#if me from 4 months ago found out this is where i’m at rn they would be crushed
chiritori · 2 months
wild how almost every major thing that could have gone wrong for me this summer did go wrong LMFAO
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wehaveagathering · 3 months
how are you feeling about the flyers draft picks/activities? i don’t hate luchanko but i would’ve rather seen them trade up to the 20s for him with a future second and/or 3rd round pick (or laughton or something) + 32. i can’t believe they passed on buium so I’m hoping they knew something we didn’t about him. i’m doing my best to trust in danny but i’m skeptical of his first round.
I feel great. I feel incredible. I was pretty uncertain and definitely shocked re: Luchanko at first but I've changed my mind. Danny made the right moves and while I might be upset that we didn’t get Buium or Helenius (and I am especially upset that we didn't get Dickinson but that's on the Sharks who I am pissy at rn. I promise in like three days i will be very excited to see him in teal), I see the vision. This is long term.
Here are just some of the first quotes I’ve found on Jett Luchanko:
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Guy seems to me like a power-play oriented, playmaking, speed-skating, young Morgan Frost. Suzuki, and apparently Luchanko, are net front danger zone scorers, and Luchanko clearly seems disposed to pass first, playmake, and score in exactly the same zone that Michkov likes to score in. Net front. Behind the net. Michigans. (Watch that video I just linked! Look where he scores from!) Everything I'm reading here seems like he’s tailor-made to playmake for Michkov - and if he’s not? Well, this wasnt exactly a big swing, was it? We traded back and traded away, which was THE THING I SAID WE SHOULD DO, LIKE, A MONTH AGO:
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Here's that link, in case you don't believe me.
We might not have traded to a shit team, but we still got the 2025 pick. Everything I said in that post is still applicable. This was "not the draft for big swings." So we didn't take a big swing. Danny took a guy that the Flyers clearly seem to think is a fantastic possible center for Michkov, which is, and should be, their top priority. One of the main criticisms that fans had of the Giroux era was that the Flyers didn't surround him with the talent he needed to succeed, and we don't want to make that mistake this time around?
The problem is that this isn't the draft that's full of that elite talent. Some of them, maybe. The Flyers very clearly wanted to trade up for Lindstrom, but CBJ didn't bite, because they wanted Lindstrom, and I get it. Lindstrom is a fantastic center. So they took the next best center for Michkov, who turned out to be Luchanko. It was what they wanted out of this draft – Michkov's center, or at least a possible one. He wasn't the best player available – clearly, since they traded away from Buium, and gained a 2025 3rd rounder in the process (nice!) – but he is a phenomenal choice for Michkov. And if he doesn't pan out? Well, it's a good thing we didn't trade up for him.
Now, 2025. This is the deep draft. This is the draft that does have that elite talent. And we may have 6 picks in the first and second rounds.
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Now that is the draft for big swings. Michkov is coming over this season. We move as few pieces as possible. Who does he work well with on the team? Who doesn't click? How does his play fit, where are the gaps, what do we still need with him on the wing? How does he feel? What and/or who does he need, personally? Three first-round picks in 2025 mean that you have a LOT OF ROOM TO WORK WITH. I assume Luchanko doesn't go to the NHL this season – haven't seen anything to suggest he will, and with the general quality of this draft being one that still needs time, it's fair to assume that he'll stay with the Guelph Storm in the OHL. So when we watch him play in Canada this year and see how he improves and how he communicates with the Flyers, and see Michkov on the ice in orange, we'll have an idea of what we need in 2025. Do we keep the PHI, COL, EDM picks where they are? (My guesses are 14, 25, 32. Quote me!) Or do we package them and trade up? That's a big swing in a deep draft full of huge talents. 25+32 to trade to 20. 20+14 to trade up to 5, or 4. Or maybe 25+32 is enough to get us up front. 10, even. And then once you have that high pick - like we saw today, anyone can fall. We saw it with Michkov last year. Imagine.
I love this draft. I think Danny cooked. I think this was a long-term vision and I'm stoked for Jett Luchanko. Welcome to Philly, bud! I can't wait.
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punkwixes · 1 year
i guess a better life update is like
so i’m graduating this spring. it took me a while to get an internship + i got rejected from the first one i applied to. that was okay, though, because it was smth specific that only took One student in each department, so like 4 students total, and you had to specially apply to it. i found another internship actually working for the school itself, which i’m pleased with. it’s very close to my home, and i can get there easily. they’re very casual about dress code too, so i dyed my hair again earlier this month :3
i quit working for the nursing home like 6 months ago, after almost 6 YEARS of being employed there. it was pretty on the spot lmao. we got new management that sucked + a resident started screaming at me and i was just like. well. i’m done.
currently: unemployed! or “full-time student” according to, like, my taxes or w/e. contemplating applying to some stores in the area but not too worried about it. money isssss pretty tight rn, but luckily i was able to save a LOT over the pandemic so i’ll be okay until i graduate and have to start paying back those student loans. i would like to think i’m pretty good at budgeting and money management, luckily.
ummm wedding is happening in may of next year, hopefully. move is happening ????? idk whenever it works for both of us. it’s gonna be scary but i can’t complain or worry about it too much because my wife already did that move Alone, so , like,
made this post because i was just thinking about like, idk what the gap will be between graduating & moving — not really worried about it Too much, because i know that’s smth we will figure out later haha. but i was thinking about how it’s smth we will figure out because i am Acutely aware of what happened when shit got bad in june 2017, where i was going “i’ll be moving out soon, i can’t get a job NOW!” and then i didn’t move out till december 2017. but then i was thinking about how i haven’t really talked about my life Extensively here since all that happened — maybe a bit, but most of it happens in dms (hi jess) (the ONLY person i use the tumblr messenger for) or in my discord server(s?) lmao.
and i realized that i have a lot of people (relatively, i guess.) who have been following me since i was like. 15? 16? and who maybe saw all that go down but don’t know what’s happening now.
anyways. on that front. my parents and i have… idk. kind of a relationship? not really sure. they have more of a relationship to me than i have to them, which is funny. they text me about every other day, but i don’t really answer that often. they know if they make negative commentary abt anything i’m doing they’ll just lose contact with me for good. they know i’m gay & that i’m getting married, and they’re Forced to be supportive Or Else, which i also find funny. they’re not attending my wedding though, On God.
had a weird thing happen a while back where my mom apologized for like. a lot of stuff. for the homophobia, for Some of the physical abuse she did, for some of the physical abuse & other abuse my dad & brother did to me. on their behalf, i guess? idk, being apologized to doesn’t really mean anything to me — or it didn’t, for a long time; i’ve only recently had Moments where someone apologized to me and i felt that it meant a lot — so i just felt weird about it. she was crying really hard, so i know that she knows that it was Bad. i still wish i could impart on her or on other people who don’t believe me Exactly what it was like, but i can’t.
for a large part it doesn’t really affect me, other than like, a desire to bury my head in the sand rather than Confront anything negative. so like. it doesn’t make it better but what i’m trying to say is like… idk, i’m doing fine, it could be way worse.
i guess i’m just biding my time until graduation. i almost wish i was working, because it feels like time passed a lot faster when i had work looming over me every two days. my class schedule for the next week is… fun…. i have a class from 2-4 and 6-8 on mondays, and then class from 6-8 on wednesdays. my fourth class is just my internship credit, and i don’t really need any more classes [that are offered in the fall].
so i’ll have plenty of free time, which is nice. i want to do more around the house, helping w upkeep and stuff. i have housemates & friends who i Love, which is not smth i would have expected like five years ago. so. time flies, i guess.
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laazucena · 2 years
yo i’m scavenging tumblr to see just how many blue and yellow gay pairings there are and in the tags of smth u mentioned u have a big list of them,, can i see it 👉👈
hello anon 🌸
first of all, thank you for this ask 💕 you are probably referring to the tags to this post my first thought went to byler so this is how i found the post again anyway, you have no idea on what kind of trip you sent me on (the amount of screenshots I had to go through... but that is not your fault but more my own🙈😅) but I'm really happy for going through all these fandom moments again 😄
I would not consider my list "big" but I'm going to list some canon queer couples in bl series (this is just from the ones that I watched so far since i started 4 months ago) that did not pass me by unnoticed when it came to blue and yellow (either in lighting, surroundings, clothes, objects, etc) and there are also going to be some short honorable mentions of other color couple who got yellow-blue moments.
Okay, I hope you're ready!
1) Cake & Seeiw - My Only 12% aka the obsession that will not leave me and I will not let go of anytime soon (and rightfully so. If you're like me a fan of slow(!)-burn, childhood best friends to lovers with good acting and a down-to earth story, then tada, this might be the series for you)
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they are also shown wearing different colors* but Seeiw in the yellow hue variations** and Cake in the blue hue variations** has probably at least a 12% chance of happening during a scene😉
*(like school/college uniforms for ex., but even there -> look at their backpacks in the right picture below this) **(tint, shade, tone) (if someone wants to know more about that you know where to find me. or google might help you too)
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also look at this part from the title sequence:
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2) Takara & Amagi - Takara-kun to Amagi-kun aka the cutest japanese bl series imo
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I got actually so used to them wearing their blue and yellow sweaters that it was actually more noticeable when they were not wearing them
3) Aoki & Ida - Kieta Hatsukoi aka my first bl love
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Aoki is associated with the yellow heart while Ida is associated with the blue one
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ah yellow and blue hues my beloveds
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also the lighting in this pic !
4) Sun & Ozone - 7 Project Ep.1: Would You Be My Love aka where my current blog title is from
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(1) if you are wondering: yes, these are the same actors as in 1) (2) like you can read from the title the characters appear in just 1 episode together, so there really is just this to work with (3) this quote takes me out, especially when I think about their names in colors with the color "sun" (or in this case I chose "radiant sun" but you probably get the drill) being a yellow hue variation and the color "ozone" a blue hue variation (as a blue-greyish tone):
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just these cuties and the togetherness of blue and yellow ok
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honorable mentions:
Team & Win - Between Us
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they are a blue-red couple ... but i mean just look at the usage of the colors above. like a++
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even marketing knows whats up with blue and yellow 😜
Kurosawa & Adachi - Cherry Magic
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just this outfit combo 👌
Pat & Pran - Bad Buddy
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long live ocher yellow. I'm also getting so emotional about them rn
Ink & Pa - Bad Buddy
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some gl ❤
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lovietmars · 2 years
my day was actual dogshit and the person i’d normally rant to is the reason my day is this bad
summary: my house is infested with wasps, i’m failing history and stressed about school, and i don’t think my boyfriend likes me anymore???? send help ;-;
(this basically turns into a huge rant about my boyfriend by the end lmao)
tw: wasps (obviously), divorce, cheating, a heterosexual relationship (ikr, disgusting)
i’ve been having a really shitty day and i wanted to rant about it on tumblr because it’s the only social media where people on here don’t actually know who i am. to begin with, my house is literally infested with wasps. apparently my mom found 30 wasps in my room. actually screaming. then, i got to school and got my grade back on my ap history test that i thought i definitely did well on, but turns out i got a 58.3% which is the second worst grade i ever got on a test (first place is the 57% i got on a precalc test last year). i have two tests tomorrow which i didn’t study for. plus an entire math packet. and 4 ap chem worksheets bc my teacher for some reason assigned every single homework from the entire first month of school to be due on the same day. so basically i am incredibly stressed from school and i literally have a C in ap history rn. which is kinda bad bc i’m trying to get a 4.0 gpa (i have maintained it for the past 2 years) and i don’t think i’ll be able to this year thanks to this test. not to mention the fact that my boyfriend-ish (like a guy i’m basically dating and has asked me to be his girlfriend but i said i wanted to wait until after homecoming to make it official) is acting really fucking weird over the past couple of days. he was literally acting so normal 2 days ago, but suddenly started being weird as fuck yesterday. i saw him at school 2 days ago, and we even stayed up calling until 2am like normal. i thought something was up when yesterday he didn’t send me a good morning text and supposedly woke up at like 3pm. okay so clearly that’s a lie because first of all man doesn’t need 11 hours of sleep. supposedly he was just dying to get off the call at 2am bc he was soooo tired, so assuming he went to sleep right after the call, he woulda got 11 hrs of sleep which is excessive. also he literally never goes to sleep that early like bro usually up until like 4-5 am at least. secondly i literally saw him online before he texted me that he just woke up so like mans not slick. we barely talked the entire day. any convo we had was dry as fuck and i had to start it myself. which is weird bc usually he texts me himself first and isn’t a dry texter at all. i usually get a “how’s your day love” and like it’s not just that i didn’t get a “love” but i didn’t even get a text from him at ALL. and it was yom kippur and i was fasting and he didn’t even ask me how i was from that. then that night i finally text i’m like how’s your day, you’ve been absent all day just like my dad. and like i know he appreciates a good absent dad joke bc one of the things we joke about is our dads bc like my parents are divorced and his dad just straight up cheated on his mom. and anyway he was being really dry and i noticed and i mentioned it, and he was like i’ve had a busy day, i’m watching stranger things. but even so, i didn’t get a “goodnight love” text, or even a goodnight text at all. the next day (today), i didn’t get a good morning text either. and at this point i was getting kinda upset. at lunch i texted him to ask if i could come over and say hi for like the last 10 mins of lunch, which supposedly “didn’t see” until lunch was over. then at the end of the day i asked him if he wanted to walk to the buses with me, which he didn’t respond to despite responding to my other message answering a question he asked. i asked again if he wanted to walk to the buses and he said sure so we ended up doing so. the walk was awkward, he seemed different. when he got on his bus, i didn’t even get a goodbye hug and he didn’t even dab me up (which we do for some reason), he just got on the bus. and then he hasn’t texted me for the whole rest of the day since then even though i literally went to the mall and got my homecoming dress and sent a picture of it to him???? like he’s literally my date to hoco, you’d think he’d be interested in what i’m wearing to it, especially bc he’s supposedly matching his tie with my dress. Continued.. see next paragraph..
apparently that paragraph was maximum length so we’ll continue here. anyway, i finally sent him a message a couple hours ago (at like 9:45pm - and mind you, i sent the picture of my dress at like 4pm) asking “Hey are you okay? Maybe I’m being too critical but you’ve been kinda distant the past couple days. Is everything okay? Do you need to talk about anything? Do you need to take a break from me?” which i thought was a pretty good way to handle the situation but like idfkk i’m bad at life. but the funny thing about that text isn’t that he didn’t respond to it, but that it simply didn’t SEND to him. and i’ve sent texts to other people since then that delivered, so idk what’s up with him. the wifi at his house is bad at times, like stuff sometimes takes a bit to send, but not 2 hours. not to mention that he’s been online on discord this whole time, so clearly his wifi is working to some capacity. that’s the whole rant but omfg i am so confused and upset about this. and in case you forgot, my house is still infested with wasps and i have a shit ton of homework due tomorrow. probably wasn’t a good idea to waste all this time i could have been doing hw making a rant on tumblr but like i had to rant. anyways that’s all. goodnight loves <3
apparently his mom took away his phone. first of all, that’s such a lie because he was on discord for literally hours last night. every time i checked discord, bro was online. and if he cared about me that much, he would have messaged me in discord to tell me that he got his his phone taken. i often get my phone taken, and i have messaged him in discord before to tell him that i got it taken. and i usually texted him from discord in these circumstances. not to mention that his mom really isn’t the type of person to take his phone, plus he didn’t even provide a reason why. and he didn’t even say sorry. i think he doesn’t like me anymore. and for some reason i’m not even that sad. he can go fuck himself. oh and also i skipped school today bc i had so much work to turn in that i didn’t do. i know that’s bad. but yeah. and i don’t even feel sad about my boyfriend. i’m just mad at him for very clearly lying to me. i wonder what his reason was. and it’s not like i don’t have a date to homecoming. i was originally going with one of my friends as a joke in addition to my boyfriend. i think he might have gotten jealous of the friend and that might be part of the reason he’s being like this. yes i am bisexual, but the friend is straight, and i would never actually want to date her even if she wasn’t. i still have a homecoming date at least. so all is fine. i’ll update more later
broooo what??? he’s not at school today. bc according to the snap map he was at his house an hour ago. and it’s currently 1pm to clarify. i skipped school bc i had too much work, not bc of him. but i wonder why he skipped. bc of me?? i wonder if he thinks i skipped school bc of him. i would never. with all due respect i’m in 6 ap classes and i wouldn’t sacrifice a day of education for such a reason. humble yourself. but like now i can’t even ask him why he wasn’t at school bc i wasn’t either so he’d know i’m stalking. my strategy now is to just do nothing. keep stalking him and see if he texts me at all. i bet i won’t get a single text the entire weekend. see if i give a fuck. and i bet he won’t come to my game that i invited him to, either. and i won’t go to his soccer game either. L
oh and even if he had gotten his phone taken, he probably should have responded to the texts i’d sent him earlier, including the actual pictures of my homecoming dress??? like bro is supposedly my date, shouldn’t he care? or even just say that he saw the pictures? like some acknowledgement please??? plus he started not responding like around 3pm so his mom would have had to take his phone like right after he got home from school. which is unlikely. and sure even if his mom did take his phone, he was on discord the whole time and could have easily messaged me from there. plus it’s not just this. he was acting weird in person yesterday too. and over text the past couple days. like literally 3 days ago was so normal and suddenly the next morning bam everything was different. i wonder what happened. because clearly something is up.
and this whole rant post probably makes it seem like my boyfriend is a really toxic guy which couldn’t be farther from the truth. he’s just your standard nice jewish boy. he plays soccer and chess and d&d and he likes marvel and stranger things and listens to the beatles and the beach boys. i’ve had really deep conversations with him before. about our friend who died about a year and a half ago. about the universe and creation and whether god was real. about our parents, about mental illness, just so much. literally 4 days ago we had this really deep conversation about the universe and everything and the next day he asked me to be his girlfriend. i said i wanted to wait until after homecoming but yes. and me not choosing to be his girlfriend immediately clearly wasn’t the reason bc that happened on monday, but monday and tuesday were totally normal. on tuesday i asked him if he wanted to call and he said “double yes please.” and then literally the next morning he started being weird. i hope the call didn’t contribute to the weirdness. but i don’t recall the call going badly at all. he was trying to get off the call like at 2am which is a bit weird bc he usually goes to sleep way later, but he said he was tired so why would i think anything of it? especially bc he was like so eager to call me. and literally the day before he’d asked me to be his girlfriend. i really didn’t expect that he’d start being different. i was really hoping to be his girlfriend. i just can’t believe it
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honeypiehotchner · 3 years
My Deep Blue Love (Tom Hiddleston x Fem!Reader) -- Soulmate AU one shot
This was 100% born out of boredom and loneliness and those damn Soulmate AU POV Tiktoks that I have seen practically 24/7 for the past WEEK on my fyp
(I’m not sure if I’ll do a part 2, rn I have no plans for it)
quick note on the technicality of this one: you lose all ability to see colors when you turn 12 and you don’t regain the ability until you meet your soulmate. but! you have to meet them in person and it has to be a mutual eye contact. pictures/videos of them don’t work, and if you just saw the back of their head or something in person, that doesn’t work either. it’s all about the shared eye contact babeyyy
small disclaimer: Brie Larson is mentioned in here and she has a wife, but that is very much only in this fic, and as far as i know Brie doesn’t have a wife irl lol (i also don’t know if she’s spoken about her sexuality at all so what i’m saying is take it with a grain of salt ok)
Summary: Everyone around you is meeting their soulmate, but you still see in black and white. You’re ready to give up, and basically have, when you lock eyes with your soulmate.
Warnings: None! Just a bit of angst, lots of fluff toward the end 
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You knock on your mom’s bedroom door at 4:58am. She’s already awake, sitting up in bed, ushering you over.
With tears in your eyes, you crawl onto her bed, snuggling close to her chest.
“I don’t want to lose my colors,” you whimper.
“I know, baby,” she whispers, kissing the top of your head. “It’s okay.”
You were born 12 years ago on this day at 5:08am, so in a few short minutes, when you officially turn 12 years old, all color will drain from your life.
Or the colors could stay, but that’s only if you’ve somehow already met your soulmate. And that’s rare, nearly impossible.
You squeeze your eyes shut at 5:07 and you don’t open them again until 5:10.
The colors are gone.
twenty years later
You sigh heavily as you receive yet another wedding invite. You are invited to witness the official beginning of Olivia and Jeffrey’s lives together as husband and wife, soulmates for all of time.
The glitter sticks to your fingertips, tiny black dots against your skin. Your friend told you it’s gold. You barely remember what that looks like.
Lately it seems like everyone has been meeting their soulmate. Just yesterday, you were having coffee with a friend when she looked up at the girl sitting behind you, and boom.
“It’s like the world just exploded,” she had said. Colors were everywhere. She immediately left you to go talk to the girl.
You don’t blame her for that. If you had met your soulmate, you probably would’ve done the same thing. But you can’t say for sure because you don’t know.
You wouldn’t be so cynical of it all if your boyfriend of five years didn’t meet his soulmate while the two of you were out at dinner. You wish you could say that he was faking it. But it was clear from his face (and the girl’s) that he wasn’t kidding. It was real. He had met his soulmate, and it wasn’t you.
It’s never you.
You’ve had guys cut off dates before they even start, all because they didn’t see colors when they laid their eyes on you. They refuse to even be friends with you.
All anyone is doing anymore is searching for a soulmate and it’s exhausting when none of them are yours. When all of your friends see color now. When everyone assures you that it’ll happen soon. What does soon even mean?
You grab your ice cream from the freezer and fall onto the couch, flicking to whatever channel has late night shows that aren’t complete garbage.
As usual, you find yourself watching a talk show, and tonight Tom Hiddleston is one of the guests.
You’re sort of familiar with him from a few movies, but other than that, you hardly know anything about him.
“So, Tom, we’ve all been wondering what’s going on with you and Brie Larson?”
“Brie?” Tom asks, clearly shocked to hear this question. “We’re just good friends, that’s all.”
“Oh, she doesn’t make you see any colors?”
“Ah, no, actually, she does not,” Tom chuckles, but doesn’t sound sad at all, surprisingly. “Her wife does that for her, not me, I’m afraid.”
“Oh really?” The host brushes past the mention of Brie’s wife and keeps the focus on Tom, of course. “So is that true, you still don’t see color?”
Your ears perk up at the mention of someone else not seeing in color. It’s rare for anyone to talk about this on television. Most celebrities don’t talk about whether or not they’ve found their soulmate, but more often than not, those that have are quite loud about it.
“Yes, that’s true,” Tom answers. “I still see the world in a lovely black and white.”
You snort, harshly jabbing your spoon into your ice cream. Lovely. Yeah, right.
“Do you really think it’s nice? Do you not miss the colors?” The host asks.
“No, no, I do. I do,” Tom admits. “But I like to think I’ll see them when the time is right.”
You groan, going to Google to look up his age. And when you see he’s 40, you groan even louder. He’s older than you and he still hasn’t met his soulmate. That’s just depressing. How can he sound so optimistic?
“Alright, well, if there’s one thing you wish you could tell your soulmate, what would it be? Maybe they’re watching right now, you never know.”
Tom smiles wide. “Maybe, maybe, um… Oh, so many things,” Tom exhales deeply. “I guess I could be cliché and say I can’t wait to meet them and wait for me, but I think I want to say… I think I want to say I understand. It is frustrating, still seeing in black and white, but our paths will cross soon, I’m sure of it. Until then, my eyes are blue.”
Blue. Blue.
You roll your eyes. You don’t even remember what the color looks like.
seven months later
“I am not going to a movie premiere. You’re insane!”
