#medi love: oxytocin
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abitscripturient · 4 years ago
Enter Asami
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“Hikaru! Aniki!”
Hikaru smiled big as a lean young woman ran into his arms for a hug and he hugged her back tight. “Konnichiwa, Asami! How was your flight?”
“Too long! Layovers are torture! I’m so happy to see you! Look at how dapper you look!”
It wasn’t hard to feel the effervescence his sister gave off and Hikaru separated from the hug feeling just as excited to see her. He twirled her around, taking in her hair; normally black that she loved to keep in a dark auburn color, white blouse and pink flowered skirt. “Me? Look at you! Just as lovely as when you went to college or wait…even more so!”
Asami laughed as she hugged her older brother once more. “Stop! But yes, you’re right! Let me have another hug.” After the two hugged for a bit more, Hikaru took his sister’s carry-on bags while suggesting, “Let’s go get your luggage.”
“Yes, let’s.”
On the car ride, while they were driving down the freeway, Asami stared at Hikaru as if analyzing him. “You look different.” At his raised eyebrows she continued, “Happier.” Hikaru looked back at the road, but couldn’t help giving a small smirk that only pushed his sister’s curiosity further.
“Ooh, let’s see…um…you got a raise at work?”
“You- got a new house?”
Dismissed again.
Asami seemed baffled and then like a hit to the face with a ball, it all became clear. She gaped at Hikaru with amazement.
“There is a woman in your life…”
Hikaru was silent, but his smirk ascended to a full fledged smile.
Asami’s shrill scream surrounded the car and Hikaru flinched with a chuckle. “Can’t get anything past you, Chibi-sami.”
“Oh, this is so great…and she’s permanent?”
“That’s what it feels like so far.”
“Details! I want to know all about her!”
Hikaru laughed; Asami knew all about Hikaru’s life and hated the fact that he was so into his work that he didn’t have time to live. She wanted so badly for him to find a woman he could be happy with. So this information to her was like hearing that she had made the Dean’s List.
“I’ll tell more about her when we get you to the house.”
“Wait, I’m going to our parents house?”
“That was the plan, Asami.”
Asami groaned and fell back against the seat with a pout. Hikaru looked at her with a confused glance.
“What did you expect would happen?”
“Can’t I just crash at your house?”
Hikaru sighed. “Asami…”
Puppy dog brown eyes looked at him. “Please, Aniki? I won’t be any trouble. I’ll just study and shop and all that. I’ll walk Yume, and I’ll even make the meals!”
Hikaru sighed again. He was a big pushover when it came to his little sister. “I don’t mind…”
“Arigato, Aniki! You. Are. The. Best!”
Medi Love Tag List (please message to be added or removed): @catharticallysarcastic​ @kainablue​ @ladywithalamp​ @daftydrafty​ @kasey-writes​
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krisiunicornio · 4 years ago
Yoga teacher Karena Virginia discusses the collective grief of COVID-19 and what it can teach us. Plus, six tips to jumpstart your own deep healing process.
Karena Virginia
My heart is racing, and I feel that empty longing sensation in my stomach like something was taken from me. It must be 3 a.m. again. Did I say or post something too personal yesterday? Was I too much? Was I hiding in my cocoon all day not doing enough for the world? Was I doing too much activism again? Protesting again. Too much? Not enough?
Nauseous and hot. My mind runs through the day and evening before as if someone else is lying in this body right now shaming me for my existence. Did I allow too much freedom for the kids? Did they wash their hands after going outside? Did they really stay six-feet apart? Am I numbing myself when I help others overcome addiction?
Once again, I’m ruminating on the small things to prevent myself from feeling the real grief and longing in my soul. The grief and the regrets, and the longing for traditions, and moments and time with loved ones that were taken for granted are too painful to feel. Shame. What kind of yogi am I?
What I’m feeling is trauma. It’s collective and ancestral trauma. It is not just me. We are all grieving. Something very painful is happening as we rebirth ourselves, and it feels like some kind of very deep intense healing.
Can you feel it too?
See also Karena Virginia's Practice for Finding Instant Calm
The Persistence of Ancestral Trauma
In this time of global pandemic, we are collectively healing ancestral karma, while we are being told to stay home. The message is clear: It is not safe to step out of your home. Do not use your voice. Do not reveal secrets. Do not speak of herbs or spells, and, by all means, never speak truth to power. You will die if you do. There is danger outside. It can kill, and it is killing. It can strip finances and security. Hide.
The virus is invisible, but it is taking lives and jobs and creating absolute chaos in our world. We feel it even if we are not watching the daily news. Our bodies know.
Our bodies hold scores of lifetimes, and our cells hold scores of generations. We are imprisoned in our homes, our bodies, and our cellular memories. And we want to fight for peace and we want to call out the abuse of power that has been perpetuating the systemic abuse and racism for way too long. How do we run and protest for peace when we are trapped indoors and inside old stories of unworthiness and shame.
I don’t like when animals are used for testing, but this study of mice proves what our cells know. Our DNA can wire us for shame, fear, and playing small. The study took a group of mice and wafted the smell of cherry blossoms into their habitat while also exposing them to anxiety-provoking stimuli. The mice exhibited a fear response whenever they smelled cherry blossoms from then on. However, when they tested several generations of offspring of those mice that were never exposed to the anxiety provoking stimuli, they still responded with fear anytime they smelled cherry blossoms.
