#if the roles were reversed all hell would break loose
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seokmattchuus · 1 year ago
Omg please park gunwook birthday smut !!!!
Not to be that bitch...but newborn adult birthday smuts give me this kinda vibe:
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return-of-a-space-cowboy · 4 months ago
đŸ§šâ€â™€ïž Anon
Risotto similar to Jason Voorhees? (I had to do it! I couldn’t resist!!)
He was bullied a lot as a kid for his bizarre appearance, white hair, red eyes and black sclera
However his childhood friend Darling was always so nice and kind to him, telling him how his eyes and hair is very pretty and cool, she was 1 years younger than him and much smaller too (Darling was very small for a 9 year old, with Risotto being 10)
Until Risotto’s death, which devastated Darling so much that het mind repressed her own memories of what happened that day (As she was being held back by bullies who let Risotto drown)
Now almost 20 years later and some random people are trying to bring back the place, which cause Risotto’s cousin to snap and go on a killing spree (I thought it would be interesting to do a role reversal for Risotto with his cousin) until his death at the hands of one of the people he tried to kill
Darling went to the lake to pay her yearly respects to Risotto like she always does on his birthday (Not realizing the hulking individual stalking her. Watching her. Following her back home)
So when Darling comes home, she opens her fridge and screams in horror seeing the severed head of someone, only for huge hands to grab Darling and she’s forced unconscious and awakens inside a rundown house tied to the bed and walks in a huge man
Risotto either doesn’t talk or he can but his speech is very broken as he and Darling made a promise to marry each other when they grow up and Risotto intends to fulfill it
Risotto face looks rotting with half his jaw bone seen, grey to greenish skin from the rot or it’s burned flesh, whatever you want
Happy Halloween!! 🎃
Happy Halloween, would have posted a fic today but Nintendo released their music app... let's just say splatoon 3 ost and smut do not work together lol.
But hell Risotto as Jason Voorhees.
Warnings: mentions of attempted sexual exploitation.
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Risotto was never a social person, he was a recluse and his strange appeared didn't make things better. Darling was there for him though.
Around 16 and 15 they ended up going on a school camp and darling ended up in a situation where her male classmates were blackmailing her into performing sexual favors. Risotto intervenes to help her but he's overwhelmed by the group and is floored. Darling pleads with them to stop, she'll do what they want if they stop hurting him while one of them holds her back.
They end up dragging him to the nearby lake and forcing his head under, pulling him up every so often until he stops struggling. The group freaks out realizing they just killed him. Darling is quickly pushed aside and ends up unconscious from the fall.
They end up submerging his body under rocks and promise to never tell what happened. Now they need to deal with Darling but when she comes to she doesn't remember what happened that night and they take her back to camp.
Next morning Risotto is nowhere to be found, the people who run the camp call the police but even they can't find him. The camp is ended early and shortly after the whole thing is shut down after his mother sues for negligence.
Darling is still close with his family after all she'd been dating him at the time. His cousin, Campanelle knows there was something up with his disappearance. It had to be foul play.
Years later does one of the former students buy the place and offer to host their high-school reunion before it officially opens. They barely knew anything about Risotto and think it was a shame it got shut down after what happened. Most people believe he just ran away.
Darling does go but is drawn to the water, she sits out on the dock. Wondering what happened to Risotto and hopping that he really did run away, as unlikely as it seems.
Meanwhile Cam ends up overhearing one of the guys mention what happened that night and all hell breaks loose as he ends up killing one of the guys and injuring two others. Everyone is shocked and darling gets back just as the police arrive.
"They killed him! (Insert a few names) killed Risotto Nero!" Cam loudly proclaims as he brandishs a knife before he's killed. Darling is mortified, it stabs her to know the truth.
The camp hall where the party was held is closed for investigation but the rest of the place however is still open. Due to darling helping the host with preparations she got one of the private lodges.
She goes back for the night bawling her eyes out. She needs a drink to soothe her throat and opens the fridge to see the severed head of one of the culprits in the fridge, he'd tried to run away after being called out before meeting with a grizzly fate. In the light she also sees the blood on the floor from what she assumes is the head.
She runs out the door to tell someone before running into someone. She clears her eyes to see a large figure but can't make out the features in the low light.
"The fridge- there's a-" she tries to speak past her hiccups but the figure grabs her in their tight grip, brandishing a machete at her.
"Please let me go! I'll do whatever you want, Just let me go" she begs them. They end up putting away the blade before knocking her out. Risotto didn't realize it was darling at first until she begged, almost mirroring what she begged before his death.
When she comes to she's finds herself tied to a chair in a dingy old cabin. A lamp is lit and is met with the monster before her. Blueish gray skin with extreme visible veins. Parts eaten away exposing the muscle and bones beneath. Looking up at his face his lower jaw is only bone but those eyes and hair catch her off guard. No it couldn't possibly be. She remembers what happened now, there's no doubt he died.
"No... it can't be" she chokes out before crying again. His hand caresses her face.
"No! there's no way you're him!" She shouts as she moves her head away. He looks older, how could he even age if he was dead. She refuses to believe her beloved could ever become this creature. He's determined to show her the truth.
He came back for her. The moment he awoke he was thrown into a frenzy to try and save darling a many years too late and ended up killing two people hiding out at the abandoned site.
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secretlythepits · 6 months ago
Teens Suck and So Do Husbands
My 16 year old and I got into it this morning and I don’t feel great about it.
Last night, I told him to take the garbage out. He refused. It’s full and he is going to be gone all day. We had had a talk about Dad being sick and him needing to just do things around the house without making me ask a million times.
This morning I woke up unable to breathe. Pertussis is no joke. Mostly we focus on my husband, and I have largely gotten better, but this was a scary and uncomfortable moment. I get up 15 minutes before we leave for school and 16 year old is scrolling on his phone over breakfast. The garbage is still not out.
His brother is sleeping. I hurry to wake him up. I bought an alarm clock a few weeks ago and 16 year old threw a fit and returned it. How dare I buy an alarm clock for their room! I was sick and my husband went along with it, so his brother not being awake is his responsibility. I wake him up and he has to hustle.
I snatch 16 year old’s phone and tell him he needs to take the garbage out, finish his breakfast, and get dressed. All hell breaks loose. He wants his phone back first. He is a Taurus and will argue forever. I have in my mind that I won’t give in or allow him to bait me into an argument. This is hard for me because I am a Scorpio and an arguer and my son does. not. stop.
I do things like go outside and he follows. At one point he does take out the trash (doesn’t put a new bag in) but then demands his phone. The clock is ticking. Eat your breakfast. Get dressed. We are leaving at the correct time with or without you. For the last week he makes us wait an extra 5 minutes. It’s annoying to me. They get there early, but there is breakfast and for traffic and my own time concerns, I want to leave at the designated time. But what can I do if he’s not in the car?
Today I make it very clear: I will leave without you. He makes no move to get ready. I take brother to school.
When I get home, he is wearing his uniform, demanding his phone and a ride. I tell him no, that he needs to get himself to school and the phone is not happening. He will not listen. He is fixated. He hurls insults.
I go to my writing cottage to escape. He keeps grabbing the door. Eventually, he forces it and hurts my hand. Says he hope it hurts. I lock the door.
A minute later I hear banging on the door. It is my husband telling me our son needs his phone. I say no. He angrily drives son to school. We haven’t spoken. He went back to bed. I told son he will walk home. It is going to be awful tonight.
My husband doesn’t back up my parenting. He has always left all of it to me, but occasionally will jump in angry and he also undercuts me because he is conflict-avoidant at all costs. To me, if a coparent has issued a punishment, I feel obligated to back them up as the default. If I disagree, that will be a private conversation. That’s what I think good parenting involves. But my husband never does this. He just wants anger to stop and sees me as the obstacle to that before ever evaluating the situation. Also, I buck at the idea that he gets to come in and judge the situation. He is not my manager.
If the roles were reversed, I would have told my son to start walking to school or at least been very angry with him. I would have said, I’m sure your dad took your phone for a good reason.
I am exceedingly resentful that I have this problem because it will be conflict with both my husband and my son later in the day.
I know my son is stubborn. It’s his nature and it always will be. What I don’t understand is why he doesn’t have a switch that clicks on when he has gone too far. That’s why I held my ground. Mom taking the phone should be a wake up call, but he sees it as a violation of his sovereignty and wants to fight to the death rather than do the simple steps to getting it back: take out the garbage, eat, get dressed. He is bigger than me. I have very little leverage. I try to get his cooperation, but he is exceedingly self-centered these days.
This is the point where I am usually interrupted and someone says how traumatic it must be for him to have a dad with cancer. Here’s the truth: I know my son very well. Nobody knows him better than me. He is not thinking about his dad much at all. Right now, it is all about him and his budding life. He sees his dad’s cancer as an inconvenience to him and he resents it. He has said awful things and bailed when we needed help— and very little help has been needed. I know that he sometimes thinks about it, but his mind is mostly consumed with his social life. I know him and I know this is true.
My husband and I had a fight yesterday.
I had driven the boys to school, gone on a walk, arranged for the refrigerator repair, done an hour of yard work the boys had failed to do, got my younger son from school (with 2 random, complicated traffic jams), spoken to the repair guy, come in and started to make my husband breakfast. The refrigerator is in the garage and the counters were full of jars that didn’t fit into the second one, so every little thing was 4 extra steps. Then nobody replaced the butter, my son had used the last of the coffee, so it was extra trips to the garage and extra steps to take. My phone’s alarm went off. It was a snooze from the alert to pick my son up from school. My husband informs me that my phone is ringing, like I couldn’t hear it. It’s 10 am. I have not eaten anything myself. I snap that my hands are full and I’m a little busy.
All hell breaks lose. F-u and he actually calls me a b-witch. I know that this is because he wants me to be sweet and not show any signs that this is a burden. He wants service with a smile, but I don’t always have a smile. I am overwhelmed and emotionally expressive. It feels grossly unfair to me to be criticized for not concealing this, especially in light of the lack of gratitude ever expressed towards me. It’s funny, when I am caregiving I never think, he should be grateful. But when I am criticized, I instantly flash to the fact that I’ve done so much and never get a thank you, let alone praise. We also have the history of him watching me flail for 3 1/2 years with a brain infection while he did nothing for me. So service with a smile at all times is a hard no from me.
In other moments I flash to how hard this is for him. He has so much to learn and process that I already did. Helplessness. Having to sit quietly while people do things their way, when you are used to it being done your way. Having bits of your life just taken from you by disease. Mortality knocking. Disappointment in your beloveds. Loneliness in the face of something so daunting. The absolute limit of your strength.
That is hard. The consequence of an easy life is having to learn all that in one fell swoop. I have compassion for that.
But what about me?
Don’t I deserve better?
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brynnsasha191 · 27 days ago
I see a lot of random Rhaenicent posts on my feed because I follow the Rhaenyra Targaryen and HotD tags. One thing I’ve noticed is that the reason Rhaenicents talk about the Strong Boys and TargTowers kids differently is simply because Rhaenyra stans who ship Rhaenicent get very defensive over JL&J whilst Alicent stans don’t give a crap about AHA&D.
So if someone wrote a post that said “I’m glad Alicent chose Rhaenyra over her sons” it will be liked and reblogged with very little outrage. But if anyone dared write a post saying “if the roles were reversed Rhaenyra would choose Alicent over Jace” all hell would break loose.
So if Helaena’s cold to Rhaenyra in S3 they’ll brush it off, who cares about a TargTower’s feelings, Alicent still chose Rhaenyra over them. The problem is Jace, they NEED him to like Alicent, if he doesn’t Rhaenicent will collapse on itself because Rhaenyra won’t choose Alicent over him.
Exactly. This is true. I think they can't decide whether or not they like the targtowers
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chanel-007 · 1 month ago
Hook-Up-culture is so annoying 🙄
Okay, listen up. I need to get something off my chest, and honestly, I’m so done with it. Like, the way society treats girls for literally anything involving their bodies? It’s 2025, ppl - wake up. But no, srsly. It’s like we’ve all been living in some weird, twisted version of Gossip Girl where the rules are only made for us. Girls? We get shamed for even breathing the wrong way, while guys are out there getting praised for literally doing nothing. 
Let’s talk about this hook-up-culture thing for a second, because if i see one more girl getting roasted for losing her virginity, I’ll scream and jump out of the window. But let me guess, if a guy does it? He’s like, some sort of king or “man of the hour”, and everyone’s lining up to take notes on his supposed greatness. Like, I’m convinced guys literally suck each other off on a daily basis the way they act like the world springs around them and ONLY them. The only thing spinning are ur brain cells going down the drain. Why is that? Why is it that, in this so-called modern world, girls are constantly dragged for enjoying themselves and living their lives? Like, this is some sick joke. 
I know that some ppl are genuinely concerned for young girls that take their love life too easy, because they get easily played by other guys and this concern is basically just there to protect the greatness and godholy existence of us women, like duh, I get it. I’m a virgin too (spoiler alert!!!) But, let’s be real. If the roles were reversed and all of the girls who have already lost their v-card would be sitting here all day, shaming us for still being virgins, hell would break loose. Just leave them alone and if they think hooking up with every second guy that glances at their butt, the weird “friends with benefits” dude (Tbh, this whole “friends with benefits” thing is even weirder than hook-up-culture) or their bff or a random date like every weekend, then let them. Like, come on ppl!!! Let. Women. Live. They’re not committing some cardinal sin. If a girl wants to fulfill her sexual desires and not feel guilty about it, why is that such a problem for some people? (men AND women) I mean, who really cares? It’s not like they’re losing YOUR virginity 4 YOU.
Also, OMG, can we address the fat elephant in the room? Why is it always the girl’s fault when it comes to any of this? Why do we have to act like we’re all some fragile glass figures who need to be protected? Why do girls get called “sluts” or “absolute-fucking-cum-dumps” the second they hook up with someone, while boys get a high five and “you’re the man, dude.“ I literally cannot. 
So you know how boys get all the glory when they sleep around? Like, “Oh, you’re such a stud! Respect, bro, you totally nailed her!” - oh, okay, but the moment a girl does anything remotely similar, she’s a “disappointment”, “ruined”, or - my personal favorite - “damaged goods”
Bsffr. As if your ugly face (only a mother could love) ever had a chance with any of these girls anyway. 
Tbh, we girls don’t even go for looks as much as men do. If we do end up hooking up with someone (and I think I’m allowed to speak upon behalf of my fellow ladies even though I’m still a virgin myself) we want the guy to be at least emotionally or intellectually smart. Like, you need to understand us first before we can go any further. We need to know you’re not just a huge waste of our valuable time and existence because every minute that passes that we listen to stupid men talk absolute bs about literally anything because God created something pitiful we women should train on to be emotionally smarter, we lose another braincell every minute that goes by. Google it if u don’t believe me. It’s true. And the worst part about this is, it is also scientifically proven that with every lost braincell we also lose bits of our beauty. On one hand, it is totally stressing me out because HELLO??? Wdym I get uglier the more I talk to men? See, another thing we get blamed for. This is literally why I ignore every dude that could be possibly be my future husband. Not only until I’m married, but also, until I’m 80 I want to still be pretty so nope, thx. 
But, to catch up with my previous point, you men neither are pretty nor smart - so ur basically a double waste of our glorious time and absolutely-fucking-useless. So, to any guy who’s had the chance of sleeping with a pretty girl once in their mentally 7 years of their life, congratulations!!! Why don’t you hang ur art of fame over your headboard? Like, be happy a girl even gave you the chance to practice on (she obvi was drunk) in case another drunk girl decides to do the same thing (which I absolutely doubt but ok). 
And obvi, I get it. I’m over here like, “Wow, I’m so glad I’m not part of that weird, toxic hook-up culture.” Don’t get me wrong, I’m not ashamed of the fact that I’m still a virgin. Like, you do you, Boo Boo Kitty, but I’m keeping it cute. But honestly, it’s just so unfair how society literally piles all the blame on us, while boys get to play their little game and somehow win in life. 
