#if there’s a second game or a show I want peppermint to be protective sister to chai or I will riot
Peppermint: Chai you’re a dumbass. How are you alive moron
Someone: *insults chai*
Peppermint: *getting up close* No amount of cybernetics will fix what I’m about to do to you
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miss-smrxtiee · 4 years
-Hallmark & Hugs!-
Bryce x MC(Eliana Valentine)
~Gifter reveal~ Hi / @nmvord / !!! I really hope you enjoy your gift! (I included a moodboard down below) Happy Holidays! -Sol 💖
Summary: A Hallmark movie, a cup of coffee, and lots of snuggles sounds like a day in heaven for Edenbrook’s favorite doctors.
Warnings: none. Pure fluff!
Chgg mentions: @choicesholidaygiftgrab @monsoonblooms12 (FULL TAGLIST BELOW THE CUT)
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“The forecast shows a very high chance of rain later tonight, some snow following shortly after. On Tuesday there is a 60% chance of hail, so make sure you’re prepared and that your homes and cars are protected.” The weather report comes through the TV
Bryce and Eliana were laid out on the couch, watching whatever was on at the time. It was early December and Boston was a winter wonderland. As energetic as Bryce is, there are days were Eliana convinces him to take a break. With his sister staying at a friends house for winter break, they got to do whatever they wanted around the house.
Yesterday, Eliana made Christmas cookies which were soon eaten up by.. you guessed it, Bryce.
The day before that, they had a dance party around the apartment with their Alexa playing the Christmas radio.
Most of the roads were shut down and Eliana’s family couldn’t come to visit for the holidays, and vise versa. Bryce made it a goal to make this Christmas one to remember despite the circumstances. He wanted to make everyday special, especially now while it leads up to Christmas.
Now, they had a binge watching day ahead of them and Bryce had an idea.
“Oooo, lets watch a Hallmark movie!” Bryce reaches to grab the remote but Eliana snatches it out of his hand.
“Absolutely not.” She said with her she’s wide and voice stern.
“Whyyyyyy...” Bryce whined like a puppy before plopping back on the cushion.
“Because hallmark is too sappy and cliché... you’ll give me PTSD from family holidays.” Eliana shudders making Bryce laugh.
“C’mon! Just one, if you don’t like it, I’ll go out and buy you a peppermint mocha!” Bryce gave her his best puppy dog eyes.
Eliana glances at him from the side.
“I’m in.”
Bryce cheers and snatches the remote out of her hands, making her laugh. He scrolls through their options and finds a classic Christmas movies titled “A December Bride”. after reading the description, Eliana raises her eyebrows at Bryce while he smirks and clicks the start button.
This was about and a girl who has to fake being engaged to her ex fiancé? Talk about drama.
After awhile, Eliana seemed to be pretty invested in the movie, making Bryce smirk of course.
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The movies starts coming to an end after an hour or so and Eliana is curled up into Bryce’s side, trying to hold back emotions.
“Are you crying?” Bryce asks looking down at her. He tucks her into his side tighter and she nuzzles her head into his neck.
“....no.” She replies.
“Mhm... then what’s.... this!” Bryce points at the watery eyes and she sniffles.
Eliana was a very serious, independent individual. Even Hallmark movies can make the tough softies...
A couple minutes later the credits role on the screen and Eliana narrows her eyes at Bryce while he laughs.
“Not funny Bryce!” She smacks him with a pillow, only to realize what she started after Bryce returns the favor.
“You’ll never take me alive!” Eliana squeals and hops off the couch, grabbing soft defense weapons along the way.
Bryce chases Eliana around the room, desperately trying to grab onto her and win the war. But, alas, Eliana was like a really hard game of wack a mole and Bryce always missed.
After a minute, Eliana runs around the couch with her fuzzy socks gliding against the hard wood floor. When she turns, her feet slide out form under her and she falls on the pillows and blankets scattered out behind her. Bryce uses the opening to dive in the pile with her and tickle her under her arms, causing her to laugh and wiggle around.
“Nonononono! Please!!” she laughs even harder and tries to fight him off but fails.
“What are you suppose to say...??” Bryce smirks.
“You’ll never take me aliveeee!!!” She repeats.
He tickles her even more and after a few seconds she caves.
“Ok ok!! You win! You win!!” She squeals out.
“Why thank you.” Bryce plops down on the floor and catches his breath.
Eliana was still giggling, Bryce never failed to entertain her and make a game out of everything. She lays down beside him tries to slow her heartbeat and breathing.
“Wanna go to Starbucks together? We can walk since the snow has calmed down and it’s less than a block away.” Bryce suggests.
“That sound amazing right about now.” She smiles.
Eliana grabs one of Bryce’s hoodie from his closet, along with a pair of fuzzy boots and white sweatpants from her own. Bryce threw a beanie at her when she walked out of her room.
“Can’t have you catching a cold, Valentine!” He says, making her roll her eyes.
“Yeah yeah, let’s go you goof.” She grabs his hand after pulling her hat on, and together they walk out of the apartment.
Most likely to do something else stupid when they get back...
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Oph Tag Squad: / @aylaramseycarrera @angela8754 / @monsoonblooms12 / @choicesstan1-deactivated2020120 @kinkypot / @aestheticartsx / @starrystarrytrouble / @rookie-ramsey /
Perm tags: @oxjenayxo / @peaceinmidstofchaos / @gryffindordaughterofathena / @lifeaskim / @arcticrivers / @drariellevalentine /
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jq37 · 4 years
The Royal Report– A Crown of Candy Ep 1
There Is Strength in Sweetness 
Much like the years, the seasons of D20 start coming and they don’t stop coming. Fantasy High: Sophomore Year is barely in the record books and we’re already jumping into our new season--the Game of Thrones/Candyland mashup: A Crown of Candy!
If y’all have been with me since Sophomore Year then you know that I did very in depth recaps of every episode with a very specific format but I’m gonna try something new for this season.
