#if you can't tell I've been doing really good in asl class
spinninggayrat · 1 year
Why the fuck do people hate on sign language so much or people who use/need it. I've been taking asl classes for a bit and holy shit I actually love it so much. It's such an expressive and beautiful language it's been absolutely amazing learning the history behind it and different dialects (yes sign language has dialects). If these mfs would stop being ableist for one damn second and pulled their head out their ass and took a sign language class they would see the absolute whimsicalness of it all. It's also helped me a lot to despite being hearing, I have autism and ADHD so I have really bad sensory issues and sometimes go non-verbal. Now I can still communicate with my friends and my teachers without having to stress myself out or write everything down. If you know asl for whatever reason, whether its cuz you're deaf or heard of hearing, your relatives are deaf or hard of hearing, you need it to help communicate better, you're an interpreter, or just know it just to know another language for fun. Just know I love you and you're fucking awesome :3/p /nf
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rating my teachers based on ableist shit they've done
there's actually like a lot so here's the cut
ASL teacher: Literally just ignored my 504 the whole year. Thought it would be fun to teach me due to the fact that I wear noise cancelling headphones for a disorder that LITERALLY MAKES NOISE PAINFUL 4/10
Gym teacher: He teaches gym so I mean half of this isn't his fault but I still had to to the (WEEKLY???) pacer test even though I'm an asthmatic cripple. Oh and he didn't follow my 504. 6/10
History teacher: Fucking love her will absolutely give her money when I'm older and have spare money she's a fucking queen I love her fuck yeah she's literally so amazing, and she also cares about kids' mental health to the point that she would let you sit out of class if you were overstimulated or something. LOVE HER 10000/10
Science teacher: A shitbag who basically said that my 504 doesn't matter because he didn't see how that would affect my education and that "there's always other science teachers if you're going to act this way" when I called him out for violating my 504, but he's gotten nicer over the year so that's good I guess 2/10
Band teacher: Literally made me do shit that I was physically incapable of, but she's really nice to me and our relationship has gotten better. She also goes out of her way to help disabled kids (the ones she likes when she's in a good mood) 5/10
English teacher: Very good at following my 504. He's a very neutral energy, I don't have much to say here. 10/10
Maths teacher: First thing she ever said to me was a """joke""" about how she wasn't going to follow my 504, she treats me like I'm lesser than my peers due to my 504, and she gets mad at me when I request to speak with my case manager. Also, not ableism, but made me feel very unwelcome as a Jew in her classroom. 0/10
The other maths teacher: Idk?? Violated my 504 once, and now doesn't ever talk to me. 2/10
Theater teacher: I love him to bits but if he does, or references, any more plays with slurs in them I'm gonna tell his wife. (No but really I've heard him say the r, i, and c slur like, maybe 50 times this year. I'm so fed up). Amazing with my 504 though. 9/10
Marching band/choir teacher: He's so fucking nice and I love him but he's always been a bit of a dick to the kids with PTSD, so, not the biggest fan. (actually that last bit is a lie he's my favourite, i'm just mad about how he treats mentally disabled people) 7/10
Marching band teacher: Love him but we started off really rough with him trying to teach the cripple out of me, so, like, that wasn't great. He's wonderful otherwise. 8/10
Percussion instructor: Amazing, didn't get mad at me when I had to quit perc due to hyperacusis, is (accidentally) transphobic though. 6/10
Choir teacher: I love her, but she has a very very bad poster in her room that's basically "Deaf people can't do music" so I don't ever feel entirely comfortable around her. 7/10
Dance instructor: Amazing, helps me work around ITW so I can still participate, and is helping me get set up in physical therapy. 10/10
Musical theater director: Terrifying but nice, makes wayy to many abuse jokes though. 4/10
All of these people are employed and paid by my school
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nuklearis-sutotok · 3 years
Tagged by @tanyakross, thank you! <3
Rules: Answer 20 questions and then tag 20 people you want to get to know better.
Nickname: Call me Doc/Dok.
Zodiac: Aries.
