#if theres any spelling errors i was in a rush to get this out before i had to leave for the afternoon
headfullof-ideas · 1 month
All right, I finished it much sooner than I expected, but I finished that drawing, and decided to post it as a separate post instead of yet another reblog to the original post, because I didn’t feel like it. So here I introduce and give a general description of the teenage cast of characters that originate from Berk, even if some of them no longer reside there. This may get a little long-ish
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From left to right, we have Camicazi, Dogsbreath, Astrid, and Wartihog, the Berk residing teenagers. These kids are determined to find and bring their former peers back to Berk to face trial for what they’ve done, or something along those lines, they’re not sure what the ‘punishment’ beyond exile is for dragon riding. (Neither is anyone else) And the riders have already been exiled. But they keep messing with Berk, and the surrounding islands and tribes, bringing chaos and destruction practically everywhere they go, so they need to capture them to make them stop! They haven’t exactly told Chief Stoick yet though, he seems a bit indifferent or unsure how to handle the situation at hand.
Camicazi is a self-proclaimed thief, but her sticky finger tendencies aren’t as great as she boasts them to be. They really only come into some effect when she meets someone who doesn’t know her, which is unfortunately not a single person on Berk, who know to protect their belongings around her by now. She’s crazy, and wild, unruly with a thirst for injury and pain on others that can be slightly concerning at times. She’s a lot of bark, and not a lot of bite, except for when she does bite. She tends to be over dramatic about the wrong thing, and lies to save her own skin whenever she appears to be in the slightest amount of trouble. Camicazi can’t stand losing in anyway shape or form, and hates when someone is better at something then she is, even if she’s never done that thing once in her life.
Dogsbreath is Spitelout’s eldest son, Snotlouts older brother. With Stoicks wife, Valka, getting scooped up by a dragon before they ever had a child, and Stoick refusing to remarry, the title of Heir went to the next in line, his eldest nephew. Dogsbreath is the pinnacle of Vikingness to most of the other adults on Berk; big, beefy, a good fighter, ready to fight their enemies and the dragons with endless energy. Unfortunately, Dogsbreath isn’t the greatest with leadership. He’s arrogant, boarheaded, and the biggest bully to any of the kids who are even slightly not Vikingly in his eyes, which has most of the other teenagers standing on tiptoes around him so as not to get dragged in an alley and beaten. Dogsbreaths head is filled with reassurances that he will be Chief someday, throwing that weight around to anyone who tries to discipline him, with Stoick rapidly growing frustrated with Dogsbreath lack of care for the finer details of being Chief. Dogsbreath is only in it for the glory and fame, and none of the responsibility.
Astrid does not go with the riders in this story. With Hiccup non-existent, that relationship never comes to be, and neither does that eye-opening flight on a Night Fury’s back. Astrid is not fond of Ant, Hiccups stand-in, in this story, and is actually quite infuriated and annoyed by him. She’s not close to any of the other kids either, determined to be the best their is, and knock Dogsbreath off his high horse a little bit, especially since he keeps insisiting that they’re meant to be, as Heir to Berk, and Berks toughest Viking maiden. She hates him, but not as much as the traitorous riders, who she is determined to capture herself, bringing down their dragons as well. Astrid has the tiniest flicker of doubts here and there though, and eventually becomes the rider to a Deadly Nadder she names Stormfly, becoming a part of Berks first troupe of Dragon Riders. Don’t worry Astrid fans, Astrid gets there and gets Stormfly and becomes a dragon rider…eventually.
Wartihog is the village flirt and playboy, or as much of a playboy as a sixteen year old with no game can be, anyways. He’s a smooth-talking, yet easily distracted guy, who thinks he’s the coolest guy on Berk. Well, second to Dogsbreath anyways, who’d bash him if he thought Wartihog thought he was better. Wartihog assumes that all the ladies love him, and thinks he’s going to be some hotshot bachelor in the future, with rippling muscles and scars from all the dragons he’s brought down, further gaining the ladies affections. He’s incredibly vain, and loves looking at his own reflection, and refuses a helmet entirely so it doesn’t crush his ‘killer’ hair. Wartihog has a tendency of occasionally going after girls who are a few years younger than him, either because too many girls rejected him, their sister rejected him, or they have some defining trait he thinks is exotic, like hair or eye color. He’s a bit of a creep in that regards, but is pretty easily distracted by either food or another girl, or a girls pissed off parent.
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Next up are the infamous exiled dragon riders. On the right are some pretty familiar characters, Snotlout, the twins, and Fishlegs, but on the left is Ant No-Name, and an OC named Kari. After Ant was exiled, Berk didn’t immediately send him away, too preoccupied scrambling to assemble the ships needed to go after the nest now that they knew how to. Which meant Ant was able to show the other, eager, teenagers the basics of dragon riding (hold on for dear life and don’t let go) before they went off to deal with the nest themselves. Ever since then, they’ve been in exile, trying to avoid the numerous enemies they’ve found themselves with.
Ant is called No-Name, because no one knows who his family is. No one’s even really sure how he got to the Archipelago to begin with, just how he got to Berk. His skin tone indicates his family is from far beyond the Archipelagos waters, and being the only person with dark skin in a predominantly white region of the world has caused some self-esteem issues to develop for Ant, which aren’t helped by most everyone else’s reactions to him either. He was the apprentice to Berks resident blacksmith, Gobber the Belch, for practically all twelve years of his life, until he bonded with a Night Fury he accidentally shot and tracked down in the woods, affectionately named Toothless. (Toothless is still named Toothless. I firmly believe that Ant imma name this bear Barry and this alligator Snappy Nekton would come to the same conclusion that Hiccup did when it comes to naming the dragon) Ant never wanted to be a dragon killer, firmly happy with being in the smithy and out of the spotlight, but inevitably was dragged into the spotlight when Toothless was revealed to the rest of the tribe, and he was exiled. Ant is a bit OOC at the beginning, because he’s lived a very different life. He’s quiet, a bit shy, extremely anxious, and sometimes goes mute when faced with something he’s afraid to mess up, or someone with a very thin trigger. His bangs aren’t up yet either, because he hasn’t had ‘character development’ yet (Toothless licked his face and his hair got stuck, lol(kidding)). He gets there though, with some friends and building of self-confidence.
Kari Hasselson (Harper typically, but that’s not a very Vikingy last name) is the second youngest of the initiates, about a year older than Ant himself. She’s got a bit of a temper, especially with Wartihog, and doesn’t have many friends either. Her relationship with her family isn’t…great, but she and Ant get to know each other better during Dragon Training, and she’s one of the first kids to reach out to learn about riding dragons. For all that she’s a spicy angry kitten as a child, Kari mellows out as she gets older, and I’m saying this now, she’s meant to eventually get with Ant. A LONG eventually. It takes years of friendship before they even get there, like, late RTTE age. They’re thirteen and twelve right now, no romantic shippy feels or anything like that happens right now, they’re two chaotic kids trying to become friends at the start of the story, when these drawings take place. They bond over being the youngest initiates through Gobbers crazy teaching methods, and then trying not to be mildly babied by the older riders when they’re in exile, planning tweenage revenge on the others as they go. Nothing happens at first. Kari is also not meant to be JUST Ant romantic interest, when I first made her, it was literally because I thought that boy needed some friends that weren’t fish, so I made him some. Kari just ended up also later filling the romantic role later as well, after I’d made sure she was a developed, rounded character with her own interests and life outside of being the love interest. She’s like an angry kitten.
As for the other, more familiar characters, each of the other riders had their own reasons for leaving. Fishlegs was stuck in the middle of a huge family, where he was swept under the rug, and didn’t want to kill dragons. The twins had an absent father, with a slightly overbearing mother, and an urge to go out and see the world, also leaping at the chance for chaos without an adult telling them no. Snotlout was sick of all his attempts at getting his dad’s attention being ignored in favor of his older brother, wanting to prove that he could do something Dogsbreath could never do. They’re a few years older than Ant and Kari, and with no Berk to fall back to, the kids are all scrambling to survive the Arhipelagos harsh weather and harsher inhabitants.
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This is the drawing in its entirety. I’m thinking of maybe drawing the others characters, or at least the ones that are wildly different from their film counterparts. Maybe the Nektons and assorted characters from The Deep, to show what they’re like in this universe. I probably will
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kakiastro · 10 months
Short Astrology post : How do you communicate?
