#if i include artwork i'll wanna include animation
bixels · 5 months
quick update on art moving forward:
i'm gonna be switching back and forth between doing more original work/non-mlp content and gg20s art from now on. things may go slower, but that's part of me trying to take care of myself vs. the past couple of months which has been "i need to finish and post at least 2 gg20s artworks every week or i'll die." i still need to finish that utena juri illustration, and i have a neat character design exercise i wanna do on designing 90s high fantasy anime characters.
for full transparency, here are some things i have lined up for gg20s (on my end at least, tulli's still going strong): character designs for nyc characters (coco pommel, coloratura, suri polomare), the disney opening sequence video, more rarijack (obviously), including that one-shot fanfiction, and a daring do comic.
ty guys.
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2 - 4 A Locked-Room Mystery
You telling me I have to WAIT for new designs you kidding???
I have some 'neat plans' for MOTLE, idk might include New Fucked-Up Lore because what else is the cartoon for?? But I'll have to see
Little Logico wanders outside, and is immediately grabbed!!
As charming as that is, that’s not why the people picked him up. He’s under arrest! He’s thrown in a little jail cell - this is NOT the luxury prison Gico is used to. 
Yep, she’s here, alongside Champagne and Bluski. 
BLUSKI: Hey. CHAMPAGNE: Hi. LOGICO: Of course, of COURSE the usual suspects are following me. WHY AM I HERE?? PERSON: A prisoner has been murdered and you’re the murder person. LOGICO: Good to know. I blame Officer Copper. COPPER: Chillax, my brother. I’m not a psycho cop anymore. Heh, around here, if they thought I looked at a guy wrong they’d put me down as a ‘bad dog’. LOGICO: Right.
In what appears to be a miniature theater for watching interrogations, Logico digs a scrap of paper from under a beautiful couch.
“In a street fight, ten people always beat one.”
Champ checks the passage.
CHAMPAGNE: This is from the Big Red Book. Major Red wrote this. LOGICO: Do you know who that is? CHAMPAGNE: Heh. Yeah. Don’t wanna get yourself in with him. [walks away] LOGICO: ...Care to share ANYTHING else??
Logi explores a phrase Irratino always whispered to him - the tallest suspect has the cheapest pen. Now just by looking at them, Champagne is the tallest guy in the room, but by legal standards, Bluski is supposed to be taller, so his pen is very cheap.
LOGICO: It- It makes sense if you look it up.
Seeing that Logico ‘caught’ his pen trick, Bluski heads to the elevator and travels way up.
LOGICO: How big is this station? CHAMPAGNE: 25 stories. Final floor, they’ve been known to throw people out the window.  LOGICO: This is horrific. I’m starting to miss the luxury prison. CHAMPAGNE: We all do mate.
Irratino is back home, asleep. He is dreaming of a human police woman wearing boots. I guess something different happens in the dream, and he shifts and giggles. But don’t worry, Logico got the clue somehow. This obviously means Copper kicked the prisoner to death! She shakes her head madly and spits all over the place.
A couple humans walk over and start creepily petting and patting Copper.
PERSON: There is no need for a consequence - it was only a prisoner. COPPER: Huh. Kinda like these guys~ LOGICO: I hATE this so much. Can I leave now?!?! COPPER: Whatever, man.
Logico tears away. He needs to get to the violet isles as soon as possible… for some reason.
The end!
Let's try to ignore Copper flirting with some background humans
(ok slight rant but I've saved it for the end so as to not ward people off, you can skip it)
I know it sounds petty but like I swear to god if anyone posts a murdle artwork, the entire tumblr fandom will notice (which is great btw!), but then if I post an artwork it's only the same three or so people who might look at it and it's just...
is it really THAT bad?? like... what am I doing wrong... ngl it's starting to feel less like the art quality and more personal...
but um... yea. i'm trying my best i guess
Uh chonkers jumpscare
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The power of Goat Lord compels you!
See you next time murdlers!
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pink-ninja · 7 months
Ok ok so I had a quick thought and I really needed opinions, I wanna do artist alley at cons as soon as I get a tax registration and actually draw all the artwork and have stuff printed and manufactured, but I've really wanted to include Ninjago in my future con lineup (I'll be doing genshin, twisted wonderland, maybe some honkai star rail, and I'll sprinkle in a few extras and popular animes) BUT I've got Ninjago art that I actually really like that I think would look good as prints or buttons, I even wanna take as many photos from the show(my personal favorite, the photo of skylor Kai has hanging up in the destiny's bounty with a heart drawing around skylor) and redraw them and make a Ninjago photo collection, and I'm definitely still gonna do it for me and maybe print out the picture as actual photos to keep but I don't know if it'll sell or if anyone would actually be interested so that leads me to the point if anyone that goes to cons and all let me know if you would be interested or think that'd be an area of interest that maybe doesn't get sold often?? Just any(honest) feedback cause I don't have a large following on any of my art social medias, so I don't think I'd be able to sell any Ninjago merch I make online since nobody would see it but idk about conventions so any(please honest, my feelings won't be hurt if you tell me not a sjngle person would be interested in buying ninjago merch)feedback would be greatly appreciated
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gayamulet · 5 months
Art drawling
Its sort of wild how art came to a screeching halt as soon as I got a full time job. And yeah, there's a bunch of corresponding factors- a physically demanding full time job crammed into 4 days, that I'm older and so, working with less energy, sleeping a lot more (seriously wtf), and compartmentalizing time much more. Freestanding time & energy is less and has to be planned out and those times left open for the chance to 'do art' in whatever capacity I can do not equate to 100% output success rates like day job hours. I can go in with a 'fuck yeah, art night!' frame of mind and come out pretty unfulfilled (again, with the awareness that fulfillment is not the goal).
