#if this is the end of lotl i called it
fateblood · 1 year
anyway at this point it is clear Germany could send literally a black screen or the reborn Bach himself, we would get 0 points.
Why do you hate us so much. Why why why. I'm genuinely so fucking upset tonight
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homo-ousios · 1 year
Okay, since season 2 of good omens has sandblasted me back into fandom-brain, here are the links to my fic. They’re all happy endings, for anyone who needs cheering up right now lol.
Land of the Living (M): continuation of the first season, where they find a way to be together without heaven or hell. Features plot about Crowley’s chains, side ineffable bureaucracy, some very heartfelt and gentle smut, and most importantly, angst with a happy ending.
It’s my first, longest, and most popular fic, and to this day the most fun I have ever had writing.
The LotL extras, including an alternate POV of ch. 15 (The World, E), a missing scene between chs. 15 and 16 (The Light Before My Eyes, T), and an ineffable bureaucracy follow-up (Skulking in Soho, T).
Samson: A Duet (E): inspired by the Regina Spektor song, it’s a canon-compliant interpretation of the events of season one. One night in the desert after Eden, and 6 millennia of mutual pining. I dialed the smut and angst up to 100, completely heedless of the possibility that someone from real life might read this one day. But it also has a very happy ending. Sometimes called “the one with the pomegranates.”
If you read and enjoy, come make friends! I always answer comments, and I wanna be involved in the fandom again 🥹
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hanzajesthanza · 1 year
Triss Merigold for character bingo
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my friend's favorite, the blorbo by proxy - @essskel your girl :^)
the fandom is so mean nice smh - most people treat her so cutely without considering any of the betrayal and cowardice, it's actually funny. i mean, more than half of this crowd is games-only/netflix-only, so that's why - they don't actually know her from the books - but even so, even book fans forget her political statements to focus on her relationship with geralt... which should be discussed, but it shouldn't end at that. geralt is really a footnote in her list of treacherous acts.
*puts them in a salad spinner* - to shake off the 'water' from her, all of the teen-like smiles and giggles, to find the truth of how afraid she is...
they didn't get bullied enough - it was so satisfying when nenneke talked some sense to her in ch 8 of lotl. i wish we had more scenes like this:
‘I feel,’ repeated Triss Merigold, ‘as though I’ve been robbed.’ Nenneke didn’t answer for a long time, and looked from the terrace towards the temple garden, where the priestesses and novices were busily engaged in their springtime work. ‘You made a choice,’ she finally said. ‘You chose your way, Triss. Your own destiny. Of your own free will. Now isn’t the time for regrets.’ ‘Nenneke,’ the sorceress lowered her eyes. ‘I really can’t say anything more than what I’ve said. Believe me and forgive me.’ ‘Who am I to forgive you? And what will you get from my forgiving you?’ ‘But I can see how you’re glaring at me!’ Triss exploded. ‘You and your priestesses. I can see you asking me questions with your eyes. Like “What are you doing here, witch? Why aren’t you where Iola, Eurneid, Katje and Myrrha are? And Jarre?”’ ‘You’re exaggerating, Triss.’
not for me but i can see the appeal - interesting character, i think she's a real 'realistic' statement of those sane ones who aren't compelled to insane acts of heroism, those who are afraid (and especially, those that feel that way specifically because they are traumatized). she's a tempering force to the heroics of geralt and yennefer. i just wouldn't call myself obsessed with her
character bingo
send an ask
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eyelessfog · 1 year
i would like to hear more about the funky rocks!!
okay okay so land of the lustrous starts with you meeting this guy, their name is phos. phos has a hardness level of. does not check notes but squints into the air as if it will tell them the correct answer. 3.5 i think. which is a pretty low hardness level. which means phos can shatter REAAALLLY easily
now, this sucks because there are these guys called lunarians [they come from the moon] who are trying to . not kill the gems, per say? but like. collect them. it legitimately gets more screwed up when you learn more <- happens like 50+ chapters in so we're not talking about that. so they shatter the gems n then pick up the pieces. but the cool thing is that actually you can put the gems back together so long as you have enough pieces? so yeah some guys might shatter but so long as you dont let the lunarians pick them up, they'll be fine afterwards
actually let me drop some lotl lore on you real quick, not about the story but about the before and how these guys work, right.
so first of all, humans used to exist on the planet. its earth, you know? but humans made this robot, right? and the robot was supposed to tell them if any meteors would hit the earth. but this robot LIED and said nooo youre fiiine and they believed it right. and then the meteor hit, and then they were like oh shit. and made another robot but they weren't sure if they could trust this one either and SEVEN WHOLE METEORS HIT which was the end of the world as humankind knew it and so on and so forth
but then organisms rose from the ocean, right. and bonded to gemstones. and these organisms would control the gems, and all together they'd act as a brain, right? and all of them have memories and thoughts and stuff attached to them, so if you loose some, you lose memories, right? yeah. okay glad we got that covered
now its sort of like. how to say. so its explained that humans got split into three parts, and those three parts continue to walk the earth, but its not like thats LITERALLY what happened but metaphorically. symbolism means that yes, thats what happened. humans were split into bone, flesh, and spirit. the gems are the bones
anyway phos is sooooo so bored man. so bored. okay . phos wants to fight!!! like the cool kids!!!! but theyre not strong enough :( they have to be this stupid encyclopedia author which is soooo boring <- phos is such a little shit by the way. kind hearted but they're kind of very selfish. <33] i cant belieeeevveee i have to do this are you kidding. let me fight. i can do it <- they cannot do it
and its. okay let me like. closes trap door over my head, come here if you want to hear more, there's spoilers but also cookies
okay so phos is just. so bored of being. exactly as they are. but it isnt really possible for them to be anything different? they arent human, they can't grow and change the same way humans can [not that. they know what a human is.] but they meet this other gem named cinnabar who is really lonely bc they have poison in their gem that can kill other gems. and phos promises that theyre going to help cinnabar be happy okay. promise. promise promise promise. we're going to get you a new job and youre going to love it okay?? okay
and then the lunarians drop a huge snail on them and then the snail SHRINKS?? and phos picks up the small snail who is now a slug??? who phos can now TALK TO because when she was big the snail slug ate them. dont even worry about it. anyway the slug gets phos to bring her back to her home which is deep in the ocean because shes not only a slug but a ocean PRINCESS who needs to GET HOME and phos walks her all the way there [she transforms halfway there. shes cute] and once they get there they're like okay i dont know what ocean kingdom youre talking about but im exhausted. lemme. lie down a sec
and then shes like hey im really sorry about this AND THEN THE LUNARIANS DROP IN AND GRAB PHOS AND PHOS IS LIKE YOU BITCH ASS WHAT????? and shes like im sorry. but they have my brother. i want my brother back. and then the brother gets dropped into the ocean as ALSO a giant snail and then goes up to the lunarians as a guy. and phos kind of goes "oh... i mean i guess... you wanted your brother back. and all the other gems dont want me. so.. fair trade, yeah" and then slug woman is like . hm actually no. i like you as a person so get out and my brother will give you some of his shell to replace the legs you lost and we'll bring you back to your friends. and the gems, who have been up literally all night looking for phos are like THERE YOU ARE.. MAN... DUDE WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU
okay so now i get to make it simpler instead of. that ^
basically, phos replaces their legs w the shell, which is like. really strong actually? stronger than what theyre actually made of, you know? and generally gems cant do this, but phos can put their organisms into materials that aren't their own? like it doesnt have to be phosphophyllite for it to be part of phos. so phos gets legs, and the legs are super fast.
timeskip, phos goes through The Issues, loses their arms, loses a best friend in the most fucking tragic way, and gets gold arms out of it. these gold arms are like. how to say. like they're not a good karat. its liquid gold. REALLY useful id like to say
the issues again. phos loses their head, gets replaced with the smartest gem's head. lapis lazuli. its. GOD okay so memory is lost every time, you know? like ever so slowly, phos is losing parts of themselves and theyre slowly becoming unrecognizable? and its not even their fault that theyre losing bits of themselves. at first they just wanted to be helpful!!! then they ACTIVELY avoided doing what lost them their arms, but the ice stole their arms anyway??? and then the head thing - they finally got what they wanted, they finally got to fight, and they lost their head for it LIKE..
and theyre becoming less like themself, because theyre forgetting core bits of themself. i think it actually shot me through the heart when phos asked if cinnabar wanted to go to the moon with them <- i dont feel like explaining here but you can ask for context] because it would be a new job for them.
because the story put so much emphasis on phos having first wanted to give cinnabar a new job to make them happy, but phos FORGOT THAT PART OF THE DEAL. phos remembered "i'll find you a new job" and forgot "that will make you happy. that won't make you lonely." and cinnabar didnt even need that. cinnabar asked "will it make me happy?" and phos said "oh, no, probably not" and cinnabar says afterwards, when phos is long gone, that they would have agreed, if phos just said that they WANTED cinnabar to come along.
phos makes me ill because they change so much, but its. to me? phos doesn't fall into the "why didn't he just not turn back." like i absolutely love the story of orpheus and euridice, but i know what people say, and they cant say it to phos. because phos DIDNT turn back. but they got punished for it anyway. are you listening to me. its so dark in here
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captainbrookeworm · 2 years
Tag 9 people you want to get to know better!