The format might change a little between episodes as I figure out what works best so bear with me but the plan is to do more highlights and opinions than a blow by blow. But, like, we’ll see what happens.
So, anyway, saddle up your Meep and let’s visit Candia--one of the six kingdoms of the land of Calorum (aka: a fridge. We see you Brennan, it’s a fridge). Twenty years ago, the Ravening Wars wreaked havoc but they’re currently in a time of peace which (mostly) everybody is psyched about.
Meet the Family
This is not a new observation but, while most seasons of Fantasy High focus on found family, this season is all about family-family, specifically, the royal family of Candia and their associates. 
We’re first introduced to Murph’s character--Sir Theobald Gumbar (Level 3 Eldritch Knight)--who is the a huge, golden-armored, gummy bear, leader of the Tartguard, protector of the royal family, and the logical endpoint of Murph’s lawful good predilections. Sir Theo is, of course, on time with bells on for the big Saint’s Day/Coming of Age birthday party for the twin princesses of House Rocks. Unfortunately, he’s clearly never seen The Little Mermaid because when the heralds announce the princesses, they don’t show up. Frustrated, he goes to try and find them.
The first place he checks is with Zac’s character, Chancellor Lapin Cadbury (Level 3 Celestial Warlock). He is (in no particular order) the royal tutor, a chocolate bunny, an official of the main state sanctioned church of Calorum (the Bulbian Church), and a pompous ass. Oh, one more thing? He and Theobald can’t stand each other. There is nothing funnier than two very proper grown men who hate each other's guts. Sir Theo shows up to his classroom where the princesses are having a lesson--or at least they’re supposed to be. Further inspection shows that they’ve just left two straw dummies in their place. Classic.
So, we pan out to the city to meet my favorite characters so far (I absolutely play favorites but I also disclose when I’m doing it so I think I’m in the clear) the twin princesses/chaos gremlins--Jet and Ruby Rocks (both level 1 Rogues) played by Emily and Siobhan. Theo may not have seen The Little Mermaid but the twins have def seen Aladdin, because their number one pastime seems to be escaping the palace to roam the city--hilariously illustrated when they chuck a gem into a peasant's bag and his reaction is a super nonplussed, “Guess the princesses escaped again.” They’re got the Disney Princess-itis really bad because both of them feel stifled by palace life and want more--specifically, Jet wants to be a warrior and resents having been born in peacetime (especially since she’s slightly older and in line for the throne) and Ruby wants to run off and join the circus as an acrobat. They are total twin BFFs to the point that their Thieves Cant has been reskinned to Twinspeak which is a detail I love so much (and that will become unspeakably tragic if something happens to one of them Brennan). 
Jet gets a letter from her secret crush Thad, an Avocado from Fructera (these are the sentences I am being forced to write this season folks) and schemes with Ruby about how they can get to Comida (the capital city) to meet him--possibly by sweet talking Theobald which is easy because he’s so thirsty for respect. Sure enough, Theobald and Lapin soon find them, following their path of destruction and the princesses are brought back to the castle.
Back at the castle, we’re introduced to Lou’s character--King Amethar Rocks (Level 3 Storm Herald Barbarian)--who is having a somber moment, surrounded by the statues of his four older sisters who died in the Ravening Wars, leading his reluctant taking of the throne. He’s interrupted by Lord Calroy (his right hand guy and a full ass talking slice of cake because Brennan is trying to break me this season but I refuse to give him the satisfaction) who lets him know that his daughters have escaped and his delighted reaction immediately lets us know which side of the family they take after.
Finally (at least wrt PCs), we meet Ally’s character--Liam Wilhelmina of House Jawbreaker (Level 2 Ranger) who is a political prisoner/ward of House Rocks and a soft, outdoorsy, mountain kid who is perpetually followed around by his pet pig--Peppermint Preston whose death will absolutely force to me to Google “Best Denny’s Parking Lots for Fistfights.” He misses his dad but not his dick brothers because Ally isn’t allowed to have a fully happy family in any season. Liam is from the disgraced House Jawbreaker and his brothers seem to expect him to try and off the King while he’s in their orbit. While he’s in the woods, looking for seeds (as one does) he finds and accidentally breaks an important looking teacup, which we’ll get back to.
The other important character we meet this episode is an NPC--Queen Caramelinda, mother of the princesses, wife of Amethar, and keeper of 100% of the impulse control of House Rocks. She’s the main disciplinarian to Jet and Ruby, the clear decision-maker in the kingdom, and the only literate one out of her and her husband. She also seems to be the only character that respects Lapin’s authority. 
An Inciting Incident
So, with all our characters assembled, all that’s left is the plot hook which Caramelinda provides in the form of a personal letter from Emperor Gustavo--the head honcho of the entire realm and his old friend--to Amethar. He’s not doing well health-wise and he needs to name an heir that’s not related to him at a big tourney that he’s personally inviting Amethar to. Amethar is a little slow on the uptake but Caramelinda eventually connects to dots for him that it seems very likely that Gustavo is going to name him emperor.
Amethar is not vibing with that information at all but Caramelinda basically holds him by the ear until he reluctantly agrees to go--though he insists that Ruby and Jet also come along to keep him company. Caramelinda only agrees on the condition that Lapin goes with. She also invites Liam (who is caught off guard but game) and Sir Theo is basically going by default. Caramelinda is staying home to hold down the fort but the talking slice of cake is going because Brennan hates me and doesn’t want me to be happy. 
The traveling party is chosen, the twins have been gifted with sick, inherited weapons from their aunts: Flickorice--the Twizzing Blade (Jet) and Sourscratch--the Puckering Bow (Ruby). It’s almost time to be off, but there’s still one last thing to get to before we leave the twins’ party. 