“Please!” Your friend, Catherine, cries. “You’ll love it, I swear.”
You glare at her over your coffee. “That just makes it sound like you have a trick up your sleeve.”
“I don’t,” she says. “I just want you to take advantage of this and come with us! When will you ever have the chance to go to a movie premiere again?”
She has a point. Dammit. “Touché. How did you get tickets, anyway? Please tell me you didn’t spend thousands for this.” You wouldn’t put it past her, even though you tell her not to every time before she does something like this.
“God, no, Joe surprised me with them earlier. He said he went to school with the lead.”
“Oh. Cool. Who?”
“Tom Hiddleston, I think. Have you heard of him? He’s British, but that’s about all I know. Joe just said they ran into each other the other day and reconnected.”
You stop halfway through a sip of coffee, careful to not choke on it. Slowly, you nod. “Yeah. I...I’ve seen him in a couple things.”
“Apparently, he hasn’t met his soulmate either…” Catherine trails away, raising her eyebrows at you.
You roll your eyes. “I heard,” you set your cup down. “He’s probably met them by now though since he blasted it on television like that.”
“Or he’s still searching and you’re still being too cynical.”
“You’re probably right,” you chuckle.
“Sooo, you’ll come?”
You sigh heavily. “As long as you help me pick something to wear.”
“I’m regretting letting you talk me into this already,” you mutter when you nearly trip in your heels.
“Oh, hush,” Catherine swats your arm. “It’s an excuse to get dressed up and look hot for no reason. Take it.”
Catherine’s soulmate, Joe, was whisked away almost as soon as the three of you stepped inside the venue by some director (you think), but he promised to return in a few minutes. Catherine told him not to worry. She’s used to him being dragged away for conversation. You can see from her face that she’s more proud of him than anything, and not at all annoyed.
Currently, you and Catherine are standing near the small bar, waiting for them to announce that it’s time to take your seats. You desperately want a drink, but part of you knows it would be a bad idea.
One glass of wine can’t hurt, though. Maybe it’ll take your mind off the pain in your feet.
You peel away from Catherine when you see Joe coming back, and you flag the bartender down quickly.
After ordering a glass of white wine, you wait patiently, wishing you had chosen a dress with sleeves. It’s fucking cold in here.
“Darling, you’re shivering, are you alright?”
Your head turns toward the smooth voice, face set and mind trying to decipher whether or not it was a sincere or creepy comment when the world quite literally explodes.
There, standing beside you, concern written all over his face, is Tom Hiddleston. Only now the concern has washed away into awe when your eyes lock with his.
“Oh my god,” he whispers, stumbling even though he’s standing in place.
“Blue,” you murmur. “Your eyes are blue.” Without even thinking or asking, your hand lifts to cup his cheek, and then you pull back, “Shit, sorry—”
But he grabs your wrist gently, placing your palm on his cheek. “It’s alright.” His thumb strokes the back of your hand. “I have been looking everywhere for you.”
“I thought you didn’t exist,” you whisper in reply. But here he is. His eyes are blue, his lips are pink, he has tiny brown freckles all over his rosy cheeks. You look back to his eyes, narrowing your own. “You liar. Your eyes have green in them, too.”
“Do they really?” Tom chuckles. “I never would’ve known.”
“That’s why you have me,” you tease, and you don’t know where any of this is coming from, yet it doesn’t feel like you’re pretending. It feels like you’re finally yourself.
His other hand tangles with yours as he nods. “That’s why I have you, indeed.”
At this time, the lights in the theatre begin lightly flashing, signaling that it’s time for everyone to begin making their way to their seats.
But neither you or Tom move one inch.
The only issue is people are beginning to stare.
You notice it first, so you slowly pull your hand from his cheek. This movement shocks him back to reality, too, and he blinks a few times, yet he doesn’t let go of your hand.
“I, um, I have to make a speech,” he says. “But then I can come back to you. Will you save me a seat?”
“Don’t you have to sit up front?”
He nods. “I do, but—”
“Then I’ll come with you.” You aren’t sure if it’s the fact that he hasn’t let go of your hand yet, or if it’s because you’ve been waiting so long that now you don’t want him to be further than an arms length away from you, but you mean what you say.
“Are you sure?” He asks, but you both need to make a decision quickly because you can see someone waving from the wings, most likely trying to get Tom’s attention.
“I’m sure.”
He doesn’t question it, in fact, he grins, and brings your hand up to his lips, kissing your knuckles. “Let’s go, then.”
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spinaroos-47 · 3 years
Hunter Noceda AU: Venance
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(can't digitalize these rn so you'll get the sketches for now)
So yeah, Golden Guard version two!
When Belos does find out about Hunter in YBOS, Hunter gets the bomb dropped about them being related (idk how yet). but Hunter obviously doesn’t believe in it. Until Hunting Palismen comes around and they find this small thingy, Venance.
(thank you @bernardo-draws-and-cries​​ for the name. Its based on the name Venâncio, which means “the one who hunts”)
He is another grimwalker made by Belos, he’s 12 (yeah.) and way more stressed (Belos has gotten more iron fisted after losing Hunter). Someone save this poor child
- He’s just starting out as the Golden Guard (and he’s not a coven head. Kikimora is. And she still wants him dead too), he’s still getting the hang of it. He does act tough and serious, way more serious than canon GG/Hunter, no space for goofyness.
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- So yeah, a duo Hunting Palismen thing would be fun. Haven’t sorted out everything here but I do think Hunter would also go with Luz because of no palisman reasons. And he hasn’t met Ven yet, he only heard Lilith talking about him and Luz and Eda dealing with him on Separate Tides (he was busy drowning in guilt and trying to help with the money situation in other ways), so when he meets Ven and when he sees his face and how similar they are (and how many scars that kid already has), he’s reasonably confused/upset, like “Oh, that creepy man wasn’t lying. This doesn’t make anything on this situation better”
- After the initial surprise/confusion, Luz and Hunter jokingly call him Ghaterer until they learn his name, then they start calling him Ven. At first Ven hates this nickname but ends up reluctantly accepting it.
- Even before Eclipse Lake he’s so scared about being replaced, and knowing about Hunter’s existence in the Boiling Isles makes it worse, now he’s super sure he isn’t as valuable to Belos anymore. So he hates Hunter
- Hunter: come here youre part of the found family now
Ven: NO
Hunter: too late *picks him up*
Hunter: If Luz taught me something is that if you didn’t want to get assimilated into my found family, you should have killed me when you had the chance
Yeah that’s their dynamic when Hunter learns a bit more about him
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- Venance doesn’t have much respect as the Golden Guard yet. He’s small (like, maybe even less than 1,50m/4′11″), young, has just been starting out on this role, like, in the last few months, could easily be picked up like a kitty, so he has to fight quite a bit to be taken seriously. Which results on him being way more grumpy and short tempered
- So he doesn’t take it very well when hes made fun of by the scouts in Latissa. Not at all
- Hunter, who was joking around until then:…are you okay?
Ven: I AM! *barely holding the tears back*
Hunter: that’s it youre part of the family now
Ven: you can’t do that
Hunter: we’re two and you’re one, we have your staff and youre very light.
(he still would put up a fight, and it would take a while for it to end. And he bites hard, he has very sharp fangs)
- Scouts: Go home with your sibiling
Hunter: *oh. Oh yeah i forgot we have the same freaking face*
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- They don’t know yet about the grimwalker thing. Well, maybe Ven discovers later but at the moment where Hunting Palismen happens, neither of them know anything besides them being related, Ven got told he is his brother, and that Hunter was taken away from the coven before he was born
- Rascal seeing Hunter: hey you’re cool, i kinda want to be your palisman
Rascal seeing Ven: oh heck this kid needs help 
- I’m not sure if Hunter gets Lil Rascal. Because on one side, would be fun for him to have Lil Rascal and train doing magic like this, but also could be good for Ven to have some small support back at home, like how they are to Hunter in canon. So this hasn’t been decided yet. Hunter could either get Lil Rascal and Ven doesn’t get a palisman/gets a blue jay palisman, or Ven gets Lil Rascal and Hunter comes back also empty handed
- So I’m going with the no palisman for Hunter route for now. 
- It’s a bitter moment for both him and Luz. He tries to convince her that it’s okay, that they’ll get theirs soon, but she still kinda feels like a failure about this. And he himself thinks it’s because they don’t have a magic bile sac, so it’s not a good time for them. Eda and King lift their spirits a bit about this, though.
- Either by peeking around or just flat out being told, Ven does learn about him (and Hunter) being grimwalkers. What does he do with that? He has a crisis about it, which raises even more the stakes for him in Eclipse Lake. He still wouldn’t know his purpose for the Day of Unity, but he would know that he was created for it and could lose his position if he didn’t prove himself worthy of it.
- He would explode at Hunter one day and end up telling the truth about them being Grimwalkers (after Eclipse Lake)
- Ven: Do you want to know what you really are?! You’re a clone! You’re just someone’s clone just like me! A replacement!
Hunter, trying to not freak out but freaking out anyways: ...are you okay?
- If Belos is searching for Hunter, on the grounds of him being a more mature grimwalker than Venance, Ven could end up resorting to sabotaging the searches, he doesn’t want to be replaced.
- And he’s making Ven convinced that he will be replaced, to pit both boys against eachother. He gets Ven more under his thumb and not risking Hunter making Ven change his mind. Which doesn’t work as he intented, Ven does get scared about it but Hunter ends up pretty quickly going “dude why do you think I want to replace you?” and Ven is quickly thrown into a loop because he can’t understand why he wouldn’t want to do that
- Ven: what do you mean with “I don’t wanna be the Golden Guard”? If you’re like me you should DESIRE IT SINCE YOU WERE BORN
Hunter: lol no. I dealt with my need of approval a year ago on therapy.
Hunter: Also being a cop sucks.
- This boy is a tense child always a few bad moments away from a breakdown/meltdown. And has anger problems. A lot of anger in a very tiny body
- There’s some more interactions between Ven and the Noceda duo, and he would rather die than admit that he’s got slightly attached to them
- Eda: Luz told me that Golden Guard is a uwu smol boi that needs to be protected, hell knows what this means 
Hunter, who definetly came there too because FUCKING COOL ASS CAVE AND LAKE: i hate/love her
Ven: If i ever see that human again-
Amity AND Hunter: watch your fucking mouth
(definetly not how it would play out but very funny sdkdshdfsj)
- In terms of strength he couldn’t defeat Amity in a fight for the key, he would lean more on the blackmailing. He is a 12 year old but he’s still on a position of power on the emperor’s coven and he knows where the key is, it would put the owlfam on Belos’ line of sight again (if they even ever went away from it)
- That or he passes out, gets dragged out of there by them (he’s a lil shit but they’re not going to leave him there alone where Kikimora could kill him) and he falls asleep for 12 hours in the couch on the owl house. Which ends up giving him a day where he can be just a kid. He’s very weirded out by everything but he enjoys it a little bit at least. He would still try to get the key and would be torn apart by the guilt of thinking of doing this and the guilt of not doing this
- It wouldn’t take much to make him want to stay in the owl house. He’s starved for positive attention. It wouldn’t be easy but also it’s not as hard as for how Hunter is right now in canon
- I don’t think this could happen but I keep thinking about one day him and Hunter switching places so he can be just a kid for one day. Would be cool to see him sneaking into Hexside (or being dragged there, which is more likely to happen) and interacting with Willow and Gus
And that’s some of what we have for Ven right now! He’s a fun character to figure out :3
This took SO MUCH TIME to write
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varietyoven · 3 years
*this is a wip that i accidentally posted and idk how to undo it so the end is not really an ending lol
*part 3 of 4 yoongi/reader soulmate fics that i’m writing based on the universe of another fic that can be found on ao3 
*i’ll be adding to it now and then just busy with life rn!
“Jagiya, I’m sorry,” you sniffed, head buried in your u-shaped pregnancy pillow as you lay on your side on the bed. You had one leg swung over the firm cushion as your arm cradled your swollen belly. At almost eight months pregnant, your stomach stuck out so much you couldn’t remember the last time you saw your toes.
Last night the company had made the announcement that Yoongi would be missing part of of the group’s seven-month world tour because of a...health emergency. Which really meant that he would be there for the first two concerts in Korea and then take a few weeks off. Reactions from the fans ranged from angry, which you didn’t get, to understandably concerned. He made you promise not to read the comments, but you couldn’t help yourself and now you were panicking because several had started to speculate that you were pregnant and giving birth soon - hence why he had to miss part of the tour; the actual, real reason for his absence.
But you’d been off social media since forever and you couldn’t figure out how they had known since anyone you came into contact with - especially staff - had signed those non-disclosure agreement forms. And your friends and family knew better than to reveal something like that.
“I said it was fine,” Yoongi assured you in a calm tone. He sat behind you on the bed, propped against some pillows, and reached out an arm to place his hand on your stomach. You felt relief as the soulmate connection began to radiate warmth from his palm on your shirt-covered belly.
“I swear I didn’t post anything,” you said.
Yoongi sighed. “I know you didn’t. Are you sure you read all the comments?”
“Why?” You turned your head to look at him and saw that he was scrolling through something on his phone. It looked like Twitter from what you could see. “Jagiya?”
“Here.” He turned the screen towards you and you squinted at it. It was a picture of your younger son Junseo and you recognized it to be a screenshot from the BTS Run episode from about two months ago. The two-year-old wore a cute lion costume and there was that time when he began to cry and looked for you. He had run toward the cameras where you were sitting behind the scenes...
“Oh no,” you whispered, horror lacing your voice. Junseo was fully in the picture, face scrunched up and tears running down his cheeks, and he could be seen hugging a person whose face wasn’t shown but whose body appeared in about the right third of the photo.
That person was obviously you, and while you’d worn a baggy hoodie, Junseo’s hug had pressed the hoodie closer to your stomach and formed a visibly curved outline of your belly. It was smaller then, but was still noticeable in the photo. You didn’t remember if he’d called out ‘eomma’ but you would if he did. To an outsider, it would look like he was hugging a random coordi. A pregnant coordi.
“I didn’t see this when I watched the episode,” you said, managing to sit up a bit. Yoongi was quick to put a pillow behind you and you gratefully leaned against it.
He shrugged. “Maybe you missed it. You were in there for less than one second.”
“I mean,” you waved a hand in the air. “I don’t remember Junseo saying ‘eomma’. So, they can’t know it’s me.”
You glanced at Yoongi when he didn’t reply to you. His thumbs were typing something on his phone and you craned your neck to see what it was. He side-eyed you, eyebrows raising, but still said nothing.
He shut his phone off and put it to the side. He turned his head to look at you, looking relaxed and amused with his mouth curved slightly. You glared at him. How could he be so calm when a shitstorm was blowing up, you had no idea.
“Why are you so chill,” you spat, arms crossing under your chest.
“Hm,” he threw an arm around your shoulders and pulled you closer to his side. “It’s fine.”
“No, it’s not,” you huffed, turning to lean your head on his shoulder. His arm adjusted to accommodate you and he brought his hand up to thread his fingers through your hair in a soothing manner.
“We’re going to announce it anyway once we have the baby, so,” Yoongi pressed his head to yours, sighing. “It doesn’t matter.”
BTS’s SUGA WECOMES THIRD CHILD | Famous rapper Suga reveals birth of daughter with a sweet photo of his three kids (Read more...)
"Eomma, she’s so small,” Jihoon leaned over a bit from where he sat beside you on the hospital bed. He raised a hand towards the sleeping baby on your chest but thought better of it at the last moment, looking up at you with an unsure expression. 
You nodded at him assuringly. “It’s okay, remember what appa and I told you?” Your five-year-old son nodded back and once again reached out to his sister, placing it gently on her back. 
“Hi,” he whispered. “My name is Jihoon. You can call me oppa when you grow up.”
Something inside you went soft and mushy at the scene playing out in front of you. You felt tears begin to well up in your eyes at the adorable sight. It warmed your heart to see your kids so readily love each other and you glanced to your side at Yoongi, who was sitting on the chair next to the bed with a sleeping Junseo nestled against his side. He was also staring at his oldest and youngest children, an unreadable expression on his face.
You squeezed his hand, which the two of you had laced together for an extra recharge after a long exhausting day. His eyes moved from the kids to you and he raised his eyebrows questioningly.
“Take a pic, hurry,” you said to him in an undertone. He let go of your hand and shifted to take his phone out of his pocket. He fiddled with it one-handed and raised to aim the camera at the children when the phone suddenly began to vibrate.
“Fu--ah,” he sighed. He looked at you with a crease in his forehead and mouth downturned a little. “Mom’s calling.”
“Oh,” you bit your lip. Only a few hours ago you and Yoongi had called everyone who needed to be called about the new baby. His parents were one of the first ones you called, so you couldn’t think of a reason why they’d be calling again. 
“Uhm, answer it? Maybe it’s an emergency,” you shrugged. Yoongi shook his head a bit and tapped on the screen. 
“How’s my daughter-in-law and new grandchild?” His mom’s voice sounded out from the screen, the usual demanding and loud tone that it was whenever you heard her or spoke to her. It wasn’t anything bad and you had gotten used to it, as it was something that was inherently her and something that Yoongi obviously did not inherit.
Speaking of which, Yoongi was now grimacing and turned the phone away and put it to his ear, turning off loudspeaker. “Mom, we called you a few hours ago. They’re fine. We’re all okay.”
He glanced at you and you looked back with your eyebrows raised and an unsure smile on your lips. He put the phone down a little. “Mom and dad want to see you and the baby again.”
You shrugged and nodded. Considering that it was a busy time for you all in the months ahead, there was no knowing when they would be able to visit. And you guessed that they were still very excited about the fact that a girl had finally been born in the Min family after your two boys and Yoongi’s older brother’s baby son who was born just a few months earlier.
Yoongi tapped something on his phone and handed it to you. His mom was on the screen and you greeted her momentarily before facing the camera to the baby.
“Oh, she’s so adorable, isn’t she, dear? Ah, Jihoon-ah is there also? My handsome grandson!” You smiled at Jihoon over the phone when he perked up at the sound of his grandma’s voice.
“Hi grandma, look, it’s my baby sister,” he placed his hands on the baby gently. “Eomma and appa said I have to be a good oppa and protect her.”
“Yes, yes, that’s right Jihoon-ah,” your mother-in-law agreed. In the background you heard your father-in-law yell at something. Yoongi’s mom turned around and told him to quiet down. In the meantime, Yoongi stood up with Junseo in his arms and gestured for Jihoon to come down. 
“I’ll check on the forms, will you be okay alone for a few minutes?” You nodded your head at him and waved at Jihoon as your boys left the room.
Just then Yoongi’s mom called out your name and you answered to let her know you were still there. “Yoongi took the boys with him,” you informed her.
“Ah, that’s fine. I just wanted to let you know that we are sending a package to you. Some things for you and the baby, and the boys of course.” Yoongi’s dad appeared on the screen and reminded her that there were a couple of things that Yoongi wanted as well.
“Yes, yes,” she waved her hand at him. “Anyway, we’ll send it out tomorrow and it should be there in a couple of days.”
“Yes, thank you so much,” you smiled at them. She beamed at you and asked to see the baby one more time. You tilted the phone down and held still as she took screenshots. 
“Well, we’ll let you rest now,” she said, reminding you to take it easy for the next few weeks. You nodded and said goodbye before ending the call.
The door opened and Jihoon walked in with a paper bag in his hand. Yoongi followed him inside, closing the door behind him. Junseo was awake and you could tell that he was still sleepy, his tiny arms clutching around his father’s neck.
“The doctor needs to do some final checks. She’ll be here in in hour or two,” Yoongi informed you, holding some paperwork in his hand. He walked to the chair he had occupied previously and sat down. Junseo fussed, twisting around, and Yoongi made to put him down on the ground but that only made him crankier. You smiled in slight concern while Yoongi’s expression stayed the same.
“No, appa,” Junseo whined. He wrapped his limbs around Yoongi, who wound one arm around him to keep him steady as he sat back down.
“It’s ok,” Yoongi muttered into his son’s hair, running his hand up and down the boy’s back. “Go to sleep, appa will hold you.” Your son’s whimpers gradually quieted and Yoongi let out a sigh before facing forward toward your older son.
“Jihoon-ah, come sit,” he ordered, nodding to the space beside him. The five year old, who was currently nibbling on a cookie, followed obediently and sat beside his father.
You watched the whole scene from your perch on the bed. Yoongi was such a good father, you couldn’t believe that there was a time when he thought he wouldn’t be present enough in their lives because of his lifestyle as an idol. But he made it work, and his kids loved him.
Soon the baby in your arms began to stir and let out whimpers. You gently rocked her back and forth but you knew it was time to feed her soon, so you bared your breast and guided her tiny mouth to your nipple. Your daughter quieted down once she latched on and started to suckle. You sucked in a breath as a tingling sensation came over you. It was like this the first few times when you nursed your older kids - you never got used to the feeling.
The sound of a camera came from your right side and you turned your head to see Yoongi holding his phone, aimed towards you. He must have taken it from where you put it down on the bed. You raised an eyebrow at him and narrowed your eyes. He mirrored your expression and took another picture.
“Let me see,” you insisted. He shook his head and put his phone away. “Yoongi, please?”
“You’re gonna make me delete it,” he said.
You shook your head. “I just want to see.”
Yoongi was silent for  a moment and his eyes flitted to the side, head tilting a bit. You truly just wanted to see how you looked like, so why was he taking so long to show you?
“Hm,” he said. You pouted because you knew that meant no. Whatever. You turned your attention back to the baby in your arms and watched her feed. 
Warm fingers grazed your arm and you sighed as little spurts of energy filled your being.
“Later,” Yoongi said, rubbing a thumb against your skin. “I’ll show you.” He then gripped your bicep to get you to look at him. He nodded to the forms on the small table. 
“I’m going to fill those up after Taehyung and Jimin get here. We decided on ‘Jaehwa’, right?”
You nodded in agreement. “Yes, Min Jaehwa.” It was another ‘J’ name because you’d named your two boys like that and it felt right to keep it going.
“Ok,” Yoongi said.
You unlatched Jaehwa from your breast once you felt her suckles dwindle to nothing. You closed the gown over your chest and arranged the baby over your shoulder to burp her.
You couldn’t wait to go home.
After the doctor arrived and signed off on the clearance forms, Yoongi texted Jimin.
“They should be here in a few minutes,” he told you. You nodded and took the shirt that he offered. The hospital gown wasn’t the most comfortable thing to wear and you were glad to be in your own clothes now.
A knock on the door sounded. Yoongi sighed and stood up to check who it was. 
“Hi hyung! Ah, sorry,” Jimin sheepishly covered his mouth when Yoongi shushed him.
Taehyung also quieted down and whispered, “The car’s waiting outside, by the way.” Yoongi nodded in acknowledgment and continued to pack the bag with the things you brought. On the couch beside him, Jihoon and Junseo were fast asleep.
Jimin saw you perched on the edge of the bed with Jaehwa in a baby carrier. He excitedly walked over with Taehyung. “Hey, how are you doing?”
“Tired,” you said. 
Jimin waggled his eyebrows at you and you scrunched up your nose in amusement.
"You really can't join us on tour?" He asked.
“I'm sorry,” you shook your head. This was the first time ever that you would sit out part of the tour because of pregnancy. Jihoon and Junseo were born during months of down time when the group were in Korea for the better part of the year.
The sound of a throat clearing came from Yoongi. He didn’t look up from packing the bag. “Don’t bother my wife, Jimin. She just had my baby.”
