#if i could cry i would. but for now i can just rant outloud to myself and go 'no wayyy i cant believe they did that'
wolvertooth · 1 year
I HATE THE XMEN SOO MUCH RN SABRETOOTH LITERALLY CAME TO THE HEROES FOR HELP AND THEY TORTURED AND BEAT HIM AND KEPT HIM IN A CAGE AND BELITTLED HIM AND FAILED HIM AND THEN HAVE THE AUDACITY TO SAY ITS HIS FAULT THEIR 'THERAPY' DIDNT WORK????? I'D WANNA KILL THEM TOO NOT GONNA FUCKING LIEEEEEE like in this canon he TRIED to suppress his urges!!!! he got a psychic to help out and then she died so he went to xavier for help, and they FUCK HIM UP SO HARD like in what fucking world would any of that HELP HIM??? and then they just keep telling him 'you dont know how to fight for change' like he hasnt been doing that his whole life before that. no wonder he wants to just give up and let loose. nobody ever thinks hes enough. no one is ever nice to him. the xmen are literally so fucking mean to him constantly and they call themselves the heroes?
idk call me bias since i went thru my entire teenhood being told i was never enough no matter how i tried, trying to move past all the things i had no control over(but everyone said i did), trying and trying to change but then being told i wasnt, i think he should be allowed to go insane at this point. it would help him.
(this is about the uncanny + sabretooth special + x factor canon)
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aquaquadrant · 1 year
Bravo is so angry and so so wrong about how things work, he just walks in and expects to be accepted with open arms by people he’s never met before after he explains that he spawned in the Overworld and Tango did in Hels. Like, do you actually think people will care about that? They don’t know you. They’ve never even heard of you before and some of them have known Tango for the entire 10 years that he’s been out of Hels, no matter what you tell them they know that he’s not evil because they know him, they know his character, the kind of person he is.
The fucking entitlement of this man to just waltz in and claim this should be his life and his friends and his soulmate because according to him Tango is just Evil Bravo and anything Tango has achieved in his years outside of Hels was somehow stolen from Bravo. Hate to break it you man but I can assure you that had you guys never been swapped you would have lived a very different life from the one Tango has, you’re assuming that a lot of stuff “corresponds” to you that really just doesn’t.
Ok… I’m done… with the Bravo rant, not with the ask.
THE FACT THAT JIMMY COULD FEEL TANGO’S EMOTIONS THROUGH THAT WHOLE THING, OMG, THAT WAS SO GOOD! I was also pretty relieved when I realized that Jimmy was using the soulbond to read Tango cause he could tell Tango was being genuine about a lot of things and was actually seriously terrified of what was going on in a way that being confronted by your doppelgänger you supposedly wronged really shouldn’t be enough to cause. He could tell a lot of stuff was wrong and that he was missing a lot of context. There was never a risk of Jimmy falling into the same trap Bravo did of thinking of Hels players as inherently deceptive and malicious because he could tell that Tango was telling the truth right now, he could tell that Tango felt really bad about what happened and genuinely didn’t mean to trap Bravo. There might be hurt feelings and doubts in the future but in the moment, that connection through emotions I think was what kept Jimmy mostly centered on the important things. They’re really gonna need to talk after this. All of them. Man.
I was so scared when the attack started, I was not prepared. I probably should have been, considering Bravo walked in already with potions on him (I don’t actually remember if we see him taking the potion at the end of last chapter) but I didn’t even realize it was a potion. I read ‘particles’ and thought “huh, that’s weird” and moved on, I didn’t actually expect him to be ready for a fight. I did not even think he’d have back up so soon, from the way that the last chapter ended I kinda thought he was gonna scout the area by himself before it all went down. It wasn’t until the others rushed in also with ‘particles’ surrounding them that I realized that they were potions and it downed on me that this was an ambush.
It was so scary just sitting there, waiting for reinforcements that may or may not arrive. It was so stressful, especially cause we don’t really know the layout of this version of Double Life so we don’t know how far away everyone is. I could feel the dread as this just kept going and no one arrived and Jimmy couldn’t do anything about it cause it’s a 1v15 or something like that and Jimmy’s not very good at pvp anyway. So when the sound of the horn came from over the hill I was so so happy you have no idea, I actually screamed outloud along with them in a battle cry (I’m so glad I had the house empty lol). Endgame who? Never heard of her. This is the best last-minute-save in the history of cinema. I don’t care it’s not a movie, shut up.
Also! An interesting realization! In this chapter I have finally identified the main difference between Timmy and Jimmy. It is partly that Timmy is definitely more pathetic that Jimmy but, more importantly is that, unlike Timmy, who just gives up in the face of something/one stronger than him, Jimmy is a fighter. It doesn’t matter how big the threat or obstacle is, it doesn’t matter how certain he is that’s he’s gonna lose, he will never lay down and take it, even when he’s painfully aware that he’s going down he makes sure to go down kicking and screaming gods damn it. You gotta respect the man for that.
Speaking of Timmy, HE’S BACK! THE BOY IS BACK! PATHETIC WET CAT WITH FEATHERS! I MISSED YOU! I don’t think he’s gonna be very happy when he realizes he’s acting as replacement for some guy named Jimmy though fhfbfgfgf. On that note, d— did… does Bravo like Jimmy? Like, like like him? He described him as having a smile like the sun… and that line at the end, “If he can’t have the sun, he’ll learn to love its shadow,” (which btw is INSANE, that line is so freaking good!!!)… he liked Jimmy didn’t he? That’s awkward.
I’m glad Bravo is out of the grasp of Hels Tek and I hope it stays that way. Maybe hanging around Timmy will do him some good, both in realizing that not everyone in Hels is inherently evil and that Hels players are their own people, not just evil copies of their Overworld counterparts. Maybe he’ll enjoy Timmy’s company for Timmy, and not for what he thinks he can see of Jimmy on him.
Atlas is gonna be in so much trouble with Alisker. I hope it hurts. On the downside, that means they’ll be back. They might even figure out a way to open a portal without Bravo (looks at the collar suspiciously) which would be terrifying.
And the Lifers can’t take the collar off I’m going to SCREAM
holy shit you went OFF (affectionate)
bravo is horribly misinformed and has just. the WORST coping skills. over the years, tango has become his personal scapegoat for every misfortune that ever befell bravo. he’s convinced that if he and tango had never swapped places, his life would be perfect right now. which, as you said, is absolutely not the case. if he can’t realize and accept this, he’ll never be happy.
the soul bond was a neat and convenient way to sneak in a bit of tango’s perspective even tho the chapter was from jimmy’s pov, i’m SO glad it was effective.
and mannnn yeah the thing about jimmy is that like. yes he’s a sopping wet pathetic cat, cringefail loser ect ect who dies first every time, but every time he goes out fighting. he never stops trying until the bitter end and i wanted to reflect that here even if his pvp skills couldn’t stand up to a paper bag. he’ll let other players sorta push him around and make jokes at his expense but when the shit hits the fan, he always fights. this is the main difference between him and timmy, who will just roll over and die at the slightest provocation.
thanks for the commentary, this made my day <3
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oh-for-fic-sake · 3 years
It’s A Match Chapter One
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Summary: Filming is over and Henry returns home to and empty house. And he doesn't like it, things are getting to him and he doesn't want to be alone anymore. Then his brother suggests online dating, it sounds mad but henry decides to give it a shot. If worst comes to worst he just deletes the profile. He has nothing to loose right?
Warnings: Angst, Swearing, Cheese, Self Indulgent Fic, Rpf, Plus sized reader.
A/N: so I wrote this before the whole 'girlfriend' shock and everything that has followed. I was of two minds whether to ever post it but honestly, this is my blog and I've clearly stated that i am going to continue writing Rpf. I want to do a little ficlet/mini fic and well here we go. It wont be smutty just  somewhat angsty then fluffy. Enjoy~
Taglist: In Reblogs.
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Henry slumped back on the seat in his conservatory and sighed, from here he could see his brothers and their wives outside, each snuggled up on the out door wicker sectional he had got to have the family over. It was the first family get together for over a year. He was happy, god it was amazing to see them but... He couldn't help being a tad envious.
They all had a family, wife and kids to go through this shitstorm in. He had no one, well he ha Kal. But that was it he sighed and looked away sipping from his cup slowly takeing a moment for himself. He needed to just chill, but it was getting hard... This year had really knocked him back he was at an all time low he hadn't felt like this for a long time. He knew he was depressed, he felt stupid there was no reason to be but there we go.
Henry had been getting himself all twisted for a while now, filming the Witcher helped but now that was over and he was home alone. Left with his thoughts in a big empty house.
"Sooo little brother want to tell me what's going on or am I gonna have to get mum in here?" Henry jumped at the voice and spun around to face his brother who was keeping a safe distance at the door. Wiping his hands down clearly just having washed them again.
"I ah its nothing, you know me I'm a worry wart" he said waving off his older brother he didn't want to bring down the mood of the small gathering, it was why he had come in here to take a breather.
"You called us all here for a visit hen, out of the blue when lockdown is still being eased out. Its clear you don't want to be alone, yet your sitting in here alone." His older brother said leaning on the door frame folding his arms trying to figure out what was really going on. He could see his little brother was hurting he wanted to help.
"I've got Kal" Henry said with a chuckle and looked about for the bear only to frown and sigh seeing the room was empty apart fro  him and his brother.
"Kal's outside with the kids hen, what's up? You can tell me you know" henry sided as his sibling  moved sitting in the small seat across from him. He knew that his family would listen but he felt so... spoilt like he was asking too much and was being selfish. It wasn't like him.
He grunted leaning back choosing not to look at his brother instead focusing on the cup in his hand. He spun it slightly then heaved a sigh. He wasn't getting away with not speaking about it, he was going to air out his worries one way or another. With his brother or his mother, and he loved his mother but this was? He wanted to keep this issues close to his chest. So far only Kal knew about his problems.
"I... I've had enough... just had enough of fucking covid and being alone... i felt isolated before all this shit kicked off and now?" He vented releasing all the fears he had. It was tough, he was a family man without his own little family, he hadn't managed to find anyone to share his life with and it got to him. He tried being sincere and polite, he took care of himself and tried staying true to himself but... something was missing it had to be! On paper he was a safe bet a good man! Yet his relationships never worked. There were different opinions or his other half couldn't handle the life style or they tried changing him or they couldn't put up with the way he loved so furiously- so openly wanting to always hold and kiss them. It just never quite worked.