I have been summoned by @dontlookforme00. Never done one of these so thank you!
Currently reading:
Not really anything in particular, just a lot of misc Ninjago stuff. But fun fact about me: I have an excel spreadsheet of all of the fics I’m subscribed to and I’m very close to 1400 fics (19,804,731 words). Ninjago is the 5th highest in fic count but 1st in word count! I’m mostly scrolling through that to reread my favs, and trying to get over writer’s block.
Favorite Color:
Purple. Any shade. I don’t think it's possible to have an ugly shade of purple.
Last Song:
Either “I Know The End” by Phoebe Bridgers or the song I used in this speedpaint: https://youtu.be/mTkOSqIv8MA called “Vision pt. II” by Lost Sky (ft. She Is Jules). I’ve had both stuck in my head for the last couple of days
Last Movie:
Puss in Boots: The Last Wish. Great movie, 10/10
I like sweet and I like savory (not spicy tho I’m a huge wimp) but like not TOO sweet or TOO savory and it depends on the texture too. Writing sensory issues for Morro in LotL was easy as SHIT. Best food ever is popcorn (either kettle or the cheesey kind) so make of that what you will
Currently working on:
I’m trying to finish the next chapter of Shores of Restless Souls because I’m almost done with it, but I’ve written all the parts I was excited to write and now the opening of the other sequel is calling to me lol. (Not even another chapter of SoRS because I’m in the mood to write angst and most of the rest of it is fluff!) I don’t usually write linearly so it’s hard to focus on a part I’m struggling with.
@pop-mang0 @lazycranberrydoodles @maroisedot @emisnt2 @mrsnaildood @ampersandthewiz @secretlyharumi @herthinkersmanana @bionicstars
I’m very much a lurker unless someone interacts with me first. Npc energy. These are like all the people I’ve interacted with on this app lol
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bylerschmyler · 2 years
Still a delusional idiot here, but if the difference between the time on the show and the time on Lucas On The Line actually means something. There's something to point out, may be nothing but i can't stop thinking about it. LOTL makes the point that both Dustin and Lucas are trying to move on, on the first day of school they both try "new looks" while Mike it's just his old self. This is also commented on the show, because Eddie remembers seeing Mike in the clothes his mom bought for him. Now, if we look at Mike. If we look at Lucas, Dustin and Will - Lucas is trying to move on, meet new people, he doesn't want to be the freak anymore ans that annoys both Mike and Dustin. Dustin has been on a very different path than the rest of the party since he got paired with Steve. Looking at Dustin, he usually hangs with older people, he is teamed up with Robin, Steve, Eddie, while not trying to be some he isn't he is growing up. Will is, as said by many of the viewers, still stuck in the time when they party was still the four boys, when times were "easier" (if he ever got an easy moment really) and he doesn't wanna grow up. Some people ignore the fact that he is gay and call him "a late bloomer".
Now let me present you what i see happening to Mike Wheeler because yes, this boy.
Mike followed the progression of time along side with Dustin and Lucas until the epilogue of season 3. He tried to be 'normal' (still does), he got a girlfriend, and he even fought with Will because "what did [he] think? That [they] would never grow up?". Here's the thing. As a total metaphor - time has always been ticking for Mike, he is late every start of season, because he is the late bloomer. While Will, Dustin and Lucas know what they like, Mike only gets there at the end of s3, and then? HOP'S LETTER saying he wants to turn back the clock. To stop everything from changing. So, from s3 to s4 Mike stops his moving forward, he goes back to the stuff he likes, d&d and videogames. Lucas says that's all he is being doing after the Byers left. But what makes Mike want to stop time and not grow up? How come in these two parallel timelines we are avoiding the birthdays of the both characters who don't want to grow up? They don't have a problem with discussing Dustin's birthday with HIS GIRLFRIEND because he is moving forward into adulthood, so no problem there. But Will and Mike? If they keep getting older, there will be a moment when they are going to have to face their truths. Maybe Will is getting there already, we don't really know much about what Will's being doing aside of working on the painting so i'm not really sure if he still plays videogames and such just by himself, but the moment he is with Mike all he wants is to be exactly where Mike is waiting (probably for him). Mike has gone back to how things were for him at the begining of s1 (aprox.). Only this time he doesn't have Will there. And you know, Max and Lucas and Dustin are great (even though when you think about it, he and Dustin were mad at Lucas and were hanging out that much anymore) and Max distancieted herself from everyone after that summer. But what makes Hawkins not the same is not having Will there.
So, yes, this delusional Byler anon thinks they didn't forget Will's birthday, they based Mike's monologue in s4 on Mike monologue in s2, yes, i do believe he just changed his words ao it would fit E*. Even the i love you in your good days and in your bad days? Are you sure about that Mike? Because i never saw you loving her in her bad days, you loathe her in those days... however there was someone you loved and cared about in his worsts and in his bests.
Does any of this makes any sense? I don't know, but i tried my best.
Hey nonny!
I think I get what you mean. And yes I agree mostly.
Mike being late/running out of time at the start of every season.
The time running out for the victims when they are cursed.
Wills Birthday being forgotten in the show and Mike's being forgotten in extended canon adds up (Mike's birthday is only mentioned in extended canon and Will's only mentioned in the show. So forgetting Will's birthday in the show and Mike's in extended canon makes sense).
There is something up with it. But I am not 100% sure what it will be because the show did suprise me in the past with the path it took storywise so I hope that after analysing this show I haven't figured out everything and spoilered myself. Because as much as I want a "I KNEW IT MOMENT" for some stuff (#victimgate) I want to stare at my Screen, jaw dropped, thinking "They didn't actually do that?!" (in a good way). But Currently I am very positive that it will be like that.
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a-solitary-crow · 3 years
Music Asks
11. 38. 43.
11: Metallica or 5FDP for DAMN sure. they're just "meh¯\_(ツ)_/¯" to me
38: Lord of the Lost, Marianas Trench, The Relapse Symphony, Awaken The Empire, The Chainsmokers, and Artist vs Poet
LotL because i cant hear half of their songs without it reminding me of my ex-fiance singing and 'dancing' to them in the passenger's seat while we were driving to Denver for something¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Marianas Trench because i got my ex-fiance into them and STILL have a picture of her and Josh Ramsay in an album on my phone from when she ran into him wandering around, absolutely BLAZED, trying to find his way back to the venue again before their show up in Fort Collins that night (I'd bought tickets to that show for her, me, her 'friend,' her younger sister, and her sister's boyfriend, but couldn't make it up there to see her that day/night because my car had been stolen. she sent me the pic of her and Josh to rub it in that i wasn't there, lol)¯\_(ツ)_/¯
The Relapse Symphony because (you guessed it!) they were one of her favorite bands, and her (AND my) favorite song by them is called "One More Yesterday," so you can imagine that that probably wasn't safe to listen to for a good long while lol
Awaken the Empire; she actually showed me this band. i fucking LOVE their music and their aesthetic/style and all that, but she introduced me to their music with their song "Cross My Heart" because she didnt want to lose me(she'd cheated on me with her ex, which i found out after she she ended it and moved up to FoCo was not that uncommon and that I was more of a bedwarmer/placeholder/sideho and that pretty much all of my male friends were tagging in every day when i left for work) ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
AAAAAAND Artist vs Poet because they have TWO songs; 'Close to You' and 'Stay.' both of them SCREAMED 'her' to me from the first time i listened to them until she left. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
but like... yeah. that's #38 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
43: I'd have to go with Ghostemane, because I dig the fuck outta his stuff already, AAAAND since he's as experimental(?) or 'genre-fluid' as he is AND has his side projects n whatnot, i know that id at least have enough variety that I'd be alright and not burn myself out on listening to music -period- like i would with another artist ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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gayregis · 3 years
btv, I'm the same anon that once asked you why you don't like any ship of regis with women. like a succubus or vampire. you answered in a kind of mocking way. I don't know, if you were offended by my question, I apologize. but I was really interested why you don't like these ships and I thought maybe you could explain it as well as ship with detlaff?
