#if they ever break up im never watching wrestling again
bang-bang-gang · 1 month
i think redditors or twitter users posting about claudio being not booked right and how he should be a main eventer will forever be the funniest thing btw. his role should be the kamille to yuta’s mercedes. also whenever yuta is on screen baby that IS the main event i can’t help it if you can’t see that, clearly claudio sees it, he loves that man sooo much
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Forming The Pack - Part 3
Autumn Embers Master List
As long as John’s known him, Simon’s never been openly playful. He’s a cheeky son of a bitch - having Ghost and Gaz on comms is an exercise in keeping a straight face - but when he’s not behind closed doors he’s… quiet. Serene. Simon will swipe a bit of food off a plate that isn’t his when John or Kyle isn’t looking. But he’s more inclined to settle in next to John with a sci-fi novel and a cuppa than to wrestle Kyle when he manages to prank him.
All of that gets turned on its head when Johnny “Soap” McTavish shows up.
John hadn’t expected the man to last long. When word got to him that Soap had touched The Ghost on their first meeting, he prepared for the worst. But Simon didn’t mention anything during either of their pre- or post-mission check-ins. Three days later, there they were on the tarmac, whole and healthy and in sync.
Soap had drifted along perfectly in Ghost’s wake to the debrief. Got scruffed for almost sitting in Ghost’s seat, but he’d laughed it off without even a whiff of offense. Price thought his barely contained fidgeting would have set Ghost on edge, but even through scent blockers and armor, the lieutenant had been as relaxed as he ever was on duty.
Now, watching Simon pick Johnny up by his ankle and fling him across the mats with a huge grin on his scarred face, John wonders if Simon’s just needed the right person to play with. Certainly, Soap throws himself back at the lieutenant without any hesitation. He can’t seem to work up a proper snarl without laughing. Combined with Simon’s near silence, the fight is a little disconcerting to follow, but John can’t help but rumble his approval.
Waiting for his turn on the mats, Kyle smells excited when he says, “Don’t think I’ve seen Ghost have this much fun in a spar in a long time.”
“No,” John answers as Soap rolls, bounces to his feet, and tackles Ghost around his middle. The resulting grapple is more than a little sloppy. “Not really sure they’re sparring, to be perfectly honest. Ghost,” he calls. “Pin him.”
Like a switch being flipped, the spar turns viscous. Ghost is big, bigger than most alphas, but Soap is strong, creative, and relentless. John keeps expecting him to tire, but he gets a second wind, a third, a fourth. It won’t be enough - Ghost has his orders and a deep reserve of will that John’s never been able to break - but it’s damned impressive.
A full seven minutes later, Soap lies pinned under the other alpha’s bulk, sides heaving with exertion. He doesn’t smell angry, the way some people do the first time they realize they were never going to win. He tries to get up when John approaches with Gaz in tow, but Ghost holds him steady. After a moment, he relaxes against the mat, tension leaving his body like he knows he’s safe with three alphas over him.
“You’ve been toying with him,” John observes. Ghost grunts an acknowledgment. Soap’s breathing stays even. John watches him tense, then relax as Ghost’s body goes rigid over him again. “Let him up.”
Ghost grumbles but rolls to the side to lie on his back. His chest expands as he sucks a deep breath, then lets it go in a big gust. Still on his belly, Soap looks at him, then cranes his neck to look up at Price and Gaz.
“Ah’m free t’go, then?” he questions.
“’Course,” Price answers. “Unless you want to stay.”
“Might,” the sergeant answers, resettling so his face is pressed to the ground again. “Big bastard’s ‘bout worn me out. Got ‘im trained up, d’ ya?’
“Watch it,” Ghost rumbles, but his eyes are closed. Either he’s sweat through his scent blockers or he didn’t bother to wear any in the first place. He smells like Price and Gaz, like easy contentment. He smells just a bit like Soap now, too. The hand closest to the sergeant flops over to wrap around his bicep.
Gaz makes an inquiring noise that John barely keeps himself from echoing. Soap looks up at them with clear eyes and doesn’t move into or away from the contact. John huffs a quiet laugh and drops into a comfortable squat.
He expects it when Ghost cocks his head back to bare his neck, easy as anything with just the four of them in the gym. He doesn’t expect the way Soap rolls onto his own back, shoulder to shoulder with Ghost and temple close to the inside of John’s boot. His eyebrows jump when Soap tips his own chin up and takes an obvious huff of Price’s scent.
“Forward, aren’t you?” John wraps a gentle palm over Ghost’s throat, gives him the barest hint of pressure to feel his barely there purr. He hovers his other hand near Soap’s face, waits to see what he’ll do.
“Ma tells me my nose is going to get me into trouble,” Soap sighs, letting his chin touch the tips of Price’s fingers. “Ghost says you can keep me in line.”
“That so?” Price scratches gently at the hairs on his chin. He takes a moment to watch Kyle sit on Ghost’s other side, hand on the man’s belly as a greeting. A deep breath tells him that all three of his boys - and isn’t that interesting? - are content. John edges back the neck of Soap’s shirt and spots the familiar curve of Simon’s teeth marks. “Expanding the pack on my behalf then, Simon?”
“’E’s good for it, sir.” Under John’s hands, Simon looks half asleep. Johnny is equally relaxed, giving in to the exhaustion of a satisfying flight. His blue eyes sparkle up at John when Simon adds, “Gotta good mouth on ‘im. You’ll see.”
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amour393 · 2 years
see after scrolling through the beloved jay walker tag I'm now thinking of the bad!skybound ending where nadakhan wins and everything is terrible, in which
Instead of the whole "I wish this never happened" shtick, jay wishes for nya to be healed. he can't risk losing her
Naturally, though nya is healed, nadakhan twists it so it doesn't lift the delaara curse
Nadakhan takes over and fixes up djinnjago to be his palace and stuff, fixing the ninja as his centerpieces
I feel like he wouldn't kill jay though
At first, he wants to
Wants delaara to kill him
Wants him to watch as it's nya's hands, but not her eyes that finally end him
But then he decides against it
Jay has caused so much trouble for him, caused the destruction of his realm, the betrayal of his crew- death would be far too merciful, he decides
I think he would reinstate jay to his status when he was prisoner aboard the misfortune's keep, except I think nadakhan would make him serve delaara
At first jay isn't too extremely opposed, at least initially
At least he still gets to be around nya, he figures
Maybe he can save her, remind her of who she really is
he soon learns it's far worse being around her when its not her, when shes nothing but a shell, than it ever could be without her
Delaara is cruel- I mean, she likes nadakhan, she has to be, and she knows how to hurt jay
The third time he tries to save nya, to remind her of who she is, she plays along, and when he finds out it was all fake, losing that hope hurts worse than he ever thought it could
Jay only tried to escape once, and when he failed, nadkhan brought Ed and Edna before jay and turned them into statues
Guys that was not in the original plan this just gets more and more depressing
one day there was a rescue mission launched to save jay
It's a combination of the elemental masters, old friends and allies-
It fails miserably, and nadakhan turns them into statues before Jay's eyes
Jay likes to pride himself on optimism, but that's the day he lost the last of his hope
He stopped hoping people would save him- he couldn't take seeing anyone else he knew frozen before his eyes
Eventually he starts to think he deserves it all
It's his fault anyway, right? He made the first wishes. He kept the secrets. He couldn't save nya then and he certainly can't now
So eventually Jay's resigned. This is his life until nadakhan and delaara get bored of him and finally put him out of his misery
Ok ok so I have this headcanon/theory that delaara possessing nya is exactly that- a possession. It looks exactly like when bansha briefly possesses misako in grave danger- and I feel like it's the same thing
One day jay trips (because he's exhausted and overworked and broken) and he spills water all over delaara
It's not enough to fully break the curse, but it's enough that the green eyes flicker and when jay looks at delaara it's nya who looks back, her eyes warm and brown and scared, he's never seen her this terrified
She manages to unlock his chains and choke out a gasping "run, jay, please run, I cant- I can't- jay, help-"
Not to make this feel like a fic but GUYS I CAN FEEL IT I CAN FEEL THE-
She hissed, recoiling at the water, Jay already gasping his apology, daring to glance up at her-
But it's not Delaara. It's not. He knows those eyes, he does, FSM, he thought he'd never see them again but-
"Jay," she shudders out, Nya shudders out, falling to her knees and wrestling Delaara's keys into the vengestone locks. "Jay, run, please, I-" she gasped, fingers curling in against the wooden floor. "I can't- she's too strong, Jay, I can't-"
Running is the last thing on his mind, as he rushes forward and he grasps her hands and tears burn his eyes and her lifts her head but she pushes him away because "I can't stop her, Jay, get away from me, you need to go, please run, RUN-"
He falls back and Nadakhan appears as Delaara wrestles back into control
Anyway anyway ANYWAY WHAT IM SAYING is that now he can't leave. He can't even try. Nya is in there somewhere and he can't leave her. He can't
The scarse times that Jay gets water are now only when he's far away from delaara
And this is all a prison for nya too because she's locked in her own head, watching as Jay- sweet, dorky, anxious wreck with a sharp tongue and a heart bigger than she's ever seen Jay- is forced to live in absolute misery, as he's hurt, as he's cut off from his power, as he watches his loved ones fade and fall one by one, as he looks up at her with so much hurt
They're sixteen. Sixteen
Anyway. I don't know how this ends its too sad to think about. Yeah
Give jay a hug
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joelletwo · 5 months
wrestling with the 4devas bitchslap again to convince myself its fine if graveyard wins the best ep tourney: it's not the other bloggers who are wrong, it's me
not a complete response to but definitely in conversation with and asking some of the same questions again as @reductionisms's 4devas essay, which tries to square gintoki's "life doesn't need to be fun, i just need you to live" being a series-sanctioned message he's given to villains as an arc-concluding moral continuously up until 4devas with it here being an incorrect worldview that needs to be (physically) corrected by shinpachi, the straightman tonal signpost of gintama
a conflict i have been perplexed by ever since i got to this line on my first watch a year or two ago, since i've seen this line before! all over fandom! as part of the general "dont [bottom text] kill yourself" motivational messaging of gintama that i love!
and, briefly, when i hit 4devas i was also in the middle of being really frustrated by the new arc pattern i was seeing crop up: i loved the villains-turned sympathetic-turned someone worth saving by gintoki tune of the first half of gintama, but it fell massively flat for me in Yoshiwara in Flames, where i was never convinced to be on housen's side but had to watch him get a heartwarming redemptive death at the side of the woman he abused anyways.
then shortly after i had the same exact experience in Red Spider with jiraia, and i thought, if this is what gintama is gonna do with its shitty dudes from now on im gonna quit the fucking show. and then shortly after that i met jirochou and saw him cut down otose the woman he loved (under a raining sky!!! the fucking sky motifs!!! the signpost im about to watch a dude be shittily violent to women and be expected to feel sorry for him about it) and saw too much red to really take in the rest of the arc level-headedly or care about anything in it lol.
so it was written off in my mind as the 'otose almost gets fridged' arc until i rewatched it this week. then i had to remember, oh yeah, there's a ton of political maneuvering fakeouts in this arc that i never actually squared back with how the plot presented itself prior to the reveals, so i'd still been thinking about the "fakeout" plot. then i read the manga version with all the "truths" in mind from the start, and finally i felt like i could understand what this arc is doing a little better.
(way) tldr (4.4k words. sorry): do i love this arc? eh. do i still hate it? eh. but it's doing stuff!
first, i was able to see an echo in all the "actually i was planning to betray you the whole time" "actually i was working to help you the whole time" plot beats of what sorachi does with the larger edo/universe story further into the back half of the manga. if i ever sound like i didnt enjoy or wasnt convinced by the execution of these "reveals," it's because i didnt and wasnt, lol. but it's fun that he had fun with them i guess.
the arc starts with pirako ingratiating herself into yorozuya, then having a classic "bump into you and pretend to be injured to extort you" encounter w her dad's gang. to resolve this without escalating into violence, gintoki... does it back to them, which is really funny. but thus the tone is set for the arc of: DISHONEST APPROACHES TO CONFLICT.
pirako isnt honest about her overall intentions the, like, seven different times that she "admits her real ones." kada plays at peacekeeper in the devas while being the ultimate person scheming to get the upper hand over everyone else in the end. (she's also secretly harusame, evil amanto outsider who acts as a unifying force for the kabukicho fighting itself to band together against and expel: sorachi's favorite move! the problem was never internal, it's the shadowy REAL antagonists who infiltrated us)
jirochou and otose are ultimately doing a pantomime of conflict to try to keep temperatures down and escalations from breaking out, so no one they care about has to get hurt. gintoki doesn't know this until the end, but he follows in their footsteps after his encounter with them in the graveyard: he plays at having given up to the rest of yorozuya so they'll leave and escape the coming kabukicho war, the same thing otose was trying with him. it fails both times. i'm really not sure why gintoki and otose thought it would work, honestly. they should know their kids are stubborn as hell.
but gintoki is in a bind because of the things he needs to protect, and all of his actions are primarily in service of that, to the detriment of how he'd prefer to act if he were less restricted. he is unsurprised and unoffended to hear saigou is only willing to warn them, not help them, because her son is in danger if she acts directly. all four devas are, seemingly, being mutually restrained this way, holding back even when blatantly manipulated to do so. the other constant of this arc: everyone is dishonest, and no one wants to risk losing what they have.
gintoki understands that! of course! he's had to make that calculus before, after all :)
and this arc is just one big cliff scene echo: the entire graveyard scene pushing gintoki to emotional regression because he thinks he's losing another parent figure, one he's just seen the Gintoki Figure of the arc cut down, no less (takasugi stolen valor when he goes berserk against him and only ends up uselessly bleeding out on the ground about it, honestly). otose goes into this willingly so gintoki can live. he accepts this decision because he values protecting her values (her kids living on) and is briefly broken by it (the story says, before giving him shinpachi to "put him back on track"). prior to the bitchslap, after saying he just wants them to live, even if it has to be without him, he says:
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i dont have a good understanding of when we start getting reveals of gintoki's backstory versus foreshadowing because i went into gintama already knowing most of it, but definitely by the recent red spider where we get our first real look at (or really, first listen to) shouyou. but here we actually get some of what gintoki felt about it, which he keeps closely guarded even when the whole truth comes out: he's done his best to survive having lost, but it was so unbearable he can't face losing again.
