#if you didn't notice she is my favorite character
devinox-art Β· 3 days
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Kyle from the @sanguinesky-if. Listen, he's my favorite and no I won't take any criticisms. Ramblings under the cut:
Everyone talking about thirsting after the detective, but there's no way this man doesn't have a least one secret admirer (unless that was Kelly and that's why that random jealousy scene exists).
Fun Fact: I did not clock the "You're worried about Kelly" option as the Detective expressing jealousy towards Kelly the first few times I selected it and just thought the Detective was going "Aww, how sweet, he does care". I have since been picking the option right under to try and get this man to relax (a fruitless task since they start arguing immediately afterward 🀣)
(Side note: no hate against that jealousy moment, but you have to be holding some serious ill will against someone if your first thought in that situation is "oh no, is my man crushing on her?" and not "oh no, is she going to lose her job?" But I personally can't imagine my character being jealous either. In fact, Darcy would be highly amused if someone tried vying for Kyle's attention because she knows him all too well.
But if he decides the reciprocate for any reason? Pray for him.)
Kyle, wear you're damn glasses, you coward.
P.S. Sorry about his nose, the guy I was referencing had a really interesting nose and I couldn't resist drawing it πŸ‘‰πŸ‘ˆ
More Ramblings
!!Spoilers for the end of Chapter Two if you take K's route!!
While I'm at it: that scene in Kyle's office is actually my favorite to dissect. Like, they're both kind of equally responsible for what happened. The Detective is the one that initiates it, first of all, but it's not entirely unreasonable. At this point of the story, the situation sounds like it will actively interfere with their job, on top of the stress of unsolved murders, and - depending on choices made, on top of grief. A lot people would want answers in this situation, and knowing there's someone who has them would point them in their direction.
But then you walk in and the Inspector is noticeably Stressed the Fuck Out. But you have a job to do and need a resolution to the problem that cropped up.
The Inspector does have the answers. They knew about the situation but either felt like you didn't need to know or couldn't know to avoid possible interference. This information is understandably above the Detective's pay grade. Maybe under different circumstances the Detective would've come to the same conclusion but they are also Stressed the Fuck Out and are feeling entitled to some answers since, from their POV, this is now directly involving them. Tensions rise and the resulting argument ends with the Inspector telling the Detective to quite.
This is, of course, A Dick Move.
But the way this line is delivered – not snapped out of anger or out of inpulse, but with a sort of disconnect that usually comes with a dawning realization, is so interesting to me.
At the end of the day, K didn't mean to say this, but whatever realization they came to, made them actively think, in that moment, that this was the safest resolution, and it slipped out. The Inspector actively doesn't want the Detective in harms way, but the Detective is acting too determined. The frustration both sides are feeling right now!
The Inspector just wants the Detective to act in their own best interests, but can't or won't say why out of this inexplicable fear, and the Detective is literally just trying to do their job but is either being judge as incapable of doing it by their offical Deputy Chief, is having to deal with outside interference who don't seem to respect anything the department is trying to do, and is purposefully being left out in the dark in a way that is preventing them from judging the risks themselves; everyone has taken it apon themselves to do this for them in this reguard! The Detective is literally just being told to stick to these strangers, even though these strangers are apart of the problem the Detective is having, and if they can't follow their orders they shouldn't be involved at all! The Drama ✨️
In Darcy's POV, she takes it upon herself to calm Kyle down, assuring him it's not his job to know EVERYTHING that is going in in the department. Kyle isn't the actual Deputy in Chief for one, and two he's not omnipotent. Then in the ensuing arguement, she snaps out "Because it's your job!"
This particular conversation feels very much like Darcy trying to point out he's taken on too much and is letting his actual duties fall to the wayside (I had a supervisor like this, and boy did I have to solve a lot of problems on my own that I probably shouldn't have). Whether this is a valid arguement to make in this particular context is debatable (again, this topic is probably above the Detective's pay grade, but there is an arguement to made about it directly impacting her), and it's not like either of them is thinking any of this through, I just find it interesting how these replies line up.
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tradingjack Β· 3 months
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yuppeeee just having fun!!!! ig!!!!! consistency Who (i dont know her :)) (thank you for tagging me @creepycoffins i used this opportunity to simply vibe i hope that's ok 😭)
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ace-and-ranty Β· 11 months
I saw a couple comments that the scenes with Alanna's family felt like filler until you realize they were investigating Lan, and I 100% went.
Must things "happen" in a show? Is it not enough for there to be beautiful people?
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yesyourstalker Β· 3 months
Oshi: I don't know what to tell you koi.... We're married. We've been married around 40 years. It really wasn't my choice in the matter but you know I didn't object to it....I'm..... I'm settled
Koi-koi: you shouldn't settle. You're young-
Oshi: hehehe I'm not young
Koi-koi: well you certainly are beautiful and very accomplished I just hate seeing someone like you settle for something less than she deserves
Koi-koi:...*sigh*.. If this is what you want that's fine but if you're not happy you have options. You can work on your marriage and your relationship with Shimi or you can just leave him. My opinion you leave him
Oshi: koi
Koi-koi: you can do better I'm just saying
Koi-koi: That's my fligh. I had fun Oshi we should do this again
Oshi: we really should.... Be nice to my husband koi-koi
Koi-koi: I won't.
Oshi:.........*sigh*......... hello?.............. Yes, I remember the interviews for tomorrow....... Yes, I have time.... Yes, I'll be there at 6:00..... Not even out of the airport. I'm already back to work
Baja: hey zuzu
Zuzu: hey sweetie! Congratulations! you're trending! I knew you were going to be popular cutie
Baja: yeah...ha ha ha ha...[inhale].............[exhale].......... those comments
Zuzu: Don't worry sweetie those comments eventually will mean nothing to you. I remember a picture of me mid-sneeze went viral it's been a meme ever since...hahahaaha anyway...
So the third interview is just a meeting with the owner and co-owner of ink lab studio... It's not an actual interview.... The fourth is an interview with the producer, that one's real.
the last one.... If you get the job is going to be an actual interview with a celebrity and it will be filmed so...... Be prepared
Baja: ok.
Zuzu: great....so how are you liking the others are you getting along with any of them? You know vibing with some of the co-hosts you might work with?
Baja: I talk to some they seem nice..
Zuzu: well that's nice I would suggest you actually make friends with one of the co-hosts It's better to actually like the people you work with, so be friendly.
Baja: I'll try............. I'm not really good with making friends
Zuzu: ohhh hun..... Just be confident. find someone who has that same energy as you and it'll just click trust me . Have you seen the results for the survey yet?
Baja: no they should be coming out tonight though
Email: hello Baja, this is a email coming from Valerie The results are in and they will be airing tomorrow at 6:00 p.m. after a commercial break, we just wanted to inform you in advance that you have been selected to be in the top six applicants for 'midnight music' The other applicants who have made it passed are Tammy and Gill for host. Ash, Ramone and Lake for co-host. We wish you luck and hope the best in the future outcome
Baja: I made it past...
Owner: I would like to thank you all for wanting to be a part of the ink lab family. I'm Denzel and this is my co-owner Lyra
Lyra: charmed ..... We are just waiting for one of the producers to show up she should be here around 6. :00 at the moment. Feel free to look around the studio where you will be working. Down the hall will actually be the set for two of you will actually be hosting the show.... Down on the left side is the food court where we provide fresh meals for you from various chains. You are also free to leave the building, but you must be back within 30 minutes..... The break room lounge is over here or you're free to eat your meals and enjoy your breaks and Converse with other people in the studio.
Oshi: I'm here I'm so sorry for being late traffic...*ok*.... hello everyone I'm Oshi Octavio you can just call me Oshi..... It's very nice to see new people here. ....... They will be joining ink Lab studio?
Denzel: Yes at least two of them will be.... The show will be airing on the sister channel O.E.T. network.... Octarian entertainment television... And it will also be streamed on the ink lab studio Plus
Oshi: yes.... yesyesyes...... I remember that meeting. So we will have to do one-on-one interviews with the six of you. Let's start with.....you..uhh..... Tammy.
Tammy: HIII!! It's such an honor to meet you. Mrs Octavio. I love your movies
Oshi: thank you sweetie go to the office and will be there to interview............................. I thought we agreed that this project was primarily octoling and or non inkling run. How did she make it through?
Lyra: her father is one of our biggest investors.
Oshi:.......*sigh*..... ..... All right.....
Ramon: (chewing).......hey .....(chewing).... You want one?
Baja: hem?
Ramon: gum.....(Chewing)...... Octoberry blast.....(POP)..... It's pretty good.... I mean I like squidmelon Punch little bit more but it's not a bad flavor....(POP)....
Baja: oh....thank you ..... I like your watch
Ramon: oh this? Thanks it's a mulex dupe. It's their hip-hop line. This one is based off of the group 'undertow terror'
Baja: oh undertow I'm a fan of them. Little flux, Big Eazy-E and Medium Manuel
Ramon: you like the classic group huh? B.B.S. Before Big Sal......
Baja: I like them both equally, both of them contributed to their voice and talent to the rap group......tho I did enjoy Big Sal's record scratches and remixes in the early days. How he mixes the smooth and easy listening jazz music he got from the surface and mixing with urban hip hop from the underground he grew up with. Breaking it down, constructing and morphing it into his own genre of music really shaped modern music today
Ramon: I agree. I can't argue with that .......but compare it to Big sal's freestyle and his excellent wordplay. Nothing can beat his double entenders and his lyricisms. "gotten close to my goal. Got in touch with my soul". Getting in touch with his soul, explaining his journey to self-discovery but also the soul of his shoes.
Baja: He went hiking a lot when he got to the surface. One of his music videos from 'wise up' was in the woods
Ramon: I remember the commercial he used to do for Rockenberg. . When they used to be an outdoors and camping store.