And of course recognizing that many more mundane tasks fulfill a bigger chunk of that makemakemake drive- meal prep, cleaning (ugh), plant care, yard care, mending work clothes, etc. And you know, the more annoying factor. A lot of that creative energy also gets fulfilled by mundane tasks at work- animal care, walking, cleaning (yes that includes complicated dogshit catastrophes), training, behavior data collection & entry. I come out of it of course physically tired because it is hard messy work, but it also just has me choosing/seeking artistic outlets less, and not feeling too bad about it introspectively. Its make-drive going someplace useful, through whatever framework my brain has established as useful, idk.
All this brings me to my actual point of frustration with art-making, that when I have time and there is a bit of planning involved (I have exactly one con art show and local tiny art market to work toward this summer) and I sit down and I casually think about what I'd like, for me, for these events with no pressure and, again, for me, that
I just don't want to make myself anything. That it already exists, that there are endless iterations of whatever visual landscape I'm riffing through at any given time, that it doesn't need physical manifestation, that it no longer serves me creatively, that I don't care. I can dangle a glittery new process (ink, linocut, etc) like a its-about-the-process carrot in front of me, but suddenly I don't like carrots. And it feels, less born of a dead creative drive, and more like...an extension of what I don't want from other people- junk. That I do not want to generate more junk for myself. Does this make sense? I think it sounds more heartless than I mean for it to. Like unless there is very defined intention, then I don't need it? I cannot think of a way to explain it that doesn't sound protestant as fuck. Maybe I've hit some critical mass of art intake overload thanks to the internet, maybe this is just what creativity looks like now. Tho, there's enough of a useful task involved that freelance artwork is still hopping along- much more slowly than before for all the regular reasons listed above- but otherwise its fine. I still get that pleasant little brain buzz.
I get these surges of frustration, that I've fallen off from working toward some ultra-personalized visual landscape goal like I used to, that once I do I'll be perceived as human again, or something. Like this is still some pinnacle of artistic merit, in some mythical corner of my brain. But those surges are much less frequent than they used to be, and fizzle out quickly. And idk. Art isn't going anywhere in my life, but where it comes from and how I'm making and shaping things is changing again. I guess?
*I DO, however, wanna make more cardboard masks. So bad.
**I know I kept this in a pretty strict work vs art vacuum, without acknowledging other uses of time, including other hobbies which of course also accounts for creative/emotional outlet but you know what I'm gonna stop here before you guys figure out I'm actually a robot
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simpforchuchu · 1 year
Hey again! What if fujio, tsukasa, shoji, and sachio decide to take reader on her dream date for her birthday or something like that so they saved up and bought tickets to readers favorite kpop group or got tickets to a huge anime convention. Those are both my dream dates and I’ve been to both recently and it got me wondering like who would go all and learn the fan chants and the dances and who would wanna do cosplay or blow all their money on the artworks. and who would be the whole “here babe I’ll hold your bag you go have fun,” type. I’m sorry, this is like my third request I’m just on such an energy high today 😅😅😅
High & Low Boys x Reader’s dream date
a/n: Hi! It’s been a while, sorry 🙏🏻It was really a cute one and thank you for your request 😘 I hope you like it 🌸💕
Sorry for the grammer or spelling mistakes.English is not my main language so...
Thank you and love you 🥰
Warnings: none
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* I don't think there is anything Fujio wouldn't do to make his girlfriend happy.
* This includes learning kpop songs and dances he never knew.
* He probably wants to buy his girlfriend a special gift for her birthday, and he probably even found a part-time job to do it all summer.
* He knows that your favorite band will have a concert in a few months and he wants you to be happy.
* When your birthday comes, he will wave the 2 tickets in his hand with excitement and take you to the concert.
* He even got light sticks so you can wave them along
* And you might not expect him to sing along to every song… Just wait to see him dance.
* He is that cool bitch
* So I don't know how far he can go
* But I'm sure he’ll buy those tickets when he see the excitement and happiness in your eyes when you hear the news about the concert.
* He won't hesitate to come to the concert with you
* At first he’s like "Here babe I'll hold your bag you go have fun" but then you can see him waving the light stick with you
* The smile on your face is more important to him than anything else
* I don't think he's a like anime/manga fan
* Of course, he has been familiar with them all since his childhood, but not a big fan
* Dude literally lives an anime…
* He realizes how much his girlfriend loves animes and wants to make her happy
* When he heard that there was going to be an anime show at a night cinema in your city, he bought the tickets for you without even thinking.
