#if you can stomach all the words there’s fish video at the end of this
russilton · 2 years
I’m thinking about starting a fish tank! Do you have any advice on a tank for beginners? I’m a broke college student so my budget is like $150 and I don’t want to get a massive tank.
I can absolutely give you some advice, but also I want to stress upfront that if I seem a little discouraging, it comes from a place of caring about the welfare of fish in the pet trade. They’re all questions I had to ask myself before I got my fish and are why I waited so long to get mine.
So to start with- don’t get goldfish
Don’t get goldfish. don’t get goldfish? Don’t get goldfish!
I LOVE my goldfish, with my whole heart. They are the pet I wanted more than anything for a good part of my life. But there is no goldfish that is compatible with a small tank. Even the fancy ones need a minimum 50 gallons (30 for one, 10 each for two more, they are social and need to be kept in groups). Long bodied goldfish are pond or big tank fish, my tank is 5ft long, it takes an hour or more to clean each week, and when I eventually move with them? Moving it will take 4 people and two cars. Why will I have to move with them? They can live 10-20 years. They shit like machines because they have a massive bio load. You can’t keep most plants with them cause they’ll eat them, and you have to make sure nothing in their tank can fit in their mouth or they’ll eat it. They are aquatic toddlers. Don’t get goldfish!
Okay with that out the way, there are lower budget friendly fish, but please consider that they’re a pet and while you can do most moderate fish vet care at home, you will be their vet and that can be expensive. There’s been more than a couple times my boys have taken up my free spending budget to get chemicals or food they need.
Make sure caring for them is something you can fit in your weekly schedule. You’ll need to clean their tank every week by doing a water change, this maintains a healthy nitrogen cycle. This means removing some water and then replacing it with fresh dechlorinated water, swishing filter media in old water, and removing waste and any plant trimmings you may need to do. Fish keeping is like keeping an entire ecosystem, you’re trying to create an out of place environment, and that means you’re the boss. Same goes for reptiles and amphibians.
Last point before I get to some recommendations: do your research. Do it online. NEVER rely on a pet store for your lone source of advice. I love my local fish store but I don’t trust even them as my sole source of info. Also be wary of where your info is coming from. If a website is owned by an aquatic product company, they’re going to give you info that favours their products.
Get yourself well, well acquainted with the nitrogen cycle, it’s the foundation of fish keeping. Make sure you research every flora or fauna you want to put in your tank, know it’s needs and if you can meet them, and how it interacts with other fish or animals. I had a fish die because he ate one of his tank mates I was assured he wouldn’t and it gave him bloat. Mistakes happen, and I was devastated by it. You don’t have to always assume the worst, but be prepared for it.
Genuinely the best advice can come from Reddit. I know, I KNOW, reddit is full of know-it-all pains in the ass. And that’s why it’s great for aquarium info, because you will find no greater treasure trove of guides and wikis on recommended care, because these folks will have spent a lot of time correcting people’s care, and have made guides to point people to. Every question you can think of has been asked. I’ve frequented the r/goldfish sub when I needed care advice or just wanted to share my boys. YouTube can also be great if you want more gentle and personable advice. There is a product review for everything and a treatment guide for any ailments. Research the critter you want back to front and back again. Know their diets, lifespan, favoured habitats. Look at how other successful keepers are keeping their fish.
Please never settle for the bare minimum. Just because a fish CAN live in a lacking environment doesn’t mean they should. Just you wait till you see their little personalities come out, I can’t imagine not doing the best I can for my boys when I see their little bodies light up when I walk into the room. Their love is humbling.
So, recommendations! First of all: tanks
If you’re in America, I believe petco (or pet smart? Google it) have something called a dollar a gallon sale. This is insane and I wish we had it here. If you want something small, 5gal can keep a betta fish quite happy, if you can spare the space, a 10 gal is much better! I have an 11 gal tropical that I find the maintainance on finicky, but easier than the big tank. The bigger you have the more you can keep. Anything you keep in 15gal or below tends to be considered a “nano” tank, and it’s best to follow guides for those kinds of tanks. But also, be wary of articles trying to tell you one kind of fish CAN live in a nano tank, and every other keeper site going “okay but it should be in a 20 because it needs to be kept in a school”
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My currently uninhabited tropical 11, looking a little hairy. The heater broke and I’m waiting till I can get a new one, but the plants don’t much mind since it’s in a heated room.
If you don’t have access to cheap tanks new, try eBay. Yes eBay. My 126 gal 5ft tank? £41 second hand from a downsizing cichlid breeder. It should have cost £500 or more new. You can get some insane deals on stuff from smaller businesses on there too. I’ve also been told to keep an eye on Facebook marketplace. I tried but I abhor Facebook and favoured eBay.
Equipment and chemicals:
You don’t have to go to the fancy brands but trust me it’ll last longer and probably work better. The stuff I bought from a good and mostly trusted label always stuck around. It’s also good to buy from smaller fish focused businesses, because they’re putting the work in to test and cater to fish keepers. I’ll always go to somewhere like seachem or fluval, rather than pets at home, even if it’s more expensive, because my fluval siphon still works so well two years later, and seachem prime and alert has yet to steer me wrong. If you can, invest in higher quality foods too. I’ve got so many compliments on my fish after switching to repashy gel. It’s more dear but I can prep the food and freeze it in advance, it’s much nicer on their tummies, they love it, and it comes from a company that focuses on exotic pet food blends.
If there’s one thing you don’t cheap out on, filters and heaters. They are the engines that keep your tank moving, and if they break it’ll leave you scrambling.
When you’re doing your research, make sure to look out for having emergency supplies ready. I have a make shift hospital tank stocked away, back up battery air pumps incase there’s a power outage, and a large lidded bucket should my tank fail and the fish need to be put elsewhere.
If you’re keeping anything other than goldfish, you will probably want some tropical plants! It can be expensive to start and a bit scary looking, but they’ll help your filtration by eating up all the adverse chemicals in your tank! Plus, it’s self growing decor.
I can personally recommend Anubias, Chinese water weed, crypts, Java fern, Amazon swords, Mariano moss balls, hornwort, Java moss.
All of these are low light low tech plants that don’t take much care, and those first three are my faves. A good local fish store can help you pick some that suit you, mine did!
Finally, the bit you were probably looking for: fish
Assuming you’re going for a small nano tank, I would genuinely recommend a betta fish!
They’re generally affordable, not too much maintenance, don’t need to be kept in groups (in fact, you SHOULDN’T keep them in groups, solo only), and so pretty and full of personality. Do not follow any advice that lets you think you can keep them in fuckin vases, you can’t. But you can keep them in 5-10 gal heated planted tanks.
Please avoid buying them from anywhere that sells them in cups, I know it’s tempting to save them, but all you’re doing is encouraging that business by giving them money. I have seen people get sicker ones free, but be prepared for that potential heartache. They aren’t sold like that in the U.K. usually and you should only be buying from places that keep them in small isolated tanks. Support businesses that care for their fish, and you will get a healthy fish for it. Remember for chain stores, it can benefit their business model that your fish dies and you come back to get a new one. Not all stores are like that, but some are.
If bettas aren’t your ball game, consider nano schooling fish like raspbora or some tetra! I’m personally looking at pygmy corydora and ottos for my small tank.
And don’t count out invertebrates! Look up Amano of Neocardinia shrimp! (Aka cherry shrimp), I will be getting myself some! There’s also so many freshwater snails, and you’ll probably end up with some whether you like it or not. I have hitchhiking ramshorn and mystery snails in my nano. I couldn’t kill them if I tried! They just plod along growing in my tank without my help at all.
At the end here it’s worth just saying: you are going to make mistakes. You will. We all do. You may lose fish for it, and it’s heartbreaking. I’ve lost fish in my learning journey and it strikes you down hard. But that’s why it’s important to do your research, it reduces the likelihood of it, and means YOU know that you did your absolute best.
Got to the end? I’m proud of you! That was so much, here’s a video from last night of my boy tiger bothering me for cuddles while I was scrubbing. He won’t leave me alone till I stroke his back or tummy. If it looks like the water is low, it is, we were doing a big big clean yesterday.
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slushyseals · 1 year
All videos showing people removing barnacles from sea turtles are not rescue videos, they're animal abuse- even if the video is "real".
Please report these videos as abuse and stop letting these people profit off rescue videos
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There are many videos where the "rescuer" is actually the one who attached the barnacles in the first place (some you can even see the hot glue underneath as they pull off the pieces). Unless you see the animal in a rescue center with a vet tech treating it, that animal is being abused. How so?
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The reason those growths are there is likely something far more dangerous that needs to be addressed. Healthy turtles do not get this level of growth on their shells. So if you see something like this, it’s a sign that this turtle is unwell and has been sick for a while. Scraping off the growths doesn’t solve the underlying issue. Also, doing so without any tools or pain medication can be extremely painful and stressful for the turtle. Often with this level of growth, barnacles will have borrowed through the turtle’s shell into live tissue. And just ripping them off like this without the expertise of a medical professional can do more harm than good. Not to mention that it is WAY stressful and not what the turtle needs most. Imagine if you had a the stomach flu or food poisoning and someone decided to “help” you by first detangling your hair, popping pimples, and exfoliating you when what you really need is fluids and someone to handle you very gently. It’s focusing on the wrong problem first and can worsen the underlying condition.
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If you see an animal "rescue" video, always think- how did they find this animal? (Is it likely they just found an animal- or did they put an animal in danger to play hero for clout and ad profits? How did this animal get into this terrible situation in the first place? (The number of giant snakes found wrapped around a dog is pretty unbelievable- usually it's a person abusing two animals they own.) How is this person running into so many animals in dangerous situations? (Especially when you look at their other videos and they reuse the same animals to "save".) I am outside daily and I don't come across anywhere near as many animals needing help like these content farm channels.
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Even when videos are real, if they are not a trained rescue worker they are often doing more harm than good! The people kidnapping tortoises and "saving" them by throwing them out into lakes and rivers might have just killed that animal. Many tortoises are land animals and aren't built for swimming like sea turtles, they can easily drown! A surprising number of people don't understand seals need to rest on shore, and end up killing babies and harassing adults by chasing them into the water. Baby seals can't swim for long distances, and chasing them into the water means their mom won't be able to find the baby after she's done hunting fish- the baby will slowly starve to death if actual rescue workers do not intervene!
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Heck, some people have found perfectly healthy and happy baby seals waiting for their moms on the beach, but because the person doesn't understand that the mom isn't there 100% of the time think the baby has been abandoned; a man kidnapped a pup when the rescue wouldn't send someone out to get the animal which not only hurt that pup whom he caused to be an orphan, but now that pup is taking up resources that could have been given to babies that actually needed it. Rescues don't have infinite resources and I don't want to put to words what can happen when they reach maximum capacity. (The guy was also very lucky he didn't get bit- seal bite infections are much worse than regular bites!) So many others people mistreat because they don't know better, like the baby seal that had people dumping water and ice on it like it was Free Willy. Or trying to feed them sandwiches. Both of these actions make life worse for the animal.
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That video of a dog as a service animal rehabilitating a baby seal? That was made by a couple idiots who likely scared the mother off and caused the baby to starve to death just so they could make their intentionally misinformative video knowing full well they were lieing! Dogs should be leashed and kept far away from any seal as they are a reason many seals are horrifically mauled to death each year! Videos like this are absolutely vile as they misinform the public who own dogs and may see a seal on the beach and think, "Oh! My dog is a good boy and can go play with the water puppy! They enjoy that!" Please do not do this! Seals shouldn't be encouraged to associate with or like dogs, that puts puts in danger not only of cross contamination with things that can make them very sick, but you don't know the temperament of any and every dog that seal will see in its lifetime. All it takes is one- and there are plenty of dogs who act fine around human children and vicious around a random seal they find. The babies don't even have a chance against a full grown dog! Their ONLY chance is that situation never happens; keep your dog leashed, because it will see that seal and shoot off before you can stop it. As well behaved as your dog is on the best day, it has free will and at the end of the day is a dog and will be an animal.
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Let's face it, most of us don't know the proper care of any and every wild animal we could run into and can only guess when faced with a genuinely unexpected situation. Any legitimate rescue video should start with the person contacting the local rescue to ask the experienced and knowledgeable staff what should be done if they themselves are not a trained rescuer. Often times the animal is perfectly fine, humans just see something they don't expect and misread what's going on causing a situation that didn't previously exist. Other times if there is an issue, the rescue will instruct the person what to do- which may be to keep an eye on the animal until trained rescuers can arrive. And lastly, please be aware of fake animal rescue channels and report any videos you see and inform others about this so these channels stop being praised and profiting from animal abuse.
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i was thinking about those eating competition/contest videos on youtube, where people eat so much food in 30 mins or an hour, etc. then i thought of steve/bucky/nat and eating contests. maybe one of them is involved, maybe multiple.
they have always been into eating and these seem like a good way to finally be full. they start out slow, maybe once a month participating to avoid piling on weight. they are good and win some contests, and start doing more. once a week they have an eating challenge. to avoid getting fat, they eat healthy during the week. maybe large salads to avoid too many calories but keep their stomach capacity up.
they have to take a break from the contests and all is okay still, but they get bored of the healthy eating. they decide to have a cheat week and just eat whatever they want. the weight piles on, and they decide they like it (their partners like it too) and they keep gaining.
I've been holding onto this ask for forever 😫 so sorry!
The eating contest component immediately made me think of the fic "No Contest" by caloriebomb, which is literally just FAT STEVE and I-
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It's good.
Anyway, you know what this made me think of-?
This made me think, what about an alternative universe in which Steve, Bucky, and Natasha meet as competitive eaters? Maybe they aren't, like, famous competitive eaters but are just casual enthusiasts. Local gods, perhaps.
Anyhow, they all meet at a competitive eating contest...
Natasha seeks out Steve and Bucky intentionally when she sees the newcomers at an annual contest she's been attending for a few years. Not only are they new, meaning they don't know about her crazy stomach capacity and stretchability, but they're also both very handsome, and she feels like seeing some handsome men eat their words, literally. She wonders if either of them with blush. That, or if either of them will willing admit that they're wrong when they end up being wrong about her... maybe they'll just say it. Maybe they'll squirm 😈
So, she elbows them, offering a bet while the announcer is, well, announcing the event. I bet I'll eat more than you. She makes sure to smile softly. She doesn't want to give away her plans just yet. She's having too much fun.
The slightly shorter man with dark hair immediately agrees with a charming grin of his own. He looks her up and down and then gestures to himself, inviting her to do the same to him, raising silent eyebrows. It speaks only of, are you sure? The blond haired, taller man only stares at her. She can tell he is trying not to panic, having a pretty girl talk to him - it's cute. Normally, she'd roll her eyes, but there's something about blondie. Something about the brunette, too.
She likes them 😏
The brown haired guy nods when blondie doesn't do anything and says, under the announcers excited tone, that he'll bet.
"What're we betting?"
"Shit, I can't resist that," he says, offering his hand for her to slap in agreement.
She does. "And you're friend?" She bats her eyelashes at him, blondie, and watches him open and close his mouth like a fish. She almost laughs out loud. He's a golden retriever. Cute.
"He's in, too. Trust me."
Oh, yeah, this will be fun, Natasha thinks, and she has to look away because she doesn't want to give them her "predatory" smile. Predatory as her friends have told her it looks. What? She can't help that she knows she's right. She's gonna win.
Natasha learns the boys' names as they're announced to go on. Bucky, the brown haired one. Steve, the blond haired one.
So, Natasha meets and greets and beats the the boys.
At this competition they're eating poutine. Not Natasha's favorite, especially considering that she didn't grow up with it. It being just fries with shit piled up on it, but it's still pretty good. Poutine is good for shoving down. Good for contests like this one. Soft and relatively wet with good flavor. It means that fistful after fistful can go down before she has to take a millisecond break for water or before she can tire of the taste.
Natasha empties her first tray, then her second and third and fourth and fifth and on and on and on.
She smashes through it. Her stomach filling and expanding but not full.
She can feel Steve's eyes when they stray to her every once in a while. Flicking. Not checking her out, but, just trying to figure out how she's going so fast. Her fingers are a blur. Lifting fries to mouth again and again and again, shoving it down, getting it inside her. The faster, the better. C'mon, c'mon, c'mon, she urges herself.
Suddenly, he opts to go whole hog, shoving her face into the fries and inhaling them.
She doesn't look at Steve.
She's not looking at anything but her prize, looking through the poutine servings just like a runner doesn't stare at the finish line, they look through the finish line that way they'll go the whole way with full power. She's going full power. She can see poutine when she shuts her eyes to chew harder, getting more into it. She is in the zone. So much so that she hardly feels the stretch of her flexible stomach muscles. Rounding out. Convexity created by the weight, the mass, of the poutine. No, she doesn't feel the stretch. She just feels the fire under her ass. She knows she can beat any beginner, but she wants to do her best. She doesn't wanna win a little. What's even the point in that?
She wants to win by a landslide.
A landslide that was slid right down her throat and into her gut. All that rock and earth heavy and full, making her massive. For anyone who didn't see her figure prior to the event starting when she gets uo, they're gonna question who let a pregnant lady join an eating contest.
She's still packing it in.
And, God, she must be massive with how those fries and toppings slide right doooown.
Down her throat.
She's getting heavier.
It has to be almost over.
It's been so long.
She's not going to stop until the buzzer hits. She's not even going to look at the clock. No distractions. Not even the handsome boys to her right.
She hammers down more. She's almost done with this tray.
Another. Get is down. C'mon, you have this.
It's over!
Natasha finally lifts her head, "wooo," she huffs, feeling how her head buzzes with the rush of sensations. Now that the heat of the moment is done, it's all coming back. Woof. She's stuffed. She can feel the grease and fat going straight to her veins. She can feel the heavy, solidness of fullness. Wonderful. And-
"Holy shit!"
She can feel pure satisfaction at knowing she's won. Easily. She's a cat that's got the cream. A whole gallon.
She looks over to her new favorites. They're both sweating with messy mouths.
New heat stabs Natasha when she sets her eyes on the pretty gape of Steve's grease-slick, shiny lips. It's multiplied by the grin growing over Bucky's own lips. Equally shiny but not as plump. Steve's bottom lip takes the cake on that. And, my, my, my could it be cake. It looks soft. Natasha would like to sink her teeth into it. Into them both.
Natasha wins the eating competition and $200 extra from her new companions.
As they stand to waddle heavily off stage, Nat notes that Bucky has managed to do well. She can see the bloat of his belly. It looks nice and firm but still soft. He would be good to touch she bets. He had more padding than she initially thought, strong but still soft. Steve, however... Steve is not fairing well. He's probably eaten just as much as Bucky, perhaps even more than him, but he was not padded. He's all hard muscle with pounds of poutine attached to him.
His new gut sticks out like a beer gut. Through his tight shirt that's been forced to expand enough to expose a few inches of pale, strained skin, she can tell that his abs are not happy with him. They're stretched taut. She licks her lip, picturing how pink his freckled skin must be, those muscles struggling to keep his belly attached to him.
That time, they part ways.
The next time they meet up, it's another competition. Bucky strolls up to her, Steve behind him like a trailing puppy, and confesses he's been training, patting his belly with a charming grin. She laughs, oh, really? You think you can beat me?
He does.
They end up betting again. Steve stays out of it this time, clearly the smarter of the two, Natasha teases.
Natasha wins again.
Bucky may have been training, but he's been training with water. Water is different from food. It goes down easier. It might be heavier than food, and it might stretch you out like food, but it isn't the same. Natasha blows him out of the water, pun intended.
She ends up with her gut sticking out past her tits, breathing hard and heavy and caressing the sides of her gut with her fingernails while Steve looks on, trying and failing to hide his interest. He's blushing now worse than he was immediately after eating.
Steve's muscles may not want to stretch, too used to being tight and perfectly sculpted, but he's stubborn, and he packs a lot down. Bucky, too. He's having an easier time, but he burps something crazy. Steve hisses out little moans and gasps. They're both delicious in their own ways.
They meet more and more and more.
They exchange numbers and constantly are texting and sending photos. Talking about training exercises and sometimes even showing exactly what they mean. Boasting about wins (Natasha) or near wins (Steve and Bucky) from competitions they all don't attend. Showing off photos of their guts post-contest then showing the subsequent damage days after they get stuffed full for contests. Their own and others entertainment.
It becomes routine to crash into an Uber on the way back from a contest, all together, making the car sink that much closer to the ground as a result of their combined weight. They go back to either Bucky's and Steve's apartment or Natasha's apartment to spread out on couches and floors and beds. Anywhere they can starfish out to digest. Sometimes separate. Sometimes, in one huge bloated pile.
After contests, Bucky burps and pats his belly hard like he doesn't mind how tender his gut must be. Steve, meanwhile, moans and gasps and complains about how much he ate, how he should stop, or how he can't believe he did it again, and he has the loudest gurgles. He can hardly seem to touch his own belly. It's too much. Post stuffing, Natasha would purr if she could, feathering her fingers over her stretched belly and taking the time to massage lotion into her skin. She'd purr because of the feeling of her own body along with the feelings of the bodies around her. Two big, big guys squishing her, confessing that they still don't get how she can just do that.
It's a gift. Her capacity and her boys.
Her boys because... aomewhere along the lines, they start becoming more and more intimate.
Steve begins letting Natasha rub his belly with lotion and moans like she's wrapped his dick up her in lotion-slick hand. If not her, otherwise he won't touch himself and will actively lift his heavy body up and away, groaning as he moves like it's the most difficult thing he's ever done, from Bucky. He does not want his gut slapped or prodded. He will burp when his body wants him to, thank you very much.
Bucky begins pinching her hip and telling her how nice she always looks but blushes when she does it back to him. Bucky starts unbuckling his belt and letting his pants drop after pushing up his shirt. Crashing hard and getting comfortable. He also gropes his gut in front of them both. Nat catches an eyeful of his dick getting interested in his rough touching more than once. Steve takes off his shirt but leaves his pants off. She isn't so thrilled about it though, she's curious if he's like Bucky. Truly into this. And she's slightly concerned those pants are going to cut him in half one day.
Soon after those developments, Natasha allows herself to slip out of her bra more often than not when they're crashing after contests. Bucky both jokingly and sincerely confesses that it's crazy hot that she can stuff herself so much that the band of her bra becomes too tight. It gives her enough confidence to slip out of her pants, too. Leaving her to join Bucky in just a t-shirt and underwear.
They begin to see each other at times other than post-competition, too.
Eventually, they're more often together than not. And one day, Steve blurts randomly, "are we dating?"
Bucky bursts out laughing, shaking his head, "when I left it to you to figure that out, I- I didn't! Think you'd!!-" he slaps his knees, laughing harder.
Natasha looks between them, crossing her arms, "so you've talked about this together. Without me."
They both stumble and stutter.
She relaxes, allowing herself to grin, "good. You're both on the same page then."
Steve mumbles about having a heart attack. Bucky smacks his shoulder, "serves you right."
They stop behaving like children and snap to attention. Starting at her.
"Do you want to date?"
They both nod eagerly.
"Good. We'll keep doing what we're doing then."
And that settles it. They keep living in each other's pockets, and they keep going to eating contests. It's the same. Just as good. Until... something breaks.
Steve stops working out. Like that.
It's so sudden.
He shrugs and claims he just doesn't feel like it. He'd rather be home with them or out eating with them. He doesn't want to waste time at the gym. He's full of love. He doesn't need to obsess over a hobby to fulfill him any longer. Bucky and Natasha cuddle him extra tight that night. And night by night... Steve gets softer and softer. His abs fade fast. His trim waist widens a little. And. It breaks them. Natasha and Bucky become even more obsessed with Steve. There's more of him.
If they all also gave up their obsessions of eating healthy and being active during the week when they don't have eating contests... there would be more of all of them.
And they can't go back once they realize that.
More. There could be more of them all. More love. More to touch and hold and-
Okay. Yes.
With the ending of their self-imposed rules about healthy eating and exercising and the continued entering of eating contests, they all start feeling the brunt of those calories near immediately.
Steve changes the most rapidly because of his sudden dropping, cold turkey, of working out. His poor body. It doesn’t know what to do with continued heavy calories that aren’t protein; his body could work off the cheat meals of competitive eating contests and put it towards more muscle, bulking, but his body can’t deal with cheat meals every day. Stuffing himself every day. Moaning about it. Loving it. As a result, Steve’s waist actually gets wider. His abs are gone impressively fast, and he starts to look puffy. Thick like frosting. (Natasha certainly thinks he’s as good as frosting - he’s sweet and pale white, and she could spend hours and hours licking and tasting him). His waist as well as everything else. His hips and thighs and ass. His chest and arms. And his jaw. Oh my god. His face starts filling out, those model cheekbones filling in. It’s cute.
He looks so good.
The frame of a liftaholic, gym rat is still under his new weight, but it’s buried, leaving him wide and fluffy looking. It’s only when you press your fingers into his new fluff that you can feel those hard-earned muscles underneath, holding up his new bulk.
And as much as Steve’s chin begins to get a twin it’s worse for Bucky.
Bucky already was holding onto a lot of puppy fat, youthful with a soft, smooth belly and face. So, as his gain creeps up on him - gaining slower than Steve - his face is chubby. Full cheeks and a soft jawline that both Natasha and Steve are obsessed with kissing. Natasha has a thing for biting it. When they don’t have to go anywhere for the weekend or the rare alignment of their schedules off work, she’ll leave marks on his double chin and press on it with her thumb every chance she gets, admiring her handy work and feeling all the weight Bucky has gained. It’s not just his face, though. Bucky gets nice and wide, too. His shoulders widen, his back starts to arch and forms little rolls, his legs begin to soften, and his chest gets hit. But it’s really his gut. He gets a great, full gut. Along with his swollen gut come chunky thighs and an impressive ass. Steve looks like he’s been inflated like he’ll pop if you poke his constantly stuffed ball of a gut while Bucky looks like he’s been hitting beers too heavily for too long. Bucky is relaxed and carries himself with a jiggling, heavy swagger. Steve is seemingly in pain, in the best way. He’s moaning and working around his gut. He doesn’t know how to carry himself. His mind can’t keep up with his body.
Natasha gains right along with her boys, of course. Her tits get bigger - she gets stretch marks on the sides of them, right around her underarms - and for a while, unless she’s stuffed, you can’t tell her belly is getting soft compared to her chest because of the size of her chest. But. Her gut catches up eventually. Suddenly. Her body gains weight in her thighs and hips and chest until, bam! Overnight, she suddenly has more than a soft little curve to her belly.
Bucky goes from burying his face in her tits or between her thick thighs whenever possible to pressing his face against her tummy. It’s kinda the best thing he’s ever seen. Nice and round and balancing her top and bottom half. Connecting her curves with an even larger, more irresistible curve.
Steve is never as brash as Bucky. He is less shy than he once was, but he still blushes and still is shy, curling in on himself whenever he’s turned on and has the chance to touch Natasha or Bucky. It’s adorable. It brings out the sadist in her, wanting to force him to beg or wanting to encourage him, grabbing his wrists and making him grab her tits or belly or ass. It's her game to make Steve call her fat. His good boy manners and society’s conditioning leave him tongue-tied until he’s really, really strung out. She can sometimes make him stutter it after a good, long week of stringing together eating contests day after day until they might as well roll themselves home after the last one or after Bucky and her have spent the day winding Steve up. Stuffing themselves and complaining about how full they are, obscenely eating food. Touching each other or even straight-up having sex in front of Steve without inviting him in. Anything. Everything. Teasing Steve until he’s willing to admit she’s fat. Nice and round and plump. Whatever naughty, big word she can get from him, she cherishes.
