#if u see this on ur TL no u didn't <3
bread--quest · 10 months
It's 2012 somewhere. Welcome.... to Night Vale Tumblr.
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👁️ nvcr-official
Hi guys! I'm Intern Sarah! Excited to be joining you all!
👁️ nvcr-official
To the friends and family of Intern Sarah, she was a good intern and social media manager, and we are sorry to see her go. We will work to find a new intern as soon as possible.
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🦉 dark-owl-records
hes gotten away with shit for too long and im sick of it. tl;dr horrific intern mistreatment with no compensation, mountain denier, homophobic
keep reading
❌ number-one-moonhater Follow
Hey uh. Aren't you a company account? Why are you posting this
🦉 dark-owl-records
L + ratio + god forbid women do anything + your music taste is trash
🙈 seesomethingsaynothing Follow
Isn't Cecil literally gay?
🦉 dark-owl-records
he's homophobic
🪼 jeebyfish Follow
he has a husband...
🦉 dark-owl-records
yeah and he won't fucking shut up about it
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🤫 cecils-private-blog
Carlos hasn't liked any of my woodcarving posts in THREE DAYS!! I'm so scared what if he's going to break up with me :((
👁️ nvcr-official
Cecil he's your husband he's not breaking up with you. also this isn't a private blog you just put private in the url
🤫 cecils-private-blog
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🏜️ sandeater Follow
tamika flynn spotted in ralph's dairy aisle "slaying" the milk
🦂 scorpiansscuttle Follow
op i know this is a joke but one time i was in the ralphs dairy aisle and there was some butter up on a really high shelf and someone said "don't worry, i'll get it" and i turned around and it was fucking tamika flynn
☁️ average-weather-enjoyer Follow
fake story :/
📚 isurvivedthesummerreadingprogram
No it's true I was there
🚂 traintonowhere Follow
🏜️ sandeater Follow
what the fuck is happening on my post
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👁️ nvcr-official
can you guys please stop sending cecil weird shit... i don't want to have to explain to my boss what a dilf is
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🐚 mariella-shella
Hey guys!! Sorry for the lack of posts recently! I entered a hole in the wall and when I got out I realized I didn't know how long I'd been in there, or where I was, or who I am, and I'm not sure that I'm still the person who entered that hole however long ago. Anyway, the normal posting schedule will resume as soon as I remember what my normal posting schedule was, and if I'm still the person who had that posting schedule!
🌪️ sandstorm-gf Follow
omg mariella!!! missed u so much girl glad ur back!
🐚 mariella-shella
i miss me too
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😎 Anonymous asked: Response to the homophobic allegations?
🎙️ cecilpalmer
🎙️ cecilpalmer
@nvcr-official What does this mean? Is it new slang?
👁️ nvcr-official
uhhhh dont worry about it buddy
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🧤 missy-mittens Follow
hey guys im in quarantine for eating wheat and wheat byproducts uh...send asks?? i might be in here for a while lmaooo
🧤 missy-mittens Follow
oh lights in the sky its been 5 years since i made this post
☁️ glowcloudapologist Follow
how's it going op
🧤 missy-mittens Follow
i miss my family
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🐚 mariella-shella Follow
hey if anyone remembers anything about the person running this blog can you tell me? trying to recover the fragments of my identity from the void of memory lol
🥔 potato-enthusiast Follow
you were really hot
🐚 mariella-shella Follow
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🦉 a-weird-bird Follow
just a reminder that new residents of east night vale are fully welcome to interact with this blog!!!! you will not be harassed and any hate will be blocked. this blog is safe even if this town isn't sometimes <3
🌻 sunflowergirl Follow
This is so sweet, thank you so much! Just so you know, even though it's officially called East Night Vale now, a lot of people still call it Desert Bluffs! Just thought you might want to know :)
🦉 a-weird-bird Follow
i'm not calling it that sorry
🌻 sunflowergirl Follow
What??? Why??
🦉 a-weird-bird Follow
just kind of sucks. as a name
🌻 sunflowergirl Follow
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⬜️ kentuckymeatshower_deactivated11051983
what does this mean....
🌌 cece-xeze Follow
another great post from huntokar herself
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🚁 helicopters-in-your-area Follow
🌲 little-miss-ectoplasm Follow
you don't like pine cliff? 👻 oo ooo?
👁️ nvcr-official
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😁 the-happy-smiler Follow
Hi everyone!! Since Twitter went down, I figured I'd try my hand at this Tumblr thing! I'm so excited to meet all of you!! Hope you're ready for some pictures of CENTIPEDES!! Feel free to AMA about the Smiling God!
👁️ nvcr-official
🦉 dark-owl-records
🎙️ cecilpalmer
📚 isurvivedthesummerreadingprogram
🙈 seesomethingsaynothing Follow
🚂 traintonowhere Follow
🦉 a-weird-bird Follow
🌌 cece-xeze Follow
🐚 mariella-shella Follow
🚁 helicopters-in-your-area Follow
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project-sekai-facts · 10 months
hi… is it alright if i can ask u ur opinion on whether you think that tsukasa was neglected (albeit unintentionally) or not… u dont need to answer this its fine really😭 i just find reading analysis or other ppls opinions especially abt tsukasas pysche interesting😓i see alot of diff opinions and im no tsukasa expert, tho i really enjoy the facts and analyses u post on here^^
ah, is this because people have been arguing about it on twitter again?
he kinda was it's made pretty clear in Dazzling. BUT it was NOT intentional. Saki was seriously ill and constantly in and out of hospital, so their parents obviously had to dedicate more time to her. he doesn't blame them for that, and he doesn't blame saki. he was well aware of the fact that their parents had to spend more time taking care of her, and wanted the best for her.
