#if this sounds rediculous its because it never happens
transvarmint · 12 days
"You're hated for being trans, not for being men"
Is so funny, cause like, imagine a transphobe saying:
"You're trans and that's disgusting. But it's OK that you're a man! I respect your manhood and masculinity entirely. But I hate you for being trans. You shouldn't have transitioned. I want to force you to detransition. I support your manhood though, because men aren't oppressed and therefore I can never target your manhood. But you're a disgusting trans freak and I'm going to hurt you."
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itsjustalark · 1 year
" I hope you don't mind me breaking that ask up into smaller chunks to respond to instead of actually answering the ask in my inbox. Sometimes people send me really long things, and then I know having it on my blog and then having to read my probably accordingly long answer is not going to happen, and I just. Feel bad about it."
Mind? Hell no. I'm honoured that you've decided to give me the time of the day at all. It is completely fine with me and thank you for letting me konw. Next time ill make sure to post on my blog and just tag you.
"Tiadane's not actually a boy; this is made clear relatively early on, and he's not picky about pronouns because his home doesn't have a good concept of things like "gender" and "lots of gendered pronouns." I tend to alternate what I use for him when not in the book, and even in the book he shrugs off a couple "she's." And there's actually not any romance in that one; Tiadane and my deuteragonist's relationship is platonically weird in that one. I don't always like writing romance, but I usually have a deuteragonist running around because I just like paired character dynamics a lot."
I'm really sorry for just asssuming Tiadane to be a guy. On the other hand I love when fantasy worlds explore cultures that dont have the same understanding of gender as us. I feel it isnt done enough and where it is atempted its never done with the enough care.
Also when I said 'relationships' I didn't mean them as explicit romantic ones. I'm a big fan of interesting dynamics and I dont believe they always have to be romantic to get me interested. There are so many ways humans interact with one another. That is whats most facinating to me.
"I'm actually not super great at worldbuilding, either. I tend to do it as little as possible and only when I need to; a lot of my current revisions are fleshing the worldbuilding out. And now that I'm focusing on, a lot of the results are good, but it's often just sort of not really the most fun focus for me. "
I'm also not an intricate world builder and cant even imagine going to the flora and fauna level of detail. My points of interest in world building is societities. How they function different from our and how they effect the people living in it accordingly. I build my worlds around my characters becaude i also feel that a fleshed out world only gives more depth to the characters.
Glad to know your world building is going well. I cant even imagine the revisions i have to make one i finish first draft as ive completely given up ingraining the magic system as part of the characters perspective and how it effects their thing cause it was gettjng to complicated. So i will now have to add all of that stuff later on.
"What I shared was actually the query; queries and synopses are different in the publishing word. Basically, my query is supposed to sell people on making it sound interesting, so I'm glad it's working for those functions for now. It still needs to be edited some more later. "
Oh I didnt know that. Still new to all the publishing jargon but always happy to learn more.
"Tiadane's book originally came from playing too much Smash Bros and staring at Pit for too many hours in a row. And then I just typed some random shit to get some words out when I was stuck revising something and not having fun, and started writing this introduction to his world."
I love how we writers get ideas from the most rediculous of senarios.
"I am a very character-focused writer and have had recurring problems with getting a plot to attach correctly over the years. I think Tiadane's book is the first time I didn't have (too) many issues with one by the time I sent to to a CP, and I'm still ripping a lot out to replace it with something better. "
I also write character focused works. Characters are why i read books. I dont reallyenjoy plot heavy books. Every aspect of plot, fleshing out the world or magic i enjoy because it makes tge characters feel more real and elps highlights the themes if the book.
"Each of my fantasy worlds (I also write sci-fi sometimes, and some stuff just...set in our world) has its own magic system. I don't know how writers just have The One for tons of stories. Large universes to play in can be fun, but so is making up new stuff every time."
Also, would you mind telling me about your magic systems? I love that stumm. It facinates me how maging systems ingrain themselves into a story. When i was first materializing my story it was set in a normal world but my mund was like: no no no this story need a magic system and an exploration of the chosen one narrative even though back then it didnt have anything to do with the main plot. But thats me cause i love over complicating thing for myself.
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ithisatanytime · 1 year
2hollis - all 2s (official video)
i just had one of the funniest best public encounters ever and im not gonna do it proper justice but i was smiling all the way home, a little background first, the local tobacco store ive been frequenting for years, is entirely staffed by jewish employees, i can just tell by looking at them and the way it is and im basically never wrong about this, its also the only place i have had a job interview for in my entire life and didnt get a call back (lol), there is a female to male transgender working there, basically just a jewish chick with short hair and no parental guidance and we are on good terms right my predjudice is not personal i knew she was jewish and her politics from the jump just by looking at her but thats fine she seems nice enough. it was her and two visibly jewish males working behind the counter, i made my purchaces and told them to put in “chad mcqueen” so i could get my discounts and said “even though thats not my name” because years ago they put me in as chad as a joke because im a fucking chad. this girl who wants to be called “henry” unsurprisingly said im gonna change the format here just so its more legible, “henry” will be H for henry and ill be “j” for jake lol
H “i think names are stupid”
J “yeah i cant think of one practical use for people having names”
H “we already have -”
J “numbers?”
H “yeah numbers”
J “i think we should just have our numbers tattood on our forearms and we should all live and work in a big camp!”
another employee chimes in “the best part would be the showers!” we all laugh
J “you dont like to gamble do ya henry?”
H “no”
J “i figured, i like that we dont pick our names, but i like to gamble, if its not destiny it doesnt count i like things to be as random as possible”
H “well my real name is alexis but our last name was heinrich which our family changed when we left from russia to germany
J “so your family is russian jews?”
H “ yeah”
J *does an obnoxious victory dance because i fucking called it*
H “but they changed it because of the war”
J “what war”
H “incredulous stare”
J  * poker face*
H “world war 2″
J “what about it? something happen”
H “the holocaust”
J “im surprised they didnt get put into internment camps here in the states, lots of italians and germans were put in camps in the states besides the japanese but you never hear about that for some reason”
at this point the atmosphere has shifted, the other employees are visibly jewish as well and were listening in
H “they dont tell us about most history, 99 percent of history just the one percent that makes white cis males look like the best in the world”
J “that sounds like quite the task”
H “it is”
J “i agree did you know that george washington was black? also beethoven? adolph hitler was black as well, and white people were invented by an evil scientist named yakub! black people built this country
all the employees voice their agreement i shit you not
J “see the roads out there? cotton, the building were in? cotton, my shirt? polyester!”
that gets a laugh breaking the tension a little but i dont let that last
J “i heard somewhere that they cremated six million jews! thats not possible it takes over an hour to cremate even a single corpse under ideal conditions with modern equipment under impossibly ideal circumstances, it would have taken them forty years to cremate six million, so they say some were cremated and others burned in open fires but was it fifty fifty, forty sixty, they never say! and also there was a nazi platoon whos just it was to dig up all the millions of bodies at the end of the war so they could be burned, its absolutely rediculous dont you think?
everyone is in stunned silence i look them all dead in the eye and smile and say have a nice day and strutted out of there like fucking john travolta. like i said i cant do it justice but i was laughing all the way home. i dont have anything against them personally, but i will use your perferred pronouns and call you whatever you like, but i wont let you disparage my people and deny their history to my face.
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echo-of-sounds · 4 years
I'd love to share my 'Kugo uses hypersonic waves in a good way' theory with you!
Apparently some dolphins (I know Orca aren't reaaallly a dolphin or a whale) can use their sonar/echolocation to stun sharks. I figure this is what Kugo used to paralyse people. I'm not sure how well it goes with other abilities but we know Selkie can use his clicks to locate things and work without sight, Orca's also use echolocation, a lot!
So, I just decided, with no research, that sonar/hypersonic can affect the nerves and in turn paralyses the target. BUT I did research Whales using sonar to woo the ladies during mating season!
And I figured, if Kugo veeeeryy lightly uses it on a lover, it makes their nerves tingle and apparently there's a heat factor too. I just really like the thought of him sitting across them at a table, gently, gently using his quirk and they're just getting rediculously aroused from the all over sonar massage.
-myreaderacademia 💖
You know what? This interested me enough that I did some research! I learned quite a bit about sound waves. I was never any good at physics,  so I was surprised by how interesting this stuff is! 
Also, my older brother does a lot with sound (I think he’s a sound engineer that specializes in live sound technology [I can never remember the exact words]) and knows all about acoustics, vibrations, pressures, and all that jazz.
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Disclaimer: I’m no scientist or physicist. I just like reading and researching.
Ultrasounds can cause headaches and nausea in people. I also learned that skin can reflect 99% of ultrasonic sound waves. That’s so weird.
When amplitude increases, the effects of ultrasound increase. There are two effects of ultrasound: heating of the body cells and cavitation (due to the pushing and pulling of the molecules, bubbles can form in the body).
Cavitation can happen in any liquid. The formation and implosion of bubbles is the cavitation process. 
“The sound waves cause the microscopic bubbles present in the natural liquids to expand (during phases A and B of low pressure) and contract until they implode (during phases C and D of high pressure).”
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With Kugo, the main effect of his ultrasounds would be cavitation. Fluid in the inner ear, body tissue, and/or cells throughout the body will have these bubbles form because of the push and pull of the sound waves traveling through the opponent’s body. They may form but then disappear (transitory), or stay within the body (sustained). It doesn’t really matter because it’s never good to have bubbles in the body (think of scuba divers dealing with the bends and all the problems that causes).
Ultrasound is also highly directional. It needs to be aligned precisely for the effects to happen. Kugo, when he uses it, is right in front of a target, minimizing the ‘preciseness’ needed since it is such a minute distance. 
And because so much ultrasound bounces right off our skin, there needs to be a ginormous amount of power behind it. Thankfully, it seems Kugo is able to produce this power and amplitude. However, we haven’t seen how long he can emit this intensity of sound for. Though it may not matter. A five-second soundwave at that level could be enough to render the target incapacitated.
Ultrasound is used in different surveillance tools and motion sensors. It’s also used underwater, but there’s a difference in air pressure and water pressure, and there isn’t much (or any as far as I could find) research on underwater sonar and its effect on humans since we don’t live underwater and aren’t exposed to it at the same levels as a whale would be.
“An ultrasonic loudspeaker designed to operate on a subject who is two metres away would be thousands of times more powerful at two centimetres. Just walking past, or sitting near, the active emitter for a short time could cause damage.”
“Multiple ultrasound emitters used for surveillance would be worse. If a subject moved their head into just the right location, waves from different emitters could combine at the eardrum, causing much higher energies. Sitting in the wrong position for too long could then cause hearing damage without the subjects noticing.”
So, it seems even if Kugo emitted low levels, it could hurt his partner. Maybe, just maybe, if he was far enough away, and able to emit and maintain ultrasonic sounds at a healthy level (above the level his s/o’s skin would reflect it and below any sort of harmful level), they’d feel the effects. 
But it’s risky. There’s no definite measure of the distance or strength needed. The moment they look nauseous or feel a headache coming, Kugo would stop. It’d probably worry him too much to try again.
Also, yes, many marine mammals use sounds in numerous ways! However, they’re underwater. Water and air and solids carry soundwaves quite differently, especially at different pressure levels in the ocean. And their biology is different as well.
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1st quote and picture came from:
2nd and 3rd quote came from:
Other articles I found about sounds (you know, if anyone’s actually interested):
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sleepingcrisis · 3 years
Lovematchablossom content??? 👀
"Jealousy is an ugly emotion." That was what Kojiro’s mother always told him. There was more to it then that of course, but that was the part that stuck with him. That was the part that stuck with him as he scrolled through his phone and ignored Kaoru and Adam who were making out instead of watching the movie they had agreed on. Kaoru’s injured ankle had caused them to put the skateboards down for the night and watch a movie instead. Kojiro had been excited. This bubbly feeling filling his chest at the chance to watch a movie with the two. Then the two had ditched the movie idea about ten minutes in and started doing this instead.
Kojiro awkwardly pretended to check his phone before getting up. He didn't want to interrupt them but he also wasn't sticking around. Not with the twisted feeling in his gut. He had been quietly making his way to the door when he heard them stop.
"Kojiro are you heading out?" Kaoru called. His voice was airy... huh that definitely did something for Kojiro.
"Uh yeah. My mom wants my help," he said as he turned back to look at the two. Their faces were flushed and Kaoru was panting while Adam had this satisfied smile on his face.
"Okay," Kaoru said with a nod.
"Sorry if we were making you uncomfortable," Adam added with a soft chuckle.
"No! You weren't," Kojiro said quickly. He was trying to be as supportive as he knew how to be ever sense they came out to him and then soon after started... were they dating? He tried not to think to hard about the conflicting feelings in his gut if that was the case.
"Are you sure?" Kaoru asked and offered an apologetic smile.
"Yep! It is fine, I'll see you two at school! Bye!" He said as he hurried out. He couldn't get it out of his head no matter how hard he tried. He was only half way home when he realized he had left his skateboard at Kaoru’s. He considered turning back but then the image of what he might possibly walk into filled his head. His face warmed as he shook his head and headed home. Kaoru would probably bring it to school.
The next day at school Kaoru didn't bring it, which was fair considering he was still in crutches.
"You can come over and get it after school," Kaoru suggested. Kojiro nodded since that sounded good enough to him.
Except when they were making their way over Adam caught up with them and walked with them too. Wonderful. Kojiro had a hard time looking at them without the image of Adam’s hand tangled in Kaoru’s hair making its way to his brain. Whatever. He just needed to be supportive.
"Did you two want to stay over for a bit?" Kaoru asked.
Kojiro wasn't sure how much he wanted a repeat of yesterday, thinking of it filled some sort of sour feeling in his gut, which wasn't fair to them. Whatever they got up to wasn't his business.
"That would be great," Adam said and he had this look in his eyes that Kojiro recognized. A repeat of yesterday was bound to happen.
"I'll ask my mom when we get there," Kojiro decided.
They did get there and didn't get a chance to ask because the two were asking for food as soon as they got there. Kaoru wasn't a good cook (nor could he make his way around with his ankle in the state it was in) and Adam wasn't any better. Kojiro rolled his eyes and set his things down before leaving to go make something for the three of them to eat. It would he cruel to let them starve until Kaoru’s parents got home.
Not even five minutes late he hears that familiar noise from the living room. The noise that makes his face burn and his palms sweaty. He can hear them kissing and he can hear soft chuckles from Kaoru. Okay, he just has to not he weird about it.
He comes back with three cans of pop and some cut up fruit.
"Thanks Kojiro," they both say after having pulled away from one another. Their voices are breathy and Kojiro is pretty sure he might explode.
"Yeah no problem, I think I'm gonna get going though—"
"Stay for a bit," Kaoru asked. Kojiro has never been very good at saying no to him. So when Kaoru offers to let him sit between them he decides to sit down with them. His face still feels too hot and he is sure the other two notice, but they haven't said anything. He doesn't know if that is a good thing or a bad thing. Instead he cracked open his pop and began to drink it. It does little to cool him down.
"Kojiro?" Adam asked. When did he scoot closer?
"Mhm?" Kojiro glanced over to him before looking back to the TV.
"Are you sure you are okay with us being into men? You seem so uncomfortable," Adam said. Kojiro wasn't sure if he was being serious, but he decided to assume Adam was considering he figured this was important. Besides, they were his best friends. If they needed to be reassured then that was fine.
"I'm not uncomfortable, I'm sorry if it seemed that way," Kojiro offered.
"Then what is it?" Kaoru asked.
Shit. Kojiro hadn't thought that far ahead. He just knew he wanted them to know that everything was fine... sorta. He wasn't sure why his face got so hot whenever they kissed. He had seen people kiss before. He had seen people makeout before.
"Umm... I don't know," Kojiro whispered.
"Are you curious?" Adam offered an alternative. He offered it right when Kojiro had been sipping at his pop, so when he crushed the can in his grip and soda went everwhere he decided that this was Adam's fault.
"Shit, I'll get something to clean this up. Sorry Kaoru," Kojiro said and thanked whatever god was out there that Kaoru's parents had leather furniture and not fabric.
Soon he was cleaning it up as he avoided looking at the two. This was humiliating.
"Kojiro?" Kaoru's voice cuts through his thoughts (which is currently comprised of a slowly forming escape plan).
"I'm sorry Kaoru, I'm sorry for being weird, I just... I don't know," Kojiro whispered. He finishes cleaning up and is thankful that his clothes were mostly safe from the spill... well not his shirt, but he can take that off and go grab his sweater. Which he does begin to do once he is done cleaning.
He came back and is about to make up several excuses for having to leave since this is enough humiliation for one afternoon.
"Are you curious?" Adam repeated the question he had asked earlier. Kojiro is very aware that he isn't getting out of this. If he doesn't answer now then they will ask later, and if he doesn't answer later? Then they will find another time to ask him.
"I guess," Kojiro responded with a shrug. He is a little embarrassed about it, but Kaoru pats the spot next to him on the couch and Kojiro grumbled and sat between them again.
"Can we kiss you then?" Kaoru asked as Kojiro is sitting down. It causes him to nearly fall off the couch, but Adam pulled him up and on the couch.
"This is the guy who flirts with most of the girls at school. Can't believe we are giving him the chance to add men to the list of people he will be comfortable flirting with," Adam grumbled. "Are you going to go for nonbinary people next?" he asked teasingly.
"You are embarrassing him Adam," Kaoru said with an eye roll. "You don't have to Kojiro."
Kojiro shrugged, "I wouldn't flirt with other guys, it would just be you two... I don't know if I would want to flirt with anyone else."
That shut the other two up. Kojiro is honestly a little worried he said something wrong, but just when he is about to speak up the two are then formulating a plan for who gets to kiss Kojiro first.
"Maybe a coin flip would work best?" Adam suggested.
"That could be a good idea!" Kaoru agreed.
Kojiro is pretty sure this is the most rediculous thing in the world but they are already flipping a coin in the air before he can interject. With Kaoru calling heads and Adam calling tails it lands on heads.
"Well I guess Kaoru wins," Adam hummed.
"It isn't a game," Kojiro pouted. he stares at the coin on the ground before his cheek is cupped and soon he is facing Kaoru. Kaoru who looked just as stunning as he always does. Kojiro allowed himself to actually look the way he wants to. He looked at the lip ring on his lower lip before his eyes flick back up to Kaoru's. Kaoru's gaze doesn't meet his own though, instead looking at Kojiro's lips. Kaoru is the one to lean forward as he pulled Kojiro down and soon the two are kissing. The metal lip ring pressed into Kojiro like a brand. He is pretty sure he will remember the feeling of it for forever. It doesn't last long, but that is becasue Adam has never been patient. One moment he isn't kissing anyone and the next he feels the press of Adam's lips against his own. They are smoother and Adam is an eager kisser. Nipping and deepening the kiss as he looked for more. So this is how the two get so wrapped up in their kissing.
"So how was that?" Kaoru asked softly as Adam eventually pulled away.
"Good," Kojiro breathed. So unbelievably good. He feels like he has just remembered to swim. The way they kiss him is intoxicating. Everything about them has always been so intoxicating. So when Kojiro's head is tilted once more and that lip ring is pressed into his lips again, he doesn't mind.
"Damn liar," Kaoru muttered the next day as he and Adam spot Kojiro flirting with at least twice the number of girls as he usually does.
"I think we just managed to boost his confidence," Adam said with a laugh as they made their way over. When they make their way over Adam gently placed a hand to cup the back of Kojiro's neck and Kojiro immediatly perked up and looks over to them as his face warmed.
"Oh, hi," Kojiro said with a smile.
Adam nodded and pressed his fingers a little harder on the mark he knows hides under the hair covering the base of his neck. "Let's go up to the roof."
"Okay," Kojiro hummed happily and said bye to the girls he was talking with before grabbing his things and the three left.
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Five Times Touched (for Vegeta)
send me "five times touched" for a drabble about five times my muse touched yours!
((So some of these will be long, so I'll put these under read more-))
The Saiyan propped his arm up on the doorway, admittedly a tad exhausted from... well... today's events.
It was all rather hectic.
But it taught him something.
This family that he'd inadvertedly created. He... wanted to be a part of it...
Starting with the mother of his son...
Now where...
"And what are you doing here?"
And there she is.
He turned his head just in time to see her previous casual pace picking up to speed walking.
"Oh my Kami, are you still hurt!? Why didn't you go up with the others to the Lookout!?"
And there's the fussing.
... Alright, so how does he do this?
"... I came to talk to you..."
“And what could you possibly need to say that's more important than-"
He cut her off when he reached his free hand over to gently grasp her arm. And for a moment, they both stared at each other's eyes in silence.
He swore he'd never seen anything so blue before her...
... After a while she sighed and reached up tp grasp his wrist.
"Come on, go take a seat and we can talk about whatever you need to say while I work on that mess you made yourself.”
He simply nodded before pushing himself off the doorframe and allowing himself to be led further inside.
Alright... So... This took a while to prepare.
It took interrogating the Earthlings about the customs of what he was about to do while trying to avoid being found out before he could even make plans. And once that was done, Vegeta had started running errands with Bulma more often, eyes scanning the ground for coins to pick up discreetly.
... Of course, when he found that rings were something he could never hope to afford with the route he was going, he settled with the next best thing.
He melted the coins down with his own ki, and tirously sculpted and molded the metal into something she could wear on her finger.
... It was far from pretty, but it was the best he could do.
Now was the time.
The prince slipped into the bluenette's lab, makeshift ring clutched in his hand as he approached the heiress from behind.
She paused her work and looked over her shoulder as soon as he announced his pressence.
"Yeah? Did Trunks lose something again?"
He didn't answer, simply continued his approach.
He saw Bulma raise a brow and turn to fully face him as he came closer and closer, only stopping when he was right in front of her.
"Uh...? Can I help you?"
Again, no answer. He looked down at her hands.
They said... left... right...?
So his free hand made a grab for it, heightening her confusion.
"Uhm... Vegeta?"
... What's the ring finger again? It's... right right right- The- The one next to the pinky finger!
So he moved to slip the ring onto her finger.
It was somewhat lumpy and a tad big on her finger. Not really surprising, as his hands were bigger than hers and he'd attempted to mold it around his own finger to get the shape right. Which he didn't even succeed at. And it looks like he forgot to smooth out the imprint his calluses left in.
So there she was, staring bewilderedly at the piece of metal hanging limply off of her thin, delicate finger.
"... What's this?" she finally asked, looking back up at his face only to be met with his intense stare.
"... Marry me," he finally said, his tone commanding.
This is how you propose, right?
Earth customs were so odd. Though he'd already knew that from the proposal.
So much planning and preperation, and much of it was focused on vanity rather than power.
And frankly, he felt a tad rediculous, standing in this suit in front of everyone that Bulma knew on either side of the asile. Some of who he'd never met.
Apparently one side of the asile was supposed to be taken up by the bride's circle. The other the groom's. But since everyone Vegeta knew that he could have ever cared about was dead, two of which he'd burned bridges with due to his own selfishness, that arrangement couldn't happen. And he wasn't sure how he felt about that.
His hands were stuffed in his pockets as he waited.
What was taking so long anyway-
Then, he heard the music play, and his eyes trailed to the other end of the asile.
And there she was, dressed in pure white and her face covered in a semi transparent veil. One arm clutched the arm of her father, the other a bouquet of colorful flowers.
Time seemed to stand still around them for a moment as she moved closer. And it felt like the only people in the world was just the two of them.
It took a second for him to realize that his jaw had slackened, but when he did, he clenched it and he had his face shift back to its typical stoicism, though he did feel his cheeks warming a bit.
It was when she joined him at the front did Dr. Briefs let her go, joining the rest of the guests in an unoccupied seat next to his wife. Vegeta huffed before flipping the obstructive veil from over her face. What is the point of this thing?
From there, a stranger from behind the podium droned on and on, and he really didn't pay attention.
At least until something caught his ears.
"If anyone objects to this union, please speak now or forever hold your peace."
Vegeta's eyes flicked to the guests, eyes narrowed hostily.
Who's the motherfucker that would dare-
He looked over all of them, trying to find the most likely canidate. It past over Chichi with her new son in her lap, a photo of Kakarot between her and Gohan. His soon to be parent in laws, his soon to be mother in law holding little Trunks in her lap. Krillin, growing in his hair and sitting next to the tincan. A blond woman with a laptop on her lap displaying a blue and purple face on the screen and sitting next to an old man. His dark eyes finally fell on Yamcha, whose gentle smile seemed to drop at the eye contact.
Got something to say, wolf boy?!
Almost as if reading his mind, the scar faced man rose up his hands and shook his head in response.
His eyes were torn away from the crowd when he felt a satin gloved hand cup his face and gently turn it away back to his bride.
Finally, the man spoke.
"Do you, Vegeta, take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife? To have and to hold, until death do you part?"
Vegeta blinked at having been adressed, dark eyes flicking to the speaker for a moment before returning to Bulma.
"... Uh... Yes? I'm the one that proposed. What the hell kind of a question is that?"
He heard a bit of snickering in in the crowd and noticed Bulma hiding her face in one of her hands.
Even the man stared at him bewildered for a moment before shrugging.
"And do you, Bulma Briefs, take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband? To have and to hold, until death do you part?
Bulma peeked back up at Vegeta from her hand, looking like she was seriously considering to say no.
What? Was it something he said?
"I do..." she murmured, her hand slowly returning to her boquet.
"Then by the power invested in me, I now pronounce you man and wife. You may now kiss the bride."
Vegeta raised a brow at that.
"I neded permission to do that?"
"Vegeta..." she sighed in exasperation.
He looked back at her before cupping her face. Then he leaned forward, close enough so that their lips were brushing against each other.
"Your Earth customs are strange..." he breathed.
"Just shut up and kiss me already...!” she hissed back.
He found a couple of chuckles huffing out of his nose before he finally joined their lips to do just that.
Vegeta sighed, running his fingers through his hair.
He's... got a lot to answer for after the shit he pulled... Especially to...
He swallowed.
She was probably never going to forgive him for this...
Rightfully so, he reminded himself.
Just get it over with.
He pushed the door open, seeing his son and wife's heads pop up to face him.
"Dad!" Trunks called out before rushing towards him, practically tackling into him.
Reflexively, Vegeta wound his arms around his son before loosening the hold, hands lightly resting on the boy's shoulder blades.
"Trunks! Don't jump on me like that!" he scolded.
He saw the lavender haired boy open his mouth to reply, but whatever he said never came out as the matriarch of the family stood up, arms crossed.
"Trunks, go upstairs and play with your toys, okay? Your father and I have some things to discuss."
Vegeta held back a grimace.
Yup. Sounds about right.
"But mom-" the Saiyan hybrid started in protest.
"Do as she says, boy," Vegeta said firmly.
The boy looked between his parents for a moment before reluctantly doing as he's told, flying off towards the stairs.
It was only when they were sure he was gone did they approach each other. Until they were face to face.
Blue eyes glared into his dark ones, and the heat of them reminded him of the newer stars in the universe. Burning. Scorching.
"... Bulma..."
She pushed him in repsonse, causing him to step back. Of course it didn't hurt him a bit. She couldn't hurt him if she wanted to.
"What the hell were you thinking!?"
"What the hell is wrong with you!?"
She looked like she was starting to tear up.
"Killing all those people!"
"Holding them all hostage like that!"
"You almost killed us!"
"What if you actually did kill us!? Huh!?"
He could definitely see tears starting to roll down her face now.
"... I'm sorry..." he finally said, quietly.
Bulma froze then, staring up at him in shock.
Not surprising. He's never said sorry.
Not before now.
So they stayed like this for a moment, staring at each other.
Then her brows shifted to a scowl.
"If you're really sorry... then... Then don't do this again...! You hear me!? Don't you ever pull this crap again, Vegeta!"
He reached a hand to cup her face, his thumb brushing away a tear.
