#if i go mia it's me trying to go on x games mode and just write as many chapters as possible to be prepped for posting
ghost-proofbaby · 8 months
hi hello so i wanted to make a post just to update you all where i stand with current wips, what my priorities are, etc.
below is a list of my current wips in order of priority (just based on how frequently i have found myself writing/thinking/inspired for them. none of these have been sent to the wip graveyard. if they're on this list, it means i have a current chapter for them in progress that i have written on within the last month.)
so uh... surprise? new fic in progress? masterlist with details will get posted tonight. possibly the prologue. it's been one that's fun and coming to me easily, which i desperately needed lol (also sensing that a majority of you might not read because... it's not eddie.)
i know it's been a while since i've updated this one, but it's my baby. i'm not dropping it. we are crawling to the finish line with this one i swear it.
i'm well aware THIS one has not been updated in a VERY long time. latest chapter has been a wip for a while. i'll admit, i'm very close to putting this one on an official hiatus (already sort of feels like it's on hiatus, doesn't it?) solely because i've struggled with feeling like i lost the essence of willow and eddie. and that's just sad. they're my favorite couple i've ever written. but as of right now, it's an active fic. just... low on the prioritized list because low on inspiration i suppose?
outside of those three, i have the smut prompt requests that i am prioritizing request wise for valentine's day! if you've sent me a request recently, just know i try to go in order of when someone sent them. i also have some really old requests that recently sparked some ideas? basically outside of those fics i'll probably be posting small things here and there for shits and giggles. gotta remind myself this is fun, folks.
i don't have an update schedule or even an estimated posting for any of the above beyond the moon will sing. i can say for sure that prologue is either being posted tonight or tomorrow. and i know that means nothing, because none of y'all have read or care for it yet! that's totally fine! i'll do my normal warnings post if i am about to update maroon or mordor, but for now, we're just cruising. i recently changed jobs sort of, and i'm in the process of possibly having to move. life is lifing.
i wish you all a wonderful night, and thank you for caring about my words <3 y'all are lovely and i'm giving all the forehead kisses.
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13uswntimagines · 4 years
Glad You Came (Julie x Reader)
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Request: Julie x reader where reader is kind of the fuckgirl of the team. Reader knows that julie have feelings for her and like her attention. Julie thinks that reader plays with her feelings. But reader actually like julie and try to get her trust back. End with fluff please.
Author’s Note: Idk if this actually fits the prompt, but I just couldn’t get the image out of my head. I hope you all enjoy.
Jj had always been a sucker for a good Rom-Com. The ones where the good girl fell for the bad boy (with a good heart) and that bad boy stepped up to the plate and got his shit together for her. 
But alas, though you were the team’s resident bad girl, this wasn’t a rom-com and it appeared you had zero intention of making a dent in your precious reputation. At least that’s what she thought. 
You always did have a knack for proving people wrong. 
The bouquet of roses was the first thing everyone noticed when they stepped into the locker room. It was an amazing surprise after such a rough practice. A not entirely unexpected, but still incredible surprise. 
JJ blushed as she approached her overflowing locker. This secret admirer stuff was getting a bit out of hand. 
“Why does Julie get roses, but none of the rest of us do?” Emily whined, settling down in front of her own bare cubby. 
Lindsey rolled her eyes. If JJ was going to keep getting gifts from a random person, she and the rest of the girls with significant others on the team were really going to have to step up their game. 
“You don’t like dead flowers Sonnett,” She called to the blond 3 lockers over. 
“Yeah, but it’s not fair if she gets them and the rest of us don’t,” Emily sighed dramatically, and the rest of the room giggled. 
“It's from her admirer,” Kelley chimed in, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively. 
JJ’s blush deepened. She carefully reached out and grabbed the thornless Rose with a little tag on it, bringing the delicate petals to her nose before examining the little handwritten note. 
“Ooo, what’s the note say this time?” Kelley asked, as half the team crowded around the midfielder. 
Julie took a big deep breath before reading the black cursive words out loud. 
“I wanted to get you something as beautiful as you are, but couldn’t find anything that came close,”
“Awww,” the team cooed, some rubbing Julie’s back and others ruffling her hair as they made their way back to their respective areas. 
She ran her fingers over the little words, trying to imagine the face of the person who could have written them. The person who would go to such lengths to show their interest in her. But the gifts were always sweet and never creepy. 
The gifts ranged from coffee orders sent to her hotel room, to a signed Mia Hamm jersey that had shown up in her locker, but the thing that always remained was the smooth black cursive notes that accompanied them. 
She brushed the soft petals against her nose again. How she longed to know who thought so highly of her. 
“Who could get roses in here?” Sam snorted, pulling her boots off. 
“It’s gotta be a teammate. They show up literally everywhere we go,” Rose said thoughtfully, glancing around at all the women in the room, her eyes lingering on where you were grinning down at your phone. 
There was just something about your smile and the way you kept glancing up at a certain blond midfielder. 
“At least we know it’s not Y/n,” Emily cackled. 
You looked up at the group from your place across the room, where they all thought you were trying to ignore the commotion (probably in favor of texting a random girl for a hookup). 
You had the reputation of being the fuckgirl of the team. And you took pride in that. You liked when women gave you attention, and as long as everything was consensual, you didn’t see the harm in messing around. That didn’t mean you treated women like objects. Quite the opposite. You loved to woo them, to make them feel beautiful, and then move on to the next conquest. 
“What’s that supposed to mean?” 
“With a body count as high as yours, I doubt you’re capable of being this romantic,” Julie spat back, glaring at you. Your history with her was far from perfect, and she had found out about your reputation first hand. 
You smirked. If you couldn’t positively have her attention (the way you wanted but were too afraid to admit), then you would take the hostility any day. Angry Julie was still sexy after all. 
“How do you think I get them into my bed? Maybe I’m a secret mush at heart,” You asked, standing and approaching the woman. Your hands gently brushed over her shoulder and you began to lean in close to her. 
She brought her finger up to push against your nose, stopping you in your tracks. You tried and failed to cover your smile at the touch. 
“Yeah right,” She scoffed, shoving you back. 
Your smile widened, as you stepped back, your arms wide. “You never know till you try it, Jules,”
“Been there, done that. No thanks,” She shook her head and turned away from you. “At least I have enough class not to fuck anything with a pulse”
Rose tilted her head to the side at the brief look of sadness that crossed your features. Her eyebrows furrowed at the look, and how quickly it was gone. 
You picked at the tape around your wrist- a habit that started in middle school after an unfortunate event that required stitches and had become one of your many signatures within the team. The pressure around the area was calming now, and always put you in the right mode of a game.
It also gave you something to absentmindedly play with as you waited for the next set of drills on the bench (totally not checking out a certain blond when she wasn’t looking). 
“When are you going to tell her that you’re her admirer?” Rose said, settling down on the bench beside you. 
You shrugged. “First, I have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about.”  You glanced up at the bling again, before blinking back to Rose’s raised eyebrow. 
You took a deep breath, finally managing to get a finger under the tape. 
“And second never. I’m defective remember? Completely incapable of love,” 
You repeated the words JJ had said to you that fateful night. The night you had ruined the best almost relationship you ever had. It wasn’t you exactly, just the fact that a woman was texting you while you were in bed with Julie. You weren’t going to respond, but the blond midfielder had caught sight of the screen before you could clear the notification. 
That was enough proof for her. She kicked you out and didn’t let you explain- there was nothing to say apparently. 
“That’s why you always send her flowers and notes, and other gooey stuff right?” Rose rolled her eyes. 
She had known you since the two of you were in diapers. She knew all about your hang-ups on relationships, but she also knew the secret romantic side. The sweet side that you didn’t show to everyone. Everyone except a blond midfielder (who was still very smitten with you, even if you didn’t want to believe it). 
“I-,” You paused, biting your lip, your eyes getting that faraway look Rose knew all too well. You shook your head. You had your shot and it had blown up in your face. “She doesn’t want me. It’s just easier this way,” 
“What, to hopelessly pine after someone? Or to completely avoid rejection all together?” Rose snorted. 
You shook your head again, finally looking rose in the eyes. “I hurt her Rose. She doesn’t want someone she can’t trust,” 
Rose softened at the admission and the unspoken “I’m not good enough” that went with it. You had always struggled with that, maybe that’s why you were such a lady killer. You so badly wanted to be enough, that you jumped at every opportunity. But it was different after you met JJ. 
“How many people have you slept with within the last 3 months?” Rose asked suddenly. 
And you blinked at her a few times, completely unsure of where your best friend was going with this. 
Rose rolled her eyes. “If you can’t think of an exact number, ballpark it for me,”
You vehemently shook your head. You hadn’t met a hookup since that night, too hung up on JJ, and afraid that continuing would destroy any remaining chance you had with the woman. 
“I haven’t,” 
Rose snapped, patting your shoulder. “Exactly. You’re proving to her, the entire team really, that you can change. She’ll come around, especially if you’re honest with her and I don’t know, try to keep it in your pants for once,” 
The team had taken notice of your change, how you hadn’t engaged in hookups. Only a few of them knew the real reason behind your apparent abstinence. 
“You think?” You asked softly, and Rose sent you an indulgent smile. 
“Yeah, you just gotta grow a pair and tell her you’ve been her secret admirer for the last 6 months,” She finished with a cackle and you blushed. 
That was easier said than done. 
Julie had never been this impressed in her entire life. Sure she had been to some amazing restaurants before, but nothing like the little place her admirer had chosen. She felt every bit of hesitance leave her as she stepped into the building. It was quaint and romantic with an amazing buzz in the air. 
She had found the handwritten note with the time and place on the floor outside her hotel room door, along with one of the cutest black dresses she had ever seen. It fit her perfectly, and she looked good if she did say so herself. 
She approached the hostess stand, and the man behind the counter smiled at her. “Good evening miss, how may we assist you?”
She smiled back at him. “Um, I have a reservation. It’s under Mystique,” she said, suppressing a grin at the name her admirer had chosen. 
The man’s smile widened as he reached into his suit jacket pocket, and retrieved a neatly folded letter. “Ah, yes. I have this for you,” 
JJ to the heavy paper in her hands, running her fingers over her name written in familiar black cursive reverently. Her admirer rarely ever wrote her name out. 
She very carefully unfolded the note, revealing more of her favorite handwriting. 
First and foremost, I’m so glad you could make it. I know I’ve written this beforehand, but I must say I’m sure you look amazing. You always look amazing. It doesn’t matter if it’s during practice, or during one of our very chill team bonding nights. You never fail to take my breath away, but that’s not why it’s taken me so long to finally grow a pair and come clean. 
I know that you and I have history and that I’m not your ideal significant other, but I promise you’re not just another person to add to my long list. You make me feel things I’ve never really felt before, and that scares me. I don’t know how to do this, and I can’t promise I’ll be perfect, but I can promise that I’ll try my best. I will do everything I can to show you how much I love you, and to be someone worthy of your love in return. 
Now comes the hard part. If you want to give me the chance to show you that I’ve grown up and am ready for a serious relationship, just tell the matroids you would like to take a drink at the bar. or If you don’t want to see me, but want to eat, just tell him you’re ready for your table. Your meal will be paid for, and I’ll leave you alone. We can even pretend it never happened if you would prefer. Or if you want neither of those things, you can walk away. 
The choice is yours J. Ill respect whatever you choose, and no hard feelings either way.
Truly yours,
Julie stared down at the letter, completely stunned, almost unable to believe that you could ever do anything this remotely romantic. A small part of her cheered as if she was waiting for you to finally step up. 
She didn’t hate you, contrary to popular belief. She just thought you were incredibly confusing. You would flaunt your reputation, but then you would be sweet and shy with her. In the end, your first try at a relationship didn’t work because she was tired of you jerking her around. But this was a side to you she had never seen. One that intrigued her to no end. 
“Have you made your decision ma’am?” The maitre d’ asked kindly, sliding up beside her. She blinked up from the neat handwriting towards the man (who looked like he wanted to say more). 
She nodded at the man. “I have. I’d like to have a drink at the bar please,” 
his smile was blinding as he gestured to the left with his arm. “Right this way,” 
You carefully swirled your finger around the rim of your drink, staring listlessly into the amber liquid. You weren’t quite sure how long you had been sitting here, but with every passing second, you couldn’t help but think about how much of a terrible idea this was. 
She was never going to choose to come sit with you at the bar, and the longer you waited, the more pathetic you would look in the end. 
You almost felt bad for the staff. They were so excited to help, so enthusiastic about helping you get the girl of your dreams. You were sure you were going to disappoint them. 
“Fancy meeting you here stranger,” Her voice cut through your internal monologue. You lifted your head to meet her blue eyes, and the sight alone took your breath away. 
“JJ, you came,” You said breathlessly, standing to greet the woman. 
“I did,” She nodded, blushing when you took her hand and kissed the back of it before pulling out a chair for her. You sat down next to her, flagging down the bartender for the woman. 
“You look stunning,” You said softly, finally turning in her direction, and she caught the light shade of pink that tinted your cheeks. 
“So you’ve said,” Julie laughed, holding up the letter. The red in your cheeks spread up to your ears and down your neck as you ducked your head in embarrassment. 
“Megan may have helped me pick it out…” You mumbled, your fingers returning to your glass. 
Rose may or may not have gotten the entire team involved when she finally convinced you to make your move. While you were relieved to have help picking out the perfect outfit, you hadn’t enjoyed being made fun of for your “questionable” fashion sense. 
“Was she behind the other gifts too?” Julie asked, taking a sip of her drink with a raised eyebrow. 
You shook your head, rubbing the back of your neck. “No. Those were all me,” 
Julie smiled softly, reaching up to intertwine your fingers. She wasn’t used to seeing you so shy. It was kinda adorable. 
“Well, I loved them,” 
You nodded again, taking a big gulp of your drink, trying to calm your racing heart. “I’m really glad you came. I was afraid you would find out it was me and change your mind,”
“I’m glad I came too,” 
You smiled brilliantly at the woman. You hadn’t completely redeemed yourself yet, not like Zuko or Snape, but at least you were going to have the chance to try. You weren’t going to let her slip through your fingers again. 
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nothing-but-dreamy · 3 years
Characters: Gavin Reed x fem!Reader; Connor; Hank Anderson;
Warnings: cursing
Words: 2.122
Gavin nodded while he checked the file in front of him, “Well, yeah… I never made the connection before-”
“That’s why I am here… for the things you won’t see.”, yn said teasingly. Gavin glared at her but she just stuck out her tongue which caused Gavin to smirk. Yn took another file and handed it to Gavin, “Here is another statement. Again this Joseph.”
Gavin frowned as he skimmed through the file, “Is that one of mine? I can’t remember-”
“No, it’s not yours. Actually, this is from Hank-”
Gavin’s head shot up from the file, “Hank? Have you talked with him about this?”, annoyance was hearable in his voice.
Yn looked at him with a challenging expression, waiting for him to say the wrong thing but he didn’t, so she answered, “Yes, I did. Because my partner was MIA, you remember?”, she asked rhetorically.
Gavin understood and decided to stay silent, swallowing down his pride, “Alright, yeah... so, you wanna trace this case?”
“I would like to do it, yeah. But first, we need more information or at least, we should collect everything we can find.”, yn said and wasn’t surprised to see Gavin making a face by mentioning ‘boring’ paperwork, “Listen, here’s the deal, you go home, take a shower and relax a bit. You kinda look horrible-”
“Thank you very much.”, Gavin muttered.
Yn smiled softly, “You know what I mean. Meanwhile, I will gather the information.”
“You sure?”, Gavin asked. It didn’t feel right to let her alone doing all the work but a shower was also something Gavin was yearning for after this kinda horrible day.
“Of course. You know, it feels good to be here and to have these files in my hands. I just want to enjoy this feeling a bit longer.”, she said softly, “And you hate doing paperwork anyway.”
Gavin knew how much she loved her job. She was as passionate about it as he was. They both wanted the same things: to hunt criminals and to bring justice to those who got hurt by all the bad people in this world. Now that she was back, he couldn’t remember how he had managed to stay sane without her. He stood up and donned his leather jacket, “Alright, but if you need help or anything, call me.”, he said. As he saw her doubtfully glance he added: “I promise, I will answer.”, he said softly and yn grinned. Reluctantly, Gavin left his desk but looked back at her one last time. In the end, he wished he hadn’t done it. The scene he saw was annoying but before his temper could blow his fuses once again, he left the DPD.
Just as Gavin was about to leave, Connor walked to yn. As yn noticed the android, she looked up from the files and shot him a warm smile, “Hey, Connor.”
“Hey. Could you talk with Reed about these files?”
“Yes, I could. I think we will have a new case here.”, yn answered with a smile.
Connor noticed the way her eyes sparkled when she was talking about the case and the work. He already noticed that she had a cheerful personality mostly in comparison to Reed and Hank. But the energy he saw now was something different. Connor had studied her career a bit. She was young, ambitious and one of Detroit’s best Detectives and now, he saw why she was this good: there was a fire burning in her. She wouldn’t give up until she would solve this case, “I’m glad the two of you could sort things out.”
“Yeah, Gavin is a bit hot-headed… some things will never change. You just have to know how to deal with him.”, yn said. On the other side of the room, she saw Hank getting done with work to leave the office, “You’re done for today?”
“Yes. The Detroit Gears have a game today and Hank wants to watch it in Jimmy’s bar. I accompany him to make sure he won’t get … too drunk.”
“Sounds like a good evening.”, yn admitted.
“Would you like to join us?”, Connor asked carefully and kinda shy. He wasn’t sure where this idea came from but the idea to spend more time with her was something he would like.
Yn’s brows shot up in surprise. This invitation was nothing she had expected, “Oh, uhm… you know, Connor, it’s very nice of you to ask but I… I want to work this through. But next time.”, she answered. Connor understood it and then, Hank was ready to leave the DPD. Yn smiled to herself. The way Connor had asked her was so pure and innocent that she was surprised that he was able to keep up with Hank and all the other cops. He was nice, friendly … even undeniable handsome with these soft brown eyes. Her glance fell on the small plant which caused her smile to get even a bit bigger.
It was past nine as yn realized that she was alone in the DPD. Well, there was herself, the police androids in standby mode and Captain Fowler was also still in his office. She sat straight in her chair which caused her spine to crack nasty. She rolled her head left and right and rubbed the back of her neck. As she looked hopefully into her cup, it was already empty.
“You know when the coffee is gone it’s the sign for you to go home.”, Captain Fowler said, who stopped next to yn’s desk, “What are you working on anyway? Something interesting? Or are you trying to make sense of Reed’s paperwork?”
Yn chuckled. Everyone knew that Gavin was a very good Detective with a high crime clearance rate but his manners casted a cloud over his victories most of the time, “No, his files are all fine. But I found something in them. First, there were just two statements with the same name of a Red Ice dealer. Hank also found something that suited this case in his own files. Now, I have a bunch of files and statements all with the same names and places.”
Fowler was hooked immediately. ‘Red Ice’ was still the main problem in Detroit. He grabbed a chair and sat next to yn’s desk, “Tell me more about it.”
Ten minutes later, she had summarized all the information she had found as best as she could. Fowler nodded slowly, seemingly deep in his thoughts. Yn waited for him to speak. She knew that the Captain hated it to get interrupted while he was considering his next steps.
“You really have found something. Maybe even something big. This Joker-guy must have a boss. What you said about him doesn’t sound as if he would be connected enough to get the drugs on his own.”
“I thought the same.”, yn admitted.
Fowler stood up, “Reed and you can follow this trace but, if you need anything, come to me. It’s your first case, take it easy. Even if I know you’re capable.”
“Thanks, Sir. Uhm… I might already have an idea.”, yn said and grinned.
After another training session on his boxing bag, Gavin took a hot shower at three o’clock in the morning. The water was slowly running down his body and relaxed all the tense muscles. He tried his best, but Gavin wasn’t able to keep a clear mind. His thoughts were always drifting to all the events of the past day.
The small plant... Connor… the hooker … how he had treated yn…
Gavin sank his head, his hair was falling into his face and the water was running down between his shoulder blades while he supported himself with his hands from the wall. Yn already had noticed that something was bothering him and he knew, if he wouldn’t watch out, that she would ask until there was no other way than telling her the truth why he was on the edge all the time.
Ten minutes later, he left the shower, flung a towel around his hips and stepped to the sink to look into the mirror. Yn had been right, he looked horrible. His lip was still slightly swollen, his cheek a bit red and dark shadows under his eyes betrayed that he was barely sleeping. He checked his appearance one last time, before he groaned, annoyed about himself, and left his reflection alone. There was no solution for any of these problems - and Gavin wouldn’t even start to try to find one.
A few hours later and filled up with much coffee, Gavin entered the DPD. He was determined to keep his temper calm. He really wanted to stay cool but as he walked to his desk, his blood pressure was already increasing again.
Yn was there, like an early bird, sitting at her desk. Next to her were Hank and Connor. Yn laughed loudly about something Hank had said and as Gavin came closer he heard something about ‘pigeons’. Gavin approached the small group, all the former good intentions long gone and his bad mood back in charge, “Don't you have your own desks?", he asked and looked annoyed at the two men.
Yn checked quickly on Gavin. He looked a bit better than the day before but she saw that he hadn’t slept again. So, yn wasn’t surprised to see him this moody. But the first thing she had learnt in handling Gavin Reed was to treat him with kindness if he decided to be a prick, "We wish you a good morning as well, Detective.", she said teasingly friendly while she observed his reaction.
"Yeah, yeah,yeah...", he answered bugged, "What is going on here?", Gavin asked and pointed at the file in Connor’s hand. It was one of Gavin's.
Yn rolled with her eyes, "Oh, hell! Calm the fuck down! Eat a Snickers!"
"W-what? Why?", Gavin asked dumbfounded and looked puzzled at her.
Yn grinned at him, "Because your boiling hot latin blood comes through when you're hungry!"
"Latin blood?", Connor asked with one raised brow.
Yn looked at him with a lopsided smirk, "His mother comes from Puerto Rico."
"Hey!", Gavin called out.
Yn looked back at him still grinning, "What? That's not a secret. Oh, and by the way, Hank and Connor are joining us on the Red Ice case-"
"No fucking way! It's our case!", Gavin called out. He got annoyed more and more, although he had planned this day differently, but somehow he got the feeling that yn was working against him.
"Orders from Fowler.", yn explained with crossed arms.
"I gathered all the information and… this case could be big, you know, it might even come with a lead to a drug boss. So, since I got Hank’s case file already involved and because he is the most experienced of us relating to Red Ice cases, it’s just the best solution to be successful. And Connor... he's a very intelligent and advanced boy. It could be useful to have an android on our side.", yn said and winked at Connor with a grin. The way she spoke about him gave Connor a good feeling.
Gavin pinched the bridge of his nose and took a deep breath, "Bloody hell! I should have stayed in bed.", he muttered.
Yn looked skeptical at her partner, "The way you look, I'm not sure what you use your bed for but it's not for sleeping."
Slowly, he looked at her and pressed his jaw together to swallow down the comment he had on his lips, "You... I need coffee!", he grunted and went into the kitchen.
Yn followed Gavin with her eyes, a smirk on her lips, "Maybe you should consider bathing in it rather than just drinking it."
Gavin showed her his middle finger and heard her chuckling.
Yn turned over to Hank with a grin, "It's really good to be back."
Hank smirked, enjoying the fact that Gavin got some backtalk, "Reed will kill you when he finds out that it was your idea to get us on board."
"I know.", she answered with a huge grin, “But I wasn’t lying. Fowler approved the idea. Gavin just doesn’t have to know that.”
Connor looked at her. How she grinned and how much fun she had treating Gavin like this was contagious. Connor grinned as well, in his eyes, Gavin deserved this, "You like to fuck him up, don't you?"
Yn looked at the android and nodded slowly, "Hell yes. It's funny. And very easy."
Gavin came back, sat at his desk, took a sip of his coffee but stayed silent.
"Better?", yn grinned.
"No.", Gavin muttered low.
"Perfect. The best base to start the briefing."
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glowyjellyfish · 3 years
I started writing down an updated collection of thoughts and plans about my Megakingdom project, but they got very rambly and so I am beginning anew.
