#if something isnt working let your muses take over
chocotonez · 2 years
skz + partner privilege
a/n: partner privilege isn’t a concept I was very familiar with, but it’s so cute…I’m gonna cry this is so qidhajdjsjs!!! Thank you for requesting anon <3 (also varying lengths isnt me showing favoritism, just me showing my writer’s block)
warnings/genre: fluff, swearing, “I’m breaking up w u” jokes, g/n reader, please tell me if anything else needs to be tagged!
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-lets you distract him
-chan prides himself on being very driven and task-focused, but when you come into the studio, or when he’s playing games or trying to cook and you appear, he is immediately just fawning all over you
-he needs you to know that you have his attention, and he doesn’t want you to think he prioritizes work over you
-he knows very well that sometimes he can be seen as a man married to the music, but you’re quite literally his muse, so he wants to spend as much time w u as possible-but also because he loves you and ur so cute and he wants to hang out w u!!
-“oh, baby, hey!! nonono you’re not bothering me.” and gestures you closer so he can hold you and ask about your day, if you need anything, etc etc
-tldr he’s always patient with you and lets you “bother him” except you’re never an annoyance, he always wants you around <3
lee know
-shares his personal life with you/lets you in
-in a more superficial definition, he lets you call his cats your children, he invites you to his apartment 24/7, he wants you to meet his family so you can all bond
-but in a deeper meaning, minho also is a lot more vulnerable with u (compared to others)
-he takes thinks very lightheartedly and isn’t one for super sincere moments, where he cries in your shoulder or explains his feelings, but with you he feels safe
-he lets himself break down in front of you, he talks about the minor irritations throughout the day, and he talks about any problems that come up in your relationship
-he never likes getting too emotionally invested in romantic relationships, but he wants to stay with u for as long as possible!!
-tldr homie lets down his emotional walls even in regards to you because he loves you
-tbh this one was v hard because he already holds his partner on quite the pedestal, with lots of privileges LOL
-but I feel like Changbin is the type of boyfriend where you could convince him to do literally anything
-he’ll practically do anything you say because he trusts you, and also he wants to see you happy
-if he’s ever mouthing off to chan, the members just call you over to get him to apologize for giving so much attitude
-“y/n?? I thought you were on my side >:(“ and he’s pouting and whiny but he does as asked for you, and he always ends up giggling when you give him a little kiss on the cheek as a thank you for listening to you
-obviously he listens to you on a regular basis (healthy relationships !!) but he will always do what you say, if you ever complain about something he’s doing while you’re fighting, he’ll put sincere effort into changing that or altering bad behaviors in a relationship
-obviously in exchange you’ll always put his feelings into his consideration and listen as well, but it is a privilege to have him so obedient (Chan thinks it’s a blessing)
-tldr he listens to you 24/7 about not being dumb but he also listens to you 25/8 about improving as a boyfriend and a person
-he’s so fucking sassy and always puts a lot of sarcasm and jokes
-similarly to minho he’s not going to randomly lovingly cup your face and profess how much he loves you, because he feels like that’s already obvious enough
-but with you!! he just snickers if you make a stupid joke at him, kisses your forehead, and jisung is just like :0
-han will just joke about hyunjin w slipping or messing up during a performance, and hyun will hit him with like “let’s talk about how you messed up pre-debut and almost got us cancelled”
-but if you ever call out hyunjin he won’t retaliate or bark back, just playfully roll his eyes and say “get better insults”
-he just can’t be mean to you, he can’t ever bad mouth you or even be hyperbolic in his little sarcastic remarks
-it seems small to your friends, but you know that this is his way of showing how much he loves you
-it’s not that he things you’re emotionally fragile or incapable of handling him, but he just holds you in such high regard and always so proud of you for all your accomplishments and improvements and wahhhh how could he ever find a way to back-talk you?? there’s nothing to mock or call out, at least in his eyes
-shows you off
-I feel like it’s pretty clear that he shows you off throughout my reactions (but never objectifying you), but for someone so bright and lively he can be a bit personal about his relationships—just an introvert thing tbh
-but to him you’re the most beautiful and amazing person in the world so how can he not post 20 instagram stories of you just randomly doing things?? how can he not smile every single time he talks about you??
-it makes you feel so incredibly loved and special to have someone so proud to date you
-he’s very loud and proud to love you, and even though he can shy away from being more expressive to the public about sincere feelings, he’ll never back away from an opportunity to brag about how amazing his partner is
-posts you to his story 24/7, talks about you excitedly to his loved ones, and he likes to include little aspects of you in his day to day life just as a constant reminder to others that he has the best s/o ever -wears your favorite color, your initials drawn on his wrist, picking out clothes he knows you like -and he'll always be like "oh this earring?? my partner likes this one, that's why i picked it <3"
-is more honest to you
-not that he lies to everyone, he’s so sincere and kind but he really is just a person and he feels like everyone expects him to love everyone, to tolerate everyone, and sometimes that’s just completely impossible
-rants to you about his feelings or annoyances, because he knows that you don’t have any expectations for him to just be a piece of sunshine 24/7
-you give him a place where he feels safe, maybe he had a bothersome run-in with someone at work, the choreographer was being a jerk, something along those lines—but then he gets home to you with your arms open wide and he’s immediately just ranting and huffing and puffing about his day
-“omg. love, today, you’ll never believe what this person tweeted about us, god!!” >:(( and he can just go off
-his honesty means a lot, because it shows that he really trusts you and is super sincere about his feelings, he knows that he doesn’t have to lie to you
-lets his humour run wild with you
-doesn’t feel like he needs to suppress his character around you, doesn’t feel like he needs to pretend, but unlike Felix who’s genuine in his feelings, Seungmin’s genuine in his humor
-weirdly stands in your doorway, pokes your cheek
-he can get kinda insecure about his behaviour, how he acts, he doesn't want to seem weird or be perceived any less especially when he was still super duper whipped and just wanted to impress you -but as the two of you grew closer he realized that he could just have the time of his life w/ you and you actually seemed to enjoy some of his jokes -okay so sorry about the format change it annoys me too--anyways, he loves to make you laugh so he is so down to publically humilate himself just to see you smile -he feels more confident and he feels as if its more worth it to be himself for you -you do wonders for his self confidence + he has fun so it's a win win situation
jeongin -always makes time for you, no matter what - he regards himself as more of a private and personal person, it can be overwhelming to him to be constantly surrounded by others, but for some reason you don't exhaust him in that way -he makes sure you always feel wanted, he never wants you to think that he'd rather have solitude over you -his members always tease him about it tho :,) -"we literally asked jeongin to hang out seven times this week and he said no six times, how did you manage to get him to immediately say yes to getting lunch with you??? he's a simp." -and yes he is!! he wants to be with you, spend time with you -you will always be in his schedule, even if for only a second
-on tour and you need to talk? dw shawty he's already asking a tech worker to hold his phone so you can facetime him while he's getting ready backstage -it's four am but you just need your boyfriend with you? he's already outside your door -he loves being with you <3
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A Sires Bond Chapter 2
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Summary: The dark sire isnt one to waste time, when he makes a deal he intends to fullfill his end immediately.
Warnings : Smut! A/B/O, Adult themes, Werewolves/shifters au, Dark magic,Fluff?, Angst, swearing
A/N: so here is the second part, i promise im trying to keep writing but my hard work for my shop has paid off and im currently getting orders in for custom dolls/animals. Its good news but my dolls are time consuming to make 🥲 16-20 hours each if im lucky hence i havent had much spare time to write and update things.
You both gasped at the first touch. The cracked barrier felt like thickened air as your palm passed through it, his warm skin burning against yours. He didn't hesitate as you did. His fingers slotted between yours and he held you firmly. A strange pulsing came from the barrier. Intermittent thrumming echoing through the air soundlessly. Your hair flicked, jumping with the movment.
Just when you thought nothing more would happen you saw it. Magic. It seemed to creep below you skin. Your veins glowed, a strange dark light emitting from them. Along with it came a strange feeling. Something between pins and needles and feather light touches gliding across your skin. You looked to him seeing his eyes alight with orange golden fire.
A quick sense of panic flared inside of you as the magic crawled up your arm. Reaching ever closer to your body. But you refused to deny this. You will not become a victim of someone elses decision. Just as the tingling hit your chest you relaxed. The ever constant pain of your loss ebbed away, as if it was being chased by him.
Once reaching your chest there seemed to be one quick flicker of light. Your entire body shuddered, trembled with the same odd feeling. And then it stopped. Every trace of magic dispersed and he suddenly lurched forward. Eagerly passing through the barrier as if remaining on the other sode was the worst fate imaginable.
You squeeked as he was suddenly upon you. Falling forward jn his eagerness, landing over you. Yet his reflexes kicked in and a huge hand captured the back of your head. He grunted heavily as his knuckles took the weight of your fall. But quickly bit off the pained grunt and hummed down at you seductively. Eyes taking in your wide eyes, red cheeks and full lips parted in shock as you yelped. An adorable high pitch sound that he had no doubt he could draw from you again. Next time it would be breathy and sweeter. A cry of unexpected passion as he claimed you. He was sure of it.
"So cute~ i could just eat you up" he mused with a smirk. Enjoying the way your cheeks glowed. He was sure you were a fair maiden. Untouched. He could not wait to sink his fangs into you. Nip and kiss his way across your supple flesh, tainting and awakening you all at once. Before gifting you what you craved, letting you take hold of him and create a new life.
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He almost felt sorry for his new naive female. He would grow to love you, of that he was most certain. But he was under no false pretenses. For the moment you were both each others means to an end.
You will use him for pups,family and security. Even use him for your own passive revenge on those who wronged you by proving them to be the fools they are, making them regret casting you aside when you could bare more then one pup.
But he was useing you. Not only to escape his prison, but also to sire a new generation of perfected wolves. His hope was that his pups would gain notoriety and draw others to them. To become the male to have sired a renownd pack alphas. That his lineage will rule over these inferior wolves. Ultimatly proving that devious bitch goddess she was wrong to forsake him. That he can and will create something better, something lasting. His children will be the fiercest of all and will rule the entire race he helped create. He had a millenia of meddling to catch up on.
And he also wanted to prove that he could love another? He wants to show the gods that he can be worthy. That he would be a perfect mate! He wanted to show luna what she had missed out on. He hated thinking that luna belived he was pining for her. He was not. He despised her. Any affection he had left for her had died when she threatened to harm their unborn.
"Eat me?! But you... you promised? Please dont hurt me" you cried panicked once more. And tried to shuffle from beneath him in fright. He chuckled blinking slowly, before scratchingmyour scalp gently with the hand that cradled your crown. You relaxed slightly into the gentle touch, unable to deny the pleasurable feeling on your head being for lack ofa better word petted.
"Hush morsel. I would not devour you in a beastly sense of blood and sacrifice. I have bonded you already. My magic has krept inside of you, has seeped into your very being and tied us together." He purred out in delight, eyes flashing their godly orange before dimming to the blue you were comingnto love already. At the mention of magic you shivered, you could still feel it. Working its way deep into your very being, soaking you through with a delirious sense of want and need.
He hummed at you raising a perfect brow as you shuddered once more laying in the cool wwater did nothing to help you as your heat began to drift into your blood once more. He smirked as he caught the scent of a needy omega again. The flames of desire were quickly igniting as his spell reawakend you.
"Though i may feast on you when the mood strikes, i will never harm such a delicate mate. You are to be treasured, you are my light. My freedom and my future" he teased pressing forward ghosting your mouth with his, sinful lips kissin your as he spoke the heated words. You whined up at him pressing your thighs together as the liquid fire in your veins pooled in your loins. This was different to before, your desire was incomprehensible. Though it may have been dampened because of mikhail's swift refusal.
"Shh shh your fine, omega. Your perfectly safe with me. My sweet ripe little pup~ i have you. Its dofferent isnt it?" He breathed out senseig you slight panic. Many omega's were frigtened on their first true experience of heat. It was unpleasant to be tormented with such frenzied arousal you could bearly speak.
Your eyes watered and your hands gripped him tight, tiny fingers clutching mercilessly at his robes. You were confused and frightened.
"Oh i know child, its difficult hm? This is what your supposed to feel, this is a true mating bond my sweet;fuck you are soo sweet! Like honeyed ambrosia!" He grunted out through clenched teeth as the scent of his new found mate washed over him. He couldnt wait to defile you. He shifted holding himself over you before dragging you to him.
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You could do little more then moan as he finally kissed you, his lips pressed hard against yours teasing your own. You somehow found a rhythm and fell into a delicious needy kiss. He licked and nipped along your bottom lip. He pulled the swelling flesh into his mouth, biting lightly before suckling at it like a pup on a breast. You panted mewling following his mouth trying to entice him to deepenthe kiss once more, al, the while arching your hips in uncontrollable movements. Your center seeking him out.
He shifted once more, rewarding your attempts with a single thick thigh. You moaned into his mouth as you found the hard muscle and began grinding onto it, whining and moaning for him aloud with little care. Your insides tensed, your walls pulsing with a need unlike any other youd felt. This was what mating really was? The undeniable hunger for your mate. Your body willingly tearing itself apart just so he would fulfill your needs. You quivered as you began to saturate your leggings.
Your hips jolted against him as he tensed his leg, and you sped up, rocking back and forth tending to your own need. Stoking your own fire useing him like a tool, as if his only purpose for being was to satisfy your own pleasure.
He grunted when you arched higher, brushing against his own need and released your mouth with a wet pop grinning down at you.
"I am your servant, your gaurdian. You shall never know pain again. Never endure torment, or need to worry or fear anything." He spoke with clarity, pledging himself to you in a flurry of sweet words. But the sentimentality was muted as he made sure to start tugging on the leggings you wore, his fingers finding the thick elastic quickly before curling them inside and peeling them off of you. You yelled in need before wriggleing your hips trying to help him rid you of them.
He chuckled dipping down once more at your insistence, you hands tugging on him trying to bring him closer. He locked lips again, this time pundering your mouth drinking in the cries and whimpers as you spiralled into a dazed heat, craving nothing but him.
You grunted at him as he pulled his thigh free from your own and quickly pulled your leggings to your knees.and in a swift movement you were rolled over below him.
You dropped your chest low, hissing as the position submerged your breast into the cool stream but quickly found a love for the temperature. Your body was boiling, your pussy wept a molten heat of longing. He groaned loud into the glen, the trees trembled at the beastly primal sound. You moaned as his hands captured your hips and urged you to rock back towards him.
"I am your protector and your might. If you give the word I will prowl this land and bring your enimies to a brutal bloody end." He spoke in a strained voice. His hot hands storking over your lower back, down your ass and squeezed. It had been a long time since a female presented for him, he'd not rush ahead befpre commiting the sight to memory. And you were a cute little thing.
"And me? What am i?" You breathed out desperately trying to press against him, searching for him. Willing him to finally take you and claim you for himself.
"You my dear? You are about to become and impossibility. An exception to every constraint placed upon your kind. You my little love are about to birth an entirely new era." His words were overshadowed by the howl like cry you belowed as he impaled you. He coildnt help smirk victoriously as your body wrapped aroundnhim so tightly. Your insides squeezing him with no complaints.
You moaned into the open air as his cock pressed jnto you. The thick rod prying you open, pressing you to your limits as he invaded you. It was a sweet pajn, the stretch and light burn form him making you feel cold. You grunted when he pressed further, you could almost imagine him protuding in your stomach. The thought made you wail louder tensing around him as if fighting for room in you own body.no. not yours, it was his now.
He grunted holding still as your heat suckled on him, pulling him urging him deeper. Fuck yes. He growled as you squirmed, turning to look back at him and tried rockingmon your knees. No. You were uis, and youd take what he gave.
He moved, slowly at first hands on your hips tugging you back to wards him, meeting the light tilts of his hips. You cried rung out around you. The mewling sobs of pained pleasure echoing around the glen as he toyed with you. He couldnt help it, he wanted to tease his new mate. But you were driving him mad.
