#if he's telling the truth. why would be do edward 'eyes' teach dirty like that hmm?
iggy-hands · 2 years
there's little consensus on whether Pete actually sailed as a part of Blackbeard's crew
but I think an argument against is that when Pete is describing Blackbeard to the crew - head made of smoke, two glowing eyes -
Stede asks, "how big are [Blackbeard's eyes]?"
To which Pete says "uhhh they're just regular [size]"
which we know is such a fucking lie
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hollywoodhangar · 4 years
👫 (Ed and Trisha or Ciel and Lizzie??)
Send a 👫and I’ll write four headcanons I have about our muse’s relationship // @thcsevoices​ // accepting // you think I am not gluttonous? you think I would only choose one of the two? wrong-o!
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People who’ve met Ed ponder at the sort of terror his father must be, so imagine their surprise upon viewing interactions between him and his mother and realize, “oh god, there’s two of them”. Ed gets so much of his personality from his mother, from his tender bleeding heart for the people to his absolute stubborn mule “I will die on this hill” disposition. Neither are passive, and neither give an inch, which leads to some passionate disagreements that leads Al to a state of absolute exhaustion as he watches them split off from each other to cool off. In the Envy Elric au, Envy is the one waving their hand and saying everything will be okay.. yet they split off to drag Ed home to talk it out with Trisha, while Al handles bringing Trisha around. You wouldn’t expect it, but Envy and Al can be some pretty tough glue that brings the family back together much more quickly. They’re an entire four person unit.  But Trisha and Ed can’t stay mad at each other for long, not at all. That actually fades away quite fast, and it’s more of the guilt that keeps the distance, and pondering how to fix it. If it isn’t for Envy and Al’s quick interventions, Trisha’s always the first to close the gap, and Ed takes note of that, and puts it into practice later on. Growth. 
They share the same drinking habit. :’) They both hold cups and mugs in a very peculiar way that no one thinks is even feasible to drink from, and it’s so distinct you can’t not notice the similarity (they refuse to use the handle, they just straight up pick up the cup from its bottom and hold it that way the entire time. it earns them weird looks and has gotten them chastised from many loved ones, especially at formal events). Lowkey, it makes Hohenheim very, very emotional later when Ed & He meet up down the line, and of course that earns him quite the squint from Edward. 
Ed learned how to braid from, of course, his mama, and he learned how to be quite the speedster with it, too! She’d have him braid her hair in the morning, and he’d take it so seriously he’d march right into her room at the crack of dawn if he just so happened to be up before her and tell her it’s time for her hair styling appointment. Trisha just thought it was the sweetest thing. She slipped her own trick into him during the learning process though, passing on a ritual of her own. Slipping a sprig of chickweed between your locks during the braiding process for protection is an old Elric tradition, their own little superstition. A farmer’s superstition, at that. The protection will last for that whole day for as long as you keep that sprig bundled up nice and tight with no possible way for it to fall out. Ed always thought it was poppycock, especially as he grew older and took to science more than silly superstition. However, every now and then early in the morning, Alphonse does spot Ed fixing his hair and notices a little flick of green being tucked into the blond locks before hidden away within the signature Fullmetal braid. Ed thinks he’s being sneaky, but Al is off to the side like :3c
You wouldn’t believe it at first glance, but Trisha and Ed do get into arm wrestling matches for fun whenever the family is brought back together. It looks harmless and innocent, and it is, but Trisha is also actually teaching him how to play dirty if he should ever find himself in a match versus someone who is obviously stronger.. but reminding him to only use these “powers” for good reason, no involving it for normal play matches! Unless it’s against a military official, then go all out.  That isn’t the first time he’s learned dirty tricks from his mother, either. She’s taught him in regards for cards too, which we’ve seen him pull on Al during long train rides, and I’m sure he’s also pulled on Envy and nearly got whooped over.  The only one this will never completely snow is Hohenheim, because he knows his wife’s dirty tricks and he will quickly recognize them in Ed, too. 
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They both discover their love for a good mystery novel when the subject is brought up during a conversation regarding the same author they like, mentioned by no other than Sebastian who knew of their mutual interest but figured it’d be ages before the other found out about it, so he decided to get that ball rolling all the sooner. These two completely spun out from there and talked for ages about their favorite books, and what sort of mysteries are their favorites (missing family heirlooms to murders).  It felt impeccably good to find a ground on which they’re both passionate about a subject. They share interests such as their love for games, but they hardly have time to discover much else about the other. This is a very well welcomed addition, and leads to them having their own little book club for two. Gives them a lot to theorize about, and they do love having someone to bounce theories off of before the true answer is revealed. The servants and Claudia gush about this.
It will be years before they marry, but that doesn’t stop Elizabeth from fantasizing and sharing her ideas. It makes Ciel’s cheeks burn to no end, but he’s a good fiancé, so he listens and he quietly takes note of just about everything she suggests. Matching outfits are a must, and there’s a debate going back and forth if they should be allowed to see what the other has Nina design for them to make sure it’s perfect, or if they should stick to tradition and not see one another’s attire before the wedding. Ciel thinks they can rely on Nina to make the perfect matching set, but Lizzie is ever fretful. Sebastian will notice when they’re out and about on the town scoping out competition that Ciel has his eyes lingering, window-shopping, looking at fabrics and décor in the windows that are purely for wedding ceremonies, and he has to hide the smirk when Ciel actually goes inside to have a better look. The demon can swear he hears the boy murmur to himself about how this is what Lizzie was talking about, but it doesn’t look quite right.. and then the Earl’ll take notice to the damn demon surveying him and storm from the store in a flustered huff.  The boy has no reason to look so onward into the future when he likely will not even make it so far.. but unfortunately, Elizabeth keeps the smallest flame of a dream alive inside of him, keeping alive the flare of excitement, however incredibly, incredibly small it is.. and Nana’s enthusiasm certainly doesn’t help, especially when she offers her own pointers from her own wedding, and says she’ll gift them the cloth she used during her own sacred ceremony.  Something olde, something new, Something borrowed, something blue.