You pouted. “She's my baby, too.” Yoongi glanced at you with a smirk which you shook your head at in amusement. Sometimes he got into this mood and it made you feel all sort of things, like a fluttering in your stomach that you couldn’t explain. Seeing him happy and content made you feel the same.
“She’s so cute,” Taehyung whispered. Jimin was beside him and he peered at the baby. “Hi, Jaehwa. I’m Jimin, but you can call me ‘best uncle’.”
You snorted as Taehyung looked at him with an incredulous expression. “Jimin-ah, you shouldn’t lie to kids like that.” Jimin opened his mouth to retort but closed it shut when Yoongi waved a hand at them.
“Hey,” Yoongi said. “Stop arguing. Carry the boys so we can go.” He directed them to holding one sleeping kid each while he slung the hospital bag over his shoulder and took a hold of the baby carrier. An orderly was already in the room waiting with a wheelchair.
He raised his eyebrows at you and held out his hand, mouth curved up slightly. “Let’s go?”
“Eomma, I’ll be fine,” Jihoon assured you. He was dressed in his school uniform with a dinosaur-themed backpack around his shoulders. Today was the first day of school and you officially had a kindergartener in the family. 
You bit your lip and reached out to fix his hat, balancing your youngest child in the other arm. Jihoon huffed but let you do your fussing. At five years old, he had more patience than most children and was mature beyond his age. But that didn’t mean you didn’t have your worries about being away from him for so long, starting today. 
You nodded and let him go, following as he walked to the front door. His nanny was waiting for him with another bag in her hand. You smiled at her and apologized for not being able to come with them today.
“It’s no problem,” she said. 
You waved at Jihoon and he ran back to kiss you on the cheek. He even waved at Jaehwa who gurgled at him. Behind you, the sound of a throat clearing came and you turned to see Yoongi.
“Leaving?” He cocked an eyebrow at Jihoon. He walked up to his son and put his hands on his shoulders. “Remember what I said, ok?”
“Yes, appa, I’ll remember,” Jihoon replied. Yoongi’s mouth curved up and he nodded.
“Ok, we’ll see you later, right?” He stood up and went to stand beside you. The two of you watched as your oldest child put on his shoes and walked out of the apartment, waving one last time before the door shut behind him.
“I wish we could have gone with him,” you said. Yoongi made a noise of agreement in his throat and leaned down to kiss Jaehwa on the cheek. Your daughter swatted a fist at her father, who caught her hand and pressed his mouth to her fingers. 
His eyes shot up to make contact with yours and he straightened up to his full height, just a few inches taller than you. “I have to go at nine.”
You nodded. “I know, you told me last night.”
His brows scrunched up and he opened his mouth to say something, but thought better of it and sighed, running a hand through his immaculate hair.
You gave him a questioning glance.
“Hm,” he grabbed your free hand with his. “You’ll be ok?”
“Yes, the sitter will be back soon so I won’t be alone. Don’t worry,” you squeezed his hand.
Yoongi nodded and leaned into you. Your eyes widened slightly as he pressed a firm kiss to your lips. You gave him a questioning glance when he pulled away. Yoongi wasn’t really one to show physical affection that often, and when he did he was more into holding hands or hugging. Sometimes he kissed your neck and that often led to other...more physical activities.
“Wanna go out tonight?” he murmured, forehead pressed to yours, arms loosely wrapped around you - well, as much as he could wrap them with Jaehwa in your arms.
“I don’t think that’s possible,” you said. You gestured to the baby. “You know, kids...and the nanny can’t stay overnight.”
“Hm,” Yoongi replied. “What if...your parents came over?”
You raised your eyebrows at him. Your parents lived within half an hour’s drive from the dorms and they never minded whenever you and Yoongi asked them to babysit. “Uhm, it’s a bit short notice, isn’t it?”
His eyes looked to the side then went back to yours. “Well, actually I already called them.”
“What, Yoongi - hmph,” Yoongi pressed his lips to yours once again, warm and soft as he gripped the back of your head and turned you slightly. Your lips parted and you made a sound in your throat when his tongue slipped inside.
You heard a slapping sound and suddenly Yoongi pulled away from you, his hand covering his cheek. Jaehwa squealed and bounced against you, and you quickly wrapped both arms around her so she didn’t fall. “Jaehwa, did you just hit your appa?”
Yoongi grimaced slightly and rubbed his cheek. “My little girl wants some kisses too, huh?”
He reached for Jaehwa who readily went to her father, clutching his neck and burying her face into his neck. Yoongi ran his hand across her back and pressed his lips to the side of her head.
“So, later...” he asked you. 
“Where are we going?”
“Do you trust me?”
You frowned at him. Whatever he was planning was starting to sound not good at all with his weird questions. Normally he was blunt with matters. “Of course I do?”
“What? You’re not sure?” He narrowed his eyes at you, slightly accusing but mostly he was joking.
“No! I mean yes. I trust you.” You crossed your arms. “Just tell me.”
“You’ll know when we get there.” He rocked side to side. “Just be ready by four. I’ll pick you up.”
Your eyes widened. “Pick me up? Are you driving?”
He nodded. “Just the two of us.”
“Just,” you paused. You hated not knowing everything about something and this was one of those times. But ever since you met Yoongi, your life had always been filled with unknowns. “Ok, fine.”
Yoongi’s mouth curved up. “Good.”
At a little past four in the afternoon, you found yourself in the passenger seat of a black sedan. Your twisted the plain band on your left ring finger, the sleeves of your large hoodie almost falling past your hands. It used to be Yoongi’s, but you’d worn it once and he told you to keep it.
For his part, Yoongi had changed out of the clothes he’d worn this morning and looked more casual in a baggy sweatshirt and jeans. He had a face mask on which he’d pulled down so that only his mouth was covered. Wherever he was taking you, it was most definitely not anywhere fancy. And definitely not a restaurant, because the two of you couldn’t eat food.
You peered out the window, watching buildings and cars pass by. The year would be over in a few months. The guys had just finished a major tour so they were taking some time off before working on other things again. Not like they took real breaks anyway. You knew for sure that Yoongi was always working on new music, which he sometimes made you listen to because he wanted your opinion on something.
The car turned into an area that was full of trees. You craned you neck to see if there was a sign but it was just a narrow road. It was a park, that much you could tell, but there were so many parks in Seoul and you didn’t know which one.
Yoongi parked the car and killed the engine. He glanced at you and raised his eyebrows. You frowned at him. “Where are we?”
“A park,” he said. “Let’s go.”
He opened his door and got out. You unbuckled your seatbelt and got out on your side, rounding the car to get to Yoongi. You tugged on his sweatshirt with your fingers as he locked the car.
“I know we’re in a park,” you replied, letting him lace his fingers with yours. He tugged you with him as he walked and you followed. 
“We’re in Namsan Park. I wanted to take you to Duryu Park but we don’t have the time right now.”
“Oh,” you looked around. You’d been to Namsan Park many times before but you weren’t familiar with this area.
You were now following an uphill path that was no less filled with trees. Yoongi shoved your intertwined hands into the pocket of his sweatshirt. You stepped closer to him to keep up with his strides.
The ground leveled beneath your feet and Yoongi stopped walking. You bumped into him and took a step back, looking around the place where he’d taken you.
It was a small clearing encircled by trees. Orange and yellow leaves gently floated around, the wind making the branches sway. To the side was a fence that offered a great view to the Seoul skyline below. 
Yoongi gestured to the bench located a few feet from the fence. You sat down and he lowered himself beside you. 
Neither of you spoke for the moment, letting the sound of the falling leaves and the trees fill in the silence. Yoongi never let go of your hand and pulled it to his lap, pressing on your palm with his thumbs and pulling on your fingers.
“Do you like it?” Yoongi asked you.
You hummed and leaned your head on his shoulder. Yoongi turned his head and pressed his face to your hair.
“I thought it’d be good to...have some time to ourselves,” he murmured. 
You nodded. “Yeah, this is nice.”
Yoongi let go of your hand and nudged your shoulder. You sat up and looked at him, noticing that he had outstretched his arm. He nodded to the space beside him and you giggled.
“You don’t want to?” You bit your lip at the slight pout of his mouth. Having you nestled into his side with his arm tight around your shoulders was one of his favorite positions for energy recharging. Well, aside from sex - which was what the two of you did almost every night if neither of you were too tired.
“We’re just going to cuddle?” 
He raised an eyebrow at you. “Why? You want to do something else?” Turning around, he looked in the direction of the trees. He made up his mind about something and turned back to look at you with a smirk.
You smiled uncertainly. “Yes?”
“If you want to fuck,” he nodded to the trees. You hit his arm and shook your head. You’d been married to this man for almost seven years and every year he kept getting more physically affectionate. It was a far cry from the first few months when the two of you just met and were adjusting to the new circumstance of being bonded together and being literally dependent on each other.
“What the hell, Yoongi?” You swept your arm around the park. “We’re in a public area, in case you forgot.”
He shook his head. “I had it secured,” he waved his hand dismissively. “Anyway, I was just kidding. Will you please let me put my arm around you?”
“Hm,” you leaned fully against him, head on his shoulder as he wrapped his arm around you.
“Everyone says that all our kids look like you.”
Yoongi glanced at you from his seat on the desk. From your sprawled out form on the bed you could see that he had multiple windows open on his laptop. He had told you that he was working on some new music for a collab with an artist. 
Before, he would have shut you out - well, the world, really - and worked the whole night. But that was years ago and he was better about his habits now.
His eyebrows raised. “Yes? I’m their father, of course they look like me.”
You flipped over on your stomach, resting your chin on your hand. “Yes, well, they’re half me, but somehow it looks like you just duplicated yourself. Even Jaehwa looks like a female version of you.”
He made an odd laughing noise in his throat and turned fully in his swivel chair to face you. He had an amused expression on his face, head resting against the back of his chair.
“We can have another one. Maybe it’ll look like you?”
You sat up and spluttered, mouth open. “That...that’s not - we already have three.”
“Did we agree to stop at three?” Yoongi tilted his head and appeared to contemplate something. “I don’t think we did.”
“Uhm." He had a point. The two of you never really talked about how many children you were going to have, but you kind of assumed that Jaehwa would be the last. Two years had passed since she was born and you weren’t pregnant again...yet. 
Pills didn’t work for you because of the soulmate connection and Yoongi wasn’t particular about condoms - you never insisted, either. It was just something that neither of you thought deeply about and when you do get pregnant - well, it’s not like the two of you tried to prevent it.
“We can start now if you want.”
“Jaehwa just turned two.“
“She’ll be almost three when this one’s born.”
You scrunched your nose at him. "We'll run out of rooms in the house if we keep having kids."
Yoongi gave you a serious look and his eyes rolled upward, and you just knew what he was thinking. “Jagiya, we have five bedrooms. We are not buying a bigger house.”
His mouth dropped open then closed, then he nodded. “Okay, this will be our last then?”
“Um,” you shrugged. Maybe it would be a girl. It would be nice to have two of each. And maybe you sometimes wondered what a mini version of you would look like, but you didn't really mind either way.
“Okay,” Yoongi said, mouth curved up slightly. He turned around slightly in his chair. “You tell me when you’re ready. You know I'm always game."
A few months later, you found yourself in the bathroom. The test you had taken minutes earlier sat on the counter. You stood to the side, waiting for the last few seconds to tick by for the result.
Truthfully it was something you should have done weeks before but you blamed your bouts of dizziness and fatigue on work. It was a busy time for the group and you’d been running back and forth as a member of the filming team.
Yoongi was lying down on the bed with his phone, a sleeping Jaehwa on his chest. He had one arm wrapped around her while his other hand held up his phone. He sat up slightly when he saw you walk out and raised his eyebrows at you expectantly.
“It’s, uhm,” you bit your lip, approaching the bed and sitting on the edge. You stretched out your arm and held out the stick, looking away. You felt him take it from you.
When a few moments ticked by and you didn’t hear anything from him, you turned around to see that he was smiling down slightly at the stick. He glanced up at you.
“Two lines, huh,” he murmured. You nodded and tangled your hands together on your lap, a small smile on your lips. Yoongi pat the space beside him and you scooted over, pressing against his side with your head on his shoulder.
You reached out your hand and placed it on Jaehwa, smoothing down what little hair she had. Thankfully Yoongi had gotten her to sleep. She refused to nap that afternoon, and you’d tried all the usual tricks until it dawned on you that she was probably teething.
You craned your neck to look at your husband, who was staring straight at his phone, typing something. “What?”
He tilted his head and pressed a kiss to your forehead.
“Jungwon if it’s a girl.”
You let out a snort. “It could be a boy.”
“Hmm. I have more names.”
Your forehead creased at the knowledge that he had a list of more than one name for your unborn child. “No, you don't. ”
Yoongi didn’t reply right away, sitting up a bit to move Jaehwa from his chest to her crib beside the bed. Then he turned to face you, shifting closer until your chests pressed together. He wrapped an arm around your waist.
“I do. I have enough to make a baseball team.” He waggled his eyebrows at you, lips quirking up slightly.
“Uh,” you scrunched up your nose, shaking your head lightly. “No.”
“No?” Yoongi pouted. You resisted the urge to lean closer and give in to his ridiculous plan.
You sat up and crossed your arms, looking down at him. He merely smirked at you while leaning his chin on his palm, elbow propped on the bed. He nodded to your belly. 
"Could be twins."
You shook your head, eyes wide. "Don't even say that, Min Yoongi!"
Yoongi nodded, again, lips curled up slightly.
“Okay, I was kidding,” he turned to lay on his back. "So Jaesung if it's a boy."
You shuffled close to him and pressed your front to his side. He snaked an arm around you and held you close to him, securing your back.
You poked his chest.
“I thought it was my turn to give a name."
He glanced at you. "You'll just agree with me anyway."
"Hmph. I'll think of something."
"Okay, let me know when you do." His hand on your back rose to stroke your hair. "We should call the doctor for an appoinment."
"Hmm. I'll do it tomorrow."
"Can you go after three? I should be done with work by then."
You nodded. "Ok."
"Harabeoji, harabeoji look! This is you." Junseo held up a piece of paper to his grandfather - Yoongi's dad. Your younger son had spent the better part of thirty minutes drawing at the kitchen table while his harabeoji read the newspaper. Your father-in-law feigned an impressed look and praised his drawing.
"Ah, where's my hat, Junseo? Harabeoji needs his hat you know?"
You chuckled at the scene then turned your attention back to the carrots you were chopping. Yoongi had been in charge of the vegetables but he'd gone to take a call so you got up from your seat to take over.
The sound of a throat clearing came from behind you and you glanced back to see Yoongi with his arms crossed. He raised his brows at you.
He nodded toward the direction of the living room. "Go sit."
You rolled your eyes and resumed chopping. "Did you check on Jaehwa?"
He sighed from right beside you and you jumped slightly at his sudden proximity. "Yes, she's still asleep."
Yoongi pulled a chair from the table and set it behind you. He patted your shoulder and you obliged, holding on to his arm so you could sit properly. He pressed a kiss to your cheek and pushed your chair closer to your chopping station.
You resumed chopping and listened to the sounds of his movements around the kitchen. Yoongi got another knife and chopping board and took one of the vegetables, starting to cut it into pieces. Once he was done with the first and reached for another one, he paused and nudged you with his arm, bending down slightly to your level.
"Rest when you start feeling tired, ok?"
You nodded and smiled. Apparently he was satisfied with your answer because his lips curved up slightly, then the two of you worked to finish preparing the vegetables.
You had just sat down again in the living room, leaving Yoongi to tidy up the kitchen, when the front door opened. Your oldest child, Jihoon, entered first and held the door open for his halmeoni. Your mother-in-law had gone to buy some last minute ingredients, bringing your five-year-old son with her because she needed 'help'. You suspected she just wanted to spoil him and buy him snacks.
You stood up and eyed the sizable paper bag that Jihoon held in his arms with amusement. At this rate, he probably would be too full to eat dinner. You made a mental note to tell him to save it for later.
You greeted them a welcome back as you approached and went to assist your mother-in-law with the bags. She handed you a few.
Yoongi walked out of the kitchen and approached the front entrance, taking the rest of the bags from his mom. The two of you went to place the bags on the kitchen counter and then you left Yoongi to see to your two boys. Your mother-in-law entered as you were leaving and you shared a smile with her.
You called out to Jihoon and he went with you to sit on the couch. Junseo followed and took the seat in the middle.
"Hyung what is that?" The younger boy pointed to the paper bag placed between them. Jihoon opened it and pulled out a fish-shaped pastry.
His younger brother eyed it curiously. "Fish?"
"No, it's bungeoppang."
Jihoon nodded. “Here.”
Junseo took the piece of bread and took a tentative bite. You chuckled when his eyes widened and his lips formed an ‘o’.
Then he scooted over to you and shoved the bread in your face. “Eomma, it’s so good!”
“Yes! I wish you could try it,” he held out the bread and you smiled, pinching his cheek.
“It’s okay, eomma used to eat lots of bungeoppang as a kid,” you assured him.
From the corner of your eyes you saw Jihoon get up and to go his harabeoji, who had a pack of cards in his hands. Junseo went to join him and the three of them sat at the kitchen table. Your father-in-law had started teaching them different card games this year and they were only beginning to understand how to play.
Yoongi walked out of the kitchen and sat beside you. He wrapped his arm around your shoulders and you pressed closer, leaning your head on him. He held out his other hand and you placed yours in his. You let out a sigh as the soulmate connected radiated warmth from where the two of you were touching.
“Does eomeonim need help?” You asked.
“No, she kicked me out.”
Yoongi leaned forward and you moved with him. You gave him a questioning glance as he looked around. He glanced at you.
“Have you seen the remote?”
“Uhm, no.”
"Ah," he leaned over you and flipped a throw pillow. "Found it."
He smiled at you and turned the tv on. A rerun of a Daegu Lions game showed on screen.
"This must be Monday's game," Yoongi said, eyes glued. Monday was the day before yesterday, and he was busy in his studio while you were at home with the kids.
You hummed. "I watched it."
Yoongi's eyes widened slightly and he glanced at you before turning back to the game. "Don't spoil it. I avoided everything about it on the Internet so I could watch it myself."
"Hmm, well - hmph," a hand covered your lips. Yoongi didn't even look in your direction as he shushed you.
You sat for a few moments with his hand still on your mouth, waiting for him to realize that he still hadn't removed it. When a few more seconds passed, you rolled your eyes and peeled his hand away from your face.
Yoongi suddenly hissed at a bad play and his arm around you wound tighter, pulling you closer to him. You shifted a bit to settle your swollen belly into a more comfortable position, turning to press your belly to Yoongi’s side, when a loud cry came from the direction of the bedroom.
"Oh," you whispered. You turned in Yoongi’s hold toward the sound and made to stand up when your mother-in-law entered from the kitchen. She waved at you, gesturing that she’ll go check on your daughter.
Eomeonim returned with Jaehwa in her arms a few moments later. The two-year-old bounced in her grip and squealed when she saw you and Yoongi on the couch. She stretched out her chubby arms and her mouth opened into a gummy, toothless smile.
“Appa-pappa,” she babbled. Yoongi turned his attention away from the tv and smiled at her, removing his arm from you to take a hold of his daughter.
Eomeonim called your name and you stood up to follow her. You kissed Jaehwa on the cheek. “You sleep well Jaehwa-ya? Appa will play with you now, yes?”
“Paa-pp-aaa, okay?” Jaehwa placed her hands on her father’s cheeks and squeezed. You chuckled when Yoongi pretended to bite her fingers, then turned around to go to the kitchen.
Your nose scrunched up for the nth time that night as you felt another twisting pain in your stomach. You leaned on your elbow, your other arm over your swollen belly. You pressed your hand low on your abdomen as another pang shot through you. You bit your lip and whimpered. Yoongi was still sleeping when you looked over your shoulder, and it was too early in the morning. 
Too early to have this baby. You weren’t due for another three weeks.
You got up into a sitting position and leaned against the headboard, staring at the ceiling. You thought of different things to distract yourself. The work you still had to do when you got back to Seoul. Your boss had sent over some paperwork that you needed to read over and annotate, you thought it was about two documents, or was it three?
Your arm stretched out to clutch Yoongi’s shirt.
“Hmm,” he opened his eyes a fraction and took flicked up to your slightly shaking form. Realization hit him swiftly and he got up on his knees beside you.
“Fuck, are they close?” You shook your head and closed your eyes tightly, the pain was becoming more intense and you were losing the ability to talk properly.
You squeezed your eyes shut as you felt another contraction.
“Okay, okay,” he smoothed a hand over your hair. "Do you want to walk around?"
You shook your head. "H-Hospital."
Yoongi nodded. “Okay, wait here, I’ll go get eomma, okay?” You nodded and he kissed you on the forehead before he left.
Moments later your mother-in-law entered the bedroom. She fussed over you as she and Yoongi packed a bag with the things you brought with you from Seoul, which admittedly wasn’t much seeing as you didn’t plan to give birth in Daegu.
Your youngest child was born not two hours later in a hospital not far from your in-laws' apartment.
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Daft Punk Interview on Radio Nova in 2013 Part.1 - Translated
Before they broadcasted the interview the Radio nova guy said that they brought their own records that they used to use during their live performances in the 90s, and according to him they were really damaged and worn out. (Just thought it was an interesting detail)
The audio stops kind of weirdly but it’s because they suddenly played a song right in the middle of the interview so I cut it out the best as I could x)
As always Thomas is talking a lot and saying a lot of technical stuff so I tried my best to translate everything correctly :x
Translation under the cut
Radio Nova: Hello everyone, we are together like every evening from 8pm to 9pm on Radio Nova with, this evening, two, three guests in fact, a little different from the usual - that being said you can come back anytime you want if you want to be regular journalists on this program – so in the table order: Thomas Bangalter, good evening
Thomas: Good evening David
Radio Nova: Guy-Manuel de Homem-Christo, good evening
Guy-Man: Good evening David
RN: And Mr. DJ Falcon, Stéphane Quême, good evening
DJ Falcon: Good evening David            
RN: So that makes 2 Daft Punks and one collaborator of this album [RAM] which came out like..? Do you already know exactly when?
Thomas: Around one month ago
Guy-Man: *at the same time as Thomas* One month
RN: Do you remember your first interview on Radio Nova? it was in a different studio
Thomas: It was… Yeah it wasn’t very far away from here in the area, a little bit far away in time actually
RN: Yeah that’s it, it’s been more than 10 years but I-..
Thomas: Wait, it’s a lot more than that-…
RN: A lot more? What do you mean? 95?
Thomas: Uuh yeah 95, or 94.. Uh yeah 18 years
RN: And if I’m not mistaken it was- I would have loved it to be me on the first interview but it wasn’t me, it was Ariel wasn’t it? Wasn’t it “La Grosse Boule”? [another program on Radio Nova] Wasn’t it with Ariel Wizman, the very first interview?