Baja: actually it's a triple entender you see during 1992 Big Sal was in another rap group called ' journey into the soul' and in 94 they broke up and weren't on speaking terms. It was only until he made it to the surface in 97 he actually started to reconnect with them. So it could also insinuate that he was back in touch with his old group
Ramon: wow you know your stuff man
Oshi: Ramon? your interview is up next!
Ramon: That's me..*uggh*..... It was nice meeting you. I didn't get your name.
Baja: Baja.
Ramon: Nice to meet you man...
Baja: yeah... yeah you too......
Koi-koi: mommy's home!
Merv: hi darling
Noiji: MOM!!
Ikkan: hey mom
Koi-koi: oh my precious boys *kisskisskisskisskisskisskiss* I missed yoooou!...... I missed you..hehehe *kiss*
Merv: hehe we can catch up tonight
Koi-koi: ooooo hehehehe
Ikkan: oh my cod! we can hear you
Noiji: eugh! Stop
Koi-koi: you two hush up. How the hell do you think you got here.
Warabie: hi Mrs Kane!!
Koi-koi: Hi sweetie *peck*..oh ..look at you.... Look at those arms. You've been doing a lot of work.
Warabie: hehehe yeah.... I've been...... I've been working hard.... been lifting.
Warabie: what?
Cirrina: grandma!!
Koi-koi: Cirrina! *Kiss* hey sweetie...... Shimi
Shimi: koi
Koi-koi: hm
Shimi: hm
Merv: you called and told me you were going to be home by tomorrow. Was your flight delayed hun?
Koi-koi: I would have gotten here a lot sooner except someone........ decided to text me and asked me to bring their suit to be tailored right after I got off the plane. I had to buy another ticket to go to your apartment, pick up the suit........
Ikkan: sorry mom
Koi-koi: head back to the airport to buy another ticket to krillarney and now I'm here. ...... Here you go.... You owe me $200 for plain tickets
Ikkan: thanks mom
Koi-koi: hmmm...... Neta says hi and he loves you very very much and he misses you.....he said a lot of things I couldn't keep up but overall he loves you and misses you
Ikkan: sounds like Neta
Koi-koi: also he gave me your dress to try on Cirrina....... it's from Lilith Bay collection
Cirrina: the floral mesh!?! AHHHHHHH! He told me it was too expensive!! i have to try it on now!!!
Ikkan: well I guess I need to try my suit... Mom do you think you can tailor it
Koi-koi: no
Ikkan: why? Mom you know how to sew
Koi-koi: nooo nooo absolutely not. I don't want to see my baby in his suit until his wedding day. Go to someone else, I know Mr Higgins across the road used to do it
Merv: Mr. Higgins passed dear
Koi-koi: oh.......oh......well you can go into the city and get it tailored somewhere.
Ikkan: alright
Oshi: Baja! You're interviews next
Ramon: you got this
Baja: [inhale].......[exhale]...... Okay
Oshi: so you're Baja Genson..... Tell me about yourself Mr. Genson what's something interesting about yourself but you would want the audience to know about you
Baja: ohh....well what would you like to know?....I'm 22.....I have several siblings too many to count hehehe ...um...I play the saxophone... I'm actually in a community band We play jazz, classical and other various genres. We actually have a concert in the couple months
Oshi: that's interesting...... Why do you want this job really
Baja: oh um . ......... I'd say I want this job because I love music but mostly were people involved in music. I love musicians I love their history. I love their backstories and their origins and how they came to be. Not only as musician but also a person. A vast array of knowledge and trivia about artists that a lot of people don't know about and I'd love to share it with the public...
Oshi: hmmm
Baja: I'd also would love to ask the artists themselves about the trivia and maybe give me more insight on it. Like maybe they have a funny story or....... Maybe more context....
Oshi: well..........ok.....my son. You know him right? Can you tell me something about him that many people don't know?
Baja: I guess it depends on which son you're talking about. I know a lot of people know about warabie and his music career. His first ever track that he was credited was actually turquoise October when he was 13. it was on a demo track.... Which was only 3 minutes long.... But you could also be talking about your oldest son Dashie who used to make jingles for commercials.
Personally, I feel like that's a very underappreciated form of art in the music world. He specifically made music for food chain shanty's. But the height of his success was when he made the theme song and composed music for 'the Donnie dock show' back in '08. Though he asked not to be credited directly. He was under the alias of Dave. He's won at least two cabbies for best music composition in the kids entertainment category.
Oshi:........................................................................................................................... I think I'm done with this interview
Baja: oh.....ok........uhhhhhh..... I... I'm sorry I know some people get uncomfortable when I know a little too much about-
Oshi: We'll be shooting the pilot at 9:00 a.m. on the 35th. Come back tomorrow at 7:00 a.m. for your photo and ink lab studio ID...... We're also going to be taking promotional pics with you and Ramon.
Baja:........... I got the job?
Oshi: yes. You're very respectful, you seem very kind , you're very handsome and you show off a genuine love and care for artists.......... Congratulations Mr. Genson You're now part of the ink lab team.
Baja:......*huff*.. ..*huff*....ha!...*huff*.....hu....*huff*..huuuuu........................ Where's the bathroom?
Oshi: The hall on the right
Baja: thank you
Ramon: (washing hands)..........hay man how'd your interview-
Baja:UGGGGGGG.....*cough*....*cough*....uggg..... .... .... ....
Ramon: oh........*sigh *.....you okay man? Hey? It's all right. This is just your first audition you know. There's going to be a lot more opportunities for you... I mean you can put this on your resume. You made it do the top six
Baja:......*huff*.....*huff*.....I got the job!....
Ramon: Right on!...... Weird way to celebrate... (flush).... Let me help you up. Come on let's get you something to drink.
Baja: Hahah...[inhale] [exhale].... alright ...heh...let's go
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toasteaa Β· 2 months
Dash forgive me, I'm thinking about them tonight πŸ˜”
#toast talks#just those disjointed thoughts that always hit right before bed yknow? The ones that feel canon and might actually be canon to them.#Like Neuvillette is so unserious at times in my brain but I rarely ever talk about it because I don't know how to explain his behavior#but there's also those moments where he just genuinely doesn't pick up on other people's social cues and I love that about him.#it's a classic case of ''guy gets solicited and unsolicited advice on how to flirt with the girl he likes but results are varied'' trope#and I love it#like how Clorinde hinted at flowers being a nice gift but Neuvillette having seen Eclair reject flowers from other men and having doubts.#He buys some anyway however and the delivery is so nonchalant. Like it's so sweet in the most unromantic and distinctly Neuvillette way.#Eclair asking who they're from because she knows like three guys that keep trying to give her flowers but Neuvillette saying himself#puts her in full factory reset mode.#Barely hears him explain how he'd noticed she'd been a little under the weather and thought a gift would help.#She does quietly correct him when he says he was afraid she wouldn't like this gift as he assumed she didn't like flowers.#She kept those flowers for as long as she could after that. Pretty sure she still has the dried bouquet in her house somewhere.#Also love how Eclair is genuinely interested in the topics Neuvillette talks about in his free time.#Also how she actively tries to find water he might enjoy when she has to go to different regions for work.#She might not be able to taste *all* of the subtle differences that he did cause her to end up with a favorite imported water#(Inazuman. Specifically from around the Araumi/Mt. Yougou area)#Sigh...I really should write down all my silly little headcanons for them. All the things I think they do individually and/or together#that builds into them as characters and into their relationship.#Because as much as I wax poetic about them and their most likely doomed love...#I wanna see Neuvillette's ever so slightly amused smirk when Eclair goes ''huh. forgot you could do that'' at him#siphoning water off of him and leaving him completely dry.#I just think they're silly wjdjsdj#eclairette
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floatyflowers Β· 7 months
Dark Platonic! Fire Nation Royal Family x Non-bender Reader
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With Ozai:
At first he didn't accept the fact that you, his youngest child, is a non-bender, and ignored your existence.
That was until he noticed how his older brother, Iroh, spends time with you, Ozai got extremely jealous.
And decided to spend time with you, only to realize that you are his favorite child, and felt like an actual father.
Yes, you can't firebend nor do you even have the ability to protect yourself.
But why would you need to protect yourself when your father is going to be the Phoenix king of the fire nation?
Ozai will burn down the world for you.
"You, my sweet child, will grow up in the presence of a very powerful father"
With Ursa:
When Ursa found out that you couldn't bend, she became overprotective of you to the point of paranoia.
Since childhood, she refused to allow you to play with anyone except Zuko.
One time, one of her handmaidens scolded you harshly for playing outside without your mother's permission which resulted in you bursting into tears.
The next day, that handmaiden was fired and Ursa made sure that she gets no other jobs.
While thinking of escaping, she thought to take you with her.
However, Ozai has forbidden that from happening.
"When you find out the truth, promise to come find me"
With Azulon
While still alive, he made sure you had the best education and guards.
Azulon also made sure to have you believe that the fire nation is without mistakes or faults.
He tried manipulating you into believing that just your loyalty to your people is enough duty.
However, you are kind, too kind.
Yet, he Azulon didn't hate you for it even if he considered a weak trait to have in the royal family.
He also still has the flower crown you made him stored away safely so it doesn't rot.
It is rumored that the last word he muttered was your name.
With Iroh
Uncle Iroh isn't really as possessive as the other characters, but he focuses on advising you from time to time.
You enjoy drinking tea with him and gossiping about everything.
Even though, Ozai has forbidden him from speaking with you, you would sneak behind your father's back to drink tea with him.
After the loss of his son in the war, Lu Ten, Iroh felt depressed.
Yet you managed to comfort him with your cheerfulness and playful attitude.
It reminded him of his son.
"The best quality in a princess is her kindness, something which your sister clearly lacks"
With Zuko
Zuko thought you would be like Azula but you have proven him wrong.