And no, I have not forgotten about Grimwood Abbey, but for my undiagnosed but likely adhd brain I gotta follow the fixations where they lead. It’s actually quite helpful to have several different Medieval Sims 2 concepts I want to play with while working on the excruciatingly long CC Sorting portion of the project, because I can bounce around from one to the other to find fresh things to think about without abandoning the CC project. I got through all the Teen and Child clothing, and everything in Buy Mode! I am halfway through Walls in Build Mode! I have some broken things to identify, some Star Factory stuff to check on updating (accidentally overwrote my fresh install of all those with some older duplicates and could not actually undo, Mia culpa), and a bunch of empty folders to check and remove. Then comes the real sorting. And a backup.
But today I am here to talk about the Megakingdom. I have realized I can’t just play it as a straight MCC, because I already have a king. And yet the Warwickshire rules are wayyyy too complicated for somebody who has yet to complete an MCC. So I am going to play mostly MCC, with a few Warwickshire rules incorporated early, using the advancements to replace unthematic community lots and make sure the community gets well-rounded. I’ll also be using the social advancement rules to earn sims the right to fill in a few empty class spots (for example, Pleasantview currently has no Gentry). I will probably start using some of the Warwickshire title guidelines once each subhood has a reasonable amount of sims in each class and sims start purchasing titles outside the basic ones. And I am thinking I might roll a THS for babies born in-game, but avoid randomized health hits and pregnancy health concerns until I get used to the system and/or those babies grow into adults.
The big difference I am planning from both rule systems is… frankly, I want to use the colleges and the college sims. The college sims are going to be a flexible marriage pool, but also, three is too many for just a couple of social classes to attend, and it really bugs me that college sims get more lifespan than non-college sims. So each college is open to a different selection of social classes. Academie Le Tour is the upper class university, and only royalty, nobility, and heir/firstborn gentry may attend. La Fiesta Tech is for non-heir gentry and merchants, and Sim State University is the trade school for yeomen and peasants who are sponsored by a noble. I’m not sure yet about the other two colleges, but SSU will for sure have a strong tuition fee, which peasants may request from a noble in exchange for becoming their serf. There will absolutely be many sims who still cannot afford to attend, and for those I’ll get some YA mods, but this plan will ease me into that play method AND will prep up some serfs for the megahood.
(I… will have to reread up on the lower classes and determine exactly how and who I want to set up as serfs, if I feel I need to start with any. For some reasons, I am constantly assuming that the lowest classes in these challenges do not automatically equal serfs and I might also just be wrong on that, and if I am I’ll figure it out.)
Some story plans and concepts:
Faith and Herbert Goodie are going to be church sims, with the Newsons moving in as a collection of orphans being raised by the church. Coral Oldie, meanwhile, is going to be a midwife (probably not the only one, but I haven’t identified anyone else for the role yet); I have set the Oldies as Merchant class, and so I might have Herb run a small business that complements her midwifery, perhaps selling herbs they grow or something.
I’m trying to figure out what’s to be done with Jessica Peterson; without the game lore she’s just an obvious peasant, but with it she’s divorced from Armand DeBateau, a duke, and therefore must be at least Gentry. I feel like the thematic way to handle this would be having her join the church or become an outcast, but I haven’t decided yet. By a similar token, I really want to keep Alexandra Teatherton nee O’Mackey’s “left family to become a pirate” story, but then I’d have to set up pirates and junk. Otherwise, she’s in the same position as Jessica.
Cassandra Goth is betrothed to King Malcolm Landgraab IV. I think that Don Lothario, a yeoman at best, has been trying to seduce her and making all kinds of promises in his efforts to bed her, but he never intended to actually try to marry her and is shocked at how seriously she took all his talk of running away together. That is way too permanent for Don Lothario, he just wanted to WooHoo her.
I did this same basic setup for a Steampunk Strangetown I played a while back, but I think the quickest and most interesting way to set up a kingdom in Strangetown is a. Olive Specter is the ruler, b. Ophelia has been raised as her heir, but c. Nervous is the true heir, kept secret because of his parentage but Olive plans to officially recognize him before she dies, and d. Loki learned the secret a while back and has been holding Nervous hostage in an attempt to either marry Nervous to Loki’s sister Erin or otherwise gain power. So that’s essentially what is happening here, Olive is the Duchess, Nervous is her heir, Loki is a mere Gentry trying some ruthless means of acquiring power and advancing his family’s status. Erin is a viable match for Nervous, but in my experience they usually don’t like one another; I think generally speaking I’m not going to force sims with X attraction to marry just because they’re a good match. Maybe for story purposes or if the pickings are too slim, but not in round one.
Oh, and I have designated a few ladies to be Duchesses of their subhoods, and a Gentry lady heiress here and there, but for the most part I will be sticking to full classic primogeniture. This is mainly for setup; I just picked the best/most interesting choices to rule each subhood. I.E., I’m not gonna make the Roths be the Ducal family of Riverblossom Hills when the Goths are right there ruling over Pleasantview, that is dumb, and Catherine Viejo makes a very interesting setup. Is Betty Goldstein her secret lover and/or lady in waiting? Is Andrew Martin her secret lover and/or gardener/serving man/serf? ...so Cleo Shikibu, heiress to the Duchy of Riverblossom Hills, and Florence Delarosa, Lady of Bluewater Village, will both have to find second sons or college sims to marry in order to preserve their respective inheritances (meaning, basically, they can marry Kent Capp or a college boy, because maxis families are really light on siblings generally). Olive Specter is technically another example, but since she has a male heir in Nervous, Ophelia is not being treated as an heiress and will just get married off wherever. (...not to Johnny, unfortunately for them. Johnny is a merchant. And thanks to Johnny’s heritage, it will be Difficult to cheat discretely. Sounds like Fun!) But I will be avoiding situations like this in the future, and will only allow heiresses if there is no possible male heir, and even then her duty is to marry a hapless guy and produce a male heir as soon as she can to preserve her family line.
I’m also pretty excited about my spreadsheet for the Megakingdom, making pages for simple round info, a full resident census, individual families and family trees, records of deceased sims and events, the neighborhood and treasury, maybe one day including full economic notes on sensible pricing for SMSF goods. And charts on viable marriage prospects for each class, which I am pretty proud of. They’re sorted by rank, red means not allowed, bright green is preferred, and light green is allowed. Generally speaking, sims get bright green within the same age group and light green outside it, making it easy to prioritize same age marriages over, say, adult-teen marriages or teen-child betrothals. Both of those are allowed but not preferred. And these charts will change as sims age, and sims will be removed when they get married and added when new sims are born or rolled.
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I am very excited. The spreadsheets also give me something I can work on during down time at work!
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sunshinesholland · 5 years
dog days | t.h.
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
Word count: 1.77k
Summary: Being a dog mom is tough. Having a busy schedule and feeling mom guilt is even tougher. So who are you to say no when your dog just wants to spend some time playing at the park, even if it is pouring down rain. It’s what dog parents do. Or at least just you?
A/N: So I have a half pitbull named Mia Bella and I think Tessa is absolutely cute and they’d make sweet friends and... this was self indulgence and it’s finest and I’m not even sorry about it.
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It’s a little ridiculous, you suppose, while it’s managed to go from a light drizzle of rain to a torrential downpour and everyone else has completely left the park, you’re still out. Determined to get your pup the playtime she deserves, having felt guilty going into work on a Saturday morning. Most people are likely indoors right now, snuggled up with a warm cup of tea, watching their favorite series on Netflix. Meanwhile are absolutely chilled to the bone, but with your dog smiling up at you, tail wagging and tennis ball in mouth, you wouldn’t have it any other way. Well, maybe you would. An umbrella would be nice. You at least have an anorak on, and a cap to protect you from the onslaught of rain.
But your dog Bella comes back, scampering with glee and the biggest smile on her face. She drops the ball in the mud, proudly staring up at you. As a Staffordshire terrier, she’s unbelievably expressive. Her big doe eyes begging you to throw the ball and her cheeks widened in what can only be described as a grin. No other family dog you’d had as a child was ever as expressive as your own. She’s your furry best friend, and you had a million pictures on your phone to prove it. Dog mom stereotype completely fulfilled. And yeah, your trainers are soaked, and your jeans are clinging to your skin, but your baby is happy.
You smile and reach down to scratch behind her ears, before grabbing the ball lying in front of your feet. Before you can even lift your arm to throw, she’s off and running, trying to be ahead of the game and beat the ball before it gets where it’s going. You smile, because she always does this, and throw it anyways. You wait a few minutes, expecting her to come racing back as usual. But it’s a heavy downpour and your view is obstructed further by your position at the bottom of a slight incline and the presence of trees and now you’re panicking.
“Bella?! Bell!” You’re yelling, and running now, feet sloshing against the mix of mud and slick grass.
If you weren’t already cold, the breeze from your pace is hitting your already soaked clothes makes you feel even colder. But all you can think of is your dog. She’s such a sweet girl, extremely smart and friendly but she’s a pitty and the sad truth is people aren’t very kind or trusting of bully breeds.
And you hear her bark and you’re immediately fearful, is she barking because she’s scared? Is she barking because she’s lost? Is someone hurting her? And you reach the clearing of the park, away from the trees and you see her under the park’s gazebo. She’s sat next to one of the benches, with another dog and what you can only assume is its owner.
“Oh thank god, Bella. You scared me so much!” You’re out of breath and you sound like a frightened mother. Because you are.
She comes ambling to you, completely unaware of how scared she’s made you. She’s just happy she’s made a new friend and she’s got a fun sprint in. You kneel down and attach her leash to her collar, squeezing her face in your hands and ruffling her fur. You can’t be mad at her, she’s wagging her tail and she’s safe and happy and oblivious.
“I honestly didn’t think anyone else would be crazy enough to be out here,” the stranger’s voice raised to speak over the rain, flashing a cheeky grin.
The rain is relentless against the metal roof of the structure, but it’s somehow still calming and beautiful, the sound of rain thumping against the metal. A stark contrast to being fully immersed in the pouring rain in combination with the pounding of blood in your ears, as you just were.
The rain has soaked his hair, curls falling against his forehead. He’s wearing a black zip up, and a pair of joggers. He’s managed to look cozy, warm, and attractive, and he really has no business looking this good, especially while being caught in a rainstorm. You imagine you look like a drowned rat, baseball cap doing nothing to hide the mess of soaked hair flowing from under it. Your cheeks most likely flushed from the cold and the frantic dash across the park. You brush your hair that’s fallen in your face away, clearing your throat.
“I, uh, had work this morning. And I’m a graduate student and weekends are the most time we get together without me having my nose in a textbook and I felt guilty and- you didn’t ask for my life story, I’m sorry,” you blurt out, averting your eyes from this unbelievably handsome, rain-soaked stranger, looking down at Bella.
She’s not smiling at you like she was a moment ago, instead she blinks at you before yawning. Ah, what a show of compassion. She’s bored now, she’s had her fun and you’re boring her with your need for emotional support, you think.
“It’s quite alright, I suppose I did call you crazy. You felt the need to explain yourself, even if it does somewhat confirming the initial judgement,” and you’re realizing he has an English accent, and you look up to see a softer smile on his features, eyes crinkling at the corners, effectively softening the harsh assessment, albeit joking.
And you can’t help but wonder how English rainstorms are, and if that’s why he’s fine being out in this weather. And why he’s here, in the states? And also, who gave him the right to be so charming? And why did Bella come to him? She usually isn’t very comfortable around men (although a sweet dog, she is constantly in protector mode as you’re a single girl and it’s just you two in the apartment in a busy city).
And furthermore, he’s fine with a pitbull coming up to him? Okay well, she is very very cute, and very sweet, you think, completely unbiased. Not at all thinking this because you’re her owner and proud dog mom. Not biased at all.
“Well I guess since you told me all of that, I can tell you why we’re crazy enough to be out,” he jokes, sitting down at the bench, reaching down to pet his dog.
You had been so caught up in the relief of finding your pup, of the cute stranger  his lovely accent and the tap, tap, tap of the rain against the roof that you hadn’t even noticed the lovely dog sitting patiently at his side. Your heart swelled upon recognition of the boxy terrier snout, familiar doe eyes and pointy little ears. Seeing another dog of the same breed group made you unbelievably happy. While you loved all dogs, you had a soft spot for the far too misunderstood,  gentle terriers of this breed group.
“Me and Tess were just getting our afternoon jog in when the rain started,” he continues, smiling down at his pup and then looking back at you, effectively bringing you out of your internal dog-loving monologue.
“I actually also had work today, but my girl is important to me and I needed to make time for her,” he explains, “So we’re both crazy dog parents, if we’re willing to risk hypothermia for them, I suppose,” he grins.
You can just feel how soft your eyes must be looking at him. You kneel down, Bella is at your side, sniffing at Tess, trying to get closer.
You look up at him, chocolate brown eyes meeting yours and ironically, it’s hard to not melt, “Would it be okay to pet her?”
You ask, trying to be respectful despite her tail wagging a mile a minute, and her already leaning against you to be pet.
“I don’t think either of us get a choice, darling” he laughs, eyes crinkling and head slightly tilting back at his dog’s antics.
The sound echos in the acoustics of the gazebo, and it blends beautifully with the rain calming down, now more lightly tapping against the roof. The rain is dripping down the roof edge, against the cement. You feel warm, despite being being drenched from head to toe. You stop your petting (to Tess’s dismay), and stand up.
“Would it be alright if they went and played? Since both of their activities got cut short?” You question, smiling back in what you hope is at least half as an appealing manner as his laugh.
He grins at you, reaching to unleash Tess, as you do the same with Bella, before he stands up beside you. The dogs are immediately off, running circles around the structure. The rain has let up enough that Bella is fully in your view, allowing you to relax and chat with the unnamed curly-haired boy.
“I’m sorry, I know your dog’s name, but I didn’t catch yours,” you turn away from the dogs to look at him and he’s smiling watching the dogs run.
You think he may not have heard you but he turns to you and you’re blindsided by the dazzling smile being directed at you.
“Tom, my name’s Tom,” he replies, outstretching a hand for you to shake.
You’re laughing at his formal nature, but shake his hand nonetheless.
“Well Tom, if you’re also a single dog parent, I’d love to get a cup of coffee with you,” you grin, feeling giddy for some stupid reason. It’s his sunny disposition, and his cute face, you bet.
“I drink tea… But I suppose I could make an exception for your cute dog,” he grins, bumping your shoulder playfully,
“Yeah, going for coffee, it’s for the dogs. Like when parents have to be friends because their kids are. They like each other, and who are we to stand in the way of friendship?” You add, looking out at the park space they’re running in. In your head you’re playing it cool, but in Tom’s eyes, you’ve got a slight grin but you’re beaming, absolutely glowing even in the gloom of the rainy afternoon.
“Yeah, exactly. We might have to meet up again soon too. I mean, think of the children,” he says in reply, nodding his head, looking out as well, trying to match your attempt at a collected demeanor.
And both of you are watching the two chase each other, barking happily. All while you and Tom are grinning from ear to ear. And you’re grateful that you’re not the only dog parent crazy enough to come out in a downpour, and you remind yourself that when you get home, you’ve really gotta give Bella a treat for running off like she did.
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lyrazehedgieboiii · 4 years
HEY, HEDGIE SQUAD! SO, THIS IS A STORY I HAD ON MY WATTPAD, AND IT’S A BIT OLD, so it’s going to be a bit retarded, because that’s how I was a few years ago. Anyways, hope you like it! (THIS STORY BELONGS TO Lyrazehedgieboiii, A.K.A Lyra_ze_hedgie on Wattpad {don’t check it out})
So, dis story is gonna be different. Usually, it's a third person POV, but this is going to be character's point of view. SEGA owns the characters, I do not! And before I forget, let's bring the age list! Read this so you understand.
Amy: 13
Sonic: 16
Knuckles: 16
Silver: 16
Tails: 12
(Amy's POV)
I was just sitting on my couch, looking up ideas on how to catch my dear Sonic. These days, I've been kind of easy on the chasing, I mean, I wouldn't even look good running after Sonic like a  lovesick fan girl. That's right! I'm actually starting to feel a little self-conscious these days, and I asked Rouge about it, and she said it was perfectly normal! I believe her, since she was the one who told me to lay off chasing him, he ain't worth it. Oh. But he is. Anyways, back to what I was doin'. I ran out of ideas on how to get Sonikku to fall for me. When in doubt, look it up on Google. I turned off my iPad, and decided to check the mail.
     "Let's see... Fan mail, more fan mail, a stack of fan-mail, and a package..." It's awfully strange, because I never ordered anything. I looked at the receiver's address. It was addressed to me, and it has my name on it. I went back inside, and put my fan mail in my fan mail closet (in case I'm having a bad day, I read fan letters! :D) and walked to my kitchen, with the package. I opened it, and I couldn't believe it. It couldn't be. It was Pocky Sticks! Wait, but there's a catch. It's Chili-dog flavored?! I rummaged through the package, incase there was a letter. And there was! Thank chaos! I read it, surprised with what it said-
Dear Amy Rose
        I'm Mia, the CEO of Pocky Sticks®️and I'm a huge fan of you! I love you, and Sonic, and I want you two to be together. So we made a limited edition, chili-dog flavored Pocky! All you have to do, is play the Pocky game with him. If you don't know how to play, I'll explain it to you-
Well, of course I know how to play! So I've seen people do it! Also, does this woman not know that I'm still innocent? I haven't even lost my first kiss yet! But, I do want to lose my first kiss to Sonic, so I'll play. I call Tails' since I know Sonic won't pick up.
Tails: Hey Amy! Do you need anything?
Amy: Hi, Tails! Actually, yes. Is Sonic at your place? Because if I call him, I know he won't pick up.
Tails: Oh he is. Hold on a second... (He yells out Sonic's name)
Muffled idiot's voice in Background: What?
Tails: Amy's asking if your here!
Muffled idiot's voice in Background: So? Do I have to answer her? Yeesh.
Amy: Tails, put the phone on speaker mode.
*Said Fox does what he was told*
Muffled idiot's voice in Background: Since when did she learn to cuss?!
Amy: Sonic, what I just said weren't cuss words. I can say cuss words, if you'd like. Now, if you want me to stop, come over to my house, I got something you might like. I got it in the mail.
That idiot!
Muffled hoe's voice in Background: ... fine...
Amy: Yay!  I hung up, and went the door.
(Sonic's POV)
Frick. I have to go to Amy's house. I mean, I like her, as in I have a crush in her, but her plans to catch me can get deadly. I ran over to her house, and right on cue, she opened the door. She welcomed me in, and signaled me to go to the kitchen. So I did. She quickly took something off the kitchen island, and hid it behind her back. For a second I thought it might have been a s..e..x. toy, but Ames is way too young to play with one.
   "So, I got this thing in the mail, and it said that you might like it. Oh, who am I kidding, of course you'll like it!" She giggled. Her giggles are making me feel something, something inside. Strange... Anyways, she pulls out what she hid. And it was... Pocky Sticks. What's so special about them? "I know what you're thinking. What so special about Pocky?" Frick, she read my mind! "But... They. Are. Chili Dog flavored!" My ears perked up. Did she say chili dog?!
    "Ames, be a good girl, and give me the pocky.~" I said, making my voice soothing enough so she swoons over me.
    "Nuh , uh, uh! You have to follow my rules, and play something with me."
    "Have you heard of the Pocky game?"
   "Not really..."
   "I'll explain. I will have 1/6 of the Pocky stick in my mouth. We both have to bite as much of the Pocky stick as we can. And..-" Amy trailed off. I have a feeling she was gonna say something else.
    "And?" I said. I was starting to get impatient.
    "N-nothing. Nothing at all." Amy said nervously. She was blushing. She is so cute! Fuck, did I just say that?! "Let's begin, shall we?" Amy asked. She stuck the icing part out, and put it in her mouth. I chomped in the other side, and the closer I got to Amy's face, the more I bit into it, the more I felt my face heat up. I bit the stick one more time, and felt that our noses were touching. I thought for a minute, until an idea came. 
I'll just kiss Amy, and by reflex, or something, she'll faint for a minute or two, and I'll win. I bit, and made our lips touch. My tongue demanded entrance, and she happily did so. I know it sounds disgusting, but the part of the pocky that was touching Amy's lips was visible, so I broke it, and I held on to Amy's body while smuggling a kiss. Her lips were very soft. Out of nowhere, her body felt limp. She looked like she was in so much pleasure, and was blushing like crazy. She was also sweating, oof. I didn't screw her, I just kissed her, DAMMIT. I ran to Tails' house since I lived there, and slowly tried to make my way upstairs, until...
    "Ahem." Tails voice alarmed me. Knucklehead and Mr. Weed Plant were also here. Great. Just what I need. They all looked at what I was holding.
    "Guys, I can explain this-"
    "Sanic, you and Amy are too young to screw. I mean, you are an alright age, but Amy, she's 13 for crying out loud!" Silver said. Boi, whenever you're with Blaze, you always try and look assets that she barely has.
    "Yeah, Sonic, at least wait a few years, we know you like Amy, but she can't become a mother."
   "YOU IDIOTS. LISTEN TO MEEEEEE. Amy tried to make me kiss her, and-"
   "You became horny and attempted to screw her."
   "No. I kissed her a bit, and she fainted.
   "Yeaaaahhh, I'm not buying that." Knuckles said. You idiot, you can't even tell the difference between left and right.
  "Anyways, Imma go put her to bed."
  "Sonic," Tails stopped me. "Are you telling the truth? And plus, I don't want you hooking up with her in here." Tails is 12, and he's had the birds and bees shit talk.
  "Tails, I don't sleep with girls, or make love to them. Especially not to someone who is finally in her teen years. I'll wait until she's old enough." Fuhk. I said the last part out loud. "I mean, I-I w- NEVERMIND!!" I stormed off to my room, and carefully put rest Amy on to the bed. Her hands were in her pockets. I was pretty sure it wasn't like that when I picked her up. I put my hand in her pocket, and damn her hands felt warm. It was a paper, from the CEO of Pocky. So this is what this is all about. Amy's gonna be so screwed once she wakes up!
*internal screaming*
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satoshi-mochida · 4 years
Some thoughts on my last Gamefly rental, Devil May Cry HD Collection.
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Devil May Cry 1
DMC1 was changed in production from Resident Evil 4, and I can see some of the more classic RE mechanics still here: some fixed-camera angles that tend to change at awkward points(which was kind of disorienting when it changed angles in the middle of hallways or in some boss fights, like Nelo Angelo, but has been improved in the later games), the transition for going through doors(not the ‘slowly opening the door’ one, the ‘zoom in’ one), and a horror atmosphere(even more so later on).
Though I never got super good at it, I think I picked up on the gameplay in this one and others pretty easily, though they don’t really give you any tutorials until 3. That was only a real pain for me when you NEED to use High Time to deflect shots back at a statue, and I didn’t know this until I looked it up. It IS in the moves menu, so it is slightly on me as well for not checking through those. 
The location for the game, Mallet Island, was a stage in Project X Zone 2, so it was cool seeing it in full.
Devil May Cry 2
I kept hearing the game was bad, but based on everything I’ve seen and heard, I was expecting a LOT worse. It felt like it had improved in some ways(like more open areas so the camera isn’t as much of a pain), but was weaker in others. It feels like the weakest of these three, though.
Dante starts with some abilities he had to learn in the first game, like the Air Hike and Stinger, which is nice; I hate not being able to double jump.
Some issues I had with it: no indicator of your location on the map screen aside from the room you’re in flashing(DMC3 is like this too, but it’s not as much of a pain to navigate since it’s not as dark), not too challenging(on the starting difficulty, at least), and when locked onto an enemy, you ALWAYS attack in their direction(lock-on was improved in 3). Also, the combat feels...more loose, maybe(?), compared to the other two.
Stage 14 for Dante was the worst for me; the stage is very dark and it was hard to see a wall you needed to jump over(hint). The stages afterwards and endgame made up for it, though.
I liked Lucia; she’s better at aerial fighting than Dante, and I liked her story. Hope she is able to come back again.
Devil May Cry 3
“People said DMC 2 was too easy, so we should probably make the next one more challenging.
DMC 3 Developers: Hold my beer.”