She also cherishes all of Bucky’s words, but Bucky’s mouth is filthy. She needn’t encourage him to call her names that should make her upset but instead make her hot. She doesn’t have to do anything before honey is dripping from his mouth, and he’s making himself and Steve blush. And they all love it. Natasha often jokes that they have turned their lives into an orgy of gluttony. Bucky kisses her right on the mouth and wonders out loud if three is really an orgy. Steve just groans. The two of them together is too much and he’s had too much - his body is still the most sensitive, he’s gained the most weight, and they both seem to favor shoving food at him the most, so he’s never not stuffed full, lying back under his pale, mountainous gut. Steve is their bloated playground. They tease him. They mess with him. Stuffing immobilizes him. He doesn’t have enough self-control to stop until they stop him, so while they can crawl all over him and all over each other… Steve lies back. Panting. Moaning. Weakly shifting as his gut burbles and they kiss on top of him, pressing their guts together. Natasha will often ride him while Bucky fucks his mouth or fucks Natasha’s ass, struggling to get close enough to her now that they’re all so fat.
It’s a good life.
Big fat partners 🫠😵‍💫😵‍💫❤️
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wellsayhelloaagin · 3 years
Best Interests
Summary: You hadn't expected your Friday night to end up this bloody.
Pairing: Wanda x reader
Genre: Smut, Angst, Dark fic
Words: 8.1k
Warnings: dark!Wanda, mentions of blood, toxic relationship, controlling behaviour, fingering, oral, face sitting, strap use, restraints (magic), overstimulation, rough sex, dubcon, slight degradation, mentions of murder, manipulation. I think that's it.
AN: This story was inspired by the MoM trailer, specifically the moment from the gif. It's taken me like a whole month to write it and it ended up way longer than expected but I hope you all like it.
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The house is dark when you get home, no sign of life within the walls.
You close the front door, the click of the lock sliding into place echoing off the walls and breaking the silence.
“Wanda?” you call out, stepping forward. You wait a moment for the reply but you’re met with nothing but silence.
Turning on the hall light, you fish your phone from your pocket. You hope you haven't missed any calls from your girlfriend and you breathe a sigh of relief when your notifications come up empty.
But still, it was rare for you to beat Wanda home from work. She usually made it a point to greet you at the door, stating how much she missed you while you were gone. You can feel the apprehension clawing inside of you, an instinctive feeling that something was just — off.
You unlock your phone, sending a text message to Wanda just to ease your concerns.
Hey babe, I just got home and you’re not here :( Will you be home soon? Miss you!
You reread the text several times before sending it, making sure there was no way for the tone of the message to be misconstrued. You didn’t want to sound demanding of your girlfriend's time, you knew she was busy and that she would be home as soon as she could.
You set your phone on the coffee table as you enter the living room, making sure to set the ringer to loud in case a call or text came through. You didn’t want to miss Wanda’s reply, knowing how frustrated it made her when you didn’t answer her calls or respond to her messages within a reasonable timeframe.
You sit on the couch, flicking the TV on. A sitcom is playing on the screen and you settle in the cushions, the familiar sounds of laugh tracks and lighthearted conversations comforting you. You try to get into the episode but you keep glancing at your phone every time it catches the reflection of the screen, thinking it has lit up with an incoming message.
Your stomach rumbles and you place your hand over it, trying to ignore the hollow feeling. You knew how much Wanda liked eating dinner with you each night so you decided you could wait just a little longer for her to get home.
Your phone lights up, distracting you from your hunger and you grab it off the table in front of you. However, it’s not a text from your girlfriend but rather a Snapchat notification from your coworker, Carol.
You open the app, clicking on her name to play the video she had sent you. The screen shows Carol in her apartment, hair damp from a shower as she walks through to her bedroom.
“So I was in the shower,” she begins, a grin on her face. “And I hear this bang outside. Pretty typical for this time of night with my psycho neighbour.”
“Anyway,” She throws herself down onto her bed dramatically at this point and you roll your eyes at her theatrical storytelling. “I’m drying myself off after my shower and I notice a red light flashing under my door. So I guess something actually happened this time and the cops showed up.”
She sits up now, her smile growing even wider. “You know me, I live for drama. So I’m going to go check it out and see just what the hell is going on.”
The video cuts off and you shake your head before typing out your response to her.
Sounds wild, can’t wait to hear all the deets at work on Monday!
She just sends a winking emoji in reply and you chuckle to yourself at your friends' antics. She was one of the bright spots of your day, always keeping your spirits lifted even when work was stressing you out. You knew Wanda didn’t exactly approve of how close the two of you were but you constantly reassured her that Carol was just your friend and that she had nothing to worry about.
You tune back into your show, frowning as you check the time on your phone. Wanda should have been home at least an hour ago but you didn’t want to message her again. Wanda liked her freedom and you didn’t want to intrude on that, no matter how concerned you were becoming.
Finally, you hear her keys in the lock and you walk towards the front door to greet her. Your playful jab at her lateness dies in your throat as you take in her appearance.
Her white long sleeve shirt is no longer white, soaked with stripes of crimson across her chest and splattering out across the rest of her torso. Blood drips down her face, almost splitting her face into two, one side completely covered with drops of the dried red liquid.
Her hair looks damp and you realise it must be matted with blood and your stomach drops as you take in the sheer volume of it.
“Wanda, wha-” you stop mid-sentence as she locks eyes with you, the carnal expression on her face stealing all the air from your lungs.
“I’m fine,” she tells you and if you were thinking clearer you would have noticed the hard edge to her voice leaving no room for argument.
“Who’s blood is that?” you continue, your voice cracking with fear.
Wanda doesn’t answer your question, choosing instead to take a step toward you. You take a step back instinctively, every nerve in your body on edge as you get the overwhelming feeling of an animal being stalked by a predator.
Wanda smirks, a crooked sadistic grin crossing her face as she notices the movement of your feet away from her — as if she enjoyed the thrill of the chase.
“Don’t run from me dove,” she coos, her hands moving from where they rested at her sides, red wisps circling out from her fingertips. “You won’t get very far.”
You feel the energy surrounding your wrists, the tightening sensation of being restrained holding them locked together as Wanda continues to stalk forward. You don’t resist her this time, even though every instinct in your body is telling you to run.
But this was Wanda, your Wanda. She wouldn’t hurt you.
She stops in front of you, your body trembling slightly and you hate how it betrays the fear that courses through you. Wanda raises her hand to your cheek and you hate the look of hurt that crosses her face as you flinch.
“Relax, moya lubov,” her voice is gentle as her fingers brush over your cheek in a gentle caress. “I just want to take care of what’s mine.”
She cups your cheek then, pulling you into a kiss. Her lips are soft against yours for a moment and you can feel the tension leaving your body as you melt into her. This was your Wanda, the one you knew would protect you no matter what.
But the kiss quickly becomes heated, Wanda’s lips urgent against yours. She nips at your bottom lip and you whimper as you feel the skin break, the sharp metallic taste of blood lingering on your tongue.
She's walking forward again, pushing your body across the floor as her lips continue to move desperately, her tongue forcing its way into your mouth as her hands grip your upper arms tightly. You know that her grip will leave bruises on your skin but you can’t get enough oxygen in to voice your concerns.
You feel the back of your legs hit the arm of the couch, Wanda still advancing and causing your back to curve over the furniture. She detaches her lips from yours now, you catch the almost feral look in her eye — her pupils blown wide from lust. All traces of green are gone now, all that remains is black rimmed with red.
Wanda grasps your waist, turning your body around and bending you over the couch. One of her hands grasps your wrists — her magic still keeping them bound tightly — as she presses her body over yours. You can feel the weight of her on top of you, her breasts trapped between your bodies, her breath warm on the back of your neck.
Her free hand reaches around as she brushes your hair aside with her nose, her teeth nipping along the ridges of your spine. She snaps open the button of your pants, your breath becoming ragged as your fear quickly turns to arousal.
She stands and you immediately miss her warmth as she tugs your jeans down your legs. She pulls them off, your underwear following quickly behind them. She grabs a fistful of your hair, dragging you up to lean against her, pulling your head to the side so she can latch her mouth onto your neck.
She bites down hard, you hiss at the sting even as she soothes it with her tongue. It wasn’t uncommon for Wanda to get a little carried away during sex — something you usually enjoyed as she would always take such good care of you afterward — but something seemed different tonight.
Her touches were just a little harsher, no undercurrent of care to be detected. It was needy and desperate as if she thought you would disappear the moment she let you go.
Her hands find your breasts, wrapping around you to grope at your chest. You feel the vibrations of Wanda’s frustrated growl against your neck, the fabric separating the two of you clearly too much for her. With a forceful tug, you hear the sound of fabric ripping as your shirt is torn open before being discarded on the floor.
Wanda’s firm hand between your shoulder blades pushes you back down, her weight crushing you against the couch once more as she drapes herself over you. One of her feet kicks your legs apart, spreading you before her.
The only sound in the room is the sound of ragged breathing, both of your chests rising and falling as the air becomes thick with anticipation. You’re completely at Wanda’s mercy and she knows it, her hand trailing up your inner thigh towards your centre, slick with arousal already.
She runs her fingers through your folds a few times, gathering the moisture there as you push back against her — desperate for some friction to ease the ache that had settled low in your stomach.
Wanda thrusts three fingers into you, not giving you time to accommodate the stretch before she begins to pump them within your walls. The sudden intrusion has you arching your back, her pace never faltering even as you hiss in pain. But, after a moment the pain begins to fade, replaced with the familiar feeling of your girlfriend's talented fingers caressing you from the inside.
You gasp out in pleasure and you feel Wanda's content hum against your spine where her lips trail over the protruding bones, nipping at the ridges she finds there.
“That’s it, dove,” her words feel like a caress, the heat settling in your lower belly diverting all your attention. “Don’t forget that I’m the only one who can make you feel this good.”
“Wanda,” you pant, feeling the coil tightening already as she adds a fourth finger, the slight discomfort of the additional digit only lingering for a second. “Please-”
“I know, I know,” she tells you, angling her hand slightly until she is hitting that spot and you can feel your eyes rolling back into your head. “I want you to be a good girl and cum all over my fingers.”
You don’t wait for her to change her mind, your walls clenching around her as the waves of your orgasm wash over you. You call out her name loudly, your moans echoing through the house as she guides you through your release.
She doesn’t let up though, her fingers continuing their movements as her other hand snakes around your waist, fingertips sliding over your slick mound to find your clit. She rolls over it expertly, the sensitive nub throbbing as you feel the coil tightening again. Your breaths are ragged, you still hadn’t managed to catch your breath after your first orgasm and now you were quickly headed to your second.
“Wanda, I-” you try to warn her, you knew she liked it when you asked for permission to cum but before you could even finish the sentence you felt your walls constrict again, your breath catching in your throat as your release hit you out of nowhere.
“That’s it, dove,” Wanda encourages, her fingers continuing to pump in and out of you as wave after waves of pleasure washes over you. “I’m the only person who knows how to make you like this, all needy and desperate and fucked out for me.”
You just nod dumbly, trying to catch your breath as Wanda finally begins to slow her movements. If it weren’t for the fact that you were bent over the side of the couch, you were certain that you would have fallen to the floor by now due to the shaking of your legs. You were sure that if you tried to stand on them now, they would fold underneath you.
Wanda stands up, her warmth leaving your back and the cool air hitting your sweat soaked skin causing you to shiver. You feel the restraints around your wrists disappear as she leaves, the muscles in your arm a dull ache as they flop beside you. You hear her walking away and you think about pushing yourself up, feeling exposed as you lie there naked over the side of the couch, your ass on display for all to see. You make a feeble attempt to get up but your arms lack the strength and your legs still feel like jelly.
Instead, you lie there quietly, your ragged breaths the only sound in the room as you drift in and out of consciousness. Your mind wanders to the state Wanda came home in, and you can feel the panic rising inside of you again as you recall the sheer amount of blood that covered her body.
A hand against your hip makes you jump, too caught up in your own thoughts that you hadn’t heard her return. You hear her chuckle above you as her palms smooth along your back before reaching the base of your hair. It slides into the strands, gripping firmly as she takes a step closer to you.
You feel something nudge at your entrance, pushing just enough for you to feel it as the hand not in your hair grips your waist firmly. Wanda continues to push her hips closer to yours and you feel yourself being stretched, the familiar burn alerting you to the fact that while she was gone Wanda had put on her favourite strap.
She kept pushing into you, rocking her hips back and forth slightly and going deeper with each thrust as your body adjusted to the silicone toy attached to her. Your little whimpers only encouraged Wanda more and you could hear her stuttering breaths as she finally bottomed out. You knew that with this particular toy she liked to use her magic, creating sensations to pleasure herself just as much as you.
“You feel so good, dove,” she praises you as she withdraws slowly before snapping her hips back against yours, driving the toy deeper inside you. “Your pretty pussy clenching nice and tight around my cock. Such a needy thing you are.”
“Just for you,” you gasp out as she snaps her hips again before pulling out immediately, her pace picking up. “It’s all for you.”
“That’s my good girl,” Wanda coos as the hand in your hair pulls tightly, your head yanked back as she uses it for leverage. “My needy little dove, can’t get enough of my cock. I love seeing you like this. No one else will ever get you like this, you’re mine.”
Every word is punctuated by a sharp thrust, the strap hitting inside you and making you cry out with pleasure. You knew that you should be concerned by Wanda’s possessive words but they just turned you on even more, the knowledge that you were hers and hers alone making your brain fuzzy.
“All yours,” you repeat breathlessly as Wanda continues to fuck into you, the obscene sound of flesh slapping together echoing around the room.
“My perfect little slut,” Wanda grunts and you can tell by the rough edge of her voice that she was getting close. “Ready for me to use when I need to.”
“Yes, yours,” you echo, feeling the pleasure building inside of you, every thrust bringing you closer to the edge.
“Making such a mess, dove,” Wanda taunts, her hand in your hair gripping tighter to the point it was almost too painful. “So wet for me, you like being filled by my cock, don’t you?”
You don’t answer, your brain completely mush as the haze of pleasure consumes you. You’re not sure how much longer you can hold out, your third orgasm dangerously close.
Just as you’re about to fall over the edge, Wanda stops moving, her hand on your hip landing harshly on your bare ass. You cry out in pain, feeling the heat of the blood rushing to where you were struck.
“Answer me,” she commands, striking the other cheek now before pulling you up by the hair until her mouth rests against your ear. “You like being used like this, don’t you?”
The rough way she growls in your ear makes you shudder against her, the action causing the toy inside you to shift. Your eyes roll back, the new angle making it hit deep inside you.
“Y-yes,” you stutter out, trying to catch your breath. “P-please. I was so close.”
“I don’t know if you deserve to cum,” she spits out, moving her hips slowly and causing you to whine, your head dropping forward as she paces both of her hands on your hips. “You know I hate it when you don’t listen to me.”
“Please, I’ll be good,” you counter, your hands resting against the edge of the couch as you push back against her, trying to spread your legs further and invite her deeper. “I’ll be your good girl.”
“Hmmm,” Wanda considers, her pace quickening and you feel the pressure building again. “We’ll see about that.”
One of her hands slips between your legs, finding your swollen clit and flicking over it. The added pressure is all you need and you cry out loudly as you start to cum again. Your legs give out and you slip to the floor, Wanda following you down.
She doesn’t waste any time, flipping you onto your back before slipping inside you again. She hooks her arms under your knees, her hips keeping up their brutal pace as she ruts into you. Her face is scrunched up in pleasure and you can still see the streaks of dried blood across it, her sweat mixing with the red and turning it into a liquid again.
You watch as a drop runs across her nose, dripping down onto your chest as she chases her release. Her head drops to your shoulder, her arms framing your head as her hips snap into yours, your legs wrapped around her waist as you try to match her pace.
“Fuck, you feel so good,” she groans, her pace erratic now as she reaches her climax.
Her hips are stuttering into you as her orgasm hits her, the irregular pattern setting you over the edge once again. You claw at her back, trying to find leverage as you cry out in pleasure. You can feel your release on your thighs, the slick liquid dripping down to the floor below you.
Once Wanda has recovered, she pulls out of you. The sudden empty feeling pulls a whimper from your throat and you catch Wanda's smirk. Your legs drop to the floor, as she kneels above you, loosening the harness around her waist as you watch through hooded eyes.
You hear the strap hit the floor beside you with a thud, Wanda quickly moving up your body to rest her knees on either side of your head. You can see how wet she is from this angle, her glistening folds hovering above you and coated in her release.
“Clean me up nice and good, dove,” she instructs, lowering herself down slightly. “Time to put that pretty mouth of yours to good use.”
She doesn’t wait for your reply, lowering the rest of the way until your lips connect to hers. You dart your tongue out, the taste of her on your tongue spurring you to action. You wrap one of your arms around her waist as your tongue flicks over her, collecting her juices on your tongue.
“Such a good girl,” you hear Wanda sigh as your tongue dips inside her entrance.
You can feel how hot and slick she is, your tongue moving inside her rhythmically as she grinds her hips over your face. Your nose brushes her clit with every movement of her hips and you can hear her moans above you.
You can feel her arousal coating your chin, your tongue continuing to explore her body as she pushes harder against you. You are struggling to breathe but you know better than to stop, the memory of the last time you failed to please Wanda fresh in your mind. It had been days before you were able to sit comfortably after that.
Wanda’s hips pick up their pace, her walls beginning to close in around your tongue as her cries get louder. Her thighs clamp around your head as you feel the rush of her release coat your tongue, her hips grinding down on your face as you help her ride out her orgasm.
When you feel like you’re about to pass out from lack of oxygen, her legs release you. You gasp for breath as Wanda moves to straddle you, her mouth pressing kisses over your face. You’re still catching your breath as her mouth moves lower, traveling between your breasts and over your stomach.
It’s not until her tongue darts out to lap at your clit that you realise her intention, and your hand weakly reaches out to push her head away.
“Wanda, no more please,” you beg, not sure your body could handle any more stimulation at this point.
“Just one more for me,” she replies, her eyes locked on yours, still rimmed with red. “I just want to make you feel good.”
“Wanda, I can’t,” you begin to argue, pushing yourself onto your elbows to look down at her.
“It wasn’t a question,” she shoots back, the red wisps returning and pushing you onto your back.
You try to sit up but it’s no use, the force of her magic keeping you right where she wanted you. She licks along your slit and you jerk at the action, the pressure too much against your overstimulated flesh.
“Wanda, please,” you beg, trying to close your legs to stop her.
“Just relax, dove,” her voice is muffled between your legs as her tongue continues to trace over you, “I just want to taste what’s mine.”
Her tongue slips inside you then, the wet muscle stroking inside you as tears leak from your eyes. Your chest is heaving as she continues, the sensations bordering on painful as she continues to thrust her tongue in and out of your entrance.
Her thumb comes up to brush against you and you hear her muffled chuckle as you jolt against her. The sensitive bundle of nerves twitches against her thumb and you gasp as she pulls you closer to an orgasm you weren’t sure you could handle.
“Wan-” you try to ask her to stop again but your climax hits you suddenly, the shockwaves of pleasure rolling through your body and making your legs shake. You sob as the pleasure becomes too much, Wanda still moving inside you as she tries to draw out your release as long as possible.
Finally, she relents, pressing soft kisses as she moves back up your body. Every nerve in your body is on fire, and you are shivering as she props herself up on her elbow beside you.
“I told you that you had one more,” she smiles down at you, her hand pushing aside the hair stuck to your forehead by sweat. “How about we go get cleaned up?”
You don’t have the energy to protest as she lifts you up, carrying you up the stairs to the bathroom. She smiles softly at you as she runs the bath, the steam filling the room with the calming scent of lavender.
You sink into the water, the warmth enveloping you and soothing your muscles. Wanda lowers herself in front of you, her back pressed to your front as your arms wrap around her.
“I love you,” her voice echoes off the tiles as you rest your head against her shoulder.
“I love you too,” you reply easily, the words leaving your lips without a second thought.
You grab the washcloth from beside you, dipping it into the water as you begin to wash her back. You can see the trails of red run down her back, a reminder of the blood that still coated her head.
You remember her tone from earlier and you’re too scared to bring it up. But as you continue to clean her, Wanda’s satisfied hums filling the silence you find no marks on her body. You’re filled with relief that she wasn’t harmed at all but you can't shake the sinking feeling in your stomach when you remember the sheer volume of blood.
Taking a deep breath to gather your courage, you risk it and ask once more.
“Wanda, whose blood is this?” you hold your breath, waiting for her to tense in anger that you hadn’t let it go.
Instead, she turns to face you, her face now cleared of the crimson liquid, the bathwater tinted pink. She smiles at you, reaching out to touch her index finger to your nose before pressing a soft kiss against it.
“Nothing to worry your pretty little head about.”
Her tone is light but you don’t press further, not wanting to risk her ire. She seemed calm again, all the earlier agitation gone from her demeanour as the two of you rest peacefully in the bath.
Once the water begins to cool, she helps you out of the bath. She takes great care drying you, before helping you into your shared bed. She clambers in beside you, her damp hair resting against your shoulder as she places her ear over your heart.
It was how you fell asleep most nights, Wanda claiming that she liked the reassurance of hearing your heart beating as you fall asleep. You stroke your fingers through her hair, thoughts swirling as you try to make sense of the night.
Her breathing evens out long before you fall asleep, her face looking so young and innocent bathed in the moonlight from the window. You watch her eyelashes resting against her cheek as she dreams, the freckles over her nose almost invisible in the dim light.
She was your everything and you would die for her. And as you drifted off to sleep, you found yourself wondering if someone had died because of her.
You groaned as the blaring of your alarm woke you on Monday morning, its incessant noise filling the room and pulling you from your dreams.
You roll over to turn it off, the muscles in your body protesting the movement, still aching from your weekend. You and Wanda had hardly left the bed the whole weekend and you certainly weren’t complaining, even if your body was. You stretch languidly once you have silenced your alarm, a satisfied noise escaping your lips as you feel your joints crack as you shift under the covers.
You can hear the sounds of the shower in the next room, a sign that Wanda would be headed into work early today. Her schedule was often unpredictable of a morning, depending entirely on what training and reports needed to be completed.
You debate joining her in the shower but a quick glance at your phone shows that you don’t have the time. Reluctantly, you roll out of bed and begin the trek to the kitchen.
Wanda finds you there a few minutes later, towel drying her hair as she watches you fill two coffee mugs. She smiles adoringly at you as you place one in front of her, her smile growing as she notices the misshapen love heart drawn into the foam.
“You’ve been practising,” she comments as you bring your own drink to your lips, hands wrapped around the warmth of the mug.
“Just trying to find new ways to tell you how much I love you,” you reply, watching as Wanda rolls her eyes at your cheesy comment.
You busy yourself with tidying the mess you had made while Wanda sips her coffee silently, eyes following your every move. She’d grin every time you caught her staring, your cheeks heating from the obvious attention.
“Early start today?” you ask as you lean your hip against the counter you just wiped down, trying to hide the disappointment in your voice.
“Yeah, Steve wants us to run a simulation before training this morning.” Wanda shrugs as she stands, walking over to place her mug in the sink.
“I’ll be home early though so I’ll cook dinner tonight,” she presses a kiss to your forehead before she walks back towards the bedroom to finish getting ready.
You sigh before you place both mugs in the dishwasher, walking down the hallway to the bathroom. You let the warm water of the shower wash over you, the heat easing the ache in your muscles.
By the time you make it back to the bedroom, Wanda is pulling her shoes on. She smirks as you walk in clad in just your towel, eyes raking over your legs appreciatively.
“Maybe I can be a little late today,” she offers as she leans back on the bed, propping herself on her elbows.
You feel the heat erupt in your belly as she eyes you hungrily and you can’t help but comply. You drop your towel before moving toward her, excited for what was to come.
The elevator dings as the doors slide open and you rush out, trying to make it to your desk before your boss realises you’re not there.
Your morning activities had taken longer than planned and while you didn’t regret your choice at all, it did leave you rushing to make it to work on time. A quick glance at your watch shows that you’re only ten minutes late and you breathe a sigh of relief as you sink into the chair at your desk.
You power up your computer as you glance around, your colleagues paying you no attention as they complete their work. You look over to Carol’s desk, finding it empty and you assume she must have been called out to a job first thing this morning.
You had missed your usual morning breakfast date, something the two of you did every morning before work. You would sit in the break room, eating your breakfast and chatting. It was always a nice start to your day and you were already dying to fill her in on how your weekend had gone over lunch.
Your computer finally starts up and you busy yourself with replying to the emails that are beginning to pile up in your inbox. An hour quickly passes and your focus is only interrupted by the ringing of the phone on your desk. You recognise the number as your managers and you quickly answer it, surprised she was calling you instead of just sending an email or a text.
“Mr. Hart would like to see you in his office,” your manager tells you once you answer the phone and you reply that you’ll be there soon, your heart pounding in your chest.
Mr. Hart was the owner of the company and not someone you had to talk to very often. In fact, besides small talk when you ride in the elevator with him or the occasional company lunch, you weren’t sure you had ever really talked to him.
You start to panic, thinking that you were probably in trouble for being late this morning. But that seemed like a strange thing for the big boss to be getting involved in, surely your manager could handle the write-up for tardiness.
Your legs feel shaky as you walk towards his office, a sense of dread filling you with every step. Something just feels off and you can’t quite put your finger on it.
You raise an unsteady hand, fist knocking lightly on the door in front of you. You hear Mr. Hart beckon you in and you wrap your hand around the handle, taking a deep breath before opening.
You weren’t prepared for the sight that greeted you.
Mr. Hart sat at his desk, a solemn expression on his face. Your manager was there too, and it looked like she had been crying recently. There were also two police officers in the room, one seated across from the large oak desk and the other leaning against the side of the room.
“Please, come sit,” Mr. Hart gestures to the remaining chair and you nod, shutting the door behind you before following his instruction.
“What’s going on?” you ask, voice trembling as you gently sit on the edge of the chair, leg bouncing anxiously as you look around the room.
“This is Officer Pembroke and Officer Hawkins,” Mr. Hart introduces them, gesturing as he calls their names. “They have a few questions for you.”
“Me?” you blurt out, feeling the panic bubbling inside of you.
“You’re not in trouble,” Officer Pembroke assures you from her seat beside you. “We just have some questions for an investigation and you may be able to help.”
You nod, swallowing down the feeling of uneasiness. She looks down at her notebook before she begins.
“You’re familiar with a worker here by the name of Carol Danvers?”
You freeze at the name, remembering her empty desk this morning.
“Y-yeah,” you stutter out a response, “she works at the desk across from me. We’re friends.”
“When was the last time you saw Miss Danvers?” the officer continues, her face giving nothing away.
“Um, Friday afternoon,” you reply, not sure where this was going. “What’s this about, is Carol okay?”
No one answers you and you look around the room for answers. Mr. Hart shifts anxiously in his seat, your manager covers her mouth to stifle a sob, Officer Hawkins looks over at his partner with a serious expression on his face.
