#if i'm feeling better i'll turn them on when the semester is over i think
mintmatcha · 8 months
cw: a weird vent piece lol, suicide mention, no quirks au, mentally ill reader
You always fuck with your shirt on. You'd wear more, if you could, but you haven't figured out how to do it with your pants on yet.
You pull the sheets over your sweat chilled legs and hope he didn't notice the spots you missed shaving. If he did, Natsuo doesn't seem to mind. His arm is tucked under your head, muscle fibers occasionally twitching underneath you and turning the soft mass dense.
Sometimes, Natsuo keeps his shirt on too. Neither of you have ever asked the other about it; there's a mutual understanding when a hand is stopped.
"Do you work tonight?" he asks.
You shake your head as his body relaxes deeper into the mattress.
"I'm gonna do laundry if you want to throw your stuff in," he mumbles, "I'll get you junk to sleep in."
The medical textbooks he was studying are still on the floor, flipped to random pages of different cycles and tissues, abandoned in exchange for you. If Natsuo fails his midterms, it'll be your fault. If he passes, he'll be leaving the city next semester for his hospital rotations.
Part of you wants him to fail. It's that dirty, evil part that no one else seems to have, the part you try to starve, but it keeps growing anyway. It nips at you whenever the room gets too quiet.
It's teeth are extra sharp today.
"You're so sweet." You speak into his skin, "I don't know how you're still single."
A sharp inhale is sucked through his teeth, cutting through his smile. Natsuo takes in all of your features and you know he's wondering why you're saying these things-- why you're purposefully bringing this up.
"Well, sweetie-" His tone is light, like he's avoiding stepping on glass, stepping on glass. With every word, he walks his fingers on your arm, spanning from elbow to shoulder, "I'm only single because you keep turning me down."
The overhead fan whizzes. The part you try to starve sinks its teeth into your chest.
"Natsuo, we've talked about this," you say, "I don't date."
You sit up and swing a leg over him, straddling his hips. A trail of white hair runs down his stomach and down under the sheets, disappearing where the two of you meet. He holds you by the hem of your tee, just tight enough to hold you in place.
"Would it be so bad?" he whispers.
"Here's what would happen, alright?" You brush your fingers through his sweat touched hair and it bounces right back into place the second you pull away. It makes you giggle a bit and he mirrors you, an unsure, foolish optimism in his eyes, "Let's just say I met this wonderful, beautiful boy and tricked-"
"Tricked?" he scoffs.
"Tricked him into loving me." You want to kiss him, but it feels cruel for both of you. Instead, you just cup his jaw in your hands and cradle him, letting the weight of him slump into your palms, "He'd treat me right and bring me home to meet his parents, 'cause he was raised right and, even though he's really smart, he'd think he's in love."
Fingers squeeze at your hips.
"But the second I left, his parents would tell him that he deserves someone prettier and smarter and, and, and better," you say, "And they'd be right."
“My mom’s nice," He drops your pretense with a whisper, ruining your not so careful charade. “She wouldn’t say that.”
He doesn’t mention his dad. There’s a silent sentence there. One that says, “But he might.” It’s hard to keep your brain from sticking to that point, from sticking your thumb into this metaphorical soft spot.
“I mean, she wouldn’t say it out loud, but she’d think it," you say, “She’d sit there and think ‘that girl's not good enough for my son' and she'd be right."
He scoff he lets out is uneasy, almost a songed laugh, more pained than annoyed. "My mom is nice."
This conversation is hurting him, but you can't stop yourself.
"And they'd tell you to break up with me, but you wouldn't listen to them, 'cause you're head strong like that. You'd probably date me in spite of them for while," you ramble, "But then you'd go away and you'd meet some pretty, normal girl and you'd realize they were right. They were always right. I was right."
The overhead fan whizzes.
"So, it's better if I just don't date at all,"
Natsuo's grip dissolves and you think you see it then - the moment whatever is between you dies. A hollowness passes over his features, empty eyes and sucked cheeks, as he ducks his head down to rest his face against your chest. Chin against the soft of your tits, he seems farther away than ever.
You could gloat. You could cry. You're a self-fulfilling prophecy once again.
Natsuo sighs and his words slip so easily from him that you almost don't process what he's saying. "You're so sad. I wish you'd get help."
That catches you off guard. The control over this conversation is ripped away, your curtain drops, and you suddenly feel very, horribly seen.
"What?" You try to laugh it off, leaning back to escape the way he watches you.
"Sometimes I wake up and you're not here," he says, "And I worry that's the last time I'll ever see you."
You understand the implication.
"I'm not gonna kill myself." It might be the truth, you think.
"Yeah," His arms wrap around your waist again, snaking the air from your lungs, "Touya promised me that too."
Touya is only ever mentioned over too many beers and tears you're not allowed to remember the next morning. He was only 16, only a couple years older than Natsuo, but the ghosts still linger to this day, always tucked into the back of the room, stalking, haunting.
Natsuo comes from money and fame. His apartment is paid for by his father. He's never had to work to afford food. At first, you resented him for that; you wanted that ease and safety his family afforded him.
But everything comes at a cost. Every unhappy family is unhappy in there own ways.
"I'm sorry that you keep loving things that break." That is the truth. You're just the end of a line of his mistakes, starting all the way at mom and dad and trailing through every girlfriend ever since.
"I do love you. And it's not despite the fact you're 'broken'," Natsuo takes your hand with a resounding firmness. It reminds you of that thing they say about golden retrievers; the smart ones can hold an egg in their jaws without shattering the shell. Natsuo holds you like he understands you in some deep, intrinsic way, "Or because of it or whatever."
He doesn't look away, those bright, wide eyes bluer than ever.
"I just like all your little pieces." He kisses your knuckles one by one, trailing from thumb to pinkie to thumb again.
The room is silent. The bad part of you is no longer begging to eat. Maybe it's full for now, but you know it's just out of focus, stalking in the dark, biding its time.
"You should study." You slip from him and reclaim your own space in the bed. After a long, simple pause, Natsuo gets up himself, collecting his boxers from the floor.
"Yeah," he says, "You're right."
The hurt you've caused is no longer comfortable to live in. Your mouth is dry, thirsty for a change you're not sure how to make. Recovery feels like a big leap-- loving and being loved feels every farther away.
All you can do is shuffle your feet against the sheets and take the tiniest step towards normalcy.
"Do you want to get brunch tomorrow before your classes?" you offer your olive branch, your silent promise, "I'll pay."
He weighs this, measuring it for sincerity, then smiles just wide enough your get a glimpse of teeth.
"Let me get you something to sleep in."
For now, it's enough.
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simply-wlw-kpopstan · 4 months
30. Minjeong to the rescue
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You entered minjeongs room to find her sitting down on the ground, already fidgeting with new pieces of Lego to finish up one of the towers. "you know I kind of feel like a double agent since you showed me your private account."
"knowledge is power after all." you smiled as you sat down. " how did things go after I left?"
" the usual. Jimin said you weren't feeling well and that she told you to go and lay down. We ended up talking about all things that happened this semester including the Uhm... The Parker incident. He won't be around for much longer at the university, his dad is transferring him to some military thing or something. "
"you went over to his place after everything happened didn't you? Jimin and I talked about it and you told her you were with me, you told me you had other plans and the next day you have a bruised hand and Parker claimed he had a fight with some guy." you reached over for another bag of Lego pieces and started to build a new part of the castle.
"he had it coming. I knew you couldn't do it with your scholarship being on the line and he would have found a way to get you kicked out."
"he threatened with it when he saw me with jimin. Guess he didn't like people knowing he wasn't all that. Makes me wonder how he slept with so many girls if he isn't that good? Rumours spread fast around campus yet nothing about him being bad in bed until jimin dumped him. "
"he has money and looks, some girls don't care about anything but bragging rights. Who knows, maybe they tried to get something out of it themselves." she clicked the last piece onto the tower and connected to the growing structure in front of you. "enough about him. Why did you suddenly disappear?"
You sighed and thought it over, would minjeong listen and understand your feelings or would she defend jimin without thinking about it? One thing you know for sure is that she stays true to her feelings and opinions so she probably wouldn't just brush it off and defend her friend. "jimin came up to me in the kitchen and hugged me. I told her we probably shouldn't and then she turned me around, if I didn't push her away she would've kissed me. It was like she didn't see the problem in that. I was introduced as a friend and didn't want to be caught kissing their daughter in their kitchen at all. That would be disrespectful wouldn't it? "
"you were scared of getting caughed I understand that but you do realize your fighting over a hypothetical thing that could've happened? Unless you're mad about something else and are using this as an excuse. "
"i'm not." you frowned as minjeong gave you a look before focusing back on the Lego piece.
"so you're not mad about meeting her parents as a friend instead of her girlfriend?"
"No? We're taking things Slow and I understand if she isn't ready for any labels yet. I-"
"i'm gonna stop you right there before you try to sell me more bullshit." she layed down her work before stealing your lego's out of your hands," You've been acting like a couple long before you confessed to one another. If and I say if you are upset over the fact she was so careless you should tell her because right now she doesn't know why you're upset. Now if it is about meeting the parents as a friend you should've thought about that before you joined the trip, you knew they were coming and you knew jimin told them you were a friend. "
"since when are you a therapist?" you clocked an eyebrow.
"since the day I met these girls." she smirked.
"well if you'll excuse me I have to go and talk to jimin. I'll come back after so we can finish this castle."
"you better! We should be able to finish it in an hour together I think. Just don't let jimin drag you into bed, I'm waiting and the rooms aren't soundproof just so you know." she sent you a playful glance as you walked out laughing.
"noted!" you walked into the living room to see aeri and ning watching a new k-drama, Once aeri spotted you she motioned to the bedrooms. You made your way over to jimin's room and softly knocked on the door.
"yeah?" jimin's voice came softly from inside and you opened the bedroom door to see her laying on her bed with a book.
"Hey, I just wanted to say I'm sorry for today. I should've never put you in the position to make up an excuse for me to your parents." you quietly sat down on the bed as she placed the book on her bedside table.
"I don't care about that. What I do care about is that you got all weird without any explanation."
"I got upset over the fact that you were so careless about kissing me. It hadn't been a day since I met your parents and it felt wrong. They think I'm your friend and I got scared about them finding out that I'm not just a friend. That I..."
"that you?" She raised an eyebrow at your sudden silence.
"that the whole Parker thing was my fault."
"what are you talking about? You weren't -"
"jimin if we didn't sleep together when you were together with him, he wouldn't have hit you. Do your parents know why he did it?"
"They know enough, Parker probably told his dad that I cheated too. I don't know if my parents know but they'll find out eventually. It was my choice though, you didn't pressure me into anything. Parker chose to hit me and it's no one's fault except his."
You nodded as you looked down at the ground. The sound of blankets rustling filled the room before you felt arms wrap around your waist. Jimin placed a kiss on your shoulder as she nuzzled her nose into the crook of your neck. "I promised minjeong I'd come back after talking with you. Her exact words were 'don't let jimin drag you into bed'"
"I didn't drag you, you sat down voluntarily." she smiled against your skin, "wouldn't you rather spend time with me in bed then build Legos with minjeong?"
You sucked your teeth, "see that's were you get too cocky. Minjeong and I have a goal we need to achieve. I'll come back once we're done though." you turned towards her as she pulled back from you.
"wha- you're not kidding? You're actually choosing lego's over me?" She looked at you in disbelieve.
"I made a promise to my friend so yes." you smirked as you stood up, "I don't have favorite's you know."
"She's your friend, I'm your-" she cut herself off but you both knew what she was going to say. "just go." she blushed as she picked up her book.
To be honest you were debating on teasing her with that near slip up but decided to leave it for now. You leaned down and kissed her on the top of her head, jimin looked up with a smile and pouted her lips slightly. After planting another kiss on her lips you left her alone and went back to minjeong to finish the Lego castle.
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poppy-metal · 8 months
fake dating au jordan where the first time they show any real emotion towards u is after u text them “can u come to my dorm please, i need u”. the semesters just been so stressful and everyone’s been so hard on u, u break down and u don’t know who else to reach out to besides jordan even though ur pretty sure underneath all their fake smiles that they hate ur guts - but ur desperate for their comfort right now!! they rush over and keep u company and hold u while u cry, i love them
bye i love fake dating so much.
acting REAL boyfriend showing up with your favorite snacks, you'd had a pr meeting where you'd sat down and discussed random things about eachother so being a couple would come across as more authentic, and you wanna cry all over again. no cameras present and yet they step into you immediately, folding you up in their arms, "hey," running a hand up and down your spine in comfort, "hey, its okay. c'mere."
they tug your head back, wipe their thumbs under your eyes to catch stray tears. "you had a day, huh?"
sniffling, you nod. burry your head in their chest again. "its all so much," you say, voice watery. "its all noise and i just - its overwhelming."
they run their fingers through your hair. you feel a kiss being dropped on top of your head, and you think how everyone would eat this up, the sight of your in jordans arm, small and desolate as they hold you to them like you're something precious. but you're glad, so glad, this is a moment just for you.
"yeah. i get it - fucking sucks, but you're doing good, okay? hey. look at me." they grip your chin when you try to look away, turning your head back to look at them. their hair is all floppy, mussed up, and you wonder if they were napping, or if they'd run their hand through it recently- you could see it, them biting their bottom lip anxiously as they tapped their foot, thumbing over your text, running a hand through their styled hair as they waited for you to reply. "you're fucking amazing."
you smile, feeling warmth settle in your tummy. "you're just saying that so I'll tell the tabloids what an attentive partner you are."
you see something flicker in their eyes, shudder a little, before its gone. they drop their hands from your face and nod to your bed, "and you better tell them I'm the best you've ever had. c'mon. lets watch a movie or something - you got your snot all over my shirt, and i want some of those gummy bears as fucking compensation."
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augiewrites · 8 months
"secret admirer" - dead poets society (part 5)
summary: y/n receives a curious invitation from meeks and has a surprise encounter with neil and todd
pairing: anonymous!dead poet x gender neutral reader
word count: 1.2k
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It was finally Friday, and Y/N was looking forward to spending the weekend recovering from a week of non-stop exams, cramming, and a nonexistent sleep schedule. The morning’s classes had been a drag so far, and they were looking forward to the reprieve of Keating’s class. Knowing they'd be in close proximity to their admirer aside, Keating’s class gave them an opportunity to activate another part of their brain—one concerned less with grades and formulas.
No, this part was more concerned with matters of feeling. Matters of love, art, expression—everything crucial to finding true meaning in life.
Something that Y/N’s life—and the students of Welton’s lives—was severely lacking.
Y/N shoved the existential crisis to the back of their mind, shooting Todd a smile as he occupied the desk at the front of the class.
Their desk compartment was empty aside from their textbook and notes. Y/N felt their heart drop. It had been empty for days.
Did I make a mistake leaving that poem?
Y/N did their best to not look disappointed. The only thing more embarrassing than their poet’s lack of response was the thought of him observing their discontent.
Keating’s class didn't give them much reprieve that day.
Against their better judgment, Y/N found themselves in the library during common hour. In all truth, Y/N just wanted to go back to their dorm and bang their head against the wall until they fell asleep. Alas, the expectation of a 4.0 GPA was looming over their head.
Thankfully, Meeks was the only other person to show up. Y/N didn't think they had the strength to deal with Dalton.
“So are you just going to keep side eyeing me, or do you have something to say?” Y/N set down their pencil and turned to face Meeks.
“Y/N, you've sighed three times within the last minute,” Meeks quipped, "seems like you're the one with something to say."
“But I'm right, though. You have something you want to say."
“I'll share with the class if you will.”
The two stared at each other for a moment—Meeks' expression much lighter compared to Y/N’s frustrated features.
Y/N gave in first.
“I’m tired, Meeks."
“You’re going to have to give me a little more here, Y/N.”
"I'm waiting."
“My GPA dropped to a 3.7," Y/N’s gaze was fixed to the table, “my parents are not happy. I feel like all I ever do is try, but it's not enough, and it never will be. My social life is practically nonexistent, I don't remember the last time I had fun, and I can feel my spirit dying. Some days it feels like I'm dying."
“You’re more than your grades, Y/N. You have to know that."
“I know that, Meeks. They don't,” Y/N let out a bitter laugh, “they ship me off to this prison, don't let me come home for breaks, and they call me maybe twice a semester if I'm lucky. They see my grades more than they ever see me."
Meeks was silent for a beat as Y/N cradled their head in their hands.
“Tomorrow night. Meet me outside the East wing at 10PM.”
“Meeks, what are you—“
“Just trust me. If you care about your spirit, anyway."
“Fine,” Y/N began packing their bag and stood up, nodding absentmindedly, "yeah, okay."
Because everything was cosmically determined to go wrong, Y/N crashed into Charlie as they rounded the corner out of the library. Their armload of textbooks crashed to the floor.
“Don’t you know to look both ways before crossing the street?" Charlie joked as he knelt to pick up Y/N’s books.
Y/N kept their head down as they gathered the mess of note paper that exploded out of their trig book.
“I mean, really, Y/N. If you want to feel me up you don't need to be so aggressive about it—“
Charlie’s sly smile melted into concern when he noticed the tears in Y/N’s eyes.
"Hey, are you okay, Y/N?” Charlie passed the books to Y/N and placed a gentle hand on their upper am.