i’m sorry i answered in a spiteful way, the likely reason for it is that when i started this blog (because my url is... gayregis...) i got a lot of hate and harassment, a lot of asks hounding me and asking why i don’t think regis dates women. i apologize, i accidentally assumed your ask was another one of those that was coming from a place of aggression instead of one of like, actual curiosity and wanting to know my thoughts. i appreciate your genuine interest, it’s refreshing as well as flattering, thank you!
why i dislike regis x dettlaff is a really long post which can be found here, i feel like i pretty much said everything there
as for regis and women... hm... well, i think it can be hard to describe why a character feels gay to you, sometimes. it’s easier with characters like dandelion, he dresses very colorfully. i think as for regis, he is gentle and kind but comes from a background of being in turmoil, not knowing himself, trying to be someone he’s not for social approval. i think that this is what initially struck me as something similar to “a gay experience,” or at least something like my experience was, where i tried to be someone i wasn’t to gain social approval, and it made me miserable.
i’ll basically be explaining here why i think sapkowski wrote in some things (most likely, not meaning to, lol) that feel like this gay experience i describe, but only wanted to show him having relations with women because, well. the sexuality of sapkowski’s characters is an entirely different post which would take years to write, i think. but from the text, we can see that regis struggled with identity in baptism of fire, and when he speaks of his backstory he describes being so uncomfortable and nervous when trying to speak to girls that he would need to drink before doing so, to alter how he acted. this feels to me (obviously, a non-canon interpretation that one can disagree with, but since this ask has asked, i’m just going to give my opinion) like he initially approached love in a pretty unhealthy way, forcing himself to see women as desirable and forcing himself to flirt, instead of just allowing love to happen naturally. this feels like compulsory heterosexuality to me, and is a relatable experience from a gay perspective.
on the other hand, in the present, we see him forming very good friendship with geralt in a natural manner. they slip easily in and out of conversation, they have multiple “asides” away from the group where they discuss things privately, regis becomes his sort of confidant and advisor and almost “second in command” of the hansa (referencing: in baptism of fire, when geralt tells regis if the plan doesn’t work out the two of them can press on together alone, him swimming across the yaruga and regis flying across as a bat... and in ttos, when geralt tells angouleme to tell regis, “regis will know what to do”). i feel like this demonstrates trust, care, companionship, etc, that has been created naturally, without any substance use to numb the senses or anxieties, and when regis is in a place of knowing himself, knowing peace and not forcing himself to rush into anything. it’s healing.
we can see that regis’ past relationship with a woman (the only one he mentions from his past, before he died) did not turn out well in the end. he drank too much, she left him, he was upset and used this as an excuse to drink more. obviously, very unhealthy behavior. while i actually think that regis and queen of the night* had a good relationship while it was still good, as she canonically stabilized him a little and was a steady force in his life, i feel like there’s no real exploration of this romance and it’s rather coming from the general perspective of “she helped me out.” it’s not so much an argument for regis finding women attractive as it is for regis needing someone to help him realize there’s something more to life than just partying. this relationship can be interesting though and i have thought about it, but it’s important to remember that also, this was a long time ago (a couple of centuries) in regis’s life, pretty much right before he went off the deep end and “died.” so it kind of represents the “past” him that he used to be, rather than the “present” him, in my opinion.
as for natanis** the succubus in toussaint, i feel that that also was a very “throwaway” romance for regis that sapkowski threw in. the point of toussaint is that everyone in the company gets distracted and finds it difficult to leave because it’s such a perfect, dreamlike, fairytale land -- and of course, in sapkowski’s vision, this means all characters enter into a heterosexual romance -- geralt and fringilla, dandelion and anna henrietta, milva and the baron de trastamara, cahir and the baroness nique (and also dandelion and the baroness nique... yeah. okay), regis and the succubus, angouleme and the young knights... it’s all very cliche and fun because it’s intended to be. but it really means nothing for regis’s character or his attraction to women asides from being a throwaway joke of irony that regis (a know-it-all who speaks for so long your eyes glaze over) kept a succubus satisfied. it also only affects his character when fringilla uses this information against him as blackmail, and again, when it’s stated that everyone has kind of grown attached to toussaint. so, there is no actual real romance between regis and the succubus, it’s more of a narrative thing and a joke than an actual argument for him liking women, and this is why i don’t really see it as such.
these are how i feel about these two main regis x female characters ships, and so i headcanon that he’s gay when the saga takes place because he’s found this sort of inner peace and is happy with himself. and because he has fulfilling and kind of intimate relationship with geralt developed over the books (which can be headcanoned as romantic)
--- footnotes
* as cdpr has named her queen of the night, for she has no other name than “very special vampire girl” in baptism of fire, so i’ll accept cdpr’s naming, and for quick reference, i call her “queenie,” because 1) it’s cute 2) ‘regis’ means king, so ... king and queen, of course.
** as cdpr has named her, again, she has no canon name in lotl asides from “the succubus”, so i’ll accept that, i feel it’s only decent to refer to female characters by names instead of vague titles.
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crossdreamers · 4 years
Nope, transgender women are not in any way erasing lesbian women, but here is why some may think so
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It is true that fewer of the women who are attracted to women identify as lesbian these days, but that does not mean that trans women are a threat to lesbian women.
Amy leaves the TERF cult
Pink News recently told the story about Amy, who once believed that the lesbian community to which she belonged was under attack from trans-rights activists:
Amy, who is based in Seattle, doesn’t believe those things any more. Looking back on her time in the “gender critical” feminist movement, she is unequivocal: it’s a cult.
A cult that groomed her when she was vulnerable and sleeping in her car; a cult that sought to control her, keeping tabs on her movements and dictating what she could and couldn’t say; a cult that was emotionally and sexually abusive towards her.
Last year, she began speaking out against what she saw as increasingly blatant homophobia in the gender-critical movement. The TERFs (”trans-exclusionary radical feminists”) tried to stop her, first with “love". One British lesbian even promised to find Amy a wife, so she could stay in the UK and help the TERF movement there.
Trans people displacing lesbians
Amy says she thinks a lot of lesbian, bi and gay people – and some trans people – are “on board” with the GC movement because they truly believe that trans people are displacing lesbians.
While it’s true that there has been an increase in the visibility of trans and non-binary people in the past decade, this doesn’t equate to trans people erasing lesbians, Amy says she recognises now.
“It’s emotional manipulation. They’re trying to pit gay and bi people against trans people, basically,” she says.
So they are. The objective fact is that transgender women are in no way threatening the existence of cis lesbians. If they opened their mind and their hearts the TERFs would see that they could get a lot of support from trans women, many of whom are lesbians themselves.
But it is true that fewer women identify as lesbian
However, given that fewer queer women call themselves lesbian, I can understand why some came up we the idea in the first place.  It was not because of the transgender movement, but because of the new and more flexible rainbow/continuum/spectrum approach to both sexuality and gender found in the LGBTQA community as a whole.
For some lesbians their hard fought for identity is linked to both binaries: The one based on sexuality and the one based on gender. The fluidity we find among Millennials and Gen Z’s scares them, because they believe it weakens the social and cultural basis for a pure lesbian subculture. The broader queer movement includes many shades of sexuality and gender.
Sara Prager, a lesbian activist, has written a very interesting article over at Xtra regarding this issue. She points out that for years now, women who love women have demographically been trending away from using “lesbian” in favor of identifying as queer, bisexual or some other label. 
She writes:
When Lauren Strapagiel wrote about coming to terms with identifying as lesbian for Xtra in 2019, this idea was part of her hesitation: “The word conjured images of grey-haired women wearing Birkenstocks, using the spelling ‘womyn’ and attending vulva-worship workshops.” 
It wasn’t a word she wanted to be associated with because she was “too cool” for it, being “young and enlightened and [knowing] that not all women have vaginas and that binaries are for breaking.”