The entire thing just feels backwards. Let’s talk about it for a second: whenever a girl is actually assaulted, harassed, or anything of the sort, the immediate response is “well, she was probably asking for it”, or “she shouldn’t have worn that”. 
 I beg ur finest pardon? What is this, some kind of freak show? Hearing such things all around the internet and in public whenever something happens, I literally want to rip every strand of hair out, take a fork and poke out my eyeballs and flush them down the toilet and paint a picture of myself after I cut my ear off like Van Gogh did it. Because what the actual fuck. Someone with a genuine mind of an intellectual genius like me please explain this further to me because I srsly doesn’t make any sense. (edit: I cut out my thoughts on this one right here because I ended up staying awake all night writing on here about THIS exact aspect and I realized, it should be another topic for a next time, because today’s blog post is about the hook-up-culture. Not why abortion should be legal. Everywhere. Anytime.).
It’s like, people say that if u r pretty or dress nice, you’re automatically asking for “it” because ur outer appearance is too inviting. So here’s my 2 cents: 1. NOBODY is inviting YOU anywhere or to anything. Just because ur walnut-sized brain perceives the sight of any woman you see outside as some kind of, what, target for your dirty fantasies, doesn’t mean that u r the victim here. It just proves that some of you are narcissistic, brain-rotten self-centered WHORES. Get a life - or don’t, Idc. [as]. 2. Just because you’re insecure and ugly isn’t our fault your families genes gave up on you bc they could probably sense beforehand that you’d grow up into the literal dickhead that you are now. So, your insecurity is totally justifiable.
So, let’s just wrap this up. Everyone — girls and boys — should just be allowed to live their lives without facing judgement based on their choices. Nevertheless, everyone involved in the hook-up-culture should be careful that they don’t fall into a rabbit hole.
Take care everyone!
xoxo, Chanel💋
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foxymoxynoona · 1 year ago
I’m loving MM! ❀ Your writing is seriously perfect! & ughh does Jungkook truly love Sasha?😭 because dang he made me doubt him now, I think most girlfriends would so not be okay with something like this /: the way he dismissed her feelings and let Naoko make her feel like crap, he just shows this girl that it’s okay to treat his girlfriend like garbage, if the roles were reversed all hell would break loose forsure😭 I’m excited to see what happens next hehe, will Jungkook get his karma too? (Lolol i’m sorry i’m being pettyđŸ„ČđŸ€Ł)
Ooooh I don't think anyone has really focused on the angle of what Naoko would take away from this. Regardless of what Jungkook missed or meant to do or whatever, Naoko probably did have the thoguht of damn, dude, you aren't going to speak up for your girlfriend at all? Grow a spine.
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mysticalrambling · 4 years ago
Hi!!!!!!! I have a request for you😋
Its something to do with the recent Chris and Lizzo interaction(no hate to her). Can you write something about their recent interaction, like chris and lizzo talking about the baby joke and the internet goes nuts. But what chris doesn't know is that his girlfriend feels hurt, that he is disregarding her feelings, like its kind of humiliating to the reader, that chris her boyfriend is talking about baby with other person when he has his own girlfriend and she is hurt by him. She confronts Chris but he just gets mad and calls her jealous and insecure, which hurts her further and she just gets mad and leaves his house. Later when Chris mom sees the news she scolds him about joking of having a baby with someone else and hurting his partner then he understands how his girlfriend must have felt and they recincile. I hope you're getting what i m saying sorry if it sounds confusing, but can you write it? đŸ€—
Facing Realities (C.E)
A/N: Thank you so much lovely and I loved the plot line. I loved writing about it and I made a few additions to the story. Hope you like it and I am open to more requests.
Chris Evans Fanfiction (Fanfiction Master List)
Summary: You feel unimportant when Chris can easily discuss about having a child with Lizzo in public but will always dismiss you when you bring up the topic. Getting in to a fight, you leave him and he eventually realises his mistake because of his mom.
Warnings: Angst but eventual fluff.
“The fans want to know about the Instagram dms between the two of you.” The reported quizzed Lizzo and Chris as they both sat in front of him on the couch.
“Well, our baby is going to be the best.” Lizzo spoke with amusement clear in her eyes.
“The world is going to have a little Captain America at their hands soon, right Lizzo?” Chris chuckled.
“Right. And how is your new movie coming along?” The interviewer started asking different questions and soon it was all over.
“Will see you soon Cap. Say hi to (Y/N) for me.” With a quick hug, she left the studio with her usual power walk. Chris just shook his head slightly when he heard all the fans asking her about the baby. They were all truly something and Lizzo just went through them without giving a response.
You didn’t have anything against Lizzo because you knew that everything between her and Chris was platonic. The fact that Chris was so open to discuss about having a baby was what bothered you. He always dismiss you when you wanted to talk about your future and extending your family. It felt like you were the only one in this world that Chris did not want to talk to regarding this topic. This made you feel worthless and pathetic.
You knew that jealousy wasn’t the right word to describe your emotions right now but that’s what it felt like. Confronting people was never your thing and you always did what they asked instead of arguing. It was much easier but you knew that you couldn’t get away with this. This was in regards to your future and so when Chris was going to come home from his interview, you were going to talk to him about it.
“Honey, I am home.” Losing his jacket on the love seat, he made his way towards the kitchen because it was dinner time and he could smell the delicious food from the hallway.
“Hi babe. I am making your favorite. Just go and freshen up.” You stated not turning back because you knew you would break the instant your eyes landed on your boyfriend.
He came to the dining table in his sweats and dived into the food immediately because he was starving. “So
” You tried starting up a conversation but backed down when you saw his questioning gaze trained on you. “Um how was the interview?”
“It was nice. Lizzo and I talked about the baby. God, I just love that woman.” The self doubt in your mind was growing by the minute because he was casually talking about a baby with another woman. He didn’t realise that he was hurting your feelings and he just kept on talking about how amazing it would be to actually have a baby with Lizzo.
“So have you ever thought about extending our family?” You finally mustered up some courage to ask him the question.
“No, I haven’t. We can talk about it another time. So what did you today?” The dismissal in his tone was enough to break your heart into tiny pieces.
“But we have too, Chris. We have been in a relationship for the past three years.”
“I do not want to discuss it today so just drop it (Y/N).” The stern look would have made you back down in a normal situation but not today.
Dropping your fork on the plate, you spoke with irritation, “You never want to have this discussion with me but you would gladly do it with Lizzo.”
“I knew it had something to do with her. Why are you so jealous?”
“I am not jealous. It’s just that you are willing to discuss about your baby with everyone except me.”
“There is nothing going on between Lizzo and I, if that’s what you mean.”
“I know that. I just want to know if you have ever thought about having kids with me or am I just a fling to you?” You we’re absolutely done with him at this point and you dreaded his answer.
“(Y/N), I have told you a million times that you are not a fling. What are you on about?”
“It just seems that I am no longer the person that you want to discuss things with. It’s just not about the whole kid thing but you didn’t even tell me that you are starting in a new movie. I had to find it from the fucking paparazzi.”
“I was going to tell you and I am just not ready for a family yet.”
“Well instead of ignoring me every chance you got, you could have told me about it.” The frustration in your eyes was clear but Chris chose to ignore it. It was as if he was totally immune to all of your emotions.
Whenever the topic of children came up, Chris didn’t tinker why he acted like a jerk. He had always thought about expanding his family but when you came in to the picture, he was so terrified of losing you that he couldn’t even think what a baby would do to your relationship.
“I am not good with all this and you need to be patient with me.”
“All I have ever been is patient for you. Not anymore.”
“What do you mean?” Sudden realization dawned upon him and he was left speechless.
“I need a break from you. Call me when you figure everything out.”
“(Y/N), you are doing this because of Lizzo. Stop acting like an insecure and jealous bit-” Stopping mid sentence, he looked at you in horror.
Tears sprang in your already damp eyes, “Why are you stopping now? Finish the sentence, Chris.”
“(Y/N), I-”
“Good bye, Chris.” Walking out of your once shared home was the most difficult thing that you had to do in this life but there was no other choice. You both were at an impasse and you needed time to sort it all out. Hailing a taxi, you went to your friend, Scarlett’s house. She was a mutual frond of you both but she had become your best friend in the past three years.
Meanwhile, Chris downed a whole bottle of scotch and sat in your shared bedroom with your picture in his hand. He didn’t want to lose you to a stupid argument but he failed to see that he was at fault. Sleeping without you proved as a heinous task and he gave up after two hours. He just sat in the bed alone and hoped to God that you will come back to him. A life without you wasn’t a life at all. However, Chris would not be the one to apologise because in his opinion, he didn’t do anything wrong.
The passing few days, you absolutely refused to get out of the house and stayed holed up in Scarlett’s guest bedroom. “(Y/N), you need to eat something.” Your friend barged in with a tray full of food and you instantly felt nauseous.
“Not in the mood, Scar.” Your eyes had been red and puffy for the last week but you didn’t care. Chris was the only one that you cared about. However, you could not be in a relationship that had no future. You deserved better than that.
“You need to eat and get out of this mood. It’s making me depressed.”
“I don’t care. Leave me alone.” Snapping at her was never your intention and you instantly regretted it. “I am sorry. I am just not in the right frame of mind.”
“It’s okay. You want to watch something.”
“Yeah, F.R.I.E.N.D.S.”
Chris was no better than you or maybe even worse. He hadn’t changed out of his sweats for the past two days and had a slight scruff covering his face. Empty bottles of alcohol laid around the whole house and rotten food was placed on the kitchen counter. The whole house was a mess and he didn’t care about anything. Except you. Everything in this house reminded him of you and he hated it. From the bedroom walls to the well groomed garden.
The phone rang for the millionth time and he picked it up from the nightstand. It was his mom. Sighing, he finally picked it up. “Christopher Robert Evans, where the hell have you been?”
“I was at home, mom.” The loose thread on your pillowcase suddenly seemed more interesting than the phone conversation.
“With (Y/N)?”
“She left me, mom.” Chris didn’t want to talk about it but he figured that his mom wouldn’t leave him alone otherwise.
“Serves you right. You left her no other choice.”
“How can you say that? I haven’t done anything.”
“I saw the interview, Chris. Have you ever talked with (Y/N) about extending your family?”
“No but I was just joking with Lizzo.”
“It doesn’t matter. She would have felt unimportant because this is a very private matter and she was not a part of it.”
“Imagine if the roles were reversed.” Realisation dawned upon him and he quickly said goodbye to his mother because he had a girlfriend to win back. Every second spent without you was agonizing and he never wants to experience it.
“(Y/N), Chris is here to see you.” Peeking her head through the door, Scarlett informed you about your boyfriend. You quickly untangled yourself from the sheets and ran to the washroom. You wanted to look presentable but Chris could see the dark circles under your eyes and your thin figure. There was a sudden pang in his heart because he knew this was all his doing.
“I am sorry, baby. I shouldn’t have said anything. I am a fool. Please forgive me.” He started ranting as soon as Scar left the room.
“Chris, have you thought about what I said?” Your calm aura was scaring his wits so he quickly answered with a yes. “Please elaborate.”
“I have realised that I was at fault and I am going to be more open about the future of our relationship from now on.” The sincere look in his eyes was hard to miss.
“Promise?” Gone was the calm and collected exterior, and stood before him was a vulnerable young woman.
“I promise, baby. Now, will you come back home? I have missed you.”
“Yes and I missed you too.” Kissing him on the lips, you sighed because this was your heaven and you wouldn’t want to leave it for the world.
Hope you guys enjoyed it!!
A/N: I love Chris Evansand I was happy to write a fanfiction about him. If you guys have any more request, I will be happy to write about them and message me if you want to be added to the tag list.
Taglist: @justile 
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kohakuarisaka · 4 years ago
Trial By Fire (chapter 2 of 2)
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Takami Keigo x (fem!)Reader
[ SUMMARY ] Hawks stopped by your apartment, asking for a patch up, and then asked for so much more.
[ WARNINGS ] R18+ for graphic sexual content and language. Role reversal: Keigo is a villain and Touya is a hero. Liberties were taken with Hawks’ quirk and is non-canon compliant. This fic is not nice to Touya. Reader and Hawks smoke. Reader has a quirk. Reader is a female with descriptive female genitalia. This fic contains graphic sexual content, including penis in vagina sex, oral sex, spanking, dirty talk, biting, degradation, and knotting. Consensual ♄
Keigo’s appearance in this fic was inspired by this lovely art piece!
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2
[ My BNHA Fanfic Masterlist ] ~ [ Also on my AO3 ]
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Todoroki Touya was a prince.
Being born to a top-ranking hero was almost the same as being born to royalty. Everyone recognized his name, his quirk might as well have been trade-marked, and he had lots and lots of daddy's money.
If that wasn't enough, Touya was incredibly handsome, too. He had a full head of stunning, bright red hair and beautiful, shiny blue eyes. His smile was charming and voice was hoarse and suave.
He was a skilled fighter, always topping the rankings at UA, the talk of all 'up and coming' news articles back in his teen years. His quirk was flashy and powerful, nearly unstoppable; but, he was also a dedicated hero that trained day in and day out to hone his combat skills.
The boy with the crimson wings couldn't have the fortune of being nobody. That would have been more preferable to his reality.
His father was a criminal, a thief and a murderer. His childhood home burned to the ground when an attempted arrest went horribly wrong, and resulted in half his body being permanently scarred by burns. But, no one would believe that a hero did that to a small boy, even if it was an accident. No, of course not.
No hero academy was going to accept someone with such a reputation, with a name like Takami, with a history of bloodshed, with the evidence smeared across his skin for all to see. He was in and out of foster homes for years before he could get his own place, funded by petty crimes and gang activity, the only way he could survive.
Touya was a prince-
-and Keigo was a gutter rat.
He wasn't the least bit surprised when you told him that Touya had asked you out, even less surprised when you told him that you said yes.
Of course you couldn't resist Touya. He was everything any girl could possibly want, and he could give you a hell of a lot more than Keigo ever could: fancy dates, lavish gifts, a nice family to go home to, a name with a shining reputation.
Touya could make you happy.
And so, Keigo stopped chasing you. He stopped hoping anything more would amount to your relationship. But, even if his life depended on it, Keigo could never stop wanting you, thinking about you, loving you. No one was like you, not by a long shot. No one understood him like you did.
But, you belonged to Prince Touya.
... ..
... ..
... ..
Hawks woke in a cold sweat, torn from a nightmare. He bolted upright, eyes scanning the room, panting lightly in a daze. His bare chest glistened with the evidence of his agony and his wings flexed out, feathers taut and sharped at the ends, defensive.
He glared at the unfamiliar walls, legs tangled in warm blankets. It took him just a moment to remember where he was.
There was a photo pinned to the wall by your desk: him and you at a spring carnival during your first year of high school. Your hair was longer back then and he had a black eye from a fight with some upper classmen.
The pillows and blankets on your bed were so soft and freshly washed, the scent of the fabric softener still wafting. You had dug out extra pillows and sheets for Hawks when made it clear he was intending to come around a lot more often.
Your apartment, your bedroom, your bed: that's where he was. The only thing missing from the room was you.
Hawks pulled himself out of a bed with a groan and snagged his sweat pants off the floor, where they had been discarded when he arrived. He decided to skip the underwear and just pulled the loose fitting pants on with a tired groan.
He didn't need to search the apartment to know you weren't inside. His feathers weren't picking up any vibrations from footsteps or breathing. It was too still, too quiet.
Confident of where you were, he opened one of the windows in your bedroom, nearest your desk, and shimmied onto the outer ledge, hoisting his torso through first before bringing his legs in until he was hanging outside. He kicked off the side, beat the air once with his wings to gain some momentum and flew up to the roof.
You let out the most undignified yelp when he floated up over the side of the building, bare feet toeing the edge where he landed, giving you an innocent, drowsy look.
"Holy fuck, you scared me," you hissed at him.
It was almost 1 in the morning, and you had slipped on a loose shirt and baggy shorts to head up to the roof for a smoke. Unsurprisingly, you were alone at this hour, able to enjoy the ambiance of the night without one of your neighbors mouth breathing or trying to strike up a conversation. They weren't bad people; but, you didn't want their company.