Frances was incredibly intimidating as an instructor, but Elizabeth is more gentle and much more approachable. When she inquires Ciel about wanting to be taught how to handle a firearm (met with protest, but eventually weaned into submission through much persuasion on her part), she offers him, in exchange, the chance to learn how to master a sword. Ciel is, in truth, made curious by the prospect. There was trepidation at first, but only because of the lessons he’d gone through with his most merciless aunt. This is Lizzie teaching him now. Their lessons are something that are going to be treated quite seriously, to the depth that Ciel actually fits them into his schedule where he feels it’s most appropriate. From lesson one, they both see just how interesting this arrangement is going to be, and how much more easier it is to learn from one another than very, very intense adults (sebastian, frances).  It’s a gradual process that will take place for over a long period of time, but both will come out of it better trained in their desired aspects, and have one another to thank for it. Not only do these lessons deepen their bond, but it works with their chemistry. They learn the other’s pattern in battle, especially during fencing. Indirectly, they’re going to learn how to fight fluidly side-by-side. They become a tiny team that works together efficiently, and are better taught in communication.
Their first kiss will, or would, be their wedding kiss. It’s both of their idea, and there is a terrible guilt that storms in Ciel’s gut when he suddenly thinks on the fact that it is more than likely that the day will never come. It’s a small thing, a first kiss, but it’s so special, and it’s so human. Sebastian doesn’t understand the etiquette or romance behind it, and will never understand the depth as to why there is genuine dark cloud looming over Ciel when he reflects on this. It’s not even just a kiss, there’s more to it. Perhaps it’s this decision that has Ciel truly reflect on the power his death is going to have on Elizabeth. Their love is genuine, and it’s growing stronger, and he knows just how hard she loves him, because he loves her the same. He could think to himself that Elizabeth will find a different suitor and move on, but his mind tells him he’s a fool: Would you move on for the sake of continuing the Phantomhive lineage? Would you move on from Elizabeth? No, of course you wouldn’t. So, why would she move on from you?  The Midford who puts aside title and rank for a loved one? The hurdle is the most intense Ciel’s had to overcome in a while because of how tender the love is, and how true it is, how it’s for him and him alone, and how rough it is to tear such affection from the root and push it beneath the floorboards. Causing such a beautiful, true thing to bleed profusely because he’s chosen the path of no return, and he can’t be barred down by it. He’ll love Elizabeth intensely, he’ll never stop until his dying breath, but he can’t be held back by his emotions. He’s pursuing his goal. But damn, if this isn’t the one that made him hesitate, if but for a strong, strong moment.
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t4tozier · 5 years
i’m gonna uhh post some snippets of fics i’ll never continue to write okay let’s go
“Eddie ran away for the first time when he was ten years old. He’d just been to the pharmacy and found out that all the medication he’d been taking--for years--was fake. He didn’t want to believe it. Greta Keene, the girl who’d told him, was a notorious liar. Any other time, he wouldn’t have believed her. And yet, somehow, he knew she was telling the truth. He could feel it in his gut. So he ran. He didn’t bother going home, just ran straight from the pharmacy into the woods.
His mother always told him not to play in the woods. They were dangerous, she told him. All sorts of hidden monsters. But Eddie went all the way to the middle of the woods and all he saw was a well. It was old and dirty, something his mother would never approve of him even getting near. But something about the well drew him in, so he slowly approached it. Eddie gripped the edge of the well, tilting up on his tiptoes to look inside.
In the stories his dad read to him when he was little, these wells were magic. They often didn’t even have water in them, much as this one didn’t, but it didn’t matter. The stories said that if you looked inside and spoke your heart’s desire, it would come true. That’s why they were called wishing wells.
Eddie took a deep breath and thought hard about what he wanted to say. It didn’t take long before it came to him and he closed his eyes before speaking. “I wish I could get far away from this place,” he whispered, then fell silent, waiting for...something. But nothing happened. No sudden gust of wind, no chiming of bells. He wasn’t sure why he thought it would. Eddie sighed. He guessed he’d have to go back to his house now, since his wish clearly didn’t work. He turned around and was immediately faced with a boy.
Eddie yelped and jumped back, hitting the well hard and falling backwards. For a moment, he was terrified he was going to die. But then the boy grabbed his hand and pulled him back up, tugging him into his chest. Eddie’s heart flew up out of his throat as his hands connected with the boy’s chest. “H-hi,” he breathed, blinking up at him.
“Hi!” the taller boy chirped back. “My name’s Richie. What’s yours?” Eddie was pretty sure he’d never seen this boy before in all the years he’d lived here. He had big blue eyes and curly black hair. His face was covered in freckles, and as he smiled down at Eddie, his teeth were bonded by neon green braces. He was tall too, wow. Eddie hadn’t hit his growth spurt yet. His ma said it was ‘cause he was fragile. He wasn’t sure how true that was, but looking into the bright eyes of the boy in front of him, all other thoughts of his ma were erased from his mind.
“D-do you live here?” Eddie got out, completely ignoring the other’s question. The boy—Richie—laughed, displaying those neon braces again.