There are other negative connotations associated with the term “lesbian,” as Strapagiel continues—like how anti-trans lesbians have pushed the completely false narrative that trans women can’t be lesbians or that they somehow threaten lesbian spaces. 
As Strapagiel’s powerful piece concludes, the “threat” to lesbian identity is not bisexuality or trans people or any of our LGBTQ2 community, “it’s what it’s always been: Homophobia and heteronormativity.”
While TERFs (trans-exclusionary radical feminists) may cry “lesbian erasure” while pointing the finger at trans and non-binary people, the true risk of lesbian invisibility comes from the straight cis world. 
Proud queer women’s media outlets DIVA Magazine, Curve, Autostraddle, Lesbians On The Loose (LOTL), Tagg Magazine, Lez Spread the Word, dapperQ, LezWatch.TV and GO Magazine stood up in 2018 to say that they “do not think supporting trans women erases our lesbian identities.”
So at the same time as women who are attracted to women abandon the term “lesbian” in favor of other and more open ended ones, lesbian and gay media outlets have also welcomed transgender men and women. 
Don’t blame gender studies
Many TERFs see all of this as an effect of post-modern university “gender studies” or “gender ideology”, which is partly why they so easily end up in the same bed as reactionary Catholics, misogynistic Evangelicals and right wing fanatics. These groups all blame the “Marxists” for obliterating people’s belief in biology. (This is nonsense on so many levels, but we do not have time to go into this today.)
The real reason that we now have new generations of queer people standing up the binaries, is actually the success of the LGBTQA community as a whole – lesbians included – and not post-modern philosophy. 
It was gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender activists who gave the younger LGBTQA people  room to think outside the narrow confines of Patriarchal rationality. It was they who made it possible for people to embrace who they truly are, and not give in to social pressure, trying to fit into the small boxes defined by those who came before them.
The TERFs are betraying this legacy. They have now joined the forces who are trying to stop queer people for exploring their own identity and destiny. The TERFs have become a threat not only to transgender women, but to everyone under the LGBTQA umbrella, lesbians included.
The L and the T
Laruel Strapagiel put it this way, referring to the TERFs:
They’re assholes, is what they are. But we can’t afford to ignore them. They’re finding friends in right-wing media and gaining mainstream mentions at an alarming rate, especially in the UK. It’s the job of cis lesbians, like me, to push back if we want to stop them from warping “lesbian” into an identity grounded in bigotry....
Frankly, these things weren’t on my baby dyke brain back when I was reciting my “I am a lesbian” mantra. These tensions are ones I’ve learned as I’ve grown in the community; and they have, at times, made me question my own identity. 
Did I want to associate myself with trans-exclusionary “feminists”? Would I forever have to explain to dates that, no, I don’t have a problem being with a woman who also dates men? Perhaps “queer” is enough for me? And just as I’m never going to let TERFs gatekeep lesbianism, I’m not going to let them scare me away from it, either.
I’m stubborn. I worked for “lesbian,” and I’m keeping it. And I want others to feel that, if they choose to, they can keep it too.
She is right. She has every right to identify as a lesbian, stick to the term and fight for the rights of women who think of themselves as lesbians. But doing so is not in any way the opposite of fighting for the LGBTQA community as a whole. It is truly tragic that we have to stress this now, but the L is an essential part of LGBTQA, as is the G and the B and the T...
See also: “On lesbians, transgender people and feminism”
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eclipsedfalse · 4 years
Hey guys I guess I’m finally doing this I tend to hoard pronouns, cause I like a lot of them, you can use any from this list when your referring to me, or you can just call me Royal/Horror! (P.S - the colors don’t mean anything)
There’s probably will be more added to the future!!! As I’ll bounce from one to another but Feel free to use any also my other account that I have I will use these pronouns as well, it’ll probably be added to my bio!!
@roulette-of-aus  is my blog for stories that I post.
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revoevokukil · 5 years
The Grail is a Woman - Symbolism & the Myth of the Fisher King in the Witcher
Sapkowski was pretty direct with the entire Ciri = Grail = Woman argument, wasn't he?
Readers are usually repulsed by how the story becomes more and more about everyone being after Ciri – the girl/woman – in order to get her with child (or, you know, literally tear out her placenta). I’d argue that this terrible objectification in its somewhat less extreme form (not literally tearing out her placenta), borrows directly from myth and age old symbolism.
Let me explain.
The only form of 'immortality' and 'eternity' available to any mortal, living thing is through sexual procreation: the re-creation of life amidst death (death being the inevitable destiny of all life). A woman, therefore, is oft associated with both death and life – the eternal cycle. And that’s where it all begins and ends, apparently: with sex. (But also choice.)
Now, obviously, Elder Blood (the most important carriers of which were women: Lara & Ciri) is clearly a MacGuffin superpower (like the Grail), which, I would argue, allows the wielder to literally jump from narrative to narrative and perpetuate the wielder’s race’s existence in the fictional multiverse. LOTL goes meta-fictional, after all, and not sci-fi (it shows Ciri jumping between different places and times in terms of narratives and stories; it doesn’t focus on explaining/building up the fictional space-time physics of the Witcher).
Elder Blood is not simply a “super weapon”. It is the entire concept of the re-creation of life/hope itself.
The Elder Blood was created by the elves, who by the looks of it, have been space-time/narrative traversing nomads/conquerors for a while – it is their “bloodline”, their “eternity” (as Eredin says) and “immortality”. (If you cannot outbreed the humans, move to a different place with a more favourable habitat.) Perpetuating this bloodline guarantees their eternity, and, indeed, the archetype of elves and the stories about them exist in many different universes (e.g. Arthurian). But elves have lost control of the Elder Blood and are either dying out in the Witcher world or are trapped in the world of the Aen Elle – the Land of the Fairy withers, metaphorically. And all this is happening because of either fertility issues (all elves but Seidhe especially) or because one very special couple among them did not procreate (Lara & Avallac’h). So, I hope you can see the beginnings of the why a Woman is as important as the Grail in the Witcher’s story.
However, the connections get even more interesting in respect to one mythical figure in the Grail’s story: the Fisher King. In a different post, I have already addressed the point of Auberon, Avallac’h, and Eredin being cognate with each other as rulers of the Faerie/Otherworld the same way as Arawn, Afallach, and Gwyn ap Nudd are in the Celtic myth. I’ll focus on Auberon & Avallac’h specifically now in relation to the Fisher King’s figure.
The Fisher King is the King who Suffers; he is wounded and possibly impotent, and his wounds and impotence have led to the withering of the Faerie. He is also the keeper of the Grail. Ciri notes that there is unimaginable sadness in Auberon’s eyes (loss of wife and daughter, suffering of the Seidhe) and he is, indeed, very possibly impotent. He is the carrier/keeper of the Elder Blood himself but can do nothing with it because he lacks his matching other half. However, let’s go back even further in the myths.
The Grail/the cauldron of Dagda is associated with the isles in the middle of a lake (Emain Ablach, Avalon, Ynys Afallach), which are places of healing and/or a gateway to afterlife/Otherworld. I.e. the world of the Fae and the Gods that is not easy to get to. Ynys Afallach (‘the isle of apple trees’) is said to be ruled by a shadowy king figure called Avallac (or Afallach, Aballac, Evallach, Everlake, etc.). ‘Apples’ meanwhile symbolise fertility and immortality in both Celtic myths and many Indo-European traditions. Moreover, Avallac is also the father of Modron - the ‘great mother’ - (often also conflated with Morgan from Arthurian myth), who patronises the island’s inhabitants, thus making this place of healing very much like a life inside a mother’s womb where no harm can touch you. He has additionally been depicted as the double of the Fisher King.
And indeed, the Avallac’h we know is a character who has been constructed over “a wound named Lara Dorren”, you might say. He suffers greatly even 200 years after the fact, because of Lara's leaving him and because of her death. Moreover, Avallac’h’s “purpose” seems to be gone – father a child who has control over time and space, i.e. propagate the bloodline that is the hope of the elves. It is almost poetic: Avallac'h is this incredibly powerful, wise & dangerous magician in the Witcher universe. And yet, ultimately, he is utterly at the mercy of the women in his life & cannot do jack shit without their co-operation & approval. The Fisher King’s wound, which is almost always depicted as being located in the thigh or the groin, signals an injury to a man’s potency and self-esteem. Can it be any clearer: Lara falls in love with a human, bears him a child, and dies tragically shortly afterward without having begotten that very special elven child she and Avallac’h were supposed to have. The Purpose, Plan, and the Result go tits up and the elven race’s means to eternity is lost with the Elder Blood until Ciri comes along, because a woman made a choice – a choice that every woman has an inviolable right to make.