Even from up this high, you could hear passing cars, the soft squeaking of breaks and the occasional squeal of tires spinning on asphalt. Distant lights were constantly changing: traffic control, cars coming and going, people in and out of their crowded apartments.
"You're not cold?" Hawks asked as he approached you.
"Not really," you answered softly.
Despite that, Hawks flattened against your back. His hands dragged up and down your arms as if to warm them before winding around your waist. You felt more than saw his head droop over your shoulder. As he pressed in close, you felt what was his very shirtless chest fall against your back and the unmistakable outline of his cock against your behind.
"I see you didn't bother dressing," you scolded him, lacking any real malice.
"You like it," he challenged, reaching for your cigarette.
Before he could grab it, you brought it to his lips for him, turning your head to try and face him, despite the awkward angle. You watched him puff the end faintly before huffing out smoke away from you.
"Ohh," he hummed. "You bought the fancy ones this time."
"They're not fancy," you retorted gently.
He flapped his mouth, about to insist you let him buy the next pack. However, he caught himself, remembering how well it went last time. It had resulted in a fight, and you kicked him out, nearly pushing him out the window, not that he couldn't handle that, of course, and it was a funny memory, now that it was over.
Besides, if he was being honest, it was really hot when you yelled at him. Maybe not so much this time since it put him in the doghouse for a week. But, the makeup sex was definitely worth it.
You didn't want his money; 'blood money', you had called it. You adored him, maybe even loved him, wanted him, longed for him; but, you had no desire to take any of his dirty money.
You weren't delusional enough to think that that made you a good person, or somehow morally superior, not to Hawks, or anyone else for that matter. It was a choice that you had made for yourself, to try and get your life on the right track.
Maybe, letting Hawks into your bed was counter productive. He was a wanted villain, after all. Business could follow, even if he worked hard to prevent that. If Touya found out-
You shuddered at the thought, mind racing with the possibilities of what could happen. You didn't want to see Touya ever again, let alone talk to him; but, there was no guarantee that your paths would never cross again. Would he be mad? Would he try to hurt Keigo?
Sharply, you turned your head and kissed at his cheek, lips smearing across the burnt half of his face, as if trying to reassure yourself that that wouldn't happen. Hawks hummed, and you felt the vibration travel along his chest and throat and onto your skin.
"Don't burn your fingertips," he scolded you softly in a hoarse whisper, snatching your cigarette from the burning end.
You had been so lost in thought, you failed to realize the cinders were nearing your fingers, the flame having almost reached the end. You watched Hawks roll it between his fingers, drawing the paper into his palm where he crushed it. The flame died and he opened his hand, letting the wind carry the burnt remains away.
"Kiss me," you breathed, so wrapped up in the moment that you didn't care that you were outside.
He obeyed with a growl, hands grabbing at your waist harshly to spin you around. One hand flattened at the space between your shoulder blades, holding you tightly to his chest while he arched down and captured your mouth.
You heard and felt his wings beat the air, powerful and unyielding: an intentional display of dominance, most likely, that should have made your eyes roll and not your heart flutter. But, you had always been soft for Keigo, and this advancement in your relationship had only made that worse, until you became putty in his hands.
He clearly really liked to play with putty. It was bad enough that he was constantly twisting and turning your body to see what kind of positions he could put you in: something that you, unfortunately, found far more arousing than you should have. He loved to poke and prod, see what kind of noises he could get out of you. He also loved to see how far he could push your limitations.
"Baby," Hawks growled against your mouth, eyes hungry as he took you in.
"Let's be crazy," he suggested, low and hoarse, with a slight edge that made him sound like a stupid teenager again.
He tugged you in close, shamelessly rubbing his erection against your closed abdomen, and making his intentions known.
"Hell no," you retorted, smoothly, sure, but lacking in any real confidence in your rejection.
"Come on," he urged, hands and arms sliding away so he could skirt away from you.
You watched Hawks step towards the edge of the roof with the kind of confidence you would expect from a man that could fly. He casually sat down, rotated to sit longways, one leg spread out for balance while the other rested right at the edge. He leaned back, spreading one wing out along the gravely rooftop, while the other drooped over the side, feathers long and fluttering in the breeze like a crimson, tattered flag.
Hawks crossed his arms behind his head and laid back in full, looking boneless as he stretched out. He peered up at you with a wicked grin, eyes bright as they reflected the distant street lights.
"You're fucking ridiculous," you snapped at him, realizing too late that you were smiling dumbly at the shamelessly display in front of you. Your words lacked any real weight. Rather, you sounded amused or impressed, not angry.
God damn it.
"You love it," Hawks retorted with a soft laugh.
"No," you commanded, crossing your arms over your chest.
"Come on," he urged, rolling your name off his tongue like it was a delicious, sinful delight. "It'll make for a great memory - great story. Tell all your friends you fucked some guy on the edge of the roof. No risk: you know I won't let you fall."
"I wouldn't say 'some guy', even if I had friends to tell," you said to him grumpily, settling a weak glare on the winged villain.
Hawks removed his crossed arms from behind his head, placed one hand on the roof for balance, and leaned up. His cocky expression was gone, replaced with something soft, almost nervous, like he feared he misheard you.
"You'd tell them it was me?" he asked.
"Obviously," you uttered back.
A genuine smile found its way onto Hawks' face. Maybe, he was more deceitful than you gave him credit for. Maybe he knew damn well that you couldn't resist that face, that smile that lit up your heart, those mismatched eyes. Only foolish girls let themselves believe nonsense.
Maybe, you could be foolish sometimes.
You approached Hawks and he leaned back, excitement clawing its way onto his face as he realized he was going to get what he wanted. You smacked his chest and he fell back with a rough laugh.
A slight tug pulled his pants down enough to spring his cock free, already fully hard and leaking against his abdomen. Some distant thought was that you should have been surprised; but, Hawks had proved to be quite the animal, with such a miniscule refractory period and ready to go without much persuading.
You carefully slid on top of him, one leg braced on the roof against his side, while the other dangled over the edge. The weightlessness had you reeling back with a frightened whimper. Hawks grabbed your leg and pressed it tight against his side, keeping you planted on his lap.
"I got you," he whispered soothingly. "I got you, baby. I won't let you fall."
The bastard could fly. He was used to feeling weightless, to feeling nothing beneath his feet. You were not, and the very real risk of slipping over the edge was ever present when you felt the breeze, felt the lack of something beneath your heel.
However, when you planted yourself on Hawks, who was partially dangling over the side, you felt grounded. He felt sturdy and strong beneath you, no fear in his posture, arms and legs firmly planted, wings spread out to balance himself. He wasn't waddling back and forth with uncertainty.
It barely took you a second to relax, to feel safe when his hands gripped your thighs, holding you securely against his weight. Of course he could catch you; but, you doubted he would let you fall in the first place.
Sooner or later, you were going to have to learn to tell him no; but, that didn't have to be today.
"Have you done this before?" you dared to ask.
"Not with a partner," Hawks answered quietly.
You barked out a laugh at his answer, and watched a cheeky grin appear on the villain's face.
"What? Can a guy not jack off on the roof?" he barked.
"You're fucking horrible," you chuckled, slapping at his bare chest.
"I didn't splooge over the edge," he added on.
"You're ruining the mood," you scolded him.
Still, despite those words, and the obviously fact that he had in fact not ruined anything, you reached between your legs and grabbed at the hem of your shorts. They were wide enough that you could just pull them to the side-
Hawks choked on his next breath. You glanced up at his face. His head was angled down so he could steal a look at your sex so effortlessly becoming bare.
"Fuck," he wheezed, as if he hadn't seen you naked dozens of times by now.
Bare of underwear, fabric loose enough to just shift aside, you angled your hips until his cock caught on your folds. Hawks moaned when your wet slit trailed across his length, literally dripping over him.
"-ooohh, you're wet," he hissed softly, sincerely surprised at the discovery.
"You fucked me just a few hours ago, you animal," you retorted smoothly. Your level tone contrasted sharply with the sudden whimper that escaped you when his tip hooked on your entrance.
"Heh. Made you scre-"
Ah, you loved when Hawks gave you perfect opportunities to cut him off. You shifted your hips and sank down, enveloping his length in moist heat, and Hawks' words dissolved into a weak moan. There was no ache, as you were still prepped from earlier, likely still leaking some of him, as well.
Hawks wasted no time laying a hand against your lower abdomen. His thumb dipped between your folds and flicked skillfully at your pearl. The harsh texture of his calloused fingerprint had you whimpering and twitching. His other hand gripped your waist and guided you slowly up and down his length.
"Look down," Hawks instructed, not demanding, not crude, but soft and guiding. His eyes displayed a sort of devotion and hunger that had you helpless to do much other than obey.
Your eyes directed to the ground below, over sweeping floors, dozens of windows and a couple fire escapes. This high up, the ground looked so far away, cars like pill bugs you'd see waddling along the concrete at the community garden. Something electric shot through you, catching your breath in your throat, and Hawks let out a hoarse curse, hips shuddering.
"Fuck, you got tight," he hissed.
His hand let go of your sex and lifted up to cup your face. He turned you to face him, nudging your cheek lovingly with his knuckles. Immediately, you realized, it was his burnt hand.
You turned your head to kiss at his skin, tinged red from thick scar tissue and wrinkly. Slyly, he dipped his thumb into your mouth, the same that had been dipped beneath your folds.
"Don't be scared. I got you, baby," he cooed while you sucked the digit clean.
You smiled and laughed softly, popping his thumb out of your mouth with a lewd, wet noise. "Normal people are scared of heights, pretty bird."
"You're special," he protested, dragging his thumb across your bottom lip.
That praise had your heart fluttering, and you mentally scolded yourself for acting like a school girl.
He pressed down and dipped his thumb back inside, coaxing your tongue out until it lulled over your bottom lip. Normally, you swatted his hand away when he did things like that. But, it was difficult to resist when he was looking at you like that. One gold and one milky eye took you in with a heated gaze while he gently panted through slightly parted lips.
"That's a good girl," he praised, dragging the pad of his thumb over your tongue.
You likely looked ridiculous like this, impaled on his lap with your tongue hanging out. You almost wanted to smack him and tell him to quit; but, Hawks' hand retreated before you could tell him off.
That same thumb returned to your pearl, pressing down with just the right amount of pressure. He lifted his lips a little, encouraging, the corners of his lips threatening to break into a pleased grin. You gently moved along with him, finding harmony in a steady rhythm that had pleasure sparking at your guts.
Your eyes wandered, taking in his aroused expression, exploring the plains of his muscular chest, across the burnt skin on one half of his body, to the red feathered wings that jutted out from behind him. You didn't look over the edge again; but, the sounds of the city were ever present, reminding you of where you were.
"Someone could see," Hawks suggested darkly.
You shuddered, head lulling back, and let out a weak moan. You didn't consider yourself much of a voyeurist; but, that was oddly exciting. You were covered up well enough. They wouldn't see much of you, but the act couldn't be mistaken for anything but what it was.
Hawks shifted his hand away from your pearl and grabbed at your hip, long fingers curling around the thickest part for purchase. You didn't have a chance to consider the lack of stimulation before one of his feathers replaced his thumb, twirling and flicking insistently at your nub.
You moaned again, and let yourself go partially limp, somewhat held up by your hands braced against his chest, but more so by his stronger hands holding your center. You couldn't keep up with him, letting his hands guide you up and down to his length to his liking.
"-know how good it feels," he continued, some strain in his voice as pleasure spewed in his core.
He lost balance a little and the wing drooped over the edge flapped once. It wasn't particularly strong; but, it was enough to startle a jolt and soft yelp out of you.
Your hands slipped, and you were suddenly chest to chest. Hawks bent one leg to lift you higher on his lap, shifting the angle enough to bring him deeper and amplify the pleasure. His cheek slid against your neck and his lips met your jawline.
"You want them to know what a slut you are?" he snarled, less of a question and more of a suggestion.
The sensible side of you wanted to deny it. What good could possibly come of that? The feral side of you, that Hawks so expertly brought out, disagreed. You weren't ashamed of him. You were the happiest you had been in years. He made you laugh, he made you smile, and he made you come harder than you ever thought possible.
He kissed and bit a burning hot path across your jaw, drawing some loose skin between his molars beneath your ear, before wandering across your throat. He mouthed at your pulse, and the reality that he was a wanted murderer rang loudly in your ears.
You didn't recoil of fear or disgust. You moaned, loudly, arching your back and exposing one of yourself to him. He had to resist the urge to lift your shirt and bite at your breasts. If not for your modesty, than because your poor nipples had already been quite thoroughly assaulted not too many hours ago.
His dominant hand slid up your thigh, long, thick fingers effortlessly venturing up the leg of your shorts. He curled his hand around the back and dragged the pad of his finger along your union, gathering slick and remnants of his earlier venture.
Your cloudy thoughts didn't consider what he was doing, until that finger, now wet and slippery, was suddenly circling your other hole. That had you letting out a confused gasp. He didn't press in, just traced the tight ring of muscle curiously, and took your noise positively.
Hawks knew well enough, but the mischievous glimmer in his eyes gave it away.
"Aww. Did Touya never touch you here?" he teased.
He pressed in slightly, being answered by your muscles flinching tightly, if your lewd expression didn't tell him enough. You looked confused, maybe even a little annoyed, but the arousal was still present, thick behind the glare you tried to give him.
As inviting as the heat was, he didn't venture beyond the pad of his finger, which felt like a lot more than it actually was. It didn't hurt, but it didn't feel good, either. You didn't know what to make of it, but found yourself arching into the touch, and downright mewling when he slipped out and returned to circling the ring of puckered muscle, which surprisingly did feel good.
"O-obviously, that's not-" you hissed at him.
Still, through all his teasing and adventuring touches, his hips never ceased, forcing his cock into your sopping wet cunt again and again. The wet, fleshy sounds was loud enough to drown out the bustling city beneath you.
"No more than this," Hawks promised in a hoarse whisper, hot breath fanning out over your throat.
His fingertip eased back in, met with blistering tight heat, and you let out a strange noise, confused and perhaps a little discomforted. No, that was definitely not a place you were used to being touched. But, he wandered that territory carefully, ever akin to your desires. As new as it was, there was no denying the way that touch made your skin prickle.
"You like it," he observed slyly. "Dirty girl."
It probably would have sounded more teasing if he didn't already sound so debauched, thoroughly enjoying the opportunity to touch you as much as you enjoyed being touched. He had you wrapped around his finger. That much was certain. But, you weren't oblivious to the power you held over him.
"Keigo," his name slipped past your lips, breathless and dripping with lust. It wasn't really forced; but, you were intent on getting a rise out of him. "Keigo," and again. "Oh, Keigo," and again.
His teasing finger stopped and his hand shifted to grab at your meaty behind with an almost bruising grip. His pace was suddenly punishing, bouncing you in his lap almost ferociously while his hips pivoted to chase the sensation. He had you wheezing out breathless moans while he grunted and snarled beneath you.
"Close," he suddenly grunted, the word little more than a rumble in his throat.
"Yes," you agreed, deliriously high on the pleasure he pummeled into you.
It was impossible to know how he managed to hold off long enough to get you there first, or if it was specifically the tightening of your walls that got him there. You were mewling and twitching long before he howled out, and the heat of his seed burst inside you.
He was making a mess. You could feel it dripping down your thighs, sputtering out from his thrusting and leaking over his abdomen. Hawks didn't care, obviously, turning his head to kiss greedily at your mouth while his hips kept moving.
When he pulled back, you found yourself disappointed at the realization that he hadn't knotted. However, there was no way you were going to say that out loud. His ego was swollen enough already.
Careless to the mess, he lifted you off his length and helped you to your feet before adjusting his wet pants to at least clothe himself. Your combined fluids had made a mess all over the crotch of his pants, no doubt worse now that he tucked himself away. Your shorts were no better, and you could feel his seed leaking down your inner thigh.
