#if someone reading this personally buys into these ideas please explain
hawkogurl · 8 months
The fact that people interpret that scene in the first Raimi film where Norman seemingly shows Harry affection for the first time when Harry tells him MJ loves Peter and vice versa as genuine on Norman's part is so wild to me bc it's obviously manipulation - but I suspect the disconnect comes from both (a) reading the scene through a post-NWH ret-con lens, and (b) taking what he says at face value while ignoring that characters can say one thing and mean another, and that there is a lot of other cinematic storytelling going on to frame the scene as sinister and each Osborn taking a different meaning from it.
Like, Norman's promise to 'rectify certain inequities' is Norman meaning revenge, and we as the audience know the context - but Harry does not, so he misinterprets it as meaning he's going to be a better father, and the disconnect and double meaning comes off as sinister and manipulative; likewise, the dark music playing in the background, and the visual storytelling like both of them being dressed in black, the way Norman looms over Harry, the vaguely gothic vibes of the penthouse, etc. all frame the scene as being creepy and foreboding; even if you only pay attention to what Norman says, he's very obviously immediately and only interested in Peter rather than Harry and his hurt feelings, and doesn't actually sound concerned in a fatherly at all!
NO ITS LEGITIMATELY WILD TO ME. Like man I guess Norman really is a master manipulator cause that shit worked on more people than Harry. It’s also really frustrating because a lot of the behavior we see from Harry aligns with the idea he was been abused and manipulated in a capacity designed to make him want to do anything to please Norman, something that makes me personally really dislike the idea Harry did poorly in school to act out for his attention. We sort of repeatedly get implications Harry WAS trying because he would do anything to be something Norman recognizes as worth loving. The way his hallucinations talk to him are probably things that ring true as to how he felt Norman saw him and frankly probably ring true to how Norman actually saw him. He would do anything for Norman’s validation and that’s just another example of it. Norman manipulates him with the affection he craves to get him to continue giving him what he wants. It’s framed as a bad thing for a REASON. it’s not benevolent. He’s taking advantage of his vulnerable son. I can’t even really put it better than you did, but it’s especially baffling when the rest of the movies reflect the idea that Norman manipulated him to crave his validation at all costs for his own benefit.
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sundrop-writes · 2 months
you were nice to me and acknowledged my existence so i hope you know that means you’ve unknowingly asked for all my dumbass, hyper-specific 12AM bullshit thoughts.
you can turn this into a mini blurb or teen wolf pack headcanon - whatever works for you, but who do you think in the pack is would be into you wearing a necklace (or any form of jewelry really) with their name/initial on it? are they buying it for you or is it something you would have to initiate, do they want one too with your name/initial on it?
i know it’s not everyone’s thing but i think it can be really adorable 🥰
if this isn’t your vibe just let me know, no biggie 🩷
This is absolutely my vibe!!! I love this prompt so much omg. Also, I love it when people come to me with their random 12am bullshit - whether it's just to rant in my inbox about fictional characters or to suggest fic ideas. This is what Tumblr inboxes are for
My requests for Teen Wolf are open!! Just make sure to read my rules first!!
What would the pack think of you wearing a necklace that represents them?
A/N: I changed it from an initial to a representative symbol, partially because of a tiktok that Star sent me the other day of someone selling Teen Wolf necklaces in an Etsy shop that I can't stop thinking about and I want one so badly, and partially because I think Derek's tattoo would make a really amazing necklace.
Warnings: descriptions of canon level violence, I tried to make the reader as gender neutral as possible (please let me know if I messed up anywhere on that), Isaac's low self eesteem due to his father's abuse, mentions of Jackson x Lydia, references to sex (but nothing descriptively smutty), I think that's it.
Includes: Derek Hale, Isaac Lahey, Scott McCall, Stiles Stilinski, Erica Reyes (I got tired while writing this so that's all the characters we have lmao)
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Derek would love it. It would be his idea - he would be the one to give you the necklace.
He met you shortly before becoming an Alpha, and you were the defining member of his pack. You were the first person he had bitten in order to turn them - you had been bleeding out outside of the Hale house after Peter had stuck his claws through your stomach, sensing Derek's attachment to you (even if it was something that Derek himself hesitated to admit), and he had called Derek weak for taking a liking to you. So the moment after Derek had slashed Peter's throat open, making him the Alpha, he had used his new found power to bite you, ultimately saving your life.
You were someone he had once viewed as his weakness, but he had come to realize that you were his ultimate strength. You showed him how to interact with Erica, Isaac, and Boyd with kindness and understanding, you showed him how to harness his Alpha power with more than just the anger he harboured inside. You showed him love - something his isolated heart hadn't felt in years.
To him, the triskele tattoo on his back represented the three forms of a wolf could take - the powerful, leading Alpha, the following Beta, and isolated, weak Omega. It represents how a wolf can rise to power, but he can also fall to weakness if he's not careful.
When he gave you a necklace with that same symbol as its pendant, he explained to you why it was so important to him that you wear it.
"You have helped me rise to my full potential." He told you, pinning the clasp behind your neck. "Every time I look at this around your neck, I want to be reminded of that. I want to be reminded not to fall to anything less." He kissed the base of your neck, causing you to break into a large smile as his thick, warm arms wrapped around you from behind. "I need to be reminded to serve you a good, loyal Alpha every single day. Not to fall back into my former weaknesses."
"I thought I was your weakness?"
"No. You're my strength."
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Isaac would be unsure about it. And it most definitely was not his idea.
It started with you and Lydia hanging out before a lacrosse game - the two of you were getting ready in her room, and while she finished up her makeup, she said 'oh!' as if suddenly remembering something, and then went to her jewellery box. You looked on in curiosity as she pulled out a necklace, and when you squinted closer, you saw that it was a silver pendant with the number 37 on it.
"What's that?" You asked.
"It's Jackson's jersey number." She told you. "It's good luck for a player's girlfriend to wear his jersey number, and I didn't want some big ugly jacket with the numbers written on the back."
It made you wonder if you should wear Isaac's jersey number to the game, even though the two of you had been playing around with dating, not exactly official. Isaac was hesitant on PDA and labels. Lydia encouraged you, though, and she ended up using a red lipstick to write his number 14 on your cheek, making you look like a crazed fan - but everybody at the game already knew who you were there for.
Before the next game, Lydia gifted you with a necklace similarly to her own, with the promise that she wouldn't have to freeze her ass off in the stands alone - and to her, it was like the two of you had matching best friend necklaces, representing the lugheads that you cheered for on the field together. At first, you only wore it to games. But then you found comfort in wearing it all the time.
Isaac, of course, took notice of this - his eyes easily magnetized to the number 14 glimmering on the silver chain around your neck.
He felt like he didn't deserve to have a mark on you. He was undeserving of claiming you, undeserving of being called your 'boyfriend'. He was worthless, and you wearing something that represented some kind of serious relationship between the two of you - why did you want him? Why?
After a long, tiring night of talking, some tears, and eventually some kissing - he finally understood. And from then on, he was more than proud to have his 14 constantly shining around your neck.
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Scott would love it. But it would be your idea.
The two of you had to date in secret - your family had a loyalty, an alignment with the Argents, so you couldn't be seen with Scott in public, creating a deep frustration between the two of you when you couldn't hold hands in the hallways or go on 'real' dates like other couples could. Scott expressed a deep frustration at loving you, being your boyfriend, but not getting to be yours twenty-four seven like he wanted to, and that's what caused you to come up with the idea.
You got a silver heart locket necklace, and inside, put a picture of the two of you. Well - it was a piece of the picture of the two of you. You grabbed a photo of the two of you kissing, and cut out the space that had formed between your necks when your lips came together in a kiss - to anybody else (most important, if your family saw it) it would have looked like a photo of blank sky. But you and Scott were the only two people in the world who knew what the photo truly was.
And you gave him the rest of the photo with the missing heart shape cut out between the two of you so that he could be reminded of your next words every single time he looked at it.
"The space between us isn't what matters." You told him firmly, pointing to the space you had cut out of the photo. "No matter how big that space gets, we always know how much we love each other. We'll always have each other."
From then on, every single time he looked at the silver heart dangling around your neck, it was something he remembered with a smile. No matter how far the two of you had to be apart, no matter for how long - your love kept you together.
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Stiles would absolutely love it. It would be his idea.
Stiles would be incredibly shy and shitting his pants nervous about asking you to wear his numbers, but the week before, you had asked him to be your boyfriend after a roaring success of a first date that he had no clue how he landed with you. His first game as a first linger was coming up, and he felt like things could only go up from here.
He had you, he was first line, so - he steadied his courage as he tightly gripped the black velvet box that had the shiny gold necklace in it, praying that this wouldn't be too much, too soon. Praying that he wasn't going to scare you off.
"Um, hey." He greeted you at your locker, a ball of nervous energy that had you giving him a questioning eyebrow.
"Good morning." You smiled at him, wondering why he was acting so strange. You leaned in and kissed him on the lips - a light, chaste kiss in greeting, and he felt himself nearly knocked over by the joy of it.
This was really real. He had you.
"What's that?" You asked, motioning toward the box in his hands.
"Oh, uh - a gift." He said. "For you."
"Stiles, you didn't have to. It's not my birthday or anything."
"I know." He said. "I want to - to do something special. To celebrate you being mine."
An intense wave of butterflies overtook you at this, and you look on in awe as he opened the box, presenting the necklace to you.
"It's - um - it's my jersey number. Ya know - 24. Just - it's a thing that people usually do, wearing their boyfriend's number... and I - am I being too weird? I'm sorry." He went off rambling the longer that you didn't speak, and you quickly raised a hand to his wrist, trying to calm him with a soothing touch there.
"I love it." You assured him with a smile. "Thank you. I can't wait to wear it."
"I could... help you put it on now?"
You nodded enthusiastically, and he excitedly grabbed it out of the box.
From then on, you never took it off. You were more than proud to be his, and proud to show it off by wearing the necklace.
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Erica would fucking love it, but it wouldn't really be intentional on either of your behalves.
One thing Erica never expected about becoming a werewolf - how possessive it would make her. But being able to smell when someone had touched you, being able to hear how hard your heart pounded when you were scared or anxious - it made her want to rip apart anybody who even looked at you the wrong way. The two of you weren't even officially dating. Your friendship always crossed weird lines - you were the only person who was kind to her when she was an outcast, and after she transformed, you were the only person she knew for certain didn't just want her for her body.
The sex between the two of you was amazing, but you never talked about feelings.
One night in the haste of undressing, she dropped a necklace on your floor - a nameplate necklace that her parents had gotten for her birthday a few years ago. You didn't want to forget to bring it back to her, and you thought it was funny, a kind of joke - so you put it on. You thought nothing of having the name 'Erica' dangling around your neck in bold silver letters.
When Erica saw it - it drove all of her wolfish instincts insane. Seeing her claim on you, her name literally written across you - it took everything she had in her not to throw you across a table in the middle of the library and fuck your brains out, then and there.
And she saw the way other people reacted to it too. The way guys would go to flirt with you, but then their eyes would dart down to the necklace and then look to her, as if finally noticing her presence glaring at them, telling them to back off - and then they would scatter in fear. It was the first time in weeks that the two of you actually had peace.
So she implored you to keep it. She loved having a silent little claim on you. After all, wolves love claiming their territory, right?
Teen Wolf Masterlist
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hauntedwitch04 · 10 months
Just a Mirror
Sam Winchester x plus size!Reader
Words: about 6.3k words
Warning: saddy sadness, and some allusion to sexy time, eating disorder, hating on your own person, please be careful if you sensible about this themes
REQUEST: Hi :) I saw that your requests are open, and I was wondering if you could do a Sam Winchester x plus sized reader; an angsty fluffy friends to lovers that has some smut and reader hating herself in the mirror and possibly problems with eating
Author’s note: Hi love! Thank you @desicroft02 so much for your request. I felt really inspired by your idea love and I hope you like how it came out, if you don't find yourself with what i wrote, feel free to say it to me and I'll write to you a new one !
p.s.I got very caught up in the topic, since it is something I feel very close to. I was never the skinny girl, but with the years I've grown used to feel different to others girls, and even if sometimes I really hate what I see in the mirror, I kinda arrived to the point that I see both the flaws and the strenghts of my body and I love both, but some of my closest friend and this kinda of disorder and I tried to help them the way aI could so this one is for them too.
In case you need someone to talk to, I am always here, don't be afraid to seek help because often having someone close by to remind you that the volume of that evil voice we hear inside can be lowered or eliminated is important.
Requests are open I Ask
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This is the only question that floats in your mind, while, with thick tears in your eyes, you try to read the enormous book about whatever monster you are hunting with your friends in this little city, forgotten by God.
You and your childhood best friends are hunting some monster that you still haven't been able to figure out what it is, despite the fact that you are reading yet another list of monstrous animals in the story, while Dean and Sam are still out at the bar where you had decided to spend the evening, and from which you had decided to escape as quickly as possible, without giving any kind of explanation to the two hunters, holding back tears and trying not to meet their confused gaze
You and the boys have been friends since you were six and they were seven and eleven. You met on a rainy October day when you were still living at Bobby's house, after your father had died in a hunting accident after leaving you with him, and being his friend and seeing him almost as a brother he couldn't help but welcome you and raise you as if you were his own daughter.
Dean and Sam had just been left in the rain on the narrow dirt road by their father when you looked out and saw these two cold, sad, and at the same time angry children. You could see the resentment they felt for the man who looked less and less like a father and more and more like an army general, ready to train soldiers and not raise children. Immediately you went to Bobby and told him of the presence of those two unknown children who were in your driveway. He had immediately run to get them and brought them inside the house, worried that they would get sick from standing in the rain, and wondering why their father had left them there, without saying anything.
"He said he didn't have time to explain and that he had to get there as fast as he could, but that he would call you this evening." Said the older of the two once they were seated on the couch in what must once have been a beautiful dining room, and was now more like an ever-growing mountain of books. It is to your adoptive father that you owe all the culture and ability to read texts on the supernatural that most hunters would not even know how to open.
As he spoke you could see the blond child trying to hold back the sadness within himself and show himself as a big boy, almost pretending to understand why his father abandoned them like that without saying a word; in contrast, the one who was supposed to be the smaller of the two, with unruly brown hair, looked more like a beaten puppy, as he wetly moved his feet lazily on the floor, listening to what his brother had to say, but not hiding his sadness and anger at his daddy's decision.
"Baby, couldn't you get Sammy a glass of water for him while Dean and I go make a call for a minute?" Bobby then asked you suddenly, and you realized that you were lost in thought as you watched and studied those boys. You nodded quickly, trying not to let it show that you had spent all that time staring at them, as you heard Bobby's voice and that of the blond boy, apparently named Dean, drift away, only to hear the front door open and close.
After a few minutes you returned to the living room with a glass in your hand, and walked over to the brown-eyed boy, who was now looking at you and smiling shyly. You handed him the glass with a beaming smile, and he could do nothing but blush a little and retract his body a little, letting shyness take possession of him as he took the glass.
"Thank you." He told you in a faint voice.
"You're welcome." You replied as you sat next to him on the sofa.
"My name is Sam." He said, only to freeze and blush again as he held out a hand for you to shake, just as grown-ups do. You told him your name, and he commented that it was a very nice name, and that he liked it a lot, before going back to being silent and staring into the sad void.
You not being able to see what you considered a new friend feel so bad, you shamelessly asked him why his father had left him there and if that was why he was sad. He turned to look at you, and unknown how, he burst into tears, while with his hands he covered his face, not wanting to be seen as weak with someone he had just met, but you didn't give a damn.
Immediately you hugged him and listened to him talk about how his father was behaving with them, how his brother was struggling more and more to hide that he was tired of his parent's behavior, and how he was lonely and sad, constantly changing towns and seeing nothing but his family. That poor seven-year-old seemed to be thirty years old because of the problems he was telling you about, and as much as you were even younger because you were only six, you felt like you could understand him, because for a while that had also been your life before your father passed away.
You remained thus cuddled on the couch and fell asleep, lulled by the warmth of the fire slightly away from you and the new friendly presence that had entered your lives that afternoon, so much so that when Bobby and Dean returned after trying for a varied amount of time to contact John, and finally once succeeding in being insulted and put down by him, they both smiled at the sight of those two small and defenseless children embracing each other, as if to protect each other from the world. But no one knew that night before you fell asleep you had promised to protect each other forever, no matter how, when or why you would always be there for each other.
That was how you got to know the Winchester brothers, and the hatred for their father also began.