* Definitely will be a surprise
* He is very happy to see the sparkle in your eyes when you get there and see your favorite anime on the big screen.
* Totally gives me the anime fan vibe
* Especially shounen anime…
* Watching anime with you is not enough, he wants to make you happier
* So you definitely didn't expect to see him dressed as your favorite character in front of your house one day
* He will tell you to get ready with a small smile and he is excited for you to see the surprise he has made for you.
* He bought tickets to a cosplay event for you and he loves it when you look at the people around with excitement.
* But he must be your favorite, he definitely does not accept anyone else in this regard...
HnL taglist : @straysugzhpe @tiddly-winx @ninamarie1994 @thatpoindexterpixy @koala-yuna @star2fishmeg
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Alright so as far as introductions go, I guess I should probably make one before I get too far into this.
My name's Leonardo, and you can call me any version of that that you want (Leo, Leon, Leonard, Nardo[my favorite], either way, it's all the same to me.) My pronouns are He/Him. I am an artist, author, animator, and a DEDICATED CLAWCODE ENTHUSIST (Hence the name)
I am also VERY autistic and don't get tone a lot, so tone tags are very important to me, especially when there's joking or sarcasm involved.
I know the Spiderverse Fandom isn't particularly alive (SCREAMING CRYING THROWING UP) but I will try to post often, even if it's just a shitpost here and there. I really want to help feed into the ClawCode brain rot since the content for these two is SEVERELY FUCKING LACKING. So. If you have requests for things, I will probably end up doing them! My asks are always open, and I'd love to hear from anybody. I don't have any friends that love them the way that I do 😔😔
I have not had Tumblr before! Which is a little insane, so I'm new to all of this and learning how everything works. Please forgive me if I don't know the proper etiquette on this app lmao. My friend has been guiding me through all of this and told me to make an About Me post, so that's what I'm doing.
Here are some tags that will frequent my posts!
Yapping Hour - Will either be used for headcanons, or short stories/ideas/other ClawCode related crap. It's just going to be a general tag that will probably go on most of my posts from here on out.
Slur Gallery - Will be of the art I post of them, be it ship art or other :3 because everybody deserves a gallery of slurs to look at. AND JUST LOOK AT THEM!
Earworm - Is the tag I'll use when there's music involved, like songs that remind me of them (and the heavy analysis that goes with it **COMING SOON**), or animatics that I'm working on, or just anything that has to do with a song. Edits, artworks, the whole shebang.
Talkaholic - This will ALSO be used for mini stories/facfics, but more often than the yapping hour. So if you wanna read my writing of them that's what you can find it under.
Offline - will be under posts like these, where it isn't directly related to anything, just random blocks of text or other art that I feel like posting.
Oil And Water - THIS tag will be about the fanfic I am currently (excruciatingly slowly) writing! It doesn't have a happy ending and is meant to be a HEAVY angst story, like hurt/no comfort or very little comfort. I have one chapter out currently but will be working on more soon (and will make a separate post about it! But I will link it here as well. MOTIVATE ME TO WRITE IT /HJ)
Prowler Party - Is what I'll put on ALL of my posts as an extra way to help find me if one so desires d=(^o^)=b
OOC - On the chance that I might make something intentionally out of character, I will put this beneath it. I know a lot of people don't like mischaracterization, or incorrect portrayal of a character, but sometimes it's really fun to write, so I will be including that was well.
I think that's all that I can think of right now (I'm running off of an hour and 40 minutes sleep), but things may change or be edited in the future. But for now, I'll be signing off.
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cypriathus · 1 year
Updated: September 10, 2024
My anon name is 🦅🦁 or 🦁🦅
For those who stumble upon my account... Hello and how are ya? This is my very first time using Tumblr! You can refer to me as Yume, Dreamy, Floof, JJ, Roving, Gryph or whatever nickname you wanna give me. I'm a genuinely curious individual who sometimes gets obsessed with stuff that I eventually want to get engaged with or stuff that I have no intention of trying out, but I'm very fascinated by it. I'm also just a silly, creative Canadian who's trying to get the most out of life.
My general pronouns are she/her, but I genuinely don't mind you referring to me as they/them and he/him. I will not specify my age publicly due to privacy reasons. If you want to know, just shoot me a DM/message.
Some of my hobbies include writing, drawing, listening to music, reading novels and manga, watching YouTube, occasionally watching movies, TV shows or anime, and baking once in a blue moon. For those wondering what kind of art I do, I've primarily been doing a lot of digital artwork as of now. However, I have been using traditional mediums (acrylic paint, markers, coloured pencils, and regular ol' pencils) for many years now. You can find most of my current artworks that I have shared on my Instagram account (@cypriathus). Before we move on with other stuff about me, some of my interests include psychology, sociology, criminology, law, biology, outer space, mythology, folklore, legends, religion, history, internet mysteries, and lost media.