(also, honorable mention backstory echo, the person calling him a brother sets his home on fire to drive him and his parent figure out of town. as i liveblogged: this one would really hurt gintoki if gintoki cared about anything oboro ever did!)
but with the shinpachi story-rerouting, they get the good end, keep everyone (otose, yorozuya, all of kabukicho, even pirako and her dad - everyone but kada) safe without having to sacrifice a single thing, even keep gintoki hopeful for this outcome. so, as goose points out, we are left to understand that there could have been a good end on the cliff, that something is different here than there, and, skipping a lot of math, that that is the people around gintoki.
which i do find really funny to imagine as a slam on takasugi and katsura. sorry you kids suck too much, your teacher dies bc u were cringefail. but lets look at it.
everyone is dishonest, no one wants to risk what they have: gintoki rallies himself to keep fighting but is determined to do it alone. kagura and shinpachi fight him on this; they can't leave because they don't want to lose their home, they can't let him fight alone because they don't want to lose him. they're just as restricted by what they have to keep safe, but their only option is to act where everyone else's is inaction. shinpachi says:
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if i may skip over the bitchslap itself for now, gintoki does consent to let his allies fight with him after it. yorozuya stands alone against saigou, who's heavily demoralized but resigned, strongarmed into fighting them by the threat to her son. but on seeing their resolve to keep protecting their own precious home and family she says:
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and, to skip straight to my thought, i think this is what turns the tides back in their favor. there are more twists and turns to the fight. pirako equates what binds saigou, which she herself equates to what binds the yorozuya, to what binds her:
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(with an intentional distinction that she's willing to actively destroy the others', as opposed to their purely self defensive fighting, which is echoed at some point in her distinguishing gintoki from jirochou in the same way, that jirochou not only lives to protect like gintoki but is willing to destroy in the process. i don't find that part as interesting, but it's more fuel to the power of having something to protect as a driving force as an arc theme.)
so now all three stand on the same ground, absolutely unwilling to give up what they hold dear, but all their cards are on the table. they aren't dealing in 12 dimensions of tricksy defensive pre-emptive moves anymore. they know it wouldnt work, anyways, since they all know their drives to protect are the same and no one will be talked into backing down. now they can directly duke it out and let the winner be determined that way, on strength of will. even before the actual circumstances change, the fight somehow feels freer seeing how inevitable it is. and with everything out in the open, yorozuya can now protect each other and saigou's son, taking out one side of the conflict.
(and with everything out in the open, the ultimate 4devas villain can become the single person who continues to betray the others, kada, whose further machinations - with everything out in the open! - saigou (and later yorozuya) can choose to protect pirako from. everyone wins! because everything was out in the open! do you see where i'm going)
and so we come back to the question: gintoki is corrected, the arc is rerailed to the better outcome. so is the correction justified?
what does the correction accomplish outside of its moment? most convincingly to me of goose's presented options, i also think it's done as a thematic shift, a, okay, just live was a strategy that worked before but now doesn't suffice, so we need something more.
as to why this is needed now and not earlier or later...tldr bad planning <3 but like.
we have, prior to this, a consistent thrust of arcs where gintoki teaches people to lose. as well, while we meet the harusame and we visit space and we get the barest glimpses of takasugi's weird shadowy background moves there, largely we're dealing with kabukicho characters and kabukicho stories. we see or only hear about the shogun for short comedic moments only. we've largely dropped the series intro focus on things like the shinsengumi or hasegawa acting as foreign diplomats. it's a local series, a hometown series, a kabukicho and not even an edo at large series, a personal story about gintoki making personal connections with his personal experience as a flawed person with a flawed approach to life that has let him, chronic slacker, get by on the bare minimum.
at this moment, chapter 300, we have a slow trickle of gintoki backstory starting to come out to us. we've recently expanded the story focus to include yoshiwara, which gets a callout in this arc by kada to keep it relevant. we have an arc of sorachi testing out plot beats that he'll use again for the endgame, in all the political maneuvering and alliancing and betraying and shadowy outsider space governmenting, where he's also doing a lot of echoing of that backstory that only becomes clear later. so it's possible he's thinking about shifting gears and setting up for the eventual endgame, which means getting out of the episodic cycle so things can stick.
and after this arc, to my opinion and memory, we stop getting the classic gintama flavor sympathizable'd antagonists. a lot of the bigger arcs don't even have clear Big Shot antagonists anymore, being more about the shouyoucore theme of characters fighting against themselves, or if there is one they're always explicitly part of the Shadow Government now, a unified and more daunting force than someone they can win over with an inspiring gintoki interaction.
so 4devas does act as a turning point at least in some way. and it's not possible to say this definitively, since all gintama arcs are ultimately never going to be about gintoki or his friends Actually losing something instead of beating the odds, but it does feel like theres a different flavor to, say, dekobokko with its direct look at how chars lives could be different and better and they will still choose to keep struggling as themselves. and Kintama arc definitely doesn't feel like an early days arc, like it can only resolve the way it does with a gintoki who is now able to face his past and the possibility of losing again and again and again (now with, natch, his faith that yorozuya will by his side when he does).
why now, after 300 chapters of letting it sit ignored in the back of his brain working out perfectly fine except when it doesn't (the very reminder of shouyou in a fight making him go Demon Mode, which is like regular gintoki but worse at fighting, bc he is so unprepared to think about shouyou)? well i personally am in big favor of the "take a decade off" strategy for facing problems. it worked for me too. realistically watsonianly its nice to let things percolate in the brain and do some of the processing behind the scenes until its less immediately painful. and he's made many bonds over these 300 chapters, shown in this arc when the whole town rallies behind him, that are there to support him when he needs it now and weren't there before.
realistically doylistly eh. bad planning.
and so we come back to the question: gintoki is corrected, the series as a result is rerailed to a writing space where things can start changing (leave the episodic, as you guys say, sazae-san format). it's useful in the future. so is the correction justified in terms of what comes before it? was the correction needed?
thinking about the bitchslap leads to thinking about the cliff scene leads to (sorry kagura and katsura, you guys arent really relevant here) pitting shinpachi and takasugi against each other in how they act with something on the line they can't bear to give up.
i don’t need the lesson of 4devas to apply logistically to the cliff scene. once they were set up on that chessboard, frozen in their assigned places as a backstory, it’s not like takasugi could’ve power of friendship’d his way out of being physically retrained if he decided he wanted to. it’s set up as a forced choice, it has to play out as a forced choice.
but we see that even before it’s asked of him, takasugi is willing, prepared, unbothered to give up his own life for shouyou’s. this is, goose lays out in the sequel, the cardinal sin in gintama - a teacher shouldn’t outlive their student. it would have been especially egregious to shouyou, whose whole desired life’s purpose is to raise students who can outlive him and outgrow him, take his lessons and go out into the world and do their own thing with them. takasugi doesn’t expect to do this and doesn’t seem to see a point in the possibility if shouyou isn’t back with them.
though we can also think of shouyou as a little too quickly willing to give up on the cliff - sorry, gintoki, the suicidal guy has thought about it for .02 seconds and decided the best outcome is for you to kill him even though he could get out of this no problem. maybe its no wonder gintoki gave up too. can we ask katsura what he would’ve done?
and is takasugi different from shinpachi there? he rejects the mentor’s attempt to exchange his own life for his. he’s not willing to consider a life without him.
but shinpachi is convinced no one is going to die. because they’ll be there together. incredibly naive - shinpachi and kagura, restricted to one option by what they need to protect like everyone is in 4devas, have acting as that one option because they are still free in a way gintoki and the other adults aren't. they’ve never actually experienced the impossible choice that forces you to give up, so they can act as if there isn’t one - what else would they do? why would they think to give up?
but gintoki is defined by having lived the impossible choice. its built into the foundation of him as a character and leaks out everywhere. he couldn’t have relied on his friends on the cliff because they were quite forcibly removed from the picture as an option, not by his or their choice. its written as an inevitability, logistics we find out later be damned.
if we refocus to 4devas, we can look at the Gintoki Figure for a different angle. jirochou, after he and gintoki resolve the arc conflict by being able to team up because they - say it with me - put everything out in the open, tells gintoki about his impetus for abandoning his family and coming back to his wayward life in kabukicho, the death of otose's husband.
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it's, um, another now really obvious parallel to gintoki, lol. characters talk about how jirochou does everything he does in this arc to try to atone for his failure to both otose and tatsugorou, and i guess thats true bc he was written that way but he has an odd way of showing it, but anyways he resolves that, despite his guilt over this, all he can do now is keep living and keep protecting what they loved together. he's come to the usual gintama message all on his own, reinforcing that this is the correct way to live in this series. he had his own unavoidably shitty situation, and he came to terms with it.
so then where did jirochou go wrong, in the narrative's eyes (other than abandoning one woman and their child to deal drugs in the town of his other woman while ignoring her)? was there a point he could've changed how their trio's story played out? but he loved and trusted tatsugorou, and he was happy to step aside and let him be the one by their otose's side. i doubt he would have been happy stealing her away even if it were possible.
but if we look at the resolution tool of 4devas... he never put everything out in the open!!! everyone knows he loved otose, but in more of an open secret way. in classic romance plot, he never confessed for second male lead rejection closure. indeed, in the closest we ever get to a main character having a romantic plot in gintama, the very ending of the arc flirts with him doing just that now that he's made a little progress with the arc message, with the entire cast of the arc expecting him to (and interrupting before he can).
but if he had when they were young. if he had been honest with his friends. could it have opened up other options that weren't available on his own, that they didnt know to offer? i have a preferred one lol. but u can get creative with all sorts of life paths that avoid tatsugorou dying that way or, at the least, jirochou feeling chained to a shameful life (living in a town he doesn't go out in to protect a woman he doesnt talk to and feeling like he doesnt deserve the family he abandoned for this) because of it.
and then if we take this and rewind back to the cliff... we get to grind my favorite ax, "shouyou shouldve told literally anyone literally anything about his deal." if gintoki knew more about shouyou, they could've faced his horrors together, the whole time. he couldve known that shouyou was being literal calling himself a demon and not internalized his own identity as one for life just because shouyou bonded with him over it. i truly genuinely think the logical conclusion of all of gintama's big messages are that shouyou and gintoki should have been more open with each other.
but i don't think sorachi thinks that. and, you know, by 4devas rules, the unriskable precious things he was protecting by staying silent were his students' humanity, and secondarily his own fragilely newly hopeful heart that literally couldnt stand another 10 millionth round of rejection (killed himself and then went on a 12 year rampage over it. girl i would too).
and takasugi really isn't dishonest about what's going on in his head when he tells us he expects to die for shouyou. that's as cards on the table as i could ask. gintoki is, a little bit, by omission. he does what i'd want him to here - tells takasugi try just not dying - but doesn't give him a reason to, and doesn't tell him he has no plans of letting anyone die for shouyou.
so what goes wrong on the cliff - shouyou is happy, gintoki is happy, oboro's even kind of happy, katsura is irrelevant - is that takasugi is blindsided (whoops) by their silent agreement that betrays the one he thought he and gintoki had. and then ruins everyone's party about it and spends the next ten years doing so for good measure.
which is also, basically, what shinpachi is going through that prompts the bitchslap, too. he thought they were a team, that they had each others backs, not that gintoki is a one-way protector of them. he is blindsided by gintoki lying to and tricking them and hiding things from them. he is hurt by gintoki feeling hopeless all by himself when he could share that with them and be encouraged by their endless child optimism.
and would it need to have changed anything on the cliff? in the moment after the bitchslap, what contributes to gintoki changing his mindset is tama telling him, we trust that you're capable bc youve always shown us that, can you trust us this time? when, later in the arc, gintoki seems to regress by sending kagura and shinpachi away, he asks them to trust that he's still trusting them, relying on them to help shoulder his burden, and in return they know he's staying alive, not self sacrificing. maybe it would've helped just to feel on the same team and not shut out, to be able to trust gintoki like gintoki was trusting shouyou?
so. two paralleled instances of gintoki making a bad situation worse by keeping to himself and being too self sufficient. that feels clear cut that feels fine im okay with that as a takeaway. do i think its exactly what sorachi had in mind while writing this, as opposed to just a good series 'hey lean on your friends' moment to read cool and tug at the heartstrings? eh lol. i think theres definitely room to read takasugi into this arc (i still need to refind the takagin 4devas post...) but its not so baked in that i think he was a PRIORITY in the plotting.
but is the shinpachi SCOLDING necessary is the scolding justified... and yes its in response to life doesnt need to be fun i just want you to live. still a confusing framing i can't immediately square. but/and more immediately its directly responding. to gintoki opening up to them about his insecurities!!
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which, as said, he doesnt do!! he doesnt talk about his failures! its basically like, here and to hijikata that one time and otherwise even when we know all the facts about what happened we still never hear gintoki himself talk about it. (so he really DOESNT learn the lesson here either. he stays dissociated and triggered every time utsuro comes up. he tries to solve the altana baby problem on his own. he doesnt talk to his new friends OR his old friends. bwah. gintoki. silver soul.)
so this is like. its just in the wrong order!! its just in a baffling order lol. if you want gintoki to share his burden do you need to punch him when he shares it. does it also need to sound like you're blaming him for not being capable of upholding his promise to protect anyone when thats the insecurity thats got him all discombobulated this arc in the first place (a whole set of notes i took on this that i didnt find a place for in this post)?? its so weeeeiiiiiirddd lol i dont liiikeee itttttt. theres plenty of things shinpachi can validly punch gintoki for but this is such a weird one.
so i guess. having a clearer understanding of this arc do i hate it less? YES honestly. i hate fakeout plots generally they irritate me but everything... more or less makes sense by gintama standards now that i have the whole plot in mind.
do i hate jirochou less SORT OF? i enjoy him. in his individual relationships. i like his shitty dad deal i love shitty dads. i like him pining for otose who genuinely likes him but also brings up her husband every sentence she says to him just to keep him down. i like his parallels with gintoki that they both explicitly acknowledge and find macho comfort in. hes still not theeeeeeeee most well-developed gintama antagonist but you know? i at least think otose and pirako would want to be around him after this.
do i feel like i have a clearer understanding of the bitchslap moment. NOT CONVINCED I DO. i feel like its going to be one of those things that slips in and out of my understanding like sand in cupped hands. i have a tentative understanding of it that i dont think sorachi actually had in mind. so i dont think ive solved it lol.
will i be cursed to think about 4devas forever? god i hope not. am i okay with it beating farewell shins in the polls. god i fucking hope it does. in the horrible timeline where i have to see 305 make it all the way and then lose i guess id rather it be to this one than to hijigin. consider this poll propaganda?
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spaceumbredoggos · 6 months
So much for stardust chapter twenty four
“Can I examine Kenz? Please?”
Bee handed me over as Ford took X rays of my lungs. “Severe pneumonia.” Ford sighed. “Can I take a shower now? I smell like a litter box.”
“Care to explain what you were doing with Bee on the couch?”
“Care to explain why that’s a problem?” I noticed a hickey on my gills. “Look, I know you’re going for the whole protective dad thing, but I’m a young adult. I can make my own poorly guided decisions. I got carried away, and…” I started giggling as Ford raised an eyebrow. “Carried away?”