Lapin, feeling the pull of something broken (told you we’d get back to it) subtly makes his way outside, but is followed by Jet and Liam. Now, if you remember, I said earlier that Lapin is an official of the Bulbian church. Which is why it’s so surprising for Jet and Liam to see him talking to the Sugarplum Fairy, a deity of the Sweetening Path--a non-sanctioned more animistic religion that really only has sway in Candia. He fixes the teacup and then she appears, telling him that he’ll need to be wary once he leaves her sphere of influence and that boldness will be required in the days to come. Lapin, who seems to be having this conversation very begrudgingly, asks if she’s asking him to do anything in an official capacity and she smiles and says that she’s not asking for her third wish(!). Then what does she want? She wants him to know that there is great risk in what he is doing, but not acting is the greater risk. The coming challenges will be great, but he must protect the royal family or all is lost. She wouldn't have used her second wish to bring him to them if that weren’t the case. They hustle back and spill this to Ruby, obvs.
Anyway, onward! The next day, the caravan is set up and--with a warning about a sugar free chocolate warlock (ominous, as sugar free chocolate always is) they’re on their way to meet their escort out of Candia. Ruby decides to do her acrobat thing and is hanging out on top of the carriage instead of inside it as she and Jet “subtly” (read:not at all) bring up the Sugarplum Fairy to Lapin to see if he cracks.
Suddenly, the caravan stops. There’s a tree felled in the path, which really only means one thing in this kind of story. 
Ruby, outside of the carriage and unprotected, takes 16 points of damage and is fully down with a failed death save due to some unknown effect. The carriage is riddled with arrows. 
Everyone rolls for initiative and that takes us into a new (sure to be recurring) segment I’m calling:
Things I’m Concerned About
I’m concerned about Jet and Ruby (and not just because I’ve been worried about Ruby for a while due to things the cast has said and because she fully *died* this episode). They have their genres so wrong. They think they’re Disney movie protagonists but they’re in Game of Thrones and they don’t know it. Being Wrong Genre Savvy is a BAD position to find yourself in. Carriage surfing shenanigans don’t fly in a world that wants you dead.
OK, Carameinda. I’m inclined to be pro-Caramelinda. Like, she’s the hardass but she needs to be because Amethar isn’t helping run the kingdom. If this was a different story, she wouldn’t give me any pause but I read Macbeth and feel some light Lady Macbeth vibes. Gonna be keeping an eye on her.  
Calroy and Sir Toby (didn’t mention him, he’s a slightly lower ranked Gummi Bear guard and friends with Theo). In a story like this, I’m looking for the possible betrayals before I get blindsided and the only people who can really betray you are people who are supposedly loyal to you. Calroy had a little aside with Amethar about how he shouldn’t be the Emperor if he doesn’t want to be--which isn’t wrong but is also something someone angling to keep him off the throne for other reasons would say--and Sir Toby decided to stay behind to help hold down the fort--again, either an innocuous decision, or angling to be left alone and to his own devices. 
Whatever is going on with the Sugarplum Fairy and Lapin? Do not care for that one bit. I understand that a Warlock pact is mechanically very similar to a Paladin oath and a Celestial Warlock pact is even moreso but guess what? Still don’t trust it. I know Ruby’s Arcana check said that she’s generally a chill spirit but I still don’t trust it. And getting Wishes from your follower? Weird and suspicious. What’s your game, lady?
Emperor Gustavo apparently has a daughter who is barred by law from taking the throne when he dies. That sounds like a very strong motive for *something* at some point down the line. 
I’m a little concerned Jet is being catfished by this Avocado. First of all, not a sentence I thought I’d ever write. Second of all, I’m probably just being paranoid. But that feels like a great way to get a princess alone for kidnapping or shanking or something. 
Update: Brennan did an AMA and, regarding the previous bullet point he said, and I quote, “You are right to be concerned!” so now I’m concerned about that too! Fun!
I’m concerned about the mechanics of how a slice of cake person works. Slice implies a full cake. Where is the rest of the cake Brennan? Where is it? And, like, Brennan said on the post-show stream that we’re making the “what do they eat?” question weirder than it actually is because we’re made of some of the stuff we eat but hey Brennan? If I could pick a flesh toned and textured apple off a tree? That would be weird, OK? And I’m sorry for everyone else who had to picture that but it had to be said since Brennan is insisting on walking us down this garden path.
I’m concerned about whatever the hell is happening with Liam. Disgraced dad, mom is a shaman of the local fringe religion (Sweetening Path, like Lapin), and his brothers want him to shank the king or something? No way this ends in smiles for everyone. 
Brennan said Pyramid of Food so I’m concerned about fruit rollup mummies. 
OK but more than anything, I’m concerned about the death rules of this game. Death in D&D is cheap but, in a campaign like this, it can’t be. I’m not super well versed in GoT but it’s my understanding that resurrection in that series is possible but rare. Brennan said he specifically didn’t let Ally stock certain healing spells and that’s very telling about how things are gonna be handled. I guess we’ll see in the upcoming battle episode how that works but my general thought is, I hope everyone made interesting backup characters.  
Five More Things
So, my thoughts on the new characters. I love Ruby and Jet with my entire heart. Watching Emily and Siobhan roleplay sisters and enable each other and hype each other up is so fun--or it would be if I wasn’t low key bracing to lose one of them sooner rather than later. Zac playing against type and Murph playing to type are both fantastic. I want nothing more than for Theobald and Lapin to continue sniping at each other. I hope that’s the first PvP fight of D20. Amethar is a lot of fun but clearly in over his head and I’m interested to see where he’s pushed. Liam is literally just vibing. Hope he doesn’t have to commit regicide!     
God, the House Rocks PCs are such a disaster family. I love it. The moment when Calroy comes in and is like, “The princesses have escaped,” and Amethar breaks into a grin and is like, “Dude, that’s so dope!” I was like OH, so it’s *all* of them, huh. But, honestly, this should have been on the “Things I’m Concerned About” list because come on. They’ve not all gonna make it. And then we’re gonna have to watch the remaining family members react to that? Oh no. 
