#if ur treating it all as equal and not taking anything away from it other than a smile and a nod
cozybearz · 6 months
my grandma telling me abt the ✨unbiased✨ news guy she likes to watch every weekend. hes literally just a centrist im pretty sure but i am Not touching that conversation rn i am not strong enough for that knowing it wouldnt go anywhere regardless what i say dhdhdh
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itsonlydana · 4 months
Hey hey, saw ur requests were open for Thranduil and knew I needed to submit something!
Could you do a Thranduil x fem human reader where she braids her hair without knowing the significance for elves? They both have feelings for each other but neither has said anything, supper fluffy ending y’know?
Thank you in advance and have a great day!! :))
Beautiful misunderstandings | hobbit
pairing: Thranduil x fem human!reader 👑
You simply wanted to accept an invitation to a celebration, but something about you makes the elves literally drop at your feet. Can Thranduil resolve this misunderstanding, or will he be affected as well?
tags/warnings: just lots and lots of fluff, no warnings
word count: 3,6k
an: to be honest, most of what i wrote is my own headcanons because i did not find lots about hair culture with the elves.. so please: educate me! Are there some hcs in the fandom? :)
+ masterlist + rules + 🌿 reposts and comments are appreciated, they motivate me a lot and keep me writing <3
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The forests of Greenwood greet you with open flames of torches licking up their hot tongues against the dark skies, coloring the path the horse trots along in their amber lights and the wooden smoke that fills the air. Evenly distributed along the pathway they light up just enough of Greenwood that it doesn't take away from the sight that awaits you at the end, where the trees give way to an equally decorated bridge and the foliage thins out enough for you to take in the tall arches framing the open doors of the Great Elvenking's halls.
You have already been a guest for many of Thranduil's festivities ever since he established trading relations with your small fisher town. Due to the bond that twirls around the two of you in some unfathomable and complex manner, you also know that nothing he ever does is anything but grande and imposing. 
Still, you can't help but push your lower lip in between your teeth. 
Not once have you gotten the impression of standing out more than the difference in race and status already marked as obvious factors, neither Thranduil nor his elves treated you like you felt right now: 
Completely out of your known waters.
The elvish customs were far too many for you to know them all and you always try your best to consider all and everything that you've learned in the two summers you could consider yourself an acquaintance to Thranduil. Whatever form this acquaintanceship took on is another worry, or rather, another unknown that you can't exactly express to anyone. 
It's nearly as confusing as the steps of the dance you studied in your room before you left this morning, a step forward and two back, Thranduil asking you to accompany him to his dances but never dancing with you. 
Tonight, you want to change this predicament of always ending up in the arms of another elf while the one you yearned for watches from the sidelines! You didn't work this hard for the fabric that hugs your figure in a beautiful dress for nothing and even if the fabric isn't as shiny or light as the dresses the elves wear and the stitches marked your fingertips with the evidence of the labor and long nights, you are proud of the garment. 
The wind plays in the hem as you emerge from the guarded forest and its thick and dense foliage and it winds itself around your legs after you dismount your horse. A quick kiss to his muzzle, followed by an exhale of warm, familiar breath and you hesitantly let a servant take him away, mumbling a soft "Thank you" while you stay where you are and watch until they disappear around a tree.
Nervously you start walking up to the bridge, the reckless water under it crashing against the stone walls and it goes along with the blood that pumps high and fast through your body and rushes in your ears. The atmosphere is loaded, sizzling under the nearly suffocating heat that's only bearable in the cool shadows of the palace in front of you so you don't waste another second. 
You brush off the hood of your riding coat, smoothing out some fly-away hairs that escaped the braid you carefully weaved earlier this day as you duck your head in reverence to be allowed in these sacred halls. 
Whispers catch up to you from outside, a breeze dancing through leaves.
When you lift your chin again, you find that it's not the air affecting nature but rather your presence halting nearly all the elves that gathered on the first bridge inside the caves. 
They say elves are graceful and purposeful in their movements – the way dozens of eyes are locked onto you and lips move in not-so-silent murmurs defiles that claim though.
It's nothing you haven't encountered before, the talks behind your back that came along with Thranduil's attention shining down on you like the sun – hot, engulfing you completely and rendering you breathless as well as a bit sweaty at times whenever he looks at you, and you learned how to handle it. His attention brought forth a lot of awareness of his folk to the woman who visits Thranduil just as often as he rides into your town and becomes the topic of conversations for weeks. What's a girl to do except accept that a King never comes alone?
You're used to elves watching you, most of them in respect. Thranduil's authority radiates onto you, as well as the protection that he swore would lay upon you as long as he's there to give out orders.
The first elf whose eyes you questioningly meet drops to his knees in the same instant, barely a breath of time passing by. 
A gasp leaves your throat.
Words do not follow. They remain echoing in your head, pushed back by the spectacle that spread before you like wildfire. Too fast, too much.
Within seconds of you entering, the buzz of lowered voices dies down as elf after elf either bows or completely meets the ground they are standing on. The spectacle is confusing and throws you completely off; this reaction is nowhere near what you've experienced before and you do the first thing that comes to mind to handle this totally unsuspected confrontation of elves bowing to you, a human from no known family and nothing to your name other than the weight it carries on Thranduil's tongue.
The only thing you manage to stammer is: "Good evening," and a high-pitched, "Thank you?" before you take your legs into your hand and dash over the bridge. 
Thoughts as unstoppable as you run through your mind while you navigate the curving halls of the underground palace, the stonewalls not cool enough to diminish the heat that sits low in your neck, growing the longer you think about all that has happened between Thranduil and you and how it's not much more than nothing but a close alliance of human and elf. 
One that you hope would take on a different turn, because some of the actions by Thranduil could be considered friendlier than one would treat an ally or friend. You think back to all the gifts you have received, the white gems for example that, barely bigger than your nails but woven into the upper part of your braid, reflect the light and throw silver dots against the walls that lead you to the point Thranduil had asked you to meet him in one of his many letters. 
The route involves more encounters with more elves, some bow more subtly, their hands on their chest in a greeting that you do know, and some others, mostly those who've already fallen in barrels of wine and are less sophisticated in their movements in their drunken state who repeat the word "bereth" as if it's a prayer in a language that's far beyond you to make out right now. 
At the end of the hallway, you make out the back of a familiar blonde and even from afar you notice the resemblance that Thranduil's silver circlet has to the silver ribbon you have woven into your hair in a similar way and height how his circlet would look placed on your head. 
Is this what brought such uproar to the elves? Have you accidentally copied their king? 
"Thranduil!" you call out, his name lacking any title though not out of disrespect. You have the highest respect for the King of the Elves and slip a "Your Majesty" rather often into conversations because you know how much he favors his name from your tongue and teasing him like that brings a joy to you that you can't explain anyway else then: 
Hearing him laugh and smile or roll his eyes at your antics fuels the love you harbor for him.
Now is not the time for teasing chit-chat, you are desperate to find out if you have actually misstepped by presenting his gifts like this at a festival that's solely about him.
He turns at the sound of your voice and, oh lord, even his eyes widen as soon as they land on you and you want to perish rather than step any closer but the hurry in your legs and the nervousness in your stomach makes it impossible to do anything else but run to the one soul in this world that brings you comfort. 
You arrive at a full stop, and your heels would have stirred up dust if you were a mare. 
Now it's not only Thranduil's eyes that seem to have developed an inability to stray farther than your head; his mouth falls open as well and he makes no effort to close it again. The fact that this behavior is completely ungracious and ill-mannered has apparently not dawned on him yet. The longer you spend helplessly looking up at him, you swear you can see most of his thoughts visibly inching away behind that baffled expression.
At first, there's nothing.
Then some clarity returns into the blue eyes you love so much and Thranduil exhales a quiet: "Berio nin." 
Now, that's Sindarin you've heard before – that the context he has said these words were moments when he playfully begged the Valar to aid him with you tormented him in some way throws you off your balance even more and you take a step back. 
"I did not–" you start and raise a hand to wave it at all of you, "This, I had no idea. Did I offend you? Or the elves?" 
"Offend?" Thranduil asks bewildered.
"Well, the way they reacted. I wasn't sure," you laugh distraught. Thranduil's eyebrows instantly furrow, and you're quick to follow up: "Not in a bad way!" you explain and he loosens up, "They, um, they bowed? And some may have fallen to the ground?"
"Ah," he chuckles and his reaction calms you a bit. He could've been screaming or throwing you out. If he's laughing this can't be that big of a serious misstep. Thranduil looks at you through lowered lashes and runs his tongue over his teeth, a smile threatening to break through the serious expression he tries to obtain. "I believe a conversation and education is in order. If you would follow me to have this conversation somewhere else," he says and holds out his arm for you to grab.
He leads you around a corner and another one, walking swiftly yet seemingly in no hurry until Thranduil opens a door and quickly pulls you inside the room. 
Candles littered all around light up what you immediately understand to be his private chambers, the many robes you recognize, the colorful falcons with shimmering scented oils and shells full of jewelry, pearls, gems, and rings in gold and silver. There, right where Thranduil stops in front of you to block out your view, you take a peek at a giant bed behind flowy white curtains. 
You blush.
Even more so when you see Thranduil blush as well. His eyes return to your hair again, just like he had on the short walk to these chambers; tilting his head down to you as if some magical force bound him to staring at you in a manner he hadn't done before.
"You are my guest so I see it to be my responsibility to clear up what may have been a–" he pauses and his eyelashes flutter as he thinks of a fitting word, "a misapprehension. Not that you could have possibly known the outcome of what you doubtlessly suspected to be a kind gesture." 
You nervously cross your arms behind your back, intertwining your fingers so you do not meddle or ruffle the carefully layered fabrics of your dress. "I solemnly swear I was not up for any mockery."
His eyes widen again. "I would not have accused you of such!"
You tilt your head in confusion and bite down on your lip, ungraceful as well and a habit you should definitely quit, especially in the company of a King.
"What was it that startled the elves?" You think back to the way Thranduil had reacted, the wide-blown eyes, the pink lips formed to a delicate 'o' – "As well as you, Thranduil. You couldn't even get a word out except for a prayer." You let out a single laugh to cover up your embarrassment. 
The elf lifts his chin higher as if that could prevent you from noticing the blush deepening, growing much more red than just a delicate pink that stands out from his ivory skin but not much that it couldn't be interpreted as a light intoxication of either wine or fresh air. 
"I do not remember that," he lies with a dismissive voice. "Anyway, let me clarify the current dilemma instead of wasting time discussing the past." 
"Definitely not that far back that you could count it as 'the past' but sure," you sigh and decide to ignore the glare he sends you as you confront his very unsubtle passive- aggressive change of topic from him to you. Thranduil had centuries of building up a thickheadedness to lead the Woodland Realm and you had mere months on your hands in trying to push a way through it.
"Well, the behavior my folk portrayed was simply said the respect they pay for any honorable and eminent," Thranduil says, not batting an eye over the unbelievable words that come out of his mouth.
"What?" Your voice is nothing but a high squeal, "Why would they do that? They know I'm just a human!"
Thranduil scoffs, "Just a human, she says. Do not dismiss yourself in any way and most definitely not as just a human. Humans are such fascinating creatures, all those feelings compressed into an ephemeral life and bodies that endure pain and even if you waste away to dust you try to mark down your existence into every stone that you touch." Before you can burst into tears at his rather sentimental and emotional view of your people, he continues in a tone more factual: "To answer your question– you conveyed that I was courting you and they simply knew there would be grave consequences if they did not respect my intended." 
All the air left your body in a singular exhale, thus leaving you to grasp at the few thoughts that stayed through the cut-off of oxygen. Not that they were any good.
Courting you? Being his intended? 
You can only stare at him aghast. 
"But– courting? You weren't, we weren't– there was no courting!" you stammer.
The world is reeling. 
Black spots dance in the corner of your sight.
It takes all your focus to stand still and not sway back and forth, giving in to the abrupt slide downward reality has suddenly become. 
"No," Thranduil says.
A part of you withers at the finality of the statement because of course, he, Great Elvenking Thranduil, would never be caught courting a human. The absurdity of it must be why he was laughing earlier, praying to the Valar to become a witness of what must be your greatest humiliation.
"No, there was. I was simply waiting for your realization as well as acceptance to officially proclaim it."
Now it's your mouth that falls open without any strength left to prevent it.
Thranduil swallows, hard, his jaw set tightly and his eyes fixating on you. "All that I did, and thought to do, was in prospect of taking you as my betrothed," he states; the smallest of quivers underlining the massive impact this admission causes to him. He lifts one hand to his chest, pressing his knuckles against the fabric where underneath his heart lays. "I ache to love, treasure, and worship you. Every second of all the days I may have the pleasure of your company in my life or it shall be colorless from now on."
His eyes glitter, the endless blues of the sky, affection burning in them like the sun, broadening your horizon of what you believed love to be and there is no doubt in your mind that Thranduil's words are nothing but the truth. Confounding as that truth should be, it is that – certainty.
A smile breaks on your face, watery and wet as tears of pure happiness spill onto your cheeks and even if your heart has been on the tip of your tongue at every word you have ever said to him and in every glance that you have ever directed in his way, the need to validate his revelation.
You step carefully step closer and the hem of your dress brushes against his gowns as you close the bit of distance. Thranduil watches cautiously, leaving his hand against his heart, and only tips his chin down to follow you until you step into his personal space. The whole regal and stoic image he portrays even after confessing his love passionately mere seconds ago breaks as you feel his wavering breath and you swear you can hear the loud pounding of his battered-yet-strong heart. 
"Is it my hair?" you ask quietly and catch him off-guard. 
Thranduil smiles and his chest heaves in a deep inhale of air. "Yes," he laughs in an exhale, "Do you wish to know how you managed to completely dismantle me? Rob me of all powers?" 
You nod once and one hand of his comes to rest on your shoulder from where he leads you to a silver basin standing in a corner decorated with more oils and vines climbing the stone walls.
The sight that the clear water inside it shows you, Thranduil standing behind you, more than slightly taller, brings a warmness to your cheeks. Even if the prospect of his image finding a constant in your life from now on is undeniable, you're not sure if you will ever get satiated by it. 
Thranduil slowly reaches the elaborate braid you are so proud of despite the public tumult it had caused. "There are many things sacred to my folk and hair –" he starts and lets his fingers travel the length of free-falling hair, "holds the memories of our history, our connection to the Eldar and kemen – the earth. We do not cut it but rather let it grow to pay our respects to Eru for his creation, the natural and untouched world, flows in us all. It bears the marks of our ancestry though many cultures convey their personal history in many different ways." 
You listen intently, trying not to get distracted by Thranduil's hands smoothing your hair and the deep rumble of his voice wrapping around his language that pulls you into a trance. 
"Among us Sindar, we wave our customs into the very strands of this sacred hair. Our warriors, for instance, adorn themselves with tightly woven braids, serving not only as protection in battle but as a testament to their strength and unwavering discipline."
"The intricate and jeweled braids you wear," Thranduil's fingers glide along the white gems, thus nudging them against your head, "they speak volumes of noble heritage and high standing. Even if you do not have royal blood in your family, a braid like this will be more convincing to the contrary."
You blush as you realize how you unknowingly changed your entire status.
"By adorning your hair with the jewels I bestowed upon you, you declare to all my claim upon you," Thranduil chuckles and meets your eyes in the water, "Braids are the essence of our heritage, denoting rank and occupation, and they speak volumes in courtship."
"Oh," you say, "I knew Elves court through gifts. Would I have known this…"
Thranduil shakes his head, smiling widely as he continues playing with your hair, "You say that but not once have you realized all that I have given to you were of my pursuit."
"Well, I– this wasn't… I thought you were being nice," you sputter and grow even redder in the face.
"Unbelievably rude and ungracious to consider me ni–" he interrupts himself and shivers, "No I will not speak in such obscene language." Thranduil raises an eyebrow before returning his attention to the lesson in courting, "Through these intricate weavings, we convey our intentions and the profound depth of our bonds. While dalliances are not uncommon, my folk only marry once in their life."