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You moaned as the male mounting you began to fuck you, the arching hips became harde and harder as he worked himself inside of you. Each thrust forceing the breath from you. And then like something inside of og him snapped he grasped your wasit tightly, fingers threatening to bruise as he jerked your body faster, harder and deeper.
Each pull made you more desperate, you needed him, needed something more! The trembling in your legs seemed to spread further. Crawling across your spine and tummy leaving tinggling in its wake. You couldnt describe it, the sensation of being one with your intended. It was all encompassesing and muted. Like you were trapped inside a bubble of unyeilding lust and heat.
He growled, curseing out loud fucking you in harsheder strokes. His thighs slping yours in scalding stinging swats, only adding to your heady ecstasy. And then he stopped, p,undging himself as far as he could. You yelped eyes wideneing as you felt something else. A foreign feeling, a swelling. But not y9ur own?
A stinging pain tugged at you unlike anything youd felt before. You cried out in fear turning to him, but a hand caught your hair, tilting your head back. You made to ask what was going on but could only let out silent scream when you felt teeth imbed into your neck. Fangs shooting down locking themselves into your flesh.
The pain coupled with the seering heat in your hea made you tense, your body twisting tightly befor relaxing in a mind numbing pleasure. You trembled and quivered finding your end cumming in one frighteningly powerful wave leaving blackspkts in your vision.
You whined almost collapsing below him, completely spent. But our mate was quick to capture you, one thick arm crossing your abdomen supporting your weight, whislt holding you still as he rooted himself deep inside of you. His cock pulsing, tickling your insides with his seed as he came inside of you.
You moaned when his jaw pulled free of your neck as he felt you coming down from your high. With a gentle kiss he parted from your bitten flesh.
"Shh shh thats me, my knot. We are one. I will release you soon my love" he panted trying to sooth you as you cried out and tugged, trying to pull yourself from him. Your mate sighed, It was always painfull the first time, omega needed to learn to appreciate the knot. For now you would weep as the sensation of being knotted, the burn was a knife edge of pleasure and pain, for the moment youd only focus on the latter.
You whined arching forward again trying to escape the pain, ignoring the warmth of his seed coating your insides with a hope of taking root. But not even the promise of pups could ease the full painfull feeling. He hushed you, pressing his hands into your back warming them, rubbing circles and long lengths up and down your tight muscles easing them. Encouraging you to relax for him.
"Together we will gift this world our pups. Pups that will grow into feirce rulers, and they will bring about a new dawn to this dismal supernatural world. Your species will not be mocked. They will be feared" he spoke, trying to draw your mind away from the present uncomfortable sensation of your first knot. It worked somewhat, he felt your excit en and hope spark through the bond. His heart leapt in his chest, it has been to long since he had shared this kind of bond. The way he felt you, the way your emotions pulled at him as you unknowingly broadcast them like a beacon for him. He closed his eyes swearing a silent oath to keep this bond, this union sacred and safe.
"We will be feared" he ended, the tone dark and foreboding as he finished his silent promise out loud. You'llbe feared, loved and cherished. Your pups will be worshipped . Your bloodline revered.
"So... whats your name?" You pondered flushing as you realised youd given youraelf to the dark sire without even knowing his true name. It was... demeaning in a way? You felt embarrassed, ashamed almost that you even had to ask in this postion.
"You know i have never given it much thought. I do not really have one, only titles. The dark sire, the shroud, hound of hell, hell beast, deciver;"
"Thats... actually really sad everyone should have an actual name" you interrupted him as his tone began to grow more acidic. It would seem even he held offence to the mamy blighted names he had been gifted over the millenia. You also felt sorry for him, you couldnt imagine never having something so important. A name was? Personal, it was identity being. It was acceptance and civil. To not have one was, it was unthinkable.
"Augustus? I was named Augustus a few hundred years ago" he spoke again quietly, his voice a purring hum. Thoughtful and deep, he sounded lost, adrift somewhere in his own mind. You faltered. Oh. Augustus? Like the boy from Charlie and the chocolate factory? The fat one who couldnt swim. You were pulled from your thoughts by a deep laugh from behinde.
"You are not fond of it? Me neither of course you can always help me find a new one. I am but a humble servant for my rescuer" he cooed, leaning down once more to nuzzle your neck unable to resist. You preened at the attention.
"How about August? Just shorten it? Its fancy but not old we dont want people to know who you really are... right?"you offered weakly, trying to avoid the old aristocratic name that made you cringe.
"August. I like it. And you are?" You felt a wave of relief flush through you. Thank the gods! But then paused your name? Oh! He doesnt know either... oops?
"Willow. My name is willow" his face lit up as he tested your name, letting it roll off the tongue in a languid purr.
"Willow. My perfect mate has such a unique name, it really does suit you my love." He added gently before taking your legs into his hands slowy and lowered you to the ground following your movements as not to tug on your joining. You hissed but managed to remain still for him only releasing a huge breath when the larger then life male smothered your back. Warming you instantly with his own body heat.
"Well willow, you should try and rest for. While, the next few days are going to be very busy" he uttered coaxing you to relax further, his kingstache tickled your neck and shoulder as his lips fou d your skin again gently littering it with kisses and gentl licks. Everything about he did was to keep you calm, docile and relaxed around him. Praying each and every moment that natrue would take its course and youd be pupped by the time you were released from beneath him.
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voidselfshipp · 2 years
The Blood of the covenant is thicker than water of the womb
Cw: Fire in the moodboard, mentions of food.
Summary: Rowena takes his heart nephew (jack) and her daughter (jerico) on a trip to scotland for vacation.
->Lovely Taglist: @malewifehenrycooldown @sugar-and-pearls @mercuryships @tex-treasures
->Only mutuals allowed to reblog.
A/n: I needed to write something fluffy w Jack n rowena. If anyone wants to make fanart of any of the scenes id be so happy! But no pressure./gen.
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Jack felt a little lost looking at all the books before him. He huffs and anxiously taps his foot.
--What seems ta be the matter,dearie?-- rowena asked softly with concern.
The nephilim sighed and replied-- there are so Many books I dont even know which ones to pick
--Pick all the ones ye want, its on me-- the witch replied.
He nodds giving her a small smile-- thank you, auntie rowena
--No problem, ill check on yer sister-- the older woman replied-- stay put
Rowena leaves for the Fantasy section of the old library, she cant help but chuckle as jerico carries a stack of books between her arms.
--Need help with that?-- the witch asked with a smirk.
Jerico turns to her and sheepishly chuckles-- 'm fine..., Jack picked anything yet?
--Hes in ta process, boy's a little lost on what ta pick-- the other woman replied-- c'mon then
Both women return to where Jack was, and just like his sister hes carrying easily seven books of different thicknesses-- I know you told me not to move but I had to ask some people what books they reccomended me, And here they are-- Jack explained-- sorry
--Curiosity did kill ta cat, ye know?-- rowena teased-- but of course thats not ta whole sayin'
--Then what is the whole saying?-- he asked.
--Curiosity killed the cat, but the answer brought it back-- the witch answered.
--Answers can bring...cats back from the dead?-- Jack asked tilting his head to the side.
Jerico giggled-- not really
Soon after they payed for the Books and went back to Rowena's cabin in the Woods.
It was big enough to house three people with their own personal space.
That day was cloudy and foggy, the Windows blurred with mist and condensated steam, falling dead leaves littered the ground.
Jack finished to put the books on his bookshelf, smiling proudly at his work.
--Dinner's ready!-- rowena called from the kitchen.
The older woman hears two sets of rapid footsteps and she cant help but laugh as her eyes settle on her nephew and daughter who look like rabid famined dogs.
--ye two look hungry-- she mused with a smirk.
--Very much-- jerico replied-- ill take the glasses
--Ill take the cutlery and plates
The house smelled of food and dried herbs, a mix of sweet, fresh yet Musky scents gave the house a cozy feel.
The light sources where candles and a few electric warm lights around the place. On the table was a centerpiece that held a combination of candles of various colors.
Both younger members of the family set the table, and the witch is quick to serve the food.
--Ma, this tastes great!-- jerico exclaimed looking up at the red haired woman.
--Shes right. Your cooking is great, auntie rowena!-- Jack exclaimed.
Rowena smiled with pride, chest warming up pleaseantly-- ah I had plenny o' time ta perfect it. Thank ye
Both younglings smile at her and Keep eating.
Soon it starts to rain, but for the three of them tucking in for the night was ways away.
Rowena pulled her cloak's hood forward-- now remember, anythin' here is yers for ta takin', do let me see it first ta make sure it isnt cursed
--Yes ma'am!--both exclaim and with their flashlights they start to scan the place for trinkets.
Both find a series of oddities, quickly calling over rowena who dispells any sort of curse or bad vibes the object had.
At some Point in late night, Jack calls the witch over showing her what seems to be an ocre colored cat pendant with a half moon on its side.
After making sure it wasnt cursed, rowena takes a step back and Jack looks at his finding for a moment before extending his hand towards the woman.
The old witch smiles and takes it, hooking it into one of her Many necklaces-- thank ye,dearie
The nephilim boy smiles and gives her a nodd of acknowledgement, returning to his search for more trinkets.
Rowena takes the hint that Jack decided to go non-verbal for the time being and simply follows his lead.
Next thing he finds is an old and dirty sun charm, he calls his heart aunt over and points at it.
--That ones fine-- she replied and he took it, inspecting It
The gold sun has been dirtied and worn by the enviroment around it, he inspects it and then puts it between his hands and closes his eyes.
His hands shine with a dim golden light, and when he shows it to rowena, the theres an inscription on the back.
She carefully takes the charm in her hands and inspects it. The sun had little rhinestones littered across the surface, and then she takes notice of the engraving in the back. It read "you showed me a divine light that did not hurt nor blind. You called it love, I call it a Bond. Thank you"
Rowena handed the trinket back-- its a very beautiful phrase
He nodded and Walked up to jerico, whose pointed ears twitch back as his feet crush the dead leaves under them.
But she doesnt flinch, she knows his gentle footsteps. He pats her back and she turns around.
Jack silently hands her the sun he found and she inspects it. Her eyes go wide once she reads the engraving.
--This is beautiful, thank you jackie-- she replied hugging him. He hugs back and nuzzles her neck-- youre nonverbal for the time being?
He nodds and Gently pulls back-- okay-- she acnowmledges.
Five minutes later is jerico who finds something in the ground.
A pendant made of oxcidized Copper in the shape of a grimoire hides between leaves.
Rowena gives it the "in the clear" sign and jerico hands it to her-- here. It has your vibe
The older woman smiles and kisses the girl's forehead-- thats really sweet o' ye, dear
Jeri smiles and returns to her search.
The rest of the night is spent looking for trinkets, and by the time they are back home its the wee hours of the morning.
--Oh Jack I found something for you!-- jerico called out, pulling out of her pocket a ring. Its made of silver and has a white lily carved out of clear quartz-- white lillies means purity of heart, and clear quartz helps with inner light
Jack seems to recognize the gem and quickly scribbles something on a notepad he always carried "Like the one your friend gave you!"it read.
--Yeah, exactly that one-- she confirmed.
He puts the ring on his middle finger, and jeri takes his hand-- funny, putting that ring on that finger symbolizes personal identity, self worth,beauty, responsability and life purpose. You knew that?
He shakes his head.
--Ah well its a good omen then-- rowena replied-- cmon, tea's done and the cookies are just about to be
The three of them soon snuggle on the couch and get ready to watch some movies.
But when the TV turns on theres nothing but static.
Jerico is the first one to get up to fix the problem. It takes a hot minute for them to do so.
--Rowena can get it fixed up in a split second-- Jack said-- youll never get that thing working
--O ye of little faith-- jeri bit back, before moving some cables to a different port.
She steps back and the TV is back to normal, she turns around and makes eye contact with her younger brother-- eat It, kline
He snorts and raises his hands up-- alright fine
Some hours later, Jack is braiding jeri's hair, muttering a lullaby castiel had taught him-- hey jer?
--Youre a really good sister-- he replied absentmindedly-- you were always sweet and nice to me when others werent
--I see a good Man in you, Jack-- she commented-- I could feel it
--Thank you for beliving in me
--Thank *you* for choosing to do the right thing
After their second movie they took a break, and just as rowena came back with replenished teas and baked goods, she finds her daughter teaching her nephew spanish.
--okay, lets recap, how do you say "my name is Jack kline"
--mi nombre es Jack Kline-- he replied before adding-- Y mi hermana se llama jerico, y ella es genial (my name is Jack Kline, my sister is called jerico and shes awesome)
Jeri giggled with eyes full of awe and excitement-- thats great! Youre a fast learner!
Jack, who had the same look in his eyes as his sister, replied-- I have a great teacher
The witch couldnt help but smile, jerico had been teaching Jack a lot of things since they got to scotland for their little vacation.
Amongs them where how to Cook, dance, take care of injured animals and play the guitar, Jack was in fact a very quick learner, and Rowena was sure that between that and their one on one talks both siblings had, the nephilim boy had learnt how to understand himself further.
Jack felt a little less lost now that jerico was with him. She had taught him Many things, and he was discovering who he really was.
She settles besides jerico and they resume their movie night
Its in the middle of their final movie when rowena noticed just how quiet both younglings were, she turns her head and finds that both are asleep.
Jack leans on jerico, his hand holding hers, his head on her shoulder. Jeri's own head rests against her brother's. And both are slumped against the couch's backrest.
So thats why both of them were so quiet.
Usually both would make quips and little commentaries of the things they noticed in the film, so the silence was a bit off putting.
With a snap of her fingers a moss colored blanket drapes around both siblings.
She stands up and kisses their forehead-- Oidhche mhath (good night) my little bairns
The Next morning the three of them arranged a nice picnic in the Woods near the cabin.
A maroon blanket was set on the floor, an ornate and intricagely weaved picnic basket sat ontop of it, around it were a menagerie of different foods, portable kettles with all sorts of tea and three teacups.
Jack closed his book, looking up at the cloudy day above-- aunt rowena? I have a question
--What is it, dearie?-- she asked.
--Theres a saying I read in this book that says "blood's thicker than water" but I get the sense its not the complete phrase. See, it reminded me of what you two told me in the library...
Rowena nodded-- aye, the whole sayin' is "Blood of the covenant is thicker than water of the womb" meanin' that the Bonds we make are more important than those we were given at birth
--Kinda like us?-- he asked.
--Exactly like us-- jeri replied-- oh by the way I also found this but I forgot to give it to you-- she hands him a moon pendant that seemed to match with the sun one she had.
This one was also made of gold and decorated with rhinestones. It also seemed old but the engraving on the back was recent.
He took a moment to read it. "Love is a Bond found everywhere In everyone. We shine forth with divine light, always and forever. Where you go. I go"
He smiles and quickly hooks it to the chain around his neck, a protection charm rowena had given him and jerico-- thank you
--Its quite rare ta see matchin' sets in the forest, I guess whoever those things belonged ta deemed ye worthy of carryin' their legacy -- rowena pointed out.
Jack smiled and hugged jerico's arm, she hugs back and giggles.
By the end of Next week the three of them were back at the bunker.
Castiel was handed a small keychain That had a pair of two wings on each side,made of some black metal. Jack was the one that found it and gave it to him, saying "it reminded me of you"
Jerico in turn had found various oddities for each of her partners. -- nothing like a cursed trinket to remember you by-- lucifer Joked to then kiss the top of her head-- thank you dear
Each of her partners had one of her various findings.
Gabriel had a gold ring that had six wings.
lucifer had gotten a small pitchfork made of black iron. Crowley, a ring in the shape of a crown made of that same ore
while balthazar had been given a necklace with an ornate pendant with a moonstone in the style of victorian jewelry.
Sam held a small protection charm like the one he had tatooed, only this one was attached to a short leather coil. He wasnt sure what to make of this trinket but he appreciated.
Ketch was defenetly not expecting to get something,but he had underestimated his lover's inner goblin.
After Jack pointed out that jeri dragged him along for hours to find a nice thing to give him, Arthur granted himself a second look at it.
It was a silver cross in the style of victorian jewlery ornated with rubíes.