Your stomach drops.
“Well,” Officer Pembroke begins, chewing her lip nervously. “A call was placed late last night by a friend of Carol’s. They had tried contacting her but had received no response for a few days which they said was unusual. We went over there this morning to check out the apartment.”
You want to get up and leave, the tone of the officer's voice making you feel sick to your stomach. You didn’t want her to continue.
“The door was ajar when we got there and we proceeded inside. We found what looked like signs of a struggle and a large amount of blood throughout the apartment.”
Your breath catches, heart stopping in your chest as you process the words.
“Oh my god,” you breathe out after a moment, your voice trembling. “Is Carol okay?”
Your mind is running wild with images of her body lying there, bleeding for days with no help.
“We’re not sure,” Officer Hawkins answers, and your eyes flash to him. “We have been unable to locate Miss Danvers yet.”
“So she might be alive somewhere?” Your voice is optimistic, your mind seizing the tiny glimmer of hope that had sprouted.
“That’s unlikely,” he replies, and just like that your heart deflates again. “The volume of blood found indicates a fatal wound.”
You can feel the tears welling in your eyes, your hands clenched into fists to try and stem the hysteria building inside you.
Carol was hurt, probably dead, and you had spent the weekend wrapped up in your girlfriend.
Suddenly, a vision of Wanda flashes through your mind.
Covered in blood.
Blood that wasn’t her own.
You’re instantly fighting the urge to vomit.
“I know this is a lot to take in,” Officer Pembroke breaks you from your thoughts, placing her hand gently on yours as an act of comfort. “We just have a few more questions that might help our investigation if you think you’re up for them?”
You nod hesitantly, not entirely trusting your voice right now.
“Was Carol acting strange the last time you saw her?”
You think back to the last time you had seen your friend a few days prior, her behaviour the same as it always was. Carefree and happy, unaware that her days were numbered.
“No,” you answer after a moment, tears spilling over your eyes. “We finished early so we went to the bar across the street for a drink. I had to get home so I left after about an hour. She hugged me goodbye then I got into the taxi and went home.”
You feel a chill run down your spine as you think back to that moment, the tight embrace goodbye and the feeling of being watched that you just couldn’t shake. The way Carol’s hand had lingered on your arm for a few seconds as you farewelled each other for the night.
“You said you were friends, were you concerned when you didn’t hear from her all weekend?” Her tone is all business but you can’t help feeling like you were being accused of something.
Perhaps it was just your own guilt rising up.
“I was busy,” you frown, remembering Wanda’s insistence that you both turn your phones off for the weekend and just enjoy each other's company. It had seemed like a sweet gesture at the time, but now…
“Is there anyone you can think of that didn’t like Carol and would want to hurt her?”
Only your girlfriend, but you weren’t about to tell the officers that.
Wanda’s irrational jealousy was never something you understood but you were sure she wouldn’t have acted on it. The blood was probably just from a job, she came home injured all the time.
It was just a coincidence.
At least that’s what you tried to tell yourself.
“No, I can’t think of anyone.”
You’re glad you can pass off the shake in your voice as grief for your friend rather than the absolute terror that the woman you loved was somehow responsible.
“Okay, thank you for your time.” Officer Pembroke stands, walking over to shake Mr. Hart's hand. “We’ll be in touch if we have any more questions.”
He sees the officers to the door before walking back to his desk, sighing deeply as he sits down again.
The tears are flowing freely now, the weight of the situation finally hitting you. Your manager is openly sobbing in the corner, the choked cries echoing in the room.
“I’m sorry for your loss,” Mr. Hart tells you, his voice sincere. “I know the two of you were close. “How about you take the next day or two off? Take some to process all of this.”
You just nod dumbly, thanking him softly as you stand slowly. You feel numb, your mind blank as you walk silently to your desk.
You can see the questions in your coworker's eyes but none of them say anything about your stoic expression or the wails from your manager that can be heard through the closed office door. You collect your things quickly, making your way down to your car, thankful that you had decided to drive rather than take the train this morning.
You start the car and sit there for a moment, Carol's face flashing through your mind as the memories of her play like a video behind your closed eyes.
The countless lunch breaks spent laughing about something stupid, nights out where the two of you would get up to all kinds of mischief, comforting each other through the tough times. All playing vividly in your mind.
Carol had been one of your closest friends for so long and you were going to miss her dearly. Granted, you hadn’t spent much time with her outside of work lately, not since you moved in with Wanda-
You start to panic again as you think of your girlfriend and her potential involvement in the whole situation. You needed to talk to her, you needed her to reassure you that it was all just a coincidence and that you must be going crazy.
You didn’t want to think of the alternative.
You shift your car into drive, pulling out of the parking lot and batting away tears as you drive back to your house. Your mind is racing, your heart matching its frantic pace as you try to make sense of your day.
You think back to the last time you had heard from Carol, frowning as you realised it really was Friday night. You usually spent your weekends talking to her and you hated that you had been so wrapped up in Wanda that you didn’t notice something was off.
You pull over as you remember exactly what your last contact with Carol was, the Snapchat that she had sent you. The video where she talked about a red flashing light, mistaking it for the police.
There was one other source for the red light that you could think of.
You can feel the waves of nausea washing over you and you breathe deeply through your nose to try and calm yourself down. This couldn’t be happening.
Your girlfriend, the avenger who spent her time saving the world over and over, the woman whose arms you fell asleep in every night, may have killed your closest friend.
You can’t wait until you get home, fumbling for your phone and dialing Wanda. You needed answers and you needed them now.
“Hey, dove,” she greets cheerily as she picks up the call.
“Did you kill Carol?” The words spill from your lips before you can stop them and you can feel your heart in your throat as you await the response.
You hope to hear Wanda’s confused voice asking you what you were talking about, you hope that you were very wrong about all of this and that it was all in your head.
“That was quick,” comes her reply, her voice now icy cold, all traces of warmth gone.
“Oh my god,” you breathe out, hand covering your mouth in shock. “Wanda, what have you done?”
“I did what was necessary.” Her tone is clipped, almost unrecognisable to you.
“I can’t believe this,” you whisper, your breaths shallow as you fight the rising panic.
“Oh, don’t act so innocent,” she scoffs. “I was just protecting what’s mine. You never listened when I told you she was after you, so obviously in love with you, so I had to take matters into my own hands.”
“Wanda,” you can feel yourself growing hysterical now, sucking in your breaths quickly. “You’re insane, I can’t-”
“Don’t make me question your loyalty again,” her voice interrupts you, hard and demanding. “Or next time I’ll make you watch.”
The line goes dead then and you drop the phone into your lap, choking out a sob as the truth washes over you.
Carol was dead.
Wanda had killed her.
And you didn’t know if you would be next.
Your hands shake as you turn the car back on, trying to hold it together as you make the rest of the trip back home. You start to form a plan in your head, mentally listing all the essential things you would need to pack and where you would go.
You pull into the garage, rushing into your house. You race down the hall, grabbing your suitcase from the spare room along the way and flinging open your bedroom door. You quickly find yourself in your closet, grabbing clothes at random and stuffing them into your luggage before going into the bathroom to grab some of your toiletries.
The whole thing takes about ten minutes and you’re zipping up your suitcase before you know it, dragging it behind you back down the hall. You leave it in the living room, grabbing your laptop from where you had left it in the kitchen before making your way back.
“Going somewhere, dove?”
You stop in your tracks, laptop clutched to your chest as you eye Wanda warily from where she stands next to your luggage.
You don’t answer her as she takes a step forward, your own feet stumbling backward as the fear races through your body. She looks eerily calm as if she hadn’t just practically admitted to murder only half an hour earlier.
“I asked a question,” her voice is a little more firm, her eyes ringed in red as her frustration rises to the surface.
“I have to leave,” you try to say confidently but your voice shakes with fear.
You don’t like the way Wanda steps forward again or the way she almost hisses the word, her anger visible now.
“I have to get away from you, I can’t stay here.”
Wanda smiles then and lets out a chuckle as if you had said something funny.
“Oh sweetheart,” she coos, her voice gentle again. “Did you really think I’d let you leave?”
Terror runs ice cold through your veins at her words and your eyes instinctively dart around the room, trying to find a way to escape.
“I did all of this for you,” she continues, taking another step closer. “For us. I’m not about to let you go that easily.”
Another step forward and then another. You're frozen to the spot, unable to move as she creeps closer until she stops in front of you.
“And besides,” she hooks her finger under your chin and brings your eyes up to meet hers. The green eyes that you used to love getting lost in are now taunting you. “Staying here is in your best interests.”
You must look confused because Wanda chuckles again, leaning forward to brush her lips against yours. You fight the urge to shudder in repulsion, not wanting to set her off. Who knew what she was really capable of.
“I was careful not to leave any traces behind so they’ll never be able to link this to me.” Her tone is triumphant and you close your eyes, knowing that she was going to get away with this.
“But you,” your eyes open again at her words, the glint in her eyes making you feel sick. “Well let’s just say that if you try and tell anyone what really happened, the police may just find some pretty damning evidence against you. You really need to control that temper, dove. Getting into an argument and killing your best friend isn’t a good way to handle your emotions”
She smirks as the realisation washes over you. You don’t know how but she had managed to find a way to frame you if it came down to it and you were certain that whatever it was would stick. You’d take the fall for Wanda and your life would be ruined.
Not that you had much of a life left at this point.
“So how about we go unpack, then we can take a nice relaxing bath together?” You don’t know how Wanda can just act like nothing's wrong, her voice calm and even.
She kisses you again before she turns, taking your suitcase with her as she walks toward the bedroom. You know there’s no way out for you, no possible way you could turn this around without making things worse for yourself.
You sink to the floor, your tears returning once more.
You cry for your friend that you lost. You cry for the Wanda that you thought you knew. You cry for yourself, trapped forever with someone who was like a stranger to you now. You cry for the future you thought you had and the one that awaited you.
It was a long time before the tears stopped.
Taglist: @olsensnpm @xxxtwilightaxelxxx @causeitswhatjesuswouldfreakingdo @marrymemcgrath @yeetus-thyself @royalityofmultifandom @reminiscingtonight @madamevirgo @marvelwomen-simp @lucydiibi @fazebaconneggs @when-wolves-howl @lostandsearching @bentleywolf29 @peabrain112 @imasimpfornatashamaximoff @chaekhan @chelleztjs18 @vancityfire13 @xxromanoffxx @tthucydidess @dandelions4us @natslittlebunny @pixiedustandpetals @stealth-kittyy @b-5by5 @catasha @thought-of-you-and-me @abimess @justbelova @atlas-nex @avery-romanoff @onetruwhore @peter3iscool @rightwereyouleftme @mrromanoff @themultiimagines @didujustcallmedumb @wandaslittlewhore @meliq
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katsukikitten · 3 years
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Part one. Master list for plus one can be found here.
Just a nice fic I decided to write for fun. Please enjoy!
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He was nothing but a huge, giant fucking ASSHOLE for the entire two years the two of you were dating and he decides NOW is a good time to break up with you?
Two days before your cousin's wedding and over TEXT MESSAGE?!
That fucking asshole.
He knew how you felt. Exactly how you felt about going alone to your cousin's wedding after your family begged to meet your boyfriend and teased you for "probably making him up." Which hell, he may as well have been made up considering how absent he was in the relationship. Using work as an excuse to come home late but forgetting to turn off his snap location when he showed up at the bar.
So you did what any rational woman in her upper twenties would do.
You drowned your sorrows in booze, tonight red wine as it was the only thing around, and you scrolled through your socials in hopes of distracting yourself from your suffering.
Alas the devil that is Instagram only amplified your sadness and irritation. Showing couple after couple, your friends on hikes kissing on the mountain top, kissing in the flickering light of candles at a fancy dinner or, worst yet, getting proposed to. The video showing her in hysterics screaming, "YES I DO I DO!"
And it feels terrible to feel this way. Especially about your friends, the people you love and want to support, still it stings. You hadn't told anyone about the breakup, you weren't even sure your friends even remembered that asshole's name.
A teardrop lands on your screen, magnifying all the magical lights of the led beneath the glad. You wipe away the tear and with that the feed refreshes. A new post has come in at the top, Res Riot's official account.
Kirishima stands with a fat white cat in his arms. He dwarfs the animal with his large stature that looks larger as he still has his Red Riot gear on. The caption reads something along the lines of "missed my precious baby."
Red wine is a dangerous thing as your body acts on its own. You go to his page to hit the little arrow to DM him. Typing out and backspacing your message as you struggle from the booze, you decide to say fuck it and use the voice memo feature. Before you know it your sniffling voice is playing back to you after you've hit send.
"My ex broke up with me before this stupid wedding. It's in two days and my family is going to roast me big time when I show up alone. They think I made that asshole up. I don't know why I'm even in your dms. Your account is probably run by some dick head who can't even capture your kindness. I guess I'm here cause my first thought seeing you on my timeline was Red Riot has always been my hero…"
Ugh totally fucking cringe.
There is no surprise as you see the three normally ominous dots pop up, probably his social media manager about to ask you to stop your "advances" as Kirishima is too busy to date and he'd hate to block you or some other bullshit.
But there it is a surprise to see a little bubble with the play button and some vertical lines in various heights. It takes your sluggish brain a moment to realize you've been sent a voice memo. Odd. Your thumb smashes the screen faster than you can think and a deep voice rumbles through the speakers of your phone.
"Actually I run my official and personal socials. And I'm sorry to hear about your ex doll. He sounds like a real ass. I'll be your hero, I'll go with you to the wedding."
Your heart stutters, no way, no way in HELL this was Red Riot. You had read about the horror stories before or pervy account managers taking advantage of women who so desperately wanted to talk to their hero.
Hell, it's happened to Dynamight plenty of times.
You swallow quickly but the bile rushes up your throat. Not just from the anxiety of a possible con but from drinking an entire bottle of wine with nothing on your stomach after months of sobriety. Quickly you stumble to the bathroom, abandoning your phone on your bed. You barely make it in time to praise the porcelain Gods before you fall onto your back. Looking up at the light in your cramped bathroom, the orb doubles and spins as you feel the Earth turning on its axis. You curl into your side using your bathmat as a pillow as you drift off into sleep, totally forgetting about the voice memo on your phone.
As you sleep peacefully on your memory foam bath rug, Kirishima settles into his nightly routine. One giant hand grabbing strands of long dark red hair into a towel while another sits snugly around his Adonis belt and the thick, black happy trail that follows up the center of his abs before spreading out onto his chest. He tosses the towel over the open door of the bathroom before sitting in his favorite armchair with phone in hand. Diamond, his beautiful white cat he rescued a few years ago, jumps onto the arm of the chair, purring loudly when Kirishima's free hand scratches her ears absentmindedly.
He chuckles to himself as he realizes exactly what he's done. Acting on a feeling instead of logic all because he heard a "damsel in distress." Starting off his rare vacation with spontaneity starting with an impromptu date with a stranger. He really isn't sure what you look like and it's obvious your handle doesn't have your real name in it, just PrincessPeach with some random numbers at the end. He takes the time to scroll through your profile. Seeing pictures of food, of many sunsets, a friend's dog that guest appears often, your own cat and plenty of strays.
It takes him a while before he sees a photo of you. His heart stutters in his chest as he looks you over. Laughing with a friend, soft lighting from strings over head that blur like little fireflies. Your smile is wide, half hidden by your hands as your eyes seem to smile with you. Sparkling as if they held stars.
For a moment Kirishima forgets how to breathe, it isn't until Diamond jumps down from the armchair does he inhale. He smiles softly to himself before he drops his towel, puts his phone on charge and promptly falls asleep in his bed.
Kirishima rises before the sun even has a chance to filter through his blinds. He sighs softly, getting up to a sitting position disturbing a fluffy white ball that lays beside him.
"Mmrow." Moon stone eyes blink slowly as they look at the mountainous man hogging the bed.
"I didn't mean to wake you sweet baby." He says softly, going to pet the soft white fur only for her to get up stretch and give him her butt before plopping back down.
"I know, mean ol' daddy woke you up too early again." He says softly, his hand falling onto her back before he rises from the bed. Fishing for his running shorts, socks, headphones and shoes. He makes his protein shake, leaning on the counter as he drinks it, looking at how you read, or better yet, listened to his message but still no reply. It was late and there was a small slurring of your words, he figures you've passed out. He just hopes you're okay.
His run goes as usual, up before anyone else unless they were the normal avid runner. Passing by the usual array of people. An old man holding onto his youth by jogging through his daily five mile morning run, Kirishima knows he runs another five in the evening while the sun is setting. He hopes he can embody some of this man's commitment when he is older. Then he passes a middle aged woman, who gives him the biggest smile as she pases, jogging backward to send him a wink before plowing ahead. Occasionally he'll see a running group or a few teens training to be heroes, they always ask if they can run his route. "It's long." He always warns in a kind, warm voice. They assure him they will be fine so far only one other person could handle his 12 mile morning run. A young woman in her second year of hero courses at UA. Since then Kirishima put in a word with his boss and so every time internships roll around she's in the office.
By the time Kirishima is rounding back towards his high rise apartment, the city begins to stir. Slowly waking as men and women in business suits rush towards the train, parents flinging open the doors or curtains fussing at their children who cling to an extra few minutes of sleep before school.
This was always his favorite part of the run, not because it was almost over, oh no it was because he had a chance to glimpse at everyday life. Of nine to fives, of school hours and after school hangs outs at snack bars or the library.
What most would call the mundane but Kirishima would never call it that. It's why he worked so hard to protect it.
Diamond greets his sweaty form at the door. Glaring angrily with her moon stone eyes. Tail swishing before she goes to the kitchen by her bowl. Waiting impatiently.
"I'm not late, sweet cheeks." He coos, and she glares, "I know I know. You're hungry now."
He opens the fridge, gets out the highest quality food there is and places it on her dish, sure to keep it all in the middle or she'll claim her bowl was empty. He added a splash of water too since the weather was starting to get hot.
He sucks down a water or two, demolishes a protein bar and then heads to the apartment gym.
A few hours roll by and without hearing from you yet his worry over your well being begins to cloud the forefront of his mind. He pauses his music, picks up his phone and talks out a voice memo.
A loud DING echoes from your room and around your skull as you rise with a throbbing headache.
"Fuck." You hiss to yourself grabbing at your head as you shakily rise to your feet. Yanking the handle of the faucet to drink from the stream before looking at yourself in the mirror.
"Ugh." You grunt ignoring your swollen face and eyes, yanking the mirror door open to snatch at the bottle of aspirin. Swallowing THREE extra strength pills before slamming the door shut and turning off the faucet. You make your way towards your bedroom, more than ready to sleep the rest of your day away. Grabbing at your phone to charge it you see the push notification of an Instagram message from Red Riot.
The fucking Red Riot.
Internally you scream before it bubbles up your throat and escapes. You fumble to unlock your phone before looking that it's a voice memo.
Mortified you realize you sent one too. And first at that.
"Fuck MEEE!" You plop onto the bed. Nervous this second voice memo is probably about how you're a weirdo or something as you relive the memory of asking him to be your plus one.
Hesitantly your thumb hovers over the play button before you find the strength to press the cool glass. A soft thunderous voice plays out.
"Good morning sleepy head. I haven't heard from you yet, I hope you're okay. Be sure to drink some water and eat something greasy. Trust me, late nights with Denki and Bakugou taught me something. Since the wedding is tomorrow I'll need a picture of your dress for the color and style so I can match you Sweet pea. Contact me soon so I can know where to pick you up."
Did he… did he just call you SWEET PEA? Your heart pounds in your chest before it registers he's asked for your dress color and lowkey asked for your address. This couldn't be real. It sounded like Kirishima, his voice familiar from interviews you've watched but it very well could be a prank. Defeated you hit the small microphone and reply.
Kirishima hears a sharp DING in his headphones over his music as he finishes his set. He wipes the sweat from his face on his shirt giving the few people in the gym a lovely view of his sweaty and thick torso. One woman trips on the treadmill but it goes unnoticed by Kirishima. He pauses his music and hits play on the little memo. Your beautiful yet groggy voice comes in through his ear buds causing Kirishima to bite his lip. It causes such a flutter of butterflies in his stomach he has to listen a second time to actually hear what you said. Although he understand, he cannot help but feel hurt by your reply.
"How do I know you're not just some pervy guy using Kirishima's Godly looks to prey on unsuspecting people."
Your phone chirps at you from the bed stand and you growl reaching for it. You had hoped your message would have been clear. An unspoken of you know they're a fucking creep taking advantage of their PR job.
"What can I do to prove it to you, Sweet Pea?"
You hate how that cute nickname sends your heart into a somersault and your stomach in delightful knots. Still your doubt pulls a harsh tut from your lips before you reply.
Kirishima doesn't need his phone to alert him that you've messaged him, he's been looking at his screen for far to long without having to restart his set. He listens to your voice as if it were music.
"Fine, you wanna prove it to me so bad. Take a picture of yourself shirtless with the word 'Sweet pea' you love so much and send it to me. No photoshop I know what my favorite hero looks like!"
For over an hour you don't hear back and you figure you showed that perv.
But now you can't sleep so you nurse a water, door dash a "greasy" breakfast all before cranking your shower as high as it can go. Your phone dings and you try to ignore it. You really do but as the saying goes curiosity killed the cat. Opening the message you see a classic guy mirror selfie. Kirishima is clear as day in the photo, his large hand pointing to his bare, hairy chest where sweat pea is scrawled in his adorable handwriting. He winks at the camera as his kissable lips wear a dangerous, almost cocky eyes travel down his bulk following his happy trail that dives under a pair of black shorts, the best part of the view getting cut off by the vanity. At first you try to rationalize that this was fake but damning evidence was sitting on the vanity. A fluffy white cat in a diamond and ruby encrusted collar sits on the counter giving her owner an odd look.
His cat Diamond that everyone knows he loves and adores. Slick begins to collect between your thighs and especially so after you listen to the voice memo that comes through shortly after. His normally friendly and soft voice comes out a bit dark, husky as he says in a playfully annoyed tone.
"Now send me a picture of that dress, Sweet Pea."
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landinoandco · 3 years
Our Love is a Game
Lando Norris x Reader
Request from @jamieeboulos
Warnings: pinch of fluff, cute ending because they are the best
Word count: 2.7 k
Requests are open :)
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It all started with a phone number, an innocent exchange that would subsequently change the world you knew; mostly for the better. When you had met Lando, as far as you were concerned you had just met a 21 year old who lived in London and had a passion for cars. How wrong you were. It was only when things started to get serious that he sat you down and explained everything that came with being a formula one driver; more importantly the fandom that he was involved in. 
You had always been a private person and admittedly this piece of information almost broke your relationship but after some time to think you had decided that he was worth it all. You both decided it was a better idea to keep your relationship as quiet as possible - you took every precaution to make sure you stayed a stranger to the fans.
For the past 2 years, you thought you had managed to stay clear of the cameras, the photos and the twitch streams but it wasn’t until a fan-made compilation caused your world to spiral out of control. 
You and Lando were out for a run, it was a part of your morning routine - a great way to start the day and it was time that you two could escape the motor sport world and act like a normal couple without worrying about who might be watching. It was time you both valued and appreciated. On this particular morning, Lando had decided to add to his Instagram story, a short video of his morning adventures - the mist still hanging around the trees as you ran under a heavily graffitied bridge, the early birds song chirping animatedly. At the time you didn’t think much of it as you were too busy tying your hair back up to notice. 
It wasn’t until you got home and looked at his story that your heart stopped, rushing over to the kitchen island you placed your phone down and ran your fingers through your hair. It was a blink and you’ll miss it moment but in the corner of his video - the last millisecond before it ended - there was a flash of a purple top (the purple top you had been wearing) and a swish of brown hair as you chucked it back up into a ponytail. 
“Lando.” You called out, trying to keep your voice as calm as you could. You didn’t know why it had affected you so much - or why you were so desperate to keep your identity a secret. It wasn’t like you wanted to hide your relationship; you were the happiest you ever had been, everyday was exciting and offered new prospects - it was more that you were so used to being in this bubble with Lando, the idea of it bursting seemed rather unappealing. Usually you didn’t care for how others saw you but seeing some of the words that people used to describe him, it would be enough to trouble even the thickest of skins. 
Lando’s close proximity broke your thoughts as he stared down at your phone, pausing on the flash of brown and purple. “I am so sorry, love.” He almost whispered, his eyes widening at his carelessness. He picked your phone up to take a closer look. 
“It will be alright, won’t it? I mean, it’s a blink and you’ll miss it.” You had said, more to reassure yourself than Lando. He didn’t answer, anxiety building in the pit of his stomach because he knew exactly what he had started. 
The fan-made compilation didn’t go viral until a few hours later - as it turns out that flash of purple was the perfect cherry on top of an unappetising cake. Lando was sat on stream - not that this was out of the ordinary and Max had decided to join him, leaving you alone to rewatch Friends for the umpteenth time. 
The pair were sat reacting to videos on YouTube when a clip of a seal swimming into a shoal of fish started playing - the amusing part was that they kept quickly dispersing away from the seal in question. Unsurprisingly, they laughed and Lando spluttered: “This is me trying to find a girlfriend.” What the fans didn’t know was the apparent irony of that sentence and this was what caused the major meltdown; whilst Lando and Max were busy crying with laughter - that chat had filled up with the same link and references to the video you would be redirected through. 
Max was the first to stop laughing, tapping Lando on the shoulder as he pointed at the chat. Hundreds of the same message filled the screen: “That’s not what this compilation shows.” “Lando, what are you hiding from us?” “Lando and Max laughing knowing very well he has a girlfriend.” 
“Chat what on earth are you waffling on about.” Max chuckled uneasily, looking at Lando out of the corner of his eye. Lando sat with a forced smile, his nostrils flaring as he continued through the comments. He could only let out a tense laugh as he swallowed thickly - his throat feeling suddenly dry. You were still sitting, completely engrossed and unaware that Lando Norris was now trending on twitter. 
Max had come up with an excuse to end the stream not long after, Lando uncharacteristically quiet. His thoughts were with you in the other room, had you seen it? Did you know? How would you react? He felt as though he had lost all control, like he had failed you entirely - all he wanted to do was protect you yet he was the one to screw it up. 
“Hey,” Max nudged his shoulder, “It was bound to happen at some point. Let’s go and see if she’s seen it - if not then -” He took a deep breath, “We will watch it together. We need to know what we are working with here.” Lando nodded, unable to reply, his body went into automatic pilot mode and too quickly he was standing facing you. 
Pausing the tv, you looked at Lando - his jaw tightened and facial expressions set as though he had just seen a ghost. “Is everything ok?” You asked apprehensively. 
“There’s something you need to see.” Max reached for his phone, pushing Lando onto the sofa. You offered your arm to Lando, pulling him into a hug. Max pulled up the video and pressed play. A tense atmosphere held the room hostage - breath restricted and gazes fixed onto the tiny screen in front of you. 
It started with a clip from this year’s Goodwood - Lando preparing to drive his last hill climb - you remembered it well, a McLaren hat placed on your head mainly to cover your identity; knowing that there would be more than a few fans around. The clip moved to 3 separate stills - all of you in your McLaren hat. One with your back to the camera, you hand placed around Lando’s waist, the other two a side profile as you spoke to Max. 