My Tumblr family!
I listen to a myriad of music artists including:
Set It Off
System Of A Down
Tally Hall
Citizen Soldier
Fall Out Boy
Finger Eleven
Get Scared
Avenged Sevenfold
Sick Puppies
Infected Musroom and so much more
I have watched a lot of anime and there are still some I need to get around to watching eventually. Some of these anime include:
Cat Soup
Ergo Proxy
Perfect Blue
Tokyo Godfathers
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Haibane Renmei
Outlaw Star
Now and Then, Here and There
Serial Experiments Lain
Summer Wars
Angel's Egg
Most Studio Ghibli movies
Cowboy Bebop
The Tatami Galaxy
Mind Game
Maquia: When the Promised Flower Blooms
Mononoke and so much more
Non-anine movies and TV shows that I remember watching:
Breaking Bad franchise
American History X
Mad God
Schindler's List
Final Space
Del Toro's Pinocchio
Tetsuo: The Iron Man
The Mask
The Wedding Singer
The Dark Crystal
Lord of War
Monty Python and the Holy Grail & Monty Python's Life of Brian
Silence of the Lambs
Popee the Performer
Mr. Stain on Junk Alley
And many more
Some manga and books that I have currently read are:
Chainsaw Man
The Girl from the Other Side: Siúil, a Rún
The Ancient Magus' Bride
Trigun and Trigun Maximum
Goodbye, Eri
Look Back
Yogen no Nayuta
Eden: It’s An Endless World
Keyman: The Hand of Judgement
Rojica to Rakkasei
Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind
I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream
Animal Farm
The Green Mile
Salem's Lot
Lord of the Flies
The Catcher in the Rye
To Kill a Mockingbird
The Complete Tales of H. P. Lovecraft and more
I would like to stay anonymous for the most part, so don't pry me for certain information that I don't feel comfortable sharing. I'll only share bits and pieces of my life if I feel comfortable with you.
Don't ask me for pictures of myself or I'll block you immediately!
Don't be rudely judgemental
Don't send anon hate
Don't say discriminatory and sexually disgusting things
Don't threaten me
Don't mention pre-existing fictional characters or other forms of media through the comments, reblogs, and inbox.
Don't recommend me pieces of media I should watch and/or read because that gets under my skin really badly as I view it as a threat to my independence and freedom of choice.
If you want to provide constructive criticism, give me more than one thing to work off of because it'll give more of an opportunity to grow.
Do not interact with me if you're one of the following (I'll add more if needed):
Someone who invalidates a person's pronouns, gender, and/or identity
Someone who supports, participates, tolerates, and/or justifies any of the above.
That's most of the stuff you need to know about me as of now. Anyways, as I mentioned in the description, I plan on using this blog as a way to share various ideas in regards to my personal writing projects. I'm open to listening to your ideas, sharing new ideas, and even constructive criticism! I hope you enjoy your stay here and I can't wait to share my ideas with y'all!
I have a side blog where I roleplay, make moodboards, and post stuff that ain't related to my work: @floofgryph
I also have a Metal Slug blog: @thesilliestrovingalive
Writing Projects:
Masterpost for the Iron Eclipse AU (Metal Slug)
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saysike-skedoodles · 4 months
Tell Us A Story!
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"As you were saying, Bex, about how you got here."
"Hm? Oh, yes! So I was sitting but the riverbank until I saw this rabbit.."
You thought that Silly being the Cheshire Cat was the only one changed? News flash, I had also changed up the Mad Hatter's spot too. (not exactly, I'll get into why in a second) Stacy is the Mad Hatter! The reason why Silly and Stacy have been included in the AU out of NOWHERE is because when I first made Bex in Wonderland. I seemed to completely miss the two when I made it. So I thought why not include them anyways. I know I had Galactica as the Mad Hatter (or Mad Catter as I called her cuz cat pun). But I don't think I'm having Stacy be a "replacement role" as I did with Silly replacing Smiler's role. 2 Hatters and a "Hare" (Oblivion is still a cat in this AU even though she's the March Hare) for Bex to deal with. What more could this anxious cat ask for hehe- but it's not too bad, Stacy doesn't change that much as the Mad Hatter anyways, maybe a bit more theatrical in her mannerisms but that's really it. So it's not like Bex just met 3 completely different characters. So things are a bit more calm for Bex this time around from all of the nonsense in Wonderland. I still want to change up a few things in regards to this AU so that it's not a direct copy of 1951 Alice in Wonderland (other than the fact that this AU has a cast of magical talking fantasy animals). Whether it be in characters present, dialogue and all that. I do want to also reference the books when I can too, since this gorgeous film wouldn't exist without Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass in the first place! I also just realised that I could've made Silly the March Hare to soften the blow of Stacy suddenly being the Mad Hatter, but ah, it's fine, we get an already funny coyote being the funny disappearing cat, so I'd consider that a win. ANYWAYS, I know you guys don't see Stacy or Silly in full view in these drawings, and they're kinda obscured in it, but I might aswell mention that Stacy has a polka dot dress! The skirt part has polka dots, that is. I just thought that she would wear something with a bit of polka dot in it as the Mad Hatter. I just thought it would add to fun of the film.