Y/N gave the boy a tight lipped smile and stepped away from his touch.
“I'm fine, Dalton," Y/N was already moving down the hall.
“If you're looking for Meeks, he's still in there."
Y/N disappeared around the corner, leaving Charlie staring at the space they just occupied.
Y/N wasn’t one for skipping class, but it was the last period of the day and Y/N thought their head would explode if they didn’t get away from everyone as soon as possible.
They triple checked that the hallway was empty before rushing into the storage room filled with students’ empty luggage.
But the room wasn’t unoccupied like they expected.
Neil Perry and Todd Anderson were in the middle of the room, locked in a gentle embrace.
They jumped apart when they heard Y/N’s soft sound of surprise, and the trio looked at each other in shock for a beat.
“We were just—” Neil took a step away from Todd before the other boy cut him off, surprising everyone, seemingly including himself.
“We’re together.”
They all stared at each other for another moment before Neil stepped forward again.
“You can’t tell anyone, Y/N.”
“I won’t,” Y/N blinked, suddenly coming alive again, “I would never.”
Relief washed over the two boys. Todd was more red than Y/N thought was humanly possible.
“Okay, I’m just gonna,” Y/N took a step back and jerked a thumb over their shoulder at the door, “go…”
They turned quickly to leave.
“Y/N.” Neil’s hand enclosed their wrist as they reached for the doorknob.
They looked up into Neil’s soft gaze, a faint smile on his face, “thank you.”
“Of course,” they returned the smile and waved to Todd as they slipped out the door, rushing to their dorm to avoid being caught for truancy.
Y/N had been laying in bed for all of fifteen minutes before they heard the familiar sound of paper sliding under the door.
They were out of bed and rushing to open the door before they could think twice. Truancy be damned.
The empty hallway mocked Y/N.
Frustrated tears welled in their eyes as they slammed the door and grabbed the envelope off the floor before ripping it open.
Beloved Y/N,
In your eyes, a storm silently brews, Emotional tempest, tears it strews. I stand close, a silent observer, Love entangled in your pain, a fervent preserver.
Your hurt, a whisper in the quiet air, A shared burden, a weight to bear. In the shadows, love stands strong, A balm for wounds, a solace lifelong.
In the heart's tempest, emotions entwine, Love persists, a steadfast lifeline. I may not heal all that pains your soul, But together, in love, we find a way to be whole.
x, Yours.
Y/N let the tears flow freely as they sunk down onto the bed.
They were certain of who wasn’t their poet, but they were in denial about who it could be.
part six
a/n: any reality where neil and todd aren't in love is a crime against nature
taglist: @vvnbxz @edb954
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imtrashraccoon · 6 months
The final Dust chapter...we're halfway through folks! I'm really happy with this one and it fills me with many fuzzy feelings.
First Day, Previous Day, & Next Day.
Bad Sansuary: Dust - Tears
Word Count: 2,235.
It was a good day.
You were packing for college and you'd soon be halfway across the country far away from your insufferable family. You'd promised you would call, but had added that you may be too busy to do so. Psychology was a complicated subject and you would likely be swamped with coursework afterall.
They didn't care and neither did you for that matter. You gladly welcomed the chance to have a fresh start and freedom to live life the way you'd always dreamed to. You would be your own person and not just the lesser copy of your elder sister.
"Hey! Are you deaf or something?"
Speak of the devil and she shall appear. You dropped a folded shirt onto your suitcase and turned to the doorway of your bedroom where your sister was standing impatiently. She was wearing a new dress and expensive shoes, again, and her face was practically caked with designer makeup.
"What do you want now?" you heard yourself grumble.
Your sister rolled her eyes. "I asked what do you think you're doing? Mom needs you to watch the house for the next week while they're away, you can't just leave!"
You frowned and crossed your arms. "We've been over this at least a dozen times. I'm leaving tomorrow morning to catch a plane so I'll have time to get settled in the dorms before the first semester starts. I can't just rebook the flight now as they won't refund me."
Her face contorted into a snarl and she crossed her arms. "Fine, go and abandon our parents for a stupid degree. You'll come to regret it one day!"
She turned to leave and as the clicking of her heels on the laminate flooring started to fade, you darted to the door to stop her. "Hold on! Why can't you watch the house? You're not going to college right away..."
Your sister scoffed and flipped her long hair behind her back as she turned around again. "Who needs college? All I gotta do is bag some rich idiot who'll bend over backwards for anything I want."
"And what, working every day for the rest of your life is somehow better?"
"At least I'll have something to fall back on while you'll be left high and dry when he dumps you." You crossed your arms and glared at her. "And you didn't answer my question, what are you doing that is keeping you so busy?"
"The girls and I are going on a trip to Vegas to celebrate graduating." She narrowed her eyes at you and poked your chest with one of her too long manicured nails. "And no, you're not invited, you fun sponge...."
"Double gross. I wouldn't be caught dead with your 'friends', not after all the crap they put me through." You made air quotes with your fingers to emphasize that word specifically.
"Ugh! Mom was right, you're way too sensitive."
You clenched your jaw and took a slow, deliberate breath. Once you had calmed down and weren't about to clock your own sister, you asked another question. "How are you even affording a trip after you were fired? Surely, mom and dad aren't bankrolling this too?"
She rolled her eyes, "Idiot, I'm temporarily borrowing from my inheritance that Grandma left. I have plenty of time to put it back if I actually decide to go to college anyways."
You frowned as she turned and left the house. Something about how she'd said that didn't sit right with you. Your grandmother had left both of you money for college and you had decided long ago to keep it just for that. Your sister was as careless as ever though, but what right did you have to judge her foolish spending habits? It would undoubtedly come back to bite her one day and by then you would be financially secure with an amazing career.
You also didn't like how your sister had seemingly ignored all the times you'd told your family your plans over the past few weeks. You weren't going to give them up now, not even if she begged you to.
If only it had been so simple...
"What do you mean the money's gone?! That was meant to be for my college!" you remembered shouting.
Your mother didn't even turn around and continued packing her suitcase. "Remember when your sister was in that car accident a year ago? We needed to get her corrective surgery and the money had to come from somewhere. It's just money and family is more important. Besides, it's not even like it was actually yours and we'd only briefly talked about it."
It's not fair...
You woke with a heavy heart. Why had your brain chosen that particular memory to fixate on? It had been years since you left home and cut contact with just about everyone you ever knew.
Sitting up in bed, you wrapped your blankets around your shoulders and took deep breaths to try and relax. No matter how much time passed, you couldn't seem to forget about them, even though you'd tried.
There was no way you could forget about the nightmare and go back to sleep now either. Your mind was simply too jumbled to rest and it felt like you were reliving the painful emotions you'd experienced back then all over again.
It was way too early in the morning to stay up though. Maybe a snack and a drink of water would help calm your frayed nerves? If not, there was always the option of binging some historical romance shows until you fell asleep on your own. With your mind made up, you steeled yourself for the trek to the kitchen.
You didn't get far though.
No sooner did you flip on the hall light, did your gaze settle on a familiar sight. Dust was hunched over in an almost fetal position on your couch with his hood covering his face. His skull was buried in his hands and from the way he was heavily breathing, you knew he'd been crying.
Your original mission forgotten, your heart immediately went out to him. Being careful not to startle him, you made your way over to the couch and sat down next to him.
The only acknowledgement he gave to signify that he was aware of your presence was a brief glance in your direction from beneath his hood.
"Is it one of those times again?" you asked softly.
He didn't answer.
"Can I give you a hug? You look like you could use one right now."
You waited a few seconds just in case, but when he didn't say no, you figured he at least wasn't opposed to the gesture. You wrapped your arms around him and sat there quietly, just holding him close for a while.
At some point, he shifted and tentatively wrapped his arms around you as well. He managed to give you a slight squeeze and murmured a very soft, "...thank you."
He seemed exhausted and in no mood to talk about whatever had bothered him to the point of tears. That was fine, you weren't exactly in the mood to dwell on whatever negative emotions your nightmare had dredged up either.
"Are you going to be alright now?" you asked.
He shrugged and you could feel his gloved phalanges mindlessly draw circles across your shirt. He didn't say anything for several seconds but you waited patiently in case he changed his mind.
"i'll be okay... just, i don't want to go back there right now..." he muttered.
"Well, I actually had a bad dream...and I really don't think I can go back to sleep anytime soon anyways." With a sigh, you loosened your hold on his body and asked, "Wanna just hang out with snacks and watch whatever trash happens to be on tv right now?"
"eh, beats being dead i guess..." he grunted and somewhat reluctantly let go of you.
You rolled your eyes at how snarky his tone of voice was. It seemed that his sass meter was always dialed up to eleven whenever he was exhausted, but you didn't mind in the slightest. His comments never came across as malicious anymore and you actually welcomed his often blunt jokes. It was better than when he used to ignore your questions at least.
You didn't have a whole lot of snack foods save for a bag of dill pickle chips and a pack of store bought chocolate chip cookies. Meh, they were still worthy choices in your opinion. Once you were both settled on the couch again with the snacks and some water, you flipped through the channels before settling on a rerun of an old western movie.
Only a few minutes into the film though, Dust decided to slink his arm around your shoulders and scooted closer until you might as well be cuddling. You didn't mind in the slightest and neither did you acknowledge that this was technically the most he'd willingly touched you before now.
"Can I ask you something, Dust?"
He hummed quietly and tilted his skull to look over at you.
"Is there a reason you wear gloves all the time?"
He glanced down at his left hand and tentatively flexed his phalanges in a thoughtful manner. "i just don't like getting my hands dirty...it's irritating..." he murmured.
"Ah, I wondered if that could be the reason."
"it's also good so i don't leave evidence laying around," he added with a dry chuckle.
You gave him a blank look but you couldn't tell if he was serious or not. "Now I know you're pulling my leg, skeletons don't have fingerprints..."
"...that you know of," he finished for you. There was a mischievous glint in his eyelights and you noticed his smile was slightly wider than usual.
"I...don't think I want to continue this conversation... I really don't need to know why someone like you worries about leaving evidence at crime scenes, okay?"
Dust chuckled quietly and squeezed your shoulder a little. "yeah, you already worry about enough as is, bean," he said.
"Huh... Why do you call me that anyways?" you asked. "It seems so random..."
A soft violet glow briefly flickered across his zygomatic bones and he glanced away from you. He made a sound of clearing his throat and tapped his phalanges nervously against the couch cushions.
"it's, uh... actually it's sort of a pun..." he muttered.
"Really?" You tilted your head thoughtfully as you tried to rack your brain for any kind of word it could be referring to. "I don't get it...?"
"well, it'll sound really lame if i explain it..."
"No, please tell me! I promise I won't laugh, okay?"
He chuckled and nodded, although you noticed his cheekbones were still that lovely shade of purple. "okay, okay... you're a...?"
He shook his skull and vaguely gestured with his free hand. "a human...what?"
You narrowed your eyes in thought. "A human being..."
"now say it quickly and in an exaggerated voice."
"Human bein'...human bean..." You crossed your arms and fixed him with a "Really?" look.
Dust nearly dissolved into a fit of laughter, which made it really hard to keep a straight face but you had unfortunately promised not to laugh at him. Still, you were going to make it known how disappointed you were right now.
"i told you it was lame..." he finally managed to say once he'd calmed down again.
"you were right!" you grumbled and gave his knee a playful punch. "Axe was at least more creative that you."
"what, he didn't just pick something food related like, i dunno, pumpkin?"
You shook your head. "Nope, he calls me lil' chip. I actually never asked him why though..."
"huh... you're right, that is pretty creative," Dust muttered thoughtfully. "i still prefer bean though..."
You sighed and flopped your head against the back rest. "Suit yourself then..." you grumbled.
The movie turned out to be more boring than you'd thought it would be and you soon found yourself struggling to keep your eyes open. After you'd jolted yourself awake a couple of times when your head started to loll to one side, Dust seemed to get an idea.
"here..." He grabbed one of the throw pillows you had lying around and set it on his femurs. "if you're that tired, you should at least lay down so you don't hurt your neck or something.
You hesitated for a split second but realized that it couldn't hurt at least. So, you shifted your body until you could lay down comfortably with your head on the cushion in his lap. He spread a blanket over your body before flashing that more genuine smile of his at you.
"Very..." you hummed in response.
Dust nodded and turned his attention back to the movie again. You tried to focus on it as well, especially when the more action packed scenes came on, but you couldn't seem to resist the pull of sleep any longer. It really didn't help when he started absentmindedly playing with your hair as well.
The next thing you knew, the sun was out and you were safely tucked back into your own bed. The only evidence that he'd been there at all was the couch pillows being slightly askew and the snacks being gone that you'd both consumed in the night.
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teenandbeyond · 1 year
Gojo x Sub. Fem Demon Reader
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This resulted from a misread request lol
Want the subby Gojo version? Here.
Want more from meh? Masterlist!
☆*: .。. .。.:*☆☆*: .。. .。.:*☆
🕶 Disobedience 🕶 (Jujutsu Kaisen)
Warning(s): College AU, flirty reader, smut, a lil gore, public sex, dirty talk
It's your second semester at a new college and you've already got a guy trying to impress you, not doing too good so far when he's wearing shades indoors...
He could feel you before you entered the room.
As you entered, he lowered his shades, like he couldn't see you clearly past them.
You were beautiful.
You immediately met his eyes, you could feel his power, too.
And when your lips lifted into a smirk, he decided.
He wanted you.
The next day, he made sure to make a point of falling into the chair next to you.
"Mm, are you here to dispose of me, curse user?"
"Not necessarily," he drew out his syllables, leaning on a palm, "I just wanted to get a better view."
"You're not going to get that from the very back of the class."
He met your gaze over his shades after turning his head your way, "I didn't mean the lesson. I'd much prefer to study you, instead. Better view than that geezer any day."
"Sacrificing your grades for me? I'm flattered," you offered a shark-like grin full of sarcasm.
"No need to worry about me. I have the best grades in this school," he smiled.
You rolled your eyes, kicking up your feet, "Of course you do."
"Miss [Name]! Put your feet down, right-"
Your professor cut himself off with a glare from you, your head tilted back, challenging him to say the rest.
All he did was clear his throat, "I'll let you off this time since this is your first day, but don't expect such leniency next time."
"Well, aren't you the rebellious one? Someone should tame that disobedience of yours," he purred out.
"I don't get tamed. It's not in my nature."
And every day after that, he finds something to brag to you about.
Trying to impress you, you supposed.
But he wasn't your type.
He was pretty, sure, but you weren't into men who weren't worth what they bragged about.
He just seemed like another egotistical pretty boy who was used to having his way in life.
And why hasn't he reported you yet? You were a demon, his type doesn't let you cruise around innocent people so easily. It's why you had to transfer quite a few times.
His answer?
"I mean, other than a few little pranks, you don't mean much harm. Just another student trying to get their degree. As long as it stays that way, you'll be fine."
He seemed to care more about getting in your pants than much else.
He even brought you your favorite drink from some cafe a few minutes away.
"How the hell do you know I like this?" you ask after an experimental sip.
"I watch."
"Creepy. And I'm a demon."
All he does is smile.
You have a strange dynamic of banter, Gojo not really getting past your wall.
"We can't go on one date, beautiful?"
"My dates include an exclusion of clothes."
"I certainly wouldn't mind that," he smiles, flashing his pearly whites.
"You haven't earned the privilege, human."
"I will..."
Things change one day when a sleazy student decides to grope you on your way out of your last class. Even after you tell him to stop.
You both end up in a hidden corner with you tugging hard on his ear, threatening him.
"Listen here, human. You have two options...You can either use this pencil and stab yourself in your poorly endowed genitals. Or I can tear off your ear for your poor listening abilities."
"You crazy bitch, you think you scare me? I've had crazier girlfriends."
"Oh, have you, now? Well, I don't like being second best to anybody. May I show you why I'm the one to fear?"
You mute him with your power, he's unable to be heard by powerless humans. And you slowly tug further and further away from his head.
He tries to struggle away, but your power holds him in place.
"You don't deserve these ears anyway, much too pretty for that attitude of yours," you grin as he begins to scream.
"Stop! Stop! It's going to tear off!" he shrieked.
"That's the point."
You silently glance at the ear in your hand, then back at the screaming young man.
And you laugh. Tossing your head back, hard.
"Fascinating! Humans are very expressive."
"What's going on here?"
You blandly glance over to see Gojo moving closer, "You're not blind. I think it's blatantly obvious."
"Gojo! Gojo, help me, man! This bitch is crazy!"
"Silly human, he can't-"
"Help you? Lovely [Name] here doesn't seem like the type to do something without reason."
He could hear him? Right...his power.
"So what did you do, Kimura?"
"Nothing! All I did was flirt a little and she went nuts!"
You stab a pencil into your desired area, getting another satisfying scream out of him, "You touched me without my permission. And even after my merciful warning, you kept doing it...You were confident, too. I can only imagine how many human women it took to gain it. What do you have to say about that?"
All he could do was groan in pain.
"Well, at least now you can live alone like you deserve. Only desperate little humans would get with a sleazy man lacking an ear and a hard-on. Now, get out of my sight," your power releases him as you dismiss him with a hand.
You don't turn to look at him as he rushes to hobble away.