You are kind, gentle, and nurturing just like your and his mother.
That's why Zuko always found himself by your side, being your playmate...being your protecter.
His mother told him that it's his duty to protect you from danger considering that he is your older brother.
Even though Azula has never hurt you, but Zuko was always wary of her, especially after his mother disappeared.
When Ozai challenged him to an Agni Kai, you were the first to cry out and plead with him to let Zuko off, but Ozai felt jealous of your relationship with Zuko and was determined to teach his son a lesson.
However when your brother got banished, Zuko took you with him in secret not wanting you to be left with Azula.
"I know the journey will take long but once I restore my honor we can return home together"
With Azula
Azula was extremely jealous when you were born, thinking that you will take all the attention from her.
But she realized that you deserve all the attention.
You didn't treat her like a monster, you weren't scared of her.
Instead you showed her love and called her 'big sister'
You would cling to her as a toddler, whenever there was lightning, you would secretly sneak to her room and sleep beside her.
"How can you be scared of lightning, we control it, silly"
Mai and Ty Lee saw how Azula softens whenever you are around.
And when Azula discovered that you have left with Zuko, she destroyed everything in her way and burned a few servants.
"She's mine, and only MINE"
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icemankazansky Β· 2 months
A Simple Guide to Not Being Afraid to Write Comments to Fic You Read
I've seen a lot of posts about the current state of fanfiction comments. Writers, especially writers who have been in fandom for a decade or more, are frustrated by the lack of comments, and have noticed a definite decline in comments (and all other forms of reader interaction) in the past ten years or so. Many readers feel daunted by the expectation of leaving comments, afraid they'll do something wrong. As a fandom old maid, the latter confused me for a while, until I realized that most of the people who feel that way probably have not been taught this form of communication.
But your loving fandom elders are here for you. Come along as your auntie tumblr user icemankazansky makes this shit easy.
The easiest way to think of fanfiction comment etiquette is to compare it to something you likely already know: Gift Receiving Etiquette.
Fanfiction began as largely a gift economy. And a lot of it still is! You'll see authors participate in exchanges like Yuletide and Id Pro Quo; those are ficswaps in which authors write for a specific person to specific prompts. And even outside that, fanfiction is not written for money; authors write and post it simply for the joy of creation and community with fellow fans. Fic is posted free for anyone to enjoy. Is that not a gift?
So. When you as a reader finish the chapter or story you're reading and you are faced with the comment box, try to follow the same etiquette you would when receiving a gift. (And even if you didn't love this gift and it's not your favorite gift ever, we already know that it's more useful than the products from your cousin's MLM that they're passing off as gifts, because you read the story. At the very least, it entertained you for the time you took to read it.)
The big rule of gift receiving etiquette is not to insult the person who gave you the gift, either directly or indirectly. That's it. Full stop.
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I've been seeing a lot of comments lately that are just along the lines of, "Thank you for writing this story and sharing it with us." A+, top of the class, full marks, you're doing amazing. If you don't feel comfortable commenting on the story itself, that is perfect feedback. And that's the most basic way you respond to a gift, yes? Thank you for the gift. Thank you for thinking of me. Thank you for sharing.
Does this rule mean that you cannot say anything at all that might be negative about anything? No, absolutely not. What you want to avoid is saying something that is, at its core, a negative evaluation of the author or their work. Let's do some examples.
Character A's obliviousness about Character B's MASSIVE crush on them made me so frustrated! I was tearing my hair out internally screaming, "JUST LET HIM LOVE YOU."
βœ”οΈ Excellent comment! You're allowed to have all sorts of feelings about things that happen in the story, and in fact authors LOVE to hear about any emotions they made you feel. Yes, frustration is not a positive emotion, but the thing you are expressing frustration about is not the author themselves or their shortcomings.
Contrast that to:
I was really frustrated that it took you so long to post this chapter. The cliffhanger at the end of the previous chapter had me tearing my hair out, and then you just left us hanging FOREVER!
❌ Nope! Here what you are expressing is frustration with the author and how fast they come out with new chapters. Imagine your sister buys you a gift for your birthday, but she isn't able to give it to you until the next week, and you respond with: "What took you so long?" I think Emily Post would frown on that.
The way you say something and the point of view from which you give feedback can have a HUGE impact on the message you're sending. Let's take the last comment (the one about wanting an update) and see what happens when we reframe the same sentiment as a positive:
I was SO EXCITED to see that you updated this story! I have really been looking forward to seeing what happened after the cliffhanger in the last chapter.
βœ”οΈ Now it's not an insult. The author will be happy to know that you are happy to see new work from them.
This idea extends beyond the story itself: to the fandom, the characters, the pairing, the tropes, etc. Let's do some examples.
I looooove reading about these sexy boys SO IN LOVE even though the movie you're writing about is SOOOOO problematic.
❌ Nope! Assume that the author enjoys the canon, characters, pairing, etc. in the stories they write. This comment is insulting to the author because it basically says, "That thing you love is not great, and you should probably feel bad for liking it." Imagine your aunt gifts you a sweater from a popular retailer, and you respond with, "This is so cute, I love it! It's a shame that it was made in a sweatshop." Do you have a valid point about the canon or the retailer's business practices? You very well might. Is this the proper time and place to talk about it? Absolutely not.
Let's do a reframing exercise. You should be very careful about how you approach commenting negatively on anything in the story that appears in the tags list, but you can make it a compliment and good feedback if you have the right perspective. See the difference with these two approaches:
I kind of think frottage is disgusting, but I liked it in this story.
❌ Nope! You just told the author you think their kink is disgusting. That's like telling your poor aunt who is just trying to keep you warm this winter that she has awful taste in knitwear. Try again.
Frottage normally isn't my kink, but I love your other stories with this pairing, so I decided to give it a try, and I'm SOOOOO GLAD that I did! This story was πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯
βœ”οΈ "This normally isn't my thing, but you made me expand my horizons!" Authors love to hear that. That's like telling your aunt, "I never thought this color looked good on me, but I look so cute in this sweater! I'm so glad you helped me step outside my comfort zone, because I'm the better for it."
thank u, next
The last thing I want to address is this new trend I've seen in commenting lately: placing an order. If your mom surprises you with new headphones, you don't respond with, "I wanted the white ones πŸ™," or, "You should get me a new phone, too." It's easy to see why that isn't appropriate in a gifting situation, and it's also not appropriate when commenting on fanfiction.
Let's do some examples:
This fic was soooo cute, but it would have been a million times better if Character A had been with Character C instead of Character B.
❌ There are a few things going on here. Number one, you're telling your mom you wanted the white headphones, not the ones she actually bought you. You're also disparaging the A/B pairing that the author chose to write about, and as we discussed, we can assume that the author wrote the pairing because they liked it. Even if it's not their favorite and/or they also write A/C, they made a choice for this story to be A/B, and the comments section of a fic is not the place to question choices the author made in their own work.
You should write a story where Character Z who is not even in this story does [thing that is vaguely referenced in the B plot].
❌ "You should get me a new phone, too."
I want a sequel. 😞
❌ "Thank you, next!"
You can reframe this kind of sentiment if you are careful about it, and it's not all you say.
I really loved this story. I would be so interested to see these ideas explored further if you ever decide to write more in this universe.
βœ”οΈ Not "gimme." Not "more." This is, "If you build it, I will come." It is a HUGE difference.
You already know how to do this. You know how to graciously accept a gift; just use that same etiquette, and boom! Now you know how to fearlessly write a comment to fic you read. You're doing amazing. Go forth and comment.
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yuujispinkhair Β· 4 months
sukuna who's over heels with y/n, but y/n is stupidly in love with yuuji who is falling in love with megumi?!
Omggg I love this!!!! Thank you for sending me this πŸ’—
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Modern!Sukuna x Reader (female)
Fluff. Hurt & Comfort. Friends to lovers. 2k words. Unrequited love/pining in the beginning. Sukuna and Reader get their happy end (Yuuji gets his happy end with Megumi). Mentions of cigarettes + alcohol. All characters are of age. Minors don't interact. Divider @/benkeibear
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Sukuna can only shake his head at the irony. He is in love. He is fucking in love for the first time in his life, and of course, it has to be someone he cannot have! Out of everyone at this stupid college, it has to be the girl who likes his brother!
If it were any other guy, Sukuna wouldn't give a fuck and just flirt like hell with the girl he wants and give his best to steal her away from that other guy. But the problem is that Itadori Sukuna might be an asshole, but he isn't the type of asshole that would steal his brother's girl.
So Sukuna swallows down his heartbreak and forces himself to hold back, refusing to stand in the way of his baby brother's happiness. Sukuna might only be three minutes older, but he is still the big bro, still the one who sees it as his responsibility to look after his "little" brother. And Yuuji deserves it. He deserves a girl like you. He deserves your love. Sukuna will stay strong. He can do it.
But what Sukuna didn't take into account is how completely oblivious his brother is to your feelings.
You follow Yuuji around like a lost puppy, giving him hearteyes, practically swooning anytime he smiles his sunshine smile, hanging on his lips when he talks about his movie-directing classes and his new favorite TV show. But Yuuji doesn't seem to notice. And it makes Sukuna so mad! It drives him crazy! He almost spits his drink out when his brother gives you a high five and calls you "bro".
Sukuna feels sick to his stomach when he watches you wring your hands and shyly ask Yuuji if he maybe wants to go to the cinema with you to see the newest Human Earthworm movie. That super trashy horror series that Yuuji is always gushing about, which Sukuna is 99% sure you don't really like but only want to endure for the boy you have a big crush on.
But Sukuna's oblivious idiot of a brother just laughs and nods, happy that someone shares his taste, and totally misses the point,
"Yes, that's perfect! Let's also ask Megumi and Nobara to join us! Let's all go together! It will be so much fun!"
