#if i can get 5 more done tomorrow and 5 on the weekend i can submit them on Sunday
choking-on-roses · 1 month
My goal was to grade 10 papers today. I really really reeeeaaaallyyyyy didn't want to and had to fight tooth and nail through the executive dysfunction. I clawed my way through at a pace of one essay per hour. I hated it, but I did it!
It's not even the fact that I reached my goal that made me happy (it was arbitrary). It's the fact that I'm even capable of getting through difficult things I don't want to do at all. I have been working on my self-discipline and focus for years and I'm very proud of myself for how far I've come.
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andessence · 6 days
hello treasured mutuals! if you have not absolutely had it up to here with me for fixating so heavily on the vampire armand lately.... if indeed you are here for the armand content ..... and we don't have any threads underway, today i offer you STARTER CALL FOR ARMAND. tomorrow? who knows...
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exopelagic · 18 days
help I got way too into homebrewing dnd stuff and now I can’t sleep
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ifimdreaming · 8 months
can i take you home?
luke hughes x reader || angst, fluff
request: “i like the idea of her best friend going to michigan/dating a former teammate of lukes so thats how luke and reader meet! i love angst and given that its lukes rookie year/she goes to college in another state, maybe they could be friends w benefits but both have strong feelings.”
author's note: i thought this request was so so cute so i kind of took it and ran. also kinda influenced by i miss you, im sorry by gracie abrams. this is also super long but i hope the ending is worth it. let me know if i should do more parts of this!
word count: 5.0k
Waking up to the sound of your best friend pounding on the guest bedroom door at 7am was not exactly the best way to start your day. But since you are staying the weekend in her student house that she shares with 5 other people, there are definitely unluckier ways you could have been awoken. 
“Morning sleepy head!!! I'm so happy you're up!” your best friend Emma almost shouts as she barges in the room, after you very reluctantly told her she could come in. She immediately begins opening the curtains, and rummaging through her closet to find her outfit for the day.
In her haste she almost spills the two cups of coffee she had brought up from the kitchen as she sets them on the dresser beside the bed, her mug being almost completely empty anyway. You can tell by her enthusiasm and caffeine intake that she has been up for quite a long time before deciding to wake you up. 
You groggily roll over and face away from the wide open curtains, not ready to face the day yet and really disappointed in yourself for choosing to drive up so late last night in the first place.
Of course you were happy to be able to visit your best friend, the two of you going to different schools making it incredibly hard to spend much time together anymore. But being back here brought back so many memories of the last time you visited. Both good and bad. And to be honest, all you could think about was him. From the very moment Emma invited you, he has been on your mind nonstop. 
The way he made you feel so utterly adored when he brought you back to his room, how he spoke to you so gently and quietly the one morning when you were hungover, the time he spilled and called you ‘his’ while you were in bed together, and how much it seemed like it would last forever. It was all coming back so strongly.
“So, what are the plans for the day Little Miss Sunshine?” you sit up, reluctantly speaking your first words of the day after clearing your throat. 
“Well! First I thought we'd go get bagels for breakfast from down the street, and then I think one of us may need a quick shower before we officially start our day…” Emma says with a hand on the side of her mouth, pretending to be saying a secret as she is side-eyeing you, and you just stare at her offendedly, “Aaand we are doing something tonight so maybe we should go shopping..” she says quickly and excitedly, clearly brushing past what exactly it is that we are doing tonight.
“Alright then.” you say as you check your phone for probably the 20th time in the 10 minutes you've been awake. And you can see Emma staring at you from the corner of your eye so you decide to throw your phone to the other side of the bed, getting up and ready to go. You knew she wasn't oblivious, but you did not want to acknowledge the look she was giving you right now, and honestly it did not seem necessary to bring anything up.
Besides, this weekend isn't even about him. Dylan's surprise birthday party is tomorrow and your best friend was so excited to be planning it with your help. She hadn't done anything this extravagant for her boyfriend before and she wanted everything to be absolutely perfect.
Obviously the last thing you would want to do is ruin this weekend for her, and your stupid feelings and non-relationship are included in that.
The walk to the bagel shop seemed awkwardly long as you were both not acknowledging the fact that your mind is very very distracted. It wasn't intentional. But feelings and places have such strong connections and the fact that things felt so unresolved was not helping. Everywhere you are here reminds you of him.
“How's your bagel?” Emma speaks up, finally breaking the silence on your walk home, thankfully giving you an opportunity to get out of your thoughts.
“Oh it's good! Thanks! I was super hungry…” you say, trying to muster up a believable enough reason for why you've been so off today. 
You continue walking and shuffling your feet in silence and are about to return back to the house before Emma looks at you and sighs loudly.
So. Close. You are literally about to step onto the driveway of the house when she stops you. 
“Ok can we just talk about it please? Because there is no way we are going to get through this entire weekend just ignoring it.” she says, stepping in front of you and blocking any sort of way for you to get out of this conversation. 
“What are you talking about?” you say with a grumble and a sigh. Knowing she is going to get it out of you. Obviously she would.
“Luke.” Emma says deadpan, waiting for your response.
For some reason at this moment you wanted to cry just hearing his name. But you also wanted to yell. Your feelings were confusing and annoying and it upset you to even have to talk about it with someone, even though you knew you should.
“I don't know. I DON'T KNOW. I can't stop thinking about him, and everything is so confusing.” you whisper-yell at her in frustration. 
It pained you to admit that you couldn't get him off your mind. You didn't realise how much you even liked him until having to admit that.
“He visited me during christmas… I mean, he did in the fall, but this time felt different.” You continue,  “We slept together again. Everything felt like it was going so well…And now nothing.” you admit to her and wipe your face with your sleeves, angry at the tears that have fallen from your eyes. 
“Has he called?” She asks warily.
“Once? Last week. It was short… but he sounded sad. He said he misses me. And he told me he really wanted to visit me. And I've texted him since then and no response.” you look down at your feet as you speak. It really shouldn't be this embarrassing to admit. It's not like you were in a relationship with him anyway.
“He's going to be here...tomorrow? I didn't know if you knew..” Emma says as she grabs your arm and slowly brings you close to her as you begin walking inside together and you nod your head in her direction.
You knew he would be here. Dylan is one of his best friends, obviously he isnt going to miss his 21st birthday. But with how things were currently going, it honestly made you wonder if Luke would even want you here. And what do his friends even know about you two? Has Luke said anything? So many questions are going through your head that it is almost making you dizzy.
The rest of the day is so much lighter after your earlier conversation. Emma is exponentially good at cheering people up, and maybe even to a fault, will always be on your side no matter what. But you appreciated it regardless.
You are currently finishing up putting on your makeup and getting ready to go out tonight, still very unaware of what the plan even is. But you didn't have much of a choice in the matter as Emma has picked out every aspect of your outfit tonight - down to the shoes, makeup, and jewellery.
Suddenly Emma gets a call from Dylan and runs into her bathroom to answer the phone, the music cutting out that was playing from her phone as she heads off, and silence filling the room.
You weren't intending to be eavesdropping, but you are able to hear muffled voices from the other side of the door and very hushed arguing that you couldn't quite make out. Making you curious as to what could possibly be going on tonight.
Emma saunters back into the room with hesitancy, her expression is scared and concerned at the same time as she is approaching you almost in slow-motion, saying nothing.
“What is it? Just spit it out.” you say, already knowing you are either about to hear the worst news of all time or the worst news of all time.
“Ok surprise! We're going out for sushi! Yay!” Emma says, obviously starting with the good news and you stay silent.
“And…Luke is coming out with us.” she continues, flinching at her own words as she plops herself on the bed across from you. You sit at her desk, makeup in hand, and cannot help but have an absolutely astonished look on your face. 
Nothing is able to even leave your mouth as her words run through your mind again and again.
“I am so SO sorry.” She starts. “One of the guys accidentally told Dylan that Luke is in town and I didn’t want to ruin the surprise for tomorrow, so I told Dylan that Luke and I were trying to surprise him tonight for dinner. I didn't know what else to say. It was literally the first thing that came to my mind. I'm so sorry.” she continues, worried she has done irreparable damage on your friendship.
“You can kill me now.” Emma blurts out defeatedly, wanting to keep the surprise for tomorrow and not wanting all her efforts to be ruined the day before the party.
Obviously you love that girl, but very much did want to kill her in this moment.
“Does Luke know I'm going to be there?” you ask, brushing past everything else she has said.
“Dylan said he would tell him, yeah, but if you don't want to come please don't feel like you have to.” she says with a small smile, hoping you have some-what forgiven her.
“No, I'll still come.” you say quietly but matter-of-factly.
If Luke knew you were coming, it would be weird if you decided to stay home now because of it, and besides, what would you do here alone? Thinking of what he would be doing and wishing you could read his mind is all you can think of.
“OH? This is good! Ok! Dylan said he is picking us up in 20 minutes!” Emma states, suddenly very excitedly, hoping it will cheer you up to see that she is excited. And as you continue getting ready, nervous energy and anticipation fill your body.
Dylan shows up right on time, unfortunately for you, not giving you any extra time to sit and wallow in your feelings.
It was inevitable that you would be seeing Luke this weekend, but this quickly and under these conditions was not exactly ideal. You were hoping to at least be able to have a one-on-one conversation with him before being thrown into random get togethers where things have no chance but to be awkward.
The drive to dinner is surprisingly happy. Dylan seems so excited to be seeing his best friend again. He can't stop talking about the last time they saw each other and how long it has been. And Emma's laughter and giddy energy is helping you calm down and distract you just a little bit.
“The reservation is for 7pm so we might have to wait in the car for a few minutes.” Emma says, checking her phone as Dylan pulls up to the restaurant a bit early. 
The dim lighting and intimate booths look extremely inviting as you peer inside the windows of the restaurant from the parking lot. You can't help but get distracted by watching people inside as Emma and Dylan talk from the front seats of the car and are cutely chatting to each other quietly.
“There's my boy!” Dylan yells out as he jumps out of the driver's seat, running up to give Luke a hug across the parking lot.
“Ready?” Emma looks back and asks you, reassuringly placing her hand on your knee and rubbing her thumb up and down a few times.
“Guess so…” you say with a fake smile as you grab your purse from beside you, and as you are about to leave the car, you see a tall figure standing right outside your door.
Only a little bit startled, you look up to see Luke as he opens your door for you and greets you with a tired smile. He is dressed nicely in black pants and a cream cable knit sweater, his hair curly and tousled up like always. 
As you step out of the car he brings you into a tight hug, like he just couldn't wait to hold you again.
“I missed you…” Luke whispers so quietly into your ear that you almost couldn't hear him. He swiftly leaves a gentle kiss to the side of your head as he brings his hands just a bit lower down your back, “I’m sorry” he says quietly as he releases you.
As much as you want to reciprocate, you are so caught off guard by his words that you just stare up at him without a word.
“Alright let's go! I'm so hungry!” Dylan says, unaware of the tension, as he pats Luke's back and wraps an arm around him, walking in front of you and Emma and into the restaurant. 
Emma is glancing at you as you walk together, waiting to hear from you what Luke said, but you decide to ignore it with a shrug and she looks away. 
Dinner is filled with laughter and catching up with one another. Surprisingly it wasn't even half as awkward as you built it up to be. Dylan chatting away with Luke as you and Emma giggle across from each other about all the drama at your respective schools. 
Having a couple of drinks throughout the night was definitely helping, but regardless of that, you felt good. Really good.
“Luke, how's the love life going for you? You got a girl in Jersey?” Dylan asks with a laugh as Emma had just bragged about her and Dylan going on 2 years of being together.
She shoots you a regretful look as she hits Dylan's side with her elbow, not as discreetly as she probably wanted to, and your face turns bright red.
Luke looks down at his lap and shakes his head with a chuckle, seemingly avoiding eye contact with you at all costs.
“No man, no girl in jersey.” Luke says lightly as he takes a drink of his beer before the two of you make eye contact and he glances down to your fidgety hands that are in your lap. 
“My bad, my bad…” Dylan says with a laugh as he clears his throat and starts back to finishing the food on his plate, Emma quietly shushing her clueless boyfriend beside her.
Your nervous hands continue to pick at your cuticles and you look over to see Luke inching his hand closer beside yours on the booth bench. Looking up from your lap, you see him glancing back at you as he waits for your reaction before discreetly taking your hand in his under the table.
The feeling of his hand in yours is so comforting and familiar and immediately eases your anxiousness. But you still feel so conflicted.
Luke always knew how to comfort you and distract you from your thoughts when they were out of control. Especially during busy school semesters and many nights spent together with him keeping you company while you anxiously wrote papers and prepped for exams. 
He seemed to be there for you when it felt like you had no one else. At least that's how it used to feel. Now things feel so complicated. Not knowing the status of your relationship surprisingly taking a much larger toll on your ability to act like friends than you would have ever thought.