If our great grandparents experienced persecution, war, illness, inequality, oppression, abuse, racism, or other major traumas, those traumas are still lingering in our DNA. And, on top of that, those of us who are highly sensitive are feeling the pain of the world while also dealing with our own personal grief. This is an intense time, so we must be compassionate with ourselves.
See also Karena Virginia's Practice for Releasing Fear
Healing Ourselves to Heal the World
The good news is that we can heal. We can heal these traumas for our own children, nieces, nephews, neighborhood kids, and so on. Actually, I believe we are being called to heal our ancestral lineage right now. Marching for human rights is spiritual. Calling out broken systems is spiritual. Yelling from rooftops to end racism is spiritual. Anytime we create change for the better of this Earth, we are embodying the spiritual within us.
Anger can propel us into action. The old story that anger is “not enlightened” is changing. Denying anger was a historic tactic to keep us trapped in a cage. Mother Earth is teaching us to say “no more” to abuse, oppression, repression, assault, racism, and destruction of this sacred land we walk on.
I also believe we are becoming butterflies, and this time in the cocoon is the chrysalis. I truly believe this time of “reset” is preparing us for the miraculous. And I am not one to use that word lightly. I have used my voice for change, and have been hated for it. I have received death threats and I have felt deep shame and pain. I have experienced PTSD and the excruciating pain of loss, and I am a white woman with privilege. How do people of color who stand up to injustice feel when they are attacked for being spiritual warriors?
Being a highly sensitive person is not easy. Our energetic immune systems are delicate, and we ache for a better world. We long for peace and justice. We hurt for others, and we feel our own pain as if it is burning our skin. We are angry. We are confused. We feel boxed in, and our souls are crying out: “no more."
6 Ways to Start the Healing Process
Here are some tips that have helped me connect with myself, my intuition, and others during this time of social distancing, when feelings of anxiety, pain, shame, and fear are so prevalent:
1. Feel it
I have learned through deep pain and shame that the only way forward is to lovingly allow myself to deeply feel and express the fear, rage, shock, panic, sadness, anxiety, disappointment, and despair. How much of what you are feeling is yours? Is it an energetic weight? Is it an ancestral pattern? Is it collective grief? Can you feel it to heal it? Locate the sensation. Trauma creates a story so we can make sense of the energy moving through us. How true is the story? Is it located in that part of the body that aches? Ask yourself this question: what percentage of this ache is yours? 80%? 60%? 40 percent? For the portion of the ache that is not yours, think about what can you do to help others. When we help one another we speed up collective healing.
See also 3 Life-Changing Strategies for Processing Grief
2. Ask your guides to assist you
Placing your forehead on the floor so it is lower than your heart in a child’s pose helps quiet the mind and open the heart .I like to say this prayer: “Dear Divine one, please eliminate the ache in my body, mind, and soul that is creating this heaviness. Send angels to lift the fear and darkness that is not mine and bring it back to source so it can be transmuted into love and light. May the alchemy begin. And so it is. So it is. So it is.”
3. Move your body
Shake. Move the trauma. Dance. Tap. Massage your body. Sweep your skin with your hands to release the love hormone oxytocin. Hug yourself. Hold yourself. And just breathe.. Find compassion for yourself. Have you been giving your power away? Change up your practice if you need to, but keep doing a daily practice. Whatever your practice is to elevate. Yoga, meditation, running outside. Stay steady. Cry if you need to. Scream if you need to. Move the trauma. Move it again and again and again. Recognize that the highest teacher at this time is inside you.. Miracles occur naturally when we recognize how loved we are and we elevate our vibration. We are being called to reclaim our sovereignty. We are growing and evolving. We made mistakes, and that is what life is about. It will be ok.
See also Karena Virginia's Sequence for Feeling Strong and Secure
4. Make space for miracles
Clear away anything that clutters your home, your mind, and your spirit. Set boundaries when people send you frightening texts or videos. Once you have created that space ask spirit guides to help you serve humanity: “What will you have me do? How will you have me do it? Who will you have me do it with? When?” Then listen. You may be called to use your voice. You may be called to disrupt a system that is hurting innocent people. You may be called to stand up and fight for human rights and equality. Listen. Observe. Contemplate, and take action from the heart instead of reacting from the overthinking mind. A new world is emerging, but we need to stand up for ourselves and others. 
5. Spend time in nature
If you feel ungrounded, go outside and walk around barefoot. Ground yourself. This new earth has so many secrets to reveal. Look at the flowers. They are blossoming. There is hope. There is a rebirth. You deserve happiness. You deserve prosperity. You are healing so many layers of ancestral trauma, and spirit guides and angels are helping you. Staying home does not mean you are caged in. Bloom. Even flowers bloom in pots. They just need nurturing and love. Give that to yourself.. Keep breathing through the stuck energy so you can free yourself. Relax to attract. You do not need to push or pull. Ask and allow instead. Gifts will appear with ease the more you follow this law. It is the law of love, and it is not a bypass of any sort. It is the law of truth. 