The reaction was immediate, you slapped your hand to your mouth, Lando looked horror-struck and Max was watching you carefully. 
The video moved on, this time a clip from the quadrant video where Niran trains like Lando for 24 hours - Lando and Niran were in the kitchen preparing to eat their breakfast when once again the video moved to stills. This time they were of your reflection in the oven - holding the camera. You had thought at the time, if you were behind the camera it would stop every chance of you accidentally being caught on camera. Apparently not. 
The video had moved on again, this time to stills of Lando arriving on track - of course there was no way for you to get on track without being photographed and you were fine with that because you would just arrive after Lando either with Jon or Charlotte. Photos of you arriving with Jon and Charlotte flashed up - with them you were just another member of staff but put with those other stills and it really did yell out that you and Lando were romantically involved. Finally the flash of purple from Lando’s story. The game was up. 
“Oh my-” You stuttered as the video came to an end. Fortunately your Instagram hadn’t been shown but judged by how skilled you knew the fans to be - it would only be a matter of time. “I feel sick.” You admitted, wiping your hands across your face. Lando still hadn’t said a word, staring blankly at the floor. Max was the first to come up with something logical, turning to you and Lando. 
“It will blow over.” He started, “The fans will soon lose interest and move onto the next big headline. We just need to ignore anything we see regarding the subject.” He moved his attention to you. “Maybe avoid social media for a few days. Let everyone cool down -” Sensing your means to interrupt, he held his hand up. “I know you shouldn’t have to and I know none of this is fair but unfortunately people have no boundaries and believe because it’s on social media it is their business. If they were in our situation, I’m pretty sure they would be the first to complain. Let’s just go along with it for now. It will give you time to think about what to do next.” 
Lando cleared his throat, pulling you closer into him. “I’ve failed you. All I wanted to do was protect you.” At this, Max got up and left. 
Shaking your head, you pressed your lips to his forehead. “You could never. Think about how long we kept it secret for. Besides, until we announce or admit anything - it isn’t confirmed.” You offered, trying to soothe his worries. He nodded, still not convinced. 
“Our love is like a game and it’s not a game I enjoy playing.” He croaked, lacing your fingers together. 
“I know, Lando, I know. Let’s let everything calm down and then we can think about what our next step is.” 
Weeks later and it was the night before you were due to leave for your summer holiday. You would be spending it with Lando and some of his friends and family. Due to the current pandemic, it had been so long since you had been away - even if it was a bigger group of you going; you were still looking forward to spending that quality time with Lando. 
Max had decided to take himself and Tom off to the streaming room - leaving you and Lando to sort out the remaining items you needed for your time away. 
“I have a present for you.” He said suddenly, his hands behind his back. You beamed, taking a step closer to him. He shook his head, “If you want it - “ He pointed at his lips. 
Rolling your eyes, you pecked his lips then held out your hands like a child. Lando chuckled, “Close your eyes.” Hands still outstretched and eyes closed, you waited for Lando to present you with your surprise. He grasped your left wrist and attached something to it - “No peeking.” He added. A moment or two later, he dropped his hold of your wrist and said: “You can open them now.” You could hear the smile on his lips. You opened your eyes and looked straight to your wrist - he had given you a pink watch. You furrowed your eyebrows and looked up at him, his eyes twinkled as he then pointed to the orange watch on his wrist. 
“Watches?” You asked, confusion laced your tone. 
Nodding, he said, “We all have matching watches but in different colours - they are for our holiday away.” 
You gave him a lopsided grin and wrapped your arms around his neck, “I love it. Thank you.” 
In the streaming room, Max was having to ignore the majority of the comments because they were all asking the same thing: “Who was the girl from the compilation.” He was trying his hardest to keep moving off the topic, instead showing off the watches - it had been his idea, blue for him, orange for Lando, a child’s watch for Tom and a pink watch for you. He had listed off all of the colours and said who they belonged to: “And then pink-” He paused, mentally face palming. He looked over to Tom for assistance - he hadn’t meant to say pink at all. “And pink is for someone.” He cursed his poor excuse but as if by magic - Lando walked through the door. 
Distracting the stream from his slip up. 
Croatia was a dream come true, the hot summer sun on your back and the time to just relax and recharge. Days spent with Lando sunbathing on the boat or stuck in a tense game of Uno. Not being the only female was brilliant as well - as they got to go off and not feel guilty about leaving you on your own. 
Currently, you and Lando were standing in each other's arms - the afternoon drawing into the evening as the sun began to set. You had your arms around his neck and his arms were around your waist, sighing contentedly you broke the silence: “This is nice.” He pressed his lips into your hair, a sign that he agreed with your statement. In that moment, it was just you and him - everyone seemed to disappear from around you and all worries vanished. It was the simple yet affectionate moments that had always meant the most to you. You felt as though you could relax every muscle in your body, listening to his steady heartbeat - you wished for this moment to never end, to forever be in his arms and to not worry about who sees you there. 
Ever since that compilation had been made, the thought had been on your mind a lot. Were you ready to go public with Lando? At the end of the day you were both happy and surely that was the most important thing. 
Later that night, you were sitting eating your meal when a phone was handed to you, displayed on it was a picture of you and Lando - in each other’s arms. 
Instantly you knew what this meant, looking at Lando you were met with the same expression. He did as well. 
You and Lando had decided it was time to announce your relationship, there was no point sneaking around anymore if people knew and were looking out for you. You had agreed that the best way to do it was if you joined him in a stream, that way they got to know you a bit more for who you were. 
“Is it ok to feel as nervous as I am?” You asked him, pulling up a chair beside him. He was setting up the stream, two mugs of tea placed in front of you. It seemed completely unnatural to sit facing the camera. 
“I mean, this is kind of a big deal so yes I would say, it’s completely natural for you to feel nervous.” He reached for your hand, rubbing his thumb over the back of it. Nodding, you took a deep breath. 
“Ok. I’m ready.” You said, your heart beating at a million miles an hour. The corners of his lips turned up, leaning in to leave you a kiss on the lips. 
“I love you and I’m so proud of you.” He admitted quietly, as though you were the only person in the world, his eyes flickered with complete adoration. 
“I love you too. Now, shall we start it?” 
Lando went to press the start stream button but paused. He turned back to face you, his eyes wide and offered an apologetic smile. 
“What did you do?” You asked, a smile toying at your lips as you had an idea of what it might have been. 
“Stream, meet my girlfriend.” 
He had already started it...
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warmau · 3 years
☆ [nostalgic] summer romance!au xiaojun kind of getting into the groove of writing so, happy late birthday xj! find others here: johnny | haechan | taeil | taeyong | mark | jaemin | yangyang | yuta | sicheng | chenle | kun | yukhei | doyoung | jaehyun | jungwoo | ten | jisung | renjun | jeno
"his birthday is literally a month away."
kun says and you shrug your shoulders, bringing the straw of your milkshake to your lips
"you're the one who taught me it's always good to plan in advance."
"you don't need a month to plan a birthday party, plus its xiaojun - not ten - who would probably insist on a whole gala."
ten throws a look across the table but doesn't dispute this fact
you tap your fingers on your drink and set it down to mumble something about how fine, you'll do it yourself if they don't want to help
it takes two seconds for kun to give an exasperated sigh after that and agree to help you after all
you smile and tell him you knew he would, he's too much of a micromanager to refuse
ten laughs and sicheng smirks as he doesn't look up from his phone
kun gives you the same look ten gave him a minute ago
you've been friends with xiaojun for a good year now
ever since he nearly lost bella when she got off her leash at the local park and you bolted after her like any good citizen would before she could wander off into the street
xiaojun and you have gotten closer
you kind of get him in a way that not a lot of people do
his humor can be kind of dry, and he tends to be picky about certain things
you're exactly the same way so you never really get mad about it - you both have come to learn the things you dislike and like about literally everything
being friends with someone who is as particular about movie popcorn and indoor room temperatures is a blessing more than people might think
the other members see the similarities between you two and more often than not they're happy that xiaojun, who can also be kind of reserved around strangers, has found someone that makes him so comfortable
everyone in their apartment is a character from hendery to yangyang but xiaojun meshes best with you
so it's kind of no surprise that even after a short time of being friends, and most of that time spent around the others
you two start getting the off-handed "you're so alike, why don't you just date?" comments
hendery is the first person to say it after you guys spend hours playing video games together
you and xiaojun are so in sync about everything that the rest of the team feels like you guys have to be playing together when in reality you're not even in the same room
the immediate response is for you to cackle into your headset microphone and for xiaojun to let out a high-pitched, almost theatrical 'never!'
it passes over your heads and nothing changes
but then everyone seems to be saying it
"only you two can put up with each other."
"have you ever considered being more than friends?"
"oh you're 'hanging out' again or are you just actually going on a 'date'?"
the words are supposed to carry absolutely no weight
but at some point when someone says something you end up looking at xiaojun out of the corner of your eye for some kind of response that isn't just a staunch and straightforward
it somehow also manages to get worse the month you're planning for his party in secret, both the teasing questions and your weird hope that xiaojun will one day say something different
nearly everyone knows you're trying to put this thing together but him and maybe that's why they tease
or maybe it's because xiaojun only ever seems fully himself when you're beside him
the way the tension in his shoulders falls completely to pieces when you topple over to spread out like a starfish on his sheets
the way the look of complete boerdom on his features shift around and up into a smile when you open the door holding your favorite cold drinks from the bubble tea place next door
the way xiaojun has never let someone close to him like this before - the way he lets you get cloes.
doesn't flinch when you lean over to brush an eyelash from his cheek, seems totally content with having you put a hand on his knee when you're all seated around the table and arguing over who goes next in this game of monopoly
it's a couple of days till the party and you are standing in the parking lot of the apartment building xiaojun lives in, you both have run away from the noise of his roommates
"hey, what do you want for your birthday?"
you feel hot when you ask - and it's not just because of the summer weather
xiaojun's head tilts as he says he hasn't thought about it
"actually, i'd love it if everyone got off our backs with his 'dating' crap."
dating crap
"do you hate it that much?"
"it just feels like they're taking it too seriously."
you run your tongue over your teeth and the unusual pause makes xiaojun narrow his eyes, in the evening darkness you think maybe he won't notice the confusing expression on your face but he does
"did i say something wrong?"
it's almost like he's poking at the sleeping giant question that you both are too nervous to actually ask - do we like each other in a way that's more than just friends? is everyone just pointing out the obvious?
"no, i just got lost in my thoughts for a second."
your mouth feels dry when xiaojun looks like he's going to step closer to you but doesn't
your saving grace is hendery's head popping out over the balcony and yelling for you two to get back inside before the mosquitos eat you alive
xiaojun holds the door open, but you tell him you need to go home early
that night you look at your checklist of things to do for his birthday
you've already sent out invites, you put in the order for the cake, and you got all the decorations
two things are left, pick up cake and snacks and get present
"dating crap"
you say out loud to yourself and for some reason, it hurts in your chest. you decide you'll just get xiaojun some kind of giftcard, maybe so he can buy more games.
"dude, xiaojun is like a cat."
kun says and you try to balance the cake in your hands as you two make your way to his car
it's the day of the party, kun is lugging bags of snacks and you're thankful that the cake has xiaojun's name on it spelled correctly, but something doesn't feel celebratory about all this
the excitement of making xiaojun happy has turned to anxiety ever since your talk in the parking lot
dating crap, dating crap, dating crap - did i say something wrong?
you squeeze the thought from your mind and look at kun with your brows furrowed
"he's like a cat ok, he'll never show how much he wants something until he gets it."
it's cryptic and you tell kun you don't know what he's talking about, the cake is cold even through the bag it's in as you place it on your lap in the passenger seat
kun sighs as if he knows you're just being difficult
"sure, anyway xiaojun will be back to the apartment at seven so we should have enough time to set everything up."
at a red light, just as you're deep in mixing thoughts about xiaojun and your feelings and his feelings and how you sometimes get embarrassed seeing him walk around shirtless or eating from the same plate as him
kun goes, "by the way what did you get him as a present?
"oh a giftcard for games."
kun taps his finger against the wheel
xiaojun is actually surprised when he walks through the door and you all jump up with balloons and cheers and brightly colored party hats
he immediately looks at you in the crowd and asks
"you did this all for me?"
your heart threatens to jump up and out of your chest because he should look normal like he always does
but he's standing there with his grey t-shirt and silver chain looking like a sculpted masterpiece bestowed on you from heaven itself
god, i have it bad.
"we did it together!"
"nah it was like all them!"
hendery counters your modesty before throwing his arms around xiaojun into a half tackle hug
the party is like ... any other party
kun was kind of write, you didn't need to take a whole month to plan, but you're glad it is all going smoothly
people are enjoying the food, people are playing the usual games and chitchatting and summer is wafting in from the open balcony door
the pets are scampering around from lap to lap and someone has put on music that's upbeat but not ear piercing or distracting
xiaojun is being passed around for presidents and hugs and congratulations for another year of his life
and you are in the kitchen constantly putting new bowls of chips out, busying yourself with your hands to fight this weird churn of your stomach
xiaojun looks so handsome i could be sick. i want all of his attention but that's such a horrible thing to think - this is his party, this is literally. his. party.
someone taps your shoulder and you half expect it to be another person asking where the dip is when you turn to see xiaojun
"thank you so much"
his voice is softer than usual
"oh don't thank me, it's your birthday, it's the least i could do."
"i guess when i said i don't want a present you went with a party which is so sweet and unexpected."
the compliment goes over your head because the mention of that conversation has you thinking about it again.
dating crap. did i say something wrong - you feel cold in an apartment of packed bodies - it's like he was saying i don't like you like that. i don't love you.
"a-ah, yeah. i did also get you a present."
you fish the gift card that was put in a pretty envelope by the employee out of your pocket and hand it to him shyly
"i know it's not much-"
"no, you know me so well. you know i wanted to get all those new skins and stuff."
he's gripping the cup of soda in his hand unusually tight, you try not to notice the way it makes the veins that run up his forearm stand out
someone's attention is needed and he disappears with a little smile. the conversation feels so stoic. it doesn't feel the way you and him talk.
and then somehow you end up in a circle on the floor with bella in your lap playing truth or dare
it's a birthday party in a huge apartment, so it's bound to reflect some of the traditions of high school
also hendery got too excited about playing it and no one wanted to say no
everyone starts off the way these things always go, embarrassing borderline comedic dares. stupid truth questions so that roommates can out other roommates for their mistakes.
you laugh a lot, you notice xiaojun keeps looking at you
then it gets to the birthday boy himself and hendery's big white grin kind of scares you
"so xiaojun, truth or dare?"
a loud ringing of 'oooh's' plays through the walls and you swallow
"is it true..........you aren't romantically interested in your best friend?"
all eyes turn to you and then xiaojun
bella whimpers in your lap like she's sentenced the shift, she hops out and stretches before finding a corner somewhere else - you wish you could find a corner somewhere too.
xiaojun's face is unreadable, you haven't touched any alcohol all night but your vision feels fuzzy
"no. we're just super close friends."
the smile on hendery's face falls and the crescendo of your heartbreaking thumps through your ears so much that it physically hurts
someone coughs and clears their throat
you don't even register what you're doing as you're doing it, don't hear xiaojun say your name or the hard thwack of kun's hand on the back of xiaojun's shoulder
"are you insane, why would you say that when you don't mean it?"
the question floats from someone's mouth and it's not yours and you don't stick around to hear xiaojun's answer
you only navigate yourself up to your feet and out of that apartment because your body puts autopilot into flight mode
you're maybe two blocks down the street when something warm wraps its arms around you
you don't move - your eyes are fixated on the asphalt
"im so stupid, im sorry."
xiaojun's voice breaks in a way you've never heard before
"you're not stupid for not liking me back."
your voice sounds flat in a way you've never heard before too
the arms around you drop and you start to move forward again, still wanting to get away from him and everyone else
"no. i mean im stupid for lying."
you stop
"i thought you didn't want me to be interested in you like that and then kun said that's the dumbest thing he's ever heard because you obviously-"
xiaojun can't say the rest of the sentence because he's waiting for you to confirm
kun is always right about so many things, when he'd said xiaojun is like a cat, you get this is what he meant
"that i obviously am in love with you?"
you hear the sigh escape from xiaojun before you turn full around
when you do xiaojun nods, opens his arms again and you have never felt more fit for a place than when you tuck yourself into his chest and he buries his nose into your hair
"you're so bad at truth or dare"
you muffle into his shirt and he laughs, squeezing you closer
you don't mind the way you stick to each other under the glaring heat of the last summer month's hold
of course you come back to the apartment and everyone looks like they've just been saved from drowning in the titanic
the birthday party goes to a congrats-on-finally-confessing-your-feelings-you-two-idiots party
and for all the time you two spent apart that evening, you're now glued to xiaojun's side and it finally is in a way that lets your fingers brush and hold onto each other
in a way that lets him turn his head to kiss your temple when he's had enough of the conversation or argument his other roommates are in
you refuse to let him clean when the party is over - he is the birthday boy - but he does it anyway
you get some alone time on the balcony again and you kiss some more, all shy and new and tender
but xiaojun's hand finds your hip and you stammer against his mouth
you want to stay over but literally everyone is home so you peck xiaojun on the lips and he mutters we could just cuddle instead when you say goodbye at the door
the rest of august is sweeter than summer ice cream
you and xiaojun go on dates, which xiaojun is actually good at planning because he just knows you so well and he knows you are not the type of person who wants to go to fancy, uptight restaurant or even entertains the idea of seeing sappy romance movies in theaters
he knows what to order for you two before you even come over
you know what he needs when he just offhandedly mentions that he needs to get some stuff from the store
and it's like you two are connected by something more than just a physical need for the other, it's like your souls have been intertwined and your minds too
you do finally get to come over when the rest of the members are out practicing or hanging out with other people
and you check the door to the room is locked about six times before xiaojun has to rope you into his arms with his pretty lips
before scuttling out from under the covers to check the lock himself too
it makes you laugh, he laughs too, you two kiss and you think you can only remember xiaojun's taste for hours after
no one, not even strangers, seem surprised by you being together as they learn it
an older woman at the beach says you and him just look like puzzle pieces that have found each other, she says she sees happiness in your futures
and it is all happiness - from that birthday to this one - almost ten years later
xiaojun knows you're planning a party, you always do like it's a tradition, so you can't call it a surprise anymore
but he promises to act shocked when he comes through the door anyway
"is this shocked face good enough?"
he asks, putting his hands on his cheeks and opening his mouth
age has treated him so well, he's still got the absolute best cheekbones you've ever seen in your life
you giggle and clamber over onto the sofa where he is
"no, no - more oomf!"
he tries again and then reaches out to pull you into him, you kiss his nose and he scrunches it up
"how about i just jump up and go 'no way!' or something?"
"xiaojun you're not twenty anymore."
he pouts, "fine. ill think of something."
"by the way what do you want as a present?"
you look into his eyes and the browns soften as they reflect the image of you, the person he's sworn to love for the rest of his life
he shrugs - says he got the best present of all time already
"you said that last ye-"
"and it's true, you're the only thing ive ever wanted so badly i was just too dumb of a guy to ask for it."
your hands are warm on his chest
"that's ok, you still got it in the end."
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pascalpanic · 3 years
so i read this scenario on reddit and i thought it would be a cute and fluffy fic idea if you want to write it :)
one of the Pedro boys (i was thinking frankie or marcus moreno but you can put any one of them that you feel like would fit the story) lands himself in the hospital and the reader visits him often cause they’re friends. they notice that every time they visit, his heart rate monitor speeds up, like not enough to cause alarm but enough to be noticeable, and that’s how she finds out that he likes her and they decide to date (after he gets out of hospital)
Appendicitis (Frankie Morales x f!reader)
Summary: ^^
W/C: 2.4K
Warnings: talk of being ill, vomit, pain, lots of talk of hospitals and that being a major setting, Frankie is a dad, language
A/N: welcome back to Josie’s quest to clean her inbox! This idea was so precious!! I hope you guys like it!!
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Frankie is in fucking agony. Never has he felt something as painful as this, never has such pain radiated through his body so intensely that he has no choice but to vomit out his stomach’s contents.
He spends the day at home, occupying his daughter as best he can while he’s in such suffering. He figures that maybe it’s just really bad gas cramping or constipation. Marisol plays quietly, at her daddy’s request, watching her favorite Disney movies on the couch while nuzzled into his side. Frankie has never been so grateful to get her into bed at the end of the day.
After a full day of the pain, and realizing that it wasn’t going away no matter how many painkillers he took, Frankie gave in around midnight. Lying in his bed, skin turning gray and the pain now decisively in his right side, Frankie called you.
After a few rings, you picked up. “Hey, Fish.”
“Hi.” His voice sounds agonized. “How much do you charge for babysitting again?” He asks, the strain clear.
You’re confused, pushing the phone closer to your ear and thinking it might be the distance that makes him sound so odd. “Uh, you’re my friend, so free. You need me to take Mari?” You ask him.
He nods. “Yeah; how much for like a week though? I don’t want to impose though, and-“
His voice sounds terrible. “Frankie. Shut up. A week? What’s wrong? I can take Marisol for as long as you need, but I gotta know what’s going on.”
Frankie is quiet before he grunts softly in pain. “I think my appendix might be fucked up. It hurts like fucking hell. Mari’s asleep, I don’t wanna wake her or anything, but could you-“
You cut him off once more, sitting bolt upright. “I’m on my way over. Do you think you can hang on until I get there? I can drive you to the hospital, or we’ll get one of the boys.”
“That sounds good,” Frankie agrees. “Fuckin’ ambulances are so expensive.”
You chuckle softly. “Hang in there, Fish, okay? I’m gonna call Will, see if he can drive you and I’ll stay with Mari. How’s that?”
Marisol loves you. There’s no better solution in Frankie’s eyes: she behaves better for you than she does for him. She’ll be in good hands, happy for as long as he needs to be in the hospital healing. “Perfect. God, you’re a fucking angel. Don’t deserve you.”
“You deserve better than me,” you snort as you pull on a hoodie and slip on some shoes. “I’m gonna call Will. You got this, Fish. Distract yourself. I’ll send you updates.”
When you arrive at the Morales household, Will’s truck is already in the driveway. He lives closer, so it makes sense. Be quiet and don’t wake Mari, you remember as you slip off your shoes and head up the stairs of Frankie’s home. It’s quiet, unsurprising for this time of night, and you know Mari is a light sleeper. Frankie would never want to wake her at this hour.
Wandering into his room, you find Will standing next to the bed and an incredibly worn-looking Frankie. His skin holds barely any color, his face almost green in nausea. You rush to his side. “Frankie, holy shit,” you exclaim in a loud whisper, taking his hand. “You’re okay?”
“I will be if Miller mans up and gets me out of this bed,” he says, followed by a chuckle with no humor.
Will sighs. He’s wearing pajamas too, looking as exhausted as you are. Frankie groans as he hears Mari’s tiny voice over the baby monitor. “Fuck. You’re staying with her, Will’s bringing me?” He clarifies, looking up at you with bloodshot eyes.
Nodding, you squeeze his hand. “Give me directions quickly and I’ll go get her. You gotta sit up first, Frankie,” you reassure him.
He squeezes your hand back tight and sits up, his face contorting in pain. There’s a flush of redness to his cheeks, and it makes him look more human for a moment until it fades again. “She won’t fall back asleep unless she’s in this bed with you. She needs the attention. Uh, food is in the fridge, you know emergency shit,” he says, with surprising coherence for the pain he’s in.
You nod and ruffle Frankie’s soft bedhead. “Benny- fuck,” you wince, knowing the Miller brothers hate being mixed up. Somehow, even with their distinct personalities, you do it all the time. “Will. Send me updates,” you remind him as you stand. “And you, Francisco,” you murmur and press a kiss to his sweat-beaded forehead, “get some strong pain meds and get better for me and Mari.” You smile softly and walk out of the room.
The room next to Frankie’s is beautiful, a sage green paint and lots of woodland creatures painted on the walls by Frankie’s surprisingly artistic hands. There’s a crib covered by a creamy white canopy and the little girl pokes her head up, tilting to the side in confusion as she sees you.
It’s not fear, of course. Mari loves you, absolutely adores you in fact. She’s just… confused. Her little brain can tell it’s the middle of the night. “Where’s Daddy?” She asks, making uppy arms at you.
You walk over to her crib, picking her up and kissing her head. “Daddy’s got a tummyache, cutie,” you tell her and tickle her tummy gently, making her giggle and bury her tiny face in your chest. “He’s gonna go see the doctor and get it all fixed up, okay? You and I are gonna have so much fun,” you assure her, and she giggles again.
You can hear two sets of feet, slowly moving. “Let’s go give Daddy a kiss goodbye, okay?” Mari nods and rubs her little eyes.
Frankie’s got an arm around Will’s shoulders in the hall, looking absolutely agonized. He smiles a little as he sees you and his baby. “Hey, patita,” he chuckles. He dubbed her duckling from the soft tufts of fluff on her head as a baby. “Be good while I’m gone.”
Mari nods and puts a hand on either side of Frankie’s sweating face, making a little pout and giving him a kiss. “Love you, Daddy,” she says, a yawn overtaking her tiny face.
“Love you too,” he nods and looks up at you. “I owe you.”
“Friends don’t owe each other,” you shake your head. “Now get your a… butt to the hospital, Morales,” you tell him and pat Will on the shoulder. “Thanks, man.”
He nods at you and the two men shuffle along through the house until they can get Frankie into the car and on his way to (hopefully) sedation and a cure.
Yawning again, Mari’s big brown eyes look up at you from where you hold her on your hip. “Snack?” She asks you, pointing towards the kitchen.
Her little voice and tiny, pudgy fingers are too much. “I suppose. Only because we’re having special girls’ time,” you tease and boop her nose. Setting her on the counter, you grab some cubes of cheese and some berries, which you make sure are in small pieces.
Mari’s content to eat her snacks with you, and you can see her growing sleepier again as the plate empties out. “Sleepy?” You ask her, and she nods. “Alright, cutie pie,” you sigh and lift her, holding her to your chest as she wraps her arms around your neck and her legs around your torso. “Do you want me to cuddle with you?” You ask.
She nods. “Gotta snuggle for late sleepies. Daddy says that.”
The words melt your heart. Frankie’s always been so good with her, so warm and skilled and precious. It only makes your crush on the man grow every time his little girl babbles about how much she loves her daddy. “Does he?”
She nods. “Daddy sings for me.”
Frankie singing Marisol to sleep. The idea melts your heart. You need in on that. “What does he sing to you?” You ask. “What’s your favorite song that daddy sings to you?”
She thinks for a moment as you sit on the edge of the bed, allowing her to clamber off your lap and into the cozy king-sized bed. “Rocket Man.” It’s hard to decipher in her baby-talk, but you get it.
“He sings that for you?” You ask as you get under the covers, into the blankets that are still warm from Frankie’s body heat, that smell like his cologne.
Mari snuggles into your chest, and nods softly. “Can you sing Rocket Man?”
“Of course,” you nod and trace little circles into the toddler’s back, singing the Elton John song to her in a soft voice. It doesn’t take long, now that she’s in her daddy’s bed and got a snack, for her to fall asleep. She snores softly, and you follow suit not too long after.