Thomas: It must have been Ariel and Edouard yeah
RN: Alright, well. So what’s funny is that we’re recording this in the afternoon, it’s exactly, for the fans who want to know, it’s 4:03 precisely on this 18th June, so we’re gonna broadcast it tonight, it’s the “Appeal of 18 June”. So what’s quite funny is that here no one knows about it, we did it the anonymous way obviously we tried not to tell anyone about it, I don’t know if you’ve seen it but I wrote on the whiteboard “Mad Mods” one week ago to see if anyone would see the pun but no one has found the Mad Mods/Daft Punk pun yet. I’m gonna start with a serious question in order to embarrass you from the beginning with a serious question. What’s quite funny is that on lots of stuff that one says – well there’s still a musical achievement that is to say, 15 years ago with techno and electro music especially in France where it wasn’t very well known and now we see what it has become nowadays- however there’s one thing that you have done, and I remember that at the time we were talking about it, we imagined that the future would be a little bit like that, but actually you’re finding yourselves a bit alone in this matter, it’s anonymity. That is to say, we imagined ourselves, correct me if I’m wrong, in a kind of techno culture where we were with white labels, with Underground Resistance, with people who tried not to show their faces too much, that’s something that you have really respected until you created the robot characters, and then at the moment you create the robots, what’s showing up? On Tv, Star Academy [the French version of the British program Fame Academy]. The antithesis of this search of anonymity that we could have imagined in the future, or we can talk about Justice, they’re your friends also, nowadays it’s a group who show their faces all the time, basically the antithesis of what you can do about anonymity…..and bam
Thomas: Uh well, this doesn’t embarrass us.. I think there are two different things actually, at the beginning we really captured this era at that time of Underground Resistance, the white label stuff, raves, the “no logo” side of the 90s and actually we hid ourselves a little bit using masks, I remember that every time we were doing photos, we arrived in a city and we knew we had to do photos so we asked the address of the joke shop or the disguise shop
RN: It was the first photos that you sent to the press yeah
Thomas: Yeah that’s it, it was the first photos and uh.. In Tokyo there was more choice, there was a shop called Tokyo ???, that still exists, that is a kind of big shop like that, but to begin with, it was a little bit of activism and a way to release a disc like Homework and we didn’t want to show our faces uh and then the robot story is already an evolution in the idea of wanting to create characters, and at that time to try to-… It’s more like glam, or maybe something that was precursor or maybe a bit futuristic to say “hey it’s fun to create virtual characters and characters at the limit between reality and fiction” you know? But what’s-... the ironic thing in that, in what you say about reality TV and all these TV shows, it’s really the plot of Interstella which is the anime that we made in Japan, about this group who’s captured from another planet and who arrives-… and with all of this media coverage and this manipulation a bit diabolical of the system, and this story, we wrote it with Guy-Manuel and Cedric Hervet who we’re working with, between 99 and 2000 and it’s true that all this reality TV came a little bit after so the connection between the two things is quite intriguing… And for the rest, we didn’t imagine that we would still be here today I think, it’s mainly that, when we started in 95 we maybe didn’t think that we would make 4 albums, we didn’t think that we would be robots like this 18 years later
RN: But did you imagine that the time would still be a bit different, that we would abandon the star system a bit, because there was the “anti-rock” side and all of that and well as it happens it has failed, we’re still in depth in this system.. It’s not to quote Nabilla [a reality TV “star” who is famous for acting dumb and saying dumb things and who did plastic surgeries, etc] but I saw her say something amusing recently, she said “I really respect Daft Punk because if I wasn’t showing my face I would be nothing”
Thomas: I’m not-… I’m a bit disconnected from TV
Guy-Man: Yeah me too actually
RN: Yeah well it’s good for you in that case
Thomas: No no but I’ve never seen her face actually... so it’s working in the end
RN: Yeah exactly you know her name
Thomas: I know her name but I’ve never seen her face and I didn’t follow the sketch but uh… I think that we’re in a time completely different from the 90s and we couldn’t really predict what it would be like... but well look at Kanye West who’s releasing a disc today where the-… You go on iTunes and you-… There’s no cover, here we’re straight in the idea of white label well it’s a bit strange because it’s a CD cover but the thing is dematerialized when you go on iTunes to buy it but the picture that there is for the artist is a little drawing of him with a balaclava and two little eyes so it’s like-… the approach is totally like Underground Resistance in that case, especially at the visual level and almost at the musical level also
RN: Well actually Kanye West, the album comes out today is that right?
Thomas: It’s coming out today yeah
RN: It’s coming out today, he leaked it yesterday, he leaked it during the weekend, it’s coming out today. With, uh well we’re gonna listen to them, there are 4 songs produced with you we’re gonna talk about it later, we’re gonna listen to-… which one is it? Black Slaves?
Thomas: Uh no, uh On Sight, the first one, the first one on the album
RN: The first one, On Sight
*They play the song but I cut that part*
RN: Alright! Do you want to whisper? [I don’t know who he’s talking to, maybe Guy-Man?] So uhm Kanye West, the introduction of his new album, the song is called On Sight, here I think on this song that you are the only ones credited as producers
Thomas: Uh I’m not sure
RN: Or maybe there’s Hudson Mohawke also?
Thomas: No I think that there’s Mike Dean also on it who did the editing
RN: Well I have to admit that it’s weird, when you see the track listing for example, the second to last song you are 4 producers, Rick Robin, Gesaffelstein, Hudson Mohawke and Daft Punk, what does it mean 4 producers for one song lasting 2 minutes 50
Thomas: Uh I’m not even sure that-… Uh what does it mean, it means that Kanye uh… in the way discs are made.. Actually Kanye comes in the studio, by the way for most of his songs, we started them actually, with him… For On Sight and Black Skinhead we are producers for the most part so we did a huge part of the song, for this one-… I think that-… After there’s a producer who helped him finish the song and edit it a bit
RN: Didn’t Rick Robin show up at the end?
Thomas: There’s Rick Robin who came 3 weeks ago actually but I think that it was a good thing for Kanye, he really gathered a lot of stuff, he kind of went around the world between Paris and New York and the songs passed from hand to hand a bit like that, for us what was cool was that he really arrived with nothing actually and that we spent time talking and trying to-… He explained a bit to us what he wanted to do, something very radical, we liked it. The song On Sight is just one-… There’s something quite funny, really contrasting with our album where there are 250 tracks in Touch for example, the song with Paul Williams, here the song On Sight has ONE track so that’s-…
RN: The total antithesis then
Thomas: It’s 808, hum TR-808 put into our big modular synthesizer
Guy-Man: Yeah
Thomas: *talking over Guy-Man* In the studio in Paris
Guy-Man: *in the background while Thomas is still talking* In half an hour yeah… A jam-session
Thomas: And it’s a jam-session Chicago where we plug in the 808 and press on “record” and we start programming live and the thing runs-…
Guy-Man: He came into the room, we were-…
Thomas: *over Guy-Man* He arrived in the room
Guy-Man: He rapped and he recorded and then-…
Thomas: He has a microphone, we have the stuff- we have the 808, we’re jamming, it’s completely live so it can nearly be compared to the lives we did, you know, in 95, and basically, to explain to you how this song was made, so the thing lasts for around-… I don’t know it maybe lasted for 12 minutes or 17 minutes you know
Guy-Man: *in the background* Yeah… Yeah
RN: The loop?
Thomas: The loop, the recording, he leaves with it.. uh.. with what we’ve done and we discover the song like that a few weeks ago… But- And then I think that an additional producer who-… yeah who cut and edited the thing
RN: And so do you like the result?
Thomas & Guy-Man: Yeah, yeah… yeah
Thomas: You bet! But what’s interesting is that it’s very very very close to what we’ve done the moment we’ve done it, it was-… What was also interesting was, yeah… to be in his service.. Uh we-.. I feel a bit like the work we’ve done with him was a bit like when I make music for Gaspar Noé’s films for example, you know, a very radical thing-…
RN: Okay so a director who tells you what idea he wants
Thomas: Voilà, and then we-… There’s a good thing about-…
Guy-Man: Then again, he came in order to find ideas actually. What happened was that, it was the very beginning of his album and he really was looking for, by coming to see us and moving to Paris soon after, he was looking for an ambiance far away from the US and at the same time find ideas and do something more radical than usual with a lot of-… He was very tensed, very-.. He needed to screams sooo… What’s funny is that we saw him at the very beginning and we made his draft songs, at the start of the process a few months ago, and at the end it’s Rick Robin who took the thing and who clean it up a bit, because there were so many songs sent by so many producers, and a lot of stuff, what’s good is that at the start and at the end he [Kanye] had us and Rick Robin who, in my opinion, minimized the thing and gave to it more of a punk and violent side.
RN: So Yeezus, that disc is good because there are 10 songs, very sharp, a bit “ignore face”.. So I haven’t imagined the difference, you told me Touch, for example 250 tracks and here 1 track, I was seeing more differences also because you present RAM as a “feel good” album, an album that has a good feeling, a happy feeling, etc.. Here we are straight in a darker version and then, I’ll conclude and then you can keep going, we can detail this, the kind of retro-futuristic side of RAM was also criticized by some people saying “We thought they would invent future but we have a disc a lot more paradoxical, a lot more.. More difficult to define” and here however we have something very, I don’t know if it’s truly futuristic but we have the impression of something truly futuristic. So it’s funny we have a kind of schizophrenia, which makes the artist
Thomas: Yes well we do a little bit of everything actually, it’s a bit-.. it’s a mixed bag but uh… No what’s funny-… There are links for example on the song Black Skinhead, the drums, the percussionist is the percussionist who’s playing on Touch and on a lot of the album’s songs, so there’s a the same time a kind of shared core on some things uh but-… some shared recording studios also, all the rhythmical parts of Black Skinhead had been recorded in Conway, a little bit during the same sessions as RAM but hum-… but this big gap actually and this paradox, we’ve always liked it, it’s-…
RN: But have you reckoned that-… Did you know that RAM would come out and then one month later-…
Guy-Man: Nooo…
Thomas: No, no…
Guy-Man: No it’s funny that one month later it comes out. For a song that we spent relatively not many time on it with him, to come out one month after our album that took 5 years to make. And it’s a coincidence but at the same time it’s very-…
Thomas: Everything happens
Guy-Man: It’s a good balance in comparison to RAM, to have this and the opening of the album with On Sight that is well, well-… that we quite like
Thomas: But, but I was talking about this big gap that is kind of the same between Gaspar Noé and Disney for example, you know… There’s this thing here where we’ve always liked-…
RN: Disney for when you’ve made TRON and Gaspar Noé for Irréversible
Thomas: TRON and all that… So it’s funny to imagine, to think… to do.. to work with Walt Disney and to work with Gaspar Noé is already a paradox in itself and hum… it’s that type of contrast, it’s what we liked at the time of Da Funk and Rollin’ & Scratchin’ that was at the start, if you look at it, at the level of music style, the A side and B side of this single at that time, it was not the same music at all
RN: Especially at that time
Thomas: Especially at that time, now it has become the same thing but I think that we’ve always liked softness and brutality.
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spiltscribbles · 4 years
First Lines In Your Past 20 FICs
~Notes: I was tagged by the absolutely gorgeous babes @lunapwrites and @stagecrime!!!!! Thank you both so much<3 <3 
Lol doing this made me realize quite a few things, like first-- I’m really obsessed with Lily Evans lmfao. I also need to not be so fucking extra in my titles, sigh XS
Things You Said That I Couldn’t Understand  »  Sirius realizes on an ordinary Tuesday morning as he spills the chocolate chips into the batter of the first batch of flapjacks, that he and his husband of over a decade haven’t had a date night for three months.  |  Wolfstar
In Your Arms  »  Remus has always been the analytical sort  |  Wolfstar
All Out Of Sorts  »  Remus pads softly into his and Sirius’s room, a mug of steaming Darjeeling in hand and clad only in a his robe as he gazes longingly at the sleeping form of his partner for nearing on three years now.   |  Wolfstar
Love Is Not A Victory March  »  The Lion’s just won their third game in a row for the season, which of course dictates that the team celebrates with an after party at the Prewett’s house while their parents are off visiting their older sister and her new born up north in Albany.  |  Wolfstar
I Carry Your Heart With Me  »  There’s muffled laughter that reverberates through the door, drown out by the playlist Pez had queued up as soon as they all had clambered into Alex’s room to begin getting prepared for the wedding of the century.  |  Firstprince
Worth It  »  Sirius silently reminds himself that he in fact likes Lily, he thinks she’s a total knock out and is happy that his brother is finally getting to date the girl of his dreams.  |  Wolfstar
Things You Said At 4:00am  »  Slowly, Sirius blinks open his sleep deprived eyes  and relishes in the warmth emanating from their hearth like a caressing hand.  |  Wolfstar
Trying To Fight The Seasons, Trying To Find Some Meaning  »  Sirius truly isn’t surprised that the first time Lily Evans steps into his newly inherited flat on the first day of Christmas hols of their seventh year, she only wrinkles her nose in that particularly withering way of hers.  |  Wolfstar
Odds On Us  »  Focus. All Remus needs to do is focus!  |  Wolfstar 
The Spoken On The Edge Of The Unspoken  »  Henry’s always been a man of planning, of studying and plotting and needling. Nothing but a swot in Pez’s opinion but that doesn’t matter.  |  Firstprince
The One With The Soulmate  »  “You are seriously insatiable tonight,” Remus rebukes, swatting Sirius’s hand away from where he was eagerly grabbing at his arse for another round of fun.  |  Wolfstar
Tis The Damn Season  »  Remus focuses on the chill that’s beginning to frost the window of the quaint, Edinburgh coffee shop that’s tucked into a dark corner of the large block of the tube station, appreciating the glittering blankets of snow coating the ground and the melodic holiday tunes playing from above.  |  Wolfstar
Something Permanent  »  Sirius may be in the midst of swigging down his third flute of wine for the night but he’s still gut enough wits about him to plot out an elaborate and mutinous murder, namely directed towards the redheaded harpy that goes by Lily in the light of day.  |  Wolfstar
Things You Said With The TV Muted  »  Sirius has never been one for silence.  |  Wolfstar 
Beneath A Million Stars, There's No Reason To Pretend  »  The paint’s chipped on the far side of the wall to Ronan’s left.  |  Pynch
Head’s In The Clouds, But My Gravity’s Centered  »  “You are absolutely the worst person I know,” Adam, soaked and shivering, grouses as he sheds off his jacket and boots, tossing them to the side in the laundry hamper Gansey had bought Ronan as a housewarming gift once he’d permanently moved into The Barns a few weeks ago.  |  Pynch
I’ll Breathe You In, If You Hold Me Close  »  It’s a typical Tuesday afternoon, which means that Sirius is smoking a messily wrapped joint that James had just handed over and they’re playing a round of pool in the lounge of the Grimmauld, one of the numerous hotels owned by the Blacks.  »  Wolfstar
Cause He Knows It’s All Worth While  »  Henry loves his mother most like this.  |  Firstprince
I Tried Writing Your Name In The Rain, But It Never Came, So I Used The Sun Instead  »  Don’t get Remus wrong. He loves his friends, he does! Loves them to the moon and back in fact. They’re his people, his favorite part of everyday, his found family. He’d do anything for them, no questions asked.  |  Wolfstar
Come Back, Even As A Shadow, Even As A Dream  »  The first thing Alex processes when he comes too is the throbbing pain that’s pulsing in his head, the second is the abrasively florescent light of the room, and the third is a pair of cornflower eyes that are staring at him with such longing that it borders on scary. |  Firstprince
~Notes: TBH I’ve got a pretty shitty head cold so IDK names rn, but I texted @omgcmere last night to do this challenge when I tag her, so if she ignores me now it’ll be public and she will feel shamed :P
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sleepysnk · 4 years
okoook so it's 4:28pm where I live rn and I drank a bunch of cooffee and i'm existing on a whole new level bc I have a paper to write but hehehew could I request a xmas drabble for hanji where they celebrate for the first time the year after all the titans were killed? thank you so much u are awesome and i hope u have a good day and i'm about to go write my massive paper!!! THANK U
AH GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR PAPER LOVE! i really liked this Christmas request lol. i made reader gender neutral! i hope you enjoy! :)
Hanji x Reader: First Christmas
Warnings: Some spoilers to the manga?
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Hanji sat around her home looking at the different Christmas decorations scattered across her home. The warm fire crackled as the wood burned, creating a heat to spread across the house.
She was excited, today was Christmas Day. She hadn't really ever gotten the opportunity to celebrate Christmas back when she was a scout. Those kinds of things didn't have much importance, and it was always disappointing whenever Commander Erwin would say no to any kind of festivities.
That was months ago, it felt like the time flew by. With humanity now fully eradicated of the titans, life was more calm, and everyone was free to do what they wanted without fear of death from the monsters outside.
Hanji remembers the day like it was yesterday, announcing to the people of Paradis that the titans will no longer be a problem. She remembers the looks on everyone's faces as excitement, joy, and relief came over them. She never thought that this day would come, even after everything with Marley.
After the scouts, she finally settled down with her lovely significant other. (Y/N) had dreamed about these kinds of days with Hanji, they just never thought those days would come.
The two bought a home, and settled in. They never had to fear about going out of the walls, or worrying if one another wouldn't come back alive. Hanji sometimes misses her titan experiments though, she jokes that she would love to keep a titan as a pet. (Y/N) always thought of her as crazy for that.
The holidays approached quickly, and Christmas was something Hanji and (Y/N) wanted to celebrate for awhile. The two rushed into shops to get any kind of decoration they could, including a Christmas tree. Hanji almost broke the damn tree from putting so many ornaments on the damn thing. (Y/N) had to be the one to stop her.
"Hanji! The cookies are done!" (Y/N) called from the kitchen.
Hanji stood up excitedly to see them. "They look so good (Y/N)!" she said and smiled at the cookies.
They smiled and looked at Hanji. "Careful! They are still really hot, don't burn yourself" they said.
She nodded. "I won't! Don't worry, I'm not stupid" she replied and crossed her arms.
(Y/N) began to laugh. "You're so adorable when you do that" they said and looked at her.
Hanji looked at the cookies which were in different shapes. She was amazing at what (Y/N) could do in the kitchen, they always found a way to astonish her.
"They look great (Y/N), you really went all out" she said and smiled at her.
They chuckled. "Thank you Hanji" they replied and gave her a kiss on the cheek.
"No problem babe! Are you going to come celebrate? There's some kick ass presents under the tree" Hanji said excitedly.
(Y/N) chuckled. "Of course.. I'll be there in a sec" they replied and turned back to the cookies.
Hanji went to the couch and plopped down. She had gotten (Y/N) some gifts, she was excited for her to open them. They had done the same for Hanji, (Y/N) got a few gifts to treat the woman for all her hard work.
"Here you go" (Y/N) said and brought the cookies and some milk to Hanji.
She smiled excitedly. "Ah! I love it" she said and looked at the cookies that they just frosted.
(Y/N) took a sip of the milk, they watched as Hanji munched on the cookies they made. She seemed to like them a lot.
"Do you like them?" they asked and nodded a bit.
Hanji looked up and wiped her mouth of the crumbs. "Like them? I love them! They're perfect (Y/N)" she replied and drank some of her milk.
They laughed a bit and ate a cookie of their own. "They actually didn't come out bad" (Y/N) said and placed it onto her plate.
Hanji stood up. "Do you wanna see your gifts? I want you to see so bad!" she said and jumped up and down excitedly.
Her lover chuckled and nodded. "Alright! Let me see what you got me" they said and smiled.
Hanji hurried over to the tree and grabbed a few gifts that were wrapped in lovely red wrapping paper, she spent practically hours trying to figure out how to wrap a present. It was kind of frustrating, but Hanji finally got the hang of it after asking Levi to assist her.
"I got you a few! I wasn't sure how many you wanted" she said and handed her the boxes.
(Y/N) began to peel the wrapping paper off of the box. "What even is it?" they asked and continued ripping it off.
Hanji nodded. "You'll see!" she replied and smiled at them.
They tore off the last of the wrapping paper to see a box of cute socks. There were an assortment of fluffy socks. "Aw! I love them" they said and smiled at her.
"Open another one (Y/N)!" she said and jumped around excitedly.
"You better open mine too, in the white paper. Those are yours" (Y/N) said and smiled.
Hanji looked under the tree and saw the white wrapped presents under the tree, she grabbed them and smiled excitedly at the boxes. She got on the couch, and watched as (Y/N) opened another box.
This time Hanji got (Y/N) a lovely necklace. It had their initials on it. They could tell it was pretty expensive.
"Aw! Hanji this is so pretty" they said and smiled at her.
Hanji moved her hair aside. "I have a matching one" she said and showed them her own necklace.
(Y/N) gave her a hug. "Thank you love" they said and gave her a kiss on the cheek.
Hanji smiled. "Of course babe!" she replied and looked at the boxes.
Hanji began to open the ones (Y/N) had gotten her, she was pretty excited to see what they got her. She always loved gifts, so she was pretty eager.
"Aw a sweater!" Hanji said and took out the sweater.
(Y/N) smiled at how excited Hanji seemed. "There's more" they replied and nodded.
She began to open the other present, she opened it and it revealed a picture of the two. It was taken just right after the titans had been defeated for good. Hanji smiled as she looked up at her lover, the moment was truly special.
"(Y/N) I love them!" Hanji said and hugged them tightly.
They smiled. "I'm glad you liked it" they said and gave her a kiss.
Hanji looked at her excitedly. "It's kind of cold (Y/N), let's get by the fire and cuddle up" she said.
(Y/N) chuckled. "Alright! Come on Hanji" they said and walked over to the fire.
Hanji and (Y/N) sat down next to each other and cuddled up by the fire. Hanji draped a blanket over the two as the snow fell outside. They spent the night cuddling and keeping each other warm.
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shyrose57 · 4 years
Brothers anon, it makes me really happy and comforts me that you enjoy reading what I submit. It makes me really happy to write all of this and finally be able to tell someone my ideas. Thank you so much.
At first he kept trying to deny the father figure role, but when one night Jackie had a nightmare and came to him and ended up calling him dad, he stopped denying it and accepted it. And once he accepted it he did basically adopt all of them. Jackie and Grievous are literally chaos incarnate most days. They regularly love to prank the contestants and just act insane. Ran and Jackie just kind of hang around eachother, like Ran could be reading and Jackie training and they'd enjoy eachothers company. They do sometimes nap next to eachother, or play card games (which is a rare instance where Ran gets (playfully) rilled up and competitive). Grievous and Ran bonding sadly gets interrupted when Ranbob suddenly drops in, but before that Grievous would try to talk to Ran about what book he's reading and just try to make conversation with him.
Oh the height difference definitely remains. And its both terrifying and hailours to new people. It's even better when it's a 2v2 fight because Jackie has a habit of just climbing Ran like a monkey gym and sitting on his shoulders and its terrifying.
Well, since the drinking age is 3, I personally think the age limit is like 14 or something close. I believe I made their ages as Ran is 19 (almost 20. Maybe 4 months away), Jackie is 16, Watson is 30 something, Grievous is 22, and Ranbob is 28 (Ran is younger than his brother by 9 years) I have written down all their ages somewhere (and the ages where the events of Mizu took place) and if I got any wrong I will submit another ask with their ages. The other gladiators have managed to keep good relationships with most of eachother. A few like Grievous and Genevieve are close, Edward, Levi, and Watson are drinking buddies. Lagguis sadly isn't as involved cause he is sick and can't vist often at all. (I think I got everyone. Tell me if I missed anyone please, I cant check cause whenever I exit tumblr, tumblr deletes everything in my ask :') )
I dont have many rules for the Pit rn but I do have, no injuries that could cause long term or chronic damage, no sabotaging opponents, no teaming unless its a team round, no blackmail or anything of the sort to force an opponent to forfeit, and in order for a battle to end due to forfeit both sides must agree to it. But the Pit in general is a lot of things, there's fights for money, fame, and positions (like general). There's tournaments meant for nothing other than to show skill and just to fight your heart out. It's open to anyone above 14 and anyone under 80, to people from Subbin to those just passing through.
