#if it's worth doing it's worth doing right 😤
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nevesmose · 11 months ago
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I have to change the tense of a story when it's about 90% done. Aggrieved Waluigi noises.
As it is now it's just a bit blah and presenting it differently will a) give me a chance to try something new and b) hopefully tie in better with the kind of atmosphere/literary milieu I'm trying to evoke. And c) still let me pull off the twist ending I'm feeling smug about.
Third person past ➡️ first person present it is then!
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10yrsyart · 20 days ago
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a long tf sketchdump i started after watching Transformers One last year, which was great btw! (also Soundwave is one of my faves but he somehow didn't make it into this, RIP my guy 🥺 to be fair, most of these are the beginnings of ideas that don't reach conclusion so -shrug-)
also also, i watched TFA for the first time, and i CANNOT believe they really just squished my boy Blurr into a cube while still alive and left him like that 😤 i know the show got cancelled and they had plans to bring him back, but like, hotdang! SO of course i decided to slap some claustrophobia on that sucker. y'know, as a treat ✨
(Chitty Chitty Bang Bang design) -Neutral non-combatant
-Came to Earth early, joined the races
-Lost most of her memories after the Crash
-Forgot to act non-sentient around the family who adopted her
(Wander Over Yonder designs)
Hatertron: UgggHH! That STUPID, orange Autobug, GAH, I could just wring his ne-
Peeperscream: SIR!! FOCUS!
-Wander is a Neutral Autobot sympathizer
-Sylvia is an Autobot, but protective of Wander
-Hater messes up so many plans, Peepers is the only reason Megatron hasn't figured it out
-Peepers admires Starscream's intellect, but avoids him at all costs
(TFA comic)
Rodimus Prime: Uhm, Agent Blurr? ..You good?
Agent Blurr: Rodimus-Prime-sir! There's-nothing-wrong, why-would-anything-be-wrong? This-is-a-party; a-celebration-for-the-Autobots'-GRAND-victory-over-Megatron, which-we're-all-overjoyed-about-so-there's-really-no-reason-to-be-worried-about-the-amount-of-mechs-and-femmes-in-this-room-of-which-there-is-a-perfectly-normal-number-for-a-celebration, and-it's-not-as-if-we've-reached-max-capacity-so-I'm-SURE-the-space-is-NOT-too-small-even-if-the-walls-are-getting-closer-and-closer-and-no-one-seems-to-care-that-it's-too-small-in-here-and-can't-vent-I-can't-I-I-c-I-ca-
Rodimus: Whoa, hey! Ok, ok, let's go outside for a bit, yeah? I'm tired of people asking it I'm “still infected” anyway... Like, obviously. It's Cosmic Rust.
Blurr: ...This-is-humiliating, completely-pathetic-behavior. I-am-a-professionally-trained-intelligence-agent-of-the-Elite-Guard, THEREfore-I-should-not-be-losing-my-composure-whenever-I-enter-a-room. But-I-begin-to-feel-trapped-and-I-I-I-I-can't-...
Rodimus: ..Yeah. Sometimes, I just- freeze. It feels like ice is crawling up my arms and legs and chasiss.. it hurts. I mean, I know it's not happening, but that's how I feel. It sucks. But we made it, we survived. It's still hard, but there's gotta be something to that, right? The effort and struggle is worth it, or whatever.
Blurr: With-all-due-respect, I'm-quite-sure-you-are-terrible-at-this-sir.
Rodimus: Dang. Alright, fine, that's fair. But do you feel better?
Blurr: Marginally, thank-you-Rodimus-Prime.
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partywithponies · 1 year ago
Listen. Beloveds. I say this gently. But you have got to stop using the "oh yeah? you think it's fine to ship this? trying telling your family members and coworkers about your ship and see how they react 😤" argument in your shipping discourse.
You do realise that to most normies who have never been in fandom, all shipping is deranged behaviour, right? You know this, right?? You do know that even if your ship is the most wholesome and unproblematic thing possible, if you go up to your Great Auntie Barbara or Gary From I.T. or whoever and are like "oh yeah one of my main hobbies? going online every single day without fail and talking to a bunch of strangers about how much these same two fictional characters should kiss. yeah I spend HOURS of my free time drawing them kissing and writing them kissing and editing footage of the show to appear more romantic too", there's a strong chance they are going to think you are unbelievably embarrassingly cringe at best and utterly insane and worth avoiding from now on at worst, right????
Please. Please don't encourage impressionable teens and young adults to think it's okay to bring up any fandom shit at the dinner table or in the staffroom unprompted without the danger of having real social repercussions. Please my loves you are stressing me out. Please promise me you don't do this. Oh baby no.
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keitorin3 · 4 months ago
Short: Leon (The Long Suffering)
Arthur: I'm gonna mess with this goofy eared kid.
Leon: *Internally thinking* Why do I feel like Arthur just met his match??
Arthur: He's absolutely terrible, the worst Manservant I've ever seen!
Leon: I'm sure with time he will improve, Sire. It's only been the first week.
Arthur: I've already sacked him, but then changed my mind and re-hired him back.
Leon: Ah... I see... Why?
Arthur:... *Internally thinking* Because I liked the way he looked at me when I won.
Arthur: It was difficult to find good help nowadays.
Leon: Right...
Arthur: Can you believe it, Merlin went and accused himself of being a sorcerer! In front of my father during the council meeting!
Leon: He what?! 😨
Arthur: I know! All because a girl gave him a flower. That idiot. I don't know where his head is at.
Leon: Hold on a second sire, he really said that in front of the King and didn't get executed?? 😧
Arthur: *Waves it off* Yeah, I had to explain that it was cause he had a crush on Gwen. *Mutters to himself* Maybe I should get him some flowers? 🤔
Leon: !? ⁉️❕❔
Arthur: My idiot Manservant got sick and I got him flowers so he'd feel better. 💐
Leon: Arthur, he drank poison for you and you went off to find the antidote. 😑
Arthur: So you think he liked it?
Leon: ... *Takes a deep breath* I'm sure he did Sire.
Arthur: 😁 See! I take care of my servants~
Arthur: *Breaks into Leon's room*
Leon: *Jumps in fright* ⁉️
Arthur: I can't believe him!
Leon: What is it? Is there an attack Sire? Something happened with the King?
Arthur: No! It's that insolent brat Merlin. He came back with some guy, singing him praises and wants me to make him a knight?!😤
Leon: *Thinking* Is this really worth barging into my chambers? 😮‍💨
Leon: Really, then what did you do? 😑
Arthur: Ha, had the guy cleaning the stables.
Leon: 🤦🏼‍♂️
Leon: *Watches as Arthur sits with goofy smile and practically hearts in his eyes*
Leon: Sire?
Arthur: Isn't it the loveliest day to go out for a picnic? 🥰
Leon: Yes Sire, it is indeed.
Arthur: *Nods* I had Merlin pack a picnic for me and the lady Sofia. Where gonna go later today.
Leon: *Confused and concerned* But don't you have a meeting with the King today?
Arthur: *Waves it off* It's fine, I have Merlin to cover for me!
Leon: *Thinking* Oh boy...
Merlin: *Coming back from the stocks* I'm gonna kill that cabbagehead! 😠💢
Arthur: *Walks in* Merlin~! 🥰💐🌈
Merlin: 🌩️🔪😠
Leon: *Makes a break for it*
Leon: *Walks by Morgana's room*
Morgana: Please Arthur he just a boy and he's sick! 🥺
Arthur: I'm sorry Morgana, but my father is looking for him and if he were to find out you harboured a druid, you'll not only get into trouble but so would Gwen and Merlin.
Morgana: *Angry* 😠
Merlin: *Steps in* Please Arthur, we can't let the King kill him. 🥺
Arthur: ... *Turns away* I saw nothing, heard nothing. I've got to look for the Druid boy because clearly he isn't here. *Leaves room without noticing Leon*
Morgana: Tsk, of course he'd listen to Merlin.
Gwen: *Giggles*
Merlin: Arthur has a good heart. Of course he'd help. *The face of loyalty and innocence*
Morgana: 😏 He followed his heart alright. I'll remember next time to have you around to convince him for some things.