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(TL by Tsukasa's #3 Fan on YT)
as I said Dazzling makes it clear though that the way his parents dealt with the situation specifically in regards to him was not the best way that they could have handled it. he's seemingly home alone (no babysitter is shown or mentioned) when he was seven because his parents were often either at work or the hospital. it's also important to note though, that as much as he was lonely he knew saki had it worse, because at least in his case, he could still see his friends at school every day and lived in the same house as his parents. He was lonely because he didn't have his sister, Saki was lonely because she didn't have anyone. And also just because of the person he is, he decided not to dwell on the negative feelings.
However I will add, I do think the lack babysitters and leaving your kid alone at home and responsible for themself at a fairly young age is more common in Japanese culture than in a lot of western countries. So by those standards, I dunno if you really wanna call it neglect or not.
Regardless, Tsukasa and Saki both have trauma over what happened in their childhood and it can and does coexist. What’s with this fandom and making everything one or the other?
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hi kane !! if u were in charge of writing the story for a cars 4 movie, what would u want it to be about ? 🤔 (@dmclr)
Ouughh. Ohhmgugish. I don't know why I'm like all "you're asking ME??🤧"
GENIUNELY NO ONE IS OBLIGATED TO READ THIS. I know the whole "I yap a lot" thing sometimes but this is geniunely like a rediculous length. I mean no one is obligated to read any of my posts but yknow.
I need like two read more bars for this post yall. I don't know why I'm yapping so much. In case it wasn't clear I had a lot to say here and thank you for asking me this(<- more thankfulness filled than I can properly express at the moment, so sorry). I didn't proof-read much of this I'm so sorry if it's like incoherent and has the punctuation of the "I'm eating, Grandma" vs "I'm eating Grandma" grammar tool.
Okay I'm like. Blaming the fact I messed up my sleep schedule and it's 11:27pm and I just woke up like an hour and a half ago and I side-tracked myself like absolutely crazy but keep side-tracking myself into different rants or tangents so it is just a forever increasing ramble, but TL;DR, I actually prefer media that is dead or left alone because I get so anxious when new stuff comes out cause I'm afraid of what they'll do to my faves or if they'll butcher them or add slap-stick love interests, etc., and when Cars on the Road came out(idk how aware people are that it exists), I spent the whole first watch through not really enjoying and savoring it cause I was so anxious over what was gonna happen that I spent the whole time making sure it was 'safe' and I wasn't going to have a pit in my stomach. Which, it turned out lovely and I actually have some things from it that I super love and adore, but I have actually unironically predicted my F/Os so strongly(among other listful factors) that I'd rather them finally put it to rest before it starts getting into beating a dead horse territory, cause I don't know if there's really much of anything left for them to expand on anyway.
My serious answer?: I'm not entirely sure, but I would enjoy seeing them just expand on some more smaller stuff, and I'd like it better if they didn't try to do 'revivals' of characters from past movies(ily Chick but Cars 3 was a bitttt of some injustice to you), I know they're supposed to be more action-y movies but I love slice of life stuff and I'd totally just watch an hour and forty minutes of Lightning just like playing around Radiator Springs or something(every Cars game ever). Though my ultimate ideal scenario is just none at all.
My slightly less serious answer that probabblyyy isn't gonna happen but the odds are never zero(he says humorously)?: They should spend the whole time doing documentary style movie about how it would've gone if I was in the previous movies +sketches/storyboards or reanimated scenes of small moments but I'm thrown in there. ALL IM SAYING IS Cars 2 would've been SO funny if I was in it okay. Would've been exhausted running around the entirety of Europe(+like US and Japan for a moment) nearly the entire time and someone watching would've been sick to their stomach cause the movie WOULD CONCLUDE with it all ending via the power love, and I'm not sorry. Would've had my 'Mary Sue' moment of like nearly every major(and some minor) cast role having SOME sort of feelings for me, most typically romantic. And it being reciprocated. You want an action movie?? There, now tell me THAT ain't action-packed. I refuse to believe the outcome of anything would be predictable. Every last interaction is gonna leave the viewers asking "what the HELL is going on and what will happen next". Pixar(and Disney) I am right here but it's okay if ur busy cause I'm busy too.
The stuff under the cut is basically the same thing I said here(mostly focused on my 'serious' answer bit), but veryy elaborated upon, so it's fairly lengthy. PUTTING MY PHONE DOWN AND HITTING POST NOW BEFORE I SOMEHOW ADD MORE. BUT THANK YOU THNAK YOU FOR ASKING THIS I DIDNT THINK I WOULD WRITE AN ACTUAL ESSAY I AM SO SORRY.