And there are different battles in the Pit, theres singles, the ones we saw in the Tales of the SMP episode. Teams, where teams of 2 battles against eachother. Free-for-all, where literally everyone fights against eachother. And Ion battles, battles where there are super powered weapons (like flame 2 iron sword. Or strength 3 potions) that spawn in the area at random. Typically Ran and Watson work best toghere, as their strategists and plan everything with back up plans, and they always call out warnings and watch eachothers back so its incredibly hard to actually hit them. And Jackie and Grievous work best toghere, with the two going insane and often taking people by surprise with their unmeasure and randomized movements and attacks.
At the start Ranbob was completely under Dreams thrall, not being able to really think for himself and even foregoing self care. When Ranbob starts to become himself again the fishermen are more than confused and hesitant, with Cletus especially stating multiple times that it may just be a trick. So it takes a while but Isaac actually is the one to suggest maybe it isn't a trick, and has to do with the mask that was found. This is later confirmed when the mask is brought to the group and Ranbob has a massive negative reaction that sets him back to how he was when they first met him.
Im honestly not sure yet, I think I want it to be a 'lets never go back' type thing but im not positive yet.
I dont have a solid backstory for the fishermen, but I know I want a little bit of it to tie to the story. Do you have any ideas for their backstory or nah? I do know I want them to have met eachother while they where in unfortunate situations and because of those they got family level close.
Ranbob doesn't take the little space well at first; staying outside when able too, even though that really upset Benjamin; and Ranbob has no idea how the outside works and has no idea how to read the weather or what he can and cant eat, but hey the enderman boi is trying his best to make up for everything he's done. And trying to build his own house to not impose on the fishermen (much like Ranboo did with Techno), but Benjamin wouldn't accept that and kept dragging him inside. It wasn't that hard for Benjamin, Isaac, and Charles to get used to Ranbob, already being used to sharing a small house, it was more Cletus with him refusing to leave Ranbob alone even for a second because he doesn't trust Ranbob at all.
The two groups actually get along surprisingly well! They like eachother and Watson once said, "It was like a family reunion. Or like long lost siblings finally found their way home."
I am once again not sure! Originally I planned for them to stay in Subbin and in the Pit. But the more I think about it the more boring that is and more I like the idea of the groups traveling toghere in the world.
I like this question! So enderman travel in groups called hauntings right? I personally headcanon the enderman in this group are basically family, biological or not. And ever since Ran and Ranbob lost their family they lost their haunting, which can be mentally damaging to a enderman. Once Ran found Waston, Jackie, and Grievous and started hanging around them more, he started feeling a connection ot them he hasn't felt on a long time. He's claimed them, as his haunting, his family. And he'll defend them with his life against anyone and anything. And then suddenly Ranbob came in, a enderman that should be part of his haunting but isn't, a enderman that killed his previous haunting. So Ran is incredibly defensive over his group, and is trying his best to keep Ranbob as far from his haunting as possible, to protect them.
Now Ranbob also got a haunting, his being Charles, Isaac, Benjamin, and even Cletus. So Ranbob is also defensive over his family. But unlike Ran, Ranbob still considers his brother as part of his haunting, his family (and yes, Ranbob did think Ran was dead when he first chased him out years ago, so he's shocked and relieved that his baby brother is still alive). And he sees how his family gets along so well with Rans family and then starts to even consider Rans haunting part of Ranbob's. Basically Ranbob has a big heart and is willing to accept almost anyone into his family, no matter what they've done.
Yep, the reason Porkius is so interested in Ran is because he's an enderman hybrid. And no one else is a hybrid expect for the two brothers (and Porkius, with him being a piglin hybrid).
Porkius is excited! He's excited to see what happens and is more than happy to agree to help as long as he is kept in the loop. Though unless he's directly asked to be involved he prefers watching from a distance at whats happening. Just so he doesn't get mauled by a pissed off enderman.
Sorry for any spelling mistakes (its late) and its so long! Im probably going to try to shorten them.
I’m glad you’re happy, it’s a nice thing to feel. Your ideas are really cool, and I hope I’ll get to see more of them in the future.
Now, can I simply say how adorable so much of this is? Jackie going to Watson when he had a nightmare, the Rans being protective of their groups, Jackie climbing Ran? I love that, it’s very heartwarming and cute, and it made me smile.
So Watson wasn’t really sure what to do with his new title at first, hm? And then Jackie called him dad? How’d he feel about that? How’d Jackie feel about the slip? Or did he even notice? He’s parenting them all, he’s gonna have a dad voice and everything. How do the adopted ones feel about him embracing it?
Jackie and Grievous, two people to truly fear when they wish to cause havoc. Tremble before them. Do they prank people, or do they just become absolute madmen on the battlefield? Or something else. Honestly, anything with these two just instantly makes me amused. 
Jackie and Ran being chill buddies. very nice. Ran getting competitive over card games is a funny thought. Does he win often? Does Jackie? What kind of card games do they play?
Rather sad Ran and Grievous bonding is interrupted, but it’s nice to hear Grievous trying it. Hopefully they’ll get there someday. 
Oh my god, it’s the height difference. Jackie getting on Ran’s shoulder sounds absolutely terrifying. Imagine being some poor new guy pitted against these gremlins and the short ones climbs on the tall ones shoulder-both look absolutely gleeful with the destruction they’re about to wreak, and you already know you cannot outrun them. 
Jackie...Jackie...he’s da youngest. He’s small, and young, and you have no idea how much I’m laughing at this. I don’t even know why, it’s just really, really funny to me. Probably something to do with what a complete force of chaos we all know this boy is. Oddly fitting, but hilarious. How does Jackie feel about this? 
How do the others? Are they a bit more protective over him? Does Ran like to flaunt his three years more over him? 
Grievous and Genevieve are buddies! Very nice, they seem to have a good dynamic. Watson, Edward, and Levi also being close? Very interesting, has a lot of potential. I bet they share a lot of funny stories.
So we’ve established the basics of The Pit. Doesn’t seem too bad, for a fighting arena, to be honest. Seems pretty popular, actually. Do the gladiators live there? In the palace? Or do they just have a house somewhere nearby? What kind of establishments and areas are around? Food places, stores? 
So Ran and Watson are the scariest team because of their strategy, and Jackie and Grievous are the scariest team because of their randomness? It checks out. I’m curious though, how do the other combinations work out?
Ranbob sounds like he has a less than fun time here, and the poor guy could really use some closure. What’s he like, free from the influence of the mask? He seems pretty close to Benjamin, so at least he’s got that going for him. Though he and Cletus don’t seem to have the strongest bond at first. How is that resolved?
And how does Ran feel about his brother’s new haunting, after everything? I imagine that he’s at least a little bit unhappy with it, for one reason or another-and there’s quite a few reasons for him to pick from.
How did that house-building attempt go, between Ran never being above water, and probably never building a house before? I can’t imagine too well.
Some ideas for backstory, well, hm. Isaac seemed dressed a bit fancier than the others, perhaps he comes from a richer family than the others? That’s about all I’ve got for now, sorry. 
It’s nice to hear they got along, who clicks the easiest?
Possible road trip? Always fun.
So, the enderman hybrids have adopted their respective groups as their hauntings. You’ve mentioned Ranbob’s pretty cool with this, how does Ran feel? Obviously, he’s less than pleased with Ranbob, but what about the fishermen? Protective Ran and Ranbob! How protective exactly? Is it subtle, or overbearing at times? Actually, how do their instincts lead to them interacting with their groups overall?
Porkius must not see Ender hybrids too often, if he’s so interested in them. It’s nice that he’s willing to help out though, and his concern is valid. I wouldn’t want an angry enderman hybrid after me either. 
Are hybrids not overly common, then, if there’s only Ran, Ranbob, and Porkius around currently, or are they just not mentioned a lot?
Thanks for the ask, a lot of it made me smile. I enjoyed reading it, and I hope you’ll be willing to send more when you have the time.
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mrs-dynamight · 3 years
Be Nice To Me 4
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Part 3
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Pairing: Katsuki Bakugou x fem!Reader, Denki Kaminari x fem!Reader
Warnings: Eventual mature content, angst, hurt/comfort, love triangle, the reader is lowkey toxic, everything will be adressed in every episode (:
Chapter warning: Just a single curse word.
Chapter: 4/? I'm sorry, this is going to be long :c but I just loooove writing it
Synopsis: You're in love with your best friend Bakugou, and you're cofessing to him but things get a lot more complicated when Denki starts to treat you different *wink wink*
Word count: 1.6k
Author's note: This is a little bit shorter, but it's pure fluff, and the next one is going to be so long they will compensate eachother, hope you enjoy it!
Chapter 4 Bloom- The Paper Kites
I was floating in cloud nine, everything I have ever dreamt of suddenly became true, there he was, the boy of my dreams liking me back, what else could’ve I asked for? Maybe a little more time together before he’s gone.
The doubts in my heart were getting more difficult to ignore with every passing minute, we came back to the dorms like two hours ago but I was incapable of going to bed, let alone trying to sleep, there was so much to think about, were we a couple? I’ve never had a boyfriend, I don’t know how these things are supposed to work, we like each other, that’s all that it takes right? A long-distance relationship? I’ve heard that those never work, or should we wait for him to come back to make it official? Aren’t we already official? We’ve kissed, like a lot, there was even some tongue; ugh those thoughts made me feel so embarrassed.
The light of my home screen lightly illuminated the room, and with my blushed cheeks I went to check who was messaging me, it was Kaminari, I opened the text that reads “R u awake? I had a nightmare and I really could use a hug from my bestie rn” followed by five crying emojis; “See you in the place” said my reply, the place was this empty service room in the rooftop of the dorms, nobody ever used it for anything so it is completely empty, we made a copy of the key one day that we had to clean the entire dorms because a certain yellow-haired guy decide to play “potions” in chemistry class, and since then it’s been our hiding place, it had everything that we needed, a lot of junk food, fairy lights, a portable speaker, blankets and an Opossum holding a cigarette poster in one wall; whenever one of us needed a break from the outside world we came here, this is our safe space.
I opened the door to the place and saw Denki standing there, he looked so tiny and vulnerable, I hugged him instantly, the dim fairy lights in the opossum wall made his facial features even prettier, it was obvious he had been crying, I didn’t asked any question and he didn’t said anything, we just hugged for what it seemed like hours, with a heavy sight he pulled apart and give me smile
-Thanks Y/N I really needed that- Said Denki with his hand in my cheek and his eyes fixed in some point between us
-They’re back, aren’t they? - I asked with concern
He nodded and lied in one of our blankets in the floor, I did the same, we both were looking at the glow in the dark stars glued to the celling not saying a single word, he held my hand and started to cry
-Why do they keep coming back? I don’t wanna be afraid anymore- I knew exactly what he meant, he had a recurrent nightmare, a big fight against villains, every one of us dying in awful ways, he is always the last one to die, and before that there is always someone telling him that he is the weakest of us, that this was all his fault for not being enough.
-Your mind is playing tricks on you, you are not weak, I know I’ve told you that a gazillion times, but I’m willing to do it a million more, all the times you need it, I’m here, we are all safe and sound, you have nothing to worry about- Anytime the nightmares come back I make sure Denki knows he’s just as strong as any of our other classmates, that he’s smart and capable of being a great hero.
-I want to be able to protect you, I don’t want you to die- Said Denki facing me and locking his eyes with my own.
-I promise you, I’m not going to die in the hands of a villain, I’m going to die being the coolest grandma in the neighbourhood, doing a sick backflip and daring Satan himself to come for my soul- I said to make Denki laugh, and apparently it worked
-You’re my best friend Y/N, I don’t know what I would do if you weren’t here, please never stop being like that-
-Being how? -
-I don’t know, funny, smart, a real pain in the ass to the villains and the teachers, a stubborn whiney stuff-
-Are you sure you aren’t describing yourself? –
-Nah, I didn’t said the most handsome man who ever walked the earth, but you’re not bad looking-
We both laughed, I really enjoyed being around Denki, his presence always felt comforting, like coming back home after a long trip, or eating your favourite homemade dish after a rough day, like a cool late summer breeze, he makes my heart warm and my troubles go away, I never feel more like myself than when I’m around him. That’s what friendship feels like, right?
-Could you do me one last favour Y/N? – Denkis voice took me out of my own mind -I don’t want to go back to my room and have another nightmare, I don’t wanna make you unconformable or anything, but could I sleep with you? -
It definitely took me by surprise, we had a lot of sleepovers over the years, but never just the two of us
-I understand if you say no, but I promise I just want to sleep, and having you around makes me feel safe-
-I have an idea, let’s have a sleepover here in the place, I’ll put one of those white noise videos that last hours, so you don’t have to think about anything-
-I’ll set the alarm to get up early and go to our dorms before anyone sees us, thank you so much Y/N, I’ll make it up to you, I promise-
-You don’t have to; I know you’ll do the same for me-
-You’re an angel but with no wings-
-So, like a person? –
-Shut up Aubrey Plaza-
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We were both lying in the blankets on the floor, our heads at the same level (look at the reference above) and I was slowly falling asleep, all I could hear was the white noise and Denkis soft breathing, I closed my eyes and just before I completely lost my consciousness and succumb to the tiredness of my body I heard it, Denkis soft voice, “I love you Y/N”. I turned my head to look at him with my heart racing miles, but he was deeply asleep. Maybe I just imagined the whole thing, it probably was my tired mind, I took one last look to the boy next to me, sleeping so peacefully and with a little smile in his lips feeling the same familiar warmth in my soul, is this really what friendship feels like?
The alarm went off exactly at 5 am, I woke up and it took me a moment to realize that I wasn’t in my dorm room, then I remembered Denkis nightmare, our sleepover, and that thing I thought I heard. I had to wake Denki up so we could go to our respective rooms without Aizawa founding out we were out of our rooms at night, or even worse that we had the keys of the place. I sat there and moved Denki to wake him up. He opened one eye and whined
-But moooooom, it’s Saturday, I don’t have to go to school-
-Come on Denki we have to go to our rooms-
-Five more minutes- He said and hugged my leg
-Do you want Iida to found out we didn’t sleep in our rooms and telling Aizawa? -
And just like that he got up and started heading to the door
-Shit, you’re right, come on, you know that guy wakes up hella early-
We were in the stairs heading to our rooms, and although we were on Denkis floor, he kept climbing down the stairs with me.
-You don’t have to escort me to my room Denki-
-Oh but I want to- Replied the yellow haired guy
When we were in front of my door he leaned down and planted a chaste kiss in my forehead.
-Thank you for being there for me, I will remember this night for the rest of my life- And he turned around without waiting for a response disappeared heading towards the stairs.
I stepped into my room with a heavy cloud around my mind, there was so many feelings inside me that I couldn’t even tell them apart, where do I draw the line between friendship and love? Between admiration and affection? Between what I feel for Bakugo and what I feel for Denki?
I closed my eyes and remembered everything that happened yesterday, Bakugos confession, our shared kisses, the promise we made, six months apart now sounded a lot more crucial, after all the things that could happen in the matter of a few hours. Did I just said that because the heat of the moment? The words Bakugo said to me sounded so mature and logical, not like my own thoughts right now, am I just a slave of my own feelings? How would he react if he were me? What about Denki? Was he aware of all those years after his friend? And what if he knew and that is the reason why he hasn’t told me anything yet? Maybe I was just overthinking the situation, nothing was written in stone, neither my relationship with Katsuki nor Denkis feelings for me. I was getting tired of my own thoughts running in circles and not coming to an end, so I wrapped myself in the sheets of my bed and prayed for my mind to shut down so I could get some rest.
Part 5
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Heeeey I just wanted to thank all of you who read my work, LY, the next few chapters will be like an episode of skins UK, soo be warned, also there is going to be some thirst but nothing too explicit because I'm a shy motherfucker. Enjoy the last chapter free from Mrs-Dynamight Drama™
Taglist: @mikasalt
21 notes · View notes
redhawtriot · 4 years
Baby Boom (Bakugou x Reader)
Tip Jar ☕- Not expected but always appreciated💞
I am posting at not my normal time at ALL, but I really wanted to get this chapter out so I can work on my favorite chapter so far lol (month five is boutta be LIT) if the tags aren’t working i’ll fix them tomorrow they are acting weird rn. 
Thx, for the patience. Love y'all
extra chapter warning: sexual harassment, nsfw..ish
HnM 💕
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Month 1, Month 2, Month 4
--MONTH 3--
It was a Friday night about two months ago when Katsuki Bakugou had found himself on the second floor of Club 52—or “the booty room”—as it’s so brusquely known.
But he sure as hell didn’t fucking belong here-- Surrounded by drunken idiots when he had to stay alert and keep his mind sharp-- groped on by inebriated/drugged up women who he would simply growl at in return-- drenched in the germy sweat of the fucking extras around him when he could be at home in his clean bed thinking about how to improve himself tomorrow.
Honestly. How in the flying fuck did he let those three walking hairstyles talk him into coming to this shit show?
The driving beat of the music dancing within his chest was his only saving grace, its constant booming throwing him into a state of familiar comfort as he watched the colorful lights burst around him. He had to admit… they were nice…
Fuck that! He still didn’t belong here, dammit! His roommates, Dumb, Dumber and Dumbest, had all three nagged, and nagged, and nagged him to come here the entire week.
At their begging, Bakugou quite frankly wished that he had lost even more of his hearing than he already had from his quirk. Maybe he could find one of his old drumsticks and jam it into his head—or up those idiots’ asses, “Ahh! I’LL GO! JUST LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE!” It was the only way to keep him from losing his job as a hero and committing a triple homicide. 
So yeah, that’s how he ended up in the booty room—and he wasn’t gonna gratify those damn idiots for even a second by enjoying just an ounce of the hellscape.  
“You’re not drinking, huh?”
A sudden inquiry snapped the man out of his thoughts, and he found himself whipping his head around to face the feminine voice that had cut through the loud room. As soon as his eyes encountered yours, Bakugou felt his jaw drop slightly at the sight.
But then he quickly noticed the way that your eyes flickered down to his mouth, and the mocking way that your lips began curving up into a smirk at his display. He wanted to kiss knock that smug look clean off your pretty face. He immediately clenched his jaw back shut and hardened his traitor of an expression so that no more slip-ups could be had.
The two of you sized each other up for a moment before you slickly glanced over your shoulder with a nod, “So I am guessing those belong to you, then?” you motioned toward Mayonnaise, Ketchup and Mustard—all three of Bakugou’s roommate idiots making a theatrical, display in the middle of the dance floor.
Kirishima—who had long taken his shirt off by this point-- noticed Bakugou’s disapproving gaze and attempted a wave back, only to lean into a drunken stumble.
Bakugou clicked his tongue, snapping his regard from the (flat out embarrassing) show “I’m not anyone’s damn babysitter. They’re grown men. They can fucking handle themselves!”
“Good… I’d like to have you to myself for a while,” you turned to the bar-tending counter and beckoned for two drinks.
Bakugou eyed how the man behind the counter ingested you. He was a lion looking for his prey’s weakness and you didn’t even seem to notice—or care. He glared at the man, subconsciously taking a step toward you to speak as the bartender handed you your drink, “For what?” Bakugou asked you flatly. He didn’t even know why the hell he was entertaining this.
You simply shrugged, throwing your eyes up as innocently as you could with the contrarily wicked smirk that befell your face, “To… talk.”
“Yeah right. You’ve got some freak look in your eye. You want something else.”
“Well, hell yeah! Have you seen yourself?” you laughed and Bakugou couldn’t tell whether the stutter in his chest was from your utter bluntness, or from the melody of your happiness, “Anyway, I wont waste your time—or mine. Come find me if you want to…” you trailed off as you handed him the second drink in your hands. You had to bite your lip from smiling too hard, “…Talk. Ba-Bye~.”
As soon as you were the short ear distance away and faded into the dense crowd, the bartender gave a low whistle, “She was fucking fit as hell. God, the things I would do to her!” Bakugou felt his face twitch suddenly as the man continued his rant, “She’d never be able to walk that pretty little walk ever again. Yo, let’s hope she’ll still be here by the time I get off!” he chuckled but Bakugou didn’t see any thing fucking funny about what the bastard said. He might live in what is effectively a hero’s version of a frat house, but still, he never understood “locker room talk.”
Bakugou angrily downed the entire drink in his tight grip in one long pull before slamming it back onto the counter forcefully. His red eyes burned holes through the bartender’s fearful ones—the cup breaking apart under his palm, “She won’t be. Keep your dirty eyes off her, you bastard,” Bakugou didn’t even allow the man an opportunity to rebuttal as he stormed away, his fiery glare set intently on one thing only—or one person only…
That night Bakugou watched intently as the ceiling above him teetered and danced for a moment—sinking into the deep feeling of numbness that his intoxicated mind had succumbed to after about his fourth drink. He wasn’t exactly used to this feeling—this caving in on himself and sense of absolute relaxation as he melted into his bed.
Wait, was his bed really sinking? His eyebrows furrowed into a state of confusion before he heard a sigh coming from next to him. Things finally clicked into place in his slowed mind.
Oh yeah. That’s right…
He would never get used to having someone else in his bed, probably.
Bakugou turned to where you were imprinting yourself down onto his mattress. You laughed at his stern expression, extending your arm to caress the side of his face, “God, your face is s’ intense like that. It gives me chills,” your thumb danced across the permanent furrow of his eyebrow. There had to be a magnet underneath his skin somewhere right about there that kept the brows in a constant state of attraction.
He snapped his face away from you as the magnet’s strength intensified and twisted his expression even deeper into anger, “Heh?” Goddamn, you were a fucking difficult girl to read for as blunt as you were.
You march up to him in the club like you own the damn place and send him heart eyes and flirtatious body signals, just to stone cold walk away like he never even existed? You proclaim that you want to fuck him, yet made him dance with you for almost an hour before you lead him out?? You let him fuck you in thirty different directions, just to call him out for looking “intense?!!” His friends (if you could fucking call them that) always said that he had an ugly mug, the jealous bastards, but why would a girl he slept with--
“You’re jus’ beautiful is all,” you faintly slurred, instantly hushing any of his thoughts and softening his expression, “People tell me all the time ‘You’re a pretty girl! You should smile more, but why th’ hell should I go around smilin’ for people who don’ deserve it? If they don’ like my resting state, then—”
“Then they can fuck themselves.”
“Yeah,” you looked up at him with a lazy smile. To a sober mind there was no doubt that your expression was an obviously drunken happiness, but to Bakugou’s in that moment—he couldn’t help but think that maybe there was something deeper behind that smile. You giggled, “They can fuck themselves,” you agreed more heartedly-- leaning into Bakugou and rolling him onto his back before snaking your way on top of him. You planted a trail of wet kisses up his neck and finished by making a small bite on his jaw “And maybe you can fuck me,”
Your warm breath on his sensitive neckline made him shiver underneath his skin, but he prayed that you couldn’t feel it. He scoffed to cover the pathetic display, “Again?”
You laughed before planting even more smiling kisses all over him—pressing your body even further into his with each one, “and again. and again. and again…”
“Pervert.” Bakugou tried to grab you by your hips to keep you from grinding into him even further—or at least that was what he intended to do; however, instead he ended up using them to guide your rhythm in rubbing against him.
You laughed again as you sat up on top of him and pressed your hands to his chest—your hips far from slowing down or stopping, “Maybe so, but can y’ really blame me? I have this guy in bed with me who isn’t even tryin’ to make me smile, but I have been fucking cheesin’ it up all night with ‘em.”
Bakugou didn’t even try to fight the growing smile on his face. It really was damn corny and pathetic--whatever this was between the two of you. But it felt so… so fucking right to him.