Merlin: 🤨❔❔ What do you mean?
Leon: *Overhears and follows his princes lead and continues like nothing happened*
Leon: *Witnessed Merlin doing Sorcery, trying to burn the Black Knight and fails*
Leon: ... I saw nothing. Just tired eyes. Yup, nothing here. *Mutters* Not like Arthur would believe it, or even care.
Uther: Where is my son and ward?! 😠
Leon: They've decided on a friendly hunting trip, they'll be gone for several days.
Leon: *Internally* They went after Merlin to his home village to fight bandits alone. And I'm not gonna say anything because
1. You'll blame Merlin and send him away
2. Merlin's a sorcerer who you'll kill if you knew
3. If any of the above happens Arthur might likely kill you and that'll be a worse headache then his pinning.
Uther: Those brats!
Leon: *Thinking* I couldn't agree more.
Arthur: If I ever retire from royalty, I think I'd like to live as a farmer.
Leon: Ah, is that so?
Arthur: Yup. Of course, Merlin would be there to do the work.
Leon: 😓
Arthur: But I'll get him Cows and chickens, maybe even a horse. He has a soft spot for animals.
Arthur: Merlin's mad at me. He started talking politely to me Leon! Politely. As in using my titles instead of insults. Even avoids looking at me in the eyes. 😟
Leon: 😬 Oof, what did you do?
Arthur: He's angry at me after killing the Unicorn. 😟
Leon: ... That would do it.
Arthur: What do I do Leon!
Leon: Try giving him some space for now and maybe flowers, you've said Merlin likes those.
Arthur: Alright!
Arthur: Merlin's not avoiding me anymore. 😊
Leon: Great to hear, what happened?
Arthur: We faced off the sorcerer of the Unicorns and I drank fake poison before Merlin could.
Leon: ... What?! 😱
Arthur: It's fine. Merlin's still mad about that but now he insults me about my intellect being the size of a peanut. ☺️🌈✨
Leon: I'm almost inclined to agree with him Sire.
Leon: *Spots Merlin and follows him to the Isles*
Nimueh: For a life to be saved, another life must be forfeited.
Merlin: He's my friend. I'd gladly give my life for him.
Leon: *Thinking* God these two are cut by the same cloth. I'm gonna go fully grey by 30.
Arthur: 🥰 Merlin said the most weirdest thing. He said he'd serve me for the rest of his life. That he was happy to be with me. ❤️🥰
Leon: *Bore witness to Merlins power and dedication to his loved ones*
Leon: He cares for you Sire. Would hardly leave your side if he didn't need to help Gaius make your cure.
Arthur: ☺️ Don't tell Merlin this, but I think Merlin's my best friend.
Leon: *Internally swears on his honor as a knight to support Merlin however he could and potentially get his prince to be less of an idiot. Hopefully*
Merlin: *Sneezes*
Gaius: You alright my boy?
Merlin: *Sniffs and shurgs* I'm alright.
Gaius: Hmm, some say that when you sneezing abruptly, it's because someone is talking about you at the moment.
Merlin: Ugh, probably Arthur talking about all the chores he has in stored for me. 😮‍💨
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tododeku-or-bust · 2 months ago
How I Keep My Chin Up
Yes, I'm going to speak from the perspective of antiblackness bc that's my hardest, most comprehensive battle, but just try to apply. We gone be alright, y'all!
1. Be Willing to Fight for Something You May Never See
Here's the thing. I am my ancestors' wildest dream. No one could have fathomed I'd be where I am right now. I live in an entirely different world from my grandparents alone!
And yet, since the beginning of the Transatlantic Slave Trade, my ancestors and I have all been fighting the same- however beat down, rebuilt, replenished, repolished and reformed- tenants of white supremacy. It's been 525 years (if we start in 1500). HALF A MILLENNIUM, and we're still fighting WHITE SUPREMACY (there was a whole ass war, even 😭)
Okay. So. It is clear that if we based our willingness and ability to fight on seeing the end game, no one would ever do so!
We have to be willing to say "okay, look, I might not ever see the end of said bigotry, but I have to be willing to fight and survive so that those that come after me have a chance". We always wish our ancestors had done different- we are the ancestors that could be doing different! You are one part of a long war, and that's okay! Doing your part is all that is asked! Which gets into my next point.
2. The Glory is in the Act
You don't have to win the war. You don't even have to win the battle 😅 The glory is in the fight!
And I think that's what makes it a lot easier for me to continue on. Narrow your scope. Do I want to win and overcome these things? Absolutely. It'd be lovely! But I can't allow myself to move based on guaranteed victory. I can't control that. What I can control is my willingness to show up!
Even if all I do is make racism's existence a tad harder today in some way, every single day. To be willing to say "no, actually, this is full of shit and SOMEONE sees that". Do something. You don't lie down and die when shit looks bad. You could at least fight about it 😅 There is dignity in resistance! If nothing else, even as you go down, you know you were right!
Stop letting them take your humanity from you without a fight. You are worth more than that. They want your hope to die bc that means they win. Fuck em 😤 Lift your chin and tighten up, soldier!
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doromoni · 7 months ago
Not Over the Papaya | OP81
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⊹ 。•┈꒰ა ♡ ໒꒱┈• 。゚
Ships : Oscar Piastri x Popstar! Reader , Ex!Lando Norris x Popstar! Reader
Genre : Fluff Smau
A/N : I wrote 2 chapters worth of material today … but imma make y’all wait for tomorrow 🤠👹
Face claim : Jennie Kim
Warnings : Moderate Cursing
Summary : Y/N and Oscar cope with their own breakups by making the Heartbreak Club.
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*message sent
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Notification : You received a message from Oscar
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*Incoming Call from Oscar
Pick up or Decline
Pick up
“Hi Osc”
“Hi to you too. You sound so sleepy”
“Yeah, I didn’t get that much sleep on the plane.”
“I told you to limit your coffee intake. I’m not there to stop you , you gremlin control yourself”
“I know I knowww”
“So why’d you wanna call? You should sleep”
“Its just weird that I’ve gotten to see your face practically everyday since last month and now I wont see you for like 2 weeks”
“Well we both work very hectic jobs, so that would be expected. But yeah ~ i’ve gotten used to your presence”
“ Hey Osc… Is it weird to say that I already miss your voice? “
“Only my voice?”
“Well your voice is like Jake Sully y’know.”
“You and your Avatar obsession . And I do not sound like Sam Worthington”
“The guy who voices Jake Sully”
“Ok but how do you know that?? I don’t even know that at the top of my head. I just like Jake cause he’s hot”
“I know that because you forced me to watch blue people run and swim for 10 freaking times!”
“Well you made me watch Cars with you on repeat!”
“You also loved Cars! what do you mean?”
“Ok, I do but that’s besides the point”
“What is your point dweeb?”
“ My point is that I miss you already”
“Well I miss you too”
- Hey Osc, is that Lily? -
“Hey I’ll be back. Lando’s talking to me. Don’t hang up, alright?”
- What? No. We’ve broken up , I’ve told you that -
- I thought I heard a girl’s voice. Is she your new fling? -
- I dont do flings Lando -
- Whatever you say mate -
“Hello? are you still there?”
“You’ve dozed off huh. Sleep well dearest”
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liked by oscarpiastri, y/bf, logansargeant, and others
Y/N. Florida I love you but you’re too hot. Rehearsals are brutal! 🤠 send jake sully thirst traps pls
Y/N. Whaaaaa who said that?
oscarpiastri Youre so weird.
Y/N. Because having a crush on a blue car isnt??
logansargeant Its not weird to have a crush on Sally tho
charles_leclerc I support my son’s tastes. Crushing on Sally is valid.
Y/N. But me having a crush on a giant blue man is not???
oscarpiastri nope. thats weird Y/N
logansargeant nope. thats weird Y/N (1)
charles_leclerc nope, thats weird Y/N (2)
Y/N. ugh i h8 the patriarchy
Y/bf Y/N your glowing babeeee!! So excited for Floridaaa. Im catching myself a cowboy 🤠. (and ur Jake Sully crush is so Valid!!)