“So! I've got the bill tonight guys. Happy birthday Dyl!” Emma blurts out as the waiter approaches the table, she leans over to give her boyfriend a loving kiss, comfortably filling the awkward silence that had just taken over the table not long before.
“Thank you baby! And hey! thanks guys for coming out tonight too.” Dylan smiles at the both of you as he lifts up his glass for a toast. You all clink your glasses, wishing him happy birthdays that follow big swigs of your almost empty alcoholic beverages.
Walking out of the restaurant, your mind fills with running thoughts. You wish you had spoken to Luke more tonight but it was hard to not make anything obvious. He seemed good, but still weirdly sad and you wanted to talk to him about it so badly. You wanted to talk to him about everything.
As you near Dylan's car you feel Luke's hand brush against yours and lightly hold your wrist, turning you around to face him.
“Can I take you home?” Luke shyly asks you as you all stand in the parking lot together. You mutter a “sure” under your breath with a nod, and he looks to Dylan and Emma for confirmation, both of them nodding in agreement before bringing you into tight hugs and saying goodbyes.
“Tell me everything that happens girly.” Emma runs back over to you and whispers into your ear as she hugs you goodbye once more, and all you can do is let out a small laugh in response to her teenage-esque behaviour.
After Dylan and Emma drive away, the short walk over to Luke’s car suddenly seems agonisingly long and your heart is racing in anticipation. Over anything else that happens tonight, you really wanted clarity. But of course, thoughts of the worst possible outcome ever sneak their way into your mind.
Luke opens the passenger side door for you and you climb into his car before he gently closes the door and walks to the other side. As he gets in, he begins to start the car before he looks over to you and pauses, the quiet becoming almost painful. 
You didn't know what to say, and you didn't want to say the wrong thing. So, waiting for him to break the silence seemed to be your best bet.
“I know I should have thought of something to say…” He starts, and shuffles in his seat, slightly bending his right leg so he is facing you a little more.
“I'm sorry. I shouldn't have stopped responding to you.” Luke continues, and you almost want to roll your eyes at his apology. It was so hard to be understanding when this felt like such a preventable situation on his part.
But you knew Luke. You knew when he was scared he got distant. You knew he was pulling back from you. You just didnt know why.
“Things have been so…weird…lately, and I just…I know I fucked up.” He confesses.
You didn't want to be reading between the lines anymore. You just wanted him to be honest with you about what he wants, and it frustrated you that he was being so vague.
“Luke, what do you want? Like, from me?” you ask innocently, but squint your eyes closed tightly as the words coming out of your mouth sound completely different from what you intended.
“Like, you told me we were friends. And obviously I was ok with that. But when you would visit me, we’d sleep together. And when you left it was like. I don't know…” you look down and pick at your fingers as you speak, looking up at him feeling like an almost impossible task.
“You told me you wanted to be friends.” Luke states, and gently grabs your hand. He holds it in his to stop you from destroying your fingers as you speak, which causes you to look up at him, thanking him silently, as he waits on your response.
“I said that because I knew how hard it would be for us to be so far away from each other.” you say strongly, feeling the sudden need to defend yourself.
“You know how important school is to me, and I know how important your career is to you. I don't want to distract you from what's important to you. I don't want to be the one that gets in the way of things, or be the reason why you're not as focused as you could be…as much as I want to be-” you begin to confess, but are quickly cut off.
“It's kinda too late for that…” Luke says with a chuckle as he tilts his head back against the headrest of his seat and looks out the front window, frustration still evidently seen on his face.
“What do you mean??” you ask, hoping he will elaborate a little more than he has been so far.
“You already distract me. I can't stop thinking about you. And it's obvious. In my game and everything too. Even Jack has noticed and he keeps asking me about you and I don't even know what to say. I can't shut him up. Cuz how am I supposed to tell him how I feel when I can't even tell you? Its actually really fuckin annoying.” he laughs as he explains, still looking ahead out the window instead of at you. 
Luke has always sought to use humour and jokes in difficult situations, especially when it comes to his own feelings. He's clearly frustrated at himself and it hurts you to see him having such a hard time expressing himself.
“So why have you been so distant lately?! I’ve been really worried about you.” you say, suddenly feeling more confident in confronting him as he opens up to you.
“Cuz im scared im gonna fuck things up even more than I already have…” he says honestly as he turns his head to look at you again.
“I knew I should've said something from the moment we slept together the first time. I feel like I fucked up by keeping my mouth shut. It's been ruining my life to not just be honest with you.” he adds with a growl deep in his voice, anger at himself seeping through his words.
As he continues, you can't help but feel entranced by him in his current state, and suddenly you are very aware of how late at night it is becoming. 
“It's my fault...” Luke says, and you desperately try to focus on his words and not his body. 
But you can't help but think about how good his hands would feel on your body and how badly you want him to kiss you right here and now. You didn't care that you were still in the parking lot of a sushi restaurant. You didn't care that things were still so confusing and that this probably wasn't exactly the most ideal time to be feeling this way. You just felt like you needed him so badly.
“I've been treating you like shit lately. Regardless of us sleeping together, that should not change how I treat you. I've been a shitty friend to you, and I'm really really sorry.” he continues, and you are brought out of your trance. 
His words hit you so hard. You both unknowingly made this relationship so complicated and weren't even aware of it. You knew Luke was not perfect, but for some reason you expected him to be able to read your mind, and vice versa. Even after being the one to say you should stay friends, you were silently upset that nothing was happening in the way you wanted.
“Luke, it's ok. Both of us have not been entirely honest with each other lately and it's made everything so… fucked up. We’re just… in a weird spot.” you say, hoping your words make any sense considering you zoned out for half of his apology.
“Can I just say that I want to be able to fix this?” Luke says as he places his hand on your thigh, his fingers mindlessly getting higher and higher as he rubs slowly back and forth. Trying his best to soothe you and unknowingly turning you on even more.
“It isn't just on you to fix.” you say as you place your hand softly over his, stopping his movement on your leg as to not let it overly distract you.
“Yes it is. I let you down. I fucked up by being so fucking…distant. I should've been more clear about what I want…that I want you..” Luke admits, giving into what he has wanted to say from the moment you got into the car together.
His eyes are fixed on yours and it makes your heart flutter in your chest. Hearing him so confidently confess how he is feeling after so long is such a relief. It makes you want to just tell him you love him right here and now.
“I know things are complicated…but, I really don't want to not have you in my life…” Luke adds as tears begin to well in his eyes, catching you both off guard.
“Oh Lukey.” you whisper as you hold his face in your hands, your heart melting at the sight of him. 
Luke places his hands on your wrists, pulling them away from his face as he finally leans into you. 
His lips hit yours with an intensity that you have never felt before from him. His hands move away from yours, and to the base of your neck, gently pulling you closer into him as he deepens the kiss. 
Your eyes are glued shut as you are entranced by his lips finally being connected with yours as his tongue dances around in your mouth. 
Needing to have your hands on him, you reach up to brush his face with your thumbs and then begin gently tugging at the curls at the nape of his neck, causing him to lustfully groan deep into your mouth. Your mind is filled with excitement and intensity as the moment grows in mutual desire.
“I needed you baby.” You say rushedly, disconnecting with him for only a moment.
Luke smiles against your lips as you connect again, and he places his left hand on your hip, massaging his fingers into your side. You lift yourself lightly onto the centre-console, desperate to be as close to him as you can get, and he lowers his hand just below your ass to help support you.
Although being in the close quarters of Luke's car while having such a monumental conversation about your relationship was not quite ideal, you were so thankful for it at this moment.
“I needed you too.” Luke says after coming up for air, and you just stare at him with a dizzy smile, your head reeling with arousal.
He pecks your lips a few times before lowering his head to your collarbone, gently kissing your neck and leaving red marks where he most definitely has before.
Your giggles fill the car as he continues expeditiously exploring your body, wanting to savour every moment of your presence and relishing in the way he is pleasing you.
Luke looks up at you with a smile before his eyebrows furrow and he is distracted by something behind you, causing you to whip your head around to look out your window, immensely alarmed at his expression. 
Luke lightly lets go of you, allowing you to sit properly in your seat and as your eyes focus on the window, the sight of a kind-looking restaurant hostess tapping on the glass outside of your door almost sends you reeling into a panic. 
Luke quickly reassures you with a laugh, placing his hand on your arm and starting the car before beginning to roll your window down for them to speak.
“I am so sorry if I startled you, but our restaurant has closed, which means we can no longer allow you to park here, as free parking ends at midnight.” the hostess explains politely while pointing to the sign posted on the brick wall just in front of Luke's car. 
“Thanks Ma’am. We’re so s-sorry.” Luke pauses to hide his face, clearly hiding that he is about to break into laughter.
“We’ll leave right aw-” Luke laughs out, hardly able to finish his sentence before being sent into a fit of silent laughter.
“We’re so sorry. Have a good night!” you say more seriously, trying to make up for the completely unserious boy beside you.
“Goodnight guys!” the hostess says as she walks away, leaving you completely embarrassed and also scared half to death.
Luke continues dying of laughter and is hunched over the steering wheel as you punch his arm repeatedly to get his attention.
“That was awful! Why are you laughing so hard!” you say unimpressed, but still unable to hold back laughter of your own after seeing him look up at you with tears in his eyes.
“Fuck. I can't get over your face.” Luke says as he begins to come down a little, wiping the tears from his eyes. You just shake your head and begin to buckle your seatbelt, not taking any chances of having to be asked to leave once more.
“Fuck.” he says once more with a sigh, relaxing in his seat and looking over to you with a genuine smile before patting your thigh reassuringly.
You look to Luke expectantly and he stares back at you with a smirk before kissing your lips passionately, catching you off guard. 
Your hands are drawn to his face as he nudges your chin with his, causing you to lean into him even further before he pulls away from you abruptly.
“Can I take you home?” Luke asks with lust in eyes as he brushes his thumb across your cheek, admiring every single feature on your face. His words having a different meaning to both of you than they have previously tonight.
“For real this time?? Because you know we cant sit in this parking lot any longer…” you say jokingly as Luke rolls his eyes at you and begins to put his seatbelt on.
“Yes, for real this time.” He retorts. His right hand eagerly finding yours as he interlocks your fingers with his, bringing your hand up to his lips to place a tender kiss before finally driving off.
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drvscarlett · 6 months
Let Him Cook Pt 6
Charles Leclerc x Masterchef! Reader
Let Him Cook Series 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
A/N: Thank you for that anon who gave me a message for the next part of the series. This one is dedicated for you!
taglist: @bookstore-of-dreams@barcelonaloverf1life@ririyulife@minseok-smaus@mehrmonga@sltwins@charlesgirl16@six-call@spideybv28@casperlikej@weekendlusting@janeholt3 @evie-119@leilanixx @randomgirlnumber-13@itsjustkhaos
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Cookies and Grand Prix
Y/NCooks just posted a photo.
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Y/NCooks Now that my masterchef duties are done. Its my first time going to a grand prix as Charles' girlfriend. I hope you like cookies
Y/NCooks I'll give you a cookie when I see you! User1 Ohmygod, this is the best. You are the best!
User3 I'm envious of everyone going to Monza this year, Y/N is giving out cookies
User4 The details are everything on those cookies
CarlosSainz55 Im technically a former ferrari driver so can I claim a cookie?
LoganSargeant can i have one too? Y/NCooks this is for everyone!! Make sure to drop by Carlos and Logan! Maxverstappen1 Expect me around! User5 Everybody is a ferrari fan!
"Okay mon amour, so there will be a big crowd when we arrive" Charles briefed you as you get closer to the venue "Make sure to stick close to me."
"Yes honey, I know. Hold your hand and don't let go"
Charles has been extremely stressed and he thinks it might not be a good idea to bring you to Monza for your first GP as a couple. However, you couldn't pass up the opportunity. You have seen how the people cheered for Charles when he won in Monza, the crowd was electrifying. You wonder what will happen if it happens again this weekend.
Besides, you have a basket full of cookies that you prepared to give for those fans of Charles that you will meet.
You were immediately greeted by a huge crowd calling out Charles name. It was no wonder that there was several security guards waiting at Charles' designated parking lot.
It was normal for Charles to stop to take photos and to sign some merch. What surprised the duo was that the fans were asking for Y/N and her cookies.
"We really waited for you guys so we can get some cookies" one of the avid Tifosi said
"I really hope the cookies give ferrari luck"you agreed.
There was a buzz in the paddock as you gave away several more cookies to the different fans you encountered. You managed to give Carlos and Logan since they were also waiting at the parking lot. You were so carried away talking to everyone that you didn't realize that you already ran out of cookies.
"Oh no, I didn't save cookies for your other friends" you concluded upon reaching the garage.
"That's okay mon amour, I'm sure they would understand that there is no more cookies" Charles assured.