To be fair, they made the Japanese Hard difficulty Normal Mode for us, for some reason. I switched over to ‘Easy’ mode after getting frustrated for a while.
It was cool being able to play through the game as Vergil, but I wish that, aside from ONE new cutscene, and all the others being MIA, you weren’t just playing through Dante’s story as Vergil. He does have several differences from Dante, though: he can’t use Air Hike(double jump), has all of his weapons from the start and doesn’t need to choose between two melee weapons at once, letting you freely switch between all 3, and only has one Style to level up.
Combat feels the best in this one compared to 1 and 2, imo, and the VA work is much improved. The several different Styles are a nice way to change up Dante’s moves(though I wish this version had the anytime-Style-switch that the Switch version had so I didn’t need to wait to change it out), though I usually stuck with Trickster.
One thing from this game compared to the first two I also like? MUCH more talking. There are many stages in those two where there isn’t much talking at all(aside from battle grunting). Might have been for atmosphere though, and that’s fine. This seems to also be when Dante full-on became the wise-cracker we know him as(he had his moments in 1, I think, though).
It’s too bad you can’t play as Lady in this game; she’s pretty cool. I think she is playable in DMC 5, though.
I’m sure many other people can go into more detail about game mechanics and such between the three, but I’m not too good at that sort of thing. ^^;
I’ll get to renting DMC 4/5 down the line; I had played a VERY small bit of the former way back when(back when we actually had a Blockbuster), but 1, the disc was kind of scratched, I think, and 2, my 360 was dying, so I only was able to beat the first stage. Gamefly has the PS3 version, though not the PS4 version, unfortunately.
In contrast, I don’t think I’ll try DMC: Devil May Cry. I’ve heard plenty about it, and not good things(mostly story-wise). ^^;
Next game being sent is: Little Town Hero.
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fandomtrash465 · 5 years
Time Fluff: Chapter 8
A/N: Hi lovelies!! Omg I am so sorry for being MIA for like a decade, I still love you all I promise!! I hope that you guys don’t hate me, and I hope that this chapter makes up for being gone for so long!!! I love you guys so much, and if any of you guys have ideas for what I should write next feel free to leave a suggestion in the comments or message me! Luv you all so much!!! <3
Summary: Bucky x reader. Bucky and reader have liked each other for a long time but they’re both in denial of the other’s feelings. What will happen when Tony’s new invention accidentally brings 40sBucky and 40sSteve to the present? If this were to go in the actual MCU timeline it would probably be sometime before infinity war and before they actually figured out time travel. And for anytime that 40sBucky or 40sSteve are mentioned I used * to make it less confusing for which Steve or Bucky it is.
Word Count: 1527
Warnings: I think one swear word, one drinking reference, slight panic attack from Bucky, a tiny tiny bit of angst if you look really really hard. 
Other Chapters: Time Fluff Masterlist
I sat frozen in place for a moment before everything registered in my head, sweet old fashion Bucky Barnes* had just admitted that he thought I was the most attractive person in the room (a room full of super humans with perfect physiques I might add). “I’m thinking that this game should be just about over, I can tell that everyone is getting exhausted” Tony spoke up uncharacteristically, but once I follow his gaze towards Bucky I could tell why he had. The man looked like he could slip back into Winter Soldier mode any second with the amount of anger showing in his expression.
I chance a glance over at Bucky* and once we make eye contact he just shrugs. “I honestly didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable Y/N, I just figured that I’d answer the same way that he would” he gestured towards Bucky as he said this and if it was possible I felt even more shocked than I was before.
I whip my head around to face Bucky but find him looking down at his lap shyly. “Is he right Buck?” I look at him cautiously, anxious for his answer. Out of nowhere he gets up and walks out of the room to the elevator without so much as acknowledging my question. I sit still while staring at the spot he had just left, I can sense Wanda sitting down next to me but I ignore her.
“I’ll go check on him” Steve says while he gets up and heads to the hall “And Y/N, I promise that he was telling the truth” he nods towards Bucky* “He’s told me several times how he feels about you, you know how he is though, gets in his own head too much about this kind of stuff” He offers me a kind smile and bids the whole room goodnight.
I stay silent on the couch and look over at the Bucky* that I’m certainly not used to. “How the hell do you think that he would think of me like that? And why did he just leave without saying anything?” I ask the last question to no one in particular, hardly even registering that there were still others in the room.
“Hey Y/N/N, how about we go to bed then in the morning we can talk about this more and figure some things out?” Wanda asks me gently as she places a hand on my shoulder.
Bucky* stands up before I can even nod my head, “Can I just say something first?” everyone turns their attention to him “He told me, that first night that Steve* and I came here, he told me that he was completely head over heels for you and I guess that I just assumed after I gave him a little push that he would admit everything to you. I’m sorry, I felt like you should know” he sits back down quietly and keeps his head lowered.
I smile at him semi disbelievingly “Thanks for that Buck*, I’ll try to talk to him tomorrow, night guys” I wave at all of them and walk up to my room. I stop briefly by Bucky’s room and faintly hear Steve’s voice but can’t make out anything that they’re saying.
I shake my head and take a deep breath before continuing my walk to my room, and right before I fall asleep I start mentally preparing myself for potentially one of the most embarrassing conversations of my life tomorrow.
*3rd person POV (in the living room) *
Bruce, Tony, Steve*, Bucky* and Nat are the only ones left in the living room after everyone else already went to bed. “Alright everyone, so I was going to say this with the others still in here but that plan kind of backfired, we’re almost done with repairing the time machine, and you guys are going to be able to go back to your time. It’ll probably take like one or two more weeks, somehow it was harder to repair it than it was to build it in the first place” Tony explained to the group casually.
Steve* relaxes in his seat and smiles looking relieved “That’s amazing, not that it wasn’t fun meeting all of you, but I’m real excited to get back to Peg” he clears his throat before continuing, looking slightly hesitant. “Do you, uhm, want us to say anything, you know, to Howard? I think he’d be proud to know that his future son was the one that figured out time travel”
Tony forces a smile at the young captain “That would be really nice, thank you. The original intent was actually to bring him here, but as we can see it didn’t quite work out like that, not that I’m upset that the two of you ended up here or anything. I’m sure that a long overdue relationship between Buck and Y/N will come out of this thanks to you” he nods towards Bucky* and takes a drink of his scotch.
Bucky* sighs and hides his head in his hands for a moment “Good lord I sure hope so, I’d really hate for my future self to hate me, or to have ruined our chances with that beautiful dame” he lifts up his head and runs a hand over his face to clear his mind.
“Y/N’s a smart girl, and she’s smart as they come, I’m absolutely positive that her and Barnes will admit that they’re madly in love with each other and they’ll end up living happily ever after” Natasha smiles as she thinks about the potential future for two of her best friends “Well, as happy as you can be in a life like this” she ends with a slight chuckle.  
Bucky* smiles at her gratefully “It seems like he’s been through a lot, a lot that I’m not looking forward to, he deserves someone like her. It would be nice for sure if I had someone like that to anticipate for the future” he smiles while thinking about himself in the future, getting to love Y/N the way that she deserves and having that love reciprocated.
Bruce smiles fondly as he gets up “I’m glad that this all seems to have worked out for the better so far, usually stuff like this doesn’t go so well for us. I’m gonna hit the hay for a while, see you all tomorrow” he waves behind him as he heads out to his own room, everyone else following suit not long after. 
*Bucky’s POV (in his room) *
I start pacing as soon as I finally get to my room, trying to control my breathing. Once Steve comes in I don’t slow my pacing in the slightest. “Why, why, why would he have done that?! Why? I told him all of that so he would trust me! I thought I was a good person back then but now I betrayed myself?! And now I have to face Y/N tomorrow and she’s going to completely hate me because how could I possibly think that she could ever feel the same way about me that I do about her and Steve I jus-“ Steve cuts off my rambling by holding both my shoulders firmly.
He looks at me sternly and waits for me to catch my breath for a moment before speaking “You done?” I nod my head weakly “Okay, good. Now listen to me and don’t interrupt. She almost broke down the moment that you left, she thinks that he wasn’t telling the truth. I am 100% certain that she is in love with you just as much as you are with her” I open my mouth to deny that but he stops me before I can get a word in “What did I tell you about interrupting me? She absolutely loves you, and tomorrow you are going to tell her exactly how you feel so that the two of you can be together and get married and have kids, okay? Because I want to be an uncle and the only way that that is going to happen is if you and Y/N tell each other how you feel”
Steve smiles at me comfortingly once he’s done with his small speech. I close my eyes tightly to stop them from watering any more than they already were. “God I hope that you’re right Steve, if you’re not I have no clue what I’ll do. I have to tell her tomorrow, I have to and I will. She deserves to know and if she feels the same way I’ll be able to live out my perfect fantasy life with her, and if not I’ll just have to avoid her like the plague for the next seven years” I try to joke a bit but even the thought of her telling me that she doesn’t feel the same hurts worse than my time spent as the Winter Soldier.
He hugs me in a brotherly way before we bid our goodnights and he heads out to his room. I sigh heavily as I plop down on my bed, stress levels ridiculously high while thinking about tomorrow.
Taglist: @thesweetgoose @mc225g @vinerlover @vgiselle
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fandomssmoothie · 5 years
Do You Remember?
707 x 606/Seven x MC
Hello, guys, long time no see! Hehe! We are revamping this blog -- we are upgrading from VandyBella content to Mystic Messenger collabs in general. This one-shot was written during a short period we shared in an RP (Another Story Centered) as a story mode.
Some background! 606 is 707′s bad ending MC. After being in a car accident with Seven, 606 is taken to Magenta. Reset happened before the two were able to reunite and the lovers never meet again until...
A new game starts and Seven ends up in Mint Eye. He’s trying to save his brother when Mr Ray is deemed MIA from the messenger and a mysterious assistant pops up. He chats in the messenger with the assistant and they agree to meet...
Hope you guys enjoy the story under the cut!
Believer A707: Thank you Believer A606......Can I ask you something? Believer A606: Okay... Believer A707: Why are you here? In Mint Eye. Believer A606: Because... I made the wrong choices... but don't matter now... I got a restart here. Believer A707: Lololol Restart, huh? Hahaha...I wish the game would restart right now Hahahahahaha...But...wrong choices...you're not here because of your own will...? Is that what you mean? Believer A606: I mean this is the result of the choices I made, I'm here now. Believer A707:...This place...I don't think...Happiness can be found...Hahaha, Can you really be happy here? Believer A606: Of course you can... A707 I think you need help. I don't think you are feeling okay Believer A707: Hahahahaha. You're right. I don't know what to feel. Right now I need to see the Savior Believer A606: No, you can't see the Savior like this, you'll make her sad. Believer A707: Hahaha Sad? I think...She'll be happy to see me! Surprised but happy... Believer A606: I guess... She loves all the Believers... but your attitude is not ideal right now. You'll get in trouble maybe even... Believer A707: Maybe even...? Believer A606: Be sent away to retreatment...Do you want that? Believer A707: Hahahaha I only want one thing right now… happiness ...But not for me...Was Mr Ray sent to retreatment? Believer A606: I cannot say that, I don't know, A707, we will get in trouble if we keep talking about this here. Believer A707: ...You're right, I should go. Believer A606: I think you need help... come to my office... not Mr Ray's. The code for the door is space_station, but I have to go now. Believer A707: Thank you. Believer A606: See you soon. Believer A707:  Yes Hahaha Believer A606 has left the chatroom Believer A707: ... Please… Be safe... Believer A707 has left the chatroom
Seven stares at the log, at the words written on the screen. And the fact that this new Believer...this girl…
Everything feels so complicated. It feels like pieces of the puzzle are falling into place. But it’s all wrong. She shouldn’t be in this reset.
And where is his brother…?
Seven closes his laptop and hides it in a loose floorboard, before covering it with the carpet. A cliche hiding place, but he doesn’t really think the Believers would check there. Besides...it’s wired to self-destruct if it recognizes a face other than his.
The red-head pulls his hood over his face and starts making his way towards her office, 606’s. He doesn’t know what to expect, this is an entirely different game… But he’s ready to play it.
And this time, he wants a good ending.
She logs out of the chat and her mind starts to wander… back to days where she just like now talked to someone who made her smile.
A606 touches her lips, the pad of her thumb running over the smile on her mouth.
For a moment she forgets all her duties, all the things she has to do and the shoes she has to fill in. A wave of responsibilities was thrown to her for being his assistant… where the hell is he? He is supposed to be with the Savior but knowing her and knowing what really lies under the sweet smile of the blonde A606 is worried.
She hears the footsteps outside the door and closes her laptop.
Now or never.
The red-head raps his knuckles against the door twice, blinking to make sure his contacts are in place. When he hears her voice, telling him to enter, his heart skips a beat. Turning the handle, he goes in…
And is met with her.
In the previous reset, he had lost her...and now. Now she’s here, with mint streaks in her hair. Those eyes, those lips...the same ones he gazed into, the same ones he…
No... don't think about it. You can’t, Luciel.
Her amethyst eyes are met with golden ones and her breath gets stuck in her throat. He’s like a mirage, from a story she remembers, a story that plays every so often in her head.
She swallows trying to find her voice, “A707?”
“Yep. That’s me. A707.” Seven answers, offering her a smile that doesn’t quite reach his eyes. “You’re...606.”
“Yes…” She is frozen in place, trying to figure out if this is reality or the effect of the drink she had minutes before he arrived. She feels her fingers twitching but does her best to look normal. “Thank you for coming here, I got worried when I talked to you earlier.”
You have no reason to worry, is what he wanted to say. But he can’t get those words out. Because he’s worried too. Worried...about her. Seeing her like this, her fingers twitching like that. It does nothing to calm his already jumbled mind.
“I should be the one thanking you, A606. For inviting me here.”
For giving me a few pieces of the puzzle.
He should be angry. Seven should be angry that whoever is preparing this sick game brought her here, to this hellish place. But at the same time...she’s here. She’s here and she’s right in front of him.
I can save you.
His voice weaves a feeling in her chest, one she had long forgotten… or wish she had.
This feeling only brings doubts to the truth of the salvation she found. She is a new person, the one who loved and smiled, that girl no longer exists… that girl doesn’t deserve her past or the people in it, this new girl doesn’t deserve him.
“I just want to avoid trouble, A707, I don’t want you to do something that will bring that trouble to me.”
I don’t want you to be in danger…
“Oh, trust me, I won’t do anything to put you in danger.”
I lost you once, I’m not losing you again.
“But tell me...A606. Are you in any sort of danger?”
She can’t withstand his gaze so she looks away and removes the big black robe covering her small frame and places it on the chair.
“Danger? Of course not… if anything it would be getting fired.” Her lips curl up just a tad.
There is a scrunchie around her wrist, she uses it to hold her hair into a ponytail. It’s not until she is done fixing her hair that she realizes what she is doing… being too normal, too familiar… too intimate.
But what’s done is done, she sits on the chair and looks up at him.
“So, A707, are you doubting our faith?”
Everything feels too familiar. It’s too soon, the reset has barely sink in...God. Seven takes a deep breath and focuses his eyes on her face.
“Our faith...what is it you believe in, A606?”
Why are you HERE? In Mint Eye!
His question feels like a protest.
“I believe in Magenta of course, in our Savior. In the idea that everyone can be happy here. That no matter what you did before, you get to be happy here.”
This is a second chance…. You don’t belong in this one, though.
“But, A707, why are you here?... I mean since it seems you are not sure about your faith.”
Seven stares at her, trying to decode the meaning behind her words. He wonders if she remembers...but no. It doesn’t usually work that way. MC always forgets, always forget him.
But he never forgets about her.
Her words though…’no matter what you did before, you get to be happy here.’
Could she actually…?
“Oh,” he says out loud, clearing his throat as he grins at her. “I’m here because I want to offer salvation...to someone precious to me. Though now it seems that I get to save more than one person.”
He wants to say more, to tell her the truth, but that’s not how it works...if he reveals anything, A606, the other guests, the RFA...Saeran. All of them will be put through the horrible process of reset again. And he doesn’t want that, not when the game is still in progress; it hurts more when it’s cut so suddenly.
“How did you meet the Savior?”
“Salvation… well, you’re in the right place.” She smiles and her fingers fidget on her lap. “I met her when I came here… Mr Ray is the one who brought me to Magenta. I owe him who I am now.”
She wants to ask, curiosity starts to go off… she wants to ask if he remembers and if they’ve met before.
“Listen, A707…” She looks at him, “you… I… I’ll help you. If you want to save someone. I will help.”
Help me save you.
If there’s anyone he wants to save...It’s Saeran...and it’s her. His 606. The woman he wanted to take to the space station.
“Thank you...that’s really kind of you, 606.” Seven gives her a chuckle. “But I really think you should keep yourself safe too. Don’t worry, I’ll do everything I can to help you too.”
To keep you safe. Make sure Rika doesn’t suspect you...Make sure his brother doesn’t make her his next target.
That’s right. He’ll delete their logs. Saeran can’t see his conversations with MC, or he’ll know...and Seven can’t afford to lose either of them.
“You don’t have to worry about me, A707. I worry about you, the way you speak… it could bring danger to you…” She should take back her words.
“I mean, you should be more careful on the way you act…” She focuses her eyes on her trembling fingers. “I don’t think I’m being a good believer right now… maybe I need a session with the Savior too.”
He can’t help it. Seven kneels in front of the woman and takes her hands in his, grasping them tightly. He keeps his head bowed, his face hidden so she doesn’t see how much this is hurting him, how seeing her like this is painful for him.
“You don’t, 606...you don’t.”
He closes his eyes. Why does this keep happening to him..? People around him always get hurt. He runs his thumb across her skin, feeling her trembling hands underneath his touch.
“I’ll help you, okay? Please wait for me...I’ll help you, 606. Don’t...don’t go to her. Please.”
His touch makes the trembling worst, her heart drums in her chest so fast she can feel it trying to jump out.
“W-what are you doing?” She moves her hands but can’t bring herself to free them from his grasp. “A707 this is… you shouldn’t…”
He lets go of her, getting to his feet. There’s a slight tint to her cheeks, and it takes all his willpower not to tease her about it. Just like before, MC.
“I’m sorry, 606. Hehe, I was being rude~”
He puts another fake smile on his face. Playing the part of the goofy hacker again. She’s blushing but...maybe she doesn’t remember. How could she?
“I hope you don’t see the Savior just yet though...I really want to go with you when you do.”
She raises an eyebrow recognizing the happy mask he puts on.
“Yeah, it’s alright, I don’t think I can see her now. She’s busy with the party preparations. But if I do I won’t take you with me. Not when you’re acting so weird.”
Seven laughs at that. Weird.
Once before, they were ‘weird’ together.
She opens her laptop and clicks on the file. She stands and walks to where the printer is.
“Here is the schedule, keep it safe, A707.” She hands him a couple of papers. “... and whatever is that you need them for… keep me out of it.”
Seven takes the papers from her, careful not to brush his fingers against hers again. The desire to touch her is too strong, and it’s never easy for him to keep pretending like he doesn’t care about her. He shoves the papers in his robes, then looks at her again.
“Thank you, 606. I always knew I could count on you.”
He wants to say more...God. He can’t. He mustn’t. All he can do now is watch over her from afar, keep her safe as best he could under the circumstances. Seven turns and heads for the door, opening it a little. But before he leaves, he shoots her another glance. A smile.
“And 606…”
“I would love to go to the space station with you someday.”
The redhead steps out. Closes the door behind him. And silently walks back to his hideout, his heart even heavier than before he walked into the room. He only hopes...that this time, the game would let him save both of them.
She doesn’t know if she should laugh or cry… the emotions swirl in her chest.
She walks to the door and presses her forehead on the cold surface. Her eyes are closed but she can see the blinking lights of the computers.
“... 606 is not my name… do you remember..?”
Thank you for reading! Let us know what you think!
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artificialqueens · 5 years
How Far I'll Go - Chapter 3 (Nina West/Monet X Change) - Meggie, Mia Ugly
A/N: They aren’t REALLY writing an entire season of All Stars, are they?
Thanks to everyone who’s been reading/liking this so far, as well as the Branjie discord for being awesome on the daily. This is a long chapter, almost 10k, so settle in. The link to the original song will be posted later today; I wish I could say that was a joke but it isn’t.
Chapter Three - Heart ablaze, banners high
“Hey y’all. I’m here to show you how the West was won.”
Nina struts into the Werk Room, poses briefly with his hands on his hips before firing a round of bubbles into the air. The first thing he hears is “Bitch!” in Vanjie’s unmistakable voice. After he crosses the floor to meet the other queens, Vanjie is the first one to hug him. 
“Yaaas!” Vanjie says with his arms around Nina’s neck. “Come through, girl.”
Nina introduces himself/has a small meltdown over the other queens. Asia O’Hara is perfection on legs, dressed in a very short, sexy caterpillar costume which shouldn’t work but does. Blair St. Clair has ditched the Broadway baby look for full-on seventies supermodel. Nina Bo’nina Brown is padded for the gods and serving  I Dream of Jeannie realness.  She and Vanjie are all over each other; Nina had forgotten how hilarious they are when they’re together. Also there, also sickening, is Shea Coulee (Nina resists the urge to immediately kiss the crown goodbye.  This queen, this fucking queen). 
The next through the doorway is Laganja Estranja (“Is it four-twenty up in hurrrrrr?” DEATH DROP) who hasn’t changed.  At all. Following her is Ivyyyy Wiiinters who is - a lot hotter in person than Nina expected. He knows he should be strategizing already but he’s so overwhelmed and grateful to be back in the game that it’s hard not to feel anything but excited.  
He needs to put himself inside the head of - someone like Brooke.  Brooke would have clocked everyone’s weak spots by now, would be thinking about who he’d want on his team and who the first girl home was going to be. Nina - frankly hasn’t got a clue.  It won’t be him though, it absolutely cannot be him.
The next queen to enter the room is - oh.  
Miz Cracker.  Fan favourite and smart as hell. Nina smiles at her, hoping that whatever happened at Drag Con was a one-off.  Cracker looks past him like he’s wallpaper, even as she shrieks and laughs and hugs all the others. 
Not good, Nina. He can already feel the weight of rejection on his chest. It’s stupid, problematic, and familiar. That need to be liked rises to the surface any time he feels insecure or out of his depth.  Like now.  Now is exactly that time, and it’s also the time he should care about making friends the least. 
Head in the game, he tells himself. It’s not RuPaul’s best friends race.
There’s only one queen left to arrive.  Nina watches Vanjie watching the doorway, waiting for the last entrance. Nina has a couple predictions in his mind, but nothing he’d feel confident betting money on.
And then -
“Oh bitch.” Vanjie exhales sharply. “Fuck.”
Because Brooke Lynn Hytes has strolled through the door, wrapped in black and red studded straps, reminiscent of his Orange Alert runway and the bondage fantasy from the finale. It’s full on dominatrix mode, right down to the black stilettos and riding crop in his hand. It’s a look and the bitch is turning it, but… God, Nina feels bad for Vanjie. Because apparently, even the happiest exes alive don’t share everything. 
All the color is gone from Vanessa’s face.
“You didn’t… He didn’t tell me either,” Nina says softly, but he knows it isn’t enough.  If this surprise hurts him this badly, he can only imagine what it feels like for Vanessa. 
Vanjie shakes his head and studies the floor until Brooke makes his rounds to greet everyone. Brooke embraces Nina tightly (and okay, Nina loves him, is happy to see him) but pauses in front of Vanjie, as if unsure of what to do. Vanjie bristles a little before pulling himself upright and stretching his arms out to Brooke. 
The cameras are on and they are both professionals.
They hug, but Nina can feel the tension between them, and wonders if the rest of the queens can as well.
It’s going to be an interesting season for sure.
He doesn’t have time to speak again, however, because the door opens and Ru’s voice rings through the Werk Room. “Hello, hello, hello!”
Everyone cheers, but Nina’s smile feels a bit false.  He’s got to put this whole thing with Brooke and Vanjie to the side; he’s here for himself, not to be a supporting character in their story. Focus, Nina.
“Welcome to All Stars! My darlings!” Ru comes down the stairs, smiling. He’s dressed in a powder blue suit with tiny feathers printed on it and looks exactly like he did when Nina last saw him. 