But before he can turn around the corner, his body freezes in place and shatters like glass.
"Foolish human. I don't let scum like you live."
"Well, well. Interesting to finally see your power in action."
You jump at the voice next to you, when did Gojo get that close?
"You didn't try to help him."
"He was weak anyway. But I told you not to harm anyone, or we'd have a problem."
"I have selective hearing," you smirked, leaning against a brick wall.
"Selective hearing, huh? Of course, you do," he hummed.
Before you could blink, he was pressed into you, arm against your throat.
"I should kill you."
"Will you?"
"Hmm," his gaze bore through you, "It'd be a shame...I like you."
"I am quite the charmer," you don't break his stare even as his thumb brushes against your cheek, red staining it when it leaves you.
"Red suits you," he muttered, looking down at the blood.
"It suits anyone."
"But I like it on you, I'm not talking about everyone else," he drags his thumb over your lips. Teasing it between them.
You tease back by accepting it inside when he meets your gaze again.
He sucks in a breath, "Damn, you're beautiful."
"I know," you kiss the pad of his finger.
"And a tease."
"So are you."
"And you need to be put in check. I can't have you killing whenever you feel like it," he glares.
"Even the strongest of your human warriors failed to do so. You're no different. All bark, no bite."
His grin is wide and dark, "I'm always happy to bite if you want me to, princess."
He was willing to prove it.
Your back was slammed against the wall, your legs tightening around his waist.
All hints of his normal nonchalance were gone and so were his shades, he couldn't let them get in the way.
As he sucked on your breast, leaving hickeys behind, he made sure to stare into your soul.
He wanted to make a point.
Especially after a statement you made.
"I don't have very high expectations for you. I've lain with many mortals and demons alike. And I've forgotten all of them, no one can sate my hunger enough to be remembered."
He lifted you higher, he gripped your thighs as he kissed down your stomach.
You thought he was a little weakling, but he lifted you with ease...
...looks can be deceiving.
You bit your lip as his breath hit your inner thigh, "Hm...do you deserve my mouth there? You've been very disobedient. Disobedience shouldn't be rewarded..."
Your breath hitched as he nipped the plush of your thigh.
"Sensitive. Have you been neglected here? No wonder your hunger hasn't been sated. They're basic."
You groan in frustration as he goes everywhere but where you want.
"You asshole."
"I'm well aware, you've called me that a few times already."
"You think you're so great just--Oh my--!"
"Ironic coming from a demon," he giggles lowly, before getting back to work.
You grip his hair tight, and you briefly think about it being painful, but he doesn't say anything to indicate it is.
All he does is groan, syllables drawn out, "Mmm...a delicacy."
You try to keep quiet, eyes squeezed shut, your pride not allowing you to give him what he wants.
But then his hit tongue hits the right spot just as he adds a couple fingers.
Your legs squeeze him closer as you moan, louder than you'd like.
You can feel him chuckle and you know his ego is boosted a little.
"D-don't get too big-headed, there's plenty of people that've made me-" he cuts you off again after sucking hard.
Your back arches against brick and you look down at him to find him already looking up at you.
He looks like...he's starved.
You look away, you've never done such a thing.
And just when you're about to reach your peak of pleasure, he pulls away.
It both relieves and infuriates you.
You didn't want to admit that this human could make you do something few have done.
But on the other hand, this asshole. How dare he deprive you?
A hand leaves your thigh as he reaches for his pants with it.
"Impatient are we?" you mock, in between breaths.
"If it tastes that good, I wanna know how it feels..." he muttered.
You watch openly as he reveals himself for you to see.
"Ego now makes sense."
And soon he's rubbing between your folds, watching intently.
"Are you just going to sit and watch all day?"
"You don't deserve it, so don't expect me to go easy on you."
"I can handle you just fine. Just put it in already-"
And he does, in a single motion he's as deep as he can get.
With a whimper, your nails dig into his back through his shirt.
He groans into your collarbone before sliding out just to slam back in.
"W-wait, Goj-ah!" you gasp out a strangled moan.
He slams into you again, and again, slowly.
He grins into your neck, "I've been waiting for someone like you. I can go all out and not hold back for once. Should I stop holding back on you? I did say I wouldn't..."
And you stiffened at the words, "That was holding back?"
"Wanna tap out now before it's too late, pretty girl?"
"Fuck you."
"Already doing that, but fine."
And once he sets his merciless pace, sounds won't stop slipping past your lips. None of which you're proud of.
"Shut up, you pathetic demon, whimpering like a dog on my mortal cock that you don't deserve," he growled into your ear, gripping your neck tight.
Your eyes roll back, drool escaping past your gaping mouth.
And quickly you have a shaking climax, before it can end, he's still going. It's not long before you can feel your body on the edge of approaching another.
"Look at you. Chanting my name like you worship me. Drunk on how good of a fuck it is. Weren't you talking shit not too long ago? Now you're acting like my desperate little whore."
Usually, when people talked to you like that, you'd disintegrate them...but at that moment, you forgot how to speak, only able to say the same words.
"Satoru, Satoru, Satoru...ohhh. Please, oh, please!"
He gripped your chin, roughly tugging it down, he met your eyes, "You're never gonna be able to stop thinking about me. You're gonna try, but then you'll give up, and have your hand between your legs until you accept that your destiny is to be my little toy...and come crawling back to me."
"Do it."
You collapse on top of him when you do, clenching around him so much he moans with you.
He eases you back from your high, kissing your neck.
"Since you were a good little toy, you can help me finish. Not that you're worthy of it."
And the second he puts you down you're on your knees taking him.
He groans, looking down at you as he pets your head, "So eager... Did I tame you that quickly?"
Gojo knew he'd win this challenge. All that annoyance he'd pent up from you playing hard to get he put into you.
But unlike he thought, that burning desire for you didn't go away even as you went down on him.
Even when he reached his own high.
Perhaps you'd have to be his toy for a while...
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wosomarvel · 6 months
communication - 06
a/n: i'm pretending there are no more injuries! manifesting i guess. i'm so sorry this took so long. the end of the semester was really tough for me but i have the next three weeks off, so i will try my best to get a few more updates out. i'm thinking two or three more parts until this series is over.
warnings: this episode talks (briefly and not in detail) about depression, anxiety, and shitty parents. it's not too bad, though. more hurt/comfort than angst. even then, bordering more on the comfort side.
i am going to once again reiterate that the schedule of games does not follow real life. i'm going based on vibes and vibes alone.
"sim, we need you to settle something for us."
sim's heart dropped at the sight in front of her: mary and millie, both in their training kits, arms crossed with no hints of a smile on either of their faces.
"whatever it is, i'm sure someone else could-"
"it has to be you, because you're the most impartial person here right now," millie cut sim off.
"and we trust you to be honest," mary added.
sim's face contorted with confusion.
"who would win in a fight? me," mary gestured with her hands towards her own body, "or millie?"
"nope!" sim replied to the question. "i refuse to get involved."
sim knew better than to definitively answer any sort of question like that. no matter who she picked, she would pay for it in the form of relentless teasing or tickling.
her eyes darted around the meal room, looking for a savior to come to her rescue. she gulped almost comically when she saw there the few people around were otherwise occupied.
"it's alright, darling, you can admit that i would absolutely wreck mearps here. as vice-captain, i'll make sure she can't attack you for it."
as tempting as millie's offer was, sim was almost certain that millie could only protect her for so long.
"how about i ask the fans?" sim prompted.
now it was their turn to look confused.
"i'll put a poll up on the instagram or something," sim added, pulling her phone out of her pocket.
"see, this is why it was a genius move to hire you. smart, she is," millie praised.
a blush took over sim's face as she fiddled with the phone she'd just pulled out of her pocket.
across the meal room, leah watched on fondly as georgia and keira conversed around her. it was nice to see sim come out of her shell a bit more around the team. though leah still had the distinct feeling that it would be a while before the younger girl felt comfortable being vulnerable around them, it still brought her a sense of relief that sim was no longer so painfully shy. she actively participated in the conversations and shenanigans typical of the team.
the team had taken well to sim's steady presence, adopting her as though she was a playing member of the lionesses.
it had only been a few months since their conversation on those bleachers, but leah could already see the difference it was making. sim looked... lighter, in a sense. like the weight on her shoulders had eased. leah was starting to to see a light in sim's eyes that hadn't been there when they had first met.
"what are you lookin at?" georgia asked.
leah's lips turned up in a slight smile as she nodded her head in sim's direction. "remember how closed off she was when she first got here?"
keira shifted her gaze, smiling when her eyes settled on sim's figure filming mary and millie.
"she's fit in quite well," keira agreed.
"she's cool. she said she'd let me tattoo her once i've properly learned how," georgia added, nodding her head.
"she what?"
sim sighed, settling into soft sheets. sarina had permitted her to room with alessia at st. george's park and sim had never been more grateful.
she closed her eyes, the melody of alessia's singing wafting in from the bathroom, its door left ajar. she let it ease the tiredness that had settled into her bones.
this particular camp was exhausting. she knew it wasn't her job that was draining her energy at this point. the federation had recently hired a few other people to help out in the social media department so sim was now only in charge of the instagram, twitter, and tiktok. the longer form content and brainstorming was no longer under her purview.
sim suspected leah and sarina had something to do with that. she'd been annoyed at first, but was now incredibly thankful for their interference.
despite that, sim was still feeling drained and on edge. it frustrated her that she couldn't put a reason to the way she was feeling.
the past few months had been good to her. her relationship with alessia was blooming into something beautiful. there was no pressure when alessia around, and sim was starting to become accustomed to the light and airy feeling that came with her presence.
sim had fallen into a steady routine. now that her workload with the lionesses had significantly decreased, she had a lot more time on her hands. though her pay from the lionesses hadn't gone down, sim had still taken up a casual job at arsenal as a photographer. though she'd majored in communications in uni, she had minored in visual media.
working with the lionesses was fulfilling, no doubt, but sim missed the more creative aspects of her visual media minor. alessia had proposed the idea of working with arsenal one day during an impromptu photoshoot, sim taking random photos of alessia as they spent an off day lounging at home.
jonas was used to seeing sim's face and after a quick conversation with the higher ups, sim had secured a press pass.
in the mornings, sim and alessia would meet up with beth, viv, and leah for a quick coffee before training. she'd spend the day at colney with the team, taking pictures. she had befriended laura and teyah, the two remaining members of the ACL squad. after training was done for the day, alessia would drive her home, the two spending the rest of the day together.
sim hadn't moved in with alessia, but she spent more nights at the blonde's place than her own.
once or twice a week, sim would accompany alessia to team bonding. she stayed in contact with ella.
sim was content with her life. happy, even.
the way she was feeling now, however, had her scared. scared that the feeling would linger and turn into something heavier. scared that she would slip back into old ways, having to push herself just to get out of bed in the mornings, to eat something, to want to exist.
sim didn't want to go back there. she didn't want anyone to see her like that. more importantly, she didn't want alessia or leah to see her like that. she didn't want to be a burden. the two gunners deserved better than that.
"hey, baby."
sim was broken out of her thought process by alessia's voice, followed by a quick peck to her forehead.
sim hummed in response, moving over to make space for her girlfriend on the bed. alessia set her kit and toiletries off to the side before sliding in beside sim, pulling the comforter over the two of them as the younger girl turned her back to assume the little spoon position.
sim breathed a sigh of relief as alessia's arms wrapped around her waist, pulling her close, almost cradling sim to her front. she felt some of the tension leave her body as alessia pressed a gentle kiss to her neck.
"are you alright, love?"
sim contemplated telling the truth for a moment, ultimately deciding against it. it's not even that bad. i just need to grow up, she reasoned with herself.
"yeah, just tired," sim replied.
"can you turn around for me?"
of course alessia would see right through her. it was honestly frustrating at times.
sim had always been good at lying, something she'd had to learn to survive her parents when she was younger. however, alessia could always tell when sim was lying.
not that sim made a habit of lying to her girlfriend. she just wanted to shield alessia from the darker parts of herself for as long as possible.
"love?" alessia prompted.
sim turned with a sigh, keeping her eyes closed. she would crack as soon as she made eye contact with alessia's baby blue eyes.
alessia's hand came up to sim's face, pointer finger tracing the subtle crease between her eyebrows.
"can you open those pretty eyes for me, baby?"
sim relented, never having been able to refuse a request from alessia. leah never let her forget it.
sim's eyes fluttered open, causing alessia to frown at the clear exhaustion evident in the set of her eyes. "what's wrong?"
again, sim debated whether or not to tell the truth. she had almost settled on trying to lie, but her resolve crumbled at the look of concern painted on alessia's face.
how could anyone ever lie to a face like that?
"everything just feels... heavy. it's hard to explain. it's like my entire being is just exhausted. especially my mind. there's just this weight over everything."
it was silent for a few beats. alessia's hand came to rest on the side of sim's face, her fingers gently scratching at sim's hair.
alessia considered her next words carefully. she was thankful that sim was starting to open up to her and all she wanted to do was help. to alessia, what sim was describing sounded a lot like depression, but she didn't have nearly enough information or qualifications to come to that conclusion. she also didn't want to push too far with her questions and cause sim to shut down again.
alessia settled on a question that would allow sim decide how much or how little to reveal.
"do you feel like that very often?"
"not anymore," sim whispered out, averting her eyes. "it's not that bad right now. i actually feel good most days. i still feel better than i did before the FA hired me. i'm just tired the last few days. don't know why."
though it concerned alessia that this feeling seemed to be somewhat familiar to sim, she was also happy to hear that things were okay at the moment.
"that's alright. everyone has bad days. what do you need from me right now, my love?" alessia asked, pulling sim closer, the hand that was on sim's head pulling the girl's head to her chest.
sim's eyes teared up slightly at alessia's actions. she had never felt so loved and cared for. it quieted the insecurities that plagued her mind, that constantly told her she was too much but at the same time never enough for alessia.
"i just want to be with you right now."
despite the waver in sim's voice, alessia's heart melted.
"alright, love, i've got you," alessia replied, pressing a quick kiss to sim's temple before shifting so she was on her back, sim automatically placing her head on alessia's chest, curling into her side.
sim let the warmth wash over her, grabbing a fistful of alessia's sleep shirt as she tried to snuggle closer.
"thank you," sim breathed, drowsiness starting to take over.
"you don't have to thank me. i'll always be here."
"i love you," sim said without thinking.
there was a moment of silence and sim's heart dropped.
of course, she just had to go and fuck this up too. they hadn't said it yet. why did you have to go and ruin the moment? she thought to herself.
her muscles tensed before she moved to pull away, but she was stopped by alessia's arms squeezing her tighter.
"i love you too," alessia said back. sim could almost hear the smile in her voice.
the lionesses' next game was against spain, a world cup rematch. it went without saying that the girls were a mix of excitement and nerves. everyone dealt with it in their own way.
leah was immersed in film of barca and spain in the days leading up to the match. she remembered how helpless she had felt watching the world cup final and was determined to lead the team to a win this time around. it didn't matter to her that this was a friendly, that great britain had already qualified for the olympics.
millie could often be found beside leah, the two huddled over a tablet.
esme had created so many friendship bracelets that she had to order more thread.
katie had taken a bunch of the girls around town shopping, going to different coffee shops and trying to stay distracted.
ella had organized a mariokart tournament in one of the conference rooms for the girls that had stayed behind.
alessia was beside herself with nerves and had opted to waste away in her room under the guise of resting. sim had tried her best to assure her girlfriend, but her duties as social media admin made it difficult to get time alone with her.
sim was relieved when her latest round of meetings with the other media staff was over. she wanted nothing more than to care for alessia.
sim quietly eased the door open in case alessia actually was sleeping. when she turned after closing the door, it was to the sight of alessia sat on the bed, staring into the space above the television as it played old episodes of friends. her heart panged a little at the sight.
sim walked over to the bed, making a quick plan in her head. she knew that nothing she said was likely to make alessia feel better, so she settled on physical comfort.
alessia was shaken from her trance by the soft kiss sim placed on her temple.
"today's a hair wash day, right?" sim mumbled against alessia's skin, getting straight to the point.
"yeah, why?"
twenty minutes later, sim was sat on the couch with alessia sat on the floor between her legs, the pair watching old episodes of superstore, sim's hands massaging coconut oil into the blonde's scalp.
"how did you even think to do this?" alessia mumbled.
"oiling hair is just a thing desi people do. i don't remember the exact origin. different people use different types of oil for different reasons. my maasi* used to do coconut oil before a wash once a week. in the winter, when our hair was dry and frizzy, she would rub baby oil just into the ends every now and then." (*maasi is mother's sister or cousin sister)
"yeah, but why are you doing this now?" alessia prodded. considering this was the first time she had heard sim voluntarily speak about her family, alessia didn't want to push too hard, but she was curious.
not that she was complaining. the massage was doing wonders for her headache and she was more relaxed than she had felt in weeks.
"just noticed you were stressed. obviously, i've never been in the same situation as you so i can't do much in the way of words. but i remember how relaxing this was for me so i figured i would share," sim replied somewhat sheepishly, hands stilling.
alessia was overwhelmed with affection for the younger girl. it was almost offputting how easily sim could read her, how she could anticipate what alessia needed before she herself knew what that was.
alessia reached a hand up to squeeze sim's arm, unable to vocalize how she felt in the moment.