And like a comical entrance, a man in full Red Bull gear enters the sea of red uniforms.
"What do you mean no more cookies?" Max asked "I did not just go through all the security details to not have cookies"
Grill the grid: eggs
It was a fairly easy challenge, the media team thought. They believe that there will be no harm to let the drivers cook since its just a simple hard-boiled egg.
There was a stove, a pot, 2 bottles of water, eggs, vinegar, salt, and pepper on the table. They also thought that it will be funny to put unnecessary spices and ingredients on the table so there is grated cheese, spring onions, cinnamon, carrots, and etc..
The drivers entered the room looking confused at the different set up of the Grill the Grid.
"We're giving people what they want, today were actually allowing the drivers to show off their cooking skills with this special episodes of grill the grid"
Charles is obviously happy. He was already raving about how there are different versions of eggs that he tried at home because of Y/N.
"I have already tried doing poached egg, soft-boiled eggs, french omelette, american ones" Charles enumerated "I think I'm the best at making scrambled eggs"
"Its just scrambled"
"There is a technique there" and Charles continued to ramble on the different techniques that he has used to achieve the perfect scrambled eggs.
On the other hand, Oscar is attempting to make a hard boiled egg. He admits to the camera that he did not have any experience of it but he definitely knows how it taste (obviously).
"So Oscar what is your game plan here?"
"Well, I'm planning to boil the water and I think I should add some vinegar and then maybe sugar and salt so the egg will be flavored" Oscar stopped as he heard the giggling on set "Wait am I wrong?"
"No, no, just continue"
"Okay so I think I'm gonna let the eggs cook once the water is rolling then I'm gonna wait for 15-18 minutes because I don't wanna serve raw eggs" Oscar continued.
The staffs are a bit shocked by the length of time. It was beyond overcooked but they wouldn't say anything to the Australian driver.
It cuts to Max who seems to be pretty confident with his skill. Its a simple egg, how hard can it be?
"Of course, we have to get the water boiling and then I'm going to put it in for 5 minutes and then get the egg out" Max explained.
If Oscar has a long waiting time, Max was immediately dropping the egg even before the water is boiling because Max believes that the water is hot to the touch.
"What happened, why is the egg still runny?" Max wondered
He cut off the egg and there was still slimy white and the yolks were uncooked. There was a frown on his face as he looked back at his pot, he thinks he is being sabotaged.
"I'm gonna do it again"
Yuki was excited to do the cooking challenge. He insisted that he will not just make a hard boiled egg but he will also showcase a soft-boiled egg. The staffs were ecstatic to see him running around to get iced water for his eggs.
"I make these weekly so I'm really confident that it will turn out well"Yuki has a permanent grin as he fishes out his soft-boiled egg.
"If you want a soft-boiled egg, boiling water with the bubbles and then 8 minutes on the clock. Then you put it in an ice bath and then peel it" Yuki narrates.
He opens his soft boiled egg and it showcases a jammy yolk and soft whites, the perfect kind of soft-boiled eggs. The studio applauds at Yuki's efforts.
Y/NCooks just posted a photo
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Y/NCooks since the episode is out, here is the list of photos sent to me by the crew. Guess which is which.
User6 i was seriously laughing when he said 18 to 20 minutes User7 For real, man thinks he is tenderizing meat
maxverstappen1 i demand a part 2
Charles_Leclerc "its so easy" maxverstappen1 shut up. i have been cooking now kellypiquet p is getting tired of eggs every morning user9 max is really serious to train himself on how to make eggs
User14 I just know that yuki is the one with the best looking egg, so smooth!!!
Y/Ncooks yes!!! User17 charles is the one with the unsmooth peeling Y/NCooks the man can't have it all, i guess
LandoNorris thank God they didn't send you my photo
Y/NCooks lando, i dont think anyone grabbed a photo since the fire department was called CarlosSainz55 you did what???? Charles_Leclerc and they call me as someone who can't cook when we have Lando here being a fire hazard LandoNorris Y/N THAT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE OUR SECRET User22 atleast team papaya are both needing lessons.
The cookie prank.
Max was still upset that he didn't get to have cookies in Monza. He was really looking forward to it so he wasn't the least suspicious when he allowed Charles inside his home since he brought him cookies.
It was wrong of Max to put down his defenses.
"I'm gonna get some water, you want anything?" Max asked
"No, I'm just gonna get comfortable here with your cats"
Charles stood in front of the cat litter box and he pulled the ziplock bag that he has. Inside the ziplock bag was another set of cookies that looks like cat poops. He laughed quietly as he sets up the scene.
"Max, do you know about that coffee made from poop?" he asked the Dutchman
"Of course, Kopi Luwak" Max replied "Why did you ask?"
Max walked out of the kitchen and he can see clearly how Charles picked up a poop from the litter box. He almost dropped the water that he is holding upon seeing that.
"What if we use cat poop instead" Charles wondered
The pure mortification in Max's face when Charles started eating the poop. It seems like his friend lost his mind after driving in Ferrari for all these years.
"You should try some"
"Y/N, CHARLES IS GOING CRAZY" Max immediately placed you on a call "I THINK HE NEEDS THERAPY"
"Woah slow down Max" you were out on a grocery run and now Max is screaming at your ear
"Hello mon amour"Charles greeted on the other line.
You made a mental face palm as you remembered how Charles insisted that you make very realistic cookies that looks like poop. Charles never opened it to you that he will be using it to prank Max. You started laughing at the shock in Max's face.
"Max, those are cookies" you defended
Oh what would you do with these boys.
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sinofwriting · 8 months
Names and Practice - Ollie Bearman
Words: 1,142 Prompt: Soulmate AU (also short!reader) Note(s): Italics means they are talking to each other in their heads. Ollie is listed on his website as being 1.87 meters (6’1 in feet) so reader in this is about 1.52 meters (5’ feet) to give the height difference
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Ollie has to stifle a laugh feeling the niggling of his soulmate waking up, his eyes dart towards the clock, half past ten, and sure enough a resounding fuck sounds off his head and he has to cough to disguise a laugh.
“Why didn’t you wake me up?” Ollie scoffs in his head. “You needed sleep. Your exams are finally over, classes done, you’ve got your degree, no more crashing at three and waking at six.”
“Bear.” She whines.
“Care.” He whines back, nodding at Rene in agreement about the line for turn eight. He hears her huff but then it goes quiet and he refocuses on the data over the track.
“You’re working this weekend, right?” He makes a humming noise both in his head and out loud as he stretches, leaving the garage, happy to be done with looking at data. “Yeah. What are you doing this weekend?”
“I’m going to Silverstone.” He freezes and hopes she doesn’t pick up the odd combination of dread and joy he feels. “Silverstone.”
“Mhmm. Jay had tickets but Noah surprised them with a trip.”
“Italy right?”
“Yep, so Jay gave me his tickets, told me to get out of the flat, so I’m getting out.” He smiles at the way she says it. “Good, you deserve it.”
“Are you going to everything?” He asks later, cozy in his hotel room he got for the weekend. Not wanting to travel to and from the track and his parent’s house. “Everything?” The question is absentminded and he can picture her focusing on dinner, with narrowed eyes and a pout on her face. It makes him ache, like it always does when he pictures her, but it’s not actually her he’s seeing. “Silverstone. Are you going to the practices and stuff? The things for F2 and F3?” He waits with bated breath for her answer. “I was planning on it.” Her voice is quiet. “I know you're really into it, so I figured I’d take advantage, see it in person when I can.”
“I’m gonna be there.” He blurts out. “What?” Her voice is shaky. “I’m gonna be there at Silverstone, tomorrow.” He tries to say that he’s a driver, but the bond blocks it, like it does for anything personal or revealing. It makes him want to bash his head against a wall. What was the point in blocking him telling her that when she would just find out tomorrow?
“Meet me tomorrow?” Her voice is a little desperate. “I mean, I just.” He cuts her off. “Of course, I’ll meet you.”
The next morning, as he sits in a café, his leg bounces as he looks at the door. She was going to be wearing red, for Ferrari she had teased, knowing that he loved the team, just not how much. She was average height and the next part had come out shyly, would have a tote with carebears on it.
He nearly groans when someone enters and it’s not her and he forces himself to take a deep breath, making his eyes wander around the interior of the café. He had been here twice before with Jak, when he didn’t have duties in Maranello but Jak was needed at Milton Keynes.
It was weird being around Milton Keynes but not with Jak. But he wasn’t about to meet her closer to the track or in Brackley. He shudders at the idea of being near Mercedes’ hub.
The sound of the door opening as his eyes immediately back to looking and the person standing there makes him lose his breath.
Because she was wearing red, Ferrari red, she had a carebear tote, she most certainly wasn’t average height, but she was fucking gorgeous and the thought, the image of her translates through the bond and he watches as her eyes widen before she looks over at where he’s sitting.
“Bear?” She asks, voice quiet, considerate of the other people inside the café. He slowly stands, a nervous grin stretching across his face. “Hi, Care.” Before he knows what's happening, she’s bounding over, wrapping her arms around him and burying her head in his chest. The movement stuns him but he quickly returns her embrace, pressing his face into her hair as his eyes close, taking in this, taking in her, taking in his soulmate.
“I want to stay here forever.” He flushes at her thought, but echoes it. Now that he had met her and was holding her, he never wanted to let her go. “Y’know.” He murmurs after a moment, trying to distract himself from kissing her, from kissing her for the first time in public, of all places. “You said you were average height.” “I am average height.” She frowns, pulling back slightly and tilting her head to look up at him. “You're just a giant.” He laughs, “you barely come up to my shoulders, love. I’m tall but I’m not that tall.” She pouts up at him and he swallows thickly, wanting to take that bottom lip in between his.
He’s jerked out of his thoughts by his phone ringing and he moves one of his hands from her to grab his phone, quickly answering it. “Ollie.” He says and watches as she mouths the name, turning red as he realizes that he still hasn’t told her his name. “Y’know that practice starts in an hour and half, right?” He flinches, pulling his phone back to look at the time, and curses. “I’m like thirty minutes away, I’ll be there.” Jak chuckles. “Uh huh. I’ve got you covered, just wanted to let you know since someone is going to try and make a stink of it.” A scowl crosses his face briefly but then he sees her looking at him concerned and he smiles. “I’ll be there.” He promises again, before hanging up.
“Everything okay?” “Yeah.” He nods. “It’s just, uh, free practice starts in the next hour and half and I kind of need to be there?” “You need to be there?” Confusion is clear on her face. “I uh, I’m a F2 driver for one of the teams.” “And you're here? Ollie!” He laughs and tightens his one-handed grip on her as she tries to push away from him. “It’s practice for a track I’ve driven before. I needed to meet my soulmate, it’s a bit important.” She stares at him in disbelief, shaking her head, before she takes a breath and smiles at him. “You are absolutely crazy.” His smile widens at that. “Now, let's get to your free practice, I’d like everyone you work with to like me. And my name is Y/N.” She finishes, feeling him start to ask inside their heads and out loud. He mouths her name as well, liking the feel of it, before he nods. “Alright, let's get to free practice.”
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@crashingwavesofeuphoria @gemofthenight @peachiicherries @lpab @hiireadstuff @iloveyou3000morgan @boiohboii @bibliosaurous @skepvids @elliegrey2803
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kimingyuslover · 3 months
Breath in your love
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Synopsis : What if Jeonghan wishes of turn back time come true?
Word count : 3,231
Pairing : yoon jeonghan x fem!reader
Genre : time traveler!au, angst, fluff, lovers to exes to lovers, second chance romance
Warnings & note : TEARS, she has a daughter named Seok kyung, single mom!reader, slight of dad!Jeonghan at the end, time traveler!Jeonghan, mentions of food, lots of mentions of Seok kyung, kinda simp!Jeonghan, mentions of pregnancy, this fic does not represent his character in real life!
a.n : back with another angst story.... literally tearing up rn lolololol
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Life hasn't been easy for you, not even now, exhaustion evident on your face, you just want to go home and have a good rest on weekends like you always do.
Working under one of the big 3 companies was not easy, and you know it, yet you still work there and even achieve being their head of finance.
After you reach home, all your exhaustion goes through the window when you see your daughter waiting patiently with her nanny at your doorstep.
She's greeting you with a sweet smile plastered on her face with a piece of paper that she held proudly on her chest.
“Seok kyung!” You open your arms towards her. She reciprocates by running to you and wraps her tiny hands on your back.
“Did you be a good girl today? you're not causing a problem, are you?” she giggles between your questions and shakes her head no.
“I'm not mommy! Miss Jiwoo also said I'm good today and she gives me 5 stars!” She gave you her paper full of stars, you gasped at her answer, then smiled widely.
“really? My baby is so smart!” You take her inside while Seok kyung's nanny helps you by taking your bag and you mouth a ‘thank you’ to her as she smiles at you.