See also We Tried Forest Bathing And Now We See Magic Everywhere
6. Hold hands with others energetically 
Create a new community with people who feel the same way. If your old community is still working for you, host gatherings–both digitally and physically using social distancing measures. It’s time to unlearn ingrained beliefs that perpetuate the problems like jealousy, competition, abuse and racial inequality. Listen to others, and listen to your heart. Let go of what others think or say about you. Observe yourself when you are putting an unhealthy system or community before your divine calling. Be true to the voice in your heart, and live with every action from that space. It takes all of us together in a circle with open hearts for this change to happen.
See also A Libations Meditation for Honoring Black Lives Lost
Want to learn how to tap into your innate kundalini energy to transform your practice and life? Join Karena in her online course with Yoga Journal, called Empowered Kundalini.
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cedarrrun · 4 years ago
Yoga teacher Karena Virginia discusses the collective grief of COVID-19 and what it can teach us. Plus, six tips to jumpstart your own deep healing process.
Karena Virginia
My heart is racing, and I feel that empty longing sensation in my stomach like something was taken from me. It must be 3 a.m. again. Did I say or post something too personal yesterday? Was I too much? Was I hiding in my cocoon all day not doing enough for the world? Was I doing too much activism again? Protesting again. Too much? Not enough?
Nauseous and hot. My mind runs through the day and evening before as if someone else is lying in this body right now shaming me for my existence. Did I allow too much freedom for the kids? Did they wash their hands after going outside? Did they really stay six-feet apart? Am I numbing myself when I help others overcome addiction?
Once again, I’m ruminating on the small things to prevent myself from feeling the real grief and longing in my soul. The grief and the regrets, and the longing for traditions, and moments and time with loved ones that were taken for granted are too painful to feel. Shame. What kind of yogi am I?
What I’m feeling is trauma. It’s collective and ancestral trauma. It is not just me. We are all grieving. Something very painful is happening as we rebirth ourselves, and it feels like some kind of very deep intense healing.
Can you feel it too?
See also Karena Virginia's Practice for Finding Instant Calm
The Persistence of Ancestral Trauma
In this time of global pandemic, we are collectively healing ancestral karma, while we are being told to stay home. The message is clear: It is not safe to step out of your home. Do not use your voice. Do not reveal secrets. Do not speak of herbs or spells, and, by all means, never speak truth to power. You will die if you do. There is danger outside. It can kill, and it is killing. It can strip finances and security. Hide.
The virus is invisible, but it is taking lives and jobs and creating absolute chaos in our world. We feel it even if we are not watching the daily news. Our bodies know.
Our bodies hold scores of lifetimes, and our cells hold scores of generations. We are imprisoned in our homes, our bodies, and our cellular memories. And we want to fight for peace and we want to call out the abuse of power that has been perpetuating the systemic abuse and racism for way too long. How do we run and protest for peace when we are trapped indoors and inside old stories of unworthiness and shame.
I don’t like when animals are used for testing, but this study of mice proves what our cells know. Our DNA can wire us for shame, fear, and playing small. The study took a group of mice and wafted the smell of cherry blossoms into their habitat while also exposing them to anxiety-provoking stimuli. The mice exhibited a fear response whenever they smelled cherry blossoms from then on. However, when they tested several generations of offspring of those mice that were never exposed to the anxiety provoking stimuli, they still responded with fear anytime they smelled cherry blossoms.
If our great grandparents experienced persecution, war, illness, inequality, oppression, abuse, racism, or other major traumas, those traumas are still lingering in our DNA. And, on top of that, those of us who are highly sensitive are feeling the pain of the world while also dealing with our own personal grief. This is an intense time, so we must be compassionate with ourselves.
See also Karena Virginia's Practice for Releasing Fear
Healing Ourselves to Heal the World
The good news is that we can heal. We can heal these traumas for our own children, nieces, nephews, neighborhood kids, and so on. Actually, I believe we are being called to heal our ancestral lineage right now. Marching for human rights is spiritual. Calling out broken systems is spiritual. Yelling from rooftops to end racism is spiritual. Anytime we create change for the better of this Earth, we are embodying the spiritual within us.
Anger can propel us into action. The old story that anger is “not enlightened” is changing. Denying anger was a historic tactic to keep us trapped in a cage. Mother Earth is teaching us to say “no more” to abuse, oppression, repression, assault, racism, and destruction of this sacred land we walk on.
I also believe we are becoming butterflies, and this time in the cocoon is the chrysalis. I truly believe this time of “reset” is preparing us for the miraculous. And I am not one to use that word lightly. I have used my voice for change, and have been hated for it. I have received death threats and I have felt deep shame and pain. I have experienced PTSD and the excruciating pain of loss, and I am a white woman with privilege. How do people of color who stand up to injustice feel when they are attacked for being spiritual warriors?
Being a highly sensitive person is not easy. Our energetic immune systems are delicate, and we ache for a better world. We long for peace and justice. We hurt for others, and we feel our own pain as if it is burning our skin. We are angry. We are confused. We feel boxed in, and our souls are crying out: “no more."
6 Ways to Start the Healing Process
Here are some tips that have helped me connect with myself, my intuition, and others during this time of social distancing, when feelings of anxiety, pain, shame, and fear are so prevalent:
1. Feel it
I have learned through deep pain and shame that the only way forward is to lovingly allow myself to deeply feel and express the fear, rage, shock, panic, sadness, anxiety, disappointment, and despair. How much of what you are feeling is yours? Is it an energetic weight? Is it an ancestral pattern? Is it collective grief? Can you feel it to heal it? Locate the sensation. Trauma creates a story so we can make sense of the energy moving through us. How true is the story? Is it located in that part of the body that aches? Ask yourself this question: what percentage of this ache is yours? 80%? 60%? 40 percent? For the portion of the ache that is not yours, think about what can you do to help others. When we help one another we speed up collective healing.