"the massage part is almost done. then we need to let the oil sit for at least a half hour, and i'll wash it out for you."
the pair fell silent, no words needed between them. when it was time for a rinse, alessia sat on the ledge of the tub, leaning gently on sim's body behind her.
"as much as i am loving this right now, i'm going to have to ask you to hurry it up before i fall asleep here," alessia said, breaking the silence.
sim chuckled softly before turning on the water, using the handheld shower to rinse alessia's hair.
"thank you for this," alessia spoke, grabbing a soft towel to dry her hair off.
"you don't have to thank me," sim said shyly, a blush creeping on to her face.
alessia turned to look at sim, and the younger girl almost melted under the tenderness of alessia's gaze.
alessia knew that it was hard for sim to accept any gratitude, so settled for rushing forward and wrapping the girl up in a tight embrace, arms settling around sim's shoulders as hers wrapped around alessia's waist.
sim rested her forehead against alessia's sternum. sim's family never showed any physical affection, so it had taken her a while to get used to just how touchy her girlfriend could be, but sim would be lying if she said she didn't come to love it.
"let's head to bed, yeah? i'm going to fall asleep standing up and take you down with me. then you'll have two bad knees," alessia giggled.
"and then you'd have to carry me everywhere and we can't have that, can we? because then you'd have bad knees and leah would have my head!" sim replied with a chuckle, turning alessia's giggles into full-blown laughs.
the cloud that seemed to be following sim around refused to fully recede, always lingering around the edges of sim's consciousness.
she had done a well enough job of hiding it from everyone. she'd made the effort not to push people away, but that didn't mean that she was asking for help either.
a part of her still felt ashamed and annoyed at how she was feeling. her life was the best it had ever been, so why was it so difficult for sim to just suck it up and enjoy it?
it was currently match day -1, and the lionesses were doing some light training on the pitch before they would head inside for a film session and tactics meeting.
sim was bundled up against the cold on the sidelines, filming when she needed but mostly just watching her girls work. the jealousy she felt while looking at them hadn't abated completely, but she could mostly shove it down and not let it become a problem.
"how's it going?" ella nudged sim, having made her way over after sarina concluded the training session.
"yeah, i'm alright, you?"
ella wrapped an arm around sim's shoulder, starting the walk back to the locker rooms as she chatted about something joe had said to her a few weeks ago.
alessia stole sim back from ella as the team filed into the locker room.
"hey! you get to see her everyday!" ella whined, making grabby hands as alessia steered sim towards her own cubby.
alessia simply stuck her tongue out at ella before gathering the things she needed for a shower and stepping out.
"oh! my family is all coming out for the game tomorrow, so don't run off with alessia so quick because i want you to meet them," ella said, grabbing sim's arm and setting her down on the bench in front of her own locker.
a nervous smile took over sim's face. "really?"
though the idea of meeting ella's parents was admittedly nice, it make sim more anxious than anything else.
"oh, yeah, they'll probably end up liking you more than me," ella responded jovially, trying to pull sim out of her head.
"speaking of," leah interjected, "sim, do you need tickets for any guests of yours? i can probably get them into the friends and family section."
sim immediately stiffened. she couldn't have this conversation with the team. not today, when she was already feeling so on edge.
"oh. no, i don't have anyone i'm bringing to the match," sim said, trying to make it clear with her tone that this wasn't a topic she was willing to elaborate on.
unfortunately, it seemed no one got the hint.
"what, parents couldn't make it?" millie chimed in.
"nah, they're not around anymore," sim said with a sigh, trying to brush it off with a wave of her hand.
however, it seemed to have the opposite effect. there were a few silent moments of tension before rachel's voice cut through.
"i'm really sorry to hear that."
sim's brow furrowed in confusion before she realized how her statement sounded.
"oh! no, don't be. i'm pretty sure they're still alive, we just don't... we're estranged. we don't talk anymore," sim rushed to clarify. the last thing she wanted at the moment was sympathy. especially when it came to her parents because the truth was, she was much, much better off without them in her life.
there was still a lingering tension in the locker room, though the air had lightened considerably. this was the most the lionesses had heard sim say about her family. even leah didn't quite know what to say. she settled for taking a seat beside sim, whose face still donned the same look of confusion.
she didn't understand why this seemed such a big deal.
"you don't want to reach out? mend things?" rachel continued quietly.
"trust me, it's better for everyone if we stay very far away from each other," sim said with a chuckle.
she cut herself off when she realized no one was laughing with her.
"you can't know that for sure. you should consider extending an olive branch, while you still can." rachel had turned to face sim properly now, almost a pleading note in her voice.
sim's back straightened, hands clenched into fists in her lap.
she took a deep, grounding breath before speaking. "look, i'm telling you, my parents and i do not talk anymore and it's for good reason. i don't owe anyone an explanation. please, drop it."
leah didn't think she had ever heard that level of iciness in sim's tone. she looked at sim, biting her lip as she did. it was like looking at the face of a different person. sim's face was completely blank, not a trace of emotion to be seen.
leah didn't say anything, figuring that rachel would respect the younger girl's wishes and stop pushing.
that didn't seem to be the case.
"i just don't see what could have happened that you're okay with never speaking to your parents again." rachel's voice had taken on an accusatory tone.
millie placed a hand on rachel's shoulder, trying to signal to her best friend that she should stop before things got too heated.
before leah could say something herself to defuse the tension, sim stood abruptly.
"rachel, i respect where you're coming from. really, i do. but i'm starting to get very frustrated with this conversation, so i'm going to leave before i say something i regret."
with that, sim left the locker room, the rest of the girls stunned into silence, only the sounds of sim's cane hitting the floor being heard.
"well, i think that is the politest way i've ever heard someone say 'fuck off,'" said millie.
leah stood to go after sim, but beth beat her to it. "i'll go," she whispered. leah nodded before rounding on rachel.
rachel looked like a fish out of water with the way her mouth opened and closed, searching for words.
"i know your heart was in the right place, but you pushed too hard. just be gentler next time, yeah?" leah asserted, her voice stern but not unkind.
"i'm sorry, i just-"
"it's okay. it's not me that you should apologize to. and don't take her reaction personally, alright? i don't even think alessia knows the full story about her parents."
alessia walked back to her cubby, running a hand through the tangles in her damp hair. by the time she was pulling on a hoodie, she noticed a few things.
for one, her girlfriend was not where she had left her.
secondly, the few stragglers still in the locker room had their eyes trained on her, but averted them when she returned their gazes.
tooney was also stood awkwardly in the space around alessia's cubby, as though waiting for her.
"what?" alessia spoke with a frown, looking to ella when everyone else refused to meet her eyes.
"well..." ella's voice trailed off. she wasn't quite sure how to explain the situation without framing it like an argument and blowing it out of proportion. she did not want to be caught up in the middle of the awkward tension that now permeated the space.
"what?" alessia repeated, her voice now stern.
"look," ella said, holding a placating hand up to alessia, "it's not bad. there was just a conversation about sim inviting her parents and things got a little... tense? but everyone is fine, and beth went to look for sim."
confusion was replaced with concern and a little bit of anger.
"a conversation with who? where is she? is she alright?" alessia rushed out.
"you should hear it from her. i don't know where she is, but beth went to look for her, so it's okay. don't worry. it wasn't a big deal."
that was the thing, though. alessia wasn't sure that it wasn't a big deal.
sim's parents had come up in conversation a few times, but the most sim had ever let on was that they were no longer in contact.
it wasn't for lack of trying. however, the few times alessia had tried to venture further and pushed, sim had shut down, going almost completely silent and stony-faced. each time, it took hours to bring the girl back out of her shell.
the fact that sim wasn't feeling herself recently didn't do anything to ease the concern she was feeling.
with those memories in mind, alessia rushed out of the locker room to find sim and beth herself.
beth looked everywhere for sim. she checked back on the training pitch, in the bathroom, the meal room, the media office, before finding her figure sat in a corner of one of the physio rooms.
beth's heart melted at the expression on sim's face. it was clear from the tightness in sim's jaw and shoulders that she was trying hard to keep her emotions in check.
sim was so caught up in whatever was going on in her head that she didn't notice beth's presence until she felt a hand settle on her clenched fist, forcing it open.
beth frowned at the indents in sim's palm from where her nails had dug into the skin.
"i'm sorry," sim rasped.
"what for? you didn't do anything wrong. i actually think you handled that in a very mature way."
beth's words seemed to fall on deaf ears as sim continued rambling.
"i'm not angry with rachel. i promise, i'm not."
beth shook sim's hand, prompting her to look up. "even if you were angry, you're allowed to feel that way. clearly, she pushed you on a topic that was sensitive for you," beth said gently, almost as though she was explaining something to a child.
"but she didn't know she was pushing. rachel didn't do anything wrong either. i can see where her reaction came from. she lost her father, and i know that he meant a lot to her. she would probably do anything for a little more time with him. i just-" sim ran her free hand through her already messy hair.
beth stayed silent, prodding sim to go on with a nod of her head.
"it's just that not all of us got lucky with our parents. i'm happy she has a great relationship with hers, trust me, i am. but some people have shit parents, and don't want to be pushed into mending bridges that were burned for good reason."
beth noted sim's reluctance to use the word "i" instead of "us" but chose not to say anything. as far as she knew, this was the most anyone had gotten out of sim about her parents.
"her heart was in the right place, but she was still insensitive. she could have been a bit kinder to you. i lost my mum too, so i know where she's coming from, but i also know that not everyone has nice parents like mine or hers. you don't have to defend rachel to me, alright?"
sim nodded, resting her head on beth's shoulder.
"you don't have to talk about what happened with your parents, but i'm here to listen if you decide you want to. i'm sure the same goes for the rest of the girls as well," beth continued.
a comfortable silence fell over the pair. in that moment, sim was overcome with affection. she felt so seen by this new family she had found in the lionesses. unable to voice how much it meant to her, sim tried to put all that emotion into a squeeze of beth's hand.
when beth squeezed back, sim knew her message had been received.
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musings-of-a-rose · 1 year
Back Pain
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Back Pain
Pairing: Teacher Ben x f! Nurse reader
Word Count: 1300+
Rating: Mature - 18+ ONLY!
Warnings: Just like ao3, “creator chooses not to use warnings.” If you click Keep Reading, that means you agree that you’re the age to handle mature themes. Also by clicking Keep Reading, you understand warnings may not be complete in order to avoid spoilers for the story. 
Notes: a belated birthday request for a friend of mine! This is what she asked for, with Teacher Ben:
"Reader is the school nurse
And Ben pulls his back - so two football hunks from his class carry him into the first aid room.
(Let's call her Miss Mint, cause she gets everyone a cup of mint tea all the time)
 Course they're both crushing on each other..
First kiss maybe? 🙂 back massage with no shirt? Poor Ben 🙂"
**If you want to be added to the taglist, join here or let me know!
❤If you enjoy the fic, please consider giving me a warm beverage! (It is not required in any way!)
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Teacher Ben Masterlist
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"It's funny how your illness always seems to coincide with Mr. Shah's quizzes, Maria."
The student in front of me tries her best to hide her guilt. "No, Nurse Mint, I really do feel like, sick." She coughs dramatically, and obviously fake. 
"I see. Well I've taken your temperature and since you're not exhibiting any other symptoms-"
"No, really, I'm sick." Another fake cough. 
"Maria, make sure to sign up for drama class next semester. You'll be brilliant on stage."
She perks up. "You think so? I've been prac- ah dammit!" Realizing I got her to admit she was faking, she groans and grabs her backpack, heading towards the door. 
"Tell Mr. Shah I said hi."
She waves over her shoulder and leaves. Being a high school nurse never gets old. 
It's quiet today. Just the typical stream of kids who need their daily meds and such.
Loud noises come from the hall outside, coming closer to the clinic. I catch a few words, including my name, so I walk around my desk to open the door. 
There, in the hall, are 2 of the school's football players and between them they're carrying-
"Mr. Ben?" I ask, pulling the door open wider as the 2 students carry him inside. 
"Where can we put him?" One of the students asks. 
I gesture to a bed. "Here." I put on some gloves as the students gently set Mr. Ben on the bed.
"Move back, please," I say as I move to stand in front of Ben. The students step back, waiting to see if I need any more help. 
"Hi, Ben. What happened?" I'm standing in front of him, watching pained expressions move across his face. His beautiful face. 
"I think I-" He hisses when he moves "-threw my back out."
"Thank you, boys. You may head to class now." 
They nod, telling Mr. Ben they hope he feels better. 
"Now, what happened?" I ask as I head back to my desk, opening a side drawer to pull out some pain meds for him.
He chuckles softly and then hisses again. "I just..turned wrong."
"Turned wrong?"
"Yeah I'm old. It happens."
"You're not that old," I smile at him as I hand him a bottle of water and a cup with pain meds in it. He hisses again trying to grab the bottle. 
"It's okay. I'll help. Can you turn your head for me to give these to you?"
He takes a breath and moves his head back, his bright, brown eyes finding mine. I can see from the look in his eyes he's in more pain than he's letting on. I help him take the pain meds, stepping back to look at him. 
"Let's take off your shirt."
"So I can massage your back, help work it out while the meds kick in."
He blushes, bright pink flushing up his cheeks. "I, uh oh. You don't have to. I'll be ok." He hisses again when he moves and I shake my head. 
"I won't force you, but it will help."
He looks at me, eyes like a puppies and I get lost in them a moment. To be honest, I've had a crush on this man since my first day. He's great with the students and they absolutely adore him. Sometimes too much, if you've seen the fancams. 
It doesn't hurt that he's easily the most handsome guy I've ever laid eyes on. 
He swallows hard and slightly nods, closing his eyes at the bit of pain that movement causes. 
"Ok." He tries to move to unbutton his shirt, but grunts out in pain. I move closer to him, placing my hands gently over his. 
"M-may I?" I ask. 
He looks up at me, something else in his eyes. Almost like…
"Y-yeah. Ok."
My fingers tremble, undoing each button, slowly revealing a small smattering of freckles across his chest. He's got a small tummy and the sight of it goes straight through me. He catches me staring and tries to pull his shirt around his stomach.
"I'm not super fit-"
"You're gorgeous."
"What? Oh uh let me help you take off the shirt so I can get at your back."
He nods and I slowly slide the shirt off his shoulders, helping him remove his arms. He grunts a few times at the pain and I can't stop apologizing for it. 
"It's not your fault I'm old and turning wrong can put me on my ass for a week."
I chuckle. "You're not that old. And I don't want to cause you pain so please tell me to stop if it hurts."
I move to stand behind him, pulling out my tiny jar of Tiger Balm. Ben approves it and tells me where it hurts the most. I gather up some balm, fingers hovering over the spot he indicated before I touch him, massaging the spot with gentle force. Ben grunts and moans as I work my fingers into his back, and I feel myself flushing, thinking of how else I could get him to make those sounds.
"Oh, shit that feels…ugh there! There! Harder!" 
I massage harder, Ben letting out a gasp and a moan as I feel the knot unwind under my hands. I stop and he breathes deep for several moments. 
"Are you ok, Mr. Ben?"
He nods slightly. "You have magic fingers."
I smile, moving back around to stand in front of him. "Glad to help. Let me help you with your shirt."
I slide his arms back in the sleeves and help him button up his shirt. I'm so close to him I can smell his cologne, woodsy and a bit like parchment. I chance a glance at his eyes and find him already staring at me, an odd look on his face, as if he's trying to decide on saying something. Smoothing out his shirt, I toy with the collar. 
"Is..are you feeling better?"
"Y-yes. I don't know how I would've made it without you."
"You'd have found a way I'm sure."
I move to step away, but apparently my shoes were untied and I trip over the laces. But I never hit the ground, Ben grabbing me and holding me, preventing my fall. We're close, noses nearly touching. 
Ben clears his throat. "Are…are you ok?"
"Hhmm? Oh uh…yeah. Yes, I-"
His eyes travel across my face, lingering on my lips for a moment longer. 
"Are you sure?" He moves his head slightly closer to me. 
"Sure about what?" I move closer to him. 
"Tripping." He's the closest he's been to me, our noses just barely brushing against each other.
His lips press to mine hesitantly, waiting for my to pull back. As if I ever would. We both deepen the kiss, a quiet moaning coming from the back of his throat. He breaks the kiss, pressing his forehead to mine. 
"I've been wanting to do that since the moment you handed me my first cup of mint tea on your first day here."
I smile, "Really?"
"Mmm. Would you go to dinner with me?"
"Absolutely. And if your back bothers you, I know exactly how to handle it."
General Taglist:
@frankie-catfish-morales @chaoticgeminate @janebby @astoryisaloveaffair @balekanemohafe @greeneyedblondie44 @hoeforthefictional @marvelousmermaid @hauntedmama @giuliarogers @icanbeyourjedi @wretchedmo @sunnshineeexoxo @livingmydreams13 @adventures-of-a-noodle @sara-alonso @theewokingdead @punkerthanpascal @giggly-otter @f0rever15elf @phandoz @dirtytissuebox @gallowsjoker @lovesbiggerthanpride @sarahmilesbendrix @booksarekindaneat @mrsudontknowme @swol-bear @charlispersonallyhell @xoxabs88xox @amneris21 @gooddaykate @alindeluce @avengers-fixation @paintballkid711 @harriedandharassed   @ladykatakuri @marrianena  @practicalghost @withakindheartx @batdarkladyvampir @justanotherkpopstanlol   @mermaidxatxheart @alexxavicry @ichigodjarin @justreblogginfics
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Can you do the mob boys reacting to their teenage daughter sneaking out the house/ rebelling?