The high wasn't quite over and Hawks was sporting an attractive red tint along his shoulders and chest, blonde locks an absolute mess. Still, at this moment, your focus was solely on getting back inside and cleaning up.
"You're the worst," you scolded him, sounding incredibly fond despite your insult. You took his arm instead of his hand and guided him back into the building.
Hawks swallowed a laugh and, together, you stomped noisily down the stairs. No one passed you by. If anyone spotted you, it went unnoticed. You hardly needed to drag Hawks, who was right on your tail. As soon as the door was opened, he pushed you inside, one arm wound possessively over your waist.
"Keigo!" you whined, flinching when his head ducked into your neck and gnawed at your skin.
"You got me riled up," he growled, pressing into you so you could feel how hard he still was. The sticky mess of his wet pants felt gross; but, you couldn't be bothered to care.
You wanted to tell him off; after all, you had done nothing, and he had done that to himself. But, you felt a tinge of discomfort at your core, aching and eager to be filled again. Your clit throbbed between your thighs, eager for more contact.
Hawks manhandled you onto the nearby wall, taking you by the elbows to plant your hands on the smooth surface. You didn't hesitate to make your consent known, arching your back and propping up on your toes as he roughly dragged your shorts down.
The fabric pooled at your feet, leaving your oozing sex presented to him. Your felt and heard his wings flap, so widely that they smacked against the walls in the small space. Knowing full well what he was doing, the sudden intrusion wasn't quite as surprising; but, still, he managed to force a startled moan out of you.
"Fuck," he snarled, forehead falling against your upper back.
His dominant hand reached around, circling your pearl as he found a steady rhythm. His seed from earlier oozed out, and it was equally disgusting as it was amazing. His free hand gripped your hips, holding you still so he could use you to his liking.
It felt amazing, and each shift of his hips punched a broken moan out of you. It didn't take long for you to feel it, the swell at the base of his cock, catching on your entrance, slowly working you open to take his growing knot.
"You want that, don't you?" he uttered harshly, tilting his head up to breathe the words into the space right above your ear.
Even though it was unnecessary, he made his point clear by shoving it all in, as deep as he could, and grinding, rolling his hips to let you feel the swell at the base.
You removed one hand from the wall, curved your arm back and reached blindly, skillfully finding his hair. Your fingers grabbed a fistful, rough but not enough to hurt him. Hawks snarled when you tugged him in, nails gently biting into his skull.
"You better," you whispered, demanding and hoarse, and apparently delicious enough that he had to stop his thrusts and tilt his head in for a kiss.
Suddenly, the closeness was everywhere, back to chest, thigh to thigh. You tilted your head back to make it easier to reach, and let Hawks kiss his way into your mouth possessively, first with soft lips before his tongue edged the soft skin apart. He dragged along your teeth before trailing your palate like he was tasting something divine.
Eventually, he was satisfied, parting from your lips with a loud pop, licking his own lips as if he had just enjoyed a delicious meal. He carefully peeled back, cock slipping free from your heat, hands letting go when he was confident you wouldn't fall.
An open palm collided with your behind, and the sound echoed around the apartment, drowning out your surprised squick.
"Get on the fucking bed," he all but snarled, the words clawing out through gritted teeth.
Your legs, steadier than you expected, carried you to the bedroom. Hawks, however, tackled you onto the mattress before you could make it, forcing you onto your back with his weight.
He chuckled into your skin and you squealed with laughter. Despite the impact, he was surprisingly gentle, mindful of his strength. Crimson wings flapped, nearly smacking into the ceiling. You briefly feared that he would get hurt on the ceiling fan, but immediately determined that he would be more likely to break it than be injured by it.
He peeled your shirt off, leaving you nude beneath him.
"I've made you such a slut for knots, hm?" he observed, leaning up on his knees to hover over you, and give you quite the view.
His cock was an angry shade of red, thick and heavy where it hung between his legs, almost tinted purple on the tip with the need for release. He had just a moment ago, and it made you wonder if the lack of knotting left him unsatisfied.
The beginning swells of his knot was an enticing girth right at the base, stretching the velvety skin of his shaft, and also tinted a dark shade of red. He was glistening all over, the tip oozing pre as if he hadn't come just a moment ago.
"-and I've made you a slut for me," you teased back, carefully placing your legs on either side of his waist.
He skillfully slipped into you with a pleased snarl, body slotting over yours carefully. He might not have been a giant, but Hawks was still bigger than you, enough to shadow you and leave you feeling small. He rolled his hips slowly, giving you a taste of that swelling before he began a steady rhythm.
Noises punched out of you, whimpers and moans and broken sounds that were almost his name. He balanced on his forearms, one on either side of your head to cage you in, while his legs planted on the bed and his tense abs did most of the work.
"So fucking good. Gnhnn - I don't deserve you," he babbled, uttering the words harshly into the space above your ear, tickling at your hair. "Beautiful and f-fucking perfect."
Hawks was a talker with almost no exception; but, still, despite having heard it all many times, he still managed to get a rise out of you, sweet nothings that made your heart flutter and skin prickle.
"Say you're mine," he demanded, tilting his head down to gnaw gently at your throat.
You swallowed, managing to catch your breath long enough to utter weakly, "'m yours, Keigo."
He lifted his head and dragged his forehead along your temple, huffing out dramatic breaths with each thrust of his hips. A bit more experienced now, you knew when he was close, when the catch became almost too much, the fullness dizzying and almost frightening. Your eyes fluttered open long enough to see his lustful stare, admiring the beauty of pleasure etched across your face.
You dragged your nails down his back, crying in ecstasy when the sparks ignited and pleasure soared through your core. Hawks' dominant hand roughly grabbed a fistful of the sheets, a frustrated grunt bursting from his throat before he roared, likely loud enough for the neighbors to hear.
His thrusting ceased, less he timed it incorrectly and missed this. You made a very distinct noise at the intrusion, the same sound every single time, and it echoed so loudly in his mind. He felt overwhelmed with pride, that he could make you make a sound like that, so utterly debauched and in beautiful ecstasy.
Hawks' own moans, that came out of him like a chuffing tiger, were drowned out by your delicious whimpering. If the fullness wasn't enough, his cock jerked and spurted thick, hot streams of his seed. You could feel each twitch, until he shifted forward, as deep as he possibly could go, and finally stopped.
The muscles of his knot tightened as they finished expanding, locking your cores together. Hawks' head dropped and smacked onto the sheets by your ear. You tilted your head back, nose pointed towards the ceiling as you panted, and felt his rough, staggered breath as it burned your throat.
You felt more than heard the rumbling of his chest where it pressed down on yours. It was unmistakable: the sounds of a satiated beast. The thought had you stuttering out a breathless laugh.
Hawks' nose nudged your cheek and he hummed questioningly.
"You're purring," you answered softly.
"Oh," he answered bluntly.
Luckily, he didn't try to stop it; or, he was consciously unaware of it. Either way, you hoped he wouldn't stop. You loved the sensation of being trapped with him, impossibly close and stuffed like a used sex toy. Just as much, you loved knowing that he was pleased. Shameful as it all was, he had a way of making you feel shameless.
"Baby," he cooed, voice soft and breathless, a little hoarse, like a dying engine. "Are you okay?"
Your arms and legs were still around him, clinging tight like you didn't want to let go. You were strung out and limp, sinking into the sheets, head lulled back and clearly, very pleased. Still, Hawks kissed at your jaw like he was uncertain.
"Are you okay, pretty bird?" you repeated back to him, turning your head to meet his lips with your own.
He kissed you back as opposed to answering, the soft rumbling continuing until you felt it in your own throat. One of his hands tangled in your hair, kneading gently at your skull. Eventually, he peeled back and stared down at you, mismatched eyes unwavering, like you were a specter that would disappear if he glanced away.
He was the one who would be gone in the morning, leaving only an ache in your tummy to remind you that he was here.
But, you knew he would come back.
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teddy06writes · 4 years ago
Who Knew Being A Youtuber Was Dangerous
requested by this anon: "Okay last one I promise
. I think. So CC!Dream x Bodyguard!Reader or reverse the roles, whatever works. Premise: Dream starts going to conventions and needs to be protected from all the antis and obsessive fans. But Dream didn’t know his bodyguard was gonna be attractive
dream x reader
trigger warnings: some swearing, yelling, general violence/threats
premise: The first vidcon after Covid has finally arrived, and with his face newly revealed, Dream's getting a bit worried a bout how a week in California will turn out, so, he (lets be real it was his manager) hirers you and your team for protection
{Also reader has implied military background}
"You didn't tell me that they were coming all the way out here! I thought we were meeting them in California!" Dream argued into his phone.
You leaned against the rented escalade, watching as he paced back at forth.
One of your partners half leaned through the passenger seat window, "Sir? We're going to be late if you don't wrap it up!"
The man in the driver seat tapped his thumbs on the wheel anxiously, "I can handle politicians, I can handle CEO's, hell I can handle regular celebrities'- but youtubers? Dude why?"
You looked back at him, "Don't complain, he's paying bigger bucks than anyone we've had in years."
"I know but-"
You shook your head, cutting him off as Dream approached the car, "I'm sorry- I just thought I wasn't getting your services until I landed in California."
You shook your head, "You've still got to get through two international airports, and your flight. We'll be going along with you throughout the duration of your trip, but that won't happen, if you don't go get your things so we can leave on time."
"Yeah-" He sighed, "I'll- get my bags."
Shaking his head, Dream hurried back inside, grabbing his things before sending Sapnap a panicked snap 'sap help the body guard is hot'
When he got no response, he sighed, pulling his things out of the house and locking up behind himself, "You know for body guards you are dressed awfully casually."
You sighed adjusting your windbreaker, as you grabbed one of his bags to put in the trunk, "We're supposed to blend in. People might think it's suspicious that you need body guards, they could... plan things."
"And three extra people traveling with me isn't?"
"Smith and McAllen aren't going to be with us, with us. Within range, sure, but not following you around. You're going to be telling people I'm just- a friend or something- your life was private enough it would blend in." You reported, closing the trunk and moving to open the other door for him.
You moved around the car, climbing into your own seat, "Let's move."
The airport was fairly crowded, but you navigated through it carefully, avoiding the biggest groups of people and instructing Dream to keep his hood up.
After almost two hours of anxiety, you had finally boarded the plane, tucking your backpack under the seat in front of you.
"Where'd the other two end up?" He asked quietly.
"Smiths on the other side of the row, two up, and McAllen's behind us." You reported.
Dream nodded, and the two of you settled in for take off.
Nearly an hour in, and you could tell he was getting bored as he leaned over, "So how does one end up doing body guard stuff anyway?"
You shrugged, "My contract was ended early.... I was looking for a job, retaining all my previous work experience, and I stumbled upon this agency."
"It's strange that it's even a real job."
"It's strange that playing a video game is even a real job." You shot back, grinning.
"How do you know what type of videos I make?" He asked skeptically.
"Well I have to make sure a client is legit before taking a legal offer, right?" You chuckled.
~~ The flight was nearing at end, finally, and you went over the plans again, looking over the layout of the airport on your tablet.
"What're you doing?" Dream asked.
"You never get tired of questions do you?" You sighed.
He frowned, "Sorry..."
You sighed again, "We're supposed to plan the routes around every fucking building you go into. We have a plan, we stick to the route, we keep idiots like you safe from anti's and crazy fans."
"Crazy fans?"
"Well you only just revealed what you look like, you've never been mobbed in public," You explained, "You can never trust what a obsessed person would do. That's how John Lennon died."
"Really? You're citing the Beatles on why your looking at airport maps?"
"You literally hired me for this!"
~~ So far, vidcon had been uneventful on your part, and you found yourself back in the old routine of standing off to the side, in hallways, or generally out of the way as your client did his thing.
The same lie had been told millions of times by now, Dream's partner, that's how the internet knew you, and lies grew, but all you had to do was walk along side him, nothing more.
Your partners could normally just explain away being assistants or managers working with vidcon organizers.
"Someone on twitter started a conspiracy thread that 'dream and (y/n) are not a real couple, I found so much proof this weekend'." Sapnap laughed.
From your place at the other table you nearly choked on your sandwich as Dream began to wheeze.
"why is this getting traction!?!"
"Someone added to the end," Smith reported, looking up from his phone, "Their debating if it's real, fake, or if the person made the thread cause they were jealous."
You took a sip of your water, "I can't wait till this is over, then we'll break up and the stans will forget about me."
Dream laughed, "That's too bad, I was thinking of taking you guys on full time."
You sighed, shaking your head, pretending to be annoyed, "Oh no, being paid to fake date some cute famous guy."
"You think I'm cute?"
You rolled your eyes, ignoring him, "Hurry up, we've gotta leave in ten."
You were halfway through the convention center when suddenly you began to miss all that standing around.
As usual movement through the convention center was tough, but this time the crowd seemed different, particularly as someone near the back began yelling about something.
You scanned the crowd, and the woman seemed to lock onto you, "You! Yeah you! Who the hell do you think you are?"
You glanced back at McAllen, who nodded, starting to move to the side, Dream following, ever so slightly.
"You don't get to date him! How could you stoop that low Dream?"
More yelling erupted from the crowd, and someone seemed to charge forward.
You immediately took charge, grabbing Dream's arm and pulling him along with you as Smith hurried forward to block the man.
"What the fuck is going on?" Dream asked.
"Shut up, and stay behind me." You hissed turning down a side hallway as all hell started to break loose in the convention center, a single gunshot ringing out.
"Shouldn't you be going to stop that?" Dream asked as you and McAllen hurried him down another corridor.
"Job for the police, not us." You muttered, "Exit's through here, lets go."
From behind you, there were more shouts, something about stealing Dream.
“Motherfucker, these people are insane.” McAllen muttered.
Somehow, you’d managed to get Dream out of the building, double back, and also collect Smith and Sapnap on the way.
Running on pure adrenaline, you’d then helped anyone else, evacuating civilians as the police worked to talk down the shooter.
By the time you had arrived back to the hotel, finished making statements and refusing to answer a frat deal of questions from father fans, you were about to collapse.
“I thought your job was just to get me out of there.” Dream said, looking up as you entered your room.
“I did.”
“And then you went back in.”
“I help people, okay?” You snapped, “Normally this job doesn’t include being shot at because I have to fake date someone who I’m protecting.”
You sat down heavily, “just- gimme a minute to breath. You’ve made my job more complex than it needed to be.”
“With my dashing good looks?” He laughed.
You rolled your eyes, “I mean with the amount of trouble you’ve caused me we might as well be actually dating, then I might benefit more.”
He grinned, “I just might take you up on that.”
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hlvraik · 3 years ago
I’m so glad you liked the kid Gordon in Xen HCs XD
I have been thinking and now present you with ideas for the reverse situation
Aka, baby invasion of Xen
Baby Benry is still big and eldritch , but not the final boss. Absolutely a nightmare to keep track of, but can mostly keep themself (and anyone around them) safe
The others would also be their own unique challenge to wrangle. Coomer wanting to go explore with Bubby, Tommy riding Sunkist and jumping across islands as Gordon has a mild aneurysm trying to figure out what the fuck he’s supposed to do with them all as he also tries to keep them away from the Nihilanth. I’d imagine Gman might decide to step in and at least corral the kids while Gordon “takes care of business” (and then tries desperately to stop Benry from snacking on the dead alien. Free food is free food)
The birthday party would be even more of a hit I think, ending with all children passed out on an equally passed out Gordon. They all need naps, real bed is optional XD
Aaaa,, you’re welcome!!!! I never thought of this AU with Xen in mind, as I wanted to make it easier for both Gordon and the Science Team in their respective AUs! Since y’know both parties have too much on their plate already, mainly Gordon. So it's interesting to think about how things will play out! :) [also while posting this, I barely realized that I accidentally switched G-Man's and Gordon's roles in this ahshshs-]:
All hell immediately breaks loose whenever the group enters Xen; once there, Gordon sighes, closing his eyes while pinching the bridge of his nose before explaining to the kids that they need to "stay close to him at all times." Of course, when he finally opens his eyes, everyone is gone.  [Before deciding to go off to wrangle up the group before anything bad could happen, Gordon definitely screams into his hands out of stress-]
Gordon was able to wrangle up K!Tommy first, as not only were they the first ones Gordon could spot [as it’s not everyday that you see a giant golden retriever], but whenever he called for them, they immediately came with no questions asked. With that, next were both K!Coomer and K!Bubby, which wasn’t too difficult. Sure, there were a number of caves and floating isles that they could be in, but their location was easy to pinpoint thanks to K!Bubby’s constant screaming
[Yes, they’re absolutely the type to claim that 'they’re not afraid of anything', but once they hear a strange noise, or see a shadow, they start immediately screaming-]
Now, with three-fourths of the group back together, the last member to look for was, of course, K!Benrey. In Which they were right behind the group the whole entire time, and much taller than usual
and they were carelessly gnawing on a tree. Of course, this caused both Gordon and K!Bubby to yell instantaneously, as for Gordon, he had another problem to deal with and he had to scold K!Benrey as they were ATTEMPTING TO EAT A TREE, and for K!Bubby, who now complained about how they were now the shortest in the group.]