"Love is eternal and unwavering, and each twist in our braids declares the union of our souls. By weaving your hopes and pleas for reciprocation into your hair, you speak a silent yet powerful language. The braid you chose, resembling my crown and adorned with my jewels and a silver ribbon akin to my own hair, could not have delivered a clearer message."
"So I basically lied to your elves," you pull a face in shame, "Great."
"You may call it a lie," Thranduil says slowly and his hands travel to rest on your shoulders. You lean into the gentle pull and let him turn you around so that you are face-to-face again. There is a dedication in his eyes, a look of hunger and yearning, "Or," his voice sounds even deeper and reverberates through your entire body, zipping up your spine that you automatically straighten, "You allow me to present our courtship openly if a deeper connection is what you desire to form between us."
Your heart thumps in your chest, double the tempo that one would call normal and it only speeds up when Thranduil cups your face in his hand and his fingertips graze the silver ribbon that sits tightly against your head.
"Allow me," he repeats, quieter. 
"Your word and the world will know you are mine," he pleads.
You waste not a second to ponder over what your heart already decided. "I allow it."
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©itsonlydana 2024, character art by MiracleAna on Devianart
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redr0sewrites · 7 months
Striker x Reader General Hcs
guysguysguys plsssss hes soooo- cowboys r a guilty pleasure of mine
🥀Cw: fluff, smut, switch!striker, riding + face riding, oral, somno
🥀minors dni with the nsfw portion
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striker never expected to have a real, long term partner, especially with his line of work
sure he's had hookups and flings over the years, but you really threw him off his feet
there was something about you that really dazzled striker, and he knew that you were the one
he dates to marry, and that is truly reflected in how he treats you
striker is a gentleman when he's courting you, he'll do the basics like holding the door for you and giving you gifts, but he somehow always finds a way to take it a step further.
you're both walking down the street and you have to step over a puddle? no need to worry, striker will scoop you up and carry you right over. you ran out of your favorite food while you're craving it? don't fret, striker will run to the store and grab it for you without a second thought
this is all before you both are even together! hes truly a sweetheart towards you, and it shocks everyone how you've managed to tame the wild assassin
striker definitely has a lot of nicknames for you, all circulating around his western class
poppet, sugar, darlin', doll, sugar, and lil' lady (if ur fem) are all ones you'll definitely hear
when talking about you to others, he'll call you "the apple of his eye" or other sappy things like that
he knows how dangerous his job is, and being associated with him can put you in danger. because of that, hes a little reluctant to court you, so he may give slightly mixed signals at first when hes feeling anxious about your safety
it wont take long for him to decide what he wants, but striker definitely wants to make sure you know how to defend yourself
even before you're together he offers you self defense lessons, and is always trying to keep an eye out for you to make sure you're safe
hes protective, but he also trusts you a lot and won't try to interfere with your life or anything, he just wants to make sure you're okay
underneath his tough persona, striker definitely has a soft, domestic vibe. as previously stated, he's the type to want to get married, and even if you don't, he still wants to have a good bond with you
hes a really great person to live with, he def is the type to cook and clean for you and overall carries his weight around the house
he sees it as a respect thing more than anything, and wants you to know how devoted he is to you and that he doesn't expect you to take care of him
he never forces you to do anything though, you can't tell me that he wouldn't absolutely despise people who force their spouses to cook and clean for them. he thinks relationships should be equal, and that you both should share the weight of household responsibilities
i dont think striker is the type to expect much from his partner if that makes sense? he would never want to put pressure on you to be with him or to carry any burdens. he knows how dangerous his job is, and will occasionally ask you if you're still comfortable with him and everything he does
everytime you say yes, he gets this wide eyed grin and ruffles your hair. a part of him is always afraid of pushing you away, its not easy to date a literal assassin, but the fact that you love him and that you want to be with him amazes striker every time
hes def an acts of service guy through and through, striker's actions always speak louder than anything
because his job is so busy, he sometimes works super late or has to get up ridiculously early. striker often feels pretty bad about his crazy working hours, and always dotes on you if you stay up late waiting for him and kisses you on the cheek everytime he has to leave
striker also really enjoys dancing with you, and you two r definitely the type to slow dance in the kitchen sorry i don't make the rules
you're one of the few people he lets touch his cowboy hat, and also the only person who has ever ridden Bombshell besides him <3
he keeps a photo of you in his wallet/jacket and looks at it after rough missions
yk the phrase "wear the cowboy hat, ride the cowboy"? or "save a horse, ride a cowboy?" yea those both were made for him btw
the cowboy hat stays on during sex, but not on him /hj
seriously tho, he loves the sight of you wearing nothing but his hat, and its one of the quickest ways to rile him up
striker LOVES and i mean LOVESSS when you ride him
theres something so exhilarating about seeing you on top, and after a long, stressful mission, there's something so pleasing about just letting you take the reins and ride him senseless
his fav positions are cowgirl, reverse cowgirl, face sitting, missionary, mating press, pretty much anything where he can see your face
striker is big on eye contact, whether hes top or bottom he loves the intimacy of eye contact
he memorizes everything about your body, what makes you tick, where to touch you that will make you moan loudest, your most sensitive spots, he has pleasuring you down to an art
def into bondage and shibari, whether its you tying him up or him tying you up, he loves it
striker likes the intricacies of shibari, but will always check that the ropes aren't too tight (unless you want it that way... in that case he'll indulge you ;)
he is soooo talkative, he loves praising you and degrading you and he talks you through every orgasm
when hes dom, striker is more of a groaner, he'll let out these throaty, deep rumbles and groans while whispering about how fucking good you make him feel in the deepest, most delicious voice ever
when hes in a more submissive mood i think hes a little quieter, he'll let out some breathy pants and moans but won't be super vocal
hes into (consensual) contact play and doesn't mind being pushed around. i also think he'd have a gun kink and would face fuck you with a gun (never loaded tho, you're far too precious to risk hurting)
striker loves giving, like hes def a giver 100% and loves it when you ride his face
he wants you to SIT on his face, in his opinion his face is your throne and it doesn't matter how big you are, strikers a strong guy and will take all of your weight without a second thought
hes a gentleman, he makes you cum at least twice during foreplay before he even actually fucks you
striker is into somno, you both have def had convos about him fucking you in your sleep before
he comes home so late for work sometimes, and the sight of you sleeping on the couch, waiting just for him is so adorable
he likes teasing you and hearing you're unfiltered gasps and moans, the way your body responds to his simple touches without even being awake turns him on a lot
striker also loves it when you moan his name in your sleep, he has a secret possessive side and the fact that you're thinking about him even in your dreams is just so hot to him
sometimes though it'll be the other way around, he'll collapse into bed after a long mission, passing out in mere seconds. meanwhile, you creep into bed with him and give him a handjob, watching as he moans and whispers your name like a prayer. he'll hump into your hand, and sometimes he'll cum so hard he'll wake himself up
when you ask him what he was dreaming about he'll chuckle, but the blush on his cheeks gives him away
when hes sub, striker is like the male version of a pillow prince sometimes. he just wants to lay back and be pampered, theres a part of him that just wants to be loved and taken care of
....mommy/daddy/master kink... what? u hear sum?? i will write ab this...
hes a bit into semi-public sex, but wouldn't ever let anyone actually catch you both. you're body is for his eyes and his eyes alone
striker takes his time undressing you and kissing every inch of your body before the foreplay even starts, and sometimes his tail will rattle a little as he does so. hes just so enamored with you, he can't help it
im not gonna make a separate masterlist for helluva boss im just gonna add this to my hazbin masterlist ahshsh
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darkfictionjude · 10 months
Heeeyyy love the story. Obsessed with Irme.. can't say that enough but I just read the previous ask about how the siblings reacted to Mc being sent away. And Orlas kinda drew my attention. You mentioned they wouldn't have cared if MC wanted to go or not or even if they were treated well.
It brought up a point I've kinda been struggling with so I apologize if my thoughts are rambling and silly. But Orla sounds like a bitch! Like a for real cold bully.
1. If that's what they were behind all the fake I'm the best princess in the land bs.. did the family know they were basically bullying MC and did they just allow it?
2. Her bf hated MC for no fucking reason right. And the pair of them seemingly from what I gathered in the demo made MCs life hell. Wouldn't we then essentially be romancing our previous tormenter? Not quite enemies to lovers but literal bully to lover route? And if that's the case isn't that gonna have some sort of effect on MC and his dead sisters ex? How do you go about trying to be in a relationship with someone you previously helped torment? Like I knew the whole trying to date ur dead siblings leftovers was Like a can of worms as you have stated before in regards to that relationship and if you choose to Romance them but doesn't that add another layer of emotions? How could you look at your partner lovingly knowing all the shit you helped put them through before?
I don't knw if I'm like way off base here but dammit this shit had me thinking alot lol sorry 😅
I really love how much thought you have for this, it makes me feel flattered. So let me answer this….
1. The thing is the perfect princess act wasn’t entirely an act. orla did believe she was meant to be perfect and her whole life was devoted to achieving that which drove her insane because you can’t achieve perfection. And she saw her bullying of mc as right, as deserved, it wasn’t an imperfection in her eyes. The parents knew but like I said orla was adored, prudence never punished her and Victor wasn’t all that present as a parent. sally of course knew and he’s the reason orla never escalated because he stood firm between them. percy and yeah he did acknowledge she was cruel but he didn’t do anything to stop it.
2. It wasn’t for no reason. lorcan didn’t hate mc because orla did. lorcan actually didn’t mind mc he didn’t think badly of them, even when orla began really hating them he personally didn’t understand and didn’t partake in it. its when mc did something that personally affected him badly that he began hating them. it never got to orla’s level of torment. he did taunt them, try to provoke them, and had moments where he wanted to strangle them but a lot of the times it was a shimmering anger that was constantly present and thus made mc into an obsession.
The reason I don’t label it a bully romance is because mc took it from orla but they didn’t take it from lorcan they aren’t scared of him and even if you play mc as nice they aren’t a pushover and gave lorcan equal verbal lashings in the past. orla because she is older and no one views her as being able to do wrong and has a position of power over mc (in the crown household there is a hierarchy and it’s not a surprise that mc is at the bottom) lorcan does not, he and mc are on equal footing. actually given that lorcan is from a poorer disgraced family he has a slightly less power.
All the ROs have a degree of unhealthiness to them, even nia who’s supposedly mc’s best friend. Some are more intense than others and it has all to do with the nature of these characters, none of them are healthy people.
And don’t apologize orla is a bitch and I admire the that make story makes you think about this 💜
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kob131 · 2 years
So because some douche responded to me and blocked me, I got a response with no way to reblog it. And because I findi it interesting, here it is.
Tl;Dr- Ur-Fascism describes defective ideologies in general, not fascism specifically.
Mussolini’s definition is probably the most accurate.
You wanna know something ironic?
Even if we go by your own example (Umberto’s Ur-Fascism), Social Justice would ITSELF be viewed as fascism.
No really-
The rejection of modernism - Most social justice types reject concepts developed during the Enlightment like wide-spread meritocracy and empiricism by treating oppression similar to how the Church treats sin- invisible and everpresent.
The cult of action for action's sake - That one must equalize all sub-groups of humans to the same result, even if it would result in the elimination of free choice and thus human happiness.
Disagreement is treason - That’s...just most ideologies and worldviews. To be fair here, this is in no way unique to fascism.
Fear of difference - ... Again, see above. This is just our fear of the unknown going haywire.
Appeal to a frustrated middle class - I was gonna point out how social justice tries to appeal to lower class minorities by calling every white surpremacist while proclaiming itself their savior...but again, this is present in many ideologies. This isn’t unique to fascism.
Obsession with a plot - ... Uh, this is just conspiracy theories. Like, all groups do this. Even non-fascist ones.
Strong and Weak At Once - No seriously. Global elites, white people, capitalists- You can have never seen a fascist and still see this. Because many ideologies are based on opposition.
Forever War- Oh my god, this is just an aspect of tribalism- that you always have a foe to fight because you consciously or subconsciously believe your beliefs are right and thus the infinite spectrum of other beliefs are wrong. Thus you must impart your ‘wisdom’ to them.
Contempt for the “weak” - See also “jingoism”. No really, it’s “my group good, all others bad”. Which if you take away the specifics of a nation in the defintion- is just jingoism. I can’t even count the number of beliefs that employ this.
Cult of heroism - Have you ever been buttered up someone telling you that you are a good person for fighting for their beliefs, glorifying your struggle and thus your inevitable death? You know what this means. Because all ideologies glorify fighting for them, not just one that tries to fuse the government with the spiritual.
Machismo - Literally just disdaining anything that isn’t a manly man. I won’t even dignify this.
Selective Popualism - Totalitarianism. This is like saying being a finger is unique to a thumb.
Newspeak - Reduced vocabulary and grammer to try and remove certain concepts from the collective unconscious.
Honestly, going through this and thinking it through, Umberto just described defective ideologies in general. Even the one I didn’t discuss (cult of tradition) can be found in many ideologies- glorifying their own rituals and customs even if they aren’t logical.
I don’t think this is a good defintion. Just stick with Mussolini (basically all-encompassing collectivism), dude fucking invented the word. And honestly, his definition is probably the purest and most honest.
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moodymeangirl · 3 months
a letter to my ex-chosen-sibling that, at least for now, i will not send
need to save this but don't want it my notes app or in drafts where could accidentally send. so it's going here. ik it's dumb to post on tumblr and simeltabeously ask ppl not to read it. i just needed it said and written. i don't mind if moots see it, but pls bare in mind it's for an irl situation that contains lots of deep soul pain, and involves 2 complex and flawed humans, who are no longer going to be friends but who both deserve good and happy life and who are not monoliths of either harm or good.
Letter begins under cut
Hey. I am getting these messages, but as you know I was away camping over the weekend.
This series of communications (following an extended period of being ghosted without explanation or warning) has had a catastrophic effect on my wellbeing and stability.
I have tried my best to be supportive, did what I could, and asked others to check in on you.
The people I asked to check in on you have both informed me that you're telling them you're fine, not in danger; okay.
I can't cope being on my own supporting you through this, while our mutuals friends laugh it off and treat me like im crazy for taking your wellbeing seriously.
I feel that you want and/or need my support but for whatever reason you don't actually like me or want to be my friend anymore. So you're comfortable pretending I'm crazy for taking you seriously, you're comfortable putting me in emotionally torturous positions, and you're comfortable exploiting my love and loyalty to you, to get what you need.
You've chosen - as u have consistently in the last year of our friendship - to put me in an extremely cruel and traumatic position.
In the last year or so you've suddenly started to behave as though you dislike me, while telling me to my face that you love me and everything is normal:
1. Demonising my autism
2. characterising me as a liar & abuser when u don't understand my autism. deciding you can tell how im feeling better than me, refusing to accept my honesty.
3. admitting in therapy to having a bigotry against autistic people, refusing to prove ur doing the work (as Jan requested of u), and continuing to demonise anything you perceive as autistic that i do.
4. simultaneously taking advantage of my autism/blind trust/gullibility to gaslight and convince me im okay with being treated as ur infrior, and as a bomb thats inevitably going to explode.
5. u went out of your way to convince me im inherently abusive and while i went out of my mind trying to fix myself in therapy, you
6. are consistently absent from therapy. i am committed and have been since the start and u dont turn up, refuse to share progress, and have never once apologised for the continuing bigotry you admitted to in the space, soon after which you stopped attending.
7. Crushing any boundary I try to set and using our therapy to reinforce this pattern. Jan asked me to set a boundary. You agreed to my face, in front of Jan and the first time it came up irl you ignored it, ghosted me for a week, and only talked to me again once you had devised a new boundary of your own, which specfically existed to destory mine. You then entered the joint therapy space and somehow convinced Jan (who had asked me to set the boundary in the first plsce) to encourage me to accept that my boundaries are less important than yours. That my respect of you is paramount but your respect for me is immaterial.