Love Ruby’s bow. I have a player in my game who also has a magic bow that produces energy arrows because, truly, who has the time to deal with the logistics of how many arrows you had left after last fight? Magic arrows. Boom, done. Next. 
Getting bagged on by your Patron for not having a spell when she’s the one who gives you your spells is so funny. Also, Mending isn’t a Warlock spell which makes it even funnier. 
**I’ve given myself a 3k word limit on all of these to try to put some boundaries on myself but, Lol, prize to the first who guesses closest to the first episode I break that rule.**
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catsinparis · 4 years
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The McKinnon Clan
I’ve been toying around with the idea of Marlene McKinnon and the McKinnon Family. Seeing as the McKinnon Clan were all killed by Death Eaters during the First War, I imagined the family would’ve been well-connected and held various positions at notable wizarding institutions.
Murdoch III & Isabelle McKinnon
Murdoch Sr. and Isabelle met at Hogwarts in their first year but didn’t spend much time together as he was in Gryffindor and she was in Hufflepuff. Murdoch Sr. was a half-blood. His mother was a Muggle and his father was a Reporter for the Daily Prophet. Isabelle hailed from the Pure-Blood Nott Family; growing up surrounded by members of the oldest and most noble wizarding families (including James Potter’s parents). Murdoch was a bookish, yet amiable goof, while Isabelle was the charismatic and outgoing popular girl. They spent many weekends “studying” together before Murdoch Sr. worked up the courage to ask her out on a proper date to Hogsmeade. They dated while at Hogwarts, but broke-up right before graduation. Isabelle’s family didn’t approve of a half-blood for a husband. Consequently, Murdoch worried he wasn’t good enough for Isabelle. After a chance encounter in Diagon Alley, they reunited and got married. Isabelle rarely spoke to her parents after her marriage. Both Isabelle and Murdoch worked in the Department of Magical Law Enforcement at the Ministry of Magic. Isabelle worked for the Wizengamot distinguishing herself with her astute research and writing abilities; pioneering and expanding many wizarding laws. Murdoch worked as an Auror and, eventually, became Head of the Auror Office. They were loving parents who expected quite a lot from their children (achievement-wise). After a nasty encounter with some Death Eaters, Murdoch Sr. accepted an early retirement from his job, but he took up a column in the Daily Prophet speaking out against Voldemort and his followers. After Murdoch’s retirement, Isabelle would continue to work as a chair member of the Wizengamot; sending many of Voldemort’s loyalists to Azkaban. In July of 1981, the McKinnon Clan gathered to celebrate Murdoch Sr.’s 64th Birthday. During this birthday celebration, Death Eaters attacked and killed the whole McKinnon Clan. Murdoch and Isabelle died fighting at each other’s side protecting their family.
Shannon McKinnon
Shannon was her parents’ pride and joy. A stereotypical eldest child, she was a strict disclipinarian with her younger siblings; rushing to tell her parents when they misbehaved. Growing up, she regularly clashed with Marlene who often broke the rules. Shannon had a close relationship with her father. Father and daughter shared a love of peppermint tea, chocolate frogs, and were often spotted on the sofa reading together while the rest of the McKinnon Clan ran wild on the grounds of the family’s estate. Upon her arrival at Hogwarts, Shannon was sorted into Gryffindor and excelled in her all of her classes (except Flying). She became Head Girl and achieved “O’s” on all of her NEWTS exams. After graduation, Shannon trained as an Auror in the British Ministry before volunteering to transfer to the French Bureau. One of the main reasons she transferred was to work without being under the watchful eye of her father (not that the witch would ever admit such a thing). In France, Shannon met and married a fellow Auror in the French office, Alexandre St. Vire. The couple had two children, Claudine and Colette. The St. Vires spent holidays with Shannon’s family in Scotland, but remained most of the year in France. When Voldemort came to power, the St. Vires no longer traveled to Britain for fear of the War. Despite her insistence that they flee the country, her family chose to remain in Scotland. While Shannon travelled to Scotland in 1981 for her father’s birthday celebration, her husband and her children remained in France sparing them from the Death Eater’s attack. Shannon was the first member of the McKinnon Family to die as she was the one to answer the door when the Death Eaters arrived.
Murdoch “Doc” McKinnon IV
Murdoch Jr. earned the nickname “Doc” from his family because of his nurturing and gentle manner like that of a medical doctor. Even as a young child, he showed signs of his innate healing abilities by fixing the broken wings of his family’s owls without the use of a wand or potion. At Hogwarts, Doc was sorted into Gryffindor House. He was a Chaser on the Gryffindor Quidditch team, and helped them win the House Cup two years in a row, but struggled with his grades. On weekends and during his free time, Doc volunteered in the Hospital Wing assisting Madame Pomfrey. It was there, he learned firsthand about professional magical medicine. The one class he excelled at was Potions although Professor Slughorn doubted his true potential. His father wanted Doc to follow in his footsteps as an Auror, but Doc preferred to use magic for healing rather than for enforcement. Even after some disappointing OWLS and NEWTS, he was still accepted for a medical residency at St. Mungo’s (with help from a glowing recommendation letter from Madame Pomfrey). Doc was dedicated to his work but was not one to try and outshine his associates. He kept in close contact with Marlene, but often squabbled with his mother and father about “his ambition.” Doc was the only member of the McKinnon Clan to know of Marlene’s association with the Order of the Phoenix. He often patched up any serious injuries she, or any other members of the Order, received while on assignment. Additionally, Doc was in a serious romantic relationship with Benjy Fenwick. The couple even lived together in a flat in Hampstead. After Benjy’s brutal murder during the First Wizarding War, Doc withdrew from the public eye mourning the death of his partner. He considered dropping his medical residency and refused to assist the Order blaming them for Benjy’s death. Marlene tried to console her brother in his grief, but was too distracted by her revenge plot after their father was attacked by Voldemort’s followers. When the Death Eaters attacked his family’s home, Doc died protecting his youngest sister, Maggie.