Also I think I should mention this here too but- it's Bex, Silly and Stacy's "design anniversaries" today! Basically it's been 4 years today that I first overhauled their designs and started to give them some lore. Aaaaaannnd, a LOT has changed in those 4 years, which I'm happy about! I like seeing the evolution and change these 3 went through over the 4 years. It's nostalgic to see what young teen me was thinking up of and putting these guys in. I probably should've done something for that today, but I was working on this for the past few days cuz I've gotten caught up in playing Minecraft again. Managed to get a horse and name them "Koko" after Koko the Clown from Fleischer's cartoons :]. But I do wanna have a go at possibly redrawing old artwork from 2021/2022 that features the trio! I feel like it would be a fun experience to see the change in style and also the trio themselves :]
Art Tumblr
TMM Official Tumblr
[all content I post is automatically 13+ if not stated in the title or the content itself]
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littleaipom · 8 months
Hello all! I wanted to bring up an important change about this blog. I'm going to be sharing more 'mature' artwork here in the future.
Nothing I've got atm is hardcore or anything, but I want to respect the fact that my range of interests often draws in a more child-friendly crowd, and not have things be a surprise.
I plan to make use of some of these warning tags, that you can filter out thru tumblr settings:
"tw blood" - if it's even remotely not-cartoony, i'll tag it
"suggestive" - if it's anything steamier than a polite kiss
"tw death" - if involves death or is about death
"tw animal death" - ^
"tw suicidal ideation" - if including the concept of wanting death
"tw self harm" - kind of a catch-all for the topic
"violence" - not sure how i'm gonna use this yet, it may be a catch-all
ones I may use in the future:
"tw gore"
"tw suicide"
If any of these topics bother you, please filter them out! Or if you wanna unfollow, I get it. Don't sweat it.
I will probably also use the mature filter system for tumblr just in case, see how it feels. I'm aiming to err on the side of caution here. I will be adding this info to my description and/or pinned post and try and keep it updated on what I'm tagging.
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thanatasia · 2 years
Great Con-Junction 2022
This past weekend was very busy but a lot of fun!
It was so nice to be able to be in the same room as so many people who made TDC:AoR and the original TDC film. So much so that it was a bit overwhelming lol
I believe my rambling became the star of the show when talking to fellow artists and people involved with the film and series. My best friend @yellowtribalwolf and I were lucky to get tickets to the lot party and tour. I'll share this gem because I've got this song stuck in my head. Maybe I'll share some more photos. Maybe stuff from the Henson Lot and Creature Shop
I was so lucky enough to meet @sifanjewel and I was so so much fun talking with you and going to different panels and the workshop! I still can't believe we got to hang out out there lol
One of those panels was a quiz where whoever got the last question right would win a Stone-in-the-wood prop- my head heard a question related to the Trial by Stone Podcast where they spoke with one of the writers who spoke of a scraped scene where there was going to be a fight on Rek'yr's Sandskimmer with SkekMal. This scene was replaced with Seladon's Gothic transformation. In my head I heard, flight and Seladon and- got the question wrong. The funny thing is they gave me a second chance, I got tongue tied and almost said; Flight of Passage 🤣 I was close to owning a prop but it's a funny story I'll get a kick out of lol
I got to meet Beccy Henderson! She said my Elf/Gelfling outfit was lovely. She also recognized my artwork because I gave her a Stonegrot sticker. I felt so happy! I will die happy getting complimented by her. I even got an autograph from her...but my dad who also went along but explored on his own lost my autograph before my friend and I got to the Henson Lot party
Gelfling are TINY! I always knew they were small but they are literally the height of a young child lol
I couldn't take pictures but while at the Creature Shop I saw the SkekTek prototype puppet used for the initial idea of puppet Skeksis and CGI Gelflings. There was also a Podling head sculpt that was nicknamed, Stoned, I thought that was hilarious.
Continuing from the Creature Shop tour I saw a prop used for the deleted scene of the Emperor's Funeral in the original film, as well as Crawlies. I think everyone who watched the TDC documentary that's included in the bonus features of the DVD knows the Crawlies were basically wind-up toys; I couldn't tell what they were beforehand but they were very flakey and delicate
My friend and I got to puppeteer an animal tail. It was both weird but mesmerizing seeing it move to how you moved the handles
I got my artwork reviewed by TOBY FROUD?!?! I wish I had original art but 1) I haven't completed any 2) most of whatever original art I make is depressing. Regardless, he said my art was, "very lovely" and that I should consider storyboarding
I wanna make another post regarding the drawing workshop with the amazing artist, Cory Godbey. That Mystic I drew came out pretty good...profile views are all we'll see from me. Hearing his input about his experience in art and getting work was very informative. He has a nice calming voice which made the workshop relaxing. My only criticism of the workshop is that it was a paid activity but the event organizers didn't provide paper and pencils. Excluding that it was a great class!