*Not my photo, found it on google
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Hey yall! I’m back with another post that’s going to help you better understand your communication skills better.
This topic came to me because I had a friend who always wondered why people say he comes off aggressive when he talks even though he’s not upset or anything, he just sounds mean as hell 😅. He let me look at his chart and long behold he has Mercury Square Mars and Moon 😂 I told him that his passion for certain topics comes off as angry, once he calms his emotions down and speak in a more direct way, people won’t have that aggressive or mean perception of him.
So how do you communicate? Ask those around you how do you come across when you talk to them, we tend not to notice how we sound ourselves than what people perceive of us. However, you can use your astrology chart to better your communication skills even if you’re good at, theres always room for improvement.
Here’s How:
1. Mercury Sign + Degree + House + aspects to Mercury
-Mercury in astrology rules over all communication, it’s how we voice our thoughts and opinions to people. The sign it’s in is the traits we show while we are talking. The degree is like the influence of the sign and the house is where you may see a lot of those house topics are discussed either by you or other people in your life. The aspects influence how you come across to others.
For example: I have Mercury Capricorn + 6h + 3° and I have a few aspects but my main one is Mercury conj Venus.
Put it all together: if you been following or gotten a reading from me than you know I’m direct with how I communicate lol I don’t Bs you, I try to keep it real with y’all. The 6h rules over teaching and routines and teach y’all about astrology almost daily on here, when I’m not being active on here, I’m playing with my dog or reading and writing which is very 6h energy lol. I’ve been told I’m an amazing writer and I do write stories and poems.
-if your Mercury is Retrograded then that means your communication skills will get better as you get older. Rx means your thoughts are all over the place, you may be misunderstood and misunderstand others. It may take you longer to process information for you to understand and no this doesn’t mean you’re stupid, it’s just how you’re wired. The key is to take your time soaking everything in before you communicate your thoughts. If someone ask you a question, it’s okay to say “give me a moment to answer that.” Take your time processing what’s been asked and gather your words correctly. If you rush, then you can end up saying something you’ll regret or your point won’t come across as clear.
For example: I have Mercury Rx and the amount of spelling errors I make when I type, now matter how many times I reread , I don’t notice it until after I post it then I have to re-edit my post and stress out😩😅
- also another thing, if you have Mercury rx, then you have a way with words even if you don’t realize it, people will remember what you say because it’s so different and unique.
2. Your 3h
-the sign and planets (if you have any) influence your communication because Mercury rules the 3h.
For example: I have a Virgo 3h and as you can see I’m wordy as hell lol, I break it down to you lol
3. The house Gemini rules + if you have any Gemini placements + Gemini degrees you have.
-Mercury rules over Gemini. Gemini rules over all communication in astrology. The house Gemini rules is what you like to talk about, what others seem to talk about.
For example: I have a Gemini 12h. Having a Mercury rx with this placement is a mess. Everyone communicate like the mad hatter too me, hell including me, what did I or you just say 2 minutes ago, whatever😂 the good news is that I’ve channeled this energy with being a better writer lolol
So how do you all communicate?
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dimidiom · 27 days
okay okay so i watched the new alien movie with my family last night (ive only seen the first movie all the way through and seen a majority of the second one and thats pretty much all ive seen of the franchise SO) and i thought it was pretty good.
BUT, i have opinions on the end of the movie and more specifically the final monster, and ive been rotating ideas in my head all day so i need to get it out so im not just continuously ranting about this to myself. so im putting all of that under a read more cause i have a lot to say and want to avoid spoilers for people who havent seen the movie yet (note i only watched the movie once, and i would be the first to admit i have a bad memory so i might be misremembering things) (and i also cant remember any of their names, and i cant be assed rn to look them up lmao)
(also note, i havent read any of this over,so theres probably spelling errors and me repeating myself. i just needed to get this out of my head)
i havent really seen anyone elses opinion on the final monster guy but tbh,,,, i hated it?? like i understand the whole scary idea of 'it looked human, but something was off' (and thats just a trope i personally dislike for no reason lmao) but i feel like if youre making that be what makes your monster scary, give it a new spin? like, i literally missed the first major scare with that monster because i turned to make a joke to my sibling ('oh its a person!') i hate that the design was just a tall gangly pale human that you cant see the eyes of, because ive feel like thats something thats been done SOOOO many times before and ive gotten desencitised to it
and just,,, that coming after the heavy hitters of the facehuggers and the xenomorph was just a huge let down! (i will admit that showing the tail getting longer in each shot, was pretty cool) having a tall gangly pale man being the main monster just isnt scary anymore,, you could have done something original and something super new and scary. youre showing THAT right after the fucking xenomorph?? as the final monster??? its scary cause its tall and its eyes are shadowed over??
my whole thought was if they just leaned into the horror of pregnancy, it could have been so cool??? or something along those lines??? like take notes from RE8!! the baby!! in the doll ladies house!! that shit was discusting and terrifying and awesome! instead of having the monster be an adult male, have it be a scary babyyyy
or like take notes from the boss lady(?) from the second chapter of fate!! have the movie play out the same way, but have the main character hear the other lady screaming from off screen and then have her rush over, and gasp shes not in the cryopod! and have th mc panic and look around, but then sees her friend, seemingly perfectly fine, holding a baby in her arms.
theres some really cool ideas that come from the idea of the umbilical cord not being cut. like with the idea of the lady seemingly perfectly normal holding her baby, and that (those two combined) being the new monster. your still very human looking friend, and the monster that shes now attached to. thats not your friend anymore.
the horror of the idea of a monster wearing the face of a friend you couldnt save thats now hunting you down. her baby, the idea of which got the both of you so happy and excited just a few hours earlier, (who shes still connected to, still holding in her arms) being the monster that also ended up corrupting her that now is hunting you
or even if you decided that you wanted to keep the tall pale man as your new monster, give it a new introduction!!! imagine the first time we see it. it just failed a stealth attack against the mc because its still attached to the dead weight of its mom that its dragging behind it via the cord. and then we can have a visual scene where we can see the monster evaluate the situation (failed a stealth attack) find the problem (not stealthy, dragging dead weight behind it that i has no control over, no way to make it useful) and then find a solution (cutting the cord itself, or for a more visceral scene, destroying the body). so we can see it thinking and rationalizing and making a plan and following through. (and its casual disregard of humanity. of its own mother)
just like,,, fear of pregnancy, of childbirth, of babies. i feel like babies, as something to be scared of, should be used more in horror. that'd be cool.
or like,,,, change the ending up,,, have the movie do the same kind of twist the first alien movie did. introduce the audience to a character, audience assumes that character is the main character, and then at some point, kill that character and have a new character become the mc!!!!! like keep the final three people alive at the end of the movie, but do a twist where the mc dies and the other lady has to find a way out! have her not inject the prometheus fire thing, but have it be known that she lost time in that ship, so something could have happened to her, and play around with the idea of her having new trauma about having that baby. like dont say anything outright in the movie, but like, have it end with her not knowing what she wants to do now thats shed not fearing for her life. does she now have fears about something alien growing inside of her, fears of something mutating the baby? give her complicated feelings on what she want to do with that baby. like,,, would she even want to go through with giving birth after literally seeing a baby alien burst out of the chest of her friend. complicated feelings of 'maybe she didnt get away from romulus scott free, and somehow her baby was affect by it'
theres a post ive seen floating around tumbr about horror movies reflecting common fears at the time,,, playing around with pregnancy being the main horror in a movie,,,, isnt a bad idea,,,,,
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lunzbaku · 4 years
Kissing Distance
“You are talking mad shit for someone at kissing distance.”
Summary: Shiketsu High School partnered up with U.A. High for joined training week. Bakugou gets paired with F/N, a snarky student from Shiketsu High who ends up making Bakugou ~flustered~
Pairing: Katsuki Bakugou x F/N
A/N: POV change a little
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Ugh. Great. The week i’ve been dreading has finally tumbled upon me.
Joined training week with U.A. Highs Hero Program. I was not looking forward to this week at all. If you couldnt tell already. Its fine though. Right?