You awaken from your thoughts when you hear the motel door open and close, realizing that another time had gone into the whirlwind of memories and you were lost in remembering again when life was easy. You hear someone coming toward you with heavy footsteps, so you wipe away the tears you didn't know were there on your cheeks, which like small streams had almost made a furrow along your skin by now.
You sense right away who it is, but you don't have the strength to turn around so you continue to cry silently as you feel two arms wrapped around you, and Dean's warm body resting on your back as he leans down so that he can put his head in the crook of your neck and hold you better. Ever since the two of you met it was immediately like big brother and little sister between the two of you, and even now despite the fact that it has been a long time since you were children and in your spare time you enjoyed stealing cherries from the neighbor's tree, there is still that complicity and understanding between the two of you that once existed.
He knows exactly why you escaped so suddenly from the dive bar you were both in a few hours ago. Sam had seen a beautiful girl, the classic cover model of some magazine, slim and with all her shape in the right place, taking a drink at the bar, looking seductively at him as she put the drink straw between her lips. Sam's hormones had not let him repeat twice that clear call to fuck directly in the bar's bathroom, a bathroom from which you were coming out as he was sticking his tongue down the throat of that fake and at the same time perfect babe, who in his arms looked so small and yet in the right place, toned against his strong muscles, as opposed to how you would have looked with your shapely body. You couldn't stand there and watch the boy you love for so long now make out with someone else, so without explanation you left and went back to the motel where you took two bedrooms for the case. Usually you take two rooms only when Dean wanted to find someone to take to bed, unlike Sam who kept his sex life much more private than his brother, but since he and Cas had come out a few months ago you had not taken the second room, having practically grown up together and thus having no problem sharing space. That night, however, when you had arrived in the small town Sam had insisted on taking a second room, and stubbornly had not told his older brother why when he had asked him, and somehow your heart was preparing for what would happen, but in fact nothing would totally prepare you for what you would see in that bar and how your heart would break.
Dean squeezes you tightly, as if he is afraid you will disappear at any moment, and that heartfelt squeeze only makes you break the weak dam you had built when you saw him come in, and you burst into endless weeping.
"I know baby, I know." That's all the blond man can manage to say to you, as he gets you up and carries you toward the bed, so you can lie down and take off your shoes, before coming close to you and holding you in his arms, until exhausted, you fall asleep safe in Dean's strong hold, while he whispers soothing words to you.
The next morning you wake up with the sun gently caressing your face from over Dean's shoulder. You smile for a second, imagining what it would be like to wake up in the other Winchester's arms, and soon after your heart, as if pierced by an arrow, bleeds at the memory of what happened last night. You get up, shifting your friend's arms, and go to the bathroom to wash and freshen up, when you hear the door to your room open, and a male voice, known even too well, shout to your still sleeping friend.
"Dean, wake up!" Sam yells, and you behind the door hold a hand over your heart, just imagining her beauty after her usual morning run to stay in shape. Her long dark hair tied back in a light bun, her forehead sweaty and muscles still tense from exertion.
"I'm awake, you asshole." Dean replies, as you hear him get up and go get some coffee. "You could have deigned to make less noise last damn night, you know there were people here who wanted to sleep."
You hear Sam snort at his brother's words, then respond to him in an aggressive, cold tone.
"Well then there are people who wouldn't want to see you run off to fuck wherever we go, hold hands all the time or make love wherever you are. And you know something else too Dean, I thought you were a better person. Why her? Come on you've had a lot of girls, and it wouldn't cost you anything to find a thousand more, why did you have to choose her!?" Says the younger brother, before leaving the room, slamming the door behind him.
You close your eyes and try to control your breathing as you feel yourself lacking oxygen. You feel tears coming to your eyes, but you try with all your strength to push them back down. You take a few minutes to control your emotions as all you want to do is fall to the floor on your knees and scream until you can't hear yourself anymore, but you stay strong and open the door to see Dean immediately in front of you, looking pained and guilty, seeing your state.
"You didn't tell him." You say in a calm, quiet voice, not asking, but stating that your best friend had not told about his new relationship with our angel friend.
"I never found the right time." Dean tries to say, then looks down. "I never had the courage, every time I seemed to miss the words."
"Sam would never judge you, and you know that." You say as you feel a pang inside your heart, remembering the words the man you love had used a few minutes earlier. You feel your clothes sticking to your body like glue, too tight, so tight that you feel as if they have pre torn. You feel how the floor gives way under your feet, you feel how a billion eyes are on you ready to judge you, you feel something inside you break, but you can't let anyone but yourself see how mere words have hurt you, so you grit your teeth and continue to look at Dean stoically, as you feel a single and only tear escape down your face.
"I know, but I'm afraid in the same way, I don't want it to end like last time." Dean confesses, still looking at the floor, but crying clearly, as his words take you back to when you were nothing more than kids and he had come crying to you one night, confessing that he had fallen in love with a boy he had met during his last case, and that his father after finding out had beaten him so badly that his scars remained, and had forced him to watch pornographic movies, reminding him how "a real man acts." No one had ever seen you as angry as Dean, and Bobby when he heard you scream and came to watch that night as you swore to heaven that you would kill John Winchester. Dean had never told Sam about that episode, not wanting to worry him since he had just run away to study at Stanford, and asked you to do the same. It has been so long since that night, yet the memory of that pain and that man still frightens the wonderful person in front of you.
"But I swear I will. He has no right to think such things about you! I-I will tell him-" He begins to say, as he tries to wipe away the tears running copiously down his face. You, moved in turn and knowing that like you he too was remembering that fateful evening, take his face in your hands and bring his eyes to gaze fixedly into yours.
"No, you won't do it now, you will do it when you feel like it." You comment chuckling as you caress his face. He looks at you unconvinced and you see his inner battle inside whether to accept your proposal or to be as always too good and allow the world to kick him in the balls.
"Please be selfish for once. And if I serve as your cover, so be it, not that I would have had any chance with him anyway." You continue, smiling at him as you feel your heart slowly shatter. You see Dean ready to retort, but you have already disappeared back into the bathroom, crying silently. Once the bathroom door is closed, you stop to look at yourself in the mirror and realize how disgusted you feel about your body.
There is not a single thing about you that you like: your thighs, your arms, your stomach, your chest.
The more you look at yourself, the more you want to break that all-too-truthful mirror, which tells an unfiltered reality, a sad truth that for so long you had tried to ignore, but which now that Sam had spit it in your face you could no longer pretend not to see. So you decide at this very moment that everything was going to change, you don't know how, but it was going to happen.
So weeks go by, Sam still won't talk to you, and slowly you continue to sink into the stupid realization that he doesn't because only he, like you, can really see your body, and that he hates you for it, so now convinced that you have to change your body to be loved, you begin to eat less and less and more rarely, and what little you put in your mouth to make Dean happy, who sees you getting sadder and more tired, is rejected from your stomach just moments later when no one is looking at you. This situation hurts your body and your heart, but you do it so that you can look at yourself in the mirror without wanting to punch him, but things seem to get worse and worse. You look at yourself and you never fit, before you saw a body you didn't like, now beyond that you see a person you don't like.
Dean is getting more and more worried about you, seeing you getting paler and paler and thinner, but every time he tries to talk to you, you put on a smile and pretend that everything is going well and that the only reason your shirts now look huge on you is that you are working out more, but he knows that you never liked sports and that is why he knows you are lying to him. He tried to talk to Sam about what was going on, but all his brother managed to say by pouting was that if he needed relationship advice to go somewhere else and that he didn't want anything to do with the two of you.
Dean was on the verge of smashing the plate he was holding in his face and yelling at him to open his eyes and see that you love him more than Dean does right now and that he is fucking in love with their favorite angel, but then he had seen Castiel's face and knew he couldn't let him down after he asked him to keep a low profile and let as few people as possible know about their relationship.
Dean had never felt so lousy as deciding between the love of his life and a friend in need, but he knew that if you found out what he had done you would insult him, so he played it cool and moved on, as if nothing had happened, while he continued to try to take care of you, with little success.
It's been almost a month since Sam had said those horrible things, and you're not getting worse and worse, but in order not to show it in front of your friends, you keep doing the same things as before, trying to have the same cheerfulness.
You are now hunting a werewolf in a remote town in a state you don't even remember. Your body is weak, you haven't eaten anything Dean has brought you in the last three days taken at the various fast food restaurants and bars he had found along the way, and what little you had put in your mouth had gone down the drain shortly thereafter, hating yourself just for having the idea that you could eat something. You feel your eyelids as heavy as shutters, the muscles in your body are nonexistent, and what few are left ache from the mere effort of standing and walking, while your head throbs incessantly.
In this you are scouting around where the last victims had been killed, to see if you can find any more information, but so far you have not had much success, so you decided to split up.
You are barely holding the flashlight in your hand, too heavy for you, when you feel a sudden dizziness that forces you to lean against the wall. You stay a few minutes trying to catch your breath, eyes closed, breathing in the cool night air around you, when you hear a noise coming from a short distance away from you, like a dog growling. With difficulty you open your eyes and see before you a sight that is frightening to say the least: the werewolf you were looking for is looking at you ravenously, while a dark laughter rumbles from his belly to his mouth. Quickly you try to pick up the phone to call Dean or Sam, but unfortunately your mind is so clouded that you can't even do simple things like this and the phone slips out of your hands to the monster's feet.
"The Winchesters' little friend!" He says, seeing who you were trying to contact. "I've heard a lot about you, among the monsters you are known as their true weakness: so small and helpless, you wouldn't even survive my bite, I'll do you a favor and eat your miserable heart." He continues as he gets closer, and you do whatever comes to your chin at this moment, as you feel death coming slowly but comfortingly too, like an old friend you haven't seen in a long time. You scream Sam and Dean's name as loud as you can, hoping that at least one of them can hear you, your lungs aching from how much breath you had to use and your throat burning from the effort as you feel your strength failing.
You lean back against the wall again, this time with your back, and let yourself slide down to the floor, as your vision goes completely black and your ears become plugged as when you go too deep underwater, and the world seems more and more distant. You have one last flicker of life before you pass out completely in that dark alley, at the mercy of that monster, and you hear Sam's voice call out your name for a moment.
Your heart loses a beat, and then completely dark.
You awaken with a jump and a gasp as you sit up on the bed on which someone has carried you. Your head immediately begins to spin like a spinning top, and your vision fails again as you feel a warm hand settle on your shoulder and bring you back to lie down.
"Relax, you're safe now. It's okay." Says in a low, soft tone a rough voice, leading back to Sam. You, shocked to know he is there next to you, open your eyes with difficulty and find yourself lying on the bed in your room, in the bunker, as you see him kneeling beside your bed. His face shows the weariness he feels, but in his eyes shines a strange hope as he looks at you mixed with sadness. You place your gaze on the rest of the room and see your favorite chair, where you usually sit to read your books or do your research when you are tired of sitting in the library, covered with blankets and pillows, making you realize that your favorite giant has been sleeping there for what seems to be even more than a couple of days, otherwise everything looks the same, unchanged, and strangely everything now seems to make more sense with the presence of Sam and some of his things in the room. Immediately you slap yourself in the face at that thought, reminding yourself that he hates you, and that the reason he is here is because Dean will have had better things to do than watch you sleep.
You're about to tell him that he can leave, and leave you alone, knowing that he doesn't even want to be in the same room with you, as he has shown recently, and that in case his brother asks you, you won't tell him, but he beats you to the punch and starts talking.
"First of all I want to say I'm sorry, you don't even know how much, and I certainly understand if you never forgave me in your life, because I wouldn't forgive myself." Sam says, as you see tears forming in his eyes. You try to stop him, confused as to why he was making that speech, but he stops you in turn and begs you to let him finish.
"We found you just in time, by "luck," if you can call it that, that asshole had decided to torture you a bit before eating your heart, and we got there before he could do it, but when Cas touched you to treat you he said he didn't know if you would survive anyway because your body was too weak since you hadn't eaten for too many days. Dean insulted me and even beat me up a bit before explaining the matter from his point of view." You can't help but widen your eyes, and Sam chuckles seeing your expression, as two tears run down his face, and he darkens a little again before continuing, without looking you in the eye.
"Yes, he also told me about Cas, and also about that affair with our father to make me understand why you decided to cover for him."
You close your eyes for a moment, expecting a series of insults, but you only feel his lips rest on your hand, so you open them again and see him leaning over the bed, as you feel his tears coming hot to contact your cold hand.
"Thank you." The boy confesses in a whisper. "Thank you for everything you did for Dean, thank you for always taking care of him when I couldn't or was too blind and stupid to, I don't deserve to have you in my life."
You can't find the words, and so you do the only thing you can think of this moment, and you take his hand and squeeze it, while barely smiling at him.
"We will always have helped each other, you remember. Then Dean will be your brother, but it's like he's my brother too." You say as you pull his face up and force him to look into your eyes. You see him cry even harder, a few sobs escaping his lips, as he squeezes your hand even tighter.
"I'm sorry, I promised I would always protect you, and instead I was so stupid and jealous that I didn't realize what I was doing." He tells you again, only to stop for a moment and look at you this time with a resolve he lacked until a few seconds ago. "Why did you stop eating? How come you covered your mirror in the bathroom? Dean found the remains of the one from before in the garage, thought you didn't like it and got a new one, so he changed it for you."
Immediately you remember, one night in a rage after looking at yourself in the mirror for the umpteenth time, you had started punching it until it had become nothing but stardust under your bleeding fingers, and the next day when you had returned from your walk with the dog, you had found a new one, with a note from Dean who had said that seeing that you had taken it off, thinking that you didn't like it anymore, he had bought a new one, so realizing that you couldn't escape that vicious cycle and knowing that if it happened one more time it would arouse even more suspicion, you had simply covered it up, and hoped that no one would ever learn of that dirty secret, and instead, here it all was for all to see.
You look at Sam in those damned puppy-dog eyes of his, and burst into desperate weeping. He, seeing you in this state, instinctively picks you up and holds you in his arms.
"I disgust myself Sam." You finally manage to utter those damn words, and immediately you feel as if your soul lightens as you feel his arms grip your body even tighter as if you could disappear at any moment, and at the same time he does it with an innate delicacy, as if it were a precious crystal figurine that can be broken under his gaze. "I'm disgusted by my body, I'm disgusted by every single thing about me, and you're disgusted by it too, don't lie to me. I thought if I lost weight things would get better, but they don't, I feel worse and worse." You continue, while somehow trying to get away from him.
"In what sense would you disgust me? When would I have ever said such a thing?" He asks confusedly as he looks at you, tears have dried on his face. His eyes range and seem to want to imprint your every little detail in his memory. His gaze makes you blush as you try to find the words to tell him how his words have done nothing but unleash a storm that had long been locked up somewhere inside you and was just waiting to be released. So you take a deep breath and tell him everything, while he looks at you attentively and astonished, his arms still around his body, as if he needs reminding that you are there beside him, and that you are not just a product of his mind.
You tell him everything, every little thing you had felt hearing his words while you were locked in that damn bathroom, your feelings and emotions in the month to follow, along with all the thoughts and all the actions you had put in place in the hope that he would no longer hate you, and that maybe you would hate yourself less, too. He starts crying again, and hides his face in the crook of your neck.
You stay a few minutes clasped to each other, in silence, after you have poured your heart out in front of him, ready to suffer the consequences, when he takes your face in his hands and stares at you steadily with those chocolate-colored eyes of his, and for a moment you feel your breath short.
"Don't ever think of such a thing again. Never. You are perfect exactly as you are, there is nothing I would change about you, there is nothing I don't love about you." At his words you stand still, as if petrified, afraid that a single movement of yours could mean the breaking of this beautiful illusion. "Yes, I am tired of holding all this in, I love you, I love you so much that I am sick just thinking about not having you near me for a second, I love you so much that I would have been ready to kill my brother for stealing the girl I love all my life, I love you so much that I would be ready to climb the highest mountain in the world and scream it to everyone!" He continues as he stands up on the bed, and begins to move his arms quickly, just enough to make you laugh. At the sound of your laughter he turns to look at you, and smiles even more, to return next to you on his knees and cup your face in his hands. "I love every little, tiny thing about you madly. I'm crazy, crazy in love, and I was a fool because I was so convinced that getting away from you would be better for you, that I didn't realize that you were suffering because of me, and I'm sorry. On the one hand I would like to let you go and make you happy, but on the other hand I am an extremely selfish being and I only want you for myself." He continues as he rests his forehead on yours, whispering the last words. "I love you, and I'm sorry."