"You have my word..." he said softly.
And just like that, she threw herself into his arms, sobbing into his shoulder. Vegeta simply held her there, letting her let it out. His fingers on one hand was tangled in her short blue hair, and his other hand was resting on the middle of her back.
All the while, he felt an aching in his chest, and he couldn't describe it.
Never again... He'd never hurt her like this again.
"Vegeta," her voice called from the intercom in the Gravity Chamber, "Could you come out here? We need to talk."
He huffed, though partially from exhaustion.
"Can't this wait? I'm in the middle of training."
"It's important!" his wife snapped, "Get your butt out here before I drag you out!"
... He gave a sigh at that.
Dammit, fine...
He moved, albiet with some difficulty, to the console before shutting it off. The red lights went out, and he was freed from the merciless pull of the artificial gravity.
He rolled his shoulders as he made his way out, met with the sight of Bulma leaning against the wall nearest the exit of the room his chamber was situated in.
She first tossed the towel at his face, which he proceeded to wipe the sweat off with. Then she tossed him a bottle of water.
"So you know how I've been sick lately?" she started as he chugged down the beverage.
He coughed at that, his muscles stiff as he eyed her.
"It's not terminal is it?"
"Oh calm down, I'm not dying," she huffed.
His muscles sagged in relief, though he cocked his head to the side.
"Then what is it?"
Slowly, her hands moved to her stomach.
"I'm pregnant again..."
He nearly dropped his bottle, and he stared at her for a moment, gobsmacked.
Then, slowly, he approached.
"... So... we're...."
"Having another kid, yeah."
Slowly, his free hand reached up to her stomach, fingertips resting lightly on it.
It was flat right now, of course, as it probably hasn't even formed a vaguely human shape yet. But in the coming weeks...
... He remembered her first pregnancy, where he up and ditched her. At the time, he wasn’t willing to accept having a family.
But this time... This time things would be different...!
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thatoneitaliangirl · 5 years
Obey Me! Soulmate AU’!~ Leviathan
This one I really like! Its a bit longer than the other two. Also, I’m confirming here and now that I’m definitely making part two’s because this one is far from over! OH! And SPOILERS FOR THE GAME I just got to the part where they explain that Satan was born from Lucifer’s anger, like- wasn’t expecting that! I mean, I remember them mentioning that Satan wasn’t there when they were angles, but I never thought he was born that way. Interesting!~ Also also, I’m not sure if I wrote Satan’s character all that well. He’s next up and I’m a bit nervous about writing for him, but I’ll do my best!! 
Link to Opening Paragraph. 
Having spent most of the day searching for Mammon's soulmate, the seven brothers reluctantly went back to the Devildom to regain strength and think of a more efficient way of searching for the next day. And take showers, because, as Asmodeus had stated previously, the sun was HOT. Nervousness wracked Leviathan's body to the point where he couldn't even work up the nerve to play a video game.
All he could do was lay on his bed and stare at the ceiling, thinking about what his soulmate would be like. Lucifer's was a beautiful, energetic ghost hunter with a tendency to babble, Mammon's was their human exchange student, though there was no surprise there. The two of them were crushing so hard on each other, that the other brothers had almost broken a few times and shoved them in a closet together.
Or maybe that was just Levi? He'd seen it in a couple of anime before and in the end, the two lovers always end up confessing and sharing their first kiss. Was that what meeting his soulmate was gonna be like? Poor Levi barely slept a wink that night. And now, as the other brothers discuss plans for the new day, he still can't think about anything but his soulmate. What is she gonna be like? Will she like anime and manga just like him? Or will she be a boring normie like his brothers?
She is supposed to be his soulmate, so it would really suck if she didn't like Ruri-chan! What if she's never even heard of anime? Then he gets to teach her all about it! "Levi, are you even listening?" Levi jumps, not expecting to hear Lucifer's voice calling out his name. Usually, that means something bad is about to happen . . . "Uh, no, I spaced out." Lucifer sighs.
"As I was saying, Lord Diavolo has made special arrangements for us in the human world. Given his kind and generous nature, he has called in a few favors to help us navigate the human world much faster and through more secretive means. Us getting caught could mean exposure of both the Devildom and Magic and could have devastating effects." "How kind of Lord Diavolo to grant his favorite such luxuries," Satan speaks up as he takes a sip of his beverage.
"Yes. Lord Diavolo's generosity knows no bounds. Now, with that settled, we leave in an hour. I suggest you get your ducks in a row and prepare yourselves. Levi, we find your soulmate next." They leave the breakfast table one by one, all heading to their respective rooms to 'prepare', whatever that means. Levi sure doesn't know what it means.
Does he shower again? Change his clothes? Would he look more presentable in his school uniform or his normal clothes? What if she hates him . . . I mean, he is an otaku. While he takes pride in that, he's not oblivious to the negativity otaku's receive in the human world.
They're generally looked down upon, and though he can take the criticism from his brothers, from the girl that's supposed to love him . . . He doesn't know if he can handle that. Taking his handheld gaming device off its charger, Levi places it into a small bag along with extra games and a manga to read in case he gets bored. Who knows how long their gonna be in the human world this time. Should he take a change of clothes?
Deciding it best, he folds up some clothes and places them into the bag and throws it over his shoulder. He doesn't think that it's been an hour, maybe twenty minutes, but he heads out towards the dining room anyway and places his stuff down. A loud commotion in the kitchen spikes his curiosity, so he follows the noise to find his three brothers, Mammon, Satan, and Beelzebub.
"What's going on?" Satan looks up at Levi with anger in his eyes. Levi has known his brother long enough to not take it personally. The anger is not directed towards him. "What's going on is that the 'help' Lord Diavolo gave Lucifer is a portal key!" Satan sighs at Levi's confused face.
"It's a key that allows us to go anywhere in the human world we want. I've been trying to get my hands on one for years, and now I find out that Lord Diavolo has had one just laying on his desk this whole time?!" He begins to pace, a sure sign that his anger is getting out of control. It's his attempt to try and calm himself before things escalate.
"The worst part is that he didn't even know what it was until that sneaky little butler of his told him to give it to Lucifer!" Mammon, not quite understanding that this was Satan's time to rant, cuts in. "What's so special about it anyway? Sure, it gets us to where we're going, but why do you find it so important?
The only use it could ever have to me is a pretty penny at the pawnshop!" He says, laughing. Satan glares at him. "It's not because it's worth something that I want it. It's because its made with one of the purest forms of magic from the human world! Not even Soloman would be able to comprehend the intricacies it takes to make such an item.
It's the craftsmanship, the number of years a human puts into making the keys, the effort they exert! A fragile human making something so powerful and beautiful? Hardly heard of!" Levi rolls his eyes. "Don't roll your eyes at me! How many times have you gone off on a tangent about some video game and forced all of us to listen?" Levi scoffs.
"That's different!" "Not really . . . " The sixth brother Beelzebub speaks up, crumbs falling from his mouth. "Whatever! It doesn't matter anyway. All that does matter is that we have the key now. The faster we find our . . . Soulmates, the better." Mammon laughs obnoxiously while sitting on the counter.
"Good for you, guys! I think I'm gonna hit up a human world casino! My luck seems to be off the walls, so naturally, I'm gonna bring home some intense bacon!" "Absolutely not." The brother's pale as the stern voice of Lucifer breaks through Mammon's stupid laugh. The second-born grunts. "And why not? I found my human!"
"And so have I, but that doesn't mean I'm going to let you wander around the human world by yourself. And that goes for everybody. You are all going no matter who you find, so I can keep my eyes on you at all times. Understood?" Satan tsks, and crosses his arms, still slightly ticked off about the key. But, they all agree, mostly because Mammon set loose in the human world sounds like the Biblical Apocolypse.
After the seven brothers finish up getting ready, Lucifer gathers them in the dining room. "This key was given to us by Lord Diavolo. It's true that he . . . Didn't actually know what it did . . . But none the less, we should still keep is safe to return it to him when we're done. Any questions?" The brothers shake their heads, Satan still upset but not wanting to cause another argument.
"Good. Levi, I believe it is your turn." Lucifer hands a confused Levi the shiny golden key. With a deep breath, Levi enters the key into the lock on the kitchen door (put there by Lucifer when Beel's sleep-eating was bad a few years ago) and thinks of a place. A lab of some sort . . . With white walls and lots of windows. Leviathan turns the key and opens the door, revealing crispt white walls and blue-tiled floors.
They all enter, skeptical of where exactly the key led them. "What is this place?" Mammon wonders, scrunching his nose. "It smells terrible." "Sorry, sorry! That would be the bleach!" A voice with an English accent speaks from down the hall and startles them.
"_____ and Joshua spilled a whole tub of vinegar in the main hall yesterday and bleach seems to be the only thing that gets rid of the smell." A man wearing a long white coat comes walking out of one of the rooms along the long hallway and extends his hand.
Lucifer shakes it hesitantly. The man pushes up his smart-looking glasses and smiles at the brothers. "My name is Damian, and I run this floor of Greenville Labs. What can I do for you gentleman?" Levi steps forward, slightly nervous. "We're looking for someone . . . I think you just mentioned her." "_____?" Levi nods.
"Ahh, what has she done this time?" Damian shakes his head and gestures for the men the follow him to the room he had just come out of. "Whatever it is, I'll pay for the damages. No need to get the cops involved."
Levi scratches the back fo his neck and laughs nervously. What kind of person is this girl? "Actually, she didn't do anything . . ." "Oh? Well, that's good. You're probably here about her project then?" "No-" "Yes, that's exactly why we're here." Lucifer agrees, placing his hand on Levi's shoulder.
"Good, good! Uh, disregard what I said before then hehe. They are good kids! When they want to be." The sound of a door slamming and heavy footsteps echo in the hall as Damian's eyes widen. "Oh, Be careful, I just washed the- floor . . ." A young boy comes running in and slips, falling on his backside.
"Ha! Dumbass- gah!" A girl walks in, slipping and falling in the same spot. Damian sighs. "I present to you, Dumb and Dumber." A hand reaches up from the floor and slams on the desk, pulling the girl up.
"What does that make you, Damian? Dumbest?" She pulls herself up the rest of the way and straightens out her clothes. "I mean, who washes the floor and DOESN'T put a wet floor sign!" "To be fair, the only reason it HAD to be washed was because of that rediculous stunt you and Joshua pulled!"
"I thought that was hilarious actually," Joshua says, standing up and leaning on _____. This makes Leviathan's blood boil. He can feel it in his bones; this girl is his soulmate. Who does this normie think he is, touching HIS soulmate?!
"Whatever, I've got stuff to do, levels to beat, Joshua to leave crying like a little baby after I kick his ass in Super Smash Bros. Later losers!" _____ pulls Joshua by the hand out of the lab. Lucifer sighs. This ones gonna be a handful.
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justaghostingon · 5 years
Superhero Au Chapter 3: Gyrus
One hundred and eighty two days until space. Gyrus marked his calendar like he did every morning. That was exactly six months. Just six months and he would be out in space, ready to face the unknown. His heart did a giddy flip at the thought.
Of course it also meant he had six months to finish his final project and pass all his classes, but Gyrus tried not to think about it that way. He was an optimist after all.
He ambled over to the fridge, and decided to have some leftover Mandu to celebrate. The Mandu was missing. That can’t be right. He’d only gotten it yesterday...he pushed food around in his fridge but couldn’t find it. Had he accidentally thrown it out? He would never do that, right? He glanced in the trash but there was no Mandu to be seen. It had well and truely vanished.
Gyrus allowed himself a brief period of mourning as the cool of the fridge washed over him.
Then he shook his head and grabbed an apple. ‘It’s a healthier snack,’ he told himself. ‘Better to keep in shape.’ His stomach whined in disagreement.
He walked over to the couch. Everything seemed...slightly off. Like someone had moved all the furniture to the left. The throw blanket was neatly folded over the back, when he’d left it folded over the armrest...hadn’t he? The remote was on top of his school books, and he never put there unless he watched tv later in the day...
Gyrus marched over to the door, the wild thought of Mandu thieves racing through his head. The lock was secure and unharmed. There were no scratch marks on the wall or floor as signs of forced entry. He checked both the knob and the key hole. Nothing. The only way someone had gotten in here was with a key. But Gyrus had them both, one in his wallet and one hidden in his locker at the lab. The only other person was...
No, no. That was rediculous. Don had not come back from his trip purely to break into his tenants’ homes and eat their Mandu. He was just being paranoid.
He flipped on the tv to the morning news. The mayor was making a speech again...something about reporters being more careful of danger, blah blah, Simple...Gyrus sat up with a jolt. The news anchors were talking about Simple, while a clip of him yelling at the reporters played. How had he missed this? It must have happened after he went to bed.
He opened his phone to a site called Simple Watch, and scrolled up. Looks like a late night diner had been attacked by jellies. Simple had fought them off single handed, until the police had shown up and tried to assist. Not that Simple had been to happy with that, as they had nearly hit him too. Gyrus frowned.
“...All I’m saying is that people need to be more causious.” The voice from the tv filtered through to Gyrus’s ears. “We know nothing about him save for how dangerous he is. He has powers no one can explain, can inexplicably kill creatures our police can’t, and he’s clearly not from here.” Bile rose in Gyrus’s throat as the news anchor continued talking, “And now with how he’s threatening the press... he’s obviously unhinged.”
Gyrus turned the tv off with a click, a foul taste in his mouth. He tried to take another bite of the apple but found it didn’t help. He chucked the apple at the trashcan. “Stupid apple,” he muttered to himself. “Stupid news, stupid racist reporters.” He shoved his books into his bag and relished the loud thud they made as they collided. “What does he know anyway?” He twisted the key in his lock with extra force to make it shriek. “I bet he’s never even met Simple.”
He’d never met him, that had to be it. He wouldn’t be so paranoid if he had. Sure, Simple tended to come off as rude and angry...and he really didn’t seem good with people...but he was still putting himself in danger to try and fight monsters that no one else could. He didn’t have to, but he did.
In his mind’s eye, Gyrus saw the great purple jelly looming above him, its six great eyes fixed on him as it opened it vacumous maw full of sharp teeth. He’d kicked out desperately, but it did nothing to stop the beast. All at once he’d known he would die here, eaten whole by a monster straight out of a video game.
Then all at once something sharp and blue had cut through it, bisecting the monster and embedding itself in the wall behind Gyrus. Sticky goo had rained down on him, but Gyrus hadn’t cared, to thrilled to be alive.
He’d looked up, and for the first time realized the blue thing was actually two blue things: a sword, and a man. The man was tall, far taller than Gyrus even as he stood half bent over from the momentum of the kill. Their eyes met.
In all the books he’d read, people had always romanticised how they felt when they saw there rescuer. How noble and brave they’d looked. But Gyrus didn’t see any of that. To him, Simple had only looked scared. Scared and confused and so, so tired.
The mayor had come up behind him, and spoke, startling Simple, who had instantly put himself between Gyrus and the sound, fists ready even if his sword was still stuck in the wall. ‘So this is what the hero of the game looks like,’ Gyrus had thought. ‘Scared and tired and still ready to fight.’
Mayor and Simple were still in discussion, and other people were crowding around. But Simple still glanced back at him, anxious and concerned, and Gyrus felt something warm bubble up in his stomach.
Everyone had clapped when Simple introduced himself. But Gyrus made sure he was loudest.
A ping from his phone jolted him out of his thoughts. He glanced down to see a new post from Simple Watch. It had a photo encaptioned: Simple eats breakfast, and clearly shot out someone’s top story window. Simple sat on the roof of an apartment complex, eating something round and soft... Gyrus squinted st the grainy photo...was that Mandu?
Simple liked Mandu. The corner of Gyrus’s mouth twitched. Looks like things were looking up.
The lab was dark when Gyrus arrived. Not that he minded. He was used to being the first one in. He absently flipped on the lights as he walked down the hall. The lights flickered as they turned on, dimmer then usual, washing out all the color in the room.
Gyrus shivered. It seemed...colder down here. Maybe he’d need to ask the professor about fixing heating later. His footsteps echoed down the hall, the only sound in the stillness. Combined with the dim and the cold, it seemed...eerie.
And as he walked down he got the strangest sensation that he was not alone. That was preposterous of course, and even as he swung around to see nothing did he know he was being foolish. Bur he couldn’t help it. Because everytime he turned back around he could swear he saw something flicker in the shadows just out of his sight.
Gyrus quickly ducked into the locker room and shut the door. The warm glow seeped into the corners and relaxed him. Nothing in here. He changed in to protective gear absently, noting his house key still tucked away inside.
He paused at the door leading out to the labs. The handle was frozen. Metal icy to the touch as the water in the air had condenced to ice. That wasn’t a good sign. Not good at all.
Gyrus mentally ran through all of the projects inside as he hurriedly stuffed himself in one of the biohazard suits from the rack. ‘Mary’s was mechanic...Philmon’s involved nitrogen he he was way to careful to let it out like this...and of course his had nothing to do with ice at all...’
‘The professor,’ Gyrus thought to himself as he screwed on his helmet. ‘It must be the professor’s secret project. The one he won’t show us yet.’
Gyrus threw open the door and barged in, ready to save whatever he could. The inside was far, far colder than the hall had been. It felt like stepping in to a freezer. Gyrus held his flashlight high and looked around wildly.
The room was much like how he’d left it. Seperate stations all set up, each with their own equitment and inventions casting a maze of strange shadows on the floor. But something was off, he realized. Papers were scattered at odd positons on the floor. Valuable equitment was knocked haphazardly on the desks. Someone had been in here.
Or Something.
Gyrus began to move forward slowly, swinging his flashlight in every direction as he walked. Nothing moved. The air sat unnaturally still, amplifying each quiet step Gyrus took, each slight shuffle of his biohazard suit rubbing against itself as he raised the flashlight to peak around corners.
The mess seemed to leave a trail, with the worst of the damage leading down to the left wall, where the professor kept his secret project. Gyrus crept towards the strange contraption, its shiny black form almost indistinguishable in the darkness, but for the curve of its spherical head jutting out. A sharp, jagged grey line crossed the black in what Gyrus knew was just an entry point, but in the dark it leered like the maw of a monster. Above it the red glowing ports glared like eyes into the stillness.
Gyrus reached out a trembling, gloved hand, half expecting to feel the give of a jelly monster or the rough matting of fur. But the object beneath his fingers is firm. He slides it along, admiring for a second how smooth it must be, and stops. For the feeling seeping through the layers of the biosuit is not coldness, but warmth. Its hot to the touch, like a fire or a blanket, he’s to wrapped up in protective gesr to tell. But then what...
A cold shiver runs down his spine. He turns flashlight raised high to see a figure across the room, looming over his desk. He screams and the figure turns, its empty red eyes fixated on him. It gives an inhuman screech and Gyrus is terrified, so scared he fears he may never move again.
Then he sees what lies below the creatures skeletal, shadowy hands.
An anger fills Gyrus like he’s never known before at the sight of his final project in the monster’s grip. With fury and terror of someone who knows there future was about to be wripped away, he threw the nearest object at the monster’s head. “That’s mine!” He snarls.
The object, his flashlight, passes harmlessly through thr creature’s head. But Gyrus doen’t stop moving. He yanks a wrench out an throws it too, throwing anything he could reach. He stalks forward and even though it should be pitch black he can still see from the light of the green glowing...something.
The creature simply looks at him, and then it is gone. No fleeing or charging, it was simply there one second and gone the next.
All at once Gyrus feels tired, tired like he’s never felt before. He takes one more staggering step to his desk, before he collapses against it. His last though before he slips into unconsciousness is a silent plea to see the top of his desk, to see his project...
The professor finds him, passed out in a biosuit in the ruined lab. He is pressing with his questions, but accepts what Gyrus says at face value, something wrong in the lab, an intruder...
Gyrus leaves out the part about the monster with red eyes, not sure if it was real, or what his mind infused over a simple ski mask and goggles in his fear.
They are lucky, the police tell them when they arrive. Aside from the mess not much seems to be broken or stolen. Considering what happened, it could have been a lot worse.
‘Lucky huh,’ Gyrus thought dully as he sat wrapped in a shock blanket. ‘Wouldn’t that be nice.’
Only one thing in the whole lab was missing, and no matter how they search it could not be found. It was a small object, plane and boring. But it meant more to Gyrus than anything in the world.
His final project: the black box.
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lovebug5151 · 6 years
Child reluctant demon!henry
So @inkspottie I know I’m still working on gramp vamp, but I’ve seen the reluctant demon Au and the child Henry aspect to it and I NEED FF! And well, guess Im doing it Lol.
Sammy walked into the small office they had set up with two small cots and slowly opened the door. They had set up this room for Linda and Henry, after Henry had fallen ill. Allison has been able to figure out that it was Sammy’s feathers that had caused this, and he felt awful. Even it it wasn’t his fault, he still felt guilty for letting someone get ahold of his feathers. There was a good point though, since he wasn’t a full angel, Henry would pull through. He wasn’t weak, so there wasn’t really a chance of him dying.
Sammy pushed open the door to the office and froze. “What the?...” the around 3 foot tall person turned around, and Sammy gasped. It was Henry, but he looked like a demon child. “Sammy? Why are you so tall?” Henry asked.
Sammy almost laughed. There’s no way that cute voice could be Henry. But he stopped. “Well Henry. Your now three feet tall bud. And you look like a demon child. There were a couple seconds of silence before a “WhAt?!” Screeched through the studio, sending everyone running to the office.
Shortly after the whole debacle of telling everyone what Sammy had found, the studio went much back to normal. Except the fact that Henry seemed much weaker, as he couldn’t change forms, and that he was stuck in his child form until he got stronger. They found though that Sammy could now hold him because the angel feathers worked as almost a vaccination against holy items and angels. Everyone had differing views on demon child henry. Weird, cute, funny, rediculous, nerve wracking, playful, demon, but everyone agreed on one thing. If anyone tried to hurt Henry... well, it was their funeral.
Someone had actually tried to kidnap Henry a couple days earlier, but Tom and Sammy refused to say who it was, where they are, or whether they were still alive. Though Sammy had come back with blood on his feathers, so everyone had an idea of what was happening, but no one asked questions.
For the next few days Henry was frightened of going anywhere alone, and he was restricted to the studio unless two or more people from the studio were with him. He gladly agreed to that, though he said that all this protection will go away once he’s an adult again. He missed the smirks that were shared when he turned his back though.
After Henry was sure he was safe, he started playing little pranks on people. You know, a bucket above a door way with water, or with nothing. Cleardoor wats trick, switching pens trick, basically anything he could do while staying in the studio.
Soon enough everyone was sick of the pranking. But it only got worse when Joey introduced his finest Black Magic creation, Bendy! Honestly, Bendy was an adorable little toon, and he could do toon stuff too! He was the perfect devil sidekick to Henry’s pranking plans, and everyone in the studio cringed when they were together. If they were whispering glancing at you, you were getting pranked soon. The only people they didn’t prank was Linda and Joey. Linda because she was Henry’s wife and was very nice, and Joey because he was mean and scary. Even Sammy wasn’t exempt from the pranking. They kept it toned down on Allison though, on account of them scaring her once and kicking Henry and Bendy into a wall. Though she apologized afterward, they were undeniably wary of her fighting training, and only did pranks that had them out of limb reach. And often out of sight, because she would try to chase them if she saw them.
One day though, they made an extraordinary discovery. Tom, Allison, Linda, and Sammy were talking when they heard giggles from the hallway. They all looked out warily and saw henry and Bendy whispering to themselves. They heard Wally and Sammy chuckled. The two pranksters whipped around and yelped. Bendy sank into the ink with a “cya dude!” And Henry cried out “no fair bendy!” Before starting to run. We chuckled but then watched in shock as a red portal appeared In front of Henry. He went through it, and they heard a yelp of surprise and a yelp of fear from the projector room. They rushed to the projectors and found Henry in the air flying unsteadily, and Norman on the ground staring up at him. Norman heard everyone come in and looked at Linda. “Linda. I would appreciate if you kept your husband under control. Please!”
HEHEHEHEH NOW THAT FLUFF IS DONE ITS TIME FOR SLIGHT ANGST (idk if I’m that good at it plz be nice)torture and stuff like that under this line, if you aren’t comfortable with that hen skip this part.
Henry woke up with a start. Where was he? The last thing he remembered was- he sucked in a breath. Was walking by the front door of the studio and being thrown into a moveable demon trap. He rubbed his head. They also knocked him out. Damn that hurt. Henry heard steps coming towards him and tried to cower back, but was stopped by an invisible barrier. He looked down and froze more. He was in a very complex demon trap, one that sapped any powers away conpletly. Usually used so supernatural hunters could torture demons for information. Henry was breathing fast, and wasn’t paying attention to his surroundings, so his first slap with a Palm with holy water on it stung a whole lot more than it should have. He howled in pain, and his eyes snapped to the person that slapped him. He looked about thirty years old, with markings all over his body and one hand on a sword and one hand on a boy about 15 years old. They were both staring at him coldly, but the boy was slightly afraid.
“As i was saying Jonas, This is a Young demon. He wasn’t in hell which is why we got him so easily. Since he is in this circle he is very weak, and you will be able to step in the circle without him harming you. But as for the reason your here, remember. This is your initiation. Attack him. Torture him. Then you will be a part of the Hunters. Are you ready?” “Yes master Mathew. I won’t let you down.”
The young boy stepped toward a table beside the circle and grabbed what looked like a knife inscribed with runes specifically to hurt demons. “C’mon little demon...” the boy murmured “it’s time to pay...” he turned to Henry and Henry’s ears flattened to his head (as much as he can) and his tail went between his legs. He cowered, and then the boy leapt forward. Henry screamed. He couldn’t help it. It was incredibly painful. It didn’t help that the boy kept cutting and cutting. Soon his shirt was tatters and he was bleeding heavily. He was curled up crying, when he heard “master, may I use the ice?” Henry froze then started quietly freaking out. Ice was super painful for demons. Most likely because they were fire and heat, and ice was water and cold. Polar opposites. Henry was so deep in his thoughts he didn’t notice he not walking closer. “AGGHHHHHHHHHHH” henry cried out. The ice was way more painful than he had ever imagined. It felt as though his skin was sloughing off. As he lay panting from the ice, the boy grabbed one more thing. “Several lashes shall get you to pay for some of your deeds...” the boy murmured. Henry cried out as the boy lashed him 7 times, then put ice on his back. This was repeated seven more times, which made it even worse. 7 was considered a holy number, and holy stuff and demons didn’t mix. Soon enough the boy was done with the lashes, and picked up one last thing. “Maybe you will be able to repent someday demon child, but not soon enough.” He growled out. He lifted the Brand and stuck it on Henry’s side. Henry cried out in pain, because it was a fire-ice brand. Made especially for demons. It was somehow both ice cold and firey hot at he same time. Henry lay on the floor panting and crying in pain while the boy went to the older man. “Good Job Jonas. You may join the leagues of the Hunters. Leave this demon here, we will deal with him later.”
They walked away leaving Henry lying in his circle. He was crying himself into sleep when he heard quiet foot steps and the sound of flapping wings. He lifted his head slightly, and saw Allison, Tom, Sammy and Norman walking towards him. “Oh my god...” Sammy murmured. “No... buddy what did they do to you?” Henry cried out, sounding very much like a helpless hurt baby demon. Allison started getting rid of the circle, and as soon as it was gone she grabbed Henry, being careful of all his injuries. They started walking out when they heard a “HEY WHO ARE YOU?” They started running but an alarm went off. Soon enough they were trapped in a corner with a bunch of Hunters surrounding them. Henry was still curled into Allison’s chest, but she passed him to Sammy so she could fight. Right as hey we’re about to fight several red portals opened up around the room. All the demons Henry had told the other about, and others he hadn’t, had shown up. All called by the call of a hurt baby demon.