I couldn’t care less about anyone from U.A. They all seemed so egotistical and too full of themselves, well at least from what i’ve heard.
“Today is the first day of training and let me tell you we have a long week ahead of ourselves.” Our teacher tells us as we enter U.A. Highs training center. We see Class 1-A standing near Eraser Head. They actually seemed nice.
“This is Shiketsu Highs hero program, please be respectful as we give you your assigned partners for this week.”
This isnt what you expected at all. We are going to be paired up with someone we havent talked to before? Great. Just great.
“Todoroki is paired with Yoarashi.”
“Bakugou with L/N.”
You were mentally freaking out. Theres no way you were going to be working with U.A.s biggest hothead. Yoarashi and Camie told you all about how he was rude and never shut his mouth. You’ve seen him on the news from when he got kidnapped by the League of Villians, when a Villian tried attacking him and how he won his schools sport festival.
You wanted to see the bright side of things. Being paired up with Bakugou couldn’t be such a bad thing, you thought.
“Thats it. I’ve explained the objectives and the teams, we will start in 20. Take this time to mingle with everyone and get to know your partner a little more.”
You were standing next to Yoarashi as he walks over to Todoroki and the rest of Class 1-A. For some reason you couldnt help being a little excited that Bakugou was your partner. He wasn’t bad looking, you kinda thought he was cute.
“Hi! Im F/N L/N!” You interupt Yoarashi before he gets to shout at Todoroki about his soba preference. You had your hands behind your back as you smile at everyone.
“You can call me Kirishima-“
“Oooo! Your hero costume is so cute!! Im Mina!! I wish I got you as my partner you’re so pretty.” Mina exclaims as she plays with your hair. You giggle.
“And thats Mineta... I’d stay away from him. Hes a pervert.” Mina tells you as both of you walk around the training center as she introduced you to everyone.
“So what about Bakugou?” You ask looking around for him. Mina stops walking and stares at you.
“Oh, Bakugou. He hates everyone but i’ll introduce you guys.” Mina grabs your hand heading over to where ‘bakusquad’ were.
“Im F/N, Im also your partner for this week.” You introduce yourself again, this time putting your hand out for him to shake. He looks up at you then looks over to your hand. He scoffs and gets up from where he was sitting.
“Whatever. Just dont drag me down.” He says walking away from you and everyone else. Your eyes widen at this rude interaction. So shocked that you havent even moved a muscle.
“I dont like to leave people hanging.” Sero laughs as he got up to shake your hand that was still awaiting Bakugous. You feel your ears heat up when Sero shook your hand.
“Well thats Bakugou for you.” Denki said.
“Yeah! Hes like that all the time, don’t take it too personal. Trust me. Been there done that.” Kirishima told you as you giggled.
You honeslty should’ve expected this coming from Katsuki Bakugou.
The 20 minutes of chatting were up. We all weee next to our assigned partners and were about to begin warm ups. They were designed to help us get closer to our partners and really understand each others quirks, which will help us for the final challenge later this week.
Bakugou and I were in a somewhat secluded section of the training center. All we had to do was get to the other end of the town and take Deku and his partners flag and return back to our station. It was to test our partnership skills mostly. We were given 10 minutes to plan. Shouldn’t be a problem.
“Damn Deku.”
You heard Bakugou huff under his breath.
“Listen. I have an idea. All we have to do is-“
“You dont go around telling me what to do, you damn extra.” Bakugou sneered.
Oh hell no. You werent about to let some egotistical brat talk to you like that. No way.
“Suki, maybe if you weren’t so hotheaded this could’ve been easier.” You sneer back inching closer to him.
“Whatever. Damn woman. Whats your plan.” He huffed again. A smile was drawn on your face. You told Bakugou your plan.”
“Sounds pretty stupid to me.” Bakugou told you. You let out a huff.
“Well. I dont assume you could do any better?” You say back.
“Of course I can. Your plan was complete shit.” Bakugou says. This time inches away from your face.
“You’re talking mad shit for someone whos kissing distance.” You licked your lips.
Bakugou steps back an inch. Not realizing how close the two of you were standing. He felt his checks heat up. He abruptly turns his head away to hide his red cheeks. You both hear the loud noise of the alarm indicating the 10 minutes were up.
“Tsk. We’ll use your shitty plan.” He huffs again while walking away from you.
You cant help but smirk.
You just got Katsuki Bakugou flustered.
A/N: Hey. Its me again. Sorry for any spelling or grammatical errors I was in a rush to post this!!
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chick-from-nz · 4 years
Paper, Scissors, Rank (Ch: 5)
CHARACTER/PAIRING: Modern!Carrillo x Army!OC (eventually) 
WARNINGS: maybe some swearing, military slang, more military talk,  spelling and grammatical errors. Flippy floppy points of view and tenses. Could be very OOC/AU for some. Carrillo may not be narcos accurate as this is an AU. Some OC x OC 
AUTHORS NOTE: bit of backstory in this chapter, warning if you don't like blood, theres some but its not overly descriptive. Other than that, bit of Carrillo, bit of OC. bit of everything really. shorter chapter
TAG LIST(OPEN): @girlpornparadise @1zashreena1 @xxidontwikeitxx @nicke0115 @allalngthewtchtower @lettherebrelight
Greyson stayed slumped against the wall longer than necessary, hopelessly trying to bring her heart rate back to normal after the frankly, overwhelmingly hot, interaction with the Colonel. Yes she was ecstatic that she had been chosen for his team, but she wasn’t really able to process that information after the mess he had left her in. She was panting like a dog in heat, unbearably turned on, and sticky in places she hadn’t been in a very long time. Whatever he had just done to her, she wanted more of it. Lots more of it. He had opened a gateway into all things filthy and it frustrated her to no end.
Pushing herself into the upright position was no easy feat, but she knew she needed to work out her frustration even more after that interaction with the Colonel.  No, she thought, maybe from now on I should call him Carrillo, since he is now my boss and all. The thrill of that settled low in her stomach and had her heart jumping at the thought. Grunting she pushed herself towards the gym with haste, before she could follow the mounting temptation to follow the Colo--- Carrillo, down the hallway to finish what he started. 
Glancing around the gym she made note of the equipment. A few boxing bags, a couple of dumb bells, a bench press and other various things she could not name. Not the best of gyms but it would do. Stripping out of her long sleeve camo shirt she was left in her army issue green t-shirt, a shirt that was usually reserved for occasions such as this. She made the hasty decision to shuck off her boots and socks leaving her barefoot, before rolling her pants legs up a few inches to rest a rough inch below her knee. A much more practical workout attire. 
Forgoing the weights as they weren’t her style, Greyson focused on the bags hanging in the middle of the room. Now this is where she would have fun. Coming from a generational military family had meant that her father had wanted her ‘fighting fit’ as soon as she was able to walk. By the time she was five years old she had been enrolled in martial arts and kids cadets. By age twelve she had won three championships in the sport and taken home the drill trophy at the cadet school. She couldn’t have made her father prouder, until the moment she won nationals for kickboxing, taking home the trophy and quite substantial prize money. That was the moment she knew she wanted to fight for a living, not as a pro kickboxer but as a soldier like her father was, she was only fifteen at the time. 
At age seventeen she enlisted in the army, only to be denied on medical grounds and put on a two year stand down. From then on out, her father didn’t pay her any notice, always stealing himself away from the ‘disappointment’ of the family and being deployed for months at a time on purpose. Being the only child, and being denied access into the only service her family thought fit to serve in, made her feel like a useless waste of space. 
Even while feeling like the worlds biggest disappointment she still pushed herself to her limits, training seven days a week for up to four hours a day, trying oh so desperately to make her father proud of her. At nineteen she didn’t want to become a regular soldier, she wanted to become an officer, but that would require her to wait another two years to be the minimum age to enlist. So she waited, kept training hard. She took shooting lessons at the local range, would do weighted pack runs three times a week and spend hours out in the bush at night teaching herself survival techniques. All the things she could hope would help her when she finally made the cut. 
When she enlisted again at twenty-one, they denied her on the grounds that ‘she didn’t have enough life experience’, so this time, instead of letting it get to her, she doubled down on the training. And finally, when she reapplied again at twenty two years of age, she was accepted and began her first day of training a mere week after her twenty third birthday. Yet, she was still one of the youngest of the cadets she enlisted with, the eldest, Cadet Monroe, being thirty two years of age. It baffled her why someone would join as a cadet at that age when she knew the LT. Colonel, and possibly the Colonel himself, was younger than the cadet. 
