#if levi was taller and wore a suit
hyperfixationfix · 2 years
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But REI tho…. 👀👀👀👀👀
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starrysimps · 1 year
(LevixFem!Reader) It All Started With A Fruit Basket PART 1
A/N: I wrote this fic a while ago before season four came out, and it is fairly proofread but not all the way. Also this took me a long time to write, and I’ll probably upload a new part everyday since there are only twelve in total. This part is a little short, but the other ones are around 1k words (That was my goal for each part).Anyways I hope you enjoy Reading this!
You can find the other parts here: (LEVI X FEM!READER) IT ALL STARTED WITH A FRUIT BASKET
1st POV
     I was peacefully sitting at the wooden table in my dining room eating breakfast. I was eating a [meal of your choice] and drinking a [favorite drink]. I heard a few loud noises outside, so of course I went to see what it could be so early in the morning.
     As I looked out my window I saw a large truck full of furniture and boxes. I think that a new neighbor is moving in next door. The man had raven hair and looked just a bit taller than I was. He was wearing a black suit and a black tie.
     I figured that I should make a gift basket, as a welcome to the neighborhood gift. I went back over to your table to sit back down and eat my delicious  breakfast. Once you were finished you headed up the stairs and into my room to get ready to go to the shops downtown, to find something to welcome my new neighbor.
     Once I was all dressed in my nice clothes, a white dress just a little bit longer than my knees with spaghetti straps. I also wore my favorite pair of white shoes. Then, I headed off downtown, I walked since it wasn't that far from my house.
2nd POV
     Once you arrived downtown, you tried to figure out which shops you should go to first. There were a lot of great options such as the flower shop, the clothing shop, and the furniture shop. 
     You decided to get a small fruit basket for your new neighbor. It had apples, pairs, oranges, bananas, and a pineapple in it. You decided that it would be the perfect gift. It wasn't too expensive either. You were sure that it would be a great gift to welcome your new neighbor to the neighborhood.
     You arrived back at your house and put your other things away that you got from the shops. You prepared the fruit basket to give to your new neighbor. Soon after preparing the fruit basket you were ready to go welcome your new neighbor.
     You then walked out of your house, and across the street which is where your new neighbor's house was located. You then walked up onto the porch and rang the doorbell located to the right of the door. You waited patiently for an answer, which there was a black car out front so you assumed that he was home.
     A few short seconds later, the door was opened by the man you had seen this morning. "Hello my name is Y/n and I'm your new neighbor and I live across the street right over there." You said. " Welcome to the neighborhood, here's a gift." You said as you handed him the fruit basket.
     He didn't smile, so you weren't sure if he liked it or not. "Levi Ackerman, nice to meet you." The man said. You soon enough finished your business with your new neighbor, and headed back home. You wondered though, did the man live alone by himself?
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infoglitch · 1 year
Nexus: ogre slayer [1/3]
(are you getting sick of me yet cuz I hope. otherwise I will continue to gas light you all into hating me. Because it is disappointing that I already have eight followers when I probably should have none.
I'm not pushing this am I? If I i am one of you just say so anyway enjoy the rest of this crap fest)
[Season 1] "abyssal"
Long, Long ago before I was even born. My father, Lucifer battled against his very creator, and lost.
He and my mother Lilith were sent into the abyss known as hell, along with every other entity that followed behind my father's vision of freedom through uncontrolled chaos.
After all of them fell each of them became one of the seven deadly sins which would be passed down to their children.
Asmodeus empress of lust.
Leviathan, cruel temptress of envy.
My uncle Mammon overlord of greed and avarice.
Helios, the hateful sun, the embodiment of wrath itself.
Beelzebub, the soul consumed by gluttony.
My mother became the embodiment of sloth.
And finally me and my father the embodiments of pride.
A title I despised.
I am lucius Blackwell, Prince of hell. heir to a throne my father so arrogantly keeps. Now I await my father's death so I may undo his wrongs and not only get rid of hell but restore humanity to the blessed form they had long ago.
The time of Eden.
I seek that.
We see Lucius standing in a hallway with his mother. As the new sin of pride he must come to these councils every new moon.
"Are you certain about this mother I mean what will the council think" lucius asked as his mother fixed his crown and cloak.
"It doesn't matter what the council thinks what matters is that there is a new pride someone who can make a difference." Lilith said.
"I know but with blossoms coronation coming up maybe the others will grow suspicious of our plan even father might-" lucius spoke before Lilith hushed him.
"Once your sister takes my place then there will be the greatest of changes." Lilith said.
The two entered the council room and saw the other sins waiting Mammon seem like he's about to blow his top.
"Oh hello lucius!" Beelzebub said smiling happy to see someone different. Then mammon gib slapped him "hush beezle." Mammon spoke.
"Asmodeus, Beelzebub, Levi, Helios, and Mammon, lucius coronation has been completed and now he has joined the sins as pride" Lilith spoke. "Lilith, shut the fuck up." Mammon said.
Mammon, my uncle wore a suit with golden cuffs as his dyed white hair was combed back. He seemed frustrated about... Something.
Lilith sighed "regardless there is still an issue, judgement day is getting close, to close." She continued.
"This is why we should have already began the horsemen, while those ogre beast didn't exist" Mammon spoke with annoyance.
"SoOOooo what? It's not like they can with stand a demon!" Asmodeus said taking her cigarette out her mouth as she put her.... assets on the table.
Asmodeus could best be described having the appearance of a whore, her assets out in the open with her bra showing under her loose pink clothing.
"We all know you just want to have everyone indulge themselves with drugs and fuck Asmodeus." Levi said as she couldn't resist staring at Asmodeus massive, Melons.
Leviathan or just Levi was petite, she was one of the taller sins but she lacked the "traits" Asmodeus had.
"So? What's wrong with that? Life is a gift! Let's enjoy it~" Asmodeus flirted with her fellow sin.
Lucius just sat in his chair and listened. "Sister calm yourself" Beelzebub said puting a hand on Levi's shoulder.
Levi just scoffed at Asmodeus as she slumped into her own chair.
Asmodeus then turned to Beelzebub, "hey hot stuff wanna ditch and get some good stuff?~" she spoke, "weren't you the one who implanted your own childs soul into a humans body?" Beelzebub retorted.
"Ah she's just fine in fact she moved to that big fancy city with her cousin" she said. "What does that have anything to do with this situation?!" Helios shouted as flames erupted from his eyes.
After the meeting Lucius was in his family's library. "Where is it, where is it, where is it?!" Lucius said in annoyance as he scavenged through books. "Where is what?" The voice of his sister rang out, he turned to see his younger sister blossom smiling up at him.
"Oh nothing just looking for a book." Lucius said clearly lying. "Your wanting to leave hell aren't you" blossom said. Lucius just stood there. "Yeah....." He admitted.
"Why tho?" Blossom asked, "think about it if I'm able to go up to the human world then I can make a bigger difference than when I'm in here." Lucius answered.
"Dads gonna be mad" blossom retorted. "Dads to busy when it comes to moms neediness." Lucius responded.
"Well what about your 'plan'?" blossom said
Lucius face palmed remembering that he has to be here. Otherwise this whole thing will be for nothing.
Lucius sat down contemplating what to do. "Couldn't I just go out through the gate and come back?" Lucius asked.
"The gate is guarded by hades. Moron" Blossom answered. Lucius sighed. "I take it there's no books that can open a portal" Lucius said blossom noded as lucius groaned.
"Well.... Beelzebub does have something like that in his library." Blossom answered
Lucius looked at his sister confused. "What do you mean?" Lucius asked his sister.
"Beelzebub and Levi have their own library full of knowledge of transportation and portal's" blossom answered.
Lucius just stared. Then stood up. "Where is it" he asked, his sister got up and stretched out her hand.
"I'll only take you there if you take me with you and we come back" blossom said. Lucius sighed and noded.
Then blossom grabbed his hand and started to run, lucius obviously right behind her. They headed to the front of the house before seeing their two headed giant hell cat.
"Hey mittens!" Lucius said smiling. The cats heads looked at him before leaning down and brush its head up against him and blossom while purring.
"We love you too mittens but we gotta go see Beelzebub." Blossom said while scratching the top of one of its heads while Lucius scratched the others chin.
The cat meowed as it kept nuzzling against them. Blossom groan and decided to keep petting the hell cat.
"We'll find another way." Lucius said as he scratching the cat's chin. Blossom noded.
6:68 H.m (hell morning) beezlebubs library.
We see Beelzebub reading a book as he heard his younger sister sighing. He looked up to see her floating while looking at a picture of Helios.
"Sister why are you still swooning over that brute?" Beelzebub asked as Levi looked at her brother. "But Beelzebub have you seen him shirtless he's SoOOooo hot!" Levi spoke as she shook vigorously.
"If I didn't know any better I would have thought you were lust instead of envy considering how perverted you get when you think of him" Beelzebub retorted. Levi floated over to her brother and booped him on his nose. "So I figure you're still searching for eight" Levi asked looking at the book her brother was reading.
"He's one of us Levi" Beelzebub said as he flipped to the next page. "he left us for leading a bizarre carnival" Levi said as she crossed her arms.
Then the Grand door of the building opened and we see Lucius and blossom standing in the open door frame.
"Oh hello lucius and blossom!" Beelzebub said with a smile. Lucius waved as blossom walked up to Beelzebub.
"Hey Beelzebub do you know any books that allow us to go to the human world and back?" Blossom asked. Beelzebub just stared dumbfounded.
"Well yes but why would you need it?" Beelzebub ask still dumbfounded. "Well lulu over here wants to go to the human world" blossom said bluntly.
Beelzebub and Levi looked at lucius both equally surprised. "But why? Your father would kill you!" Beelzebub said.
"That doesn't matter I just need the spell" lucius said as Beelzebub just looked at him then nodded.
"Levi head to my segment of the library and find a book with no title and with a black cover" Beelzebub said as Levi nodded and transformed into a winged grey snake.
After Abit Levi came back with a book matching Beelzebub description and Levi handed it to Lucius aswell as handing a knife.
"Your going to have to do something not so fun" Levi said as lucius nodded
"Now get going please. And Lucius. God speed" Beelzebub said
Lucius and blossom rushed out of the library and headed. They wouldn't have long but they needed to do the spell soon.
They arrived at the gates of their fathers castle lucius groaned and kicked it open and ran in to the castle. They headed to their family library after passing by their parents room. Their father wasn't there which meant their time to go is shrinking rapidly.
They set the book down and Lucius started to quickly read. "to begin this spell take the sacrificial knife and make a circle and a cross in the selected persons back" lucius read aloud as he then looked at his sister who looked back at him and grabbed the knife and got behind lucius and lifted his shirt up
Blossom blunged the knife into her brothers back as he grunted and groaned in pain. Blossom started carving the image.
"Alright....is it carved?" Lucius asked in pain, blossom noded and Lucius started to read. "Next cover the wound in salt and chant this next phrase. Spirit un devil, devil blood cursed, begin god speed. 3 times" lucius read as blossom searched for salt.
"There's some salt in the kitchen I'll go get it" blossom said as lucius nodded and blossom bolted to the kitchen
Blossom arrived in the kitchen but saw her father. His face seemed more angered than usual. Whatever happened he was not happy. Oh shit hes coming her way. Blossom hid behind the bathroom wall and heard his foot step storm pass. She exited the bathroom and grabbed the salt and ran to the library making sure to remain undetected.
She arrived in library and saw lucius bent over groaning in pain she went behind him and placed salt over the carving and begin the chant.
They could hear foot steps storming their way blossom looked up to see their father and he looked double pissed.
After chanting the phrase the wound started rapidly healing and glowed a bright purple.
"Guards arrest these traitors for attempting a ritual!" They heard their father as guards started to storm the place.
Then a pair of arms grabbed blossom and lifted her up. They had failed. The guards had caught.
Another guard grabbed lucius. "DONT YOU DARE TOUCH MY BIG BRO YOU DUMB OAF!" Blossom shouted while struggling to get out of her guards grasp.
The other guard lifted lucius up and their father stride over grabbed lucius chin and forced lucius to look at him.
"I knew you were a no good brat" their father said in stern voice. He then looked at blossom and the guard. "Send her to her room, I'm executing this ungrateful child" he continued saying. The guard nodded and started to drag a pale face blossom to her room.
Then there was a purple spark.
Lucius was enveloped in a bright purple lighting. "Keep your hands OFF MY SISTER!" lucius shouted as he turned into a purple bolt of lightning and shot from the other guards hands with a giant gaping hole in the guards torso. The bolt shot towards blossom guard and Lucius then appeared his skin no longer a stone grey but instead resembled a humans skin. His blue eyes turned to black and his once black horns turned white. The electricity formed in his fist and he slugged the guard. Freeing blossom and killing the guard. Lucius picked up his sister bridal style and looked at his father, his hair flowing with electricity.
"I'll return father, and when I do. Your a dead man." Lucius said before he and blossom turned into purple and orange electricity and bolted upwards as a rift opened above them.
"God speed"
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papijean · 3 years
behind the lens [4]
previous - series masterlist - next
chapter summary: Professor Ackerman was one of the best looking staff at Paradis University and was certainly at the top of your list of possible candidates. 
warning: language, mentions of sex
word count: 2.8k
a/n: A short chapter but the next few are going to be longer (and spicer ;)). Hope you enjoy!! 
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Levi Ackerman, Head Professor of the Department of Statistics, was incredibly smart. His meticulous behaviour caught every problem, issue, and concern. He was able to understand any question thrown his way and have a perfect response. No matter what the situation, he was always quick to figure something out.
It was what made him one of the best professors to get for classes. At least, it was part of the reason. Many of the girls in the class found themselves devoting their electives to statistics - classes that weren't even close to being a GPA booster - all because they got to stare at him for an hour three days a week.
Levi was an attractive man, no older than his mid-thirties and most importantly, single.
With the end of the semester coming, along with the spring, the temperature was getting warmer. Shorts were being worn, tank tops brought out, and skirts being pulled up high enough to nearly show off some ass.
It looked like Levi was caving to the heat too. His suit jacket was resting on the chair, and instead, he wore a tight, navy t-shirt. It hugged his shoulders and arms, showing off the muscles he worked so hard for. Mikasa said she saw him at the gym just as often as she was there.
"You really think it could be him?" You leaned over to Ymir. Professor Levi was was probably the most nit-picky person you knew. He always had everything perfectly organized and would always grumble if the lecture hall was left a mess by the previous professor. To have someone completely taint his office and not speak of it? Unlikely.
There was no way he hadn't seen the video - someone would have recognized it was his office and told him. He didn't seem angrier than usual which made him even more suspicious. He was the only one who could defile his office and not complain about it. And the only one to have a key.
"The guy in the video seems... taller," Ymir shrugged. Levi was on the shorter side. However, the videos never showed the entire height of either of the people, and it was easy to angle the camera to make him appear taller than he really was. It could have easily been him. "But he's definitely got the arms..."
"And the voice," you sighed. Levi's voice certainly suited the voice in the videos. It was deep, sultry, and extremely sexy - all while talking about statistics. You could only imagine how much hotter it sounded while he had someone fucked senseless. Levi certainly fit the criteria - and truly you did wish it was him.
Professor Ackerman was always someone you found yourself daydreaming about. To have him be Paridis_Finest would only add to every fantasy his students had of him. He attained quite the following at the university, to the point other schools were envious for having such a good-looking professor.
He was the kind of man that accidentally caught the attention of everyone in the room whether he wanted it or not. He had a sharp jaw, alluring grey eyes you could only admire when you were close. If you were lucky enough to be that close, you’d be too caught up in the scent of expensive cologne to even notice. 
"Considering he hasn't brought up the newest video yet either," Ymir shrugged, "he nearly bit a kid's head off for having pen smudges on his paper I can't imagine what kind of fit he would be in with knowing used panties were on his chair. Which means it was either him, or he hasn't seen it yet."
The notebooks in front of you were completely empty. All class you were too busy discussing whether or not it could be him instead of taking notes. Probably not the best decision for a hard class like his but neither of you seemed to care enough about it. Levi was distracting enough as it was, but to have the possibility of him fucking his students into desks? Your mind was racing at the thought.
"I think I would be more concerned about the desk than the chair," you muttered. The grip on your pencil tightened as you thought about exactly what happened on his desk. The beauty he wore while fucking her so well he was forced to silence her. His pretty cock stretching her walls, praising her for taking him so well. Those angelic moans of his were still engraved into you.
Fuck. Fuck. 
Your gaze turned back to the professor, the longer you thought about him the less you'd be able to figure out if it was Levi. The professor's words were dull as he went over an example on the chalkboard. As young as he was, he still preferred the old-style methods of presenting. His back was towards the class, broad shoulders straining against his shirt.
However, it was when he reached up did you notice something. The sleeve of his shirt scrunched up as he stood on his toes to reach higher on the chalkboard, perfectly exposing a black tattoo in - a knife to be exact. Not the kind of tattoo you'd expect a statistics professor to have but that was aside the point.
Paradis_Finest had no tattoos.
"Ymir," You smacked her arm so hard she yelped. Levi turned back towards the students to see who made the noise. Thankfully, he never put together it was you and Ymir before turning back to the example on the board. As he reached up again, you pointed towards his arm, hoping she could see it too.
"A tattoo?" She whispered. "Oh my god, I think he just got hotter." What other sneaky tattoos were hiding on his skin? Were there more? It didn’t matter, one was enough to make you worry - not to mention the thought of anymore would get your panties wet. 
"That's not the point," you scolded, "he doesn't have any tattoos."
It was disappointing to discover it wasn't him. As terrible as it was - Levi was exactly the kind of person you'd want to bend you over and take you as he wanted. His cold exterior left plenty of room for you to wonder what he was like behind closed doors. The man was a mystery and he would have fit in perfectly with this case.
Unfortunately, your hunch about him was wrong. Levi wasn't Paradis_Finest. However, the question still remained if he knew about the video in his office or not. And more importantly, how the real owner got inside of it.
"Maybe he covers them up?" Ymir offered, bringing back a spark of hope. It was possible. If the man owned any tattoos it would have been an immediate giveaway for who it was. With all the other measures they went through to hide their identity, covering up a tattoo or two wasn't out of the question. Covering them up was certainly a possibility meaning Levi was still on your list of candidates.
"I mean he-"
"Do you ladies have something you want to say to the class?" You sat in the third row from the front, close enough to see him properly but far enough back you hoped he wouldn't hear. It seemed his hearing was sharper than ever. Levi stood directly in front of you, staring up with annoyance in his eyes.
You and Ymir both shook your heads, cheeks warming up at the idea of being caught. He narrowed his eyes for a moment, waiting to see if you would cave and say something else. Just by a single look it was obvious he was angrier than usual - maybe he did see the videos and simply didn't want to bring it up with the class. Either way, you got your answer - Professor Ackerman wasn't the one making the sex tapes.
"Then shut the hell up and pay attention."
"Yes, sir," you both said at the same time. Your heart raced as he continued to stare you down. Professor Ackerman could easily fail you in the class just because he didn't like you - and it wouldn't have been the first time a student was forced to retake the class because of his bad attitude.
Ymir couldn't afford to retake the class and neither could you. The grip you had on your pencil was tight enough to make it start to bend under the pressure. How could one man drive so much fear into you with a single look? A statistics professor at that?
"Stay after class, both of you."
As students strolled out of the lecture hall, you and Ymir reluctantly stayed behind. What the hell was he going to do to you? Fail you for talking in his class? Make you do an extra assignment to punish you? There was an endless list of possibilities he could force you to do. Your heart felt like it was going to burst out of your chest this whole time.
Sweat threatened to drip down your face in bullets at how nervous you were. Looking over at your friend, she didn't seem any more confident about what was going to happen.
Levi sat at the desk in the front of the room, waiting for you to join him. No lecture was in the hall directly after this one which meant you had a whole hour before kids could start pouring in there. As much as you awaited your punishment - you also couldn't help but wonder if maybe Levi was Paradis_Finest.
Empty classroom, lots of time. It was the ideal situation for a tape to be made.
"I assume you are both aware of these... videos being made around campus?" Levi started. His arms were crossed over his chest, a disgusted look on his face as he mentioned the tapes. His behaviour only confused you more. You looked over at Ymir who was wide-eyed and curious. You nodded. "I also assume you saw the latest one, then?"
"We did."
More than once. Levi didn't even know the beginning of how many times you watched the videos and you felt shameful standing in front of him thinking of the filthy things you did to yourself while watching them. This was his office, his space and you defiled it even more just by thinking about how you wanted to be fucked in there.
"And do you know who it is?" He was clearly pissed about his office being defiled with two strangers fucking right on his desk. You could only imagine his horror when finding out about this. Levi wasn't the kind of person to just allow something like this to slide under the table, no matter who it was.
"Actually," Ymir grabbed her hands behind her back. She hid her fidgeting fingers from him to hide her hesitance. "We thought it might be you making them."
Your eyes nearly bulged out of your head at her sudden announcement. Why would she even think to tell him that information? You already decided it wasn't him so why even bring it up? You felt your whole body warm with embarrassment as he stayed silent at your revelation towards him.
"And why the hell would you brats think that?" He snapped, though it seemed to be his normal tone instead of a defensive one. Exposing yourselves like this meant if it was him, it was going to get a hell of a lot harder to prove it. Ymir was an idiot to reveal his name on your list of possible people.
"Not very many people have a key to your office, sir," you decided to explain before Ymir had the chance to make everything worse. No way were you going to get yourself in trouble because of something like this and her inability to keep her mouth shut. This was the smoothest way possible to explain without admitting he was incredibly hot.
He seemed to understand your point. He and the janitors were the only ones who could get in and out of his office. For someone to get in he would have either had to forget to lock it, or a key would have had to been stolen from the school. If it was the latter, whoever was making these tapes would get in exponentially more trouble.