Marlene Isobel McKinnon
Marlene was the rebellious middle child who pushed all the boundaries. She was close to her mother and drove her father (and elder sister) quite crazy. She spent time with her Muggle relatives and prayed she would never received her letter from Hogwarts in the hopes she could attend a “normal” school like her relatives. When she did matriculate at Hogwarts, Marlene was sorted into Gryffindor House. She was skilled at Defense Against the Dark Arts and Transfigurations; becoming one of Professor McGonagall’s favorite students. Her second year, she became a Beater on the Gryffindor House Quidditch team. Her vicious attitude was infamous at Hogwarts. She was known for bludgeoning opponents within an inch of their lives (much to her brother’s chagrin). In her fifth year, Marlene was chosen to be a House Prefect; a job she did not take too seriously. She became close friends with the younger students in her House like Lily Potter and Dorcas “Cassy” Meadows. Marlene harbored a crush for Sirius Black, but never said anything about it. Instead, the two became friends and schemed ways to get Lily and James together. Later, she served as a bridesmaid at Lily and James’ wedding. After graduation, Marlene was accepted into the Auror program even though her mother pushed her to work for the Wizengamot. Her father, as Head Auror, didn’t approve of Marlene’s wild manner of hunting suspects and tasked her with desk duty. Kept out of the field, Marlene began to work in secret for the Order of the Phoenix at the suggestion of Mad-Eye Moody, her mentor. When Sirius graduated from Hogwarts and joined the Order, he expressed his romantic interest in Marlene and the two began to casually date. Marlene blamed herself when her father was attacked by Death Eaters as she was away from her Auror posting on business for the Order. Soon after her father’s retirement, she quit her position as an Auror much to the dismay of Mad-Eye Moody. She devoted herself to the Order, but was warned by Dumbledore to stay away from Travers, the Death Eater suspected to be behind her father’s attack. Marlene ignored the wizard’s warnings and kept track of the Death Eater. Sirius begged Marlene to drop her vendetta against Travers, but she refused ending their relationship. Two weeks later, Travers and a group of Death Eaters killed the entire McKinnon Family at their home in Scotland. Marlene was the last member of her family to die.
Margaret “Maggie” McKinnon
Maggie was an unexpected addition to the family. She was fourteen years younger than her eldest sibling, and was considered “the baby” by her parents and siblings even after she was grown. Since her parents were older when she was born and she was the last child in the house, Maggie was given free range to do whatever she wanted. Like Marlene, Maggie caused mischief on the moors surrounding her family’s home; causing things to magically blow-up, or whizzing high above the ground on one of her siblings’ old brooms. She got along well with all of her siblings and spent time in France with her eldest sister, Shannon, her brother-in-law, and her nieces. Of an artistic nature, she always carried a sketchbook and would draw sceneries and local fauna on her travels. Taking after her mother, Maggie was sorted into Hufflepuff House when she arrived at Hogwarts. She was inherently shy; preferring the company of the magical creatures on the school’s grounds. Maggie had a few close friends and was generally liked by her professors. She cheered for her sister, Marlene, during Quidditch games even if Hufflepuff was playing Gryffindor. Her dream was to follow in Newt Scamander’s footsteps and become a magizoologist. She worried for her family’s safety during the First Wizarding War and feared Lord Voldemort’s rise. When her father was attacked by Death Eaters while on Auror patrol, Maggie was sent home and spent two weeks with her parents while her father recovered. She returned to school and finished out the semester with high marks. During the summer of 1981, Maggie was training for Quidditch tryouts hoping to become a Chaser for the Hufflepuff House Team. When the Death Eaters attacked, she was outside with Marlene and Doc practicing some Quidditch maneuvers. She tried to use the Floo Network to escape, while her brother held off the attacks, but her efforts were unsuccessful. Maggie was only sixteen when she died.
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kugirocks · 5 years
Ned’s Kids
I needed to take a huge break from my physics practice midterm and let my mind relax, so I decided to give my take on what the Ryerson children are like personality-wise as well as what they do and who they are 
Jamie Ryerson:  The oldest Ryerson at 16 during the events of Groundhog Day. The closest one to his mom so losing her hit him hard. He helps his father out with his younger siblings and it a shoulder for his dad to cry on when he is in a depressive state. Ned returns the favor. Jamie is a proud band geek playing trombone for the Punxsutawney High School Marching Band. He is the club Vice President of the Gender-Sexuality Alliance club on campus. He is proud to be gay though he hasn’t found anyone yet and he’s in no rush. Family comes first for him. Jamie has considered a career in gynecology after all those times he was with his mother and father in the doctor’s office seeing his soon to be new sibling.
Joey Ryerson: Second oldest at 14 (almost 15). He is the writer/vlogger of the family. He loves writing and vlogging about his family and the crazy life he lives in. He has his own Youtube channel where he does challenges, Q and As, and storytellings with his family. He’s bubbly and cheerful like his mother but sometimes it comes off like his dad’s personality. Just like Ned, Joey loves cats and rescued one which he named Littles because of how tiny she is. He is compiling stories that his dad and mom told about their relationship and hopes to write a book about it.
Jack Ryerson: Third Ryerson kid and 13, he is the trouble-maker of the family. He gets in trouble so much, Ned contemplates whether Jack is actually his son or Phil’s. The principal even has a stamp of his signature that has only been used to sign Jack’s detention slips. Though despite his misadventures he does care for his family especially his dad and little sister and will protect them. Jack likes his video games and his zombie movies but hides from his dad that he likes Star Trek (he doesn’t want to be seen dressed up with his dad and watching old 60s shows). His best friend and partner in crime is his younger brother Jasper.
