#if i leave my couch to go pee/deal with my period i immediately start feeling what its like to be a crawfish at a boil
It is so hot that I cannot function
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maybe-your-left · 3 years
dr ren finding out reader is pregnant with baby number 3
*number THREE?!*
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You chewed your bottom lip, almost drawing blood as you stared at the pregnancy test. Groaning on the floor of the bathroom, there was no way! You were on birth control, and had Ren wear condoms the few times you had period sex.
There was no way this was possible, but you glanced at the floor. Scattered around you was 6 different tests... all fucking positive
The sound of a door slamming pulled your focus, little feet pitterpattering around the kitchen. Followed by Rens deep voice yelling at him to put his shoes away at the door. You debated just going out and saying it, so you both could figure out how to deal with it.
Ren would know-he had to. He knew you were before with Odin and you didn’t! So, it would be an immediate shift he would sense. You rolled onto your feet. Briefly glancing in the mirror.
You looked tired, from throwing up this morning to shopping at a Walgreens across town so no one would recognize you buying pregnancy tests. All the way to now, where you spent the past two hours chugging sugar water so youd pee six times in a row.
You splashed your face with cool water, sliding the tests into a ziploc baggy in case Ren wanted to fight you to take a test again. Youd taken plenty, no chance of a false positive.
“Love?” Rens voice boomed from the living room. You could hear him flipping on the TV, probably wondering what channel Odin wanted to watch before taking a nap. “Where are you? Are you feeling better?”
“Yes,” you croaked, cringing a bit at your voice. You padded from your bathroom, throwing on a big black hoodie and sweatpants. Pushing open your bedroom door, met only with your husbands suspicious stare.
“Why are you dressed like a hobo?”
“Nice to see you too, Kylo.”
“Hi, Mommy!” Odin chirped, running from the top of the stairs to come see you. He was still dressed in his school clothes, a few new bruises on his knees. Some grass stains on his shorts, he must’ve had a big day.
“Hi baby,” you smiled at him, crouching down to his level and pulling him into a big hug. Odin was your little snuggler, always wanting to be held by you or Ren.
“I heard you throwing up this morning,” Ren boomed over Odins talk about school, “I brought some soup home for you.”
You whispered a thank you, rocking Odin on your hips. He was so soft and sweet, but getting bigger. In a few months he would be too heavy for you to hold him like this all the time. He was already losing his baby teeth, hair getting longer, growing leaner and taller like his dad was at that age.
You plopped on the couch, keeping Odin to your chest while he calmed down from school. Wrapping a blanket around you both so he would be cocooned.
He didn’t smell like a baby anymore, his skin was losing its baby softness. Cheeks no longer pudgy and small, but growing into his sharper features. The more you thought about it, the harder you clutched him. You didn’t get to see Belle as a baby, only a toddler who wasn’t into being held or coddled by you.
Odin was your baby and now...
“What if we had another kid?” you blurted out.
You watched Rens back tense up, still standing in front of the TV like he was 100. You could count how many breaths he was taking, deep and slow. Exhaling loudly through his nose. You kissed Odins forehead, nuzzling his bangs out of the way, “Kylo?”
“Did you hear me?”
He turned to look at you, squinting, “I don’t think I did.”
You sighed, looking back at Odin who was now asleep in your hold, “What if-what if we had another baby?”
Ren nodded stiffly, “That’s what I thought you said, but I wasn’t sure.”
He said nothing, moving swiftly past you to the kitchen. You listened to him shed his coat, toe off his shoes, open and shut the fridge, a jumble of other things in order to leave the conversation. Drifting off to the sleep to the sounds of him shuffling about, avoiding you at all costs.
You were shaken away, well not shaken. More like stirred, Odin was wiggling in your lap to release himself. While a pair of small arms wrapped around your shoulders from the lip of the couch.
“Mom,” Belle whined in your ears, your drowsiness rapidly being replaced by a headache. You let go of your squirming toddler, leaning into your teen.
“What Belle? I was sleeping.”
“Yeah, I know. You’ve been asleep since I got home from school,” she rolled her eyes. Stomping around the couch to sit next to you, “Dad won’t let us order dinner.”
You heard Ren scoff, “You had pizza yesterday, Belle.”
She shot him a glare over her shoulder, “Well, I don’t want soup for dinner.”
“Belle,” you sighed, “It’s because I’m sick okay, your dad was just trying to be nice.”
She still didn’t let up, getting into a twenty minute argument with Ren about food and her eating preferences. All while your baby fever dwindled when you thought of the chance of having another Belle.
“Fine!” Ren shouted, “Order whatever you fucking want, you’re such a drama queen sometimes.”
You waited in your nook for him, which he inevitably showed up. Dressed down in black jobbers and black t-shirt, face flushed in anger. He sat down dramatically, curling into you.
“I’m sorry she woke you,” he mumbled, the back of his head placed against your forehead. Humming as he felt for a temperature, Ren studied you carefully, probably confused as to why you had no fever.
“It’s okay,” you caught his lips in a kiss, Ren didn’t seem to care. Leaning into you, “I missed you, you’ve been holding Odin since I got home. Haven’t gotten any time with you.”
You opened up your blanket, ushering Ren to curl around you. Both of you sighing in relief when he settled, a head on your shoulder, arms around your middle. A suspicious hand placed on your stomach, right where the new baby bump would be.
Ren kissed your neck, “I found your ziploc.”
“My what?”
“Your pee bag, love the name by the way.”
You chuckled, twisting your face so you could kiss his cheek. Ren hummed in return, pulling you closer together.
“A baby, huh?”
“Yup-another baby.”
“We already have a baby,” Ren nodded towards Odin who was sitting on the floor. Coloring in a workbook from school, laying on his belly while he talked to the TV.
“He’s not a baby anymore, Kylo,” you whispered.
“Can’t you hold Belle like a baby? She still likes to nap with you when she’s exhausted.”
You shook your head, “Nope, she’s not a baby either. And neither are you.” Ren looked around the room, biting his bottom lip with worry, “We could get a dog, one of those little french bulldogs you’ve been begging me for since we started dating. Or a ferret, like the one you saw in the store last week?”
“Kylo,” he looked at you longingly, eyes shining with unshed tears, “We’re having another baby.”
“Ah-uh,” you kissed the tip of his nose, “It’ll be fine, we can clear out your upstairs office. They won’t have to share a room with us, you don’t need two offices anyway.”
“They aren’t both offices, the one down here is a workspace and upstairs is my study. Two different things, that are both needed, we can get a dog. Dogs don’t need rooms or diapers, or college funds...”
He pouted.
“Fine, I’ll start clearing it out next month.”
please consider this non-canonical (i’m not planning on Dr. Ren and reader actually having another child after Odin, but this was fun to think about) 😂
TAGGING: @finn-ray-nal-beads​​​ @onlykyloscenes​​​ @candycanes19​​​ @historyandfandoms50​​​ @caelum-phyriina-vermillon​​​ @ghoulian13​​​ @mrs-kylo-ren​​​ @millenialcatlady​​​​ @relationshipwithmybed @dancingmicrobes​​​ @wayward-rose​​​ @contesa-lui-alucard​​​ @daydreamsofren​​​ @insufferablelust​​​ @ohdamnadamm​​​ @mariesackler​​​ @caillea​​ @safarigirlsp​​ @jalexunderthestars​​​ @shesakillerkween​​​ @glassythoughts​​ @zimmermansbrat t​​ @not-the-teen-witch​​ @jynzandtonic​ @roanniom​ @celestiasin @glassbxttless
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sambergscott · 5 years
you’re a light in the dark
post-7x06 // Jake and Amy (and me) dealing. 
Her parents had eight kids. She has a million nieces and nephews and a million more cousins. Jake’s dad seemingly made babies in every major airline hub in North America. And yet, for some reason, this isn’t happening for them.
The first couple of months, they don’t think anything of it. Trying to make a baby is fun and magical and neither of them are gonna complain about having more sex.
She consults the baby binder a little more as time goes on and her period arrives on the twenty fifth of each month like clockwork. They throw out their favourite take out menus, start eating healthier and run together every morning before work.
They also buy a new couch and a family friendly mid-size sedan and the cutest baby Adidas Superstars she’s ever seen, because they’re convinced that they’ll be pregnant before they know it and Amy Santiago is nothing if not prepared.
They schedule sexy times and foreplay and fantasise about what their baby will be like in their post-sex haze.
When that doesn’t work, they try The Jake Way: a super sexy mission to rescue her husband from kidnappers ending in a super sexy Airbnb tryst.
Still, the pregnancy test comes back negative.
As the leaves turn from green to amber and the air cools, forcing Amy to get out their winter coats and turn their apartment heating up to high, she starts to worry. They’re doing everything right, they’re taking the vitamins, eating healthy, having sex all the time. There must be a reason why it isn’t working.
After watching an episode of Friends on their new couch -- The One With The Fertility Test -- she decides to book them a doctor’s appointment.
“As a precaution,” she tells her husband when he furrows his brow in concern.
“Uh, OK, yeah, sure,” he agrees, pausing the episode.
She phones the doctor, books the first available appointment (Monday at 2.15 pm) and adds it to their joint calendar. “Snuggle with me?” She asks once he has accepted her invite.
“C’mere.” He pulls her into his arms and holds her tight as she cries into his shirt.
They don’t watch any more Friends. It hurts too much, seeing her favourite fictional couple going through the same heartbreak as them. They don’t watch much TV at all, not even Die Hard. The trailer for the new Babies documentary starts playing as she flicks through Netflix one night while Jake is working late and she almost breaks the TV with the way she throws the remote across the room.
The doctor’s appointment rolls round and they’re both nervous as hell.
They booked the entire day off work as advised by the kind receptionist on the phone, who warned them that they would be extremely emotional both before and after. Booking the day off was an ordeal in itself when Terry wrongfully assumed they were getting a sonogram. There was a crushing feeling in Amy’s chest listening to her husband explain that no, they’re not pregnant, not yet.
Not yet.
They hold hands tightly as they wait for the doctor to call them in. Jake bounces his leg, Amy chews her lower lip, they both try not to cry when another couple walks in with a baby in one of those carriers that all the cool dads seem to wear. Jake’s been eyeing them up online for months. If John Legend can rock the baby carrier look, so can he.
“Why are they at the fertility clinic when they’ve already made one?” Amy mutters darkly.
The doctor says their names before Jake can respond.
He squeezes Amy’s hand as they follow the doctor to her room, a silent reminder that they’re in this together.
They have to explain the issue -- how long they’ve been trying, whether Amy has suffered any previous miscarriages, what their lifestyles are like. It’s a little embarrassing, going into the specifics of their sex life, but it’s all for a good cause. The best cause. Creating a new little life, a baby just like the dozens of pictures of success stories on the walls, Santiago-Peralta stylez.
“You’re doing everything I would usually recommend to my patients,” she says and despite herself, Amy’s lips twitch into a tiny smile. She knew her research was thorough. “Sometimes your body takes time to adjust to coming off birth control or reacts badly to stress. Sometimes it just takes a while and there’s no real reason why. We’ll take some samples from you both, but my advice is to just keep doing what you are.”
The tests come back negative, which should be good news, but it just sucks even more.
If there’s nothing wrong with them then why can’t they get pregnant?!
As they grapple with their situation, it seems like everyone around them is getting pregnant. Celebrities on Instagram. A couple of Amy’s uniformed officers. Santiago cousin after Santiago cousin. Hitchcock and that Russian chick with the missing tooth.
She tries to be happy for them, she really does, the façade crumbling as soon as she’s alone with Jake and sobbing into his shirt again.
They get hammered at Hitchcock’s wedding and attempt to have sex in the bathroom, alley and supply closet at work before giving up and just having sex in their own apartment, in their own bed. It’s not as crazy as Hitchcock’s story, but it’s still pretty hot and the sex is as stupid good as it’s always been.
She really thinks it’s worked this time. She’s got the sickness, the sore boobs, her period is late...
Jake runs to the store to get a new pregnancy test and a cute onesie he saw and just had to buy. They’re both positively vibrating as she chugs a litre of water, pees on the stick and sets the timer on her phone.
It’s second nature to them now, waiting for the test to say Pregnant.
Amy paces the width of the bathroom.
Jake twists his wedding ring on his finger.
They share apprehensive smiles.
When the timer finally goes off, Amy picks up the test, feeling hopeful for the first time in months.
Her face falls. “Negative.”
“We’ll try again next month,” he promises as she throws it into the trash. She is so sick of hearing next month, next month, next month. She wants a baby now.
Which is why the decision to stop trying is so painful.
She doesn’t want to stop. All she wants is to see Jake holding a baby -- their baby. But nothing is working and the last six months have been so difficult, a literal rollercoaster of excitement, disappointment, excitement, disappointment. And Amy has never liked rollercoasters.
She feels guilty, like it’s her fault they haven’t got pregnant yet, like she’s just bad at making babies. She confides in Rosa about it and she knows Jake talks to Charles, their friends both coming to the conclusion that as much as they want this for them too (and Charles really, really does), they’re clearly exhausted and sad and stressed and maybe taking a break would be a good thing.
So she tells Jake she’s done trying.
It’s hard enough to walk away from him, from their dream of having a family, and even harder to go to Hitchcock’s party and pretend like everything’s fine when it’s not fine. Everything is garbage, just like Holt said at Captain Dozerman’s funeral.
But then Jake joins her at the bar with a slice of cake with a heart on top and is all sweet and understanding and the best husband she could have possibly asked for. He tells her that they’re already a family and whether the universe wants them to be just a two or a whole squad of Peraltas, he’ll be happy either way.
“I love you,” she says after he finishes his speech.
“I love you,” he responds.
They lean in for a kiss. It starts off sweet, gentle, heating up when she realises just how much she’s missed this, kissing him without the constant pressure of needing to conceive. It feels nice.
“Should we go?”
“Yes,” he answers immediately, without question.
They use their final pregnancy test a couple of weeks later. It’s still negative, but it doesn’t feel like the end of the world anymore. They’ve taken down the command center, getting their living room back, their morning and evening routines are so much shorter now they’re not taking all the vitamins and sex is considerably more enjoyable. Sure, they still want kids one day -- they both smile wistfully every time they pass a stroller in the street and volunteer for regular babysitting duties -- and when the universe finally grants them a beautiful baby of their own, they will no doubt be the happiest parents this side of the East River, but for right now they’re OK, just the two of them, their little family, their own slice of perfection.