Pushing those thought from her mind Greyson began her workout, spending a small amount of time to warm up, before jumping straight into combination drills on the bag that she had learnt many years ago. She was able to switch off at this point, the years of doing the same routines over and over had drilled this into her muscle memory. She was all fluid motion and hard calculated strikes at her age. Briefly her thoughts return to the situation that had occurred mere minutes ago in the hallway. The way the Colonel’s body had been so tightly pushed against her had her breathing increasing, far from being exhausted  she threw more weight into her strikes. 
Damn that handsome bastard of an officer for working me up like this. This is the kind of shit that shouldn’t be getting to me anymore! , and with one last frustrated huff Greyson threw her hardest punch yet, yelping from the force of landing on the bag. She pulled her hand towards her chest to examine it. From the look of it, there was no damage done other than a few bruises covering her knuckles, not an unusual feeling for the cadet. She just wish she had been quick enough to land a hit of that smug face that was now haunting her thoughts more so than ever. 
Carrillo had finally made it to his intended destination, Lt. Colonel Sinclair's’ office. There was small doubt in his mind that the man residing within the office had been playing upon His cadets’ emotions during the course of her training. He wasn’t a stupid man by any means, he had put two and two together after witnessing the moment that occurred between himself and Greyson at the training yards. The smug smirk the Lt. had sported while walking past him that   day had planted a seed of disrespect towards the man. 
Carrillo didn't bother to knock on the man's door before barging in, he was in fact the senior officer in this situation so the LT. could suck it up. 
Sinclair stood up in a hell of a rush, not really sure as to who would be bursting into his office at this time of day, he had half expected to see Cadet Greyson standing there waiting to apologize and finally accept his attention, instead he was greeted with the stone faced Colonel from Columbia.  “Ah Sir, good to see you again, I gather that your time on the base has been productive, congrats on forming your team. Now, what can I help you with, Sir ?”
“It has been brought to my attention that you were not forthcoming about the information regarding the cadet that I have selected, rather you lied to the cadets while claiming you had not yet been informed yourself, is this true Lieutenant?”  
“I... uh... what Sir. I don’t know where you got that bullshit from but that is not the case, I held Greyson behind to give her the good news but she stormed off before I could tell her” The lieutenant cleared his throat to cover his mounting embarrassment at the situation before him. He definitely wasn’t above lying to cover his tracks and throw the Colonel in front of him off the scent of his essentially illegal advances at the cadet mentioned. He was greeted with a raised eyebrow and a knowing look on the Columbians face.
“I think it's safe to say you can cut the shit, Sinclair. I know all about your advances toward Cadet Greyson. I fail to see why you would lie about it considering the rumors' brewing in the Cadets barracks tonight. That and might I mention the encounter I witnessed between you and Greyson just a few days ago. There was nothing professional about that!” 
“Look, Sir” The Lt. Colonel spat, making his way around his desk to make himself look bigger, “Frankly it's none of your damn business which cadets I chose to associate with or not. Greyson can make up her own mind about what and WHO, she wants. And let's face it, they graduate in a little over a week now. The cadets are fair game to the rest of the corps now” The borderline insubordination coupled with the hungry grin cemented exactly what the Lt. Colonel was trying to obtain. The realization had Colonel Carrillo’s stomach turning at the thought. If he was this open and honest about his intentions then HIS cadet was in a very rocky situation. 
Clearing his throat and taking a rather large step toward the lower ranked officer before him, the Colonel fought off the need to punch the smug man in the face. But there was no point in doing that, lest he chase off the Cadet from his team, he still was unsure of her exact feelings for the man currently before him. He tilted his head back to stare down his nose at the perverse man before him.  Crowding just ever so close to the man to make him uncomfortable.
“I suggest you stay the fuck away from that recruit, Lieutenant. She is part of MY  team which now makes her, MY  responsibility and henceforth, MY cadet. Keep your filthy hands off her or I'll have you charged for unwanted advances, then it will be goodbye senior rank and back to junior officer you go. Understood?” The Colonel declared, fully expecting the man before him to back down, except defeat and allow him to carry on with his evening. The exact opposite occurred.
“I think there is something you just don’t quite get, Sir” the Lt. Colonel scoffed, “That girl out there, that stupid young cadet, will believe anything that is fed to her. How do you think I got her wrapped around my finger in the first place” He laughed off the end of his sentence, pushing at the Colonels’ shoulders in order to get past him to sit back down behind his desk.  “As far as I'm concerned, you don’t have a single claim on that cadet until she accepts your proposal to join your team..” he trailed off before delivering the most sarcastic “SIR!” he could muster. Shoulder shaking as he chuckled away to himself. 
Greyson had pushed herself to the point of over exertion. Working out at a hundred percent capacity would do that to a person, even if she was used to endurance training. Combining the work out with her mental and previous physical exertion had been enough for her to drop to the mats after a solid hour of hammering the training bag. Her knuckles of her left hand were thoroughly bruised but the knuckles of her right hand were a bit more worse for wear. A deep gash had formed over the knuckle of her index finger, the bloody pouring steadily from the gash, the rest of her knuckles on that hand were marked with much smaller gashes, a minimal amount of blood coming from the cuts. It looked like she’d killed someone. 
Cradling her hand to her chest she made her way to the bathroom adjacent to the gym. She turned the tap on, waiting for the water to run clear before thrusting her hands under it to clean off the blood, barely flinching at the sting that came from cleaning out the gash. The sink turned a faded crimson from the amount of blood being washed from her hands. She felt numb, unbearingly so, it seemed the week had finally caught up with her, she felt as though she could curl up in a ball right now  and wake up a week later. So lost in her own thoughts and mesmerized by the blood flowing from her hands and into the sink, she failed to notice the presence behind her until it was too late.  One minute the cadet is watching her blood flow down the sink, the next her vision is fading to black. 
Carrillo was fuming, muscles taught, hands curled tight  and ready to release upon the man before him. His jaw was clenched so tight he could hear his teeth grinding together. He took a step towards the man with the full intent of knocking his flat onto the floor, black out cold. And he would have too, if it wasn’t for the frantic knocking followed closely by Cadet Calliope all but throwing himself into the room. 
“Sir, come quick, it's Greyson” Calliope exclaimed. There was a frantic tone in his voice that snapped both men out of their grudge match. 
Carrillo spun to give the young man his full attention, before nodding at the recruit, “Lead the way Cadet” . They followed the cadet through the twists and turns of the hallways leading towards the medics bay. Upon seeing both officers the nurses rushed them through to her room. And there, laying almost deathly still, was Cadet Greyson. Gash above her eyebrow being stitched together as Carrillo watched on from the door. She looked nothing like the strong cadet he had seen perform all week. She looked fragile, too fragile. Not wanting to watch any further he pushed past Sinclair who was standing directly behind him, mouth agape, hands shaking and look like he might collapse himself.
Carrillo grabbed Calliope by the arm, pulling him down the hallway and into a spare room. He rounded on the cadet, finger pointed and eyes ablaze, as he hissed,  “Explain to me exactly what you know Cadet, and don’t you dare leave anything out” 
Cadet Calliope gulped, mouth suddenly dry. Well here goes nothing,  he thought
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ask-violet-web · 4 years
There will be cake
Ooc: this is a day early, but i won't get to post it for Vera's actual birthday tomorrow, so you get it now! I did not reread it so theres probably errors, but yeah, happy birthday Vee.
Rushed shuffles and excited whispers floated through the peaceful room, you'd have to be dead in order not to hear the noise, and luckily for the culprits, Vera was very near to it.
"Shh, shut up. She is going to wake up and beat our asses for making this much noise this early." Peter was trying to be as quiet as he could, to say he was terrified of early morning Vera was an understatement. "She can sure fucking try." Nadia whispered back "besides, she deserves this." She had a cruel grin spreading on her face and a Christmas Cracker in her hand, whatever they had planned was sure to get them in shit.