Y/N Babe give me a call, your pass is still with me! ( RIGHT? The blue man is hot)
Y/bf That he is, but I think orange suits you better 😘 liked by oscarpiastri
oscarpiastri you are so right @Y/bf but its actually papaya 🤓
Y/bf stfu Oscar, im making u a case here 😤
user1 I dont know what to freak out about??!! Y/N adding another day to her concert sched or Oscar being in Y/N’s comment section and CLEARLY being flirty.
user2 Sir that is your teammate’s ex 😮‍💨
user3 Well lando did cheat … so eff the bro code or smth like that— i dunno im not a guy
user4 we can freak out about both!!! YES MY SHIP IS FREAKING FLOATING (it aint sailing till oscar confirms his breakup)
user5 Y/N becoming more unhinged by the second
user6 Y/N looks like she’s becoming better and happier 🤍 we love to see it.
user7 Enjoy your time Queen!
User7 Y/N in American soil is built different
User8 We see that like Oscar 👀.
oscarpiastri 3mins close friends
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story replies
charles_leclerc do you like Americans now? well its very plausible since Logan’s American.
oscarpiastri Are you insinuating that I like Americans because of Logan?
charles_leclerc Yes, exactly that.
oscarpiastri NO.
logansargeant I knew it! Western always winssss 🤠🦅
oscarpiastri Why am I not surprised.
Y/N. Ohhhh whos the hot chick? 🤭🫣
oscarpiastri 🙂‍↔️🙂‍↔️🙂‍↔️
oscarpiastri I dunno you tell me
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raven-at-the-writing-desk · 8 months ago
A fun question your opinion: In each arc, what do you think is the theme of each arc? ( It can be a motif, messages, subject)
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These are a mix of jokes and serious thoughts ^^ just to avoid the post from being too heavy overall!
The Rose-Red Tyrant:
Breaking free from perpetuating a cycle of abuse
You are your own person, not a puppet controlled by your parent/guardian
At the same time, you have to take accountability for your own actions (your background can explain your poor behavior toward others but it does not excuse that behavior)
Control that is too constrictive will only push away potential connections and experiences, keeping you isolated and complacent
Anger management classes are good for you, guys
The Usurper from the Wilds:
Let’s play fairly and be good sports!
Judging people for their merits rather than by titles or birth
What makes someone worthy to lead is noble behavior and attiude
Standing up for what’s morally right, even if everyone else seems to be against you
You have value, worth, and hope in spite of what others may tell you and put you down for
It’s totally okay to get revenge on the asshole that tripped you that one time/j
It’s technically not a crime if you don’t get caught (except Leona did, in fact, get caught)
The Merchant from the Depths:
Don’t be ashamed of your past self—embrace it, accept it, and use it as a point of reference for self growth
Be the bigger person rather than becoming a bully yourself
Let your accomplishments speak for themselves
There is no “easy way out” or shortcut; be prepared to face the consequences of your actions
Not everything is as it may seem (think about the “trick” with Azul’s contracts)
… Read the terms and conditions very carefully and think things over before you sign a contract 💀
Schemer of the Scalding Sands:
Wow, this baby can fit so much generational trauma!!
Sometimes you just miss each other’s messages or greatly misinterpret the other’s intentions (Kalim giving Jamil the benefit of the doubt, Jamil obviously being the Bad Guy and everyone else has to point that out to Kalim)
There’s a very complicated relationship between those in power and those without power; this can breed hatred for those at the top
Talent and skill left unacknowledged can fester into resentment
Institutions of higher education can and will accept monetary bribes, what are you gonna do about it?
Not everyone wants to reconcile and make friends; this is okay and should be more normalized
A Beautiful Tyrant:
You can try your best and work hard, but life doesn’t owe you anything (depressing thought, but unfortunately true)
Beauty is not limited to just one’s looks; beauty can also extend to one’s character and actions
Your worth shouldn’t come from external forces; if you are satisfied with yourself, you will always be “beautiful” no matter how you look or what losses you may experience
Public opinion and the entertainment industry are brutal af
Screw gender norms 😤
The Watchman of the Underworld:
The grieving process in general
Moving on from the past instead of fixating on it and letting the past consume your present and hold you back from a future
Learning to forgive yourself
Reaching out and making new support systems/opening up to others to help you cope
Bearing the sins of your ancestors (Shroud family curse)
The Lord of Malevolence:
Change is inevitable, all good things must come to an end; we must learn to accept them and bravely move toward the future
Love endures, transcending race (Sebek), blood (Silver), and time (Lilia)
Self-sacrificial love (Maleanor for Malleus, Lilia for the other Diasomnia boys, Dawn Knight for his own family, etc.)
Is it “true” happiness if it is a fake reality, a convenient dream?
We hate and fear what we do not understand, even though we have the capacity to
You cannot live forever in a happy fantasy world where none of your loved ones/favorite characters leave you, your trauma doesn’t exist, and everything conveniently pans out how you want it to; sooner or later, you must “wake up” and face reality (this point is particularly meta; it applies both in-game and in the real world, speaking to us players and our relationship with the escapist fictional content we consume)
Prologue: Welcome to the Villains’ World and Overall Main Story:
The power of friendship :))
Revisionist history (cuz… y’know… Great Seven and all)
We’re stronger together than alone
It’s okay to rely on others
We may be very different people from very different backgrounds, but it is still possible for us to understand one another
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chiliyue-archived · 2 years ago
You talk too much
↬kissing them as a means of shutting them up
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Includes; Riddle Rosehearts, Leona Kingscholar, Azul Ashengrotto, Floyd Leech, Sebek Zigvolt
Gender Neutral Reader
Tags; a little more on the crack side but i hope you like this nonetheless!
Not requested !
Riddle Rosehearts
Y'know the buffering logo for poor internet and such? That's Riddle at this very moment. It takes a solid couple seconds for him to realize what just happened or what he was even talking about for that matter
His face is blazing. The very same shade as his hair and his body is slightly trembling, shocked- no utterly astonished at what you just did.
Buffers out for a couple more seconds before promptly scolding you on how inappropriate your actions were and blah blah blah. Unfortunately, you may get collared... I hope it was worth it and honestly it is since you get to see Riddle's pouty face as he scrambles to recompose himself
But if he's being honest, your lips are really soft and warm on his, and now he can't help but stare at it for a little afterward because damn, he wants another. But he will not ask because that's below him, and you must pay for your actions - he mustn't give in to your kisses 😤
Proceeds to think about it afterward, becoming distracted in his tasks and zoning out because how dare you kiss the queen of hearts and definitely not because your lips are soft
Leona Kingscholar
"Careful Herbivore, you're tempting a lion right now. How shall I punish you for this, hm?"
How dare you cut him off and his words of wisdom 🤧<- said words were probably about sleep or something
However, he acts as though his hand isn't already sneaking its way around your waist, his teeth nibbling on your bottom lip, all for the goal of coaxing a reaction out of you
He composes himself fairly quickly. If anything, it's going to be YOU reaping the consequences of your actions and Leona is smug about it.
Flicks your forehead while his free hand grips your chin with two fingers. He's making eye contact with you simply to see your confident demeanor stutter and waiver before his very eyes.
He's making a toothy cocky grin at you, going off about punishing you and verbally assaulting your ears with his husky voice. And he leans in tierrbly close, his breath tickling your cheek. He's going to make you flustered and kinda terrified to what he may have planned, or are you 👀
If you think you're gonna be able to just walk away, you are horribly mistaken. Hope you have nothing planned for the rest of the day because you're gonna be acting as Leona's pillow.
Azul Ashengrotto
"Angelfish- dear- if you wanted kiss you could have just ask... ah, was it something I said, perhaps?"
Buffer logo number 2. He stands there for a couple of seconds unsure of what to do or what to say
Someone bring over his little pot, he needs to sulk for a little as he comphrends what just happened
His face is flushing pink in embarrassment, even bringing a gloved hand over his face to conceal his not so subtle mental breakdown. Furthermore, it was hard to tell if he was mad or simply flustered(its the latter). He kept diverting his gaze as his fingers twitched slightly.