"So you're trying to solve this mystery as well then?" He cocked an eyebrow. This couldn't seriously be what he wanted to keep you after class for. This whole time you were expecting to get chewed out for talking in his lecture and he just wanted to know if you knew who was making these? Not a chance.
"We are," you confirmed. He hummed, though you were unsure of the emotion behind it. The professor could easily be throwing you off track to get you off his trail if it was him. Just because he was acting like he didn't know didn't mean it wasn't him. You had to keep your guard up. "If you don't mind me asking, sir... Do you have any idea who it is?"
You expected him not to give you any information about the subject - this was a professor speaking to a student of a very unprofessional circumstance. However, if he chooses to give any information the reward outweigh the risk greatly. It was worth a shot. Not to mention his reaction would help to prove your idea of it still being him. Maybe you were just yanking on threads because you wanted it to be him, not because you actually believed it.
Levi's elbows rested on the desk in front of him. His hands encased one another, blocking off the lower half of his face and hiding his expression. His fingers tapped against himself, thinking for a brief moment if he should tell you anything. You waited in anticipation for his answer - or if he was going to simply say no.
"It's not any staff," he revealed. This meant it had to be a student - or someone who didn't even attend Paradis University. Unless he was lying to you, which was a totally viable option. You looked over to Ymir - this is what you both thought it to be all along. Levi was the only exception of it being a professor instead of a student.
"Many staff have speculated it's someone on one of the sports teams. Likely the football team or the basketball ones," Levi continued, " I can't help but agree. Cocky bastards think they own the world because of their scholarships."
"Why tell us?" Ymir asked.
"I want to know who it is just as much as you do," Levi leaned back in the chair. Truth was he probably wanted to find out more than either of you did. This person corrupted his personal space and he clearly wanted them to pay for what they did. Expulsion, jail time, whatever he could give them.
"I hate to admit it, but you guys might have a better shot at figuring it out than I do. If you find the person behind these tapes I want to know immediately. Find out and you'll both pass this class with an A."
Now more than ever you felt motivated to find out who Paradis_Finest was. Levi's stats class was impossible to get an A in, he made sure of it for every student. Considering your grades were less than worthy compared to your other ones - this offer was a godsend. Ymir must have felt the same way about it.
The midterm you handed in only last week was nearly a failure, dragging your grade down a whole letter. If the final was going to be just as harder, or worse, you were screwed. This might be the only way you could pass the class. No way were you going to lose this opportunity.
Then again it could have easily been his way of giving you a prize that was impossible to reach because he knew who it was already. Levi wasn't someone you could just forget about because of this conversation. The only reason you were fortunate enough to cross Eren off was that his dick and Paradis_Finest were completely different.
It might have been considered unprofessional to ask if Levi could pull his cock out to prove if he wasn't the one.
Professor Ackerman must have been desperate if he was willing to go to students for help. Or, more likely, he was too furious to think properly. You couldn't blame him, having strangers fuck on your desk wasn't exactly something you would wave off either.
Ymir looked over at you, excitement on her face like you'd never seen before. Your casual search was no more. It was time to get serious.
Taglist:  @stolemyheart12​​ @nerdy-weeb-7120 @riverxr @subtleappreciation @jennie-rubyjane @bribridee23 @hoeyadoingbitch @marie-is-in-the-dark @a-giaks98 @grandetan @thestrugglesofateenagedirtbag @automaticpersonaauthorsuitcase @captainstarnoir @itzninahoe @mjaudrey @healpeony @mistasgirl @zombiiedroid-blog @internethome @katsuhera @eremiie @murmikaa @moomii-hime @ackermans-brat @melonva @katsuyav @idkwhybutthisisokay @goldthread-galdyherud @usernamehere91 @awilddreamerwrites @empressackerman 
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axoxtxhxh · 3 years
First Date with the Vets - Erwin
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Big shoutout to @chaotic-nick for making this lovely banner for me!
Overall Summary: I had this idea to do a first date with the vets and what it would be like. I am including Erwin, Levi, Miche, and Hange in this list. Each date will be different, but all of them will be set in modern au.
Check out Miche’s story here, Levi’s story here, and Hange’s story here
Pairing: Erwin x Fem!Reader
Content: Nearly all fluff
Word Count: ~ 6,100
Summary: Reader is on her way home to get ready for her blind date when she runs into a handsome stranger on her way home. On her way up to her apartment to get ready, the elevator breaks down with her and the handsome stranger stuck inside.
You were a little over a block from home, nearly running with your small bag from the convenience store clutched tightly in your hand. You hated running late. It didn’t really matter what the scheduled engagement was, you made it a point to always be the first one to show up. Today’s engagement was no different, but leave it to you to rip a hole in your pantyhose as you were getting dressed.
Your best friend, Fen, had set you up on a blind date with one of her co-workers. You hated blind dates, not to mention Fen had terrible taste in men. She had been begging you to at least meet him for a couple months now, but you kept finding reasons not to. The last time she asked, you ran out of reasons. So here you were, running back home ten minutes before he was supposed to arrive. With any luck, he will be as terrible as you expect and show up late, maybe not at all.
You turned down an alleyway, trying to save time by cutting through the side streets and picked up speed seeing your apartment building up ahead. The shortcut was quickly turning out to be a bad idea. There was only one streetlight all the way at the end and you couldn’t see anything, especially the puddle you barely missed, splashing dirty water on your leg. Perfect.
You rounded the corner quickly, ready with your key in your hand to unlock the lobby entrance when you slammed into the back of a large body standing in front of the door. Pushed back by the impact, you dropped your keys and bag on the floor, the cheap convenience store pantyhose rolling to the feet of the person you slammed into.
“Oh gosh. I’m sorry.” You reached down to pick up your stuff when the hand of the person reached it before you. A very large, strong hand with perfectly manicured fingers wrapped around the small plastic case of your pantyhose, holding it up to you.
Your eyes followed up his long arms. You could see how well-built he was even through the brown suit jacket he wore over a white button-down shirt, the top buttons undone so you could see the top of his strong chest. He had to be at least 6’2. Tall and broad.
“It’s my fault.” His ocean-blue eyes sparkled as his lips curled into a smile revealing his bright, white and honestly, dazzling smile. You almost giggled at the sight of him. “I shouldn’t make a habit of lurking in doorways.”
“It’s—uh, it’s not a problem.” You smiled, your eyes locked with his while you fumbled with your keys. Any other night. Any other night you could have stayed and chatted with this handsome stranger. But instead you had to race upstairs to finish getting ready. Your miserable Friday night was getting worse.
You finally fit your key into the keyhole and got the door unlocked, pushing it open. The handsome stranger helped you, holding it open and holding his hand to his stomach as he gestured you through. Damn, he even smelled good.
You moved quickly to the elevator, pushing the call button and trying not to focus on the handsome stranger following closely behind you.
“If you’re going to anything lower than the fifth floor, you might as well take the stairs,” you recommended, looking up to him, “this elevator takes so long, you could probably get there faster by walking.”
“I appreciate that information.” He smiled, pulling out his phone and clicking quickly, scrolling through. You used the opportunity to look at how you looked through the elevator doors.
What a hot mess you were in that moment. Your hair was a mess, your face red and sweaty, the bulky man’s coat you grabbed quickly on your way out the door hung on you like your dad’s t-shirt when you a child. The only redeeming thing about your look was your skirt. You had just bought the camel pencil skirt you were wearing a couple days ago, finding the high-slit a bit too sexy for your office, but it worked perfectly for a date night. The bottom hem shared the same dark stain from the rainwater as your legs and shoes did.
You sighed. Your shoes. You had on some old sneakers, knowing you needed to make the quick run to the store. It could have been that cute sexy-casual look if your shoes had still been white. Now they were brown and grey and smelled like a wet dog. Any chance you had in imagining this Greek god standing next to you would give you a second look were thrown out the window.
You could now see how well he was dressed. He had that dark academia look about him that made you weak. His slim-fit tweed herringbone pants accentuated the length of his legs and somehow made him look even taller, his blonde hair perfectly parted and smoothed back. He looked up from his phone and put it in his pocket.
“Looks like I’ll be taking the elevator with you.” He turned to look at you. “If you don’t mind the company.”
“Of course not.” You smiled back, biting your lip to hide your excitement. Maybe the night would be picking up after all.
The elevator dinged and the doors creaked open shakily. He held his arm out again, gesturing you inside first. It was honestly a bit unfair at how much of a gentleman he was. You dipped your head down and scurried in to hold the doors for him.
He stepped in after you and you pressed the close-door button, followed by eight, your floor. Turning to him, you noticed him staring at the buttons and asked which floor he needed.
“Eight as well.” He put his arms behind his back, and looked back at the door. You turned to face the door, mirroring him as you thought about which lucky woman on your floor was getting a visit from him. Possibly lucky man? Either way, someone was going to be having a great Friday night.
You filled your cheeks with air, puffing them up as you tried not to let yourself glance at him through the elevator doors. The building was old, the elevators dark, but it really was only the two of you and you were sure it seemed pretty obvious that you were staring.
Your eyes moved up to the numbers indicating which floor you were passing. Still only at the third floor, you let yourself peek at him from the corner of your eyes then turned your whole head when you thought he was staring at you. It turned out, he was only staring at the numbers and he quickly turned his eyes to you when he saw you turn to look at him. Damn it, you did that uncomfortable thing. You smiled and hoped that you seemed friendly and not creepy and stalker-like.
“You were quite right about the speed of the elevator.” He chuckled, a low hum that vibrated off the walls. “It’s exceptionally slow.”
You looked back at him, his teeth gleaming even in the darkness of the elevator. Was he trying to make small talk? You smiled to yourself at the attempt, assuming that’s what it was.
“It’s a pretty old buil—” The elevator slammed to a halt and cut your sentence short, both of you falling back. You reached for the rail next to you to brace yourself. The elevator lights flickered before turning off, seconds passing before the emergency lights came on.
“I take it that’s not supposed to happen.” You turned to him and shook your head.
“This is not happening.” You said aloud, more to yourself than anything. You were already running late and now this? You moved to the elevator buttons and started pushing them randomly, knowing they wouldn’t work, but hoping that your frustration was enough to get it started.
“I’m not getting a signal.” The man was holding his cell phone up in the air, trying to get a signal. “Do you want to try yours?”
You nodded and pulled out your cell phone. No bars. You tried holding it up, not reaching nearly as high as he was able to and finally trying to jump a little, trying to catch the reception you hoped sat at the ceiling. The man just stood there smiling at you until you finally noticed and you quickly turned away to hide your embarrassment.
“Maybe the phone here.” You opened the phone box to check inside only to find it empty and you dropped your head. “Damn it.”
This was even worse than how you had already thought your night was going to go. You checked your phone. You were definitely late now. Not only late, you were trapped in an elevator with no way of alerting someone that you were even there at all. Maybe Fen was right. Maybe you should have spent more money to move to a newer apartment building. You loved your little block though. Your apartment may have been old, but it was cute and had character. It was quiet on the weekends and it made the commute to work so much shorter than where you used to live. A cute apartment wasn’t helping you then though.
You heard a small sigh come from behind you and you turned around to see the man sitting on the floor. You didn’t think you were giving him any sort of look, but he stared at you for a second and then jumped up.
“My apologies.” He stuck his hand forward towards you. “My name is Erwin.”
“Y/N.” You took his hand which was surprisingly soft and gentle for someone his size.
“Y/N.” Erwin repeated. “Well we might as well get comfortable. I imagine someone will figure out the elevator stopped running soon enough.”
He sat back down on the floor, stretching his long legs out in front of him and crossing one foot over the other. He set his hand down on the area next to him and looked up at you.
“Would you like to join me?” He smiled and there was no way you were saying no to that.
One hour passed by remarkably fast. The two of you sat on the elevator floor and chatted about your jobs and where you grew up. At some point, both of your stomachs were growling and you opened up your big purse, pulling out some water and snacks. Erwin’s thick eyebrows lifted as you continued pulling out exactly what was needed.
“I like to come prepared.” You smiled shyly, hoping he wasn’t judging you.
“What else do you have in that magical bag of yours?” He scooted closer and you pulled out a bouncy ball, an old bus pass, your work keycard and a folded piece of paper. Erwin took the ball and the paper, opening it up and reading.
“Thirty-six questions to fall in love.” He held it up. “This is something you need to have with you at all times?”
“My friend gave me that.” You both laughed and you tried to grab it, but he pulled it away quickly.
“A friend, huh?” His eyes scanned over the first couple questions then looked at you. “I might be interested in asking you some of these questions.”
“Me?” Your eyes went wide. Why would he want to ask you any of those questions? You had to admit, you hadn’t actually read any of them when Fen gave you the paper, but if it’s about falling in love, you were sure the questions were about marriage and children. Why would Erwin want to ask any of those?
“I am a bit short on other participants.” He gestured around to the empty elevator. “Even so. You seem like you have a lot going on in your head.”
You looked up at him. This night was already a bust, stuck in an elevator with a stranger, albeit an incredibly handsome stranger, but a stranger nonetheless. Why not reveal all of your insecurities, past boyfriends, career failures and whatever other strange questions that paper had.
You turned your body to face him, lifting your legs until you were sitting cross-legged and placed your hands on your knees.
“Fine.” You took a deep breath. “Let’s do it.”
The rules were simple. You each ask each other a question, alternating who asks and who answers until all the questions are asked an answered. It was important they are done in order because they get increasingly more personal. After all questions were answered, you and your partner are to stare into each other’s eyes for four minutes.
You couldn’t even say that was easier said than done because it really didn’t even seem all that easy just saying it. Four minutes? You’ve never looked into anyone’s eyes for longer than a couple seconds. This doesn’t even touch on the fact that these questions were going to get more personal as you moved. The only thing that made this even remotely worth it was knowing every question you had to answer, Erwin had to answer the same one and you would be lying if that wasn’t exciting you.
“Number three. Before making a telephone call, do you ever rehearse what you are going to say? Why?” Erwin set the list down in between you as you thought about the question. It didn’t really require that much thought honestly. You were a highly anxious person.
“Yes.” You nodded once and smiled. Erwin waited for you to keep going, but you just stared at him and then remembered. “Oh right! I ask the next one.”
You picked up the paper and Erwin took it from you, holding it above him and laughing at you as you let confusion spread across your face.
“It’s expected you also answer why.” He explained. “The idea is to get to know each other.”
“Yes, but I thought the reasoning was obvious.” You pointed out.
“Not to me.” He lowered his hand, setting the paper down as he watched you fiddle with your fingers.
“I find it almost necessary to practice it. Otherwise I’ll stumble over my words and get confused.” You admitted, shifting uncomfortably. You looked up and smiled, trying to pretend you weren’t as uneasy as you looked. “I bet you don’t have to do that.”
“I think we each have our own insecurities.” His smile was so understanding it had you biting your lip and looking down quickly, heat rushing to your cheeks. “I appreciate you sharing your answer.”
“Number eight.” You paused as you read the question to yourself, a small gust of worry running through you. This definitely meant he was going to look at you. “Name three things you and your partner appear to have in common.”
You cleared your throat, keeping your eyes down on the paper, trying your best not show how uncomfortable it was going to be to have him staring at you. You could already feel his gaze. Was he looking at the dirt on your legs and skirt? Was he critiquing how messy your hair was or how your shirt didn’t match the rest of what you were wearing? Maybe he was judging your feet and your choice of socks. You looked down, making sure you did, in fact, shave your legs.
You couldn’t handle it anymore. You let your eyes slowly look up at him, meeting his stare. He was sitting cross-legged, his chin resting on his fist which was propped up on his knee, the smile on his face had a flush of warmth rushing to your cheeks and swirling in your chest.
“To start, I think we both care quite a bit about how we’re perceived by others.” He leaned back on his arms, straightening his legs out, his left leg brushing against yours and you shivered at the warmth. “We have a similar sense of fashion. I also have that same coat.”
He pointed to your jacket laying on the floor and you looked over at it, taking the moment to look away from him and gather yourself. He was quiet and you wondered if maybe he didn’t realize that was only two things in common. You turned to look at him.
“You’re supposed to name three.” You reminded him, looking at him with your eyebrows together. He smiled.
“I would stake a guess that we’re both big rule followers.”
“Alright. Number thirteen. If a crystal ball could tell you the truth about yourself, your life, the future or anything else, what would you want to know?” He set the paper down in front of you, going back to resting his chin on his fist, a position you were beginning to realize was his go-to.
“Hmm…” You thought about it. There was no way you would ever want to know your future. You did that once at a carnival and you had anxiety for the next year over it. “I guess I would want to know the truth about myself.”
“What about yourself?”
“I think I would ask if I was a good person.” You nodded slowly. “Yeah, I would want to know if I am a good person.”
“Are you?”
“Am I what?”
“A good person.” He laughed.
“That’s what I would ask. I don’t know.”
“Well what is a good person?” He sat up straight. “To you. Your definition.”
“To me?” You were fiddling with your fingers again, a nervous habit that you often did when you were feeling eyes on you. “I guess someone who tries their best to be helpful and kind to everyone equally.”
“I think that’s a fair definition.” He nodded and you picked up the paper. “Do you do those things?”
“The things I listed?” You knew what he was getting at. He nodded. “Yeah.”
“So you have a definition of what a good person is and you’re already doing those things. Why do you need to ask a crystal ball if you’re a good person?”
“For confirmation?” You honestly had no idea. Why did you want to ask that? Erwin had a point. “I guess I don’t feelgood enough?”
“But if a crystal ball told you it was enough, you would believe it?” It all sounded so good in your head, but when you put it out there and he repeated it, it sounded like something a child would say.
“I guess it sounds kind of dumb when it’s said like that.” You laughed uncomfortably.
“Oh, no. I’m so sorry.” He put his hand on yours and you shivered at the warmth and looked up. His eyes looked so concerned.
“No, I didn’t mean to make you feel bad for saying it. I just realized it sounded bad out loud.” You both laughed at your apologies. Erwin rested his chin back on his fist.
“I was just trying to say that if something as simple as a crystal ball was enough for you to believe you were a good person, would you believe me if I told you?”
“This is only number thirteen.” You smiled. “Are you sure you know me well enough?”
“Fifteen. What is the greatest accomplishment of your life?” You put the paper down in between you both, the space that was beginning to grow smaller as you each moved closer together.
You were both getting increasingly more comfortable with each other as the questions got deeper and more personal. You had removed your shoes, scooting closer to Erwin while he took off his jacket and rolled up his sleeves, moving closer to you.
Erwin looked up, thinking about the question. You’ve been enjoying the questions more as they went on, making Erwin think a bit more each time before answering. It gave you time to admire his face, his perfect bone structure, his incredible blue eyes, and the way he liked to tap his finger on his lip when he thought about things.
“I want to say deciding my career path.” He looked at you and it made you smile. “I thought I would… I was expected tofollow in my father’s footsteps and become a teacher, but I chose my own path. I’m happy with that.”
“What do you like about your current job?” You asked him.
“I like my job because it gives me the freedom to continue things I have interest in, like teaching kids about finance.”
“Wait.” You held your hand up. “You are proud of not following your father and being a teacher so that you could get a job in finance just so you could teach kids finance?”
“It certainly sounds silly when you say it like that.” You both laughed.
“Twenty-nine. Share with your partner an embarrassing moment in your life.” You put your hand out and Erwin took an M&M from it, tossing it in the air and you caught it in your mouth, the only way you were allowed to eat them then, a rule you made around question twenty.
“Okay, I have it.” Erwin chewed his M&M you tossed him and continued. “When I was interviewing for my current position, I had never been to the building before that so I wasn’t familiar with it. The whole building is, in essence, a big glass box. It’s all windows, even the doors just look like large windows, but not the tinted ones. These are the completely clean and nearly invisible windows. As I made my way up the steps, I thought it was an open floorplan without any doors, so I just walked forward and stepped straight into the glass.”
You threw your head back with laughter and quickly tried to cover your mouth so he wouldn’t feel bad, snorting into your palm. Erwin smiled at you, his hand brushing over your waist before dropping to the ground.
“I’m sorry.” You apologized. “That’s a very understandable mistake. Honestly. It’s not so bad.”
“Yes, well.” He continued, a small smile on his face. “I also did it on my way out the building after the interview.”
You were roaring with laughter now. You tried your best to cover your mouth, but even your eyes were watering. You put your hand on his shoulder to steady yourself, but dropped your face there until you could calm yourself down enough.
“I’m sorry. Really. I shouldn’t be laughing at you for that.”
“It’s quite alright.” He bit his bottom lip before quickly smiling. “It’s worth it to see you smile.”
“Question thirty-one. Tell your partner something that you like about them already.” Erwin set the paper down. It was quite amazing actually. You had only been in the elevator for a couple hours. You’ve only known Erwin for a couple hours. Looking at the way he set the paper down, how he was holding his face, barely looking away from you, slowly sitting back against the wall, his hands rubbing over his thighs to wipe the nervous sweat from his palms, he was uneasy. You could see it. Even knowing him for such a short time, you could already tell what he looked like when he was nervous. Thinking about it made the corner of your mouth turn up in a small smile.
You had a feeling he would expect the obvious things. He was a gentleman, he was honest, he was kind, he spoke well. You wanted to give him something to make his eyes shoot up to meet yours and to make a small smile grow on his face.
“I like that you helped take this really terrible situation on an already crappy Friday night and made me have the most fun I’ve had in a long time.” His eyes shot up to look at you, a small smile growing on his face. Bingo.
You laughed, blowing air from your mouth as you tried to hold it in, giving up and throwing your head back with a loud laugh. Erwin was smiling at you, his cheeks coloring pink as he absentmindedly slid his hands over your waist.
It was too embarrassing, too cringy, too intimate for someone you just met and you were sure even if you knew each other well, it would be just as awkward. You managed to calm yourself down enough, still letting out puffs of air and giggling every time the discomfort crossed your mind.