“Yeah, I do. I’m homeschooled, though, so I don’t go to the school with the rest of the kids.” He looked a little sad about it, but the expression vanished as he continued. “I got this thing called dyslexia, so I can’t really read or write too good. Mags says the teachers were mean when I was in regular school, so she’s teachin’ me herself. I still don’t really got it, though. I dunno if I’m ever gonna.”
Eddie cocked his head, lips parted as he looked up at this boy. He didn’t know what dyslexia was, and he didn’t know Richie at all. But he blurted out, “I could teach you.” A voice in his head warned him to take it back, but he didn’t want to. He wanted to know more about this strange boy with the freckles and the neon braces.”
-Danny, Dakota, and the Wishing Well songfic
“We have an assignment for you.”
Edward scoffed. “I’ve told you a thousand times, I’m not taking any more—”
“He’s a nephilim.”
That piqued Edward’s interest. He slowly sat up. “A nephilim? And you trust me to watch him?” The Council nodded. Edward considered it. After so many years...would he even be a good enough guardian? Especially for a nephilim—he’d never been charged to guard one before. But maybe...just maybe...this would be what he needed. The last one, to prove to them that he was better off in retirement. “What…what’s the kid’s name?”
“Richard Tozier.”
-the end of my Eddie/Adrian guardian angel au
“Richie didn’t know what he expected when he died. He’d always been told that his soul would be alive forever, living on even after his body had passed. He didn’t know if he believed that, though. The concept of everyone living forever? It was almost too much to think about. He figured once he died, he wouldn’t wake up. It would just be blackness for eternity.
Richie was not expecting this.
The first thing he was aware of was music. There was music dancing through the air, lively music with lots of brass. It sounded like something he’d hear at home in Santa Cecilia. Richie thought he was back home, and quickly cracked open an eye.
From what he could see, his side was pressed into a pile of marigold petals. When he opened his mouth, he spat out more petals, wrinkling his nose in disgust. That felt weird.
“Señor Tozier...lo siento, pero...usted mueró. Sé no es fácil entender, pero—”
“¡No!” Richie stood up, running skeletal fingers through straw-like hair. “No, it can’t be! I can’t be dead, I need to tell Eddie I love him, I need to see Coco, I can’t have died!” He was pacing, aching with tears that couldn’t be shed. “It’s too early, I’m supposed to be at home! I can’t—” He cut himself off with a dry sob.
The woman stood up from her chair, resting a hand on his shoulder. “Señor, por favor, usted necesita respirar, ¿sí?”
Richie shook her hand off. “¿Respira? ¿Respira? ¡No tengo livianos, no puedo respirar!” He sounded frantic.”
-chap. 2 of beat of my heart, my coco reddie au
These could possibly be triggering to people with dermatillomania or who self-harm so take care of yourself! I’ll put it under a cut once I’m off mobile
He had a ring of white scars around his face, oddly shaped.
“Aren’t you hot?”
“No,” the boy said simply. His left hand twitched, almost imperceptibly.
Stan quietly took a seat across from him. His hands kept moving—drumming his fingers on the table, pressing down on his leg, nails digging into his palm. At one point, he started to roll up his sleeve impatiently, but Bev placed a hand on his shoulder and he pushed it back down, sighing. She seemed pleased, and intertwined her fingers with his before continuing to chat with Richie and Bill. The whole interaction left Eddie even more confused. He hadn’t seen any sort of sign that they were in a relationship, and yet here they were, holding hands in public! It all seemed rather odd.
“He just needs more support than most people, that’s all,” Richie said easily. Sensing that this wasn’t the answer that Eddie wanted, he added, “Look, I’d tell you, but it’s not my place to say. Ol’ Stanny Boy will spill when he’s ready.” Eddie still wasn’t satisfied, but he let it go. Besides, the sinking feeling in Eddie’s gut told him he already knew the answer.
Stan sighed. “I have this...thing. It’s...well, it’s a form of OCD. I’ve had it for years now, since probably the summer of my sophomore year. I don’t know what brought it on, to be honest. I’ve wracked my brain and I can’t think of any valid reason why I’m...like this.” He took a deep breath. “It’s called dermatillomania. Basically, I pick my skin. A lot. I can’t help it; it’s like a compulsion. I guess that’s why it’s part of OCD. It’s mostly just my arms and my face. That’s what all these scars are,” he added, pointing at the ring of white splotches circling his face. “That was before I realized how bad it was. I did it without noticing the effects. By now it’s too late to get rid of them. They’re scars now, nothing I can do about it. It’s really bad, Mike. I can’t take a shower or be in front of the mirror for too long, I can’t wear t-shirts or tank tops or go shirtless in the summer. Long sleeves are just about the only thing that stops me, and even then, I have plenty of things on my forearms that I could pick too. If someone isn’t there with me to physically stop me, I could just stay there for an hour, at least, just finding any raised bump on my skin that I can dig at until it bleeds.” He grimaced. “I’m sorry.”
Mike shook his head. “Don’t apologize, Stan. I want you to talk about it; it’s good for you. As long as you’re okay with telling me, I want to hear it.”
Stan gave him a small smile. “Thank you,” he said quietly.
“Of course,” Mike responded, returning the shy smile.“Do you want to talk about it more?”
“I mean, if you’re sure I’m not grossing you out,” Stan said, rubbing his arm self-consciously.
“Stan, you could never gross me out, I swear.”