Having Seok kyung was not on your plan, at least until you found out that you're pregnant 5 years ago with her, and your pregnancy is seven weeks old.
When you first tell your boyfriend– now ex, Jeonghan, that you’re pregnant and you want to keep it, arguments start to happen.
He’s arguing that he's not yet ready to be a father and he doesn't want you to keep it, whereas you argue back that even though you're both not as ready as anyone else to be a parents, you still wants to keep it, you can learn together how to be a good parents, they done nothing wrong, so if you aborted them, wouldn't it be cruel?
Arguments keep happening since then, and it took you 3 days to finally break up with him, if he doesn't want the baby so be it, you're willing to give up on your 6 years relationship for your baby.
And now here you are, a single mother on the peak of your 30s with a daughter and a stable job that can give you more than enough money to live with your daughter.
There's so much purchase that you buy for your future, like a car, a house, maids, and even a nanny to take care of your daughter while you're working.
When you're on a business trip, though, you bring her with you because it makes you not worry too much about her.
“Sweetheart, mommy's having a business trip tomorrow. Do you want to come with me, or do you want to stay here with Uncle Joshua?” You asked Seok kyung after bathing with her and putting on clothes for both of you.
She makes the ‘think’ gesture first and answers you with excitement in her voice, “I want to go with mommy! Will we go with a plane again?” You lightly chuckles and stroke her hair softly.
“Yes, we will, baby. Let's pack up first, yeah?” She nods her head and runs towards your walk-in closet to take a big suitcase.
[ఇ ◝‿◜ ఇ]
Now you're in the first class lounge, waiting for your airplane to open the gate for boarding.
Seok kyung playing games on her Ipad while you were reviewing the proposal your team has been working on for over a month.
After a couple minutes of waiting, your gate has finally opened for boarding, and you usher Seok kyung to get up from the couch and walk to the boarding gate.
On the other hand, Jeonghan thinks he might be dreaming when he sees you with a little girl on his plane boarding gate, smiles attached to your and her face while walking hand-in-hand.
It's been years since he last saw you, the last time was when he fucked up your relationship, feeding only his ego then at the end all of his mistake was the cause of your break up.
His first serious relationship that he cherished the most comes to an end, and it was not in a good way.
Jeonghan knew he was the wrong one, and the only one who can be blamed for your ruined relationship, you've done nothing wrong, but in his eyes that time, you've done more than the wrong things he imagined.
There’s a hard pang he feels in his heart when he sees you. He spent almost every hour in a day stalking your social media, and he always wanted to be the one who you'll always mention in your post.
He felt the hurt in his heart more when he saw your posting almost 5 years ago. It's a picture of one pair of tiny feet on your hand, but for him, it's not only a picture of a baby feets, it's a photo of his daughter, the one he left when you're only seven weeks pregnant.
When he got your notification, he almost immediately checked on his phone when he saw you updating your life with Seok kyung (he learned that was her name when one of your friends mentioned it in the comment section).
All of your updates have always been successful to bring a smile to his face.
Jeonghan always wondered what his life would be if he shortly apologised after the first argument, would Seok kyung love him? Will he be a good dad? Will you get married and live a happy life for the rest of your life just like you both had planned when your relationship entered 3 years?
The questions are always running on his mind 24/7, wanting no more than to run to you, holding both your hand and Seok kyung on his, kneeling in front of you and muttering apologise after apologise until you forgive him.
But that seems to be an impossible act. Before he knew it, he had already gotten on the plane and sat on his seat.
When he turns around, his body freezes upon seeing you and Seok kyung on your seats, playing like there's nobody else in the world.
After what feels like an eternity, the plane finally takes off, Jeonghan’s hoping that he won't be fast asleep because he wants to see you and your daughter– or rather, the daughter of his and yours.
A few hours have passed, and you are both fast asleep on your seat. Jeonghan called the air hostess to allow him to switch seats, luckily for him, it's not a full flight so there's a few seats left, he chooses the one who he can get closer to you, wanting to observe your little family a little bit more.
He can see the little detail on her face, he can see the manifestation of your and his love, she got your lips and eyes, meanwhile her nose and hair seems to be more likely to his.
Suddenly, tears started to brimming in his eyes. Why can't he accept his fate? Why can’t he do what a good fiancé will do when their fiancée says that she's pregnant? Why can't he seem to never be good enough to enroll in your life again?
Tears fell down from his eyes down his chin, then dropped to his lap.
oh, how he wished he could turn back time.
[ఇ ◝‿◜ ఇ]
“baby? baby, you need to get up. Today is still thursday, and you have to get ready to work” Jeonghan can't believe what he's hearing, your sweet voice filling both of his ears.
Realising that it was, indeed, your voice, he immediately sat up from his sleep figure and started to look at you with disbelief prominent on his face.
He still didn't believe his eyes, and he went as far as holding your cheeks with his hands, and you gave him a puzzled look.
“Uh, baby? what's wrong?” You asked him while raising one of your eyebrows, puzzled by his unusual behavior.
Jeonghan said nothing and just pulled you on his chest. If this is a dream, he’s hoping he will never wake up and have to live his life with the same nightmare everyday.
“Just for your information, ten minutes has passed and it's now seven past five and you can always hug me again when you get home” You said with muffled voice, and there Jeonghan let go of you, to have a better look of your face, and then smiles which you reciprocated with the same.
“Okay then, I have to go shower even though I still want to cuddle with you, am i?” You nod at his words and get off the bed.
Jeonghan finally comes to his senses and gets off from the bed, heading towards the bathroom, a wide smile still attached to his face.
After he got out of the shower, his ironed work attire already sat on his bed. It's the daily activity you would do, preparing his work attire when he showers.
Jeonghan still remembers how you two would act like a married couple, like a husband and wife, even long before your engagement.
When he goes downstairs, he searches for you, and when he does get to see you, you're in your kitchen, cooking breakfast and preparing lunch for him.
He never eats in the office canteen because the lunch you made has already made his stomach full, and he makes sure to tell you everytime he gets home from work.
Jeonghan checks the dates and months on his phone, and when he opens it.
January 16th, 2021
30 days before you announce that you're pregnant, he hopes that he can be here forever so he can fix everything for both of you.
“Love? Eat your breakfast first, and here's your lunch” back in the day, Jeonghan never appreciated your dish like he should, he only said ‘thanks’ before eating it half and then got up and went to the basement of your Maisonette apartment.
Jeonghan eagerly sat on the dining table and started to dig into the breakfast that you made, which is kimchi fried rice with seaweed on the side.
You look at him confused because Jeonghan is usually not this enthusiastic with your dish, but of course, you're happy to see Jeonghan eating your dish like this.
When he's done, Jeonghan goes to the sink and washes his plate and eateries.
“The food is so good sweetheart, can't wait to eat my lunch that you packed for me. Thank you, angel” He said, then kissed the top of your head with love, and that made you let out giggles.
“You're welcome. You better get go on though, there's a little traffic on the way to your office when i opened the maps earlier”
And does he already mention that you're always checking the maps before him?
After bidding you a goodbye, Jeonghan closed the front door and went straight to the basement, ready for probably a long day at work.
In the modern day, Jeonghan is already the vice president of the marketing department, so it shouldn't be that hard now.
He knows you're working remotely, so he doesn't need to worry about you getting late to your office.
In a matter of hours, lunch and working hours have passed, it is now five past six, and Jeonghan hurriedly tidying his office desk to go home.
Unluckily for him, the traffic is worse than the previous one in the morning where he got one, which makes him get home 15 minutes late.
Now it's 5:45, and he made it home before it got dark, wanting no more than to throw himself on your hugs.
“I'm home!” he announces as he kicks his shoes and places them on the shoe racks.
His ears perked up when he heard your hurried footsteps, coming down from the second floor.
“Long traffic? I've seen the route from your office to here. You should probably go shower. What do you want for dinner? I’ll make it” you said as you practically ran after you got off the stairs to him.
Jeonghan smiled. He really missed your attention for the past years he’s not with you.
So he answers you with the meals you and him like, Kimchi stew and after that he brings your lips to his for a chaste kiss that makes you blush and slap his chest lightly and whine his name.
Jeonghan just chuckles lightly, and he runs towards your shared bedroom to have a shower.
Once he gets out of the shower, he rushes out to your dining rooms, excited for the Kimchi stew you make.
Until now, Jeonghan only likes the Kimchi stew made by his mom and yours because he found comfort in them. He already tried to like Kimchi stew from the restaurants, but it never beat yours nor his mother's.
He misses these moments, where you and he will eat together in your shared maisonette, eating with happy giggles always left on both your lips, and the satisfied feelings when he's eating your dishes again with you sitting on the opposite of his seat.
“I love the meal, angel. you're such a good cook, i know you're going to be a good mom someday” He knows you're a good mom, Seok kyung always looks so happy when she's with you.
His words make you blush, and you try to hide it by burying your face on your hands, Jeonghan laugh and get up from his seat to hug you from your back, “I mean it, you're good at cooking and will be a good mom to our kids” then he kisses the top of your head before getting your and his bowl to wash it.
[ఇ ◝‿◜ ఇ]
February 15th, 2021
1 day before your announcement, everything goes more than well. He just has to stick with his plan, and he hopes he can change his future with you.
Jeonghan sometimes sees you when you're throwing up in your bathroom and always asks if you want him to go to the pharmacy nearby, but you always shake your heads no.
He tried to build a happy relationship with you. He wants to treat you with the treatments you deserve. He wants to love you like he should before the downfall.
He wants Seok kyung to have a life like the other kids, having a mother and father figure.
Jeonghan was living his old life, like usual, going to work 9 to 5, going out with you every weekend, and telling you how much he loves you everytime he could.
He just got off from work. When you suddenly started to put distance between you, he furrowed his eyebrows, creating creases on his forehead.
He vividly remembers that this was not in his memory.
Did he do something wrong? Why are you putting distance towards him? Does his plan not work? Do you want to get off of him? His thoughts are running hundreds of miles per hour, thinking of the worst scenario in his head.
The next day comes fast. Last night, Jeonghan had already emailed his boss that he’s taking 2 weeks off and requested to do work from home because his fiancée is pregnant. His boss doesn't waste another single time as she reads it. She accepts Jeonghan's request.
Jeonghan’s nervous. Could he really change the future?
“Jeonghan,” There is it, your voice calling his name, it means you will have a serious conversation with him.
You look so afraid that you couldn't see him in the eyes, your eyes attached to the ground beneath you, Jeonghan can see that you're trembling, so initiated to take you by your shoulders and told you to sit in front of him.
“What's wrong, honey?” Jeonghan asks, worried plastered on his face.
“I'm pregnant with your child. It's seven weeks old” you said hurriedly while giving him the test, the ultrasounds, and the doctor's examination letter.
In the past timeline, Jeonghan already cuts you off when you said you're pregnant with his child, never letting you finish your words.
“I want to keep the baby” you said again while fiddling with your hands on your lap.
Jeonghan couldn't be happier than he is now, Seok kyung will recognize him as her father, not a stranger.
“Okay, keep the baby. We both know that we have a minimal knowledge to be parents, but we will learn together” Jeonghan answered you, with his tear-filled eyes he held your chin up, so your eyes were at the same level as him.
You looked at him in disbelief. Jeonghan can see your tears already spilling from your eyes, so he wipes your tears from your cheeks with his thumbs.
The distance between you both grows smaller, Jeonghan wastes no time to crush your lips together and give you a long, chaste kiss.
He pulled out first, giving you and him a room for air, “Thank you, baby, thank you” He connects your foreheads, smiling as he looks at you.
That night was spent with you on the held of Jeonghan's hand, sleeping after watching a few videos of how to be a good parent and early pregnancy care.
Jeonghan doesn't want anything other than this, having his life with you in it.
[ఇ ◝‿◜ ఇ]
Jeonghan eyes shoot open when he hears the sound of a film beside him. He remembers that he was sitting alone, wait–
when he turns his head to the right, there's a window, ‘no no no no no’ he thought to himself.
If he's in the present time, that means everything he sees, he feels, is it only his dream? but he dared to turn his head to the other side, wanting to see who was sat beside him.
He can't buy what he's seeing right now, Seok kyung is sat beside him while you're sat beside her.
Seok kyung looked at her side when she felt something was moving, “Mommy! daddy's already wake up!” her eyes light up when she speaks with you.
“Got a nice dream, huh? you passed out for like, 10 hours of our flight, we're landing in 30 minutes” you say with a teasing smile on your face, Jeonghan's confused, trying to regain his mind.
Then it clicks, he was not dreaming, he really changed his future, Seok kyung known him as her father, not a stranger.
When he sees his right hand, there's a wedding ring, so this is the ending he gets. He really gets his happy ending, with Seok kyung, and most importantly, you.
“Love, you're okay?” You ask with cautiousness, Jeonghan seems unusual after his 10 hours sleep.