See also 3 Life-Changing Strategies for Processing Grief
2. Ask your guides to assist you
Placing your forehead on the floor so it is lower than your heart in a child’s pose helps quiet the mind and open the heart .I like to say this prayer: “Dear Divine one, please eliminate the ache in my body, mind, and soul that is creating this heaviness. Send angels to lift the fear and darkness that is not mine and bring it back to source so it can be transmuted into love and light. May the alchemy begin. And so it is. So it is. So it is.”
3. Move your body
Shake. Move the trauma. Dance. Tap. Massage your body. Sweep your skin with your hands to release the love hormone oxytocin. Hug yourself. Hold yourself. And just breathe.. Find compassion for yourself. Have you been giving your power away? Change up your practice if you need to, but keep doing a daily practice. Whatever your practice is to elevate. Yoga, meditation, running outside. Stay steady. Cry if you need to. Scream if you need to. Move the trauma. Move it again and again and again. Recognize that the highest teacher at this time is inside you.. Miracles occur naturally when we recognize how loved we are and we elevate our vibration. We are being called to reclaim our sovereignty. We are growing and evolving. We made mistakes, and that is what life is about. It will be ok.
See also Karena Virginia's Sequence for Feeling Strong and Secure
4. Make space for miracles
Clear away anything that clutters your home, your mind, and your spirit. Set boundaries when people send you frightening texts or videos. Once you have created that space ask spirit guides to help you serve humanity: “What will you have me do? How will you have me do it? Who will you have me do it with? When?” Then listen. You may be called to use your voice. You may be called to disrupt a system that is hurting innocent people. You may be called to stand up and fight for human rights and equality. Listen. Observe. Contemplate, and take action from the heart instead of reacting from the overthinking mind. A new world is emerging, but we need to stand up for ourselves and others. 
5. Spend time in nature
If you feel ungrounded, go outside and walk around barefoot. Ground yourself. This new earth has so many secrets to reveal. Look at the flowers. They are blossoming. There is hope. There is a rebirth. You deserve happiness. You deserve prosperity. You are healing so many layers of ancestral trauma, and spirit guides and angels are helping you. Staying home does not mean you are caged in. Bloom. Even flowers bloom in pots. They just need nurturing and love. Give that to yourself.. Keep breathing through the stuck energy so you can free yourself. Relax to attract. You do not need to push or pull. Ask and allow instead. Gifts will appear with ease the more you follow this law. It is the law of love, and it is not a bypass of any sort. It is the law of truth. 
See also We Tried Forest Bathing And Now We See Magic Everywhere
6. Hold hands with others energetically 
Create a new community with people who feel the same way. If your old community is still working for you, host gatherings–both digitally and physically using social distancing measures. It’s time to unlearn ingrained beliefs that perpetuate the problems like jealousy, competition, abuse and racial inequality. Listen to others, and listen to your heart. Let go of what others think or say about you. Observe yourself when you are putting an unhealthy system or community before your divine calling. Be true to the voice in your heart, and live with every action from that space. It takes all of us together in a circle with open hearts for this change to happen.
See also A Libations Meditation for Honoring Black Lives Lost
Want to learn how to tap into your innate kundalini energy to transform your practice and life? Join Karena in her online course with Yoga Journal, called Empowered Kundalini.
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abitscripturient · 5 years ago
I’m not sure how long it will last but Oxytocin is currently #1 ranking in BWAM stories. LORD..that is a great feeling! 
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abitscripturient · 5 years ago
Favorite Parts of Oxytocin Pt. 3
22-30 (autumn chapters)
Chapter 22
Ryutaro just stared at the newly incensed woman and his nonchalant attitude added wood to the fire. She knew that he was just being dirty. Her mouth turned up as much as his did earlier and she was about to lit onto him, but then she just smiled shaking her head. He wasn’t worth her energy and she was taught better. 
“You are just...just so despicable, Ryutaro and I'm glad you’re firing me...”
A finger was pointed at her slowly from the desk. “Don't disrespect me. You will call me Mizuno-sama.” Aija scoffed and put her hands on the desk to face her ex-boss head to head. Ryutaro slowly stood up to do the same and the intensity charged the room’s atmosphere.
“No, I don't think so. You're not my master. You're not even my boss as of this moment on! I'll call you whatever I wish to now.” Aija spat, making sure Ryutaro got the full view of who the real Aija could be if challenged. She wasn’t going to back down when it came to who she loved and Hikaru was that person.
Chapter 23
Kynli paused in her step, hesitating and then turning around to face Hikaru. “Actually…” At his questionable gaze, she walked into the office saying, “I have noticed some things and I have a feeling that I’m not to going to match up to the receptionist before me.”
Hikaru put down his pen before lowering his chin to his hands in thought. “You’re doing a good job.”
“But not as good as Aija.”
He didn’t lie. “Aija was one of a kind, yes. But not just as a receptionist…she was a friend to everybody here.”
Kynli nodded in understanding before asking, “If you don’t mind me asking…why was she let go?”