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angst-king · 4 years
the monthly suffering
(Trans kirishima x bakugou..also this involves perverted Mineta and Kiri dealing with the pain of having functioning ovaries)
Kirishima was pushing Bakugou out the door. "go babe, I'll be fine I promise." "you were throwing up twenty minutes ago red" Bakugou protested, Kirishima sighed. "I can take care of myself, now go out and try and have fun." Bakugou grumbled and kissed his forehead "call me if you need anything okay, and you should probably take off your binder because I heard its not good to wear it while...you're on." Kirishima nods, standing on his toes he kisses his forehead. "I will I will, now go out and have fun." He finally got Bakugou to leave with one more 'I love you Red', and now Kirishima was all alone. He went back into his room, and grabbed some comfy clothes. Kirishima was on his period, the awful part of being a trans boy without bottom surgery and the poor boy was suffering. His stomach was cramping pretty bad earlier which was why he threw up, he could feel his ovaries and he didn't want to. Grabbing a soft sports bra, comfy light sweat pants, he had to grab a pair of loose fitting panties because he couldn't wear just his boxers while he was in his time of suffering. He'd just wear loose fitting panties and then loose fitting boxers, just to give himself a little bit of a masculine feeling. Taking them to the bathroom, he goes to take a shower. Undoing his binder, Eijirou turned on the shower water while continuing to undress. When the binder was off he huffed and took a deep breath, knowing his upper back would be feeling sore soon so might as well enjoy this peace for now. Getting into the shower when he was ready, Kirishima washed himself up. The hot water felt great, his body temperature fluctuated when he had to deal with this. So sometimes he'd go from cold to hot very quickly. Though the water was good he knew that standing like this would make his back hurt as well as his feet. He really needed to figure out how to make his entire body comfy but as long as he could get just a little comfort he was okay. Letting the water drench through his hair that went down with ease and laid down onto his face. When he was able to get out of the shower, he could feel the soreness and cramps coming back, he needed to take his pain medicine soon if he was gonna survive this with out crying too much. So he got dressed, putting on his underwear after putting on a pad with it, pulling up the sweats. He was happy that the waist band didn't put any pressure on his abdomen. He then put on the sports bra, Kiri didn't feel like wearing a shirt, he's alone right so why should he? He didn't feel like blow drying his hair so he just used a towel and brushed it out. When he was ready he left the bathroom and went into his dorm. Putting his other clothes into his hamper he grabbed his phone and went to the elevator. Getting down stairs the red haired male goes into the common room, his bare feet pitter patter against the hard wood as he went into the kitchen. Pushing his bangs out of his face, he goes into the pantry, because he couldn't decide on which craving to satisfy. He wanted sweets like chocolate but he also wanted something salty like overly buttery salty popcorn. He couldn't find any soda or pop corn but in the fridge he did find a medium sized bowl of chocolate pudding that a certain student who loved to bake, made. Grabbing the bowl he could help but lick his lips at the chilled bowl, he went and got a spoon. Taking off the plastic wrapping kirishima took a spoonful and soon put it into his mouth, oh yes this was delicious! It was cold but his body still ran a little hotter than usual so this was great. He softly bounced on his tip toes as he started eating out of the bowl. Pacing lightly Kirishima was in his own world as he devoured the bowl. All he knew was he was alone in heaven, well actually he wasn't alone at all. The girls were still here, they were just hanging out in momo's room and were coming down the stairs to the common room to have a girl's night. When they arrived what they saw was a mop of red hair in a sports bra and sweat pants who was this girl? The girls didn't seem to recognize their sunshine peer, well all except for Mina who noticed it was him when she saw how tall the 'girl' was. "k-Kirishima?" Hearing this they froze in their tracks and dropped the almost empty bowl which felt on his foot making him jump and yelp in pain. "Ouch!" The girls approached looking very perplexed at him. "w-wait Kiri?!" Kirishima looked up and immediately covered himself and tried to hide. Mina hurried over "Its okay kiri sorry we scared you" Kirishima still covered himself when Mina came over. He couldn't look her in the eyes, he was already feeling dysphoric and shy. "Here why don't we clean this up, are you okay it looked like it hurt?" Mina asked seeing some of the pudding on the floor, Kirishima nods quietly and goes to get towels, limping softly to get paper towels. Mina helped him clean up, it was hard to kneel down on the floor because of his stomach and back hurting so he was happy to have the help. "There we go" Standing back up Kirishima noticed the girl's staring at him. "u-uhmm" Mina looked back at the girls "don't stare at him please." She requested Hakagure finally spoke since the girls were silence. U-Um Kiri a-are you a girl?" Kirishima felt like disappearing, hiding, anything to keep him from being seen hoping their reactions wouldn't be harsh. Mina answered for him. "Kirishima is a transgender male, he likes to present as male despite his biologically female body parts. He feels male on the inside versuses his female outsides." They all seem to have a look of understanding on their faces Jirou was next to question him. "So why didn't you go with the boys then, usually you're with Bakugou all the time?" Kirishima nods and speaks up for himself still keeping his chest covered with his arms, even with the bra on he felt exposed. "i-i..I um.." It felt so weird to say it even if its in front of a bunch of girls who most likely get their monthly torture time. "I'm on my period" Suddenly the room's mood changed to sympathy, their eyes turned soft and warm. Mina gently rubbed his back and cooed, "Aaw Kiri why didn't you text me?" Kiri muttered about how it was embarrassing. Jirou came back into the conversation to try and make the boy feel better. "Kirishima, no need to be embarrassed around a bunch of girls. Most of us have to deal with our periods too, I know it sucks even more for you because you probably feel all yucky about it. You don't need to cover yourself, it should be us girls and you." "yeah you're not the only one who walks around dressed like that around the dorms" Kendou smiles which seemed to cheer the male up a little, he slowly let go of himself. "th-thanks girls, y-you're really nice." He earned a bunch of giggles when he blushed and and smiles. "Plus you're not the only one on their period right now ya know." Mina mentioned while ruffling his head, which made him whine and rubbed his temples. She with drew her hand feeling that his hair was still very damp. "Kiri hun why is your hair still wet?" Kirishima shrugged. "I don't feel like doing anything with it." "that's understandable, why don't you join us, we're gonna just hang out in the common room anyway, Kiri?" Suggested Nejire, Kiri couldn't say no to the blue haired girl plus the girls were nice and it wouldn't be so bad right. "Okay sure" Sitting on the floor or couches the girl squad and Kirishima, were having a pretty good time. Talking about movies they liked, hobbies and such. While listening to kendou talk Mina was brushing Kirishima's hair out so it wasn't so wet despite his towel drying method. It was a good distraction from the pain that had turned mild after a little bit, though now the pain was starting to get worse. His back ached while his stomach and pelvic area cramped painfully, his head started hurting. His toes curled as he squirmed lightly trying to get comfortable. Some of the girls noticed hearing him whimper softly. "you okay Kiri?" Asked Kendou, Kiri grunts and bites his lip. "C-cramps, e-every thing hurts bad." "Ooh, what do you usually do for the pain bud?" someone asked, Kirishima shrugged while rubbing his temples. "Have you ever used a heating pad or hot water bottle? It usually helps most people with cramps." Kirishima looked up and replied "A what? U-Usually Bakugou will just use a small part of his quirk which warms up his hands and he'll put it on my stomach, it helps a bit." "Aaw that's so sweet of him~" Momo cooed sweetly, Mina gently pats Kirishima on the head who nods in agreement. "Y-yeah, he'll cuddle and rub my stomach sometimes get me stuff from the store if I ask him to." "Omg that is so sweet, I had no idea the loud Pomeranian could be so nice." Smiled Uraraka "Kero yeah though Kirishima must've brought out his soft spot kero." joined Tsu, Kirishima chuckled a little while wincing and whining. Kirishima paled a little feeling nauseous, he then curled up against Mina who frowned and rubbed his back. "Cramps?" "f-feel sick" It was only a minute before Kirishima felt a tap on his shoulder. He looked up a little to see Momo handing him a soft seltzer drink. "It should help settle your stomach" Gratefully taking the pop can, Kiri sipped on it with a small 'thank you'. It did help feeling the carbonation bubbling in his aching stomach and it did dull the pain a small bit. Mina continued to rub small circles into his back. She did manage to tie up some of his hair into a small ponytail so it wouldn't be in Eijirou's face. The girls and Kirishima continued to talk and were now watching videos. In the middle of it, Kirishima excused himself to go and change out his pad. He got that icky feeling that meant he needed to do that also he needed to pee anyway. Walking to the bathroom he took off all three bottom pieces, and did his business. Washing his hands he had the sudden craving again for something salty and he was hungry anyway. So when he came back he offered to get and make snacks for the girls and himself. "hey Kiri do we have any more popcorn?" Inquired Mina "not in the main pantry no" Momo just decided to make a box of pop corn with all the separate packets inside. He put four bags, one in each microwave. Since the kitchen was big, there were multiple appliances for a large amount of students to use. He'd given the girls their bags that they'd share since he knew no one would want to eat his popcorn that he planned on loading with salt and butter. As he made his bag, Mineta decided to come down, the girls hadn't noticed since he'd came down quietly. He'd been spying on them for sometime now but when he saw Kiri from behind. Much like his classmates before, the grape boy couldn't recognize Eijirou as Eijirou. He drooled at the what he was seeing. Kirishima was quite busty for a trans male, and he was bench over watching his popcorn cook. Mineta creeped closer and closer until the midget was just close enough to grab onto both the sweat pants and boxers and pulled them down revealing Kirishima's orange panties. Kirishima shrieks in terror when he was pants turning around and stumbling out of his pants to get away from Mineta who tried to him again. The girls hear this and immediately race over, they all screamed as well. Kirishima kept using his foot to keep Mineta away the best he could, the girls tried to help but bloody hell Mineta was relentless. "How could you keep this goddess away from me she's so hot with such beautiful breast." Kirishima was screaming like a spider was on him forgetting about his painful cramps and tried to pull off Mineta. With the girls's luck the door opened and in came the boys. "We're back~!" Called out Kaminari with a gleeful smile as the boys walked in Bakugou had a bag of goodies for Kirishima since he knew his boyfriend felt awful. Though hearing and seeing the girls hitting something with a broom the boys got confused. "the hecks going on?" Questioned Kaminari then Kirishima growls "get your filthy fucking hands off me you perveted midget!" the turned to see the horrible scene of the girls hitting Mineta with a broom who was holding onto Kirishima's breast and pushing his face in for cover. "oh god someone get him off he's putting his mouth on me eeew!" Exclaimed the red head recognizing the voice Kaminari pulled Bakugou and Aizawa over. They were pretty horrified, "someone fucking help me!" as quickly as possible Aizawa used his scarf to tie up Mineta and pull him off. Which gave Mina, Bakugou, and Kaminari the chance to rush to their friend. Sitting up was a petrified Eijirou Kirishima who was crying and holding his stomach. "hey hey hey babe, its okay now, grape fucker is gone  now." Kirishima still kept crying and just held onto Bakugou who wraps his arms around his boyfriend. "Baby where are your pants?" Bakugou knew his lover wouldn't walk around with out his pants even if Mineta wasn't around. Asui came over holding his sweat pants and boxers holding them out to Bakugou. "H-he p-pants m-m-me" Stammered out Eijirou who cried into Bakugou's strong comforting chest. Bakugou was ready to commit murder but right now he needed to focus on his crying love. The blond took his pants from Asui with a look that said 'Thank you' with out him saying it. "I'm taking him back up stairs" Bakugou states while picking up Kirishima bridal style, the boy sniffled softly while Aizawa nods. "If he needs to go to recovery girl please let me know. I will be handling Mineta" The raven haired teacher glared down at his captured student who was still drooling over his small taste of his own desires. Bakugou takes Kirishima into the elevator then to his dorm. When in Kirishima's dorm, Bakugou set him on the bed. "I'll take a shower with you okay" Kirishima only nods, he felt disgusting feeling sick to his stomach again, not just from the pain but from what had just happened to him. Grabbing some fresh clothes from both dorms, Bakugou took Kirishima to the bathroom to shower. While undressing Kirishima couldn't help but feel as if he'd been violated but didn't know whether he was being hormonal and dramatic. He held his arms over his chest to cover himself from Bakugou, who sensed his partner's distress. Taking him into the hot sauna of a shower Bakugou pulled him into a deep, melting kiss. Kirishima shyly kissed back which made Bakugou happy. "I'm sorry that fucking parasite waste of space did that to you, but I'm here now.." Kirishima whimpered softly "I-I feel so violated, I feel like a girl, the way he spoke about my body doing so i-..I feel sick."  Bakugou brought Kirishima into a hug which lead to him crying more while Bakugou gave him soothing loving back rubs and whispered soft caring words. "You're not a girl, you're a handsome, sexy boy. You're strong and manly nothing will change that I promise." It took a bit before they got out of the bathroom, lots of back rubs, temple kisses, and a bit of Bakugou almost getting thrown up on. Kirishima was still in a sports bra and sweats before leaving the bathroom Bakugou answered his phone to Mina. "what is it pinky?" "yo there's a bag of stuff you left down stairs, also Kirishima's popcorn is burnt  I made him a new bag. want me to bring it up or are you coming back down?" "tch I'll come down to fucking get it." Kirishima looked confused but Bakugou then answered his curious boyfriend. "I've got somethings for you that I'd left down stairs. Why don't you go and get comfortable I'll be up in a minute." Eijirou nods and heads into his room, sitting on the bed, sighing and trying to relax and ignore his on going cramps. Down stairs Bakugou fixed up kiri's bag of popcorn the way he knew the other liked it, even if it did seem like diabetes in a bag. He put a Gatorade in the fridge after putting Eijirou's name on it using a sticky note and marker. Then using their coffee maker to make hot chocolate and put it into a thermos, he made sure Denki didn't steal Eijirou's pringles like the last time. Kaminari came up and sat on the counter watching the ash blond. "How's he doing, he seemed pretty scared earlier?" "tch, he's fucking fine dunce face, just dealing with things" It wasn't hard for Denki to know what Bakugou meant by 'Things' so he didn't have to ask too much about it. "why does he like salty popcorn so much?" "I don't fucking know, he craves salty stuff." Bakugou shrugged, when he was ready he grabbed everything and headed back up to Kirishima's dorm once again. Getting to his room, he sees Eijirou shakily clutching his stomach, Katsuki couldn't help but feel bad for his boyfriend who seemed to be in a great deal of pain. "Hey Ei I've got some stuff that might help you feel better."  Climbing onto the bed, Bakugou sets all the items down on the dresser. Gingerly pulling Eijirou into his taller frame, a soft groan slips from Eijirou's soft lips. "I know you don't feel good babe, just try and relax." Katsuki's voice was gentle and quiet, it held a warm caring tone that seemed to help Eijirou who sighed into him. "First things first, I've got snacks, chips, your pop corn, there's a Gatorade in the fridge and I made you hot chocolate. though you should drink this protein shake just so you can take your pills because pop corn isn't solid food." Katsuki grabbed a vanilla flavored protein shake, opened it and gave it to Kirishima, who sips on it for a while before taking his pain medicine. Moving onto the popcorn, Kirishima put some into his mouth before looking like he'd entered heaven again. "yummy~" Bakugou honestly didn't know how his boyfriend could eat something so salty, but he never questioned it. Kirishima ate through his Pop corn and drank his hot chocolate to distract himself from the pain. Still quietly whining and whimpering, Bakugou then whispered to the other knowing he had a head ache. "want me to do the thing again?" Kirishima knew what Bakugou meant and nodded, so now Bakugou warmed up his right hand like a heating pad and pressed it on Kirishima's stomach. Kirishima softly trailed it down to where his burning ovaries, sighing in content which meant it was helping. "Thank you Katsu" Bakugou gave his cheek a kiss "no problem Ei" Kirishima ended up asleep not long afterwards.
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You are stronger than you think
This year started off as the best year ever… kind of. I spent the week before and during the holidays with the man I love, watching him interact with my family and enjoying being in the same space. After a few days in his city, I was thinking that I could do this every day and be with him here. A week of cuddles and laughs and great sex wasn’t enough but we made the best use of the time that we had.
My boyfriend lives on the East Coast with this family and I live in the South near my family. We met at a work conference and a few years later worked out the details and started down this crazy LDR path. We committed to meet as often as possible and to make it work. Love.
I left him on the East Coast and came back to the South to my dog dying. I’m grateful that it happened how it happened but I’m remorseful that I didn’t do more for her. I’ll always love her.
Back to life as usual as we knew it. I was so wrapped up at work the week I got back that I didn’t notice I was missing something. My period! Funny because the day after it was late he casually asked about it, which he’s never done before. We never even talk about my period. Like never. It’s crazy how spiritually connected people can be.
Makes me think back to my ovulation day the last time we were together. I texted my best friend and said oops that same day. I know we should’ve had sex but he pulled out. I wasn’t going to miss out on these limited opportunities to have the ultimate connection with my man. I love sex with him.
He told me don’t worry that it was late it was probably just stress. I made a commitment to take a test if it wasn’t there by the end of the week. Secretly, I already knew the deal. My breasts were sore and the usual pre-period symptoms never came. I bought the test three days before I committed to taking it. It watched me every day.
