#if he had he'd probably have stopped her from destroying herself for him
apothekosm · 5 months
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❝ I miss my Husband... I miss him a lot. ❞
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dootznbootz · 5 months
that WHO in no longer u oh my GOD
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Like, yeah, Odysseus is like "Yandere" (joking but also not) because kills all who even go near Penelope and Telemachus and he's very protective of them AND jealous.
But I think this "WHO?!" is also a desperate plea as to who is this dangerous man who is near his wife? A warlord? A conquerer? A man who would not even care about Penelope for who she is and mistreats her?
Because even in the Odyssey, Odysseus asks about Penelope to his mother.
Tell me of the wife I married. What are her thoughts and plans? Is she still there with our son, keeping watch on everything? Or has she been married                            to the finest of Achaeans?
(Book 11, Johnston)
There's not even much resentment in his question. There could be but Narrator does not say. The use of "the finest of Achaeans" almost is a "Did she at least marry the best man? Did she at least marry a GOOD man?"
In "No Longer You", when he hears of this dangerous man NEAR his wife, he is SCARED. It could be jealousy but I feel it's more of concern. As it is in the Odyssey.
"I understand if she would remarry, it pains me but I did tell her that when Telemachus finally grows his beard, she could. I will love her always but is she at least happy? Is she safe?"
And she's not safe. She's not happy. He is terrified.
Psst. The reason why My Odysseus takes a long time to grow his beard is because of that line. He's hoping that his son will take after him and take forever to grow a beard like he did (as he doesn't really have one even when he first leaves for Troy) because he would try forever to get home. Penelope even teases him that he still doesn't have one so that's a silly request and that's the point. "I will never stop trying to come back to you. He and I will likely remain beardless forever." (it's a little funky for him when he finally grows one by the end of Troy. He's thinking "...Shit. Telemachus, stay baby-faced for your dad please.")
I mean we all know that these two are obsessed with each other in the Odyssey and in Epic. They are likeminded and are so integral to who they are. They mean everything to one another. I think Odysseus genuinely does want Penelope happy. As even in the Odyssey with him simply asking for another bed, shows how much he loves and respects her. He could've been like "get in it" even though she had rejected him at first but he LISTENS BECAUSE HE LOVES HER. Only breaking down into a sobbing mess when he believes she destroyed their bed.
"Heaven made you as you are, but for sheer obstinacy you put all the rest of your sex in the shade. No other wife could have steeled herself to keep so long out of the arms of a husband she had just got back after nineteen years of misadventure. Well, nurse, make a bed for me to sleep alone in. For my wife's heart is just about as hard as iron."
(Book 23, Rieu)
Please note that this is his attempt to insult her in a way and yet he still talks about her being from Heaven 👀 SIMP
But even though he's deeply hurt by her rejection (poor guy would've probably sobbed himself to sleep) He still asks for another bed. After sleeping on the floor and in the dirt since he's been on Ithaca, refusing beds unless it's his own marriage bed, he takes her 'no' because he values her happiness and comfort over his own. He takes a lesser bed so she can still sleep in their own luxurious one.
I mean we know how fucking awful the suitors are. Hold Them Down is a disturbing song. (as it should be. As they are not good men) He does not even know how bad these men are yet. If his future self could speak with his past self, he'd probably be like "Yeah, don't worry about the guy who kills a bunch of people, they had it coming. ;) " or something.
That "WHO?!" is a mix of jealousy AND fear.
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sir-adamus · 2 months
stipulations for Salem's immortality is that she will walk the face of the world until she 'learns the importance of life and death', as punishment for attempting to 'disrupt the balance' that the Brothers created
the Blacksmith establishes that the Brothers flat out don't understand what balance really is, which is why they clash constantly in contrast to how the Blacksmith shows that RWBY - finding equilibrium in their cooperation and patience with each other - represent true balance
in fact the contrast in approach between the Brothers and the Tree is very clear; the Brothers are at constant war with each other and deal out vengeful, punitive 'justice' instead of actually solving anything (bickering and breaking and repairing the Jabberwalker to spite each other and neither attempting to fix the problems with it. not even acknowledging or questioning why Salem wanted Ozma back and instead dismissing her, then throwing a tantrum when she proceeded to not do as she was told, resulting in global genocide and later hanging the threat over Oz's head that they'd do it again if the new humanity isn't up to their exacting standards).
meanwhile the Tree, through the Blacksmith, gives Ruby the space and reassurance she needs to stop running herself into the ground and start resolving her issues. it addresses the heart of the problem, for closure and resolution, with no judgment or pressure
so, message is clear - RWBY are gonna be key to stopping Salem for good by demonstrating something the Brothers could never hope to impart to her.
and obviously the Brothers will invariably get summoned down to Remnant, if not by Salem's hand then by Cinder's (she's vengeful enough that she'd be driven to try and end all of humanity just to one-up her enemies, let's be real); because the stipulation on Oz's immortality requires them to come back so he can finally die - and that's where they'll be challenged on the cosmic levels of bullshit they've left the universe in
i guess if you think about it, it all roots back to the Brothers not even understanding what they were made for and getting too big for their boots over it - the Tree doesn't judge, the Tree helps solve the heart of the issue to help people move on (though how successful that is, is up to them), to be better than they were, and judgment and punishment have no place in that. likewise, the Brothers weren't meant to judge, but they took their powers of Creation and Destruction to mean they were the arbiters over such things, and not part of the ecosystem - and therefore got it in their stupid featureless heads that they get to judge the worthiness of the living, and dole out disproportionate punishments in the face of even a modicum of defiance
and because of their failure to understand what real balance is, it's basically become a cycle that has been repeated throughout the course of Remnant's history - impatience and conflict, petty vengeance and spite. like almost every villain is acting to punish some perceived wrong inflicted on them instead of addressing their own issues (Salem vs the Brothers and Oz, Hazel vs Oz, Adam vs the world, Ironwood vs anyone who questions him, Cinder vs Ruby, Neo vs Ruby, the Cat vs Alyx and the Brothers)
Adam refused to walk away despite being given multiple chances to do so and kept going until the only option was to kill him (and his death didn't solve the problems he created). Ironwood refused to listen to any plan that wasn't his own to the point of actively sabotaging the plans of others and threatening to bomb defenseless civilians so that he'd get his way, until he was left to be literally crushed by the weight of his own city (and again, massive problems left in his wake). neither of their deaths are treated as a triumph within the narrative either
Neo's quest for vengeance destroyed her from the inside and she actually succeeded, reckoning with the hollowness she had left sent her completely catatonic - and that probably would've been the end for her, worn as a meatsuit by the Cat until they either disposed of her for no longer being useful or killed with the Cat by the team (because the Cat, like Adam, was past the point of reason and was refusing to give up). it's only Jaune getting the idea of using the leaves that frees Neo and it does that by jolting her into the self-reflection the Tree provides (and the Tree doesn't judge - it only tries to help), after which she chooses to let go of Roman and go to the Tree (there is her once again doling out punitive revenge by setting Jabberwalkers on the Cat but that's before she makes the decision to Ascend, which was after seeing RWBYJ reunite - and two scenes later it's hammered in that RWBY represent the new, better way), Neo got a second chance to stop and choose to get help because the Tree itself ended up involved, and that was followed by the show making that statement on the ideals of balance, which i guess fits with that one post Eddy made following volume 9 about the idea of eucatastrophe, the turning point in a story where it's clear that despite reaching its darkest point, things turn out for the better and that there's going to be a happy ending - so it remains to be seen if the Brothers will be convinced to self-reflect or if they'll stick to their shitty guns and escalate the conflict
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roosterforme · 1 year
The Curveball Part 8 | Bob Floyd x OC
Summary: After weeks of asking Molly to confide in him, Bob does something impulsive. And when Molly finally opens up about what's on her mind, Bob doesn't respond exactly how she expected him to.
Warnings: Fluff, angst, swears, pregnancy, mention of abortion, 18+
Length: 5000 words
Pairing: Robert "Bob" Floyd x Female OC (this story accompanies Batting Practice!)
Check my masterlist for more! The Curveball masterlist
Thank you to @mak-32 and @teacupsandtopgun for the beautiful banners!
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Bob took a little detour on his way home from work on Monday. He was so in love with Molly, and she just didn't seem happy. She hadn't even texted him all day. He was afraid to initiate a message to her in case she was getting caught up on sleep, so she was either so exhausted that there was clearly a problem, or she was mad at him.
He wasn't happy that one of those things was probably true. But he stopped and picked up five dozen bouquets of gas station flowers and a bag of gummy bears. He watched her eat them on top of an ice cream sundae once, and it made him cringe. But he knew she'd like them.
When he finally got home, he paused just outside their front door. Bob knew she was home; he'd seen her car in the parking lot. He needed to calm himself down before he went inside, because at the moment, he felt ready to beg her not to leave him. And he couldn't do that yet.
As he unlocked the door and eased it open, he called out, "Mo?"
A few seconds later, her soft voice replied, "In the living room." He found her on the couch, all wrapped up in one of his oversized sweatshirts even though it was summertime. The sadness in her eyes momentarily faded away as she looked at all of the flowers in his hands. Molly's lips parted, and she gasped softly, making Bob's heart pound. 
"Hey, Honey," he whispered, and then she was swiping tears from her eyes as she stood and threw herself at him. The five bouquets and the gummy bears ended up on the floor at their feet, but it didn't matter. She was in his arms. She was kissing him. He was in love.
"Bobby," she whispered, swallowing hard as she cried in his arms.
"Tell me what's wrong, Mo," he pleaded. "Just tell me."
She took a shaky breath and said, "Nothing's wrong right now. I just need you to hold me."
"I'll hold you. I love you." He never fully released her from his arms as he peeled his uniform shirt off and let it fall next to the flowers. Then he kicked off his shoes and led her to the couch, grabbing the gummy bears on the way. As he stretched out and pulled her down gently on top of him, she let her cheek rest against his chest. It was very obvious she'd been crying, but instead of asking about that, he asked if she wanted to watch a murder documentary with him. 
"Yes, please," she whispered, and he pulled the blanket down over them as he turned the TV on. He fed her gummy bears one at a time and stroked the soft skin of her neck, his full attention on her instead of the show. Soon she was sound asleep, and Bob moved incrementally until he was able to stand with her in his arms, and he carried her to bed. 
A little while later, after he put all the flowers in water and got himself something to eat, he made his way to bed as well. When slid underneath the covers behind Molly, she turned to snuggle against him and whispered, "I love you."
Molly was surprised she'd been able to hold it together at home, but work was a different story. The antiseptic smells of the emergency room kept setting off her stomach, and she was running out of ideas for places to vomit discreetly. 
The one positive thing she had going for her was that the asshole doctor that she hated was being promoted. She would soon be seeing far less of him. But there was still the glaring fact that she was pregnant. And she couldn't decide what to do about it. 
She should have told Bob by now. She knew that. But she just couldn't bring herself to destroy her relationship with the most perfect man on the planet. He loved her. He loved everything about her. Including the fact that he thought she was on birth control that worked. She had in fact assured him that she was on birth control and that he had nothing to worry about. 
The mere idea of her as a mom was laughable. She'd seen her sister do it, and while Everett was the sweetest child in the universe, she knew she probably wasn't cut out for parenting. It looked way too hard. Especially for a single mom. She didn't know if she'd have any sort of maternal instinct. Watching Ev was different, because she wasn't really the one making decisions on his behalf. 
It was probably better just to go through with an abortion and never mention this to anyone. But every time she thought about it, the guilt crept in. Did Bob have the right to know? She couldn't decide. It was her body, not his. But what if he actually wanted to have a child with her? What if he would stay and help her? Actually want to be involved?
All she seemed to be able to do every night now was curl up on Bob's chest and try not to cry too much as she fell asleep. Last night they had sex, and she turned the lights off just because she just knew she was going to cry. But he'd been gentle with her, made love to her. As if he knew something was still wrong even though he couldn't figure out exactly what. 
Molly threw up in a plastic bag three times on her way home from work as she double checked her math. She had to be between six and seven weeks along. When she called her gynecologist, they gave her an appointment for two weeks from today. And she had stopped taking her birth control pills. But she was very tempted to just visit a clinic and call it a day. 
Tomorrow she was supposed to meet her sister to help her pick out a wedding dress. She could get through the weekend. She could go to the clinic on Monday. That would give her a few days to work up the nerve. 
When she walked inside, Bob was already home and wearing jeans and a nice shirt. Molly's eyes went wide as she looked at him, but he was already shaking his head. 
"We don't have to go to the Hard Deck, Honey. We can stay in."
"I forgot," she whispered. Truly, she'd been unable to think about anything except the fact that she was pregnant. She looked up at Bob as he approached her. She was pregnant with his child. Somehow this information washed through her as if for the first time. She and Bob did this together. "I'm really tired."
"Let's stay in then," he whispered, kissing her forehead as she melted against him. His big hands and his sweet voice were all over her as he pulled her toward the living room. "You want one of the murder shows? Or a shower? Or just bed?"
Molly knew he'd do whatever she wanted, and she nearly told him right then what exactly was wrong with her. But she just whispered, "Bed."
He took her by the hand, and she let him take care of everything.
Bob went out to breakfast with Bradley and Ev the next morning while Molly met her sister to look at wedding dresses. He was trying to stay in the moment, trying to enjoy spending time with them. He'd indulged in the idea that Everett might be his nephew someday. He'd let his mind wander to the very amusing idea that Bradley and he could be brothers-in-law. But at the moment, it hurt a bit to think about it. He told Bradley that Molly still seemed upset. 
"What makes you say that?" Bradley asked cautiously, glancing at Everett playing a game on his phone.
"She's been acting strange for the past few weeks. I can't get her to talk to me." Bob felt helpless as he said, "I just want to make her happy, but I don't think I actually know how. She's gotta be planning to move out."
Bradley shook his head. "No. It has to be something else? Work?"
Bob just shrugged. "I wish I knew." He reached for his wallet to pay, but Bradley beat him to it. 
"It's my turn," he insisted. "I think you should head home and talk to Molly now. I bet they're done shopping and getting margaritas or whatever they're doing."
"Mimosas," Bob whispered. "Molly likes mimosas."
"Right," Bradley agreed. "Let's just skip the batting cages, and you can get home and talk to her since I'm sure they must be done with mimosas."
Bob just nodded and barely managed to say goodbye as he walked back to his truck. He paused in front of a vintage clothing shop window, looking inside without really seeing anything at first. Then a jewelry case caught his eye, so he ducked inside. 
"What can I help you find?" asked the young woman who worked there. 
"That's pretty," he said as casually as he could, pointing out a gold ring with a cluster of diamonds arranged to look like a flower. It reminded him so much of Molly's tattoos that his heart ached for her. 
He thought about leaving and going home to wait for her, but then the woman asked, "Oh, that one's beautiful. Fifteen diamonds. It's been appraised. Do you want to know the price?"