Height: 5'2" or 157.48
Last movie I saw: I think it was Anything For Jackson, everything else has been series.
Last thing I googled: Local air quality.
Favourite musician: Impossible to choose.
Song stuck in my head: It's blissfully quiet at the moment short of the stray thought. It's been a long day, but good.
Other blogs: One.
Blogs following: Blogs I'm following? 1,002, most of them are dead.
Amount of sleep: Lol!
Lucky number: 7, 13, 33, 45
What am I wearing: Long black shorts, t-shirt with wolves on it. It's late.
Dream job: For the longest time I wanted to teach music at the college level... Theory, history, acoustics... I wanted to do research in the physics of sound. Over the course of time and events I decided I am content with teaching it privately. I considered opening a shop and doing instrument repairs, I thought about teaching art, theater, English/lit, general or military history, I even wondered about communications... I studied all of them. Strangely though I find myself chasing this criminology thing. I'd like to teach that officially I think, and then the rest as random classes or on the side as a hobby. I suppose a basic shop isn't entirely out of the question in that case, depending on class load. How and why is an entirely different and long-winded thing. If I get the chance, I'd still like to arrange Salieri's work for academic purposes, though the state of the world is giving me pause. I am also going back to getting involved in the theater after work.
Dream trip: Germany, Austria, France, Russia, California (Which I'm convinced exists in a pocket dimension), New Orleans. I'd like to see the world, really.
Favourite food: My exposure to different foods has been somewhat limited in reality, but I like Italian and Mexican food and I grew up with a mix of German and American dishes. There are so many things I would like to try... I'll try anything once as long as it's not slippery or crawly.
Play an instrument: Yes, I teach guitar (6/12), I play piano and saxophone. Learning the bass, flute (C, D), clarinet, oboe, violin, 5 string banjo, mandolin. I've messed with various percussion instruments, harmonicas, an ocarina, recorders, a penny whistle, and things I'm likely forgetting.
Languages: English, I can make my way through German, ASL, the basics of a local Indigenous language, I can read and understand some French and Italian, I started Russian, Latin, Gaelic (Irish and Scottish), and Gaulish at one point. Translated a manual from Dutch once so... Words. I used to be able to write simple Egyptian hieroglyphs. I forgot all of them. Looking at Romanian. Random things in Spanish (I can ask for help and tell you I'm on fire, among some basics), a few words and phrases in Japanese and Mandarin that I've picked up from friends or my sister. Random Latin.
Favorite songs: Too many to list.
Random fact: I miss oil painting? The ventilation isn't good enough here.
Describe yourself as aesthetic things: A vintage radio creaking out a bad transmission of old tunes. The weird feeling you get in an empty theater. The odd kid in the back with their nose in their book. The smell of coffee and ink drifting through a darkened study. The shadow you just swore was someone there a second ago. A stray newspaper fluttering past in the wind and rain, you can't really make out the title or the words. The strange decoration that is both out of place but too bizarre to question.
Tagging whoever would like to.
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omglr · 5 years
ama mgtow
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You both like feminism.
Stranger: Hi I am a MGTOW . Ask me anything . If you are seeing this message again , disconnect .
You: howdy
You: hmmm, how is going your own way treating you?
Stranger: treating you?
Stranger: whats that supposed to mean?
You: do you enjoy it?
Stranger: yeah
You: cool
You: good for you
Stranger: thanks but is that all? i thought a humans can be creative enough . ask me something else
You: what does going your own way look like?
You: did you have to move out of the city?
You: do you live on a commune?
You: is it a cool farm space with anarchist organizing structures?
Stranger: its pretty normal i guess
Stranger: no
Stranger: no
You: or is it a bleak capitalist wet dream like galt's hidden mountain pass in atlas shrugged?
Stranger: i have no idea
You: oh,
Stranger: i have no idea
You: are you recruiting other men?
Stranger: hmm thats interesting . well not really
Stranger: but i am thinking of doing so
Stranger: like all other mgtows
You: i see
You: why did you decide to go your own way?