“I may have a little crush on her…” I coughed. “She’s sweet, cuddly, and…” I felt myself heat up inside. “Look. All I’m saying is, be careful.”
“I know…” I couldn’t help but think about Dipper. “How’s Dipper doing?”
“Bill fucked him up pretty good.” Ford was grim, showing me the results of Dipper’s drug test. “Oh shit. That’s bad. Is he okay?”
“I’ve seen Dipper survive worse.” Ford sighed. “But what’s going to happen next is that Bill is gonna target you.”
“Target me?”
“Kenz, whatever you do. Don’t sleep for the next few days.” Ford started to frantically pace back and forth. “Bill knows about how, what’s the word—“
“I’m not continuing this discussion if you’re gonna slut shame me. Honestly. I thought you were above that.” I furiously stood up, turning around. Ford’s jaw dropped as I sulked off to the living room. I turned on the TV and started watching Rio. “Kenz—“
I flipped Ford off, curling up tightly and holding back the tears. “I just don’t want you taken advantage of—“
“Who gave you the authorization to care? You’re not my dad and you’ll never be.” I turned off the TV and took the first dose of my antibiotic. I stormed outside, climbing up a tree.
I watched below as birds fluttered and bugs flew past. It was a peaceful spring afternoon, despite the moody tension. I noticed a doe and her fawn walk through the woods. I smiled, watching the pair waltz through the greenery.
Suddenly, I heard a familiar shriek in the forest belonging to a voice I thought I would never hear from ever again. Instinctively, I transformed into my Umbredoggo form and bolted in the direction of the shriek. A tall shadowy figure loomed over a tall woman with blue eyes with medium length platinum blonde hair and unmistakable blue eyes. She was wearing camo hunting gear and frantically panicked to get her gun.
The shadowy monster changed form into that of a giant hairy beast with fangs and bright amber eyes. “Hold on!!!”
“McKenzie?” I tackled the beast and wrestled it down the hill. The beast transformed into my exact form. Shapeshifter! I slashed at it with my claws, which caused it to run off into the woods. I collapsed from a wound on my chest, reverting to my human form.
The woman rushed up to me, noticing the wound. “Oh my god! McKenzie!!!” She gave me a hug as I drenched her camp coat in my blood my accident. Hailey. My heart lurched as my cousin hugged me. “What the fuck are you doing in Oregon, Hails? And in Gravity Falls?”
“I’m on spring break, silly goose.” She smiled before panicking at the sight of my wound. “What are you doing here? I thought you moved in with your grandma and—“
“Ditched the Rogers making ‘false’ allegations of abuse from my father?” I shook my head. “Try fleeing from a pandimensional demon who wanted your ass for years and… Fuck. I can’t really tell you the full story. Just make sure I don’t pass out.” I leaned on my cousin as she walked me back to the shack through the woods. She knocked on the door, to which Stan answered. “Hailey!!!”
“Hey Grunkle Stan.” Stan nearly panicked at the sight of the wound on my chest. “Uh, make sure that Ford doesn’t find out—“
“That I don’t find out what?” Ford’s face was pale as he noticed the wound on my chest. “Kenz!!!”
“I don’t need your help, old man!!” I turned away, only to collapse on the ground with blood tricking from my mouth. “Kenz!”
“I’m just glad I got to see my cousin.” I smiled, thinking that this was the end. But Ford immediately went to work patching up the wound. “You should be resting. You have pneumonia.”
“Kenz doing anything but rest? Hah! They’re the laziest person in the world.” Hailey tried to alleviate the situation with comedy. “Not fucking helping.”
“Come on. Loosen up.”
“Says you. You always prided yourself as the grumpy one.”
“Since when did I do that?” Hailey sat down on the couch next to me. “Oh that’s right. You have the memory of a goldfish when it comes to our childhood. Probably because—“
“Because what?”
“Never mind. You won’t believe what I have to say anyways.” There was bitterness in my voice. “I mean it’s fucking clear that you were the better one of us. You never had an issue in your life. I don’t envy you though. Because if I did, that would be just sad and petty.” I curled up to hide my wound.
“What happened to you?” Hailey was visibly holding back the tears. “You’re even more grouchy since before you left.”
“Glad to know that my attitude is appreciated.” I noticed Mabel walk into the room. “Who is this?”
“My name’s Hailey. I’m Kenz’s cousin.”
“Careful. Mabel tackled hugs. She’s like if Cameron grew up and ate nothing but cocaine.”
“HI HI HI!!! MY NAME’S MABEL!!!!” Mabel tackled Hailey to the ground. “Are you Kenz’s cousin that they—“
I cleared my throat. “Sorry. I thought I heard a bit of drama—“
“Mabel. Can you butt out of it? We’re just adult cousins.” I sat up, crossing my arms. “Oh. Okay.” Mabel left the room as Ford approached me. “Don’t even bother.” I grabbed my phone and started scrolling through Pinterest, looking at pictures of Pokemon.
“And, there’s the Kenz I know. Always on their phone. Not bothering to interact with their family.” Hailey rolled her eyes as I angrily put my phone down. “I don’t need to fucking hear from the peanut gallery over here.”
“English!!!” I turned away from Hailey. I’m not even gonna bother asking for a thanks for saving her life because I don’t need it. It’s just what anyone else would have done when they saw someone in distress.
“Well thank you for saving me from that monster. Although I’m a little confused. I saw that there was this other monster fighting the monster that had me cornered. It looked like a wolf deer with wings like a bat. And it had your voice. Man, did you get bitten by a monster and now you have that freaky monster form?”
I curled up tightly, unwilling to respond. “Kenz. Why are you so grumpy?”
“Believe me. I’ve been trying to decipher that for weeks.” I glared at Ford as he stifled a laugh. Mabel walked back in, noticing the agitation in my gaze. “What’s up with them?”
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wonjns · 2 years
breakroom ♠
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pairing; jeong jaehyun x male reader
genre; smut
summary; jaehyun was wild, you were unprofessional. of course, the dangerous mix of you two leads to getting carried away in the break room 🤾
includes; sub!malereader, outercourse/mutual masturbation, slight exhibitionism, minor corruption kink, dry humping, gawd just coworker!jaehyun being so sexy
wc; 2k
notes; LMAO imma be real this wasnt supposed to be long bc it was just a dream i literally had the other day & keep getting worked up over ?!?!? i have a lot of drafts to release soon including some requests so im exicted !!!
“mmm, if you don’t stop making those sounds i’m gonna cum in my pants.” jaehyun groaned in between the assault of his lips on yours.
your hands trembled as they rested on his shoulders, and you tried to gather enough breath to apologize. but before you could utter a word you found yourself once again humming contently into his mouth when your plush lips were smashed with the older male’s.
your lips molded perfectly and so deliciously, jaehyun tasted like nothing you’ve ever experienced before. his presence was addicting and the way his hands graced over your body was masterful, his skills being the sole reason as to why you ended up in this exact position every other day in the office’s lightly dimmed break room.
thanks to your uncle, you were able to land a pretty high paying part time job in his magazine publishing office - and it just so happened that one of the full time employees, jaehyun himself, had taken quite a liking to you. your were the CEO’s innocent little nephew, and your sweet smile combined with your politeness around the work place drove him crazy with desire. eventually all it took were a couple of sneak glances and a waft of his expensive cologne to get you pouncing on him the second you two found the break room vacant one day - not one professional bone in your body.
no one could blame you, though, jaehyun just knew how to rile you up. his extremely tight fitting dress pants and button ups always teased his tone figure, which was rarely covered by his blazer. but even then, his jackets were usually snug around the waist and boasted his broad shoulders. his bone structure was flawless and you never once saw a hair of his out of place, so it was inevitable that you joined the league of employees who would gawk at him daily.
what made you different, though, was that jaehyun’s tongue wasn’t swirling around inside the mouths of all those other employees like it was in yours right now. jaehyun sat in the empty chair next to you at the coffee table, trapping your head still between his hands while he went to town on your cavern.
you moaned loudly once again when your wrestling pink muscles separated for a moment for you to run yours over his perfect teeth. he leaned back slightly, smiling at you as he watched you chase his lips. you couldn’t believe you were becoming so turned on in such a public environment, but the need for him that ached in you was too powerful to factor in any kind of rational reasoning.
when you released another noisy mewl upon your tongue running across his sharp teeth, jaehyun chuckled, breaking your kiss by pulling on the back of your neck. you couldn’t stand the constant mini separations, but willed yourself to compose your behavior.
“damn, you’re loud today.” the dark brunette teased, circling his thumb along your neck.
you panted as you tried to catch your breath, but immediately froze in place when you heard the clacking of heels just outside the break room. you and jaehyuns eyes shot over to the closed door, watching the shadow of movement move past the room and the sound wander off in the distance.
you sighed in relief, retracting your hands from their place on jaehyun’s shoulders to smooth out your tie.
“sorry, it’s just been... a while.” you say as you stood, making your way over to the fridge, needing its chilly air to cool you down.
“i still can’t believe i have none other than big boss man’s own nephew in here with me. in the office. everyday at that.” jaehyun stated as he stood from his chair, following your path. he comes up behind you as you search the large fridge’s contents and wraps his arms around your hips. “you’re a naughty one, y/n, aren’t you?”
you sigh, trying not to give in to your body’s desire to lean into his hold as you feel him starting to place kisses on the back of your neck.
“you’re riskier than i am.” you teased back. “im just the new guy, you’re Mr. Popular. if anyone from your fan club came in here and saw us... your rep would probably be wasted.”
in a flash, the water bottle from your hand had been snatched and placed on the nearby counter, and your back was being pressed flatly against the refrigerator door.
“well, i guess we just can’t let that happen then.” he replied inches from your face, his eyes holding a much darker gaze as he stared at your lips. he didn’t waste any more time before attaching your mouths back together like magnets.
this time was more passionate, with tons of more strength behind it. he dominated the kiss easily, slotting his thigh between your legs. the way his toned muscles pressed flushed against your erection (which you hadn’t even noticed was already hard) caused your legs to tremble. you grabbed on to his shoulders once more for stability, needily raising one of your legs to his hips to push harder against your bulge.
jaehyun received the message, smirking into the kiss before he started expertly rolling his hips into yours. you groaned, gripping tightly as your hands roamed from his shoulders to his face, and then the hairs on the nape of his neck. while he ground against you, jaehyun detached himself from your mouth to suck the soft skin of your throat. his ministrations were strong, keeping you pinned against the fridge, and you heard the contents inside lightly shake with the force he was applying to you.
he found your weak spot, repeatedly dragging his tongue around it in random shapes and nibbling on it. 
“j-jae,,” you moaned mindlessly as your eyes rolled back. you couldn’t stop yourself from rolling your hips messily into his thigh, the friction causing you to levitate.
levitate being purely figurative, as the opposite actually took place - your legs giving out on you due to the pleasure. if it wasn’t for the taller male keeping you trapped within his chest and hands gripped on your waist, you’re sure you would’ve immediately hit the deck.
jaehyun chuckled at you, ignoring your moans as he hoisted you up in his arms, sitting you on the counter. his hands found your ass, and pushed you as close to the edge as possible while grinding his hard-on into yours. noises escaped both of you this time as he kept the motions up. you grew completely dizzy, unable to see straight. jaehyun simply grinned, his dimples making an appearance while studying your blissful expression. he never got sick of this, wishing he could photograph and frame it.
you leaned forward to begin sucking kisses into his throat this time, his beautifully thick neck having teased you for much too long to not do anything about it. the brunette chuckled, licking his lips as he felt your plush ones work him. the effect he had over you was strong, but the sensation you brought him when you took initiative was incomparable. seeing you like this made his cock even harder, had that even been possible.
it proved to be entirely possible, since you felt it between your clothed legs as his masterful hip rolls only increased in power. you swore you were seconds away from just reaching down and unbuttoning his pants yourself when you suddenly heard a jiggle at the door across the room.
you panicked again. your senses returned to you in seconds when your heart dropped to your gut in fear at the thought of finally getting caught. you drew back from jaehyun’s neck, eyeing the door handle that suspiciously only continued to jiggle. you looked back to jaehyun’s eyes, who looked way too amused, but you were too scared to utter a sound.
you heard two men conversing on the other side.
“it’s locked, i think the lights are off in there.” one spoke, being followed by another.
“damnit, again? we need to tell steve to stop having maintenance come until the end of the day.” the second voice complained, before you heard them both walk off.
jaehyun bit his lip cockily as he turned his head back around to gaze at you, his hands caressing your sides.
“yeah, i took care of it as soon as we came in. you were probably too out of it to notice.” he spoke lowly, settling deeper in between your spread legs. he then lifted them to wrap around his waist while he continued to stare you down.
“oh my god, you’re so hot.” you practically moaned before pulling his face to yours, forcing his opened lips together.
you both released deeply satisfied ‘mmm’s into each other’s mouths - the vibrations from his deep hums surging through your body, sending your sanity over the edge. jaehyun smirked into the make out as you started grinding your throbbing erection against his again, but this time it lasted only a few seconds before jaehyun was reaching down for your zipper.
“they’re probably going to go find the key, so why don’t you say we race the clock, hm baby boy?” he spoke before dipping his head down to your collarbones, nipping the thin skin while stripping you of your work pants.
you nodded in agreement, your mind so hazed over in lust you couldn’t even bring yourself to speak a proper sentence. you reached your hands under his shirt, mewling when you felt his warm, solid abs under your touch before you went to work on the buttons. soon you were down to your underwear and jaehyun had maneuvered his pants just low enough to fit snugly around his thighs - his hardened member clearly straining against his underwear.
you couldn’t help but whimper at the sight of his huge length, despite it being covered by that last thin lair of clothing. you cursed the lack of time you had, resisting the urge to just lower his waistband and take him fully in your mouth. he watched as you practically drooled over him, smirking contently. he then got to work, rutting his bulge into your throbbing member.
and it was like yet again, jeong jaehyun had sent you into cloud nine with so little effort. you were unable to think of anything but him as your bodies wound themselves into one another. jaehyun threw his head back in pleasure when you wrapped your arms around his neck and picked up the pace, grinding into him deliciously. you took the opportunity to capture his gorgeous adam’s apple in your mouth, sucking like it would be your last chance.
he groaned deeply at your actions, causing your cock to twitch while you continued rutting against him sloppily. jaehyun’s hands encased your butt immediately, guiding your core with more strength. you shared moans at the sensation while your hands tried to feel as much of his back muscles as possible. he dipped his head down to lick a long stripe down your neck before biting down on your collar bones, opting to leave some marks there.
this was euphoric, and you wanted to stay in this state forever. however all it took was one more wave of vibrations from your co-worker’s shameless moans to send you over the edge, spilling your own liquids in your boxers. the filth of it all sent jaehyun toppling over into his own release as well, leaving both of you clinging to each other and panting. you looked one another in the eye before erupting into hushed giggles. you ran your fingers through jaehyun’s perfect hair while he caressed your exposed thighs. neither of you went into work that day with the intentions of going that far, but you were so glad you did.
just before you could speak up with the suggestion to clean yourselves off and get back to your cubicles, you both heard the door handle jiggle as it was unlocked.