But Bob shook his head and just said, "I'll take it."
He sat in his truck with the pretty ring in his palm, watching the sunlight catching on the diamonds. It was too perfect to leave it inside the shop when it looked like it had been made for Molly. But he couldn't give it to her now, not when she still seemed unhappy. 
He tucked it away in the glovebox for some point in the future. Because first, he needed to get her to talk to him. No matter what it took, he'd find a way to get her to open up. He'd find a way to make her happy again. Because now he knew that he could. 
Molly was so tired, she felt like she'd been hit by Bob's truck. Every time she tried to walk into the dress shop where she could see her sister looking at the ugliest dresses, she had to double back to her car to throw up again. She was almost twenty minutes late as she wiped her tears with the back of her hand and walked inside. 
She knew she looked bad. The only thing she wanted to wear was one of Bob's extremely soft undershirts and some old yoga pants. But the response from her sister was even worse than she thought it would be. "There you are. "What's wrong? You look terrible."
"Nothing," she insisted. "Did you pick one out yet?" Her voice sounded lifeless to her own ears.
"No, I was waiting for you. I can't do this kind of thing without you."
Molly's heart ached a little more as she sighed. She walked around and snatched up the prettiest dresses that she could see her sister wearing when she married Bradley. "Try those on. I'll be in one of the chairs."
Molly watched her sister eye her suspiciously before turning toward the fitting rooms. She tried to be as encouraging as possible about the dresses, tried to say all the right things, but apparently she was transparent. 
"Molly, please. Talk to me," her sister begged, and then she was wiping a tear from Molly's cheek. She wasn't even aware she was crying again, but she jumped up out of the chair, and then the tears came faster. 
As Molly took off toward the back corner of the store, she started sobbing. When she couldn't go any further, she spun around. "I fucked up," she gasped. "I fucked up so bad."
"Molly," her sister gasped, reaching for her. Molly was in her arms immediately, trying not to cry on the wedding dress she was still wearing. "It's okay to talk to me about it."
But Molly was crying too hard to talk. Fat, hot tears rolled down her cheeks, and she started shaking. She could feel her sister rubbing soft, soothing circles against her back before she took Molly's face in her hands and waited. 
"I'm pregnant."
She gaped at Molly before asking, "What did Bob say when you told him? He's upset?" She looked so concerned and seemed unsure about what she should do to help Molly feel better.
"I haven't told him," Molly whispered as she was pulled into another hug.
"Molly. How long have you known?"
"About a week," she gasped, tucking her face against the softness of the only person who really cared about her since their parents died. The only person until she had Bob.  "I suspected it before that at least. I didn't think it was actually possible at first." She was hiccupping between words. "I just thought my cycle was off. But then I took a test the other day. And then I took a lot more tests."
"Molly, were you using birth control?"
"Of course!" she wailed. "I'm not stupid! I work in healthcare!"
"I know, I know," she soothed, rubbing Molly's back. "I was just checking."
"But I switched from one pill to a different one," Molly whispered. "I did everything I was supposed to fucking do! How could I have let this happen?"
"Shh," her sister whispered. She was sobbing again. "Does Bob not want to have kids with you?"
Molly pulled away from her and threw her hands up in the air. "How the hell am I supposed to even know that?!" she asked, loud and sarcastic. "I've only known him for like four and a half months! We have never, not even once, never talked about having kids together! I know he likes them. He loves Ev and Piper, but that's different."
"Molly, you have to tell him."
"No," she said vehemently. "No way. I'm so mad at myself. I don't want him to look at me differently now. I told him I was on birth control. I promised him there was nothing to worry about." Silent tears were streaming down her cheeks. "I can't tell him. But he knows something's wrong. He thinks I'm going to leave him, and honestly, maybe I should."
"Don't say that," she whispered, scowling at Molly. "Don't say that about Bob."
"Exactly!" Molly raged, because now she was getting to the root of things. "That's exactly it! You don't even worry about me anymore, because I'm with Bob! I finally got my shit together. I'm finally dating a good guy. A stable one who actually loves me! He loves me! Or he did. I can't believe I fucked this up. It was perfect!"
She knew she shouldn't have said it, but it was too late. Instead of feeling like a real adult now, she felt like a child. Molly sank to the floor at her sister's feet and cried, burying her face in Bob's undershirt. And then a sales clerk came over just as her sister tried to sit down with her. 
"Excuse me, but you can't just crawl around the floor in one of our dresses. And you shouldn't be crying near them either."
Molly glared up at her, silently daring her to say one more sentence. "Fuck off, lady. Your goddamn dress will be just fine, okay?" 
The woman bustled away as Molly turned to her sister. Her voice was calmer as she said, "I'm not going to tell him. I'm going to pretend to go away for a couple days, get an abortion, and then never mention any of this again."
"Molly. You can't. That's not fair to Bob. You need to tell him about this." And now Molly was afraid she was about to make her sister cry as well, but she couldn't help it.
"So I can end up like you?" Molly asked, making her favorite person in the world freeze in place. "No, I know, and I'm sorry, but there's not always going to be a Bradley waiting at the end of the tunnel, okay? You got lucky. Everett is the perfect kid. And somehow you upgraded from Danny to something much better. But I'll never get this lucky again. I'll never, ever find something better than Bob. And I don't even know if I can be a mom. Because I've seen you do it, and it's actually fucking impossible, okay?" She was now crying and laying on the floor, inhaling the scent of Bob's undershirt. "It's either leave Bob or get an abortion and never tell him. And I know I can't bring myself to leave him."
Molly excused herself and got to her feet, swaying a bit as she headed for the exit. Once she was outside, she threw up on the sidewalk. 
Bob was waiting at home, sitting on the couch and looking at all the things Molly had added to his bookshelves since she moved in. There were so many photos of her with Everett, and a handful where her sister was in the photo, too. He reached over and grabbed one of Molly from seven years ago holding newborn Everett in the hospital. That was the brightest smile he'd ever seen on her face, and he was so happy someone had captured it. 
When the front door opened, Bob jumped to his feet. As happy as Molly looked in the photo he was holding, right now she looked downright miserable. He set the frame aside and went to her, knowing this conversation needed to happen. 
Bob gently wrapped his hands around her biceps and pulled her close. "Molly," he said as firmly as he could when she was looking up at him with watery eyes. "Something is wrong. You've been miserable for weeks, Honey. You need to talk to me. I need you to talk to me!"
She started shaking, and Bob's eyes went wide, an apology already forming on his lips. But then she whispered, "I don't want to tell you."
He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. She let him take his time as he gathered his thoughts into the words that would hurt him the least to say out loud. His voice was a little ragged as he met her eyes and managed to say, "If you're unhappy here with me, I won't blame you for leaving. If there's someone else, just tell me. I'll never blame you, Molly." He nodded against the thick lump in his throat, his vision a little blurry now.
But she burst into loud sobs in front of him and shook her head as she cried. "That's not it, Bobby. That's not it at all."
He held his hands out helplessly at his sides, and she slipped her arms around his waist. When she buried her face against his chest, he let his hands come to rest on her back. On his undershirt that she was wearing. "Just tell me, Mo. I'm begging you to tell me."
"I love you," she said, looking up at him as tears trickled down her pretty cheeks. "I love you too much to tie you down. I swear, Bob...I didn't do it on purpose."
He was so confused, he felt like crying, too. "Molly," he whispered, taking her face gently in his hands and wiping at her tears. "I don't know what you're talking about. What didn't you do on purpose?"
She sucked in a sharp breath and said, "I'm pregnant."
"Oh." That tiny word escaped him before he could really sort it all out. Pregnant. She was pregnant. Surely she hadn't been beating herself up for weeks over this? She was pregnant. If Molly was pregnant, then that meant he was responsible for making it happen. He got Molly pregnant. His hands fell away from her face just as he realized he'd taken too long to respond. 
"I know I promised you I was on birth control," she said, taking short ragged breaths. "I switched pills, and...something happened. And maybe we should have used condoms for a few weeks, but this really shouldn't have happened! I'm so sorry!"
When she closed her eyes again, body wracking sobs took over, and she looked like she was going to pass out.
Bob wrapped his arms around her, and she tried to push him away, but he wouldn't let her. "Shh," he whispered next to her ear. "Molly, take deep breaths, okay? Deep, slow breaths, Honey."
As she started to get control of her breathing, Bob wondered how far along she was. Would she start showing soon? How was she going to be able to work in the emergency room with a pregnant belly? Would they let her take time off? Would he need to sell this condo and get them a bigger place? 
The ring. The pretty ring was in his truck. If Molly was pregnant, maybe Bob wasn't the reason she'd been so unhappy. Maybe she was just anxious about how he'd respond. He kissed the top of her head as she wiped her eyes on him, and he told her, "I love you, Molly." He'd give her the ring today, pull a full Bradshaw on the situation. 
She whispered, "I know we've only been together for a few months. If you can't trust me after this, I completely understand. And if you don't want me anymore... I guess I can understand that, too."
Now Bob felt like he might pass out. How could he not want her? Not want them? He was holding onto her, trying to speak. But once again he was taking too much time!
"Listen, if you don't want to be involved, that's fine," she whispered, not quite meeting his eyes now. "I'm... thinking about having an abortion on Monday. There's a walk-in clinic near work. And if you want me to leave...I can move out."
He needed to speak instead of thinking things through. "I want you," he swore. "I'm never not going to want you."
"Bob," she said, face crumbling again.
"Molly, please don't leave. Don't leave me." He could feel his heart breaking. She was talking about moving out. About having an abortion. "Please." The last thing he wanted was to live without her.
"You'll still want me? Even if I terminate the pregnancy?" she asked, laying it all out for him.
"Yes. But Molly...I would love to have a baby with you."
"Really?" she asked, seemingly surprised. "Because I don't know if I'm ready for that," she added so softly as more tears dripped down her cheeks.
He kissed the tracks of her tears and whispered that he loved her until she stopped crying. "I want you. And I want a baby," he told her, tipping her face up so she was looking him in the eye. "I would love that. But I don't need it. What I do need is for you to stay with me, Mo."
She searched his face, and Bob had never felt so vulnerable before. He'd never felt so much love before. Just as he went to gently rest his hands on Molly's belly, she shoved him violently away from her. 
"Fuck," she gasped, nearly tripping over he own feet as she tried to get away from him and run down the hallway. And then he heard her vomiting into the toilet.
Molly let her cheek rest against the cool tile of the bathroom floor. Her eyes were closed, but she knew Bob was there as well now. She wasn't exactly sure how she was still throwing up. She'd barely been eating. Even though she was starving, nothing would stay down. And she started to wonder why she hadn't gone to the clinic already. Why was she suffering through morning sickness if she was going to terminate the pregnancy?
When she rolled onto her stomach and tried to stand, Bob's strong hands were there, guiding her steadily upward. She felt pathetic as she looked up at him. He was perfect, and she was wrung out on the bathroom floor. He was everything, and she was just his careless girlfriend who couldn't do anything right. 
"Let's go get in bed," he whispered, and she nodded as he led her out of the bathroom. He looked so sad. She wanted to ask him why he was sad. She was the one who was sad. She was the one who had to make a decision and live with it. But right now, the only thing she could do was let Bob guide her into bed. 
"I'm so fucking tired," she said, letting her head come to rest on the pillow. "I feel awful all the time."
Bob reached out and ran his knuckles along her neck, making her eyes flutter closed. "Get some rest, Mo."
She cracked her eyes open and reached for him. "I want you to stay here," she whispered, and then he was in bed with her, and she was falling asleep on his shoulder. 
When Molly jolted awake, the room was getting dark. She was laying on Bob's chest, and he had one arm around her as he held his phone in the other. "Are you okay?" he asked, those greenish blue eyes focused right on her. When she nodded, he kissed her forehead. 
"How long did I sleep?"
"Four hours," he replied softly. 
"Four hours? Why didn't you wake me up?"
"You needed sleep, Honey. You still need a good night of it, so I'm going to feed you and help you shower, and then I'll bring you right back here."
She swallowed back a sob, mouth dry and stomach growling. "I can't eat," she said with a little laugh. "I keep asking myself why I'm still suffering through all of this if I don't even want to be pregnant."
Bob was quiet for a beat. "Are you absolutely certain you don't want to.... keep it?"
As she studied his handsome features, she slowly shook her head. "The only thing I'm certain about is that I couldn't force myself to leave you."
He sighed and wrapped her up in a tight hug. "Stay. Stay forever. We can make it forever. You know that, right?"
Forever. What a concept. Impossible. But a lifetime? That was real. "Bob... how do I know you won't leave?" But as soon as she said the words, she realized how foolish she sounded, because she knew, she just knew he wouldn't. 
"Molly, I can't show you my heart. I can only describe it," he said softly as she buried her face against him. "I feel so much love for you. I've been running ragged in my mind, trying to figure out why you were so unhappy. I just want you to be happy. And it's from my heart that I can promise I'm not going anywhere. And it's from my heart that I am telling you that if you think you might want to keep our baby, then I am one hundred percent onboard. I'm ready. I don't need to think about it. I decided about thirty seconds after you said you were pregnant that I want to do everything with you, including raise a child. If you let me."
And now she was crying again. Because this was the reason she'd put off making a decision. She wanted so badly to hear him say these words. She thought she could do it if she didn't have to do it alone. She knew she wasn't as strong as her sister, but she also knew that Bob was her ideal. He was nothing like Danny. 
Molly eased herself up and guided one leg over Bob's waist. He was looking up at her with a soft, sincere gaze, but he looked so nervous, like he was waiting for her verdict. When his hands came to rest hesitantly on her thighs, she bit her lip to try to stop her tears. She was so tired of crying. All she wanted was for Bob to make her something to eat so she could go back to sleep. 
She smiled softly, because she knew what to say now. "Bob, I'm really fucking scared. But if you still want to be in a relationship with me...if you want to do this together...then I'll keep the baby."
To her surprise, Bob pulled his hands away from her thighs as he started crying. He pushed his glasses up to his forehead and pressed his fingertips to his eyes. "I just need a minute," he whispered, his voice unsteady. Molly watched him cry as he gently shook beneath her. But a moment later, he was sitting up and she was straddling his thighs as he pulled her close and kissed her. "I love you. I'm not going anywhere. We're having a baby."
She laughed as he kissed her lips softly. "I love you, too, Coach Cute Glasses." She giggled as she imagined a tiny, cute Baby who looked like Bob with a pair of wire frame glasses. And Bob was smiling now too as she said, "Just don't do anything rash like tell me we can get married, okay? I feel like that's something you'd say."
"Oh," he said softly, pulling her a little closer as his smile faded a bit. "Okay. I won't."
She kissed his neck and inhaled his scent. "If I ever decide I want to get married, I'll let you know," she told him as her stomach growled. 