“When I look across this room at all your beautiful and familiar faces, only one word comes to mind: security!”
The camera crew moves in to catch the queens all laughing. It’s kind of scary how quickly you get used to it, the scurrying motion of people and technology like insects. Nina chuckles like he knows he’s supposed to, trying not to look at Brooke and Vanjie out of the corner of his eye.
“Oh.” Ru mimes getting a note in his ear piece. “You’re all supposed to be here?  Even better! To recognize the charisma, uniqueness, nerve, and talent that got you past the metal detectors, I’m throwing the event of the season and your first maxi challenge: an All Star Talent Show Extravaganza!”
Nina knew this was coming. He’s ready for it.
“But - there’s one more thing.”
Nina feels Vanjie reach down and grab his hand, nails digging into his wrist. Ru makes a show of counting the girls up, and Nina’s heart fucking drops.
“Ten queens.  That’s a nice even number, but - as it is All Stars Season five, I think we’ve got room for some more. Oh laaaadiiies!”
One of the side doors opens, and Vanjie starts murmuring, “no no no no,” under his breath. Nina doesn’t even have the time to imagine who might be coming in before - Chad Michaels? - steps through the door. He’s not in drag, looking ageless and wiry in a faded t-shirt and jeans. 
“Hi Chad!” Ru exclaims, fake-surprised and delighted. “So nice to see you! Did you come alone?”
“Not since the Uber. Oh! You mean -” Chad glances back at the doorway.  “I’m sorry, I tried to lose them.”
“Hiiiiiiiieeeee!” Alaska sticks his head out.
The queens around Nina lose their collective shit, jumping up and down, snapping and cheering.  Alaska is followed by Trixie fucking Mattel (out of drag like the others, looking adorable in a vintage cowboy shirt and bolo tie.  Nina might have tears in his eyes all of a sudden - but look away, it’s fine). 
Clearly, the winners of previous seasons are back.  Which means - 
Fucking hell, don’t - 
Trinity the Tuck comes through - followed by Monet Goddamn X Change.
The room erupts in cheers. Nina immediately glances away, but he’s not fast enough to avoid the fact that Monet looks objectively -
Monet looks -
Great. Obviously. Smiling in his round teal glasses and a sweatshirt covered with roses (Nina always had a weakness for thick-rimmed glasses, it’s his tragic flaw, it doesn’t mean anything). He carefully keeps his focus on Vanessa, makes a ridiculous “O” of surprise with his mouth, instead of risking eye-contact with the handsomest man in the room (who was also probably the best sex Nina’s had in an unfortunate length of time and whose number he never called and -)
Enough, Nina. Do some mindful breathing or something.
Monet and Trinity play up the jealous sibling angle as they cross the floor, holding hands while getting into each other’s space and jostling for attention. They come to stand in a line up beside Ru, who looks them over.
“Y’all look different than I remember. What is it? Oh right, you’re old.”
There’s laughter but it’s a bit weak.  Clearly none of the competing girls have any idea what’s going on. Nina doesn’t think Ru would throw five new queens into this season, but - worse things have happened.  And the returning queens aren’t in drag. They look good, though - some of them look extremely good and… probably taste like mint and… Jesus Christ, get it together.
“For the first time in All Stars herstory, I thought I’d give you girls a little professional help. ‘Cause from where I’m standing, you need it.” Ru gestures to his returning queens. “Ladies, for this season, each of you will be matched with one of our reigning All Stars. Now, these All Stars are here to act as your mentors only; they will not be competing for the crown.  And you will still be judged individually, regardless of how your other teammate performs. As always, All Stars rules do apply.”
Okay, okay, this situation is still salvageable. They’re here to act as mentors, Nina can handle that. She’s not going to have to go toe to toe against Monet in some sort of horrifying lip-sync. They aren’t going to be the Branjie of the season, led to the slaughter for ratings, laid bare at the reunion for the entire world to rub salt in the wounds. It’s okay.
“However.  Mentors, if one of the queens on your team wins a lip-sync, you will receive a cash tip of five thousand dollars.”
Nina wonders how long is too long to look at Vanjie. It’s probably been too long already - he’ll look at Ru.  There, that’s fine. Just keep your eyes somewhere - safe. And smile.  Or don’t smile? What’s the appropriate reaction right now? Nina is missing pieces of this conversation.
“And if a queen from your team is the winner of All Stars Season Five, not only will she win one-hundred thousand dollahs and a spot in the Drag Race Hall of Fame, but you will win a bonus prize of twenty-five thousand dollars. So choose your team wisely - cause some of y’all clearly need the money.” Ru eyes up Chad Michaels, who nods and gestures at his face.
“I won’t say no.  All of this is about to expire.”
“Girl, we can tell,” Trinity shouts over at him.
“Oh, I just love these family get togethers!” Ru laughs and clasps his hands together as he studies them all. “But however shall we pick teams?” He presses a finger to his chin as he pretends to ponder the situation. 
Nina’s stomach churns, but - Ru doesn’t know. No one knows. Unless -
“A draft!” Ru announces gleefully. “That’s something from sports, I think. Nina West, you know about sports right?” Ru makes a broad-shouldered motion with his hands, and Nina smiles tightly. 
“Ask me anything at all about locker rooms.”
 “Come find me on the break,” Ru says very seriously. “Now, mentors - each of you will get to choose one queen for your team twice. I think it’s only fair to go in order.”
There’s bickering between the mentors - Trinity and Monet are of course pressed that they’ll have last pick - but Trinity eventually relents, after Monet reminds her that age should come before beauty.
Nina steels himself as the draft starts. He’s never been the kid that gets picked first for anything, and it’s hard not to immediately go back to that middle school shame-place that still lives somewhere in his lizard brain. He just hopes he isn’t picked last. And deep, deep down, he kind of hopes that Trixie chooses him. They’re similar, he’s always thought. Campy, musically inclined. He’d love to learn from her, really pick her brain, score a guest appearance on UNHhhh, where he’d sit with her and Katya and they’d all be best friends and - that’s enough.
Chad makes a show of looking the queens over before he makes his selection and it’s so obvious. “Brooke Lynn Hytes,” he announces with a grin. Of course Brooke’s first.
Brooke claps and smiles, but Nina doesn’t miss the way Vanessa’s eyes roll back in his head. Honestly? He feels kind of the same way.
Alaska chooses Nina Bo’nina which makes total sense. They’re both quirky queens who are all about their brand, and it feels like a good fit.
Trixie’s pick is next.  Nina feels himself straighten involuntarily, but Trixie barely hesitates before she trills, “It’s time for Crackerrrrrr!” and holds out her arms to the smaller man.
So that’s - that. 
There’s the next round, of course, but does Nina really want to be on a team with a queen that hates him for no apparent reason? He sighs, the tension in his shoulders building. It’s going to be Grade Six kickball all over again.
The Tuck chooses Blair (also not surprising).  Then it’s Monet’s turn, and, oh God, he’s looking past Nina, which is… Probably for the best. Definitely. Definitely probably for the best.
Then Monet’s eyes narrow behind his glasses.  He crosses his arms over his chest, purses his lips together (and Jesus, what Nina remembers about those lips on his own and wrapped around his - not the time).
“Nina West.”
Nina’s head snaps up. He doesn’t move because - surely this is a joke. But Monet is standing there in front of him, the most neutral expression on his face, watching him.
“That’s you, girl,” Vanjie whispers beside him.
Nina nods.  Nods again. He got chosen before Vanjie? In what alternate universe is this All Stars season happening?
He plasters a smile across his lips and walks forward, embraces Monet, plants air kisses on both of his cheeks. (His skin tingles where their faces brush. He should have called. At the very least texted.)
The draft starts from the beginning again while Nina awkwardly frets over what to do with his hands. Chad chooses Shea Coulee (clearly), and Alaska chooses Laganja, which is… Well, it’s a choice, certainly, but Nina believes in giving people second (and third and twentieth, most of the time) chances.  Then it’s Trixie Mattel’s turn and she doesn’t pause a second before calling out, “Miss Vaaanjie.” 
Nina isn’t jealous. Genuinely, he isn’t.  The look on Vanjie’s face when Trixie calls his name is like the opposite of jealousy. Nina can’t help but glance over at Brooke to see if he notices it too (he does.  Nina can tell. Brooke thinks he’s being cool but the way his eyes shift when Vanjie smiles is just - it’s kind of sad. And kind of obvious. And it makes Nina wonder why he ever thought he had a chance with this blonde goddess when - the way Brooke looks at Vanjie is something completely different).
Monet hassles Trinity into letting him pick next and is practically vibrating with excitement over drafting Asia O’Hara for his team. Which leaves Ivy Winters, who does not look pressed at all about being chosen last and bounds over to join Trinity and Blair.
“All right ladies. Now you’ll have time to meet with your mentors and plan your act.  And tomorrow night, you’ll perform in front of a full house in my All Star Extravagaaaanza! Gentlemen, start your engines.  And may the best All Star… win!”
* * *
“Okay, Team X Change. I’mma call you the X-Queens, what do you think? The Tuck is calling her girls ‘The Holy Trinity,’ and we can do better than that.”
Monet has pulled a chair over to Asia and Nina’s stations, which they’ve set up beside each other. Nina is trying to be the least embarrassing version of himself possible. He might regret bringing bubble guns.
“Obviously, I’m Professor X.” Monet gestures to his bald head. “You can be Storm,” he says to Asia (who seems extremely happy about that, and justifiably so). “And you -” He looks at Nina, who swallows anxiously. 
“Wolverine?” he manages, and Monet laughs.
“Girl. Nah, you’re a Jean Grey. Just use those powers for good, okay? Don’t want no Dark Phoenix up in here.” Monet smiles but the smile is a bit forced, charming only on the surface. Underneath it, there’s something else. “So what you all thinking for this challenge? I got money on the line, remember that.”
Cool, flawless, beautiful Asia laughs, but Nina’s laugh doesn’t quite squeak out of his throat. 
“I’m just going to lip-sync,” Asia says. “What I do best.”
Monet nods. “Yes, I live. I’ve seen you girl.  What about you, Nina West?”
Nina was counting on this challenge coming up at some point in the season. He’s got an idea but - he’s not sure how well received it will be.
“I was thinking of maybe doing… magic?”
Asia stares at him. 
“Like last season we did a magic show. And I thought -”
“Like real magic?” Asia asks, dubiously. “With wands and shit?”
“Girl! She’s not a fucking wizard.” Monet laughs.  “Well, that sounds - unique. That’s something I want to see. You going to cut someone in half or something?”
“Maybe. Depends if I can find a saw.”
“And we already know you can make yourself disappear, so -” Monet stops. He meets Nina’s eyes with a sudden look of panic - but the look is gone just as quickly.  So quickly Nina thinks maybe he imagined it, because Monet’s smiling widely again, poised and professional. “So we’ve got a plan. Good job team, mentoring done. Cut the cheque!”
They spend a bit of time talking about Asia’s dance number before splitting up so that Nina can practice a couple of the tricks he’s learned since Season 11. He was feeling pretty confident about it initially, but now that he’s surrounded by some of the most talented queens working today, he’s wondering if it’s too little.  Or too much? 
Fuck it. He puts on shows for a living, it’s what he does.  The judges were in love with his magician character last season.  He just has to build on it. And - no shade, of course - but at least he isn’t lip-syncing and dancing to his own single like ninety percent of the other queens seem to be planning.  A magic show will stand out.  In… some kind of way.
 They break for lunch a bit later, lining up at the craft services table.  Nina checks in with Vanjie and also tries not to ask too many questions about what Trixie Mattel is like in real life. He was worried he might start fangirling like an idiot when he saw her, but as soon as they called for a break, Trixie made a very intense sounding call on her cell phone (which apparently the mentors get to keep on them) and disappeared. 
“She’s good,” Vanjie tells Nina as they eat some sort of lettuce wraps that keep falling apart in their hands. “Though just you try to get her off her phone.  She on that grind twenty-four seven, maybe. How’s Monet?”
Um. (Really cute. And sweet. And an astonishing kisser, Nina’s feeling a bit dizzy just thinking about it.)
“Great,” he says.
 Vanjie gives him a look.
“That sounded fake as hell.” For all that Vanessa is a terrible actor, he’s pretty good at clocking lies in other people. “What’s going on?”
“Nothing,” Nina stammers. “He’s - it’s great.”
“Why you being all weird and shit? You talking ‘bout him like he’s a snack cracker. It’s great! Kids love it!”  Vanjie does his best cool dad impression, and Nina almost chokes on his wrap.
“Oh my God, please stop with that voice.”
“There’s nothing wrong with this voice, ho. I’m -” But before he can say anything else, Brooke comes into the break room.  Every muscle in Vanjie’s body seems to stiffen. Nina watches it out of the corner of his eye, a slow tightening of Vanjie’s arms, straightening of his back. Defenses going up.
“I - I gotta have words with your girl,” he says softly. “Catch you later.” 
Nina watches him cross the floor to Brooke, watches Brooke’s face go through a weird and painful series of expressions as Vanjie gets closer (hopefearlustlonging).
Those two idiots, Nina thinks, and the thought is so loud in his head that it should basically be telepathy (is that a Jean Grey thing? Or is that telekinesis? It’s been years since Nina dug out his old comic books).
As he scans the room, he accidentally makes eye contact with Monet.
Shit. Abort, abort.  Look anywhere else. Pretend that you’ve gone blind.
It’s too late, however, because Monet is nodding at him. Smiling. And oh fuck, oh God, he’s coming over.
“Hey,” he says, leaning against the wall beside Nina (who has suddenly forgotten how to eat, is just moving his wrap around on his plate as it falls to pieces). “Can’t wait to see your show tomorrow. Magic!” 
He does an impression of Nina’s ridiculous catchphrase, and Nina laughs awkwardly.  Nina is doing too many things awkwardly right now; pick another adverb, Mary.
“Feel good to be back?” 
“Still, um, getting used to it. But yes.”  Just fucking say it, just - get it over with before there are cameras on them again. “Listen, about - that night.  The - uh, finale -”
“Girl.” Monet holds up a hand, stopping him from saying anything more. “I get it.  I ain’t pressed about it. So just put that outta your head, okay? We’re cool.”
And Nina might be imagining it, but Monet seems - a bit redder than usual. The edge of his cheekbones, the tips of his ears.
Nina looks away.  
“Just you focus on the crown, right?” Monet continues quietly. “It’s yours if you want it. I know what you can do.”
The quietness is - unusual. For him. Nina knows Monet as this commanding presence at the centre of every crowd, able to hold court in a packed bar, able to revive a dying audience with a wave of his hand. The weird fragility is a side Nina hasn’t seen before, and he has no idea what to say in response. Silence stretches between them. 
And then Cracker runs across the room and throws herself into Monet’s arms.
“Cracks!” Monet cheers. “How you doing?”
“So much for friendship, dick,” Miz Cracker says with a smile as she hugs Monet. “I thought you’d want me on your team for sure!”
“It ain’t my fault Miss Trixie scooped you up, though I can’t blame her.”
“Well, you should have won an earlier season!” Cracker responds with a smack to Monet’s arm. She glances at Nina, looks him up and down with cold brown eyes. “Then you wouldn’t have gotten - stuck with the questionable choices.”
Nina takes a step away, and then another.  Pulls a Miss Vanjie, walks backwards until he’s not so up in Monet’s personal space, and Cracker’s weird hostility. Neither of them are distractions he can afford right now.  Monet said they were cool. So they’re cool, right? And whatever Cracker’s problem is, Nina’s got to put it out of his head.
He tries. As he rehearses his act on the main stage, he tries. But Cracker is there, too, just out of the corner of his eye. Her head is bent low, talking quietly and intensely with Monet, who looks… Annoyed? Maybe? It could be wishful thinking.
That night, he and Brooke eat cold pizza in Nina’s room (the door is open at the P.A.’s insistence, and Nina feels a bit like a teenager, but whatever).
“You should have told him,” Nina says and Brooke doesn’t even have to ask what they’re talking about.  He nods.
“I literally couldn’t.” He repeats Nina’s own words back to him. “If he knew - everyone would know. The moment I stepped into the Werk Room. He’s - both of us are - not the greatest actors.”
“Hmm, not the greatest, bit of an overestimation -”
“Fuck off.  You know it’d be obvious as hell. And - I didn’t even think I’d say yes.  I kept thinking - but then after the finale, when they asked -”
“So why did you? Say yes. They’re going to make this the Branjie story again, right? Of course they will. Is that what you want?”
“No. I mean - I don’t know.” Brooke pauses. Sighs. “I guess I just felt like I couldn’t say no. He’s fucking furious, by the way.”
“I’m sure he is.” On some level - Nina gets it. He’s glad Brooke’s got another chance, of course he is.  Brooke’s perfection and he deserves it. But it’s hard for Nina not to feel like he doesn’t stand a chance with Brooke in the mix. Brooke almost won last time. That last lip sync was so close, it could have been either of them.  (Nina might have a theory as to why it wasn’t Brooke, and the fact that Brooke’s sitting across from him in the hotel with Vanessa a few doors down is doing a lot to confirm it.)
“So you said yes because you felt like you had to,” Nina says slowly, “but you already knew Vanjie was coming. You knew I was coming.” (Though Nina doubts that would have affected Brooke’s decision at all.) “Why didn’t you tell them you’d come for the next season?”
Brooke tosses his pizza crust onto the paper plate on the bed and shrugs. “You never know if you’re going to get next season. If I’d said no, they could have written me off, or—”
“That’s bullshit and we both know it. You’re golden. They love you.” He normally isn’t this firm, not with Brooke, but Brooke also isn’t usually this avoidant of the truth. And Nina knows he isn’t getting the truth from the man sitting across from him. It bothers him. He’s good at reading people, great at reading Brooke after a decade-long friendship, but there’s been a boundary up ever since the season ended.  Really - ever since he broke things off with Vanjie. 
Nina might have been too firm, because Brooke lowers his eyes and shrugs. Starts to shut down. So Nina tries a softer approach. 
“Why are you really here, Brooke?”
“Maybe - I’m just tired of always being the first runner-up.  Never being enough,” Brooke finally says, and there’s pain there; a real, raw ache that is palpable from the timbre of his voice. “I won Continental and then…” He shakes his head. “First runner up. Always. Almost, but never quite - I just… I thought maybe on All Stars I could…” Brooke meets Nina’s eyes again, gives him a self-deprecating smile. “Show them I’m enough.”
For God’s sake. Nina hugs him, pulls him tight to his chest. “You’ve always been enough for me.”
“Thanks.” Brooke sniffles.
“But, and I need you to hear me very clearly,” Nina says, “even though I love you, you’re going to have to work, bitch.  Because I fully plan on sending your ass back to Canada the first chance I get.”
Brooke throws back his head and laughs. “Just try it.”
“Oh, I’ll do more than try. I’m taking the crown this season.”
 “Not so congenial anymore.” Brooke is still laughing, so Nina laughs too. And just for a moment, with the cold pizza and laughter between them, he could almost forget that they’re back at Drag Race, back in the (second) most important competition of both of their lives.
That night, when Nina lies in bed with his headphones in - listening to the potential lip-sync song for the next day, not that he’s counting his chickens or anything - he feels like maybe he can do this. Maybe he should be here, even in the presence of all this greatness. Even if - even around - someone like Monet.
(“If I’m shining everybody gonna shine,” Lizzo sings in his ear, and Nina closes his eyes tight. Hopes that he can be shiny enough to stay.)
* * *
The mentors aren’t in the Werk Room the next day, but they’re going to be in the audience at the show. That’s - maybe for the best. For all that he tells himself to focus, Nina is still acutely aware of where Monet is in the room, and it’s - unsettling.  He doesn’t need that weird sixth sense distracting him right now. (He’s pretty sure that isn’t a Jean Grey thing.)
He paints in the mirror between Asia and Brooke, only half listening as Laganja and Vanjie’s conversation gradually gets louder and more snarly. There’s something off about Vanessa today. It’s clearly nerves and Nina kind of wishes he could go over there and hug him, but he’s not going to step between Vanjie and Laganja and risk getting an acrylic to the eye.
Nina takes in a few deep breaths, blocks them out, focuses on blending his eyeshadow. Purples into pinks. Pinks into whites. Black liner wings. Thick. Thicker. Thickest.
Then it’s frighteningly quiet all of a sudden, and Brooke is gone from his side. 
He shifts his focus in the mirror and sees Brooke holding tightly to Vanessa’s shoulders, speaking quiet words to him. And while Vanjie still looks pressed, still shoots death glares across the room where Laganja has stormed away (and is, naturally, still talking), he isn’t vibrating with rage anymore.
“So use it,” he hears Brooke say softly. “Channel it. Win.”
And Vanjie nods, shrugs out of the hug Brooke tries to pull him into, and walks straight out of the Werk Room.
Brooke returns to the mirror at Nina’s side and heaves a long sigh.
“All good?” Nina asks, gluing on his lashes.
“Sure,” Brooke says with a smile that seems a little forced. “All good.”
When they’re finished painting, the P.A.s come by to grab them, take them to the main stage. Nina is the ninth act up, and so he gets to sit with the audience in the  meantime. The mentors are there as well, in full awards-show drag, and it - only knocks him one step backwards when he sees Monet in black sequins. Sheer panels down each side. Purple lipstick.
“Hello, my X-Queens.” Monet smiles broadly as Nina and Asia walk past to find their seats. “Asia, look at you girl! Stunning. And Miss Nina West -”
Nina flinches a bit, not knowing what to expect.  He’s going for campy, not glamourous, and compared to Asia - or Monet - well, there’s no comparison. None.
“Gorgeous,” Monet says simply, smile turning soft. 
Nina swallows. “You too,” he chokes out through a throat that is suddenly completely dry, the Sahara Desert.  He sounds more like Harvey Fierstein than he did during Snatch Game.
Abort, abort. Nina gets away as fast as he can, grabs an empty seat without really caring if it’s his. 
“You okay?” Asia asks him, and Nina nods, doesn’t dare try to speak again.  He’ll grab some water before his act. 
A second later, Vanessa slams into the seat beside Nina, legs folded and arms crossed. Nina gives him an anxious look and decides to risk it.
“What’s going on with you and Laganja?”
Vanjie just blinks his eyelashes. 
“Bitch is just running her mouth about shit that don’t concern her, like who gets to come back and when. Shit like that.”
“Oh.” Nina thinks back to Brooke’s hands onVanjie’s shoulders, voice quiet and intent. “Are you all right?”
He hears Vanjie take a deep breath. Sees his chest rise and fall in his peripheral vision.
“I’m gonna use it.” He casts a pressed look over at Nina, pursing his lips. “But don’t tell that blonde bitch I said any of this.”
Which one? Nina wants to ask. Brooke or Laganja?
“Never,” Nina swears, and then the rest of the queens file in beside them and the show begins.
Blair St. Clair is up first, singing. She struts slowly toward the standing microphone in the middle of the stage, dressed like a sixties songstress. As the torch-song instrumental track kicks in, Blair looks up and catches Nina’s eye.  
And starts to sing:
“This is awwwwkward.
He’s seen you naked, now you’re on TV.
I’m pretty sure the other queens can see
How obvious you’re being, 
Nina - cannot be hearing this right. He looks at Asia and Vanjie beside him, but neither one of them seem to think anything is weird about Blair’s song.
“This is awwwwkward.
You have to work together on this show
Now it’s a countdown ‘til the judges know
That you got drunk and made it awkward…”
Someone has turned on a disco ball, and the stage is covered with spinning flecks of mirrored light. The music picks up, beat growing harder.
“You can’t blame tequila for this.
Blame it all on a kiss.
Blame the night, the mood
The way you were feeling….
You can’t say it was a mistake
Cuz girl I see your hand shake
When you push it down inside you 
Though you try you cannot fight the -”
At this point, Blair stretches out her arm, fully pointing at Nina in the crowd, while she takes the melody up an octave.
You thought you left it in the past somewhere 
But good God girl don’t let him see you stare 
Nina West  I swear 
You’ll make it awwwkward…”
People are clapping, but Nina hears it coming from another room, as if there are walls between him and the rest of the audience. That couldn’t have been - that wasn’t -
“She kinda all over the place, huh?” Asia whispers to him
Nina has momentarily forgotten how to speak. He tries to clear his throat.