You look at him, and not even realizing what you are doing, you take his face in your hands and bring his lips to yours. The kiss you exchange arises as sweet and gentle, like two flames dancing in an elegant dance side by side, testing each other's reaction, in the same way your lips move over each other, slowly tasting that new sensation. You feel her soft lips caressing yours, until neither of you has a single breath left.
"I love you too if you hadn't realized it idiot." You comment making him laugh. "I love you, and for so long I would have preferred not to because it made me sick, yet I could do nothing but love you. The only reason that kept me alive was my love for you, even though it was also my poison." You continue by looking into his eyes, and you see the pain in his.
"If you forgive me, I will do everything to correct what I have done." He looks at you, with a penitent and pleading gaze, as he takes your hands in his, before you release one and place it on his right cheek, and he instinctively leans into your hands, seeking that simple contact.
"I've already forgiven you moron." She laughingly comments, before throwing her arms around his neck and kissing him again, but this time the air in the room is different. The atmosphere becomes more erotic and intriguing. You feel his hands carefully explore your body, running his hands down your sides from your breasts to your butt, where he rests his large, warm hands, before slipping them under your T-shirt and caressing the skin of your back, making you shiver. You feel his hand rise higher and higher to the level of your bra and undo the hook that held it, but then he stops. Parting your lips he looks into your eyes for a second.
"If you don't feel up to it it's perfectly fine honey, we can stop here-"Sam says unsure, but you stop him.
"Afraid it's too much for you Winchester?" You ask as you raise your eyebrows, and see him smile, before resting his lips on yours, then creating a trail of kisses from your mouth to the chest exposed by the shirt you are wearing, down your neck.
"God, how I've missed you." He comments between kisses, but then stops again and looks at you seriously. "Anyway, I wasn't kidding myself, if you don't feel comfortable we can stop here."
You look at him, in his eyes only the pure affection and love you feel for him, and then put an end to all his doubts.
"I want to do it Sam." You say in a whisper as you take the bottom of his shirt with your hands and slowly slip it off, thus also dropping the bra he had unfastened a few minutes ago. "I want to do it with you Sam."
He looks at you and doesn't let you tell him twice, and he resumes his attack on your neck, leaving obvious signs of his passage, and then moves on to your breasts.
"God, you're perfect." He whispers before teasing one of your nipples. You moan softly at that sensation, feeling his teeth clench, his lips kiss and his tongue lick every single inch of your body, worshipping you like a goddess, a queen, tasting every inch of your skin.
This wonderful moment is interrupted, however, by the unannounced entrance of Dean, who, seeing the scene of his brother splayed across your body as he kisses your breasts, and with one hand explores the rest of your body, while you clutch his long hair in your hands, moaning his name shamelessly, lets out a small scream, before closing the door again.
"Damn you guys could warn." Comments the older brother, as Sam with speed grabs a blanket to cover you.
"Should we announce? You're the one who entered the room unannounced!" Sam replies in turn, making an expression that makes you laugh. "You can still come in now jerk."
"Bitch." Dean retorts, to open the bedroom door again and have a stupid grin plastered on his face. "So, I see Sam hasn't exactly figured out how to talk and resolve a situation, usually the mouth should be free to talk, not busy sucking-"
"You try to say one more Winchester word and I'll tell everyone about Christmas with Cindy McWood." You threaten him, and see him whiten, before his smile returns to its former self.
"Well what can I say in that case guys, good conversation and be sure to use protection, I'm not ready to be an uncle." He says closing the door behind him, then opening it again. "Not that I wouldn't make a great uncle, but I would say I'm too young and then-"
"Out!" You and Sam scream in unison, and the only thing Dean does is give you the finger before walking away. The two of you stand still for a moment weighing what just happened and burst out laughing, before Sam's lips find yours again.
"Where were we?" He asks you next, and you can't help but smile and moan at feeling his lips on you again.
It's shaping up to be a very interesting night, long but interesting, and you know that in the end maybe by tomorrow morning you can slowly look at yourself in the mirror, seeing the reflection of the man you love behind you supporting you.
@supernatural-lvr @itzdarling @newtdumbledoorstarksoot @evansstan-akya
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calcifugous · 7 months
Things what I have learnt as a baby witch
As a baby witch who has recently became more spiritually connected and grown as a pagan, i want to give out advice what I have learnt over the 2 years of doing witchcraft.
1) Don’t jump straight into the deep end
Never jump into the deep end by doing spell’s straight away, witchcraft isn’t some aesthetic cutesy thing, it can be serious, jumping into spells without having no idea what you are doing can be extremely dangerous.
Ideally, you want to ease yourself into it, by doing research, yes the word research can be daunting but it will help you in the long run. Research on what witchcraft is, get an overall understanding what its about, find out the pagans holidays, pagans new year, and so much more!
If you have no idea where to start I highly recommend buying this book - ‘Wicca For Beginners’ by Frank Bawdoe
The book explains the introduction of the basic Wiccan religion including Wiccan beliefs, a brief history of Wiccan Religion, and their traditions. How to practice Wiccan Religion, the benefits of witchcraft and so much more.
2) Never buy your own tarot deck
this is very important so please take note and to remember! Never! buy your own tarot card decks, in witchcraft, it is extremely bad luck for you to buy your own tarot decks. So always either get a family member or a friend to buy it for you.
3) Connect with your spirit guide and your tarot decks!
Importantly, I personally believe its very useful and helpful to connect with your spirit guide, the more you connect with them, the more you’ll know a lot about them and who they are in general.
You can do this through connecting with your tarot decks first and getting a special bond with them, you do this by
- Keeping the tarot decks on your desk when your studying, or reading a book
- Shuffling through the decks every day, you don’t even need to do a reading or to use them, just shuffle them. This way you’re putting your energy into the cards.
- Place the tarot decks under your bed when sleeping.
- Ask your spirit guide questions, like what are the tarot cards intentions, am i being protected. Things like that.
- Doing Tarot readings
Doing these things will help you bond with your decks and your spirits guides.
4) Never touch someone else’s Tarot decks
I’m highlighting this in red because this is a massive 101 rule in witchcraft is to never touch someone else’s deck unless they have gave you consent and permission. By breaking this rule, you are also disrespecting and breaking the person who owns the deck boundaries. Everyone’s tarot deck is very personal for them, its their personal business and item, they are spiritually connected and bounded with that deck. If you touch it, not only are you putting yourself through harm. But you’re also pissing off the person’s spirit guide and disrespecting them too. So don’t do it.
5) Things don’t have to be expensive!
When people think of witchcraft and hearing about crystals, herbs and books, they think “oh god this is going to be a lot of money” but in reality you don’t have to go out your way to buy really expensive things! I’m from the UK so i buy most of my books from a store called WHSmiths or Work entertainment. Work entertainment is best for spell jars which only cost £1 or a simple crystal shop which sells those £1.50 crystals!
6) Learn how to do protection spells before doing anything!
If you feel like you are ready to do spells but don’t know where to start or what to do, practice doing protection spells, protection spells is pretty self explanatory but it will protect you from any negative energy or spirit
7) What to do if you got a negative spirit/energy
You’ll know when you have a negative energy or spirit around you as your mood and your health will change, if you feel like your mental health has been a bit down for a while and you’re constantly feeling drained and tired. That means something is draining your energy.
So what do you do?
Do an egg cleanse spell! This will help you detect if someone has set a curse, negative spell or if theres negative energy around you.
By doing so, grab a glass cup and fill it up half way with water, adding salt to it is optional but i recommend doing it as salt is really good at protection. Grab an egg, place the egg on your head, with your hand you would want to move the egg counter clock wise around your body, start from the head, and move the egg down to your arms and legs, back round to the other side of your body. Do not let the egg leave the body.
After you’re done crack the egg into the cup and wait 5 minutes, if its all clear then you’re okay! but if the egg whites starts forming like spider cobwebs with bubbles between it, it means someone has set negative energy around you or a curse. If you see a triangle base shape in the cobwebs and a bubble on top. It means you have been hex with the evil eye. If theres also red or brown spots in the yolk it also means a banishing spell or a curse spell.
So you do a return sender, if you got any spices, add a f*ck ton of it in the cup, the more spices the better as that will f*ck whoever sent you the hex up. Grab the cup and pour everything down the toilet, look away while you flush the toilet. Once its flushed look at the bubbles, less the bubbles less of the negative energy. Sometimes you have to do this more than once.
8) Your spirit guides will show you the answers in different ways
One thing I’ve learnt is your spirit guide will show you the answers in different ways, if you want to know if you are protected, there will be signs, for example I personally believe if a a white feather falls in front of you or by you or if you even see a white feather it means you’re being protected by a angel/your spirit guide. So if you see a white feather it means you are protected by them, or if you see your spirit animal or if you know a dead relatives spirit animal and it starts to show up.
Sometimes the signs will be right in front of your face, example for me is: My spirit guide warned me about people being back stabbers and to watch out. After seeing that in a reading, i had my mother who im very spiritually connected with, call me up saying she had a dream about me being stabbed and she feels like it represented me being back stabbed and warned me who i hang out with.
Then my closest friend used my tarot deck which broke my boundaries, pissed off my spirit guide so she started to get headaches, neck pains, back pains and it got to the point she had to leave. When she tried approaching me the day after that, a white feather fell right by me, seconds later, she started to feel unwell and went back inside. I suddenly felt the sense of relief and happiness, and when i said to my self everything is okay, another white feather fell and it landed on my leg. That made me personally feel that it was my spirit guide confirming me and saying yes everything will be okay.
That’s all the advice i can think of at the moment but hopefully this has helps a lot of you small baby witches! just remember, if you ever feel burnt out or you start to do witchcraft but dont have the passion or get into it but still want to, thats okay! it takes time!
9) Know what you are doing when doing spells!! And do it when you are ready!
Another thing, i know i said previously doing research is key! but please know what you are doing when doing spells especially jar spells! Don’t do what I did, I thought I was ready to do spells, I tried doing a protection spell and I ended up summoning a trickster spirit who is still attached to me and can be a little pissbaby sometimes by moving my things around. But overall he also does protect me when need be so he can be good when he wants to be.
Also if you’d like to know what books I have, i have these! (the pictures below) these have helped me over the past 2 years with my journey so I highly recommend checking them out!
Good luck and i wish you all positive energy!
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natashaslesbian · 11 months
Hi! 😊
I don't know if your requests are still open but I am just going to leave my request here just in case they are.
So this is a Mama!Nat request where Y/N (kid, around the age of 6 or 7 if it's possible) celebrates her birthday while she's on the run in Norway with her Mama and Natasha tries to make Y/N's day as happy as possible, even managing to buy a cake for her daughter as a surprise alongside a new teddy bear.
I understand if the requests are closed or if you don't want to write this. Thank you so much for your time and I want you to know that I'm a big fan of your work! It's absolutely amazing!!! Sending lots of love 😊🧡
7 Laps Around The Sun
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A/N: I absolutely adored this request and loved writing it, thank you sm! This isn’t proof read so please don’t mind any mistakes or typos :))
Word Count: 964
Parings (Mom!Natasha x Daughter!Reader) (Nat x Mason) (referenced to Clint and blackhill)
Warnings: none :))
The door to the trailer creaked louder than ever. Why was it always when someone is trying to be quiet things make the most noise. Natasha pulled the heavy door to a close with one hand, the other carrying a large plastic bag of supplies. The redhead heard small shuffles from your shared bedroom and paused her movements, you must have settled again immediately as Nat didn’t hear anything else throughout the cold trailer. Norway was always cold but especially in late autumn, the widow would have to find another safe house to take you too, it was relatively safe here but the winter was fast approaching and Natasha wasn’t going to let you, her daughter, go cold all season.
A while later you stirred again, rolling over to mamas side of the bed. The mattress was cold beneath the sheets, it told you that Natasha wasn’t there. “Mommy” you quietly called out, eyes still shut and your grip tight on the purple baby blanket. Oh how you missed Jimmy, your beloved stuff bear, there just wasn’t any time to grab him before you left. you peeled your eyes open to the dimly lit room “Mamma” you called louder. The doors angle increased and your favourite person appeared “hey there beautiful, did you have a good sleep?” Natasha asked. You hummed and opened your arms wide for a cuddle. Mommy came and scooped you up tightly “happy birthday baby” she said as she tickled your belly. Today you were 7 years old, you felt so grown up, but this birthday was defiantly going to be different. “Thank you mommy” you said as you slid down her slender frame “can I have the chocolate cereal today? As I’m 7 now!” You begged at your mamas hip bone. Natasha had promised that as you were away from home this year you could have a special cereal as a birthday treat, she never let you have anything chocolaty before midday! It was the best she could offer until she laid sleepless last night with a new idea.
“I told you not to knock!” Natasha said as she opened the trailer door “sorry” Mason whispered “I forgot” Natasha stepped out of the door, making sure each lock was secure “ok, just sit here and don’t go inside, y/n’s a heavy sleeper so she shouldn’t wake up” the fugitive explained “I’ll be as quick as I can, there’s a 24 hour store about 20 minutes away so I’ll be like an hour tops” “ok all clear, I’ll be here”
“Actually sweetheart, I have a little surprise for you” your mama said. You eyes and ears perched up “really? What is it mama!” You exclaimed “come with me baby” Natasha said as she took hold of your small hand, wrapping her fingers around your knuckles. Mommy lead you into the main section of the trailer and you let out a loud yelp when you saw the array of pink and purple balloons gently rolling around the room in the dull wind. You looked up at the walls to find a huge banner displaying a sparkly ‘happy birthday’. You were truly amazed, when had your mama had time to do all this? “What do you think y/n?” Nat said “I love it! Thank you so much mommy!” You beamed. “You are very welcome darling” Natasha said as she hoisted you up onto her hip “but guess what?” You perched up immediately “wha mama!” You asked “there’s one more surprise, over by the fridge” your mommy said as she carried you towards the old grayed out refrigerator.
“Cake cake cake!” You exclaimed upon seeing the bright pink sparkly birthday cake, topped with sprinkles and a wonky 7. “I know this birthday is a bit different, but my baby girl always has a birthday cake, no matter what” Nat would move heaven and earth for you. “Wait mama look!” You said as you little feet pattered on the floor after escaping Natasha’s grip “a stuffy bear!” Just left of the cake was a light brown bear, tag still connected to its ear. “So there is!” Mama said, pretending she had no idea where he had come from “someone special must’ve left him for you” she didn’t like to lie, but Natasha just wanted you to have a little magic in your life “maybe uncle Clint?” You questioned “maybe, what are you going to name him?” You hummed for a moment “Peter! Because Peter is my favourite and I miss him” you said, a hint of sadness in your tone, Nat frowned. “That’s a perfect name”
“Who’s that?” You said after hearing three consecutive knocks on the door, Masons secret code to let Natasha know there was no danger. “Well if we’re going to have a party then we need guests” Your mama said as she opened the door to the strange man you’d never seen before “hello there y/n” he said, a little box in his right hand “is that a present?” You said, giving him mommy’s signature smirk “yes it is” Mason said, standing awkwardly at the door frame, his hand way too close to your mom “hey!” You said, alerting the two adults “are you mommy’s boyfriend?” You innocently asked, the pair stood in a slight uncomfortable silence, soon breaking into laughter “no, he’s not y/n” Natasha said as she came to scoop you up once again “then why is he looking at you the same way Maria does? Does he kiss you too?” Natasha couldn’t help but giggle, slightly sad because she was missing her ‘almost’ girlfriend. “Yep, she’s defiantly your daughter” Mason said, Natasha shot him daggers “is it cake time yet?” You said with a huff and a pout “yes baby, it’s cake time”
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yuyuswrld · 10 months
O Captain, My Captain || 1
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series intro here, or read chapter 2
characters: reiner x reader (this chapter), various aot boys x reader.
notes: this is an 18+ series, please don’t interact if you’re a minor! reader is referred to with she/they pronouns.
content warnings: explicit smut, fingering, reiner eating pussy like a god!!, alcohol consumption, degradation, mild slut shaming (?), mentions of marijuana at the end
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“Has he always been a bitch?” You question Marco, inhaling bites of your ramen. He shrugs, “We’ve both been on the team since freshman year and I’ve never had a problem with him. Maybe you’re the problem?” He meets with dead silence as you stare up at him from your bowl.
“Funny, Bott. I’m just not looking forward to spending so much time with him, if he behaves like that, anyway.” Exasperation visible, you slump in your chair to think. “It’s not like he’s on the sidelines. He’s the damn captain, which means I have to talk to him a lot.”