"Let me feed you," he said, helping her out of bed. "Let me take care of everything right now."
Molly decided to let him.
Bobby about to get everything? Thanks to @mak-32 and @beyondthesefourwalls and everyone who bugged me to make Molly and Bob a thing!
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l0stfoster · 7 days
Hi same anon who asked abt paul (i love him so bad) what are the reactions from the others the first time paul (or marcia/cherry for that matter) gets jumped like, real bad .
Paul Anon (that's what I'm dubbing you now get fucked /silly) the beloved OKAY SO! Giving you some deets on their first jumping & how their closest friends (or in Cherry & Paul's case {Marcia's if you're a Marbit fan} how their partners react) Cherry:
- For Cherry (and Marcia) the initial reaction the gang has is absolute anger and fury. The fact that the girls were attacked just for merely being in/around the presence of the gang and or part of the population that holds power is so infuriating. They're girls, so they're not roughed up as bad as greasers usually are on account of general 60's shit, but it's still not great. - Cherry's is arguably worse between her and Marcia's on account of a psychological impact; she's got rope burns around her wrists due to them being tied to stunt her power and her hair was cut practically up to her ears- both to prevent any magic usage and just for raw humiliation. She's also bruised and beaten a good bit; god knows fights are horrendous. I wouldn't be surprised if they ripped her earrings out, as Bev's the one who leads their jumpings. - Ace loses her absolute fucking SHIT. The only thing restraining her from going nuclear and burning down soc territory in her rage is both the risk of prison and to an extent doing something that drastic would get innocent people hurt. That would make her no better than the socs. It sure as hell doesn't stop her from going wild on the ones she can find, probably gets herself a few nights in the slammer for it. - Recovery is rough all over. They get her a neater haircut but she's shaken for obvious reasons, it probably takes a while before she has the guts to walk around her side of the tracks again.
- Marcia's lack of power means that she's less of a target, but if she gets the sight of her, it's a rougher fight. She can't defend herself all too well, but her jumping is more on the physical aspect as they beat her pretty bad too. Lots of bruises and cuts and her earrings are ripped out too. She probably has a better chance of fighting back because she wasn't automatically restrained, but 1v4 (or more) doesn't go well. - The most impactful thing for her that happens during it is that they destroy the feather she was gifted by Two-Bit. That's quite literally one of the most cherished things she owns, as she values how Two's been willing to interact with her after she'd watched his jumping without trying to stop it. Bev burns it beyond salvaging and Marcia's absolutely destroyed. She could handle the beating, can overcome being sore and pained for days, but having the thing that resembled the trust she'd fought so hard to earn back was devastating. - Two was probably THE most pissed off of the entire gang for Marcia's jumping, not only at how she was hurt but the feather being destroyed is such a blow to him as a Harpy. If he weren't afraid of Bev under the risk of having his wings fucked with again, he'd hunt her down and give her a taste of her own medicine. Cherry and Ace are also super pissed, 'cause the girls gotta stick together, but they don't really match the fury that is a pissy harpy; especially since harpies gang together— Two could've easily had every other greaser harpy on his side if he prompted it. - Recover is obviously just as rough, I wouldn't be surprised if Marcia starts rooming with someone on the east side out of fear of returning to the west side; especially since it's fully known now by other socs that she's powerless despite her association.
- Paul is, to put it simply, almost beaten into an early grave. Not only did he previously have the most notoriety of the socs— which made him hanging with greasers a complete slap to the face— but he is also cursed. Another really prominent reason behind his humping is pretty simple; he’s gay. Society will look at Cherry and Marcia and the socs will go easier on them because they’re girls, but Paul? Paul’s a man, a guy who turned his back on the high society in favor of these pests. - His jumping Is rough all over. They're taunting him throughout, snarking about his sexuality, poking fun at how he can't even fend them off with his magic because not only is he weak, but he's a cursed who can't even do that right. They fuck him up bad; busted ribs, broken nose, and his arms are likely dislocated from them pulling him around hard to tie his hands together so he couldn't use his magic. He's got cuts and bruises galore. I'd go as far enough to say they probably broke an arm or something. I like to imagine they ripped his letterman jacket away from him because he didn't deserve something their kind wore when he was with those freaks now. Honestly, the only reason they stopped was because they couldn't see he was still breathing from the angle they were at, though they killed him, and booked it 💀. If they hadn't, though, they probably would've gone until he did stop. - The only reason he's found is because his familiar trails back to the house and grabs the attention of whoever’s there to get them to come with her, since Paul’s completely knocked out. It’s most likely Soda who finds him since he is arguably the one she likes most of the gang and she’ll gravitate towards him. He’ll follow easily too, since he likes her. It’s very similar to finding Johnny, practically that all over again - Darry is obviously the most pissed, probably the same level of anger he felt after his brother's jumpings and Two’s own. The same people who used to be on Paul’s side of things turning a switch so fast over what? A bit of magic and the fact that he likes dudes? Anger doesn’t even describe it in a way— the fae are territorial, and as far as he’s aware, Paul’s a part of that. He's out for blood; but Paul won't spill names so he's got no specific target. That sure as hell won't stop him from finding out, though. He's just got to behave enough to keep his brothers in his care. - The rest of the gang is a whole mixed bag. Dally doesn’t like Paul but his general response is “It’s deserved but only if I were the one doing it”, so take that as you will. Pony’s petty like Dally but since Darry cares he helps out with patching him up. The rest come to the conclusion that pretty boy here probably needs some watching eyes so he’s stuck with them for a bit. He does NOT know how to respond to it. Pretty much the idea for them is that only they're allowed to fuck with Paul, not the socs. - Paul probably has the easiest (mental) recovery for a few good reasons. It's certainly not his first fight/jumping, and it's not his first time being hurt that badly. There's a reason he's gravitated toward his mom despite her efforts to shove him away.
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all-pacas · 25 days
can you imagine what it would be like if cameron and chase had children on the show?
hilarious. liver lesbians two point oh
no okay! ok. SERIOUS ANSWER.
First of all, I don't think they'd be bad parents. It also seems to have been something they discussed off screen and decided they were going to do. In a way, it makes sense for them both, yeah? A lot of their relationship seems to have been… both of them sort of cosplaying "an adult relationship," ignoring the looming issues and hitting those Milestones. That's not to say I think they were like… faking it, but. I think both Cameron and Chase liked being people who were in a successful relationship, proving they could do it and sustain it. And that kind of "ignore the problems" attitude got them through a few years!
I'm gonna do a quick tangent! IDK if you know Elementary (if you don't, it's incredible, please watch it). But a major thread for Joan's character on the show is that she feels like she should pursue romance and date and have Serious Relationships, because that's just what you do, and she's very good at following society's rules. Except she doesn't actually like romance. She enjoys sex. She enjoys friendship and companionship. But she's pretty damn aromantic, and her development essentially is her coming to terms with that fact about herself: that wanting to want relationships isn't the same and it's actually fine. A lot of Joan's development is her embracing the idea that she can be whatever and whoever she wants to be, she can be a consulting detective, instead of fitting into a little box.
I'm not sure I'd go so far as to say Cameron is aromantic, but it's very, very true that she wants love. She defines herself as someone who loves, someone who would love a dying man, someone who can love and fix House, and a lot of her relationship with Chase actually sort of tiptoes around the idea that maybe she's not correct about her self perception. She is almost always presented as "in the wrong" where Chase is concerned, subtly and less so. (She is told to compromise and let him move in. She is told to destroy the sperm. She is told to stop passive-aggressively ghosting him and get engaged.) I'm not sure that Cameron really learned anything about herself in all of this, but I do think that a) Cameron absolutely has a five year plan for herself that involves Marriage and 2.5 Kids and a House, because it's what you do and because she defines herself as a person who wants all that, and b) she probably does not want all that, because time and time again she struggles with the gap between how she wants the world and her life to be, and how it actually is, and never quite seems to be entirely happy with who she is and where she is in life.
So of course she wants kids. And I think she'd be a good mom, to be clear. But I think she'd like being a mom a lot less than she expects. She absolutely imagines some sort of… wearing a long dress and everything is perfect and floaty and soft focus, you know?
Obviously, Chase gets along great with kids. He bonds with them, he's good at talking to them. The S8 sister retcon makes perfect retroactive sense: of course he basically raised his younger sister, because he knows how to talk to kids too well for a spoiled rich kid only child. I actually don't know — he alludes to Cameron that they're planning on having kids, but I can go either way on how much he'd actually, personally want them, you know? Getting along with kids is different from having them, and he has so many issues with his own parents it's easy to imagine he'd be pretty wary of the idea. And while he comes off as more committed than Cameron when they're together, he doesn't have any serious relationships or desires to settle down before or after her. But when they're together, he is totally all in on the relationship, and what do you do when you get married? You have kids, obviously.
So I think they absolutely were planning to have kids, and had the divorce not happened, they definitely would have had one or two, and I think it would have majorly freaked them both out (Cameron, who has a history of picking up and moving cross-country in the face of trauma, can't leave once she has a baby; Chase, who has all the parental issues in the world, probably terrified of letting his kid down like his parents did). And I think they wouldn't be able to talk about it with one another, because that would be admitting doubts. And I think they'd probably both double down on being good parents, because if you admit this isn't what you want you have failed as a person. I think it's quite possible they might have both (to circle back to Joan and Elementary) been happier and lasted longer if they never got engaged, if they could just… be together with no expectations or pressure or kids. I think there's no way either of them would ever consider it. Cameron idealizes marriage too much. Chase is too incapable of admitting his insecurities.
I think I've joked before: AU where they don't divorce still ends in divorce. I think their best case scenario is they split up when the kids are older. They manage to be pretty amicable about it, they actually do remain friends and decent co-parents. They're both deeply, deeply relieved to call it quits.
Also, their kids would be really pretty.
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lanaisdoe · 2 years
Daemon seeing his wifey Queen make the epic entrance like she did those many years ago, making Otto shit his pants a little again :D
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...So it all begins with an extremely nervous Daemon pacing back and forth on the bridge, getting mentally ready for a face off with Otto again
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Unlike those many years ago, this time Daemon DOESN'T greet him at all and just stares at him, annoyed. Daemon's just 1000% done with Otto's shit :D
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And that's when Otto provocatively asks Daemon about ' where' s princess Rhaenyra?'
and Daemon STILL doesn't answer, but gives Otto a "Just you wait" stare as his wifey shows up right behind him, arriving on a dragon, like those many years ago
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he looks up at her, with kind of reverence and worship
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he's so proud of her, and so happy, he gives Otto the see THAT, Otto-cunt, THAT'S my wifey and my QUEEN, take that bitch >>>
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just look at his PROUD husband little smirk as he's looking at Otto >>
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it was like here he felt she was the same chaotic dragon as he was, that they were on the same page, two pieces of one whole
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they were there, the two of them against Otto, 'Daemon+Rhae against the world'
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he was proud and sure they were gonna destroy the little shit Otto once and for all
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Daemon kept constantly checking for Rhae's reaction to basically everything Otto said
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^ the disgust on his face when... "drunken usurper cunt of king" - and i will say no more :D
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Checking for her reaction again... Daemon understood Otto's game right from the beginning, just like young Rhaenyra did. But older Rhaenyra has more to lose, is now more numb and feels more responsibility, all of which now cloud her vision....
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^ Otto right after he's given the Alicent page to Rhaenyra, manipulating her emotionally >>> he immediately shots this look at Daemon, even Otto knew Daemon knew he was manipulating his wife, OF COURSE DAEMON UNDERSTOOD what OTTO was doing, that made him mad, too
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But unfortunately Otto's game worked on Rhaenyra this time, and she stopped Daemon... i couldn't bear the devastated disappointed look on his face at that point actually, like a hurt puppy... he was defeated again, this ep 1x10 was mostly just Daemon's losses and him countlessly being subdued when feeling the need to act, and Rhaenyra's numbness and depression, subduing herself...
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He just wanted to PROTECT her and THEIR FAMILY, he SAW Otto for who he really was and his manipulations, just like he had once seen through his manipulation of Viserys, but whyyyy was Rhaenyra so blind this time :"(
Anyway, Daemon didn't question it, he turned around and again followed Rhaenyra like a puppy...
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It was also kinda heartbreaking as a scene...
Cuz the overall feeling and emotional storm of this episode 1x10 that was going on on the background the whole time was in my opinion PUTTING OUT/LOSS of Daemon and Rhaenyra's FIRE....:
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Visery's death, early labour, baby Visenya's death, Rhaenys's warning of Greens coming for their necks sent Daemon and Rhaenyra both on their own emotional journey and turmoil, and this was probably the FIRST and so far the ONLY time him and her were NOT on the same page, both due to fear:
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devastated, broken, empty, scared Rhaenyra... having just lost their baby Visenya, unable to imagine losing others in the upcoming war, refusing to entertain the idea of war seriously, hoping for and deluding herself with peace, refusing to believe Greens would actually want to hurt her or her family (despite Rhaenys openly warning them about this and Daemon having understood that long ago), in her depression and numbness believing Daemon simply liked war and wanted it cuz it excited him or that he'd gone mad, considering his actions and his suspecting of Greens kinda irrational (even before she'd mentioned on several occasions she did not believe Alicent would mean her harm or that Greens would want to kill/hurt them and their family...),
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in her inner pain, paralyzed by the recent events she's unable to see through Otto's game, it almost seems like Daemon's need and call for action is tiring her, as if she'd forgotten how horribly she'd been treated by the greens in KL during the 10 year no-Daemon period... Her fire is out and she's just done with everything and wants to rest, closing eyes before any danger despite warnings coming from all sides
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and we have a devastated, frustrated, helpless, feeling useless, scared Daemon.... he was fearing his family's doom at the hands of the Greens, he was frustrated about Rhaenyra not wanting to see it, he was furious with her refusing to act when so much was at stake, he knew peace was never gonna be an option and he felt they were wasting valuable time...
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he saw that after their baby's death his Rhaenyra's fire was out and he himself was struggling, but they still had A LOT to lose, i think he might've been low-key blaming her for endangering their family by her inactions and feeling useless himself at the same time cuz he wasn't allowed to act to protect them by striking first without her approval either... his hands were tied and he couldn't make her SEE (hence the choking/shaking sense into her kinda scene)...
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So yeah...
But thank god, at the end of the ep it seemed like for the FIRST TIME since the beginning of ep 10, Daemon and Rhaenyra WERE FINALLY ON THE SAME PAGE AGAIN, understanding each other and wanting the same thing, I think that was also the symbolism of the two of them, holding hands, staring into the fire together.
"They were always meant to burn together..."
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thesamoanqueen · 1 year
Blackwater IX
Raiting: 18+
Warnings: SMUT, Drama.
A/N: Drama after drama.