He put the cross in his pocket and smiled-- thank you, my dear
--No probs!-- she chirped and quickly followed her brother along as he sits in the library.
Without another Word spoken, both cuddle up and continue their books.
Rowena materialized a tea set and some of their favorite snacks to munch on.
--How Many books did you get 'em?-- Sam asked toying with the trinket he was given.
--A lot. That'll keep 'em busy for a while-- she replied watching the two younglings point some of their favorite quotes to one another.
Rowena says her goodbyes to everyone present, Jack and jerico thank her for the awesome vacation and she takes her leave.
Though before actually leaving she gives both younglings a final look filled with adoration and love.
Their family was weird, they were different pieces that made up a perfect masterpiece.
After all, the Blood of the covenant is thicker than water of the womb.
0 notes
wildcatofgreen · 2 years
Is there an order to what you answer first?
Mun Questions
Is there an order to what you answer first?
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((kind of but not really!
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((i try to do bottom to top--first in first out--but as it stands sometimes the muse leans more heavily to other things ((like im realizing that the muse is leaning heavily to this depressed binch and its making it hard to actually write for past threads where she isnt depressed ((i genuinely did not expect that! which means that some threads i REALLY LIKE--the lilac/carol one--are on this kind of pause? until carol gets her shit together? ((like i can definitely still write for those threads--i was GOING to at work today ((but then the depression cat took me by my collar and said "there is no way im pretending to be happy for your past threads, girl. i MUST be sad or else there will be consequences" ((it's weird! its really weird!
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((plus, lets be honest ((sometimes there's threads that there's just less muse for. and i hate that i get that way but i cant help it ((id like to be able to do every thread with 100% muse all the time but sometimes i look at something and go "wow i dont wanna do this"
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((case and point: twitter
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((no shade to twitter, none at all. but with everything that's happening there, and just a combination of me not feelin' it for some of those threads over there, and with how many followers i have over there [it is like 127 followers right now and i grew really quickly on that platform and it totally freaked and stressed me out aaaaaaa], it all just kinda combines into this really bad souffle that im sure tastes like dog shit [delta sierra, heheh] ((and there's threads i enjoy over there! but a lot of it feels like... obligation? like i kind of have to reply to those threads. people are waiting on me. i dont like feeling like that its super anxiety inducing and it makes rping Not Fun
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((plus i am SCREAMING about everything that's happening over here with all this plot and interactions and yada yada yada ((there's a STORY over here happening on tumblr when its just kinda
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((random interactions on twitter.
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((i like continuity! i like it when i can flex my muscles and reference other, random things that happened. id LIKE to bring up that carol's met a sonic before on twitter to another sonic, but that's like
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((not how it rolls, i guess? at least, from the vibes i saw over there ((otherwise id wanna play carol there exactly how i play carol here, just without loaded lore. make brand NEW lore, for this NEW continuity. maybe scratch that dragon tea itch i so obviously have
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((but its kinda not how it goes. and im not about to revolutionize, y'know?
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((tl;dr: i did, but now i dont. i kinda just let the muse guide me and gravitate towards threads whichever which way it takes me. and then after the muse is done, id probably wanna go bottom to top--first in first out. it's only fair, right?))
0 notes
FMK Ch. 3: Sam, Benny, Crowley (NSFW)
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Series Summary: Gabriel is known for his cruel, often times deadly pranks. So when you, Sam, and Dean found out he was up to his old ways again, you came with reinforcements. What should have been a swift victory turned into you being stuck in the wildest game you've ever played in your life.
Summary: The game continues on, with no end in sight. You could have sworn that your choices were different...
Pairing: readerxvarious
Other characters: Sam, Crowley, Benny, Dean(mentioned) Castiel(mentioned), Rowena
Rating: NSFW (Quick! Read it while your boss isn't looking!)
Warnings: Blanket Warnings: Due to the circumstances, all sex in this fic has dubious consent! Language, violence, death, unprotected sex, choking,
Word count: 1900+
Eternity squad: @sheinthatfandom​ @greenshinigamieyes @lipstickandwhiskey​ @feelmyroarrrr​ @bcarolinablr​ @mrswhozeewhatsis​
A/N: SooooooOOOOOOOO my muses took over and now I have on my hands, a pretty neat mystery. Enjoy!
The trickster really, really wants to make you feel like you live in this world. At least, that's the impression you're getting, seeing as you've been stuck in Purgatory for days!
You swing your makeshift axe with all of your might, a guttural scream escaping you as the vampire falls to the ground, her head rolling along the path. You stand with a heaving chest, holding your side. Your entire being hurts, from the areas where her punches connected to the calluses on your feet. Your body burns with every movement, but you have to keep pushing forward, less you get caught out in the open after sunset. That's when the real danger comes. Then again, danger is always right around the corner here. You begin collecting fallen branches, cursing yourself for ever agreeing to help the Winchesters out. Here you are, stuck in a god damn game while they're probably cutting their losses and planning your funeral. Hooting and howling break you from your thoughts, an uncomfortable shiver creeping up your spine. It's time to get moving. You set up your branches in a pile, collecting dead grass for kindling. Though it takes a few tries, you're able to create a pretty nice bond fire. Slumping down against a tree, you stare up at the sky, watching as stars begin to appear. Just as your eyes bat shut, you hear a rustling in the bushes a short distance from you, pulling you from your comfort. You dart your eyes around, sucking in a breath as the rustling draws closer and closer. From which direction, you aren't sure. You grip your axe tight, raising to your feet with a clenched jaw.
“Where the hell are you?” you whisper, a breathless yelp escaping you as someone – or something – snatches you into the bushes. Your assailant snatches your axe, and much to your dismay tosses it to the side. You fight as he grips at your arms, eyes going wide when they adjust to the darkness. Benny.  
He pins your arms above your head, his legs keeping you pressed against the ground. Benny bares his teeth, a growl escaping his lips as he lowers to your neck.
“Benny –” You cut yourself off with a squeak, huffing as he nibbles at your neck.
“Y'gotta be more careful, cher,” he cooes against you, his breath warming your skin. He trails his lips to your throat, peppering your skin in kisses. “A beast far less cuddly than me would've taken you out,” he adds chuckling as you struggle in his grasp.
“Get off me,” you growl. He immediately complies with a wide smile on his face. The anger that was bubbling inside you dissipates, and you shake your head, raising your hand up to him. Silently, he helps you to your feet, holding his hands up in defense as you brush past him and reclaim your place under the tree.
“You got a nice lil camp here,” he says as he trails after you. You grunt in response, eyeing him suspiciously. Memories of running into him over and over fill your head. The only friendly face you've ever seen out here. Benny whistles to himself with his hands stretched over the fire. You keep your eyes on him, jaw clenching when you finally gain his attention.
“What do you want?” you ask. Benny stares down at you with hooded eyes, that same damn smile tugging at his cheeks. “It's clear you've been tailing me,” you add, gaining a hearty laugh from the vampire.
“Just making sure my partner in crime stays alive,” he says, plopping down next to you and giving your knee a gentle pat. When you remain silent, he chuckles, clenching his chest with an exaggerated grimace. “You stare right through my very soul, cher,” he cooes, clearing his throat. “I just wanted to share the fire with ya,” he says. You snort, shaking your head at him. 'sharing the fire' with Benny usually meant cuddling and dry humping. You think back to the past few days, sucking in a breath as he closes the space between you. Benny cradles your face, brushing a feathery light kiss against your lips. You let out a sigh of content, batting your eyes shut and pulling closer to him. His kisses are gentle, yet somehow disinterested, as if he knows these are the steps to get what you both want. There doesn't have to be any passion behind what you do. Benny leads you to the ground, yanking your pants down your thighs and deepening the kiss. He wastes no time pressing between your thighs, grinding down against you as his length hardens. The vampire swallows your moans, hands squeezing and caressing your breasts. He fumbles with his zipper as he suckles on your bottom lip, pulling out of the kiss when finally, his cock is free. You spread your legs wider for him, moaning when he grinds the thick head of his cock between your folds. You cry out as he thrusts into you, and he pauses, placing his hand over your mouth and shaking his head. “Can't be making too much noise beautiful,” he whispers, eyes darting around the area as he rotates his hips. 
Benny turns his eyes down at you, eyes dark with lust and lip bit between his teeth. He drags his hips back, enjoying the warm, tight grip around his cock before bottoming out inside of you. He keeps this methodic, agonizing pace, soft growls and groans escaping his lips. “No one's gonna hurt you, cher –” the vampire nuzzles into the crook of your neck – “They'll know who you belong to,” he whispers before sucking your skin between his lips. He slowly works a hickey onto your neck, giving you short quick thrusts in the process. You arch up against him as pleasure courses through you, your edge quickly approaching. Your moans and cries are muffled by his hand, masking your orgasm as it pulses through you. Your walls clench around him, and he stutters his hips, his orgasm coming closely after yours. Benny bites down on your neck to suppress his moans, his cock pulsing inside of you. After many moments of silence, he slips his hand from over your mouth, panting in your ear. 
"Who I belong to, huh?" you say, chuckling and batting your eyes shut. The smell of linen fills the air, and the ground beneath you feels far plusher than before. 
You want to open your eyes, but the warmth of the blanket draped around your shoulders, along with the soft pillow underneath your head makes it almost impossible. Alas, your relaxation is interrupted by a knock at the door. With a huff, you lean up, peeking an eye open. A breath escapes you as your eyes take in your surroundings. Everything is dripping in luxury, from the gold trim on the walls to the expensive, humongous bed you're lying in. You shake the thoughts away as someone knocks once more, rubbing your eye.
“What?” you yell, face falling when someone shifts underneath the blankets. You rip your eyes from him as the door flings open, gulping thick. “Ro...wena?” you say, the unfamiliar name sounding foreign on your tongue. She gives you a lazily wave, flicking her eyes to him.
“Feerrrgus,” she sings, gaining a grunt in return.
“It's Crowley,” he rasps, his head still buried in the pillow.
“How my lazy boy runs a kingdom is a mystery to me,” she cooes, sucking her teeth and gesturing to you. “Your blushing bride is ready to get up, why aren't you?”
“Ugh,” Crowley grumbles, turning to you and propping himself up on one arm. You want to recoil, to find a weapon, and catch him off guard, but all you can feel is an overwhelming love for him. You run your fingers through his messy hair, gaining a cocked smile from him. “Why aren't you sleeping, love?” he asks. Before you can respond, he brushes a hand over your cheek. “Such a beauty, fit to rule right by my side, isn't she?” he asks, turning his eyes to the other woman. Rowena nods, clasping her hands together.
“She won't be by your side if you're late to your own wedding Fergus,” she says, gaining a glare from your fiance. You giggle at their antics before pressing a kiss on Crowley's forehead.
“We'll get dressed,” you say. Reluctantly, Rowena leaves the room, gently closing the door behind herself. Crowley flips the blankets from over you both, swinging his legs over the edge of the bed.
“Yesterday was grueling,” he grumbles, looking at you over his shoulder. “My body aches, my followers are idiots, and soul collection is down thanks to my part-time enemies.”
You rub a hand over his back and poke out your bottom lip. “Poor baby. At least we're one step closer to our honeymoon,” you coo. He leans over you, pressing a kiss against your lips with a soft breath.
“I'll reserve Paris,” he whispers.
“And we'll get to use those extra three inches.” You flick your eyes down to his boxers with a grin. He cocks an eyebrow, climbing over you and humming.
“We're gonna use them right now,” he rasps, pushing between your thighs. “Practice for the honeymoon.” He shoots you a wink, and this sends you into a laughing fit. Slowly, the lights in the room begin to fade to black, but your hearty laughter continues, even when the warmth around you turns cold and murky.
Your laughs and giggles fill the warehouse. You feel manic, elated. Your hands wrap around Sam's throat, adding more and more pressure as he begins to struggle. He stares up at you with wide eyes, gripping your wrists.
“Y/N – stop –” he chokes over the words, banging at your fists and writhing beneath you. This is amazing. You laugh even harder, banging his head against the ground and tightening your grasp. He mouths a word at you, but no sound comes.
“I wish I could stop Sam,” you say, giggling over the words. Your hands waiver, and in the brief moment of relief Sam manages to spit out one faint word.
“Trickster.” Your laughter immediately stops, and your hands loosen further. You slide from on top of him, sitting on the ground as the moment finally settles. You don't want to hurt Sam, you never did. Sam takes in heaving breaths, twisting to his side and coughing. This feels different. You grip his shoulder and he turns his gaze to you, hesitating before pulling you into a bone-crushing hug. “It's really you?” he breathes, squeezing you tighter when you nod. “It's really you,” he repeats, ragged breaths escaping him.
“Where the hell were you guys?” you ask, pulling out of the hug. He begins to speak, pausing when his eyes train on something behind you. You follow his gaze, clenching your jaw. That damn notebook.
“Have you...been playing a game?” he asks. You turn back to him, frowning.
“Fuck marry kill,” you say. Sam holds a hand over his throat, nodding.
“Yeah. Me too. Except this time...you were on the list again –”
“Same here,” you say.
“I lost Dean and Cas after I popped up in a different room,” he says. Your mind goes back to Castiel. There's no telling how many times he tried to reach out to you. “But...this means he's tryna make us kill each other?” he asks. “I never chose kill for you,” he adds. You frown, picking up the notebook and flipping it open.
“Neither did I,” you say, showing him the filled out page.
You both share a look, an uncomfortable air filling the room.
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luveline · 2 years
helloooo! i was wondering if you could do a james potter oneshot where the reader isnt typically very physically affectionate but she doesn’t mind james touching her, and one day she like reciprocates and hes all happy and giddy about it? and then he begs her to do it again and UGHDHEHHFHE ok thank u love ur writing!!!
this is the cutest idea in the entire world I couldn't decide what touch I wanted to do it's so good 😭 thank you for ur request! <3
James wouldn't change you for the world. He knows you're not touchy, whether that's not yet or not ever, he's respected it and learned that it's not an indication of your affections for him – it's how you are. 
Still, guiltily, sometimes to the point of internal misery, he craves your touch. 
You're sitting across the sofa with an embroidery hoop in hand, slowly making your way through a cross stitch made up of brilliant, buttery yellows. "Something warm, like you," you'd said. James has carried that comment around for days, each time revisiting it with a greedy kind of love. 
James stretches his legs out, sketchbook in his lap, trying to recreate the curve of your neck. You're used to his constant sketching, his lovely muse. If he asked you to, you'd pose for him, tilt your neck the way he remembers. But it's not really about the drawing. 
He slides across the sofa and takes a look at your embroidering. 
"That's really getting there," he says. 
Your voice is soft as silk as you draw a line down the aida with your finger, nail skipping over neat stitches. "See this colour? I'm not gonna have enough to finish."
"You want me to get you another one?" 
"I can get it." 
"I'll get it, just tell me the colour. The number. Whatever it is." 
You look at him from under soft lashes. James melts and cups your neck with his hand, the tip of his thumb over your pulse. 
"I can get it myself, Jamie." 
"S'only one skein." 
James grins at your chagrin and pulls your forehead down to his lips for a small peck. "I'll get it," he says into your skin. 
He drops his hold on you and goes back to his sketching, though he stays at your side. He doesn't realise you've been still until you're moving, laying your embroidery and it's needle out carefully on the floor by your feet with the crafts box full of threads and pins. 
He's expecting you to go to the kitchen. "Can you get me something to drink?" he asks, intent on perfecting the likeness of your lovely hair on paper. 
You don't leave. The sofa groans quietly as you sit back down on your knees, facing James. He glances up from his work and finds that soft look on your face that you reserve for him. You crawl a little closer, your kneecaps pressed into his thigh and your side to his side, elbow blocking his sketchbook as you raise your hand to his neck. You brush your fingertips through the end of one of his thick curls and sigh, content. 
It tickles in the best way, chills moving from the top of his spine, down. 
"You have to stop buying me things," you chide gently, more conversational than scolding. 
James struggles to maintain a casual front. "Baby, why not? You get me stuff all the time." 