I don't know how much I really mention this, cause I think it a lot but I don't wanna like drive my blog viewers nuts if I say it so much over and over again, but I get like so anxious over whenever knew stuff or content of my F/Os come out believe it or not! There was only like.. one or two medias in the past where I was actually like.. excited whenever the person posted new stuff! Somehow I've had the luck of most things that I F/O from are dead upload-wise. I get so anxious that it'll go down hill(especially if the media has been going on for a while now, which.. Cars starting in 2006 I'd count that) cause I've watched some shows just go downhill or randomly butcher characters or add slap-stick romantic interests that it just makes me far too anxious!! Honestly, I thought Cars WAS finished and through with, but for whatever reason there was the release of Cars on the Road(don't know how many people know of that) and DONT GET ME WRONG I LOVED IT and I still do and think about it fairly often, I actually really really love and adore some of the qualities they expanded on with Mater and Lightning but that's a whole thing for another time probably-, but what I didn't enjoy was being so anxious over it that when it came out I practically spent my whole first watch through making sure that it was 'safe' and something wasn't going to happen that makes me feel like I swallowed a rock and my stomach sinks. Which thankfully didn't happen at all, I loved how it turned out and still rewatch it occasionally, I think they nailed it, but I didn't like the so nervous experience I had in the first place😅
I've heard some people talk about someone who did an interview with someone who supposedly works on the Cars stuff about how they still had stuff in mind they wanted to do with the characters, I'm HOPING I don't somehow jinx myself wildly but honestly I'd muchhh rather prefer it just gets dropped and they let Cars just be what it is for now. Sometimes I question if they just do this stuff because they milk a crazy amount of money out of how well the diecasts sell, which is why they have so many one-off diecasts like the off-roading ones or the glow in the dark ones, or just random sorts of themes. Which, entire tangent for another day, can't BELIEVE they put Jackson anywhere CLOSE do a dirt racing series even if it was just the diecast. But anyway.
TO ACTUALLY ANSWER YOU QUESTION... I'm not super sure!!! I've heard some people talk about seeing more stuff about how Cruz and Lightning race together would be interesting, I think I'd prefer something like that as opposed to a revisit of characters from previous movies or such(ily Chick but they tampered your voice in Cars 3 and I'd argue your personality a bit as well), truthfully I'm not super sure, I've never thought about it so much before!! They should include me in the movie(/hj). Truthfully, normally each movie has been sort of centered around Lightning having some sort of character development arc he has to go through, I'm not sure what else he could be put through! Don't get me wrong, he's absolutely not a perfect character, which is what makes characters so enjoyable in the first place, but he doesn't have as big of a staple thing to go through like he did in the first movie where he was a "I can do it all by myself" i-use-my-ego-to-hide-my-feelings rookie. I don't entirely like how the third movie took it truthfully, with the whole "McQueen is getting older..😢😥..how will he still race?!" Cause like one of the staple differences between F1 and NASCAR is that so many NASCAR racers(especially if they made it good) stay racing until they are like in their 60s+ or their hairs are graying(which, arguably could happen whenever but for the sake of my point, stereotypical age-related graying). And Lightning is like in his mid-30s in the third movie at the LATEST. So I don't know what any of that was about. I know there was the whole new gen of racers thing but he honestly wasn't doing too bad keeping up with them until things got into his head and he freaked himself out(on top of the crash, and the like. Literal depression he falls in to). And then there's the whole thing of he actually had it in him the win the last race in the movie at the Flordia 500 blah blah blah but he wanted to switch out with Cruz so she could have her moment, which, I'm not entirely ecstatic over how they paced Cruz's development, I wish they let it marinate a bit more but I get they had crunch-time in the movie.