MJ could hardly contain her laughter, a strange bug box in hand, "could you two stick to the plan? She's gonna wake up before we even get to her bed." She spoke in hushed tones, despite giggling throughout the whole thing. It was, in fact, very unlikely that Vera would wake up, her patrol last night proved very eventful and the second she got home she headed straight to bed. In any case she was a heavy enough sleeper. Still sneaking, the three reached Vera's bed, ready to disturb the sleep she had managed to get, MJ started to lean over the bed close to Vera's face, "Michelle wait!" Nadia still whisper shouting, MJ turned to look back at her, "what?" She had started raising up the box, "don't get confetti in the carpet." Nadia responded. "Okay." And with that MJ returned to leaning over the bed.
Being the one at the back, Peter started counting down while simultaneously getting ready to run if he had to, "3...2...1!" And all together, at a volume way too loud for early morning they shouted out, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!" 
Vera shot upright- or at least tried to had her head not collided with an unfortunately forceful impact into MJ's head, "what the fu- Ow!" She collapsed back down on her pillow clutching her head as the pain spread through her skull, and in turn MJ toppled backwards sending the box and hundreds of tiny paper cutouts falling to the floor.
Needless to say, the whole event was a disaster. Nadia, eyes wide and mangled Christmas Cracker in hand, turned to watch the the pieces of paper flit to the ground, "the carpet Michelle! I warned you about the carpet!"
"Honestly confetti was probably a bad idea in the first place," Peter  chirped in, witnessing the chaos unfold and turned to a still writhing Vera, "and just so you know. I had no part in this plan whatsoever, I swear to you."
"Hmmhmm" Vera managed to rasp out, barely recovered but still trying to sit up, "whats the fucking time anyway?" With a hand still on her head she peered at the clock beside her, [5:06 a.m] she turned to the three that had bombarded her, "oh, now you're really gonna suffer. Peter started backing away slowly, "haha, funny joke right-"
"Oh calm down, you'll be fine. Come on there's cake." Nadia was saying as she turned around and started walking out the door. Vera turned to see MJ still on the floor, crawling around trying to pick up a bunch of tiny paper cutouts. She got down on the floor with her and put a hand on her shoulder "hey, s'fine I'll clean it up later. For what its worth, it would have been one hell of a surprise if it had worked." She got up producing a tired laugh and held a hand out for MJ, who in turn grabbed Vera's hand and got up as well, "you're heads really hard." She mumbled, Vera chuckled some more "so is yours."
There was a cake, as Nadia promised, it was very clearly a homemade chocolate cake with garish green icing spelled out to say "happy birthday" on it. Sitting by the counter were Vera's aunts, she took a seat next to them, "why, the hell are you all here so early?" She started wiping the sleep from her eyes. "Well dear, we wanted you to get the most out of your day is all," her aunt Dena got up and started bringing out plates for the cake as well as a cup of coffee in front of Vera, "yeah but you could've at least given me another hour or so." Vera said blearily, "Ah yes but where's the fun in that?" Dena replied.
They ate the cake which was honestly very good despite the look of it, but the morning went on to a more reasonable time for Peter to propose board games, which Vera gladly obliged. The morning leaked into afternoon and slowly creeped to dusk. They ordered Chinese takeout, which had just become a staple diet at this point, but it was good nonetheless. Laughing and reminiscing, they ate and enjoyed the night.
The food had been cleared out and Mj got up grabbing Vera's arm, "hey, I've got something for you." She seemed giddy and started pulling Vera towards her room, "oh-okay." Vera was just going along with it, stomach still packed with the noodles she ate as she stumbled to her room. Once they were both in Mj closed the door and somehow had a gift bag in her hand, "I hid it behind your door this morning, figured you wouldn't look there. Here, open it." She shoved the bag in Vera's hands, careful to wait until she knew if was being held properly, she started rocking on her heels the energy rising through her by the second. Vera stood, mouth agape with heartfelt confusion at the bag Mj had given her, "you really didn't have to get me anything…" she reached into the bag and pulled out a small snowglobe, in it were two figures sitting on a bench, all wrapped up in winter clothes, "I got it specially made.It's the first time we met, I remember how upset you were that day cause you're broke a snowglobe your dad gave you and," Mj's voice got softer as she watched Vera just stare at her gift in silence, "Vee? Are you alright? It's okay if you don't like it-" but before she could finish Vera threw her arms around her neck and pulled her into a kiss. After a moment she pulled back, face hot with embarrassment, "sorry, sorry, I wasn't thinking, fuck sorry. N-no I love it really, it's, it's perfect." She was staring intently at the snowglobe, worried to look up. Mj put her hands on Vera's face and pressed her forehead to hers, "it's okay," she said quietly, and pressed a kiss to Vera's nose before pulling her in for a hug, "I'm glad you like it." She said it with a smile, and all her energy seemed to pour into Vera, keeping them in both comfortable silence.
After a minute they headed back to the kitchen hand in hand. The night continued on perfectly, and even with the brash awakening, Vera wouldn't have changed it for the world.
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maxmagic · 5 years
~Giovanni and (Y/N)~
Giovanni x reader (platonic)
Warning: swearing
Genre : idk honestly
If there are spelling errors let me know
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It was a clear night sky. Jazz City was quiet , most people by know asleep or spending times with loved ones.
But no , not Giovanni . He was putting the last few finishing touches of his Banzai Blaster uniform . His last mission didnt go as planned and his suit suffered 'cuz of it . It wasn't that bad tho , only a few holes . But Giovanni knew how to knit , but not how to sew. He didnt want to bother Molly so late at night , so he decided to take it upon himself to fix the holes. After some effort and a bit of blood (clumsy boy pricked his finger) he was done .
Just then , he heard his window open . He turned around and it was (Y/N) , his faithful partner in crime and sometimes rival, who was also a Banzai Captain. They slipped in and let out a sigh "Yoo Gio, are you done or what? The night doesnt last forever you know !" "Geez , who put you in a bad mood ? You cant rush art (Y/N) . Sewing is a delicate act that needs a lot of concentration " Giovanni remarked . (Y/N) frowned and put their hands on their hip ."Just... hurry up and get ready, please. I'll be waiting for you on the rooftop with the crew." And with that the felt .
'Ugh , moody...'
Giovanni finally put his suit on and made his way to the roof. The wind blew gently , making his cape flow with the wind , adding extra flare to his long awaited entrance. "Minions and (Y/N) , tonight is a big night !! Tonight we do something so bad and evil , every one in this city will bow before us !!" Giovanni said with so much pride and energy. He stirked a dramatic pose , pointing to the city . "Tonight ... we rob the mall". The Banzai Blasters cheered at their captain , but (Y/N) wasn't having it. "Again Gio?? Didnt you guys get completely busted last time and my team had to get you guys out before the police arrested you all ??" She said , frustrated as memories from a month ago flashed by. To keep it short , it was a disaster. Giovanni stumbles a bit at their sudden remark . They never embarrass him in from on his boys. He quickly picked himself up and said " B-But this time , it's going to be different . Crusher found a way to bypass the security of the main doors , so they'll never see us coming . " "What about the mall cops ?" (Y/N) asked , wanting this to be over and done with. "Pffft , mall cops are nothing ", Giovani disregarded, " it's usually some old grandad with bones made out of toothpicks" . He puts an arm around (Y/N) and grins "Besides ... We are that Banzai Blasters !! Nothing can stop us , especially not the cops". To that , (Y/N) only rolled their eyes . They removed Giovannis hand from their shoulder and starts heading to the mall , carelessly jumping from building to buildings.
Giovanni let out a huff , but then his face softened. Was something the matter ? Were they upset ? He pondered about it for a bit , before brushing it off. I mean , if they were sad they'd tell him... right ?
Some time passes while they got to the mall. Through the whole trip , Giovanni was looking at (Y/N) . Looking up close , they seemed kinda mad . Giovanni felt his stomach turn a bit. He knew something was up , but ... He cant just bring it up out of nowhere! Then they'll be even more mad . Giovanni just signs and opens the door of the mall . While he was sulking , Crusher managed to unlock it and clear the censors . They all made their way in , the big hollow mall quiet and peacefull . Not for long lol. As soon as they entered , the Banzai Blasters rushed through every store and shop . Wrecking things and taking goods. (Y/N) was just sitting a bench , mumbling to themselves . They eminanted a dangerous aura , so thick and deadly someone could easily suffocate in it.