And the crusades followed.
All Grail journeys involve the seeking of hope and immortality. However, the form of said hope and immortality is actually quite simple, even though Sapko wraps it up in traditional fantasy tropes about great powers and Chosen Ones. Because he sets the individual’s right to choose above everything else, and because he thinks the Grail is a woman, I also think his work makes a clear comment on how the salvation of the Grail is lost to us if we do not treat her very well and do not take her right to choose for herself into consideration. After all, Nimue’s Fisher King only fishes out junk out of the lake around the island – another neat jab at fishing for the Grail.
If you like my writing, consider buying me a coffee. Thanks! ❤️
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hanzajesthanza · 1 year
Who’s your favorite minor witcher book character? that even the fandom doesn’t talk about much, mine is probably Milo “Rusty” Vanderbeck the whole field surgery scene in LOTL sort of felt like a MASH episode , there isn’t any fanart of him and only a few fics on ao3 none that were in English
anon, are you reading my mind, because i just reread LOTL’s chapter 8 this week!
that scene in the medic’s tent is so surprising to me, it’s intensely moving (it does feel like a M*A*S*H episode!) despite the fact that these characters haven’t been granted much pagetime before. but within the very chapter you become so moved and attached to everyone, it all seems so real and the stakes are so high… also the fast pace of the chapter and flashing between scenes, even those outside of the battlefield (for instance, back to melitele’s temple, to nimue’s class) is very engaging. the fucking concept to show a battle from the POV of a medic’s tent which is tending to anyone injured from both sides of the battle is absolutely brilliant.
the part which makes my hair stand on edge (and probably everyone else’s too) is when the vrihedd brigade show up in the medic’s tent and… god, i want to scream every time i think of that, it’s terrifying. and rusty’s defense of his patients and crew, the fact that he bravely stands up to them… ok!! and the ending of the chapter with the epilogue of fates of marti, rusty, iola, and shani… shani being the only one that survives into old age and her saying showing that she never ever forgot that battle…
okay, gushing over, lmao but i just had to say you have very good taste!!
i have a lot of minor favorite characters but my immediate answer is joanna “kenna” selbourne, i just… i find her so interesting for a number of reasons.
firstly, probably what everyone would think she’s interesting for—she’s psionic, she can go into people’s minds and read them and control them, she has this innate level of magic, but at the same time, she’s not formally educated like a sorcerer or sorceress. i find any character that has magical abilities but NOT the formal training of say, aretuza, ban ard, or the academy really interesting. they’re essentially what tissaia was warning of in the poisoned source. it’s interesting to me because joanna is essentially using magic at a low-scale for illegal or at least law-bending means.
which leads me to my next point, that she was alleged to have a hand in the disappearance of the ship the north star but they couldn’t pin anything on her. okay. that is an incredibly interesting backstory?! also the fact that she’s called “kenna” and almost mixes up her names when giving her name in court… that’s also interesting and leaves me wondering why she has this alternate name (it’s not a nickname like “cicada” for instance, it seems like just a name?).
and then, through the clever use of joanna’s POV, tower of the swallow is partially narrated through her court testimony, which is just such a clever device to tell the story through. also the fact that at the end of the book, she uses her powers to control the judge’s mind and get off free (which suggests something about her involvement in the north star’s case…).
i also find her relationships within stefan skellen’s hanza very interesting, as she seems actually eager to please skellen and wants to work her way up to being an officer (ch. 10) and her conversation with chloe stitz (ch. 4) was also interesting, as chloe is skellen’s ex but assures her that it’s not mandatory, just that she likes him, and joanna is not interested in skellen in that way.
and i also really love joanna and neratin’s um… comradery, closeness over time? the way they threaten esterhazy together (ch. 4) and then at the end (ch. 10) like… “i’m a simple woman, neratin… these intrigues are not for me…” (btw i love that she’s not highly-educated, the translation also tries to make this apparent) and the fact that neratin is killed by bonhart and this seems to have affected joanna, as when she is giving her account she is like “but… neratin is dead, so idk if you want to record his name or not…” … i do ship them a little… we need the nblw representation with neratin ceka lol…
and then the fact that joanna leaves skellen’s hanza and SURVIVES, and her testimony takes place a year later. so she’s basically a FINAL GIRL in a horror movie (along with boreas mun).
also the fact that she is described as “tall,” tall women are very interesting in this series as they don’t appear quite often. i mean ciri is 5’9” (which is already tall in my opinion) and she described joanna as tall, so is joanna really tall?! ahhh so cool.
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also gordeev gave neratin ceka a bowl cut AAAUGHH
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marcazoshop · 4 years
I Am A Simple Woman Dog Paw Flip-Flop Wine Trucker T-Shirt
This photo is from way back in ’98 at my first headline nyc show at tramp’s before the start of this very wild ride with the slim shady lp with jimmy and dr dre definitely a I Am A Simple Woman Dog Paw Flip-Flop Wine Trucker T-Shirt special time I looked back on after watching the premiere of thedefiantones in la the series starts on hbo tomorrow night also be on the lookout for this limited merch to celebrate the premiere. ️ ️ ️ ️ ️ no one has to know your age unless you want to share says fan linda about her eye lift pro experience what else gives you a lift our vote goes to chocolate chip cookies comment below your avon representative is ready to come 2therescue with your eye lift pro. Playing the super bowl last year was indescribable it changed my life so excited to see what justin s going to do I know it will be amazing sb52 superbowl superbowl52
Source: I Am A Simple Woman Dog Paw Flip-Flop Wine Trucker T-Shirt
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So this is going to be a bit long but bear with me I had what I believe to be a pointless and incredibly frustrating experience with the assistant manager jamie at your auburn hills great lakes crossing location today I have been coming here for three years I frequent your orlando san marcos and new jersey locations as well at least once a year when we stop we usually spend 5 to 10 thousand dollars on your products the system is simple I go in park in a corner and bring bins to my corner sort them bag them move them to the front register and repeat today I brought a personal duffel bag as it holds about 8 to 12 of your bags worth of stuff I get told that i’m not allowed to use it because it’s policy not a big deal at all I say okay i’ll do that for the rest rather than rebag all of this i’ll just go up in line and pay for it and it can sit behind the counter seems pretty reasonable to me nope I got obstructed suggested that I might be stealing something and not allowed to pass stating if I don’t want to follow the system I can leave he then takes my entire duffel dumps it onto the floor and then rebags it into victoria secret bags then moves it to the front counter so it can be rang in I thought this was a little odd but hey he was doing all the work rebagging it so whatever i’m like dude i’m going to be spending about 8k today all I want to do is come in spend some money get out without any drama what’s the problem whoevers in charge should be thrilled with a sale like this we’re spending 8k keep in mind that I told him that I would do what he wanted and it wasnt’ a big deal and the response was to the effect of stop being lippy and just listen I told him what do you want from me I just agreed with you and said I would use your bags i’m not being lippy at all I know this because I said okay dude not a problem i’ll use your bags his response was maybe if you get to buy it i’m like what are you suggesting that an 8 000 order is something you guys don’t want he’s like yeah if you buy it i’m like dude we are spending 8k today why would I bag up a bunch of stuff and spend 2 3 hours picking our your fabulous product to not buy it anyway so I had 4 credit cards one card had 2 000 one had 3500 one had 2000 and one had 1000 because I am buying for multiple people I had 4 different cards all in my name I wanted one receipt for each card not a big deal to me right wrong again he cited some policy and said if the order is more than 750 items that they aren’t allowed to ring in under 750 items on any one receipt id like to point out that that amount is higher than your employees said they could take as a cash payment I asked him to please show me that I would understand better if I could just read it he was willing to do so he brought out the policy book and to my surprise what it actually said was words to the afffect of cash payments cannot be split up or over 750 items I forget the second half my immediate reply was so what’s the big deal im using credit not cash he snatched the policy book away from me at that point and said you know what you can just listen to me or I don’t have to let you buy anything it’s up to my discretion I then called your orlando outlet and your new jersey outlet and talked to the store managers and cited your policy I was given I asked them to confirm if that was accurate and both said if it was a policy it was news to them I then asked if they would let me buy my order using 4 cards and 4 receipts the woman at orlando said oh my gosh yes we do that every single day I asked if