You cup his neck, thumb stroking semi-circles into the column of his throat. He wonders if this is a dream, briefly, but his brain has never been brilliant enough to recreate the perfect shade of your lips, the exact lilt of your voice. 
"That's not true," you say. 
"It is. The coffee cake from marks and sparks Tuesday," he supplies. "I'm surprised you didn't have to take out a loan for it." 
"That's different. We shared." 
"Did we?" he asks skeptically, humming. 
You huff a laugh and kiss the end of his eyebrow. He doesn't want to shatter the moment but he needs to be holding you, letting his pencil drop between the curling leaves of his sketchbook to pull you in lightly, arm behind your back. Careful, in case it's not what you want.
To his surprise, you don't weasel out of his grip. You brace your free hand on his shoulder and then move in, wrists crossing as you give him a good cuddle. 
James spreads his palm over your back and savours the moment, knowing it will end too fast for his liking. It doesn't. You turn on your side, ribs pressed to his chest, cheek kissing the bare skin of his collar. 
"Sorry," you start to say, shifting, "I'm squishing your book." 
"No, you're good," he lies quickly. 
You curl up over him and sigh like you're really happy. He knows the feeling, dropping his chin into your crown. 
"I can feel your heart," you say. You start to tap a beat into his neck where your hands rest, staccato, fast. "I love you." 
He thinks maybe you understand how much this small moment means to him – why his heart is going so fast  
"I love you more, sweetness. You don't have a clue." 
"Yeah, I do," you disagree. "I know everything about you, James." 
What should be terrifying is actually a deep, soothing contentment. "Everything?" he asks, amused. 
You tap his heartbeat. Thud, thud, thud. Skip. Maybe you do know everything. 
His voice is small, embarrassed as he asks, "Would you stroke my neck again? Please?" 
You don't say anything as you smooth your hand over his neck. James almost passes out.
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saturnsstufff · 4 years
Also! Firstly I just wanted to say that i really like your writing and slow pace in the Empress series! Its really poggers. Secondly if you're taking request: could you maybe write something where Phil helps Techno ask out (y/n)? I just think that Phil would be such a great wingman (pun maybe intended lmao). I really like the way you write your Empress series' setting and characters so maybe you could do some sort of royal au similar to it? Not cannon to the series of course. If not then the dsmp still works :D (sorry if i sent the ask twice! My internet's shit lol) ~🌻
Awh! Your all good!!🖤 and thank you!! one Prince Techno comin up! (Im so sorry i got this out late, and that its poor, I was stumped hard on this for what to put!
My darling- Technoblade
Warnings: none
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Techno was a pretty well known and loved Prince. He was elegant, kind, gentle, sarcastic, funny, talented. He was just perfect. To Techno you were perfect. You were one of the servants sure, but he didn't mind that. You had the most gentle outset he had ever seen on someone. You could just walk into a room and somehow everyone was in love with you. 
Techno had feelings for you for a awfully long time however, no matter what he did he couldn't push himself to tell you. Far to afraid of what you would say to him in response. He rather sit suffering in silence as your friend, than risk loosing you completely.
You felt the same way. Techno was always so gentle with you. always asking if you were comfortable, if you felt safe, he would even make sure that you wouldn't be over worked. You couldn't count the nights that he read you to sleep in the library. Everyone found you two utterly adorable with your hesitance towards each other, they couldn't wait for the day one of you slipped up and confessed.
Phil on the other hand? Oh, oh he found this scenario hilarious. See Phil was often the one that helped get you two alone together. Ranging from distracting advisors, governors, consorts, you name it and Phil probably has diverted them at least once. Phil would go as far to joke that he was the one that had set you and Techno up originally. 
Although Phil found this whole situation hilarious, he did feel bad for his friend. Techno was a hard worker, he often put a lot of time into his country and his people. but, sadly techno would rarely take care of himself. Now Phil wasn't setting you up with techno so you would become his care taker. Rather he knew with you around, Techno would be more conscious of himself as to not worry you. like always, Phil was right too. 
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It was a off day. Techno had himself rested in one of the lounge chairs that resided in the library. Lately his feelings had become painful to hold back. Even the voices started banding together, telling him he had to confess.
Phil had to return some books so when he walked into the library and saw techno, he wouldn't have said he was suprised. "What's on your mind now?" Phil mused. Placing the books back on there specific shelf. He earned a sigh and groan from Techno. "Its (y/n) isnt it" he mused. "Mate you should just tell her. Get it over with. You know she'll like you back"
"Phil I.. I can't- she's- shes just so perfect" Techno's heart melted at the thought of you. He rested the crook of his elbow over his eyes. "I.. i dont even know how or where to ask her.." Techno started sounded almost defeated. Phil couldn't bare to watch his friend mope about anymore. He knew somthing had to be done.
Phil didn't waist time on his new plan. He was determined to see you together by the end of the night. He found you outside hanging the laundry. When you saw Phil you smiled brightly.
"Hello Philza" you said, folding a sheet in your arms. Phil leaned on the post well he watched you. Amusement lacing his lips.
"Hello, (y/n) i was talking to Techno the other day. He mentioned you quite alot" you felt your cheeks heat up as you looked to him. Hearing that he talked about you made your heart beat faster.
"H-he was? W..what did he say?" You asked, now fully invested in him more than your work.
"Oh he was just rambling off, you know how he can be. However, he uh, did mention that you were quite beautiful. Smart, funny. You know all that fun stuff" he said casually. If your heart could have did a leap it would have. The idea of Techno call you beautiful was beyond you.
You moved closer to Phil, "w..was that all he said?.." you hoped there was more than he was telling you.
Phil pondered a moment and smiled. "Well he was curious if you would meet him at the stables for a date. You know, let him take you for a ride in the country side" you were speechless, but filled with utter excitement at the idea of a date with him. "Want me to tell him you'll be there?" You nodded fast.
"Please, ill take off early to meet him there even" you said with the widest smile. This warmed Phil's heart to see how in love you were with his best friend.
"Alright' ill tell him you'll be there" Phil said smiling. His plan falling into motion. Now he had to corral the stubborn bull named Technoblade.
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"You should take (y/n) for a horseback ride" Phil said upon entering his friends office. Techno's brow furrowed, causing him to look up from his papers.
"Take her for a... why?" Techno said mid confusion. Phil shrugged casually.
"Well I was just talking to (y/n) and you know she had off-hand mentioned it that she really liked fhe horse rides with you." At this statement techno blinked a bit. He pressed his lips and thought breifly.
"Well i uh.. I mean if she wants to, i'll glady take her". Techno said. Moving his few papers asside. Looking at Phil. "When does she want to leave?"
Phil hummed and looked at the clock. Mentally assuming your work schedule. "What about four-ish? Get there early for her?
Techno nodded. "Dosnt she work until five?" Techno knew your schedule mostly because he was the one that would meet you after it for casual walks.
"Normally. But she said she would take it off early to go with you" Phil wanted to keep semi to the truth. But he knew as soon as you two were alone talking, it would be over. The two of you would quickly discover that Phil was behind this.
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When you waked up to the stables you smiled happily. Waiting with a horse in hand was Techno. He gave you a kind smile. Happy to see you in such a joyful mood.
"Ready to go?" He asked gently. You nodded fast, excited to spend the evening with him. He offered his hand to you. When you took it he gently pulled you close. Lifting you up onto his horse. After you were situated on the sattle he climbed on behind you. Wrapping his arm around your waist securely, wanting to assure you wouldn't fall off eather way.
You relaxed into him like you always did. Content with his company. With the nudge of his heel's you both were off on your way.
Well you two toured the country side casually. You decided to thank him for the date. Seeing as you felt it was the beginning of somthing great. "Thank you for taking me on this date Techno... It really means alot to me..." you herd techno give a 'heh?'.
"Princess I adore your company. But what on earth are you talking about?" This was your turn to be confused. You looked up at him to see if he was joking.
"Phil said you wanted to take me on a date..." your eyes grew saddened. "W...was this a lie?..." Techno's heart weighed heavier at the sight of your sad eyes.
Techno felt like he hit a wall. Does he explain he wants to take you for a date more than anything? Or keep quiet. After seeing your eyes, he knew he couldn't break your heart more.
"I... I do want to take you for a date... I've wanted a date with you more than you realize... However, I didnt ask you... Im assuming Phil actually set us up..." he said, looking away a light red. You gave a soft gentle smile.
"Hey..." you tilted his head to look down at you. "Even if he set us up... I'm glad he did" Techno looked down into your eyes. His going gentle.
"You are?..." you nodded gently. Giving a gentle kiss to his cheek.
"I got a date out of it with you"
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issamhysa · 4 years
Hello! I really like your work, And I was wondering if you can do an Gojo x foreign F!Reader where reader is in united nations parliament (in short a politician or...diplomat I dunno how to put it) and Gojo and her first meeting was when he was assigned to protect her when she came to visit japan out of 2 reasons; 1-)reader is a major influencer in united nations parliament 2-)she has high levels of cursed energy but slowly both starts to develop feelings for each other (hope this isnt silly)
anon i’m sososososososo sorry this took me so long! dis long as FUCK tho but i really liked the idea + i’m using second year gojo for this bc hehehehe he’d be a SIMP <3
“gojo, couldn’t you at least try to make yourself look presentable? we’re meeting with a diplomat, after all. couldn’t you have worn something more... formal?”
the white-haired sorcerer lazily lolled his head to the side, looking at his best friend with a smirk. “no need to be so mean, suguru! jealousy is not a good look on you,” he mused, straightening his posture and lowering his dark glasses down the bridge of his nose, crystal eyes fixed on the double doors. 
“besides, she’s just some boring old diplomat. she afraid someone’ll steal her crackers or something?”
geto rolled his eyes fondly and shook his head. “come on, satoru. give her a chance,” he said, lips stretching into a lazy smirk. “you’ve never met her. and i’ve heard she’s quite the beauty.”
“please,” satoru scoffed. “she’s probably old... and saggy...” he stuck his tongue out and scrunched his face up in mock disgust.
“who’s old and saggy?”
though gentle, the voice coming from behind the two managed to startle gojo, forcing a yelp from his lips and causing him to jump away from the voice. next to him, geto chuckled, turning around to face principal yaga, and you, the woman that stood next to him.
“l/n-san, welcome to japan.” suguru bowed his head, a smile on his face.
you waved a hand dismissively, your laughter an unfamiliar, yet pleasant ring in gojo’s ears. “oh, suguru, I’m not any older than you are. please, just call me y/n.”
at the sweet sound of your voice, gojo almost snapped his neck turning his head, eyes growing wide as they landed on you. you were, by no means, a grumpy old lady. you couldn’t be! there wasn’t a wrinkle or gray hair in sight. 
you were actually... really fucking pretty? your skin looked so soft, gojo wanted nothing more than to reach over and touch you; to brush his fingers over the blush darkening your cheeks. and oh, your eyes. they easily rivaled his own in their beauty.
was he drooling? god, he hoped he wasn’t drooling in front of his future wife. how embarrassing would that be?
an elbow to the ribs brought gojo back before he could start fantasizing about how cute your children would be, and he shook his head to pull himself from his little daydream. in that moment, you smiled, biting your lip to stifle your laughter.
gojo decided you were the prettiest when you smiled.
you lifted a hand, chuckling quietly and shifting your gaze to geto, who was snickering at his best friend’s bewildered state. “be gentle, suguru,” you said, your eyes now on gojo. “i’m sure he was expecting somebody else.”
“y/n, this is satoru gojo. he’ll be looking after you during your stay here,” yaga said, gesturing vaguely towards the white-haired man (who was, frankly, a tad offended at the gesture). 
nevertheless, gojo stepped forward with a crooked smirk, bowing before you and taking your hand in his when you reciprocated. he pressed a kiss to the delicate flesh as the two of you straightened up.
“it’s a pleasure to meet you, y/n-chan.”
before yaga or geto could scold gojo for his lack (er, excess?) of etiquette, you lifted a free hand, signaling for them to let it go. then, you laughed. “satoru gojo, the pleasure’s all mine. i’ve heard much about you.”
“nothing good, i assume. but, i have to ask,” he started, leaning forward with his hands in his pockets. light eyes peeking over his favorite sunglasses as he lowered his head to look at you. “how come you need a bodyguard, a sorcerer as powerful as yours truly, at that, when you have enough cursed energy to power three of us?”
“well...” you chuckled, shrugging your shoulders and tilting your head upward to look him in the eyes. “truth be told, i’m sure your elders aren’t thrilled that i’m here. i know mine definitely aren’t.”
“ah, so your elders hate you, too?”
“more than anything in this entire universe. familiar with the concept, satoru gojo?”
“terribly so, y/n l/n.”
“change is a bit of a touchy subject with them.”
“ah, they're just a bunch of old farts.”
gojo made you giggle, and he found himself wanting to make you laugh more. so, throwing an arm around your shoulder, he brought you close, white teeth bared in a grin.
“i think we’re gonna get along just fine, bunny.”
yaga and geto exchanged a defeated sigh.
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creweemmaeec11 · 4 years
Seducing a genius Pt#2
first part here
Suddenly the villain's world stilled.
"Excuse me!?" They replied in shock.
The hero gave them a smile, "I'm sure you've heard of Vanish?"
The villain nodded. Vanish was a new villain in town with the ability to teleport.
"They are causing us a LOT of problems, and theyve got big plans coming up soon that will endanger hundreds,"
"And... you came to me...?"
The hero shrugged, "we're running out of time, and we're completely out of options and ideas,"
"Why would you come to me? Who's idea was it to come to me? Surely not the hero agency?"
"Nope," the hero shook their head, "it was my idea to come to you. I figured if anyone was smart enough to figure it out, it would be you,"
The villains heart was suddenly pounding in their chest again.
"What's the problem?" The villain replied, trying their best to keep their voice steady.
"We know when and where vanish will be. We know how to get through his guards, and get to him. The problem, is he just teleports away before we are able to get close. We need a way to stop him from doing so long enough to get him in the power suppressing handcuffs,"
The villains expression shifted from confused, to baffled, finishing on a mix between dumbstruck and disappointed.
"We were hoping you could build us something that could help,"
"Question," the villain mused, leaning back against one of the lab counters and crossing thier arms, "what's in it for me?"
"An acquaintance of mine suggested I offer you a pardon,"
"That acquaintance of yours is an idiot," the villain replied in an amused, yet unimpressed tone.
The hero snorted out a startled laugh.
"Seriously, you people managed to keep me behind bars for a total of what, three, almost four days? Jail isnt a big threat. Plus, a pardon only covers my past crimes, not my future ones,"
"Yep, that's about what I told them, though I promised them I would try,"
The villain sighed, picking up a circuit board and a small screwdriver and began tinkering. They would keep the main project covered, but they could work on the parts.
"I hope your smart enough to have come with a better offer then that?"
"Watching you work with your hands is such a turn on,"
The villain sputtered, fumbling with the circuit that was in their hands for a moment.
It should be against the law the hero fought to uphold to state things like that so casually.
For being one of the 'good guys', they sure enjoyed watching the villain squirm.
The hero immediately laughed, reveling in the reactions they got.
The villain tried to give them an annoyed look, but it wasnt very effective due to the blush on their cheeks.
"I was thinking I'd offer to take you out on a date, but, we both know I'd do that anyway," they winked, clasping their hands behind their back.
The villains heart refused to stop pounding in their chest. It fluttered at the idea, but deep down, they knew the hero was just toying with them. They mentally kicked themselves for falling for such an obvious trap.
"So can we get to your actual offer already?" The villain huffed, setting their tools down and crossing their arms.
"Sure. I don't have one,"
It took the villain a moment to process that.
"I-... what?"
"Tell me what you want in exchange. I'll see if we can make it happen,"
The villain hummed, thinking over the others words.
They could pull the classic villain card and tell the hero to beg, but they had a feeling the hero would be all too willing.
The villain didnt need money. There was no legal benefits the hero could grant them. Any information they could want, they could hack to get themselves. But maybe...