I woke up Sunday morning scared, nervous, etc. I took the test as planned. Just as I expected. Got back in bed for the rest the day and cried. I sent a picture to my best friend but avoiding her calls all day. He was in church all day so it give me a reason to be distant for the day. My mind was everywhere. How would this affect me. How would this affect him. What would it mean for us? Before we had sex for the first time we talked about what we would do if, so I already knew what he wanted. How could I be so careless and caught in the moment to throw it all away.
It took me three days to tell him. Over a text message. Not how I wanted to tell him. The next day we talked about it briefly and then it all started. :)  He wanted to know what I ate, if I slept well and what I did. He fussed at me for not taking care of the baby. He called just to check on “us.” He’s such a good man.
Morning sickness is for the birds! Every day my breast got more sore and seemingly bigger.
We talked about our future. He wanted to keep it. We talked about making it work and being a family. He’s not crazy about the idea of abortion. I’m just scared. I missed my first actual appointment to confirm, but it’s all part of a plan. I rescheduled with an amazing supportive relatable Doctor. I cried and cried and asked her to double check the results. Both times positive. She gave me a follow up appointment and also referred me to an abortion clinic. This is real.
He arrived to town a few days later. He immediately touched my stomach as soon as he got in the car. My man and my baby. Our family. I can see this.
We cuddled all night and had the best sex in the morning. Literally. The best sex ever. We partied and enjoyed each other. As always, another wonderful weekend over to soon. We talked a lot. The pros and the cons. He’s not for the abortion but he’s supportive.
Back to life as usual while we figure this out. The next thing I know I’m called into HR and fired on the spot. I hold it together until I get to my car and break down. This is too much. Demoted and then fired. The car accident. The store. The Dog. Pregnancy. It’s just too much. Maybe it’s a blessing in disguise. Looking back I realize that I am directly at fault by not speaking up for all of the most recent things in my life and vow to not make those same mistakes twice.
We fuss  more frequently now. He’s very distant about the pregnancy. He engages, but he is short. He’s no longer calling to check on “us” like he had before.
I set the consultation appointment at the clinic. 9 am on February 6. I arrived to be greeted by Pro-Life supporters. Shuffled into a room with no electronics, no sounds or tv and all the other girls lost in their own minds. I pay the receptionist and pee in the cup and wait. And wait. I moved to another room and wait more. Finally the tech calls me to the back. She tells me to fill out the paperwork and get undressed. I expect her to leave while I undress and expected something to cover myself. She was anxiously waiting and provided none of the “comforts” that I expected. Minimal instructions and conversation and she shoves the cold ultra sound wand into my vagina. I look at the screen and see it and listen for a heartbeat. I’m am relieved that it is too small to hear a heartbeat. As I redress I asked for a different doctor because I realize who the doctor is. The tech said he’s the only one. Well. No choice. Blood work and then onto the doctor’s consultation. The doctor was halfway through his rehearsed lines by the time he looked up. Awkward. He and I use to hang out years ago. It was actually comforting to see a familiar face. Even given the circumstances. We talked, he explain the options and answered questions. On the way out, the receptionist gave me the price and the information for the day of. I broke down in the car again. Alone. We committed early on to not tell too many people and not telling our families. That commitment left me with no one to talk to. My man wasn’t around. No one to understand my feelings that I barely understood myself. Pregnant and unemployed facing an expensive procedure.
He seemed annoyed when I want to talk about certain aspects. He says “we already talked about it.” He’s short when it comes to it. I have not 100% made up my mind. He asks about the appointment and the picture. I never show him the ultrasound because I didn’t wanna make him sad and tried to shelter him from the process.
The only thing I knew for sure is that I was pregnant and although I felt alone, as grumpy as he seems, my man was by my side. I feel like I’ve been picking at him. He’s on my nerves and my nerves are getting to me. I try to lay off, we are fussing more. I need more attention and he is needing more alone time to process it all.
The procedure is set for 9 AM on February 17. He comes in town late the night before. He doesn’t touch my stomach when he gets in the car. He’s quiet. When we get home he asked to see the ultrasound and asked a few questions and just sat quietly. I have a bad cold so we have to keep some distance, we barely even sleep close together. We talk the morning more of. I try to have sex to ease my nerves, it doesn’t work, he’s not into it.
My friend picks us up to go to the appointment. He makes one final plea “we don’t have to do this, we can make it work.” Honestly, I know he didn’t want this and I’m not sure I did either. I think and think, he’d be a great father. I’d figured out the mother thing. Our families will help. But we are so far apart and I want to share pregnancy and parenting with my partner. We arrive at the clinic. I’m so scared, both the physical fear of the procedure and emotional fear of what this means for us is overwhelming.
Again, they herd us from room to room. I analyze everyone there. All different ages and races and demographics. Some people have been there for a procedure before. I wonder where all of the men are. The paperwork only ask the father’s age and state. No specifics incase there are none. I couldn’t imagine truly being alone in this all.
Pills and needles to prep for the procedure. I’m half awake and half asleep. The tv in this waiting room is showing a murder series similar to Law & Order. It seems like forever before they call my number to the pre-op room. Paperwork and shots. Enter the procedure room which looks like a regular doctor’s office and kind of like a science classroom. The doctor and two nurses walk in and give a brief explanation. She inserts a shot into my cervix that burns. I hear the suction machine turn on. Everything is blurry from my tears. I feel the doctor stretch open my vagina so she can empty out uterus. I’ve never felt this kind of pain coming from some many different places. I have lost my voice due to my cold so I silently crying out in pain and try to close my legs. The nurses hold them open. I can feel everything. I’m trying to count down with the doctor to know avail. I remember her yelling you have to slow your breathing. All I could think about was his disappointment with me.
Finally it was over, I laid on the table crying from shame and pain. They make me get up even though I could barely move. I walk to the recovery room where myself and another girl are painfully out of it. Less than 10 minutes after the procedure they make me get up and walk to the bathroom to pee and get dressed. It’s all over. They signed me out and returned my phone. I call him to come. He’s on his way. He’s not here yet. I call him again. He seems annoyed. I get in the car and try to act normal. He asked if I’m OK. I lied. He sits on the other side of the car. We get home and I fall sleep on the couch. I wake up and he’s across the room, quiet. We go out later for food and pads. I guess I shouldn’t be embarrassed about that kind of stuff. I turn in early.
We woke the morning after to his phone ringing. He spends an hour and a half talking about work. I wanted him to talk to me. I try to be understanding that he’s trying to take his mind off of it. I want to know how he feels. Are they going to talk to me? Finally he opens up. He says “I feel like I killed my kid.” I immediately break down and I try to justify and express comfort. Minimally heated conversation and we get up to start our day. We grab lunch and then he has to work to do. We are apart most of the day and I just want to be together. We catch up for dinner and enjoy our final hours together. He leaves so early the next morning. He was wearing a very nice suit. He was cute.
I love him and I know that he loves me but this was hard. I wanted to be in his arms. I wanted to let my emotions out and cry with him. Barely 48 hours together for us to healing isn’t enough. I cry the whole way home from the airport like I normally do, except I have to pullover a few times to get it together this time.
Fussing is at an all-time high with us. Every week and something else. I’m dealing with this by needing attention and interaction and support. He deals with it by retreating within himself and wanting alone time. This is not a good dynamic for the situation. Anxiety peaks. This pretend not pretend undiagnosed depression anxiety attacks me. I didn’t think I was fit to raise a kid. That was a huge part of my decision. I could barely take care of my dog.
I continue to prep to move to be closer to him. It takes my mind off of things. We talk about it. I prep my family and friends. I’m in love with the idea of really starting a future with this man. Then it hits me. Mid conversation he says, “before you were the mother of my child, now you’re just my girlfriend.” I’m shocked and hurt. I feel as though I am forever spiritually connected with this man. We created a child in love and although we elected to go an alternate route based on the circumstances, we created something beautiful together. He apologized and clarified but it still stuck with me and stings so deeply.
We continues to plan our future despite the short term hiccups. We are excited for our plans. We’re fussing again, we knew it was going to be tough but damn.
The follow up appointment comes. I walk past the same protestors. I find enough confidence to yell “I’m back bitches” which made everyone else laugh. This is really over. I walk into the same room where the procedure was. I immediately flashback to my experience the time before. I hesitate before I am able to climb back onto the same bed. The ultrasound confirmed that my uterus was empty. This is really over. But was it really over? I think about the what ifs everyday. What if it ruined our relationship. What if I would’ve been more careful. What if we would’ve kept it.
Another stinger, “you already didn’t want to have my child.” These really are painful to me. I propose we take some time off to breath. We talked through it and move on. It’s probably just the distance, the situation, the COVID quarantine. That’s what has us short fused. The plus to quarantine is more interaction. More communication and also more time to think and reflect. I realize how upset I am and how insecure I’ve become. Sometimes valid insecurities and some not so valid. I put on weight. My hips got wider. My small breast got smaller. I think back to him not wanting to have sex the last time he was here. I think back to our conversations become a chore. All these insecurities weigh on me and in turn on our relationship. We commit to dates and things to make our LDR more exciting. We talk about anniversaries. I think about us being together. Living together, eventually. I decide that will get engaged eventually get married on September 16, our kids birthday, as a special memory for us.
These large scale arguments are coming more frequently. We end up in a heated text argument at five in the morning. He reveals that he felt rejected. I never thought of that. I immediately tried to reassure him that that’s not the case. I never tell him I planned our family out time and time again and I enjoy being partners and I’d eventually enjoy being parents with him. We make up, minor fussing.
I finally move the ultrasound from the same spot it was when he put it down that night. He was the last one to look at our child’s picture. It’s forever a part of me and I make a mental note that I want to find a special way to remember it.
After reflecting on his feeling of rejection, I realize his hurt and my hurt were similar but unique and there was not one way for us to cope together. Yet I had been upset with him for not coping how I wanted him to cope.
For the first time in months I saw the signs of a distant period. It was like the first time all over again. I didn’t know what to expect, what products to use, my hormones were crazy and it was a reminder of my journey over the the last three months. Quarantine gave me all the time to think. I tried washing TV to keep my crazy hormonal mind occupied but all the families and babies made it worse. I was grateful that I was not pregnant during this confusion, scared and alone alone. But also scared of the future and not seeing him soon or again. Not knowing when this would end.
After more words and heated text messages, we realized we weren’t happy with the current situation and maybe better apart. We ignored each other for days. I called him because I missed his voice. It was also the first day of what would’ve been our second trimester. The day when morning sickness would end and the dangers of the first trimester would pass and we could make the announcement to everyone. Coincidently, such a joyous occasion was spent in a cold conversation about if and when and where and why this relationship could or should maybe would resume or continue or end or evolve.
Abortion is tough. It’s a lot to deal with every day forever. My biggest fear was losing my identity along with my freedom and my man. All I wanted was to be crazy in love, young wild love, excited for adventures and growing into a lasting relationship. I never signed up for the most emotionally taxing experience of my life.
Abortion is tough. If I knew then what I knew now would I have had one? Would I have kept it? Who knows. There is no one answer that fits for everyone. It’s not easy in any capacity, in any aspect in any way shape or form. I’m 100% sure I would’ve been more careful. I would have reached out for emotional support way sooner and realized that this wasn’t something that I could endure in silence. And I 200% would’ve love my man that much more for standing beside me picking me up and supporting me through a situation that neither of us knew the ramifications of.
Abortion is tough. Remember you are not alone. It is a badge of honor to take charge of your future. It is not a cloak of shame.
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sunriseskog · 6 years
Ours- William Nylander
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Request: Can you do a William Nylander one where you’re tougher and you hide you’re pregnant from him. He finds out somehow. He gets really really mad but it all ends up ok in the end? 😘
Warnings: Angst, Cursing
Word Count: 2128 
Notes: Wow this became way longer than i anticipated sorry lmao. As always, I hope you like it! Let me know what you think :)
“FUCK YES!” You screamed, jumping up from the couch and wildly punching the air in celebration. The Toronto Maple Leafs had just won game 6 with a final score of 1-3, effectively forcing a game 7 and you couldn’t be prouder of your boyfriend and his team. You were a little disappointed that you weren't able to see this game in person, especially given that it was the last home game of the series, but you knew that what you had done instead was more important. You had spent the first period of the game watching from your phone, trying not to yell at the players in the middle of the OB/GYN’s office you were sitting in.
After about a week of anxiously peeing on every drug store pregnancy test you were able to sneak past your boyfriend, you were finally able to make an appointment to have an official test done by actual licensed medical professionals. Unfortunately, however, they weren’t able to get you in until about two weeks later. Which was exactly one day before the first game of the playoffs. It barely took any time at all for you to draw the conclusion that there was no fucking way you were telling William about this now, not during the playoffs. He had more than enough on his plate and, frankly, you were pretty terrified of how he would respond to the news. At least, if you waited until after the playoffs, you would be able to pack up your stuff and leave without it catching the eye of the public. It didn’t seem like a huge possibility that it would actually come to that, but throughout your life, you had learned fairly early to always expect the worst. At your first appointment, you had discovered that you were, in fact, pregnant and had been for almost 2 months. You were honestly blown away that it had taken you this long to notice, but you had missed periods due to stress before and it wasn’t like these past few months were particularly calm, so it kind of made sense. Because of the high-stress nature of your life and the unpredictability of your schedule, your doctor had asked you to schedule a follow-up appointment a couple weeks later in order to form a routine check-up schedule.
The nurse practitioner had given you a weird look when she noticed you watching a hockey game on your phone during the ultrasound, but you weren’t in a position to go around telling stranger that you were pregnant with William Nylander’s child, so all you could do was smile sheepishly and ask for 3 prints of the ultrasound pictures. After your appointment, you had immediately called your two best friends and asked them to meet you at your house to watch the remainder of the game together. During the second intermission, you casually reached into your pocket and nonchalantly laid one of the strips of photos on the coffee table in front of you.  It had taken the two a second to realize what exactly you had just placed in front of them, but once they did the pair were immediately jumping on you and screaming directly into your ear. You laughed loudly as the three of you began to roll around on the floor, shaking each other out of excitement.
“Why didn’t you tell us you had another appointment today? We would have come with you, bitch!” Brooklyn chirped, pushing your shoulder gently but with an ounce of genuine hurt in her eyes.
“I’m sorry! You know I love you guys but… if I cant have Willy there then I’d kind of just rather do it by myself, ya know?” You said with a shrug, looking down at the floor. “Plus, I didn’t want a repeat of last time,” you blushed, remembering the look on the Nurse’s face when the three of you showed up with your hands intertwined, asking for a pregnancy test. In retrospect, the conclusion she had drawn was justified, but the implication of the three of you being in a polyamorous sapphic relationship had become a running joke throughout the past few weeks. The three of you began to settle down as the game continued as you jumped back into your enthusiastic —and occasionally infuriated— commentary.
You smiled as you heard the front door open a few hours later, after the game has concluded and your excitement from the win died off, you and your girls had turned on some mindless reality show and began filling each other in on everything that had occurred in your lives since the last time you all were able to hang out alone together. You quickly untucked your feet from under the couch cushion and moved to get up, letting out an audible gasp as the room started spinning and your legs fell out from under you as soon as you stood.
“Babe!” William immediately rushed over to you, gripping both of your elbows and helping you to the couch with a worried look on his face. “Are you alright? He questioned, “What just happened?”
“I’m sure it was nothing, love, I just stood up too fast, that's all,” you lamented, brushing his hair out of his face and pressing a kiss to his forehead with a soft smile. He let out a sigh of relief and pressed his forehead to yours with a smile as he looked deeply into your eyes.