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Mob! Leo
He knows a little about rebelling so he's not totally surprised when he catches his teen daughter sneaking out
but he appreciates guts more than anything
and it was a pretty ballsy move for his kid to defy him like this
she thinks she's being so slick as well, waiting for him to go to bed and creeping out
"And what plans do you have at this time of night? He better be worth the grounding you're about to get"
aannddd she knows she's done for
but she's gotta try, y'know?
with the most innocent look and a sweet as pie voice she turns to him like:
"Daddy, I'm just going out to see a movie with Claire. You remember her, right? No boys or alcohol, just a movie"
he's not fooled
"Oh really, open your bag then?"
time to drop the act
"fine. How long am I grounded for? "
he tells her it's forever but she knows it'll be like a week as per usual
stomps back up the stairs muttering about how she can't wait to move out at 18
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Mob! Raph
ok but he's such a big softy
like his daughter could get away with murder, both figuratively and literally.
but he doesn't like her doing anything that could her hurt, like walking around the streets of New York late at night....
he catches her shimmying down a drainpipe out her bedroom window
she's super slow at it so he just goes downstairs and waits for her
"I told you no"
she half jumps out of her skin
she really didn't think he'd know she was doing this
"But dad!"
"I said no, it's 11:30 at night, I don't want you out at this time"
"I'm just going to a friend's house, please? Her dad's picking me up and everything, he'll drop me back too!"
puppy dog eyes galore
he thinks about it for a minute
"I'll drop you off. And pick you up. And if you aren't there, I'm sending your body guards out for you and they will embarrass you in front of your friends. I'll make sure of that"
"Thank you, daddy!"
big hugs
he makes the guards embarrass her anyways as punishment
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Mob! Mikey
Oh god he's such a wild card as a parent
but also such a massive push over as a parent
like his kids really aren't used to being told "no"
but when he says "no" he fucking means it
so when he catches his daughter with a bottle of raspberry vodka in one hand and his car keys in the other... shit is about to hit the fan
she hears it before she even realises what's happened
the bottle of vodka smashing on the floor
then there's what he says
because Mikey doesn't yell, he actually gets real quiet when he's angry
"Is this what I fucking get? for raising you, caring for you, protecting you? this blatant disregard for my rules and wishes? Who are you sneaking out to see? Because I fucking swear that if it's the boy you've been making eyes at all semester, he won't make it to school on Monday or ever again. Do you understand?"
he sort of realises he fucked up once she starts balling her eyes out and shaking
after that he clams down and they go back inside for some daddy/daughter rebuilding trust.
she's fine the next day but never sneaks out again
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Mob! Donnie
one dad you do not want to fuck with
he plays the long game
he see's her sneak out, and follows
obvs he's super discreet and she thinks she's gotten away with it
until her and her friends are drinking and partying and dancing, until they feel comfortable...
then he strikes
armed guards knock down the door, guns pointed in everyone's faces
there's a bit of a scuffle (drunk "hero" teenage boy trying to show he's a big shot) but he gets knocked out pretty quickly
then Donnie appears
he grabs her by the hair, pulling her face close to his and hissing that it's time for them to leave
in the car on the way back, he's eerily calm
she's trying to do damage control, lot's of "i'm sorry" and "it'll never happen again"
"Oh, I know it won't"
she's confused
"I don't want bad influences on my daughter. so you're going to a private school and I've been assured, it's very strict. Your friends are all going to fail their classes and get kicked out of school and they will be made to know it's your fault and I expect a 5000 word essay on why this was such a bad idea in my hand by Wednesday"
she just sobs
after the essay is handed to him, he "forgives her" and doesn't continue with his plan.
but she never does shit like that again.
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barb-l · 2 years
Yeees totally! With Enid probably picking stores strategically beforehand because she knows Wednesday can only take so much before her social batteries run out for the day. She's also totally buying her something other than black and white.. maybe in a beautiful dark blue colour and for whatever, whatever reason Wednesday will be compelled to wear it (when they are alone.) Oh no.. I have way too much thoughts and feelings about them.
Ohh I will be ecstatic about anything you decide to write for them. I loved your first fic tons, it's so very well-written! 😊
Oh dark blue could work. Pretty sure that's what she was wearing in Addams Family Values.
Aww thanks! I'm actually working on a summer break fic rn, but i've been hesitant to keep going cuz ive been considering just waiting to watch the show first cuz i wanna know what Enid's family/pack is like by the end of the show. I'll probably be changing a ton of stuff, or just scrap the whole thing altogether, after i've watched the show, so let me just post what i have so far here:
(sorry im on my mobile and can't put it under read more)
Enid didn't really expect anything when she gave Wednesday her number. For one, Wednesday didn't have a phone and has sworn that she will never have one.
But just in case...
As, uh, rocky as their start was as roommates, Wednesday has grown on Enid. Like a mold. Maybe due to Stockholm Syndrome. Jury's still up as to how Wednesday feels about her. But after going up against a homicidal monster and rogue Nevermore student together, she likes to think that she has managed to go past being merely a thorn on Wednesday's side and dug her way to the other girl's shriveled, pea-sized heart.
So just before they leave Nevermore for the long-awaited summer break, she gave Wednesday her phone number to let her know that she can contact her if she ever gets sick of tormenting her brother and wants to bother Enid instead.
Wednesday raised a brow when she's handed the piece of paper with Enid's digits and sceptically looked at her. "Why?"
Enid didn't expect Wednesday to ask at the time. Truthfully she expected her to wordlessly throw it away and was prepared for another bout of back and forth squabble like they've always done. Maybe even tease her over how she's too much of an old lady on the inside to even figure out how to use a phone anyway. It was fun. What's not fun is admitting that she will miss her. She didn't prepare to be asked why.
"I don't know," is what Enid ended up saying. "Just..." She shrugged, turned away from Wednesday's calculating gaze to finish zipping up her bag. "I don't know."
Enid didn't like that reaction. Like Wednesday just caught her doing something embarrassing. So she took her bag, gave Wednesday a saccharinely fake smile, and said, "See ya, weirdo!" before running away with her tail tucked between her legs.
Enid spends the first two weeks of summer break agonizing over how humiliating that was. Who gives their number to a girl who doesn't even have a phone? Desperate idiots, that's who.
If Wednesday knew how much Enid was suffering just thinking about her, she'd be smiling in satisfaction.
...and now Enid has started thinking about Wednesday's smile, wicked as it may be, and has buried her face in her pillow. This time she's suffering for different, more embarrassing reasons.
She didn't expect anything, honest to god, so when she receives a notification one day for a text from an unknown number, she couldn't believe her eyes.
Greetings, Enid Sinclair, it reads.
Against my better judgement, I have gone and acquired a phone. I still maintain the belief that they are unnecessary and annoying, but you were, regrettably, right. Lighting Pugsley up in the good ol' electric chair has not been the same since Nevermore.
Perhaps it's due to everything else that we have gone through the whole semester. Monsters and what-not can't compare.
Though money has never been an issue to an Addams, I expect that you will make my purchase worthwhile by granting me amusement. Go ahead, regale me of your woes spending school break locked in a whole different kind of prison with your family. I don't expect it to be any worse of a time than I have had, but I haven't lost hope.
Forever in darkness,
Wednesday Addams
Enid rolls her eyes when she finishes reading the absurdly long text, but there's a smile she can't contain when she fondly mutters, "So edgy."
She doesn't reply right away. Mostly because she doesn't know what to say, and also because she spent a good fifteen minutes just re-reading the message, giggling over the mental image of Wednesday going to the mall and buying a phone, all for her.
... Well, maybe not, but Enid doesn't have enough self-control in her to deny a hungry ego.
She knows that the text has been shown as read on Wednesday's end by know, but she pays it no mind. With all the torture having Wednesday on her mind has brought her, she deserves to do it back.
After spending much too long of her time erasing and retyping, she finally replies.
u dont have to sign n write texts like letters yunno. U can just talk like normal
Enid once again laughs when she sees that her text was immediately read. Wednesday spends two minutes conjuring up a reply, and Enid spends the whole time watching the dots on the the bubble move as she lies in bed.
Eventually, Wednesday sends a reply.
Your spelling is atrocious.
Enid wonders if Wednesday would get offended if she tells her how often she has made her laugh.
That's more like it, Enid texts in return.
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chaotic-archaeologist · 9 months
Hey Reid, really random question, but what do you discuss in office hours generally?
For context, I'm a new undergrad student (on a joint English, drama, and creative studies course, I know this isnt your department but it's not too relevant) and we've been sent forms to fill in about what we want to discuss with our personal tutor in our first meeting with them. I have no idea what you're supposed to talk about in these sessions and as the semester's only just started we're not yet doing assessments, coursework or big projects at all. Plus, as a joint honours student I don't know whether I can talk about my other subject well with her or not as she's only from one subject's department.
The only thing I was thinking I could talk about would be the fact that it's become clear already that my passion in the subjects is completely different to everyone else's on my course (there's only about a dozen of us in the classes for one of my departments) and I guess that leaves me a little directionless so maybe something about careers to do with that but I feel like it's such early doors to start discussing careers.
Anyway yeah, as someone who has already been there and who I believe is now doing it too (if wrong, sorry!) do you have any general recommendations of what students can talk about in office hours with their personal tutors or other teachers? Thank you!
Psst, I'm going to tell you a secret: the vast majority of students do not actually come to office hours. Even though they should! It literally cannot hurt! And coming to office hours is a great opportunity to build rapport with your instructor/TA and get academic help! But out of the approximately 300 student's I've had, I've met with maybe 10 of them.
I say this not to be cynical, but to drive home the point that you are winning by just showing up. You don't have to come with a list of perfectly prepared questions—you're a student, and you are, by definition, learning! Do the readings and assignments, and engage with your instructor.
Now, I'm not sure how your program works, and you say tutor rather than TA, so the etiquette might be a little different. A tutor is there to help you academically, while a TA is there to answer some questions, but by and large you are expected to be in charge of your own learning experience.
As a TA, I'm generally happy to meet with students by appointment, but I also really appreciate it when students are able to understand that I am 1) a human being with a finite amount of time and energy, and 2) my job is to support you but not hold your hand. Your section may not be the only one your TA is responsible for, and they also have their own studies to attend to.
Here are some things that are appropriate to ask from your TA:
To look over a paper draft and offer feedback (provided this is something they have offered to do as part of their job)
Request feedback on an assignment after your grade to know what you could do better next time
Schedule a meeting to discuss topics you are struggling with
And some things that are not appropriate to ask your TA:
Questions where the answers can be found on the syllabus (due dates, percentage of grades for certain assignments, the readings for a given week)
When will I get my grade? (See my above point about being only human. If assignments have been turned in, assume your TA is working on getting them back to you, and that they cannot do so immediately. Give it at least two weeks before checking in)
Asking for a particular grade on an assignment
As for your first meeting with your tutor/instructor/TA, I'll reiterate: just show up! Introduce yourself, say hi, and don't feel too much pressure to hit the ground running.
Here are some posts I've made that you might find relevant:
Tips to make your professors love you
Student conduct
Citation how-to
Thank your professors
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Take a deep breath. I sense that you might be someone who puts a lot of pressure on themselves to be perfect. Nobody else is expecting that from you. You're learning, and it's okay to be unsure and make mistakes! Trust in yourself to do your best in the moment; that's all you can do.
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Forgotten Lessons XIII
Sad girl summer 😪
Warnings: noncon, age gap, abuse of power, coercion. Y'all know I do it dark and spicy. You have warnings, use them.
Thots, comments, screaming, and feedback are welcome and highly encouraged. Thank you!
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The train arrives after midnight. The town you grew up in is as sleepy as ever, the platform dusted in a layer of unattended snow. You step off with your canvas duffel and knap sack into the lazy drift of winter. It doesn't feel like Christmastime. 
You're the sole passenger to disembark, not unusual for the tiny stopover. You glance around. The benches are empty but for the blanket of flakes and the station is dark, closed for the night. You go to one and kick off the snow, putting your bag down as you dial your phone with frigid fingers.
You hold the speaker to your ear and wait, breath foggy and frosty as it passes your lips. You wait as the tone rolls over and over. A beep, voicemail. You shake your head. It can't be. She wouldn't forget. Not again.
You try a second time, a third, fourth, and fifth. You take your duffel and go around the front and look out at the barren lot. She's not there either but she might be on her way. She's coming for you. You just talked to her that morning.
You shiver and pull on your knitted mitts, pacing to keep warm, but also out of restlessness. You had lies ready, if your mother bothers to ask. 'I think I did great on my finals' or 'I'll make it up second semester'. 
An hour and you're shaking uncontrollably. You shake the snow from your scarf and rewind it. You don't know why you came home. Your mother barely noticed when you lived there for eighteen years. She was always off with some mysterious man or down at the wine bar with her girlfriends.
You're a disappointment. If anything, a bothersome blip in her existence. She would be better off without a child but for the first ten years of your life, you were a cute little doll to dress up. After that, you grew awkward and unattractive. She didn't stop you from covering it up.
You resign yourself to walking. You knew the moment you got off the train and she wasn't there she wouldn't come. It hurts but it could be worse. You're used to it.
You follow the road and turn off down the shortcut behind the laundromat. Up the small hill and down another street, towards the suburbs. You know these streets well, how many times did you walk them alone? Just like this.
Your front door remains as the rest of the town. Unchanged. Not like you. You've been intrinsically fractured. You dig out your key and let yourself in. You hear her snoring on the couch in the haze of the amber shaded lamp.
The wine bottle is empty as you put your cold hand to her hot cheek. You leave her. She's never in a good mood after drinking, not as the haze fades away. You go upstairs and slowly push open your bedroom door.
Inside, the scene stuns you. You drop your bag and stare. It's empty. The walls are painted over and there's tins on the floor, rollers dried and strewn about. Not a piece of you is left. 
Your eyes wet. There's nowhere in this world you belong. You suck back the tears and close the door. You flick the light off and use that of your phone to find your way to the corner. You push the cans out of the way and pull a sweater out of your bag, using your knapsack as a lumpy pillow. 
You curl into a ball and shiver. Did you expect anything more? It's all meaningless. School, home, living.
"Oh honey, did you take a cab?" Your mother asks as she finds you waiting on the kettle in the kitchen.
Her face is puffy with her hangover, her voice croaky and dry. You force a smile. Lie. That's what people do.
"Yes," you answer, you won't mention you spent all your money on the train because she never bought the ticket like she promised. 
"I'm so sorry, I must have fallen asleep," she comes to you and squeezes your shoulder. You see her hesitate. When you were a girl, she'd kiss your cheeks and call you pretty, now she seems pained to just be around you. "Honey, can you make me some coffee while you're at it?"
"Yes, mom," you reply, another sort of lie. The kind where you pretend you're okay.
You go about filling the tank and loading the filter. You hit start as the kettle whistles. You poor the piping water over a bag to steep. She grumbles and you turn to face her as she smiles at her phone.
"Did you meet any cute boys? Eh? Oh, you're old enough to come down to the bar with me!"
Your nostrils flare. Professor Laufeyson isn't exactly a boy and that was just a joke. You shake your head.
"I've been studying--"
"Oh, but college is for getting wild, isn't it?" She trills, "when I was your age, oh, the boys I met... the things we did. Not like they don't still come around. I met this looker last week-- Twenty-three, can you believe it?"
Her lipstick is smeared around her lips. You wonder if she went to the bar last night, came home when she got nothing more than an overpriced cocktail. You purse your lips and shrug.
"So cute," she goes on.
No remorse, no apology for leaving you out in the cold. If she even thinks of it. She probably doesn't even realise. 
"Oh! Your room!" She grasps her head as she moves too quickly, "of course. Well, you see, I had an idea. I'm going to have a balcony built on the outside and turn it into a sunroom. Now you're out of the house-- I don't think you'll be back. You've got three years ahead of you, I'm sure you'll find a husband to take care of you--"
"I don't want a husband," you say, "but... I won't come back."
You take the milk out of the fridge and pour some in your tea. Then you grab the cream and mix your mother's coffee, bringing it to her out of habit. You don't mention that she hasn't put up the tree. No bother, just like you.
"Nonsense, you don't want a man? To take care of you? If you put in a bit of effort, I'm sure you'd hook one. And maybe smile, hmm? Come on, honey, you need a man to hold you tight and tell you sweet things--"
"You don't got one neither," you blurt out, clapping your hand over your mouth. You back up and shake your head, slipping your palm down, "I'm sorry, I--"
She scoffs and takes a gulp of her tea, bitterness burning in her scowl, "well, aren't you the precious little virgin? Rubbing it in? Tight little thing like you should be enjoying her youth. You take it all for granted. Not like me, I popped you out and you ruined everything--"
"Mommy, please," you beg, "I didn't mean it."
You hate when she's like this. When she turns cruel. It's easier to make her happy, to tell her what she wants to hear.
"Mommy, I'm sorry. You're right. I'm... pathetic."