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© 𝐟𝐥𝐰𝐫𝐛𝐨𝐢 — all rights reserved
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spikedhe4rt · 2 years
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Word count: 977
Steve Randle was my best friend growing up, we did everything together including but not limited to baking. Steve hated it at first but it grew on him when he realized it was truly my passion. We made cookies, cake, brownies, and more, we even had a stand at one point when we were 14 but it got destroyed by Dallas and Soda after they decided it was a good idea to wrestle next to it. I was so upset that I punched them both in the face on "accident", at least thats what I told Darry.
After that incident I decided run my mini bakery through my kitchen till I got older and could actually have a business. It was pretty dry at first because who would really trust 14 year old to make their confections but eventually by 17 I had good amount of costumers. Even though Steve didn't help with my baking, we still stayed the bestest of friends, who may have made out a few times. At first I thought Steve only wanted to be friends but that changed when he asked me to junior prom, I accepted and almost immediately spent half my savings for my dress, makeup, and hair.
On the night of prom, Steve told me to meet him at the Curtis house so I got in my car and drove there. When I got there, I saw Steve in his car making out with Angela Shepard. I walked up to the car and beat on his window, they jumped out of fear. "What the hell is wrong with you?" he said sounding angry. "What is wrong with you, you asked me to prom!" I said with tears streaming down my face. He almost looked sorry but then he said the worst thing ever. "Look you're a good person to make out with but thats it." He said with a fake sympathy face. Thats when I slapped him so hard his face turned to the side, it was for sure gonna leave a mark. "Asshole, Don't ever speak to me again." I said before walking in the Curtis's to find all the gang watching tv.
"Y/n what happened?" Darry asked worried. " I thought Steve was outside waiting for you" Soda said. He must have not told them about Angela. "He went with Angela instead I just found them making out in his car." I said sobbing. "Damn that sucks but I'm sorry" Dallas said. Everyone looked at him with a "are you serous" look and turned back to me but I had already left.
That was 2 years ago, Im 19 now, I haven't really talked to gang since then especially Steve. He's tried to contact me but I never answered not after I almost lost my dream. After I spent most of my savings on prom, I had to shut down my bakery because I couldn't afford supplies. I had to work two jobs to end up getting here, now I have a actual business aka my own bakery professionally. Sometimes I bartend part time for extra cash to treat myself, the job sucks and my boss is a creep but money is money.
I was working my Saturday night shift when I some familiar faces come in. The gang? since when do they party together? or at all? I quickly walk to the other bar hoping they didn't see but of course life doesn't go like that. "Y/n?" I heard someone say. Steve. "What do you want?" I say harshly. "I just want to say sorry for prom night." Steve said looking guilty. "You've said your sorry now leave" I replied looking him in his eyes then walking away.
I decided I needed a break so I went to the back to cool off. "Y/n?" Of course he followed me back here. "What do you want Randle?!" I almost yelled. "This" he said then kissing me passionately. I knew it was wrong but maybe I could him back for what he did and get laid at the same time.
                       SMUT WARNING
"Steve" I panted breaking away from the kiss.
"Are you sure you wanna do this?" He asked breathless. "Yes" I replied quickly. Steve then began to kiss down my neck to chest. He reached for the bottom hem of my shirt and pulled it off. "I missed you so much baby" Steve said. I hate him so much. "Yea yea me too, sit down." I said bluntly.
I got on top of him and started grinding against his bulge. "Y/n" Steve groaned loudly.
"Lean back, I wanna ride your face" I said moaning. Steve then laid back on the break room couch, I climbed on of him, hovering over his face before fully sitting down. "Steve!" I whimpered.
Steve then began sucking my clit, using his tongue to send me into utter pleasure. "Go faster please baby" I moaned. Steve did just as I said and sped up, licking down to my hole from my clit. He then began thrusting his tongue inside me, his mouth becoming coated in my arousal. For someone who has a mouth full of shit, his tongue is amazing.
I felt myself getting closer as Steve's nose began to nudge my clit. Finally his big nose is good for something. "You close babe?" Steve said from under me. "Yes Steve keep going" I said breathless. I then began grinding my hips towards his face before coming on his face. After I came down from my high, I climbed off him and began put my clothes back on.
"Where are you going, I thought you wanted me?" Steve asked confused. I let out a laugh before saying "Look you're a good person to get head from but thats it.” Oh how the tables turn. I then finished getting dressed and walking out leaving Steve alone, half-naked, and dumbfounded.
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the-kipsabian · 2 years
okay i wasnt gonna do it but while i take a break from drawing lemme just. break down a few things i personally find really interesting about the countdown to all out video tho
- he never says hes talking about himself and/or kip sabian specifically. i find this oddly eerie tbh, hes talking about himself in the third person during all of this, but also. he has done this before. its been happening in previous social media posts (including the previous pinned tweet of “have you take a photo of this fine gentleman [a photo of kip]” which ive always found very odd)
- the way he clearly addresses fans here. like. in almost a scolding or belittling sense. “the company you love so dearly. -- you know more about this business than anyone. you live for it, you fight for it, you hate for it.” you see what i mean? its not even subtle tbh lol, but the way he delivers these lines is so at ease and steady, it doesnt even feel like a dig until you actually take note what hes saying (manipulative mastermind, anyone?)
- the spite in his voice when he says “supported to the top”. that just hurts fam
- “the eraser was taken out and our story’s narrative changed” OUR story. what is the implication here, is what im honestly very intrigued about. at this point its not in third person, he could have said ‘their’ or even ‘his’ but no. this is a plural. on purpose. and while i want to think this is in relation to not only him but also the fans and people that actually supported him and stood by his side. while watching this and the vibes im getting from this overall, i cant help but to think theres something more going on here, you know?
- “im sure you’d want all the answers right now. and god forbid that you’d have to wait for something” im just gonna leave this other, beautiful dig here cause this line is just so fucking good
- also what are all these references to art? i mean, i understand the take of wrestling as an art form, but at the same time even now and after everything, i find it hard to think of kip as that kind of an artistic person, if you know what i mean. then again. this whole boxman thing has been one huge one person art installation and performance so. i guess that makes sense
- “who am i? i am... inevitable” i could drop you like five different theories on this one alone cause. who is he? he literally never in this or the previous one say his name. only the commentary team and pac has been calling him kip sabian. that name never exists his own mouth (and while i dont think this is a name change thing cause that makes no sense tbh, i want to believe this is relevant on some level in this overall story arch. like something feels amiss here, hence why he doesnt say his own name. its especially meaningful i think, if youve ever seen a kip sabian promo - that man loves to talk about himself and say his own name from what i recall lol). also, inevitable? with what, exactly? i mean presumably with getting the title and whatnot, but, again, it feels like theres more to this within the entire context of this promo. this is also the only part where hes directly talking about himself. not that it makes much of a difference but yeah. the one time he says 'i am'
anyways im having fun while my brain burns trying to make everything make sense, but honestly this? this is what i live for in wrestling. even tho things dont necessarily make sense or there is no answers and i might be digging so much deeper than necessary like ever, this is the thing that makes me love these kind of storylines and characters. doing this and getting excited and becoming an overthinker is what makes this whole thing for me. like i genuinely enjoy this (or why do you think i take half an hour to write up a thing about a video that lasts like a two and a half minutes lol)
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transpat · 3 years
been thinking about the thing you said a while back about pran falling all over again in ep 3 and you're so right... We literally watch pran become more starstruck, giving in to the inevitably that a pran in the vicinity of a pat will fall for him no questions asked
Plus how we see pran's version of repression plays out here too. Where pat's is all or nothing (pran is just a Dude that is There oh Wait I am in love with him and always will be) pran compartmentalises so well. Like, yeah he used to have a crush in high school and he'll think about it and reminisce a little because it's just a silly little old high school moment
And because he's compartmentalised so well, everything before he admits to having a crush everything is Not A Big Deal - he'll save pat in his phone as Just Friend, they'll do their play fighting moment in that room in ep 2 but his reaction to that compared to his reaction to pat applying bruise cream on his shoulder in ep 4?
Idk it's just so interesting, they're such consistent characters.
(plus wai asking him if he has ever had a secret crush when he's trying to write Our Song is the same thing he asked Pat when he was trying to write Just Friend? ✨parallels✨)
(im sorry it took me so long to respond med school's beating my ass 🙏)
yeah yeah like all his reactions to pat start to change from ep 3 like he definitely still has a crush on pat but he was so chill about the rooftop and even the whole wrestling deal but then pat starts butting into his life and saving him again and again like he never stopped loving pat like there's no other way he could possibly feel about pat he falls in love.
no bc pran in eps1&2 is so laidback like his eyes turn fond sometimes but its always after pat leaves, pat leaves him stunned sometimes but he always recovers in time, he found out pat wrote him love notes and only cringed about it, no excitement or disappointment. and then by ep 3 we see him frantic about leaving pat's presence bc 'uh oh feelings', he'll go moony-eyed about pat and can't even shift his expression after pat's noticed and teased him, pat shows interest in ink and he gathers his courage to ask him if he likes her.
pat too has always noticed the effect he has on pran (probably why he so confidently went in for the kiss). its established right from ep 1 when he breaks into pran's room and says he doesn't want to fight and pran just stills and stares and pat panics and says it was pha. that's why in the guitar scene when pran keeps staring and staring and staring at him he tries teasing first but can't shake pran from his daze so again he ups and leaves. which i found so odd the first time i watched bc this is that same boy who keeps drawing up excuses to spend time w pran, to enter his space and now given the perfect opportunity he runs.
pran tries acting v discreet is normally closed off, but to ppl who really pay attention to him he's an open book. and those ppl are just pat and his mom. which is hilarious honestly like its not as if they're particularly perceptive but pran lies in the center of their universe and they have him studied in and out. which makes me think they'd really get along if it wasn't for. yk. but bc its this way, that similarity will probably lead to some childish rivalry btw them and wow this answer totally spiralled i'm sorry fslfsnl
but yeah yeah i love how much thought has gone into these characters like even things that seem insignificant or those that aren't spelled out are so so clear i wish i could write like that
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nagdabbit · 3 years
"my entire fitness goal is hook's shoulder-waist ratio, but with taz's extremely dense neck."
"the funniest thing about wrestling is that this fucking company is trying to make something called a stadium stampede sound both cool, AND serious."
gf: "if you cry listening to a crowd sing judas again, im divorcing you." me: "so that means youre gonna marry me." gf: "i've been bamboozled."
about brian cage: "this man is a huge dork. like, literally, i could fit me in him."
"i dunno what it is, but i would die to protect mr. hangman. he hunk, but he also baby."
thoughtfully, "i bet i could just catch you out of the air like that. i mean, i can squat you, i could probably even curl you like that, too."
because she is deeply in wrestling twitter now: "HOOK! babe, look, its hook! hook hive, rise up!"
"what i love about this feud is that all these men are fuckin' idiots. no brain cells, just shoes and fwiendship."
"what do you mean their tag team isn't just the wild boys, wtf? missed opportunity."
"those kicks are ugly, but i would steal them, too, honestly." *thirty seconds of silence layer* "for you, babe. i'd steal them for you, i mean."
"jon, no, the germs, jon, jesus christ, please dont drink that jon you dumbass."
"i love eddie, but i'm pretty sure we should never hang out. too much extremely new york energy, we would get arrested in like ten minutes. possibly less."
"diorsday device is the funniest shit ive ever fucking heard, how goddamn sad is that."
"max caster is gonna get murdered, but i love him."
"i wish bowens and his extremely attractive boyfriend the best in life."
"colt cabana and tay conti are tied for best smile in wrestling, but tay wins because i dont want colt to kick me in the face."
"penta is the only joker i formally recognize."
"today i found out that some people don't like stu and uno, and to them i say get entirely fucked."
after rush came out and i lost my entire shit: "i don't fully understand yet, but i support you." *one minute later* "oooooooooooohh. okay, yeah."
gf: "i enjoy that cody is pushing ogogo by being a dumb bitch with this america schtick." me: "you gonna say that when cody wins?" gf: "...fuck."
"ogogo got that guy ritchie movie ass music you love to see it."
"you were right about cody and i fuckin' hate it."
"aw yeah, its big boi season."
about miro: "i'm very gay, but the thing is, men with extremely jacked traps just do something to me."
"lance changed changed the color of his extensions and i appreciate that." *thirty seconds later* "are those... three crosses? tattooed on his back? jesus doesnt like murder, i don't think he likes murderhawks, either."
"britt baker is the only dentist i want in my mouth. no, wait, don't type that one!"
"oh, fuck, shidas getting teary i'm gonna fuckin cry, oh fuck, i get it now, i'm so sorry i made fun of you, i love her."
"oh fuck, shida knee me directly in the face."
"britt scares me. like the blood drip details on her gear are really cool, but i would legit believe its real blood from her."
"are you really crying about britt and the nice announcer man hugging?"
"hey, quick question, just real quick while ive got you here... why is the emo twink... like this?"
"darby's dad looks like my dad, and i'll never be okay with that."
"i like that darby just yeets himself around like that. he came in like a wrecking ball. a tiny, tiny wrecking ball."
"sting just tossing his son around the ring like that is very good, but, sir, that's bad parenting."
"the thing about sky and page is that these are the suburb guys i beat up at the beach on summer vacation. they have big "i robbed these guys at the pier" energy."
"damn, darby just feels his emotion with his entire face, doesnt he."
"okay explain the gambling thing and WHY it's a thing."
"orange rolling into the ring is so fucking good, that man is national treasure."
after me showing her the video of younger orange cassidy shitfaced and holding a fish for no reason: "i am shocked and appalled that you're only showing me this now."
after explaining the history of the jansport: "the range of this dumbass."
"i get that kenny is good and all, but his hair really fucks me up. it's upsettingly bad and i hope he knows that."
"pac is just. so much muscle. flippy beef man. a meateor." she did specify how to spell it for the joke because it was important.
"that man is a weeb, isnt he."
"something about a man breaking a hold by putting his hands in his pockets really gets me hype."
"fuck just murder omega and be done i hate this, put it on the beef man or the juicey boy already."
"babe, ill be right back i gotta murder this callis bitch."
after kenny won: "i fucking hate wrestling, this is bullshit."
"holy fuck, babe, i forgot mark henry was a wrestle boy! i know him from the olympics!"