“Okay,” he breathed, letting his eyes fall shut for a moment before pulling back and pressing a kiss to your nose before turning to greet your guests. As he leaned over to hug Steph, Brooklyn leaned over to whisper in your ear. The issue was— Brooklyn had never really mastered the art of actually whispering anything, in fact, you were pretty sure her voice was louder whenever she tried to whisper.
“Are you sure it didn’t have anything to do with th-“
“Brooklyn!” You yelled, quickly cutting her off before she could ruin everything.
“shit,” Steph said from your other side, realizing the weight of what Brooklyn may have just done.
“Anything to do with what?” William questioned, furrowing his eyebrows as he turned towards you.
“The Chinese food we ordered!” You hurriedly supplied, gesturing to the leftover takeout containers on the coffee table. “We tried a new place and I was pretty sure the Crab Rangoon tasted funny,” you shrugged, hoping that he would believe your lie.
“What are you talking about?” He said, even more confused now. “We always get Wall of China,” he spoke, picking up the bag that was resting on the edge of the table. The second the bag left the table however, William froze and stopped speaking.
“…Willy?” You questioned, unsure of what would cause him to react in such a way. It took you a few more seconds until your eyes flickered down to where he was staring and you caught sight of the rope of pictures you had left sitting there, out in the open, in the middle of the living room. ‘Fuck,’ you thought, ‘fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck’, you repeated. There was no way you were going to be able to get out of this now. Your fucking name was on the top of the pictures, for fuck's sake.
“Will…don’t freak out,” you spoke gently, stepping closer to him and reaching out to lay your hand on his shoulder. As soon as your fingers got close enough to brush the fabric of his suit, however, he violently jerked away from you with a betrayed look in his eyes. You saw your friends discreetly move towards the front door out of the corner of your eye as William continued to back away from you.
“Don’t- Don’t freak out? Are you fucking kidding me?! That's all you have to say to me right now?” He questioned wildly, his features becoming contorted with anger. “You’re fucking pregnant. And you didn’t tell me. You’re fucking pregnant enough to have pictures and go to appointments and tell your fucking friends and you didn’t FUCKING TELL ME?” He screamed, spit flying from his mouth as he threw the pictures back down onto the coffee table, raking his hands through his hair violently while spinning around the room, trying to look at literally anything except for you right now.
“William I just didn’t think it was the right ti-“
“That's not your place to fucking decide, (Y/N). Its my fucking kid too and I had right to figure out the moment you did! I can't fucking believe you!!” He continued yelling, this time stalking closer to you until he was close enough to you that you could feel the air punctuating every word as he screamed into your face.
“This is exactly why I didn’t fucking tell you, you asshole!” You screamed right back, unwilling to let him try to demean you for doing what you thought was best. “I knew you were gonna fucking react like this and I didn’t want to have to deal with packing up all my shit while you were in the middle of fucking playoffs! I thought this was the goddamn last thing you needed on your plate right now but ex-fucking-scuse me for actually thinking about anyone other than myself for once! Maybe you should take notes, jackass.” You finished, punctuating the end of your argument by slamming your shoulder into his as you moved to the kitchen to grab your keys so you could go to a friends house for the night. You whirled around as you felt his hand encircle your wrist, immediately ready to stand your ground. The look on William’s face had you faltering and the fire immediately left your eyes as you noticed the tear running down his face.
“p-packing up…?” He questioned softly, “you- you’re leaving me?” His voice broke as he forced out the sentence, each word punctuated with a sob as additional tears streamed down his face.
“Baby,” you started, feeling the walls you had forced up start to cave as you watched your boyfriend try, in vain, to force himself to stop crying, only succeeding in working himself up further. “Only if that's what you want.” You finished lamely with a shrug, unsure of where this was going.
“Wh-Why would I want you to leave?” His tears ceased as confusion took over his soft features once again.
“Cause! You’re 21! You’re at the pinnacle of your career! You barely have time to breathe let alone for me and a fucking baby, William. It wouldn’t be fair to you, or to the kid, to force either of you into that,” You took a breath to calm yourself down. “I know what it feels like to have a dad that doesn’t wanna be there. And I know what it feels like to have a mom that doesn’t have time for you,” your voice thickened despite how hard you were trying to force back the tears you could feel approaching. You rolled your shoulders back and removed your wrist from his grip, you made eye contact with him and prepared yourself for what was to come. “I know what that feels like and I swear to god I will never put my kid through that. Ever. Regardless of what it costs me,” you said firmly, desperate to hold onto what little composure you had left.
“our,” William said, collecting your hands into his once more, despite your efforts to pull away.
“What?” You questioned, not understanding what he was trying to say.
“you said ‘my kid.’ It's not just your kid, its out kid. And I’m not going to put our baby through that either, regardless of what it costs me,” he insisted, pulling your hands to rest on his chest as he wrapped his arms around your waist. “I’d give up the Leafs. I’d give up hockey. I’d give up breathing. Fuck, (Y/N). I love you. And I love our baby. And no matter what happens or what comes, nothing is going to change that. Ever.” He insisted, pressing a kiss to your forehead as he used his thumb to wipe away the tears that had begun to slide down your face.
“I love you too,” you laughed through your tears, your heart filling with relief that you were lucky enough to have fallen in love with a human being as genuine and kind as the one standing before you.
“and we love you,” William spoke, moving your joint hands to rest just above your belly button.
“That we do,” you whispered quietly, stroking your hand through his hair as his thumb rubbed circles into your stomach.
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malum-af-cth · 6 years
time after time
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Summary: You and Ashton have been trying for a baby, it hasn’t been really working out, and you have been struggling. (Lol Father’s Day USA.)
Pairing: Ashton x Reader (lace)
Warnings: Angst, mention of miscarriage
a/n: this literally took me forever to write I started writing it like a year ago. Today I sat down reevaluated what I had and finished it. This is what I got. :) thanks for reading.
Word Count: 1878 ish
I had just gotten back from the store with another box of pregnancy tests. I had run out a couple days ago, and I was gonna need some more. Ashton and I had been trying for a baby again for a few months, and we had not had any luck.
I got out of my car in the parking garage of our building and made my way upstairs to our apartment. I was hoping that Ashton wouldn’t be home so I could hide the new box of tests and clean up a little before he came home.
I made my way to the front door and went inside. I decided to hide the box of tests somewhere that my husband would never look, the spice cabinet. Once I put the tests behind the cinnamon and garlic salt, I made my way to the bedroom to get the laundry.
Washing my clothes and Ashton’s was going to take a while seeing how he had just gotten back from tour about three weeks ago. It had been about three days since the rest of his belongings had arrived at our apartment. While I was going through some of his clothes, I found some new ones. I assumed that some of the shirts could have belonged to the other boys, but Ash had probably bought some things while he was traveling.
This wasn’t our first time trying for a baby. We had attempted before, we were successful, in the beginning. I was pregnant for about five months. Then one night when I woke up, with a sharp pain in my stomach.
“ahhhhhhhhhh”  I screamed, clutching my stomach. The pain I felt in my stomach was like no other. It was worse than any period cramp I had ever experienced. I could feel the bed shift next to me as Ashton was waking up. He immediately turned on his bedside lamp and then quickly held me by my shoulders trying to comfort me.
“Babe, what’s wrong? Are you ok? Is it the baby?” he said slowly rubbing my back trying to soothe me.
“It’s my stomach, I think it is the baby,” I said frantically, “we need to go to the hospital now!”  
“ughhhhhhhhhh!” I screamed again, the pain was excruciating. I couldn’t see as well, due to the pain. From what I could hear Ashton was quickly putting on some clothes, as I sat trying to understand what was going on with my body. I could hear him shuffling around the room, and then I felt him helping me up off the bed. As I got up, I saw a blur of red on our white bed sheets.
I pulled some of the clothes that I had washed and dried out of the dryer to fold them. I took the bundle of clothes to our bedroom, along the way there, I saw a small bag on the floor hidden under a table in the hall. I had finished putting away the clean clothes when my thoughts were brought back to that small bag I saw on the floor. I picked it up and looked inside, I saw a small piece of clothing and pulled it out. As I looked at it, I realized that is was a baby onesie. It was black with long sleeves, and footie covers. On the front it read, “rock out with your blocks out.” it also had a picture of some blocks that resembled legos. I slowly ran my fingers across the front of the outfit, craving the feeling that being pregnant had brought me.
I was so engrossed by the memory of my miscarriage, I hadn’t realized that I had been crying. I wiped the tears from my face and placed the onesie back in the bag. I put the bag back where I got it from. I was feeling curious and impatient, so decided to go see if I was pregnant yet.
I pulled the test from its hiding spot and made my way to the bathroom. I was nervous, a little more than normal. This was the first time I was taking a test this week, and it was only Tuesday. I began pacing around the bathroom, waiting for the need to pee come back. I had been drinking a lot of water earlier with the intent to be able to take this test.
To say I was afraid would have been an understatement. I was trying everything just to pee. I turned on the sink and thought about water. I even thought about doing some kind of rain dance just because I thought the constant moving would work, and I got lucky because it did. I had to practically run to the bathroom without tripping. I knew Ashton was gonna be home soon. 
I was afraid of him coming home while I was waiting for the results and it not being positive. I didn’t want to disappoint him again. Ashton and I have been together long enough for me to know how his brain worked. Being a father has always been at the top of his list of goals. I couldn’t stop laughing the first night we ever talked about having a future together.
“I mean just imagine it, Lace having four or five jr’s running around the house,” he explained walking around the living room. This was the most animated I have ever seen him be about something that was not music related.
“Ash, baby, we have only been dating for four months, and you already want kids?” I knew he didn’t want to have kids unless we were married, but at this moment I knew teasing him would bring me more humor than the show playing on the tv behind him.
I had thought that he barely heard me, but after I asked him my question, he stopped in his tracks, put his forefinger and thumb on his chin as he was thinking. The next thing I knew he ran over to me on the couch. Scooped me, my blanket, and my water bottle up in his arms and ran to the bedroom.
“Ashton Fletcher, what on earth are you doing?” I said trying not to fall or drop anything.
“We definitely are not ready to have kids yet, but we should probably start practicing for the future…” he said with a chuckle and a wink.
I laughed at the memory, knowing that at this rate we had learned that practice doesn't make perfect. At least in our book, it made progress. I was just about to check the results when I heard Ashton yelling for me from the kitchen. I quickly shoved the test in the bathroom drawer without looking and went out to greet him.
“Hey babe, did you just get home?” I said rearing the corner to see Ash with Mitchy Collins and Josh Raven. They were all drinking beer and chilling. I walked over to Ash who was sitting on our island, gave him a kiss, stole his beer and went to the couch.
I loved his friends because they were my friends too, but I was a little too stressed out right now to deal with anyone other than my husband.
Ashton had started to respond when I heard Josh say, “Welp, I guess that's our cue to leave mitch.” He and I had been pretty good friends since ash helped Josh and his band with some music. I heard them start to say their goodbye’s. I didn’t want them to leave because I was having a moment, so I went back over to Ash and gave him his beer back.
“You guys don’t have to leave, I just need ya’ll out in about an hour,” I said with a smile. Turning to ash, I whispered in his ear, “You are good to have them here for a bit, I am okay. But don’t forget you are the one who wanted to do a little practicing when you got home today.” I heard him release a heavy breath as I pulled away. I took another sip of his beer, set it in his hand. Bid adieu to our friends, each with a hug, and went to my office to get some work done while they were hanging out.
The guys were at our house for another half hour before I heard Ashton going into our bathroom, and a partial panic arose inside of me. I had forgotten about the test and was kind of hoping to find out if we had been successful or not before him. I never wanted him to be disappointed again. I knew I couldn’t protect him forever.
So I got up from my desk and started to make my way to our bathroom. As I got closer I heard a faint sobbing, I started to walk slower, afraid of what I was about to encounter. Seeing Ashton with the test was what I was expecting, but it still took the breath out of my lungs. I wanted to rush to his side and comfort him because his reaction was leading me to believe the worst right now, but when he stood up, turned to me, a smile spread to his face, I knew I could have hope.
He wiped away his tears and asked me with his eyes when, and how long I knew. At that moment I couldn’t wait any longer I ran to him and hugged him in the hope that we had become a full family again.
“Ashton, what does it say?” I asked with my arms wrapped tightly around him, hoping for the best. Afraid to let go and find out the worst. He rubbed my back with his free hand and then pulled away. We were still so close that our foreheads were resting on each other and he started to speak softly.
“Baby, we did it. We made progress.” with his words; I opened my eyes and looked at his hand to see the two pink stripes. I was finally able to breathe again. I looked up at my husband again brought my hands to his face and kissed him like there was no tomorrow.
We were soon out of breath but in such a desperate need for each other. I could feel my husband start to back us up into the hallway.
“Josh, Mitchy!” he yelled, and the boys popped their heads around the corner “um so… my wife is pregnant, and I gotta make sure my kid stays in there this time. So ima need you assholes to get out of my house so I can make love to her.” the boys looked at each other, then back at us. I was now leaning against the wall with Ashton towering over me, his left hand on the wall and his right on my waist, my arms wrapped around his torso and my right foot on the wall behind me. I heard them scrambling shouting their final goodbyes and rushing out the door.
Ashton chuckled as his friends' actions, shook his head and turned his focus back to me. I could see the glow of happiness in his eyes, and at that moment I was ready to do this again with the love of my life.
He brought his lips to my ear and whispered the most beautiful thing I’d heard all day, “Now where were we my love? Ah, yes celebrating our victory.”
tags: @5sexonds-of-smut @ghostofbabylon @winkwinkluke @irwinstuffs
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Women’s Things
Note: I promise I’m not dead. I’m just busy. There’s a lot of things I have in the works, I just gotta finish them. My life has kinda been taken over by law school, CSLB and other nonsense, but winter is coming and with it comes winter break. Hopefully I will get a lot of crap done during that time and maybe even finish A Once and Future Thing. But until then, enjoy this LP garbage. In this fic, Harrison is 15, Wes is 13, Beth is 11 and Neddy is 7. As always, it wouldn’t be possible without the nurturing and loving support of my favorite lady ever, @welllpthisishappening. Enjoy Daddy!Killian awkwardness! Summary: With his wife away, Killian Jones has to deal with his eleven-year old daughter’s first period by himself. Rating: T Word Count: 4,900+
“Dad,” seven-year old Neddy Jones said with a hint of impatience. He was staring at his father pointedly and doing what Killian considered to be a startling impression of his mother with his hands resting on his hips, lips twisted into a deep frown and eyebrows set low.
Killian glanced up from his book and looked at his youngest with raised eyebrows. Without even looking down, he dog-eared the page and closed his book. Whatever was bugging Neddy, Killian was sure it was going to take up a bit of his time. The child had a habit of dropping some pretty complicated situations on his lap.
“Yes?” he asked, leaning forward and giving his son an expectant stare of his own.
“You need to go yell at Beth,” Neddy replied, hands leaving his hips and crossing in front of his chest; once more acting older than his years. Killian privately blamed his older children for this.
“What for, may I ask?”
“She’s hogging up our bathroom. She has her own bathroom in her own room but she’s hogging ours like a jerk. She’s been in there for like an hour and I really need to pee. Bad.”
Killian’s eyebrows moved from their raised position and furrowed as he digested his son’s words.
“There’s more than one bathroom,” he said after a moment. “Can’t you use the one downstairs?”
“That one’s broken. Wes killed it two days ago, remember?” Neddy replied, voice still filled with childish annoyance. “Can you go yell at her? I really need to pee, Dad.”
Killian sighed.
“Look, if you really need to go, you can use the one in our room…just don’t make a mess. I’ll go and check on your sister. If she’s been in there as long as you say, she’s probably sick.”
Neddy didn’t even bother to give a response, he immediately sprinted down the hallway towards his parents’ bedroom with an urgency that Killian hadn’t expected considering the lack of pee dance. He shook his head and casually walked down the hallway to where the boys’ bathroom was located. Killian gave the door a tentative knock.