"I vile of his blood," the villain said as they turned to look at the hero.
"That's my price. If I help you catch him, once hes caught, I want a vile of his blood,"
"Why would you want that?"
"I'm afraid that's none of your concern. Do we have a deal?"
"Very well. What will you be able to do for us?"
"Educate you for a start,"
"Ooo, what's the lesson teach? I was always a bad student~"
The villain ignored them. They explained that all the heros were idiots, because the villain couldnt just teleport anywhere. There was a reason they always carried a spyglass with them, and that was because they could only teleport to where they could *see*. Take away their ability to see, you take away their ability to teleport.
"Your a genius," the hero replied in awe.
"You've said," the villain muttered under their breath, but, hero was just rambling.
"of course! That makes so much sense! Though, now what?" The hero drawled, tone dropping at the last question.
"What do you mean?"
"Well as much as I'd love to stay here and stare into your eyes all night long, your eventually going to have to let me out of here," they purred, bouncing on their toes.
The villain smirked. Before the hero could question them, the floor opened beneath them, and the next thing they knew they were dumped into the alley next to the building.
"You clever dog," the hero mused as they got up and dusted themselves off, "I cant wait till I see you next time,"
Third part
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redbirdbella · 3 years
I’m still new to this to constructive criticism if you please. Clintasha smut 18+
Clint is always gentle, no matter when they end up falling into bed together.
Even after he finishes gasping out her name, hands tight against the sheet.
“Tasha” he whispers, and she can see it now. The glow they always talk about, the one that makes the marks look hollow. It fills him. He shines under her touch.
“Again?” Natasha asks slipping back under the sheets. One day she’ll watch. Watch the way he dissolves under her touch, hear the little gasps and groans. One day. Not today. It’s not about her. She just needs control.
He agrees almost instantly. She prefers him like this, needy and unrestrained.
His hands rush to her hair, instantly dislodging the hairbands she’d haphazardly places there before they’d begun. He must do it on purpose she muses pushing her hair back behind her ears. She cant blame him though, the feel of his fingers rushing though her hair isn’t unpleasant. It’s a reminder that he needs her. He wants her. She kisses down his inner thigh, drawing out his desire as much as she can. She could do this for hours, just lick and kiss to watch him squirm. She isn’t used to this. The heat that rises up from in between her legs driven by him. His sounds, his looks, his taste. Fuel by the way he changes, every breath heavier than before, the way his eyes close just a second too long when she kisses just the right spot. It’s not been like this before. Not with anyone else. She hasnt had this desire. She wants to be touched. Some simple damn friction would be nice her brain repeats. We need something. No she schools herself. This isnt about you.
She teases, enjoying every second. It never gets old. He’s perfect. He must know what she likes, have made notes, done something. Cause it’s perfect. Every simple sound, every nail lightly scraping against her scalp, he’s perfect.
“Tasha” he whispers, letting out a long heavy breath that might as well be a sigh, “You need me to start begging Babe?”
He’s watching her now, up on his elbows to get a better view. He’d told her to chase what felt good, logically her brain determines the desperate words would be better than the desperate sounds. It will be good she reasons, giving the archer a tentative nod.
“Yeah?” He says with a grin laying back down, “Your such a tease Nat”
"And your not objecting?" She purrs digging her nails into his hips.
He grins, "didn't say it wasn't hot"
She laughs pressing kisses to his inner thigh all over again. Apparently Clints also not bored by the feeling of her lips on his skin. He lets her continue eyes closed, wrapping a single curl around his finger.
"Tasha" he starts brushing his thumb against her cheek "Please"
"Louder" she whispers, daring to take further control.
He takes the hint, she's hardly the picture of dominance.
"I need more"
Ok, so she likes it. She likes knowing what she's doing to him.
"Earn it" she chokes out, unable to hide the blush rising to her cheeks.
"Your such a diva" he teases, running her fingers along her jawline.
She laughs "But I'm worth it"
"Definitely. Your mouth. Daaamn"
Natasha shakes her head, "You have to earn it remember"
"Best behavior" he lays back, "do your worst"
"Planning on it" Natasha says nipping at the skin on his inner thigh listening to the gasp shes rewarded with.
She kisses the mark she leaves. Shes good at this or at least she thinks she is from the needy sounds Clint is making. He must know what he's doing to her. Cause he's louder this time. Bolder. Purring out praise between the groans. Somehow the Babes and Fucks melt away into "Please". He's begging. He's begging her.
As if that's not the hottest thing Natasha has ever heard.
"Tasha, Please" he groans. It would be selfish to continue to just get off to him. She takes him into her mouth and shivers at the gasp she receives. She must be close, there's no way she can't be. The heat is everywhere now, on her legs, in her stomach it's taking everything in her willpower not to close her legs in a desperate attempt to feel something.
"I'm not gonna last" me and you both Natasha thinks and as one of his hands sinks to rub the back of her neck.
"Tasha" he calls out suddenly when she tries out a trick with her tongue that finds just the right spot. Clint doubts there could be a wrong spot at that moment, but it works regardless. He finishes, hands on her back and in her hair. He pulls her up so he can see her kissing her softly.
"Your definitely worth it" he agrees resting his forehead against hers, "I'm spent- but you- your so wired"
"I'll be fine"
"I can help, if you like? That or your going to need a cold shower if you want any chance of sleeping tonight Nat?"
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Meeting and Dating Lydia Deetz
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(Not my gif)(Requested by anonymous)
- You met Lydia after she moved into town. You went to the same school as her and were in a few of her classes, though you doubted that really mattered; you’d find out about her pretty quickly even if she wasn’t.
- Lydia was an ...interesting character. You liked to think of your school as fairly accepting, people weren’t outwardly mean to her; some were even welcoming, but you somewhat understood many peoples hesitance towards befriending her. Above all, she was fairly standoffish though at the time, no one knew why.
- Still, you liked her style. She was strange and unusual, something you admired. So you took the chance and tried to befriend her, approaching her after school and trying to start a conversation as she unlocked her bike. She was polite but quick to end your talk, making up an; obvious, excuse before riding off.
- But you wouldn’t be deterred, continuing your efforts as the days rolled by and eventually getting her to warm up to you. You even managed to invite her out with you, giving her a tour around the town and slowly getting to know her better.
- Over time, you grow to like her more and more until you realize that you don’t just want to be her friend. It’s then that you have a real predicament on your hands, and a decision to make: try to ignore your feelings and hope they go away or confront them and hope for the best.
- It’s a few months into your friendship that you decide to confess your true feelings for her. Unbeknownst to you, she was planning on doing the same.
- You were sitting in the towns graveyard with her, a place you’d been to several times mainly because you knew she loved it. It seemed like the perfect place to tell her how you felt so you took a deep breath and stumbled through your confession. And... she burst out laughing.
- Yeah, so not a good sign. You were completely embarrassed and was wondering whether you could play it off like you were joking. Deciding that you couldn’t, you went to stand up and leave before she lunged forward, grabbing your hand quickly and exclaiming “no, no” as she tried to stop her laughter.
“I’m sorry, really. It’s just that, all day I’ve been wondering how I was gonna tell you that I liked you and, well, here we are.” She smiled, and ushered you to sit back down.
- The two of you had your first date in one of the towns many fields. You brought a basket full of stuff and sat out there for hours, having a picnic and overall just hanging out. She’s got about a dozen photos of the day.
- You had your first kiss at least a week after you first got together. Neither of you were brave enough to just go for it so it took you a while to actually do it.
- When you did, it was after the two of you snuck out together and were taking a late night walk through the town. You were sat on an old wooden fence, the moonlight shining above you as you talked. That was when you turned to look at each other and just began to lean in, inching closer and closer until your lips met.
- And thus began your strange and beautiful relationship.
- The two of you are most likely bambi lesbians; your relationship is fairly innocent and things never really get too hot or heavy. 
- It’s the 80s and you sort of live in a small town so you try to keep your relationship on the down low. Whenever you’re out in public, you try to just act like friends, never doin anything exclusively romantic in nature. 
- Holding hands, locking arms, hugging, sitting very close to each other; you can get away with a lot since you’re young girls but you try not to push your luck. 
- Most of your dates take place where there isnt a lot of; if any, people. She prefers keeping to herself so you wind up just hanging out at her place or places no one really goes, like the graveyard or forgotten roads.
- Pecks on the lips and cheeks.
- Sweet and chaste kisses. 
- Laying your head in her lap while you sit and talk. Occasionally, she’ll run her fingers through or just play with your hair, looking down at you with a soft smile. 
- She’s got soooo many photos of you. She likes to jokingly call you her muse, taking random snapshots while you’re doing something or asking you to pose for her. 
- Horror movie marathons. The two of you have stayed up late countless times, eyes wide and glued to her tv screen as you shovel popcorn into your mouths. 
- Riding your bikes together after school. Sometimes you’ll just ride around town, stopping at some random place you’ve never been to and going exploring together.
- Walks through and picnics in the graveyard. It’s one of her favorite places to visit except when its close to the anniversary of her mothers death. 
- Letting her talk to you about her mother and rant about Delia and her dad. 
- Meeting the Maitland's and her eccentric parents. They all love you and have a feeling that you aren’t “just friends”, not that it really matters to them anyways. Delia is particularly happy with the idea of you two being together, Lesbianism is so avant-garde. 
- Morbid conversations. Want to have an hour long conversation about death? Well, you’ve come to the right girl!
- You’ll never have to worry about getting rid of spiders again for the rest of your life. She’ll just scoop them up in her hand and gently place them outside while you trail hesitantly behind her. 
- Dancing together. 
- Surprisingly enough, she’s quite fond of being bridal carried or getting piggyback rides. 
- Getting to see all of her rare smiles and giggles, most of the time they’re reserved pretty much exclusively for you. 
- She doesn’t really use nicknames/pet names all that much but occasionally she’ll call you the name of a character from a movie or show when you say or do something that reminds her of them. 
- Collecting and pressing flowers with her. You help her swap out and rearrange the ones on her wall every few months. 
- She has a bit of a dramatic streak so occasionally you’ll just have to snap her out of it, either by cheering her up or helping to rationalize a situation.
- She loves rainy days. She likes to invite you over, sit up in her room and just hang out with you while the skies are a dreary gray. She finds the atmosphere very beautiful.
- Her room is perfect for afternoon naps. The two of you head over to her house after school, lock her bedroom door and pull the curtains down before snuggling under her covers and catching a few zzz’s.
- She’ll never admit it out loud but she actually really likes cuddling. You tend to cuddle hugging each other, taking turns having your heads resting against each other’s chests.
- She loves eating dinner or lunch at your house. Delia prepares the weirdest foods for everyone so being able to eat something like a normal turkey sandwich or bowl of soup is a nice change.
- Going to antique and thrift shops. If it looks haunted, she’ll want to buy it.
- Holidays!! She gets all festive around them; especially Halloween, always wanting to decorate and do the usual seasonal activities.
- Letting her style your hair. She finds it really fun and you certainly don’t mind looking a bit unusual.
- Gothic tea parties. Join her on her wooden floor, surrounded by black teddy bears and creepy dolls, eating little sandwiches and drinking tea.
- She likes to write you little poetic letters. Some are purely romantic while others are dreadfully depressing but you love them all the same.
- It’s pretty easy to find her presents; if it’s ugly then she’ll love it.
- Doing little crafts together. She likes artistic stuff, as long as it isn’t weirdly abstract like delias art.
- She tends to stick to compliments about the work that you do or the things you choose to wear. She prefers making you feel good about the stuff that you make not the things you were born with.
- Many people don’t seem to realize it but she’s got a pretty good sense of humor. That, paired with the shenanigans you get yourselves into, ensures that the two of you have a good time together!
- Getting dragged into supernatural and paranormal adventures. If it was her choice, she would probably leave you out of it, but alas, it isn’t.
- Beetlejuice is certainly an interesting individual to meet. Lydia is not fond of him calling you babe though, even if he calls everyone babe.
- She’s never really gets all that jealous. She reasons that you’re with her and if you’re with her, then you most likely like weird people, which you don’t find all that often where you live.
- She’s certainly been through some stuff, especially after moving to town so she’s fairly protective of you. Now that she knows the dead can linger on, she tries to look after you even more.
- She’s somewhat sensitive so she tends to take things to heart even when they’re misunderstandings.
- You dont fight a whole lot but when you do, your arguments wind up turning into catty yelling fights. One of you will usually storm out, throwing a “fine” or something of the sort out before you go.
- The two of you will give each other the silent treatment for a while but you’ll most likely be miserable the entire time. She’ll cave a little sooner than you will, finding you at school somewhere or being let in by your mom and just showing up at your bedroom door shyly. You both usually have a hard time staying mad at each other, once either of you apologize.
- She gives you a “love you” everytime you say goodbye. It’s pretty much routine by now.
- She doesn’t realize it for a while but ever since she met you, she hasn’t thought about dying. In fact, now that she has you, she can’t even bear to imagine it. She wouldn’t want to leave you behind, she loves you.
- Her one goal in life is to be the woman that historians say “lived with her lifelong best friend, never marrying or having children but writing letters to each other about loving each other fiercely”.
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jennrypan · 3 years
I rewrote the part where Scourge and Sonic have that "Just like me convo" so it can fit my au of them.
Fiona cheating on him with his anti didnt make Sonic angry..
Fiona actively lying to him didnt piss him off, maybe annoyed him..but it didnt piss him off.
What did piss him off however was how she antagonized Amy and Tails, and how she seemed to preen at the slightest attention Scourge gave her..because she wanted someone to protect her..someone to care about her, he didnt know..and what set him off was how she slapped Tails away, mocked him for crying and all to impress his anti! 
"What the hell Fiona!?" 
Sonic snapped, though this just caused the vixen to roll her eyes before she looked at him..god her attitude was grating his nerves,
"What?" She mused as if she didnt just slap his best friend for no reason,
That ..that made him scowl, and without warning he moved- he wanted to actually..throw her, her attitude annoyed him, her disregard for his friends pissed him off- he hadnt accounted for Scourge actually protecting her, as when he moved..so did the green hedgehog and before he could touch Fiona a fist crushed into his cheek causing him to let out a sharp grunt and lose his footing for a brief minute, instantly turning his attention towards Scourge..he still had that same sleazy smile..taunting. 
"Bad move, blue." 
Scourge drawled out, and Sonic just clicked his tongue watching as Scourge slowly paced around him..hes been itching to fight him for who knows how long..that much Sonic knew, but Sonic just hummed,
"Oh so you can help other people besides yourself, I was beginning to worry you had no redeeming qualities!" He stated sounding visibly amused, 
Scourge just scoffed lowly, "Please, thats not a redeemin quality, raise your standards." He sneered, and without warning he ran forward..and the fight began.
Amy had since charged at Fiona but Sonic could barely focus on that as Scourge kept matching him blow for blow..only thing was Scourge was a lot more violent..a lot more aggressive.
It wasnt everyday Sonic worked up a sweat fighting an opponent as not many people matched his speed..Shadow and Metal were the only ones..now Scourge had been added to that list of people that seem to want to kill him for no reason.
"Jeez its hard to believe someone so bitter could be me, like damn dude, did your favorite jacket get discontinued?" 
Even during this fight Sonic didnt stop being taunting, as he landed on top of a rock- narrowly avoiding being kicked into a tree, watching as Scourge turned towards him, his eyes were surprisingly still shielded by his shades but Sonic could still feel him glaring at him, 
Scourge moved again and this time he successfully swiped Sonics legs from underneath him and when Sonic fell the blue hedgehog instinctively moved to the side as Scourges fist came crashing into the floor were his head had previously been,
"Lets see you keep makin jokes when I break your fuckin legs." Scourge hissed- despite his words he sounded delighted by the thought, pleased with the thought of hurting him and hes use to this from Shadow and Metal, they were both assholes who worked with Eggman on their worst days and they just genuinely didnt like him that much but Scourge? Theyve only met three times before this and he didnt remember antagonizing the male enough to make him want to hurt him that much-
Scourge charged forward once more and Sonic quickly moved to the side, arm pulling back before he crashed his fist into the side of Scourges face as he had done to him earlier..knocking the shades from his face which caused his anti to pause briefly, glancing down at the shades for a millisecond as they landed on the floor, cracked and lopsided.