Stranger: because it makes the most sense to me personally like many other men
You: does the world of women scare you?
Stranger: world of women? you think thats a different world?
Stranger: well yes
Stranger: because i have things to lose
Stranger: rn
Stranger: once i dont have any
Stranger: then i wouldnt be scared prob
You: what might you lose?
Stranger: well money in the form of childsupports and alimony / my freedom in a lose sense / my happines /my kids (maybe in future)
Stranger: or maybe money to just appease a whamen
Stranger: like buying her gifts and such
You: have you ever dated a woman?
Stranger: nope not really because i never acted even if they were interested
You: are you interested in sex?
Stranger: well thats a no brainer , an average man is def gonna be interested in sex . the only major difference is that i dont mind being a virgin/celibate all my life
You: some men are asexual
Stranger: nah i am anything but asexual
You: what do you do for money?
Stranger: i am studying rn
Stranger: to give you an idea i am 19 yo
You: oh
You: that's very young
Stranger: well i am not a child anymore
Stranger: atleast not mentally
You: what are you studying?
Stranger: as compared to most men my age
Stranger: electronics
Stranger: soon transitioning into ai/ml
Stranger: and minors are physics and mathematics
Stranger: but i have a good amount of knowledge in history / philosophy / psychology and economics
You: have you considered taking a gender studies class?
Stranger: nah not really
Stranger: i will do my independant analysis of the subject
You: it might be nice to have some structure/guidance from folks who don't want you to be a virgin forever?
Stranger: from folks ? like whamen? srsly i dont care if a remain a virgin all my life. whats so bad about that?
Stranger: see i dont want children
You: what are whamen?
Stranger: so tell me why i should get romantically involved with women?
Stranger: women
You: at this moment i don't think you should get involved with women,
You: i am worried you would have issues with uh... misogyny that would get you in trouble
Stranger: misogyny? lol because i said whamen? its a slang for women in the meme community and is meant as a light hearted joke
Stranger: even if i am a misogynist i would never act on it because as i said before i have much to lose
You: so, just thinking maybe you need to round out your education with some information provided by women about women?
Stranger: ever heard of the saying women dont know what they want themselves?
Stranger: never trust a women's words
Stranger: but only her actions
You: yeah, that's what i'm talking about
You: that's the misogyny
Stranger: well its not really because its a practical solution to get laid with women
Stranger: if someone wants too
Stranger: not me
You: cool, that's fine
You: women have lots to offer besides sex
Stranger: like?
You: uh..... anything?
Stranger: so you cant come up with a single thing that women can offer besides sex
You: i just think you can't see women as people?
You: and if you can't imagine things that people do that benifit people that's weird?
Stranger: what i am saying is that whatever a woman can provide to a man can be provided by his best friends except sex and children
Stranger: if i dont want sex and children
You: a woman could be your best friend
Stranger: well its unlikely
Stranger: in most cases one or the another starts to fall for each other
You: i mean, its a self fulfilling prophecy
You: that you won't have meaningful relationships with women
Stranger: well the thing is that women can be my best friends but for the most part men are the best friends of other men
Stranger: am i wrong?
Stranger: like many women were in fact when i was younger
Stranger: but those 'friends' were actually interested in me . in essence i was the one who friendzoned them
You: ...i don't know man, judging the world off of how teenagers treat eachother is a pretty stunted outlook
Stranger: yes i know its pretty grim
Stranger: but its our reality or maybe soon to be one
Stranger: so ask me anything else?
You: when you are done school will you go your own way?
Stranger: i am going my own way rn
Stranger: and ever after
You: what does going your own way mean?
You: cause i was imagining like a lesbian separatist commune, but full of dudes and boring
Stranger: by not marrying/cohabitating/or hooking up with women . but the most important is to spread the philosophy of mgtow among men
You: what about collaborating with women?
Stranger: nah i'll hard pass
Stranger: i can do so without them
Stranger: even if i cant i would make use of them and discard them after their utility
You: lol
Stranger: to further my goal
Stranger: either by hook or by crook i will acheive what i aim for
You: what area of enployment do you think you'll end up in?