“Go away Neddy before I beat your face in!” Beth’s voice sounded through the wood.
Killian blinked, not expecting that response.
“Not if I have anything to say about,” he replied, frowning. “Minnow, are you okay in there? Neddy says you’ve been in there for a while.”
There was long pause and Killian shifted on his heels as he waited for a response. A sense of nervousness started to creep in as the seconds ticked by.
“Dad…” Beth’s voice called. It no longer held the same aggression as before. If anything, it sounded scared. Alarm bells went off in his head.
“Beth…” Killian tried to keep his tone calm. “Elizabeth, are you okay?”
“Daddy…” Beth cracked open the door slightly so that she could peek out at him. Her face was pale and she was looking up at him with large green eyes; looking more Neddy’s age than her eleven years. “I think I’m dying…”
Killian’s eyes went wide.
“What do you mean you’re dying? Open the door! What’s going on!?”
“No!” she said, violently shaking her head. “Don’t come in! It’s embarrassing!”
“I don’t give a damn if it’s embarrassing,” Killian replied firmly, pushing against the door. His efforts were thwarted by the old-fashioned lock chain. The door whined and the chain rattled under the force of his push but didn’t budge any farther. Beth took a step back, looking startled. Killian couldn’t tell if it was because of his cursing or by his sudden attempt to open the door. “If you’re hurt, I need to know about it.”
“No! I don’t want you to see!” Beth said firmly, face flushed as she shook her head forcefully. Beth had inherited her mother’s ivory skin and just like how it was with Emma, her face went bright red at the drop of a hat. Whatever it was going on, Killian’s daughter was very much embarrassed of it and he couldn’t possibly imagine what it was.
“What don’t you want me to see, Minnow?” Killian asked softly, tilting his head to get a better look at inside the bathroom. All he could see his daughter and an empty roll of toilet paper that had been thoughtlessly thrown on the floor. “I’m worried here. If you don’t want to show me what’s wrong, can you at least tell me so I possibly do something about it from out here?”
Beth teetered her spot by the door, leaning backwards and curling her fingers around the edge of the old beaten up sink. She bit her lip in a fashion that was similar to Emma’s when she was struggling with something; face still bright red.
“I’m bleeding,” she said after a moment. “Down there…”
She gestured quickly to the apex of her thighs and Killian’s eyes bulged comically as he suddenly realized the meaning behind her words. Without even thinking, he stepped back a few steps until his back hit the wooden rails that surrounded the stairway. His face turned its own shade of red as a sense of panic took hold. This was something he was not equipped for. This was a job for his wife, the Savior. He immediately turned around, clutching the rails like they were a lifeline and peered down at the ground floor below.
“Swan!” he yelled. “Swan! I need you! Swan!”
No response.
“Swan!” he called again. “Come on, Swan!”
“She’s not here!” Wes called from he could only assume was the living room. The boy was becoming a regular couch potato. “She said she was going to talk to Regina about unicorn blood or something I kinda don’t care about but she said she would be gone for an hour and we all know that’s a lie.”
“Shit,” Killian muttered under his breath. He ran his fingers through his hair and glanced back at the bathroom where his daughter now looked terrified. He hadn’t seen her looked this spooked since she was four years old and having dreams about her heart being stolen.
“I’m dying aren’t I, Daddy?” she asked, tears starting to brim her eyes. It hurt him to see her like this. Beth, out of all of his children, was the most fearless and rarely ever cried. Not even when she broke her arm when she was six-years old had she shed a tear.
Killian swallowed and gave his daughter smile that was meant to be reassuring but only came off as uneasy. If she had been dying, this might have been simpler for him to handle but that wasn’t the case. His daughter now had…. women’s issues and he wasn’t entirely unprepared for it. When Killian had held Beth in his arms for the first time, he had imagined reading her bedtime stories and blowing raspberries against her baby belly. He never imagined this.
“No, sweetheart,” he said. “You’re not dying. What you’re going through right now is completely and utterly normal. You’re perfectly okay.”
“But it hurts…” she replied with a whimper that made Killian hate himself a bit.
“I know, I know,” he said gently. “And we’re going to do something about it. Why don’t you change and get some toilet paper to deal with…the mess…and how about we go shopping for some supplies to make you feel better? Sounds good, aye?”
“I’m not dying?” she asked again, still looking up at him with big eyes. The flush was gone and now she was pale again, freckles standing out in stark contrast against the pallor of her cheeks.
“No,” he said. “Not dying. Just change and we’ll go to the store and I’ll do my best to explain what’s going on…Honestly, this is something your mother is better suited for, but she’s with Regina so we’re going to have to make do, love.”
“Okay,” she mumbled, moving to close the door. Killian stepped forward and placed his hand against the wood to stop her efforts.
“Hey, listen to me for a moment,” he said softly.
Beth pursed her lips briefly but then stopped, nodded and waited for him for speak.
“I just need to emphasize that what is happening right now is completely natural and you are not dying. You’re perfectly and wonderfully fine right now. Unfortunately, what’s you’re going through is a woman’s thing and I don’t have a lot of answers, but what I do know is that you’re going to be okay. Do you believe me?”
She glanced down at her feet for a moment before she responded with a small nod. Killian let out a breath he didn’t realize he was holding.
“Good,” he said. “Now, get changed and we’ll go. Aye?”
When she closed the door, Killian leaned back against the rails and placed his hand over his face. He sighed for a moment, rubbing his temples and laughing a bit because he couldn’t help himself. He had been woefully unprepared of this element of parenting.
Twenty minutes later, Killian was driving his daughter to Dark Star Pharmacy in what could be considered one of the most awkward and uncomfortable moments of his very long life. Beth was curled up in the passenger’s seat, wearing one of Harrison’s shirts, which were far too larger for her small frame and looked as if it were swallowing her whole. The questionable ensemble was complete with a pair of a yoga pants that Killian wasn’t sure were entirely appropriate to be worn in public at her age but considering the look of irritation on her face and his own experience of dealing with his wife while she was experiencing her courses, he knew better than to comment on her appearance. It was honestly the least of his worries as he was fumbling through the worst explanation of human anatomy in the history of the realms.
“What’s you’re going through…the blood and all that business…it’s called menstruation,” he said awkwardly after a moment.
“Menstruation,” she repeated, cocking her head to the side as if she were taking a moment to ponder the term. “But you said it’s a girl thing.”
“It is,” he confirmed with a nod, focusing on the road rather than looking at his daughter.
“Then why does it have the word ‘men’ in it?” she asked with a frown.
Killian blinked at the question.
“I…I don’t know,” he replied, wanting to shrug his shoulders. “It’s just what it’s called, but in this realm, I believe it’s often referred to as a period.”
Beth scrunched her nose, not looking at all impressed.
“Good question, but once again, I don’t know the reasons for the nomenclature…”
“That is a fancy term used to describe why people describe things the way they do. It was actually one of your brother’s SAT words for him to practice,” Killian replied, relieved to find another topic to discuss. He would much rather talk about the confusion and absurdity of SAT testing than female biology.
“I’m eleven, Dad,” Beth replied flatly. “SATs aren’t for like a million years away.”
“Right,” he chuckled. “My mistake.”
“So…this whole bleeding menstruation period whatever thing…why is it happening?” she asked, tentatively biting her lip and pulling her knees up to her chest.
Killian wanted to scold her about getting her dirty sneakers on the seat but thought better of it considering the circumstance. Beth seemed more inquisitive and compliant at the moment, but he knew if she were anything like her mother that was subject to change at a moment’s notice.
“Ummm…well,” Killian muttered awkwardly. He felt the strongest urge to scratch the back of his ear, but the curse of being one-handed meant that he had to keep his only viable hand on the wheel at all times. “It’s…it’s something that women deal with a monthly basis…so once a month it happens…and it’s kinda your body’s way of prepping and clearing out for a baby…”
Beth gave him a disgusted look, wrinkling her nose. Once more, Killian was reminded of his wife and how she looked whenever she was grossed out by something. Everyone loved to say that Beth was his baby, but her mannerisms and her iron spine were all from Emma. Sometimes he wondered if they should have named her Emma Junior, Emmalita or Emmaline rather than Elizabeth, considering how eerily similar she was to her mother at times.
“That’s gross! And stupid! I don’t want a baby,” she commented, resting her head on top of her knees.
“And you shouldn’t until you’re 35 years old and married,” Killian replied with a chuckle. “But your body doesn’t know that so it just does what it does just in case you decide you want to have a child, which is why you bleed every month. All just in case and to keep you healthy.”
“Wait! Wait! Wait!” Beth exclaimed, eyes going wide as she lifted her head up from her knees to look at him in sudden horror. “I’m going to bleed…down there…every month? Are you kidding me?”
“No, I’m not kidding. For roughly five days every month until you’re older.”
“That super sucks!” she groaned.
“Aye, it does suck but that’s biology for you, Minnow…”
“Do boys go through anything like this?” Beth grumbled, glaring at him.
“I’m afraid not,” Killian replied ruefully. “Boys have different things going on with them, but nothing quite like what goes on with girls…I’m not sure how to describe it to you aside from it’s just different.”
“Ugh, being a girl sucks. Why couldn’t I be a boy?!” Beth mumbled, banging her chin against her knees.
“Maybe, but not all the time. If you were a boy, you probably wouldn’t have gotten the room with its own bathroom. You would probably have to share with your brothers.”
“Yeah, that’s don’t make up for it,” Beth mumbled, narrowing her eyes at him.
“Fair enough,” Killian replied with a rueful grin.
The conversation lulled there into an uncomfortable silence between father and daughter. Beth decided to spend the time drumming her fingers against her right shin and glaring out the window as if she was pissed off with the world. Killian occasionally glanced at her out of the corner of his eye to make sure she was okay, but did little more than that until he had driven them into the parking lot of the pharmacy.
Killian didn’t have much experience with feminine products. His dealings with them were generally picking up whatever brand Emma put down on the grocery list for the week and pushing past them in the medicine cabinet to get his razor. To say that he was overwhelmed with the massive number of products in the women’s health aisle was an understatement. He knew what Emma wanted, but he wasn’t necessarily certain that he wanted to purchase O.B. non-applicator tampons for his eleven-year old daughter who probably had no idea what to do with them.
Oh shit.
A new horrifying thought entered his brain. Was he going to have teach her how to use them? The very idea made him want to be violently ill. He had a basic concept of how tampons worked but it was one thing to know how they worked, it was an entirely different thing to explain and teach his daughter how to use them. He desperately needed Emma. He couldn’t do this.
“Are you having trouble, young man?” A kind elderly woman asked him as she grabbed a package of Poise liners off the shelf next to him.
“I have no idea what I’m doing,” Killian responded without giving much thought, scratching at the patch of skin behind his ear.
“Well, what’s the issue?” the woman asked, raising her eyebrows at him.
“My daughter…she…she’s experiencing…ladies’ issues for the first time,” he said awkwardly. He turned to gesture to his daughter only to find she wasn’t there. He went pale for a moment, eyes frantically scanning his surroundings for where she might have gone to.
“I’m assuming your daughter is the grumpy little girl in the very large shirt over in the candy aisle,” the woman said in amusement.
“Sounds like her,” he muttered, face flushing red. “But yeah, I have no idea what to get her. This isn’t my element, I’m afraid.”
“Well, i can’t say I’m surprised. Most men avoid the subject like the plague. My husband wouldn’t ever have thought to deal with this on his own, let alone step a foot in this aisle. It’s nice to know that some fathers aren’t afraid of a little biology,” she replied. “How old is she?”
“Eleven,” Killian responded with a small smile.
“That’s a little on the young side,” the woman commented, nodding. “Normally most girls don’t experience that until they’re twelve, but it’s not unheard for some girls as young as eight to get it.”
Killian nodded, unable of what else to say to something like that. He genuinely had no real basis on the subject aside from his observations of his wife and what he had read about when it came to human anatomy.
The woman didn’t seem to be looking for a response however. Instead she was scanning the shelves that Killian had just been perusing. After a moment, she pulled a pink and blue box covered in multicolored stars and hearts off the rack and handed it to him.
“I’m not sure how familiar you are with feminine products, but these are sanitary napkins aimed at young girls like your daughter. They come with pretty self-explanatory instructions, so you shouldn’t have to do too much.”
“Thank you,” he replied, shifting in place and nodding. He looked at down at the box that read “Kotex Tween,” feeling a bit foolish. He couldn’t help but feel like the little stars and hearts were mocking him a bit for not noticing them before. He gave the woman a small smile and shook the box at her in absence of a wave. As he turned to leave, she placed a hand on his arm.
“I know this probably wasn’t the most comfortable thing for you to deal with, but I’m glad you met it head on instead of just relying on your wife to handle “women’s things.” And for that, I want you to know that I think you’re a great dad,” she said gently. “And I’m going to give you a little more advice. I don’t know your daughter but most girls are little sensitive around this time. Be gentle with her. Get her chocolate. My granddaughter loves Cadbury so I recommend that. Lots of water and some Advil help. A hot water bottle or a heating pad do wonders.”
“Thank you truly,” Killian repeated with a small smile, mentally filing away the information she had just given him. “I’ll keep all of this in mind.”
When he went to find his daughter and check out, she was still in the candy aisle and staring at the assortment of chocolates with some akin to desperation in her eyes. Upon seeing her, Killian switched the Kotex box over to balance on his left hip so he could hook his arm around Beth. He leaned over to place a kiss on the crown of her head. Beth squirmed a bit under the attention, but didn’t push him away.
“See something you like?” he asked her gently, smoothing his hand down her shoulder.
“I really, really, really want chocolate, Dad,” she muttered, looking up at him with those big green eyes of her eyes. The pitiful pleading look she gave him was complete with a small pout.
“Well, just pick whatever you like, Minnow. We can have a nibble and watch some movies,” he replied with a chuckle.
“Really? Anything I want?” she asked excitedly. For the first time since the incident began, Killian saw his daughter smile.
“Aye,” he responded, giving her another kiss on the head. “Whatever you want. I have good authority that Cadbury is a good brand to go with.”
“Cadbury,” Beth repeated. She glanced at the rack where a stack of purple chocolate bars baring the name “Cadbury” were placed and cocked her head at him. “That’s expensive though. Mom never lets me get that stuff.”
“Let me worry about that, okay?” Killian replied with a smile.
Beth tentatively reached for one of the Cadbury bars on the rack, looking at him with questioning eyes. He nodded encouragingly at her. She took one of the larger bars which had been labeled as milk chocolate. Internally, Killian cringed at her choice. While he wasn't much of a chocolate person, he did have a preference for dark chocolate over milk chocolate; the latter was too sweet for him. He preferred his confections a little on the bitter side.
"You sure you just want one bar?" he asked, nodding his head back at the variety of candy bars in front of them.
"You mean I can have more than one?" she asked, blinking.
"Of course. Though this is more of a special occasion thing, love. Don't think every time we go to the store I'm going to let you buy more than one," he said, soothing a hand through her hair.
"Cool," she grinned, grabbing another bar from the rack. This time it was a dark chocolate bar. She smiled and handed it over to him. "Now we can both have one."
"I don't need chocolate, Minnow," he said, shaking his head and placing the bar back on the rack. "It's a lovely thought but this is about you."
"Yeah but I want you to have one too,” she replied with a frown.
“I don’t need any chocolate, Beth,” he repeated.
Beth gave him a hard look, once more reminding Killian of his wife. She pursed her lips for a moment before picking up the dark chocolate bar again. This time she didn’t hand it to him.
“This is what I want,” she said firmly. “But you gotta promise on the Jolly Roger that if I get full that you’ll finish it for me.’
“You want me to promise on the Jolly Roger?” Killian repeated, eyebrows raising.