"Its- fuck everything has just caught up with me...worries I've had for a few years now I could ignore them you know? I had other stuff going on, was always out and about meetings and press tours I was busy! But now?" He tried putting his feeling into words but he was conscious, he didn't want to whine or bitch about his life. He loved his work and the life he had made for himself he just? Wanted someone to share it with.
"Now after covid you've got all the time in the world to think?" Henry nodded agreeing with his brother. Covid had made him face these fears head on. He has been alone for the best part of a year with the uncertainty of his work and filming quarantines and isolations.
"Yeah, it hurts I'm... I'm in deep and I? I don't know how I'm getting out of this slump" henry finally said outloud, his brother dipped his head listening to him as he ranted. Started letting out all the frustration and anxiety out but stopped short with another growl closeing his hand around the cup tightly hissing in frustration then looked away.
"And what's caused it? I know you hate being alone but?" Henry sighed shaking his head as his brother tried coaxing more out of him. He drew in a shaky breath wanting to cry, he was just so lost and upset over being upset and alone.
"Two lock downs... Two alone- I? If this carries on for the next few years I don't... I don't want to be alone anymore! I want to settle down, I want an actual personal life! A relationship a family and? How? How am I gonna find all that? They want fame or money or something! Women never seem to want me for me, they say the do then judge me for my hobbies- I'm a geek I like tech and games and fantasy! And women don't like that" he spewed the words like they were venom, half ashamed of being so dramatic but the fear was real. Henry was scared, he wanted love. He wanted a family of his own, and it seemed impossible, now more then ever.
"I want to meet someone who will take me as I am, for me and I just I'm giving up. I'm giving up on it I can feel it, almost forty and look, alone unmarried no kids-I have no one to share my life with, it hurts am I not good enough for that?"  He hung his head as he spoke the final words put loud. He felt so vain and full of himself when he said them out loud, his skin crawled.
But it was how he felt, being the muscular decent looking man he was didn't go with his personality. He was a geek and the woman who were drawn to him didn't want that. And the woman that shared his hobbies normally weren't confident enough to even speak to him. Society's views on acceptable couples had put Henry in no mans land.
"What about online dating?" His brother spoke up but Henry just grunted rolling his eyes frustrated.
"What? No I cant do that I'd be fucking swamped" he hissed in irritation frustrated at the mere suggestion of him trying to date online.
"Whoa hold your horses let me finish I mean come on Hen there's bound to be hundreds of shy sweet women on there, I mean girls that are into your hobbies and stuff aren't usually the ones out and about partying and stuff, so its more likely they will be online" his brother quickly explained before Henry could pop off on one and shut him down.
Henry opened his mouth and stopped himself. That was a good point. Many of the women he would click with weren't going to be in bars or fancy parties. They were normally shy and at home most of the time reading or playing games.
"I... You really think i could meet someone? Meet the one online?" He asked in a small voice warming to the idea. His sibling smiled and nodded enthusiastically.
"Yes little brother, your a down to earth guy, just make a profile and have a look, if you don't like what you see you can delete the profile" henry nodded slowly thinking it over. There'd be no harm if he failed well he'd be no worse off, a little disheartened but that's about it.
"Look write down a few things you want in your dream girl, have a pseudo name like fucking I don't know Hank! Or something and say your a runner on set or something" his brother spoke up quickly as Henry sat back and actually thought about it seriously. He was right, henry could tweak things and be careful about what he shared and if he did meet the one then she'd understand... He could explain the predicament he was in. That he just wanted someone who liked him for him. And he would only reveal himself to her if she was the one and he was sure she would understand. As long as he was himself and honest about everything else in his life then there was no harm... and if he used proper photos of himself just... half cropped out then? It wasn't catfishing? Because he was being himself just using the nickname his mother used to call him.
"O-okay so be myself but... Just tweak a few things? So they don't know its me?" He reiterated to his brother still trying to figure out the morality of this whole idea.
"Yes! No full on pictures, no photos of Kal either new photos henry not old, maybe of your eyes up or something? Girls love blue eyed boy- not your right that brown will give you away... you could even fuck em up with a behind the scenes character photo? I mean come on how many men use a superman photo for their profile these days?" He encouraged wanting more then anything to cheer up his little brother.
"I yeah... That could work ,thank you- I'm sorry I got so worked up it... Its just getting to me now" henry apologised but his brother shook his head and chuckled standing up to go back outside to the others that were all happily chatting in the garden.
"I know Hen, look just give it a go, you might be surprized... come on lets get back out there, after all you are the host~ you cant just run off and hide" henry grinned standing and following his brother. It was decided, he'd give online dating a go!
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A week later Henry sat at the computer everything was ready, he'd taken some precise photos and had spent the last half hour writing a profile up. He had felt a little guilty about this... Was he lying? Technically it was him, he was going by Hank which was a nickname his parents gave him as a child, luckily this site didn't require a surname because honestly? He had no clue! To fend off some guilt he had thrown in a behind the scenes photo of himself as superman it wasn't much but it helped take the edge off. The other photos were cropped and there were a good few just so that the women knew he wasn't technically a catfish; he even did one with him covering half of his face with a piece of paper with Hank scrawled across it. At the time he felt silly but it helped with his anxiety over the whole thing.
He paused for a second eyeing the screen rereading the profile over and over trying to make sure it was alright and honest. And it was, he had explained a little about himself, his hobbies and interests and his job... Only brushing over he worked for the film and tv industry recently working for Netflix he hadn't exactly explained what he did but there was enough information.
With a deep breath he clicked the button his mouse hovered over going live with the profile. Now all he had to do was wait and hope he caught a good womans eye. Within moments a few profiles popped up, matches. He scanned them flicking through some of the profiles and felt his heart crack. They were all full of badly filtered photos and used slang that to be honest he didn't even understand. What was so hard about using plain English?
He growled growing frustrated clicking through what were clearly a bunch of wannabe sugar babies. Each profile had a main photo a little bit of info then a few more pictures added to them. He scanned each one quickly going through the motions judging each one. 'Too far away... Your clearly not even eighteen?... Oh you like dc? Really hate to break it to you but thor is not a dc character' Henry grunted as he bypassed what felt like hundreds of women each with their own 'duck face' selfie most advertising their Instagram pages some even ballsy enough to add their only fans pages.
'Wait a second who was that?' He paused and scrolled back up and eyed the image on screen. It was a face on photo a cute woman smiling uncomfortably. Unlike everyone else's there was no distorting blur or heavy editing, the only make up was in the form of eyeliner in a set of black slightly uneven cat eyes. A slightly skewed black flicks making a point of no editing on the photo.
She was a full figured woman with proper kissable round cheeks and a sweet nervous grin. Her eyes were what got him, they were kind and genuine he could see she was uneasy about the photo but she was beautiful. She lived about half hour away which wasn't to bad.
Henry clicked the profile and scrolled down she didn't smoke, drunk occasionally and had no children. She did however have a college education in animal care and ran a small business. Centred on dogs by the looks of it. He moved further down reading the profile.
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Y/n, 30, business owner, e/c, 5'4, curvy
I'm shy so will take a while to warm up to you. A honest woman, sometimes to honest I don't seem to have a filter 🤗 I'm laid back and tend to be sarcastic and I love animals I'm a kc certified dog breeder as well as run a small successful business that caters to dogs. So if you are allergic or don't like dogs then leave now but thank you for clicking🙃
I spend most of my free time gaming or reading. I enjoy the fantasy genre and love dc and marvel (though I love dc just a tad more🤫)
I have one fur baby in the form of my lovely girl Amii who is a three year old malamute. Yes malamute not a husky or Akita so again if you don't like dogs or big dogs I'm not the girl for you.
I'm looking for someone to have fun and maybe build a life with. Covid has been tough being single and decided that it was about time I tried this whole online dating thing. If you want to chat pop me a message 🥰
I do not have a personal Instagram, snapchat or only fans! Stop asking for pictures!😠😠
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Henry's face split into a huge grin. She seemed to good to be true. She was wholesome, successful in her own right and looked fun. She didn't seem to be full of kale and bullshit. Just genuine and? Henry couldn't put his finger on it but there was something drawing him to this woman.
True to her word there was no Instagram link, no only fans or snap chat or anything. He scrolled further seeing photos of her and the biggest fluffiest dog he had ever seen in his life. She was sitting down next to who he assumed was Amii her dog and he melted. Y/n looked happy and content, living her best life.
There was nothing that sent alarm bells ringing, no racey photos or 'Netflix and chill' innuendos. The profile was clean and genuine.  He was right the woman was a little chunky but extraordinarily beautiful. The curves suited her and made her look more... cheerful and he could tell she was strong aswell, you had to be to have a huge dog like that about you.
There were photos of her walking a large pack of dogs in the wood; that he recognised! They were the very same he took Kal to only ten minuets down the road, he even recognised the small logo of her company on the jacket she wore. He had seen dog walkers wearing the same jacket so he knew of her brand. I he remembered correctly the company offered dog walking, grooming and kennel facilities as well as offering Breeding services helping stud dogs and stuff. They also helped advertise registered breeders and took in rescues for rehoming. It was a brilliant little company that he had even used for Kal once or twice to get his teeth cleaned and nails clipped, because Kal was a bugger for his pedicures!
He moved further down seeing more photos of the woman a small section with the games and tv she liked. Witcher was in both the tv and games category aswell as peaky blinders, Vikings and a few other shows.
Henry paused as he saw the chat button. Should he? He but his lip twisting on the spot in he chair rocking from side to side. What harm is there? He could just send a message she looked like a fun loving woman, he shared the same interests and stuff... so why not?
His fingers hovered over the keys ready to type out the words. But he choked. His mind ran blank what does he say? Hi? I saw your profile? Does he ask for a date? What does he do?
He let his hands fall and growled. Then scanned over the side of the message bar seeing a few pre-typed responses.
'It's a match!' 'You look fun, lets chat' 'I like your profile picture'
He winced they all seemed... wrong? Somehow they were polite and all but it- they wasn't personal or anything just... not quite right. He looked down as Kal came padding over and slumped next to him resting his chin on his foot with a loud sigh. With that Henry had an idea typing away a little message and hitting send before he could really think.