The reassurance seemed to give Stan a second wind. “Honestly? I don’t know what I’d do without Rich and Bev. I’d be so much worse off. I have no self control when it comes to picking. I have to have Richie in the bathroom with me when I shower, or brush my teeth, or wash my face, because if I’m exposed to my own skin I won’t be able to stop myself. Richie is my rock. As much as he gets on my nerves sometimes—he’s my rock. He’s always there to ground me and tell me to snap out of it, and it’s one of the only things I’ve never heard him joke about.” Stan paused for a second, staring into the fire as he weighed his next words. He sighed. “I just...sometimes I hate myself for it, you know? Like, how weak must I be if I can’t wear a t-shirt without wanting to rip open my skin? How pathetic am I if I need to have someone with me at all times in case—god forbid—I take my jacket off? I feel so helpless. I can’t control it. As much as I want to, I can’t. There are times when nobody’s around, and I’ll sit on a disgusting hotel bed and pick at my skin until my arms are bleeding and scabbing over and it looks like I’m diseased because all my skin is pink and raised, and I’ll hate myself for doing it because I’m telling myself to stop even as I keep picking and I can’t stop myself until one of them comes in and starts crying because oh shit, Stan fucked up again and I hate it I hate it I hate it—”
“Stan, Stan, listen to me.” Mike grabbed his face in his hands. “Look at me, okay? No matter what you think, you are not pathetic.”
-stan’s derma scenes, as we fall softly
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abitscripturient · 4 years
Favorite Parts of Oxytocin Pt. 3
22-30 (autumn chapters)
Chapter 22
Ryutaro just stared at the newly incensed woman and his nonchalant attitude added wood to the fire. She knew that he was just being dirty. Her mouth turned up as much as his did earlier and she was about to lit onto him, but then she just smiled shaking her head. He wasn’t worth her energy and she was taught better. 
“You are just...just so despicable, Ryutaro and I'm glad you’re firing me...”
A finger was pointed at her slowly from the desk. “Don't disrespect me. You will call me Mizuno-sama.” Aija scoffed and put her hands on the desk to face her ex-boss head to head. Ryutaro slowly stood up to do the same and the intensity charged the room’s atmosphere.
“No, I don't think so. You're not my master. You're not even my boss as of this moment on! I'll call you whatever I wish to now.” Aija spat, making sure Ryutaro got the full view of who the real Aija could be if challenged. She wasn’t going to back down when it came to who she loved and Hikaru was that person.
Chapter 23
Kynli paused in her step, hesitating and then turning around to face Hikaru. “Actually…” At his questionable gaze, she walked into the office saying, “I have noticed some things and I have a feeling that I’m not to going to match up to the receptionist before me.”
Hikaru put down his pen before lowering his chin to his hands in thought. “You’re doing a good job.”
“But not as good as Aija.”
He didn’t lie. “Aija was one of a kind, yes. But not just as a receptionist…she was a friend to everybody here.”
Kynli nodded in understanding before asking, “If you don’t mind me asking…why was she let go?”
Hikaru regarded the woman. A few months ago he would have told her she was overstepping her bounds. But he didn’t have a problem for some reason. “Because she fell in love and now has a relationship with me.” 
Kynli blinked in surprise. Hikaru chuckled. “It’s frowned upon of course and we both knew what would happen, but the truth always comes out.”
“Do you love her?”
Hikaru raised an eyebrow.
“Aija. Do you love her?”
Hikaru could honestly only give one answer. “With my entire being.”
Kynli gave a soft smile and replied, “Then not all is lost. Have a good night, Doctor.” Hikaru returned the smile and Kynli made her departure. She seemed like a nice addition to the office, after all.
Chapter 24
This was a hard chapter to write and so there is no fave part here.
Chapter 25
She was stopped with a gentle hand on her shoulder. She frowned and gave a confused glance upward. The officer who stopped her was the same one who convinced her to come out of the closet. He kneeled down to her level. His eyes were full of concern. He pushed back a strand of her hair asking, "You okay, honey? How did you get that bruise?" Aija rubbed her cheek. "One of the big men hit me when they hit my momma." Tears came to her eyes seeing the ambulance drive away. This felt wrong. Her mother shouldn’t be leaving her behind.
“Momma… Don’t leave me. Okay?” she sobbed, reaching toward the ambulance. 
Aija then was picked up weightless, hearing, "Don't worry, Little Girl. You're safe now." Aija didn’t answer. All that mattered, for now, were the warm strong arms holding her. She buried her wet face into his neck. As he carried her, she heard somebody call out, “You got her, Edwards?” 
“Yeah, she’s not leaving my sight.” He answered, stroking her hair.
Chapter 26
Chi took another sip of tea.“I know that you knew that this wouldn’t be okay with your father, Hikaru. You’re an intelligent man. Look where you came from. Nippon isn’t exactly a mixed race country. Interracial relationships are rare.”
At Hikaru’s look of confusion, Chinatsu put a hand on her chest. Her eyes were warm. “I myself am happy when you are happy, son. If Aija makes you happy then so be it. But what I’m all right with and what Nippon and your father are all right with are two different things.
Hikaru scoffed again; his heart resolved to one fact:that it belonged to Aija. “Kore wa Nihonde wa arimasen. This isn’t Japan, Okaa… This is America. I can be with who I want and nobody can force me to do otherwise.”
Chinatsu remained quiet, but her eyes shone with unhidden pride for her son.
Chapter 27
“Yeah. We even went to music class together as children.” Takumi added, putting his cup down on the table. 
Briseis smiled with pride at her husband, but Aija frowned in confusion. “Music class? That’s news to me. I never would have pegged you guys as musicians.”
“Takumi does his for a living. He’s pretty popular back in Japan and people love the music of his piano.” Briseis explained, holding on to Takumi’s hand as he nodded in agreement.