He refuses to make eye contact with you because doing so just makes the red hue on his cheeks even worse. And suddenly his shoes became the most interesting thing— that or his glasses require cleaning for the nth time, definitely not an excuse or anything
Azul thinks he must have said something wrong, already apologizing over stuttered words, which really come off as babbles because his tongue is working faster than his brain
When he finds out it was just a small little prank - a little jab - he begs that you save his dignity and never do this again because he will turn into a puddle.
Pray this doesn't happen in front of the twins who will tease and berate the poor man with not so harmless humor from the kiss.
Floyd Leech
" Ahhh shrimpyyy did you get tired with my voice, hm~??? Why don't we take this somewhere private hehe~"
A death wish, we salute you
The moment you kiss him, he's already wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you closer against his figure. And those razor like teeth of his? Those are chomping down on your bottom lip. Your lips are gonna be all swollen and painted magenta by the end of this, but that's what happens when you tempt an eel he claims.
If he's flustered, it's not evident on his face; rather, he seems amused more than anything, a cheeky smile finding its way to his lips as he lets out a giggle that makes goosebumps run down your arms.
He's a horrible tease, one that's gonna use this as an excuse to drag you off and cuddle(and kiss you breathless) for a couple of hours. You can practically see all the ideas that is stirring up in his brain as he processes this
But sometimes it's hard to tell if what he's saying is a genuine or Floyd is simply making light... banter. "You're so silly shrimppy, but don't interrupt me next time, kay?~" He says with a grin that can be classified as either intimidating or teasing. Maybe both.
Tbh, he might take this experience and apply it himself, kissing you for no other reason other than that he was bored and your lips happened to be at the wrong place and time. What you were saying didn't matter much anyway 🤧
Sebek Zigvolt
We applaud you brave solider
Scolds you, no hesitations. He stutters over the first couple of words, struggling to compose himself, but once he does, his mouth is spilling words after words. His face is terribly pink, and he seems both flustered and offended... which he's probably both because he's a drama queen.
If you were trying to shut him up, he's only gonna be talking even louder as he berates you on your behavior and whatnot. RIP ears 🙏
Everyone will learn about it with how loud he is. The scene from an outsiders perspective is quite a silly one; one of Malleus's personal guards rendered speechless for a couple of seconds before screaming his head off.
He vents about it to silver later that night and treats it as though it's the end of the world. He's going off and off about your kiss. Without even realizing it, he started talking about how soft your lips are andddd he's going into great detail-
And he can not sleep, no matter how much he tosses and turns because all he can think of is your lips. If you see the tip of his ears reddening, no you didn't... 🤭
Lilia b e g s you to do this more often because it not only gives his ears a break but a lovely window of opportunity to tease Sebek into oblivion
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elodieunderglass · 5 months ago
I'm not as familiar with LOTR as you are, so I wondered if you could tell me if my wild theory is completely off-base.
No one knows where the Hobbits came from, except that at some point they diverged from the line of men. No one knows much about the Entwives' appearance, but we do know that they fucked off a long time ago.
Could the Entwives have been dryad-ish and hooked up with the hobbits' ancestors and so be the foremothers of the hobbits?
Ah I think I saw that post! The concept has a lot of charm, and when the Tolkien estate loses its corpse-grip on the property in 2050 or so, I think you should write it and sell it 😤 I’ve definitely read some good takes on entwives in fanfiction that both leaned into canon and moved away, and I think that sounds like good fun to explore. A common theme in the fandom is playing with Yavanna, the Green Lady, being the mother or patron of hobbits. This isn’t canonical, but she’s a “green goddess” archetype and is married to Mahal/Aulë, the father of dwarves, which shippers often leverage to their advantage. You could do something quite charming there with Yavanna if you wanted to. We also know that Entwives loved gardens and orchards rather than forests.
Some things I would explore with this include:
what is going on with all these consistent ideas of people, races, women disappearing. We know that a lot of it is how Tolkien processed an almost OCD-like Catholic framing of “the fallen world is getting worse and can never be repaired”, war experiences, romanticism and other stuff stewing in his old man head. What are some ways you could show what’s stewing in your head? What does “people disappearing” mean to you? and why is it especially healing that they disappeared in order to make new families?
I think “they disappeared from their old kin and made new kin” is an interesting and weird thing worth wondering about!
- this would possibly make hobbits a more recent race than is implied. What does that mean to you?
- why are hobbits teeny tiny?
A very good starting point, that Terry Pratchett used a lot, is taking some grand statement in fantasy fiction, and making it reflect a different political reality. “Most dwarves are girls actually.” “Wizards parody academia, but, like, FOR REAL.”
I personally have a different take because of my own political feelings and framings! I have a lot of complex feelings about Tolkien chickening out of hobbits. For various political reasons I personally have to take the stance that they are fully human, fully indigenous, and have their own native language. and that their disappearance is less “teehee we lost them” or “O, the Catholic guilt of the Fallen World, how far we have fallen from the light of the two trees God’s sinless light” and a lot more “oh yeah I’ve seen THAT pattern before.”
If you have a political sort of lens on, someone telling you “yeah… hobbits came from nowhere 🤭 and then disappeared 🤷‍♀️ sad!” is a story that can also invite the response of “OHhhhh you wanted their LAND real bad, huh.” Like, we know what that means, right.
It’s a political stance for me. Hobbits have to be close enough to us to touch, and we have to be able to face that, and the fact that 5,000 media properties will chew on tolkienelves and sell them to you before even admitting to the 🤭 just makes it even more of a 🤨. To me.
…But I have literally just been elbow deep in my own demented fanfic thing that involves inventing a language just to swear in, to enable my standing on a box shouting HOBBITS OUGHT TO RESIST GOING EXTINCT ACTUALLY, based entirely on, I think, spite. Why do multiple authors publish orc football games (Terry Pratchett) and orc coffeeshops (Legends and Lattes guy) and do every damned thing with every bit of Tolkien’s corpse but refuse to look directly at hobbits. I am feral over this and wrote 59k words so far to damage and harm my friends
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In conclusion I see a great story shape there about kindred and I think you should explore it and it should be about evolutionary biology and women and divorce and nobody being wrong.
And if anyone argues you with some podcast boy “well actually”, just bite them and do more character work and sit on their heads
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livingformintyoongi · 3 months ago
can we have a drabble or oneshot where the oc says 'i can't pay for anything* this time' or offers to split the budget 50/50 and jungkook literally😒😤😡🤬 gets mad like I'm your man I'm responsible for you etc🤭hehehhe make me a delululu, I don't have work tomorrow♥️😂
Princess Treatment
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a/n: I'M OFFICIALLY BACK (this is the first order I've uploaded in months lol). First of all, I'm sorry to be back after so long, I've been very busy, but I'm finally a free person and I'm at your complete disposal!
Warnings: I read the request and immediately thought of Jungkook from BOTN so I couldn't help myself and ended up using his story as the basis for the drabble, so yes, this is a little drabble of Jungkook vocalist and Y/N's relationship!, reader is 2 years older than Jk, Jungkook is totally and completely in love with Y/N and he doesn't mind hiding it, he's been in love for a long time and is willing to give anything to keep his princess happy because he knows how much she's worth and deserves to be loved <3.
WC: 760
Taglist: @thunderg @minjianhyung @queenv1997 @yoongtism @lizzymizzy-blogg @superbbananananana @drpepperobsessed @themwordsblog @taekritimin123 @bluecloudss @yooglefics @irishhbamb
Dividers: @omi-resources
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"What did you say?" Jungkook murmured, stopping his fork halfway to his mouth. You were sure he'd heard what you said, but judging by the frown on his face, he didn’t seem to like the idea much.
“No... I don’t think I can pay the rent this month, at least not on my own,” you bit your bottom lip, feeling your hands begin to sweat with the uncertainty. “Do you think we could split it?” you sighed, hiding your face behind your hands. You felt embarrassed, maybe even a bit ridiculous. You were older than him, you’d been working longer than he had—how could you ask him for this? It felt really humiliating.