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You sighed typing away the latest wage slips and added up all the various overtime, you really needed some more staff on now that lockdown was coming to an end. Thankfully animal care was essential so you hadn't been hit too hard a few staff were on furlough as they were extreme high risk and shielding but you were going out of your way to make the premises covid safe. Luckily it wasn't too hard as much of the business was just a few staff and lots of dogs.
You frowned when a chat icon popped up in to corner of your screen. 'Hank?' You though trying to remember if you knew a Hank? Maybe a client or some old friend... but you honestly couldn't recall. You l saved your document and clicked the small icon bringing up a chat and frowned a you read the little message.
'I call my dog bear but he has nothing on Amii, Shes the fluffiest dog I've ever seen in my life she looks perfect for bear hugs😅'
'what the hell?' You cursed scrunching your nose up at the screen rereading the words. That's a bit random... you clicked his icon a small photo of half of his face then froze as a dating profile opened up. 'Oh... shit' you said seeing that your own profile you'd set up a few days ago out of curiosity had garnered the attention of the handsome blue eyed stranger. You swallowed biting you lip thoughts of finishing updating your records now gone as you scanned Hanks profile and a small smile crossed your face.
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Hank, 37, works in the film industry. Blue eyes, 6ft, muscular.
Decided to finally try this online dating, unsure what to say other then I'm looking for a life partner. I like to think I'm funny and laid back. I'm fit and active but that doesn't mean you have to be, but maybe my lady could come for walks with me and my four legged son? I promise he's my best freind and a good boy.
My job is tough and I'm away for long periods of time, but when I'm home I like to play games and am into warcraft. I paint miniatures when I can. Fantasy and superheroes are a big part of my hobbies so if you don't like all things geek then I'm probably not for you.
But if they are? Then feel free to message me, I will reply when I can.
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You read and re-read the profile And your hands hovered over your chicklet keyboard. Biting your lip, do you respond? He seemed sweet and real... if that made sense. You took a deep breath. What was the worst that could happen? Asking for a plane ticket? You decided to take a chance and typed back a reply hitting send whilst you had your nerve and then flushed.
"And they say fluffy dogs only lure in women~" You giggled to yourself  moving a hand over the huge fluffy girl beside you giving her pets whislt thinking of a reply.
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ameliterature · 3 years
AnderPerry Oneshot (My first Angst Fanfic of them sorry)
TODD POV uhm uhm, this oneshot makes me cry || Also posted it on Ao3 just in case?
(Inspired by a few lines from that olivia rodrigo song and someone made an edit of anderperry and it broke me)
Neil Perry you are a traitor
Neil Perry, you’re a traitor.
How dare you greet me with a warm smile, telling me we’re gonna be roommates. Why would you make me feel safe only to then ask about my past. Neil, you're so insensitive.
How dare you playfully hit me with a piece of paper when Cameron made fun of me, why didn’t you defend me? Even if you didn't, why did you try to make me feel better? Why did you introduce me to your friends, why did you try to get me into your group?
You tell me to speak up for myself? When you can’t even speak up against your father?
You tell me that I shouldn’t be so afraid, and yet you’re afraid to practice what you preach. Neil Perry you are a traitor.
Why did you ask me to join your study group? Why did you ask me that in the locker room? Why would you ask that when you’re only in a towel? Were you taunting me with your perfect body and perfect freshly-showered hair? I didn’t wanna go with you, get a damned clue. Because of you, I couldn’t focus on my chemistry assignment. Neil Perry, did you ever think your actions through?
Why did I follow you and the others outside to talk to Mr. Keating? I guess it was my fault for being curious but why the hell would I join your club? Neil Perry, why did you ask me to join your Dead Poets Society?
Why are you whispering so close to me? Why are you begging me to join? I told you I didn’t want to join, I did what you told me to do, I spoke up for myself-- Why are you so adamant for me to join you? I told you I couldn’t. Not with you around. Why did you ask the others? I didn’t need them to tell me either.
Neil Perry, why am I joining your club?
Why did I agree to run away with you and the others into the woods at night? Why do you look the way you do when you read under moonlight? I hate that you were made to read outloud, I hate that your voice echoes perfectly in just the right pitch so the reverb of the cave is calming me down. I hate how joining was a good idea.
I hate how you slept well that night, I hate how the last thing you said to me before you slept was “Thank you for coming along.” I hate that you say it like I had a choice.
I hate how I started to notice how handsome you are in class. Why were you always looking at me when I laugh? Why were you always telling me random facts? Why were you ranting to me about your dad every other night? Why were you always updating me with everything about your life when I don't. Why were you disturbing my poetry-writing with a piece of paper?
Why would you tell me about your dreams? Why do you tell me that you want to be an actor? I wish I didn’t care, but I do. I hate how you make me care about you. I hate how you make me care about you so much but when I ask about telling your dad, you yell at me. How dare you yell at me when I got comfortable with you?
Neil Perry you are a traitor. I don’t wanna be part of your stupid club anymore. I want to take care of myself. How dare you smile at me, smirk at me, make me blush and shyly smile. Why do you think you need to make my heart race all the time. Stop trying to make me care about you.
I hate how I cared about you getting the part for the play. I don’t like the feeling I get when I see your smile. I hate that sound you made when you were giddy. I hate how it made me melt. I hate being weak with anything you say. I hate how I try to scold you but you brush it off like you can walk all over my requests. I hate how you shine so fucking bright that my world is in flames.
I hate how you looked at me when I finished my poem, why would you do that? Why do I feel so embarrassed. I wish you didn’t look at me like that. I wish I didn’t see you.
Neil Perry, I hate it when you’re close to me. I hate how you like to stay beside me on my bed when I write poems. I hate how you like to tell me I’m beautiful because I don’t know what to say. Why would you call another guy beautiful?! You’re the most annoying guy I’ve ever met. I hate that you’re always begging for my attention and I give it to you, I hate how you like to bring me with you to rehearse your lines and I have fun with you, I especially hate it when you’re so close and we look at each other for too long.
Why do you like leaning on me? Why do I love it when I can feel your warmth against my body? Why do I find comfort in our closeness? I hate how you don’t think these actions through. Why would you do this to me?
I hate how you care about me, even on my birthday. I hate how you try to cheer me up when you and I both know, for a fact, you should be lifting yourself up. I hate how you make me feel safe around you and like I belong. I hate how you look at me with eyes that are in love, ones that look like mine. I hate how our eyes linger at each other in our room whenever we’re alone. I hate how everything about this feeling is unspoken.
Neil Perry you’re a traitor. Why won’t you tell me what Mr. Keating told you in his office. Why won’t you tell me anything?
I hate how you asked me to hold your hand so you could sleep that night. I hate that I did and I wanted to. I hate how you make me feel so wanted. I hate that I want you too. Why don’t you think things through?
I hate how amazing you were during your play. Why do your eyes do that when you’re happy? Why do you make me feel whole and why do I want to make you feel loved?
Neil Perry, you traitor, you told me to speak up and yet you silently followed your dad into that car. How dare you look up at me with those eyes? Why didn’t you say anything to your dad? To us? To me?!
Neil Perry you are a traitor.
Why did you do all of this? Why did you spend the last few months making me feel all these things for you? God, I wish that you thought all of this through. Before you made me fall for you.
Even if I hate what you did. Even if I hate how you are making me feel right now. After all the things, after that night.
I love how you told me we were roommates. I love how you tell me to speak up even if you couldn’t. I love how you showed off your figure just to distract me from my anxiety. I love how you always went out of your way to be with me or to make me join you. I love how you tell me everything and I love how you make it obvious you care about me.
I only hate the fact you didn’t wait for me. I wish you stuck it out and let me give in to your stupid little tactics. I hate how you didn’t think I would return your feelings. I hate how you think you’re alone and that life is only about acting. I hate how I didn’t tell you that.
Neil Perry you’re a traitor.
But so was I.
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7fckingidiots · 4 years
Would you be alright with writing some HCs about the brothers and a MC who's a trans guy? Sorry if it's a tall order or too vague, they're a big comfort for me and I'd like to see what ideas you have bcs your headcanons are fantastic ;w;
HELL YEAH DUDE!!!! IM ALSO TRANS!!! AH!!!!! demigirl rights :3 but i also find a huge comfort in the boys and i hc all of them as trans because no one can Stop Me •• but i really hope you enjoy these and remember you’re valid and i care u so much! Also i hope you don’t mind but i kinda made it gender neutral so every trans folk could enjoy!
The Brothers With A Trans MC
He didn’t know until you came out to him honestly. He knew all his other siblings were trans but with all the work Diavolo gave him and adding new students from different realms on top of that he hadn’t really had time to notice any minor changes in you.
He feels guilty about this and immediately makes sure(like everyone else)to ask for your pronouns, name, and how you would like to present yourself from now on.
Fixes your ID cards and your papers with Diavolo right after dinner
God. He’s such a dad and he gets you things that have your new name on them. You wake up to see you have a new pencil case with your name embroidered on it with matching pencils. God.....he’s so weird i love him so much
Asmo does most of your clothing shopping but for formal wear he takes you shopping! He’s not about to buy you some cheap tux or gown ok it’s gonna be over 2000 grim and he’s gonna get you three of them STOP HIM
He’s not the best with verbal affection so he writes down notes that are like “you looked very handsome/pretty today.” or when he first starts writing them they’re like “you’re a boy/girl/kid. i’m proud of you.” Thank u mr morningstar
You want surgery or to start hormones??? He will stop all his work with Diavolo and spend forever looking up things for you, he wants you to be as safe as possible(pls he almost fainted after he realized you’d have to give yourself a shot like everyday dhdhdhjdhd hc that demons/angels don’t have to do hormone therapy i’m so JEALOUS)
Practices saying your pronouns in his study when you first come out. He just wants to make sure you feel as safe as possible in his care(and he remembers how terrible it felt to be misgendered)
Guess what....he loves you no matter what :)
You’re blind as hell if you couldn’t see his top scars but I respect it
King DOES slip up on your pronoun change but always immediately corrects himself. Satan has a spray bottle that he sprays Mammon with when he does it. Mammon is NOT amused but the same can’t be said for Belphie.