Lisa Maxwell had a fun time talking to my best friend and I because we share the same name but there's one letter in our names that are spelled different. She called us, Clever Girls and I will die happy being complimented by her
A buddy of mine couldn't attend so while passing her art to Stephen Garlick (Jen), Lisa Maxwell (Kira) and Victor Yerrid (Hup), I had some sweet conversations. I even got a picture with Stephen Garlick. Victor Yerrid said my online name was really cool. Again, I will die happy getting complimented for my interesting art name.
I got to meet @feusus , @candythemew and another artist named R0b0crazylady (IG, please correct me if she does have a Tumblr) at their art tables. It's still surreal I got to have conversations with you all. Albeit I was rambling way too much (or maybe I'm too hard on myself) I hope you all had made a great profit. Tbh I think I was more excited matching faces to online profile pictures. You all are very sweet people and I'm so happy to have met you
TDC museum they installed was lovely! SkekSil and SkekOk were there in all their Skeksis glory. Which surprised me- mostly SkekSil I did not expect to see him. If we include the lot party I met my sister's favorite Skeksis, SkekEkt.
At the end I had gotten a picture with Lisa and Cheryl Henson. Mostly for my mom's sake because she would've figurativly killed me if I didn't. I also wanted to, I mean now I can say I got to meet the daughters of Jim Henson who helped keep TDC alive and helped get AoR running
The ending ceremony was an experience. Reciting the Gelfling prophecy was a fantastic end to a great TDC convention. I truly hope there is something again in celebration for AoR
I could probably write more but I'm drawing a blank, and maybe I'm rambling lol
Idk if Thames Con has a Tumblr but thank you for setting this event up. Thank you Trial by Stone Podcast for the coverage and amazing episodes to your Podcast, I was too shy to say hello lol
My only regret is not mingling/networking during the Henson Lot party. I had gotten about 3 hrs of sleep the night prior because I was excited like a child on Christmas Eve. So by 8pm I was getting sleepy lol
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chookily · 9 months
Taglist Guide
Here is a list of some of my most common tags within my post so that if you'd like to view them you can have easy access
Archiving Tags
#Tumblrfacts: usually for small facts shared by other users that I enjoy #civil tag: for any post that involves discussion about universally shared issues and opinions
#Creatura: used mainly for animal posts
#Important: Usually as something I feel is important for others to know #resource: used for useful resources that can improve quality of life or specific skill for myself and others #art ref: mainly for any art based resources or images to help with posing, modeling, etc #library: typically used for posts with interesting literature or posts referring to a writer and such #music queue: for any blog posts that mention music I (or maybe even you) wanna listen to! #Palestine: for any posts about palestine! #sudan: for any post about sudan #awareness tag: for any tag thats not about raising awareness for palestine or sudan i'll use this tag #donation tag: for any tag that request funding support!
Personal tags
#Chookily: I use this tag for any post where I include my thoughts concepts and ideas. #Chookilyspeaks: this is for tags where I speak on something in a genuine and authentic matter that I feel is important for others to know as well. #Chookilyart: Usually for any artwork i've made that I want to show in my primary blog #Chookilycore: Anything I feel that fits my aesthetic or personality will have this tag #Mirkochookcore:Cause my friend keeps showing post about them and me I made this :3
#Chookilysummons: saved only for mentions people have made for me therefore called "summons"
#traumacore: for any time I reblog something to help me cope with trauma #hyperfixation: saved personally for anything that is apart of my group of hyperfixations, some of the most common being Sacabambaspis and Burmy blimbos: for any fictional creature I get attached to has this bost #WTF: for any post that COMPLETELY bamboozles me just utter and total discomposure and befuddlement!!! #Friendboost: a special reblog discount saved for those I consider friends so that others can see and support their endeavors! #Stimboard: a tag mainly for stimboards especially those that make me happy #TumblrFoolery: usually this is in tandem with the tag "#Chookily" but not always. The tag is used when it's a post or comment i've made either for my own post or adding onto a post where I want to be silly.
#save: the "#save" tag is kinda like my treasure trove I use it for things I want to look back on for whatever reason #for studying: a lot of times in tandem with "save" but instead is for me to study something I feel could help improve my abilities in whatever field I feel it can assist #Inspo: mainly for artwork i'd like to look back on for inspiration for style composition or more
#Fav: If it's something I really like or something that uplifts me I may tag the post as "#fav" #favfavfav: something that makes me especially happy I use this tag!!!! #scrapbook: uses for documenting photos I like either landscapes or just images that make me rlly happy
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nikoldragonne12 · 2 months
The Alliance: history of creation (part 1)
Note: I will upload the current info about the characters as soon as I'll finish new artworks of them.
Also, I have to send it separately because it would be too long to read.
Thanks for understanding.
Alright, as I promised earlier, today I'd like to share some history of creating of The Alliance, my own apocalyptic/post-apocalyptic story I'm slowly working on - more specifically, we'll talk about the Himura family, a group of very important characters from the story.
Continue if you wanna read more.