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breadboylovin · 7 months
ok i have to make my own longwinded post about this song because it makes me so incredibly sad and i NEED to get my thoughts out somewhere
just. just the intro alone is crazy. the fact that he is either sobbing or on the verge of tears the whole time. the fact that he's so emotional that he can't even finish some of the lines. the fact that right after saying the last "it's time" he is so overwhelmed that you can literally hear him get out of his chair and leave the room
the sob turning into a laugh that starts verse 1 makes me feel like my heart is being torn to shreds. jesus fucking christ. i personally think "being human" in the context of this song means being emotionally vulnerable with a partner/friend/etc, like letting your "ugly" side show a little bit. with that interpretation, this first lyric of verse 1 is one of the saddest things i've ever heard:
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like. man. yeah i've been there. this lyric coupled with the laugh right before REALLY hurts, it feels like he's saying "god, i'm so stupid for getting myself hurt like this, it's actually funny"
that's not the saddest part of the song to me though. i think what's even sadder to me is the bridge:
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this bridge really reminds me of verse 3 of fantasyworld, in that it's a point in the song where the singer (the ghost pov character in imdthy/actual quad in scrapyard) makes the objectively wrong decision (suicide in fantasyworld and not "being human" in this song)... and it's also the part of the song where they sound the happiest. i think what makes both of these songs hurt so much (at least for me) is that they know they're making the wrong choice, but they've been hurt so bad that it feels like they've run out of options, and the idea of not having to try anymore becomes a comfort. fantasyworld's "i won't have to suffer anymore if i'm dead" and utttwuh's "no one can hurt me based on my true self if they never see it". for utttwuh in particular, it's heartbreaking hearing him basically say "it was nice while it lasted :-)" over something that doesn't have to end. i need to go lie face down on the floor
i also think it's interesting where quad put this in the mixtape. despite being his "scrapyard" for songs that didn't fit on anything else, it's obviously deliberately sequenced- if it wasn't, then he would've just put them in the order the packs were released in. him putting a song that is (in my interpretation) about deciding to hide your true self right after a song called "being yourself" is not a fucking accident. when i hear them back-to-back i imagine this song as a response to being yourself's chorus, like "i can't be myself, this is why". but obviously there's a whole litany of reasons as to why he could've put them next to each other. also this is admittedly a stretch but the sort of "ramping up" that you hear in the instrumentals of both songs (starting at 2:27 in being yourself and 3:30 in utttwuh) feel really similar and makes them seem connected to me
tl;dr every time i listen to this song i feel like this
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daz4i · 2 months
thank u for tagging ur bsd spoilers beloved mutual 💖 and sorry abt my bitchy post abt it lol i fr wasn't trying to subtweet u it's a lot of folks on my dash rn not just u. the angst is that i prefer personally to avoid spoilers but tumblr doesn't have a thing like twitter where u can just mute someone from ur tl for a while on the day that stuff leaks/comes out, and ppl will be like "just unfollow them if u don't want to see spoilers" but i don't want to have to unfollow ppl i otherwise rly like just bc of that u kno?? anyway long-winded way of saying thank u i appreciate u love ur work, one of my friends who hasn't read/watched bsd follows u now due solely to the quality of ur posts and reblogs 💖
ahsjdkdllgh omg i didn't even see the post tbh, but i'm glad you told me anyway 🥺👉👈 i try my best to tag new chapter spoilers at least for the first day or two either way!!! 🫡
and thank you so much 😭🖤 mwah mwah mwah 🖤🖤🖤 hope that your friend is having a good time here as well >:3
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hinamie · 2 months
Hi Hina! How are you? I just want to start off by saying I love your art 💞 it reminds me of cookies... or bread (does that make sense??) and i just wanna eat it up (please take it as a compliment 🙈)
I have a question... it might be a bit silly but I hope you don't mind. I've been trying to get back into art myself, used to love it as a kid but somewhere along the way I just stopped... I'm not sure what happened but it's something I still love doing and want to do. One problem I had tho (and still have) is that I don't have my own style? When I was little I would usually browse through art and if I see something I like I tried to recreat it, but in the end it looks exactly like the original art (the amount of times i had to convince ppl that I didn't trace it.... I really didn't)
I think it might be that I don't have an initial start process 🤔 when I start drawing I'd look at my reference and just put those shapes right in as I see it... there is no sketch or lineart just a final product. And now I don't even know where to start? Am i over thinking it and should I just go for it... or do you have any tips for a beginner?
I'm sorry this is kinda long and feels like a ramble. Please feel free to ignore ♥️
no need to apologize!! i’ve talked a lot about my thoughts on the art style fixation that a lot of people get trapped in, but the tl;dr of it is draw first and style will come naturally later so don't paralyze yourself into a slump by believing that you Can't draw without solidifying your art style
also smth i feel like i've mentioned before sdfsgfj but i was very much in the same boat of just copying art i liked 1:1 when I was younger so i definitely empathize with your struggle of not knowing how to start branching out into your own stuff . copying was good practice but i was definitely treating it like a crutch . but u know that’s where doing fanart really helped for me because since the characters Exist already i can treat them like little dolls fr me to dress move around, n it overall feel less like i’m stuck floundering completely trying to conjure up a 100% original piece. 
that being said, if fanart is something you’re into, maybe u can use that as a way 2 push yourself also! u can still look at references (in fact you Should look at references) but rather than copying what you see exactly, maybe u can try drawing character in a different pose, or from a different angle ! it doesn’t have to be anything super complex or elaborate, just get into the habit of not drawing exactly what you see so u slowly build confidence in your ability to compose your own piece. eliminates the “did you trace that” aspect also!