Gender affirming activities??? Oh yeah like robbing a bank?? That’s pretty gender neutral and trans right?? Yeah!!! Wow such a good supportive brother.
If you want you can wear the formal wear Lucifer bought you to the said bank heist. Boom trans rights
You can practice painting his nails or doing his makeup if you’re too nervous to do it on yourself first!! Dw if it’s bad he also can’t do makeup or paint nails so once you let him return the favor you’re both laughing and Asmo is distraught.
KING at dying hair he will get you whatever you need and if you want an entire different hair cut entirely he’s ON it
Very used to being Loud and Brash but if you need someone to talk to about anything really he always calms down and sits down to listen to whatever you have to say.
Lots of gendered gifts from him. This said for men??? Oh ok adds to cart. Oh pink??? For ladies??? yeah that can go in there too
You’re never gonna believe this.....But he loves you and supports you :)
He was the first one to come out to you at the house!! He was just so excited! Same hat!!!
Gets literally any video game where you can design the protag/have custom pronouns and will play games like that with you for hours
Would you like a pride flag.....for u.....He has too many.....Please take the trans flag please he has no room....he bought in bulk for a pride event and didn’t consider the consequences of his actions
Miku binder but irl. He will get if for you but unironically.....thanks King. He just likes binders with patterns and i respect IT
Dysphoria?? He gives you his hoodie bc that was his trademark dysphoria hoodie and i GUESS for you he can share............he would give u anything just ask nicely he’s sensitive
Reads any character that matches up with your gender and is like!!!!! That’s you!!!! OMG!!!! You in da IRL
Goes back and edits his tweets if they use your old name or pronouns(also has he/they in his bio. this is for nothing just makes me :D)
If you haven’t chosen your name he’s gonna suggest so many fictional characters. POV levi kin assigns you.
You listen to music together that just has Trans Vibes.....maybe u cry together but there’s no judgment!! It’s just nice :)
God it’s wild but! He loves u and thinks ur great :)
Enby Satan. That’s all :)
He’s very quite about it, he supports you! He’s just not loud like his brothers
He brings you book about gender studies and LGBTQ history that he thinks would interest you(there some of his favorite books and they’ve made him feel the most comfortable in his gender)
Gives you a name list if you haven’t named yourself yet! He cares about you and wants to make sure you have the right name that suits you
He’s the one that tells you that it’s ok if you’re still figuring it all out, learning about yourself is a very tricky process and if anyone knows that it’s Satan
Any of the brothers would kill anyone who misgendered you but with Satan that shit is ON SIGHT
Asks you how you know and what were the signs that gave it away to you, but only if you’re comfortable telling him!! He just finds everyone’s experience interesting and would like to know yours as well.
Spells for fucking DAYS Satan personally kills body dysphoria the best he can(mainly bc he’s HIGHKEY afraid of you getting surgery he hates knives so much)
Makes your comfort food for you when you’re feeling down about yourself and will read whatever you want to hear outloud to you.
!!!!!! GET THIS !!!!!! He loves YOU :0
Fucking excited!!!! This means you two are going to buy so much clothing together and he gets to style you let’s GO
Buys you whatever you want but he will make you try it all on so be CAREFUL what u wish for.....ur gonna be there till the store closes yeah......
Paints your nails with the trans pride flag!! Also does your makeup and gives you tips on how to look more masculine or fem!!
He will help you lower or raise the pitch of your voice if it KILLS him. It eventually becomes like a mini class after school
Helps with internalized transphobia! Hes dealt with his fair share and knows how awful it can be and he will NOT being having you experience that as well we r practicing Self Care now
Picks apart any one who misgenders you until they’re crying he has NO fucking time for that behavior in this HOUSE
Sometimes self care is eating whatever you want and sitting in the dysphoria hoodies while watching chick flicks with Asmo
He likes dressing you up but he’s always sure to set boundaries so he never puts you into something that makes you feel uncomfortable
ALSO edits his posts and takes down anything that makes you uncomfortable!!
He loves you so much!!!!
another one to hand you The Dysphoria Hoodie and it’s very large and comfy!
he’ll help you make out a work out routine that will help you get the body you want and it makes him really happy to work out with you :)
he’s gonna hold your hand if you have to take shots and will give you puppy eyes if you don’t let him. He’s just worried!!!! He wants to help
stands behind you whenever you’re nervous about coming out to someone, he will NOT have someone making you feel bad or misgendering you
he’ll see food with trans pride colors and gives it too you, probably doesn’t even know what it is half the time but it made him think of you so he makes sure to get it for you
he doesn’t trip up on any of your new pronouns or name and makes it seem like he never even knew them. dead name???? what’s that??? a type of sauce?????
will let you vent to him whenever needed and will always make you a sundae after you’ve finished. it’s comically huge but it’s tasty and does make you feel a lot better, thanks beel
makes sure you remember to take off your binder if you’ve been wearing it for more than eight hours! and if you’ve been wearing heels to feel more fem he reminds you to take those off too and has a pair of slippers for you in his room that you can wear instead
hey! get this! He loves you so, so much :D
you’re trans? ok kid join the club. he doesn’t make a big deal at all
are you still gonna cuddle with him and join him in his quest to make lucifer’s life difficult? yeah? ok then cool what’s ur name 
if he hears someone misgender you he waits till you’ve left the room and just kills whoever did it, dude’s unhinged what did you expect from him honestly
he’s actually really curious about any hormone therapy you’re on and likes listening to you rant about it to him. he likes seeing your face light up and it partly reminds him of lilith
calls your hormones something stupid like “oh dude, your gamer girl juice arrived.” or “hey your little man potion is here.” ...thanks belphie
will NOT let you sleep in a binder or push up bra!!! not healthy!! let ur chest breath guys 
like mammon, he gets you gendered gifts but they’re so fucking weird? you didn’t need a girls version of a collectable hot wheels set???? he got you blue lightning mcqueen sheets?????? those EXIST here????!!!!! when does he even shop......
introduces you to new people like “this is our resident boy/girl/human. they don’t do much but i think they’re cool.”
he really does care about you but he remembers when he came out he just didnt want people to make a big deal about it so he’s just doing what would have made him feel the most comfortable, but you can still see how much love he has for you when you look into his eyes
he loves you, so, so much :)
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sunnywritings · 3 years
gentle reminders
request: n/a pairing: c!niki x reader genre: fluff word count: 883 warnings: self-deprecation pronouns: gender-neutral summary: you are talking shit about yourself while alone in your’s and niki’s bakery, and while you’re speaking out loud niki returns and hears you.
i used flowers and stars as things the character likes!! as i do see anyone can like that stuff(even if it is a stereotypical girl like), if you dont i do apologize but it was what i thought of at the time!! <3
- - - - - - - - - -
you leaned back in the chair behind the counter of the bakery. it was quiet outside, other than the water from the end of the river flowing by, creating some form of noise. the silence seemed loud, which should’ve been impossible by any measure, yet it seemed so real to you. 
normally someone would’ve visited by now, wilbur, puffy, or tommy even. as much as the kid was loud at least he held a conversation with you. not even niki was nearby, out gathering materials for the bakery and home she had explained before leaving, hugging you while you stood in the kitchen. 
but now that she was gone, leaving you to watch over the bakery, you were alone with your thoughts. for some people in this server this would be fine, but you had never vocalized your thoughts before. the doubts you had, the insecurities, or how you stared at your reflection for too long and critiqued yourself.
even at the thought of everything you could list about yourself that you hated made your eyes sting with tears. your eyes shimmered slightly, glossy from the forming tears. you were alone, surely it would be fine if you said it outloud, no one would hear, maybe it would be therapeutic. you’d heard tommy say things about himself out loud, though that was usually positive reinforcement to his growing ego. 
your eyes remained on the ceiling, head back so the tears couldn’t fall, barely formed to begin with. “I’m so stupid,” you muttered, voice soft, memories of every embarrassing moment coming back like a tsunami, “blind, dense, fragile, sensitive.” the only thing you could think to do was keep going. as you spoke you leaned back up, head down and hands clasping behind your head, elbows propped up against the counter. “i don’t see what others see in me-” your voice cracked, hiccuping slightly as a few stray tears hit the counter, “maybe they see a facade, a lie. am i lying to them that i’m a good person? is it fake-”
suddenly you were forced to look up, a soft yelp of surprise leaving you when that happened. your previously clasped hands falling to the table while you looked upward. niki had silently come into the bakery, intending to surprise you with your favorite flowers before she had heard your self-deprecating rant. she had decided to step in almost as soon as she heard you, and had grabbed your chin and forced you to look at her. 
just from looking at her, or the situation being obvious, you knew she had heard you. maybe it was the new fire-y look in her eyes or how she was frowning at you. though her frowning only reinforced your opinion that you were putting up a front.
before anything could be said she let go, walking around the counter and quickly bringing you into a hug. you were still in a small state of shock when she did so, subconsciously leaning your head into her shoulder for comfort. your body was still tense, even when niki began to speak. “everything you just said about yourself isn’t true. you are so kind to everybody, generous, and you are so strong against everything that has happened. you have been through everything with us, and have stood up for me countless times. been my voice when i can’t speak.” niki’s voice cracked slightly at the end, her grip around you tightening. 
“please, you are so much better than you think you are.” she finished, leaning back to look you in the eyes. tears stained her shoulders, from you obviously, and when you finally looked her in the eyes you could see just how glossy they had become.
suddenly you broke out into a sob, pulling her back for a hug and weeping into her shoulder. she could only return the hug, rubbing comfortingly at your back. “i’m so tired, niki.” you murmured, your sobbing turning into sniffling after a few minutes.
“i know love.” niki hummed, leaning back from the hug again. “you’re tired of yourself and what we’ve been through,” she hit the head on the nail with that comment, “but you are so perfect to me.” as she spoke she leaned forward, pressing a gentle kiss between your brows. “i could go on about everything i love about you, from how you glow when you talk about the stars or flowers you love, or how you get this cute little grin when you’re in a conversation you enjoy.”
her words soothed you more than she knew, “a gentle reminder, everyone here appreciates you, you’re not lying to any of us.” niki had seen you at your worst before, so you knew she wasn’t lying. your heart swelled, able to hear the gentle bumping in your own ears. slowly you leaned back into a hug, sniffling quietly. “thank you niki.” you murmured, tightening your hold on her. 