8. Most egregiously: leveraging ur very real safety concerns in a largely successful attempt to remove my equality and autonomy ie phone mumbers, chats, email. Telling me to my face and in therapy repeatedly, that I can't be allowed to contact you bc of security whilst simultaneously having me introduce you to and fetch numbers for my best friends, who you immediately created signal chats with right in front of my face.
You gaslit me, insisted everything was normal, you called me 'sister and said that you loved me. All while forcing me to accept being an uneuqal and your inferior, within the structure of our friendship.
I only ever get to speak to you when you need my help, support, or resources. If I need my chosen sibling, my best friend, I have to cry myself to sleep wishing you'd happen to call.
If you felt any kind of negativity towards me during a call you'd hang up and ghost me, knowing how that tortures me - and frankly not caring.
You would ghost me for weeks, months knowing I was worried for you. You would wait till I was begging on email (that u mostly ignored) to finally speak to me again and you would happily listen as I expressed gratitude to hear your voice. You enforced a structural silent treatment, a deliberate emotional abuse, and you never once allowed me to express pain from this, without hanging up and enacting that torture all over again.
These last 2 months while u refused to contact me, give me any explanation, or talk to me directly at all - you knew the last I'd heard from Jan is that you were still medically incapacitated. You knew I'd be caring and worried. You knew all that time I was in contact w C, literally advocating for u in direct contact w police. And u just ghosted me, regardless.
The reason why I finally got too stressed about your wellbeing btw, is that L had an accident from which they should have died. I'd have loved to speak to my best friend when I was sobbing my eyes out waiting to see their mri, but instead I was completely alone.
Having faced their mortality, all I could think about was you. I genuinely believed you were so sick from covid that you couldn't contact me. I thought you, too, might be in an ICU somewhere, dying.
How lovely to find out was right to be worried, that ur life was in danger, and that my instincts that u felt unsaid negative things toward me - were all true.
How lovely to be exploited, bullied, and tortured for months, then ghosted. Then when I reach out, worried sick for your wellbeing: metaphorically tied to a chair while u threaten suicide, not so I can't stop you - but because if I was near you, you'd be in danger.
I plead with you to live and I start to hope you will.
I see familiar faces nearby so I scream to them, I'm screaming to them that you're in danger im begging them to help you.
But you tell them you're fine. You convince them nothing's wrong.
They see an unstable, dangerous MMG.
Why is she so worried lol?
I'm the only one who knows and is trying to help and you've keep me tied up, all I can do is watch and desperately obey whatever u want me to do.
U say Covenant is the only thing that helps, will I help you with it. I help you to the very best of my ability, while crying and losing my mind with worry.
You thank me for my generous choice to be 'thorough'.
Suddenly, after months of complete disinterest in me as a person u wanna laugh together about ppl in ur group.
U wanna know what im writing.
Ur telling me if I'm your friend, you're unsafe. Ur telling me if I be your friend then you'll stay alive. Ur telling anyone I express my care for you to, that you're fine.
9. And now, suddenly , after ghosting me for 60+ days in a row (and hundreds of days combined over the last year), you're in my inbox sarcastically suggesting I might be dead, bc I didn't respond to u for like a day and a half - when u know I'm camping, out of town, likely without reception.
Ftr, it seems obvious to me now but when u sent 'are u ther' I had no idea what you meant, replied within an hour, and waited on tenterhooks to see what u meant.
When u did reply, I couldn't bc we were packing and my phone was dead most of the time. I saw the icon when I did turn it on, but only had minimal internet and already needed to zoom my psychiatrist from the tiny lil shed where there was a wall charger.
I was on less than one bar and one percent.
On Tuesday I slept most of the day, exhausted. And when I saw two emails had appeared from you I had a panic attack. If not for L offering to call, I might have been too scared to read them.
Colour me surprised, to find you being rude and sarcastic bc I didn't get back to you after one solitary day - after u had repeatedly and deliberately ghosted me dozens of times in the last six months.
The most recent email, to which I'm replying here, confirmed all my instincts and fears, and experiences.
10. The whole reason on which you predicated the necessity of my unequal treatment in our friendship is that if I (or anyone) has the ability to contact you, your safety will be compromised.
You had spent months bullying me into accepting this via therapy, via demonising my autism and gaslighting me into thinking I'm an inherently harmful person (something you know my dad used to control and abuse me as a child), via telling me I'm doing DV to you when u don't like my tone, via starving me of affection and attention, via only being warm to me if I was supporting you through something.
You had spent months subjecting me to a structurally enforced silent treatment, only punctuated by indirect news of serious sickness, which began with no warning and ended with no explanation.
While I cried myself to sleep imagining you dying alone in an ICU, too weak to move - you happily operated signal chats with my best friends.
I vouched for you to them using our decade of trust and love, i wlecomed you into my home repeatedly, my community spaces, and went out of my way to help your support network expand.
All the while i did this, you ghosted me, let me think you were ill, and expected that my significant support would continue regardless. At this same time, you were 'excited for the future, planning to visit' S in her home country. These plans we all made together were suddenly something you did quietly on your own, while ignoring my existence and letting me believe u were incapacitated by illness.
I only found out bc I was so unwell these last weeks that S let slip. She couldn't understand why I was acting as though this was an emergency, bc in her world you were actively planning future holidays and being excited.
Ftr, S still doesn't think this was an emergency.
She stopped talking to me after repeatedly assuring me I could confide in her, and eventually explained she felt helpless in the face of my stress. Her boundaries now involve me not expressing the extent of my panic that you're going to die.
I have been screaming myself hoarse trying to get people to take me seriously. But they can't. My friendships with both C and S will never be the same bc they are both certain ur fine. C even said u were completely 'normal'.
And meanwhile, I'm trapped, bound to that chair trying desperately to be supportive, deal with my own hurt and heartbreak at how little you think of or care for me, and find the strength to work on repairing my friendship with S, even tho the wound isn't something I knew about or put there - until it suddenly became my responsibility to fix.
All because you, for some reason, would prefer to torture emotional and social support out of me - while continuing to demonise me - than to like, ask.
Like you could just ask. Me or others. There's doesn't have to be love, friendship, or strings.
You could even just be honest and say you haven't liked me for ages now, but you need my help.
You could respect that both of us are unhappy in the friendship by acknowledging that, and then being clear about what's happening.
You don't need to coerce me into helping u with Covenant and then gaslight me that I chose to.
You don't need to love bomb after i help, you don't need to speak in that whole StatementDemandStatementDemand pattern that is all through the rest of these emails.
You don't need to hide your struggle from the people you do treat with respect (S, C, even J).
11. idk if it was cowardice or you just don't care. But your choice not to tell me how you really feel, while showing me that you hate me in your actions - for at least the last six months, maybe longer tbh - has broken my heart. Fully, probs irreparably.
12. You would've gotten away with it, if L hadn't almost died that week.
If Ba hadn't almost died the next night.
If I hadn't been so scared for you I started to try and find a way for u to hear me, after months of enforced silence.
Idk if u replied bc I talked to C, S, or J, or bc I said I'd come to ur house. Or bc u simply happened to be logged in and have to sit with the fact that I exist for the first time in months.
You might even have been thinking of me a lot in that time. Idk. Bc it doesn't matter, bc what you did was:
make and keep me unequal in our friendship, ignore my existence unless u needed to use me, enforced this any time you felt even the slightest negative feeling.
Idk what you thought you were doing, but what you *were* doing was breaking my heart.
13. You havent gotten away with it. Bc of what you chose to do, knowing - years ago having promised to never put me in a position where I'm the only person who knows you're suicidal, ever again - you chose to do so.
Knowing that with our history I would take you extremely seriously.
Knowing that you would cause a serious ptsd episode.
You knowingly broke a boundary you yourself set, to safeguard me, bc you knew if you did I'd take you seriously, go into emergency mode, and offer support.
On its own this is manipulative and deliberately disrespecting my boundaries, but in an emergency, I get it.
I don't forgive u but I understand.
What I don't understand is how cruelly you had treated me up till this point and how you continued to choose the cruellest option as we emailed.
14. Knowing our past, you lied to our other friends that you're okay. Still letting them laugh at me and think I'm crazy, while I'm begging them to help me try to keep you alive.
You knew. And still, you did it.
You chose not simply to break that boundary, but to actively trap me inside that unsafe situation, refusing care from others until those people turned on me for daring to ask.
You chose to do this, while ensuring I know I'm unsafe for you to be friends with.
You scared me, incapacitated me, and when I attempted to gather more supports for you - you lied to them, effectively muzzling me in all three friendships.
You then coerced me into helping you, attempted rather blatantly to gaslight me into thinking it was something I had a choice in, attempted to love bomb me, and then went right back to StatementDemandStatementDemand when it was clear your manipulation wasn't working.
15. I was doing the helping tho. Like that's what I don't get. I was seeing thru the manipulation but I still gave my best attempt at support.
I rly don't understand why, if u don't want to be my friend but u do want to ask for my support as a community member - why you didn't just do that?
You know my values. You know I'd have helped.
16. The emotional torture was completely unnecessary and completely unacceptable.
17. Frankly, the emotional torture tactics you've used on me for long time now are completely unnecessary and completely unacceptable.
18. The ways you have consistently treated me within the last year of our friendship has been flat out wrong.
19. Hypocritical too. Which I guess was just part of the gaslighting, huh:
You had so much anger on my behalf toward F and then went on to do the same thing ten times more often and ten times worse.
You had so much anger on my behalf at ld while simultaneously demonising accusing me, and abusing me in exactly the same ways. You spent 6 months trying to gaslight me into believing I'm inherently harmful, just by existing. Id only did that once.
You've enacted it dozens and dozens of times.
Sadly, both of you did it for the same reason.
I rejected Id sexually and suddenly I had to be shown my place.
I rejected the role you wanted me to play in our friendship (inferior, doesnt have own needs, obedient), so you had to show me my place.
The difference is Id's was an outburst, yours was a plan.
20. But no, you haven't gotten away with any of this because I can see clearly now.
I knew these tortures and manipulations and gaslightings were based on lies.
But now I can prove it.
You leveraged almost the entirety of the issues in our friendship (minus my own flaws which haven't repeated since the first time, and which ive been working hard on in therapy while youve been absent) on the lie that if there was structural equality in our friendship, if I was allowed to be equally free and autonomous, then your safety would be compromised.
Now I knew that was a lie, ever since you had me watch you set up chats with the only other ppl i love, people you'd known two weeks, people I encouraged you to make friends with. But u think so little of me, u made me get the numbers, made me watch, made my heart break, and then gaslit me into accepting the ludicrous lie that was apparently about your past, but suddenly wasnt a necessary safety measure for anyone except me - the one person who knows that shit fr and who u actually can trust not breach it.
Bro, u could literally have just said it was about me, that you felt unsafe.
You would have hurt me, but at least it would have been true.
On the other hand if i knew you didnt like me, want to be my friend, you wouldnt have had access to my ftiends in the first place.
Not thru malice, just youd have had to make those friendships without my vouching for u.
You knew you could abuse me, control me, get me to accept it, and u felt safe I'd never tell - so u just did it.
All the while leveraging ur irl safety issues that r very serious.
It's just like, disgusting of you.
You went out of your way to harm my soul at every opportunity.
You consistently chose to keep my friendship to you, while doing anything you could to get me to accept receiving nothing from you in return.
The easiest way to do that was to make me believe I'm abusing u based solely on my neurotype, ie born this way, and that I was lucky you were even in my life at all.
So you did that.
Did you get what you wanted from me? Was it worth destroying somebody's love for you? Was it worth destroying your closest friend?
21. I'm guessing no, bc it's rly hard to convince someone they're something they're not.
Like you did a good job in terms of me obeying you and never speaking up in therapy and saying the right things.
But in my mind, I knew I didn't deserve to be hurt like this.
Parts of the system started to put ptsd blocks up around you, and eveytime we masked what was rly happening in our friendship w you, we edged closer to telling someone.
By putting us in such a traumatic position
(trapped witnessing ur possible death, being told the mechanisms I would usually use to help, make u unsafe, and u telling everyone willing to reach out to u that you're fine - except me, this person ur treating like u hate)
you exposed us to a level of emergency clarity we wouldn't have had access to otherwise.
22. You predicated all of this, all this shit, on the 'fact' that if I could contact u, you'd be in danger.
And then, I took a day to reply one time and suddenly ur sarcastic abt whether Im alive. Sibling, I cried myself to sleep for months with genuine reason to be concerned for ur health.
U decide u want my attention and bc of extenuating circumstances (that u knew abt in advance) u had to wait a day and a half to use me aaaaand
Suddenly u have a phone.
Suddenly u want me call you on it.
Suddenly ur not in danger if i do, suddenly doing so is good.
You think so fundamentally little of me that after all the pain over this damn phone thing, I'm going to forget and come running desperate for a scrap of affection or gratitide.
Suddenly u want me, an 'unsafe' person, to contact u directly.
Suddenly, suddenly suddenly.
23. None of this was safety shit was true from the moment you asked me for J's number and still wouldn't let us have a signal chat.
You're not over me, not better than me, not my superior.
I was under the impression that after 10+ years of being best friends that you viewed me as (at bare minimum) an equal.
You do not.
You use me, when u need me you say you love me and refer to my being your sister.
When you don't, you abandon me to a silent treatment you designed so that I could not escape.
24. I've showed all ur and my messages to L , S2, and my mum.
They all unprompted and without explanation of the messages from me, said they felt I was being exploited and lied to.
All three of them voiced concerns that you have in fact lied to me about being suicidal, not to S and C about being okay.
25. I don't believe that. For all the harm, I actually know y'all pretty damn well.
I think you're suffering and have been for some time.
I think you want my friendship and support but for a long time now, have not wanted to be my friend yourself.
I think that you don't want to show S or C your vulnerability and mental illness bc you're afraid they'll judge you and leave, as others unfairly have.
I think you felt that respecting me by being honest ie friendship, was too risky that you would hurt my feelings and lose my support.
I think parts of you also feared losing the ease with which you could access the communities I belong to, the people I had introduced you to, and the generosity with which I share my resources with you, almost to a fault.
Not that you'd lose the people, the spaces. Just the ease of access, and my money (of which u know there is very little).
26. But whatever reasons got you there, you decided to break almost every basic tenet of friendship: dishonesty, cruelty, gasligjting, manipulation, bullying, and humiliating.
You kept me around to service you financially and emotionally and you used my vulnerability in therapy, my vulnerability in introducing you to the other people I live, and my vulnerability in having built a decades worth of family level trust.
You abused it and you abused me.
You broke my heart a thousand times and encouraged me to blame myself.
Finally, you were in enough pain to notice my worry for you.
You put me in an emotional saw trap, so that I would help you - with no regard for my wellbeing, or the truth of your wellbeing, so long as you could control me.
27. Finally, you couldn't even live through my phone being out of service for 2 days without ironically cruelly and sarcastically laughing about whether im alive. 60 days u ghosted me without the merest hint of caring how i felt.
28. But 2 days of knowing im away, that i cant be perfectly obedient in how i communicate, and u go mask off.
Tore down the entire paradigm of gaslighting u had used to make me accept being unequal, bc you think so fundamentally little of me, that you think I'll come running begging for scraps of ur attention, begging to destroy my own life, stabity, and health for the privilege of being threatened that if I don't, I'l contribute to ending yours.
29. IF. IF it turns out you are/were not suicidal, as you told me, and are okay as you told C and S. Then you and I both know, that would make you pretty much evil. That'd be like. Idek...
You saw my email, decided to deliberately trigger a severe ptsd episode, while pushing me towards an existential crisis of identity knowing I'm autistically and DID-ly susceptible to suggestion and knowing I'd be in emergency mode bc of the risk of ur death?
If that's what happened. I just. I don't believe you'd do that. To me, to anyone. That can't possibly be true.
30. I don't think you'd do that, tho. Not even L.
I think:
y'all were in pain and generally don't care about me.