Marco shrugs. “You’re being dramatic. He’s a pain sometimes, but he’s not that bad. Just try to be nice to him, please. Eren won’t get any nicer if you’re mean. Plus,” He stops to take a bite of his food, “we don’t have the time for fighting. We’re expected to go to nationals this year, and that’s not happening if you two scare each other off.”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever you say, Bott. I’ll see you at practice later.” Uncrossing your arms and brushing off your legs as you get up from your seat. Okay, sure, Eren has yet to be anything except slightly dismissive and maybe just a little shit. He hasn’t actually done anything to you. You toss your bag over your shoulder before thanking Marco for the meal and dismissing yourself.
As the time for practice draws closer, you collect your thoughts as you stand outside the cold metal doors of the university’s second largest gym. Sure, you went to a school notorious for its D-1 volleyball, but the gym’s size was excessive. The high rise bleachers felt as if they would swallow you alive and the walls would collapse in. They had before. You remember the bile pool in your throat as the sports cameras flashes ate at your failure and spat you back out. Like a gazelle running from its predator, your body craves to run away from the glorified arena ahead of you.
“The fuck are you standing in the doorway for? Are you going in, or what?” Is it wrong to want to choose violence? Couldn’t he just say excuse me or ask if something’s wrong like a normal person?
Ugh, you should choose peace and not mess up a good opportunity. Just think about the money and all the nice things you can buy.
“I’m obviously just trying to get in your way.” You push the door open and walk into the gymnasium, not bothering with holding it open for Eren. In fact– hopefully it hits him! 
You hear the door fly open again behind you and a bag hits the ground with a loud thud. Eyes landing on the congregation of men in jerseys surrounding a smaller man, you beeline over to them. As you near, the smaller man, who you assume to be Coach Levi, locks his gaze with you. Is he… angry? Concerned? It’s impossible to determine what he’s thinking as he continues to stare.
“You’re not pregnant, are you?”
Your jaw drops. You’ve met more people in your life than you can count and never did a single person start a conversation in such a way.
“Not as far as I’m aware of…?”
“Okay, if you do what Hanna did, I will rip that baby out of your-”
A blond kid speaks up, “Um, Coach, you probably shouldn’t be threatening them on the first day. I just don’t think it’s a good idea to do that when we really need someone to organize our itinerary and keep practice stats. We’re nothing if we don’t have those numbers.”
“Fine, Arlelt. You and Braun stay here, explain how game statistics work and start having her do one-on-ones after. Performance evaluations for all of you.” You watch as Coach Levi’s eyes hover over Eren, who looks less than pleased. You’re not sure what’s going on there, but also can’t bring yourself to care. “Rest of you can go practice.”
As you glance over at the two boys who stayed, it throws you off that you’ve seen both of them before. The little blond one, you’re pretty sure his name is Armin. You’ve seen him walking around with Eren before, but he always looked so out of place in how gentle he is. You’re pretty sure you watched him bump into a trash can and apologize.
The other, however, you don’t think you’ve ever seen a man with such a commanding presence. He’s well-built. You’re pretty sure even a Greek god couldn’t hold up in comparison. You scoff internally, ‘it’s always the fucking volleyball players.’ But there’s something that lingers on your tongue, a conversation revolving around him. Then it hits you, Petra’s gossipped about him before!
“There are some really cute guys on our volleyball team. Did you know that?”
“Not this again, Petra. We’re supposed to be doing our biology homework.”
“Bitch, please. Let me speak. Anyway, there’s this guy on the team, his name is Reiner and oh my god- that is one fine ass man. He’s built like a tank engine. Not only that,” she says, a little giggle follows. “I’ve only heard this from two girls. He says he doesn’t like to hook up a lot, but his head game is insane. Like cum in a minute insane.” 
You stare, “I’m pretty sure that’s impossible, Petra.”
“I don’t know! Hook up with him yourself and you can give me all the juicy details afterwards.” You can only sigh in response, disturbed by your best friend’s inability to study.
But, here he was in the flesh, all 6’2 farmers tan of him. You couldn’t possibly do something so scandalous on your first day, could you? You shake the thought out of your mind as Armin talks.
“Volleyball stats are relatively easy to get the hang of. You just need to watch pretty closely. Even if you do miss something, we record them and you’ll go back through with Eren to make sure everything is recorded properly. Then, you’ll want to convert the numbers of each hit, serve, and pass into percentages compared to how many times it occurred per set.”
Reiner laughs, just a small one, but lord it’s like music to your ears. “Armin, you’re dumping too much info on them at once. It’d probably just be best to just show them the ropes visually and they can go from there. C’mon, let’s have coach set up the camera and record the three-on-three’s that they’re doing now.  We’ll watch the game, I’ll have you watch me record it, and then we’ll go back over it while watching the tape later.”
You nod, feeling just a hint of warmth across your face. Is this even possible, to have a school-girl crush in university? Those days were supposed to be behind you, but you can’t help but have the smallest bit of a smile as you follow him and Armin to speak with Coach Levi.
As you watch Reiner and Armin record the stats, your mind spins with utter confusion. You’re beyond lost, unsure how they’re even keeping up with the sheer amount of movement the players are doing. Dig? Write it down. Set? Write it down. You want to groan, or maybe even just go get dinner as you feel your stomach rumble.
As practice wraps up, your stomach rumbles in pain once again as it craves its next coddling. Reiner glances over from where you two stand, finishing up showing Coach Levi the statistics and getting a dismissive, “make sure it’s right,” instead of an appreciative response. He smiles at you, looking down.
“Gettin’ hungry?” He asks.
“Beyond hungry,” you say, shoulders dropping in defeat. “I’m being tortured. I haven’t eaten since noon. It’s 7 now! It’s criminal that you guys would starve me for so long.” You tease Reiner. He only responds by glancing at the gym door where most of the boys say their goodbyes before tapping out for the night.
“Y’know, I’ve heard I make a mean rice bowl.” 
It didn’t take much convincing for you to follow him back to his dorm room as practice winds down. Upon sitting across from each other at his make-shift dinner table, you learn Reiner is one of the middle blockers, coming at no surprise to you when taking in consideration to his stature. Although, you also learn he was from the countryside and this scholarship was his way out.
“Y’know, I always kinda dreamt of moving to the big city and being able to do what I love. But it’s crazy, man, I still can’t believe I’m here sometimes playing for the top university on the island.” 
Hearing the passion in his voice, you question if it’s right for you to intrude as a manager. Is it okay for you to be in charge of the livelihood of the men who’ve come so far and done so much for their passion? The men who could very well play on Paradis’ Olympic Team in the future? The concern is quickly shoved into your mental locker to be returned to as Reiner asks about watching a movie over some post-dinner snacks and beer. A much needed chance to relax after endless studying, you agree chipperly and move over to his plush couch.
As you two get halfway through Inglourious Basterds, you feel his arm wrap around you and his head turn in your direction. The alcohol running through your system has you heating up just from the skin contact. You blush as Petra’s words return to the forefront of your mind. You turn your head to face him, eyes interlocking with each other. His eyes signal a look of need, not want. You’re not sure if anyone’s ever looked at you like that before. Like a hunter who’ll starve without the meat of the deer he’s trailing.
“You’re so fucking hot” He mutters, you’re surprised a man of his stature can be so quiet. “I don’t think I’ll last with you as our manager.” Reiner closes the gap between the two of you. There’s a slight metallic tinge on his lips, but it’s addicting in the worst of ways and only deepens the experience. You two continue, allowing yourselves to sink into the couch, your body hitting the arm rest. His kiss moves from your lips to your neck, hands beginning to roam until they find purchase underneath your shirt. First, he plays with your bra before making his way under. Reiner moves his lips from your neck gently, almost like he’s scared of making a mistake. He helps you pull your shirt over your head and follows by removing your bra, his delicate touch unhooking the backing.
“You don’t have to be gentle,” you coo to him, lust-filled gazes connecting. “Please, I like it a bit rough, I swear.” He groans into the valley of your breasts.
“Don’t say that shit, I might break you.”
You can only laugh at his words, unfazed by the prospect, if not even more turned on by it. 
“Holy shit, please do,”
“In that case,” He says, voice lower as if weighing his options internally. “Don’t blame me if you limp to practice tomorrow.” Reiner helps you remove your pants before his fingers begin to dance over your body again. The touches are soft as they ghost the outline of your skin, your heart beating as you wait for him to soothe the ache between your legs. You attempt to rub them together for a semblance of friction but his arms find their way to keep them split. His gaze shifts up to you, eyes narrow as if disapproving of your behavior. Reiner’s face then begins to move lower, tongue licking a stripe up the inside of your thigh as his fingers begin to dance over your clit. He moves his face over to meet his fingers, tongue flattening against your clit, which draws a moan of approval from you. It seems evident that it spurs him on further as he begins to speed up his tongue, then switching to sucking your bud and having his fingers delve lower to your hole. Reiner holds eye contact with you as he begins to press one of his monstrous fingers inside of you. 
You can only make a noise of approval as he pushes it further in, approving of how well even one of them feels inside. It heightens your pleasure as he thrusts it forward, keeping his tongue dancing and sucking against your clit in a flurry of movements that have you questioning if Reiner is really a man and not a god in disguise. As he pushes a second large finger in, you cry out much louder than you should be in the dorms. You bite down on your lip to withhold any further noises, but Reiner puts a complete pause on what he’s doing.
“Keep moaning, baby. Let them hear how well you’re getting finger-fucked right now. This is what Armin wanted to be doing to you right now, did you know that?” He lets out a deep laugh, lips and face glistening in the dim lighting of his tv. “Bet you’d like that, though, huh?” His fingers move again and you gasp. “Yeah, you’d fucking love it if I bent you over and fingered you from behind to show off the entire team what a good little pocket pussy you are.”
That’s what tipped you over the edge. In fact, it’s probably disrespectful to feminism that you allow yourself to be finger-fucked while getting off to the disgusting words spewing out of the blond’s mouth. But social constructs be damned if this man didn’t stick his dick in you soon. You clench around his fingers as they continue to move, despite your cum gushing over his fingers.
“You’re fuckin’ nasty. But you’re still not ready for me.”
His face returns to its original spot, blowing hot air on it first as you wriggle at the stimulation. Reiner only adds another finger in response, allowing the three large digits to stretch you out before moving them once again. It feels as if you’re melting around his fingers as your back arches to the stretch. Despite slight discomfort, it’s overwhelmingly pleasurable to feel the expertise in his ways.
It’s not long after he adds another finger that you feel the coil in your stomach once again. As his tongue laps at your clit with a technique unknown to you, you’re about to unravel against his touch once again.
“‘M gonna cum,” you pant out desperately.
“Do it, cum on my fuckin’ tongue.” He replies approvingly, allowing you to take the time you need to ride out the rush to your body. For a second, you feel as if you’re floating in the way your back arches off the couch and your head spins in pure ecstasy. You glance over at Reiner, eyes fixated, as he removes his pants and reveals the thing you’ve been so curious to see. It matches his stature in almost every way, which makes you cringe at the thought of him fitting it in.
“You said you like it rough?” It’s a trap, that much you’re sure of. You glance back down to examine how large he is before you reconfirm, but before you know it, the condom has slipped on and he’s making his way back to you. He asserts his way on top, arms on either side of your head as he leans in to give you a quick kiss. It catches you a bit off guard, the earlier metallic taste has changed into the taste of your own cum and there’s a slight wince as you taste it. You can’t tell if this man is slightly depraved or hot as hell.
“I asked you a question. It’s not nice to ignore me.” 
A loud smack to your clit resounds as you let out a sharp, pleasure-filled gasp. 
“Yes, please,” you whine. It’s slightly pathetic, how you’re behaving for this man, but god be damned if anything were to impede your moment. 
He only grunts in response, lining himself up with your entrance. As he sinks in, you bite your lip to fight the stretch. You attempt to lie back and relax in his touch to allow him in, but he’s just so large. Reiner bottoms out, tip just ghosting against your cervix. He only grants you a few moments to adjust to his size before he’s pounding into you, your cries of pleasure nothing but music to his ears. The tip kissing your cervix is making your brain fuzz beyond anything you’ve felt before, and your walls hug him in intoxicating ways. Reiner grips both of your legs, bringing them onto his shoulders to push in further which earns you a grunt of approval from the larger man. 
He fucks you like he hates you. Every so often, his head falls back, and he lets out grunts of pleasure. His body moves like an artist painting their long-lost lover from only a distant memory, hips ferocious in their assault of your cunt. Reiner flips you over onto your hands and knees after an indiscernible amount of time, your sweat-covered body cringing at the chilly breeze it causes. His pace is still unrelenting from the back, cock feeling as if it’s touching every inch it can inside of you.
“Holy shit,” He cries out. “I’m gonna cum. I wish I could cum inside this pretty little pussy of yours.”
Without another word, except for your moan of approval, Reiner finishes and delicately slides out of you, removing the condom and disposing of it. He arrives back a couple minutes later, towel in one hand and a glass of water in the other.
“So, round two?”
“I’m pretty sure you started my period just now.”
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anhed-nia · 1 month
Oh holy shit, I almost forgot my book is officially out today! If someone could source or make for me a BUY MY BOOK! BUY MY BOOK! gif from The Critic that would be pretty awesome. This has been in my mind, and then in the works for such a long time now that the idea of the actual street date totally eluded me, and I have to use this gif that @moviesludge made me to explain what that's like:
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Anyway I'm very grateful for the chance to work on something so (literally) novel that turned out to be so personal and serious, and I'm also grateful for the great guys at Encyclopocalypse, and for the incredible support and encouragement of Vincenzo Natali who I am very fortunate to know.
Before I even remembered that this was happening today, I woke up on this excellently chilly pre-Fall morning to a little treat I got myself in the mail:
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It has cute little illos on the story title pages and everything. My dark secret is that I haven't read much horror fiction since I was a kid, and I was thinking about how if I had a time machine I would probably use it to go back to my childhood library to immerse myself in their seemingly endless stacks of pulp horror novels. I wasn't generally allowed to watch horror movies but I could read whatever I wanted, and the content of some of those books was just unimaginably sleazy and profane, the kind of thing you could never put in a movie because no one would let you and you could probably never afford it anyway. Of course a lot of them couldn't possibly live up to their great covers--that's sort of a lost art (and no it isn't just because of AI)--but it was still fun to find out.
This is my long way of asking you, John Q. Public, what are your favorite works of horror fiction from before 1990 or so? And don't pick any Stephen King, please just assume that we have both enjoyed some King. Feel free to reblog with specific great covers if you can find them.
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Being Team Japan’s Manager
Visit to the Bookstore
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Team Japan x GN! Manager
Warnings: none, absolute fluff
AN: I saw this on tik tok and now I’m dreaming of someone giving me a shopping spree at a book store! So who better to do it than our favorite volleyball idiots!
These boys adored you so much YN
Like they can’t even explain in words how much they love and respect you
You do everything for them and you deserve the world ♥️
And with the approaching holiday coming up, the boys wanted to give you something special
But the problem is they literally have no clue what to get you
You have a lot of what you need and they aren’t confident in their abilities to pick out makeup, clothing, skincare, fragrances, etc
They know you love to read, often times reading on breaks, bus and train rides, at night
Heck you’ve even walked into practice with a book in your hand
It’s actually Komori who suggests the idea
He first brings it up to Ushijima, Aran and Iwaizumi
Arguably the most put together of Team Japan
He shows them the tik tok of someone giving their partner a “shopping spree” in a bookstore
“Essentially Yn would have 5 minutes to browse and the 90 seconds to pick out the books they want. The only rule, besides the time limit, is that one of us would have to be able to hold them,” he explains as the men all nodd
“That’s a great idea! Then we can knock YN’s gift out in one go!” Aran says
“Plus then we maybe won’t have to hear about YN’s ever changing ‘to buy’ list,” Iwaizumi groans
That’s a pipe dream Iwa but hey, dream big 🥰
So on Saturday before practice, you guys all take a trip on the teams bus
Honestly, at this point, you just assume you’re going to some training faculty
So you decide to catch up on some reading 💅
It’s only when you pull up outside your favorite bookstore that you turn to look at the guys
Who are coincidentally all staring at you
You 👉🏻👁️👄👁️
Them 👉🏻 : D
“Umm guys what are we doing here?” You ask as the boys all begin to file off
“Come on Yn, we’ll explain inside!” Suna says, grabbing your hand and dragging you inside
Once inside, you gather around Aran and Iwaizumi
“Ok Yn, we are here because this is your gift for the upcoming holiday!” Aran says
You 👉🏻😐😳 gift?!?