As for the whole Nihilanth situation, which Gordon didn’t even think twice about as HOLY HELL HE CANNOT CATCH A BREAK TODAY CAN’T HE? Thankfully, G-Man decides to step in and take care of it. Is it because they felt bad for Gordon? Not at all. Was it because it might take him too long to defeat it? Nope! It was because they were genuinely concerned about Tommy’s well-being. [They couldn’t care less if Gordon, or the others, managed to get injured or absolutely destroyed. However, a quick explanation with K!Tommy about how they’re their friends might sway their opinion.] Also, BENREY PLEASE DON’T PUT IT IN YOUR MOUTH-
..AND THE PIZZA PARTY,,, ABSOLUTELY.  Everybody would just be taking a well-deserved nap on the floor, with Gordon sprawled out and everyone else just laying on top of him like a pillow. However, I do like to imagine that maybe the kids weren't tired and didn't feel like taking a nap, much to Gordon's dismay. However, once he decided to take them to his apartment, as he couldn't just leave them to fend for themselves, he expected them to make their way up the stairs before passing out on either his or Joshua's bed. BUT. On the ride home, they ALL fell asleep, which meant Gordon had to carry everybody while climbing stairs and unlocking his door without any help or dropping anybody. [... or waking up anyone.]
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miraculouscontent · 4 years ago
(miraculous asks)
Anonymous said:
Oh My Gosh!!!! I was just thinking about Party Crasher and man I hate how they had Ladybug get captured for the men to save! It's a continuous thing you see in media: strong heroic woman gets put in peril so that the men can shine. I didn't even realize it until you said it! I get that it was probably meant to be a "role reversal" of Chat always getting kidnapped or brainwashed for Ladybug to save, but the fact that this is the "guys' episode" it read like "well damn, we can't have the guys be strong if a girl is in the way; let's have the girl get captured so the boys can prove their worth by rescuing her!".
At least in Sandboy, Ladybug was still competent and came up with the plans, but this?! It makes me sick, and it's all too easy to fall into these traps; even Kim Possible did it! In my magical girl story, the heroine does get put in a magical coma and require someone to bail her out, but it's her female friends AND her boyfriend who save her, so it's not just a girl being weakened so a boy can be powerful, especially since said boy actually does a minority of the work required to save her; the focus is on the female characters so it's her girl friends who do most of it. I still ended up scrapping that side plot anyway, and do you know why? Because regardless of who saved her, I still didn't want my female protagonist to be put in distress at all due to the unfortunate implications! Needing help in a fight? Sure. But outright being captured or kidnapped? Nah fam.
I was honestly thinking about that when the first episode came out. Like, they could’ve just had Marinette NOT SHOW UP in time so the guys take care of things, which at least gives more of a message that Paris wouldn’t go to hell just because Ladybug is a little late or something.
And yeah, the “boys squad episode so gotta toss the girl out” is... sigh.
Anonymous said:
I think the writers were trying to show Chat angsting to show his regret instead of an actual apology. Still doesn't explain why Aeon didn't bring up her death afterwards. Did Olympia delete that from her memory banks?
I guess? :|
I don’t know why Chat can’t just apologize without fishing or trying to earn sympathy. Like JUST SAY YOU’RE SORRY, DAMMIT.
Anonymous said:
If you haven't read Maribat, then you won't regret it. I am not in the DC universe but I started reading it and WOW. Literally every single time Marinette is a badass queen and gets her complete revenge and is actually happy! Even if you absolutely love Lukanette (which I have nothing against) you should totally try it.
Appreciate the comment, but I find it hard to ship other Marinette ships outside of Lukanette. Ivanette is a very loose exception and it’s not like I ship it hard or anything.
Anonymous said:
Despite not being a Lukanette shipper I love you. Why? Because you amazing, so right in literally everything and I love you <33
gkdfjgfdngjkfdg thank you
bat-anon said:
The NY Special made it so that Max is literally the only Black/Brown kid that doesn’t exist to make Love Square happen and that just makes me hate it even more.
I wish you didn’t make me have this realization because I hate it.
At least Delmar existed in the New York special???? I guess???? I dunno, I’m trying here, I don’t recall him doing anything love square centric.
Anonymous said:
I honestly don't mind Alix's outfit as Bunnix! I feel like it fits her, plus she's an adult so its not much of a problem, not saying it can't be improved however. I DO have issues with the designs for the underage girls outfits however....those are very sus
Yeah, the problem I take with Bunnyx’s is that it’s a bodysuit. If there was just more definition, like having actual boots, I wouldn’t complain as much.
Anonymous said:
I actually just really like the idea of the new bee being a genuinely nice person who becomes friends with Marinette. Not exactly close friends (since I like the idea of friendly working relationships without actual personal stakes in them). I also enjoy the idea of the new bee having some small animosity for Chat Noir- just because their personalities aren't the greatest mix. I also think that it would make sense for the miraculous of subjection to be at odds with the miraculous of destruction
Full agreement but we know how much the writers are resistant to have characters go against Chat.
Anonymous said:
Not gonna lie the scene where the girl squad gets akumatized almost makes it seem like they got akumatized on purpose, similar to Manon in Puppeteer 2(although she was a little kid who was probably just imagining she could enact revenge). And why can't they have a uniformed design, like they're a team but wear different colors, similar to the Sailor Senshi(like, Alya's the leader and wears orange, Rose wears pink, Alix wears green, Juleka wears purple, and Mylene wears yellow). It's so boring.
Anonymous said:
Relating to the Didn't Need Burrows and Treatment of Marinette bingo cards, have you considered making one for whenever the show fails at girl power? It could say things like "sexualized frames of teenage girls" "boy tells girl what to do" "girls don't get to keep Miraculouses", and "girls are forced to apologize whenever a situation goes wrong". And in the center, it could say "Don't show this to your daughter!"! Lol! What do you think?
lol I feel like I have enough cards, otherwise I would.
Anonymous said:
I saw another post that talked about Miraculous New York, and they theorized that it was rewritten to focus more on Marinette and Adrien in order to get viewers invested in the Love Square again after more people started to lose faith in the ship. Do you think that's a possibility?
I think so. The whole special comes off as trying to reassure love square shippers because of how hard it goes for him. I cut out Marinette’s crushing and it cuts like 18% from the episode, meaning it’s even worse than Season 3 (15%).
Anonymous said:
Maybe the point of the [break-up episodes] is meant to discourage people from shipping Lukanette and Adrigami too?
Spoiler alert: didn’t work.
Anonymous said:
Are we not gonna talk about how in one ask, somebody legit said "(long dreamy sigh) Viperion"? Like same.
Anonymous said:
Ml fandom: I hate how Ladybug keeps secrets from Chat Noir! He sacrifices himself for her all the time and she never appreciates him for it! He has EVERY right to get mad at her!!
ML Fandom when Chat Noir does the same thing in the special: ....Wow Ladybug was way to harsh on Chat Noir!! She doesn’t appreciate him at all!! Shes so mean to him!
i hate it
Anonymous said:
Idk if it's just me, but a majority of the fandom is split in two; it's never one or the other "MARINETTE SUCKS AND IS A HORRIBLE PERSON GUARDIAN MARY SUE WHO SEXUALLY HARRASSES" or "ADRIEN SUCKS HE WAS NEVER ON MARINETTES SIDE" but im personally on the latter, but not to that extreme. i hate videos bashing marinette and then never acknowledge adriens faults
Yeah, the fandom gets more divided as time goes on because of the writers trying to increase the drama/tension.
Anonymous said:
I am PERSONALLY offended they gave Luka the snake miraculous. Snakes have such a negative connotation. A lot of people insult Lila by calling her a SNAKE. And now those ML writers DARE insult the best character in ML?! HOW DARE THEY!?????
I adore Viperion but I agree that I first heard he was getting snake and was like, “BUT MY BOI???”
It gets awkward too because other animals like the pig have negative connotations, like how Daizzi basically means “idiot/stupid” and they’re giving it to the freaking blond character, really???
Anonymous said:
I think that Ivanette would be even better if Marinette was plus-sized character.
I see why you’d think that. I just disagree because then it turns the ship into “let’s pair the heavyset characters together because they heavyset.”
Anonymous asked:
On the topic of romance failures and general series salt, my main issue right now is how the series puts so much focus on romantic relationships while failing to consider other levels of relationship or what they affect.
On the LÂČ front I can completely buy Marinette being in love with Adrien. Most of the time she genuinely wants him to be happy and is ready to take a step back for him, however much it hurts. But in terms of romantic love? It. Is. A. Crush! But if we step back from the formula, what is there left between them? Their civilian relationship is held together by a “comedy” of errors and without that there is surprisingly little left. Well, besides two “best friends” desperately trying to make it happen because somehow they lost their individual characters and instead of being friends became matchmakers?
I too like Luka and Marinette together. Their relationship is pretty nice to see and all. But sometimes it feels like it happens in a dimension of its own, like the writers want to make the endgame clear in that the “sideships” can be easily cut out of the big “how they got together”-recaps. I especially miss reactions from and interactions with Juleka. She is Luka’s sister, Marinette’s friend, and IIRC someone aware of if not even a bit player in the great shipping game. She is in a prime position to step up and bring progress on all fronts: She can talk with Luka. She can either give Marinette helpful pointers or go “All in or nothing”, i.e. trying to make Marinette get her Adrien-feelings in order as she does not want her brother to get less than Marinette’s full heart. Similarly, she can counteract “friendly acts” and stop humiliating situations from escalating, or she herself can escalate them in the “All or Nothing”-scenario. Yet she remains basically a background character who gets little attention from the camera and almost no “non-focus identity”
As for Kagami, I may be too biased. *Any* positive Kagami/Marinette relationship is to me what Lukanette is to you. So naturally I have lots of opinions when it comes to her role ;) But can I just say that Adrien/Kagami is the weirdest ship for me? They have a few cute scenes and I think if they’d spend a lot more time together, they’d do each other good but I don’t know how they work. “No Hesitation” Kagami would lob Adrien’s head straight off with all his
everything. If we are meant to take Adrien’s love for LB seriously (and I guess we have to because how in the name of sanity is any form of the stated endgame gonna work otherwise???), how does Kagami fit into that picture as a girl who can hardly express emotions while Adrien is the definition of a  guy who can not stop flirting or goes for all kinds of romantic gestures? Sometimes it feels more like a “social fit” and “Mommy/Daddy approves” kind of deal which is quite the shame! Normally I like these kind of relationships in fictions but they need a solid underlining or good development. One they haven’t and one the series has not been giving to anyone so far.
Yeah, the whole thing with the love square versus side ships ends up feeling extremely forced. Keeping Luka away and forcing Adrien into Lukanette episode are the biggest giveaways, basically a big fat sign that says, “We know Marinette would forget that Adrien exists if she hung around Luka for more than five minutes.”
AND YEAH, KAGAMI WOULDN’T PUT UP WITH ADRIEN’S GARBAGE. I liked Adrimi but it’s definitely more flawed than Lukanette.
Anonymous said:
Watched your opinion on the New York special and I agree with you. It was mediocre at best. It could have been something nice, like if they added Kagami and Luka, for example, so that we can get a bit of development from the new couples on season 4, so that it doesn’t feel rushed when they start dating on season 4. It could also be a good opportunity to see the other temporary heroes one last time, since Marinette technically has the miracle box.
They could have had an epic fight with the American Superheroes, maybe even giving the bee miraculous temporally to Aeon or Jess so that we didn’t need to see their awful and uncreative superheroes designs. It would have been nice if they made something more useful other than being characters that believe that Adrien and Marinette are “Meant to be”, like, we already got a ton of these already, couldn’t we get someone who didn’t feel something about this ship? It has so much wasted potential that I don’t even know how to start. Do you agree with anything I said?
I agree, yes. They could’ve easily thrown Luka/Kagami into the mix (or had Marinette/Adrien stay behind while flipping perspectives or something; flawed but they could make it work).
Anonymous said:
I'm rereading ladybugout and wow... the moment of silence after "chat deserves that kiss" gets me every time. Everyone stopping and just staring because wow he really just said that
Me whenever Chat Noir opens his mouth in the show.
Anonymous said:
I saw the Backwarder post you just talked about and yes, it is so totally ridiculous. They forgot another thing, though. Miraculous isn't just about comedy, action, and romance, it's about embarrassing Marinette. And the fact that almost everyone in the comments was acting like the medicine scene at the end was funny was just stupid and saddening to hear or read about, because it shows how people have been conditioned to hate and rally against Marinette without even realizing it. Granted, there was one lady who said it reminded her of her husband, so I guess that's okay(but all it means is that Adrien will be Marinette's--aka "his lady's"--husband like eeerrrgh!). And there was one person who said they liked that Juleka's advice because "If you're friend isn't willing to commit crimes for your happiness, is she even your friend?". But everyone else liked the ending. And I don't get the person who said we got "Subtle progression with Adrien and Marinette". We're right where we started.
Weeeeell, I understand the “comedy, action, romance” comment because all of those basically boil down to embarrassing Marinette or invalidating her. Comedy and romance goes without saying while action involves her dealing with Chat “Nice Guy” Noir.
Anonymous said:
Is it just me, or does Snow White's "Red Shoes" form look a lot like Marinette. I know, I know, Marinette is Chinese and Red Shoes is Korean, but they still look strikingly similar. They're bodies are really similar, too, but that might just be because animation tends to use eerily similar body types for its female characters on a whole. It's sad and it makes me think of how cute Marinette would be if she was fat. I also think Snow White was cuter than Red Shoes but that's kind of the point.
I think it’s the body type thing but that’s just a guess since I didn’t immediately make the connection.
I agree that Snow White is cuter.
Anonymous said:
Am I the only one who's never liked "destined to fail" characters? Basically this is when characters aren't allowed to be good at/succeed at something or else the whole universe will somehow fall apart. Think of how in The Amazing World of Gumball, if Richard gets a job, the world will be in complete and utter chaos. So he's better off as a lazy, bumbling dad. In Phineas and Ferb, Candace is always trying to rat out her younger brothers but if she gives up or succeeds something bad will happen.
TV Tropes put it the best: "Not only is she not allowed to succeed, but she's also not allowed to stop trying!"(conveniently under the Cosmic Plaything trope). I just don't like it because it shows that the writers just want to lead them on with the promise of success then snatch it away at the last minute. And now we're back at Miraculous Ladybug, where Marinette is humiliated every time she doesn't sign a gift that's for Adrien, and yet when she does, everyone in Paris DIES. Except for...HIM.
you: *mentions Candace*
me: [a million awful flashbacks]
Also, yeah, it’s so hard to watch, especially in “Chat Blanc” because it’s like, “Oh, you want to give a gift to a boy and you dArEd to use your powers for it? Congrats, but everyone else is DEAD and you can hang out with him as much as you want! You’re welcome!”
Anonymous said:
I think it’d become a “faintest idea blackout card”rather than a bingo.