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When she was a lil girl, her mother told her many stories. She was a strange woman her mother, Y/N didnt remember much of her after what had happened, perhaps because her mind had removed or probably because she had never had with her the same bond she had with her dad. But she remembered the stories that she told her. Sometimes they were funny, sometimes sad, often they didn't make sense, they always talked about wolves. Her mother was obsessed with the shift, she spent more time as a wolf than as a human, but when she told her those stories she always did it with words, never through their bond because as she said “wolves never needed words”.
She remembered the story of a man who had been looking for wealth and happiness in the wrong places all his life. Nothing satisfied him and while searching for them, stopping on a remote island, he had met a wise woman who told him that he could have find everything under a tree at the top of the hill, on a full moon night. The man waited until that night, but when he went into the woods the wolves voices scared him, for hours he kept running through the trees, running away, until he got under the tree. The wolves were far away, no one was chasing him there and looking from the top of the hill he realized that he had never really needed anything but the life he already had.
The story didn't end well. The man had eventually bought the hill, built a house where the tree grew and the night after works were finished, the wolves had found and eaten him. It wasn't the sort of thing to tell a little girl, but Y/N had a good memories of it, because her dad liked hearing the first part of the story, he liked what the wise woman had tried to teach the man, and trying to teach it to Y/N, he had planted a small tree like that one next to their house that bloomed all the time and never withered.
Y/N had no idea if that tree was still there, if someone had bought the land to build something else on, if the house she had hoped to see again for so many years was still there. But she had seen one of those flowers again that morning on Roman's wrist, while he held her imprisoned in his arms on a destroyed bed. It was strange that she had never seen it before, she thought, looking at him with curiosity and amazement as she had already done with the scar that he had on the same arm and that she had caused him.
- Why there? I don't remember gettin’ hurt there - there must have been a reason, but his skin was intact underneath and Y/N really didn't remember anything ever happening to her wrist.
- I just wanted it to be for me and no one else - she heard him answer hoarsely, his breath slamming against her forehead and her fingers suddenly stopped.
Shocked, she looked up, ceasing to trace with her fingertips the tatau lines he had talked about one by one.
- Are you serious?
Propped between the lone surviving pillow and the headboard of the bed, Roman grinned, pressing a kiss into her hair, hands sliding deeper forcing her flat against his side.
-I have my reasons - and he didn't even try to explain himself.
And as much as that was yet another proof of his obsession, Y/N found herself shaking her head with a smile, exasperated, but not in an unpleasant way for once. For once it seemed more dedication than mania for control and it wasn't so bad to suffer, even if he still had to get his act together.
-You 're full of bad ideas wrapped inside a gorgeous package - she reflected, leaning her face against his arm so as not to give him the satisfaction of seeing her laugh, but her words made it even worse.
Y/N literally felt his ego bulging inside his chest, hands abruptly stopping caressing hers to swing her, head ducking, trying to meet her gaze.
- So now we're admitting it
- Ain't doing nothing
The way he rolled her onto the bed and pinned her under him shouldn't have surprised her considering he'd done worse all night, but Y/N found herself still clinging to his solid arms, seeking a support. Her eyes immediately locked on Roman's, bones quivering at seeing him still so hopelessly hungry, the pit of her stomach heating up. She watched him lower himself like a dangerous beast planning the first bite on a prey, feeling his hands move the sheet, grab her thighs, squeeze them with full hands to position himself between them with authority.
- Say it - he murmured hoarsely, his voice warming her everywhere.
Still in the last twenty-four hours, going against the obstinacy of weeks and principles of an entire life, Y/N would have wanted nothing more than to stay in that bed, because the idea of endlessly repeating what they had done since they were closed there, it was getting more and more comforting in her mind. But despite the impulse and the moment, she had to force herself to regain control and deal with things.
- I'm… going to take a shower – she said back, looking him straight in the face and Roman smiled, however remaining in position, without letting go, until Y/N managed to put both feet down, finally slipping away from his grip.
With his dangerous eyes fixed on her, she crossed the few space that separated her from the private bathroom and to adjust the shower. Her legs were aching and once that little operation had been done, Y/N remained motionless looking at the mirror, trying in vain to arrange her hair, unable to drag herself elsewhere and trying hard not to look towards the room. She felt that strange sensation on her again, something that maybe it came from her she-wolf, even if she hadn't felt her since the previous night or maybe this time just depended on tiredness, on what they had done, again... and again... and-
- What's up? - she asked, suddenly recovering to take a look at Roman, who appeared in the doorway without the slightest trace of clothes on.
- I need a shower too. Someone did a mess - he chuckled, looking down at her from the inches between them, one hand back on her side, the other brushing hair away from her neck.
Y/N still hadn't understood if it was fault of the way he looked at her, as if he wanted to eat her alive like the wolves of that story her mother told her, of the hands that kept wandering over her everywhere or perhaps of his voice, so unnaturally inviting. She knew though that she was falling for it, inexorably, every time he didn’t miss, every time he rubbed his face against hers without giving a hint of biting, every time he reached for her like it wasn't enough.
- It's not all on me – she clarified, still letting him move her one step at a time towards the shower, because no, in all truth it wasn't enough for her either.
-I like that mess... we should do it here too - heat that increased, the grip that became firmer, skin that itched everywhere and burned where he placed his mouth, to kiss, lick her.
Stepping inside the shower, she turned in his arms, feeling the water slide down her body along with Roman's hands holding her forcefully pressed against his boner, already stiff and ready on her ass making her center wet for the umpteenth time.
-Sooner or later we'll have to leave and go outside – she complained, but it wasn't a real complaint and they both knew it.
- Beg me, maybe I'll think about it – Roman suggested against her ear, ending up growling when Y/N slipped a hand behind, grabbing him by the nape, scratching at the back of his massive neck.
She slowly moved her head no, not letting out a word and pulled him closer, hips rocking as she felt him squeeze and work his way into her again to fill her with a deep, almost aggressive breath that made her shiver. His big body shielded her from the water, but Y/N felt it sliding between her legs, onto her back from his dark hair dripping, colder than the heat he gave off, colder than his breath against the back of her neck. Her tiredness suddenly vanished, hips moving as they met his thrusts without shame and her mind filled with only the need of him, with his desperation and anguish with which he wanted to take her breath away. She watched his big hand crash beside her face as he increased the pace of his run and his tattoo. Her tatau.
She already had everything she needed.
They must have come from the backyard through the gym. Roman had caught them in the living room, still together, still talking, still in their world. Jey straightened his shoulders abruptly before moving his eyes elsewhere, shifting uneasily at the sigh of him. Jimmy had given back one of his annoyed looks, Roman was beginning to find them more annoying than the constant giggles.
His cousins. His brothers. The only ones he had left.
- He's okay, see? – Jimmy snorted, hitting his twin on the arm, without the slightest intention of explaining why they had entered into his house without even going through the fuckin door.
- Uce… we've been looking for you all mornin’, you didn't answer. We've come to check - Jey replied immediately, almost reading his mind, the weight of his body shifting from one foot to the other, a quick nod of his head in his direction.
Roman eyed them in silence, both of them, since the big brother had suddenly decided to bring out that attitude, before moving and slowly joining them, prompting Jey to stop, his body rigid as soon as he was close enough, picking up the bad air.
He had seen the calls. And the messages. But he didn't have time for them or desire.
- Checking what? – he asked through gritted teeth, keeping his gaze fixed on Jey.
They controlled him who should have controlled them and now they were also in his house. Until yesterday he would have let go, they had grown up together as brothers, they were family, but after what he had had to hear from the elders, from their own family, there was no more space for words. He had told them to disappear the night before, same situation and there they were, back in his house and even ready to admit that they had come to check. They had to pray he didn't find out that they had given the elders nothing about him and Y/N, because his patience was already at its limit and he would have no more for this story.
They had been with him the night he found her. They had been with her for even longer than him in those weeks, she trusted them, they had bonded, he had even given her to them just to know she was happy and safe. He had left her with them, while he went to be put on trial and to find out that the only one who didn't know everything was him. Him, who now passed for the one out of control, for the one who acted without respect, who was acting crazy, when he had spit up blood a month before to prevent someone from crossing the border to take away from them what rightfully belonged to them and he was now just trying to secure one damned thing for himself.
- To check how you were. Since you cut us off. We could have asked Solo, but he doesn't open his mouth anymore and your Wiseman always replies that you're busy - Jimmy broke in, his tone still annoyed and Roman shifted his attention to him.
- Because Im.
- For shou
He'd knocked people out for the look Jimmy'd just given him, certainly for less than that tone, but again, it was his family and Jey had been quick enough to get in the way again to push him back.
- Hey, its on us, we go now. We're leaving - he cut short quickly, also receiving a look from his twin - we go? - he tried to complain again - Let's talk another time, not now, let's go, move -
Oh, it was definitely better for them if they learned to keep those mouths shut instead of talkin-
- Morning! it's still morning, isn't it?
Roman whirled quickly, his attention suddenly behind him, entirely on Y/N who had joined them, a smile on her face, crossing the living room towards the kitchen with one of his shirts on and her hair still damp from the shower longer than expected. He hadn't heard her coming down the stairs, too focused on those two and now she was there, where she shouldn't have been.
She wasn't supposed to be there.
Like him, even the twins hadn't expected to see her come out of nowhere and interrupt them, ending up taking a few seconds too long to look at her before both nodding a greeting.
- Hey Y/N!
- Ya better today? - Jey asked softly and Roman looked back at him, prompting him to move his eyes anywhere except on him or worse, on her.
Y/N had said something, about the pain she had felt because of him the day before, but at that moment Roman liked those kind of confidences less than usual and the idea of having her in the same room with them even less. Already on defensive, his wolf distinctly perceived her approach this time and without even wanting to hold back, he rotated his shoulders following the movements of her body, as if he had to block her and hide her from them.
- Yes, thanks for askin’… I'll call Nao as soon as I've eaten something, yesterday she put up with me for the whole day- Y/N offered anyway, stopping at a distance and he wrinkled his nose, annoyed, seeing Jimmy immediately straighten up for his reaction for his wife.
He could be pissed and play as tough as he wanted, but he wasn't at the top and it was better for everyone if that idea got into his head permanently. They were kids no more and they weren't even the same ones back then. He knew that if they started this thing it wouldn't end well for them. Because he certainly wouldn't stop, not after a stab in the back from his own family, not after everything he'd done for them, for everyone, over the last years.
- I know it may be strange at this time, but do you want something too? We can sit outside, the sun will have dried everything and maybe- Y/N insisted impassively, dragging him away from his thoughts, but again Jey got in the way, stopping his brother before he opened his mouth and shaking his head with a weak smile, more like a grimace, shushing Y/N too.
- We're good, thanks, we've things to do. Go now. Move.
We're apologize Uce, he heard him inside his head
- Let's go. Come on.
Roman watched him drag Jimmy down the hallway, push him back towards the gym probably to get out of where they had come and in silence, he waited, ears and noses open, until their footsteps faded away and then the engine of the car moving along the driveway of the house. He didn't hear their thoughts from there, he hadn't even tried to bond to answer and he wasn't interested in doing so, especially at that moment because that time he wouldn't lower to anyone's level. When he finally turned around, Y/N was still where she had stopped, her eyes on him and a worried expression on her face that matched the feeling inside her at the moment.
- Why did you come down? - he asked sharply, unable to control his tone and she frozen.
- Because I'm hungry, because I can and there was a bad mood down here.
Her words hit him like a slap in the face and that was enough to put him back in line, prompting him to take a deep breath and pass a hand over his face, trying to regain control.
Not again.
Not again. He didn't want to hear her get defensive or argue, not after spending the night and morning making her moan and seeing her smile. He could not afford to go back, he had given her his word and he was a man of his word, even before being the Tribal Chief. Y/N was his safe place, he promised to take care of her and there shouldn't be any argument or issues if she was in the way, they had already been through enough on their own. She had to stay out of it and he had to do everything to make it happen.
- I don't know much about families, it's true, but you shouldn't- stubborn, she began to try to reason with him, even if the topic wasn't the best for her and Roman quickly joined, forcing her to sink her head into his chest, covering her completely with his arms.
He wasn't going to throw her into that mess, not while he had the strength to stop it. She had to ignore it, everything had to be fine for her, she didn't have to help him make peace with anyone, it wasn't even necessary for her to know what was going on.
- It's all right, it was nothing - he reassured her, giving her a quick kiss on the forehead, while her hands gripped his back and she raised her eyes to study him - I didn't like seeing them here, nothing more - he admitted when she didn't seem convinced and while it was only partly truth, it was all she needed to know.
- Why, do you have secrets here to hide? - Y/N muttered, her eyes locked on him and Roman rocked her by the hips.
- You’re here.
Her hands left his shirt so quickly as to give him the suspicion of never having been there, she pushed him away albeit without force, regaining possession of her freedom to go straight to the kitchen without even looking back.
- Better for you if it's just an alpha thought that will disappear now, because if I hear it again I'll make your life hell - she threatened calmly more than necessary and Roman grinned, watching her sigh and take out a bottle of juice from the fridge, disappearing a moment later in the pantry and coming out with a bag of bread and some jars of who knows what.
That was what he wanted, finally as it should be. Her, walking around with the smell of him on her skin, as if nothing could disturb them or interrupt those moments. The idea of being able to reach out and hold her arm, lift her up onto the kitchen counter and bury himself inside her, even watch her make that sandwich and who knows what else, was all Roman had ever wanted. Someone to shut the world out with and forget the rest to be weightless, someone to replace the thoughts that crowded his mind and that no one had ever heard before her.
Mate. Pack.
- Someone makes long-term plans now - he noticed and Y/N froze for a moment, glass resting on her lips and her eyes looking at him from the other side of the counter.
All night and even waking up, she'd had no brakes, but Roman knew she'd need more time. He felt it and with him his wolf. But both were willing to win her, to do the impossible to keep her on that path and it was for that reason that she had to stay away from unnecessary problems, he didn't want that kind of pressure on her. They wouldn't have repeated the performance from the night before in the gym, those weren't the situations he wanted to build something. He wanted more for her, he had promised to give her only the best and so it would be.
- The company isn't that bad, when you think about it - she admitted with an expression that Roman would have killed for - but don't get your hopes up - she pushed him, pointing to something specific, over the counter and between his legs and he nodded his head, turning the grimace he hadn't been able to hold back into a smirk.
- They had put you on this earth to give me a headache.
- I have several people who can prove otherwise – that was a low blow, but he deserved it and so he took the glass she had left, throwing down the rest.
- Then I have to make it up to you.
- Do you want to apologize? You should have warned me, I would have dressed better
- You're gorgeous like this… but you can dress better later, I'll take you out – just the idea seemed to make her light up and Roman felt her shiver of happiness pinch his chest, while she tried to hold back like an impatient child.
- Like a time off in prisons? - she asked doubtfully.
- Like a date. Just me and you.