Stranger: as in field of work?
You: yeah
Stranger: well i would prob be in politics or have my own tech startup
You: and you wouldn't hire women?
Stranger: well i wouldnt need to because i said before too , i am going into ai and electronics field
Stranger: i will make sure everything is automated
Stranger: in my company
Stranger: except maybe select few jobs
You: is your mom smart?
Stranger: prob yes
Stranger: in a conventional sense
You: are there any women you respect?
You: that if they offered you a job in 2 years when you are done school that you would happily work for?
Stranger: not really except prob my sister . even then AWALT holds true
Stranger: no
You: what's awalt?
Stranger: because i dont want a family and just have to look for myself
Stranger: and thats relatively easy
Stranger: so i dont mind living on the streets if everything else fails
Stranger: or maybe in jail
Stranger: or maybe become a monk
You: uh...
Stranger: and awalt means all(many) women are like that
You: do you have inherited wealth?
Stranger: no i am fairly middle class
Stranger: atleast my parents are
Stranger: but i sure as hell need immense money for my next step
You: but if a woman at a tech company offered you a job, you'ld rather be homeless?
Stranger: yeah prob i will . i would rather have my own tech company than work in any other be it a man or a woman
You: even if it provided you training and money that could be helpful in your next step?
Stranger: and since i will soon be emigrating to china i would not be forced to do affirmative actions for women and select people (that is if its necessary) and select thembased on pure merit
Stranger: hmm maybe then i think
You: where do you live now?
Stranger: uk
You: cool...
You: brighton?
Stranger: nope
You: ok
Stranger: so anything else ? it was an relatively enjoyable chat
You: so... you enjoyed getting attention from women on an intellectual basis?
Stranger: this was by no means an intellectual conversation
Stranger: but it was amicable and light hearted one
You: lol, you enjoyed having a woman pick your brain about your expertise/eccentricity
Stranger: nah not really , i have had intense intellectual debates before
You: mildly challenging you to question your teenage misogyny
Stranger: and trust me some of the ideas put forward were stunning
Stranger: this was pretty average intellectually it was more about me personally
You: lol, alright dude
You: i mean you prombted an AMA convo
You: and didn't ask me anything about myself
Stranger: yes i know but you could have asked me about general mgtow stuff
Stranger: or its philosophy
You: but its cool i'm not particularly stunned by your thoughts
Stranger: because i didnt even bother to present them
You: yeah, i'm not that interested in it, i'm more into whats up with you
Stranger: well alright lemme ask you few questions then
Stranger: down?
You: cool
Stranger: where you from?
Stranger: nvm
Stranger: just asl
You: canada, 34 female
Stranger: hmm alright
Stranger: married?
You: sort of
You: in a ltr
Stranger: interesting
Stranger: ever been in one
Stranger: ?
You: yes, i've been in multiple long term relationships
Stranger: nah only marriage
Stranger: i mean were you married before
You: i've been married too
Stranger: yes
Stranger: thats what i was asking
Stranger: from which age to which age?
You: 22-27
Stranger: hmm thats fairly young
You: yeah
Stranger: and how long has this relationship been going on for?
You: 20-27
Stranger: how long is this current relationship been going on for?
You: 6 years
Stranger: 28 - 34?
You: yeah
Stranger: but there is not much gap between when you got divorced
Stranger: and your current relationship
You: sure
Stranger: how come you have had many ltrs?
Stranger: how many?
You: 3
You: well 4 but that one doesnt count
Stranger: and how many sexual romantice partners uptil now? i mean did you go through the 'wild phase' when you were in college
Stranger: ?
You: i'm not sure the point of this questioning
Stranger: well its very much relevant to the mgtow ideology
Stranger: if you dont wanna answer thats alright i would assume it to be in double digits
You: yeah
Stranger: yeah i figured
You: lol
Stranger: so you got married at 20 you say?
You: 22
Stranger: and can you describe your ex husband?
