#if only hoyo can give more content of the male characters
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ruubyys1 · 1 month ago
I’m trying to find the motivation to write Honkai men more, but at this point, Amphoreus male characs are just gonna cover up
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cosmic-phantom-cafe · 7 days ago
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100 posts!
Got this and using this to yap outside of yandere topic- not my unusual out of Yan topic but yk
- the new Eletrio characfer in Genshin was not it. The cow theme, havinf being considered the new bigger body model, some of her skill animation is to sit on ppl, being a competitive eater- uhhh these motief are looking real weird now hmmm 🤔 also she not fat…let’s make it clear
- sure she cute but…ngl I have ber switch to a 4 star for Lansan she deserves that 5 star status for being the most important character in natlan also not just me who feels that Lansan 5 star role was intentionally taken away right?? Like…looking at how natlan is treated and all…this is motivated
- I did say I go back to hsr but ngl the powercreep is making it more difficult to want to come back. The end game content and stuff feels like I can’t rlly keep up and honestly ik trebbie rhis universal supoort but my god I really wish they used her adult model then the child one
- idk if anyone knows this. Cookie run as these soul jams where it’s kinda like almost buying a character. If you have enough of these you can unlock a 5 or 4 star character and lowkey I think Genshin and hsr need this. Esp hsr where there a banner right or just a shop in the game where if you pull enough of these you can get a 5 star and they should do it for old characters and like when we are in a new area the older characters get placed in- soul gems could be like lowkey fragments of a character
- wuwa new character are eh- they were most likely already planned but also they def were planned fan service…I think I tolerate wuwa fan service more omly because the difference with Genshin is that I know wuwa fan service are of Italian inspo Genshin has fan service where they take cultures and make disrespectful designs out of them and also the lolibait…especially Nahida
- I have very little like of characfer in all honesty. A lot of them being men and less women but I think that’s due to the fact I feel devs write women characters for the interest of only male players. If you ask which female characters I like I prob name a handful: arlecchino, cloud retainer, furina, Navia, shorekeeper, jinzhi, encore, Layla, Faruzan
- is it weird to say I don’t like seeing very overly obvious fan service- good example is the newest wuwa havoc characfer she’s pretty sure but..ngl I thought it was tacky and the new female areo charter too…already her model does not appeal to me
- I’m tired of seeinf body suits, two piece looks or like short dress skirt shirt thingy. I wnna see more deisnf like phoebe, Arlechino, Cloud retainer, Layla, Faruzan and furina
- I think most ppl like anti villains are more so jusy morally grayish characfer then they say they like villains, i think ppl like having characters who do bad things that are within their moral comfort ita like that DC joke about joker being scared of the IRS or the joker not willing to fight along side the Naz…yk
- it is weird to say I find it funny to see a bunch of Genshin players or hoyo gamer online suddnly switch to wuwa and I mean the ones that rlly hated wuwa in the beginning. Ik wuwa had a rough start but there smt funny seeing players who would talk rlly negatively about a game and activity without giving it a chance suddenly change stances
- yk what’s funny too tho. Being into dark content right and being said thag it’s gross and horrible to like these fantasies and it’ll turn us into these kind of ppl but yet we ass a collected society stay quiet or just agree that gamer dudes who play cod or extreme violent games are ok and it totally dosent make them dangerous… it’s almost… :0 hypocritical
- none of you bitches are ready to hear my inner shit giggling brain where the sumeru men kill Elon and take over ownership over Twitter idk why that had me giggling for a good minute
Anyways my 100th yap on this blog when I’m done with my banner I’ve been wanting to draw you’ll see me start to go to 200 >:]
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cloud-ya · 2 years ago
Fellow elysia hater here
After elysian realm got main story chapters i quit playing since it felt like they cared more about breast size then character. Now that it’s back to the main trio i kind of want to start playing again but it’s just boring now, still
Only characters im still interested in are HoV/Sirin, kiana and Bronya. but the first two don’t get any content anymore unfortunately
oh fuck SAME I'm glad I'm not the only one not being able to feel joy when playing honkai story anymore. with every new chapter it feels more and more than just a chore to me that I eventually have to do rather than exploring a story. I wish I could genuinely enjoy trio reunion but I just. can't. first part of it was literally just "I'm glad we're all back together But Look What Elysia Showed Me". doesn't help that mei got caught in this unfortunate crossfire because of being in elysian realm and I just couldn't stand her voice at first because I associated it with this annoying part of the story
for sure the biggest flaw in execution of elysian realm and its characters is blatant jump on cash from thirsty fans. one character having bigger breasts than the other; oh, we can't make this character have boobs bigger than her head because she's a child? don't worry there are still ways to put some ~subtle~ fetish features in her design - just make her wear nothing on her feet, even in outfits. at that point male characters were the only ones designed somewhat sensibly because they would never end up as playable, so mihoyo wouldn't make some extra money on them anyway. it's so frustrating because the concept itself was great, but hoyo fucked it up with wanting more money
its another flaw is shoving it in the main story out of nowhere. it was good when it was its own mode, they could make some notification when finishing chapter 25 that "hey, mei's now in elysian realm so just for your information what's happening with her rn you can go to this new mode and check out its story!", but no, they just had to shove it along with that fucking open world there. and argue all you want, but I don't see any decent enough development value for it to be featured as part of main story. when they realized that there should be some better message at the end than "elysia is cool give us money" they just quickly came up with theme of memory or bearing knowledge about some random dead people or whatever. cool, mei bears this knowledge of thirteen dead people from 50k years ago, but what of it? what is she supposed to do with that knowledge further.
from what I know elysian realm is available before people even get to the chapter 25, which I don't like either because of fucking course people will try a new mode that opens at some captain level despite not knowing what's happening, who those characters are and in what part of the story this is supposed to be happening. it should be available after clearing certain mission/stage in the main story, not after reaching certain captain level
all that drop in quality makes me keep forgetting to check on honkai because there's just nothing that would keep me hooked really. I hope chrono navi patch and its main event will make me check on the game more often, but that would be just that
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