But I emailed that day and u happened to be logged in, so u saw an opportunity to receive emergency care, without needing to respect the person giving it.
In the last year, y'all have inexplicably become comfortable emotionally torturing us, to get what you want. Idk why, can't explain it.
And y'all have consistently lied to us, and bullied us into accepting it as normal.
31. Well. Game over. You took it too far and your cruelty towards me is visible now.
I feel like I thought we were friends - best friends - but rly you haven't been my friend for a long time.
Just that nobody told me, so I kept loving and being heartbroken and loving and being broken again.
This feels like when my dad cheated on my mum but then claimed with a straight face that she had ended their relationship by choosing not to accept that behaviour.
33. You ended our friendship the moment you gaslit me into accepting inequality.
34. Again when I was encouraged in therapy to accept that I'm not allowed boundaries.
35. Then, again when you ghosted for 2 months,
36. again when simultaneously you were happily carrying out a social life with my loved ones that I was explicitly excluded from while I was ghosted,
37. again when u broke ur promise and put me back into an identical situation as last time (the difference being u chose this one, last time was chance),
38. again when you lied to other supports who I asked to check in,
39. again when u coerced me to help u live then acted like I was just being a nice person after I complied.
And I wanted to help, btw, I'm glad u asked. But u acted like I hadn't been tied to a chair this whole time.
Like I wasn't losing my entire mind with fear of you passing away, like I wasn't questioning every element of my personhood to figure out if I did help, would I inadvertently kill you just by being me?
40. again when u started facetiously talking about whether im alive bc I didn't get a message that same day,
41. again when u brought the whole castle of lies crumbling down bc u need to use me for something.
42. Broke my heart thinking I'm so stupid and pathetic as to just ignore it, call u on ur phone number, watch as you're not in danger at all.
Watch as being in a signal chat with me doesn't risk the life of u or your child, who all this time you've been ignoring me I had been advocating for on your behalf - not that u ever acknowledged that or the update emails I sent.
43. Idk what you think of me. I don't.
I just know your your actions say:
I'm not worthy of being treated to equal friendship and care.
Worthy of lies, worthy of gasligjting, worthy of enforced isolation, worthy of demonisation, worthy of blatant inequality, blatant, admitted, bigotry and discrimination.
Worthy of being tortured.
Important enough to be abused for my support and my care.
So staggeringly unimportant that the harm that necessitated is unspoken, ignored, lied about, and erased.
44. I don't begrudge you wanting to be supported by me emotionally. I don't begrudge you wanting to share in my resources, and I don't begrudge you not liking me anymore.
45. But you tortured me for months:
You lied about me and to me.
You didn't just check out of our friendship, you started treating me like your enemy and then didn't stop and haven't stopped.
You assured me nothing was wrong.
You gaslit me to high heaven.
You chose to use the same tactics you knew my dad used on me.
You used our therapy to control me in front of authority, who continually joined in for reasons I cannot surmise.
You took evey single opportunity to torture me.
You loved me only immediately after I had been used or helped you.
You hung up when it was my turn to confide. You only returned to me if u could gain something from my begging or if u needed me to do friendship things for you.
46. You designed the last year or so of our friendship this way.
Had me agree, leveraged irl serious safety issues.
And then showed me that it was untrue to my face.
Made me participate in my own exclusion and inferiority, had one rule for people I love and another rule for me.
47. Fundamentally, it all comes down to this:
in order to be your friend, receive care and respect, required me to accept being inferior to you.
It never did before but for some reason, since about this time in 2023, you began treating me as subhuman and disguising feelings of what I think were dislike.
48. I'm very confused by this.
I'd never known y'all to be abusive b4 this, and I've never judged your flaws bc your actions were always loving and moral - at least in our eyes.
I was loyal, respectful, and kind throughout our friendship.
You and I had been thru the ringer together and never sought to abuse, control, or harm one another.
All ik is this: there r people in ur system who don't hate me like y'all hate me rn.
There are people who must be as confused as me.
49. I don't judge y'all.
I'm not going to spend my life wondering about who y'all rly are at ur cores.
50. But I know I can't be friends with somebody who is free to be kind and consistently chooses to harm me.
51. If you ever want to be my friend again, I expect equality:
equal right to choice and freedom,
equal right to boundaries and demonstrated willingness to respect them,
freedom from torture,
and freedom from bigotry.
52. I don't want to be your friend anymore.
I love you sm but ur actions, choices, and words speak for themselves.
53. I don't want a friend who manipulates and bullies me into helping them, instead of asking.
I don't want a friend who only takes, never gives, and isn't even respectful enough to be honest about it.
I don't want anyone in my life who tells me they love me and treats me like shit.
Been there, done that.
We're a grown ass motherfucking woman, and you won't force us to accept it.
54. The reason we have always helped you and been generous is because we love you.
That's it. We still love you now, but we are choosing to break our own heart.
(rn our heart would forgoe being treated like a loved equal respected human being, just to hear a scrap of positive news from you).
55. This whole time you had structural communicative power over me.
At any time, you could have called, texted, or set up a chat.
You know my number, address, mums number, and virtually every way to access me there is.
With this amount of freedom and trusted access, you chose to socialise with me only when u wanted something from me, in therapy where u were engaged in a campaign of gaslighting (when u turned up), or in wider social situations where u could access other people than me.
With this freedom u chose to never check in, ask how im doing, or lmk about your wellbeing.
With this freedom u actively hid ur socialising with my loved ones from me.
With this freedom you chose to demand and recieve my friendship when it suited you.
You chose to neglect and ignore me at all other times.
56. I do love you.
So much.
But you know that, it's how you've been able to treat me poorly for so long.
It's what you're banking on when u sent me ur number, as if u hadn't made my life hell for the last 6 months after I dared to ask for it.
Something which you never acknowledged, accused me of being abusive for bringing up, and for which you have not apologised.
But yeah I'm just going to ignore all reality, show myself zero respect, and run thirsty for love back into ur arms? So you can reveal whatever it is you need me for? So you can tell me you'll die unless I help again? So you can pretend I'm just a rlly good Samaritan? rather than ur broken sister whose terrified of losing you, who would do almost anything to help you, and who almost died helping the first time and almost died this time, too. Rather than the one person who would cop the pain youve been handing me for months on end and only ever think of your wellbeing?
Rather than the one person you know loves u to the moon and back, the one person you have deemed inferior to all others - not in spite of this, but bc of it. Wanna make me into a uncommonly kind person in ur head to avoid sitting with the truth?
That my love for you is why you abused me. It makes me vulnerable and, idk what changed. But suddenly, this time last year, my choice of vulnerability and trust of you, became something you wanted to exploit.
57. I'm not here to be nice, I'm here to love us.
Us as in the people in this friendship.
I'm going to love and respect both of us by standing firm on boundaries, on respect, and on equality.
This friendship, from any perspective, cannot keep existing. It does not allow people in it to be equal, respected, and safe.
58. We, personally, will never accept again in our life, the way y'all treated us in the last throes of our close friendship.
You chose to take a decades worth of love and trust, and you chose to milk it for whatever u could get without you yourself having to participate in your side of relationship.
We are broken.
You had the power to destroy us. And in chasing a slave for emotional labour, you almost succeeded.
But you didn't
and we're done.
Still: with love and warm wishes,
your one-time sister,
0 notes
pinkseas · 1 year
[parasocial bestie] I HAVE TO BE FRFRFR WITH U IT TAKES JUST AS MUCH PRACTISE. AS WRITING I THINK. altho with my current experience in Writing thats not walls of texts of Ramble and Self Indulgence i be thinking writers wud have it harder esp vocabulary.... like man how u words how do u get the pacing right YOU DID GOT IT SO RIGHT HAVE U ANY IDEA REREADING UR TWO SILLY FICS + VIOLENCE FIC STILL GETS ME IN TEARS or i am just that of a sucker to specific emotions in general SKDFJHSDKJFH LIKE IDKKKKK like holy facken shit it took u a decade and my first attempt at just Writing even 500 words it felt like forever...... turns out intense eyeballing on chunks of words in great fics do not work like i do to improve in art nods nods [takes notes] yes that is my only way of even Understanding how art works LMAO
"words of someone who would KILL to be able to accomplish this tone and such in So Many Fewer Words but who does Not Know How To Do That so ten hundred billion words it is" HAHRGKADFKSDJH I WONT STOP UUUU ALTHO ITS A BIG BEEG STRETCH I WILL ALWAYS SUPPORT YEW WITH MY LITTOL ANON HANDS SHIELD U WITH MY COOL ANON SHADES....... in these cases u shud not stop someone from burnout by blocking da way u shud JOIN THEM AND PUSH ON TOGETER AND DAS A MOTTO
NO BUT THAT SILLY GENUINELY MAKES ME A LIL SILLY A LIL UEUEUEUEUEUE i didnt expect that extra comment like srsly cus like UHUHUHUHU IM GLAD U THINK THAT WAY and i honestly think its either a natural response to me or not cus me with my own circle of close friends we'd always support each other in ways it's on equal respect depending on what need to be treated like yknow?? altho by default we're all nice to the other its always a main thing not to let another person's slip ups slide, bad moments carry them away or get our egos inflate so hard so that sort of morals we had tgt kinda ingrained on me to treat any other person like dat like its normal... im nawt gonna lie to u i used to be Way more insensitive and impulsive before and our exchanges coulda been wildly different if it werent for my own besties and it helps me gather!! more besties out of my safe space!!! LIKE YEAHGHHHHAHHHH KDSJFHSDKJH AND IT GOT ME TO U!! AND I WANNA BE GENUINELY NICE AND SUPPORTIVE TO U WHEN I CAN EVEN BEHIND THESE LIL ANON SHADES!!!!!!!!!!! cus its always been. a normal human thing 2 do. like yknow. and i am not gonna keep contradicting myself when dats something id want to influence on my stories and silly lil brainrots too anyways i also got a lil silly but idc ilysm <333333333333333 AND U DESERVE ALL DA KINDNESS FROM ME AND ALL UR BESTIES TOO :muscle_arm: x2743573495 cus i am sending this ask thru pc sob
vocabulary 🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿 my bestest friend my worstest enemy im so srs it is Everything to me and also i cannot stand it. horrible. awful. beautiful. perfect.
YOU CANT JSUT TELL ME YOU RTEREAD THEM ILL FUKINGCCG EXPLODE OH MY GODFDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD i need to write violence fic part 2 and maybe even a part 3 where its not the same little world and the violence is scaramouche himself hunting dottore down ohhhhh that'd be so lovely but also i dont think im good enough or creative enough with gore to do that thought justice im gonna be SO fr. YOU CANT JUST SAY THEY GET YOU IN TEARS I WILL FUKCVINFG EXPLOFDE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
dies. dies. dies. anyways. i will never forget being like 11 or 12 years old and roleplaying warriors cats on my kindle <- genuinely my introduction to writing for fun outside of just school stuff. i wrote for YEARS and then i all but stopped writing for Also Years to the point where i genuinely thought i just. couldnt do it anymore. gone. i barely managed anything no matter what i tried and i got sooo frustrated and also just didnt really enjoy it? but thats bc my mental health was fucking horrific and the better i started doing the more i started really writing who would've thought LMAO no bc like 2?? years ago ??????? id basically given up !!!!!!! and then there were a couple tiny fics and then photosynthesis and i was like oh. i Can still write and i Do still have so much fun with it. and now i am unstoppable amen
writing is weird bc reading fics CAN help but i think reading books helps better? and its this constant state of like. ive heard with art that tracing genuinely helps, ofc you cant claim it for your own or anything but there's that sort of muscle memory and learned proportions and the practice of doing the same thing over and over again i think is a good thing? i think ??????? and in writing you rly cant copy anyone word for word and get anything out of it, it doesnt teach you anything it doesnt get you any further there's no sort of muscle memory connected with it. but what ive done a lot is looked at writing i rly loved and been like. okay so if i wanted to do this how would i accomplish it? i cant guess other writers thought processes but i can figure out how id reach a similar end goal ig ?? and in my own writing if im failing to accomplish what i want its a matter of ok, what DO i want, what if i change pov, what if i change the setting, what if i change the circumstance, etc etc which i think you could probably do the same thing in art if smth felt off or wasnt looking right ?? maybe ??? idk at this point my writing is a massive patchwork quilt of countless other authors and fic writers and a surprising amount of my own experience and ive noticed a lot of repeating elements in my own writing whether fics or original content and i dont really know How i got here but here i am. and ON TOP OF THAT actually seeing fanart ALSO helps my writing because ill see an expression or design or setting or anything that i really love and immediately start thinking of how to describe it in words yknow ???
im literally rambling so much today this is so fucking awful. awful day for the pinkseas community or at least pinkseas herself god help me
JOIN THEM AND PUSH ON TOGETHER............ UR LITTLE ANON SHADES............................. crying shaking sobbing bawling ily so fucking bad :((((((((((((( /pos we r pushign forward Togehter...
my rly close friends and i are the same way its SO so so lovely, having that constant respect and support and helping each other grow and learn its soooo. dsfmgndfmgfd. and trust me i also used to be a lot more insensitive and impulsive than i am now but ive learned sm and my own friends have helped sm and !!!!! we are soooooooo handshake emoji rn 10 million handshakes for us
UR SENDING IT ON PC AND IM ANSWERING ON PC </33333333 no bc organizing my thoughts on my phone is the worst ever but on my pc i dont have a bunch of heart emojis to spam at my fingertips its so sad....... sometimes when i rly wanna include them ill save as a draft and just put the emojis in and post it on my phone LMAO
0 notes
writing-the-stars · 2 years
Hii I love ur writing and I was wondering if I could request yandere poly damon and stefan hcs?
Awe, thank you so much!
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Masterlist | TVDU Masterlist
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It's funny how history has a habit of repeating itself again, and again, and AGAIN
However, you were determined to put an end to the cycle of feuding the brothers tend to find themselves when it comes to their love interest
When you first moved into town, both brothers were immediately enthralled with you-- neither of them having plans on letting you go
After having lost both Katherine and Elena to his brother, Damon was determined to make you his by ANY means necessary
He watched you in the shadows as you settled into town, adjusting to your new life and setting a schedule for yourself. He memorized all the places you visited the most and made notes of the things that caught your eye
However, Stefan was just as eager to make you his, knowing you were the one for him
He compelled a man to put you in danger so that he could be your hero and sweep you off your feet
You immediately fell for the youngest Salvatore's boyish charms and allowed him to take you on a date, much to Damon's chagrin
Damon was not going to let you get away so easily. Using the intel he collected from you, he showed up to your date with Stefan and upstaged him by having so many "similar interests"
War broke out between the two brothers to an extent no one had ever seen. Both of them convinced you were meant to be with them and each equally determined to prove themselves right
However, in the war for your heart, your emotions ended up as collateral damage as you had fallen for both Salvatores and you did not have it within yourself to choose. Not to mention the battle was tearing the brothers apart and you couldn't stand to see either of your men hurt
It was agreed then that you would date both brothers which did not completely satisfy them, but they were more than willing to accept if it meant they got to have you
And you loved having both of them around to keep you safe, happy, and healthy
Once you officially became theirs, the brothers never left your side
They are constantly watching over you, making sure that you are okay
They even protect you from yourself, preventing you from doing anything they deem too dangerous-- which is basically everything
You haven't had to drive yourself anywhere since you started dating, nor grocery shop or any of the other boring chores you hate to do. They do it all for you
They worship the ground you walk on-- when they let you walk on the ground that is
You are a goddess in their eyes and you should be treated as such
They shower you in so much love and affection, eradicating any negative thoughts that may enter your brain
They are incredibly protective over you, not letting anyone from the gang meet you for the first three months
Whenever there is a threat in town, they lock you away in the boarding house to make sure you are safe
It infuriates you, but you know they do it out of the love they have for you
Plus, it's nice to have a week or two where you get to lounge around and do nothing
Overall, these boys love you with all of their heart and would do anything just to see you smile
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A/N: I am so sorry for how long it has taken me to get this out here! My grandmother's eye surgery which we thought was healing well has actually been overhealing. So I am now back on post-op doctor visit duties until her eye heals properly, so I am back to limited writing time. This is not how I expected my summer to go, but you just have to roll with the punches. Anyway! I hope you enjoyed Anon! Thank you so much for reading.