“of course, i’d do anything for you.” niki hummed in return. silence set between you both, comfortable silence. both of you were content with the silence, finding comfort in how the other was becoming your pillar. eventually you grew tired, crying was a draining hobby after all. finally, you fell asleep in her arms, comfortable and happy, feeling better than before.
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clownconspiracist · 4 years
Alright, I went out on a whim and wrote this, cause fuck it. Lowkey cringe to me. Features my oc: The Red Plague. Lol, what fuckin cringe.
A Troubling Smell
These goddamn, pieces of fucking paper.
Korra growled to herself as she crumbled up yet another fake-out, "Slenderman Page" that plagued her woods. The woods she promised the said faceless, bastard man that she'd look after after he gave her a home. A small cabin, surrounded by out of place snow that was only a mile away from the mansion the 'King' resided in. It wasn't enough for the woods to be called: "the Slender Forest" to ward off the humans that lived outside them, no; there was still many, too many, of them still trying to tread into these cursed woods. That's why she was given a cabin, a cabin in the woods. To help further protect the safety of their home and the woods the faceless man was so fond of...
And it would be a lot fuckin' easier if these damn kids would fucking knock it off with this fuckin' "Slender Challenge!" Korra growled deeply as she ripped another page off, leaving scratch marks in the bark as she did so.
"Stop fucking littering! First it was the shitty, "Save The Animals" propaganda that PETA kept leaving. Now, as soon as it turns fall, it's this damn challenge again! This town ain't gonna have much of a population if they keep on doin' this shit!" She ranted outloud, scaring nearby birds off, probably a bear too. She shoved the crumpled up pieces into her hooded-jacket pockets and stalked off further down the trail, towards the tiny, old construction sight that was left abandoned. For once, not caused by Slenderman or his kin. The city, maybe.
"Who's gonna notice a few missing rabbits anyways?" She grumbled.
The dusk breeze swayed strains of her deep red hair as she walked (more or so stomped,) kicking up sticks and leaves as she went. Her hostile mood was definitely radiating, sending whatever waited for her ahead, scampering off, not ready to face the demonic entity. As she spotted yet another, crudely made up page, laughter echoed throughout the trees. It made one of her elfish ears twitch.
Were they responsible for this? She questioned to herself bitterly. She didn't care if they were or if they weren't; they showed up at an unfortunate time and will deal with the repercussions made for who drew these.
Korra marched towards the group, their smells over taking her senses. It was too much for her, so much so that she had to stop and fan the air around her, coughing while doing so.
"If they weren't going to pay for the," a series of coughs cut her off, "drawings, they definently are paying for that smell. Holy fuck! What Smile dug up in my backyard smelled better than this."
Feeling a headache starting a form, Korra decided to teleport to them, wanting to get this over with already before her nose melted off.
Dramatic as always.
Appearing only a few feet from the group, the smell became stronger. She wasn't sure if she wanted to kill them. That smell could stick with her for a month! Her coughing got the groups attention. Through her watery eyes, she could make out three males and two females. The smell was coming from the guys.
Human boys and their fuckin' Axe Body Spray. She coughed to herself.
"You– you fucks! Are you responsible for these?" She asked, wiping one of her eyes as she pulled out one of the paper balls.
"Uh, that's just paper? Weirdo." One of the guys laughed, the others joining in. Korra groaned and blinked away oncoming tears.
"No, you fucking idiots! God, that smell! All of you! You smell like a NFL Football party!" She doubled over and coughed. "God, what did you do? Dump the cans on each other and fuck the night away? I've smelled corpses better than you. Oh God, it's in my lungs."
She stood up, her eyes looking like they've been through a terrible cry. The men seemed offended while the two girls laughed. Korra waved her hand in a dismissive way.
"God, I don't care. You're killing the trees with your odor. Just take these and beat it!" She threw the three balls at them, two of them hitting the middle guys chest.
"Who are you to tell us what to do... freakshow! You look like you shop at Hottopic." One of the girls sneered, clearly upset for whatever reason. Korra gave them a blank stare, as best as she could with burning eyes and the sniffles.
"What the fuck is a Hottopic?" She asked. She shook her head. "Never mind. Leave or die." She crossed her arms, trying to focus her vision.
"No, freak. What, are you one of "Slender's Proxies?" Are you here to protect the woods?" The same male from before asked in a very, whiny tone. Korra felt deeply offended, and this really was her job. Though, she wasn't a proxy. More like a human guard dog; she could admit that.
"Christ, I don't have time for this!" She yelled. "Your smells are overwhelming. Goodbye and let's never meet again!" It all happened to fast for the group to process it. A strange, dried up, red substance covered the ground below them and swallowed them whole. Korra has no idea where they go when she performs this move, nor does she care. The smell was gone.
"Fuck, I didn't find out if they were responsible."
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erikismybitch · 6 years
The Switch .
Tumblr media
Be careful what you wish for
Part 1
“Wow, so you’re just gonna look at her ass right in front of me?” You witnessed as Erik blatantly watched a girl walk past your dinner table .
“You tripping” he rolled his eyes and overlooked the dinner menu. The two of you sat at a small Haitian restaurant, one you dined in often .
“Oh I’m tripping, you’re just doing it to piss me off. Her ass wasn’t even that big”
“It was bigger than yours”
You looked up towards the ceiling, trying to compose yourself . The hand of god was all that could hold you back from attacking . A scene wasn’t needed at this time . Your hands folded in prayer position as you spoke . “Fuck you” came from your mouth like venom.
Luckily, the happy waitress walked over to the two of you . She had already brought the two of you water so it was time to order . “What would you like to eat?” She asked .
You knew exactly what you wanted. You wanted to break Erik’s pockets for disrespecting you . You listened to him order his griot humbly. Then it was your turn .
“I want the two lobster tails and steak” Your lips moved slowly as you looked Erik in the eye, awaiting his reaction. The waitress took your menus and walked away. She could feel the bad vibes approaching .
“You ordering lobster ? You know that shit is high, it’s market priced!” He yelled through his gritted teeth, a couple of customers glared in his direction . Erik had no shame , he never did . “Sometimes , I wish I could be a fucking girl and have my shit paid for” his arms folded, like an angry toddler.
“Whatever, well I wish I could be you and have the freedom to look at, talk to, and flirt with who I wanted” you thought about the past and some of the disrespectful things he’d done. As a woman, unfortunately you didn’t have those same luxuries. “God forbid I look at another man, you’d freak out”
The two of you sat silently for some time, your leg shook with anger . You were ready for this night to be over . The waitress returned to the table, placing two alcoholic beverages down.
“We ain’t order these” Erik scoffed rudely.
“They are complements from the owner, she’s at the bar”
You looked to the bar, seeing the elderly Haitian woman staring at the two of you . She wore traditional Haitian clothing , accompanied with a head wrap and dress. You mouthed “Thank you”. In return she gave you an odd smile . You thought nothing of it as you nudged Erik to do the same . Erik continued to be rude and said nothing .
“She always gives drinks to couples, she’s a bit weird” the waitress chuckled and left . You took a sip. Erik did too, he would have been a fool to turn down free alcohol. The food came and the two of you ate. Erik unhappily paid for the expensive bill and the two of you left in Eriks car .
“Take me home” the night was over for you. The original plan was to go to Eriks house, but after dinner you wanted to be in your own space . He increased his speed as if he couldn’t wait to get you out of his car . Once he arrived at your apartment you pulled sixty dollars out of your purse and slammed it on his dashboard.
“I can pay for my own food from now on. Since you want to be a girl“ you exited out of his car and shut his door forcefully. The slam only added fuel to the argument .
“I’m about to use this money to take the girl with the ass out!” Erik’s tires screeched as he sped off and away from your apartment complex .
Physically, you didn’t even have the energy to scream back at him. “Three fucking years and he complains about some damn lobster “ you mumbled angrily to yourself as you walked into your apartment. Your body flopped on the couch and you spread yourself out . Feeling the effects of that potent drink from dinner, you fell right asleep until the morning.
When morning came, usually the shining light from the sun would wake you . It was Nothing but pure darkness when you opened your eyes . Almost exactly how it was when you slept at Eriks apartment. You stretched your arms out, accidentally knocking a glass cup from the night stand onto the floor, it shattered . You thought it was impossible because the floor was carpeted . Then the memories of sleeping on your couch came into your mind. How did you end up in the bed.
“What the fuck?” You said outloud. Your body froze. Your voice was always low when you first woke up. But now, the baritone of your voice was much too deep . Unknowingly , you placed your hands on your face, feeling scruffy hair around your chin and cheeks .
“What the fuck!” You screamed again, your voice was just as deep as before . You sat up, shifting your hair. The tiny dreadlocks on your head ran across your fingers . You leaned over and turned on the lamp, illuminating the dark room. It was Eriks room, black shades and a hardwood floor splattered with glass. You looked down at your flat bare chest. “What the fuck!” The scream was more high pinched this time . The masculine hands that were now yours crept under the covers. They felt the huge dick that nestled between your legs . You jumped out of the bed quickly , falling onto the floor hard . Getting up was a struggle due to your new found height . Deathly afraid of what you may see in the mirror , you went into the bathroom. Eyes shut as you stood in front of it .
“You high, you gotta be off something . This is a fucking dream. You gotta calm down” you told yourself , like a mantra . You took a couple deep breaths , feeling your abs tighten . You didn’t have abs.
You opened your eyes and looked into the mirror . Eriks face stared back at you. “No , no , no , no!” You hollered repeatedly to yourself . You brought your eyes to a close once again then opened them, praying for a new result. You stumbled backward, hitting the wall . In full panic mode , you sunk down onto the bathroom floor .
On the other side of town, Erik stood naked in front of your floor length mirror . Rubbing his hands across his newly discovered breast . Unlike you, he seemed to enjoy his new found body . He laughed “This shit is fucking crazy!” Bringing his palm to his mouth in disbelief, even his voice was yours . “Yooooooooooo” he felt along his plump ass, squeezing it tight .
“My girl need a wax though , it’s like a jungle down here” he felt along his pubic hair and laughed again .