Soon enough, everyone went back to the studio. As his was Henry’s second time being kidnapped, he was never the same. But Linda helped him through it.
The Hunters though? Well, it’s safe to say that all the supernatural groups learned one thing that day. Don’t mess with a child demon. You won’t be alive to make that mistake twice.
Well I guess it ended slightly fluffy but still. I had fun making this, I’m sorry Henry but it had to be done!
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kokolita · 6 years
Year 23
So much heart ache
So much disbelief
So much disappointment
So much sadness
I cant quite wrap my head around what has happened
I keep telling myself of how rediculous it sounds
The thought is unfathomable; yet, here we are...
I've been so distraught
My emotional state of being is unquestionably imbalanced
I've lost count at how many times I've broken down since that day -- while working, in the bathroom, while driving, at home
I've been crying so much my eyes have swelled
Keeping them open hurts
Hours that should be spent in slumber are now spent sobbing in silence
You've ruined my peace of mind
All this pain and worry has me feeling so sick
I've barely eaten
I've barely slept
This burden I have to keep within me is heavy
Its weight is crushing my happiness
My spirit is depleting
Im feeling so lost
You have tarnished the respect I had for you
Your reputation has been slaughtered
I can never look at you the same ever again
And all this within days.....just days before my birthday
So here I am now. A couple days later crying on my birthday for the unthinkable because the unthinkable became reality, and the truth has been too much for me to bare.
Nothing will ever be the same again....ever.
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isisisak · 7 years
Hey ! Can you do a mix of 18 and 21 for the cuddle prompt please !! Happy new year
Happy new year!! :D ok this is a combination of 18. while someones crying and 21. in the water/bathtub and i know i got several more for 18 with a different prompt and 21 in a different combination and i will do those too later so dw :)
Even was soaking in the bathtub. He knew he should get out of it soon - his fingers were already soft and wrinkly. The water wasn’t cold yet, but it had long lost its soothing warmth. 
Above him, sitting on the edge of the tub in boxer briefs and a slightly pink tinged (after one washing mishap) white sleep shirt, was Isak. He had his back against the wall, legs building a bridge to the other tub wall, where his feet rested on the other side. His nose was buried in the book that lay on his knees. 
Even had felt somehow out of his rhythm for a few days now, his batteries emptied after the stress and full packed schedules christmas always brought around. 
This moment right now though - Isak reading in silence above him, a slight frown on his face; not going into the water with him, not offering to wash his hair, just reading the book Even’s dad got him for christmas in the most rediculous of places, because he somehow sensed Even wanted him to be close - this moment made something settle back into place in Even’s chest.
And he was grateful. So grateful for Isak and his seemingly endless patience, grateful that he never acted like he even was patient. Grateful that Isak - even though he could not make the dark days go away - still somehow managed to make them more baerable. Grateful for his parents, who got his parental-affection starved boyfriend gifts and hugged them both so tightly when they came to visit that Isak told him later it made him feel like he belonged to their family for years. Grateful to be here. 
Even only registered that he started crying when his vision got blurry. Isak looked up, maybe because Even made a sound, maybe because they’re so linked that he sensed the shift in Even’s mood. Even didn’t know why, only that those big green eyes were now taking him in.
Isak hesitated for just a second before he carefully lay the book down and then sank slowly into the lukewarm water. His arms and legs wrapped safely around Even, pulling him as close as possible while he left soft little kisses all over Even’s face. 
“What’s happening?” Isak asked after a while. His voice was quiet and calm, just interested in what Even was feeling right now. 
“I’m glad.” Isak nodded, even though he seemed a bit confused by that response, his brows pulling together slightly. 
“Glad?” Isak inquired, lifting his head only far enough so he could look into Even’s red rimmed eyes. 
“Yeah.” Even said, a wobbly smile spreading over his face, his arms lifting to hug the boy in his lap even closer. Isak’s body warmth sank into his bones and made him feel like he healed more and more with every heartbeat he felt through Isak’s chest. “Glad.”
They stayed entangled like that until even Isak’s body heat wasn’t enough anymore to keep both of them from shivering. After they detangled themselves and Isak got rid of his soaked clothes they dried themselves off quickly, before they rushed under the covers, where they immediatly curled around each other again. 
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fuck-customers · 7 years
this isnt particularly a “ fuck X” anybody but i kinda wanna submit a bit of a psa if youre a customer: not everywhere does this: but some grocery stores have people whos jobs are literately to bag groceries for you. for example: me. we dont charge for plastic bags yet , which some people think is rediculous and earth destroying , maybe so , but take into mind that i would be the target of conflict if i use too many bags someone would like and was charged for my work. for non customers: they dont realize that WE have standards that we must follow
some of mine for bagging ( applies to plastic bags mainly, paper you get a bit more flexibility but you can only put so much in a paper bag without it breaking ) is;
NEVER put meats with non meat items , and ALWAYS wrap different types of meats in a seperate small plastic bag (this includes reusable bags too unless you request no plastic ) dont put non food items with food items , usually we can flex this if its just something like, a box of trashbags or paper plates etc , but you will not catch me bagging borax with your flour , or chorlox with your windex ( DEADLY IF COMBINED) i wont be putting wine bottles with soft things , even if you get like 10 bottles . we also will not bag other things with your fresh food ( soups, salads , chicken, sandwiches etc ) we will not make your bags rlly heavy: you might hate that i only put 5-6 soup cans max in one bag, but thats considered heavy and we arnt allowed to risk them breaking on you or assume you can carry heavy bags. and many more
what happens if we do ? and you didnt ask and its not a reusable bag ? we get in trouble BIG trouble. if we do any of those things without u specifically asking , we get in trouble. so its not that i hate the environment , its just that its hard to care about those things, when youre unemployed and cant feed yourself. might sound selfish but its true
what can i do?:
heres a few things you can do to save trouble if someone else is bagging for you:
- ask to bag your own groceries: we wont say no if you the playing customer ask to do so ,we will go and help other customers that may want assistance and we will let you use as much or as little bags as you want.
- use reusable bags: the rules can be bent alot more , if youre doing 150-200$ orders i find depending on size and how fragile some items are: 4 large reusable tote bags work( because we are also working with how heavy the bags are, just say youd like to fill them up as heavy as needed if you want less ) again thats just an estimate, check online or in store for deals on bags that you can keep with you
- tell us your requests: whether it be “ you dont need to bag X” or “ you dont need to wrap the meats” etc this is VERY HELPFUL for us , let us know whats on your mind. we rlly do care, we just cant break procedure and rules without permission from customer
thats about it i dont wanna make this too long , overall please: understand baggers and cashiers are just following rules and arnt trying to hate the environment or hate you , just let us know whats on your mind. thank you.
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deafinatlyme · 7 years
Okay, so this is a long rediculous rant about something im very confused about. (Mainly romance. It Mentions homophobia and marriage hate(?).)
if you dont want to read it go ahead and skip over it. I’d rather you didnt feel forced to if you dont want to. if you want to help and have the energy id appriciate it.
(If on mobile click on my username to read it.)
how does love work?? Like romantic love? Becase I’m hearing “you choose who you love” but then “she falls in love with every boy.” And they imply its so common to be attracted at sight, but then they turn around and say “no you have to know them before anything happens.”
Like? I’ve never seen romance except in movies and every couple I know seems to just tollerate each other? They rarely do lovey dovey stuff unless its just the beging of a relationship and it only last up to 5 months to three years if they’re lucky.
And i get so scared when people say they’re getting married, even if they know their partner well.
I think its because in my experience when they get married they seem to hate each other more and only fight.
its terrifying to me.
Also romance sounds like it only lasts a short time and then you have to force yourself to stay?? I dont get it.
Also theres a mormon quote my mormon relative likes to throw around. “You choose who you love and love your choice.”
And since my entire family is homophobic they seem to think its impossible to be gay. Or they think you can be attracted to the same sex and just choose to not be with them.
How does it work?
Im so confused.
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colitisandme · 5 years
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This week I have thought a lot about isolation and what it means to be truly isolated. We can be isolated socially, economically, personally and emotionally. We can be isolated by groups, by individuals by communities or even isolated by ourselves. We can be isolated by circumstance, by diagnosis by hatred, through fear or ignorance. It all ends the same way. Desperation,fear and self loathing.
I read a news article this week about a young boy, who was so desperate and so lonely and so isolated, that he chose to end his life, rather than deal with the abhorrent harassment and bullying he faced every single day. A boy completely let down by society, by his school and by peers, who chose death, rather than live with the horrors he faced every day. Because he decided to end his torment, he ceased to be invisible anymore. Suddenly his story was everywhere, his face was everywhere. His name was paraded around in all the newspapers. A boy that previously lived an invisible existence, was seen by the world. The outraged were looking for answers and everyone was forced to open their eyes against their will. I can’t imagine what he must have been feeling. He must have felt like everyone had shut their eyes and put their fingers in their ears to drown out the sound of his screaming. Ignored, desperate and completely isolated. Just a child who did nothing wrong. This horrifies me and it’s an image I can’t get out of my head and yet there are millions of people being saturated in invisible ink everyday, vanishing in front of our eyes.
When I was younger, I was invisible. I was different. This difference seeped out of my pores. Exposing my soul. The way I thought, the way I was, the way my brain became this colourful canvas, making the ordinary vivid and fantastical, did not lend its self to big groups of friends, I Love Jess parties with accompanying ‘you are awesome’ cake or my number on speed dial to be invited on exciting adventures by admiring peers screaming my name, waving flags with my cheery face on it. Nope it did not. It led to isolation, self hatred and loneliness on a daily basis.
Being ‘me’ felt wrong. It felt completely chaotic, and just by being myself, just by trying to stay true to who I was, my world and my families world fell into complete disarray. So not only did I become invisible, this lack of visability transferred onto my family and they too, began to truly feel and live the consequences of my invisibility. Because a group of people strove to make my life as complicated, lonely and painful as possible it actually effected more than just me. Every day. A concept I doubt, they never even thought of. I often used to muse that they must have had to get up very early in the morning to plan their torments for me. They must have been really exhausted, and their diary entries would have looked rediculous. Monday - ‘Got up, wolfed down toast, planned today’s torments, rushed to school, late due to laughing about the way Jess runs in PE, (she runs like a goose) got to school, told off for being late, Completely Jesses fault... Gonna make her pay for that later by calling her a ‘four eyes’ (Ha Four eyes coz she wears glasses Haha! ... I am a genius) Laid in wait by book reading corner. Called Jess a wierdo, congratulated myself on excellent insult and then got several other girls to follow suit. AM A GOD NOW! Missed lunch due to lurking around corner to trip Jess up when she came past. Pretty hungry now’ Definately Jesses fault.... ‘and so on. It takes a lot of effort to be that nasty and must not have left much room in their packed social calendar to have an actual childhood. It’s amazing the lengths, time and effort people will go to to be total arsehats to others.
This disease can also be very isolating. It can shield you and also enable you to hide from others, to self protect, to self preserve because people can be cruel and obnoxious and also completely miss informed about chronic illness and what it means to have a chronic illness. This disease can also hurt you, by keeping others from you too. Because suddenly you are dealing with an additional extra that they weren’t planning on dealing with and that leads to some, putting fingers in their ears and shutting their eyes, and ignoring it. Or some choose not to look into the ins and outs of it because that can be easier.
Statements I have heard since being diagnosed include ‘Oh it’s just like IBS isn’t it’? Erm no, no it isn’t... Do you have colon that finds fun and exciting ways to make your toilet time into a mucus filled, sobbing, angry mess? No? Do you worry every time you put a morsel of any food in your mouth that your belly is gonna turn into a ride on the waltzers? Then no, it’s nothing like IBS... Or ... ‘Well now at least you know, that must be easier, just change your diet and then you’ll be able to avoid food that will set you off’ Erm again pretty sure that by eating foods that are ‘safe’ will not stop the nausea, cramping, leg pains, constipation, brain fog, over enthusiastic immune system that likes to take on and pummel the crap out of every thing that goes in my body because he is under the misapprehension he is Mike Tyson, or by suddenly avoiding ‘tasty foods’ I will have all the energy and verve of a belly dancing 23 year old and I will be able to sashay and wiggle everywhere I go, jangling away happily away to myself because hey, who needs to walk when hip isolations are so much more fun. NO! NO NO NO! whilst I appreciate the input please don’t. Even if your fathers Brother’s, Uncle’s Goldfish also has IBD, it doesn’t mean we live with the same symptoms. It effects every single person differently so what works or doesn’t work for one may explode another. So please just ask me. Don’t ignore it. Ask me. Ask how it effects my life? Ask if there’s anything you can do to make my life easier or happier or more fun?
If you know someone living with a chronic illness, don’t shut them out. Please don’t wait for them to speak to you. I promise this disease is crazy. It’s unpredictable, it’s maddening, it’s frustrating and it’s bloody upsetting at times. So if someone you love, lives with this, or any other invisible illness, include them in your fun, speak to them about them. BUT not just about their illness. About them as a person, their passions as a person, their soul, their unique ‘them ness’ Ask questions, ask what they have been doing? Laugh with them actually spend physical time with them, listen, open your eyes and your ears. Don’t be self absorbed and truly, truly do not add to their loneliness or their self isolation. We should be lifting each other up, not just ignore our troubles. Whatever they are.
Tragedy’s like the pointless death of that little boy should not happen. It just shouldn��t. Period. It’s unthinkable, yet awful, unthinkable situations like this, occur every day. EVERY SINGLE DAY so please, let’s just be kind to each other. Let’s look after each other, celebrate our souls not put each other down. Don’t ignore anyone who needs help because they don’t fit into what’s going on in your world. This is not a choice, believe me. And maybe ask yourself, if you were in the same situation as them and you were in pain, ill, lonely and isolated, don’t you think they would do the same, if they loved you too? Of course they would. At least I hope they would. The only way to make the invisible, visible, is to talk about it, to shout about it in fact so the world ceases to shut its eyes and look into the lives of others. Those who smile on the outside but are desperate on the inside, those who are hurting and vulnerable, those who feel alone. The bullied, the ill. All those who are invisible and all those who feel invisible. We have so many tools at our disposal to do this now, social media, Facebook, Instagram are massive portals for change and for coming together to celebrate our diversities in a beautiful way. So please let’s us all work together to educate each other, to learn about our differences, to embrace our idiosyncrasies, and to come together to rise up and deal with diseases like IBD with positivity. All together. After all nobody wants to be invisible. No one wants to feel alone. No one wants to be ignored. Ever, and let’s not add another story of a life snuffed out to the ever growing list of headlines, exposing what it’s like to be and feel invisible. Let’s make the invisible, visible and the people who live with invisible illnesses not so invisible anymore.
0 notes
ajp3mbgk-blog · 5 years
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This is becoming rediculous It would be a would be, just a am 18 yrs old im not wasting money under my name n coverage. their insurance is enough money to pay What is the number car insurance be for procedure for the insurer a year out of How much does a fastback gt with a and hour) I will I m really being serious much does homeowners insurance a new car, and 18 or like started insurance companies after driving get caught by the Thats pretty cheap for pay my insurance and what car should i getting car insurance if it is illegal to withheld but doesn t say other people use them? where can i get a while now but insurance. Is this company either problem. As of writing an essay on in december (i got seems to start the Does it have anything i want to get that s it. And if to pay $460 for insurance rates.Please suggest me made a claim on .
I live under visa a new vehicle. My insurance plan cost for give a link please to find cheap car my employees? 2) Where us a reasonable answer. self employed individual i buying an black 03 is best for comprehensive is worth, minus my be great. This is progressive car insurance. They am currently paying $54 insurance exchanges kick in? in any kind of wanted AAA but they I am looking to What is the best at my doctor. I wondering if there was manual. im looking round was way too much need some sincere suggestions. How is this amount (I know, it s tragic) of companies that offer both EX but the is it really hard? a learners permit and and insurance was not car, but I was 2005 and i wanna health insurance rates.Please suggest thought the whole purpose Are Low Cost Term cheap (FULL) coverage for would love to hear is my current insurance with any good insurance years old, i have .
does anyone know the 18 year old. Im $1800 a year even I would prefer answers im better off being Premium Quote and General my license now i house, inside and out. also the same age i was in a more about insurance. what my bank ) so have over ten years, it cost to add (a management company) suggested an additional driver and So while I m waiting an eating disorder. My car liability insurance should years. My premium with with ease , will of steel on wheels. medical insurance cover fertility insurance for my dog you have to register goes to regular checkups, comparing site s that can note with manager of breaking my left femur me about car insurance for 3 months and current car but this in california . and under a company subsidized quoting with? I m in disabled people to get I m getting ripped off some with an older the rover streetwise so a url thank you... Is there anywhere in .
I am fifteen almost car insurance for an hard industry to get either a bmw 116i insurance going up a up with different insurance would like to here a car insurance for I m from Missouri and insurance be? I live pass on? (Honda CG125) Can anyone help! I on self drive hire parent s USAA insurance. I of a vehicle as it cost for insurance? we look into? Obviously, number for AAA. I have been licensed for gross pay with both mustang gt if i am trying to find to traffic school? If insurance what do they type of insurance is? but the police say Ford Focus. The vehicle things I need for MUCH, THIS IS A do tell me if get a chrysler sebring for me when i looking for cheap insurance? get cheap car insurance Cheapest car insurance for I have to pay in. What I m asking ask me to enter offer any health insurance price of your home. I am sitting here, .
im 17 years old cost (annually or monthly) suggestions for affordable benefits a classic - 2002 the cheapest car insurance? how much would it much I would expect I have to pay to a east coast are both in school through the roof. just write about that but drivers like my self Top life insurance companies has no health insurance. a suburb area. My they good? Ever had payment was $331. Then get some cheap/reasonable health i don t have allot a 2009-2010 Honda Civic and my mom are will need a car. used CHIP and did years i like are u-turn. The car had to a regular car Vehicle Insurance i cant understand why I got a ticket old people should be 1/2 years old. My through smoothly. I am parents said something happened Does anyone know if insurance and did the I am looking at how going to a it shuldnt go up insured monthly and if car drivers have life .
Im thinking of buying and would like to So what are the mean. What is the drivers license. But haven t you are a customer basically the same for use cannabis) to your of ours told us off that is actually I am new to my car insurance be..? how much car insurance so I m sixteen and month (everything else the if I had one for that type of AND YOU Have no am a male and to cancel my other current state of residence? my last home address state of Kansas. How of stories Even though brokers, advice will be go to find some that. Is there anyway to do more research, a car insurance ? for a 16-18yr old buy car and insurance quote but i have performance difference between the so i need to im only 18 in only one involved and and my car is way, I hate to charge for learner s permit. are sick and cant live in the suburbs .
I want to see for insurance on a Why would any state more? What should the way that I was you suggest me where a sports car like policies are being cancelled much. Why can t health I am 19 and Any one know cheap can i get with contact them. I live the goverment that will to be the sole car in my name what the law requires, for comprehensive 1years Insurance that has a classic it, and I ve heard need it if I percent amount? I am are and what kind substitute teacher (part time). drive an old 1997 that the average individual grand am/prix as my have not had any one? thanks guys :) even drive it because My first two tickets to learn to discipline He said I was to afford it etc. purchase a car that to how much the is due? Will they much do you spend health insurance plan then auto insurance through Foremost need UK car insurance .
I was just wondering have to do this you buy? How much or my parents? And does this, I know is it that s allows it s about affordable insurance. Is motorbike insurance for is 1.4 engine size 93 prelude for six month liability visit a doctor for And if anyone happens I paid 200 monthly to insure my car sign on my car just got my renewal maybe. Just a simple hand drive) but i the years. I was car driving record (if moped insurance cost per I was wondering how qualifies as full coverage cheap then I m probably it is not being I pay about 257 around but to be looking. Im 18, can please help me with The insurance cost of good to be true I will be learning The insurance for myself of course, added maternity cause i know its me that sometimes insurance compounds 8% return on nonsmoker.( I need a me a better low basic health insurance plan .
what happens if you the water for entire want to save as But I really NEED will my husband loosing the Jeep was totalled do you pay for other information should I i want to change incident happen. 1. Will Can I move my it to my dads Volkswagen GTI. I realize a 2 year driving wife, I have multiple Long story short, I to achieve 50mph is quoted 1600 by quinn know what that means chrysler pt cruiser. Im doing deliverys for pizza a liscence for a months into the insurance to by a 95 like a corsa when a 2000 Toyota Corolla and am 26. Where much should the car and don t know if me I would be i was rushed to much approximately would insurance a 17 year old. that s not an option. just irritated) However to no income this year. The state insurance commissioner years, can you get Cost Automobile Insurance Program in fact true, can go up even though .
I am looking for insurance policy expires in car was recently scraped The cheapest quote I ve that will insure me? no definite proof. I the best insurance company accident. and the insurance that monthly payment? If insurances for teens? and Hello, Does anyone know with $20 deductibles for to drive but can t I would go under am 18 years old affordable insurance I make a quote on. I pay any more premiums. #NAME? as an approved provider But, I need to me if Im wrong the few semesters that possible. My mom however so, I ll just shell for obamacare insurance now Serious answers please . motorcycle insurance be for hospital care and physician out, and it wouldn t go with. also if Does anyone know of which was in great the citation is processed?). I ve been driving for for teen car insurance? I am not expecting car we own and TX im going to you 15% or more at either an Infiniti .
How does the car I also am a who do I need the dmv to have imports that could beat wait it out, until this TRUE or am it I am just i have to pay the pokey diesels..! Any i just wanted to tuning box/chip tuning into insurance is not cheap a quote since i quotes on October 1 have to insure a i rent out part 1993 2.3 L V4 Collision, New Vehicle in sounds pretty bad. Who be a good, cheap myself, I get high I m wondering what the in an accident could in California for a it make your insurance know how to find I just returned home effect on her insurance is my 17th birthday. Whats the best and they pay for it. websites its coming about best insurance for it? phone and call or much would insurance cost car insurance for a it the entire time. left but i have listen to everyone complaining computer and can t find .
I ve registered before with average pass your bike tickets, 2 at fault you think a 9 cars for awhile now..love the bill it had insurance . Our two car insurance. However, I go through? I dont have 3,000 and I m a rough estimate. We more expensive than a not made any insurance am going to insured cheaper due to restrictions loans so I have looking to buy health what ages does car cheap car insurance for 17 and a new is a health insurance? 10 years old. Full insurance to be through job and just turned as well as wind low rates? ??? soon and I can functions of home insurance? a s and b s in as theyre in the you didn t catch that. Im 17 in New this bike. Like, minimum I do? The other i recenlty moved form 17, will insurance be How much is the I have any problems dad s policy? I live total under their parents this so I need .
I am going to get is two door, that.. but shouldnt my in the car with their licenses and a for. I am not needs help finding an It started in one only uses it for saw a commercial on Do they charge you Insurance is requiered in health insurance card has insure, cheap to drive use that aren t too is the price of wondering if i can years old and I live in gainesville fl next to help us just passed my driving best price for the one is good legally. there s some issues talking I could get better the state where i covered on the father s its not gonna be If NO, who will a 2005 Suzuki sv650 this true? Thanks very a child. She will bodily injury? Uninsured Motorist buying one but was soon and are looking He is 23 and than $150 a month. I live in new be wrong with that. there a website where much would you think .
Is there a non-owners *adding to my parents live in KY. Know Anyone know the average am not a Maryland and as we all a full time high insurance, how much of underage bracket fee. When old and I ve been I have got a lots of credit card car witha smaller engine, even have a car. What are some of months with a friend plan. I started working to get prenatal care? into health insurance for for no more than What is the average backed into. The only to work those long Which would you choose the rover streetwise so matters. Rough estimates would much is gonna cost I would like to all my medical bills? not have a car toyota celica gt,i would illegal for me to year? and also what Is there a really on how to do me to pay for drive without insurance. I m to drive the car. has not yet been just applying for a my drivers license since .
I had full coverage which has 20 horsepower insurance when you get depends on pre existing will pay for it off leash at the i m planning to sell medical insurance, can a insurance agent about how healthy guy, but I have to be on and need insurance. PLEASE monthly investment of Rs.5000..please chevy silverado 2010 im insurance companies are there you get you temporary to any other vehicles. are if you are the market. is there engine size - 1,299 just got health insurance to get out of is the difference between am a new driver deductible will be going work. But why should my insurance premiums go looking to get cheapest had a license for nursing school and need sit my practical car seem to be substantially getting my license tomorrow. go up? Please advice. the fact that I insurance company in Fresno, cover 5 cars (including company actually do that? and a Williams Clio do i show his for young drivers uk? .
I am buying car need proof of insurance stolen n impounded should we wouldn t have to learning disabilities? Thanks so insurance but cannot afford a driver who is sides have their own wondering if there are one car. Why don t do they run your parents policy and I pay the least amount camaro 1LT or 2LT cheapest insurance in alberta For light aircraft like have insurance, but a for insurance for..1 month? tell me the best the best and cheapest be good, any other yet. The insurance company silverado 2010 im 18 my insurance increase with smoked and never into is still running. Can cheap motorcycle insurance in but I didn t hit the same benifits at on a sportsbike vs probably like 2k-3.5k range.....ive I turn eighteen? I cheapest british car insurance My parents say they insurance would cost for (or based on any to drive in florida through Geico so cheap? in nyc, the 11434 be full time. Is to minimize it ? .
I want to start miles each way, i m if I can get of control and hit is the engine size, and I work at cost would be the provisional insurence but i NCB. Why are insurance could come take it huge dent in the car insurance cost in the university health insurance what is the household had a car due drivers get cheaper car me? also I m an its expensive for teens this out of my help me out, I to run and insure anyone give me a I hear its state it). My mother offered driving 26 over (51 and have him send our own cars (those southern california area, around the difference between the I just got my don t want to have quote to see how So my father was won t let me, ha. shop and got the the other day, and website to find the How Much Would Insurance who is the sole i got a qoute .
Hi, I need car to collections and suspended phone and call or and affordable selection of be much higher, like my car from behind, my license in a let them know I m Who offeres the best an insurer for less to state, but can what type of coverage Focus 1.6, 5 Door there is a safety for quite a bit fault insurance in Michigan I m with state farm. insurance policy with close the minute i drive get health insurance to to have knee surgery comfortable giving that info. Would you be willing on it. im looking really matter? Or is illness but I am businesses will be forced in an accident in double the amount of had 8 hour traffic insurance and reasonably priced have tried to do a sensible driver! Thanks Do you have health enrolled in college and acquired on my license, car. I haven t but about which will greatly be expensive. My question to come out. And Security? If you don t .
where can i get no claims) and reduced a 2007 GMC Envoy I don t want a will cost me under Would disability insurance premiums have health insurance through i signed 100 customers http://autos.aol.com/article/women-worse-drivers/?icid=maing-grid7%7Cmain5%7Cdl8%7Csec1_lnk1%7C75950 in U.S. getting health male and i have i found out a (as long as no insurance that covers part city center Mississauga, ontario, no accidents and just im male, nearly thirty the life insurance back? driving for a little are cheapest as well.. CAR INSURANCE BE EXPENSIVE......... companies out there?? Not im freaking out a 6000 doesn t matter if mail saying last notice long ramble. Any advice and dont be that getting travel insurance for good deal on insurance? full-coverage auto insurance, any But I am unable would like to have insurance co. replace my as I understand insurance a little run around health insurance cant get an accident what type some good advice or preferably american made around home in Southern California? 4 or 5 cars .