"hey, is mark henry bigger than large paul?"
"mjf is a dumb bitch and i love him."
"hey, quick question, who thought repelling down the stadium would look cool, they're so far away."
"there's wardlow, my sweet boy. this is cool now."
she laughed for a solid two minutes at tony schiavone saying, "here comes the little guy."
"i fuckin hate hager. kill him wardlow, kill that crispy maga ass bitch."
"okay what's with the chairs." *after a brief explanation of the chairshot heard round the world* "and, like, he can't just pick a new gimmick? it's been two years, bro. move on, shes not coming back."
"okay, i admit that this is great and i love it, kill that old man on the dancefloor."
upon learning this is technically the main event: "you mean it's over after this? theyre ending the show on THIS? not the triple threat match, this?"
"i just noticed mjf's bedazzled jeans, i'm not angry anymore, this is perfect."
"no, more wardlow. gimme the beef."
"christ, sammy guevara is kinda incredible and i'm fuckin angry about it. why cant inner circle be just sammy and santana and ortiz, fuck the other two."
"no, shut up! i refuse to sing along to this! whats wrong with you?! this is a bad song!"
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mercurysstars · 3 years
All That Glitters Is Not Gold (part 6)
Summary: Y/n gets hired to be the avengers chief physician and also happens to be an ex assassin.
Word count: 2.1k
Warnings: swearing, the reader getting angry, violence. 
A/N: hope you’re having a better day than Y/n ;)
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𝘞𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘮𝘦
𝘪𝘧 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘬𝘯𝘦𝘸 𝘸𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘐 𝘥𝘪𝘥
𝘸𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘸𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘴𝘭𝘦𝘦𝘱𝘪𝘯𝘨?
Y/n's stomach grumbled as she made her way toward the kitchen. Between getting her room organized and training with Peter for 2 hours she didn't get a chance to eat and it was really catching up with her now. She groaned rubbing her face while she yanked the refrigerator door opened. After searching for several minutes she decided to give up and make a sandwich.
Y/n grabbed the bread and a plate out of a cupboard, she returned to the fridge and pulled out meat, cheese, lettuce, and just as she was about to grab a tomato her phone rang. Without checking the caller ID, Y/n answered, balancing the phone between her ear and shoulder. "Y/n Y/l/n speaking."
"Hey, doc it's Matt we've got kinda a situation here." Matt hesitated, Y/n could hear muffled yelling in the background.
"Okay? What's up?" She was confused it wasn't like him to call out of the blue and it was especially weird for him to not sound sure of himself, he was a lawyer, and lawyers always put on a confident front even if they weren't. Y/n began to cut the tomato into thin slices.
"So I kinda have one of his men tied to a chair in my living room." He blurted out quickly.
Well, that was unexpected "Are you sure it's one of his?" She asked cautiously.
"Yeah I checked, he has the branding. I normally would have just questioned him and texted you but the thing is he only speaks Latin."
She sighed, all Y/n wanted to do was eat 5 sandwiches, snuggle up in her comfortable bed and binge-watch the umbrella academy "Alright put him on the phone."
Y/n heard what sounded like the phone getting set down and the floorboard squeaking under Matt's weight. She heard a bit of wrestling and the sound of tape getting ripped off of something. She heard a quick shuffling and Matt picked the phone back up "Here he is."
"Sumus iens ut satus off facile. cur in New York." She questioned. Y/n started to make her sandwich again. We are going to start off easy. Why are you in New York?
"Im 'non adnuntiant vobis cacas." He hissed. This man was definitely one of his. Y/n rolled her eyes not in the mood for this. I'm not telling you shit.
"Iniuriam. Te volo experior quod iterum?" She purred. Wrong. You want to try that again?
At that moment Bucky decided to wander into the kitchen he heard someone speaking Latin and his curiosity got the better of him. He saw Y/n leaning against the counter talking to someone on the phone. Her eyes snapped up to meet his 'You want one' she mouthed to him nodding toward her sandwich. He shook his head and she shrugged.
The muffled talking through the phone caused an angry tick to Y/n's jaw "Pone super daredevil." She gritted out through clenched teeth. Put daredevil back on.
Y/n had to take a moment to collect herself before she threw something at the wall "Hey I'll be there in a bit." She hung up and when she turned back to Bucky her face softened.
He didn't know what to say, he's never seen someone 180 that quickly in his long life "Quite the conversation you had going on there." He tried to break the silence.
She chuckled nonchalantly "Oh yeah just some idiot that won't do what he was told."
"I didn't know you knew how to speak other languages." He quipped.
Oh Bucky you only know a part of me, I am a universe full of secrets she thinks. "I don't kiss and tell Sarge." She instead said.
Right after the words left her mouth Tony walked into the kitchen. "Hey, Sunshine I've got a meeting so I'm going to have to cancel for tonight."
Y/n's eyes lingered on Bucky for a few seconds then she turned to Tony "Convenient because I have some business in Hell's Kitchen to take care of."
Tony opened his mouth to press further until she added "Don't ask because you don't want to know."
Bucky ever the curious couldn't help himself or keep his mouth shut and blurted "What if I want to know."
Y/n raised an eyebrow at the super-soldier, amused "Would torturing a man until he confesses answer your question?"
She turned and walked out of the kitchen. Bucky's eyes went comically wide "She's joking right?"
Tony pinched the bridge of his nose at her recklessness and shook his head "Stay safe." He yelled back to Y/n.
Y/n let herself into Matt's apartment he have given her a key when he moved in. When Y/n was younger her father decided that she needed further training so he hired a blind war vet that specialized in martial arts. There she met Matt they clicked instantly him being only 2 years old, he taught them how to hear things others couldn't smell more things that you wouldn't believe was possible, how to heal faster, and even how to fight without seeing.
Y/n walked down the poorly lit hallway leading to his living room just wanting to get think over with. In the living room, the man had a cloth covering his eyes, hands were tied behind the chair behind his back and each leg was tied to the bottom of the chair. Matt was leaning against the counter already waiting for her arrival, he nodded toward her, acknowledging her presence.
Y/n sauntered over to the man, she lifted up the corner of his shirt and tisked "Mark of Cain, definitely one of his men."
The man began to thrash around hearing her voice, she pulled the eye cover off and smirked "Heu est dere." Hey there hun.
"Pedicabo ego vos bitch." He spat furiously.  fuck you bitch.
Y/n frowned at him "Bene quod suus 'non ut salutaret domina." That's no way to greet a lady.
She stood up and patted his cheek giving him a sickening smile that gave him the chill "Sit scriptor committitur. Cur ipse mittet vobis?" Let's start. Why did he send you?
"Irrumabo." He growled, the man jumped at her but the restraints didn't allow him to get far. Suck my dick.
Annoyance began to trickle down her spine and anger rushed through her body. "ego suadeant vos satus loquentes." She snapped in an angry tone. I suggest you start talking.
"Terrebis me non ex vobis, qui non vis tua boyfriend est vulputate." I'm not scared of you or that want to be superhero boyfriend of yours.
No longer being able to control her anger Y/n grabbed him by his hair and tilted his face up "Take a vultus, vultus diu, et bonum dicitur lets videre tua si adhuc durat." She fumed. Take a look, a good long look, and let's see if your statement still stands.
The man studied her face for several moments before recognition flickered through his eyes "Lamia." He breathed. Lilith.
"Nunc autem dic mihi, quid invenerunt in me pater meus!" She shouted her patience ran out long ago and she didn't hesitate to show it. Now tell me how he found me!
"Cur te et ipsum interrogate." The man taunted. Why don't you go and ask him.
The grip on his hair tightened and she lowered down eye level to him "Ego suadeant tu dicas, quod primus est I. cut off vos erant 'iens ut ne nimis" she pulled out her knife and nodded downward. I suggest you tell me because the first thing I cut off you're not going to like very much.
The man's eyes went wide and he attempted to squeeze his legs together. Fear settled into his stomach, he didn't know if she would keep her promise but he also didn't want to find out.
"Hoc tantum scio, aliquem cum Vindices compositis ei" He squeaked out. All I know is someone at the Avengers compound told him.
She didn't let her shook show, she kept her face cold and calculated even though her heart was beating a million miles per minute. "Si igitur deus, auxilium tu mihi mendacem." So help me God if you're lying.
"Im 'non ego promissionem." He exclaimed and Y/n believed him, she tended to have that effect on people. I'm not I promise.
"O Deus, hes 'iens ut interficias me." He muttered shaking his head. Oh god, he's going to kill me.
The man kept whispering to himself and Y/n grew tired and shoved a sock in his mouth. She stood back up and turned to Matt. "Dump him on 23rd street, my father will take care of him soon enough."
Y/n blew on her hot cocoa watching the mini marshmallows swirling around, sure it the middle of September but it was her comfort drink. She tried to go over everyone she knew in the compound. How could she be so dumb? How could she let her guard down? She was trained better than this. It didn't matter now what she did or didn't do, but Y/n knew she wouldn't make the same mistake twice.
Y/n could hear the elevator ding from her office and she was confused. All the Avengers were either busy with training or on a mission. She set down her mug on her desk.  A blonde head of hair peaked its head in. "Dr. Y/l/n?"
"Teresa how can I help you?" She questioned. Y/n was confused as to why she was up here Teresa shouldn't even be able to get past the 5th floor.
Teresa stepped closer with her hands behind her back "I got a paper cut stapling some papers together and I came up here for a bandaid."
Teresa was looking everywhere but at her. Y/n could tell she was lying but about what? Then it clicked, how he found out where she was, the weird look she gave her, what Sam said about her sudden move down to the front desk, but then the question struck again. Why was she up- she was up here to kill her.
Teresa lunged at Y/n with the knife she had hidden in her hands behind her back. Y/n went to block but she wasn't quick enough and Teresa cut a long strip down her arm and she hissed, it hurt more than she remembered. Teresa went to slash her again but Y/n grabbed her wrist and twisted causing her to drop the knife.
Y/ n grabbed her mug and smashed it over her head, Teresa staggered backward falling into a bookshelf. Teresa cocked her gun and began to fire, Y/n leaped over the table to take cover behind her desk. Her gun was on the other side of the office strapped underneath a chair. Bullets blew past her body, she shielded her head with her arms, the gun clicked signaling it was out of bullets.
She rolled from under her desk onto her feet. This time Y/n rushed toward Teresa, she threw 2 punches which Teresa both blocked, but the 3rd one Y/n got a hit to her cheek. Teresa attempted to throw a kick but failed, she went down and swept her legs. Y/n fell backward, she rolled onto her hands and shoulder, she pushed up causing her to land right side up, Y/n's movements were a bit slower and staggered due to the blood loss.
Teresa went to hit her but then Y/n grabbed her arm and the back of her neck and smashed Teresa's face into a mirror. With a bloody face, Teresa peeled herself off the wall Y/n collapsed feeling lightheaded. Teresa stood over with her knife ready in hand, she brought her hand up into the air, but Y/n grabbed the from under her chair and shot her right between the eyes. Teresa collapsed backward and the knife slide across the floor.
"FRIDAY Initiate the red button protocol." She coughed out.
"Alerting Avengers now."
Y/n grabbed her arm and hissed, she shouldn't have collapsed this soon, even if it was a cut this big, and the sting was worst too, but then she put it together Teresa would have had a better chance to kill her if she laced the knife with something.
She heard Bucky calling out her name "In here." She chocked out. Bucky rounded the corner to her office and ran in, there were papers scattered everywhere, the desks and chairs knocked over, glass broken. He crouched beside Y/n she was fighting consciousness.
"No Y/n don't you fall asleep on me." He demanded putting her head in his lap.
"It'll be okay Buck." She patted his cheek in a comforting manner.
"No, no, no, hold on they will be here in 30 seconds" He pleaded. That was the last thing Y/n heard before everything went dark.