Jasper Ryerson: 11 years old and the fourth Ryerson kid, Jasper is the most like Ned in comparison to his other siblings. At least at home. Outside of the home, he is an introvert who listens and pays attention to situations. At home, he is an extrovert. He enjoys talking and doing activities, like baking, drawing, and playing the piano. He does on occasion like to cause trouble with Jack, especially pranks on their dad. He is very intelligent for his age (Ned says it comes from their mother) and is the only one in the family who wants to take over Ned’s insurance business once he is old enough.
Little Mary Ryerson: The youngest child at 3 years old, she is a ball of sunshine and energy and the light of Ned’s life after his wife’s passing (besides his boys. He loves them to pieces). She loves to play with her brothers and father, especially dress up. She also loves to draw and has Ned take her new masterpiece to work where he hangs it up in the office. She loves to be close to someone, whether it be sitting, standing, or laying down. Her favorite non-family member is Jeff because not only is he nice to her, he always has a stash of peppermint candy in his apron. After putting her to bed, Ned always thinks about how her mom would have been proud to have a daughter like Little Mary.
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I Love You, You Pay My Rent: Chapter Eight
First Chapter (Prologue)
Previous Chapter (Chapter Seven)
Nico had been living with Will solace for a month and a bit and, in all that time, Will had never attacked him. Still there was a first time for everything and one minute he was half-watching tv and the next Will was suddenly there and launching himself at Nico. He held onto Nico tightly, unable to keep still and practically vibrating with excitement. Nico was too surprised to hug him back which was lucky because he already was worried about the consequences of learning that Will’s shampoo smelt like tropical fruit on his already intense crush.
“She’s okay!” Will said.
He let go of Nico, which Nico absolutely shouldn’t have been disappointed about, but remained within Nico’s personal space bubble, bouncing up and down on the balls of his feet.
“I’m really glad,” Nico said honestly.  Will’s answering grin was blinding.
“Me too,” Will said, slightly unnecessarily.
“So we’re going to a show,” he said, still doing his best impression of a spring that had been twanged. “And to dinner and stuff. Are you going to be alright here on your own?”
Nico gave him a look.
“I can’t believe you’re even asking. Go! Have fun and celebrate!”
Will gave him another blinding grin, vibrated some more and then was halfway to the door, moving like he had super speed.
“I’ll see you later,” he yelled at at least twice his usual volume, and vanished with a slamming of the door.
And then all was quiet.
Nico felt his chest ease and realised for the first time just how tense he’d been since Will had left that morning. Nico was incredibly relieved Kayla was alright, which was a little odd since he’d never met the girl. Still after the amount of second-hand stress he’d been receiving from Will and the way he was desperate for Will to be happy and safe and warm and well-away from sadness and things that could hurt him, perhaps that made sense.
He was settling down for a quiet afternoon reading, ignoring the tv and his crush when there was a loud persistent pounding on the door. He briefly debated ignoring it on the chance it was Octavian complaining about something and/or giving more cryptic clues implying Will was some kind of secret super villain or whatever. He then realised the banging didn’t quite have Octavian’s brutal rhythm nor was it accompanied by his shrill, insistent screeches and wondered if, for some reason, Percy was visiting him.
When he opened the door he found Cecil staring at him, fist raised mid-bang.
“Left a book here,” he said by way of greeting. “Will said I could come by and pick it up.”
Before Nico could decide whether he believed that story, Cecil had somehow insinuated his way past him and had flung himself down onto the couch, having acquired a bag of pretzels out of one of the cupboards along the way. He was followed by a girl with dark hair he thought must be Lou Ellen.
“Nice to see you Nico,” she said with a smile. “Would you like a muffin?”
She offered him a paper bag from one of the local bakeries but Nico just shook his head in slight bemusement.
Lou Ellen shrugged and went to join Cecil, unabashedly examining random objects along the way. Nico decided not to bother trying to delay the inevitable and went to join them.
“It’s good you’re getting back on your feet,” Cecil said. “After all those tooth aches.”
“It’s been difficult,” Nico said, meeting Cecil’s open suspicion with a straight face and a dry tone.
“And those family emergencies.”
“Will’s been like my rock.”
“And that time you couldn’t come meet up with us because you had been killed by a herd of wildebeest stampeding.”
“Yeah,” Nico agreed wondering exactly when Will had run out of or stopped bothering with excuses. “That was tough.”
“Glad to see you’re feeling better.”
“Thanks,” Nico said innocently. “That means a lot.”
Cecil glowered at him.
“Peppermint is great for toothaches,” Lou Ellen said, with an expression so straight Nico couldn’t work out if she was serious or not.
“Anyway now we’re all here,” Cecil said, “and not dying –“
“Will’s not here,” Lou Ellen pointed out. She was watching the ceiling with a faint smile.
“Now all of us bar Will are here,” Cecil amended. “We can catch up. It’s been so long right Nico? And I’m kinda curious because Will isn’t usually shy about us meeting his boyfriends. So what’s the deal? Did we really make that terrible a first impression?”
Considering the first time Nico had met Cecil he’d gone from class-clown to downright scary in 0.2 seconds, Nico could safely say Cecil had made something of a first impression. He had to admit he didn’t think much of Will’s friends but he had warmed up to Cecil slightly, despite the threats. No because of the threats: Cecil clearly cared about Will.
He just hoped Cecil didn’t care enough about Will to somehow come to the conclusion that murdering Nico would protect Will.
“I’m shy?” Nico tried.
The look Cecil gave him could melt steel.
“Why are you even still around?” he demanded. “If you want something from him, or are playing him for whatever reason or –“
“I’m not,” Nico said quickly. “I swear.”
“That sounds exactly like something someone who was doing that would say.”
“But –“
“I’m not convinced Di Angelo. Seriously what are you after? His money? Want your five minutes of fame?”
“Will’s pretty,” Lou Ellen said mildly. “It could just be that. Like, I’d date him if he wasn’t like a brother to me and he wasn’t gay and-.”
Cecil suddenly turned to glare at Lou Ellen.