Hikaru regarded the woman. A few months ago he would have told her she was overstepping her bounds. But he didn’t have a problem for some reason. “Because she fell in love and now has a relationship with me.” 
Kynli blinked in surprise. Hikaru chuckled. “It’s frowned upon of course and we both knew what would happen, but the truth always comes out.”
“Do you love her?”
Hikaru raised an eyebrow.
“Aija. Do you love her?”
Hikaru could honestly only give one answer. “With my entire being.”
Kynli gave a soft smile and replied, “Then not all is lost. Have a good night, Doctor.” Hikaru returned the smile and Kynli made her departure. She seemed like a nice addition to the office, after all.
Chapter 24
This was a hard chapter to write and so there is no fave part here.
Chapter 25
She was stopped with a gentle hand on her shoulder. She frowned and gave a confused glance upward. The officer who stopped her was the same one who convinced her to come out of the closet. He kneeled down to her level. His eyes were full of concern. He pushed back a strand of her hair asking, "You okay, honey? How did you get that bruise?" Aija rubbed her cheek. "One of the big men hit me when they hit my momma." Tears came to her eyes seeing the ambulance drive away. This felt wrong. Her mother shouldn’t be leaving her behind.
“Momma… Don’t leave me. Okay?” she sobbed, reaching toward the ambulance. 
Aija then was picked up weightless, hearing, "Don't worry, Little Girl. You're safe now." Aija didn’t answer. All that mattered, for now, were the warm strong arms holding her. She buried her wet face into his neck. As he carried her, she heard somebody call out, “You got her, Edwards?” 
“Yeah, she’s not leaving my sight.” He answered, stroking her hair.
Chapter 26
Chi took another sip of tea.“I know that you knew that this wouldn’t be okay with your father, Hikaru. You’re an intelligent man. Look where you came from. Nippon isn’t exactly a mixed race country. Interracial relationships are rare.”
At Hikaru’s look of confusion, Chinatsu put a hand on her chest. Her eyes were warm. “I myself am happy when you are happy, son. If Aija makes you happy then so be it. But what I’m all right with and what Nippon and your father are all right with are two different things.
Hikaru scoffed again; his heart resolved to one fact:that it belonged to Aija. “Kore wa Nihonde wa arimasen. This isn’t Japan, Okaa… This is America. I can be with who I want and nobody can force me to do otherwise.”
Chinatsu remained quiet, but her eyes shone with unhidden pride for her son.
Chapter 27
“Yeah. We even went to music class together as children.” Takumi added, putting his cup down on the table. 
Briseis smiled with pride at her husband, but Aija frowned in confusion. “Music class? That’s news to me. I never would have pegged you guys as musicians.”
“Takumi does his for a living. He’s pretty popular back in Japan and people love the music of his piano.” Briseis explained, holding on to Takumi’s hand as he nodded in agreement.
“You play the piano. That’s wonderful and I love classical music.” Aija said before eying Hikaru. “You never told me you can play piano, baby.” 
Hikaru looked over with intense eyes over at Aija from his cup, and then lowered it replying, “That’s because I don’t play the piano.” 
“Then…I…don't understand. Did you just follow Takumi to classes just cause or what?” 
“Violin. I play the violin.” 
Chapter 28
“I would love nothing more than to teach you how to be a lady, Miss Aija. Being stylish is only the beginning of having class. There are also manners and personality. Learning how to take care of yourself and not rely on anyone if you can help it. An independent woman is a thing of beauty.” Evelyn explained with a warm smile.
Aija just sat transfixed listening to every word her aunt told her while riding in the car. She could see herself being just what she envisioned in her mind. Only time would tell if she would make it happen.
“Posture is a must. Sitting up straight and making sure your legs are closed are a plus in a woman’s life. Don’t want to cross your legs over the knees? Cross them at the ankles. Keep the men guessing about you, honey. Don’t give away all of the goodies with a sneak peek of your panties.”
Aija instantly sat up straight, pushing her legs together and Evelyn gave her approval by winking. “You’re already getting there, baby girl. Stick with me. I won’t steer you wrong.”
Chapter 29
“I want to look into your eyes. So that you know as I’m fucking you, just who’s pussy this belongs to.”
Aija speechless, nodded and as Hikaru began to thrust into her with a slow rhythm, let her eyes close in pleasure.
Another smack on her ass cheek opened them wide and she cried out looking up. Hikaru looked down at her with a raised eyebrow. 
“Keep those eyes open.”
“Yes, sir.” 
Chapter 30
While Reggie looked back at Nakiah and sucked air between his teeth, Hikaru took that moment to move his hand off of Aija’s with ease. The thug turned back to Hikaru with a frown on his face before he moved up to touch chests and lock eyes with the confident doctor. Hikaru didn’t back down but didn’t make a move either. Aija glanced back and forth between the two charged up men, knowing a fight could break out in her house, and before Reggie could try to raise a hand, she exclaimed,  “Get the fuck out of my kitchen, Reggie!”
Reggie backed up, nodding. He pointed a finger at Hikaru, warning him that this wasn’t over between them, but Hikaru wasn’t intimidated in the least.