“Let’s try again.” Erwin spoke softly, shaking your hips a little as he smiled.
“It wasn’t embarrassing enough that you want to do it again?” Your eyes went wide.
“I just shared thirty-six highly personal pieces of information about myself. What’s four minutes of looking into eyes as beautiful as yours?”
Your jaw dropped open, bottom lip moving up and down as you searched for something to say. He was flirting, that was definitely flirting. The idea of a man like this flirting with you left you a bit speechless. You finally just sank back, smiling shyly as you looked at your hands.
“We don’t have to.” He leaned his head to the side to look at your face. “I apologize if I’ve made you uncomfortable.”
“No, it’s okay.” You looked up at him. The idea of a man like him flirting with you might be unbelievable, but this whole situation was a bit unbelievable and while you were living in a dream, you might as well really live in it. “Let’s try again.”
He smiled and it melted your insides. You weren’t a confident person naturally. There were a handful of things you could confidently say you didn’t overthink, but the majority of the time, you were always second guessing everything you did, every decision you made. So when you decided to sit yourself on his legs in front of him, hands resting on either side of his thighs, you were just as surprised as he was, his blue eyes peering into yours as his eyebrows dropped and he let out an exhale.
“Start the timer,” you instructed. He didn’t even look down at his phone as he started the four-minute timer from zero. He dropped a quick glance down to your lips and brought his eyes back to yours, a small smile played on his lips.
You weren’t brazen enough to sit on his thighs, your butt rested comfortable on his shins and your upper body leaned forward towards him, but the new shift in position gave you a confidence you didn’t have a moment before.
His phone let out one small beep and you smiled. One minute had passed. You held his gaze, noticing him licking his lips, his tongue fliting out and the tiniest lip bite before he rested his lips in a smile. You shifted in your spot and his hands inched their way to yours. His first finger getting there first, wrapping itself around your pinky and you smiled, encouragement to have the rest of his hand follow.
A second beep from his phone and he rubbed his hand gently up and back down your forearm. You sat yourself a bit closer, lifting yourself off his legs and slowly scooting forward until your butt rested on the cushy muscles of his thighs. His hands connected with yours until they slipped free and rested on your waist, sliding back and roughly grabbing the extra meat of your hips. He blinked slowly, licking his lips and you felt like your heart would beat out of your chest. He raised his knees, sliding your body down his thighs and pushing you up against his chest, your faces barely an inch apart.
You couldn’t help but smile at him and he brushed your hair from your face, his hand cupping your jaw while his other hand brought your body even closer to him. His eyes moved to your lips, looking away from your eyes for the first time since the four minutes started.
You rested your palms on his chest, feeling just how firm, yet soft it was before letting yourself lean in to press your lips tenderly to his. It was like electricity shooting through your body at the contact and your hands quickly moved to the back of his head, pulling him in. He must have felt the same way because his hands slid up your back to keep you in his lap and resting against him.
You moved your lips slightly against his and he opened his mouth, teasing your lips with his tongue until you opened your mouth. He didn’t push his way in, his tongue waited for yours to meet him halfway before he started exploring the cavern of your mouth. You panted against his mouth. You were amazed that he still tasted like minty toothpaste, even after all the snacks you both ate and you wondered if your breath had any remnants of anything fresh, but the pull of his hands to bring you closer had you thinking it couldn’t be that bad.
His hand slid lower down your back, the touch giving you chills. He timidly ran over your hips, and moved back up, settling on your waist. You slid towards him a bit, your hips barely lifting up before resting back in his lap and he groaned, a deep rumble that echoed off the walls of the elevator and vibrated through to your own chest.
You smiled. Your lips pulling away from his, but your hands remained in his hair, brushing through the blond locks now entirely out of place. He sighed, looking at where his hands were resting on your hips. He moved one of those hands to your cheek and leaned back in to kiss you as the four-minute alarm on his phone sounded and you both jumped, laughing quietly.
He turned back to you and continued leaning in, his hand moving to behind your head as his lips reached yours.
“Hey! Is there someone in there?” Someone called from outside the elevator. Your eyes widened and you stood up.
“Hello? Yes! We’re stuck!” You called through the doors, hoping your voice was loud enough. You turned back to Erwin, grinning with excitement and he stood up, fixing his shirt sleeves and moving behind you.
“Alright! We got a guy who can open up these doors.” The man called from outside.
You stepped back, directly into Erwin’s arms and he held your shoulders. The contact with him made you turn around to look at him. He had his suit jacket back on and you remembered your shoes. The man that was outside started prying open the doors and you grabbed your shoes, sliding them on and picking up the things from your purse that were scattered along the ground.
In the corner of the elevator was the small plastic capsule of your pantyhose and for a moment, you froze. In the time you were stuck in there with Erwin, for a short amount of time you had completely forgotten about your blind date. The man probably waited for hours only to hear nothing back from you. Guilt was starting to settle in. Even if you didn’t want to go on the date in the first place, you weren’t the kind of person to just leave someone hanging like that. And the whole time you were in here enjoying yourself with Erwin. Well, you may have been trapped, but knowing you were having fun with someone else made your stomach fill with shame.
You stood up, having collected all your things and faced the elevator doors. Your mood shifting entirely from only moments before. Erwin had grabbed his things and put his shoes back on. You could see light coming from the slowly growing crack in the elevator doors and you squinted a bit as your eyes adjusted. Erwin moved closer to you, his arm pressing against yours as he leaned in.
“Y/N, I…” You looked up to him.
“Alright, that’s it. You guys can come through.” The man told. Erwin pressed his lips together in a smile.
“After you.” He gestured. You stepped through the elevator doors onto the landing of the sixth floor.
You only had a couple floors to walk up and while you could have done it alone, it was nice walking with him. That is, until the realization hit that you were only going to be walking with him for a couple short flights of stairs, after which, you will say your good-byes and most likely never see each other again.
There really wasn’t any way this man wanted to see you more than the forced three hours he just had to endure. You sighed to yourself. That thought coupled with the mixture of guilt for your blind date was enough for this Friday night. When you made it to your floor, you opened the stairwell door, made sure to hold it for him and quickly hurried to your apartment and unlocked the door.
You rushed inside, closing the door behind you and resting your head against the door. That was fun, but there was no way it was going further. Your date may have been cancelled at this point, but Erwin still had time for whatever rendezvous he had planned. Just the thought of you kissing him without knowing anything about who he was coming to see was making you cringe.
Beyond that, there was the notion that your kiss would lead to something and that was embarrassing enough. You didn’t need to stick around after that. To think that anything else would come of it was a lot of pressure and expectations on him just to fulfill your little girl fantasy. You both got caught up in the moment and that was it. There was nothing else to it. You took a deep breath and set your bag on the floor.
Walking to your dining room table, you pulled out your phone to call your friend. You may not have wanted to go on that blind date at all, but forcing the poor schmuck to wait hours for you without even a text was unfair.
As you unlocked the screen, you saw twelve unread messages from Fen and quickly looked through them.
[6:30pm I just spoke with him. He’s on his way to your place now.]
[6:38pm I guess I forgot to mention how punctual he is.]
[6:38pm A lot better than me, right? XD]
[6:45pm What are you going to wear?]
[6:50pm You’re so lucky you have a friend like me to set you up on dates for a Friday night.]
[6:51pm He just texted me. He’s at your place]
[6:51pm Why aren’t you answering your bell??]
[6:52pm You’re not standing him up, right? Please, he’s so cute!]
[6:54pm Someone let him in. I told him your apartment number. You better let him in!]
[7:15pm I haven’t heard from him so you must be out. Why aren’t you texting me??]
[7:16pm I guess that must mean you’re having a great time!]
[7:24pm I just ate a whole pack of Oreos.]
Your heart was racing. Someone let him in? You checked the time of the message. Someone let him in around the time you were letting Erwin into the lobby. Your jaw dropped, your mind hurrying through your thoughts.
You didn’t have time to think about it because your doorbell rang and your head shot up from your phone as your heart nearly leapt from your chest. Hesitantly, you set your phone down on the table, letting your mind believe what you were hoping was true. Before you could overthink it, you walked to the door, unlocking it and turning the knob, taking a deep breath before pulling the door open.
Erwin stood there, his jacket back on, shirt straightened and hair back in place.
“I—uh… it looks like I’m your date for tonight.” He smiled nervously at you, his phone in his hands with Fen’s name on the screen. “If you’re still interested, I would very much like to accompany you to dinner.”
You were still interested. You were more than still interested. What were the chances that the man you enjoyed so much time with stuck in an elevator was the date you were supposed to meet all along? You made a mental note to thank Fen because, for once, she was spot on with this match. You smiled broadly and pretended to think about it, playfully tapping your finger to your lips in the same way he did when he thought.
“How do you feel about having dinner at my place?” You stepped back a bit, opening the door wider.
“I think I’d like that very much.” He stepped inside and you closed the door.
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whitestaghere · 3 years
Don't be late - Levi x reader
Hey!! So I had this in my drafts for a while and finally decided I'd continue with it.. Happy reading❤️
Warnings :- none xd.
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Y/n's pov
Waking upto the sound of my alarm I groaned; mindlessly patting the air to turn it off. Stretching my arms and legs, with eyes half closed I looked back at my clock. Still trying to adjust to the lighting, my eyes widened when the display cleared up.
7.54 a.m
Screaming I jumped off my bed.
Now.. imagine a human, spinning like a hurricane and circling a room? Yeah that's an actual representation of what I looked right now.
Normally, I'd not wake up this late. But today.. today was different. Let's just say I had a long night talking with my best friend, which ended up with me sleeping in really late and well here I am now. Besides who could reject a call from their best friend am I right?
Dashing out of my house (reader locked the doors, yes she did) I shot down the streets. Thanking the heavens that I was able to run this fast; then again, that also had it's downsides. I managed to avoid running face first into a lamppost but in the midst of dodging that, I ran into something else.
Huh.. not that hard for a lamppost..
Stumbling backwards and losing my balance, I met with the cold ground. I groaned as I thought of how my day could get any worse.
"Tch. Watch we're your going," a male voice spoke.
Standing up slowly I dusted my clothes mumbling a string of apologies, "I'm sorry I was running late an-"
My breath hitched as I locked eyes with the man in front of me; steel gray orbs glaring daggers at me. He was clad in a black suit, jet black hair slightly toussled and he wore a crav- wait-
That's when I noticed how I was a few inches taller than him. It took every ounce of energy within me to hold back my laughter; no height idealogies but with that stoic expression and this height, he looked absolutely adorable.
I was broken out of my thoughts when he scoffed; I had been staring.
I shifted uncomfortably as he continued to keep his piercing gaze on me.
"Are you going to move?" voice laced with annoyance.
I raised an eyebrow at his words, what does he mean? He had all the time and space to-
"You're blocking the door," I turned around and realised that I was indeed blocking his way.
"S-sorry," I mumbled shuffling to the side.
His expression remained stoic as ever even as he got ready to walk away but he stopped abruptly. I watched as he bent down and picked something.
"You dropped this," he turned around holding out a book. I gasped recognising the cover, "oh my- thank you."
"Don't mention it brat," I reached out to take the book from him all the whole giving him a look of disbelief.
"Hey you can't call me that.. and yes I should mention it, because my friend would have thrown a tantrum had I lost her book," suddenly realisation struck me and my eyes nearly fell out their sockets.
WHAT WAS I DOING?! I was wasting time, that's what I was doing!!
So I ran, without a word I turned around and ran, leaving behind a very confused man.
Levi's pov
Next thing I know, she ran.
I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, but decided to brush it off; only then did I notice the book in my hands.
Tch that brat, how could she be so forgetful?
Sighing I contemplated going after her or hoping that I'd see her sometime later so I could return it. I went with the second seeing that she was already long gone.
*time skip brought to you by the fidget spinnerrrrr*
There I was in the local tea shop sipping on my usual cup of tea.
What I loved about this place was how calming it was, not too crowded, the fresh smell of tea and coffee filling the air, making me feel at ease, but not today. Today was different.
My gaze kept shifting between the book I was reading and the book that belonged to the girl from before.
I had gone with the second option of hoping I'd see her again or that I'd find any details in the book, but to my luck I found nothing of the sort.
How was I supposed to return this thing? I can't just leave it can I?
I sighed running a hand through my hair, "shit."
The sound of the little bell filled through the air signaling either someone's entrance or departure. Not wanting to look I kept my eyes locked on my book.
Suddenly there was a voice, an all too familiar one which broke me out of my own world. I glanced up from my book and caught sight of a very familiar face.
By her side stood two other girls, engaging in a conversation with her. The bell filled the air again, and in came a girl with (h/c) locks.
My eyes widened, was that her?
I hadn't seen her face yet but sure enough it had to be her, she had the same hair length and wore the same attire from before.
Once again I debated with myself, should I just go upto her and give her it? Maybe I should just wait till she sees me..
She turned around and sat a few tables away from me, still she hadn't noticed. Her two friends and Hanje had disappeared off to somewhere.
This is my chance
Y/n's pov
I couldn't help but sigh in frustration, how could I have been so forgetful? He literally held the book in front of me and I left without it.
My mind was mangled with the same image of him holding out the book to me repeating over and over. Then it stopped, it stopped right on his face and I felt the heat rush up to my cheeks.
What was I thinking? I mean he's a complete stranger, who also not to mention, called me a brat, I shouldn't be so flustered. As if on cue, the book came back into my mind and I rolled my eyes at my own forgetfulness.
It was right there.
I kept my gaze locked on the table, too stuck in my own self-pity to notice the person that stood right in front of me. Then there was a book pushed into my line of sight.
Great, now you're hallucinating y/n.
There was a clear of throat and I snapped my head up. Wait I wasn't imagining it-
For the second time that day, I locked eyes with him.
"You forgot this."
I stood up immediately causing the chair to scrape against the floor. The man visibly cringed at the sound and I began to stammer upon my words.
"Y-YOU! My b-book! How? How did you- no no wait- thank you so much!"
Placing the book on the table I turned to him and took his hands in mine, "you're a life saver I tell you!!"
He only stood there in shock; although I wasn't sure if I was seeing things, his cheeks were tinted a faint pink.
"Don't mention it," with that he returned to his stoic expression.
The air around us was beginning to get awkward with none of us moving or saying a word.
Finally deciding to break the silence I cleared my throat, "I-I'm y/n.. what's your name?"
I coughed awkwardly at his blunt reply, the sound of my heart thumping suddenly filling my ears.
"We're back! Y/n-" relief washed over me at the return of my friends but that relief disappeared just as fast as it came.
They stood there eyes wide and mouths agape.
I felt a tug at my hands and that's when I noticed how I still had Levi's hands intertwined with mine. Gasping I slipped my hands out of his and moved away slowly.
"Y/n? You didn't tell us you had a boyfriend.." I widened my eyes at this and waved my hands frantically in their awe struck faces, "what noo!! He-he's just-"
What was I supposed to call him? We just met, so I couldn't call him a friend. At my loss of words my friends smirked mischievously.
Then a loud voice boomed through the shop causing a few heads to turn in our direction, "LEVI?!!!! SHORTY IS THAT REALLY YOU?!"
Hanje knew him?
Levi scoffed at her in response.
"Oh my gosh! Well isn't this a big coincidence, are you really dating little y/n here? Why didn't you tell meeee?!" she poked Levi's cheeks repeatedly.
"Tch, keep it down four eyes and no, we're just friends," Levi grunted swatting her hands away. I choked on my own spit and glanced at him immediately.
He gave me a look and I instantly nodded my head in agreement, "yeah, we're friends.." I tried to bite back the smile that crawled up my face at his words.
My friends shrugged and made their way back to sit down. Meanwhile, Hanje nudged at me curious to know why I hadn't told her I knew Levi.
"Well you see-"
"We met today," Levi cut me off.
Hanje let out a hearty laugh and patted my back, "well isn't that nice! Now y/n, shorty here can be a little bit of a grumpy man sometimes so I must warn you, but overall he's an absolute bab-"
"Oi that's more than enough four eyes," Levi hissed and Hanje laughed in reply.
She moved her glasses to a side to wipe away her fake tears and continued, "but y/n here is an angel, so shorty you better not treat her wrong or I don't think I would even need to come when she unleashes her inner bea-"
"HANJE," I whined tugging at her arm in attempt to stop her. She grinned in response and pinched my cheeks, "well I'm going to go make our orders okay? I'll see you later Shorty!" with that she ran off to the counter.
"Thank you for that Levi," I smiled to which he only replied with a grunt.
"You thanked me enough for today brat."
I rolled my eyes at the nickname, "I told you not to call me that."
"Tch," with that he walked back to his table not sparing a second glance.
Levi's pov
Snap out of it Levi, you've done your job now read in peace.
I stared at my book finding myself reading the same sentence over and over. Glancing up from my book a little I'm met with the not so subtle looks of y/n's friends.
Why were they looking at me like that? I noticed how Hanje had a smug grin on her face and I rolled my eyes.
What was she smiling about?
My gaze shifted towards y/n who was listening intently to one of the girls. Suddenly the room felt too hot to my liking and I reached for my cravat, loosening it a bit. My breathing increased a little as her (e/c) eyes met mine.
She gave me a warm smile to which I felt my gaze automatically begin to soften.
What's wrong with me? Snap out of it Levi.
Soon enough I heard them get up.
Don't look.
But I couldn't help it.
Eyeing them as subtly as possible I realised they were going to leave as they picked their things up. I tore my gaze off and returned back to my book with a sigh.
Y/n's pov
"Say do you like Levi?"
I choked on nothing but air, "Hanje! What? Noo! I just met him and that would just be wierd-"
"Oh so you're saying you'd like him in time?"
"No wait what? I mean I-" I couldn't find the words to reply to her and seeing this she took the opportunity to give me a proud smile.
"Guys, we should leave.." Riley spoke up as she looked out the window.
"What why?" Hanje frowned.
"It's going to rain and it's a little bit of a walk back to y/n's place right?"
I hummed in agreement seeing as the sky was getting gloomy by the second. Everyone got up and gathered their things and headed for the door.
I stood up last and just as I was about to leave I heard a voice call out for me.
"Oi, are you really going to leave it again?" I saw Levi walking upto me.
"Huh? Leave what?"
He pointed at the table and I noticed a book on it, but not the same one. This one belonged to Hange.
"Oh that's Hanje's she must have forgotten it," I reached out for the book and simultaneously, he did the same.
I pulled my hand away as soon as it landed on his, but he swiftly took my hand in his. With the other he rummaged through his pocket and stuffed a piece of paper in my hand.
"What's this?"
"See for yourself."
I unfolded the paper slowly and when I did, I swear my heart skipped a beat. I tried my best to swallow the lump in my throat, and force some words out.
"W-what is this?"
"Tch. What do you think?"
"You what?"
For the first time that day, I saw the corner of his lips curl into a small smile. It was a smile that lasted only for a few seconds alright, but it was enough to make my heart flutter.
"I'll see you later brat.." he walked past me towards the counter but not before calling out for me once more.
"Oh and y/n?" he looked at me over his shoulder.
"Don't be late," he said with a hint of playfulness in his voice.
I shook my head with a quiet laugh glancing down at the paper in my hands;
Tomorrow noon, here. For tea? - Levi
Hope you all enjoyed❤️ stay safe and keep smiling..
Ps :- I can't wait for Season 4 part 2!!! 😭❤️ So excited to see all of them again, though we really are in for a lot🥺💕
⚔️Shinzou wo sasageyo⚔️
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leyyvi · 3 years
this is going to be random as hell since I’ve never done this but umm, I was someone who binged read paychecks with a side of intimacy and commented on the last chapter on ao3 a while back and I was just at the mall (trust me it gets good, this is just something that made me think of you and your fic) AND I SAW A LEVI LOOKALIKE TO THE LEVI YOUVE DESCRIBED IN THIS FIC LIKE HOLY MOTHER OF ZEUS AND ALL THE GODS ABOVE I ALMOST COMBUSTED ON THE SPOT!!!
AND THEN while I was shamelessly and blatantly checking him out, HE LOOKED AT ME TOO AND GAVE ME A ONCE OVER WITH A SMIRK LIKE ???? mind you I’m dressed casually in torn jeans and a black crop with vans and my oversized glasses with red lipstick (having a swiftie moment today) so it just made me feel …. things ??!!
now let me give you a description really quick: same hairstyle, same hair color, maybe slightly taller than Levi (but that’s okay), he wore a blue suit which hugged him really nicely may I add, and the same type of nose and lips ??? I was having a heart attack in the middle of the mall ?? the only difference though was that he wore glasses but that’s not bad at all, in a way the metal frame seemed to accentuate the blue gray eyes so well and UGH I AM NOT OKAY AND JUST SIMPLY WANTED TO SHARE THIS WITH YOU BECAUSE I NEEDED TO GET IT OFF MY CHEST!! I really wished I had the guts to go up to him and say something but I’m merely a 21-year-old weirdo who doesn’t have the slightest clue on how to flirt with men or women I find attractive 🥲
I hope this isn’t weird all, but I think you deserved to know I found a Levi lookalike to your version of Levi in paychecks and I was just about ready to throw myself at him like a weirdo 🤓
thank you and have a good day!! <3
I AM CRYINGGGGG GIRL you really did have a Y/N moment today WOW. honestly i know that feeling of when someone just stares back at you and you're just standing there and basically malfunction LMAO
also not you making me want to draw levi in a suit with glasses now???? i feel like i need to do this???
i'm screaming for you rn and i CANNOT BELIEVE it made you think of paychecks that fdjkhfsjdkhf this is so cute oh my godddd i am living for this??? i'm at a loss for words but PLEASE do not think this is weird i loved hearing about this. you truly had a Y/N moment and i love that for you?!?!