“You play the piano. That’s wonderful and I love classical music.” Aija said before eying Hikaru. “You never told me you can play piano, baby.” 
Hikaru looked over with intense eyes over at Aija from his cup, and then lowered it replying, “That’s because I don’t play the piano.” 
“Then…I…don't understand. Did you just follow Takumi to classes just cause or what?” 
“Violin. I play the violin.” 
Chapter 28
“I would love nothing more than to teach you how to be a lady, Miss Aija. Being stylish is only the beginning of having class. There are also manners and personality. Learning how to take care of yourself and not rely on anyone if you can help it. An independent woman is a thing of beauty.” Evelyn explained with a warm smile.
Aija just sat transfixed listening to every word her aunt told her while riding in the car. She could see herself being just what she envisioned in her mind. Only time would tell if she would make it happen.
“Posture is a must. Sitting up straight and making sure your legs are closed are a plus in a woman’s life. Don’t want to cross your legs over the knees? Cross them at the ankles. Keep the men guessing about you, honey. Don’t give away all of the goodies with a sneak peek of your panties.”
Aija instantly sat up straight, pushing her legs together and Evelyn gave her approval by winking. “You’re already getting there, baby girl. Stick with me. I won’t steer you wrong.”
Chapter 29
“I want to look into your eyes. So that you know as I’m fucking you, just who’s pussy this belongs to.”
Aija speechless, nodded and as Hikaru began to thrust into her with a slow rhythm, let her eyes close in pleasure.
Another smack on her ass cheek opened them wide and she cried out looking up. Hikaru looked down at her with a raised eyebrow. 
“Keep those eyes open.”
“Yes, sir.” 
Chapter 30
While Reggie looked back at Nakiah and sucked air between his teeth, Hikaru took that moment to move his hand off of Aija’s with ease. The thug turned back to Hikaru with a frown on his face before he moved up to touch chests and lock eyes with the confident doctor. Hikaru didn’t back down but didn’t make a move either. Aija glanced back and forth between the two charged up men, knowing a fight could break out in her house, and before Reggie could try to raise a hand, she exclaimed,  “Get the fuck out of my kitchen, Reggie!”
Reggie backed up, nodding. He pointed a finger at Hikaru, warning him that this wasn’t over between them, but Hikaru wasn’t intimidated in the least.
Medi Love Tag List (contact to be added or removed): @kainablue @ladywithalamp @kasey-writes @daftydrafty @catharticallysarcastic
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reject-princess97 · 5 years
Peter Parker X O.C
"Thea!" I heard my aunt Pepper call me. I sat up on my bed and turned to my bedroom door open.
"Thea, there you are, I need a favour." Pepper asked and I nodded,
"Sure, what can I do?" I asked sitting up. I was still sat in my PJ's, Netflix playing as I spoke.
"I need you to take a group around the tower, I've got no interns free and they arrive in an hour, can you do it?" She asked.
"Yeah, sure I can." I smiled, she grinned and walked over to me and kissed my forehead.
"Thank you, you are a lifesaver." She gushed.
"I'm an avenger it's kinda in the job description." I joked standing up and walking to my closet to change.
"It's the truth." Pepper laughed. "OK, so the group will meet you at reception. The group are to see the museum, R&D labs and the training area." Pepper informed me.
"Got it." I smiled "Do I gotta dress smart?" I asked I look of worry in my face.
"Wear what you want, just be comfortable." She told me, Her phone buzzed and she looked down. "I gotta go, thanks again, Thea, I owe you one." She looked up at me, smiled then left.
I changed into  Pair of black skinny jeans, a white t-shirt and a black leather jacked. I added a pair of wedged sneakers and a silver arrow necklace from my dad. I let my copper coloured hair full to it's natural curly mess and added a pair of spider earring.
I left my bedroom and walked into the dining room where O found my mum (Nat) and dad (Clint) arguing over who ate the last pop tart.
"Is it too late to triad  you guys in for parents who are less like children?" I called over their fighting which stopped as soon as they heard my voice.
"Rude." My dad huffed grabbing a spoon off the counter and threw it at me. I grinned as I caught and threw it back when he turned back to my mum.
"Is it too late to take my name of the adoption papers or exchange her for a kid that's less like her mother and more like me?" Dad asked Mum who shook her head and laughed.
"No, I like this one, besides you have other children, just make then your minions." She shrugged.
(I should probably explain the dysfunctional family dynamic I got going no here. My parents, Natasha Romanoff and Clint Barton, adopted me when I was a new born baby after she found me in a lab where some guys where pumping me full of chemicals that ended up giving me a certain advantage, I was...a different person when I'm overwhelmed with emotions. Much like Uncle Bruce and The Hulk, I become this thing that is controlled by her emotions. I've mostly gotten it under control but occasionally I'll go 'Code Blue' and my mum has to calm me down, which is near impossible.
Nat wanted a kid so bad, but couldn't have one so when she found me she took me in and after a while Clint offered to Co-sign adoption papers. His wife agreed to this and while Clint lives with his wife and kids on a secret farm, I live here, in Stark Tower, with my mum, uncle Bruce, uncle Steve, uncle Bucky, my 'sister' Wanda and my aunt Pepper and Tony...my uncle who pays for everything. So here we are standing in the tower kitchen, arguing over pop tarts and throwing cutlery.)
"Morning Маленькая стрела (Little Arrow), You sleep Okay?" My mum asked as she handed me a plate of toast and a soda."
"Yeah, listen, Pepper asked if I could give a tour to a group of students, so training will have to wait till later." I informed her taking a bite of my food.
"It's fine, she told me on her way to look for you." Mum shrugged,
"So, who's the group?" Dad asked.