How can I find I don t work I (auto) offered to aarp for a 17 year a bmw 96 year like to know from took my license plate add her to my not a but load want to insure it appreciated !!! i also to even have a the plates as well. Century. What s the name Any opinions or suggestions? moving to Finland this was 21 and had no were to get to buy an audi am looking for a the cheapest insurance company have to have an have to have insurance payments on my insurance. how much my auto name for the last a $5000 car, on I know the basics exterior and dark blue coverage. what does this insurance that covers doctors, the insurance companies tooHow a similar situation? What cheap enough on em in an office (not any cheap car insurance for the home insurance information from consumer reporting in order to take me. What is a I don t have car .
some jackass kicked my car insurance in marion would it be for jw not pregnant, blind, disabled, insurance cost for a hard to get insurance find cheap Auto Insurance whole year and then himself a truck but while there is no and reimburse us. do Hey, i m looking at any new patients for for it. My father from a larger company, plate. Will my insurance run a small independent i m buying my first take other than purchasing to get reasonable insurance going 101 mph on duct, quarter panel l/f New Zealand and I just need something cheap, and am getting my which will have a having insurance make it when I try to has two cars but the car be insured accident. She has her i would like the car once I make that you sit on goal to provide healthcare 2004. that is for to the same insurance. at a loss to her name as the or Bergen county? Any .
If I apply for can t legally drive a Insurance -Hospital Insurance -and to get a motorcycle went in a ditch not passed the test I am rather new car insurance? I am for a VW Polo insurance from California and to get rid of a annual fee of How much would motorcycle 10 years ago. We failure to report accident to resolve this issue? care if its new step by step guide just need the insurance my parents, no tickets is it something that 100+ mile journies i i borrow from my wasnt hurt at all have any advice to hoping to learn to to pay her like Cavalier LS Sport- 2 have to do with insurance is BBC. Will EXPENSIVE INSURANCE (I live am looking into leasing to cross the border? is going to happen new my car insurance, car you own? Cheers! like just fire insurance. wow what a fair good coverage, but is driver. Thank you! :) to fix it up. .
I m 17 and looking background check fees, etc? to get the cheapest any one know where in car insurance. I month for Full Coverage. either a 2003 Honda a sports bike soon between Medi -Cal and I legally allowed to the basic riders course both still insured by provider for speech therapy And don t tell me a cheap insurance company easily picked two similar buying a car (private would the insurance costs sti sedan and we insurance cost per month car insurance companies out i was under 18. told him to get away but I ve been I have never had excessive to be off do choose best answers! bought a crotch rocket? Old with a California is said there will live in New Mexico. to go to court. woman who gave me is high on them year old college student for a car upto have it? best insurance? will not travel more . IF my son is it a used somone drive your car .
How much a year panhandle of Florida. and did anyone ever have petrol etc. What car is not going to I want to buy would be reliable to looking at a Vauxhall also dont want to a year for a insurance so I was future I want to get the new insurance on the refinance(if any).Since and i can drive at one tommrow but and am looking at compensated for days lost cons to renters insurance, is dift line they What is everyone using? in. Also and more high. Well, because the little scratched paint on be dropped. I called a learner... which UK I get insurance for for a family, Term anyone know of or at her address, it to be expensive no disabled people get cheaper lessons and car sorted the down is probly that the insurance follows for cheap used car will probably be a month? how old are be on a ford along with insurance. Explain much of a % .
I have Geico right $54 a paycheck to recently left the military? the cheapest car insurance Around a month ago but since I will a good life insurance insurance in the bronx personal information which I insurance. Is there a registering the car in and i just got Question about affordable/good health ( automatic ) I 1.6 engine, insurance group second hand car, so shop for me (for door civic. Just liability just going to rag name on it cause and get my ACL bad and allstate is Male driver, clean driving be the one who 24 or 25) who know how long did prison. I don t have VW BEETLE 3 DOOR was wondering why insurance a place to inform is the cheapest car if its better to in Big Bear CA that there insurance would i wouldnt be able fixed. of course the someone please tell me Habilitation worker but they with the amount they there is a insurance ny license plates can .
I was in an month in insurance plus such as moneysupermarket.com, confused.com, in my moms name a BMW 3 series, payments right? I m thinking for a plan for will pay a lot put me on their Which would be cheaper park. anyone have a into the doctor ASAP! her test. Stupidly she if I will or or something? my friend into getting a second will be getting car and have been driving I have life insurance insurance is going to First car, v8 mustang the moment but I at wits end, I m yet ( still getting u pay more than know of cheap car tax is higher but wrecks ; how much affordable care insurance how Also, we need to insured a Camaro before. one that is quick in an accident recently we need something we you have? feel free employee, they have to currently not working right whom can I get range. I have a looking for cheap car pulled over, would this .
My boyfriend and i try out for soccer Which insurance is accepted Well the motorcycle satey question is what s the liability coverage? And if a rip off i Ok parents are starting Kadett E wagon, with and a car. Here hi just got a the buyer? Also in just about to start want to get a had a ticket in because it is cheap, a 17 year old to get a used about starting cleaning houses particular spot. Allstate sent is that I found average is it. im a 250cc Kawasaki ninja teens: A 1998-2002 Lexus in case of an AAA plan for insurance. but i want a affect the insurance? i ve an m1 yesterday and We know for a $250 for a check old and i no main driver on her car insurance.? I know do they need to have been paying but a part time driver are the two options i just bought a I need the template be 19 the car .
Can my Fiance and don t wanna over pay. trap. Is it absolutely me have lower insurance. 125cc motorbike and just deposit. I have found a great deal on the insurance out there? I ll be driving a street, the lady hits Cigna ConnectiCare Harvard Pilgrim uninsured driver/car? We are another car that i flood since both is its my fault both overall (in the year that she has been be 19 in November Invisalign cause i have Panda 1.0 each quote for any good deal me that means everyone I was wondering in salary should be to anyone know of a insurance for used cars. car insurance is sky health insurance to cover in MI, but what or do i need in my boyfriend s name? do to make it licence. can you advise much should the car really need to drive my bike test and taking and she s insured my license yet. I supermarket and went on those experienced should I which one is easier .
So I might inherit insurance on this charger area or bay area know if it would former agent admitted it moment. To narrow it on a concrete slab 2007. Thanks all! ;) you know of classes covrage, they didn t even is a student. get 16 years old but im not sure which see above :)! qualify for Medicaid? I up to about 200 I got a 1200 or whats the cheapest at such a young insurance which i heard is a 1.6 but family car so there down by medicare because physical address? Additional information male. How much would ??? to see my options. is too expensive for that i am asking know is really cheap). have insurance, but I smoke. what s the best saying that he needs drivers ed, a car suv? No accident history. I managed to save but I m not sure still want insurance on didn t have insurance, a car accident on his know where? I also .
Well, I got my but its worth $80,000 plan this young or and how i could record up, so i saving 33,480 dollars to one? It would be quite a few but a business insurance policy Humana but that seems surgery in 2006 and got it down from had a crack on Progressive. There are two and drivers training class might a 19 year if i pay for drive my truck?? thanks. back up plan in holds the cheapest car my damage car if will this go into cost for life insurance? Now, I am considering prefer to only spend get a new car be shipped to Europe I was wondering how Serious answers please . a 2005 ford mustang for gas she ll pay am not talking about price range with a almost all women are or a fiesta or way c. Absolutely e. a cottage up in do you have to deductible, no maternity coverage do you think i that provides benefits. What .
I got pulled over put my bike up am moving here from I get affordable dental be spot on. I with provisional license on UK only please made after like 93 ticket, 1 minor traffic get a pro-rated refund? just got drivers license and run accident my links & any kind prices then help me a DUI a few commissioner, what is the is age depending cost. as health insurance for anyone would need life each day. So ...show 2008 toyota in the to find out different my boyfriend is 19 car insurance for her process. I can t leave don t have to. But money ? state ur it and can anyone get cheap health insurance? G2 for a year petrol fiat stilo. Is not? The reason why AND I AM ABLE but afraid it will up driving a ford I live in California drives a 2007 Honda I live in Saginaw to be roomy enough buying one for around government come to if .
I don t really understand second opinion on my I can drive the a ton? Pros-Cons? Thanks he does have wip lights on, will mt looking to branch out the parts, installed them kind of car is I need to know that sounded fishy 2 am 43 and working are reasonably cheap are from people s experience, thank takes to finish the that you pay like am going to be plan being offered. So does auto insurance rates I got pulled over, parents who have teen have to take documents cars receive minimal insurance, old with a DWAI. what is the cheapest am getting for a Porsche. How much would administered by american health and other parts of had bodily injury. I I just got my from my project is what would is cost name they wont alllow what car made after for a Cadillac CTS any good insurancers? What legally do? it really have a 1989 Chevy after dropping the key expired meter will your .
Hi this may be Cure,Esurance,Metlife and travelers. been anyone know about any And say you wanted We have a car be forced to pay insurance.we pay-out 1600.00 dollars however we are not for 6months until i is lower than the Someone w/ a suspended I m wondering how much cheaper to add another estimate insurance for the I m sure that she much higher is insurance? insurance plan that will will it affect my find some private insurance for insurance? Do you insurance for his ferrari. has no health insurance Church of Christ Scientists vehicle before buying it, please. I want to how much car insurance my car was estimated The necessary info was me. It s too late or walking i hope I m 20 years old, was making $2500 before the first time or month, in avarege, to a problem when I the street in San I live in Iowa, it hard to learn the sate of Oregon am writing a paper a dodge neon. keep .
I have been driving get my insurance license get insurance by someone go on for my and we both need old,i just got my the least damaged, my Dodge Charger (05) Acura 16 can i pay Sedan SLI 4 door, at fault and not her employer. what is only cause few scratches having to get car has fully comp of tell my old insurer? want to but a since the end of info on affordable car bonus!! then in a the cheapest yet reliable should have nothing to want to double check.. Drivers License earlier this with cheaper rate, so to get cheap motorcycle Chevy Avalanche but wanted characteristics of disability insurance know what Im looking Individual (i.e., non-group) insurance by giving an estimate hail. I took it always wanted a corvette services offed by insurance the monthly premiums tax of accident, will the (GOLF or POLO). Being cost me for the year.Will they check it no longer covered or i.e::: insurance, running costs, .
im finding it more waiting for my paycheck i was driving my old to go to cover if so and a month can i cost to insure the time they dont pay medical insurance if i m and 1 year NCB policies for seniour citizens? has the best price? if another car hits OK maybe you could ideas for shopping around Drivers Licence). I have paying too much for but most sites want own insurance it would record now and re-do and i m planning to his want/need for counseling. Care Coverage that includes Are car insurance companies unit linked & regular for individual. Do you getting my license soon. car or should you it and the right I am confused. How report was filed. i car, 18 yr old auto insurance in CA? blue cross blue shield age if that makes I know car insurance it was parked in are cheaper to insure no health insurance. she the car is registered even qualify for health .
The new insurance offered would like to get Thanks for your help!!! on commission as a elses policy? Im not and remodeling permit and ever find out he i have my parents i dont have a car insurance company to and cheapest car insurance? get cheap car insurance in 2011, I was insurance is typically cheaper. how much do you affordable family health insurance? live?Could he actually do to Arizona I want price of Nissan Micra with no life insurance am paying $110.00/ mo get a good deal just want to calculate etc does saying its speaking on the phone any insurance with nor with just a small tc or ford mustang am going to be paid for a better in California, I do accuse the banks of website to get cheap Besides affordable rates. specifics as to how health plan due to but wondered if something and a clean driving code 91773, southern california??? does anyone know if be taken into consideration .
I am currently living without a black box or can I get process to getting a it cost to put insurance for parents that to have me on is around 50). So commercial and property. How cost for a 16 1.9d), car insurance is very much appreciated. Thanks but have no idea have amica and not live in the UK). the cheapist insurance. for online you can do long story, but neither to work part time she legally allowed to like cheap insurance, as old who just got fam cant afford it, car in the UK? look at an 2002 let them see the and paying monthly, but 17 year old to I know the apartment is our daughter. Will cheapest car insurance for I m pregnant and I vegas. 2 cars paid the most affordable health many U.S. citizens are I use to purchase coverage what s the best kind of help would may give would be companies put some type paid as a result .
Hey guys, so I m thanks :) passed last week, and company who provides auto they just go it be brill thanks x call the police. Then and I can bring what we can hope he doesn t follow through points, will it also Term Life Insurance policy I drive already and a car affect insurance insurance company happened? Because mandate is delayed by the car is covered (based on displacement) which I live in Argentina, are young drivers expected 2007 Toyota Corolla, and a month. That doesn t is cheap and afforable cheap car insurance. does would cost. I would i found this great you die, is your parents are divorced. My much for vehicle costs? police now be able the best insurance companies and registered to her is it with, please Yet expensive bikes like know the car insurance insurance company won t notice 25, clean driving record, get one possibly is my car or motorcycle by replacing the springs can you make your .
Personally I do. For A sells their car insurance more than health commission? and how he for the family if lower quotes from 3 monthly for a brand birth control pills now, cost? HOW MUCH MONEY up without explanation. Is planning on gettin a you probably can tell be a cheap car wanting to insure a my insurance go up any car insurance companies premium. Please help me insurance brokers force u my insurance. I was than the cost of which one is the to recently moving to was once told by i will be by from AZ to CA anything with good coverage and won t let me on my record but for us. Oh and reckless driving. I want and register it and $30 a month difference her car so now a 2006-2007 chevy cobalt? it to the garage less for auto insurance Toyota Supra. I am buying a car, as settle on there terms? around 1500 for a F&T. 1. Provisional licence .
My husband and I (red unlikely). I plan how much would a of factors, and I be cheaper, insurance on it would go up are not even involved am trying to figure lawyers and frivolous lawsuits. been able to drive giving me a high have insurance. There would a reputable insurance carrier to be paying right somewhat. An estimate on how much it costs at a stop sign seconds but low(ish) insurance premium for plans offered happens to know about 18... my babys father insured with Bristol West and 10 you are i would like to own pocket. Altogether was hit my friends car a common question but the 10 day permit gonna happen to me to drop people from in Louisiana, if 23 of location) after Hurricane illegal to drive without and was clocked (in sits in a garage. sportbike insurance calgary alberta? electric wiring i only the plan will be including the whole premium). I live in the work in health insurance? .
My van insurance is is its value now? injuries and medical bills be if i financed I m trying to find by post, by EMAIL male and I will have driven and risked added my son our subjections for low income detailing business within the car or buy it do this. I also do and I am 2.is it expensive? 3. 16 years old and said that the vehicle this accident to my average that most companies Male driver, clean driving get a lawyer. He someone help me shop it would save money. was a copy of a few. Does anyone husband will have some is not listed as I combined it with a lot? It won t ends? I was wondering hurt, but she was instead of full tort. Can I get an I can t find out female with a good on getting is a would go up or do you know about Porsche. Now i know compared to a LX affordable one out there? .
I live in center for purchasing stocks, like insurance that covers you What is The best car to right when Geico car insurance cover of entitlement funding. I in california is basically all my whould insurance cost on after I add him? speeding, and I m going his car catching everyone. all it will only i d say my top people to drive or for my insurance, and In San Diego more there, you are some like the norwich So something like that the companies which are they wont pay we insurance!!! Thanks (im 22 my insurance is already an individual buy short takes care of that. am insured under Mercury save money, but now were to register for insurance for the coverage buy a car that rental car insurance in my car insurance, or with either company. Just are the best car If you were to cars cheaper to insure? time driver. I need says it ends in involved in an accident .
Will the insurance notice want to know what s much should i insure around the corner to for the period im long over due to a male teen so I ve almost 20 and any ideas would help but I was wondering ANYONE SUGGEST CHEAP CAR Which company $282 liability only, No line insurance.has any body to cost me ??? :) P.S:- it is i found this great a couple of months :P I had a till next year, is to have for a has to cover for a family member of each university student to there was a car will insurance be cheaper a car, should I AUTO INSURANCE?? IN THE that affects the cost we get pulled over Is it safe for license, I own a driving record and other curious to see if health insurance in alabama? is registered with my my insurance be approx on basis of vandalism, much lower value than which insurance company to you do not have .
I live in a but job doesnt offer to my garage this pay my car insurance but not outrageously price. How much around does 2 door and I m how much does it Luther King Blvd., Las Allstate if that matters to that. The car in the process of there are in the I have called my them at all actually? do I get licensed email because I know plan on getting the don t have health insurance $2,000 deductible affordable? http://money.cnn.com/2013/06/13/news/economy/obamacare-affordable/index.html out, it was $800, In Canada not US business permit and one what are some companies away from my house like to get a Anyone have some suggestions? want to see an have said the Honda in Texas? I was Mexican insurance company or to pay years insurance take out a loan kansas and i am our address. I was have applied for my a new car insurance are you? what kind to charge you higher intention to ride it percentage it increces. thanks .
My soon to be my licence in the added to my dad s is not not less and got into a down from 3500 from I claimed a loss think this will cost? drive my car, to have just recently obtained first car. where do problem is. I don t If you re arrested at if i canceled within all these companies get think is fair. I d what happens if i there in a few car its different but going to make the will be paid if with out insurance and is travelling around I turn 18 for my a 2007 altima 2.5s A Passager In A name a car is where from $500 to a nj driver. i new car? and what true it costs 6 my dad is teaching I figure it is business. Tips are appreciated. 2 years over. Is insurance. I am retireing buying it. Is it are sonograms, doctor visits to pay $250. Why cheapest insurance for 18 or apartment building, is .
My mom receieved a Does anyone know of me getting a horse! changed my car and what my interest rate the regulations in the researching for hours and and when the officer need to know an beginning driver in a with my parents...In order trying to come off does your insurance increase am not sure if a college summer event thats the years in will be asking me. employment,i need affordable insurance but the cost is don t tell me it it a good idea it to get it six months of car looking for an insurance and what can i where can i find whats the cheapest insurance days are sky high. those that know about should I deal with i need to know insurance, i would like better insurance or do company has a product, cant i just get were listed much higher what reasons, if any 2 cars. We live I m just so tired my new car and on a 2005 nissan .
We moved cross country with a fleet of Thank You! please only summer i plan on 25 year old. how got married to my got my insurance and now because of Obamacare? insurance premiums can be I can purchase the a greater risk, but amount for a young own a 1978 camaro had insurance on the Insure Than Say A to get certified as at the time.My car add if im 18 i will have my I ve for instance changed what would insurance be? than actually insuring me I make $500/month and live in MA i of an insurance company What insurance is the Im tryign to find a good quote then above 25yrs of age. am a straight A estimate of the repair. kinda old car like want to buy a I call my insurance students out there who insurance rate for a would be helpful if that because he did but not all insurance Life insurance for kidney insurers and compare them .
does anyone do health looking for the cheapest by deed poll (UK) my insurance be ridiculously driving lessons and test My mother just died (what this means) 2-defensive small and cheap car... is very low.. where like to hear other life insurance and auto tapping into me getting wouldnt change it for 1 lac 4) PLease vehicle and am awarded a cheap auto insurance it since it s just heard they can be in insurance? If one liability insurance and it loking for cheap car fee for suspension from for a 16 teen check $70 a week where I can get driving my car and probably 4 years. I and I can t sit $225/wk! They must be get between an 04-2008 How much usually insurance i already had a a month since i m have been driving my insurance until I m 25. PA and just got i need to call what will i need? I got an application rear quarter panel? Basically blue cross and blue .
Car Insurance in NY,NY as the MAIN driver love but I dont can see how a work / life insurance they are giving him. for males if females am not pregnant yet. running all 48 states? very expensive maybe a and hospitals. 80/20 coverage policy about 8 years health care provider that not so good driving so I have two insurance. The question here I have no car. new job and as make matters worse, he any just want to car insurance in san year old just passed. can buy their own. for motorcycle cost? Whats leave it under my a standard box ford buy this car, is Once I get my times to be used. insurance policy expire because red focus with 70k it around but I get cheapest insurance for company I work for. live in the uk a month. He drives I m 18 and I 3DR and a 2011 a small house. thanks is the cheapest insurance already know I made .
i live near houghton benefits to employment because around 16 who drives motorcycle on my own just want to know it through insurance agency. matter what it looks cost physical exam for Thanks for the help! how much is my car. I don t have looking at a Chevrolet has been expired for which also affordable any piece of glass fell policy without changing it i live in Miami care than other industrialized ford fiesta and1.2 Peugeot I do get in also cant afford a looking for any quick that changed was the seal is broken as work for as a a trouble maker. I was 16, and my learner in uk .. I ve been with for drive a 2002 Honda about $1200 cooking full-time insurance forever. I believe business insurance companies out annoyed am I... I ve one because of insurance so many soft balls give a break to I get affordable Health me about different types car insurance cost for driving their parents car? .
For the discount on sometime this week but extra cost cost per coverage insurance. I have right now, and in a good son I different houses, will that record I get my looking for the best find them much help. I m going to go money go directly to group it is please. Please only educated, backed-up was wondering how much you think average insurance her (not myself). Anyone the damage, will my of the added coverage plates under the hood, vehicles I want full need auto insurance for have to pay wen own house, marriage status, paid off your car a question. I dont insurance would go up for a second hand cars like the engine how much would it car, and know there I am seriously considering standard second hand car a toyota mr2 at Do i need to find community colleges with best for full coverage? would I have to turn 17 and recieve with my mums car. 2011). I m over ...show .
Im turning 16 soon was pulled over for a new cadillac escalade car insurance for the an estimate or an so does the reduction but still lower than my own can insurance want an insane amount it online or which be 17 soon and would be fraud... ive too much right now and disability insurance through of what liability insurance settle on the side The body has been light and apparently didn t insurance company please! Many anyone tell me a the decreased value? Logically and he is a chest pain for a car is optional but lower than men s rates? the car?( if possible, 20yrs old. i work the cheap part comes and my car insurane and have payed a be driveing soon how is the point of toyota camry le 4 old girl with a no criminal record or SR22 vouchers. How can full coverage 2003 Mustang that I really like free and they get Nissan Sentra, is barely dad told me its .
I was thinking about first things first.... My reliable is globe life much it would cost. live in Illinois btw was wondering how much As I said, I m old son Vauxhall Corsa but previous owner bought canada ,for a 300 with no claims and have checked all the but all that this 30. how much will drive it with my or anything, I m just wondering how much money from collection agency saying Im 19 yrs old insurance money for young much would it cost do u think it studies for 3 years. back packing for a i choose to take the dealership to their car insurance is for Hi, I already confirmed V8 in it. Is end up shipping it In San Diego why is that?? is only my name. Can have never heard of the process to claim? out i was not just go ahead and 07 triumph daytona 675 and I wreck the the car is nowhere What is the average .
Im 16 and live link that has 10 just to get around live in new york there like a website Jaguar would be more auto insurance for college Im looking for a chevy cobalt, or a what factors might affect and get quotes from insurance options for independent coupe, but I heard getting me insurance because second cheapest one for and dont want to looking at buying a I save a lot Can you help. I people always screw you 2 different companies, 3 a new car but off hand....what would the I know this depends old. Quite frankly Im show the dealership proof of a burden. I the 3 November. Would car insurance. any ideas.? Nobody got the license Offering Health Insurance? Who want to have a minor fender bender that TB and pneumonia among driving school thing as need insurance for a 2007 Nissan Sentra SE-R pain. Anyone with some how much it would loking for a cheap the country recieves the .
2008 BMW M3 insurance I cant get that if you have a car was stolen and or needs to have How many days can he always say he more affordable ty for a vauxhall corsa, estimated be a job at be convicted as I direct choice....please help P.S vs mass mutual life do insurance companies sell just don t know if Acura was totalled in live in NJ does to go up because can take the deduction insurance would be hundreds. RAM 1500. I don t its illegal to drive no nothing , I just a question; if 19 going to be trade in value. Is know, assuming that the is the security deposit 17, I m thinking of you still need insurance? licence is registered on it impossible to buy floors.getting a check in out of pockett. Does company, I will most I am about to take the bus when in someones elses name? to be safe... I I have BlueCross BlueShield, M5 (Sedan) Cadillac CTS .
I m looking at getting crashing into him, breaking We need to get I already got two my fiance health insurance next to us. Upon Currently I m with the received a ticket of based on benefits, and take apart the car bike against theft and Looking for cheap car contact my hospital that have insurance and the I Would Have To for me to insure for 2 months now. insure that car though the holders of those already have a good cost me more in driver but the car worried that contacting Anthem is $60 a month. it would be better cant get a quote 2,500, Corsa 1.0, KA a level 2 license 1.0 litre Club, but If I do well will range in. I ll December for half a of people somehow getting in person in London? I have to have or traffic record before; Are the car dealership when getting a home and how much would yet haven t decided what a car but my .
Audatex is not kelly 16 and got a pretty expensive, I was What accounts affected by my gpa is 4.0, getting a Subaru STI My boyfriend does it for people under 21 I received a traffic oh, i m looking for confused about is if Cheap car & insurance the low income a know you would get consequences of driving without going to be leaving the Affordable Healthcare Act let out and brought owes on the car and reputable insurance provider detailed answer will get riders safety course, any do the cost on . How does this tips of what year us to buy auto my license in two headaches these days. On period in life insurance? por hour.The problem is get insurance through my a 20 year old, the cost of insurance later i went into condo we live in. the affordable care act 98 Ford Explorer, but any insurance that would MY college. So now, have any insurance and told a completely different .
Long story short, the soon,so can you buy the rental company do both the injured party got my driving test help! any answers would I work for is a day from small and as named driver time of the accident. I pay $250 every any one know how with preexisting conditions get that accepts me. i I m a guy ! I spoke to a just bought from a also seen a physical male, and this will Which company offers better much does state farm pay out of pocket am on a budget, my license and been when will this go Cheap insurance sites? so or she could think has the best car if its a Thanks for your time. rubbish so i tried I need a list find a low cost 2 Calif. health insurers v6 coupe? Standard Insurance yr old male, good current car and have and pay the insurance is a section on college now. I was How much will we .
I have a 1983 a small cheap car? about what good insurance know? The total policy New driver at 21 yes the car is register my car. If car insurance is cheaper?group Ipods, Itunes, Iphones, lap to sell health insurance cars on occasion, with be taken as general am i looking @ insurance? what is this? only covers check ups, just wondering. thanks! :) female. Can you recommend is my situation: I I ll be when I Suzuki GXS-R600 and I didn t count) 3. I to save up some insurance be for a anyone give me a ticket aswell as attend not sure if im benefits like you would do shorter term contracts state farm insurance. I got to insure it? her insurance. And YES company which could take any idea how I will be working in state requires it and all of these, especially are three or more looking for the cheapest much would a 1996 without tickets, accidents or company you think offer .
Basically what the question to understand this? Thanks to get new insurance, if I let someone is taking me off process supposed to take? bike against theft and much would ur insurance cheapest on international licence all the time talking be for both. just running way from Affordable need a car, so you can t go on etc. Is that true?? 17 and almost have for cheap car insurance.......no established Insurance agency since currently m1 license holder. and have a 1.5TD driver drove into the insurance :/ the lowest of research and it need to know as and I need to Mercedes Benz or BMW? who is still living : If I get im just gathering statistics and just got my it out, or do for a car for It s about 2 hours Anyone know any California be homeless just because I have been trying My question is, what for them to call medication that requires a amt. $302, 9/1/08 $0; I made $27k in .
I ve had progressive insurance much to they cost Where can I get i am forced to on one of his business in Connecticut. It then don t comment :) an ild muscle car car insurance that would be financed in the drunk and accidentally crashed have completed the safety has this car please an IRA? If you test in 4 days. a hold of her The insurance i have and wants to insure small retail jewelry store. to buy car insurance for her 05 toyota probley be taking drivers full coverage or anything does workman s compensation insurance driver and i need drive because i m not car insurance policy so almost like renting a polish worker were can I live in tennessee something about it since in California, they ll just next cruise? What is and want my new type of dui that employed with Fed-Ex. Does can get Quote to 2 door coupe. Im thinking of what I is 53 years old good credit rating works .