Still, he was going to tease you-- otherwise he wouldn't be him, “Well, I have this girl in bed with me who won’t stop smiling and it’s really fucking starting to creep me the hell out,” he suddenly flipped you onto the bed and mounted himself on top of you before placing his own assault of kisses on your body. His face only reemerging to take in your stupid, corny, beautiful smile for a long second. 
You were absolutely stunning in every respect of the word.
Two months later, the same face that now stood in front of him on the platform of the train station was far from smiling—honestly neither was he. He was pissed the hell off. You didn’t even recognize him until just now?? Was he really so fucking immemorable?
You backed away from the man who had just saved you from falling to the tracks. You took him in one final time as the two of you sized each other up, “I don’t even know what to start…”
Bakugou’s face contorted in such anger that it could have been mistaken for disgust, “How about you start by giving me some fucking answers!” he screamed, causing your heart to drop and your stomach to lurch. The two organs effectively were trying to switch places.
Oh fuck. He knew?
“T-to what…?” You trailed off, but you had a feeling what he was going to say next. He was gonna chew you out about the damn parasite growing in your uterus, but you had no idea how he could have known about that! He shouldn't know that!
Deku didn’t tell... He didn’t! ...Did he?? Your heart raced and assaulted your rib-cage with an armada of thrums.
“Why did you sneak out that morning, huh!?” as soon as the words flew out of his mouth, you paused—your mind not quite able to comprehend his grievance, “I was just some sex toy for you? That it??” When he finished yelling and glared at you with expectancy burning within his red irises, you found yourself tilting your head a bit in astonishment and confusion.
Your heart had dropped, but you couldn't tell if it was from relief or repugnance. 
That? That was the question he needed answers to?
In the grand scheme of the fuckery on hand, his damaged ego was literally not your problem. You crossed your arms as you stretched your neck toward him, “Because it was supposed to be a club hump and dump! So yeah! We were just sex toys! That was kinda the whole fucking point!” Note the fucking emphasis on ‘supposed to be’! Ugh!
A tinge of underlying hurt quickly flashed across the blond’s stern face. You gave a short, sharp sigh in exasperation as you laid your forehead in one of your palms, “Look, I am not exactly here to cater to your wounded pride. Sorry that you caught feelings for me, but I wasn’t exactly obligated to fix you breakfast that day,” the tired, emotional remarks flew out much faster than you could filter them, but you still felt a twinge of remorse as soon as they hit the air.
The man in front of your face look completely stunned as if you just slapped him across the cheek with your words. It actually seemed pretty unnatural on his expression—like a rare, endangered species-- something not many have seen. Soon enough, however, as the dust of your words fell his expression settled back into a more natural state of fury, “You’re fucking right,” he grunted before turning to exit up the stairs of the subway, “I’m not obligated to listen to this horseshit either.”
Oh fuck. What have you done?
You knew that you had laid it on pretty thick, but the emotions you felt were just so damn overwhelming, “Kacchan… I…!” Why couldn’t you have said something different? Nicer maybe?
Whether you liked it or not, your lives were now tied together and this was not a good first impression—or uh-- second impression technically-- whatever! “I promise you’re gonna want to hear the end of this.” you called to his retreating form.
Bakugou’s face shriveled even further, stretching its extent of maximum disgust. Hearing that name come out of your mouth left his stomach feeling ill, “I promise you, I don’t give a fuck”
You slapped your arms at your side as you finally halted in your attempt to get him to stop walking away. Fuck it. You were about to completely call his bluff because you definitely weren’t about to chase him. You were much too tired and emotional for this shit! You just wanted to get home and sleep these random-ass, foreign emotions away, “I’m pregnant.” you simply exclaimed.
Bakugou froze.
In that moment, it was as if the entire world around him had iced over as he replayed your words in his head over and over again. He couldn't have heard you right, “What?” 
The man felt every fiber of his being stiffen. So much so that he couldn’t even bring himself to turn around and face you. In your silence was his answer loud and clear, “How… how the fuck do I know it’s mine?” he murmured, still unable to turn towards you—he didn’t want you to see the raw emotion that his face probably held in that moment.  
You barely even heard him, but the weight of his words was heavy enough to slam down on your ears and cause a burning reaction from you “What?!”
Your shriek finally prompted him to whip himself around, and you almost wish that he didn’t. The mangled mess of feelings transcribed on his face left his cheeks flushed a furious shade of red as he shouted at you,  “You like one-night stands so much—how do you know it’s mine?” With a horrified expression, you glanced around you for a moment to the other people in the subway, who immediately adverted their gazes.
“Hell, You’ve been hanging around that bastard, Deku. How do I know it’s not his?” You looked back to Bakugou with a choked ‘Wow!’ that could be interpreted as “Are you fucking kidding me right fucking now??” These strangers were getting one hell of a show, too.
You stormed up to him to keep him from shouting your all of your dirty laundry into the air, “Deku and I aren’t—” You stopped yourself. Would any fucking thing you said to this man make a difference? He didn’t know you from fucking Adam-- or from fucking Adam. You groaned in annoyance, “Look! I know that it’s yours because you're the only idiot I have slept with in months! An idiot who doesn’t know how to use a goddamn condom apparently!” you half whispered to him as your spectators began eyeing you again. You flipped them off as Bakugou continued,
“I’m the idiot?! Well if you could ACTUALLY FUCKING REMEMBER that night then you would know that we did use condoms the first three times! They ran out and you told me to keep going,” He screamed—by this point you’d given up hope of containing your melodrama as he continued loudly, “What idiot says that unless they are on birth control or something?!”
You throw your face in your hands with a shriek of a sigh before looking back up to his furious face “Here’s the deal,” you decided to completely ignore his comment, becoming tired of this theatrical display of emotions spewing from him,  “I can’t spontaneously conjure up some proof that this-- this thing is yours but I assure you it fucking is. But hey!! If you don’t want to stick around, I am not the type of person to make you. I can deal with this myself,” his face fell a bit as you swiftly turned yourself around to make your exit, but you didn’t make it far before you felt a heavy hand grab you by the wrist.
“Let’s say it is mine...,” Bakugou offered flatly, “You don’t think I can handle it” his daring tone left your mind whirling. This wast a fucking wrestling match or even one of his villain attacks! He continued, “You’re dumber than you look if you think I’m gonna let my kid grow up without me. Give me your fucking number,” He easily snatched your phone from your front pocket with a slight protest coming from you, but ultimately, you really were tired as hell and just wanted this day to be over with al-fucking-ready. You sighed as he put his number in your phone—your mind briefly wandering why you didn’t put a password on the damn thing.
In a short instant, he shoved your device back to you and promptly turned on a heel. Only acknowledging you once more to tell you to “Stay off of the fucking train tracks,” before he stiffly marched away. Good riddance. 
You couldn’t even blame the spectators anymore. This was a mess. This was a downright, melodramatic, teen drama on CW disaster. This was… this was your life now.
“Oooh... no smiles today, huh?”
About a week later you found yourself walking up the stairs to a modern mansion with stupid windows for walls. A true sign of pretentiousness and obvious lack of shame. This house was a display for all to see... kinda like your argument with that Bakugou last week. 
You shook this thought out of your mind and put your ‘work cap’ back on. You were on your way to get some test shots in for the week with your new hair cut that the agency had forced on you recently.
Instead of throwing her a “What’s there to smile for?” like you wanted to, you threw her a “This better?” and forced a small smile at the girl, Dina, who had traveled along with you to get her test shots done today as well. Usually for these kinds of things, you would be alone as you traveled to the photographer’s house, but it was always nice to have someone come with you so you weren’t complaining—well-- not about her company at least.
There truly was nothing to smile for recently. You were pregnant with a raging, quirkcist asshole’s child, said asshole won’t answer any of your damn texts or calls that aren’t directly related to the prenatal appointment that you two have later today, Deku hasn’t been able to hang out with you as much because of his work, and as trivial as this may seem, you looked in the mirror today to saw a completely different person.
You were quite used to your agency drastically changing your hair, but that, along side the obvious rounding of your face and the speckles of hormone induced facial topography growing on your skin, led you to a slight identity crisis. The girl in the reflection was a sloppy second to who you used to be and you hated it-- you hated sharing this body.
“Trouble in paradise with Deku, Y/N?” her tone had a hint of worry in it as she rung on the doorbell to the modern house. You could only give her a slight shrug as the bell sung out,
“I’m fine. Really.” you lied. 
“Hello, hello!” The photographer’s voice loudly blared out before the door could even fully open to reveal him. He gave you a shocked glance, “What a pretty lady—pretty ladies!” he corrected as he stepped aside and invited you in with the swing of his arm. You rolled your eyes as he turned his back to walk through the house. He looked like the textbook definition of a douchebag. 
Fuck not judging a book by it’s cover. If it walks like a duck. Talks like a duck. Then it’s probably a misogynistic asshole who only got into photography to get away with his sick urge to take photos of unfamiliar women.
“Okay ladies, I just want to preface by saying that you can feel comfortable around me, alright? I think of all my models as a family,” Dina stiffened into a board as he came over and rested his hand on her hip. She forced her lips into a fine line that could resemble a smile as he firmly patted her, “This shouldn’t take too long-- only about five to six hours, ‘kay?”
Your face scrunched up, but you just wanted to get this day over with so you could go to that stupid appointment and wouldn’t have to deal with “Cockugou” for another few weeks. Throughout the next few hours, the photographer actually wasn’t too bad. He was for sure creepy, but you noticed that he wasn’t so bold with you as he had been with Dina earlier. Of course there were little off hand comments like, “You are doing sexy.” instead of “you are doing great.” And he would refer to both you and Dina as “baby” is a husky, drawn out tone—like he was moaning, but besides that he was actually being pretty calm.
Until he wasn’t.
“Okay! Now take your tops and bra off,” both you and Dina paused as the camera flashed once more. As the two of you threw each other a wary glance the photographer spoke up again, “Trust me, I have a vision. You’re gonna love it!”
“I- I just don’t feel comfortable with that,” Dinah spoke up feebly. She looked to you for support, so you nodded before she returned her gaze to him, “Do you think… maybe we could do something else?”
The photographer sighed and threw his nose into pinched fingers as if you all had offended him, “Look honey, you’re not that photogenic. I am having to bust my ass off not to capture that cellulite on the back of your thighs, so when I tell you to do something, it’s for a reason.”
You glanced over to Dina with a horrified expression. You noticed that her hands were clenched at her sides and shook ever so slightly after she subconsciously rubbed the back of her thighs-- you also noticed a prominent thigh gap in between the two tiny appendages. You shot your stern glare back over to the photographer.
He sighed again—this time even harder than before, “Take five!” he frustratedly pulled out a box of cigarettes and stormed over to his patio outside—the glass door slamming shut behind him.
You walked over to Dinah and hesitantly found your hands drifting toward her. You were never really good at cheering people up. Hell, you had to rely on alcohol to cheer you up for the vast majority of you adult (and a little bit of your pre-adult) life. Still, you took her shaking hands in your own. “Hey. Don’t listen to that asshole. If you’re not comfortable...”
“I have done nude shots before, but this just feels… wrong. Doesn’t it?” she refused to look you in the eyes as hers glazed over in a thick sheet of shame. She was right. Nude shots were nothing new at all. In fact, some of your best shots had been done in the nude—they had the potential to be true art, but this? This was wrong.
She shook her head,“But I just… I don’t want to be unprofessional.”
“We can walk out right now. I’ll call Ainu and tell her what’s up I am sure she’ll understand,” as soon as you began walking to gather up some of your belongings, her voice spoke up once more—this time much colder than before,
“Maybe for you. Y/N, you could get away with murder at our agency-- you know that, right? You’re the one who bought Ainu her ticket to the top-- her golden child,” she sneered. You threw your eyes toward her own—not quite comprehending if this was the same person still talking to you.
It was, but this Dina had tears growing in her eyes, “Not everyone can half-ass everything and not care…” her voice shook. The two of you just stared at each other as wild emotions filled your expressions and overflowed into the room to drown you.
The patio door clicking open snapped you out of your trance and Dina furiously began wiping her eyes clean as the photographer reemerged, “Alright pretty ladies! Who’s ready to get back into things?”
You sighed.
With a quick roll of your eyes you angrily threw your top off—not even giving the girl with you a second glance as she did the same and the two of you settled yourself into position. The atmosphere was certainly much heavier than it had been before, but the photographer obviously couldn’t read the room,
“Y/N might I say, that your tits looks wonderful! Have you gotten a job recently? I mean- they look huge!”
That. Was. It. You couldn’t fucking hold it back anymore, “Talk about my tits again and I’ll stab you in the neck with your own goddamn tripod,” you kept posing as if you totally hadn’t just threatened someone’s life, but the photographer fell away from his camera, shock painted on his expression. Slacking on the job. Huh, who’s the unprofessional one now?
“…S-sweetheart I—”
“Don’t you fucking ‘sweetheart’ me!” you screamed, storming up to point a finger in his face. This surge of random emotion overwhelmed you. You had never felt this before—like you were gonna explode if you didn’t unleash it. And unleash it, you did, “The fuck is your problem?! You get some kick outta being a perverted asshole, asshole?!”
Dinah tried to come pull you back by the shoulders, “Y/N, maybe you should just calm dow—”
“No! Fuck this bastard!!” you smack her hands away as the photographer gets up and crossed his arms,
“This is so unprofessional. You women always jump to conclusions. Why cant you ever just take the compliment?”
And that’s how you ended up getting sent home two hours early. You had attempted to call Deku to rant about the harsh encounter, but he was at work. You supposed that saving lives a a little bit more important than “The Dramatic Tale of a Quirkless Model” or whatever fucking CW show your life had become. Your mind briefly fleeted to calling Bakugou, but he certainly wouldn’t answer anyway. No. Fuck that.
So you decided to text Deku and cry into your pillow instead,
I mean he was just such a fucking dick!
I should have actually stuck my foot up his ass but he for sure would have liked it🙄
Seriously. I don’t mind nude photos
But there is a difference between art/photography and porn
Well I’m glad you stood up for yourself!
No! Don’t tell me tht!😫
I am upset tha you stood up for yourself…?
I just wish tht I had just walked out
But the other girl wouldn’t leave and I couldn’t leaver her their
Ainu is gonna 💀me for this
How can I help you?
I’ll find what I can on the photographer?
Talk Kacchan into not going to our clinical visit.👉👈
You knew that Deku really wanted to go, and honestly you would really prefer if he did. Regardless, Deku stood up for his childhood bully like the saint he was,
Y/N! He’s the father. he deserves to go, don’t you think?
Don’t forget Baby Notes vol 1! I wrote some questions for you to ask!
You stifled a small laugh as you eyed that stupid goddamn notebook he left on your nightstand one of the few days he stopped by your home.
I can’t handle Cockugou’s moodiness right now
And I-- Oop!
Speak of the devil. He’s here.
Talk later k?💕kith!
You snatched the notebook from your nightstand and marched to your front entrance. The knocking at your door was downright disrespectful—constantly switching between pounding knocks on your door and vigorous successions of the doorbell ringing.
“Fucking. Calm. Down!” you screamed out the door before answering, revealing Bakugou’s stern gaze,
“What the hell took you so long?” he huffed, causing your face to scrunch up into an expression that mirrored his own. 
“I had to walk to the damn door, you know! I’m quirkless? No teleportation quirk here!” He only clicked his tongue at your response. You noticed the way his eyes drifted down to the notebook in your hands before they narrowed into even tighter slits.
“Let’s just fucking go, already,” he took your wrist and led you out of the house before shutting your door. You could really just knock him the hell out. Okay, maybe you couldn't, but your weak ass might just be able to get one good hit in! He deserved it, not replying to any of your attempts to reach out to him past talking about the appointment,
“Why didn’t you answer my texts all week?”
“I was busy.” he simply said, not even bothering to look you in the eye. This was the last time he spoke up for a long while. In fact, you didn't even hear his voice again until later when the two of you sat in the small, shoebox of a room in the clinic with the prenatal physician,
“This is your first appointment, right?” the doctor, was extremely old looking and your mind phased into a grim question of ‘how the hell can someone so close to death know jack about birth?’
You tried your best to push these dark thoughts out of your head as you gave him a slight answer, “Yeah…” you laid back on the crinkly paper covered recliner and lift your shirt a bit for the examination. You looked down at the small, hardly noticeable bump in your lower abdomen and internally cringed. 
“This is the father?” you knew that it didn't really matter, and that he was probably just trying to make you comfortable and spark up some small talk, but you rally didn't wanna hear it out loud. 
You couldn't bring yourself to answer, but Bakugou loudly spoke up, filling the absence of your voice, “Why the hell else would I be here, old man?” he scoffed and twisted his face away from everyone. 
You raised an eyebrow at his rudeness, but from the vast stories that Deku had told you about him, you shouldn't have been surprised. But still, it was like seeing a mythical creature in real life-- a grumpy troll under a bridge, if you will. 
The doctor gave a loud laugh at Bakugou’s remark, causing both you and him to snap your surprised gazed to the elderly man, “You’d be surprised at the shit I have seen, son. Someone brought their neighbor for the entire 39 weeks once-- the husband came in only once or twice, I think.”
You couldn't help but to laugh at this. Your doctor’s voice had a much more youthful demeanor than he had originally led on, “Oh, they were definitely fucking behind the husbands back,” you smirked.
“So Mama Bakugou,” 
And just like that your smile was completely wiped off of your face, “This is your first child right?” the doctor asked. You felt Bakugou throw you a fleeting expectant look. You assumed that it was probably because he hadn't even thought to ask you this question. The two of you really didn't know each other. Matter of a fact, this doctor, with your list of medical history in his hand, probably knew a lot more than the father of this ‘it’ inside of you. 
“L/N actually,” you corrected, “and yes, it is.” with that, Bakugou’s glare drifted back off into unconcerned and uncaring territory as he found a sudden interest in the glass container of gloves on the counter. 
“Well you look about 10 weeks along. They’ll be about the size of a strawberry right now-- almost done with your first trimester.” he trailed off as he began coating your stomach with some sticky jelly substance. 
“What??” you could have sworn that you had only met Bakugou about two months ago right? So does that mean...
“The date of conception would have actually been a little closer to about 7 or 8 weeks ago. We just count by the first day of your last period. No need to get worried about the neighbor, I don’t think, Papa Bakugou,” he winked to the blond, who only gave a scoff in return. You let out a slight sigh of relief. 
The recipe for the rest of this appointment as the doctor searched your organs for your uterus in the ultrasound included him making small talk and Bakugou ignoring it with you giving slight answers here and there,
However, finally, something really caught both of your’s attention, “I think that you guys should take time today to find your primary care physician,”
“Why not you, idiot?” Bakugou spoke up and it shocked you. You were surprised he cared about this out of everything. 
“I am thinking that I should send you to someone with a specialty in a multiple pregnancy birth.”
Your heart skipped a beat as you and Bakugou shared a brief, terrified glance at one another, “What...?” Bakugou spat.
“You see these two circles? It looks like you’ve got two buns in the oven! Congrats on the twins!,” 
The world bean fading into a blur for you as he continued, “Now You are a little past getting the neural tube check, but we can get you started in on some genetic testing and counseling’s. Every thing is looking alright, but we just want to…”
The world around you moved in a blurry, choppy chain of images as your mind tried its best to comprehend the knowledge it had been given. So... not only were you carrying one parasite... but two?
You couldn't bring yourself to listen the rest of the appointment, and you had a feeling that Bakugou wasn't picking up on much else after the shocking news either. 
If you thought that commute to the hospital was quiet, the walk back to your apartment was even more so.
Taglist:  @steggy4ever​ @library-trash​ @watevermelon​ @glimmadora-ble​ @persephones24​ @dragonempress123​ @your-pri-ncess @broken-from-fandoms​ @hot-pocket01​ @tsukineho @bakugousbabydoll​ @bubbzibubbles @ikebukuro-ghoul​ @thehoneycookiecrumbs​ @katsukis-sad-angel​ @dulcetailurophile​ @yukiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii @kanasakura @lonekitsune @pastel-prynce​ @mynameispurple​ @cutest-celestial-princess​ @minfani​ @aurorahoneybuns​ @galacticrosee @orokayagi​ @centerhabit​ @animefan7420 @katsukisposts   @bakugou-is-my-daddy​
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zirkkun · 4 years
I can't sleep so I'm gonna ramble for a minute here about. uh. 2020 i guess lol everyone else is so might as well jump on the bandwagon.
Be aware this is really really fucking long so it's a commitment to read it lmao sorry i just cannot sleep and i guess i had more on my mind about this year than i thought. I also did not proofread this at all. I just started writing and didn't look back lol
This year was... Weird for me. It started out with me feeling my best in January, comfortable and positive as I did my nth playthrough of DBH with friends and finally having enough alts of my boy Alfonse in FEH to have a team of Just him to fight with. (Priorities, right?) February hit, and things were still going good. I met Ray Chase and had him sign a print I did of Roy and Alfonse in some casual outfits for a scrapped au I wrote years ago. (And I gave him one 😊). Hell, like, covid was just coming around when me and my friends went to the con that weekend and a breakout of it hit the city just south of where the con was like a week before, but I was genuinely so excited for it that like I was like "Yeah, if i die, i die. Whatever happens happens." God, at this point, the Alfonse gc I was in was still alive and I still didn't talk to anyone in the group outside of that gc. Lowkey miss it tbh. But oh well. Things move on.
But that con was like... Stressful. I usually have fair amounts of stress at cons, being around so many people, I fear theft, unwanted contact, y'know, the standard; but my friend group was so filled with tension that it was absolutely painful. We'd been split most of the weekend, and if the two groups came together, it was hell, because it just caused unwanted arguments. I felt really bad cause I didn't want them to be upset, yknow? But i also wanted to hang out with my friends all at once. So i swapped between the groups a bit over the weekend. And blew WAY more money than I should have and lowkey it kind of fucked me over for the rest of the year cause I haven't had a job all year outside of, like, a local church job that pays at a rare max of $100 a month ;w;
I'd been struggling in school the previous semester already, about halfway through having just stopped going to classes altogether, yet still somehow managed to pass everything with B's and A's. The next semester rolled around, and I thought at first the distraction and inability to do anything was because of the con, and as it persisted after, I thought it was just post-con depression. But, as it turned out, no, it's just been my biggest relapse of depression since the end of high school, and frankly, it's only gotten worse since. I can't sleep rn because I'm between not wanting to do anything because I have a lack of emotions and motivation and not feeling deserving of sleep lol. I checked out of school on February 28th, however, I was convinced I was merely demotivated by my surroundings -- at this point, I was studying Japanese, and one of my friends at the time was a (although probably unintentionally) complete braggart about how much he was studying and how he was improving... not to mention he was textbook example of "This is an Actual Weeaboo, don't Fucking Do this." (One of many reasons i said friend at the time lol) it was just... So draining being around him, and I had to see him in class every day of the week. I barely scraped together assignments last-minute and never studied under the idea of "What does it matter if I'm not putting in my 100%?" So I checked out, with plans of transferring for the following semester.
Well, then March hit. Y'all know how March went down lmao.
I pretty much locked myself in my room at all times during March, going between Animal Crossing and BOTW (which actually racked up like 200ish hours i think according to the nintendo year in review i had lmao). I started making a bit closer online friends at this point, notably @levitumbling who decided to take me in as his channel designer for YouTube and I've been ever since! But. Of course. My first task? A Sans meme. My payment? One Switch copy of Undertale because he considered it a disgrace that I'd never played the game before.