“I saw on tik tok how people are getting 90 second shopping sprees in their favorite book stores and well, since you love to read so much, I thought this would be a great idea!” Komori says
“You guys- a shopping spree? In a bookstore?” You stutter out, shocked
“Yep! You do so much for us and we know you love reading so we figured this would be a great gift!”
You 👉🏻😐🥹
“YOU GUYS!” You blubber, flinging yourself onto Komori as he stands there
Please all the other idiots are so jealous rn
“Hey HEY, what about me!” Bokuto shouts
“And me!” Hinata follows
“Guys shut up we are in a bookstore!” Iwaizumi whisper shouts
“Ok ok, is there rules?” You ask, removing your jacket and beginning to stretch
Please you’ve probably prepared your entire life for this moment 😂
“Umm well, you have 5 minutes to browse first-”
You put your hand up, “appreciate it but do not need it I was in here yesterday.”
The guys 👉🏻😐
“Ok well then you have 90 seconds to get the books you want, the only rule is that one of us has to be able to hold them,” Yaku says as you nodd
“Ok I have two questions,” you say as you begin to stretch your arms out
“Proceed,” Sakusa says
“First is can I pick which one of you gets to hold the books?” You ask
The guys all look at each other, and shrug
“Sure,” Iwa says
“Ok I pick Ushijima,” you say, nonchalantly
Everyone else 👉🏻😐😱 what the heck YN?!?
Ushijima 👉🏻😏💅
“What? Toshi is the hardest hitter on the team!” You say, justifying your choice
“YN for real? I’m way stronger!” Hoshiumi argues
“No way! My liners blow through any blocks!” Bokuto yells
Iwa and Aran 👉🏻 really YN 🙄
“Ok moving on, what’s the next question?” Komori asks
“You guys have to stay here! The only person allowed to come with is Suna,” you add
“What why?” Kageyama asks
“Because you guys are annoying and would distract me! Actually the only place you are allowed to be is in the kids section,” you say
The guys 👉🏻 offended 😱
“Are you saying we are children Yn?” Atsumu asks
“That’s exactly what I’m saying,” you say pointing to Hinata and Bokuto who are now playing with the train set in the kids area
Aran and Iwa 👉🏻😐 point taken
“Ok enough, YN are you ready?” Suna says, pulling up his phone to time you
“I was born ready,” you say, getting in a starting position
“Dang Yn is taking this more serious that our practices,” Hakuba whispers to Ushijima
“And go!” Suna says as you take off, beginning to grab all the books on your “to be read” list
“30 seconds down YN,” Suna says as you cross over from Romance to Fantasy
We are scouring the entire sales floor Yn, no book shall be left behind 👏🏻
“Wow Yn is really going for it,” Aran says watching you load up
“1 minutes Yn, 30 seconds left,” Suna says as you cross into your final section
At this point you have 15 books in your hands and you are still going strong
Carrying the emotional weight of team japan has really made you strong emotionally as well as physically 😂
Having to haul Bokuto off the gym floor and literally push Hinata, Kageyama and Atsumu off the court has only helped prepare you for this day
“And time!” Suna says as you round the corner, books stacked over your head at this point
The team 👉🏻 strangely impressed 😳
“Ok Toshi,” you say, setting the books down as Ushijima approaches
He picks the books up, struggling a bit with the weight
“These are pretty heavy YN even for me,” he says as you smile
“To achieve it you gotta believe it Toshi,” you say as you pick the books up and head to the register to check out
After checking out the guys all help carry your books to the bus
“That was singly handedly the most expensive 5 minutes of my life,” Yaku says to Aran
“Yeah but look how happy Yn is, I think it was worth it,” he smiles
Totally worth it 🥰
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madlittlecriminal · 4 months
Hello! I hope you’re having a great week! I saw your requests were open and it’s the perfect time cause my best friend has just started pointing fingers at me and telling me that I’ve been only talking about myself.
I’ve tried to explain to her that I have a habit of gushing about things I like - as I have ADHD and I am an extrovert - I tend to over share sometimes and she isn’t listening to me. I’ve listened to her before and I’ve tried to listen to her more but she hasn’t reached out to me as much and now it’s making me worry if I did something wrong :( So I may be losing my best friend, I don’t know yet.
Sorry that I put that all on you but I promise it ties with my request.
I was thinking of the reader dating Jaime Reyes and he knows how insecure she is of herself being an extrovert and wanting to share her feelings and excitement with others. And her best friend has started blaming her for not looking out for her best friend and it’s taking a toll on the reader - making her feel like she’s a horrible person.
Khaji Da senses that the reader is feeling down and Jaime confronts her. The reader starts asking Jaime if she’s too much for him to handle and if she’s annoying him. Jaime reminds her everything he loves about her and maybe even shows her through some love making? 😳😳 (only if you’re okay with that).
Also I am 20 by the way in case you want to write smut! Also the emoji I was gonna put down for this request is this little ducky 🦆
Thank you for taking the time to read this, I’m sorry that this is so long, I didn’t know how to shorten it at all without it now making sense. 💜😊
The Listener ➜ Jaime Reyes × Extroverted!Female!Reader
im sorry for taking so long to release this! this is obviously through Jaime's eyes (mostly), but as someone who is in Jaime's shoes for this fic (my bf has ADHD), Jaime is kind of self inserted & i apologize. i promise, he still very much Jaime
Warnings: might not be 100% accurate, insecurities, like one joke about him being blue beetle, love bombing because i said so, light smut, praise (?), short
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He loved hearing you talk. Not only because he loved the sound of your voice, but because of the light in your eyes when you spoke.
The happiness in your voice was enough to make him feel all warm in fuzzy inside because he he loved seeing you happy. He thought he would catch on when something was wrong, but God, did he feel like crap when he didn't notice it.
You came to see him and your silence was loud...at least to Khaji Da as they were the one who noticed it.
"Jaime, something's wrong with her."
Jaime stopped mid-sentence when he heard the AI's words. He looked over at you and tilted his head to the side. "What's wrong?" He asked as he walked towards you before sitting on the couch next to you.
"Nothing." You gave him a soft smile when your eyes met his, but you can tell he wasn't buying it.
"Tell me, love. What's wrong?"
You exhaled sharply and tugged on the bracelet he gifted you. "Am I annoying?"
He furrowed his brows. "What? Why would you think that?"
"My best friend kind of said I was..."
He clenched his fist on his lap. "Kind of or did she?"
"She did. She said I talk too much and that I was too much for you to handle because I'm extroverted and move around too much."
Jaime snorted and took your hand into his. "Do you have any idea how special you are to me? Listening to you speak is the highlight of my day. Trust me, I look forward to it if it's in person or if it's through the phone. Switch from topics all you want, be as introverted as you please, move around as often as you need. I don't care. It's what makes you you and I love you for it."
You squeezed his hand. "Do you really mean that?"
"Eres mi tesoro. Don't ever forget that, you hear me?" (You're my treasure.)
You gave him a small smile. "She's just been saying it for a while, so I felt bad, y'know?"
"Don't feel bad. I love listening to you. I'm your listener, okay?" He poked your nose, causing you to let out a soft laugh. "There it is. That smile that I love so much."
You felt your cheeks warm up before looking away.
He grabbed your chin softly and shook his head. "No. Don't look away." He leaned in and pressed a soft kiss on your lips.
You kissed him back, your arms snaking around his neck as you leaned in closer before sitting on his lap.
His hands rested on your hips before pulling apart from the kiss, peppering small kisses along your jawline, and trailing to your neck.
You tilt your head back to give him more access as your fingers tangle into his hair.
"You're perfect. You'll never be annoying to me. I love every part of you," he whispers against your neck, his hands trailing from your hips to your thighs, and squeezing them gently.
"I love you too, pretty boy."
His eyes met yours, desire written on his face as he gave you a nod. "Your pretty boy."
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dragonagitator · 11 months
Smutty BG3 fanfic prompt / scene / ficlet:
I wrote this scene with my own "Modern Girl in Faerun" author self-insert WIP in mind, but who knows when or if that fic will ever actually see the light of day. So if someone who can actually write smut wants to use this scene as a prompt for a lengthier fic, please do, and please also feel free to make any changes necessary to make it fit your own story or just generally improve the writing.
Summary: Post-game, Dom!Gale/sub!OFC, established relationship (but one that's about to change in a big way), discussion of consensual mind control, touches on bondage, breeding kink, and worship kink, implied impending fellatio. Features the aforementioned Book of Erotic Fantasy and teases the side of Gale revealed in his origin playthrough line about how he "always liked the idea of being worshipped. Adored. Obeyed..."
I apologize in advance for it not being very good and for cutting off right before the actual smut should begin. I'm not putting this out there because I'm proud of it, I'm putting this out there because I sincerely hope that writers who are actually good at this sort of thing might find it, take it away from me, and do it better.
If you're still interested then there's about 1,800 words of unhinged brainrot below the cut. Criticism welcome!
We’d been home in Waterdeep for less than a week when I found Gale sitting on the balcony loveseat, frowning at a book that sat closed in his lap.
“Did the book do something to offend you?” I teased as I bent over for a kiss.
“Ah, no,” he replied, “it’s just I find myself with a bit of an ethical dilemma.”
‘An ethical dilemma?’ I wondered, raising my eyebrow and taking a closer look at the book.
It was a rather thick book, with a velvet cover and tied closed with a silk ribbon. The cover imagery was extremely suggestive.
“The Book of Erotic Fantasy,” I sounded out carefully. “And exactly what sort of ‘ethical dilemmas’ does a smutty book provoke?”
“It’s not just erotic literature,” Gale explained, “It’s more of a manual.”
“A Faerun sex manual? This I gotta see,” I said and made grabby hands at him. He hesitated for a moment, then somewhat reluctantly handed it over. I sat beside him and snuggled into him as he put his arm around me, positioning us so that we could look at its pages together.
I untied the ribbon and opened the book, and laughed when the book itself moaned in my hands. Reading anything written in the Thorass alphabet was still a challenge for me so I flipped through the pages simply looking at the illustrations. There were a LOT of illustrations depicting various sexual positions and techniques. It appeared to be something like an illustrated Karma Sutra.
“Whenever did you have the time to go buy this?” I asked him with delight. “Are these things you’d like to try with me? Because that–” I pointed at a particularly intriguing illustration of a woman in bondage in some sort of complicated contraption I’d never seen before “–looks like it could be fun, if you know a good smith we could commission it from.”
“No, I, uh, that is, this volume has been in my library for some time,” Gale stammered and I smirked. I’d always loved how he could somehow still be so bashful sometimes despite being such a freak in the sheets.
“And it’s more than just a manual of… activities,” he continued. “The book is magical in nature–”
“Yeah, I got that part when it moaned,” I interjected.
“Yes, and when studied at length it can confer certain… abilities and… enhancements to the person who reads it,” he continued.
“Oooh, tell me more about these ‘abilities’ and ‘enhancements,’” I purred, setting the book aside so I could turn and straddle him, throwing my arms around his neck. He blushed so prettily.
“Well, studying the book makes one more charming and increases their endurance,” he began listing the effects while lazily stroking my sides. “And it ensures that one’s partners are never left… wanting.”
“Oh, so that’s your secret,” I teased, thinking back to all the mind-blowing nights we’d shared since he’d finally gotten over his hangups about bedding me.
“Ah, no, while I’d studied the book once years ago, the effects wear off after a tenday of celibacy. So after the year of isolation in my tower, I had only my… native talent… to rely upon,” he confessed.
His “native talent” had been more than enough, but now my curiosity was piqued.
“So you’re saying this book could make you an even better lover than you already are?” I started to grind against him lightly and his hands settled on my hips. “While I’ve been perfectly satisfied so far, I have to admit that I’m intrigued… although if you got any better, I might not walk quite right ever again.”
“It also conveys mastery over one’s own reproductive system, and that of one’s partner,” he continued. “It acts as a perfect contraceptive. Or, if one so desires, it can… guarantee that conception takes place.” He looked me directly in the eyes as he said that last part, seemed to search my face for clues as to how I felt about that.
Just the idea of it sent a jolt of desire straight to my core.
“Are you saying,” I responded, my mouth suddenly dry as the urge to spread my legs even wider for him overwhelmed me, “that this book would allow you to breed me whenever you want?”
He tightened his grip on my hips and shuttered slightly, his eyes fluttering closed for just a moment before he looked back up at me with determination. His pupils were blown so wide that I could barely see the brown of his irises anymore. It felt like he was looking directly into my soul.
“Yes,” he confirmed firmly.
‘So, my fiance has a breeding kink too,’ I mused. ‘That’s convenient.’
I was so aroused from our conversation that my hips took on a mind of their own, and I found myself grinding in his lap against the rapidly hardening bulge in his breeches that revealed just how much he enjoyed the idea of using his magic book to impregnate me at will.
“So,” I said breathily, continuing to grind – we were basically dry-humping at this point, and I was so aroused at this point that I suspected that I might be able to get off just from this, “what’s the ethical dilemma?”
“The book does have one minor detrimental property,” he explained, “in that satisfying one’s partner then places that partner under the effects of a Charm Person spell. Of course I’d never do that to someone without their consent,” he said hurriedly, “and with Mystra it was never a concern because as a Goddess, she’s immune to Charm spells,” I scowled at the mention of her name, “but with you, my love…” his right hand left my hip to gently stroke my face, soothing away my frown, “...you have no such immunity.”
I threw my head back and laughed. “Oh, sweetheart, is THAT what you’re worried about? I don’t think I could be any more ‘Charmed’ than I already have been by just your – what did you call them? – ‘native talents.’ And it’s not like a Charm Person spell can make someone do something that they’re completely unwilling to do.”
“That’s actually the problem,” he said, tone turning serious. “I’ve heard rumor that when the book’s gifts are used on a partner who is already as enamored as you so inexplicably are with me, it can have… other effects. Change them.”
“Change them how?” I prodded him.
“You could find yourself consumed by desperation to please me. The book could make you more pliant, much more… submissive,” he continued, his voice low with a hint of darkness creeping in as he gently thumbed my lower lip.
My brain short-circuited and I heard myself blurt, “I want you to read the book.”
“Oh, darling, you have no idea what you’re saying,” he sighed and leaned his forehead against mine. “It would be far beyond the games we’ve played. You’d still have your safeword, but the book could strip you of your desire to ever use it.”
“I want you to read the book,” I repeated, gently cupping his face in my hands, my entire body on fire at the idea of giving up that much control to him. It was terrifying, and thrilling, and deeply erotic.
“It doesn’t wear off as fast as a regular Charm Person spell,” he warned me, “The effects last for a year and a day,” my core pulsed with need at the thought of being under his spell for so long, “and that hourglass would reset every time I brought you to ecstasy. You could fall deeper and deeper under my control until you could no longer dream of wanting to escape it.” I trembled at the idea that it could effectively become permanent.
“I want you to read the book,” I said again, and kissed him deeply.
As I pulled back from the kiss, I could tell that he was as affected by the idea of it as I was. His skin was flushed, his pupils blown wide, he trembled slightly, there was a slight hitch in his breath, I could feel his heart hammering where our chests had pressed together, and he now had an erection so hard that I could feel every inch of it through the layers of our clothing.
“I don’t understand,” he protested half-heartedly, sounding almost broken with desire and longing. “How could you want something like that? Why would you give yourself so completely to someone like me?”
“Gale,” I said firmly, and began punctuating my statements with more kisses. “I love you.” Kiss. “I trust you completely.” Kiss. “I love submitting to you.” Kiss. “And I’ve wished for a while now that it could be more than just a game we play in bed.” Kiss. “I know how hard it was for you to give up the Crown of Karsus, because you’ve ‘always liked the idea of being worshiped. Adored. Obeyed,’” I quoted. He looked away in slight embarrassment, but didn’t deny it.
“If you think you could be content with a single worshiper,” I continued, giving his face one last gentle caress as I slid off his lap and onto the balcony floor, “then I would love to spend the rest of my life getting on my knees for you.”
I posed myself carefully before him. Knees spread, hands clasp behind my back, back slightly arched to thrust my tits forward, head bowed submissively. I silently trembled with desire and anticipation as I waited for his answer.