as for u saying u have a lack of start process, i rly do recommend sketching .  not only is it practice and a good warmup, it’s a visual brainstorm !! sketching is how u get ur ideas down on paper its like working with yourself to chip away the scraps n hone in on the idea u want to convey. plus with sketching there’s no pressure to make smth that looks “good”, the whole point is that it’s unpolished ! n i find what happens a lot of the time is i dont realize i even Have an idea until ive been sketching fr a bit and i realize Oh i can make smth out of this :) 
i hope smth here was helpful!! i'm very happy u like my art and i wish u the best of luck creating your own <3
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fairyhaos · 9 months
hiii yena i’m so sorry this is probably a weird ask (apparently i’ve forgotten how to talk to people please forgive me) so pls don’t feel too compelled to respond/if you have anything you wanted to say you can respond privately if that’s easier😭 ik you’ve followed me for a little while and i just wanted to say i would love to follow u back but! the only reason i haven’t is bc i am just very wary of breaching your dni because i’ll be 26 in march which is Not that far away! so if it makes u more comfortable i can stay back bc i think we have mutuals in common so i see your gifs & some of your posts on the tl anyway, its /gen no bother either way i just wanted to say hi thats all!!! & i hope you’re well and you had a lovely christmas & are able to rest over the holidays😭🩵
hii j omg!! noo it's not a weird ask at all pls i've literally had way weirder dw about it😭😭
ok ok but. srtop i'd literally LOVE to be moots?? i didn't even think that you'd notice me but seriously i see ur posts on the tl and youre literally So funny and So talented and like <//3 it's not even fair grr why r u so cool
so yeah! thanks for reaching out first to discuss the stuff i put in my dni btw! but honestly if i felt uncomfortable ab ur age then i probably wouldn't have followed first ^_^ so yes !! um. yes pls i'd love to be mutuals <3
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jayflrt · 5 months
alice oh my i just saw the craziest debate on my tumblr tl like im very strongly pro-palestinian but for wtv reason my blr showed me some post like 4 rbs deep of continued debate between a fucking "proud zionist" and some hindu supremacist abt whose people had it worse ... the hindu supremacist was saying they were an ally bc of the "mughal conquering" of india but the zionist wouldn't accept them or wtv i honestly didn't understand but i was just staring both in anger and bafflement bc im not sure that they can be compared ... the nakba is such a recent thing but the mughals conquered india in the 1500s and how is that any reason to support fuckass modi's entire anti-muslim propaganda ughh i want so badly to be more educated on the history of both what's going on in palestine and also everything else that's happening in the world but it keeps making me so upset to see how blinded people are by their own hate and wtf are politicians corrupt almost everywhere ?? do they genuinely have no compassion ?? im so sorry for dumping in ur inbox :( i feel like the blr community has kind of adopted u as part of our wise counsel of elders lol bc i always feel like everyone including me goes straight to ur inbox to talk ... maybe its the psych degree but ur so comforting to talk to <3
omg WHAT that's so :(( i'm so sorry you had to see that,, what a weird thing to argue over. i don't think people realize that fighting over who had it worse only benefits the oppressors..... we're ignoring the true problem at hand while we go back and forth. that's just a general statement btw i am not supporting either of who you mentioned and they should not be using such awful historic events to defend the atrocious acts israel is committing against palestine 😭 supporting modi of all people too..... FUCK THAT MAN!
i do wish things were different and i wouldn't have to say this but i'm afraid most if not all big politicians with influence have lost sight of what's important and are mostly driven by greed and power. most people see the career path of a politician and have high hopes that they'll create change and make a difference, but when you enter that world you quickly realize the best way to keep your seat in the government is to align your political views with whoever pays you more to push your campaign forward :( sure there are probably exceptions, but it would take a lot more than exceptions to flip the current political climate. that's why it's so so important for us regular citizens to create change ourselves!! all these protests and boycotts may not seem like they're doing much from our perspective, but we're all exercising our free speech in a way our governments can't suppress. educating ourself, spreading awareness, donating, sharing information—they're all ways for us to reclaim the power of the people
i'm answering this somewhat half asleep so i hope this made sense!! omg pls i always think of that tweet that says psych majors are either chill or the worst people you've met 😭 but you're too sweet, i'm so glad you feel comfortable enough to send an ask in my inbox! feel free to drop a message whenever 💘
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katanayume · 5 months
hey guys do u wanna hear me yapping about how i think angel care and last journey by iyowa fits how i feel ab jacket's mourning after he lost beard and gf? no.?????? ok idc ure still hearing me out!!!!
all the translations referenced!!
last journey / ラストジャーニー [tl source]
angel care / エンゼルケア [tl source]
both translations are by Spicy Sweets!! go check out their blog here :]
og songs if u want to listen to them!!!
last journey / ラストジャーニー [this could make u motion sick, be wary of that!!! take care!!!]
angel care / エンゼルケア
so, for context, last journey is about someone losing their partner / close friend / loved one / whatever else, either due to suicide or something else. and angel care is basically the aftermath, hence the lyrics referencing last journey!!
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"I thought I'd stop by to see you. While tripping on the smoke of our burning love" y'know how from chapter 3 (decadence) onward you see girlfriend in your house, just hanging around, right? i like to think this line kinda parallels that, jacket coming back home to see her again, because no matter what he still probably worried about her and wanted to see if she's okay. especially after what the snuff film producer put her through.
"When the dead body started talking, it devoured what little daily life I had" the missions he was sent on by 50B. what else do i say!!!
"I made it here because I had halfway expectations" also somewhat relating to both 50B and girlfriend, expecting either a house full of russians to beat down on or his beloved girl waiting for him.
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"Your phone died, and you didn't have friends you could go to, so I was worried." beard talking about how there's something going on outside the shop he works at in san francisco, then walking out after hanging up and getting fucking CLAPPED by the nuke.
"I'll get a bit of rest in this freezing, rust-colored world." how jacket felt after losing the one friend he trusted the most, probably being sleepless for like days on end because of how much it fucked him up - or oversleeping, i mean... that's just depression and grieving for u
"Our little home was blown away, but I made it here because I wanted an unraveled love" again, san francisco getting blasted and jacket wishing he could've saved beard somehow, even if that's not possible.