Sukuna thinks he can not only feel his own heart ache but also yours as he sees your face fall even while you force yourself to nod bravely and smile a sad smile at Yuuji.
It takes everything in Sukuna not to say something. But his restraint only lasts until he is alone with his brother. The moment the others have left, he shoves Yuuji into the wall, grabs his collar, and growls at him,
"You are so fucking dumb, brat! I would give anything to be in your shoes, but you don't even see that she wants you!"
And Yuuji blinks at him, all big eyes and completely confused,
"What the fuck are you talking about?"
Sukuna lets go of Yuuji, slumping against the wall next to him, sighing and explaining the situation to him. How Sukuna likes you, and how you like Yuuji, and how everything is such a mess, and how much he hates it, especially when his little brother is too blind to see what he could have!
"Now you know, brat. Go, get her. Just don't rub it in my face, ok? I'll stay away as much as possible."
Sukuna pushes himself off the wall, about to run away and hide in some dark corner or maybe find someone to fuck and distract him from all this shit. But to his utter surprise, Yuuji's hand darts out and grabs Sukuna's sleeve.
"Wait, Kuna! I don't even have those kinds of feelings for her! There is... um... well, there is actually someone else I like."
He stands there, scratching his neck, looking sheepishly at Sukuna and blushing a bit as Sukuna stares at him with question marks in his eyes.
"Um, he has black hair and likes dogs and... ah shit."
And Sukuna can't help it. He bursts out laughing, doubling over because this is just so fucking dumb and messy and getting more complicated every second, and he probably should have known!
"Damn, brat, that really sounds like you! Falling for your best friend!"
In the end, Sukuna plays matchmaker for Yuuji and Megumi. It's easy, considering the way Fushiguro has been looking at Yuuji since the first day he met him. And yeah, Sukuna is not only doing it because he loves his baby brother but also because of selfish reasons. Because it means you will have to let go of your crush on Yuuji. Not that Sukuna thinks you will turn to him, but at least he won't have to watch you date his brother and pretend he doesn't care!
It feels like someone is stabbing Sukuna's heart when he watches your face twist in pain at the next party when you see Yuuji walking into the room with Megumi's hand in his.
But it will be fine! After all, Sukuna is here to catch you and mend your broken heart again. As a friend, at least.
He quickly follows you when you leave the room and run towards the backyard. You sit down on the slightly damp grass, and Sukuna joins you, sitting silently next to you while tears run down your cheeks. Sukuna offers you his half-smoked cigarette, and when your eyes meet, he can't help but think that surely you must see the pain in his eyes, too.
He quickly takes a sip from the bottle he is holding to hide the emotions threatening to swallow him while silently cursing himself for following you out here. He misjudged how fucking hard it is to look at you when you are crying. If only Sukuna could just close the distance between you and claim you as his, just kiss all your pain and his pain away.
But of course, he knows it would be too soon. For once in his life, Sukuna doesn't just want to be a one-night stand or a rebound or a revenge fuck or whatever. For once in his life, he wants more. He wants everything.
And so Sukuna is patient. Just offers you his silent company, his cigarette, his bottle of vodka, and his leather jacket when it gets chilly, and you start to shiver. He offers you his friendship, his protection, and the kind of comfort he can give without fucking you. He drives you home, makes sure you have something to eat and get some sleep.
He bangs on your door three days later when you still haven't come back to campus, calling you a brat and an idiot because it's the only way he knows how to show his worry. But he hopes he's making it better by shoving a vanilla latte and a bag with muffins from your favorite coffee shop into your hands.
Your eyes look puffy from crying, and you seem confused about what he is doing here, but you take the food and coffee from him. And Sukuna smirks at you and refuses to leave when you tell him you look like hell and don't want him to see you like that.
"I don't care, princess. Eat those damn muffins and drink your latte before it gets cold. I didn't stand in line for half an hour for you to just ignore my treats. And by the way, you always look pretty to me."
He stays until you had breakfast and took a shower, coming back to the living area with a soft,
"Thank you, Sukuna. It was nice of you to bring me muffins and coffee."
Sukuna finally leaves, lifting one tattooed hand to casually wave at you as if his heart isn't about to burst because he wants to pull you against his chest and hold you and tell you he can make you happy again.
He skips some of his classes and instead goes to the gym, working out like a madman and beating up a punching bag until he is too exhausted to think about how sad you looked and how fucking much he wants to kiss it better.
He comes back the next day to pick you up and take you to the coffee shop with him, making sure you leave the house and join the living again! It cannot be that you are crying your eyes out in your room all day!
"Stop complaining and get your bratty ass off the couch! It will be good for you to get some fresh air and shit. I am warning you if you don't put on shoes in the next 30 seconds, I will make you walk to the coffee shop in socks!"
Oh yes, Sukuna is good at this. Acting grumpy and playing the asshole while taking care of you and making sure you are ok. And somehow, you are the only one, apart from his brother, who can see right through him because you roll your eyes and laugh softly and tell him that he is the nicest asshole you have ever met.
The two of you fall into a routine where Sukuna picks you up every morning and has breakfast with you before he walks you to your first class. You constantly grow closer, and Sukuna feels his mask slipping more often around you. His typical arrogant smirk softens into a genuine smile. His snide comments turn into compliments. He isn't sure if he is doing it by accident or intentionally. Maybe he is only reacting to the way you act around him.
Because your gaze doesn't follow his brother anymore. Your face doesn't fall when you see Yuuji with Megumi. Your smile doesn't falter when you spot pink hair and realize it's the bad boy twin with the tattoos and not the good boy twin with the sunshine smile. Sukuna even feels like your smile is growing brighter when you look at him.
Could it be?
And he notices more things. Notices how you always sit so close to him now when he is at your dorm and you play video games against each other. How you always laugh at his jokes, no matter how sarcastic they are. Or how you look at him sometimes when you think he doesn't realize it. How your eyes get that dreamy little sparkle when Sukuna is sleepy, and his voice gets low and a bit raspy. How you get goosebumps on your arms when Sukuna puts his hands on your hips to steer you through a crowded room.
A few weeks later, Sukuna finds himself back at the same spot where all those weeks ago, it all began. Sitting next to you in the grass in the small backyard of your friend's dorm, where you cried when Yuuji broke your heart.
But tonight, you aren't crying. Tonight, you are smiling and throwing your head back, laughing at some dry joke Sukuna makes, looking so carefree and happy. Your shoulder is brushing against Sukuna's biceps, and your hand lands on his thigh, giving it a playful smack and staying just a little too long. And Sukuna can't help but say in that low voice, you seem to like so much,
"You are so beautiful."
For a split second, he feels his chest tense up, scared that he fucked everything up. Scared that he got it wrong and you still want his brother. Or maybe some other guy. Scared that you only see Sukuna as a good friend. Or that you only see him the way the whole campus sees him: as that sexy, asshole guy who is only good for casual sex and nothing more.
But then you turn your head to look at him, and Sukuna sees that soft expression in your eyes, the one he used to see on your face when you looked at his brother. But now it is for him, for Sukuna. And he simply knows without you having to spell it out. He knows that things have truly changed.
So, Sukuna decides to do what he wanted to do for a long time.
"I am sorry that you cried the last time we were in this backyard. But I am not sorry for why it happened. My brother is an idiot for not wanting you like that. But I am glad he is an idiot because otherwise, I wouldn't be able to do this..."
And Sukuna puts a hand under your chin, cupping it with a gentleness he didn't know he possessed while looking deeply into your eyes, checking one last time if he really got it right. You look at him with wide eyes, but you smile and nod softly as your gaze travels down to his lips.
And Sukuna sighs and presses his lips gently against yours, kissing you like he never kissed someone before, slow and gentle, as if he is scared you will break or slip through his fingers. A kiss with his eyes closed and his chest filling with a warmth he didn't know until now. A kiss into which Sukuna pours all the secret longing he felt for you for months, all the feelings he tried to hold back for his brother's sake and then for the sake of not fucking things up.
But finally, he doesn't have to hold back anymore. Because you chose him. You chose Sukuna. You are sitting here with him, with your hand in his hair and your lips moving slowly against his, a happy sigh and a soft murmur of his name falling from your lips.
The two of you only stop kissing when Sukuna's head is already spinning from the lack of oxygen. He pulls away only enough to grin at you and stroke your cheek with his thumb. And you smile back at him and whisper,
"I am glad, too, that Yuuji turned me down. Because otherwise I wouldn't have found out that it's his brother who is my perfect match. I wouldn't have found out that you, Itadori Sukuna, are the one I like the most out of everyone."
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AAAHHH I LOVE HIM SO MUCH 😭😭 Thank you so much for sending me this ask. I see Sukuna + unrequited love/pining and I lose my mind!! It's my weakness and makes me so so soft for him (even more than usual).
I hope you liked this little hurt/comfort story!! Comments and reblogs would be very sweet πŸ’—
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creatingblackcharacters Β· 5 months
β€œThe Same Place as the Music” Lighting & Color
β€œWhere is the light coming from?” β€œThe same place as the music.” Andrew Lesnie, Cinematographer of LOTR
How & Why It's A Problem
If I had to summarize the frustration I have with this topic in one image, I'd use JeCorey Holder's (queer Black creative!) meme:
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Now here's the thing. I'm not saying you have to be a master at lighting. I'm surely not. Hell, I still play around with lighting in my art in ways that aren’t the β€˜most realistic’. You can’t ask me the technical explanations behind β€˜color theory’ or 'contrast' without me doing some more reading. However… I don’t think anyone needs an art degree to understand this point:
We should be able to SEE your brown skinned Black characters!
I brought this up in my lessons about skin tones and blushing, and it applies with lighting as well. If all of your other characters have focused light and shadows, so should your Black characters.