Now, let me tell you. I was fuckin scared to play this game. I held onto it for weeks between the fear of "My friend bought me this and i should play this" and "I told myself I'd never touch this game with a 20 mile pole because of how much it's been shoved down my throat over the years." So, one day, I don't remember when, early April, I said, fuck it, I'll play it for a little bit, just enough to say "hey i played it for a bit!" and then never go back.
The only thing that stopped me from beating the whole thing in one sitting was it was the crack of dawn when I passed out, extremely tired and extremely frustrated by the fact I couldn't beat Muffet. Yes, I got that far in one sitting I intended to play for 15 minutes tops.
Now. Let me fuckin tell you. About my first playthrough of Undertale. I haven't gone into a game knowing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about it like... I think ever. Usually I know what style of game it is, the genre, the main plot premise. I knew nothing other than the existence of Sans (and, as it turned out, I'd heard some of the soundtrack pieces before, notably Bonetrousle I heard this cover of it in a radio livestream a while back and never really looked it up, but was always excited when the radio looped back around to it being on; and I'd heard Dating Start! because that's Alpharad's go-to sponsorship ost lmao.) But anyway. I was completely in the dark. Do yall mind if i just go through some highlights of my favorite memories? This is supposed to be a summary of the year but I mean, I think this made a big enough impact on me to really like. Discuss it a bit.
I watched the whole opening cutscene, started a new game under my old screenname, "Yoru," since in naming the "Fallen Child," I assumed they were dead. Well, I was a little surprised to just be that child, alive, two seconds later, but whatever, I rolled with it.
I genuinely trusted Flowey right away. Like no shit. He told me run into the "friendliness pellets" and I didn't even fucking question it. And when Toriel came in? And she said to follow her? I straight up was like "Why the hell should I trust you?? That guy just tried to kill me what says you wont?" I followed only because the game made me but i was Wary the whole time. It took me a LONG time to warm up to Toriel.
Now. Let me tell you how stupid I am as well. The game says over and over right, "Don't fight. Spare. Have Mercy when names are Yellow." Well, I took this literally. I didn't understand the Act mechanic most of the time, and when something didn't work I just said, fuck it, and fought them. If their name didn't turn yellow, I just fought them. "They don't want Mercy if their name isn't yellow, right?" After a while, I'd started getting bored of fighting and would just run away, but like, I came to a point where I was like "I have a really low level, I'm really going to regret this later on if I don't grind for a while."
I don't know when I stopped but. I think I was only one or two kills away from a genocide run accidentally my first playthrough, based on how I think I was LV 3 and looking at genocide playthroughs, you're LV 3 or 4 when you fight Toriel. Like. Holy fuck. I can't imagine what I would have thought of this game if that happened lmao.
Speaking of Toriel, still didn't trust her, at all. When we got to Home, and after I did Every Single different phrase she says when you go downstairs before you talk to her reading about snails; I did not Hesitate to ask "cool uh when the fuck can I leave?" When we got to the Ruins exit I was like, ah, here it is. The betrayal from her I was expecting, where she tries to kill me. Well, nothing on the Act menu worked, right? So... I fought and killed her. I didn't really care, actually. I just kept going.
Then meeting Sans and Papyrus happened. I lost my fucking shit at this part, mostly when they were talking, because every time Sans made a pun it would zoom in on him and do a rimshot. The puns were not funny and I was definitely on Pap's side of "oh my GOD shut up." But that fucking zoom in and rimshot was just so fourth wall breaking and unexpected. Fuck, it still gets me. Anyway. Game continues. I again lose my shit at (insane spinning in random directions) "OH MY GOD! IS THAT A HUMAN?" "uh, i think that's a rock." "OH. WAIT! WHAT'S THAT IN FRONT OF THE ROCK?? (IS IT A HUMAN??)" "(yes.)" "OH MY GOD!!!" and still think these two moments in the game are Peak comedy. Oh, and let me tell you, I did not like either of these two at this point. Sans I was like, okay, hes kind of a dumbass in a funny way, but Papyrus is a dumbass in a way that just annoys me. Genuinely the archetype that misses social cues and therefore has miscommunication usually just annoys me to no end. (Mostly for the miscommunication. It's my least favorite trope and makes me unreasonably angry.) But yeah. Wasn't really a fan. But out of everyone so far? Definitely found Sans to be the most tolerable. But that's about all I thought of him lmao.
Getting to Snowdin, with the Papyrus battle, remember how I said I didn't like Papyrus? And yes, this was something I genuinely thought at one point, I genuinely hated Papyrus, imagine that. What a wild world that is. But anyway. You know how his Act menu has the "Flirt" option? I, for no reason, gunned it for the Flirt option, even though I did not want to. Then when he was like "WE'LL GO ON A DATE! LATER!!" i was like yea sure okay lmao. Again, couldn't figure out the Act menu to turn his name yellow, so I fought him, and he was one or two attacks from dying (miraculously) when he ended the battle. I spared him here cause, well, he spared me, it was only fair. Then this guy again is like "ILL BE AT MY HOUSE WHEN YOU WANT TO GO ON THAT DATE!" and i was like haha funny but still turned around to go on the date. Like why? I have no idea. I think I was more like "haha hes probably not gonna be there and its just cause i picked that option and lo and behold there was an actual fucking date. Oh my god. I have never in my life been on a video game date where one party was convinced I was infatuated with them and im here on the other side of the screen like "oh my god make this end i can't stand being around you.???" But still. The date was. Really fucking funny. I wish I could experience it for the first time again like holy shit. There are few playthroughs I did after this where I didn't go on the Pap date, even if I just spedrun through it.
So then you get to Waterfall and Sans is there like "hey wanna go to grillbys" and i was like sure why not so we go there and my choices were fries & ketchup (so i did not get the legendary scene where he chugged a bottle of ketchup, but i sure did my second playthrough, and let me tell you, i was disgusted). But like. This whole experience at grillby's like, the whoopee cushion, him using a comb on his bald ass skull, him just fuckin unapologetically scratching his ass for no reason?? Bro i was like "why the fuck is this guy part of the Tumblr Sexymen™ group ??? He's so ????? Gross???????" and like i still have this question tbh lmao. But like. Okay so he asks you "what do you think of my bro?" And my genuine answer was "uncool" and he was like "hey man sarcasm isnt funny" and can i just mention how like inheritly manipulative sans actually is like fuck he does things like this where he throws your answer the other way a few times and Every time it actually swayed me the other way. Because right here I went. "Oh. Maybe Papyrus is better than I thought." Like holy fuck maybe i should be more aware if something like that can sway my opinion so easily LMAO.
Anyway waterfall i genuinely was very bored of the whole time. I spent like a genuine 20 minutes figuring out the puzzle where you have to talk to a wall and I actually didn't realize you could move the telescope around. What helped me solve it is my friend's advice before I played it. "Inspect everything. Even talk to walls. Trust me." And literally thats how I solved it. But pretty much everything in Waterfall otherwise bored me. I did think it was pretty though, and did enjoy reading the lore, but when it started talking about monster biology my one fear had been realized: oh god, oh fuck. My original species for my own series also has physical Souls and die by turning to dust because they're made entirely of magic. God fuck. My luck, it has to be something popular, so now everyone's gonna think I'm a ripoff. But, at the same time, I do think it helped me understand monster biology (and it helped me come up with the ULR biology) better, because I've put in a lot of thought to existence of a species that exists only by magic and a Soul (which, mine only actually have half a Soul, as a full Soul makes a being immortal, which was also similar to the boss monsters in a way). It definitely made a lot more sense for like, the skeletons n stuff for me, because like my characters are wholly shapeshifters but usually take human form, and while they have "organs" in the places humans would have them, they don't operate. They're just placeholders, because they just live with their Soul. So I've always thought the same with UT monsters, since the skelebros can live without organs, that means so do the rest of the monsters, even if they have animal-like appearances.
Off topic lmao. Back to UT. So, the Undyne fight was kind of the turning point for me. She was pissing me off so much during this whole game and like I was like "if theres another fucking part where I have to run away from her im going to scream." Well, once again, her name wasn't yellow, so I wasn't going to spare her... and, actively, I made the decision to kill her, because I didn't want to deal with her still chasing me later on in the game. It took me a long time to beat her, and when I did, I texted my friend (@cheshiregrinnbuttoneyes ) in excitment like "YES I FINALLY KILLED UNDYNE" and she texted back like "YOU DID WHAT?????" and i was like "i.... Killed Undyne????" she replies, "YOU DONT HAVE TO OMFG WHY" and im like "I DIDN'T HAVE TO?? THERE'S OTHER OPTIONS?????" and shes like "YES OMFG THAT'S LITERALLY THE PREMISE OF THE GAME" and im "WHAT."
So then. I get that call from Papyrus like. "HEY! YOU ME AND UNDYNE SHOULD HANG OUT SOMETIME!"
oh my god the guilt i felt.
alphys on undernet being like "omfg i forgot to watch undyne fight the human. ah ill ask her about it later she never loses <3"
bro. i nearly fuckin cried. i was like. Not to mention I'd gotten the crush question right for Mettaton's quiz in answering Undyne (bc i was like "plz be gay plz be gay") so it fucking cut like a knife what I'd done.
I don't remember when I let myself get passed it. But I do know that the whole story arc between Alphys and Mettaton went way over my head. Like, i know im probs the minority on this, but I adore Alphys, I have since I first met her in game, and like, when Mettaton was like "ALPHYS HAS BEEN LYING TO YOU!" i just went "...nah."
Also, I didnt like mettaton at this point, cause I thought he was being really obnoxious, and then the turn around to betray Alphys really kinda pissed me off.
But like.
Oh my god.
Remember how I said I swapped my opinion on Pap earlier bc of Sans's comment? Yeah that was a pretty fast turnaround, but it still took me a few times.
But the second i saw mettaton ex
I was like
Like, full turnaround from Undyne, I actively refused to kill him. All times I thought he was an asshole? Forgotten. Me thinking he's a selfish prick? Gone. Nada. Nothing. Pure adoration. Suddenly every flaw he had was pushed aside purely from how hot I thought he was. Also, fuckin, im really glad i played this when no one in my house was awake, because I still didn't understand the Act mechanic here, and every time you attack mettaton he has this like moan he does and im like oh my god. stop. omfg.
At the end, too, when there was the calls and everything, when he had his big turnaround, I was just so happy for him I genuinely cried. Also, I had to do his battle probably the most out of everyone's in the game (not including genocide), so when it came around to his battle during the (glitchless) speedruns i did, i was more invested in how fast I could rack up points, cause you need 10k rating points to pass, and I actually did get that before he lost his legs, but apparently he needed to lose those too before you passed lol. Unfortunate.
Anyway after Alphys talked to you and everything, i genuinely went to see if Mettaton was still there, but he wasn't :( so i just went to New Home. I was very ill prepared for the fight against Asgore and the only reason I struggled with it so much was because my only healing items were like. Something that healed like 10 or 12 hp and the snowman piece. I was LV 9 when i finished the game, so like, my HP was pretty high, but i didnt have the G to buy items, so i was pretty much fucked. Yes. I had to eat the snowman to win.
Oh speaking of terrifying shit though. Photoshop flowey? My god. I haven't been afraid of a video game boss so much since I was a little kid. It was like 3 am and i was not prepared for him to just delete my save file and then kill me on repeat, glitching and breaking everything as he pleased. Bruh i was genuinely scared. Like, not even just, "oh yikes :(" or something. Like, crying scared. Lmao im an emotional bitch by nature.
I of course had to restart from the beginning again to get the True Pacifist ending. I was very careful to never touch the Fight button literally ever. And, it actually took me a while to reset, because I hate erasing my original save files, yknow? But, well, as it turned out? While technically New Game+ by naming, resetting doesn't erase everything you did. It wasn't a new file. I was a little confused at first to be honest. Toriel saying things were familiar, remembering things I said, Papyrus and Undyne both recognizing me, like. It was unnerving.
When I got to the end, i had to look up how to get Alphys's date (since my friend told me the way to unlock TP was to go on all the dates, but Alphys's was definitely designed in mind of you turning around from New Home and going back to talk to people rather than a new reset. So after unlocking it, getting through Alphys's date (i still remember being like, verbally, "omg alphys you look so nice??" When she came out with the dress on and then had a thought to myself like... since when do i care about what people look like? since when do i compliment people? At that point, while I didn't consider myself to be a rude person, I definitely wasn't exactly all that concerned about others for anything. Sure, I cared about others' lives, but I tended to be a bit more judgemental internally, and just. Didn't really give a fuck about what people did in the most negative sense possible, unless it involved me. Yet, it rolled off my tongue like it was something id say normally to anyone. I really wonder if this is the true turning point for me this year.)
Getting to the end, with everyone cheering me on. Hoo boy. This was the start of many tears to come. Papyrus's "DO WHAT I WOULD DO! BELIEVE IN YOU!!" sticks with me the most. I wasn't surprised by Flowey's actions, but what fucking threw me for a loop was like. When Flowey was revealed as Asriel, I was genuinely jaw-drop shocked. I was like. Holy fuck. I thought he was dead. What the hell. To this day, though, i still think Hopes and Dreams hits me the hardest out of all the boss battle themes. It doesn't super bother me, bc like, difference in opinion is whatever, but like. Whenever I see Megalovania at the top of someone's ost list for Undertale I'm just... Why? Maybe it's because I'd overheard it meme'd to much before I played the game, but like, i dunno, it's not a bad song, but it's not the most emotional provoking piece for me, so it's pretty far down my list. Hopes and Dreams will still remain my #1.
I really did feel determined during this battle. I really felt a lot of emotion. I felt excited. I felt frightened. I felt ambitious. Asriel's battle is probably still the hardest for me, and yes, I'm counting genocide this time. I can't grasp his magic patterns at all, and I more so played it as a "okay, how much damage can i take? Whats his next move?" As i healed every other turn. It took me a very long time to beat him (though no 11 hours like Sans, this was more like, 2 or 3 max) and when I got to the part with the Lost Souls, most of the characters just said their "we hate you" piece and i was like "nope you're controlled" right.
But then there's Sans's "just give up. i did."
I genuinely had to stop. I set down my controller and just sat for a minute. I'd mentioned before how much I've been struggling with depression for years now, and it's at the worst it's been since high school. Maybe you'd think when I saw that, I was like "sure, maybe I should give up." But... It's really the "i did." that hit me like a rock to the stomach. While I do know a couple other people with depression, the most discussion we have with it is "haha i wanna die" kinda jokes yknow? Nothing really serious. And, well, I've always been the type to lean to fictional characters for support more than real people, since I've just been so disconnected from a lot of friends growing up and was too scared to talk about anything with my family.
So seeing someone else say "just give up. i did." hit me so fucking hard that I just started crying. I had already been in a real sappy mood cause the whole scene was so emotional as it was, even if merely the cliche of friendship will save all, y'know what? Its a good ass fuckin trope and makes me emotional lmao.
So, naturally, I was more hyperaware of Sans's implied depression from here onward. The conversations with everyone post-battle left me crying. God, so did the hug with Asriel. I was just fucking bawling.
Oh god. I didn't even mention. "Despite everything, it's still you." Another line that just hit me and I had to pause.
So admist my crying mess, I was telling my friend I'd beat Undertale again. He asks me "so... you gonna play the genocide route?" And I already had from the beginning. I always want to play every available route in a game. I see no point in paying for something and then not playing it all. I'd consider myself a completionist who doesn't ever actually finish anything lmao.
I definitely put my emotions aside for genocide. The absolute hardest kill for me was Papyrus, though. And i was absolutely fucking heartbroken when he said he still believed me as his last words. But I forced it aside. I didn't want to reset. I wanted to beat it to have it under my belt that I had. I was pretty sure the Sans battle would be here, since I hadn't heard Megalovania in the game yet, and I was aware of how hard the battle was, despite never seeing it.
Undyne's battle I'm more emotional about in retrospect than I was at the time. At the time, I didn't care, didn't like the theme much, and the dings gave me a headache. Undyne isn't exactly my favorite character (though definitely not my least favorite, that role is given to Frisk with Toriel not close behind ahdhsb im sorry), so I really wasn't concerned about it. Not to mention, I don't know why, but all of the battles I struggled with EXCEPT Undyne's I ended up liking the character more as a result. Maybe it was the dinging lmao.
Bro you shoulda seen how prepared I was for Mettaton NEO's battle to be hard as fuck. I was like sitting upright, took deep breaths before hitting fight, then when he died in one shot i just kind of "wh...what." Still very disappointed lol but I guess that's kind of the point of the genocide route.
Then came the Sans fight. As I said, I spent 11 hours on this. I genuinely didn't pay attention to what he said after a while, but I do remember the first time I read it, I was fucking terrified. Usually, sarcasm, hatred, and sass is very hard to convey through pure text, especially when it's said in the same tone as his usual talking. But the absolute harshness, the coldness, and the lack of any fucks given Sans had at that point was so plainly transparent through everything he said that it fucking scared me. Toby Fox's writing here was fantastic. I can only dream of being able to write like that. Frankly, I love his writing in general. Actually, fuck it, I love all of the artistic takes of this game. This is gonna sound weird but... The "childishness" of it just is so good. Like, there's no rules. Every socially accepted rule of art, writing, character design, speech patterns, and even basic grammar are thrown aside. He didn't just think outside of the box, there literally was no box. I call it childish only because like, children also create with no rules. They have no rules to restrict their creativity. And seeing that embraced in Undertale in every form possible just blows me away.
Anyway. The battle. It. Was hard. Thats a given. I spent about two weeks playing it on and off, and it's probably the most healthily I've treated myself in recent memory, because when it became too much for me to handle, I set it down and took a break. I would retain what I memorized and use it for the next time I picked it up. Frankly, it came to a point where every time I opened up Undertale to play, it was more just cause I wanted to see him lmao. The guy hated my existence at this point and it's not like i disacknowledged that. But it just felt like every time i opened the game... Idk. I don't know what I felt. I can tell you for sure this isn't the time when Sans started slipping into my favorite character spot over Mettaton, that didn't come until the development of Act to Flirt's first demo, which was a month or so later lmao.
I was very excited when I beat Sans.
But then, after it was over, I felt very empty.
I didn't feel good about beating genocide. I still don't. I want to play the boss battles again, cause they were really fun, despite how hard they were, but I can't bring myself to.
When I got to Chara, and everything went to black, I just wiped my save and started fresh. I think this was the first time I used the name "Willo" for anything. I just picked a random name to use, and Willo was the first thing that came to mind.
I beat neutral again many times, trying to unlock as many secrets as I could. I accidentally spent like, way too long trying to get Sans's room, because I couldn't figure out how to do it... which is when I started speedrunning the game, because I was just so used to going through it all. I timed myself once, and I got somewhere around 1:20:00 ish, which puts me at the very bottom of the NG+ Glitchless runs by like 30 minutes, but hey, it's still not too bad all things considered.
I'd started working on Act to Flirt sometime in between the speedruns. I was playing Papyrus's date again, and I had this thought of. What if Undertale... but all boss fights are instead like Papyrus's date?? I pitched the idea to my friend who was like "thats definitely been done before lol" and immediately I almost shut down the idea. But then I still had that glimmer of hope that, maybe, since I haven't made it yet, people would like my game because it was by me. Besides, quarantine was getting to me. I needed some way to spend my time. So on May 6th to May 7th, I spent the whole 24 hour period making the first proof of concept for the game, which was UI setup and Flowey's tutorial date. I hadn't made any of the art yet, so it was a black background with Flowey's undertale sprite. I originally was going to make everything more visual novel like in the sense that, so like on Papyrus's date, you could make choices like "unwrap the present" "dont unwrap the present" or "you look great" "you look terrible" and getting the ending would involve pretty much just saying the right things at the right times. But this alone was... Yknow, already done before, and part of what makes Undertale so great is that it's, despite its many outside influences, very unique in its gameplay. So I decided to make the dates more like puzzle-solving RPG's, and frankly, since doing that, I dont know if I want to go back to making other visual novels lmao.
After making the first demo and releasing it, I hit a creative funk. I wanted to make the next demo right away, but I forced myself to stop (since i was working 16+ hour days to finish it in exactly a week. I didn't eat much and i slept very little during this time too. Dont do this lmao). I didn't know if the game would be received, and frankly, I'd had many failed projects in the past due to lack of support. I lost a lot of support in the past due to the dropped projects I kept starting and quitting because I had such a small audience, and that made me lose a lot of interest and motivation to work on them. So I posted the first demo and waited. I was very shocked to have a YouTuber with over a million subs play it that weekend. Dantekris I think was her channel name. She speaks Russian, and I never understood a word she said, but I've still watched her let's plays because I enjoy seeing her reactions. I hate that YouTube keeps deleting my responses on her videos, probably because they're long and in English so it's marked as spam on a comments section full of purely Russian comments yknow. But it makes me feel like such an ass ;w;
Mairusu is the next large YouTuber who played it and my god I love seeing when he uploads a new update for my game because I genuinely have no idea what to expect from him. I don't know what it is but he's just so absolutely funny to me. He also seems to be the most common breaker of my game though. Stop making your own bugs!! I try to testplay to find the bugs he gets and it's like.... what did you do.... how did you skip that whole date im so confused thats not supposed to happen..... He accidentally skipped all of Muffet's date because of this too and hers is supposed to be the hardest in the game right now so I'm very upset by it;; i dont know how it happened, it never happens for me.
But like. I was definitely struggling a bit with the direction I wanted to take AtF. I wanted there to be a core message, like with Undertale and many other of my favorite things. When there's a core theme to write about, it makes things a lot easier to compose than if you have a plot with no meaning to it. It ties it all together for a common purpose. But, as I started diving more into the fandom around this time, finding not only it being still alive but still enormous and filled with passion.
Passion. Hm. That's familiar. That's the trait I gave the player character, rather than determination. While it was intended for giggles "haha dating game u have passion wink wonk," it started becoming more than that. It started becoming a manifestation of what I really felt upon finally soaking myself into the deep end of this pool I'd once been too afraid to step into. Passion. Everyone here is so driven by their passion for this game, the characters, its story. Everyone is so inspired and creative. That's it. That's what I wanted Act to Flirt to be.
A game made for those who have already dived deep into Undertale. A game made for those who have the same level if passion I've wittnessed. A game that someone might stumble upon, merely wanting any Undertale content they can find, and a dating sim leaves them grasping at straws, only to find it's a game instead deeply rooted in how much they care about this world and its people. You have a Soul of Passion, because your passion for Undertale brought you to this game. That's what the core message is. Every ending is supposed to depict different kinds of empathy, and True Passion shows you truly cared the most you could for all of these characters. Sans is so blocked from it because, well, how can he really believe it? "if we're really friends, you won't come back," right? But here you are. Again and again.
And Heartbreak. Whose heart is really the one breaking here? Taking the Hopes and Dreams of every single character you've grown to care for and crushing it beneath your feet... who is the one suffering in the end?
I just... I'm very excited. I've written that game with the player as the main character. Not Willo. Not Frisk. Not anybody else. You, the player, are the main character. I've honestly done a lot of looking around in the DDLC code to make this game as 4th wall breaking as I can (without like. Disrupting it as a game experience like ddlc is, with monika deleting things and stuff). Just enough to leave the player unsettled and confused. Like. "Me? Are you talking to me?" Yes. You. Directly to you.