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"I clung onto a dream that wouldn't ever comfort me on our last journey" that part in hlm1 where suddenly jacket sees the world for how it is, the shopkeeper no longer being beard but some bald guy. hence the "dream that wouldn't ever comfort me" part, but that's just me probably looking a little too much into it ^_^"
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what do i say!!!!! that part in the game where gf gets shot and wasn't able to be saved :[
now here's angel care!!!!!!
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"I made it here because I have only one regret" him regretting that he didn't save beard or gf in time. i mean, he couldn't do jack shit but he surely wishes he could.
"My favorite books are all boring now. Those changes rose to the surface along with my beloved" the monotony of life in jail after he shot the grandfather point blank, and then maybe the memory of beard and gf's moments with him surfacing. god. ok this is making me sad why did i do this to myself
"No matter how many times I'm reborn, I can never atone." more of a meta thing, though also you brought it upon yourself by killing mobsters and basically leading to the world pretty much blowing up.
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"I'm sorry for not saving you, I'm sorry for looking away" i explained this like 95954954 times u get it by now
"I savored the loneliness that lingered among my dulled senses. Ahh, if I pretend that I'm burdened by fate, then it'll be fine if I say it'd all for your sake, right?" wanting everything to turn out okay, maybe downplaying how he feels as he thinks it's stupid. i'm looking into it too much god help. idek how to word it at this point
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again, the san francisco incident and that part in / before trauma
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the "I'm sorry" lines are self explainatory, the "as we're reduced to ashes" is the nuke!!!
"Ahh, the world's ending, I loved you" the end of wrong number, it all makes sense.
"Your long journey is over now." both to the player and everyone else, you've done all you did and caused it.
ty for reading my unhinged rant and stream of conscience!!!
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canongf · 7 months
life has been pretty tough recently (bad brain times as usual) but i just wanted to thank u for being around <3 i check ur blog from time to time when i see u on the tl or as a thought, and it always brings a smile to my face even if i hadn’t before that day :,)
you’re such a comforting presence and genuinely love u and eddie as always <3 ily as always and i hope ur drinking water and having a good day/night ! <3
anon!!! i love you!!!
this made me emotional!!! i'm sorry your mind hasn't been very kind to you lately!!! my mind hasn't been very kind to me either!!! so i'm with you. and i understand how important it is to have those little things to make you smile to keep you going. i can't tell you how much it means to me that i get to be a little thing for you!!!
i'm grateful to be here!!! i'm grateful to have you here!!! i think it is so special that we can both find comfort on this blog!!! i know i've said it before but. when i first made my first self ship blog, i didn't think anyone was gonna see it. i was gonna treat it like a little diary and i was gonna delete it after a few weeks. i never imagined it would change my life they way it did, by bringing people like you into it!!!
thank you, thank you, thank you!!! i hope things look up for you soon!!! i hope you find some peace and some happiness, i hope you're found by opportunities and experiences you've been hoping for, and until that happens (and after it happens), me & eddie are here, we're with you, we love you!!!
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encodedkismet · 7 months
idk if ur comfy with this kind of ask so ignore it if u want, but r u proship or proship neutral? i dont care im just not comfy following some1 who is. if u r ill just block and move on :3
i'm kind of starting to really hate the discourse so i moreso identify as pro-"live and let live". i'm not gonna get all up in someone's business if they're squicked out or triggered by fictional content, or if they wish some fiction didn't exist, as long as they don't get up in mine or anyone else's business. no exceptions. i'm anti-harassment. pro-Ao3. pro-"treat others how you wish to be treated". pro-"focus on real life".
i've known too many proship people to kick me down just because i don't give a damn what someone thinks of fic as long as they don't harass people, for me to want to align with "proship" anymore. i'm not an anti either, i think that Ao3 having its tagging system is sufficient and people should just filter out what they don't like instead of going on moral crusades that ultimately mean nothing and just hurt people who were just minding their business in their own little corner of the net. most people are just... normal ass people with preferences, and their side in discourse doesn't make them a good or bad person, their actions do.
i cannot emphasize enough that i do not care what strangers on the internet think of my preferences in fiction. they should not care what i think of theirs either. simple as that. that's the healthy way to do it i think
i remember when the proship stance was literally just "it's not my business what other people do in their free time". now a lot of the proship mindset seems to be "if people don't totally agree with me then they're probably going to hurt me oh no oh god i have to bite back first to stay safe and comfortable" which is basically what the anti mindset is, minus the moral stances. there's a lot of demonization in proship spaces of normal ass calm ass kind people who just align with "anti" because they hate underage or incest ships, but don't harass anyone. i don't see "i don't like underage fic or incest fic" to be an extreme stance man. it's a massively common trigger/squick.
tl;dr the discourse is stupid as hell, i'm not "proship" or "antiship" anymore, i am "adult with a job"
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tyrqnt · 1 year
1. Words have meanings. Your subjective feelings are irrelevant to the actual issue of you using words wrong. The term "one-liner" has a terribly, terribly obvious meaning.