However, this does NOT mean making them lighter-skinned!!!!
It's not funny nor logical at all to suggest that they somehow can't be seen like your other characters when you’re the one creating the piece. It's like a classic fifth-grade racist joke, β€œYou blend in at night”. Har-de-har.
I was once rudely told to my face (well in the DMs) that a Black character that was completely Europeanized looked like that β€œbecause of the [sepia] lighting”. So I'm going to give you all, gracious readers, an example to show that that's not true.
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This is Ana FlΓ‘via, Afro-Brazilian model! Gaze upon her beauty! Notice how in both of these filters, Ana did not, in fact, turn into a white woman! Because, my friends, that is not how that works! At all!
Here are some other examples of Black people in non-color lighting:
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None of these people vanished from the frame just because there was no color. They didn't have to paint on lighter makeup to be captured by the camera. What do they all have in common (in this example)?
Now let’s discuss different ways to think about and potentially try instead!
What I want you all to keep in mind, is that the art you’re painting:
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And I know that's silly right, like yeah no shit Ice, we knew that. BUT my point here is don’t be afraid to study photography, theatre, and staging for ideas. They actively work with light! It’s why I share so many images of models; it’s purposeful, focused staging of light with many of these compositions!
Brown-skinned Black people- brown-skinned people in general- GLOW in the light! Our skin reflects environmental light! There’s so much opportunity to play with that, and you can see different examples in those mediums.
Here are a couple articles of lighting in film focused on Black actors.
When lighting a person with dark complexion, the answer is not LIGHTENING THE SKIN, it’s understanding how light reflects off of dark skin.” -Nilah Magruder
Nilah Magruder (Black creator!) has an ENTIRE, thorough and wonderful essay on the topic, far better than I could give! She incorporates the use of cameras, lighting, painting, and more- so rather than be redundant here, I'm going to spotlight (ha see what I did there. It's okay, I know I'm funny) her and her explanation.
Incorporating Blackness in Color/Colorful Lighting
@dsm7 has an excellent and short visual explanation of how picking certain colors will lead to washing out or whitewashing Black characters, and how certain lighting and backgrounds (think the black and white photos on brighter backgrounds) will change the way their skin tone looks.
@nicosbighead has one of my favorite images on here, that shows how many different colors can still be used to convey the image of Blackness. Notice how all those pinks still worked?
@gaksdesigns has a beautiful picture here that I feel utilizes the light in a very minimal yet effective way to show highlights even on a palette that's fully brown.
This article approaches from a lighting perspective via filmmaking, but essentially Sade Ndya suggests instead of increasing the amount of light, change the color/lens of the light based on your character’s skin, as well as for the circumstances of the scene. They'll remain vibrant that way, and you’ll still capture what you need.
I know one way I do this on CSP (I think I’ve mentioned this but I can’t remember) is to use the Add Glow tool with the same or a similar shade of the character’s brown skin tone as a highlight under natural light, or maybe use different colors or filters depending on the sort of light on their skin at the time.
Here’s a reddit about it too, just because I know y’all value Reddit on here, and someone else discussed the topic that both Nilah and Sade discussed.
Is It Intentional?
There are going to be times where you intend for the light to be minimal. Maybe it’s a style choice. That should still show purposeful composition. Here’s an interview with famed Black director Ava Duvernay discussing the intentional darkness on Black actors in the prison scene in the movie Selma. To show that they're both trapped in prison AND that Martin is temporarily low on resolve- it's a part of the story that's being told.
I'm always talking about this: there is a difference between intention (and following through), and neglecting to think about it at all. And neglect isn't what we want, because often we can tell visually when it is- when an artist simply did not think to do it for one versus the rest.
Sidenote, on Youtube in the suggestions after Ava's interview, are also plenty of videos discussing lighting for dark-skin as well- why not take the chance to look?
We do not lack for light! We aren’t flat and lightless when you see us in life. It's actually a pretty awesome part of being brown-skinned. If you’re giving proper, flattering lighting to everyone else, give it to us as well. Study and experiment with ways to highlight brown skin.
You already know what I’m going to say. It’s going to take practice, same as anything else, because it’s the thought that counts, but the action that delivers!
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vanteguccir Β· 6 months
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── ΰ­¨ΰ­§ ! 𝗬𝗒𝗨'π—₯π—˜ π— π—œπ—‘π—˜
γ€€γ€€γ€€γ€€γ€€γ€€γ€€π’Žπ’‚π’•π’• π’”π’•π’–π’“π’π’Šπ’π’π’ x reader
SUMMARY: Where Y/N is a ray of sunshine, and Matt is her dose of grumpness.
REQUESTED?: Yes, by @httpsm4tti
AUTHOR'S NOTE: That is my work, I DON'T authorize any plagiarism! | English isn't my first language, so I'm sorry if there's any grammar error.
γ€€γ€€γ€€ΰΌ»βœ¦ΰΌΊ γ€€ΰΌ»βœ§ΰΌΊγ€€ΰΌ»βœ¦ΰΌΊ
"Get out."
Y/N smiled as she heard Matt's short and authoritative voice echo through the walls of their shared room.
"Hi baby, are you okay?"
Matt lifted his head instantly, pulling his attention away from the computer screen in front of him and toward the door, where his girlfriend was standing.
A tray was resting securely in her open palms as a teasing gaze looked back at him.
A sigh escaped his lips, and Y/N knew it wasn't because he was stressed about seeing her but rather completely relieved. His tense posture gradually eased, and his frown dissolved, giving way to a calming stance.
"What are you doing here, petal?" Matt's tone came out soft, his hands leaving the keyboard and resting on his gray sweatpants covered thighs.
"You've been locked in here for hours. I haven't seen you get out to eat or drink anything until now..." Y/N began, starting her quick steps towards the brunette. "And since I know you're on a task to answer every email sent to the channel, I decided to bring you some snacks and drinks." A big smile spread across her face, her hands working on resting the tray on the empty space of his desk.
Matt glanced briefly at the contents on the wooden surface, fighting back a smile as he noticed all of his favorite snacks, plus a handmade sandwich and a can of rootbeer.
"You didn't need to do all this, sweetheart." The boy brought his blue orbs back to his girlfriend, his right hand coming up and resting on her hip lightly, gently stroking the covered skin.
"Anything for you, my love."
The sound of the door to his shared room with Y/N opening ​​echoed through Matt's ears. The boy was in the kitchen preparing breakfast for himself and his girlfriend, the sun's rays streaming through the living room's large windows serving as his only source of lighting.
Y/N's muffled and quick footsteps sounded through the small hallway that led to where he was.
The boy didn't need to turn around to know that she was now standing behind him, probably just the large wooden table separating them.
"Good morning, baby!" Y/N's voice was like music to his ears, and Matt found himself wondering how she could be so happy at this time of the day, a small "morning" escaping his lips in response. "You won't believe the dream I had."
A smile almost imperceptibly appeared on the right corner of Matt's lips, the kind of smile that only Y/N was capable of eliciting from him.
The boy turned around with Y/N's favorite mug in one hand and a small plate with flowers drawn on it in the other, both containing coffee with a dash of milk and waffles with honey, just the way his girl liked.
The brunette placed them both on the surface in front of the seat that Y/N had already designated as hers, picking up his own plate and mug before sitting down in front of her.
"Nick and I were at this different theater, and we were going to watch a horror movie, which already started out weird because we know how much he hates horror movies..." Y/N started quickly, pausing momentarily to take a bite of her waffle, a hint of honey smearing the corner of her mouth. "But the weirdest thing was that the movie wasn't horror. It only had two main characters, and they rode horses the whole time. And then, out of nowhere, they adopted a mute dog and a blind cat, which were the cutest little things I've ever seen..."
The girl kept going, her voice changing intonation with each word while her expressions moved quickly, her free hand gesturing while her other hand held her waffle tightly, taking bites from time to time.
Matt remained silent, a serious - but relaxed - expression took over his face, while his mouth slowly chewed the pieces of his own toast, nodding his head every now and then, showing to her that he was paying attention, just like everyday.
To outsiders, the scene unfolding there seemed to be amusing.
Y/N, with a big smile on her face and yellow flowing dress surrounding her, was quickly pulling a serious-looking Matt with completely black clothes, which covered almost his entire body.
"Come on, baby! There's an ice cream cart right there." The girl repeated the information that had already been given previously, pointing enthusiastically with the index finger of her free hand at the small pastel-colored cart on the other side of the street.
"I can see that." Matt muttered, feigning annoyance, but everyone who knew them knew how much he was loving it.
"Can I get a strawberry one? Please! Oh, and which flavor will you want? I know you love the chocolate one, but it's so nice to change things up sometimes." Y/N rambled, finally approaching the cart, smiling big at the salesperson in greeting. "So?"
"You can order anything you want for me." Matt surrendered, catching the intense gleam in his girl's eyes with his response before averting his own, fishing his wallet out of his pocket, ready to just make the payment and seat on a random wooden bench, looking forward to hearing her ramble about her week.
"Good afternoon! Can I have a strawberry one and a cream one, please?"
"Baby, can you get me a Diet Coke? Please." Y/N briefly interrupted her conversation with Tara, looking at her boyfriend.
Matt was sitting next to Y/N on one of the couches at Tara's big 1 million party, his arms were crossed and his expression was serious - almost angry -, his eyes carried a steady gaze that circled around the people in the room, ignoring the screams and loud music, only his girl's voice echoing in his ears.
The brunette looked at her momentarily, nodding and leaning down slightly, sealing his lips on the side of her head gently before standing up, walking with firm steps towards the nearest bar.
It didn't take long, and soon the boy was returning to his previous spot, his hands balancing a can of Diet Coke and a can of Rootbeer.
His blue eyes almost instantly found the figure of his girlfriend, who was still talking to Tara, but now Nick was with them as well.
