#if steve dies in season 4 then dustin gets reckless and dies in season 5
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brionysea · 2 years ago
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here's another example of mike breaking the pattern by being the first one to do it
bonus foreshadowing:
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fastcardotmp3 · 2 years ago
in the little land of delusion in my head where Steve died in Season 4 after a narratively satisfying and emotionally devastating but thematically Good arc do you know what we get in season 5?
Angry Robin.
Robin who knew she had a bad feeling about that plan going into it, Robin who said I don't know that we make it out of this one but chose to listen to Steve when he said he had hope.
Robin who hates him for hoping but can't ever hate him again because that was who he was and so that is who he will always be in the stagnant way death freezes people.
Robin who is a bit more reckless than she's ever been, less concerned with her own safety as she is making sure she doesn't have to watch any of the rest of them die, doesn't have to collapse to her knees and hold them in her lap and feel their blood soak through her clothes and beg beg beg to the universe that gave her a soulmate not to take him please don't take him you'll tear me in half
Robin who is out of optimism to offer, who only keeps fighting because his death has to accomplish what he was trying to accomplish by fucking sacrificing himself in the first place. She hates herself for yelling in Dustin's face about this plan better work, do you want it to have been worth it? do you want it to have been worth him? it better work.
She does it anyway.
Robin who has always attacked from afar-- fireworks and molotov cocktails-- getting up close and personal. Getting something else's blood to soak through her clothes to try and rid herself of the sensory memory of his.
Robin Buckley whose soul has been torn in half.
Robin Buckley who will tear the world in half in retribution.
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thescoextra · 6 years ago
stranger things S3 death predictions
spoilers if you haven't seen the trailers/promo pics/interviews etc, but nothing that hasn't been officially released.
the kids
eleven- eleven is arguably the main character, and though it would be shocking, i doubt that she would die. if anything, she is most likely to be taken away (there are bts shots of her with the military). i doubt she's a strong candidate.
mike- mike is also one of the biggest characters in the show. he is described as 'immortal', specifically in the way he views himself. he constantly puts himself in danger for others, and believes that he cannot be harmed. his death could also fuel a murderous rampage for eleven, which could be interesting to see. his recklessness puts him high up there, though part of me still believes that he will die at the end of the show, and not in s3.
dustin- too predictable. sure, he is one of the only characters that hasn't had his death hinted at, which could mean he's going to die for shoco factor, but people seem to be expecting it anyway. he's not high on my list.
lucas- possible, but i doubt it. yes, he may sacrifice himself, maybe for max, but i honestly doubt that he'll die this season.
will- there is no way in hell that will is dying this season. there are bts photos of him and joyce reuniting, and he's too close to it all to kill him off. maybe he moves, but i doubt he dies. not a chance.
max- she has me worried. she is tied very close to it, with billy being the monster. we've known all along that max would go down swinging for her friends, and that one of hwr biggest fears is billy hurting them. the scene where max is looking bsck at the monster really could be her about to sacrifice hersef for her friends. additionally, the scene where they're on bikes and looking back at will's empty house, you can see her yellow bike. however, the clothes of the pwrson on the bike look exactly like one of el's outfit, not max's- though this may not be the last scene, or it may be max, it is possible that max died and el decided to keep her bike. her death would also spark up a murderour rampage for eleven, just like mike's would. however, i genuinely think (or hope) that if they were to kill her, i would be the end of s4, not s3.
the teens
jonathan- oh boy. he hasn't had his death hinted at, which makes me suspicious. he's one of the few to seem unharmed throughout, and that isn't normal. it seems as though joyce has moved, and jonathan's death could be the reason for it, the house careying too many memories. also note that joyxe has been seen reuniting with will, but not jonathan. jonathan has also been seen actively facing the monster in the first trailer.
steve- fans would riot if he died, so it's not that likely. however, finn said in an interview that people wouldn't watch if they knew who died, so it would be a fan favourite. overall, i really don't know about steve.
nancy- nancy has been actively seen being attacked by the monster. her death would bring karen and ted into the picture, and involve them in the next season potentially. it could also be the wakeup call for mike, that he and his friends arent invincible. mike has been so far unafected by the deaths, not really knowing the people. this could be a chance to change that.
billy- he's essentially as good as dead. he falls into the tradition of killing off characters beginning with a B, is the monster, so it's highley likely he has to die with it. however, it could be 'too predictable', and i'm not sure where the writers would go wit max's family if billy died.
robin- she's too new to die, in my opinion, too badass looking. i reccon she's safe for a season.
heather- there's no way she ISN'T dead, come on guys
the adults
joyce- she's been seen reuniting with will in the bts of the military scenes, and i think she moves house. no way.
hopper- it's possible. el looks like she's being taken away, and he would be there to stop that were he alive. i also doubt that joyce would move unless she lost everything, and hopper comes under that bracket.
bruce- he could be the B character to die, just to thrown us all off. he's a villain, i doubt he'll live.
neil- please god give us a miracle, just one. it's unlikely, but he would be billy's first target if he had any xontrol over who the mind flayer goes after.
susan- the title 'suzie do you copy' could refer to her, but i honestly doubt theyll kill her. max needs some form of a break, guys.
karen- she won't die. fans don't care about her enough.
ted- it would be a relief if i'm honest.
brenner- if he's back, i doubt they'll 'kill' him again. too suspicious.
mr/mrs sinclaire- no way. theres a chance that they'll get injured, but not killed.
mrs henderson- they wouldn't dare.
erica- no???? fans would flip their shit
kali- could spark up another murderous rampage in eleven, so it's possible. however, i don't think they would kill her off before going more into her backstory.
axel/mick/dottie/funshine- very likely. a minor character that would still have enough effect on el to create a significant plotpoint? it's very convenient.
holly- it's possible she'll get taken, but they wouldn't kill her. she's too small.
the ranks (note that this only includes main characters):
1. may aswell get the shovels ready- max, jonathan, billy, hopper
2. it's quite likely- nancy, mike, steve, one of kali's gang, bruce
3. it's possible- lucas
4. i doubt it- kali, dustin, eleven
5. they're essentially immortal- will, joyce, erica, robin
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