He watched her smile, eat the rest of her breakfast, lunch or whatever it was, without push her happiness away and something inside him filled with satisfaction and contentment. This was how it had to be, this was what he wanted, only this, everything else had to stay away.
The sign indicating the end of the reserve darted past the SUV window, but the real Blackwater reserve, theirs reserve, finished along with the last line of cedars. It was a border their ancestors had established and decades ago it was much further, reduced to what was on a river bank, but Roman had widened everything, he had taken everything in two states. Because what they had before wasn't enough, because they deserved more, because they could do anything.
He turned the steering wheel, driving the car onto the main road for the town, a perfectly straight gray strip that ran out to the sea and over which all the cars that weren't theirs passed. Though even those were more or less theirs, like the buses, the railroad that cut through the city's back, two runways at the airbase, three-quarters of the land in population centers, and enough locals to feed the next three generations of their family. It was an empire now, no more a pack land.
- Now we also apologize to him, we have nothing to apologize for! - His brother's voice exploded in his ears and Jey tightened his grip on the steering wheel until his hands hurt.
Always that story, always the same story, the story of his life.
- You didn't have to tell that stuff, you didn't have to - he ranted more to let off steam than to blame him.
He wanted to help, he had done it like he did everything, like he had always done everything, especially for their family, but it had been the worst move of the century at the worst time for their cousin.
- She should be in the family, they don't know her! And he doesn't care
- … you know why he does it – they had been there too when it happened, they knew, they had always been next to him, they were-
- Because he’s crazy! He does it because he's out of control! You have to stop, seriously stop! We're going to get hurt for him, we have both kids at home!
The words seemed to echo through the car endlessly, Jimmy's anger and frustration clear through their bond. A bond that no one else had, different from mates bond, different from that between brothers and cousins. Without ceasing to grip the steering wheel, clenching his teeth, he continued to drive along the road, avoiding talk back or even admitting to himself that after all, his brother wasn't so wrong. They had families, children to protect and raise, they didn't need an empire like none of them needed growing up, they didn't need those shits and constant struggles. However, a father should also provide for those around him, as well as a tribal chief with his people, that should have been the principle... and instead something had gone wrong, more than something and there was no longer a question of providing. It was no longer about protecting or love.
Still silent, he saw a new sign showing the detour from which they could reach the road that led east to the state line. A few seconds and Jey slowed down, making yet another choice and hearing Jimmy breathe with discomfort, before lowering the hat on his head and pointing his eyes in the opposite direction, beyond the road and trees.
- I really hope she runs away… he deserves it.
Tag squad: @sunnyfleur23 @racerchix21 @alyyaanna @angelreigns444 @romanreignsdefencesquad @romanstheory @claymorexpunisher @keybladeofsteel @iovereigns @msbigredmachine @nayys-world @gobbersworld @utika151209 @cumxxslutt @civildawn @romanmydaddy @triscillal @papireigns-05 @helensanders92 @ichdrachenfrau @darqchilddaydreamz @meggylynnloves @unfriendly--blvck--hottie @nicolewoo @wrestlezaynia @reignsx @reigns-central-blog @kianaleani @daguenoire @extra-11 @thedonsfactory @snowpanda18 @brattyfics @mzv11 @romanreignseater @namjoonspinkytoenail @tribalchiefdaily @2baddies2furious @vebner37 @raeluvshammett @depressedneedingrevenge @cyberdejos2 @thewarlordsworld @jeonmahi1864 @jxtina-86 @harmshake @harlem11680 @joanoai @southerngirl41 @blkbutterfly816 @spritelucozade
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aiysan2 · 2 months
Chapter 3 'Going Under' Dabi x Reader
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Your earlier speech pushed everyone to speak to Dabi, their interest in the man only increasing when you mentioned him being close to you.
" I'm sorry that you've been given this responsibility of looking after him, I know how free spirited of a person you are." Your friend whispered in your ear as the chilled night air grew and hoots of owls became louder. Your friend was rather beautiful inside and out, her brown skin complimenting her thick, straight black hair. It cascaded past her bottom as she refused to cut it, it held to many memories for her to want to destroy something so precious to her.
" It's nothing, he's a very sweet person and listens eagerly." You told her, feet swinging on your bed as you both looked at each other fondly.
" Really I went to speak to him earlier and he seemed very dismissive of everyone, I would not go as far as to say he was rude but there was a hint of disinterest in his actions." She told you.
" Leilani, I promise you he is just nervous, before afternoon prayer he was very scared of what everyone will think of him. I am sure he will warm up to everyone in due time." You leaned forward holding her shoulder in an attempt to make her feel at ease. Leilani loved seeing new things, her curiosity as strong as yours even if she didn't show it you were sure she was offended by the man's lack of response.
" I am sure he likes you, I can tell that man has something in his heart for you."
She was also very perceptive.
" What makes you believe that?" You asked, feeling those strong feelings of lust stirring in your chest once again, conflicting everything that you had learnt over the years, even fighting with the love of your religion for it's spot on your priority list. Did he feel it too, the pull?
You glanced at him quickly and he was indeed looking at you from across the room. He stood tall at the door as children bombarded him with questions of the outside. He ignored them though they didn't stop their torment, pulling on his arms in a strong attempt to get him to listen. You smiled fondly before looking back at Leilani.
" He will not stop asking about you, everytime you would attend to your duties he would ask for you."
" I am his mentor and he is my responsibility it is only reasonable he tried to find someone he finds comfort in when he is out of his element."
" Of course." She grumbled before laying on her bed, she was extremely tired, she spent her days on the outside of the wood looking out to make sure we were not invaded, she had gotten a very good grilling today for allowing a man to enter her supposedly impenetrable trees.
She turned away from you covering herself in her bed and drifted off before you could even say good night. Touya had now wafted the children away, them running out of your cabin to their own before Maame saw them and punished them justly. He walked towards you looking at your long pyjamas that resembled that if a Victorian and held in a chuckle at the comparison.
You noticed he hadn't changed, probably scared of what people would say about his dry skin.
" Where do I sleep?" He asked now standing at the foot of your bed the corners of his eyes crinkled as he looked down at your smile. He'd die happy if he saw you smiling at him like that everyday for the rest of his life.
You leaned forward pointing across the room at were the boys had spread themselves.
" You sleep there, I believe there is a spare bed, let me check." You shuffled your body and jumped off your bed, walking past him with bare feet. You smelled nice he realised, even if there was a hint of weed there was also the fresh smell of pine and rain, it was different and it made his heart jump to be embraced by the smell.
He followed you to the other side of the room, you going to a spare bed and making it up for him.
" Hello Iguchi, have you met Dabi?" You held up a pillow wrapping it in clothe and placing it at the top of the bed.
Iguchi smiled he was quite fond of you, despite the mutations on his face you always seemed to find a way to remove any insecurity he had regarding it. You held a special place in his heart, a place of such high regard he would claim you as his sister.
" I have, he said hello earlier." He told you, he was sure that you were the perfect person to introduce the man to your commune, you were very welcoming and loving and he could sense you had already made the man feel at home, with the way his eyes would sometimes wonder to you when in crowds.
" Dabi this is Iguchi he'll sleep next to you, I'm sure the two of you will become very close." You told him straightening his blanket before standing from his bed and walking across to yours.
" Good night you two."
Touya couldn't sleep, he tried, he really did try but he couldn't help the lone thoughts that now occupied his mind. His father, his sister, brothers and mother would all be worried about him, fisting their hair in stress wondering where he went. He couldn't just stick here for the rest of his life, he had to conjure up a plan to leave and he couldn't do it sitting down hoping that his father at least had some empathy in him to care that he ran away.
He was getting stressed out and angry, he needed to go outside and take some air. He sat up looking around the vast room and hearing the loud snores of Iguchi, he was a really nice guy Dabi was sure he'd forget him in a second but he surely did like the guy.
He swung his feet, standing straight and glancing across the room to your sleeping body, he was sure he would miss you as well, though you brought too much positive confusion, it was irking him. He couldn't understand what was happening to him. He reached the door, pushing it as it creaked softly, rolling the sleeve of his long robes to his elbow so he could use his fire to illuminated his way.
He trudged along a path, wondering how he could start his planning if he didn't even know his way around. He just trusted his gut, it got him this far after all.
Soon enough he reached a forest, sitting down against one of the trees before his thoughts once again began to fuck him over.
Why had his father left him like that, why had he abandoned him as soon as Shoto was old enough to use his quirk, why wasn't he strong enough for his father to notice he was better in every way that his stupid younger brother, why had his useless siblings not seen the neglect his father had put him through, playing with him and tossing him to the side when he got a new toy to play with.
He was hypervenlating, hunching over as he prevented himself from bursting to flames from anger. He couldn't allow that to happen again, he wouldn't let his tears ruin him once again. He would need to show Endevour once last time that he was strong even if it wasnt in the ideal setting.
He heard a branch snap, though he didn't have it in him to sit up and observe, his concentration solely being on controlling his power, holding himself together and preventing a fiery rage from pouring out of him.
Your hand reached for his, gliding your palm over his and holding a tight grip. You used your power, people always seemed to have a change in dream when under duress one that correlated with the distress.
Your vision went black and cleared, the first thing you felt was burning, your skin crusting and curling from your body, milky white skin turning into a dark ghastly, scabby texture, peeling from the bone in an inhuman way, a smelly of rott invaded your nostrils making you want to claw at your throat double down and cough, but Dabi didn't yeild his firepower only grew.
You fought trying concentrate on the scene before you to understand the torment that was troubling Dabi. You looked down at a burning corpse, a boy not who you'd assume was teenager, burned with blue flames. His hair was red and white that was all you could tell, the flames had taken to much of him to tell you anymore. Same with the bullish Endevour from before, he held his hand out as if trying to reach the boy to save him from Dabi's flames but had got caught up in the blast himself eyes melting  infront of you as his skin fell of his bones cremating him.
Then out of all you had witnessed the thing that bothered you the most was the laugh, the deep cold laugh that slipped past your lips as you leaned over the two taunting then for succumbing to your stronger flames despite the fact your body was being eaten away by them as well.
Dabi couldn't possibly have a mind this gruesome.
You pushed yourself out of his dream, his eyes on you, seemingly calmed down enough to pay attention to your face.
He wondered what you saw, you were shaking, terribly and tears had began to fill your lash line, your nails digging into his burnt flesh drawing blood.
" Your power is fire and it kills! You dream of killing you want to kill a child, a child with red and white hair. Its awful to see! You must repent for these thoughts, please Dabi, your dream can not be this wicked!' You begged, knees digging into the earth below as you tried to not remember. You had hated fire. You hate what it does to people, you hate how it is the punishment of the damned, you only like it's use for heat and light.
Dabi caught what you were saying, his dream had changed that much, he didn't believe he really wanted to kill his brother.  It was just a passing thought, a thought that he didn't consider enough to be important, but the way you shook, as if you saw and tasted death pushed him to believe he really did want to kill his brother.
" I-im." He didn't know what to say. He felt like he had harmed you, like he had purposely put you in danger and there was no way to go about it. So he did what came to his mind next. He pulled you forward so your cheek pressed into his chest and wrapped his arms around you.
You followed his body was so warm, it scared you, would he set you on fire and kill you, then again, your body craved his touch, lureing you to hug him tighter, ceasing your shivering as you tried to remember his original dream, the cute one with his siblings and the Endeavour man.
" Who is Endevour?" You muttered, still pressing your cheek against his chest scared to look into his eyes and suffer the sin of lust again.
Dabi sighed, hanging his head, he couldn't keep it from you, you were so sweet he felt like he owed it to you.
" Endevour is my father."
" And you killed him in your dream?" You asked, still refusing to see his reaction scared his face would discourage you from pushing into his life, but you needed to know, you needed to find out more about him, and know him like you knew yourself.
Dabi knew he wanted to hurt his dad in a way that would wound him personally a way that hurt mentally and physically, he held a special place of hatred just for his dad.
" He's not a very kind guy." He explained not really knowing how to express 23 years of abuse to someone he just met.
" He seemed so kind in your dream, your first dream, he said you were strong and had flames stronger than this Might person. Then you were praised by your mother and two siblings, the boy with white hair and the girl with white hair and red sploches." You mumbled realising you hadn't told him what you first saw in his dream.
" I have 3 siblings." Did he really hate Shoto that much, did his head know something he didn't, was it really Shoto's fault that his dad tossed him away or was that little Touya speaking for him convincing him everything would be better if Shoto just fell in a pit and died.
" Is it that boy, the one with white and red hair?" You looked at him then, watching the confusion that spread through his eyes when he realised he killed his youngest in his dream. " Do you not like him he's not in your other dream either?" You asked was the boy worse than his father who praised him in his dream.
" He's a nice boy, we just don't get along." He answered, he suddenly felt sleepy, stress leaving his body with your body wrapped around him.
" Do you miss them?"
" Not really," he thought for a second, " well I miss my mother she's so kind, my brother Natsuo is very understanding, he doesn't like my father that much either and he always listens to whatever I say we have a lot in common."
You smiled at him, finally able to push through the barrier that prevented you from getting personal. " What about your sister?"
" She means well, I guess. We don't always agree on certain things, she's more like a mother despite being younger than me, feel like I could do more for her." He sighed, he watched as you drew soothing circles on his shoulder , he wanted to know more about you your family. " Do you have a family?"
" My commune is my family." You fired back, " My parents are unknown, I have found my siblings and parental figures on my surroundings and love each one equally." You mumbled, finding yourself staring sleepily into his eyes.
" That's nice," he stared back equally entranced by your eyes. " Did you follow me out?" He asked now rubbing circles on your back as you coaxed each other to sleep.
" I was worried about you and couldn't sleep, also you gave me a fake name so I couldn't speak to you in your sleep." You slithered that in the conversation, hoping he trusted you enough to give it to you, that he'd give his whole being to you as much as you craved giving yourself to him.
Spirituality of course.
" Sorry about that, I'm not really wanting to I'm trying to forget my past that includes changing my name." He muttered inhaling your sent as you pressed your head under his chin.
He's so warm.
" It's ok, I don't think you're a bad person, I think you are capable of change I admire the fact you are putting so much effort in changing." You whispered.
" Thank you I appreciate it."