A small smile appeared on his lips as he watched her speak with so much passion, gesturing too much and changing her expressions too quickly.
But his own smile quickly fell when he saw a strange guy sitting in his previous seat, wrapping his arm over the back of the couch right behind Y/N's head and bringing his body closer to his girlfriend's, too close for his liking.
It was obvious that the guy knew Tara, as he immediately started talking to her, but his body language showed his interest in Y/N.
"Move. Now." Matt's serious and rude voice suddenly sounded as soon as he approached them, startling the small group. His eyes were fixed on the unknown boy, glaring at him.
His action brought small reactions from the others; Nick rolled his eyes, already used to his brother and his way of acting with everyone - except his girl. Tara raised her right eyebrow, her eyes traveling from the boy to Matt and back again.
But Y/N just smiled sincerely, ignoring the rudeness of his tone. Her eyes instantly lit up upon meeting her boyfriend and even more so upon seeing him holding her order.
"I won't repeat myself." Matt demanded, keeping his gaze steady on the guy, who quickly understood the message and got up from the couch, raising his hands in surrender before leaving.
Matt sat back down in the now empty space, handing his girl the Diet Coke before placing his arm right where the other boy's was, his fingertips caressing the exposed skin of her right shoulder.
He took advantage of Tara and Nick starting a new topic and brought his head closer to Y/N's, pressing his lips against her ear.
"You're mine, babe. Only mine."
"Are you ready, honey?" Y/N asked as she finished fastening her necklace around her neck, her eyes fixed on the mirror next to their closet in the room she shared with Matt.
"I just... I don't know which sneakers to wear." Matt's voice sounded tired, his brow furrowed as his eyes traveled over the extensive row of sneakers he owned.
The girl turned around, approaching him while throwing her hair over her shoulders, running her hands over the light pink dress that hugged her body just right.
The two were getting ready to go to the Snapchat event that would take place in a few hours, and as usual Matt always asked his girlfriend for some tips on one of the pieces he would wear for the day.
"Wear the white and blue Jordans. I like how they look on you." Y/N opined, pointing to the indicated pair, caressing his right bicep before turning around, crossing the already open bedroom door to check if Nick and Chris were ready.
The duo was lying on the sofa, both ready and using their respective phones, just waiting for the couple.
"Finally! If I knew how to drive, I would have left you two behind." Chris grumbled, adjusting his posture on the upholstery and putting his cell in his pants pocket.
"You still didn't learn to drive properly because you're lazy and too comfortable with me just driving your ass around." Matt's voice echoed behind Y/N, his figure leaving their room and closing the door behind him, his expression straight and his eyes carrying a serious gaze.
"Oh my God, you look handsome, baby! I knew Jordan would work out just fine." Y/N ignored the small fight between them, her eyes traveling over Matt's body, admiring his clothes despite them being simple and black - as always.
Matt rolled his eyes, feigning annoyance, but the traces of an almost non-existent smile appearing on the right corner of his lips while his cheeks took on a red hue said otherwise.
"Oh, how handsome you are, Matt." Nick joked, imitating Y/N's voice and fawning his right hand over his face, blinking his eyes repeatedly, earning a loud laugh from Chris and an amused smile from Y/N.
"Shut the fuck up. Get moving. Now!" Matt barked back, glaring at his brothers before finally approaching his girl.
He placed his left hand on the small of her back, gently guiding her to the stairs that led them to the garage, ready to go.
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taylorman2274 Β· 7 months
We Care About You (Part II)
The aftermath that follows is a struggle for everyone to comprehend.
Content Warning(s): N/A
Notes: SAGAU; GN!Reader
Word Count: 1k
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Taglist: @silverstarred
The past few days have been hard for your mind to wrap around.
Ever since that particular incident you had while playing Genshin, you've been extremely hesitant to log back on. Now that you knew all the people of Teyvat were self-aware, you were scared to imagine what they thought of you.
"Have they been self-aware the entire time that I've been playing? Have they always been able to hear my voice whenever I spoke aloud? Do the Traveler and their friends hate me for forcibly controlling their movements and actions like puppets? If that's the case, wouldn't it be better for me to leave them alone without letting them know?"
It doesn't seem like there's any part of your day where you're not thinking about how to follow up with the world of Genshin Impact. In fact, it's gotten so bad for you that some of your friends have noticed your change in mood and asked if anything was wrong.
Knowing that this situation is not only unheard of but also impossible to comprehend for anyone, you simply told them that you were dealing with personal issues, which honestly isn't that far from the truth.
Eventually, you began to worry if some of the people in Teyvat would figure out a way to reach you beyond the computer should you not reach back to them soon. In the past, you would've laughed at such a thought. But now that you've witnessed the impossible, you didn't want to wait around and find out.
"If I'm going to continue playing Genshin, I should at least try and accommodate their needs and wants better."
As much as you didn't want to delay your return to Genshin any further, you felt that researching all of your current playable character's needs, wants, likes, and dislikes took top priority over anything else in your life right now.
...Well...besides your needs and wants.
First, you took note of their favorite and least favorite foods. You would feel pretty bad if you kept feeding them food that wasn't their preference. Especially since characters like Lisa and Ganyu were vegetarians.
Second, you took note of everyone's talents. While you know that some characters had passive talents which gave you extra dishes when cooking or extra materials when crafting, you felt that those jobs should be left to the professionals, such as Xiangling and Albedo respectively.
"Let's see. First off, I should probably remove the people in my party with full-time jobs, as they take priority over exploring with the Traveler. So I should probably replace any Knights of Favonius, Liyue Qixing, Tri-Commission Member, etc. However, that doesn't exactly leave me with a lot of options to choose from. Although Xiangling works for Wanmin Restaurant, she's currently exploring Teyvat for ingredients. I assume accompanying the traveler would be fine with her. Bennett works for the Adventure's Guild so that works as well. But that also leaves me with a Pyro-heavy party, which may pose a problem for enemies such as Pyro slimes..."
However, the more you spent time researching, the more pessimistic and depressed you began to feel. Here you were spending all this effort trying to accommodate to all the characters you've obtained without even knowing if they gave a single thought or care in the world towards you.
"...I never really asked if they wanted to join the Traveler's adventures. ...So...maybe I should just only use the Traveler...?"
You sighed deeply. This was not gonna be good for your mental health.
The Traveler didn't know what to think.
On one hand, they were happy that [Y/N] was getting some much deserved rest. On top of that, they were also happy that they got to have a break from doing commissions all the time. But on the otherhand...
They were really starting to miss you.
This is the longest that they have gone without feeling your presence and they were starting to worry if they had accidentally scared you off due to that incident.
The incident that revealed Teyvat's self-awareness.
"...You're thinking about [Y/N] again, aren't you?" Paimon asked.
The Traveler chuckled sadly. "Is it really that obvious?"
"Kind of? Paimon thinks that's what everyone is thinking about."
They believe her. Zhongli, Venti, and a few others had reached out to them over the past couple of days for any news about [Y/N]. They were saddened by their expressions when they told them they had no news to give.
β€œ...Y/N..." The Traveler sighed.
"Hmm?" Paimon hummed in thought, "What was that?"
"...To think that was their name all along. And to even think that they may be just as human as most people in Teyvat! It’s honestly kind of relieving when you think about it.
Although they weren't going to lie. At first, they saw [Y/N] as an unknown entity that possessed them to do its bidding. It was scary at first, knowing that neither them nor Paimon were able to figure out a way to interact with or avoid it. However, after solving both Mondstadt's and Liyue's respectable crises and powering them up with newfound strength, they started to see you as a sort of companion similar to Paimon.
"Yeah, even Paimon is starting to miss traveling and exploring with them."
"Is that so?" The Traveler taunted, "I thought that at one point you were trying to prove yourself as the better guide?"
"Hey! Paimon told you already that she has proved herself as the superior guide time and time again." She exclaimed as she crossed her arms.
They laughed. It felt nice to tease Paimon like this to distract them from the lack of [Y/N]'s presence, but they were starting to feel like they couldn't keep this up forever.
"Regardless, Paimon hopes that [Y/N] comes back soon. Everybody will feel a lot better once they do."
The Traveler looked up to the night sky and watched the stars flicker with light. Paimon followed their gaze and gave a sorrowful frown.
"I hope so too."
Author Side Notes: I had an idea.
But in all seriousness, I'm flattered by all the positive comments, reblogs, and likes from the previous post. I only expected to get around 20 notes since it was my first post but somehow I've ended up at 800+ and counting? It's almost too much for me to handle lol.
As for the rest of this story, I've decided that it will likely take around six parts for me to reach its conclusion. We've got two down so far, so that makes four more to go. Of course, that's only if y'all want to read more.
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sturn-saturn Β· 25 days
video games
pairing: fem!reader x bf!matt
warnings: matt is a little mean
a/n: not proofread
requested: yes!
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you loved matt, more than anything, but sometimes he can take his video games a little to seriously. you and matt both have your separate hobbies. yours was baking and crocheting and his was video games.
matt likes to stream with his brothers while he plays fortnite but you've never asked to join them because you wanted him to have his time with his brothers and his supporters. he occasionally asks to partake in your hobbies which you appreciate but you never got the chance to ask to play fortnite with him until today.
nick was in japan with madison beer while she's on tour. that leaves you chris and were hanging out on matts bed showing each other the funny tiktoks that would pop up on your four you page and matt is sitting in his chair playing a game of fortnite.
"matt." you call out.
"hm?" he removes his headphones from one side to hear you and pauses the game.
"can i try playing?"
"you wanna play fortnite?"
"yeah." you smile.
"okay, c'mere."
you get up from your spot and matt places you on his lap so you can see the screen properly. he hands you his controller and he shows you what all the little buttons do.