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halcyonstorm · 3 years
The Girl at the Library Chapter 1
Short Fic - Levihan
Themes: College AU, Library, Fluff, Slow Burn, Falling in Love, Female Hange Zoe, Student!Levi
Word Count: 5730
Chapter: 1/3
Warning: Mild Language
Read on Ao3 - The Girl at the Library
Summary: Levi is a college student who needs help on his research paper. Luckily, Hange is a book worm and works at the library. 
Levi was stressed and annoyed, mainly because he was in college. Of course with college comes infinite amounts of homework assignments, 100-question exams with astronomical amounts of topics on them, unnecessary research papers, and staying in a dorm room with a kid that happens to have no problem inviting his friends over every night to hang out and party with no regards to his sullen roommate.
Levi had a paper coming up. He had to come up with a topic, find sources, and finish his paper by the end of the semester. With three weeks left to go, he decided he’d rather get it over with. He began his brainstorming in the study lounge at the center of his dormitory floor. He was starting to stress. He sat on the big yellow leather couch in the way-too-bright study lounge with his laptop in his lap. He tapped his pen against his head as he tried to think of an idea. 
“You have to write about a topic related to your major,” The professor explained. “This is the one and only paper you will have assigned this semester. I suggest you get it done as early as possible.”
If only it were that easy. He had the rubric pulled up in one tab, and a ton of “How to pick a research topic” websites in others. His major was pharmaceuticals, a field he was inspired to take on because of his mother. She was very ill when he was very young, so they were in and out of hospitals. He was sitting on the edge of his mother’s hospital bed when a nurse came in the room to administer her medications. 
“This is…” His memory was blurry. “This medication will help… and make you feel better.” And it did. 9 year old Levi was fascinated. This one little pill or bag of what looked like water helped his mother feel better. Within hours, his mother’s skin went from pallor to beige. Her hands were warmer. She looked more awake, more alive. She didn’t wince at Levi’s touch. She was in less pain. She got better, like the nurse predicted.
Since then, Levi always asked questions whenever they visited the hospitals again and again. “What kind of drug is that?” “What does it do?” “How long does it take to take effect?”
Levi recalled the memory with a deep sigh. He missed his mother. She was at home, not too far away. Levi never had the time to travel the hour through the big city to visit her. When he did have free time, he spent it studying or sleeping. He felt his heart twinge at this. She had sacrificed everything to help him attend college and to give him a good life.
Now with his head cloudy, he went to reach his water bottle in his backpack. He opened the lid and took a sip. At that moment, he could hear some obnoxiously loud students throwing tennis balls back and forth to each other. He recognized these kids too, they were some (of many) of the lovely visitors his roommate had over most nights. Suddenly in the blink of an eye, Levi’s water bottle spilled all over his laptop, a tennis ball on the floor next to him, and some worried voices approaching him. Within seconds, the laptop started to steam and the screen went black.
His laptop was fried, he determined. He felt heat start to rise inside of him. 
“Oh my god, man. I am so sorry,” One of the kids said, trying to hold back a laugh. 
“Yeah, man. We didn’t mean to.”
Levi took a deep breath and stood up. These kids… were gonna pay.
He closed his broken laptop and stood up. These kids were much taller than him, but looked to be easily intimidated by Levi’s presence. 
“Do you have the money to pay for this?” He sneered, getting very close to their faces. 
“Eh… no, but we have jobs! We can pay you back over time,” One of the kids trailed off. They seemed to be intimidated by the short man. “You live in 112 right?”
Levi nodded, his face heating up with anger. “This laptop cost me a lot of money.”
“We get it, man! We said we’re sorry,” the other kid explained. “We’ll pay you back or whatever.”
“Tch,” Levi clicked. He was extremely pissed. These kids should not be throwing balls at each other in the hallway. Also, they spilled his water which made a mess. “Which room are you both in?” They responded with 118. The one kid explained they get paid on the 15th and 30th of each month. Luckily, their pay day was 4 days away.
“I’ll stop by Tuesday, the 16th,” Levi decided, before gathering his things and heading to the stairs. He began to walk through the campus. Fuck, now where was he gonna go? How was he gonna find his topics? His computer was fucked. Putting it in rice wouldn’t have helped. He was so occupied having a debate with himself about where to research, he almost missed it. If he looked the other way or even blinked in that moment, he wouldn’t have seen it. It was the campus library. No, not the campus library, but a campus library. It blended into the surroundings, hidden from the passerbyers. There was a sign in the window “We’re Open!”. 
The library was small, to say the least. It was old fashioned, which contrasted the modern aesthetic of the university. It was a small, dark brown, wooden building with four-pane windows. The door was a lighter shade of brown. He decided it was easier to check out this little library instead of walking another 10 minutes to get to the main library. He didn’t have time to waste. He had to get started with his paper right away. He walked up to the door and opened it. When he did, a little bell rang at the doorway. 
“Just a minute!” A woman’s voice called from the back. Levi decided to wander around. There were many books crammed on the shelves. There were two computers on each side when he walked in. They looked out of place, considering they were very modern compared to the architecture of the library itself. The books were all shades of bright, vibrant colors. It was strange. From the outside, it seemed creepy and gloomy. Once he walked in, it was very cozy. The dark walls of the library contrasted the beautiful colors of the books.
Then, he saw the woman come out. She came up to the desk. He expected an elderly lady with her glasses on a chain, but he assumed this woman was a student. She was a young woman who wore thin oval glasses and her brown hair thrown up in a messy half-up-half-down ponytail. 
“Hi!” The woman said. “How can I help you?”
“I want to use a computer, please,” He announced. He glanced at her nametag which hung like a necklace around her neck. “Hange” was the name on the tag. It was strange and unordinary, but it had a nice ring to it. The name seemed to suit her.
“Sure! You are allowed up to two hours a day,” Hange explains. “You can choose whichever computer you’d like.”
The computers were unoccupied. In fact, the entire library seemed vacant except for him and the employee. 
“Does anyone actually come here?” Levi asked, setting his stuff down next to a desk, and looking her way. She looked like someone who would work at a library. 
The brunette chuckled. “You are my third visitor today!” She exclaimed proudly. It was already about 3pm. He remembered the sign in the front says “12pm-6pm weekdays”. 
Levi chuckled silently, air huffed out his nose. “How do you stay in business?”
“Well, the university thinks it’s good to have a small library in the outskirts of the campus so students have access to books and computers because the main campus library is in the center of the plaza. Sometimes we get about ten people a day, and sometimes they don’t even take anything out. Sometimes I wonder how…” She began to ramble now. She definitely has not had anyone else visit her today.
She was starting to get on his nerves. It’s been 20 minutes since he arrived, and she was still talking. He zoned out until she caught his attention.
“Hey,” She said. “What’s your name? I have to track whoever comes in to use the computers.” 
Why? No one else comes in. He noticed her clipboard with the sign-ins was blank.
“Levi Ackerman,” He announced. She scribbled his name down. “Okay, it’s 3:30 now, so you have till 5:30 if needed.” She pointed to the clock with her pen as she explained. He nodded and proceeded to walk towards the table with the computer he claimed. He sat down and began working.
He was an hour into his research when he finally threw his hands up in the air in frustration. He still couldn’t think of a topic. He groaned aloud.
Hange was leaning against the main desk, her nose stuck in a book. “How Trees Communicate” was the title. When she heard the young man groan, she looked up. 
“Is everything okay?” She asked, peering over her book at him.
“Yeah, yeah,” He mumbled. “Fine…”
Hange raised an eyebrow. She placed her bookmark at her spot, then strolled around the desk and walked over to him.
“What are you working on?” She asked, sitting in the seat next to him and put her hands on her knees, looking at him curiously. He scoffs. It was none of her business, he thought to himself. And it’s an invasion of privacy.
He was frustrated and desperate. Hoping for a miracle, he managed to tell her anyways.
 “I need a topic for my paper and I can’t think of any…” Levi began. “It needs to be based on pharmaceuticals, my major. It also needs scientific evidence to back up my research…”
She was fully absorbed in what he had to say. She was bored, so helping Levi would’ve been something to do at least. Besides, Levi was in luck. She was an avid reader, always reading about anything and everything. She was studying plants and botanicals, but she found herself frequently taking out books about cooking; religion; war; animals; and medical topics including surgery, pathophysiology, anatomy, and pharmaceuticals.
“What about how diuretics affect blood pressure?” Hange suggested. Levi was taken aback. His eyebrows furrowed, and he shook his head in confusion. “Or if anti-alzheimer drugs actually help slow the progression of Alzheimer’s? Why do you take different medications during certain stages of Alzheimer’s disease? Or how do anti-seizure medications work? That is something I ask myself all the time. You take this little pill and BOOM! You’ll be fine, no seizure! Oh, oh, oh! Or, how certain medications cause certain adverse effects? How come so many medications cause anxiety?” Her eyes started to light up as she talked. They were a dark brown, but when she started to talk, they seemed to morph to a captivating hazel. He felt he could see every color in her eyes. He saw brown and green and the little lines of her iris. Hange’s hands would move as she talked, and her smile grew wide. She couldn’t keep still. She was getting excited by coming up with all these ideas. She seemed so passionate and so willing to help; he was overwhelmed by her.
Levi was in shock. His day started off horrible. Now, he was almost glad his laptop was fucked. This woman was making his mind race with ideas. 
“Are you okay?” Hange asked for the second time within his visit there. Levi nodded slowly. “I am just… How do you know all that? Are you a med student?”
Hange chuckled and waved her hand at him. “No… I am a bookworm! Also, my mom is a nurse, so she used to teach me about nursing stuff all the time. Oh! You could write about the pathophysiology of anticholinergics! Or beta blockers! Or how the body reacts to the use of long-term steroids?”
Levi took a deep breath. He felt euphoric. He had been casually trying to think of topics since last week. All of a sudden, this woman can just ramble off hundreds of ideas? Levi smiled visibly.
“Actually… I really like the final topic you suggested. About steroids.” Levi admitted.
Hange smiled back at him. “Great! I can try to help you find some sources or books.” She directed him to open a new tab and to go to a certain database. “This is where you can find reliable sources. Over here,” She pointed to his screen at the left side. “You can add filters. You can change how old or new you’d like the sources to be, filter out certain words or phrases, et cetera.” She had been closer to him now; she scooted her chair closer so she could explain the database to him. It was hard not to look at her as she explained. She was captivating.
Levi began to type in words for his topic.
“Steroids”, “Long-term use”, “Cushing’s Disease”, “Addison’s Disease”, “Addisonian Crisis”, “Pathophysiology”.
He felt like he was finally getting somewhere. He was finally making progress.
As Levi was walking home, he couldn’t get his mind off that girl. He decided to brainstorm about his topic in his room once he got there. The thing was, though, he couldn’t think of any more ideas. He found it funny. Of course he was full of ideas and inspiration when he visited that library, but now he’s void of any.
Levi’s weekends were no different than the weekdays. He made it appoint to visit the library again the next day, Saturday. It was a sunny, cool Saturday morning. Levi had inspiration to write. He needed a computer and Hange’s ideas. When he arrived, it seemed busy. There were three other patrons at the library.  He recognized Hange right away, helping a tall blonde man with a big nose. He wondered if she was the only employee there. The man she was helping was taller than her, so she had to reach up on her toes to point to items. She was an average height, but this action made her seem shorter than she actually was.
Hange looked his way and greeted him with a toothy smile. Levi waved at her and started to head down one of the aisles of books. He was in the nonfiction section, but was lost. For now, he just casually browsed the section, but quickly got impatient. He needed Hange’s help to find books for this paper. He heard her laugh with the patron. Maybe he’s a friend, he thought to himself. Her laugh was airy and full of heart. It seemed genuine and passionate. Levi felt an urge to make her laugh, too.
She finally made her way over to him. Levi was looking down at a book when she caught his eye. “Hey, stranger!” She greeted him with a wave. “Whatcha looking for?” She placed her hands on her hips.
“I’m trying to find some sources for my paper. Steroids is the topic,” Levi explained.
“Oh, right. I remember! After you left last night, I tried to look for some books for your topic,” She said. She was trying to help me? Levi thought to himself.
She curled her finger in a “follow me” gesture and he did. She brought him to another aisle or two over from where they were. “These are the 600’s, where you’ll most likely find what you’re looking for. I found a book or two about Addison’s disease, but it’s more of a memoir. You can look around though if you’d like. Anything in the 610’s should be right up your alley.” She explained as if she was going to leave, but she didn’t. Hange looked for books with him. 
After a moment, she made a noise. “Look at this!” She exclaimed. She reached next to him to reach for a book. She was on her toes again. “Mmmm,” She moaned as she tried to reach. “Actually, I’m gonna get the step stool. I don’t think I can reach it.” Quickly, she left and came back with the stool. It looked unreliable, but Levi was sure he’d be able to prevent any accident from occurring. Hange placed it on the ground and stepped up on it, grabbing the book with ease. She stepped down with the book in her hand. This book had a white cover with a blue label and was titled “Coping with Prednisone”. Levi was surprised she even knew what prednisone was. 
“Here!” She reached it out for him to grab. He took it and looked at her face. She had that same look in her eyes. “Did you want to use the computer?” He nodded and she led him towards the front of the library. The library was small from the outside, but very deep inside. It reminded him of a forest. 
“I got your name, don’t worry,” She said, clicking her pen and writing his name down on the sheet. 
“Oops!” Hange made a quick grimace. “I added an ‘e’ at the end. I’ll just cross it out.” The statement sounded like it was addressed to herself rather than to anyone else. She crossed out the extra letter.
“Ackermane”. Levi was gonna attempt to make her laugh.
“If you thought I looked like a horse you could’ve just said so.” 
Mane, horse mane. Get it?
It felt like forever before Hange responded. She looked up at him, starting to laugh. It was a short but audible laugh. Her head nodded back and she smiled. Her cheeks turned pink and her eyes lit up for a moment. It made his heart skip a beat. It was a bad joke yet she still laughed. She chuckled. Giggled? No. Laughed lightly. Chortled? Maybe that’s the right word. Whatever it was, he wanted to do it more, maybe even more than that.
He followed her to the computers. The blonde guy she was helping earlier was on one computer. She led him to the two computers across from the other ones and sat down in the chair next to him.
“What are you doing?” Levi asked, placing the book she found for him on the table.
Her eyebrows raised, and after a moment she reacted. She waved her hands in front of her.
“I’m sorry! I thought you may have needed help. I should get back to work anyway. I gotta go through a new box of books that just came in.”
Levi looked up at her. Is she blushing? he asked himself.
“I’ll let you know if I need help.” Levi responded. She smiled at him before quickly walking away.
He started to find some evidence-based practice articles about how steroids can cause long-term side effects, especially if stopped abruptly. He made sure to keep the tabs available. He’d have to cite them later. Levi’s mind was racing with words and sentences and ideas. He had to get them down on paper. He opened Documents on the computer and started typing away.
The clicking of the keyboard soothed him. He was a pretty fast typer, he didn’t make many mistakes either. The library around him began to become quiet as his typing got louder and he got deeper in thought. Before he knew it, his two hours were up. He felt someone approach him from his right.
“Hey,” Hange said, gently tapping the table next to him. “It’s 2pm. I gotta close up.”
Levi snapped out of his focused trance with a quick head shake. “Right. Sorry.” He pulled out a flash drive from his backpack and plugged it into the computer. He transferred his document. “I got the first page done.”
Levi asked himself for a brief moment why he was sharing this information with someone he just met. Maybe since she helped him, he felt she should know.
“That’s great! It seemed like you were really focused,” Hange said, walking away to shut off some lights. Only then did he notice the white noise of the overhead lights quickly dissipate. The room buzzed with silence now. Levi and Hange were alone in the library. Suddenly, Levi felt nervous. He watched Hange walk around the room frantically, making sure to shut off all the lights and computers. She grabbed a bag. The bag was a fabric material with a patchwork design that had a long strap that hung on on her shoulder. Maybe she made it herself. She grabbed her big mess of keys and walked towards him.
“Ready?” She said. He nodded and walked outside, holding the door for her. She thanked him, locking the door behind her. They began to walk down the street slowly. 
“Want to grab lunch?” Hange asked, looking at him. Levi looked back at her. She looked pretty.
“Sure, I can eat.” Hange chuckled at that. He didn’t try, but it made her happy for a brief moment. He seemed nervous but she was too.
They decided to eat at a cute restaurant on campus called “Life in Paradis”. It was a small, dainty place with a green and yellow checkered awning. The building was made of yellow brick, and the door was bright green. There were flower pots outside on the windowsill. Again, this place seemed totally out of place in the modern aesthetic of the university. 
“This place is adorable!” Hange exclaimed. “I love the food here. You’ll love it too. They have all kinds of food here.” Levi felt a smile grow on his face. The way she talked made his heart flutter. She was always so passionate. They entered and got a table for two. This is not a date, Levi kept telling himself. Then why were his cheeks red?
They sat down and looked through a menu. Levi wasn’t extremely hungry even though he hadn’t had anything but tea this morning. He peered over his menu to look at the girl. Her hair was different today, he determined. Today all her hair was in a ponytail, and it was higher on her head. She wore a light yellow button-down with a long, light blue cardigan. Hange caught him staring at her and blushed.
“What would you two like to order?” The waitress asked him first.
“I’m gonna get a sandwich, I think,” He said, crossing his arms across his chest. “Turkey sub.” “I think I’m gonna get a chicken caesar salad,” Hange said. He nodded, grabbed the menus, and walked away.
Hange began to talk about how beautiful the flowers outside the restaurant were. They were all variants of pink, purple, yellow, and red. She described the petals and the leaves, the flowers’ origins, and all the meanings of the flowers. Levi wasn’t annoyed by her tangent this time. He actively listened to this girl talk about what fascinated her so much. He found it soothing. It made him wonder how her brain can contain all the information she was spewing at him. He enjoyed watching the way her eyes lit up when she talked. The beautiful green that blossomed at the bottom of her irises when the light hit her eyes at the right angle. The way her lips curled into a big smile when she talked to him. Her cheeks flush to a light pink when she describes the petals of the flowers or how flowers were used to express feelings when words cannot. It made his heart race. 
“Levi,” Hange said. Her affect was the opposite of earlier when she was rambling. She wore a frown on her face, feeling guilty.“I’ve been rambling… sorry. It’s such a bad habit of mine. I can talk for hours and hours.”
“Don’t apologize, four-eyes,” Levi replied, leaning his elbows and forearms on the table in a crossed position. Hange smiled at him. Levi meant it. She shouldn’t apologize for talking, especially if it’s about something she loves. The food had arrived at the table. They ate. Levi felt the need to open up to her about something. He already learned so much about her, and her presence made him feel like he can open up. 
“I like to run,” Levi said abruptly. Hange looked at him intently, chewing on a forkful of salad. “I don’t do it competitively or anything, but I enjoy running. I try to run once or twice a day.” Hange’s eyebrows raised and she nodded in agreement.
“That’s awesome!” She smiled again at him. “I like to run too. I’m really slow and get tired easily, but I enjoy feeling the wind in my hair and feeling my heart pound.” She took a bite of her meal again. Levi nodded and began to eat too. This sandwich was really good.
After talking some more about hobbies and school, they both finished their meal. The waiter brought over the check. Hange reached into her pocket for her wallet.
“What do you think you’re doing?” Levi asked. Hange furrowed her brows.
“I invited you out to lunch. I will pay,” Hange determined, her wallet now in her hands.
“No,” Levi said too quickly. “I will pay. It’s the least I can do. You helped me with my paper after all.”
The bickering lasted a very long minute. Before she got to think of the idea, Levi grabbed the checkbook and shoved his card inside before handing it to the waiter. Hange looked surprised. She sighed, putting her wallet away.
“Thank you, Levi. But you really didn’t have to.”
“I wanted to.”
In all honesty, Hange didn’t have much money. She worked at that library four times a week, but the money she made went towards paying off her tuition. She really wanted to treat this man, her new friend. She wasn’t sure if he thought the same way about her. Did he consider her his friend? She felt slightly embarrassed. She did most of the talking and felt like she was annoying him. Maybe he just wanted to pay so she would lay off. 
But the truth is, Levi felt the opposite way of how she was thinking. He was interested to hear more from her. He was addicted to the way his heart raced when he saw her. 
Over the next couple of days, Levi would go to that library whenever he was available. He knew it was closed on Sunday, so he went Monday and Tuesday to the library. Fortunately, he got his first batch of money from the brats that fried his computer. He received $100. Of course it was not enough, but it was a start. Wednesday the 17th came around. This specific day was a wild card. The weather was unpredictable. Levi entered the library just in time; it had started to downpour. The little bell rang as he entered the library. To his surprise, Hange was not working that day. There was a boy behind the counter who was tall and had a brown bowl cut hairstyle.  He almost thought about turning around and leaving when he realized she wasn’t there. The rain charged towards the earth viciously, so he decided to seek shelter in the small library. It almost looked like a hurricane. He felt his mood change into a bad one. He didn’t remember to ask how often she worked. 
“Hi there!” The man said. His name tag read “Moblit”. That’s a dumb name.
“I wanna use a computer,” Levi muttered, walking up to the main desk.
“Okay. Name?” Moblit grabbed the clipboard and a pen.
“Levi Ackerman.”
“Oh, I see you’ve been here before. A lot, actually.” Levi scoffed and rolled his eyes at his comment. He turned around, picked a computer, and sat down. He felt really stupid to not ask her about her schedule.
The two hours he spent working on his paper was incredibly slow. He didn’t get much done that day. He had writer’s block. He was almost done, so he didn’t worry about it too much. He didn’t know Hange’s schedule. He knew she worked Friday, the day they met; Saturday; Monday, and Tuesday. Maybe she only worked four times a week? Before he knew it, he asked Moblit aloud. It was almost an accident.
“Uh, she’ll be in on Friday,” Moblit replied. He probably couldn’t give out that information to some creep who began visiting daily with an attitude. He muttered a “thanks” before finishing up and heading out. The weather was holding up for now, so he decided to make a run for it. He didn’t say goodbye to Moblit.