Suddenly they heard a crash and sirens went of . "Jesus Fuck , who sounded the alarms?!?!. They looked around and saw one of Banzai blasters managed to break a window and it sounded the alarms. "Crusher , you bumbass, I though you said you hacked the alarms ?!!"(Y/N) yelled , furious. "I-I only was able to shut of the security on the d-doors. They must h-have added ne-ew ones on the windows " Crusher stuttered out , kiss knees shaking . Giovanni rushed to the group an said "We have to get out of here !! The cops will be here any minute " . As he said that , the doors and windows rattled and a metal curtain dropped . Now they were really fucked . (Y/N) cursed under their breath . "Theres probably a hatch or something to get us out. Crusher , if we get arrest I'm fucking killing you ." They grab two of the Banzai blasters by the collar and drag them to a vent. "Quickly you shits, open the vent before I pummel you to the ground and leave you for the cops" (Y/N) yelled in a manner almost sounded like a lions road.
Thats it. That's the final straw. No one messes with Giovanni's Boys , even if it's a close friend. Giovanni taps (Y/N) on the shoulder and they turn around."Dont talk to my boys that way!! Only I get to do that " he said ,"You've been a real piece of work the whole night , but this is just being a dick . You okay? Did something happen?". Giovannis voice dulled to a more concerned tone ."I've told you before , I'm FINE." they say through gritted teeth. Just then a loud clang is heard. The two Banzai Blasters managed to open the vent . (Y/N) smiled and clapped their hands sarcastically "Great job, now MOVE.". They push away the two Banzai Blasters and make their way towards the vent . The crawl in and suddenly they're dropped at least 15 feet down . "Aw SHIT!" they cry out. That's going to leave a lot of bruises. They managed to fall on some wash cloths tho , so no broken bones. "ARE YOU OKAY" Giovanni yells down the vent. He could hear a quiet groan in return. "Aw hell... listen here boys . That vent must have lead to some painful stuff , so we dont go that way . You find another path and I'll scoop (Y/N) out of there." "But boss, what if you dont get out ? The police wil- "Dont be silly , Crusher . I am the great Giovanni Potage~! Nothing can stop ME" Giovanni strikes a confident pose , before crawling in the vent .
He also dropped the 15 feet and fell on his but. He cringed , but looked around for his friend. He could only see a small bluff in the corner of the small room . Then his heart broke as he heard sobbing . He rushed over to the blur, which of course was (Y/N) , big tears streaming down their face. "Hey hey , are you hurt ? Did the fall break a bone ?" . Giovanni scanned their body for cuts or breaks , but didnt find anything that looked broken. (Y/N) clutched Giovannis suit and sobbed , their face buried in his chest. They said a few words , but they were muffled by sobs and fabric. Giovanni only patted their head and gave them a big hug. For now he wasnt worried about cops or anything . He just wanted to help his friend.
After a while (Y/N) removed their face from Giovanni's chest , which was now stained with tears. Their sobs were now only sniffles and small hiccups. "Do you want to talk about it ? Giovanni said softly . He sat next to them and let his friend rant about their horrible day ..
"How your day must have really sucked, huh?" "Yeah... thanks for letting me went to you. I though I could tough it out for the day but.... guess not " (Y/N) said as they rubbed the back of their neck in shame. Giovanni gave them a side hug , and looked them straight in the eyes. "We've been friends for so long . It's like I've known you my whole life. You know you can always talk to me if you have problems . Besides, you shouldn't keep all your emotions bottled up . That's for chums". Giovanni smiled at the last line ."That's for chums" was a little inside joke they made from their first mission together.
(Y/N) smiled ."Thanks Gio ... really. I'm sorry I acted like such a douche . You're a really good friend ." Giovanni bashfully shrugged "I mean of course I am . I'm the great Giovanni ~ I
Just then they heard loud sirens .That's right. In all their bonding time ,they forgot they were running away from the police.
How will they get out of this situation??
Yep , got lazy with the ending . Sorry , but hoped you enjoyed
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wheresmaldo865 · 6 years
ShinsoXReader Valentine Day Special Featuring Song Dead Girl walking from the Heathers
 Happy Valentines day! I got this idea in my head and decided to type this up. I originally wanted to do it for Bokugo but wanted to extend my characters palette... since my inbox is always empty :(
But any way, full steam ahead! I didn’t really get the chance to do detailed editing so please forgive me if theres any errors. Also the song is a little out of order so that some things make more sense.
Also, someone please tell me how to properly spell this kids name. I seen it boths ways with and without a u 😭
There a little doodle of Shinsou at the end 😉
Warning: Vanilla smut (Nothing detailed)
Word Count: 1752
‘The Demon queen of high school has decreed it, she says Monday, 8am I will be deleted. They’ll hunt me down in study hall. Stuff and mount me on the wall. Thirty hours to live, how shall I spend them?’
            Standing there in a ghostly empty party room was the worst nightmare anyone could have imagined. A ruptured friendship. Three ugly sisters with more power then they deserved. Yet, she forgot.
           She had put herself into this whole mess. She had wanted to be part of the ugly sister comment. The bitter sweet sensation had brought her satisfaction and acceptance between her other peers.
Now it was… only bitter.
Because (Y/n) had even had the audacity to stand against them. They made it a public statement to make her live a living hell. As if the room hadn’t already been hot before.
Her palms were sweaty from the wild night she had. Her school uniform stuck to her cold skin a bit to tightly. (Y/n) collar seemed to squeeze tighter, and tighter as the night went on.
I don’t have to stay and die like cattle. I could change my name and ride up to Seattle. But I don’t own a motorbike.
           (Y/n) contemplated the endless options she could muster. Running away to the next town… or a town across the seas. Her parents didn’t need to know. No one needed to know anything. However, the more she thought upon one idea. The more ridiculous it ended up sounding. Even in her own head.
           So, she continued on her way home. The summer night was overwhelmingly stuffy. Large beads of sweat formed on her forehead and rolled down her red cheeks. Right about now she wished for nothing more than a cold shower to run down her spine.  
                       Y/n) spotted a window spilling light onto the side walk. Her eyes followed the beam of light to a room seated on a two-story building. She could a shadow of a figure walk by. Long spoffy hair poking out from all angles of his head. (Y/n) chuckled to herself.
           She knew who the lavender purple hair belonged to.
There was suddenly an interrupting thought that came into her mind. Something devious, something… naughty. The liquor in her blood burned and set her body a flame. Desire hit her with a bus, especially in the lower area. The more she played with the idea. The wetter she became.
           Wait, here an option that I like. Spend these thirty hours getting freaky!
           I need it hard. I’m a dead girl walking!
 (Y/n) marched her pretty little face right up to the door of Shinsou’s house. The blood in her veins mixed with the alcohol pumped excitedly. She was feeling too good to turn back. There was no hesitation in her hands as she lifted it to ring the doorbell twice.
           She waited patiently for the door to open.
I’m in your yeard. I’m a dead girling walking. Before they punch my clock. I’m snapping off your window lock. Got no time to knock. I’m a dead girl walking…
           The door finally opened. She was greated by the man himself, Hitoshi Shinsou. Someone she saw frequently in her life and had… affections toward. One could say the feelings were returned. There was only one way to find out now.
           “(Y/n)? What’re you doing in my house?”
She smiled innocently. She took her pointer finger and pressed it gently onto Shinsou lips. She found it amusing the way his eyes went wide. A blush slowly creeping its way onto his face.
Once Shinsou had finally regained his courage, he took her by the hand and led her inside. To him it was evident she wasn’t all put together, as she usually was. Before she could say anything more, he sat her up in his room. Giving her some water and medicine to replace the hangover pain she may have in the morning.
           “Better?” He asked with a soft smile.
She nodded. Though the courage in her heart did not disappeared with the buzz. (Y/n) scooted her body closer to his. Their shoulders, legs, and arms bumping in several places. The blushed rushed back to his, but he didn’t move away from her.  Her perfume flooded his senses. Rooting him in his place.
           Sorry, but I really had to wake you. See, I decided I must ride you ‘til I break you.