“What was… Um. Her song was called what again?”
Asia laughs. “Girl, I don’t even know. ‘Heathered’ or ‘Flickered.’ Some shit like that. Why, you wanna buy it on iTunes?”
“Not, um. Not ‘Awkward’?” Because he knows what he heard. A song directed right at him. Because his instincts were right and everyone knows what happened the night of the finale.
“No.” Asia narrows her eyes. “Though that could probably be a song about her career since Season Ten. Oh, bitch -  ‘Ganja’s act’s up.”
It’s… An act. It’s supposed to be some kind of lyrical dance piece, and Nina knows that Laganja is an incredible dancer, but this is… Well. Not great, to be honest. It’s an excellent distraction from his incoming panic attack, and Nina almost sighs in relief. He can at least do better than this number, if nothing else. 
Nina Bo’nina Brown shocks the hell out of everyone when she produces a silver flute from underneath a caftan and skillfully plays a rendition of Sissy That Walk. Ru looks impressed, if maybe a little bored. Nina tries not to bite off his acrylics.
The real wildcard is Ivy because everyone remembers her stilts and everyone remembers her voice, and if it were Nina, he’d sing an aria while parading around on stilts because hey. Work what you’ve got.
But instead they cut almost all the lights, and Ivy performs a shadow puppetry show full of jokes that Nina’s sure he could process if only he wasn’t so damn nervous.
Shea lip-syncs, and fucking slays it just like Nina knew she would. There are three reveals, if he’s counting right. Vanjie’s fingers have gradually tightened around Nina’s wrist, and by the time Shea’s act is over and Vanessa is up, Nina’s fairly certain he has bruises. 
Vanjie stands, straightens his silver beaded gown, and sucks in a deep breath. Then Brooke leans forward and fixes a strand of fringe that’s snagged on Vanessa’s pantyhose. Vanjie jerks away like he’s been scalded.
“Break a leg,” Brooke says softly, trying his hardest not to look hurt by the reaction.
Vanjie nods and sets his jaw before marching backstage. 
Nina shakes his head, focuses on his own routine instead of the drama playing out in front of him.
Whatever’s happening between Vanessa and Laganja, whatever’s happening between him and Brooke, Vanjie absolutely channels it. Nina can’t remember how many times he’s seen Vanjie perform, but this is unparalleled. It’s like lightning set loose on the stage. He’s a whirlwind of silver beads, white feathers, peach hair, spinning-melding-mixing to the throbbing bass of a Lorde song Nina’s heard but can’t place. Despite his nerves, Nina can’t turn away. Behind him, Brooke is steadily tearing his copy of the lineup into confetti. 
That’s a legitimate fucking All Star.
Asia dances the house down, then Miz Cracker has Ru and Michelle hanging onto each other and crying from her standup. Whatever weirdness is going on between Nina and Cracker is beside the point.  The bitch is hilarious and that could be a problem for him.
He knows there are acting challenges to come (All Stars is infamous for them), and it would be nice to have Cracker on his side. Whatever this rift is, he needs to mend it and quickly.
So when Cracker comes off stage, Nina reaches for her hand and congratulates her. “You were great!” he says with enthusiasm.
Cracker gives him a terse smile, flips her hair, and takes her seat next to Blair. Nina guesses a terse smile is better than a look of pure vitriol. Progress. Progress is good. 
Blair… Blair’s been crying quietly ever since she came off stage. Apparently she’s very upset with her number. To be honest, Nina’s pretty upset with her number also. He knows what he heard. What he can’t figure out is why no one else seems at all shocked about it.  (Okay, so maybe Nina might be hallucinating.  What’s a bit of light hallucination between friends?) 
A couple of P.A.s set up Nina’s props for him while the cameras are resetting. He feels himself spiraling, but shakes his head, refusing to be rattled. He tries to focus on his character, on the challenge that he’s about to fucking slay. He tries to focus on the crown.
But as he walks out onto the stage, blinking at first against the lights, the only thing he can see is the corner of Monet’s mouth, lips curling as he says “Gorgeous,” eyes warm and intent like - like he means it (which he doesn’t, which he can’t, which -)
“Ladies and gentlemen and gentlemen and ladies and gentlemen!” Nina greets the audience.  
He takes a breath -
- and by the time he exhales the act is over. He’s walking off stage, hands trembling with adrenaline.  
They laughed, right? He’s pretty sure they laughed. Did Ru laugh? He might have. Nina can’t remember most of it.
As he moves on autopilot back to his seat, some of the other queens congratulate him.  It couldn’t have been a complete disaster then? He catches Monet’s eye, and Monet smiles. (Nina feels that smile like electricity, running through his nervous system and lighting it up like a Christmas tree.)
Stop it.
Vanjie squeezes his arm when he sits back down. He’s beaming. 
“Bitch, it’s over.  That’s the show, sis. Cut the cheque.”
“I - really? Thank you, I mean.  Really?”
“Don’t be all modest and shit, you must’ve heard the judges laughing. Thought Ru was gonna die, I’m serious.  Trixie probably already dialing 9-1-1. Bitch is on that phone enough.”
Nina has no idea what Vanjie’s talking about, but he hopes to God it’s true.  Especially because Brooke’s up next, the final act of the evening. (In all honesty, the one that everyone has probably been waiting for.)
The Canadian has gone full Black Swan for this performance, right down to the black feathered pointe shoes and jagged wings that look like they’re protruding out of his skin. As Brooke starts to dance, Nina hears Vanjie swallow.  
Sees him look away, turn his head slightly to the left (it’s like the sun, maybe. You’re not supposed to look at it directly or it will blind you).
Brooke’s beautiful and vicious and fatal on stage, and Nina’s pretty sure Vanjie is holding his breath. His hands are clenched together in his lap, knuckles turning white. Nina still feels the ache of Brooke’s beauty sometimes. It comes and goes, especially when he’s been drinking.  He imagines that it always will.
He reaches out, puts his hand over top of Vanjie’s. Vanjie flinches in surprise. Then he lets out a quiet breath, and Brooke finishes his routine, falling gracefully to his knees.
Perfect. Flawless. Everyone else here is completely fucked.
“Meh,” Nina whispers in Vanjie’s ear, maybe to reassure himself just as much as Vanessa. Maybe.
But it makes Vanjie laugh just the tiniest bit, and it settles Nina’s stomach, and it’s the least he can do for now.
* * *
He’s lost track of how long they’ve been standing on the runway, but he knows his feet are numb, and he doesn’t think Monet has blinked once. He’s just… looking at him.  At all the queens, probably. Clearly. 
Shea, Ivy, Asia, and Miz Cracker are all declared safe and sent back to the Werk Room.  Nina’s heart sinks a little. He wanted to think he was in the top if Vanjie’s glowing comments meant anything, but he isn’t sure he was better than Cracker.  That’s terrifying because if she’s safe that means Nina’s… potentially… not.
But there’s Monet again, smiling at him from the audience. Nina takes a deep breath and prepares himself for the critiques.
“Ladies,” Ru says. “You represent the tops and the bottoms of the week.  Now for the judges’ critiques. We’ll start with Nina Bo’nina Brown.”
Michelle says it fell flat. Ru says it was flat. Ross loves everybody and finds the silver lining (literally - Nina’s wearing a pink gown with silver lining). Either way, they aren’t impressed. Nina West relaxes a little.
They gush over Vanessa, and they should. Ross says it’s some of the best work he’s ever seen from him. Ru agrees. Michelle says she’s just so happy to see a dress and not a bikini and cape. And, oh yeah, she tacks on, the dancing wasn’t bad either. Passionate, fiery. This is the Vanjie they wanted all last season and didn’t quite get. (To Nina’s left, Brooke ducks his head, accepts the blame silently.) 
Laganja’s critique is the opposite of Vanjie’s. The judges are confused to put it lightly… Offended if they’re being honest. And of course Laganja can’t keep her mouth shut.
“I guess I just don’t understand why some people are getting third and fourth and fifth chances while the rest of us are up here working our asses off–”
“Ain’t none of us getting fourth chances, Mary,” Vanjie interjects, and Nina prays he keeps his cool because after a critique like his, the challenge is as good as won.
“I’m just saying that this is your third season in a row, and it might be oversaturation.” Laganja shrugs.
“That’s a big word,” Vanessa retorts. “Where’d you learn that word?”
“Vanj…” Brooke says quietly, which is maybe the worst possible thing that can happen.
“Don’t.” Vanessa’s voice is low, threatening. “I need you to not talk to me right now.”
Brooke physically wilts, collapses in on himself. Nina focuses on the spot on the wall just above Michelle’s head.
“Moving on,” Ru says and diplomatically ends the conversation. “Nina West!”
“So glad to have you back, Nina.” Michelle smiles (she smiles!) “You are still a delight.”
Nina could melt into the stage. Could just become a puddle of vaguely Nina-shaped goo and it would be okay because Michelle is beaming at him, praising him for his newly acquired magic skills, and Ru is nodding along.
“I don’t think I’ve laughed that hard in years,” Ru admits. “You really can tell that you’ve taken our critiques from last season and applied them. It absolutely shows.”
Ross also has kind words (when doesn’t he?), but Nina’s lost in the high of hearing Michelle and Ru praise him, lost in the feeling of success.
They move on to Brooke, whose black eyeliner has run just a little.  You could hardly tell from the way he’s holding himself upright, one leg behind the other, perfectly poised. Perfectly Brooke. Perfectly perfect. With the exception of that one streak of eyeliner, a single tear track down his face that he quickly wipes away.
The judges don’t seem to notice, praise instead his going out of his comfort zone, the grittier performance of his Black Swan instead of the grace he was known for on Season 11. Nina guesses they’re right; Brooke seemed to let go on stage, throw himself more into the performance. It was still flawless, every move calculated and textbook, but there was more emotion behind those grey eyes today than Nina thinks he’s ever seen from Brooke on stage.
Brooke thanks them, bows his head demurely, clasps his hands in front of his body.
Then they come to Blair. 
“Oh, Blair.” Michelle shakes her head. “It was just a mess.”
Blair nods. Blair nods through most of it. Nina tries to listen, but still can’t reconcile the fact that apparently the entire room heard something completely different than what he did. 
“I know I let you all down,” Blair says through tears. “And I’m really sorry. I promise I’ll do better.”
Ru smiles, but it’s tense and forced. “Based on the judges’ critiques,” he says, looking up and down the line, “I’ve made some decisions.”
Nina’s heart is in his throat. He can’t breathe, can’t focus, can’t keep himself upright.
“Vanessa Vanjie Mateo, Nina West: you are the top two All Stars of the week.”
Nina’s heart bursts. Actual sparks are shooting from his chest (okay, not actual, but you couldn’t prove it by the warmth that radiates through him). He ventures a look out towards the mentors and sees Trixie and Monet on their feet high-fiving each other. And Monet’s looking at him and smiling, smiling, smiling.
Down the line, Vanessa is laughing. His hands are clasped together in front of his chest and his head is thrown back like he’s praying, but he’s laughing.
“You’ve each won a seven-night stay at the Atlantis Hotel in Nassau Paradise Beach, Bahamas,” Ru says, and Nina almost faints. “Nina Bo’nina Brown, Brooke Lynn Hytes: you are both safe.”
Nina hears Brooke exhale before he lifts his head and smiles up at the judges. 
“That means Laganja Estranja and Blair St. Clair: I’m sorry, but you are in the bottom two.”
Blair cries even harder, and Nina kind of wants to hug her.
“Vanjie and Nina,” Ru continues, and oh shit, Nina might have forgotten this part of winning in All Stars. “Each of you needs to decide which one of the bottom two you will eliminate if you win the lip-sync.”
Nina’s heart is in his throat. He’s got to send one of his sisters home.
“While you deliberate backstage, the judges and I will… perform trust falls.”
It gets a laugh, but when they all file into the backstage lounge, Nina realizes he’s shaking. A couple of the girls grab cocktails (not Vanjie or Brooke) but Nina doesn’t need anything affecting his focus right now.  He feels simultaneously sick and elated. Also a bit worried this might all be the result of a head injury or something.  Maybe he tripped and fell on the very first day, and everything from then on has just been in his mind. It would explain whatever the hell happened with Blair’s performance.
“Congrats Top Two!” Asia raises her glass at Nina. “X-Queens represent.  How you feel girls?”
The producers have been very clear that they’re supposed to talk this whole thing over, but Nina is having trouble finding the words.  Vanjie’s quiet too, and he catches Nina’s eye from across the room, gives him a small smile.
“It’s good, you know. First challenge win, right. It’s gotta feel good.”
Brooke’s watching him, silent, with eyes that are so soft.
“Congratulations Vanjie,” Nina says the thing that Brooke would clearly say if his nerves would let him. “You deserve it.”
“So how are you going to decide?” Nina Bo’nina asks. “Every year they ask that, you gonna follow some rules or -”
“Hell no.” Vanjie cuts her off. “I don’t think that’s somethin’ that works out. You gotta listen to the judges but also - listen to yourself, right? I ain’t gonna just lay it all out now -”
“So I guess that means I’m fucking going home.” Laganja’s voice is shrill and sudden, and she stomps away from the group, heading towards the mirrors.
“No,” Vanessa calls after her. “I ain’t saying that, bitch.  Listen -”
“Well you’ve already made your mind up!” Laganja shouts back. “So fuck me, right?”
Nina wants to make himself as small as possible. He knows that his eyes are probably wide, and his smile is probably crooked.
“No one is saying that, Laganja!” Shea doesn’t turn her head, but says it loud enough to be heard across the room.
“Yeah fucking right!” Laganja screams back, and Nina is - above all, a ‘nice’ person, and he’s not going to keep a conversation going like this, so - 
He takes a deep breath and crosses the room to go talk to her.
They end up sitting in a corner somewhere that a P.A. has set up big velveteen chairs specifically for the purposes of these conversations. Laganja isn’t crying but her eyes are watery, and Nina can’t help but feel sympathy. 
“Listen,” he says, because that is a respectable way to start a conversation. “I think you’re a great performer, I think you deserve to be here.”
Laganja sniffles miserably.
“We don’t have to talk about anything, but I wanted to - if you wanted to - give you a chance -” To what, Nina? “State your case. Or make an argument. Whatever you like.”
Laganja looks up at her.
“Or we can just sit in awkward silence, that’s fine too,” Nina says with a shrug. “I did attend a lot of waspy family dinners in the Midwest.  At this point, I have a PhD in awkward silences.”
Laganja - actually smiles at this.  Then she sighs.
“It’s sweet that you think you’re going to win.”
After that, the conversation dies a pretty natural death. Nina doesn’t know what else to say. She wishes Laganja luck, and then Laganja straight up refuses to talk to Vanjie.  Fine.  She’s making her choices.
 Blair cries through most of her time with Nina (which is too bad because Nina is trying to figure out the least alarming way of asking her what the hell she sang about).  Nina doesn’t know if Vanjie talks to Blair, but - really, it probably doesn’t matter. Maybe Laganja will be ready for a later season of All Stars (hopefully her edit will be kind) but she’s clearly not there yet. Even though she was kind of the worst, Nina almost feels bad for her. She’s talented, she just needs to get out of her own way.
They film him and Vanjie as they pick out their lipsticks. Nina plays up the conflict, but he can’t imagine it’s a huge choice for either of them. He smiles at Vanjie, squeezes his hand as they prepare to go back on stage with the rest of the queens.
The lights feel brighter than they were before.  Nina hasn’t been this nervous since the last time he stood on stage waiting to lip-sync against Silky.  It doesn’t make any sense when he thinks about it, because the stakes were so much higher that time. He knows he’s safe this time around, knows he’s coming back for another week regardless of how this whole thing with Vanjie plays out. The $10,000 would be nice, but is it worth it to have to send someone home Week One?
Fuck it. He wants the validation. Wants to prove that he is a good lip-syncer. Wants to shove aside all the shame that still burns hot in his belly when he thinks about giving his everything to stay on this stage and having it not be enough.
Production stops him and Vanjie just behind the stage and lets the other girls get into position before they walk onto the runway. Vanessa takes the opportunity to turn to Nina and pull him into a hug.
“However this goes, girl,” he says into Nina’s shoulder, “there ain’t no one else I’d have wanted to share this win with.”
“Same.” Nina breathes a shaky sigh into Vanessa’s hair.
Then production waves them in and they walk down the runway side-by-side. Nina blocks everything else out, tries not to see the other girls (especially Laganja and Blair, who stand to the right of the stage, barely visible in the lighting.) Nina doesn’t risk a glance at the mentors.  He can’t handle seeing Monet and that perfect Goddamn smile right now.
Nina holds his head up high, focuses on Ru, runs the lyrics over and over in his head.
“Welcome back, ladies,” Ru says quietly. His entire demeanor is different now that it’s time to send the first queen home. “Two top All Stars stand before me. Ladies, this is your chance to impress me, win ten thousand dollars, and earn the power to give one of the bottom queens the chop. The time has come for you to lip-sync for your legacy. Good luck, and don’t fuck it up.”
The lights flash (Nina knows they will make this look far more dramatic on TV than it does on the stage, but it doesn’t help settle his stomach any) and the feel-good, pop beat of Lizzo’s “Juice” blares through the speakers.
Nina – goes insular. Doesn’t focus on Vanjie, doesn’t focus on anything other than the words of the song, the rhythm, the moves he’s making. Spin here. Dip there. Prance across the stage and pose. Hip rolls.
He couldn’t tell you what Vanessa’s doing, not until they reach the bridge, when Vanjie grabs his shoulder and points at the back of the stage to Brooke Lynn.
It takes a minute, then Nina realizes what part of the song they’re on.
“Somebody come get this man
I think he got lost in my DMs, what? My DMs, what?
You better come get your man
I think he wanna be way more than friends, what?
More than friends
What you want me to say?”
Nina shrugs, so Vanjie waves him off and they finish the song together, egging each other on through the last chorus until Vanessa ends with a triumphant death drop.
RuPaul, Michelle, and Ross are clapping and laughing, and it’s the exact opposite of the “meh” Nina got the last time he finished a lip-sync. He feels like he could fly. The mentors are on their feet, applauding, and there in the center is Monet, nodding and looking at him with eyes that are far too beautiful and soft.
Nina makes himself look away, looks at Ru, at the judges’ panel.  There’s a brief camera break while production hands back their lipsticks and they secure them deep in their outfits. Vanessa opts for his bra; Nina goes with the sleeve of his leotard.
Once Ru is given the cue, he clears his throat.  He  looks them both over for a moment. And then: 
“Vanessa Vanjie Mateo, you’re a winner, baby. You’ve earned a cash tip of ten thousand dollars. That means Trixie Mattel – you are also a winner, baby.”
“Oh, yay!” Trixie yelps from the mentors’ seats in the audience.
“You’ve won a cash tip of five thousand dollars.”
Vanjie’s doing that clasped-hand-prayer thing again, so Nina immediately walks over and hugs him. (He’s a hugger, even if Vanjie isn’t. Vanjie might be. Nina isn’t sure. Today, it would appear, they all are.) 
It’s okay that he lost, Nina tells himself. There will be more lip-syncs, and he’s safe for another week. So he didn’t win ten thousand dollars, so what? He’s going to the Bahamas! And he doesn’t have to make an enemy yet. Everyone knows how that worked out for Shangela…
“Nina West,” Ru says, glancing at him, “you are safe. You may join the other girls.”
Nina pulls away from Vanjie, squeezes his shoulder reassuringly, and takes his place beside Brooke. 
“Congrats,” Brooke whispers, reaching for his hand. Nina just nods in acknowledgement. His head is still spinning too quickly for him to think clearly.
“Will the bottom two queens please step forward?” Ru asks.
There’s a pause and the room goes deathly quiet as Blair and Laganja walk to the center of the stage, grasping hands. Blair has cried almost all of her makeup off. Nina’s heart aches for her. If she stays, Blair is the next person Nina’s going to hug. He’s drafting a list.
Ru shifts in her chair. “Vanessa Vanjie Mateo, with great power comes great responsibility.  Which queen have you chosen to get the chop?”
Vanjie swallows hard, takes a deep breath, steels himself. “I just wanna say that the person I chose is fierce as fuck.  I was so excited to see her back in the Werk Room because I think she didn’t get a real good shot last time. I wanted to give you another chance, I really did, but you still letting your personal opinions about people and things get in the way and there ain’t room for that on All Stars.” Vanessa reaches into his bra and pulls out his lipstick. “So I’m sorry, but I gotta send you home, Laganja.”
Laganja just nods, tilts her head with a bit of a wry smile. (She did know it was coming, even after everything they did to assuage her fears. But Laganja’s always been a bit of a self-fulfilling prophecy.) She turns to Blair, gives her a quick hug, and then Blair practically runs to the back of the stage.
Nina opens his arms immediately, and Blair practically melts into him. He cradles her head, wipes the runny mascara from beneath her eyes. 
“You’re still here. It’s okay.” If he’s got to be the mom of this season, so be it.
“Laganja Estranja,” RuPaul says, “as it is written, so it shall be done. You are and will always be an All Star. Now, sashay away.”
“Thank you so much,” Laganja says. Then she presses her forefinger and thumb together, brings them to her lips, and mimes taking a long drag from a joint. “It’s always four-twenty when ‘Ganja’s in the house, okurrrrrr?”
They clap and bid Laganja farewell (Shea rolls her eyes a bit, but not in a super obvious way).  Nina feels himself relax for the first time all day.
“Con-drag-ulations, All Stars,” RuPaul says to them with a broad smile. “And remember, if you can’t love yourself, how in the hell you gonna love somebody else, can I get an amen up in here?”
“Amen!” the queens chorus in unison.  Nina takes Blair’s hand and leads her back onto the runway as “Kitty Girl” plays over the speakers and the mentors join them on stage.
Trixie and Brooke both head straight for Vanjie, but Trixie wins the race.  She embraces Vanessa, begins a slow, hilarious two-step that doesn’t match the music at all, but makes them all laugh.
Then there’s a tap on Nina’s shoulder and Monet is standing behind him.  It catches Nina by surprise because he smells the same. Like mint toothpaste and sandalwood and hairspray.
Monet doesn’t speak, doesn’t have to. He just hugs Nina.
And Nina swallows down the stupid, pointless ache in his heart, and lets him.
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migleefulmoments · 5 years
One of my fave Disney Princess stories is how she often implied that one of her 3 male LGBTQ+ actor ROOMMATES in LA is Oliver Stark. She said her roomie was a regular on 9-1-1 (dating back to s1) who was in every episode, was young (25-35), hot and unmarried. Oliver is the only guy that meets her stated criteria. Since she also said 2/3 of her LGBTQ+ roomies are closeted (and the 3rd is out), what's she implying about Oliver? Who outs close friends? It'd be horrifying, if it wasn't ALL LIES.
I’m just looking through some posts and found a bunch referring to her roommates as “L” and “A” -no mention of the 3rd one but I know she has claimed 3 in the past. I found this post about “L” calling her baby and clearly flirting so IDK what she is claiming with this. 
She says she is staying in the mansion of the wealthy roommate so here we have mention of the hot gardener (as an aside, how many WalMart and Sam’s club stores are there in 90210-ok I looked the nearest Sam’s club is almost 40 actual miles which in LA is 3000 miles; WalMart is only 10 miles. I used “90210″ so super generic and I’m not sure that is where she claimed she lived- but the rich dude who owns the huge home and drives a BMW SUV he freely let’s random model/actor/influencers use isn’t driving 40 miles to Sam’s Club to save on chicken salad.) 
La chronicles: I was tricked.
L: baby, I’m running to the store, wanna go?
Me: nope I’m staying here and salivate over this fan fiction and the gardener…. Whichever goes shirtless first.
A: *barks out a laugh* don’t molest the gardener.
Me: who me?
L: come on baby..
Me: noooooo. Sex and intrigue.
A: *Snorts*
L: I’m going to that little organic place you love…..
Me: chicken salad????? With the sprouts.?????
L: yep yep.
Me: okay!!.
A: have fun
Me: *running out the door shouts back* tell me if he gets nnnneeeeeekkkkkkkkkkkkiiiiidddddddddd
L: BABY!!!