He then answers you hurriedly, “yes, i'm fine, i'm just zoning out” Jeonghan answers, and in a split seconds, he pulls you both for a long hug.
You and Seok kyung chuckles when Jeonghan doesn't want to let both of you go, and when he did, he leaned in to kiss you on the lips.
This is resulting in his daughter whines ‘i want to be kissed too!’ That, of course, Jeonghan accomplished, giving his beloved kisses on her cheeks, forehead, and lips.
Jeonghan can finally live his life with goods waiting for him. He starts to forget his life before this trip, how he wanted to pray every single day to thank god.
He lives a happy life with you and Seok kyung. He will never let you go again.
His little family consisted of Yoon Jeonghan, Yoon Seok kyung, and Yoon Y/n.
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leclercsluvs · 5 months
CL16/DR3 | Already Over | smau
part 4 | masterlist
an: this isn't super long but im mentioning lando winning this weekend and he did so i simply had to post it. might try and see if i can get another one done tomorrow with his actual win fc: sabrina carpenter pairing: charles leclerc x fem!reader, daniel ricciardo x fem!reader
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liked by danielricciardo, yourbff and 2.703.726 others yourusername let's do it again sometime!
yourbff WHAT??
yourusername surprise 🤗 yourfriend how COULD you?? 😔 yourusername dont want him to get dragged lmao
danielricciardo damn he couldn't even stay off the phone?
yourusername apparently i'm not entertaining enough 💔 yourfriend well considering you took a photo you had your phone out too, was he not entertaining enough? is that why you climbed him? 🤨 yourusername no comment
fell4y/n girlll he better take good care of you!
lecslvr wow she moved on fast
luvy/n girl what? 🤣 charles was literally with a different woman BEFORE they broke up and she's been single for a few months and SHE moves on fast? y'all want to find any reason to hate on women lmao
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liked by yourusername, charles_leclerc and 652.206 others danielricciardo she was late and then on her phone (probably taking pics, i was looking stunning)
landonorris and who might this be? 👀
danielriciardo oh just someone you know landonorris i'm sorry, what?
ricsbestglam omg he's finally out of his single era???
daylightmoon i might be crazy, but hear me out. daniel AND y/n went on dates, they both post about it, they were both on their phone, and doesn't this look one the same from yourusername
y/nswrld no i was literally thinking the same. like WHAT ARE THE CHANCES
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liked by yourusername, ricsbestglam and 849.593 others danielricciardo thanks for the flowers darling, but they were a little inconvenient 😘 tagged: yourusername
yourusername well at least i was there to hold them while you signed stuff for fans 🥰
danielricciardo and how did that work out for you? yourusername we don't talk about that >:(
ricsbestglam the relationship i didn't know i needed
landonorris Y/N?!!!
yourusername yes? landonorris how could you NOT tell me? yourusername you finding out like this was funnier 🤭 danielricciardo i just found it funny to not tell anyone
scfty/n she really meant it when she said she was gonna be there for landos win (let it be this weekend please) y/nswrld daniel better treat her right or i'm cancelling f1
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liked by scuderiaferrari, carlossainz55and 382.732 others charles_leclerc not how i would have ideally wanted to end the weekend, but luckily carlos scored a podium!
carlossainz55 you'll get it next time!
charles_leclerc thanks mate. maybe i'll beat you again carlossainz55 don't get you hopes up too far
this isn't even close to how long i wanted to tone BUT lando got his first win today and i wrote this just a few hours earlier and i feel like i have to post it but i don't have time to write more so WOOO LANDOS FIRST WIIIIN
part 5
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queenshelby · 1 year
Chemical Reactions (P. 5)
Pairing: Cillian Murphy as J Robert Oppenheimer x Student Reader
Warning: Mild Smut, Age-Gap, Infidelity
Words: 2,406
Note: The fic is spoiler free and my own fantasy and imagination. It is not historically and scientifically accurate.
Previous Parts: 1; 2; 3; 4
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It was six o’clock on Sunday evening and, just as discussed with your professor a few days ago when he startled you inside the chemistry lab, you were waiting for him to arrive at the Chevalier residence.
Haakon Chevalier and his wife were away for the weekend and you did not expect them to return until tomorrow which is why you believed the timing for your mentoring session to be just perfect. Unlike usual, you made an effort tonight, just in case your professor wanted to stay and explore more than just quantum physics and the collapse of stars and supernovas, which was something that was of particular interest to you when it came to your thesis. You wanted to expand on J Robert Oppenheimer’s very own theory and this was exactly why he became your mentor.
Yet, you wanted him to be more than just that as, at least to you, J Robert Oppenheimer was the most handsome man you had ever seen with his dark hair and his blue eyes, full lips and sharp cheekbones. J Robert Oppenheimer was mature and incredibly intelligent and it was his intellect that turned you on the most. He was smarter than anyone else you had ever met before and you felt as though he understood your intellectual needs and desires just perfectly.
Thus, you stiffened in your chair just by thinking of him and his impending arrival at the Chevalier residence. A mix of dread and desire washed over you and, eventually, you stood up and smoothed down your dress and walked to the bathroom.
You flipped on the light and looked in the mirror before fingering your hair. Your eyes were big and dark, dark lashes curled up with a subtle shimmer painted across your eyelids, matching the simple black dress you were wearing.
It made you look older and more mature and you hoped that Dr Oppenheimer would appreciate it, seeing that you looked elegant but not inappropriately suggestive.
When you were done looking yourself over, you walked downstairs again like a nervous chicken, carrying a few physics books in your hands which you knew you would need in order to discuss your very own theory with him.
You knew that you had to be prepared and prepared you were when, finally, you heard a knock on the door.
“Dr Oppenheimer, please come in” you said after, without wearing any shoes or stockings, you tippy toed towards the door.
“I can see that you have already prepared your paperwork, so we shall get started right away, yes?” Dr Oppenheimer asked, skipping any kind of small talk and cutting straight to the point.
“Yes, perhaps we should, although I was going to offer you a drink first as, no doubt, you had a rather busy and demanding week” you suggested while looking at him and his deep blue eyes which, so seemingly, followed you as you walked across the room barefooted.
“I suppose I could have one drink” Dr Oppenheimer said, falling into your gaze for a short moment, before you forced yourself to look away. You tried hard to take him all in as he took off his hat and suit jacket, but you simply could not. It was way too difficult for you to do so without blushing.
“Wine or gin?” you then asked, although you already knew the answer and had the gin bottle opened before he could respond.
“Gin, please” he confirmed before he dropped his books on to the coffee table as well and sat down on one of the rather soft and comfortable armchairs.
“Alright, gin it is” you said while pouring two glasses and later carrying them over towards where he was sitting before throwing one of the larger pillows onto the rug beneath your feet and kneeling on top of it.
“Should I join you down there?” Dr Oppenheimer then asked with amusement, seeing that you chose to sit on a pillow on the floor rather than on the large sofa behind you.
“If you like. It’s just a silly habit of mine” you pointed out as you opened one of the books that you had placed on top of the large coffee table earlier that night.
“Alright. I suppose the comfort of upholstery is highly overrated” Dr Oppenheimer responded sarcastically before slipping off his shoes, throwing another pillow onto the floor and joining you by sitting down right by your side.
“It sure is, professor” you chuckled before showing him the sheets that you had prepared and, just as you gave him your workbook, your hands touched briefly, resulting yet in another tingle on your skin.
"Well, let's figure out where you are at and what we need to work on” Dr Oppenheimer told you while taking a pen from the stash of pens you had left on the table and reading through your calculations which, in his mind, appeared to be incomplete.
“Miss Y/LN, you seem to have omitted a few steps in your calculations” he then pointed out and, when you looked at your papers again, you realised that he was right. An entire sheet was missing and you did not know where you had put it.
“I am so sorry. I did write it all out but I must have left some of my notes at the lab last night when I was working with the reactor” you admitted with great embarrassment, causing Dr Oppenheimer to furrow his eyebrows and make a somewhat terrible suggestion.
“Can you replicate your calculations?” he asked and, by this point, panic had sat in.
“From memory?” you asked and when Dr Oppenheimer nodded, you nodded as well, telling him that you would try.
Unfortunatly for you though, as soon as you put pen to paper, you were lost. You were so completely lost that, by that time, you had forgotten that Dr Oppenheimer was even sitting there watching you and then you jumped when he touched the small of your back and told you to stop what you were doing.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you..." he said while pointing at the problem you were facing and, just as he did, you locked eyes and you could not look away. It was as though he was peering into your soul, searching out your deepest secrets and desires. His pupils expanded as his iris contracted. The colours shifted through a spectrum of greys and blues and you were absolutely lost in his eyes.
“I can show you my calculations upstairs, in my bedroom. I did them before starting the experiment. The experiment confirmed some of my theory and the calculations I did earlier this week, except for formula three. Formula three changed and I can replicate this change. Come. I will show you” you then said suddenly and a little too abruptly after snapping out of your trance and your words startled Dr Oppenheimer as well.
"You want me to come upstairs, to your bedroom?” he asked somewhat surprised while furrowing his eyebrows again and you nodded.
“Yes. Come on” you said while noticing that his eyes were wandering to your breasts as you stood up and, just as they did, his chest flexed, either involuntarily or on purpose.
“Mhhm” Dr Oppenheimer then simply said, clearing his throat before standing up and following you upstairs, to your bedroom.
Seconds later, you reached your bedroom and when Dr Oppenheimer saw the large chalk board across from your bed, he was rather surprised.
In fact, he was surprised by the entirety of your bedroom which consisted of a small bed, three overfilled bookshelves, a small closet, and an oversized chalkboard, containing calculations on dark matter.
“This is one hell of a chalkboard” Dr Oppenheimer thus teased and you could not help but break out in laughter, seeing how awkward this was, standing in your bedroom with your professor.
“I only just realised how inappropriate it was for me to ask you to come to my bedroom. I am so sorry” you acknowledged while he stood there, totally engulfed by his own thoughts of stars exploding.
“Uh huh” he simply murmured while taking in what you are suggesting just as you amended formula three, replicating what you saw during your experiments in the lab.
“What you are suggesting is not the collapse of a star. It is the explosion of a star. There would have to be an ejection of most of its mass which is something that has to be visible” Dr Oppenheimer then said with his velvet smooth voice as he looked you right in the eyes.
“Yes, it would be visible, from space, but not necessarily from here. It depends entirely on the location of the star” you responded with some nervousness in your voice which is when Robert shifted closer towards you and you could feel the heat from his body beside you.
It was purely intoxicating and, if you were to lean in right now, you would have been able to kiss him. But, you only let that thought simmer for a moment before pushing it away, afraid to make the move which you wanted him to make so desperately.
“This hypothesis would change how we think about nuclear transformation” Robert eventually said and your cheeks became flushed as you tried to deflect on his statement, but your brain did not think so you blurted out a slightly whispered "maybe"..
“Maybe?” Robert chuckled. His smile grew big and his eyes began to search you, causing you to gulp.
“You should be more confident with your answer Miss Y/LN” Robert then said before leaning in slightly and bringing his hands up to gently touch your face.
“You are smart and intelligent. Your calculations seem to be correct and logical and your conclusions are impressive. Now you just have to prove your theory” Robert told you with a sense of affection and awe in his voice, to which you simply nodded again, unable to form words under the attraction that you were feeling towards this god-like man right now.
“You impressed me Y/N” Robert then pointed out, for the first time using your first name, as he moved one of his fingers to your lips, tracing an outline of them.
You gasped in response to his gentle touch while your body was vibrating for him. Your heart felt like it was beating out of your chest and you could hear the whooshing of blood as your body radiated from his touch.
“May I kiss you?” he then asked somewhat reluctantly himself as he leaned his face towards yours until his lips were almost touching your lips.
“Yes, please do” you gasped as you stopped breathing before, suddenly, you felt the anticipation of a teenage girl waiting for her crush to kiss her at a school dance.
Following your approval, Robert closed the gap between you, touching his lips to yours. He was slow at first, but then you become enveloped with passion and your hands reached for his hair and your tongue pushed through the barrier of his lips and reached its destination.
Your tongues became encompassed with a passionate dance and you moaned against his lips while slowly, but surely, losing control. Robert’s hands began to move from your face down to your arms, moving lower and lower until they were resting on your thighs as you were still locked in this passionate dance of mouths, only ever pausing to breathe.
Robert was a sensational kisser and just as he circled his tongue around yours his hands started moving up your thighs again slightly. Your body responded by begging them to move faster and then, all so suddenly, an unfamiliar heat began to form in your lower regions.
With that, you started to move a little and your hands became bolder and bolder as you continued to envelop each other mouths. You ran yours hands down Robert’s chest, teasing the fabric of his shirt before, finally, your hands moved lower as your fingers caught the edge of where his shirt met his belt.