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bluegekk0 · 9 months
how would the characters react to losing fpk?
ohh yeah that's a good question. it's not something i want to think about (fpk dying that is), but i still think that discussing such possibility is a good way to explore each character
grimm - oh man, he would be completely devastated. fpk disappearing without a trace was already very hard on him, but at least he could hold onto a small glimpse of hope that wherever fpk was, he was alive and well. but if he actually died? fpk is what gave meaning to his life, as unhealthy as it is, the relationship was the only light in his life for a long while, even if at the time they were just friends. so i actually wouldn't be surprised if one of his first instincts would be to completely give up. the only way to kill him is to destroy the nightmare heart, and, well. i wouldn't put it past him to attempt that. i think the only thing stopping him from going with it would be lewk. of course, hornet and holly are also like his children, but lewk is the fruit of his love for fpk, so if he decided to keep going, it would be for him. and if there is a god of death somewhere in their world, he would be willing to personally face them and drag fpk out of the afterlife. would it be possible? probably not, but that wouldn't stop him
hornet - on the surface, she wouldn't react as emotionally as grimm. she's used to losing everyone around her, right? that's what she would tell herself. but deep down, it would affect her more than any other death. she loved fpk, despite their hardships, he was her dad, he was always there for her when she was a child. she may have said a lot or cruel things to him in her anger, but she never truly meant any of it. so if he died, she would be devastated. not as openly as grimm, but she wouldn't move on as easily as she'd hope
holly - they would be heartbroken, though i do think they would take it a bit better than the others. with wl being their mother, they definitely inherited some of that distance towards their own emotions, so they don't get influenced by them as much as the others. and in a time like that, they would try to support everyone else. they can't cry, they don't have the rage within them to react in anger, so this is the best they could do to cope with it. there's also definitely the fact that, aside from lewk, they had the shortest time to experience fpk as their father. that's not to say they never got attached to him, quite the opposite. but it can't be denied that it would have an effect on how they process this, and at the very least it would allow them to support others
zote - he's not very close to fpk at any point in the au, so he wouldn't be as affected by his potential death. of course, he would feel the loss, whether he likes it or not he did get used to seeing fpk around, so his absence wouldn't go unnoticed. he'd definitely act like an ass to cover up the fact that he does actually feel saddened by it, as expected from him
lewk - his reaction would depend on how old he is at that point. if he's very young, he would have trouble understanding what happened and why his dad is gone, and even if the others explained it to him, he wouldn't fully process it until he was older. he'd definitely feel grimm's grief, not just as an emotion but its effects - grimm's sense of joy would be gone, and lewk would quickly notice the change in his behavior. i could see him becoming more close to holly as a result, since both grimm and hornet would be too consumed by their grief to properly look after him, even if grimm tried his best to hold it together for his sake
fuck man, i got really sad just thinking about this. now i feel the need to draw them all hugging and being happy. the blorbo version of hugging your cat or dog when you see a tragic story about someone else's pet
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marbere · 2 years
This is weird, but I was bored so...
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Words: 1465
I wouldn't get angry if someone decides to use it as a prompt or smt.
His footsteps echoed. His path was relatively long and he would be alone, completely alone if it weren't for the person who was waiting for him at the bottom of what was a cave. A deep cave with rock stairs and uneven walls, barely lit by torches that seemed that they'd go out at any moment due to the humidity.
Damian stopped, sensing movement to the side of the road, only to notice a few rats eating the carcass of some other animal. He frowned. How he'd gotten there was a mystery. His body had taken him to that hidden place between different corridors and under many keys. A place that only his grandfather had access to and a place that he hadn't been interested in at all.
Until that moment.
The voice in his head stopped repeating his name as he stopped in front of the only other person. A woman, clearly, from the non-conservative attire she was wearing. Her arms were held back by chains that disappeared into the darkness. Her eyes were closed and Damian might have thought she was dead, or at least in very bad shape, if it weren't for the smile she flashed as she lifted her head.
If it weren't for the fact that his grandfather had no interest in such practices and for the enormous amount of energy and power that she radiated, he would think that she was simply some kind of slave. Because even after so much training and meditation, Damian could still feel a certain attraction to her.
Or was he attracted to her because of her power? He couldn't tell. After all, it could be the same kind of power that had brought him here.
"Damian Al Ghul," she said, not missing an opportunity to meet his gaze. The violet of her eyes almost getting lost in the darkness of the cave.
Damian watched her in silence for a few seconds, narrowing his eyes.
"So you were the one who brought me here," he concluded, ready to draw his sword.
But she shook her head, the chains jangling rhythmically.
"You came here of your own free will."
"We both know that's not true," he replied, finally drawing his sword and pointing it at the woman, leaving its edge only an inch from her thin, pale neck. "I don't know who or what you are, but I don't like having my mind messed with."
She shrugged and leaned her head toward the sword, not afraid of cutting herself. Not afraid of him or his actions.
"I doubt anyone would," she said mockingly, only to exhale at his silence. "I just wanted to meet the next head of the League of Assassins. That pseudo-demon Ra's should retire by now—"
"Watch your mouth," Damian cut her off, though she didn't seem to heed his threats, so he soon found himself putting his sword away again. She watched him closely, almost disappointed, and he had to ask; "Why am I here?"
She smiled at him once again. And if she wasn't chained up, she'd probably be making flashy gestures like someone giving a political speech.
"My name is Raven, daughter of Trigon, the one who gives power to the Lazarus Pit… and like I said, I just wanted to meet the one who will command the imbeciles who made a contract with my unloved father."
Damian frowned. If his grandfather held her captive for any reason, it was probably because she kept disrespecting him.
Although the words she spat out with hate did not go unnoticed.
"My grandfather wants to save the world and all of us who follow him also wish for a better one. Imbeciles are those who do not understand such a noble purpose and only dedicate themselves to destroying it more and more."
Damian turned around. He didn't even know why he had said all that, since it was of no importance to a demon. And it was not important to him to be understood.
He had wasted his time going there, even if at least he no longer heard her voice in his mind.
Taking only two steps back, she spoke again;
"Do you want a better world, Damian Al Ghul?"
He stopped. He for some reason did it, and it wasn't out of interest in what she was saying. His hands and his feet, even his head were stopped by a greater force. Like when someone is paralyzed with fear, even though he wasn't scared at all.
This demon woman had more power than they had used to hold her.
"I do," he replied, not seeing why not.
And she said something that he didn't expect at all.
"Why don't you sign a contract with me then?"
Damian turned his head slightly. Raven, daughter of Trigon, looked serious, even though she was flashing an enticing smile.
"If you really are the heir, then it would only be speeding things up," she explained, slowly getting to her feet. Damian watched carefully as the chains silently exploded and they fell, disappearing to the cave floor.
What did she mean by that? He wasn't exactly sure. His Grandfather hadn't told him anything about it.
Raven walked towards him, circling him and positioning herself in front of him.
Damian clenched his fists as she reached a hand up to his cheek. If her goal was to seduce him, he couldn't help but feel a hint of curiosity as to how she would go about it. However, when her fingers were about to brush his skin, a spark —literally— caused her to step back.
Damian could only see the sparks of it, but soon his eyes met Raven's, just before she directed her gaze to her hand. She opened and closed her affected hand, frowning.
"You're protected. Too bad," she said, and though Damian hadn't exactly been trained to read people, the disappointment in her words was obvious.
Raven exhaled, moving past him and returning to where she had been before.
"He is ready to dispose of you at any time."
Only then did Damian realize that whatever had held him still was gone, and the chains on the demon's arms reappeared as if they had never been destroyed.
With narrowed eyes, he wondered if what had just happened was real, or just an illusion. But he decided not to give it so much importance.
"If your intention is to make me doubt my grandfather, you won't," he clarified. "I am his heir. Together we will make this world a better place."
"And yet he still doesn't give you your due power," the demon shrugged.
Damian frowned, but soon took a deep breath to calm himself. That was what the demons did: they deceived. She wanted to tempt him. Tempt him so that he would fall into her trap and do what she asked.
But if it was so, then she didn't seem very angry at his refusal. Rather it seemed like she had expected it.
"Worry not, then," Raven told him. "Either way you'll never be like your grandfather."
If she was trying to annoy him, she wasn't succeeding either.
However, Damian still asked:
And she smiled at him… sincerely and perhaps sympathetically. Call him crazy, but Damian felt it that way. He felt it that way because it was a kind of smile he never saw around there. "For you possess something that he'll never have. A heart."
And he blinked, confused, only to frown.
A heart?
Was she crazy?
If his grandfather didn't possess a heart, then why the hell had he created the league and given such a purpose? It was stupid.
But before he could voice his objection, Raven cut him off, as if she knew what he had thought. As if his face had given it away no matter how expressionless he had kept it.
"If you don't believe me, you should go to this place…" she moved her hands and something got… into his brain? Damian couldn't think of a better way to put it. Like when they entered an address into a search application or a coordinate into a computer. He didn't know where that place was, but he knew how to get there.
He didn't like having his mind messed with.
But Raven just shrugged again, only to smile alluringly afterwards.
"I will be waiting."
And as if those words had been a command, Damian woke up. Shaken, tired… not really, but with the feeling that he had come a long way and with the intention of going on another.
He frowned. Raven...
It hadn't been a dream. None of it had been. He still knew where she was sending him.
And though his distrustful nature opposed it, his curiosity guided him.
He'd go.
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armpirate · 1 year
The Only One || JJK || Ch. 19
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Pairings: mafia!jk x fem!reader
Genre: smut, angst, mafia, contract relationship
Warnings: Prostitution, torture, blood, use of drugs and weapons
Summary: You've always wished for a better life. Every single day at work, you were hoping something would change. Although you didn't think that change would come in the form of one mysterious man and a contract.
His controlling and selfish behaviour only wanted to keep you away from any other man that wasn't him, and you only had to wait for him.
Too bad you really thought you'd be smarter than Jeon Jungkook.
Warnings: smut, oral sex (female receiving), handcuffing, dirty talk
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Jungkook came back to the party, getting through all the guests -that kept trying to chat with him. He knew none of those conversations were important, they would be empty words on how good the party was, or how long has passed since the last time they spoke to him. Most of the people weren't even invited directly by him, but more because of past connections with his father -or either of the other funders of the clan. He also saw Namjoon and Jin somewhere in the distance, chatting comfortably while they kept checking everywhere around them. He was sure they were probably looking for him, yet there he was, more worried about a woman that would never stop causing him trouble.
He ran his eyes over a lot of dresses and pretty smiles, hoping he'd find her among any of them. His body stopped for a second when he thought he spotted her, confirming it when her hair waved in the air while she walked. He felt relieved, a weight on his shoulder was disappearing, although it only took him to look next to her for that to completely change. The second his eyes laid on Sanhyuk, he wasn't able to process what was running over his body. And he knew what he was plotting when he realized how close to the stage they both were.
Meanwhile, she considered Sanhyuk's plan, as if it weren't a countdown decision, where Jungkook could show up at any given time. It was her freedom they were talking about, and it could either work perfectly, or it could be a big mess. She didn't know Jungkook entirely, but at least she was somehow familiar with him, while she knew nothing about the man in front of her -except the fact that he seemed to hate Jungkook more than she did, and he was sneaky and a dirty player.
All her thoughts and considerations were suddenly interrupted when she felt her wrist being grabbed tight, pulling her body without a previous warning.
—What the f...
Her whole body froze, and her blood stopped running through her veins when Jungkook turned to her. A familiar dark veil was tinting his eyes, and a thin line was formed by his lips when he turned to her. Just one look, and she knew it was better for her to keep mouth shut. But, unlike her, Sanhyuk knew he wouldn't have to deal with Jungkook later, and he seemed to love to pull some strings.
Before they exchanged a few words in Korean, he pulled her arm again, managing to hide her small body behind his.
—You really think you can do whatever the fuck you want, don't you?
He scoffed at the informal and rude speech, moving his eyes away for a fraction of a second, trying to control the increasing need to break his jaw with his closed fist.
—Because I can do whatever the fuck I want —he replied, moving his eyes back to him—. Don't forget whose territory you're in, and don't forget your place —he took a step forward—. And don't forget who you're talking to, I'm still older and superior than you. Have some respect —unconsciously, he tightened his grip around her tiny wrist—. I will destroy you if I have to. Stop trying your luck.
Forcing her to walk again, he made their way to the stage. It was hard for her to keep her stability and not stumble on her feet, or the steps. All that, just to find herself completely blinded by the spotlight that was aiming at them as soon as Jungkook hummed to the microphone, while her senses were completely gone under all of those strangers' eyes while she heard Jungkook speaking in Korean:
—Right here, and right now, I want to share something with all of you —he looked at her for a short bit, before his eyes went back to all the guests, reminding himself he was speaking in the name of his hotel for most of them—. I want to welcome to the Bora family a person that I will trust and protect with my life, and that I will help and guide on every step she needs to completely be one of us. As my companion, my reason and my strength —he wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her closer to his body to whisper in her ear, changing back to English—. You're mine, doll.
Her heart started beating fast. And she wasn't sure if it was because of how close he was, or over the fact that he rushed to do what Sanhyuk was planning to do. While everybody was applauding for them, she could only focus on his irregular breathing. Jungkook was fighting with all his power against the sudden temptation of getting off stage just to punch Sanhyuk for trying to mess with his pride, and his power. But knowing that everything related to her was settled, he was able to breathe comfortably again.
Holding her in a more gentle way, his fingers tangled on her hand to guide her back off stage. And he was surprised by the way she just allowed him to do it. He wasn't complaining, but he wasn't expecting it from her. But Y/n was only waiting to be away from all those curious and attentive eyes, before she could finally stop in her tracks and get rid of his grip. That sudden emptiness in his fist made him turn.
—What did you do?
She knew the answer to it, but for some reason she wanted the confirmation.
—I claimed you —he raised his pierced eyebrow, turning his whole body to her—. I let everyone know you're mine, so anyone who respects me a little and wants peace won't fuck up with you —that smile meant everything, but good intentions—. You're lucky I'm in a good mood right now, so I won't even ask how the hell you got here or why the fuck you were with that leech.
His ego boost made his pride feel so high he could forget everything that she had done to push his buttons, or how Sanhyuk attempted to get her from him. Although all positive thoughts washed away as soon as he heard Namjoon's voice on his back. Lifting two of his fingers in the air, he called one of his men.
—Take her to the Royal Suite, and don't leave her alone —he demanded.
—What about Jihu?
—I'll deal with him later.
The man nodded, before grabbing Y/n and taking her away from there. While he just waited for his older brothers to push him back to the office they were in not even an hour ago.
—Did you go nuts? —Hobi started— What are you even thinking?
—Don't you realize how fucked up it is? —Jin continued.
—You introduced a stranger into the family —Tae added—, without even asking us. We had a fucking meeting not even fifty minutes ago.
—Kook, you don't realize how dangerous this could actually be for the family —Yoongi warned.
While the rest of them kept trying to get the younger one back to his senses, two members of the clan were especially quiet -something that surprised Jungkook, because they were the ones he expected to see ranting the most.
—Is she the girl that was at the party when the Choi family complained about you? —Namjoon finally asked.
He was silent, not because he wanted to let it slip, but because he was trying to put two and two together. He sighed loudly, letting his head fall back, when he saw that he was right after Jungkook nodded lazily -as if what they were discussing wasn't serious.
—You aren't going to say anything? —Jimin finally asked.