Me: what? He knows he is hot….
(Thirty minutes later.)
Me: the fuck is this?
L: I said I needed to go to the store….
Me: no oo you said organic grocery…
L: yeah and I’ll get your chicken salad after we stock up.
Me: but that’s sams
L: pretty and brains
Me: but but ….. only place worse to be on Saturday is hell mart!!!! I don’t wanna go in there..its gonna take forever
L: suck it up buttercup
Me: I was fucking tricked.
L: lead by the tummy…….
More about “L” who is apparently famous enough to have fanfiction about himself which he can readily find.  .  
Watching Nomie
Youd be surprised who visits tumble land.
L loves reading fan fiction about himself (he says he gets more game online than he ever does in real life) and tumbler. 😂🤣🤣😂😂😂. He has a ridiculous fascination sharing gifs of himself. he’s a goober. They crack him up.
Below is her post about how she was bearding and had to hide “A” -is he her  boyfriend of husband now she is hiding him along with her kids. Her kids were never living in CA that I ever read.  They were in South Carolina she occasionally talked about being separated from her teenage kids but that it was her time now and her career was important. She would write about being in LA most of the time-cryptic parties and work posts- and going back and forth to SC though she rarely posted from SC- except during one of the hurricanes.
Anonymous asked:
Hmmm ok I'm slightly intrigued maybe u do get it But most probably you don't Have you ever given up and gave away something you shouldn't have because you thought it was for the best and that guilt just fucking eats away at you every day I have lied to everyone even my family to hide something I didn't even know about The work was more important and I would have sold my soul to get what I wanted I just don't know now if any of it was worth it and tbh I don't think the big guys even think it
answered: Yeah.
I had to hide my kids for two years when I first got back heavily into modeling and switching back to acting. Was also bearding. Because I look so much younger than I am, they were afraid it would show negatively work wise. Also they didnt want questions about A and the minis. (I’m still cast as characters ten years younger than the actress that usually plays my mother. Its the cheeks and the voice).
One day I fucked up and mentioned my kids and it got in print when they were talking about fashion week. A was cool about it. But it resulted in a huge move for the minis and the whole family had to adjust. Mine and his.
There are other times I purposely fuck up. Because you just get sick of juggling. Other times its an honest mistake and then you deal with the shit and move on.
So now she and “A” have minis (kids) and they had to move. I’m not sure what the hell she is trying to spin here but clearly he isn’t the platonic roommate hanging out in LA. 
I found posts tonight where she claimed she has two friends in Hollywood who are gay and came out and one friend who slammed the closet door so hard it shook after he got an important role. 
I had no idea about Oliver- good sleuthing. 
She claims she’s pan and that gives her permission to say rude and misogynistic things 
Anonymous asked:
Who is gonna tell Darr/en he looks like M/ia's "best gay" in most of the pictures of them together where they are supposed to look in love? Especially the ones from last night lol
Just ya typical queer (I’m pan so imma say that). With his beardy.
Or hag. Whatever term ya wanna use.(X)
She HATED MIa...called her Amelia and wrote incredibly offensive-downright hateful-posts about Mia under the pseudonym The Ghost- who just happened to call her Amelia. Anons would ask Disneyprincess question for The Ghost and Disney would either answer them on The Ghosts behalf or claim she would relay the message/ask The Ghost. Yeah right. She even wrote fanfiction under that pseudonym. It was super bad -sentence structure, plot development, and character development were all grossly missing. It was basically BWP (bullying without plot). The stories are gone now- I have scoured the web looking for them.  I could kick myself for not saving some of them...if anyone has one, I'd love to see it.  The plot line of one was Mia ordering Darren around her office telling him she had complete control over him while he coward in front of her.  Darren meekly declared he would win in the end, but Mia just kept ordering him around. 
These are kinds of posts who would make about Hollywood -keep in mind there was nothing before this post that make it understandable- I'm not exaggerating when I say this was typical: 
Nomie party
You did????? When? Was I annoyingly perky or in professional mode??
That’s freaking awesome. We must have lunch.
Didn’t post the ask cause that was too many details on that party. 😂😂 already been in trouble thanks.
Glad I’m not the only one that thought he is an ass.
Anonymous asked: (X)
When did you see them out? Details
Can’t really say where I was as it included what I was doing and with whom. But it was here after the first of the year
I already posted this but it bears repeating- she, like Abby, won’t give away all their secrets aka they won’t give specifics (X)
Anonymous asked: 
there is evidence of Wll and aash kissing in the clubbbb?!!!!!!!
That I can’t tell you. I know I’ve never taken a picture cause why would I? but I mean folks do snap pictures when folks are out and folks get things in background photos that people prefer not be seen publicly.
However I will say if you do some digging, there are a lot more cuddled up w/a pictures out there. One just needs to have the time and be invested enough to look.
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lady-alayne · 7 years
Game of Thrones: An Angry Recap
Season 7 Episode 6: Beyond the Wall
Sigh. Okay. Let's do this.
Arya and Sansa's relationship is all over the place. After a heartfelt reunion where it seems the old tension between the sisters had been set aside, Arya became more and more paranoid of everyone and everything, resulting in the lurking bonanza last episode where it seems Arya got royally littlefingered.
Because just as Petyr planned (presumably), Arya jumped to all the wrong conclusions about the letter Sansa was forced to write to her brother, urging him to bend the knee to Joffrey. “Why didn't you just murder everyone instead, like I would have?” she snaps at her sister. “This is what this show is about! Violence begets violence, and it's awesome! No wonder everyone on reddit hates you.” Ah, sisterly love.
It breaks my heart that GRRM wrote the Stark sisters as polar opposites, but equally strong. Arya is the more traditional Strong Female Character(TM), portraying stereotypically male traits: She wants to learn how to fight, she has a temper, is reckless, and she solves her problems with violence rather than words. Sansa, on the other hand, embraces her femininity. And that's wonderful. She navigates through the snake pit of King's Landing because she is polite, well-trained, and knows when to shut up and swallow her anger and then attack later out of a position of power. Although different, the sisters are both strong, resilient, and grow more and more powerful over the course of the series. GRRM has done a beautiful job portraying women as real people with unique characters.
Enter D&D! While doing some pseudo-research for their characters, biding their time until they ran out of books so they can make up their own shit, they decided to A) dumb Arya and Sansa down to have “invincible killer robot whose trauma made her want to murder everyone” and “stupid girl who is stupid and everyone takes advantage of” and then to B) PIT THESE CHARACTERS AGAINST EACH OTHER IN THE MOST FORCED CONFLICT IN THE HISTORY OF TELEVISION.
Are we really supposed to believe that single letter poses such a threat??? To make this conflict work, Arya had to be:
stupid enough to think Sansa meant what she wrote
evil enough to blackmail Sansa with it
paranoid enough to think Sansa has ulterior motives and wants to usurp Jon or whatever (can you usurp something that is RIGHTFULLY YOURS?)
Sansa had to be
stupid enough to believe that letter poses a threat—as if the Northern lords wouldn't immediately know Sansa wrote what Cersei told her to write
evil enough to send Brienne away, a woman in the perfect position to mediate and de-escalate
paranoid enough to break into Arya's chambers and try to steal the letter back
And all just so D&D can create random conflict out of thin air because, uh, good television.
Also at Winterfell, we get out weekly dose of two minutes Petyr Baelish screentime. (And it's not enough. It's never enough.) It looks like Sansa and Petyr are friends again and she asks him for his council (after telling him to go away, telling him she's smarter than him, and gloomily talking about what he wants, but who cares about characterization in this show? The plot demands that Sansa and Petyr speak.) Petyr helpfully suggests to have Brienne talk to the girls, as she has an invested interest in those two being on the same side, which makes Sansa send Brienne away. Logic(TM)!
As mentioned above, Sansa then sneaks into Arya's chambers to steal the letter back from her, and finds Arya's work clothes under the bed. To dial up the creepy, Arya then appears and... threatens to kill Sansa so she can know how it feels to wear beautiful dresses??? Arya, YOU COULD HAVE WORN ALL THE BEAUTIFUL DRESSES, but you WANTED TO BE A KNIGHT INSTEAD. Before stabbing her sister, Arya changes her mind/reveals she was bluffing (who can tell with this demon child), and gives Sansa Littlefinger's dagger because... reasons. Oh boy, that dagger is going places! Tune in next week to see Sansa give the dagger to Gilly's four year old baby when Sam and family turn up in Winterfell on their way back to castle black! And stay tuned for season 8, where we find out THE DAGGER IS AZOR AHAI!
Beyond the Wall:
Jon, Tormund, Jorah, Gendry, the Brotherhood Without Banners, and a few nameless extras to be killed off as needed hike through a blizzard during Operation Catch a Wight, and we are immediately treated to a rape joke! This time Tormund jokes about raping Jon because “fucking is best to stay warm.” It's funny, because it's two men! Haha, gay! Like Loras! Lol!
But Jon is not just the butt of the joke (I couldn't resist), we are also reminded once again that he's super nice and honorable, much like his “father,” and so he offers Jorah Longclaw back. But Jorah declines, because he's also super honorable and a good guy(TM). I was rooting for him to take the sword and stab Jon with it while yelling “I'm getting rid of the competition! Khaleesi, here I come!!!” But, oh well, when D&D fanservice they somehow never take my wishes into account.  Wait while I send them a raven and complain.
My raven seems to have reach them, because a little later the Hound insists he does not like gingers, and all the SanSan shippers break into crisis mode while I laugh. Heehee. Then we have the incredible honor and privilege to witness a dialogue that includes the words “dick,” “cock,” and “pussy” within what feels like 0.000001 seconds. Finally, proof of GoT's level of sophistication that everyone is talking about. But... Tormund x Brienne, so yay!
The shipping does not last long, because out of nowhere ZOMBIE ICE BEAR ATTACK!!! Run for your lives!!! We watch with bated breath while the bear threatens to kill our beloved heroes and hope he will kill one of the suspiciously random background extras instead, but then we realize we are already dead inside when it comes to this show, so we would not care either way. By the way, is anyone else reminded of Star Wars whenever the Brotherhood Without Banners switch on their fire swords?
But killer zombie bears are not the only threat beyond the wall, and soon the men meet a white walker taking his pack of wights out for a walk. Now I feel safe enough to scream again. THE WIGHTS ARE WEARING HOODS WHILE THE MEN ARE NOT. THE UNDEAD PEOPLE ARE WEARING PROTECTIVE HEADWEAR WHILE THE LIVING PERSONS ARE NOT. THIS SHOW MAKES NO SENSE. NO SENSE. UGH!!!!
Because this is Operation Catch a Wight, the men decide to, you know, catch a wight, and set a trap for some reason. I guess just attacking their enemy without the enemy knowing they were even there would not be sneaky enough! Luckily, the dragonglass proves potent, and Jon successfully makes the white walker burst into a billion pieces AND re-deads the un-dead! DOUBLE KILL! …... except for one wight, who is still undead for practicality and thus immediately captured. Lucky!
The team soon realizes their chances are dire at best, and decide to send Gendry back to Eastwatch so he can send a raven to Daenerys. GENDRY. WITHOUT ANY WEAPONS. ALONE. THROUGH A BLIZZARD. While Gendry runs of to his certain death—who would survive a marathon through a snowstorm?— Jon & Friends also run to their certain death, as they are suddenly attacked by an army of thousands of wights. But—oh joy!—there's a lake there! And the ice on the lake is super special and only breaks AFTER ALL THE IMPORTANT CHARACTERS have already passed! But then it drags all the wights, plus one nameless extra for supposed shock value, down to their icy (re-)deaths, and our heroes manage to escape on a strategically placed isle in the middle of the lake to wait for their rescue.
Meanwhile, Dany and Tyrion are having some girl talk because Missandei seems to be MIA. After establishing that Jon is, like, super in love with Dany, you guys, and of course Tyrion knows that because he's SO SMART!!!, Tyrion broaches the topic of succession and SUGGESTS IMPLEMENTING A DEMOCRACY. I mean... yeah, Democracies are nice like 94% of the time, unless you elect someone like Donald Trump Euron Greyjoy. But it just gets SO FUCKING BORING how Tyion is always so super duper good and even his mistakes just make him more human and more lovable, isn't Tyrion just the awesomest, hooray hooray, all hail the best character in the history of the universe.
After what seems like 2 minute flight time, the raven from Eastwatch arrives and delivers Jon's cry for help. The men are trapped in the wilderness, under attack, and in dire need of immediate rescue! Daenerys wastes no time leaping into action. “I have to fly North immediately to rescue the guy I have a lady boner for, the guy who has a sad boner for me, the guy who knows how to turn dragon glass into weapons, the grumpy fan favorite, and their friends... As soon as my seamstress has finished my new winter coat! What fur should I use? This one matches my eyes, but this one goes better with my skin tone!”
Back beyond the wall:
It seems as if Dany's seamstress is really fast, because Dany makes it to the little isle at the perfect moment—Thoros has just died for shock value (and let's face it, nobody cared about Thoros anyway), and the wights have just discovered that the lake has frozen again, and are about to attack, when—DRAGONS!!! Dany swoops in and saves the day. Everyone climbs aboard Drogon, EXCEPT FOR JON, who runs off on a one man “Fighting my way through thousands of wights to kill the Night's King while he's surrounded by his four friends who are all expecting me” mission. Naturally, he does not get far and soon joins nameless extra in the icy depths below. RIP Jon, RIP.
To make matters worse, the Night's King turns out to be an insanely accurate spear thrower, and pierces Viserion's heart. Now that was a death for shock value! The mighty dragon plunges out of the sky, and Dany watches him motionless. I suppose she was just shocked, but maybe that was also Emilia Clarke's inability to act.
Drogon and his human load then get the hell out of there, and—OH GOD!!! JON IS NOT DEAD!!! WHO WOULD HAVE THOUGHT???? HE'S ALIVE!!!!
Dany, it turns out, is very relieved about that, and immediately rushes to his side while he's lying in bed naked, recovering from almost freezing to death. Because that's how you get warm—you go to a somewhat warmer room and take off all your clothes. Then, when you freeze, you realize the cold outside was not so bad in comparison, so your body heals itself. Science(TM)!
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glitchybean-writes · 5 years
Chapter 4: Marvel At Their Innocence
Mia had gone back out reluctantly, having been in too much of a ‘fight and protect’ mode to sleep. Nothing special happened, she saved a few people, wrote their names in her book- though, at one point, someone was very, very close to being shot and it took all her power to stop the bullet. The guy in question insisted on getting her a meal, which she reluctantly agreed to (he was very nice and the food was great). A little girl gave her a stuffed bear after basically saving her life, that was nice. Mia had smiled at the cutie and patted her head, thanking her and leaving.
After arriving home, Mia sat the adorable bear with the spot-on mask on the windowsill, not really minding if anyone noticed- she would display the creation with pride until the day she died. Hehe, that rhymed.
She beamed at the toy happily before heading to the kitchen to make a cup of coffee, having the full intent of pulling an all-nighter. Mia wanted to try and find a way to fix her outfit so it wasn’t so big and in the way. Maybe a tighter long sleeve shirt? She could sew the hood on if needed. The sweatshirt was the only thing really in the way. But, she could secretly hide things in the sweatshirt, like her orbs…
She stared at the blank, oversized graph paper, mind racing for a solution. She couldn’t get rid of the hood- it was important for hiding her face in case her mask fell off, as well as her hair, and she felt a bit less cold in it. Plus, aesthetic. At this point, the big red X in the middle of her sweatshirt was a symbol someone was there to help. Hell, her name was partially based on the X. But the big hoodie was limiting her movement.
She stared for a moment, then…
“GOT IT!” she half yelled, continuing in a un-knowing mumble, “If I can create some kind of utility belt, I can put my orbs in it so I don’t have to worry about their placement. Of course, I can put them in the back pocket of my bag until I finish it, which won’t be too long, then I can just find that long sleeve shirt I never wear and add a hood and the X and- I’M A GENIUS!”
“Go to bed,” her mom shouted tiredly.
“Yes, Ma’am,” as if she actually would go to bed. She chugged her coffee and began to make designs for the utility belt. Since she didn’t need her coat anymore and washed it the second she got home, it should be in the dryer now. Maybe…
Ten minutes later, she was floating outside of the sleeping little girl, holding the neatly folded Hooded Grin hoodie with a note taped to the top. She hesitated before using her powers to open the window- silently hoping no one would assume she’s breaking into someones random home- floating her old hoodie with a note taped on top to the nightstand and closing/locking the small window.
The note read:
Tumblr media
It was a little all over the place and pretty short, but it was all that she could think to do for the little girl…
About an hour or two earlier, Mia was having a difficult time with a particular criminal who was trying to rob a father and his daughter. Mia was disoriented and couldn’t tell what was going on after being shoved into some crates, hitting her head pretty roughly. All she could see was a blurry figure walking toward her, stopping and turning around- she could faintly hear the little girl yelling.
“Leave them alone, meanie!” Panic.
What was this kid doing?? They sound like a freaking 5-year-old, oh god, still can’t see shit, oh god, oh god-
Mia tried to regain balance and move either the little girl or criminal as she saw the blurry figure get smaller while moving towards the girl- she ended up moving a dumpster, slamming it into the criminal. This works too, she thought. When the criminal was finally able to move the dumpster, she had gotten a bit more of a grip on her vision and threw a trap/knockout orb at the criminal, him becoming encased in the metal springs and passing out at the electric shock preceding the capture. She exhaled lightly and walked over to the father and his daughter.
“Are you two okay? You get hurt? I can walk you home if you want,” she offered, looking from the horrified father’s face to the angry little girls face. The father looked at Mia for a moment, being a bit taller than the Hooded Grin- which honestly made Mia feel a little weird.
“I… We’re okay, and I would very much appreciate it, please,” he replied, smiling at the small hero. Mia nodded and looked down at the little girl, who currently appeared awestruck.
“Would you mind,” she looked back up at the father, “if I carried her so you won’t have to worry about her as much?” the father seemed hesitant.
“If you’d uh, if you wouldn’t mind.”
“Of course not,” she crouched down to the little girl, “Hi, sweety, would you like,” she offered a small gasp and continued in an exaggerated, excited voice, “a piggyback ride?” the little girl nodded excitedly, smiling happily. It made Mia feel… warm. “Alright, ready? Three… two… one…” Mia floated the girl up, smiling at the little girl’s happy squeals of “daddy, I’m flying!”
Honestly, if Mia had siblings, you best believe she would be running around the house playing games and making her siblings fly, for that happy squeal, knowing that she had prevented injury to this little girl and her father, knowing that she helped even a little bit of the current and future generations live more made everything worth the struggle.
She glided the little girl above and behind Mia, plopping the small one on her back and looking to the amazed father. Everything in that moment was worth it.
“Lead the way, sir.”
They arrived at the house after 15 or so minutes, Mia, surprisingly, finding lots of things to talk about to keep everyone calm. You would’ve never known that the two were almost robbed and that Mia could’ve probably died, or at least gotten some sort of bad injury. Their house looked like your typical, mowed grass lawn, two story house. She set the little girl down who excitedly ran inside.
“Wait here!!” she called behind her at Mia and her father. The father sighed.
“I really can’t thank you enough, I’m not quite sure what would’ve happened if you hadn’t shown up… though, as a father, I have to ask… How old are you? You can’t be older than, what, 16?” he asked, staring down Mia with a concerned half-glare.
“Uhm, well, I uh- what ya got there?” she interrupted herself, hoping the father would drop it. The little girl had sprinted up to her with a small, fluffy object in her hands. Before Mia could think, the object was thrust into her arms.
“Thanks for saving me and daddy!” the father chuckled softly as the little girl ran inside, following suite. Mia looked down at the object in her hands.
She found a small, stuffed bear with little stubby arms. It had (what appeared to be) a hand-sewn white hoodie with a drawn on red X on the front and a little  mask on its head. It was so freaking cute, Mia couldn’t resist the urge to let out a little ‘awwwww’ at the stuffed toy in her arms, smiling under her mask.
When Mia later went back to go over things with the police, she heard the criminal yelling about “the stupid brat” throwing a rock at him.
She started working on the designs, feeling more and more proud of the little girl as time went on.
Mia folded her mostly finished ideas and put them in a folder in her bag before changing, getting a new cup of coffee, and riding the city bus to school. She saw Ty at the bus station where she gets off, holding a smallish box and looking nervous. She hopes he’s okay.
“Hey man, what’s up?” she stood out of the way for bus passengers to get off, looking at her nervous friend.
“Hey, Mia. I, uhm… Just wanted to apologize for yelling yesterday and stuff, it was a pretty jackass move of me,” while speaking, Ty had rubbed the back of his neck with his free hand.
Oh. Right. “Oh, yeah… It’s okay, Ty, no need to fret over it,” she offered a small smile, attempting to pretend she didn’t forget about him shouting, but wasn’t worried about it. Besides, if he was this worried about it, she shouldn’t be worried about him being any sort of threat. This was especially clear when he handed her the box he was holding, continuing to speak.
“It wasn’t okay, though. You looked pretty scared, and I was, you uhm, you know, most likely part of that yesterday… So, i got you a little Fitz,” he concluded, motioning to the box in Mia’s hands.
“You.. a little Fitz?”
“Just open the box,” he chuckled, looking at his friend. She opened the wrapped lid, pulling out the small plush keychain of her favorite character in the show Agents of SHIELD: Leopold Fitz, basking in its glory. She stared at the toy unbelievingly, holding it as if it were made of glass.
“You… are… the best. The literal best, oh my god, I could freaking kiss you-”
“Please don’t,” he interrupted awkwardly, chuckling once more. She stared in awe.
“I’m gonna carry this puppy everywhere, oh my god,” she continued, gently putting Fitz Mini in her pocket. Mia didn’t notice his small sigh of relief, or notice how bad he still felt. She didn’t notice that he still felt like a horrible friend. She was way too excited about what happened earlier, and what he gave her, but that feeling didn’t go away the entirety of the day, or the following week.
0 notes
maryenette-writes · 8 years
Request List
I made this list so people could see what requests I have in my inbox. If you requested but don’t see your request down here, please tell me so I could add it. Also, please tell me if I made any mistakes!
Last Updated: 27/03/2017 Masterlist
Requester: Anonymous Pairing: Tim Drake x Reader Request: “could you do a song request with Ruin by Shawn Mendes and with Tim Drake??” 
Requester: Anonymous Pairing: Dick Grayson x Reader Request: “Could you do a Dick Grayson x Reader where they're dating but Bruce doesn't like the reader (he thinks that she's a gold digger) and he's sorta rude to her but then one day he goes to Dick's apartment to talk to him about a mission and he sees the reader and Dick being super cute (maybe cooking or something) and realizes that they really love each other and later apologizes to the reader”
Requester: Anonymous Pairing: Terry McGinnis x Reader Request: “Can í please request one where terry and the reader meet for the first time at the manor and bruce disapproves because that's his grandbaby
Requester: @dc-comics-imagines Pairing: Dick Grayson x Reader Request: “Okay. So since I've seen some stories with reader with small boobs going around and since I'm in the itty bitty tiny committee myself I was wondered if you could write something with Dick about it. I don't know if you want to make it nsfw or not.”
Requester: @dc-comics-imagines Pairing: Jason Todd x Reader Request: “So reader is an artist and she has an assignment to draw someone so she asks Jason”
Requester: Anonymous Pairing: Dick Grayson x Reader Request: “Okay, so I'm a little nervous to request this. I don't know how you'll feel about this. Please, please, PLEASE don't feel that you have to write it if you feel uncomfortable. I totally understand, really I do. The last thing I want to do is make you uncomfortable. But could you write a Dick Grayson x Reader story where the reader and Dick are on patrol and the reader gets shrunk by a chemical explosion, and they're freaking out, so Dick has to calm them down and there's fluff? Thank you!”
Requester: @justmandothings Pairing: Dick Grayson x Reader Request: “Hello again! I didn't know if requests are still open, but I utterly love your writing and had a cute idea. Could you write a Dick Grayson x Reader where either Dick and the reader are making food and there's cute little shenanigans that go on between the two while they're cooking? Such as Dick dancing to music playing in the background and trying to get the reader to dance, while she's trying to crack an egg and giggling over how adorable he is. The typical 'putting food on each other's face' thing, etc. Any cute fluffy food related thing you can think of. Thank you so much if you can! I love your writing so much.”