History of creation:
Before I created The Alliance, my first characters used to be OCs from a Black Bullet AU I was planning to make. 
For those who don't know, Black Bullet is a discontinuing series that was originally written by Shiden Kanzaki, yet it also has a manga (covers only the 1st book) and a short anime adaptation (that covers only the first 4 books).
2018 - 2019:
Back to the Himura family, the first character I made was actually Natsumi (sometime between 2018 and 2019) but at that time, she was just a self-insert of mine: she was a teenager (then a young adult) with ginger hair and purplish blue eyes (very similar to my old avatar).
Also between 2018 and 2019, I only knew the anime.
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2021 - 2023:
I left the series for some time, mainly because I was busy with school stuff and my thoughts were elsewhere but eventually I returned to Black Bullet between 2021 and 2023. Finally I also knew the original light novels (yes, Black Bullet isn't just an anime) and sadly, my thoughts weren't the same. I had several issues with all three versions, the books, manga and anime and even if I tried to include my OCs into it, I didn't feel comfortable. 
At that time, Natsumi was remade to be one of the canon characters’ sister and some of the HGHs already existed too (specifically Mirei, Whitney, Sora, Teenie and Tanya and when they were BB OCs, they were Cursed Children and all 10 years old) - because of my different feelings, I knew I have to take them from this universe.
Last goodbye to Black Bullet:
My last goodbye to Black Bullet was supposed to be a redesign series where I wanted to take the best known characters from the series, talk about some issues I had with them and most importantly, redraw them in my style…
However, while drawing Kagetane Hiruko (the major antagonist of the 1st book and a secondary character in the 4th book), I got the idea… the idea to make my own story that will be inspired by Black Bullet yet it’ll also have my own rules and lore, meaning I’ll be less limited in creating. 
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Note: Here, you can compare Kagetane's canon anime appearance with my unfinished sketch.
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And due to this specific redesign, Atsushi and Ren Himura came to life. I had these two in mind before the “redrawing goodbye” but I couldn't find the way to imagine these two, how to tie them into the story, y’know. 
I took some inspiration, not only from Kagetane's appearance, but also from his personality a little, as even if he's a really bad person, he's pretty well-written as a character, especially in the books and it's a shame we didn't see more of him. 
Also a “fun” fact: Atsushi and Ren were originally meant to be siblings but I eventually changed that and made Ren Natsumi's brother. 
By the way, only recently I finally started drawing Kaito, Yuuki, Atsushi and Ren - I only have sketches of them from this year.
Speaking of Kaito and Yuuki (Atsushi & Natsumi's sons), these two were also originally meant to be different: they were both adults, Yuuki was a more gentle brother and the one who only knew what his brother was doing, while Kaito was a more rude brother and an assassin. They also weren't related to Natsumi and other characters. 
I eventually changed that completely and made them Natsumi & Atsushi's sons, although I first made Kaito a university student before making him even younger and turning him into a high school student. And I did that because I wanted these two to be closer to the HGHs (a group of eight girls with animal-themed abilities).
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Chibi Kaito and chibi Yuuki (2023 - 2024)
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My last change is the change of the age:
It was probably something I was changing the most, so I don't remember all the variations, therefore I only present you their current ages:
Atsushi - 43 years old 
Natsumi - 41 years old 
Kaito - 15 years old 
Yuuki - 10 years old
Ren - 38 years old
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The Himura family (pics from 2023 -2024):. See how I change their appearance even throughout the months?
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bultaorechwita · 5 months
Finally my own self-introduction is here after posting here for over a year
You can ask me anything except requesting me to draw something cause I only draw stuffs that I like
I usually use these tags for my artworks: #fanart #digital art #illustration (sometimes #doddles #art #my art #artwork #drawing #original art #cartoon) ***Note that these artworks includes some fandoms (actually only ONE particular fandom) that I have already univolved***
I seldom make #gifs and sometimes I might forget to add #gif tags
Animal crossing pocket camp layouts & related screenshots
Blog posts (miscellaneous & 💩 posts)
My Links: linktr.ee/returntoaranara
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대취타 대취타 자 울려라 대취타 (Actually I can't understand or read Korean at all)
Still don't know what is Daechwita? Here is the link:
My current blog theme source (browser only, not viable in both mobile and desktop apps): https://seyche.tumblr.com/post/673399955224952832/theme-fourteen-camellia-a-windows-11mac-os
About myself:
She/her 25
Notifications turned off 🔕
Preferred music genres: classical, English songs, KPOP
Likes: Animal(especially rabbit)/nature/art/science/cute stuffs/video games/kpop/dosney.