2. U prob couldn't handle my long form starters. I didn't wanna say this out loud but sry it's true like if u didn't get #1 from all my previous posts it's just. where is ur reading comp at? Did u drop it somewhere? Do u want us to go to McDonalds together n pick some up for u? Like idgaf if u hate me or if u hate my dumb little prompts bro that ain't the point I just want you to stop being objectively wrong 😭 💀💀💀 💀 💀 I'll say it straight cuz I'm tired af of tryin to word my incredulity in a relatively polite way
3. Still so funny 2 me that ur mad over seeing a prompt I ran for one (1) whole day
4. @ complaints abt writing paras. Sry mb for writing proper in a writing rp site tag. Pretend those paras r my exposition abt McDs ok? <3 u imagined a lotta words into my mouth so u can imagine this one too x
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idolicons · 1 year
hi! im a new icon blog and i love ur blog, i wanted to know if you have any tips on how to use tumblr and such?
ahh i'm so flattered by this i literally teared up reading it,, thank you so much nonnie。゚・ (>﹏<) ・゚。
i'll post my response to your question under a read more since i get pretty rambley lol :) tl;dr though, i like to use the queue feature a lot so i'm only posting once or twice a day, and i think things like "promo posts" and introduction posts are really helpful!!
unfortunately i'm not very sure what about how i use tumblr is specific to me, i'm winging it too haha! for me personally, having the queue to schedule posts at a certain time instead of posting the second i make them helps me a lot with not getting burned out, and feeling like my blog has more structure!
i have made the mistake of posting 8-10 times a day on old blogs and it made it feel much more like a chore than something i enjoy doing, (´-ω-`) it's a personal preference, but i would recommend using the queue to post 1-2 times a day and taking it slow. especially since every fandom has a limited amount of media, there's only so many things you can make you know? although getting excited is still okay, my queue has over 100 posts in it right now www
something i see a lot of other people doing is having a pinned post as to general information about yourself, like how to refer to you, what sources you like to do, etc.! some people also like to tag and ask other "bigger" blogs to share that post and get the word out so you can start posting more, so it doubles as a promo post! i think that can be really helpful and i've done it myself in the past :)
if you're looking from some inspo as to what these posts look like i think @/sugarypalettes' is very appealing visually, as well as being effective and concise<3
overall though it's important to keep in mind that it is your blog at the end of the day. i've let bad looking posts loom over me, or i've felt bad when i don't get to requests on old blogs for personal reasons. prioritizing yourself and having fun with the blog is the very most important thing imo!! having a steady queue lined up for a rainy day also helps me not worry about that so much :)
i think it's important to remember that your blog is what you want it to be and you should work on it as much as you want to, not out of some obligation or feel like it's a chore.
also don't be afraid or ashamed to put a lot of tags on your stuff !!! it may be specific to me but i feel so silly putting a lot of tags sometimes, but don't be ashamed of it !! if you want people to see your post then put a bunch of tags on it!!! you are so valid!!
and personally, if you're on pc, i love looking through cute themes for my blog and playing around with them in the settings ♡(>ᴗ•) but again that's just if you want to, there's nothing wrong with having default! i think it's still really charming and a lot of people use it, and it's all mobile users will see regardless
i'm not sure i can think of much more advice to give haha. maybe you'll do something that's out there that i didn't even realize you could do. but if you do decide to make the promo post please tag me in it!!! i'd love to support you and see what u do with your blog!!! welcome to the community (´。• ω •。`) ♡ we're so happy to have you! thank you for sending in your ask nonnie i hope this was helpful!<3
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littlecafe · 2 years
asdfhakal okay yes hi HELLO it has been SO LONG ㅠㅜ I missed you and your playlists (*˙˘˙*)!♡
off topic and ik you didn't ask but the chokehold ONEWE and ONEUS has on me rn is no joke
actually I can lead this on topic, would love to see a playlist of your current faves!
hi!! omg yes it's been so long!! you took a hiatus for a while right? i missed seeing you on my dash (ෆ˙ᵕ˙ෆ)♡
ohhh i was thinking of making a playlist with just current favs so i'll do this and @ you in the post when it's up since it might take a few days, i'm currently in my "building a new listening to playlist" phase bc i'm tired of my old one rip
asfjhsdjfdsf no i totally get the music chokehold bc that's me too like sometimes i'll be super obsessed with like one or two artists and start listening to them on repeat
onewe and oneus aren't in my current music rotation but i do like quite a few of their songs!! i was really into onewe's single "memory: illusion" when it came out, all 3 songs on there *chef's kiss* and i'm going to derail this convo so hard but for some reason the mixing on that single!! it felt so clear (ramblings in read more, tl;dr go see ur fav kbands live if you can!! there is a reason why live band music sounds better bc i feel production aren't doing most of them justice)
idk if you're interested but i came across this the other day (i haven't even watched it yet lol) but someone subbed some parts of the naver now yoon sang's "music to you" kband bassist special cya was on (the other two bassists are lucy's wonsang and cnema's jeongho)
rambling because sometimes i just need to word vomit my thoughts, disclaimer i do not claim to know anything i'm talking about and everything is purely anecdotal
but anyways!! i honestly cannot tell you why i loved the mixing of that single so much, maybe it's mediocre mixing i wouldn't know but i just felt like i could actually HEAR things for once like it was crisp and actually had depth to the songs
usually in kband mixing a lot of the lower range instruments aren't loud enough on the track so you end up hearing a lot of vocals and guitar and some drum taps, every now and then bass but usually only if the song or part was meant to highlight bass....and the worse part of all this is that sometimes even the guitar is muddy which makes the song sound flat because you're missing those lows
like you know i love them and this just proves that "bad" production will never stop me if i like the song but the mixing on most of day6's songs were not very good......