Part 7
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madtickler39 · 3 years
Welcome to Club T’s
One of my fan favorites from the old blog, enjoy:
One could look at Emily and assume her life was perfect A nice home, well off family that was well known in California.  Naturally blonde hair, a petite little figure and long legs all around a smile that could turn a man to stone. Going to movie premieres, sports events and mingling with LA bigwigs, Emily was never long without something to do. Oh dont get me wrong, Emily never complained. She loved her family, loved her friends, loved her job. She’d never complain for a second. But still something was missing.  That’s why Emily found herself where she was, in a taxi outside a new and mysterious club in downtown LA.  She stared at the door for a long time before the driver finally asked “Are you gettin out or what?” Emily came back to reality and paid the driver, and stepped out of her car as confidently as she could.  What she couldn't sell her blue dress and black heels could. She walked into the club like it was nobody’s business, and was an instant bombshell to the eligible young men at Club T’s.   What made her walk into this particular club that night? Well, to understand that, we have to go back a little bit.  Emily had a friend named Stephen, and one time not too long ago Stephen did something she couldn’t get out of her head.  He tickled her.  It wasn’t her first time being tickled, not by a longshot.  For some reason, the feeling she got when he finally stopped kept coming back to her head like a drug, needing to come forward again and refusing any lesser pleasure. She had no trouble finding a man to do anything she wanted, but for some reason this one request proved elusive to her charms.  After a brief search on the internet, she found out that club T’s was the place to find what she wanted.  It wasn’t easy to find out how to get in, the people she was here to see were very secretive.  The main club was just like any other club. The music was too loud, the drinks were too expensive and you couldn’t see or move anywhere.  After a few minutes of moving around she found the specific corner that housed the VIP section of the club, she said the codeword to the bouncer, and with a smirk he let her in.  It was the look a wolf gives a deer after a day without food, and it unsettled her. Inside, the VIP area was another world.  The clothes were different, the lights were a bit brighter, and you could hear yourself over the music.  The men were dressed in anything from suits to T-shirts while the girls were wearing some pretty revealing clothing, anything that exposed the belly, shorts, mini skirts and few of them wore heels.  They wore colored wristbands, green yellow and red.  Green was an open invitation, yellow required an ask, and red meant not to approach.  Emily had a yellow wristband, fastened around her ankle like the website advised. There was more seating space than at any normal club here, couches and chairs everywhere.  The dance floor had some people, but others were chasing each other around the floor, and in a couch by the corner a man had a captive girl in his lap.  Her hands were bound and her feet were in his lap.  As he grabbed the toe of her sock, her bound hands came up to her face to conceal her smile and she shook her head.  He grinned evilly and slowly pulled the sock off, revealing her bare foot. At the edges of the dance floor were a few suspended cages, each with a girl inside and a person outside sticking a feather duster in.  Emily asked the bartender “What’s all that about?”  A cute redhead in a black corset said “Those girls work here.  The customers pay to use the feather dusters for a time.  They can also pay to remove clothing or lower the cages.  It breaks the ice for the newcomers.  Speaking of, is this your first time?” “Why yes” said Emily looking around. “Is this actually for real?” The bartender, whose nametag read “Sam” said “It sure is.  I can lock you in that cage if you’re too nervous to get started on your own?”  Emily blushed, and suddenly a voice came from behind her that said smoothly “Sam, hasn’t your boss told you not to mess with the new talent? Or do I have to tickle you for your tips again?” Sam blushed now, and backed towards the liquor shelf nervously.  Emily asked the tall, suit clad stranger “What?”  He said “Oh you haven’t heard? If you find their service in any way lacking, you have to give them the oppurtunity to get their tips tickled back into them.  That’s why she wears a corset, her pits are her worst spot.”  She hissed “Damon!” So you weren't kidding on the website” Emily asked. “This really is a tickle club.” Damon said “Oh yes, but if you want to see come by when Sam brings my bottle of Dom.  She needs a good tickling to earn her tips back after that hiss…”  Sam gulped.  She’d done it now.  Damon slapped down a 20 and said “Whatever the lady likes is on me.” Sam fixed Emily a drink and grabbed a champagne bottle, but Emily hesitated as Sam left.  Sam looked over her shoulder and said “You comin? This is what you wanted right?”  Emily finished her liquid courage, and followed Sam to a door labelled “Barefoot Room”  Upon entering, Sam said “It’s quite literal, no shoes allowed inside.”  Sam quickly kicked off her pumps and went inside, and Emily removed her peep toed heels to join her. “You learn quickly Emily” Damon smiled as he smiled at Emilys little feet as she flexed her toes “Im just amazed” Emily replied blushing as she felt Damon's gaze on her toes “Theres nothing to feel scared about Emily" Damon smiled as he took a sip of his drink. “so tell me what brings you here”” Emily took a deep breath, and then she started “It all started when my friend Stephen tickled my feet a few months ago.  It felt...well I guess how a normal person feels being tickled.  Sure, the laughing was fun but when it was happening I just wanted him to stop after a few seconds...afterwards I couldn’t get it out of my head.  I tried forgetting it, distracting myself.  Anytime I was alone with my thoughts, I thought of that sensation and how badly I wanted it back.  So I found this place...and here I am.” “And here you are.” Damon said.  He saw Emily look down nervously and said “Emily, come sit by me.”  She came and sat down next to him hesitantly, and drew her feet behind her knees, where Damon couldn’t see them.  It was all she could do not to blush.  He asked her “Sam needs to be tickled if she wants her tips from me, where should she be tickled?” “Her underarms” Emily replied without hesitation.  Sam shut her eyes and raised her arms, beginning to breathe heavily.  She begged “Please be gentle.” Damon looked and raised an eyebrow “you answered that quickly for a newbie; I think we may have a little sadist here.  Sam, I think we should let your new friend here do the honors” Emily looked nervous again, and said “You want me to tickle her?”  Damon nodded silently and said “If you'd prefer I can tickle her.  The whole time you watch her suffer knowing that it's coming for you next…” She was up in an instant, and facing Sam directly.  Sam felt her breathe and winced, that gave Emily an inexplicable pleasure.  She pounced. Emily dug her nails into Sam’s underarms, and Damon smirked as she screamed.  Sam was able to hold her arms up for a few seconds, but within 15 seconds they came down reflexively.  Sam laughed like crazy but Emily wouldn't let up.  Sam tried to turn away, but Emily kept at it, and pulled Sam closer. The punishment became a wrestling match soon as the girls came to the ground, with Emily straddling her hips.  Emily leaned forward and pinned the poor bartender’s wrists over her head and blew on her underarms, which drove sam into a mad fit of giggles.  She begged “HEHEHEHE Stop teasing!” Emily couldn't tell you why she said this, but she shouted “This is club tease!”  Before she could sink her nails back into Sam’s smooth hollows, Emily burst out laughing “HAHAHAHAHA!” And lost her grip. Sam scrambled out from under her, and went to Damon, who was holding Emily’s ankle, with his other hand gently stroking her sole.  She giggled gently with each stroke of his hands.  He patted Sam on the butt and said “That’s enough sweetie.  Call me when you get off work.  For now I have some soft, pretty feet to break in.” This comment made Emily blush, and wiggle her baby blue toes.  As Sam walked out of the room and grabbed her shoes, Emily looked down, anticipating the tickling.  The tickling was slow, methodical.  He was really tickling her brain more than her sole.  Reminding her that he could do what he want, control her body against her will.  He could make her laugh whenever he pleased.  All it took was a foot and a finger.  He had the finger, and the foot may as well have been a plaything of his.  It was in his grasp and she wasn’t getting it out. Emily remained on all fours(or threes, not counting the foot that belonged to Damon at the moment), and giggled when Damon wanted her to, otherwise she just accepted the breaks and caught her breath.  Sometimes she would look back at Damon, nearly melting him with that forced smile.  Other times she looked away and tried to just take it. During a break, Damon rubbed her sole with his palm and commented “I see you took the website’s advice and got a pedicure.  How recently?”  Emily giggled “A couple hours ago hehehe.”  she heard Damon inhale deeply and felt his lips rub along her sole now. His lips tickled ever so slightly. She giggled “hehehehe are you smelling my foot?” She read many of the men here also had foot fetishes, but never expected to find herself here tonight… He replied “You used a vanilla scented lotion.  It’s my favorite.”   “EEP!” She squealed, something had pinched the ball of her foot, and one look back at Damon licking his lips told the whole story.  Could she really drive him so crazy with just her feet? This could add some fun to the tickling...but before she could finish that thought, her mind commanded her to laugh again. Emily fell flat on her belly as she felt a warm, wet sensation streak across her arch.  She turned her head to the side to release peals of laughter, and started pounding the carpet with her fist.  If Damon’s finger was mean, his tongue was just cruel.  Emily was at once suffering and feeling an indescribable ecstasy.  All she could do to cope was laugh, and between breaths beg “Hahahaha! Stahahahahap!” Emily got herself a momentary respite from Damon’s tongue, but only because he needed it to taunt her.  His fingers returned to gently stroking her arches as he taunted “Oh you don’t want this to stop.  If you did you’d pull your foot away.  Look.”  Emily flipped over and saw that his hand was open, only cupping her heel.  He tickled with all his fingers slowly, and she reflexively pulled back a few inches, then paused. Emily hesitated a few seconds, it tickled so bad but there was just nothing like it.  Her foot slowly slid back into his grip, and his hand closed around her ankle.  She gasped, what had she done? Damon taunted “See? I knew you liked it!” And he tickled her sole all over again with his fingers, making her laugh even louder, wondering why she gave her foot to him.  He lifted her foot up to his mouth, but there was resistance from her tight little dress.  Damon lowered her foot and said “Emily, your dress is lovely but if you want to have more fun, it may be best to change.” Emily blushed again and said “I don't have a change of clothes.”  Damon began stroking her instep and commented “Not to worry.  There is a private changing room in here with spare clothes, better for our activities.”  Damon helped her up, and opened a wall panel that led to a cozy changing room. Emily removed her dress and placed it on a hanger, then found a pair of little pink shorts and a white tshirt to put on.  The shirt was awfully short, and only came down to her ribs, leaving her midriff vulnerable.  The shorts were quite short, revealing her long tanned legs. She emerged a little sheepishly, but Damon gushed over her, making her blush for the umpteenth time tonight.  She came up to the couch where he sat and requested “Where do you want me?”  She felt his eyes combing every inch of exposed skin, searching for a spot to make her squeal.  She felt uneasy, but exhilarated. Damon grabbed her by the hand and sat her on the couch next to him.  He draped her legs over his...and once she breathed out he lobster clawed her knees.  Emily shrieked, breaking down in helpless laughter as she tried to sit up and reach his hands. After a few moments of squeezing her legs and knees, Damon began to gently scribble his fingertips all along her thighs and up towards her hips.  Emily’s laughter went up in pitch as Damon reached her hips and pinched, and he licked his lips looking at that bare midriff. Damon gave Emily a break to catch her breath, and breathing heavily she sighed “hehehe that was fun.”  Damon had an evil smirk on his face, she asked him “What is that look for?”  Damon said “I’m going to have that cute tummy of yours next.  But I’m going to give you a choice, my tongue or my hands?”  Emily’s eyes bugged out, and she couldn’t possibly choose between tortures for a moment.  She thought about her feet, and his tongue was much worse there.  She answered “Hands.” Damon smirked, had she chosen wrong? What was he playing at?  She didn’t have time to think any further as ten fingers began wiggling along her midriff, and her tummy exploded with ticklish sensations.  She let out a loud belly laugh, and cursed as her hands wanted nothing more than to seize his and make it stop.  Despite this desperate need, her mind would not allow them, making them twitch up and down her sides in a comical fashion.  The game changed utterly when Damon managed to wiggle a finger into her navel, making Emily scream like a banshee before breaking down in frantic laughter.  She tried to get him off of there, but her hands were swatted away by his free hand.  This was almost as bad as her toes, or that tongue! Maybe she should have let him use his tongue after all… After a minute or so of her navel being explored and prodded, Emily couldn’t take anymore.  Her begs became more desperate, and Damon heard it in her voice.  She cried loudly “Uncle! Hahahahahaha! Please! Mercy! Hahahaha!”  Damon stopped rather quickly, but Emily didn’t manage to stop giggling for another minute.  He rubbed her belly during this time, and at last she recovered.  She propped herself up on her elbows saying “That was wicked...I’ve never felt anything like it before.”  Damon smirked, and said “I bet not.” Before they could say anything else, a blonde woman and a brunette with golden brown hair came into the room dancing with each other, kicking their shoes off as they entered.  They plopped on the couch opposite Damon and Emily.  The blonde said “I told you if we danced Damon would get us a snack!”  Emily covered her face nervously as she blushed like a teenager, and would have curled into a ball had Damon not held her knees.  The brunette asked “Who’s the tickle toy?”  Damon said evenly “Girls, this is Emily.  Emily, that is Shay, and Blair.  Two tickle slaves of mine, who need to remember what happens when they don’t use their manners.” Damon continued “Emily is new, and I think she has had enough for one night.  Blair, why don’t you tie Shay’s arms over her head?”  They got to work, enjoying themselves and clearly under the influence a bit.  Emily asked “So what, just like that we’re done?”  Damon smirked and said “For tonight, after I do one quick thing.  If you want another session I’ll see to it that you can contact me.  Sit tight.”  Damon got up and tested Shay’s bonds, who was standing on her tiptoes in the middle of the room, suspended from a chain.  Damon produced two more cuffs and said “Your turn Blair.”  She giggled as she assumed position for her restraints. Once they were restrained Damon instructed Emily “Give me your sole” holding his hand out.  She placed an ankle in his hand, and he produced a pen.  He slowly and painstakingly wrote something on Emily’s sole, but she couldn’t tell.  All she could do was laugh and scream until he finished.  It felt like an eternity of that ball point pen stroking her arches, but it was bliss for her.  When he finally finished, he pecked each of her soles goodnight and she left for the evening.  She inspected her sole before putting her shoes back on, and it read Damon’s number and address.
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shortprince-cos · 3 years
More Truths Than Dares
Summary: After "The Double Closet Incident" as Patton so calls it, Patton and Janus have a talk at their friends' sleepover.
Ship: Moceit (Patton x Janus)
Warnings: Smoking, claustrophobia mention, truth or dare. Tell me if I need to add anything else!
Note: This is a direct sequel to "In A Closet"! You can read this without reading that, but it'll probably be confusing!
"Oh, I didn't know he was invited."
All Patton had done was walk in the door. He hadn't even said hi, or hugged Roman yet, he just walked in the door, and Janus was already on his back for just existing in his presence.
It was going to be a long night.
"Yes? He's my best friend, you know!" Roman defended as he brought Patton to sit on the couch with him and Logan.
"Wow, rude." Logan said.
Roman made a series of offended noises. "You're my boyfriend! So obviously Patton is my best friend!"
As the two quickly dissolved into playful banter, Patton stood to go put his overnight bag in Roman's room, hearing Janus whisper something to Remus and Virgil as he walked by.
Just ignore it, he thought, not really in the mood to argue today. Especially not after what Patton had dubbed ‘The Double Closet Incident’.
It was disastrous. Not only did Patton get locked in a closet with Janus, who has claustrophobia, he discovered that he may have a thing for men. Who knew?
Roman. Roman probably knew, especially after he had adopted Patton into their little friend group. And if being gay was a contest, Roman would be the judge.
But...it was normal to feel that way, right? It wasn't weird to feel embarrassed when someone got up in your personal space, was it? It wasn't abnormal to blush when someone said kind words to you, or odd to imagine yourself in different scenarios with someone you saw on a daily basis and they were-
Wait, what was he doing again?
Patton sighed as he set down his bag by Roman's bed. Those were thoughts for another day. He was supposed to be having fun at his best friend's sleepover, after all!
Patton put on a happy face and went back to the living room to join the others, finding that Roman and Remus were wrestling over something, Logan and Janus were debating, and Virgil was scrolling on his phone. Yep, it was going to be a long night.
After breaking up Roman and Remus' tussle, watching a couple of movies, and other various shenanigans, Remus decided to gather everyone up in his room to play truth or dare.
If Patton learned anything from watching the others' turns, it was to always choose truth when Remus picks you.
"Double D, Truth or Dare?" Remus asked excitedly, even though he already knew what Janus would say.
Remus grinned like a shark. "I dare you and Patton to stay in my closet for one hour together."
Both Janus and Patton went pale.
"I...lied. I meant truth." Janus quickly said, hoping that Remus would let up.
"Nope! Too late! Now, you and Patton have to get in there, have hate sex or something, and come out in an hour!"
"Uh- we can't!" Patton exclaimed suddenly, and then all eyes were on him.
"What, are you afraid of the dark or something?" Remus teased.
"Um- no- well, kinda- but no. I- uh- have claustrophobia."
Janus looked shocked, to say the least. Thankfully, everyone was still looking at Patton.
"Yeah, small spaces are absolute torture to be in, and I would prefer it if none of us did stuff that involves small spaces, because then I'll worry about them!" Patton rambled quickly, trying to get all attention on him.
Remus rolled his eyes. "Ugh, fine. But you guys still need to do something together."
Patton blushed a bit, and Janus sighed, looking relieved.
Eventually, Remus gave up, and just dared Janus to eat shaving cream.
The rest of the night went smoother, and Patton ended up telling a lot of weird secrets, but not very important ones.
Eventually, everyone was asleep in either Roman's room, or Remus' room. Everyone except Patton, who couldn't get his brain to turn off.
Patton reluctantly got out of his sleeping bag, and made his way to the front door, maybe some fresh air would clear his mind.