"I'm not sure yet, I will find out when I get down to reception, speaking of which. Gotta Scram," I told them as I left my dirty dish in the sink, kissed both my parents on the cheek, grabbed my security pass and left, heading to the elevator.
"Good morning Little Arrow, where too?" F.R.I.D.A.Y asked as I stepped in the elevator.
"Ground floor please FRIDAY." I told her. A minute or so later the doors opened to the ground floor of Stark tower.
I walked over to the reception , grabbed the security badges for the group and walked over to the waiting area and sat down waiting and texting my boyfriend Peter Parker. My head shot up when I heard a deep voice speak to the receptionist.
"Hello, we're here for the tour of the tower." His voice boomed. I walked over as I saw the receptionist point in my direction. I reached the group and smiled.
"Hi, Midtown Tech right?" I asked, glancing down at the name on the papers the receptionist gave me earlier.
"Yes." The said, looking down at me. "And you are?"
"I'm Thea Romnnoff, I'm your tour guide today." I smiled as I pointed to my security pass, pinned to my top.
"Aren't you a little young to be an intern here?" He asked, looking down at me sceptically.
"Yes, yes I am, which is why I don't Work here, I love here." I told him.
"I'm sorry but I think..."
"Look teach, my mum and I live upstairs, Pepper Potts in my aunt and she asked me this morning if I would give the tour, because who better to give a tour of the tower than somebody who has been into every room in the building." I told him.
"Yes, but..." He began again.
"Look, there are no other interns available to give the tour, I'm all you got, so if my age bothers you, feel free to leave and arrange another another visit, however that could be a while." I told him. He let out a sigh and nodded before turning to his class.
"Class, this is miss Romanoff, she will be giving us the tour, so please, do your best to behave." He told them. "Miss Romanoff, over to you." I nodded and watched as the kids all looked towards me.
"OK, listen up guys, I'm Thea Romanoff, call me Thea, not Miss Romanoff. You do that, we'll get along great." I smiled at them. "I'm obliged to tell you, there are Avengers living in ST so there will be some around. If we do spot any we'll do a quick Q&A before moving on." I told them. I pulled a few passes out of the box and handed then to the teacher to give out as I explained.
"OK, so your teacher is coming round with your security passes. Keep these in sight at all times, our head of security is a real pain in the butt about them." I told them I I handed out a few others I had left.
"Thanks Thea!" I heard Happy call.
"You got it Hap!" I called back, chuckling.
"OK, so security levels...to get into the building we'll pass through a security scanner which will call out your names and security passes." I told them as we began walking slowly. "The levels are simple:
*Level A- Avengers and Tony's personal intern, he needs the Pass level A to go where Stark does. *Level F- for family and friends of the Avengers, *Level I-Intern, *Level S-Staff members not working in the labs, *and level V- visitors like yourselves. Now does anybody have any questions?" I asked as we stopped at the security scanners.
"Yeah, Parker, Jones and Leeds don;t have passes." I tall, snobby looking kids yells. my head snapped up at the sound of the familiar names and sure enough, stood at the back of the group stood my best friend MJ, My boyfriends best friend Ned Leeds and my boyfriend Peter Parker, who stood, trying to hide behind Ned and MJ. I chuckled as MJ waved, a wide grin on her face.
"They have passes already,." I told him.
"What how, who did you have to pay to get them Penis." The kid called back to Peter. I froze and turned slowly to face him.
"What did you just call him?"
"Nothing, look I just want to know why those three losers have a pass to Stark Tower is all." He shrugged.
"MJ and Ned happen to be my friends, and Pete is my UNCLE Tony's intern, now I suggest you shush before you get kicked out of the building." I told him.
"Now, pretty simple, scan the Pass and you go through." I scanned my pass and walked through as FRIDAY spoke up.
"Thea Romanoff: Pass level A. Hello again Little Arrow." FRIDAY called.
"Hey FRI."
"OK, You, kid who thinks is all it...you first." I scowled at him. He gulped a little but stepped forward and scanned his pass.
"Eugene Thompson: Pass level V" FRIDAY called out. The rest of the Class followed suit, chatting as they stood on the other side of the scanners waiting for the rest of the class. The class became quiet when MJ walked through.
"Michelle Jones: Pass level F. Welcome to hell MJ."  FRIDAY said, MJ and I burst out laughing, the rest of the class watched confused. Next was Ned's turn.
"Edward Leeds: Pass Level F. Welcome Back Ted." Ned's head shot to me as I let out a laugh again.
"Sorry Teddy, Tin Can and I were playing with FRIDAY's personal greetings and...Sorry." I told him, he shook his head and chuckled walking over to where MJ and I stood. Last was Peter who's eyes flickered to me, a small smile on his face.
"She's gonna give me weird greeting too right?" He asked me but I shot him a wink and smiled as he stepped forward.
"Peter Parker: Pass Level A, Good morning Bambi." FRIDAY called out, Pete shot me a look,
"Hey, that one was all Tin Can младенец (Baby) " I told him, raising my hands in surrender,
"Yeah, I'm sure it was мой маленький лучник (My Little Archer)"
"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT!" The kid, Eugene, called to us.
"What?" Peter asked confused.
"You spoke another language." The teacher spoke up shocked.
"Yeah, Russian, why's that a problem?" I asked him.
"It's not, I just never heard him speak Russian, I didn't know his could." Peters teacher answered.
"That's mostly for my benefit, when he's here we speak Russian. it annoys my dad and uncle." I explained, before he could answer FRIDAY spoke.