an example (youtube links so the audio will not be top notch due to youtube compression but i think you can tell anyways): sweet chaos official audio vs sweet chaos live
already from the beginning you can tell the deeper sound from dowoon's drums aren't captured at all in the official audio like it's already muddied when that's the highlight of the opening it's literally just him and mtr how can u already mess this up
fast forward to the chorus, you can 100% hear youngk's bass sound better in the live than in the audio where you have to squint with your ears to even try to guess if you're hearing bass or just guitar under their vocals
in the live you can also clearly hear the difference in the two guitars when jae does lead and sungjin does rhythm, while it's all muddied together in the audio like if i'm being real, i can't even hear the lead guitar parts in the audio tbh like where did it go, in the live you can hear all the small tidbits and how he plays along to the melody line under the vocalist at parts in the chorus
same thing with the outro as the intro but this time with the bass, it's really buried and softened under the vocals on the official audio when you can clearly hear it in the live version (and as you should? because it's the only instrument being highlighted here other than vocals and some mtr)
also ftisland, for pure example purposes because from what i remember the mixing is actually great, don't search it up if it makes you uncomfortable knowing that j*nghoon has credits for lyrics and composition of this song (fuck him fr im glad ftisland disowned him publicly) but their song shadows (japanese release) was mixed by Josh Wilber who has led production for multiple metal bands so that audio actually came out GOOD
this song is pretty grungy, especially in the chorus but i felt like nothing got lost on the audio, the two guitars, the bass, the drums, obviously the vocals too it's all there it's like magic asjhfkdsf to me it sounds even more clear than their live albums (yes i know these go through a whole production too so it still will never top being there LIVE and hearing it as they play with your own ears)
ftisland's mixing is hit or miss but i don't mind it i just wanted to talk about that one specific song since it was mixed by someone who actually worked with heavy rock based music
so yea anyways the mixing for kbands can sometimes leave a lot to be desired and it makes me happy when i feel like i can hear more sounds i feel like production is so underrated since we know the lyricists, composers, arrangers but no noise for post production
i'm pretty sure that's why all of them sound infinitely better live like even without all the concert remixes and crowd hype they can be playing the damn song with no changes from the audio and it will sound better just because you can actually hear the instruments in their fullness
so this is a psa to go see ur favorite band playing live if you can!!
obviously mixing/post production applies to all music even if i'm only rambling about bands here asjhksdfds
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clydin · 3 years
Hi-hi ! I'm Llum, I go by any pronouns, and I draw south park fanart d=(^o^)=b !!
U can find more art of mine and better contact me on instagram !! I'm there like 24/7 DJSSJ
I am also a TERRIBLE novice tumblr-user so forgive me if I get lost and do something stupid or never figure out how to thank u for any kind words u may offer, bUT I hope u all have a wonderful day !!! ♡♡♡♡
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bipolstar · 2 years
I think I'm gonna move to the other end of the country 🙃
Sounds a tad dramatic but Background Info I have a bit of a thing about excessively reading into peoples moods and like, trying damage control in case they blow up at me?? My mum had issues, if I didn't sense she was in a bad mood and damage control she would blow up and ignore me for days etc etc but my brother died and weirdly now she's so much better etc
So like, MONTHS ago I had a chat with my flatmate like "I know ur not going to blow up at me and ignore me for days but tonight I found myself doing like, damage control stuff with you?? It highkey stressed me out but I'm just letting u know that ur doing the warning signs" and she was like "Oh babe no don't worry I didnt even realise" and we had a healthy convo and I thought it would be fine
Cut to 9 months of her taking her moods out on me, and me preventing it from blowing up through damage control. I tried talking to her about it but it just got worse. Legit had to stay at my parents for 2 weeks at one point bc she was stressed about work, taking it out on me, and I was already in a low n just couldnt stay there
CUT TO SATURDAY! I tried to put suncream on her while she was napping in the sun, she proceeded to tell me to piss off with all the lil signs and also her generally being angry at me but in a rattlesnake tail kinda way, I left her be, she came to me a few hours later saying I was being patronising with the suncream, I straight up told her to fuck off for the first time and walked away oops.
So like, I'm pissed off etc etc but p much over it by the next evening. I dont see her for two days, I then saw her this morning...... aaaaaaaand shes ignoring me still. For 3 days 🙃🙃 the only reason she spoke to me was to ask me to move my stuff out the living room bc her nan was coming over (valid)
So! I have an offer to do a masters at the other end of the country and ngl I might just take it, my sister and some pals live there, I adore the city, the course is good and part time so I could earn enough for rent, and it saves me finding SOMEWHERE else to live here.
TL;DR: my flatmate isnt being nice and this was the last straw and I'm thinking of accepting an offer to study in the other end of the country
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