(referring to my “Faintest Idea” card)
We’re getting there.
darkmoonravewolf said:
I hate that everything on that list could happen and very likely will
(referring to “Didn’t Need Burrow”)
Yeah, and it makes me sad :’)
Anonymous said:
That’s be real here. Miraculous ladybug is not a show about Marinette; Miraculous Ladybug is a show about Adrien. Adrien is the real main character.
Notice that when they focused on Adrien in “Lies,” they only cut back to Marinette (IN A SCENE THAT CAN’T EXIST) to have her fawn over him.
Anonymous said:
Is it just me or are Lady Noire's eyes huge? Maybe it's just the green but they seem way bigger than Marinette's
I’m not sure, but considering Rena’s facial structure being different from Alya’s, it wouldn’t surprise me.
asexual-individual said:
With what you've said about Adrien lacking a reason to exist outside of development for Marinette and Gabriel, I have to wonder how different the show would be if Chat Noir's identity was also kept from the audience. Adrien would still be there as himself, but he only gets as much focus as Alya, and Chat Noir's identity is treated as a mystery (a Tuxedo Mask type mystery, but a mystery all the same).
I see what you mean but it might cause Adrien+Chat’s screentime to feel excessive once the reveal happens, because suddenly their screentime gets combined and it’s like, “oh wow so the combined screentime is his then.”
Anonymous said:
I know that the kwami's really only exist so we can hear our protagonists' thoughts outloud (like what the Coraline movie did with adding Wybie to the story). But honestly, what's the point in having magical gods in the jewelry if you're not going to do anything with them?
Marketing with “cute” side characters.
guisendisguise said:
It's funny, originally, I had shipped Marichat in the sense that Chat and Mari start hanging out and both fall in love with the other's supposedly less perfect, more real selves. Then Luka was introduced and I ended up putting both lukanette and marichat at the same level. Then S3 hit and killed any love I had for Marichat. The writers themselves killed the Love Square for me. At this point, it's very clear they are living in a delusion where the Love Square could ever work narratively without Deus ex Machina or Deus Lo Vult (God wills it). Basically, they've gone past scraping the bottom of the writing skills barrel and are now shoulder deep in the hole they dug thru the bottom of said barrel. I'd like to point out that the bottom of the barrel is writing poop and now they're digging thru the useless plastic landfill the barrel was sitting on top of
Uggggh, yeah. Any appreciation I could’ve had for Marichat died in “Weredad.” I already didn’t like Adrien/Chat and then “Weredad” just showed his complete lack of... well, ANYTHING.
cosmostellar said:
Honestly feels like MLBs writers are going based off the "JUST IMAGINE EVERY POC CHARACTER YOU'RE WRITING AS WHITE" instead of, yknow, fleshing them out while developing them also in the context of their cultures and giving them these little things that the audiences who belong to the same minority can identify with. I don't mean "have Marinette walk in qipao 24/7" bcs thats just... bad on its own but man, /some/ casual acknowledgments of her culture would be nice.
Reading the sentence “JUST IMAGINE EVERY POC CHARACTER YOU'RE WRITING AS WHITE” physically hurts me.
Anonymous said:
Ok, I've always thought that Chloe was robbed of redemption (they held it in front of us, but then jerked it away while Astruc says, "She's irredeemable! We thought she was redeemable, but she wasn't :)!" What are your thoughts! Also, I just recently found your blog and I really like it :)
Thank you!
But I have no sympathy for bully characters, so I didn’t want Chloe redeemed. Maybe I’m still bitter about my own bullying experience, but I just wasn’t here for Marinette being forced to forgive Chloe, which is basically what they did until they backpedaled.
The time spent on her was wasted though and that I can agree on.
Anonymous said:
Me: Writes a 1k rant about how the tweet makes no sense as the "mistake" is about motivation and not the critical plot. Also me: Remembers that in MLB the plot always comes back to the romance. Finally me: Wonders why he got involved with the series post-S3 when all the red flags were already everywhere.
Mistakes were made.
Anonymous said:
I'm semi-catching up on miraculous, and- is it my impression, or does Kagami rebel against her mother more in few episodes she's in (even though her mother's influences on her seem to be stronger in general), than Adrien in the entire show? I /know/ that I don't want to see Adrien free himself from his father w/ the desperation I want to see Kagami free herself from her mother and realize that the standards she's held up to are unhealthy and too strong.
Yeah, I’m way more invested in Kagami than Adrien.
Anonymous said:
Am I the only one confused about whether the staff stopped caring and half-asses the series or cares too much and over-produces the hell out of it?
Nah. It really feels like they secretly hate the love square so they have to keep forcing it.
Anonymous said:
ngl I haven't watched any new episodes since Chameleon and I've been getting all that Miraculous News via tumblr to avoid that Marinette Brand Second Hand Embarrassmentℱ
Anonymous said:
Answer: We don’t get Adrienette. We get forced love square and rushed/fake “development” of it while being constantly confused as episodes air out of order.
Anonymous said:
im sorry But adrienette has been suck in this limbo of one sidedness for 3 seasons. neither of them have become closer, neither of them have confided in one another, but somehow people still ship it? at least luka was able to make a move on marinette lol adrien still repeats the same boring “shes just a friend” line. adrienette is a really boring ship.
lol don’t apologize, you’re absolutely right.
nahte123456 said:
Very minor bit of salt to throw to the pile, but can this show just decide on how strong Miraculous holders are? Yes it's a cartoon and not the focus but in the Furious Fu episode we literally get Ladybug dodging lighting and then Su who seems mostly human and is at least slower then Fu was outspeeding her. It's distracting trying to figure out what is and isn't a serious threat in this show.
The deciding factor in the strength of the miraculous holders is “whatever works for the plot.”
Anonymous said:
At this point the only thing I'm excited for concerning Miraculous Ladybug is when it gets a reboot in like, a decade with actually competent writers
Best case scenario is that Zag goes bankrupt and Disney/Netflix picks up the series and gives it to competent people.
Problem is that the love square has been ruined so badly for me that even a “good” version of it wouldn’t be something I’d be into, but still.
Anonymous said:
Honestly, the problem with having all of Marinette's mistakes result in huge disasters (ex. Feast), is that is gives off the impression that teenagers aren't allowed to make mistakes. This show clearly doesn't like giving second chances to the protagonist, so why would life give one to you? Am I right, kids?
Marinette makes mistakes and suddenly the world is ending.
Anonymous said:
If your gonna watch the show, at least pirate the episodes so the writers dont get your support
Don’t worry, I have no interest in financially supporting the show.
Anonymous said:
ml in a nutshell: wasted potential, then giving themselves more potential, only to turn the rest of it into a dumpster fire
Yup, that’s it.
Anonymous said:
u know, when My Little Pony, Sofia The First, and fanfiction carries out character development, respect, romance, and the main plot better than the original show, especially when the shows mentioned above are aimed more at little girls and the original show is aimed at slightly older audiences... somethings wrong
And then it’s like--people will excuse the show because “it’s a kids’ show” and then I’m just “okay then, why are there actually good kids’ show?”
If shows get a pass for being for children then all childrens’ shows should just not try and be garbage since the standard is so low.
Anonymous said:
ive seen some cool fic ideas/concepts/reviews that made me think: ml could use so much more looking into how a character thinks in some situations. one fic i read had alya in chameleon (i know its been forever since the ep came out but hey) not question lila cus she thought: "hey, lb wouldnt befriend a bad person" w and added a plot line of lila making her think lb was cobsidering replacing rena rougue. like, just a few lines to make them seem better pls?
YES. Like, show us characters’ perspectives and why they’re rolling with the facts that they’re rolling with, otherwise they just end up looking like jerks.
We sort of got it in “Ikari Gozen” with Kagami but of course it was just to make Marinette look bad.
Anonymous said:
You know I’m honestly considering making reviews of this show and if I do I could create hour long rants about the show just from that mans twitter.
Yeaaaaaah, once you had in the Twitter stuff, it just becomes, “okay so this is going to add another hour or two then.”
Anonymous said:
Okay one thing that bothers me is how plain marinette's suits are despite being a DESIGNER. Her multimouse suit it just blocks of color and her ladynoir suit is just grey with green lines. I think the lines are supposed to represent actually clothes. Like the limes on the calves are supposed to make it look like boots but why not actually GIVE her boots. (Right, because she has to have a skintight suit unlike the boys who get some layers.)
It also goes to show who really designs here, like oh, interesting, the girls get skin-tight simplistic bodysuits and the boys gets all the cool stuff--
Anonymous said:
I heard some people in my class saying they watched Miraculous Ladybug for the first time, and they were saying how good it was, and I was like: 'Oh you poor fools. You have NO idea what it's truly like.'
You know what they say: ignorance is bliss.
bat-anon said:
Isn’t it INTERESTING how in Frozer, Luka understands that Marinette is torn between her crushes and continues to support her even though he knows she probably won’t chose him, and in the exact same episode Chat Noir refuses to help save the city because Ladybug told him AGAIN that she wasn’t romantically interested in him? HMMM đŸ€”đŸ˜‘
Anonymous said:
You know what I want to see? An evil kwami, like they just want to commit crimes. No moral high grounds, just chaotic evil.
That’d be amazing just because I wouldn’t be able to take them seriously.
Anonymous said:
Watching S1 and S3 episodes back to back, it feels like reading salt fics at times, especially in regards to the LÂČ. Like, Marinette was happy about weird plans, she both needed and wanted the final push, and most of the time there was at least something coming out of it. Nowadays it just makes her sad, Alya and the girls act *against* her, and we get shipping for shipping's sake.
That’s a good point. The shift from Seasons 1 to 2 to 3 is rather noticeable.
Anonymous said:
I hate how Adrien's busy schedule seems to only matter when it's used to make Marinette feel bad, but the second Marinette has a bit more to do, it somehow has a negative effect on not only her, but also everyone/everything she cares about, like, what's up with that??
I’m reminded of “Lies” here and I hate it. :|
Anonymous said:
Honestly, the way the show treats teenage girls is horse ass. The show treats the teenage girls of this show as if they're stupid, naive, emotional, clumsy, and need a boy to tell them what opinions to have. Marinette is always treated like the show's punching bag and blamed for everything that goes wrong because she's "emotional" or "obsessed with Adrien", Chloe could've been redeemed but the writers would rather keep her a brain-dead Alpha Bitch Valley Girl(even though Gabriel and Felix, the latter of whom is a teenage boy introduced in one episode, get to be treated as redeemable, despite the things they do being far, far worse), and Lila is a conniving, self-absorbed fox.
And even though Kagami seems better, she's still roped into the "girls catfight over an oblivious guy" cliche and so far, all of her akumatizations have been because of Adrien. Whenever Marinette tries to move on from Adrien the other characters tell her what's good for her and steer her in the "right" direction because she apparently can't think for herself, and the writers LOVE to use the girl squad to tell us who Marinette should be with, because they apparently know better than she does.
Plus the show loves to treat all the girls as the same, making them all either fight over Adrien or be obsessed with shipping, as if teenage girls are all one assimilating, homogenized group(also when they treat Marinette as if she's "just as bad as Chloe", rinse and repeat for the other ladies.). Honestly, the show feels like it was written by those types of people who think "teenage girls are the worst" so they make them all mood-swingy, obsessive, showoffs, emotional, and downright clingy.
Plus the way Thomas Astruc talks about the female characters on Twitter is even worse, and only serves to make this more evident: he claims Marinette "has poor control over her emotions"(all the while calling Adrien "perfect"), that Chloe was racist in Kung Food "because she's stupid"(so rather than having that scene serve as a lesson on respecting other's cultures, he just did it to pick on Chloe and make her look "stupid"), that she's incapable of being redeemed, that Lila's unlikable but Gabriel and Felix aren't(even though he claimed Felix was a terrible character and a "cliche", that's not what the show says my guy), and other such nonsense.
Other Twitter users have also called out Miraculous Ladybug and its stereotypical treatment of teenage girls. The only shows I've ever seen do this worse are those pretentious "darker" Magical Girl "deconstructions" aimed at grown men such as Madoka Magica and Yuki Yuna, as well as most shonen/seinen shows such as Naruto and Death Note, which says a lot. Honestly, whenever I feel like watching a show with empowering and respectful depictions of teenage girls that treats them as bright and intelligent and actually unique from one another, I just watch Equestria Girls, Liv and Maddie, LoliRock, ANT Farm, Moesha, PreCure, or Sailor Moon. Because the way the show acts towards them is deplorable, absolutely deplorable.
Yes to all of the above. Almost all of the girls are involved in love affairs in some way, the two teenage girls are irredeemable while Felix got a sympathetic backstory right away (Chloe took forever to get hers which is a failure), and Marinette is flawed because she’s “too emotional” (a misogynistic stereotype).
Anonymous said:
Hi, I'm the anon who got upset at the lady who made the "Miraculous Ladybug is a Mess" rant, and yes, thank you zodiacspirit17 for liking and agreeing with my rant! I'm glad someone else saw that video! And ugh, Marinette learning to love Chat Noir? Really? I don't remember that line but I also don't want to go back and revisit it to make sure so I'll take your word for it. Ew. That was actually one of the things I hated about the Glaciator scene. Chat was supposedly comforting Marinette by taking her to the rooftop where he planned Ladybug's date, and yet only Marinette finds out about Chat's crush on Ladybug and comforts him on that(while rethinking her feelings), while all Chat knows is that Marinette's heart was also broken. He never asks who it is, or tries to help her get over her crush even if he doesn't know it's coincidentally him.
I know it's because of the "love square" but it's unfair that only Chat's love problems are directly addressed. Come to think of it, the reason Chat took Marinette to the rooftop...I know he was doing it in-universe to help her instead of intruding on her personal feelings(which might have also been why he didn't ask her who her crush was, he was probably thinking along the lines of "we don't have to talk about it right now, we can just have fun!"), but meta-wise, since we know she's Ladybug, the writers were probably trying to tell her "See? This is what you could've been doing, but you missed it. Shame on you!" That's a huge issue I have with the show: characters will do things in-universe to help Marinette, but the show has a different motive in mind. Compare to how Tikki gave actual advice to Marinette in Puppeteer 2, but the writers intended that for the statue scene so they could embarrass her in front of Adrien and the thousands of eyes watching the show(except we're not laughing.). Even if characters do support her, the writer is using them as props for her ritualized humiliation. And yet Luka is the problem somehow.
If Marinette needs to learn how to love Chat Noir, then it should at least be balanced out by Adrien learning to Marinette. I'm sick of this double standard that "girls need to learn to accept boys who like them but guys can do what they want". Another thing she said was that "Marinette needs to learn to define herself outside of who she's crushing on." NOPE. NOPE. NOPE. You see, unlike Adrien, Marinette HAS a life outside of who she's crushing on: she has school, she has Kitty Section, she has her "girl squad", she has her parents, she has her outside family, she babysits Alya's and Nino's siblings, and she has OH YEAH HER FASHION DESIGNING! I didn't even count being a superhero since Adrien does that, too. She has so many things to do outside of Adrien, and yet the fact that she makes gifts for Adrien or dreams about Adrien or wants to have kids with Adrien somehow makes her nothing but an "Adrien fangirl"?
First of all, she's the bloody protagonist?! That's such a "Real Women Don't Wear Dresses" argument, that she can't have her own life AND be in love at the same time! And somehow her crushing on Luka also means her life revolves around him, too! But Adrien's life doesn't revolve around Ladybug even though he doesn't really have anything going for him in his ordinary life? Outside of being rich, hot, white, and male, that is? What are his interests and hobbies, besides what Gabriel lets him do to pass the time? He doesn't even like modeling! And the Agreste plot is more about Gabriel, Emilie, and Nathalie than it is about him.
And what about his friendship with Nino? He didn't even care that Nino was getting strung along by Lila with the others! What about his friendship with Chloe that also waxes and wanes? Granted, Chloe's not a GOOD person, which that lady acknowledged, but she at least tried to change and has more development than him, the writers just won't let her change. I hate when people come for Marinette for doing literally anything when the show won't let her have agency and progress. It's so unfair of her and I wish they could see that. These double standards are driving me insane and they're sexist(maybe even a little bit racist, too), and it hurts even more when a woman's doing those things.