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Headcannon of a poly relationship w fem Y/N, Mikasa, and Annie? Like the relationship dynamics and what a normal day would look like? If u include a NSFW dynamics I wouldn’t mind👀
BUT IF YOU DON’T HAVE TIME I COMPLETELY UNDERSTAND 💗💗💗 love ur posts and have a nice day😇💞
Sure thing anon! Also, thank you, and have a nice day as well!
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Mikasa Ackerman x Reader x Annie Leonhart: HCs
AU: Canon
Warnings: None
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Surprisingly, being in a relationship with these two can get quite hectic sometimes, despite the fact that they're both pretty calm people by themselves
They are fiercely protective over you sometimes. Even if you are just as good of a soldier as you are, they will be defending you left and right
They usually stick by your side during missions, making sure that the three of you are near each other at all times, that way you have each others' back
But they don't just defend you against titans, no, they will defend you against anyone
They show their protectiveness differently, though
Annie is generally more relaxed about it than Mikasa is, and on top of that, Annie is very physical when it comes down to it, but Mikasa is more verbal about it
For instance, if a training partner is being too rough on purpose, it wouldn't be a surprise for Annie to quietly ask to speak with them after practice, only to show up to breakfast with a black eye the next morning
Or, if, heaven forbid, someone else start coming on to you, Mikasa will pull them aside for a stern talking to, telling them to back off. And, since it's Mikasa, they always listen
Even Instructor Shadis isn't safe. If they feel he's being a little too hard on you during training, one or both of them will talk to him, using their wits to convince him that you're in no fit to keep training for the day, and then joining you in bed once he excuses you
After a while, people start to learn that it's best to stay on good terms with you, unless they want to make enemies with two of the strongest soldiers in the 104th
Though, they are great listeners when it comes down to it. If you think they're being a bit too overbearing, they'll back off
They both love you and respect you a lot, and would hate to do anything against your wishes
They're both very aloof people, but around you (in private, that is) they're both really soft
Mikasa's love language is quality time, so you can expect her to be near you at most times, reminding you of her presence every now and then just to remind you that she's here for you. She doesn't need to say or do much, she just wants to be close to you, physically and emotionally
Meanwhile, Annie's love language is, surprisingly, physical touch. She'll constantly be having her shoulder up against yours, or her hand gripping yours, or, if you're really lucky, she'll show one of her rare moments of vulnerability, embracing you tightly and clinging onto you until she's satisfied
The three of you, while caring deeply about your friends, value the moments where you all get to be completely alone, not having to worry about the gazes of others on you
Cuddle piles (subsequently leading to long, comfortable naps) are quite common
Mikasa, being the nurturing type she is, will gently pull you and Annie closer into her sides, tucking yours or Annie's head onto her chest or into the crook of her arm, keeping you warm and close to her
It's at these moments, too, that Annie isn't afraid to seem vulnerable or meek, curling into Mikasa's side and draping an arm or a leg over the ravenette's body
Or, sometimes, if either Mikasa or Annie isn't present, the other one will pull you to rest against their chest, letting you fall asleep against them while they wait patiently for the other one to show up
Sometimes, though, when they do show up, they'll take a short moment to fawn over your sleeping form, discussing how cute you look when you sleep, and how lucky they are to be in a relationship with both you and the other
As I've mentioned a little earlier, Mikasa is the nurturing one of you three
If you or Annie get hurt, she's at their side at an instant, treating their wounds with such a gentle touch, as if her lover was made of glass, and would break at any touch just a tad too harsh
Sometimes, Annie gets insecure about your relationship, feeling like she isn't great at opening up and showing emotions/vulnerability, and that the two of you seem so much more content when she isn't around
Which leads you and Mikasa to share a quick glance before you rush over to comfort her, hugging her gently and whispering just how much she means to you both
And that was the first time either of you—or anyone for that matter—had seen Annie cry.
But neither of you make any huge notice of it, instead just pulling her closer, wiping her tears away with your hands
A daily routine between the three of you always starts very early in the morning, due to Annie's habit to always get some running in before training starts
And, within about a week of dating her, Mikasa joined her
You were... less enthusiastic about waking up early just to exercise, so often, you would just stay in bed
And, ever since you made it clear that you prefer the extra hour of sleep over a run in the early morning hues of dawn, they started to speed their run up, taking it from a light jog to a running pace, just so they can get back to the barracks to spend an extra thirty minutes in bed with you before the official wake-up time
During breakfast time, you'll usually sit with Eren and Armin, just so Mikasa can spend some time with her friends (which is surprisingly scarce between her relationship and her training/duty as a soldier), though sometimes you'll let Annie sit with Reiner and Bertholdt. She never really says much at all to the two, but you know she likes to be in their presence sometimes, so you and Mikasa never pestered her about it
Unfortunately, the three of you are seldom ever partnered with each other, but more often than not, you'll be able to pester Shadis into letting you three train together
In that case, you usually forgo the actual instructions in favor of Annie teaching you and Mikasa her martials arts technique
After a long day of training, the three of you will often go straight to bed, too exhausted to do anything else, but sometimes, you'll sneak out after dark to spend a little quality time together
Usually, you do something simple and relaxing, just enough to truly unwind you from the days activities
Sometimes you'll go for a walk, other times you'll climb up onto the roof to stargaze, or sometimes you'll even just huddle up under a tree for a while
But no matter what it is, there's always a conversation
Since moments alone like this are few and far between, the three of you take the time to talk about anything and everything
The future, the present, or even the dark past they both seemed to share
You'll discuss plans for the future, about where you'll go and what you'll do if you ever retire from the military
And, seldom does it happen, but Mikasa might even bring up the idea of starting a family of your own someday
Though, with death looming so threateningly over you three at all times, it's best not to humor the idea
Still, you appreciate all moments together like this, because they truly love you and love each other more than words can express
In the bedroom, things can get really heated between the three of you, considering both Annie and Mikasa are very passionate lovers
It's not something they can devote time to everyday, so when you do get down to it, you'll probably be at it for a while
As for how things get started, it's surprisingly a bit of exhibitionism
Just because they're lovers doesn't mean they still have a playful rivalry between the two of them
So, if one of them is in the mood, they'll try to isolate you and start eating you out or fingering you, just waiting until the other one inevitably walks in and joins you
Which often leads to little contests about who can please you more/give you more orgasms
Which is all well and good for you, until they get a little too into it, leaving you helplessly overstimulated without them even realizing it, with Annie's fingers in your cunt and Mikasa rubbing at your clit
But, most of the time, sex involves all three of you equally
Annie tends to be a service top most of the time, perfectly content with eating you or Mikasa out for hours, even if she doesn't actually get to come that night
Mikasa does top sometimes, but tends to be a little bit more submissive
Especially when it's just her and Annie, Annie will almost always top
But either way, they both have one shared desire—having you be in the middle of them
Since they are both very giving women, they love to please you and have you be the center of attention during sex
One of the most common positions, for example, has you situated on your back, while Mikasa rides your face and Annie hikes a leg over her shoulder and scissors you
That one almost always leaves a mess, but they get too caught up in the moment to care
Speaking of mess, Annie is a shameless lover of cum. There, I said it
Mikasa on her own is already a squirter, but if you are too, she just loses it
She loves when you come hard and squirt everywhere. She will 100% lick it off of you
In a modern AU, I imagine both of them being really fond of toys
Annie's strap game would be IMMACULATE
She would always have just the right pace as she sits you down in her lap, forcing you up and down on the silicone cock as it splits you open mercilessly
Meanwhile, Mikasa is a huge fan of vibrators, both on her and you
She loves when the two of you sit really close together, just enough so that she can stick a vibrator between you two so it stimulates both of your clits at once
I also have a feeling that they would make you wear those vibrating panties, then go out in public and take shifts with the remote
But they don't want to actually get caught doing it, so after about 30 minutes of torturous on and off vibrations, they just take you into an empty restroom just to finish you off quickly
I also have a feeling that Annie would kinda get off to watching you and Mikasa go at it without her
Like, she'd stand over you two and tell you exactly what to do to each other, and shamelessly start fingering herself as she watches
But, after quite a few rounds, you three would be way too tired to continue, eventually just collapsing right where you were
Mikasa would 100% be the queen of aftercare
Like, as soon as you and Annie are done, she'll be up to grab anything either of you need
Something to drink? A light snack? Something to clean up with? She has whatever you need
"Are you thirsty? Hang on baby, I'll go to the kitchen. Need anything else while I'm there?"
And she's so gentle with it, too
She does get a little embarrassed, though, having to take the dainty little napkin and wiping it over your cunt and the inside of your thighs to clean up all the mess you made
But, once she's satisfied with how you two are feeling, she'll lay down right next to you, pulling you or Annie into her chest, clinging onto them protectively
Which leads to the other one inevitably shuffling over to Mikasa's side as well, not wanting to miss out on the post-sex cuddles
What can you say? She's a great cuddler
And then, finally, you enjoy the gentle moment between you and your lovers, your eyes slowly closely as sleep overtakes you
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I might have just written more NSFW than I did SFW... and if so, I don't know whether to be more disappointed or impressed by myself.
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tinytek · 3 years
okay so, i am very much interested in your hermit g/t flight rising au. If you wanna share something about it, i'd like so see it. <3 ps ur arts great.
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yess thank you both!! this au is currently taking over my brain
(If you don't know, Flight Rising is an online dragon breeding game that you can play here. It has a lot of lore, from the cultures of different dragon breeds to the story of their world and the war they're currently waging with the beastclans (which include harpies ;P))
Okay, so the AU is very grian-mumbo-scar centric. Scar is a pearlcatcher (Shadow flight), Mumbo is a nocturne (Lightning flight), and Grian is a harpy runaway. Here are my scries + Grian's design:
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(Grian art is mine ^^)
I have several sketches of Scar, Mumbo, and Grian in my notebook but I don't have high quality pictures right now ;P
Mumbo and Scar have been friends for quite a while now, and travel together. They often tag along the tail end of the Trading Post caravan, traveling from city to city, though they don't tend to interact with the other traders. Scar is a, ahem, salesdragon, NOT a conman. He sometimes sells little gadgets made by Mumbo, and Mumbo also hires himself out to repair existing machines. They're the very last in the caravan, far enough back that they probably don't count as part of it at all, but they follow the same general path.
Oh! Last night (halfway through writing this) I actually added Etho to the AU!
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He's a Lightning flight mirror dragon who also regularly travels with the Post. He's an engineer like Mumbo. He wears the mask to hide his sharp teef, because mirrors have a bit of a terrifying reputation as carnivores and hunters ;P
Pearl is a harpy scout and Grian's sister. I have plans for her later, wink wink. Might make a separate post about their relationship.
The main plot revolves around Grian, Mumbo and Scar.
Grian left the roost, dressed as a female harpy, in a roughly made warrior's mask. He was bored at home, tired of being treated like he was fragile, and wanted to be part of the war against dragonkind. (The spirit of chaos and violence that is Grian will never be content to sit around looking pretty.) The first dragons he encountered were Scar and Mumbo, who were alone, and unexpectedly kind to him. They offered to let Grian stay with them, since he was alone and hungry, and he accepted with the intent to spy. He didn't know at the time that spying on a couple of hermits like them wouldn't tell him anything useful. Eventually, though, without his notice, the idea of spying slipped lower and lower on his list of priorities. He started to genuinely like the two. By the time another harpy appears... he's pretty much changed his entire mind about them without realizing until he was forced to confront it.
There’s also this lovely little thing about familiar bonding <3 which is that it’s not consensual and often takes away a lot of a familiar’s free will by making them dependent on their dragon. Familiar bonding is a combination of both passive and active magic. The first stage acts passively and is caused by proximity to a dragon, and cannot be controlled by either party. After that, a dragon being affectionate with the afflicted creature will increase the bond and decrease their free will. A fully familiarized creature is emotionally dependent on dragons and while able to be away from them, must know they can return, and will almost always choose to do so. 
Grian... is a free spirit. He doesn’t want to be familiarized. In fact, it terrifies him, not being fully in control of his emotions. He does care for Scar and Mumbo, but he hates that part of his affection for them may be caused by their bonding magic. He hates that he isn’t their equal. He hates that he can’t be too affectionate with them without damning himself to a lifetime of dependency. 
And you know what accelerates the bonding process? Warmth, physical touch, emotional closeness. You know where Grian is juuuust small enough to go, which has all of those things? yeah, we both know
a n y ways, if people are interested in this AU, i might post more of my art and ideas about it here! There are noms (obviously) as well as possible nsfw parts (havent decided on that yet) but they’re by no means required reading. The story can be understood easily without either. Both are just meant to drive home the whole “trust and bonding” thing. Def will not be posting any nsfw parts here even if i write them though lol
also send asks about the au if you want anything clarified :D this isnt everything!
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gojo-x-reader · 4 years
Not So Special Now
Relationship(s): F!Reader x Gojo Satoru
Warnings: canon-typical violence
Tags: fluff (at the end), reader-focused
AO3 Link: here
Words: ~4k
Request: “hello there, i love ur soulmate and marriage life hc 🥺 can you make scenario/hc/drabble whatever u prefer where his fem/gn so is also a sorcerer and gets hurt/injured on a mission? thank you!”
“Are you sure you’ll be fine?” Your boyfriend, Satoru, asked you. His hands were on your biceps, giving it a worried, yet comforting squeeze.
“Yes, Satoru,” you answered, a little annoyed at how he was treating you. It’s been several years since either of you were in high school; this wasn’t your first mission.
“I can’t help but worry, you know. It’s your first ever special grade assignment.”
“Just because I’m not the same rank as you, Mr. Special Grade, doesn’t mean I’m weak. Besides, there are two others going so I’m not doing this alone.”
“I know, I know.” Satoru pressed his lips gently onto your forehead, then gazed into your eyes lovingly. In a rare instance while on the job, his blindfold was replaced with dark sunglasses. You reached up to shift them down, allowing you to gaze into his bright blue eyes. They were breathtaking no matter how many times you saw them. You moved your hands from his glasses to his shoulders, forcing him down so you could reach up to leave a chaste kiss on his lips.
“I’ll see you tonight,” you promised.
The two of you embraced one more time before you joined your other group members for the mission. You turned back and waved at him as the three of you entered the car to be driven to the location for your mission.
“Sure wish Gojo-san was coming with us,” one of them mused. “He could handle this mission single-handedly and we could just stay home.” He sighed deeply, then put in headphones and stared out the window.
“Why isn’t he taking this mission?” your other group member asked. She stared at you, eager to know.
You had just met these two today (not even knowing their names, except that they were both Grade 1 sorcerers like you) and you weren’t sure how well this mission would go. “Well,” you began, “for one, he works best alone. Second, Satoru fights best when he’s away from civilians.” 
The girl hummed, then crossed her arms in thought. The three of you awkwardly rode in silence for about five minutes, before the girl grabbed your arm suddenly. “Soooo, how long have you been dating Gojo Satoru?” She asked eagerly. There was something about her that seemed familiar, but you just couldn’t put your finger on it.
You weren’t sure why this was any business of someone you just met, but you decided to indulge her to hopefully make this awkward car ride, well, less awkward.
“Two years, almost three,” you answered. The two of you had known each other since high school, but it wasn’t until almost four years ago that you had reconnected after you moved back to Tokyo, and almost three years ago when you started dating. To this day you still had no clue why he would get a crush on you over all people. There were much prettier girls he had spent more time with, why you?
“Annnnd? A ring soon?” She gushed, gripping your arm harder.