Your phone rang, he walked over to the dresser to answer it . The words “Baby” flashed across the screen. He instantly became upset , thinking another man was calling you . He answered angrily . “Who the fuck is this!?”
“Who am I? Baby is this you!?” You yelled over the phone. All he could hear through his clueless ears was a mans voice .
“Why you calling my girls phone?”
“Baby it’s me ! Are you me!”
Erik threw his head back, embarrassed at his actions . He had just realized that “Baby” was him. You realized that he didn’t know either .
“Erik you so stupid, sometimes I don’t even know why I bother”
“Stupid?” You could hear the argument boiling from within him .
“I don’t want to argue , I’m sorry. Erik what is going on. I’m freaking out right now”
“I don’t know “
“Baby what if we are stuck like this forever !” You panicked . “I don’t want this, how do we change back!”
Erik listened to you rant for a little longer, he knew he couldn’t get a word in once you were like this . He was just as scared as you , but he knew panicking wasn’t going to solve anything .
“Look babe, we can’t just go to the doctor , they will put us in the crazy house” Erik told you , after you made the suggestion of going to the hospital .
“What do you think we should do?” You asked as if he would have a logical answer.
“We should just go on about our regular day . Ima’ figure something out “
You started to cry... like Erik. You knew Erik didn’t know what to do . He always told you he would “figure something out” when he didn’t know. Eriks face became stale, through the phone your cry made him cringe.
“Stop that big ass man cry!” He pleaded.
“Stop making me cry then!” You wined.
“Wow, is that how I sound when I cry?”
“I don’t know, you don’t cry a lot” you sniffed a little.
“I’m promise you, I’ll figure this out”
“You swear?”
“For us, I swear”
Should I post the rest? Or let it die before I start lol.
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I honestly just love my friends. There is such a big difference between their reactions for my insecurities and boundaries vs my family's.
I had a party with them a week ago and we took a photo and a friend of mine wanted to upload it, but first she gave her phone to me and asked me if I'm okay with it- since they know i don't like pictures of myself and so i have a problem with photos. She actually said "i know you sometimes have a problem with photos, so can you check and tell me if you're okay with me uploading this photo?" I told her the photo is okay and i even uploaded it too.
She knew my boundaries, stated them outloud, and respected my decision.
For them i stated my boundaries and insecurities once. A long time ago. And i never had to repeat it. They let me know when I'm in the shot of photos they take so i have the option to join them or move if i want to, and they reassure me they'll keep me out of a video before they are taking one. Usually tho I'm okay with taking pictures with them bc i feel safe and i trust them to know they won't upload it if i disapprove.
Now, my family... I have made it known that i don't like being in photos.
I have to always be on the lookout for cameras or videos bc i know they won't take me into consideration and let me know.
They give me comments of: what's the big deal, oh come on!, seriously?, it's just one photo, we are your family, wanna bet i can take a picture of you without you noticing? ...
And so on. So yeah, friends are better than family.
This is just the gist, so i put the exact incidents under the cut bc i feel like venting about this.
One of my aunts seem to have a problem with this more than others. (She's the kind that takes pictures or videos or everything she does)
When the first incident happened, she took a video and like went in circles and uploaded it without thought. I then asked her if i was in the shot. She said no. How could that be if she focused on my other aunt that stood next to me. Then i asked to see and i was right, so i told her to delete it. She said no. I said again and she asked why and it went on for a bit with me trying to snatch the phone until i ended up crying and leaving the room.
A while after that she seemed to learn the lesson and i learned mine by sitting next to her at family gatherings bc then I'm out of sight.
We were having dinner once and now my uncle asked me what's the big deal and tried to take pictures of me. I left the room eventually and cried in my (fav) aunt's bathroom and my uncle came in and said hey look i got pictures of you. I called my aunt (the first one) bc i figured she would somewhat understand and i asked her to make him delete it and leave me alone. She told me she didn't think he took photos but agreed to try. Now, my fav aunt was there and calmed me down, after i went back out i noticed that my uncle was with his kids and his phone was on the table. So i asked my fav aunt if we could take it. She just took it and luckily she knew his code so we opened it and deleted the photos.
On a recent occasion, it was my cousin's birthday party, and i noticed my uncle put up his phone on top of the fridge at a certain angle and i realized he was recording the whole birthday. So i moved to sit in the kitchen isle instead. When my fav aunt asked me why I'm not sitting with them at the sofa i pointed to the phone and explained and she said "oh come on" but didn't push me to join them. She's the nicest of all of my family, truly. So this comment doesn't bother me much.
Sometimes when they take a photo of something and i notice i lean back in my chair and if they notice that they tell me "don't worry you're not in the shot" but it's not often in the reassuring way but rather in a condescending belittling way.
Yeah wow i really needed this rant.
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Love has no limits, when I am with you (limit)
Barry and Iris  were bestfriends. They knew each other more than they knew themselves, at least for he most part. They stuck together through everything. 
Then it came the day they both went off to college, together, as best friends. Joe, who was their dad, for barry foster father, tried his best not to cry. 
“My kids are all grown up!” he said hugging them. 
“Well, we are only 20, so technology we have only been legally adult for 2 years, but I consider us as young adults because-”
“Oh barry” he said hugging them more. “I am gonna miss your rants” 
Wally came in and joined the hug. 
“Have fun sis, and bro”
The two smiled and hugged harder. “Love you daddy”
“Bye!” Wally and Joe said. Iris and Barry smiled and waved as they drove to CCU. 
“Barry it is freezing, cut the air off!”
“Why are you always so cold?”
“Um, since forever, and it's not my fault your so damn warm all the time”
“Oh please, you always come down stairs to cut the heat off at night, and have no idea I know iris”
“Barry, are you spying on me?”
“W-what no! why would I spy on you iris? there is no need to-”
“I am just teasing, chill”
The two smiled and blurted into laughter. “I am so glad we get to spend 6 months together in a apartment and four years together in college, your my best friend iris, I love you so much” 
Iris smiled, and tilted her head in awe. “I love you too barry allen”
The two smiled as they arrived at the dorms. 
“what the hell?” iris asked the women at the desk. 
“Yes, we put you guys in a one bedroom, so you will have to share”
“What made you think that ma’am?” Barry asked skeptically. 
“Well, I thought you two were married and-”
“You cant just assume that”
The lady looked embarrassed as her co-workers laughed. 
“I can put you in for a two bedroom, but it will take a while, after 6 months. Sorry”
“It’s fine, which room?” Iris asked. 
“3304″ She said. Barry and iris sighed and went up to unpack. 
“ So, looks nice...” Barry added. 
“I can sleep on the floor if you-”
“No iris, I can, I am used to it”
“Oh, why the hell barry?! we are best friends, we are closer than most...lets just sleep together” she said. Barry’s face turned red. 
“Not like sex, no, no, I meant just to get rest”
Barry eased...somewhat and agreed. 
After the day was done, Barry and Iris went to bed. “goodnight iriss”
“Night bear”
The two smiled and went to sleep. 
The next morning Barry woke up to iris behind him on her side still asleep. 
“Thank god I did not wet the bed or anything” he thought. 
He slowly got up and got ready for the day. 
Iris woke up to Hearing Barry singing in the shower and laughed. “Oh barry”
As days went on, and on, the two started to act more like a married couple. Waking up together, doing things even more together, till they almost could not find the difference between friends  and lovers. 
Iris walked to the bedroom, and got in. Barry who was not exspecting her, walked to bed with no shirt on, and just his boxers. Iris felt butterflies as she thought ‘why do I feel like this?’.
“Hey iris”
“Hey bear” She smiled. He got in bed and got comfortable. “How was you day?”
“Good, and yours?”
“Tiring, but I still have energy” she felt the need to say that. 
“Aww, did my poor baby girl get tired?”
“Yea” she pretended to be sad. 
“Does my sweet girl need a kiss?”
The two kindly, and playfully kissed each other. when it both struck them, they just kissed. This made iris feel strange, almost like she was thinking naughty things. 
Barry blushed. “ did the kiss help?”
Iris, smiled. “ I want another kiss, and keep it up till I tell you to stop” she had NO idea where the boldness came from. 
“wait, iris, you want us to kiss? like kiss?” he asked. ‘Was the love of his life about to re-kiss I'm, is he dreaming?’
“Yea, please”
“A-anything for you my love” he shuddered as he leaned slowly to kiss her. 
Iris slowly made her hands to his neck, and he made his hands to her waist. them both propping themselves on one arm became tiring. they needed a new position. 
Barry flipped them, and he was now on top. He slowly kissed her more and more, as she pulled him harder on top of her. she needed him, now. 
“Iris” he said. She stop the kissing and looked. 
“um...is this just for fun, are you real or?”
“yes I am real, and no, I love you Barry Allen, I love you in a way that-”
“I LOVE YOU TOO...I mean um, yeah I love you too”
The two smiled. “wait, if I love you, and you love me, and we have this bed, and place to ourselves, and we can do whatever we want...than”
“we are crossing dangerous territory” he said.
The two smiled more. Barry leaned back down and kissed her softly, as he slowly started to kiss down her chest. 
“Barrry” iris moaned. 
He smirked and moved his fingers towards her area then stopped. 
“Um, are you virgin?” he asked. 
“Um, are you?”
“I am, are you iris?”
“I am too...then we would be each others first?”
“I guess so....”
“is there a Manuel?” he asked. 
“you mean pornhub?”
“no, well”
“Lets just do it”
Barry took a deep breath. As he started to kiss her again, harder, and deeper. 
Iris arched her back has barry slowly kissed down her neck. He slowly took off his shirt, and took hers off as well. the both kept kissing, and touching everywhere they could. 
Suddenly Iris’ pants were off. and she was in just a bra and her panties, and he , slowly took off his pants. 
Iris worried. very much so. she worried about if she would get pregnant, if it would hurt, etc. 
Then it happened, both of their last pieces of clothing's were off, they were completely naked. 
Iris felt tingles all over, and she felt her skin touch his. 
“Iris” he called out. Iris looked and saw his penis and gasped. 
“WOW, THATS A PENIS!” she accidently said it outloud. 
“um, yeah I don't know if there is another name for-”
“And that is about to go in me?!”
“this is so sexy, keep it up”
He laughed as he slowly started to move in. 
“OH MY GOWD ARE YOU OKAY?” he asked. 