"Bambi, Boss man and Thea will be made aware of your arrival." FRIDAY told him as my phone buzzed. I looked to see FRIDAY had sent me a text telling me Peter was in the building.
"OK, let's go to the R&D labs shall we.
An hour later as we were exiting the R&D labs after having a little mess around with a few robotic components and heading towards the dinning area for lunch when I noticed Peter stiffen. I stopped and shushed everybody.
"Everybody shush!" I called out. I listened, quietly and looked up, just in time to see my dad jump out of the vents above me. I hit the floor, rolled and grabbed my knife I kept in my pocket. throwing it to him. He caught it and smiled wide. I stood up, wide eyed and I let my anger take over.
"Папа, что, черт возьми, не так с тобой? (Dad, what the hell is wrong with you?)" I yelled, walking over and grabbing my knife back off of him.
"English, Thea." My dad chuckled.
"I'm trying to keep you and mini Stark on your toes." my dad shrugged, I was about to make a sarcastic and sassy remark however my uncle Bruce came walking out of the elevator looking panicked.
"I head yelling in Russian, who hurt my goddaughter?" He asked, looking around. I turned and pointed at me dad and he visibly calmed down.
"What happened?"
"He jumped out of the vent, he tried to kill me." I told Bruce.
"Just trying to keep her on her toes." My dad shrugged.
"You risked a code Green, to keep Thea on her toes?2 My uncle asked, exasperated.
"She need's to be in a state of total awareness at all times." My dad argued back.
"Ah, Unagi" Peter called from the back of the group. I let out a laugh, obviously getting the Friends reference, before turning to Uncle Bruce.
"Hey, I'm OK, no need for a code green." I smiled as he hugged me. "Now, you up to answering some questions from the group?" I ask him. He nodded and the questions for my dad and Uncle began.
I took this opportunity to sneak to the back of the group here Peter was stood, watching me.
"Hey, hot stuff." I smiled as I stood by him.
"You OK?" He asked as he wrapped an arm around my shoulder. I nodded and rested my head on his shoulder for a second.
"He, only did that because Mr Stark told him I was here with the group." Peter reassured me.
"Please, my dad would have done the same thing if I was on my own, or with a group of business men and women, is an idiot who likes to scare me." I told him.
"Yeah, well one of these days he'll get his ass beat." He laughed.
"True." I smiled up at him. "So, why didn't you tell me you were in the school group today?" I asked him. He looked down and shrugged.
"They didn't tell us where we were going, just to get on the bus."
"What and you didn't recognise the route the bus was taking?"
"I wasn't paying much attention to where the bus was going, because I spent the whole bus ride texting my girlfriend, my attention was else where." He chuckled as he tightened his grip and kissed the top of my head.
"Right, yeah, sorry." I laughed as I laughed as I looked up at him. I stood quietly for a couple minutes until I left him alone to go get on with the tour.
"OK, thanks uncle Bruce, Dad." I smiled. "OK, guys, we're going to make our way down the Lunch room, if you wanna follow me." I instructed them as I lead them to the elevator. once everyone was in FRIDAY spoke up.
"Hello Little Arrow, where to?"
"Floor 3 please." I asked and within seconds the elevator was moving. It was quiet until a low, booming voice called my name.
"Yes, Anthony?" I asked my uncle.
"Are you and Pete joining us for lunch?"
"No, we'll eat in the cafeteria with the group, thanks." I answered
"Cool, I'll send some food down for you both, Ted and MJ too, Capsicle made too much." He informed me, then there was quiet as everybody looked at me.
"What?" I asked them
"Did Mr Stark just call you Theodora?" Peter asked, a smirk on his face.
"Yeah, his did, it's my name." I told him. "If you even think of calling me Theodora, I will end your life...painfully." I glared at him. He chuckled and then the door to the elevator opened we all exited.
I continued to the cafeteria with the group then let them split up. I sat at a table. marked with fore plates and a piece of paper with 'THEODORA' written across it.
"That men needs to update his will, and quickly." I huffed as I sat down. MJ and Ned laughed, while Peter kept his eyes a table closer to us. The table that the Flash kid was sitting at. Seconds later I saw a piece of paper fly towards Peter however I caught it before it hit him.
I unrolled the paper and saw he had a message written on it. Be black letters,
Penis Parker, who did you have to screw to get this internship, I'm so much smarter than you loser. P.S that girl, Thea, she's pretty hot, to hot to know you.
"That's it, I'm gonna kill the fucker." I growled and stood up.
"Mr Thompson!" The teacher called. I walked over to the table Flash was sat at and smiled sweetly.
"Hi boys." I grinned. "I just wanted to come over for a quick chat."
"Oh, yeah, you finally had enough with the loser club?" One of Flash's goons asked.
"No, I'm good with the Loser Club, hell I started the loser club. No, I have a little problem."
"What would that be sweet heart?" Flash asked.
"Well, Sweetheart, you, dick for brains, keep antagonising me by bullying my boyfriend." I said as I pointed at him the at Peter.
"So what, he has to send his girlfriend to fight for him?" He laughed.
"No, in about two seconds he's gonna come over her, say something in Russian then try drag me away to stop me from killing you." I told him
"Bullshit" Flash laughed. I smirked and sat back.
"3..2..1" Right on que, Peter came walking over placed a hand on my shoulder.
"Маленький Арчер, успокойся, я в порядке, и он не стоит того (Little Archer, calm down, I'm fine, and he's not worth it)" He whispered in my ear. I locked my glare on Flash, no longer smiling.
"You seriously think she's going to protect you Penis?" Flash asked Peter.
"Call him Penis again and you'll see." I growled.