It did turn out that Frankie had appendicitis. The doctors weren’t entirely sure what caused it, but you and the Miller brothers rotated your time with Marisol at home and the hospital with Frankie, as his stay was painfully long for such an active man. Santiago video chatted often, but being out of town prevented him from physically seeing Fish.
It took him about a week to recover, and that time was mostly spent napping or watching the television in his room. He’d bullshit with the guys or you when you were around, and he especially loved the time of the afternoon every day where one of you brought Marisol to see him.
Usually it was just you or one of the Millers who stayed in the room with him. The other two either stayed with Marisol or got to stay at home and rest for themselves. It was a lucky day when you and Benny got to both be with Frankie for a while, telling stories and laughing. It was your turn to be off-duty, but all you wanted from your free time was to be with the man.
Your presence has always made Frankie’s heart rate a little faster. It’s always made his palms a little clammy, and his pants a little tighter sometimes. At least now he can attribute it to the pain.
Every time his eyes catch yours, his heart monitor gets a little louder. It’s odd, but you shrug it off. It can’t mean anything. It’s just your Frankie. After an hour or so of spending time with the guys, you run to get fast food for the three of you. While you’re away, you receive a text from Benny.
Benny Boy: you’re fucking with his head, bro
You: what?
Benny Boy: the heart rate monitor is nearly silent right now. every time frankie looks at you it spikes, don’t tell me you haven’t been noticing that
You: do you want nuggets or a burger?
You: thats ridiculous, Benny.
Benny Boy: always nuggets. but seriously, his heart rate is at like 54 right now, he’s just chilling and kind of dozed off. let’s check it when you come back.
You: be prepared for the most boring science experiment ever. also, what dip do you want?
After you receive your bulging bags of food, stuffed from both Benny’s and Frankie’s massive appetites, you return to the hospital.
You: walking in. pulse status?
Benny: 60. he’s a little more awake now.
As you enter the room, Frankie turns to you and grins. “Hey. What did you get?” He asks.
You plop the bags on the small table overhanging Frankie’s bed and grin. “Just your usual order. I know what you like,” you shrug as you unpack the food.
Beep beep beep beep. HR: 77
Smiling at the rate of Frankie’s heart, more than you should really, you sit down back next to Benny and the three of you eat your food. It’s somewhat quiet, the chatter dying as you devour the fast food, savoring the grease and salt.
After everyone is finished, you stand and clean up the garbage, tossing it all away. You sit back down on Frankie’s bedside. “So, macho man. How’s the pain?” You ask, your fingers tracing his good side.
Beep beep beep beep beep. HR: 86
He shrugs. “It hurts like a bitch, and they said it’s gonna keep hurting like a bitch.”
“Poor baby,” you chuckle, cupping the side of his face and kissing his forehead softly.
Beep beep beep beep beep beep. HR: 96
Benny groans and stands. “I’m gonna hit the bathroom.” He smacks your arm as he walks past, as if rubbing in the evidence he’s found. “And then take a walk, I think.”
You’re still seated at Frankie’s side, on the inflatable hospital mattress. “Oh Benjamin,” Frankie rolls his eyes. “Why’d he leave so quick?”
You shrug, though you know the answer. “Who knows? Benny can’t even predict himself,” you chuckle. Frankie’s hand rests over his chest. You slide your hand over his torso and lace your fingers through his until you’re holding it. You can feel his heart thumping steadily against it. “I’m really glad you’re okay.”
Beep beep beep beep. HR: 104
He smiles. “I’m lucky I have you.”
You sigh softly as you look up at the heart rate monitor again. “I gotta say, you have a really high resting rate,” you say nonchalantly, as if you believe it.
Frankie’s face warms. “I, uh-“
“I’m kidding, Frankie,” you mumble softly to him, smiling a little. “I really like you, and I think that monitor is helping me know you like me too. When you get out of here, can we maybe go on a date some time?”
Beepbeepbeepbeepbeep. HR: 112
Nodding enthusiastically, those floppy curls move with his head. “I would love that,” he tells you with a beaming smile. “God, have you been able to tell all day?” He asks as he looks up at the monitor, his ears burning with heat as he reads the pulse rate. It’s embarrassingly high.
“Yeah,” you finally admit and smile down at him. “But it’s cute. And it makes me feel all warm inside because I finally know you like me too.”
Big brown eyes stare up at you with all of the love in the world. “If I wasn’t wearing a hospital gown, I’d kiss you right now,” he promises. “But that’ll have to wait.”
“Yes it will,” you nod and kiss his forehead again, easing him back against the mattress he’d lifted up from slightly. “Now I’m going to go find Benny, and you slow down that heart rate,” you tease and ruffle his curls.
“I’m not gonna be able to slow it down with you around,” he says with a soft smile, his eyes slipping shut.
@remmysbounty @mishasminion360 @blo0dangel @binarydanvvers  @sleep-tight1 @apascalrascal @randomness501 @spideysimpossiblegirl @notabotiswear @pedro-pastel @sanchosammy @lv7867 @greeneyedblondie44 @hunnambabe @astoryisaloveaffair @emesispo @pedritobalmando @magikfanatic @a-court-of-feysand-and-elorcan
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liliesoftherain · 4 years
Too Sweet
A/N: just a little something I thought of and couldn’t get out of my head. Enjoy
Genre: Fluffy fluff
Pairing: Bakugou Katsuki x Reader (can be seen as platonic or romantic)
Gender-neutral reader. Let me know if I made a mistake
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You, Katsuki, and Izuku were childhood friends.
You knew Katsuki practically since birth,
Your mothers being really close friends and colleagues.
Spending your childhood years at the Bakugou house was always entertaining. 
The two of you were, in Mitsuki’s words,
‘Attached at the damn hips’
You met Midoriya later in life.
Yet he easily fit into your duo with no issues.
Even after quirks developed, 
(and quirks that didn’t develop)
You were still pretty close to both of them,
Even if Katsuki and Izuku weren’t close to each other anymore.
However, you still tried to keep the peace as much as you could.
And it worked, for the most part.
You still didn’t understand Bakugou’s hatred,
So you forced yourself to be the middle man to keep them separated. 
And it was exhausting. 
You were practically at your wit’s end with them.
Until the three of you were lucky enough to get into U.A’s very own Hero Course.
You weren’t sure what had happened between them all this time during school,
Yet by the end of your first year and second rolled around,
They were getting close again.
So that’s why you found yourself in this situation;
Sandwiched between them on the common room couch, 
During a game night with the rest of the class.
Right now you were watching Kaminari screaming guesses at Mina, 
Who was desperately drawing on a large paper pad. 
A sudden buzzing from your phone broke your attention from the amusing sight,
You fish it from your pocket and open your messages,
You weren’t surprised to have Mitsuki texting you,
Throughout the years you thought of her as a second mother.
Yet you were surprised at the video and its description,
‘Hey munchkin, check out what I found. Looks like my son has always been a little shit.’
You laugh and draw the attention of your friends.
“What the hell are you laughing about?”
“Auntie Mitsuki sent me a video.”
“Hah? What is that old bat sending you?”
You press play and immediately see you, Izuku, and Katsuki as young kids.
Oh my gosh is that you guys as babies?”
Pausing the video, you turn to find Kirishima leaning over the couch behind you.  
His words caught everyone’s attention and they squeezed in next to him to try to take a peak.
“But I wanna watch it Kaachan!”
Rolling your eyes, you hold it in a way for everyone to see and press play from the beginning.
All three of you were sitting next to each other.
You were lying on your stomach, swinging your legs while coloring an AllMight Coloring Page,
Izuku sat similarly watching in interest (his own AllMight was already finished),
Katsuki sat crossed legged and was coloring his own page, 
Rather he was scribbling on it with earnest.
“Kids, whose ready for some cookies?”
Masaru comes onto the screen, holding a plate of cookies.
You and Izuku sit up excitedly, 
Katsuki looks disgusted as Izuku accidentally kicks the crayon he wanted to use away.
Before he could yell, you grab his arm and smile,
“Kaachan, stop coloring, and let’s eat cookies!”
His face turns red, and he puts his hand in your face to push you away,
“Yea okay get off of me already.”
The camera follows as you three trot to the low table.
You each sit, grab a cookie and chow down.
Katsuki is frowning as he stares at his cookie,
His eyes glancing back and forth between his and your own.
You give him a weird look and bring your cookie to your chest,
“You have your own, Kaachan.”
“Yours looks good.”
“They’re the same!”
Katsuki pouts,
You pout,
And a staring contest ensures.
Masaru tries to coax his son down but he doesn’t budge,
So reluctantly you hold out your cookie for him to take a bite
“Just a small bite though, okay?”
He takes a bite from the same spot you did before,
Mitsuki can be heard coo-ing from behind the camera
“(y/n)-chan is so sweet~ say thank you brat.”
Katsuki stares at the camera(well his mother behind the camera),
Confusion all over his face.
“They’re sweet?”
“Just like the cookies!”
Masaru says with a smile.
You giggle.
Izuku grabs another cookie,
And before anyone had a chance to stop it,
Katsuki had leaned in close,
Throws his arms around you,
And bites your cheek.
You whine out in surprise and pain, 
Izuku gasps, 
And Masaru tries to pull his son back.
“Katsuki Bakugou you little brat, leave them alone!”
“But mom you told me they were sweet!”
Bakugou is glaring(pouting really) at the camera, 
You wipe your cheek and make ‘ick’ noises as his spit gets on your hand.
“Kaachan you’re so mean!”
“Huh? It’s not my fault! You don’t even taste sweet like a cookie!”
Katsuki’s eyes widen as he sees you grow sad,
“I don’t?”
“N-no, uh, you taste better than a cookie…”
“I wanna try!”
“No way Izuku, only I can!”
The boys begin to bicker and the camera shakes with Mitsuki’s movement.
“Nobody is biting anybody! Katsuki, you can’t just bite people like that, alright?”
“... well what if I-”
 The last of the video comes to a halt, 
Not before your screeching is heard and Bakugou is shown, 
Sticking his tongue to lick your cheek.
The rest of the class is silent as the trio as everyone takes a moment to process what they saw.
Then the fun begins.
Everyone begins to gang up on Katsuki,
They call him cute and adorable,
The boys(we know which boys)
Making jokes about wanting him to check to see if they’re sweeter than cookies.
You and Izuku are the only ones sensible enough to not poke the bear,
Although you’re desperately holding back a laugh and Iuzku is red in the face.
Kaminari makes a dumb joke about how he can buy you a cookie costume and you cant control the laughter that tumbles from your lips. 
Katsuki snaps.
He stands and uses his fists for show,
Threatening everyone to shut the hell up and leave him alone.
He goes to walk away and you grab at his arm,
Before he can shrug you off you smile teasingly at him.
“C’mon Kaachan, you can’t be mad. I’m better than cookies--who hates cookies?”
He blushes,
The class laughs,
And your face is shoved into the couch cushion before he stomps away.
You sit up with a grin,
You know he can’t be upset for long.
You’re too sweet after all.
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brain-deadx0 · 3 years
Blood in the Water
Summary: Virgil is kidnapped for ransom, but when his captors don't get what they want they decide to get rid of him.
Characters: human Virgil, mer Logan, oc villain
Warnings: Kidnapping, restraints, hostage, injury of a main character, implied torture, attempted murder, drowning mention, near drowning, noncon kissing(?)/mouth to mouth, knife, uh… let me know?
 Virgil had never given much thought to his father. Sure as a kid he thought the man was cool as hell. But he was more like that rich uncle you never see who sends you cool toys on Christmas and your birthday. 
 As he got older he came to realize this but didn't care all that much. Sure he thought he would've liked to have an actual relationship with the guy, until he got old enough to realize his mom was the only one who was actually supporting him and paying the bills. So he decided the guy wasn't worth it anyway since despite all the money he seemed to have he never tried to help out. 
 Virgil knew his father was a bastard. 
 Virgil thought he was simply a rich yet deadbeat dad up until his mom got sick. The two had never once asked him for anything, but when Virgil was a broke college student who couldn't afford the growing medical bills he reached out. Hoping that if nothing else the man would help pay for her treatment. 
 He didn't even go to the funeral. 
 So yes. Virgil knew his father was a bastard. He just didn't realize how much of one he actually was. 
 Virgil was currently tied to a chair on what he could only assume was a boat. Or at least he hoped it was a boat or else his concussion was worse than he thought. 
 He didn't bother testing the restraints. He was too tired at this point and every attempt before had ended in pain. 
 He didn't even know why these people had suddenly grabbed him off the street and shoved him into a trunk. Sure his estranged father was rich or something but it's not like either of them had been in contact for years. Virgil didn't even get gifts anymore since his mom died and he told the man to not even bother. 
 He really hoped these people didn't actually know who he was because if they tried to ransom him he was definitely going to die. 
 The sound of the door slamming open startled him from his thoughts. 
 Virgil glared despite the new ball of anxiety sitting heavy in his stomach. 
 "So," a man in a pristine white suit said as he walked through the door, "You must be Virgil." 
 "Who's asking?" Virgil growled. 
 He almost regretted it as one of the guards made a move for him, only to be stopped by the man holding up a hand. 
 "You can call me John." 
 "Because that's totally not a made up name." 
 'John' just smirked, "Remind me: what was your father's name again?" 
 Virgil cursed, "Look man, if you're looking for money you kidnapped the wrong guy. I haven't had contact with that bastard in years. He didn't even pay child support!"  
 "I asked for his name, not your life story." 
 Virgil huffed, "George Storm," he ground out, "why are you even asking me? You obviously know already." 
 "Just wondering which alias he used on you." 
 "Now Mr. Storm-" 
 "It's Sanders. I got rid of his name when I told him to fuck off." 
"Fair enough," the man said, "regardless of your name the fact remains that you're still his son and that means you're worth something." 
 Virgil couldn't help but laugh at that, "Didn't you hear me? He won't give you any money. He probably forgot I even existed by now." 
 "Then let's remind him shall we?" 
 Virgil couldn't help but flinch at the sudden sound of ducktape. 
 "- and if you don't? Well your little boy might just have a little accident." 
 Virgil's screams came out muffled as the cattleprod was once again jammed into his side. 
 Virgil shook as he tried to recatch his breath. 
 "Well Mr. Sanders, you played your roll quite well." John told him. 
 Virgil just glared back. 
 Virgil wasn't sure how long he had been in the small room. It had to have been a couple of days at least. They had taken a few more videos after his fathers response or lack thereof. Each time Virgil was beaten or tortured just shy of unconsciousness. 
 He wasn't restrained anymore at least. It's not like anyone thought he could do anything at this point. 
 He laid on the cold metal floor hoping it might somehow make his body feel less like a puddle of pain, but if it did it wasn't noticeable. 
 He flinched and curled into himself when he heard the door open. Several sets of heavy foot steps made their way towards him. He tried to curl up tighter in a meager attempt to protect himself but inevitably failed as a rough hand pulled him into a sitting position. A bright flash let him know they were taking another photo before the hand in his hair began pulling him towards the door. 
 "Hello again Mr. Sanders." John greeted pleasantly as Virgil was thrown to the deck. 
 Virgil coughed as he pushed himself to his knees, "I'm guessing he won't give you anything?" 
 "No." John hummed, "I guess you were right. He really doesn't give a shit about you." 
 "Will you let me go now?" He couldn't help but ask. 
 John smirked again in the way Virgil had unfortunately become familiar with over the last however long, "Seeing as you aren't worth any monetary value I see no reason to keep you." 
 For a brief moment there was a flicker of hope in his chest. 
 "But I've wanted to kill that father of yours for a long time now. And you do bare quite the resemblance." 
 Virgil screamed as a heavy net was suddenly thrown over him. He tried to fight off the men surrounding him as they began to wrap rope around the mess he was quickly getting tangled in. 
 "Any last words for your father?" John asked as he stood over him with a camera. 
 "I hope you both burn in hell!" Virgil hissed. 
 "I suppose we'll just have to meet you there." The man told him before nodding to one of his goons. 
 Virgil screamed out a slew of curses as he was dragged the short distance to the side of the boat. He managed to suck in a breath as he felt himself be hoisted over the side and tried not to lose it as he hit the freezing water. 
 Logan's nose twitched as the faint scent of blood traveled on the weak current around him. Normally this would be a sign of an easy meal. A struggling seal, perhaps a fish that made a narrow escape, the occasional whale injured by human vessels. 
 He knew there was a boat in this area. He had been following it of course. Humans were dangerous but they were interesting and it was rare for them to be in this area. 
 Unable to resist his curiosity he quickly followed the scent to the boat. 
 The surface churned as the boat sped away but Logan barely paid it any mind as his eyes caught on something heavily tangled in one of the cursed human nets. 
 Logan knew humans used them to catch large amounts of fish. He wasn't sure why they needed so many all at once but that was one of life's great mysteries. He also knew that other creatures often got caught in them. If they were lucky the humans would let them out. If they weren't they often drowned. 
 He swam closer to the poor creature that was still struggling in the net. Whatever it was had obviously been left for dead. 
I'm gonna die I'm gonna die I'm gonna die…
 Virgil struggled as the net seemed to get tighter around him and his lungs screamed for air. 
Oh god I'm gonna die!
 He had to get out he had to get out of the net. 
 Despite his mind telling him to struggle and get out so he could breathe, his limbs started to fail him as he sank deeper into the cold water. 
 He barely felt the nudge of panic that shot through him as a shadowy figure that looked too close to a shark came closer. 
'Sharks are cool…' he thought as his vision turned dark. 
 Logan wasn't sure what he expected to be in the net, but he knew 'human' wasn't on his list. 
 The human's unfocused eyes landed on him for only a moment before closing. Small bubbles of air began to escape from their face as they went limp.
 That was… not good. 
 He quickly grabbed the net and tried to pull it upwards to the surface but barely slowed the descent caused by the heavy weights. 
 Logan looked up to the sky that grew farther and farther away. He needed to cut the weights off but the human would surely die before they would make it to the surface. There was only one thing to do if he intended to save them.
 He hesitated a moment before leaning forward and pressing his lips to the humans. 
 When he pulled back the human drew in a sharp breath followed by a short coughing fit. Logan was a bit concerned they didn't wake up but at least they weren't about to drown. 
 Logan reached into his bag and pulled out his knife before moving to cut the ropes. The heavy weights quickly disappeared into the dark below and Logan began pulling the human back to the warmer water near the surface. 
 Virgil woke up cold. It took him a moment to realize he was soaking wet. Another moment passed and he realized he wasn't alone. 
 There was someone next to him, humming in an odd tone, and seeming to be messing with something covering him. 
 He managed to crack one of his eyes open just in time to see a blurry flash of what looked like a knife. He quickly closed his eyes and curled into himself causing the person above him to stop humming. 
 Logan knew he should've fled back to the water as soon as the human showed signs of waking. He was only part way through cutting the human out of the net when the human's eyes opened. Only for them to immediately close again and for the human to retreat into themself. 
 Logically this would be the next perfect opportunity to leave. 
 "It's alright," he said instead, "You're safe now." 
 The human flinched at the sound of his voice but made no move to look at him. 
 After a minute Logan realized he wasn't going to get an answer, "You're stuck in a net," he told them, "I was in the process of removing it when you woke up. May I continue to use my knife to get it off?" 
 The humans eyes remained screwed shut but after a moment they nodded. 
 "Alright, I'm going to start near your abdomen is that acceptable?" 
 Another nod and Logan began to cut through the plastic ropes once more. As he worked the human gradually began to relax slightly. By the time he finished the human was only marginally as tense as they had been when they woke up. 
 Logan stored his knife back in his bag, "You should be able to get out now." 
 Once again the human flinched at his voice but thankfully didn't seem as scared as before. After a few seconds, the human began to shift cautiously. 
 By the time the other person had spoken again Virgil was pretty sure they didn't intend to murder him. But he was still confused. The last thing he remembered was being thrown overboard and left to drown. 
 Had another boat just happened to be near enough to see it and help him? It wasn't likely but that was all he could think of. 
 Until he finally got the courage to sit up and open his eyes. 
 The human gasped as their eyes locked onto the sharkmers tail. They seemed to freeze for a moment before their eyes rolled back and Logan lunged forward to try and catch them.
 "Oh dear," Logan said as he looked down at the once again unconscious human. 
 He looked around the area, unsure of what to do next. The sky was beginning to shift to a morning grey and more humans would undoubtedly start making their way to the currently empty beach. Logically he should leave now and let the other humans deal with it. 
 Logan was feeling very illogical today. 
 He gently laid the human back down and waited. 
 It was a bit concerning how long the human remained unconscious a second time. Logan knew it was likely due to their injuries, both seen and unseen, but for some reason he couldn't help but hope they would wake up soon. 
 Logan kept a sharp eye on the beach. Just as the sound of voices started to travel down from the cliffs the human began to show signs of waking. 
 Logan hesitated longer than he probably should have before quickly making his way back to the safety of the ocean. 
 He hid some nearby rocks and watched as the small group of arriving humans seemed to notice the figure in the sand. When they got close the group picked up speed and surrounded the injured human. 
 It wasn't long before humans in matching dark clothing appeared and took the first away. 
 Logan took that as his queue to leave as well. 
...some time later…
 Virgil stared out at the ocean as the sun slowly sank below the horizon. 
 He wasn't sure why he felt compelled to come back to the beach so often. Honestly you'd think the almost drowning in it would make him more wary of the ocean. And while there were many things he'd rather forget, and a few he probably had, he couldn't help but think about the person he saw. 
 He had met the people who found him on the beach, how he got there was still a mystery, and while they were nice people, none of them were the one he'd first seen. The one who he was pretty sure saved him and cut the net. 
 So here he was, sitting on the dock, waiting for something to happen. 
 As the sun finished sinking into the ocean he almost swore he saw a large fin break the water. 
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samwilsonsbabymama · 3 years
Late Nights
Pairing: Gray!Sam Wilson x Black Reader x Gray!Bucky Barnes (18+)
Summary: You meet Sam and Bucky on different days, but it seems as though they already know you.
Warnings: dub-con, maybe non-con, stalking, fingering,
Word Count: > 3,000
A/N: didn't I say I was done with gray!fics??? lol I wrote this one based off of @mariahthelioness29 's prompt (I can't find it lol). I hope yall like it. Big thanks to @megapeacelovemusic-blog for beta-ing this for me! I really appreciate it!!!
💖 Please let me know what you think by leaving feedback 💖
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You walked up and down the aisles of the nearly empty store without a care in the world, as you checked off items on your list. Late-night grocery shopping was one of your favorite pastimes, especially when you couldn’t sleep.
You reached for the last item on your list, but just as your fingers brushed it, it was ripped from the shelf. You hadn’t noticed anyone else in the aisle you were in, so to say you were surprised was an understatement.
“I’m sorry,” the stranger said. “I didn’t see you there.”
You looked up at the stranger and froze; you had never seen a more handsome man before. He wore a pair of dark blue jeans and a sandy brown button-up over a fitted, reddish-brown shirt. Your eyes continued to slowly drag over his form, taking in his dark brown skin and plump lips. Your gaze lingered on the scar under his left eye for a second too long before you finally reached his twinkling brown eyes.
He cleared his throat, clearly amused that you had been checking him out.
“Hmm?” you asked, as you shook yourself from your ogling.
“I said,” he began, “‘I’m sorry, I didn’t see you there.’”
“No,” you chuckled. “I should have been paying more attention.”
He smiled, and you could have sworn you felt the earth shift. The way his face lit up when he smiled at you made your heart rate speed up. Never before had a smile made you want to drop to your knees as fast as this one did.
He tilted the package towards you. “Here, take it. I have some at home.”
“Are you sure?” you asked as you reached out and took hold of the box.
“Yeah,” he replied as you put the food into your cart. “Are you new in town? I don’t think I’ve seen you here before.”
You chuckled. “Yeah, well kinda,” you began, “I moved here about a year ago, I kinda keep to myself.”
The man chuckled softly. “I can understand that.” he stuck his hand out, “I’m Sam, I grew up here.” He waited for you to take his hand and when you did, he brought it up to his lips and kissed your knuckles.
Your jaw dropped when you felt his soft lips on your skin. You swallowed and choked out your name.
“Y/n,” he repeated when he pulled away and released your hand. “It’s nice to meet you.”
“Likewise,” you panted.
“Look,” Sam said before he licked his lips. “I know we just met, but something is telling me that I’m going to regret this if I don’t do it, so here goes. My sister Sarah is having a fish fry and I was wondering if you would like to come?”
You beamed at him. “Absolutely.” you reached for your phone and handed it to him after you unlocked it. “Here, drop call your phone and text me the details later.”
Sam took your phone and you smiled when you heard his ringtone.
“Great,” he smiled once more. “I’ll let you get back to your shopping and text you later, Y/n.”
You continued your shopping with a smile on your face after he walked away. Your elated mood carried you throughout the rest of your shopping trip.
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The following day, after you had gotten some sleep, Sam texted you. The same feeling you had when you talked to him the night before resurfaced the moment you saw his name.
Hey, Y/n, it’s Sam. Here’s the info for the fish fry.
Hi, Sam! Thanks! I can’t wait.
A few minutes passed. You wanted to keep talking to him, but you couldn’t think of anything clever to say, so you sent the first thing that came to mind.
So, do you always shop so late at night?
Yeah, I like the quiet. Fewer people. What about you?
Either late at night or early in the morning for the same reasons.
This might be a little too forward, but next time we could go together.
That would be fun! I’ll let you know the next time I have to go on a late-night grocery run.
You two continued to talk throughout the day while you ran a few errands, and with each message, your excitement for the weekend grew. You couldn’t believe how lucky you were with finding such a catch. You were distracted by a text from Sam when you ran smack into a brick wall, or what you thought was a brick wall. You watched as your phone fell to the ground in slow motion and you cringed at the thought. But your phone never hit the ground, a gloved hand reached down and grabbed it just before it hit the ground.
“Thank you so much!” you cried as you reached for your phone.
“No worries, sweetheart,” a deep voice drawled.
Your heart lurched at his voice and your legs clenched. Once your phone was safely in your hands, you took a step back and bit your lip as you once again found yourself taking in the form of an attractive man.
This man reminded you of Sam because they had a similar build: thick thighs, broad shoulders, strong arms, and dazzling smile. But that’s where the similarities ended. The blue-eyed man in front of you wore a pair of dark wash jeans with a gray shirt underneath a leather jacket. He only wore one glove which made you quirk your eyebrow during your perusal but you didn’t say anything.
When your eyes landed back on his, his smile got bigger. “I’m Bucky,” he said.
“Y/n,” you said and smiled back at him. “I’m so sorry for running into you. I should have been paying attention.”
Bucky shook his head and laughed, “It’s all good, love. It’s not every day a beautiful girl falls into my arms.”
You felt your cheeks heat up. “I wouldn’t say all that,” you mumbled.
Bucky snorted. “I’ve been here for months and you, Miss Y/n, are the prettiest girl I’ve ever seen.”
You rolled your eyes, “Thank you Bucky. Well, as nice as this is, I must get going. It was nice to meet you!” you gave him a small wave and began to walk away.
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A few days passed, and you were getting ready to head over to the docks. You didn’t know the area well, so the night before, you had made a trip over so that you knew where you were going. The trip seemed easy enough so you weren’t too worried about getting lost.