“yeah, fine, keep it up”
“Ahhh” she moaned. Barry did not realize she was moaning and stopped. 
“Iris?” he said. He smirked and moved his finger down there to get her prepared. 
“Are you ready?”
“he nodded. “as ready as every mr.allen”
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rofics · 8 years
My Little Prey
Fandom: BTS Pairing:  Namjoon x Jimin Genre: Smut Au: College hybrid au Request: The request was for some Bottom!Namjoon x Top!Jimin... Which we know I am always happy to provide! Summary: Jimin is a prey hybrid that is more or less tired of predators thinking he is just some cute little thing they can play with, he meets predator Namjoon who really is just a huge dork that looks way to adorable in his sweaterpaw's. Ussuri dhole Namjoon and Chipmunk Jimin!
Chipmunks… Fuck chipmunks. That was Jimin’s main thought as he washed dried sweat off his body after his last dancing class of the day. He loved dancing, and he loved the classes, he just fucking hated everybody in it.
They had a few new students joining them today, and it had only been a little while before one of the girls, a female student raccoon dog hybrid had poked his cheek and cooed over how cute he was. Had he maybe bit her finger yes… Maybe… It wasn’t his fault! He was so tired of people, no that was wrong that predatory animals thought that he was such a cute little thing just because he was a prey animal!
Okay he had chubby cheeks and was short, but that was it! He had trained his body to have muscles all over, he wasn’t just some cute little thing! So yeah, Jimin hated being a chipmunk hybrid, the worst part was that every person he seemed to be attracted to was a stupid ass predator, and he tried to date them he really did!
He tried not to judge people based on their hybrid status, but nobody seemed to give it back to him. It wasn’t like people were yelling at him or shit like that, it was small things like patting him on the head, touching his ears, poking his cheeks. Oh god, could people just stop poking his cheeks?!
While he was swearing away society in his head he failed to notice a certain vampire deer behind him until arms were closed behind his middle and slightly slurred words were heard in his ear. “Jiminie! I need a favour!”
He didn’t need to turn around to know that it was Taehyung, even if it wasn’t because of deeper than average voice, the slurring based on his long fangs always gave him away. “I am not helping you check if Yoongi-hyung can breath underwater, that is called assisted murder, and let’s be honest… Yoongi-hyung won’t stay dead, he will be back to haunt us.”
Taehyung’s voice was pouty “You are so boring, but that’s not the point right now! You know that coffee place you refuse to go with me to?”
“The weird hipster one where all the art students hang their art trying to sell it?” He questioned and pulled his shirt on as Taehyung finally let him go.
“Yeah that one, I need your help! There is this cute bunny, and I need to find out if he likes guys.”
“And your answer to that… Is stalking?” Jimin really shouldn’t be surprised Taehyung had always been extra as fuck.
He wanted to say no, the place was simply just weird to him and all the art was even more weird. “It’s not stalking! I’m just making sure!”
“He works at a hipster coffee-shop, they don’t come more gay than that.” Jimin didn’t want to go there, but he also wanted to be a good friend, since Taehyung did put up with him complaining about stupid as predators.
He sighed. “He better be worth it… and he better be really really cute.”
Which he shouldn’t have said, that was what launched Taehyung into a long rant about just how cute the bunny was, not that Jimin really cared. But he was a good friend so he listened and that was how he ended up in the most hipster coffee shop that he had ever seen.
It was easy for him to determine who Taehyung’s crush was, tall dark haired with a good muscle mass but still a cute face. Yes Taehyung had a type that was for sure, if it wasn’t because the deer hybrid only dated people taller than him, Jimin was sure that he would have hit on him. So just to be sure he dyed his hair orange, no shade to Taehyung… But… He wasn’t really Jimin’s type.
That was when he noticed something that very much was his type, the guy was sitting in a corner in a oversized chair, with his stupidly long legs curled up under him, holding a book close while an oversized pair of glasses was resting on his nose. A pair of wolf ears had been bleached to match the color of his hair, but the dark roots were showing his real hair color.
The guy was… adorable, a kind of adorable that overshadowed the fact that his small but still showing canines and wolf ears clearly marked him as predator, and Jimin had sworn off ever dating predators again.
“Jimin!? Are you even listening?” Oh apparently Taehyung had been speaking while he had been staring at the wolf.
He pointed towards the blond wolf. “Do you know that guy?”
“Namjoon-hyung? Yeah he is always here, he is in Yoongi-hyung music production class. I talked with him a few times. He's a nice person.” Jimin hadn’t taken his eyes of Namjoon in all the time Taehyung had spoken, how had he never seen this guy before?
“You go and stalk your bunny then. I… have other stuff to do.” And with that he left Taehyung who was complaining in loud whispers about him being a traitor and he couldn’t just do stuff like that!
First when he had taken the spot across from Namjoon did he realize that this might have been a bad idea. It took almost 5 minutes before Namjoon looked up from his book seeming surprised to see Jimin there. “Hello?”
Jimin just kinda blanked at that point, he hadn’t planned what to say after he made contact. He felt that maybe just spurting out. “You are really pretty! Please go on a date with me!” Might not be the best idea.
“Shouldn’t I be the one asking you out?” Namjoon asked covering his laugh up with his hand, omg he had cute sweater sleeves. Shit! He had said that outloud hadn’t he.
The blush that took over Namjoon’s cheeks clearly showed, that yes he had said that out loud, over all… Jimin was really smooth… or not. “That came out wrong… I would… I would really like to take you out, if you aren’t too busy.”
Namjoon played with lower lip with his pinky in a clearly thinking movement. Jimin was worried for a second that he had blown his chance. “There is a movie going currently that I have wanted to see for a while, we can go together?”
Jimin hurriedly nodded, didn’t even ask what movie it was, how bad could it be? When he turned up at the movie theater dressed in what he hoped showed off his best features. Tanktop and skinny jeans, he had expected to see one of block busters currently showing. At first he was overjoyed, Namjoon had showed up in a sweater matching the one from the day before, long sleeves covering his hands and tight jeans hugging his thighs close showing off. Then when he saw what they were watching he wanted to cry, some stupid pretentious french art movie, he should have expected this shouldn’t he?
Namjoon seemed to actually look forward to it, he spoke animated about it, with big hand movements and a soft smile on his lips. His wolf tail seemed to be equally excited as it was happily swaying from side to side. The top half seemed to have been dyed to match his hair and then the rest slowly running down into black, he was bloody gorgeous and he liked standing behind Namjoon as the tail wrapped itself around Namjoon thick thigh, to make sure that nobody stepped on it.
He hadn’t spent much time with Namjoon, this was their first date after all, but he liked how he never treated Jimin like other predators did. He never pushed Jimin or made the first move. If anything it was always Jimin who had to make the first move. The movie was boring, no that would be putting it too nicely, it was mind numbingly boring, but he got to hold Namjoon’s hand. He had intended to try for a kiss, but the wolf was way too into the movie, so he ended up just being happy holding the blond’s hand, as his gaze moved from the boring movie back to their hands he remembered another reason he hated being a prey animal. Namjoon’s hand was so much bigger than his, it looked like Namjoon’s hand completely swallowed up his.
When they left the movie theater either person had yet to let go of the other's hand. “You didn’t watch the movie at all, did you?”
Jimin awkwardly ran a hand through his orange hair. “No, I’m sorry it wasn’t my kind of thing.”
Then it was Namjoon’s turn to awkwardly giggle. “It’s my fault, Yoongi-hyung always says that my tastes are boring.”
“No!” Namjoon raised an eyebrow “Okay it might not be my taste, but I really enjoyed spending time with you!”
God he was adorable as he giggled into his hand again, pushing his glasses up. “Enough to give me another chance to take you out? And hopefully not bore you?”
Okay, it was time to test if the predator was ready to let him, a prey, take charge. “What if I plan our next date?”
A light blush made itself known over Namjoon’s cheekbones. “I would like that.”
That conversation lead to another date, a more chill date planned by Jimin who took them out to a hole in the wall italian place. It was a good date if you asked Jimin. It was the first time he got to see Namjoon in something that wasn’t an oversized sweater. Instead the man was wearing a tight fitted white button up complimenting his tanned skin.
Jimin enjoyed their evening. He was worried at first that he would have nothing to talk with Namjoon about, but conversation flowed between them without any problem. It turned out that really the blond was just a big dork, a big dork with a love for music that Jimin could relate to.
Namjoon’s food had almost gotten cold as the older was telling a story of how he one time fell of the stage while he was rapping. “I would probably have been hurt much more if my girlfriend at the time hadn’t caught me, luckily she was a polar bear so I didn’t crush her, but still everybody laughed… And that was the last time anybody took me serious at that venue.” Namjoon laughed while running a hand through his hair, he had replaced his glasses with contacts for tonight, but it left Jimin to realize that he did prefer Namjoon with glasses on. He was so cute with them.
“Wait you dated another predator?” Most people usually avoided that.
Namjoon just looked confused. “Yeah? Oh no please don’t tell me you are one of those who is against dating between prey and prey, and Predators and predator? Of course! You are super awesome and hot, but there is always a hamartia isn’t there!?” And then he was on his feet fishing for his wallet, because he might want to storm out but his mother had raised him right!
“Did you just quote ‘Fault in Our Stars’?”
“Yes,” now he just looked shy and awkward, “my point still stands!” He was about to throw money on the table and leave when Jimin grabbed his wrist to stop him.
“I didn’t mean it like that,” he excused, “it’s just that it is uncommon! You know since predators are known to fight each other a lot.”
“Oh so we are just mindless brutes now?” His ears were twitching and tail standing up, but there didn’t seem to be much aggression in his stance. More that he seemed to be disappointed in Jimin, which yes probably was more painful than if he had just made the man angry instead of letting him down.
“No! Stop taking the words from my mouth! I was just surprised, please don’t leave. I really like you.” The chipmunk pleaded.
Namjoon blushed looking down at where Jimin had grabbed his wrist. “I’m sorry,” he hung his head in a sad movement, “I’m so used to people making fun of me just for being me and I shouldn’t have made such a big deal about it.” His wolf ears were hanging in a sad movement, making him look more like a puppy who had gotten slapped on the nose more than a wolf who should be able to rip out people's throat. Why was Namjoon so adorable?