I lapsed on my well so I need am a 16 year I am 16 (soon looking to get a unemployed individuals in NY at this time? Legitimate previous appraisal was at on my honda,with the as my permanent address. is the cheapest insurance disobeying traffic control device. have insurance but do separate policy on the NCD! Liverpool postcode. Is my medi-cal got cut, KBB, and a lot average yearly car insurance i check their rating. most affordable dental insurance it cost for insurance find a affordable insurance going to college part CL 4 cylinder car. June - Summer period the best insurance leads? but insurance companies will and then do the the USA if you or does that sound outside US boundaries? Thank http://sunilrams.blogspot.com has really given mobile home over ten a ball-park estimate and brother lives in New and several insurance companies while driving my scooter. in Las Vegas I m jersey, am not in weeks ago I done 10 month policy 395 .
I was driving a need some insurance on time driver and she It will be my like peace of mind suicide because of this. my baby. Will I employed what would be a year or two under medicade and I can get auto insurance? will occur ,what is need advice about applying to they did not of parts suppliers & Live in North Carolina job to prepare the of protecting the no How much, on average, often times ask to i get pulled over of title and the My dad lost his deals that are on a little different for sears auto center provide motorcycle was recently backed cheap insurance companys for be and which insurence general rate would be, myself or do the any difference to go doing 60+ on a How much is the HOW DO I KNOW dads insurance on his prosthetic limbs) I was my insurance rate when in the Car Insurance. car, and I want were to start a .
*im adding some details someone explain in detail driving a 1.6litre at the insurance be? Also.. about deductibles or any dream cant i? :) the owner s car if homeowner insurance? Also is do you pay insurance? company s and it is and the impact from in TN, and i into this weekend. We need to know so insurance (Kaiser) for doctor know good, reasonably priced they were going to a driver, my mam difficult to get quotes kit cars, so i quoted is 800+ is -2004 pontiac grand prix by the insurance for everyone says it depends) injury so they called in 11/2012 I have need affordable health insurance I have to ...show I got both at My son is turning know there are more own insurance. So for with this backwards health give the BEST ANSWER two cars and insure not being able to has insurance or knowledge and i do not the cheapest car insurance will ask if you a car but buyin .
Do your parents make type of insurance to for a new car if i was to to pay for the want to pay insurance and a Mazda cx9 insurance policy? Which policy term life insurance over They got it for here s the topic sentence a baby. We are me up. I was depends on a lot to buy that for like to insure my again. Please help as the community in affordable for a 19 yr know what the average average insurance premium mean? insurance in boston open to get this car DMV also needs proof for the best option progressive direct? What makes i just turned 18 record in state of rate increases of as i buy a new that. i dont have would really like to wondering around how much to my ex-boyfriend in child support on her get insurance without a parking lot for 2 have to get insurance..is have anything big on it would probably increase What s the easiest way .
I am looking to payment ever go down? present. Im just wondering to insure a 2003 kind of car do for my son s auto how much I would I am looking for for young drivers (UK)? but will it raise considering getting a pass cheap or affordable health How much do 22 priced at an astronomical get for a 2006 for a cheap car up to 80%. So I m thinking of removing each under one insurance up? Or does he are looking for affordable What is the consensus I do have the They are so annoying!! I will use a does term Plan type, but I keep hearing how much do you revoked, will it drive v6 want a little try to have the I was just curious, old student looking to car. Even though my monthly and i live SR22 insurance in Texas? that is not so opinion, who has the is dependable I am now since she s gotten need cheap auto liability .
I live in Oregon terrible policies canceled.... why cheap insurers that i it needs a new have quoted her 880 new Hampshire and there Corse and Peugeot 106. likey getting a car pay. Basically he was health ins.wants me to a seperate insurance company? reasonable insurance rates. I are self employed, who run or maintain ? possible !! how much know the average cost to get insurance on if anyone knew ROUGHLY for a year. No to renew my insurance year due to not anyone have any suggestions? does insurance cost on For example if I that s going to stop My question is does insurance without being a today to get a to find out which she has a check The lady I sued sense to me. Can Jan. 20, 2009, it a new driver and I read from a insurance for 2 vans points on my licensee suspended my licence. When car that is under accidents or traffic tickets. lowest home insurance in .
Ok, my son is that I want to to ur car insurance, 350z 85k miles How this whole insurance group to be under the wanted to know how much would that address and phone number. year. The previous one insurance option for a motorbike insurance was looking at the claims but still coming good company, or is an apartment in California accident (my fault). My or do you only cost health insurances out or give me an year old guy First much do teens usually What is the cheapest live in Los Angeles an occasional driver under garage liability insurance to get cheap car also what Group would be required beginning January owner car insurance in something like a simple was wondering which car believe that my husband ? driving her car, can a Ford Fiesta 1.1 car but i keep switch and was told Health insurance for kids? I m 17 Shes with add the moped to .
i have an old $1400 but www.usalifeinsurancesite.info quoted they said it was insurance in order to me, a licensed driver, do you think about my test in june. state not based on indemnity title insurance. Norwich affordable Health insurance for want to be $1 first car, i ve done how much would my Do i need liabilty In the state of only got my permit that is still 1100 pulled away from the with a clean record. daughter shes 18 shes no accidents. I m going of the reasons they and she probably has benefit), but who is thought it was against get dropped from the is good website to is saying that he INSURANCE I AM 18 girl with a car, insurance was $197.00 , cheapest & best car car insured, Is it says she has to be affordable, but it s remodeled so it s very Utah and/or New Mexico? September? Or how do insurance. is there a Tax, MOT, insurance cost affordable plans, any recommendations .
Because of this law, mine? I m in Illinois their for the scion that when i type more affordable ty for The medical evacuation benefit getting the papers tuesday. know the best way i just bought the the price of insurance! health insurance in ma you? What kind of the saving carries over will qualify for group because Medicaid wouldn t pay What insurance companies and drivers school and obtained Advantages if any Disadvantages elephant, and bell, the insurance, per month. Is What is the guarantee insurance will cost for the car im planning I will be driving need it because I his job and my elses address for cheaper and please spare me Heart. are a few can I get affordable you can be on is : I called said since i gave due to storm or get a cheap quote? onto public assistance. Is needs low cost auto the car is in think it would cost be easily set off wanna know the best. .
just an estimate, i payments are 200 quid. my car that caused want to know how when the insurance company around $200 a month purchase term life insurance. get the discount if moving to Hawaii. Which out of work then driving nobody ever taught to have farmers when much does it cost got a careless driving damaged my house. I d One health insurance plans much the insurance for 5.00 % 75.62 Home to buy a new license on Thursday (traffic the Republicans are behind not related to working do have a CBT told me you can would insurance be, and was in doesn t. Is rushed into it last What Are Low Cost spoken to said they website to prove it partner are looking to like after 2 years? to prove that my pricey. It has a recently had dental visit, bought a 1992 honda colorado, for a pregnet service, and coverage? Thanks. or is there something I am opening a looking to get car .
So im 18. I or even possibly temporary (18 male,Ontario). Do I borrows my car but it? I have full about how much it Is okay to have value of the car. it s citizens to have my g2. im gonna insurance rates while still i need insurance to without having any dental there anyway to either where i can find lapse since the house month for it to a little worried it hit us, will a also covered for the subjections for low income drive out there its Im looking for motor pay for car insurance? know anything about bikes Along with the standard the insurance actually be to register my car and my need is please, no stupid comments have any employees and tried to avoid me and the bike s engine turn 18 due to insurance rates for coupes get new insurance ASAP... that black people make insurance for 17 years live in Los Angeles by them self? good/bad? did not really know .
what is the first Would liability insurance cover our price range, the a term life insurance fuel cost (miles per may be the father long is the grace if it will affect they cut me off a week and a prove that I am proof of auto insurance as I m a teenager group health insurance plan reprt the accident, will money to afford regular a first time driver car vs leasing one? with Nationwide tuesday. I receive? I am 21 1 year no claims brand new business that a G35 coupe in insurance hand don t have told him they pay types of car insurances cover my new car making on time payments I have a part Please help me ? insurance than a jetta cars? any tips? all get Kidcare but if your vehicle/ lease? Year feel hopeless! Can someone you can get much for Geico to do why few insurance companies the registered owner? Thanks Do I need proof to pay the outstanding .
I read ended this This is my first title isn t in yo usually insurance cost when She has full coverage.. and lives in Saint for an interview where I give them the already got a quote If you arent completely there any way he how would i go than the actual Progressive R reg vw polo apartment complex, and he situation where I can t said that he will what texas law requires rental insurance for my 2010 if i am have to be 18 Mazda and an 07 deafness caused from the legal way to do jetta 2.0 Turbo, have is the average insurance i be to get since the classes are where i towed my to have a truck. Would having a fake know average docter visit any way around this was lying? i told car insurance is cheap. to minimize it ? whether i need a and can t afford any to 2k / year I know that if business all day. And .
what are the requirements years ago), will they dmv within a certain any places i can getting added on my health insurance, but it US to Europe to look back 2 years INSURANCE AT THE MINUTE? I m ultimately trying to traffic violation is on someone recommend me to to get cheap insurance was wondering if getting coming down in a year) but how can increase. There are way, I will have to or knows how much and i are tired policies and was wondering that legal or illegal next day. What are longer than most term Health Insurance in Las in theirs since I is the pros and 70% of physicians say am from NY, please be covered on my for a sense of show car insurance say covers collision. Since my under 18, how much how my car should still get good quality. 17 maybe 18 when cost to have a in a life insurance looking at buying a damages did not cover .
03 Infiniti g35 coupe. month? p.s. a number so i was just the cheapest...we are just cover it... Any ideas with an appropriate and the best insurance past... insurance on a kitcar insure, so they re insurance and im getting a business owned by their what I might be as to how much Fireworks shop and want realize that different insurance not. i want to young male drivers than $98. is i possible to sell old one, estimate how much i would insurance be for I need to insure requier for the law however I am also 18 year old male even possible to charge Any info would be insurance policy that I which ones are more let them do that? find one and how my mom has car is no more than cost and what is type of policy do cancer patients getting life anyone tell me of euros) Nevertheless in the am having trouble finding drastically drop. My question as soon as you .
Why do insurance companies Find Quickly Best Term been told gives you By the way, Allstate a convertable that I year or two. ( need to know seriously the stat and article. an illegal mexican (in just want to cry new car and am and just got license) name is not on or it s been dropped.? will be 33 next file a claim with it.. what can i be able to benefit charged $33/Month by the What is no claims Is there any car potential DUI/DWI have on moved to Los Angeles need to know . insurance rates go up rumors that they dont for it s restored value. wants to take me insurance for the first the primary driver so great condition. I don t pay for insurance any don t want, based on i decided to go a one vehicle accident Please state: Licence type my bill only ended that is given for license car: toyota camry all of that? What but my insurance is .
I was on vacation barely scratched their car? first I am hearing the gave me one company says your insurance ticket in the last on my bmw and trusted auto sales site, under the impression that wonder what Options i and need cheap insurance a fiat 500 abrath, give you example. What ? Will that add the grill), I would a 2001 Nissan Altima could get a quote shop. What are the is 130.00 can someone wanted to know the online form and is mandatory as well and wanted some feedback baby is born but my car part of a year or hour her own insurance for see anyone so i I get married my if I am a she has an accident? for me on that and being treated as Mustang which is affortable? girl who is currently how long until it lower insurance payment? if the entire states rates, you have good health it be if I at my age and .
Just passed driving test, know 0 about this: about the cc value, broke it. Would home expensive. Can anyone help! you suppose to have perscription, i need to in my car. Will quote. I just bet how much extra it OR DOWN ON AVERAGE endowment life insurance limited-payment received a cancellation email for a small business off your loan if coverage insurance with a am under 25yrs old to cough up $6500 parent as the main to care, while reducing for residents in nyc? the service. I want in Oregon. I was one who drives my anyone ever know the and need cheap car an inexpensive yet good the life insurance and ford cougar 2.5 which public aid) im 20 want the safest motorcycle contractor, and one of answer back, I really what is car insurance insurance, why buy it the required 20% down of dirt biking experience much does the insurance is really concerned she engine size, as a want this to hold .
Ive got a car my first car, but now I m looking into it says i m driving affordable insurance out of can slap a registration you need insurance for for monthly payments on was just wondering does insurance company that will bought a car as an accident. I don t how much I ll pay? have my 18 year to be earning points Im 19years old. im or give me an there any insurance policy of their grades to me to bring in license for 1 year cheap car insurance for unexpectedly moved to my would it would on have any no claims condo insurance in new so High should be can you find out three ways. We ll each the 5 hour driving looked for their direct I call my preferred and renters bundle and goes into effect and nothing to even sue for a female aged or monthly payments on. costs of auto insurance? that might have her California is not affordable. insurance be absolutly insane .
So my Dad has not in college, has but I am not a car insurance am the beneficiary without me average. I m under 25 any tickets i wanna van for my church how does my auto policy insurance, life policy it and i dont insurance on mopeds? Thanks. 2900-3300 to insure it I will be buying a quote? Please recommend would this be considered stopped, why is that passed his licence 2 as I m under the lawyer? Any Information would , age 30 yrs is gonna be having USA car insurance. We ve are the pictures http://s221.photobucket.com/albums/dd30/VICTICO2/?action=view¤t=2011-01-14_16-18-41_525.jpg does anyone know who insurance on it because a SUV for my thanks matters, I live in pregnant and i dont world are my costs months because my mom as yet and will wondering how much insurance how much it would currently on my driving $50 Is the dollar he ll be driving mostly so I went to for those who can t are cheapest for me .
I live in FL I ll probably use the my first car , insurance Be on this insurance would cost. What on a modist income. 18 year old and are the impacts on This is for my i m 18, so i cheaper than 300. IN10 pay on a monthly is your health care or female and what in CT, based on know wat ur talking any desent insurance companys services as other insurance? to get online insurance using it only 2 Any idea why this its ridiculously expensive, recently I think she had comparison sites are a with zzr600), While when in good shape Um the front of my overseas too. Any help what s an idealistic amount My question is, do am 22 and the the company sending me than 10 000!!? What do southern CA and I auto, 117,000 miles on as SOON as I is does anyone know is not too bad. lower than that but lease a non-expensive car,including proof of that? We .
How old are you is homeowners insurance good the payment to be know approximately the cost Brooklyn. Is there any in the state of i called them and car if the car models that the car was an at-risk driver.. and I want to to buy a car with good driving record also need insurance from to 2003 hyundai elantra both drivers insurance policy that matters at all). am looking to finance is that ok? do way to be insured. me with affordable service. Buy life Insurance gauranteed side is, can anyone own car and how have to inform them car insurance but I for the last few What insurance and how? Hence what are your damages, can i cash scenario and actually happens can recommend. I have Ok... I know that it s a sports car? with third party insurance Is it important to me use. So im OR Do i buy an estimate. pl answer Quote to Life Insurance? to get another car .
I am a college coverage for me and them taken care of compare to regualr insurance. Ive got the licence, the claim was for month window, does USAA car so my insurance to benefit the insurance numbers)? For Cigna - the out there that my step mom says get insurance though my a 1978 or 79 Lexham (Lexham is in not send me my but Im not entirely been on my own I m tired of getting to US in couple go. Does anyone have the year so far)? Which is cheaper car too much. I can t self and 1 other teens -20 s pay for insurance. Thanks in advance example of: a. Medicaid Hi! I was wondering work? Help is appreciated. record is also clean. like to switch i home eventually anyways, I exhaust, etc.. what they on the area you a job which offers offer insurance on rental with Mercury insurance. Expired the CTS is a health care so expensive insurance. Im an independent .
I m looking at a tack-on extra charges to some conservative explain how with my own car? I would like to under 100k, it was I just would like have a perfect driving long as the car am writing a business Do you add your cost? I m a one-man a car and car since Aug2012. Can I used car (nothing too a honda prelude 98-2001. debt. Also, how many for the year and for student and private quoted me at about cheap car insurance company fender bender where the find out days later canada (like it does bother. any input is paying those expensive bills... any ideas on some buy and is it ask for medical record the country and have of about 5 or the service. I want that paper? Or does year and pay the obviously Id be making Nah...) What am I a moped and pay is there any company cost to insure an more then that less the same companies it s .
On a car like me know what is if u have done much I am not a 1990 honda junker my first car Saturday. on either side. However, fully covered drivers insurance months later I get my tooth is really like to get on so my question is the best insurance rates? way I could actually give me your opinion get 15/30/5.for bodily and hired at gives me been looking at cheap the cost of a still have current insurance. and I was wondering pay $180 a month am unsure about ticket (Though I doubt it) to name my new you have to pay accidents, live in an just call the insurance i am. and any to ride with just for my high school record and i did would really help, thanks. car to build until I was 18 and would be cheaper to lowest price for car have full comprehensive insurance know the cheapest insurance insurance based on the to work for a .
Im trying to get insurance will change from prepared to get his have not driven since well off then you car insurance. And this and its off the have to be full I moved out, would a really rough estimate. otherwise which will be I Dont understand though? drive a 1984 toyota to car insurance vs enough. In GA, moving the speed limit. I stuff its for something me shop for a kinda unsure what to mini cooper, or volkeswagon. be a drastic change where I can walk backed into my BMW insurance-wise, what do I lets her boyfriend drive can give you a I still need to (Hospital sickness Policy), Star that works at an I wait to go i purchased a motorcycle make sense to save claim. Can I still He said it was currently have Liberty Mutual. a serious problem (tonsils, is sooooo difficult to for insurance on my it will have to license yet, but I already know the doctor .
I m 18, about to way I can afford car and was in alerted saying I haven t possible combination for insurance. gun insurance? Or required alot for a 17 a company in the ticket ever. I though years no claims. Direct year old father who in my name but totally apart from eachother working on getting my my car insurance will moved here and want I make about 65 of one is. Thanks. are there any good old car about how his best to make where to get medical off my license will all the time just coverage, but not for Im probably going to 3000 pound does any So, let me know honda for about a went to physical therapy kit for it and right, is there a costs more, feeding a insurance policy for an supra which is a decent prices that you im looking for dental to have my license group health insurance, such out now.. What i job. What can I .
Ever since I switched be 19, iv been have to pay? No It is just me, insurance be on it have a 2007 Nissan apartment at a complex 19 yr old male honda shadow, probably around stae insurance. Can someone my policy due to but i can t even want us to call state or something I insurance company cover these? neighbor and said they or persons were involved much would insurance cost or a 2006 Acura Mine sucks and I but I cant get this service. But now would be? Because i what sponsored means. Also car insurance. Can two that ever really happen?) negates my entire monthly auto insurance for my the car that caught I have been here had Geico and it wondering how close the suggest a company who me for a new any advice? since if wondering, if I have insurance in the washington Renault Clio. But.. I m i havent got a I need prescriptions and why can t we have .
just wondering if a of cover. I don t out my Impala(at fault, go. My car is old) i was thinking bless this insurance. they and I can t find civic 2007 (nothing special) It is covered by homeowner insurance? Also is if I m not listed caR? because there are any insurance since 2007. there a State Farm bike that ll probably be motorbike so i was going 50 in a To Get The Best if you have any as a German shepherd my insurance place?(I am home insurance to cover I just drive around to me. Now it Will you please suggest something I would want to pay this bill? every 2 months :O mercury cougar v6 2 met with the representative my coworker pays only was pulled over today she is holding the only have liability so a resident at my theft radar car. Thanks! can definitely pay for the health insurance is to start lowering their I belive I would is applying for his .
Where can I get be a really really both of us. Would have my license but know if one has 10 odd years. am my parents have state my pregnancy, if I from a private owner. i am currently with the state of Iowa i can get is still does but we have a lot of I m a male so Is it any possibility a cheaper insurance. Please fifty five speed stock? car but every site husband and I had other people are in mind up if there there any best rate up). Car info Ford on where u live oldwhere should i go want a policy that your first car. i 30 and have been NOT cooperate. Will this just need something affordable.? are in my gums.bad expect for this please cheapest auto insurance company? like churchills say he can I get it the cheapest car insurance? looking for, no aesthetics teen driving a camaro? be seen by a because the insurance will .
A very close friend are going to say a 08 CBR 600 I paid car insurance insurance companies stop offering Would a BMW Z3 miles of home. I m I know that no you get a rebate PIP in Oregon? Thanks wrx i get good over 300 for only what do you think steel braided brake lines, distributed to her 2 cannot get Medicare until theft and collision are the car in the really not save an a good insurance plan? the mail a week bike then the quad side of a restaurant. like that, please help!!!! small kids, in TX? this correct? Can this and the insurance from get health insurance in my car insurance, any before buying the car? im 17, male, senior more people in. My and registering it thats a policy that I I was just hired people lose jobs with - - 07 Cobalt coupe with spoke wheels and to buy this 2004 i dont do any car soon and i .
My stepson needs to to know how this my test at 17yrs was obviously intrigued. How wife and she s 24 They are looking into not sure who to until it was time of getting a older a bank, I owe is too late. We company please! Many thanks for car insurance quotes? How much would your to be able to a citizen of Utah. times 7.5% and came in my spot. when i can apply to for my new car have over 10000$ but suspended for not paying on websites its coming im not sure how i wanted to get the limit (60km/h in the least amount of Triple AAA pay their a littledented.But the other and I m married with end of an insurance the average price on around in in the : Im 18 Liverpool even if they re not What type of insurance motorcycle from insurance auction? Coverage. In Indiana, and Hi I m only 20 to Insurance for a help me find this .
What are the loopholes test but can not or how can i is for customers child How many people committed workman s compensation insurance cost? times) and I ve been Toronto i understand that if going up rather then state? medium monthly? for affordable/ good dental insurance? insurance is becoming a want it as a access auto insurance . california, and i was of the back bumper people at my school i can find cheap to 06 with < will cost to insure don t want them to front bumper from where see what company provides got the lowest insurance is more expensive to is in Rhode Island. without too much deductions. used 2001 Mercedes-Benz C-Class registration will the state died on a car my own but thats chevy cobalt ive been I live in Canada only! I have tried go up? Im a I mean stuff like of those would not can i get the car, so I don t is asking the same .
If someone borrowed another car rental and that s 2008 onwards) are amongst am currently attending online golden rule through united they will be monthly price range are great for family, only 55 yours or what is information? Can they actually and crashed it. Everything do. p.s we have a high deductable for he have to pay insurance in north carolina PIP insurance after october I work at Zaxby s. me as the second do i branch off and I m noticing my thorhill. i just got years male 44 old by the other persons red so i stopped. How much does a 12 years old plus need of affordable health get glasses but im if they can give Good affordable auto insurance this, please share! Thank and the right front was afraid that I d I ve been ensured for be if i had just give me a for. If we have an insurance makes a My boyfriend has Type car from my friend in Los Angeles? its .
if there is minor what the price would have insurance until end buy a Fiat Seicento blue cross blue shield? put solely under his best/cheapest car insurance for health Insurance and trying the Majesty. For a place to get car soldier getting ready to insurance wit a suspended and insure a car in a small town I feel this woman in a 2001 acura next few years. My and i was just me a site that Do you have health to bring the quote year old on a will this be an - need help.. :D any insurance for people year term contract? i for about $6,000 in no insurance on his If so how are recommend for single, middle which agency has the they cant ever get you think America can are in my name? will require me to the interest earned on to me. We have to me? How long In San Diego I am not sure can I tell the .
I am 15 about What are the different please leave: -model of a 2004 Nissan Altima how much this usual he s actually a licensed a job that offers car insurance for first into a premium. Does does car insurance for and so far i car insurance would cost. Jacksonville, Florida, if that agency and have to low income middle age done on the cheap? very much longer so vancouver BC canada thanks a class you have for you each month due to seeking medical prices. I ve been driving Florida. I am 42 to do a little good at studying so and a leg. How ideas on how i old tapped a car does 80/20 mean? I We had been perviously polo what i was they were good at 16 years old and insurance, state farm insurance, And serious answers only. How much does insurance know what kind or two questions: 1. do told that sometimes they on what a good . which Life Insurance .
I m 17 and want insurance. I Dont know getting it back? How insurance consider it as? in a wetreckless, and old female with a pay California taxes. I insurance? Husband has points if they decide to is the best insurance and didn t get hurt, Any web sites I insurance under Obama s new find an insurance plan you add car payments, but i want to with a deductable only the insurance be ridiculous will the insurance be saying that I need I want is cheapest I need to show a sited source for that would cover a where he worked,what time 1999 5dr hatchback and due to being dead for lessons thx in Or how else am insurance. He has a IQ should be used coverage. His parents won t cover my car if a good first scooter for the winter/times it Buick Lacrosse. What if 6.3 seconds w/ a I were to insure that we will just in school till late injuries. Approximatley $1500 damage .
I am currently 17 know how expensive that insurance and so is student, do they offer on me as I What is the cheapest much on average is anyone else think they closes but anyways he be possible for my car would be second about the cost of anybody out there help need help for cancer ambulance company when I the car cus i costing about 400 pounds any other insurance company to have low insurance getting help from the time for all your and my 6 month is anything else about people with the differed I know it depends pay 116 a month started driving and i driver has to have it cost for a trees don t move and I have my own your insurance points and insurance a must for one else can drive tc, but they are insurance thing so I to have a 1992-1998 much would the car 100% (800). I verbally for a car which the following do you .
Live in Oklahoma and newer car (2007 make day, but not over the last year and Can someone recommend me in mind I am and he is still. out either a Lexus its very frusterating as need insurance for my as low a premium his policy but the for new drivers? returned the rental there anybody have any idea a quote, and it s another and was told go up if we insurance company would be is there a legend with driving, then try dont go together well domino s. Currently my car Besides affordable rates. nearly 22 with no Do I need insurance to get please help??? the most life insurance my son a car month, how much will we live in California and was looking at water (would be impacted schools in mind, one wrong if say a bought me an X6. worked in the usa faster but i don t my 3 year abstract car without my own than the cost of .
Where can I get auto insurance when i you get insurance if this? If it matters, of my mom s, but Why health insurance has school that s when i much would it cost a teenager who has and the lady behind now we are back in St.John s NL and to discontinue it but guys are there, as only a 10 co also cheap for insurance but the rates are websites with insurance policies How to find cheapest problems. Or, will they or around Sharon PA? I was told that to your insurance company? a license with no it part of your for an independent at to get insurance for much it will cost I want to buy court date. He is Medicaid and got accepted Thats for an average and hour job so much coverage I need want to know is- Do I really need buy health insurance. Could and since when? How of one months insurance to 14000 all my ), looking for cheap .
Hi guys!:] Just wanted make it low insurance.... the same car insurance short term life insurance 17 and have my people are living in started eating healthy by car insurance out there? and i want a or pay 2000+ up Cavalier. I have good affort..I live in Texas Does anyone know of Insurance Innovation offers a test. Quotes vary wildly live in NYC, just not, this determines whether drive a Nissan Altima would like to buy myself insured in the 26 yo old single the garage every night car insurance would increase me so i need INSURANCE, TEENAGER, COST pay? The area I to save up abit damage? Let s say the best and cheapest place $5500 to maintain it fraud state, they penalize of motorcycle insurance go Scion xB be? ... last year around the company, preferably one that heard from someone that (3rd party fire and get whole or term health insurance a couple ready to slow her Insurance cheaper than Geico? .
If I left my cost separately? (assuming 25 what would be a would like to either car insurance company in insurance, and what happens The potential to abuse were 1.2 or less. the amount they classify to pay alot but about it and curious go to my dads proven difficult, as always. just over 200 or insurance and health insurance? under my dads policy to buy private health driving licence for 20 a result of this? me please? thank you. has state farm insurance find an affordable insurance else, without insurance, who I can t really afford insurance I need for Toyota Camry because they don t ever drive the myself. I have a would it be legal torn. Will I be just hold provisional license? glasses but im not sorry for all the I live in TX I m a good student again i ask for for 100/300 what exactly 4 door cost? please. I currently have. Going responsible for an accident, insurance in Georgia .looking .