That millisecond was soon forgotten as Scourge retaliated..his body moved lower and his leg rose before he kicked Sonic straight in the chest causing the male to grunt, stumbling back at the force but the kick wasnt enough as Scourge had soon punched him in the stomach,
"God- I still got a few more jokes- first, those shades were lame anyways- not a joke but a fact!" 
Sonic stated quickly, jumping out of the way from Scourge once more as the male just growled,
"Im not takin shit from someone who thinks 'Way past cool' is a thing people actually say!" Scourge retorted, 
"Hey people said it before!" 
"No ones ever said that shit before!" 
It went on like this for what seemed like a few minutes with both of them arguing with each other, Sonic just wanted to see exactly why Scourge was going out of his way to hurt him- even trying to actually break his leg if he was given the chance..the rage was so weird..he knew antis were different but he didnt expect his anti to be so..angry,  so violent- his anti seemed more like a very verbal Shadow with the way he kept attacking him, 
"Ya know being an asshole isnt as rewarding as ya think it is right?" 
Sonic questioned- grunting when he got into a tree, thankfully avoiding Amy as she chased Fiona around still, she had tried to help but Fiona kept distracting her.
"Pfft, its more rewardin than wastin my time saving a buncha useless dicks who dont deserve it!" Scourge replied, sounding amused by the sheer thought of saving someone else...Sonic couldnt imagine not wanting to save people..yeah sometimes he thought some people didnt deserve it but still, 
"Youre still a Sonic! Still me- you should want to at least try and help people!"
"Why? Cuz thats what you do?" 
Scourge just laughed and without warning he moved forward..punched him in the stomach, then his chest- he didnt wait for a retaliation as he kicked him into a tree, he found with the purpose to bruise and scar while Sonic fought to distance and distract-
His head spun for a split moment, the wind knocked out of him, 
"You dont get it! Rulin people with fear and hate, is soo much better than tryna be some glorified saint!" 
Scourge stated, his eyes were blazing..the rage was back..he looked nothing like him right now..something was off, Sonic didn't like how unhinged he was,  how cruel- 
"That isnt true, and it never will be."
Sonic declared and Scourge just sneered at him, laughing, fist pulling back as Sonic quickly moved from his spot, his knuckles slammed into bark instead of Sonics nose,
"When you finally realize not everyone deserves to be saved, when you see how much more freein it is to be above people than to depend on them- you'll be like me, all it takes is one bad day, one bad situation and you'll see that." Scourge hummed out, side stepping as Sonic went to kick him, only to have his leg grabbed and he was forcefully thrown down, causing him to grunt lowly, and without warning Scourge stepped on his chest, Sonic could only stare at him for a brief moment before he just grinned- 
"Thats where your wrong dude, a bad day doesnt just make someone a villain..but a good day? A good day could change a lot, all it takes is someone showing you an ounce of kindness, someone showin you the love you never got and you'll be like me, a good person..maybe even a hero." He stated, grinning.
He expected another mocking laugh instantly, expecting Scourges foot to press down but for a brief minute..the green hedgehog paused, eyes widening ever so slightly, and for that minute Sonic was sure he got to him..he knew deep down Scourge wasnt evil, he could just show him he didnt have to be like this, he could help him..he didnt know anything about his anti besides the fact something was severely wrong with his mental state and he took too much enjoyment in hurting him but he knew he wasnt evil.
Then.. the green hedgehog just smiled, his expression hardening as if it hadnt changed in the first place, 
"How naive." 
He sneered and that slowly shattered Sonics hopes of getting through to him..he just dismissed his words-
"Not naive..hopeful." Sonic retorted, moving his arm to grab his ankle but his foot had moved towards his neck and Sonic jolted- the malice in his eyes was so..floundering..he could never imagine that look on his own face.
"Same thing." Scourge stated dismissively, and Sonic didnt get the chance to reply as a blur of yellow and brown crashed into Scourge, pushing the older teen to the ground successfully allowing Sonic to sit up instantly,
"Get away from him you bully!" Tails screamed, Sonic heard Scourge cursing and soon Tails was thrown back, causing Sonic to quickly move to catch him.
"Thanks bud." Sonic murmured, staring at Scourge who just fixed his jacket- appearing inconvenienced as Fiona neatly landing besides him as Amy ran up next to Sonic, "Stop running you coward!" The pink hedgehog hissed, Scourge just plucked out a warp ring from his jacket, just smiling at Sonic.. His smile was so..mean looking, it was too sharp..too fake,
"Til next time blue."  
Was all Scourge said in a sing song like voice as he let Fiona into the portal first and he followed quickly after just as Amy chucked her hammer in their direction, who she was aiming at specifically he had no clue.
"Dammit! Stupid! Assholes, ugh!" Amy screamed, storming over to snatch her hammer up,
"Theyre such bullies! Why did I even like her!" Tails exclaimed, Sonic just frowned before he sighed quietly, glancing from Amy to Tails. 
"Lets just go, theyre gone now, might as well enjoy the peace." He stated with a simple shrug, giving them a small smile, the smile made Amy visibly melt while it comforted Tails slightly, the young pink hedgehog was at his side instantly, clutching his arm- which he allowed for the time being while Tails was a little slower to approach him, still dejected.
He knew his anti despised him but he'll never get the reason why, and unfortunately..Scourge was too far gone to talk down from whatever path he was taking..the friendly route was no longer an option.
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starrysupercell · 3 years
UwU the rest of the outline at per request. @lumpy-veev (still unfinished but it's okay! This should be thought of as a rough draft.) 💙
🦝 "RaR 3" or "Breaking Point" 🐍
It would be an unofficial Brawl, which is not allowed, but it happens, and what can you even do?
I see the two as basically ignoring each other's presence upon finding out that the other is there. Of course, as much as they won't admit it, it's making them think of. Everything.
This leads to even more on edge tense atmosphere whenever they would cross each other's path, because even if it’s a big park, you can only avoid someone for so long, especially when you happen to have common associates. (the Coworkers, Tara, etc.)
It doesn’t help they have growing animosity and take every little thing personally for every interaction.. and it’s only been a month or two.
Rumors begin to pick up around the park-- Just a little chatter at the bar. Just a little observation that those two sure have something between them huh? The gossiper is shushed, because did you forget who runs the place? his connection to Byron?
Luckily, the bartender didn’t seem to hear. He was busy cleaning glasses. The topic’s changed. customers continue to come and go.
One who arrives is Piper, who sits down at the bar. It’s busy, so she waits patiently for Barley to get her usual. (he’s good at that.) He sets down a coaster and the glass in front of her, but instead of a greeting and bustling away this time, he sticks around.
“Byron is well on his way to becoming a topic of interest around here...” he tells her.
She leans forward with a smile. “What have they said? And who, for that case?”
He explains what he heard, and omits the names.
Piper thoughtfully considers this. She had noticed this, but hadn’t chalked it up to a personal history, just conflict of interest. (byron was well off, belle was a thief. he would be cautious) Now that she knew, she wanted every drop of intel.
“I can talk to him. we wouldn’t want our dear coworker being talked about, do we?”
“I do not.” Barley replied, tipping his hat to bid her goodbye as he steps away to another client. He lets Piper take care of this, because he likes letting people come to him if they want to talk, and he feels that Byron would have already approached him if that were the case.
So, it’s another one of their patented teatime tête-à-têtes.
Piper skirts around the issue before dropping the news of whispers about the two.
But Byron doesn’t humor the topic, and refuses to talk about it.
Piper cheerfully pokes at him. “Crossed paths? Did you know her before the Park? maybe previous business associates? She robbed you, but you had good insurance, and one day she tricked you? Ooh~ Former flames-?"
And then Byron stands up and is about to leave wordlessly until that last suggestion processes bc if he doesn’t clarify now, ugh that’s gonna be what Piper thinks is plausible (kind of, bc he gay af) and he does NOT want that to be a thing.
“She’s a relative,” he says with so much distaste before he leaves that Piper is even more intrigued. but at the same time, there’s something that tells her she shouldn’t fan the fire any further.
they’ve had their share of back and forths, and it’s been a blue moon since something had gotten him so upset that he just up and leaves.
she drops it, and as the #1 gossipmonger of the park, the hushed whispers of “mystery between byron and belle?” is completely stamped out with a dismissive attitude and several “Really? I didn’t notice anything.”
If Byron really and truly didn't want this around the park, she'd honor that.
Of course, with QD Edgar on occasional trips with the Gang, that’s the biggest connection the sibs have at the moment.
The first time Edgar name dropped Byron, Belle froze and listened to 2.47 more seconds of the teen's rambles before telling him to get a move on around camp and quit yapping.
Edgar didn't notice this first time around and grumpily went about his way.
But I'm sure there's one thing or another that makes Edgar talk about his dad manager again, and one thing that will really piss Belle off, is comparison.
Tara, who notices the shift in mood, puts herself in between Edgar and Belle and swiftly soothes things over. She suggests getting on with the plan they have (already knowing what Belle will respond with).
"heist cancelled," Belle states, rearing up Elodie and galloping away from camp. (She usually winds down on her own after celebrating a big heist, but never before-- and never had called it quits at that.)
Edgar is put off. Tara muses that it's nothing he could help...
On her own, Belle just contemplates everything. Hours. It brings up familiar memories of being up on the rooftop with her head buried into her arms and knees feeling terrible.
Except now she's more than grown, with her share of things to be proud of and great memories she forged on her own. She's not curled up on herself anymore. She's staring to the long distance of the desert-- her home-- traveling with ease.
That stupid rooftop section of her life is nothing more than a fraction of her well-lived life.
It doesn't make her feel better.
Yet another thing Byron ruins for her without even trying.
She needed a drink.
Not wanting to head back to her camp for the night, and not in the mood to try nabbing some good drink, Belle simply walks into the bar and orders something.
Barley treats her the same as any Brawler, despite what he now knows about her.
As far as he was concerned, she came in there as a customer. And as long as she paid, he saw no problem in serving her...
She drinks quietly, and he keeps an eye on her intake.
And eventually, just like with any other customer with something heavy on their mind and enough drinks, words flow easier.
She doesnt use names, and keeps terms vague. Speaks angrily of her parents. Calls the brother a "dumbass of a pushover."
Now, it isnt like he associates Byron as a (pardon his french) 'dumbass' in any way, but it's the way she uses it that makes Barley connect the dots. The tone wasn't as bitter. Almost fond. Almost.
He lightly prods for a little bit more insight, and she gives up a little more as she drinks.
Unlike the other two members of his Trio, it wasn't in his nature to gossip, so this would stay between them.
Barley listens, because that's what she needs right now. Not advice, not interjections or lectures or deflecting the subject. Just someone to listen.
Eventually he cuts her off before she gets too inebriated (and probably causes trouble.)
{I AM going to write this scene out in depth. And cry while doing so.}
On the other side, after the season and back at the Gift Shop, Edgar is 🤔🤔 over that incident. He considers talking with Colette but 1) she's as mad as a Colette could be at the fact that he hung out with the NEW BRAWLER and TARA and didnt bother getting her ANYTHING. and 2) tbh she's a blabbermouth.
Byron does his regular check of the shop that day. Making sure Colette hasn't run off and Edgar isnt sneaking a nap.
He welcomes Edgar back from his little trivial loot and shoot games.
While Edgar hadn't even thought twice about it before, he recalls that when he had told Byron he'd be working at a different section of the park (namely with the new Brawler, Belle) he had acted just as dismissive.
Like yeah, there was your usual "old man doesn't get the teens" shenanigans, but Byron had never belittled his interest in anything before. Calling his involvement in the season a 'trivial game' sounded... personal.
He outright asks Colette if Byron was acting weird.
Any snippiness that Colette may have had for 2 minutes diminishes when there's a chance to talk with her favorite person in the world that she's seen little to none of for two months, AND about her favorite topic: Brawlers!
She spills everything she knows, because despite Piper's efforts, theres no secret a Brawler can try to keep when shes around.
She didn't find out everything of course. But she knows that there were questions involving Byron and Belle. Piper hushed it up, so for sure there was something.
Edgar nods. "Totally. I think she was close to rippin' my head off once. I brought up Byron once and she was ready to chew me out." (in case i didn't make it clear, Edgar picked up a slight drawl because of belle)
"Cool!" Colette exclaimed. "..I mean, not the rip your head off part. But that is cool too. I meant do we have lore on our hands?? That nobody ELSE knows!!?"
Edgar shushed her. Byron is in his office but the shop wasn't really sound proof.
......cue shenanigans from the Coworkers trying to figure things out in their very amateurish ways compared to Piper by "sneaking" around and "nonchalantly" trying to get him to admit something.
Byron knows they're up to something, and humors them until realizing the topic when Edgar tries bringing up the Goldarm Season.
He shuts them down even faster than Piper.
Of course, instead of deterring them like her, he just confirms their suspicions. Colette and Edgar are "o yeah we are def going to get to the bottom of this."
So, it's plan B! If they even try asking Piper she throws them for such a loop and leaves them so bewildered that Colette even forgets to ask for anything she could keep, and Edgar didnt realize she gave them nothing to work with until they're already out the door and down the street with cake pops in their hands.
So, Plan C! ...Barley.
It's hard to find a time to go there, since it's busy when they get off work. And Barley always seems to be at one place or another....
So the kids choose the perfect time (roughly midday), and just wait for the perfect day... when Byron comes in and checks the shop, then decides on his own that they could handle it for the rest of the shift and leaves them to it.
When the stars align, the teens wait until Byron is out of sight, and close up the gift shop. Their plan is to head to the bar... and maybe try and get something out of Barley..... not much of a plan, but they don't realize it there.
They make haste, running to the bar, because time crunch (when/if complaints start rolling in.)
Bursting through the doors of the Bar, Barley gives them a look. "Don't.. do that, please."
Colette apologizes enthusiastically, and urges Edgar forward. "Ask him! I'll keep watch!"
She hops over to the door and peers through it periodically.
Meanwhile, Edgar is stammering because he didnt plan anything to say, he expected Colette to talk to the robot.
"If you two think I allow underage drinking, I most certainly do not, no matter what Penny says." Barley warns.
"Uhh, no it isn't that. ...Umm. do ya know... well, you would know about Byron, and not Belle, I guess. But they've been acting weird lately, and we want to know why."
. . .
Barley pauses in consideration.
Options and questions flood around his mind, and he still had no answer.
Wonders if he should even mention Belle's visit some time ago, or the fact that he knows more in depth about it than Byron would care for, or that if Piper found out he knew more than her, and then told these two over would she be offended? ....Actually, in that case, why was he considering telling them anyway? Well, if they were interested in the topic for genuine reasons...
Edgar doesn't even know what to do either. Barley's not saying anything.
Colette squeaks, and scrambles from the door. "Edgar!! Any luck here? Because we're out of it over there!"
"I think I see Byron heading here!!"
Who would have thought.
this is where i kind of dropped off the outline, but to continue/wrap it up, Barley points them to the curtain that covers the back room. There's an exit there which he tells them about, but the teens stay to EAVESDROP bc they care.
Barley and Byron chat. the conversation dips into the area having to do with Belle.
Byron frowns. "If I didn't know any better, I would think you're trying to get me to admit something, Barley. I can understand Piper, but you?"
"Me?" Barley asks. "Sir, you know I never mean harm."
"..." Byron stares at him unconvinced. "If Piper did put you up to this, you can tell me."
"U.. Believe it or not, I am among others in this park who care about you, Byron."
"...." wouldn't that be nice. But Byron believes him. My bad. He humors his coworker for now. "Fine." And asks for a drink.
Barley gets him his preferred one. [Lol I'll come up with it eventually.]
They talk. Barley finds out a little more. But just a little bit. Byron... it isnt like he has practice talking about ☆~feelings~☆
The teens listening in leave before too long. Colette is like O.O;; and Edgar decides that all they wanted to know was the relation between Byron and Belle, and they got that.