She exhales and curls her lip, "don't be dramatic, alright? I didn't raise you to be such a..." she mutters but you don't know what she says. "I'm hungover, darling..." that word freezes you, you remember it in another voice. His. "Just gimme some time to get myself together."
"Yes, mom," you hold your tea snug, trying to absorb some of the warmth, "maybe we can go see the lights tonight?"
"Not tonight," she retorts quickly, "ladies have some plans. Some spicy egg nog and maybe a bit more, eh?"
She cackles, once more putting on that act. The carefree cougar sharpening her claws. You're a kitten, a stray at the road side. You're unwanted.
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toomanybandstocare · 2 years
{Getting Through the Day}
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Program: The first day of the new school year and semester sits heavy in you. Scorching heat from the summer heat wave and Ian's fleeting touches drive you insane through the day. All you can do it throw it back at him and hope to last until you can escape to his apartment for the weekend.
Pairing: Professor! Ian Malcolm x College Junior, GN! Reader
Genre: Slowburn NSFW, Requested -> Minors Do Not Interact
Length: 6394w
Warnings: Pet Names (Honey, Sweetheart, Baby, Brat), Light impact play (happens once), No genitalia mentioned with reader, Grinding, No protection, Ian mocks reader to tease them, Fingering, Making out, Swears I think that's it but lmk if I missed anything
Counselor Notes: Thank you for my first request!! I'm pretty happy with how this turned out :) This sort of goes along with this thought I had and happens later in the time line. I'll explain better when I actually start writing my Professor! Ian Malcolm stuff.
Camp Isla Nublar Masterlist
Your chest heaves with every step you take as you rush from one building to the next to make it to your next meeting in time. Clutching on your bag’s strap, you hurl yourself across campus as flowers bloom across the small gardens and classmates lounge on the grass. Why did they insist on meeting in the campus center when you shared class not an hour earlier in the same building you were just in? You huff and shake your head in frustration as you near the center, tunnel vision locked on the doors where students, faculty, and staff flow through. Of course your second class would run long the one day you’re back to back with meetings and classes.
Determination fuels your speed as you round the corner to navigate closer to the entrance. Nearly there, just steps away, when a strong chest blocks your path and sends you fumbling backwards. Anxiety flares as you try to catch your balance, books and papers flying out of your hands. The warm smell of smoke and leather engulfs you when the person wraps their arm around your waist.
“You alright there, kid?” Ian’s voice hums lowly as one hand supports your lower back. His palm presses into you to hold you up and sends warm waves across your body.
“Yeah, thanks Dr. Malcolm,” you mutter. Trying to catch your breath, Ian’s growing smirk leaves you even more lightheaded than the collision. Tiny tingles nip at your skin where his fingers dig into you. You wet your lip before darting your nervous gaze to meet his amused look, “I’m sorry for knocking into you- I’m running late for a capstone meeting”.
You shift your weight from one leg to the other when Ian drops down to the ground and peers up at you behind his sunglasses. Gathering your spilt papers, Ian’s shoulder momentarily grazes against your leg when he rises. His hot breath fans across your jaw when he leans down to your ear, “Now, I’ve seen you go dumb, honey. Need you to be on your best behavior if you want to come over tonight”.
Lightly dropping your papers into your outreached hand, Ian’s dark eyes peer over his glasses as he addresses you: “It’s not like you to be so distracted. Be careful where your head’s at, alright?”
Motioning for the other professors to move forward, Ian sneaks a small squeeze to your shoulder. His touch ignites bristles of sparks to span across you and only intensifies when he  shoots a cheeky wink at you when he follows his colleagues. 
You have to bite back your smile as you fall slightly behind the group. Finding your footing once more, you make your way to the center’s entrance and hurry to catch up as Ian holds the door open for the faculty. Just as he’s about to enter himself, you press past him in the doorway. Your free hand lingers against his lower stomach, and you can feel his breath hitch under your light touch.
Craning your neck to look at him over your shoulder, you shoot him a teasing smile. “Thanks, professor. It’s so kind of you to always lend a,” you pause slightly and watch his jaw clench, “helping hand to students”. You laugh as Ian shakes his head in disbelief and follows you into the building, just one step behind you.
Before you both part ways, Ian brushes past you and mutters low enough for you only to hear, “Behave”.
Watching Ian’s back walk away, you press your thighs together trying to relieve the growing burn stirring inside you. This was going to be a long day, and it’s barely approaching mid-morning. You will yourself to walk up the side staircase as your thoughts race causing a flush to burn across your skin. A night with Ian Malcolm leaves little and everything to the imagination all at once. 
Maybe, you wouldn’t even make it to the bedroom this time as the two of you put on a show for anyone who looks out their window and catches a glimpse into his apartment living room. Curtains wide open without a care for anyone who could easily watch as Ian leaves his mark on your neck and pulls a devastated moan from your lips when he moves away. Splayed out on the couch as he throws off his jacket and settles between your legs, pressing searing kisses from your hip bone down your thigh and ghost over your pubic bone. 
Or would it be a rendez-vous of fleeting touches? A soft night of featherlike touches tracing the planes and dips of your body while worn record plays in the background. Both of you pull each other as close as possible to feel how you fit together perfectly. Quiet begs for more mix with groans of admiration as you take him so well. His treasure, kept hidden away all for himself to enjoy.
Your body light burns in excitement as the possibilities float through your mind, unable to pull yourself away to join your group’s discussion as you sit down with them. It’s not until the faint snapping sound jolts you from your daydreams, that you recognize everyone’s concerned gazes face you. “Sorry, stuck in my head,” you weakly deflect and clear your throat, “What’s up?”
“We were just asking if you had any suggestions for the project? Now I’m worried that you're getting sick though, you look like you’re on fire,” Laura explains, lowering her hand from your ear.
Your cheeks burn as embarrassment and lingering anticipation mix in your stomach, “‘S fucking hot out there, and I hauled ass to try to get here on time. Didn’t do me any good as I nearly took someone out when I ran into them. I promise, I’m good,” you vaguely deflect, “Frat flu has not got the best of me yet”.
Everyone groans and chats about hangover cures as well as home remedies they swear fixes frat flu like nothing else. Taking a deep breath, you slide further into your seat and chuckle under your breath. No way in hell Ian Malcolm was going to be the death of you. You can’t feed his ego that much.
The morning slowly creeps forwards towards lunch time and every tick of the clock makes you squirm in your seat. Your leg bounces as your feeble attempts to end the ongoing debate about what archaeological dig your group will focus on for the semester. Ian only has so much free time when you’re both on campus, and you weren’t going to let a dragging battle of intellect get in the way of seeing him. 
“Okay,” you rest your hands on the table and stand up to direct everyone’s attention towards you, “Clearly, this isn’t going anywhere, or at least not if we keep going at it like this. I propose a vote. We’ve already done the pros and cons of each site, so everyone is well aware of what each would entail in regards to research topics”. 
You look around the table, leaving no room to disagree, “I’m getting fucking hungry, and trust me. You do not want to see me hangry. So, votes for Chichén Itzá?” You raise your hand alongside three bashful hands raise, and you nod your head in acknowledgement. “And votes for Domus Aurea,” you follow. Laura shares a small waze as the sole supporter of this site. “Alright, if we don’t get our first pick, are the rest of you okay with choosing Domus Aurea as a back up?”
“We can rank Caral as our third interest as well,” Marcus suggests as Katherine and Neo agree.
“Perfect,” you exclaim and hurriedly grab your belongings, “Now, if you’ll excuse me”. You rush out of the common space and fly down the staircase to make it to Ian’s office in time before his next lecture.
Breaking through the campus center doors, you run past the herd of oncoming traffic as the class hour ends. Shuffling feet trip you as backpacks bump against your shoulders. You push through the crowd and run past the humanities building with its tranquil fountain. The science building stands proud amongst the club tables calling over students to find new recruits. Rounding the corner, you see the mathematics building come into sight and pick up your pace. You launch yourself past all the idle students blocking the entrance and rush down the stairs to the faculty offices. The closer you get to seeing Ian, the more your stomach twists and tingles. Giddiness puts a leap in your step as you finally reach the warm, oak door adorned with a golden nameplate: Dr. Ian Malcolm, Mathematics and Chaos Theory.
You knock on the door and relief floods you when Ian’s muffled voice calls you in. Stepping inside, you’re greeted by the familiar bookshelf walls and teetering piles of paper on the floor. Ian has his head in his hands leaning on the desk directly in front of you with rays of afternoon summer streaming through the window wall behind him. Although you’re buzzing from his presence once again, concern crashes down onto you.
“Ian,” you call out as you carefully walk towards the arm chairs just before his desk. You place your bag onto one of them before you hesitantly move around the desk to get closer to him. Slowly reaching your hand out to see if he’s okay, your stomach drops as Ian pulls you into his lap suddenly. The room fills with your shrieks and his laughter as you try to escape his hold.
His arms securely wrap around you and hold you tight against his chest as he looks up at you with a cocky smile. “Well, if this isn’t a lovely surprise,” he drawls. His arms relax as his hands slide to rest on your hips and greedily squeeze your body. His fingertips dig into your skin and reignite the spark teasing your body.
“Ian, you asshole.” you push against his shoulders and arch your back away from him. A small whimper breaks past your lips when you push against his lap. “Fuck, I was worried,” you swallow as his lips trail acros your collarbone. Shutting your eyes, you let his touch take over you completely. The coarse calluses that tease your skin underneath your top. How his jeans send shockwaves through you as he manhandles you. You can feel the faint outline of his prideful smirk when he presses his face against the crook of your neck.
“How mean of me,” Ian mocks you, “Been good so far, honey?”
His hands guide your hips to slowly rock against his lap while he sucks a mark on the sensitive spot on your neck. Ian scatters scorching kisses up the column of your neck and lightly bites down where your jaw meets your ear. Dragging a small moan from you, Ian darkly chuckles and nudges your cheek with his nose.
“Asked you a question, sweetheart,” Ian pulls you harshly against the growing outline of his bulge.
“Yes, fuck,” you gasp. Your eyes fly open and meet his curious gaze. Fucking asshole thinks he has the upper hand- think again.
“My project group is annoying as shit,” you hiss as you grind down on him. Ian’s hands grip you harder as he groans. “They spent two goddamn hours arguing over what site to research for the semester,” you gasp when he bucks into you, “Only to meet a majority vote on the first site I brought up”. You move your hands to tangle them in his hair and tug on it. His moan courses through you and grows as you speed up your movements. “I swear to fucking god, Ian, I’m going to lose it if I have to make every fucking decision for this class,” you pant against his lips.
“Good thing I’m here to help relieve some stress,” he breathes out chasing after your mouth. Desperate for a taste.
Your legs start to shake as you near your ogasm, and you can’t help but give into Ian just a little. Selfish to feel his lips on your own after so many days apart. His teeth clash with your own as the two of you fight for control. Your mind feels hazy from the overwhelming heat stinging you.
Ian paws at your hips trying to hold himself back and reign you in. Normally cool and collected, desire makes him a mess underneath you. He growls into your mouth as he ruts up into you. His hard on presses against you and hits you with pangs of pleasure. Your content noises spur him further to push each of you over the edge. The small touches from this morning did nothing but linger in the back of his mind. Teasing him as he imagined how nice you would look on your knees for him underneath the conference room table during his meeting. 
Ian hastily pulls at your waist band, “How about it, honey? Gonna let me take care of you?”
Just as he’s about to pull the button free, you push yourself off his lap. Breathing heavily, you look down at him in fake care, “You have a one o’clock meeting, Dr, Malcolm. I would have to make you late”. You laugh at his wide eyed shock as you straighten your clothes. Ignoring the pleading voice begging you to go back, you walk over and grab your back to make your leave. “I know how embarrassing it is to walk into a meeting late and all pent up,” you tease and look at him over your shoulder. 
Ian leans forward his chair completely captivated by your fighting words. “Sweetheart,” he warns, wetting his lips as he takes you in. Hickies paint your neck so nicely as your shirt wrinkles at the hem. He watches as your chest hastily rises and falls, but the movement of your hand catches his attention. Darting his eyes to meet your fluttering lashes, Ian slightly raises out of his chair ready to chase after you if he has to. His stomach burns as need takes over his sense of control. No longer concerned about how he looks, Ian just needs you bent over his desk if he’s to get through the rest of the day.
“Be good for me, alright?” you tease and quickly exit the office, slamming the door as fast you can. Barely hearing the rush of footsteps behind the door, you take off to make it to the campus cafe. Hypersensitive to everything around you, your mouth slightly waters at the thought of what tonight will bring.
When you exit the math building, the heat sits heavy on your skin as the afternoon sun beats down on you. You quickly walk over to the library and hum at the sweet relief from the AC as it greets you. Only one more lecture to get through for the day, and then you can head to your apartment to get ready for tonight.
Yet, your mind wanders further away from campus and into Ian’s cozy, hidden apartment as the minutes slowly dwindle in the dusty lecture hall. Doodling in your notebook, thoughts of take away choices preoccupy your attention rather than the enticing voice of Dr. Jones.
“But it seems as though my stories of lost civilization can’t capture the attention of everyone,” his pointed joke breaks your daydream. 
Your wide eyes peer down the lecture risers to meet your professor’s stern look. Shrinking into your chair, you send him a sheepish smile. Dr. Jones smiles and shakes his head ready to continue his story when the bell trills against the chalkboard walls. You quickly shove your notebook and supplies into your bag as anticipation spurs you into action, but you at least attempt to listen to the last minute homework announcement.
“Alright, I know it’s Friday, and everyone has somewhere to be,” Dr. Jones’ voice shouts over the room’s hustle, “But remember that your capstone proposals are due next Wednesday. It’ll be a cold call to determine order- be thankful I told you that much”.
Your skin feels hot and tacky as you try to make your way through the hoard of students trying to escape campus for the weekend. Ian’s last remark echoes in your mind as classmates chatter about their plans. You huff at how slow everyone seems to be moving even though excitement pulses through the air. The electric energy only seems to stoke the pent up desire that stings your core and clouds your mind.
“And I know it will be difficult to pay attention in a Friday afternoon course, but please try to do your best,” Dr. Jones reminds the class, “This is your second capstone requirement. A requirement to graduate next year”. His gaze locks onto your bashful figure trying to hide in the small waves of students.
The throngs of students pushing and bumping into each other in the hallway as everyone hurries to get ready for evening plans. A date night with their partner at the college diner. Football game under the stadium lights with adoring fans and a pep band performance. Perhaps, a risque hook up that sets the tone for a weekend hidden away. Just as you're about to enter autopilot to weave your way through the changing empty spots in the crowd, a light tap to your shoulder draws your attention behind you.
A wide eyed boy nervously shifts in front of you and looks to be struggling with something. “Everything okay?” you ask and try to keep your tone even. Even though eagerness clips your words, you know it’s no reason to be rude. “Dr. Malcolm said to come find you and tell you that he said he had to move your meeting to the lower courtyard. Said it was a waste of a good day to stay inside,” the underclassman mutters before scuttling into the crowd. 
Turning on your heel, you backtrack past your lecture hall and launch yourself against the flow of traffic. Your feet slap and trip over the stairs as you fly down to the lower level that exits to the courtyard. Bursting through the door, the late afternoon sun tickles your cheeks and the floral aroma of the gardens gives you a slight lightheaded high. You look from side to side as you walk closer to the courtyard parking lot. It seems as if the humanities department clears out almost strictly up top.
“Over here, sweetheart,” his voice lightly calls out.
Whipping your head where the voice came from, your smile blooms when you see Ian leaning against his red Pontiac. His arms open to invite you to your weekend getaway and send you running. Throwing yourself into his chest, you press yourself as close as you possibly again.
The warm, black button down scratches your cheek when you nuzzle against it. His belt buckle bumps into you as Ian shifts to hold you more comfortably. One of his legs pushes between your own to support and tease you. His skin slightly damp from the ruthless sun shining down onto the two of you. Ian trails his nose across the crown of your head before pressing a lingering kiss to your temple. Tingles and heat send dizzying ripples through your head.
“Got you for the whole weekend, yeah?” he trails more kisses down the side of your head and murmurs against your ear.
“All yours, baby,” you hum, “Today, this weekend, and everyday yet to come”.
“Then I get to take my time with you tonight,” he nips at your lobe. Pulling away, Ian smirks down at you. The sight of your flushed expression unapologetically taking him in sends Ian into a flurry of emotions. Pride swells in his chest as devotion twinkles in his eye. Wetting his lips, Ian forces himself to breathe when you trail your fingertips down his shirt’s button and rest on his leather belt. “Time to head home, honey,” Ian pats your bum and opens the passenger door for you. Once you settle in your seat, Ian shuts the door and walks over to the driver’s side to join you inside. Turning on the car and pulling it into gear, Ian rests one hand at the top of your thigh and rubs light circles into your leg as he steers the car off campus.
“So what happened with your capstone?” Ian grunts and turns out of the lot. He shoots you a knowing smile and squeezes your upper thigh, “You’ll have to forgive me, sweetheart. I was a bit distracted last time we talked”. His words make the air hot thick. 
“I, um,” you swallow hard when Ian’s fingers dance close to your crotch. You can feel his fingernails drag up your leg slowly as his hand bumps into your lower stomach when the car goes over the speed bump. “I basically had to force my group to use their brains when they seemed concerned about proving they had any,” you breath out.