Stranger: as in was he average
Stranger: ?
Stranger: in looks
Stranger: dick size etc
Stranger: was wealthy
Stranger: or not and so on
You: she was a woman
Stranger: ohh thats even more interesting
Stranger: bisexual?
You: we met in college, and got married, but had had different ideas for what we wanted out of life
You: yeah, she's bi, i'm mostly a lesbian
Stranger: but how come you have partners in double digits? were it all males ? is your current partner a male too?
You: no, i'm dating a woman, we are poly
You: i had sex as a teenager too
Stranger: open relationship thing?
You: yeah
Stranger: so you hook up with men too?
You: my marriage was open too
Stranger: or only women?
You: a mix
Stranger: yeah i figured lol
Stranger: but even then
Stranger: atleast you are a lesbian
Stranger: so its better
Stranger: well that was pretty interesting no doubt lol
Stranger: do you want kids?
Stranger: are you religious?
You: i don't think i want kids
Stranger: fair enough
You: i was raised secular, but my gf is jewish and its very cool
Stranger: so you are jewish then?
You: so i might be religious
Stranger: ohh alright
Stranger: any particular hobbies?
You: idk, i haven't converted
Stranger: nah its all cool
You: drawing, writing, bikes, camping, videogames, tv, making things
Stranger: hmm so not much academically inclined
Stranger: you majored in which subject?
You: visual arts
Stranger: whats that?
You: i went to art school
Stranger: hmm alright that does make sense
You: i did Cyber-arts in undergrad
Stranger: hmm i dont have any idea but alright cool i guess
You: and interdisciplinary studies for my masters
You: yeah, its was like "tech-art"
Stranger: well i did get an idea when you elaborated a bit
Stranger: so whats your future plan?
Stranger: plan on gettinh married?
Stranger: *getting
Stranger: with her
You: make art, fight the government, live with my gf out of wedlock
Stranger: well thats a coincidence , we have atleast something in common
You: yep
Stranger: but alright i have already made up my mind about you
You: ok
Stranger: and i think you are better than most women because you atleast stay away from men
You: ha ha
Stranger: thats all i have to say
Stranger: anyways anything else?
You: its true, men don't have a lot to offer
You: me^
Stranger: well yes i agree , men are practically redundant for women and family
Stranger: but they provided something of value historically thats for sure
Stranger: but anyways thats for another day prob
Stranger: wanna ask me something else?
Stranger: any questions left?
You: yeah, well, i mean if you see a gender studies class open up, i thin you should consider taking it
You: you seem to like "intelectual convos" you can find them there
Stranger: nah lol an american mgtow did take an introductory class to gender studies
Stranger: *classes
Stranger: and did a 100 page analysis of the subject
Stranger: not to mention the fact that i defeated most of the gender studies/sociology majors in debate
Stranger: here on omegle
Stranger: and elsewhere on the internet
You: well again, i'm more interested in your reaction to the source materials and how that might help you
Stranger: why do you think i need help?
You: idk i don't want to insult you
Stranger: lol you think i really care? there is no shaming tactic anywhere that would work on us mgtows
Stranger: i am immune to it all
You: its just think a teenage guy invested hard in the manosphere is a sad way to start manhood
You: and not very healthy
Stranger: lol
You: but you'll figure it out
Stranger: it is healthy for some men atleast
Stranger: and i am one of them
You: mmmmm,maybe you are?
Stranger: and this is the best way to start manhood
You: ok, you do you
Stranger: ofcourse everyone should be able to do so
Stranger: but yeah thats that
You: cool
You: take care of yourself
Stranger: k
Stranger: and if you see me again
Stranger: just skip
You: lol
You: ok
Stranger: yeah i am serious
Stranger: i dont want to keep talking to same select group of people
You: maybe i'll pretend to be someone else
Stranger: hmm
Stranger: ok
Stranger: anyways i gotta go talk to someone else because i have limited time left
Stranger: thanks for an amicable ama
You: if you really want to get out of your bubble
You: try one of those classes
You: take care
You have disconnected.
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