She agrees, and they both leave through the back door.
Byron didn't get as drunk ofc, it's still his working hours. Just enough to loosen up a bit and get through mild robot therapy.
After his leave, Barley sees him off, and then goes to check in the back. They're gone and he has a brief "oh, thought they would have gotten the hint to, listen in. Oh, well."
[There's one more event, involving the Coworkers interacting with Belle one last time, but still unplanned <3 it leads to the meet up and the fight... somehow though. I'll release that when I think of it.]
I can also see Piper being ":0 you knew before I did? And didn't tell me? You're mischievous, Barley!" In a very light hearted way at the very end.
Barley frets ;;; "I am not!"
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bloodycassian · 3 years
Enemies and Allies - Reader + Night court. the concept:
enemies forced together in alliance to save their courts. Politics, tension, "Once we're done here I will be the one to kill you." slow burn reader x an Illyrian? Not sure who yet
Part 1 of a possibly reoccurring fic.
You never liked dealing with other courts, but Rhysand and Tamlin were possibly the two worst high lords to deal with. Helion would have been up there too if he wasn't so damn charming. And Beron didn't even count, considering he was your uncle. He was annoying automatically. And a damned fool for not showing up to the funeral. Tamlin was a brute shoved into power much too early. You could tell just from the way he carried himself. No nobility, no grace. Just the brutal beast that lurked under his skin. The way he didn't bother leaving any flowers along the coast line was further proof of his childish ways.   Rhysand was the polar opposite. The epitome of arrogance, grace, poise and political power. All words and strategy, enough to make you double take every time he opened his mouth. Constantly on the lookout for hidden meaning or loopholes in his word choice. He made your heart race with stress.  His spymaster and general though, were like two neutral, yet menacing gargoyles on either side of him. They were unsettling, especially with the shadows that crept over the spy. You tried not to stare at those curling around his shoulders, or the dull siphons that laid on each of their hands. Or the wings.  The wings would have been the worst part if there weren't other winged generals at the funeral. Peregryns guarded their high lord, one at each side much like Rhysand. Only they radiated sunshine, and light and goodness. Still terrifyingly deadly, though. Their polished armor and ceremonial scepters glinting from the overcast skies.  "A funeral should be a celebration... of the life that was. Please, join us." Tarquin said, voice thick. His mate's lip quivered. The ocean crashed against the sand, scooping up the flowers left to honor his son. Your heart squeezed at the tone change in his voice. The way he struggled to hold himself together for his court.  Vivienne turned from the crowd, and Tarquin followed. Her dark hair moved like water over her thin frame. They held each other for a long moment while the Summer court guards ushered guests to the large open beach house. You hesitated, looking out towards the ocean as it roiled. The dark water churned, seagulls overhead made no sound as they passed.  "Its been a long time, Autumn." The sultry voice was enough to make your skin crawl. He had kept the nickname since he'd met you. And in the two hundred years since. He did not forget such a remarkable introduction. Especially of someone who had your kind of power in an opposing court.  His eyes flashed with amusement when you turned, plastering on a charming smile. "I would have preferred longer, but the Cauldron works in strange ways sometimes." You retorted, and began walking away from him, grinding your teeth when he followed with ease.  He laughed and nodded. "Indeed it does, with the passing of Tarquin's only child." the not question was leading, looking to see if you knew anything of the murder. Anger spread though you at the subtle accusation. You couldnt let it show.  You had to keep your calm. Or he would surely suspect something of you. You could practically see the accusation scene play out when Night court invaded Autumn on Summer's behalf. Claiming that Autumn had killed the boy. "A parent should never outlive their own child." You said mournfully. You knew from experience how it ruined families after such a loss.  When you snuck a glance at his face, you could have swore you saw pain there. A longing that you didnt understand coming from him. It almost made you feel bad for him. You jolted yourself, forcing your mind to focus upon on your steps in the sand.  He paused for just a second before opening the bungalow door for you, inviting you to the wake. All courts dressed in mute tones of their colors, not one dared to raise their voice above the hushed murmurs. Rhysand gave a nod to his two generals in the corner, standing like statues. "I'll be seeing you then, Autumn." His eyes met yours and you swore you saw something linger there.  Before you could tell him to knock it off with the nickname, he was weaving his way across the room to the two Illyrians. Stopping every so often to give grim smiles to the families of Summer Court. His actions seemed genuine in nature. You dared not reach out a mental hand to him though, knowing you might not return with it intact.  + "And what of Night court?" Beron's slurred words were familiar. The old man had been wasting away in his own filth for years. After the Lady of Autumn disappeared, he had nothing left to keep him in line. His sons - Eris namely- made the important decisions in the court, but he still acted as ruler. The figurehead for important events and nothing more.  He had also become obsessed with the innate abilities of all the other high lords. Constantly comparing his own lingering power with the others. In two hundred years, his body had seemed to begin to wither. Directly after your birth, some said. And cursed you for their ruler's demise. After the shame of being one of the few courts to refuse to help win the war, Beron had given up completely. Still power hungry, but no longer driven.  "Night court seems to be fine. Not shaken by the murders." You surmised as best you could after your short interaction with the High Lord.  "Was it's high Lady there?" He asked with a grunt of a laugh. He was always undermining the role, laughing whenever you mentioned seeing the lady of Night. "She was not. I believe she was taking care of the babe, as the two generals were there." He shook his head, his gray hair falling in his face. "As a female should." You fought not to cringe or bite back at him. Even if he was your uncle, Beron would be a fantastic target if there was, in fact a murderer loose in Prythian. You shooed the tratirous thought away.  "Tarquin and Vivienne send their regards." You said, hoping he would allow you to take your leave. You glanced around to the cavernous space that encapsulated the dark throne room. The banners on the wall seemed lacking in color. Years of dust likely growing on them. The cracked stone floor showed its age as well, moss growing in the corners. He refused to let anyone touch up the dim room after his wife had gone.  Echoing steps sounded behind you. You turned on your heel calmly, but gripped your sword. Ready to defend your High Lord if needed.  Your mouth fell open at the sight of The Morrigan striding down the long hall. Eris on her heels behind her. She was a beacon of light among the dull ancient stone walls. Eris had a wicked grin on, eyes locked on his father.  +  "The Queens have been killed." She announced, no wavering in her tone. Your stomach hit the floor. Beron said nothing, didnt show any reaction in the slightest. As if he already knew. "And they sent you so I could be assured the court of Nightmares isnt lying?"  "They sent me because I saw to their end personally." Eris even glanced at her with the tone she used. She leveled a look at Beron.  He waved a hand, as if the Night court commander hadn't just announced that the biggest enemies to Prythian were dead."Cut off the head of the snake and more appear." He coughed after the shrug, his breathing labored. Eris hid a pained look that you knew all too well. The denial of his father's life coming to an end in front of him. You could have balked at him for the outright insult but kept your mouth shut. "High Lord.." you began, wanting to consult him on the weight of the situation. He glared at you, that familiar piercing stare that told you to stop whatever you were doing. As a child, that stare was enough to make you behave. You didn't dare think of what more than a stare Eris had to go through during his childhood.  Eris' jaw clenched before he began "Father, the Queens no longer pose a threat. This would be the perfect op-"  "Enough, boy!" Beron's voice echoed in the hall. Your cousin's face went red with shame. Fear settled in your stomach. If Beron  had no plan for moving forces to the continent to stablaise, there would be a power struggle. Even you knew that. "You assume I dont have a plan. We can discuss this when there are no wandering eyes or ears present." His tone was softer, but still laced with that High Lord's authority.  Mor's eyes could have killed them if she had the ability.  She snorted, and turned on a heel to leave. Her footsteps echoing in the long hall. "The Night Court's whore, going back to where she belongs." Beron mused to himself. She stopped dead in her tracks. Eris' face went pale when she turned. Your palms went sweaty at her eyes, like two daggers looking at him. She held up a hand. Light flashed, and suddenly there was a razor thin spear flying through the air.  You ran at The Morrigan before you knew what you were doing. Your hands were a flurry of movement as you tried to keep her down. Eris just watched, unable to move as he watched death race for his father.  A wet splatter, and Beron's chest was punctured by that golden spear. His mouth leaked blood, his eyes closing. Eris was rooted to the spot. Your body locked up, and Mor shoved you off of her with a grunt. She wasnt trying to win the fight, she could have obliterated you in a second if she was. You felt like you weren't in your body. She stood, wiping the blood from her face. You didnt remember hitting her that hard. Your mouth was dry, mind buzzing. Mor waved her hand again and the spear was gone.  "Have all the power you want, Eris. Our deal has been struck. Send your forces to Rask by next week." She scowled at the body on the throne. The male you had just wished death upon. The reality of it made everything fuzzy. Eris was still pale, his eyes not looking away from his father. "We will see you there." He said, voice weak. Distant.  You could only faintly hear Mor Winnow away. The roaring in your head was overwhelming. Your uncle dead on his throne. A hysterical laugh bubbled from Eris' chest. Only one, before you could catch his gaze and see the silent tears streaming down his cheeks. + "You killed the Queens and my father without consulting me first. I hardly think our deal was struck." Eris had been strange after his father's funeral. But for the first time since, you saw a glimpse of the old him. On the move to Rask, he had been that hollow shell he seemed like. Btu as soon as he laid eyes on Morrigan waiting at that tent, he seemed to put on more of a show.  Inside the tent seemed too small. It was enormous, but with everyone inside it was too hot. Too cramped. The sun beating down did not help. The two Illyrians in the corner leering at you and Eris was not helping either. "A deal's a deal young Lord. I suggest you choose your words more carefully next time." Rhys winked. You crossed your arms over your chest, trying to hold back your tone. "You murdered him. I am being blamed for not guarding him well enough." Your reputation in the court had fallen.  Several Royal court members had been rumoured of your position inside the court, if you should be banished because of the death. None of them knew what actually happened. You and Eris had agreed on a believable story though, whoever had murdered Tarquin's son also reached Beron the night of the funeral. "I did not murder him. My lovely cousin however, did." Rhys drawled with a cat-like grin. It made you see red. Azriel grinned behind him. Those creepy shadows of his seemed more transparent in the sun. Mor glanced to you, her eyes not betraying anything she felt of the kill. You were hoping she would show some remorse for the death. Heat roiled in your stomach at the lack of care.  "Dont act so upset, Autumn." Rhys waved a hand, and you felt those clawd mental hands whisk across your shields. You snarled at him, reaching for your sword. You knew you couldnt win, even on your best of days. That didnt stop you though. Eris placed a hand on your arm. The two Illyrians had their siphon shields glowing in front of their high lord instantly. Rhys laughed calmly despite the tension in the room.  "You did give Mor quite the cut however, and burn it seems. Call it revenge." He folded his hand on the desk, wiping away dirt that wasnt there. Azriel's siphons burned brighter. His wings tightened behind his back. Mor still showed nothing, only looking from her cousin to Eris. Tense, her shoulders and posture radiated the worry. The tension of the room. Eris' jaw locked. He pulled you, willing you to let it go. You weren't proud of the fight with Mor. You wanted Beron to have at least died in an honorable way. But in the recent years with him hardly leaving his seat at the throne or his room at the castle, it made the chance of him seeing battle again nearly impossible.  "Maybe I should have done more." You muttered, sheathing your sword. The shadowsinger stepped forward, chest pushed out. His lips pulled back in a snarl, "Do not-" He began, voice a low threatening growl. "Azriel." Rhys said calmly, voice like honey. You grinned at the Shadowed one.  Rhys sighed and waved his tattooed hand in the air. Wine glasses appeared on the table he sat at. "Let's begin the real discussion at hand." He said calmly, pouring a glass. You glanced to Eris. He hesitated, but strode forward, taking a glass and downing it. + Eris was nearly drunk by the time you helped him out of the tent. After the long hours of dribble and stale conversation about diving resources, you couldnt blame him for having a few extra glasses of wine. He tripped on the rug going out. You caught him, but noticed shadows lingering around his torso.  "Get. Off."  You hissed, Not looking back. The shadows lingered for just a moment, then skittered away. You heard something like a sigh come from one of them as you led your cousin to his tent.
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koshicoast · 4 years
Randomly thought of but MHA except Bakugou’s hatred for Deku isnt because he’s quirkless. Bakugou doesn’t hate or is prejudice towards quirkless people, he hates weak people
AU where Bakugou is still somewhat the same as in canon but his feelings and thoughts come from a different mindset
Growing up his parents taught him that a quirk doesn’t make a person stronger, the person makes a quirk strong
This leads him to train in not only with his quirk but also in various areas that could potentially come up during hero work (lock picking, reading body language, shit like that) bc if he’s weak then so is his quirk
If you’re wondering how a child is learning all of this, this is Bakugou-fucking-Katsuki. If he wants something, he’s gonna get it even if it means he has to go through hell.
Luckily in this AU, his parents aren’t neglectful or shitty!! they indulged in his whims more of them than not!!
They’re both famous fashion designers and have a lot of connections when it comes to ‘high end society’ so if katsuki wants to learn how to dress to kill or something like that, they already have it set up for him!
The Bakugou’s teach their little victory all of their tricks and tips about how to theoretically make clothes that have extra space for weapons (they know his desire to be a hero and while they’re a little worried they’re just happy he’s being prepared for the long run.) They don’t actually make clothes for him to hide weapons, they verbally tell him how to do something and tips but they leave it up to him to complete the task to a proficient level
They also let their coworkers teach Bakugou stuff, anything their kid would find important or somewhat interesting (taking pictures is boring but learning how to take clear pictures of a loving target is interesting)
Many models, photographers and people who know the Bakugous have basically adopted Katsuki as their feral child since many of them are unable to have their own kids due to their work
Now, Bakugou has learned things about body language (how to read it), how to fake his confidence, sewing, stitching, how to dress for any situation, etc from his parents and their coworkers
However while those skills are important for him (he has a plan to be the best and he can’t be the best if he’s lacking in skills) he needs to know how to fight hand to hand without a quirk or how to pick locks or how to pickpocket (who knows, maybe he’ll have to steal something from a villain!!)
He doesn’t tell his parents what his specific plans are but he does tell him he’s gonna do training on his own
Now normal parents would be worried but for the sake of the AU let’s just say that katsuki’s parents work on the mentality that ‘their child is strong and even if he gets knocked down, he’ll be right back up. He’s a Bakugou.’
Bakugou’s never give up, it’s not in their blood to give up.
So, Bakugou, feral child, goes off on his own to experience a real fight with people who won’t care if they hurt him or to find someone to teach him how to pick a lock or pickpocket
Most of the adults he’s met are just amused by this kid so they too indulge him and his demands
Especially those who spar with him, Bakugou has made it clear that if he feels like they’re holding back he’ll make it so they can’t afford to anymore
(Yes this isn’t always a good thing but what matters is that he’s survived and somewhat friends with a bunch of shady people)
(They’ll tell you that they’re friends, Bakugou thinks that they’re worthy opponents)
Now this leads me to his relationship with deku
Originally he didn’t actually hate Deku when it’s announced that he’s quirkless, why would he? The nerd just has to get strong and it’ll be fine!
Deku isnt weak because he doesn’t have a quirk just like how Bakugou isn’t strong just because he has a quirk
That mentality lasts for 3 seconds
he starts to hate how the green boy lets that determine his future of being a hero or not
Deku being quirkless isn’t a problem. Deku allowing himself to be weak because he’s quirkless is a problem.
He just gets so frustrated with deku that he eventually just pulls away. He doesn’t want to hang out with someone who doesn’t work towards a goal, blood, sweat, tears and all that.