Ian laughs, not out of commiseration, but in pleasure. Seeing you squirm in your seat just from a small tough, he’s desperate to get you home. “Good thing they have such a smart groupmate then, huh?” he mocks and presses his hand between your thighs. He knows that he is giving you enough relief when you bite down on your lip. “Keep going, honey. I know you had Indy’s class today for capstone as well,” Ian applies more pressure where he cups you, “I know you’re so tired from using your little brain today, but you know better. Rock your hips, baby”.
“Ian, please,” you whine as you shamelessly rub yourself against his hand. At this rate, you don’t care if any of your classmates see you on their walks home. Everything, but Ian’s touch slips from your mind as the outside world blurs past you. His touch causes warm washes to crash through you and tingle all over your body. Feeling his hand sharply come down on you, you let free a broken moan.
“Almost there, sweetheart. Keep going,” Ian encourages, but an edge in his voice makes you shake.
“Couldn’t pay attention,” you shyly mumble. Your legs squeeze around his hand as you hang your head. The additional friction causes you to throb against his hand and pathetically grind down. Your climax stings as it builds when Ian lightly traces his fingers across you. Then he digs into you and presses the heel of hand hard against your bucking hips, nearly stopping you. “Fuck, I know,” you plead with tears threatening your lashline, “He called me out for it twice, and ‘m not even that embarrassed about it. ‘S just syllabus week, and I’ve been-”. You bite down hard on your lip from slipping too much. Ian’s already proving his point that he’s the one in control. That he has you wrapped around his finger. But you weren’t going to so easily admit that you were left helpless after a fleeting touch and a few buzz words.
Ian looks over at you through the corner of his eyes and sees just how much of a mess you are. Your chest heavy as you try to catch your breath. Wrinkles crease your forehead from chasing your high. Thighs twitching against his warm hand when he moves in the slightest. His mouth runs dry at the beautiful sight. “Just that you were a fucking brat all day and couldn’t deal with it?” Ian hums. Focusing on the road, he counts down the apartment numbers in his head. Just one more block. “That you couldn’t pull your mind out of the gutter long enough to listen to your advisor. It’s a miracle you’ve lasted this long with how dumb you get, sweetheart,” he muses. A smirk pulls his lips into a mean expression feeding off the weak sounds coming from you. His hand aches as you use him for your own pleasure, but that won’t last very long once you get home.
“How close?” he demands.
“So close. N-nearly there,” you stutter against his hand. Arousal burns everything you touch and makes the building pressure unbearable. “Ian, please. I know I was a brat-” you plead.
“You really are dumb, aren’t you, sweetheart?” Ian laughs. “I was going to play a little nice if you were just playing dumb,” he emphasizes, “You shouldn’t have confessed, sweetheart. Innocent until proven guilty, right?”
Shaking under touch, you can barely understand what he’s saying. Barely recognizing the dark tone in his voice. All your attention focuses on tipping yourself over the edge as your body shutters. Your legs burn from sensitivity and desperation. Shoulders tingle in anticipation. Any thoughts in your head leave, as your mind becomes hazy.
“I-I’m not dumb,” you pant. A few stray tears bite your hot cheeks.
“Then use your pretty little head and walk”, Ian pulls his hand free and puts the car in park.
“No,” you shout and whip your teary gaze to meet Ian’s challenging look.
“Last chance to pull yourself together, brat” Ian quirks his eyebrow before exiting the car.
The fire licking at your skin starts to sizzle as you try to catch your breath and sniffle. Your mind can’t even process what just happened, you’re too far gone. A muted click vaguely registers in your mind as you gather your bag and slip out the car door. Knees wobbly, you have to lean into Ian to stand up properly.
“Got ya, honey. Come on,” Ian wraps an arm around your waist and carries his bag on the other shoulder. He guides the two of you through the triple decker’s entrance and up the stairs carefully. Even though your little whimpers and thighs pressing together drive him wild at the moment, he deosn’t want either of you to actually do something dumb and miss a step or get caught. Ian’s heart hammers against his chest when presses into your back to unlock his apartment. Your warm body molds against his and shifts under foot. He’s too drawn into how intoxicating you smell. Feeling you hesitantly grind against him makes Ian fumble with the key.
“Brat,” he mutters and shoves the key into the hole. Quickly pushing the door open, Ian forces you to move with his hasty steps and finally enter his home. He nearly breaks the key as he pulls it free and slams the door shut behind him, locking it.
You watch Ian drop his bag onto the side table and throw his keys in the dish. Everything is still as Ian rubs his jaw with a weak smile.
“Bed, baby,” he directs you with his chin. He takes off his sunglasses, and his dark eyes are nearly black when he stares back at you. You turn to run to the bedroom and throw your bag to the living room couch. With every step closer you take off a piece of clothing. Echoing footsteps grow louder behind you, and your heart spikes. You finally got through the day, and you can let go for the weekend.
Passing through the kitchen, you beeline to the bedroom. Still messy as usual with cds stacked haphazardly next to the record player and journals scatter the top of the dresser. The bed invites you with fresh, white and gray linens. Even in the dizzying excitement, your heart swells that Ian wants you to feel comfortable in his home with your favorite morning drink on hand and clean sheets to welcome you.
You throw yourself onto the soft duvet, and Ian falls on top of you. Unable to help the carefree laughter bubbling inside you, you chuckle and pull his head down to press a warm kiss to his lips. His hands run down your sides and squeeze at your soft skin. The dull pain of his teeth nipping at your bottom lip pulls a needy moan from your mouth. Quick to seize the opportunity, Ian slips his tongue past your swollen lips and teases your own. You press your hand against his hard cock and start to slowly rub the little drizzle of precum up his length. An achy need shoots through your stomach when he groans into your mouth.
“Promise that I’ll take my time later. Alright, baby?” Ian trails his nose across your jaw and pants against your neck. “You’ve been driving me insane today,” he punctuated his words with a sudden roll of his hips against your own, “Just need to be inside you, baby. That okay? Gonna let me do what I want to you?”
“I thought you were here to help me,” you tease and meet his hips. Both of you breath heavily at the spiraling sensation your movement caused. Your tummy tickles as Ian grazes your hip bone with the rough pads of his fingers. Slowly, he dips his hand following the slope of your thigh to between your legs.
Ian’s eyes lock onto you as he pauses, his hand hovers just far enough from where you need him most. “I am a selfish man. I have never claimed otherwise,” he growls, “I can still take care of you even if I’m greedy for your body. Even if I’m addicted to you and only want just another taste. I may not be a lover, but I will make sure that the thought of another partner never crosses your mind”. He lightly starts to trace your hole, just enough to catch your undivided attention. “You’re mine, got it? You went after me. You want me. No one else will ever come close to what I do to you,” he says, lips moving against your own as he speaks. His words sit heavy on your chest and make your core burn. Ian’s other leaves the side of your head to reach over and grab the small bottle of lube on his nightstand. The faint click of its cap breaks your gaze to watch him lube his fingers before they return to your body. 
Ian slowly sinks a finger into you, not breaking eye contact with you, and pulls a whine from your swollen lips. “I’m going to make sure that I’ve ruined you for anyone else who even thinks they have a shot with you,” he promises and presses a searing kiss to your mouth. Your breath catches as he adds another finger, stretching you out. Carefully scissoring you open, Ian grips your hip with his other hand. Fingers dig into your figure as he starts to make you unwind and lose yourself to him. 
“Ian, I don’t want anyone else,” you quietly mumble against his mouth. You anchor your hands in his hair and scrap your fingers against his scalp as you pull him closer to you. His guttural moan vibrates against you making you dizzy at the growing arousal building in you. His fingers press upward into you and hit your sweet spot sending a sting of pleasure up your body.
“Then I'm gonna keep it that way. Remind you who you belong to after the stunts you pulled today,” Ian nips your lip before moving his mouth against your neck.
When Ian removes his fingers from you, a sudden emptiness makes you buck your hips in frustration. Not even able to voice your complaint, you feel the tip of Ian’s dick at your entrance.
He rubs his leaking tip against you, smearing pre cum to help lube you. Ian drags his lips up your neck and rests them at the shell of your ear: “Beg”.
Everything hurts. Everything’s too much and not enough at the same time. At the drop of a single word, you let go completely. All the walls come tumbling down at the growing flames building in you.
“Ian, please. I need you in me,” you practically sob, “I want you closer. I want to feel your thick cock inside me as you use me however you want. Just- fuck, I need more”.
With your broken pleads, Ian sinks the tip of his dick inside you. You sob at the slight relief, and your eyes flutter close.
“Keep going. I know you have so many big words in your little brain, baby,” his hot breath stings you.
“Ian,” you shout as your eyes flash open only. “I haven’t been able to think about anything, but you, Ian. Every thought that I’ve managed to have today has been counting down to coming home tonight. You left me wanting more after this morning, and I’m desperate. Please,” you weep. Your eyes sting as you easily admit what he’s done to you.
A searing cloud of pleasure sweeps across your neck when Ian bites down on your sensitive spot. Dizzy from his sudden movement, you barely feel your legs shake as he fully inserts himself into you. The close proximity overwhelms you as Ian snaps his hips against your own, setting a swift pace. 
Your eyes droop as you let yourself completely relax underneath him. The dull stab of pleasure hits every time the tip of his of cock continuously rubs against your sweet spot. Moans echo through the room as both of you lose yourself in each other’s touch. Your thighs sting from the constant denial through the day as you wrap your legs around Ian’s waist.
Now pushing deeper inside you, Ian watches through hooded eyes as you arch your back and a shattering moan passes your lips. “That’s it, baby. Let go, I know you’re close, so just let go. I got ya,” Ian rasps and snaps his hips harder against your own.
“‘S too much,” you whine. The burning crescendo builds in your stomach making you thrash. Either an attempt to chase after your climax or to escape Ian’s brutal ruts- you don’t know or care. All you can feel is Ian’s overwhelming presence. One arm presses your body into the mattress to hold you still, and you feel his veins tickle your skin. His face presses into the crook of your neck and every pepperd kiss flames across your skin. Everytime Ian pushes into you, you feel as if he sinks deeper than the last time. Arousal pools in your stomach when he changes his tempo to a more unforgiving pace and slams into you.
“Thought you said I could do whatever I want with you, baby,” Ian chides and bites down on your neck again. Purple welts blossom across your skin and spur him to keep pushing you further over the edge.”Thought you said you needed me closer,” Ian moans as he moves his hand from your waist and rests his hand against your lower stomach. Both of you feel how far Ian’s dick ruts into you with each thrust. The added pressure makes your toes curl.
“P-please, Ian,” your voice hoarse, barely above a whisper. With each movement of his hips, Ian knocks the wind out of you.
“‘Can’t make up your mind, huh, baby?” Ian mocks you with a teasing smile, “You don’t need to think anymore- just focus on me”.
The combination of desire stirring in you and Ian’s words of encouragement, send you over. Your back arches making your chest press up into his own. Hastily running your hands down his neck, you grip his shoulders. Fingertips dig into his broad muscles and irritate his skin with scratches when you drag your nails. It feels like something snaps inside you, and you let out a devastated moan as everything goes white.
Pride stokes Ian’s arousal at the sight of you so far gone on his cock. Moving his hand off your stomach, he catches your back and eases you back onto the bed to press into you with quick ruts. Your incoherent babbles fall mute to his ears as blood rushes through him, and he chases his high. His cock stutters deep inside you with one sharp thrust, and Ian fills you with cum. His hips rock against yours as he rides out his orgasm to your weak whines and whimpers.
Ian holds himself above you as the two of you come down from your orgasms and looks down at your fucked out expression. Tears stains run down your flushed cheeks. Your neck is painted with his signature mark. Chest rising and falling as you desperately breathe in any oxygen you can. A work of art created by Ian Malcolm.
“Need you breathe in, baby,” Ian rubs his thumb against your cheekbone, “And when I pull out, you’re gonna exhale, okay?” His arm holds himself up as he lightly rests his other hand on your chest.
Barely holding onto consciousness, you mumble in response and poorly nod your head. Fatigue envelopes you in a thick blanket, and Ian’s voice does nothing but lull you to sleep. His hand tickles your chest causing you to mutter in protest and try to swat his hand away.
“Deep breath in,” Ian coes at how your face scrunches into a pout, but he feels you listen to his words. “And then out,” Ian pulls out of you as you exhale. His heart pangs when you wince at the movement. “Sorry, sweetheart. Must not be fun,” he rubs his hand up your side to sooth you.
Ian drops to your side and lays down, always keeping at least his leg pressed against your own or a hand on you while he settles. Once the pillows are right and the alarm clocks set for an hour later in the evening, Ian carefully pulls you to his chest and trails his finger softly in random shapes across your skin. 
“You alright?” Ians quietly asks. But he’s met only with faint snores and deep breaths as a response. He presses a lingering kiss to the crown of your head before closing his eyes. “You’re gonna be the death of me, I swear,” he mumbles. A small laugh bubbles against his body as you shift to get more comfortable, quickly returning to deep slumber. Shaking his head, Ian yawns, “So, you’ll hear that, but not when I tell you to behave. Jesus christ, you’re a piece of work”. Draping his other arm around your shoulders, Ian smiles when you rest one leg on top of his thighs.
Finally through the day, the two of you can just enjoy each other’s tender touches and company for the weekend.
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tiktokitssinoclock · 1 year
Weight- Marc Spector
... ʰᵉʸ ᵉᵛᵉʳʸᵒⁿᵉ.
No I'm not dead, and no I really wasn't that busy until the semester started up. I fell off the writing wagon a few months ago and still kind of feel that way. Just recently I've been working on some stuff again so I hope I'll get back into the flow of things soon, but I don't want to risk burn out. I won't be posting as often as I used to, but I'll still post sporadically here and there. Hopefully that changes as inspiration comes back to me! :)
SFW// Minors and ageless blogs, DNI // You will be blocked
You have a really important day tomorrow, but can't get to sleep for the life of you. Fortunately, Marc has the perfect suggestion.
Word Count:
One of the things you loved about the boys' place was the sounds of the traffic around the building. The soft 'whoosh' of cars as they passed by, the muted squeaks of tires cruising along on wet pavement when it rained, the surprisingly welcome harmony of whiny breaks and car horns when a light turned red. Steven had his complaints about it, and while you could sympathize with him, you yourself never truly minded. It worked almost like a noise machine in the flat, the London hubbub providing a constant hum in the background.
Tonight, however, as you found yourself laying quite awake, you were starting to better understand what he meant. Every time you closed your eyes, trying in vain to get some sleep, the smallest noises from the street were trying their damnedest to get you to open them again.
The hardly audible road rage between two people might as well have been an argument just outside in the hallway. The chirp of a parked car getting locked seemed to echo throughout the room. Hell, even the slamming of a car door was almost enough to make your ears pop.
You let out a quiet sigh as you continued to catch bits and pieces of the ongoing squabble, pinching your eyes shut before opening them once more in defeat. Of all the nights for the sounds of distant traffic to fail you...
Sweat was beading on your brow but you opted to ignore it, the usually inviting cotton sheets feeling much too warm. You tossed over onto your side, your nails digging into the pillow in your grasp as you tried to focus on the sound of Marc's slow, even breaths.
There wasn't much else to distract your gaze from straying, which wasn't helping, either. Like a moth to a flame, you find yourself stealing glances at the laptop perched on Steven's crammed desk. Again and again, however, you forced yourself to stare at the wall beside you. You were playing a game of cat and mouse, it felt like, and the universe was doing everything in its power to work against you.
Your usual white noise was practically blaring. You'd long since kicked the sheets off your body, the material bunched awkwardly at your feet. The sliver of moonlight peeking through the blinds glinted off the laptop's reflective case, only drawing your attention towards it even more.
You found yourself staring at it again before you could help yourself, eyes squinting in annoyance as you chewed the inside of your cheek.
A few more minutes wouldn't hurt.
As you slowly began to sit up, knuckling the sleep out of your eyes, your mind was already racing with things to do.
I haven't got the numbers from quarter two completely memorized yet, and it wouldn't look good if I have to keep referencing that slide during the meeting. And honestly, I don't know what I was thinking adding all those slide transitions. I'll have to edit them out. Maybe I'll pack a quick lunch for myself, too, that way I can just eat at my desk instead of having to pop over to the cafeteria. Yeah, that'll give me more time to finalize everything.
Your legs swung over the side of the bed as you lazily rolled your shoulders, a few satisfying 'pop's greeting you.
I could probably iron out my outfit, as well. I'll never hear the end of it from Jen if there's a wrinkle in my top when I'm presenting. God forbid clothing does what clothes are known to do-
Before you had the opportunity to stand up, however, you felt the weight of the mattress suddenly shift. A pair of arms wrapped around your waist, lips warm with sleep meeting the back of your neck.
"Where're you going?" Marc mumbled against your skin, his voice sleep logged.
You refrained from leaning back into his touch, fingers lightly circling around Marc's wrists.
"Bathroom," you offered, shooting him a reassuring smile over your shoulder.
When he was barely awake, Marc seemed much... softer than usual. His hair was lightly tussled, bits and piecing sticking out in various directions. The usual bags under his eyes didn't seem so pronounced, the gleam in his gaze ever present. You could stare at him for hours, it felt like. The only things tarnishing the view, however, were how his eyebrows began pulling together and the way his lips were pressed in a thin line. Despite just waking up, he was onto what you were up to in an instance.