Medi Love Tag List (contact to be added or removed): @kainablue @ladywithalamp @kasey-writes @daftydrafty @catharticallysarcastic
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abitscripturient · 5 years ago
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The two were standing in front of a jet plane which was parked in a slight angle. Sunlight gleamed off of the top of it and its lights at the end of the wings blinked in a slow rhythm. Hikaru smiled proudly at it but Aija was still just as confused.
“How were you able to get this plane, though?” Aija was constant on the questions and Hikaru knew that now was a good of a time than ever to tell her the truth about himself and his family. He grabbed her arms and slowly brought her back to face him. She looked at him for answers and he took a deep breath, looking over at the plane with confidence. “This plane is called the Tengoku and it’s mine.”
Vena Cava:
The stopping of the car prompted Aija to open her eyes. Groggily looking around, she blinked to figure out where her surroundings were. The Seattle skyline greeted her as well as the sleek exterior of the Tengoku in front of the car. They were at the private hangar where Hikaru usually kept his private jet plane and suddenly despite her sleepiness, Aija became quite excited. It was time to fly to Japan!  She smiled over at Hikaru who returned the smile before lifting her hand up to kiss the back of it.
“So ready.”
After their luggage was removed and put onto the plane, Aija made her way back into the plane for the second time in her life.
Medi Love Tag List: @ladywithalamp​ @kainablue​ @catharticallysarcastic​ @rhine-cane​ @kasey-writes​
Please let me know if you wish to be added or removed!
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abitscripturient · 6 years ago
Hikaru’s Fury
Part of Oxytocin
Hikaru smirked and raised his eyebrows. “Yield and apologize.” He gestured his head toward Aija.
“Your whore ass bitch can kiss my as…” Breath whooshed out of Reggie’s lungs as he found himself on the ground with a sweep of Hikaru’s foot. Hikaru landed on top of him; fury all through his eyes at Aija’s insult and his fist raised to punch his opponent straight in the face.
Both Aija and Nakiah gasped.
“Hikaru!” Aija then called out to him in alarm
Medi Love Tag List: @theevolutionofledarose @cawolters @kainablue
(please let me know if you want to be added or removed)
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abitscripturient · 6 years ago
WIP Progress Sunday- any progress made this week you want to shout about?
Aww! First off thank you so much for asking me this! You rock! 
I’m making excellent progress on my WIP, Oxytocin! I have struggled so much on trying to finish it because it’s now that at the final conflict and resolution part of the story. It’s slow but sure progression and I’m extremely proud that I’m on the path to finally finish my first book ever! 
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abitscripturient · 6 years ago
Favorite Parts of Oxytocin Pt. 1
1-11 (spring chapters)
Chapter 1
“Nari…I want you to grow up but not just that, okay? I want you to grow up happy. Don’t you dare settle for less than the best in life, mami.  Get the best life you can. Have the best hairstyle, the best clothes, the best shoes. Go to the best schools, have the best house, the best car and eat the best foods there are out there, baby girl. Cause this life…right now…”
There was a pause and Aija looked up at her mother in question.
“ You don’t deserve any of it. Understand?”
Chapter 2
Hikaru growled in frustration before picking up his cell to dial a number. After a few rings, he heard a woman answer.
“Hey, are you ready?”
When she answered yes, Hikaru smiled wide and he began to leave the bedroom, but not before saying, “I’m on the way.” He heard giggling and then her agreement and headed downstairs. “Hold on.”
He walked in the kitchen, kissed his mother goodbye and then ordered while walking out the front door,  “I’ll be there in fifteen. Be sure you are naked when I get there.”
Chapter 3
“All right, all right. You can start working now.” Hikaru ordered lightly, chuckling. Andrew did a salute and waved at Aija before heading back. Hikaru noticed Aija staring at him then and his smile slowly morphed back into nothing. But before it did, he kept a hint of it saying, “That goes for you too.”
Aija smirked before turning to her computer.  She would never forget how bright his smile made the room. There was no way; she found it so sexy.
Chapter 4
“Very nice, Miss Edwards. You sure are full of surprises.” He said, quietly as he came to a stop in front of her. His hand trailed along the string of pearls she wore, lowering in between the space of her breasts. Aija sucked in a breath and then managed out, “A lady has to look her best is what I always believe.”  
Hikaru smirked and whispered, “That’s a very good belief. You’ve been hiding this type of lingerie under your work clothes every day, I presume?”
Chapter 5
After Hikaru hung up with his best friend, he took his steaming tea mug and started to walk into his living room to relax. But before he could, he stopped hearing a suspicious sound. He headed toward his bedroom hearing the sounds getting louder and louder. As he stopped and listened to see what it was, he frowned and gave a smirk. If he didn’t know any better, he would have thought they were moans and moans by a woman. Didn’t sound like there was a man there with her and so he had a feeling that she must have been masturbating. He didn’t move from his spot in the hallway; he was content to listen to this mysterious female who was bringing herself to completion, taking swallow after swallow of his beverage.
Chapter 6
“Are you deaf? The lady said no.” A voice called from behind. Aija and the jerk both turned to see Chris holding a beer and looking at the guy with a hard stare.
“Dr. Dunn?” Aija said in confusion.
Shae stood up in disbelief while trying to release the grip of the guy trying to dance with her. “Chris? What are you doing he…get off of me, will you?!” Christopher jumped up to the table and grabbed the man’s hand saying, “She said no, so back off!” The man backed up seeing the doctor’s burly physique and held his hands up in surrender. “I don’t want any trouble man. By all means.” He said.