You shrugged. Satoru and you had discussed marriage at some point, but both of you were busy at the moment, especially with Ryomen Sukuna being somewhat revived into the world. While Yuuji was still technically “dead” to others, Satoru had trusted you enough to tell you about how his student had pretty much been revived from the dead. On your days off, you often visited your boyfriend and helped out with Yuuji’s training regime. He was a nice kid, despite his circumstances and being thrown into the jujutsu world suddenly.
The girl let go of your arm and got out her phone, furiously typing to someone. “Oh, my little sister won’t be happy to hear about this.”
“Little sister?”
“Yeah, my sister Momo goes to Kyoto. She’s pretty close with another girl, Kasumi, who I consider almost like another younger sister. She was super excited to meet Gojo-san a week ago. She’s like a superfan of him or something. I like to indulge her sometimes. I think she even made a fan club for Gojo-san or something. Anyways, Momo, even though she’s friends with Kasumi, she often gets annoyed with her talk about Gojo-san.”
You vaguely remember Satoru mentioning a girl from Kyoto that asked him for a picture. It wasn’t exactly a rare occurrence for your boyfriend to be asked to take pictures with, from the jujutsu world or from civilians; he had devastatingly good looks, so you couldn’t blame any of the people who asked for pictures. Besides, you knew his heart belonged to you and you only, so you were fine with others recognizing his allure.
“Oh, Kasumi’s calling me,” the girl said. She answered her phone, only for a younger voice to scream over the speaker. It was loud enough that you could hear it. Your teammate held her phone away from her ear.
“What do you mean he has a girlfriend?”
“Oh, come on Kasumi. You know how handsome he is. Besides, he’s like, what, twenty-eight? Twenty-nine?”
“Twenty-eight, twenty-nine in December,” you confirmed.
“Way too old for you, ma’am,” the girl relayed to Kasumi.
“I don’t like him like that , Sumi-san! I j-just really admire him, okay! W-Who wouldn’t? World’s strongest jujutsu sorcerer in all.”
“Mhm. Anyway, I’ve got a mission today with the said girlfriend of Gojo Satoru. Want me to get you an autograph?” Sumi joked.
“...Could you?”
You let out a tiny laugh. This girl was funny, so you decided to humor her and leaned toward the phone. “One autograph for Kasumi?”
“M-Miwa Kasumi!” the voice on the phone squeaked out. She told you what kanji made up her name as you rummaged for a scrap piece of paper and pen from your bag. You made out the autograph, laughing a bit as you handed it to Sumi.
After you told her you signed an autograph for her, Kasumi said goodbye, hanging up the phone before Sumi could reply goodbye back. She seemed embarrassed about the ordeal.
“You were right, she seems like a good kid.”
“Kasumi is nice. She really balances out how serious my little sister Momo is,” Sumi responded.
For the rest of the car ride, you and Sumi chatted. Apparently, this was also her first Special Grade mission, as well as her first mission after graduating from Kyoto. Their other group member was also from Kyoto; he was two years Sumi’s senior. His name was Takahashi Daisuke. She didn’t know much about him since he tended to keep to himself. But she did know this wasn’t his first Special Grade mission. That relieved you substantially since you were nervous about this mission (as much as you didn’t want to admit to Satoru).
Eventually, the roads transformed from paved to just dirt. The driver turned onto a road on a hill, then began briefing the three of you on your mission. This was a Special Grade, suspected to be awakened by a Sukuna finger. This was just based on speculation, since the last Special Grade to pop up was from a Sukuna finger as well. The Special Grade had taken over an abandoned shrine, supposedly terrorizing the local village just down the hill (which had been evacuated just hours before). As the driver parked the car, the three of you exited the car. The air was crisp, with a distinct chill in the air. You could sense a particularly strong cursed energy in the premises, on par with Satoru’s cursed energy. You shuddered; this was not going to be an easy task.
The driver placed a curtain around the area, the sky darkening. It only made the situation seem even more grave. There was something in your gut telling you to run, not from being scared of the Special Grade, but because something bad was going to happen.
Sumi grabbed a wand from her belt. Her family was a pretty small sorcerer family on her mother’s side, as she had told you in the car. She and her sister have cursed techniques similar to “witches”; hers involved spells while her sister’s involved levitating a broom, among other objects.
Your cursed techniques, however, involved nature. There was a reason why you were selected specifically for this mission; the shrine was in the middle of the forest, the perfect place for you to go wild. Cities like Tokyo were incredibly constraining for you to use your cursed techniques, so you almost exclusively were assigned missions out in the country where nature was plentiful.
Neither you nor Sumi knew what Daisuke’s cursed technique was, but you assumed it was pretty strong considering he had been on missions with Special Grades before.
The mission started off fine. The three of you approached the shrine. It wasn’t particularly impressive, nothing that you would expect to house a Special Grade curse. The stone torii at the entrance was standing tall, unbothered by neither age nor the moss and vines growing on it. The shrine itself, however, was crumbling. One of the pillars holding up the roof was destroyed, so the roof was lopsided. The shimenawa knots were cut in half, the ends completely frayed. Definitely not a good sign.
After crossing the torii , you felt the Special Grade’s presence. It was overwhelming, unlike anything else you had experienced before. It possessed near-equal amounts of cursed energy as Satoru, but unlike your boyfriend, it held malicious intent within its cursed energy. To your left, Sumi was shaking. You held out a shaky hand onto her shoulder and squeezed. While you yourself didn’t feel confident about this mission now, you had a duty as the oldest member of the group here to be strong, for their sake.
The shrine began to shake, then the roof was suddenly blown off. You used your cursed technique to form a barrier of tree roots that erupted from the ground. Slabs of wood hit the roots, then bounced off. After the rain of wood subsided, you controlled the roots back into the ground in their original position.
You finally got a good look at the Special Grade curse. It was humanoid, but only in form. Its flesh was midnight blue, with eyes covering every centimeter of its body. Great, it had no blind spots. The curse had no apparent mouth, yet you were able to hear it let out an intimidating roar.
Daisuke made the first strike. He quickly pointed a handgun at the Special Grade and pulled the trigger. Out came a burst of his own cursed energy instead of a bullet. The blow just grazed the Special Grade enough for it to let out a screech of pain. Interesting, so this was his cursed energy. You wondered if it was limited to guns, or if he could apply it to a bow as well and use his cursed energy for arrows. You’d have to ask him later after this mission was completed.
It was apparent after Daisuke revealed his cursed technique that all of you were primarily distance fighters. There wasn’t much Sumi could do if her cursed technique focused on spells through her wand apparatus and Daisuke seemed to only have a gun on him. So, that meant you had to switch to a melee approach.
You weren’t the biggest fan of hand to hand combat. You weren’t very strong, preferring to assist from a distance. Recently, Satoru has been helping you learn new ways of fighting in close quarters. You decided to take the risk and make an attempt at using this still relatively new technique. You reached out your hands, summoning leaves from the trees. They surrounded your fists like boxing gloves, your cursed energy reinforcing the leaves to be almost as hard as the bark from the trees they came from.
You sprinted toward the Special Grade, preparing to land a blow. As you reared back for a punch, the Special Grade disappeared from in front of you. Then you felt a blow land on your back and you were sent through the forest until a particularly thick tree stopped your projectile body. Luckily, you reacted quickly enough to reinforce your front with cursed energy. If it wasn’t for your quick thinking, you probably would’ve been knocked out immediately.
You picked yourself up from the ground, but the world was spinning. You leaned against a tree to collect your thoughts and rest a bit. The Special Grade was insanely fast and had no blind spots. You were panicking; this was well out of your skillset. Perhaps Daisuke was right; Satoru should’ve joined in on this mission. But you knew that wasn’t possible, as he also had his own Special Grade mission to handle today.
You brought a hand up to your face and gave yourself a hard smack. This was no time to doubt yourself or panic. You had two comrades out there fighting a Special Grade curse alone. There was no doubt that the Special Grade would notice you if you tried to rejoin the fight, at least on the ground. Your best bet would be to get the high ground; there would be fewer eyes on the top half, so the chances of you being noticed would be less than if you arrived by foot.
Okay, you had an idea. Now, to get an idea of how the fight was going. You kneeled down to the ground and placed your hand onto the ground, closing your eyes. You sent a minimal, hardly detectable pulse of cursed energy toward the fight through the ground. From what nature informed you, the fight was mostly one-sided in favor of the Special Grade. Daisuke was pretty beat up, and Sumi wasn’t in good shape either.
You got up then hurriedly began climbing the nearest tree. As you climbed up, you manipulated the bark to form grooves for you to place your hands and feet on. As you reached a decent height, you created a bridge with the overlapping tree branches sturdy enough for your weight. You sprinted across the bridge, ignoring your double vision. You definitely had a concussion, but now was not the time for you to worry about that. You didn’t wanna lose your comrades on this mission. Not again.
You wiped the tears that were threatening to fall from your eyes. In your final year of Tokyo High, your two classmates were killed right before your eyes on a mission. You escaped out of pure luck, but was determined to get stronger to avenge their deaths. If you let those two die… well, then, that meant you hadn’t gotten strong enough to protect anyone else.
Once you were just out of sight range of the cursed spirit, you closed your eyes to sense the battle again. Sumi was sitting on the ground, back to a tree as she watched the fight between Daisuke and the Special Grade. She was barely conscious, and it seemed like she had lost a lot of blood. You had an idea, but in order for it to work, you needed her help.
Using thin vines, you sent a message within her sight: I am still alive. I’m going to trap the Special Grade curse with branches. Use a fire spell on it when it’s bound.
All you could hope was that she was able to read the message and had enough cursed energy to cast the spell. You began moving branches from distant trees close to the Special Grade, as fast as possible without your cursed energy being detected. Once they were close enough, you waited for the right moment.
As Daisuke finally landed a hit with his cursed energy, moving the curse to the center of the shrine remnants, you launched your attack. The branches extended as fast as you could make them move. The hit Daisuke landed had temporarily slowed the Special Grade, enough for your branches to immobilize it. As the branches gripped the curse, Sumi sent a fire spell toward it, just as planned.
The branches (and the cursed spirit) caught on fire. But something was wrong; normally, you could extract cursed energy from a curse with your cursed technique to exorcise, but that wasn’t happening. Was it resisting? You felt a tug on the branches.
Without thinking, you acted on your own. You re-equipped the leaves cursed technique, as you jumped from the trees above. As gravity brought you closer to the Special Grade, you reared back to prepare the punch you had wanted to introduce it to earlier. As your fist landed on the curse, you allowed the leaves to leave your fist, sending it into the curse’s body. The leaves caught on fire before they entered the curse, imploding it.
So, you managed to exorcise the Special grade. But, doing so took all of your cursed energy and you had no more left to cushion your fall. Luckily, you managed to adjust your fall so that you slid on your stomach parallel to the ground instead of falling headfirst. It still hurt, and you definitely broke a few ribs doing that.
You somehow had enough energy to turn yourself onto your back, looking up at the starry night sky as the curtain was released. Your first Special Grade mission. Everyone lived and you exorcised it without Satoru’s help. Ha. He would be so proud of you.
You began to fall into unconsciousness right as you felt familiar arms lift you up.
When you woke up, you were in Shoko’s infirmary. There was a thin blanket covering your bottom half. Suddenly the events came back to you.
You sat up, gasping for air. Where were Sumi and Daisuke?
“You might want to lay back down,” a familiar voice told you. “Shoko healed you, but the pain might still be there.”
You did as the voice said, laying back at the elevated position you woke up in. You look over and blinked a few times, seeing your boyfriend sitting in a chair next to your bed. He was in his work uniform, including his blindfold. You winced as you felt a pain in your chest; Satoru was right, there still was residual pain.
“I exorcised a Special Grade,” you croaked.
“I know. I’m proud of you.” He grabbed your hand and squeezed it, giving you a soft smile, showing off his tiny dimples. His smile quickly turned to a frown as he lectured, “However, what you did was risky and crazy.”
“Aren’t you the one who says that jujutsu sorcerers have to be crazy to survive?” you argued.
“Yes, but there’s a difference between crazy and throwing your life away.”
“You saw that?” you asked, much more awake than you were a few seconds ago.
“I hurried as fast as I could with my own mission to come assist you if you needed. I got there right as you pulled that stunt of yours.”
You pulled your hand from his and placed your face in both of your hands, embarrassed that he saw you launch yourself from several meters high, use up all of your cursed energy, then make a hard landing onto the ground.
“How’s the other two?” you asked, refusing to move your face from your hands.
“Alive and doing well. You’re the most beat-up out of everyone.”
You removed your hands, clasping them together in your lap. “Thank goodness…”
“There wasn’t a Sukuna finger either,” Satoru reported to you. “The villagers’ fear of the shrine must have caused it to grow to a Special Grade. Now, come on. Shoko said you could come home once you woke up.” Satoru stood up, then scooped you up from the bed. You screamed in protest, now wide awake.
“Wha--Put me down!”
“No can do, honey. Doctor’s orders. Nothing strenuous for the next week.”
“Satoru, I don’t think walking counts as strenuous!”
He smiled his signature shit-eating grin, then gave you a kiss on your forehead. No fair, he knew forehead kisses were your weakness. You melted into his arms at how tender his kiss was, now docile and less likely to argue with him.
In a flash, he teleported the two of you to his apartment, setting you on the bed in front of him. After placing you on the bed, he yanked off his blindfold and began rummaging through his dresser, looking for a set of his clothes for you to wear. He tossed the shirt and pants toward you, not even bothering to turn around while you changed. You’d been together for so long (or at least, it felt like a long time) that there wasn’t anything particularly embarrassing about changing in front of each other.
You winced while lifting your hands up to take off your shirt, so Satoru was by your side in an instant, helping you take off your shift without much pain. He even helped you out of your bra and put on his shirt.
“You don’t need me to help you with the pants, do you?” he teased.
“I think I can handle it on my own,” you replied, standing up and shuffling out of your pants. Satoru’s pants were much too long for you, so you had to roll not only the waistband but also the cuffs so that they didn’t constantly drag on the ground. Not like you minded doing that; there was just something about his clothes that was infinitely more comforting than your own, and he knew that more than anyone else.
As you adjusted the pants, Satoru left the bedroom to head toward the kitchen, no doubt to start cooking some of your favorite foods. You laid down on your shared bed, happy to be home. It was a long day (Days? How long were you even unconscious?) and you were glad to have such a caring boyfriend, even if he was being a little annoying about this.
About an hour later, Satoru came into the bedroom with a tray of food. He wouldn’t let you even touch the chopsticks, insisting on feeding you food because he didn’t want you to “strain yourself.” You thought he was just being a little too overprotective, but you allowed him to feed you anyway. The look of satisfaction on his face was just too cute for you to deny him this tiny pleasure.
After dinner, you immediately wanted to go to bed. Satoru quickly ate his portion of dinner then changed out of his work clothes into something much more comfortable to sleep in. He joined you under the covers, using his cursed energy to turn off the lights. You felt his arms gently snake their way around your waist, pressing you into his front. You sighed in contentment; he was warm, but not too warm.
After a few seconds of silence, you piped up, “Satoru?”
“Thank you for taking care of me. I love you.”
He placed a gentle kiss on your neck, just behind your ear. “Anything for you, my love,” he breathed onto your neck. You could feel him smiling gently. “Maybe we should just get married.”
You grumbled something, not even quite sure what you said or even what he said completely. Before sleep overtook you, you mumbled out one last final “I love you,” incredibly happy to be in your boyfriend’s arms at the moment.
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Can I request headcanons for a poly relationship with Brahms and Vincent Sinclair?
Oh my gODDDDD ANON UR MIND!!! Legit I went OFF with this headcanon post and honesty I’m obsessed with this pairing now. I might even write a smutty one shot regarding this but like fuckkkkkk I hope y’all enjoy this cause i had SO MUCH FUN writing it!
Brahms/Vincent/Reader Poly:
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Since Brahms and Vincent are two killers that are based in a specific location and would probably never leave their homes, here are a few specific headcanons for each killer in the other’s home.