"I'll only be up a few minutes."
"No you won't."
You could only look at him for a moment before finally speaking again.
"Don't be silly," you said, gently pulling yourself out of his grasp.
"Honestly Marc, I'll be back. You need the sleep and- hey!"
Marc ignored your protests, pulling you in until your back was pressed against his chest and he could lazily throw his leg over both of yours. His cheek pressed itself against the back of your shoulder, each of his soft exhales fanning across your neck. You ignored the goosebumps his breath left in its wake, the frown on your face deepening.
"Please let me go."
"So you can agonize over your keyboard until the sun comes up? Why would I do that?"
"Because I'm stressing out- and rightfully so. There are so many ways I could be productive right now and instead I'm just... I'm laying here."
You sucked in a deep breath.
"I'm not getting to sleep at this rate. I might as well make something of my time."
"That's a horrible idea," Marc replied bluntly, his voice still tired.
"How so?"
Marc interrupted himself with a groan as he gave a stretch, nonchalantly readjusting his position.
"You're gonna tell yourself 'Oh, I'll just review this and I'll be done', right? Then that'll turn into 'I'll rearrange some things real quick' or 'I should make a better version of this table' or whatever else you think up."
You couldn't see his face, but you could practically feel one of his eyebrows arch.
"Am I wrong?"
Too stubborn to confirm or deny his train of thought, even though he was very much correct, you only locked your jaw and sat in continued silence. This hardly phased Marc, however, so he continued.
"You'll just keep changing and adding, changing and adding, until you've got an entirely new presentation you're unfamiliar with. Then by the time you have to present it, you'll get overwhelmed and trip up because its nothing like what you practiced with. You'll be tired, too, which doesn't help. That's what happened last time, from my understanding."
You leaned further into Marc's chest, appreciating the feel of his skin against your own, and let out a heavy sigh.
"Things have to go perfectly to make up for that. I want to prove to them that I can do better."
Another kiss pressed itself against your skin.
"And you will, if you get some rest."
"I... I just can't. I'm all wired up right now and I don't know if I'll be able to get any sleep."
Marc was silent for a beat, only giving you a low 'hmm' in response. Several minutes had passed and you almost thought he had drifted off before he was speaking again.
"What if I laid on you?"
You rolled your eyes with a scoff, earning a chuckle from the man.
"No, not like that. What if I literally laid on you?"
You frowned, turning in your boyfriend's grasp to better face him. his tired eyes and a small smile greeted you.
"I don't see how that would help."
"It would be kind of like using my body as a weighted blanket. I think you mentioned having one in your apartment, right?"
You considered it for a moment, silently appreciating the way his thumb drew small circles on your hip. It was true- you did have a weighted blanket you often made use of back in your flat. And you would be lying to yourself if you said you didn't regret bringing it with you...
"You can say no if you want. It's just a suggestion."
"I know."
You toyed with your bottom lip, pondering the idea. What did you have to loose in trying?
"Let's give it a go, then."
"Fine by me."
Marc briefly released his hold on you only so he could roll himself on top of you, resting his head in the crook of your neck before he let his arms lazily circle you once again. You hummed contently at the shift in pressure Marc's weight provided, an instantaneous calm buzzing through your limbs. After several quiet moments of laying together like that, both your rapid heartbeat and breathing finally slowing, he groggily spoke.
"Mmm hmm."
Just a few minutes later and the two of you had peacefully drifted off, the noise from the busy streets below falling on blissfully deaf ears.
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teenandbeyond · 1 year
hi could a request a demon fem reader x gojo where reader is just bewitchingly beautiful ( and low-key evil n v powerful ) and she joins the uni where gojo is a student of and he tries impressing her n shit n idk more things could be added but ya it has smut n it's very smexy n romantic sort of but sub!gojo :O
Gojo x Dom Fem. Demon Reader
Tumblr media
Interesting, let's see how it goes.
Want the Dom Gojo version? Here.
Want more from meh? Masterlist!
☆*: .。. .。.:*☆☆*: .。. .。.:*☆
🕶 Please Her 🕶 (Jujutsu Kaisen)
Warning(s): College AU, flirty reader, smut, dirty talk, didn't really know where to go with it
It's your second semester at a new college and you've already got a guy trying to impress you, not doing too good so far when he's wearing shades indoors...
He could feel you before you entered the room.
As you entered, he lowered his shades, like he couldn't see you clearly past them.
You were beautiful.
You immediately met his eyes, you could feel his power, too.
And when your lips lifted into a smirk, he decided.
He wanted you.
The next day, he made sure to make a point of falling into the chair next to you.
"Mm, are you here to dispose of me, curse user?"
"Not necessarily," he drew out his syllables, leaning on a palm, "I just wanted to get a better view."
"You're not going to get that from the very back of the class."
He met your gaze over his shades after turning his head your way, "I didn't mean the lesson. I'd much prefer to study you, instead. Better view than that geezer any day."
"Sacrificing your grades for me? I'm flattered," you offered a shark-like grin full of sarcasm.
"No need to worry about me. I have the best grades in this school," he smiled.
You rolled your eyes, kicking up your feet, "Of course you do."
"Miss [Name]! Put your feet down, right-"
Your professor cut himself off with a glare from you, your head tilted back, challenging him to say the rest.
All he did was clear his throat, "I'll let you off this time since this is your first day, but don't expect such leniency next time."
"Well, aren't you the rebellious one? Someone should tame that disobedience of yours," he purred out.
"I don't get tamed. It's not in my nature."
And every day after that, he finds something to brag to you about.
Trying to impress you, you supposed.
But he wasn't your type.
He was pretty, sure, but you weren't into men who weren't worth what they bragged about.
He just seemed like another egotistical pretty boy who was used to having his way in life.
And why hasn't he reported you yet? You were a demon, his type doesn't let you cruise around innocent people so easily. It's why you had to transfer quite a few times.
His answer?
"I mean, other than a few little pranks, you don't mean much harm. Just another student trying to get their degree. As long as it stays that way, you'll be fine."
He seemed to care more about getting in your pants than much else.
He even brought you your favorite drink from some cafe a few minutes away.
"How the hell do you know I like this?" you ask after an experimental sip.
"I watch."
"Creepy. And I'm a demon."
All he does is smile.
You have a strange dynamic of banter, Gojo not really getting past your wall.
"We can't go on one date, beautiful?"
"My dates include an exclusion of clothes."
"I certainly wouldn't mind that," he smiles, flashing his pearly whites.
"You haven't earned the privilege, human."
"I will..."
Things change one day when a sleazy student decides to grope you on your way out of your last class. Even after you tell him to stop.
You both end up in a hidden corner with you tugging hard on his ear, threatening him.
"Listen here, human. You have two options...You can either use this pencil and stab yourself in your poorly endowed genitals. Or I can tear off your ear for your poor listening abilities."
"You crazy bitch, you think you scare me? I've had crazier girlfriends."
"Oh, have you, now? Well, I don't like being second best to anybody. May I show you why I'm the one to fear?"
You mute him with your power, he's unable to be heard by powerless humans. And you slowly tug further and further away from his head.
He tries to struggle away, but your power holds him in place.
"You don't deserve these ears anyway, much too pretty for that attitude of yours," you grin as he begins to scream.
"Stop! Stop! It's going to tear off!" he shrieked.
"That's the point."
You silently glance at the ear in your hand, then back at the screaming young man.
And you laugh. Tossing your head back, hard.
"Fascinating! Humans are very expressive."
"What's going on here?"
You blandly glance over to see Gojo moving closer, "You're not blind. I think it's blatantly obvious."
"Gojo! Gojo, help me, man! This bitch is crazy!"
"Silly human, he can't-"
"Help you? Lovely [Name] here doesn't seem like the type to do something without reason."
He could hear him? Right...his power.
"So what did you do, Kimura?"
"Nothing! All I did was flirt a little and she went nuts!"
You stab a pencil into your desired area, getting another satisfying scream out of him, "You touched me without my permission. And even after my merciful warning, you kept doing it...You were confident, too. I can only imagine how many human women it took to gain it. What do you have to say about that?"
All he could do was groan in pain.
"Well, at least now you can live alone like you deserve. Only desperate little humans would get with a man lacking an ear and a hard-on. Now, get out of my sight," your power releases him as you dismiss him with a hand.
You don't turn to look at him as he rushes to hobble away.
But before he can turn around the corner, his body freezes in place and shatters like glass.
"Foolish human. I don't let scum like you live."
"Well, well. Interesting to finally see your power in action."
You jump at the voice next to you, when did Gojo get that close?
"You didn't try to help him."
"He was weak anyway. But I told you not to harm anyone, or we'd have a problem."
"I have selective hearing," you smirked, leaning against a brick wall.
"Selective hearing, huh? Of course, you do," he hummed.
Before you could blink, he was pressed into you, arm against your throat.
"I should kill you."
"Will you?"
"Hmm," his gaze bore through you, "It'd be a shame...I like you."
"I am quite the charmer," you don't break his stare even as his thumb brushes against your cheek, red staining it when it leaves you.
"Red suits you," he muttered, looking down at the blood.
"It suits anyone."
"But I like it on you, I'm not talking about everyone else," he drags his thumb over your lips. Teasing it between them.
You tease back by accepting it inside when he meets your gaze again.
He sucks in a breath.
"Your bravado doesn't fool me, human," you kiss the pad of his finger.
"What do you mean?"
"You aren't the type to lead in a game like this. But that's okay..."
Gojo can't say he expected to be under you in his bed... But he can't say he minded either.
"Fuck..." his lip quivered as he watched your head bob up and down.
This view of you should've been deadly.
You moved to kiss along his thigh, "You don't deserve me pleasuring you, human."
He knows. He doesn't deserve to see something so pretty.
"I want you to prove you're worthy to be inside me."
He eagerly exchanged positions with you, whimpering like it was the best meal he's ever had.
You grip his hair tight, and you briefly think about it being painful, but he doesn't say anything to indicate it is.
All he does is sigh out, "A delicacy."
After he eagerly cleans the mess he made, you decide he's done enough to earn your warm tightness.
He whimpers as you engulf him, his fingers digging into your behind.
"Is Gojo Satoru begging? Who would've thought you'd something so beneath you?"
But you give him the privilege and move.
His head tosses back in a choked moan.
"You're such a pretty little human," you smile, hand cupping his face, "I might have to keep you around, you desperate little thing."
You gasp as his hips jut into you particularly rough.
"I'm the boss, here. I didn't tell you to move, yet," you lean down, teeth gently tugging at his bottom lip.
"So tight..." he shivers as you squeeze him.
"Poor little human, you can't handle it, hm?" you cooed, brushing your lips against his.
Gojo should've flipped you over and rammed into you for thinking he was weak...but he couldn't...because your warmth, your tightness, really did have him weak.
And when you let out a little whimper after it hit the right spot.
He had to bite his lip to stop himself from coming undone already.
"I-I can, don't underestimate me."
"Oh, I'm sure," you kiss his jaw, "You can move now. Impress me."
He flipped you over, he needed to get some of his pride back.
And he stared at you, your face, your heaving breasts, your belly...
"Are you going to move or what-?"
With a groan, he slid into you.
And you simply purred in delight.
His hips snapped quickly in and out of you, the moans passing his lips desperate.
It was just too cute to you.
Having an arrogant egoist reduced to a whimpering, whining mess.
"If you do well enough, I might have to date for this cock of yours. It isn't half bad," you sigh in delight, "You're doing well for a human...Oh, does that arouse you? You like being my little pleasure device?"
He twitched inside you again, you could tell he was close.
"Y-yes..." he groaned.
"I suppose I can reward you, now. Go ahead."
He sped up, on the brink until finally...
"Oh, shit...Fuck! Mmm," he groaned under his breath as his pace stuttered.
You run a hand through his hair, "Have you been sated, human?"
He took a few breaths, "Mm...But you haven't. You've never been."
"I'm quite used to that," you chuckle.
"But I want you to be," he kissed along your collarbone.
"Well, that was quick...Sure you can last for another?"
"I can go as many times as you need me to."
"Challenge accepted, human. Beware..."
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lonelywhalien22 · 1 year
take a break
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pairing: seonghwa x reader
rating/genre: fluff, college/school/work au
summary: a warm cup of tea and a break with Seonghwa is just what you need when work becomes overwhelming.
warnings: stress, anxiety, kissing
word count: 1k
song(s) to listen while reading: stone by alessia cara
note: sharing this piece I wrote when college was running me ragged (regular occurrence). I always imagined Seonghwa while writing it for some reason so I hope you enjoy!
You sit at your laptop for the millionth time today, having hopped out of the shower but still in no better of a mood, and certainly not excited to get back to your work. You came over to stay with your boyfriend Seonghwa at his place for the night, promising that you just wanted to finish up one assignment before the two of you could spend the evening together. But after discovering a project deadline that had completely flew under your radar you switched into panic mode. Half an hour turned into two hours and you still didn't see an end to the work in sight. Huffing in frustration, a pout on your face, you think about when the semester will finally be over. A sudden clink sound startles you as a mug of warm tea slides into your view.
"Long day?" you hear Seonghwa say as he gives you a soft smile while pulling a chair up behind you to sit down. He sits on it backwards, so that his front is facing the chair's back and his legs split off onto the chair's sides. You give a sheepish smile at him before looking back towards your laptop on his desk, fingers curling around the warm ceramic as you grab the mug thankfully.
"Yeah. I've just been struggling with this assignment all day and still haven't gotten it done. And now I just feel like I'm falling behind on everything else…I'm just so mentally over it, you know?" As you say the words you still can't look at him directly, afraid that you'll cry if you do. Seonghwa just hums softly, reaching forward to rub your arms slowly before eventually wrapping them around your upper body completely. He scoots his chair closer, laying his head on your shoulder as he stares at your laptop screen for a moment before shifting his attention to your pitiful expression.
"I know you put a lot of pressure on yourself sometimes," Seonghwa starts tentatively, "but you know you don't have to finish everything tonight, yeah?"
"Yeah, I know but it's just so hard to let it go sometimes. I'm just gonna keep thinking about it all night and then tomorrow I'll have to deal with it, which will put me behind on this other project that I haven't even started and I don't even know what I'm doing for that yet and-" Seonghwa sees your spiraling before you can catch it yourself and promptly leans in front of you, kissing the corner of your lips in a swift motion and immediately shutting you up.
"Hey, slow down y/n. Just take it one thing at a time, ok?" he says gently as he takes your chair and rotates it around to face him completely. It's the first time you've taken a moment to look at him fully this evening. His black hair is slightly falling into his eyes from the shower he just took and you finally rest your eyes on his dark orbs. Seonghwa gives you a knowing smirk then, fully aware he has you completely under his trance. This is the exact reason you still shy at looking him directly in the eyes. It feels so intimate and everything's still so new. You still feel those little somersaults in your stomach every time he looks at you.
"How about...you enjoy the tea I made, and give yourself till midnight to work, hm?" Seonghwa's sweet smile returns, giving you a little bit of a break from his charms. "Then promise me you'll stop and come to bed. You can't do any work tomorrow if you're tired either." Finally breaking away from his gaze, you sigh and look down.
"I know, I know…I'll stop at midnight. And I'm sorry I ruined the evening. We were supposed to hang out," you say regretfully. Taking this short break made you realize how much your original plans for coming over had changed. Seonghwa had welcomed you into his place and let you get changed and work undisturbed for hours. Now when you really thought about it you felt guilty.
"You didn't ruin anything, y/n. I'm just happy you came over."
Seonghwa's finger goes under your chin and pulls it back up to face him. He pauses and stares at you for a second, the gears clearly turning in his head before he decides to slowly lean forward and close his eyes, giving you a chance to pull away or stop him if it's too much. But instead you take a breath and close your eyes, staying still, your heart thumping in your chest as Seonghwa tilts his head slightly and finally pushes his lips against yours, pillowy soft and warm. You sigh softly, releasing the breath you've been holding in as his hand reaches for the side of your face, his thumb rubbing across your cheek repetitively. He starts to move his lips slightly, and you follow carefully, caught in his spell. Your hand even begins to creep up his chest slowly, getting caught up in the moment. You feel him smile slightly against your lips, then groan a little as he slows down before completely stopping, pulling away slightly. He stays close though, your noses still touching. You look up at him, eyes wide as you question:
"Did I do something wrong or…?"
"No! No, definitely not. That was amazing," Seonghwa says quickly, rubbing your arm again soothingly, clearly alarmed that you got the wrong idea. "I just...I just don't wanna distract you from your work. But I'm really glad you're feeling more comfortable around me. I know you still get nervous sometimes and I just want to be a source of comfort for you. I hate seeing you stressed."
You can't help but smile shyly at his words. Just being around Seonghwa instantly made you feel calmer. Taking a moment to gather your courage, you nod your head in reassurance to yourself before quickly leaning in and pecking his lips again. You grab his hand, running over it with your thumb. "Thank you. Really. I appreciate you so much."
Now it's his turn to look shocked. Seonghwa quickly gets out of it though, shaking his head a little playfully as he says, "of course. I'll see you in a little bit, ok?"
"Yeah, I'll see you."
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