“I feel like you’re not taking this very seriously,” he said accusingly.
Lou Ellen shrugged.
“The thing about intimidating people,” she said thoughtfully, “is that for it to be effective you have to be scary. You have to mean what you say. And you can act tough all you want Cecil Markowitz everyone knows that really you wouldn’t hurt a fly and are thus about as scary as a paper bag.”
Nico thought Cecil had been plenty intense enough but he didn’t say that. Lou Ellen seemed like the sensible one. Maybe she could talk Cecil out of doing his impression of the Spanish Inquisition and Nico could get back to reading his book.
“Cecil thinks you’re out to hurt Will in some way,” Lou Ellen continued. “I am on the fence. You seem alright enough though I’ll admit Will’s being really odd about you. However, I swear to whichever deities might be listening that if you hurt Will in any way I will end you.”
“Right,” Nico said a little weakly. Because Lou Ellen was intense-Cecil up to eleven and he hadn’t really expected that. “But, um, no offence but don’t you guys think Will can take care of himself?”
Lou Ellen and Cecil exchanged looks.
“Other people,” Lou Ellen said. “Yeah sure. Himself? No. He’s useless.”
That about tallied up with Nico’s impression of Will so he shrugged.
“Well I feel suitably warned. But I don’t want to hurt him so I feel like you guys have kind of wasted your time –“
“Oh we didn’t just come here to threaten you,” Lou Ellen said.
“No?” Nico asked with considerable trepidation. He wondered what other horrible activities they had in mind.
“No. That would be mildly psychotic,” Lou Ellen said with an all too self-aware grin. “We came here to hang out.”
It was worse than Nico had expected.
But he supposed it was also inevitable.
“So,” Lou Ellen said with a bright smile, “we have no idea what you like because Will won’t tell us a single thing. So I brought the muffins, some board games, a bottle of gin –“
She began extracting the items from her bag as she said them leaving Nico to wonder how on earth she’d packed them all in.
“-there’s some playing cards, Mario Kart – you still have the wii right?”
“There’s always truth or dare,” Cecil said. He was sending Nico fewer suspicious glares now so Nico thought perhaps he was beginning to win him over. He vetoed truth or dare heavily though. Cecil and Lou Ellen might have been able to force their way into the flat, the may have been able to force him to hang out but they would never force him to play truth or dare.
“You two knew Will was out with Kayla,” he commented as he watched Lou Ellen continue to pull increasingly bizarre items from her apparently bottomless bag.
“We’re happy she’s better. Like so relieved,” Lou Ellen said. “And second to that relief was the realisation that with Will out it was a great opportunity to – “
“- pounce,” Cecil said.
“- hang out,” Lou Ellen said.
“Right,” Nico said with a sigh.
Inevitable, he told himself. It was a painful duty he had to perform if he wanted to continue being Will’s pretend boyfriend and staying in his company until Will fell in love with him and they got married got fed up and/or a proper boyfriend and kicked Nico out.
Will, after all, was too good to be true so if his friends weren’t psychotically obsessed with becoming his friend too (or possibly stalking him to ensure he wasn’t going to harm their friend) then Nico would start to worry that there would be some other hidden cost around the corner. He’d learnt quickly and he’d learnt young that nothing came without pain. Lou Ellen and Cecil were the (comparatively tame) pain, he had to endure to keep quietly crushing on his new friend.  
He wondered what the bare minimum interaction would be before he could safely kick them out and wearily picked the pack of cards from Lou Ellen’s pile.
When Will got back much much later, with a sleepy, ginger haired teenager in tow he took one look at the apartment and then Nico.
“Lou Ellen and Cecil attacked while I was gone then? I probably should have predicted that.”
He then seemed to register Nico had never met his sister before and tapped Kayla’s arm.
“This is Kayla. Kayla say hi.”
Kayla said hi in the form of waving absently in Nico’s general direction and then she wandered off towards Will’s room where presumably she crashed onto the floor in a dead sleep.
“She always insists she’s fine and she’s not worried but the check-ups always take a lot out of her emotionally. And me as well I guess. Thanks again for last night. I guess Lou Ellen and Cecil ganging up on you wasn’t the greatest of rewards?”
Nico shrugged.
“It was actually… alright.”
Will looked at him in surprise and Nico felt surprised himself. But it really had been alright. They’d been chatty enough that Nico hadn’t felt pressured enough to fill any awkward silences and they’d let Nico sit back and be silent when he wanted to. Despite their threats otherwise and Nico’s fears, there was no over-protective-dad style third degree. They really did just hang out with him and then leave.
“Are you sure?”
“It was interesting in its own way,” Nico said with a slight shrug. “They are quite a pair.”
Will sat down beside him and with a glance at Nico, who responded with a shrug, changed the channel.
“You could say that again,” Will said. “Sorry. Still hopefully they’ll be satisfied now that we’re all friends or whatever and won’t bug you anymore.”
“I think Lou Ellen invited me shopping,” Nico answered. “Something about engagement party clothes. She seemed a bit scandalised when I said I didn’t know what I was going to wear.”
Will laughed then he stopped abruptly.
“What are we supposed to wear?”
Nico shrugged.
“Whatever you want. I don’t care.”
“So I could turn up in my pyjamas?” Will teased.
“If you like.”
“And if I went dressed as batman?”
“Wouldn’t bother me.”
“And if I decided to –“
“Seriously Solace whatever you want,” Nico insisted and regretted it almost instantly. Still he had faith in Will and he still had to figure out what he was going to wear which would take up a good portion of his worrying quota, with the remaining dedicated to how much of a good idea it was to publicly introduce Will to his friends and sister as his boyfriend. He didn’t have the headspace to worry about Will’s choice of outfit.