For a moment, you thought he’d react the same way your ex had when you asked him for the same thing a few years ago. You could almost hear the excuses and how asking for a 50/50 split was stupid, especially since he barely spent any time at home that month.
But you’d forgotten something important. This wasn’t your ex. This was the damn Jeon Jungkook, the guy who’d waited almost a decade to be with you, the one who fought with your ex when he found out what he’d done, the same one who sacrificed his reputation and the band’s just to rush to the hospital when you’d had a small accident.
“No, forget it, how could I let you pay the rent on your own?” he quickly shook his head, pushing his plate aside to look at you like you’d just said the dumbest thing he’d ever heard, “I’ll cover all the expenses, don’t worry about it.”
You froze for a few seconds, slightly opening your mouth in surprise. Had you heard that right? Did he want to pay it all? Everything?
You shook your head, trying to regain your composure before asking again, “What...? Sorry, I think I heard wrong. You want to pay it all? The whole rent?”
“And the bills too,” he said matter-of-factly, pouring himself more soju. He glanced up for a second, then gave you that signature smile of his that melted your heart every time you saw it. “Noona, I’ve been paying for this place since the beginning, and it was me who asked you to live here with me in the first place. How could I let you pay the rent? And by yourself?” He shook his head, letting out a laugh. “That’s stupid.”
“It’s not... I…” you tried to say something, anything, ask him why he was doing this, but for some reason, it was hard for you to say anything. Probably because you’d never had a boyfriend so understanding.
“Besides... it would be unfair to split the rent 50/50 when our salaries are different. I’ve seen how much you’ve worked to get where you are, and I’ve seen how they pay you pennies for the amazing work you do,” he took your hand across the table, bringing your knuckles to his lips and pressing a soft kiss against them. “I want you to have that money for yourself, to spend on you, without worrying about how much you need to live in our home.”
“Jungkook…” you murmured, feeling your cheeks begin to heat up. What were you supposed to do in situations like this? Laugh? Cry? Run away? The last option seemed good.
“As long as I have a job, I’ll give you absolutely everything you want, Y/N, because that’s what you deserve,” he smiled softly, his lips still gently pressed against your knuckles, sending a jolt of electricity down your spine from the contact.
“Ugh, don’t look at me like that,” you said quietly, lowering your head and covering your eyes with your hand. You felt way too embarrassed, way too shy.
“Like what?” he laughed, tilting his head, trying to make eye contact with you. A triumphant smile spread across his face when he succeeded.
“I don’t know... like you love me too much,” you murmured, glancing at him from the corner of your eye. You knew he was looking at you, and you knew he liked seeing you like this. For some reason, you didn’t feel as embarrassed with him, you felt... happier.
“Because I do, Noona,” he moved his free hand to your cheek, barely grazing it with the tips of his fingers. It felt warm and soft and so... right. “I’ve loved you for years.”
And you knew he meant it, because, damn, how could that bright look in his eyes full of hope be fake?
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polarisjisung · 1 year ago
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pairings: nct dream x fem!reader genre: fluff wc: 0.7k warnings: hopefully none notes: this is a little shorter than usual but if you couldn't tell already I'm a sucker for petnames (if you think they're cringy you're just painfully single 😤) so I HAD to make this
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MARK — my girl/babe
now mark's a chill laid back guy, and he loves you like crazy but he also doesn't see any need in extravagant nicknames or petnames and he sticks to the classics, he probably won't address you by your name for the most part so he'll just stick to babe. sweet and simple
"that's my girl" is such a classic mark thing, he gets proud over the smallest things you do, he's like your personal cheerleader. It could be something so small as flipping an egg without breaking the yolk and mark would be ecstatic.
RENJUN — darling
nicknames are serious business for renjun, every now and then he'll call you babe but to him it feels too casual— most likely it'll be something very specific to your relationship and how you met but if not he loves darling, it feels the most endearing to him.
JENO — baby/angel/gorgeous
for the most part jeno will stick to baby, sometimes babe but in his softest moments he'll go for angel— it's unconscious really.
but to jeno you're the best thing that's ever happened to him, like his own personal angel— somehow you always know what to do/say when he's feeling down and he's never met someone like that before. you're unique and somehow everything you do feels perfect to jeno, he thinks your soul is so pure, you're his angel.
on occasion jeno will throw a quick but calculated "good morning gorgeous" your way— mainly because it has you absolutely falling apart to the point where you can't even form coherent sentences, but jeno thinks it's cute
HAECHAN — sunshine/sunflower/honey
you bring out the best in him, you're his motivation and you give him so much energy for performances and his idol life, especially when things get tough so calling you his sunshine just feels right to haechan.
haechan probably throws around a lot of nicknames with you, sometimes some a little too weird, but he knows it'll get you smiling
"hey snookums" he'd say casually as he enters the room
"are you talking to me hyuck?"
he'd nod eagerly and you can't help but giggle at his dorky smile
"I love you but please, never call me that again" best believe he'll stick to that nickname for the rest of the week
and of course every time he steps through the door, haechan has to announce "honey, I'm home" like hes in some american sitcom, as if you didn't see him pull up in the drive and hear his keys jingle as he unlocked the door— you love him either way
JAEMIN — princess/pretty
sure jaemin thinks he's a princess but you? you're like the princess of all princesses. plus jaemin feels the need to remind you of your worth day in and day out— you're a princess and so you deserve to be treated like one, given jaemin's practically a king at princess treatment, you'd consider it appropriate
jaemin thinks you're pretty no doubt. in some moments, especially when you don't quite share the same opinion, jaemin will be the first one to remind you, and if you're feeling down "hey pretty look at me" he'd say in that soft low tone of his that's so awfully comforting, with two hands on your shoulder before giving you the pep talk of a lifetime
CHENLE — babe/baby
chenle's not much of a petnames guy aside from a casual babe/baby here and there but you suppose that's what makes it all the more special when he does use them
he much prefers to have a nickname for you that's exclusive to him than using petnames, but if its something you're into he'll definitely try and step up his game, also if he gets teased by his members for calling you by your name
a jealous chenle uses all the petnames under the sun— anything to make it clear you're his girl
JISUNG — (my) love/beautiful
jisung is usually soft spoken but too shy to throw around "I love/like you's" without becoming a blushing mess so his favourite way to subtly remind you just how much you mean to him are through petnames. he truly thinks you're beautiful inside and out, so it's one of the first names he addresses you with.
he likes to switch it up, testing and seeing which ones your smile grows the widest at. he decides love feels right. after all, you were the person who taught him all about it.
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https-milo · 3 months ago
HEY BABES 🗣️🗣️🗣️ back at it again for another insta request, can I pretty please get a inumaki one!!
HAI HONEY!!!! I shall complete your request just because you said pretty please <3
Instagram posts w/ comments while dating Toge Inumaki
a/n OBVI these are pictures from pinterest, reader can be HOWEVER you imagine
lowkey kinda an AU for my inumaki smau... No curses Au kinda ooc inumaki...
main m. list
yn.playsgames · 19w
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21.3k likes Liked by inumaki.speaks, thetigeritadori, megumifushiguro, and nobara.kugi
yn.playsgames they hate it when a thug (me) locks in (partakes in the largest COD tournament) ((I'm wearing my [favorite color] cat headphones))
thetigeritadori IM CHEERING FOR YOU IN THE CROWD 🙏🙏🙏 yn.playsgames thetigeritadori DAMN RIGHT BEST FRIEND!!! 🙏🙏🙏
nobara.kugi bring home the gold or I'll lock you out 😘😘 yn.playsgames nobara.kugi haha... ur joking right.... nobara.kugi yn.playsgames 😁😁😁 thetigeritadori yn.playsgames DW I HAVE A KEY!!