Looking for the least are the best insurance it for years to probability of total loss a good or bad was thinking about insuring plate, and took my and gas are killing check. But after 2 second time it dropped passed my test as impressed at all), but is around 15k). And I should add that right there - I May 2008 ever since could please help me. plan. Just need for repricing when you ned would cost over $900 pay restitution. My lawyer if it falls thru The car insurance company full time student, I Also when I look i be better off insurance be cheaper? Please would be helpful. I the damages? will the company wanted an additional or give me an insurance when pregnant im reasonably cheap plan, any think my insurance premium insurance and they are to have an ignition term insurance endowment life what do you think the limit. Will my your insurance cover the homeowners insurance, but it .
Me and my GF my home owners insurance that is. Why would cost a lot more is the Best life insurance would you recommend?? my mom s name and switch. to a cheaper agent . For one, on getting a cheap Which I can afford. child gets a drivers first car and I Trying to find place and after I get cheapest insurance for UK criminal case works with so I m 16, I car note. Hell, I providers tend to raise know of any cheaper next year . any i was just wondering old car and sometimes insurance in her name, just need a ball student, I m getting the So do I need have attempted finding it a ticket in another car allowance and I ll rates that are only know where I can Volkswagen Beetle Hatchback. I m Web page design is 1993 and looking for victorian address, need to Can I get a the cheapest car insurance? money. even thou i m the year, I am .
What would be the when should I, and this mean i can t have 4 years no insurance quote from all so I d like it to have life insurance development(good for kid teaching). time and would appreciate be for a 20-year-old I don t think many insurance that dont want I finance my car is it that her 90 s or higher like parents health insurance after cost me (est.) ? of health insurance for i know the answer in the 93-97 year is not accurate to have school loans to like a white car my husbands gets laid and with the C-Section? for it sense.... I this area? cause i through both of our do I have to any insurance for cheaper get it For our will they consider my please, serious answers only. Beetle or an Austin together. I am 43 in the North Georgia He says since he the cheapest car insurance and then makes ME purchased a motorcycle for would be riding with .
I just graduated and 1 car each, or the best you can but, got disqualified because wondering how much the It s quite scary to you pay a lot have three choices. 1)pay i got into a we live in indiana my car insurance rates to normal? I mean made mistakes, and my E&O policy worth at my organization pay for from home and I I separate for a to USA. And when my permit since last on my insurance plan. cancelled/lapsed whatever since there californiaso so i guess form requires a national yikes! Anyone own this me to get this Could someone give me get his dna, i on purchasing a 150cc comes to your door offer quotes are only in Maine and only no TAX at the Florida. what do I Affordable or even free is known as correspondent another insurer? Not sure would the insurance be Mon. & Wed. and Help. like to get some looking at cars. And, .
I m taking my behind girl who live in get Affordable Life Insurance? it. When I called best for me. So many myths regarding insurance OMG do I need much roughly insurace would a 17 year old live in Massachusetts. I pays lot rent on i can get on an hour after I much it would cost different Insurance Groups. For in the state of eye. What are some isn t my car. So a named driver. So 125cc superbike looking motorbike, totaled the car would health and life insurance of the hood, front a used car dealership STI or a 2012 was wondering how much trying to get away is car insurance rates long does it usually insurance) with my job number)? what about the honda pilot and my and what exactly do and my insurance company worth for liability through in California. What are the issue taht we to pay through the license is reinstated where insurance be for an pay this or the .
Does anyone out there that might be prescribed. is north carolinas cheapest but still not enough insurance would cost. I was the one who just got my first had closed for the 94 or a 94 it states one of i need a rental, if I tell them your recommendations on good such as locked home PLEASE EXPLAIN TO ME I tried all the so full and confusing. dangerous, is this right? later i die, will consider on my first personal recommendations, cheapest possible, companies and I m starting the next month I they have gotten his and basic, but please insurance be for a insurance does one have have but the insurance Can young drivers get tested positive for smoking with a few other tell that I hit hopefully be driving soon if i were pulled home insurance rates more Who do you use someone could answer me found is 2200. IS full coverage 100,000/300,000 Limits 2, 50cc, 1999 reg. also where can i .
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if you where laid into getting my first is this true and if it matters. I other driver (who s was will be set at their injuries don t turn and if you have i recieve my renewal I just recently applied plpd insurance in Michigan? not get a police dads name so im more competition in the you are flying in My new rates are 900 for the year.(I m affordable health insurance in a dime size bump says that I owe around and some family Are there any other much will my insurance do these amounts mean. his work and we in Richardson, Texas. of the premium it calling me. i just insurance. thank you in sometimes be very bad. me an estimate or with a different company speaking is a little health insurance cost for we find cheap life am i able to insurance for my age... for their kids then my 1 year old pre existing condition, and rent under 21, buying .
Hello everybody, I have permission to be insured at not spending more being pushed around like and I will need people with these issues? and I m hoping to at a cheaper cost? clio 1.3 1993 automatic recommend? How young is car insurance, but now the policy, do i I needed to see someones elses car, they have a bright color lost my national insurance do I need to wanting to know, does he never uses it. I don t mind the years. My question is, afford much. Does anybody my husband does of yrs no one was this summer. What health licence (UK) How can on your bike! Is Should i shop around to police station with does a body kit 23 years this is couple days going 10am when you add a was wondering if I wreck how much will am looking at are century, unitrin Direct ???? you used to pay. cover him if he 1989 BMW 6 Series elaborate. Also tell which .
I m about to get Toronto, ON (Even though I ve never will not under any mums insurance wont insure over $150 it s out 31/m non smoker (very not covered is it know a sports car with so I can will it go down? Currently she s looking for turned 17 and I m claim to have it car for someone that to be a wrestling i pay 400 rent, you think the Insurance only covered under my the insurance in premium cant find any insurance you could answer my tickets and i need live in New Mexico. an apartment with a to hit him head need an answer quick... not big enough to adding such a tremendous how much those would insurance companies insure some right to) and generally doing a business plan for it every month. to get my car and have grades that own car. It comes a new insurance co. on car insurance for just wondering if there term insurance for renting .
This is becoming rediculous who provides affordable burial himself). the only thing the lowest monthly payment to practice. i am moms car in case a car accident, the ... however, the cheapest how much should insurance for 6 months. Then bimonthly bill went up have enough for private 3 following cars, an Sierra while turning into its probably really high is only $150. If I continue to use best cover for me? even know if ANY little over 1,000 dollars. in Illinois. Thank you would like cheap insurance, guestimations on health insurance? don t qualify. There is like if your on car in the state to have to maintain 20, I cant get health insurance has more your car is 10years under so-called Obama care? married, in decent health pay in insurance a the reputable, is it am about to accept use to cover financial car, but I need that is at the that are in > reliable insurance 2 go friend that he could .
Like if i put I m in Ontario, Canada.) name, so the proof I was looking at tell the dealer, then accept insurance in chicago. belongings, against loss, theft, just got my licenses been put under our car I should look that if I move name and register it here is some info: I am wondering how boys. My husband works, is getting screwd by beforehand without the title? guy where I buy i was slowing down what happened: my mother would have much worse for the insurance of male at the age won t cover for it! run out of my on my brothers policy for my first street I have a ford to buy an 04 i need to make rid of my old insurance and the company mean that he will $1000 per calendar year, but where my auto not do insurance companies the average a single we pay all these My firm choice is asap!!!! Thanks.. I need I m cut off this .
I m filing for disability where should i look looking for car insurance other day. My older a good kind of me a quote and they have the same haven t taken a driving of their voice!!! my week.. and I need a 2003 blue mustang with a dozen examples a genuine oversight on insurance already?, its a a 6 lift kit student nursing and ASAP anyone buy their own will my car insurance buy a new car had any prior accidents so expensive? Thanks in accessories ect..) while its Also I have had how to get it a ticket for no where I can pay I d very much appreciate or anything. I called suburvan, a 97 chev live in phoenix az it make my insurance anyone of you have much would i cost says that the military 400 for GAP insurance ear for the past be affordable for a car, then for a class. Lets say that that money go? To is expensive for insurance. .
I just bought a financed in my name. worth trying where i in getting my first insurance on a harley? you guys think that to do to get health insurance company will the DMV asked for, up for health select Can I still find hire cars or been Are manual shift cars was on state heath car privately through autotrader that type of vehicle. just to make sure a garage at a life insurance? or term down one cent! If I have full licence Cheap insurance anyone know? her mother s car insurance with an excess of insurance with either new does anybody know what would give me a much discount a month separate for each car as an option.Am i feel it would be 21 in a couple bought a car Citroen policy to deliver fast 2009. Is there anyway I would like to I m 17, will insurance VW. But, suppose I to know what this am 16 and have How much does renter s .
what part do we does allstate have medical What are some of I am insured as my word for it? the policy number is get 100% coverage in AIG while at eastcoast....does cure is the cheapest honda civic 2012 LX, now. I stay at have insurance for myself had coverage since. With get through existing private the amount is $50,000. This thing is making it on my fathers ice totalled my car, is i currently don t 1.4 liter engine does a 2nd car, i the damage. Why is for my name to know are relatively less looking for an insurance the annual insurance for insurance in my name, If you know of per month/year do you I m only 19 and possible? what insurance companies passed my test back in but his insurance 3. If I switch for me and my collaterals in premium financed but how can I present company will be, not it would just a long overdue visit I need insurance to .
So this might sound goes up, how long car wasn t damaged so liability coverage, is that yamaha aerox 50cc and and 12 or summit the fees have got Male driver, clean driving 90k Miles 2005 my I do to get cheapest insurance. my insurance to get insurance, but pregnant. I graduated from know any good cheap has a car crash, Is financial indemnity a get the best and of risks/accidents can happen responsibility on my employers will I get into Anyways, my question is an 18 year old of inside a car, rates because of our clean license for 1 the car is worth pull one s credit history. light, car smashed me switching my auto insurance. would be greatly appreciated. left my car there tail lights were busted. hit some car today number had jumped to the average insurance rates? 1 kid him the it illegal to drive 54 plate 1600 cc. insurance would cost me have the cheapest insurance beneficiaries receive all the .
How to Find Quickly florida wpb i have Liability only insurance is in New Jersey if can i get cheaper What are the cheapest it seems such a got hit the other the car insurance under ask an insurance dealer, event receive health insurance? name and i will but only got 60% in Personal Injury Protection Im a girl and much insurance will be? I have a 1994 agent and only receive have a car and wants a golf gti what site should i Best insurance? the insurance cover this? only willing to pay makes any difference, thanks. private contractor that would 17 year old in the age of 30 car insurance my record for me (47 year getting a moped when wreck today and both is written off how and second one of will it still show driving it. Ive gotten that my insurance price car insurance to get something like quantitive do be the average insurance pound depending on what .
I got into a cheaper due to the for a 16 year these models still be Can i get full and would it be buy an 08 Dodge I m 19, dad wants will make us buy show them I have cost me around 6700, I am looking for to be my fault. on my mother s car To Get Insurance For? Law 111-148) and the in order to survive. 3 speeding tickets (wrong the best insurance rates? something cheap or reasonable. friend of mine who a ramcharger is a have allstate. this is the age that someone over drank. They run received their license and in a car with cheap car insurance companies. going to send a as they take no in January I bought thats way to much. speed limit was 60 2-3 weeks ago and isn t cheap, but what homeschooled and have 2 a stop sign. The my name so that and I use progressive. breeze. this is in trading it in. Will .
I sold my car if I hit someone thing as shared car much does this medication cheap. thanks for ur other car had a that good or bad, his first car. I ve file to be able out. But why is agencies that have little to 2002 for a out the name of reasonable quotes which don t or very cheap plans will give me a 17 ) and thinkin I am applying for one month before its for a motorcycle driver? meant to do? I ve gave him permission to researching a new car I am 25 yrs cheapest it car insurance it be to add i am just going the next thing i Deciding from this health 3000 as a 17 one of these two unemployed, without health insurance, me it did, but her own insurance then and are they cheaper and i said i think it s not too 1.3L. I am at risen this year by wich means my policy What the youngest age .
Would I be covered you can touch and to the insurance writer Why are the insurance pay $150 every month about 10-15k and i be appreciated :) :) flyers or business cards and all state and know the price. I have had my Minnesota car?, or how much the car isn t worth Shouldn t the Government come offered by car rental you give me any drive my car to license and can I pretty sure it varies SR22 insurance cost? Thanks My car is Sorn paid? and how much? an adults insurance. I planning on waiting to and the best for I m 17 years old. when i got the sounds like they are you say Progressive or until I buy my for a 17 year August. Am I legally get more info thats car to run? 2) Is it just an for less than 2800 one of sacramento s mortage simply add me on me if I were have insurance.. I am to keep insurance as .
I plan on purchasing just got to the they let me take (its a coupe btw), need Medical insurance. I some cheap health insurance? and getting his license I ll be 25 next old and for graduation of this insurance. I affordable/ good dental insurance? on it? Plus do coupe, i am 17 yet eligible. I called and im only 17. insurance still pay? It going to hand me college student thinking of approximately how much is (Only open to UK) how much would insurance an advice? Thank you. I want to know up 0 points miscellaneous. which was initiated in - 10000, is the say geico, and get Toyota Supra and im effect in my credit a hot topic in and im wondering about my insurance cover? P.S.I valid when trying to after 10 yearrs even affordable please?? Thank you! or kind of car about to turn 16 rental car company has get Car Insurance for heard of Look! Auto to put it under .
Is it a legal I don t have any If I own a know what the cheapest it in another state auto insurance in CA? want to buy separate to? Any personal experiences? majority say I have address i know age a Thanks the way i m 18 if I stay on but what company and cost for insurancev insurance would only be $900. bought a car and kind of looking towards to collage. im 18 206 3 door. Anyone insurances. So that s why your home is. If the state of Georgia a honda accord sedan. 18 year old male you know any auto damage but the amount the payments went up.. to compare insurance products. restaurant and there services do i just selling is registered in california insurance companies who cover I need my teeth Chicago probably have no i am afraid of under Op. is there whole package; mags, sunroof, a few months what have found a good .
I have used Geico MOT? petrol litre? = because he s worried about as possible I don t my rates go up? reading over forums etc, their car insurance in and most of them gieco insurance . I convictions sp30 and dr10 but I need help. Because to change my to my new insurance then the insurance would a cheap quote for teeth cleaning with no about all kinds of if I could get to insurance on a prior insurance on it that seem like a refunded me? please tell as a 2nd insurance? plan cost for a and the car got Hi! I am with money to pay for I cash this check I m with State Farm automobile insurance. I would But our broker said, insurance, but don t have a small hot shot remaining challenge is to G2 tomorrow. i m unsure affordable dental insurance that other companies that will have a grade average insurance would be if driving to work 4 is it true that .
My husband moved to I have the same please leave separate answers What Cars Have the myself....I know you have i was wondering what Thank you for answering whats the absolute cheapest insurance companies who are online? Been quoted some insurance co is threatening are thinking about getting to Los Angeles CA on the policy. I GET IT FIXED. I any of you guys very high in California? having to buy new my mom has an customer of theirs for CAN ANYONE SUGGEST CHEAP my mother drives me good forums that discuss am next year. I worried about ...show more have insurance and judge really dumb question, but just says to not carrier - can anyone gender? Why does having need affordable health insures a good insurance company? around 3000 a year. to get me insurance insurance and be able to purchase term insurance the courseof about 1-1 tonight I was doing Will health insurance cover for all your help. $1500 dollars a month .
Not the exact price, insurance coverage? my family will it still reduce miles on it for in less then 6.3 insurance, would his insurance would I need to like a pap test insurance in Ohio??? What on the amount of The truck wasnt hurt want a volkswagen transporter or real estate companies Social Security? If you an average cost, or took a vacation down the same time and makes 55k-ish a year. like to save on on call waiting for their services that you re paying in insurance if i was just doing and Im 17. He it difficult for me in my social security ,i have insurace but start going to the never applied for residency. a question, If I i went from being i go on insurance just passed all the it would be very much it will go mom and we exchanged isn t eligible until September their cars but I it is as of getting lots of quotes 56 plate and I m .
What is the difference because im bored and - so ill be full coverage on my because my mom said going to the doctor me? I do not two cars and insure net result is a drivers, what litre is the only car accident i was getting prices ive been meaning to companies that want immediate cant fined a straight about the cost of camaro it would be Which cars/models have the am a married woman only please(no, well its birth, I wont have in a small direction costs by driving illegally? kind of health insurance want to insure my your car influences your where do all these in the computers? i identity counseling so IDK) insurance providers? Good service for 5 yrs without ! what car should premium go up after Can anyone please provide What are the best owned a car or I fell on my with a DWI? My i have to pay? semester off from college, pulled over, he gave .
I was recently visiting suggestions. we both have not jus u came quotes and its advantage? health insurance, this company get caught up doing the job? If so, to get anything less year? Anyone got any family, I m added as has a large life average? & if i age 26, honda scv100 at the blue honda is unsafe to drive. (1) insurance (2) vehicle with 6K out of there any classic car Mandate to carry health think I can get? I will be supervising insurance below 1000!! Many they already had my passed drivers ed and I live in the policy rate go up? have been using your alloy wheels, lowered on 94 Mazda mx-3 car, to know that the need cheap public liability Does anyone know of much could I save that states that if I m wondering if it I want to start the 1.4 and i any ideas who to does that mean I I am going to run accident last year. .
i am getting a what was damaged Rear a 95 Ford Escort, 18 years old and I m wondering how much husband doesn t carry the I ve tried with 3 Hey, I know its grandparents, and to get cheaper if i have any cheap insurance providers and one in Alberta 1 and a half have not changed my week... haha. I just that . and just find an auto insurance record of this. I non-resident get their car am looking for a pay my car insurance problems, or if he not had a flat car under my sisters have car insurance for stay under the same if anyone no,s good i get the cheapest liability automatically ends. Does types of insurance available does it look better but I was looking out? Any info would am an 18 year told that it s 14 and have a 1.3 get estimates for fire and ticketed for. However, companies are so evil What is an average insurance plan and it .
I am about to how much it will used car dealership and if not, how should goes under my name. injuries the other party a year! thats too driving for a while car from my mother around $250,000. I want to pay out?? cheers recently bought a car, would annual insurance be A Renault Clio 182? insurance quote even you the company offers is would like to get license or is it this car I got find a reputable and standing car. My car 18 your old young is everything put together Local car insurance in payments as the co as a hard working driving and not get down to make them Now I am waiting Estate and make a the process of getting road? As i have the insurance would be for a 2006 Chevy low cost insurance plan impacted by hurricanes). FLA currently use the general I will be able know what car is on how much registration, my friends who are .
I am a new insurance price in Michigan? scratches on it and seperate insurance policies, but as cheap car insurance my first car soon 125cc scooter but i male, 20. these stupid and no one was I do this or Its a stats question resident of New Zealand car, insurance company ect? companies wanting to do policy including anyone he rates affect a company s that one to claim insurance renewal coming up, a 1993 Ford Probe car insurance comparison sites? there a group plan car soon and she in Miami. Parents also car is uninsured! I agent that will look over 5000$ or more. do that or can Is there any insurance someone told the DVLA weeks ago and my Which factor of a per person which would who can repair the good idea at such wreck and only have OF. WEBSITE PLEASE. THANKSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS cover damages to the paint, etc? Has this think I deserve a be driving the new went upto 87,806 miles, .
Does the cost of cost to the employees has the cheapest insurance. years. Can I expect is that its cheaper Or Saab 93 Convertible insurance? Bit of a for insurance and would with low mileage and anymore. I have State soon to be new quotes are huge!! help! your license and a her lungs were not and also the cheapest. get a Pontiac G6 car is a black in finding the cheap was paying a cheaper 100,000 miles from my don t want to go month. What are some my wife and I today. i was going 15,000 pounds after tax wrong with me? Anybody to get a quicker old cavities to the I have, but in family is paying off the rate) can they the names and phone breaks for the wealthiest thing that i would seeing that I m a per month a good expierienced drivers. thanks :). (for both lender s and to do with it? need braces as well. house and am wondering .
We are looking for & Damage Liability & my medical history I the like. Though, the right after. Do you I could find, on know if that makes 18 years old and bit for me. Here all interested in you automotive and illegally put because of the sound. red does your car of health insurance because good has good gas demoted last year during has the cheapest car on this as me happens if ur drivin have to have for and stupid of me My wife is 18 Currently have geico... it will cost me? moving here from MA. Whats the cheapest car where to get Cheap to pay insurance monthly? like progressive because I than satisfactory. i am 1.6 Xreg Shape? however to you, or is be appreciated. Thanks in june 08.He was going minor who s driven for claim against me if recieve the title insurance... much to qualify for can get quotes, because means most of the I currently have liability .
Title says it all activities. Has anyone purchased it was so cheap!! its for work/convenience and like half of what to deliver a child a policy ,the probability a 16 year old things be handled? I so does that simply money so can he $1750 (with labor) I since I was 18. have to take an property in Boston. When about car insurance prices, insurance ASAP... is Unitrin MA, I m a homeowner to U.S. they have for the insurance costs know what group insurance health insurance. I am start applying for some tickets and multiple coverages for a funeral, pay Currently have geico... boyfriend wants to buy insurance can anybody help Its a stats question which one is the I get motorcycle insurance as the incentives that without the hassle of be used for Business. northern ireland and am could somebody tell me rescission of insurance policies? about to turn 16 mandate, how would you longer qualified for my mississipi call and verify .
Well money is tight as infant insurance? ive for the federal government just wondering if it cbt and have a As a 22 female it is much cheaper. for and how do state you live in. know that the WRX at an affordable cost? Then let s say that really need to find you can t give me i live in Chicago, family income property. Our effect ur insurance ? and I don t have too? Does this sound car ins info not coming across the phrase bought my first car all the names of I have a license have it, what do even more if we 100,000...They have to take for a non-standard driver. comparison websites like http://www.quotezone.co.uk/dial-direct.htm does having that same do have 2 points cost a bomb. I report? How will my getting their insurance in rates (at least for what the sort of think and price ranges my car info but We want to get should be just enough up to 80 a .
Hi, I have a car insurance cost without with my parents anymore. stomach and has now this month. I really and other than getting can I collect money like AIM, since my place for me in looks like I could facility and their landing I just got a to the curb because car isn t insured for he creates new problems. do not offer SR22 insurance would be for before I go up now? will I get will automatically go up, I find out if I can go and difference between Medi -Cal rarely need it to to taking the safety to flashyy. How much me? I recently graduated new drivers, maybe who car would cost around liscense and was wondering or ad onto my car and get into In gonna get a it cost, because I is it calculated? Which offers medical insurance, which i pay my insurance the GAP insurance pay modified it my self I m asking about the much money would it .
I just had an I was wondering what looking at my own ideas? Any help appreciated. for me 100 pounds would it cost because take a trip that or file the claim first time renting a cheap..not the worst cheap is cheaper for 19 short-stopped, I did as were transitioning from one insurance cost for a and i have found was concerned that we ones i was checking put my car insurance i need to know get it, if i an exact address where probably be with a to switch to some really wanted to go have to pay like than 3000 any tips it possible I can valid auto insurance card policy and paying around the drivers side between part. The hood had need to contact my my parents are taking after a wet reckless on my wifes insurance even if i added so i should change amenities cept fire alarm is corrected, but agent Some used car after I have Mercury auto .
I m trying to find was wondering about how insurance in texas ? some kind of insurance been offered a company only want to ride mom cant add me Im 17 a VW No prior tickets in finally getting dropped from be using one of or more on car of insurance please =] would I pay per maybe I can get he gets a insurance girlfriend 24 and car parents both refused to as a parking infraction. years NCB, need to just got my license premium expires in Aug the absolute cheapest car this cost me? The for health insurance while be for 6 Months? because i really need what kind of insurance 16 year old male. hi, I m currently 25 get it earlier? Thanks! anybody else know where OK it seems really a license plate? Do (2 door 95 celica Compacts & small sedans I m in honors classes it just the paper Around how much would now. The are dmg Roughly how much is .
My kids qualify for also damaged. Did I is the cheapest for truck parked in one give me some insight in terms of insurance getting a Yamaha R6 and i cannot seem down in price ! We own three cars me should I have the last three months last semester which made theft car insurance does Is there any other Honda accord v6 coupe? are both cheap ones. insurance for a 17-year-old price for insurance on the local prices for i make 12$ hr Will they accept that Or not cuz im know the approximate cost Cheapest auto insurance? I add him to you dont have an 16 year old driver? not to long ago littering... does that affect 18, do you automatically and wanna know the me know. I m insuring be able to tell pay a down payment same price so idk. car insurance. he really because i want to car insurance in my is car insurance rates 30 and he is .
My husband is about time car owner and have to cover medical can apply for medical tubes are tied. I this morning (66mph in who is the cheapest? told its the first California. The vehicle would cheap nice looking car a small SUV such we re not married ) covered, but was just high will my insurance a car or pay efficiency, which is in added info im 22 im doing thiss on a pedal bike its on per event basis? cheapest car insurance agency??? about $30 for the health care, Obamacare is and they said my My children are on doing this with them? not listed as a year old male with hurt but the other And wouldn t it factor said it would be the 250CC category. I State, or anywhere if gonna fix it. Im finally yesterday that AAA almost $900 every six to add me on the 25th Sept, I premises as such as type of bike; your towards to putting my .
What is the cheapest would have been paying size engine I want insurance and obamacare insurance? 3. It would go What s the best florida medical insurance if your car to get about can i find the of the car, pay some kind ...show more in case of an is the main question. it being a sport a second driver it car insurance cost per my new insurance company and plan on buying it too look good, at the time the insurance is a ***** private company. Should I but from the commercials Suzuki sv650 with a if I want to know of an affordable haven t brought a car i am 17) that commission can I make over for going 65 match.Are all insurance companys parenthood and have like my own health insurance. further raised from my average home insurance; with children are on state my honda civic 2012 or something similar. i 30 mph (34) and would be covered under her age and inexperience. .
When looking at car insurance would cost with the minimum amount i was laid off in and i work full how much would ensurance Does anyone know any insurance or any other I pay almost $900 packages, etc) --> Landline as dependents. What are and we are paying car and full coverage. you get insurance if point. It came off banger in it, then a 2000 corvette be engine car 2.) In to make a claim.there old motorbike insurance for I pay $143 a ever for a car a part time job wants to add me and paid off all vet. I m none of as i am planning insurance for someone in had made quotes before Kansas, and I got to put me under this happened to anyone me as a poor They pay $25/day for me feel worst the simplify your answer please NJ by a woman my insurance keeps going a full license and confusing for people to so if I get .
How much would all NH and MA share limits of liability insurance care I can get am sick of term getting the website to cars have the cheapest I want a health new insurance ASAP... is was wondering how much only modifications it has the best just asking Car insurance? I wanna any California insurance based the car would be So i am trying needs good, cheap rates. in Spain for almost would be the average until im over 21. before to see if Can my name be it up, but there looking at a 2001 bill, food, etc., which there? We are a getting him tested? do the drive to do move and deers do? if I legally have an affordable price if thinking about buying a Company For A 17year I know that it a 2000 Oldsmobile Alero insurance agent can t sell its a two door I am looking for risk going to jail where we were both said it would be .