Chapter 7
The two crawled up to each other and Aija could have sworn that the room heated up in that one moment. Hikaru kept his hungry eyes on Aija’s lips and licked his own getting ready for them to touch hers. Aija kept staring into his gaze and she trembled, realizing that this was their first time kissing. Her eyes closed as their lips finally touched. The connection of the two awakened every fiber of Hikaru’s being and he lingered there for a bit. Then as if his body was a whole separated entity, he took Aija’s face into his hands and tickled the corner of her mouth with his tongue.
Chapter 8
Aija gripped onto the sink, anger seeping in. “You called the shots, Hikaru. I didn’t have a choice.”
Hikaru shook his head, sinking deeper in confusion. “A choice in what? I didn’t force you to have sex with me! You didn’t fight me on that one!”
“No, that’s not what I’m talking about! You didn’t give me a chance to fall for you! You didn’t give me a chance to like you! That was one-sided on your part! Do you know that I cried my ass off after you left that office?! That hurt me so badly that you did that. You have no idea how that feels, Hikaru…and don’t pretend that you do!” Aija cried out, whipping around to face him with ferocious tear lined eyes.
Chapter 9
She blinked away her heated thoughts at his voice. “Yes?”
Hikaru crossed his arms with an amused look. “I rather like this suit, so I’d appreciate it if you didn’t stare at it as if you want to burn it off of me and take me.”
Aija felt heat all over her cheeks. “Doesn’t sound like a bad idea….” she countered and Hikaru raised an eyebrow at her brazen words.
“Slow steps, Miss Edwards. Remember that.”
Chapter 10
Aija scoffed; Hikaru was far from black. “No. He’s Asian. Japanese actually.”
Both Nakiah and Reggie looked at her in slight disbelief and Reggie gave a snort and a laugh together. “You sure you’re black, girl? I wouldn’t have thought you would go for the chinks.”
Aija crossed her arms, her tone laced with attitude. “Negro, it’s not any of your business who I go with anyway so why are you even giving out your opinion?”
Reggie cocked his head. “Who the hell are you talking to like that, female?”
“Don’t be stupid. You know I’m talking to you.”
Chapter 11
“Whoa whoa, wait a minute! Who are you?!” Nicole asked in surprise. Her hand reached out to grab Aija’s wrist.
Hikaru looked like he couldn’t take anymore shock. Before he could stop Nicole from doing more damage to his planned evening, Aija somehow maneuvered Prada over to him with a determined flash in her eyes. He kneeled to release the dog into the condo and stood again to watch as Aija turned and faced Nicole. Her smile was sweet but her voice was low and absolute.
“Honey…I’m going to say this as pleasantly and as ladylike as possible. If you don’t get your hand off of me, I’m going to beat you back to the street corner you obviously came from.”
Medicinal Love Tag List: @theevolutionofledarose @cawolters @kainablue
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abitscripturient · 6 years ago
Last Line Tag
Thanks for tagging me @magsiswritingnow and @piratequeenofpixies
The reading of the will was over and everybody got up to congratulate Ryutaro and Hikaru in their acquisitions. Hikaru shook hands and accepted the pats on his back, but paused looking up at his father. Ryutaro’s gaze told Hikaru that his father would have words with him later about the clinics. Hikaru knew Ryutaro wouldn’t be satisfied until he had full control of Mizuno Medical.
He should know better… Hikaru thought to himself. He was his father’s son and just like him, he never backed down from a fight.
Tagging: @visionofwriters @writernour and @writingonesdreams
Please let me know if you’d like to not be tagged! 
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abitscripturient · 6 years ago
That moment when you realize that a natural disaster happened around a certain time in your novel. 
The beginning of my novel starts on March 7, 2011. The Japanese earthquake and tsunami happened on March 11, 2011. 
Like Hikaru has family and friends back in his homeland of course. I have to try to find a way to put this in the story and the reactions of the whole Mizuno family. Either that or move it to an earlier year or a later year. There’s no way they would be unaffected by it.
Wow. This changes everything.
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abitscripturient · 6 years ago
Do You Know How Hard...
It is to make a Christmas themed smut scene in the middle of July? Christmas songs are my saving grace right now! Oxytocin is kicking my bootang for real.
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abitscripturient · 6 years ago
Oxytocin Update
So my mom...who’s a writer like I am, pretty much helped me figure out what to do. Since Hikaru doesn’t live around the area where the disaster happened, I have decided to put it as if he found out about it on the tv with his mom. They’re going to be saddened but none of their family members are in trouble. This will make things easier on my story where I don’t have to tear things apart. Greatness!
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abitscripturient · 4 years ago
When I think about Oxytocin being a movie (so many many times) the ending credits music would be something like this. Smooth, sweet with very strong notes. 
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abitscripturient · 5 years ago
Oxytocin 2nd Draft Progress
The anniversary of when I finished Oxytocin is a month or so away and so I figured it’s time to start doing some editing and changes to it. I don’t see myself taking out huge chunks of story. That’s not a thing for me, but I feel like some sentences here and there need to be changed up. Grammar needs to be worked on as well. 
I’m not sure where the path is going for Oxytocin in regards of publishing. I feel like part of me wants to just put my foot down and self publish it as my first book but the other half of me is telling me to wait until another book is published first. So much confusion happening but one thing’s clear
It needs work. So into the fray I go!