As you were getting dressed, your stomach filled with butterflies at the thought of seeing Sam once again. You two had been texting and video chatting every day but you couldn’t wait to be in his presence again. You’d thought about Bucky as well, and part of you had wished that you had given him your number, but you weren’t too sad about it.
After checking yourself in the mirror once again, you headed out of the door and made your way to the docks. You found the gathering quickly, but you hesitated before you got out of your car. You sent Sam a quick text letting him know that you made it before you stepped out of your car.
You looked around at the faces on the docks and smiled as you greeted those around you. You always felt relaxed when you spent time around your people. You didn’t have to hide or pretend to be someone that you weren’t.
“There you are!” a familiar voice caught your attention and before you knew it Sam had pulled you into a hug.
When he embraced you, the scent of his cologne filled your nose and you relaxed into his arms. You inhaled deeply and sighed as Sam squeezed you tighter. You felt him bury his nose into your curls while you embraced. After a few moments, you both pulled away.
“Sorry about that,” he apologized.
“No worries.”
“Here, let me introduce you to everyone,” Sam said before he took hold of your hand and pulled you through the crowd. He introduced you to almost everyone in town, some people you’d already met but others you hadn’t had the opportunity to.
“And here’s my sister, Sarah, and my nephews, Cass and AJ,” Sam said and you waved.
“Hi, I’m Y/n,” you said and stuck your hand out for a handshake.
“Nope, we hug around here,” Sarah said just before she pulled you in for a hug.
You could hear Sam laughing beside you.
“We’re just waiting for the cake to get here,” Sarah said when she pulled back. “But the food is done so feel free to fix yourself a plate.”
You nodded your head before she walked away.
“Could I interest you in a drink?” you heard Sam say from beside you.
You nodded your head once again, “Water please.”
Sam chuckled. “Why don’t you go fix your plate while I get you something to drink.”
You watched Sam walk away before you started fixing your plate. You made sure to grab your favorite foods before you found a place to sit. You had already started eating when Sam returned with your drink.
“We didn’t have any water bottles left, so I hope lemonade is okay.” He handed you a cup, and you smiled at him as he took a seat next to you.
Conversation between you two flowed easily and you were having a good time talking to him and Sarah. Sam kept you laughing and entertained while you ate. You were listening to Sam tell a story when there was a commotion at the end of the docks. You watched as Cass and AJ sprinted from their spots at the table and weaved through the crowd. You looked over at Sam in question, but he was already standing and smiling at the newcomer.
“Hey, Y/n, I want you to meet someone,” Sam said as he outstretched his hand toward you. He pulled you out of your seat the moment your hand was in his and before you knew it, you two were weaving through the crowd once again.
Sam dropped your hand the moment you reached your destination and you peeked over his shoulder to see Cass and AJ play fighting with someone holding a cake. You laughed as the man dramatically dodged the young boys’ fists before setting the cake on the nearest table. You stayed put when Sam walked over to the newcomer with a huge smile on his face. Your stomach dropped to your knees when he took off his sunglasses.
“Bucky?” you whispered in disbelief. What were the chances that the two men you’d been dreaming about knew each other? Not only that, what were the chances that they were friends? And close friends at that. You stayed rooted in your spot as you watch the two men in front of you embrace each other. Your eyes darted around to find an escape but luck wasn’t on your side.
As you said his name, Bucky’s eyes landed on you and he froze. Sam noticed the shift in his stance and pulled back from him and followed his gaze. Sam pulled Bucky over to you with a smile on his face.
“Bucky, I’d like you to meet-”
“Y/n.” Bucky finished for him.
Sam paused and looked between the two of you, “Am I missing something?”
Bucky spoke first. “You remember that beautiful girl I told you about?”
Sam nodded before realization flashed in his eyes. “Well damn, Buck,” Sam chuckled and clapped Bucky on his back.
“Wait, what?” you asked. To say you were confused would be an understatement but the two ignored you.
The rest of the evening found you sandwiched between Bucky and Sam, and one of them was touching you at all times. Sam would caress your leg, or Bucky would twirl one of your braids. Sam would lean in close to whisper something in your ear while Bucky rubbed your back. Your senses were heightened and you were slightly overwhelmed. You needed to breathe.
You were glad when Sarah came over and distracted the two men for a second. It allowed you the chance to slip away, and you rushed into the nearest bathroom. It was small, but just the right size for you to hide in.
You stared at yourself in the mirror and caught your breath. Your head was still spinning when you heard a knock at the door. You waited a few seconds before you called out that you’d be right out, but the person on the other side didn’t listen. Before you knew it, Bucky was pushing himself into the small room and locking the door.
“Fuck, Y/n,” he said before crashing his lips against yours. You easily melted into his kiss, but a small part in the back of your brain caused you to pull back.
“Wait, Bucky,” you moaned. You felt his hand slip under your clothes.
“There’s no ‘wait'. I’ve waited long enough,” Bucky growled as he pushed two fingers inside of you.
You were floating. The feeling of Bucky's fingers inside of you felt like heaven. Your eye rolled to the back of your head as he fingered you. He used his other hand to prop your leg up onto the toilet so that he could fuck you deeper.
“Fucking following you around for months hoping that you’d notice me,” he growled into your neck as his fingers picked up speed. “Notice us. And then you go and notice Sam first? You let him win? Fuck you’re gripping me. Can’t wait to feel you wrapped around me.”
Your head began to swim as you caught onto his words.
“What?” you mumbled out. “You’ve been following me?”
“We both have,” he corrected you. “Sam’s been following you longer, ever since you moved here.”
You tried to push him off of you but the hold he had on you kept him rooted right where he was. His fingers began to move impossibly faster as he chuckled.
“I know you wanna cum, baby girl, don’t you?” Bucky grunted.
You shook your head but your breath hitched in your throat. You could feel your orgasm approaching. This was completely wrong but it felt so good.
“Cum on my fingers, baby, I know you can,” Bucky urged and with a few more strokes of his fingers, you came with a silent scream.
You felt Bucky remove his fingers from inside of you, and you watched as he stuck them in his mouth.
“Since you noticed Sam first,” Bucky said as he helped you right your clothes. “He gets to fuck this pretty pussy first, but I just needed a taste. Something to hold me over.” Bucky brushed back your hair and cupped your face with his hands before he kissed you again, deeper than the first time. The kiss lasted for a few minutes before he finally pulled away and he was gone before you could say anything else.
When you came to your senses, you looked at yourself in the mirror. “What the fuck?” you whispered. You needed to get out. You needed to get back home without anyone noticing. When you exited the bathroom, you were thankful that no one was around as you made your way to your car. But that thankfulness was short-lived when you spotted Sam standing at your drivers’ door.
You could see the smirk on his face from where you stood. You began to back away, but your progress was halted when you ran into a solid form.
“Do you think you’re getting away from us now that we’ve got you?” Bucky whispered from behind you. “I told you, we’ve waited too long to let you slip away, baby girl.” Bucky gently pushed you forward until you reached Sam. You refused to look in his eyes, something he found funny.
“I had imagined this going differently, y/n,” Sam said as he hooked his finger under your chin. “But as Bucky said, we’ve waited long enough.” Sam gripped the back of your neck and pressed his lips to yours and forced his tongue into your mouth. His lips were as soft as you had imagined and you were excited to feel them all over your body.
No. No, this was wrong. You didn’t want this. Or did you? Hadn’t this been what you had been dreaming about? Being taken by Sam and Bucky? Hadn’t you dreamed this actual scenario many times? Why would you deny what the Universe was gifting you?
Finally giving in, you threw your arms around Sam’s neck and allowed him to lift you up around his waist. He carried you away from your car and away from the dock. When you pulled away from his lips to catch your breath, you looked around and noticed you were heading towards his truck.
You watched as Bucky let down the back of Sam’s truck and hopped onto the bed before reaching out to you and helping you in. Sam followed the two of you, and he waited as you got comfortable. He had taken care to cover the cold metal with a thick comforter and some pillows.
“You ready for this dick, y/n?” Sam asked and you nodded your head.
“Y/n?” he called your name again.
“Y/n?” he said louder and he shook you this time.
Your eyes snapped open, and you tried catching your breath. You looked around the room and your gaze landed on the man who plagued your dreams.
“Sam,” you whispered once you calmed down.
“Another nightmare?” he asked as he pulled you on top of him.
You shook your head. “No, not this time. This one was different. It felt different. Real almost but I know it didn’t happen.” you couldn’t explain the feeling you had. It felt so real, you could feel everything, but you know Sam would never treat you like that.
Sam held you as you laid on top of him. His hands stroking your back trying to calm you down. When your breath finally deepened, and he was convinced that you were asleep, he reached for his phone and dialed out.
“Hey,” Sam spoke into the phone. “She’s starting to remember. I’m going to need something stronger.”
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fundy-simp · 4 years
Fundy/GN!Reader - Two Days [11,010 words]
Fluff! For this anon! You were lucky enough to join your European friends on their trip to England and in the process you got to meet your wonderful boyfriend Fundy. Oh, you also got to get the wrath of TommyInnit witnessing his friends in a relationship. (/lh I love Tommy) I have so much fluff for this idea guys, I’m going to write some really cheesy bits for this and I’m going to love it >:] Also there’s a very intimate scene in this, not spicy or heated but idk I felt like I should mention it just incase. Ignore the botched plane stuff, lines that are off from the vlog, and the slightly rushed ending, I was getting a little frustrated with how long this was taking <//3 I promise tho I still love the request and I’m very happy I could fill it in a way that I’m at least mostly happy with. Anyways as always please feel free to scroll past if anything about this makes you uncomfortable :)
Your fingers tapped on the arm rest, leg bouncing as you grumbled, how long does it take a plane to land? Immediately you laugh at yourself, it takes a while. You need to calm down, it’s not like your one plane landing away from your closest friends and the man you quite honestly see as the love of your life! Of course not. It’s just a normal first ever trip to England. This is absolutely fine.
You’re entirely lying to yourself, your heart feels like it's going to explode as it beats in your ears. Fundy’s going to be there, the man who’s brought you endless hours of joy and smiles. The man who’s pulled you out of countless panic attacks. The man who you’ve had to lovingly bully into making sure he eats and drinks enough. The man who you’ve fallen asleep in call with countless times. The man who all you’ve ever wanted to do to is yank into a kiss and never let go.
Fidgeting with your seatbelt for a second, you groan and you pull your hands up to your face, resting the heel of your palms on your eyes. You all have known each other for months and logically you know it’ll go fine. But your brain isn’t known for listening to logic, or you for the matter, so when anxiety starts to boil in your stomach you’re not surprised. So many things could go wrong you couldn’t even begin to list them.
It took the plane actually touching the ground to land for you to pull your hands off your face and realize you didn’t hear a single thing the pilot just said. Quietly you waited for them to say your good to go as you readjusted your mask. Good god, your fidgeting is starting to annoy you, what are all of your friends going to think? You sigh as you feel the plane finally stop, waiting till you see other people standing up before standing up yourself.
Slowly the passengers started to leave the plane and carefully you followed behind, trying not to get too close per social distancing and all. Nervously you pat your hands on your thighs, waiting patiently while the flight attendant checked your temperature. Once you got the okay you shuffled off the plane, your eyes scanned over everyone in the airport, looking for any of your friends.
After a few scans you finally spotted Wilbur, how it took multiple tries to spot a man who towered over everyone is beyond you, but aside the point. As you started to jog towards him you see Tommy pop up next to him, "Ayyyee y/n!!" he basically yelled and Niki shushed him, whispering something to Tommy before you see him huff. The scene made you smile, he was definitely just as loud as you expected him to be.
“Hey Tommy!” you replied, you’re still anxious but actually seeing your friends in its own way has calmed you down. Once you get over there Niki pulls you into a quick but tight hug before Wilbur flung an arm around your shoulder.
You couldn’t see his smile, thanks to his mask, but you could recognize the way his eyes were crinkled. “Hey, y/n! How was the flight?” he asked as he started walking, pulling you along with him.
“Oh it wasn’t-” You looked around for Fundy, frowning slightly when you didn't find him, “It was okay. Where- Where’s Fundy?” You asked, unconsciously rubbing your knuckles together, you know he wouldn’t lie to you but a lot of previous relationships made an uncomfortable pit grow in your stomach.
Tommy from the other side of Wilbur let out a bark of a laugh, “That dumbass overslept and missed his flight!” he shrugged, “Don’t know why he still bothered getting another flight but he should be here soon.”
“Yeah, he’ll be here. We’re gonna go get your luggage then we’re heading to his terminal.” Will said as he gave your shoulder a couple of pats, “Don’t worry your lover boy will be here soon!” he couldn’t help but laugh at his own lighthearted teasing while you turned red.
You could hear Tommy gasp as Will said the second part, oh god. You guys never told Tommy you were dating, you both managed to keep it under wraps for an upwards of five months. “You and Fundy are dating?!?!” He yelled, earning himself another glare from Niki that he ignored, too lost in his own laugher, “Oh my god, this is gonna be so great! I’m going to make this so awkward.”
Groaning at the sound of Tommy’s ‘I’m definitely causing mayhem and you can’t stop me’ voice, you sigh and pull Wilbur off of you before looping around to Tommy. He was definitely taller than you but that didn’t stop you from hooking your arm around his neck and pulling him down to your level “Tommy. My main man. My good friend. My best bud, if you will... I swear if you ruin anything within the first thirty minutes, I will personally assure we leave you in an alley after 9 pm.” You gave him a stern squint as he just stared at you. After a few seconds and Niki and Wilbur giggling, you give him a noogie before letting him go, “I’m joking, I’m joking! But, seriously, at least thirty minutes.”
Tommy huffed as he ran his hand through his hair a few times, “Bro what the fuck?” He stopped for a moment, seemingly remembering you asked something of him “... Fine. But you owe me one!” He insisted, you just rolled your eyes and agreed.
By now you had all made it to the baggage claim and you carefully looked for your backpack to make sure you didn’t grab someone else’s by mistake. Once you spotted it you quickly ran to grab it before returning to the group who had moved and sat on one of the rows of benches in the middle of the room. You could see Niki mumble something to Wilbur before he nodded, “You guys whispering gossip without me?? God, my own best friends would really hurt me like this huh?” you say dramatically as you pulled your backpack on.
The two immediately shook their heads, “No, no! Of course not, how could we live with ourselves if we did?” Niki replied, her voice sounding just as dramatic as yours. You both cracked into giggles, them falling into her words as she spoke “But anyway, Fundy might be a little longer so we’re just gonna wait here.” she patted the seat next to her and you happily plopped down.
The next ten minutes were filled with Tommy talking about basically anything he could get away with, future video ideas, Dream SMP plot, at one point you're pretty sure he started talking about SMP Earth, but you couldn’t be sure. It was a nice filler conversation, sometimes one of the others would jump in and say something but you just stayed quiet for the most part, stuck in between the weird middle ground of anxious and very, very tired from your trip.
When you accidently started to doze off you felt someone carefully wrap their arms around your shoulders. “Oh, Fundy...” You say quietly, leaning into the touch for a second before almost jumping out of your skin, “Holy shit, hey Fundy.” You said pulling yourself out of his arms before jumping over the bench to tackle him in a hug. “You’re actually here. Oh my god.” you are trying your damnedest not to cry as you finally learn just how comfortable his hugs really are.
Fundy holds onto you a little tighter when he hears little hics come from you, changing his stance just enough to be sure you both don’t fall, “I'm here, y/n. I really, really am.” he said quietly, burying his face in your hair. “I love you so much.” he pulled you away from him, pulled down his mask so he could place down light kisses everywhere on the exposed skin of your face, making you giggle.
“I love you too, dork.” You reply before pulling your own down and tugging him into a kiss, it was a slow one, full of unfamiliarity and so much love. It made your heart flutter more than he already did and you honestly didn’t think that was possible.
When you both pulled apart you were forcibly reminded by Tommy making very exaggerated gagging noises that you two were, in fact, not alone. “My eyes! Wilbur my eyes!! It’s so gross it's blinding me!” The teen jokes, still fake gagging. You and Fundy just rolled your eyes while you pulled your masks back up, neither you expected anything different from him.
Wilbur just sighed and lightly shoved Tommy, “Great job, you lasted almost five minutes, that’s a record I’d say.” Tommy just replied by flipping Wilbur off which sent the whole group into hysterics. He tried to defend himself but all his sentences just devolved into laughs so he gave up. All you can think about is how this is home, laughing so hard with your friends that you cry while you lean on your boyfriend.
Once everyone calmed down Fundy made sure his backpack was on fully before stepping over the bench. Niki let out a laugh as she jokingly scolded him, "The bench really isn’t that long, you could have just walked around, you know?"
Fundy just shrugged, "I mean, y/n just did it! I'm just following their lead!" he said, a shit eating grin on his face that made Niki sigh.
You chuckled as you walked around and the rest of the group got up, "Well, who's hungry? I know y/n hasn't eaten in at least five hours so why don't we go get pizza or something?" Wilbur suggested, fishing his keys outta his pocket.
“Fuck yeah, pizza!!!” Tommy yelled excitedly, quickly stealing Wilbur's keys and sprinting away.
Will stuttered for a second before running off after Tommy, "Motherfucker, not again! Get back here, you aren't even old enough to drive!!"
You, Fundy, and Niki followed after the two, laughing at their antics. Fundy softly entangled your guy's fingers, placing his forehead on the top of your head for a second in place of a kiss. "Oh my God, you guys are already attached at the hip-" Niki said, laughing more, you know it's lighthearted teasing but it still makes you blush.
"Aw, come on Niki! I thought you'd be the one to not tease us!" you said in a joke whiny tone, hiding your face in Fundy's shoulder.
Niki started to laugh harder, "Oh- Oh hell no, this is just the beginning!" she said, you couldn't see her face but you could absolutely hear the devilish grin. You lightly bonk your head on Fundy's shoulder a few times out of embarrassment which caused him to giggle. Oh. That's so much cuter in person, holy shit.
Sighing, you hear Tommy scream making you snap your head in his direction, Wilbur had him by the wrist, wiggling his keys out of his fingers. Tommy let out a loud laugh as he basically sprinted away from Wilbur to the doors of the airport. “Oh, we got outta here faster than I expected....” you mumbled mostly to yourself, watching Tommy fling the door open at full force and quickly close behind him.
“It was probably longer than you think, you were just too distracted by a certain Dutch to realize it.” Wilbur said while he pushed the door open with his shoulder, lingering long enough for the rest of you to walk though.
"Shut your dirty crime mouth, Soot." you say through a groan, you weren't actually mad, of course, but if they were going to be like this this entire trip your pretty sure your just going to stop existing.
Fundy let out a quiet laugh at your behavior before responding to Wilbur, "I don't know, I feel like this is a win for me! I get all of y/n's attention and you called me 'a certain Dutch' instead of other things." he smirked, still laughing a little.
Wilbur snapped his fingers, "Oh yeah! Of course my bad, a certain furry was distracting you y/n!" he said happily, as he directed the group towards his car and Tommy who was basically already there.
"Noooooo!!!" Fundy grumbled as he brought his free hand up to his face.
Tommy stood at the car now, trying to open the front seat door “Shut up furry boy, I want pizza!” he shouted, trying the door again.
A mischievous grin crossed your face as you lifted his hand up near your face, "It's okay babe, I love you even though you're a furry!" you teased him, which made him groan.
"No no no no no! Stop it!!" he pulled his hand out of yours, causing you to frown, before he crossed his arms and stopped in the middle of the parking lot "I'm not a furry and you know it y/n!! My own partner for fucks sake." You could tell from his high pitched voice that he was joking but you still felt a twinge of guilt in your stomach
Carefully you grabbed his wrists and tried to pull his hands from his face but he pulled against you, “Noooo, sweetheart I’m sorry.” You say in a soft voice, now trying to pull his hands away with a good portion of your body weight. “Baaaaabe, please...” you pleaded, you could feel him tense and shuffle his feet to better support your weight, his hands still not moving. “Oh, this is just unfair now!” you say exasperated.
Fundy tried to keep his pouting bit up but quickly broke into a laugh, it was the fox esque laugh he normally did, it still makes your heart flutter “Unfair!? You’re the one supporting, like, all your body weight on me!” You giggle as you start to lean down towards the ground more, making him wobble for a second before steadying out.
“Holy SHIT, I was supposed to make it awkward but you guys are doing a fine job on your own! What the fuck guys?!” Tommy complained. You turned his way to see him grumpily crawling into the back seat of Wilbur’s car, “Now stop being in love, it’s gross and I want pizza!” He shouted as he slammed his door.
You immediately let go of Fundy, almost stumbling to the ground out of embarrassment, “Listen! In my defense this is the first time I’m meeting my boyfriend! I feel like this is warranted.” you said as you got up and made your way over to the car.
“Y/n you’re gonna have to sit in the middle seat, I’m pretty sure the other two tall bastards would die if they sat there.” Wilbur said as he checked everything up at the front.
You shuffled into the middle seat, trying your best to not get into Tommy's bubble too much as Fundy sat down next to you. The drive was relatively short, only about ten minutes, and he felt even shorter when you absentmindedly cuddled into Fundy. He happily wrapped an arm around you as he rested his head on yours.
Tommy tried to complain about being stuck in the back with you two but Wilbur derailed him and got him to go on about their trip to an arcade yesterday. If you’re honest you weren’t paying attention at all but he seemed very excited about his vlog guns and you were glad he was having fun. Sighing, you lean into Fundy just a little more and he hummed quietly, if the car ride was any longer you’re pretty sure you both would have fallen asleep like that.
When Wilbur pulled the car to a stop you both begrudgingly leaned up from each other and everyone filed out of the car. Quickly you guys made your way into the restaurant, you and Fundy ordered your pizza first, just a simple medium where it was half his favorite and half yours. After they handed you your table marker you went and sat down, you and Fundy had your own both while Niki and Wilbur had one near and Tommy sat at a table by himself.
Fundy looked at the table marker in disbelief, “OH- Y/n, y/n. Holy shit, look at what table number we have.” he looks at you, quite literally making the pog face at you, which makes you giggle.
“What is it?” you ask, trying to push your giggles down as he showed you the table marker, it was bright yellow and had 69 written on it, “YOOOOOOOOO!” you said much louder than you meant to, making him break out laughing.
“Guys- Guys, you need to see this.” Fundy insisted as he turned towards the rest of the group, presenting the 69 table marker. Everyone fell into a heavy giggle fit, laughing more at another’s laugh causing a laughing feedback loop.
You bang a fist on the table a few times, struggling to breath, why were you laughing so hard? You had no idea, but man, the serotonin it gave you was wonderful. Eventually you all calmed down, the other three going back to their conversation while you and Fundy finally calm down. Silence grew between you two, it was comfortable but you’d be lying if you didn’t want an excuse to hear your boyfriend’s voice. You dig into your mind, looking for a conversation topic for a few moments before finally finding one. "So how was the plane?" you ask him, absentmindedly putting your hand on the table to tap some random tune.
His eyes flicked to your hand, smiling a little as he recognized the tune, one of Wilbur's songs, "Terrible if I'm honest, I'm unbelievably exhausted but it's okay. I'm here with you so it doesn't bother me at all." he said softly, his eyes full of love.
Blush creeped onto your face, something about him prioritizing you always made you feel warm and fuzzy inside. Before you could reply Tommy spoke up from his table, "That is the worst and cheesiest shit you could have said, you fuckin’ Simp." he was deadpanned for about two seconds before he cracked up in his bark of a laugh.
"And what about it Child Innit? You couldn't talk to someone you were interested in if you tried." Fundy retorted but his words lacked any bite to them, still it made you giggle as you heard Tommy sputter. Your friends bickering has always been the funniest and oddly coziest things.
You stop tapping the table and lean over it to lightly smack his shoulder, "Come on that was just uncalled for!" you say though a laugh, which makes him laugh.
Finally your food gets there and you both dig in, it wasn't until you took the first bite that you realized just how hungry you were. Thanks to that, the pizza didn't last long and soon the space was filled with your friend talking again. Wilbur was asking what to do next, since he really didn't have a plan, Niki suggested they go walk around town to find something to do while Tommy suggested that you all go to Wilbur's and watch Hamilton since he hadn't seen it yet.
A little to your surprise, Wilbur agreed with Tommy, mentioning how Fundy looked like he was ready to drop like a bag of cinder blocks and you had to agree with him. So once you all were fully done, Fundy paid for your pizza, Niki insisted on covering all of them but he wouldn't let her. As you all packed up to get back into the car you watched Fundy slip the table marker into his pocket, putting a finger to his lips while you both giggled. Finally, you all piled back into the car and headed to Wilbur's, which was a much shorter drive than you expected, you were much too used to America's commute times for this.
Once you were they're you all followed Wilbur up to his apartment, carefully you pulled your shoes and mask off before flopping down on his couch and getting comfortable. Fundy followed after you like a lost puppy, a little tell tale of when he got tired is that he got clingy, it was undeniably really cute. Once you sat down he sat down next to you and cuddled into you, wrapping an arm around your waist and craning his neck slightly to rest on your shoulder.
You pulled an arm up to ruffle his hair before turning and placing a soft kiss on the top of his head. He just hummed, stifling a yawn. Pulling your arm down, you turn to Niki who sat on the other end of the couch, "So how have you been Niki?" you ask, it's been a while since your last one on one conversation with her.
"Oh I've been okay!" she said happily, her eyes vaguely watching Tommy and Wilbur fight over the TV remote, "Been thinking about getting into art again, I'm not really sure yet though." she continued, trying not to laugh when she saw Wilbur basically sitting on top of Tommy, remote in hand.
A smile spread across your lips as you also tired not to laugh, mostly not to disturb your almost sleeping lover, "Oh really? That's great to hear!" you say as Tommy curses Wilbur out, insisting that he should have just let him pull Hamilton up, "I think you should go for it, especially if it makes you happy! I bet your fans, especially fanartist, would love it." you encourage her, you didn't interact with the Minecraft Youtuber fan community often, but a hunch told you that you were right.
"Maybe, maybe..." she nodded, it was hard to explain but you could tell she seemed at least a little more sure of herself now. By now Wilbur had let Tommy off of the ground as he pressed play on Hamilton. You've never seen the actual musical but you've heard all the songs enough to know them by heart, whether that was a good thing or not you couldn't tell.
Once the musical started playing the Wilbur and Tommy scrambled to the two recliners on either side of Wilbur's couch, getting comfortable for the long show. You frankly didn't watch it all that much, mostly just listening as you closed your eyes and rested your head on Fundy's. All your movements were deliberate, you were being very careful and highly aware just to make sure you didn't jolt him awake. Not that you were sure he was asleep, but you'd rather be safe than sorry.
You basically spoke it into existence because within the next five minutes you notice his breathing even out and the hand on your hip becomes loose, limp even. You silently curse to yourself as you realize just how badly this is going to hurt his neck. After debating with yourself for what you would call way to long you decide to catch Niki's attention, "Psst, Niki, Nikiiiiii," you say quietly, dragging out the second 'i' till she looks over at you, "would you mind if Fundy rested his feet, well legs- he’s fuckin’ tall- his feet would be more on the arm rest- on you? I don't want him to hurt his neck." you say gesturing to him.