yn.playsgames · 19w
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30k likes Liked by inumaki.speaks, thetigeritadori, makizen, yutasgarden, megumifushiguro, and nobara.kugi
yn.playsgames WE WIN THESE!!! Im soooo proud of my team :,) everyone did so good!! HOWEVER!!! MY GOAT inumaki.speaks PULLED THROUGH! GIVE HIM A FOLLOW, YOU WONT REGRET IT 🙏🙏
inumaki.speaks heh... it was no problem... 😼😼 makizen inumaki.speaks I KNOWWW you're not trying to be nonchalant rn... yutasgarden inumaki.speaks yeah... you literally did a cartoon cheer... full on "hip hip hooray" yn.playsgames inumaki.speaks !! I'm glad! we should stream together inumaki.speaks yn.playsgames that would be pretty epic makizen inumaki.speaks crazy... i think I heard another cheer from the living room... inumaki.speaks makizen must've been the wind 🥸🥸
nobara.kugi WELCOME HOME MY DEAR FRIEND!!! yn.playsgames nobara.kugi UH HUH, YEAH!! I expect a fresh dinner laid out for me 😤😤 nobara.kugi yn.playsgames /megumifushiguro megumifushiguro nobara.kugi sigh.
inumaki.speaks · 17w
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1.3k likes Liked by yn.playsgames, makizen, and yutasgarden
inumaki.speaks water-side view and beds next to each other, what more can a guy ask for 🙏🙏 Tagged: yn.playsgames
yn.playsgames you could ask for one trillion dolllars inumaki.speaks yn.playsgames maybe time with you is worth one trillion dollars 😎😎 yn.playsgames inumaki.speaks I wasnt familiar with your game Mr. Inumaki... inumaki.speaks yn.playsgames heh... only select few people see this side of me kitten 🧘‍♂️🧘‍♂️ yn.playsgames inumaki.speaks anddddd you ruined it
makizen bro was giggling in his room btw
randomfan I thought you guys were gonna stream it :( inumaki.speaks randomfan we wanted to get to know each other more :pp
yn.playsgames · 12w
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28.1k likes Liked by inumaki.speaks, thetigeritadori, and nobara.kugi
yn.playsgames yeah... I MIGHTVEEE fallen for a freak that says skibidi... AND WAHT ABOUT IT. Tagged: inumaki.speaks
inumaki.speaks bro, youre the one that asked me out. You should've known what you were getting into. yn.playsgames inumaki.speaks i didnt say I regretted it!! 😘😘
makizen she asked you out? holy shit finally yutasgarden makizen i know right? hearing him sigh dramatically after they hung up was starting to pmo :{
inumaki.speaks · 10w
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2.1k likes Liked by yn.playsgames, makizen, and yutasgarden
inumaki.speaks chill guys doing what chill guys do... (going on a painting picnic date)
yn.playsgames Heh... guess we're pretty chill (IT WAS SO MUCH FUN!!) inumaki.speaks yn.playsgames pretty chill guys... (the best day of my life)
makizen ur welcome for driving your unlicensed ass... inumaki.speaks makizen NOT INFRONT OF MY GF BRO 🐺🐺💔💔💔💔
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© https-milo. please do not repost, steal, copy, or modify my works!
Thank you so much for reading <3
hope you guys enjoyed >3<
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moxanji-real · 1 month ago
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Heeeyyy guys! Moxie here with another Moxanji art commission!! Seriously, I need to start drawing my ship more instead of just commissioning artists, but I’m such a slow artist and college is keeping me super busy—ahhhh!
Anyway, I commissioned an adorable sketch page from the insanely talented salt1000c on VGen! I waited a whole month for this piece, and let me tell you—it was so worth it!! They drew my stinky baby so cute, I’m literally crying tears of joy right now. LOOK AT HIM DOING THAT LITTLE HEART POSE!!! Look at him just… existing!!! AHHHHH!!!
The artist absolutely nailed it, and I love how every single sketch captures Moxie simping over Sanji. Like, yes!! That’s me!! I love my man so much, I’m a total blushing mess!!! This art makes me ridiculously happy, and I’m beyond thrilled to have it.
Sketch pages are my absolute favorite—they can be a bit pricey, but I just love having little doodles of me and Sanji interacting!! Anyways seeya! I love Sanji raaaaaa! Don’t you guys forget it! 😤💞
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@100shark @herrling @vergils-beloved @mr12xu @zoroscanonhusband @a-sasi-selfshipper @brutally-loving @fl0ralsxgar @mahitosoulmate @frankys-wife @lances-wife @flusteredladylover @starshakez @pigeonbksimp @multiversal-selfshipper @fictodreamer @cruising-thru-the-starz @chuunibyouboy @ams-puppy @literally-just-there @sweet-samnang @paulnoa @starlos-soulmate @mytummyhurtz01
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f1byjessie · 1 year ago
sometimes the right words are hard to come across, and sometimes everything you need to say can be captured in an image.
( lando norris x photographer!reader )
━━ part three.
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liked by mclaren, oscarpiastri, and 314,691 others
tagged: oscarpiastri, landonorris
yourusername is it time for bahrain yet?! can’t wait to see these two back in action again soon! 🧡
view all 4,981 comments
mclaren We keep asking ourselves the same thing! Our engines are ready and we’re raring to go! 🧡
↳ yourusername you truly understand me mclaren admin
↳ mclaren we think you’re the one who truly understands us y/n
↳ user y/n x mclaren admin?? 🤯 the plot twist none of us saw coming
user missing these lads so much lately
user the f1 drought is real rn
↳ user i’m trying to be delulu but we all know it’s just gonna be the mv33 and redbull show again this year 🫤
user soooo are we all just gonna pretend like we didn’t see the pics of her with garrett ward orrrrr?
↳ user no bc i was just thinking the same thing 👀
↳ user wait that was actually her??? cuz you can like barely see her face so i thought it was just a joke???
user what a fake ass bitch
user she only posts other ppl on her acc cuz she knows her ugly ass face would scare everyone else away
user homegirl needs to stay tf away from my man fr 😤😤
user god what a hoe 😒 she already has these two that she could fuck with idk why she needed to go after garrett
user if she tries anything with anyone else on the city team i’m gonna lose my shit fr
↳ user same omg
↳ user honestly i’m just glad she didn’t go after grealish or haaland 🙌
↳ user she probably would’ve tried if they weren’t taken already 🙄
↳ user nah i bet she’s totally a homewrecker garrett’s probably just the first on her list
user oh… these comments… 😰
↳ user right???
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liked by mancity, mclaren, and 198,131 others
tagged: mancity
yourusername the city boys know how it’s done! and looking pretty good in orange too 😉
view all 3,971 comments
mancity The lads are looking good indeed! This weekend’s match against Newcastle should be an exciting one! ⚽️🩵
mclaren ✍️ Jeremy ✍️ Doku ✍️ and ✍️ Ruben ✍️ Dias ✍️ McLaren ✍️ 2025
↳ mancity Do you think Lando Norris and Oscar Piastri would look good in sky blue? 🤔
user funny how she posts every city man BUT garrett
user god when does she go back to f1??
↳ user march iirc
↳ user well it can’t get here soon enough jfc
user you’re a slag and should accept the fact that any guy would only want you bc of how easy you are
user i’ll bet my left leg that the only reason the f1 boys haven’t shacked up with her yet is cuz they know she’s probably riddled with disease since she drools over every guy that comes near her 😒 like girl needs to bffr and realize that throwing herself at every male in her vicinity isn’t gonna land her a husband and it just making her even more of a slut
↳ user nah i’ll bet they’ve all already done her over in f1 but nobody will touch her now that they’ve passed her round so she had to come over to football just to try and get someone to touch her again 🙄🙄🙄
user i hope garrett realizes how much of a slut she is and breaks up with her
user sick and tired of bitches like this getting with footballers and being all controlling. like i’ll bet she’s gonna tell garrett he can’t go out and party with his mates anymore bc he has to spend time in with her and then she’ll get all pissy about him having female fans bc she’s insecure and knows that if garrett got to meet a REAL fan he’d jump ship immediately. those of us who ACTUALLY care about footballers know their fans are super important to them and we wouldn’t hinder their relationship with them just bc we’re jealous or insecure. garrett needs to be with someone who actually supports him and is willing to let him do what he wants instead of controlling him like he’s a dog on a leash.
user kys like genuinely
user god i can’t wait for this skank to die 😒
“Hey Lando, it’s me. Your best friend. Again,” you give a humorless chuckle. “I could seriously use some of your wizened advice right about now, so, uh, please just give me a call back when you can. Thanks.”