Requester: Anonymous Pairing: Jason Todd x Reader Request: “Can I request Jason and it's his wife's first time while they're on their honeymoon? Like fluffy with a tiny bit of NSFW”
Requester: Anonymous Pairing: None Request: “Would you be able to write a batsis imagine where the boys go to see her perform for the first time as the prima for her ballet company?”
Requester: Anonymous Pairing: Dick Grayson x Reader Request: “Could you write an imagine about one of the boys s/o (you can choose whos), where they are a figure skater and try to teach the boys how to figure skate at the request of Bruce to help them get along after they all had a falling out?”
Requester: Anonymous Pairing: Tim Drake x Reader Request: “Okay, so I know you want a head cannons for requests, but i was wondering if you could write some sort of thing between the reader and tim where his s/o challenges him to a chess match and it just gets more and more intense as the game goes on?”
Requester: @hellomgann1296 Pairing: Terry McGinnis x Reader Request: “If it wouldn't trouble you, could I request Terry McGinnis and reader? Reader is a new crime fighter going by the name Sparrow. People assume she's the new batgirl though because she's always around batman but her excuse for that is always the same, "I fight WAY better than him". But in reality, they're completely smitten w/ each other. But when they met they agreed to keep it platonic for safety/scheduling reason. Friends may have taken a turn to friends with benefits... ...but they don't reveal their identities (domino masks). But one day after a particularly rough mission where reader or Terry is really cut up, the other takes the wounded one back to his or her apartment and while they are being stitched up, they take of his or her cowl/mask. The other person is shocked but the wounded person is like "I think the person I'm madly in love w/ should know that I'm more than just a pair of lips." The other does the same, they share names, and a sweet kiss.”
Requester: @alicerozenju Pairing: Jason Todd x Reader Request: “Hi! I'm still on Disney mood, and I was thinking on a prompt where Roy (or the Bat Boys) just saw the Beauty and the Beast (The original animated version of course :D) and thought on Jason as the Beast and the S/O as Belle, and when they saw them cuddling or being all lovey dovey the guys start singing or humming the Beauty and the Beast theme...”
Requester: @dc-comics-imagines Pairing: Jason Todd x Reader Request: “So Jason and reader broke up, because as he said he didn't feel anything anymore not even by kissing her and abandons her. Reader calls him a little time later to tell him she's pregnant and he is really mean to her, saying the kid is not his or that maybe there's no kid at all and that is her way of forcing him to come back. +  I just had this idea where she died during childbirth because she wanted Jason by her side and the stress of being alone made her weaker. And during the entire thing she was calling for Jason but he wasn't there. +  I feel like she has to be seem by Jason. Could that be a dream of his? That makes him feel more guilty? +  this dream makes him realize that he should be there for the kid.”
Requester: Anonymous Pairing: Dick Grayson x Reader Request: “Could you write about one of the boys s/o having a bad day and they try to make them feel better and it ends up with their s/o painting their nails and doing their make up with glasses of wine and shitty chick flicks playing in the background? You can choose which boy.”
Requester: Anonymous Pairing: Damian Wayne x Reader Request: “I don't know if you do song fics, but if you do, could you do one based on 'Say You Won't Go' by James Arthur for Damien?”
Requester: Anonymous Pairing: Jason Todd x Reader x Cassandra Cain (Platonic) Request: “Can I pls request a prompt with Jason ft Cassie? Reader is also a hero and likes to train a lot w/Cassie so she's around the mansion a lot. Jason develops a crush on her but doesn't know how to approach her so he starts involving himself in training.”
Requester: Anonymous Pairing: Damian Wayne x Sister!Reader Request: “Maybe something about Bruce's older daughter going mom mode when Damian has a problem in school, like, fear her, she can hurt you worst than the other Waynes. Even Alfred is scared, Barbara is her best friend and brings popcorn for the other girls.”
Requester: Anonymous Pairing: Jason Todd x Reader Request: “Can you do one with Jason where you end up protecting him. You gained powers from the particle accelerator (tying in the flash here) that surfaced when jay was in danger? Maybe the reader has elemental manipulation. Thanks!!!”
Requester: Anonymous Pairing: Barbara Gordon x Fem!Reader Request: “Okay is there anyway I can get some fluffy Barbra Gordon?? It can be when she was batgirl or oracle. Maybe she teaches her s/o some of her skills??”
Requester: Anonymous Character: Dick Grayson & Jason Todd Request: “Hi love, could you do a NSFW head cannon (about anything in general about their sex life) for Jaybird or DICKBUTT pls? ❤️” 
Requester: @dc-comics-imagines Character: Batboys Request: “GOING CAMPING WITH THE BATBOYS”
Requester: @dc-comics-imagines Character: Batboys Request: “Headcanons on batboys with stubborn kids”
Requester: @dc-comics-imagines Character: Batboys Request: “HEADCANONS ON BATBOYS TRYING TO RAP AND FAILING MISERABLY?”
Requester: @minchen0897 Character: Batboys + Bruce Request: “Congrats on the 500! You deserve it - and many more :D Now, i saw you asked for Headcanons? I love Headcanons. So...how about the s/o of the Batboys being a soldier, and after being mia for...a year, maybe? They come home. Reactions, please? (Also, older Damian of course, otherwise it wouldn't make sense. And i would absolutely adore it if you would include the War Veteran Alfred too, because he IS a Grandpa to all of them, i am ready to fight everyone on this.) Thank you so much!”
Requester: @minchen0897 Character: Batboys + Bruce + Alfred Request: “Congrats on the 500! You deserve it - and many more :D Now, i saw you asked for Headcanons? I love Headcanons. So...how about the s/o of the Batboys Batsis being a soldier, and after being mia for...a year, maybe? They come home. Reactions, please? (Also, older Damian of course, otherwise it wouldn't make sense. And i would absolutely adore it if you would include the War Veteran Alfred too, because he IS a Grandpa to all of them, i am ready to fight everyone on this.) Thank you so much!”
Requester: @justmandothings Character: Batboys + Bruce Request: “Okay, here's a headcanon ask! Since it's snowing where I'm at, how about how Bruce and the BatBoys act around their s/o's when it's snowing outside and what snow fun things they might do out there. :D”
Requester: Anonymous Character: Dick Grayson & Jason Todd Request: “HCs for Jason/Dick dating a famous actress/singer? 😁”
Requester: Anonymous Character: Batboys Request: “Can you do HCs when the Batboy's s/o gets kidnapped by the Joker or any DC Villain? Tysm ☺😘”
Requester: Anonymous Character: Dick Grayson & Jason Todd Request: “Hc on how dick and Jason would handle their gf feeling really jealous/self conscious/low self esteemed about their previous relationships with Kori?”
Requester: Anonymous Character: Batfamily Request: “Headcannon for the batfam with their smol s/o or a road trip with the batfam and you're with one of them ? :) xx”
Requester: Anonymous Character: Batfamily Request: “Any headcanons when the bat family goes into a haunted house? >u<”
Requester: Anonymous Character: Batboys Request: “Same anon from a bit back where batsis comes home with a girl instead of a boy, could you write headcannons around that? Like how the family would react to batsis coming home with a girlfriend, and how they would react if it was another heroine, like Kara Danvers or Cassie Sandsmark?”
Requester: Anonymous Character: Jason Todd, Roy Harper & Kori Request: “Head cannon or a imagine of being part of the outlaws and what life is like living with them (Jay, Kori and Roy)?”
Requester: Anonymous Character: Batboys Request: “Head cannon for going on vacation with the boys (Dick, Jason, Tim, Duke,and Damian) ? Thanks Mary! :D”
Requester: @royslittleharper Request: “Can I please have a ship? i'm 5'8 ginger w dyed black hair & brown eyes. i love video game & fantasy/comedy genre. I'm trash for reality tv & sitcoms too. i'm cheeky & dorky at times but can have days where i just want to crawl into bed and use escapism to cope. i'm very protective and sarcastic and ready to go mumma bear at will. I struggle with some cues with people so i tend to be careful and hold onto grudges which I'm trying be better with. i'm addicted to coffee and i'm a sinner. Thank yo”
Requester: Anonymous Request: “Hey there, if you're still accepting ships, could I have one as well? I'm Val (short for Valerie). I'm 5'4, half white/Asian, with greyish blue hair, brown eyes and tan skin. I love travelling, reading, playing video games, and going online. I do not like having attention on me, can be a loner, but love being around people I care about. I'm always willing to put others first before myself, am sarcastic as hell and have a witty sense of humour. Thanks love if you do this!”
Requester: Anonymous Request: “Can I have a ship please? I'm a bi Latina. 5'3" with wavy, brown hair and eyes. I have an average/curvy build. I love cooking, movies and hiking. I struggle with anxiety. Right now I'm working towards becoming a psychiatrist bc I want to help others.”
O . C .   S H I P S
Requester: Anonymous Request: “Here's my OC: her name is Jennifer R. Morgan! She is from Vancouver, BC (so she's Canadian), is half white and Asian (Filipino), is the middle child (one older sister and one younger sister). Her father is a very powerful mob boss around the west coast and her mother is a bio chemist. Parents are divorced due to her father's line of work becoming too dangerous for the family. Kind of the black sheep of the family since she's very shy and isolated due to certain events in her childhood. Jennifer lives with her father and has recently began to partake in his line of work, much to her mother's and siblings knowledge; but then decides to leave that life. She later becomes a vigilante in her area, basically doing what the batfam does. Has light brown eyes, light olive skin, is 5'6 and shoulder-length raven black hair. Has a rose tattoo on her right shoulder, a Gemini zodiac symbol on her left hand (on her middle finger) and many little ones all over her body.  Her family is pretty well-off, but never has she ever taken advantage of that. She's rather 18-20 (I couldn't make up my mind lol), but appears younger for her age. Very close with both her siblings and close to both parents, but since their divorce, has distanced herself from them bc of their continuous custody battle over her younger sister (older sister is 4 years older; younger sis is 8 years). Jennifer's personally is much like Jason's and Tim's. She's also in uni.”
Requester: @batlog Request: “Maia is a 5’6 Brunette and is the daughter of the Asguardian's Skadi and Odin, but believes she is human, with no memories of her past after a prank gone wrong by Loki. She is outgoing and flirtatious and usually in prank wars, but can also ice people out when she gets hurt by them badly and cools off by shooting her bow. She's also very caring and gentle but can be extremely protective stubborn and gullible. Her favourite things to do are eat, tinker with gadgets and exercise. Thank you”
Requester: @pinkiepie125 Request: “Hey! Would it be okay if I sent in an OC ship? My OC's name is Stella and she's what many would call broken. She hates the feeling of helplessness but yet, it's the one feeling that she finds herself suffocating in. She wants to see the happiness in the world but it's too far for her, she can't achieve it and honestly, she doesn't see the way out. She doesn't even think that she could ever be happy. Hope this is enough information for the OC ships, this is my first time doing this! Thank you! <3″
Requester: Anonymous Request: “My oc is Hanna she's Russian and a magician, is mute, parents abandoned her at an orphanage, is a hard worker, not really good at expressing herself, loves reading, adores flowers, is ready to help and protect her friends.”
Requester: @i-n-v-e-r-n-i-s-m-o Request: “Intelligent girl that looks angelic but is sassy and ironic when you get to know her. Kinda mysterious because she doesn't say much with words but her eyes says everything. Fearless and her curly hair is as wild as she is in her heart. Sounds confident. Has so much love inside her that she doesn't know what to do with it, so she just pretend that all this love is dead. Loves deeply or doesn't care at all. Likes to be alone and is independent. Doesn't let people tell her what to do and is a bit dramatic sometimes but won't admit it. Loves horror movies and laughs while watching them. She tries so hard to be happy by herself but sometimes she needs someone. Too proud and cunning. Never felt real love before and act like she doesn't believe it but she's waiting for her love to show up. Doesn't want to be sweet princess because she's already a freaking queen. She can't forgive and forget. Has a golden heart that is damaged, but that's okay because aren't we all a bit broken?
Her name is Mel. Her father was French and her mother Brazilian. She was born in Brazil but moved to USA when she was a child. She always loved to read and learned things really fast. Her father was part of a small "gang" of thieves and was murdered after stealing from the wrong people. Her mother died trying to protect her husband and child. The same people who murdered her family "adopted" her as a symbol of victory to scare people who tried to steal from them. They were really agressive towards her but would never miss a chance of showing her off to look powerful. She spent years secretly training to scape and studying with the help of one of her father's partners that managed to survive but got locked up by the same family, he was her only friend. Years later her friend died and she escaped. She trained for months with no pauses while living in the streets and became a warrior so she tracked down her "family" and killed them, that day she became shadow, a antihero. She took over her "family's"  business and is the leader of their "mafia" but she always make sure that they're not hurting the wrong people.”
Requester: @ifthisislove-loveiseasy Request: “now about my OC: her name is Alma Markovich. she has 20 years old, has long black hair, she is 5'7 and she has brown light eyes, she never had a boyfriend, that's why she's a flustered mess around boys and she is a little clumsy and stubborn but its a good sweet girl. she moves to Gotham to finish her studies of nursing, she doesn't know about her parents since they died when she was little, so she lived all her life with a middle old lady until Alma decided to move to another city. Alma not only know about nursing, she also know speak English, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian and French, also know about close combat, about astronomy and she can cook very well. Her style is very casual but if she want she can be a total femme fatale. Her hobbies are watch the stars, read, play with any dog or cat, play the piano and help to anyone who need it.”
Requester: @nabilaqmr Request: “Hii maruthor! Can I please get an oc ship? My oc's name is Natalie, she's a very stubborn girl who tries to get things done her way and she doesn't take a no for an answer but when it came to the person she loves the most she'll *shyly* give in and agree to let things done their way. She has a habbit of seeing the good in others and always ended up getting hurt but thats one of the things that made her strong and she believes everyone deserve a second chance, she can be a savage if she wants to be and can be a little bit agressive when she's angry. She always put other's needs before hers and she would gladly sacrifice herself for her s/o she's loves to joke around and have fun but also knows when to be serious. That's basically it I hope it's not too long 😅 
So Natalie is 5'1, she has dirty blonde hair with bright green eyes, her favorite color is any shades of blue and green. She's a summer lover but she's also down to winter only for the hot cocoas and cuddles so she would probably wear a lot of tanktops or jackets. I wanna add a few more things about her that I forgot to mention, she's also Oliver Queen's daughter (forgot that detail _ _') she loves her father but she hates how much of a playboy and a flirt he, and probably any other guys she meets, she doesn't go for guys who are already taken by other women/men because she hates being the cause of a broken relationship. She also sees Dinah Lance as a role model and a mother figure so she learned a thing or two about how to defend herself in rough situations. And also she has this love hate brother sister kind of relationship with Roy but she loves anyways.” 
Requester: @schninner Request: “Hi there! I just wanted to start by saying that Red was amazing and yet it killed me a the same time, so kudos to you! I also saw that you were doing OC ships and was wondering if you could do my OC? Her name is Makayla Fray and her alias is Red Comet. She has wavey dirty blonde hair that is always in her face and Red eyes. Powers- she can fly, and when she does there is a red haze around her ( i always picture the tail of a Comet or the light that radiates from it) her body tempurature is normally 115-120. She has something sort of like a plasma blast and has super strength.  Although her powers mainly relate to heat/fire, she can't really use them to their full potential; because,  like a comet (which is basically like a dirty snowball), whenever she gets to hot or uses her powers to much she starts to deteriorate. So she has to drink a crap ton of water. Personality- she is fiercly loyal to her friends, she is clumsy as hell and in no way near graceful or sneaky. She blushes quite easily and gets flustered/embarrassed  whenever someone compliments her. She not really one for people and tends not to make friends easily, but the friends she does make, she loves them wholly. She is sassy and sarcastic when first met, but can be a real sweet heart when she needs to be. She is not really one for authority and can occasionally be a loose cannon out on the field I think I covered everything... But if you need to know anything else I'll be here! I hope you can work with my OC, but if not I understand. Thank you!💜”
Requester: @dc-comics-imagines Request: “I want you to ship him with a female...Okay so his name is Beau and he is 6'6. With long platinum blonde hair (almost like bleached) that he likes to keep in a half ponytail. He also has sandy colored eyes and a scar across his left eye and lower lip. He's warm witty and funny and very loyal. He always chases down the good chances whether it is for love or anything else. He is too devoted to his emotions but knows pretty well when they should be locked deep down in his heart. He rarely gets angry but when he does people fear him. He's too tall and he's either too clumsy or too smooth. He works as a cop and does well with all his colleagues. He likes to workout so he doesn't look like a huge walking straw. Also he avoids dating blondes because almost everyone in his family is blonde and he's kind of bored of that. He'd like it of his s/o appreciated his family, because he has two other sisters; His twin and the youngest members of the family who he protects with all his might and a total respect for his parents.” 
Requester: @dc-comics-imagines Request: “Okay so Lyla is Beau's little sister. She's brunette with natural blonde highlights here and there, since almost everyone in her family is blonde, except her dad. She's loyal, like her brother but sometimes she too damn dump. She has severe depression and she hates to admit so. She's constantly on her own little world, she's an artist and she actually studies art. Her dad forces her to become a cop just like her brother so they can have an eye on her. She decided that she should join the police academy after she had an affair with her professor at the college. (She was forced in this affair by him though, with blackmailing and stuff). Her old relationships hunt her, nobody has ever been too good to her and they seem to always take advantage of her insecurities. She loves her family too, but maybe not as much as her brother. She wants to get away from everyone and everything and be her own self. She doesn't want anyone to control her, she wants to be free and not to have to dye her hair blonde or black to fit the standards of others. she somehow needs someone to order her around. Sometimes she's feisty but she instantly regrets it.”
Requester: @dc-comics-imagines Request: “Taylor is my main oc. She's got dark brunette hair with forest green eyes. She's got mental abilities that she used to struggle to control. Her mother gave her to the Amazons because she couldn't take care of her. There at the age of four she killed an Amazons with her powers. The other Amazons expected Hippolyta to kill her or give her back to her mother but Hippolyta choose to help her gain discipline and with the right amount of practice she became a manhunter, working especially for the Amazons. Later on she came to men's world to go after Diana. But things were difficult because she didn't know the language. Being in the men's world though made her want to know about her biological parents.  After long fights with Diana she decided to stay in the streets. I won't brag about it much, but it was Dick who helped her learn English and helped her settle, and overtime she fell for him. Once she was rejected she was reminded that she was a monster, who only killed people and maybe that's why she wasn't able to be loved. But overall, she never does anything without being ordered too. She might appear as extremely pretty or fierce, as a woman so badass you have to fear, but she's so weak inside. But being an Amazon means she has no single insecurity. She always tells forward for those who indeed have and tried her best to protect the weak and clear her killer name”
Requester: @womenofjustice Request: “Thank you so much Rebecca Baxter Age: 25 Owner and founder of Baxter Technologies. Daughter of Trigon older sister of Raven. Lived in London but moved to Bludhaven build her business. Goes by source when she is fighting crime. Is a nerd. 6'8 dark skinned and plus sized. Sassy and a hard working woman but behind closed doors a weird nerd and geek who loves making Cosplay(s) and weapons. Has a weapons named monster metal that is a metal that she can change into any weapon she wants using her powers to charge it. Hopefully this is enough”
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theworstbob · 7 years
yellin’ at songs: 1997, part three
freedom. horrible, horrible freedom. in this post i get distracted a whole lot, so hey, look forward to that!
36) "It's Your Love," by Tim McGraw & Faith Hill
a fun game to play with pop music sometimes is "what song does this chorus sound like." this is rachel platten's "fight song," like maybe i'm going crazy but "fight song" sorta jacked its chorus from this wack-ass country ballad.
47) "It's No Good," by Depeche Mode
It's a new session. It's a glorious Sunday morning, I have coffee, already listened to a couple dope albums, made some lists, got the Wimbledon final in the background, am feeling generally good about my life. I could have had a sub-2:30 in an LttP rando if I hadn't forgotten to check Dark Kakariko. (I’m a special boy.) So maybe that's why I'm way more into this Depeche Mode song than I was the last one I listened to, but this also sounds closer to the Depeche Mode I'm interested in, less of the shitty Prodigy influence, more of the exceedingly dark '80s post-punk sound. This one goes so much harder and is so much deeper than the other, and I believe this to be an honest thought, because if I were truly in a positive place I wouldn't be responding so well to a Depeche Mode song.
61) "5 Miles to Empty," by Brownstone
You know how R. Kelly's "Ignition" is basically a song in which R. Kelly says he's gonna fuck a car? (Not to be confused with "Ignition (Remix)," which is not a remix of "Ignition" but a song about what will go down when the remix to "Ignition" is released.) I have found the song to which "Ignition" is a response. After years of searching, this pop music archaeologist has finally uncovered the song R. Kelly was thinking about when he decided to compare a woman to a car. And maybe that's not true, maybe R. Kelly made "Ignition" because he was born to make it, but the only way I could make this song interesting is if I gave it a place in music history as the headwaters of the "Igniton (Remix)" river. (I wrote this before the new allegations came out but am leaving it in because I also wrote it while being aware of the old allegations.)
64) "If I Could Change," by Master P ft./Steady Mobb'n, Mia X, Mo B. Dick, & O'Dell
One thing I haven't mentioned on this guided tour of 1997: so many songs are from the soundtracks of movies! Obviously, 2007 will soon house High School Musical 2, and 2017 had "Beauty & the Beast," but it seems like every week, the credits theme for some movie makes it to the chart. Movie soundtracks are a lost art. I don't know why we think Avangers movies are better served with a dramatic orchestral score than some dunderheadedly thunking nu-metal single. Am I ever going to see I'm 'Bout It? Of course not. Why would I? But I can tell you something about this film by listening to this song from its soundtrack. If you played me selections from the Avangers and Suicide Squad soundtracks, I wouldn't be able to tell you which came from which, and that's with me having heard at least one song from the Suicide Squad soundtrack.
96) "It Must Be Love," by Robin S.
This song almost doesn't exist. Neither the song nor Robin S has a Wikipedia page of its own, it doesn't seem to belong to any soundtrack for any film, and the only relevant result on YouTube is a Robin S. - Topic page with fewer than 2,000 views and one comment that just says "Best." That's a damn shame. This is a really solid track, a really fun disco throwback with a powerful vocal performance, and it deserves better treatment from the history books. Truly, this is the forgotten classic, this is why this project exists, to highlight a song no one remembers and say, "We should've done better." Truly, this is the "Run Up" of its day.
97) "Sometimes," by The Brand New Heavies
sometimes, 1997 will give me some actual funk, and that is truly appreciated. This is a somewhat cerebral funk song that found a home on this chart, maybe only for a couple of weeks and only in the back half, but it still made the chart. You can hear the craft that went into composing this track, just the way it keeps building and building until it reaches this really cool climax just before it starts fading out. There's love in this track. You miss that level of craftsmanship in the music in 2017, and even in 2007 to a certain extent, but more in 2017. I don't think I've ever thought about Calvin Harris sitting down to write one of his songs, I just think about him making some noises and saying, "Yeah, sure, whatever, this is good enough to release." His songs don't sound written as much as they sound packaged, and the lack of effort in the writing process is maybe not readily apparent but certainly felt when you listen to his music. Which isn't to say no one in 2017 is thinking about their music, hey remember that one week we all agreed Kendrick was amazing that was a good week, but no one is putting the same energy into writing their music as these cats did.
5) "Say You'll Be There," by Spice Girls
1997 is coming off a really solid week, so it's understandable why it would want to take a play off. Spice Girls: still bad in a very real and incredibly unfun way! I just remembered Spice Girls are British. Europe, you ruined everything good.
55) "In My Arms," by Erasure
Y'know what, I'm here for this. I'm glad these dorky dudes from Britain are making their synthpop music, and honestly, anything that had even a small role in bringing Future Islands' "Seasons (Waiting on You)" into this world can't be pure evil, and this sounds like something that was influenced by something much cooler that also influenced Future Islands. This isn't a great song, I'm not going to run to Facebook to tell everyone how great this band is, but hey, if every song were the best song ever, this project would have no meaning. I am here to experience 1997 in its totality, and between the dizzying highs and plunging lows, there is an interminable middle to be traveled. I began this paragraph saying I liked this song and for the life of me I don't know what changed in my heart between then and now.
