#if i had a therapist they would be proud
wolveria · 11 months
Writing Update
There will be no updates for The Raven's Hymn for the month of November. I haven't decided if I'll do Nano this year (I've been doing it since 2015 and honestly I've been pulling Nano-speed writing for most of this year and I Am Tired), but I may use this month as a breather and maybe do some slower-paced writing for TRH.
So no worries, we will be back on track in December 👍
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trans-axolotl · 8 months
had a therapy appointment for the first time in a couple months and i think one of the reasons i like my current therapist so much is that she's completely fine with me taking breaks and not replying to her emails and ignoring her for a couple months and then coming back and she never makes me feel judged and just asks what kind of support i want. also she reads a lot of disability studies stuff and supports my antipsych organizing 👍
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littlest-bugz · 1 day
Child me would be so happy if they saw who I am today- That's not something I would've ever thought I would say, but here I am. It's kind of surreal, if I'm being honest.
That poor kid went through so much pain and suffering, but I never gave up. I have my system to thank for my safety, my ability to bounce back. I am fractured but whole- broken but beautiful.
If only he could see all the good that has come into our life. Yes, I live with the same abusive family, but there is so much good.
I finally got the accommodations I always needed, I can finally say I have friends who care about me and understand me, and I can even say that the suicidal ideation I've dealt with my whole life is not an issue- and so much more that I'm grateful for. Itty Bitty Bugz would be amazed.
I've fought tooth and nail to get here. I've fought so much I scratched myself in the process, but gods be damned I am here. I am alive and breathing, surviving but thriving.
Things will never be the same- not that there ever was a moment of my life not colored with trauma- but I will always be resilient. I will always fight for my life, even if it's far from perfect.
Those who hurt me in the past- they tormented me, made every waking moment of my life hell, yet somehow, I find it in my heart to forgive them. Forgiveness not for them, but me, so I may let go of the past and step into the future- a happy future.
Many of them can only see me in their dreams at this point, but I will never forget them and the pain they cause me. Yet, despite everything they did to me, I came out on top.
Child me would be so happy. There is hope.
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sneakydraws · 1 year
ok ive had these piles of andretole spice (varying levels) in my drafts for ages i think i need to post them or theyll haunt me forever but fair warning they get real embarrassing... if any irl friend makes fun of me i am killing myself deleting my account and escaping to bieszczady to herd sheep
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I have been in for-profit health insurance hell for months now and I feel like all the progress I'd made in not feeling ashamed has been fucking erased because I keep having to explain to strangers with no medical training what is wrong with my mind and body over and over and over again
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antiadvil · 20 days
sorry people are annoying about your chronic illness lou i think you rock and it sucks that you have migraine 😔 you deserve to have so much fun at tit no matter what tho. love you x1000
thank you <3 i am really excited for tit!! i was talking with some friends the other day and i'm trying to convince a friend to visit for the show so we could go together and even if they can't make it it's going to be so fun. i'm for sure going to be meeting up with a friend who i met up with at WAD and there should be a few other tumblr people there who i'm excited to meet :) i'm planning to take a nurtec beforehand to hopefully help prevent a migraine from the lights/general excitement of the experience and i will have my nsaids and triptans with me in case that's not enough!
my real hope though is that whatever we do at my next neurology appointment will actually help this time (which it should... i think i've finally jumped through enough hoops for botox or a cgrp antagonist but i've thought that before and insurance has told me i am wrong) and i will maybe not need to worry so much about all the migraine stuff. summoning circle or whatever
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haha-dying-inside · 4 months
I don’t think I’m mentally stable enough to be playing spiritfarer at this point of time in my existence
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witherbythesword · 2 months
#when i was a kid I was kinda neglected and my parents didn't like me very much but whatever#in tv there would always be these talent#and they would stare little kids with they parents being THERE and PROUD#so in my kid brain i thought: alright so to better my situation i just need to get really good at something and then they'll care for me#and the only skill i had been complimented on before was drawing#so i started teaching myself drawing#birds because i liked them and plants because i thought my mother loved and later skeletons because i was emo lol#and i think how i am so perfectionist in my art (eventhough i try to be happy with just whatever i make these days)#and i think about that quote of suzanne riveca thats like:#(my art) has to be perfect it has to be irreproachable in every way to make up for it#to make up for the fact that it's me#and about that one tweet that went something lile#sometimes we strive for pervection in our art because we hope to one day create something that doesn't look like we made it#and how i love drawing and hat that knife against my throat that hinges my life on it being good#and how no matter what i do#I can't get rid of that sinking feeling that i always have to struggle and earn my place in someones life#even when i know it's not like that and thats just the mentally ill part of my brain being loud and dumb#Like i got so many issues under controll by now#many reason to be proud! and be positive about things getting better and my own strength#but some part of my brain is still that little girl alone in all the empty rooms#and i can't get her out of there#because the strength that girl needed to make it through is the same strength i need to help myself through the waves of the aftermath#like i feel like to heal i'd need to allow mysf to be weak but that prospect of not holding myself clenxhed like a fist is so scary#and also knowing how bad my brain can be who knowd what would happen lol#and I WISH not every therapist in my city that accepts patients was a weird nutjob#so i could talk to them about it rather than the tumblr tag#but this is the hand we've been given and it's the hand we need to hold or however that goes#a few days ago someone called me charming and that was very nice#tumblr still limiting the tags to 30 😔 how is a girl supppse to therapise herself in that economy????#whatever!!! i am shattering like glass but at least i have viddy games and cool people in my life that like me despite it all and music
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luciphe-r · 4 months
abt to go on a call with an old friend i reached out to this morning asking for closure on his disappearence... i havent been this fucking jumpy in a while
we talked!!! he didnt know what happened but agreed that we were friends enough that it was weird to cut contact like that randomly. i dont think we are ever going to talk again but i got closure!!!
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platypusplayhere · 1 year
nothing like looking at a situation and realising oh, maybe im wrong, maybe i have more agency and power than i think, maybe i can offer a little release, maybe ive been the one holding the knife this whole time, maybe ive got used to seeing myself as the victim, as someone things happen to, maybe the relief and the praise was not mine to receive but mine to give, at least this time
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greppelheks · 11 months
All good after my date yesterday, there's always something to harvest from it 🌿
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seraphofthesimps · 8 months
Why cry over issues with work when you can just cry over Portgas D Ace?
Look at him 🥹
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pop-punklouis · 2 years
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tyrianlynch · 1 year
Today all of my girl friends couldn’t make it to writing group so I was the only girl surrounded by men and I was so brave about it!
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acanthyme · 9 months
Ok. Figured out how i've survived so long without needing to be on proper anxiety medication.....
Being out in public / agoraphobia takes higher precident in my brain i guess. and if/when i have sustained/regular trips out, im too exhausted from that to be anxious otherwise - but makes me meltdown so easily if i'm too much of a hermit.... hm
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Hi, I’m 25 and finally learning how to do emotions. Better late than never I would say :D
It involves great realizations as ‘I’m allowed to feel what now??’ and ‘What do you mean it’s not normal to feel that heavily about this tiny little thing?’
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