“I will read the book,” he declared as he stood up. “But it will require weeks of study to acquire its powers.” I could hear him unfastening the ties on his breeches. “You will use that time to prove to me just how much you want this, and if I’m not convinced by the time I reach the final page then I will not complete it,” he warned. 
My mind began whirling with all the delightfully degrading things I could do for him to prove my devotion. Through the lashes of my downcast gaze I could see his pants falling to his ankles, confirming that we were of like minds of what sort of “proof” he had in mind.
He gripped my jaw firmly and titled my head upward, forcing me to look him in the eyes.
“Do you understand?” he demanded. 
I’d never seen such an expression on his face before – perhaps I’d caught glimpses of something like it on the battlefield, or seen a ghost of it flicker across his face the first time I’d asked him to dominate me in bed – but nothing like this. He radiated power, desire, command, and more than just a hint of darkness.
“Yes, sir,” I agreed enthusiastically.
“Good girl,” he said approvingly. 
His praise washed over me like a blessing as he guided my mouth to the weeping head of his erect cock.
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gabessquishytum · 1 year
Work has been killing me and I can't get the idea of Hob, as stupid and sweet as he is, getting a job as a security guard at a local sex shop. He got interviewed by the manager of the shop, really Lucienne is a lovely woman and got to meet some of the day crew. Unfortunately, the morning guard is pretty comfy in his current position and as such, he's stuck working nights.
Working nights isn't so terrible. He has to deal with far more weirdos and sex objects than he's accustomed to, but other than kicking out the occasional masturbator inappropriately using the video arcade, he's loving it! Except for the night cashier, whose little black name tag reads "Dream." He was warned about this guy by Lucienne as he can be a bit of an asshole and really curt with both customers and staff. He's also mostly silent throughout the shift as he stocks and helps people find things which kills the ever-perpetual social butterfly Hob is. It's not like he needs to talk, but it would be a hell of a lot more fun busting shoplifters and perverts when you have someone to commiserate with after all. It also doesn't help that he's so goddamn pretty it hurts.
This all changes when a guy comes in and starts hardcore perving on Dream, asking him which lubes he's used, if he's ever taken a real dick before. Really invasive questions. Hob steps in and tries to get the guy to see reason, but he's not receptive to the idea. Then Hob gets loud and the guy gets loud back. Things break down into a fist fight Hob soundly wins by knockout.
After he tosses the guy out, he panics about losing his job and Dream, for all his prickly personality and hateable sneer, comforts him and tells him as long as nobody says anything to Loosh, then it's history. From then on, they learn a lot about the other. Hob is in classes to become a teacher. Dream is on the spectrum somewhat and has a lot of sensory issues, which explains the attitude. Back and forth until they're taking smoke breaks together in the storage room and get even closer.
By the end of Hob's three-month probation period, they're already going at it like rabbits. Dream only feels safe when Hob works and they've done more than their fair share of "product testing."
- 🤜 Anon
Aww this is such a meetcute <3
Turns out, Dream is a bit of an expert when it comes to the merchandise in the shop. He’s tried a bit of everything and he does genuinely give good recommendations to customers (if they ask nicely). Hob, on the other hand, is a bit of a newbie. He’s used a pussy pocket but it was cheap and kind of eh. And he loves to finger himself and get fucked by the guys he occasionally brings home, but he’s never dared to buy his own dildo.
Now he’s got Dream to satisfy all his needs, but Dream has also started introducing a few little toys in the bedroom. He asks Hob to wear a cock ring, and he also gets Hob to use a bullet vibrator, and most times they hook up Dream has a plug already snuggled in his arse. The more Hob sees, the more curious he gets, and he eventually admits that he’s a bit clueless when it comes to sex toys. Dream gives one of his rare tiny smiles, and promises to give Hob a thorough education.
It’s Dream who picks out Hob’s first dildo for him and presents it to him after work. There’s even a ribbon tied around the box. He tells Hob to go home and give it a try, and to keep him updated. Hob’s ears turn bright red and he scurries off to do as he’s told. The toy isn’t huge - in fact, it reminds Hob of Dream’s dick. Long and not too girthy, with a fat mushroom head. Hob sets up his phone to easily take pictures… and he gets to work. All too soon he’s desperate to cum, but he desperately grips the base of his cock and frantically texts Dream for permission. He’s a very good boy - he even says please.
It’s the first of many toys that Dream picks out specifically for Hob to use. It’s almost getting to the point that working together in the sex shop just makes them so horny all the time. They have to frantically make out (and occasionally frot on each other) during breaks.
Next time someone comes in and tries to steal a dildo, Hob collars them and hauls them out. Then he pops back inside to check on Dream.
“He picked a terrible, cheap model.” Dream shakes his head. “I could have told him that. If he’d only said please.”
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the-cannibal · 2 years
hi!! vincent sinclair, brahms heelshire, and jason voorhees head canons with a gender neutral s/o who likes to wear corsets please? :)
Ooh interesting! I’ve never worn a corset before but they always look so cool!
Vincent Sinclair, Brahms Heelshire, and Jason Vorhees head canons for a s/o that likes to wear corsets
Gender neutral reader - they/them and you is used
Vincent Sinclair
He loves to help you pick out which corset you wear! He’s practically a pro at matching them with any outfit you have, and he’s very proud of it.
He most definitely would make so much art of you in your corsets. Wax figures, drawings, paintings, everything! One day he found an old Polaroid camera from a victims car and that started him getting into photography! He only ever takes pictures of you, and maybe Jonesy. He likes to hang up the art of you all around the house, but he keeps more… personal ones at his desk ;)
If you needed help lacing and/or tightening your corset he is happy to help!
He would love to rest his hands on your waist as you did whatever you were doing (like cooking for example)
Corsets can be kind of pricy depending on which one you want, so he totally would take any money from victims to help you save up for new corsets. This can kind of irritate Bo… “Goddammit, Vincent! I need that cash to buy some parts!” ‘But they saw a corset they really liked the other day. I’m gonna surprise them with it!’
Overall Vincent is very supportive of you wearing corsets and absolutely loves it!
Brahms Heelshire
He finds you very elegant! I think his mom probably has some stashed away in a closet from when she was younger, and if you’d like to wear them he would gladly let you!
This man is a pro at lacing and tightening corsets. Like he can do it in 60 seconds. How? You have no idea, but please call him a good boy and give him lots of praises afterwards.
He would also make sure you aren’t tightening them too tight. “It’s very important that you feel comfortable while wearing them, Y/n. They aren’t supposed to cause back pain.” “I know, Brahms. I’ve been wearing them for a while now, but thank you.” “…Kiss?” Please kiss him.
Brahms would love to put his hands around your waist as you sit in front of him and play the piano with him.
Your making him his sandwich? Hands around your waist. Your reading him his bedtime story? He is in your side hugging your waist. You are literally just standing still in the middle of a room. Guess what! He’s hugging your waist!
This man also somehow knows how to make corsets. You have no idea who taught him or where he learned it but hey you aren’t complaining!
So Brahms adores your corsets!
Jason Vorhees
This man some how saw that one picture where it’s saying wearing corsets will crush your organs and ribs and blah blah blah… yeah he freaked out.
So for a while you had Jason rapidly signing at you to please throw all of your corsets away.
And when you refused you just all of a sudden felt someone loosening your corset… and you turned around to see big Jason trying to untie it and take it off from you.
Alright time to sit down with the big hunk and explain to him that wearing corsets are totally fine. He’s still very concerned, it’s going to take some time to warming up to them.
But once he does, gosh he notices just how nice his partner looks in them. And oh my gosh they have different colored ones?! AND IN HIS FAVORITE COLOR?!
He makes sure you aren’t tying them too tight, and also that you aren’t wearing them for too long. And he won’t let you sleep in them.
He won’t say, but he would really like to pick them out with you. So the day you come up to him and ask for his opinion he is so supportive and signing off all the things that he likes about them! ‘I really love the blue, it compliments your eyes and hair very nicely! Oh but I also love the red one on you too, red is most definitely your color!’ “Jay it’s been twenty minutes.” ‘And I wanna make sure I make the right choice! Now hold the blue one up again please…’
So yeah he was a bit concerned at first but he warmed up to them and became very supportive!
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lucillele · 2 years
𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐅𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬 | 𝟐
Shuri x Black!fem!reader
Summary: Going to a party with your “friends” seemed like it going in the wrong turn but luckily you met someone special.
Warning: angst, insecurities/anxiety, fake friends, long paragraph at the end, cursing, possibly ooc shuri idk
A/N: Si La Quieres was playing when I was writing this and I was like aww then I got to the angst. Also, I actually proofread it this time which means I am never not proofreading and posting stuff again. Good news is I actually enjoyed writing and reading it. Credit to @vargskelegore for the hbcu shuri idea
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It had been about a week since you and Shuri met at that party. You still cringed at the thought of the things that you said from the car to the way through the dorms but Shuri assured you it was fine and actually quite funny to experience. She had definitely made life more enjoyable while you went through the emotionally tiring transition of weeding out those “friends” out of your life.
She had even gotten you out of your comfort zone a bit. This bond between you two had brought up questions but luckily you were used to ignoring the things you didn’t want to hear. It was quite amusing when you did listen though. It did bring out a feeling of jealousy you didn’t know you had. The relationship didn’t start off with pure platonic feelings or attraction on your part but you thought it would eventually fade out as you got closer. Oh were you wrong.
Shuri had been calling you for a few seconds now but you were too focused on getting this paper done at the last minute. She had resorted to leaning forward out of her chair and flicking a finger under your chin to get your attention causing you to furrow your brows in confusion. It wasn’t unusual for her to touch you in some way as she had gotten more comfortable and started always having her hands on you in some way which did not help your feelings at all. “You didn’t hear the previous 5 times I was calling you?” She said, laughing a bit. You thought about it before facepalming. “I’m so sorry. I waited until the last minute to do this paper and..” you stopped to hopefully not reveal anything.
“And? You usually pass these classes without even trying. What’s really wrong?” She said, looking at you attentively. The fact that she had noticed these things prior to your meeting had made your breath hitch a bit.
“I guess I’m just tired between this and the girls.” You said, hoping she would buy it especially since it was technically the truth just not all of it. She nodded, giving you a sympathetic smile before grabbing your computer. She clicked the touchpad a few times, probably making sure whatever you wrote was saved, and then closed your laptop. You just sat there watching her get up from the chair beside your bed and walk to the door until she turned around and looked at you like you were crazy. “Come on! We’re going to take a break.” You hesitantly got up and walked to the door which she held out for you. “Where are we going?” You asked. “It’s a surprise.” Shuri said with a smile that made you almost forget about all of your problems.
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The “break” had ended up being longer than you expected with Shuri claiming she wanted to give everything a chance. You were grateful though, she was able to get your mind off of everything and became a good person to confide in considering she had heard the worst of it when you first met. Now she had you rambling, most likely off of the pure sugar you were running off of at the moment, about anything that came to mind. “I was so damn focused on pleasing them that I neglected everything. I haven’t even done anything besides attend classes. That is not what I came here for.” You said, the last part making Shuri’s eyebrows furrow.
You let out a few giggles before trying to explain yourself. “I mean that’s like 50% of what I came here for but you know college is supposed to be fun. You’re supposed to be able to grow here and I’ve been doing the opposite.” You said before stuffing your mouth with ice cream.
As you talked, Shuri nodded and smiled taking in everything before responding. “On a good note, you can afford to focus on something other than classes. On another good note, you have me.” She said giving you that same smile that made everything else not matter.
You looked at her for a second smiling before averting your eyes to try to make yourself not obvious. Despite your feelings for her developing minute after minute when you were around her or thinking about her, you were getting more comfortable with being close to her. Your first instinct was to avoid possible rejection and avoid her but this was different. “I have one question. How long it’s going to take for you to forget about you know what?” You said, leaning forward a bit to whisper the last part.
“I hope never.” She said, smiling from across the table. “No! I was probably weird! Why would you want to remember that?”
“It was the most interesting thing that happened that day.” She said. “You are pretty weird though. I like it.” You stared at her for a minute with a sort of “done” look making her bust out laughing. “See and now I get to see things like that.” She said in between laughs. “Are you happy?” You said in a deadpan tone but trying not to smile. “Yes, very much.” She said with a wide smile.
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Two weeks went by with you and Shuri hanging out randomly and you had become pretty good friends by now. You’d started to get more comfortable around her but that only made your feelings harder to hide. It had become a whole thing between ‘Should I tell her?’ and ‘No! I’ve only known her for almost a month now.’ And you thought it was hard to hide it two weeks ago.
You and Shuri were now in her dorm room “studying.” You both had abandoned everything early on in the session, deciding to watch tv instead which had become routine by now. Sure, it wasn’t helping your workload but you had learned not to care about anything else around Shuri which became something she lightly scolded you about.
You were both snuggled under the fluffy blanket you came wrapped in when you knocked on her door to pull an all nighter. Shuri just laughed at you and let you in, saying you would be the first one to fall asleep and wouldn’t last even half the night. You were determined to prove her wrong and spend more time with her but she didn’t need to know that last part.
It wasn’t looking good for you about 2 hours in as all the little comments and context you were giving Shuri had ceased. She noticed this of course along with how your head gravitated to leaning back onto her shoulder but you kept trying to keep yourself awake and your head straight. She smiled and said nothing about it for a while even when your head actually fell onto her for a few seconds. However, you quickly woke up and sat up. “Are you sleepy?” Shuri said in a teasing tone, looking down at you.
“No.” You mumbled and heard her laugh at how you were being as stubborn as a child. “It’s ok if you are.” She said, giving you a soft look. If only you would look back at her and see how she was looking at you right now. Then, there would be no doubt in your mind about how she felt about you but you kept your eyes on the TV, too distracted with trying to prove you were awake. “No.” You repeated even as your eyes were shutting on their own. Shuri cupped your cheek and guided your head towards her shoulder. You immediately gave in and cuddled closer to her causing Shuri to tense up a bit before relaxing again, but you were too asleep to notice that and how her heart was suddenly beating faster.
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You woke up with a gentle light shining in the room. You sat up and stretched before realizing that it wasn’t your room or your bed and you were alone. You turned to find the source of the light snores you heard and found Shuri slightly cuddled up to you. Your first instinct was to run to the bathroom and freak out there but not wanting to wake her up, you tried to freak out in your head instead.
Of course, the first explanation you thought off wasn’t the most positive because of past *experiences* but eventually you figured out what happened which at least helped you feel better. Sort of. That combined with her being beside you didn’t help your shocked state right now. You had taken a few peeks at Shuri, the seemingly peaceful state she was in making you calm as well. You had taken too many peeks though, causing you to be blessed with her beautiful morning voice. “How do I look?” She asked before opening her eyes and smiling at you.
Your eyes widened a bit before you got the courage to respond. “You’ve gotten a little bit of slobber right here. Oh, and lines all over your face.” You said, turning to her and using your elbow you prop yourself up. She was actually convinced for a bit until she saw your mischievous smile. “You think you’re funny?” She said, giving you a look that would’ve melted you if you weren’t feeling so bold right now. “I do, yes.” Shuri shook her head smiling at you before checking the time, making her smile disappear. “Shit!” she said, jumping out of bed.
“What’s wrong?” You said, sitting up. She stopped for a second and turned around to look at you. “Nothing! I just have to take care of something.” She said, walking to the bathroom. You started to get up and gather your things when Shuri walked out of the bathroom out of her pajamas and in a new tracksuit. You couldn’t help but do a double take and tried to cover it up with pretending that you were looking for something. “You don’t have to leave if you don’t want to.” She said smiling at you as she hurried and got everything he needed.
You gave her a small nod and smiled at her. There was a bit of silence for a moment so you resorted to cleaning up to be a good “guest” when you felt Shuri come closer to you. “Make sure to eat something okay? And actually study.” She said in a caring tone, taking your hand in hers. She’d started doing gestures like these more often since you’d opened up to her more. While your jokes and quirks were funny, she worried about your wellbeing when you had way too much on your mind.
“No promises.” You said only to be met with silence and a look from Shuri as she had her hand on the doorknob. “Kidding.” You said sheepishly and watched as she left, the eye contact making your ears burn.
You took up on her offer to stay for a little bit and took in every detail of her dorm. It was much better decorated then yours for sure. While your room still felt like a dorm room, Shuri’s felt like an actual home. There were beautiful art pieces to fill the dull walls and big desk with a whole set up and other things you would be sure to ask about later. Not to mention how big and comfortable her bed was and how it was making it hard for you to leave. Or maybe it was the smell or the way you both had been in it just a few minutes ago.