—I have nothing to say —Jungkook shrugged—. It is what it is. Whether she stays or not, wouldn't change a thing for either of you. She's not your problem, and I'm sure you all have more important things to worry about than this. She's under control.
—Sure... —Jin nodded— What will you do when you get tired of her? You know what happens once you're part of the family —Jin squinted his eyes, taking one step closer— And whenever you get tired of her, I doubt she'll have any reason to stay. Will you let her go after everything she's seen and heard? Knowing everything she'll eventually know?
—It isn't only our family —Hobi added—. That girl has seen a lot of faces today, she knows Sanhyuk, she probably knows our businesses. And also the fact that you claimed her in front of everyone just added her to a long list of people the Choi family will be aware of. The minimal mistake related to that girl could end us.
Killing her was never in his plans. He'd cut his finger before ever thinking of laying a hand on her. But Jin was right about that, and so was Hobi. If she had kept her out of the spotlight, things would've been as easy as they were before they stepped out there. But his rational side got suddenly blinded when he saw the possibility of losing her so close to reality.
It took him twenty minutes to get out of that conversation and be able to leave. And it wasn't like it was over either, he just directly shut them all off because they just kept repeating the same thing over and over again. And just like he said to end the discussion, that was all there was to it. Everything was already done, so they'd have to accept his decisions and deal with them -just like they were supposed to.
While making his way to the room, he started loosening up his tie, which was now hanging almost in between his pecs. He found her sitting on one of the arm chairs, arms crossed over one another while she looked away.
With a nod of his head, he allowed the person that had been looking after her to be able to finally leave so they could be alone.
—Are you going to sit there all night? —he finally asked, putting both of his hands inside the pockets of his slacks.
—Oh right, I forgot I'm officially part of your property —she finally looked at him—. Where do you want me? Just tell me and I'll do it —the excitement tone dropped, and seriousness was back at her face expression—. That's what you expect me to say now?
—If I said where I wanted you, you wouldn't agree —he tilted his head—. But for now, I'm okay with just getting you to agree to get in a car.
—Get me to agree? —she raised both of her eyebrows surprised— Why? You could always grab me over your shoulder and throw me inside any of those cars.
—Y/n, please...
He sounded tired. Not only was his voice a sign of his exhaustion, his whole body seemed to be close to collapsing any time soon. And so was she. Trying to deny the fact that she was going to throw herself over that huge bed was dumb.
That short moment of peace lasted long, surprising for the both of them, starting with her getting up from the chair to follow his steps towards one of those black airs that were always waiting for them both.
It seemed to be that way every day. She'd woke up with her batteries charged, ready to beat his ass and jump at his throat, just to be completely done by the end of the day and just let everything happen. As if she realized he was going two steps ahead of her, but forgot that the next day as soon as she woke up.
That was at least while he thought while he saw her body walking away from him, heading to the stairs.
—Are you going to sleep?
Y/n stopped when he asked that, and turned to him. She knew he wasn't trying to annoy her, nor that it was a way to control her. Jungkook was just genuinely curious, and his question also seemed to be an indirect way of asking her to stay.
—Let's wave a white flag for tonight only —he took off his blazer, throwing it over the couch—. Have a drink with me.
She didn't remember seeing any alcohol bottles around the house. Not in the kitchen, and even less somewhere in the living room -but that house was too big, and she hadn't seen half of it yet.
And while her rational side wanted to decline his offer, her dumb and needy side was too biased by how hot Jungkook was looking in that exact moment. His hair slicked to the sides, hardening his factions, combined with the black shirt and the dark gray slacks were waking up something in her. Maybe due to the fact that she hadn't had any sexual intercourse since she landed in Seoul, maybe due to the fact that the man in front of her was way too attractive to ignore him.
Out of all the places, she didn't expect to end up in his room.
It was so different from hers. Filled with dark and gray tones, while hers was so bright she didn't know how she was able to keep her eyes open without them hurting. Too distracted looking around to be aware he was walking to her again with two glasses of a golden bubbly liquid.
—Are we celebrating that you think you tamed me?
Jungkook chuckled at her comment, sneaking his free hand inside his pocket when she took the champagne he was offering her. But she wasn't wrong. Out of all the problems that could come up, knowing no one would dare to battle an eye in her direction was a reason enough to celebrate.
—You intrigue me —he whispered.
That comment made her look curious at him, both of her eyes wide open while she waited for an explanation.
—One second, you're ready to do as I say, and the next one, you're ready to fight —he stepped closer to her—. You're one hell of a challenge.
Feeling the warmth of his body wasn't something she was ready for. And it was something that definitely made her feel nervous.
—Well... —she played with the drink— You keep saying you love to have things under control, so maybe the fact that you won't ever control me it's what attracts you so much —she tilted her head—. The idea of someone else having you in control, and not having to worry about decisions.
—You think so?
—I know —she took a sip from her drink—. You aren't sure if I will ever fuck you again, but you're so addicted to the challenge, to the edge I put you in, that you didn't even hesitate on claiming me before. You're not the one in control.
—You are? —he arched his eyebrows playfully, smirking softly— Show me, then.
Neither of them knew what turned around that night to transform an innocent drink into a declaration filled with bad intentions. Purposes that were going deeper than just having sex, purposes that assured what the other wanted and what fantasies they'd be willing to fulfill if they only gave in.
Y/n rested the glass over the small bar counter, standing so close to him that she could almost breathe his distilled breath. The hairs on his nape raised hurtfully when her fingers ran from his lower belly to his chest, ghosting his nipples over his chest before they were on the collar of his shirt.
She liked a little too much teasing him, eager for his reactions while their lips rubbed together as she unbuttoned his shirt delicately. And Jungkook thought he'd lose it when the tip of her tongue started tracing the line of his lips, focusing a little too much on the lip ring that hung on the right side of the lower one. Hands going lover over his body, crossing the safe line of his slacks just to tick her fingers way too close to the growing bulge in his pants.
—Now you'll be the one begging me to fuck you —she whispered.
And that was the last straw before Jungkook lost any kind of autocontrol, lifting her body as if she weighed nothing and making her gasp by the sudden change of position.
—So you want me to beg you —his voice said ironically, so raspy that it could cut her in half—. Fine —he nodded, laying her on the small counter—, but I'm going to eat you out first.
Her pussy throbbed at those words that triggered a dangerous amount of images, having her grinding on him just so she could get what she wanted. When she blinked, her upper body was already naked and Jungkook was getting ready to get rid of her jeans. Lifting her hips, she felt the fabric of her jeans and panties slide down her legs carefully.
Despite her nudity, Jungkook's eyes were fixed on hers, moving down her chin and throat to be fixed on a particular spot. His hand covered his initials on her skin, a wave of pride and possessiveness running over him seeing that mark after so long.
—My doll —he breathed, making her shiver with the way his breath caressed her the same way his fingers did.
And while she hated the situation, there was something so exciting, something that made her feel so powerful that she completely forgot what she fought for. That man was crazy for her, and she loved the twisted feeling of being so wanted by someone that controlled absolutely everyone that fell under his gaze.
He chose her.
And he made sure to let her know while his lips kissed every single inked letter, moving down her belly. His tongue ghosted her clit, moving over it before sliding the tip through her slit down her entrance. Her eyelids instantly fell, closing shut completely lost in the familiar sensation of being touched by him.
Cold air hit her heated spot when he opened her up with two of his fingers, mesmerized by her glittery folds that were asking for any type of attention. He started spreading open mouth kisses, groaning when he tasted her after licking his lips, only encouraged to sink his face deeper between her legs.
She lifted her hips as soon as his tongue reached her clit, circling it a few times before his lips closed around that bundle of nerves. She started feeling her body weaker, too focused on his tongue, and the contrast between the cold lip ring on her warm folds, to be able to keep herself straight. Looking for support, one hand plastered on the wooden counter, while the other was sinked in Jungkook's locks to keep him as close to her as possible. But that didn't keep him from getting up.
His lips and chin were shining down the intimate lights, taking a quick second to drink a bit of champagne before he bent over to kiss her. Her own metallic taste mixed with the bitter flavor of the drink made her moan during the kiss.
—Do you understand now why I got addicted to your cunt? —he kissed her chin.
Moving her body more over the edge, and making sure her back was well arched with a hand guiding her, he took her by surprise when he poured the cold liquid directly on her tits, making her jump surprised. Coldness only lasted a few seconds, before his lips made it disappear when they closed around her hard button.
She held onto him, eyes fixed on every move he made. How his eyebrows were slightly frowned while testing her, and how his head moved from one nipple to the other after pouring the cold drink again.
He had been deprived of her for way too long to not enjoy it.
Jungkook moved down again, too needy for her to move on from her pussy that fast. The moans, the way her hips grinded against his face, how her fingers tangled on his hair... Everything about her was a bomb that could end with his sanity. But even all of that couldn't compare to her continuously battling to command, pushing his head back while his lips were still connected to her wet core.
The naughty idea that came to her head when he poured the champagne over her breasts, made her clench, and the groan he made while eating her out was the only thing she needed to go ahead with it. She poured the liquid of one of the cups over her body, creating a golden river that ended where his lips were still connected to her. He thought that he was about to go insane after that, but he only was able to open his mouth and take as much of the liquid as he was able to -even if most of it dropped to the floor, with the sound of the drops warning of the mess that was being caused. After she emptied the cup over her body, Jungkook made sure to clean it all up, before he stood back up between her legs.
That time it was her that pulled him in for a kiss, their lips linked together in the messiest of the ways, sloppy moves where their tongues tried to gain control over the other. His hands found their way on the back of her knees, wrapping his own waist with them before lifting her up.
Both of them fell in the middle of the bed, with Y/n still straddling him while his hands and mouth tried to learn new things from every corner of her body. Y/n was drunk in pleasure, eager for more, desperate for him the second she felt his bulge pressing hard against his slacks.
Although among that heavy fog that clouded her senses, she was able to find her way back to her usual self when she spotted the handcuffs on the nightstand. A plan formed in her head, and it took her seconds to put it in action.
Grabbing Jungkook by his throat to stop his wet kisses on her neck, she sat on his lap. And if he was already down for her, the sight he was getting at that moment would've made him cum in his pants if she hadn't spoken.
—Hands up —she suggested.
He was so confused, but too into whatever was going down to disobey her. Moving his hands to the headboard, he saw her smirking while biting her lip before she bent to the side to get the handcuffs and shake them in the air.
Using the key to open them, she closed one of them around his wrist, moving the chain to the back of one of the wooden sticks, moving the other handcuff back out to close it around his other wrist. He had never been tied before, but he loved how she was ready to be in control and do absolutely everything she wanted to him. And he was ready for it, down for her next few words as she whispered in his ear.
—Now try calling one of your bulldogs to set you free.
And with those words being said, and a mischievous smile on her face, she hopped off the bed, taking all of her clothes from the floor while he just stared at her from the bed.
—Y/n, don't dare to leave me like this —he warned her as she stepped closer to the door fully closed.
—And what will you do? —she laughed.
Those were the last words she aimed at him, before opening the door with one hand while showing him the middle finger with the other.
While she walked fast through the hall, she sighed with relief. Although her steps started to slow down as she got closer to the stairs, realizing she had nowhere to go, she had no documentation on her power, she had no one to run to... She stopped before taking one step down the first step, sure that she didn't think any of that well enough.
Her own plaints were interrupted by something heated behind her, and a voice that would definitely cut her in half if it could.
—Didn't think it through?
Taglist: @kaiparkerwifes @sheylamc @amy2006jones
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goldeneyedgirl · 1 year
This is kind of a random question, but I thought about that while reading your story Variable Stars, more specifically that scene in which Alice decides not to kill Peter and Charlotte. If it had happened, how Jasper would've reacted? Or, in a canon version, how do you think he would react if Peter and Charlotte were killed (not by Alice but a nomad or something)?
Ooof, Anon, you woke up and chose violence. We'll start with Variable Stars.
So, in Variable Stars, Alice sees Peter and Charlotte and kills them quickly and moves on.
Jasper is extremely close to both of them in Variable Stars because he is alone - no wife. It's kind of a cocktail of soldiers in arms, paternal, and brotherly. Like an older siblings raising a much younger sibling. So when they stop visiting and communicating with him, this is scary. Jasper has always had Peter at his back and for Peter to vanish... he spends a lot of time trying to find them. Obviously he never does, and because of where Alice found them, no one else (Maria) knows what happened either.
That weighs on Jasper terribly. That they found themselves in a fight that they could not win. He hopes they died quickly and together. But because he cannot confirm their deaths, there's always a little piece of him that hopes that they're still out there. He's much quieter and more serious by the time Alice joins the family.
It's quite a few years later that Edward puts together Peter and Charlotte as some of the vampires that Alice killed during her Rebellion Years. He does end up telling her what she did, and Alice is broken that she did that to Jasper. She considers a visit to Volterra to have herself destroyed but Edward tells her that the last thing Jasper needs is to lose another of his people.
She does tell him, and it changes them. For mental health reasons, Jasper has to separate the idea of the Alice that killed Peter and Charlotte with his Alice. Is it healthy? No! Is it necessary for him to live his life? Yes. Their relationship is fundamentally changed, and very bittersweet; Alice spends the rest of her life essentially trying to keep Jasper as happy as she can to make up for her terrible mistake, and Jasper has to live with that constant cloud of self-loathing and regret that surrounds her.
In canon, oh boy. (Also, anon, if you want Charlotte and Peter and Jasper drama, can I recommend going to talk to @flowerslut? Maybe subscribe to her new fic Roots? It's insanity and is a fucking vision into the dynamic Jasper has with his people and his past. 11/10, A+, six seasons and a movie. But I digress.)
In canon, Jasper would be on the war path, and Alice with him. Jasper would hunt them to the ends of the earth and remind their killer why Jasper's reputation precedes them. Both Alice and Jasper have a violent streak, and even if the deaths weren't planned, the killer would regret ever touching Peter and Charlotte.
And then I think Jasper would grieve heavily, and probably seek out solitude for that grief; he'd definitely retreat from the family a little. Peter's friendship and loyalty shaped who he was and who he got to be so much that there would always be a hole where his brother was. That Jasper couldn't protect Peter or even save Charlotte for Peter would weigh very heavily on him. I can see the darkest point being Jasper resenting the Cullens because if he'd been with Peter and Charlotte they'd still be alive, and maybe even resenting Alice for not being able to see their deaths so he could have protected them.
Alice has no real reference point for the grief of death or strong relationships outside her immediate family that we're made aware of in canon, so I can see her struggling a little knowing how to support Jasper in that kind of grief at first, but ultimately just being present so he isn't constantly alone and brooding. I can also see her struggling with the void that Peter and Charlotte have left behind.