He didn’t have an umbrella. The sun was trying to shine through the dark, eerie clouds. It wasn’t trying hard enough. He heard thunder rumbling in the distance.
Levi realized that this girl was all he thought about the past few days. Something about her enticed him. Something about her eyes and her presence drew him towards her. His heart skipped a beat whenever she’d graze his hand on accident, or even when she just talked to him. She made him happy. He hadn’t had too many friends in college. Although they just met last week, he felt a deep connection with her. 
Suddenly, the sun poked through the clouds for a brief moment. The world lit up. It was at that moment he recognized a familiar face. Hange. She was walking towards him. She grinned when she saw him. She wore a fitted black t-shirt and baggy, light blue jeans. 
“Levi!” She exclaimed. “I forgot my jacket in the library, so I came down to get it.” 
“You didn’t tell me you weren’t working today.” Is all Levi said. Once he said it, he realized how creepy it must’ve sounded. A man she just met happens to go to this library to work on his project every day, who happens to come up with multiple reasons to interact with her. Maybe she thought he was a perv.
“Ehh!” She sighed. “I’m sorry! I thought I told you I was off today.” Levi shook his head. The comment itself may have sounded rude, but it wasn’t. She genuinely felt bad. “Walk with me.” Levi followed. Guess not.
“I don’t work Wednesday’s and Thursday’s. Well I’m not supposed to be,” Hange explained. “Mobilt, one of my co-workers, is always calling out sick. So I basically run the place.” They walked towards the library again and entered. 
“Hey, Moblit. How’s it going?” Hange said in a normal tone, heading towards the back of the library. Moblit responded briefly, following Hange. Levi decided to hang back, he figured it was a secure area. He looked around awkwardly.
“Hange, you didn’t tell me you had a boyfriend,” Moblit said, following her towards the back. 
Hange chuckled nervously. “He’s not my boyfriend,” she said bluntly. “He’s just a friend.” Moblit scoffed, rolling his eyes. “If he’s not your boyfriend, how come his mood entirely changed once he saw you?”
Hange found her jacket, folding it over her forearm. “Huh?”
“He was, like, in a bad mood when he came in. He used the computer but he seemed to be pissed or something. Now that he’s with you, he seems… tolerable.”
Hange laughed, feeling her cheeks blush. “It’s nothing like that. People have bad days, you know.”
Hange rolled her eyes and smirked, then headed towards the front of the library. “Ready?” Levi nodded and turned around.
“See you Friday,” Moblit called out. “See ya.” Hange replied.
The two started walking down the street. The air smelt of rain, and the ground was wet from the rain earlier. “Which building is your dorm in?” Hange asked. He was a bit surprised she asked him that, and she was so direct about it.
“Saint Maria,” He replied. She smiled. “Me too! I can’t believe I haven’t seen you around!” The wind picked up and the sky turned darker than before. They both looked up. “If you can’t make it to the library, you can use my desktop in my dorm room,” Hange offered. Levi’s cheeks turned bright red. 
“Thanks, maybe tomorrow I can stop by,” Levi said. It was more of him thinking aloud than a statement. It was too late though, Hange already heard him. He could’ve sworn he didn’t say it aloud.
“That’s fine! I only have a class early tomorrow morning. Come by around 11, okay? My room number is 506.” Levi nodded. Thunder rolled and sounded closer now. They were almost at the dormitory building when it started to downpour. The rain was forcefully coming down on the two. Levi groaned in annoyance. He hated being in the rain. He hated being wet; he hated the wet socks and how gross he felt when it rained. He would’ve started to run to the building to seek cover, but he was taken aback by his new friend.
She was soaked and embracing it. She lifted her head up to face the sky and she laughed. It was loud, happy, genuine, and it took Levi’s breath away. Hange reached her hands out wide and spun around. He saw a strike of lightning light up the sky. He stared at her in awe. His heart swelled. Levi smiled big. After laughing, Hange looked at Levi and shared the look that he wore just a few moments ago. She loved his smile. She wished to make him smile more. She was also determined to make him laugh, too.
She grabbed his hand. “Let’s take cover!” And she pulled him into the dormitory hall. Saint Maria’s hall was beautiful. It had ceiling-to-floor glass pane windows that were always crystal clear. There was a big black modern chandelier that hung from the ceiling. It contained visible light bulbs. Hange secretly loved it. There were the same big, yellow, leather couches in the living room as there were in the study area on his floor. They both wiped their feet off on the big rug in the entryway. 
“I love the rain,” Hange deduced, turning her head to look at him. As if Levi couldn’t tell. Her hand was still holding his. Levi looked up at her. “I like it, too.”
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neptunetheplanet7 · 3 years
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𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 - 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐨𝐬 𝐛𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐤𝐬 𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐫
;mikasa ackerman x fem!lesbian!reader
;modern au, band au
word count: 3.3k
warnings: fluff at first, angst ig, angry levi, hitch, swearing, arguing/fighting, yelling
sorry it took a while to get this out there. school started for me last week and it’s been hard getting back into the groove of things. thank you for being patient with me!
listen to the music masterlist
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A couple of days passed since Zeke's sudden arrival. Eren agreed to your terms of his brother's stay with reluctance. He understood where you were coming from, though. Armin was right about him respecting your decision.
Tonight you and your bandmates would meet your large friend group at a nice restaurant nearby. You stood in the bathroom attached to your room, styling your hair the way you wanted.
In the last two days, you received texts from a few of your curious friends. They all seemed very interested in who you were bringing to dinner. If only they knew it was the strong-willed girl you'd had a crush on for years.
Sasha and Connie put the pieces together and teased you relentlessly about 'bringing a date to dinner'.
You were nervous to see the reactions of your friends when you walked in with Mikasa. Unlike you, they didn't get a warning of her return.
Stepping back from the counter and smoothing down your outfit, you exhaled softly. You took one final glance at the mirror and left the bathroom.
Two blonds were arguing in the living room when you entered.
"What's going on?" you asked cautiously.
"We can't leave him alone in the house while we're out. He's like a child! He already broke two vases because he slipped while looking for spare change!" Armin explained. He was wearing a white dress shirt and black slacks. He ran a hand through his silk hair then placed both hands on his hips.
Zeke protested, "Y/n, you can trust me. Don't listen to him, he's delusional." He was still in his usual attire, a t-shirt, and jeans.
Armin's face turned red from anger. "Why you-"
"You broke my vases?" you interrupted.
"He did! I watched him do it the second time!"
You learned the hard way that messing with Armin was a death sentence. Especially when he was mad. The argument had to stop before it turned physical.
"Zeke, get dressed. You're coming with us, but you sit far away. You don't talk to us or our friends." You pointed a stern finger at him.
He pouted and groaned like a child before slumping his shoulders and stomping down the basement stairs.
Armin rubbed a hand over his face and, in an annoyed fashion, checked his watch. "Will they ever be done?"
You chuckled. "You're always the first one ready. Don't you know that by now?"
He rolled his eyes and fell back on the couch. "Shut it."
Eren appeared at the basement door, looking frustrated. In his hand, he held out the tie to the suit he was wearing. "How the hell do you tie this thing?"
Armin sighed and stood back up, his rest short-lived. They made their way over to him and began to walk him through each step while his eyebrows only furrowed more.
His long hair fell around his face as he tried his best to maneuver the tie correctly. His face lit up once he got it right.
"How have you gone this long without knowing how to tie a tie?" Jean leaned his head out of the hall bathroom, which you didn't even know he was in.
"Shut up, Kirstein. I get by." He glared.
Jean laughed and fully emerged from the bathroom wearing a beige suit vest and slacks. Underneath, he wore a cream-colored dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up. His hair was tied back in a short ponytail with a few strands falling loose.
Your eyes shifted back to Eren, who was struggling to put on his suit jacket and you stifled a laugh.
"Stop laughing! It's not funny." His words were hard to understand since he held around three bobby pins between his teeth.
You laughed some more despite his agitation. You were disrupted by the light clacking of heels on the stairs to the second story. Looking in that direction, you saw Mikasa walking down and you had to stop your mouth from dropping open.
She was wearing a simple tight black dress that reached just above her knees. Silver dangly earrings were in her ears and a dainty silver necklace hung around her neck. Her ring adorned fingers played with the hem of her dress. She smiled at you from across the room.
Eren bumped your hip and you nearly shrieked. His presence next to you had gone unnoticed until then. He snickered at you and nodded to Mikasa. You narrowed your eyes and tugged a lock of hair out of his bun.
His smirk dropped. "What'd you do that for? Now I have to do this all over again. Bitch." he grumbled the insult and left your side.
Mikasa walked over to where you stood. "Hi."
"Hi." You returned her smile.
She sucked a quiet breath. "You look nice."
You couldn't fight the grin that spread across your face at her simple compliment. "As do you."
She smiled again and you felt you might collapse from the surge of butterflies in your stomach.
Zeke came up from the basement, gaining everyone's attention. "What the hell are you wearing?" Eren chided.
He was adorned in a baby blue suit with ruffles decorating the dress shirt. You struggled to hold in your laughs, as did the woman beside you.
"Don't talk about it." Zeke lowered his eyes to the floor as Eren laughed loudly without shame.
"Marco's here to pick us up," Jean announced, shoving his phone into his pocket. He wanted to see Marco's reaction to Mikasa's homecoming at the dinner, but that dream was cut short when she answered the door to him the day prior. He was shocked, to say the least.
Sure enough, when you looked tho the front door, you could see the glare of Marco's headlights in the darkness.
He waved you all over to get in his car. Jean sat in the passenger seat, perks of dating the driver. In a backseat that was designed for three people, you were crammed inside with Armin, Eren, and Mikasa. Zeke was forced to ride in the trunk.
Mikasa was pressed up against your skin. In the confinement of the car, you could feel her warm breath tickling your shoulder whenever she spoke.
A shiver ran through your body and your hands gripped your knees. Nobody noticed, thank god. You were very grateful that the only light sources were phone screens and the button rims inside the car.
Everyone chatted mindlessly until Marco turned a corner into a parking lot. He parked the car near the entrance and got out with everybody following suit.
Once you were inside, you were greeted with the familiar smell of the restaurant. It was the one you always went to when meeting up with the group. You didn't know the owners, but Reiner did, and he was the one who planned these gatherings.
"Welcome to Galliard's!" greeted a blond man whose name tag read Colt. A look of recognition crossed his face. "Oh, it's you guys. Right, this way." He grabbed a menu for each person and led you to a large booth in the middle of the restaurant.
You took a good look at everyone. You all went to the same high school, some of you just didn't meet until later. Like you, Sasha, and Connie.
Five people were seated at the table. Two were missing. Ymir and Historia were late. Figures.
They all saw Mikasa looming behind you since each of them had some form of shock on their face. Several voices suddenly arose from the group.
"When did you get back? And why did I not hear about it?" voiced a betrayed Bertholdt.
"Mikasa, I didn't know you would be here," Annie said coolly.
"Oh my god, Mikasa!" Connie tried to act surprised.
"Mikasa! I had no idea you'd be here." It turns out Sasha was just as bad of an actor.
"This is your plus one, Y/n?" Reiner held a knowing expression.
"So no one is happy to see me?" Eren sounded hurt.
Reiner wasted no time standing up to pull you in for a hug. He pulled back after a few seconds and held you by the shoulders at an arm's length away. "Like the beard?" He gestured to his chin.
"Sure, Reiner, it suits you." You patted his shoulder and he returned your cheerful smile. He moved to talk to the others as Bertholdt came into your view.
When he hugged you, you noticed how much taller he was than you. You had to stand on your tip-toes to see over his shoulder. "What the hell, Bertholdt?" You fucking ladder," you blurted.
He laughed at your lovely way with words. "Hi, Y/n. It's been a while. I'm glad to see you're still doing well."
"It has. I feel like I haven't seen you in forever. How's it going at the school?"
"It's definitely going. I'll tell you about it in a second. You wanna sit down?" He moved to the side to let you slide into the booth. Mikasa was on your right and Bertholdt was on your left.
Everyone was seated except for Zeke, who stood there awkwardly, unsure of what to do. Eren told him to find someone to get him to a table. He just pushed up his glasses and left.
Across from you sat Sasha, Connie, and Jean who were laughing their asses off at something Marco said. Reiner, Eren, and Armin sat on the cushy bench across from Annie who sat on one of the three chairs pulled up to the table.
"So, Mikasa, when did you get back?" Annie asked.
"Earlier this week."
"What? You've been here that long and we didn't know?" Reiner gaped at her.
"We thought it'd be a nice surprise." You shrugged.
"I thought you were bringing a date. Or is she your date?" Connie teasingly wiggled his eyebrows while Sasha laughed loudly.
You blushed madly at his question. "Shut up, guys! You already knew I was bringing her, anyway."
"You knew?" Bertholdt's eyes boggled.
"No wonder you're so calm. Out of everyone I'd expect you two to go ballistic," Annie pointed out.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Connie lifted his arms in an attempt to appear threatening.
A new voice spoke, "It means you're an idiot." You looked up to see Ymir stood behind Annie's chair with one hand around Historia's shoulders and one in the pocket of her suit jacket.
"Ymir, hi!" You greeted and she raised an eyebrow.
"This is your date?" She chuckled.
"She's not my date," you grumbled, folding your arms. Ymir just snickered and sat in the chair next to Annie's, Historia sitting next to her.
"Quit it, Ymir. Is that all you have to say to someone we haven't seen in two years?" she scolded her girlfriend.
"How is it, Mikasa?" Ymir turned and asked.
"It's good. Glad to be back." She gave a small smile.
"That's good to hear! We're all happy you're back," Historia said with enthusiasm. Mikasa nodded in response.
You picked up your conversation with Bertholdt from earlier about his job. He was an elementary school teacher and from what he told you, he was very good at what he did.
Other conversations went on, jokes were told, and by the time the waitress came to the table for your orders, you'd caught up with everyone. The whole group was excited Mikasa came home and it showed.
Her hand brushed against yours multiple times under the table and your shoulders tensed up whenever they touched hers. She didn't seem to mind the contact. You wished she'd just take your hand since you were too scared to do so yourself.
Those moments of giddiness were short-lived because you noticed two familiar figures at a table toward the back.
Hitch smiled maliciously and waved at you while bringing her champagne glass to her lips. Marlo sat across from her on his phone, drumming his knuckles on the table.
Your eyes widen and you quickly move away from Mikasa, startling her.
"Are you okay, Y/n?" She placed a hand on your shoulder with a worried expression.
"I'll be right back." You brushed her hand off and shimmied out of the booth, heading to the bathroom.
You pushed the door open and luckily no one was inside. Your hands gripped onto the edge of the counter as your mind raced. What the hell were they doing here? Why tonight? Your blood was beginning to boil as you became angrier by the second.
The door swept open and in walked the woman of the hour. "Hello, Y/n," she sang.
"What are you doing here? Can I not have a meet-up with my friends without you riding my dick?" you sneered, looking at her in the mirror.
Shock flashed across her face and she let out a breathy laugh. "Such colorful language, Y/n! I didn't expect that from you!" She turned to face the sinks and your eyes met in the mirrors.
"What are you doing here, Hitch?"
"I'm having a nice dinner with my friend, that's what I'm doing. It just so happens you were here tonight as well," she said.
"So it's a coincidence? If you say so, I don't believe you."
"That's exactly what it is. You don't have to believe it, but it's the truth. I can promise I wasn't planning on spying on you tonight." She blew her bangs away from her face.
She honestly couldn't tell if she was lying or not but your anger level was rising quickly and you didn't know if you'd be able to stop yourself from saying something you would regret.
"What is your problem, Hitch? Seriously, have you nothing better to do? I haven't seen half of those people in months." You tore your eyes away from the mirror to fully look at her.
"I told you, Y/n. I wasn't here for you. I don't have a problem." She narrowed her eyes as she stood at her full height, facing you.
You scoffed. "Tell me what your problem is. I want to hear you say why you're doing all this. You never did give me an explanation."
"I don't have a problem."
"Yes, you do. Why did you follow me in here? Do you think you can intimidate me or something?"
"I know I can intimidate you. Stop acting like you're the one with the power right now. I'm the one who has the guts to tell people what we were. You wanna know my problem? My problem is you. You couldn't get over a stupid high school crush. You still aren't over it and it's fucking weak."
You backed away as she got angrier with every word she spat. She hesitated for a moment and inhaled sharply.
"What's weaker is how much I care. I gave a shit about you and you couldn't see that she didn't. I knew about your feelings the whole time. You think I'm dumb? I know you thought of me as a distraction. And I liked being your distraction. But you run away from everything. You're a fucking coward."
You were too shocked to even try to apologize. Your mouth fell open and tears pricked your eyes.  Her breathing was ragged and her eyes were big. She blinked several times and the light caught a few wet streaks on her face when she turned her head.
"Hitch, I-"
"Please, don't say anything."
The state of shock you were sent into was broken when a sudden bang sounded outside of the bathroom.
Hitch looked desperate to get out of the situation, so she took the opportunity to bolt out of the bathroom. You took a moment to compose yourself before leaving to assure your friends you were okay.
The moment you stepped out of the bathroom, you stopped dead in your tracks when you were greeted with the jarring sight of Zeke seconds away from being punched in the face.
A man with short black hair was kneeling on Zeke's table with one hand gripping his collar and the other pulled back in fist.
"Zeke Jaeger right? You owe me a lot of money and my wedding ring," the man seethed and punched Zeke hard in the jaw.
He fell to the floor, clutching where he was hit. You stood there, stunned. Just as the man was bringing his leg forward to kick him, your instincts kicked in and you rushed to crouch in front of him.  You braced yourself for the impact that never came.
"You'd really kick a woman?" an unfamiliar voice spoke.
You looked up and saw him being held back by a man with a slicked back undercut and a bomber jacket adorned with patches.
Eren and Mikasa were at your side in an instant with the others following closely behind.
"Are you okay, Y/n?" Mikasa put her hands on your shoulders and you nodded. Eren shot you a worried glance while tending to Zeke.
The short man was still being held back by the guy from before, but now someone new was at his side. He looked like bomber jacket dude but with a different hair color and style. He was trying to talk down the black-haired man.
Bomber jacket interrupted, "Look, dude, you're scaring my customers. We don't do that shit in here. One of my waitresses panicked and called the cops. They'll be here soon for you if you don't take this the fuck outside."
"Porco! Watch your language," the brunette hissed. 'Porco' glared at, who you assumed was, his brother.
Eren and Mikasa helped Zeke up and began to lead him out of the restaurant. You and the others followed, except Annie, Reiner, and Bertholdt who stayed to talk to the restaurant owners.
Once you had safely gotten outside, you sat Zeke down on a bench. Sasha managed to snag some napkins for his wound.
Everyone except for you, Eren, and Mikasa were seated on the sidewalk. You three were also on the bench.
The door to the restaurant was pushed open and two voices were heard. The short man was walking out and a taller blond man was lingering behind.
He noticed Zeke and stopped his mumbling. He pointed a shaky finger at him and his face contorted into a nasty glare.
"Where's my money, bitch?" he shouted.
"Levi, why don't you calm down before you do something again." The blond man said.
'Levi' scoffed. "I just want my money back. And my wedding ring. Where the fuck is my wedding ring?"
The color drained from Zeke's face. Levi yelled at him again, "Where the fuck is it?"
"I pawned it."
If looks could kill, Zeke would be dead. The pure anger that was displayed on the man's face was enough to make you cower.
"Let me at him!" Levi purged forward and Jean attempted to stop him, but just ended up on the concrete. He pushed past Eren and in the blink of an eye, Zeke was on the ground. He was getting the shit beat out of him in front of your eyes.
Your friends yelled at him to get off. The man who was following him tried to hold him back, but Levi seemed even angrier than he was inside the restaurant. Eren tried pulling Zeke away with help from Mikasa.
Sirens sounded in the distance and you knew they were growing closer with each passing second. The staff hadn't called off the police, you realized. "Guys," you called.
"I'm gonna kill you!"
The sirens were muffled by the yells.
"Stop, Levi!"
They were clearer.
"Get off him!"
They were loud.
"What the fuck is your problem?"
Blaring lights could be seen over the hedges.
"Get off my brother!"
"Guys!" you yelled over everyone. You pointed to the police cars that were now pulling into the parking lot.
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posted: 9/7/21
neptunetheplanet7© 2021
no reposts, edits, or modification to my work by anyone other than me.
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fuckyeahharryhart · 4 years
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SUMMARY: A familiar face shows up at Kingsman. They discuss the possibility of a new adversary threatening the future of Kingsman.
Might be less developed as other chapters. I suck at plot.
A tall, decidedly handsome man pushed open the double doors of Kingsman Tailor Shop and strode in as if he owned the place. It was a possibility not to discount as he was dressed almost identically as the Kingsman agents. However, there was something quite different about this gentleman. His distinction had more to do with his bearing, the way he walked, the way he swaggered and less to do with his black leather cowboy boots and his silver flask belt buckle. Though these deviations from Kingsman’s regulation attire were noted. He seemed to take up more space, even though the shop was empty at the time. He was taller than Eggsy, but not quite reaching the heights of Harry, even with his heeled boots. And while Harry carried himself with a subtle, lean and long masculine grace, this man was robust and brawny. His build was closer to Eggsy’s, broad in the shoulders, strong and sturdy. Just taller. Bigger.
The man paused at the reception desk. Drove the pointed, business end of a Kingsman umbrella, the ferrule, onto the hardwood floor. He clutched the grip with both hands and announced his presence, while planting himself with his cowboy boots a little wider than hips width distance apart.
“Tell ‘em in the back that Agent Tequila’s here.” He hollered.
Aside from the smaller details, his voice was the identifying factor. The man announced his presence with a deep, masculine southern drawl. The accent had the formality of Received Pronunciation, but with a twist from across the pond.