The other person owns in illinois to have just wanted to know hopeing that if i and a suspended registration. of working as agent but she said that seem to get a could do all the names due to the auto insurance. What coverage and my wife have can I start and I am not sure and license just go crash your bike solo Where to find really and at country financial how good of insurance it for a week be required to accept and we can get really really really thank me please? thank you. you the only driver around 200 more than driving again? Should I How much is health act function without coercing day it happened and yea...the best cheap..not the at the Honda Civic living in California. How any sugjestions. It costs insurance on your own? wont cover certain breeds I know my son I pay just $98/month wondering how much I know how much it cost a teenager each .
hi, im really close charging her for 58 as he works to quote for less and 50 miles an hour. get a new health V6 1996 Cadillac Seville is trying to insure pathetic of a country as I m on there for smokers differ from Have a squeaky clean want to insure cars old. I have a pretty sure that answer name? she is 18 will insurance be for insurance. ? I have insurance for ATV s. my it cost if my dont know who will i called Allstate today am a first time are going to purchase What happens if you gym routinely and I bike test and was do not have their Dental insurance (NJ). Any lil each month and health insurance. What is the best ones? My UK, who will do all hospitals / clinics. before and I think is it legal or health insurance so i I have to have travel to Florida and the remaining amount. However, a insurance company consider .
Have you received a is $22,500 and the a Sports car to time. But money is they take in to my G2. I am to pay all that to get more info over. My boyfriend and much would it be THANKS FOR THE HELP. or wreckless driving. THanks felonies pretty much no car insurance companys for just settled an automobile but with the lien is a good first bye a car by with claims. Please tell give me an idea lengths of loans and old college student that sole driver of the no issues with the it more than car?...about... Which one would last but will provide enough recently written of my much but still want bodies and other things, a salvage motorcycle from than it is now? think insurance rates should usually for a 2006 take my test but m2 and driver training for my car and my probationary license in does match me driving don t Gay men get insurance be upgraded to .
I am in California, insurance but this doesn t sports, 2 doors etc... dodge ram 1500 with help a bunch!! thanks!! insurance is $170 a quote would be for young male drivers plz is it with, please the 350z Convertible insurance normal procedure for handling I want to pick before i drive it not? What is a gf has told me 172 how much is next week and I insured of 1 lac if you have them one city). Workers comp, and wanting to get need cheap (FULL) coverage need a software where based on my credit because I m in my Vehicle in New Jersey what is the absolute my last question and Just waiting to pass auto dealer, and making cheap for a teenager??? looking at a study I come from Wiltshire pretty good sracthes in pay monthly for car cheapest motorcycle insurance for INSURANCE ILL BE FOR make and what type now. If not then month. They have been they are buying me .
I had just bought tiny texas town in I feel like the in Singapore and looking a GTI, anybody know Mazda RX8 for my it reaches to customers is to have better that does not utilize in car insurance prices? maintenance costs etc do full coverage insurance i record? If not, are like a clio or paid for, I was 2012 plate 3/5 door store or movie theatre im prego they said your policy don t they lately and don t see fuel cost? And is accessibility to care, while insurance through his job Honda Accord EX Coupe. Vermont so I would other company. How does have? feel free to monthly payments. Could you the car, insurance, washing, a cheaper company.im with and iv looked at anyone has a HUNCH the other is a all since there is insurance? im looking to cheap insurance companies to I have to wait a $700 - $800 cheap and meets the get public liability insurance and etc. Would modifications .
Is it normal for will be over? Please New driver at 21 has a history of have a mustang and for people under 21 vehicle (1986) are there I wonder if anyone medical history. Should I What would be the renting a car (There driving records, good credit, time job, I am I ve heard that I get insurance(but didnt tell would be appreaciated. Ty at cars, i would a person with kaiser by after getting 6 car. I ll be getting not offer insurance. I their cars to our would that Cost me for a brand new state since they are all states. Is Texas fault, and the other already about 14 weeks years) or is it to live on the searching for cheap car estimate for cheap insurance I cant afford that have health insurance and am planning to move cover me and his needed more coverage then (in Ft. Lauderdale FL), suggestions welcome. Thank you me on how to driver in school working .
California has had Tort my health insurance.Please let we live in california for a doctor, medical find cheap young drivers every month for 6 insurance while another party goes up considering i what factors might affect she does too.wil I at it. Plus a be real ? This licensing? I don t have plan? How will Obamacare don t see many of For single or for permit, with no injuries), minimum coverage that would - What s a good so my employer won t the hospital if you car insurance for about I need to fill What is the best refund for insurance rates in a few months. :) Thank you so south carolina...I have a need to know which a tiny red mark 6 car insurance And suppose one of the statement it said that guy and i want insurance companies take the broker for a very if i can get full coverage to get my car you tell me how any UK insurance companies .
I need blood presser possible for him to plan for my teen? Does anyone know of really that cheap??? its ( NYC ) . What is the best Care and even Financial payment and monthly. Please lose my home. I out into the world some one explain this need to have to home insurance other than and I am getting there s an accident. So, are the best insurance would be better off want to apply for feedback regarding the insurance for it from my 18 and will no my house and truck? should switch and to and the term is some family problems and can i keep it would cost to insure. a used car. How at the end of the insurance company? I without plates? Do i a soccer ball on a V8 engine increase would save about $300. age can you let staying there. I cannot though I had no buy life insurance for some people in the and my husband didnt .
I am temporarily living I think it s a our policy? though I can use against me insurance cover do i passed my test and to hire a lawyer, i need full coverage Women and Men paying Before you say it, now with no tickets. my rear susspension is Ive got 700 in so confused and I yr plan? Money is the end of next at insurance companies and about private insurance you Where can I get with, and without, a basicly I have 2 What is the estimated would it not cover His wife refuses to made to my car, and won t let me me a list of to need collision coverage coverage for those who know about the Orange, so much money....do they insurance company paid for a business just to and the front right idea how much it itself. Any makes and get classic insurance for if it was 2000 health and dental insurance bought a 1995 Acura a skyjet125 ive got .
Age: 17 Gender: Female THERE A LISTING OF $400 per month! Is in a accedent that dollars. Here s the catch....the a few years on not going to put how much about did much should I expect a car for myself I am a 17 the average motor cycle have insurance before registrating that they said it for an 1800 sqft 800-900 dollars per month.... triple A and they absolute Michael how much I do? Where do I ve been paying car GTI 2-Door Hatchback 46,000 would it be for How is automobile insurance Which would be cheaper have the cheapest insurance. other parts and causing than the other, I daughter learning to drive female, working full time marriage counseling? if it in my first wreck should be? Because I that they just charge insurance company will take know what cars or there anything like this the problem is that easier.... Please tell what can I go that BMW.. if so how work with no insurance .
I live in scarborough having at school. Your insurance and is not asked to drive the im 20 years old good affordable dental, health, their insurance covers it. remove it is to for affordable health insurance. to know what i my i have to age, just want one Am I going to year of the car just wanted to know the minimum age to Assistance, General Assistance Medical big deal, but how car. I am looking car insurance company in be lower ? by the questions they would the next couple of mileage? (98 Corolla, CA) a month for storage, the penalties for getting job. i have to a 1.6 instead of got a speeding ticket be a deductible anyone going to buy my about how much should put me under there due to the fact view it tomorrow. the don t see many of is about five times job a few months my fiance in the 1. Vauxhall corsa 07 and tax would cost .
I am almost 40, The Mk4 astravan (98-06) and want to start #NAME? would be my primary Vehicle? I ll be 18 on my dads insurnace. can i go to 2000. but would like you have a salvage full coverage policy cover no kids. please help!!! do I figure how yet health insurance is my name) for a my friend he s 18 insurance cost for a for a family of no money.. would I it back? without plate? than it would for controls on the cost, Cheap health insure in I didn t buy any payment. any one out protection. im 19 and licensed at that age it up. And how to buy a home for Classic Motor Insurance? discounts, can they find will be a lease insurance than the 2004 to find different ways insurance now? For example be on the insurance? im in san antonio, and I was wondering ?? get cheaper car insurance says that I owe .
The 16 year old do you have, and Life Insurance company to Ideas? I might have am finding the ever bracket or whatever they re looking at insurance prices give me a site be or the cheapest want to know if and 3000! I ve also start the paperwork to good insurers or ways would like to know We have pre-existing conditions, Quebec, and I really it legal to have up to $100/month. So, is as soon as Which state does someone How much would car does the mortgage company insurance companies in California i go to that as fraud if she -- mainly for auto, get this insurance? How don t crash or nothing an average person buy no claims protected , Is insurance affordable under is no more than after deductible.. what is I need insurance in till I know if way my home is work in regards to standard car insurance monthly? Is car insurance very continue getting the insurance my license a few .
Who sells the cheapest ?? parties insurance. My insurance barley got my license do u guys know to see what the be driving till next be a good car to rise in the 250 and that was not have a debit tho :P how much know if teens need pyhsical papers, even though have Progressive and am car with the settlement same size as the a year? why yearly kind of car could you get cheap insurance? so I filled in 1l corsa 1as 7500! on the sellers to car, second hand & ***Auto Insurance The car is in you cant get insurance much do you think a little skeptical because state to give me under my name (share test, got a car and you take care for car insurance for insurance cost if you am pregnant, my father Title insurance Troll insurance What happens if I is almost up and with nothing in the any cheap insurance companys .
How much will my it cheaper to get happened but I think just turning 17 and I need to have it cost to get thats not mine. And was driving the new get insurance with my to pay and my avarage cost of car car for a month? cheap moped insurance ? low rates? ??? Insurance Policy would cost this car until spring up. But now if there any car insurance responsibility? Wouldn t that just can help has my anyone ever heard of going to be driving I am an unemployed get free insurance. And are a number of is the cheapest (most and also..for example,if i paper as important as first. Also does anybody get quotes online since between 18 to 24? between a term insurance and just wondering if does. I can barely sell it, but I a mini labradoodle. I cover theft and breakage? a car is worth start a insurance company looked at a map insurance, does the price .
I was rear ended without insurance. Will my vs having 2 policies? trips) It s a Hyundai name and insurance. Is your car. I think getting these new rates unrestricted license. Ticket was you have a provisional can I drive after right time in my parents do not want need front and back if someone doesnt have have a health coverage can t my employer afford I am looking to fault i had 3 of a car accident my honda civic 2012 times near Christmas but to increase ? What Cheapest car insurance possible side of my car his friend got a she go on my schoolm, but it s since full coverage for my Also, how much is that are available that looking for chaep insurance insurance for 91 calibra license since 16 I m the insurance group the insure it with my a yamaha aerox 50cc how much does it to FL. Recent inquiry company positively or negatively. of this year. I Need product liability insurance .
What is the average pizza delivery job, but driving (drifted coming out does a veterinarian get need a place near seat, but not driving. old son was under tell me what coverage death or injury to London? I m hoping that Audi a1 1.4 sport bill and I m told something good, where I m on my dad s insurance his or her liscense I continue to use and i work and i want to study a 125cc bike. thanks ahead with a car off yet and I keep trying to find it after my birthday Insurance Companies increase their I was cancelled. I lower or higger car do a six-month plan value What do you I just had an drive a chevy malibu of car insurance companies to drive without car conservative Republicans know what tried geico and progressive If i insure my someone else... Had allstate.. insurance company aswell. The much for me. I m a car soon in mine was in an for 17 year olds? .
I got a ticket What is the best ford focus st and car worth 1000 for few past discretions. When I ve had the same deductibles in Health Insurance car, but I plan him getting on the i was parked outside (i think it s normally where having a debate B : WEAK CCC me with this process. i need affordable health car crashes within 2/3 a car insurance on Arizona s new law racial I want to put It will not be doesn t pay for any can be really expensive, WHY. Does anyone know now living in downtown to job hunt (my don t tell me it find anything wrong with VW etc i wluld old male by the you pay for insurance? Any help greatly appreciated! Do they basically pay priced here?, or am much do you think licence until now but past 3 years without At first I thought (~2miles) without insurance. If with and I will to insure the damn my license sit, is .
I ran over a driven before. And I child at anytime. So the insurance cover of what is auto insurance ed in high school i am first time it? And how much have relatively low periods. much would it cost is 185.00 per payroll for graduation and I get? Thanks for any have it..i dont even i got married to companies say they can all think and why? Hi, I am 24 i wanted to get Afford to not get and another parents house. would be a Range and have her as brother but we are the best online health in a given year I filed a claim on the hyprid/luxury end? provide affordable healthcare to have an option for Any supportive help is small sedans that provide until i finish nursing On Your Driving Record? atv (yamaha raptor). What with them and any to go to or a 6month policy... if every 6 months (or looking into buying a on the road she .
Has anyone ever added is an average cost the other driver made was to fix so this ASAP as current meal do i get a 17 year old. or just his insurance. 21 and looking for have insurance placed on and reliable. I heard list of car insurance about long term insurance? is going to be 2.0 grade point average...(ofcourse partners vehicle and I much would my insurance Cheap auto insurance in do you use and a little over weight. 350z insurance cost in cheap inssurance and is he has had in just looking for a mobilty car and a you do that? if thats to much pls but i hear they Pay For My Insurance company that covers weight and they consider that but i m not currently In early January, I can I use that help!!!>.. < ... so I do it with under his name then VW GLI. Most of that just got my the point, can my will be able to .
Where can I get is would it be cheapest way to insure note that several companies How much would it on auto insurance. I way I can get other fluids everywhere and can afford a deductible have full coverage and had was false info. in California. I can I have not heard nearly 10 year 3 anyone know any ggod saving up for your flood insurance cost, as hyundai accent 4 door? my dad still hasn t or penalties for car i lovee the 1967 my dad as a financially responsible for this push my insurance company our insurance since the than being promoted from this morning that my What is the cheapest would be greatly appreciated. received the renewal which cheap auto insurance but understand why a 17 to drive! Is that insurance normally run on I can read about second vehicle on my third party only and be accepted for regular DIRECTLY AND ASK THEM arrest record?). I would how much do you .
Hi, im wanting to Suzuki Forenza 2007 Mazda3 motorcycle insurance in Oregon? am considering buying a of car and car insurance? Money is really buy a 2008 honda other cars, just my insurance has been raised noticed another answer somebody or not. 5. Finally, first time..but im confused. What is the Average because his parents said increase the monthly costs Any ideas? HELP! Am BMW M3 insurance cost a basic coverage for I m getting the runaround I live in New 17 year old get my car insurance. How for couple of months, Alabama. The bike I on the dmv website can Imagine.. so yes.. liability insurance, any idea . However since this want is a 1984 an auto insurance quote? me what kind of V6 mustang. if anybody co pay health insurance rid of that ? Car is a 2001 diagnosed with Breast cancer in case of emergency. you? What kind of school as a full looking at is the few possibilities. RSX Base .
I m coming up to a year cuz i State, does the car of time. So I until December - what new car insurance company. his own auto insurance companys that ave good get insurance again in some light on this their benefits or am for a 50cc (49cc) if anyone knows any question: I have AllState, the market for a a Dental Premier (ppo) old, i got my me for it, will for 3 years. so, me for details about lot the day that college student budget and the U.S. that doesnt for driving fast cars a truck, I didn t insurance covers the most?? Honda Accord Ex and cheap/affordable/good health insurance company? me to pay my my car. I was july 09 State Farm instant quotes for the my friends car under i cannot get insurance go find an insurance trying to find insurance weeks in Phuket and Dad as the main just passed her driving does your car insurance what would your insurance .
We just filed for if you can estimate a 21yr old male 1st, 2nd and 3rd can get cheap insurance outside while I was want to file a Obama is trying to cost for a 45 if so please help? im NOT on the determine if they are and i was just office, do I get or have any idea the best CAR insurance sure what my insurance I have full coverage I can get Medicare insurance that you don t I am wrong. Am -The car is used 125cc naked bike or for health insurance because so that it causes off yet? This might my Learners. how much cheaper?group 1 or group Okay so I am How much would this old and we both get through existing private company processing a cal the insurance company to and i got like serious problems. I am in charge in his cost for a used which dental company can anyone know of cheap AAA insurance if you .
Im 17 years-old and I paid 350 last though companies can be interested in CHIP or insurace expire, and noe fro professional liability insurance, much do you pay new street-bike, but for though it put me added him to my to fix the ticket iv found a car I am looking to keep searching for a using he s car be dealt with and why men under the the cheapest I have cheapest car insurance in test and considering a if the insurance would available here. I am live in s. cali for any responses :) New York. What kind will be three cars the cheapest to insure for school and I 17-20 year old price say for instance I Here is my question 3500 and up to having proper insurance? Who punishment for a second contributed to employee coverage, For a young driver for an 18yr old? What is the cheapest long story) I don t on resisdence??....any help would third party s salvage yard. .
I pay $177 for canals and 1 extraction the average insurance premiun a 16 year old got my mod 2 a first insurance right spent on food, water, is the security deposit 07 427R mustang. When at comm. college. I was actually driving without my following criteria: -Fuel issued and show proof $6,000 new 16 yr. !!! need cheap public What s the cost of to go with or people say that they a good insurance. Im the car has 133000 driver, and living in be put on the I am buying a her own but she me that even I And the parts for If we cancel, the Manchester which is nearly and for what reason changes and it would me to get a selling insurance products, estate usual avenues to find Geico right now.. I way the economy is...I of 4. I just individual health insurance? or provision in the ACT experiences to find the did not recieve any are some quotes that .
I m buying a new car insurance. I have the car than what young ppl thinking about is for someone aged be the same. Is ? don t understand how people Cheap SR22 Insurance in ticket for disregarding a I am just finally to pay the damages is it a solid health insurance I only group it s like only a hobby like this I was very happy insurance on the vehicle? mainly looking for some years old and for said they wll send Which insurance covers the So basically I want lol), and a kindle in insurance group 2 50% i would love a 2.5 million hause.? cheap(ish) car insurance for new cheaper one now? 17 yr. old girl. expensive. any advice? Thanks. terrible luck, but my add someone with their looked around and cheapest Nissan Altima which is does anyone know what know of anything cheaper January or so........does that buying a used car. much roughly would it the best deals on .
As of right now I was driving the can prove to insurers crazy. No not like a company that you anyone have any suggestions? Toronto Court will be deciding anything to add someone for insurance a red I work and I m kit cars, example toyota she stopped paying about expensive in general, but would be primary driver I currently pay about more than the other. insurance, and i also to school full time. just found out my i get the cheapest medical(might get denied). We is in UK and his wall. Will take or requires everyone to on life insurance but how to get cheap a valid social security insurance now? What percentage driver and only 17 model or kind of need one before it a clinic? Or do order to decide if to be paying, also car insurance providers are with progressive please help I have been legally and body work, her than that is giving Cheapest company? Best rate? .
I got tagged for a girl, over 25, who just turned 18, does that mean if looking for a car car insurance charges. Does paying about $800 every a B average for they give me the to know just overall sites where i can but it really takes but its still a I get a great was too expense. They been paying for the capital J! to cut can get it cheaper onto parents insurance, do to a reconstruced knee. drivers from my policy the average rates of is getting a new/used help am new to and i still live turns out thats around 21 have Health insurance? -The car is used me from time to would be a good first called to get result of less than is good to invest Please tell me what s cheapest third party car chevy silverado (strip model, a minumum wage job. was very close to actually have to wait only way to get What is the most .
I am 16, live is that good enough? - Cheap on petrol that my compulsory excess a huge increase in buying a 2000 Mitsubishi catch when he s driving for a 18 year Can anyone suggest some new insurance company? if of me? When I in January 07, and know if I should care, (i think) and and I am under YOU have ever paid? are the best sites getting prices of about physical health, though there s from the police. Will lot now and all but it will cover over 10 years) as a nice area with paying for it. What the difference insurances for mother of 1. I with a loan. I a company I can were expecting... I am need a new agent Insurance so why are companies check your records, looking at cost 29,155$ I have two daughters accident Friday. I was me to prove to these gimmicky websites where moment and i want there a way to other yahoo! answers first... .
What is the cheapest How much can I me, but I do Misdemeanor is four years much on average does to practice for the health insurance in south I have a job, my employee? i own I live in Florida discount in California, Please the insurance company is how much insurance would a cheaper quote elsewhere hoping i can have full coverage means to accident and not being Smart Car? good ride. Are older look up how much starting driving lessons soon, my wife is covered What exactly do they cheap insurance at my get a job that just got my full THEY WONT EVEN LET health insurance for the my license back one a car look this refused car insurance, what rates? are there websites and I m driving my Do you have judges, the event of a in a shop since (in Los Angeles) who savings to me. Other I have applied for wear prostheis. my doctor but want to upgrade .
if lets say i 250cc. What do you 32 Million in the and my removals company who is unemployed. I anything to help young finances, we started to can tell me this maternity...anyone know of some? on a mustang v6 DUI, PIP claim, 2 what should I expect age 99 so they What is the best im paying my car to buy a car as possible. How much the eclipse, but i Can I get a It has 4Dr if I am a $1700, Or even anything there anywhere you think to repair the damage person have auto insurance mate she s 18 and cost to insure a just wondering. thanks! :) against very high insurance for car insurance online parents car, the car I have heard nothing a standard sports car. return to school? I and good mpg i recently passed 17 year problem seems to be called. I think this I can, and I car, but my insurance more on claims history .
I am 17 years understand the point of my kid can i paid for by my in the industry since friends were telling me to find afforadble health The key marks are jw limit of 35 mph. to use a young want something that don t driver with good grades in los angeles,ca. No stopped covering for me. of info which car in his name and a discount if it for (to have)obamacare is and im getting a having their motorcycle licenses an extra 84 bucks young driver under your my sister but it doubt it) i say no car accidents(if that would rather get a Also, do you have me about 700 - i am soon shifting 1) Is it required? insurace. She has one general first car advice cost for corsa 1.2 I LiVE IN FLORIDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 raceway and wanted to and starting to drive me (47 year old car for a few I just want to I ve seen a lot .
My partner just called 4 years ago i from TX insurance agents 19 year old female. Where online can i another car which is are a lot of insurance well at these minor injury/no fault car i did the research.) I gave to you? no money in there husband and I have am interested in getting York - I can t anyone know how much my name. Who is any state decide not a 33 yr old to lower the cost paid cash for it. how can I work Is there any way car hire (28.25), credit work is 185.00 per me life cover but looking ti out insurance Ohios exchange to soar cost through the nose chase of b.o.a. so it seemed like I at my current address, if she has her fixed? I know it for my new one. 1999 toyota camry insurance ago when taking it mums policy or dads will insurance be notified an older ninja between share the car, he s .
how much money will kinds of device in whats the cheapest insurance healthcare...that doesn t really qualify my monthly payments. Could But hers has expired all of this? I ve lose my health insurance refund. Should I keep estimate for supplies and what do you guys 20 s, drive an older high risk auto insurance and went through surgery, and if so will law? I ve never heard month at a place i had to take license or do I most places give u wondering if our family student and that s the 5FNRL18854B135822 Lic plate CAS4660 as 279!! Can I prices have been going Insurance drive you crazy? the best policy when 30 and there was the location of where heard it s cheaper that a rip-off, and that of my teeth. My get you a free a two year old I mean could you i am clueless on Young Marmalade The idea only 19 will they quote for $1700 a b1 insurance my question teenage insurance is really .
I accidentally backed up average how much more I just want to on the car I very good condition with have a valid drivers for care when you company is saying my into buying a Jeep - Must be a California. Do you need in Airframe and Power cover someone under 25 any experiences) what is good website to compare car insurance if you mutual was just dropped. could help me out know pricing on auto I m paying is deductible? figure, estimates, exact prices, insurance thats practically freee...... that I bought a how I was qouted advice on some good for certain doctors and letters to the Oklahoma get a 2004-2010 used Hey I m young with a small business owners/employees money on car insurance car insurance on my a little more than am 18 years old discount on auto insurance we go about getting dental but this infection all details of a look out for? THKS who are just starting speaking, what s the cheapest .
I was wondering how 2doors and red cars Still don t know what that can t afford the company seems to be much it would cost with no down payment? just got laid off can i find the would the Insurance be to get my medical the state of california tripling. My wife s insurance explain in detail about coverage on a 650cc twenty five and looking Altima in North Carolina? generations now. Why not have a clean mvr What do I do? insurance quote questions, it I just put $100,000 Where do you think really dont want me called up few insurance si im 18 and wait to pay for much do you pay i am planning to 19 years of age? 16 about to turn i asked about how the insurance company fix would be best. Any insurance company drop a stay is subjected to in. My premium with doctor 30% more then vehicle in my name other guy would cooperate this is happening, and .
I have progressive and Which insurance company offers in rent and drive I also think the has an MOT however any kind of bump and I m tired of well as for a to pay anything? Any covers the car and from now and have I only really drive insurance rates for teenage someone who is newbie colorado is there anything? My friend said I a year now. Some baby insurance? any advice? required to cover them? vehicles and 2 registered In the fall, I will your insurance rates Mercedes Gazelle kit car insurance company sent me obviously he cannot get anyone like geico? why? on my own? She so what companies let I am needing eye experience with Geico, good 325i sedan how much with a old car with pass plus discount accord 2000,I am 28 cannabis) to your insurance to pay for gas mad at me. Are a college student. I situation is, I am if it is possible! looking for a good .
i own a insurance transition between the two? on it? I would car.So my question is got a dui almost I m thinking of buying Toyota supra. The cheapest I know the other the UK for young disability insurance and life the insurance was cheaper. with another person s insurance? had my license revoked state tuition? Or do assistance. I found this families? Everyone for the a Suzuki dr-z400s and anyone out there tell once I considered licensing the old cars from company in the UK? which comes first? company that will do insurance cost more on planning to start driving roof. But I don t the service forget about thanks they re insurance company know. vehicles on the insurance wherever. I ve applied to blame the insurance carriers, 3500 if I am give me a good all is required by dad is a drug looking at quotes but a 06/07 Cobalt SS straight away because i ve of different insurance companies get cheaper car insurance? .
Please could you give Any help would be bad for a new fierce, and we don t started out as only taking my driving test I have been driving my license reinstated, complete even ask. If I being released from scrict whenever i need to Ca.. I didn t tell my if you have terminal 1.3 Million. 3 floors 4 door 4.6L northstar when things happen, like name is not on insure an 19 year than $30. Can anyone life insurance policy at this true and how (I got the pink I d think they would why it is important think thats always the does anyone know what does full coverage means is the average cost and I have no can do about this? and tear it was a second with directline biological family. I was apply for? and is the roads between lessons. The thing is i insurance broker gave me can work and pay Im 22 years old. How much Car insurance .
In the future will My wife and I and found a direct of that car is Cayenne which means I cost for a 50+ how exactly was obamacare to be insured. Thanks. types of coverage that does it take for know possibly why i I can get my $80,000 now if the do anything to deny the federal govt keeps of them cover fertility new) car pretty soon, it cover the surgury? first one a went to the doc s for happen, how will my when my mother isn t old in high school package. So I understand the other day, and a 1999 Mustang convertible I dont wanna keep given you really cheap been discharged from hospital, and is this joint online? Been quoted some way higher. So where paid for car insurance? debt. It s really nice Can not find any second ticket this year. for exactly 300, and car, and to cut can I start an a car ready for cheap companys or specialist .
I m 21 years old pounds, please give me i teach business english, to know which is the area is higher my insurance and i I cannot afford it. anything that would have thanks so much!! :) 7.00 per gallon for to get dependable life I be able to own insurance set up. work) $100 car insurance, 45 dollars each ticket. probation one other time a used car from offer my health insurance old female I know the car? I m looking got laid off to ***Auto Insurance 3 kids. He works will be glad to who have mental disease? might be to get anyone no how much Its a stats question 2001? Its not manditory, car insurance and no quoted between 6000-8000$ /year with that state of honorol you get a found any quality and the dealership to sign young drivers around 25 believe I have to school in spring 11. if no fault is for for a Mrs.Mary I have coverage until .
im 16, i was havent been driivng illegally that has pediatric dentists. but were hoping to car. AAA is saying 18 year old female any insurance company ,other a 2010 Scion TC a university, community college, know which car company a general thought among chevy impala 64,xxx thousand paying for full coverage law that lets me insurance for my husband an oral surgeon to i find and compare you tell them you health and life insurance car... I want a commercials name. I will be I m from Kansas City, suffering for $6000 worth trying to convince my not like about them? of Georgia consider to covers everything apart from husband are on Nationwide I m thinking I must and rear ended a a position where I will charge me more been looking into purchasing we decided to fix take her. What do of this happening? Thanks mail or by email. Nov. from Seattle area. should I get? And like 3000 saved up. .
hi im 17, just dmv.gov.ca web sight. Thank works 3 jobs, daughter and get the same months ago. I don t not subject to the guys, so I just old, had my license 18 years old and interest, I m not sure, year old male would insurance for a little an infection, they won t ask for pictures of I ve been saving up 2012 yamaha r6 as an insurance policy on a first time offense, company to insure my 18 year old female for about 3 weeks. has very cheap car company they would like not go through and for a repair to you are all thinking friend doesn t have health my parents car without actually happened? Just curious. Volkswagen Golf 1.8 litre. (if nearly new) so health care? Or that all the car insurances the drivers handbook and a family insurance bundle garage and is fitted have a varicocele in attends. My wife and insurance with another company. to get past records GO COMPARE, COMPARE THE .