I can see her gently reminding Jasper that even if they weren't with the Cullens, everything falling in place so that Jasper could have protected Peter and Charlotte is pretty unlikely. And I think she'd observe the fact that she didn't see their deaths indicates it was just one of those terrible, unplanned moments; there was no grand plan to assassinate them, no grudges or agenda. Just a series of choices made in the moment.
She's gifted, not a god.
Ultimately, Jasper is no stranger to pain. He'd be a little sadder and a little quieter, and possibly cleave tighter to the Cullens because he's now without alternative allies. He'd be even more protective of Alice, but he'd keep going and keep Peter and Charlotte as a very, very sacred memory.
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twothpaste · 10 months
finally took some notes to iron out whatever the hell is going on with fuel's mom & nana's parents in the 2thpaste cinematic universe. dropping 'em below the cut in case anyone's curious
Fuel's mom is Lisa. She and Lighter had an affair before Nichol & Richie were born, it was a whole disastrous awkward scramble. Stuff like infidelity wasn't supposed to happen in Tazmily - it rattled their utopian fantasy, and perhaps threatened to shatter it. In an effort to preserve the peace (read: the impossible illusion of a forever perfect happy town where nothing unpleasant ever happens), Thomas & the rest of the villagers agreed to sweep it under the rug if Lighter raised the kid. Unspoken tensions lingered nonetheless. Lighter still carries some shame over it, Thomas might still hate Lighter's guts, lmao. Despite the accidental circumstances of his single fatherdom, Lighter rises nobly to the occasion, and turns out to be a great dad. Nasty rumors may have circulated on the downlow when he was little, but Fuel's affable, upstanding, hardworking nature earns some respect back for both him and his father.
Fuel isn't exactly ashamed of how he came into the world, but he's got an understated complex where he feels like his mere existence creates burdens for others. :( The events of the game reinforce this, as he unwittingly holds up the search for Hinawa, blames himself in part for Lucas & Claus losing their mom, takes up useless space on the sidelines while the kid who's been through worse saves the whole goddamn world, and so on, and so forth... He also feels guilty when he contrasts his motherlessness with the twins'. Thinks he's got no right to wish he'd had a mother in his life, when his situation was just a socially unacceptable blunder on his parents' part, rather than something gruesomely traumatic. Fuel had a very distant and awkward relationship with Lisa growing up. Only spoke to her as briefly and politely as he could manage, despite bein' friends with his half-siblings. Graciously, he & Lisa make an earnest effort to reconnect at some point postgame, and are on good terms by the time he's an adult.
Nana's mom is Betsy. Her dad's name was Jensen Ketch, and he actually adopted her. Jensen very much wanted a kid, Betsy n' Jackie had an unwanted pregnancy, they gave him the baby. In postgame retrospect, they recall Jensen's dearly beloved wife had died while pregnant on the White Ship. He'd always yearned for another chance to raise a child, but could not bring himself to remarry, even with his memories being wiped. He and Nana were very close. He adored his eccentric autistic transgender daughter, and raised her with far more care than any of his neighbors (or even her blood parents) probably would've.
Jensen's amnesia began coming undone when Nana was 9 or 10. He was plagued by strange dreams, and envisioned a world beyond Nowhere, somewhere past the horizon. (The villagers now rumormonger that, aside from him bein' a generally odd dude, it's 'cause he lived right by the ocean, on the far edge of town. Perhaps the waves sung louder, to him, than Leder's bell.) Troubled and captivated by the sea's uncharted mysteries, he built a sailboat, left Nana with Betsy & Jackie, and departed on a solo survey mission. It was only supposed to last a couple weeks. He sent letters home via pigeon. The last was lovingly poetic, enamored with the beauty of the sun and the sea, eagerly telling Nana he hoped one day she could see it for herself.
(There's a quiet horror in Jensen's fate. He either died at sea, in bright-eyed pursuit of a past that would've mortified him - or really did make landfall on some destroyed continent, succumbing to the inhospitable terrors of the world he'd left behind.)
When his letters stopped coming, the villagers, unable to comprehend such a soft and dubious loss, assured Nana he'd be home any day. She became more reserved in his absence. Before they could start to get too doubtful, Hinawa's death threw everything off the rails. Most folks sorta forgot about Jensen & Nana as the village modernized. She and Lucas lowkey relate deeply to one another, even though her tragedy was so comparatively subdued, folks hardly even acknowledged it.
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catsvrsdogscatswin · 4 months
Higurashi Month 2024, Day 4: Depressed
Higurashi Month prompts archive: AO3
Trigger Warning: Depictions of the club members handling depressive episodes.
Depression fell over Keiichi only once, when he reached the top –and found apathy. Always pressure, always success, but less and less praise, less and less rewards.
His depression was redirected outwards. If he could not take joy in things, then he wouldn't give joy to other people, either. If his mom worked hard over breakfast, he wouldn't eat it, and serve her right. It didn't matter if his stomach felt hollow and achy for most of the day afterwards; he didn't care.
He could just say that he was busy, that he wanted to get to class earlier to study, and she wouldn't even be upset. That annoyed him. So he could starve himself and she wouldn't care, just for his stupid grades?
Huh. He'd… he'd show her, he'd do something she wouldn't like. Probably. Somehow. He'd find another way to rebel.
Keiichi treated his depression like a pebble in his shoes; a hard, persistent point of annoyance that shortened his temper and made him keen to spread the bad mood around.
Mion curled in on herself when the depression came. When she didn't feel like enough, when she felt like she could have saved Satoshi, when all of her dues and duties and performances and guilt came seeping in…
She went quiet. She withdrew.
She wasn't born the heir, but she'd been taught to be the heir, and the Sonozaki family taught that vulnerability must be hidden, that flagrant displays of emotion were to be kept behind closed doors.
So Mion closed her doors and buried her grey feelings deep, deep, deeper down, covering them with layer after layer of duty and obedience and friends and fun. She fought it like any other enemy; by studying, deconstructing, and then ruining them. Sadness was just another enemy to beat.
So –she took a step back. She severed the hurt before it could linger and purged her wounds before they could fester. She tossed her sorrow to the back of the closet and forced herself to look to the brighter days ahead; and if they weren't there already, she made them be. She dragged her friends into tempestuous games of glory and fun and wild, dizzy laughter until she forgot what she had to be sad about, much less that she was sad.
Even in times of deep, bitter hurt –when games weren't enough– she still withdrew quietly, locking her feelings away from all but a few; the friends she used to help cleanse the poison from a wound.
Shion shut down.
The birds didn't stop singing –a ridiculous poetic convention, she'd always felt– but now they just made noise, instead of their happy trills. The sun didn't stop shining, but it was always too bright or too grey; it made her eyes hurt. Food was too bland, too textured, too flavorful, and she gagged to think of forcing it down.
Everything became… too much.
All she ever wanted to do was drag herself, lead-weighted down to her bones, into the soft safety of a fluffy blanket, curl up, and weep the world away. She wanted the whole universe to whirl around and come to a halt with a reality-rocking crash, wanted to plunge anything and everything into a black, endless, silent abyss, just so it would stop.
It was always too much. It was all too much.
But since she couldn't destroy the world, she simply locked the world away, falling into a dim grey haze of routine that shied away from the slightest change, the slightest effort, the slightest intrusion of a honor anything into her bitter, despairing sorrow.
Satoshi probably used to react to depression differently, but now, well…
After years of being an outcast –unwelcome in every village activity, shunned at every facility– he neither tried to hide, nor expected to receive sympathy for, his moments of despair. Why bother? No one cared to help. No one cared to notice. He was a Hojo, and his family were vermin in the eyes of his neighbors.
It wasn't fair, of course, but he'd gotten used to things that weren't fair becoming the norm.
So he just… existed. He went about his day with the grey mantle of depression lying heavy on his shoulders, but he paid as much attention to it as dandruff.
Why bother caring? Why bother worrying? No one was going to help, and he had no way to help himself. There was no point in wasting his slender resources trying to fix it.
He couldn't do anything. He was helpless.
All he could do was wait for the few moments when things temporarily changed for the better.
Rena liked to think of her life as shining bubbles of wonderful, sparkling memories… but she knew that deep down underneath, all those dancing glints and sparkles just overlaid a sullen, remorseless, endless grey sea the color of dirty dishwater.
It was a stone around her neck, thick iron chains on her ankles, and she fought it, forcing herself to find something cute every day, to smile, to be happy, to leave those thoughts and that terrible persistent dragging weight behind. Some days she had more success than others.
It wasn't fair. She poured all this love, all this light and happiness and joy into her mind, ceaselessly and without relenting every day, and still the depression waited to pounce, lunging out whenever she let her guard down and sinking its poison fangs deep into her mind.
It truly wasn't fair. If she spent all her days playing with her friends, smiling, laughing, finding adorable things to take home or polishing her treasures, why didn't those loving memories, those joyful feelings, simply outnumber and crush that terrible weight beneath them? Math said they should –it simply wasn't fair.
But Rena was a fighter to the end, so she kept planting her feet in the dust, fixing a smile on her face, and going about her childhood days with her beloved friends.
Rika didn't know what it was to not feel depressed. It was like a set of sunglasses bound over her eyes, a tint that shadowed everything she saw.
She might be able to snatch a particle of release playing those delightfully wonderfully unpredictable games with Mion and her friends, but there was always the thought, the sorrow, gnawing at the back of her head, like forgotten homework or an upcoming appointment.
This will not last. This will end sooner than you wish.
How could anyone be happy, truly happy, in the face of that? Knowing everything that she knew?
She could smile and feign cheerfulness, but Rika was a swimmer with tied arms, desperately kicking her legs to keep her face above the water. The barest pause, the slightest rest, the most tiny slackening in her efforts, and she would go under and drown. She'd lost courts of the false starts to that she'd had already, the moment when the water had closed over her head and only a moment of frantic, soul-burning efforts had kept her from succumbing.
Her despair had been ground so deeply into her heart that the only thing that kept her thin spidersilk strand of hope from snapping was the thought that, someday, she might be free and it all might end.
Satoko isn't the type to get depressed. Her spirits naturally rocket to the sky like fireworks, and to crush and extinguish those flames means grinding her down so deeply that there is nothing but bare ash and embers. She doesn't get sad, she gets angry –or she simply stops.
A lot of animals have that reaction –a fawn's instinct, when threatened, is to freeze and hope it isn't spotted. Satoko does that. She goes still. Quiet. Limp.
If you are not a burden, you are not noticed. If you are not troubling, you are not seen. If you do not object, you will not be spoken to.
Deflect. Deflect. Deflect.
Defense mechanism or not, it works. If Satoko lets her mind retreat to a quiet blank place that only stirs to give her body whatever instructions it needs to complete a task, she does not have to think about what gives her sorrow. If she detaches her thoughts from what makes her sad, she can complete her tasks and not remember why it hurts.
If she doesn't think about it, it doesn't count.
Ignoring it until it goes away might be cheap, but that is how Satoko handles her depression, nonetheless.
Hanyuu… is not particularly built for melancholy. She had never learned the words and meanings that were currently thrown hither and yon to describe a person's mental state, and while yes, she grieved, and yes, she held onto her hurt, she did not particularly…
It was hard to describe.
Whatever else she was, Hanyuu was also primarily a spirit long gone, and her emotions did not sustain themselves when she did not think about them.
Of course, she sorrowed for Rika! And of course, her despair was black and deep, growing darker with each failure! But…
Grief was a constant companion, and had been since before her heart had given its last doomed beat and her former vessel sank into the ooze of the swamp. Rika knew joy and life and fun, but Hanyuu was nothing but an observer, an unseen pair of eyes, and had been for so agonizingly long that even her emotions seemed to come to her secondhand, like a tale told or a play being watched.
They struck sudden and bold, sometimes, that is true. She could still feel, with all the raging intensity of the living and the icy depths of divinity. But it was not often; she did not let it.
Hanyuu did not think her heart could handle such a breaking again.
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xatsperesso · 2 years
Do you think that Nishi could kill a important character?
I mean Sully will probably die at a point, the question is more "when will we die" that "will he die?" Everyone (or almost everyone) can guess that it will happen soon or later, even if we want it to be later than soon.
But i think to a more important character. Like Ameri for exemple.
Can you imagine the effects ot if?
Oh im sorry people think sully is gonna die???? How?? Since when??? Why am i only hearing about this now??!
Like sure i know someone is bound to die or get irreversibly damaged -this is a story where the main antagonists are terrorists, they're not pulling punches- but i never saw sully as someone who'd just die. I thought someone who had more screen-time, someone we-and iruma- had more time to get attached to will die like kalego or opera
Or maybe im only thinking that cause I'm more emotional attached to some characters than others, and if watching jojo taught me anything, those i get attached to will die, so im preparing myself. Just in case (not like preparing myself will stop me from ugly-crying all night)
But anyway, how would ameri's death affect iruma? I dont think it'd affect him too much. I AM looking at this from a reader point of view AND NOT from their point of view, and i understand that this would be a very traumatising experience for iruma, and it'd need him a very long time to recover, especially if she died in a terrorist attack, and he'd have to deal with a lot of unfounded guilt.
But i just think that ameri's death wouldn't break him. Ameri, at the end of the day, is a friend that he doesn't meet up with all that much, or not as much as other people. He doesn’t see her alot, or not as much as he sees other people. So yes, it would be a very horrifying experience, someone whom you see as a close friend dying-probably in front of his eyes- but hed still have his support system to help him through it. He'd come out of it mourning her death but still standing.
But what would happen if we took a very essential part of iruma's support system. What if azz died? Now that would shatter him.
His first friend ever, the one who vowed to be with him till the end of time, the one that nishi time and time again emphasised their relationship and how close they are to the point of being soulmates.
Azz's death would absolutely destroy him, and the difference betwee azz's and ameri's death is that in ameri's death, his friends wont really be grieving her death because to them she's an upperclassman, not a friend, so they wont feel as much as iruma's feeling which woul surely feel frustrating because no one understands.
But azz's death will affect everyone in the misfits, which could go one of two way. 1. Everyone feels grieve over their friend who suddenly died, or 2. Everyone is shoving their feelings down because surely iruma and clara are feeling worse, right? They've been so close, and as their friends they need to help them, right?
And both are worse than each other cause on one hand everyone is having the worst time of their lives and there's no way iruma will do anything or will reach out to them for help, but on the other hand everyone would give him and clara a special treatment which is just the worst.
And can you imagine if all the misfits are in a battlefield and they suddenly see one of them die right in front of their eyes? We saw a lil sneak-peak of what iruma's reaction may have been when he saw azz almost die, but what would his reaction be if he saw the light leave his eyes?
Azz's death would break a lot of people, while ameri's wont affect as many people, and I'd honestly be very frustrated if ameri is the one who dies, cause then why keep dropping hints of iruma amd ameri dating?! Her death just wouldn't make sense!
And clara isnt allowed to die. That just wont happen. She's more likely to find a solution and bring someone from their death than die herself. She's just not going to die.
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