I went to her store if I would have any trouble with this in the future and was told no then she said you can always come down here if you’re in the area and i’ll be happy to take your order after that phone call I tried again here’s the video of that attempt I said listen I have 4 credit cards your register girl said you told her she can’t ring up an order under 750 items that’s 3500 if it’s 5 items not all of my cards have that much I have done multiple receipts every time I came here heck I can even supply them to show it he tells me that because I am order so many items that I can’t have less tan 750 items per receipt so I point around to everyone else and ask what about everyone else you aren’t forcing them to spend a minimum of 750 items what about the final charge i’ll have 750 items for two tickets but the leftover isn’t going to be 750 items you’re not going to let me buy them he shrugged his shoulders to say no at this point I haven’t yelled ive been a bit snarky and sarcastic because I know he’s just giving me a hard time two people ring in our order almost every time I am up there and we were there 3 times in the last 6 months spent a bunch each time so at 730 8pm or so we are done shopping assuming that two people could ring us up ended up being a fantasy he forced one employee only to ring us up later on he comes up when its now close to 9pm and says hey you mind if we ring you up on both registers I chuckle and say no I don’t but you do you don’t want to be breaking that 750 rule do you he glared at me and then sent the employee away and walked off after blinking a few times I laugh because after telling me over and over he couldn’t do it he just got caught trying to do what should have been done to begin with a short while later after 9 I find out that everyone is standing uip front except for the one girl and another associate because none of the rest of them are allowed to help her ring us up the only two people left in the store with about 700 more items to be rang in if that’s not enough since it was a holidy all of these employees are apparently being paid overtime to stand around and wait at a bit after 10 all but two girls leave and one girl is waiting to count cash while the other girl sits and keeps ringing stuff in we apologize profusely we expected two employees to ring us up like always and timed our visit to be out around 9 if this had happened instead of having one literally stand there and watch her for 1 hour and 47 minutes after close we would have all been out on time and no overtime or extra hours spent so finally at 10 47 pm our orders are done we thank the lovely girl lauren and jasmine who got stuck staying 2 hours past close because a manager made up some random policy and had to double down when I pointed out he really needed to follow that 750 rule when he was going to toss another girl on the register if this is policy fine it doesn’t seem to be no manager at your other outlets knew what he was talking about the orlando one insisted that the only restrictions are on cash payments and verified I was paying cash or credit it’s a pretty humiliating experience to get hassled trying to buy panties and bras by someone who’s on some type of power trip the only thing I said sideways to him was that I flat out didn’t believe his policy and that credit absolutely is not the same as cash I didnt call him any names scream at him or did anything to disrupt the store beyond what you see in the videos if this is not policy i’d like an apology from that manager in person or over the phone admitting he was mistaken I would hope that the next time I go there I am not hassled but if not I guess there’s always orlando or new jersey who seem to be quite friendly I also want to give recognition to jasmine and lauren lauren is the poor soul who got stuck ringing everything in alone because of the manager’s silly rule and not allowing anyone to help because it would be in violation of the 750 item rule jasmine was the cash counter who had to wait until we were out of the store to count cash even more interesting is that I had a former employee with me helping me buy and she said she never heard of this policy either but it doesn’t mean it wasn’t added since she left she was just as confused because the manager spent over 30 minutes trying to explain and defend this when that time certainly would have been more efficiently spent doing productive things instead of hassling someone who literally sits in a corner and speaks to no one while sorting through your products one bin at a time id love a call back about this or to find out what exactly is going on ive never been hassled like this before and it was a little frustrating and very trying to keep my cool joe rossetti alexandria gunn See Other related products: I Am A Simple Woman Dog Paw Flip-Flop Wine Trucker T-Shirt
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fantroll-purgatory · 4 years
Xanatl Cambre, or whatever!
I read homestuck the first time when I was 13 and now that I’m rereading it I realized I processed almost 0 things in it the first time. So this is BASICALLY my first homestuck oc as someone who understands what the hell is happening in homestuck. I’m only about 3000 pages in, so I might have some misunderstandings still, sorry! Please go crazy telling me what I could fix or change, and I also have 0 clue for his appearance soooo. 
Okay! I’ll do my best to tighten this character up a bit!
Name: Xanatl Cambre 
Pronounced “Shan-uh-teal Cam-bray” (for the Aztec god Xolotl, and the coloration of darker axolotl’s- axanthic + the Spanish words for walk and fire/light)
Camnar is a seven-sweep-old violet-blooded troll who failed to fully complete his metamorphosis, for some reason or another- it happens! He possesses an extra set of fully functioning arms, a small flippy-flappy finny-tail-nub, and big bright purple shiny eyes. Everything else seems like it’s grown in okay, probably. Though he was fully capable of surviving his grub trials, his defects are admittedly uncomfortable enough to maybe have earned culling when he was only a few sweeps old, if not for [name here], a jade-blood with a penchant for healthy freaks and everything there is to learn about them (ESPECIALLY messed-up metamorphisizers) assisting in chopping off the extra bits every once in a while when drones come around. And definitely NOT keeping them in a walk in freezer to study. He’s not crippled or weakened by any of them, anyways, they’re just weird to look at- his eyesight might not be great, but he wouldn’t admit it. 
Fire, salamanders in general, the Aztec god Xolotl, and all around childish imbecility are all pretty big parts of and inspiration for his character. 
Hmmm. I feel like this passage comes off as fairly ableist, so watch your language here (i.e. “freaks,” “crippled,” “childish imbecility,” etc.). There is nothing wrong with a jadeblood being interested in mutants who remain healthy or in Xanatl not being weakened by losing body parts or even in him being childishly careless but language matters and I don’t feel comfortable letting it slide.
Interests: Penchant for outdoor land activities, especially camping. Loves using the time on those camp-outs to start fires, make star-maps, and attempt to commune with the dead through rituals found on old forums (with little success).
I like this bit as an emphasis on the fire theme, and I actually really like that you made a seadweller with that fire theme!
 A very keen interest in the occult and black magyks generally, but too lazy to go all the way with it, and too scared to perform it in his underwater home. A notable interest in weather-tracking, especially large storms and how they grow, change, and die. Mild inclinations to cannibalize other trolls- luckily, most don’t fit in his mouth.
Finds great joy in training his lusus to do tricks and assist in hunting for dinner. A great cook! Especially loves spicy food (mustard flowers grow around his hive, and he uses their seeds/”eye of newt” for a kick a lot of the time). General propensity to put whatever he can fit into his mouth in his mouth that caused a lot of sickness as a young troll. One of his favorite non-food things to eat that isn’t necessarily dangerous are agave americana plants, which he grows and keeps all over the top floor of hive (he probably could not keep any other plants alive). Spends a lot of time with [insert jadeblood’s name], but mostly out of the obligation of their friendship, because he’s kind of tired of her cutting his fingers off to study their regrowth. He’s also mildly obsessed with siren stories and myths, but he doesn’t really know why. 
He lives in a two-story hive. The lower story sits below the water in a somewhat shallow muddy canal, and the top half hugs the shoreline. He spends most of his time in the bottom half, though.
Ooooh I really like that setup!
Personality: He’s kind of a coward. Very averse to change, but not fully content in his quiet life. He doesn’t particularly like company and when other trolls are around he feels urges to hurt them until they go away/are digested. Those urges don’t make him uncomfortable or guilty. It’s natural! Despite enjoying his outside time, most things he indulges in are sedentary- he’s very lazy and drowsy most hours of the night. He’s very defensive of his interests and his home, a little insecure in general. His high caste boosts his self esteem and his mutations knock it down- though he’s very removed from his society as a whole, self isolating with abandon, he dreams of mingling with the upper class in the deep ocean. Every troll and lusus around would probably kill him if he tried though, haha! He doesn’t like to talk about his emotions, or his future.
Wow unfortunate mood.
Special Abilities: None! Not notably strong, compared to any of his peers. A pretty normal kid/fish. Well, his extra arms and tail have some regenerative properties- he’s not sure if this extends to the rest of his body, and he refuses to test it. 
Strife Specibus: Mandible-kind. Xanatl’s teeth are fairly small and underdeveloped, sharp but tiny. He has a set of big dentures he fits over his own teeth, fixed from a few native canal beasts lost teef. 