Vincent in the Heelshire Manor wouldn't affect him too greatly, other than the nagging feeling of being homesick. Though if he has you by his side, it makes the ache less harsh. For the most part as long as Vincent has a room he can call his workshop he really won't mind. And because the Heelshire mansion is so huge there would be more than enough room for such. 
Brahms would be very against having Vincent in the walls, feeling threatened by his presence, but once he is more used to the three of you being together he might not mind it as much. Actually, Vincent enjoys Brahms' space. He finds the room quite relaxing, though a bit too cramped for his liking. 
Ultimately, both are fine as long as they are given their privacy to work and relax on their own time. 
Brahms in Ambrose would cause the most upheaval. He would glue himself to your side, following you wherever you went as you were the only comfort he had in this strange place. Brahms isn't used to not only being out of the walls but essentially having a whole town to himself to explore. It would be a lot at first, but with yours and Vincent's gentle urging, Brahms would slowly embrace this new change.
He would love the tunnels under Ambrose, allowing him to move to different places in town without needing to walk down the street just in case there were visitors in town. He prefers to slip in and out of places largely unnoticed so less attention is brought to him.
While he does not actively participate in the slaying of visitors in Ambrose for the wax collection, he has been known to attack anyone he deems a threat to you or the Sinclairs. This is his home now and anything that is a threat to that home must be dealt with accordingly (and brutally). Vincent often complains that Brahms ruins the bodies, but understands that Brahms can't control himself when he reaches that point. 
Speaking of the other Sinclair brothers, Bo unsurprisingly hates Brahms. When Brahms first arrived, he was very shy and nervous around Bo, actively afraid of the loud and easily angered brother. Once he realized that Bo was no threat to him, he actively enjoyed "playing" with him. Bo hates it when he uses his childlike voice, but Brahms continues to do it anyways to put Bo on edge. Brahms might also use his stealthy abilities to purposefully scare Bo, appearing out of nowhere and giving him a heart attack and running off before Bo can retaliate. Bo would never admit it openly but Brahms intimidates him simply from his stature and the inability to read him.
Lester was intimidated by Brahms when he first arrived, the man much taller and more muscular than he was. But when Brahms learned about the road kill Lester collects and disposes of, he simply asked if he could take care of the rats as well. Lester did, and the two have no issues with each other, though Lester still feels a slight unease when around the other man. 
Now, for the personality dynamics of the boys.
Brahms and Vincent get along much better than one might initially suspect. The two are utterly territorial men, often with you in the middle of their affections, however they eventually grow to understand each other and how it would be easier to protect you if they were both there. You’re the common denominator that keeps them from fighting each other, and the fact that you dispense love equally between them is an important factor. 
The two will eventually grow to respect each other as well, with Brahms eventually being comforted by Vincent's company if you are unavailable. He will often sit quietly with Jonesy as he watches Vincent work on his sculptures, very rarely interrupting him. Vincent isn't bothered by this presence, and is often comforted if either you, Brahms, or the both of you are in the room with him doing whatever as he sculpts. 
Vincent grows fond of Brahms, feeling protective of him when he becomes distressed and overwhelmed. Growing up with Bo, he has learned how to help diffuse highly volatile situations. Even if he can't speak very well, his gentle reassurances help while he deescalates Brahms’ tantrums. A plus for you, really. 
As the two of them both wear masks to hide their faces, they might reveal themselves sooner rather than later simply because they're in the presence of another person that truly understands what their going through, as well as someone who loves them unconditionally (you, of course). Expect them to take of their masks one night while the three of you are together, the two of them slowly revealing themselves to each other and you. Brahms’ burn scars, and Vincent's scars each on one side of their face, cause them to be moved when they first see each other. They'll have their masks off around you more often after that. 
Now,,, the somft dating headcanons,,, 
Brahms and Vincent are both touch starved individuals so just expect to be giving lots of love to these boys. Just you cuddling with them makes them melt, and if they see you giving attention to one you know the other will grow jealous until you give them some love as well. Brahms is much more clingy than Vincent however, and you'll have to be a bit more firm with him about your space even if he ignores it most of the time. Vincent is a lot more shy so when you give him hugs and kisses he is more likely to freeze up instead of latch onto you like Brahms the Leech Boy would. 
Both spoil you as much as humanly possible, mostly with love and physical affection though they have their own little ways of treating you. Vincent makes you small wax sculptures all the time, enjoying the smile on your face as you look the figure over with adoration. Brahms gets a bit annoyed over this, as he doesn't have much of an artistic hand. But Vincent is happy to give him some wax and either let him mess around with it or teach him some techniques to properly use it. Brahms is so proud once he is able to make you something small, probably a bowl, and he absolutely melts when you squeal in delight at his thoughtful gift. Vincent can't help but feel happy himself too. 
Lots of snuggle piles with the three of you, often with you in the middle. While they don't tend to have a favorite position as long as they get to hold you, they do have a few regular positions. When you read out loud to them, Vincent tends to sit behind you, your back up against his chest, as Brahms is tangled amongst both of your legs as he rests his head on your lap, his arms draped around your middle. Vincent holds the book open for you so both of your hands are free to pet and play with Brahms’ hair, which he thoroughly enjoys. Sometimes Vincent and Brahms will swap places, or one of them will rest their head against your chest as you act as the big spoon. Also expect many blankets and pillows to further complete your nest as well. 
Luckily for Bo, Brahms’ need for structure in the form of the daily chore list will keep you busy cleaning up the living space and making enough food to feed all the men you were caring for now. If Bo has been particularly good, Brahms might tag along with you to the gas station to deliver him lunch after you bring Vincent his. Vincent is usually busy with his art so you give him a kiss on top of his head and leave his food on his work bench, knowing he will get to it once he is hungry. Bo won't dare to lash out too much when he is being fed, especially not when Brahms stands behind you like an imposing bodyguard whenever Bo is nearby. 
Date nights with the two of them are rather unconventional. Most of the time whenever the three of you are together it is considered a date whether or not it is super romantic. Just coexisting in the same space is often enough for the three of you. Vincent is happy enough to show you and Brahms around Ambrose, obviously knowing the best places to relax and get away from the stress the town can bring. He knows exactly where you can see the best sunrises and sunsets too. And Brahms is more than happy to tag along, though if he was in his manor than he would probably have a hard time leaving even with the two of you by his side. 
Expect lots of quiet nights reading, softly talking amongst yourselves, watching old vhs tapes found around town on the small TV, and listening to music. Sometimes Jonesy will keep you all company and get lots of snuggles and belly rubs as well. 
Now onto the headcanons you filthy animals were waiting for. You know. The naughty stuff ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Being the needy man he is, Brahms is probably the first to initiate sexual touching. He is certainly not shy about his desire for you, not even being embarrassed about growing hard around you. Vincent, on the other hand, is too ashamed to initiate contact in the beginning, even if he feels the same way. Most likely he will let Brahms take the lead with you first, enjoying the act of watching you both. You can't get enough of the sight of Vincent sitting in his chair, hand squeezed tightly around his member as he edges himself while watching Brahms grab and explore your body. And with Brahms’ jealous streak he doesn't mind having you first either. 
Slowly, Vincent will find his way into bed with the two of you, probably at your urging. If Brahms is feeling particularly generous, he might be the one to say something. "They’re so soft Vinny, you have to touch them." With some gentle persuasion, Vincent will touch you the way Brahms touches you, making your toes curl and your breath hitch. Brahms watches eagerly, touching you as well and grabbing your hand and holding it over his cock as you pump him until his seed spills over you.
Vincent isn't shy about body worship once he realizes how much you want him. He will kiss and caress every inch of you, pulling out all sorts of noises that you never thought were possible. Brahms looks on in awe, his mouth often following behind Vincent's as he mimics the actions, much to your delight. 
Brahms has a hard time holding himself back around you while Vincent can take an entire night with you, so together they tend to even out. They'll go until you're too exhausted, but usually Brahms will finish first, leaving Vincent all the time in the world with you. That is, until Brahms’ gets hard again and finds his way back into the fray. 
They are both comfortable being switches, not minding if they are on top but if you want to top they will gladly let you spoil them. They both love being ridden, holding you in their arms as you bounce on their cock, until you leave them a shaking mess beneath you. They also enjoy receiving oral from you, and you tend to include both of them in the activity. Sometimes you will jerk the two of them off with your hands, give oral to one and use your hand on the other, or on at least one occasion, have attempted to at the very least lick both of them at the same time. 
As the three of you grow more open and experienced with each other's bodies, you can expect to try taking them both on at least a few occasions. Sometimes one of them will be performing oral or fucking you as you take the other in your mouth. If you happen to be AFAB, expect double penetration to be attempted at least once, though Brahms is a bit too impatient to go through the whole ordeal so it isn't an activity you often engage in. 
Now, Brahms and Vincent both grew up in very strict and sheltered homes, so the thought of being naked in the same room as another man, or sharing the same person with another man in the same bed might cause them trepidation in the beginning of your sexual relationship. Eventually, however, they grow to love each other as much as they love you, though they might show it to each other in a different way. While they might not initiate sex with each other if you aren't around, they will slowly begin to experiment with you in the bedroom. Touching you turns into touching each other as well, and they find that while each other's touch is much different than yours, they enjoy this new feeling. 
In fact, they might have been known to, on occasion, jerk each other off if their needs grow too intense and you aren’t around to provide for them. When you caught them, they were facing each other, pumping each other’s member as Brahms buried his face into Vincent's shoulder. Initially they were wildly embarrassed and thought you would be mad, but you assured them you weren't, your words of encouragement helping them finish. 
Time for kinks!
They both share voyeurism kink, and while Brahms can be a bit annoyed and bratty if he has to sit on the sidelines, both are content to watch the other have their way with you, getting off on just watching. Hell, both of them spy on you on the regular, watching you get dressed or shower before you either notice them in the doorway or they allow themselves in. 
If Vincent is able to get a hold of a camera you know he will be taking pictures of you constantly, with or without you knowing. While it partially adds to his voyeur kink, he enjoys being able to take artistic nudes of you, as well as less artistic ones where you are simply being wrecked by one or the both of them. 
Wax play is a big kink of Vincent's as he enjoys watching your expression as he tips the candle over your skin and watches how the hot wax makes you jolt for a moment before it begins to solidify on your skin. Brahms, however, is not a fan, simply because he finds it tedious as well as being unable to enjoy it himself. Putting hot wax on a hairy man is not a fun time. 
They both enjoy bondage, though Brahms doesn't really know how to properly execute it until meeting Vincent. All three of you have been tied up at one point or another, allowing the other two access to their body. Vincent enjoys the more eloquent knots and ties, creating intricate designs on both you and Brahms. Brahms is a good candidate for being tied up as he gets worked up so easily and this is one of the few ways to help him take his time. The ties that you and Brahms execute on Vincent aren't as beautiful but they do the trick, and he often has a hard time edging himself with the two of you giving him attention. 
Any kinks that you have are eagerly accepted by Vincent and Brahms, as they are always happy to bend over backwards to satiate your needs. Even if it is a little embarrassing, they're willing to try anything at least once with you. 
Ultimately, the open communication and understanding between the three of you help immensely when it comes to taking care of each other's needs. You would all drop everything to satisfy your partners, and they would do the same for you.
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highdwightofmylife · 3 years
If your requests are open, could I request something with Jeff and his s/o basically adopting the legion as their kids please 🥺 thank you so much
God so WHOLESOME THANK YOU... also I'm writing this while waiting for a match why do I load in immediately as surv but the moment i wanna play killer it takes 300 years... just let me be Evan bhvr
Jeff, His S/O and Their Four Teenage Ruffians
Jeff had told you that he'd met with the Legion prior to all... this. The fog, yknow? He told you about how he'd painted a big mural for them; how they gave him drinks, how... How he felt like he couldn't leave them alone up in that abandoned lodge after he'd finished their commission because it didn't feel right. So he told you he often checked up on them, and they always seemed so happy to see him. He told you it was like he'd suddenly adopted four kids that he'd occasionally bring snacks and cds for and make sure they were looking after themselves.
So now in the fog. His kids are a lot more vicious than he thought they were! But... That didn't mean he wasn't their dad anymore!
You met Jeff here, you started dating him here, and, well, with Jeff comes his misfit kids.
It takes them some time to view you as anything other than just another survivor, really. They have respect for Jeff but still kill him (although they have, occasionally, turned a blind eye to him in trials). So you? You worm you way into Susie's heart first. She doesn't trust you by any means, but her curiosity about what papa Jeff see's in you is too much to ignore. She begins to like you because you don't talk down to her. You don't treat her as the child of her group, as some people have done. She likes that you talk to her as an equal.
Doesn't mean she won't kill you though. But, at least she feels bad about it.
Joey's next. He trusts and respects Jeff, but he also sees how you are with Susie, and that's a bonus for him. He's more laid-back than the others, and he would have no qualms about approaching you when you're alone, sitting down beside you and gently asking some things. About what you did before all this, about how you and Jeff got together... He's really chill to talk to, and once you start conversing with him, he gets more at ease. Consider the first spontaneous meeting alone to be a test where he sizes you up and decides whether you can get closer to he and his family.
Susie talks about you all the time. She really warmed up to you and fast. Honestly Julie has gotten sick of hearing how nice you are and veing asked when you can come over.
Surprisingly? Frank's the one that follows suit with liking you. He starts teasing you every time he sees you, "ewwww, they liked Jeff,, ew... Old people love". Doesn't matter how old you are. You could be 18 and this man still calls you old just for being with Jeff. "ew are you two gonna fuck?? Gross"
But all that teasing is literally just because he's not very good at dealing with things, and he doesn't want to admit he likes you without making a fool of himself.
But you know he does like you because one time in the dead of night he came to you to ask you to bandage something for him and he was all like "BUT THIS IS ONLY BC UR THE LAST OPTION, I ASKED EVERYONE ELSE" but when you patch him up and send him on his way he says "thanks mom/dad" and then you see him go rigid and he's like "I-I-I MEAN... UH... FUCK YOU" and then runs away
Julie is the hardest kid to warm up to you. She always puts on a sour face when she sees you, and she actively distances herself. It's like. She doesn't need a parent. Doesn't want one. Says Jeff is more so "just some guy who painted our wall once" but everyone knows that's a lie. And when the other three start flocking to you, she feels very left out. She feels angry that you're taking her family from her. Stereotypical biological kid getting mad at a step parent for existing.
Julie accidentally let's her emotions flow in front of just you and Jeff. He says something trivial and she just blows up. "YEAH?? WELL ITS NOT LIKE I WANTED YOU TO BE MY DAD. BUT NOW YOU'RE IGNORING ME AND EVERYONE ELSE LOVES /THEM/ BUT I JUST KNOW THEY HATE ME"
And Jeff looks at you and looks at her and. "When did you assume they hated you?" And you can hear sniffles from behind her mask as she sadly/angrily kicks at the floor and, "Well it's obvious isn't it?? Why would they not"
Jeff looks you dead in the eye. "Sweetheart, do you hate Julie?"
"Absolutely not. Never have, never will."
And Julie looks up like ?????
And then Jeff laughs and it's very hearty and just... Good man...
Julie is now your aloof daughter than every now and then will give you a quick hug from behind, where you can feel her sigh and get all her emotions out, and then glare at you and power walk away.
You love your kids.
All six of you watching old VCRs on a beaten up TV in the lodge. Jeff and you snuggled up in the middle of the couch. Susie with her head on your lap. Joey sprawled out on the other side of Jeff with his legs dangling over the arm rest. Frank on the floor, hogging some really shitty popcorn. Julie sat on the back of the couch, closer to you than she ever thought she'd let herself. One happy, albeit dysfunctional family.