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abitscripturient · 6 years ago
Sneak Peek of Vena Cava
Medicinal Love Book 2
Kyoto, Japan 2003
It was quiet in the majority of the regal-looking Ichikawa mansion that was surrounded with all-around views of peaceful gardens. The silence was brief as the sound of piano notes raised to a crescendo before coming down to a softer volume. The notes came from inside a hangout room where three to five guys were lounging around with various women. The only man without a girl beside him was Ichikawa Takumi who sat playing at his sleek black grand piano.
The notes were music to Mizuno Hikaru’s ears, though if anybody were to pass by where he was seated on a couch they wouldn’t have guessed. Three young ladies, all with midnight hair sat around him too pleased to take advantage of him. He let them rub their hands all over his chest-exposed from his open button-down shirt and he sighed happily feeling like an emperor surrounded by his concubines. His world was full of ecstasy and lust and he didn’t care who was inadvertently a part of it. His hands and mouth were occupied in many ways.
His right hand caressed and squeezed the breast of Aki; a girl who didn’t care who she opened her legs to just as long as she got off in the end. Hikaru had gotten her off many times before and she just came back for more of his skill. His left hand was hidden underneath the dress of Chise, who was just as promiscuous if not more so than Aki. She let out a moan that nearly matched the softest note of the piano from the way Hikaru’s hand teased her soft folds mercilessly.
The third woman, Mizuki who matched Hikaru’s nineteen years sighed passionately as he kissed up the smooth column of her neck. She was pretty new to the neighborhood but that didn’t stop her from making her mark on the group. She was persistent and confident. Attributes that attracted Hikaru to the beautiful girl. He moved his hand from Aki’s breast to direct Mizuki’s mouth to his. His slick tongue breached her soft lips dancing around with hers and he was rewarded with a deep throaty moan from her. If he had the chance he would kiss her lips all night.
Takumi ended his song, leaning forward to appreciate what he had just played. He moved to get up from the piano seat, putting a hand through his red-brown hair to move it from his eyes. He witnessed the sexual show and smirked; his best friend was quite the playboy and while it normally didn’t bother him he felt that he just needed some time with his best friend. Between him going to college and Hikaru having his own dealings with medical school, there was barely any time.
He clapped a few times to get everybody’s attention and when he succeeded said, “I’m glad you all have had a good time, however, I need for everybody but Mizuno-san to go home now. Oyasumi. Goodnight.”
Hikaru nearly groaned at the timing of his best friend’s eviction and after giving Mizuki a stare that promised more released her and Chise from his hands. The women situated their clothing and got up, giving Takumi a bow of departure before leaving. Others left as well and soon it was just the two.
Hikaru smiled as he sat in a relaxed pose with one arm over the back of the couch. “But why did you have to tell the women to leave, Taku-kun? There were three of them! More than enough to share.” He asked in an agonized tone. He made a face to make it seem as if he just wouldn’t live without sex with them.
But Takumi knew his best friend better and said, “You’ll survive, Hikaru-kun. I’m sure of it.” He came over to him and took a seat next to him, chuckling as he watched Hikaru fix up his unbuttoned shirt. “Besides, I told you. I’m done with that. I want to just have…”
“Shitte iru, I know…a woman of your very own. Like Briseis.” Hikaru grumbled.
“It couldn’t hurt to try, right?”
He flashed Takumi a wide grin and when he heard him laugh, gave a laugh of his own. Takumi, for a long time, had been drooping around like a lovesick puppy ever since he met Briseis Kennedy a few months before. He didn’t understand why Takumi wanted to just have one girlfriend. That idea just sounded so boring to him. Why have a cup of milk when you can have the whole cow? With Hikaru, there was no telling how many women he had been with already in his life, but none had ever gotten the status of girlfriend.
“You did you see the stare that Mizuki gave you when she left?”  Hikaru heard Takumi ask as if he had read his mind. He glanced up at him. “No, I was too busy staring at her ass.” He answered with the whole truth.
Takumi rolled his eyes. “She was staring at you something bad. Almost like she was in love with you.”
Fingers frozen over the button he was currently fixing, Hikaru was silent but then he smiled. When his shirt was buttoned, he said to Takumi, “She’s a nice girl…”
“But you know me. I’m not like you, Takumi. I have too much going on to be worrying about just one woman. Med school takes enough of my time as it is. I can’t imagine fitting in dates and relationships in the mix.”
Hikaru shuddered at the thought of that and Takumi noticed, giving him a pat on the back. “You don’t know unless you try. You might just find that one woman that gets you more than you get yourself.”
Hikaru gave a soft chuckle before he let it grow into a full-blown laugh. The idea of that was so far-fetched to Hikaru that it was too hard to even imagine without laughing. He stood up and when Takumi did the same he walked with him out of the door saying, “Oh, that was a good one, Taku. Here, let’s talk it about it more over dinner. We need to catch up anyway.”
Takumi shook his head smiling. “What I said wasn’t meant to be a joke, Hikaru. But I can take a hint. Do what makes you happy.”
Before walking down the sidewalk, Hikaru looked at his best friend with the most serious face he could give him as he declared, “I know you mean well, but there is just no way you are ever going to see me with the love of my life.”
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