Nico let Jason take him shopping for outfits. It was one of the rare weekends Jason came back for a visit and he’d turned up at Nico door and carried out what Lou Ellen had only threatened. Nico thought this was partly because Jason was busying worrying about Nico’s state of mind given the fact Percy hadn’t yet broken off the engagement and professed he was making a huge mistake and was actually in love with Nico. It was also probably partly because Jason was busy worrying that Nico would turn up in ripped jeans and an old shirt. It was however probably mostly because Piper was busy catching up with Annabeth and so Jason was bored.
“What about this one?” Jason asked holding up a pale pink tie.
Nico stared at him.
“Okay you’re right,” Jason agreed. “Maybe not. This?”
It was teal: Percy’s colour and not any better.
“Are you screwing with me?” Nico asked because he wasn’t entirely sure.
“It’s a party, not a funeral,” Jason said. “You have to have some colour. It implies you’re happy about their engagement whether or not you actually are.”
“I am,” Nico said, running his finger distractedly along a rack of dress shirts, and wincing at the prices. “Happy I mean.”
Jason raised an eyebrow.
“I mean it,” Nico said. “I’m happy for them. I’m glad they are engaged: they’re a great couple.”
Jason examined his face minutely at that, as though searching for any irony, sarcasm or hints that he was lying through his teeth.
“You changed your tune,” he said eventually.
Nico just shrugged.
“Did you meet someone?” Jason asked. He was trying to play it casual but Nico knew him too well and besides this was what Jason had been waiting for for like at least two years.
Nico shrugged again because the situation was way too complicated and even if he was the open and sharing is caring type he wouldn’t want to get into this in the middle of the menswear section of whichever department store hell they were in.
Jason seemed to figure out something was going on and he began grinning. His smile wasn’t quite as bright as Will’s but it was nice to know he cared.
Nico deliberately didn’t invite Jason back to Will’s. He’d had enough of socialising and people in his home, and besides Jason would get to get introduced to the latest complication in Nico’s life at the engagement party anyway. Will wasn’t going anywhere.
As if to illustrate that fact, Will was lying on the floor when Nico got back, having orchestrated a book invasion of the living area. Will had his eyes closed and was singing a more technical version of dem bones, touching the various bones as in his hand as he did so.
“I didn’t realise you’d be back so early,” he said when he looked up and saw Nico watching him. “I’ll tidy up.”
“It’s alright,” Nico said, picking his way through the mess to squish in next to a textbook on muscular structure. “I was enjoying your singing.”
Will glared at him and througha wad of sticky notes at Nico’s face.
“Some of us have work to do you know,” he said in a sing-song high and mighty voice in a scarily accurate impression of Octavian, if Octavian had flesh on his bones, colour in his face and a wickedly cheeky grin.
“Like you’re working,” Nico said. “You’re sitting there singing a kids song.”
“What’s the neck bone connected to Nico?” Will teased.
“It’s the shin bone right? No wait I got this it’s the heart bone!”
Will shook his head and began packing his work away.
“Do you need a biology tutor?” Will asked in mock concern.
“Why, you offering?” Nico asked before realising how that might have come across and he felt his cheeks heat up. Will didn’t seem to notice, just shrugged.
“Nah, I’m way to busy. I think Cecil does biology though so maybe –“
Will’s smile was devious. Nico threw the sticky notes back at him but Will caught them one handed, the show off, and shoved them back into the depths of his backpack along with the rest of his books and pencils.
“So there’s a monster movie marathon on tonight,” Will said. “Which beats bone structure.”
“I’m up for that.”
“Good,” Will said. “You can go put the popcorn on then.”
With the engagement party drawing closer Nico grew increasingly nervous until he became nothing more than a ball of nervous tension. He could feel himself getting paranoid, could swear that people were pointing at him in the street and whispering. Look there’s that idiot that thought it would be a great idea to invite his current crush to the engagement of his old crush as his fake boyfriend. What could go wrong with that?
Having eventually wrangled a dress code out of Percy – and what even was smart casual anyway, that had to be the most unhelpful information ever – he settled on a nice pair of black jeans with zero rips or holes (intended or otherwise) and a smart-ish dress shirt. He hung out in front of the mirror, fussing with his hair and then the cuffs: rolling them up out of the way before unrolling them again.
Smart casual. He was going to kill Percy.
“Do you think I need a tie?” he asked no one in particular.
“I hope not,” Will said from his doorway. “Because I don’t have one either.”
Nico turned to answer him and was, embarrassingly, stunned into silence. Somehow over the weeks he’d become immune to Will’s beauty but tonight it was out in full force. He looked like he’d just stepped off the cover of a magazine possibly having detoured to glossy page fame from a runway in Paris.
“You look –“ Nico began and then remembered they weren’t really dating and was it weird to comment on his friend’s dress?
Will grinned and pantomimed a twirl.
“Not bad yourself,” he said when he’d rotated the full three sixty in which Nico was forced to study the doorframe to stop himself blushing. “This was the plan right? Knock them dead with our awesomeness.”
“Yeah,” Nico agreed a little weakly and seriously why had he ever thought this was a good idea. And who was going to believe them? Why ever would the stunning Will be dating him?
Will must have picked up on his nervousness.
“If you’ve changed your mind,” he said, going back to leaning against the doorframe. “I can stay here. I’ve got notes to write up.”
Nico’s heart jumped and he realised that the only thing in the universe worse than going to this party with Will as his pretend boyfriend and therefore coming out to everyone at once at Percy’s engagement, would be facing Percy’s engagement alone. He felt like this was important somehow, the engagement was the official start of the journey to Percy’s new life but somehow Nico thought it was going to change things for him too.
He wondered if tonight would be a beginning or an end. He did know that whatever happened, and whatever the consequences for him and Will, he wanted his stupid dorky crush friend by his side.
“No,” Nico answered firmly. “I want you to come.”
Will shrugged like it didn’t matter either way but Nico caught the small smile he tried to hide.
“Come on then,” Will said, holding out his hand. “We should probably be going.”
Nico swallowed. He took Will’s proffered hand and let Will lead him out of the apartment and onto an uncertain future.
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