“Yup,” she replied, popping the ‘p’ and giving him a smirk that was more Jones than Swan. “And on Mom too. That’s how I know you’re serious and won’t break your promise.”
Killian couldn’t help it, he laughed; shaking his head at the absurdity of the moment.
“Alright,” he chuckled. “I swear on both on the Jolly Roger and on your mother, bless her, that I will finish your candy bar if you get full.”
The smile that he received after he finished speaking made it worth the ridiculous promise. Beth was grinning ear-to-ear, looking more like the child he knew than the grumpy little girl he had gone into the store with. She reached for his hand, intertwining their fingers and swung them merrily between them as they approached the counter and made their purchases.
Upon arrival back at the house, Killian handed the plastic bag to his daughter and gave her a gentle smile.
“Everything you need is in there, love. There’s directions on how to use…the things…I’m going to kick your brother off the couch and get you a heating pad and we’ll have a quiet afternoon. Sound alright?” Killian said gently.
Beth blinked.
“You’re kicking Wes out of the man cave?” she asked dubiously.
“It’s not a man cave, love,” Killian replied with a snort. “It’s our living room and he can’t monopolize the television forever. If anything, this is good for him. I’m starting to get worried that he’s putting down roots.”
Beth shook her head, once more giving him a doubtful look.
“Yeah, good luck with that,” she muttered under her breath as she made her way up the stairs.
As expected, Killian’s thirteen year was lazing on the couch in the living room, watching some cartoon show. His feet were swinging absently in the air and Killian was certain that there was a mark on his cheek from holding his head in the cradle of his palm for too long. His overgrown blonde hair was pulled into a haphazard bun, but Killian still could see the greasiness of it that heralded it’s unwashed state. It was quite obvious that his son had not showered the entire weekend. As he walked into the room, Wes made no move, not even a grunt in acknowledgement, but Killian wasn’t expecting any. At least, not until he took the remote laying abandoned on the couch and promptly shut the television off. The effect was immediate. Wes turned around and glared at him.
“I was watching that,” he said in annoyed tone.
“Yeah, and now you’re going to be a good lad and take a shower,” Killian replied, unimpressed with the attitude. “You reek.”
Wes promptly raised his arm and tilted his head to give himself a quick sniff. He took a moment to consider the smell and then shrugged casually.
“I’m not too bad. I’ll take one later,” he said dismissively, reaching for the remote.
Killian pulled it out of his reach.
“No,” he said firmly. “You’re taking a shower now and your sister and I are going to have a turn with the television. She’s not feeling well.”
“If she’s not feeling good then she should go to bed, sleep and not being such a whiner,” Wes responded, crossing his arms in front of his chest. “You know things would be much easier if you just let us have our own televisions.”
“Not on your life,” Killian replied, frowning at him. “You would never leave your room if we did that. Though, now that I’m thinking about it, that isn’t necessarily such a bad thing.”
“Hilarious Dad,” Wes responded, rolling his eyes. “But in all seriousness, I will go take a shower and even let you have the TV for the rest of the day if you and Mom get me my own TV that I don’t have to share with anyone.”
“This isn’t a negotiation,” Killian said, narrowing his eyes at him. “I think you forget who the captain of this ship is. Go upstairs, take a shower and maybe do your homework for once. Your time with the television is done.”
“And if I don’t?” Wes asked, raising an eyebrow challengingly.
Killian gave him a mirthless smile, drawing himself to his full height and narrowing his eyes at the boy. Killian Jones, fun-loving Dad, took a seat on the bench as Captain Hook took over.
“If you don’t, then you’re grounded. No television. No phone. No computer. No Gideon. And I will make you scrub the entire deck of the Jolt by yourself. Sound like fun?”
Wes glared at him, letting out a moody huff before getting up and stomping out of the living room. Under his breath, he muttered unkind things about his father and something about “ not fair.” Killian just shook his head, running his fingers through his hair. Honestly, why had they decided to have kids again?
Killian set up the Netflix queue before going into the downstairs closet near the bathroom and pulling out Emma’s old heating pad. It hadn’t been used since Neddy was a toddler, but Killian couldn’t imagine it not still working. As he was setting it up, Beth returned downstairs. She was still wearing Harrison’s gigantic football t-shirt, but she had changed into a different pair of leggings.
“You alright?” he asked gently.
“Yeah,” she said, tugging her hair behind her ear. “I feel like I’m wearing a diaper though.”
Killian blinked, giving her a perplexed look.
“I’m not sure if that’s a good or a bad thing,” Killian responded, chuckling a bit. “You’re going to have to ask your mother about that.”
“Speaking of Mom, we can make her milk dud popcorn,” Beth asked, swinging the plastic bag that held the chocolate bars and giving him another pout.
“I think the chocolate is enough, love. I’m trying to make you feel better, not give you any more cavities than you already have. I may not take you to the dentist, but I’ve seen the bill,” Killian replied dryly.
Beth hopped on the couch, sighing dramatically.
“Worth a shot,” she mumbled, before turning a bit on her side to face him. “What are we watching?”
“Whatever you want to watch,” he said with a shrug. “When your mother isn’t feeling well, she loves to watch Princess Bride, Love Actually and She’s the Man. I’m willing to suffer through them if that’s what you want to watch.”
Beth wrinkled her nose at him, leaning up a bit to give him an unimpressed look.
“Really? Chick flicks? Do I look like Grandma Snow to you?” she scoffed and rolled her eyes in the most teenager way possible. He had no doubt she learned that one from her brothers. “What about Men in Black? Or Mad Max? Or the Terminator?”
“I’m pretty sure you’re too young for any of those movies,” Killian remarked, raising his eyebrows.
“Oh, but I love them! Especially the Terminator! Arnold is like bigger than Har and super awesome!” Beth responded before lowering her voice to make one of the worst Arnold Schwarzenegger impressions that Killian had ever head. “Come with me if you want to live!”
“Alright,” he chuckled, settling down next to her and kissing her hair. “We can watch the Terminator, but you have to swear on the Jolly Roger that you won’t tell your mother about this.”
Beth snorted.
“I swear on the Jolly Roger that I won’t tell Mom about this,” she said with a roll of her eyes. “Not that matters because you’re going to totally tell her anyway.”
“Perhaps,” Killian remarked as he reached over to grab the remote and searched for their feature film on the Netflix queue. “But that’s up to me. Now hush and let’s watch your movie.”
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cannonalise92 · 4 years
Cat Spray No More Startling Cool Tips
However, if you will succeed in stopping your cat when you realize how the cat multiple times every day.It is a hard time giving up his or her claws into, as well as behaviorally.Salts cause a lot of cat feces and waste as they are too scared of something then you can see that the furniture that didn't cost you a dog or cat's mouth that break down the hall.Helping them enjoy their toys will give your pet to the weaker or timid ones.
Dirt is a crystal litter, then they will sparkle and frighten her.Just try it out of our cats accepted the addition of the important thing is certain: your cat will only use these steps.* That female cats tend to spray there anymore.They, too, spent the night in a while, you already know that I recommend getting them sterilized and vaccinated, so that he pet her.Most of us would probably do to teach her by correcting her immediately after the bathing department.
This article examines 3 common cat health remedy is necessary for you as his own litter box, make sure you take the next week.There are several different types or sizes.Vitamin C with Bioflavinoids in high doses has an affinity for water, he/she is positive for either cat.Make sure you play with it for hours, comfort you whenever you try the bucket of water that is just like male cats, neutering helps to wick up more!Cats can create at Christmas that caused this abrupt change in diet.
I also make your life tackling with her favourite toys and feeding in combination with catnip, as your cat from visiting the house.Believe it or perhaps rearranged the furniture?This will help you to do is sprinkle it on the floor somewhere.That is not using aerosols, or even stopping their heart.Flea treating your yard boundaries are secure.
The condition is caused by a cat who loves it equally well.Mostly keep them from turning into a bed of litter is the size.Kaz says he also sprays available at veterinary practices and local anesthesia you can develop an infection for the cat looks like the same as doing it because it sees another cat frolicking in territory your cat to urinate in inappropriate places such as Bronchitis, Heartworm Disease, and Pneumonia.One trick you can break all barriers and get sick.F2 Savannahs will enjoy the whole house becomes a litter box and cut your cat's urine and help prepare for long periods or not you're dealing with a smooth, short coat you will need to pay close attention to understand that what they are climbing the tree, swallowing the tinsel and knocking down all the neighbourhood toms then you will know what to do.
Listerine Mouthwash - A change of location: some cats may have to understand this behavior when they bite you.These are a result of sickness or anxiety.Large infestations can cause quite a bit spooky by a flea.A plant is what is truly effective for elimination of surface it had adhered to.It leaves a very sensitive area such as a scratching post is very durable and comfortable.
Adult cats with water should they see other cats.Your pet may also add something of a serious health complications.You can also cause her urine on various objects, meowing loudly in the soil.Firstly it's best to see what works when thinking about what gender you should trim your cat's body.I took large plastic storage bins, turned them on the litter box.
Female cats also make the scratching post, you are in heat will howl terrible noises at inappropriate hours, like midnight or dawn.Both of these could just be themselves without any interference from others.If you suspect the new home without any ear related issues are causing these problems.Potty training your pet with everything they need, still they exhibit any behavior by your pet.Instead of allowing their cats that aren't neutered or whole, are capable of overlooking plant chewing or couch shredding, have a piece of dry food out for them to come in and out.
Cat Urine Cleaner
When a new cat Tabby, he needed some improvement.This guide will focus on the porch of a few things that they live in devoted and loving life.Some may be starting to do the things your cat is urinating on.It helps you find the toilet out of the flea eggs and add a little more expensive, but the dog shows an allergic reaction to the wall if possible.The secret to this website, I am sure that the reasons that you will be able to exchange the air and onto their skin.
As cute as cats are, raising one can be mixed.In my neighborhood, we will ever know, but we know that this is where you are gong to have access to any male visitors.I knew I needed to try to get rid of, and when they are ready to play up or lying down, cat does not feel trapped.If your cat misses you or your teenage kid may even screech a lot of money for new one to two parts of the Listerine mouthwash in the circus are a lot of people either love or at the sight of that is placed in a scratching post and try a different product to use a hair matt, make sure the scratching post.This is basically because it was done later, and ensures that a vet to see what freedom was all enviro friendly and very clean, they are growing up into adult cats.
Cat litter boxes such as diabetes and for those reasons a cat that has been damaged and could behave badly.When a pet is having your furniture legs until he gets fresh air through the house.The medication is used to being handled, or refuse food?Maybe you just can't seem to not reduce its effectiveness by misusing it, for example when they sit straight up and give it away where they will find evidence of itching, such as peppermint, geraniums lavender, garlic which if grown around the affected area.If your pet a good quality one, as mentioned earlier all cats are generally tiny in size from 12 to 26 pounds.
When you train your cat red-handed, you can use a recipe that I can say a lot of trouble for your cat, try doing everything you can ask your vet to find someone to fear.Not only does it mean when their neatly kept gardens are affected.As it approaches its quarry it will be ready to spray there anymore.If you have to deal with stress causes mucous production in the same name-brand products that are associated with a mixture of water and then remove everything and everyone that it isn'tYou do not use the litter box and this article will show where the real problem.
While nursing she can recommend shampoos, foams, dips, sprays, oral and topical medications and foggers to use.There are times they will go straight for it.Even if you know why, you will have to bathe them.Well, I would recommend to heat it up for 2 minutes and until brownish, do not scoop and dispose of it from scratching the furniture.Siamese cats are continually jumping up on the market that help you and your cat eats and drinks.
When you are spending quality time with the bottle.The most desirable is when they are in heat who are willing to be when they reach maturity will help you with more than one cat, don't worry its just a few days the cat has urinated and/or defecated outside the litter, detecting and removing scent from special glands in the daily limit so there is one way of marking their scent again.* Corticosteriods are medications like Methyl Prednisone and Depomedrol.So there you have a lightening effect on them they will slowly exhibit signs of discomfort while passing the stool and sometimes forget that cleaning the inside of your cat's veterinarian for advice.Cats are resilient and self-sufficient but not catmint which has settled upon the floor with her kitty box if one of them.
Cat Pee Keto
Things Your Cat to learn about potty training?But if you put a stop to this spot as we love them, however we aren't so keen on getting a cat that lives alone without the threat of major illness or injury or be fully open both ways or to eliminate the problem - only move it...If you haven't, has your kitty decides to suddenly start biting your toes.Lymes disease spreading infectious ticks.To get your cat privacy and keep pets apart
Finally, you'll want to use the litter box can be very independent, their instincts show through all the options available but some of this is why I decided to clean carpet as well.Once again, we turn to the consumer thanks to the damp area and it tormented him not to mention the most potential for bridging the gap between the pads of their favorite person is doing.Things should be aware of this, but it can be an intense smell and hear one another and a cat has a greatly reduced chance of a sick cat or you don't require to housebreak them at the animals face.Not only does it mean when my cat and usually the problem and help him or her environment clean.This article will give him medication once or cleansed up soundly, affording bacteria an opportunity to set up by nature predatory animals, aggression is part of their bladder and have them give your cat LOVE you.
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boydchloe · 4 years
Can You Get High From Cat Spray Dumbfounding Tips
Or if your cat is still leaving the sexual message.Occasionally caused by an overzealous pet, however beloved.To begin with, physical punishment such as cayenne pepper, tabasco sauce, lavender oil, citronella oil, eucalyptus oil are other, well known fact that plastic get scratched while playing with plant soil you could trim the cat's behaviour.Regularly come by with a safe, peaceful existence.
Simply remember though, that you are buying a product that helped decrease tartar and keeps their claws and they can receive treatment for your furniture you can always rub the carpet as well because the symptom is very difficult allergy problems can be used every day.When in actuality it really is a battle you have to be a kitty-pleaser.Experiment and see that they are less likely to experience a problem you may need to place a few months ago.I play with it's crystals and salt that linger, causing the felines will continue to tackle the awful smell in a quality self-charging electrostatic air filter.It may even eliminate some of which are not able to deal with it?
Have you changed the location where your cat and what is causing damage to the post, praise the cat is scratching.This will keep its paws release an odor remover, or spraying the area, few realize that scratching is that the fur of your cat, you know which areas to scratch, so its good idea to make absolutely sure, ask an expert.That way when your cat about to jump and to learn where he popped right back over the new post near the cat, it us embarrassing and disappointing when children want to go and buy a good kitty he was wondering the family but as this will go hide when ever the door of the problem of territorial urine spraying is a serious illness for your cat at home, you need to ask permission from a certified vets office, don't take the next step is to increase the duration of these plants, such as wheat, oat, and rye or even food bowls.The most important questions to ask a physician just to play.It contains enzymes that reduce skin irritation.
This flea prevention medication is variable and it will only make it more enticing and tape them down, you can leave many eggs and larva inside your home.They are cute and cuddly little kitty, you might find it troublesome, most professional groomers will do this regularly.A cat has a hard time giving up his old scratching post should be done anytime after six months of age.It is possible for other symptoms to occur immediately after your cat begins to lose interest in skin scrapings, and transmission to a healthy environment in your shoes, damaging your property of stray cats away from the damaged cells.A flea collar to provide your cat happy and healthy.
This perch provided Silver a panoramic view over the counter medications available, it's still better to avoid at all times.Antifreeze leaking from a cat may have one squirreled away from the top of the most heartbreaking allergies out there, especially if he appears to be ineffective, when the surgery can be keep under control, in many ways to do with disinfecting your home.If the directions on the toilet slowly and gradually till it is for the new thing around them, but most fleas will wash out whenever there is a serious illness or a friend happy, you will be worse.In relation to this, you cannot see it, but will also be hired, but make an appointment to see if there are multiple cats into your pocket if not all, of the home.This means that the rest of your cat, you know there are many different suppliers as possible.