“Let’s do this over?” Jimin asked hesitantly.
The wolf nodded. “I’m Kim Namjoon, I’m a huge nerd and sometimes I get a little defensive because people aren’t really nice, and they don’t understand that my attraction to people can’t be forced on just one subset of people. I just like people and that doesn’t make me weak.” He was wringing his hands not meeting Jimin’s gaze.
“I’m Park Jimin, I’m a dancer and I don’t like when people think that I’m some weak willed person who just does what other people says just because I’m prey. I can be dominant and a prey.” That made both of them smile at each other. This could work out.
It did end up working out, it ended up working out very well. They did have their struggles of course. Namjoon was prone to trying to be what society wanted from him. He had moments when they were out in public where he would try and act like the big manly predator, but Jimin had quickly learned that all he needed was a light scratch behind the ear to go back to being a sweet little puppy.
He had also learned that Namjoon wasn’t actually a wolf, but a ussuri dhole. Also known as an Indian wild dog. Namjoon had seemed almost offended that Jimin thought he was a wolf. “Since when are wolves native to South Korea?”
The chipmunk hybrid had just laughed and kissed him on the cheek. “I’m not even sure what a Ussuri is, so I will just take your word for it.”
He enjoyed spending time with Namjoon, both in public and by themselves, the older male was fascinating to watch. The first time Jimin had seen him rapping he almost couldn’t believe that it was actually Namjoon. First when he got off stage covered in sweat from performing eagerly asking Jimin what he thought like an overly eager puppy.
So yeah, he was happy with Namjoon, and somehow the older hybrid agreed to date him. They took it slow, that one was on Namjoon’s request, apparently he had gotten burned before and he didn’t want it to happen again with Jimin. Which was fine with him! It really was, if Namjoon could stop wearing tight jeans and being so fucking adorable.
It hadn’t been planned at all the day they ended up actually going all the way. It had been just a makeup session like so many times before, it had been on the couch of Jimin’s shared apartment with Taehyung. Whatever movie Namjoon had put on the hopefully better, Jimin’s sense of cinematography had long been forgotten as Jimin was pushing Namjoon to the couch. Strong thighs caging his hips as their tongues were dancing to a beat only they could hear. It hadn’t been on purpose, he just wanted to move Namjoon’s tail so he didn’t crush it, but in his eager hand movement he accidentally grabbed the tail a little harshly. Jimin broke to kiss to apologise, he knew that he hated when people pulled his tail since it was very sensitive, instead Namjoon released a breathy whiny moan.
To say Jimin hadn’t been expecting that was to put it mildly, but that didn’t stop him from exploring this newly found pleasure point, he gave the tail another weak tug as he bit down on his neck. The reaction was instant, as Namjoon seem to completely fall lax under his treatment, his entire body just kinda relaxed, letting Jimin do whatever it wanted as he once again moaned out, this time a breathy version of Jimin’s name.
“Aw you like that baby? You like when you are getting your pretty little tail pulled? Or do you just like when you people treat you are little rough?” He cooed into Namjoon’s ear before lightly nipping at it.
Namjoon couldn’t keep back a whine as he clawed at Jimin’s back. “Yes please!”
So yeah, Namjoon begging was definitely a kink that he hadn’t expected to have, but he did indeed very much have it, he gave Namjoon’s tail another tug, sneaking the other hand beneath the man’s oversized sweater to thumb at his nipple. “This okay baby?” While he wanted to keep going, consent was important especially in moments like this.
The blond bit his lip, and for a second Jimin thought he was going to say no, instead he just asked. “Can we go to the bedroom instead? You said Taehyung would be home soon and I don’t really want him to find us like this.” A light blush was spreading over his cheeks, but it was also clear that he was very much still turned on.
Jimin had to agree with him on that one, he didn’t really want to get found out by Taehyung either, he placed a quick kiss on his lips before getting off of him, grabbing his hand to half pull the taller towards his bedroom.
He pulled Namjoon in with him locking the door, and then pushing the ussuri up against the it. He took his mouth in another heated kiss, until Jimin decided that he didn’t enjoy the height difference between them. “Get on the bed baby?”
Namjoon just nodded as he went to pull off the oversized sweater, but Jimin was quick to stop him. “Keep that on, everything else off.” So yeah he had a kink, whatever sue him.
Again Namjoon hesitated, but then he started pulling off his tight jeans showing those beautiful tanned thighs. Jimin started removing his own clothes, undressing down to his tight boxers. Namjoon looked kinda awkward wirh his oversized sweater covering his nether region. “Get on the bed baby, you decided how you want to be.”
Namjoon’s dyed tailed was clearly overeager as it moved from side to side, then he did as Jimin asked him to choosing to get on his hands and knees on the bed. He leaned forward resting on his elbows, presenting his rearside to Jimin.
While Jimin had been with predators who let him top before, no one  had ever been this willing, god he loved this man. It was like they were meant to be. “So pretty baby.”
He couldn’t stop himself from caressing the man’s inner thigh. “Jimin please hurry up!” Even a little touch like that seemed to turn Namjoon on as he lifted his tail up clearly showing where he wanted Jimin to touch.
“If you say so.” He knew what Namjoon really wanted, he was still hard from their makeout sessions in the living room and with weeks of teasing leading up to this moment, Jimin knew what the wolf wanted, but he wasn’t about to give it to him. Instead he leaned forward, spread Namjoon’s cheeks gently before licking a stripe over his rim.
The reaction was instant as he felt the wolf's tail lightly falling on the top of his head. “Don’t tease, please don’t tease!”
Jimin didn’t answer he just kept licking around the rim, seeing how the it was eagerly opening under the touch of his tongue made Jimin think that Namjoon might like to play with himself in a whole other way. The thought of Namjoon, his cute predator on his back stuffing those long fingers inside his hole while moaning Jimin’s name was definitely a thought Jimin could get behind as he lightly pushed the tip of tongue inside Namjoon.
He really shouldn’t tease the older, if anything he himself was eager to finally get inside the male, but his reaction to the teasing was so beautiful. Jimin snuck a finger in with his tongue and started opening him up for real and preparing him.
“Jimiiiiin!” Namjoon whined into a pillow beautifully, trying to push his ass closer to Jimin to really get what he wanted. Jimin gave in and pushed another finger in slowly scissoring him open while he fucked him for real with his tongue.
All the sounds Namjoon released were just amazing, and it fueled Jimin to aim for that one special spot inside him. It took a few tries but when he finally got it, it was worth it. All with how Namjoon somehow managing to be even louder. God he hoped Taehyung wasn’t home, because he planned on forcing every sound he could out of Namjoon.     
Namjoon was reduced to a begging mess when Jimin finally decided that he was done preparing the older. “Can you give me the lube baby, the bedside table right next to you.”
He whined as he reached out for the lube throwing it back to Jimin who had decided that placing hickies on Namjoon’s inner thigh and marking him up was a good idea. “Jimin please just hurry up! It’s not fun anymore!”
“I’m having fun.” He pulled down his pants and let out a low moan as he spread lube over his erection, he hadn’t had any stimulation at all.
Namjoon mumbled something Jimin couldn’t hear but he was sure it wasn’t a compliment at all. “So you wanna complain that means you don’t really want it at all?” He teased as he pressed himself up against the blonde’s back, and lightly sliding his erection between his cheeks.
The older didn’t say anything he just whined high in his throat, clearly not at all appreciating Jimin being a big fucking tease. “You have to use your words Joonie, I don’t know what you want if you don’t say anything.”
“You know very well what I want! Just give it to me!” The ussuri’s voice was clearly meant to be strong, a show some kind of strength, but instead it was light and breathy.
“No, tell me what you want.”
“Just fuck me already! I want you fucking cock inside me, JIMIN PLEASE!”
“Good boy.” Jimin complemented, lightly nipping at the dyed wolf ear on top of his head guiding himself inside Namjoon in a very slow movement. As much as he wanted to fuck the man silly, he also didn’t want to hurt him.
Namjoon didn’t seem to agree with Jimin’s slow tempo as he moved his hips backwards forcing  Jimin all the way inside him and forcing a strangled moan out of both of them.
Jimin had to rest his head between Namjoon’s shoulder blades to calm down for a second, he really wanted to just fuck the older, but he also knew that he needed to keep it chill.
“You can move please.” Namjoon mumbled into the pillow, trying to keep the noises in.
“Don’t hide those moans from me, you try and hide them and I stop, got it?” He pulled Namjoon up by his hair, forcing another moan from the man this time not hid and muffled by the pillow.
Jimin started his thrusts slowly, going deep but slowly, not wanting to overwhelm Namjoon to early. He should have known that Namjoon at this point didn’t appreciate getting treated like he was fragile as he started moving his hips against Jimin’s thrust forcing the younger to speed up. Okay if Namjoon wanted it like that, he would get it like that!
Their fucking become much more desperate with Jimin gripping Namjoon’s hips hard with one hand, the other still holding his head up by his hair. The sound coming out of Namjoon’s mouth went from whiny dirty to ‘Omg that is not appropriate for any venue!’ As both neared the edge Jimin let go of Namjoon’s hip to wrap it around his erection but he felt his wrist getting caught by a fluffy tail. “No don’t! I… It’s fine please just! Just!”
The words made no sense but Jimin he was sure he knew what Namjoon actually meant, so increased the speed of his hips, and at this point he was positive that he was actually leaving bruises on the wolf’s hips. But Namjoon seemed to enjoy it. For a second Jimin was worried that he wouldn’t be able to last long enough, but with one pull on Namjoon’s bleached tail and a high throat whine Namjoon tightened around him as he came.
Jimin couldn’t hold back anymore as he emptied himself inside Namjoon, his strength more or less failing him as he fell on top of Namjoon’s back who had also given up on holding himself up. Both males just laid there trying to catch their breath for a while, until they heard a loud bang on the door. “So are you two finally done fucking? You scared my bunbun! Jungkook won’t come out of the bathroom because of you guys!”  
Authors note:
For people who care:
Namjoon: Ussuri dhole Jimin: Siberian Chipmunk Jungkook: Korean hare Taehyung: Siberian musk deer Yoongi: Pygmy killer whale Hoseok: Golden Crown Crane Seokjin: Asian Black Bear
- Prussia / Bottom Namjoon Queen
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