You forced yourself to get up and get ready at your own dorm to be productive today. Shuri was right, most of your classes were easy to pass but you had fallen behind because of some distractions but with no classes today and some free time hopefully you could catch up on what you neglected. You walked to the library, sighing contently when you reached the exact spot your life changed in a few weeks ago.
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Your study session went pretty well and you were almost done with everything. Of course, you couldn’t just have a peaceful work session and just had to be interrupted. “Oh, there she is.” You heard a familiar voice saying, making you look up to see Jada, one of your “friends.” “Hey girl, I haven’t seen you in a while.” She said in a fake nice tone, pulling out the chair in front of you.
“Hi Jada.” You said, shutting your laptop and giving her a small smile. “You’ve been busy I see.” She said. “Oh, no I’m just catching up on classes.” You said, trying your best to not seem annoyed. “No, girl, I mean with you and Shuri.” She said, leaning closer to you and whispering.
“What do you mean?” You asked. “What do you mean what do I mean? Aliyah saw you coming out of her room. You two have been sneaking around for weeks.” She said, like it was the latest celebrity gossip. You just watched as she pulled up multiple pictures of you and Shuri on campus laughing and smiling.
“We’re friends.” You said for like the nineteenth time or at least that’s what it felt like. You had started packing your things and getting ready to walk away from this situation. “Friends my ass.” She said, clearly having a laugh out of this. “I’m serious.” You said, stopping yourself from rolling your eyes. “Well if you guys aren’t dating, I know some who would date her.” She said, causing you to practically snap your neck to look at her. “Well, if I date her, you two are gonna need to set some boundaries.” She said, leaning back into the chair she was sitting in and smiling.
That was the last straw for you. You dropped your backpack up on the table and got up quickly causing the chair to screech on the floor and making other people look. “Okay. I’m going to leave now to stop myself from saying what I really want to say. Leave me and Shuri alone.” You said, unintentionally making the last part louder which you’re sure everyone heard.
You walked off as quickly as you could. You heard a chair screech like yours did before and Jada yelling at you. “Fine! I don’t want to deal with your uppity ass anyway!” You just continued to walk out of the library despite your sporadic heartbeat and desperate need for air. At some point, you ended up running all the way to your dorm and ended up staying there the rest of the day.
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You had never told Shuri what happened and since it somehow never made its way to her, so you decided to act like nothing happened. Yeah she could tell something was wrong but she could tell you didn’t want to talk about it so she left it alone in hopes that you would come to talk to her out of your own will. You wanted to so badly but you saw how busy she was and how she still made time for you and thought ‘I can’t add another thing to her plate.’
Your relationship had developed even more now that it had been around a month and a half since you two had met. Everything was great but you felt your feelings for her and insecurities about what other people thought eating up at you and your happiness. Still, you pushed it down and tried to enjoy the moments you had with her.
Now you were getting ready to go to a football game with Shuri. You two had randomly come up with the idea on another one of your“study sessions”, planning to go out to eat after and end the night with a movie. The whole thing sounded like a date which pretty much describes a lot of the things you and Shuri did lately.
“I’m serious. Is this too much or not?” You said, observing yourself in the mirror. You were wearing a black skirt with a black oversized graphic tee tucked in and long boots that would shorten the gap between you and Shuri. Not to mention a headband holding back your hair from your face and medium sized hoops. “Honey, if you change your outfit one time I will slap you and I will not apologize this time.” Your roommate and best friend, Ari said, giving your face a little pat and falling back onto her bed. She had slapped you to snap you out a whole freakout about a similar thing about a week ago but immediately felt bad about it and apologized.
“I’m just trying to make sure it’s not too much or too little or both.” You said, fluffing your hair out a bit more. “I think you’re fine. I still can’t believe you met her while you were drunk. I told you not to go especially with those b-” “Ari.” “Whatever you want to call them. I just wanted to see my folks for one weekend and you get a whole ass girlfriend.” She said, getting up to help you with your hair. “She’s not my girlfriend.” You said, rolling your eyes. She just raised her eyebrows at you. “You’re so cute.” She said before patting your head and walking into the bathroom.
You were going to add to the conversation until you heard a knock. “Y/N, you ready!” You heard Shuri’s voice say. “So when are you going to tell her you love her?” Ari said casually leaning against the door frame with her toothbrush in her mouth. Your eyes widened and you threw a pillow at her. “Shut up!” You whispered, grabbing your purse and opening the door. “Hi.” You said, smiling at Shuri and closing the door behind you.
“Hey. You look amazing.” Shuri said, grabbing your hand. “Thank you.” You said, trying to seem casual when you felt a vibration in your pocket. You grabbed your phone and saw a text from Ari with a hand, ring, and kissing emoji, making you quickly shove your phone back into your pocket. “You’re acting weird tonight.” Shuri said, chuckling. You acted offended and walked off knowing that she would chase after you. Predictably, she grabbed your hand and pulled you back, seeing your smile. “Nevermind. This is normal for you.” She said, walking off and leaving you to chase after her now.
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The game was exactly what you needed. It was the moment where you could just let go after all of the feelings and thoughts you had pent up. Shuri had made you go crazy multiple times during the whole thing but you weren’t complaining. This was one of the times you weren’t worried about what people thought and it was like a breath of fresh air.
The restaurant you guys had chosen was packed but luckily you were able to get in early enough. It seemed like someone in the universe was out for you because your three favorite girls Jada, Aliyah, and Elle were about two tables away. You had noticed earlier and just tried to ignore it which was pretty easy with Shuri in front of you. Halfway through your conversation, one of the players Miles came up to you. He was asking simple questions at first and introduced himself until he started to get outright bold. You could tell Shuri was pissed off. “It’s been nice talking to you but we have somewhere to be.” Shuri said, standing up. “Come on, let's go, love.” Love? That was new. She intertwined her fingers with yours and lightly dragged you out. You followed her turning to give a small wave to Miles and seeing your ex-friends smile knowingly.
You took your hand out of Shuri making her turn back to look at you worriedly. “The hell was that?” You said, pointing back to the restaurant. “He was flirting with you. What do you mean?” She said, walking closer to you. “I don’t care about him. It wasn’t a big deal and you escalated it.” You said, crossing your arms. “He needed to leave you alone.” She said as if it was a fact. “You confuse me, you know that?” You said, staring at the floor. “You do all these things and it doesn’t feel like we’re friends but we’re friends. That’s it.” You said. “Everyone is sure of what we are but me.” You continued, making Shuri realize what this was about. You couldn’t even control what came out, at this point it was a mix of insecurities and uncertainty. You felt bad about how it all seemed projected at Shuri but still you wanted an answer about what you two were. She cared for you a lot but was it out of pity or love? You felt so stupid so you avoided her eyes and backed up when she walked closer to you, trying to console you. No. She was supposed to get mad at you and leave. She wasn’t supposed to care for you even when you took everything out on her. “I..I need to get home. I promised Ari I would help her study.” You said, still looking at the ground. You walked away despite the urge to stop when she called your name. ‘This was not how this was supposed to go’ You thought.
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warmaidensrevenge · 2 years
Eddie is that a baby?
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Papa Eddie Munson x plus size reader
If you want to read my other work you can find it HERE
Ok I just love the idea of Eddie getting crazy flustered trying to raise a baby girl. How protective he is with her.
Warnings: Language, mentions of child loss.
Summary: Eddie needs help with the baby.
Chapter 1: Rosie
It was Eddie's first day working at the steel works and he was so damn nervous. Not because it was his first real job after the shit that happened 2 years ago. All his wounds were only skin deep. Except the one on his neck causing him to bleed out of his mouth. Henderson still gave him shit about being an over actor when he woke up in the hospital.
Eddie was no longer the main suspect once Jason disappeared/died. So he was free to go. After that everyone treated him differently. He thought they would avoid him like the plague. But for some reason he was as popular as Harrington. After the events in the upside down Eddie became really good friends with Steve, Robin, Nancy and Johnathan. They're the reason he now went to parties. He would go to parties before the asshat Vecna tried to ruin his life. But he only went to supply the people with the best drugs money could buy. But now it was like everyone loved him. Especially girls. Sure he hooked up all the time but now he was drowning in a sea of pussy. And he couldn't have been more smug about it. Every night it seemed he was getting laid. But he grew tired of all the different girls. So he started dating Tina. (Vickie's friend) he was able to get a diploma and he started working at the local auto shop. But after just a few months he had to quit and find a better paying job.
See he knew Tina was pregnant with his baby. But what he didn't know was that she was gonna ditch him and their new baby girl just a month after she was born, Tina bolted. He was in a panic for a solid 3 months. He barely slept and he barely ate. He was so worried about her. He was also frantic about providing for her. He wasn't making enough at the shop and no way was he gonna keep selling drugs. He had to make sure his daughter was utterly and completely safe.
The only people he trusted with her were his uncle and Erica Sinclair. But his uncle was working with him that day and Erica was at school. So he had to leave his now 4 month old with a complete stranger. And he was so afraid something would happen. He called on every break and during "restroom" breaks. The babysitter assured him she was fine. But he couldn't help but worry.
During lunch instead of sitting with his uncle right away he called the sitter for the 11th time. And this time she didn't answer. He freaked. He kept calling until someone answered. He guessed it was a helper who answered. He explained that he was checking on his daughter and asked why it took so long for them to answer the phone. The person on the line said that his babysitter was feeding his daughter.
Still a bit worried he went to sit next to his uncle. He was so anxious this morning that he forgot to pack a lunch. So he was sharing a bag of cheez its with his uncle. He wasn't paying attention to what was going on around him until he heard a commotion at the door of the break room. A girl came in with the biggest lunch pail Eddie has ever seen. People were surrounding her as she passed out Styrofoam take out boxes. She looked familiar but he couldn't put his finger on it.
He watched as you approached the table where they were sitting.
" Hey Mr. Munson. I hope you guys are hungry." You said while putting two boxes down.
"Starving kiddo. How much we owe ya?" Wayne said pulling out his old tattered brown leather wallet.
" Please. I don't want your money. Besides this is a thank you for fixing the kitchen sink. I really appreciate it."
" It was nothing. Anytime you need anything. Just let me know."
" Will do. I uhh I gave you guys an extra cookie. Don't tell anyone." You winked at Eddie "Enjoy guys. I'll see out on the floor."
Eddie stared at you the whole time you were there. He wanted to introduce himself but he was too worried about the baby.
" Better eat fast son. We only have 15 minutes left."
Eddie pulled the Styrofoam box open and there was a large piece of homemade lasagna. Complete with garlic bread a small salad and 2 chocolate chip cookies.
" Make sure you thank her when you see her later."
Eddie with a mouth full turned to his uncle.
" Who is that and why is she giving us free food?"
" That's Y/N. I went to fix her clogged sink."
" I hope that's not code for anything."
"What? God no. I'm old enough to be her father. Don't you remember her?"
Eddie shook his head shoveling food into his mouth.
" You guys went to school together."
" We did?"
" Yes. She was there before you disappeared."
"Wait y/n l/n. The one that dropped out because she was pregnant."
" Yup. Poor girl."
" Why is she working here? I thought she was supposed to get married."
" Well I don't want to gossip but supposedly it never got that far. He left her when she was in the delivery room."
" Ugh I hate it when they leave."
"Yup. So be nice. She knows what you're going through. She's the one who let me know about the babysitter" Wanye leaned in and whispered. " Also, She just lost her son to sids a few months ago."
" What's sids?"
" Sudden infant death. He was only 4 months old."
" Rosie's 4 months old!"
" Shhhh."
Great. Like he wasn't worried enough.
" Rosie will be ok son. It's more common in boys than girls. We just got to make sure she sleeps on her back."
Now Eddie was freaking out. How could he stay at work when Rosie could be dying right now. Somehow his uncle convinced him to say for the rest of the shift. But as soon as he was done he raced over. As soon as he saw Rosie he cried and held her so close to his chest that she was pushing him away.
A week later he had the day off. He spent it playing with Rosie. Trying to get her to say dada. But she just made noises. He was worried about her. She hadn't pooped in 2 days.
" Common princess. Poop for Daddy." He was seriously considering giving her prune juice.
She was crying. He figured that she was uncomfortable. He was about to give up and take her to the hospital. He was bouncing her up and down while she screamed her head off.
" Rosie honey please."
Her crying made him want to too.
" That's it. Let's go princess." He was about to put her in the car seat when someone knocked on the trailer door.
He went to open it and saw you there. You had a huge gift bag in one hand and a brown paper bag in the other
" Hi Eddie. I- umm do you need help?"
" No!" It came out way harsher than he meant too.
"Sorry. I didn't mean...I'm just gonna leave these here" You set both bags on the porch and headed down the steps.
Eddie felt bad. But he thought that maybe you could help him. He really didn't have the money to pay for the emergency room. But if Rosie needed it he would take her. He thought maybe the same thing happened to your son.
" Hey uhh y/n don't go. I uhh I do need help."
You stopped and turned around. Eddie was still trying to calm Rosie down. Giving you pleading eyes. You picked up the bags and went inside, setting them on the coffee table.
Eddie watched as you pulled out a bottle of hand sanitizer and put some on. He was just about to ask you to do that but it was like you read his mind.
" May I?" You asked
He was apprehensive for a second but handed her to you.
"Oh sweet girl. What's wrong?" You cooed.
" She hasn't pooped in 2 days." Eddie looked at you worried. But you didn't look at him when he said it.
" Oh no. We can't have that. Right princess?" You were bouncing her just like Eddie did.
He felt that maybe you couldn't help after all but then you moved to the couch and sat down.
" Eddie I know this is gonna look weird but don't freak out. My mom used to do this to me. And don't worry. I won't hurt her. I promise."
Eddie eyed you but nodded. Anything to stop Rosie's pain. You laid her down on her stomach and started massaging her lower back gently. He could hear Rosie start to settle down but not by much. Not until you pulled at the skin under he onesie softly where you had been massaging her. He immediately got angry. He was about to yell at you when he heard Rosie let out a little fart. Rosie stopped crying and he could hear her trying to push. He looked at your hands and you were massaging her again.
" That's it princess. Let it out."
Rosie was very flatulent. As soon as she was done, you picked her up and handed her back to him rubbing her back one last time.
"I'm sorry if I upset you Eddie. I know it looks bad. But I swear it's not."
"Thank you for not hurting my daughter. And thanks for getting her to go." His eyes never left Rosie.
" I would never hurt her Eddie."
Eddie smiled and took Rosie to his room to change her. When he came back out he noticed your shirt was wet. Your breasts were leaking.
" Hey uhh. Your shirt."
You looked down and immediately covered yourself.
" Oh I'm sorry. It must have been the crying. Umm I'm gonna go." You were out the door before he could say anything. He would have offered you one of Tina's maternity shirts.
Eddie put Rosie down for a nap. He went and sat on the couch to see what you brought. He opened the big bag first. It was filled with baby clothes and a few toys. There was this one thing that didn't match all the blues and greens in the bag. It was a pretty pink dress. It was a little bigger than Rosie's size but he knew it was for her. It still had the tags on it with the price scribbled out. Eddie smiled. He would never say no to free stuff. But he was definitely going to wash what you brought over. He opened up the small paper bag and found 2 big ass burritos and a pack of circus cookies. He loves those cookies. How did you know? Why were you being so nice? He scarfed down both burritos before they got cold and started the wash.
He looked through the phone book trying to find you. Once he did he called you.
" Hello?"
"Uh hey y/n. It's me Eddie."
You went silent. He thought you were holding your breath.
" Hey look. I'm sorry about earlier. I didn't mean to embarrass you." Eddie heard you clear your throat.
" No I'm sorry. You shouldn't have seen that. I should still be wearing my pads."
" Don't be sorry. It's perfectly natural. I have seen it before you know. Tina used to leak through her pads all the time."
There was an awkward silence for a second.
" I uhh. I'm still sorry though. I umm I never got your daughters name. I feel so bad for not asking."
Eddie chuckled. " Don't feel bad. I'm sure she won't be offended that you guys didn't get an introduction. Her name is Rosemary. Rosie for short."
" Oh that's pretty."
" Yeah. Named her after my mom and well after the movie."
" Movie?"
" Yeah Rosemary's baby."
" Oh." You laughed. " That's umm weird. Probably only mention the mom part of the story when you tell people about her name."
" Ehh. Yeah probably. I don't want people to think I'm back to being an occultist."
"God I remember that. That was so crappy."
" Yeah. But whatever. I'm not in high school anymore."