He was Agent Tequila, from the United States. He arrived at Kingsman London to assist after the events of The Golden Circle depleted the Kingsman’s ranks. And because Champagne “Champ”, the head of Statesman, their U.S. counterpart, believed some time spent with the good ‘ole boys of Kingsman would add a little class and sophistication to the rough around the edges, but otherwise adept agent.
Tequila, on the other hand, regarded this stint as an opportunity, if not to corrupt the ranks of Kingsman, at the very least, shake ‘em up a bit. Loosen ‘em up. It didn’t have to be suits and ties ALL the time.
His own reflection caught his eye in one of the dressing mirrors and he gave himself a wink. He did have to admit that he carried the suit well and he did look mighty damn fine.  
Not a bad toss up for being a little less comfortable in his Levis and his snap button shirts. He did find himself missing his cowboy hat. The rounded felt hat from the London hat-makers Thomas and William Bowler, felt stuffy and small compared to his Stetson. Granted, it did have an older history in 1849, compared to 1865, but not by much. He was assured that the bowler, in conjunction with the rolled brolly, what they called an umbrella, was the look of a proper city gentleman. He still figured southerners could hold their own when you got right down to it. In the meantime, as long as they didn’t put a bur in his saddle, everything should be fine as paint. No sale on the cowboy boots and the belt buckle. Getting citified only went so far. But otherwise, he reckoned, when in Rome.
The door to one of the dressing rooms swung open and Eggsy stepped out. An odd place to be waiting, seeing that he wasn’t with a client. How the hells long as he been in there, he thought.
Tequila lifted a chin in his direction.
“Well, you got here faster than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking competition -”
He cut himself off when a second person followed him out of the room. Not a client, curiously, but a young woman he had never seen before. Her attire was similar to Kingsman agents, but not exactly. She was dressed in a slim skirt and suit set, a navy Prince of Wales check. Just as their suits were cut to fit a man’s shape, hers was cut to enhance the lines of a more feminine figure. Just as precise, just as exacting. Rather than a men’s dress shirt, she wore a feminine silk blouse with ruffled detailing. Rather than a tie, she had a silk scarf of the same pattern tied around the low bun holding her hair. Her black patent Mary Janes gave another several inches to her already tall height. She made really quite the fetching picture.
Well, there go my manners, Tequila thought.
Eggsy decided it was in all of their best interests if he took care of the introductions, just in case the brash southerner was about to come up with something that sounded slightly insulting. He wasn’t quite sure what to do with his particular curious vernacular just yet. And Eggsy didn’t trust him enough not to say something offensive.
“Agent Tequila, I would like you to meet Gwendolyn Mycroft.” he gestured to the woman who stood next to him, “She is one of Kingsman’s newest additions.”
“Gwendolyn, this is Agent Tequila, he is part of Statesman, our equivalent agency based in the United States. I believe you are familiar with it.”
Eggsy stopped himself. He didn’t quite think it was an appropriate time or in good taste to mention she knew Statesman because she hacked into their computer’s mainframe and then watched her father die.
Gwendolyn held out her hand politely, with an inscrutable expression. It was the way she greeted all unknowns until she was able to form her opinion.
“Pleasure to meet you, Agent Tequila.” she responded properly.
Eggsy wanted to cringe when he saw Tequila take her hand and promptly kiss the back of it.
“The pleasure is all mine, Miss Mycroft.” He drawled. Gwendolyn began to pull her hand back a fraction before he let it go. If she was amused or offended by his gesture, she didn’t let it show.
At least it wasn’t a double air cheek kiss, Eggsy thought. He continued. “Agent Tequila is also here to help us establish the foundation of the new Kingsman.”
Tequila, in Gwendolyn’s direction. “I guess you’re here to do the same.”
Her expression still hadn’t shifted. But her eyes had yet to leave Agent Tequila’s face.
Eggsy spoke for her. “Yes, she is also helping in Field work, Strategy as well as Research and Development.”
“Well don’t you sound as smart as all get out.” Tequila said as a compliment. “Why don’t you join us while Eggsy gives me a tour of this joint?”
Eggsy noticed that Gwendolyn’s expression had not changed a single bit since she first saw the agent from the south. And with Tequila pouring on more charm than usual, he was sure it was going to make for an interesting time at Kingsman. As he invited the agent to take a tour of the shop, he was suddenly very glad that he was married.
With the financial support of their new Kingsman distillery and additional backing from Statesman, they were able to begin the rebuild of the shop, ancillary locations and warehouses, though it would still be years until they were able to match the previous Kingsman’s massive collection of artillery, technology, and properties. Kingsman had been steeped in history. Many objects of historical significance they had lost were irreplaceable. But its complete destruction allowed them the opportunity to separate the wheat from the chafe, the good from the bad, to let go of archaic traditions that no longer held significance or value, and prioritise where their main focus should lie.
Reconstructing the Kingsman’s front was one of those top priorities. The tailor shop was running smoothly again, fashioning first rate bespoke menswear as it had prior to the explosions. Kingsman agents were supplied with new suits with fresh bulletproof lining. A new collection of accoutrements accompanied each agent. They prioritized the shop,  as well as rebuilding their armoury and weapons cache.
As long as the agents had their Kingsman armour and the accessories that completed the look, they were mission ready. The rest would be replaced in time. Historical buildings and 100 year old scotch couldn’t protect the world from all the horrible things men did to each other. It was the knights, the brave and honourable men and women that made up the ranks of Kingsman, that would carry on the ultimate mission of their organization, to uphold peace and protect life.
The Kingsman suit didn’t make the man, but the agents definitely embodied the suits as well as every gentleman spy should.  And being a gentleman spy was a matter of being four things. They were polite. They were courteous. They were well mannered. And they had a plan to kill everyone in the room at any given time.
Gwendolyn’s appearance came, by chance, at the most fortuitous moment. While a drive-by shooting was not the most elegant tactic to remove players from the board, if done properly, it was effective. Fast and fatal with little fuss.  With less chance for blowback, but common enough where the news of a drive by shooting was not likely to stir the interest of the authorities other than to increase patrol and warn residents to take precaution.  
Most likely this kind of shooting would be treated as an anomaly. An unfortunate, one-of incident. It also kept agencies such as theirs, from raising alert to a possible threat.
The modus operandi of low life thugs and gangs that did not have enough sophistication for tradecraft, drive-by shootings usually had three purposes, as a warning, to take out a rival, or an initiation of a new member. It was doubtful that Kingsman was the target of a local gang. But sometimes gangs freelanced for those with more power.
Gwendoyn mentioned that it was quite possible that whomever or whatever wanted them out of the picture had outsourced or contracted the job. It would pose even less risk for the controlling party. On the other hand, anytime an organization no longer took care of wet work “in-house” there was always the possibility for indiscretion, for leaks. There was no honor amongst thieves for these kinds of criminals. The only means to motivate them was either through money or power or the fear of losing both.
If this adversary wanted Kingsman off the board, they had power and influence that went deep. Eggsy mentioned if they were able to identify both Harry and himself, have access to their schedule and whereabouts for any given day, that meant they had the resources for hi-tech surveillance. Setting up counter-surveillance should take precedence.
Not necessarily, Gwendolyn had pointed out. Sure it was time consuming and repetitive, but she was able to surveil the same, determine the same schedule, gather the same intel just by physical reconnaissance. Even though she had been a near constant presence for two weeks, she had not raised any suspicions. She was there, expecting Harry and Eggsy, just as the vehicle was. There was no sense setting up hi- tech counter surveillance if the adversary wasn’t using high technology surveillance to begin with.
Sometimes, low-tech, low-fi, the least expected method was the one that was used BECAUSE of it’s near obsolescence.  Gwendolyn emphasized that they shouldn’t rely just on tech to determine who the enemy was. Curious since one of her main strengths was in tech, but her father had always emphasised not to let her talents and skills become a crutch. A good agent looked at all angles of a problem, not just the angle that gave her the best view.
The Golden Circle left a large void in the criminal world that needed to be filled. Luckily, for Kingsman, that meant a lot of in-house fighting and attempts to gain power. Deals and alliances were made and broken. Backs were stabbed. Retribution was had. As challenging as it was to broker a deal in legitimate business matters, it was exponentially more risky when you were dealing with individuals who robbed, lied and killed for a living.
On an average London afternoon, slightly cloudy and overcast, with an occasional peek of sunshine through the clouds, Kingsman debated matters of life and death.
They were all seated at the long table in the new dining room, discussing the new threat. The table consisted of Gwendolyn, Agent Tequila, Galahad Sr. and Galahad Jr. They really had to do something about those codenames. But apparently, the name had significance to both Harry and Eggsy and neither of them was ready to give up the handle.
Ever since the betrayal of long-standing agents in both organizations, Chester King, the Arthur that betrayed Harry and Kingsman, and the discovery of Agent Whiskey as a traitor in Statesman, and of course, the destruction of Kingsman and all of its agents, they were taking more care of who was on a need to know basis.  In this case, the circle was a small one. Harry and Eggsy, since they were the targets, Gwendolyn for obvious reasons, and Agent Tequila, whose fresh eyes might be able to discern nuances they had overlooked. It was just as well the group was small. The other remaining active Kingsman were all in the field on other assignments. Everyone was having to do more with less.
Gwendolyn was seated at the head of this small gathering, not that she was taking up the mantle of Arthur. Since she was present at the time of the shooting, had reconnoitred the area and had the most actionable intel so far, she was assigned monitor for this little conference.  It was one of her first times leading a meeting at Kingsman. Herding cats seemed suddenly very relatable.  She was never one to be nervous or doubt her abilities, but the presence of three alpha males, each with strong personalities and convictions, two whose lives could depend on the conversation, kept her at the top of her game.
They were discussing the possibilities when Gwendolyn surmised.
“The way I see it, we are all agreed this was not a random shooting.”
Harry nodded. With his brow drawn together in concentration,  he was listening intently. Eggsy, twiddling his pen, was still pissed that they hadn’t even had a chance to return fire at the tossers. Agent Tequila was staring at Gwendolyn, throwing her a wink every time she glanced in his direction.
She chose to ignore everyone except Harry.
She was cautious not to let her gaze rest on him too long. Despite their evening together in the lounge, Harry treated her exactly the same as he always had. Helpful and kind. Still critical in moments where he knew she could do better. Supportive when he needed to be. He didn’t distance himself in any way. He was comfortable at her side, lightly touching her shoulder, her hand, her back when it was appropriate. If anything, she was modifying her own behaviour. She was careful not to touch him first or stand too close.  If she knew he was nearby or heard his footsteps, with his stride long and purposeful, her body would tense and her heart would beat faster as he approached.
If her eyes wandered and accidentally caught his gaze, he would throw her a wink and the tiniest hint of a smile before she had the chance to look away.  This new twinkle was the only change that she noticed. She had to struggle not to blush every time she saw it. She was determined not to blush in front of these three agents. She spoke clearly and with authority.
“This was a very specific attempt to hit very specific targets. In cases where low-fi is used, it is typically implemented when the actual adversary is either extremely powerful, well known, or technologically advanced, perhaps all three and therefore, wants to avoid using their own resources so they can remain unknown.”
“What about catching the perps?” suggested Eggsy, who still wanted to deliver a job to the face to someone, at the very least.
“The chances of apprehending the actual shooters is slim, but we can still approach that angle.”
She thought for a moment, then added.
“Perhaps we can give them an incentive to inform on their employer. However, I’m sure they have been threatened in the extreme to NOT cooperate with anyone seeking their information. In any case, we may be wasting time looking at a dead end.”
Her father had always looked at the bigger picture and she concentrated on doing the same.  
“What I find most suspicious, is the lack of direct, beneficial outcome resulting in the elimination of the targets.”, she said seriously. She was searching for the improbable.
“Thanks, yeah, for putting it so warmly.” Eggsy said, vaguely amused.
She raised her eyebrows a him, shaping her face into someone that should not be interrupted.
Agent Tequila offered his view point. It wasn’t very helpful, either.
“Seems like someone just wants to get rid of Kingsman. That’s one long ass streak of bad luck.” He shook his head. “Sorry boys, it looks like ya’ll got a lot of folks who wanna see you go down.”
Gwendolyn circled the conversation back to the topic at hand.
“What I mean is, what’s the goal?”
“Eh, to kill us, obviously.” Eggsy said pointedly, looking at the others for agreement. He leaned back in his chair. He assumed that was evident.
“Of course.” Gwendolyn explained with more patience than she felt.
“That’s the action.” She added, questioning, “What is the equal and opposite reaction that they are expecting to achieve?”
She focused on Harry and Eggsy.
“The two of you are obviously integral to Kingsman, but as someone who has been part of the beating heart of these kinds of agencies, they’re going about it the wrong way.”
“How so?” asked Harry. At least he was being encouraging.
“If your goal is to disable an organization, you don’t get rid of the players in the field.” She explained.
“You take out a source of power, such as information, communications. You wipe out their computer system, or target their armoury, or drain their funds. If you are going to take someone off the board, you take out the person who controls access. Sabotage. Make them inoperable, so that no matter how many men they have, no matter how large their army, they are not able to fight. They no longer have means of support.”
At the mention of sabotoge, armoires, wiping out systems, the other two men listened to her with increasing interest.
“That leaves the adversary free to continue their illegal activities without interruption. Not having to deal with threats gives them more resources for whatever generates them money and or power.”
“Not to offend, but after the beating the agency took after V-Day and the absolute knock out from The Golden Circle, most of your efforts have been on regrouping, rebuilding, reestablishing Kingsman’s presence. Kingsman has been mostly laying low. If you were on a revenge list, or you had an enemy that wanted to destroy Kingsman for good, that would have been the most opportune time. While the agency was at its weakest.”
She paused, making sure the men were both paying attention and following her train of thought. Her mind was working on all the possibilities. Experience told her that this was not a simple case of retribution. She was narrowing in on her point.
“Taking out two random agents - “
Eggsy drew back his head and balked, “Beg your pardon. Random?”
Even Harry looked vaguely offended.
Male egos, Gwendolyn thought.
“No offence meant of course. But, ultimately, when you get to the crux of it, in the end you are both agents. Exceptional agents, without a doubt. But taking out two agents, without a focused skill that the organisation’s structure relies on, has no point.”
“Unless,” she said, “that IS the point.”
Now the three agents all had the similar look of confusion on their faces. Three sets of furrowed brows and narrowed eyes turned toward her for clarification.
“Assassination.” She arrived at her point and from here, she was thinking out loud as much as presenting them with information.
Harry was intrigued and nodded slightly to himself. Eggy looked equally surprised and thoughtful. Even Tequila stopped looking at her as if she were a county fair ride he wanted to hop on and started to look involved.
“Assassination has two main purposes. To take out a political figure, a head of state, to disrupt the flow of command. Or, to demoralise the people under their leadership. In your case, you’ve already lost your head of state twice in the past two years.”
She turned to Harry.
“Harry, you’re not even officially Arthur. In fact, Kingsman is yet to designate a permanent head of state. Eliminating that position would do little to disrupt your chain of command. That logic is flawed.”
She continued to clear her path of reasoning, sifting the crucial from the non-essential.
“What’s left?” She asked.
“To demoralise the soldiers?” She made a point of looking around at the empty chairs.
“What soldiers? Most of your agency was destroyed, the agents killed. There are only a handful of working agents who are all out in the field. Most of them are not even in contact until their mission is complete. I have the feeling that we could all be blown up again and those agents would just continue on with their daily operations.”
“That’s lovely.” murmured Eggsy.
“It’s true, though.” Harry said in support.  Most of the agents in the field, the few that they had, were more than capable of handling their missions on their own with little support from HQ.
She leaned back into her chair until they were all awaiting her to continue. Assassination, was an interesting motive, aside from the actual killing and dying aspect.
“Another reason for an assassination,” she was honing the idea in her mind as she was speaking,  “Is to show the power of the organisation behind the killing.”
Her eyes narrowed as she circled her conclusion.
“I believe this was a show.” Her voice was low, secure with her words. Not too dissimilar from a gang initiation ritual, she thought.
“I theorise that this was an attempt of an organisation who has newly arrived into power. They are solidifying their new position by making a statement and asserting dominance over their rivals.”
The men began to shift in their seats, uncomfortable at the thought of a new powerful adversary.
“Please, gentleman. Hear me out.”
At the sound of being addressed gentleman, all three agents straightened up and, with respect, gave Gwendolyn their attention. There were some benefits of being a lady in a room full of men.
“What both of you are,” she said, speaking to both of the Galahads, “is venerated in the intelligence community and feared by the network of criminals around the world.”
She turned toward the younger, brash agent by Harry’s side. “Eggsy, you almost single handedly took out Richmond Valentine and stopped V-Day from being the world catastrophe that it could have been.”
He shrugged, a rare show of modesty for him. Though Gwendolyn had an inkling that he was being facetious. The shrug was more in the lines of “Who, what? Me? Nah, it was nothin.”
Now she turned to the older of the two. Fully engaged in the subject matter, Gwendolyn did not let her eye contact falter this time.
“Harry is part of spy lore now. Let all alone all that he’s done in the course of his career. And then to have survived Valentine’s bullet to the face? Essentially cheated death and to return in time to thwart the largest global hostage situation in history? With Eggsy? Of course, all missions are covet. Classified.  But word gets around through underground channels. For those on either side of good or evil. They must be aware of your existence. They’ve heard of your missions. They might not know exactly who you are, but apparently someone does.”
Harry, in his own dignified manner, accepted the compliments as a matter of fact.
“After the collapse of the Golden Circle, what better opportunity for those in the underworld to try to make a grab for power? It was all of their infighting that allowed you the time and space to rebuild. It seems like their restructuring is in place. Now, whoever has filled the void, needs to establish the new pecking order.  What better way than to take out the two most recognisable agents from one of the oldest, most respected agencies?” She asked the men rhetorically.
Gwendolyn knew what action needed to be taken.
“We need to know who the new power players are.” She said firmly.
The timing was outstanding. “Now what is the be all and end all, of all Galas?  Where only the richest, the most famous, and the most powerful go to see and be seen. THE event that not only national governments around the world use to network, but also the leaders that work underground, through less legitimate channels?
Harry and Eggsy looked at each other. They came to the same conclusion.
“The Monarch’s Ball.” They both said.
“Exactly.” Gwendolyn said emphatically.
“Sounds like a party.” Agent Tequila added.
This time, Harry, Eggsy and Gwendolyn confirmed simultaneously.
“It is.”
Thanks for hanging in there! Some chapters may be better than others....
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doubi-ixi · 4 years
Instability attempt
I’m scraping for a second time and gonna read some comics to help me come up with ideas.
Willow Washington woke up. Warm sweat upon her face but her body was cold. Some scientist in a lab coat brushed her white-blonde hair out of her face. Willow lifted her hand to knock his or hers away. It was kept down by leather restraints. She moved her whole body trying to get her arms free, making her realize how cold the metal she lay on was. She froze as the futility began to seep in. This was it. This was what she couldn’t remember. She heard the scientist talking and it was hushed, barely audibly. She heard a few words that sent a quick chill down her spine. “Try again,” and “forget”
“Explain to me again how you should be in charge, when I’ve been working for these people longer.” Willow asked. She sat at the boring auction that her and her current mission partner, Leviticus Sabastian, had to attend. The held the little number signs in their hand and already played a small and pretend game of pingpong.
“Well, I am a natural born leader, I also am a guy.” Levi, as everyone called him, joked.
“Oh, please, not that anyone can tell when they look at you.” Willow said with a playful shove. While Willow didn’t appear femanine, with her lip scars and short almost undercut hair. Levi was born with a pretty face and long eyelashes, he also had long red hair, which didn’t help his Masculinity.
“I get all the girls though.” 
Willow scoffed. “You can’t handle the attention.”
Levi rubbed his neck. She was right on that one. Whenever a crowd of girls surrounds Levi, he forgets how to deal with girls and ends up awkwardly answering any question they ask. Which was always hard with the number of questions asked of him.
“Sold!” the two heard with a loud bang of the auctioneer's hammer. Levi told Willow what it was called but she didn’t care to remember. The last item was gone, at least the last item that the regulars knew about. 
“You sure about this?” Levi asked. He turned to Willow with a concerned look. She smiled spitefuly.
“Yeah, I think I’ll be okay.” 
Majority of the buyers left. Within an hour the two knew anyone left were rotten human beings. They had waited a long time to get to this auction. It was a part of the black market, these people went through many difficulties to make sure they could have an old fashion auction without getting caught. Almost enough difficulties. Security walked down the bleachers and stopped beside the two. Levi handed the suited man their credentials and proof of their access to be their. The man looked upon the handsome young man and to the woman beside him. Since the man stared for a while Levi looked back at Willow. Her white hair had changed to black and was brushed back into a tight ponytail. Her features were softer and there were no scars upon her lips. Her eyes matched too. There was a feeling of insult when he noticed she was a bit taller, now a height that was above his own. The security guard gave a nod to her, which she returned one in a haughty manner. The credentials were returned and they were allowed to stay.
“That’s quite the disguise.” Levi commented.
Willow only smiled at him, she could see the annoyance in his face. They came to the auction with Willow as herself. However, now she was tall and elegant. Levi felt a burning inside him that he needed to ignore. Willow only disguised herself as she needed. Adding the burn was only a bonus to her. 
“Welcome, ladies and gentleman.” Their host said. He stood at the podium in his fancy deep blue suit. His orange hair brushed back slick. His face slender and freckled. “Now that the regulars have vacated the building we may begin.” He stepped back from the microphone as “merchandise” were brought on stage. Levi felt a pit in his stomach as it was done. Willow contrary wise did not change expression. 
Several people were brought upon the stage to be seen. They wore simple shirts and sweatpants. Most weren’t of adolescent age but there was one young girl among them. They forced a man forward, he was shaking. The security man beside him said something angrily and the man changed from human form to a dark wispy substance. It was like looking at pure place matter.
