mostly refuse to just. Get it. He cares more than people think and he rolls with whatever really. Hes not mean or hateful or angry or anything like that. He just bungles communication sometimes cuz hes really just that bad at it and doesnt want to be good at it either, so he comes off as rude when hes just being forward and communicating to the best of his ability. Case in point when Quistis tries to confide in him and the best he can get across is that she should talk to a wall since it would be better than talking to him. Major bungle but he was just trying to tell her hes bad at this and to find someone else who can actually listen like she wants.
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