Joey seems to be taking after Jeff. Sometimes you and Jeff would just sit and draw or paint (or if you don't, you just vibe with him as he does). It was nice. And now sometimes, Joey gently asks if there's a space for him. It's so soft to see Jeff enthusing about his work while Joey eagerly listens. You like to watch them both lying on their stomachs on the floor, sketching. Jeff is teaching him all his tricks and Joey just eats it all up. Father son activity that you get to witness. And sometimes Joey will lift up his art and show you! If he has taken off his mask you'll see the absolute joy in his eyes.
Susie makes u a keyring I don't make the rules. Its made out of scrap and she had to get evan to help and when she presents it to you she is just SO HAPPY. The model daughter except she kills people on a daily basis
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jaskiersvalley · 3 years
Ur wolficorn fic sent me into a catatonic laughing fit I straight up couldn't breath for almost 2 min thank u
I'm so pleased the Wolficorn fic had you laughing so much. It was definitely one written in a spur of the moment idiocy XD While I don't have anything quite so silly to offer today, how about some idiot shenanigans of less outlandishness?
Sharing Is Caring
There was something unique to Wolf Witchers that nobody outside of their school knew about. their mages had been experimenting with not just the body but the mind too. Knowledge was essential to being a successful Witcher and little did anyone know but the mages were highly competitive, wanting their school to be the best. The Wolf mages had secretly perfected a formula. They called it Moss because it spreads and links minds so they can share knowledge without issues.
It's all well and good, Lambert, Geralt, Eskel, and Vesemir get together each winter and spend nights linked, sharing stories from the path, helping figure out whether harpies have a blind spot they could exploit to make contracts a little easier. However, the year Jaskier, Cahir and Aiden were with them, and Aiden can smell the unusual potion on Lambert, the ruse was up. They all wanted in on what sounded like quite a lot of fun.
"It requires a lot of control, adepts learn it together while they're still young," Vesemir grumbled, reluctant to share.
"Well, I'm a Witcher, I have control," Aiden shot back, pulling himself up to his full height and puffing his chest out.
Not to be out done, Jaskier was next to him, looking equally entitled. "I am nothing if not a quick study."
Somewhat slower and a bit more shy but no less determined, Cahir cleared his throat from behind them. "I won't be left out either."
Which was how, outnumbered and threatened with being pestered, sung into madness and soulfully stared at, Vesemir relented. They set the great hall up, pillows for comfort, more than usual because Jaskier demanded it and the vial of Moss was brought out.
"As the strongest in Chaos, Eskel goes first, he'll ground us," Geralt explained. One by one they took a sip and passed the vial on, then got comfortable, lying down and reaching for the person either side so they formed a circle of sorts. Like a gentle wave, something tugged at them, dragging them from the present into something warm and comforting.
The memory surfaced gently, there were pangs of fatigue and aching muscles but muted. The focus was very much on the nest of harpies that had been disturbed. Through Eskel's eyes they could see how he worked, corralling the creatures and approaching from the side. An inner monologue started up.
"I'd noticed that the harpies tended to approach at a 20 degree path from the rockface over the years. And if they swarm, they stay at a 25 degree angle to each other. So I set about testing a theory."
In the memory the harpies shifted as Eskel jumped but did nothing else. When they zeroed in on him again, Eskel moved too.
"I suspected that the harpies have a blind spot in the 20-25 degree range. It is something that is worth exploiting. In a group they will try to guard each other's blind spots but can be used against them, especially with projectiles."
There was a soft clamour in the memory of multiple not quite voices brushing together, a feeling of intrigue and gratitude. Eskel's memory was followed by Geralt's a review of some of the flowers and the regional mutations he had found in them. Lambert brought forth his contract on a werewolf whose stomach had been filled with stolen silver jewellery, probably in the mistaken hope of it preventing the transformation. Though he quickly stopped sharing about what he then did with the found silver, Aiden's memories picked up. There was glee and excitement in there. They had sold some of the silver to get a nice room for the night as well as a bath to share.
The problem was, there was no way to look away from a memory and Aiden seemed to have no shame in sharing the knowledge he'd learned on the Path that year. Namely, he'd discovered a new way to flick his tongue during a blowjob that had Lambert keening, head thrown back and tendons in his neck standing out.
Somewhere in the muted mixture of outrage, humiliation and pride there was one clearer voice.
"Thanks for the tip, I'm so trying that." Which was how focus moved from Aiden to Jaskier. The first thing that hit them all was exhaustion. Aching legs, a creaky knee a back that screamed to be allowed to lie on a flat surface. Instead, Geralt stepped through the doors of the tavern, looking equally drawn and in the memory they could all feel the wide smile Jaskier sent him before looking to the tavern owner. The set Jaskier played was no different to his usual by the looks of it, however this time there was an increasing wave of concern from Geralt as Jaskier struggled at hiding his fatigue and sadness. It wasn't that he didn't like performing but his heart ached that he had to push himself at every opportunity because people didn't take kindly to Geralt. The memory ended when Jaskier trudge upstairs, forcing his chatter and smile until his head hit the pillow and he was out like a light.
There was silence in their joined consciousness, an uneasy shifting from Jaskier at his secret having been spilled until Geralt mentally enveloped him, gratitude and sadness.
"There's a lot that's done out of love," Cahir mused. There had been absolute blankness from him for the whole joining which had been unnerving. It made Lambert and Aiden turn their attention to the void that shrouded him and began poking, pulling and trying to tease something out of him. It was Eskel's warm push that jolted them all into a memory.
"I remember this," Eskel thought. "You said nothing had happened."
That might have been a small lie. Eskel had been out to track down fiend that had been terrorising a king's hunting grounds. He'd said it would take at least three days to track it and kill it before dragging a head back as proof of completion of the contract. While he was gone, Cahir had been permitted to stay at the castle as a guest. With his knowledge of Nilfgaard, he was a valuable asset and many often tried to draw information from him in a variety of ways.
The fiend was taking longer to sort than anticipated, not that Cahir was worried. It was only the fourth day and he'd ride out the next day if there was no sign of Eskel, that was fine. However, he had been invited for an audience with the king in the throne room. What was nice was that the king stood rather than lounge in his throne though that was probably more to do with his sciatica than the desire to treat Cahir as an equal. It did mean though that when a messenger came in, Cahir heard it all.
"My King, there's news that the fiend has struck again. Rumour is that the Witcher has failed, might be injured in the forest."
"How unfortunate," the king had drawled.
"Do we send a rescue party?"
"Why bother? He's just a Witcher?"
The flare of fury and protectiveness was overwhelming and the memory was choked by it, only brought back into focus by the sound of a slap as Cahir delivered a swift, hard backhand, making the king's head snap to the side.
Immediately there was the sound of swords being drawn and guards advanced on Cahir who gave a nonchalant shrug.
"What? He's just a king."
Spluttering, the king waved his guards off and glared at Cahir. "People love me. I matter to them. A Witcher doesn't."
"I don't love you. But I love my Witcher, he matters to me." Cahir glanced at his nails, the perfect image of disinterest even as his stomach was in tight knots. "You're say here, getting fatter each day. Eskel's out there actually protecting your people. So tell me, who matters more? A king who is easily replaced and they're dime a dozen on this Continent? Or a Witcher when no more of them are being made and the only ones who can conquer a fiend when it hunts in the same area you wish to pursue for sport?"
The memory closed off at that, Cahir finally getting control back over himself. He shrank back into his void, a soft murmur of embarrassment echoed in the connection. "You weren't meant to find that out."
Breaking the circle, Eskel pulled himself from the effects of Moss and the others broke out of it too, just in time to see Eskel roll on top of Cahir and kiss him.
"You could have died you idiot."
"So could you." Cahir refused to feel remorse or regret for his actions. "From what I recall, the king paid you handsomely for your efforts when you came back the next day."
The moment was broken by Jaskier clearing his throat, hand in Geralt's and tugging. "If you'll excuse us, we have a new tongue trick to try."
Without a word, Vesemir walked into the kitchen, down into the cellar and got started early on the moonshine.
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sad-boy-hank · 3 years
Hello i saw ur little alphabet thing was open and i was wondering if u could do it with Tricky...if u dont mind
Why have they chosen you as their object of obsession? Is there any special reason?
Do xey really need a reason? You're cute and you sound nice. That's all it takes, really.
Do they keep you hidden away in a special place? Where?
Absolutely not! He'd never dream of hiding your pretty pretty face away from the world! You've got to go with xem- xey need to show you off!
How do they monitor you prior to abduction? Do they take pride in their ‘’collection’’ of memorabilia?
He's surprisingly, and almost scarily, good at staying hidden- when it needs to be. It doesn't get too worked up about getting caught, after all, he's Tricky! No way he'd be obsessed with little ol' you!
What do they wish to do to you? How twisted are their ideals?
Tricky hasn't really thought that far, honestly. The future is hard to perceive. It just wants you- isn't that enough?
Would they allow you to wander about? How far away can you go before they snatch you back?
Xey give you a surprising amount of freedom- despite the fact that xey're constantly glued to your side. You're allowed to go wherever you like- as long as he gets to be with you.
What limitations do they ignore for the sake of their own wants? How poorly do they regard your boundaries?
He tries to ignore your crying when he gives you hugs and cuddles- if it gets too much for him he'll simply push your face into his chest.
How do they abduct you? Sedation, coercion, or force?
Tricky just snatched you up on impulse- no thoughts, no planning, just you in clown's paws.
How close would they let you get to freedom? Do they like a game of cat-and-mouse, or does the prospect of you leaving terrify them?
Clown keeps close tabs on you, so there's no way you'll ever leave. It would really panic if it ever lost track of you.
How long are they willing to argue? Are they willing to at all?
No, no. No no no. He HATES arguing with you. It gives xem this icky pit in its stomach and clown has to push your face into his body as fast as he can to shut you up.
Do they find your fear responses cute? Do they laugh at you when you cry or flinch?
No! Absolutely not! You're the cutest little thing when you smile and giggle, not when you cry and scream!
Do they fake their affection around you? If so, why?
Clown loves you, and he loves you genuinely. No part of him is ever a front.
How often do they remind you of why you’re with them?
Very rarely, actually. You already know how lucky you are to be at clown's side, don't you?
How do they identify you in a crowd? What tells others that you belong to them?
Let's just say you taste very nice.
Do they allow themselves to seem desperate around you? What performance do they put on?
Whatever it takes to get you in his paws. Tricky will whine, cry, guilt-trip, and kill just to give you a squish.
Are you their everything or do they have other darlings?
You're all he'll ever need, and he lets you know it. You're special, you're just so cute and kind, and the way your soft skin feels in his mouth is amazing.
Do they like being the one in control, or are they more submissive?
He'd like to think that you're on equal footing, but most of the time it's bossing you around.
How do they treat you?
You are the sweetest, most adorable little creature, and if he ever struck you he'd never forgive himself. You're practically worshipped by this fucked-up zombie clown.
How much do they spoil you? Must they be convinced/prompted, or do they shower you with gifts constantly?
Clown loves to give! Have a best friend? Here's their blood painted into a smiley face on your favorite shirt! Like plants? Here, have some sunflower seeds- he'll help you plant em! Anything, anything for his beloved.
What is their reaction when you put up a fight or squirm away?
There's the icky pit feeling again. Clown fuckin' hates it.
Are they willing to share you?
Well, while everyone should have the privilege of seeing your chubby lil' face, there's no way clown would share you with a partner of yours.
How are they around or when thinking of you?
Tricky actually becomes more docile and calm. He stops shaking, stops shouting. Brain turned to mush. All he knows is lick and squish and hold.
Do they ever yell or lecture you? What are they like when they get soft?
Oh, he'd never yell or force you to listen to xem! That'd just be so mean! Xey love to whisper to you, reminding you just how special you are.
Are you ever made to indulge them? For what things? What’s the worst thing they’ve pushed you to do?
The worst he'll force you into is constant cuddle sessions. You're just so covered in bites and spit, and you hate it.
How soft and mushy are they willing to get around you?
Tricky becomes almost sickly sweet, murmuring praises and giving gentle licks and nibbles.
How long have they spent mulling over you?
He's not the most patient. Clown needs you by its side! NOW!
How do they feel around you? What do they make you do to get them to feel that way?
Clown is. . . completely blissed. Because hey, that's you! That's his cute little partner over there! Smiling. . . and laughing. Without him. He'll push those silly thoughts to the side, though. His partner's having the time of their life, and surely clown can make them feel even better!
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a-valorant-effort · 3 years
I NEED some angsty omen content like immediately. Love ur work!
You, my friend, are a godsent because i felt like being sad today
You Are My Sunshine
Omen x Reader Angst
You are my sunshine
Broken. That was the easiest way Omen could describe himself to others. Once a man with purpose and life, reduced to smoke. The more days that passed, the less human he was, the less he remembered about his flesh and bones, what it felt like to be a man.
Humanity was out of reach for him, and there was nothing. Until her.
Omen was not around her by choice. Circumstance brings people together. Omen treated these circumstances as they were, a job. Duties to fulfill and then forgotten once completed. However, her intentions were beyond simple duties.
So naive, so human. That was the way Omen would describe her, initially. Did she not know who he was? What he was? Relentless were her efforts to know him. How could she know him if he didn't even know him?
But Omen would soon learn that he didn't have to be human to admire one.
My only sunshine
He looked forward to seeing her, often opting to seek her attention even when it was not needed. Omen cursed at how dependent he had become, but had reached a point of no return. She was comforting, and for the first time ever since the accident, Omen became emotional. He felt what she felt, only happy when she was happy. A burning sensation in his chest every time she was close, the luminescent pulsing of his body when honey spilled from her golden voice.
You make me happy, when skies are grey.
She made Omen feel like a man. He was protective, even jealous at times, all adorable traits in her eyes. Anything Omen loathed about himself, she would tell him all the same.
"It's only human that you have undesirable traits. I know you are human because you are flawed."
"I am only flawed." Omen would say, refusing to meet your eyes, because if he did he'd surrender himself in a second.
"Flaws cannot exist with something better to compare them to, which must imply the existence of greater traits within you."
"I compare myself to others, others like you."
"But you are not me. I am not you. You are not good with your words like I am, and I am not good with my strength as you are. Everyone is different Omen. Who is to say my needs would be equal to yours?"
Omen was silent. She turned his face, the tears in his "skin" observed her closely.
"What can I do to prove that you are worthy of love?" She caressed his face to the best of her ability.
He caved, taking her hands and placing them in his own.
"Let me love you."
You'll never know dear, how much I love you.
Life is her. Omen never sought out his happiness, thinking it just didn't exist, so what was the point of looking for it? Omen had very little desire, choosing to live out the rest of whatever life he had been assigned to. He still did, Valorant was not letting him go that easily, but there were now times where Omen was happy. Omen still desired nothing, because tranquility came in the form of her voice. Peace of mind was her hands in his. Perfection was the way her lips gently pressed to his face.
For the first time in a while, Omen felt like himself.
Please don't take my sunshine away.
It wasn't supposed to be her. It wasn't her fault. Oh god, no no no no no no.
A stomach shot, not meant for her, meant for him, or Brimstone, or Sova, or Reyna. Anyone, god, anyone but her.
She was crying, losing blood at an alarming rate. Omen felt his world turn grey. He hated Sage's healing, true, but he would do anything to make sure you would live.
But the radiant healer was nowhere to be found, and their mission was not over.
"My Omen, look at me please." She requested quietly through her tears.
He couldn't do it. He couldn't lose her. He held her close as if he didn't she'd slip right through his fingers. It truly felt like that was the case.
She saved his life, why couldn't he save hers?
"I love you. Nothing will change that. I will wait for you. Never forget who you are." She coughed up the crimson pigment, and Omen felt like a child, clutching onto something so trivial. Yet it wasn't trivial, it was life.
"I promise." He choked out. "I love you. You deserved more than this life could ever give you. I won't know what to do without you. Please, I need-,"
Her hands fell slack in his, her body felt heavy and weak. He called to her, clutching onto cold hands. It wasn't fair. None of this was fair. Omen could never be happy. He cried, no one dared to stop him. And it was in this moment that Omen felt the most human because it is only human to grieve.
Please don't take my sunshine away.
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