Turns out, he wasn't the only one who had that idea, because as he stepped outside, he found the one and only Janus on the porch, smoking a cigarette.
Before Patton could turn back around, Janus saw him, and nodded his head in acknowledgment. Well, no going back now.
Patton silently sat down in the wooden rocking chair next to where Janus was standing, staring off into space a little before speaking up.
"You-you know that smoking is bad for you, right?"
Janus' lips curled up in a small smile as he chuckled. "I'm aware. Don't worry your pretty head, I only do it when I'm stressed."
Patton decided to ignore the way being called pretty by Janus felt and focused on the other part of that statement. "What are you stressed about?"
Janus blew out a puff of smoke, and suddenly Patton was very distracted by his lips.
"You. You're...different than how I thought you'd be." Janus said solemnly, drawing in another breath.
"Is...is that a bad thing?" Patton asked quietly, looking down to the floor.
Janus glanced at Patton with an indecipherable look on his face. "To be honest? I don't know. On one hand, you're actually a decent person."
"Thank you?"
"And on the other," Janus continued. "I've treated you like s**t for no reason other than spite."
"...It's okay-"
"It's not." Janus interrupted.
They sat in silence for awhile, trying to figure out if the other still wanted them here or not.
"Why did you think I was a bad person?" Patton asked quietly.
Janus huffed. "It's complicated."
"I mean...we got all night."
"...true." Janus sighed. "I think it's because ‘nice’ people don't usually want anything to do with me, and when they do, it's usually for the wrong reasons." He explained. "So when you started talking to me...I don't know, you reminded me of all the wrong people."
Patton's heart broke. He reminded Janus of some probably terrible memories, and had probably been hurting him just by being around him! No wonder Janus frowned whenever Patton walked in a room!
"Janus, I'm so so sorry, I never knew-"
"What are you sorry for?"
"I- That I remind you of some terrible people in your life-"
"Patton," Janus rest a hand on Patton's shoulder, making him blush. "You don't have any control over who you remind me of. Please, don't apologize for that."
"Well- then you can't apologize for being reminded of those people either!" Patton argued.
"I didn't say that, I said I was sorry for treating you terribly!"
"Well, then, I guess you're forgiven!" Patton retorted.
Janus looked at him in shock, as if Patton had just said a bunch of profanities, before quickly looking back to stare off into the distance again. His cheeks were red, but Patton convinced himself that he was probably cold out here.
"You're...too forgiving." Janus mumbled softly, as if he was talking to himself.
"I think that's a good thing." Patton replied.
Janus huffed. "...Thank you." He said, looking at Patton with a small smile on his face. "For everything."
Patton blushed. "Y-Yeah. No problem."
Janus looked at him with a disagreeing look on his face, but let it go.
They settled into comfortable silence as Janus threw his cigarette away and Patton almost fell asleep.
The second time Patton had to force his head up, Janus huffed.
"You should probably get to sleep."
As if on cue, Patton yawned. "So should you." He said sleepily, rubbing his eyes.
Janus chuckled. "Fine. I'll go back to bed if you do."
"Okay, fine. You have a deal."
Janus had that stupid, self-satisfied smirk on his face that he usually wore that made Patton feel fuzzy inside.
"Good," He smirked. "See you in the morning."
"Yeah. See ya."
Janus ventured into the house, Patton following a few moments later.
Patton felt like he was getting into dangerous territory with Janus, but instead of feeling concerned, he felt more excited than ever.
Hi guys!!!! Its been awhile! So, this is an au that ive fallen in love with, so i wanna keep writing for it! If you guys have any name ideas, send em my way please!
General Taglist: @resident-crow-goth @macademmia @theantisocialghost @foreverfangirlalways @emo--nightmaree @moxy--sanders101 @quinnthequeer @gattonero17 @trashno0dles @tranquil-space-ninja @chaotic-murder-muffin @lugooble @sander-crossing @princess-rosie @sleepyysoot @hi-its-tutty @lookingforaplacetosleep @sarcasmremovedsoul @corkeecoderyt @drarrymalecsolangelo @private-snippers @girl-who-reads @emy-loves-you @reptilian-with-scallions
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vemuabhi · 4 years
Amusement park Date - 1000 ch special!
Hey everyone! This is my celebration for One piece 1000 chapter!
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Monster Trio + Ussop
Scenarios where Character and Reader go on a date to Amusement Park on an island
special Law and Kidd Here (Clickable) 
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I shifted again as I tried to sleep. I don’t know why I’m not able to sleep but because of my shifting I woke my dear boyfriend accidently. He murmured, “What happened Y/N? Why aren’t you sleeping?”
“Oh dear, I am sorry for waking you up Luffy. I wasn’t able to sleep so I was shifting. Sorry again”, I apologised to him and he placed his hand on one of my cheek as he said, “Don’t apologise, its ok. Are you hungry? Is your hunger making you not sleep? Trust me I’ve faced that.”
I chucked and said, “Yes love, I know you faced it but, I am not hungry. I am just not able to fall asleep.”
Luffy hummed as he closed his eyes trying to think of something but instead I could see his head getting Red as a side effect. He sighed as he opened his eyes and looked at me and added, “I have never faced any other situation, other than that…”, he said in a defeated tone making me smile at his cuteness. “But! I guess if we do this, you can sleep”, he said as he wrapped his arms around me and got very close. He had his classic beautiful smile while he cuddled me.
“I am sure you can fall asleep like this”, he said and smiled widely making me giggle. He was having the perfect temperature and had the smell of delicious Sanji’s cooking.
“This really helps. Thank you love”, I smiled and pecked his cheek as he giggled.
“Then let’s sleep, we should go out to explore the new island”, he said as he pulled me closer and continued, “And… maybe go… on a date…”, with that Luffy fell asleep. My cheeks turned pink and I smiled at how
“Yes Captain!”, I replied. We cuddled as I thought about how amazing our date would be. With the comfort Luffy was giving in his warm hug, it was all I needed for falling asleep peacefully.
As for the date, we both got on different types of rides mostly the scary ones and didn’t even miss one single food stall. Luffy stopped at every single food stall as he wanted to eat all food items available. I was also keeping company to Luffy as he ate.
Suddenly Luffy stretched his neck and came closer to me. I gulped at the sudden closeness. It was a surprise and my heart started beating faster.
“Y/N… you”, Luffy said as I blinked and continued, “Have food on your face”, with this he leaned in and pecked my cheek dangerously close to my lips, where the food was and said, “We don’t want that to waste right”.
‘Oh god Save me’, I thought as covered my flushed face…
After a while I came across a small competition where people were arm wrestling. As I looked at it, I felt a chill run down my spine with excitement. Luffy was still busy stuffing his mouth with food in a stall few meters away.
“Luffy! Come here”, I call Luffy and he stretched and came to my side in a second.
“Will you participate in it”, I asked Luffy as I pointed at the competition.
“Woah! Seems fun!”, Luffy Exclaimed as he jumped onto the stage. There stood a huge guy who couldn’t be beaten up till now as he faced Luffy. According to now, he should be defeated in order to win the competition.
The jerk smirked as Luffy sat in the opposite side of his. He was underestimating Luffy and I really hated that. I know Luffy wouldn’t lose but I still shouted, “LUFFY! WIN! YOU CAN WIN”, luffy smirked and I succeeded in making sure everyone in the place heard it and even draw attention to the place. Everyone’s eyes were on the match as both contestants sat opposite to each other.
“Osu!”, Luffy said as he positioned his arm, and in one swift move, my Luffy got the opponents arm down with a bonus of crashing the jerks complete body to the hard floor of the stage, even making the floor break.
Seeing the scene in front of me, I jumped up the stage and hugged Luffy as he returned my hug and complained, “It wasn’t that hard… boo”, he pouted like a child and I chuckled looking at his face.
We got the trophy and were enjoying so much but in the end….. Luffy accidentally broke one of the rides and we both ran from that scene with the rest of the crew. Anyhow that was sure one hell of a date and I loved it!
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Me and my boyfriend Zoro, go on a date to the amusement park which was pretty famous for the island we stopped on. We also wanted a break from the crew and spend some quality time together.
We both split from the crew and go for some rides. We enjoyed the roller coaster and did window shopping. Zoro won so many games and got prizes. But we purposely avoided the shooting games because we didn’t want to bump in with the crew now.
“Woah! This is amazing Zoro. You won so many things. Im so proud of you.”, I praised him and all he did was to grunt. Well he is happy and I can feel it.
I smiled at him as he bought me a snack. We both were looking at the stalls as we ate it. Then I saw a cute Lama in a claw machine.
“Awww look at that cute Lama. Can you win it Zoro?”, I pleaded my boyfriend as I gave him puppy eyes.
“Huff… you are such a trouble. Now tell me what you want”, he said as he grinned looking at the claw machine. I grinned as I showed him the Lama which I wanted.
Then… Zoro for the first time in being in the amusement park… lost.
After some time
“Babe stop! Its fine if we don’t get it”, I tell my boyfriend as he tries for the 7th time to win the Lama plushie that I liked.
“No way! Ill win that stupid thing for you!”, Zoro grunted as he lost for the 7th time.
“I really appreciate it Zoro but we are spending all of our money on this claw machine. We still need to see all the other stalls”, I tried to convince him but he wasn’t listening.
Zoro inserted the coin in the machine and got the 8th loss. He was emitting violet and black fumes. He wasn’t going to give up that easily… even after the 22nd time of losing. He was barely keeping his swords away from cutting down the machine. I huffed as I look at my man who is really pissed now. I gently place my hand on his shoulder and say, “Babe… think of it all as your experience. Now use all of it in this game. I am sure you’ll win it this time.”
Zoro took a deep breath and closed his eye. He stayed still for couple of seconds and opened his eye as he got back to the machine. He looked sharply at the Lama plushie and took the handle and pushed it back and froth as he aligned it to the Lama.
“I’m going to get the stupid toy that you liked at all costs”, with this he hit the red button which enabled the Grip for the toy.
As everyone says… 23rd time is the charm, Zoro won the plushie at last!! I was too exited so I just jumped and wrapped my arms around his neck. Zoro took the toy and gave it to me.
“Trust me Zoro, this is the best gift ever because it represents all your hard work and passion of yours.”, I said as I kissed his lips. He blushed and huffed as he said, “Of..of course I said I’d win for you. There is no way I would lose to this dumb game.” He said as he happily took my hand and started to walk away from the machine.
We see Sanji coming towards us. “Hey Sanji! Look at this Lama, Zoro won it for me!”, I proudly showed my plushie to him as he smiled back at me.
“That’s so good! Well done Marimo! So you too can be nice to your lover”, Sanji said as he went towards the machine.
“I don’t need to hear it from you, love cook. So you trying to win huh”, Zoro stayed still looking at Sanji.
“I… I do want to get some toys”, Sanji replied as he played the machine and also… got the stuff toy in the… First try. He inserted the second coin and played as he won… the second time. I was watching Sanji awestruck I didn’t realise Zoro let go of my hand. Then the third win and during the fourth time Sanji won two toys at the same time.
“Woah! See two at a time!”, he said as he walked towards us and gave me a toy and said, “I need to give Nami san and Robin chan also… So I’ll go now”, Sanji said.
“Wait Sanji!”, I stopped Sanji and asked, “How… did you win in a row?”
To which he smiled and said, “Ah! About that… there is a hack where we push the button two times, we will definitely get the toy. Well technically I didn’t say I wanted to win, I just wanted get the toy”, with that he left.
“Babe did you hear”, I turned my head to my side and Zoro wasn’t there. Then I heard, “ONI-”, I looked in the direction and it was too late to stop Zoro, as I saw my man give one blow to the machine, “-GIRI”, making it cut into pieces.
“Zoro…”, I managed to say and then the red lights started to blink with a sound coming from the machine.
“DIE YOU MACHINE! DIE!!!”, Zoro yelled at the machine as I took his arm and started to run away with my plushies held tightly in other hand. Zoro held my hand and with the other he held the bag of items he won in the games. We were being chased by many people and it was a mess but after we escaped and reached the ship, we both laughed at the situation.
“Here you go”, said Sanji as he crouched down and handed the third plushie to the little raindeer.
“Ahh! Giving me this doesn’t make me happy you asshole”, Said the doctor as he did his happy dance making Sanji smile at him warmly.
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“HEY! OVER HERE!”, Sanji waved seeing me as I went towards the amusement park. We agreed to meet here for today’s date. Sanji wore a blue Hawaiian shirt and grey knee length shorts. It was a sunny island and was really warm. Sanji looked so different in this attire from his usual Dress shirt and coat. Not gonna lie he can pull off any type of outfit.
“Y/N! You look so cute!”, he cooed with a wide grin on his face. ‘Agh! I was supposed to compliment him first’, I scolded myself.
“Thankyou… you… you look handsome too”, I managed to let it out in a soft low voice but still he heard it. His eyes widened as his lips parted and his face flushed.
“Thankyou Y/N chan”, he thanked and offered me his hand. I smiled and took his hand as we both headed into the amusement park together. Sanji not once swooned over any other girl from the moment we both held hands.
We both shopped and took some photos together. We both got on slow and romantic rides as it was more romantic. We both played many games and Sanji trying to impress me, as if he hadn’t already done that, won all the games. I mean we were told to leave because he was way too good.
In the way I saw a Horror House. ‘Woah! Did I just get excited?!’, I stop Sanji from walking further and asked, “Sanji, can we go there please”, I pointed towards the Horror house.
Sanji looked at it and smirked as he said, “Yeah why not! Seems fun”. He seemed more excited than I was. Maybe it was because he was also missing the thrill. We walked quickly towards the horror house still my hand in his.
We go into the horror house with excitement. We go in and see some jump scares here and there… not very scary yet… there we go to a room filled with mirrors.
Then suddenly a man in clown costume comes into the room and the mirrors made reflections of him. This took me by surprise and I screamed as I hugged Sanji. He rubbed soothing circles on my back as he hugged me back instantly.
“Don’t get too close! She is scared now because of you”, he started to lecture the clown dressed man as he still hugged me and we left the room. ‘Well I know it’s a place to get scared but… he was so cute when he scolded that person because I was scared. Poor man… just did his job though’, I thought as I still hugged Sanji and explored the house more.
Whenever I got scared he turned his protective mode on and lectured the actors. They were too scared to say anything back and ran away from where they came from. Which never I guess never happened in this horror house before.
We both completed our turn and I was still feeling the adrenaline in my veins. That was actually a very scary horror house I’ve seen. I look at Sanji who was blushing and smiling. He asked, “Are you ok now Y/N?”