You then started undoing one button after another, moving upwards one by one, praying that he would not resist and, sure enough, resistance was the last thing on Robert’s mind right now.
Eventually, while still kissing each other, you completed your task and his heat poured out as soon as the white fabric dropped to the floor, revealing his slim but incredible physique. You then began to touch him, running your hands down his chest and through the small patch of hair on his chest before feeling the taut muscle under your fingers.
As you were touching Robert gently, he moaned against your lips while, all at the same time, his fingers moved up until they were resting at the back of your dress, which is where Robert found the very top of your zipper.
As he slowly unzipped your dress, you began to moan louder, almost begging for him to touch you which is when slipped his fingers beneath the fabric and you gently pushed your garment down until your dress was caught by the outline of your hips.
This when you opened your eyes, breaking your kiss momentarily.
“I should let you know that I have not done this before” you stammered huskily against his lips as his hands caressed the skin now exposed on your back.
“What do you mean?” Robert asked as he held you close, never letting go of his embrace.
“I have not slept with anyone yet. Not with a man anyway. It just never eventuated” you admitted, causing Robert to clear his throat and withdraw.  
“Then perhaps we should stop this right here. I am not the man for you” he pointed out and you reached for his hands, holding them in yours before bringing them back to your half-naked body.
“Why?” you asked huskily, wanting to continue you where you had left of.
“Because I will not be able to give you what you want” Robert determined but you shook your head and sighed.
“I haven’t told you what I want, so do you just presume to know?” you asked while rolling your eyes.
“I am married and I am not going to leave my wife” Robert said before withdrawing again and, for a brief moment, you stepped away from him and leaned back against the chalkboard with yet another sigh escaping your lips.
To be continued…
Please comment and engage. I love getting comments and predictions pretty please!
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sereh624 · 2 months
its late im having thoughts
shaw pack members as parents headcanons drabble whatev
dad!milo who loves dressing his toddler up. even if they can't comprehend the alphabet yet, he has decided that they have infact inherited his excellent fashion taste and will show up to every event dressed appropriately and in matching attire to him.
dad!david who when he has to do his daughter's hair for the first time when angel left for work early, had an aneurysm trying to figure out how to simultaneously get her to sit still, part her hair, slick it back with gel and tie it into little ponytails while trying to convince her he wasn't going to bald her with the comb. gets the job done but at what cost ( 20 minutes late to work ).
dad!asher who has a baby with the same palette as him ( kids menu type tastebuds ). not much to say on it, just picture family movie night, asher and his son hunched over their plates of chicken nuggets and sipping on their kool-aid while baabe watches, wondering how they can manage to eat the same meal for dinner 3 nights in a row.
dad!sam who has a sensitive daughter. she cries when he accidentally leans his elbows on her stuffies and squashes them (something he wasnt sure to laugh at or take offense to), she cries when she can't find him in hide and seek, just about anything, really. it absolutely devastates him everytime he sees her big, beautiful eyes well up with tears, and her tiny lip wobble as she lets out a warbled "d-dada?" he has to physically hold darlin and himself back when she gets teased for the first time, not wanting to breach anything under the premise of bodyslamming a five year old. darlin' doesn't seem too bothered by it. ( this is in a previous post but shh it means a lot to me )
mom!amanda who marries me and i have her children
dad!david who when the pack meets up with all of their children, is silently chosen to be the toddler-beanbag. everyone under the age of 5 is climbing on him, pulling his hair, slobbering on his shirt, trying to pry his ring off while he's forced to sit there nonchalantly and conduct a pack meeting.
dad!asher who has a mom car. yeah yeah david with the cool sexy dad car whatever. he originally wanted to buy a van to take the pack kids around on weekends but was quickly deterred when he realized how being a grown man with a white van full of kids looked from an outside perspective, so he stuck with the mom car. don't be fooled, the inside is absolutely accesorized and blinged up to the max.
i have written more on my account its 12am i have school tomorrow goodbye
@skunkox @definetelynuwonhere @huxleaf
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trexdrabbles · 19 days
I would absolutely die for a little Gambit drabble with #5 from that prompt list!
I have been absolutely dying to do one of these so thank you! (Fem reader since nothing was specified!)
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NSFT under the cut!
#5 - "Let me take care of you, yeah? I'll do the work."
It had been a long day. Long day, long week, long month. Work had been getting just uncomfortably busy as of late, and you just had to keep reminding yourself that every evening spent away from home and every weekend tacked on too was only adding to your bank account and the reserve of compensatory time off you had been saving up. A few more weeks of this and you'd finally be done with the worst of it all and swore you were going to take a whole month off, and sleep straight through the first week of it. Even with the finish line in sight though, you needed a break, and badly at that.
And you weren't the only one who seemed to think so.
Remy had been a little busier on his end of things too, but not enough so as to not notice how you practically dragged yourself through the door each day, or sounded absolutely dead when you were on call with him. Today had seemed particularly rough, coming home late on a Saturday evening, short pumps in your hand that you had taken off before even driving home and had just carried up the driveway with you. But with all that misery was the littlest glimmer of hope in the fact that you had the next day off. A lovely little blip in your hellish schedule and god did you intent to make the most of it.
Cuddling with your boyfriend had definitely been prominent on your mind as a good place to start and had honestly kept you going through the final half of your work day. Opening the door to confirm that he was actually, in fact, there had been quite the blessing too. Realistically you knew he wouldn't take off without at least a text shot your way at the bare minimum, but seeing him there with your own two eyes just cemented the knowledge that you were going to finally have a damn good day off.
"Lookin' good, but ain't lookin' too hot," he commented, glancing up from whatever he had been doing on his phone, looking you over with something close to sympathy that only grew closer when you answered him with an exceptionally eloquent groan that perfectly conveyed 'I almost wish I had just been hit by a car on the way home so I wouldn't have to deal with this anymore'.
"I feel like death," you announced, dropping your poor shoes unceremoniously right beside the door and then kicking them a little further away from the entry for good measure.
"Already got dinner goin'. Be done soon."
That was enough to lift a little extra weight off of your shoulders as well and you sighed for it.
"That's why I love you," you murmured, drawing close to press a small smattering of kisses to his lips and cheek before figuring you'd go and change before sitting down to eat.
"Love me for plenty a' reasons," Remy retorted between kisses, smile permanently affixed to his lips throughout.
"Mmm, no, just that one," you teased, laughing slightly when he caught you around the waist to keep you from wandering too far off.
"Just gotta remind you a' the rest, don't I?" You knew exactly where he was going with that and admittedly it sounded pretty damn good, but you were already struggling with wanting to stay awake as it was.
You leaned in to give him one more kiss before moving to step back again. "You can remind me tomorrow."
Your efforts to go and change clothes were once again thwarted by his grip tightening a touch more and when you glanced back at him, his smile had lost its teasing edge.
"C'mon chère; let Remy take care a' you, yeah? Been runnin' yourself down, let me do the work tonight."
Fuck, if that didn't get you.
Somehow dinner was enjoyed at a relatively normal pace before he was dragging you off to your room, dishes to be ignored until tomorrow. Remy kept up with his words too, hardly letting you lift a finger as he grabbed a change of sleep clothes for you and helped you out of your work clothes. You had thought just immediately crashing with your entire body tangled around him would be a perfect end for the night, and that was entirely off from what was happening now. Though admittedly, being stretched out on your bed, thighs locked around his head and fingers curled into his hair as his tongue pressed expertly into you, lapping up everything you had to give and then some was an even better option.
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issdisgrace · 9 months
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Another week, another family dinner. I don’t even know why I have to attend to these damn things. I got better things to do. I sigh as I enter the manor. Making my way to the dining room, knowing everyone would be there already, considering I’m 5 minutes late. Walking into the dining room, there is everyone as expected. I take note that next time I should be 10 to 15 minutes late rather than 5 minutes, so I can just eat and leave.
“Look who finally arrived.” Bruce says everyone’s attention turning to me. 
“Fuck off. You’re lucky I’m even here.” I say as I go to sit down next to the short stack. Of course, they would sit me next to the short stack. As I sit, the talking amongst one another continues up again. I pull out my phone to check if Roy responded to my text about going bowling and getting plastered this weekend. Of course, he didn’t respond yet. God, I wish it didn’t take literally fucking hours for him to reply to one text. Sighing to myself, I switch over and text Y/n. 
‘When I’m done here, can we go out and get drinks? I already feel like I’m going to one or four.’
‘I have a business meeting at 7 tomorrow that I have to get up early for so unfortunately no, but I can go out and grab you whatever.’
‘Ok. Could you get me a bottle of the good Russian vodka?’
‘Sure. Do you want anything else?’
I turn off my phone and place it down on the table. I go to listen to everyone else conversations when Damian asks,
“Todd, why are you wearing a wedding ring?” His question causes everyone to stop talking and look at me, leaving a oh so lovely silence. Great, I didn’t expect to be telling everyone tonight I was married. I guess it’s been a long time coming.
“Because I’m married.”
“What!!” Everyone exclaims.
“Since when.” Dick asks.
“Since a year ago. After being with my partner for 3 years.”
“Why didn’t you tell us?” Bruce speaks up.
“Well dear ole dad. I didn’t tell you guys I was dating anyone because I didn’t need any of you snooping into my life. Then I didn’t tell you I got married because I didn’t need you guys snooping into my life.”
“Pretty valid.” Tim says, looking up from his phone. 
“That’s what I thought too, Tim tam.”
“Rude, we just want to know if who you’re seeing is good for you.” Dick says.
“They are good for me and Alfred already approved of them, so do with that what you will.” 
“Alfred knew.” Dick practically shouts.
“Yes, I did, master dick. ‘’ Alfred says, coming out of practically nowhere with dinner. 
“I don’t know why you’re surprised dick, Alfred knows everything.” Tim said. 
“Well, does Alfred know everything about the person Jason’s married to?”
“I know quite about Master Jason’s husband, but I wouldn’t say I know everything about him.” Alfred says as he begins placing food in front of everyone, one by one.
“Husband!!” Dick exclaimes.
“Oh no, I’m married to a man.”
“He didn’t mean it like Jason. It’s just a little shocking.” Bruce says 
“I don’t care what way he met it…” 
“What is his name Todd?” Damian asks cutting me off. 
“Why do want to know, short stack?”
“I am curious as to who in their right mind would date or marry you.” 
“Oh fuck you. If you really want to know who I’m married to so badly, I’ll tell you guys but after that I’m going to eat and go home and you’re not going to bother me, ask me questions about my husband, or stalk my husband and do a background check on him. Alright.”
“Alright.” Most of them respond.
“His name is Y/n L/n.”
“Isn’t he an actor and like 40?” Tim asks.
“Yes, and he’s not 40, he is 38.”
“Damn.” Dick says.
“You got a problem with it, dick head.”
“No, he’s just what 13 years older than you.”
“Yes, and I don’t care. He loves me. He helps patch me up when I need help. He cooks for me. He gets me anything I want. And the sex is good, so what more could I want or need?” 
“We didn’t need to know the last part, Todd.” 
“Well, count your blessings that I didn’t say what we did.”
“Thank you for sparing the details, Jason.”
“Your welcome, old man. Now I’m fucking hungry and want to eat and go home, so no more questions.”
“Alright, Jason and we will respect your on not stalking, running background check, or anything of the sort on your husband. Right boys.”
“Right.” The others respond.
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diaper-your-brat · 1 month
14 - Getting her used to being spanked.
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Jason was convinced from the get-go of their relationship, that his girlfriend, Amy, would be better off with firm rules, a thick diaper, and a regularly-spanked bottom.
But how to convince her of that? He knew that if he'd even subtly suggested the topic, the fiery 24 year old, feminist college graduate would just start screaming and hollering at him.
So he took a more long-term approach:
even in the early days of their relationship, whenever they were at his place together, he'd make a point of giving her a slap on the ass multiple times a day.
"Babe, can you head over to the kitchen and bring me a beer? *smack*" "Jasooon, stop doing that!!" "Can't help it babe, your butt is just too nice. Now, about that beer... *smack*"
"Bye sweetie, have fun at work. Can't wait to see that ass of yours bounce in bed later tonight. *smack*"
Sometimes, Amy would complain, but he'd just laugh and give her a second spank on her bottom, which was usually clad in tight jeans.
Soon after, he'd do the same in public: no matter if they were out with his friend group or hers, or just casually taking a stroll through the streets: not a day would go by where he wouldn't give her a loud, sharp smack on her bottom. "Have you guys seen how nice her ass looks tonight? *smack*"The others would just chuckle or change the topic, but Amy felt objectified and somewhat humiliated. However, she couldn't deny that it turned her on more and more. And she knew that if she'd complain, she'd just get another one.
Of course Jason also spanked her ass liberally in the bedroom. Preferably, he'd take her doggy style, and spend several minutes reddening her bottom. She was deeply turned on and called it "the best sex of her life".