I started sketching out designs and ideas for ULR around July. I genuinely loved Underlust after finding out about it, even though it was posed to me as an insult about the contents of Act to Flirt. I was both like "uh... Act to Flirt is nothing like this. Maybe in reversed roles at best but..." and also "okay but this? This shit is good. Thank you." But finding out it was discontinued and wanting more, well, that's when I decided to make ULR. I presented the idea to my friends, who were like "please stop making aus," and then continued onward. I told myself I wasn't going to work on it though until after I finished Act to Flirt... Then after the next demo came out... Then it turned out I was working on it too much and it resulted in me rushing my release of the 3rd demo of AtF because I'd been so distracted I was going to miss my release deadline of the end of August, before school. I... Still kinda regret that a lot. It's still very buggy. Though I hope I got them all for the next demo...
But speaking of school .... ha... Remember when i said i was going to transfer to another school? Well, I did, and for the first few weeks it was fine! Then I started skipping assignments I didn't want to do. Then I started panicking about my low grades. Then I started getting behind on assignments. Then I stopped going to classes. Then I lost all motivation to work on anything at all. I just locked myself in my room and did next to nothing with the occasional drawing here and there, for weeks. It came to the point where I was like "I just have to get through this semester, then I'll drop out." But if I ever wanted to go back to school, having all F's on my last report card would not bode well for my acceptance. Which lead to more stress. I didn't want to fail, but I also didn't have any motivation to work. I would do one assignment here or there, feel good about myself, then realize I was still months behind on work and suddenly oh god oh fuck finals are next week. And my solution? I just. Fuckin dropped out. Oh my god. It was such a relief to just get that weight off my shoulders that I'd been carrying for months on end, preventing me to do anything I wanted to work on.
Well. Then my car tires died. So that's a thing. But good news! Between commissions and gifts, I have enough money to get them replaced! I don't think I've ever like... Been so excited about that before.
And, well. Now I'm here, pretty much. God, I just went through my entire year summary, and it feels like it was both forever long but also not long at all. I don't get it. 2021 still feels like a far off future, despite the fact I'm now 5 hours into it. Yes, I spent 4 hours writing this. Whoops. Oh well. I couldn't sleep anyway, so it's not that big of a deal.
All in all though... Despite being locked inside, away from my friends, unable to talk to anyone about the things i was enjoying, and living in fear of getting sick at all ever with anything, 2020 definitely fuckin changed me for the better. It was a hellhole of a year and I'd never do it again or wish it upon my worst enemy, but I came out a better person... I think. I hope.
It seems cliche to bring back but fuck it. Undertale? My friend insists its core message was that anyone can be a good person if they just try, which I mean, it definitely probably was intended that way. But that never was the message I felt while playing it.
What lesson I took from it was "things aren't always as they seem."
Flowey betrays you immediately, but then you find out he's just the remnants of a boy who died years ago and is still grieving over the loss of his best friend, whomst, despite how much he cares for them, recognizes they weren't good to him and he'd been manipulated and used by them.
Toriel is a kind and caring woman, a still grieving mother over the loss of her children, who seems to have kindness to no end, but is actually filled with such hatred and depression that she regularly gets drunk, swears, and still, without resilience, hates her ex husband.
Sans is a playful character who is full of puns, a gross atmosphere, and decided to break physics just because he can. He's the embodiment of a comic relief character. But at the same time, he's suffering, struggling, in constant pain and worry. He's lazy, but quick on his feet. He's harmless but will kill without hesitation if need be. He's both caring and the least caring of them all.
Papyrus is like... a self-centered asshole in a way, when you first meet him. He prides himself and everything he does. Yet still, he's actually quite open and accepting and loves everyone. He loves talking with and being with other people, even if maybe sometimes he has a different interpretation of social interaction from the "norm."
Undyne comes off as cruel and deadly, such even being emphasized in many points. But, deep down, she's extremely caring for those who are close to her, and her only cruelty is dealt to those who have wronged her in some way.
Alphys is a sweet and nervous wreck who comes off as helpful and lacking a filter due to her tendency to ramble. She seems to be merely anxious due to likely social anxiety... But you eventually find out that she's a liar who merely wants to create a world to be a better place, and by doing so, she pretends all the bads do not exist.
Mettaton comes off as an absolute self-centered asshole. Like. There's no way around that. He seemingly has no regard for other people with only full intentions of helping himself. But, deep down, he actually cares a lot for other people, especially his family and friends, and just tends to get caught up in things while he's in the moment.
Muffet seems to be greedy with how much money she begs people to give her for the spiders, but, as it turns out, she's flat broke and drops no G when you beat or kill her. She merely needs the money to help the spiders.
Asgore, too, is built up to be this ruthless killer throughout the whole game, and when you finally meet him, he's an incredibly sweet guy who's only filled with regret, and because of his past decisions, has decided to put aside his hopes for the sake of his people.
Didn't see any of these characters for who they really were right away. Why would I? Few of these archetypes are explored much in a lot of fiction lately, or at least what I've been consuming; and is more focused around how someone can change their flaws into something positive... Not how to accept someone for who they are, despite the wrongs they may have committed or the lives they lead. Everyone's different. Everyone's grown up differently. Everyone has a reason for what they do.
And it took me playing this game to realize such a simple concept that I probably should have learned years ago.
That's why I really think 2020 changed me for the better. I made a realization that I should have had many years ago, and it's made me a lot more confident in expressing myself, accepting people for what they do, and seeing the brighter side to everything. I say that, sitting here filled with nothing and void of all emotion whatsoever... But it's a conscious thought i have. My emotions are so weird... They're either on full blast or I feel nothing at all. But yet I have... Thoughts of what i should feel? It's weird. Idk. This is why I'm getting therapy LMAO
But yea. 2020? Fuck you. But also thank you. But mostly fuck you and good riddance lmao
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strawberrysoup · 5 years
Growing Pains
relationship: Steve Rogers/Original Female Character/Bucky Barnes (very generic OC — no detail used aside from the pronouns she/her) rating: Explicit warnings: Dark Steve Rogers, Dark Bucky Barnes, non-con/dub-con elements breeding, somnophilia, drugging, kidnapping, yandere style prompts: “See? It’s not as uncomfortable as it could be, right?” ||  “Look, this is for the best. You don’t understand now, but you will.” ||  “This’ll make us closer, I promise. Just hold still.”
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prompts requested by the lovely @o-luthien!! i hope its not too rough! i’m still happy to take prompts rn if anyone’s interested!
She'd laughed it off at first, when Steve mentioned having children. They'd been dating for just over a month-- the sporadic, Are You Busy Right This Moment sort of dating that came with being a superhero. Her job was flexible, she made her own hours most of the time anyway, so she was able to say yes about 90% of the time. He always made it worth it too, the dates somehow spontaneous and yet still well thought out with her interests in mind. They'd been to museums and aquariums, a Broadway show, and the botanical gardens when he'd brought it up at dinner one evening. It was a late night, post movie dinner at a sushi place in Manhattan. The atmosphere was lovely even in the late hour and she'd had a couple of drinks with their meal. She'd been lucky to still have her wits about her when he dropped the "we'll have beautiful kids" bomb. A quick laugh and a joke about how he shouldn't be worrying about kids in his advanced age had been enough to side step the awkward conversation. 
Steve had been born a century ago, when young adults their age where usually already married with a gaggle of kids. It wasn't his fault that social ettique had changed or that it was considered extremely outlandish to mention children so early in a relationship. He probably had no idea it was so weird, after all he'd mentioned he hadn't seriously dated anyone since waking up. She'd successfully passed it off, anyway, so there was no point in dwelling on it. It didn't come up again until about 6 months later, when Steve found Bucky. 
 He'd admitted that his best friend had also been his lover in the past, that the tragedy of losing Bucky had literally been too much to take and had driven him into the arctic. She was okay with it, understood the taboo of their time and the secrecy they'd had to operate under. It had been, well, painful when Steve pulled back of course, but she understood why. That was his Bucky. It was something precious and worth salvaging, rebound relationship be damned. 
 So when Steve had shown up on her doorstep, Bucky in tow, at 4 PM on a Wednesday and asked to talk, she was anticipating a break up speech. She’d invited them in and made them coffee, trying to ignore the way Bucky looked at her. There was no deciphering the expression on his face; she couldn’t tell if he hated her for dating (and sleeping with) his boyfriend, if he felt guilty that he was stealing her chance with Steve, or if he even felt anything at all. The brunet was a closed box, spoke very few words, and watched her like a hawk the entire time. 
 She’d nearly dropped her coffee right into her lap when Steve had asked if she’d be okay with him dating both of them, because he loved Bucky and he was coming to love her and he just couldn’t choose. It had been easy to say yes, to tell him she didn’t mind. Steve’s happiness meant something to her, it had become important to her over the half a year they’d been dating. The three way dates had been weird at first, she hadn’t anticipated that Steve and Bucky would want her to join on their dates, but after a month or two she got used to it. She and Bucky had a lot in common, they fell into an easy and affectionate friendship while both getting banged 9 ways to Sunday by Steve. The first date she’d gone on with just Bucky had been strange but lovely and if they all ended up dating each other, what was the harm? 
 But then the children thing came up again. ‘The first one should be Bucky’s, he’s always wanted babies, you know?’ ‘I hope one of them is blond like Stevie, with those pretty eyes of yours.’ She continued to pass it off the best that she could, ducking and squirming out of conversations about babies. It was about the one year mark with Steve, the 6 month-ish mark with Bucky that she realized she had to reevaluate their relationship. Obviously, they wanted something different out of life than she did. They wanted a white picket fence and a whole herd of children, and that hadn’t even made it onto her list of ‘not ideal but liveable life scenarios’. 
 The night she planned to break up with them came upon her so much faster than she’d anticipated. It was going to hurt, on multiple levels. She really and truly loved them, but there was no way that she could continue dating them when their life goals were so incompatible. It felt like leading them on and that was cruel. So, she slipped into a casual pair of jeans and a tank top with a cardigan over top and headed to the cafe they generally spent time in if they didn’t want to truly do something for a date. Her winter gear kept her pleasantly warm even when the sun had gone down, but there was a frigid trickle down her back. 
 The walk wasn’t far, but the goosebumps rising over her skin gave her pause as she walked. Her hand immediately dove into her pocket, gloves slipping around her phone for a second before she managed to pull it out and unlock it. In general, she wasn’t the type to be jumpy or nervous when walking alone in the evenings, but she was the kind of girl who trusted her instincts. And her instincts told her something was wrong. 
 Bucky’s number was the first on the ‘most recent' screen for her contacts list and she hit dial without hesitation. When it rang out without an answer, she tried Steve’s only to receive the same results. They were most likely already at the cafe, phones on silent because their traditional ideals told them that being on their phones during a date was rude. Usually she found that cute and endearing, but tonight it meant they didn’t realize she really needed their attention. 
 Of course, she wasn’t in any danger. Well, in the minds of the soldiers she wasn’t in any danger. They’d never let anything happen to her. Watching from the shadows as she redialed Steve’s number, the pair smiled. She knew that they were who she needed to call in an emergency, she knew they would take care of her. When she started running down the block, Bucky stayed carefully behind her while Steve went on ahead to the cafe; there needed to be someone there to greet her when she arrived, but they also needed to make sure she arrived safely. 
 She had to stop herself outside of the cafe and take a deep breath, to try and calm herself before she went inside. Obviously, she’d worked herself up for no reason and the panic was sitting just underneath her rib cage, pounding along with her heart. Seeing Steve through the window was what allowed her breathing to calm; she was safe as long as Steve was just a few steps away. He stood up as soon as he saw her walk through the door, a brilliant smile on his face as always. It was difficult to force herself not to run over and throw her arms around him, to explain how frightened she’d been on the walk to the cafe. She reminded herself that she was there to break up with them. 
Oh, fuck, she was there to break up with them. In the cafe they all loved so much. Was she a monster? Was wanting to break up over not wanting children stupid? Wasn’t the point of dating people to find someone (or someone’s, in her case) that you wanted to spend the rest of your life with? Because she’d like to spend the rest of her life with them. But, children. They were cute from afar, babies were precious and they had that lovely smell but she didn’t want any. 
 “Hey beautiful,” the blond greeted when she arrived at his side, sweeping her into a gentle hug, “you look out of breath.” 
 “Oh, I was just walking a bit fast I guess,” she waved off the concern and glanced towards the counter with a furrowed brow, “I thought Bucky would be here already?” 
 “He’s in the restroom,” Steve gestured towards the hallway before helping her out of her coat, “I already got you a tea. Did you want something to eat?” 
 “No, no, I’m not really hungry.” In fact, her stomach felt like lead and she wanted to throw up. 
 Steve ushered her into the booth before sitting beside her, unintentionally trapping her in which was going to make the following conversation very uncomfortable, “are you sure baby? Did you already eat dinner? You don’t need to be skipping meals, if you lose any weight you’ll disappear on me.” 
 A small smile cracked her lips and she shook her head, eyes carefully scanning over Steve’s face. He was so handsome, he would make incredibly beautiful babies with whoever he chose. It just couldn’t be her, and that hurt. She was shaken out of her small daydream by Bucky sliding into the booth across from her, leaning up and over the table as he did so that the brunet could press a quick kiss to her lips. 
 “Hey sweetheart,” he greeted with a smile, nose brushing hers. 
 The warmth that filled her chest was tinged with grief as she sat back, “hey Buck.” 
 “What did you need to talk about baby?” Steve questioned once they were settled, his arm coming to rest over her shoulders.
 Her lead stomach somehow grew heavier and she took a sip of her tea. Steve always knew exactly how to fix it up for her but it tasted like ash in her mouth, sticking to her tongue and coating her throat like cement. The anxiety was crushing and she hated that it would ruin the last cup of tea Steve ever made her. 
 “Baby, what’s the matter?” The blond pressed, a frown coming over his face as he shifted closer. 
 “I… I’ve been thinking, uhm, a lot recently,” she murmured, eyes focused on the cup in her hands. 
 “Okay…” Bucky prompted gently when she didn’t continue and she found herself taking a giant sip of tea to put off having to answer for just a moment— it was going to hurt. 
 “You guys… you guys deserve everything you’ve ever wanted, you know? You’ve gone through so much and you do so much for other people…” she took another sip of tea, finger nails clicking against the ceramic, “I know that you want kids. You’ll make amazing fathers, you know? And you’ve earned the right to happiness in this life, I think, so you should be able to have all the babies you want. But I… I don’t want kids. I’ve never wanted kids, even when I was little. The idea of being pregnant makes me want to throw up and raising children sounds like a nightmare.” 
“Wait, Bucky, please,” she pleaded quietly, “let me finish? I don’t want kids and you guys do, so badly and I can’t get in the way of your future. I think… I think we need to stop seeing each other.” 
 “Don’t you think you’re being a bit rash, baby?” Steve asked, eyebrows of disappoint in full effect, “we haven’t even discussed children.” 
 “Are you telling me you don’t want kids, Steve? That you’d be perfectly fine with never having any children? Because I know that’s a lie,” another small sip of tea was meant to steady her but just left her feeling overheated and heavy, “it’s not fair for me to keep you both wrapped up when I have no intention of having children.” 
 Steve opened his mouth but shut it again without saying anything, picking up the coffee he’d been drinking and taking a gulp. Across the table Bucky was doing the same with his tea and she sighed heavily before finishing off her cup. 
 “Can you let me out, Steve? I think I’m gonna head home,” she requested quietly, settling her cup back on the saucer. 
 “No baby, you stay there,” the blond answered with a sigh, carding his hand through her hair while holding her against his side, “the drugs we put in your tea will finish working in just a minute or two.”
 Her head snapped towards him, hair flying around her face in a flurry, “what?! Steve what the fuck?!” 
 She attempted to press away from him, but her arms were starting to take on the same heavy feeling as her stomach. Her head was too, actually, now that she thought about it. The tea had tasted off but she’d been sure it was just her anxiety, that the lethargy sitting in her bones was just a result of the overwhelming sadness of having to break things off with the men she loved. She hadn’t considered that the heat boiling beneath her skin was anything but panic. 
 “Look, this is for the best. You don’t understand now, but you will.”
 “Oh my God,” she muttered, her mouth beginning to feel cotton-y, “wha...what..” 
 “I’ve had your apartment bugged since we started dating, baby,” Steve stated casually, “you talk to yourself a lot. We’ve known you were thinking about breaking it off for a couple of months now.” 
 “We’ve thought a lot about it and we just can’t let you, sweetheart. You’re too important to us,” Bucky added, the image of him swimming as her eyes started to blur, “you’ll get used to the idea of babies once you start having them, I promise.” 
 “S-Someone, help…” the words were barely a hoarse whisper, heat climbing through her body like a fire, “help me..” 
 “Shh, we’re going to help you baby,” Steve cooed in her ear, lips grazing her skin, “just go to sleep now.” 
 She woke up to moaning and pleasure, an orgasm rocketing through her with incredible intensity. Above her, Steve was still going strong. His massive form looked just as beautiful above her as it always did. There was something incredibly erotic about them fucking her while she slept, about being dragged out of her dreams by an orgasm rocking her out of control. Her arms were bound to the headboard, a usual occurrence, and Bucky was sitting to her left, cock in hand.
 “Morning sweetheart, how’re you feelin’?” The brunet purred, reaching his unused hand out to stroke through her hair. 
 “Ohhh,” she moaned as Steve hiked her legs farther up over his hips, pelvis grinding into her clit with each thrust, “ohhh fuuuuck…” 
 “Yeah? Is Stevie making you feel good?” Bucky smirked, his hand traveling down to her tits, “look how big they’ve gotten Steve.” 
 “Gonna be nice and full for our babies,” he responded with a grunt, fingers digging into her hips. 
 Babies. Her memory returned with a vengeance; the cafe, the break up speech, being drugged. She screeched, yanking on the handcuffs locking her to the headboard. Her legs kicked out futilely, Steve’s grasp on her waist keeping her soundly in place. His cock was massive and he was pounding her like he was on a mission. 
 “Did you notice the changes over the last few months?” Bucky asked calmly, still touching her face even as she tried to move away, “we had to give you enough drugs to counteract the effects of the birth control shot you got earlier in the year. The fertility stuff has all the upsides, you know? Watching your tits grow was my favourite part, but Stevie liked how it filled you out. This is a perfect weight for you, sweetheart, especially while you’re having babies.” 
 “Oh my God, get off of me!” Her voice came out as a screech, still yanking against the bonds around her wrists, “get off!” 
 “Based on the timeline we’ve been going off of and the stuff we gave you last night, you should be ovulating for the next couple of days,” Bucky came to kneel next to her head, grabbing both of her hands to keep her from bruising herself on the restraints, “calm down, sweetheart, let Steve finish and then it's my turn again.” 
 “Love watching you fuck her,” Steve muttered to his boyfriend, continuing to pound her cunt while leaning over to kiss him, “I swear I can feel your cum in her pussy.” 
“Nah, that monster cock pushed all of mine out,” Buck reached down, swiping his hand over where they were connected and bringing it back up covered in cum, “fill her back up Stevie. Open your mouth, sweetheart.” 
 She tried to refuse but he tutted at her, using his clean hand to plug her nose. He smiled when she ran out of breath, mouth opening in a gasp and he pressed his cum coated fingers between her lips, stroking her tongue. 
 Steve groaned at the sight, “Buck, move for a sec, would’ya?” 
 The brunet shifted and Steve pulled back, cock slipping out of her with a short whine. He’d always been vocal while they fucked, not so much in words but in noises. He grunted and groaned and moaned and she used to relish the sounds, the idea that she could make Captain America make noises like that. But now, as he grabbed her hips and turned her onto her stomach, making her wrists cross in her bonds, she hated the noises. It was disgusting how much he was enjoying himself. 
 “Here we go baby,” he murmured, carefully manipulating her onto her knees while her torso remained stretched out over the head of the bed, Bucky simultaneously turning her head so her cheek rested on a pillow, gently moving her hair out of her face, “gotta get my cum nice and deep in there.” 
 “Please stop,” she whimpered, tears pressing at the backs of her eyes, “Steve, please—” 
 “Shhh, you’re alright baby, you’re okay,” one hand rubbed circles into the small of her back, the other guiding his cock back to her weeping cunt, “almost done and then you can rest for a minute. We might’a put your little pussy through the wringer while you were asleep.” 
 There was no telling how many times they’d cum in her while she’d been drugged. She had no idea how long she’d been out, the black out curtains were pulled over the windows and she couldn’t see a clock from her position. It might not even have been the same evening, the same day. Bucky’s hand came to rest on her ass, a gentle caress making goosebumps rise on her skin. 
 “I’m gonna miss fucking your pretty ass sweetheart,” the brunet stated with a regretful look, “but we can’t waste anything in your asshole until you’re pregnant.” 
 “Won’t be long,” Steve grunted, tucking his hand under her waist and rubbing his fingers over her clit, “we’ll just need a bit more lube than usual.” 
 “Don’t, Steve,” she sobbed, “Don’t do this to me—”
 “This’ll make us closer, I promise. Just hold still,” the blond gave a low hum under his break, movements become sharper and thrusts more brutal, “here we go, baby, here we go.” 
 “No! Don’t—” 
 Her shout was disrupted by him moaning her name, burying himself deep one more time before releasing his load. Her skin pressed nearly seamlessly to his pelvis, only shifting as he gave several small, abrupt thrusts. The rough movements pounded her clit and she came a few seconds after him. She’d known in the back of her head, that the serum had done something to their physiology. Their refractory periods were insane, the sheer volume of cum they made didn’t seem possible. Now, she wondered how strong their swimmers were and how effective the drugs they gave her would be. 
 “That’s so good baby,” Steve moaned quietly, laying his back over hers and gently stroking the hand not holding up his weight over her stomach gently, “so good for me.” 
 “Come on, Stevie, on her back,” Bucky’s tone was just as soft, his hands brushing over both of his lovers gently as he watched the blond pull his softening cock from her pussy and helped him turn her onto her back, “let me grab some pillows.” 
 The blond carefully lifted her legs, tucking her knees up close to her chest and tilting her pelvis back. Bucky tucked the pillows under her waist to keep her hips canted up, to support her back more than to hold her in position. 
 “Now, you gotta stay like this for the next fifteen or so minutes, baby,” Steve instructed as he climbed off the bed, Bucky taking hold of her legs, and grabbing a damp towel from the end table to wipe himself clean, “you’ve gotta give our babies the best chance.” 
 “You’re fucking crazy,” she hissed after a moment, forcing herself not to make any noises that might sound like crying, “both of you. I’m going to get an abortion the sec—”
 “The second you can, we figured you’d say that,” Bucky laughed, thumbing brushing over her skin absently, “that’s why we’re not gonna give you the opportunity, sweetheart. We figure doctors still make house calls, we’ll have all of your prenatal care done here and you’ll have the baby here too. Maybe once you’ve had a couple of kids you can start going out by yourself again.” 
 “Let go!” The words weren’t as much of a shout as she’d been hoping for, “please, please let go.” 
 “Hush baby,” Steve climbed back into bed on her other side and took hold of her legs once again, readjusting her position slightly, “see, it’s not as uncomfortable as it could be, right? You just lay there and let me hold you, okay? Try to relax.” 
 “Here, now that you’re awake,” Bucky reached over to the side table and grabbed the remote, turning the TV mounted on the wall across from the bed on, “we can watch a movie while we wait.” 
 A fucking movie. They could watch a movie while they waited. One of their hands ran up over the curve of her ass, fingers delving into the slick mess of her pussy. She could tell they were pressing cum back into her, trying to keep as much in at once as possible. 
 “We’ll keep your pussy nice and full of cum,” the brunet’s voice was so low it was basically a rumble, “and your belly full of babies. Just wait, you’re going to have a wonderful life here with us, sweetheart. You’ll grow to love it, I promise.”
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