Ooooh I really like that! You could also maybe have him fashion Greek-fire like molotov cocktails that he is verrrry reticent to use since it would burn his house down possibly.
Fetch Modus: Not sure! Maybe something to do with those lame circular life-cycle charts. Or a call to lotl’s regenerative abilities, like it breaks a piece off the item and it has to regrow so he can use it.
Hmmmm. What about a MITOSIS MODUS, which accepts an item and begins the process of cell division. For the next 24 hours, the item is inaccessible, but after those 24 hours he has two of the item!
Symbol and Meaning: Oh, no idea.
I’ll explain a little more down under title assignation, but I think Aquamini, Sign of the Idiosyncratic works exceptionally well.
Handle: neotenticSalamancer OR neotenicNecramander ? I wasn’t sure if it HAD to follow the GCAT thing, and if it did, what to use. 
You don’t have to follow GCAT! Those trolltags were specific to Hussie’s narrative and you don’t have to adopt that convention. I actually really like neotenicNecromander it’s cute.
Quirk: So I have two ideas for this:
replaces “sh” sounds with “x”, misspells often, not one to xout or use capital letters in general, and ends sentences with his tail =>
u232 3 to r3plac3 “e” and 2 to r3plac3 “s”, 32 billion b3ing th3 numb3r of ba23 pair2 in th3 axolotl2 g3nom3… 2till u232 th3 cut3 tail too tho =>
Ooooh I like the first one for readability! Like yes leetspeak is a valid quirk but also I like when people break from that.
Lusus: Giant salamander-sized two-faced Xoloitzcuintli-type amphibious woofbeast. Not sure what to call this guy! Maybe “Mudpapi”, like mudpuppy. 
I love that nickname :D
Land: Land of Tilapia and Lightning, LOTaL (haha). Big beasts and big storms both threatening to swallow him. 
I super appreciate the acronym so I wanna keep that, but the first word of the Land usually related to its feel and the second to its quest. I can kiiiinda see how you could build a quest around lightning but the Vibe being tilapia doesn’t quite track for me. What about Land of Torches and Lightning, so it’s a bright planet but with two light sources trying to extinguish one another?
Title: I’m not sure I want him to ever god-tier because of his crippling fear of death and change. Like he would probably just blatantly refuse to, and stay content with being at the top of the echeladder pre-god tiers. I don’t know what his title would be, it’s a tough one! It’d be funny to make him a seer (for axolotl’s terrible eyesight, and the myth of xolotl crying his literal eyes out), but he’s probably a page. Of what? I’unno. 
:) I think he is for SURE a Page of Doom then. He has so much to do with death and rot and a lack of embracing that, and I can see potential for the character to really grow into that.
Lunar Sway: Derse? I’m inclined to want to give him both, because of the minor twin theming, but not sure what the rules are there. 
Ehhhh his personality is a lot more Derse with the desire for control over his circumstances. There are certainly cases where characters can have two moons but I don’t think this is it.
Thank you!!
No problem! I hope this helped!
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ladywhitetower · 5 years
Damien is a monster and I will NOT be convinced otherwise
But I WILL convince you
You call all thank @chadarum for indulging my nonsense which I now set upon you
@podcastlimbo this is my main theory, @jakkubrat, @shorter-than-her-tbr-pile, @a-green-bean and @onesmoothassendoplasmicretilum, you all showed interest in this post, so now y’all get tagged. @cryptidie, this is the theory in full!
Long post because this is a hell of a ride.
Alright so basically:
Part 1- Damien has a sensitivity to the Other (divine/monstrous)
Part 2- The saints are all monsters, actually
Part 3- Damien himself is part monster
Part 4- Damien is connected/descended from SD himself
(Could I make several posts instead of the one? Yes. Will I? No. @chadarum, you have given me Too Much power.)
Now, let’s begin:
Battle at World’s End Part 4 is The pinnacle of Damien’s conflicted dilemma, but the thing is. He talked to Saint Damien. Actually talked!!! SD was answering him!!!
We hear Rilla admitting to Sir Caroline that he thinks all the saints talk is nonsense, but it’s important to Damien so she doesn’t mind it in The Spiral Sage, Part 2, after being told by the Judge that there’s no rules in his court.
Sir Caroline thinks it’s all stupid bullshit in the same conversation
And no one else seems to really believe in them? The Queen makes a few “saints help us” comments but, for a city built on the principle of three saints building their citadel, why is Damien the only one who really seems to believe in them? He is the only one who actually prays
Battle at World’s End Part 4, from Damien’s monologue: In days when you spoke to me, in days when you didn’t leave me to linger, lonely at your heel.
He says “days”. Plural. P L U R A L. And we KNOW SD spoke to him that day at the river (SD ACTUALLY HELPED HIM) plus we Just heard them talking!!!
Damien also makes a big deal about SD forsaking him, and about losing his tranquility. Why, in Lady of the Lake he thinks SD just might drown him in the poisoned water.
Actually, let’s count the times Damien asks his saint for help and is delivered:
Knight of the Crown, Lord of the Swamp, part 2: In part 1 we hear Damien saying the tranquility bit before striking Arum, but in part 2… while being chased by the rat monster, he asks SD for help, and the rat’s growls shift into the sound of waves!!!!!
Lady of the Lake: While drunk, Damien says he asked SD for guidance once he was about to drown, and the waves around him Stilled, lulling him to sleep
AND the conversation. SD helping him regain his tranquility at last.
May I bring up, “But isn’t that your way? No true wisdom can be told, only learned.” Damien has had several talks with SD, we all know and agree right? He knows well enough to know he won’t receive an answer. But the fact that he did not show ANY shock at hearing SD‘s voice, rather about hearing it in monster territory, means it has happened before
I am ALSO going to bring up “there’s something Human in his eyes” because while it is a very nice turn of phrase and all, isn’t it curious how he is the only one to say anything of the sort? Damien immediately notices this from bantering with Arum ONCE, and like. Arum hot. But Damien saw this and was Right. He is Perceptive!
So, Damien talks to SD several times and receives help, plus sees things in monsters that no one else does and is strangely sensitive to them (only one to hear the howling in LOTL, anyone? Only one to see it at first?)
Let’s talk about how Damien’s explanation about monsters vs saints is shaky at best
Taken from his exchange with Talfryn in The Spiral Sage, part 2
Talfryn: But don’t monsters have that kind of power?
Damien: Monsters And Saints, my friend! It’s actually quite simple. Monsters break the divine rules that govern all things. Saints ask for permission from the powers above to bend those rules. And with that permission granted, they know their acts are good!
Talfryn: But… how are you supposed to tell the difference?
Damien: Faith, my friend.
But… there’s a few problems with this theory
The monsters have a court. They have their “anyone can do anything they want rule” and apparently things like censorship are taboo. And we Know “Judge Helicoid” was absolute bullshit but we Also know everyone took his word and genuinely thought he Was asking the universe for verdicts, and everyone followed and respected them.
This communication and dealings with the universe lead us to believe that…. actually, the monsters are more connected to the universe than the humans are
In their explanations, Quanyii and Arum BOTH say that magic is unpredictable and depends entirely on the universe. Rilla even calls Arum out on Not Knowing how the universe works exactly, and he disdains her desire to understand things completely.
Exchange from The Moonlit Hermit, part 2, after attempting to use it to heal Arum’s Keep:
Arum: ... that is how magic operates. When you reach for the cosmos, there are no guarantees. What didn’t work then may work now. We will not know unless we try.
Rilla: So magic is inconsistent.
Arum: Exactly.
The Hallowed Halls of Helicoid, part 1, after Quanyii saves Sir Caroline:
Quanyii: And that, sweets, is how you make magic work for you. Magical spells, commands, etceteras and so-ons only feels like answering them.
Therefore, if monsters could Just break the rules of the universe… wouldn’t their magic be more reliable?
By Damien’s explanation, Arum and quite possibly Quanyii could be saints. The only difference is that they don’t care about their acts being good. Arum reaches for the impossible. Quanyii just… likes the power.
Because of this, we can dismiss his explanation being 100% accurate.
His tale of the Three, the one the whole citadel apparently tells, has them display abilities that make them either witches or monsters
But I’m gonna say monsters because of a few things:
The Spiral Sage debacle. Is he human? Is he monster? Is he… both?