It seems poetic in a cruel sort of way that less than a week ago you were walking Etihad Campus and feeling like you were on top of the world━ working a new albeit temporary gig, adding the Manchester City name to your list of clients, having photos of world-renowned footballers in your portfolio━ and now you’ve resigned yourself to hiding away in the women’s restroom, locked in a stall because it’s the only place you could think of where nobody would be able to find you.
You’re on the verge of tears and feeling rather stupid for it.
It’s the third time today alone that your call has gone straight to voicemail, and with the dozens of unread texts you’ve sent in the last week added to the mix, it’s starting to paint a picture you’re not very happy with. Lando is ignoring you. Or he’s blocked you. Or he’s blocked you because he’s ignoring you━
You bite down on your lip, hard, to keep back the sob crawling its way up your throat.
You’re not a PR officer, you hadn’t been lying when you told Garrett that, but you’ve spent enough time around the McLaren PR teams that you’ve picked up enough tips and tricks to know, at the very least, that the best thing you can do is just ignore the comments.
That’s what they tell all the athletes.
What they don’t tell the athletes is that ignoring the comments is much easier said than done, especially when your career requires you to have such a significant online presence. And the thing is, despite all of these strangers hounding you with every name under the sun and criticizing your capabilities, qualifications, and very existence, the thing that hurts the most is the radio silence from the only person you know could make it all better.
Now, more than ever, you need your best friend. But he isn’t here.
You tuck your phone into your jacket pocket and unlock the stall with great reluctance. You know better than to be hiding away, shirking your responsibilities while crying over a few missed phone calls. You have a job to do, and a real professional wouldn’t let something as simple as a handful of tasteless comments get in the way of that.
You should be used to them. It’s nothing you haven’t seen before.
Your first month at McLaren wasn’t entirely different.
When you were first hired on, Carlos had been in Formula One for a handful of years already and had built up a devotedly loyal fanbase with a decently large percentage of possessive fangirls who had come for your head the moment your existence had been announced.
The McLaren Instagram account had posted a picture of you standing between their two grinning drivers, your camera strung around your neck, with a very nice caption welcoming you to the team, and despite no indication that you were by any means involved with either of them in a way that went beyond professional, the comments had been taken over by feral teenage girls who saw the act of you simply standing near Carlos to be a direct threat against their “chances.”
Though it had been frustrating being met with childish threats and petty insults in your comments, you hadn’t really held it against any of them. You remember being a teenage girl and crushing on a celebrity. Deep down you knew you never had a chance with them, but that hadn’t stopped you from hanging posters in your bedroom and doodling their name beneath yours inside of scribbled hearts in your diary.
Regardless, it had taken close to a month for the negativity to die down, and you hadn’t had Lando then, either, so now shouldn’t be much different.
In fact, everyone on the Manchester City team━ trainers, physios, media coordinatiors, and anyone inbetween━ has been very polite about everything between you and Garrett. A lot of them have just avoided saying anything about it, which you’re very grateful for because you don’t think you’d be able to hold back your grimace while thanking them for their well wishes, and the few who have mentioned it typically only say something vague like a wishing you the best of luck or hoping you’re happy.
An intern gave you a sympathetic smile the other day, and you’d nearly burst into tears in the middle of the office of the Director of Communications, so you know you aren’t truly alone in this.
You just feel alone.
Exiting the bathroom is a simple affair. There’s no one standing post outside ready to give you any shit for being hidden away, and nobody comes sprinting around the corner as you make your way down the hall to the press conference room that’s been temporarily turned into your base of operations.
You think you’ll probably be able to go the rest of the afternoon without running into anyone, when you open your door and find━ sitting in the front row of the seats typically saved for journalists and the press, scrolling across his phone with a disinterested look painted across his face━ Jack Grealish.
“Jack,” you greet, a bit shocked. You close the door to the room gently behind you, and cross the distance to your desk. “Did we have a meeting scheduled? It must’ve completely slipped my mind, I sincerely apologize.”
He offers you a polite smile. “No, we didn’t, so no need to be sorry. I actually just wanted to check in. See how things are going with everything.”
You blink at him in surprise. Apart from Garrett, you haven’t really had much time to speak with the other players. They wish you good morning and good afternoon when they see you, and if a ball goes astray they always call out for you to watch your head, but between their morning training and their afternoon training, their strategy reviews at lunch, and the frequent in between meetings with physios, nutritionists, and trainers, they don’t get much time to chit chat with a simple photographer.
You clear your throat, “Erm, it’s going well. I’ve gotten some really good shots these past few days. There’s one with Rodrigo that I’m particularly proud of. It should do well with the fans.”
“And things with Ward?”
You purse your lips.
“Figured.” Jack sighs. “Look, nearly everyone you run into here knows or has at least some inkling into what he’s like. He’s a prick. None of the lads on the team like him, it’s why the managers are trying to get him out of here.”
You lower yourself down into your chair. “He told me they were planning to trade him off because of his reputation.”
Jack scoffs, “Yeah, ‘cause that’s the ‘official’ reason. They can’t cut his contract early for legal reasons, so they’re waiting for it to expire and coming up with an excuse for why they ain’t re-signing him. It’s really just ‘cause the rest of us can’t keep dealing with his massive ego and the fact that he’s a misogynistic fuck who doesn’t know the first thing about respect.”
“Fucking tell me about it,” you mutter with a sigh.
If he expected you to defend Garrett and is surprised by the fact that you haven’t, Jack doesn’t show it. He looks relaxed sitting across from you, like you’re having a casual conversation and not actively shit talking a member of his team. It gives you the impression that he knows significantly more about Garrett than you do, and that because of what he knows he probably figured out that one party in the relationship is not the most willing of participants.
“How’d you get all wrapped up it in then? Didn’t figure you to be the type to go after pricks like Ward.”
You debate over whether you should tell him or not. There isn’t much Jack can do about the situation regardless, but it would at least get things off your chest and if someone else knew then maybe you wouldn’t feel so alone anymore.
There’s only so many days you can spend hiding out in the women’s restroom trying not to bawl your eyes out, and you’ve already reached your limit.
You heave a sigh, “It’s kind of fucked up really.” A pen on your desk catches your attention and you start to fiddle with it, avoiding Jack’s eyes which have focused directly onto you. “He asked if I would help him fix up his reputation by pretending to be his girlfriend so he could show everyone that he’s matured and can hold down a steady relationship. When I told him no, he threatened to make up a lie about inappropriate conduct to get me fired and blacklisted from the industry, so for the sake of preserving my career I agreed.”
“Bloody fucking hell,” Jack murmurs, shaking his head. “I’m real sorry he did that, Y/N.”
You shrug. “It’s happened, so, there’s nothing I can really do except wait it out at this point.”
When you look up and meet his gaze, Jack looks murderous. His hands are clenched into fists on the armrests, knuckles white with the strength of his grip. His brows are furrowed, and his lips are twisted downward in a scowl.
“If you need anything,” he starts, “let me know. And I mean it. We all know how Ward can be. He’s a knobhead. So if you need anything━” his emphasis on the word and what that implies makes you feel more comforted than anything has since the whole fiasco started, “━then you let me know, or you tell one of the other boys and they’ll find me, alright?”
All you can do is nod.
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yourusername there’s no place like home
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━━ tags: @maih23 @urfavnoirette @leclercsluv @f1luvur @formulaal @a-disturbing-self-reflection @starlightpierre @chezmardybum @marshmummy @405rry
━━ a/n: no lando yet, but we've got a cutesy little grealish scene to make up for it because i couldn't have a story with manchester city and not include him! lowkey writing this part made me wanna write for a footballer too... anyways! hope you all enjoy!
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comment-day · 6 months ago
How To Embed An Image In An Ao3 Comment
Sometimes, an image is worth a thousand words. You've read a fic, and the only way to respond to it is with a picture. Maybe this is a scribble you drew in the notes app on your phone, maybe it's art you drew with actual artistic talent, maybe it's a meme you just looked up, maybe it's a meme you just made. But you have your image, and you want to put it in someone's comments. How do you do that?