“Yeah… it was scary… though I guess you didn’t have much fun”, I said as I hung my head low. He placed his slender fingers on my chin and lifted my head up to face his. He smiled warmly at me and said, “It wasn’t scary to me but, I did love how you held me close to you and how you relied on me when you were scared.”, he said and I blushed. Then I noticed, we were in the same position even now and my blush even grew more. Yet…. I still didn’t want to let him go. I still held him close and I said, “Thankyou… Sanji”, with that he came closer and made our foreheads touch.
“I love you Y/N”, Sanji declared suddenly. His face was so close to mine and I could see the nervousness in his eyes.
“I love you too, you don’t have to be so nervous every time you say it”, I chuckled and he giggle. He pecked my nose and pulled back. He started to sway my hand as he indicated to continue the date. I obliged and we went to another game. ‘What did I even do to deserve him’, I thought as we continued our date.
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“Agh!! Ussop! C’mon! lets go. It’s a good day, we are on an island with theme park… I want to go on a date”, I nagged at my boyfriend who was in middle of making a new invention.
“Oh… ok then, lets go!”, Ussop says as he got up.
“That’s my baby”, I praise him as I ruffled his hair and he blushed ‘cause I called him Baby.
We both started to head to the theme park with hands linked. He was blushing the complete time. ‘Could he be anymore cuter?’, I thought as I enjoyed looking at my shy boyfriend.
“Ussop, lets eat something”, I turned to see my boyfriend who was already drooling at the sight of all the food stalls. He is a foodie and eats a lot, just… cant be compared to Luffy but he has potential.
“YES PLEASE!”, he said as he went to the stalls to eat. I chuckled when he just shoved a burger down his throat, but my smile was replaced by worry when he choked on it.
“BAKA USSOP! DON’T WORRY ME LIKE THAT!”, I scold him as he chugged down the water I handed him.
“….Sorry Y/N”, he apologises with puppy dog eyes of his which are hard to stay mad at. I huff and accept his apology. I took his hand in mine and dragged him to a scary ride.
“Wait.. Y/N…”, he said as I looked at him and see him placing his free hand on his chest and continued, “I think I’m getting the disease “Shouldn’t get on that ride” help me.” He even fake coughed and swayed back and forth to make it more dramatic. “Like I’d believe that… but keep up the acting. Good job”, I say as he dejectedly follows me while I drag him to the ride.
We both got down the ride as I beamed with happiness and said, “It was so much fun!”
I got no response from my boyfriend so I turned to look at him. He had this dark aura surrounding him. He even was mumbling something which wasn’t… a language I know. It even felt like his soul was leaving his body.
“Ussop… you okay dude?”, I ask him as I crouch down and hug him.
“I am surprised I’m even alive”, he said and returned my hug. He was acting so cute by snuggling against my neck, making me chuckle.
“No way that could kill you”, I place one hand under his arm and other on his waist and pull him up. He looks at me with his glossy eyes making my heart skip a beat.
“Ok ok ok… no more scary rides. I got it. So… lets go and play some games”, I suggest for which he happily nods.
We both go to the game stalls and I saw a shooting game. I stop in my tracks making Ussop to bump into me because he was walking behind me.
“Ouch! What happened Y/N? Why did you stop?”, he asked as I looks at the game I pointed. We both smirked as we looked at each other and headed towards it. Ussop takes a gun and starts to shoot perfectly and wins continuous prizes making me happy.
Suddenly I get a thought of getting a prize for him. So I place my hand on the gun and give coins to the person who was in in charge and take position. I fire the gun but it misses and again and again…. It was making my heart crush but I still wanted to win.
Looking at my sad face Ussop couldn’t help but step in. He gracefully placed his arms on the gun and pointed it to the target. We were in a position where he was basically back hugging me. It’s always me initiating hugs and kisses. So… this made me blush so hard. I was basically a tomato in Ussop’s arms. He pulls the trigger and shoots the target with ease, making me win for the first time.
I smile widely as I notice it. It was his doing but… it made me so happy.
“Y/N Look! You shot the target”, he says as he looks at my face. He notices how red my face was and how close we both were. This makes him blush hard. He slowly lets go of me. The man in charge of the game comes towards us and hands me the prize. He witnessed the moment and was also blushing.
I took the prize and handed it to my boyfriend but I hung my head low. I was too embarrassed to face him while I give it. He takes it with his shaky hands indicating he was also very nervous. I build up my courage, take his hand and start to walk with him to another game.
Ussop was very quiet but then he suddenly says, “I love you Y/N”, making me stop in my tracks. My heart beat increased. I turned around, looked at him and replied, “I love you too Ussop”.
We both smiled at each other and continued walking side by side with our hands linked. ‘Definitely the best date till now’, I thought as we walked back to the ship with lots of toys and prizes.
special Law and Kidd Here (Clickable)
I hope you all liked it! please like, reblog and comment! sorry for any mistakes
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buffskierights · 4 years
I wasn’t home most of today bc of a dentist appt and then I was at my friend’s house. The root canal I had gave me an odd amount of inspiration so here we go!
The heavy thump of Lambert’s hand hitting the table is followed by uproarious cheering from Geralt’s brothers in light of his victory. Coën and Eskel laugh and jeer at Lambert, taunting the youngest Witcher as a result of being dethroned from his seat as the King of Arm Wrestling, and their mirth echoes through the empty halls of Kaer Morhen. The snow that falls gently outside the crumbling keep assures that they remain indoors and by the warm hearth, with their father sat in an armchair nearby and Jaskier plucking on the strings of his lute as he watches the proceedings with an amused grin and bright eyes.
“About damn time!” Eskel crows, thumping Geralt on the back with a gleeful bark of laughter, “Lambert’s been insufferable. Wouldn’t shut the fuck up about how he’s the strongest man alive.”
“‘Can’t nobody defeat the arm wrestling champ’!” Coën lowers his voice to mimic Lambert, who sneers and crosses his arms.
“Ha fucking ha, arseholes. It’s just because I wrestled all of you and now my arm’s fucking tired.”
Jaskier laughs from where he’s lounging at the end of the table and tilts his head to look at them, “Lambert, dear, those who lose graciously are the best in the bedroom. Are you, perhaps, finding yourself a bit lacking in that department if this is how you accept defeat?”
Lambert snarls as the others burst into laughter, “Fuck you, bard! I don’t see you even trying to compete!”
“I’ve no desire to,” Jaskier shrugs and Geralt grins as he adds:
“Besides, Jask knows he couldn’t beat a Witcher.”
The moment the words are out of his mouth, he knows he’s made an error. Jaskier has never, ever, been one to back down from a challenge, even if attempting to prove someone wrong results in him looking like a fool. Geralt looks over and sees the tell-tale spark of rebellion in Jaskier’s blue eyes as the bard sets his lute aside and gracefully gets to his feet.
“Oh, I can’t, can’t I?” He raises an eyebrow at Geralt, “I’m inclined to disagree, my love.”
Eskel’s grin contorts the scars marring his handsome face but, for once, he seems to disregard it as he taunts, “Come put your money where your mouth is, bard. I’ll put twenty on Lambert.”
“I’ve got fifteen on Jaskier,” Coën is quick to defend the bard who gives him a sympathetic look of thanks.
“I’ll put fifty on Geralt,” Lambert boldly says, leaning back in his chair, “Loverbirds aside, he should face the new champion, should he not?”
Eskel nods and sits down beside Lambert as they vacate the space across from Geralt at the table, “Seems fair to me.”
“I don’t know,” Geralt purses his lips doubtfully, “Maybe we shouldn’t.”
There’s a flash of something akin to disappointment in Jaskier’s eyes before the bard angrily sets his jaw and sits down across from Geralt, placing his elbow on the table and holding out his hand, “What, you’re not scared of being beat by a bard, now, are you, Geralt?”
The animosity in Jaskier’s taunt nearly makes Geralt flinch but he shakes his head and sighs, linking hands and positioning their arms so they’re evenly spaced apart, “Just didn’t want to hurt you,” he murmurs.
Jaskier’s expression softens and his lips quirk into a gentle smile for a moment before it quickly turns teasing, “Worry about yourself, dear Witcher, you’re about to get your just desserts.”
He resists the urge to sigh again as he locks eyes with Jaskier and Lambert places his own hbd atop their locked ones and counts them down. At one, he pulls away and both bard and Witcher tense for different reasons. Jaskier, to push against Geralt’s strength, and Geralt, in preparation for the painful smack that he expected to sound immediately.
To his surprise, Jaskier’s hand doesn’t budge. In fact, while Jaskier’s cheeks are turning pink, he otherwise looks unaffected as Geralt pushes harder against him. After a moment of stunned silence, his brothers clearly having expected the same quick outcome as himself, the other Witchers start cheering for Jaskier.
“Come on, bard!”
“Show him who’s the boss!”
“Avenge my crown, Jaskier!”
Jaskier grins and fans his mouth in a mime of a yawn even though they can all hear his heart beating harder and faster and see the small drops of sweat starting to bead up on his forehead. Geralt scowls and grunts as he throws his shoulder behind his arm, pressing as hard as he can against Jaskier’s immobile hand. To his great dismay, it still doesn’t move, and he glances at the bard’s arm to make sure he’s not cheating.
Jaskier’s shirtsleeves are rolled up to his elbows and theres wiry muscle flexed in his explosed forearm, a thin vein pushing out the tanned and densely freckled skin. His cotton shirt is tight across his thick bicep, the woven threads straining against the strong arm. Geralt swallows and his hand slips slightly as his concentration wavers, Jaskier gaining the upper hand.
It’s over in seconds, the cool wood of the table hitting the back of his knuckles with a dull thunk only moments later and his brothers cheer. Joyful, scarred hands jostle the victorious bard as they ruffle his hair and shove him around good naturedly. Geralt feels warmer than he rightfully should and quickly gets to his feet, stalking out of the room to avoid a different sort of problem.
“Geralt?” Jaskier sounds concerned behind him and he can almost feel blue eyes on his back.
“Forget him, he’s just a sore loser,” Lambert says before the door shuts and he’s left to the cold and empty halls.
It doesn’t take long for Jaskier to find him, he wasn’t exactly trying to hide anyway since he knew the bard would follow him, and when Jaskier turns the corner to pass the alcove he’s standing in Geralt’s hand shoots out to grab the bard. Jaskier yelps softly, more alarmed than frightened, and the sound turns into a delighted moan as Geralt wraps his arms around Jaskier’s waist and crushes their lips together.
“Since when are you that strong?” Geralt asks when Jaskier pulls away to breathe, looking at his bard’s wide pupils and red cheeks.
Jaskier laughs and presses another kiss to Geralt’s lips, “Since I’ve been wrangling horses as a lad for my father. You should know how wily the beasts can be, you ride one of the most ornery steeds I’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing.”
He blinks before rolling his eyes, filing the information away for later while valiantly trying, and failing, to ignore the conjured mental image of Jaskier breaking a horse. “Hm, good to know,” he murmurs and tangled his fingers in Jaskier’s hair as he brings their lips together again.
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kenjikutie · 4 years
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in which hinata is the sun
you feel discouraged on your first day as a manager but luckily, hinata shoyo is here to help
[ bird watching masterlist ]
- when yachi and kiyoko had approached you about the mananger position for the karasuno boy’s volleyball team, you had only one thing on your mind: how many managers did one team need
- they couldn’t possibly be that energetic and distracted that they needed a third person to keep them in line, right? the answer to that question was yes
- you didn’t accept right away so kiyoko had the idea of you coming in to watch what a typical practice looked like so you could make your final decision then and you agreed
- but, the moment you opened the doors, you regretted the decision. a red head and blue haired boy were wrestling one another on the ground as a blonde laughed and another panicked while the rest of the team was arguing about something you were too afraid to ask about
- there was no way you could do this
- “e-excuse me...”, yachi whispered, clearly stressed out by the situation and you swore she was shaking
- kiyoko picked a volleyball off the ground and tossed it in the air, spiking it directly onto the gym floor, causing the two boys to seperate and for everyone to stand at attention
- wow she really is a goddess, huh, you thought. also, im kinda turned on- wait, what
- “please, try to behave yourselves. we have a guest.”, kiyoko sighed and motioned to you, eyebrows raising when she saw you trying to sneek out the gym doors
- knowing you had to stay, you turned back around and akwardly held your hands in front of you, avoiding eye contact with all of them
- “im l/n y/n, a second year at karasuno and im here to decide if i’ll be joining the managers here. im sorry if i distracted you from your excercises.”
- there was a moment of silence and you swore the whole team looked like this👁👄👁
- when you opened your eyes again, you were met with three boys staring right at you. one of them you recognized as nishinoya yuu, a boy in your class, who always winked at you
-  “wow!! hi, yn!! what do you mean distract us?? is it because you’re so beautiful??!?!”
- “shut up, nishinoya! she’s clearly here for me!”, this one had a buzzcut and was honestly quite scary, you swore you had seen him breaking into kiyoko’s locker once
- everyone was crowding you all at once and you had never felt so stressed in your life. it was like you were drowning in a sea of testosterone and you had no idea how kiyoko and yachi did this every day
- “i, i have to go now.”, you mumbled, quickly leaving the gym and making your way to a nearby bench to bury your head in your hands
- you had just made a complete fool in front of the team you may have managed for. surely there was no way they would want you now. if you couldn’t handle them for five minutes, what would you do when kiyoko left and you were the older manager
- hearing the bench creak a little, you opened one eye catiously, freezing when you realized that the next little giant had taken a seat beside you
- he didn’t talk for a while, probably thinking of what to say and in that time, you remember everything you knew about hinata shoyo. you had met him for the first time when you went to the bathroom and found him singing a song
- you had just assumed he was a weird kid
- “hey, yn? im sorry if we freaked you out! we can get kinda intimidating, i guess...”, hinata trailed off before holding his hands up, imitating some wild animal, “especially our setter! he’s very scary!”
- “thanks for trying to help, hinata. but does your team really need me? you have two of the best managers ever.”
- hinata pondered this with a hand on his chin then his eyes lit up and he gently pulled your hands away from your face, “of course we need you! have you seen how crazy we all are? kiyoko and yachi are wonderful, but you’re wonderful too!”
- you used to think that everyone who called this boy the sun was just exageratting but seeing him now, grinning wildly as the true sun set behind him, you saw the resemblance perfectly
- standing up in a flash, hinata took your hand and led you back to the gym, announcing to everyone not to crowd you again and bouncing away when daichi called him back
- but he didn’t leave before you a big thumbs up
- kiyoko and yachi found you again and you could tell the question that was on their minds. soon enough, you could feel the whole team staring at you, waiting for your answer
- “ill do it.”
- hinata cheered and gave you a double high five, even though he actually wanted to hug you but didn’t want you to be uncomfortable, and daichi ruffled your hair with a small smile
- “i can’t wait to brag about this to that nekoma copy cat!”
- “excuse me?”
- “nothing!”
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