"okay this one right here makes you walk straight, this is to jump, this is the shoot, and this to look around. got it?"
"mhmm." you hum.
he places his hands on top of yours to kind of guide you as you play fortnite. he unpauses the game so you can continue and you get a little comfortable on his lap and try to focus on the game.
"right there, y/n, get him." he points to the screen.
you shoot the other character and your boyfriend cheers. you feel a sense of joy knowing that you get to bond over his hobby with him.
"you're doing a good job baby." he says as he kisses your cheek which causes you to giggle.
you continue on for another 10 minutes until the atmosphere changed.
"i-i'm sorry, i didn't notice him."
"yeah fucking clearly. just give me the controller. can't do shit right." he scoffs.
you hand the controller back to matt, more like he snatches it and you get up and walk out his bedroom.
chris says smacks the back of his brothers head.
"chris, what the fuck!?" matt yells out removing his headphones looking at his brother.
"no, you what the fuck. are you a fucking idiot? don't talk to her like that fucking dickhead."
"chris, mind your business."
"no, mom and dad didn't raise us to talk to people like that, especially women. go fucking apologize." chris walks out of the room.
you see chris walking towards you from the corner of your eye and he sits beside you. you're up on the couch with your favorite throw blanket, on your phone, with tears welling up in your eyes.
"y/n?" chris says.
you look up from your phone and stare at him.
"can i sit next here?" he asks making sure you're comfortable with him around while you're upset.
"sure." you whisper out enough for him to hear you because you know if you spoke any louder you could cry.
"do you need a chris hug?"
you nod and move closer to him as he has his arms out. you instantly burst out into tears and he hugs you tighter while rubbing your back.
"shh. it's alright. you know matt can be a dick sometimes, but he always apologizes when he knows he's wrong."
"chris, you don't get it."
"what don't i get sweetheart?"
"i was excited to bond over something that he likes and the one time i do, i get yelled at like i'm a fucking idiot."
"well you're not a fucking idiot. he's the fucking idiot. you didn't do anything wrong. he takes his video games to seriously. he'll apologize alright?" he says pulling away to wipe the tears from my eyes. "would a small trip to in and out make you feel a little better?"
"yeah." you smile at him.
chris was your best friend before you and matt started dating. he always knew how to make you feel better. he was there for you through all your boy troubles and even broke a guys nose when he stood you up. chris is someone you can always count on.
"alright, c'mon."
you and chris head to in and out and talk a little more about what he's been up to.
an hour later...
you and chris walk into the apartment and see matt on the couch on his phone.
"where did you two go?" he asks.
"out." chris says.
"yeah, no shit, but where?"
"in and out. and watch your attitude, kid."
matt rolls his eyes and looks towards you while you walk towards the kitchen.
"y/n." matt calls for you gently.
"what." you say sternly.
"can you meet me in my room, i need to talk to you."
you roll your eyes and head to matts room and you patiently wait for him on his bed. the door opens and you're faced with matt standing in the doorway with his hands in his pockets.
"well, what did you want to talk to me about?"
"go on." you say waiting to hear what he has to say.
"i was wrong."
"mhm. you were. and if you dare talk to me like that ever again matt i will hang you by your dick."
"sweetheart, listen. i shouldn't have reacted the way that i did. there was no reason to get upset with you especially over something like that, something so stupid. so i apologize for making you feel the way you did and it won't happen again." he says sitting next to you.
"matt, you really hurt my feelings. you always ask if you can bake with me or if i can teach you how to crochet and whenever you play video games you always stream it and i don't want yo get in the way of you and your brothers time with your supporters so i waited until you were playing off camera. today was my chance to bond with you over something you enjoy and you got upset with me over something so fucking dumb."
"i'm sorry you felt that way baby. but i promise i won't react like that anymore." he says pulling you into a hug.
you hug him back and he pulls you onto his lap.
"i guess you're forgiven."
he chuckles a kisses you softly. "so how about we bake some cupcakes later. i'm in the mood for cupcakes."
"or you could eat mine. i mean, she's all ready for you." you whisper into his ear.
"oh yea?"
matt flips you onto your back and he hovers over you.
chris is on the couch watching tv until he hears something over the sound of the series he's watching. "oh you fucking animals! you could've told me to leave the house!"
"SORRY CHRIS!" his brother yells out as he's buried deep between your thighs.
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unboundprompts Β· 8 months
how about a request for prompts where character A and character B are NOT dating (yet) but are both very obviously madly in love with each other. so while hanging out they begin to make some ambiguously romantic (physical) gestures towards each other. yknow, like stuff that isn’t overtly romantic but definitely could read as such?
Subtle Romantic Gestures
-> feel free to edit and adjust pronouns as you see fit.
She never failed to notice that he always walked on the outside of the sidewalk. If they were ever walking down the street together, he would position himself between her and the road, gently moving her to his other side with a careful hand on the small of her back.
When they laughed, it made his heart swell. They would throw their head back nearly every time, as if it was the funniest joke in the world. He loved to watch the joy take over their features. It was like their laugh melted away all the bad things. His favorite part of their laughter, however, was how their hand would always land on his arm. It would linger on his skin as they giggled, sending fireworks through him.
When they were hanging out with a group, she noticed that her eyes were always meeting theirs. How long it took her to notice that she would look for them in a crowd, she didn't know. Nor did she know when they started looking for her.
As they walked side by side, he would playfully elbow her in her side with a bright smile. A teasing gesture, but it never failed to make her heart flutter.
"Can I walk you home?"
Their hands would brush, knuckle against knuckle. A brief warm touch on an otherwise cold day. She would savor that touch, make it last as long as she could. She wanted nothing more than to grab their hand with her own and rub soothing circles on the base of their thumb with hers.
Other Subtle Gestures
laughing too hard at their jokes
lingering eye contact
unnecessary touching (hand on arm, shoulder, knee, leg, etc)
random acts of kindness
making excuses to hang out
offering/asking favors
sharing secrets
putting more effort into your appearance before seeing them
holding doors, opening car doors
compliments, so many compliments
learning their interests, encouraging them to talk about things they enjoy
If you like what I do and want to support me, please consider buying me a coffee! I also offer editing services and other writing advice on my Ko-fi! Become a member to receive exclusive content, early access, and prioritized writing prompt requests.
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bones4thecats Β· 8 months
Hello! Could I request Hades and Poseidon (separatly) fell in love with dummy nymph!reader, who just doesn't notice their feelings, please? (β—•β€Ώβ—•)β™‘
Type of Writing: Request Characters: Hades and Poseidon Name: {Character} with a Oblivious Nymph! Reader Requester: Anonymous
A/N: My first Record of Ragnarok piece in quite a while, and thankfully, this was quite funny to write. This is so full of fluff and crack that it makes broken attics look niceπŸ˜‚
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πŸ’€ Oh sweet mercy, this guy loves yet hates your obliviousness
πŸ’€ When he first met you, he would joke around about how you were so oblivious to things, but, when he tried to confess his feelings towards you for the first time and you just replied with something so platonic-sounding, he froze
πŸ’€ Your obliviousness was going to be a hint of a problem now
" My dear, have you ever thought about having a relationship with someone? " " I guess so, yeah. Why? " " How would you feel about courting with me by your side? " " Aw! You would help me with courting! You're so sweet, Hades! "
πŸ’€ Grabbing your hand when you were scared didn't get you to realize his feelings, even when he gave you the biggest hint while still hiding the straight-forward admission, you didn't get it
πŸ’€ Hades does understand that, because your a nymph, you haven't gotten that much experience when it comes to anything romantic, as many believe you only are attracted to things relationships non-romantically
πŸ’€ Zeus and Aphrodite have tried getting you guys to get together for centuries, from trying to have you guys go on a blind-date to having you literally go on a real-date with him, you always stayed blind to the real emotions hidden behind his gestures
πŸ’€ So, unsurprisingly, Hades eventually does have to straight-up admit his feelings, leaving you flustered and a hint embarrassed
" Y/N, I must admit that I am quite fond of you. So fond that I must ask, would you like to be in a courting relationship? " " You fond someone that wants to court me? Aw, Hades, how swe- " " Not someone else. Me, my dear. " " Oh... how long have you liked me like this?! " " About the past four centuries. " " Oh sweet seraphs... "
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πŸ”± Poseidon is not amused at all.
πŸ”± He is not fond of people not understanding what he said, and it doesn't help with the fact that he's very blunt and honest when it comes to his words
πŸ”± When he first met you, you were speaking to your boss, Aphrodite, and when he arrived to speak with her about the waves causing damages to the nearby forests
πŸ”± That was when he noticed how oblivious you were to pretty much everything
πŸ”± Aphrodite eventually noticed how Poseidon seemed to soften with his actions whenever you were around, and she was the one who prompted him to finally begin trying to tell you about his feelings, unaware that you had no clue how to take a hint
" Y/N, would you like to accompany me to Zeus' reunion next week? As my date, of course. " " Oh, yeah! It'd be fun to spend some time with my best friend! "
πŸ”± Okay, ouch.
πŸ”± It took him only two tries before he began to lose his already strained patience, and he burst that bubble the third time you pushed his advances off as a friendly confrontation
" Would you like to accompany me to Hades' meeting tomorrow afternoon, Y/N? " " Of course! Spending time with my favorite friend is amazing- " " Not as a friend. As a future spouse. " " Huh? "
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t0yac1d Β· 8 months
i was wondering if u wrote for any of the euphoria characters u said u write for any fandom so im wondering if euphoria is one of them and if it is could u do a friends with benefits fic for either elliot or maddy pls! if not then pls ignore this! i hope everything is going well!
Friends with Benefits (M.Perez x F!Reader)
Warnings: Smut, fingering, thigh humping, oral, face sitting, pet names, praise
Notes: Of course I write for Euphoria Maddy's one of my favorite characters although I love Elliot I gotta write for my girl especially since she's played by Alexa Demie.