" Yeah. And you're a dad now. It's so crazy. Hey did you get to go through the stuff brought over?"
" Yes thank you so much. But you didn't have to do that."
"Please. Your uncle told me about you not having a baby shower or anything. Neither did I. So I thought you could use it. Sorry there's not much pink in there"
" Yeah she will definitely make use of everything. And don't worry about the colors. I'm sure she won't be upset that she's not wearing girl colors. Besides she really needed more socks. I swear that damn dryer is holding half of her socks hostage."
" You see I always thought that too. But I feel like it's the washer who is the real cooperate. I mean who would really question the washer? Me that's who."
" Huh. It would be the perfect cover since it doesn't have a lint trap."
" No but it does have this drawer thing in the back. So it might be possible."
" There's a drawer in the back?"
"Uhh yeah....it's next to the little black plug. You know the one that should get emptied once a month."
" Oh...yeah... That drawer."
" Eddie? You don't know what I'm talking about do you?"
" Uhh. No..."
Eddie heard you laugh again. " just ask your uncle about it. He was the one who showed me. Oh just so you know those clothes were washed already. But if you feel like you need to wash them again. I understand."
" Shit am I that predictable?"
" You're a new father. Don't worry about it. "
"Thank you...for everything."
" You're very welcome. If you ever need anything. I'm just a phone call away.
" Yeah. Thank you."
" Bye Eddie."
" Bye y/n."
When he hung up he had a thought. Maybe it would be nice to have someone around that knew what they were doing. But he pushed it away. He didn't know you. So he was gonna keep you at a distance. Just until he knew you were ok for his daughter to be around.
He saw you at work and you guys ate lunch together. But that was pretty much the extent to that relationship. He thought you were really nice and one hell of a cook. Every Friday you would sell food to people at work. Eddie guessed it was a coping mechanism for your loss. At least that's what his uncle said. They both tried to pay you for it. But you always refused. But Eddie found a way to repay you. He would show up to work with a coffee for you. He would always buy you a pop and a candy bar from the vending machines. It wasn't much but it was at least he could do without you getting suspicious.
You asked about Rosie every now and again. Eddie knew you were giving him space. You knew that if he needed you, he would call. And about 2 weeks after the no crap incident of 88. Eddie was waiting for you to answer the phone.
"He- llo"
" Y/n it me. So listen. I have fed her, I've burped her, bathed her, changed her and I still can't get her to stop crying. I'm sorry to call but my uncle pick up a double.
" No it's ok. Does she have a fever?"
" No I've checked her 5 times already."
" She didn't get bit by anything did she?"
" No not that I could see."
" Eddie how old is she again?"
" She's almost 5 months old."
"hmmm. Is she grabbing her ear or trying to put things in her mouth?"
"Yeah her mouth."
" umm. Can you do me a favor? Can you put her down for just a second so you can wash your hands?"
Eddie didn't question you. He put Rosie down and washed his hands quickly then picked her back up.
"okay. I need you to hold her face still and look into her mouth."
" I don't see anything. Her gums just look irritated. Crap did I give her something she's allergic to?!"
"Eddie, calm down. If you did she probably wouldn't be able to cry like that. uhh can you just touch her bottom gums in the front and up top. Tell me if you feel anything."
"y-yes it feels like something is.....shit she's teething."
" Uh huh. Do you have a ring for her?"
" Ugh no. I didn't think it would happen this soon."
" Eddie it's fine. I gave you one. Do you remember seeing a wooden ring with a small towel with lions on it?"
" Ye-yeah."
" Good. That's a teething ring."
" Isn't she gonna get splinters in her mouth?"
" No she won't I promise. It's actually better for her."
" Alright. But if something happens to her. I know where you live." He joked
"If anything happens other than her being happy, I will come to you."
Eddie stayed on the phone with you until Rosie calmed down. Eddie heard you yawn. He looked at the clock and it was 3 in the morning.
" Oh man I'm sorry y/n. I didn't know it was so late."
" No it's okay" you yawned again. " I told you if you needed anything. I meant that."
"Thank you so much."
"Night Eddie. Get some sleep ok."
" You too. Night."
When he hung up the phone he took Rosie into his room.
" Aww princess. Daddy's so sorry. Thank God for y/n huh? She's so nice."
Eddie sat on the bed with her watching how she was gnawing on the ring.
" Mmm better princess?"
Eddie was so thankful for you. He was really happy that you two met.
After some time you guys spent more time together. Going out to the park for walks or just hanging out. Rosie seemed to really like you and that made Eddie happy. He liked the way his daughter laughed when you made silly faces for her. He liked how you never really asked to hold her because you were afraid that it would bother him. Even though it didn't, he really appreciated the sentiment. Slowly but surely he was beginning to trust you with her. He was getting comfortable leaving you two alone while he showered or ran errands. He even allowed you to start picking her up from the babysitters.
One night you invited them to come over for dinner and a movie. Eddie sat at the table with Rosie on his lap eating. You had made meatloaf with all the fixings. It was Eddie's favorite. He sat there talking to you and feeding mashed potatoes to Rosie. He had a thought of what this would be like if Tina would have stayed. Just a little happy family.
After dinner you put on the Labyrinth. Eddie loved that movie not only because it was pretty cool but because Rosie would always try to dance to the Magic Dance song. As the trailers played Rosie grabbed Eddie's hair pulling it.
" Oh princess. That hurts daddy."
He tried to get her to let go but she had a kung foo grip on him. He heard you laugh. He turned to look at you. You had gotten up and taken out your scrunchie. You went behind him.
" Tickle her." You said with a small giggle.
He did so and Rosie dropped his hair. You quickly and gently pulled his hair into a bun, tying it up for him.
" Thank you."
" No worries." You said sitting back down.
" I uhh will give it back later." He pointed at his bun
"No it's ok you keep it. You're gonna need it." You smiled at him and turned to the TV.
The movie was about half way through when Rosie fell asleep. You offered up your bed so he could lay her down. Eddie pulled out 2 baby monitors and went to lay her down. He surrounded her with pillows so that she would roll off. He set up the monitor and went back out to the living room.
After about 30 minutes you guys heard Rosie crying. Eddie was about to get up to get her when you asked if you could.
" Alright but if you try and run away with her. I will hunt you down."
"Pfff me? Run? Eww." You joked and went to try and put Rosie back to sleep .
He reached for the baby monitor and turned up the volume. He watched as you went into the room.
" Oh princess. It's ok. Did you have a bad dream?" You said picking her up and swaddling her. " It's ok sweet girl. How about I sing to you. Would you like that?"
Rosie was starting to simmer down a bit.
" I used to sing this to my baby."
Eddie sat there feeling so bad for you. This was the first you had mentioned your son. He stood up when he heard the sadness in your voice. Maybe it wasn't the best idea that you were with her. He didn't want to hurt you more. But then you started to sing, causing him to sit back down again. He knew the song well. His mom sang the same one to him.
"Moon river, wider than a mile. I'm crossing you in style some day
Oh, dream maker, you heart breaker. Wherever you're goin', I'm goin' your way
Two drifters, off to see the world. There's such a lot of world to see
We're after the same rainbow's end. Waitin' 'round the bend
My huckleberry friend. Moon river and me"
Eddie sang with you. His mom loved Audrey Hepburn. He could quote Breakfast at Tiffany's word for word. Though he would never tell anyone that. He heard you sniffle while you laid the sleeping Rosie down and gave her a kiss on the forehead.
You had left the room but you didn't come back right away. Eddie got up to see where you were. He heard you softly crying in the bathroom.
" Hey sweetheart are you ok?" He asked knocking gently.
" I'm ok Eddie. I'll be ok."
He stood there for a minute before you came out. Your eyes were blood shot and your nose was a little red. You tried to smile but it was a halfhearted attempt. Eddie didn't know what to say so he just hugged you. You tensed up for a moment but then wrapped your arms around his waist. You guys stood like that for a while before you pulled away.
You cleared your throat. " Let's go finish the movie."
@salenorona23 @b-irock @browneyes528 @mrsjaderogers
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yandere-kokeshi · 2 years
Yandere Mitsuri, Sanemi and Gyomei with a gn darling who comes out as nonbinary
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Request(ed): Yes! - Hello! I absolutely love your writing. may I request mitsuri, sanemi, and gyomei with their darling (or whatever you call it) who comes out as nonbinary? (originally f to gn). Stay hydrated! — Requested by 🍡 anon.
Warnings: Yandere themes and beating up people.
Authors note: Akkk, this was so fun to write. This is probably one of my favorite to write! Please request Gyomei more!! He's so underrated. Hope you like this 🍡 anon!!
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Mitsuri Kanroji:
Extremely supportive. Once you tell her, she’s not hesitant to give you a big hug, plastering your face with kisses as she tells you she’s never ever gonna stop loving you just because of who you are. She’s happy that you came out to her.
Mitsuri is immediately doing everything in her power to make sure you feel comfortable in yourself; whether that’s reminding you verbally, that you’re the most attractive person in the room or buying your favorite color clothes to make you feel more confident, she would do it in a heartbeat.
If you decide to get a binder, she will have it personally made with your favorite color(s). Once she sees you wearing it, she hypes you up and tells you: “You’re so pretty, baby!!”
But, she’s sorta-strict on the binder limit. If she sees you wearing it longer than you’re supposed to, she will politely remind you to take it off, then hug you super tight; referring to you as the best partner she’s ever had. She'd then offer to do some stretching sessions with her.
If she hears someone talk down to you or refer you to your dead pronouns, she would yell at them, saying along the lines of: “That isn’t nice, y’know? You’re so mean.” Afterwards, she grabs your hand, leading you two out of there. Afterwards, she buys your comfort foods and cuddles you to death.
Mitsuri oftens compliments you. She makes sure you feel good about yourself, often telling you look adorable or hot at times. She hates when she sees you down or self conscious of yourself, when you shouldn't be.
If you're having a bad day, she will try to make you go outside with her, pick some flowers and walk around; buying some Dango and getting more outfits. She will often tell you to shower with her, offering to massage you or just have a nice bath. This also goes along the lines of drinking water, eating, and frequently doing physical activities.
Overall, she loves you for you; she treats you like pure royalty.
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Sanemi Shinazugawa:
Absolutely has no idea what it means, but is willing to learn what it means; once you explain to him about your preferred pronouns, he’s grabbing you, kissing your head and whispering in your ear: “I love you for you, nothing will ever change that idiot.”
Not in a rude way, but Sanemi really doesn’t care what you identify. He fell for you (personality wise), that’s all that matters to him. However, he’s very proud of you for coming out to him; seeing that you were nervous and would think he would be mad or upset. In which, you should never ever feel that way.
If you decide to get a binder, he will have an extreme-strict schedule to make sure you don’t hurt yourself. If he does see you wearing it over time, even by two minutes, he will have a fit; throw a glare towards you and wait till you take it off.
Sanemi is very observant, so if he sees you looking in the mirror or just having a bad gender-day, he will try to ask you to talk about it. If you don’t want to, he’ll respect it and ask to spend time with him; either read a book together, sit on the padio in the early morning or take a warm bath together.
Someone dares to misgender you or in a way, make fun of you? He will have a screaming match with them, throwing hands half of the time. Either, after he finishes beating them up or yelling at them, he will take you away and distract you as best as he can: making you your favorite food, giving you a massage and giving you cuddles.
Much like Mitsuri, he will compliment you; expressing his love. Sanemi would compliment you when you wore your binder, new clothes, or a type of accessory that brought you extreme happiness; when you come in, he looks at you stunned, looking at how nice you looked, he would just nod and smile a bit: “You look really lovely.”
Sanemi would and will never judge you, in that matter, he loves you no matter what.
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Gyomei Himejima:
Gyomei is instantly accepting of you. He’s a bit confused at the term, but as soon as you explain to him, he’s gently nodding, a smile covering his face; a tear comes down his jawline as he expresses he’s happy that you came out to him.
If he scents an inch of discomfort on you, he will sit you down and talk to you for hours on what he loves about you and why you should too.
If you want a binder, he will gladly get you one. But, he will try to keep up with the time limit you can only wear. By the time it goes off, he gently reminds you to take it off, do some stretching and take a walk with him.
When someone misgenders you, he will correct them, but if they’re being rude; he will frown, asking if they’re sad or so on. He doesn’t understand why people can be so cruel. If they continue on, Gyomei will grasp your arm and guide you both out of there; going on a walk to ‘look’ at the rivers nearby and pick some flowers.
Whenever you’re having a bad day, mentally or just not feeling very confident; he will remind you that you’re absolutely perfect. Much like Mitsuri and Sanemi, he will offer to start a bath for you, order you some new clothes or allow you to vent to him as much as you want.
Gyomei will try to compliment you, but due to his eyesight, he will try to feel for any new clothing or accessories, saying something along the lines of: “Is this new? It fits you very nicely.” Or if you get a new bottle of perfume/cologne, he will comment on it, saying that ‘It suits you. It’s a lovely smell.’
Gyomei’s opinion will never change. He loves you because of how kind you are, not by your body; he loves you for who you are, inside-wise.
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Do not plagiarize, repost, modify, translate or copy my work.
ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ©yandere-kokeshi
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iceman-kazansky · 1 year
Hello iceman-kazansky. Can i request some headcanons (or reactions i don't know which one is true) with eugene roe and ronald speirs? Their fiancee wants to break up after war because she wants to forget everything and thinks that she will experience the same traumas again everytime when she looks in her fiancee's eyes. It's up to you whether the ending will be happy or not. It's not a problem if you are not comfortable with writing this. I really like your blog and i don't mind if you decide not to write 🤎 <your malarkey fic was 🤌🤌🤌 btw>
Pairings: Ronald Speirs x f!reader, Eugene Roe x f!reader
Requested by: Lovely anon who happened to make my week (possibly month) with their kind words
Summary: Ronald Speirs and Eugene Roe headcanons to how they would react to their significant other wanting to break up after the war due to trauma
Warnings: Fluff? Angst? Idek but I hope those who read enjoy
A/n: I’M SO  SORRY THIS WASN’T DONE SOONER ANON 😭I wanted it done a lot sooner but sadly some things happened. I’m also sorry that these are super short, I so wish I could’ve made them a lot larger and had more points. I hope you enjoy Anon, for these are my first ever attempt at headcanons 
Eugene Roe
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-First off my baby boy 🥺
-he would be so, so, so sad but understanding at first, he'd just be like "Okay, if that's really what you want ☹️" 
-although, once you explained it to him that he was a reminder of the trauma and horrors of war, he would be reassuring and comforting af
-He'd talk to you about how you and him would get through the unexplainable and horrific things you'd seen in that long multiple-year span together 
-"I'm here to talk and be with you, through thick and thin; no matter what; I love you. Please know that I'll continue loving you until the day I die."
-He wouldn’t admit it but the things he’d seen, the things he’d done scarred him and stuck with him long after the war and he was desperately in need of someone to talk to so him being able to just comfort you was also helping him get through the trauma of war
-Would definitely offer therapy or a person you could tell your deepest, hardest memories and your shoulder to cry on when you reminisced about your friends' deaths
-If he did persuade you to stay, he'd try comforting you a lot more and taking note of everything that could upset you
-When he does notice you upset over things, he goes out of his way to take care of you, such as buying flowers, chocolates, and anything he could
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 -"Of course not! But you remind me every time I look at you; I can see the horrors written in your eyes Ron. Every time I look at you I can see Hoobler or... or.. Jackson's scared gaze.. That boy- he died in my arms that night in Haganeau and I-"
-When you tell him he'd go quiet and just stare at you in numb shock
-after you finished he'd ask "Is this what you really want?"
-IMMEDIATELY would be so soft with you
-"Oh, Honey" 
-He’d hold you in his arms all soft but at the same time firm and steady, he’d also try to talk to you, especially if you started crying, and would be the type to whisper sweet nothings into your ear while you dealt with the distressing memories
-I headcanon he is a real war-hardened veteran on the outside but once you get to know him he’s so kind and caring and an overall very nice person to be around
-When you were finished and you (probably?) realized it wasn’t a good idea to break up with the one thing you knew to be your solace in the rocky world you were only now adapting back into after the horrors of war. Speirs was your soon-to-be husband; your rock in a hard place; a sturdy tree to stand under in a thunderstorm. Speirs was your world and how you’d failed to notice that was nearly catastrophic
-like minutes after, when you’d come to your senses, you’d apologize profusely for even bringing up the idea, but Speirs wouldn’t care; he’d kiss you and hold you and reassure you he was going to stick with you until the very end of time
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