Ao3 comments support HTML, so to embed an image you need an image link to where the image is hosted somewhere on the web, and you need a bit of HTML code. First thing, the image.
You can use a site like Imgur to host your image, or a private tumblr post, or a fandom image host like Squidge Image Hosting. The important thing is that you want the actual image URL, and not the link to the page that the image is hosted on. Let's say you put your image in a private tumblr post, it would look something like this to get the image link.
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You want to right-click (or control-click, whatever works on your screen) to get this dropdown menu, and go down to Copy Image Address. That drops the URL into your clipboard. And then you copy this code:
<img src="YOUR IMAGE URL" alt="DESCRIPTION OF YOUR IMAGE" border="0" width="Max-width 95%" />
In order that's the code that tells the HTML which image to pull off the web, a description that will work for screen readers, telling it that it doesn't need a border, and a bit of code that will keep the image from running off the screen if you grabbed a big image. You put your image URL in that bit of code and write a fast description, and then bingo, you're ready to post your image!
Oh god though, you're on mobile, that all looks awful: quick tip! If you host your image on images.squidge.org, they will do the html for you. It's free fandom image hosting as long as you're over 18. Upload your image, and then scroll down on the page, and there's a convenient button with the HTML just done for you already.
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Scroll down to HTML and hit the copy button, and then just paste that into the Ao3 comment box, update the image description (cause it'll just have the title there) and you're good to go!
Go forth and decorate the world with images!
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kindestofkings · 1 year ago
what came first, the chicken or the dickhead? [3/3]
f1driver!reader x lando norris
authors note: book a dentist app guys this shit is sweet !
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liked by landonorris and others 
yourusername 😭 🥺 guys I, I, I just won at my home race with my best friend alongside me. those two kids dreamed of days like these. lan you next 💓
to the tifosi for your unyielding support, to scuderiaferrari for helping me achieve things like this, and to charlie the best teammate a girl could ask for <3
view all 890 comments
landonorris so proud of you luv but PLEASE let me win soon, we dont need another max situation
yourusername lando tries to be sentimental challenge: FAILED f1fan hahahaha mate please grow up and make a move !
danielricciardo incredible stuff mate! landonorris you were so cute, what happened?
landonorris ha ha ha 😑
​​taylorswift you are killing it girl !! I see you're stateside later this year maybe you could join us at the era's tour?
yourusername 😀😀😀 I need someone to confirm this is real, landooooooooo landonorris its real so please stop hyperventilating in you drivers room alex_albon do you forget you have millions of followers and a mega superstar yourself?? yourusername and what she's TAYLOR SWIFT. she writes works of art like folklore and i drive in circles. alex_albon AT A VERY INSANE SPEED learn your worth please ynfan1 you did so well with him lilymhe
maxfewtrell you know what they say couples who win together stay together !
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ynfan2 max you are not quick enough for me I saw that 👀👀
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liked by ynlando4ever and others
taylorswiftupdates after a long time of online interactions the f1 ferrari driver yourusername was at tonights show!! it appears the driver was joined with fellow drivers lando norris,charles leclerc and daniel ricciardo.
view all 20 comments
ynfan1 can you imagine your favourite singer of all time making that face at you 🥺
ynfan2 and she got one of tonights secret song dedicated to her aswell!!
ynfan3 no way really!! what was it ynfan2 it was randomly Crazier, the song taylor sang in the hannah montana film 😂
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landonorris hope you enjoyed your birthday cause you're never receiving another birthday present again. why WHY is your favourite taylor swift song so obscure??
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yourusername you are the best of the best of the best of the BEST
​​taylorswift you guys are the most adorable 🥺
charles_leclerc cause shes a country girl at heart come you know this 😂
yourusername ahem country girls shake it for me 🤠
yourusername posted on their story:
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eras tour READY
I lied nothing could've prepared me for this ....
taylorswift so glad you could come and enjoy 💓💓 that boy of yours is such a cutie.. yourusername he's a keeper for sure! hate keeping it all so secretive but like someone amazing once sang romance is not dead if you keep it just yours 😂 ❤️
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 liked by landonorris and others
yourusername I dont do tiktok but I love the its all too much for little lando norris cause he falls asleep during my taylor swift rants 😤
view all 700 comments
ynfan1 BABE?? WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON IN THE HOUSE OF COMMENTS yourusername oh fuck lan landonorris HA and you said it be me who would out us ynfan2 US? theres an us??
yncharlesshipper what happened to charlie??
ynlando4ever VICTORY
danielricciardo hahahahahah wait why does norizz look kinda ??
landonorris you can say it 😏😏
landonorris LOOK AT YOUUUUU ynfan1 k im obsessed with them even more now
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liked by yourusername and others
landonorris since she messed up I can FINALLY show off how I got the girl 2 years ago 😎
happy to announce i'm accepting apologises for all those norizz comments cause LOOK at who's my girl
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yourusername thats right baby your girl !!
maxfewtrell FINALLY
danielricciardo agreed, and you're never hearing anything from me norizz alex_albon still in shock carlossainz55 can relax now, yn is scary
charles_leclerc we got there eventually! looking forward to not being shipped with you now yourusername 😂😂
yourusername I don't know what you're talking about I'm a catch!
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 liked by mclaren and others
yourusername car failures are a teams worse nightmare and unfortunately my hard truth for today's race in Singapore 💔 being ruled out during the formation lap is something I hope to never experience again, so sorry for disappointing everyone and the team!
ON ANOTHER NOTE its time for a hardlaunch cause LOOK WHO JUST GOT HIS FIRST WIN! congrats bro 😎 👍❤️‍🔥 💖
view all 290 comments 
scuderiaferrari could never disappointment, we win as a team and lose as a team!
yourusername you guys xx ynfan1 the teams support never fails to make me emosh, all you that deserve!!
f1fan still a slay in my eyes!
landonorris the use of bro here is conflicting to all the pride driven kisses i've been getting 🤔🤔
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liked by f1fan1 and others
f1fanupdates gasly is once again providing all the drama for the viewers! after another dnf the alphatauri driver made a jab at mclaren's first driver, lando norris...
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f1fan1 why have one feud with a driver when you can have 2!! right pierre?
ynfan2 man is just realising he can't blame yn anymore so he's picking on lando
ynfan3 do you think its all related? like continuous beef that all links back to her?
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landonorris the haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate baby, I'm just gonna shake, shake
japan its been real!
view all 473 comments
pierregasly imagine being this cocky all while being overshadowed by your rookie teammate
landonorris imagine ruining your own career because a girl told you she didn't want to go out with you pierregasly if shes going out with the likes of you, think I dodged a bullet landonorris do you or do you not have a girlfriend rn? yourusername enough of this. pierre you are a broken record stfu and focus on your driving
ynfan1 OH MY GOD its all clicking, all this mess cause of a bruised ego...
ynfan2 men being men ugh
yourusername tay tay 🥺🥺 in your caption 🥺 love you
landonorris and the edit! i want all the brownie points baby 😏
yourusername "OH MY GOD," BUT I'M JUST GONNA SHAKE IT charles_leclerc AND TO THE FELLA OVER THERE WITH THE HELLA GOOD HAIR maxverstappen1 WON'T YOU COME ON OVER, BABY? WE CAN SHAKE, SHAKE, SHAKE landonorris wow wdc winner with the taylor swift lyrics in my comments??
ynfan1 OH MY GOD its all clicking, all this mess cause of a bruised ego...
yourusername posted on their story:
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my man my man my man 💓
landonorris where gasly wishes he could be 👀 landonorris love love love you
AHH I hope this was worth the wait guys!! the beef is so squashed in but I was consumed be the full by then lol
@vellicoranorca @toasttt11 @dzastinocha @dzastinocha @landosgirlxoxo @2bormaybenot @jpg3 @celestialams @dreamsarebig @dreamercrowd @dracosswhore @kissesandmartinis @inejismywife
weirdly couldnt tag everyone sorry !!
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