Word Count: 1,638
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If I'm being honest, the relationship happens so naturally that the two of you didn't give it a second thought or talk about it. You like being Maddy's friend. The two of you get along so well that you do anything together. And you guys are just so close and comfortable, you guys cuddle, do each other's hair, give each other pecks on the cheek, change in front of each other, even letting Maddy straddle you as she does your makeup or your eyebrows. You guys are just the best of friends and you love that.
But you can't deny any of the feelings you have for her. She just reels you in with her personality and obviously her looks. She's an honest person, she keeps everything real and speaks nothing but the truth. But you can't stop the dirty and vulgar thoughts every time she bends over. You can't stop the way your body reacts when you guys are cuddled up and you feel her body press up against you and her leg wrapping around your waist.
I mean yeah, it's embarrassing and you'd feel guilty for thinking of your friend in such a dirty way. You feel guilty for staring too long when watching her change into some more comfortable clothes before your girl's night begins. The night starts off with Maddy straddling you and doing her makeup look on your face so you two could match and take a couple of pictures. But this time it was different, at least it felt different. She did her usual routine on you, cleaning your face and putting some moisturizer on you. But it felt like her goal wasn't to do your makeup.
Maddy, very subtly, grinded against your thigh. You didn't notice anything until you slightly moved the leg that was under her. She stifled a moan and acted as if nothing happened. Your eyes were closed, enjoying the moment between the two of you but it was hard to keep them closed when Maddy continuously rubbed herself against you. You tested the waters, moving your hands up her hips and moving your leg against her.
She placed her brush, which didn't have anything on it, down on her bed. Placing her hands beside your head. "Sorry.." she whispered, causing you to smile and open your eyes, looking up at her, "Don't apologize, lemme help you."
She hesitated, she could just get off of you right now and hope to calm herself down. But before she could decide what to do you move her hips, and she feels dizzy at the way you're looking up at her, maintaining eye contact as your grip on her hip tightens. "Please, mami?" you ask.
She thinks it's a joke. Maybe she's meant to laugh and tell you that friends don't do all that. But in all honesty, she's been feeling so needy and her pussy is just soaking and begging to be touched right now. "You want to? You don't have to just because I'm acting like this."
"Yeah, plus its been a while since I've done anything. Kinda craving it." you chuckle. Maddy nods her head and smiles before her lips form an 'o'. You're moving your leg against her and the friction is driving her insane. She leans her head down in the crook of your neck, whimpering and moaning in your ear turning you on. It doesn't take long for her movement to quicken and for her to cum in her shorts. She loved that, it's so nice with you, especially how gentle you were with her.
She already likes you, and now she just got off from riding your thigh, maybe she'll get a chance to get eaten out by you or maybe even fingered. Fuck, she wants a lot from you now.
She barely even caught her breath from her orgasm before you suggested something.
"You think I could eat you out too?"
That's how she ended up on your face, her fingers in your hair and her hips bucking against your nose. Your chin drenched in her juices and your saliva. You're eating her out as if you were starving. She's trembling and whining your name as she cums and shakes for a second time.
Neither of you needed to mention anything, with just one look and a kiss you guys agreed to become friends-with-benefits. It's perfect for the two of you, you really like her, being friends with her, and you like to fuck so it's a win win for you guys.
Three days go by and Maddy is pulling you from your friend group and to an empty classroom. She's so riled up and clearly upset from something, or someone. You ask her what happened while kissing her neck and pulling her skirt up. She goes on a rant about something having to do with Cassie and Nate. You give her a "Mhm.." while pushing her panties to the side, and sliding a finger up and down her folds.
"Then while I was at her house- shit..Rue comes in and.." she trails off, eyes rolling back as she forgets her train of thought. "What happened when Rue came in, baby?"
"Um..C-Cassie said some nice things like..telling her to hah take her time with recovery..a-and.." she can't concentrate when your fingers are moving in and out of her pussy. "I'm listening."
"Rue asked her how long she's been fucking Nate..and turns out they've been fuck- fucking for a while." she chuckled, hands gripping your shoulders as her leg rested on your hip. You worked your fingers in and out of her, curling and hitting that one spot that makes her eyes roll back. Her moans grew louder as her orgasm approached, you used your free hand to cup her face and pull her in for a kiss, muffling her moans.
Her hips bucked against your hand, her clit getting some friction as she came in your palm. "Well, it's a good thing you don't have to worry about him anymore. Right?" you smiled, pulling her close and allowing her to catch her breath.
The two of you start experimenting more. Trying all of the things Nate never wanted to do with her. Learning and exploring more of each other's bodies. The best part is that there aren't any secrets between you. You're best friends after all, you tell each other everything, and do everything.
Maddy mentions how Nate, or any guy she's been with hasn't treated her as good nor have they treated her good in bed when you have her on your face as you eat her out for a whole hour. And it makes your heart flutter to see her so happy all because of you!
The whole friends-with-benefits thing feels so easy and natural. Maddy finds you, whether it be in the halls or your house, she tells you what got her so stressed or upset, and you fuck her right there against the wall or door and afterward on your bed or on a desk. And you won't stop until she squirts and cums all over you, becoming a mess under you.
The two of you cuddle for a movie marathon, and your hand just so casually and naturally slips into Maddy's shorts, rubbing circles around her clit while her hand slips into your pants as she slips two of her pretty fingers in. The movie long forgotten as you guys focus on cumming rather than the ending of the movie.
When you're stressed and exhausted from the assignments piling up she slips under your desk and pulls your pants down along with your panties, eating you out and slowly fingering you until you cum all over her fingers. She licks her fingers clean and massages your inner thigh telling you that you'll do fine and that you'll pass the semester.
You guys haven't noticed that you're practically a couple already. The kissing, the dates, the sex, the "I love yous", everything should've given it away as well as the way you guys look at each other and the fact that neither of you seemed interested in dating someone else.
You guys were invited to a party together, which is a normal thing for friends to do. Although, you admit that the way you guys dance with each other now is a bit different than before. But it's perfectly fine, plus neither of you mind if people know that you guys are friends-with-benefits.
Only thing that's new is when she turns to you and kisses you right there in the middle of the floor, and it makes you feel happy that you're the only one she kisses. You can't pull away from her, she's intoxicating, she makes your mind spin and heart flutter.
The only person who really asks about the two of you are Lexi and Kat. They walked into the kitchen and found you pressing Maddy up against the fridge with your tongue down her throat and her hands gripping your shoulders and pulling you closer by the back of your neck.
"What the fuck?!" Kat exclaimed, visibly confused, "You two are dating?" Lexi asked.
"No?" you answered, though it sounded more like a question. "Then what is this?" Kat asked, "We're just friends, duh." Maddy laughed, "Bullshit." Lexi laughed. "We are! We just make out and fuck sometimes."
"Uh huh.."
"Oh shit, you guys are dating?" Rue asked, walking in on the scene. "It was about time, you guys have been practically married since you guys met." she chuckled, filling her red solo cup with more alcohol and leaving, taking Lexi with her, Kat following.
"I didn't know we were married. But I like it, how about you?" you smiled, leaning close to the girl, "I don't mind being married to you." she smiled kissing you.
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complete-clownery Β· 9 months
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Hahaha okay rant about this amazing fanfic (you probably heard of this one already but still)
So whenever it comes to explaining and writing under my posts I just get lazy but I need to push through this cuz I need to talk
So the fanarts were made for the lmk fanfiction sunbreak, that a lot of you (probably mostly shadowpeach shippers) had read, and it is amazing, I read trough it as fast as my brain let me and as you can see it has pleasantly scratched my brain so much so that I even (attempted) to make fanart for it
Ngl if I wasn't a major pussy I would try to illustrate the whole thing or make covers for each chapter but Im unable to work on something more than 2 hours and I would want those to look good, but good looking art (if I don't mess up) takes 6 hours ughh--- annoying much---
Anyways I'm not good with literature but man is this fix a masterpiece *chefs kiss* its everything its amazing, I was unable to put it down once I started it
Okay i dont think I have the brain capacity to explain how much I worship the writer of this masterpiece @ladygreenfrisbee , so i'm just going to talk about the drawings a tad
So first picture with Red Son and MK its sort of like an au in the fic where the whole lbd plot is somehow nonexistent and after Macaque gets to his sisters domain they settle down and raise the kids together without much of an issue aside from assassinations keep happening and trying not to get in trouble with the heavens
Id like to think that Gongzhu still wouldn't let the court tailors to put any form of red or gold on MKs outfits and only allowed the yellow after when MK was old enough to declare that yellow was his favorite color, but even now she would insist on some form of purple and shadow motives to let others know who the mother is
We also got baby MK and toddler Red Son and sassy LIF and Mac
Third pic with the lion: I don't know what it was or why but I just love general Song so much--- he's a major dickhead but sgvshshsevkdididhr (actually I kinda love all the original characters in this one, from the generals to the old lady in the beginning of the book, (gosh I also wanna draw some scenes from those chapters I loved how Mac and she interacted hshsjsj))
so chapter 34 was probably my favorite so far I re read it about two more times cuz it was amazing to see Macaque being the schemer he is and try to piss of Song lol
Last picture: its a sketch/a wip or whatever (probably not going to finish it but im still putting it there cuz its somewhat decent looking)
Its the part where Wukong remembered of Macaque finally finding him and asking for him to come back to flower fruit mountain.
I tried to make Macaque look more unhinged on this one but since I didn't finish it I dont think its that noticable so fuck that but I also gave him a halo like the saints to symbolise his suffering and what not (thought it looked cool and fitting think whatever you want about it lol)
And that all ((((hollly mother))))
If you read this trough, thank you and congratsπŸ‘πŸ‘
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