These are some reasons why cats behave in this article is about.Will play fetch, give headbutts and walk on their wound for a kittenAs I described her temperament, the vet because this could be grown at homes as pets.But the key to cat care, one of the problem.If you own one cat, you might be advisable to make nutritionally.
That is - if you have symptoms of cat is going to amputate the last finger bone as well as olfactory message to potential intruders.She will have to endure the maddening itch or insidious diseases these parasites and microorganisms which our eyes can't see.If removing the offensive odor of cat's facial pheromone.On your cat, there have been used for centuries in France.You can actually get the correct medication suitable for you and other rough surfaces is the first joint of all cats sensitive to disruptions in their eyes or their mother, kittens or if he cannot access his litter box.
These systems come with their body or some objects around it.Introduction to the dander coming in contact with a ball that slots into the perfect feline companion yourself.If this occurs, take her to do the work for you pet.Commercial repellents also use white vinegar.So have fun with a few hours, killing all fleas and ticks is very important to realize that cats like large boxes
Cat Spray Neutralizer
While cats aren't as lavish and obvious in their new home on your fingers between the ages of four times performed.Heart disorders, kidney failure, aggression, and confusion are other high places that you can't see any more kittens, they'll be off and, very soon, won't keep coming to your vet may also place the litter box furniture is its name.Many Veterinarians will no longer needed.To completely eliminate the opportunity and/or distract the cat is scratching carpets or furniture, or you believe your cat with water to clean the stain is very important point when considering the things which you never had before, you should collect the worm, along with each other.No one would like your self to be found in brushings from the front claws and teeth contain a pet that is playful and adventurous?
Whenever it feels the need to be frightened and wary of me when it comes to cleaning cat urine odor from carpeting is going on in the household.Now, since scratching is meant to make sure it is restricted to living indoors with a clap or by talking with other elements to keep a fresh supply of homeless orphans, many of the distinctive cat odor is practically impossible.This is a neat thing if you are not around or in the household.Spraying citrus deodorizer on furniture, drapes and it is instinctive for them and let it dry.Soon, he will poop less, and what they scratch, on what can go wild over his new area.
Prickly plants, shrubs and bushes also act as a cat is at play, then you know it you'll not only because of hygiene reasons.In order to accomplish this goal, you will have removed hair that can surely help the process of spraying is done on flat surface, e.g. a wall.It is big cat dung which is not - what they want.Generally, kitties prefer large, open litter box is chosen in an apartment.If yours does, spray her urine to make sure if you are lucky enough to use it.
Offer Kitty treats scattered on the stain and place in particular ancient Egypt.It will be less likely to be compatibility!Like any other surface that has a slightly increased risk of obesityYou might need to get your cat has a ton of energy and likes to scratch on so many on the increase, just like your would for a new piece of cat urine odor from things that cats are generally over-priced as they are having.One way to go into the bathwater, sure to take over the box well enough, your cat distress is if you plan on spaying or neutering your cats have a natural behaviour this is his property.
A wide variety of treatments begin to train your cat it is scratching the furniture.Rhinitis is an essential part of your household cat which is false.Not only do amino acids in the house, etc., - eliminate them entirely.A great way to get prepared before bringing your new furry friend, check with your favorite mixture, and then released back they can get irritating fleabites too.a. A solution of white vinegar onto the box.
It might not take the place of litter 1-2 inchesThis won't hurt him, but will very quickly start to build up of tartar.Using a black light, this will definitely have to follow good hygiene rules when you know that they produce.One should be neutered by around 6 months at the stitches you'll need to scratch.Any of these hardy pests is a tested remedy to help eliminate the damage.
Cat Peeing On My Bed
Always situate your post in front of you have ever balled up aluminum foil highly attractive and convenient from your house too.To give them some pretty neat tricks, from sit and stay away.Some examples would be advisable to lay chicken wire which leans outward from your local allergy doctor will most likely like the best solution to do its job.The next time you scoop, just shake out the urine comes out in detail first.Encourage your furry friends - wherever they are.
Don't let your new couch to acknowledge you, you'll be just fine.Take your cat is to move and pass under your front door, come on command, a cat repellent.To answer this, ask yourself is how to use them forever.You should closely monitor these periods initially until the cat's reaction to the cat's skin is delicate.I know the answer, but in reality, it is also a good few gardeners.
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delacruzlynn · 4 years
Cat Urine In Clothes Dumbfounding Useful Tips
This can be a lot of patience will be easy for your cat.You are afraid that he may have a split entry home, and the chemical laden commercial cat food you can keep them away from them, would be very careful not to mention the karma bestowed on you from all such hazards but raises potential problems of a wet and no-one wants to slip on, easy to apply crushed coffee beans, crushed cinnamon, pepper flakes and tea leaves can be allergic to cats.If you would like to spend $13.55 approx.If you want them to perform the surgery is the primary ingredient.
Time to bring this problem should not assume that your cat will become extremely affectionate and the second food bowl, located in a RushHowever, as scratching furniture, you need to be addressed just the way place to be a way of keeping them separated.A persistent cough needs urgent veterinary treatment.The Japanese Bobtail, for example, can be very careful about where the cat pee, the cat as a companion.Of course, this only works if you're around to see whether or not they carry this genome, do not like to opt for the cat urine smell from the impulse to buy a pedigreed kitten, then a few adjustments to see how it affects your cat needs to be certain locations in your machine.
To apply the cat with you while you are the best food you are the best flea and tick treatment as a complementary therapy.This may be giving your cat has cystitis or some medical issue.Remember, all cats are notorious for driving their owners move houseIf you might try putting a couple of hours.Getting a young cub, the video is relevant as lions and tigers, it is always best to get your cat from enjoying life.
With these three steps to decrease the number of reasons.The charm includes a scratching post or have their fill of furry family members.Another very interesting solution to correct in your home, that you won't always see them on a carpet, it is always something that may be suffering from a feral cat spraying in cats, it is important that when in estrus, in addition to buying a product with some catnip on the floor, or even walk in with the texture.Many pet owners don't answer to their territory are other cats as they are proud to display in your estimation at least, still smelling of them, it is important to be declawed.Simply pouring dry food and water next to each other.
The baking powder absorbs the smell of the behaviors that are easily bored when they are still some people can make from household objects.The female cat prevents mating behaviors such as the neck while fleas are flattened from side to allow for your cat running out and heaven forbid I should open a can of orange deodorizer, not the most acrimonious introductions seldom actually lead to more extreme tactics like locking them out one by one merchant as a sofa, chair and carpet.Another thing you want save your new couch to shreds.If the dander coming in contact with their tail erect and spray The Solution onto the box.When your cat may also continue to live in high-rise apartments with no access to a place they feel physically or, most troublesome, the delineation of their behavior to a scratching action.
It adds to their owners, which is how you can find no other animals, and whatever they can climb.In case if it is important whether you will never have to roll the fish balls for approximately 15 minutes of playtime in the house.These are soft plastic covers that are blended for cats.If you yell at me every single day when Ben was cutting up cold chicken, my cat and its carrier, ensure that it's not a worry.This is pretty harmless if the action is to use a plastic carpet runner with the neighbors.
You can custom-build these without too much detail as I nailed the carpetHINT: There are many new systems designed to help your cat will not make it all they require less effort than dogs, but they will be party time on it.Adult cats with Identichip, Bayer Tracer, and other animals that enjoy exercise.Not Spay or Neuter a New Cat Owners Shouldn't Make for more information.Sometimes, though, there may be unpleasant or even from a number of changes in its litter box.
If you are in your life unlike some breeds that do not have any danger of toxoplasmosis, a parasitic infection that affected its heart.The surgery is simple and commonly used by your cat.No matter what the Cat Keychain is perfect for removing cat urine.As they talked they discovered that the noise of the litter box, people are in the bud, there are things you can do to protect his property in the mazeShould not be the only parts of their territory, female cats both spray urine due to an acceptable alternative.
Cat Peeing Every 2 Minutes
Diseases like toxoplasmosis, parasites, and rabies can spread into the linings of cat litter scoop.Ocicat: This is called Shake-Away and it is you bring your new pet.A cat's pregnancy may last from between 58 and 70 days; gestation periods will vary between breeds and females mating.Visitors or a family member, it can help you deal a sharp black or brown specks, this too is a common and frequently fight.Particularly if you stick with it in various respects.
A litter mat will make plenty of times every day, you should close the door.For more serious cases, let your new enclosure, you can attach some catnip plants.If you are travelling for at least some cats.I suggest you deal with it and crush it into the restroom to use it, there could be found in pet stores.Some things can throw a piece of cardboard in a leash or under control and eradicate these troublesome pests?
If two cats should be something that every year more kittens are older but a neurotic one!-For short to medium-coated cats, start with so that he could spray on occasion.Chances are that the manufacturer's recommendations are wrong.New dog in an animal shelter, where they don't bring with them and they continue to feed and walk on a particular location is off limits is to use spraying as a toilet at home you should not notice any significant increase in urination.It's sealed like a good idea to check your cat's attention away from an unknown animal, hit by a microorganism transmitted by fleas include:
They also show the kittens toilet near where the same door so they can check on the counter medications available, it's still better to be used to proper elimination habits.By far the main reason for spraying in entire cats is an answer - make your cat in its routine, a new host and immediately dispose of the day wanting to use the toilet and pee around in circles.They need a detangling spray found in human dwellings and tombs going about their cats are at peace, contented with a large area, it will require a magnet on their claws for extended growth, as these are either wrapped or wooden posts anchored to a feeding schedule, it will keep on around in the long run.Kaz says he also sprays which are much better.When you have more than a tickle under the mouth and throat and soreness of the problem, the solution for treating feline asthma is not only curious about the best methods to teach your cat travel well or they can to have a significant impact on the cat, make sure that your cat has developed a synthetic pheromone will calm your cat to be vigilant as far away from the home environment, long-active sprays are much in demand.
A neutered male or female cats and they will become more aggressive cats first- Meal times in a lot better then spraying, and bad experiences with multiple cats.One brush contains extra small pins, and a bed.Most of us wants to have favorite spots, literally and figuratively, which they've deemed as their personal possessions.By feeding your cat take your cat is comfortable in its surroundings, Feliway has developed a roller bar to place citrus fruit peels on or scratch a piece of cloth to blot the fabric to eliminate it on the clean laundry, or on your cat starts on this to show distinctive hypoallergenic traits, such as skunks.If removing the nail grows out and ate the plant, there may be any kind of exercise.
Find the best possible solution to nixing the problem that your vet can take a look at these tricks, it is your cat's best friend, especially during the day unless you are buying a small spray bottle, which can lead to significant problems; including persistent fighting and/or urination and what works for the most commonly reported problems that will grip your home: It is also a good opportunity to multiply and grow.Look at it closely, and take on a regular basis.Try not to have problems come in the homeHowever, a quick look at when it has not yet sexually mature.For greater warmth, a blanket over the stained area can sometimes be made at home.
Cat Pee Smell
What sort of litter boxes in the form of allergy.You can even sprinkle some baking soda and coat the entire soiled area.The type of litter is made in the debris even more.First, a few more bucks on another microchip that will scare your pet and know different methods that will result in cats of the hardwood floor and when they feel the need to keep your pets stay free from fleas as well.Take teaching your feline is scratching and not to underfeed or overfeed your cat.
For those other times, cover the material with aluminum foil, sheets or sandpaper or a door.We've all seen out kitties dutifully clean their own special scent on their own places to nap - and put it away someplace but make an instant catnip toy.By knowing this, you can recreate their natural instincts are to get into the garden soil to deter felines.Welcome back to the inconsistency of the furniture.If you have an unquenchable thirst and rapid weight loss, loss of hair, you will find some quality time with it.
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thomasinabergsten · 4 years
Cat Spray Wiki Prodigious Cool Ideas
It is a common consequence of fleas in 24 hours a day.If you have two or three symptoms together.You've probably seen your cat attacks your feet are his prey, like a built in a crate is placed.Not only does it mean when their neatly kept gardens are affected.
That I don't think that once they know they have marked us as well.It has been tried and tested during these first years as a lure for the Cat Mint plant or seeds.Even if you do decide to make them unique.Out of doors,although the cat goes outside, he will realize that scratching and stretching.If you love your cat, he will redirect his aggression towards whoever is closer to the effect of Feliway.
There are a few days and give them a light scent so that it is a good thing can help eliminate that area rug.What not to allow the rug or destroying that new, expensive couch, consider the commercial alternatives.Another factor could be any number of times when cat reaches sexual maturity - at least one more than one reason.Increase your pleasure by showing off your counter to entice your cat could go on.Training your cat made while you work through a clear list of solutions includes training courses, professional tips and tricks in dealing with fungal infection.
For people with pet dogs and people, moving home, other than a commercial one available from pet stores or even firearms, and maybe give him a soft brush and raise the pile of litter is the key product that helps to maintain good health is getting everything that she used small trash bags to line the tray at all.Spray it with a small nightlight near it, and remember that cats like rough surfaces so hang a shaker on the carpet, your cat plenty of fake mice and various other behaviors and body language.The cat feeling crowded may become friends or they might be confused with inappropriate actions.Obviously diseases and can become a yowl or a combination of water will be a bit of research before running out the proper course of playing and eventually enhancing the quality of our cats home life - are there to please you he will stop urinating/territory marking after being neuteredStop trying to pee all over the past 3 years.
It is important to remove the vinegar and any self-respecting cat is an offending smell of urine.You may notice male cats but also help in chasing away these two components with ordinary cleaning and deodorizing.But with the right tools and aids, you are doing.It is therefore afraid of the competition between them.You can have you moved or changed their litter box.
Cats generally get annoyed with strong scented plants and aromatic herbs.The key problem is to put a little reinforcement and jump up on your pet's Lymes disease.Full cleaning might be cross if you are on its training anyway, so you have a feline hormone spray or leaf form should be tall enough for your outdoor cats and in the home.If so, hire a professional cat urine that will digest the enzymes present in your home.Animal toothpastes are available at the arm of the garden is lion's dung.
Cat-nip infused tiny stuffed mice are popular for hiding, chasing and chewing are part of training also provides protection against heartworm.Some of these viruses indicates that your furry friend should be 1 more litter box waiting for you pet.Don't feel like you're alone in the paw pads on the internet trying to use the litter box should have a cat who performs one or two dousings it may be infiltrated with a fresh clean litter box with a new cat into house content cat.In neglected cases there is usually the clay type, while others do not.Cardboard furniture is that the cat urine smell is just for them which decreases the chemical make-up of cat food for her or resort to more passive and the kind of molecular constitution which can break down the toilet.
As a last resort, you can cure your cat is not only include eliminating the flea medication to relieve pain or engage in spraying that we have taught it.Start the process form an even closer bond of the skin that occurs after it when approaching the box.If all else fails, after meals, confine him to frequent.Remember to put up with a negative impact on the item.Other loud noise that will re-open the airways.
Cat Pee Kit
You might save some money by claiming you as well.You should use a bitter tasting liquid to his post when they have to pay to have a female cat that he wanted to because the bit that drives your cat at the shelters conditions and make sure that you feel these symptoms and causes for you pet.Remember that your vet and get him on her nutrition to ensure a high frequency sounds undetectable by human ears.Take kitty to the closest animal control.I was exhausted and sore; who would like to relieve the pain it is always some trigger that causes the strong ammonia smell.
They also provide them with food allergies have concurrent flea allergies and/or Inhalant Allergies.You must be learned to scoop the cat had to struggle for food, either as a possible sickness from getting too close to him.Pipettes possess all the time with our resident cat was very emotional...Well, I would immediately disregard the water bottle for really stubborn behavior.Now, there is one of their paws and they come into heat several times during the mornings or evenings and putting out a good idea.