The blush on Shinsou’s cheeks traveled evenly to the rest of his face. He was completely blown away by the words that had just come out of his dear friends’ mouth.
           Of course, he adored his friend. He would risk life and limb for the women before him. On the other hand, this hadn’t been the way he had planned to confess to such a lovely girl.
           She was rubbing up against him in a way he almost couldn’t say no. Shinsou gently grabbed her by the shoulders and forced himself to pause for a moment. He had to be sincere now. For her sake.
           “Wait, wait! What has gotten into you?”
‘Cause Heather says I gots to go. You’re my last meal on death row. Shut your mouth and lose them tighty whiteys”
           (Y/n) turned the table on him. She wiggled her way around him. Pinning him underneath her on his bed. There was her scent again, intoxicating his mind. The way she moved to sit upon his waist did the unimaginable to him. He was beginning to feel tight in the jeans he wore.
           He shot up again. As much as Shinsou wanted this. The desire for her consent grew bigger than anything poking in his pants. He would hate himself for several eternities if she regretted this in the end.
           “Wait.” The word fell firmly to (Y/n) ears. Her giggles became put aside. She starred wide eyes and locked eyes with Shinsou Listening attentively to what he had to say to her.
           Shinsou’s eyes closed for a moment. He simply let himself be present in her presence. Allowing him to short his desires and feelings.
           “I…” He started but couldn’t finished until another second passed. “I have cherished you… for what seems like forever now. Watching you become such a powerful hero and wonderful friend. I would do anything to protect you from any harm. Even if that means it’s from myself. So, I have to know. You have to be certain.”
           Shinsou toned shifted from his love filled admiration to an urgent one. What he said next was a serious matter to him.
           “You have to be certain this is what you want. With me. A life and a future with someone like me. Otherwise, I’ll make sure you get home safe.”
           Shinsou’s room became painfully silent for a few moments. (Y/n) eyes traveled to his chest. Perhaps trying to dissect his rapidly beat heart for sincerity. When she came back to meet his gaze… Shinsou had a feeling she had her answer.
           A soft smile graced her lips. Her face was so close to his he could taste the drink she had on his tongue.
           And you know, you know, you know. Its cause you’re beautiful. You say you’re numb inside, but I can’t agree. So the worlds unfair. Keep it locked out there. In Here it’s beautiful. Let’s make this beautiful!”
            Her lips were on his in an instant. Her hands slide across his chest and up to his neck. Losing themselves in his wild hair. It took him a moment to register what was finally happening. Once he knew, boy. Did he respond. His arms found their way around (Y/n) waist and brought her closer to him. It didn’t take long before the grinding became heated. Kisses became hastily sloppy. Hands were slipping into places never touched by anyone else.
           One by one, clothes were beginning to come off.
 Tonight, I’m yours. I’m your dead girl walking! Get on all fours! Kiss this dead girl walking. Let’s, go you know the drill. I’m hot and pissed and on the pill. Bow down to the will- Of a dead girl walking!
            Shinsou had (Y/n) pinned down to his bed. His pillowed framing her face perfect, though her hair was already becoming a mess. The face she was giving him still droves his desire. He wanted you immediately. It was only a matter of time before Shinsou had his thumb hooked on the pants and panties (Y/n) had chosen to wear. Sliding them off her smooth (S/c) legs. The new cool air rubbing against her sex produced a whimper from her throat. Shinsou chuckled lighty at the reaction.
           He then removed his own shirt. Moving to then remove hers. He plucked the buttons one by one. The bra she wore was gone in a second. Revealing her total naked body to him. A sculpture he could marvel in for hours if he was given the time.
           Full steam ahead. Take this dead girl walking! Lets break the bed. Rock this dead girl walking. No sleep tonight for you. Better chug that Mountain Dew! Get your ass in gear. Make this whole town disappear.
                      (Y/n) rose up from her place. Starling Shinsou slightly. He let out a small yelp when he found himself on his back again. His face turned red again when (Y/n) undid the buckle of his pants and ran them down impatiently. As if he would run away when the clock struck 12.
           Her mouth found his member way too quickly for Shinsou to take. A loud groan caught him off guard as her wet lips wrapped around him. Her tongue swirling in all the right spots. Another growl ripped through his teeth when the full length of him hit the back of her throat. Combined with rhythmic pumping of her mouth and hand was almost too much for him. Shinsou had to protest for a stop before he would be completely spent.
           Sitting up and looking into (Y/n). He couldn’t be filled with anymore lust before her burst. It only took another minute for (Y/n) to lay on her back. Shinsou nestling himself between her legs. Teasing her wet entrance.
           A single push at the hip was all it took for him to be completely inside her.
  The rest of the night Shinsou and (Y/n) spent their new-found time tangled in each other. Pleasure and it each touch filled with loving passion. They shared every moment they could. Hot breathes, moans and kisses coming from their lips.
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brendonurinal · 8 years
Greek Life
Hi guys I’m just starting a Travel blog RIGHT NOW bc I’m studying abroad in Berlin this semester and this past weekend has an INTERESTING weekend in Greece to say the very least and wanted to document this for posterity. Its long but I promise u theres a lot, from concerts to city-wide evacuations.
An important part of context here is that the Patriots just won the Superbowl and some friends from school back in New York were throwing a party and decided to /sarcastically/ name it a Pats Victory celebration and of course, invite all of us abroad kids. Of course I RSVP’d to this party halfway across the world, I’m no stick in the mud. But alas, realistically my roommates and I knew we couldn’t fly back to the states just for one night, as such an endeavor would not even come close to being in our maximum joke budget of $200.
Obviously the next closest thing to celebrating a Patriots win in NYC is going to see the Dropkick Murphy’s live in concert, if not only to hear “Shipping Up To Boston” (which you may not be able to identify by title alone but will certainly be able to identify by the distinguished bagpipe and accordion undertones). And it was just our luck that they happened to be touring in Europe at present, and would be performing in Thessaloniki Greece the following night, and tickets to Thessaloniki were only 50 euro round trip, and we found an Airbnb for $16. It was God’s will for us to see this band, so we booked our tickets for a flight that left in 8 hours.
Maybe this is just a RyanAir thing, or maybe its a European thing, but the most notable aspect of the flight itself were the increasingly bizarre onboard sales. It started normal enough, with croissants and coffee. Then it moved to paninis, somewhat odd for 6 in the morning but hey, to each their own. Then they moved on to perfumes, boasting the lowest prices for designer names on all of european flights, which is a lot of qualifiers that raise suspicion that they may simply be the ONLY European airline that sells discounted designer perfumes. Finally, they started pushing lottery scratch cards on us, which felt shady but maybe Europe or the skies have different gambling laws, I’m no airplane lawyer. But they were REALLY pushing the scratch cards. They even offered a “one time deal” of giving two for the price of one (which was interestingly the exact same deal they offered on the return flight).
After we landed our first real hurdle was trying to get into the city as two American assholes who spoke literally no Greek whatsoever. If you’re thinking of that “It’s all greek to me” joke right now we not only beat you to the punchline but we beat that dead horse innumerable times over the rest of the weekend. Luckily there was a line of cabs outside the airport and I happened to have a screenshot of the location of the house on my phone. I handed it to the driver, he looks at it, shakes his head, takes it from me, looks at it closer, says something in Greek, gets out of the car with it, and walks to the next taxi in line. Soon the ordeal becomes every taxi driver’s business as about five Greek men stand behind this cab arguing over my phone. We just kind of watched them, doe-eyed from the back of the cab, not sure what to do. At the same time, a man behind them carrying a crate of oranges trips and spills the whole crate of oranges out into the street. This has no relevance on anything that happened, it was just some of the funniest imagery we’ve ever seen in real life. Eventually the cabbies sorted it out I guess because we were on our way.
The first thing we noticed about Thessaloniki is that there are stray cats just everywhere. They mind their own business when it comes to humans, but at night you fall asleep to the not-so-distant sound of cats screeching and hissing as they fight with one another in the streets below. The second thing we noticed was that the whole city is a designated smoking area. Maybe I’ve lived a privileged life in the states where indoor smoking has been outlawed for most of my life but I swear I ingested more smoke over those two days in Thessaloniki than I have in my entire life. The third and last thing we noticed was that at literally every restaurant, you got more food than you asked for. And I’m not talking about big portions, I’m talking about a full extra course (usually a dessert or appetizer, but still). The best was the waiter in a relatively empty cafe who spoke very little English and who set down two little pastry/pie/ things for us and explained “Ehh... my grandmother...” It was just disgustingly adorable stuff right there.