Deku wanting to be a hero is funny to Bakugou because deku is weak, the nerd let’s people step all over him especially Bakugou
To Bakugou, if deku just stood up for himself for once then he’d respect him
For obvious reasons, Midoriya does not know this and everyone including him assumes Bakugou just hates him because he’s quirkless
(The only exceptions is Bakugou’s parents because they have the same mindset and Inko because her and Mitski are best friends so she’s more than aware of their thought process)
For reasons, Bakugou’s ‘bullying’ is more like taunts and if he does use his quirk he never directly harms Midoriya (he just wants to push the kid to act not kill him) this also means he never tells deku to kill himself
Midoriya firmly believes Bakugou hates him and acts more or less the same as he does in canon
However he doesn’t see how the blonde will text inko to let her know when Midoriya is having a really bad day or how Bakugou wards off students who want to seriously harm him
Is this an excuse to write about Bakugou acting as a ‘reluctant older sibling who just wants the best for the younger but doesn’t know how to verbalize it so their actions come off as bullying or the likes’ and Midoriya being the ‘younger sibling who is terrified of their older sibling but still admires them greatly yet will never say that out loud because they’re convinced said older sibling hates them’? Maybe
Needless to say, this leads to an interesting conversation when the topic of quirkless people comes up during class
Bakugou scowls as he feels his classmates’ stares burn into his skull. He turns around with sneer, his palms popping. “What?” He manages to ask through gritted teeth. All without blowing up too.
His dad is gonna be so proud.
“W-well..” Shitty hair stammers, looking uncomfortable as he shifts in his chair. (The only reason why he doesn’t immediately get blown up is because Bakugou likes him. He’s man enough to admit he’s got a crush but like hell is he gonna do anything about. What he’s not gonna do though? Blow up said crush.)
“Y’know how you are!” Dunce Face blurts out, Tape Face elbowing his stomach harshly as Pinky hisses a not so quiet ‘not cool dude!’ . Now the others are exchanging shifty glances and from how reluctant they are to meet his eyes, he already has a good idea what this is about.
“Yeah yknow we’re just
“Yeah?” His eyes narrow with disdain as his ugly scowl softens into a calculating frown and he tilts his head just slightly. His arms crossed across his chest while he forces his body to relax. It takes just a few seconds but his aura changes from the ‘typical bad boy delinquent’ vibe he usually has going on and turns into something much more. It works wonders and he has a brief flashback from a conversation he had as a kid.
“You want to be intimadating? Don’t shout, don’t fire off your explosions, don’t give any reaction. Be cold, be caculating. Be dangerous little one. Being quiet is the most dangerous one can get.”
He has the electric blonde pinned under his look and faintly he can hear a ‘oh shit’ from a few seats away. He knows what he looks like, practiced the fuck out of this particular stare that a Russian model taught him all those years ago when he went on a fashion trip with his parents.
“I’ll teach you how to be scary little firecracker. Make us proud, you’re our little victory.”
Models, he muses privately as he watches the boy sweat bullets, are as dangerous as they are pretty. It takes a few moments of tense silence before someone eventually breaks and unsurprisingly it’s fucking half-n-half. He doesn’t have a real issue with daddy issues but he’s got a bone to pick with the tea kettle lover after the whole incident at the sports festival. The thought of fighting him is enough to get his blood going.
“They thought you’d hate quirkless people.” Hot Water fucker says, face void of any emotion and voice monotone. Ever since being friends with the nerd, IcyHot has gotten a lot better at speaking up when normally he’d just ignore everything. (Now if only shitty deku could pound some emotion that’d be great.)
Even though he’d expect it, he can’t help but laugh.“Why would I hate quirkless people?” He questions, raising a perfect brow. He drops his arms, an elbow perched up on Midoriya’s desk as his cheek rests on his open palm. He watches them falter, hesitation in their eyes. He decides to add fuel to fire, “One of my favorite people in this world is quirkless. She works for my parents as a secretary, I visit her every time I go.”
He doesn’t bother to listen to the responses, snapping his head and making direct eye contact with the nerd. “I hate people who have potential but let others tell them where they belong. It’s pathetic and sad. They should go get some fucking dignity, you think having a quirk is any better than not having one? It’s like having an arm, it’s the norm but if you don’t got it doesn’t mean you’re broken.” His words come out even despite the frustration building under his skin, he sees how Deku’s eyes widen in some kind of realization so he forces himself to pull his gaze away before landing onto Pony Tail. He doesn’t have an issue with her and actually likes her a lot better than the others but her confidence is so low it offends him, especially since he sees her as an opponent. Her eyes grow big and he can tell she’s nervous but before he can change his mind, his mouth opens. Oops.
The idiots practically brought this upon themselves. Reap what you sow dumbasses.
He just goes off and everyone is just stunned because they had this idea of him but that completely crumbled as soon as he started to reveal some of his thoughts and opinions
(Kirishima always kinda knew Bakugou was like this just bc I say so)
I know where this was going but now I do not lmao
Anyways he said his peace and it’s all quiet as people take in what he said and Ofc mineta decides to say something
“I don’t wanna hear that from a villain!” The diaper baby shrieks loudly, the grape fucker’s finger shaking as he points at him. Now usually, Bakugou has no problem with blasting the little pervert and calling it a day but he’s not quite done giving the literal talk down of a century just yet.
“Listen here you sex offender in training” He sneers and he takes great pleasure in seeing the other tremble in fear. “Wanna know why people shut the fuck up when I talk? Why people bother to take my advice? Why compared to me, you’re just a coward that no one besides the class’s resident sunshine trio will ever look at twice?” He asks, getting up slowly. No one stops him as he takes a step forward.
“Because I say actually fucking matters.” Step. “What I say is based off of experience and talent.” Step. “If you’re lucky then maybe the shit you spew will be worth something because it’s not worth anything here.” He finally makes it to his desk, towering over the other.
“You don’t like what I gotta say? Deal with it. I’ll continue to talk my shit to everyone and anyone because I can back it up. Can you? You fought any villains recently like teach over there? You go through some sudden growth and expand your moral compass like glasses? You fight and protect a little girl from the yakuza recently like Deku and Shitty hair? How bout deal with a shitty dad or shitty parenrs like IcyHot and Eyebags? What? Piss baby too scared now? Yeah, where were you when we were fighting for our lives? Were you there when Pikachu and Tape Face and Racoon Eyes fought against the villains in USJ?” He questions but everyone knows he’s not asking for an answer. “You there when birdbrain almost got kidnapped? You there when I got kidnapped? No? Then do everyone a fucking favor and shut the fuck up or I swear to whatever god you believe in, I’ll shove my fist down your throat and into your pathetic body and explode you so badly they’ll be scrapping off your guts for days.”
Needless to say, it was an interesting class
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americankimchi · 4 years
ok and I GET the concept of attachments leading to vulnerability and therefore weakness but to impose that on a CHILD who so desperately needs a family, someone he could bond with, its honestly tragic. and since qui gon isnt there to do it anymore it falls on obi wan, whos basically a kid himself, whos dealt with rejection his whole life, and how can you expect him to provide anything, much less mentor a padawan?? idk i just have so many FEELINGS abt this and can’t put it into proper words lol
okay you know what i think that’s on qui gon because why!!! would you make the decision to rip a child away from his home like that so quickly!!! i get that they were making a movie and thus needed to speed things along for pacing reasons but COME ONNNNN
i feel like if it wasn’t restricted for movie reasons it would have gone down very differently. difference being: hey, maybe we don’t rip anakin away from his mom and leave not only his mom still in slavery but also punt a tiny child directly into a warzone.
hear me out
so assuming qui gon decides not to take anakin with him (at that moment in time because anakin is still going to be heading to the order just in a more meticulous fashion) right after meeting the skywalkers on tattooine, he still needs to get off planet. so he does the whole race thing yadda yadda he gets the engine and they take off
so here’s where it diverges: anakin stays on tattooine and never goes to naboo.
(bro this got so long i had to put it under a cut omfg)
but cindy!! you might say, leaving anakin on tattoine??? stuck in slavery??? how could you!!!
YES, but this is a temporary thing, just stay with me for a second
padme disagrees but relents because qui gon says he’ll come back for the boy when he’s not, you know, neck deep in the middle of tense wartime negotiations that could trigger a full scale onslaught at any moment. that’s no place to bring a small child into no matter how powerful in the force he is.
qui gon heads back to the council, gives his report, and then mentions anakin. mentions his fuckin. midichlorian count. which is still so ridiculous to me oh my god the midichlorian is the powerhouse of the force i GUESS
the council still disapproves, but qui gon makes the case that even if they don’t believe him about the chosen one thing it’s still dangerous to leave such a powerful force user out there untrained and vulnerable to the stresses and traumas of slavery. what if he turns to the dark side??? he’ll have ample reasons to if he’s stuck there, and the amount of destruction he could unleash by being untrained and powerful is unspeakable!! qui gon, being the master diplomat he is, even if he is constantly butting heads with the council, could probably convince them of the importance of at least meeting the child. hell, it’s not as if they haven’t broken people free from slavery before it’s honestly jedi basic training at this point
so the council agrees on the condition that qui gon is not allowed to personally mentor the boy because as it stands now he’s too close to the situation, too eager which honestly??? might have been a good chunk of the reason why the council was so against it in the first place. qui gon pushed for it too hard and for no real solid reason. and for fuck’s sake qui gon your padawan is right there
obi wan, awkwardly shuffling on his feet like..... yeah i’m here too master
imagine how gutting it must be to hear that your master wants to get rid of you for the newer, younger model. like at this point obi wan is so used to this shit. abandonment? by qui gon??? it’s more likely than you think,
and obi wan’s ALLL ready to be like “yeah okay. i’ll just. go over here then i guess. fuck me for thinking that you respected me as a person or anything lmao right”
and qui gon’s just “ah fuck. i can’t believe i’ve done this”
anyways hand waves qui gon explaining his reasoning to obi wan and saying that he just wants to ensure that the boy gets the training he needs and obi wan understanding but asking if he really thinks he’s ready to be a knight genuinely or if he’s just saying that to get him out of the way and wow that thought actually hurt a bit lol!!! no problem though qui gon whatever you want haha i’ll just... be in pain. over here. ((:
and qui gon being like, “honestly obi wan the only reason you’re not actually knighted is because i cherish your companionship and i don’t want to let you go” because ANAKIN ISN’T THE ONLY ONE WITH ATTACHMENT ISSUES CASE IN POINT: MY MANS JINN
let’s be honest obi wan could’ve been knighted ages ago. the only reason he hasn’t been is because the master dictates when that step should be taken and qui gon wasn’t ready to let his surrogate son go.
anyways RECONCILIATION WHOO kicks that insecurity off of obi wan’s already weary shoulders because that gnarly bit of tension could’ve been avoided so easily with just a simple conversation!! wow!!! communication can do wondrous things who! would! have! known!!!!!
they get to naboo. how do they beat the trade federation without anakin? the force works in mysterious ways alright it happens they win boom.
now, onto qui gon. in this au qui gon lives because of that healthy bit of communication up there that went down. see that conversation? where they affirm how important they (qui gon and obi wan) are to each other? and how that bond was repaired and confirmed between their leaving coruscant and fighting maul on naboo and thus their harmonious fighting wasn’t impaired by that underlying resentment and betrayal and tension??? TELLING YOUR KIDS THAT YOU LOVE AND RESPECT THEM CAN DO AMAZING THINGS WITH YOUR ABILITY TO COORDINATE WITH THEM IN THE FIELD IMAGINE THAT
so they fight maul and maul gets turned into maul 1 and maul 2 and qui gon almost gets got but is saved just in time by his padawan who is!! right there with him!!! because qui gon WAITS 5 SECONDS FOR HIM TO CATCH UP so they can F I G H T  T O G E T H E R. qui gon has a permanent limp and an ache in his spine that never really goes away but he’s ALIVE TO SEE THE NEXT SUNRISE BABEY
celebrations happen. and the most important bit of all here: palpatine never meets anakin on naboo.
why would he? anakin’s not fuckin there mate!!! maul wouldn’t even know anything about anakin because qui gon never bothered to take him with them to coruscant and maul was chasing the delegation from naboo, not going hunting for babies in the tatooinian sands
/kicks the palpatine was anakin’s experimental force daddy theory to the curb because. i don’t like it that’s why. suck it dickpatine.
ANAKIN NEVER MEETS PALPATINE!! ripples in the fucking pond babey
qui gon and obi wan ask a boon of padme, that boon being “hey can you give us truly disgusting amounts of money so we can go free those delightful people we had to leave behind on tatooine due to the fact that we were on a time crunch and also ripping people away from a familiar environment without a stable plan of action to provide them a better quality of life is actually called, as the professionals say, a dick move.”
and padme’s like “um fuck yeah here’s some cash let me know how this goes and give anakin and shmi my love”
SO OFF THEY GO TO TATOOINE TO FREE THE SKYWALKERS. shmi tags along to the temple because why wouldn’t she. she wants to see where her son is going to be going. she also pesters qui gon and obi wan constantly about the order and its philosophies and etc. etc. and subsequently gets a crash course in jedi doctrine that anakin also gets to sit in on and you know, educate himself on.
“we want you to know that being a jedi is a choice. being a jedi is a religion unto itself.” they say
“but it’s a set of philosophies that are meant to at its core help others live happy and free lives?” anakin (and shmi) ask
“that’s a very very very large generalization but i guess for the purposes of this conversation that could be seen as true. from a certain point of view,” they respond. qui gon then lets obi wan loose on his musings about the code because the code is simple, and complex in its simplicity, and how the beliefs of the jedi should be taken very seriously because it reflects their connection to the force and by extension the world around them etc. etc.
anakin makes it to the temple. anakin knows (at least a little) what it means to be a jedi. it’s not all light sabers and noble battles and fighting the good fight. it’s about sacrifice and humility and nobility and above all kindness and empathy and loving all things, great and small, and not letting your personal hatreds cloud your judgement even if it takes all your strength to do so
and most importantly to anakin: no attachments.
and that’s what anakin struggles with the most. that never changes. but this time shmi is there to explain it to him, and coming from shmi, the most important person in the world, makes it stick
“it doesn’t mean you love me less,” shmi explains. “it just means you don’t love everyone else less because you love me. it means not loving me to the exclusion of all else. it means love, but for everyone. for everything.”
and then the two jedi reaffirm that it’s a choice. it’s always about choice. you can’t be a jedi without choosing to be one, it’s not something that can be forced. either you believe in the lifestyle, or you don’t. simple as that.
“can i leave if i want to” anakin asks.
“yes. of course you can, any time.” qui gon responds.
“not sure why you would want to though, being a jedi is kind of super cool” obi wan adds, with a wink.
but anakin isn’t a jedi yet. he’s not even an initiate. he doesn’t want to leave his mom, not until he knows she’s safe. he wants to be a jedi he burns with the need to be a jedi, but he’s not sure if he can be a jedi. not the way that was explained to him anyways. but that’s okay because he has the time to decide!!! there are no sith lords breathing down his neck!!! he has two (2) in the flesh examples of what jedi can do, what jedi are, what they can accomplish in the world!!! most of all he has his mother there, supporting him either way!!!
maybe he does go into the order. maybe he does ultimately choose that life for himself. maybe he does manage to untangle himself from the snarls of attachment and apply himself wholeheartedly to the ways of the jedi. he might even succeed this time since palpatine has no fucking CLUE anakin’s even there!!! he’s not nine years old and freshly braided and attached at the hip to a mourning brand new knight, he’s nine years old and trying to figure out how the fuck you levitate off the ground with your legs crossed under you while his crechemates balance things onto his nose!!!
and you know what!! maybe he chooses to leave the order because it’s not for him, but this time he’s got enough stability in his life, in the way that he manages and examines his feelings, that he’s not a threat to himself and those he loves. maybe he becomes a mechanic and lives a nice, simple life with his aging mother and becomes penpals with a pretty girl from naboo. WHO KNOWWWSSS
and that’s important for anakin: knowing that it’s always a choice always his choice and that he never has to have anyone tell him who he can and cannot be because he is his own master now he has full autonomy and the jedi cannot and will not take that away from him
this got so long oh my god i just have so many THOUGHTS
qui gon taking anakin like that in tpm was such a rushed decision my man can you CHILL AND THINK
anyways,,,,, that’s all thank u for coming with me on this journey,,,,,,,
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