I prefer talent shows, cartoons and documentary
Syoko🍄and Reina 👿P but I have many other characters that I like (mostly little girls)
BTS ARMY (partially love SUGA/Agust D 🐱 but I love every member from the group) but I am not picky towards kpop (I listen to music from various groups)
I prefer casual games such as dressing-up, puzzles or home decoration ones now
I love every character in twst and my favourite is idia
Maybe JUST a DAECHWITA BOT (I'm addicted to it and I can't stop thinking of/listening to it for a single day)
I do respect to LGBTQ+ community but I don't really like anime BLs since their contexts are different from the communities in real life... I'll try my best to avoid those contents 😥
I've already stopped watching animes, quit all the anime fandoms and most of the games except cg and twst
For kpop fans please don't make up relationships between members within a group as we don't know the sexual orientations of those idols (they may have their own boy/girlfriend outside that are not revealed to the public). They are not fictional characters but public figures in real life. Please be respectful to them. These kind of acts really make me feel uncomfortable
Note that my point of view/values/perspective/interests now may be contradictory to those older posts in my blog
I will not contribute in any anime boys' idol projects from now on due to my distrust towards them...but I decided not to delete my previous artworks related to them
Major: Biotechnology but I love astronomy too; I am 100% science person so I am not good at literature and economics at all (and anything not related to science academically) DON'T ASK ME ABOUT SOMETHING RELATED TO LITERATURE CAUSE I AM A NOOB ON THIS
Currently learning Spanish and would like to learn Korean later on
ENGLISH IS NOT MY MOTHER TOUGNE BUT I PREFER SPEAKING IN ENGLISH USUALLY IN BRITISH STYLE (although I can understand Japanese and Chinese; I don't think I have any chances to use Japanese in the coming days)
Wanna learn cooking healthy food, DIY and HTML in the future
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(created using Paint 3D long time ago)
Some extras of my besties🩶💜:
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colorfulwingsofangels · 7 months
an art blog for @paintedcomputer so I don't spam my poor main blog with my art lmaoo
you are free to ask me whenever about my ocs. either reblog/comment or send an ask if its open [since i dont remember if i turned it on]
I'm a digital and traditional artist who's been drawing since 2016 about. I am self taught and I continue learning on my own. I look up to my oldest sister who inspired me to continue drawing anytime I looked at her art. I try my best to improve and I'm still learning
-> please don't come here to criticize my artwork. I am not open to wanting tips or to be criticized
here's what you should expect from me [which I'll be too lazy to change]
-> original characters through either normal means or fandom related ones -> fandom fanart which will possibly include spoilers -> gifts for other people or in general art for other people
I'll allow requests, currently they are OPEN
-> if you ever wanna draw any of my ocs that i send here [ref format], the one thing i ask is don’t draw nsfw / suggestive art of any of them
I am able to draw, and you will see it often
-> Humanoids [characters like tv heads. non-human characters] -> Humans -> Animals [feral + anthro] but I'm closer to drawing dogs and cats [keep that in mind] -> Robots [specifically v models but I can probably draw other robots] -> Fullbody, Halfbody and Icons are something I can do -> Full sceneries [but it depends what it is, I can only do specific stuff]
[I'll totally update this as I think of more]
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lliwless · 1 year
blog info n stuff
hi my username is lliwless, find my names and stuff here. i am queer, i go by they/them and i am a whole 20 years old (wowie!)
this blog is to showcase my artwork as well as post unapologetically about my interests. block tags if you don't wanna see certain stuff! you can find my original posts with the following tags: #lliwless art - for all my artwork #lliwless animation - for all my animations (rarely posted) #lliwless rambling - for text posts where i'm vordvomiting thoughts #lliwless aus - for alternate universe ideas bc i have too many.
i swear a lot, block me if you don't like that
i use a lot of banter/unserious and lighthearted aggression towards my friends and interests, block me if you don't like that
i avoid posting discourse, block me if you don't like that
i'll be friendly back to minors who interact with me, but i do not want to get involved on a personal level with you
i don't like anything sexual or romantic in nature and will probably block you if you interact with that intent. this includes self shippers with my artwork (more power to you, just do it away from me pls!)
I LOVE SEEING PPLS COMMENTS ON MY ART IN THE TAGS!!! it makes me very happy, dont worry abt rambling too much or anything. i encourage it!
extra stuff below (long post)
i'm "new" to tumblr as in i have been here since 2014 but pretty much only lurked; i am unfamiliar with Social Etiquette here. please let me know if i do anything strange so i can correct myself :) i'll often ramble in textposts and tags, and i'll post probably cringe stuff abt my interests since this blog is meant to be for me to be freely autistic on main abt what i like lol. i'll make sure to tag things properly so people can blacklist stuff if they want
long-term interests:
wilbur soot & stories he's written/characters he's played
professor layton (clive + alfendi enjoyers PLEASE interact)
youtubers (RTgame, slimecicle, grian, sneegsnag)
just roll with it
generation loss
persona 5 royal
persona 4 golden (currently playing)
bungou stray dogs
cookie run kingdom, especially red velvet + cakehounds
i'm usually happy to talk about any of these at any time, but will mostly post about the stuff in bold italics
ask box is open for anything - talk abt shared interests, tell me abt ur day, send smth funny idk!!! doodle requests are open under the condition that i have full creative liberty + sending a request does not guarantee i actually draw it :thumbsup:
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cicatrixinteractive · 3 years
clap your hands if you’re indecisive over what medium to share your stories 
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