(I had to cut off some of this ask because I didn’t get all of it, so I cut it off at the point where it still seemed like a full ask.)
I FEEL THE “GLACIATOR” THING SO BAD. It hurts even worse when you realize that “Frozer” has to take place after “Glaciator,” so Chat Noir heard that Marinette has love problems and then ignored it to ask her for advice about his own love problems later on. The total lack of insensitivity???
Also, the idea that Marinette’s life would revolve around her crush on Luka is stupid. It’s the exact opposite, in fact.
Meanwhile, Adrien has so little going for him and the “interesting” parts of him involve who he’s connected to or what his father has forced him into.
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rebellioussinner09 · 4 years ago
Who’s in Control?
Sub Kuroo x dom Fem Reader ❀
If there’s one thing Kuroo prides himself for is that he knows he has good stamina.
Actually good was an understatement, he knows he has *excellent stamina* not only for playing volleyball but also for bedroom activities.
And Not to mention he was rough and unforgiving when it comes to sex(at least thats what he tells himself)
And he definitely uses that gift for his own advantages,
I mean he himself witnessed on how Y/N would just loose her mind from his Overstimulation or just his thrusting in general.
And a lot of their friends and peers often jokes about on how Y/N handles Kuroo’s attitude. Because as they quote “kuroo seems to be the type of guy who’s into bdsm”
*because lets be real He wasn’t called scheming captain by his team for nothing*
And Even Kenma and Bokuto would join in on that playful banter that Kuroo needs to tone it down sometimes so that Y/N can at least breath and have a chance to keep up with him.
Kuroo would only nod and smile to those comments because oh how wrong their assumptions were.
Because if the roles had been reversed, Y/N was literally 100x worse when it comes to teasing and sadism.
His teammates cleary hasn’t seen Y/N’s all dominant glory when she’s the one taking the reigns on their relationship.
And Kuroo totally had his first hand experience on this;
There was a time where they made a bet on who could last a week on teasing before the other one break, and Y/N won that bet fair and square cause not once did he saw her Crumble, she just shrugged off Kuroo’s efforts in teasing like it was just nothing.
And the dirty talk
*oh god the dirty talk*
If kuroo had a filthy mouth that calls out degrading terms when doing the deed, Y/N was more of a sweet smoth talker that would coo and whisper sweet nothings on your ear and somehow that was 10x worse cause man that girl knows her way with her words.
She would babble out on “how much of a good boy” Tetsuro has been and on how proud she is of him while she bounces herself up and down on his cock.
At that; Kuroo can practically pinpoint the moment he realizes and accepts he is no match for a dom Y/N
So he only whimpers in response as she digs her claws at the back of his shoulders as she continue the activity on riding him.
“Who’s my sweet boy now?” Y/N asks, her fingers slowly tracing the veins on Kuroo’s biceps.
“I am” Kuroo pants desperately “I am baby please- you’re killing me”
But the girl in front of her only raises a brow back at him, she growls loudly as her hand went up to grip Kuroo’s neck
“Now that’s not one way to adress me” she demands as she squeezed the lining of Kuroo’s adam’s apple
“Mommy” Kuroo moaned below her “Im sorry Mommy please”
With a satisfied smirk, Y/N realeses her hold, she leans down to her partners eye level to give him a passionate kiss on the lips
“Ok baby. You can cum now”
As if on command, Kuroo bucks his hips against her core as he splurted his load deep inside her
“Fuck” he hisses between his teeth.
By the time he was finished, he gives Y/N a sturdy glare “You’re killing me” he groans
But his girl only giggles in response “That’s what you get for picking a fight with Bokuto today”
And that was only Level 01 of Y/N being a dom.
Level 2 was way more intense and extreme because it involves a certain strap on toy that Y/N bought online
And to be honest Kuroo was a bit hesistant at getting pegged at first, because no way in hell was he agreeing on shoving up a dildo up to his prostate,
but the protest died on his mouth the moment Y/N pushed him in all fours over towards the bed.
“Awww but baby you take me so good” she purrs as she gently tugs of Kuroo’s boxers from his waist.
“Surely a big boy like you can handle a little strap on now would you?”
Kuroo lets out a deep growl as Y/N prods a finger into his hole to at least stretch it out before she pushes the toy in
“Y/N-“ he warnes
“Yes baby?”
He was about to retort a complaint when he feels the silicon material pushed up against his p-spot
“Fuck” he curses as he grabs a fistful the sheets below him
“You okay?” Y/N asks once she was fully in.
“M’good” Kuroo breathes “Just take it slow on me baby please”
But Y/N’s definition of slow was quite the opposite cause she rutted in him almost quickly as he lets the 7 inch toy slide in and out of him.
The overwhelming sensation of being full and the constant hitting of his prostate was too much for Kuroo’s liking.
He was too absorbed in processing the foreign object against his hole he was surprised Y/N’s hand made its way into his neglected cock.
She gives it a few gentle strokes before she pulls away to trap her arms into Kuroo’s neck.
“Straighten up” she orders lowly “Look at yourself in the mirror”
And Kuroo was quick to obey as he takes his full form on the reflection in front of him.
He was on his knees on the bed while Y/N relentlessly pounds him from behind.
“That’s it baby look at how much of a slut you are” Y/N snarls as she tugs him upward again so he can get a full view of his lower abdominal muscles and his cock that is leaking out pre-cum
The pleasureable feeling of him getting fucked and the degrading words from Y/N was just enough to send him into the edge that he even almost pulled out an aheago face right then and there.
And of course Y/N’s quick eyes didn’t miss that;
“Look at the mirror when you cum” she tells him roughly “Let me see that face you make”
So he does, one quick glance into his messy reflection he’s already cumming hard. He takes and jerks his cock out of sudden reflex all in as he maintained eye contact with himself through the mirror.
And fuck does the sight before him will live rent free on his mind from now on. 😂😂
3rd and Final Level was Y/N’s style of Exhibitionism and Public Sex.
Now in their relationship its no secret that kink is somehow Kuroo’s teritory.
Once his horny in public, Him and Y/N are known to be possibly hooking up in a nearby stall or bathroom or even the storage room if they’re inside the gymnasium.
That’s what all the team knew, It was always Kuroo who initiates the first move, But what they didn’t knew is half of those sexual activity was Y/N s idea.
(At least Kuroo has the decency to at least let them do it in a secluded place where he knows is private but at the same time the possibility of anyone walking in on them excited them both so honestly that was the whole point of it so it was definitely a win win situation)
But what Kuroo doesn’t know is how his girlfriend managed to get turned on in broad daylight and in the middle of the library during a study session
(And one thing about Y/N ; if she’s the first one to get turned on; Don’t even try to think of domming, Kuroo learned that the hard way)
So here she was eyeing him up and down with lusty eyes as she drew little circles around Kuroo’s thigh
“Y/N stop it” Kuroo snaps as he gently slaps the hand away.
“Want you” Y/N breathes unto the shell of his earlobe “You’re so sexy today”
Kuroo sighs in annoyance, he then dips his head down so he could give her a small kiss on the forehead
“Hold on a little longer baby” he reasures “When we’re done with the homework we can have a little detour inside one of the classrooms”
Y/N pouts at the idea of having to wait a little longer “But I want you now”
Kuroo gives her another kiss “I know. But they’re like 50 other people here with us”
At his statement Y/N gives a sly smirk.
And Kuroo was quick enough to piece the puzzles together “Baby dont you dare-“
But it was too late, Y/N reacted quickly on knocking few of her books down to the floor catching the attention of few other students from across their table.
She mumbles a quick apology before she kneels down to retrive them.
And by retrieve it was her kneeling infront of Kuroo’s legs to palm his bulge against the fabric of his pants.
“What are you doing?” Kuroo growls “Get up”
But Y/N wasn’t taking any hints and continued to fundle with his balls “You’re already hard babe” she comments “I know you like this. You like me blowing you out inside the library while they are peolple around us”
At the suggestion of blowing him, Kuroo’s breath hitched; “Y/N Im serious” he says “Not here”
Y/N lets out a sarcastic scoff “It will be fine” she assures as she zips Kuroo’s fly down to free his aching cock “Just dont make a sound”
Without another word, she envelops Kuroo’s long shaft into the depths of her mouth.
Kuroo lets out a soft whine as he takes a quick look at the surrounding around him, luckily no one has took noticed of them yet and he thanked the Nekoma high school library for having closed tables that covered their lower halves.
He then turns his gaze back to Y/N who was busy bobbing her head up and down on his cock.
He groans again as he feels her tongue move up to the base then around to his frenulum.
“Fuxk” he curses under his breath as he feels the building organsm ripping away through his stomach down to his shaft.
“baby I’m gonna cum” he whispers as he wraps a hand on her hair to guide her head up and down.
With another quick swish of Y/N’s tongue, Kuroo lets a harsh yelp as he involunarily thrust his hips into her mouth to ride out his orgasm.
Y/N pulls away with a loud pop as she gracefully wiped away the cum stains around her lips
“See?” She mused “that wasn’t so hard now was it?”
He fixes her a stern glare “oh fuxk you” he says as he took in the mess they made.
If they keep doing random stuffs like this; Kuroo’s gonna need a change of pants and possibly change schools. (His reputation as a volleyball captain would clearly be damaged) but when he tooks in the sighs of his girlfriend’s smirk and lewd face in front of him, Kuroo wouldn’t trade it for the whole world.
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realkalel2 · 3 years ago
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Can you imagine that, what should be the biggest story of our time, bigger than Watergate, is getting absolutely no mention, ZERO, in the New York Times, Washington Post, ABC Fake News, NBC Fake News, CBS Fake News, ratings-dead CNN, and MSDNC. This in itself is a scandal, the fact that a story so big, so powerful, and so important for the future of our Nation is getting zero coverage from LameStream, is being talked about all over the world. Just like they wouldn’t talk about the many Biden corruption scandals prior to the Election, (or for that matter now!), they won’t talk about this, which is potentially even bigger. It shows how totally corrupt and shameless the media is. Can you imagine if the roles were reversed and the Republicans, in particular President Donald Trump, got caught illegally spying into the Office of the President? All hell would break loose and the electric chair would immediately come out of retirement. The good news is, everybody is talking about not only this atrocity against our Nation, but that the press refuses to even mention the major crime that took place.
This needs to be shared far and wide!!!
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timextoxhajima · 5 years ago
HOSTIS, Chapter II: Antiquum Fabulum, The Old Story
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Previous Chapter (I: Primi Foederis)
Member: Lee Hyunjae (tbz)
Genre (by chapter): angst, drama, comedy 
Category: Short Novel/ Long Series
“you’re the reason why I will never know who to trust anymore.”
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~~~~~~ 10 YEARS AGO ~~~~~~
one of your legs were perched atop the seat your butt was planted on, and the students trudging past couldn’t help but steal little glances at you. if your parents were out here right now, they’d be pulling your right knee away from your chest, telling you to ‘sit properly’. 
just because you were wearing a skirt doesn’t mean you had to sit like you were at some formal event; your defense was always the extra layer of shorts you wore underneath. 
but your parents weren’t next to you, and if there wasn’t a camera mounted into the wall right opposite you, you would’ve ran your fingers into lee hyunjae’s eyes by now.
he was sitting in the same row as you with one empty seat in the middle, his hair was in a mess and he was busy redoing his tie.
yeah, the one you yanked loose. 
the clean, ash-brown locks of your mother’s hair were bobbing up and down that particular grill of the window that was blocking your view of her face, but your father. who was easily a head taller than her, had a look of almost... astonishment, while the principal filled them in with the details. 
lee hyunjae’s mother was in there somewhere too, but thanks to the useless posters that the principal had plastered to the window facing outwards, it saved you the pain of seeing her. 
but you couldn’t stop a smug scoff from exiting your nostrils when you looked yourself in the mirror, completely unscathed while lee hyunjae looked like he just got out of a dog fight. if you were a boy, there would be absolutely nothing to stop him from getting into a brawl with you.  
though you did hurl some of lee hyunjae’s stationery out the classroom window and yanked on his tie and pulled his hair, it’s not like he didn’t break your water bottle and scribbled all over your worksheets which you spent so much time on. 
the funny thing about this whole sticky situation the both of you were in, was that you were sure that nothing was going to happen to you. 
or lee hyunjae for that matter.
not only were the two of you the top students in the class, both your parents were working jobs of elite professions. it was the ugly reality that helped you realise how much of a sucker the school was for parents who were doctors and lawyers or rich people. 
you came from a long line of medical practitioners, and as far as you were aware, lee hyunjae’s father owned some insurance company and his mother had the luxury of sitting around at home.
the commotion in the room dies down, and you notice the oily, greasy hair of your principal float towards the door. it swings open, and you hear all three parents apologise to the principal. 
the look of tolerance and patience the principal had on his face disgusted you, because you knew that if it were any other student besides you or the one you just tried to kill, he would’ve immediately sent them to detention or gave them a suspension notice.
long story short, you were well aware that you were safe from any punishment only because your parents were important beneficiaries to the school.
his mother looks at you with a mixture of confusion and apology; she’d be pissed with her son for destroying your work, but you did inflict some kind of physical pain on her little, baby boy. 
“y/n,” the stern, but familiar voice calls out to you, and your leg immediately drops to the floor, hands patting down your skirt as you got off the seat. “apologise to him.”
without needing a mirror or a reflection for you to see your own facial expression, you already knew that your face was contorted with extreme dissatisfaction and pure pettiness. 
all you could think of was how grateful your parents should be that their slightly rebellious thirteen-year-old hasn’t killed this son of a--
“apologise, y/n.”
his mother gives lee hyunjae a little push as well, face printed with a small frown as she nods her apologetic head to your parents.
the hell are they apologising to each other for?
“i’m sorry i broke your bottle and drew on your worksheets.”
if your body could produce steam and heat and have it pushed out through all the holes in your head and face, you would’ve looked like the polar express. there was a disgustingly fake look of remorse on lee hyunjae’s face, and you would’ve retched right there and then just to tell him it took one fakeass to know another.
but not with your parents around you couldn’t.
“hyunjae’s already apologised, don’t you think you should too?” 
your father chimes in, and he looks at you with soft eyes you knew you couldn’t resist. he was the parent who always came to rescue you from the scary one after all. 
angrily shoving your two rows of teeth against each other and avoiding eye contact with lee hyunjae, you let the words roll off your tongue with complete zero weight of sincerity. 
your mother opens her mouth to protest against your lack of respect, but your father holds her back from aggravating the situation.  
from that day on, you and lee hyunjae were nicknamed ‘ares and ares’; two of the same kind who will never get along.
initially, you thought ‘athena and ares’ would’ve been a more suitable nickname, but athena was loved and ares was hated. 
despite you knowing for yourself that you would’ve totally claimed the ‘athena’ role, it was nauseatingly difficult to pretend that lee hyunjae didn’t constantly have love letters hidden under his desk before school started. 
though the name bestowed upon you, by literally tens and you dare say, hundreds of students in your school, was pretty cool, the idea of being placed into the same phrase and being associated with him in any little way was adequate to make you wish you were born in another era. 
you spend the next four years of school living up to the name of ‘ares and ares’. every year, lee hyunjae found a way to piss you off, and it started becoming an effortless game of ping pong. 
if he pissed you off, then there was no way you were going to let him go without pissing him off. 
by the time the both of you were seniors, students who you didn’t even know existed were betting on who would emerge as the top student after national exams.
it wouldn’t be an underestimation to say that the school population was just treating the two of you as a source of entertainment when your scores for the national exam were tied. 
the fight you had with your mother over which school to apply to after your primary school national exams was astronomical.
while you were genuinely losing brain cells worrying about a game you were playing in your own head, your mother had completely no idea how much you didn’t want to be in the same school as lucifer. 
all you could think of was: 
what if he’s thinking the same thing as you and applies to the second best school in the area?
what if the both of you got into the second best school because the two of you had the same mindset?
even if you applied to the top school, thinking that he’d apply to the second best school, he might still end up in the top school with y--
“y/n! does it really matter if you’re in the same school as him? isn’t the most important thing yourself?” your mother preaches while she runs through her patient files. the same type of files that’s kept both her and your father away from you for so long. 
sometimes you wish they weren’t doctors so they could be more aware of your life, and in this case, more aware of the hatred you harboured against lee hyunjae.