Less adorable were the very intimidating punk Greek kids at the concert that night. Theres something about understanding exactly none of what everyone else is saying that makes you feel incredibly vulnerable. Take that situation but add more leather jackets and mohawks and you’ve got yourself a Friday night concert in Greece. We did meet one guy there named Costas (I apologize for spelling errors but I think I’ve already demonstrated my astounding ignorance to Greek culture). He asked where we were from and we told him Boston and New York (Is it condescending that I assume Europeans might not know where Morris County, New Jersey is? Most New Jersey people don’t even know where it is). He responds with a “What the fuck... why are you guys here?” I chose to take Costas’s inquiry literally, and not even bother to venture down the rather existential and metaphorical question of why am I really here? Why are any of us here?
To be fair, I didn’t have a definitive answer to either the metaphorical or literal interpretations.
The concert itself was disappointingly good. When you go to see a band sarcastically you’re ready to stick it out to get a recording of the one song you came there to see, which in our case was “Shipping Up To Boston”. But Dropkick Murphys are surprisingly good live, and have a surprisingly large following in Thessaloniki Greece. We thought everyone there was just college kids that wanted to go to a random concert, but they all knew all the words. Even the people that didn’t speak English.I’m not even sure The Dropkick Murphys could draw a crowd that large in America, even in Boston. 
Some instruments used in their live performances include (but are not limited to): bagpipes, a banjo, an accordion, a flute (played by the same man as the banjo). At one point the audience rushed the stage and all of the girls were all over the banjo/flute guy.
But the most distinct memory I have of this concert is the lead singer yelling “The state of Massachusetts!” before one of the songs and the crowd going absolutely nuts. A whole crowd of 20-something year old Greek kids were losing their minds over the concept of the entire state of Massachusetts as a whole.
On our walk back to the Airbnb after the concert we met a stray dog under a streetlamp who began to walk at our side for several blocks. It felt like we just got a video game sidekick, or that he was giving us directions or something. He was very old and calm and we decided to name him Murphy. After about five blocks Murphy decided we must know where we’re going and just turned around and walked back off into the night. Even though I’ll probably never see him again, I’ll never forget you, Murphy.
We fell asleep to the sound of a cat fight.
We woke to the sound of someone yelling through a megaphone in Greek from probably a few blocks away. I have no idea what this man was yelling about but it sounded like some kind of propaganda or protest. We never actually saw this man though we heard him twice. He only every existed as an angry disembodied voice with some kind of goal.
We got brunch and looked at a bunch of really old buildings. I don’t know what they were because all of the plaques and descriptions were in Greek, but I’m sure they were very important buildings.
The rest of our trip was pretty normal. We had dinner and walked back to the house. We went to bed because we had to get up early to catch a bus to the airport (we got insider info that there was actually a 2 euro bus to the airport from the owner of the Airbnb). 
As I write this I have been back in Berlin for almost 12 hours now and I just saw a BBC article written 10 hours ago with the headline “Greek WW2 bomb deactivated after mass Thessaloniki evacuation”. At this point in bizarre experiences for the trip it seems to be just about par for the course, the cherry on top even. We missed a large scale city evacuation by the thinnest of margins and I honestly don’t know what we would have done if we had been in the city during it. I have class tomorrow. I know travel doesn’t count as an excused absence but what about WWII bomb evacuation absences?
I’m splitting hairs here. The point is, I hope my two wonderful Airbnb renters Otar and Maria, Murphy the stray dog, and our boy Costas are all ok and safe. And I hope that you, dear reader, will some day get to party with the Greeks or at least with the Dropkick Murphys. #KeepThessalonikiWeird.
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janiragrace · 7 years
So heres a sneak peek at one of the stories i'm trying to write called          Loved And Abused
So heres a sneak peek at one of the stories i'm trying to write called
Loved And Abused
My name is Gracie Arias i'm 15 and life has thrown so much at me in my short life that i have been living its not easy living with so much pain theres only so much one person can take and this year has been my breaking point I feel like I'm invisible and no one is listening.
I sometimes wish I could just disappear. The only time I had any peace is when I am asleep and at school. I open my eyes trying to forget the pain I learned to go numb to the pain and ignore it.
The marks on my back left bruises I could feel my bones aching how was I going to go to school how was I going to face another day of the reality that i live I manage to stand up making my way to the bathroom I turn on the shower instantly feeling the chills down my spine.
The pain was almost too much to bear I step into the tub Instantly crying from the pain and agony I felt how could A father who says he loves me and wants to protect me read through so much pain why would he want to leave marks that will forever tell the story of the pain he's caused how could that be love how could he say he loves me.
I sit down in the tub letting the water from the shower run down on me I was silent I had no energy left in me anymore but there was nothing I could do I have nowhere to go no one to talk to that would understand. I was raised this way I was taught this way before my mom died she told me to always listen and obey my father and to love him no matter what he said or did I felt like if I didn't do what I was told or if I made him angry in anyway I will be dishonoring her and it hurt.
I managed to get up out of the shower and Dry myself off I looked into the foggy mirror and all I could see was a person who is broken lifeless I turn over to stare at the bruises and scars I had on my back I look like a freaking punching bag at that moment I hear my father screaming my name.
I open the door quickly And said yes father I'm getting dress he quickly answers Hurry up I quickly get dressed and rushed out of the bathroom and went straight to my father he looked at him and quickly say yes father do you need something.
Yes turn all the way around let me see your outfit you know the rules i don't want you going to school looking like slut. He said rudely
All I was wearing was a baggy pair of jeans and black long sleeve shirt that covers everything even the bruises and scars. My father always had to approve what i wear i was not aloud to buy any clothes without his permission or not even if i got it as a gift i was not aloud to wear it unless he approves of it and if it didn't cover any of the bruises he would think i was trying to get him in trouble and beat me.
On top of it all that my Father is a layer so he knows people in his law firm and knows how to get hisself out of trouble which terrifies me my Father is a monster who helps other monsters get free all while keeping himself free and unnoticed .
Okay your outfit is is fine to wear to school but put a jacket in your bag just in case and hurry up so i can take you to school. he said grabbing his cup of coffee
I hurry and grab my black jacket that i basically couldn't live without this jacket i could always count on my jacket to cover all the scars and bruises and help me forget about my father for just a little while we both walked out the door and got in the car i loved being at school thats one thing my dad could not from away from me school was my safety net and my dad knew that and so if I got anything less then an A on my report card he would not be happy.
I had no time to barley make any friends but I did managed to have my Best friend Hazel Baker who was my safe heaven. I could always count on her to make my day better. She was the reason why school was my safe haven she's known me since before my mom passed away when I was 7 always made sure I was okay her mom would always made sure she asked my Father to come over for sleep overs and take me out till she's the only ones house I'm aloud to sleep over and thats only if Hazels mom called my father. He couldn't say no because he didn't want anyone to get suspicious. He pulls up to my school i wait for him to let me know when i can get out .
After school your aloud to hang out at Hazels you hear me he said with a stern voice .
Yes Father thank you so much i said with smile so he knew i was grateful .
i also talked to her mother you be staying the weekend because i'll be going out of town for the weekend understand you are to get your homework done though or you are going to have problems okay. he said with in a serious tone
Yes Father i said in a regular tone
i'll drop your stuff at Hazels before i leave which will be before you get out of school okay now go get to class see you Monday .
Okay see you then father. I said opening the car door but he stops me for a sec.
Gracie I Love You Sweetheart. he said seriously
My heart sank i wanted to burst out in tears at that moment but i couldn't i want so much to believe him when he says these words but i cant but the truth is i love him how could i not he's my father i'm a part of him and my mother and i will always hold on to that and no matter how much i hated him i still also loved him i turned to him and give him a hug and say
I Love You Too
( Editors Note )
yes i know theres spelling errors i'm working on them no worries
If you want to keep up to date with my stories please go to https://www.wattpad.com/user/JaniraGrace
It may take me a while but the stories will be updated THANK YOU
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