All of those things were just preparation though: he moved to the next phase when they were sitting on the couch together, having just the mildest arguments about their plans for the weekend.
"We'll have to clean up the house today so we can head out tomorrow. Stop being a brat and let's get going" "Yeah? Or what?" That was all he was waiting for. He swiftly dragged her over his knee and gave her four sharp smacks, two on each cheek. He made a point of not being too intensive or hard - it was still playful enough. "Or *smack* I will *smack* do this *smack* to your little bottom *smack*" "That's what happens to bad little girls. Now are you ready to get going?" he chuckled and gave her a soft kiss on her head. "Ouch! Damn it, alright, alright"
As you can see, her first spanking was as mild and playful as you can possibly imagine. But from now on, these short little spanking sessions would become a regular part of their routine. "If you're not done getting dressed in 5 minutes, you're going over my knee again" he'd say when they were getting ready for a fancy event. "Better be on your best behaviour when you get home tonight, or you'll go to bed with a bright red bottom" he'd text her while she was finishing work.
It was all deeply against everything she stood for - but gosh, was it turning her on.
Jason was happy, too: in just a few months, he'd turned his fiercely feminist girlfriend into a brat who'd submit to a spanking, even for minor infractions. She didn't know it yet, but soon, spankings would be the most lenient form of punishment that she'd get. But the story of her first diapering, that's one for another day...
(Picture generated with Stable Diffusion, text written by me. Everyone depicted is 18+ and consenting, and no real people are depicted on any of my posts.)
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lovesodakid · 6 months
sworn to secrecy 2
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chris x fem!reader
1 3 4 5 6
summary: chris and y/n have known each other, pretty much their whole lives. y/n has always had a crush on chris. chris always viewed y/n as ‘nate’s little sister’ until one day, he realized, she wasn’t so little anymore…which nate sees..in which. he does not approve of whatsoever. (“brothers best friend trope”)
warnings: mentions of toxic household (fighting). but that should be it.
by the time lunch arrives, im exhausted. i walk down the hall, clutching my lunch bag to my chest through the flood of kids.
once i finally get to the cafeteria, i see nick, matt, nate, and chris sitting at the same table we’ve been sitting at since my freshman year. it’s comforting to know that some things never change.
“hey guys.” i say to them as i take my normal seat in between nate and nick. matt and chris being across from us.
“hey! how’s your first day going?” nick asks me.
“it’s..going.” i say hesitantly.
“i mean what i said in the car earlier, junior year isn’t anything to stress too much over. let loose and have fun, you’re always keeping your nose in books.” he tells me. “maybe you should go to the back to school party this weekend.”
“the what?” i ask. a party? already?
“yeah some senior is throwing it. christian davis i think.” matt says with a mouth full fries.
“yeah kid, you need to listen up. get out some more and have some fun.” chris reaches over the table to jokingly shove my shoulder.
i shake my head with a small laugh and smile.
“no way, a party isn’t y/n’s scene.” nate says as he shakes his head ‘no’.
“oh come on nate. i’ll watch over her, she’ll be fine.” nick says happily as he wraps an arm around my shoulder, giving me a one sided hug.
“guys i don’t need a babysitter. im not a child.” i roll my eyes.
“whatever.” nate mumbles under his breath.
the thought of going to a house full of sweaty, drunk teenagers party, genuinely terrifies me. but nick is right. i have spent almost every day of my school life, focused on school. i’ve never dated anyone or done anything that didn’t involve school. of course i’ve had some fun in my life, but nothing too crazy. maybe this could be the year i experience a little more?
it’s now been a couple hours since i left school. i stand in my shower, the warm water hitting my back, as the steam fogs up my bathroom. once i begin rubbing my shampoo in my hair, my mind retraces to the conversation at lunch. would going to this party be such a bad idea?
my thoughts are interrupted when i hear a door slamming from downstairs, freezing my body in fear for a second before i turn the water off and step out of the shower.
once im out and wrapped in a towel, i hear muffled voices yelling back and forth. i suck in a breath as i begin drying my body off and getting dressed.
when im done, i step out of the bathroom, to my surprise, nate is standing right in front of the bathroom door, giving me a sympathetic look.
“they’re arguing again. arent they?” i whisper to him.
he doesn’t say anything as he just hesitates to nod his head.
i bite my lip as i look to the side. “so what do you want me to do?” i ask him.
“i was thinking we could just go to the triplets and hang out for a bit, then i’ll come back later and see if things have cooled down and if it has, we can come back here tonight.” he explains to me as he crosses his arms.
“and what if it doesn’t cool down?” i question, mirroring his stance.
“just pack an overnight bag just incase.” he says as he walks away to his bedroom.
i let out a breath as i make my way to my bedroom. once im in there, i grab a separate bag to put things i’ll need in. clothes to sleep in, clothes for tomorrow, brush, makeup, deodorant, toothbrush and toothpaste, and other things.
almost as soon as im done, i grab both my school bag and overnight bag, i hear nate approaching my bedroom.
“hey you ready?” he says, almost sounding impatient.
i nod as i walk out of my room, closing my door.
“okay let’s go.” he says.
my favorite thing about the triplets, is that every time mine and nate’s parents get into arguments, which usually results in us having to stay at their house. they don’t treat us any different. they don’t give us any ‘are you okay?’ or ‘do you wanna talk about?’ looks. they just treat as as if it’s any normal day or sleepover. which im extremely thankful for.
“so what are we watching?” matt asks as he sits on the couch next to me.
all of us sitting in the living room nate and chris on the floor in front of the couch. then im sitting in the middle of the couch, matt on my left, and nick on my right.
“what about something scary?” i suggest.
“no way.” nick says in almost a sarcastic laugh.
“oh come on! we never watch scary movies!” i whine as i lean further into the couch.
“and we don’t plan on it either.” matt says from beside me.
after 20 minutes of arguing back and forth, trying to pick a movie. we finally settle on watching ‘grown ups’.
a couple minutes into the movie, i feel a weight on my lower legs, so i look down. when i do, i see chris leaning his back fully onto my legs for support, which makes me a little nervous, causing my heart to race a little faster than anticipated. once i begin to realize that he probably just needed something to lean back on and didn’t think anything of it like i did, that feeling goes away pretty quickly.
a/n: pretty boring chapter again, and sorry i suck ass at dialogue. but it’ll get better, trust 🤞.
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skzfairyyydreamz · 8 months
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Family <3
genre: Fluff, Comfort, Bf!Skz, Sibling!Skz, Bsf!Skz, gn!reader
© Skzfairyyydreamz - Plagiarism is a crime. Do not repost, alter, translate or copy without my consent.
requests and taglist are open! (M.Lists)
(gifs not mine; credit to owner)
Coming home from what had been a horrendously long and stressful day to see your sweet boyfriend in a cozy pair of sweats and t-shirt, he was sat on the living room sofa chatting with his two best friends about whatever it is producer dudes talk about. he looked so stinkin adorable with his natural fluffy hair all disheveled and curly as his glasses sat calmly on his beautiful bare face and you had all intentions on napping in his arms after the day you had today regardless to who was in your house right now. You came in kicking off your shoes at the door, dropping your keys and bag on the island counter and heading straight to your room to change without acknowledging anyone in the house. That immediately had changbin snapping his neck in your direction taking notice of the exhausted look on your face without breaking his current conversation. About 5 or so minutes later his eyes lit up to see you coming to join them in the living room in your fuzzy pj’s holding your favorite pillow and blanket.
“Hey family.. please excuse me while i nap” you sigh kissing the top of changbins head then sitting down next to him getting ready to lay your head in his lap and take the nap of your life, but before you could
“far out! mate are we invisible??” channie said to jisung as he crossed his arms with furrowed brows at you. “you do remember that we knew you before binnie right!?” jisung added. “yet he’s the one that gets all the love? im so done with you” channie roles his eyes
binnie giggles to himself putting his head down like he always does refusing to interfere anytime you and channie would get into it. you sigh again getting up from your seat walking over to the sofa opposite you and your boyfriend. “i would offer a sassy rebuttal normally but i’m just way too tired today.. come here channie my bestest most favorite sweetest big brother ever” you lean down from behind the sofa hugging him around his shoulders and kissing the top of his head “yeah whatever looser.. im your ONLY big brother.” “Where you ever able to order the flower arrangements for mom’s birthday dinner this weekend?” he added looking up at you “ i haven’t had time today i was super swamped. But i can definitely do it in the morning!” “Dont worry about it i’ll handle it.” “you sure? tomorrow’s an off day for me i can do it.” “no worries, i got it. you just make sure you rest up on your day off.” “okay” you kiss the top of his head once more before moving over to jisung giving him the same hug and kiss you did your older brother.
“i didn’t forget you jiji” “dont act like you love me now, im tired of being chosen last!” “just like when were kids??” you teased reaching down to steal a handful of popcorn from the bowl in his lap. “please do not bring up my childhood trauma right now! you chose me last for every single game of freeze tag when im literally faster than you!” everyone bursted into laughter at jisungs dramatic episode as you walked back over to your spot on the sofa next to your boyfriend.
“Okay goodnight family, i legit cannot keep my eyes open any longer” you grabbed your pillow placing it in changbins lap laying down as he wrapped the blanket around you.
“Night night, jagi” your boyfriend whispered as he ran his fingers through your hair.
“Sleep tight!” jisung added
“We love you kiddo..” chan smiled.
You fell asleep instantly, as your boyfriend brother and best friend all went back to continuing their previous conversation. the room felt so warm and fuzzy filled with love. You were beyond grateful for the men in your life they were your everything. your back bones, your protectors, your safe spaces. They were your family, and you couldn’t even fathom the thought of living life without theses three in it.
taglist: @hanniemylovelyquokka @milknhoneyracha @tinyelfperson @jiisungllvr @turtledove824 @laylasbunbunny @armystay89
buy me a coffee?
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lazycats-stuff · 1 year
The New Heir - Chapter 2
Hi again everyone. This is just a cute little chapter... Warnings: nothing 3.4k words.
Prologue, Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10
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A week has passed since the incident in the hallway and Damian and Elias started talking and hanging out. Of course, Theo was included too. Elias never excluded Theo. Damian's sense of humor was dry and kind of dark, but that's the type of humor that Elias liked. Theo was kind of... Well, he was little freaked out by it, but didn't mind it.
Elias and Damian shared biology class, sitting next to each other. It was a normal day. It was Friday once more and they were having biology.
" Alright everyone. I have some exciting news. Well, for me at least. Group projects! "
Everyone collectively groaned.
" I know, but I need to grade you lot. So, it's going to be in pairs. " Mister Lane said, taking a piece of paper. Everyone groaned again. Mister Lane chuckled once more.
" Okay, okay. Now, Elias you are with Damian. " Mister Lane started and Elias was happy that it was Damian. Although, Damian would never admit it, but he was glad it was Elias.
Theo was sad that he wasn't going to be with Elias, but he wasn't sad about the fact that Elias was paired with Damian. It was a nice turn of events. At least for one person. A person named Elias Spencer Callahan.
Elias could sense Theo's pout across the classroom. After 20 more minutes, they were done. They didn't have math today, so they could go home early.
" So when are we going to meet? This weekend? " Elias asked, adjusting his straps on the backpack.
" We can meet tomorrow. " Damian confirmed, stopping by the locker. " Unlock your phone for me. " Damian demanded, watching as Elias raised his brow in return. " Please. "
Elias gave him a smile and unlocked his phone. " You won't even ask me why? " Damian asked, now raising his brow.
" Well, the only reason you could do this was because I don't have your phone number and you don't have mine. " Elias noted, waiting for Damian to put his phone number in.
" Text me when you get home. " Damian said, giving the phone back to Elias.
" Will do. " Elias said, walking towards his locker to get his jacket out.
Damian said goodbye and left, already ready to go. Elias knew that his butler and brothers were waiting for him at the entrance and he couldn't make them wait.
" So? "Theo asked with a smirk as he walked up to Elias.
" So? " Elias repeated, not sure what his friend was thinking.
" A project with Damian Wayne? Also, everyone saw how he put his number into your phone. " Theo said the last part quietly and Elias glanced quickly. Theo was right. Everyone looked at him and he just wanted to die.
" I'll be damned, you are right. " Elias said, laughing a little bit.
Theo laughed triumphally, holding Elias' jacket for him. " You want to ride with me? My mom is picking me up. " Theo said and Elias nodded.
" Sure. " Elias accepted, putting on his jacket, then his bag back on his shoulders.
" Good. She should be at the entrance in a minute. " Theo said and the two friends walked to the entrance of school. They stepped out into fresh air and sighed in union.
" You also missed the fresh air? " Theo asked as he walked to his mom's car.
" Yup. They really need to open up the windows here. " Elias said, walking towards the door to the car, opening it and sitting down inside. He said hi to Theo's mom and she drove back to the apartment building. Elias leaned his head against the car window, watching as they were driving past the familiar buildings. He closed his eyes for a moment.