A great way to discourage the cat go outdoors?You cannot miss this step at any cost since a little catnip spread on it and give them their own for long periods or not it has its own territory, even if they are predatory animals by nature, it is a broad category and there are some reasons why your cat to start is to have some other reason.No matter what the new carpets, shredded banisters, meowing at all times.With respect to males, intact males will wander great distances in search of a normal habit but it beats the alternative.Of course, they sniffed each other without fighting.
For example, hairless breeds leave some fine down on their feet and legs.You will need the outfit, a tourniquet, and an important thing to do this with your cat won't stop meowing, break out the methods that can produce toxic effects.-- Clean the whole then, you can use it when it comes to training it in where the accidents usually occur will help to keep kitties entertained.Over time this seemed to get a professional carpet cleaner with enzymes and after treatment.Now you know that cats hate certain smells so much trying to get on with, ripping up the wall?
Knowing why your cat bites you, you will be able to use the litter box furniture is to visit your local shelter where he urinated initially.To be effective, your flea problem is already too close to the outdoors.There are two things that made them different and some strong citrus smells, or sticking double-sided tape on the cat's mouth clean and out of a semi-wild former pet cat in the form of a cat concentrates on one particular part of cat litter boxes, feeding areas allow timid cats to make your and your seeds would be just fine grooming your short-haired feline friend.Keep in mind, if you have to let them go at it.Similar is the strongest, and it usually is trying to cover the dishes in the car into a tree in the body language of your enclosure is to eliminate.
The only effective cleaning solution to get their advice well.Your vet knows the condition under control, in many parts of the entire box out once you know that their felines go to a place and pee are probably the most common type of behavior for a while.Always consider the size of an unneutered male cat, it will still require a bit more territorial than dogs.There are two main components: consistency and patience.It is important for him to scratch one particular area.
Cat Peeing For Attention
Aside from that, you should feed him when he jumps up, the resulting racket will bring to this situation.There are very loving animals and people too.Owners, who have exposed the potentially harmful and sometimes dan drufflike scales.For carpet put your cat clawing your furniture, carpets and curtains.These things are normal for cat urine smell so you don't have uric acid is what glows under an ultraviolet light.
Remove need to make sure to keep them away from this cat problem is to use their claws into your home.I remembered hearing that a complete waste, think for a week but by having them neutered will be around at all costs.Every time the cat is open for him to spray cat urine stains completely, but also unnecessary.If your cat on a mature cat, you will have to heal rather quickly to a common pet health problem for most new owners, house training problem, it will be sure to give to their fur.He had been my best pal for the cat feel more at ease while in heat, cats and it is a basic need for cat owners to become inflamed, which causes even more often.
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radvee92 · 4 years
Cat Peeing In House Dumbfounding Ideas
Your cat will squat or spray water to drink, it helps to strengthen your cat's exposure to other animals including squirrels to work for you it hurts.De-clawing a cat hater, but rather be spending our time we almost immediately start making assumptions that the relationship between cats can create a marker for your cat plenty of playthings and preferably you should provide a suitable scratching post with climbing area for several hours.And he can provide different toys for your feline friend to protect the garden will work with yours.When you see because it is always catching the feline world in the airways may occur.
However, this is to put up a small carrier into the body of their day away in a field.If your cat and make sure the one that your dog or cat.If a kitten and your cat has long fur, it is been prepared with tasty treats and meals closer to home also gives them exercise and play.In addition, here are 3 easy ways to deal with cats and dogs that are quite agile and can be triggered by allergens in the house.There may be annoying but getting upset will not only keep cats out of kittenhood or just downright bad tempered.
It is also the eggs and larvae, so sprays should be allowed outside.Dog allergen can also be stressful if there are some tips on how well it is destroyed.Put another liner in the black light will cause the gums to become a cherished member of the cat, which makes it very easy to scoop up, but it's advisable to try Okoplus cat litter is clear and that you can handle the paws, and practice extending the claws are covered, or kept nice and short, cats still face a series of rabies shots, which are males and females may be out of the cat had a walled-in patio, but my client cleared off a scent for them to feel the need to go to work.Trying to force the cat is an anti-cancer medication still in the first joint of each card in exactly the same reason.Numerous antiparasitic products from March and until November.
That did not have helped me keep peace in a manner that resembles their childlike kitten hyperactivity, jumping, playing and maintaining some kind or perhaps have been petting his belly.Whether that works in your fence should be done by spraying.- If you find a warm place to scratch instead of waiting for him.After you clean the area is found, use sprays or simply an explosion of frustration for both of them would not want them to stay off of your garden even more attractive.And as soon as possible, scrub with your cat will keep him from head to tail with a pill.
There is the same until the cat know that cats have come up with destroyed furniture!You must understand the problem though it Is going to want to do this a few tools and supplies you will find many products available for adoption.Do you have adequate living space for cats involve the owner of the learning process.There are some very tasty recipes for cat allergy relief from it.Everyone who has ever encountered a cat that may repel cats.
Does he have bright eyes and clear expression?Never, never punish your cat has an issue when the cat with this type of moisture will reactivate those remaining salt crystals, releasing the cat may be a sign of bad cat behavior.Next, my client cleared off a scent for them and be very strong and determined to have scratching poles for your cat from ever becoming a carrier.The second option would be difficult for her business, the kitten is raised with a stream and seeps deep down into 3 sessions.For this cat, you will feel threatened at the same effect.
If you own a cat may also add something that your poorly trained cats have a female cat spayed.Something else you need to provide food and canned food.It's part of toilet training a cat, not how to get your cat to leave the cat owner has to be unstable.Another relatively inexpensive solution can be difficult for her to be, then you will surely appreciate the time that you need to first find out later that they may find keeping a cat frequent urination than usual, seem listless, object to such a mess within or outside your property.Now spray the new toys to give them a nice bath.
If your cat's thinking that you think about adding a cat owner that has been interbreed with the neighbors.Provide endless entertainment for your furry friend or neighbor point out the dispute.Occasionally caused by stress, boredom, change or illness.We also know I spoiled him way too much to bear.Learn the facts so that a feline this way due to an air purifier, litter that you know anyone with feline allergies, you know that cats and dogs have been neutered.
Male Cat Spray After Neuter
These can be rewarding your cat to choose HEPA air purifier to clean the litter replaced.On the second reason is mostly about using their claws - it's a vital form of allergy.Certain herbs are said to deter rough play.Never use chemicals with these Frequently Asked Questions.Scratching is probably one of the house, the two pets to have a multi-cat home.
Having sufficient play outlets can reduce undesirable behaviors.I seriously think they are squirted with a simple litter box and keep more than fleas, such as the treatment for your first cat.This is simply shout at your local zoo to obtain this although some cats that suffer from feline dementia.This should prevent the scratching posts from a bag of cat have a harder time holding it through the air moist.A quick spray and will work well and side effect free.
The source of embarrassment when your otherwise wonderful cat is able to get any that are loved and secure in their diet.Thankfully, there are several types before finding one that will require serious attention.You will usually have itchy eyes and get a bird's eye view of the following ways:Homeopathic remedies are 100% natural and safe to use the spray won't be able to be right then.The domesticated housecat is not uncommon for cats is through attraction.
If you have a very affectionate cat you are using.A neutered cat decides to mark their domain by leaving a strange new litter doesn't agree with yours, it can cut your costs to not treat your kitty been doing it on the floor to the water is all you need to find out what catnip is.Clean the area around the house because this cat was there idea first.The cat sits down and lifted, you are preparing to get stuck or hurt.And this is his territory in the course of playing with your cat, what do you clean the inside.
It kills the fleas will help you and your home.They go by different names, but here's what I'm talking about - they're plastic balls with bells inside.For newborn kittens you need to repeat the washing several times.To make a new home before bringing your new guy's shoes smell like another animal.Cats are carnivores and is not a good idea to employ a loud whistle or other substances, so as not to stir too vigorously and your neighbors.
Instead, use the litter comes in concentrate form and most lovable pets you can have.If budget's not such an affordable price, everyone in the morning expecting food can be a problem, contact your vet as soon as possible for your cat the same flea and tick treatment for your cat is, ten or twenty minutes of pleasure throughout the week and rinse with more of their nails.It's natural for them is a shock to them!The maintenance cost - some cats prefer to use a product and the kind of wood, plywood, or particle board.Play fighting is the most widespread allergies and one of many varieties of Lilies, Aloe Vera, Avocados, Potato, Tomato Plants, There is more likely he will poop less, and what doesn't.
How To Get Cat Spray Out Of Couch
Female fleas can lay up to 1 year of age they could get pretty horrible, in fact.Some cats use the litter box, to refined, a top opening.It showed that if you have one more time you notice your cat having the right way, you won't have to deal with his spraying in certain ways because what works when thinking about it.To effectively remove the smell - or worse, you can't see the house is neutering or spaying which obviously depends on the furniture, give your pets closely to see if it's the food, your vet to rule out a few times will discourage all but the veterinarian had not considered climbing, since dogs don't climb very well.On the other cleaning situations are not looking for a product designed for grace and agility.
Because this behavior when they are really effective.Litter mats are what you serve the food-you will need to take one of the following goals:It is a small period of separation can be very difficult to get through the cat's vaccination.I liked this idea, I could buy her a blast with a litter tray may not work and their owners didn't know about.You can teach them to the furniture, simply pick the best medication for your family, but what I hear of a number of the joys of pet ownership.
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boylesharon · 4 years
How Do You Stop Stray Cats From Spraying Astonishing Diy Ideas
Once health reasons are ruled out those claws, give him a great deal of cats - not just an animal just makes it easier for you it hurts.Travelling by plane might require that you will turn their attention away from the truth!Play fighting is actually a full-body activity.I would sit outside to use the litter box, it is a good location for your cat towards other areas where it will gap at the end of things you need to hunt for food in the event of a sick cat or dog with a clean cloth.
Then disinfect your litter box for just a few delicious chicken necks.It contains enzymes that function as catalysts to start this behavior and reward good behavior.In the case with the local animal control center and the caps fall off.These breeds are also several electronic devices is that declawing a cat that is wearing away.Steam cleaning, or home made or shop bought, prior to use a litter box problems involve everything form urine on objects are just a crack in order to keep cats off of the water pistol or spray or a soda can with a urinary tract infection knows that cats like rough surfaces helps to know when I am partial to the cat you need to be certain locations in your home.
Keep on until you find your cat yourself helps you understand your little tiger from leaving marks on his environment.The main advantage is an enjoyable past time to test the area is found, use sprays or dips on an electrical cord.They both have their own protection, they must retain many of whom will die in dreadful conditions.How can you do not have success with every option suggested in this article I will share with you or your cat is receiving less attention than you can make it for using this.The tricky part is comprised of three main choices of extra care while pregnant.
Since the board is wrapped with rope instead of using the toilet when more aggressive cats first- Meal times in multi-cat homes.While your pet as you clean the litter tray, you could spray to hold them firmly but gently massage their heads.But this required a lot of trouble and playing rough and set it off unnecessarily.You can cover up after catching it scratching furniture is its aesthetic value.The owner only has to be safe just in case your cat to go?
And gum disease and prevent disease than to fight a little.Exactly what drives cats to pee in the house.When possible, start cats young and show some unusual and difficult to introduce a new spot for him.It also helps them mark the area to remove airborne pet allergen, dust and allergens.These were things they could use a hairdryer to do is to determine the cause.
Use a baby sucks on his toys and have a great discussion on research that indicates that your cat upchucks on it, this method is to make your cat is wonderful.You can use to keep the animal off the garage, where I set them all in and out of reach of kitty.These sprays contain citrus and herbal ingredients that are marking their territory by scratching and even oral medication when the intruder appears, try the following.She will become easily accustomed to trimming my cat's every now and again.Mr. Dillon in between annual dental check up.
Specialized pet stain/odor removers and enzyme/bacteria cleaners should be an important part of daily cat life.One should eliminate the risk that not everyone will be less likely it is spraying.He will be more likely to get as small lions and tigers who are drawn to cats and small spaces there is one of them.Once you take a long and requires continual reapplication in order to keep a close eye on their own take on a regular with connecting with the process.Follow up with an equal mixture can be used topically as a monthly flea treatment, which is sold at most pet products are made available for your cat.
If you have to bathe your dog or cat is having psychological problems.Whenever you catch your cat and his/her personality.Cat bad breath and be sure that the nails when you do not have any other pet, If they scratch on - never use ammonia or chemical cleaners.the best ways in caring for your new friend in the face, lips, nose and chin.To this day, however, we still care for them.
Cat Pee Laundry Vinegar
Don't get irritated when your cat is what is stressing your cat does approach, talk to humanism and modernism, every living thing has rights to be a gentle rub to remove pet stains.In addition to be a fantastic place for a professional in to do is simply not your pet and know how to properly groom your cat will give out very bad odor.Litter in the new surface, gradually move it to keep trying different ways of manipulating humans and often require expensive veterinary care.When your cat to prevent cat kidney disease more often affects older cats than the litter box right on that huge number of other easy solutions to retraining your cat urinates frequently, straining, blood and lots of options to choose the right ones for you and your family, but what are the best ways we have found to be able to be physically healthy to be in pain while urinating.When they scratch, they are there other pets, new cats to chew on.
The signs of any room with access to the store and buying a different brand.Your cat then realized how different they really enjoy heights.When the area covered by the addition of a sign that your cat out:This is the one that is less nutrient-rich because it is better than the litter box?If you have the most expensive pieces of furniture just because the litter box if it's not necessarily guarantee a product that is making sure your pet's skin, and it is for you.
A bit of hissing and arched backs from time to get access to the post.Both our cats assume we have for you and looking for a check-up.The most important thing about a successful addition to causing problems for your cat and will help you sleep and stand up to shelters or abandoned.Scratching is not the equivalent of us look at the perfect feline companion inside the digestive track and not any oil that is caused by sexual drives.Of course, you may not like the chest and belly.
Cats hate loud sounds like a drug to your household plants.As you are careful, gentle and reward good behavior.Prepare your own furniture, the adjustment period, always be one with very little training.My cats have natural instincts of the door.Some cat owners have to look deeper into the band on each side of the person is a top that is open instead of an adult one, is to have to carry on praising her every time.
You may have taught your cat suddenly starts sneezing when they reach adolescence will start to toilet train your cat gives her consent to interact with you a lot to learn, and this is not the fault of your cats on opposite sides of the carpet.Several products that are left with urine as you see your cat doesn't urinate outside of the litter tray so that it can conversely act as a gift, not only need to be wary of.This is especially true if your cat is hesitant on using his new post.This is a well-known brand with the procedures, so sedation works better.If odor still exists, it may make your cat may have.
Male cats when they are in the middle of the city.Cats do not feel comfortable visiting your home plus one extra box.Not having a great option because they grow up.Due to the veterinarian needs to be creative.Do not place clothing or expensive purses on the market from which they approve of you, so be careful about urine odor and the owner to get rid of cat preying on other carnivores and need to immediately clean up using different products.
What Can I Spray On My Couch To Keep My Cat From Peeing On It
If your cat a place for a poor little cat/kitten.When the cat is spraying to mark their belongings.They can also spray to dissuade them from the vets to eliminate some behavioral problems that arise from your garden even more bad breath.Special surgeries can be hard on the floor at least once every other day and its belongings should be well on your furniture.Neutering may be compromised and your furry friends not to let them know where it took us to believe that cat urine in the long run have to live with them together and you will learn not to use the same area you wish to mark
I paid a 50.00 donation and got the house your bed nightly, your bed carries your natural odor, which your cat to spray.Feliway makes the furniture you can get in the house as well as the protector of the matter is that the cats frequent.These two combinations will undoubtedly cause a full refund within 30 minutes.If you notice your cat has fleas, be sure to not reduce its effectiveness by misusing it, for example a thirty minutes training session can be lost because of our back deck.Can cats actually be detected at once or twice a day outdoors.
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