“and i’m doing this important thing for myself so that i don’t end up in the same school as him,” you snap back without thinking much, your fingers dragging across the keys on the laptop.
apparently your tone was “too rude” for your mother to tolerate, and it took her two weeks to talk to you again. 
frustrating, but you couldn’t be bothered less, and it was honestly pretty funny. 
but that fun didn’t last for long. 
~~~~~~ 6 YEARS AGO ~~~~~~
“you have to be shitting me.”
not only was he your classmate, he was taking the exact same combination of subjects as you, which meant you’d be seeing him in every class, every day, for the next two years before you graduate and go to university. 
all that mind-fuckey reverse psychology i was worried about when applying for school did absolutely nothing. 
you would’ve tried to outdo the look of disgust and agony that was cemented into lee hyunjae’s face every time he saw you, but that would’ve just been too petty and you decided it wasn’t worth your time. 
after awhile, and by awhile you mean nearly a year, your mind started to wander off ares and your attention begun to gravitate to other men worth your time and attention. 
lucky for you -- though you couldn’t care less -- so did hyunjae. 
so why did he decide that messing with your experiment equipment was such a great idea? you may never know. 
you were settled with the idea that he was just a sore loser merged with ares’ desire to win.
the rage and fury that you tried with the strength of every single cell in your body to contain it was not enough. not when your chemicals began blowing up and spitting itself all over your workspace during a graded test. 
you knew exactly who would’ve done this. 
you remember pulling lee hyunjae off his own girlfriend in the hallways of the school right after the test, and his collar gets crumpled in your fists as you shove him against the lockers. 
his girlfriend was such a wuss, she didn’t move a muscle when she saw the way you violently locked him against the metal doors. 
students pulled out cellphones and started to crowd around, watching you seethe anger and drill almost murderous glares into lee hyunjae’s face. 
the beauty of being surrounded by a bunch of 17-year-olds who were thirsty for drama was that nobody would’ve been dumb enough to run off and looked for a teacher, and you didn’t need to worry about getting into trouble. 
not when the school had ‘so much trust in their elite students’.
“you’re a fucking asshole, you know that? did you do it only because you didn’t want me to beat you?” by investing all your body weight into pressing his neck against the lockers behind him, he would require more than a comfortable amount of energy to remove you off him. “how big of a pussy do you have to be to tamper with my shit just so you can secure your own grades?”
the veins on your hands were on the verge of bursting through your skin, and you could feel your face reddening with dangerous amounts of wrath and resentment. 
lee hyunjae’s chin was tilted upwards, giving himself enough space to breathe with your knuckles digging into the skin of his neck, and a vein exposes itself on his forehead where his temples were tightened.
he breaks out into an arrogant sound, and his words leave his lips like little stabs in the chest. 
“you have no proof that i did it, do you? what makes you think that confronting me like this is going to do any good?” 
you suck in a deep breath so hard, your chest began to ache. the grip on the collar of his shirt tightens, and the anger fuels you with enough energy to pull him away from the lockers and slam him back against it, the impact of his body against the hardness echoing throughout the halls. 
“you want to talk proof?” the strained grit between your jaws were replaced with a smirk. 
lee hyunjae reads you easily, not that you were trying to hide it, and you could see a small pang of fear start to glimmer in his eyes.
“i’ll show you proof.”
releasing him and pulling your phone out your pocket, and find that one special picture you had of him in your gallery, and you hand it to his girlfriend without saying a word. 
your eyes dig into his as he starts to pick up on the situation, and you soon start to hear his whiny, pathetic girlfriend start to weep and sob. 
you take a step back and pull the phone out from her grip as he rushes to her and begins defending himself. the overwhelming sensation of satisfaction pulls your lips further up your cheeks into a wide smile, and you were nearly on the verge of bursting into loud, maniacal laughter when his girlfriend, or ex-girlfriend, shoves him off her and runs away in the opposite direction.
the crowd no longer had their phones in the air because it took you to cause a break up for them to decide that the situation has become private. now, everybody was shooting harsh, disapproving glances at lee hyunjae for not only tampering with your experiment equipment, but being caught cheating on his own girlfriend. 
your chin tilts upwards, arrogance spilling out every single pore on your skin and pooling around your feet in complete content. lee hyunjae calls out for his girlfriend, but the silence tells you that you’ve won this round. 
“you--” he grabs your arm and nearly throws you into the lockers, but you lock your feet into the ground, and his rough, hard pants hit your cheek, not doing much besides add on to your ego. “you are the reason why i will never know who to trust anymore.”
a loud scoff hits the ceiling from your throat, and backing down wasn’t an option for you. not when you’re an ares, to his ares.
“you should keep your own credibility in check first before you talk about trust.”
lee hyunjae grits his teeth so hard, his glare was somehow becoming coated with a layer of wetness. he shoves you off, turning on his heels and storming off with clenched fists. 
but where ares triumphs, ares will always be humiliated, or so the myths and the greek legends describe his downfall.
it doesn’t take you long to notice all the looks of disgust students were shooting you as you strode towards your boyfriend in the classroom. after the whole showdown with lee hyunjae about your graded test -- that you failed -- it was safe to say that the both of you shot yourself to fame in the new school. 
“do i want to know what happened now? why’s everybody looking at me like they want to kill me?” you drop your bag next to younghoon and look at his strained facial features, staring at his phone screen blankly. 
you rest your chin on his shoulder and scan the contents of the page, only to have it ignite a fire of bitterness and malice in your chest.
“wait--” you snatch the phone out of his grasp, and a fear of losing him washes over you like darkness swallows a dying soul. “you don’t believe this shit, do you?”
younghoon looks at you with sad eyes, eyes that you never wanted to see, eyes that you would never want to be the reason of. 
the tweet was blowing up with comments by students from your school, and there was a picture of your lab teacher kissing someone who looked like you. 
‘no wonder her grades are so good’
‘should’ve known she’s not that great compared to lee hyunjae’
‘and she told him to check his credibility? what a fucker’
the entire world around you crashes down on you violently despite the deafening silence of the classroom. 
like the way athena bested her brother in war and drove a guided spear through his ribs, lee hyunjae had bested you by taking away the first boy you’ve ever loved. 
what was the fire started by and what was fueling it? ares was the god of war, and he was just as brutal as he was cruel; it was the world’s most accurate label to paste on both of you. 
had the two of you been placed into a ring of fire and you had to fight to your death to win, there was something about the way lee hyunjae never backing down that reminded you of you; that he would fight till the end. 
was the fire ignited because you didn’t want to lose to him? did you see nothing but blood and black when it came to him? 
graduating and deciding to pursue medicine outside the country was a surefire way to avoid the ares to your ares, and for about four years, that was the case. choosing prestigious schools located in the same country nearly threw you off the ball, but the relief in you when you realised the schools were 66 miles away from each other tasted like sugar on your tongue. 
you wonder if it was just a plain coincidence for the number 6 to appear when it came to lee hyunjae, the lucifer in your underworld. 
so for four years you lived your life the way you wanted to. without anybody to sabotage you or ruin your chances at becoming the doctor you were meant to be. you had all that there was, and you started to believe in a life where you weren’t tormented by the last person you’d want to be. 
but it just so happened that athena never killed ares, for ares is a deathless god. 
Chapter III: Aemulatio
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ddarker-dreams · 5 years ago
SR and GE cuddling. Come on. We need some times where giorno is getting the actual love he deserves. Or maybe giorno/GE being flustered by SR.
i actually got an ask about how scarlet ribbons would be with other stands and while i’ll give a more Full answer there since i want to delve into it more, but i think that GE and SR would be super cute together!! i see GE trying to make flowers the same shade as SR’s ribbons, and SR going ohh!! :D !! they’d be very cheerful together. giorno would likely find it kinda embarrassing how his stand is acting Up without him controlling it, but seeing how much you like it stops him from pulling GE back in!! he just lets it happen. though he’d prefer if it was in private, since otherwise there’d be a lot of Looks...
anon asked: Whoa, hold on a sec! Is Purple Haze Feedback canon in the SR au?!
purple haze feedback is canon in both versions of scarlet ribbons universe (everyone lives, and the anime ending version)!! i’ve mostly been focusing on more of the fluffy aspects of the series, but delving into some of the angst of fugo’s betrayal and how reader feels about it is interesting. especially since next to bucciarati, fugo is the person reader has known the longest and confided in the most. while reader would come to forgive fugo at a certain point, i think it’d take a while for their relationship to back to how it was before everything went down.
anon 2 asked: So the events of the anime happened in SR, makes me wonder what could've been different had the reader been in the stand battles. Have you ever wondered that, Lock?
i’ve definitely thought about it a lot!!!! reader’s role in the anime would be sticking pretty much next to trish at All given times. so she’d be guarding trish a majority of the time. for the fights i could see her taking a major role in, it’d definitely be the train, vs cioccolata and secco, and of course the final showdown with the boss. i think the major thing would be having more opportunities to attack. possibly being able to do more damage to pesci, helping giorno mess up cioccolata... like ribbons wrapping around the helicopter, limiting his visibility and stuff. :’ )
since giorno doesn’t discover his healing (or whatever the proper term would be), ability until halfway on, reader is gonna be patching everyone’s flesh wounds up. i think that means that people (aka mista), would be a bit more reckless in their fighting since they know the danger of bleeding out when reader is nearby won’t be a problem. 
it’s hard for me to think exactly how everything would change... that’s why i have a fight in mind of an original stand user vs reader where she has to protect trish, to put her abilities more on display! that’d also be when trish goes wow... perfect gf material 😳
SR is giving me life...did you say you were up for doing yandere scenarios for it??? That’d give me EXTRA LIFE 🎗💗💕💞🎀
I AM ALWAYS READY TO MAKE STUFF YAN... it’d be a bit difficult since that’d be a lot of yanderes coming after darling, so i’d probably just have to remove the reverse harem aspect or else all hell would break loose. but i think having a stand that allows for escape like SR would be something else for a yandere to deal with, since the utility makes it hard to predict. but yes, i’d definitely like to write some hcs/scenarios for a yan version of the SR universe!! 
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calliecat93 · 4 years ago
ST: The Next Generation Watchthrough Season 3 Episodes 1-3
Evolution: We’re at Season 3 folks, yippee~! We also have Dr. Crusher back! I’m kind of annoyed that they don’t os much as mention what happened with Pulaski, but considering everything,t hat may have been best. I’m just gonna assume that she took Crusher’s job at Starfeet Medical and Crusher decided to go back to the Enterprise to be with her son. Which I’m glad that the episode touches on the fact that Crusher doesn’t really connect with Wesley anymore and how she’s concerned that he’s more wrapped up in his studies and Ensign duties than
 you know, being an actual kid. Whatever one feels about them axing Crusher last season, they at least acknowledged and worked with it now that she’s back. The issues with Wesley in the first two seasons is how he was an intelligent kid who felt like he got things handed to him and bolstered up despite having done nothing to earn it. S2 was a bit better, but the issue still lingered, just less in our face. But here? Wesley accidentally causes the problem with a nanite project he was working on getting loose and he tries to fix it without anyone finding out while also dealing with his mom being back and hovering over him after being without her for a year. I would like to point out that he made the choice to be without his mom so him going ‘how wold you know? You haven’t even been here.” is kind of his own fault, but I DO understand that he’s frustrated and it’s an understandable reaction from a tired, guilt-ridden teenager. That’s probably what I liked best, Wesley feels more like an actual kid who screws up and makes bad decisions but is good-intentioned and trying to both be responsible and make it right, which I think the other two seasons didn’t fully have. He doesn’t get punished or even scolded for almost causing the destruction of the ship and everyone on it, but he doesn’t get praised for admitting the mistake that he caused or directly save the day either like in The Naked Now and he did ultimately admit responsibility after talking to his mom so fair enough. The episode is overall a good one. There’s good tension and pacing with the nanite threat, Crusher comes back and gets right back to where she left off, Wesley has probably his best focus episode thus far, there’s the gap between mother and son showing them not ignoring the ramifications, the crew maintain their competence and managed to resolve the issue peacefully, and overall it’s a decent way to start off the season. A standard episode, but still promising for what’s to come. 3.5/5
The Ensigns of Command: We have Data on a planet to evacuate an upcoming invasion who do have the right to the planet due to a treaty
 but the citizens won’t budge. We have a tense situation here. We have a bunch of stubbornness on both sides. The Sheliak’s DO have right tot he planet, but that doesn’t make it right to slaughter a bunch of innocent lives for no reason. But the colony leader won’t listen and refuses to go without a fight despite the land not being their’s and having the Federation ready to get them to safety. We have Data having t try and convince the colony
 but he’s not really trained as a negotiator so
 yeah. It’s nice to have Data in a role that he isn’t used to and him having to figure out how to navigate the issue especially with how he still struggles to understand human nature in a case where he very much needs it. The method he uses to finally convince them was not one I expected from Data, but damn it was an effective one and I loved how he got to get creative! I love it! Even his reverse psychology gambit was a good one even if it didn’t fully work cause the idiot leader is too good of a speaker, but the final attempt sure as Hell did the job. Picard’s attempts to negotiate with the Sheliak to buy time for evacuation were also freakin’ great especially at the end and I’m already liking him so much more than the first two seasons. The girl though who’’s really into androids? Yeah, while I give her kudos for trying to help Data and re-activating him after the leader took him out, I didn’t like her. She may like androids but it really seems that’s all she sees him as. And that just rubs me the wrong way. Also Dat saying he has no feelings of any kind
 I really don’t get why the show is insisting on that cause that’s not true jut because it’s not the ‘normal’ way, thought he ending has Picard more or less point out that Data’s statement isn’t really accurate who who knows? Ultimately it’s an episode about how, as Data puts it, things can be replaced but lives cannot. Some fights aren’t worth the loss of life, and this was one of those cases. Also diplomatic negotiations and treaties aren’t a fun process haha. 3.5/5.
The Survivors: Well
 that went nothing like I expected. Things start out kind of same old, same old. We have a couple being too stubborn to leave their home despite hostilities and the crew can’t convince them otherwise
 then Troi gets some strange repeating melody stuck in her head. You know how addictive Earworms can be? Well imagine it never being able to stop and going over and over and over
 and Dear Lord poor Troi didn’t deserve any of this. Marina Sirtis conveyed Troi’s growing desperation and pain because it just won’t stop extremely well. This and a hostile vessel raise a lot of questions. Why is all of this happening? It’s all connected to the elderly couple
 and the reveal is utterly shocking and horrifying. I’m reluctant to even go into detail because I don’t want to ruin the surprise for anyone who may have not seen it. But lets just say that it’s not simple pride keeping that couple from leaving even when the danger returns. Oh not even close. This episode was freakin’ great. It’s pretty good but when we get the big plot twist? It flips everything on it’s head and the actor delivering the big revelation
 the performance is utterly gut-wrenching. Their actions are sympathetic and the guilt and grief is so evident and heartbreaking, a being driven to despair that caused them to commit probably one of, if not the, most unforgivable act that one can commit. It’s an utter tragedy, plain and simple. IDT an episode of TNG has hit me this hard, I legit teared up. Just
 damn. 5/5.
While I didn’t really watch the show as a kid, I did see scattered episodes her and there because my mom watched it 24/7. Seasons 1 and 2 of TNG just
 din’t feel right. They weren’t bad, they just didn’t have that feel that I remembered from what I had seen. Now though? I’m starting to get that feeling again. The episodes, while not ground-breaking or anything, maintain quality and it doesn’t feel like it’s trying to replicate TNG or struggling to escape it’s shadow anymore. If this is indeed the season where the show truly found it’s groove, then I am excited for the other 23 episodes~!
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