The vibrations of the ride were putting him to sleep. When the car parked and turned of, Elias raised his head opening his eyes and raising his head.
" Somebody is sleepy. " Theo said from the front, making Elias hum.
" Come on sweetie. " Danielle said from the driver's side.
" I'm going. " Elias said sleepily. Danielle smiled at Elias and watched the sleepy boy walk up the stairs of the building. He rubbed his eyes and yawned. He quietly thanked Danielle for opening the door.
" Sweetie, I swear, you have a sleeping schedule like a cat and yet you are still tired. " Danielle laughed, making Elias chuckle quietly. He said goodbye to the mother son duo. He didn't want to wait for the elevator, he just used the stairs.
After a little bit of climbing he got to his apartment door, he unlocked it and entered.
" Hey habibi. " His mother called out from the living room. Elias smiled and called back.
" Hey mama. "
" I have to talk to you. " Natalia said, sitting up straighter. Elias kind of froze. " I didn't do anything. " Elias started as he took his shoes off.
" I know. I just want to give you something. " Natalia said, looking at the said item.
" Also, I need to tell you something too. " Elias admitted, going to his room. He quickly changed and texted Damian. He washed his hands in the bathroom and from there he went to his mom. He sat down next to her, leaning back on her shoulder.
" How about you start? You wanted to tell me something. " Natalia said, embracing her son.
" A very short story is, I made a new friend and we got paired for a project. "
" And who that might be? " Natalia inquired, scratching her son's scalp.
" Damian Wayne. "
Natalia hummed for a moment. She didn't expect that name to come out of her son's mouth, but hey. He seemed like a good kid, despite being a little bit rude to the paparazzi. Honestly, she would be rude to the paparazzi if they followed her everywhere.
" I'm assuming you are going to meet at his place? " Natalia asked, making Elias nod. " We are still not sure, but I think so. " Elias added, making Natalia nod. " I want to meet him. "
"Sure thing. What did you want to tell me mama? " Elias asked, now a little bit more awake.
" Well, I wanted to give you something. " She said, reaching for the box on the coffee table that Elias just saw.
" This is something of your father's. " She started, making him awake in the mere instant.
" What? " He asked softly. To Natalia, his father was a sore subject. She told him that he was a businessman and the he was from the middle East, hence the reason why he knew Arabic. It was to connect to his other side, his father's side. She told Elias how they both loved one another, but life came in the way. Elias could only hope that one day he will be able to meet him.
He watched as his mother opened the dark blue box. It was a necklace with a ring. There were the initials R.A.G on the inside of the ring.
" It's a ring he gave me. I wanted to wait for your birthday, but I just couldn't wait. " Elias gently took the necklace into his hands. His eyes were wandering around the golden ring. It was a simple ring and Elias felt his eyes tear up.
" Thanks mama. " Elias said as he put it over his neck. He sniffed quietly and hugged his mother tightly. Natalia smiled and hugged her son. Elias was nothing like his father.
And he never will be.
Elias was waiting for Damian to come and get him. They have decided to meet at the Wayne manor. Elias was buzzing with excitement. But his mama made sure to give him a couple of advices.
The most important thing is to not break anything. I don't have any money to repair any of it.
Elias laughed like a madman when she told him that. But in a way it was true. God knows what that manor held within those walls. Elias tapped his foot as he waited to see a familiar black car. He watched as a black car rolled up next to him and the passenger's door opened.
Damian Wayne opened the door for him. Holy shit.
" Hey Damian. " Elias said as he sat in the car. He closed the door and put the seatbelt on.
" Elias, this is Alfred Pennyworth, our family butler. " Damian introduced Elias to Alfred, who glanced at the duo from the rearview mirror.
" It's nice to meet you mister Pennyworth. " Elias said, tapping his fingers against his thighs.
" Likewise master Elias. "
Elias raised his brow. Master Elias? " I'm sorry, master Elias? " Elias questioned, confused.
" It's a rule for me to address the kids like that. Even master Bruce. "
" Can you just address me by first name? I feel like I'm rich. " Elias said, chuckling quietly.
" If you also address me by my first name. " Alfred said and Elias nodded his head. " Will do Alfred. " Elias said, watching in awe as the manor was being more visible.
" The manor is gorgeous. " Elias said, looking at the beautiful house.
" Thank you. " Alfred and Damian said at the same time.
Elias unbuckled his belt when the car stopped and he stepped out. His mouth dropped a little. Wow. Holy hell.
" Are you done staring? " Damian asked, making Elias shake his head.
" I mean, how can I? Wait- " Elias said, raising his finger. " You hear that? No traffic, no smell, just you and the nature. " Elias said, chuckling at the eye roll he got from Damian. " Also, I am done with staring. "
" Finally. " Damian said, shaking his head in fake disappointment.
" Come on boys. " Alfred said and Elias followed. He still buzzed with excitement, eyes wondering all over the place. " Do you need me to take off my shoes? " Elias asked.
" If you want to. " Alfred said, slippers already in hand. He thanked Alfred and put on the slippers. He took his jacket off and allowed Alfred to put it on the hook.
" I will bring you some snacks later, master Damian. " Alfred declared and Damian led Elias through the very fancy corridors of the manor. If Elias lived here, he would have had an ego that was the size of Texas.
" And this is the library. We are going to be doing the project here. " Damian declared and Elias was in awe once more. This was an amazing looking library.
" Okay, give a me a minute. " Elias said, walking up to one of the book cases, just reading the books on the shelfs. He didn't dare to touch anything.
" Nice. Alright, we can get going. " Elias said, walking to the big table in the room. Damian had already got the laptop ready.
" Good. Lets get started. " Daman said, passing some books to Elias.
" This is a boring subject to do a project on. " Elias said after 10 minutes. Damian just nodded in agreement, sighing as he typed. Damian raised his head when he heard footsteps and Elias turned his head.
It was Titus, who was let in by one and only Jason Todd. " Hey demon spawn. You must be Elias? " Jason asked him and Elias nodded. Damian was agitated.
" What are you doing here Todd? " Damian asked, agitation palpable.
" Titus wanted to see you. And we all wanted to see your friend. " Jason said, smirking at the Damian's agitation. Elias stood up and got down on his knees.
" His name is Titus? " Elias asked smiling at the Great Dane. They are so majestic.
" Come on. " Elias prompted and Titus came to him. Elias melted, he could now die happily. He loved dogs, but his mom wouldn't allow animals in the apartment. Titus gave a few kisses and his tail started wagging. Elias laughed and he kept on patting Titus.
" I think you lost Elias. " Jason said, chuckling. Damian glared at Jason, clearly not happy to still see Todd in the library. Damian petted Titus, glaring at Todd.
" Either way, the others want to meet him. Just to let you know. " Jason said, leaving the library. Damian sighed and Elias didn't really register the fact that the others wanted to meet him.
" Out Todd. Now. "
Jason smirked as he left, but not before saying goodbye to Elias. Elias said goodbye back too and Damian kind of relaxed.
" Alright, where did we left off? " Damian started, but Elias paid him no mind. Elias was in love with Titus. Damian sighed and shook his head. They were never going to finish this assignment.
Turns out, they got the half of it. Damian asked if he wanted to stay for dinner and since his mom said yes, he had no problem staying for dinner. He was hungry despite the snacks that Alfred gave them.
Damian made sure that Elias sat next to him in the surprisingly simple looking dining room, making sure that nobody sat next to Elias. He wasn't going to allow it.
Elias didn't have a problem with it, but he was a little bit confused as to why. Everyone piled in the room after a few minutes. He said his hellos to the guys, but shook hands with the Bruce Wayne.
He was going to lose his mind when he gets home. He shook hands with the one and only Bruce Wayne. Billionaire, playboy, charity guy... And one of the most influential man in the America, maybe even in the world.
" Elias, how did you meet Damian? " Bruce asked during the dinner. Everyone glanced at the boy and Damian wondered how Elias was going to play this.
" Well, I was going to leave the school, but then saw that the school bully was using Damian's sketchbook to bully him, so I punched him in the face. " Elias said, watching everyone's reactions.
" But in my defense, he tried to bully me too so it was a little revenge too. " Elias defended himself and the others nodded. It was to defend himself and Damian, so it wasn't bad.
" For the second time. " Damian said, smirking at the way that Elias whipped his head to look at him.
" You punched him in the face twice? " Bruce asked, now a little bit more interested.
" The first time it happened when he tried to bully me for the first time. I showed him I won't be a target so he left me alone. " Elias said, smiling shyly.
" You tackled the biggest one in the yard. I'm impressed. "Jason declared, making Elias chuckle quietly. He took a sip of water.
" But wait, " Jason started once more. Elias looked up. " He has a lot of friends. So in a way, you are still targeted. " Jason finished and Bruce simply raised his brow.
" Well, not really. When I stood up to him and showed him that I wasn't going to take it. My mom taught me self defense so I showed him that I wasn't going to be submissive. I was going to fight back. And they are dumb enough to not learn where to hit. " Elias noted, impressing himself with the answer.
Jason nodded, very satisfied with the answer.
" Is your mom Natalia Callahan? " Bruce asked and Elias nodded. Why would he need to know that?
" I met her a week or so ago. We are building something related to the Wayne Enterprises. She was the only one who was brutally honest with me. " Bruce notes, making Elias chuckle. " I also saw a picture of you on her desk. "
" I didn't know that she had a photo of me on her desk. " Elias said, smiling. She never told him that.
" You didn't know? " Bruce asked, taking a bite of his dinner.
" No. She never told me. " Elias said, taking an another sip of water. " That's nice to know. " Elias added.
The rest of the dinner went by without a hitch. There was some laughter and teasing directed to Damian, but all in all, it was a nice dinner. The others liked Elias. It was obvious that he didn't befriend Damian just for the fame and the bragging rights.
Bruce now saw why Natalia was proud of her son. He never really looked at the material things as the most important thing in the world.
Elias was about to say that he should go home, but the thunder and the sound of a storm interrupted him. He jumped a little bit. He didn't expect it.
" I'm sorry, is that hail? " Elias asked, clutching his chest.
" It seems it is. " Alfred confirmed, looking out the window. Elias took his phone out so see a text from mom.
Are you on the way back? Or are you at the Manor?
I'm still at the Manor. Are you home?
I am. I don't want you to go back during the weather. I can't see out the window from the rain and the hail. It's nuts.
I don't think I will. I don't think that Bruce will let me.
Alright. Let me know what he says.
Will do mama.
" I don't think I need to tell you that you might be staying here until the storm stops. " Bruce said, making Elias nod. " I thought so too. I just need to let my mom know what is going on. She says that it's insane back in the city. " Elias said, scratching the back of his neck.
" Does this mean that there will be a sleepover? " Jason teased, making Damian glare at him.
" If the storm doesn't let up. I don't think that anybody in their right mind would drive. " Bruce said, frowning at the window.
" I will tell my mom that. " Elias said, taking his phone and unlocking it.
If the storm doesn't let up, I will stay overnight.
Alright, say thanks to mister Wayne for me.
Will do mama. If we don't see each other, good night.
Good night habibi.
" She says thank you. " Elias said to Bruce.
" Just out of curiosity, what does she do? " Tim asked, seemingly waking up. Elias always saw that he looked tired.
" She's an architect. " Elias said, yawing a little.
" Hang on, is that that the mom who has had enough of Karen and her insane demands? The one who put her in her place at the PTA meeting? " Dick asked, remembering the rumors that were flying around.
" Yup. " Elias confirmed.
" You know, your mom is a badass. " Dick declared, making Elias chuckle. That much was true.
" If you don't mind me asking, is there a dad in the picture? " Tim asked, tilting his head.
" There isn't. Just mom and I. " Elias answered, leaning forward.
" This is actually awesome. " Elias said, smiling as Damian sighed. Bruce gave him a mattress that he put next to Damian's bed and Elias wondered where it came from. The mattress is clean, Elias didn't have any worries about that, but he had wondered where they stored the mattresses.
" Yeah, sure. " Damian said, getting into bed.
" I have a question for you. " Elias started, getting down on the mattress, putting the covers over himself.
" What is it? " Damian asked, also laying down. The storm showed no signs of letting down.
" My mom wants to meet you. " Elias stated and Damian turned his head.
" Really? "
" Yes. I told her how I befriended you and she just wanted to meet you. "
Damian hummed at the suggestion. Was it a good idea?
" Do you think that is a good idea? " Damian asked.
" Yes. She will like you don't worry. " Elias said, nuzzling his face into the pillow. " We can talk in the morning. I'm too tired. " Elias said quietly, eyes closing.
" Good night. " Damian said.
" Good night Damian. " Elias said, listening to the sounds outside.
Both of them fell asleep in a few minutes.
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