She gives you a quick nod and you lightly shake Fundy's shoulder, "Hey baby, lay your head down in my lap, I don't want you hurting your neck." you whisper, he grumbles some but listens to you. Once his head is in your lap he pulls his legs to his chest and seemingly falls back asleep. Noticing this you look up at Niki and shrug, she shrugs back with a soft smile before turning back to the musical.
Carefully you run your hands through his hair and he unconsciously leans into the touch making you smile. He's a lot more fox-like than he'll ever admit but that's okay, he doesn't need to admit it for it to be cute. With your boyfriend much more comfortable you happily turn your attention to the screen, absentmindedly messing with his hair as you sing along to the songs under your breath.
When the musical ended Tommy let out a loud cheer, which caught everyone off guard and definitely made you jump which in turn made Fundy jump awake. “Oh shit- What happening?” he asked as he sat up and straightened his legs while rubbing his face.
“You passed out during one of the best musicals ever, dickhead.” Tommy replied deadpan and all Fundy replied with was a very confused and tired face. Tommy scoffed and looked away, making you laugh, how and why that boy was always so dramatic you don’t know but it was undoubtedly entertaining.
Shrugging, Fundy leaned over and placed a soft kiss on your cheek, “Hey, babe.” he said, lingering just long enough for you to place a kiss on his cheek back before leaning away again. “So what’s the plan now?” he asked, yawning.
“Well, Niki did suggest we walk around and just look for stuff to do, so why don’t we do that?” Wilbur asked, “Especially since now Fundy’s had a nap and all.” he stood up and stretched, groaning quietly.
Fundy followed after him, much to your surprise, and as he stood up he looped his arm in yours and pulled you up with him. You halfheartedly groan but don't stop him, "I'll be honest I've barely seen the ocean, let alone literally any other country." you mostly mumble, processing just how embarrassing that is to say to a bunch of Europeans.
Tommy shot up from his seat, "You've never seen the ocean??" he basically screams, getting a lighthearted smack from Wilbur, "Guys. Guys. We gotta go to the boardwalk, y/n would love it, it's considered-" he faked gagged, "-romantic."
You roll your eyes but don't argue, slightly leaning on Fundy for a few seconds before you lean up and gently place a kiss on his lips. There was a slight second of surprise on his face before it melted into a lovestruck look as he looked down at you. Your heartbeat was in your throat, that is a look you'll never get used to, a look that says you're the only person in his world, or at least the only one right now.
Before you could kiss him again Niki lightly shoulder checked you, oh shit, when did she get up? "Get your shoes on lovebirds." she said, you looked around to see the other three were basically already to go and scramble away from Fundy, your face going bright red.
You quickly make your way to your shoes, pull them on and put your mask on, and open the door for the others. The other three filed out, Wilbur waiting by the door frame and once you shut the door he locked it. “Aye, y/n, do you mind if I vlog? I’m a vlogger now!” Tommy asked as you all made your way to the street, he dramatically dragged out how he said ‘vlogger’ making you laugh a little harder than you meant to.
“Go for it big man, I don’t care if Fundy doesn’t.” You reply, threading your fingers in Fundy’s while the group starts walking, Tommy and Wilbur leading the group.
Fundy shrugged, “Since y/n’s okay with it, go crazy.” he agreed, Tommy let out a cheer and shoulder checked Wilbur just to mess with him. You can’t help but chuckle, “What’s so funny?” Fundy asks.
Waving your free hand you laugh a little more, “Oh, just seeing Will and Tommy in person reminded me how I thought they were actually brothers before we all got close.”
He looked at the two in question, squinting his eyes for a couple of seconds before he nodded, “Yeah! I see it, they definitely act like it.” he said as they burst out into a Hamilton song, Niki laughing as she joined in. Before you knew it Tommy had pulled out his phone, recording their shenanigans with a bright smile on his face.
It was all really loud and energetic so you and Fundy just quietly watched as the chaos unfolded. Tommy picked random times to start vlogging, catching half conversations and shots of the town. It all felt familiar even though you were the only one who didn’t really stream or do youtube, but it reminds you of when you just chill in their streams, mostly in the background to vibe. After a bit of wandering around you all ended up at a little food stand, getting a small snack before you went onto the boardwalk.
Once you all finished your snacks, Tommy started recording again, “I never know what I should record with these things.” he said, turning to look at Wilbur who just shrugged.
“The trick to making a good vlog is to just record everything, like just go up to people and ask ‘Hey, can I vlog?’“ Wilbur said, talking slightly with his hands.
Tommy groaned, “But then I look like a dickhead-!”
“Not if you ask!” Wilbur insisted, interrupting the teen. “Record your feet as you walk and go up to people and ask them random questions.” he continued, you watched the look on Tommy’s face turn mischievous as he turned the camera to Fundy and you.
“Hey! Fundy! What do you think of women?” Tommy asked, the phone all too close to Fundy. He stumbled for a slight second before pulling up the 69 table marker, barely holding a straight face as he tried to not laugh. “Oh- Oh my god! That is so incredibly offensive. Is that- Is that all women are to you Fundy?” Tommy asked while he cackled, causing everyone else to laugh with him. “Sexist Fundy!! Sexist Fundy and his sexist by association partner!” He joked.
That made you lose your mind, something about being sexist by association was the funniest goddamn thing you’d heard all day. You leaned onto Fundy as you struggled to breathe, instinctively you repeated the joke under your breath as you laughed which somehow sent the group into another laughing fit as Tommy tired to move on with the bit.
Eventually you all dropped the bit and happily spent the next two hours just wandering around the boardwalk and talking about whatever came to mind. Around the hour mark NIki had to leave, giving you all light hugs before she left on her own. The other hour was basically Tommy’s podcast, not that you were complaining, it was nice to listen too as the topics naturally jumped between each other and you did make sure to add your input when you felt like it was needed. It wasn’t until Tommy had gone on a long ramble about the youtube algorithm that you actually started to tune out. You swung your hand that held Fundy’s with a little bit of force, a smile in your eyes as you looked out at the ocean. “Really pretty, huh?” Fundy asked, knocking you out of your thoughts.
“Oh yeah, I’m so used to fields I never thought oceans would look this pretty...” You say quietly before you turn to Fundy and squeeze his hand in yours, “But I’d say you're still the prettiest thing I’ve seen by a long shot!” You whisper to him, your voice soft with adoration as you watch his face go red under his mask.
He quickly looked away from you, ducking his head a little, “Then you should really start investing in mirrors if you think I’m the prettiest thing.” he replied just as quietly, his voice a little unsteady. It was cute to watch him flirt, how he tended to tiptoe the line of stuttering, rarely looking you in the eyes when he said it.
Your face heats up as you tilt your head, “Oh, really?” You ask, “I feel like I nee-” you go to continue before Tommy screams, making you jump and everyone to stop in their tracks. Your head snaps in his direction as his phone starts to ring, which true to his brand his ringtone was able sisters.
The rest of you stayed mostly quiet, absentmindedly you teetered from leg to leg while you tried your best to not eavesdrop on Tommy's conversation. Which was a much harder task than you’d expect, whether Tommy had his call volume all the way up or his dad is where he gets his loud persona from and you could hear his dad say he’d be at Wilbur’s to pick him up in a little under an hour. Tommy said okay and quickly hung up, probably to avoid his dad saying anything that embarrassed him which made you chuckle. He swiped at his phone a few times before holding his phone up near his face, “Okay, we gotta finish this vlog up! Wilbur, it was nice hanging out with you and-” He turned the camera to Fundy, laughing at his annoyed look, “-and sad Fundy.” He turned to the sky in front of you guys.
Quickly, Tommy and Wilbur devolved into banter as they ended the vlog and Fundy drags you to a bench on the side of the boardwalk. “Tommy was right though,” he says quietly and he wrapped an arm around your shoulder, pulling you to rest on his shoulder. “the boardwalk is pretty romantic.”
You giggle as you lean into him more, “And you’re pretty cheesy.”
“Oh, so you get to call me the prettiest thing you’ve ever seen, but I don’t get to say that walking on a boardwalk with the love of my life is romantic?” Fundy grumbles but there’s no bite to it.
“Well yeah! That- Wait. Wait, wait, wait, wait.” You interrupted yourself, finally processing the words he just said, you bring your hands up to his face and cup it lightly, “Fundy- Fundy did you just call me the,” you swallow thickly, it’s not a problem if did, it’s just. You weren’t expecting him to care as much as you did already, multiple past relationships had taught you that you fall too hard and too fast for others to keep up, even if they wanted to. “The love of your life?” your voice drops to a whisper, like you hadn’t been dating for five months already and he could reject you right here, right now.
Fundy couldn’t help the light chuckle that left him and he brought his free hand to rest on one you had on his face, “Of course,” his eyes soften as he watches shock and blush spread across your face, “I had fallen in love with you the first time I heard your voice and I only fall more everyday.” He rubbed his thumb on your hand, you thought you’d pass out with how your heart soared at the lovestruck look he gave you, “Hell, y/n I’m pretty sure I’ve fallen in love with you more every second of this trip.” he moved to kiss the top of your head before remembering the masks and just resting his face in your hair.
Any and all words had completely dropped out of your head, “I… I don’t know how to respond to that…'' You mumbled, moving your hands from his face to wrap your arms around his waist as you bury your face into his body.
He hummed quietly, rubbing your shoulder, “And that’s fine, I already know you love me, don’t worry.” he yawned at the end of his sentence, snuggling into you more as he closed his eyes.
“How are you still tired?” You ask in a mumbe, surprised.
Shrugging, Fundy holds in another yawn, “Maybe you should just stop feeling as comfortable as home does, then maybe I won't be so tired.” He replies, while his words held weight his voice was soft.
Lazily, your gaze fell to the horizon, then to an arguing Wilbur and Tommy, you couldn’t hear them but you could assume they were arguing over something trivial. “Never,” you reply quietly, “if feeling like home to you means I get to hold you in my arms, then I never want to change that. I can deal with a clingy sleepy Funs for the rest of my life, frankly I think it’s cute.” you can feel him tense from embarrassment under you.
He quickly relaxes and grumbles and hides his face in your hair more, “I’m going to never be tired again out of spite now.” he said, mumbled by your hair.
You can help but laugh, your entire body bouncing with it as you replied, “Yeah, sure love. Whatever you say.” As hard as he tried he can’t keep a straight face and he quickly falls into giggling with you. After a bit you both calm down, simply enjoying each other's company while you don’t have any of your friends to, albeit lovingly, bully you. Neither of you are really sure how long you sat there, but before you knew it Wilbur was shaking your shoulder.
“Get up lovebirds or the offer to my guest bedroom is void.” He said in a dead tone, if you couldn’t see him you possibly would have believed him but his eyes said the opposite.
Sighing, you wiggled your way out of Fundy’s arms and tugged him up with you, intertwining your fingers. “Oh nooo! Whatever should we do! Fundy, my love, he’s going to make us sleep outside on this cold Brighton night!” You dramatically lean on him, bringing your hand to your forehead, suppressing a smile as you watched him try not to laugh.
Wilbur smirked as he puffed out his chest and touched it with just his finger tips, “It is all going to plan! Thy shall perish by sunrise!” his voice sounded like a rich british person making it impossible for any of you to keep a straight face, Fundy was the first to double over in laughter, you and Wilbur followed close behind.
Slowly the wheezing calmed down and you all came back to your senses, wide smiles plastered onto your faces, “Wait, did Tommy leave?” You ask, frowning some.
Stretching his arms above his head, Wilbur nodded, “Yeah, his dad picked him up while you and Fundy were having your moment on the bench. He didn’t wanna interrupt you guys.” he shrugs.
You can’t help but grumble, “Damn, I at least wanted to say goodbye to him!”
Reaching over, Wilbur lightly pats your shoulder, “Ey, don’t take it personally. You know he’s a busy guy, plus you know he cares for you.”
Nodding, you lean into Fundy again as you all silently come to the decision to start walking home. It was nice to listen to Fundy and Wilbur ramble on about things together, going from DreamSMP lore, to Wilbur's new album, to Fundy's new plugins, before looping back to music as Wilbur opened his front door. You didn’t really pay attention to what they were saying, just enjoying the noise of their voices.
As you all step in you pull off your shoes and masks, moving into the living room, “You can play my keyboard if you want Fundy.” You hear Wilbur say, visibly perking up at the idea, which Wilbur noticed, snickering as moved further into his house, “Seems like y/n very interested in the idea of you serenading them with your piano skills.”
Now they’re both laughing and you’re pretty sure this is where you sign your will and accept your fate. Quietly grumbling, you bury your face in your free hand, “Both of you shut your ups, I swear to god, I’ll go sleep in the airport.” you threaten, even though you’re all aware that’s an empty threat.
Fundy just laughs, letting go of your hand to wrap an arm around you “All you had to do is ask, you know.” you could hear the smile in his voice as he spoke which only made you blush more. Stupid cute boyfriend and his cute laugh and smiles and kind touches and- You pull your other hand up to your face and drag them down before pull them back up and through your hair.
You looked at Fundy with a loving but exhausted face, “You’re going to be the end of me, you know that right?” You say, only a little exasperated, you can still feel the heat on your face.
He smiled at you, it's warn, genuine, as he replied, “That’s okay, you’ll be the end to me too” he placed a soft kiss on your forehead. Smiling, you snaked your arms around him and pulled him into a kiss as he moved so that his hands so that they rested on your hips. Before you pulled apart you both could hear Wilbur yell something from his bedroom, office? Broffice. Chuckling as you finally did pull apart, Fundy pulled you to the broffice, Wilbur sat in front of his keyboard before noticing you guys and getting up.
He dragged you over with him and sat down, patting the seat for you to sit with him and you did, leaning on him lightly as he played a few short things to get used to the keyboard. It was nice to listen to, the small mistakes made you smile as you watched his hands, “Will, you should tell me where you got this, my keyboard is all wobbly. Makes playing certain songs hell.” he said, starting to play C418 Sweden.
Sighing, you close your eyes, sinking into the music and the warmth of Fundy pressed against you. Fundy switched through songs he knew carefully playing to be sure not to jostle you too much, you’re not sure when it happened but at some point you could hear Wilbur’s guitar. Quietly you hummed along while the two played, in the back of your mind all you could think about was doing this more often. Weekly would be nice, just a bunch of your friends get together and you listen to your boyfriend and best friends play.
Before you knew it Fundy was lightly shaking you awake, “Babe, come on, come with me to our room.” He says quietly. You let out a hum, letting him pull you up and along to your shared room. You hear some shuffling and zipping of bags as you halfheartedly try to rub the sleep out of your eyes. “Here, go change out of your jeans, sleeping in those isn’t exactly comfortable.” he said softly, shoving a pair of sweats and a t-shirt into your arms. You move over to the bed and set them down before stripping to change, which immediately makes Fundy squeak, “WOAH- Woah- I- Hold on!” Fundy stuttered out as he turned around.
You can’t help but giggle as you pull off your shirt, “Why are you so embarrassed? You’re my boyfriend, you know?” you tease him as you slide on the shirt he gave you, the first thing you notice is how big it is, had to be one of his shirts.
You watch him bring his hands to his face, you could see how red his ears were from here, “Well, I mean, yeah but I’m being polite.” He mumbled, ducking his head as he moved his hands to the back of his head.
Pulling off the jeans quickly before slipping on the sweats, you walk over to Fundy and loop your arms around his waist, resting your face on his back. “Okay, Mr. I’m Very Polite and Nice, I’m all changed. It’s time for bed.” You say, tugging him slightly towards the bed. He nodded and pulled himself out of your grasp, headed to the bed as he dragged you along. He flopped down and you soon followed, quickly he shuffled the blanket over you both and pulled you into his chest.
The two of you sat there quietly, relishing in each other's touch as you listened to the other’s heartbeat. It was almost overwhelming how much Fundy felt like home, how his touches brought a sense of calm you didn’t you could get to. It was weird, new, exciting even, in its own way.
Then the fact you were leaving tomorrow hit you like a ton of bricks. Your brain starts to spiral, unconsciously your grip tightens on the front of Fundy’s shirt. You feel like you can’t breathe. Your eyes blur as you feel Fundy grab your hand, steadying it- wait when did you start shaking? He rubbed soft circles on it, his other hand felt grounding on your back as you curled into him just ever so slightly more. Two days wasn't enough. One night wasn't enough. You don't know how you're going to breathe now that you've learned what it feels like to actually have him by your side. "It's not fair." you quietly grumble, the words barely comprehensible.
His grip on your shirt tightens as he places a kiss on the top of your head, "I know, I know babe..." his voice was soft as he spoke, "Let's just enjoy it while we have it."
All you can do is nod, your brain too busy trying to memorize what it felt like to have your head tucked under his chin and your arms around his waist. After a couple of cozy silent minutes Fundy started to hum a tune, you couldn't recognize it but you know he's sung it to you before. You could feel the hums in his chest, the scene felt surreal, like every other part of this day. You didn’t bother stopping the tears that pricked your eyes.
You fell asleep like that, him humming quietly and rubbing calming circles on your back. Trying your best you committed every touch to memory as you slowly faded into sleep, just barely catching Fundy whispering "I love you, y/n." as you feel into one of the most comfortable rests of your life.
When you woke up your arms and legs were entangled with Fundy’s gangly ones, his face softly tucked into the crook of your neck. You didn’t want to move and unless someone had a real good reason you weren’t going to. You’re pretty sure this is what heaven feels like, holding the love of your life close as the sun poked through the half drawn curtains making the whole situation feel all the more unreal. That moment was cut short as Fundy started to wake up, instinctively pulling away from you as he did so. You whine quietly and weakly try to pull him back, after a few seconds he listens and reburies his face in your neck.
The two of you laid there like that for a while, probably around an hour, before you begrudgingly tell him you both should get up. Fundy let out a loud groan as you slipped out of his grasp, you sat up and stretched your arms over your head, looking over at him who now laid with his arms stretched out from his body.
Wait. When did he take his shirt off? Of course you've seen him shirtless before but something about seeing it in person is fundamentally different. It felt so much more, intimate, than before. You hadn't even realized you were staring till Fundy spoke up, a laugh in his words "If your gonna stare might as well touch." his voice was low, still laced with sleep.
"Wh- I- Uh. Well. I mean-" you stutter out, looking away making him laugh more. After a few seconds you look back at him, he didn't move at all, which didn't surprise you. Silently you turn towards him, you glance up at him holding his sleepy gaze as your hand hovered over his waist. He gave you a small encouraging nod and you lightly touched him, his muscles involuntarily tense at your touch, shit your hands were cold weren’t they? You internally cringe at yourself but just as quickly as he tensed, he relaxed, letting out a quiet hum as your hand started to warm.
You felt so dumb, looking at Fundy like you were a child seeing fireworks for the first time holding the same hesitation, even as if you could burn yourself or worse, you could hurt him. Of course, you knew you wouldn’t hurt him but unfamiliarity and anxiety boiled in your stomach no matter how many times you tried to tell yourself it was okay. Looking up at Fundy you can see his face soften, a smile on his lips as he leaves you to your own devices, not wanting to interrupt whatever process you were creating.
Silently grumbling at the lack of direction and you go to place your other hand on him, only to realize just how weirdly you were positioned. You pulled away from him, earning yourself an eyebrow raise from your boyfriend which you just wave your hand at. Carefully you straddle his hips, earning a soft grunt from him but he doesn't stop you, somehow you manage to just completely blank just how close you are as you continue to run your hands over his chest.
Despite how inherently not innocent the scene looked out of context, in context it was the exact opposite. Your movements were filled with both boundless curiosity as you tried to commit the feeling of his soft, pale skin under your hands and endless hesitation as you tried not to do something wrong. "You know, you are really, really handsome..." you say quietly, it's still hard to believe you're actually able to touch him if you're honest.
Softly you cup his face, leaning down and placing soft kisses all over it, making him quietly giggle. Pecking softly at his lips before you moved on to his jaw, then his neck. It was odd, to get to this point of intimacy without there being some sort of sexual motive threw you off, but it was a much welcomed change of pace. Something about leaving light kisses on the neck and collarbone felt different when it was just reassurances of love.
As you sit up away from him he hums quietly, finally awake enough to really process what's happening. After another minute or so he sat up quickly, knocking you off balance and sending you back towards his legs. Before you hit his legs he grabbed your waist, pulling you close, the situation happened so fast that by the time you realized he was fully awake you were already in his arms, both of you giggling messes. Fundy rested his nose in the crook of your neck, you could feel the smile he wore pressed against your skin.
It was a calm and serene scene, one you hope to have again and again and again when you guys can be together more. While you were lost in thought he smirked as he blew a raspberry on your neck, making you let out a loud laugh, "WH- Wait- Hold on! I! Fu-Fundy, what the f-uck??" you struggled to ask through your laughter as he continued to assault your neck with raspberries, moving in between each one.
You pushed against him, trying and failing to get away from his attack. After multiple failed sentences, giggles, and barks of laughter he finally let you go, his face plastered in a smug but still genuinely happy grin. You wanted to ask him what that was all about but air was not being your friend so you just rested your head in his shoulder, struggling to catch your breath.
"I'm sorry, but after I let you pamper me while I was half asleep I thought I'd just keep the train rolling." he said as if he read your mind, his hands resting comfortably on your hips as he placed a kiss on your cheek. "I couldn't resist your laughter, I love it too much!" he said happily.
You let out a quiet defeated sigh, moving so now your cheek rested on his shoulder, your nose nestled in the crook of his neck. "Did Wilbur have plans for us today?" you ask quietly, part of you wished he did but another part of you is completely okay with laying in bed with Fundy till you needed to go to the airport.
Fundy thought for a moment, fingers tapping lightly on your hips, "No idea, honestly." he finally said, shrugging ever so slightly. "I should probably text him." he pulled one of his hands off of you and leaned to grab his phone off the bedside table. He moved his hand to your lower back and he leaned over you to see his phone. Melting into his touch you let out a quiet hum as you placed a hand over his heart, feeling his heartbeat through your fingertips as he typed away on his phone. You two sat like that for a few minutes before he spoke up, “Wilbur said he was gonna go get drinks with Niki, Phil, and Tristin later today, around four pm. We’re free to join but he also understands if you don’t wanna drink before your flight.”
Silently you thought, tapping your fingers lightly on his chest. On one hand it would be nice to chill out with Phil, especially since neither you or Fundy had met with him in person yet. On the other you know you, and if you were hanging around a bunch of people who were drinking you’re going to end up drinking as well. “As much as I hate to say it, I really don’t wanna drink before my flight.” You say sighing, Fundy just nods as he shoots a message back to Wilbur.
“Well since we’re gonna lay in bed all day…” Fundy started as he turned his body and flopped you both down onto your sides, both of you giggling messes. Carefully you moved your hands from his chest to his face, cupping his cheeks softly. “... You know you’re really, really pretty?” he whispered, grabbing one of your hands and placing a soft kiss on your palm.
You sputter and duck your head, trying to hide the blush on your face. “You may have told me one or two times…” You say quietly, mostly as a joke.
His head perks up, “Only once or twice?” He asked, you chuckle and continue the bit nodding. He gasped as he softly makes you look at him, he holds your face as he gives you a serious look, “You’re pretty, you are so goddamn pretty, y/n. I every fucking day think about how you are the most beautiful person I have ever seen. Any time my mind wonders it finds its way to you because- because, you just- y/n you feel like home. Whenever I’m with you, whether that’s in person or in some form of call, I feel like I should pinch myself and remind myself that I’m actually awake.” He stops for a second, taking a few breaths as your face gets redder making him chuckle slightly. “God- I am so in love with you. I- To quote you from last night: You’re going to be the end of me, you know that right?” he finishes his spiel.
You’re on cloud nine. Point blank. “Damn it, how the hell do you always know what to say?” you mumble before you snaked your arms around his neck and connect your lips. It wasn’t heated but it was passionate, full of emotions that didn’t have proper words but still needed to be communicated. Pulling apart you both were panting, only a few microseconds before you started laughing, “We are so cheesy, oh my god.” you say quietly through laughter, he joined you with a large smile on his face.
“Maybe we are cheesy, but we’re cheesy together so who cares.” he replied, placing a soft kiss on your nose.
You laughed harder, fingers messing with his hair by the nape of his neck, “You’re proving my point you fuckin’ nerd!” You basically cackled out, when you looked up the in love look in his eyes almost knocked the breath out of you. You tucked yourself under his chin, hiding your face as a hand still carded through his hair.
You two sat in bed for a few hours, scrolling through different platforms and showing each other funny or cute things. It was nice, cozy even as you fell into a simple routine, every once and a while you’d switch positions and continue with your scrolling. All too soon five pm rolled around and Fundy reluctantly brought it to your attention, “Hey love, your flight’s at eight right?” he asked quietly, you two were spooning, you as the little spoon as his chin was tucked over your shoulder.
Groaning, you nodded, “Yeah it is.” you say quietly, sinking into his touch more.
It was quiet for a few seconds before he continued, “We need to get up..” he slowly pulled away from you, making you whine but inevitably listen. Groggily, you make your way to your bag, pulling out a simple t-shirt and jeans. You stripped and Fundy did the same thing as last night, making you chuckle but you don’t say anything this time.
Once changed you walk over to him and lean up to give him a kiss on the cheek, “How mad do you think Wilbur would be if I made us some breakfast? Well, ‘breakfast’.” You asked, making air quotes around the second breakfast.
He hummed, thinking for a second before shrugging, “Probably not at all, but if he does it was my idea.” he said as he turned around and placed a kiss on your forehead, “I’m gonna shower real fast so just come knock on the door when it’s done.”
You nodded and peeled yourself off of him, making your way to the kitchen. You make some simple eggs and toast, not wanting to use too much food from your friends kitchen and when you finished fifteen minutes later Fundy was walking into the kitchen, “Aw man, you put a shirt on.” you say in faux disappointment.
He sputtered for a second before shaking his head, “We are literally about to leave and go out in public.” he said, grabbing one of the plates from the counter as he looked through the drawers for a fork.
Rolling your eyes, you lightly bump his hip with yours when he finally finds the forks, dropping the subject in favor of some comfortable silence while you both ate. Or at least partially comfortable, the fact of the plane ride still hung in the air, uncommented on but there. Fundy finished before you, placing his plate in the sink and giving you a kiss on the top of your head before heading into the guest bedroom. A few minutes later you finished your own food and you washed the dishes that you guys used, eyes falling to the stove clock: 6:30 pm. Sighing, you placed the dishes into the strainer and made your way to the guest room, “Fuuuns,” you whine more than really say, “we probably should go soon, since I wanna still say bye to Wilbur.”
He jumps at the sound of your voice, zipping up the bag in his hands on instinct, “Oh- Hey y/n!” he said quickly.
You walk over and lean on him as you look at your bag in his hands, “Whatcha up to, big man?” you asked, grabbing the bag from him.
“Oh I just, I wanted to give you something but I thought it’d be better for you to find it when you got home…” he said as you opened your bag up, smiling as you see one of his hoodies folded on the top, “I was just gonna give you one of my hoodies but it didn’t feel special enough, sooo…” he dragged out his words as you pulled out his iconic hoodie, “I gave you the hoodie.” he finished with a large smile.
Your face goes bright red as you pull it on, it smelled like him, like home, you’re too lost in the gesture to notice when Fundy pulled you close and kissed the top of your head. “You’re… You’re.” You didn’t know what words you were trying to find, you knew he loved this hoodie, he wore it all the time even, it felt weird, both very wrong and very right for you to take it, “Are you sure?” you asked quietly.