64) "The World Tonight," by Paul McCartney
I know I talked about this when Paul McCartney popped up on a 2007 chart, but it has to be absolutely amazing to know you could spend seven minutes writing a song and thirty minutes recording it and then make $50,000. There's more effort in this song than there was in "Fun Dance Yes!" or whatever that thing was, and I have spent so long thinking about the "I'm going back so far I'm in front of me" line that there is some catharsis in finally knowing what song it came from, but I would have rather listened to most anything else. Like, say what you will about "My Baby Daddy," at least people sounded like they were trying when they made that song.
94) "If U Stay Ready," by Suga Free ft./Playa Hamm
I wanna know who played guitar on this track because this guitar part does work. I'm also way into this dude's flow, like maybe I'm just overly impressed by someone who can rap fast (I'm so stoked for the Twista song 1997 is gonna give to me), but this dude and that guitarist made this song way more interesting than a song like this typically is. You can kinda hear how dull this song might've been when Playa Hamm and his more conventional voice pops up and wastes everyone's time. Really impressive.
36) "Do You Know (What It Takes)," by Robyn
Did you guys know "Dancing on My Own" didn't chart in the US? There might be a whole swath of our (I assume this isn't finding much love in Germany or whatever) population that only knows Robyn as the sweetheart singing the line "Do you know what it takes to do me right?" and not as the ABSOLUTE TITAN who crafted maybe the best pop song of the last eternity? This is the same swath of the population that probably only knows "Dancing on My Own" through that trashdick cover Kings of Leon did. Like, it's kind of weird to think about the scads of pop music children the '90s produced and wonder if anyone at the time knew that Robyn would be the one to make an era-defining smash.
48) "The Perfect Drug," by Nine Inch Nails
On the topic of Fire Walk with Me, the cinematic follow-up to David Lynch's television masterpiece and failure Twin Peaks, Quentin Tarantino said he felt "David Lynch had disappeared so far up his own ass that I have no desire to see another David Lynch movie until I hear something different." This is germane to the song, as it was made for the soundtrack of a David Lynch movie, and it feels like the sort of song a David Lynch fanboy would make if they knew David Lynch made fucked-up things but didn't have any idea what made David Lynch such a compelling director, were just being fucked-up for the sake of being fucked-up.
78) "The New Pollution," by Beck
Man, if you were a white teenager who thought they were smarter than they actually were, this was a killer week for you. But #actually this song is good because Beck can play a lot of instruments, and if you don't make all your music all by yourself it is artistically worthless. The Notorious B.I.G. didn't even write the music for his song, therefore his work has no artistic merit and Beck is the only true artist that has ever performed. What a joy it is to live in a world with Beck in it! (We should all be salty any entity which claims to be a governing body for music thought any Beck album was better than any Beyonce album.)
34) "Alone," by Bee Gees
oh good, i was hoping to catch the bee gees during the country downswing of their career. this is so pleasant, this is everything i wanted, no no no, this is amazing. gosh, if there's one thing i love, it's when well-known musicians realize they probably can't hit on the pop charts anymore and dip into that sweet sweet country honeypot.
56) "Go the Distance," by Michael Bolton
I could have guessed that Disney's Hercules would have inspired such ardor. Disney's Hercules has one of the all-time Disney soundtracks. This song is not what makes the soundtrack great! This song sounds completely out of place with the rest of the gospel-influenced selections on the soundtrack. Like, you have the muses doing these legit amazing things, and then Michael Bolton shows up and Michael Boltons it up in the most Michael Bolton fashion, and even outside the context of the Disney's Hercules soundtrack, Michael Bolton doing Michael Bolton things isn't something people should be into.
74) "One More Day," by New Edition
Going on a first date with a '90s R&B singer is probably the most exhausting experience. You just wanna get to know this person and have a nice time at dinner, and this dude's pledging his eternal love for you and swearing to God he will defend you from those who'd do you wrong and telling you that he will give you an unending pleasure you can never get from any other man. Like, dude, just chill for a second and tell a story from your awkward teen years, like drop down to my level. This relationship needs to advance past the unending breadsticks phase before we get to the unending love phase.
84) "Who You Wit," by Jay-Z
"I'ma stay with it, rock the custom drop Bentleys/Never eat at Denny's and party like Lil' Penny." That's amazing. Just burn Denny's to the ground for absolutely no reason. Guys, this Jay-Z fella, I don't know if we hear more from him in the future, but I hope we do.
85) "When I Die," by No Mercy
So this is just '90s R&B, I don't know what you want me to say but will say it if needed. Let's see what the YouTube comments have to say. Top comment: God where did the 90's go ? Please bring them back ! Reply: The same could be said when standing for judgement before our creator...where did our past life go? Hey. Hey, fella? Fella. Calm down. I know this dude has been claiming he'll love his woman 'til she dies (I mean, I wasn't paying close attention because ho could I, but this is a safe assumption), but no one is here to talk about death. "I miss the music of our youth!" "Fun fact! Youth is fleeting and we are on an inexorable march to death. You may still have time to get right with your god. I suggest you get on that." Just have some spaghetti, fella. Chill.
1) "I'll Be Missing You," by Puff Daddy ft./Faith Evans & 112
This was written from a place of the deepest grief, the likes of which I will one day know but still hope I can worm my way out of ever knowing, and it is heartfelt and pure and open. I'm okay with making fun of the other tributes, because they're written from less real places, but this, I think I'm gonna lay off this. Like, Diddy's a millionaire and doesn't need me to protect his feelings, but it's more about respecting another person's humanity than anything else. Anyhoo, back to deeply shallow snark.
29) "You Bring Me Up," by K-Ci & JoJo
OH DIP! It's a '90s R&B song with ATTITUDE! Been a hot minute. Still '90s R&B, still running out of things to say after nearly a week of contending with '90s R&B, but it's so refreshing to hear a "fuck you" after miles of "EVERY BEAT OF MY HEART IS IN TRIBUTE TO YOU." This is the first "fuck you" since "Return of the Mack," and while this isn't the same statement of purpose "Return of the Mack" is, 1) what else is?, and 2) a "fuck you" is always refreshing.
48) "We Trying to Stay Alive," by Wyclef Jean ft./Refugee Allstars
The first half, which is just dudes rapping over "Stayin' Alive," is really cool, if only because I'm a simpleton who didn't realize what a fantastic beat "Stayin' Alive" would be for a rap song. Like, of course people rapping over "Stayin' Alive" would be listenable, how did I not realize this? And then there's a second half, which sure exists, and I'm sure it exists for a reason, but I'll never forget what a treat the first two minutes were.
61) "Gimme Some Love," by Gina G
62) "Butterfly Kisses," by Raybon Bros.
Lest we ever think country music was ever immune to pandering, this song shouts out Jesus before the first chorus. I'm also having trouble believing this song coming from Raybon Bros. Like, this is clearly about one of their daughters. Why do we need Uncle there? "Jeff, it really was sweet how your daughter would butterfly kiss you." Like you wouldn't write a song about your niece, why would you sing on your brother's tribute to his daughter. Imagine the main Raybon playing this song for his daughter, and it's a tender emotional moment and then Bill belches "I helped. That's me on guitar."
84) "Come with Me," by Keith Sweat ft./Ronald Isley
The intro for this song gives me a great idea: there should be a bass trapper. Like, none of these trap dudes have particularly deep voices. Some of them have pleasant growls, but none of them sound like the intro to this song. Like, give us one bass singer, man. I'm still angry at that one dude who called himself Marc E. Bassy, we need an actual bass singer. Even country is piled high with nasal tenors, they don't have any friends for Josh Turner. Give me bass. Give me someone with a voice that can shake the earth. The bass singer isn't on this song after the intro, but that doesn't mean this song made the right call.
87) "Da' Dip," by MC Luscious ft./Kinsui
This is a remake of the Freak Nasty song "Da' Dip." Does the name Freak Nasty feel weirdly familiar to you? It felt weirdly familiar to me, too! Do you remember, in 2007 Week 19, the song "Do it Just Like a Rock Star," which surged onto the chart due to an indexing error? That is the very same Freak Nasty! Evidently Freak Nasty is tangential to music history in years that end with 7, so I am looking forward to his upcoming feature on a DJ Khaled track. Freak Nasty is the most important irrelevant rapper alive, and YAS is evidently devoted to promoting his life and work.
90) "Felton St.," by Leschea
This song is legit. There's a certain energy about this song I can't quite place, it just feels, what am I looking for, unresolved? Let's try to figure this out. It's like, this song is about meeting this dude from your block and getting him to fall for you and starting that life together, but the song doesn't feel particularly jubilant, does it? It feels on edge, like there's something amiss. And there's that one line, "Fantasy's reality/Much respect to you baby," and now it's no longer clear that he ever did meet her, if he swung his Jeep her way and cell phone checked her at all. This could all be in her head, and she's ruing that this dude doesn't notice her. The first verse in this song is about how she bumped into him and he didn't think to stop moving, which, apart from being inconsiderate, doesn't set up a happy ending. So this could all be a dream, which is why the song never feels stable, why her voice sometimes does these cool dips at the end of lines, because none of this is real. This song is legit, man.
95) "Rhythm of Love," by DJ Company
I accept this. We struck gold with "Felton St," found that buried treasure, and then we got greedy and our most recent dig has unearthed a nest of angry bees somehow. I don't know how bees would burrow underground, but I also don't understand how this awful nonsense made its way Stateside. Life is full of mysteries we just have to accept. I do like that the last couple of dance songs sound like something a human being would dance to, though. We're getting closer to acceptable.
4) "Look Into My Eyes," by Bone Thugs-N-Harmony
"What makes a nigga think he can bite my shit and call his shit original?/What's worse, tellin' people you made the style we put down three fuckin' years ago!" This was a selection off the official soundtrack for Batman & Robin, and I really hope this is the lyric that made someone think, "Yes. This display of pettiness is the soundtrack the world imagined for Batman." Like, this is a song in which Bone Thugs is angry at people who bit their style, and it's fun to imagine people picking up the Batman album and trying to find the connection. Batman had a lot of things, but no imitators.
22) "Smile," by Scarface ft./2Pac & Johnny P
See, this doesn't feel sincere. This feels like Scarface using a 2Pac sample because he could and because mentioning 2Pac would get sales. Like, I'm sure he felt shitty when Pac died, but it is unclear why Scarface needed a 2Pac verse on his songs. The only 2Pac features on Scarface songs came after Pac died. I don't see the connection. This feels cynical.
47) "Smokin' Me Out," by Warren G ft./Ronald Isley
this is so much better than "i shot the sheriff" that "i shot the sheriff" is even more embarrassing now. This song is kind of perfect. (Only the second time I've used that phrase so far!) It's light, it's groovy, it's laid-back, it's kind of the apotheosis of pop/rap as a thing that exists. This is the most I've enjoyed an Isley all year (weirdly ubiquitous, the Isleys! I thought they were '60s things! Apparently I'm an idiot!), and the song's not even over-the-top gross, despite being about the girl who is best at smoking pot in all the land! This is cool.
89) "How Do I Live," by LeAnn Rimes 91) "How Do I Live," by Trisha Yearwood
THIS IS FUCKING AMAZING. We never get to do this. We never put two divas or bravos(? there should be a boy term for divas) into a ring with the same song and let the market decide who survives. Like, we let Ryan Tedder write the same song over and over again, and I guess that suffices, but we don't let Ryan Tedder say, "This song is a hit. This song will be a classic, and it will be attributed to either one of you. Who wants it more?" As far as the head-to-head, I think LeAnn Rimes is the clear winner, not just in sales but in quality of song. This song needs an great singer to sell it, to keep up with the song in the climax, and Trisha Yearwood is barely hanging on in the verses. But man, to have been able to have seen this battle played out in real time. Country music Twitter would have been... Created, I guess, country music Twitter doesn't seem like the most active place in the world. Trisha Yearwood's also has a completely unnecessary saxophone solo. Like, gurl, don't hide behind the sax. If I'm saying a song doesn't need a sax solo, you know it's a bad sax solo.
92) "Get Your Groove On," by Gyrl
I sure will, Gyrl! /turns off this song /turns "smokin' me out" back on Thanks for the suggestion! Nothing against your song, it's acceptable, but like "Smokin' Me Out."
24) "Quit Playing Games (With My Heart)," by Backstreet Boys
So evidently "Everybody (Backstreet's Back)" is something I completely missed while archiving the list of 1997 hits, despite the fact it hit #2. But another thing to consider: there were serious flaws with how the Hot 100 was calculated in 1997. It underwent a massive overhaul in 1998, and that'll be fun to deal with when we get there, but I guess it wasn't factoring in radio play at the time, because "As Long as You Love Me," a song every single one of us knows by heart, doesn't make the chart. But basically, this entry serves to remind of two things: 1) The chart if flawed and does not represent an entirely accurate snapshot of music history 2) I am flawed and probably missed a song or two. So instead of thinking about this song, which let's be real is sort of shitty and boring, let's talk about two songs we're aware we missed.
Oops!) "Everybody (Backstreet's Back)," by Backstreet Boys
As far as songs about reintroducing an entity which most people weren't aware existed before this point, this song pales in comparison to "Return of the Mack." This does not make it any less iconic, I only wish to remind you how iconic "Return of the Mack" is. Like, this is the best kind of garbage, just loud and obnoxious and catchy as fuck. There's a reason this ridiculous song has endured in the culture for so long. Also Panic! At the Disco completely ganked this video for "I Write Sins, Not Tragedies." Fewer monsters, but plenty of dudes in top hats in bad make-up.
Oh also!)  "Semi-Charmed Life," by Third Eye Blind
There's a cover of this song some indie band or another did for AV Club a few years back that haunts me to this day, simply because I was never that attached to the original and was never confronted with the lyrics, I was always distracted by the dude's bad rapping and worse falsetto. This song is beautiful, though. Even the original is tinged with this certain sadness, buried in '90s alt-rock trappings as it is. I am thankful to the indie band at the AV Club for unlocking the full potential, but I also appreciate the silly things the original could do. Frontier Ruckus. That was the band. Guys, y'all did a cool thing with this song.
67) "Hip Hop Drunkies," by The Alkaholiks ft./Ol' Dirty Bastard
You know how, in the '50s, pop music was still at the point where people could drop songs about hula hoops and have a pretty big hit from singing their song about hula hoops? Hip-hop was still in that stage in the '90s, where you could have a silly song and a name to match that song and people would be into your dumb novelty single. If The Alkaholiks had any career beyond this song, it's a miracle. "I drink more brewsters than Punky." Even in 1997, that's dated!
79) "Listen," by Collective Soul
This is the song the youth pastor sings when he needs to convince the #teens that Jesus can rock. I don't have to write about Vertical Horizon's "Everything You Want" for a good while, so I'm comfortable firing this bullet in anticipation of the fact I can pick it up and rechamber it in a couple years and none of y'all will ever know. But like this has a surprisingly unique guitar line and lyrics that are a bright smile away from being Christian rock -- "you crucify your honesty!" A youth pastor could go to town on that line.
83) "Can't Let Go," by Laurnea
The producer of the song may or not be in the comments for this song. It is probably him, because who on earth would pretend to be the producer of this whelming '90s R&B song, and specifically who would pretend they were the producer of this song just to say "Laurea was a class act to work with with." But this does give me an idea: when I listen to the songs of 1998, I want to leave a comment under each that's a different story from a prom night that never happened. I'm inspired by the comments under TRONICBOX '80s remixes, and I can't wait to forget this stupid idea after I hit post on this hot YAS content.
50) "C U When U Get There," by Coolio ft./40 Thevz
"The other homie shot the other homie and ran off with his 20/And when the other homies heard about it they thought that it was funny/But who's the dummy, 'cuz you just lost a hustler/A down-ass brother been replaced by a buster." I know you're trying to warn against the dangers of street life, Coolio, but this sounds more like you're lecturing low-level drug dealers on the importance of retention. "Attrition affects productivity, which affects the bottom line, not to mention the time sink you put into training that team member and now training their replacement!" What other efficient management solutions does Coolio have for us? This is a maudlin hip-hop song that would never badmouth synergy. Also "C U When U Get There" is passive-aggressive and helps no one. What a shitty thing to say to someone.
73) "Just Another Case," by CRU ft./Slick Rick
there's a lot of atmosphere in this song, how it tells a tragic story about good people caught in the wrong time. kinda sucks these guys only got one album together, these guys had a strong point of view and a handle on what they wanted to do, and it would've been awesome to see what could've happened if they had a chance to grow. just another case of a group getting scooped up and forgotten by a major label.
79) "Things Just Ain't the Same," by Deborah Cox
This song comes before a Whitney Houston song, and it is also the 12th-to-last song I have to listen to for this leg of the project. I will never know if this song is legitimately boring or if I'm looking ahead to the end zone, but I do know I'm probably not gonna listen to this song again to find out. Sorry it couldn't work out, Ms. Cox. I hope we meet again in 1998, when I'm better able to give you a shot!
81) "My Heart Is Calling," by Whitney Houston
Whitney Houston is a fantastic singer and she single-handedly keeps me a thousand times more interested in this song than I know I otherwise would be. I am sorry to keep calling Deborah Cox out like this. I am sure she is a phenomenal friend and a generous soul.
83) "Love II Love," by Damage
Anyone who uses Roman numerals when numbering anything but Super Bowls is not a person I can be friends with, and anyone who would use Roman numerals for this specific purpose has lost any trace of humanity and should be shackled in a heavily-guarded cage twenty miles below the ocean floor to enusre they can never hurt. I don't care how fresh this song is, these people are monsters.
86) "What's Stopping You," by The O'Jays
I would like to renounce my right to say anything even remotely critical about this song because The O'Jays!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
94) "Summertime Summertime," by Corina
I'm eight songs away and life's too short to try to determine if this has any value. I am sorry for being derelict in my duties two songs in a row but this song is bad and I hated the part of it I listened to and I have a fake self-imposed deadline to meet. YEAH I KNOW THERE'S TWELVE TO LISTEN TO FOR THE POST AFTER THE POST, BUT THAT'S A HILL COMPARED TO THE WEEK I'VE SPENT ASCENDING MOUNT GARBAGE.
95) "Serenade," by Shades
Since this may be the last one of the project, just wanna shout GIRL GROUP HYPE!!!! for the last time before we resume regularly scheduled programming. There was a scad of girl groups, each more wonderful than the last, and we need to have a stern chat with 2017 about the things we can expect from it going forward. This song is delightful. I dig that "True" sample, and, yeah, I'm kind of over gentle voices sweetly whispering, but I'm also not really looking for vocal dynamos over the "True" sample, like this makes it work. Good work, y'all.
8) "Sunny Came Home," by Shawn Colvin
This song already has the deck stacked against it, because we've listened to no insignificant amount of quality songs, and this is the one the Grammys decided was the best song released in 1997. Now, mind you, the Record of the Year field in 1997 was kind of not representative of the songs that made 1997 great. You had "Where Have All the Cowboys Gone?" and "Everyday Is a Winding Road," which are both inferior female singer-songwriter fare, "MMMBop," which is there for ratings, and a song by a monster. Of the five, it's the least objectionable winner. It's a fine song, expertly crafted and deeper than I've considered either of the times I've listened to it for a dumb marathonny project, but it's not "Hypnotize" or "Return of the Mack" or "Bill" or "Bitch." (Also, fun fact, it didn't even win Best Female Pop Vocal Performance. Sarah McLachlian got robbed!) And like, you don't want to judge a song against your expectations for it, but this song is etched into stone as the best song of 1997, and great a song as it is on its own, it ain't that.
26) "All for You," by Sister Hazel
This is probably the finest of any of the alt-rock songs we've heard so far, simply because it's influenced by something more than grunge, there's this upbeat energy to it. It's bouncy, full of fun, not trying to be weighty and imbued with so much meaning and HEY YEAH YEAH YEAH, OH NO, it just wants to shout this girl out for being a neat person he wants to hang with. It's sweet! It's a nice song by nice boys who want the world to have a nice time.
33) "Not Tonight (Ladies' Night Remix)," by Lil' Kim ft./Da Brat, Left Eye, Angie Martinez & Missy Elliott
57) "More Than This," by 10,000 Maniacs
What a comedown from "Not Tonight!" Imagine if this and "All for You" got flipped, where I would be thinking about this not knowing what "Not Tonight" had in store for me, and then "All for You" was the alt-rock song that got hecked by its spot in the project. Like, this is fine. It's just not an absolute jam, and that's what I'm in the mood for right now.
77) "Invisible Man," by 98 Degrees
1997 kind of knows "Not Tonight" is the true finale and is now clearing out the bar. OK, guys, hope you liked your dance partner during "Not Tonight," because we're gonna play this shitty song by the sixth-best boy band of the '90s, and you need to be outta here by the time it's done. I'm paying more attention to the video than to the song because one of the degrees is absolutely swole, like he's way more muscly than any boy band member should be. How come he isn't linebacking?
87) "Everything You Want," by Ray J
I appreciate that the timing of this project meant we got to come full circle. We began with '90s R&B slow jamz, we end with '90s R&B slow jamz. And while I'd like to say we pick back up on Wednesday with R&B slow jamz, hoo boy, we very don't! But anyway, this song. It's OK. It's, it's nothing. I'm not as tired of R&B as I am of trap, but it's nice to be free from this particular obligation.
THE TOP TWENTY 20) "Sometimes," by The Brand New Heavies (5.24) 19) "Don't Keep Wasting My Time," by Teddy Pendergrass (4.19) 18) "Feelin' It," by Jay-Z (5.3) 17) "Step by Step," by Whitney Houston (3.15) 16) "On and On," by Erykah Badu (1.25) 15) "I Want You," by Savage Garden (3.1) 14) "It Must Be Love," by Robin S. (5.24) 13) "Smokin' Me Out," by Warren G ft./Ronald Isley (6.21) 12) "Silent All These Years," by Tori Amos (3.22) 11) "What They Do," by The Roots (1.11) 10) "Step Into a World (Rapture's Delight)," by KRS-One (4.5) 9) "I'm Not Feeling You," by Yvette Michele (2.22) 8) "Bill," by Peggy Scott-Adams (3.29) 7) "Just Another Case," by CRU ft./Slick Rick (7.5) 6) "I'll Be," by Foxy Brown ft./Jay-Z (2.15) 5) "Felton St.," Leschea (6.14) 4) "Bitch," by Meredith Brooks (4.26) 3) "Return of the Mack," by Mark Morrison (3.1) 2) "Hypnotize," by The Notorious B.I.G. (4.26) 1) "Not Tonight (Ladies' Night Remix)," by Lil Kim ft./Angie Martinez, Left Eye, Da Brat & Missy Elliott
And you may be wondering: “Bob. When are you going to give us a list of which years won with week without including even one of the songs from any week or, really, any context at all?” HERE IS YOUR NONSENSE LIST OF NUMBERS Week One: 2007 Week Two: 2007 Week Three: 2007 Week Four: 2017 Week Five: 2017 Week Six: 2007 Week Seven: 2017 Week Eight: 1997 Week Nine: 2017 Week Ten: 1997 Week Eleven: 1997 Week Twelve: 1997 Week Thirteen: 1997 Week Fourteen: 2007 Week Fifteen: 2017 Week Sixteen: 2007 Week Seventeen: 2017 Week Eighteen: 2017 Week Nineteen: 1997 Week Twenty: 2007 Week Twenty-One: 2017 Week Twenty-Two: 1997 Week Twenty-Three: 2007 Week Twenty-Four: 1997 Week Twenty-Five: 2017 Week Twenty-Six: 1997 Week Twenty-Seven: 1997 HERE ARE THE OFFICIAL STANDINGS 1997: 10 2017: 9 2007: 8 IT IS CLOSER THAN ANYONE EVER COULD IMAGINE. 1997 has the lead! Will that lead sustain through Wednesday? ...Oh gosh Wednesday. Shackles. Sweet, sweet shackles.
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