Quanyii saying “No. No matter how hard I try” when asked by Rilla whether she is a monster after revealing she can change forma, implying there Could be a way for a human to become a monster, and possibly viceversa. (More on this later)
These two quotes:
Head of the Janus Beast, Talfryn to Marc: “SIR CAROLINE IS A JANUS BEAST?”
Lady of the Lake, Sir Damien to Sir Angelo: “Sir Angelo! She could be a monster herself!”
Those lines, plus the fact that BOTH the nymphs and the fungi monster could take human forms, both So accurate that everyone thought they were real at first (NO ONE realized the nymphs WEREN’T human until THEY said so!), outright make it evident that some monsters, at least, are capable of taking human forms. The Nymphs are the most relevant, obviously, because they didn’t take the forms as illusions or separate entities, they Wore those shapes and were comfortable with them.
Finally, the tapestries Damien sees in The Hallowed Halls of Helicoid, part 2, of monsters and humans “living together… lying together!” (Pix and David, anyone?)
(Actually Pix, David and the tapestries, including Spiral Sage’s, make it clear there was a time before the first citadel being destroyed where monsters and humans not only mingled, but lived peacefully… at least in some places) (On that note… I don’t think Fort Terminus really belonged to these monsters… I think they broke in, too.)
Also, from LOTL, “Knights… slay monsters, don’t they? Seems convenient. And there’s a witch right in front of you.” PLUS Rilla’s backstory, The Moonlit Hermit, part 1, with her parents being exiled and Quanyii’s presence in the court means that witches and monsters often associate or are lumped together.
I know I sound like a crazy person, but the saints are CLEARLY either monsters who took human form or monster/human descendants
But pray tell, Ria, why would they fight for the humans?
WELL MY DEAR, CAPTIVE READER: while we have Heard that the destruction of the first citadel was the only time the monsters unified, it isn’t difficult to believe that some, like Arum, were rather indifferent/on the outskirts of the conflict. I suspect some, also like Arum, may have forged connections with humans. Or perhaps they were horrified by how much destruction and death they caused. If they were monster descendants, the root might have been love.
(We’re almost near the end I promise)
Damien is a monster
Because I say so
Okay actual evidence:
SD’s constant interference
May I direct you to this exchange in The Caves of Discord, when Damien is late to the meeting (thank you, Sir Caroline)
Sir Angelo: Sir Damien? You’ve called Both of your greatest knights for one little monster?
Queen Mira: I never said there was a monster. Now, sit.
Sir Angelo: A monster that is not a monster? Intriguing.
Knight of the Crown, Lord of the Swamp, part 1, Arum, upon being told by Damien there’s something human in his eyes: You’d never considered they might be something… monstrous in yours?
He isn’t saying it because he Sees anything, he’s saying it bc he’s cornered, but… Damien takes it pretty seriously.
Also from Knight of the Crown, Lord of the Swamp part 2, Damien to Angelo upon giving him his last poem for Rilla: After all, it’s easier, is it not? To mourn a man who was a monster all along.
If Damien is sensitive to the divine, and the divine is monstrous, then Damien is sensitive to the monstrous. I’m gonna say he is a monster, too. His arc is Way too full of that theme for there to be any other choice.
Damien was also the most sensitive to the Monster from the cocoon, and yes, we can attribute that solely to his anxiety and already rippling fear but… after Part 4, he stops being that sensitive. Rilla Screams and nearly dies from its impact, but Damien is…. strangely fine? He is sensitive but overcomes it anyway, and was at never point physically affected. Could just be tranquility… could also be… monster.
But Ria, you ask, How are SD and Damien connected? Well.
Did you notice NO ONE knew about the Spiral Sage?
Absolutely no one.
Literally the only reason Rilla knew was Because of Damien.
Everyone else was completely unfamiliar with these myths, br Sir Caroline who mentioned the South World’s End but had never seen the North, including the existence of Fort Terminus, and while we know Damien comes from a scholar family, at least from his father’s side…. couldn’t it be possible that his family is made of scholars Precisely because of that link to SD?
I mean Damien knew the Whole BAWE poem which was… so long.
They could have very well have kept these three thousand year old myths if they were SD descendants. Because it Has been about a long time? At least “centuries passed” (KotC, part 1) between the First Citadel and the Second Citadel as we know it. And in THHOH Part 1, Rilla confirms three thousand years have passed. How do they have access to such well preserved myths??
Even Sage Helicoid could be explained away as the family protecting themselves but still wanting to keep those myths.
Maybe Damien’s mother was a monster? I lean more on far descendants tho.
Plus, Quanyii, in the same episode, says the one time the monster attack was completely unified, it was “so bad it wiped out most of recorded history before that.” So… how does Damien know?
Plus, why Else would SD interfere so many times in Damien’s behalf? There’s no other instance of any character receiving saintly help, but several where Damien does.
Remember Damien’s prayer?
Damien: Saint Damien, we beg that you lend us your spear to pierce the veil that keeps this beast from home. If it be your will, if it be your will… as it is mine.
And that last line? THAT is when the portal stabilizes!!!
They are connected FIGHT ME.
Damien says SD had forsaken him and was looking for a reason, but SD kept interfering for him in minor ways when he was in serious peril, however stops talking to him entirely UNTIL Damien is questioning his purpose after opening the portal.
Damien also says, in LOTL, “It is our sworn duty to kill monsters. To cleanse the monsters’ blight upon this land.”
Could it be that SD, a monster, stopped outright talking to SD once his focus shifter from helping people into just. assuming he had changed enough and mindlessly killing monsters to the point where he saw it as a competition with Angelo? Then, he performed a miracle once Damien not only wanted to help someone else, but wanted to help a monster (that he loved, for his beloved Rilla). And finally, once he saw Damien could still be saved because he was doubting, talked to him and guided him back to tranquility?
The Spiral Sage, Part 2, Quanyii introducing herself: [My name] is always Quanyii, no matter how much of my physical form I change, so pease don’t get confused. Oh, I know that sounds boring, sweets, but even when you’re trying to keep things fresh something has to stay the same or you might lose yourself entirely.
Notice how Damien is the only character to have a Saint as a namesake?
I’m not saying Damien is a reincarnation of Saint Damien or anything, but I Am writing fic about it and this tidbit is a Blessing to have.
But as to my is Damien a monster question?
I say Yes. Damien is a monster and connected to Saint Damien.
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speciated · 5 years
😳😑❤️😌🥀💕*stars one idont wanna find it*🥰🤯👌🙈🎊 im allowed to send a lot its ok. idr what half these were
😳 dgdg that's very very general and you'll know by the end of the rest of these but! i think you have a really good heart and i think you shld be really proud of yourself, you're doing great right now and youll definitely deserve a good sweet life when u get one! knowing u feels like there's just always sun shining directly on my brain cells, there's just something so great about you that makes me happy n i don't see in many people at all. i think you're doing a great job taking care of the clown motel and your rats, you're really an asset 2 the world and everyone is lucky you're here! also i think your sexy
😑 bro you could never annoy me i think it's physically impossible. you could try n do the most annoying thing you could think of and i think id be like 'okayyy 😘😘🥰🥰🥰😘😌😌'
❤️ yes!! easily #1 ever can't wait to go from mutuals to friends maybe 😳
😌 you are super funny ik i just said this but calling with you is so great bc u r incredibly funny i couldn't stop giggling when u were making fun of me for being weak to the cold
🥀 one of my serious favourite things about you is that you want the same nice simple life as i do!! naturally i think it makes u an objectively sweet n great person because u agree with me but also means we get to talk abt the future and it makes me happy
💕 more than anything bro 🥺 (sorry for using emoji it's gonna get confusing)
*stars one idont wanna find it* do you count as my best friend if im in love w you? i mean of course you are but it seems like ur cheating bc nobody can beat you . the best friends council will look into this matter
🥰 your blog rating out of 10... it says here... 🧐 69??😳
🤯 secrets... god kinda the same as yours, but the first selfies i saw of you i may have saved one bc i thought you looked really good n got a crush on you 😳 idr if we had even talked much or at all at that point but also definitely already had a crush on u first time we talked
👌i think you are very pretty! think that's a good word but maybe it's not strong enough, you look really really pretty in dresses
🙈 i... hmm.. I'm vibing with you and having never seen you at all i think you look like an axy lotl! the one on my keychain
🎊 I Would Marry You If You Asked.
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