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marvels-writings · 4 years
I love this blog :) this is a weird idea for a Carol x reader fic, but I wanted to submit it anyway. A reincarnation au where Carol and r: very close before she's back on Earth in 1995. For Carol, r is the one that got away-she died before they could be together. after the snap reunion, Carol meets Avenger!r- r looks dif/acts dif, but both seem to know each other/ r knows things about Carol somehow etc/both feel that the other is extremely important to them=confusing to everyone. Angst/fluff?
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(not mine)
Series Masterlist
Carol Danvers (Captain Marvel) Masterlist
Differences (1)
A/N: This has been in my inbox forever, still don’t have much inspiration but here you go
You thought you felt your heart stop when you heard Lawson’s plane got shot down. You and Carol instantly took one of the fighter jets and flew to her last location the fastest you could. 
“Lawson, are you okay?” You shouted, jumping out of the cockpit and running to where Lawson was slumped over in the pilot's seat.
Lawson had blue blood flowing from her forehead, she wasn’t breathing. There was a burn mark on her chest, she was dead. Carol followed after you, she was halfway to you when she saw someone approaching.
“We don’t want to hurt you.” A voice stated, you looked up to see a strange man in a laser tag suit with golden eyes walking towards you, gun pulled out of his holster, trying your hardest to stop trembling.
“Really? The dead body kind of gave me the wrong impression.” You shouted back, lifting your gun to eye level, backing away from him slowly until you reached where Carol was standing, gun aimed at the man. 
Neither of you had any idea what was going on, your superior officer had been shot by someone wearing a rubber bodysuit, the same man was probably going to threaten one of you. Today really couldn’t get much worse.
“Just give us the core, and we’ll be on our way.” He reasoned you frowned. The core was supposed to be for a light-speed engine, Lawson wouldn’t want it in the hands of someone who had just murdered her. 
“You mean that core?” Carol asked, gesturing to the core with her gun, he nodded, slowly pulling his gun out of his holster.
You glanced at Carol, to anyone else she would’ve seemed uncaring but brave, but you saw she was terrified. You were about to pull the trigger on the core when you heard a gunshot, something hit you on your side, burning you as you collapsed onto the ground.
“Y/n!” Carol shouted, moving to catch you as you fell, she went on her knees, one hand holding her gun still with her other hand supporting your head, trying to keep you awake, you gave her the best smile you could, the light slowly leaving your eyes as you did so.
“Give us the core and-” He began, Carol barely cared as she shot the core with her gun, the explosion blowing her back, power pulsing through her as she fell backward, the rocks knocking her unconscious. 
Carol woke up gasping in her bedroom, she sat up instantly, shirt sweaty and heartbeat erratic. The image of you dying ran in her head as she tried to steady her breathing. She knew who you were, but she hadn’t seen you in years, not since you died the day the Kree took her. 
She got off the bed, breathing calmer now as she made her way to the kitchen to find it was already almost 9 am. The memories of last week rushed into her head, the fighting with Thanos, Tony snapping and almost dying, Natasha was still gone. Everything was just getting started, Steve said he was going to find recruits to help. Carol groaned, burying her head in her hands at the thought of needing to train recruits. 
“Danvers, we have a recruit,” Steve stated, walking in with a clipboard in his hands. 
Somehow, he was already dressed for the day, wearing a tight workout t-shirt and Levi jeans, his brown leather jacket on the counter. Carol still wore grey sweatpants and a white tank top. He handed her the clipboard, Carol’s eyes widened a little when she saw your name on the top. You were the person from her dream, but you were dead.
“You know her?” Steve asked when he saw her rapidly flipping through the pages to find out more about you.
“I thought I did,” Carol muttered, running a hand through her short hair. “I knew her before the crash, I thought she died then.”
“Carol, she’s only 27,” Steve stated, Carol looked up at him and frowned, you were almost 6 years younger to her, it didn’t make any sense.
 You had died, yet here you were, you looked different, your skin tone was a little darker, you were a little taller, more muscular, but your eyes still looked the same from her dreams. 
“Recruit is here,” Bruce stated, walking into the kitchen with you behind him. 
You wore a fav/color t-shirt with some patterns, black jeans, black vans with your hair tied up in a high ponytail, a few strands falling out. You looked different from how Carol remembered you, you walked with more confidence than before. You frowned when you noticed Carol staring.
“I’m y/n y/l/n.” You introduced, extending your hand to Steve who shook it, he nudged Carol to do the same after he introduced himself.
“I’m Carol Danvers.” She introduced, shaking your hand. 
Something about her seemed familiar, you couldn’t quite place it, but you felt drawn to talk to her.
“You hungry?” Bruce asked, gesturing to the kitchen which had just been stocked.
“There’s some leftover pasta if you want,” Carol stated, getting herself from coffee.
“How did you know I liked pasta?” You asked curiously, watching her make coffee with a small frown.
“Lucky guess.” She muttered, a memory of you making pasta in her head before she turned back around to see you handing her a carton of cream while telling Bruce and Steve that you’d already eaten.
Carol frowned as she glanced down at the carton of cream, most people assumed she liked her coffee black, but it was the opposite. Half of her coffee was cream, she didn’t understand how you knew that neither did you.
“How did you know I needed cream?” Carol asked, taking the cream and dunking a decent amount in her coffee before handing it back to you. 
You shrugged, as confused as the people around you. 
“Lucky guess.” You joked, waving to Carol as Steve led you to your room.
You were more confused than when you had walked into the compound doors, you had no idea how you knew Carol so well. 
“So why is she here?” Carol asked Bruce once you’d left, he leaned against the counter a little, frowning a little.
“She was a spy for SHIELD who disappeared during the snap, she was supposed to join the Avengers after she somehow got shapeshifting abilities. Steve managed to find files for recruits, she seemed better than the others.” Bruce explained.
Carol frowned, sipping her coffee while she stared outside at the tour Steve was giving you. You were different, the woman Carol remembered was not as confident, you seemed so sure of yourself now, everything had changed, but it was still you.
| Part 2 | 
Tag List: @capcarolsdanver, @versdan, @lesbian-girls-wayhaught, @lovebotlarson, @dhengkt, @5aftermidnight, @hstoria, @natasha-danvers, @veryfunnyal, @xxxtwilightaxelxxx , @ophelias-heart  , @never-didbefore , @justarandomhumanhere, @the-most-unicorn-of-them-all , @thatssocamryn , @lesbian-x-blackwidow , @marvelbbyx , @wlw-imaginesss let me know if you’d like to be in any of my tag lists!
A/N: This is a new series, probably 3-4 parts, thoughts?
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deanwanddamons · 5 years
The Best Weekend Of Your Life - Chapter 1
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Summary: You are obsessed with Supernatural and go to a convention with your best friend. You are 100% a Dean girl while your friend is a Sam girl. Both Jensen and Jared are single in this. You both catch the guys attention and things go from there.
Pairing: Jensen x reader, Jared x readers best friend
Word Count: 2774
Warning: Romance, fluff 
Song for chapter: https://youtu.be/xDeyXWyM4Oo - Thunder - Loved Walked In
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It was finally here. You and F/N have been waiting months for the Supernatural convention and have managed to book a room in the same hotel it’s being held in for the whole weekend. You are both obsessed with the show. You have lost count of the amount of times you have fantasized about Jensen Ackles. The way his hands would feel on your skin, how he would smell and how your name would sound coming from those perfect lips. This was going to be a weekend to remember.
It had taken you a long time and many outfit changes to decide what you were going to wear. Finally you made your mind up and went for your trusty tight fitting Levi’s, a black bodysuit with lace sleeves, black knee high boots with 4 inch stiletto heels and cropped leather biker jacket. You had your hair dyed the deep shade of red you knew suited you and your 80’s rock chick makeup was down to a fine art.
Waiting at the train station with F/N, you can’t contain your excitement. You feel like a child on Christmas morning.
‘Fuck F/N! I can’t believe we are really going to see them in the flesh! I just know I’m gonna do something stupid in front of Jensen though. You know what I’m like!’
‘Yep Y/N, you are pretty clumsy but I’m pretty sure they are going to be way too busy to take any notice of us anyway. Can you imagine how many other people are going to be there?’ said F/N.
Your heart sinks when you realise all the effort you put into your outfit and make up will no doubt be for nothing, but you can’t let the boys see you without at least trying to look good.
The train pulls up and you and F/N board. It’s only a 20 minute journey and you could have easily come home rather than fork out £120 for a room, but you didn’t want to miss any part of the convention and the last train was at 10.20pm.
You arrive at the hotel and check into your room. Glancing at your watch you see it’s 11.30am, and the Q&A with the cast starts at 12pm so you and F/N just have time to unpack your cases, touch up your makeup, and spray some perfume. You take one last glance at your reflection ‘You're going to knock them dead Y/N’ you whisper.
Leaving the room you make your way to the lifts. Following the signs through reception, you enter a huge function room with what must be 1,000 chairs and the same amount of people milling about. There is a stage at the front of the room, with stools, microphones and a guitar setup. Your heart is beating a tattoo in your chest and you feel like you’re finding it hard to breath you’re that excited.
‘Quick Y/N,’ says F/N ‘There are two chairs right at the front!’ She grabs your hand and with a determined shove, pushes through the crowd. You reach the chairs just as two other girls get to them. Being her usual feisty self F/N dives in front of them glaring up at them, ‘I don’t think so!’ she hisses and plonks herself down, pulling you onto the other chair giggling as the girls slink away.
Getting yourself comfortable you pull out the itenary for the weekend. Other cast members are going to be answering questions, but you are only really interested in the boys. You have your ticket ready for the photo opportunity with them, and can’t wait for the moment you finally get to interact with Jensen. The talk from others who have met him is that he is much taller in real life than he seems on TV. That's why you wore heels in case it's true. You stand at 5ft without them, so that you don't want to look like a proper short arse beside him. And with Jared being 6ft 4 you would look even more ridiculous without heels. Luckily F/N is 5ft 8 with a body like a supermodel so she is going to look amazing next to Jared.
F/N grabs your hand and squeezes it, smiling broadly at you as the lights go down. Richard Speight Jr and Rob Benedict, the MC’s walk onto the stage.
One by one they introduce a few of the Supernatural cast. With thunderous applause, Jim Beaver, Ruth Connell, Mark Sheppard and Samantha Smith take to the stage, and entertain the crowd, answering questions and telling stories about each other. Finally, even though you have really enjoyed hearing them speak, it is time for the main attraction.
Your heart starts thumping and you feel your palms getting clammy when Richard announces ‘And now for the moment you have all been waiting for! Please welcome Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki!’
F/N starts squealing ‘Oh My God’ over and over again grabbing your arm. This is it! You’re finally going to see him!
And there he is. All 6ft 1 of him. Broad chest and shoulders, dressed in tight blue jeans, plaid shirt and cowboy boots. You have never seen anyone so beautiful in your entire life. Your heart literally stops and your breath catches in your throat.
Jensen looks around the room smiling and waving, and his eyes glance past you. His head swings back. Amazing green eyes meet yours. He grins straight at you and your stomach falls into your feet. Wait...did that really just happen? Did he pick you out from the crowd or was it just wishful thinking? You look behind you, thinking he must have been distracted by someone or something else, but when you turn back towards the stage those eyes are still staring at you. With a shy, almost coy smile, he lowers his eyes and turns away.
You spin around to look at F/N but she is mesmerised, staring at Jared. Her mouth hangs open, eyes shining. You have to admit, he is a very good looking guy, but nothing compared to Jensen. You’re still not sure what just happened with him. Could he really have been looking at you?
‘Don’t be stupid,’ you tell yourself, ‘there are hundreds of people in this room, why would he be looking at you!?’
You realise you’re not actually taking in anything that’s going on on the stage as you are so caught up in your own little fantasy, so you snap yourself out of it, and get your head back in the room. The boys are sitting on the stools, microphones in hand poised for questions. A plethora of shouts come from the crowd, so Jensen raises his hand, causing the room to fall silent.
‘Good evening Manchester!’ he says and bows followed by Jared. ‘Let’s crack on with the questions’
As you are at the front of the auditorium you have the best view of the boys. Questions come from people all around you, about Supernatural, their relationship with each other, other casts members and their personal lives.
‘Yes we are both single,’ Jared answers which raises a woop from the crowd.
F/N nudges you and winks ‘I swear Jensen is looking at you!’ nodding her head towards him. You glance up, and sure enough, those mesmerising eyes meet yours. You hold his gaze, smiling slightly, and tilt your head to the side. You can feel your cheeks start to redden but are determined not to be the first one to look away.
Just then, Jared starts nudging him, ‘Hey buddy! Cat got your tongue?!’
He turns away, smirking, but not before slowly licking those incredible plump lips. F/N almost loses it, gripping your hand whispering, ‘He is totally flirting with you I’m telling you!’
‘Don’t be mental!’ you tell her, laughing, but inside your shaking. Is he? No, he can’t be?
The questions keep on coming until Jensen picks up the guitar. There is an audible hush around the room when he starts to play. His fingers move quickly and deftly over the strings and you recognise the song. It’s ‘Love Walked In’ by Thunder. He slowly raises his head to the microphone, looks you straight in the eye and starts to sing.
‘So tired of waiting I walked an empty land
I was looking for something to help me understand But bad luck kept turning my dreams into sand I didn't want pity, I had my share of friends I wanted somebody more special than the rest I was aching inside like I was approaching the end Just about that moment the timing was so right You appeared like a vision sent down to my life I thought I was dreaming when I saw you that night
That's when love walked in through my door That familiar feeling I had once before love walked in through my door And it felt so strange’
You stare intently at him the whole time he is singing. The look on his face and the sparkle in his eyes makes you realise that you haven’t been imagining it. It’s as though you are the only two people in the room. You are certain that time has stopped and your lungs fail to take in deep breaths.
All too soon the song ends to huge applause. Jensen finally averts his gaze from yours and puts the guitar back on its stand.
‘Thank you so much!’ he says bowing ‘hopefully see you at the photo opportunity!’ The boys leave the stage, both of them glancing over their shoulders straight at you and F/N.
‘What the fuck just happened then!’ F/N yells throwing her arms around you in tight hug. ‘That man wants you Y/N. He didn’t stop staring at you the whole time he was singing! It’s as though he was undressing you with his eyes!’
Could she be right? All sorts of thoughts are flying around your brain. He probably does this all the time. Chooses someone in the crowd to make feel good for those few moments, then moves on to the next girl.
F/N looks at her watch,‘Come on Y/N. The photo opp with the boys is starting now. I can’t wait to get my hands on Jared!’
You and F/N rush through the throng of people to a side room where quite a crowd has gathered. You sigh, knowing it’s going to be a long wait for you to see Jensen again. The queue seems to go on forever and you can feel yourself getting more and more impatient. After what feels like an eternity, you can finally see them. Laughing and smiling with fans, camera flashes going off all around. F/N sequels, clapping her hands together. ‘Almost there Y/N!’
It’s your turn. Jensen has his back to you, a glass of water in his hand. He turns, and spots you waiting. His beautiful face lights up, lips turning into the biggest smile and he beckons you over. You can hardly move your legs they are shaking so much, but you manage to put one foot in front of the other and walk over to him.
‘Hey!’ He says, his 6ft 1 frame huge compared to yours. You catch a faint whiff of his aftershave and he smells incredible.
“H-hi." you stutter, closing your eyes tightly as you silently curse yourself for your nerves.
‘What’s your name?’ he asks beaming at you.
‘I’m Y/N and this is F/N.’ Gesturing to your friend, but she is completely distracted by Jared who is already engaged in a full blown conversation with her.
‘Y/N,’ he says quietly in his deep, sexy voice. Wow! It sounded even better than you ever imagined when you had fantasised about this moment. ‘I saw you in the crowd, you were sat at the front right?’ He asks.
‘Yes,’ you reply, ‘And you sang one of my favorite songs!’
‘I could tell by looking at you that you would be a rock chick,’ he responds, eyes travelling down your body, back up to your face, ‘girl after my own heart.’
You swallow hard, not quite believing you are having this conversation with him. ‘Look’ he says, putting his arm around you and pulling you towards him. He looks around conspiratorially, ‘I hate the fact we only get a few minutes to chat to everyone, and this is really not something I would normally do, but I can’t leave this town not having gotten to know you a little bit better.’
Your heart stops then quickly picks up its beat again. ‘Well, we are here for the weekend so if you have any down time....’ you say confidently, although inside you have turned to jelly.
Jensen turns away, reaches for a piece of paper and a pen, ‘Write your number down, quickly, before they move you long,’ he chuckles, handing them to you. You do as he asks. The photographer is growing impatient, so Jensen whispers 'How about photo of us?’ and slides his arm around your waist. You reach behind him and silently slip the paper with your number on into the back pocket of his jeans. You feel the swell of his fantastic ass under your hand as you do so and are amazed at how wonderful it feels.
He looks at you and winks, understanding what you have just done, and places his hand on your face, turning you to look at him just as the camera goes off. You smirk up at him, staring into his eyes, hoping this moment could last forever.
‘Can I text you later?’ he husks. All you can do is nod. He gives you a quick hug and steps away from you. You feel F/N grab your arm,shouting ‘Thanks guys you are amazing!’ as she pulls you away.
‘You are not going to believe what just happened!’ F/N squeals, jumping up and down on the spot.
‘Jared asked for your number?’ you ask.
‘How did you know?’
‘Because Jensen asked for mine too!’ You grin as you say it, still not believing it just happened ‘Don’t get too excited though,’ you warn F/N, ‘it doesn’t mean to say they will contact us.’
‘Come on,’ you say to F/N, ‘Let’s check out the expedition hall. I’m starving and there are food and drink stands there. Let’s grab something to eat.’
You're not really that hungry, but need to do something to occupy yourself and after that encounter with Jensen, you need some sugar. You make your way towards the hall, and wander around trying to decide what to get. There’s plenty on offer, and decide on a pancake with maple syrup, and a Diet Coke, hoping it will calm the butterflies that are zooming around in your stomach. F/N heads off to find somewhere to sit as you go to the stand to place your orders.
Tray in hand, you make your way through the crowd to the table she has found. Dropping down into the seat opposite F/N, you take a small bite of your food. It’s delicious, but your mouth is so dry you find it hard to swallow. You take a sip of the Diet Coke, and try to relax.
The first few bars of ‘Back in Black’ alerts you that you have a text, so you pull your phone from your back pocket.
‘Fucking hell!’ You almost drop it when you see the message. Jensen has actually texted you! What the fuck!? How are you going to respond?
‘Nnnooooo,’ F/N yells snatching the phone off you, almost choking on her pancake. ‘Oh my God Y/N. Answer him!’
You take the phone back off her and hand shaking, type a message back. The responses come thick and fast.
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The Best Weekend Of Your Life - Chapter 1
Summary: You are obsessed with Supernatural and go to a convention with your best friend. You are 100% a Dean girl while your friend is a Sam girl. Both Jensen and Jared are single in this. You both catch the guys attention and things go from there.
Pairing: Jensen x reader, Jared x readers best friend
Word Count: 2774
Warning: Romance, fluff
This is my first attempt at fan fic so if it sucks I apologise! All comments gratefully received
It was finally here. You and F/N have been waiting months for the Supernatural convention and have managed to book a room in the same hotel it’s being held in for the whole weekend. You are both obsessed with the show. You have lost count of the amount of times you have fantasized about Jensen Ackles. The way his hands would feel on your skin, how he would smell and how your name would sound coming from those perfect lips. This was going to be a weekend to remember.
It had taken you a long time and many outfit changes to decide what you were going to wear. Finally you made your mind up and went for your trusty tight fitting Levi’s, a black bodysuit with lace sleeves, black knee high boots with 4 inch stiletto heels and cropped leather biker jacket. You had your hair dyed the deep shade of red you knew suited you and your 80’s rock chick makeup was down to a fine art.
Waiting at the train station with F/N, you can’t contain your excitement. You feel like a child on Christmas morning.
‘Fuck F/N! I can’t believe we are really going to see them in the flesh! I just know I’m gonna do something stupid in front of Jensen though. You know what I’m like!’
‘Yep Y/N, you are pretty clumsy but I’m pretty sure they are going to be way too busy to take any notice of us anyway. Can you imagine how many other people are going to be there?’ said F/N.
Your heart sinks when you realise all the effort you put into your outfit and make up will no doubt be for nothing, but you can’t let the boys see you without at least trying to look good.
The train pulls up and you and F/N board. It’s only a 20 minute journey and you could have easily come home rather than fork out £120 for a room, but you didn’t want to miss any part of the convention and the last train was at 10.20pm.
You arrive at the hotel and check into your room. Glancing at your watch you see it’s 11.30am, and the Q&A with the cast starts at 12pm so you and F/N just have time to unpack your cases, touch up your makeup, and spray some perfume. You take one last glance at your reflection ‘You're going to knock them dead Y/N’ you whisper.
Leaving the room you make your way to the lifts. Following the signs through reception, you enter a huge function room with what must be 1,000 chairs and the same amount of people milling about. There is a stage at the front of the room, with stools, microphones and a guitar setup. Your heart is beating a tattoo in your chest and you feel like you’re finding it hard to breath you’re that excited.
‘Quick Y/N,’ says F/N ‘There are two chairs right at the front!’ She grabs your hand and with a determined shove, pushes through the crowd. You reach the chairs just as two other girls get to them. Being her usual feisty self F/N dives in front of them glaring up at them, ‘I don’t think so!’ she hisses and plonks herself down, pulling you onto the other chair giggling as the girls slink away.