“Of course,” He hummed, “what better thing to remind you that I love you and that I’m here for you than my favorite hoodie?” you just stuttered in response and nodded, “Plus you look very cute in my clothes.” he said as he leaned away from you before he pulled you into a kiss, it took you a few seconds to kiss him back, the cogs in your brain fighting between stopping entirely and going twice the speed.
When he pulled away from you, you were breathless, “Man. I’m going to die without your kisses, what the hell…” You mumbled as you buried your face into his chest.
“Nooo, don’t die,” he replied dramatically, “if you die then how am I gonna kiss you when you come back?” he jokingly held you tightly, but a small part of you knew it wasn’t a joke, that he fully processed just how much he’s going to miss holding you.
You let out a sigh muffled by his chest, “Well, guess I’ll just live forever.” you said quietly, which made him chuckle slightly. You know it’s a joke but if you could find a way, you would. Just for Fundy. After a few seconds you reluctantly pulled yourself out of his grasp, zipping up the large hoodie before putting the backpack on.
Fundy let out a sigh as he patted his pockets, “Wilbur’s letting me drive you to the airport using his car.” He said as he pulled out Wilbur’s keys, showing them to you.
You nodded before you cupped his face and placed a soft kiss on his lips, “I love you so, so, so goddamn much, Fundy.” you whispered, placing your forehead on his.
“I love you too, y/n. And the distance between us doesn’t change that in the slightest.” he whispered back, his voice slightly shook as he spoke which made your heart hurt. Slowly he pulled away from you, grabbing your hand with his as he dragged you to the door, you both slipped on your shoes and masks before heading out to the car.
The car ride to the pub Wilbur was at with Phil and Kristin was quiet, not a bad quiet but quiet nonetheless. The radio played soft classical music as Fundy carefully drove the car through the town, you can’t tell if you’re surprised by that being Wilbur’s default station or not. Once you guys got there you quickly got out of the car, telling Fundy you’ll be back soon as you ran in and told Wilbur goodbye. It wasn’t all that much, you gave him a hug and promised to text him once your plane landed to let him know you were safe. You quickly said hi to Phil and Kristin, apologizing that you couldn’t stay longer, which they brushed off, saying that there’ll always be another time.
By the time you and Fundy were finally on your way to the airport it was a quarter past seven, the drive there was viscerally different than the drive to say bye to Wilbur. He drove with one hand, his free one resting carefully in your’s as he rubbed the back of it with his thumb. The silence was almost oppressive as you sat there but neither of you knew what to say, so you both stayed quiet. The silence stretched on into the airport, it was odd but somehow fitting. It was the first time neither of you could really bring yourself to break the silence.
Fundy eventually did, though. After you had made it through security, you two sat down on the benches waiting for them to call your flight number. It started with a laugh, a sad one, followed by a quiet apology, “I’m sorry I haven’t said anything y/n…” He basically said to himself, you’re pretty sure if you had even an ounce less of self control you’d start crying right then.
Carefully, you cupped his face, a sad smile in your eyes, “Don’t worry love. Trust me, I understand.” you replied as you rubbed your thumbs over his cheek bones. He silently nodded, wrapping his arms around your torso as he pulled you close. You moved your hands from his face and wrapped your arms around his neck, “It’ll be fine, just like Phil said to me in the pub today, ‘there’ll always be another time.’ I’ll visit again when this is all over, next time for longer.” You promise him, voice hushed so that only you two can hear it.
“Yeah, yeah. Of course, next time.” he said, it was so soft, as if he said it too loud something would curse against it. The two of you sat like that for a few minutes, enjoying the last time you’d hold each other for at least a long while. All too soon they called for your plane and reluctantly you pulled away from him. Quickly he pulled down his mask, looking at you for a long second before you do the same, softly he connected your lips, it was a slow and desperate kiss. One that knew you had to leave but so strongly wish you didn’t that you could have mistaken it for tangible.
When you pull apart, you smile at him, pressing a light kiss on his cheek before standing up, “I’ll see you soon, yeah?” you ask, fixing your mask.
He nodded, probably much more aggressively than he meant to, “Yeah, definitely.”
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cr4yolaas · 3 years
— how they act after your break - up [ timeskip ]
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characters . bokuto koutarou , kenma kozume , sakusa kiyoomi , oikawa tooru , osamu miya
tw / cw . post break - up behavior , self - hatred , implied unhealthy eating habits ( sakusa )
a / n . um new posting layout kinda that im too lazy to do w my previous posts . but i've always wanted 2 do these kinda hcs so :)
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he always adored you as a whole. that's why he always had his phone out, ready to take a random photo or video of you doing whatever you were doing at the moment — whether it be cooking, watching your favorite show, or simply laying down on the couch, he'd have his camera pointed towards you as if you were the only one in the world ( besides him ), paying no care to whether or not you were paying attention.
so as he scrolls through the seemingly endless album of collective photos and videos, he wishes he'd taken more. bokuto's buried in the bed that suddenly feels so much more empty and large because you're not there. he cards a hand through his hair, now down and sticking to his forehead from soft beads of sweat, and yet, it doesn't feel anything like your porcelain fingertips.
the realization hits him that no amount of videos could compare to how you made him truly feel.
he streams. he streams for days and days on end, no break, foolishly waiting for you to pop into chat or to at least be watching. but you never do.
even so, he holds onto that thin silver string of stupid stupid hope, sinking into his gaming chair, turning on the camera as usual. routine — a routine that eventually breaks him. he pays no mind to the flow of concerned comments in the chat, random viewers pointing out his deepening eyebags and the groggy tone of his voice.
when it finally does break him, he feels regret.
because you're not there to pull him out of his melancholic pit anymore.
kiyoomi's cooped up in the depths of his now barren apartment, body fatigued and worn from the stress he's mindlessly put on it. he was never one to speak his affection, and when he showed it, it was soft and subtle, through the smallest of actions.
he regrets it. it was never enough, he realizes.
however, his biggest regret of all is never capturing moments with you, no, instead they're barely engraved in his pretty little skull as he tries to grasp onto each and every one of them before they can slip through the cracks in his hands. he doesn't show up to any practices or games or even small team hang outs, all because he's stuck. stuck trying to collect every thing he once had, every little bit of you, every fading image of you. he wants to feel you once more, for you to simply be in the same room as him, to just look at him for a millisecond.
so he falls into the habit of preparing your things for you — even though he knows you'll never be there to accept any of it. he places the mug you always adored because of its little patterns on your bedside table. he prepares your towel in the bathroom right before the time you usually shower. on rare days where he finally decides to get outside of the bedroom and eat, there's always a plate of your favorite meal ready before his own meal.
simply because he regrets not doing it before. while you were still there.
eventually, atsumu has to come over and help, cleaning up the apartment while sakusa stays in bed no matter how much the blond pries, wallowing in pure unfiltered self - hatred.
he never copes.
he's down bad. not even the thick blankets can bring him a comfort similar to yours. his chest aches, his heart crafted with clay burning with dumb desire, constantly waiting for you to return. even though he knows you never will.
occasionally, before he goes to bed ( he never sleeps in the end, his thoughts are too loud ), he finds himself hugging his delicate form, his own hand holding his damp cheek, eyes puffy as he tries to replicate the comfort you brought him. the words of assurance he whispers to himself, the same words you spoke to him, never make up for the hole he's created in his stomach.
he misses you to the point where it breaks him.
he handles it somewhat well. with the stress of the restaurant piling up on his shoulders, he can barely feel the white - hot sorrow boiling inside his guts,
it's only when he gets home that the grief hits him. you're not there to greet him with a soft peck on the lips, no soft voice echoing around the house as you tell him about your day right before asking him about his, no warmth. it's painstakingly cold.
it's only now that he doesn't know how to handle it.
raging thoughts bring him back to the cute bentos and onigiri he made you as a show of affection.
he misses you.
and so, he decides to add the adorable designs to his meals, claiming it's a " new special he figured would work nice on the menu. " every hand - crafted piece of fish or seaweed or vegetable he places on the rice brings him back to you. he can't tell if he loves it or hates it — but it's all he has left of you.
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twinklelilstarkey · 3 years
hi! can i please make a request with rafe using prompt “Tell me about your day.” 🥰
“Tell me about your day” - Rafe Cameron
A/N.: Of course, baby. Hope you like this.
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Rafe really likes hanging out with his dad. When it’s just them, at least, since he feels pretty left out whenever Sarah, Wheezie, or, god, Rose is in the boat with them.
That is solely because the 3 of them never liked the idea of fishing all that much, therefore, the whole family always has to leave hours early all because they want to leave. Which in other words means: less time between Rafe and his dad, as well as any well spent time on his Saturday, because of all the whining.
So, yes, whenever the Cameron men are alone, Rafe associates it with a good time. Also as the time when he can speak to his dad and try to get some more communication into their relationship. Which usually does happen and does usually work.
Well, not today.
Ward Cameron woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. He was in a bad mood right as the sun rose, exactly when they were supposed to leave the house. And for the first few hours, he didn’t talk to his son, he just stayed far away from him, on the other side of the boat, sipping his coffee while Rafe got everything ready to start their usual fishing Saturday.
He did start talking some time later, but to be quite honest, Rafe would’ve preferred him to just not talk at all and stay in his silence and in his corner of the boat for the rest of the day. Right as he opened his mouth, the theme of conversation was Rafe’s imperfect academic life and how he still hasn’t gotten any letters back from colleges accepting or rejecting him.
And the fact that he sighed loudly at those words did not make anything any better for him. All because he exhaled slightly bit loud, Ward took that as “Oh, so I’m boring you now?”.
Rafe did surprise himself by not bittering back to his dad and by staying silent the whole time, looking at the water and just letting his mind run free on his own world.
But let's just say that when you’re in a boat, with no reception, Wi-Fi, and surrounded by only water, sunrise to sunset seems to go by slower than normal.
It was a very long day.
Now, he’s walking down back to the house. The skies around him are colored with all types of pinks and oranges, but honestly, he couldn’t care less. He just wants to be as far away as possible from his dad at this point.
Before Ward could even step out of the boat, Rafe was already up on his bike, helmet on his head, and ready to drive off. And as he did, the French doors of his home open to show Rose, ready to welcome her husband home.
Thank god he’s out of there already.
The drive to your house was quick, so quick that Rafe wasn’t even able to reflect on what happened back on the boat.
You’re laying on your bed, wearing nothing but an old shirt and some shorts as you try to fight off the summer heat that has been practically melting you all day. You’re laying on your stomach, legs naturally up as you lean your cheek to your fist and watch random videos on your laptop.
To say you almost screamed at your bedroom door opening so suddenly is a very large understatement. You felt like you had a small heart attack to be quite honest.
Rafe stands by your door, closing it right behind him as he throws his hat to a corner and, right after, he throws himself on your bed to lay beside you.
“You okay?” You ask him.
He doesn’t answer so you just close your laptop, sit up and turn your position around to lay back down facing him. Rafe opens his eyes as you move around and he doesn’t say anything, nor does he smile - like he usually does.
“Want to talk about it?” You try again, laying your head on your pillow, now laying on your back.
He lifts himself off the mattress slightly and shakes his head at you, still not saying anything. When you’re about to ask again, he lays his head over your chest and wraps his arms around you.
The sudden request of affection surprised you a bit, but you do as asked. You wrap your arms around him and lay a kiss on the top of his head, over his hair, and right as you do it, he speaks.
“Can you tell me about your day?” He asks you.
“Uh, yeah? But I didn’t do mu-” You try to say, but he interrupts.
“It's fine. I just want to think about something other than my dad.” He says, voice muffled by your shirt.
You lay another kiss over his hair and move a bit under him before starting to talk.
“Uh, so...” You say, extending the syllable while thinking, “I woke up at like, 10ish? Had breakfast with my mom-”
“What did you eat?”
You grin at his question and answer quickly.
He lets out a small groan at your words and your teasing tone and your grin stretches into a smile. He could kill to be invited for breakfast again and eat those heavenly pancakes.
He’s just so tired of Rose’s god damned healthy smoothies.
“Then I watched her favorite show with her. At least until we had to go get lunch...” You stop to see if Rafe questions what you ate again, but he doesn’t, “We ate pizza, nothing too exciting.”
He groans again and you smile at him.
His day consisted of sandwiches and drinking water, you can’t blame him.
“There’s leftovers if you’re interested.” You offer and he lifts his head from your chest to look at you.
“Really?” He asks and you nod.
“Yeah, they’re by the fridge, I think.”
As soon as your sentence ends, Rafe plants a kiss on your cheek and flights up from the bed, sprinting out of your room, down your stairs, and into the kitchen while you just laughed at him.
His eyes lay over the cardboard box and when he opens it, he feels like he’s in heaven. 
After heating up the food on a plate, Rafe sprints up the stairs and you’re still on your bed, now on your phone.
“Please continue.” He says, regaining your attention.
He closes the door again and sits on the chair beside the bed on your desk, ready to start eating and continue to listen to you.
“Continue with what?”
“About your day.” He says before taking his first bite, “What happened after lunch?”
You throw your phone aside and start talking again, all of it while staring at your boyfriend, who is inhaling the food all satisfied and happy. He seems interested in your average summer vacation day, which surprised you. 
Even when you told him that your neighbor had come over, he was excited and asking questions.
But for him, he just felt relief. He’s not thinking about his dad. Not thinking about his sisters and stepmother. Or even whatever his dad told him in the boat. His mind is on you only, as well as all the kinds of gossip you got today. And that is the most relief anyone can give him.
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Sorry it took me so long to write this.
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worminstuff · 4 years
The silent bet
georgenotfound x reader fluff
you and sapnap had made a harmless bet, and it turned into something a little..more than that.
no warnings :) it’s a tad angsty but
“He’s not like that though.” You sighed at sapnap.
Currently, your friend sapnap was trying to help you figure out a way to get George your “roommate” to maybe pay more attention to you. Harmless right?
“I bet- I bet you can’t ignore him for a whole day.” Wrong.
“Sapnap what-“ dream spoke up after being silent the whole time.
“20 dollars.” sapnap said, a smirk lurking in his tone.
You though about it for a moment, you could hear george in the room over, he was probably making food. “Only if dreams part of the bet.” You grinned.
Before dream could even answer, “Deal” sapnap said excitedly.
“What?! Sapnap!” He sounded appalled.
“Okay deal then.” You giggled softly, dream sighed and rolled his eyes unknowing to his friends.
“Okay, fine whatever, but how are you even going to do this? You’re just gonna give him the silent treatment?” Dream sounded a tad weary.
“Pretty much. I think he’s making food and then he’ll be on, so I’ll just ignore him and then we’ll see if he cares.” You shrugged to yourself.
“And if he gets mad think how funny itll be!” You and dream both shook your heads at Sapnaps words.
You and George had been living together for a couple months now. You moved to the uk for school abroad and George offered his apartment because he didn’t want you to have to deal with getting one on your own, and you guys had been friends for a really long time. It was a great idea, and it turned out amazing.
You had a crush on George too, which dream and sapnap were well aware of, yet george was oblivious. You realized it one rainy night when you both ended up cuddling on the couch in the small living room. George was always soft with you, and never his grouchy or sarcastic self. Yes he teased you constantly, but he was also incredibly sweet.
Quickly after you moved in he started picking up on your small habits. He loved doing little things to make you happy like buying your favorite tea before it ran out, he even figured out you hate grocery shopping cause it makes you nervous so he does it himself.
“Buddy has joined your channel”
You heard the computer voice through your headphones
“Hello!” George sounded happy. Your stomach dropped.
“Hi George” Dream said, he didn’t sound happy nor angry.
Sapnap stayed quiet, and you did too of course.
“Y/n I got that tea you like and then I also got another one I think you’ll like cause they’re sort of similar but if you don’t like it I’ll drink it.” His voice was so soft and warm your heart melted. You wanted to tell him how excited you were to try it and that you would totally try it right now.
But 20 dollars. And Sapnap cannot win bets because no one hears the end of it.
So you say nothing.
“Are we hoping on the smp?” Dream asked,
“Yeah i kinda wanna stream.” Sapnap replyed, you glared at your monitor. That idiot.
After a moment of silence, dream mumbled, “sapnap..” but sapnap ignored him.
He muted in the channel once he’d started his stream, so you and George and dream were left alone.
Dream felt bad for George, and you aswell. He understood why you were curious to do this, and he knows you probably were going to hate this as much as George, so he felt bad.
“Y/n did you get that plug-in for the new video to work yet? Or do you need help.” He broke the silence.
“Oh I forgot about that! I ment to ask you about that y/n, I wanted to help you with it.” You winced as George spoke up again, but this wasn’t so bad to not reply to since Dream started the conversation.
“Yeah, i haven’t finished all the coding and stuff that’s going with and for it but it’s coming along alright.” You we’re picking at the skin around your thumb nail.
“Oh good, did you get that picture of patches I sent you?” Dream was starting to feel a bit guilty.
While you and dream discussed a photo of his cat, George sat with furrowed brows. Usually you would jump at the chance to have him help you with a plug-in. He thought it was cute, which is why he asked. You hadn’t even acknowledged him. Now that he thought of it, you didn’t even say hi to him!
Sapnap unmuted, his stream in full swing now. All four of you joined the server and Dream offered to go work on the community house, so that’s what you all did.
It was going pretty easy ignoring George, you figured he didn’t really care. You were actually sad you were gonna win this bet.
You’d all been fishing and goofing off, until it was starting to tick george off how quiet you were being towards him. He’d been teasing you for nearly 30 minutes straight, even sapnaps chat was going off about it!
Suddenly, his character in game was punching yours. You wanted to yell at him he was gonna kill you, but you only stayed silent as you tried to run.
“Cmon y/n say something!” He yelled in frustration.
This went on for a little longer until you heard him say, “that’s it!” And you and dream and sapnap heard his headphones hit his desk.
“Oh no.” Sapnap murmured.
Outside your door you heard george yell down the hallway, “Mute! Mute your mic!” You pressed your hot key and looked towards your door as it swong open.
“You’re muted?” You nodded. “What the hell y/n! Youve been ignoring me all day!” His arms flailed slightly, he looked so hurt.
Your face fell. You sighed, “it was a bet.”
“A- what?” His shoulders fell.
You stood, now only less than a foot in front of him.
“sapnap bet me I wouldn’t be able to not talk to you for a whole day.”
His face contorted in confusion. “Why would you do that though?” He sounded so incredibly hurt. It was breaking your heart.
You shrugged, “no, no you don’t get to shrug. There’s a reason and I can tell. Why would you do that?” He was stern now, slightly angry you were keeping something from him.
“Wanted to see if you’d even notice or care.” You weren’t looking at him, only the floor.
He stepped a tad closer, pulling your hand into his. “Why the hell wouldn’t I care, y/n?”
He shook his head slightly and pulled you into a hug.
“I care so much..please don’t ever do that again. I hate it when you don’t talk to me.” His cheek was pressed against your head as you mumbled reassuring words into the crook of his neck.
You would definitely not be doing this again.
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Next to You
Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warning: angst/fluff.
a/n: GIF requested by @captain-pikas-world​ . I haven't written much since my dad passed in December. This is my attempt to get back into it. Hope you enjoy.
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The air is heavy, it always feels heavy to Bucky as he steps out into the world. Every time, his breath is slacked with nerves trapped at the tip of his tongue. He eases towards the crowd of people, everyone gathering near the lake. His eyes moves around to each face, his instinct is to look for Sam. His best friend now, the person who has pushed him further than he thought he could go. It would be a lie to say the pair had an easy start, it was rough but like the leaves underneath his boots – they were able to snap into something new. New pieces of who they are after Steve's departure, and Bucky was the first to admit, it works. Everything therapy and Sam has taught him, along with his own self reflection, has helped. In the mirror, each morning, he sees something new. A mixture of his old self and who is he now – he actually smiles now. Yet, he knows something has not entirely come back – the ease of being around a woman he adores.
His eyes finally land on Sam, but they only are on the man for a few seconds before making there way to you. Where you are standing next to his friend, the two of you facing the lake. Bucky's heart starts to race as he forces himself to move forward, feeling ridiculous that one single person was making him stumble over his steps. Of all the things he has gone through, this was what was going to give him a heart attack. Muttering to himself that he was being stupid, he reaches Sam's side with a slight smile.
“Sorry I'm late,” he apologies and you turn to him. His throat clenches as you smile and point out to the lake.
“Sam was thinking we could charter a boat for the day, what do you think? Was Steve a fishing type?”
Right,  Bucky thought to himself. The day was about celebrating the one common factor in your friendship – Steve Rogers.
“We went fishing a few times, but neither of us were exactly fishermen.”
“Or men,” Sam snorts and you laugh.
“Ah, well, it's the thought that counts, right?”
Bucky grins finally, eyes entirely on you. He nods lightly. “Yeah, that's all that counts.”
Sam's facial expression changes and suddenly he's declaring that he was going to go see about a boat near the dock station. You wave him off and ask Bucky to help with the poles and supplies from the car. The two of you walk in silence through the crowd, it was a national holiday so the lake was a little crowded.
“Maybe we should have come a different day,” you sigh, unlocking your car. Bucky agrees, but opens the trunk and gives you a small nudge.
“Your idea is great, it's going to be great.”
His reassurances turns your stomach warm, the sun bearing down on your skin as he hands over the poles. “Take these and I'll get the rest.”
Effortlessly, Bucky gathers all the supplies for the boat, including an oversize ice chest and asks you if you were ready. You feel anxious as he walks at your side, wondering out loud if Sam was able to secure a boat for the day. There is a handful of boats already out on the lake, so the prospects were looking bad as the two of you caught up to Sam. Yet, he is all smiles, tossing up keys in the air, catching them with a smirk.
“Great, he's going to gloat all day about this.”
“Maybe being on a boat with the two of you was a bad idea,” you tease.
Bucky laughs. “Too late now.”
“I'm steering,” Sam declares, although neither Bucky or you even knew how. “I'm Captain on and off land, so let's go.”
The boat is nice, large enough for a handful of people. It only takes about twenty minutes to leave the dock, after getting settled and making sure everything was accounted for. Sam takes to the wheel and whistles when the engine comes on, Bucky rolls his eyes but the smile on his face is clear as the day. You sit across from him as Sam takes the boat out into the middle of the lake. Bucky catches your eyes several times, always looking down at his lap with a bashful expression. You try to not overthink his looks and just enjoy the ride of it all. When Sam is finally satisfied with the perfect spot, the three of you gather in the middle of the boat with drinks in hand.
“To Steve, if it wasn't for him, I wouldn't have either of you in my life,” Sam proposes, nodding his head to Bucky and you. “Now whether that is a good or bad thing is up for interpretation.”
“Jackass,” Bucky mutters, but you laugh, like you always do. It's a simple, telling laugh that clutches Bucky by the heart each time he hears it. A laugh that eases him in any situation, a laugh he misses at night when he is alone in his apartment.
“To Steve,” you declare, holding up your beer. The two men follow suit and you allow Sam one sip before taking it away. He obliges and lets you, finishing it off. The men applaud you, even though you apologize for the small burp that comes out of your mouth.
“It's fine,” Bucky smiles, taking the empty can from you. “It's kind of cute.”
Sam's eyes widen and he claps his hands together. “I'm going to check on the wheel real quick, make sure everything is good. Then we eat, I made some bomb ass sandwiches.”
Bucky tries to ignore the wink Sam gives him before making himself scarce. He's almost too afraid to glance your way as you sit back down. He manages to take his seat, quickly stealing a look at you. His heart races as your eyes stare back, his face tightens.
“I miss him,” you whisper and Bucky immediately understands.
“Yeah, I miss the punk too.”
Looking down at the beer can in your hand, you sigh. “He really just went and made a life for himself. You knew, didn't you? Sam didn't. I didn't.”
Bucky's eyes move down to his lap, his throat warm as he nods. “He told me his plan and who was I to stop him? I couldn't do that to him. Sam and you, you were his closes friends – he...he didn't want to hurt you two.”
“I understand, but can I ask you something?”
“Of course.”
“Why didn't you go back?”
Everything seems to go quiet as the question touches Bucky's ears. This was a question no one ever thought to ask. A question he has asked himself plenty of times until he was finally able to gather an answer – an answer he never had a reason to say out loud. He opens his mouth, but his chance is interrupted by Sam's reappearance.
“Whose hungry?”
The food is delicious, the three of you sit around and eat for the next hour. The air is fresh as each of you take turns telling a Steve story, the boat is flooded with laughter as the tales are told. Bucky takes to recalling old days, Sam brings up the time Steve took him to a ball game, and you mention all the failed attempts at getting Steve a date. The afternoon slowly turns into a soft evening as fireworks light up the lake. The screams of delight fill the air as Sam, Bucky, and you stand side by side. The boat rocks gently, causes you to stumble into Bucky. He grins and takes a hold of your shoulder with his hand, as Sam claps and hollers at the light show. He is not paying attention to his friends, instead he's taking video on his cell for Sarah and his nephews.
“Are you okay?”
“Metaphorically or in the moment?”
Bucky's face softens and whispers, “In the moment.”
You ignore the booms of the fireworks surrounding the lake, instead focusing on the weight of his fingers on your shoulder. “I'm good, you?”
Slowly, his smile fades and he glances over to Sam. He is either to busy recording the show or is trying to be a good friend by pretending nothing is happening between his friends. Bucky looks back at you and sighs. “I have an answer to your question. I – I thought about this a lot. I want to tell you.”
Bucky's eyes seem vulnerable and it is something you do not take lightly. Having know him for years now, you always have made sure to take things at his pace. Your friendship was what you had always offered to Bucky, because that was what he needed after Steve left. Yet, love slowly crept its way into your heart a few years back. Sam was the only person aware, his encouraging words were always a blessed curse, because what if the feelings were not mutual?
Losing Bucky, after losing Steve, would only hurt more.
“Tell me,” you whisper back, heart racing.
He looks up at the sky, for encouragement before laying his eyes on you. “Steve, he had something to go back to. At the end of the day, he was still that boy from Brooklyn. I wasn't, I wasn't the same, after everything, going back – going back would have been torture. I had to settle things here and going back would have been running away. That's why I couldn't go with him.”
You stare at him as his hand slips from your shoulder, but before it could reach his side, you take it. His hand is warm as you hold onto it tightly, struggling to get the words out. Holding onto his hand as the fireworks explode into the sky, the colors reflecting in Bucky's eyes. It was obscene, the look in his eyes as you felt his thumb across your skin. It was a look of something more than lust, it was fate.
“You've atoned, Bucky. You are a free man, this world belongs to you.”
His eyes close for a moment, heart racing as the feeling of something new bursts colors into his insides. All the atonement, the self reflection had gotten him here – on a boat with his best friend and the woman of his life. This, it felt, was what it was all  about.
The torture, the self hatred, the loneliness.  
Bucky was truly free now.
All that is left, the last thing on his list, is you.
Looking over to Sam, he chuckles when he realizes his friend has once again disappears. Grinning, Bucky squeezes your hand before gently pulling you towards him. Your hand falls on his chest and he reaches up to touch the side of your face. Your heart is racing, as his is. The two of you can not manage a single world, but as the fireworks illuminate the sky in a grand finale, he kisses you on the lips.
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