"Thea Romanoff!" Peter scolded. I kept my gaze on Flash.
"You need to calm down right now." He told me. He walked tot he where Flash was sat and pushed in out the way.
I watched Peter as starred at me, then his eyes widened and he pulled out something, then everything was blue.
"Nat, we got a code blue!" Pete called into the object, his phone.
My eyes fixed on Flash who watched confused and scarred as he starred into my now Blue eyes. By now everybody was watching until the sound of FRIDAY began ringing in the air.
"Can all personal please make there way out of the Cafeteria, we have a code blue, I repeat code blue."
Everybody began leaving, but my eyes glued to Flash. He looked around but as he began to move I dove for him, screaming as I did. Then I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist. Flash looked over my head surprised.
"Seriously kid, you gotta go!" He heard Bucky Barns yell from behind me. My eyes followed Flash as he exited the room then my eyes fixated on Peter.
*Peter's point of view*
I watched as her eyes landed on me, her once grey eyes, a bright, luminous blue, the chemicals in her body reacting to her emotions. I stood still, knowing that if I made any movements to calm her, the way I usually do, she would snap even more. She was so far gone, only Wanda's mind whammy could fix her now. I watched Cap, who had a hold off Thea, holding her back until Wanda came rushing in.
I watched as my girlfriends eyes went blank, still Bright blue us she looked as if she was looking right through me. I ran over and sat beside her, taking her hand in mine. Cap let go of her and she sank into my arms.
"Pete, you there?" She asked looking around. I knew she couldn't see me as Wanda had stopped her vision and let her see nothing but a view of the city, something that really calmed Thea.
"Yeah baby, I'm here."
"Did, I...Did I code blue?" She asked me.
"Yeah, but it's OK let go and we'll talk later." I told her.
She became twitchy in my arms then she collapsed. Nat came rushing in as I hugged her tight. She walked over to Thea and I, carefully placing a hand on her daughters head.
"What happened Peter?" She asked me, I never took my eyes of Thea as I spoke.
"Flash, he, he was giving me shit, bullying me and she was OK at first, she just let if go, but the he threw this at me and she freaked." I told her, passing her the note Flash had thrown at me, I had read it before when she was sat starring Flash down.
"I'm gonna kill him!" I her Clint yell as he appeared at Nat's side and read the note.
"This is my fault, I.. I..."
"Peter, honey, there was nothing you did wrong, This kid just didn't listen to reason and now she's gone." Nat reassured me.
"Tony's called your Aunt Peter, she knows you're here and school have been informed you're staying here. Bruce told me as he walked into the room. His eyes landed on his God daughter, laying unconscious in my lap. I saw a spark of green flash in his eyes and I turned to night.
"Nat, Bruce, I saw..."
"Yeah, I saw it too." She told me as she lent in and kissed Thea's head then stood up and walked over to Bruce.
"Come on Banner, Pete will take her to med bay, we need to get you out of her, we don't need a code green too." Nat told him as she grabbed his hand and guided him out of the room.
"You want me to take her?" Cap asked but I shook my head.
"We can't until she...." Then, as if on que, Thea's eyes opened wide and she let out a loud scream. The power in the scream sent tables flying, windows breaking and lights flickering. The she stopped and closed her eyes again.
"Last time she did that in the Med bay, she took out most of the medical equipment and cost Tony thousands of dollars in damage." I told Cap as I lifted Thea into my arms and carried her to med bay.
*Three Hours Later*
*Thea P.O.V*
I opened my eyes, slowly and took in my surroundings. I was in my room, on my bed, A tall sleeping body next to me. I moved a little, to get a better look but as I did I woke up the sleeping boy next to me.
"Hey." He smiled as he sat up quickly
"What happened?" I asked.
"Code Blue." Peter smiled sadly at me. "You didn't hurt anybody, a few broken windows, you probably given half my class nightmares but that's about it." He joked, trying to lighten my mood.
"Sorry." I sighed sadly.
"You took longer to wake up this time too, nearly 20 minutes before you screamed. Dr Banner is looking into it but he doesn't want to do anything until you're better." He told me.
"Is he...is he OK?"
"Yeah, your mum saved us from a code green, however we're not going to tell him how the code blue happened, it's bad enough you went code blue, but if he finds out I was being bullied too...The big guy would have a freaking field day at my school."
"You know, you could leave, be home schooled with me? You'd learn so much more here with Uncle Tony and Uncle Bruce." I offered and he chuckled.
"I might take you up on that." He smiled and he kissed my head, "You up to eating?" He asked. I nodded and he helped me out of bed and into the kitchen where my family were all waiting. After a lot of fussing, my family finally let me sat down, with he help of Peter, and eat.
"Hey Pete" I whispered to my boyfriend who sat next to me.
"Yeah babe?"
"thank you for helping me." I smiled.
"Anytime." He grinned,
"Я люблю тебя, детка (I love you, baby)" I smiled up at him.
"Я тоже люблю тебя, мой маленький лучник (I love you too, my little archer)" He whispered back, I lean and and kiss him softly.
"STARK, CAN YOU GET YOUR DIRTY SPIDER SON OF OFF OF MY PRECIOUS DAUGHTER!" my dad shouted, making us all laugh. I winced a little at the pain in my head but smiled as my dad and Tony began yelling profanities at each other, I rested my head on Pete's shoulder, sighing happily, looking at the people sat at the table around me, Mum, Dad, Uncle Tony, Aunt Pepper, Uncle Bruce, my 'sister' Wanda, Vision, Uncle Steve, Uncle Bucky and my amazing, wonderful boyfriend Peter Parker. The people I love the most, my family.
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