Getting yourself comfortable you pull out the itenary for the weekend. Other cast members are going to be answering questions, but you are only really interested in the boys. You have your ticket ready for the photo opportunity with them, and can’t wait for the moment you finally get to interact with Jensen. The talk from others who have met him is that he is much taller in real life than he seems on TV. That's why you wore heels in case it's true. You stand at 5ft without them, so that you don't want to look like a proper short arse beside him. And with Jared being 6ft 4 you would look even more ridiculous without heels. Luckily F/N is 5ft 8 with a body like a supermodel so she is going to look amazing next to Jared.
F/N grabs your hand and squeezes it, smiling broadly at you as the lights go down. Richard Speight Jr and Rob Benedict, the MC’s walk onto the stage.
One by one they introduce a few of the Supernatural cast. With thunderous applause, Jim Beaver, Ruth Connell, Mark Sheppard and Samantha Smith take to the stage, and entertain the crowd, answering questions and telling stories about each other. Finally, even though you have really enjoyed hearing them speak, it is time for the main attraction.
Your heart starts thumping and you feel your palms getting clammy when Richard announces ‘And now for the moment you have all been waiting for! Please welcome Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki!’
F/N starts squealing ‘Oh My God’ over and over again grabbing your arm. This is it! You’re finally going to see him!
And there he is. All 6ft 1 of him. Broad chest and shoulders, dressed in tight blue jeans, plaid shirt and cowboy boots. You have never seen anyone so beautiful in your entire life. Your heart literally stops and your breath catches in your throat.
Jensen looks around the room smiling and waving, and his eyes glance past you. His head swings back. Amazing green eyes meet yours. He grins straight at you and your stomach falls into your feet. Wait...did that really just happen? Did he pick you out from the crowd or was it just wishful thinking? You look behind you, thinking he must have been distracted by someone or something else, but when you turn back towards the stage those eyes are still staring at you. With a shy, almost coy smile, he lowers his eyes and turns away.
You spin around to look at F/N but she is mesmerised, staring at Jared. Her mouth hangs open, eyes shining. You have to admit, he is a very good looking guy, but nothing compared to Jensen. You’re still not sure what just happened with him. Could he really have been looking at you?
‘Don’t be stupid,’ you tell yourself, ‘there are hundreds of people in this room, why would he be looking at you!?’
You realise you’re not actually taking in anything that’s going on on the stage as you are so caught up in your own little fantasy, so you snap yourself out of it, and get your head back in the room. The boys are sitting on the stools, microphones in hand poised for questions. A plethora of shouts come from the crowd, so Jensen raises his hand, causing the room to fall silent.
‘Good evening Manchester!’ he says and bows followed by Jared. ‘Let’s crack on with the questions’
As you are at the front of the auditorium you have the best view of the boys. Questions come from people all around you, about Supernatural, their relationship with each other, other casts members and their personal lives.
‘Yes we are both single,’ Jared answers which raises a woop from the crowd.
F/N nudges you and winks ‘I swear Jensen is looking at you!’ nodding her head towards him. You glance up, and sure enough, those mesmerising eyes meet yours. You hold his gaze, smiling slightly, and tilt your head to the side. You can feel your cheeks start to redden but are determined not to be the first one to look away.
Just then, Jared starts nudging him, ‘Hey buddy! Cat got your tongue?!’
He turns away, smirking, but not before slowly licking those incredible plump lips. F/N almost loses it, gripping your hand whispering, ‘He is totally flirting with you I’m telling you!’
‘Don’t be mental!’ you tell her, laughing, but inside your shaking. Is he? No, he can’t be?
The questions keep on coming until Jensen picks up the guitar. There is an audible hush around the room when he starts to play. His fingers move quickly and deftly over the strings and you recognise the song. It’s ‘Love Walked In’ by Thunder. He slowly raises his head to the microphone, looks you straight in the eye and starts to sing.
‘So tired of waiting I walked an empty land
I was looking for something to help me understand
But bad luck kept turning my dreams into sand
I didn't want pity, I had my share of friends
I wanted somebody more special than the rest
I was aching inside like I was approaching the end
Just about that moment the timing was so right
You appeared like a vision sent down to my life
I thought I was dreaming when I saw you that night
That's when love walked in through my door
That familiar feeling I had once before
love walked in through my door
And it felt so strange’
You stare intently at him the whole time he is singing. The look on his face and the sparkle in his eyes makes you realise that you haven’t been imagining it. It’s as though you are the only two people in the room. You are certain that time has stopped and your lungs fail to take in deep breaths.
All too soon the song ends to huge applause. Jensen finally averts his gaze from yours and puts the guitar back on its stand.
‘Thank you so much!’ he says bowing ‘hopefully see you at the photo opportunity!’ The boys leave the stage, both of them glancing over their shoulders straight at you and F/N.
‘What the fuck just happened then!’ F/N yells throwing her arms around you in tight hug. ‘That man wants you Y/N. He didn’t stop staring at you the whole time he was singing! It’s as though he was undressing you with his eyes!’
Could she be right? All sorts of thoughts are flying around your brain. He probably does this all the time. Chooses someone in the crowd to make feel good for those few moments, then moves on to the next girl.
F/N looks at her watch,‘Come on Y/N. The photo opp with the boys is starting now. I can’t wait to get my hands on Jared!’
You and F/N rush through the throng of people to a side room where quite a crowd has gathered. You sigh, knowing it’s going to be a long wait for you to see Jensen again. The queue seems to go on forever and you can feel yourself getting more and more impatient. After what feels like an eternity, you can finally see them. Laughing and smiling with fans, camera flashes going off all around. F/N sequels, clapping her hands together. ‘Almost there Y/N!’
It’s your turn. Jensen has his back to you, a glass of water in his hand. He turns, and spots you waiting. His beautiful face lights up, lips turning into the biggest smile and he beckons you over. You can hardly move your legs they are shaking so much, but you manage to put one foot in front of the other and walk over to him.
‘Hey!’ He says, his 6ft 1 frame huge compared to yours. You catch a faint whiff of his aftershave and he smells incredible.
“H-hi." you stutter, closing your eyes tightly as you silently curse yourself for your nerves.
‘What’s your name?’ he asks beaming at you.
‘I’m Y/N and this is F/N.’ Gesturing to your friend, but she is completely distracted by Jared who is already engaged in a full blown conversation with her.
‘Y/N,’ he says quietly in his deep, sexy voice. Wow! It sounded even better than you ever imagined when you had fantasised about this moment. ‘I saw you in the crowd, you were sat at the front right?’ He asks.
‘Yes,’ you reply, ‘And you sang one of my favorite songs!’
‘I could tell by looking at you that you would be a rock chick,’ he responds, eyes travelling down your body, back up to your face, ‘girl after my own heart.’
You swallow hard, not quite believing you are having this conversation with him. ‘Look’ he says, putting his arm around you and pulling you towards him. He looks around conspiratorially, ‘I hate the fact we only get a few minutes to chat to everyone, and this is really not something I would normally do, but I can’t leave this town not having gotten to know you a little bit better.’
Your heart stops then quickly picks up its beat again. ‘Well, we are here for the weekend so if you have any down time....’ you say confidently, although inside you have turned to jelly.
Jensen turns away, reaches for a piece of paper and a pen, ‘Write your number down, quickly, before they move you long,’ he chuckles, handing them to you. You do as he asks. The photographer is growing impatient, so Jensen whispers 'How about photo of us?’ and slides his arm around your waist. You reach behind him and silently slip the paper with your number on into the back pocket of his jeans. You feel the swell of his fantastic ass under your hand as you do so and are amazed at how wonderful it feels.
He looks at you and winks, understanding what you have just done, and places his hand on your face, turning you to look at him just as the camera goes off. You smirk up at him, staring into his eyes, hoping this moment could last forever.
‘Can I text you later?’ he husks. All you can do is nod. He gives you a quick hug and steps away from you. You feel F/N grab your arm,shouting ‘Thanks guys you are amazing!’ as she pulls you away.
‘You are not going to believe what just happened!’ F/N squeals, jumping up and down on the spot.
‘Jared asked for your number?’ you ask.
‘How did you know?’
‘Because Jensen asked for mine too!’ You grin as you say it, still not believing it just happened ‘Don’t get too excited though,’ you warn F/N, ‘it doesn’t mean to say they will contact us.’
‘Come on,’ you say to F/N, ‘Let’s check out the expedition hall. I’m starving and there are food and drink stands there. Let’s grab something to eat.’
You're not really that hungry, but need to do something to occupy yourself and after that encounter with Jensen, you need some sugar. You make your way towards the hall, and wander around trying to decide what to get. There’s plenty on offer, and decide on a pancake with maple syrup, and a Diet Coke, hoping it will calm the butterflies that are zooming around in your stomach. F/N heads off to find somewhere to sit as you go to the stand to place your orders.
Tray in hand, you make your way through the crowd to the table she has found. Dropping down into the seat opposite F/N, you take a small bite of your food. It’s delicious, but your mouth is so dry you find it hard to swallow. You take a sip of the Diet Coke, and try to relax.
The first few bars of ‘Back in Black’ alerts you that you have a text, so you pull your phone from your back pocket.
‘Fucking hell!’ You almost drop it when you see the message. Jensen has actually texted you! What the fuck!? How are you going to respond?
‘Nnnooooo,’ F/N yells snatching the phone off you, almost choking on her pancake. ‘Oh my God Y/N. Answer him!’
You take the phone back off her and hand shaking, type a message back. The responses come thick and fast.
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duker42 · 5 years
:3 i literally never request anything to anyone since i could make up my own work but you're a really good writer! I always read your work and theyre amazing! if u dont mind, since its halloween how about theres some military party thing to celebrate it and everyone is dressed up in costumes with spooky songs playing to fit the mood, levis crush is the life of the party as she goes wild dancing on the dance floor without a care in the world as levi and the other vets watch her? thanks hun xx
@shewolfofficial That is so awesome of you for saying, because I started writing because of your work! 🥰🥰🥰🥰
The music was fun to dance to, but had a creepy vibe to it. It added to the haunted and dark look of the normally spotless castle. Captain Levi had argued, but Erwin had overridden his objections and given the approval for a Halloween party.
The Survey Corps was letting loose. Large pumpkins had been carved by the soldiers into frightening images and filled with candles, giving the shadows being casted on the wall a haunting appearance. Y/N had ventured into ruins of the old towns just outside the walls and gotten the moth-eaten fabrics to drape over the walls to serve as spiderwebs.
Hanji had managed to make something she was calling dry ice that would create a fog when set in water. It was placed over the tables and it gave a seriously eerie appearance to the food as waves of fog rolled over it and down the table to sink to the floor.
The barrels of ale were consumed as the witches, wizards, goblins, vampires, mummies and werewolves laughed and joked as they spend the evening having fun. Erwin and Levi were both dressed as Vampires. Levi slicking his raven hair back and had produced a red silk cravat to pair with his black suit and cape. Erwin wore a more elaborate get up, having Moblit make him a pair of false teeth with fangs to wear.
Mike had opted to dress as a werewolf cheekily playing off his being called a hound because of his wonderful nose, and Nanaba had used bandages to be a mummy.
Y/N was on the dance floor, enjoying herself. The party had come together, the Mess Hall looked amazing and everyone was having a great time. She could even tell that Levi was having more fun than he would ever admit as he stood off to the side watching. She had created her own version of a witch for her costume. She had paired black stockings with a shorter red skirt she had. Her cute top and the long ass black cape she had begged off of Mike completed the outfit with wand she had made.
She laughed breathlessly as the “Thriller” dance ended. The kids had crowded around her, learning the dance and awkwardly trying to copy her moves. Y/N had been having a blast, trying to pull as many people into the cleared dance space as she could, wanting everyone to enjoy themselves.
“Monster Mash” came on next and she started wiggling her hips and throwing herself into dancing with abandon. Her face was flushed as her eyes sparkled with joy. The kids around her laughed and tried to one up each other on silly moves as she lead the pack around the dance floor.
“You know, Y/N is really something, putting all of this together.” Erwin commented to Levi as his grey eyes watched the girl having fun.
“Hmmmm” Levi didn’t say anything, but hummed his agreement, his own lips wanting to curl up at the sight of her slipping a bit on the oversized cape and laughing like an idiot when she caught herself.
“You should really make that move, you know.” Levi turned and glowered at the taller Commander. “Everyone knows you like her, except for her. But she won’t reject you.”
He ignored the comment as he turned back to the dance floor and watched Y/N throw her head back and laugh as she executed another silly move. She certainly had put a spell on him. He snickered at his pun...he might even say she was bewitching.
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thedyingmoon · 5 years
💜 This I Promise 💜
It appeared that it would be the most memorable evening in (F/N)’s life.
Well, both memorable and taxing.
Not a few minutes had passed after entering the Reiss mansion when people’s eyes began wandering towards her and her escort, Erwin. Yes, they were talking a lot, their subject particularly focused on Erwin Smith’s former military title and how a debutante could benefit from it. But, their sole purpose for wagging their tongues was the fact that the most desirable bachelor of the evening had a partner and a potential fiancée already.
So, hesitant as they may, they removed the former Commander on their lists of potential grooms. And it left them focusing on the second entry of their own list, Levi Ackerman, Captain of the Scouting Legion, and rumored to be still single.
Problem was, no one could find him. Some even said that he skipped the event, altogether.
Had they looked and observed in the proper way, they would definitely learn that the Captain in question was disguised underneath false golden locks and a fancy dark suit. And the only ones who were aware of his façade were his footman, his attendant, his valet, and his partner. Particularly his partner, yes.
Levi raised an eyebrow, observing the crowd of blushing ninnies who started gathering at one particular area of the vast room, yapping their whole tongues away.
“What in the world is that all about?” he whispered to no one in particular.
“I’m not sure, Captain Levi. Maybe someone popular?” his partner whispered back.
Levi snapped his eyes at his partner and squeezed the person’s left hand, which was held unto his right arm.
“Didn’t I tell you not to call me that in here?” he warned savagely. “Didn’t Hange also teach you how to moderate your voice, eh brat?”
The brat’s captivating teal eyes widened in fear at his superior. He nodded quickly so as not to piss Levi off even more.
“Good.” Levi whispered and refocused his gaze on the crowd. “I hope we’re clear.”
“Yes, Si – my love. Yes, my love.” His partner said in a small voice imitating a female’s.
Levi nodded in response and satisfaction. He was about to scan the crowd for traces of either (F/N) or Erwin when he suddenly felt dagger gazes directed at his back. He slightly turned and noticed Jean, who was dressed as a valet, stopping Mikasa, who was disguised as the footman, from attacking Levi due to her utter jealousy towards him. At the corner of his eye, he could see how Jean mouthed the words, I apologize towards him for the gloomy brat’s behavior and tried very hard to reason with her. Levi just rolled his eyes, thinking that it was their own stupid idea in the first place.
Well, not exactly their idea, but the one who was dressed as their attendant for the evening.
“Don’t forget your rose, Sir.” The bespectacled attendant muttered mandatorily while pinning a violet rose unto the left side of his finely tailored jacket.
Levi let Hange do her thing and not be obvious, but Eren’s nervousness was starting to really get on his nerves.
Hange smiled and gently dabbed at Eren’s face with a pure, white handkerchief.
“A lady must not get nervous too much, Miss Baxter.” She told Eren. “Look at you, your sweat is beginning to mess up my three hours of vain sacrifice.”
“Well, you decided to put on that makeup and gown unto Jackie.” Levi sarcastically muttered.
Hange smiled devilishly and closed her eyes.
“Everything was done in perfect balance in accordance with the event.” She told him.
“I didn’t know that drawing the short stick could be considered fair.” Levi retorted.
“Let me rearrange that for you, Sir,…” Hange said and went closer towards him in a gesture of fixing his rose. “You should be thankful, shorty.” She whispered carefully to him. “Who do you want to be your Jacqueline for this evening? Mikasa? You both hate each other, remember?”
“I don’t fucking care who gets the role of Jacqueline! Not today, not tomorrow, not in a million times!” he argued back. “You all suck at it!”
“Well, you don’t exactly fit the role of Elvis, because he’s much taller!”
“Guys, guys!” Eren whispered to the both of them, gesturing towards the group of musicians from the large platform at the other end of the room. “It’s starting!”
Levi and Hange stopped arguing at once and diverted their attentions towards the platform.
Slowly, a man in his mid – fifties emerged from a corner and stepped unto the platform, taking his place among the musicians. A man they assumed to be the noble, Rod Reiss, himself.
(F/N) clutched unto Erwin’s right arm tighter than before, making the man turn towards her. He gently clasped her left hand. She looked up at him and was met with soft, blue eyes.
“Are you nervous?” he whispered.
(F/N) just nodded, unable to trust her own voice.
Who wouldn’t be, when the noble who owned the mansion and was the host of the Winter Season ball just casually asked you to lead the first dance?
(F/N) knew that she studied waltz to death for this very event. But, nothing did prepare her for the actual thing. And she was so nervous, she almost wanted the glimmering marble floor to swallow her whole. Not to mention the looks she received from other debutantes. Yes, they were all younger and more beautiful than her, that she instantly felt that she didn’t belong there. And that made her even more insecure and nervous.
“You are the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen, (F/N).” Erwin whispered to her ear, sending chills down her spine, but it was a good kind of chill.
“Y-you must be making me comfortable so that I would not make a mess of both of us in the dancefloor, Mr. Smith.”
“I never lie.” He replied, his hand shifting position and making its way towards the small of her back, supporting her gently. “You are the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen in my entire life.”
Meanwhile, Levi and Eren observed as the man cleared his throat once more. He began with his speech.
“Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the,…”
And on he talked and talked, making almost everyone drowsy, including Eren, who was not really used to long, boring talks. A few more minutes of endurance challenge and the noble finally ended his speech, but not before announcing something about the invited couple who was going to lead to first dance.
At his signal, the musicians struck the first notes of the waltz. Levi and Eren looked all over the place for the mentioned couple. And as Eren turned, he found them. His eyes widened in surprise at what he saw. He tugged at Levi’s arm, gesturing for him to look at the couple. He looked down at him and noticed that Levi was already staring, particularly at the lady in Erwin’s arms.
Who could blame him and anybody else in the room? For before all of them waltzed a dark angel, moving very fluidly and gracefully with the tall, blonde man. Yes, she was not wearing the traditional Winter Season gown of white, gold, or pastel, but her garb of simple black dress that went down her legs in a flowing, graceful manner swept the glamorous dancefloor like a black tidal wave that covered everything in darkness. The simple garb, itself, brought attention to her tiny waist, hugging it along with a golden chain that swayed along with the princess who wore them. The man who supported her endearingly held her slender, black – laced, gloved hand. However, not only her dark opera gloves caught the attention of the men and women around her. Her low neckline, which defied the norm of Winter Season debutantes wearing cowl – necked, or high – necked, styled gowns which portrayed ancient princesses, clearly managed to draw everyone's attention towards her long and graceful neck and that picturesque collar bone of hers, not to mention the almost porcelain glow of her skin, which contrasted against her dark outfit. She may not be wearing a tiara just like other debutantes, but her simple golden necklace with dark red rubies in it outshone even the most expensive of all the jewelry worn by the evening’s madams and mademoiselles. And most especially, instead of wearing her hair in a beehive, she simply have it free and flowing unrestrainedly.
In other words, the most beautiful person Levi had ever seen in his entire, pathetic life.
And that person was no other than (F/N), herself.
Eren almost went out of his character as Jacqueline upon watching (F/N) dance with eyes full of complete admiration, so he just looked at Levi to see his reaction. And what he saw on the short Captain’s face threw him into total confusion, for he couldn’t believe that the man could be capable of endearing emotions, after all.
Basically, it was the first time that Eren had seen Levi in such a state of awe. He was clearly smitten, like he really had fallen in love with (F/N),…
All of a sudden, Eren saw something dark invade Levi’s blue eyes. He saw the smile in the man’s face change into that of a frown of disappointment. The boy looked back at the dancefloor and noticed how Erwin looked at her. How he AND (F/N) looked at each other.
It was as if they were both in love,…
The second phrase of the music brought all the other couples on the dancefloor. Jean and Mikasa nodded towards them and went unto their designated positions to spy on the nobles. Hange simply tapped Levi on the shoulder and went towards the direction of the musicians. Eren refocused his gaze unto the dancefloor, starting to forget all the dance moves he learned from Hange. He gulped and started sweating hard again.
“Let’s go.” Said Levi in a monotonous  tone, tugging at his left, white – gloved hand. “And don’t step on me. Got that, brat?”
“U-understood.” Eren muttered and let himself be guided by Levi smoothly towards the dancefloor for their very first dance ever, his pure, white skirts flowing dramatically as the two men danced the romantic steps of Waltz together,…
“This is outrageous.” One seamstress announced that afternoon to her colleagues. “How can we make a dress in such a short period of time?”
“We just do what Lord Shunerman suggested.” The Head Seamstress replied. “We just keep it black and simple.”
“How do make something black and simple for the Winter Season?!” one seamstress argued.
“The event IS Winter Season! Not frigging Masquerade!”
“We will be betraying Mr. Smith with this, you know that, madam.” Another pleaded.
The Head Seamstress contemplated for a while, her hand on her chin, her brows furrowed.
“If we force the miss to wear our design, she might go down in a hysteria once more. That, we must avoid, or no Winter Season for both her and the Commander. And that is totally out of the question.”
“What do we do?”
“We have no choice.” Their leader announced. “We follow Lord Shunerman’s advice.”
“You know you’ll be tampering with age – old traditions here, madame.”
“I know.” She said as she took out her sketchbook. “But, do we have a choice? Isn’t our motto to please our customers, and not plague them?”
Her colleagues didn’t say a word, showing their reluctant compliance.
“So, it’s time to get back to work,…” she told them with a clap of her calloused hands.
~ @levi4mikasa , @yepps , @nerdyphantomlady , @unhappysap , @shewolfofficial , @super-peace-fangirl , @fangurl-ontgeside , and @emilyackerman78 . 💜
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