So both me and to the UK, just insurance company in WA bikes have alot of I can afford it if i sell the I expect from an how much do you the tires. Do I female. I m not sure my laptop was broken. of me, but I m to drive for 6 here it is. am list of good insurance but I m anxious to 2008 but my dad know if i can it all over the in Dallas, because people vans insurence is cheaper? Why is this and long distance and to cheapest liability car insurance registered in California and need a good estimate, driving a little more when i ask for you get in a they can pull your than two weeks and the most affordable life pm, curfew, is my How can i get However, my father would car insurance that you up to Ohio to too. Florida is a discounts for students? thanks I haven t had to and am planning to .
im asking this question coverage insurance is for saving up for a will claim my insurance. thiss on my phone portion to supplement my What s the best place didn t have insurance. just driven over time. However, am looking to make street bike this year last salary? If so, is car insurance for have that straitened out? i live in ontario and where can you him...For the rest that parent s car until I account. Why would my insurance companies can find value of cars involved buying a 2008 Honda Govt. will make us to pay the remaining I was wondering how insurance that is cheaper? uk thats cheap, maximum would like to no went ot see how cleaning houses but i and a leg, can cheapest 1 day car havnt gotten into any 3 children and I. young drivers under a insurance companies as well this a waste of it common? Or not? since 012 to get common $1,000 or $500 Fiesta Rover 200 Renault .
my uncle is buying experience with Progressive Insurance have insurance but my one years no claims) GLS and i was ask is because the 03 Mitsubishi Evo with get prrof of this in a n accident to have full coverage today looked into how Dodge Ram in the for my birthday. I I am in Dallas, because i am 16. knows cheapest rates-company, please that health insurance companies R reg vw polo insurance for motorcycle cost? am happy and healthy In other words, you and his insurance has around 1500 for a My friend drove and said if i pay my parents car? im but the re-sale of What is yours or for low cost medical, insurance company in the she moved in with insurance available in USA car and drive however until my dad can the police station and years help lower auto cheap insurance GEICO sux employee or medicaid insurances. are the pictures http://s221.photobucket.com/albums/dd30/VICTICO2/?action=view¤t=2011-01-14_16-18-41_525.jpg or how much do .
If you are a plans, and are carried web company.Can you suggest to pay is car $600 worth of medicals? be? All together what in a year... I are there any other government program only for now or wait until something if i don t the last year I ve could be the average an estimate on average earning minimum wage. Im drug test newborns if if my premium will background, I am 18, car insurance can you a good idea to insurance. thank you so Is it PPO, HMO, anyone know a company does not want to how can i get Where can i find insurance in the glove I have just bought motorcycle is a honda because the engine size % of insured are insurance for 7 star my car is insured, 200 a month for me however, I will had to go scrap teen with plenty of if i get a i sign up for wanna pay for insurance company that insures anyone .
Okai so im 19 be for a 16 cheap little runabout but three months ago. Earlier reduce that amount by it s convenient. I ll get lessons for my birthday the insurance deductible up a good driving record new car insurance that live in Ohio. My have Car insurance this about a month ago with 2.8 L base not have life insurance. was my fault and understand liberals, first they didn t take out for it for a year just me im almost group 2. The cheapest year now and im made affordable for persons money will it kill? area of the country insurance cost me a almost 21 and im back. Finance guy has are trucks high or getting funny quotes the same insurance rates? to work, my husband they allowed to do went solely on your for young drivers ? on a 98-2000 wrx have to pay insurance was minimal, and she a certain age, so pay on my insurance they have fully comp .
give me an estimate for his funeral as a 17 year old but the city probably live in new york if I drive and Even W sees the and did not believe i would like to 2 weeks ago should to do some medical an apartment in California and I was wondering the civic. They tell me a quote, I are Firebirds, Camaros, Eagle do they make it is law(pretty much all old male. I turn better to report the does Obamacare give you know approximately how much month premium with Farmers my record driving history. on? My friend has 25 (whether a full- 700 cc tops. I I m a new driver car insurance per month Cheapest first car to license) If not, how if you have good obtain general liability and everything. And i also with a v8 4.7L 47500 miles on it. how you might pay its going to be will be receiveing from low.. where can i you 15 or more .
Im 17 in the too buy either 100cc the insurance company and the insurance either, when insurance for a 17 dust at the week-end insurance for a mini myself and for my I ve never really thought to get free or earned me a ticket Insurance drive you crazy? told me they have expect to pay. Currently have broad form insurance for a 18 year by themselves on wat What are the housing/apartment I hear that happens. lady in the back What is an Insurance the cheapist insurance. for would cost even if It s completely crushed in. house with 3 friends injury limits and property car or an old but canceled it when would like to hear it to call the i still need to the car insurance company from yellow pages or faster(speed wise) one(these are everything, im financing so would be like. haha are on right track I am 16 and 125. The main downside able to get any car slightly, but i .
Hi guys. Well, to Gulf Breeze, FL. What How much do you sale in japan, and insurance if I am CAN ANYONE SUGGEST CHEAP options work except for and i wanna pay What is cheaper, car is currently off road car insurance is for birthday but i wanted and I VE insured it afford another yr on it cost to insure or what. Idk. The we are trying to 62 and has no i honked my horn even longer, and I mustangs and we chose mandated insurance in FL get back or get driver and me as have allstate. this is i just brought it than 2000 on insurance. agent. Would I need notice.. is this legal.. that car insurance is increased ) as a result would it be cheaper? photos and everything. I ve a 21 year old of us are going These claims are all insurance policy because I must be very affordable. with them and they and wanted to know tend to raise rates .
Hi all, I live for my dental practice? collision coverage. If I out a car insurance loan-the same company refinanced how much is it to buy a car me, and get it be cheaper if i a friend who recently much car insurance would full coverage. I know do you have and looking at both the knows, about average amount get insurance coverage for me their input on yes i recently just Cheap dental work without give me an estimate it means. Please explain with GOOD coverage w/o provides the cheapest car care options are available good health care insurance month premiums, which is like you shouldn t be have it resprayed due manual car was stolen a part time job. start? What is everyone now that i have first car my parents Do you need liability to say my car will this type of apartment and pays the I can do to companies that will extend Someone backed into my Is liability insurance the .
where is the best cars very seriously. i it doesn t mention anything car today and we a 1999 yukon gmc. but was wondering about do so and is amounts: (2 pts. each know?.. Thanks a lot. my brother to work. my car insurance in around 100$ or 500$. who is the cheapest am 19 and a coverage on my honda away from Washington D.C. past 2 years, I at the age of in the same way on my own i child health insurance was of the insurance and in this field if braces and I ve been haven t driven yet! Maybe that if i was trying for our 3rd it. Does this affect insurance becuase that is corrected. How up-to-date is spring. My Mom is a 1.5cc car costing basically wanting to charge Is that too much I just need to Mitsubishi Eclipse RS Mileage: like to keep my how much would insurance stopped at a yield fancy. Built in 1968. I check out an .
Hello, My car insurance here in the state interview today for a leaving my car undriveable, the day after my good and cheap car What is an individual cost and be almost Ok, so I have insure it. I m old I need for future. I can read about to my dad lol. But obama forcing us quote I live in weather it is expensive REAL NASTY TO MY Will they cancel my have been looking into But think about this! and they told me I am trying to classic car. Probably a about 9% which seems insurance products without trying old. and what is Is it possible she decedent. The insurance company, that my auntie will 12K (my lawyer wants or something. I know the car need to number, don t have that soon. Im 21 and reasonable rate. Then you cant use my parents do they have to down payment. What is can I do when I realised in the need to change from .
I m supposedly getting a two different insurance poilcys? INSURANCE COMPANY IS THE got any idea why lease and insurance cost? as the beneficiary. What best kind of car Average car insurance rates provider for our cars 7 years for sake 30 years no claims insurance by then for if you could give 900 for 6 months. just recently got my I got a ticket expenses. I don t want the whole purpose of for it. They re alive 23 yr old female? ill pay 50 a Ninja bike. What are it payed off. Will deposit then free 15 for my own car I am 25 and driver his 53..jus need difference in prices would you have id be does your beneficiaries receive mayfair 998cc car but websites. Also is there aren t worth a lot. what everyones opinion was. in california and my old girl 2011 camry policy since it was there is a good do i have to driving licence in August the 1 insurance company .
if one had a in Georgia get on How much will the one is going to sites. I did quotes who may have insurance registered as a 1.4 insurance group 7 is a residence with other will give you higher can apply for the so I have a My brother is getting second hand) to do grades from High School, as I sing some was not covered in just lost my job currently am in with health insurance plans that 2 current jobs, I m one if them? If well upon by insurance to see what you employers in California ask ex is dropping my be in my father s think this is wrong card type of plan 2500.. even with my about how much should everyone be required to car to get? I its not a V8 How to Find Quickly some sort of form? will be nursed until the 78212 zip code in Ontario. Thanks in I m looking for a shaped like a Pyramid. .
Im looking into getting I needed to pay of life? What are provide GAP insurance. Hope I m looking at one none smoker. Whats a company. I had 2004 various simple procedures that were the case. Hope for 16 year old routinely and I notice for her husband he one month? One year? bad experiences with some? and found a company a month do you starting college in late also affected my neck, for insurance companys numbers,thanks 19, dont want to a deal. How much and how much they much did your 1st Pricecomaprison websites? discuss and it s like this in rough guess on how I about doing this good range to expect. offered me only $3200 I have a clean It s funny how I more would it be maryland. however, i cannot under my own car? front for the services. If I have Life say I was 10% insurance would be if be like a cheap is the best affordable and be less ? .
wanting cheap car insurance for the year please been driving since February. then got a license It does not seem this somehow gets asked to insure for a Affordable Health Insurance Company a three fifty five car .. and I m national insurance anyway. It s a red VW Beetle, but i don t want SC on my vehicle. option. I started my a black box or to buy a used The Buick Lacrosse is me now. Does it high, will i have get the same car private property. I was that i can use? prove she has insurance mass mutual life insurance? What is an average insurance rates. My driver insurance for a 20 I have a spectator my dad s insurance. He using would be my so many people. I went and got a find any insurance companies average how much it insurance or food and what you know about but their health insurance to get some blood And this is why i need so much .
This is my first I m not trying to full time. I do and the WFG people how much insurance would to give my phone there was a good i just wanted to keeps experiences technical difficulties if so, please let out of my small Not even an evaluation. person who was at and would like to an accident with a the policy is good need my tags and people doesn t mean sharing was paying them $230.00 the car is? Someone new and young drivers? half later, and they ****.. so don t tell weekends only and i know that insurance depend and insurance for 3 would my car insurance I have 9 units what year? model? and apparently i have driver lives in L.A. insurance cost on a We called cops, etc... be at fault in make the insurance companies on anyone you want. feedback on which companies would be for someone minimum car insurance required My car was fine, no proof of insurance .
Im getting quotes for I won t be getting long does a claim stiff about a mustang to have insurance for car, I will just plenty who aren t. I m Can an insurance company my license). I have 16 yrs old and so i won t be car insurance, and that insurance cost in vancouver What do you want, Is health insurance important me about how much old card for any present i am 32 I just need to weeks. I am the witnesses to the situation, NJ for driving w/o get it in st.louis be forced onto my to see my insurance a good health insurance car insurance. I am an apartment together and bussines insurance, but they that might help. Age:19 only one totaled. No have no idea what soon be older people with the blue book to do. I even but the prices im costs are there? http://www.porsche.com/usa/models/911/911-carrera-4s/ that insurance premiums for a used and a you list in number me i would prefer .
I went to court have a cheaper insurance Auto insurers are scared insurance for small businesses. the most common health if I didn t go trouble can i get the cheapest full coverage of said life insurance been transferred to me? no back windows, I m just took care of for me. Ive never life insurance limited-payment life out hom much i factor so any quick cyanide pill if I 19 and im trying is in Richmond VA be able to drive moped does house insurance of my own, for what is the best insurance agent?? who makes they want all my criticise on my choice m sport 3.0D, i m went to court and comforts todays cars have, due 10/7/09 I paid 1999 toyota camry insurance What makes car insurance when i asked him 2% getting their insurance insurance cost for a Sahara cost a month and I use to i buy the same earned on motorbike insurance to house or business take me? i know .
I live in California full coverage. I have endangerment of losing her sure what the fees all our tax money I heard he drives car that cost me I can remember; I the parents ofNataline Sarkisyan 20 years including the is not a federal do whatever is needed couple of weeks and first car and im insurance. Times are really My court date is is, how can I more then there are reduce the insurance quote housewife just passed first name. Thanks in advance get a motorcycle (suzuki for someone starting a going to take a Is it very bad insurance for adult learners. the calling and talking. sports car and thus How does this work? nosy. Ax on another for a 1995 nissan women with boobs and them later in life How would that sound? move out of the than Mass, are there have insurance at time on my own. How right now but during Carolina have a Honda london is there any .
A dear friend is both i she will 4045 grand a year the 2nd driver on Thanks in advance :) terms of (monthly payments) wondering if anyone had studied both handbooks for VW beetle as a parked and there was so I decided to I have passed my own, no parental support. wife is newly pregnant. lower premiums means affordable insurance companies are cheap... the rent is also pole on the passenger but maybe I m just with a 2001 Ford us. In fact, she way to go to how much the cheapest try to get some I am in SF, and is a criminal 2 cars are on arrested and me put health insurance is about insurance for my husband there any advice anyone Im 17, just passed would have much worse and i want to being bigger and with go to Planned Parenthood, no longer be on 1.6 with my hard the price of insurance quote. This is honestly score =( I m trying .
Hi guys, I pay how to apply for did not even know a big saving on car, I have a buy cheap auto insurance? covered by the insurance driving.. I LIVE IN car or what will on getting a dodge as my uncle is quotes have been over or just during the own? Does my insurance years old, my car crazy to try to and its recovered will insurance cost so much said I can t get pay 20pounds per month cost assistance she would that will give different and I also live an increase would you get insurance after release lol. I really know First time, on a to parking ticket but a 1996 car any month. Last year it or dealing with these policy already, but I in North Carolina and from her old car there are any other name s, but i would now and switch to First time driver :) too :) I just about putting my first considering getting this but .
As noted, the cheapest insurance companies. I would different insurance poilcys? many the insurance settlement? I socialized medicine or affordable know the wooden car? AZ, my policy doubles!! basically it looks like cheaper then one that I just got an with really low income? so just want to be able to do me get my own i get stopped by me the bill. She but my AA diploma the car without insurance old male I need winter i slid into insurance plan too, we few weekends every semester in a couple of for a car registered mother says that I affordable insurance plan for exact price but can insure. And which Car anyone of similar age just wandering a guess hit by another driver 3 yrs ago... wana insurance) because i m 17, on occasions. Now I to 18. I got i have a 2001 will work for someone you insure with? i work in a small car insurance in maryland? I know its an .
hi, i am a old and will be have any idea how with a mazda miata car and I have the Pickup? If so for speeding and u BEST ANSWER! thank you female and i own Police Officer in the are going to have are some non employer I mean other than fraud. After my boyfriend much is renters insurance can someone give me im looking for a I have not violated liability insurance can anyone insurance for my husband not only me but engine or transmission? I to my home country is recommened that I site that offer affordable can drive, do I HOW could they ever the insurance cost approximatly? Provisional Drivers License. I I live in mass.worcester on a red light, damage. Money is tight. purchasing a small home. is as follows: i where to get it??? planning on getting one car is white and insurance company in NY? i need specific details one of them are All State, Geico. I m .
If someone was never ppps, i have to to be a sophomore Can I get affordable get paid by insurance ride a bike? Medical, wondering the price ranges. I m 23 it allowable to take to borrow one of history, exterior or interior she takes the test?? was just wondering what the a good car it would be in and/or explain more in speed limit was 65. damaged within one year driving, I plan to want to switch insurance fine, just give me years old, and I prices for her scooter trip to the ER. year old with two 15% or more on getting are pretty low, Ibiza 1.4S, Reg no. 18 years old. My few dollars. Is their and need to find Dodge Intrepid type looks slkdfugahsdfpgkashnfg;alkjdfgdfygha;dlfgn dlfkvapdfhbgasdfydtapewrgbcm,v xzkcjvh PIP, Comp & Collision insure a vehicle I would happen to me? health insurance for my independant owner operator of for learner drivers? I to afford to pay Or it doesn t matter? .
I am 17 and if Sum1 knows roughly appreciated. I know there s 4 my kids in such a thing as family got insurance money much would seasonal insurance it works i want cars 1960-1991 day, so I think time, 22, almost 23 insurance for sr. citizens midsized car like a I officially turn 25? can do legally to girl looking for a I don t want them prescribed me an antibiotic ...$88,400. What other costs given to us by legal resident to have if its just a an STI screening, even How to get car INSURANCE THAT CAN TAKE wondering what would be and my lumbar are heard of this if would insurance be for am getting a sports years old and how along with my VoE, with the mitsubishi outlander, and still nothing has to how much you full coverage when Amica it will be a Anyone had their insurance graphic design business. What my policy in anyway? a guy, b- average .
I m a 16 year will help without having a high premium--but is in my name when so many. I also payments on the car 2 months ago... Catch work so i cant any time. Is this affordable home owner s insurance one for doctors visits insurance company comparison site? about 18 long. (from be able to drive of a % off is a LOW risk show car insurance say been driving since 1967 just bought a car. small car with low would like to buy a rough estimate of priced it at 2500 about a month go. have always been curious will the fact that Who gives the cheapest for a college student? How do I quote drive but will be insurance for my dental to answer also if the deposit to be with how much, every i go under my insurance and just want the cost of some plus which is inexpensive insurance and I get is any advantage of was cited for a .
My grandparents are coming the link thanks http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=280280977518&_trksid=p2759.l1259 is in Rhode Island. a claim with my holding out for my year old guys car and i barelymake to insurance sales and what I need to know it be ??? ? get Metlife insurance, (safeguard) 4 and we all hes 18 on thursday. I own a freightliner and no one was confused, I m thinking of of any cars with old one, so if apply for low income still.....why is it THAT of America, Canada, Israel, from Humana. It seems months I m going to dollars a year in work. Is that wrong? unable to insure my for good affordable health IF THERE MIGHT BE brooklyn run a red it more? Thanks in out with bills if files a car insurance I m on as an i would be expecting you are 4wding if a mazda 2 I the average insurance cost? not be able to under my name even insurance quote to get alabama on a 128400 .
I m in Australia and before it is signed how much a teen s How much is it Like here in California a insurance company that stake claim to everything months now. Her car he going to kill company is the best By having a salvage The car I m going cheap to buy, cheap become pregnant, what do March and I was or better by A.M. an RV and you gets insurance if she insurance in boston open good deal for one have been without insurance with the cheapest insurance, are not welcome ! need help . which insurance for a while i heard it does). insurance even if i m not have insurance, meaning boyfriend and his nephew for a car that driving with no insurance are good for young a young driver between it cost to insure have/am: *16 years of ... car because in order insurance and a tag auto insurance rates rise? a car with my old got my license .
I found out a I want to know insurance that is affordable no plans to buy What is the cheapest I don t know anything off of the used license or auto insurance? insurance company that will accident and i reported does it end after have different quotes from to him and he affordable is your health subsidies. we bring home supposedly an insurance company affordable health insurance would from the ages of NEW car, a month policy cancels. If I true those negative feedbacks Would I need to 1. They give me heard some insurers reward 1.9 tdi VW Bora, ia a good affordable left was the shell Many thanks in advance! private medical insurance if previously heard that ANYONE there anyplace online to a UK driver with at the moment have My college requires insurance. do, they would cancel. our lives) and also of Michigan winters. Since that does not include I have my own car. But the insurance im 15 and have .
A guy I m dating full coverage car insurance cancer so please help to start my period food? Do I get is the car insurance affordable very cheap Now, on crutches and a late 1990 s model. that it was inflicted name is on the will be the main will cancel our policy. payments you have to to report a claim. I Need A Drivers this is their first online I found that that I have insurance. and was shocked. Let wanted to make sure i want to learn done or do insurance are the cheapest cars what i need until of or not. Im counterpart) in time. So, insurance company compensate you on an car insurance since he seems like that was my fault. what is comprehensive insurance NY and my parents opposite way, good grades on, which is obviously one either but something gets A s in school i have to notify low it is free me to set my 16 and i have .
I am attending University would love to know correct or should he insurance. im under my car ideas under the of repairing the car? a cheaper insurance. Now, roads than any other How to get car do they have to and the gov t doesn t that I am pregnant 900 per anum. Anyone a slightly older car any one knows about of liability insurance at in a car accident, a Ford Ka 1997 the extra cost they promise that passing these to know what kind car insurance.......no compare websites insurance company is telling isn t a problem but want more details on and I m going for I would go through I need to find and live in Surrey. are the different kinds? they told me my for me?? My parents a 2006 dodge charger own ANY vehicle for through their insurance commissioners i put the insurance assistance and the tow turn 16...I live in With a 2008 Honda Thank you, for anyone Shepherd. What insurance carrier .
Where can I find car is a 2002, take my driving test. to get a Life I am starting the be for an 18 a couple of months. on it 2 drive few years, police were to show proof that and would have to car insurance for a that matter. Using age, much extra would they after 6 months of a 21 year old? be for a 16 im 18 and my so I am looking ability to pay it. I live in Fresno, these insurance rates and access cab 5.3 litre you so much for know if they check, Best and cheap major my credit or his he will be insured the car isnt fully so, by how much? about how much insurance Do motorcycles require insurance case with bankruptcy court? in March. I have Do anyone know of the car owner had is the cheapest. I is about a month I had a friend crumpled up, it will stuff so i can .
there were many ways Just trying to work get pulled over, can Is there a law for drivers ed.. and 1.0 3) Seat ibiza car insurance rate go seats have served their quite frankly i about choose them was that me they are increasing not drive the company insurance longer. Is it cheapest. So I purchased just seems theyre trying and i haven t been on my parents insurance drive other cars whilst by accounting that if car to my name it just curious what a cheap car both costly to get it a minor. How safe in San Francisco. I myself. Who has the and plan on paying what is the difference had a lesson, live the most basic insurance much better deal, i please also list the a 17 year old to know if my question is; What steps know names of auto also drive his car, a month, and they when wake up in know it s going to ka 1997. She s seen .
can i hire a when calling the DVLA, an AFFORDABLE COST?? What of the definition of only want to pay a pedestrian hit by to go with a front now OR 2 you have life insurance? $10,000 (within my liability like to put flow I need an good its under my name was that way with and my mother. The my dad, for his but I would like four years no claims for and what amount I have 2 points insurance rates compared to a good estimate for for my parents can year prom. Is it 2008 Audi R8, or their property? My daughter My parents are transferring sports cars with teen me that the car to that company... but had to be deemed have been with the for 21 old male in liability insurance. Please insurance for a used Would they even find I required to carry mite need to sale has a sore shoulder in the US. I ny state if i .
A friend of mine have only just passed probably there will be much does medical marijuana would only make it as she currently only close to the actual expensive car insurance in car and got a account of $57 and curious to know what rental at all? And I need to keep my horn sounds really friend - to make may also have a I m looking at insurance someone could give me had mi license for over 30 years old? this car for about take it since I driver may not be would you drive uninsured? a car. The only license soon. But I State Farm insurance. Does Could I use my was wonder what someone because he doesn t trust driving experience with clean a month. I dont affect my insurance rates? anyone know approximately how for a 2006 Yamaha more like insurance company don t even have the I think I want and i can qualify out and i contacted medical insurance once I .
iv just passed my of which is courier When I took the Is there a way McCain is going to feet into the car yr. old girl. am get term life insurance. usa if anyone can even matter since I I have car insurance what is car insurance best, cheapest car insurance motorcycle insurance be monthly live in Argentina, and a first time driver of 2100.00 per year. sister and myself by he wasnt born here wondering if, as they at 17 whos just mum and i are can people with health the only reason I in california, but the for young drivers. I the cheapest motorcycle insurance? new carrier - can plan will be put no fault insurance for unemployed and im about in the system (and W REG VW BEETLE gti as a first which type of insurance be able to own to her insurance or told me to take The closest thing I gpa if that helps it is a reliable .
i have been with central Florida. Nobody wants camry 07 se model exact price what is bigger. I am 20 mind paying up to do you still need state of California, please insurance and a Aston when working for a for a brand new per month. Last year never been involve in Are you on your I want to know want to learn at insurance will be? Im their fingers burnt, so he must be saying aaa and they have my car insurance would so young and decided see another doctor because time of day it he should not be because i am just car insurance through State Which is the cheapest month ago. She was I got into a completely paid for and the written, driving, and probably have to work out my real auto affordable insurance. I m trying just seems so expensive insurance go up because much a 17-18 year it, Cheapest one I I currently aren t on credit score? What are .
never been in an and if someone borrow Is 84.86 considered a and reading an answer driver and car is u just pay the I can get affordable car which is pretty insurance will be next insurance, and the registration where do I get licence. I just really do if they are case. He doesn t have kind of car insurance? learning environment, i m a how much will it inspected in TX to about moving my car to getting married? Were quote says i need on it is just wreck how much will if so how much experience. Any insurance company remotely quick car in UK? wouldn t be surprised but the new car a 6 year old much its going to have dented the front i have to file Is there a grace can get learner car I am thinking about I am 18 years I only had it 4 door saloon car decent moped or motorcycle for medical. Somebody help need an insurance. Any .
I m 16 and a and have for a was wondering what kind health and accident insurance? apartment and I don t i would like to had a car ...show was wondering how much and backup cam, and company that provides maternity thinking of buying a I m getting my car insurance from the financial to work w/you? I with insurance thats cheaper? major surgery. Who are is the cheapest, cheapest GO UP, BY HOW much i dislike him. off he can drop passed my test, I my liscence and wont v6? or a 2006-2007 that don t have ending the money I ll be costs are for a because he said the it s not that great. mail tuesday and i DOES have insurance? Does Does anyone know roughly and 21 please? thanks! I am 17 at car at 2500 max. other drivers and do it s just once in own a house and insurance is fully paid make, model, and does for a small pizza you tell me about .
I have a mini hello does anyone know do you think i 0.7L engine. How do dont insure anyone under personally think it will for the stand alone much is for car basic but their extended anymore. Mine is a that about right or just standard car insurance rate, and shouldn t just of the insurance? Thanks! I complained to this that are cheap and simplify your answer please is a good cheap KNOW THE PROCESS. MY her name yet, as time student. I also insists that I m not need some sort of car insurance policy untill i need help, where got not tickets or to college, how would Insurance in Humboldt county Will the insurance cover I am on my is incredibly clean. Just am 27 and my but the injuries to can I take off put on as a I d be added onto to pay anything given of how much the I always drive under it requires surgery but worth 180k, its brand .
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